JACK, EUGENIUS ALEXANDER SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
December 19, 1911
One of the Few Survivors of the Battle of the Merrimac and the
Eugenius Alexander Jack Sr., of Portsmouth,
Virginia, born July 17,
1840, who has been visiting his son, Eugenius A. Jack Jr., of 217 East
College Avenue in Alton, died Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock from heart
failure. He had come here two weeks before to visit his son, in the
hope of being benefited in health by the change. He had been
suffering from water around the heart. Mr. Jack was a retired army
officer, having served as a Lieutenant of Engineering Corps. He had
been retired for eleven years, since he was 60 years of age. Mr.
Jack leaves his wife and four sons, E. A. Jack Jr. of Alton,
Laurence Jack of Portsmouth, Virginia, Kenneth Jack of Newport News,
Virginia, and Raymond Jack, a Lieutenant of the U. S. Marine Corps.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack left this morning with the body for Portsmouth,
Virginia, where burial will take place. Mr. Jack served as a
Confederate soldier, afterward engaging in the Engineering Corps
service. His son, E. A. Jack Jr., is head of the claims department
of the St. Louis Terminal Association.
Eugenius Alexander Jack was born July 17, 1840 in Portsmouth,
Virginia. After his education, he received an apprenticeship in the
Department of Steam Engineering at the Gosport Navy Yard, where he
learned the machinist trade. When the Civil War broke out, Captain
Charles McCauley, Commander of the Gosport yard, ordered an
evacuation and destruction of the shipyard. After the removal of as
many ships and equipment as possible, the yard was put to the torch.
However, the attempt to destroy was botched, and a wealth of
supplies, arms and munitions were salvaged and used by the
Confederacy. The U.S.S. Merrimack was set afire and burned to her
water line.
Eugenius A. Jack volunteered for duty with the old Dominion Guard,
which became Company K, 9th Virginia Regiment of the Confederacy.
The regiment was sent to the Naval Hospital and Pinners Point for
guard duty. The daily routine of camp life was boring to a young man
such as Eugenius Jack, until he was sent to the Gosport yard where
he was assigned to the same shop before the war. By now, the U.S.S.
Merrimack had been raised and placed in dry dock, where she was
being rebuilt to become the iron clad, C.S.S. Virginia. Jack applied
for duty aboard the ship, and reported for duty as the Third
Assistant Engineer.
The C.S.S. Virginia was ready to cast off on March 8, 1862. Jack was
amazed as he gazed out the porthole at the multitudes of people who
stood on the shoreline, wharfs and rooftops to cheer and wish them
good luck. Soon the 268-foot Virginia reached her top speed of six
knots. From his station deep in the hull of the ship, Jack could
hear the sounds and feel the slight vibrations of the cannon
exchanges between his ship and her opponents. Captain Buchanan
ordered the Virginia to ram the U.S.S. Cumberland. As a result, the
Virginia punched a large hole in the starboard side of her foe,
sending her to the bottom. The impact was so great it threw Jack
from the bucket he was sitting on and sent him grabbing for anything
he could hold on to. The ship then turned its attention to the
U.S.S. Congress, sinking her. Captain Buchanan had been wounded and
removed from the ship. Lt. Catasby Jones, the executive officer, was
now in charge. The next morning, March 9, 1862, the C.S.S. Virginia
(formerly the Merrimac) met the iron clad U.S.S. Monitor, and
engaged in a four-hour battle, which was the world’s first battle
between ships made of iron. After four hours, the two retreated in a
draw, leaving neither victorious. In May 1862, the Confederate Navy
was forced to abandon the Gosport Yard and move to the James River
just below Richmond. On May 11, 1862, Captain Josiah Tattnall, the
third and last commander of the C.S.S. Virginia, gave Jack order to
ready the ship for destruction. Jack set about the place turpentine
rags and powder in various compartments of the ship. She sailed up
the Elizabeth River and ran aground. After the ship was set on fire,
the crew made their way to shore. Jack took a moment to observe his
ship slowly being ingulfed by flames. He was placed in charge of one
of several groups organized to take a defensive posture in case they
were attacked by the Union from the rear. They marched all night and
boarded a train for Richmond. Jack received orders to report to
Memphis where he would be assigned to the C.S.S. Livingston.
However, he served time aboard the C.S.S. Arkansas, an iron-clad
built in Memphis. The ship traveled up the Mississippi, receiving
sniper fire from the shoreline. On July 15, 1862, the Arkansas was
attacked by the U.S.S. Essex, but survived. In August, the Arkansas
was called to assist the Confederate Army at Baton Rouge. When the
ship came within sight of her objective, the engines failed. She was
steered to the bank and tied off. The order was given to destroy the
ship, and the men marched through the countryside, making their
Jack later served aboard the Tallahasse, and took part in many raids
on Union merchant ships. Next, he served aboard the Columbia, which
was accidentally ran around. Now transferred to the C.S.S. Palmetto
State as Chief Engineer, he served until the Union occupation. He
was ordered to destroy the ship to keep it from being captured by
the Union forces. He tried to join with General Lee’s Army, and
traveling by foot, he was captured by a Union Cavalry officer. He
was marched 50 miles to City Pont with 4,000 Confederate prisoners.
The men were herded like cattle to a stockade. The next morning, he
was placed on a transport for Washington D. C., where he was placed
in the old capital prison. He was offered liberty if he would take
the oath, but Jack replied, “not as long as the Confederate flag is
carried in the field.” He was informed that Lee and Johnson had
surrendered, that only Kirby Smith, west of the Mississippi, was
left to be conquered. Jack replied, “Then with them I will be
faithful and unconquered too.” Jack was transferred to Johnson
Island prison, located on Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie. On June 18, 1865,
he was released from captivity, and he took a train to Baltimore,
then on to Portsmouth, where he had a joyous reunion with his
mother, father, and siblings. He volunteered to serve as a mercenary
in Columbia in her war with Spain, and later returned to Portsmouth
to settle down and marry. He took employment with the U.S.
Revenue-Cutter Service as Lieutenant and Chief Engineer for
approximately 25 years. He died at his son’s home in Alton, and was
taken to Portsmouth, Virginia, for burial.
E. A. Jack Jr., of College Avenue in Upper Alton (next to the
Baptist church), was head of the claims department of the St. Louis
Terminal Association, and also raised poultry and sold chickens and
eggs. In 1916, E. A. Jack Jr. and his family moved to Bluff Street
in Alton, and joined the Christian Science Church. They later moved
to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
JACKSON, A./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 11, 1882
The funeral of Mrs. A. Jackson took place yesterday afternoon from
the Union Baptist Church with a large attendance.
Telegraph, March 28, 1919
Head of Western Military Academy Dies
Colonel Albert M. Jackson, president of the Western Military
Academy, died Thursday night at 11 o'clock very unexpectedly from a
malady that had been troubling him for a long time. He had been in
delicate health for several years, and had been obliged to be very
careful to avoid over-exertion. He had not shown any signs of
approaching death, and on Thursday he was able to be out as usual.
There was no hint to his family of impending collapse at the time he
went to bed. He was showing some signs of nervousness, and the
family conferred with Dr. Pfeiffenberger by telephone. Before the
conversation with the doctor had terminated, Colonel Jackson had
shown indications of a change for the worse, and within a very short
time he had fallen into unconsciousness from which he did not rally.
Colonel Jackson's failing health had caused him to withdraw more and
more from the active control of the school of which he was the head,
and last September he retired completely and moved away from the
school property.
Albert Matthews Jackson was born November 12, 1860, at West
Middlesex, Pennsylvania, and was in his fifty-ninth year. He was
educated in the common schools of Middlesex, and it was there at the
age of 17 he began his career as a teacher in the public schools. He
took up his preparatory college work in the state normal at
Edinboro, Pennsylvania, where he studied from 1878 to 1880, and in
the Fall of 1880, he entered the freshman class of Westminster
College at New Wilmington, Pennsylvania. He completed his course of
Princeton University, graduating there in 1884. Three years later he
received the honorary degree of Master of Arts from Princeton. In
1884, he was elected instructor of mathematics at Blair Academy at
Blairstown, New Jersey, where he served for two years. During that
period, he married Miss Jennie B. Simons of Edinboro, Pennsylvania.
He resigned at Blair Academy to move to Alton to take a position
under Edward Wyman, then conducting Wyman Institute, which was the
forerunner of Western Military Academy. In those days, the school
had about thirty boys in it. He had served two years under Professor
Wyman when the latter died in 1888, and then he became its
principal. From that time the school had a steady increase in
patronage. The change of name from Wyman Institute to Western
Military Academy was made in 1892, at which time he was commissioned
as Colonel in the Illinois National Guard. In 1896, the school
passed under the control of Colonel Jackson and Lieutenant Colonel
George D. Eaton, and the two men remained in the school from that
time and saw it grow and prosper wonderfully. Colonel Jackson was
the superintendent.
Colonel Jackson leaves his wife and three children, Major Ralph
Jackson, who has been connected with the school and is now its
commandant; Miss Grace Jackson, who also is connected with the
school; and Mrs. Rex Knight Latham of Lexington, Missouri.
The death of Colonel Jackson removes one of the most enterprising
business men of Alton. He had unwavering confidence in the future of
the Western Military Academy. Once, when fire of incendiary origin
destroyed the administration building, at a time when the owners of
the school could ill afford to have the loss, they showed their
confidence by plunging deep into debt to build a school that would
be the equal of any military academy in the country. Colonel Jackson
lived long enough to know his confidence in the future of Western
was not faulty.
The explanation of Colonel Jackson's comparatively early collapse
from arterial hardening attributes it to the hard mental labors he
performed in his younger days, and the difficulties he was obliged
to surmount in making a great success of his school. He had the
school on his mind night and day, and the strain told on his
physique, making an early showing of old age at a time when most men
are enjoying the best years of their career. As an educator, he had
a wide reputation. He was always dignified, courteous and
hospitable. He made many friends who admired him for his wonderful
ability as an educator, as well as his many graceful social
attributes. To the young men who have passed under his instruction,
his death will cause sadness, as he was beloved by all who had known
him in their school life. As a citizen, he was one of the very best
that Alton had. He had confidence in the future of Alton, and he
confided his investments largely to real estate in the vicinity of
Western Military Academy. He owns many nice houses, which are of a
character that make his tenants envied by others. He did much for
the upbuilding of Alton physically, always favored public
improvements and was a leader in the improvement thought in the
city. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock
from the home. Reverends Edward L. Gibson, pastor of the First
Presbyterian Church, and William Thompson Hanzsche, pastor of the
Upper Alton Presbyterian Church, will officiate.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 29, 1919
Many friends, together with patrons and former students of the
Western Military Academy, gathered this afternoon at four o'clock to
pay their last respects to Colonel Albert M. Jackson, whose funeral
was held from his late residence on Seminary Street. Impressive, but
simple, were the funeral services which were conducted by Rev.
Edward L. Gibson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, and by
Rev. William Thompson Hanzsche, pastor of the Upper Alton
Presbyterian church. There were no musical selections. Burial was in
Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. A blanket of beautiful floral
offerings covered the grave.
JACKSON, ANDREW/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 22, 1884
Andrew, child of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jackson, died Saturday morning
of whooping cough, at the age of nine months. The funeral took place
Sunday. Four young girls, Tazzie Thomas, Nettie Walker, Claudia
McDudle, and Lille Jones acted as pallbearers.
JACKSON, ANDREW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 6, 1901
Man Fatally Mangled in Cellar of Illinois Box Works
Andrew Jackson, colored, machine foreman of the Illinois Box
Company, was killed this morning shortly before 10 o'clock by
becoming caught in a belt on a pulley in the cellar of the box
factory. Jackson was an old and experienced workman about box
factories, and his skill and experience were highly esteemed by his
employers. He was a careful man at all times, and it is believed
that the accident that caused his death was due to his clothing or a
finger becoming caught as he was trying to shift a belt to a rapidly
revolving pulley. William Zimmerman, Ned Hanlin, Bert Page and H.
Sudbrook witnessed the accident. The belt had been shortened up as
it had become loose, and with the four men Jackson was trying to put
the belt on the pulley again, while the machinery was running. The
pulley is about 22 inches from a 14x10 beam above and 30 inches from
the ground. Jackson was suddenly caught by the belt, which had
caught on the pulley and started running. He was drawn against the
shaft, his arm and shoulder passing between the belt and pulley. His
clothing caught on the shaft and was wound tightly, drawing his body
against the revolving steel also, and throwing Jackson around and
around with each revolution. Jackson's legs struck the beam above
the pulley every time he was carried around with the revolutions of
the shaft, and his legs were torn off near the knee. One arm was
torn off, and it is believed every bone in his body was broken. When
the horrified men saw the fate of their fellow workman, they gave
the alarm by means of an electric bell that is used in such cases.
