FAGER, J. L./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1884
Mrs. J. L. Fager died Monday night at her home on Third Street, between Ridge and Spring Streets, of quick consumption, at the age of 26 years. The funeral took place this morning.


FAGER, JOSEPH E./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 10, 1896
Horse Trader Takes His Own Life
Joseph Fager, the well-known horse trader, took his life last night by shooting himself in the head. He was not seen about his accustomed haunts this morning, and one of his friends, Joseph Bryant, went to his room at the corner of Fourth and Piasa Streets about 8:15 this morning to make a morning call on him. The door was found unlocked, and Mr. Bryant entered to find Mr. Fager still in bed. A close examination showed that he was dead with a bullet hole in his left temple, and with a 38-calibre revolver clutched tightly in his right hand. The body was quite cold when found, and the deed of self-destruction must have been accomplished sometime during the early part of last evening.

The circumstances leading up to the time of last night’s suicide all indicate that the suicide was not on the spur of a moment, but was the result of calm deliberation. Fager has been a horse trader all of his life, and had, thereby, accumulated considerable wealth, or at least it was so supposed. During the past week he sold all his horses. He appeared to be very despondent, and his associates say that he said very little during the past few days. When found, he was covered up by bed clothes in bed, and had most of his clothes off. He had evidently leaned back against the pillows, and put the pistol close to his left temple. Blood was spattered over the bed clothes and wall, and death must have been instantaneous.

Fager leaves one brother, Louis Fager, who works in St. Louis. He was notified to come and take charge of the remains. Coroner Kinder was also notified, and arrived here at 11:40 a.m. In the meantime, the body was left in the place where it was found.

Coroner Kinder impaneled a jury of six men to hold an inquest, and a systematic search of Fager’s room was made to find any note of explanation that might have been left. Nothing was found, and a plain verdict of suicide was found by the jury. The body was turned over to Undertakes Bauer to be cared for, and it will be given into the charge of his brother on his arrival here this evening. Considerable money was found on the person of the dead man, which was put into safe keeping.


FAGER, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1895
Michael Fager, aged 70 years, was found by the police Friday night in a serious condition, suffering from general debility. He was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, where he died this morning. He leaves two sons, Joseph and Louis Fager.


FAHEY, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 31, 1902
Michael Fahey, a laborer working on the Bluff Line, died at St. Joseph's hospital last night from pneumonia. The funeral was this afternoon.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 1, 1902
Michael Fahey, the Irish section hand who died at St. Joseph's hospital Sunday, was an exile from home, according to the story he told before his death. He was a member of the Fenian organization in Ireland, which was implicated in many riots and troubles in the Emerald Isle many years ago, and he, with seven others, were arrested for having been implicated in the killing of twelve policemen during the riot. The eight men were arrested and charged with murder, but when the first trial failed to convict them, they were allowed to go on bond. Fahey said he jumped his bond and came to America. His seven comrades were executed, but the authorities in Ireland never got trace of Fahey. His family was in comfortable circumstances in Ireland, and sent him money to assist him in supporting himself. They often sent him money to go home, but Fahey feared prosecution and would never go back. His family will be notified of his death by a letter written from the hospital.


FAHN, HERMAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 25, 1886
The Telegraph of Saturday reported the killing of an unknown man by train No. 80, on the C. B. & Q Railroad, near Kinder, Madison County. The unfortunate man has since been identified as Herman Fahn, a German, 21 years of age, who arrived on the steamship Servia, about one year since. After examination, the body was buried by the Coroner, and in order to obtain attendance of the engineer of the train which killed him and other eye witnesses, the inquest was adjourned until Wednesday.


Postmaster of Wanda; Son of Abner Fahnestock
Proprietor of General Store in Wanda
Jacob K. Fahnestock was born on December 27, 1835, in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. He was the son of Abner Hildebrand Fahnestock (1798-1866) and Matilda H. Brewer Fahnestock (1805-1890). Abner Fahnestock was born in Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. His occupation was farmer. He was the son of Diedrick Fahnestock, who was of German ancestry, and was the first of the family to immigrate to America. Abner married Lavina McCarty in Pennsylvania in the late 1820s, and they had three children. Lavina died in 1834 at the age of 32 years. Abner then married Matilda Brewer, and they were the parents of 10 children. In 1852, Abner and Matilda set off with their family and headed west to Alton, Illinois. They settled in nearby Wanda (then called Salem), where Abner was appointed the first postmaster when the post office was established in 1859. Abner died in Wanda on March 4, 1866, and was buried in the Wanda Cemetery. The name of the town was changed to Wanda Station by the railroad when the post office was established, as there were other Salems in Illinois at the time.

Jacob K. Fahnestock married Nancy E. unknown. They lived in Wanda, Illinois, where Jacob built and opened a general store, to which the post office was moved. He became the postmaster in 1873, and served 26 years until his death on November 01, 1899. He was buried in the Wanda Cemetery. His nephew, LeRoy Fahnestock, took over the business and served as the next postmaster of Wanda. Up until at least 1912, a Fahnestock had charge of the Wanda post office.


FAHNESTOCK, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 22, 1914
James Fahnestock, for many years a resident of Wanda, and prior to that a resident of Alton, died in Edwardsville last night, aged 74. He was a Civil War veteran. He is survived by his wife and four children. His son, W. H. Fahnestock, is on his way home from California, and the funeral will be fixed when he arrives.


Captain John T. FahnestockFAHNESTOCK, JOHN T. (CAPTAIN)/History of Madison County, 1882
Son of Abner Fahnestock; Civil War Veteran; Sheriff of Madison County
John T. Fahnestock was born September 24, 1838, in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. This family is a German ancestry, and are the lineal descendants of Laborious Fahnestock, who was a native of Haarlem in the Province of Westphalia, Germany. Diedrick Fahnestock, an offspring of the family, emigrated to America in 1726, and settled in the colony of Pennsylvania. One of the children of Diedrick was Abner Fahnestock, the father of John T. Fahnestock. John was raised on the family farm, and received a fair education in the public schools. In 1852, the Fahnestock family moved Illinois, settling in Wanda (then called Salem).

In the Spring of 1859, John and four others went to Pike’s Peak in Colorado in search of gold. After a short while, he returned home to Illinois, and remained until the outbreak of the Civil War. With patriotic devotion to his country, he enlisted under the first call for 75,000 troops. John was one of five brothers who entered the army from Madison County. One was killed, and the others returned and lived in Madison County. John became a member of Company I, 9th Illinois Regiment of Volunteers, stationed at Cairo, Illinois, where it remained the greater portion of its time of enlistment. After the expiration of his term of service, he returned home sick, being unused to camp life and the change of water and climate. He recovered from his illness, and enlisted for three years in Company K of the 10th Regiment. He entered as a Private, and was promoted to Orderly Sergeant, which he held for two years. In 1864, he was promoted and commissioned First Lieutenant of Company K, and held that rank until mustered out of service on July 4, 1865. He veteranized with the regiment, December 31, 1863, while the army was in camp near Rossville, Georgia. He participated with his regiment in the battles of Island No. 10 and Fort Pillow. He took part in all the contests of General Pope’s army in moving on Corinth, its capture and subsequent pursuit of the rebel forces to Booneville, the Atlanta Campaign, and then went with Sherman’s forces in their memorable “March through Georgia to the Sea.” He returned home at the close of the war and engaged in different occupations until L. W. Moore was elected Sheriff of Madison County, when he was appointed deputy, and held the position for two years. When James T. Cooper was elected Sheriff, he was appointed to a like position, which he held for eight years. In 1880, he was nominated for the office of Sheriff by the Republican Party, and in the ensuing election in November, was elected by a majority, and was still serving as Sheriff in 1882.

On November 8, 1866, John married Miss Angelica Boyd, daughter of James Boyd. She was a native of Edwardsville. Three children were born to this union – Alvin E. Fahnestock, Mattie L. Fahnestock Cope, and Nellie B. Fahnestock Evans. Captain Fahnestock was a member of the A. F. and A. M. and the Knights of Pythias. His first presidential vote was cast for Abraham Lincoln in 1860.

The family moved to Mulvane, Kansas in 1883, settling on a farm 2 ½ miles south of Mulvane, where they lived for over 30 years, and then moved into town. John died January 22, 1925, and was buried in the Mulvane Cemetery.


FAHNESTOCK, MATILDA H. (nee BREWER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1890
From Edwardsville – Grandma Fahnestock of Wanda died Saturday evening in the 85th year of her age. The deceased was well known, and had a large number of friends to mourn her loss. She was the mother of Captain John Fahnestock, formerly Sheriff of the county, now living in Kansas.

From Find A Grave: Matilda Brewer married a widower named Abner Fahnestock. He was the father of 3 sons, 1 deceased, when they married in the mid-1830's in Pennsylvania. They were the parents of 10 children. In 1852, Matilda and Abner set off with their family and headed west to Alton, Madison County, Illinois. They settled in nearby Wanda, Illinois where Abner became the first postmaster.

One of the Fahnestocks' sons, John T. Fahnestock, went to Pike's Peak, Colorado in 1859 in search of gold. He fought in the Civil War with Company I, 9th Regiment of the Illinois Volunteers. He was promoted to First Lieutenant during his time in the service and accompanied General Sherman on his march through Georgia to the sea. After the war, John was a sheriff in Madison County, Illinois.

Another son, John Prettyman Fahnestock, also fought in the Civil War. He was promoted to Sergeant and served with Company F of the 117th Illinois Infantry.

At the time of her death, Matilda was 84 years, 6 months and 2 days old. She was buried next to her husband, Abner, who passed away in 1866. Burial was in the Wanda Cemetery.


FAHNESTOCK, NANNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 4, 1905
Mrs. Nannie Fahenstock, wife of Thomas Fahenstock, died Friday evening at the family home at Wanda, aged 35. The funeral will be held Sunday at 1 p.m. from the Wanda Methodist church.


FAHRIG, DORA (nee JOHNSTON or JOHNSON)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 29, 1918
Mrs. Dora Fahrig, wife of Alderman Lawrence Fahrig of the Fourth Ward, died this morning at 3:15 o'clock at the family home at 801 Liberty street. The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock Thursday morning from St. Mary's church and will be private, on account of the influenza quarantine. Interment will be in St. Joseph's cemetery. Mrs. Fahrig was 59 years of age and was born and raised in this city, being before her marriage Miss Dora Johnston. She was married many years ago to Lawrence, and besides her husband she leaves a family of five children. The sons are Benjamin, Lawrence Jr., and John Fahrig; and the daughters are Mrs. Henry Hartman and Mrs. Walter Boschert. The well known Alton woman also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Theresa Hartman and Mrs. Lena Lang, and two brothers, George Johnson and Mat Johnson. Twelve grandchildren survive the grandmother's loss. Mrs. Fahrig was in good health up until three weeks ago, when she was stricken with paralysis. She suffered during the past three weeks, and last Saturday evening was stricken for the second time. She was a good wife and mother, and her death will cause a great loss in the family circle. She also has many other relatives and friends in the city who will learn of her death with regret.


FAHRIG, FREDDIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 27, 1894
Death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Fahrig yesterday, and carried away their five-year-old boy, Freddie, after a long and painful illness. Of late, some hopes of the child’s ultimate recovery were indulged in by the parents, but they were unfulfilled. The funeral occurs tomorrow from St. Mary’s Catholic Church.


FAHRIG, IGNATIUS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 7, 1891
Ignatius Fahrig died yesterday, aged 65 years, of paralysis, from which he has been confined to his bed for the last three years. He was a gardener by occupation, having been employed by Joseph Merkle. He leaves a wife and five children, three sons and two daughters. The funeral will occur tomorrow morning from St. Mary’s Church.


FAHRIG, JACOB/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15, 1906
Jacob Fahrig, who lived in almost 60 years, died last night at the home of his son, John, on Liberty street, after an illness with pneumonia. He was 84 years of age and was quite active until a short time ago. He was an industrious and economical man and amassed considerable property. He is survived by two sons, John, with whom he spent his last years, and Frank, who is in Anna. The funeral will be Friday morning from St. Mary's church at 9 o'clock.


FAHRIG, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 25, 1896
East Second Street Grocer
Mr. John Fahrig, the well-known East Second Street [East Broadway] grocer, was found dead in his bed Sunday morning. Mr. Fahrig has up to recently been in the very best of health, and his strong vigorous form was the admiration of all. Of late, he has suffered some from dysentery and from rheumatism in the vicinity of his heart. He had been under a doctor’s care, but it was thought that his illness was nothing serious, and that he would soon be well. His death is, therefore, a terrible shock to his family of brothers and sisters. On the day of his death, he was just 46 years of age. He was unmarried, but was betrothed to a young lady in Alton, and nearly every arrangement for their wedding had been made. He leaves four sisters and two brothers to mourn his death in the prime of manhood.

Mr. Fahrig was one of Alton’s well-known business men, energetic, enterprising, and having a fair share of prosperity. A queer story is told in connection with his death. On Saturday afternoon, Alderman Volbracht and Mr. Barney Fahrig drove up in a buggy to call upon the sick man. While sitting chatting with him, they heard a noise as if their horse was running away. Barney Fahrig said, “That is my horse running away,” and both he and Mr. Volbracht started for the door. The sick man said, “That is not your horse,” and sure enough, when they reached the door they found the animal peaceful enough. They then went back to John Fahrig, who said, “That noise means my death.” He was found dead in his bed the next morning. It is said that similar sounds were heard just previous to the death of the sister of the deceased, only a short time ago.


FAHRIG, JOSEPHINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 18, 1902
Josephine, three months old daughter of Officer and Mrs. Barney Fahrig, died last evening at the home, 716 Hampton street, after an illness with whooping cough. The funeral will be Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from St. Mary's church.


FAHRIG, KATE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 9, 1916
Mrs. Kate Fahrig, aged 71, died at her home, 930 Union street, at 3:15 o'clock Wednesday morning after an illness which has lasted over a number of weeks. Mrs. Fahrig is survived by two sons, Henry and Lawrence, and one daughter, Mrs. Theresa Crow, and nine grandchildren. She was born in Germany and has lived in Alton for the past forty years. She was a member of the St. Mary's Church and was well known in the eastern part of the city. The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock on Friday morning from St. Mary's Church to the St. Joseph's Cemetery.


FAHRIG, L. JR. [possibly Lawrence Fahrig]/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 13, 1895
Mr. and Mrs. L. Fahrig were bereaved this morning by the death of their infant son, L. Fahrig Jr., aged 1 year, 9 months, and 13 days. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the family residence to St. Mary’s Church.


FAHRIG, LAWRENCE SR./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 27, 1894
Mr. Lawrence Fahrig Sr. suffered a stroke of paralysis last evening, and died today. Mr. Fahrig was in his 80th year, and was not only one of the oldest, but also one of the longest time residents of Alton. He was a leading member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, in whose affairs he always took a deep interest. Seven children survive him, viz: Messrs. Barney, John and Lawrence Fahrig; Miss Frances Fahrig; Mrs. B. Osterman; and Mrs. Damos, all of Alton. Deceased was a familiar figure on the streets of Alton for many years. He had acquired by frugality and enterprise a competence for his family. The funeral will take place Friday morning from St. Mary’s Church.


FAHRIG, LAWRENCE/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, January 4, 1895
Alton --- Lawrence Fahrig died Wednesday afternoon [January 02] at the home of his son of Second Street, at the age of 80 years. He was stricken with paralysis early in the morning, and died at one o'clock p.m. He was a native of Prussia and came to this country and settled in Alton in 1844, and has resided here ever since. Seven children survive him. Little Willie, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Fahrig, was also summoned by the dark angel, dying at 12:30 Wednesday morning, after a short attack of membranous croup. The funeral of the child was on Thursday afternoon, and that of the grandfather on Friday morning, both services being at St. Mary's church.


FAHRIG, MARGARET (nee HARTMAN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 9, 1893
Mrs. Lawrence Fahrig Sr. died at her home in Alton Tuesday evening. Deceased is the wife of Lawrence Fahrig Sr., who is well known in Alton. Their children are Peter (1849-1876), John (1850-1896), Lawrence Jr., Bernard “Barney” (1860-1928), Dora (1858-1917), and Frances Fahrig (1860-1940), and Mrs. B. Osterman of Alton, and Justina Fahrig Dames (1854-1940) of Portage.

Margaret Hartman was born in 1820. She married Lawrence Fahrig Sr. (1815-1894), and they had the above children. She was buried in the St. Joseph’s Cemetery in Alton.


FAHRIG, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, Thursday, February 9, 1893
Mrs. Lawrence Fahrig Sr., died at her home in Alton Tuesday evening, January 31. Deceased is the wife of Lawrence Fahrig Sr., who is well known in Alton. Their children are John, Lawrence Jr., Barney, Dora and Frances Fahrig, and Mrs. B. Osterman of this city, and Mrs. N. Damus of Portage [Missouri].


FAIR, DAVID/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22, 1901
David Fair was crushed at Edwardsville this morning. He attempted to jump from a moving train of the Illinois Terminal and fell between two cars. He is one of the boys, about 15 years of age, who come from Edwardsville to work in the Illinois glass works.


FAIRBANKS, A. J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30, 1904
A. J. Fairbanks, the well known painter, died at St. Joseph's hospital Tuesday night from uraemic poisoning. He fell yesterday while at work at Ninth and Belle streets, and the disease which had been troubling him became much worse and resulted fatally. Fairbanks was 54 years of age and leaves his wife and two children. The body was moved to the family home on Bloomfield street, and the funeral will be held from there Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Fairbanks had lived in Alton many years, and in addition to working at his trade kept a store on Bloomfield street.


FAIRBANKS, MARY E./Source: Unknown Submitted by Richard Indermark
Mrs. Mary E. Fairbanks died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Emma Marcum, in Woodstock, Ill., on September 29, 1910, and the remains were brought to Bethel Church in this county for the funeral services and interment in the presence of the family and a course of friends, on the afternoon of October 2. At the church, the pastor, Rev. V. Colbert, made a brief but impressive discourse, and the choir made a beautiful rendering of several appropriate hymns - among them, "Shall We Gather at the River," .... to the cemetery for interment. She was the widow of the late James Madison Fairbanks, a respected farmer and a gallant old Union soldier, who died some years ago and was buried in the cemetery, and she was laid by his side by the affectionate hands of his old comrades in arms, members of the Grand Army Post of Collinsville. Mrs. Fairbanks was born on August 6, 1823 in St. Clair County near Caseyville, Illinois. She was united in marriage with James M. Fairbanks in 1842. From this union four sons and four daughters were born, but none now survive but three daughters. She united with Bethel Baptist Church about 75 years ago, and she was baptized December 3, 1877, by Rev. Moses Lemen, of whom Judge McClean, a former Chief Justice of the United States, said he was the most eloquent speaker he ever heard. It is said she had the longest continuous membership in the same church of any Protestant member in Illinois, and at the time of her death was the oldest native American person then living who was born in St. Clair County. In the discharge of every duty of life, whether to her family, church or society, only fidelity, honor, and faithfulness crowned everyone of her nearly ninety years from the period of her accountability to the latest hour of her life, and the prayers and benedictions and bless .... followed her to her last, long rest. Of her three daughters living, all were married and reared families, and all reside in Illinois: Mrs. Sarah Avis at Benton; Mrs. Emma Marcum at Woodstock; and Mrs. Mary Fitzpatrick at Collinsville. Mrs. Susan Fairbanks, the worthy widow of the oldest son, the late William Fairbanks, also lives in Collinsville, but there is no living children. Among the grandchildren are some well known. Clarence Avis, a son of Mrs. Sarah Avis, is .... teacher and school worker well known in Southern Illinois; and of Mrs. Emma Marcum's two sons, Hugh Milton is a well known business man in Chicago, Ill., and Ralph Milton is an excellent machinist in Woodstock ...... some years ago Mrs. Milton moved to Woodstock and was married to Mr. B. J. Marcum, a former resident of this County, and his death occurred a few years ago.


FAIRBANKS, WILLIAM S./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 29, 1897
William S. Fairbanks died Monday at the home of his son, 1113 Bloomfield Street, after a short illness, aged 77 years. He had been a resident of Alton for 48 years, and was a carpenter by trade. He leaves a family of several children. The funeral took place Wednesday morning from the home of his son. A. J. Fairbanks, on Bloomfield Street.


FAIRMAN, AGNES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 11, 1906
Miss Agnes Louise Fairman, daughter of Mrs. Mary E. Fairman, died this noon at the family home on Seminary street after an illness of several years from pulmonary troubles. She was 35 years of age and was born in Upper Alton. Her father was Prof. Charles Fairman of Shurtleff College in 1892. She leaves two brothers, Willis L. Fairman and Dr. Charles Fairman of Lindeville, N. Y., and one sister, Miss Alice Fairman of Upper Alton. Her mother also survives her. Miss Fairman was a consistent member of the Upper Alton Baptist church, and her death was the fitting climax of a life of devotion to her religious faith. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home. Dr. Charles E. Fairman of Lindeville has arrived to attend the funeral, but too late to see his sister alive.


FAIRMAN, CHARLES (PROFESSOR, LL. D.)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 21, 1895
Shurtleff College Professor
Professor Charles Fairman, LL. D., one of Upper Alton’s most highly respected citizens, died Friday afternoon after a short illness of pneumonia. On last Friday, he conducted his classes in mathematics at Shurtleff College for the last time, and left for his home hale and hearty. A slight cold developed into pneumonia, and for the past two days his friends hardly hoped for his recovery. The news of his death this afternoon, although no surprise, was a shock to his many acquaintances.

Mr. Fairman’s name has been linked with that of Upper Alton for over 30 years. For the past twenty years he has been associated with the faculty of Shurtleff College, and has acted as instructor of all departments of mathematics.

Professor Fairman was born in Waterville, Vermont, in 1824. He was educated in Waterville College, now Colby University, where he received his degree of LL. D. He came to Upper Alton in 1860. Since that time, he has taken an active part in the affairs of the town. He has several times been chosen President of the Village Board, and held that office at the time of his death. He has filled numerous positions of trust and honor – President of the Board of Education, President of the Citizens’ and the Upper Alton Building Associations, President of the Cemetery Association, and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Baptist Church.

As a citizen, he held the respect of all who came in contact with him, and in his death the town loses one of its best-beloved citizens. Four children survive him: Dr. Charles E. Fairman of Linderville, New York; Attorney Willis L. Fairman; and Misses Agnes and Alice Fairman of Upper Alton. Deceased has two brothers living, one in New York City and the other in Washington.

Source: Alton Telegraph, February 21, 1895
The funeral services of Prof. Charles Fairman Sunday called together one of the largest congregations ever gathered in the Baptist Church, Upper Alton. The services were in charge of Rev. A. A. Kendrick, D. D., who was associated as President for twenty years with the college in which Prof. Fairman held the position of Professor of Mathematics and Sciences. He could, therefore, speak from an exceedingly intimate friendship. Rev. Kendrick paid an eloquent and touching tribute to the elements in his character that have won for him in such a marked degree the respect and affection of his associates, and made him in every association in truth a king. No mere report can do justice to the graceful tributes paid the deceased by his former associate and intimate friends. It was not only eloquent and touching, but found its echo in every heart that knew the princely, yet tender nature of him whose life has for a score of years been lived in this community. The students of the college attended in a body, marching from the chapel to the church, and thence to the cemetery, where after a prayer by Dr. Kendrick, they filed around the grave and covered the mound with sprigs of evergreen. Among the friends from abroad in attendance were Dr. and Mrs. Van Horne of Jerseyville, Mr. O. V. Stookey of Chicago, Miss Ida Stookey of Fairbury, and Judge James Phillips of Virginia, Illinois. The pallbearers were Messrs. C. W. Leverett, A. H. Hastings, T. G. Emerson, G. M. Levis, Prof. A. M. Jackson, and Prof. T. Cloran.

Find A Grave lists his birth on August 8, 1823, in Northfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts. He married in about 1855 to Mary Elizabeth Gambell (1834-1929), and they had the following children: Charles Edward Fairman (1856-1934); Willis L. Fairman (1860-1914); Grace Fairman Stookey (1862-1889); Bertha Julia Fairman (1864-1869); Agnes Louise Fairman (1870-1906); and Alice M. Fairman (1875-1958). Professor Fairman was buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


FAIRMAN, HELEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 24, 1912
Mrs. Helen Fairman, aged 55, a former resident of Upper Alton and teacher in the Alton and Upper Alton schools, was instantly killed Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock by an automobile at State and Eleventh streets in East St. Louis. She had just alighted from a street car at that point when a speeding automobile struck her. The auto was driven by Edmond Bechtold, aged 20, son of Dr. and Mrs. Louis H. Bechtold of Belleville, who were also in the car at the time. The Bechtold party claim the auto was running at a speed of five or six miles an hour, while other witnesses are positive it was running four or five times that fast. Mrs. Fairman was accompanied by Miss Leila McClelland, who saw the danger and tried to warn Mrs. Fairman, who was only ten feet from the auto and did not have time to avoid being struck. The auto passed completely over Mrs. Fairman's body, causing a hemorrhage of the lungs. So far as could be ascertained, her death was instant. After the accident the Bechtold men were arrested, but were released. It was claimed by witnesses, however, that the auto was going faster than five or six miles an hour, and it was said that the Bechtolds would be re-arrested if this could be shown conclusively. Mrs. Fairman was for many years a teacher in the Alton schools, and also taught in the Upper Alton schools. Before her marriage she was Miss Helen Steele, a sister of Mrs. A. K. Van Horne of Jerseyville, O. G. Stelle of Upper Alton, and George Steele of Crete, Neb. After going from the Alton schools she married and later she resumed teaching in Upper Alton, and for seven years had been teaching in the East St. Louis public schools. She had been living with her 15 year old son, Charles, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy McNit in East St. Louis. The funeral of Mrs. Fairman will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home of O. G. Stelle, 419 Leverett avenue, Upper Alton, Rev. D. G. Ray officiating, and burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.


FALKENBERG, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 4, 1912
John Falkenberg of Bethalto, one of the well known residents there, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Stokes, yesterday afternoon of old age. Mr. Falkenberg wa s86 years of age and has since 1862, excepting the past few years, been in the butcher business in Bethalto. Three sons, John, Edward and Peter, all of Oklahoma, and the daughter with whom he lived, survive him. Mr. Falkenberg had been married three times. Mrs. William Monaghan of Alton is a step-daughter. The funeral will be held from the home of Mrs. Stokes Monday evening.


FALKENBURG, LAFAYETTE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 19, 1887
Mr. Lafayette Falkenburg of Fosterburg died rather suddenly last evening after a long illness, at the age of about 35 years. Deceased left a wife and one child. The funeral will take place at Fosterburg.


FALKENBURG, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7, 1878
From Bethalto – Mrs. John Falkenburg died about 11 o’clock a.m. yesterday, after a long and painful illness of dropsy and heart disease. The funeral will take place from the Catholic Church.


FALLON, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 3, 1906
Mrs. Mary Fallon, widow of William Fallon, died this afternoon at her home, 1233 Wharf street. She had contracted a cold a few days ago, and the physician said she was threatened with pneumonia, but she was not confined to her bed and was up and around the house this morning until about noon, when she complained of a pain in her left side and laid down. Her death followed shortly afterwards. She was born in Ireland 81 years ago but came to America with her parents when 5 years old. She lived in Patterson, New Jersey until after her marriage to Mr. Fallon, then came west and has lived in Alton since 1860. Her husband died in 1898, and she leaves two sons, James Fallon, the well-known optician of Alton, and Joseph Fallon of East St. Louis. Funeral arrangements have not been made.


FANGENROTH, FRANCES ANN (nee RICHARDS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 03, 1898
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Charles William Fangenroth of Edwardsville was found dead in her barn last night. She went in the barn about 5 p.m. to milk the cows. At six, she was found dead. It is supposed her death was caused by heart failure. She was 47 years of age, and was the wife of C. W. Fangenroth, one of the best-known citizens of Madison County.

Frances Ann Richards was born August 21, 1841, in Wilkes-Barre Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. She was the daughter of William Richards (1813-1894) and Catherine Albert Richards (1817-1893). In 1862, Frances married Charles William Fangenroth Sr. (1831-1924). They had the following children: Alice F. Fangenroth (1864-1943); Anna Jane Fangenroth (1868-1898); Charles William Fangenroth Jr. (1873-1955); Edith Helen Fangenroth (1878-1883); and George Willard Fangenroth (1886-1888). Frances was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.


FANGENROTH, EDITH/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 27, 1879
Died at Edwardsville on Wednesday, March 19, Edith, infant daughter of C. W. and F. A. Fangenroth; aged 7 months and 12 days.


FANNING, JENNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 4, 1914
Miss Jennie Fanning, half sister of Rev. Fr. Francis B. Kehoe, and housekeeper at the St. Patrick's rectory, died at 1 o'clock Wednesday morning after an illness of two weeks, aged 52. Miss Fanning had been here ever since Fr. Kehoe came to Alton. She presided over his home and during that time she had endeared herself to all who met her. She had not been in very good health for a long time, but she was not taken to her bed until two weeks ago. Physicians then diagnosed her case as a fatal malady, and the rapid progress the disease was making indicated that the end could not be far off. Miss Fanning gave very material aid to her brohter in the affairs of his parish, and her death is a severe loss to him. Beside Fr. Kehoe, she leaves two other half-brothers, Charles Kehoe of Greenfield and John E. Kehoe of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kehoe and Mrs. John Kehoe were here at the time of their half sister's death. The funeral will be Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock from St. Patrick's Church, and the body will be taken the next morning at 8:45 o'clock to Waverly, Ill. for burial.


FANNING, RUSSELL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 31, 1916
Five-Year-Old Cripple Boy Drowned
Russell, the five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fanning, was drowned off the Fluent docks Monday evening about six o'clock. A crippled leg hindered the boy in getting from one dock to another, and he slipped between the two docks, never to be seen again. A brother who was near at the time of the accident said that Russel went into the river head first. At first the parents of the child were not inclined to believe that he had gone into the river. They would not give up hope until they had made a search of the city. Late last evening the drowning was reported to the police. The little boy was crippled as the result of an attack of infantile paralysis, which he suffered when a baby. He never fully recovered the use of one leg. Nevertheless, he was bright and had a smile and managed to get about almost as well as the ordinary boy. For several years he has played about the Fluent Docks. Twice before he fell into the river, but both times it was where the water was not very deep and there happened to be men on the dock who pulled him out. Monday night he was playing about the docks as usual. He was going from the landing dock to the house dock when he missed his footing and plunged down to his death between the two docks. There was a space between the two docks just large enough to allow the body of the child to go down. Once beneath the docks, he never had a chance. One of the docks was moved this morning and a search was started for the little body. The father spent the greater part of the day dragging for the body between the Alton bridge and the Fluent docks. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fanning have been living on the Fluent docks for several years. Mr. Fanning works for Captain W. D. Fluent and his wife takes care of the house. They have several small children who have played around on the docks continually. At different times they have fallen into the river, but it always happened that they were rescued.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 13, 1916
The body of little Russell Fanning, a crippled child who was drowned by falling into the river between two docks at the Fluent place, two weeks ago, was recovered Sunday afternoon. It was seen floating in the water at the head of the Steamer Illinois, by two of the members of the crew, Capt. William McKinley and Bert Rexford. The body was in a badly decomposed condition from its long stay in the water. It is supposed it had been held fast until recently, as it had not floated far from where the drowning occurred, and there is a swift current at that point.


FANNON, SARAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 11, 1897
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Fannon took place Sunday afternoon from the residence on State Street. The Knights and Ladies of Honor attended in a body, marching to the Alton City Cemetery, where their ritual was observed as the body was laid away. The pallbearers were John Hinderhah, A. Wedel, George Penning, Ed Maguire, John Thomas, Thomas Rowan.


FARBER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 29, 1885
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of the late Silas W. Farber, and mother of Colonel Burbridge, who died Sunday afternoon at the age of 85 years, took place at the family residence Monday evening. The remains were taken on the 9 o’clock Chicago & Alton train Tuesday to Louisiana, Missouri, for internment.


FFARBER, SILAS W./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 7, 1880
Co-Founder of Alton City Mill; Mayor of Alton
The remains of Hon. Silas W. Farber, who died in St. Louis Friday night, were brought to this city [Alton] Sunday evening, and kept at the family residence until 10 o'clock Monday morning, when the body was taken to the depot for conveyance to Louisiana, Missouri, where the interment will take place. Mrs. Farber, Mrs. McPike, Colonel J. Q. Burbridge, and Mr. James D. Burbridge accompanied the remains to Louisiana. The pallbearers in this city were: Messrs. M. H. Topping, George Gray, Joseph Wise, John Kirwin, John Huddleston, L. Haagen, H. Weaver, Dr. W. C. Quigley.

Silas W. Farber was born in Franklin County, Ohio, on November 17, 1818. He was the third child of William and Elizabeth (Morrow) Farber, natives of New Jersey. Silas, along with Captain Abraham McPike, founded the Alton City Mills, located along the riverfront in Alton, Illinois. Together, McPike and Farber operated the mill until 1873, when Captain McPike died. Farber continued the operations of the mill until his death in 1880, when it was sold to E. O. Stanard, who renamed the mill Stanard Mills.

Silas Farber was Mayor of Alton from 1867 – 1868, and was one of the wealthiest men in Alton. He married the daughter of Captain Abraham McPike – Mary J. “Molly” McPike, of Alton. On August 27, 1840, he remarried to Mrs. Elizabeth (Kinney) Burbridge, widow of Benjamin Burbridge, who died in 1838. Silas and Elizabeth had one child – Mary F. “Mollie” Farber. I haven’t found the connection of Captain Abraham McPike and the well-known Henry Guest McPike of Alton. Abraham may have been Henry’s cousin.

The home of Silas W. Farber (built in 1867) was located on Third Street in Alton, near Public Square (between Alton and Alby Streets). This home later became the property of riverboat Captain Granderson Winfrey Hill. Hill had architect Pfeiffenberger add a widow’s walk onto the home. Later, the home was razed and Miller’s Mutual was erected on the property.

Farber, a small town in Audrain County, Missouri, was named after Silas W. Farber. The town was platted in 1872 on land owned by Farber. He previously lived in Louisiana, Missouri, along the Mississippi River, and in 1847 was appointed to a committee there for a library project. In 1852, Silas was appointed superintendent over a project to construct a 17-mile plank road between Louisiana and Ashley, Missouri.

Silas died October 2, 1880, in St. Louis, Missouri, and his remains were brought to Alton. He was then taken to Riverview Cemetery in Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri, where he was buried. Elizabeth Farber, his second wife, died in January 1885, and is also buried in the Riverview Cemetery in Missouri.


FARLEY, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 31, 1878
From Edwardsville – James Farley, an old and respected citizen of Edwardsville, a native of Ireland, died here yesterday.


FARLEY, MATTHEW/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 3, 1881
Matthew Farley, a promising young man, son of Mr. James Farley, died on Saturday last at the age of sixteen years, after an illness of a week, caused by lung fever. Deceased was an industrious, hardworking young man, of excellent character, and a favorite with his friends. His early death is a sad affliction. The funeral took place last Saturday afternoon from the Cathedral on State Street.


FARLING, HICKS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 30, 1853
On Thursday, the body of a man, supposed to be a boatman, was found drowned in the river near Hunterstown, so much decayed, however, that it was not possible to identify him. He appeared to be a middle-aged man, with dark whiskers, and was dressed in a brown coat and pants, and new boots. About six dollars in bills were found upon his person. He is supposed to be Hicks Farling, who was drowned by falling off a steamer lying at this port, about the first of January last. An inquest was held over the body by Coroner Robbins, and a verdict returned in accordance with these facts. It is stated that Farling has a wife and family living at Beardstown.


FARMER, FLORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22, 1917
Flora Farmer, aged 10, daughter of F. M. Farmer, died at the home at 121 Illinois avenue yesterday afternoon from the measles. The parents of the child did not know that she was ill until she was very near death. According to the testimony of the father at the coroner's inquest, she complained about being ill on March 10, but had been playing about the home since. Yesterday afternoon he was called home from his work when she became seriously ill. By the time he arrived she was dead. Her body was broken out and the physicians who were called stated that she had died from the measles.


FARRARA, JOE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 4, 1914 First
Joe Farrara, a foreigner living on Cherry street, was the first victim of the hot weather in Alton this year. He dropped dead at the Illinois Glass Co. last evening, just as he was about to finish his day's work yesterday. The doctors pronounced his death due to overheating. According to a member of the section gang who was employed with Farrara, he worked as usual yesterday. Being but twenty-two years of age, he did an exceptionally heavy days work. Just as the boss told the men that they should gather up their tools in preparation to leaving the Glass Co. yard, Farrara dropped down. In a second he was on his feet again, and once more made an attempt to gather the tools, but he fell again. A number of the men who were working with him hurried to his side and raised him to his feet, but he could not talk. He died within thirty minutes. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 8:30 from the Bauer Undertaking rooms to the St. Mary's church, and then to the St. Joseph's cemetery. Farrara has been in the United States but six months, and has no relatives here. It is said that he leaves a father, mother and one sister and a brother in Italy.


FARRELL, MATTHEW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19, 1902
Matthew Farrell, a glassblower, died at St. Joseph's hospital today after an illness from pneumonia. Mr. Farrell was taken to the hospital last Thursday with William Welsh. The two men boarded at the same place and were taken ill at the same time with pneumonia. In both cases the disease was fatal. Farrell was about 50 years old. His wife and eight children live at Brooklyn, N. Y., and the body will be sent to Brooklyn for burial. He came here to work in the glassworks last summer.


FARRELL, PAULINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 19, 1907
Mrs. Pauline Farrell, aged 83, died at the Old Ladies Home Monday evening at 7 o'clock from senile debility. She was a sister of the late James Rudd, and had lived in Alton many years. She was an inmate of the Home four years, most of the time being almost helpless. She suffered much inconvenience in recent weeks from her jaw being dislocated every time she would open her mouth very wide to eat or to yawn, and she required frequent visits of a surgeon to reset her jaw, which would not stay in place. The funeral was held this afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Old Ladies' Home, and services were conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden.


FARRET, PETER/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1867
A man named Peter Farret was found early this morning lying dead in the stone quarry on Belle Street, opposite Chandler’s Confectionery Store. The deceased was lying at the foot of the high bank when found, and it was difficult to ascertain whether he was killed by falling from the bank above, or had lain down where he was found and died from apoplexy. The coroner’s jury express the former opinion, while others think differently. The deceased was a young man, and had been until recently in the employment of James Bannon as a teamster. He had no family or relatives in Alton that we can ascertain. The body was taken in charge by William Brudon, undertaker. The following is the finding of the jury in the case:

An inquest taken by the people of the State of Illinois, in the city of Alton, Madison County, on the 16th day of December, 1867, before Jonathan Quarton, in and for said county, upon view of the body of Peter Farrell, then and there found lying dead, upon oaths of A. B. Platt, R. Johnson, P. McArthy, P. C. O’Sullivan, William G. Nally, Eugene LaBacne, George Boyle, William Atkinson, Mr. Roubidou, R. Shooler, and M. Si____, good and lawful men of said county, to inquire into all the circumstances attending the death of the said Peter Farrel, came to his death from a fall off the bluff, at the back part of Pierson’s lumberyard, into the stone quarry below, the same being between State and Belle Streets, in the city of Alton, county and State aforesaid. Signed, A. B. Platt, Foreman.


FARRIS, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 22, 1914
John Farris of Wood River, an inmate of the Madison County home, died Monday morning at 8 o'clock after suffering for some months with tuberculosis. He was past __ [63?] years. He had no relatives and will be buried in the patter's field.


FAULSTICH, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 3, 1881
Mr. Henry Faulstich died Saturday, February 26, at the age of 42 years, after an illness of a pulmonary nature, caused by a cold contracted last November. Deceased had lived in this city 25 years, and leaves a wife, four children, and other relatives to mourn his death. The funeral took place under Masonic direction from the family residence, corner of Third and Walnut Streets, Sunday afternoon.


Joseph C. FaulstichFAULSTICH, JOSEPH C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 14, 1940
Alton Mayor; Proprietor of Cigar Store and Billiard Hall
Joseph C. Faulstich was born in 1870, and was the son of Henry Faulstich (1839-1881) and Anne Marie “Mary” Pilgrim Faulstich (1848-?). Joseph married on November 22, 1893, to Louisa M. Luft (1871-1948), and they had the following children: Elmer C. Faulstich (1894-1986); Pearl Faulstich (1896-1897); and Mae F. Faulstich Stafford (1898-1989), wife of Edward Stafford of Champaign, Illinois. The family lived at 713 East Fourth Street in Alton (the home no longer exists). On his return from service in the Navy, Elmer Faulstich went into the cigar business with his father.

Joseph Faulstich was elected supervisor of Alton Township in April 1907, and was re-elected in 1909, having served two terms on the county board. He was elected mayor of Alton, and served from 1911 to 1915. He took up where his predecessor, Edmond Beall, left off, and engaging in improvements in the city such as street paving and sewer installations. He abandoned cheaper types of paving, and stuck to brick on a concrete base, which was more durable than former methods.

Mr. Faulstich engaged in a partnership with William Bensinger in a furniture and undertaking business. He then became a cigarmaker by trade, and opened a store and manufactory in 1913 in the Temple Building on East Broadway. He also opened a cigar store and billiard hall in 1916 in the Laura Building, at the southeast corner of Broadway and Market Street. He subsequently renamed the building the “Faulstich Building.” He was also in the soda manufacturing business with his brother-in-law, J. L. Lampert.

Joseph Faulstich died on his 70th birthday, December 13, 1940, in a nursing home in Manchester, Missouri. He had been ill nearly a year. Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.


FAULSTICH, PEARL/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 22, 1897
The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Faulstich’s little daughter, Pearl, took place Sunday afternoon from the home. Services were conducted by Rev. William Hackman. The remains were interred in the Alton City Cemetery.


FAUNTZ, JENNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 26, 1912
Crushed to Death in Train Wreck
The third fatal railroad accident, causing the death of the fourth person in three days in the vicinity of Alton, occurred Saturday night on the C. B. & Q. railroad near East Alton. Mrs. Jennie Fauntz, aged 28, was instantly killed when southbound freight train No. 92 collided with a locomotive extra No. 1071, which had been running light from Brighton to East Alton. All the members of the train crews jumped when the collision occurred and escaped uninjured. Mrs. Fauntz, with her husband, was riding in the cab of the light engine. Her husband tried to save her but failed, although he was not badly hurt himself. The light engine had gone from Brighton to East Alton for water, and was just backing in on a spur switch when the freight train came thundering down and struck it. The front engine of the freight train struck the tender of the light engine in which Mrs. Fauntz was riding. Her husband is cook for an extra gang working on the c. B. & Q., and she, with him, had gone in the engine for a ride Saturday night. Mrs. Fauntz was caught when the crash came, between the tender and the boiler head of the light engine, and crushed to death. The jar of the collision seems to have caused the light engine to suddenly reverse itself, and after the impact the riderless engine started running in the opposite direction, leaving its tender piled up against the freight train, and the engine started off toward C. & A. Wann. There, after a two mile run, it was derailed at the interlocker by E. P. Wooley, the tower man. coroner Streeper took charge of the body of Mrs. Fauntz and shipped it to Atwater, Ill., for burial.


FAUSEK, CAPITOLA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 7, 1891
Miss Capitola Fausek, daughter of Mr. Henry Fausek, of Kinder, died this morning at 4:17 o'clock at the residence of Mr. Charles J. Wills, 821 East Eighth street. Miss Fausek was brought here about ten days ago from her home at Kinder for treatment. She was 23 years of age and has been a sufferer for about a year. The direct cause of her death was not known, but was supposed to be cancer of the stomach. The funeral will take place tomorrow at Kinder.


FAUST, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1907
The funeral of John Faust will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home at Second and Oak streets. Services will be conducted by Rev. Ernest Mueller, and burial will be in City Cemetery.


FAY, AMELIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 26, 1908
The funeral services of Miss Amelia Fay were held this afternoon from the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Shallenberg, at 308 State street, Rev. G. L. Clark of the Twelfth street Presbyterian church officiated. Many offerings of beautiful flowers decked the casket of the young lady.


FAY, PHOEBE ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 17, 1852
Died at her residence in Middletown on the 14th inst., Mrs. Phoebe Ann Fay, in the 37th year of her age.


FAY, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 26, 1902
Samuel Fay died this morning after an illness with pneumonia, at the home, 1011 East Third street. He leaves a widow and four children. Funeral arrangements are not yet made.


FAY, TABITHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 5, 1913
Mrs. Tabitha Fay, aged 69, died at the home of her son, James Fay, at 310 Cherry street, today after an illness of several months. She leaves two sons James and Frank Fay of Alton, and Mrs. James Schallenberger of Colorado Springs, Colo. She has been a resident of Alton for the past twenty years. The funeral arrangements have not been made.


FEALK, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 24, 1909
Declares Disbelief in Future Life ... Wanted No Burial Rites
John Fealk, aged 93, died at St. Joseph's hospital Wednesday afternoon from old age. As his last request was that there be no religious ceremonies over him when he was buried, there will be none, and he will be interred in the City Cemetery tomorrow morning as he had wished to be. Fleak had for years expressed disbelief in any future life. He scouted the religious teachings he had received in childhood, and said that he never did believe in them and that when he was dead that was all there would be to it. He thought that funerals were waste of time and money, and his only desire was that he be given a burial just like any brute would be given, without any prayers or religious exercises whatever. He was brought to Alton some time ago to be kept in St. Joseph's hospital until he died. He was a county charge of Greene county, having no money of his own to help himself. He was very feeble and helpless from great age, but in the hours when most human beings begin to think seriously of the next world, whether much attention was given to it earlier in life, this old man became only the more convinced that there was nothing to it and he refused to accept any spiritual advice whatever. A friend from Kane came to Alton to look after the funeral, which will be held tomorrow morning. He will be given a decent burial so far as a good coffin is concerned, but there will be no mourners, nor prayers for the departed soul, and none of the ceremonies which usually attend the burial of a human being.


FECHT, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 01, 1897
Well-Known Carpenter
Mr. George Fecht, the well-known carpenter, died very suddenly yesterday morning with a congestive chill. He left home that morning at the usual time for his work on Mr. Peter Reyland’s addition to his place of residence at Ninth and Henry Streets, where he is employed by Mr. George Volz. He was feeling unwell at the time of his leaving home, and worked only a short time. At about 7:15, he complained of feeling badly, and went to a hydrant in Mr. Reyland’s yard to take a drink. He stumbled and fell there, and was unable to rise. His fellow workmen hurried to his assistance, and fearing a doctor’s presence necessary, sent for Dr. G. Taphorn. The physician did all in his power to relieve the suffering of the sick man, and ordered that he be taken home at once. Mr. Peter Reyland had him placed in a wagon to be taken to his home, and he died while on the way. Dr. Taphorn pronounced death to be due to a congestive chill.

Mr. Fecht was 37 years of age, and leaves a wife and four children. Coroner Bailey impaneled a jury and held an inquest over the remains. The jury returned a verdict of death from heart failure, caused by a congestive chill.


FECHT, UNKNOWN (nee ASWEGE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 18, 1901
Mrs. Herman Fecht, aged 64, died this morning at 6 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Peter Crofton. She has long been a resident of Alton, and leaves many friends and relatives to mourn her demise. She was a sister of Messrs. Eilert and David Aswege, and mother-in-law of William May and Peter Crofton. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.


FECHTE, BERTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 14, 1903
Bertha Fechte, daughter of Mrs. Fred Koertje, died Wednesday morning and will be buried Friday afternoon from the family home, 1016 East Second street. She was 14 years old and had been ill with dropsy. [Burial was in City Cemetery]


FEDERER, EDGAR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 22, 1919
Alton Boy Killed By Lightning
Relatives and friends received word yesterday of the death in Highland, Ill., Wednesday night, of Edgar Federer, who formerly lived in this city. Federer, who was known as "Fatty" Federer, was related to the Dietz family and was a cousin of Adam Dietz of the Dietz grocery store. Federer was killed Wednesday night during an electrical storm. He was an electrician and was employed in the Highland Power Company. Lightning struck the power house and the same bolt killed the well known young man. Federer left Alton about four years ago. Nearly two years ago he entered the service and returned from France five months ago. Since his return he has been employed at the Highland plant. His funeral will be held in Highland Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. Many relatives and friends are planning to motor over and attend the burial. He was well and favorably known in the city, and his many friends were shocked to learn of his sudden death.


FEDERLE, ANTON/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 20, 1887
Mr. Anton Federle, for over 25 years a resident of Alton, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital yesterday of consumption, after several months’ illness. He left four daughters and three sons to mourn his death.


FEDERLE, AUGUST PATRICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 10, 1904
Patrick Federle, a member of a well known Alton family, died at St. Joseph's hospital this morning after an illness with consumption. He was 41 years of age. Mr. Federle had lived in Alton many years and had many friends in the city. His wife was taken to the hospital a month ago, and she too is very ill. Mrs. Federle lost her eyesight about four months ago, and since then she has become deaf and paralyzed on one side. Mr. Federle was manager of the Lemp agency in Alton for four years and had been connected with the agency for nine years. He leaves one brother, Joseph, and three sisters, Miss Mary Federle, Mrs. Elizabeth Meyers, and Mrs. John Berner. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 p.m. from the residence of Jacob Tremmell, Third street, between Henry and Ridge street. [Interment was in City Cemetery]


FEDERLE, EVA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 23, 1910
There will be two funerals from the Melville church Friday morning, the first time in the history of the village, so near as the oldest inhabitants can remember. Elmer, the three years old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langley, died last night of dysentery, and the little boy will be buried from the church at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. Eva, the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Federle, died last night of the same disease, and the funeral will take place from the church at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. Rev. E. L. Mueller of Alton conducting the funeral service. This is the third death of children in Melville in the neighborhood in the last three days, the little child of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lofts having died three days ago. With the high death rate in the list of the older residents the past two months, the residents of the little village feel keenly the work of the Grim Reaper.


FEDERLE, FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 25, 1896
The remains of Mr. Frank Federle, who died in Chicago Thursday night, arrived here Saturday morning and the funeral took place that afternoon from St. Mary’s Church. Deceased was 30 years of age, and a former resident of Alton. Besides a wife and several children, he leaves two sisters and a brother, Mrs. John Berner and Miss Mary Federle, and Mr. August Federle, all residents of Alton.


FEDERLE, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 24, 1922
Joseph, the four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. August Federle, died yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the family home on the Grafton road [Melville area]. The parents have one other child. The funeral was held this afternoon from the family home, and burial was in Melville cemetery. Services were conducted by Rev. O. W. Heggemeier of the Evangelical church.


FEDERLE, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 12, 1914
Heat Victim Takes Life by Shooting Self
William Federle, aged 21, son of Joseph Federle living on the old Grafton road, suicided by shooting himself Friday morning at 5 o'clock, using a shotgun. He sent a charge of shot through his heart, holding the muzzle of the gun against his side, and discharging it by fastening a string to his toe and to the trigger, and operating the trigger by jerking it with his foot. On Thursday the young man had been working hard in the field on his father's place, and last night complained of feeling very bad. He said that he was hot and could not cool off. In an effort to cool himself, he went to a pond and took a swim, and returning to the house still continued to complain. He was restless all night and rose this morning still feeling bad. His mother was busy in the house getting breakfast, and the young man had gone out to the barn, ostensibly to help feed the stock. No one noticed that he had his gun with him. His mother heard the sound of the gun going off, and she ran out to investigate. She found her son lying in the yard dead, with his body by the string that the young man had attached to his toe and to the trigger. It is supposed that the young man had become mentally deranged from the effects of being overheated. John Berner, who was called to Belletrees to look after the body of the young man, said that Federle had been working on the Piasa King Farm. He had been complaining of a headache for four days, but kept on working. He left no note to explain why he killed himself, and it is supposed he yielded to an insane impulse. Beside his parents he is survived by four sisters, Mrs. Josephine Vollmer of Melville; Mrs. Barbara Nolan; Mrs. Lora Calame; and Miss Carrie Federle; and three brothers, Gus, Lawrence, and John, all of Belletrees. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Melville church, and burial will be in the Melville cemetery.


FEHR, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 6, 1904
North Alton News - Frank Fehr died Sunday morning at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fehr, after a long illness with lung troubles. He made a hurried trip to and from Arizona in company with his brother, Louis, but the change was powerless to save him. Sunday morning, just after he remarked that he believed he would recover, he passed away. He was 37 years of age and leaves besides his parents, three sisters and a brother, and numerous friends to regret sincerely his untimely taking off. The funeral took place Tuesday morning from the Cathedral, where a requiem mass was said, to Greenwood Cemetery, and was attended by a very large number of friends. About 200 of the members of the _____ of Eagles met the procession at the city limits and marched to the church. The bartenders union also attended in a body. Floral offerings were many and beautiful.


FEHR, KUNIGUNDA (nee PFAFF)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 21, 1914
Mrs. Kunigunda Fehr, wife of Joseph Fehr, died Thursday evening at 11 o'clock at her home, 201 West Delmar avenue, after an illness of four or five years. Her case was not regarded as serious until Wednesday, when she was taken very sick and was confined to her bed. The end came Thursday night, when all her family were at her bedside. She was in her 74th year. Mrs. Fehr was born in Germany and came to this country at the age of 17 years. She would have been married fifty years next June. Her aged husband survives her, as do three daughters, Mrs. C. P. Hellrung, Mrs. John A. Reis, Mrs. Joseph Merkle; also one son, Louis Fehr, all of Alton. She leaves four grandchildren, and she is also survived by one brother, Valentine Pfaff of Fosterburg. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.


FEILBACH, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 25, 1898
From Fosterburg – Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feilbach, living north of Fosterburg, were sadly afflicted by the death of their infant baby girl on Sunday night. Funeral services took place Tuesday at the German M. E. Church, conducted by Rev. Foetch. The remains were interred in Fosterburg Cemetery. They have the sympathy of a host of friends.


Highland Physician
First President of the “North American Sharpshooters”
Sources: Alton Telegraph, June 26, 1884; Centennial History of Madison County, 1912
The Highland Telephone announces the death of Dr. Abraham Felder, a prominent citizen of that place, which occurred on June 14. The Telephone says “The Sharpshooters of America lose in him their original and popular leader, he having been the first president of the former ‘North American Sharpshooters Association,’ which was organized in Highland in 1864, and soon spread over the whole United States, but in 1875 or 1876 dissolved, the eastern states establishing an organization of their own.”

Felder was born March 14, 1820, in Switzerland. He married Katherine Mettler, and the couple came to America in 1853. The couple had fourteen children. He engaged in the practice of medicine in at New Orleans, then moved to Highland, Illinois, where he built up a large practice.

Abraham Felder was born March 14, 1820, in Ebnat-Kappel, Wahlkreis Toggenburg, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland. He was educated in some of the most prominent medical universities, including Heidelberg University. Abraham opened a medical practice in his native town, and married in 1850 to Katherine Mettler (1830-1915). They had two children in Switzerland – Nina Felder Rochat (1851-1938) and Eliza Felder Hagnauer (1852-1932).

The family immigrated to the United States in 1853, where he opened a practice in New Orleans. They settled in Dutzow, Warren County, Missouri, where a son was born – Bruno Will Felder (1853-1931). They moved to Nauvoo, Illinois, then to Highland, Madison County, Illinois, where another son was born – Zeno Felder (1855-1931). When an adult, Zeno attended the St. Louis College of Pharmacy, and engaged in business in St. Louis. Zeno moved to Lake City, Colorado in 1882, and opened a drugstore there.

Other children of Abraham and Katherine were: Paulina F. Felder Suppiger (1856-1941); Henriete Felder (1857-1864); Leo Felder (1858-1879); Otto Felder (1860-1860); Augusta Felder (1861-1862); Marietta F. Felder Swanton (1865-1912); Albert Felder (1866-1866); Augusta Anna Felder Richardson (1869-1955); Harry A. Felder (1870-1910); and Louis Felder (1871-1933).

Dr. Abraham Felder built up an extensive practice in Highland, Illinois. He was a man of “fine physique, commanding appearance, and magnetic personality; rather austere in his manner, but with the kindest and most sympathetic soul.” He was a man of upright character, and took an active part in local affairs. For twenty years he served as a member of the Board of Education. Dr. Felder died in Highland on June 14, 1884, and is buried in the Highland Cemetery.


FELDWISCH, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 21, 1920
Mrs. Anna Feldwisch, aged 85, died suddenly this noon at her home, 615 Washington avenue, after a brief illness. She had been feeling slightly ill since Sunday, and Monday evening a physician was called and again this noon. Her death occurred while the doctor was visiting her. She was confined to her bed for a day or two but it was not considered that she was seriously sick. In the death of Mrs. Feldwisch there passes one of the most liberal of Alton women. The Evangelical church at Eighth and Henry streets loses also one of its staunchest supporters. She was a constant contributor toward the church and whenever there was any unusual expenditure for the upkeep of the church, there was always Mrs. Feldwisch standing ready to make a liberal contribution to the fund. She had not been able to attend services in her church for four years because she did not feel able to venture so far from home, but she was always up and around the house and active in attending to her little duties at home. She was one of the original members of the ladies society of the church, founded 52 years ago, and was deeply interested in the activities of that organization. Recently, in talking to her pastor, she expressed the belief that she would be taken very suddenly some time soon, and her death was as she predicted and as she had wished. In speaking of her today the pastor, Rev. O. W. Heggemeier, said that he always found financial support for any undertaking in a church way he might have, if he appealed to Mrs. Feldwisch. She gave liberally to mission causes, to the orphans and to all other worthy causes that were called to her attention. It was to the Eighth street church, however, that she gave principally and during all the years since the new church was built, she has been giving regularly large sums of money and by her generosity she has stimulated others to give more liberally. Mrs. Feldwisch was born in Westphalia, Germany, March 15, 1845, and was in her 86th year. She came to America when ten years of age and after a short period in St. Louis she came to Alton where she remained the rest of her life. She married William Feldwisch in 1864. He died in 1907. She leaves two sons, William of Alton and John of St. Louis, also six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon from the Evangelical church at Eighth and Henry. There will be short services at the home just before departing from the house. Friends are asked to omit flowers.


Ernst Heinrich FeldwischFELDWISCH, ERNEST HEINRICH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13, 1921
Ernest Feldwisch, aged 87, died last evening at his home, 402 Cherry street, from debilities of old age, following an illness which began two months ago. Up until that time Feldwisch was able to take long walks about the city and countryside, and only recently walked to Wood River to visit relatives. Feldwisch had little or no use for an automobile or other form of conveyance, and when he wanted to go any place, he believed in walking. He was a well known figure in the city, and since his illness he has been missed by his friends who were wont to see him walking about. Feldwisch was born in Germany but came to this country, and directly to St. Louis, when he was 18 years of age. Three years later he came to Alton and had resided here since that time. He was a brick worker until years ago when he retired. His wife died five years ago last December. He is survived by three sons, five daughters, 22 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. The sons are Henry of East Alton; Fire Chief William Feldwisch and John Feldwisch of Alton, and the daughters are Mrs. Charles Hull of Alton, Mrs. Henry Fahrig of Alton, Mrs. John Sering of Pasadena, Calif., Mrs. Julia Taylor, and Mrs. Edward Wutzler of Alton. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the family home. The services will be conducted by Rev. Heggemeier, pastor of the Evangelical church of which Feldwisch was a member and by Rev. S. D. McKenney of the Cherry Street Baptist church, a neighbor and friend of the deceased. Interment will be in City cemetery.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 16, 1921
The funeral of Ernest Feldwisch was held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late home, where Rev. O. W. Heggemeier of the Evangelical church conducted the services. There was a large attendance of relatives and old friends of Mr. Feldwisch. At City cemetery, Rev. S. D. McKenny, for twenty years a near neighbor of Mr. Feldwisch, gave a talk in which he paid tribute to Mr. Feldwisch as a neighbor and friend and the talk was a most affecting one. During the course of the remarks of Rev. McKenny, reference was made by the speaker to the fact that Mr. Feldwisch had for many years been a close student of the Bible in which he had found comfort and consolation and that the Bible had been used as a pillow for his head in the casket and would be buried with him. The Alton Benevolent Society attended the funeral in a body, Mr. Feldwisch having held membership in it for many years. The pallbearers were William Hoff, Henry Wutzler, Robert Denser, Henry Hohmann, Henry Richtter and H. W. Bauer. Burial was in City cemetery.


FELDWISCH, MINNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 13, 1915
Mrs. Minnie Feldwisch, a long time resident of Alton, died Sunday morning at her home, 402 Cherry street, after a short illness. Mrs. Feldwisch had been up and around until a week ago. She was 69 years of age, and had lived in Alton most of that time and was well known and greatly esteemed by all of the older residents. Her husband and eight children are left to mourn her death - five daughters, Mrs. Charles Hult; Mrs. Henry Fahrig; Mrs. Joseph Taylor; Mrs. Edward Wutzler; and Mrs. John Sering; and three sons, Henry, John and William; the last named being chief of the Alton fire department. She was an excellent neighbor and a good, self-sacrificing mother and wife. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon from the home at 1:30 o'clock, and burial will be in the City Cemetery.


FELDWISCH, WILLIAM SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 7, 1906
William Feldwisch Sr. died very suddenly Saturday morning about 11 o'clock at 509 Washington street, from apoplexy. He was 85 years, 7 months and 22 days of age. Mr. Feldwisch's death was just as he had often expressed a wish that it should be sudden and painless and while he was still in the prime of his usefulness. He had just greeted his son, John Feldwisch, who had just arrived with his wife and child to spend Sunday at the old home. Mr. Feldwisch was engaged in laying some bricks in a sidewalk when his son came up and he shook hands with him and told him to go on up to the house and he would follow in a few minutes. Almost immediately after the son arrived at the home, a messenger came running with the intelligence that Mr. Feldwisch had fallen. The son ran to see what was the trouble and found his father dead. Dr. Yerkes, who was summoned, said that death was due to apoplexy and must have been instant. Mr. Feldwisch was in apparently the best of health in the morning and his death was a sad surprise to his family. He was twice married, and leaves two children, John of St. Louis, and William of Alton. Mrs. Feldwisch, who has been his partner for forty-two years, is prostrated by the shock of her husband's death. The aged couple kept house alone and both were in the best of health and were very happy in their old age. Mr. Feldwisch also leaves a brother, Ernest, of this city. William Feldwisch was born in Ladbergen, Westphalia, Germany, August 20, 1820. He came to America in 1846 and to Alton in 1854. He was engaged in the business of brick making at the place on Washington street, where now stands a row of houses belonging to him. He did a prosperous business and amassed a comfortable fortune by hard work and thrift. He was a man of the highest character and one of Alton's most substantial and respected citizens. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, 607 Washington street.


FELHIME, CAROLINE MINNA MAY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 21, 1906
The funeral of Miss Caroline Minna May Felhime was held from the family home, 1810 Belle street Monday morning. One hour after the funeral a brother, who is in the U. S. Army stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., arrived to attend the funeral of his sister. The family had waited for the brother, and knew that he was on the way, but not being able to embalm the body, the funeral was held Monday morning. The burial was in the City Cemetery, and Rev. S. D. McKenny conducted the funeral service.


FELTER, ANGELINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 14, 1907
While rendering aid to her aged husband, Mrs. Angelina Felter, wife of W. W. Felter of 1009 State street, fell dead Saturday afternoon just before 2 o'clock. Mr. Felter, who is ___ years past and is very active, had climbed a step ladder to put up a curtain in their home and his wife, who was 74, was holding the ladder. Mr. Felter heard a thud as of something striking the floor and looking around saw his wife lying prostrate beside the step ladder. He climbed down, found her apparently unconscious, and then summoned neighbors. They in turn called Dr. Frank Worden, who said that Mrs. Felter had been dead for some time and that her death probably occurred when she fell to the floor. The couple had been married 46 years. She was born in Greene County. The couple came her about twelve years ago. Mrs. Felter had no children of her own. No arrangements for the funeral had been made this afternoon. The aged couple were highly esteemed by their neighbors and were very happy in their life partnership. Mrs. Felter had been in apparently good health and there was not a symptom of any physical ailment. Heart disease was probably the cause of her death.


FELZ, FRITZ/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 18, 1884
Mr. Fritz Felz, a native of Germany, long a resident of Alton, died Saturday at the residence of Mr. A. Ernst, of dropsy, at the age of 66 years. He was unmarried. The funeral took place Sunday, with a large attendance, under the auspices of the German Benevolent Society, of which he was an honored member. The casket was decked with a wreath of evergreen and a number of other floral devices. The long procession to the cemetery was headed by Professor Gossrau’s band. Mr. John Mold acted as marshal. The members of the society wore black satin rosettes as mourning badges.


FENSTERMAN, CHARLES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 7, 1887
Mr. Charles Fensterman, a young man, 25 years of age, died at his residence about three miles northeast of Fosterburg, last Saturday. The funeral took place from the Presbyterian Church today.


FENSTERMAN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 11, 1897
From Fosterburg – Mr. and Mrs. August Fensterman are sorely afflicted by the loss of their infant girl. The funeral services were conducted at the Presbyterian Church Saturday, by Rev. Bell, in an impressive manner. Interment took place in the Fosterburg Cemetery. They have the sympathy of the community.


FENSTERMAN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 15, 1900
Fosterburg News - August Fensterman's child was buried at Fosterburg Cemetery on Tuesday. Rev. Moery was the officiating minister.


FEORE, BRIDGET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 23, 1901
Bridget Feore, widow of Patrick Foer, died this afternoon at 1230 East Third street after an illness with heart trouble. She leaves four children. The funeral will take place Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, and services will be held in St. Patrick's church. Mrs. Feore was 54 years of age.


FEORE, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 1, 1910
Joseph Feore, aged 26 years, died at his home at 1230 east Third street last night. The young man had been ill with rheumatism for along time, but had kept at his duties at the glass works. Two sisters, Misses Beatrice and Mary, survive the young man. Deceased is a son of the late Patrick Feore, who with Delaney was killed by a Burlington train between Alton and West Alton about ten years ago. On a foggy morning Patrick Feore, with a crew, started across to West Alton with a crew on a hand car. The Burlington commuters train overtook them, and Feore and Delaney were killed. The mother and a brother died a few years later, and the brother has resided in the old home with his sisters.


FERDINAND, JOHN C./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 30, 1861
Civil War Soldier
John C. Ferdinand, a member of Captain Hubbell’s Company, after serving his three month’s in the army, came homesick with the camp fever. He had no relations in the city, but found a good home and every attention during his illness at the house of Mrs. Perrin. But notwithstanding everything was done for his recovery, he died last night, about 11 o’clock. He was about 22 years of age, and had the confidence and respect of all his fellow soldiers who deeply deplore his death. His remains will be followed to the grave at 4 o’clock this p.m. by his late comrades, who rendered him all the assistance in their power during his illness.


FERGUSON, ADAM, AGNES, and MARY/ Source: Alton Telegraph, October 21, 1875
Three Children Lost to Scarlet Fever
During the past week, the family of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ferguson was visited by a series of afflictions almost without parallel in this community. On Sunday, their daughter, Aggie [Agnes], a bright and attractive girl nearly twelve years of age, died suddenly with scarlet fever. Another child, “Eddie” [Adam Edgar Ferguson], aged four years, and Mary Eleanor, or “Minnie,” as she was called, aged nearly fourteen, were stricken with the same disease. Little Eddie died on Wednesday, and on Saturday evening his sister likewise fell asleep. Minnie was as beautiful in person as she was lovely in character, and her early death saddens the hearts of many friends and associates, as well as parents and relatives. The parents and surviving children are well nigh crushed by the terrible calamities which have converted their once happy home into a house of mourning. In the presence of such sorrow, words of comfort or consolation have but little weight or meaning, but it may not be amiss to say that the entire community sympathize with the stricken parents. On every side is heard expression of the sorrow and regret which the sad afflictions excite in the hearts of all.

Aggie (1863-1875), Eddie (1871-1875), and Minnie (1861-1875) Ferguson were children of William J. and Jane Ferguson of Alton. William, a civil engineer, was born in 1826 in Belfast, Ireland. William died in 1898 (age 71), and Jane died in 1914. All are buried in the Alton City Cemetery. Their surviving children were Martha J. and Harry Hill Ferguson.


FERGUSON, ALEXANDER/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 10, 1877
Godfrey Pioneer
From Godfrey - Alexander Ferguson, one of the first settlers of this vicinity, died after a brief illness on Saturday, May 5, 1877. The deceased was born in 1806 in Monroe County, New Hampshire. He removed to Illinois in 1835, and has lived at his late residence since 1838. In 1830, he was married to his first wife, Mary, and for 32 years they toiled together, when the summons came to her in 1862, that so suddenly came to him. In December 1865, he was again married to Mrs. Susan Marcella Bailey, with whom he pleasantly passed the latter days of his life. In the absence of his sons and daughters, who had married and moved away, she cheered him in his solitude, and in the opinion of his children and others who knew them, was to him all that a loving and faithful wife could be. He was a moral man, a good neighbor, and a kind father, and he will long be remembered by all who were intimately acquainted with him.

Alexander Ferguson married Ann Eliza Gould “Mary” (1810-1862) on October 20, 1830, at Bath, New Hampshire. Together they had eight children. He remarried to Susan Marcella Sprague Bailey. On December 4, 1869, Alexander executed a will, in which he desired to be buried beside his first wife. He left his second wife, Marcella, $2,000 (in payments over 3 years after his death), or the option of choosing her third interest in the estate, payed semi-annually by his executor, “so long as she remains my widow.” He also left her all his household goods, except the melodeon, family bible and library. He left equal shares to six children: All Eliza Waggoner, Helen Waggoner (1836-1920), George Rodney Ferguson, Laura Jane Ferguson, Henry Marcellus Ferguson (1848-1905, buried in Reno, Bond County, Illinois), and Mary Luthera Ferguson. He also left $10 to the heirs of his daughter, Finette Francis Meldrum, deceased. He left to his son, Solon Scott Ferguson, “the sum of ten dollars, or the very smallest amount that the law allows. My son, Solon Scott Ferguson, has been paid all that he in any way helped to earn.” Alexander’s second wife, Susan Marcella Ferguson, died in 1907, and is buried in Denver, Colorado. “Mary” Ferguson, his first wife, and Alexander were buried in the Bethany Cemetery at Humbert Road and Bethany Lane in Godfrey.


FERGUSON, BERTHA/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 24, 1893
Bertha, the 16-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson of East Alton, died Friday of summer complaint, after several weeks sickness. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon from the family residence to the Upper Alton Cemetery.


FERGUSON, EDITH “DOT” L./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 1, 1886
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ferguson were Wednesday called to mourn the death of their youngest daughter, Edith L. (“Dot”), after an illness of about 27 hours, in her tenth year. She retired to rest as well as usual on Monday night, was awakened by severe pain in the region of the stomach on Tuesday morning, and died at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday. Edith was a lovejoy child, as sweet in disposition and manner as she was fair in feature and form, and had won the affection of all who knew her. The sympathy and tender regard of Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson’s many friends and acquaintances will be freely tendered them in this hour of deep sorrow.


FERGUSON, ELIZA J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 28, 1916
Mrs. Eliza J. Ferguson, mother of Dexter Ferguson, died at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the home of her son, 409 East Eleventh Street, from old age. Mrs. Ferguson lived for many years at the corner of Broadway and George streets in a small brick house there. She had become so attached to the place that even when neighboring industry encroached on her property and there was demand for it for business purposes, she could not bring herself to leave the old place. Not long ago her state of health became such that she found it necessary to be where she could have company, and she went to stay at her son's home. Her end came peacefully after a period of weakness due to old age. She was one of the oldest resident of Alton.


FERGUSON, FRANCIS J. (FRANK)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13, 1903
Francis J. Ferguson, son of Mrs. Elizabeth M. Ferguson, died Tuesday afternoon after an illness with pneumonia, aged 32. Deceased leaves a sister, Mrs. O'Brien of St. Louis, and many other relatives in Alton. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's church.


FERGUSON, FRANK H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 24, 1922
Former Alton City Clerk and City Comptroller Dies
Frank H. Ferguson, aged 84, died Saturday night at his residence, 409 Henry street, in Alton, from a breakdown following an accident he suffered last Tuesday night when he fell in his home, fracturing his collar bone. The injury complicated a condition of health which had caused his family much anxiety the last few months of his life. Early in the summer, he began to show signs of failing in strength, shortly after his birthday in June. He was not able to be out as much as he formerly was. He had been a very active man for one of his years, and enjoying the company of his fellow men, he was out much, up to the time his strength began to fail. Little hope of his recovering from the effects of the fall were entertained, and he survived it just four days. Mr. Ferguson was one of the best known of the older residents of Alton. He had spent almost all of his life here and had always taken a deep interest in civic affairs. He came here when a boy, and in his young manhood he manifested the interest in public matters which later on caused him to be elected city clerk, and at another time he filled the position of city comptroller. He was the first city comptroller in Alton, being appointed when that office was created by the city council. Up to the time of his retirement from politics as a seeker after an elective office, he was regarded as invincible. He made one of the best city clerks Alton ever had, and it was long after his retirement that anyone could give the office the benefits of such ability as he possessed came into it. He was a member of Piasa lodge, No. 7, A. F. & A. M., having affiliated with that fraternity in 1862, and he continued his membership to the end. He bore the distinction of being the oldest Past Master of Piasa lodge and he was also the oldest member of the lodge. His interest in the Masonic lodge never faltered, and even of late, notwithstanding his age, he was an occasional and honored visitor there. He served as secretary of the Alton lodge of Elks, in which he had held membership for many years. Mr. Ferguson was possessed of a pleasing personality and he had a wide circle of acquaintances, not only among the older residents of Alton, but among those who were many years his junior. He had an intellect of a high order, and his views on important subjects were sure to be enlightening. Mr. Ferguson's wife died many years ago. One daughter, Miss Bertha Ferguson, assistant principal of Alton High school, and one son, F. F. Ferguson of the Illinois Glass Co., lived with him and gave him the most devoted attention. At the time of his death his two other children, Warren of Atchison, Kas., and Mrs. Hubert L. Sparks of Oklahoma City, Okla., were with him also. His death occurred when all the members of his family were with him, the distant ones having been summoned because of his precarious condition. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from his late home. The services at the home were conducted by Rev. C. C. Smith of the Congregational church. Burial in City cemetery was under the auspices of Piasa lodge.


FERGUSON, HARRIET H. (nee Goodell)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 28, 1875
Died at her home near Godfrey, January 14, 1875, Mrs. Harriett H. Ferguson, aged 51 years. The subject of this notice was born in the town of Waterford, Caledonia County, Vermont. Her maiden name was Goodell. In 1855, her husband, Mr. John H. Ferguson, brought his family to Illinois, and settled near Godfrey, where the family still resides. In early life, Harriett gave evidence of candor and seriousness on religious subjects. Her parents were firm and zealous Universalists, and their daughter received, to some extent, similar views, but while attending school at Newbury Seminary, a Methodist institution, under the superintendence of Professor Baker, she was deeply impressed that the theories which her family held failed to furnish the restraints that human nature requires, and were unsafe and dangerous. She saw in God’s Word a higher and purer life marked out, with stronger incentives to follow it, and then secretly resolved to take Christ both as her model and Savior. It was not until fifteen years ago that she united with the Methodist Episcopal Church at Bethany, under the Pastorate of Rev. H. Sears. She died submissive to God’s will, yet yearning for the welfare of her family, to which she was very devoted. She was most beloved, where she was best known, and her surviving family sustain an irreparable loss.


FERGUSON, HOWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 21, 1897
A horrible accident occurred Thursday afternoon at East Alton, by which a little twelve-year-old lad named Howard Ferguson, the adopted son of William Ferguson of that place, was instantly killed by the Big Four switch engine. The boy was going home from school, and on his way passed the switch engine No. 48, which was doing work in the local yard. Howard asked the crew if he might ride on the foot-board of the engine, and the request was refused. The engine was backing with a flat car loaded with stone attached to its front end, when the boy jumped to get on the pilot. He missed his footing, and fell to the track between the loaded car and the engine. The car passed over him, dutting off his head and inflicting horrible bodily injuries. Coroner Bailey was summoned to hold an inquest over the body, and a verdict of accidental death was found.


FERGUSON, JAMES M./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 8, 1872
A man named James M. Ferguson, a saddler by trade, died suddenly at the Washington House on Second Street [Broadway] on Sunday evening. He complained of being sick, went into the hotel, and sat down. In ten minutes after, he was dead. The cause of his death was apoplexy. He was forty-three years of age. He was divorced from his wife some time since, the court giving the custody of the children to the latter. He was 43 years of age.


FERGUSON, JANE/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 3, 1861
Died in Alton on Friday, March 20th, at the residence of G. H. Ferguson, Mrs. Jane Ferguson, wife of John Ferguson, in the 70th year of her age.


FERGUSON, JANE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 8, 1900
Miss Jane Ferguson, a sister of Frank H. Ferguson, died last night at the home of her brother on Henry street, after a long illness from general debility. Miss Ferguson was born June 6, 1817, and came to Alton from New York many years ago, and has made her home in Alton almost continuously. She was well known in Alton.


FERGUSON, JOESTING FREDERICK/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 14, 1895
In another place will be found the notice of the death of J. Fred Ferguson. Some two years ago he lived in North Alton, where his house was destroyed by fire. Mr. Ferguson then went to St. Louis to live, where he was general western agent for the Mosler Bauman Safe Co. of Cincinnati. Mr. Ferguson was taken ill with consumption, and last August went to Denver, Colorado in hope of benefiting his health, but died there October 28, and was buried in New York where his mother, two brothers, and a sister reside. He was a son-in-law of Mr. J. N. Ashlock of Alton, and his wife now lives in St. Louis.

Mr. Ferguson was of Jewish parentage. His real name was Joesting Frederick Fergotston. He, however, assumed the name of Ferguson under which he was married, and under which he did business. He was a pushing and energetic business man, and had his health and life been spared, he would no doubt been very successful.


FERGUSON, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 23, 1916
John, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ferguson of Madison avenue died at an early hour this morning from diphtheria. The little one had been ailing all day Monday, and had a bad night, but the parents did not think seriously of the condition of the boy, and this morning he seemed better. He took a sudden turn for the worse and died at 7 o'clock. The child had been playing all day yesterday with other children and there was considerable anxiety this morning among the families of those children, when it was learned the Ferguson child had died from diphtheria after such a short illness. It is supposed the child had diphtheria for some time, but the disease did not develop until Monday night and then it developed rapidly.


FERGUSON, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 6, 1916
John Ferguson, 94 years old, died this morning at 4 o'clock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Merriman on Brown street in Upper Alton. The death of Mr. Ferguson comes as the result of a fall he sustained a week ago Sunday while at the Merriman home. As related last Monday in the Telegraph, Mr. Ferguson had been staying very frequently with his daughter, Mrs. Merriman, and while he was at the Merriman home last Sunday he stepped out into the back yard and in some manner he sustained a fall on the ground. Just what caused him to fall is not known, but it is supposed he had a dizzy spell that caused himself to lose control of his limbs and he went down. The fall dislocated his hip and also fractured the bone at the joint. On account of his great age, there was little hope for his recovery, but the following day his great vitality gave evidence that he might recover from the accident. The injury proved too severe, however, and all last week the aged, retired farmer lost strength. He continued to weaken rapidly and the end came at an early hour this morning just a few hours more than a week after the accident that caused his death. Mr. Ferguson was an old time Godfrey farmer. He was a pioneer in the Godfrey neighborhood, and for many years was one of the most prominent agriculturists of that neighborhood. He retired from farming a good many years ago and quit active work. He lived some time on Mayfield avenue in Upper Alton, just back of the Merriman place which fronts on Brown street. A few months ago he moved to St. Louis and at the time of his death he was a resident of that city. Mr. Ferguson was one of the most active men in this vicinity for his years. Although 94 years old, he was very active, his mind was clear, and his usual business ability was not in the least hampered by his great age. Only a few weeks ago he bought a house and lot on Mayfield avenue as an investment, and in this deal he used good judgment and business ability as he had done during the long years of his life. Mr. Ferguson was twice married, and he has a number of children who are scattered over the country. He leaves two grown children by the last marriage. His children are scattered through six or seven different states and messages were sent today to all announcing the death of the father. No funeral arrangements were made at all today and will not be completed until all the children are heard from.


FERGUSON, JOHN L./Source: Alton Weekly Courier, April 8, 1853
We regret to announce the death of our fellow citizen and esteemed friend, Mr. John L. Ferguson, an old resident and merchant of this city. Mr. Ferguson was about 35 years of age. His illness was brief, and not considered dangerous until just before he expired. He died yesterday morning. He was just and generous - a true friend, and a pleasant acquaintance. His many virtues will long live in the remembrance of our citizens. A large concourse of our citizens attended the funeral of our lamented fellow citizen, J. L. Ferguson, Esq., yesterday. The funeral procession was very long, comprising the carriages of most of our prominent citizens, and fully testified the high regard felt by our people for the deceased.


FERGUSON, JOHN L./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 21, 1871
Died on July 15, of cholera infantum, John L., son of Frank H. and Julie E. Ferguson; aged 5 months and 21 days.


FERGUSON, JOHN LEWIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1878
From Marine - Mr. Ferguson was born in the old Fort Russell near Edwardsville in Madison County, November 20, 1807, and spent all his life in the county, most of it in this vicinity. For more than 40 years did he serve as a Justice of the Peace. Since the adoption of Township organization, he has been the Supervisor of this township. He was possessed of such an amiable and sociable disposition, that he was universally respected and ever a welcome visitor to young and old. He had been failing for some five months, but was able to go about until a few days before his death, which took place Thursday, October 30, 1878. Thus has passed away one of the oldest, if not the oldest native citizen of the county. [Burial was in the Marine Cemetery, St. Jacob, Madison County, Illinois. He was survived by a son, Isaac H. Ferguson (1836-1897).]


FERGUSON, JOHN THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 15, 1873
Died on August 9, in Alton, of congestion of the brain, John Thomas, eldest son of Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson; aged 14 years and 9 months.


FERGUSON, JULIA E./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 27, 1892
A telegram was received this morning from St. Louis, announcing the death of Mrs. Ferguson, wife of city comptroller Frank H. Ferguson, in that city. This was a great shock not only to her family, but to the large circle of friends and acquaintances here. Mrs. Ferguson accompanied by her husband, went to St. Louis last Thursday to have a surgical operation performed, and which her immediate family knew of the seriousness of the case, yet no one surmised that it would prove fatal. Mrs. Ferguson was a most estimable Christian lady, a devoted wife and mother, a woman whose sympathies and efforts were always enlisted in every good cause. The body will be brought here this evening on the Flyer.

Julia E. Ferguson was born in 1840 in Pennsylvania. She married on November 8, 1858, to Frank H. Ferguson (1838-1922). They had the following children: Warren Ferguson (1861-1939); Bertha Whitney Ferguson (1862-1946); Frank Ferguson (1869-1959); and Julia Beatrice Ferguson Sparks (1876-1966). Julia was buried in the Alton City Cemetery. Her husband, Frank, was the Alton City Clerk and Comptroller.


FERGUSON, LUCIUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 6, 1890
Killed by Train
Lucius Ferguson, a farmhand and general laborer who has made Godfrey and vicinity his home for many years, was struck on the C. & A. Railroad track, about one mile north of the Summit, by the six o’clock Chicago express last evening, and sustained injuries from which he died that night. The accident was not discovered until the Lightning Express went north, three hours later than the train which struck Ferguson. When the news became known at Godfrey, a party of his friends went to his relief. He was found lying close to the track and suffering terribly from a number of wounds, the most severe of which were about the head, and was taken to Godfrey on a handcar. He died in the waiting room of the depot at that place.


FERGUSON, MARY HELEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 10, 1902
Miss Mary Helen Ferguson, sister of F. H. Ferguson, aged 69 years, died this morning at the home, 409 Henry street, after an illness with the grip and muscular rheumatism. She was an estimable lady with many friends who will mourn her demise. The funeral, which will be private, will take place Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from the home to the City Cemetery.


FERGUSON, ROBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1852
Alton Merchant and Former Mayor Dies
At 1 o’clock p.m., Friday, February 6, after a severe illness of nearly eight weeks duration, Mr. Robert Ferguson of the firm of R. & J. I. Ferguson, Merchants of Alton, aged 39 years. It is seldom a community are compelled to deplore a loss which will be so severely felt by them as the present. It is not alone the loss of one who has been a resident among us for over fifteen years, but also of an active, energetic citizen, who at the same time he was indefatigable and successful in his attention to business, took a deep interest and contributed liberally to every public improvement. For a number of years he was one of the most active members of our City Council, and during his service of one term as Mayor, an impetus was given by him to our city improvements, which will be remembered as the commencement of a new era in the history of Alton.

As a merchant, he was a worthy example for others; as a citizen, liberal and public-spirited; as a friend, warm and firm in his attachments; in his domestic relations, he was devoted to his family; and as a son, still cherished all the filial affection of his younger days, for his aged parents, whom he had but a short time since induced to come and reside in this vicinity. The grief of this community at his departure, and the sympathy felt for his afflicted family are sincere and general.


FERGUSON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 6, 1904
Wife of Postmaster Commits Suicide
Postmaster Charles J. Ferguson of East Alton, awoke this morning about 2 o'clock and found his wife missing. He arose and went in search of her but was unable to find her. The lid of the cistern box in the yard was open, and he feared the worst as he knew the lid was closed when he went to bed. He aroused the neighbors, grappling hooks were secured, and after considerable effort the body of Mrs. Ferguson was brought to the surface and taken into the house. Life was quite extinct, and she must have thrown herself into the cistern before midnight. Mrs. Ferguson has been a sufferer some time from some trouble, and she was very ill for more than a month. She told her husband at different times that she could never get well, and that she must always be a burden to him. He tried to cheer her and console her and infuse hope into her, but succeeded only temporarily, and she continued to worry over conditions until her mind became unhinged and the suicide followed. She dressed herself fully and carefully before committing the act, and it is probable that when she arose she intended only to walk around or sit in the yard for a while and that the sight of the cistern box filled her with a sudden and uncontrollable impulse to end her sufferings. She was a good woman, a faithful wife and mother, and an estimable neighbor, and her stricken husband and daughter will have the sincere sympathy of the people of all the Altons. She was about 40 years of age, and leaves besides her husband one daughter, Miss Katie, who is deputy postmaster at East Alton. Mrs. Ferguson was a daughter of the late John Erdley, who for several years lived on the Z. B. Job ranch near East Alton. Her mother many years ago, when Mrs. Ferguson was but a small child, became insane through sickness and finally committed suicide by jumping into a well on the place. Mr. Erdley was in Edwardsville at the time, and the children - one of whom was Mrs. Ferguson - gave the alarm and neighbors rescued the body from the well. She was always horrified at the tragic death of her mother, and that she would follow her example in that respect is the last thing she or anyone knowing her ever suspected she would do, and the act can be attributed only to temporary insanity. A sister of Mrs. Ferguson committed suicide in St. Louis about five years ago. Deputy Coroner Streeper held an inquest this afternoon, and the jury returned a verdict in accordance with above facts. The funeral will probably be Thursday afternoon.


FERGUSON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 17, 1919
Mrs. H. J. Ferguson, wife of a well known barber, died this morning after a protracted sickness with dropsy and complications, at her home in the Job block, at the corner of Henry street and Broadway. She is survived by her husband and four daughters. Funeral arrangements were not completed this noon, but the funeral will probably take place Monday.


FERGUSON, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 04, 1892
The funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Ferguson took place this morning from the Cathedral to the Alton City Cemetery.


FERGUSON, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 1, 1908
Madison County Pioneer
William Ferguson died at his home in Fosterburg Wednesday morning at 2 o'clock after a two weeks' illness. His death was due to a general breakdown on account of his advanced age. He was 88 years old, and came to Madison county from Scotland when a youth, with several other early Madison county residents who have all passed away. There were only a few houses in Alton when he first saw it. Mr. Ferguson carted cord wood off of the Alton levee, says Postmaster Ferguson, speaking of his father a few days ago, for 25 cents per cord, after the country became somewhat more populated. He settled down on a farm near Fosterburg, on which he lived for over fifty years. Mr. Ferguson is survived by a wife who is very aged, four sons, Charles Ferguson of East Alton, William Ferguson of East Alton, Ed Ferguson of Fosterburg, and Frank Ferguson of New York City. The latter was summoned from New York and arrived at the bedside a few days ago. Three daughters also survive Miss Alice Ferguson of St. Louis, who arrived at her father's bedside just a few hours before he died; Miss Anne Ferguson, who is staying with her parents at Fosterburg; and Mrs. Al Jones of East Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson had been married 59 years. The funeral of Mr. Ferguson will be held Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Fosterburg Baptist church. Rev. Simeon Hussey will officiate. The remains will be buried in the Fosterburg cemetery.


FERGUSON, WILLIAM J./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 17, 1898
Contractor; Civil Engineer; Builder
William J. Ferguson died last night after an illness of seventeen days from kidney troubles, inducing paralysis. The last stroke of paralysis occurred Thursday morning, from time which he was totally unconscious. Mr. Ferguson was born June 13, 1824, at Beach Hall Farm, two miles from Newtownards, County Down, Ireland. Had he lived to June 13, he would have been 74 years of age.

Mr. Ferguson came to Alton in 1850, where he has since resided. He was a carpenter by trade, and soon after his arrival here began business for himself. For nearly or quite thirty years, he was one of Alton’s most prominent builders and contractors, and erected many of the largest structures put up in Alton during the period, among them several of the factories of the Illinois Glass Works. When the great fire destroyed four of the factories of the plant, Mr. Ferguson superintended the erection of the new buildings. He was a thorough mechanic, and had he chosen architecture for his profession, his taste and experience in the building business would have made him an eminent success in that line.

He was a man of strong friendship, as true as steel in them, and always ready to show his principles by his acts. He was a faithful husband, a kind and provident father, a good citizen, and a good neighbor. Beside his widow, three of his children survive him, viz: Mrs. George Stratton and Mr. H. H. Ferguson of Alton; and Mrs. John Wilson of Denver, Colorado, who returned with her mother ten days ago from Denver to be at the bedside of her father during his illness.

Of his father’s family, only two members survive. His brother, Adam Ferguson, being in Victoria, British Columbia; and James Ferguson, who lives in the old family homestead, Beach Hall, near Newtownards, County Down, Ireland.

The funeral of Mr. W. J. Ferguson was held Saturday at the family residence, 820 Alby Street. Rev. H. K. Sanborne, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, conducted services, which were private. The interment was in the Alton City Cemetery, where the body was laid to rest beside four of his children, who had preceded him on the mysterious journey to the better land. The pallbearers were W. C. Johnston, James Duncan, J. A. Cousley, W. D. Armstrong, H. R. Levis, and Samuel Pitts.

William J. Ferguson was born June 13, 1824, in Belfast, County Down, Northern Ireland. His wife was Jane Hill Ferguson, who died in 1914. Their children were: Martha Jane Ferguson Stratton (1857-1940); Harry Hill Ferguson (1857-1943); Agnes C. Ferguson (1861-1875); Mary Eleanor Ferguson (1861-1875); and Adam Edgar Ferguson (1871-1875). He was interred in the Alton City Cemetery.


FERRIS, D. W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 28, 1908
Mrs. D. W. Ferris, who for twenty or more years was an efficient teacher in the Madison county public schools, was buried this afternoon at Alhambra. She, for many years, was principal of the schools at Grant Fork and was highly esteemed as a woman and as an educator. Both herself and husband were teachers and are well known all over this county and section of the state.


FERRIS, EUGENE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 1, 1917
Drowns in Mississippi River
William Strittmatter, aged 22, who was drowned Saturday afternoon in the Mississippi River, lost his life in a vain attempt to save that of Eugene Ferris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ferris. Going to the rescue of the Ferris boy, Strittmatter caught the drowning boy by the hair and started ashore with him, but must have been caught in a death grip by the boy and both sank and were drowned. The double drowning was the tragic close of a delightful outing of a troop of boy scouts, organized by Strittmatter, among the boys of the Evangelical Church at Eighth and Henry streets. He was deeply interested in church work, had recently been chosen Sunday school superintendent, and was also secretary of the Federation of Men's Bible Classes and Brotherhoods in Alton. To interest the boys he had planned to organize the boy scouts troop, and a few days before he was drowned had sent away the necessary papers and the middle of this week expected to have the authorization to constitute the troop. Preliminary to this he had taken nine of the boys out for a hike. Part of the boys had gone in the morning, taking their luncheon, and Strittmatter, their scout master, went up in the afternoon and joined the boys on the river bank. Three little boys had joined the party without being included in it. One of these was Eugene Ferris, who would be 10 years of age tomorrow, a brother of Ray Ferris, one of the boy scouts troop. Efforts to induce the little fellow to go on home were unavailing. Some of the boys begged to go swimming, and Strittmatter reluctantly gave consent and they went in. He was swimming farther out in deep water and the little Ferris boy went into the water too. In a very short time the lad was in too deep water, according to members of the party. Fred Kolkmeier, one of the troop, called to the scout master that the Ferris boy was drowning. Strittmatter swam fast to the sinking boy and caught him, but must have been caught and both went down. The boys reported the drowning and a searching part was made up. Meantime, at home, the parents of Will Strittmatter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strittmatter, were all unconscious of the terrible blow that had fallen in the death of their only son. Mrs. Strittmatter was getting supper and the father, recently recovered from a very serious illness, was working in the yard. A neighbor knew of the drowning, having been informed about 4 o'clock by the Telegraph of what had happened, but she, like others, could not believe it was true and did not tell the mother. Finally, the mother was informed that her son would not be home to supper. She immediately was prostrated by the sad news. The Telegraph, possessed the facts of the drowning, and knowing that the paper would be at the Strittmatter home in a short time, omitted to mention the names of the boys, fearing that the parents would get their first tidings in the paper, before neighbors had broken the news to them. Will Strittmatter was for years a faithful employee of the Telegraph, and was one of the very best boys ever employed on the paper. He was regarded as a member of the Telegraph family, and the grief in the Telegraph office over his drowning was keen. The young man was employed by the Beall Bros. at East Alton in a clerical capacity, and was a highly efficient member of the office force of that firm. He was conscientious, of a deeply religious mind, and was a leader in the work of the Evangelical Church, notwithstanding his youthfulness. Not long ago he was drafted for the army, and was very conscientious about it. He refused to consider making any pleas, stating in advance that he had none to make, but the surgeons rejected him because of eye and foot trouble. In the Sunday school, over which he had been chosen as superintendent, he was tireless in his planning. He had planned out the rally day exercises for Sunday. He had also made plans for the work of the school for the year, and it lay very close to his heart. Eugene Ferris, the other victim of the tragedy, was a bright, manly little fellow, very adventurous, and was beloved in the neighborhood where he lived. His mother was not home at the time of the drowning, and was hurried home and the news was broken to her of the death of her son. Deputy Coroner took charge of the two bodies on their being recovered Saturday evening, and held an inquest Sunday afternoon. A verdict of accidental drowning was found in both cases. The funeral of Will Strittmatter will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Evangelical Church. All the members of the Bible Classes and Brotherhoods have been requested to attend the funeral in a body. The funeral of Eugene Ferris will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the family home. Burial will be in City Cemetery.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 1, 1917
A suggestion has come out of the drowning of William Strittmatter and Eugene Ferris, that the City of Alton commission someone who would be the official lifesaver for the city - someone who could be looked to for instant help and would have the proper equipment to drag for bodies. The boys who were in the party when the two lost their lives made every effort to get someone immediately after their scoutmaster and the boy had been drowned. They asked some fishermen to help, and they refused, declining even to loan a boat, and then the boys turned to others, who declined to go to the rescue of the boys, according to the young boys. Harry Gissal offered to pay the fishermen for any damage to their nets that might result from the nets dragging over the rocky bottom of the river, but they would not help. Finally, Capt. W. D. Fluent was called upon and he hurried to the scene, leaving his own business without a question, and expecting no compensation.....Capt. Fluent, in speaking of the recovery of the bodies, said today that the recovery Saturday evening made the 108th body he had taken from the river in 32 years.


FERRIS, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 14, 1895
George Ferris, one of the night men of the fire department, was found dead in his bed this morning at Hose House No. 1 in Alton. At five o’clock this morning, Charles Koch, another night man, attempted to arouse Ferris, as was his usual custom, but the sleeper gave no reply. An investigation revealed the fact that during the night Ferris had died without making any sign to his companions.

A coroner’s inquest was held today by Coroner Kinder. Adolph Hunt, Assistant Chief of the department testified. He said that Ferris had frequently complained of being unwell, and suffered from consumption. He retired last night about 9:45 o’clock, and shortly after was heard to groan as if in pain. No attention was paid to him, and nothing more was thought of it until he was found dead this morning. Dr. Taphorn was hurriedly summoned, who pronounced death to have resulted from an internal hemorrhage. The coroner’s jury returned a verdict accordingly.

Deceased was a well-known man, 41 years of age, and had been an extra night man in the fire department for several years. The funeral will take place from the residence of Mrs. Ferris on Tremont Street tomorrow.