The thumps of the body of Jackson against the floor were plainly
audible over the entire factory, and all the workmen knew something
serious had happened. The machinery was stopped, but it was fully
two minutes before Jackson's body was taken from the shaft. His
clothes were stripped from his body and cast in every direction
during the time the man was on the shaft. The force running the
belts may be estimated, when it is considered that a steel
countershaft carrying the other pulley that revolved the belt was
broken and the hangers were torn loose. Jackson was one of the most
highly esteemed of his people, and the Illinois Box Company had
unlimited confidence in him. The employers and workmen alike held
him in high regard, and there is general regret over his sad death.
He leaves his widow and five children. The funeral will be held
Wednesday morning from the family home at 10 o'clock to the Union
Baptist church. [Funeral was from his home on Bluff street. Burial
was in City Cemetery]
JACKSON, AUGUSTUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 9, 1901
Augustus Jackson, a negro preacher familiarly known as "Brother"
Jackson, died Sunday morning at the home of Mrs. Chappel on Union
street, aged 54. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning from
the Chappel home.
JACKSON, CLARENCE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 16, 1907
Clarence Jackson, son of George Jackson, died at Moro this morning,
aged 25. His wife survives him. He will be buried on Saturday at the
M. E. church.
JACKSON, DAVID/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8, 1902
David Jackson, aged 24, died Sunday morning at the family home, 1138
East Third street, after a long illness from lung troubles and a
complication of diseases. He was a glassblower, and had planned to
go to Denver to work at his trade, but his health failed before the
time for his departure. He was the son of William Jackson, a
well-known glassblower, and he was very popular in a large circle of
friends. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock and
services will be conducted in St. Patrick's church.
JACKSON, ELIZA WRIGHT/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 9, 1890
Mrs. Eliza Jackson, a well-know, respectable, and industrious
colored woman, died Friday night at her home on Seventh Street,
between State and Belle Streets. The deceased was known to many
persons in Alton and vicinity as Mrs. Wright, the name which she
received from her first husband. Her second husband and a large
family of children survive her. Mrs. Jackson gave birth to a child
about a week ago, and death was caused by symptoms that were
developed by that confinement.
JACKSON, FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 6, 1918
Soldier Makes Supreme Sacrifice
News reached Alton today that Fred Jackson, formerly a machinist at
the plant of the Western Cartridge Company, had been killed in
France on September 29. The information came to Miss Mae Grisham of
410 West Fourth street, from Jackson's mother, Mrs. Minnie Jackson,
at Bardwell, Kentucky. Mrs. Jackson received the information in a
telegram from the War Department. The message, however, did not
state at what point in France Jackson had lost his life. Jackson was
a member of Co. G, 119th Infantry. He went from Bardwell, Kentucky,
and had been in France several months. While working at the Western
Cartridge Company, Jackson and his mother lived at 608 East Eighth
street. Besides his mother, Jackson leaves two sisters and two
brothers, Ray and Jerry, both of whom are in the service of their
country. Jerry at present is overseas in Co. A, 1st Pioneer
In a letter to his mother written two days before his death, Jackson
wrote: "I am living a clean life and if I never get back home, I
expect to meet you all in heaven." Another interesting feature with
the news of the supreme sacrifice that Jackson has made for his
country, is the fact that Miss Grisham has received a letter from
him, dated five days before his death, but post marked at Bordeaux,
France, October 4. In his letter Jackson says: "I have been in the
trenches several times and have been on No Man's Land on some very
dark nights. I have had some experiences in the great war. I am at
present several miles from any civilians or stores or anything.
About all I see are soldiers of several nationalities. I can hear
the artillery guns firing now most all the time." Jackson wrote that
he hoped the war would be over soon and that he would be able to get
back home and enjoy some of the comforts of home life. "You folks
must not grumble about eating a little corn bread," writes Jackson,
"for I eat hard tack lots of times and think it is fine, but we
usually have bread twice a day. But I have not seen a piece of pie
or any ice cream since I have been in France. We can't buy it
anywhere, but that is a very small part of a soldier's life in
France. But that is all right, we are all willing to make sacrifices
and they are only small ones."
JACKSON, HELEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 13, 1902
The funeral of Mrs. Helen Jackson, wife of Albert Jackson, who died
Wednesday morning at her residence, 615 West Division street, will
be held from the house Sunday morning, June 15, at 10 o'clock.
JACKSON, HERBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13, 1921
Five-Year-Old Son of Major Ralph Jackson Run
Over by Car
The accidental injury of Herbert, the five year old son of Major and
Mrs. Ralph Jackson of Western Military Academy proved fatal. The
little boy died less than four hours after he was run over by the
seven-passenger touring car from which he fell as the car was being
driven away from where it had been parked near Washington and
College Avenue intersection. His death occurred at 3:25 o'clock, and
at no time after the accident did he regain consciousness. Mrs.
Jackson, who was driving the car that fatally crushed her older son,
was unable to give a very clear account of what happened, and
neither could any of the spectators, though it is believed that the
rear wheel must have run over the head of the child and crushed the
skull. Following the accident, emergency treatment was given the boy
near the scene of the accident, and afterward he was taken home to
the Western Military Academy where he died. The death of the boy is
felt a personal loss to every member of the faculty and every cadet
at the Western Military Academy. He had attracted much attention
because of the highly developed intelligence and because of her
personality, which was remarkable for a child of his years. "Little
Albert" was the idol of all the boys attending the school, in which
his father was the commandant, and the fatal accident was the cause
of great mourning among all those who had known him. It is the first
break in the happy little family of Major and Mrs. Jackson. The
mother bore up with remarkable fortitude in the terrible affliction
that has befallen the family. She believes that the car door must
have been unloosened by the two children at play in the car while
she was doing some shopping in a store. When she started the car,
the boy, who was on the opposite side of the car, became
over-balanced and fell out, tumbling first to the running board and
then to the pavement where the big wheel of the heavy car ran over
him as he was crushed to the curbing. As a matter of form to comply
with the law, Deputy Coroner Streeper was taking evidence in a quiet
way today in the fatal accident that occurred on College avenue
yesterday noon. Mr. Streeper called on those who saw the accident
and took their testimony, as he did not want to cause the mother of
the child any further anguish by having to testify before a
coroner's jury. Testimony of three witnesses was taken. Miss
Marjorie Dietiker of the J. T. King store, and Miss Lillian Cell of
the Taggart coal office, saw the accident. W. A. Clark, who was in
the Barnard Drug Store, took the boy out of Mrs. Jackson's arms when
she ran into the store carrying him. The coroner took the testimony
of the two girls who saw the accident and of Mr. Clark. Neither of
the girls could say whether or not the wheel of the car ran over the
child. The funeral will be held at 2:30 p.m. Friday afternoon from
the family home, Rev. E. L. Gibson officiating.
JACKSON, IDELL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 30, 1899
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Chappell of 708 Union Street have been sorely
afflicted by the death of their nine years old adopted daughter,
Idell Jackson, after an illness of only a few months with lung
fever. The little girl was a bright child that everyone noticed, and
her foster parents have the sympathy of a very large circle of
friends in their bereavement. The funeral will be Tuesday at 2 p.m.
from the A. M. E. Church.
JACKSON, JANE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 21, 1902
Jane Jackson, a colored woman who had lived at Fosterburg many years
and had nearly rounded out the century mark of her life, died
yesterday at 1 o'clock at her home at Fosterburg, aged 98. She will
be buried Saturday afternoon.
JACKSON, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 05, 1899
Formerly Enslaved
John Jackson, an old colored citizen of unknown age, died at his
home on Bloomfield Street Saturday, and was buried Sunday at Milton
Cemetery. He had lived in Alton since his emancipation from slavery.
JACKSON, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 10, 1919
Killed During Quarrel
John Jackson, a negro, was shot and killed yesterday by Isaiah
Vandenburg, another negro, following a quarrel in the home of
Henrietta Williams, also colored, at 1900 Market street. Following
the shooting, Vandenburg gave himself up to the police. Vandenburg
told the police that he was calling on the woman when Jackson
entered the house and declared she owed him $18. A quarrel ensued
during which Jackson, according to Vandenberg, placed his hand near
his hip pocket as if to reach for a gun. It was then that Vandenberg
fired, he said. Jackson's body is being held by Deputy Coroner
Bauer, who will conduct an inquest. Deputy Coroner Bauer held an
inquest today over the dead man, and held Vandenberg to the grand
jury without bail. A jury of negroes with Rev. G. W. Brewer as
foreman, found the verdict. The testimony showed that the dead man
had gone to the home of Mattie Williams to collect a bill for $16 he
claimed she owed. She was packing up to move to Litchfield, where
Vandenberg had been working. When Jackson came into the house to
collect the money, Vandenberg interfered and Jackson told him it was
none of his affair, whereupon Vandenberg drew a revolver and shot
Jackson through the heart. It was said that the revolver used to do
the killing was lying on a dresser in the room where the killing was
done. Across the street where the dead man had resided a big
revolver was on the dresser, apparently ready for immediate use if
its owner needed it. He had no weapon on him when killed,
notwithstanding the statement of the slayer that the killing was
done in self defense. Deputy Coroner Bauer took the slayer to the
county jail at Edwardsville.
JACKSON, KATIE (SISTER ROBERTA)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
December 26, 1905
Sister Roberta, who was Miss Katie Jackson, daughter of David
Jackson, died Christmas night at 5:45 o'clock at the Ursuline
convent, aged 18 years and two months. She was the youngest sister
ever admitted to the Ursuline order in Alton. While attending the
convent and before she graduated she became filled with an earnest
desire to become one of the sisters, and to take upon herself the
vows of the order. Although she was 17 years of age at the time, she
took the vows of a novitiate in the convent, and just before her
death she became a member of the order. She was most consecrated in
her work for the church, and by her complete devotion she won the
love and respect of the older and more experienced sisters of the
Ursulines. Her disposition was kindly and loving. She was a sufferer
from consumption, and during the last week she was in a dying
condition. A brother, Robert, died at Buffalo, N. Y. from
consumption while studying for the priesthood. The funeral will be
held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from the convent chapel.
JACKSON, LILLIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 25, 1892
The funeral of Miss Lillie Jackson will take place tomorrow from the
family residence, 619 Division Street.
JACKSON, MAGGIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15, 1902
Mrs. Maggie Jackson, wife of William Jackson, died last evening at 6
o'clock after an illness with pneumonia, at the family home, 1118
East Third street. Mrs. Jackson was 43 years of age and was well
known in the East End. Her husband is a prominent glassblower. Mrs.
Jackson leaves her husband and three children. The funeral will be
held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, and services will be conducted
in St. Patrick's church by Rev. Fr. P. J. O'Reilly. Burial will be
at Greenwood.
JACKSON, MARGARET ELLEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 23,
North Alton News - The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Ellen Jackson, wife
of the well known horticulturalist William Jackson, took place
Thursday afternoon from the home to the Godfrey cemetery, and was
attended by a very large number of friends and neighbors who had
known and esteemed the deceased lady and sympathized sincerely with
her in her long period of intense suffering. Rev. J. Alworth of the
Godfrey Congregational church conducted the services.
JACKSON, NANCY E. (nee McPHERSON)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
November 14, 1922
Just a little more than one hour following the date of the
thirty-ninth anniversary of her marriage, Mrs. Nancy Jackson, wife
of George H. Jackson of Bethalto, died this morning at 1:15 o'clock
at the family home in Bethalto. Her death was due to an illness of
one year from complication of diseases. She was 71 years of age.
Mrs. Jackson was born in Logan County, Ky., September 21, 1851. She
came to Madison County in 1873 and immediately after her arrival
here became the bride of George H. Jackson. The couple continued to
reside in this county all the time. The marriage took place at
Bethalto. The husband and three children survive her. The children
are Mrs. Gertrude Starkey of Alton, Mrs. Cora McCalley and Arthur W.
Jackson of Bethalto. There are six grandchildren, Etta and Nancy
Starkey, Leo and Harold McCalley, Thomas and Donald Jackson. Mrs.
Jackson was one of the most devoted members of the Methodist Church
at Bethalto and the funeral will be held from that church Thursday
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.
JACKSON, NELLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 3, 1913
Mrs. Nellie Jackson, widow of the late Albert Jackson, died at her
home this morning after a three days' illness. She was 67 years of
age and very well known about Alton. The funeral will be held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
JACKSON, ROBERT SR./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 07, 1898
Mr. Robert Jackson Sr., of Coshockton, Ohio, died Friday at the
residence of his son, William A. Jackson, 1118 East Third Street,
Alton. The deceased was 75 years of age. On June 05, he came from
his home in Coshockton to Alton, in hope that his health would be
benefited. He was born in Durham, England, June 09, 1822. Besides
his son in Alton, his wife, aged 75, resides in Coshockton, and his
daughter, Mrs. John T. Kiger of Wheeling, West Virginia, survive
him. The funeral took place Sunday from St. Patrick’s Church.