FERRIS, JAMES RALPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 27, 1918
Lincoln Hotel Keeper Dies From Pneumonia
James Ralph Ferris, proprietor of the Lincoln Hotel, died this morning at 4:45 o'clock at his room in the hotel after a brief illness with pneumonia. He was 33 years old. Mr. Ferris became ill last Saturday, but was able Monday morning to leave his rooms and seemed on the way to recovery. He suddenly became worse in the evening and continued to grow weaker until the end came. He was born in Alton and for the last three years he had been in charge of the Lincoln Hotel. Surviving him are his wife and mother, Mrs. Alice Ferris of Alton; one brother, Walter Ferris who is at Camp Pike, Ark.; and one sister, Mrs. Grenzebach of Chicago. Mrs. Grenzebach will arrive to attend the funeral. No word had been received this afternoon from Walter Ferris as to whether he would be able to attend the funeral. The funeral will be Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Melville Church, and burial will be in the Melville Cemetery. Rev. Brown of Godfrey will probably officiate.

"Skippy" Ferris, on Furlough, Shoots Self - Wound Not Fatal
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 7, 1918
Walter Ferris, a drafted man who has been at Camp Pike, Ark., attempted to kill himself in his room at the Lincoln Hotel on State street in Alton Monday night. He shot himself twice in the head behind the left ear with a 22-caliber revolver. Ferris had been allowed to come home to attend the funeral of his brother, who died recently. The time had arrived for his return to Camp Pike, and he was apparently all ready to go. He told all of his relatives and friends goodbye, and they thought he was going to catch the 7 p.m. car for St. Louis to start for Camp Pike. He said he would go to his room for something and when he did not appear, after more than an hour, someone commented on his failure to come back to go to the car. An investigation was made and Ferris was found lying on the bed, covered with blood, and a revolver lying on the floor. Night Watchman Joe Uhle was called at once and he made an examination to see whether Ferris was alive or dead. He found the soldier alive. Officer Uhle rebuked the would-be suicide for his attempt to take his life. "Aren't you ashamed of yourself," said the officer, addressing the supposed dying man. "If you wanted to die why didn't you get them to ship you over to France and do something for your country there. You might have got a few Germans while you were losing your own life. This way you just make a muss of it here and don't do any good." The wounded man made no reply to the comments of the officer. Dr. D. F. Duggan was called to take care of Ferris and it was said that he would probably get along all right. The only theory given for the attempt at suicide was that Ferris dreaded going back to the rigid discipline of the army. Being home for a week or so and being with his family and old friends had made him unwilling to go back to Camp Pike. Word was given to the local exemption board and the chairman sent a telegram to Camp Pike telling what Ferris had done and asking for instructions. It is believed that Ferris will recover.

[Note: Walter Ferris did survive his wounds. His mother, Alice Ferris, died October 13, 1929 in St. Louis. After her death he spent the winter months at the Soldiers' Home in Quincy, Illinois, working at nearby industries. He died from illness April 11, 1945 in Quincy at the age of 57. His body was brought to Alton for burial. Burial was in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.]


FESSLER, IRENE STANHOPE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 24, 1915
Mrs. Irene Stanhope Fessler, wife of Harry Fessler, died last night at the family home near the Piasa King Farm, near Melville, after a long illness. She was 23 years of age. Mrs. Fessler was a daughter of Abraham Stanhope, who died last September. At the time she was very ill and it was not expected she would long survive her father. She was married one year ago in October to Harry Fessler. The funeral will be Friday morning at 11 o'clock from the family home to Melville Cemetery.


FEUGELDT, GEORGE/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, June 8, 1914 - Submitted by Marsha Ensminger
Commits Suicide by Draught of Acid
After attempting suicide a number of times. George Feugeldt, an inmate of the Madison County Home yesterday morning took his own life by the carbolic acid route. He told friends several days ago of his attentions(sic). It is not known where he obtained the acid which he took. Yesterday morning one of the inmates of the Home found Feugeldt prostrate on his bed about 9:45 o'clock. On the bed was a tin cup and nearby lay an empty bottle. The inmate notified Superintendent Patrick Purcell at once who called the doctor. Efforts were made to save the man's life but at 11:30 he died from the effects of the acid. He lived just two hours after drinking the fluid. The bottle was a two-ounce one. He poured the acid in a tin cup and some of it still remained. Where he obtained the acid could not be learned. The label could not be read, as someone had scratched out the name of the acid and the drug store from which it had been obtained. Only two words could be made out. They were "east of." About three weeks ago Superintendent Purcell found that the man was in possession of a bottle of laudanum and had told inmates he intended to take his own life. Mr. Purcell took the bottle from him. On several other occasions during the past year he had obtained the laudanum but each time it had been taken from him. Where he obtained the acid which he took yesterday is a mystery, as the man had not been away from the home for a year, since his arrival from Collinsville township, where he worked on a farm for Mr. Kingsbury. Kingsbury said that the man had worked for him about twenty years and on several occasions tried to commit suicide. Feugetldt was said to have once been a wealthy butcher, but later lost his fortune. He has two sons somewhere in the east. He was aged 70 years. Coroner J. Morgan Sims of Collinsville yesterday afternoon conducted an inquest. The jury returned a verdict that he had died from taking carbolic arid with suicidal intent. The jury was: George W. Crossman, foreman; Udell Barco, Robert Springer, Edward J. Marks, Joseph Jedliska and Fred Betzold. The man was buried in the potter's field this morning at 1550 (sic) o'clock.


FIEDLER, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 2, 1912
W. C. Fiedler received a cablegram a few days ago from the Philippines informing him that the body of his brother, George, who died in that country October 22, had been started for Alton from the Philippines last Monday. It cannot reach here much if any before Christmas, Mr. Fiedler says.


FIEDLER, HERMAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13, 1911
Herman Fiedler, aged 76, a resident of Alton forty years, died at 8 o'clock Saturday morning at his home, 1220 Exchange street, after a long illness from heart trouble. He was born in Germany November 21, 1834. Mr. Fiedler is survived by his wife and eight children, five sons and three daughters. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon from the home, Rev. E. L. Mueller officiating. Mr. Fiedler was bitten over 18 months ago by a copperhead snake at his home, and although the poison of a copperhead is supposed to be fatal, he survived the poison through getting prompt surgical attention.


FIEDLER, MABEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 5, 1900
Girl Drowns Herself in a Cistern at Miss Margaret Tansey's Residence
Mabel Fiedler, the 20 year old daughter of Herman Fiedler, drowned herself in a cistern at the home of Miss Margaret Tansey, 608 William street, this morning, where she was employed as a domestic. The body was found in the cistern at 7:30 o'clock by her brother, Constable William Fiedler, who was notified by Miss Tansey of his sister's disappearance. The girl was undoubtedly insane, and Miss Tansey believed her to have been mentally deranged for six weeks, so that she was considering the matter of dismissing her from employment because of her strange conduct. At 6 o'clock this morning Miss Tansey missed the girl, who should have been up and started her day's work. When Miss Tansey made a search of the house she could not find her, but she saw the bed had been occupied during the night and also that the girl had gone out without taking her clothes with her, evidently in her night clothes. She notified her family, but no search was instituted until 7:30 o'clock. The two cistern boxes were open and suggested that the girl may have leaped into one of the cisterns. On the surface of the water of one cistern were many bubbles, and the brother began at once to drag for the body he believed to be there. At the first attempt it was caught and brought to the surface. The body was clothed only in a night gown, a skirt and stockings. At the coroner's inquest Miss Tansey testified that the girl had been in her employ two years and was a good worker until six weeks ago when she began to shirk her work and to act strangely. She entered Miss Tansey's room a few nights ago and seemed much perturbed in mind, saying she had had a frightful dream. A few days ago Miss Tansey discovered a bottle of carbolic acid in her room, and it is thought she was contemplating suicide by the carbolic acid method. During the past six weeks Mabel is said to have neglected her work and to have kept her room most of her spare time instead of going out as usual. The coroner's jury found a verdict of "suicide while temporarily insane." The body was taken to the home of Herman Fiedler. The funeral of Mabel Fiedler will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, and services will be at the home.


Julia Gillespie FiegenbaumFIEGENBAUM, JULIA (nee GILLESPIE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 25, 1886
Wife of Dr. Edward William Fiegenbaum
From Edwardsville - Mrs. Julia G. Fiegenbaum, wife of Dr. Edward W. Fiegenbaum, died at her home on Main Street last Thursday morning, after a sickness of only a few days. Mrs. Fiegenbaum was nearly thirty years old. She was born and brought up in Edwardsville. She was quite well known, and was highly esteemed. She leaves, besides her husband, a son [David William Fiegenbaum], a mother, sister, two brothers, and other relatives to mourn her loss. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon from the M. E. Church. [Burial was in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.]


FIEGENBAUM, SOPHIA [nee GUSEWELLE]/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, Friday, September 9, 1904 - Submitted by Jane Denny
Sophia Gusewelle was born 02 Feb 1826 in Pollhagen, Germany. She sailed to America in 1856 [1846], landing in St. Louis on New Year's Day, 1847. She married Rev. William Fiegenbaum in St. Louis in 1849. Their union was blessed with eight children, two of whom died in infancy. The family came to Edwardsville in 1870 and stayed until 1875 and then lived at other places where Reverend Fiegenbaum served. She united with the church the year she came to St. Louis and was not only a helpmate to her husband in the home, but was a "frontier missionary" traveling with him through Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Iowa, in the sparsely settled districts and aiding at all times in the religious work. Hers was a character as strong as that of her rugged husband; and she was ever his aid and helper through their long marriage.


FIEGENBAUM, UNKNOWN WIFE OF REV. WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8, 1904
Mrs. William Fiegenbaum, wife of Rev. William Fiegenbaum, a pastor of the German M. E. church in this city from 1888 to 1890, and well known to many of the older citizens, died Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at her home in Edwardsville. Deceased has been in poor health for some time, but the illness which ended in her death was of only a few days duration. Mrs. Fiegenbaum was in her 79th year, and five years ago with her husband celebrated her fiftieth wedding anniversary at their home in Edwardsville, where they have been living quietly since Rev. Mr. Fiegenbaum retired from the ministry a few years ago after a service of 49 years. A number of children of adult years, among them Drs. J. H. Feigenbaum of Alton and Dr. E. W. Feigenbaum of Edwardsville, survive her. Mrs. Fiegenbaum was a lady of many strong traits of character and was beloved by all who knew her. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon at Edwardsville.


FIEGENBAUM, WILLIAM, REVEREND/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, November 30, 1906 - Submitted by Jane Denny
The Reverend Fiegenbaum was born in Lengerich, Westphalia, Germany. He was son of Adolph and Christine (Peterjohann) Fiegenbaum. At the age of ten, he emigrated to America landing at New Orleans and then heading up the Mississippi to St. Louis and finally settling in Femme Osage, St. Chares County, MO. His father took up farming, but young William did not feel drawn to that line of work and went to St. Louis and began clerking in a store. It was there in St. Louis that he discovered his life's work of serving in the ministry. His service began in the town of Highland, IL, in 1847, where his circuit extended over a large area requiring fourteen days of traveling on horseback to cover. From there Reverend Fiegenbaum's territory extended all along the Mississippi valley, to Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri and northern Illinois. From 1870-1875, he was pastor of the German Methodist church in Edwardsville. He died at 1:15 this morning, as peacefully as he had lived. Several times of late he had observed that he was glad to state that he suffered not at all. There are six children, Fred A., Dr. Edward W. and Martha, wife of C.H. Lynch, of Edwardsville; Dr. Julius H., of Alton; Bertha, wife of Rev. Chas. F. Blume, of Winona, Minnesota, and Lydia, wife of Rev., H. C. Jacoby, of Quincy. ... In 1893 after continuous service of almost half a century he retired, and since then lived quietly in a little cottage on Union street, preferring to maintain his own household, look after his chickens and the other routine of a home. He preached frequently here [German Methodist Church, Edwardsville], however, and on September 16 of this year [1906], on the occasion of the conference in Edwardsville, he delivered an address at the church which will always be remembered by its hearers for its force and the deep piety expressed. The excitement of that day and the eloquent effort he made seemed to tell upon him and he was never quite so energetic afterwards, though he got about as usual. Rev. Fiegenbaum was of the old stock, sturdy and strong as to physique and mentally, one who lived well, continued active and thought deeply. He rounded out the Biblical span of years, ministered to with the tenderest care by his children and possessing the veneration and affectionate respect of all who knew him.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30, 1906
Rev. William Fiegenbaum died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. H. Lynon, in Edwardsville, at 1 o'clock this morning. His death was the result of the infirmities of old age. The deceased was 82 years of age at the time of his death, and has been a minister in the German Methodist church for forty eight years. The past few years he has been retired. Rev. Mr. Fiegenbaum was the oldest member of the Alton conference of this church, and one of its best known members and workers. He was pastor of the German Methodist church in Alton for three years. When he was retired from active service, he went to Edwardsville to be near his children. Six children survive him, Dr. J. H. Fiegenbaum of this city, Dr. E. W. Fiegenbaum, F. A. Fiegenbaum, and Mrs. C. H. Lynch of Edwardsville, Mrs. H. C. Jacoby of Quincy, and Mrs. C. F. Blume of Winona, Minn. All of the members of the family were at the bedside when death came. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the German Methodist church in Edwardsville.


FIELD, RHODA/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 5, 1839
Died in Upper Alton, September 28, Mrs. Rhoda Field, aged 59, relict of the late Doctor John Field of New Braintree, Massachusetts.


FIELDER, HARDIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 6, 1902
Hardie Fielder, son of William Fielder, was fatally injured Sunday noon by falling 35 feet from a pecan tree across the river. His left arm was broken, and he suffered internal injuries. The boy was out with his father and several other persons, and had climbed a pecan tree to shake down the nuts for the men below to gather. A limb upon which he was resting broke under him, and the boy fell to the ground. He was brought home in a skiff and taken to the office of Dr. Bowman, who set the broken bones and relieved the suffering of the boy. The injured boy was then taken to his home. He died Sunday evening, five minutes to 8 o'clock, without having gained consciousness. The funeral will be Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home on Bluff street, where services will be conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing of the Baptist church. The unfortunate boy was about 18 years of age.


FIELDS, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 23, 1849
From the Illinois Journal
Drowned in the Mississippi River near Alton on the 7th last, Mr. John Fields of Richland, in Madison County, aged 54 years. Mr. Fields was one of our best citizens. He had been an active and exemplary member of the Baptist Church for many years, and was ever ready to contribute liberally to the cause of Christianity. He has left an affectionate wife and family to mourn his sudden and unexpected death, but they mourn not at those who have no hope.


FIESLER, SOPHIA D./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 9, 1889
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Sophia D. Fiesler, an old resident of Edwardsville, died this morning at 1:30 o’clock.


FIFIELD, EDWARD C./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 28, 1843
Died, on Saturday morning, January 21st, at the Alton House, after a long and painful illness, Mr. Edward C. Fifield, aged about 32. He was a native of the state of New York.

Source: Alton Telegraph, February 4, 1843
The last Telegraph contained a simple notice of the death of Edward C. Fifield, late of this city. Something more than this brief record seems due to the memory of one, who while living, occupied so high a place in the estimation of his acquaintance, and now that he is dead, is mourned with deep and unfeigned sorrow. Mr. Fifield possessed those noble and excellent qualities of mind and heart that insensibly steal upon and win our admiration. Kind and generous in his feelings, frank and gentlemanly in his deportment, honorable and upright in all his dealings and intercourse with the world; of clear and quick perceptions, cool sagacity and the most marked good sense, he attached to himself by the strongest ties of friendship, those who were most fully admitted to his confidence, and inspired all that knew him with respect and the truest regard. It was but his happy fortune to die in the home of his fathers, amid the cherished scenes of early childhood. The insidious disease with which he had long been afflicted, and which at length carried him off, did not sufficiently excise his apprehension, till the lateness of the season and his increasing weakness rendered it impossible for him to return to that loted spot, where, as life began to wane and the hope of recovery no longer supported him, all his wishes and affections seemed to cease. Though the last sad offices of affection were denied him, though on kindred hand was near to smooth the pillow and watch over the final moments of the deceased, it may be a consolation to his absent relatives to know that away from them, he could not have been surrounded with friends more warmly attached, who cared for him and watched over him during his sickness, who permitted him to want no comfort or attention that their affection could suggest, who were with him when he died, and attended his body to the grave, sincere and hearty mourners. It will be to them a further and yet truer consolation to learn that with calmness he awaited his dissolution - that for him, death had lost its terrors, and that when called upon to resign his spirit, he peaceably breathed out his life in full and confident hope. Signed by H.


FIFIELD, LOUISA/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 22, 1877
Died in Alton on November 19, Mrs. Louisa Fifield; aged 82 years.


FILBACK, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 24, 1894
From Fosterburg – Charles Filback and wife were sadly afflicted by the loss of their little girl, who was about a year and a half old. She died on Monday afternoon while Charles was at the burg. The child was as well as usual, and while laying in its cradle its mother noticed something wrong, picked it up, and in a few minutes it was dead. The funeral took place at the German M. E. Church on Wednesday.


FILLEY, AGNES/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 28, 1873
Died on March 21 in Alton of consumption, Miss Agnes Filley, in the 20th year of her age.


FILLEY, ANN W./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 8, 1845
Died, on Monday, the 3d instant, Mrs. Ann W., wife of Mr. Marcellus H. Filley, and eldest daughter of Timothy Turner, Esq., of Monticello [Godfrey], in the 30th year of her age. In consigning to the grave the earthly remains of this beloved woman, the hearts of a large circle of kindred and friends were made to bleed. In all the varied relations of wife, daughter and sister, she had endeared herself to the survivors by her affectionate faithfulness and assiduities. And in the Church of Christ, of which she had been for nine years a member, she acted well her part. The female prayer meeting and the church prayer meetings always found her in her place. And the writer of this brief notice can testify that for years she never for once failed, except by ill health, to be punctually at the head of her sabbath school class. Neither rain nor snow, nor cold nor heat, furnished her a pretext for absence. She was always there. But from these earthly labors she is now at rest. By her own request, made just before her departure, her Pastor addressed the people at her funeral, from these words - "And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me; Write blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth; Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them."


FILLEY, ARTHA J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 9, 1913
Mrs. Martha J. Filley, widow of M. H. Filley, died this afternoon at 2:15 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Waldo Fisher, on Summit street, where she had lived the past month. Mrs. Fisher insisted upon her aged mother breaking up housekeeping recently because Mrs. Filley's strength had become impaired by her great age. She had been an active, energetic woman all her life. She had been in failing health for some time, and at last her bodily weakness caused a collapse. She came to Alton with her parents in 1831, and she lived continuously in Alton up to the time of her death. A year ago, when the Telegraph issued its Diamond jubilee number, it contained an extensive account of Mrs. Filley, who had since girlhood read the Telegraph. She said that she had been one of its readers more than sixty years. At the time of her death she was in her 87th year. Mrs. Filley had five children, and but one of them survives. She has also one granddaughter, Miss Myra Filley. Her husband, who was a well known man in Alton, was slain by bank robbers many years ago, and from that time Mrs. Filley's life had been filled with sorrows, which did not, however, blind her to the happinesses of life. She saw her children leave her, one by one, but she always maintained her home and she was happy to be there. The funeral arrangements have not been made.


FILLEY, CHARLES A./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 12, 1896
Mr. Charles A. Filley, a well-known resident of Alton, died Saturday after an illness of four months from tuberculosis consumption, aged 40 years. Mr. Filley was the oldest son of the late M. H. Filley. He has resided in Alton all his life, and has made a large number of friends who hold him in the highest respect, and who will sincerely regret his early death. Besides his wife and two children, there survive him his mother, one brother, Harry Filley, and one sister, Mrs. Dr. Waldo Fisher. The widow and children, and the aged mother and brother and sister, will have the sympathy of their host of friends in this affliction.


FILLEY, ETHEL L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 16, 1902
Death in its saddest form came to the home of Mrs. Julia Filley Tuesday evening at 11 o'clock, when it claimed her eldest daughter, Ethel L. Filley, after a few months’ illness from tuberculosis of the bowels. The young lady had been confined to her home three weeks, but the illness had been making alarming progress for several months and the end was expected. The last week Ethel had become completely exhausted, and when death came it was a welcome and desired relief to her. She was 17 years and three months old and had lived in Alton all her life. She was a daughter of the late Charles Filley. She was loved by all who knew her, having a sweet disposition which developed into a brave character during her last illness, and made her bear her sufferings patiently and with fortitude. She was a stenographer and in a business course at the Alton Conservatory took highest honors last June. She was remarkably expert in her work, being gifted with a bright mind, and her death comes as a sad blow to her mother and her other relatives. Beside her mother, she leaves one sister, Myra Filley. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the family home on State street, and services will be conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden. Burial will be in City Cemetery.


FILLEY, HARRY M./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 19, 1896
Alton Mail Carrier
Harry M. Filley died Monday night at his home on State Street after a long illness from consumption; aged 38 years. The death of Mr. Filley causes a profound regret among his many friends, and there is deep sympathy for his deeply bereaved mother and sister, Mrs. Dr. Waldo Fisher, who have had the dark shadow enter their home and carry away a beloved son and brother for the second time within a year.

Mr. Filley was a young man who was liked by all who knew him, and in his position as mail carrier, which he held for nearly seven years, he had made many friends. In the discharge of his duties as mail carrier, Mr. Filley was polite to all his patrons and exerted himself to perform his duties thoroughly. He was not afraid to do a little extra work in order to accommodate the public; and he was always ready to answer questions in a most intelligent manner. Indeed, his standing as letter carrier was a No. 1 everywhere. His death was caused by consumption, brought on by rheumatism, and his illness was painful from the beginning. His death was not unexpected.

The funeral took place yesterday from his mother’s home on State Street. The attendance was large, many of the deceased man’s young boyhood friends being present. The services were conducted by Rev. W. M. Backus, who spoke words of comfort and consolation to the bereaved mother and sister, and paid a worthy tribute of respect to the departed. The Odd Fellows conducted the services at the grave. The pallbearers were Charles Bowman, Charles Trabue, William Turk, Fred Mohr, William Batterton, and Emil Loehr. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


FILLEY, MARCELLUS H./Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, November 6, 1868
Night Watchman Killed by Bank Robbers on Halloween
Friday night [October 31, 1868] was one long to be remembered in Alton. There were at least five or six distinct attempts at burglary; the last one, at the First National Bank, ending in a terrible tragedy: the death of Mr. Marcellus H. Filley, the private night watchman for that locality.

At about four o'clock this morning, several persons in the vicinity of the First National Bank had their attention aroused by cries of "murder," and by the discharge of firearms, and some two or three on looking from their windows, saw a struggle going off between several men near the side door of the bank. The first persons who reached the spot found night-watchman Filley lying in the street in a dying condition, and saw three men making their escape with all the haste possible.

It appears that the burglars had forced open the side door of the bank, and also the iron doors of the vault, but had been unable to open the safe. Mr. Filley, it is presumed, while on his beat, had heard them at work and had gone around to the side entrance, when one of the villains rushed from the building and attacked him. Mr. Filley succeeded in overpowering him, and had thrown him to the ground, when the noise of the struggle brought the other burglars to the scene, and they joined in the assault. Some three or four shots were fired at him by the two men who last came up, one of which took effect in his breast. The robbers then fled in different directions. One of the robbers was tracked quite a distance up Short Street [western end of W. Broadway] by pools of blood, which led to the supposition that he had been injured in the encounter with Mr. Filley. An overcoat was thrown aside in the street by one of them, which also was bloody. It was found, on examination, that Mr. Filley's revolver had not been removed from the holster, hence he must have wounded the burglar in some other way.

Mr. Filley lived but about eight minutes after assistance came, and was unable to give any account of the affair. His body was taken to the Franklin House, where a postmortem examination was held this morning, which show that death had occurred from being beaten on his ... [unreadable] and the back part of his head with a crowbar. A Coroner's inquest was held this morning by Justice Quarton, but the jury, after hearing the evidence and examining the remains, adjourned until tomorrow to await further evidence, before rendering a verdict.

Mr. Filley was a faithful and reliable watchman, of excellent private character, and his terrible and brutal murder, while in the discharge of his duty, has shocked the whole community.

Every effort was at once made to catch the murderers, but they effected their escape. It is supposed that they went down the river, as someone stole a skiff from some fishermen on the riverbank. Besides the overcoat dropped in the street, two other ones were left in the bank, together with a large black carpet-sack, containing a complete set of burglar implements. Nothing was obtained at the bank but a small quantity of nickel coin.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 2, 1868
The funeral of Mr. Marcellus H. Filley, which occurred yesterday from his late residence on State Street, was the largest which ever took place in Alton. The ceremonies were under the charge of the Odd Fellows, of which he was a member. The procession to the City Cemetery was very long. It was preceded by the band, playing a funeral march. The fire department was largely represented, and the Mayor and Common Council attended in a body. The grief-stricken family of the deceased has the sympathy of the entire community.

The coroner’s jury concluded that Mr. Filley came to his death on October 31, 1868, near the corner of State and Short Streets, near the First National Bank. Death was caused by a pistol shot, the bullet passing through the heart, causing death in a few moments. The injury was done by parties unknown to the jury.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 8, 1892
Officer Volbracht states that Henry St. Clair, now confined in a State penitentiary, the identity of which he will not at the present time reveal, has confessed to the murder of Mr. Marcellus H. Filley, in Alton, on October 31, 1868. Mr. Volbracht has a photograph of the man, and can be had if wanted.

Marcellus H. Filley was born July 17, 1818, in Leicester, Addison County, Vermont. He was the son of Charles Filley (1792-1881) and Lucy Filley (1796-1822). Marcellus married Ann Wealthy Turner (daughter of Timothy Turner of Godfrey) in 1844. She died in 1845, and was buried in Illinois. They had one daughter, Elsie Stone Filley Sherwood (1844-1914). Marcellus then married Martha J. Tomlinson (1826-1913), and they had five children. Marcellus was killed in 1868 by bank robbers, which left the family fatherless. Martha lived to the age of 86 years, passing away in 1913. Only one daughter, Mrs. Waldo Fisher, survived. Martha and Marcellus were buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


FILLIPY, PHILIP/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1895
Victim of Powder Mill Explosion
Horribly powder burned and in agony, Philip Fillipy was relieved of his suffering Sunday morning by the hand of death. Death must have been welcomed by him, as the flesh was burned from his face and breast, and great folds of skin were rolled up, making him a pitiable sight. Fillipy, whose home is in Alma, Wisconsin, is a Swede. He leaves at home a wife and five children, whom he supported by his wages as a quarryman. On Saturday, it will be remembered, a premature blast at the Richtman Quarry near Grafton set fire to several kegs of powder, which exploded near the men. A ten-pound package in the hands of Fillipy went up with a boom, and he was picked up powder burned and blackened from head to foot. His clothing was nearly burned from him. Louis Biron, the foreman of the crew of workmen, also received severe burns, and he is at the hospital likewise suffering.

An inquest was held that evening by Coroner Kinder. The jury brought in a verdict of accidental death from a premature discharge of powder. The remains of Fillipy were sent to Alma, Wisconsin this morning.


FINCH, JOEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1846
Madison County Pioneer
Died at Monticello [Godfrey], Madison County, February 19, 1846, Mr. Joel Finch, aged 72 years. Mr. Finch was born in New Haven, Connecticut. He emigrated to the west in early times, and was one of the oldest settlers in Madison County. To a large circle of acquaintances, he has been long and favorably known. In his domestic relations he was distinguished as a kind husband and affectionate father.

Mr. Finch was a man who possessed superior business qualification, and was industrious. He was ever ready to aid those who needed his assistance, and no one ever appealed to his sympathies in vain. He was a man without dissimulation, frank and upright in all his dealings with mankind. He has gone to the world of spirits, yet he has left behind him a character that will reflect honor upon all those who hear his name. He has left many friends and but few enemies, and in looking abroad over the community in which he lived, it may be truly said that no one can be found whose course thus far through life has been more unquestionable.

Mr. Finch possessed all those qualities and enabling virtues that elevate the moral character of society. His departure is a great loss to this community and his place cannot be easily filled. He has left behind, however, many very many friends who will long hold his memory in high esteem, and who will deeply sympathize with those who were connected with him. He has also left behind in his deportment through life an evidence that he had many virtues that an enlightened community will deem it honorable to imitate.

According to the History of Madison County, 1882, Joel Finch was a man of considerable intelligence. He became a resident of Alton in 1819. He was a carpenter, and began building houses. During the year 1819, he built a house for Major Charles Hunter, in which Hunter moved into the same year, and in which Major Hunter’s wife died not many months afterward. In this year, a row of small tenement home was erected under the brow of the bluff, extending along where Broadway now is, east of Piasa Street. Mr. Finch also built, under contract with Colonel Rufus Easton (founder of Alton), a frame bridge over the Wood River, east of Alton. Colonel Easton saw the need for a bridge connecting Alton with what later became East Alton. Finch was paid $200 for his work byThomas Lippincott, who operated a store in Milton (a town located along the Wood River). Mr. Finch also worked on the State Penitentiary at Alton when it was erected.

In about 1822, Mr. Finch settled on the east side of Scarritt’s Prairie, now part of Godfrey. One of Finch’s daughters married Hale Mason, who settled on Scarritt’s Prairie also. One winter’s night in 1842, wolves killed nineteen sheep belonging to Mr. Finch. Mr. Finch was buried in the Godfrey Cemetery.


FINDLEY, ELEANOR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 22, 1918
Word was received in Alton this morning of the death of Miss Eleanor Findley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Findley of Phinney avenue. Death occurred on Tuesday, Nov. 19th, at Albuquerque, N. M., where Mrs. Findley and daughter have been staying for ten months or more. Last year about this time Miss Findley became ill and continued steadily to grow worse, although every medical aid was given the young girl. About ten months ago the attending physician suggested a change of climate, and Mrs. Findley and daughter departed for New Mexico where they have been since that time. At times she was reported greatly improved, and the family was much encouraged. Early this month the father received word that her condition was worse, and he with his daughter, Miss Sadie, and son Samuel Jr., of Jefferson Barracks, left on the 9th to attend her. Miss Findley was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Findley and was born and raised in Alton. She was a bright and lovable girl and with many friends. Up until her illness began, Miss Findley was connected with Kieselhorst Piano Company. Her father is Assistant Postmaster of the Alton post office. The body will arrive in Alton Saturday, and funeral arrangements will be made upon its arrival here. Upon its arrival in Alton, the body will be taken to the family home on Phinney avenue, where it will lie in state all day Sunday, and can be viewed by friends. The funeral will be private. Miss Findley was a member of the Twelfth Street Presbyterian Church. Since the beginning of her illness she has been bright and cheerful, with a smile for everyone, and never once gave up hope of recovering her health.


FINGER, EMIL/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 15, 1891
Committed Suicide
From Marine – Last Thursday, Mr. Emil Finger, a young man 22 years old, living on the Mutzner farm, 4 miles east of Marine, committed suicide by blowing his brains out with a shotgun. He was not found until the following day, owing to his having committed the deed in the timber not a great distance from the house. The cause of the suicide is not known. The remains were interred on Saturday. He leaves a sister and an aged father to mourn his demise.


FINGLETON, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13, 1904
John Fingleton, a resident of Alton more than fifty years, died last night at his home, 20 East Ninth street, after a brief illness from pneumonia. He was employed by James Bartles and Saturday worked as usual. Sunday night he was taken with a chill and his condition became dangerous at once. He was a native of Ireland, and was born in Queen's county 63 years ago. He leaves one brother, James Fingleton, his wife and five children. Mr. Fingleton was respected by all who knew him. A hard working, honest man, he merited and received the esteem of everyone with whom he came in contact, in business or socially. In every respect he was a good citizen, sober and upright, always ready to lend his sympathy to others in trouble. His death is a sad shock to his friends as well as family, as but few persons outside of his family knew of his serious illness. The funeral will take place on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral.


FINGLETON, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 27, 1909
William Fingleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Fingleton of 1118 Main street, died Monday morning at 6:45 o'clock after an illness of three months. His sickness began with pneumonia and developed into abscesses on his lungs. To relieve these, two surgical operations were performed on him several months ago, but there was no change for the better. His life was despaired of at that time, and the fact that he survived so long gave hope to his relatives and friends that he would ultimately pull through and conquer the disease that had taken such a firm grip on him. He was 23 years of age, a native of Alton. He was employed as clerk for the superintendent of the C. L. Gray Construction Co., who had charge of the building of the Illini Hotel. He was a bright, capable young man and had he lived would doubtless made a very successful contractor, as he showed talent in that line from the beginning of his connection with the Gray company. He leaves besides his parents, four sisters and two brothers. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.


FINKE, ADOLPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 13, 1911
Alton Druggist Dies from Cholera
Adolph Finke, aged 73, died at his residence, Third and Henry Streets, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock after a brief illness. He was taken down several days before his death with a very violent case of cholera morbus and this, combined with a kidney trouble which had been affecting him, resulted in a fatal termination. Mr. Finke's case had been regarded as grave all day Wednesday and he was attended by the members of his family at the time he died, they having been summoned during the day.

Adolph Finke was one of the best known of the older residents of Alton, although for nineteen years he had lived in retirement from business. He was 35 years in the drug business in Alton, having come here from Marine, where he had settled when a boy of 16 when he came from Germany to America. Mr. Finke's drug store at Second [Broadway] and Henry was a well-known place, and in it he built up a prosperous, profitable business which laid the foundation for his wealth. He was regarded as a highly successful business man. He married Ernestine Bradfisch, daughter of John Bradfisch.

In the Maennerchor, in which he was one of the oldest members, he had been a leading spirit, and he was prominently identified for years in musical circles. He possessed a good voice and had much talent as a musician. He was a careful, conservative man, one who was the life of the social circles in which he was found, and he was known for his jovial disposition and his uniform kindness and courtesy. He was President of the Alton Board of Education and deeply interested in educational affairs.

Of late years, Mr. Finke had done little in a business way, and remained at home most of the time. He had decided to go to California to live and had announced his desire to dispose of his real estate in Alton, of which he possessed a large amount. He is survived by his wife and six children, three sons and three daughters. The children are: Mrs. Behrens of East St. Louis; Mrs. D. W. D. Hoeffker of St. Louis; Mrs. Louis Hoppe of Alton; Emil of East St. Louis; Oscar H. and Adolph of St. Louis.

Mr. Finke was born in Clausthal, Germany, in the Hartz mountains. He came to America at the age of 16. In Germany he was a fellow student with Dr. Albert Koch, the great investigator and scientist, who discovered the famous Koch's lymph for tuberculosis. He was a nephew of Dr. C. A. F. Mahn, the etymologist for the Webster Dictionary. He was educated in German Universities, and was a druggist for Hopkins & Co., at Second [Broadway] and Langdon Streets fifty years ago. Later, he was with the McPike Drug Co. He left Alton in 1873 for East St. Louis, where he was in business seven years. He came back to Alton in 1880, and went into the drug business at Second [Broadway] and Henry Streets. Mr. Finke, besides having served as President of the Board of Education, was Alderman from his ward one term. The funeral will be Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from his home, and at his request it will be private and there will be no flowers. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


FINKES, JOSEPHINE (nee THEISEN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 9, 1907
Death of Baby Drives Alton Woman Insane
W. T. Gaston has returned from St. Louis with the information that his wife's sister, Mrs. Josephine Finkes, who had been confined to an insane asylum for about two years, had died about a week ago and had been buried in St. Louis by her husband, Lawrence Finkes, although the Alton and Carlinville relatives made determined efforts to secure the body and bring it to Alton for burial in the family lot in St. Joseph's cemetery, Mr. Gaston says. Mrs. Finkes was Miss Josephine Theisen, member of a well known Alton family, and was about 22 years old. She was married more than three years ago, and with her husband went to St. Louis to reside. A baby was born to the couple and life seemed filled with happiness for the mother for awhile, or until the little one sickened and died. Her grief is said to have been something terrible as well as pathetic, and she gradually became demented, finally becoming so bad that she had to be placed in an insane asylum. She was well known in the Altons and was a very popular girl, and her sad fate which is not known generally will be heard with sincere regret. She is survived by three sisters, Mrs. W. T. Gaston, Mrs. William Markle Sr., of Alton; and Mrs. Susie Ramsey of Carlinville. Two brothers also survive, Philip Theisen of Alton and Peter Theison of Carlinville. Mr. Finkes refused to allow the body to be brought to Alton.


FINKINKILLER, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 23, 1913
Mother Finds Son Dead
George Finkinkiller, aged 48, 2621 Maxey avenue, Upper Alton, was found dead Wednesday afternoon by his aged mother, who is above 87 years old. He had gone out to the well for a bucket of water, and a short time after he left the house his mother heard him fall while out in the yard. He was subject to fits, and it is supposed that he was taken with a fit and that he fell face downward in some soft mud. When his mother found him, he was still face downward in the mud and the air passages of his nose and throat were choked with mud. It was supposed that he had died from suffocation. It was believed by the mother, however, that he had broken his neck in the fall, as the time that elapsed between the sound of his fall and her finding him seemed hardly long enough to have admitted of death from suffocation in that period. Mrs. Finkinkiller summoned neighbors, who attempted to give aid in reviving her son, but it was of no avail. George Finkinkiller had lived in Upper Alton all his life. The mother and son lived together. Mrs. Finkinkiller has not been in the best of health, and the tragedy found her in poor condition to endure the shock. Beside his mother, he leaves two brothers, John of Upper Alton and Steven of St. Louis. Steven Finkinkiller arrived last night from St. Louis upon hearing of his brother's death. The coroner's undertaker was notified and he took charge of the body, and Coroner J. M. Sims will be here this evening to hold the inquest. The funeral of George Finkinkiller will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the undertaking rooms of C. N. Streeper on Washington avenue. Rev. W. I. Terhune will conduct the service and burial will be at Oakwood Cemetery.


FINLEY, BLANCHE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 6, 1892
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Finley mourn the loss of their four-month-old daughter, Blanche, whose death occurred last evening after a short illness from whooping cough. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the family home to the Alton City Cemetery.


FINLEY, LUCY E./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 17, 1850
Died in Upper Alton on Friday last, Mrs. Lucy E. Finley, wife of Mr. John Finley, aged 30 years and 1 month, leaving a deeply afflicted husband and three young children to drop the tears of regret over her grave. The deceased experienced the consolations of the gospel during his last and painful illness, and died perfectly resigned to the will of God, and in humble confidence of a blessed immortality.


FINLEY, LUCY MAY (nee HENDERSON)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 23, 1893
The sad news was made known Saturday of the death of Mrs. Lucy Finley, wife of Thomas E. Finley, at her home at 117 East Second Street [Broadway]. Mrs. Finley was but 32 years of age. Last Saturday morning a little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Finley. The infant is an exceedingly bright and healthy child, but the mother has been taken from the household, thus casting a deep shadow where there had been intense joy.

Mrs. Finley was a favorite with her many acquaintances. Her genial, kindly manners, winning her friends wherever known. With the afflicted husband and motherless babe, there is much sympathy in the great loss. The funeral took place Sunday morning from the home. A host of sorrowing friends attended. The services were conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, who spoke words of solace to the bereaved husband, and delivered an impressive service. The infant daughter was baptized, and now bears the name Lulu Mae, in remembrance of the dead wife and mother. Music was furnished by the Arion Quartette, who sang hymns appropriate to the sad occasion. The remains were sent to Glasgow, Missouri for interment, and were accompanied by the husband of the deceased and Messrs. Harry Levis and Richard Garstang. The pallbearers were Messrs. H. M. Schweppe, Fulton Seely, Jacob Wead, J. S. Lake, Harry Levis, and F. L. Morrell.

Lucy May Finley was born July 17, 1858, in Missouri. She was the daughter of Osborne Henderson (1813-1897) and Lucy Elizabeth Sterne Henderson (1829-1897). According to Find A Grave, the daughter was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Page of Chicago, a patent attorney, and assumed the name Page after the death of Thomas Finley in 1894. The daughter was last traced to the area of California. She married Frazier Earl Mackintosh on May 16, 1914. She had a son named Frazier Mackintosh. Lucy May Finley was buried in the Washington Cemetery in Glasgow, Howard County, Missouri.


FINLEY, MARGARET F./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 27, 1894
Miss Margaret F. Finley, daughter of Catherine Finley and the late James Finley, died in St. Louis on Monday, December 24, aged 22 years. Deceased leaves a brother, John B. Finley, and a sister, Mrs. J. Chapman. Funeral took place from the family residence, 2019 Biddle Street, December 26, to St. Bridget’s Church, thence to Calvary Cemetery.


FINLEY, MARY A./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 30, 1897
Mrs. Mary A. Finley, one of the oldest citizens of Upper Alton, died yesterday at her home, from the ailments of old age. She was 75 years old, and had lived in Upper Alton since 1843. Her husband, the late James Finley, died over one years ago at a great age. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Finley leaves only two nieces, Mrs. Wilson and Miss Laura Burnett.


FINLEY, THOMPSON “THOMAS” E./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 26, 1894
Suicide by Shooting
Mr. Thomas E. Finley of Alton committed suicide Tuesday morning, shooting himself in the head with a pistol. He came home from East St. Louis, where he is employed as treasurer of the C. & A. freight office. He seemed in a good state of mind, and did not drop even a hint of his intentions. He told his mother that he would eat his dinner with the family, and immediately retired to his room in the third story of the house. Not coming down to dinner, his mother went up to call him, when a horrible sight confronted her. There lay her son stretched on the floor with a great hole in his temple, dead, still grasping the deadly weapon in his hand. From the appearance of the body when found, he must have lain on the floor, and then discharged the weapon. Mr. Finley is 46 years of age, and leaves one child, a mother, and two sisters.

He has been in the employ of the Chicago & Alton Railroad for a number of years, in the capacity of cashier of the freight office at East St. Louis. There seems to have been no trouble in his business, and he was a capable and trustworthy man. The death of his wife a year ago was a sad blow to him, from which he never recovered, and to this and melancholia are attributed his sad end. When found, he must have been dead for some time, as he was cold.

Coroner Kinder was summoned here Tuesday to inquire into the cause of the death of Thomas H. Finley. A jury consisting of W. C. Johnston, foreman, Robert Curdie, Frank Brueggemann, George Colonius, James Maupin, and James Wilkinson were empaneled. Not a scrap of writing to explain the cause was found, and from the testimony, a verdict was found of “death from a gun shot wound self-inflicted.”

It is very evident from circumstances attending and previous to Mr. Finley’s death, that he has meditated suicide for some time. He apparently for several days has been in deep thought, and when spoken to often, appeared to be absent minded. Yesterday he went to his office and during the morning took all of his private papers from the vaults of the company, placed them in a leather wallet, and put the latter in his pocket. The clerks under him noticed this, and also his apparent desire to avoid conversation or even to look at any of them. Soon after taking out his private papers, he left the office without saying to any of his assistants as to where he was going or when he would return if wanted. It was supposed he had gone over to St. Louis, but instead he got onboard the train for Alton, arriving here at 11:20, going immediately to his residence, and at once to his room, where the act was committed. No reason is known for the deed. He was a most excellent business man, his accounts were straight and balanced correctly, and unless the death of his wife a year ago was a reason, it is difficult to assign one. But no doubt despondency from melancholia was a leading factor. Deep sympathy is expressed everywhere for the aged mother and two sisters, and for the little daughter thus left an orphan.

Thompson “Thomas” Finley was born September 7, 1848, in Marion County, Missouri. He was the son of Samuel Thompson Finley (1815-1879) and Ellen Bryan Finley (1824-1897). Thomas married Lucy May Henderson, who died in 1893. Surviving was one daughter, Lucy Finley Page Trebune (1893-1974). Thomas was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


FISCHBACH, AUGUSTA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 20, 1919
Miss Augusta Fischbach, 55, died at the Nazareth Home Monday noon from a complication of diseases from which she has suffered for over six months. Her death had been expected for several weeks. Miss Fischbach was born in Alton in 1864, and she has lived in Alton all her life. She was a member of the St. Mary's church, and was very well known, especially in the eastern part of the city. Her death will bring sadness to a great number of friends. She is survived by one brother, Edward Fischback of Denver, Colo., and one sister, Miss Louisa, who is living at the Nazareth Home. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock from the St. Mary's Church. The burial will be held in the St. Joseph's Cemetery. The body will lie in state after 6 o'clock this evening at the home of John Berner, 718 Langdon street.


FISCHBACH, BENEDICT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 23, 1901
The funeral of Benedict Fischbach took place this afternoon from the home where simple services were held by one of the clergymen of St. Mary's church. Interment was in Oakwood cemetery. The pallbearers were Philip and Louis Walters, Len Elble, John Berner, John Elble, and Joseph Schmerge.


FISCHBACH, CHRISTINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 30, 1911
Mrs. Christina Fischbach, widow of Martin Fischbach, died at her residence on Weigler street in Alton Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock from old age. She had been ill about two months, and during that time her death was expected. Mrs. Fishbach was 86 years old the sixth of October. Until recent years her strength had been good. She lived with her two daughters, Misses Christina and Louise Fischbach. Two sons, John and Edward Fischbach, both of Denver, survive her also. She leaves a sister, Mrs. Theresa Berner, mother of Deputy Sheriff John Berner. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from St. Mary's church, and burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. Mrs. Fischbach was born in Germany. She arrived in St. Louis July 4th, 1844, and was married there in February 1845. Then she went to live on a farm and in 1849 came to Alton.


FISCHBACH, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1873
We regret to announce that Henry Fischbach, who it will be remembered shot himself in the leg a few days ago by the accidental discharge of a pistol, died this morning from lockjaw induced by the wound. He was a bright, intelligent boy of fourteen, and his sad death will be a great affliction to his relatives and friends.


FISCHBACH, MARTIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, Thursday, September 26, 1878
Mr. Martin Fischbach, an old resident of this city and one of our most estimable citizens, died on Wednesday morning of some pulmonary complaint, aged 65 years and 10 months. Mr. Fischbach had been a resident of this city [Alton] for almost 30 years, and had been engaged in business during that time. He was born at Baden, Germany, and leaves a widow and five children, two daughters and three sons beside a large circle of friends and acquaintances to mourn his death. Deceased came to the Coal Branch in 1833, and while there engaged in coal mining and gardening. He removed to this city about the year 1850, and has resided here ever since. He became indisposed last winter but has been confined to his house but about eight days. The funeral will take place at the family residence on Second street at 1 o'clock tomorrow, after which the remains will be taken to the Upper Alton Cemetery for interment.


FISCHBACK, LOUISA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10, 1920
Miss Louisa Fischback, a lifelong resident of Alton, died at the Nazareth Home this morning about 4:30 o'clock, after a long illness. Her only sister, Miss Augusta Fischback, died last August 4, at the Nazareth Home, where the two sisters had been making their home for six months preceding. Miss Fischback became ill at the same time as her sister, but seemed to be recovering, then had another spell of sickness from which she rallied and was doing well when she was taken down with the influenza. Her death was the seventh death that has occurred from influenza in the Nazareth Home, but is the only death of an inmate of the home, not a member of the sisterhood in charge. Her death had been expected for several days. Miss Fischback leaves one brother, Edward M. Fischback, of Denver, Colo. She was born in Alton October 14, 1868, and was in her fifty-second year. The funeral will be private, and will be held tomorrow morning from the Nazareth Home. Friends who desire to see Miss Fischback for the last time may do so at St. Joseph's Cemetery at 9 o'clock.


FISHBACKER, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 15, 1918
Margaret Fishbacker, aged 52, died today at Alton State Hospital. The woman has been a state charge for five years and belonged to the great unclaimed lot. The woman will be buried in the small cemetery at the Wood River Monument, which the Alton State Hospital is now keeping up. The hospital will bury all its unknown dead, and those bodies which relatives do not care to have moved, in this cemetery. The cemetery is being fixed up and will furnish a good burial ground for the unfortunates who are left for the state to handle.


FISCHE, ELLA H./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 10, 1865
Died on the 2nd inst., in Alton, Mrs. Ella H. Fische, wife of Mr. H. J. fische.


FISCHER, DOROTHY LOUISE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 8, 1917
Dorothy Louise Fischer, aged six weeks, died this noon at the family home, 508 East Third street, after an illness with bronchitis. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon from the home of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Fischer to St. Patrick's Church, and burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.


FISCHER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 3, 1922
Mrs. Elizabeth Fischer, 80, widow of Louis Fischer, died today at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Otto Hoffmann, in Wood River. Mrs. Fischer, who moved to Wood River last September, had been a resident of Alton 21 years. She was born in Germany in 1841 and came to America in 1869. While living in Alton she made her home with her son, Albert Tegethoff of West Ninth Street. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Hoffmann, and Mrs. Edward Putze of Wood River, and two sons, Albert Tegethoff of Alton and Theodore Tegethoff of St. Louis. She was a member of the Evangelical church of Alton and gave much of her time and effort to church work. Funeral arrangements have not been made.


FISCHER, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 3, 1911
Henry Fischer, aged 55, died unexpectedly late this afternoon at his home on Fifth street near Alby. He had been suffering from blood poisoning in the head. He was formerly on the police force and formerly conducted a saloon.


FISCHER, HIRAM EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 16, 1918
Marine Dies (World War I) While Serving in France
Mr. and Mrs. George Fischer of O'Fallon, Ill., received official notice from the government last evening that their son, Hiram Edward Fischer, had been killed in action June 15. The young man was twenty-one years of age. For a year before going into the service he was employed as ticket seller at the office of the Alton Gas and Electric Co. He was the first to leave the service of the company for the war. On May 19, 1917 he enlisted in the Marine Corps, and has since been in the 86th Company, Sixty Machine Gun Corps of the Marines. He has been in the thick of the fighting since the middle of February, according to word received in Alton. The official notice from the government says no more than the lad was killed in action on June 15. While in Alton the boy made a large number of friends here. He made his home while here with his sister, Mrs. Elmer Woods, of 1219 Diamond street. The relatives and friends of Fischer celebrated his birthday last Sunday. He wrote to his parents some time ago asking them to celebrate his birthday even though he could not be here. "I will be at the party in spirit," he wrote, "even though my body is thousands of miles away." The birthday party was held in honor of the boy twenty-nine days after he died. Relatives are wondering whether or not Fischer attended the party in spirit.


FISCHER, LAWRENCE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 31, 1884
The funeral of Mr. Lawrence Fischer took place at St. Mary’s Church Tuesday morning, with a large attendance. He died on January 27 of bronchitis, at the age of 64 years.


FISCHER, LOUIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, Thursday, July 25, 1878
Louis Fischer, a veterinary surgeon of this city, who removed here from North Alton a few months ago, died suddenly last night at Wyss' boarding house in Hunterstown. He seemed in usual health at supper time yesterday evening, but a few hours afterwards was a corpse. It is not known what caused his death. One reason probably was the overpowering heat. He leaves a wife and two children. His burial took place today.


FISCHER, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 20, 1904
Louis Fischer, aged 70, a resident of Alton for many years, died at 5:30 a.m. Tuesday after an illness of two weeks from heart trouble at his home on Main street. He had been in poor health for some time, but his condition became serious the last two weeks. He was a native of Germany, but came to America in 1868 and to Alton in 1870. He was engaged in the saloon business with his son, Henry Fischer, twenty years ago. He married twice, and his second wife survives him. Besides his wife he leaves one son, Henry Fischer, and two daughters, Misses Mamie and Tillie Fischer. The funeral will be from the family home at 1 o'clock Thursday to the German Evangelical church. He also leaves two stepsons, Theodore and Albert Tegelhoff, children of his first wife, and seven grandchildren.


FISH, ELLEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28, 1904
Miss Ellen Fish, a resident of Alton for forty years, died very unexpectedly Monday morning at her home on Belle street. She had been a sufferer from heart trouble for over a year, but the attacks were of a mild nature and her health being good otherwise her death was not expected. She was taken with a violent attack of indigestion Saturday night, and her indisposition continued over Sunday. Monday morning she was somewhat worse, and about 10 o'clock she suddenly died from heart disease. Mrs. Fish was 68 years of age. She was born in Ireland but came to Alton when a young woman, and lived in this city ever since. She leaves two children, Mrs. T. J. McInerney of Alton, and Mr. Harry Fish of Chicago. Mrs. Fish was a most estimable woman, a devoted member of her church, and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. She was an excellent mother, and her sudden death is a sad blow to the members of her family. The time of the funeral has not been set.


FISH, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 24, 1914
Harry Fish, aged 49, died Saturday afternoon at his room in the Illini Hotel where he was taken the preceding evening following a stroke of heart failure. His illness began the preceding Monday, when he learned that his only sister, Mrs. T. J. McInerney was dead. He was very devoted to his sister and had been very attentive to her during her illness, as the two were the last of their family. When Mrs. McInerney died, the brother was overcome and had an attack of heart failure, from which he rallied. Friday evening, while riding in his auto, he was stricken again and was taken to the Illini Hotel and carried to his room. Saturday he seemed much better, and it was expected he would be able to get out again. Late in the afternoon he collapsed, and death followed very shortly afterward. His death was a great surprise to everyone. So little was thought of his case that his wife, who was in Minneapolis, was not notified until after he had died, that he was sick. She arrived in Alton Sunday afternoon after being summoned to return home by a telephone message to Minneapolis. It is said that when she was told that her presence here was necessary at once because of her husband's condition, she swooned at the telephone. She was not told that he was dead. Mr. Fish was a native of Alton. He returned here several years ago after a long absence and took up the work of promoting a mausoleum in City Cemetery. It was due to his efforts that the local association was formed and the mausoleum stands completed. It was his arguments against interment of bodies and his advocacy of entombment that made sufficient sentiment in Alton to make a success of the enterprise. It had been the wish of Mr. Fish that his body be laid away in the Grandview mausoleum, which will be done, and as Rev. S. D. McKenny was one of his best friends and had been associated with him in the mausoleum work, he was asked to conduct the funeral services, which will be held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home of William M. Sauvage at Sixteenth and Henry streets. The body was taken there after the arrival of Mrs. Fish Sunday evening. With Mrs. Fish now are her two sisters, Mrs. Walter Heath of Litchfield and Mrs. Arthur Uhl of St. Louis.


FISH, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1889
Henry Fish died of paralysis of the lungs Monday afternoon, April 1, after an illness of over five years. He had been partially paralyzed most of the time mentioned, but was not entirely disabled. He was at the breakfast table Monday morning, but about noon became seriously indisposed. Medical assistance was immediately summoned, but in spite of the utmost care and attention, he passed away at the hour named.

Henry Fish was born at Ansbach, Germany, December 31, 1819. He came to Alton in 1835, where he has since resided. He was married in 1858 to Miss Ellen Lahey, who survives him. Besides a widow, deceased left two daughters – Misses Marian and Nellie; and a son, Mr. Harry Fish, to mourn his death. Mr. Harry Fish had been at Litchfield, engaged in business, but came home Monday afternoon on account of the sad news of his father’s death. The funeral took place Wednesday from the Cathedral.


FISHBACK, OTTILLIE (nee HOPPE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1898
Mrs. Ottillie Fishback, wife of Benjamin Fishback, died at her home on Washington Avenue Thursday, aged 40 years. Mrs. Fishback has long been in poor health, and about one week ago suffered an apoplectic and paralytic stroke. She slowly sank, losing consciousness several days before her death. She was the daughter of the late A. L. Hoppe, and was a lifelong resident of Alton. She leaves only a husband. The funeral was Saturday from the family home.


FISHER, ABNER/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 12, 1852
Died at the Franklin House in Alton, on the 2d inst., Abner Fisher of Sangamon County, Illinois, formerly of Union County, Pennsylvania, in the 35th year of his age.


FISCHER, AUGUST/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 23, 1896
From Edwardsville – August Fischer, who has been a sufferer for many years from paralysis, died Friday afternoon. He was in his 61st year. His business was that of a saddler. He was a good citizen.


FISHER, CATHERINE MARY (nee RICHARDSON)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 25, 1878
Mrs. Catherine M. Fisher, widow of Edward Fisher, died Tuesday night at 9:30 o’clock after a lingering illness, extending through ten weary years, during a great portion of which time she was confined to her bed. She was born at Rye, County of Sussex, England, May 28, 1794, and arrived at Alton in November 1838. She leaves two daughters – Mrs. Hays, who resides at Nilwood; and Miss Clara Fisher, who occupies the family residence in Middletown. She was a woman of unusual force of character, and belonged to an aristocratic family. She was a cousin of the late Major General Pickering of the Royal Artillery, formerly commander of Woolwich Arsenal. Mrs. Fisher bore her long sufferings with commendable cheerfulness and fortitude, and had a large circle of firm, devoted friends. The funeral will take place at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon, from the Episcopal Church. The remains will be taken to Godfrey for interment.


FISHER, CLARA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 24, 1907
Miss Clara Fisher, aged 25 years, died Monday evening at St. Joseph's hospital following a surgical operation for the relief of bowel troubles. She was a telegraph operator and was well known and esteemed in Alton, her native city. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. Eva Blunk and Mrs. Ada Rich, and two brothers, Harvey and Everett Fisher, all of Alton. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of Mrs. Blunk, 917 East Third street, where services will be conducted by Rev. Dr. Twing.


FISHER, EMELIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 16, 1911
Mrs. Amelia Fischer, in her 78th year, died Monday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. L. Winter, in Godfrey township, after a long illness. Heart trouble and asthma with dropsical complications caused her death. Mrs. Fisher was one of a large family herself, and she also raised a large family of children, living to see many grandchildren. She was born in Minden, Germany December 22, 1833, and came to Alton in 1848 when she was 15 years old. She was married in Alton, and her husband died 38 years ago. She leaves four daughters and two sons. Mrs. H. L. Winter of Godfrey; Mrs. F. M. Ferguson of Grinnell, Iowa; Mrs. W. D. Thorn; Mrs. E. E. Samuelson, and Fred W. Fischer of Alton; and W. J. Fischer of St. Louis. She leaves also five sisters, Mrs. J. Lampert, Mrs. Bertha Hibbeler, Mrs. Caroline Atland, Miss Sophie Gottlob of Alton; and Mrs. Mary Hackethal of Belt, Montana. Mrs. Fischer's daughter, Mrs. Samuelson, who has been home from India after a seven year's absence, was with her mother when she died. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon from the Winter home and will be private. The pallbearers will be her grandsons. Rev. M. W. Twing will conduct the services. Burial will be in City Cemetery.


FISHER, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 17, 1901
The funeral of Frank Fisher, the 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fisher, took place this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home on Fifth street. Services were conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann, and burial was in City Cemetery.


FISHER, JOHN JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 18, 1872
Death by Suicide
John Fisher Jr., who lived two miles from Maryville in Madison County, committed suicide on Sunday last by blowing his brains out. Fisher was a German, unmarried, and had been in the country but a short time. The cause of this rash act was said to be homesickness.


Rev. Judson FisherFISHER, JUDSON (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 22, 1890
Pastor of Unitarian Church
Rev. Judson Fisher died early Sunday morning after an illness of over six months. Mr. Fisher has resided in Alton since 1879, when he assumed the pastorate of the Unitarian Church. He was born in Walpole, New Hampshire, November 13, 1824. He resided in New England until 1869, having been pastor of several different churches. In 1869, he removed west, settling as pastor of the Unitarian Church in Janesville, Wisconsin. Subsequently, he had charge of churches in Whitewater and Monroe, Wisconsin. In April 1879, he became pastor of the Unitarian Church in Alton, and after more than seven years of faithful and successful work, he resigned July 1886. Afterward, for two years, he was settled as the pastor of the Unitarian Church in Sheffield, Illinois. During the winter of 1889, he had charge of the Unity Church, a new organization in Cincinnati, Ohio. He returned to Alton last July to reside with his sons. Mr. Fisher was a man of scholarly attainments. His very best efforts were put forth on all occasions, and whether he brought conviction to the mind of his auditors or not, they were impressed with the sincerity and earnestness of the man. His sermons were rare specimens of philosophic and logical reasoning from the standpoint of his theology, and gave evidence of thorough preparation. Mr. Fisher leaves a wife and two sons – Mr. Frank Fisher and Dr. Waldo Fisher – to mourn his loss, besides a large circle of friends.

All that was mortal of the late Rev. Judson Fisher was given back to Mother Earth Tuesday afternoon. The funeral exercises were conducted by Rev. J. C. Learned, Pastor of Unity Church, St. Louis, and were in accordance with the expressed wishes of Mr. Fisher prior to his death. He desired that all arrangements should be devoid of any ostentatious display, and that there be no singing, to carry out in death the desires he entertained in life. Rev. Dr. Learned offered a prayer, beautifully worded, and being in itself a tribute to the memory of the departed one. The organist then played a prayer, by Flotow, the same being a soft air religioso. The funeral sermon was eulogistic of the dead, and gave words of solace and comfort to the living. He spoke of the lifelong labors of Rev. Mr. Fisher, and the zeal and fortitude he displayed with reference to the convictions he felt regarding religious matters. The interment took place in the City Cemetery, the pallbearers being Messrs. S. F. Connor, D. R. Sparks, Homer Stanford, G. R. Hewitt, W. B. Pierce, and H. J. Crane.


Louisa Bryant FisherFISHER, LOUISA BRYANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 5, 1915
Mrs. Louisa B. Fisher, widow of Rev. Dr. Judson Fisher, a former pastor of the Unitarian Church at Alton, died Monday evening at her residence, 503 Summit street, after an illness of about one year. Her malady had been very serious the past two weeks and kept her confined to her room. The end came peacefully and she dropped away into her last long sleep while being attended by her son, Frank Fisher, and after listening to him read the day's news to her. Mrs. Fisher's condition was known to her family to be grave and her two sons, Dr. Waldo Fisher and Frank Fisher, were unremitting in their attendance upon her. She was born in Templeton, Mass., January 18, 1831, and was married at Hinsdale, N. H., April 10, 1850 to Rev. Judson Fisher, at that time a Universalist preacher. Mrs. Fisher was a lifelong Unitarian and deeply interested in that church. She lived in the east with her husband until 1868, when he came west and took charge of a church at Monroe, Wis., where the couple lived ten years, then came to Alton. Rev. Dr. Fisher was pastor of the Unitarian Church at Alton for eight years....Shortly after her husband's death, Mrs. Fisher, a woman with remarkable mental ability and culture, began devoting her mind and time to working in behalf of women. She organized the Browning Club and was its leader ever since, and she also organized the Woman's Council, which she was president of until last year when she declined to remain at the head of it, owing to her belief that her strength would not admit of her giving it the attention she believed the organization merited.....She was a talented writer, a deep thinker, and she kept closely in touch with all current events....The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family home, and services will be conducted by Rev. C. W. Reese of the Unitarian Church. Burial will be in City Cemetery beside the body of her husband.


FISHER, MARGARET M. (nee HENRY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 19, 1877
Mrs. Margaret M. Fisher, wife of Mr. Ulysses E. Fisher of Alton, died early Sunday morning, April 15, at the family residence on Second Street [Broadway]. For several years, she had been afflicted with cancer, the terrible disease finally terminating her life. Her protracted sufferings were borne with exemplary patience and resignation. Mrs. Fisher had been a resident of Alton for the last twelve or fifteen years. Soon after her arrival here, she connected herself with the Presbyterian Church, of which organization she has since been a valued and consistent member. Her many friends in Alton and elsewhere, by whom she was highly esteemed, will learn of her death with great regret, and extend their sympathy to her bereaved husband and daughters in their affliction.

Mrs. Fisher was the daughter of John Henry, Esq., late of Eddyville, Iowa. She was born in Uniontown, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, on June 9, 1827. In 1847, at the age of 20, Mrs. Fisher became a professing Christian, and six years later, in Terre Haute, Indiana, she renewed her vows and consecrations, and became of member of the Presbyterian Church. On June 3, 1851, she was married to Mr. Fisher in Whitehall, Illinois.

In November 1862, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and family became residents of Alton. In 1867, Mrs. Fisher transferred her membership to the Presbyterian Church of Alton, of which, to the day of her death, she has been a consistent and beloved member. Mrs. Fisher leaves a stricken husband and two devoted daughters to mourn her loss, besides a large circle of friends, who will mourn and miss her. The funeral of Mrs. Fisher took place Tuesday from the Presbyterian Church. The impressive services were conducted by the pastor, Dr. Armstrong, in the presence of a large gathering of the friends and neighbors of the deceased. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


FISHER, ULYSSES E./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 31, 1891
Division Superintendent for the Overland Stage Company
After a lingering illness of more than a year, Mr. U. E. Fisher died Monday at his home, corner of Alby and George Streets. Mr. Fisher was born October 20, 1818. He came to Illinois in early youth, and has been a resident of Alton nearly thirty years. He was not only well and favorably known in Alton, but his business interests gave him a large acquaintance throughout the Western States and Territories. In early life, Mr. Fisher was identified with the U.S. mail service, at that time carried by stages. At the breaking out of the [Civil] war, he was Division Superintendent in the employ of the old Overland Stage Company, and transferred the service of the Southern route to the Northern, which service included the Overland Stage Line to San Francisco, the route now followed by the Northern Pacific Railroad. After the Northern Pacific Railroad was completed, Mr. Fisher became a mail contractor, and owned and operated many important stage lines in the Western States and Territories. He followed this business until thirteen years ago, when a severe illness left him a confirmed invalid. Mr. Fisher leaves two daughters, Mrs. Ada L. Gregg and Mrs. Wesley D. Sparks, and one granddaughter, Miss Maud Gregg, all of Alton. The funeral services will take place at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. W. D. Sparks, 406 Prospect Street, Wednesday, under the auspices of the Knights Templar, of which order he has been a member many years.


FISHER, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 14, 1881
From Bethalto - Deaths - The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Fisher, died at the residence of Mr. J. B. Bangert, Mrs. Fisher's father, at four o'clock Sunday evening, aged 15 months; was buried at the Bethalto cemetery, Monday, at three o'clock p.m. This was their only dear little one, and it seemed very hard to give it up. They have the sympathy of many friends in their sore affliction.


FITCH, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 1, 1878
A telegram was received at Hyde Park with the sad news of the death of Mr. John Fitch, at Fitchburg, Kansas. Mr. Fitch was formerly a well-known citizen at Hyde Park, and went to Kansas and settled on a farm about two years ago. July 15, while raking hay with a horse rake, the horse became frightened and ran, throwing Mr. Fitch from his seat in such a manner that one of the wheels passed over him, injuring him so that he died the Sunday following. The remains will be buried at Fitchburg, near those of his wife who died last May. (Chicago Journal).

The above intelligence will be received with great regret by the many friends of the deceased in Alton. Mr. Fitch was for many years a prominent resident of Alton. He was a lawyer by profession, and editor of the Alton National Democrat. He was proprietor of that paper when the building it occupied, on the site of the present Telegraph office, was totally destroyed by the great tornado of 1860. Soon after the breaking out of the Civil War, he entered the army, and at one time held the position of Judge Advocate. He was the author of “Annals of the Army of the Cumberland.”

Fitch moved to Chicago about 1861, where he entered upon a successful business career. His wife, Mary E. Hamlin Fitch, was a daughter of the late Leander Hamlin of Alton. Mr. Fitch was a gentleman of fine abilities. He was a talented and versatile writer, an energetic business man, and a genial companion. He was scarcely past the prime of life when he met with the accident which resulted in his death. He leaves relatives still residing in Chicago, and a brother-in-law, Mr. Palmer Hamlin, living at Nokomis. [Burial was in the Fitch Family Cemetery in Nettleton, Kansas.]


FITCH, PHOEBE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 24, 1866
Died on Wednesday, 23d inst., at 11 a.m., Phoebe, infant daughter of John and Mary E. Fitch, aged 6 months and 12 days.


FITTON, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 19, 1920
Inmate of State Hospital Killed by Freight Train
Charles Fitton, who was the first patient to be accepted by the Alton State Hospital, was killed by a C. B. & Q. freight train at Woods Station about midnight Monday. The body which was badly mangled by the wheels of the train was carried to Brighton, and later was brought back to Alton by a passenger train. It was identified by Dr. Zeller, superintendent of the institution. Dr. Zeller said Fitton was Number 1 at the hospital, having been the first inmate received after the institution was opened. He escaped from the home some time Monday, Dr. Zeller said, and apparently had wandered to Woods Station. No record of Fitton's connections is available at the hospital, Dr. Zeller said, except that he had told attendants he was born in England and had worked as a coal miner there. He was about 45 years old.


FITZGERALD, ALEXANDER/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 8, 1897
Mr. Alexander Fitzgerald, an old resident of Alton, died Monday night at his home near Twelfth and Alby Streets, at the age of 75 years. Mr. Fitzgerald was for many years flagman for the Chicago & Alton Railroad at Ninth Street. He leaves a wife and four children – Mrs. John Fitzgerald, and Messrs. Alex and John Fitzgerald of St. Louis, and Miss Annie Fitzgerald of Alton.


FITZGERALD, JAMES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph
Police Officer Killed at the Hands of City Marshal in Self-Defense
A terrible tragedy took place Saturday evening at the police station, resulting in the almost instant death of Officer Fitzgerald, at the hands of City Marshal Philip Reilly. The news of the terrible occurrence spread rapidly, and an excited crowd soon gathered in front of the police station, anxious to obtain the particulars of the tragedy. Captain Rudershausen was the first man to arrive at the scene, and he instantly sent for Dr. Haskell, who arrived almost immediately, but the physician found the wounded man dying, and in a few minutes, all was over.

The crowd in the street was augmented as the news spread, and was soon numbered by hundreds. Great excitement prevailed, but there was no disturbance. Marshal Reilly was completely overcome, but able to give a clear statement of the terrible occurrence. The wife of the officer was sent for, and arrived before his death, but found him unconscious. He died in her arms.

The crowd lingered until 10 o’clock, when the Coroner not arriving, the body was removed to the late residence of deceased on Alton Street, between Second [Broadway] and Third. The deceased left, besides his wife, on whom the terrible tidings fell with the appalling suddenness of a clap of thunder from a clear sky, two children, and many other relatives and friends to mourn his sudden and tragical fate.

Coroner Youree impaneled the following jury on his arrival Sunday morning, and proceeded immediately to hold an official inquiry: J. T. Cooper, Foreman; S. F. Connor; Dr. I. E. Hardy; H. Weaver; Harry Basse; and E. L. Robinson. After proceeding to the late residence of deceased and viewing the body, the jury adjourned to the police station, where the witnesses were examined. The evidence which follows gives a succinct history of the affair and the immediate causes leading to the culmination of the tragedy.

From the testimony, it appears that Constable James Fortner of Emerald [East Alton] came into Alton Saturday afternoon, having in his possession a warrant for the arrest of William Hicks of Emerald, with whom he (Fortner) had had some trouble, ending in a hand to hand fight. For this reason, the Constable wished some other officer to serve the writ, and policeman Fitzgerald offered to do so. It was soon found out, however, that the policeman could not go outside of the corporation on official business, and Constable Fortner thereupon asked for the return of the warrant. The testimony on this point is that instead of returning the paper as requested, Office Fitzgerald arrested the Constable, took him to the station, and after twice presenting a revolver and pressing it against his neck, put him in the calaboose, from which he was released in about 10 minutes by Marshal Reilly. The Marshal reported the affair to Mayor Pfeiffenberger, who reprimanded the erring policeman, causing him to be greatly enraged at the Marshal for lodging the information. He threw his star in the corner of the police station. Marshal Reilly picked it up, and as he did so, Fitzgerald gathered a chair and struck his superior officer over the back with it. The Marshal then threw him down, left him at headquarters, and went out. The particulars are detailed in the following evidence:

Marshal Reilly, the first witness examined, testified as follows: “Heard of a disturbance at Thornton’s a little before 6 o’clock, started for that place from the police station, and at the north end of the crossing was met by Fitzgerald. He drew his revolver and said, “You -----, I’ll kill you.” I urged him to put up his pistol and raise no disturbance. He walked along near me at a fast gait, until we arrived at the corner of Second [Broadway] and Piasa Streets, when he caught me by the collar. I then threatened to shoot, when he released his hold, and I returned to the police station and closed the door. Fitzgerald followed me, and pushed at the door of the station, breaking in the sheet of tin that occupied the place of a pane of glass, and pointed his pistol through the opening. I then let go of the door, and stepped back, when he came in pointing his pistol at me. I thought that he intended to shoot me. I did not see any other chance to save my own life. When he rushed in, pistol in hand, I fired. Not a word, at that time, passed between us.”

Question by Dr. Hardy: “Did he seem to blame you for what the Mayor did?” Answer: “It would seem so from his commencing on me in the presence of the Mayor.” “When you started down the street after he first drew his pistol, did you feel afraid?” “I did.” “When you drew your pistol on the corner, were you positive you were in danger?” “I was.” “When Fitzgerald crossed the street, did he have his pistol in his hand?” “Can’t say. It was tolerably dark, and people were in the way.” “Did Fitzgerald follow you in a run, or only in a walk?” “He was walking, but hurried across the street.”

Question by State’s Attorney Yager: “How far were you from Fitzgerald when you shot him?” Answer – “About six feet. He walked around the room once or twice after the pistol was fired, then exclaimed, ‘I’m shot,’ put his pistol in his pocket, and sat down on the bench, his head drooping. I went to the door and called Captain F. Rudershausen, who immediately came into the station. He was the first person to arrive after the shooting. I think Fitzgerald was dead before I left the room. I am positive he was standing with pistol in hand leveled when I fired. It took place almost instantaneously. I think his excitement was caused by drinking and his discharge. At one time, I reported him to the Mayor for drunkenness, when he became wild and attempted to strike me, but was prevented by other members of the police force.”

Captain F. Rudershausen testified: “About 5:30 o’clock Saturday evening, on my way home, I stopped at Victor Bruch’s on Second Street. While there, Fitzgerald came in. Gus Somers als entered, and asked those present to take a drink. Fitzgerald refused, but took a cigar. Tom Richardson afterwards came in and some jokes passed, when I told him to look out, that a policeman was present. Fitzgerald then showed that he no longer wore a policeman’s star, and seemed considerable excited and said, ‘Never mind Fred, I’ll get even with the Irish ------- --- - -----, I’ll finish him.’ I thought he referred to Captain Reilly. I told him he was a fool, and advised him to keep cool. He appeared very much excited and under the influence of liquor. He took his revolver out, and said, ‘That will finish him,’ and returned it to his pocket. He then went out, having been there 20 minutes. In five or ten minutes I heard a shot fired. I was told by Mr. Bruch that it was in the police station. I ran across the street. The door of the station was open. I met Captain Reilly coming out of the door and asked him, ‘Did Fitz shoot you?’ He answered, ‘No.’ We then both went into the station, accompanied by James Gorman. Fitzgerald was sitting on a bench on the east side, front of the railing, head drooping, hands clenching and jerking as though in a fit. I took out his revolver from overcoat pocket, also a police club. I asked Captain Reilly, ‘Did Fitzgerald shoot himself?’ Marshal answered, ‘No, I shot him.’ I opened his coast and found that he was shot in the breast, and exclaimed, ‘Captain, he’s a goner,’ and sent Gorman for Dr. Haskell. Fitzgerald did not say a word. Reilly inquired for Deputy Sheriff Volbracht, saying that he wished to surrender himself. He gave himself up to Constable C. Horat. When Fitzgerald made his threats in Bruch’s saloon, I did not really think that he meant to shoot. The wounded man lived about fifteen minutes. He sat until the doctor came, when he was laid down on two benches.”

Dr. William A. Haskell, physician and surgeon, testified: “I saw Fitzgerald first shortly after 6 o’clock Saturday evening, sitting on a bench in the police station. I was called to see him professionally. He was leaning against the wall with his head hanging on his breast and his arms by his side, in a pulseless and unconscious state. I laid him on a bench, where he died in about 15 minutes. I found a gunshot wound in the center of the breast bone, opposite the fourth rib. This was the point of entrance. The point of exit was the posterior aspect of the right shoulder, the wound tending toward the spine. The ball apparently ranged slightly upward. He died from hemorrhage caused by the wound, the large vessels near the heart probably being pierced. The parties must have been on the same level, facing each other. The difference in the height of the two men, Fitzgerald being somewhat taller, would cause the ball to naturally range a little upward.”

Victor Bruch testified: “About 5:30, Fitzgerald came into my place. Captain Rudershausen was present. Fitzgerald walked up and down the floor, two or three times, before a word was spoken. Mr. Gus Somers came in, and asked all to take a drink. Fitzgerald took a cigar. Somers soon left, and T. Richardson came in. In the conversation, Captain Rudershausen referred to a policeman being present, and I heard Fitzgerald say, ‘I’ll kill that Irish ------- ------- if he ever says a word to me.’ Captain Rudershausen said, ‘Keep cool, Jim, keep cool!’ Fitzgerald left in a few minutes. I thought he meant the Marshal by his threats, from having heard in the afternoon that Fitzgerald had been discharged. I went to the sidewalk to light a lamp, and heard the streetcar driver say ‘All aboard,’ and at the same time heard a pistol shot in the police station, and so informed Captain Rudershausen. When I heard the shot, I supposed that Fitzgerald had shot Marshal Reilly.”

Mayor Pfeiffenberger testified: “About 4:30 o’clock, I met Captain Reilly on the stairway at my office. He requested me to come over and see Fitzgerald, as he was very unruly. I came to the police station, and found Fitzgerald sitting on a chair near the stove. Marshal said, ‘Fitz here’s the Mayor who would like to see you.’ He jumped up and said, ‘Did you bring the Mayor over here?’ Reilly answered, ‘Yes.’ I then addressed the policeman and said, ‘I’m told you’re behaving very badly.’ He answered that he thought he was all right. I told him that if he didn’t better his ways, I would have to take his star. He then opened his coat, tore off his star, and threw it in the corner of the room. I turned and left him without a word. He seemed very much offended at Captain Reilly, and talked very roughly to him. I met Chris Ullrich, and told him to report to the Marshal. During the conversation at the station, the Marshal remarked, ‘Fitz, I’ve shielded you long enough.’”

James Fortner, Constable at Emerald [East Alton], testified: “I had difficulty with a man named William Hicks Saturday. I came and got a warrant for his arrest. Officer Fitzgerald said he would serve the warrant, but found that he could not go out of the corporation [Alton limits]. I then asked for the papers, but he refused to give them up, arrested me, and brought me to the police station. I asked him what he meant, when he drew his revolver, pressed it against my neck, and pushed me down on a bench, he repeated this process, then took me below and locked me up in the calaboose. I was released in about 10 minutes by Marshal Reilly.”

This closed the testimony, and after consultation the jury returned the following verdict: “We the jury find that James Fitzgerald came to his death from the effects of a pistol shot wound inflicted by Philip Reilly, in self-defense.”

There is no doubt, we think, that the verdict is in accordance with the general public sentiment in regard to the unfortunate affair. Soon after the death of Mr. Fitzgerald, Deputy Sheriff Volbracht picked up from the floor the fatal bullet that had passed entirely through the victim’s body. The ball was slightly scratched near the apex, as though it had come in contact with bone or other hard substance.

Both the actors in the dire tragedy were experienced, faithful police officials. Marshal Reilly is well known to be a cool, quiet, steady man, not quick to take offense, and slow to proceed to extremities in any case. He has always been considered thoroughly trustworthy and reliable. It is probably that no one regrets the sad occurrence more than he does, especially as he and the dead officer had been most intimate friends, at least until within a very recent time.

Officer Fitzgerald had been on the force several years under the administration of Mayor Pfeiffenberger and Mayor Hope. He had ever been faithful in the performance of his duty, both as a day and night policeman, having served in each capacity, and was ever kind-hearted, cheerful, and accommodating, except when under the influence of liquor, as seems to have been the case in the circumstances that occurred leading to his death. He was in the prime of life, about 36 years old. The funeral took place this morning from the Cathedral, under the auspices of St. Peter and St. Paul branch of the Western Catholic Union, of which deceased was a member. A detachment of the police force was present at the obsequies of their late comrade, also a large attendance of mourning relatives and friends. The fine banner of the W.C.U., appropriately draped, was carried at the head of the procession.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 19, 1882
There were two or three points in Marshal Reilly’s testimony before the Coroner’s jury, in relation to the Fitzgerald tragedy, which ought to have received more attention than they did. (1) The Marshal testified that after the interview with the Mayor, Fitzgerald was much excited and struck the Marshal over the back with a chair. (2) The Marshal testified that when Fitzgerald threatened to shoot him at the corner of Second and Piasa Streets, he thought his (Reilly’s) life was in danger. (3) The Marshal testified that he thought Fitzgerald’s excitement was caused by drinking and his discharge.

The question at once arises, if Fitzgerald was roaming the street, threatening human life, or if he had been drinking to excess, why did not the Marshal put him under arrest? Further, if he assaulted the Marshal with a chair, why did not the officer put him under arrest? Why did the Marshal, after Fitzgerald’s discharge, permit him to carry a weapon, contrary to ordinance? If the Marshal had arrested the ex-officer for any one of these offenses, which he testified to, the sad and terrible tragedy would probably have been averted.


FITZGERALD, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 15, 1900
Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald, wife of John Fitzgerald, died Sunday morning at the family home, 1019 Garden street, aged 65 years. Her death is a sad surprise to her family, as she had been ill, but was thought to be improving. She came to Alton thirty years ago and raised here a large family of children, who are well known in the community. The children are Mrs. Charles Volz, Mrs. Margaret Flynn, Mrs. H. Penning, Miss Annie Fitzgerald, Messrs. Daniel and David Fitzgerald of Alton; and John Fitzgerald of St. Louis. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's church to Greenwood cemetery.


FITZGERALD, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 9, 1901
Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald, widow of the late Andy Fitzgerald, and living at 23 East Twelfth street, died early this morning, aged about 70 years. Mrs. Fitzgerald suffered a stroke of paralysis about three weeks ago, and has been sinking slowly since. She leaves several children, all nearly grown, Deceased was a kindly woman, a good neighbor and devoted mother. The funeral will be Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral.


FITZGERALD, MARY S./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 14, 1892
The funeral of Mrs. Mary S. Fitzgerald took place yesterday afternoon from the Cathedral. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Father Reilley. Many friends of the deceased lady followed the remains to the grave in Greenwood Cemetery.


FITZGERALD, TIM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 17, 1920
Midget Dies in State Hospital - Was in P.T. Barnum's Show, Driver of Carriage for Tom Thumb
Timothy Fitzgerald, a midget in size, age 56, died last night at the Alton State Hospital where he had been an inmate for a year. Fitzgerald, though small of stature, for years worked at the trade of glass blowing, and until ten years ago was in Alton. He made bottles at the plant of the Illinois Glass Co., and because of his small size, which made it difficult for him to work on the "bench" using the blow pipe, he was kept at the finishing work while the other members of his shop would play the bottles. Fitzgerald came here from Zanesville, Ohio, when a young man to work at his trade. He had done considerable traveling in his younger days. Ed Conley said today on learning of the death of Fitzgerald, that his father, the late Frank Conley, had known Little Tim when both had been living in Pittsburg. It was there that the smallness of Fitzgerald attracted the attention of P. T. Barnum, the showman, and he engaged Little Tim to drive the carriage which used to convey the famous midget, Tom Thumb, when he was showing under the management of Barnum. Little Tim drove the diminutive carriage which Barnum provided for Tom Thumb, drawn by a team of tiny ponies and the size of the driver was in correct keeping with the size of the equipage. Tim was not much less of an attraction than the famous midget who had a world fame. About ten years ago Fitzgerald left Alton. He went to East St. Louis and there he lost his mind, and was sent to the State hospital. The body will be sent to East St. Louis for burial.


FITZGIBBON, THOMAS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 20, 1853
Killed in Railroad Accident
A brakeman upon the Alton and Chicago Road, named Thomas Fitzgibbon, on Wednesday evening, when attempting to make a connection of the cars upon the wood train, a few miles out of town, was horribly crushed between two cars, and so severely injured internally that he expired in a few hours after. An inquest was held over the body on yesterday by Coroner Robbins, but the testimony added showed that no blame could be attached to the engineer on duty, as the train was moving at very moderate speed at the time. The verdict of the jury was that the deceased came to his death by accident while in the discharge of his duty. We understand that the unfortunate man leaves a wife and four children.


FITZGIBBONS, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 10, 1904
James Fitzgibbons, former captain of the night police, aged 36, died this morning at 5 o'clock from heart trouble after a long illness. He leaves his wife to whom he was married only a few years ago. During the time he was captain of the night police, his health became so bad that he was compelled to make a trip to Hot Springs for the benefit of a bad case of inflammatory rheumatism. He returned home much improved in health, but subsequently he suffered another breakdown while working at Granite City as watchman at a big manufacturing plant. He returned to Alton, and for several months his health has been such as to preclude his working. He died unexpectedly this morning. James Fitzgibbons had many friends in the city who will sincerely regret his death. He was a member of Robin Hood Camp, Modern Woodmen. [Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery]


FITZGIBBONS, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 10, 1918
The body of Private John Fitzgibbons arrived in Alton this morning from Camp Stanton, Mexico, where the young soldier died last week. The body was delayed in arriving due to the fact that there are but two trains a week out of the town where he died. The body was taken to the Fitzgibbons family, two and one half miles south of Delhi, where it will remain until Sunday. The funeral will be held Sunday at 10 o'clock from St. Alphone's Catholic Church at Brighton, Rev. John Marion officiating. Interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery.


FITZGIBBONS, RICHARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1900
Richard Fitzgibbons, an old resident of Alton whose death occurred at East St. Louis yesterday, was buried in Greenwood cemetery this afternoon. Services were conducted in the Cathedral this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock and there was a large attendance of family friends. Mr. Fitzgibbons was 60 years of age and lived in Alton until 12 years ago. He was the father of Captain Fitzgibbons of the night police, Mrs. Samuel Laughlin and Richard Fitzgibbons.


FITZPATRICK, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 30, 1902
Aged Resident Struck by Bluff Line Passenger Train
James Fitzpatrick of 1027 Main street, foreman at Armstrong's quarry for thirty years, was instantly killed by the Bluff Line passenger train from Peoria, arriving in Alton at 9:52 a.m. Thursday morning. Fitzpatrick was crossing the railway track from the river side toward the bluffs. The Armstrong crusher makes so much noise while in operation that the sound of an approaching train could not be heard, and it is supposed that Fitzpatrick did not know of the train's approach until he was struck. He was picked up by the engine and thrown a distance of 50 feet. When the horrified men who witnessed the accident reached Fitzpatrick he was dead, and it is supposed his death was produced instantly, Mr. Fitzpatrick's neck being broken. Mr. Fitzpatrick's body was brought to Alton in a car and was removed to his home on Main street. Deputy Coroner Streeper was notified of the accident and held an inquest. Mr. Fitzpatrick was 68 years of age and leaves a wife and one daughter, Mrs. Thomas Davern of Riverton, Ill. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral. Deputy Coroner Streeper decided to hold the inquest this evening over Fitzpatrick's body because the crew of the train that killed him could not be had before that time.


FITZPATRICK, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 20, 1881
John Fitzpatrick, aged seventy years, born in County of Limerick, Ireland, died of heart disease sometime Monday night, but the fact was not known until this morning, when he was found dead in bed. He visited his brother last Saturday, but feeling unwell, he returned home Monday. The deceased had resided in Alton for the last thirty years. His wife died about one year ago. The funeral took place at the Cathedral at two o’clock Tuesday afternoon.


FITZPATRICK, LUCIAN CASWELL/Source: Unknown - Submitted by Richard Indermark
Lucian Caswell Fitzpatrick, age 63 years and 10 months, died at the family home at 428 West Main St., Collinsville, Ill., at 1:50 p.m., Thursday, September 4, as the result of Brights Disease, from which ailment the deceased had been a sufferer for some years. Mr. Fitzpatrick suffered a partial stroke of paralysis 22 years ago, and for the past 18 years has been helpless and confined to the house. Previous to his affliction the deceased worked at the carpenter trade and has been a resident of this city for the past forty years, coming to this state from Indiana, where he was born. He leaves six living children, and three have passed to the shore in advance of the father. Of the surviving children, four are boys and two are girls. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon at 8 o'clock from the Baptist Church, and the interment will be at Graceland Cemetery. The afflicted family have the utmost sympathy of the community. Mr. Fitzpatrick was a man who bore his ailments most patiently during the long period of his illness, and kept in touch with public affairs by reading, and his views on affairs were particularly definite and pronounced.


FITZPATRICK, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 27, 1920
Mrs. Mary Fitzpatrick, a 53 year old inmate of the Alton State Hospital who had been in the institution ever since she was 20 years old, died last night and was buried today in the hospital cemetery.


FITZPATRICK, MARY B./Source: Unknown - Submitted by Richard Indermark
Mrs. Mary B. Fitzpatrick, 81 years old, a life-long resident of Collinsville, died at 7:50 A.M. Wednesday at her home, 200 W. Church St. Her body will be at the Schroeppel Undertaking Co. Funeral home until 11 A.M. Friday, then will be moved to the First Baptist Church to lie in state until 2:30 P.M., when funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Percy Ray. Burial will be in St. John's Cemetery. Mrs. Fitzpatrick was born in Collinsville July 1, 1861. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Stella Dunn of E. St. Louis; two sons, Claude C. Fitzpatrick and Raymond F. Fitzpatrick of Collinsville; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Isabella E. Fitzpatrick; four grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.


FITZPATRICK, WILBUR W./Source: Unknown - Submitted by Richard Indermark
Wilbur W. Fitzpatrick, 41 years old, was killed at 8:45 o'clock Saturday night when he was struck by a street car on the East St. Louis Suburban line at the Granby Station, four miles northeast of East. St. Louis. The car was headed towards Collinsville. Fitzpatrick was laying on the track when the car struck him. The manner in which he got there is unknown. An inquest was held in East St. Louis Tuesday morning. A verdict of accidental death was returned by the jury. Robert Peretti, the motorman in charge of the car, testified that the car was travelling about fifteen miles per hour, and had just passed Granby Station, when he noticed a dark spot to the left of the rails, about twenty feet ahead. He applied the brakes, he said, but struck the object before the car could be stopped. Fitzpatrick's body was picked up about seventy-five feet behind the car, his left arm mangled and his head crushed. Frank Bravada of this city was conductor on the car. Wilbur W. Fitzpatrick was born in Collinsville on January 28, 1881, and lived in this city all his life. At the time of his death he was 41 years, 4 months and 27 days of age. He resided with his mother at 200 W. Church St. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Mary Fitzpatrick, three brothers, Claude, Roy, and Ray, all of Collinsville, and two sisters, Mrs. George [Stella] Dunn of East St. Louis and Miss Mary Fitzpatrick of St. Louis, Mo. Funeral services were conducted at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the residence on W. Church St. to the Baptist church. Rev. George F. Eadie officiated. Interment was made at St. John's Cemetery. The Fitzpatrick twins, Roy and Ray, who are both in the West, one in California, were unable to get here for the funeral. The out of town people who attended the funeral were: Mrs. Bert Gugger of Troy, Mrs. Monerva Kincaid of Troy, Mr. and Mrs. James Foster of Troy, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Foster of Troy, Mrs. Pete Craney of Troy, John Malter and daughter Irene of St. Louis, Mo., Sam Avis of Troy, Mrs. Susie Snody of St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. Bertha Utley of East St. Louis, John Devenbaugh of East St. Louis, Mrs. George Dunn of East St. Louis, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Elkins of East St. Louis.


FITZSIMMONS, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 15, 1897
From Edwardsville – The funeral of James Fitzsimmons, a blacksmith in the St. Louis Press Brick Co.’s works at Glen Carbon, who was overcome by heat Friday, took place at St. Mary’s Church in Edwardsville, Sunday afternoon. Fr. J. D. Metzler conducted the service. The interment was in the Catholic Cemetery.


FITZSIMMONS, KATE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 17, 1893
Mrs. Kate Fitzsimmons, aged 82 years, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital Friday night. She has been an inmate of the hospital for the past six years, and her death was due to old age. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from St. Patrick’s Church. She was a resident of Edwardsville for many years.


FIX, MARGERY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 11, 1878
From Troy – Mrs. Margery Fix, daughter of Rodiville Clinton Morris, Esq. and Arminda Jane (Hamilton) Morris, was buried today. Her funeral was largely attended. Mrs. Fix had been afflicted with cancer for a number of years. [She was the wife of Joseph George Fix (1844-1898). Margery was buried in the Troy City Cemetery, Troy, Illinois.]


FIZER, ELLEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 10, 1871
A sad case of death by suicide occurred Friday p.m. in the Third Ward – the victim being a young girl named Ellen Fizer, aged between fifteen and sixteen years. She was the daughter of a man named John Fizer, a cooper by trade. The family were in poor circumstances. The girl took a dose of arsenic on Thursday last, with the view of destroying herself, and died from the effects of the poison last night, although medical aid was called in, and the usual remedies administered. The cause of the rash and terrible act is not definitely known. The parents of the unfortunate girl state that they know no reason for the commission of the act, but outsiders say that it was on account of unkindness and ill treatment at home. How true this is we cannot say. One thing is certain – that the poor girl has “gone to her death” through her own rash act, adding another to the long list of unfortunates who have sought to escape present trouble by a leap into the dark unknown.


Charles FlachFLACH, CHARLES M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 11, 1907
Charles Flach, the 15-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Flach of Tenth and Alby streets, was drowned in the river Monday afternoon about 4:20 o'clock by falling from the Fluent dock at the foot of Market street. He was one of a big throng of men and boys who gathered on the Fluent dock to watch the coming of the steamer Alton. The boy was accustomed to being around the dock and frequently assisted in handling the boats, so he was considered as being perfectly safe and able to take care of himself. It was his interest in the place and his desire to prevent damage being done to one of Capt. Fluent's skiffs that was the immediate cause of his drowning. The boy was standing on the upward end of the dock when he noticed that the choppy waves on the river were battering a skiff against the dock, and he picked up an oar and attempted to hold the boat away from the dock. It is supposed that his hold on the boat or his footing slipped and he plunged forward over the end of the dock and was carried underneath before he could make a single stroke to save himself and before any of the hands outstretched could catch him. It was impossible to do anything to save the boy. The series of docks is about 125 feet long and the boy sank under these. Within a short time Capt. Fluent, Harry Ashlock and others were dragging the river bottom trying to get the body. It was not recovered until about 7:30 o'clock when Charles Homer caught the hooks of his drag in the trousers of the boy's clothing, and brought him up. The body was taken in charge by Deputy Coroner Keiser. The boy was the only son of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Flach. His mother was at the Fluent dock a few minutes after the drowning and was assisted home. The drowning of Charles Flach is an unusually sad occurrence. He was a boy of rare intelligence and was faithful in every trust. He was employed several years as a carrier on the Telegraph, and during that time he had the rare record of having done his duty so well that never a complaint was entered against him personally. He was considered a model boy for faithfulness. He was a favorite among the other boys and everyone who knew him admired him. He was a bright-eyed, manly young fellow, and no doubt would have developed into a useful citizen. His death is a crushing blow to his parents and his friends as well. The funeral will take place on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock from the family home, corner of Tenth and Alby streets, Rev. A. G. Lane will conduct the services. [Burial was in City cemetery]


FLACH, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 17, 1887
Mr. John Flach died Sunday evening, January 16, after a long illness at the family residence, corner of Second and Alton Streets, not having been confined to the house, however, but little over a week. He was a native of Schoenbrun, Saxony, and was 59 years and 6 months old. He came to Alton from Belleville 23 years ago, and had resided here ever since. He left a widow and six children – two daughters and four sons – to mourn his death. The funeral will take place January 18 from the German Protestant Church on Henry Street. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend.


FLACH, VERENA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 1, 1915
Mrs. Verena Flach, widow of John Flach, died at her home at Second and Alton streets Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock, after an illness of several weeks from old age. The condition of Mrs. Flach has been growing worse steadily, and the end has been expected for several days. Mrs. Flach was born in Selbach, Switzerland on September 2, 1833. She came to the United States in the early fifties, and was married in 1859 in Belleville to John Flach. During the early sixties they moved to Alton where they have made their home. Mrs. Flach had led a quiet life in Alton, living all the time in about the same neighborhood on East Second street. She was a member of the German Evangelical Church and was a member of the Ladies' Aid Society of that church. Mrs. Flach is survived by four sons, Frederick, Otto, Henry and Louis, and two daughters, Misses Emma and Anna, all of whom live in Alton. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon from the home on East Second street. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. E. L. Mueller.


FLACHENECKER, ALBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 23, 1896
Tragic Accident
The home of Mr. L. Flachenecker, the well-known upholsterer, filled with gloom and sadness Friday because of the tragic death of Albert, the 11-year-old son of the family, Thursday evening. Mr. Flachenecker, it seems, had hauled a barrel of water to his place, 1120 East Fifth Street, and was attempting to unload it from the rear end of the wagon, when the accident happened. The barrel was being tipped up by the father, and the boy, who stood of the ground, intended to “block” it in position. Control was lost of it, however, and it fell, striking the boy on the head, breaking his neck and killing him instantly. A physician was summoned, but his science and skill were unavailing.

Death at all times is hard enough, but in this case, the anguished family are almost crazed with grief, and the sympathy of the entire community will go out to them. Coroner Kinder came up from Nameoki Friday morning, and held an inquest, which resulted in a verdict of accidental death.

The funeral of Albert Flachenecker, the 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Flachenecker who met such a sudden death Thursday Evening, took place Sunday afternoon from St. Mary’s Church. The funeral was largely attended by companions of the deceased and friends of the family. Services were conducted at the church by Fr. Foerster. The body was interred in St. Joseph’s Cemetery.