JACKSON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 9, 1880
Mrs. Samuel Jackson of North Alton, a native of London, England,
died last night at 7 o’clock of typhoid pneumonia at the age of 27
years. Deceased leaves a husband and three children to mourn her
JACKSON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January
22, 1892
An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jackson, colored, died
yesterday morning, and will be interred tomorrow afternoon.
JACKSON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 14, 1897
Mrs. Richard Jackson of Godfrey died Friday at St. Joseph’s
Hospital, where she had submitted to an operation several days ago,
removing a tumor. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the
hospital to the Godfrey Cemetery.
JACKSON, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 24, 1898
The funeral of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jackson was
held today from the family home, 1118 Third Street. Interment was in
the Alton City Cemetery.
JACKSON, WILLIAM "UNCLE BILLY"/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July
29, 1908
Prominent Horticulturist Dies
William Jackson, aged 88, died Tuesday evening at 9 o'clock at his
home in Godfrey Township after a brief illness. Old age and heat
prostration were the causes of his death. "Uncle Billy," as he was
affectionately known to a very large circle of friends, fell into
his last sleep as peacefully as a child. It was as he had wished it,
that there be little warning and no suffering when the well-made old
machine ran down. Surrounded by his children, and with a host of
friends grieving over his departure, he slept away without even a
chance to say the farewells that would be so difficult to say to
those he loved.
The death of Mr. Jackson came as a surprise to many of his friends
who did not even know he was ill. On Monday he was out in the field
at his home doing some work, and it is supposed that he was affected
by the heat so that he could not rally as he had often done before.
He went to his home and there he was given every attention he seemed
to require Monday night and early Tuesday morning a physician was
summoned. When he arrived, he found the old man in a state of
collapse. At 8 o'clock in the morning he fell into a deep sleep and
he never awoke to recognize any of his family or his friends who had
learned of his condition and called to see him.
Mr. Jackson was one of the best-known men in the vicinity of Alton.
For years he was considered an eminent authority on horticulture.
Probably next to this he was best known in the Masonic fraternity.
His love for that institution continued until the very last. He was
actively engaged in the work of the order, always being in
attendance at the meetings of the various bodies when he was able. A
few years ago, he was elected to the post of Eminent Commander of
Belvidere Commandery, Knights Templar, and at that time was said to
be the oldest eminent commander in the order in Illinois. He had
filled all the offices in all the Masonic bodies, and at the time of
his death had a very important position in Alton Council, R. & S.
M., where it will be very difficult to fill his place. Among the
members of the fraternity, he was loved and venerated and there is
general grief over his departure, even though the end came when he
was beginning to weaken under the weight of years but was still able
to do his best. He was born in Durham, England and came to this
country about the year 1853. He settled in what was North Alton
about 44 years ago, where he followed the occupation of coal miner.
He engaged in the horticultural profession sometime later and
achieved eminence in that line that made him an authority on many
subjects pertaining to his profession.
Mr. Jackson leaves six children, John R. H. and Will Jackson, Mrs.
Martha Murphy, Mrs. Margaret Flood and Mrs. Mary Hagerman. His wife
died five year ago at the age of 76. The funeral will be held
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock and services will be conducted in
the grove of forest trees, owing to the limited space in the house.
Rev. H. A. cotton of the Godfrey Congregational church will
officiate. At the Godfrey cemetery the services will be under the
auspices of Piasa lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Alton.
JACKSON, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 16, 1916
Two Die in Still Blast at Wood River Refinery
Two men, Charles Grissom and William Jackson, were killed instantly
by the explosion of still 14 of battery 2, at the Wood River
refinery, early Saturday morning. Another man, Urick Bailes, was
slightly burned, and Louis Hoffman, who was within a few feet of the
explosion, had a narrow escape but was not injured. The explosion
occurred Saturday at 2:30 a.m. The cause of it is said to have been
an unusual pressure in the still due to firing too strong. Grissom,
formerly a barber in Alton, was an assistant to the still tender.
Jackson was a laborer. Both men were standing close to the still,
sheltered by the warmth from the cold blasts of the near zero night,
when the still exploded. The head of the still was blow out,
drenching the two men with oil. Grissom was doubtless instantly
killed as the top of his skull was knocked off. Jackson's death must
have been very quick. Grissom has a family living at Wood River, and
Jackson has a family living on Belle street in Alton. The explosion
caused a general alarm of fire at Wood River, and the refinery hands
were called from their warm beds to man the lines of hose and play
streams of water on the fire to prevent the fire communicating to
other tanks of oil in the vicinity. By energetic work the fireman
succeeded in getting the flames under control and no damage was done
to other property....The men killed had been employed at the plant
for six years and were regarded as good, faithful men. Grissom began
working for the plant January 4, 1911. Jackson began working
February 16 the same year. Grissom lived in Wood River with his
family. He is about 35 years of age and has two children. A third
child died two weeks ago, shortly after birth, and Mrs. Grissom has
not been in the best of health on that account. The shock makes
matters worse. Grissom's mother, known as "Grandma" Grissom, aged
89, has been confined to her bed by the shock and is in a serious
condition. Jackson lived in Alton at 618 Belle street with his wife
and two children. He was 40 years of age. The inquest was held this
afternoon over the bodies of the two men. A white jury was sworn in
and took charge of the Grissom case, and a colored jury took charge
of the colored case. The inquest was held at 3 o'clock this
afternoon at the Bauer undertaking rooms. The funeral of Charles
Grissom will be held on Monday morning at 11 o'clock from the
Baptist Tabernacle in Wood River. The services will be conducted by
Rev. S. D. McKenny and the Odd Fellows, and the burial will be in
the Oakwood Cemetery in Upper Alton. The funeral of William Jackson
will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from home at 618
Belle street.
JACKSON, WILLIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13, 1904
Willis Jackson, the East Alton man struck by a Big Four train near
the C. and A. cut-off crossing a few days ago, died at 8 o'clock
this morning at his home in East Alton. He was 54 years of age, and
is survived only by his wife, who was prostrated by shock on
learning of her husband's mishap and whose bad condition has been
aggravated by her husband's death. Mrs. Jackson is very ill.
JACKSON, WILLIS HERBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 5, 1895
From Bethalto – Died, November 30, 1895, Mr. Willis Herbert Jackson,
aged 21 years, _ months, and 10 days. The deceased was born two
miles east of Bethalto, August 20, 1874, and ever since resided
there. This young man was a model character in every sense of the
term. He was conscientious, kind, and obliging, and was universally
beloved. He was just such a young man as the youth of any community
might wisely pattern after. Our young friend, Willis, was carefully
reared by a Christian father (George Jackson) and mother, and being
naturally of a religious turn of mind, united early in life with the
Methodist Church in Bethalto. He ever lived a consistent and helpful
member of the same. He received a good common school education, and
at the time of his taking sick was a very promising student of
McKendree College. He was fitting himself for the ministry, and was
at college pursuing his studies when he was taken sick with typhoid
fever, and was removed to his father’s home. He lingered in the
clutches of the dread malady for many weeks, and during all this
time bore his sufferings with that meek Christian fortitude which
characterized his every act in life, and just before the end came,
those dear ones who had so tenderly watched over him through it all,
noticed those pale lips quiver, and listening heard their dear dying
boy faintly singing, “Nearer, My God to Thee.” He was happy; and oh,
it does seem that the dying moments of a true Christian, such as he,
lack but one thing of being entirely happy – he must leave his dear
ones behind.
The funeral services were conducted in the Methodist Church, the
Rev. J. A. Large officiating. The church was fittingly draped. The
seat he usually occupied and the Sunday School library, of which he
was librarian, were hung with emblems of mourning. The words of the
pastor were very touching, and the songs sung were those known to be
his favorites. The casket was covered with the rarest of flowers
which were so truly emblematic of the purity of the departed soul.
The interment took place in the Bethalto United Methodist Church
Cemetery. The following were the pallbearers: Rev. Guthrie, Charles
Uzzell, Edward Eubanks, Lee Starkey, Henry Frenz, and George
The deceased leaves father and mother, sisters and brothers, who
have the sympathy of the community in this sad bereavement. May they
ever be consoled with the thought that the departed son and brother
fought a good fight, and is reaping the reward of a Christian life.
Mrs. Albert Jackson of Mendon, Missouri, attended the funeral of her
JACOBI, W. W./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 13, 1894
Killed by Train
An unknown man was run over by a Chicago & Alton train either last
night or at an early hour this morning, near Wood River, and was cut
to pieces. The Chicago & Alton agents of Alton were notified, and
the crew of the train were instructed to take the remains to
Edwardsville Crossing [Hartford area]. It was impossible to identify
him in any way. He was literally cut to shreds, and probably more
than one train passed over him. It is thought by some that the man
lay out over night, died, and was run over after he died. No light
so far has been thrown upon the tragedy.
Later – The man killed by the Chicago & Alton yesterday morning was
identified at the coroner’s inquest as W. W. Jacobi of Lemont,
Illinois. The verdict was accidental death. Papers on his person
showed him to be a discharged member of the Odd Fellows. He will be
buried tomorrow. [Find A Grave states his initials were “W. C.” He
was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
JACOBS, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30, 1909
Seven Year Old Killed by Street Car When Sledding Down Hill
The effect of the killing of seven year old Anna Jacobs, daughter of
John Jacobs, colored, residing at 16th and Piasa streets, by being
run over by an A. J. & P. street car at the foot of Fourth of July
hill at Fourteenth and Belle street at 1:30 o'clock today will be to
stop all the coasting in dangerous places on the hills in Alton,
according to orders issued by the police. The little girl was riding
on a single sled with two other companions, Eva Hughes and Gertrude
Blodget, and as she neared the track the streets car approached from
the direction of the Thornton store. Al Fulliger, motorman, tried to
stop the car but failed. He slowed up the car enough to permit her
to pass in front of the car and almost beyond, but the wheel on the
opposite side caught her lower limbs and crushed them on the rail.
In her excitement to get out of the way she probably slipped from
her sled, leaving it on the Fourth of July hillside while she
slipped on over the smooth surface of the ground. She was picked up
and carried into a nearby house where she died several minutes
afterward. The two companions who were with her stopped their sleds
before reaching the car and ran away too frightened to wait and see
what was the result of the accident. The girl leaves a father and
mother and three brothers and sisters. The father said that he had
often cautioned his daughter to stop coasting on the hill. Coroner
C. N. Streeper was notified to take the body.
JACOBS, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8, 1902
Mrs. Catherine Jacobs, aged 88, died at the Ursulne convent today
where she was visiting her daughter, an inmate of the convent. Death
was due to senile debility. The funeral will be Tuesday morning and
services will be held in the Ursuline chapel.
JACOBS, R. E./Source: Troy Weekly Call, October 19, 1907 - Submitted
by Marsha Ensminger
Death claimed another well known resident of this vicinity yesterday
morning in the person of R. E. Jacobs, a highly esteemed farmer
residing two miles east of this city. Mr. Jacobs' death was due to a
short but severe illness following a stroke of heart failure. His
condition Thursday was somewhat improved but a second attack
occurred early yesterday morning and he passed away. His son, Elmer,
and daughter, Mrs. Ed Bardsley of Collinsville, were at the bedside
when the end came. The funeral arrangements are made for Monday,
pending the arrival of a son, Ben W. Jacobs, from Thompson Falls,
Mont. The latter was advised Wednesday of his father's serious
illness and wired a reply that he would come at once. His arrival is
expected tonight or tomorrow at the latest. The funeral as arranged
will take place Monday at 12 o'clock from the family residence to
the M. E. church. Rev. N. D. Sweeney will conduct the funeral
service and the interment will be in the Gilead cemetery east of
this city on the St. Jacob road.
JACOBS, REUBEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 8, 1904
Reuben Jacobs, aged 27, died this morning from heart trouble at the
family home, 1657 Alby street. The funeral will be held Sunday
morning at 9 o'clock from the A. M. E. church, and burial will be at
Rocky Fork cemetery.
JACOBY, LOUIS J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30, 1910
Former Alton Business Man Dies in Virden
Alton relatives were notified Wednesday of the death of Louis J.
Jacoby, a former Alton business man, at his home in Virden, after a
lingering illness. Since last April Mr. Jacoby has been very sick
and submitted to three or four surgical operations for the relief of
a malady which attacked the jawbone first and spread afterwards. The
trouble was of a cancerous nature, and most of the jawbone had been
removed at different times without avail. Mr. Jacoby has hundreds of
friends in Alton who will regret sincerely to hear of his death, and
whose sympathy will go out to the widow and three children. Mrs.
Jacoby was Miss Nellie McPherson, daughter of Contractor and Mrs.
James McPherson, and a sister of Mrs. E. C. Paul. Funeral services
will be held Thursday at the home in Virden, and the body will be
taken to Bunker Hill, where burial will take place Friday morning.
The parents of the deceased young man live in Chesterfield. C. J.