FLACHENECKER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 5, 1908
Mrs. Elizabeth Flachenecker, wife of Leonard Flachenecker, died Monday night at midnight at the family home, 1120 east Fifth street, after an illness of only a few days. Mrs. Flachenecker was taken ill a few hours after the death of her little grandchild, Helen, the 4 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Flachenecker. The grandmother was devoted to her little grandchild, as the parents had lived in the home of the grandparents, and the constant association had developed a very strong attachment. When the child was taken ill, Mrs. Flachenecker would not believe that it could recover, and when the surgeons held out no hope on the last day, the grandmother was almost prostrated. She suffered a nervous chill two hours after the death of the child in the hospital, and nervous prostration resulted, finally ending in heart failure. Members of her family believe that the death of the child was the direct cause of the death of the grandmother. Mrs. Flachenecker was 59 years of age. She was born in Pittsburg, Pa., January 2, 59 years ago. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gutzweiler, and with her parents came to Alton when she was 12 years of age. She was married when very young to Leonard Flachenecker. She leaves three children, Charles T., George H., and William C. Flachenecker, beside her husband. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church. The oldest son of Mrs. Flachenecker, Charles T., the well known druggist, has been ill for nine months and is just recovering. It is expected he will be able to attend his mother's funeral, although he has been almost helpless since he was taken ill. In the afflictions which have befallen their family, the Flacheneckers have the sincere sympathy of the entire community. Among her neighbors and acquaintances, Mrs. Flachenecker was highly esteemed and to her family she was all that a good mother could be.


FLACHENECKER, FERDINAND/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 14, 1881
Ferdinand Flachenecker, a native of this city, we believe, quite a promising business man but a few years ago, and well connected, was found dead about 7 o'clock Tuesday eve in an enclosure at the rear of the saloon at the corner of State street and Sugar alley. This sad ending was not unexpected by the acquaintances of the deceased, as he had long been a confirmed inebriate, had at times been a county charge, and had apparently lost all ambition and all desire for anything except the means to procure alcoholic stimulants. Coroner Youree was notified by Marshal Kuhn, arrived on the early train and impaneled a jury of inquest with Dr. C. M. Smith as foreman. The witnesses examined were Dr. Smith, who was called when the discovery of the death was made, Henry Nienhaus, at the rear of whose saloon the body was found, Eli Stone, and James Hendy, the latter the policeman who was first notified and who assisted in taking the remains to the police station. A blank book of the Germania Life Insurance company, some unimportant papers, a lead pencil and two Roman Catholic medals were all the effects found on the body of the deceased. These were turned over to his relatives. The evidence was to the effect that deceased was in the saloon mentioned, yesterday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock, greatly under the influence of liquor, sitting asleep near a stove in the back room. It was finally proposed to put him in the open air in order that he might become sober. This was done, and after a short time, perhaps an hour, Mr. Nienhaus tried to arouse him and found that he was helpless and in a dying condition. Dr. Smith was notified and went to the place, but found that death had already taken place. The body was removed to the police station at 8:30 o'clock. The verdict was to the effect that death ensued from alcoholism and exposure. Deceased was about 35 years old. He left relatives living in St. Louis, Edwardsville and in this city. It is a sad ending, through intemperance3, of a life that at one time gave fair promise of usefulness, and should serve as a warning, especially to young men, that danger lurks even in the "first glass."


FLACHENECKER, FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 3, 1884
Leonard and Elizabeth Flachenecker were sadly afflicted Sunday by the death of their eldest son, Frank, a most promising young man who died at the age of almost 17 years. The sympathy of the many friends of the family are extended to them in their deep affliction. The funeral will take place from the family residence on Fourth, between George and Langdon Streets.


FLACHENECKER, HELEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 1, 1908
Helen, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Flachenecker of 1120 east Fifty street, died Thursday evening at 10 o'clock in St. Joseph's hospital, where she was taken just twelve hours before to undergo a surgical operation. The story of the child's illness was told in the Telegraph last evening. The operation which was held out as a last desperate remedy did not give the relief it was hoped it might do, and the child died. In their trouble which has come upon the family the entire community will join in the heartiest sympathy with them. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home and burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.


FLACHENECKER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15, 1906
Joseph Flachenecker, aged 37, died Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at the family home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Flachenecker, on east Fifth street. He had been a sufferer for nearly four years with cirrhosis of the liver. The attack which proved fatal began about seven weeks ago, and during his last illness he suffered severely. His death was expected to occur almost any time during the past few weeks. He was unmarried. Mr. Flachenecker is survived by his parents and four brothers. He was a member of the order of Eagles, also of the bartenders' union. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church.


FLACHENECKER, LEONARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 28, 1911
Leonard Flachenecker, a retired business man of Alton, died Thursday evening at 5:30 o'clock after a long illness from stomach troubles. He would have been 76 years old next November 6. Mr. Flachenecker had been in bed since a week ago last Sunday, when his malady took a sudden turn for the worse and his condition showed little change for the better from that time. He was a native of Effigen, Wurtemberg, Germany, and came to America with his parents, direct to Alton, in 1846. He lived in Alton all the time, except for a period of eleven years he was in the grocery business at Edwardsville, and he returned to Alton in 1884. He assisted in the erection the building since remodeled on Third Street, and occupied now by the Alton Water Co. He followed the occupation of mattress maker in Alton for many years. Mrs. Flachenecker died three years ago. Mr. Flachenecker is survived by three sons, Charles T., the druggist; George, who conducts a transfer business; and William C., the township collector. He was in the early days a member of the volunteer fire department in Alton. The funeral will be at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning from St. Mary's church.


FLACHENEKER, LEONHARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 26, 1873
Died on December 12 at Edwardsville, Leonhard, infant son of Leonhard and Lizzie Flacheneker; aged 1 year, 3 months; and 16 days.


FLACK, ELLEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 14, 1919
Mrs. Ellen Flack of Moro died Monday morning at 5:10 o'clock at the home of her son, Ben Flack, at the age of 73. Mrs. Flack's husband, the late John Flack, died just two months ago. Mrs. Flack had been in pretty good health, but she worried over the death of her husband. Her 73rd birthday occurred the first of the month and upon this occasion she baked her own birthday cake. She had been ill with the influenza, but had almost recovered from it when she became ill again just a week ago, and her death resulted Monday morning. During the last two or three days of her life, her relatives knew she could not recover. She leaves three sons and four daughters. William Flack of Main street, Upper Alton, is one of the sons.


FLACK, JENNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 21, 1908
Mrs. Jennie Flack, aged 47 years, died at her home near Bushy Grove at 8 o'clock this morning. She suffered a paralytic stroke two weeks ago, and died from weakness resulting from the stroke. Deceased is a brother of Frank Worthington. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the home, and burial will be in the Vaughn Cemetery.


FLAGG, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 31, 1905
A telegram was received yesterday from Denver, Colo., conveying news of the death of Charles Flagg, son of Mrs. Hannah S. Flagg of Alton. He was in the twenty-seventh year of his age. The death of Charles Flagg follows a long illness which began in Alton prior to his departure for Colorado three years ago for the benefit of his health. The young man passed his boyhood days in Alton, and during the period of his residence in Alton he made many friends who have been following the course of his illness with the greatest interest, and were much grieved on receiving news that his illness had taken what was thought to be fatal turn about a week ago. His mother, Mrs. Flagg, and his brother, Barry Flagg, his grandmother, Mrs. Caldwell, his uncle, Martyn Caldwell, and aunt, Miss Emma Caldwell, were with him when his death occurred. Mr. Flagg was a young man of most admirable and sincere character. He was quiet, but made warm friends, and was loved by all who knew him intimately. He was of cheerful disposition and never complained of his sufferings during his long illness. Although he knew that his illness would probably terminate fatally before long, he bore with patience his exile from home and made the best of his condition. His health improved first after going to Colorado, but beginning in January with an attack of the grip his health began to fail. The reports from him for several months were of a very discouraging nature, and while the news of his death was no surprise, still the shock coming with the knowledge that the end had come is no less grievous for his friends and relatives to bear. The body will be brought to Alton for burial as soon as arrangements can be made at Denver for its shipment.


FLAGG, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 17, 1907
Charles Flagg, engine foreman for the Illinois Terminal, whose foot was cut off by accident last week, died late Monday night at St. Joseph hospital, from nervous shock. There is said to have been contributory causes of his death through the desire of some of his friends to give him some luxuries which were slipped to him while the friends were making a social call. Flagg was in a very nervous condition from the shock of the accident and when his friends had departed, in his bad condition he made an unwise use of the gift of his friends and he became so violent that he could not be controlled. His death followed a short time later. Flagg was one of the best-known railroad men in Alton. He was a hard working, industrious man, and was a good railroader according to his fellow workmen. His death is greatly deplored by them. He was 40 years of age and was unmarried. Flagg leaves four sister and three brothers. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home, 712 1/2 east Second street.


November 26, 1792 – March 02, 1857
Madison County Pioneer
Veteran of the War of 1812
Abolitionist; Postmaster; Surveyor
Justice of the Peace

Gershom FlaggAn Old Settler Gone
The Alton Courier thus chronicles the death of an old settler:
Died on Tuesday night last, March 02, at his residence at Paddock’s Grove in Madison County, of inflammation of the lungs, Mr. Gershom Flagg, in the 66th year of his age. Thus the old patriarchs of the land are passing away. Mr. Flagg was one of the first settlers of Paddock’s Prairie, having come there in the year 1819. He was widely known, and universally respected. He was a useful member of society, and his death leaves a want in the neighborhood where he has so long resided, which his many friends cannot hope to fill.

Gershom Flagg was born November 26, 1792, in Orwell, Addison County, Vermont. He was the son of Ebenezer Flagg (1756-1828) and Elizabeth Cutting Flagg (1768-1838). Ebenezer Flagg served as a 2nd Sergeant in the 10th Massachusetts Infantry during the American Revolutionary War, and Sergeant in the 3rd Artillery of the Continental Army. Gershom’s ancestors were English, with the earliest known of the family being William Flagg, born in 1426. The first to locate in the United States was Thomas Flagg, who came to America in 1637, just 17 years after the Pilgrims.

Gershom Flagg, a mathematician and surveyor, was a veteran of the War of 1812. He married Jane Paddock Richmond Flagg (1787-1863), and the had one son, Willard Cutting Flagg (1829-1878). Gershom left his home in Vermont in September 1816, spending a few months in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he hoped to find employment as a surveyor. He took a keel boat to Cairo, Illinois, and walked to St. Louis, thinking it would offer more opportunities as it opened up Indian lands to settlement. Two years later, in 1818, he moved to Fort Russell Township, six miles north of Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois. Their 264-acre homestead, with its log cabin, was named “Cedar Crescent.” In 1827, Gershom planted two lilac bushes near the home place, which still stood in 1980. Gershom raised corn and fruit on his homestead. He wrote many letters to his relatives in Vermont, that provided valuable information on life in the early days of Madison County. The letters were published by the State of Illinois in 1910, and are available to read at the Madison County Historical Museum in Edwardsville. One of his early letters stated: “We have all kinds of soil from middling poor to the very best. It produces corn and wheat better than any country I have ever seen. It also produces hemp, flax, melons, sweet potatoes, turnips, and all kinds of vegetables except Irish potatoes, as good as any other country. Cotton is raised sufficient for domestic use, a very small piece of ground produces enough for a family.” In 1819, Flagg wrote: “We have a newspaper published in Edwardsville which was very lately commenced by the title of the Edwardsville Spectator. There is also a bank and lawyers enough to sink the place.” In 1820, he wrote: “We have had a very remarkable dry summer. There are streams 40 miles in length which have entirely stopped running – two thirds of the wells and springs have dried, and the grass is not more than half its usual length. We have had good crops of wheat and corn is very good.”

Gershom was postmaster of Paddock’s Grove for many years, and served as Justice of the Peace. In 1846, he ran on the “People’s Ticket” for the legislature, but was defeated. He was also a land speculator, and once owned the property in Alton where the Laura Building now sits. A frame building was erected in 1829, and used as the Virginia House hotel. In 1855, Gershom entered the Alton Agricultural Fair with his cheese, winning a prize.

Gershom was strongly opposed to slavery, and fought in 1822 and 1824 against the call for a convention in Illinois to introduce slavery. He died March 02, 1857, and was buried in the Flagg lot in the Paddock-Flagg Cemetery in Moro, near Holiday Shores. The inscription on the tombstone reads, “An honest man is the noblest work of God.” Unfortunately, in 1986, vandals overturned thirty-one headstones in the pioneer cemetery, including that of Gershom Flagg. Most of the stones have since been placed back in their bases.

In 1883, Willard C. Flagg (an Illinois senator and close friend of President Lincoln), the son of Gershom Flagg, erected a 3-story brick home on the Flagg homestead. It was destroyed by fire a few months after it was completed. It was replaced by a new home, but was built on a less grand scale. Willard was the founder of the Alton Horticultural Society in 1856.

Alton Weekly Courier, September 27, 1855
Bloomington, Illinois Weekly Pantagraph, March 11, 1857
Edwardsville Intelligencer, September 14, 1945
Edwardsville Intelligencer, May 17, 1948
Edwardsville Intelligencer, June 8, 1953
Edwardsville Intelligencer, August 26, 1965
Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1980
Alton Telegraph, August 14, 1986
Alton Telegraph, August 02, 2000


FLAGG, MARY (nee RICH)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 4, 1917
The change, as she referred to it, came to Mrs. Mary Flagg, widow of Richard Flagg, Saturday evening, and she passed out of this life peacefully, quietly. She had not been very sick, and was merely suffering a little shortness of breath, due to her great age. She had been weaker than usual, and was being attended by some of her neighbors and her stepdaughter, Mrs. Sloman, and a few of her friends had been dropping in. But there was no evidence of death being close, as far as filing mentality was concerned. She was bright and cheerful and greeted her friends just a short time before she passed out of this life. The following was written by an intimate friend of the aged woman: Mrs. Mary Flagg, who died at her home, 910 Alton street, Saturday night, of old age, was the widow of the late Richard Flagg. Mrs. Flagg was born in Devonshire, England, July 29, 1821, so she was very close to 96 years old. Her maiden name was Mary Rich. In 1841 she came to America and settled in or near Fidelity, Ill. At the age of 17, Mrs. Flagg was converted, was baptized and united with the Baptist church in Hatherleigh, England. When she came to this country she was one of the charter members of the Baptist church in Fidelity. Mrs. Flagg was married to Deacon Richard Flagg, December 3, 1862, and had lived in Alton ever since. Her husband was for years, one of Alton's largest dry goods merchants. Mr. Flagg died November 16, 1885. Mrs. Flagg has been remarkably active all her life. She retained her strength and faculties to a surprising degree. Her mind was bright, and she was talking with friends until within an hour or two of her death. Mrs. Flagg was wide awake to all the interests of the day. She was a woman of strong convictions and always sought to do right as she saw it. She leaves a number of nephews and nieces in this country, and some in England. The funeral will be held at her late home on Alton street on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock, and services will be conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing, assisted by Rev. L. A. Abbott, and probably Rev. Melvin Jameson, all of whom have been pastors of Mrs. Flagg during the most of the last 55 years. Interment in City cemetery.


FLAGG, RICHARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 19, 1885
Esteemed Alton Business Man
At 9:30 p.m. Monday, Mr. Richard Flagg, one of Alton's old and honored citizens, passed peacefully away. For some years he had been in feeble health, owing to disease of the heart, and last Wednesday experienced a severe attack of his complaint, but rallied from it, and was able to be about the house; but last evening he had another attack which speedily proved fatal. He was conscious up to a moment before his death.

Mr. Flagg was one of our oldest and most esteemed business men. Almost all his active life was spent in this city, and none among our business men had a higher reputation for honor and integrity than he. Although modest and retiring in disposition, he was active in every good work, and no worthy cause ever appealed to him in vain. Devoted to his church, charitable to all, a worthy citizen, a kind neighbor, a loving husband and father, he has gone to his rest after a long and useful life, mourned by all and leaving fragrant memories of a noble life behind him.

Richard Flagg was born in Worcester County, Massachusetts, May 24, 1814, being therefore 71 years and one month old at the time of his death. At the age of 14 he removed to Boston, where he subsequently engaged in business. He there became a member of the Federal Street Baptist Church. In 1837 he came west and located in Alton in the spring or summer of that year. He at once united with the Baptist Church, of this place, and was connected therewith until his death, filling the offices of Deacon, Clerk and Treasurer of the charitable fund for 44 years. Soon after arriving in Alton he engaged in the dry goods business with Elijah North, under the firm name of Flagg & North, and after the death of Mr. North was connected with the firm of Godfrey & Gilman. In 1841 he went into business with Mr. Mark Pierson, under the firm name of Mark Pierson & Co. The firm was dissolved in 1855 by the death of Mr. Pierson. From that date until 1859 he was in business by himself, and then became associated with the late Robert Barr (under the firm name of Flagg & Barr) until the death of the latter in 1866. After this he was alone in business, or in connection with his son, until 1882, when feeling the approaching infirmities of age, he retired, therefore devoting his time, as strength permitted, to the care of his attractive and beautiful home.

Mr. Flagg was twice married - first to Sarah A. Barry, of Boston, in 1837, by whom he had six children, four of whom survive. She died in this city in 1859. In 1862 he married Mary Rich, of Fidelity, who survives him. The children of Richard and Sarah A. Flagg are: Mary, wife of Rev. A. F. Randall, of Tampa, Fla.; Martha, wife of Mr. A. B. Chamberlain, of Ashland, Nebraska; Richard Henry, of Alton, and Addie [Adaline] wife of Mr. Mark Sloman, of White Oak, Christian County. In the death of Mr. Flagg one of the old landmarks of the city is removed, one more of Alton's pioneers, who laid the foundations of the city, has passed away. His death will be deeply mourned not only by his family, relatives and the church, but by the entire business community, with which he was so long associated, and by the lessening list of old settlers to whom he was united by life-long ties of esteem and affection.

Richard Flagg, prominent Alton businessman, lived at 9th and Alton Streets with his family. His store was located on the southeast corner of State and W. 3rd Streets in downtown Alton, across from the Alton National Bank.


FLAGG, SARAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 17, 1905
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Flagg, widow of Willard C. Flagg, will be held Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock from the family residence at Liberty Prairie. The services will be conducted by Rev. George Gebauer of Alton, assisted by Rev. J. W. Richey of Liberty Prairie.


FLAGG, UNKNOWN SON OF RICHARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 26, 1850
We regret to state that the infant son of Mr. Richard Flagg of Alton was so badly burnt on Monday evening last, that he died in a few minutes. The babe was in a cradle near the fire, and while the mother was absent downstairs a very brief period, the bedclothes were ignited by a spark from the grate, and communicating to the child, soon destroyed his innocent life. We sincerely sympathize with the afflicted parents.


Willard Cutting FlaggFLAGG, WILLARD CUTTING/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 30, 1878
Senator; Founder of Illinois Industrial University; Moro farmer; Scholar
Hon. Willard C. Flagg, ex-Senator from this district, died at his residence near Moro at 6 o'clock this morning. The immediate cause of his death was influenza, brought on by exposure, but for months past he had been in feeble health. For several years past he had been troubled more or less with heart disease.

The news of the death of Mr. Flagg will be a great shock to this community, and will cause universal regret throughout the state. Mr. Flagg was one of the ablest men in the West - a profound scholar, a prolific writer, and a man of broad and statesmanlike views. In private life, he was modest and unassuming - a man of unsullied life and unquestioned integrity.

Mr. Flagg was a native of this county, born September 15, 1829. He was the only son of Gershom and Jane Flagg, who were among the early settlers in Madison County. His education commenced in the district school, and he passed three winter terms in Prof. Wyman’s school at St. Louis - now Washington University. He subsequently entered Yale College, where he graduated in 1854. Willard married in February 1856 to Sarah Smith, daughter of the late James Smith Sr. of Cavendish, Vermont. To them were born six children – three died quite young. Two daughters and a son, together with their mother, survive.

After his graduation, Mr. Flagg devoted himself to agricultural pursuits at the homestead farm, and early engaged in efforts for the scientific education of farmers. He was particularly efficient in the organization of agricultural and horticultural societies. He was an active and leading member of the Alton Horticultural Society; State Horticultural Society; filled important offices in the National Horticultural Society, American Pomological Society, and other associations. At the time of his death, he was President of the National Agricultural Congress and the State Farmers’ Association. He was a prolific writer on agricultural and kindred topics, and his papers ranked with the ablest produced in the country. He was deeply interested in Western history, and gathered together a considerable library on the subject, together with a large number of manuscripts and newspaper clippings relating to the history of Illinois and Madison County.

Mr. Flagg’s political career was also a distinguished one. Ever an earnest anti-slavery man, he cast his lot with the Republican Party at its organization, and was one of its leading spirits in this State. When the war broke out, he was an ardent patriot. In 1861, he was appointed by Governor Yates to enroll the militia of the State. He was the first United States Collector of Internal Revenue for this district, and served several years.

His services in the State Senate were second to those of no other member. He devoted his efforts mainly to perfecting the school laws of the State, and providing means for a higher education of the people through normal and industrial universities.

Mr. Flagg’s public services were numerous and varied, as will be seen, yet he gave to every position the most faithful and conscientious attention. He was an indefatigable worker and a close student all his life. His fine library was his constant resort. He was an accomplished linguist and proficient in the natural sciences.

As a political organizer, Mr. Flagg had few superiors, and he was master of more facts and figures as to the strength of parties and the results of every election than could be gleaned from a political almanac. He was a warm supporter of the system of township organization, and did much to perfect its laws and secure its adoption throughout the State. Few men who have lived in Illinois have left as broad an impress on its political, agricultural, educational, and material development as Mr. Flagg.

Mr. Flagg’s useful and honorable life has closed in the prime of manhood, just as his powers were ripening to maturity, and his great labors were beginning to be appreciated at their true worth. Had he lived, his future would have been remarkably brilliant. His name has often been mentioned in connection with the position of U. S. Senator, of Governor, of Commissioner of Agriculture, and other important offices, and the highest offices in the gift of the State would eventually have been tendered him. But it was in private life that his excellencies and virtues were most conspicuous. Singularly modest and retiring, he was genial and cordial to all. A kind neighbor, a hospitable host, a faithful friend, a devoted husband and father – those loved him most who knew him best. Always thoughtful and careful for others, of even temper and perfectly unselfish, he won the affection of all with whom he came in contact.

During all his long suffering of more than six months, scarcely a murmur or complaint ever came from his lips. His physician said he never met in all his practice so quiet and uncomplaining a patient. In his death, not only has the State lost one of its brightest ornaments, but his family and relatives have met with a bereavement the heaviness of which can never be lifted.

The funeral services took place on Monday last at the family residence in Fort Russell Township. There was a large attendance of friends from far and near. The services were conducted by Rev. L. I. Root, pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Edwardsville. The following were the pallbearers: Hon. Daniel B. Gillham, Upper Alton; F. H. Pieper, Belleville; F. B. Chamberlain and Prof. C. F. Riley, St. Louis; J. P. Smith, Esq., and Charles M. Belk, Esq.

Willard Cutting Flagg is buried in the Paddock-Flagg Cemetery in Moro, Illinois. His wife died in 1905, and is also buried there. Their children were:
Bessie Flagg (1857-1859)
Jennie Flagg (1860-1860)
Isabel Flagg Hatch (1861-1939)
Mary Willard Flagg Gillham (1863-1938)
Willard Gershom Flagg (1864-1864)
Norman Gershom Flagg (1867-1948)


FLAGG, WILLARD GERSHOM/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 23, 1864
Died on Sunday morning, December 18, at 6 o’clock, Willard Gershom, infant son of Willard Cutting and W. S. Flagg, aged eight months and twenty days.


FLAGG, WILLARD PARKER/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1877
Died at Rochelle, Ogle County, Illinois, on August 10, 1877, Willard Parker Flagg, in the seventieth year of his age. He was born June 8, 1808, at Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont, and in 1830 immigrated to Madison County, Illinois, where he arrived October 16, 1830. He remained some years in Madison County, living a part of the time with his brother, Gershom Flagg, and a part of the time residing in Alton. About 1838, he removed to the newly organized county of Ogle, and settled near the present town of Rochelle on the farm where he died.

Flagg was twice married, and leaves a widow and four children – a son and three daughters, one of the latter the wife of Hon. Miles J. Braiden of Rochelle, another of A. T. Ellis Jr. of Springfield, and the third of Thomas O. Youngs of Hale, Ogle County. The township of Flagg in Ogle County was named after him, as one of its earliest and most prominent settlers.

“What an embodiment of muscle, sinew, and well-developed manhood he was.” In this country, between the years 1861 and 1865, no meeting was complete without him. Did but the drum beat or the village bell bring the people together to take council as to the great duties of the hour, when the temple of liberty shook from foundation to turret, and treason was rampant and sometimes jubilant even here at home. Then was the voice of this man heard inspiring the timid with courage, and begetting new hopes in the hearts of the despondent. Some of our old citizens will still remember him, and can believe that his singing of the ballads of the nation were an important contribution to its success.

Willard Parker Flagg was born in Richmond, Chittenden County, Vermont, on June 8, 1808. His parents were Ebenezer Flagg (1756-1828) and Elizabeth Cutting Flagg (1768-1838). His siblings were Artemas Flagg (1789-1874); Azariah Cutting Flagg (1790-1873); Gershom Flagg (1792-1857); and Roana Flagg Pierce (1804-1863). He married first to Lucy Cochran Lake (1812-1855), and then to Maria Sitterly (1822-1912). He left behind a widow, Maria Flagg, and six children: Julia Pardoe Flagg Braiden (1840-1886), wife of Hon. Miles J. Braiden of Rochelle, Illinois; Caroline Lee Hentz Flagg Ellis (1842-1911), wife of A. T. Ellis Jr. of Springfield; Olive Antoinette Flagg Youngs (1845-?), wife of Thomas O. Youngs of Hale, Ogle County; Josephine Gertrude Flagg (1851-1852); and Roana Sophia Flagg (1854-1855). Willard was buried in the Lawnridge Cemetery in Rochelle, Ogle County, Illinois.


FLAHARTY, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 23, 1891
An old man by the name of John Flaharty died Thursday, at his residence on Second Street [Broadway], between Oak and Walnut Streets, after a brief illness of grippe, at the age of 81 years. Deceased was born in Maryland, and came to Alton in 1861. He leaves two sons and one daughter.


FLAHARTY, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 8, 1914
Flag At Half Mast For Old Soldier
When John Flaharty, an old soldier who has lived in Alton many years, died yesterday, the stars and stripes were run upon the iron flagstaff at the Myrtle Hotel in Front street and were kept at half mast since then. Inquiry by a Telegraph reporter resulted in the information that the Daughters of Veterans of Alton had decided to hoist the stars and stripes whenever a veteran dies, and to keep the flag at half mast until after the funeral in each instance. The flag is displayed to honor the dead soldier and to show respect to his memory. It is a beautiful practice and is one that will probably grow until it becomes a custom in all parts of the country where veterans of the Civil War may be found. Miss Lottie Coleman, who conducts the Myrtle Hotel, is an officer of the local Daughters of Veterans, and is an enthusiastic worker in the cause. She saw to the running up of the colors when Mr. Flaharty died.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 9, 1914
The funeral of John Flaharty, the old Union soldier who died Wednesday morning was held today from the home of Mrs. Ed Young on Belle street, and burial was in City Cemetery. He left but few relatives in Alton, but several friends attended the obsequies.


FLAHARTY, LABAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 1, 1877
Murdered at Bozzatown (in Alton)
The County Coroner, Dr. Youree, held an inquest last night on the body of Laban Flaharty, the man who was killed in the affray at Bozzatown night before last. The jury rendered a verdict that the deceased died from wounds inflicted by a weapon in the hands of John Devany.

The trial of John Devany (also spelled Devaney) took place at the police station Saturday, before Justices Quarton and Noonan, with Wise and Dunnegan representing the defendant. C. A. Herb testified, “I saw four persons on last Wednesday night, engaged in an altercation. Devaney was holding Flaharty, who was trying to strike Tvling. Tvling tried to go home, but Flaharty stopped him, several blows passed between the two. I then went into my store. In a few minutes, someone called me out. I saw a crowd, and saw someone strike another. The man who was struck fell down, upon which Tvling went up and struck the fallen man (Flaharty) with his fist. I went to the prostrate man and tried to get him to go home. Flaharty did not complain of any hurts, and seemed dead drunk. The whole part was intoxicated. I went to bed, and got up about half past five a.m. Upon going out, I found Flaharty lying where he had fallen. I spoke to him, and he muttered some, but made no answer. About 7 o’clock, I went out again, when the injured man was removed to a stable and afterwards taken home. Ivling was 8 or 10 feet from Flaharty when the latter was knocked down. I saw no wounds on Flaharty, but saw a little blood on his face, but did not suppose that he was much hurt. Ivling had no weapon that I saw. The blow sounded as though it was inflicted with a board. Flaharty seemed the aggressor throughout. The limb of a tree was found at the place was he was dead, about 4 or 4 ½ feet long, thick as a man’s wrist at the large end.”

James Bozza saw Devaney strike Flaharty with a club and knock him down. Tvling jumped on Flaharty and struck him three or four times with his fist. Devaney took him off. Ivling complained that he was cut to the heart, and got on his horse and left. Witness didn’t think at the time that Flaharty was injured, and supposed he was only very drunk. Flaharty had a knife in his hand when he was pursuing Tvling. Flaharty chased Tvling 50 or 60 feet with the knife. Witness heard one blow with a club, that he did not see.

Samuel Tomlinson saw Tvling get off his horse when Flaharty made at him, and was knocked down by Tvling. Flaharty then pursued Tvling with a knife. Tomlinson saw Devaney knock Flaharty down with a club, and Tvling strike him with his fist. Devaney took Tvling off and started him home. Tomlinson asked Flaharty if he was hurt, and was answered, “No.” A knife was found on the spot afterwards.

John Wempen said Flaharty and Ivling and others came into his saloon and took a few drinks. In the course4 of the remarks, Flaharty and Tvling had some altercation. They went out, and witness afterwards heard the crowd quarreling and fighting. Flaharty struck Tvling while the latter was on his horse. Tvling then left and went home. The testimony seemed to show that the defendant Tvling acted on the defensive throughout.

John Flaharty, father of the deceased, testified, “Thursday morning, a little after daylight, I found my son unconscious, choked and struggling, in a stable in Bozzatown. His head was bruised and battered all over. I saw the club on the street, also a large lot of blood. I took him home and found his head mashed, jaw broken, and body bruised. He never spoke or recognized anyone. The hurts were heavy bruises. The marks on the back looked as though someone had stamped on him.”

The prisoner, John Devaney, was discharged, since the evidence was not sufficient to hold him.


FLAHERTY, EMANUEL/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 10, 1892
Civil War Veteran
Emanuel Flaherty, an old resident of Alton, died last night at his home, 1439 North Street, at the age of 50 years, of consumption. Deceased was a soldier in the late war, from which he had an honorable discharge. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon to Milton Cemetery.

W. H. Platt received a pension and back pay this morning for Emanuel Flaherty, but it arrived too late, as he died last night, having waited for the pension for a long time.

Emanuel Flaherty was born in 1842, and served in the Civil War. He married Mary Ann Tindall (1838-1943), and they had at least two children: John Flaherty (1874-1945) and Benjamin Franklin Flaherty (1877-1951). [I have also seen the name spelled Flaharty.]


FLAKE, UNKNOWN WIFE OF HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 11, 1915
Mrs. Henry Flake died in Edwardsville this morning and the body was brought to Alton to be held until arrangements can be made for the funeral. Mrs. Flake has been in a dying condition for some time, and was but recently moved from Alton to the county hospital at Edwardsville by Overseer of the Poor Joseph Hermann.


FLANDERS, LYMAN C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 7, 1913
Former Resident of Upper Alton Dies at Solders' Home
Word came today to F. A. Flanders that his father, Lyman C. Flanders, had died in the Soldiers' Home at Quincy. The message contained no particulars, but it is believed the death was sudden, as no word of a previous ailment, except a stroke of paralysis last February, had been received. Mr. Flanders had been at the Soldiers Home five years last August. He would have been 73 years old November 1. He was an old soldier, and had lived in Upper Alton since 1890, when he moved there from Chapin, Ill. He served as clerk of Keen Kutter Camp, M. W. A., for a number of years, and was also a justice of the peace in Wood River Township for nine years. He is survived by three sons, Charles of Kirkwood, Ill., F. A. of Alton, and Thomas V. of St. Louis. His wife died nine years ago. Mr. Flanders had been in feeble health since he was stricken with paralysis, but his family had no warning that his death was near at hand. The body will be brought here for burial, and funeral arrangements will be announced later. His was the second death in a few days in Keen Kutter Camps' membership. Mr. Flanders leaves a brother and a sister, Mrs. Maria Fischer and George Flanders of Crescent, Oklahoma.


FLANDERS, SARAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1904
Mrs. Sarah Flanders, wife of L. C. Flanders of Upper Alton, died this morning at 11:30 o'clock after a short illness. She was 54 years of age and had lived in Upper Alton 18 years. She leaves her husband, three sons and her mother, Mrs. E. M. Vanvean. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Upper Alton Baptist church.


FLANDERS, UNKNOWN WIFE OF FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 24, 1909
Mrs. Frank Flanders, aged 37 years, died at her home in Forest Park Place early this morning after an illness of several days. The sudden death of the young mother has spread a veil of gloom among those who were her friends and acquaintances. She was in good health several days ago, and her death came as a great shock. A little daughter 3 years old and her husband, who is a solicitor for the Metropolitan Insurance Co., survive her. Funeral arrangements have not been made. Mrs. Flanders had been slightly ill, and last night was somewhat worse, but no alarm was felt. This morning she complained of being worse, and as her husband attempted to raise her in bed to ease her, she expired in his arms. She has a brother in Texas and a sister in Minneapolis.


FLANDERS, UNKNOWN WIFE OF L. C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 24, 1904
The funeral of the late Mrs. L. C. Flanders took place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The casket, which was covered with many beautiful floral offerings from sympathetic friends, was conveyed to the Baptist church where services were conducted by Rev. L. M. Waterman. There was a very large attendance of friends and relatives of deceased. Music was furnished by the choir of the Baptist church. The pallbearers were Philip Hehner, Capt. William Wright, William Reeder, Enos Johnson, T. G. Emerson and J. T. Atchison.


FLATER, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 30, 1842
A coroner's inquest was held on the 20th inst. on the body of an individual found in the Wood River, by J. P. Owen, Esq., of Upper Alton. He was drowned on the 12th inst. His name is Henry Flater; he is a German by birth, and has friends in Cumberland, Pennsylvania. The deceased had some money and other effects, which his relatives can obtain upon application to Mr. Owen.


FLAVIN, MARTIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 9, 1897
From Edwardsville – The funeral of Martin Flavin, who died Tuesday, took place from the family home Thursday morning. The interment was in St. Boniface’s Cemetery. Mr. Flavin, who was over 78 years old, was a native of Ireland, and came to this country in 1882. Six children are living: Martin, Patrick and T. Flavin; Mary Lehne, Johanna Long, and Miss Lena Flavin.


FLECK, ALEXANDER/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 11, 1877
We are called upon to announce the death of another old resident of Alton and Madison County – Mr. Alexander Fleck – which sad event occurred on Tuesday (January 9, 1877) at his residence on the corner of George and Eighth Streets. His death was occasioned by typhoid-pneumonia. Mr. Fleck was a worthy and upright citizen, esteemed and respected by all who knew him. He was a consistent and valued member of the Presbyterian Church. He was engaged in farming near Worden for many years previous to his becoming a resident of Alton. Mr. Fleck was of Scotch nativity, but had long resided in this country. The funeral services took place Wednesday afternoon at three o’clock at his late residence. The remains were taken to Worden, his former home, for interment. He was 69 years of age.


FLECK, ELIZABETH (nee MILLEN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 24, 1903
Mrs. Elizabeth Fleck, after a lingering illness, solely due to the infirmities of old age, died Sunday afternoon at 2:45 o'clock at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John T. McClure, 703 Alby street. Mrs. Fleck was one of the old residents of Alton, having almost reached the age of 83 years. She was of a quiet and retiring disposition, yet in the circle of her friends her gentle manners and kindly disposition won for her fast friends who greatly esteemed her, and with these Mrs. Fleck will be greatly missed. Mrs. Fleck's maiden name was Millen, the only sister of John, Robert and David Millen, all of Alton and all deceased. She was the last of ten children, most of whom had resided ........ years. Mrs. Fleck was born in Dairy, Ayrs ......, Nov. 5, 1820. She was married to James Woodside, Jan. 2, ..... She came with her husband to Alton, Sept. 17, 1850. Mr. Woodside died in 1865. In 1870 she married Alexander Fleck, who died in 1877. She has for many years been a member of the Baptist church in Alton. Mr. David Millen, of Springfield, a nephew of deceased and who lived with her during his younger years, came down from Springfield today. The funeral will take place Wednesday at 9 a.m. from the residence of Mr. John T. McClure, 703 Alby street.


FLEIG, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 4, 1907
The funeral of George Fleig was held this morning from the home of his mother, Mrs. Ida Brandenberg, on east Third street, where services were conducted by Rev. A. A. Tanner of the First Congregational church. There was a large number of friends at the obsequies and many lovely floral offerings were made. Burial was in City cemetery.


FLEMING, JACOB/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 7, 1845
An inquest was held on Sunday morning last, by H. S. Summers, Esq., coroner of this county, on the body of Jacob Fleming, found dead in a cabin occupied by him, near the mouth of Wood river, about four miles from this city [Alton]; when, after due examination and inquiry, the jury returned a verdict that the deceased had come to his death by cutting his own throat with a razor. No cause is assigned for the rash act. Fleming had resided in this county about two years, and sustained the reputation of being a quiet, inoffensive man, but somewhat intemperate in his habits. He was from Chautauqua County, New York, where he owned some real estate which he had left in charge of a lawyer named Isaac Feras, or Ferris, with instructions to dispose of the same. It is supposed that he was about 40 years of age and unmarried. His friends may obtain further information upon application to the Coroner, Upper Alton.


FLEMING, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 30, 1905
James Fleming, aged 47, died at 5 o'clock Monday morning after a long illness from brain troubles, at his home, 1918 Belle street. His death was very unexpected, as he was not considered as being dangerously ill. Sunday, just before noon, he became suddenly worse and he did not revive again. He leaves a family consisting of his wife and two daughters. Mr. Fleming was a lifelong resident of Alton. He was a most industrious man, and until his illness compelled him to give up work he was steadily employed at the plant of the Illinois Box Company. Mr. Fleming is survived by his father, John Fleming Sr., four brothers: John Jr., Richard, William, and Edward; and four sisters, Mrs. James Wilkinson, Mrs. George Maesears of St. Louis, Mrs. O. D. Sleet of Buffalo, N. Y., Mrs. Thomas Canavan of Godfrey. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.


FLEMING, JOHN W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 9, 1921
John W. Fleming, aged 62, died this morning at 11:30 at the home of his sister, Mrs. Thomas Cannavan of Godfrey. The death of Mr. Fleming was very unexpected, although he had been suffering for the past four years with heart trouble. He arose as usual this morning and had his breakfast. Some time after eating he became ill and before a physician could be procured, death had occurred. An inquest will be held tomorrow. For the past several years he has resided with his sister. The deceased is survived by two sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Thomas Cannavan of Godfrey; Mrs. Lena Sleeth of Northport, Virginia; William Fleming and Edward Fleming of this city. Mr. Fleming has a number of friends here who will regret very much to hear of his death. Every two weeks he used to come into Alton and spend the weekends with his two brothers. He was a former well known railroad man. Arrangements for the funeral are incomplete. Mr. Fleming was a member of the Mystic Workers. Interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery.


FLEMING, RICHARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 7, 1910
Richard Fleming, a well known resident of Alton, who for many years occupied a clerical position with the Illinois Terminal and the Illinois glass works, died Wednesday night at 11:45 o'clock at his home, 1918 Belle street, after an illness of several weeks from nervous prostration. He was born in Alton forty years ago, and spent most of his life here. He had a large circle of acquaintances, and all who knew him were friends. His wife and five small children, four daughters and son, survive him. His father, John Fleming Sr., four sisters (Mrs. James Wilkinson of Alton, Mrs. George Masears of St. Louis, Mrs. O. W. Sleet of Nashville, Tenn., and Mrs. Thomas Canavan of Godfrey; and three brothers, John, William and Edward Fleming, all of Alton) are left to mourn his death. Deceased was a member of Lodge No. 198, Mystic Workers of the World, a fraternal insurance order. The funeral will be held Saturday morning from the Cathedral and burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.


FLEMING, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 29, 1884
From Fosterburg – Our octogenarian, long known in the community, passed to his long rest on Thursday, May 22. He is a father-in-law of Mr. Henry Duncheon. He was buried in Alton.


FLEMING, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 4, 1890
Mrs. John Fleming, whose illness has been chronicled some days since, died Tuesday at the family residence on upper Belle Street. Deceased had been for some time a sufferer from cancer. She was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, in 1840, and has resided in Alton for the past 35 years. She leaves a husband and nine children, five sons and four daughters.


FLEMING, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 6, 1845
Alton Alderman and Penitentiary Superintendent Dies
Died on Monday morning last, after a very short but severe illness, William Fleming, Esq., one of the Aldermen of this city, aged nearly 40 years. The deceased was a native of Pennsylvania, but had resided several years in this city. As an active and enterprising business man, he had few or no superiors; and at the time of his decease, he was one of the principal Superintendents of the Penitentiary. He has left a deeply afflicted widow, an infant daughter, and many friends and relatives to deplore his loss. His remains were committed to the grave on the Tuesday following, attended by his colleagues of the Common Council as mourners, and a large number of citizens.


FLEMMINGS, CLEM/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 03, 1896
From Fosterburg – Died on Monday evening, Mr. Clem Flemmings, an esteemed citizen, at the age of 81. He was tenderly cared for by his son-in-law, Mr. Timothy Merrigan, who did all within his power to alleviate his suffering. Mrs. Merrigan is numbered among the sick, and has the profound sympathy of all.


FLESSNER, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 18, 1904
Louis Flessner, who lived in the old Alton park east of Alton, died Sunday morning at his home after an illness of a week from pneumonia, aged 65. He had lived in Alton fifteen years. Flessner is survived by his wife and two children. He will be buried Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home to City Cemetery, services to be conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann.


FLETCHER, ANNIE LOUISA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 1, 1868
Died in Alton on the evening of the 26th inst., Mrs. Annie Louisa, wife of John M. Fletcher, in the 28th year of her age.


FLETCHER, GEORGE JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 01, 1894
Mr. George Fletcher Jr. died Monday at his home on Easton Street. His death was due to hemorrhage of the lungs, and his sickness lasted but a short time. Deceased was 38 years of age.


FLETCHER, HENRIETTA A. (nee HAYNER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 13, 1918
Sister of John E. Hayner; Wife of Sandford Fletcher
The death of Mrs. Henrietta Hayner Fletcher occurred Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at her home, 1417 State Street. Mrs. Fletcher had been in poor health the last fifteen years, and had been confined to her home most of the time. She would have been 87 years old May 14. The aged woman had been in bed since Christmas time, when she began to show more pronounced indications of a decline. Her death had been expected during the last week.

Mrs. Fletcher's maiden name was Hayner. She was born in Charleston, New York, May 14, 1831. She was a sister of John E. Hayner, deceased, and was the widow of Sanford K. Fletcher, whom she married September 10, 1856, at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Her husband died June 4, 1873, less than two years after the family moved to Alton. Mrs. Fletcher leaves four daughters - Mrs. K. H. Taylor, Mrs. W. P. Didlake, Misses Laura and Linda Fletcher. She leaves also two nieces, Mrs. W. A. Haskell of Alton, and Mrs. Charles W. Sayers of Albion, N. Y. She leaves also five grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

Mrs. Fletcher was a devoted member of the First Presbyterian Church, and until feebleness of advancing years came upon her, she was among the most regular in her attendance at the church services. Hers was the second death among the oldest members of that church within a few days. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home on State Street, and services will be conducted by Rev. Edward L. Gibson. Flowers are to be omitted.

John E. and Henrietta A. Hayner were the children of Alexander J. Hayner (1807-1884), who died in Ypsilanti, Michigan in 1884. John Hayner moved to Alton in 1848, and worked for P. B. Whipple. He then opened a hardware store with Mr. Nelson, and then became involved in the building of the Chicago and Alton Railroad. He was also the proprietor of a large sawmill. Hayner was president of the Alton Savings Bank, and vice-president of the Alton National Bank. He built a large home at the southwest corner of State Street and Jefferson Avenue. He was probably best known for his philanthropic work in the community. After the death of his wife, Jennie D. Hayner, he founded the Hayner Library on State Street in her memory. He died in March 1903, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery. His third wife, Mary Caroline Hayner, continued living in the home until her death in 1917. The home was then sold and torn down, to make way for the Catholic Orphanage.

Henrietta A. Hayner married Sandford K. Fletcher on September 10, 1856. They moved to Alton in about 1871, and erected a two-story home at 1417 State Street, across from Henrietta’s brother, John E. Hayner. Sandford worked as foreman in the John Hayner sawmill. On June 6, 1873, he was drawn into the belting of the machinery, and crushed against the ceiling. There were no witnesses to the accident, but it was supposed his arm had become caught in the machine. He was instantly killed. He was buried in the Highland Cemetery in Ypsilanti, Michigan. He was 39 years old. Henrietta continued living in the home on State Street until her death in 1918. Four daughters survived her.


FLETCHER, SANDFORD K./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1873
Fatal Accident at John E. Hayner’s Sawmill
Mr. Sandford K. Fletcher, foreman of John E. Hayner’s sawmill, met with his death this afternoon at the mill, in a sad and terrible manner, by being drawn into the belting of the machinery, and crushed against the ceiling and an upright. No one saw the accident, and it is not known exactly how it occurred, but it is thought that while adjusting the belting, his arm got caught therein. As soon as the accident was discovered, the machinery was stopped and the unfortunate man released. But life was extinct, death had probably been instantaneous.

The deceased was a brother-in-law of Mr. Hayner’s. He was an intelligent and reliable man, and highly esteemed by all. He leaves a wife and family, for whom general sympathy is expressed in their affliction. [Burial was in the Highland Cemetery in Ypsilanti, Michigan.


FLICK, CONRAD H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 6, 1916
Co-Owner of Karnack Flour Mill in Bethalto
Conrad H. Flick, a former resident of the Bethalto neighborhood, a brother-in-law of Irby Williams and Miss Luella Williams of Bethalto, and Mrs. Frank Sargent of Upper Alton, died in St. Louis this morning from the effects of being overcome by heat. He was 80 years of age, and was engaged at work on the roof of a house when he was prostrated. He was a member of Company B, 80th Illinois Volunteers during the Civil War. His wife, Mary J. Williams Flick, died in 1866, soon after the couple were married. They had one daughter, Lenora Flick, who died in 1888. About ten years ago, Mr. Flick moved to St. Louis. He belonged to the Odd Fellows and Masons at Bethalto. [Burial was in the Short Cemetery, Cottage Hills, Illinois.]


FLICK, LENORA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 28, 1888
Granddaughter of Lydia Moore Williams
Great-Granddaughter of Abel Moore
Died at the residence of her grandmother, Mrs. Lydia Williams, Wood River Township, September 28, Miss Lenora, only daughter of Mr. Conrad H. Flick; aged 21 years [Conrad Flick operated a flour mill in Bethalto]. The funeral will take place Sunday, September 30, from the residence of Mrs. Williams. Miss Flick was a graduate of Monticello Seminary, a young lady of many accomplishments, and a lovely and engaging disposition. She was the favorite of a host of friends. Her last illness was protracted through many long months, but was borne with the patience and gentleness which were characteristic of her life. [Burial was in the Short Cemetery in Cottage Hills, Illinois.]

The Funeral
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 4, 1888
From Bethalto, Oct. 2 – The funeral of Miss Lenora Flick took place Sunday afternoon from the residence of her grandmother, Mrs. Lydia Williams of Wood River Township. Her age was twenty-one years, eight months, and twelve days. Her mother, Mary J. Williams Flick, died when she was only a few weeks old in 1866, since which she always made her home with her grandma. Miss Nonie, as she was familiarly known, first attended public school at the Culp Schoolhouse, after which she attended for one year the Illinois Female College at Jacksonville, then spending four years at Monticello Seminary, graduating therefrom on June 10, 1885. The remaining years of her life were spent at home until about a year ago, when she began teaching in the public school. She taught only four months, being stricken down with typhoid malaria, January 5, 1888, culminating in pulmonary trouble. During all these long months of affliction, she patiently bore her suffering and trials without a murmur, was ever kind and grateful, and only a few minutes before expiring took occasion to thank all her friends for their kindness during her illness. Miss Nonie was a beautiful and accomplished young lady, and much esteemed by everyone who knew her, and before her illness was the picture of health. Her demise furnishes features of unusual sadness, and the stricken father and bereaved family have the sympathy of all. The Rev. Dr. Kendrick of Upper Alton officiated at the funeral, which was one of the largest we ever witnessed. The room in which she lay was tastily decorated with beautiful flowers, and the costly white casket bore many tokens of sincere regard in the way of floral decorations (two or three of which had the name of Nona and daughter, beautifully woven in high colors), all contributed by loving hands, who will remember her with interest and kindness. The remains were laid to rest in Mount Olive Cemetery [Short Cemetery]. Numerous friends from a distance attended the funeral.