Jacoby is an uncle and Louis J. Jacoby was affiliated with him in
the East Second street furniture business.
JACOBY, OSCAR LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 10, 1905
Oscar Jacoby, eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jacoby, aged about
20 years, died Wednesday afternoon at the home of his parents, 515
east Eleventh street, after an illness beginning last Saturday
afternoon. The cause of death was peritonitis, which was super
induced probably by appendicitis. Twice before, it is said, the
young man suffered with symptoms of appendicitis but recovered
rapidly in both instances, and a surgical operation was never
performed. He was a bright, studious young man, very companionable
and a general favorite with all who knew him, young or old. He
returned from Warrenton, Missouri college, which he has been
attending, in July, and expected to take a position in one of the
stores of his father and uncle. The body will be taken to Bunker
Hill tomorrow morning, leaving Alton on the 7:20 Big Four train. The
funeral services will be conducted in Bunker Hill at 9 a.m. and
burial will be in the Jacoby family lot. A quartet consisting of
Misses Lucile, Nellie and May Paul and Mr. Harry Paul will render
vocal selections. The Rev. W. F. Isler and F. W. Elger and Prof.
Chas Stueckeman of Central Wesleyan college at Warrenton, Mo. will
give addresses. The interment will be at the Bunker Hill Cemetery
where two sisters and one brother lie buried. The body will lie in
state at his home in Alton from 2:10 p.m. on Thursday. Oscar Louis
Jacoby, son of Casper J., Annie D. Jacoby, and brother of Clara,
Effie, Edwin, Verneda, Casper, Annie and Phillip, was born in Bunker
Hill, Ill., on Feb. 3, 1885. In 1903 he graduated from the public
high school at Bunker Hill with honors, having been chosen the
valedictorian, and last year he attended the Central Wesleyan
college at Warrenton. It was his plan to prepare in a very thorough
way for business, and had intended to attend some business college
in the near future. Oscar was a thoroughly religious boy. At the age
of 12 he found peace with God and consecrated his life to his
service, and became a member of the German Methodist church at
Bunker Hill, Illinois. He took sick suddenly on Saturday August 5,
with peritonitis. When it became known to him that he must die, he
spoke very freely to his folks about his hope for a future life. He
said: "I would so much like to live a little longer, for I am so
young yet and could not do much for my parents so far, but God's
will be done and I am satisfied." To his brothers and sisters he
spoke kind words asking them to be good and obey their parents. For
fully 30 minutes he prayed aloud asking God to bless his parents,
brothers and sisters and all his friends, and then asked God to be
merciful to him and prepare his soul for heaven. On Wednesday,
August 9, at 4:20 p.m., God sent his messenger to relieve him from
his suffering, surrounded by his entire family, uncles and aunts,
cousins and friends, with great peace at the age of 20 years, 6
months and 6 days.
JACOBY, REBECCA (nee APPEL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19,
Mrs. Rebecca Appel, wife of Mr. A. H. Jacoby, died of consumption
Sunday afternoon at her home on Tenth Street, after a lingering
illness. Mrs. Jacoby was 42 years of age, and was born in Upper
Alton, being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Appel. She was
married in 1873 to Mr. Jacoby, and has been a loving and faithful
wife and mother. Besides a husband, six children, a sister, four
brothers, and a half-brother, of her immediate relatives, survive
The funeral services of Mrs. Rebecca Jacoby took place yesterday at
the German Methodist Church. Rev. Charles Emig, pastor, officiated,
and the services were attended by a large number of friends of the
family. The body was taken to Brighton for interment in the family
burying ground there.
JACOBY, ROSA/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 26, 1883
Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacoby were deeply afflicted by the death,
Wednesday, of their little daughter, Rosa, at the age of two years
and three months, after an illness of over two weeks, caused by
measles. Mr. and Mrs. Jacoby have the heartfelt sympathy of their
neighbors and friends. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning
from the family residence on Tenth Street. The burial will take
place at the Brighton Cemetery.
JAEGER, ANDREW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 7, 1897
The funeral of Andrew Jaeger will take place Thursday afternoon from
the family home on Court Street. The services will be under the
auspices of Western Star Lodge and Fleur de Lys Lodge, and the
Cigarmakers Union will attend in a body.
JAGGERS, VICTOR O./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 25,
Victor O. Jaggers, aged 60 years, died Saturday night at his home at
930 East Fourth street with influenza and pneumonia. A widow, one
son, Arthur Jaggers, and a daughter, Mrs. John Harris of Alton, with
four grandchildren, survive. Jaggers was employed at the East Alton
plant of the Western Cartridge Company. The funeral will be held at
Edwardsville, the former home, but the arrangements will not be
completed until the arrival of the son, who is at Camp Lewis,
JAGGERS, ORLANDO FILMORE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November
30, 1918
The funeral of Orlando Filmore Jaggers, who died last Saturday, will
be held tomorrow from the home, 980 East Fourth street, and at 1:30
the body will be taken to Edwardsville for interment. The funeral
arrangements were completed upon the arrival here of a son, Arthur,
who was stationed in Washington state.
JAMES, CHARLES GOULD/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 1, 1840
Died, at Upper Alton, on the 21st of January, Charles Gould, aged 18
months, son of John James, M. D.
JAMES, EDWARD C. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December
27, 1902
Former Upper Alton Physician
Dr. Edward C. James, formerly a prominent practicing physician of
Upper Alton, died suddenly last evening while on his way home from
the post office. His dead body was found by his two sons, Clarence
and Charles, who stumbled over the body of their father as it lay
near the stable where he fell. Dr. James had not been in robust
health for some time, and twenty years ago he gave up the active
duties of a practicing physician. He was 67 years of age and had
lived in Upper Alton 65 years, having gone to the village at the age
of two years. E. C. James was born in Albany, New York in 1835, and
went to Upper Alton with his father in 1837, and has lived there
ever since. Thirty-five years ago he was married to Miss Susan
Knostman of Brighton, who survives him with her children: E. C.
James, J. K. James of Upper Alton; Mrs. M. F. Greeding of St. Louis;
C. A. and C. N. James; and Miss Susan James. Dr. James was a member
of the Presbyterian church, and on the evening of their Christmas
entertainment he received a handsome Bible for his regular
attendance at Sunday school for the past 30 years, in that time
having never missed a Sunday. Dr. James had been in failing health
for some months, but yesterday seemed brighter than usual. Funeral
arrangements have not been completed, but it is probably the service
will not be held until Monday, as some relatives are expected to
come from a distance.
JAMES, ORVILLE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19, 1918
Orville James, aged 29, son of C. H. James, superintendent of the
Union Tank line in Wood River, died this morning at 8:30 at the home
in Wood River, after an illness of two months. He was employed with
the Union Tank line with his father before his illness. He is
survived by his parents, a brother, Arthur James, and two sisters,
Mrs. Eva Shoemaker and Miss Cleo James. The funeral will be held
Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home. The burial will be
in Oakwood cemetery in Upper Alton.
JAMES, SUSAN K. (nee KROSTMANN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 2, 1915
Mrs. Susan K. James, aged 69, died Thursday afternoon at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. M. A. Greding, on Edwards Street, after an
illness of six weeks. Mrs. James was the wife of Dr. Edward C.
James, who died December 26, 1902. She was born in Upper Alton and
had lived there practically all her life. Her maiden name was
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 02, 1915
The funeral of Mrs. Susan K. James was held this afternoon at the
James homestead, at Washington Avenue and Amelia Street, the
residence of E. C. James. She had been a lifelong member of the
Upper Alton Presbyterian Church. The James homestead was filled with
sorrowing people with whom she had been associated many years. Many
beautiful flowers were sent by friends and relatives. At the close
of the service, the body was removed to Upper Alton Oakwood
Cemetery, where burial took place in the family lot.
JAMESON, MELVIN (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August
24, 1922
Rev. Melvin Jameson, in his eighty-seventh year, passed away at his
residence, 2704 College avenue, after a long period of disability.
His death occurred at 5 a.m. today. For a long time the aged
clergyman had been watching the gradual approach of the end. His
mentality was preserved to the last and until a week before his
death he had been able to read. Not since last March had he been
dressed, but he was able to be up occasionally and around some in
his home. The close of his life was characterized by the fine
Christian manifestations that had been exemplified by him through
all his career. He knew that the end was approaching fast and that
the time could not be much longer, and he passed his closing days in
manifestations of the faith that had been the mainspring of his
life. It led him to far corners of the world, it had caused him to
take up difficult tasks, and his faith had never failed him. He
closed his life as he had lived it, with an unchanged devotion to
the cause he had labored in for so many years. Attended by his wife
and members of his family, he passed away this morning just as the
day was beginning to break, closing a life of love for his fellow
man. He was a true Christian gentleman. In the passing of Rev. Mr.
Jameson there has gone out a man who was rich in experiences, and a
life has been closed that was full of good works. It was a life that
was known for its beauty of character, its self-sacrificing devotion
to the cause of the religion he had pledged his undying allegiance
to, and the happiness of his home relations. His best-known work in
Alton was as the pastor of the First Baptist church and of the
Cherry Street Baptist church, which he had in charge at the time the
church was founded. He was deeply interested in foreign missionary
work, and doubtless it was largely his influence that made the
mission spirit so strong in the First Baptist church, that it has
the highest record of any church in Alton for sending mission
workers to foreign and home mission fields. He himself went to
Burmah, India, where he served as a missionary for a long period and
he had a record of high efficiency in that chosen work. He never
ceased to advocate the cause of missions after his return to this
country to stay. A fine, manly figure, the aged clergyman was in
great demand to fill posts where there was special need, and it
mattered not to him that the recompense financially would be small.
He always had faith that the Master he served would see that he was
adequately provided for, and he was. He lived his home life highly
respected and dies mourned not only by his wife and children, but by
a very large circle of friends who feel that they owe much to the
self-denying services of this venerable man of God. While his
membership was retained in the First Baptist church, the latter
years of his life were spent in communion with the College Avenue
Baptist church members. It was the people of that part of the city
who remember him best, and because of this fact, and the further
fact that the pastor of his own church, Rev. M. W. Twing, is out of
the city, the funeral services will be held in the College Avenue
Baptist church, Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The following
brief account of his career was furnished to the Telegraph: Rev.
Melvin Jameson was born in Lyons, N. Y., March 3, 1836. He was the
son of Hugh and Maria Melvin Jameson. Several children were born to
this couple, but only three sons grew to manhood, Hugh, the oldest,
who always resided in his home town, Melvin, the subject of this
sketch, and William, who survives him, and is now living in Phelps,
N. Y. His ancestry on his father's side were Scotch-Irish from the
North of Ireland. On his mother's side the name of Elder John Leland
is conspicuous in Baptist annals, in the early part of the last
century, on the Atlantic seaboard from Maine to Virginia. This
pioneer preacher was an uncle of Mrs. Maria Melvin Jameson. Mr.
Jameson prepared for College in the Lyons Union School, and always
regard it as an especially favoring providence that he had for
teacher John T. Clark, a man much esteemed and honored in that
locality at that time. He entered the Sophomore class of Rochester
University in 1856, and graduated in due course. He took his
theological study at Rochester Theological Seminary, and graduated
in 1859. He had in the seminary as classmates the late Dr. Augustus
H. Strong, for forty years President of the seminary, and also Prof.
Wilkinson, of the University of Chicago. The closest friendship
existed between the three, and a regular correspondence was kept up
between them until the passing of the other two. He came to Alton as
pastor of the First Baptist church, and was ordained April 19, 1860.
He remained as pastor of this church until July 1869. From 1869 to
1889 he was a missionary to the Burmans, of Bassein, Burma. During
this time he had one furlough, from 1880-1883. For one year of this
furlough, he was the pastor of the First Baptist church of
Ogdensburg, N. Y. The remainder of the time he was going among the
churches, telling of his work. His work in Burma was mainly
evangelistic, going from village to village in a boat, preaching to
the people in their homes. One of his associate missionaries who
knew of his indefatigable and persistent labor said of it, "The
whole Bassein District was saturated with the Gospel." At one time
in an emergency, he was called by his missionary brethren to
Rangoon, to help put a new edition of the Burman Bible through the
Press, and was engaged in this work for several months. Mr. Jameson
was twice married. His first wife was Miss Julia Allen of Fiskdale,
Massachusetts. She was a distant relative of the late Dr. Marsh, and
spent several years in his family, attending the city schools, and
afterwards taught in one of the grades previous to her marriage. She
died in 1875, leaving three sons, Allen Marsh, for many years a
resident of Upper Alton; Hugh, Y. M. C. A. Gen. Secretary, Cadillac,
Mich.; and Melvin Waldo, a resident of Cleveland, O. In 1878 he
married Miss Mary E. Walling, a missionary to the Karens of Bassein,
whose home in America was Gouverneur, N. Y., who survives him.
JANETT, CHRISTIAN/Source: Troy Weekly Call, January 24, 1913 -
Submitted by Marsha Ensminger
Christian Janett., the oldest resident of Highland and Madison
county and one of the oldest persons in Illinois, passed away on his
101st birthday on Thursday of last week at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Charles Appel, at Highland. The death of Mr. Janett was not
unexpected. He had been an invalid for over a year, the result of a
hard fall. Gradually his bodily (sic) ran down like a clock and
became weaker until at last, only the heart and lungs performed
their functions alone for some time until the dissolution. He was
surrounded in his last hours by his children and other relatives but
he knew them not. Christian Janett was a native of Switzerland and
born January 16, 1812. As a youth he learned the cabinetmaker's
trade at which he worked for many years. His marriage was in 1839,
and in 1866 Mrs. Janett died. Mr. Janett and five children set sail
for America in December of the same year and upon arriving in this
country located at Highland where they remained ever since. Mr.
Janett is survived by three sons and two daughters as follows: John
Janett, of Highland, aged 73; Valentine Janett, of Steger, Ill.,
aged 60; Jacob Janett, of Highland, aged 53; Mrs. C. Buchter, of
Highland, aged 63, and Mrs. Charles Appel, of Highland, aged 58.
There are also 17 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. The
funeral took place at Highland, last Sunday afternoon and was
attended by practically every citizen of the city besides many from
surrounding towns. The interment was in the City Cemetery.
JANSEN, TAMME/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 03, 1897
Mr. Tamme Jansen died last night at his home on East Third Street,
after a lingering illness with kidney troubles. The deceased was a
native of Germany, but came to America in 1861, settling near
Gillespie, Illinois, on a farm, where he lived until eighteen months
ago, when he removed to Alton to reside, purchasing Mr. Charles
Stelzel’s residence near Third and George Streets. He was 61 years
of age, and leaves a wife and brother in Germany, but no children.
Mr. Jansen, by frugality and economy, had acquired considerable of
this world’s goods. The funeral will probably take place on Tuesday
JANSSEN, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 27, 1920
Four Men Killed When Car Strikes Auto At Crossing
Edward Janssen, 55, a farmer and assessor, a school director and
former tax collector of Chouteau township, and three unknown farm
hands, were instantly killed at 6 o'clock this morning when
Janssen's automobile, in which they were riding was struck by an
Alton, Granite and St. Louis Traction Co. car at Maryville Crossing,
one mile east of Mitchell. The body of Janssen, whose neck was
broken, was seated at the wheel of the machine after the accident.
The body of one of the men was beside the track, while two were
under the demolished automobile. Joseph Hackethal, fifth occupant of
the car, jumped before the crash and escaped with slight bruises. It
is believed that two of the farm hands were from Rolla, Mo., while
the third is believed to have come from Omaha, Neb. Hackethal and
Janssen have been shipping wheat together this year, and went to the
Hackethal farm to see how much had been thrashed and was ready for
shipment. On their way to the wheat field, they encountered the
three farm hands who entered the machine. Hackethal and Janssen sat
in the front of the car and the three young men in the back seat.
The men had gone to the field and were making the return trip when
struck by the car. The car was enroute from Granite City to Alton,
and was to have left here at 7 o'clock as a special limited. The car
was in charge of Motorman Koch and Conductor Curry. As the machine
was crossing the track, it was struck by the car. Hackethal said he
did not see the car, and it is not believed that any of the other
occupants of the machine saw it. This is regarded as strange as the
crossing is a straight track crossing. One farm hand in the vicinity
of the accident scene said he heard one sharp blast of the car
whistle, but did not hear the crossing whistle. Another farm hand
said he heard the car whistle and then heard the crash. This led to
the belief that the car sounded a warning before hitting the auto,
was said that crossing whistle was not sounded but no statement was
secured from the car crew regarding this. Deputy Coroner Tate of
Granite City took charge of the bodies. No arrangements for holding
an inquest have been made. So far as is known there were no
witnesses to the accident. Janssen, one of the best known and most
popular of farmers in that section, was married, and is survived by
his widow, his third wife. He leaves also seven children. He was
born in the Mitchell neighborhood and spent his entire life there.
He was assessor of the township and a member of the school board of
directors, and was at one time tax collector of the township. He has
been regarded as a leader in that section, and his tragic death
causes general mourning there. His funeral will be Thursday, but
arrangements have not been completed. The bodies of the three young
men will be held pending receipt of word from relatives. According
to Deputy Coroner Tate, the three young men who were killed with
Janssen are believed to have come from Rolla, Mo., and it is
believed from the appearance of their clothing and bodies that they
might have been students from the University of Missouri, School of
Mines, working here and there on farms during the summer months.
Tate stated that they did not look like farmers. They were clean
shaven, wore good clothes, and their hair and fingernails seemed to
have been well kept. They appeared to the Deputy Coroner to be
between the ages of 23 and 26. Tate said that he would wire to the
Chief of Police of Rolla today in an effort to learn the identity of
the young men. The belief that they came from Rolla is founded on
the fact that they mentioned something about being from Rolla to the
farm hands with whom they had been working, although they apparently
did not dis......... _as said to have come originally from Omaha,
Neb. Tate describes one man as being about five feet six inches in
height, having brown eyes, brown hair, and two gold front teeth,
another as being about six feet in height, and having sandy hair and
gray eyes. The third was described as being five feet, six inches
tall and having red hair and grey eyes.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 29, 1920
[According to the newspaper above, the three unknown farm hands
were: Frank Craig, 17, Harry Stroud, 20, and Noah S. Clark, 21, all
of Lenox, Missouri.]
JANNSEN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 18, 1901
John Jannson, aged 70, died Sunday morning at his home on Alby
street after a long illness. He had lived on Alby street near the
corporation line between Alton and North Alton many years, and he
was known as a good neighbor and a sturdy upright man. He followed
the carpenter trade during his life in Alton. The funeral will take
place Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and services will be held in
the Evangelical church.
JANNSEN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 14, 1902
John Jannsen, a prominent young farmer of East Alton vicinity, died
this morning at his home after a two years illness with chronic
malaria. He was 32 years of age, and was one of the thrifty
prosperous young men of the community. He leaves a wife and two
young children. He was known to everyone near East Alton, and very
highly esteemed by all who knew him. The funeral will be held
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and services will be conducted in
the East Alton Baptist church by Rev. Theodore Oberheilman of Alton.
Telegraph, July 18, 1903
The 2-year daughter of Mrs. Lizzie Jannsen, widow of the late John
Jannsen, died last night at the Jannsen home below East Alton, after
a short illness with brain trouble. The funeral will be held Monday
morning and services will be conducted at the church. [Burial was in
Vaughn Graveyard]
JARBOU, MINNIE (nee ANTHONY)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April
1, 1901
The funeral of Mrs. Minnie Jarbou, nee Anthony, wife of A. Jarbou,
took place Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the home of Allen
Jameson on Alby street. The funeral was long delayed by the delay in
the arrival of a sister of Mrs. Jarbou, Mrs. Joseph Berner of
Bloomington. Mr. and Mrs. Berner were returning home from a southern
trip and did not learn of Mrs. Jarbou's death until they arrived in
St. Louis at Union Station, Sunday noon, where they were informed of
the death by a friend. The sister was sadly shocked by the news and
hastened to Alton to attend the funeral. The services were conducted
by Rev. H. K. Sanborn of the Presbyterian church, and burial was in
City Cemetery.
JARMAN, CY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 17, 1901
Thomas Scoggin and John Burns, who are under indictment in the
Circuit Court and are in the county jail awaiting trial for the
murder of Cy Jarman of Mitchell, will be given a trial next Monday.
Thirty-four witnesses have been summoned for the case. Jarman was
killed in Alton near the corner of Second [Broadway] and Piasa
streets, and a large Saturday night crowd saw the murderers stabbing
the man to death without realizing that the affair was anything more
than a drunken fight. States Attorney Brown says he has a good case
against the men. They will endeavor to prove that Jarman was a
dangerous character when drunk, and that they killed him in
self-defense. Jarman was thrown over an ash barrel by the two
murderers, and while Burns held the prostrated man, Scoggins plied a
long-bladed knife in and out of Jarman's back.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 25, 1901
Thomas F. Scoggin received a life term of imprisonment in the
penitentiary for the murder of Cy Jarman in this city [Alton].
Scoggin was guilty of one of the most cold-blooded murders that was
ever perpetrated, and it is a striking commentary on the juries in
Madison county courts that the extreme penalty was not meted out to
him. Scoggin was fortunate that he was not found guilty of murder in
the first degree, and the penalty fixed at hanging. Thomas Burns,
who helped commit the murder, was found guilty of manslaughter.
JARMAN, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 26, 1912
George Harman, a son of the late William Jarman, died Saturday
morning at the family home on Piasa street, aged 46. He had been
sick only a few days with pneumonia. He was a life-long resident of
Alton, and was known for his industry and as a good citizen. He was
engaged in the cattle buying business. He leaves two sisters, Miss
Lucetta Jarman and Mrs. Fred Stumberg, both of Alton. Mr. Jarman was
born and lived all his life in the house where he died, 1609 Piasa
street, and was always a resident of Alton. The funeral will be
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and Rev. M. W. Twing will conduct the
funeral services.
JARMAN, SYLVESTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 20, 1900
Stabbed to Death With Pocket Knife by Thomas F. Scoggen
Thomas F. Scoggen and John Burns are being held in the county jail
on the charge of having brutally murdered Sylvester Jarman, Saturday
night, on Second Street [Broadway] near Piasa. Jarman was killed
with a pocket knife in the hands of Scoggen, and according to the
testimony of Charles Miller and John Gleason before the coroner's
jury, John Burns held Jarman prostrate over a garbage barrel while
Scoggen cut him again and again. Jarman was helplessly drunk, and
according to the testimony of witnesses to the quarrel and to the
killing, there was no real provocation for the killing. Jarman was a
large man employed on the Bluff Line section at Oldenburg, having a
family at Mitchell, and boarded at the Empire House. Scoggen lives
near Ninth and Piasa. Scoggen had a sore hand and was unable to do
full justice to Jarman for the insult he alleges to have received
from the drunk man, and when the two met later, Scoggen had been
re-enforced by John Burns, a laborer, who had been employed
unloading wheat from a barge on the levee, and together they
attacked their man. There were but a few witnesses to the beginning
of the quarrel in front of Charles Miller's saloon. The first
quarrel started in front of the Empire House, when the men met for
the first time in their lives. Jarman called Scoggen "Bluff Line,"
which the latter interpreted to mean railroad bum, and he resented
it. When next he met Jarman, Scoggen had an open knife in his pocket
and he lost no time in attacking his man when an opportunity
offered. Jarman was helplessly drunk and could not defend himself.
Witnesses testified at the inquest that while Scoggen was striking
Jarman with his fists, Burns would prevent the drunk man's blows
from taking effect on his antagonist, the two fighting one. At last
Scoggen drew his knife and stabbed Jarman in the neck, and then as
the wounded man staggered over a garbage barrel, Burns held him
prostrate while Scoggen plied the knife in and out of Jarman's back
and side. As Jarman fell to the sidewalk after the assault, Scoggen
plunged the knife blade into his victim's left side and touched his
heart. Forty-five minutes later, while being carried into the
hospital, Jarman died. Dr. Wilkinson performed a post mortem and
found seven wounds in Jarman, several of which would have been
fatal. While the fight was in progress, a crowd gathered but no one
saw the use of the knife, and William Wies, who separated the men,
thought it was merely a drunken man's scuffle. The serious nature of
the fight was not realized until Jarman arose, hunted for his hat
and fell in a heap, with a geyser of blood gushing from his side.
Scoggen ran to the Citizens' Bank corner and there stood until a
friend warned him to flee. He hastened home, secured another hat and
wandered back to the scene of the killing, where he was arrested by
Officer Young. In the meantime, Capt. Fitzgibbons had caught John
Burns fleeing toward the levee and arrested him as a witness. It
afterward proved to be a good catch, as Burns had a prominent part
in the affair. Another man was arrested on suspicion of being an
accessory, but was not held by the Coroner's jury. The Coroner's
inquest was held Sunday morning and a verdict holding Scoggen guilty
of murder and Burns as an accessory was found. Coroner Bailey issued
a mittimus [court-ordered warrant directing the county sheriff to
arrest a convicted person], and the two men were taken to
Edwardsville this morning. Both claim the stabbing was done in self
defense by Scoggen, and that Jarman was the aggressor. Mrs. Jarman
came up from Mitchell yesterday to learn the details of the killing.
She was unmoved at hearing of her husband's death and seemed to have
no feeling for him. She stated to a Telegraph representative that
her husband had not lived with her for four months, and that he was
a hard drinker. When drunk she said he was quarrelsome and made life
miserable at home. She believed he probably was at fault in the
killing because of his uncontrollable temper when intoxicated. She
said she caused his body to be buried here. Mrs. Jarman says her
husband was 42 years old. She has three children and appears to be a
hard working woman.