FLOCH, ABRAHAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 11, 1904
Civil War Soldier
Abraham Floch, aged 67, died from senile debility Tuesday morning at his home on Bozza street after a long illness. He leaves his wife and two children. Mr. Floch was a veteran of the Civil War. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home.


FLOCK, MAY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15, 1913
Mrs. May Flock, aged 72, died at St. Joseph's hospital last night, and the funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon, Rev. S. D. McKenny officiating. She had been in the Old Ladies Home before going to the hospital. Mrs. Flock was the widow of a soldier and drew a pension.


FLORI, HELENA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 1, 1904
Mrs. Helena Flori, in her eighty-fifth year, died from senile debility Tuesday morning at 7:30 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Kloss, 736 east Fifth street, after a short illness. She came to Alton from Carlinville to live less than three years ago, after the death of her husband who died three years ago. She had been living with her daughter since coming to Alton. Mrs. Flori leaves six children: Mrs. Barbara Mees of Westfalia, Texas; Mrs. Margaret Kloss; John, Jacob, William and Nicholas Flori of Alton. The body will be taken to Carlinville for burial.


FLORI, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 10, 1901
John Flori, aged 74, died last evening at the home of his daughter on Ninth street, between Henry and Liberty streets, after a long illness. He was a native of Carlinville, and came to Alton July 5 to visit his daughter. While here he was taken ill, and the sickness proved fatal. He leaves a family of four sons and two daughters, nearly all of whom are residents of Alton. The body will be sent to Carlinville this evening for burial.


FLORI, UNKNOWN DAUGHTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 13, 1911
This afternoon at 2 o'clock friends of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Flori gathered at their home on Evergreen avenue to share with them their trying hour that of laying to rest their little daughter in Oakwood cemetery. A service was conducted at the home by Rev. M. H. Day, pastor of the Baptist church, and he was assisted by Rev. Carl Jackson. Many beautiful flowers were sent by sympathetic friends. After the service at the home, the funeral party went to Oakwood cemetery where interment was made.


FLOSS, ARTHUR L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 9, 1900
Well Known Business Man Dies
Arthur L. Floss died this morning at 4:25 o'clock after an illness of fourteen days with rheumatic meningitis. The public that has been awaiting news of Mr. Floss' condition the past week was not shocked to hear of his death, as it was generally known his case had been pronounced hopeless by the attending physicians and a specialist who was called from St. Louis Monday to consult in the case. During his illness he suffered the most cruel pains of inflammatory rheumatism, and his vigorous health and robust physique only added to the gravity of his illness. He was taken ill after his daughter, who died last Friday, and was, up to the time of being taken down, in apparently the best of health. His friends were surprised to learn of his illness, and at first it was thought the illness would be only temporary, but he grew worse rapidly. His condition was most distressing to his friends who called to see him, and many began to entertain doubts of his recovery after the first few days. Nothing to alleviate his sufferings could be done. The rheumatism that tortured his body settled in his spine and brain. During the past week he was not conscious of his suffering most of the time, and all day yesterday he was unconscious. His sufferings were mercifully ended by death at daybreak. The death of Arthur Floss has cast a pall over the business circles of the city and all who had met him in a business or social way. He was one of the best liked men in the city, and had the utmost confidence of all who were associated with him in business. He was frank, generous and open-hearted to a fault. In his dealings in business, he was scrupulously honest, and everyone who knew him felt it a pleasure to meet him at any time or place. His cheery greeting will be missed by many on the streets. He started in the hardware business on Third street, and in a few years built up a good trade, having the confidence of everyone. To his family Mr. Floss was a devoted husband and father, and always provided most liberally for their comfort. Arthur L. Floss was born in Alton and was 34 years of age. Most of his life was spent in this city. He was married in February 1889, his bride being Miss Julia Rautenberg of this city. He leaves, beside his widow and his two children - Marie and Arthur - one sister, Mrs. Joseph Steiner of Paris, France. His eldest daughter, Hilda, who died from inflammatory rheumatism, was buried last Sunday, and the father was then lying at death's door. Mr. Floss was a member of Fleur de Lys Lodge, Knights of Pythias, and Piasa Council, National Union. The time of the funeral is not set.


FLOSS, HILDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 4, 1900
The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Floss on Prospect street is shrouded in the gloom that palls everything when the death angel takes one from the family circle. Their eldest daughter, Hilda, died this morning at 4 o'clock, after an illness with inflammatory rheumatism that affected her heart. Four weeks ago she was taken with rheumatism that lodged near her heart and could not be relieved. She suffered the most excruciating agony to the last. She was nine years of age, and her death fills her family and all her little friends with sadness. Her father, A. L. Floss, is also in a serious condition with the same disease. The funeral services will be conducted at the home and will be private.


FLOSS, JOSEPH H./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1890
Alton Music Teacher
Mr. Arthur L. Floss has received a telegram conveying news of the death of his father, Mr. Joseph Floss, which occurred Friday morning. The deceased was a native of Germany, but had lived in Alton 40 years. He was a genial, kind-hearted, whole-souled gentleman, and a fine musician. His profession was that of a teacher of music, and his pupils during the years of his active life are numbered by the hundreds, and in the hearts of all of them the patient, devoted, and cultured instructor had a warm place. The news of his death will fall upon all of them with the force of a person sorrow. He left three children, Mrs. A. F. Radecke, Miss Florence Floss, and Mr. Arthur L. Floss.

The funeral of Mr. Floss took place Sunday afternoon from the family residence, with a large attendance of those who took the opportunity to pay the final sad tribute of respect to the memory of the deceased. Among those in attendance were the members of the Alton Maennerchor, of which deceased was long the conductor; the Knights of Pythias; and the Independent Order of Mutual Aid. A rich and rare profusion of beautiful flowers bore fragrant testimony to the regard of many friends. At the grave, the Maennchor rendered appropriate vocal selections with touching effect. The Knights of Pythias burial ritual was impressively rendered by the Prelate, Arthur Johnstone. All the Knights wore sprigs of evergreen on the lapels of their coats, which were successively cast into the open grave in token of remembrance.

Joseph Floss was born near Bona on the Rhine (Beethoven’s birthplace), in about 1830. He came to Alton in 1858, and taught music for nearly 30 years. He was an honest and patient, gentle and humble teacher, a purist in taste, and gave the pupil his best. He loved the Rhine of his Fatherland, and the Mississippi of his new home. He married in 1860 to Catharina Pitsch (?-1884). They had three children: Emma H. Floss Radecke (?-1893); Arthur Louis Floss (1865-1900); and Mathilda Florentia Floss Steiner (1869-1960). Joseph was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


FLYNN, DENNIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 21, 1895
Mr. Dennis Flynn, an old resident of Alton, died Monday at his home on 18th and Alby Streets, at the age of 70 years, from general debility. He leaves a wife and two daughters. He was born in Ireland, but has resided in Alton since 1858. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed.


FLYNN, ELIZABETH C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 3, 1920
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth C. Flynn, wife of Ralph Flynn, was held this morning at 9 o'clock from S. S. Peter and Paul's Cathedral where a requiem mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Tarrant. There was a large attendance at the funeral services. Mrs. Flynn had a large circle of friends who were well represented at the church. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery. The pallbearers were W. S. Richards, J. M. Malcolm, J. A. Giberson, George Milnor, E. H. Beall, and L. A. Schlafly.


FLYNN, JERRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 24, 1903
After months of weary suffering, worn in body but cheerful in mind, Jerry Flynn fell into his last long sleep Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The news of his death will be no surprise to his friends, as they have been expecting it, but it is none the less sad, as Jerry was one of the men whom everyone liked and who had not an enemy in the wide world. He was cashier for the Big Four freight office at Alton many years, and was one of the most faithful employees on the railroad. Consumption laid its deadly grip on him long ago, but notwithstanding the fact that Jerry felt it was a losing fight, he struggled manfully. At last he asked leave of absence and went West, but the change from home did not benefit him. When he returned he continued to decline in health, and the last few days his friends knew it was a question of a short time until the end. He was 36 years of age, and he leaves one brother, Michael Flynn, and four sisters, Mrs. Honora Boylen of Jacksonville, Mrs. Margaret Locker of St. Louis, and Mrs. Martin Hastings of Alton, and Mrs. Mary Amberg of Grafton.


FLYNN, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 16, 1897
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Mary Flynn died Wednesday afternoon, aged 68 years, from heart trouble. Funeral services were held at St. Mary’s Church Friday morning, conducted by Frs. J. C. Daw of Winchester, Henry Eggenstein of Marine, C. A. O’Reilly; and J. D. Metzler.


FLYNN, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 16, 1898
Mrs. Mary Flynn, a lifelong resident of Alton, died at her home on North Alby Street Saturday, after an illness of nearly two years, aged 59. She leaves two daughters, both married, to mourn her demise. The funeral was Monday from the Cathedral.


FLYNN, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 16, 1900
Mrs. Mary Flynn, widow of Patrick Flynn, died at her home, 206 West Belle street, at 2 o'clock Sunday morning after a short illness. Her health has not been good for many years, but her death was not expected. Mrs. Flynn was a native of County Limerick, Ireland, and was 72 years of age. She leaves two daughters and two sons - Miss Johanna Flynn and a married daughter at Jacksonville, and Messrs. Jeremiah and Michael Flynn.


FLYNN, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 23, 1916
Michael Flynn, aged 61, died at his home, 1114 Belle street, Wednesday morning at 3:30 o'clock after an illness which began with the grippe last December. He had not been in good health since the death of Mrs. Flynn about four months ago. He had grieved deeply over losing his wife, to whom he had been married for many years. He became an easy victim of the grippe, which attacked him in December and he failed to rally from it. About a month ago he was forced to give up his position with the Chicago & Alton railroad because of ill health, and he has been confined to his home since then. For sixteen years he was agent for the Big Four at East Alton. Prior to that Mr. Flynn was engaged in business as a member of the firm of Flynn & Schwartze, which was in business on Belle street. Four years ago he took a place with the Chicago & Alton, where he remained until illness forced him to remain at home. During his illness he refused to go to bed, and insisted upon sitting up in an easy chair. However, it became necessary the day before he died to put him in bed because of his great weakness. He was a native of Ireland, and came to America when a young man. After staying at Grafton a short time he came to Alton. He leaves one son, John Flynn of Denver, and three daughters, Mrs. Fred Sims, Mrs. Harry Pfeiffer and Miss Nellie Flynn. He leaves also three sisters, Mrs. Mary Looker of St. Louis, Mrs. William Boylan of Jacksonville and Mrs. Jacob Amberg of Grafton. The funeral will be Friday at 9 a.m. from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral. John Flynn will come from Denver to attend the funeral.


FLYNN, NELLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 24, 1919
Many friends gathered at the Cathedral this morning to pay their last respects to Miss Nellie Flynn, the Alton woman who died last week in Chicago. The body was brought to Alton on Saturday and was taken to the home of her sister, Mrs. Harry Pfeiffer, of Alton street. Solemn High Mass was celebrated at 9 o'clock by Rev. E. L. Spalding, V. G., assisted by Rev. M. A. Tarrant, and Rev. M. Costello, sub-deacon. After Mass, Rev. Tarrant spoke a few words of consolation to the bereaved family. Mrs. James B. Cahill sang "Ave Marie" during Mass. The body was laid to rest in Greenwood cemetery, besides that of the parents of the deceased, Mr. and Mrs. M. Flynn, who died three years ago. The grave was covered with handsome floral offerings. Miss Alice Sharkey also sang a beautiful solo. The pallbearers were James Green, Harry Moore, Lewis Brandenberg, William Meehan, David Noonan, and Daniel Cahill. Among those present from out of town were her brother, John F. Flynn of Denver, Colo., Mrs. Jacob Amberg of Grafton, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Loaker of St. Louis.


FLYNN, PATRICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 04, 1899
Patrick Flynn, aged 78 years, died at 2 o'clock this morning at his home on Semple Street after an illness with asthma of the heart. He came to Alton about ten years ago with his family, and lived here ever since. He was born in Ireland, but had been a resident in this country for many years. He leaves an aged wife and six children, all of adult age. The funeral will be Saturday at 9 a.m., and services will be in the Cathedral. Interment will be in the Greenwood Cemetery.


FLYNN, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 9, 1879
From the Daily, January 7, 1879 – Mr. Thomas Flynn, a brakeman on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, who was injured by the cars on the levee yesterday afternoon, died at 11 o’clock last night of the wounds received, notwithstanding he had the aid of two experienced physicians and surgeons, Drs. Davis and Hardy. An examination soon revealed the fact that the wounded man was fatally hurt, his left thigh crushed, besides some internal injuries. He leaves a young wife and many other relatives and attached friends to mourn his untimely death.

Coroner Youree, being telegraphed to, arrived on the nine o’clock train, and with the assistance of Marshal Volbracht, impaneled a jury and proceeded to hold an inquest. The Coroner and jurymen first proceeded to the late residence of the deceased, corner of Fourteenth and Alby Street, and after viewing the body, went to the Marshal’s office, where the following witnesses were examined: Messrs. Richard Nagle, engineer; Jacob Clark, fireman; Pat Hughes, brakeman; H. A. Day, conductor; Henry Watson, E. T. Moore, and L. McLain. After hearing the evidence, the following verdict was rendered: “We the jurors find that deceased, Thomas Flynn, came to his death by being run over by the cars on the levee in the city of Alton, the afternoon of January 6, 1879. And we furthermore find that the employees of the railroad were not to blame in the matter.” Mr. J. Fitzgerald, one of the jurymen, dissented, and refused to sign the verdict.


FLYNN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 21, 1897
Belle Street Groceryman
William Flynn, the well-known Belle Street grocery man, died yesterday afternoon at his home at Sixteenth and Belle Streets, after an illness of only a few days duration. Mr. Flynn had not been in his customary health for some time, being affected with heart trouble. Yesterday morning he began to feel sick, and his condition so alarmed the family that Dr. Davis was sent for. When the physician arrived, Mr. Flynn was so ill that he was beyond all help, and died shortly after. During his long residence in Alton, he has been more or less identified with the history of that part of the city where he lived, and has represented his ward in the City Connell several times. In his business, he accumulated a neat competency, and was a substantial citizen.

Mr. Flynn was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, and was 65 years of age. He came to this country when quite young, and has resided in Alton the greater part of his life. He leaves a wife and one daughter, Miss Maria Flynn.

The funeral took place Tuesday from the Cathedral, which was filled with the friends and acquaintances of the deceased. Solemn High Mass was celebrated. After the services at the church, a long cortege followed the body to Greenwood Cemetery, where the interment took place. The pallbearers were A. Reck, R. Nagle, John Doyle, Frank O’Neil, Daniel Sullivan, James Henry, James Hagan, and A. W. Young.


FOBES, PHILENA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 10, 1898
Second Principal of Monticello Ladies Seminary
Miss H. N. Haskell of Monticello Seminary received a telegram announcing the death of Miss Philena Fobes at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, Miss Philena FobesNovember 8. Miss Fobes was Principal of Monticello Seminary for 25 years or more, preceding Miss Haskell. She was the principal of the institution almost from its beginning until about 30 years ago. Miss Fobes was one of the most noted teachers in the country. Hundreds of her pupils still revere her memory. She was about 87 years of age.

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, November 9, 1898
Miss Philena Fobes, widely known throughout the New England States, New York, and sections of the West, as a woman educator for nearly a half century, died yesterday at the residence of Rev. George R. Moore, Green Lane, Roxborough, where she had made her home since 1886. Miss Fobes came of a line of notable Puritan ancestors. She was born in Onondago County, New York, September 10, 1811, being a daughter of Philander Fobes, a native of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, where two of his antecedents, John Fobes and John Washburn, landed in 1632 and 1635 respectively, having come from England. Her mother was of Puritan descent also. Miss Fobes was educated at Albany, and at Courtland, New York. After teaching for three years in Seward Seminary, Rochester, New York, she went to Monticello, Illinois in 1837, to take charge of a department in the Godfrey Seminary, one of the pioneer educational institutions of the West. From 1843 to 1866 she was Principal of the institution, excepting one year spent abroad. She also lived at Rochester, New York and at New Haven, Connecticut until 1886, being a frequent contributor of poetry and educational matter to leading magazines. She belonged to the Society of Colonial Dames, and to the Daughters of the Revolution.

Philena Fobes was born September 10, 1811, in Albany or Onondago County, New York. Her parents were Philander Fobes (1773-1858) and Nancy Warner Fobes (1781-1842). She died November 8, 1898, in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. She was buried in the Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut.


FOEMHALS, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 10, 1880
Mr. George Formhals, one of our well-know, highly esteemed citizens, who carried on a merchant tailoring establishment at the corner of Third and State Streets, died after but a few hours illness on Tuesday morning. Mr. Formhals returned home at 11 o’clock last night, complaining of feeling unwell. He grew worse rapidly. Dr. Davis was summoned and did all that medical skill could suggest, but in vain, and at the hour named, death ensued. Deceased was a native of Germany, 38 years old, and came to this country about fourteen years ago, residing in Alton since his arrival. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn on account of his sudden death. Deceased was a prominent member of the Odd Fellows, and was also a singer in the Cathedral, being a vocalist of a high order of merit. His brother, Mr. Theodore Formhals of Joliet, and his brother-in-law, Mr. Albert Guertier of Denver, have been notified by telegraph of the sad occurrence. The funeral took place from the family residence on State Street at four o’clock Wednesday afternoon, and was very largely attended. The I.O.O.F. and the German Benevolent Society, of both orders of which deceased was a member, were present in force. The procession was headed by Gossrau’s band.


FOERE OR FEORE, MARTIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 15, 1906
Martin Foere, in his 21st year, died this morning at the family home, 1230 east Third street, after a brief illness from uraemic poisoning. He had been suffering from kidney trouble for a long time, and for years was not in the best of health. He was employed at the Illinois box factory. Yesterday he was around his home and out in the yard and late in the afternoon his sister found him sitting in the kitchen with his head lying on his arms on the table, near the stove. He could not be aroused, and a physician was summoned. It was found he had passed into a state of uraemic coma, and it was impossible to rouse him. He died at 3 o'clock this morning. He leaves two sisters and one brother. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's church.


FOLEY, ELLEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 27, 1911
Mrs. Ellen Foley died Sunday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Finnegan, 719 east Third street, aged 75, from old age. Mrs. Finnegan is very ill at the home, also, and will be unable to accompany the funeral party to Ottawa, where the body will be taken this evening. Mrs. Foley is survived by her husband, three daughters, and one son. The funeral will be from the son's home at Ottawa Tuesday morning.


FOLEY, PATRICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 27, 1914
Patrick Foley, aged 70, died today at the home of his sister, Mrs. Katherine Finnegan, on East Third street near Turner Hall, after a lingering illness of tuberculosis. He was unmarried and leaves three sisters. One is in Chicago and the third sister is in Massachusetts.


FOLLETT, ELIPHALET D./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1868
Died in Upper Alton Sunday evening, July 12, 1868, Eliphalet D. Follett.


FONES, CHARLES L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 8, 1914
Killed by His Team On His Way Home
Charles L. Fones, aged 35, a teamster, was killed Wednesday evening when he was thrown from his coal wagon on Sixteenth street, west of Belle. His neck was broken and his skull fractured. Fones was employed by T. P. Dooling hauling coal. Mr. Dooling said that on Wednesday Fones had hauled five loads of coal. He was going home at night to 118 West Fifteenth street. It was his custom to drive out on Belle street, turn in at Sixteenth street, and then down an alley to the barn where he kept his horses. He had a spirited team, and it is said that the horses were so full of fire that even after a hard day's work such as they had done, they were in a run-away state of mind. As Fones drove past the corner of the Hellrung store at Sixteenth and Belle streets, his horses were trotting along and the wagon struck a depression in the road, which caused a jolt that shook Fones off his seat. He fell down at the feet of the horses and one horse stepped on his head, causing the fatal injuries. A short time afterward the body was discovered by Edward Miller, a ten year old boy, who stumbled over the body of Fones as it lay in the roadway in the dark. He gave the alarm and an investigation revealed that the man was dead. The team had gone on home, and by that time the family had become alarmed over the non-appearance of Fones and they had started a search for him. Fones is said to have been a hard working, industrious man. He has a wife, three sons, and one daughter. Recently one of the children lost an eye by a piece of weed that had been hurried as a "spear" struck the eye. Coroner J. M. Sims held an inquest this afternoon over C. L. Fones. The verdict was accidental death from a fracture at the base of the skull, with a probably dislocation of the first cervical vertebra, due to falling from his wagon. The jurors were John Hellrung, foreman; Thomas O'Leary; John Cunningham; and Frank Wilkinson. [Fones was buried in Carlinville.]


FONES, EMILINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 26, 1918
Mrs. Emiline Fones, 72 years old, died yesterday evening at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Jessie Arnold, on Hamilton street. She had been an invalid for the past five years but had been critically ill only during the past month. The body will be shipped tomorrow to Carlinville, where Mrs. Fones formerly lived. She is survived by three children, Mrs. Jessie Arnold and William Fones of Alton, and Mrs. William Morgan of Macoupin Station. The Fones family is well known in Macoupin County.


FOOTE, HARRY LEE/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1874
Died in Alton on July 22, Harry Lee, infant son of Leroy and Emma Foote; aged 14 months and 20 days.


FOOTE, LUCY A./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 10, 1867
Died at the residence of Mr. W. A. Holton, in Alton, on the 4th inst., Miss Lucy A. Foote. Rarely have we known one to suffer as much as this most estimable lady has during the long period of her sickness and seclusion from society. But she possessed a Christian faith which sustained and cheered her through all her sufferings in a most surprising manner. With our tears at loosing a friend so much beloved, and so worthy of the universal esteem in which she was held, we mingle many sincere rejoicings that she has passed to her home in the skies, with such signal triumphs of this faith.


FORBES, ELIZABETH R./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 7, 1893
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Forbes, widow of Mr. James H. Forbes, died suddenly of heart failure at a late hour Thursday night in Chicago, She was accompanied to that city several days ago by Mr. Robert Forbes. Mrs. C. A. Caldwell, her daughter, was with her at the time of her death. Mr. Forbes returned from Chicago Friday morning, accompanied by his wife, only to receive a message a short time later of the sudden death of his mother.

Deceased was born in Wick, Scotland in 1819. She came to this country at an early age, and has been a resident of Alton for 23 years. The body was brought to Alton Saturday morning. The funeral took place Monday. Interment was in the City Cemetery, where with a last hymn and prayer, the beloved mother was laid to rest.


FORBES, JAMES HYDE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 18, 19, 1891
James Hyde Forbes died at his home in Alton yesterday evening. He was 79 years of age. About one year ago, he was seized with paralysis, and did not fully recover. One week ago he caught cold, and being in a weak state, he succumbed. The funeral will take place from the residence in Alton Thursday morning.

Mr. Forbes was born in Jedborough, Scotland, April 15, 1812, and there learned the trade of carpentering. He came to America while a young man, and settled in Canada, where he followed his trade. About 1850, he moved to Alton and opened a retail grocery store, and in 1853 he became a wholesale tea merchant, and established the house on Morgan Street in St. Louis, which is now one of the largest tea houses in the West.

Mr. Forbes was married twice. He had two sons by his first wife, Elizabeth Eastway Forbes (1802-1854), one of whom is dead [James Nicholson Forbes (1838-1854)], and the other, Alexander E. Forbes, is now assisting in carrying on the business. By his second marriage to Elizabeth Ryrie (1818-1893; daughter of Magnus Ryrie), Mr. Forbes had three children, all living – Miss Elizabeth Forbes and Robert Magnus Forbes, living at the old home in Alton, and Mrs. Helen Ryrie Forbes Johnson, wife of George T. Johnson of St. Louis. Mr. Forbes was well known in St. Louis, and leaves a large estate to be divided among his four children.

The funeral of James Hyde Forbes, who died Tuesday night at his home on Henry Street, took place today. It was one of the largest funerals which has taken place for a long time. Besides the large attendance from Alton, there were friends, employees, and the directors of the Franklin Bank of St. Louis present. At the conclusion, a long cortege wended its way to the cemetery, where the remains of this venerable citizen were laid to rest. The pallbearers were William Eliot Smith, David Nicholson, George A. Johnston, W. H. Burroughs, J. M. Ryrie, and G. M. Ryrie. With the death of Mr. Forbes, Alton loses one of its best and most honorable citizens, and a man whose career in life was an example to his fellow men. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]

The Forbes Tea and Coffee Company was one of the first factory west of the Mississippi to sell roasted coffee. The company was sold to H. & B. American Machine Co. of Chicago in 1956.

The James H. Forbes family lived at 1007 Henry Street in Alton. The Italianate house was built for James Forbes in 1871. It features arched windows on the first floor, and segmented arches over the second story windows. Four brick chimneys tower over the main block of the house. The roof is surmounted by a widow’s walk. James Forbes founded the Forbes Tea and Coffee Company in St. Louis, and was also associated with the Alton National Bank. In 1891, his daughter, Elizabeth H. Forbes, married C. A. Caldwell, cashier of the Alton National Bank, in the home on Henry Street.


FORBES, MOSES/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 9, 1851
Died at New Madrid, Missouri, on the 25th ult., Mr. Moses Forbes, a much-esteemed resident of Alton, and an Elder of the Third Presbyterian Church. His death was sudden, and was among strangers, but his faith in Christ shone forth brightly in his last hours. His parting message to his Pastor here was, “Tell him I die trusting in the mercy of God, and with a good hope of life everlasting.” “His death,” writes an eyewitness, “was like a calm setting sun at the close of a clear summer day.”


FORBUSH, SARAH M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 10, 1911
Miss Sarah M. Forbush, in her 78th year, died at midnight Sunday night at her home, 265 Madison avenue. She had been in feeble health for some time, and her sister, Mrs. Hapgood, had been living with her at the old Hayden place. Miss Forbush came to Alton with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hayden in 1866, and had spent most of the time since then in Alton. She was born July 15, 1833 at Westboro, Mass. She was well known in Alton, having made many acquaintances since she came to Alton. Miss Forbush was found unconscious on the floor at her home Saturday morning. She never regained consciousness. It is supposed her death was due to apoplexy. For many years she was engaged as an expert seamstress, and made a specialty of making coasts and vests. She discontinued this work when old age made it difficult for her to follow it. The funeral will be Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock from her late home.


FORCE, S. S./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 19, 1861
On the 12th inst., S. S. Force departed this life. Mr. Force had long been a most worthy citizen of Alton, and was universally respected by all who knew him. For several years past, however, he has been in very feeble health. He was about 47 years of age, and has left a most worthy family and a large circle of friends to deplore his death.


FORD, ALICE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 20, 1917
Mrs. Alice Ford, aged 53, died at her home on East Broadway shortly after midnight last night after an illness of eight days. Although she had been ill with pneumonia, her condition was not considered serious. At 9 o'clock last evening she took a change for the worse and three hours later she died. Because her condition was not considered serious, her sons and daughters in Detroit had not been summoned home. Mrs. Ford was born in Pittsburg, Pa., and came to Alton 33 years ago with her husband, Cornelius Ford. He was a glass worker and was among the first to come to Alton. Mrs. Ford had lived the greater part of the time since being in Alton on East Broadway, but she was well known all over the city. She was a devoted mother to her large family of children. She was a member of the C. K. and L. of A., and belonged to a number of smaller social organizations in the city. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Anna Rhoades of New Orleans; and nine children: Mrs. May Graham of Kansas City; Mrs. H. B. Thames of Detroit; Miss Mildred Ford of Detroit; and Alice and Gertrude Ford of Alton, and Walter, Cornelius and Ed Ford of Detroit, and Leo Ford of Alton. The sons and daughters are expected to arrive in Alton this evening or tomorrow morning from Detroit for the funeral. [later - burial was in Greenwood Cemetery]


FORD, ARCHIBALD "ARCHY"/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 27, 1878
Cold-Blooded Murder
A fearful occurrence took place just beyond the eastern limits of Alton, near what is known as the Barler place, about 4:30 or 5 o’clock yesterday evening, that resulted in the almost instantaneous death of Archibald Ford, a young, hard-working, inoffensive colored resident of Alton, at the hands of a stranger who was passing through the place. It appears that the deceased and a colored companion had been out harvesting, and while coming to town, stopped below the city where the stranger who committed the murder was trading horses and selling cheap watches. The stranger had a light spring wagon with a large bay mare attached. He passed through the city in the afternoon with this rig, with another animal leading behind. This animal he disposed of just before the shooting. In the course of a conversation between the stranger, deceased, and other bystanders, disparaging remarks were made about the horse attached to the wagon, and deceased said that he knew a blind horse that could pull more than this animal. Several words passed with but little apparent excitement, the parties standing in the main road at the place mentioned above.

One of the witnesses heard the stranger say something about jumping, when deceased remarked, “You can’t jump me.” He had a pencil in his hand, and as he said this, he slipped it into his pocket, the stranger watched him closely, at which Ford said, “I have no weapon.” The stranger then asked deceased to step to one side. They went around the wagon, and as they did so, the trader drew a revolver, at which the unfortunate colored man started to run. The pistol was fired when he was about 20 yards from the man who held the weapon, the aim was accurate, the bullet went in at the back of the fleeing man, passing through his body and coming out at the upper part of the left breast, evidently passing through the heart in its course. Ford ran something near twenty yards after receiving the bullet, and then fell exclaiming, “My Lord,” three times. He breathed his last in about five minutes after falling. The stranger who committed the crime manifested great coolness and indifference in the matter, and after glancing at the body of his victim as he lay in the road bathed in blood, said, “that’s the way I serve n------,” or words to that effect. He was accompanied by a boy, supposed to be his child, about six years old. As the trader called his victim to one side the boy cried to his father, “O papa, papa,” as though anticipating some terrible deed.

Some gentlemen in Alton have seen this stranger several times as he has passed through here in the last five or six years, and regard him as a desperate character who holds human life at a very cheap rate. One gentleman understood that he lived in Christian County, but his name could not be learned. As soon as the news was heard, several persons started after the assassin, but he had got so much the start, and hid his track so well, that he has not yet been caught. He passed through Edwardsville about eight o’clock last evening, the boy still with him, but shortly after leaving that place, all traces were lost.

Coroner Youree arrived in town this morning, and after impanneling a jury, proceeded to the residence of Mrs. Washington, a cousin of the deceased, where the body had been removed and where the inquest was held. This place is about a quarter of a mile northwest of the cemetery, in the part of the city called “Mexico.”

Henry Fizer was the first witness examined, and testified to most of the points given above. He also stated that immediately after the shooting, the murderer put his boy into the wagon, got in himself, and rove off rapidly to the east, appearing to be somewhat under the influence of liquor. Witness immediately went to Upper Alton and notified a Constable of the occurrence.

John W. Dobbs, who also witnessed the shooting, gave evidence to the same effect. He said that he had no idea that anything serious was intended, supposing from the expressions used, that the parties were merely trying the “bluff” game. Deceased lived about five minutes after falling, but merely twitched his limbs a little and uttered no words but those recorded above. The murderer was a small man, with dark complexion, much tanned from exposure to the sun, sandy whiskers and mustache. He was joined just before the shooting by a man who appeared to be on acquaintances, and who followed the wagon on foot as it was driven off.

After hearing the evidence, the jury found that deceased came by his death by a gunshot wound, the ball entering the back and coming out at the upper side of the left breast. And they further found that the ball was fired from a pistol held in the hand of a man whose name is unknown to the jury, Tuesday afternoon, June 25, in Wood River Township, Madison County.

Immediately after hearing of the affair, Sheriff Cooper sent telegrams to the various places, in an eastern direction, through which it is supposed the murderer might take his way. A number of men are in pursuit, and certainly the assassin will soon be apprehended. Sheriff Cooper offered $100 reward on his own responsibility, and no doubt this amount will be largely increased.

We learn that the murderer was apprehended about 5 o’clock this morning at Hamel’s Corner, by Constable Tomlinson and Mr. Silver of Upper Alton, and Mr. Leak, a constable of Bethalto. These gentlemen got ahead of the fugitive at the corner, and with several other persons awaited his coming. When he saw how many were opposed to him, he surrendered, but said that if but two or three had made the attempt, he would have resisted to the death. The assassin, whose name is Clark, was brought to the police station in Alton, accompanied by his boy, about 2 o’clock this afternoon. He immediately laid down on his back on the floor, with the little fellow, apparently but about four years old, by his side. Clark expressed a wish for a lawyer, but when an attempt was made to hold conversation with him by City Attorney Dunnegan, the boy set up such piercing cries that the attempt was relinquished, and Clark said, “go on with the trial, you can only kill me anyhow.” He made efforts to quiet and comfort the little boy, as did others present, but in vain, and partly on this account, the preliminary examination was postponed until tomorrow. The prisoner was then lodged in jail, and the boy allowed to accompany him, as it was found impossible to separate them. Clark, the prisoner, in appearance is a desperate ruffian, with a fierce eye and the look of a hunted animal, though this, of course, may be caused by the situation in which he is placed. He is a regular tramp in appearance, while his boy chews tobacco and drinks whisky.

Source: Alton Telegraph, July 4, 1878
Sheriff Cooper started this morning for Edwardsville with J. W. Clark, the murderer of Archy Ford. He will be incarcerated in the county jail. It is possible that the boy will be consigned to the Poor House, and it is to be hoped that he will be under better influences than those of the years that he has been roving the country with the father. The little fellow seemed almost frantic while his father was in the police office yesterday, but as soon as they were together in lockup, he became quiet, took out his pipe, and smoked with perfect composure.

William H. Harris, who was the companion of Ford in the harvest field, and accompanied him to the place of the murder and witnessed the shooting, was in town last evening. He had no evidence of importance. At the time Clark shot Ford, the trader’s boy was trying to sell a watch to Harris, and in the confusion and excitement, Clark drove off, leaving the watch in the hands of Harris, who delivered it to the City Marshal. It is worth about 15 cents. Clark’s horse and wagon were put up at Mather’s livery stable yesterday afternoon, to remain until some disposition is made of them by the authorities. The horse is a broken-down looking animal, blind of one eye. The wagon is a tolerably heavy, dilapidated, one-horse vehicle, with three springs, one before, two behind, and has a cloth cover. The bed is filled with a miscellaneous assortment of boxes, pans, pots, a skillet, tea pot, hammer, soldering iron, clothing, bottle of gun powder, a bed quilt, a number of bottles of liquid glue, a lot of stale bread, some salt meat, and a lot of other articles, too numerous to mention.

Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1878
Correction – We were inadvertently led into an error as to the parties making the arrest of J. W. Clark, the murderer of Archy Ford. Mr. Sidney Robinson of Liberty Prairie was the one who ordered the murderer to surrender, enforcing the demand with the display of a cocked revolver. Constable S. Tomlinson and Mr. Z. Silver also assisted in apprehending Clark. Clark’s little boy was removed from the jail by force by Sheriff Cooper, for the child was terribly frightened at the pretended attempts of his father to commit suicide, while playing the insane dodge. The boy is said to be very affectionate in disposition, and is at present living contentedly with the family of the jailer, visiting his father every day.

Source: Alton Telegraph, May 15, 1879
The trial of J. W. Clark for the killing of Archy Ford commenced in the circuit court at Belleville Tuesday, on a change of venue. Deputy Sheriff Rudershausen informs us that Messrs. C. A. Herb, James Bannon, C. Ryan, Juber Smith and wife, George Smith, “Boss” Silver, David Tomlinson, witnesses for the people, and James Mason for the defense, left for Belleville Tuesday.

Later – The jury in the case of George W. Clark, indicted for the murder of Archy Ford, returned a verdict of murder yesterday morning at Belleville, and fixed the penalty at confinement in the penitentiary for life. The prisoner was ably defended by Mr. Cyrus Happy of Edwardsville, while the prosecution was conducted by Mr. C. L. Cook, State’s Attorney for this county. The crime for which Clark was convicted was the murder of Archibald Ford, a colored man who was shot through the body by Clark with a revolver, for some trivial provocation, the bullet causing almost instant death. The occurrence took place just below Bozzatown, the afternoon of June 24, 1878. The murderer, in company with his little boy, was in a rickety old wagon drawn by a horse of rather sorry appearance. He had stopped at the place where the killing occurred, and was trying to trade horses when Ford and a companion came along. The evidence both in court and before the coroner’s jury was to the effect that Ford merely twitted Clark as to the capacity of his horse for pulling, when the latter drew a revolver, and as Ford started to run, fired, the ball taking effect in the victim’s back and passing through his body. The murderer then sprang into his wagon and drove off eastward. He was captured at Hamel’s Corner the next day by a party of pursuers, was first brought to Alton, and afterwards taken to Edwardsville, where he was confined until the time of trial.


FORD, BESSIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 10, 1900
James Newman, who was until recently an employee of the Metropolitan Insurance Company, is being held in the city jail until Coroner Bailey's jury can make a thorough investigation of the death of seventeen years old Bessie Ford, who died under suspicious circumstances at St. Joseph's Hospital yesterday. The girl was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ford, who are living in a wretched place on Ridge street. On April 20 the mother caused a warrant to issue for the arrest of James Newman, on the charge of being responsible for her daughter's condition, the surgeon attending her having pronounced her case hopeless. Newman was arrested that evening, but was immediately dismissed, as the mother requested the withdrawal of the warrant. The girl protested that Newman was not responsible and that she herself was to blame, and for that reason the withdrawal of the warrant was consented to. Chief of Police Volbracht went to St. Louis last evening and arrested Newman there. He was held without bond to await the coroner's inquest. Dr. Wilkinson performed an autopsy last night for the coroner, and this morning the inquest was started. The father, mother, sister and surgeons who attended the girl testified this morning, and three women testified this afternoon. The sister's testimony tended to incriminate Newman more than any other, and was in effect that the girl told her Newman was responsible. The verdict of the Coroner's jury implicates Newman as accessory to the girl's death, and he will be given a hearing tomorrow morning in the police court. In the meantime, he is being held without bail. The funeral of the Ford girl was this afternoon.


FORD, CORNELIUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 19, 1904
Cornelius Ford, a well known glass blower, who for several years conducted the Alton House on east Second street, died Wednesday afternoon from a complication of liver and stomach troubles. He was 50 years of age, and leaves a wife and five daughters and four sons. Funeral arrangements are not made.


FORD, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 5, 1896
While going to his home at 1609 Belle Street, Saturday night, Mr. John Ford was suddenly stricken with paralysis at Hamilton and Belle Streets, and rendered helpless. He was found shortly after by Mr. John McGuan in a still conscious condition, but completely helpless. Mr. McGuan at once called for help, and the patrol wagon was called out to carry him to his home, but before its arrival Mr. Ford had died. The body was conveyed to his late home, and Coroner Kinder sent for to hold an inquest. A verdict of death from natural causes was found.

Mr. Ford leaves a son, Dennis Ford, and a daughter, who is an inmate of one of the State institutions for the blind. He was an old citizen here, and had resided for years on upper Belle Street, making his living by laboring. The funeral took place Monday afternoon from the Cathedral, and was attended by many of his old friends from about town. The interment took place at Greenwood Cemetery.


FORD, RUSSELL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 19, 1918
Drowned in Mississippi
Russell Ford, a switchman employed on the Illinois Terminal, was drowned Sunday evening about 6 o'clock while swimming in the Mississippi at the mouth of Wood River. The drowning was witnessed by Mrs. Ford and a number of friends of the drowned man. An effort to save Ford was made by his brother, John Ford, who just failed because instead of getting hold of his brother's hair as he attempted to do, he caught hold of the cap on his head, the cap came off in the hand of John Ford and the brother sank without coming up again. The party was spending the day at the John Ringering place, and late in the afternoon it was proposed that the men take a swim. Donning bathing suits they entered the water, while the other members of the party were on the bank watching them. Russell Ford began to go down in deep water and called for help. His brother went to the rescue, and reached for the head of the drowning man, hoping to catch him by the hair. A cap that Russell Ford was wearing plastered the hair close to the head, and the brother, catching it, got no hold on the hair and the cap came off in his hand while the brother sank. Search for the body was started immediately, and for hours dragging was kept up without success.


FORD, UNKNOWN CHILD OF ROY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 7, 1917
Child Eats Poison Tablets
The eighteen months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ford of East Alton died late Friday night from the effects of eating poison tablets. The tablets, it was said by Dr. McKinney, contained arsenic, strychnine and corrosive sublimate, and on account of the multiplicity of poisons, it was impossible to get an antidote that would give any relief. The child had the tablets in her system so long before the fact became known, that they had dissolved and had been absorbed, and were doing their deadliest work when the parents learned that the little one had swallowed them. The tablets, in a box, had been left in a place where the child could get access to them. No one knew she had swallowed them until late in the evening, about three or four hours after they had been swallowed. It was said that it was supposed she had taken three or four of the tablets, but just how many could not be established. The tablets which were taken by the child were small bright red tablets, about the color and size of a "cinnamon" drop. They were being taken by the mother, who was recuperating from an attack of the grip, and are regarded as a highly efficient remedy for adults in such cases. While healing to an adult, the strychnine contained in them would cause the death of a child by throwing it into strychnine convulsions. The mother had left the pills on the dresser near her bed, on which the child was sleeping, and it is supposed that the child crawled from the bed to the dresser, believing the pills were candy, and swallowed three or four of them before the mother knew what had happened. The tablets were taken about 6 o'clock, and the child was dead at 11 o'clock, notwithstanding all that the family physician could do to relieve its suffering.


FORDENFELT, FRITZ/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 6, 1890
Fritz Fordenfelt, a tailor by trade, dropped dead at the Empire House Monday evening. He came to Alton two years ago last August, and has been a constant boarder at the Empire House since then. He first worked here for Horn Bros., the East Second Street tailors, then for Brueggeman Bros., and about two weeks ago he left the latter place and went into the employ of H. C. G. Moritz. Deceased was about 36 years old and unmarried, but is understood to have relatives in St. Louis. The daily papers of that city have been notified of the death, in the hope that such relatives will see the announcement. In the meanwhile, the body will be held at Klunk’s undertaking establishment on State Street for a few days. Deceased was a member of the Journeyman Tailor’s Union No. 129 of Alton, and they have charge of the matters incident to his death and burial. The coroner’s jury found that death was due to apoplexy of the heart.

Source: Alton Telegraph, November 13, 1890
The body of Fritz Fordenfelt, the tailor who dropped dead at the Empire House last Monday evening, and was buried in the Alton City Cemetery last Wednesday, was disinterred Saturday, and Sunday morning was taken to St. Louis for permanent burial.


FOREE, SAMUEL B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 24, 1904
Samuel B. Foree, a prominent resident of Melville, died Saturday night at his home, Oakwild farm, after an illness of six months. Death was due immediately to rheumatism of the heart, and was unexpected, although Mr. Foree had been a sufferer for many months. He is survived by his widow and five children: George and John Foree and Misses Lizzie Elsah and Ailla Foree. Mr. Foree was 55 years of age and had lived near Melville many years. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, and services will be conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing of the Baptist church.


FOREHAND, JEHUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22, 1901
Jehuel Forehand, aged 59, died at his home, 414 East Second street, Thursday evening with heart failure. Three weeks ago Saturday he was injured badly by falling from the third floor to the first floor of the Alton Packing Company's building down an elevator shaft. His back was reported to be broken by the fall, but Forehand began to improve and was supposed to be getting well rapidly, although helpless and unable to leave his bed. Yesterday afternoon he suffered a sudden attack of heart pains, and in a few minutes he was dead. The doctor says he died from heart failure, and that his injury caused by falling down the elevator shaft did not cause his death. Forehand leaves his wife and one daughter.


FOREST, WALTER/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 24, 1885
Died Tuesday evening, September 22, Walter, son of Mr. Christian E. and Mrs. Rosa Forest, at the age of 4 years, 3 months, and 20 days.


FORMAN, HARRY H./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 18, 1875
Died at Bethalto on February 10, of pluro-pneumonia, Harry H., son of W. J. and S. A. Forman; aged 16 months and 12 days.


FORMAN, HERBERT D./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 29, 1864
Died at the residence of his parents near Bethalto, on the 19th inst., Herbert D., third son of Samuel and Elizabeth Forman, in the 18th year of his age.


FORMAN, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 2, 1890
From Bethalto – Mr. Samuel Forman, an old and much respected citizen, died on Saturday morning at his residence in Fort Russell, aged 81 years. He was a man of excellent judgment, a good citizen, a kind neighbor, a loving and indulgent husband and father. The children, having all grown up, have long since left the parental roof, and are scattered far and near, thus leaving the wife and mother [Elizabeth Lee Forman] almost alone. Mr. Forman was a native of Lincolnshire, England, born on March 1, 1807. He came to America in the latter part of 1845, since which time he has resided in Madison County, and nearly all the forty-six years at the home in which on September 27, he peacefully departed this life. The funeral will take place from the family residence, two miles east of town, tomorrow afternoon, and no doubt will be largely attended. [Burial was in the Plegge-Lee-Forman Cemetery in Meadowbrook.]


FORMAN, SARAH ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26, 1864
Died on the 12th inst., Sarah Elizabeth, wife of Rev. Forman, of Alton, aged 40 years. The departed has borne many years of ill health and physical suffering with unwanted patience, resignation, and trust. The few who knew her most intimately, including her own family, will cherish her memory with sincere affection till they meet her in the Kingdom of Heaven.


FORMAN, WILLIAM C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 27, 1910
The funeral of W. C. Forman was held Saturday morning from the residence at Moro, and was attended by practically all residents of that part of the county as well as by many from other places. Services were conducted by Rev. W. H. Groner and the Odd Fellows lodge of Bethalto participated in the services at the cemetery. His grave in the Moro cemetery was covered deep with flowers, the mute but expressive tokens of esteem in which deceased was held by those who knew him best.


FORREST, LIZZIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 13, 1902
The funeral of Mrs. Lizzie Forrest, wife of Henry Forrest, was held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the St. Mary's church to the City Cemetery. Rev. Fr. Meckel conducted the funeral services. There was a very large attendance of the friends of the deceased woman at the funeral, and many floral offerings were given by sympathizing friends of the family. The ladies of the Maccabees turned out in large number and conducted the service at the grave. The pallbearers were William Schmidt, Frank Stobbs, George Seibold, Henry Richter, James Monaghan and Joseph Kirchoff.


FORREST, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1911
The funeral of Mrs. Forrest was held this afternoon from the home of Mrs. John Hoppe, 415 Ridge street. Services were conducted by Rev. S. D. McKenny, and burial was in City cemetery.


FORRISTER, ALEXANDER/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, February 19, 1897
Alexander Forrister, a pioneer resident of near Highland, died Tuesday morning [Feb. 16] at the advanced age of 95 years, 6 months and 5 days. For nearly sixty years he resided four miles east of Highland. He was a thrifty farmer and stockman and had acquired in the neighborhood of 600 acres of land. Notwithstanding his old age, he was surprisingly active in affairs of life. He was married three times, the third wife dying about two years ago. He leaves eight children, some of whom are over sixty years old. The funeral took place yesterday morning from the residence to the Highland cemetery. "Uncle Aleck" as he was familiarly known, was the oldest person in the county. He possessed the sturdy characteristics and rugged honesty of the early settlers and contributed his full share to the development and prosperity of the county.


FOSS, CHARLES 'BISMARCK'/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 9, 1913
Charles Foss, better known as "Bismarck," a purveyor of hot tamale's and wiener sandwiches, died Sunday night at 10 o'clock at his home, 410 East Seventh street, after an illness which began Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. He was standing in front of a house at 304 East Seventh street, which he owned, when he was stricken with apoplexy. He did not regain consciousness. Bismarck was a model of thrift and industry. He came to Alton about thirty years ago and engaged in the business of serving luncheons on the streets downtown. He did well, and by saving he managed to acquire some houses, as well as live in comfort and raise a family. He was a good citizen, a quiet, sober man, genial, and had hosts of friends in Alton who will miss his query of "mit or mit out," referring to whether a sandwich was to have mustard on it or not. He was born in Germany 64 years ago, and came to Alton thirty years ago. He leaves his wife and three children, two sons, William and Fred, and one daughter, Mrs. G. W. Gulart of San Francisco, Cal., who will arrive here Thursday and will attend her father's funeral Friday. The death of "Bismarck" was a great surprise all over Alton, as there were few who knew he was prostrated Saturday afternoon. So generally was the name "Bismarck" applied to him, there were very few people who knew his real name, and most people believed that the popular name he bore and responded to was his own.


FOSTER, ALFRED F./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1902
Alfred E. Foster, for many years a prominent manufacturer of drain tiling, died Monday at his home in Euclid place, after a long illness from bronchial trouble. Mr. Foster's illness was giving him trouble two years before his death, but no alarm was felt until six weeks ago. Then his malady took a severe form and he had been sinking steadily until death came at noon. He was 65 years of age and was born in England, where he made his home until about 38 years ago, except during the time he was in India as an agent of the East India company which controlled India until the formation of the British empire. He was married in this country and engaged in manufacturing pursuits. Twenty-two years ago, he came to Alton and remained here but a short time, returning to East Alton seventeen years ago. There he took charge of the tile works which was being conducted on a small scale. The business qualities of the man were shown in the rapid growth of the business of which he was president. Mr. Foster was the first man in the west to make 32-inch tile and was the second man in the United States. He became president of the Stoneware Pipe Company of East Alton, making a thriving institution of it. Seven years ago he retired from business to live in enjoyment of the fruits of his hard labors. He has lived on Euclid place in a beautiful home he erected there. He leaves his wife and four children, Mrs. A. L. Chapman of St. Louis, George E. Foster of East Alton, Mrs. George F. Kirsch and Mrs. C. N. Pence. The funeral was held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock and services were conducted at the family home by Rev. J. H. J. Rice and Rev. George Gebauer. Burial was in the city cemetery.


FOSTER, CHILD OF J. M./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1851
It is stated that but three deaths of cholera have occurred on Smooth Prairie (Fosterburg). These were Mrs. Harris; a child of J. C. Young, Esq., and a child of Mr. J. M. Foster.


FOSTER, DALLAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 12, 1900
Coroner H. J. Bailey was called to Venice yesterday to hold an inquest on the body of Dallas Foster, a negro of notoriety who has been in many criminal enterprises and has been indicted several times in the Circuit Court for various offenses. Foster was found dead in bed, and it was supposed he died from pneumonia. Coroner Bailey was requested to hold an inquest, and an autopsy was performed. It was revealed by the autopsy that Foster died from lockjaw, the effect of a blow on the head with a poker, inflicted by John Cooperwood one year ago. Cooperwood is now serving a penal term for murder subsequently committed. Foster's brain beneath the scar of the wound was found to be mortified, and he has been in a nervous condition for many months, but was able to be about the place. Cooperwood may be taken back from the penitentiary to be tried for the murder of Foster.


FOSTER, HANNAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 31, 1866
Wife of Oliver Foster - Namesake of Fosterburg
Died at her late residence near Fosterburg in Madison County, on the 25th instant, of paralysis, Mrs. Hannah Foster; aged 77(?) years. The deceased was one of the early settlers of this county, and was for over forty years a consistent member of the M. E. Church. She has left a numerous family and many friends to mourn her departure.


Judge Joel James FosterFOSTER, JOEL JAMES (JUDGE)/Sources: Alton Telegraph, March 5, 1885; Find A Grave
Died August 9, 1885
Veteran of Mexican-American War
Proprietor of Ferry Boat in Alton
Remembers Lincoln Duel and Lovejoy Riot
Joel James Foster was born December 15, 1814, in Meriden, Connecticut. He was the son of Noah Foster (1768-1833) and Anna Ives Foster (1773-1824). Joel was the youngest of eleven children. He moved to Edwardsville in 1830, and served as Captain during the Mexican-American War as quartermaster in Colonel William H. Bissell’s Second Illinois Regiment.

At the time of the Lovejoy riot (1837), Captain Foster was running a ferry boat at the foot of State Street in Alton. His brother, Isaac I. Foster, was one of the founders of the Alton Marine & Fire Insurance Company. Captain Foster remembered when on September 22, 1842, Abraham Lincoln and James Shields went to the island opposite the Alton landing to fight a duel with broadswords. That affair was settled amicably without recourse to cold steel.

In 1848, Captain Foster moved to Hudson, Wisconsin, then known as Willow River. After a careful exploration of the surrounding area, he built a home in the Fall of 1848, at the junction of the two branches of the Kinnickinnic River, just upstream from its falls. His first winter was spent in a cave overlooking the river, with his indentured servant, Dick. He then laid out the town of River Falls, Wisconsin, near the Kinnickinnic River. He filled many positions of responsibility, including Judge of St. Croix County. He married Charlotte Amelia Porch, and they had at least five children. Judge Foster died August 9, 1885, at the age of 70, and is buried in the Greenwood Cemetery in River Falls, Wisconsin.

Siblings of Joel James Foster:
Eli Foster (1796-1856). Died in Wisconsin, and is buried in the Foster Cemetery at River Falls.

Mary Foster Lewis (1797-1832). Married Caleb Lewis, and had two children: Eli Foster Lewis and Isaac Ives Lewis. She died in 1832 in Marine Township, Madison County, Illinois, and is buried in the Marine Cemetery in St. Jacob, Madison County, Illinois.

Othniel Foster (1800-1818). Died at the age of 18 years in Connecticut, and is buried in the Broad Street Cemetery in Meriden, Connecticut.

Isaac Ives Foster (1805-1869). Lived in Alton, where he was a co-founder of the Alton Marine & Fire Insurance Company. Settled in Prescott, Wisconsin, in 1851. Died there in 1869, and was buried in the Foster Cemetery in River Falls.


FOSTER, JOHN/Source: Alton Weekly Courier, July 6, 1854
Coroner Robbins yesterday summoned a jury to inquire the cause of the death of John Foster, who died suddenly at the house of Jacob Bush. Suspicion had been entertained that he had been foully dealt with. The jury returned a verdict of death by apoplexy or a drunken fit.


FOSTER, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 16, 1917
Old Man Found Dying in Barn
An old man named John Foster, apparently about 70 years of age, was found dying yesterday in a deserted barn near Hop Hollow. He had worked on a farm there last year, and being old and finding it hard to get work in his bad condition, he recalled the family for whom he had worked the year before and went back. He applied Tuesday morning to the family for a job, but they told him they would not need him, as they were preparing to move. The old man was fed and then he complained of feeling sick and asked permission to go into the old barn and take a rest. Later in the day the man of the house happened to enter the deserted barn and found the old man unconscious. He reported the fact to Alton. Dr. G. K. Worden, the county physician, was notified, and he went out to look after the man. He had him conveyed to the hospital, where the man died without regaining consciousness. The doctor was of the opinion that death was due to apoplexy, but referred the cause to Deputy Coroner Bauer, who conducted a most mortem to ascertain the cause of death.


FOSTER, JOHN FRANCIS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 22, 1887
Son of James Monroe Foster
Grandson of Oliver Foster (namesake of Fosterburg)
News has just been received of the sudden death of Mr. John Foster of Plainview, Illinois, he having been sick only four days. We have failed to learn the nature of his sickness. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his sudden death, besides a father and mother; two brothers; and two sisters. Deceased was about 38 years of age.

John Francis Foster was born in Plainview, Macoupin County, Illinois, on August 11, 1848. He was the son of James Monroe Foster, and grandson of Oliver Foster, who was the namesake of Fosterburg. In 1869, he married Josephine Sarah Wareham, and they had six children, two of whom are: John William Foster (1877-1932) and John Francis Foster Jr. (1887-1965).


FOSTER, JONAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 24, 1890
Jonas Foster is the name of a poor potato digger, who worked near Mitchell. Unfortunately for him, Jonas was walking along the Big Four tracks at an early hour Thursday morning. An approaching train had no terrors for him, or else he did not see it. At any rate, he was run into by the train and received a big gash in the head. He was thrown to one side of the track, where he was picked up by the train hands and taken to the station at Mitchell. Dr. Davis went down on the Flyer, and did all he could to alleviate his sufferings. The physician ordered him taken to Alton in the afternoon if he was still alive, but he expired before the time set for going, and need of hospital care was a thing of the past. The residents of Mitchell censure the railroad company for the treatment given Foster after he was brought to the station. They allege that he was allowed to lay on the platform all the day; on the west side in the morning, and on the east side in the afternoon. Coroner Bonner held an inquest last night, the verdict being the customary form for deaths under such circumstances.


FOSTER, LUCINDA (nee HUNT)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 17, 1906
Fosterburg Pioneer
Mrs. Lucindie [Lucinda] Foster, widow of Oliver Perry Foster [founder of Fosterburg], died at her home in Fosterburg Saturday morning at 7:10 o'clock. Her death was due to the infirmities of old age. The deceased is one of the true pioneers of Madison County. She came to the county when a mere child, and has spent more than eighty years in the county, residing all of this time in the same place in the village of Fosterburg. She was one of the few remaining members of those rugged pioneers who stuck to Madison County, and aided in the work of making it a valuable farming district. Ten years ago, her helpmate [Oliver P. Foster] died, and since that time she has resided with her children, enjoying good health until this winter when she became very weak and almost helpless. She leaves four sons: Theodore Foster of Kansas; Decatur and Oliver Foster of Fosterburg; and Abraham Foster, who is a traveling solicitor for the M. K. & T. Railroad, running between St. Louis and San Francisco; and three daughters, Mrs. Stephen Holt of Upper Alton; Mrs. Hopper of Kansas; and Mrs. Adeline Titchenal of Fosterburg. The arrangements for the funeral have not been made. The muddy roads will not in any way interfere with the funeral, as the home is only a half mile from the cemetery and the trip can be made across the fields, thus avoiding the muddy roads. In their present condition the roads are such that no one can go over them, even on horseback, as the farmers will not risk their horses.

Mrs. Foster was the widow of the son of the man for whom Fosterburg Township was named.

Lucinda Hunt was born in 1820, and was the daughter of Rachel Buckalew Hunt, a native of New Jersey or Pennsylvania. The Hunt family arrived by wagon train in the early 1820s. According to Find A Grave, Rachel met George Washington when she was a girl, and Abraham Lincoln stayed at the Foster home during the Lincoln-Douglas debates at Alton. Rachel Hunt died in 1867 at the age of 107 years, and was buried in the Fosterburg Cemetery in an unmarked grave next to Oliver Foster.

Lucinda Hunt married at the age of 17 to *Oliver Perry Foster, on July 9, 1837, in Madison County, Illinois. They had ten children: Sabastian, William H. (1840-1891), Francis M. (1842-1864), Decatur (1844-1916), Belinda (1847-1923), Adaline (1849-1923), Theodore, Oliver Perry Jr. (1854-1926), Hannah E. (1867-1932), and Abraham Lincoln (1864-1924) Foster.

Lucinda was buried in the Fosterburg Cemetery. Surviving were seven children, twenty-seven grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren.

*Oliver Perry Foster was the son of Oliver Foster, who was born in 1779 in New Hampshire. Oliver Sr. was a veteran of the War of 1812. He married Hannah Eldred (born 1789 in Massachusetts). In 1819, Oliver Sr. and Hannah Foster came to Madison County, and settled in Upper Alton. The Foster family moved in 1825 to Smooth Prairie, one mile north of what would become Fosterburg. He erected Foster Tavern, the finest residence in the township, located on Fosterburg Road, which was a regular stage route from Alton to Springfield. Oliver Sr. died on March 1, 1855, and his wife, Hannah, died in 1866. They were buried in the Fosterburg Cemetery. The village of Fosterburg was platted by Oliver Perry Foster, the son of Oliver and Hannah Foster. The plat was recorded October 12, 1857. The village was first called “Foster,” after his father, but when application was made for a post office in 1858, it was found there was another post office by that name in Illinois, so “burg” was added. Another son of Oliver Foster, Alonzo, moved to the eastern part of Madison County, and in 1860 laid out the town of New Douglas.


FOSTER, MYRTLE N./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 02, 1896
From Edwardsville – Myrtle N., the 7-year-old daughter of Mrs. E. Foster, died Friday evening of diphtheria. The funeral occurred Saturday. The remains were laid to rest in the New Douglas Cemetery. The father died two weeks ago.

In addition to her mother and grandfather, Myrtle was survived by her brothers, Tell (Telly), Thomas, and Francis (Frank).


FOSTER, NANCY B./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 22, 1845
Died on Monday the 17th instant, at half past 9 o'clock a.m., Mrs. Nancy B. Foster, wife of Mr. Alonzo Foster, of the forks of the Wood River, Madison County, leaving a husband and four children and many friends to mourn her loss. "Blest are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them."


Namesake of Fosterburg
Oliver Foster was born June 22, 1779, in New Hampshire. His parents were Asa and Mary (Farnum) Foster. Asa Foster was born June 15, 1752, in Pembroke, New Hampshire. He was a veteran of the Revolutionary War. Mary Foster was born in 1755. Little is known about her history. Asa died in 1834 in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, at the age of 81 or 82. Asa and Mary Foster’s children were: Oliver Foster (1779-1855); Joseph F. Foster (1783-1843); Daniel Foster (1794-1870); and Fredrick Foster (1796-1862).

Oliver Foster, a veteran of the War of 1812, married Hannah Eldred, who was born February 4, 1789, in Falmouth, Massachusetts. In 1819, Oliver and Hannah Foster, came to Madison County and settled for a few years in Upper Alton. Foster and his family moved in 1825 to property he received from the government on Smooth Prairie, one mile north of what would become Fosterburg. He was a skilled mechanic and erected what was later designated as the Foster tavern, the finest residence in the township. The tavern was located on the Springfield Road (Fosterburg Road), which was the regular stage route from Alton to Springfield. It soon became a popular stopping place for travelers and was used as a relay station where new teams of horses were procured for the continued journey to Springfield. Usually the stage arrived in the evening, remaining overnight, and resuming the journey the next morning. Many prominent people, including Abraham Lincoln, took advantage of the accommodation offered by the tavern. After the railroad came through the area, the tavern was discontinued.

The children of Oliver and Hannah Foster included: Emira Freeman Foster Heath (1807-1851); Aurora Bartlett Foster Wood (1811-1906); Oliver Perry Foster (1813-1897); Alonzo Foster (1816-1901); James Monroe Foster (1818-1893); Eldred J. Foster (1821-1851); Rosaviva Foster Jinkinson (1825-1911); Lenora Foster (1826-1851); and Micah Foster (1830-1910).

Oliver Foster died March 1, 1855. His wife, Hannah, died in 1866. They are buried in the Fosterburg Cemetery.

The village of Fosterburg was platted by the son of Oliver Foster - Oliver Perry Foster - and his wife, Lucinda (Hunt) Foster. The plat was recorded October 12, 1857. The original town included 4 blocks. The village was first called “Foster,” after his father, but when application for a post office was made in 1858, it was found that there was another post office by that name, so “burg” was added. Another son of Oliver Foster, Alonzo, moved to the eastern part of the county, and in 1860 laid out the town of New Douglas.


FOSTER, OLIVER PERRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 8, 1897
Founder of Fosterburg
Fosterburg mourns the loss of one of its oldest citizens, Mr. Oliver Perry Foster, who passed away on Saturday morning, July 03, 1897, at the age of 83 years and nine months. He had been in poor health for about two years and able to leave his room for a while at a time only. Infirmity of years seemed to be the cause of his trouble. Mr. Foster has always been an active, energetic citizen, and his inability to get about being contrary to his desire and disposition his health became impaired and the vigor of manhood soon departed.

Fosterburg, which bears his name, is located on property which was once his possession and was generously ceded by him in interest of the public, and for many years he was active in promoting the interests of our community. He was a good citizen and a generous neighbor, always willing and ready to lend a helping hand. He was always kindly spoken of, and "Uncle Oliver" was an address quite familiar to all. While the family loses a kind husband and indulgent father, the community at large realizes the seriousness of their loss and joins them in sympathy.

Mr. Foster was born in Dixfield, Maine, September, 23, 1813. He moved to Illinois with his parents in 1819 and has lived in this vicinity ever since. On July 19, 1837, he was married to Miss Lucinda Hunt, and had he lived until July 9, they would have celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. He leaves a wife, 77 years old, and seven children - four sons and three daughters, 24 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; one brother and two sisters.

Funeral services were held on Monday, Rev. G. W. Waggoner of Upper Alton conducting the services, which were quite largely attended. The pall bearers were: J. S. Culp, Daniel McCarty, Frank Williams, J. F. Thompson, Moses Thompson, William Thompson, J. H. Dillon and Jasper Dillon.

Oliver Perry Foster was the son of Oliver Foster (1779-1855) and Hannah Eldred Foster (1789-1866). His father, Oliver Foster, was a veteran of the War of 1812, and settled in Upper Alton in 1819. The family moved in 1825 to “Smooth Prairie,” on land he received from the government, just north of Fosterburg. He erected Foster Tavern, the finest residence in the township, located on Fosterburg Road. It soon became a popular stopping place for travelers, and was used as a relay station where new teams of horses were procured for the continued journey to Springfield. Abraham Lincoln stayed in the tavern. Oliver Foster died March 01, 1855. Both he and his wife were buried in the Fosterburg Cemetery.

The village of Fosterburg was platted by the son of Oliver Foster – Oliver Perry Foster. The plat was recorded October 12, 1857. The original town included only 4 blocks. The village was first called “Foster,” but when application for a post office was made in 1858, it was discovered there was another post office by that name, so “burg” was added. Another son of Oliver Foster, Alonzo, moved to the eastern part of the county, and in 1860 laid out the town of New Douglas. [Burial of Oliver Foster was in the Fosterburg Cemetery.]


FOSTER, SOPHIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 24, 1900
Sophia Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, died last evening at the family home at East Alton after an illness with typhoid fever. The young woman was 20 years of age and was very popular in her large circle of friends. Mrs. Foster is also very ill with the same malady, but it is thought she will recover. The funeral of Miss Foster will be held Sunday, and the body will be sent to St. Louis for interment.


FOSTER, SOPHIA M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 22, 1913
Mrs. Sophia M. Foster, widow of Alfred Foster, died from paralysis at 4 o'clock this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles N. Pence in East Alton. She had been a victim of paralysis since January 10, and for some time her condition had been so bad that her death was expected to occur at any time. Her children had been with her, looking for the end of their mother's illness, and had been giving her the most devoted attention. Mrs. Foster leaves two daughters, Mrs. George F. Kirsch and Mrs. Charles N. Pence, and one son, George Foster. She was 77 years, 5 months of age. Mrs. Foster was born in Richmond, Va., and came to Illinois when a child. She lived first at Chester, and in 1865 she came to Upper Alton to live. Most of the time, with the exception of a few years she lived in St. Louis, she had lived in Alton and East Alton. Some time ago she went to live with her daughter, Mrs. Pence, at East Alton. The funeral will be held from the residence of Mrs. Pence, Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, and burial will be in City Cemetery. It will be private.


FOSTER, ZACH/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1873
Zach Foster, a colored man living in Upper Alton, who has been suffering with confluent smallpox for several days, died at six o’clock last evening. His remains were buried this morning. This was the only case of smallpox in Upper Alton.


FOULDS, ALVENA “VENA” (nee CROWE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 01, 1896
Wife of Dr. Thomas L. Foulds Electrocuted
Mrs. Alvena Foulds, wife of Dr. Thomas L. Foulds of Alton, was instantly killed Saturday evening about six o’clock while turning on the incandescent lights in the cellar at her home on Belleview Avenue. While it is known that her death was caused by electricity, the exact source of the deadly current is unknown, although careful examination of all the lines in that vicinity has been made by the Alton Railway and Illuminating Company.

The man who supplies the Foulds’ home with ice arrived there about 6 o’clock Saturday evening, and at that time darkness had settled down, and to assist him to put the ice in the box in the cellar, Mrs. Foulds stepped to an electric button to turn on the light. The button was in the cellar, and the ice man says that just as she touched it, he heard Mrs. Foulds utter a pained “Oh,” and fell over against him. He was badly shocked by contact with her body, but recovered himself and ran for aid. Dr. White, a neighbor, hurried to his assistance, but it was impossible to touch her, as she still retained hold on the deadly button, and an electric current was running through her body. Her hold on the button was finally broken by Dr. Foulds with a woolen towel, knocking the button out of her hand, but fully three minutes must have elapsed. Drs. Taphorn and Davis were called, but pronounced her dead. Her body was frightfully burned with the electric current, and no one was allowed to see her.

Mrs. Foulds was a daughter of the late Joseph Crowe (1827-1894), and her maiden name was Alvena Crowe. She was a sister of Mr. G. F. Crowe and Mrs. James H. Aldous of Alton. She was wedded to Dr. T. L. Foulds about ten years ago. Almost her entire life had been spent in Alton. She was exceedingly popular in her large circle of friends, and moved prominently in the leading society. Alvena Court, the tract recently improved by Dr. Foulds on Bluff Street, was named in her honor.

A Coroner’s inquest was held, and a verdict of death by electricity was found. As has been said, the source of the cause of Mrs. Foulds’ death will likely not be known. It is well known that the trolley wires usually do not carry enough electric current to cause death, being only about 500 volts in strength. The only possible solution of the mystery is that either the incandescent line became crossed with the arc light system, or that lightning struck the line.

In reference to rumors that the trolley wire carried 1500 volts on Saturday night, Mr. J. H. Hopkins, chief electrician of the Electric Light Company, stated today that the wire never carried over 500 volts. If there had been 1500 volts on Saturday night, every motor in the city would have been burned out, whereas none were. The trolley wire, Mr. Hopkins states, is three feet above the line leading to Dr. Foulds’ residence.

The funeral of Mrs. Foulds took place Monday afternoon from the family home on Belleview Avenue. Rev. H. H. Chittenden conducted the services in the impressive ritual of the Episcopal Church. Notwithstanding the disagreeable weather, there was a large assembly of friends and relatives at the darkened home. A large cortege followed the body to the Alton City Cemetery, where the interment took place. The pallbearers were Messrs. L. J. Haagen, P. L. Betts, J. H. Booth, Jacob Wead, H. L. Black, and Walter Waples.

Source: Alton Telegraph, October 8, 1896
Professor McRae of St. Louis, formerly professor of Electricity in Rolla College, Missouri, was in Alton today investigating the cause of the death of Mrs. Foulds at her residence last Saturday night. The professor was invited to Alton by the relatives of the deceased lady. The investigation was made in the presence of Mr. J. H. Hopkins, Chief Electrician of the Electric Company, Mr. H. S. Baker, attorney of the company, and Dr. Foulds, Mr. G. F. Crowe, and others.

The investigation was quite thorough, and was concluded at a late hour Monday afternoon. Prof. McRae will give his decision in writing. The transformer in front of the Foulds’ residence was taken down today, sealed and placed in the bank. It is stated that the apparatus, as far as the examination had proceeded, was found in good order. The verdict of Prof. McRae will be awaited with interest.

The Verdict
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 31, 1898
The jury in the case of Dr. T. L. Foulds vs. the Alton Railway and Illuminating Co. has rendered a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for $3,500. The suit was for $5,000. Mrs. Foulds came to her death by taking hold of an incandescent light in the cellar of their residence in November 1896. It was dark, and she had gone to the cellar to turn on the light to enable the iceman to put the ice in the refrigerator. As she took hold of the bulb, her hand came in contact with the brass holder, when she received the full power of the electric current. It was some time before she could be released, and life was extinct.

Alvena Crowe was born in 1863, and was 32 or 33 years of age at the time of her death. She married Thomas L. Foulds in 1887. Thomas died in March 1911.


FOULDS, THOMAS L. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 8, 1911
Prominent Specialist Dies at Residence on Bluff Street
Dr. Thomas L. Foulds died at his residence, 23 Bluff street, Tuesday evening about 10 o'clock, after a long illness. His death had been expected, although from time to time it was thought he had shown some improvement in condition. He had not been in good health for about a year. Last summer he took a long vacation in the east in the hope of being benefited physically, but the return to his duties was soon followed by another breakdown. He had been very ill almost the entire winter, and part of the time was in a hospital in St. Louis. Six weeks ago he returned to his home, and most of the time he was confined to his bed. The cause of his death was kidney trouble. Dr. Foulds was one of the best known residents of Alton. He had lived in the city for many years, and in recent years he had practiced the profession of specialist in eye, ear, throat and nose diseases, and he had made a success of this profession, which he had taken up late in life. He was a talented man, a good conversationalist, and he had many good friends. He was the possessor of much real estate in Alton, and it was through his belief in the future of Alton that Bluff street west of State street owes its present fine condition. Dr. Foulds was the principal one to agitate the cutting of the grade of that street which left all the old property high above the street. Later the property was improved and the street was lined with fine residences. He did much to develop that very desirable residence part of the city. Thomas L. Foulds was born in Bradford, England, and was 57 years of age. He was married twice, first to Miss Alvena Crowe, who died eight years ago, and to Miss Mamie Crowe. He came to Alton about 28 years ago. He leaves his wife and two children, Vena and Mary. He was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal church. He had attended Oxford University in England, and was a man of intellectual culture and refinement. He was deeply interested in civic improvement, in golf and automobiling. He was a graceful conversationalist, and was keen of mind and had a clear grasp of affairs. He had built up a good practice in his profession in Alton, and was highly regarded by the other members of the Alton society in which he affiliated. The funeral will be Friday afternoon from St. Paul's Episcopal church at 2:30 o'clock.


FOULK, ALICE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 5, 1917
Mrs. Alice Foulk, wife of John Foulk, died at 2:20 a.m. today at the home of her sister, Mrs. Dennis Driscoll, 1906 Beall street. She leaves her husband, her mother, Mrs. Margaret Laughlin, four sisters: Mrs. Driscoll, Misses Nellie and Laura Laughlin, and Mrs. Frank McAlaney; and two brothers, Arthur of Spokane, Wash., and Francis of St. Louis. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's Church. Friends are requested to omit flowers.


FOULKS, CHARLES W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 3, 1901
Charles W. Foulks died at the home of his father today at ten minutes to one o'clock, aged 31 years. The deceased was taken ill last January with lung trouble, which developed into an abscess that could not be healed. He was unmarried. The funeral will take place on Sunday from the family home on Market street.


FOULON, IRENEE (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1885
Rev. L. Foulon, a well-known Baptist clergyman, died on December 17 at his residence near Highland in Madison County; aged 63 years.

Rev. Rene Antoine Joseph Foulon (Rev. Irene Foulon) was born May 1, 1824 in Viesley, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Clais, France. He married Lydie Joseph Besid (Lydia J. Bezin Foulon) in Viesley, France, on September 13, 1848. She died in 1916. They had the following children: Irenaeus D. Foulon (1849-1902); Lydia Foulon Davis (1852-1914); and Joel Jude Foulon (1862-1920). Rev. Foulon was buried in the Gullick Cemetery in Highland, Illinois.


FOUNTAIN, WILLIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 15, 1905
Willis Fountain, aged 51, colored, died at his home on Smith avenue this morning at 3 o'clock from pneumonia. The funeral will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from the A. M. E. church.


FOVEL, EMMA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 7, 1920
Miss Emma Fovel, aged 41, died this morning following an operation for the relief of cancer, which had proved of no avail in improving her condition. She resided at 116 Central avenue.


FOWLER, A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 8, 1901
Mrs. A. Fowler, who for years conducted the boarding house at the corner of Seventh and Belle streets, known as the "Western House," died Monday morning at the home of her son, M. W. Clark, in Edwardsville. Her age was 86, and she lived in Alton most of the time since 1855. She has another son, N. H. Clark, now in the Indian Territory. The body will be brought from Edwardsville tomorrow morning and laid to rest in the City Cemetery.


FOX, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1889
Mrs. Jacob Fox died Wednesday evening at her home in North Alton; aged 36 years, of consumption. The funeral took place Saturday from the residence.


FOX, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 8, 1851
An inquest was held yesterday by S. W. Robbins, Esq., Coroner, upon the body of one John Fox, an Irishman, who was found dead in his bed on Friday morning. The verdict of the jury was that the deceased came to his death from an attack of delirium tremens. This is the man who was forcibly expelled from the store of Messrs. Clawson, Herwit & Co., some days since, and as the testimony of four of our physicians to the correctness of the above verdict has been obtained, it should prove entirely satisfactory to all interested.


FOX, LAVINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 5, 1910
The funeral of Mrs. Lavina Fox, of St. Louis, was held this morning on the arrival of the funeral party from St. Louis. The body was taken direct to City cemetery for interment, where services were conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden. The pallbearers were J. J. Brenholt, C. W. Milnor, G. H. Smiley, U. S. Nixon of Alton, A. A. Paxon and H. P. Brewer of St. Louis. Before her death Mrs. Fox had made a request that these gentlemen serve as her pallbearers, and she had also asked that she be taken to Alton for burial. The request that she be brought here was natural, as her family in Alton was one of the oldest ones, and had been very prominent in the early days. She was the last of her family, all of them having died before her. Her father conducted the Piasa House in Alton, where the Beall mining tool plant is located, a very pretentious hotel in the early days of Alton.


FOX, NATHANIEL S./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 1, 1844
Drowned, in the Mississippi River at this place [Alton], while bathing, on Friday afternoon the 24th ult., Nathaniel S., son of Mr. George W. and Mrs. Sarah Fox, in the 12th years of his age.


FOXX, ANDREW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 23, 1909
Victim of Chicago 'Crib' Disaster Dies - Veteran of War with Spain
George Foxx, former janitor of the city hall, received word last evening that his son, Andrew, was one of the victims of the disaster at the "crib" in Chicago, in which over fifty lives were lost. The body was so burned it could not have been identified but for the letters he was carrying in his pocket. One was a letter from an Alton colored girl, and another from an older woman. The family were notified the body was being held subject to their order, and Undertaker W. H. Bauer went to Chicago last evening to take charge of the body and bring it back to Alton. Andrew Foxx was 28 years of age. He was a member of the 8th Illinois volunteers during the war with Spain, and saw service in the Philippines. He was, until recently, porter at the Barth pharmacy, and had been in Chicago only a short time. His parents knew he was expecting to go to work on the "crib" in Lake Michigan, and since the accident have been watching for his name or looking for word from him, but none came until the message was received from the coroner, giving notice he was dead. Among the letters in the pocket of the deceased was a letter from his fiance, Miss Evangeline Barton, to whom he was to have been married in April. He leaves beside his parents, four sisters and one brother.


FRANCES, MARY E./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1894
Mrs. Mary E., wife of John W. Frances, died Friday morning after a lingering illness, aged 51 years and 7 months. A husband, five sons, and two daughters survive her. She was a native of Indiana, but had lived in Illinois the greater part of her life, having lived 26 years in Pike County. Her sons are the well-known painters of Alton.


FRANCIS, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 17, 1843
Died, on the fifth day of June, 1843, at 9 o'clock p.m., Charles Francis, son of Mr. John and Mrs. Louisa Morrison of Alton, Illinois, aged 1 year, 2 months and 1 day. "Bright, catly, transient, chaste as morning dew, He sparkled, was exhaled, and went to Heaven." "Softly his fainting head he lay Upon his Maker's breast, His Maker kissed his soul away, And laid his flesh to rest."


FRANCIS, JAMES K./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 18, 1910
Commander of Alton Post G.A.R. Dies from Paralysis
James K. Francis, aged 71, died Friday morning shortly after midnight at his home, Fifth and Alby streets, from paralysis. Mr. Francis had been ill many months and was beginning to get well apparently, when he was stricken with paralysis last week in his home. His condition was alarming to his family from the time paralysis set in and during most of the time all his family have been attending him. During yesterday his condition was known to be worse, and his death was expected. Mr. Francis had been a resident of Alton many years. He was an old soldier and a member of long standing in Alton post, G. A. R. He was elected commander of the post at the last election, but was never able to take charge of the duties, owing to his long-continued illness. Mr. Francis was a brave soldier during the Civil War. He enlisted in Co. K, 97th Illinois volunteers under Col. Rutherford of Alton, and later when a G. A. R. post was organized at Elsah he insisted upon it being named for his old colonel. After fighting at the siege of Vicksburg where he was wounded, he was sent to New Orleans and on the way the train was wrecked. The man who was sleeping in the same blanket with him at his side was killed. A car wheel ran over Mr. Francis' left leg near the thigh, and he was permanently crippled. He did not desire to be discharged, but owing to his disability he was sent home and could not serve as a soldier any longer. He was a man of many good parts, quiet and genial, a good friend to those who knew him, and always an honest, upright man with high ideals of good citizenship, which he endeavored to practice. He was born at Francis Mills, N. J., and would have been 71 years old the first of next June. Many years he lived in Jersey and Greene counties, and since 1894 had lived in Alton. During most of the time he conducted a boarding house, as his war injuries prevented him doing any active work. He leaves beside his widow, four children, Miss Lucy P. Francis, Mrs. Martha Schall, Richard and William Francis. He leaves also one sister, Mrs. Mary J. Holman of St. Louis, and three brothers, Nathan of Decatur, John of Francis Mills, N. J., and Dr. E. T. Francis of Columbus, Ind. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home under G. A. R. auspices.


FRANCIS, JESSE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 4, 1904
Epileptic Burned to Death by Falling in Fire
Jesse Francis, aged 19, a member of a well-known Alton family, was burned to death Thursday night at the home of J. L. Harris, two miles from Upper Alton. Francis was an epileptic and it is supposed he fell into an open fireplace while combing his hair and he died without regaining consciousness. Francis was working at the Brown dairy near Upper Alton. Thursday evening Mrs. Harris called him to go to supper, and when she saw him, he was standing before the fireplace in his room combing his hair. He did not go to supper when called, and a few minutes later he was found lying with his face and one arm in the fire. The young man's clothing was afire, and at that time his face and arm were badly burned. The horrified members of the household dragged the burning body of the young man from the fireplace and out through the house into the yard, where the flames in his clothing were put out. When the fire was out the young man was found to be dead. His face and arm were badly burned, and it is supposed he had inhaled the flames while his face was in the fire. Mr. Harris says that the fire was in an old fashioned fireplace, and that the young man fell with his face in a bed of coals. While the members of the family were dragging the young man from the house, the carpet was set afire and they had great difficulty in preventing the burning of the house. Francis leaves four brothers, J. A., J. W., E. E., and A. J. Francis, and two sisters, Mrs. H. R. Wolf of Alton, and Mrs. Charles Ross of Keithsburg, Ill. Deputy Coroner Streeper impaneled a jury this morning to hold an inquest over the body, and a verdict of accidental death in accordance with the facts related was found. The body was taken to the home of A. J. Francis, 228 Hamilton street. [Interment was in City Cemetery]


FRANCIS, JOHN E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 23, 1908
Following the death of John E. Francis at St. Joseph's hospital late Saturday afternoon, Newton A. Hines, the Belle street grocer, was required to give additional bond in the sum of $5,000 in Justice Nathan's court. The bond was signed by seven neighbors of Mr. Hines, and he was detained only a few minutes while the bond was being signed up. The body of Francis was taken to the morgue of Deputy Coroner Keiser, where an inquest will be held tonight by Coroner Streeper. The funeral will be held Tuesday a.m. from the morgue, the wife of Francis being in such a condition of health that it was deemed inadvisable to take the body home. Mrs. Francis' condition is very grave, and her relatives are fearful of the consequences of the shock attendant upon the death of her husband. Burial will be in the City Cemetery. An interesting coincidence is that about 18 months ago Fred Boehm was killed in the same neighborhood under similar circumstances, and his wife was in similar condition. John Lawrence, another resident of the neighborhood, was killed by a train within the 18 months also. Coroner Streeper impaneled a jury to hold the inquest, consisting of business men. He said that inasmuch as so much was dependent on the verdict of the jury, he desired one that would give careful consideration to the evidence and draw out all that could be known at such an inquiry, so the jury could find a verdict that would be just.


FRANCIS, MARTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 12, 1911
Mrs. Martha Francis, widow of James K. Francis, died Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock at her home, Fifth and Alby streets, after an illness of many months. She had been near death for weeks, and when the end came it was expected. Mrs. Francis underwent a surgical operation in St. Louis for the relief of the malady which caused her death, but her age and the gravity of her case precluded recovery. Her husband died one year ago last March. Mrs. Francis was 67 years of age and had lived in Alton about twenty years. She leaves four children, Mrs. L. D. Yager, Mrs. Martha Scheil, Messrs. W. J. and R. I. Francis of St. Louis. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home, Rev. W. T. Cline, officiating.


FRANKE, FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 22, 1917
Fred Franke, aged 24, third trick operator for the Wabash at Mitchell, was instantly killed at 9:30 o'clock this morning by being struck by the northbound passenger train No. 4 on the Chicago and Alton. Franke was running across the Chicago and Alton tracks to get on a southbound Big Four train, which stops at that place. In running to get the Big Four train he did not notice the on-coming Chicago and Alton passenger train. He was hurled clear of the track and death was believed to be instantaneous. When he was picked up he was lifeless and nearly every bone in his body was broken. Franke's father is a well-known farmer at Wanda.


FRANKE, MARY RITTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 26, 1909
Mrs. Mary Ritter Frank, wife of Edward Franke, died this morning at 2:30 o'clock at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ritter, 409 Ridge street, after an illness of six months. She is survived by her husband, one child, her parents, six sisters, and four brothers. Until a few weeks ago there had not been a death in the family of twelve children when a brother died a violent death, and now hers is the second death. The time of the funeral is not set.


FRANKFORD, ANDREW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 29, 1916
Andrew Frankford died at the Nazareth Home this noon after being at the home for three days, and after an illness of about three weeks. For a number of years Mr. Frankford has lived by himself at Worden, Ill. Recently he was taken ill and he was in a serious condition before neighbors in Worden found him and notified his brothers in Fosterburg. Later he was brought to Alton in a very serious condition. He is survived by three brothers. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.


FRANKFORD, EMMA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 17, 1894
From Fosterburg – Mrs. Emma Frankford died on Monday, at the age of 32 years, and was buried at Short’s Cemetery on Wednesday. She leaves a husband and one child. She was a member of the M. E. Church of this place; was a Christian lady of many good qualities; and was loved by all who knew her.


FRANKFORD, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 18, 1890
From Fosterburg – Died Saturday morning, September 13, of brain fever, Mary Frankford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Frankford, aged 3 years. Funeral at family residence. For one long week the sleepless watchers at the bedside of the patient little sufferer maintained the unequal contest with the dread destroyer, only to see the beautiful life fade out at last like the light of a summer eve. Sweet little Mary; her years on earth were few, but they filled a wide space in the hearts of those who loved her. Only 3 years, and yet how much gladness they brought to others, and how desolate the home now lacking the music of her voice and the tribute of her childish caress.


FRANKFORD, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 28, 1894
From Bethalto – The infant son of Mr. Joshua Frankford died in Springfield on June 20, and was sent here [Bethalto] for burial at Mt. Olive Cemetery [Short’s Cemetery].


FRANKLIN, EARL/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 06, 1898
Earl Franklin, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. William Herren, died yesterday morning after a painful brain illness. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon from the family home, corner of Ninth and Liberty Streets.


FRANKLIN, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 29, 1916
Claimed to be 106 Years of Age
Edward Franklin, a very old negro resident of Alton, died at his home on Belle street. He was a county pensioner for many years and today one of his sons asked that a county order be given for the burial of his father. The son said that he had $60 he could spend on a funeral, but did not consider that enough. The request for county aid for the funeral was refused by the overseer of the poor, who said he believed $60 was plenty for the funeral expenses. Franklin was a very old man, but his exact age was not known. Joseph Hermann, overseer of the poor, thought at first that the county would be liable for the funeral of Franklin, who was reported to be 106 years of age..... [April 3, 1916 The funeral of Ed Franklin, colored, was held from the North Alton church to the Godfrey cemetery yesterday morning. Franklin claimed to be over 106 years of age. He had a large number of relatives and friends in Alton who attended the funeral.]


FRANKLIN, FRANCES LEONA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1918
Mrs. Frances Leona Franklin, aged 63, wife of Thomas Franklin of East Alton, died last night at 9:30 at St. Joseph's Hospital, three weeks after the death of her son, Gordon Franklin, without the knowledge of her son's death. The fact that her son had died was kept from her, relatives said, because her condition was so serious that she would have completely collapsed, it was feared, on the moment of receiving the news. For the past month since an operation for an abscess of the liver, Mrs. Franklin has been hovering between life and death. Members of the family said that only in case she recovered would she be told of the death of her son. Her son, Gordon Franklin, died at his home in East Alton after a long illness from lung troubles. Both mother and son asked for each other during their long illness, the son having requested that his mother be brought home that he might see her before he died, but her condition made it impossible. The mother kept inquiring about her son, and her questions were always met with some sort of evasive answer which served to satisfy the mother's longing to know how her son was getting along. The Franklin family is one of the oldest and most highly respected families in East Alton. Mrs. Franklin leaves her husband, who is not in the best of health, and several children, three of whom have been under the doctor's care at various times during the winter. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the burial will be in Milton cemetery.


FRANKLIN, HERBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 28, 1909
The body of Herbert Franklin, the negro boy was drowned Friday afternoon near the Alton Lime and Cement Co. plant, has not been recovered. The parents of the boy, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Franklin of 18th and Belle streets, have a little farm in the country on the Grafton road, and they were on the farm when the accident occurred, so they know nothing of it until their return. Henry Geisel of the Alton Lime and Cement Co. says that the river front at the company's property is a favorite, if dangerous, place where a large number of boys and men swim daily. It is remarkable that this is the first life lost by drowning this summer at Alton. Mr. Geisel says that the men and larger boys carry off all the planks at the quarries and use them for spring boards, and that it is impossible to keep any boards there. Every time a blast is about to be fired, it is the custom of the men to ascertain whether anybody is in swimming, and warn them to get out of the way of falling rock.


FRANKLIN, JANE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 2, 1904
Mrs. Jane Franklin, colored, aged 82, died Monday morning at her home in Godfrey township after a long illness with cancer. The funeral will be Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock.


FRANKLIN, MATTIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 21, 1914
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Franklin of East Alton, who are suffering from failing eyesight and have raised a large family of children, one of whom Mattie Franklin, aged 16, their youngest, died and was buried this week, send a notice to the Telegraph thanking friends and acquaintances and also state that on account of their near blindness, they do not wish any of those friends or acquaintances to take offense in case they should pass them in the future without recognizing them. The card of thanks reads as follows: "Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Franklin and family desire to thank each and every one that befriended our dear little Mattie at her bedside and for their devoted attendance to her and family through those dark days gone by, and for so many beautiful flowers. We do not know how to express how much we do appreciate it all, only by constant thanking them and also our dear Lord for all. Now as wife and I are so near blind, we hope that if we pass any of those friends and fail to recognize them, they will know what the cause is. We never will forget you all. Thanking you one and all forever, we hope to always be your friend and meet again at last in the glory world with Mattie. Thomas Franklin and Family."


FRANKLIN, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 6, 1897
From East Alton – The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Franklin was buried Saturday, and the parents have the sincere sympathy of the community in their bereavement.


FRASIER, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 1, 1906
Killed in RR Accident South of Springfield
Edward Frasier, former yardmaster for the Chicago & Alton in this city, was fatally injured this morning at 7:30 o'clock as the result of a rear end collision about two miles south of Springfield. Frasier was a brakeman on a freight train of which James Noonan is conductor. The train was standing at a crossing when an extra pulled by engine 360 came up behind and struck the train. Frasier was seated in the caboose eating his breakfast when the collision occurred, and he was fatally injured. Mrs. Frasier was notified by telegraph of the injury of her husband, and later received a message that he had died a half hour after being hurt. She was notified that the body would await her orders and at noon she, accompanied by her father, John Roberts, and Edward Motherway, representing the railway trainmen, went to Springfield to accompany the remains back to Alton. The Frasier family lived at Ninth and Piasa streets. He was 27 years of age, and besides his wife he leaves one child. He was a brother of Mrs. G. W. Quackenbusch, formerly of Alton. Mrs. Frasier said before leaving for Springfield that she would bring her husband's remains back to Alton for burial, and she expects to arrive here with them tomorrow morning. The victim of this accident was highly esteemed in railroad circles. He was a quiet man, and faithful in the discharge of his duties, and was much liked in Alton and vicinity.


FRAZIER, ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 24, 1866
Died in Middletown, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Ann Stanton, on the 18th inst., Mrs. Ann Frazier.


FRAZIER, EDNA SCOTT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 7, 1917
Kicked by Little Child, Woman Dies From Internal Hemorrhage
Torn by the conflicting calls of duty made by safety for the traveling public and the affection for his wife, Collins Frazier, Telegraph operator at the Wann tower for the C. & A., was obliged to stay at his post, while in St. Joseph's Hospital the life of his young wife and the mother of his two children was rapidly coming to a close. If he left the post in the tower, there would be wrecks and catastrophes, perhaps. It was impossible to get relief for him before the end came to the life of the pretty young wife he had left at home, apparently in good health, Wednesday morning. Mrs. Edna Scott Frazier, adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kellenberger of Godfrey, died at St. Joseph Hospital this morning at 11:30 o'clock. Mrs. Frazier was in her usual state of health this morning, apparently, when her husband left to go to his work. He is a Telegraph operator for the C. & A., and the family have been living in Upper Alton. Soon after her husband left to take up his duties, Mrs. Frazier was taken violently ill. A doctor was summoned and she was hurried to St. Joseph's Hospital, as it was seen at once her case was a desperate one. Within a few hours after her illness made itself apparent, she had died. Mrs. Frazier was not feeling well on Tuesday. She had done the washing in her home Monday and she seemed to be suffering from a malady like pleurisy, believed to be attributable to breathing the hot steam and running in and out doors, as she would hang up clothes on the line. Medical attention was given her Tuesday and that evening she was much better. On Wednesday morning she was apparently all right, as mentioned, when her husband left. However, during the night as she was sleeping with one of her two little children, it is said, the child in his sleep kicked violently and struck the mother in the stomach. She suffered much pain in consequence, but that seemed to have passed away by morning. The appearance of an internal hemorrhage was the first alarming symptom. Mr. Frazier's mother was in the house and she called the doctor again. He saw that there was very little hope. Ordering the husband be notified, the doctor rushed Mrs. Frazier to the hospital, but she was too far gone to undergo a surgical operation and besides did not last long enough. The husband had to call for relief as the track under his control is very busy. Trains were rushing up and down while Frazier pulled the levers, unable to respond to the call to the bedside of his dying wife. She was dead before relief could be sent to the husband so he could leave and go to see her before the end. Mrs. Frazier was the daughter of John Scott, but when she was very young she was taken by the Kellenberger family and to the couple she became as a daughter. She had a big circle of friends in Godfrey and sudden death caused great distress among them.


FRAZIER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1865
Died in Middletown [Alton], on the 2nd of October, Joseph Frazier, aged 89 years.


FRAZIER, MARY PAULINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 9, 1866
Died in Alton on the morning of the 7th instant, Mary Pauline, infant daughter of Robert R. and Louisa M. Frazier, aged 11 months and 5 days.


FREARK, E. W. HENRIETTA/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 11, 1884
From Fosterburg – Mrs. Henrietta, wife of J. Christian Freark, died at her home in Fosterburg last Monday, of consumption, after a protracted illness of 18 months, in the 61st year of her age. She was an estimable lady, whose life was full of good works. She left a husband and eight children to mourn her death. The oldest son, Christian, is a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The funeral took place Tuesday from the Presbyterian Church at Fosterburg. [Mrs. Freark was born January 11, 1823, in Germany. Burial was in the Fosterburg Cemetery.]


FREARK, J. CHRISTIAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 25, 1890
Christian Freark, one of the oldest residents of Foster Township, died Monday at his home near Fosterburg. He was born in Germany on October 13, 1809, and emigrated to this county about 1840. Shortly afterwards, he located in Foster Township, where by honest and upright dealing, he won a large circle of admiring friends. In religious matters, he affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, of which he was a zealous and earnest member. Eight sons and daughters are thus bereft of a father’s guiding hand and counsel, and a community mourns the loss of one of its most respected members. [Burial was in the Fosterburg Cemetery. His wife, E. W. H. Freark, died in 1884, and is also buried in the Fosterburg Cemetery.]


FREDERICK, INEZ/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 16, 1920
The funeral of Miss Inez Frederick was yesterday, from the home at 1112 1-2 [sic] East Fourth street to the Evangelical church, where services were conducted by the Rev. O. W. Heggemeier. The pallbearers were Paul Kolk, Arthur Kolk, Albert Kolk, John Fredericks, John Laux and Nathan Edsell.


FREDERICKSON, IDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 17, 1914
Miss Ida Frederickson, aged 55, died at the home of her nephew, Henry Chapman, 1007 East Second street, this morning. She had refused to have a doctor, saying that she did not believe they would do her any good. She had been sick so long she had abandoned hope and refused any longer to take medicines to give her relief. The night before she died her nephew took things in his own hands and he called in a doctor to take charge of her, but the doctor could not give a death certificate because she died soon after he saw her for the first time. A coroner's inquest was therefore necessary. Miss Frederickson had maintained an industrial policy in an insurance company to pay her way back home and defray the expenses of her burial. She had longed to go back to the old place, and even if she could not go in life she wanted to make the trip after she was dead. Therefore, she kept up the insurance policy. In accordance with her last wishes, the body will be taken to Montour Falls, N. Y., where burial will take place in the old family burying ground with the rest of her people.