JARMAN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 22, 1911
Old Civil War Soldier Dies - Marched with Sherman Through Georgia
William Jarman, an aged resident of Alton, died at his home, 1609
Piasa street, Monday afternoon after a long illness. He was an old
soldier and a longtime resident of Alton. Mr. Jarman was a frugal,
hardworking man, and during his long period of residence in Alton he
saved a competence, and at his death owned real estate. It is
recalled by old employees around the Telegraph office that Mr.
Jarman was connected with the Telegraph many years ago. The present
Senator Edmond Beall furnished the motive power which operated the
press, the power being generated by a pair of strong young arms, and
when he was promoted after long service, he was succeeded by Mr.
Jarman. That was in the days before electric or water motors were in
general use. Mr. Jarman was a strong, tireless man who could turn a
heavy piece of machinery all day long and still be ready to continue
working when the day job was done. Mr. Jarman was known as a quiet,
law abiding man, and in the neighborhood where he lived, he was
always highly esteemed. He served with credit during the Civil war
as a soldier. He raised a family of children, although he lost his
wife many years ago. Mr. Jarman had lived in the one house for 57
years. He was born in Devonshire, England, May 14, 1822, and was
past 89 years of age. He came to Alton on Christmas day, 1850. He
served in the 10th Illinois regiment during the Civil War, saw
service in the hardest campaigns of the war, was at the battles of
Nashville, Knoxville, Lookout Mountain, and marched with Sherman
through Georgia. He is survived by one brother, Robert Jarman, 87
years old, who arrived from Atwater, Ill. just one hour before the
old man died. He leaves also one son, George Jarman, and two
daughters, Miss Etta Jarman, who always remained with her father,
and Mrs. Fannie Stumberg. The funeral will be Wednesday at 2 p.m.,
and services at the home will be conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing.
JARRETT, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 22, 1889
The funeral of Mr. Joseph Jarrett took place yesterday afternoon
from the family residence, 430 East Second Street [Broadway], with a
large attendance. The sad and impressive services were performed by
Dr. A. A. Kendrick, President of Shurtleff College.
JARRETT, SADIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 30, 1908
Miss Sadie Jarrett, a native of Alton and daughter of Mrs. Addie
Jarrett, died last night at her home, 712 Bayard avenue, from
pneumonia. She was born in Alton September 10, 1868, and lived here
most of her life. She was a very popular young lady, and her death
will be regretted by all who knew her. She is survived by her mother
and seven brothers, Wallace, William, Samuel, Harry, Clarence,
Clement and Lorenzo. Funeral arrangements have not been made, but
the body will probably be brought to Alton Sunday.
JARRETT, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 23, 1915
William Jarrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Jarrett of Central
Avenue, died at the home of his parents this morning at ten o'clock
after a six weeks illness with tuberculosis. Mr. Jarrett was
nineteen years of age, and is survived by his parents and three
brothers, Bert(?), Harry and Morvis Jarrett, and one sister, Miss
Bertie Jarrett. For the past four years the deceased has been
employed at the Western Cartridge Company at East Alton, and was
highly thought of by both his employers and his co-workers, on
account of his quiet ways and close application to business, and
will be greatly missed by his friends as well as by his sorrowing
family. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at two o'clock
from the family residence on Central avenue, and burial will take
place in the City cemetery.
JARVIS, ELLEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 4, 1846
Died at Troy, Madison County, Illinois, on the 25th of November,
Mrs. Ellen Jarvis, wife of Mr. John G. Jarvis of that place, and
daughter of Major William G. and Mrs. Martha Brown of St. Clair
County. Mrs. Jarvis was born on the 29th of May 1818, and united in
marriage to Mr. Jarvis on the 19th April, 1838. She professed
religion and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church in February 18??,
and continued an acceptable member of the same to the time of her
death. She has left an afflicted husband, three children, and a
large circle of relations and friends to mourn their loss, but they
sorrow not as those that are without hope.
JARVIS, GEORGE H./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 12, 1894
Mr. George H. Jarvis, of North Alton, died in Belleville Thursday.
The body will be brought here for interment, reaching the Union
Depot Saturday afternoon. The funeral cortege will proceed from the
depot to the cemetery. Friends are invited to attend from the depot.
Mr. Jarvis was 77 years, 10 months, and 10 days old. He left no
children, but the following grandchildren survive: Mr. Nelson
Reagan, Milwaukee; Mrs. J. E. Betts, Belleville; Mrs. Annie Pauncis,
St. Louis; Mrs. John W. Tonsor and Mrs. William McCollum, Alton;
Oswald and George Crowson, Alton. Mr. Charles Crowson of Alton is
Mr. Jarvis’ son-in-law.
JARVIS, JOHN GILLHAM (HON.)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 17, 1881
Hon. J. G. Jarvis of Troy died yesterday morning, aged 70 years. Mr.
Jarvis was a prominent citizen and a native of the township which
bears his name. The funeral takes place at two o’clock this
John Gillham Jarvis was born April 29, 1810, in Madison County,
Illinois. He married in 1838 to Eleanor Brown. They had two children
– Henry C. Jarvis (1840-1846) and John F. Jarvis (1845-1863).
Eleanor died in 1845. He then married in 1847 to Emily M. Brown
Rice, and they had four children – Martha E. Jarvis (1848-1850);
Richard W. Jarvis (1854-1914); Emma Caroline Jarvis Powell
(1856-1922); and Florence A. Jarvis (1866-1877). John G. Jarvis died
March 16, 1881, and was buried in the Troy City Cemetery.
JARVIS, ORPHA B./Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, June 30, 1870
Died on the 25th instant, Orpha B., infant daughter of William W.
and Sarah E. Jarvis, of Troy, aged 6 months and 2 days. "A little
flower of love, That blossomed but to die; Transplanted now above,
To bloom with God on high."
JARVIS, WESLEY WESTON/Source: The Troy Weekly Call, January 2, 1909
Crushed by 600-pound Slate
Donk’s No. 3 mine at Troy added another to its long list of victims
Monday, in the person of Wesley Weston Jarvis, a well-known young
man of Troy, who was killed by a fall of slate while at work in the
mind. The accident occurred about 9:30 a.m., and was first
discovered by Charles Elliott, a driver who went into the room where
Jarvis worked alone, to take out the coal he had loaded. Elliott saw
the body under a fall of slate, and hurried to adjoining rooms to
summon help. It required the strength of four men to remove the huge
clod, which it is estimated weighed about 600 pounds. Life was seen
to be extinct, the head having been crushed, and the end must have
been instantaneous. The body of Jarvis was then taken from the mind
and removed to his home nearby.
Deputy Coroner R. E. Low of Edwardsville was at once notified, and
arrived the same evening to hold the inquest. Coroner C. N. Streeper
of Alton happened to be at Edwardsville, and accompanied the Deputy
to Troy, it being the latter’s first inquest since his appointment
last week. The inquest was held at the Miners’ Hall, with a jury
composed of J. E. Hindmarch, Stanley Ritcher, James McCormick, James
Rawson, Walter Wilkinson, and H. C. Kersey. The evidence in the main
was in accordance with the facts already stated, but it also
developed that the room in which Jarvis worked was known as “bad.”
It had been marked as such, but the mark had become erased. Other
evidence was to the effect that Jarvis went to work on Thursday of
last week, but remained in his room only an hour because of a
feeling of unsafety. The jury, however, did not hold the company
responsible for the accident, as has been reported, and the full
text of its verdict was as follows:
“We the jury find that Wesley Jarvis came to his death from a fall
of slate in room No. 6, 4th stub, 4th west, north side, in Donk
Bros. Mine No. 3 at Troy, Illinois on Monday, December 28, 1908.”
The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock from the
family residence in the west end, to the Presbyterian Church, and
was very largely attended, including the members of the Miners’
Union in a body. Rev. N. D. Sweeny, pastor of the M. E. Church, and
a boyhood friend of the deceased, preached an eloquent and fitting
funeral sermon. Rev. B. L. Stuart of the Presbyterian Church also
assisted in the services. The casket bore a large number of
beautiful floral tributes, and the pallbearers were: Charles
Wandling, Herbert Horsley, Walter Wilkinson, Fred Richold, John
Deimling, and John Riggin. The interment was in the Troy Cemetery.
Wesley Weston Jarvis was born in Troy on July 27, 1870. He was the
oldest son of John F. and Nancy J. Jarvis, and his is the first
death in the immediate family. His earlier life was spent in the
schools and on the farm at this place, and later he took up the
occupation of a miner. After working here for a time, he went to the
lead mines at Joplin, Missouri, and later to the coal mines in
Indiana. Ten years ago he went west, and after spending eight years
in North Dakota and other states in mining and on ranches, returned
here about two years ago, where he has since resided and has engaged
in mining. He was never married.
JARVIS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 19, 1915
William Jarvis, aged 32 years, of Troy, dropped dead at the home of
Edward Geldes where he was visiting at 6 o'clock last night. Ten
minutes before he dropped dead he had drank a glass of iced tea. He
had been an invalid fourteen years, and it is not decided whether
the iced tea hastened his death. An inquest will be held this
evening. The deceased is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jarvis, and is
a member of one of the old time families of Troy.
JARVIS, WILLIAM WESLEY/Source: Troy Call, April 22, 1927
Former Banker Ends His Own Life
On April 19, 1927, William Wesley Jarvis ended his own life by
shooting himself. The tragedy occurred in the summer kitchen of the
Jarvis home. He rose early in the morning, and when other family
members rose he was missed, and a search was made. He was found by
Frank A. Collins, lying dead on an old couch in the summer kitchen.
A bullet wound was in the left temple, and an old 32-caliber
revolver lay on the floor nearby. Advancing age and the fear of
infirmities which would render him helpless was believed to be the
cause of the act. Recently, he had suffered from lack of sleep and
depression, repeatedly expressing a wish to die.
William Wesley Jarvis was the fourth child of five children of
Wesley and Mary A. Jarvis. He was born in Troy on March 11, 1842,
making his age 85 years, 1 month, and 8 days. His parents were
natives of Troy, and members of a pioneer family, his father having
been born in Troy and his mother between Troy and Edwardsville.
William’s early life was spent on a farm west of Troy. When the
Civil War broke out, he was 19 years old. He was one of the first
Troy men to enlist for 90-day service, and was assigned to Company I
of the Ninth Illinois Regiment. After the 90 days were over, he
re-enlisted for three years, and served throughout the war. He was
wounded at the Battle of Shiloh, and again at Fort Donnelson, and
was twice taken prisoner. The second time he was held in the famous
Libby prison at Richmond. He became a personal friend of General
William T. Sherman, and after the war William hosted the General as
a guest at his home in Troy.
Following the war, Mr. Jarvis returned home and took up farming. He
then studied law, and later launched in mercantile pursuits. His
first business venture was with Julius A. Barnsback, when they
opened the first lumberyard in Troy. He purchased Barnsback’s
interest in 1869, and continued in the business until 1876, when he
sold out to engage in the commission business at the National
Stockyards in East St. Louis, where he remained until 1885. In 1885,
he partnered with H. H. Paden in establishing the Troy Exchange
Bank. After two years, Paden sold his interest, and Mr. Jarvis
continued until May 1, 1926, when he retired. Jarvis was also a
large land owner.
On December 24, 1867, Jarvis married Miss Sarah E. Barnsback, a
member of another pioneer family. Nine children were born, five of
whom died in infancy. Sarah Barnsback Jarvis died July 12, 1915.
Surviving were four daughters: Dollie Genevieve Jarvis (1873-1945);
Sarah Jarvis Seele (1875-1944; wife of Fred W. Seele; Mabel Jarvis
Seele (1883-1961; wife of William C. Seele); and Bessie Jarvis
Keller (1879-1966; wife of Robert Maurice Keller of Ardmore,
Oklahoma).The funeral of William W. Jarvis was held at the family
home. He was buried in the Troy City Cemetery.
JAYNE, MALINDA J./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 24, 1836
Died, on the 19th inst., Malinda J., in the tenth month of her age,
infant daughter of Dr. Z. Jayne. Her disease in the sequel was that
of diarrhea, which immediately succeeded a violent attack of
JAYNES, SUSAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8, 1903
Mrs. Susan Jaynes, 74, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Emma
Layton, Indiana avenue, after a long illness Sunday night. The
funeral was held this morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's
church. She leaves two children, Mrs. Layton and George Jaynes.
JAYNES, WARREN JESSE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 08,
From North Alton – The funeral of Warren Jesse Jaynes, the
six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Jaynes, residing at the
corner of Tibbitt Street and Delmar Avenue, and who died Saturday
morning from brain fever, was held from the home Sunday afternoon.
Services were conducted at the home by Rev. S. D. McKenny, in the
presence of a number of sorrowing relatives and neighbors. Rev.