FREEMAN, BESSIE EDITH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 30, 1904
Mrs. Bessie Edith Freeman, wife of Matthew Freeman, died Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clock at the family home, 1522 Henry street, after a month's illness. She was 25 years of age last December 1, and had been married six years last October. Mrs. Freeman's illness began a few days after Christmas and she has been unable to leave her home since then. Recently her illness developed into blood poisoning. Her condition was considered critical the last few days and she seemed about to improve, but the turning point of the crisis was not reched and death intervened. Mrs. Freeman was the daughter of Mr. William Ash, and had lived in Alton all her life. She was a beautiful young woman, both in face and in character. She was much admired by all who knew her and there are very many who are filled with regret because of her untimely death. She leaves, beside her husband, one daughter aged 5 years. The funeral of FMrs. Freeman will take place on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home on Henry street.


FREEMAN, ELIZA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 21, 1908
Mrs. Eliza Freeman, wife of Charles Freeman, died Sunday morning shortly after midnight at the family home, 1522 Henry street, after a long illness which was attended with intense suffering. Her death had been expected at any time during the last four months, and many times she seemed near death, but she would rally and pass through another stage of apparent improvement, but would always become worse again. Mrs. Freeman was well known as a business woman. She was engaged for a number of years in the Kirsch market on Second street where she conducted a stand which she gave up only when age compelled her to do so. She appeared to be in perfect health and few knew there was anything wrong with her health until the breakdown came. She had borne her years well and was a remarkably young looking woman. Mrs. Freeman leaves besides her husband, three children, Mrs. Thomas Lasberry of St. Louis, Charles E. and Matthew W. Freeman of Alton. She was 66 years of age. The funeral was held this afternoon from the family home, Rev. A. G. Lane of the First Presbyterian church and Rev. G. L. Clark of the Twelfth street Presbyterian church officiating. Burial was in City cemetery.


FREEMAN, GERTRUDE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 27, 1911
Mrs. Gertrude Freeman, wife of W. F. Freeman, died Saturday night at her home, 209 Oak street, after an illness that began over 20 years ago, resulting from a fright she had when she was not in the best of health. Mrs. Freeman's death was immediately due to kidney trouble, but it is said by members of her family that she never recovered from the effect of a fright when two boys discharged a heavy charge of powder in an old musket close to the room where she was lying down and trying to rest. At that time she almost died, and the attending physician told her family she would never be well, and his prediction was justified by the fact that she was always a sufferer thereafter. She was born in Alton, and was the daughter of Mrs. Meta Hoppe, who resides next door to where her daughter died. Mrs. Freeman was 52 years of age January 27. She was married twice, her first husband being Theodore Knecht, who died. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Nina Tribble, who is now at Norfolk, Va.; and Mrs. Alma Schulke of Alton. She leaves also beside her mother, husband, and children, two brothers, W. F. Hoppe and Anton Hoppe, both of Alton. The funeral will be Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the German Evangelical church, Rev. E. L. Mueller officiating.


FREEMAN, SANDY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24, 1920
Former Slave; Rocky Fork Resident
Sandy Freeman, aged 79, died at his home of the Grafton road [West Delmar or Rt. 3] Friday evening, after a long illness. He had been confined to his bed thirteen days. Freeman was a well-known colored resident of the Grafton road, near Melville. He raised vegetables and brought them to town for sale during the years he was farming. He had made a good reputation, and his products were in great demand. He leaves his wife and four children – three daughters (Lillie, Lizzie, and Mattie), and one son, Lincoln. The daughter, Mattie, who lives at Litchfield, will be unable to attend her father’s funeral on account of sickness. He leaves also fourteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the Rocky Fork Church.

The Funeral
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 26, 1920
The funeral of Sandy Freeman, the well-known colored man of the Melville vicinity, was held Sunday afternoon, and the attendance was very large, acquaintances being present from Brighton, Shipman, Wood Station, Rocky Fork, and Alton. Services were conducted by Rev. G. H. Tinsley, and burial was in the Rocky Fork Cemetery.

The Will
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 6, 1920
The last will of Sandy Freeman, late of Godfrey Township, has been filed for Probate at Edwardsville. The estate is estimated to be worth $200 personal and $3,000 real estate. His widow, Lucy Freeman, is given the whole estate for life, at her decease, the real estate consisting of about 60 acres on the Grafton Road, is given to his son, Lincoln Freeman, on condition he pays to each of deceased’s daughters $500. The daughters are Elizabeth Ramirez, Lillian Perry, and Mathie Williams. The witnesses to the will are Joseph Heitzman and C. A. Cannell.


FRENCH, EVA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 21, 1887
Yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Eva French, mother of Mrs. Homer Stanford, was suddenly seized with an epileptic attack and died in the course of ten minutes thereafter. Dr. Davis was instantly summoned, and arrived just as the sufferer was passing away. Mrs. French was 77 years of age, and had long been in feeble health, and had once before suffered from an attack similar to the one which proved fatal. She was a native of Massachusetts, but had passed the last fourteen years of her life with her daughter in Alton. Her husband preceded her to the grave some six years ago. Mrs. French was a most estimable lady, a devout member of the M. E. Church, and beloved by a large circle of attached friends, who sympathize with the bereaved relatives in their loss. Mr. Stanford is unfortunately absent in Kansas at the present time, but it is hoped will be able to reach home in time for the funeral, which takes place Wednesday morning from the residence.


Colonel Parker Hardin FrenchFRENCH, PARKER HARDIN (COLONEL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 27, 1878
The remains of Colonel Parker H. French arrived yesterday morning, attended by his wife and infant son, for burial in our cemetery. The Colonel died in New York City, where he was residing, after a very brief illness.

Colonel French was a native of Kentucky, and in the 53rd year of his age. He leaves a wife and infant son, and four children by a former marriage: Mr. H. M. French of St. Louis, Mrs. James Mayhew, Miss Nannie and Ellie French of Huntsville, Alabama. His funeral took place at 4 p.m. yesterday from the residence of his brother-in-law, Dr. W. C. Quigley of Alton. It was attended by a large circle of relatives, and by many friends of the family. The pallbearers were Hon. H. S. Baker, Colonel J. Q. Burbridge, D. S. Hoaglan, Charles A. Murray, E. P. Wade, and W. T. Norton. The service was conducted by Rev. Dr. Armstrong, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, assisted by Rev. T. G. Field of the Baptist Church. Just as the sun was setting the remains were lowed to their last earthly resting place, in a beautiful spot in our cemetery.

Colonel Parker Hardin French was born in 1826 in Adair County, Kentucky. He was an adventurer, entrepreneur, and swindler. His wife was Lucretia Clay Edwards French (1830-1869). As a runaway teen, he fought in the Royal Navy in the First Opium War as a cabin boy and a “powder monkey.” When he was just 22 years old, he was a commission merchant, and a year later, built the first ocean going ship on the upper Mississippi. Before he was 30, he was the leader of an infamous and fraudulent gold rush expedition, implicated in an irregular invasion of Cuba, jailed bandit and then military hero in Mexico, lawyer, district attorney, legislator, journalist, and political enforcer in California. He was a senior conspirator in William Walker’s conquest of Nicaragua, and appointed but rejected Nicaraguan ambassador to the United States. In his thirties, he was a real estate developed, lawyer, journalist, part of a conspiracy to invade Mexico, suspected seditionist agitator and Confederate agent, jailed as a political prisoner, and lawyer and purveyor for Union troops.

His final days were spent in obscurity, but the period was still peppered with the occasional swindle that garnered both regional and national attention. When Colonel French died in 1878, his death went generally unnoticed. Newspapers had reported his death at least five separate times before. He had been twice killed in gunfights, twice executed in Mexico – once by a firing squad, one by hanging – and once killed in Nicaragua. Acquaintances thought he might have drunk himself to death. For a while, there was a lapse of interesting press reports, so that many presumed he was already dead. Some pondered how he escaped retribution from a hangman, a firing squad, or an irate victim.
[Source: Joe Goodbody, Find A Grave] Colonel French was buried in the Alton Cemetery, at the age of 51/52.


FRENZ, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1895
From Bethalto – The funeral of Mr. John Frenz, who died suddenly at the residence of his parents in Fort Russell, yesterday evening, will take place from the Lutheran Church tomorrow, Wednesday afternoon. The young man was nearly 21 years of age, and was just recovering from a long siege of typhoid fever. He came with his father to witness the fire [at the President Mill] Saturday, and it is supposed he took a relapse, resulting in his death. The mourning ones have the sympathy of all.


FRERICHS, ANNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 5, 1896
Miss Annie Frerichs, daughter of John Frerichs, died yesterday afternoon at her home on North Street, at the age of 22 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the home.


FRERICHS, EMMA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 30, 1907
Mrs. Emma Frerichs, aged 20 years, died this morning from heart trouble at the home, 1700 Common street. She is survived by her husband, John Frerichs and two children, one of the latter being but nine days old. Deceased was the youngest daughter of Joseph Merckle, and was well known and generally respected in the Altons. The funeral will be held Friday morning from St. Mary's church.


FRESE, BERNADINE (SISTER MARTINI)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 7, 1907
Aged Sister of Charity Passes Away
Sister Martini, who was Bernadine Frese before taking the vows of the order of Sisters of Charity, died this morning at 11 o'clock at St. Joseph's hospital. The death of Sister Martini was looked for several weeks as she had been in failing health. She gave her life to the work of her order and was ever faithful, kind and benevolent, and it was a well earned rest she entered into Thursday morning after a period of nearly a week of unconsciousness. The strong old physical being of the Sister of Charity gave away about one month ago, and since then there has been no hope of her recovery. She had been a member of the order of Sisters of Charity fifty-one years, and she had been connected with St. Joseph's hospital in Alton thirty-five years. She was a native of Germany and came to America when very young. She made her home at Baltimore first, and from there entered the institution at Emmetsburg, where she took her vows as a Sister of Charity. She did mission work in Buffalo, N. Y., Milwaukee and Chicago, then came to Alton. She remained here the remainder of her life. She was the housekeeper of the convent and was not assigned to duty over the patients. She has one sister living in Baltimore and another sister in St. Vincent's hospital in St. Louis. The funeral of Sister Martini will be held Saturday, and services will be held in St. Patrick's church, but the hour is not announced. In the death of Sister Martini the sisterhood to which she has belonged has lost a valued member. Her associates in the work have nothing but recollections of a sweet, loving disposition, always patient and ready to do what came into her hands to do. Her work did not call her to a position where others could see and appreciate, but she was none the less faithful, and her death was the close of a life that was as good as the end was peaceful.


FRETZ, JOHN AUGUST/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 4, 1902
John August Fretz, a flint glass worker who has been a resident of this city for about twenty years, died Sunday evening, August 3, at 7:45, after a lingering illness. He was 49 years of age, and leaves a wife and four children: Mrs. H. F. Morgan of St. Louis, Charles W., Alice May, and Bernice Elizabeth. The funeral will take place from the family home, 912 east Fourth street, Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Mr. Fretz was born at Lancaster, Pa., and was a man of large heart and many warm friends. Owing to ill health, he has not worked at his trade for some time past. He has been ailing fully twelve months, his trouble being an affection of the stomach.


FREY, MELISSA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 1, 1906
Mrs. Melissa Frey, aged 68, died yesterday from pneumonia at her home near Mitchell, and the funeral will be held tomorrow from her home to East Alton cemetery (Milton Cemetery?).


FREY, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 23, 1896
From Moro – Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Frey are mourning the death of their only son, six months old. He died Friday night after an illness of only a few hours. Interment took place Sunday morning.


FRICK, CHARLES HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 9, 1891
Mr. Charles H. Frick, one of Alton’s oldest inhabitants, passed away yesterday morning in his residence on Bluff Street. Mr. Frick has been in feeble health for a number of years, and his friends have noticed his rapid decline. He came to Alton more than fifty years ago, and has been identified with its interests until failing health forbade further labors. He was the first to organize a glass factory in Alton, and to some extent the immense plant now here is the legitimate successor of the small establishment started here many years ago by Mr. Frick. Besides a widow, he leaves a number of children, of whom Mrs. W. N. Carhart and Miss Emma Frick reside in Alton.

Charles Henry Frick was born in Northumberland, England (later the Telegraph stated he was born in Pennsylvania) on March 17, 1813. At one time, Mr. Frick owned a glass works near Cave Springs, at 16th and Belle Street in Alton, which was later purchased by William Eliot Smith (founder of the Illinois Glass Works).

Charles married Mary Ann Waples (1814-1869), and they had the following children: Albert Frick, Markie Frick (?-1853), Mary Jane Frick Pinckard (1837-1897), Emma S. Frick (1840-1894), Grace Frick Blackwelder (1842-1923), Preston Frick (1844-1855), Charles E. Frick (1853-1853), Amelia Frick Carhart (1854-1937), and Ida May Frick (1857-1926). Charles is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


FRICK, EMMA L./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 29, 1894
Miss Emma L. Frick, daughter of the late Chalres H. Frick of Alton, died in Litchfield November 19, aged 54 years, 3 months, and 29 days. She died at the residence of Dr. Blackwelder. The funeral took place in Litchfield. The interment was in Elmwood Cemetery in that city. Miss Frick was born and raised in Alton, where she resided until some 10 or 12 years ago, and where she was most highly esteemed by a large number of acquaintances.


FRIDAY, EDWARD L./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 29, 1880
From Edwardsville – Edward L. Friday died in Edwardsville last Friday in the forty-first year of his age, leaving a widow and three small children to mourn their irreparable loss. His funeral, which took place from the family residence in lowertown at two o’clock on Sunday afternoon, was quite largely attended. The Edwardsville Guards and the Fire Company, both of which he was a member, attended in a body in full dress uniform.


FRIDAY, ROBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1897
From Edwardsville – One of Edwardsville’s oldest citizens passed away Sunday evening in the person of Robert Friday. The funeral occurred Tuesday afternoon, the services being conducted at St. John’s Methodist Church by Pastor S. P. Groves. At their conclusion, the Odd Fellows took charge of the remains, and held the services of the order at the grave.

Mr. Friday was born in Germany in 1830, and came to this country at the age of 9 years. He came to Edwardsville in 1840, and has resided here continuously since. A widow and two children – Paul and Edward – survive him. For over forty years, Mr. Friday serviced in some capacity in county offices.


FRIDAY, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 5, 1888
From Edwardsville, April 3 – The funeral of William Friday, last Sunday, is said to have been the largest funeral of any person who has died in Edwardsville for several years. In the procession were the local G.A.R., the firemen, and forty visiting firemen from Highland, Collinsville, and Worden. Mr. Friday was for years at the head of the fire department in Edwardsville, and was ever a faithful officer.

William Friday served as Private in Company K, 10th Illinois Infantry. He was listed as having brown hair and gray eyes, fair complexion, and 5’5” tall. He married Julia F. Daniels on March 28, 1866. He was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.]


FRIEDHOFF, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 24, 1898
From Edwardsville – William Friedhoff, an aged farmer living three miles east of town, died Friday morning from asthma. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the German M. E. Church.


FRIEDLIN, KARL T./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 18, 1904
The funeral of Karl T. Friedlin took place this afternoon from the home, 619 East Second street, and was attended by a large number of friends and former associates. Rev. Theo. Oberhellmann conducted services and interment was in City Cemetery. The Butchers Union attended in a body.


FRIEDRICH, WILLIAM A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 25, 1922
William A. Friedrich, aged 64, died at St. Joseph's Hospital this morning at 5:45 o'clock after an illness of three months from cancer of the throat. He had been forced to remain away from his work the past two months. The case of Mr. Friedrichs was a most distressing one and during the last few months of his life he suffered greatly from the malady that was to prove fatal. He had been foreman of the wood working shop of the Duncan plant on Piasa Street. He was highly valued by his employers, and had in the thirty-three years of her service there, demonstrated that he was a man to be trusted implicitly. He retained the position until two months ago when his bad condition forced him to give up his work. The throat trouble made it impossible for him to swallow anything of late, a difficulty in that direction increasing until it became necessary to make an artificial opening by the surgical process, through which to introduce food. This last resort proved to be of no great value and the end approached rapidly. Mr. Friedrichs was born in Germany, near Berlin. He came to this country when a young man and was married here. Beside his wife he leaves three children, William O. of Alton, and Henry of Chicago, and Mrs. A. H. Meyer, Paullina, Iowa. Mr. Friedrichs was a devoted member of the Central Avenue Lutheran Church and had reared a family that shared his interest in the work of that organization. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon. The funeral cortege will leave the home, 1001 Alby street, at 2 o'clock and the services will be in the Central Avenue Lutheran Church at 2:30 o'clock.


FRIEND, L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 1, 1904
The funeral of Mrs. L. Friend, who died Sunday at her home on State street, took place this morning, services being conducted by Rev. S. D. McKinney of the Cherry street Baptist church. Interment was in City Cemetery.


FRIES, IRENE ANNIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 12, 1894
Mr. and Mrs. William Fries were bereaved last evening by the death of their infant daughter, Irene Annie, aged 6 months, from summer complaint. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the family residence, 627 East Fourth Street.


FRIES, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 15, 1917
Joseph Fries, who was removed from the second story of his home in East End place when he was very sick, died at the hospital last night. Fries had to be carried out in a boat from the house in which he was living, because of the depth of water surrounding it.


FRIES, KATE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 8, 1916
Mrs. Kate Fries, aged 56, wife of William Fries, died at her home, 627 East Fourth street at 2:30 o'clock this morning after an illness which started on Monday. She has been suffering from time to time with appendicitis for a number of years and it is believed that this led to her death, a quick attack of peritonitis proving fatal. Mrs. Fries is survived by her husband, William Fries; two sisters, Mrs. A. K. Heskett and Mrs. Mary Freark; and one brother, John Holl. Joseph E. Holl, who died several months ago, was also a brother of Mrs. Fries. She leaves her aged mother, Mrs. Mary Holl, who is very frail; and three sons, John, William, and Walter; and one daughter, Irene, all of whom are grown and reside in Alton. Mrs. Fries was born in Alton on East Fourth street, and has lived her entire life on that street. For many years she has lived at the home where she died. Mrs. Fries cared little for social activity, and spent her time looking after her home and her family. There are a large number of friends in all parts of the city who will mourn her loss. The funeral will be held on next Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home on East Fourth street. The services are to be conducted by Rev. E. L. Mueller.


FRIES, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1907
Mrs. Mary Fries, widow of the late Theodore Fries, died Friday morning at 2 o'clock from gastritis, at the home, 1117 east Fourth street. She was born in Germany, but came to America when young, and for more than fifty years has lived in Alton. She was married twice, and for many years conducted with her first husband and later with Mr. Fries the Empire House on west Third street. William Fries, her stepson, is the only one of the family surviving. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the German Evangelical church and services will be conducted by the Rev. Mr. Mueller. She was about seventy five years old.


FRIES, THEODORE/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1889
Theodore Fries, ex-alderman of the Sixth Ward, died Thursday of Bright’s Disease, after an illness of several weeks. He was the proprietor of the saloon and boarding house on the corner of Second [Broadway] and Spring Street, and formerly of the Empire House. He was 55 years of age, and located in Alton in 1860. He served several terms in the council. He was formerly a member of Gossrau’s Band, and a well-known musician. He leaves a widow and a son, Mr. William Fries. At the time the new city charter was adopted, he ran for Mayor and was elected, but never qualified.


FRIES, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 24, 1892
Mr. and Mrs. William Fries mourn the loss of their three-months-old daughter, whose death occurred this morning after an illness of two weeks of brain fever. The little one was the light of their home, and her death falls with a terrible effect on the fond parents. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the family residence, 202 Henry Street. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


FRITSCH, JULIUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 2, 1903
Well Known and Wealthy Business Man Dies
Julius Fritsch, the well known retired business man, died suddenly Saturday night at his home on East Second street from apoplexy. Mr. Fritsch had been spending the evening with a friend across the street from his home, playing cards. He complained of feeling unwell and returned to his home. He had just entered the bathroom at his home, when Mrs. Fritsch heard her husband fall. She hastened to him but found he was already dead. Mr. Fritsch came to Alton forty years ago. He was a native of Germany. He was very successful in business and was known as a very shrewd business man. He was 65 years of age. Mr. Fritsch amassed a large fortune since he came to Alton, and was known as one of the wealthiest men in Alton. He leaves only his widow of immediate relatives. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and services will be conducted at the family home.


FRITZ, EUGENE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28, 1889
Died in Alton Wednesday, February 20, Eugene Fritz, at the age of 37 years.


FRITZ, W. H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 9, 1920
W. H. Fritz, one of the petitioners for naturalization in the City Court of Alton, whose case has been postponed from time to time during the last four years by the government because he was of German nativity, but who was to have a hearing next Monday by order of the naturalization officers, will not be present at the hearing, and his sincere ambition to become a naturalized citizen of the United States will never be realized. Yesterday the Clerk of the Court was visited by a young man who explained that the family had received the Clerk's notice to attend the naturalization proceedings next Monday, and that he had been sent to convey the information that Mr. Fritz had died the second day of April 1920 at his home in this city. He declared his intention to become a citizen several years ago, and would have been admitted to citizenship long ago but for the war, as in all respects he was a good man, and believed in our institutions and government. The fact that he was a native of one of the countries at war against the Allies was the only bar to the realization of his desire to become a full-fledged American citizen.


FROHBOSE, UNKNOWN WIFE OF WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 30, 1901
Fosterburg News - Mrs. William Frohbose, one of our oldest residents, died at the home of her daughter in St. Louis last Wednesday, May 22. She has been an invalid for nearly a year, being almost totally blind. About six or eight weeks ago she went to St. Louis to have her eyes operated on, when she was taken sick and lingered for several weeks before death released her from her suffering. She came from Germany about forty years ago, and has lived here the greater part of the time. She was 78 years of age and leaves an aged husband, three daughters and one son, beside a host of friends to mourn her death. The remains were brought here Thursday and the funeral took place from the Presbyterian church Friday at 2 p.m.


FROELICH, CHRISTINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1909
Mrs. Christina Froelich, aged 83, died from a paralytic stroke Sunday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Gabriel, two miles north of Fosterburg. Mrs. Froelich leaves two daughters, Mrs. Gabriel of Fosterburg and Mrs. Mary Beinneke of Alton. She leaves also ten grandchildren, seven great grandchildren, two brothers, J. G. Benner of Bunker Hill, and John Benner of Louisville, Ky. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon from the home, Rev. Ratz of Fosterburg officiating. Her seven grandsons will serve as pallbearers.


FROELICH, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 16, 1918
F. W. Schneider, the East Broadway grocer, has received a letter telling of the death in the east of Michael Froelich, a well-known bricklayer of this city, from influenza. Mr. Froelich was employed by the Illinois Glass Company for many years, and being efficient in his trade, notice was taken of him and his work, and the government about six weeks ago made him an offer he could not afford to refuse. He moved his family east, and their friends thought everything was well with them. This will be the first news they will get to the contrary. Mrs. Froelich is very ill in a hospital, where he husband died, and she may not recover. The Froelich family lived for many years at 708 Broadway, in the upstairs apartments.


FROHIL, MAGDALENE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 29, 1904
Mrs. Magdalene Frohil, aged 66, died this morning at 6 o'clock after a long illness at her home on Jefferson street North Alton. She was a native of Switzerland and had lived in Alton about 16 years. Her husband died about two years ago. Mrs. Frohil leaves two daughters in Alton, Mrs. William Markie and Miss Mary Frohil. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from St. Mary's church.


FROST, EDGAR W./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 27, 1894
Mr. Edgar W. Frost of Woodburn, a gentleman well known in Alton, died at his home in Woodburn yesterday of consumption, at the age of 55 years.


FROST, ELIJAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 20, 1893
Mr. Elijah Frost, an old and respected citizen of Madison County, and a resident of Godfrey Township, died this morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. U. J. Rice, at Godfrey, of general debility. Mr. Frost was 81 years of age the 28th of last June, and leaves several children to mourn his death. The funeral will take place from Bethany Church near Godfrey. Interment in Godfrey Cemetery.

Mr. Frost was born in New York on June 28, 1812. He married Emily Hicks (1812-1881) in 1837. Another daughter was Sarah Elizabeth Frost Atterberry (1848-1928).


FROST, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 30, 1898
Thomas Frost, a tramp, was drowned in the Mississippi Saturday night at the crusher. He was traveling with a man who gave his name as John Sherman, and the two had hunted up an empty boxcar in which to sleep. Before going to sleep, Sherman went down to the river for a swim, leaving Frost in the car. On his return, Frost went down to the river, while Sherman watched their night’s lodging place. Frost did not return, so Sherman went to look for him. His clothes were found on the bank, but the man had disappeared under the water. Sherman notified the police, and a search was made by Captain Allen with grab hooks, but the body was not found. At the place where the drowning occurred, the water runs swiftly and deep, and it is possible the body will be found a long distance from there. Frost was about 24 years of age, and has a brother at Niagara Falls, New York.


FRUIT (see also FRUITT)

FRUIT(T), GEORGE E./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 1, 1891
A sad occurrence took place at Fruitt in Madison County, on Tuesday night, it being the death of George E. Fruitt, 84 years of age, and one of a prominent family, the members of which a father and two sons have all died within six months. Three were carried off with La Grippe, and the last with erysipelas and blood poisoning. He was buried Thursday at Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.

George Fruitt (also spelled Fruit) was born July 22, 1857, in Fruitt, Madison County, Illinois. He was the son of John Gray Fruit (1816-1891) and Judith Wilson Fruit (1825-1920). His father, John Fruit, and brother, Thomas E. Fruit, both died in 1891 also. All three are buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville. The newspaper spelled the name Fruitt, but the tombstone reads Fruit.


FRUIT, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 30, 1891
From Edwardsville – Another one of Madison County’s old residents, Mr. John Fruit, died last Friday morning. Mr. Fruit was an excellent citizen, and will be missed by neighbors and old friends.

Mr. Fruit was born September 8, 1816, in Kentucky. He was the son of Edmund Fruit (1786-1861) and Mary Gray Fruit (1792-1832). Mr. Fruit married in 1841 to Judith Wilson (1825-1920), and they had the following children: Mary Jane Fruit Reid (1844-1927); Elizabeth H. Fruit (1847-1918); Thomas E. Fruit (1852-1891); George E. Fruit (1857-1891); Helen A. Fruit Elliott (1860-1898); John Albert Fruit (1862-1946); Margaret Albina Fruit Schafer (1864-1931); and Judith Fruit Belk (1867-1918). Mr. Fruit was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.


FRUITIGER or FRUTIGER, JACOB/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 31, 1899
A very peculiar suicide took place Saturday afternoon at Marine, in this county. Jacob Fruitiger, of that place, a bachelor aged 62 years and ten months, put a ladder down in a cistern, went on the ladder, either stood or sat on a rung, and shot himself in the forehead, falling into the water, where his body was found Sunday about 11 a.m. The old man had visited his nephew, Fred Imler, living four miles from Marine, On Friday. Before leaving his nephew's residence, Fruitiger made Mr. Imler promise to come to his (Fruitiger's) home on Sunday. When Mr. Imler arrived Sunday morning, Fruitiger's residence was closed and he could not be found. After investigating the premises, Imler forced an entrance through a window. In searching, several notes were found written in German by Fruitiger. One of the notes told that he had at one time been a Christian, but had changed his views, from the fact that he was poor and had become the "underdog" - and that he now was a "heathen." In this note he lauded several persons in the community, among them a boy, whom he said was the best boy he ever knew. In the room several pictures were hung up, among them one of Robert G. Ingersoll. Another note told of where he would be found and the cause of his taking off. He said he had placed a ladder in the cistern and would go down on it and shoot himself on the ladder. He said he first thought of shooting himself in a well on the place, but did not care to poison the water by his body falling therein. Search was made in the cistern and the ladder discovered. Grappling irons were let down into the cistern and the body pulled up. A bullet hole was found in Fruitiger's forehead. The cistern was drained of water, and an old-fashioned 32 caliber revolver was found on the bottom, with which Frutiger, while sitting or standing on a rung of the ladder, had shot himself. The note found stated that his nephew, Imler, had his will and indicated that he had appointed Squire Tuffle executor. The note also stated that $153 in cash could be found in a drawer, locked, in a cupboard. The key to the drawer was discovered in the vest pocket of the dead man. Mr. Eph Eaton opened the drawer, took the money out, and delivered it to Mr. Imler. Frutiger was worth from $12,000 to $15,000, and was therefore not necessarily very poor, nor much of an "underdog" in the battle of life. Evidently while methodical, he had many peculiarities which rendered life a burden, and he therefore deliberately planned his death. Coroner Bailey was summoned Sunday and arrived at Marine Sunday night about 11 o'clock. He empanelled a jury and held an inquest. The verdict was according to the facts above given.


FRUTIGER, MAGDALENE (nee BAUER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1894
From Marine – Mrs. Jacob Prutiger died Thursday of a long and lingering illness. The remains were laid to rest in the Marine Cemetery, Rev. Kurz conducting the service.

Magdalene Bauer was born on October 01, 1843, in Switzerland. She married Jacob Frutiger (1845-1896), and they had the following children: Mary M. Frutiger Haase (1866-1894); Albert H. Frutiger (1868-1947); Emma Frutiger (1870-1897); Louisa Frutiger (1875-1897); Otto Louis Frutiger (1878-1918); Frederick Frutiger (1882-1932); and Louis Frutiger (1884-1886). Magdalene was buried in the Marine Cemetery.


FRUITT, JEFFERSON/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 5, 1891
From Edwardsville, March 3 – The death of Captain Thomas E. Fruitt, and his uncle, Jefferson Fruitt, the former on Tuesday last and the latter on the day following, cast a feeling of sadness over our citizens. The Captain was buried from the Presbyterian Church in Edwardsville on Thursday, and Mr. Jefferson Fruitt from the Columbia C. P. Church on Saturday morning.


FRUITT, THOMAS E. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 5, 1891
From Edwardsville, March 3 – The death of Captain Thomas E. Fruitt, and his uncle, Jefferson Fruitt, the former on Tuesday last and the latter on the day following, cast a feeling of sadness over our citizens. The Captain was buried from the Presbyterian Church in Edwardsville on Thursday, and Mr. Jefferson Fruitt from the Columbia C. P. Church on Saturday morning.


FRY, GEORGE W./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 25, 1882
Mr. George W. Fry, a glassblower, died yesterday afternoon, aged 33 years, after a brief illness of an epileptic nature, at Mr. Crofton’s boarding house, corner of Third and Vine Streets. The Glass Blowers’ League showed the last tribute of respect to their departed comrade by accompanying his remains to the Union Depot at an early hour this morning, the members of the order in full regalia. The body was sent on the train to Glasbor, New Jersey, where the parents of deceased reside.


FRY, JESSAMINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 18, 1908
Child Dies After Severe Burns
Jessamine Fry was taken to the hospital last evening and she died after midnight. The child never rallied from the shock of being so severely burned. It was decided to move her from the Munger home on State street for the sake of having better facilities of caring for her in the hospital, but the change was of no avail. The body will be shipped from Alton to St. Louis at 5 o'clock, and the remains will be taken to the home on Vernon avenue. The funeral has not been set on account of the condition of the mother. The mother will recover it is believed. It was not decided today whether she would be left at St. Joseph's hospital or not, but in case she recovers sufficiently she will be taken to her home in St. Louis. The child's father was wired at Memphis, Tenn., but will not be able to reach Alton until after 7 o'clock and will very probably meet the body of his child in St. Louis, not coming to Alton. Deputy Coroner Allen Keiser held the inquest this morning and the verdict of the jurors was that she met death "from a shock due to being burned by fire at the house of Carl Munger on State street."


FRYE, EDITH/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 27, 1890
Edith the four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Frye, died yesterday morning at the family residence, corner of Third and Walnut [Central Avenue] Streets. The funeral took place from there on the evening of the same day. Rev. Jameson conducted the services, and the body was interred in the City Cemetery. The child had recently suffered from an attack of scarlet fever, but was apparently entirely recovered and was playing about the house Saturday. That night she was taken sick again, and died on the day stated.


FRYE, LEE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 12, 1918
Man Dies Suddenly After Taking Bath
Lee Frye of St. Louis died suddenly Tuesday evening at his home north of Upper Alton from the effects of taking a plunge into a swimming hole while he was overheated. Frye bought a small farm north of Upper Alton and came out from St. Louis to do some work there, as a truck farm is conducted on the place. He was very warm, Tuesday afternoon, and went down to a swimming hole in the creek to take a plunge in the water. He returned to the house and a short time afterward was dead. He was 47 years of age. His wife, who resides in St. Louis, was notified and summoned to go to the farm where her husband died. Deputy Coroner Bauer was also notified to hold an inquest. Mr. Frye had come to Alton yesterday morning to assist with work on his five acre truck farm one mile north of Upper Alton. After his day's activities in the sweltering heat, he went to a small creek near the farm to swim, and after remaining in the water for nearly half an hour, he emerged and returned to the home of his tenant, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodson. Mr. Frye complained of feeling ill and a physician was summoned. Before he could reach the suffering man, however, Mr. Frye had died. It was believed that the plunge in the cold water while he was extremely warm had caused Frye to be attacked by a congestive chill. That he was not stricken while in the water and drowned is considered strange. He is survived by his widow and one child. The body will be shipped to St. Louis Thursday morning for burial.


FUCHS, ANTON/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 27, 1873
Mr. Anton Fuchs, a German butcher, died of consumption this morning at his residence in the Third Ward, after a protracted illness. He leaves a wife and one child.


FUCHS, JOSEPHINE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 21, 1887
Mrs. Josephine Fucks, a venerable lady, 80 years of age, died yesterday of general debility. The funeral took place this afternoon at the family residence in Sempletown.


FUCHS, MARIE MAGDALENA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 5, 1915
The funeral of Mrs. Marie Magdalena Fuchs was held this afternoon from the home at 615 East Second street, where services were conducted by Rev. E. L. Mueller, pastor of the German Evangelical Church, in the presence of many friends of the family and of deceased. Floral offerings were numerous and beautiful, and the mound in City Cemetery was covered with them. The pallbearers were H. O. Tonsor, Henry Meyers, Charles Steizel, S. H. Wyss, H. A. Wutzler, August Luer.


FUCHS, PETER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 4, 1905
Accidentally Shoots Himself While Handling Revolver
Peter Fuchs, a glassblower living at No. 4 Shields street, killed himself, it is said, accidentally, Sunday evening at his home. His family refuse to believe that he committed suicide, and the coroner's jury which was impaneled by Deputy Coroner Keiser found a verdict that death was accidental. The testimony given to the jury tended to show that Mr. Fuchs did not intend to kill himself. He was at Turner Hall Sunday afternoon spending the time with some of his friends and returned home in the evening for supper. It was said that when he reached home, he was in a very playful mood and was chatting and playing with some neighbor's children outside his own home. When he entered his home, he continued in a jovial mood and while his wife prepared supper, he went into an adjoining room to change his clothes, he said. He was in there only a few minutes when a revolver shot was heard, and Mrs. Fuchs discovered her husband lying in an unconscious condition with a bullet wound on the right side of his head above the ear. He died about one hour after. A long scratch on the side of the head showed where the bullet had ploughed its way through the scalp before it entered the skull. There were no marks of powder burns on the flesh, and for that reason the jurors thought that it was not a case of suicide. Fuchs was 43 years of age and had lived in Alton five years. He was a native of Germany. He leaves his wife and five children. To all who knew him the death of Fuchs is a sad shock. He was well liked, being a most companionable man and there is sincere regret among his intimate friends over his sudden death. None of them will believe that he committed suicide.


FULK, JAMES G./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 26, 1910
James G. Fulk, aged 41, was instantly killed Saturday evening at the foot of Ridge street as he was driving to the stables of the Alton Builders Supply Co. with his team and wagon. One horse was killed and the other had to be shot. A boy of 11 years, Arthur Smith, son of Robert Smith of 1026 east Second street, escaped death by a miracle. The man and two horses were killed by the Big Four plug engine, which was going to the round house. Engineer William Hays did not see the man on the track, and Fulk did not notice the approaching engine. He had stopped his team on the Big Four track while the C. & A. Prairie State express was passing on another track a short distance away. Fulk was so engrossed in watching the C. & A. train, he paid no attention to the other engine, and the pilot of the Big Four engine struck the wagon, dragging man, wagon and horses several engine lengths. Fulk was rolled along under the pilot, his neck was broken and many bones in his body broken also. The Smith boy was thrown on the pilot of the engine and clung there until the engine was stopped. He received no injuries whatever. Fulk came to Alton several months ago from Carrollton, and his family lived on Mildred avenue in the North Side. He leaves his wife and four children. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from his home, and burial was in Oakwood cemetery. Coroner Streeper will hold an inquest this evening.


FULKS, AARON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 4, 1919
A family consisting of a wife and nine children have been left with a main support in the death of Aaron Fulks, who died at St. Joseph's Hospital Wednesday morning from injuries he sustained a week before while at his work at the Illinois Terminal roundhouse. Fulks was a helper for the hostler at the roundhouse. He was coaling an engine at the coal chute when the breaking of the cable by which the apron is dropped that lets the coal fall into engine tenders, caused the heavy apron to fall and strike Fulks on the head, inflicting a skull fracture and other injuries that proved fatal. Fulks was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital. His mind remained cloudy, but he was partially conscious. Fulks was 53 years of age. In his home neighborhood in Yager Park, he was known as one of the most devoted of Christians. Neighbors said that his religion was reflected in his home life, that he was good to his family and that in the home which he still had not completed payments upon, he was always soft voiced, kind and gentle, and the same spirit pervaded the whole family. He would have prayer service in his home and would conduct these services for the circle of neighbors who would come in to get new strength to go ahead in their Christian experience. The death of Fulks is a sad shock to the many friends in Yager Park, and everyone there respected him and admired him, as he was known as a man of strong principle and adhered strictly to what he thought was right. He had been married twice, by the first marriage having four children, one of whom is now married. By his second marriage he had five children, all of them small.


FULL, HARRY L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 2, 1918
The health authorities of Madison county yesterday received from Dr. J. E. Lee, Mayor of Venice, a report on a strange case which had just come under his observation. The doctor said that when Harry L. Full, a 70 year old resident of Venice, died Thursday night, his heart continued to beat for five minutes after the breath had left his body.


FULLAGER, HENRY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 13, 1882
Mr. Henry Fullager, for many years a resident of Godfrey, died at St. Louis yesterday after a short illness, at the age of about 62 years. Deceased had worked for Messrs. Pitts & Hamel in Alton, but left for St. Louis two weeks ago. He was an estimable man, and leaves quite a large family to mourn his death. The remains were today taken on the train to Godfrey, where the funeral took place.


FULLAGER, ROSANA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 15, 1905
The body of Mrs. Rosana Fullager, who died in Upper Alton and was buried in the Godfrey cemetery three weeks ago, was taken up yesterday and buried in Oakwood cemetery, Upper Alton. The remains of her husband, who died twenty-three years ago, were taken up and interred in Upper Alton also. The children of the couple, after seeing the beauty of Oakwood Cemetery, determined to have the remains reinterred there.


FULLER, ASA C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 16, 1906
Asa C. Fuller, formerly an engineer on the K-Line, died this morning at the home of his father-in-law, Adam Ulmrich, after a long illness from consumption. He was 30 years of age. His illness was the result of a cold he contracted one night last winter while following his occupation of railway engineer. He was making a run near Old Monroe and had orders to be on the lookout for some cars on the main track. He carried his head outside the window of the cab, and became so thoroughly wet in a pouring rain that he took cold from which he never recovered. He leaves his wife, formerly Miss Lizzie Ulmrich, of 705 east Third street. The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, and the body will be taken to Hannibal, Mo., for burial.


FULLER, AUSTIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1889
Mr. Austin Fuller died May 15 at the corner of First and Cherry Streets, at the age of 84 years. He was formerly from New York, and had lived here but two years. The funeral took place at the M. E. Church, and the remains were buried in Upper Alton Cemetery.


FULLER, GEORGE M./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 14, 1889
Mr. George M. Fuller, Superintendent of the Water Works, died at Hotel Madison Thursday, at the age of 55 years and one month. He was stricken with cerebral apoplexy last Sunday, became unconscious two hours after the seizure, and remained in that condition until the end came. His wife arrived here from Flagstaff, Arizona, where she had been on a visit to her daughter, just three hours and a half before his death.

George M. Fuller was a native of Connecticut, but had resided at Hillsboro, New Mexico for seven years previous to coming to Alton. He had lived here but a little over two months. He was a genial, social, pleasant gentleman, of fine business capacity, and had made many friends during his brief residence in the Bluff City. He leaves a widow, two married daughters living in Arizona, and an unmarried son in New Mexico; also a brother, a prominent physician in New York.

The funeral took place from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, with a large attendance, the members of Piasa Lodge, F. and A. M. being present in a body to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of their deceased brother. The casket was decked with a wreath of beautiful flowers. The remains were buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


FULLER, HARRIET P./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 18, 1877
Mrs. Harriet P. Fuller, wife of Mr. Lucien H. Fuller, the marble dealer, died at her residence in Alton Sunday evening, January 14, after a lingering illness. The remains will be taken to Connecticut for interment. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller formerly resided in St. Louis, but have lived in Alton the past year or more. She was 37 years of age.


FULLER, RUBY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 5, 1914
Young Girl Commits Suicide
Because the outlook seemed black and hopeless, Ruby Fuller, aged 22, daughter of Mrs. Hattie Dorworth Fuller, committed suicide Wednesday afternoon at her home on Mill street in Alton, the old Basse homestead. Turning on the gas in the kitchen gas stove, she lay down on a pallet she had prepared on the floor beside the stove and waited for death, which took her before she was discovered. The girl had made elaborate preparations for death. She had been contemplating suicide for some time. Several weeks ago she threatened to kill herself, and since then, without attracting attention of anyone, she had been making her plans. Her whole interest seemed to be centered in the welfare of her brother, Millard Fuller. The two children were the offspring of their mother's first marriage. In preparing for suicide, the young woman planned that her brother, Millard, should receive everything she owned, and that nothing should be diverted to her mother or to anyone else, except a few trinkets she wished to be given to some of her girlhood friends. The final note she left was in the form of a will, directing to whom gifts should be made. Her entire interest was that her brother should receive enough to enable him to complete his education, and to take his place as a great and wealthy man in the world. To this end she directed that he educate himself with the money she would leave him. The two owned a farm of 245 acres in Calhoun County, left them, and the day before she suicided she had a deed executed for her half interest ot her brother. She also made over her life insurance policy to her brother, for $2,000, and she wrote out two checks for $5 each to cover the amount she had in the bank, payable to her brother. On the table she had laid out the trinkets she wanted to be given away to her friends, and had them labeled, directing who was to receive each article. The brother took charge after the discovery of the suicide, and will carry out her wishes. Wednesday morning she had been entertaining some relatives, Fay Twitchell and Harry Fulkerson, and just before they left for their homes the party were taking pictures. Miss Fuller snapped the visitors and then they snapped her. To add a touch of gayety to her attire, she had donned a pink cap and a pink apron and she seemed happy and carefree. Immediately after the company left she must have set herself about her preparations for death. She tidied up the house, wrote a long letter or two, gave directions as to the disposal of her property, made a pallet on the kitchen floor beside the gas stove, pulled down the shades and laid down to die. In the note she expressed the wish that she might not be found before the end, but that if she was found she wanted Dr. Fisher called. The girl's body was found lying on the floor when Rosalie Fluent, daughter of Capt. W. D. Fluent, came in from school. An alarm was given and doctors brought, but they decided that she was dead. Her brother did not arrive home for some time after the discovery of the body. He was overwhelmed with grief as the brother and sister had been very close. Especially was he touched with the fact that his sister had made such provisions for his future welfare. In her talks the girl had indicated that she was tired of being a drudge, that she had worked hard, had broken her health, and she manifested extreme bitterness over her lot. One thing that seemed to annoy the girl was the departure of her mother, Mrs. Hattie Dorworth, for the south, where she met Capt. W. D. Fluent and they were married down south. The mother had left the daughter to run the house in her absence. The girl is said to have had no love affairs. She was a hard working girl, and when her mother was conducting the Dorworth Hotel at Hardin, she was the chief in charge of the culinary department and had built up a wide reputation for the hotel as a good place to get meals. According to her request, the girl will be taken to Hardin tomorrow morning for burial. She did not wish to have a public funeral, did not want the casket opened, did not wish to be taken to a church for burial, and made many other requests which would tend to indicate that her mind was astray. A telegram was sent to the mother, who is down the river with Capt. Fluent. In the absence of any older members of the family, the brother, Millard Fuller, took charge of the funeral arrangements. Coroner Sims arrived this afternoon to hold the inquest over Miss Fuller, beginning after 4 o'clock.


First Settler of New Douglas Township
Veteran of the War of 1812
School Teacher
New Douglas Township (Township 6, Range 5) is located in the northeast corner of Madison County. It is bound on the north by Montgomery County, on the east by Bond County, on the south by Leef Township, and on the west by Olive Township. Silver Creek, including the Dry Fork Branch, runs through the township.

The first settler of New Douglas Township was Daniel Funderburk, a native of South Carolina. He was born in 1786, and served in the War of 1812 under General Smith. He located on section 7 in the autumn of 1819. For several years, he was the only resident of the township. In 1823, Daniel taught the first school in a small cabin built near his residence. The students lived in the adjoining townships. Mr. Funderburk lived there until his death on December 11, 1838. His burial site is unknown, however, he was probably buried near his homestead.

Daniel’s children were: Sarah, Thomas (1819-1896; buried in the Voyles Family Cemetery in New Douglas), John , Elizabeth, Martha, Henry, Daniel, Julia A., Emily, Samuel, and Edward.


FUNK, SIDNEY B./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 27, 1881
Treasurer of the Hapgood Plow Company; Civil War Veteran
Mr. Sidney B. Funk, Treasurer of the Hapgood Plow Company, a resident of Alton for several years, died quite suddenly at Hampton, Iowa, at the residence of a relative, January 25, on his 38th birthday. Mrs. Funk was telegraphed on last Monday and left for Hampton the same evening, but was not able to reached the place until after the death of her husband.

Mr. Funk was born at Apple River near Galena, Illinois, where he spent his early life. Deceased was a commissioned officer in the regiment of General Smith, late State Treasurer, during the War of the Rebellion, was a grave soldier for the Union, and bore evidence of his devotion to his country in several scars received in various battles. On the bloody field of Chickamauga, he was severely wounded in the head, the bullet lodging in the neck, where it remained to the day of his death, causing at times inconvenience and pain. He removed to Alton about six years ago with his family, and won his way at once to the confidence and respect of the community. He was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church of Alton; for two years was Assistant Superintendent of the Sunday School; acted as leader of the choir; and was beloved by all for his Christian courtesy, his genial disposition, and manly bearing. He leaves a widow, an aged mother, seven children, at ages one to fourteen years, several brothers, and other relatives, besides numerous friends, to mourn his death, the general grief being intensified by the unexpectedness of the stroke. While at the residence of his mother-in-law at Apple River, a little over a week ago he had an attack of illness caused by cold, from which he partially recovered and started on his trip, being engaged on business for the company with which he was connected, when he had the last and fatal seizure. His death leaves a vacancy in social, religious, and business circles that it will be indeed difficult to supply. The funeral will take place at Apple River, the place of his birth, and the remains will be buried there. Great sympathy is expressed for the bereaved widow, the fatherless children, and the aged mother in their sudden and terrible affliction.


FUNKE, SIMON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 23, 1909
Mr. Simon Funke, aged 81 years, died Friday evening at 6:30 o'clock at his home, ____E. Fifth street. He has been sick only ten days with kidney trouble. Mr. Funke was a native of Germany, being born at Lippe ______, Germany, September 21, 1828. He came to this country 41 years ago and settled in Upper Alton, where he conducted a truck farm for 25 years. The rest of his life he lived in Alton. Mr. Funke's wife died three years ago. He was the father of Mrs. Chris and Mrs. William Horn, who survive him, and also ten grandchildren. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from his home to the German Evangelical church of which he was a member. Rev. E. L. Miller will officiate.


FUNKE, UNKNOWN WIFE OF SIMON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 7, 1906
The funeral of Mrs. Simon Funke was held this afternoon from the German Evangelical church on Henry street, where services were conducted by the Rev. Theo. Oberhellman, who came up from his St. Louis church this morning for the purpose. There was a very large attendance of friends and neighbors at the obsequies and many beautiful floral offerings were made. Burial was in City Cemetery.