McKenny also spoke at the grave side in the Alton City Cemetery,
where interment took place.
The child was a most loving and affectionate little fellow, and was
a great favorite among his sisters and brothers. The Jaynes family
have all been sick of late, and are having more than their share of
misfortune. Mr. Jaynes is a hard-working, honest, and industrious
man, who has been employed until recently by the Grafton Hard Roads
Association in their quarry on the Hawley farm near Melville. The
sympathy of their neighbors go out to Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes in the
misfortune they have been called upon to bear.
JEANS, ELMER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 23, 1901
Elmer Jeans, a young man well known in the city and with many
friends, died this morning at 11:20 at the home of his mother,
corner of Staunton and Common streets, after a long illness with
consumption. This is the second one of the family to go with the
same disease within a year, and the afflicted mother has the
sympathy of all. Elmer was 27 years of age, and leaves a mother,
three brothers - David, Newton and Harry, and two sisters - Mrs.
Lizzie Wayman and Mrs. Eva Henderson, to mourn his death. The
funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
Congregational church.
JEANS, EVALINE S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 8, 1920
The funeral of Mrs. Evaline S. Jeans, the aged resident of Alton,
who died Wednesday morning, was held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
in the Congregational church in which she had held membership for
many years. The services were conducted by Rev. C. C. Smith, the
pastor, who had been on a trip in behalf of the Inter-church
movement, and had a series of appointments to visit several other
cities when he was called back home by word of the death of this
aged member of his congregation. There were many old friends of Mrs.
Jeans, and a large number of members of the church at the service.
Burial was in City cemetery.
JEANS, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 28, 1902
Harry Jeans died at 2:30 o'clock Monday morning after a long
illness, aged 24. He had been a sufferer from consumption for many
months. A few days ago he returned from Clarksville, Mo., where he
had been staying in hope that his health would be benefitted. He was
very weak when he returned, and his condition grew worse rapidly.
The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and will be
under the auspices of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics.
JEANS, JEFFERSON DAVIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 10,
The funeral of Jefferson Davis Jeans was held Monday afternoon from
the home on Staunton street, where services were conducted by Rev.
E. T. McFarland of St. Louis, pastor of the Alton Christian church
which Mr. Jeans had labored so hard and long to organize. There was
a large attendance of friends and neighbors, and many beautiful
floral offerings. Members of Robin Hood Camp Modern Woodmen attended
the funeral in a body.
JEANS, MARION F./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 18, 1898
Marion F. Jeans died Saturday after a long illness at his home, 615
North Street, with consumption. He was 20 years and 5 months of age,
and had lived in Alton all his life. He was the son of Mrs. Evelyn
Jeans, and beside his mother, leaves five brothers and two sisters.
The funeral took place Sunday afternoon. The services were in the
Congregational Church, conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing, in the absence
of the pastor. Interment was in the Alton City Cemetery.
JEFFREY, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 5, 1850
Died on Tuesday, the 31st inst., Mrs. Mary Jeffrey, wife of John
Jeffrey of Alton.
JEHLE, AGNES (nee BRESSNER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7,
Suicide in Highland
Mrs. Agnes Jehle, a highly respected lady, 68 years of age, and a
resident of Madison County since 1853, committed suicide last night.
She left the rest of the family about 8:30 o’clock to retire, in
apparent good spirits and happy, and nothing wrong was apprehended
until her son was awakened in an adjoining room by a mysterious
cough. Upon entering her room, she at once said she had taken “Rough
on Rats,” and her son seeing the empty box on a washstand,
immediately summoned a physician, but she refused to take medicine
and died in a few moments. No cause for her act is known. She had,
however, previously asked if Rough on Rats would do deadly work on
human beings.
Agnes Bressner Jehle was born December 18, 1820, in
Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. She married Joseph Jehle, who died in
1886. They had two children – August Jehle (1851-1933) and Emma
Jehle Streiff (1853-1881). Agnes was buried in the Highland
Cemetery, Highland, Illinois.
JEHLE, JOHANES “JOHN”/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 18, 1891
The funeral of Mr. John Jehle took place Friday afternoon. Large
numbers of the business friends and acquaintances of deceased
gathered at his residence, and at two o’clock the long line of
carriages moved to St. Mary’s Catholic Church, where the services
were held, conducted by Father Peters. The attendance at the church
was large, and there were many rare floral tokens, all showing the
high regard in which Mr. Jehle was held. After the services, the
cortege again took up its way to St. Mary’s Cemetery, where all that
was mortal of Mr. Jehle was laid. Expressions of grief were made on
all hands for the widow and children in their bereavements. The
pallbearers were D. Busse, E. Aswege, V. Bruch, H. Brueggemann,
Anton Reck, and Frank Pieper.
Mr. Jehle was born in 1851, and was about 39-40 years of age at the
time of his death. He was buried in the St. Joseph’s Cemetery in
Alton. Surviving was his wife, Caroline Wiegand Jehle (1853-1947),
and his children: Johanna Jehle Dreisoerner (?-1928); Lena T. Jehle
(?-1933); John J. Jehle (?-1950); Julia Jehle (1879-1883); M.
Immaculata Jehle (1881-1902); and Anton Jehle (1884-1942).
JEHLE, JULIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 3, 1883
Died in Alton on April 30, of convulsions, Julia, daughter of John
and Lena Jehle, aged 3 years, 6 months, and 24 days. The funeral
took place yesterday from the family residence on Belle Street. The
pallbearers were six girls dressed in white.
JENKINS, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 4, 1918
Requiem high mass was sung this morning at St. Patrick's Catholic
Church for Mrs. Catherine Jenkins, the funeral being attended by a
very large gathering of friends and relatives of the well known
Alton woman. Rev. Francis B. Kehoe sang the requiem. Six of Mrs.
Jenkins' sons were pallbearers. The body was shipped at 9:20 to
Muncie, Ind., where the family has a lot. A large party of relatives
accompanied the remains.
DAVID/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 16, 1891
Civil War Soldier
Mr. and Mrs. John McKissock went to Springfield Tuesday by the
Chicago & Alton No. 3, in response to a telegram announcing the
probably speedy dissolution of their brother-in-law, Mr. David
Jenkins. Mr. Thomas Hyndman yesterday received a telegram announcing
the death. Mr. Jenkins has been ill for more than six months, and
his death has been almost daily expected for a month or two.
David Jenkins was raised at the Coal Branch [near North Alton], a
miner by trade, and lived there until he enlisted in the army. He
was a member of Company D, Tenth Illinois Volunteers, and was a
grave and gallant soldier, esteemed and admired by his comrades for
his genial disposition. At the close of the Civil War, Mr. Jenkins
came to Alton to reside, where he remained until he received an
appointment at the State House in Springfield, several years ago.
Mr. Jenkins’ hosts of friends in Alton will deeply regret his death,
as he was one of those men who made friends everywhere.
Mr. Jenkins was an honored member of Western Star Lodge No. 1,
I.O.O.F. of Alton, and during his long illness, the members have had
a constant interest in his welfare. The funeral took place at
Springfield today, and was attended by Mr. Thomas Hyndman and others
from Alton. To his old soldier comrades in Company D, of whom there
are still a few living in this vicinity, it will be a sad blow,
causing them to feel how steadily and rapidly their numbers are
lessening. No truer soldier of the Union ever wore the blue than
David Jenkins.
“On fields where strife held riot
And slaughter red his hounds,
Where came no sense of quiet
Nor any gentle sounds
He made his rounds.
We wrought without repining,
Till weary watches o’er,
He passed the bounds confining
Our green familiar shore
Forever more.”
The Funeral
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 23, 1891
From the Springfield Journal, July 16 – The funeral of the late
David Jenkins took place yesterday from his late residence, 1057
South College Street, and was very largely attended by relatives,
friends, and the State House employees. The local lodges of
I.O.O.F., and Ancient Order of United Workmen attended in bodies.
The services were conducted by Rev. C. C. Otis, pastor of the First
Congregational Church. He gave a fitting address on the life and
character of the deceased, whom he said was not merely a brave
soldier, but had given evidence of great faith in God during his
illness. The floral offerings were beautiful, there being a number
of exquisite designs. The pallbearers were D. W. Millen, D. W.
Savage, Archie Neilson, and David Harm of the Odd Fellows; E. W.
Mason and George Simmons of the A.O.U.W., and Joseph Birt and James
M. Brewer of Stephenson Post. A number of relatives and friends were
present from abroad, among them John McKissick and family; William
Jones and Thomas and William Hindman of Alton; Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Davis and son; Herbert and David Adams and family of Bloomington;
Mrs. Richard Jenkins of Shannon City, Iowa; Mrs. David English and
daughter, Miss Hannah, of Godfrey; and Mrs. D. R. Jones and children
of Chicago.
David Jenkins was born in Aberdorh, Lamorganshire, South Wales. He
came to America when 9 years old. He was the son of John Jenkins,
who died when David was quite young. His mother remarried to William
Jones, and she died in 1885. David enlisted in the army from Madison
County, Illinois, and served until the close of the Civil War. He
lived in Alton, where he opened a grocery store. He married Rebecca
English on September 14, 1870. In 1884 they moved to Springfield,
where he was employed as a janitor and messenger at the Secretary of
State’s office, until the time of his death. He was survived by five
daughters: Misses Sadie, May, Kittie, Phoebe, and Ruth; and son,
John; his wife, Mrs. Rebecca Jenkins; and sister Mrs. Gweny R. Jones
in Chicago. Mr. Jenkins was buried in the Oak Ridge Cemetery in
JENKINS, ELMER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 10, 1922
Killed in Collision with Train
Elmer Jenkins, aged 19, was killed, and Wyman Schwartz, aged 22, was
dangerously hurt Sunday morning about 12:20 o'clock when they were
in collision at the Mitchell state road crossing, with a Chicago &
Eastern Illinois train. Jenkins was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Jenkins, and Schwartz the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schwartz of
East Alton, by Deputy Coroner Streeper. Schwartz was taken to the
hospital at Granite City. He has internal injuries and was said to
be in a serious condition. The automobile in which they were riding
was reduced to scrap iron. Details of the accident were hard to get,
but it was supposed from the appearance of the wreck that the two
young men drove their Ford car into the side of the train on the
crossing. It was a bright moonlight night, with a straight road
reaching far away to the south. One reason why the young men may not
have known of the near approach of the train is that it is said the
engine headlight was not burning, due to some defect which could not
be remedied because of the shop men's strike. When the train and
automobile came together, the auto was hurled against a post at the
crossing and snapped the post, then was catapulted against a
telephone post beside the track and lodge there. Jenkins was
instantly killed, his head being crushed.
JENKINS, HENRY E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 1, 1902
Henry E., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jenkins, died this morning after
a brief illness from spasms. The child was taken unexpectedly and
the death is a sad blow to the parents. The funeral will be held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The child was one of twins.
JENKINS, RICHARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 4, 1886
Mr. Richard Jenkins, one of our old and well-known citizens, died at
his residence Tuesday, of congestion of the stomach, aged about 45
years. He had been unwell for several days, but was not confined to
his bed until last Sunday. He was a native of Wales. He came to
Alton about the year 1854, and has resided here ever since. He
leaves a widow and one daughter; a sister, Mrs. David R. Jones; and
a brother, Mr. David Jenkins.
JENKINSON, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 10, 1898
From Fosterburg – Thomas Jenkinson, one of our old residents, died
and was buried last Thursday. Rev. John Jones officiated. Interment
in the Short Cemetery.
JENKS, DAVID/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 31, 1844
Died, in this city [Alton], on the 27th inst., at the residence of
Mr. J. S. Hutton, Mr. David Jenks, a native of Jefferson County, New
York, and recently a resident of Marion, Linn County, Iowa, aged 30
JENNINGS, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 6, 1913
James Jennings, still foreman at the Wood River refinery of the
Standard Oil Co., died at his home in Wood River this afternoon
after a week's illness from pneumonia. Mr. Jennings was 50 years of
age and beside his wife he leaves two sons, John and Walter. The
sons were at home at the time of his death. Mr. Jennings was one of
the most valued employees of the Standard in the Wood River
refinery, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He had been
employed at the refinery ever since the plant was started.
JENNINGS, NELLIE (nee COLLINS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 22,
The home of Mr. Michael Jennings on North Street was invaded by
death Wednesday, and claimed the wife of but one year, after an
illness of fifteen days. Mrs. Jennings was formerly Miss Nellie
Collins of Brighton, and resigned her position as school teacher
there about one year ago to become a wife. She was 32 years of age.
The body was taken to Brighton Thursday, and the funeral took place
from the home of her parents there.
JENNINGS, ROBERT C. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19,
Died, at Troy, Illinois, on the 8th instant, Dr. Robert C. Jennings,
aged 44 years.
JENNISON, CHARLIE H./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 4, 1868
Died in Alton, November 28, 1868, Charlie H., only child of Henry J.
and Annie M. Jennison.
JERMAN, ESTHER/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 11, 1882
Thursday morning, Esther, wife of William Jerman, in the
fifty-second year of her age, died. She was a native of Manchester,
England, and came to Alton in 1851, where she has since resided. She
leaves a husband and seven children to mourn her loss. The funeral
will take place tomorrow afternoon from the family residence on
Piasa Street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth, to the City
JERMAN, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 2, 1888
Mr. William Jerman of Alton received a dilspatch today announcing
that his son, John Jerman, was killed on the railroad this morning
at East St. Louis. He was in the employ of the Bridge Co. The
dispatch did not state the nature of the accident, but said that
several others were seriously injured. Mr. Jerman took the noon
train for East St. Louis in response to the summons. Mr. John Jerman
was about thirty years of age, an upright and esteemed young man.
His untimely death will be a great shock to his relatives and
JERMAN, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 16, 1885
Thursday, July 9, Samuel Jerman, son of Mr. William Jerman, died of
heart disease at the age of 27 years. The funeral took place Friday
afternoon from the family residence on Piasa, between Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Streets.
JEROME, OLIVE/Source: Alton Telegraph, Oct 1, 1847
Suddenly departed this life at about 10 o'clock p.m. at Monticello
[Godfrey], on the 28th instant, Mrs. Olive Jerome, my dear
companion. She had taken cold and just before retiring to rest, took
some tea, which produced spasms in the stomach, and directly the
whole system became convulsed, so that in about one hour she
breathed her last. Although the nature of the disease was such she
could not express her feelings, yet her Christian life, her untiring
devotion, her great anxiety and uncommon exceptions to promote the
welfare of religion during almost thirty years, give ample evidence
to all who knew her that the loss her family has sustained in her
death is her great and eternal gain. May this sudden, unexpected and
as far as the world is concerned, irreparable loss, be sanctified to
the good of the surviving relatives and friends. Signed by William
JERREAD, WILLIAM J./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7, 1889
Died in Alton on January 30 of malarial fever, William J. Jerread,
aged 22 years.
JERVIS, PHYLLYS/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1895
From Edwardsville – Phyllys, the 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Phil Jervis, died Sunday, and was interred in Cavalry Cemetery
JESTER, HAZEL/Source: Collinsville Herald, April 30, 1920
Hazel Jester, age 19 years, 3 months old, daughter of Mr. & Mrs.
Aaron Jester of Maple Street, died Wednesday morning, April 28,
after an illness of a year. The funeral is to be conducted on Friday
afternoon from the home to Glenwood Cemetery. Services by Rev. T. B.
Sowers. She is survived by her parents and 1 brother, Everett, and 4
sisters: Mrs. Thomas Forbes, Mrs. Oscar Hartmann, and Maude and
Enola Jester.
JETT, LOUISE (nee MONAGHAN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
February 20, 1899
Mrs. Louise Jett, wife of Richard Jett of Great Bend, Kansas, died
Sunday morning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Monaghan, in the Monaghan Hotel. She had been ill four months with
Brights Disease, and came to the home of her parents in the hope of
being benefited by the change. She was born at Bethalto, and was
only 28 years of age. She was a wife of only a few years, and leaves
a husband, Richard Jett, to mourn her death. Mrs. Jett was well
known in Alton and at Bethalto, and leaves many friends to regret
her untimely death. The funeral will be Tuesday. Services will be at
St. Patrick’s Church, and interment at Bethalto.
JETT, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 5, 1878
Mr. Samuel Jett, for several years driver of Messrs. Daniels, Bayle
& Co.’s delivery wagon, died at his home in Upper Alton, Wednesday
evening, after a short illness of pneumonia. Mr. Jett was an
industrious man and good citizen, and his death will be regretted by
his many friends, and will be a heavy loss to his family, which
consists of a wife and three small children. It is one of those sad
dispensations which seems so difficult to account for. The funeral
took place Friday afternoon from the Methodist Episcopal Church in
Upper Alton.
JILES, ISABEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10, 1908
Mrs. Isabel Jiles, aged 58, an inmate of the Woman's Home, died
Sunday morning after an illness of three years. She had been an
inmate of the Old Ladies' Home since last October. She leaves two
brothers and two sisters, E. B. Pierce of Alton, W. A. Pierce of
Virden, Mrs. Abbie Reguiss of South Bend, Ind., and Mrs. Annie
Ruckman of Godfrey. The funeral was held this afternoon at 3
o'clock, and services were conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing of the
First Baptist church.
RICHARD E./ Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1879
Fosterburg Farmer and Justice of the Peace
We are pained to record the death of Richard Jinkinson, Esq., of
Fosterburg, which occurred last Saturday evening. Deceased was the
school treasurer of Foster Township, and also Justice of the Peace.
He was an old resident of Fosterburg, a valued citizen, and
estimable man. His death will be widely and sincerely regretted.
Richard Jinkinson was born in England on February 28, 1819. He came
to America when quite young, and his father entered lands later
owned by his son, John B. Jinkinson. Richard received a land grant
in 1835 in Macoupin County, Illinois, signed by President Andrew
Richard was a successful farmer in Foster Township, Madison County,
living on section 15, west of the town of Fosterburg. He also served
as a Justice of the Peace. He was married twice, his first wife
being Elizabeth Young (1825-1858); and his second wife was Rosaviva
“Rosa” Foster (1825-1911), daughter of Oliver Foster, namesake of
Fosterburg. Richard was buried in the Fosterburg Cemetery.
JINKINSON, ROSAVIVA (nee FOSTER)Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
April 29, 1911
Daughter of Oliver Foster of Fosterburg
Mrs. Rosaviva “Rosa” Jinkinson, wife of the late Richard Jinkinson
of Fosterburg, and mother of Mrs. Hugh T. McCrea, died on Saturday
morning at 8:40 o'clock at her daughter's home. She was born on a
farm one mile north of Fosterburg, August 19, 1825. She was probably
the oldest native-born resident of Madison County, being in her 85th
year. Her parents, Oliver Foster and Hannah Eldred Foster, lived and
were married in Plymouth, Massachusetts, but a few years after
marriage they moved to what was then the district of Maine, residing
at Dicksfield, where Mr. Foster went into the milling business.
About the year 1818, Oliver concluded to move to the Illinois
Country, coming west with a team of horses and a Dearborne carriage,
visiting relatives in New York and Pennsylvania. Arriving at
Pittsburg, he purchased a flat boat and floated down the Ohio River,
landing about New Year's Day, 1819, at Shawneetown, Illinois. The
family came overland to Edwardsville and Alton, arriving at these
places February 22, 1819. They resided in Upper Alton until 1825,
then moved to Smooth Prairie, a tract of government land a mile
north of what is now Fosterburg.
Mrs. Jinkinson was a woman of good business qualifications, and was
an active worker in church matters for many years, being a member of
the Mt. Olive Baptist Church, and afterwards of the Fosterburg
Methodist Church. In 1843 she was married to Ranson Chandler, and
from this union there was three children: Mrs. Gilbert Allen, who
now resides at Tina, Missouri; Mrs. Hugh T. McCrea of Alton; and
Latha R. Chandler of Foss, Oklahoma. Afterwards she married Richard
Jinkinson. Of this union there is only one child living, John B.
Jinkinson of Ft. Russell Township.
For the past 10 years Mrs. Jinkinson has made her home with her
daughter, Mrs. Hugh Thompson McCrea, of Alton. The burial will take
place Monday. The church services will be held from the Fosterburg
Baptist Church at 1:30 p.m. The funeral will leave the home of Hugh
T. McCrea on Monday morning.
Rosaviva Foster was the daughter of Oliver and Hannah Eldred Foster.
Oliver was a native of New Hampshire and a veteran of the War of
1812. Oliver and Hannah immigrated to Madison County from
Massachusetts in 1819. After living for a short time in Upper Alton,
in 1825 they moved to a tract of land given to him by the government
on Smooth Prairie, which was the name first given to what was later
the Fosterburg area. Oliver was a skilled mechanic, and erected the
Foster Tavern – the finest residence in the township – which was
located on the “Springfield Road” (Fosterburg Road), which was the
regular stage route from Alton to Springfield. Foster Tavern was
used as a relay station, where new teams of horses were procured for
the journey to Springfield.
Rosa was born August 19, 1825, on the Foster farm, one mile north of
the village of Fosterburg. Her siblings were: Emira Freeman Foster,
Oliver Perry Foster, Alonzo Foster, James Monroe Foster, Eldred J.
Foster, Lenora Foster, and Micah Foster. Oliver Foster, her father,
died March 1, 1855, and her mother, Hannah, died in 1866. They are
both buried in the Fosterburg Cemetery.
In 1857, the son of Oliver and Hannah Foster - Oliver Perry Foster -
platted the village of Fosterburg. The village was originally named
“Foster,” after his father, but since there was another town by that
name in Illinois already, “burg” was added.
Rosa Foster married Ranson Chandler, who with his father, Martin
Chandler, immigrated to Fosterburg and erected the first residence
in the village. Ranson and Rosa had four children – Hannah Leonora
(married Hugh Thompson McCrea), Jane, Elizabeth, and Martin B.
Chandler. Ransom died in 1857 at the age of 34, and is buried in the
Fosterburg Cemetery. Rosa then married Richard Jinkinson, who died
in Fosterburg in April 1879 at the age of 52. At the time of his
death, he was the School Treasurer of Foster Township, and the
Justice of the Peace. He is buried in the Fosterburg Cemetery. Rosa
and Richard Jinkinson had at least two children – Thomas Jinkinson
(married Mary Anne Sherfy of Fosterburg) and John Boyles Jinkinson
(married Anna E. Heeren).
Rosa lived with her daughter, Hannah McCrea, in the last 10 years of
her life. She died April 29, 1911, and is buried in the Fosterburg
JOB, AMANDA FITZ (nee MONTGOMERY)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
December 23, 1897
Wife of Zephania B. Job
Mrs. Zephaniah B. Job was thrown from her buggy at Second [Broadway]
and Market Streets Wednesday, during a runaway, and striking her
head on the pavement, suffered injuries that are very dangerous.
After the accident, she was picked up and taken to her home on Henry
The horse attached to the buggy started to run away from Union Depot
while Mrs. Job was in the act of stepping into the buggy, and had
one foot on the step. The animal became frightened at an engine
passing on the Bluff Line tracks, and as no one was in the buggy or
had hold of the reins, had full power to do as it pleased in its mad
flight. Mrs. Job clung to the handles of the buggy, but was unable
to get into the seat, and from exhaustion fell at Second and Market
Streets. She struck on her head and was unconscious when picked up.
Her driver, who was behind the buggy at the time the horse started,
made ineffectual attempts to stop the horse and was badly hurt.
Mrs. Job’s injuries were found to be a fracture of the skull and
concussion of the brain. Dr. Gregory of St. Louis was sent for, and
came up at noon to consult with the attending physician. The doctors
say there are some hopes of her recovery, but she is still
Sunday, Mrs. Zephania B. Job passed away without regaining
consciousness. For ninety-nine hours, Mrs. Job lay in a condition
entirely unconscious of her surroundings, since her terrible
experience of Wednesday evening. She never really showed signs of
regaining consciousness, but her anxious watchers, who waited round
her bed, looked for the least encouraging evidence of recognition,
and were prone to hope against fate that she was beginning to know
what was around. But all hopes were in vain. She lay in a condition
entirely oblivious of her surroundings until death came to her
relief. From the beginning, her family had no favorable hopes, and
the attending physicians could give none.
Amanda F. Montgomery was born in Madison County on the farm of her
father, William Montgomery, six miles east of Alton, and was at her
death 66 years and 6 months of age. Forty-six years ago, on august 5
last, she was united in marriage with her now venerable husband, who
survives her. During her entire life, she was a fit companion for
her partner, and to her family she was in the true sense of the word
a mother. One of the dark spots in her life was the death of her
youngest son, Murray, and for him she never ceased to grieve. She
was by nature of a most sunny disposition, and her friends were true
friends, and were all who knew her. She leaves a husband and a
devoted family: Mrs. J. J. bowman; Miss Alice Job; and Mr. Zephaniah
B. Job Jr. of Alton; and Mr. Fred W. Job of Chicago, who will
sincerely mourn her death. The bereavement is a severe blow to Mr.
Job, as he is at the time of life when he needs most the loving care
of the wife, and the venerable gentleman will have a large share of
true sympathy from his many friends. Miss Alice Job will arrive
tomorrow from Boston, having spent the summer and winter in the
The death of Mrs. Job brings to mind a singular fatality which has
followed her family for many years. Her’s is the sixth death that
has occurred from runaway accidents caused by horses. Her three
brothers, John, Thomas, and Nelson Montgomery, lost their lives just
as Mrs. Job has done. Nelson Montgomery lived near Edwardsville, and
only about a year ago met death from a runaway horse. A little
daughter of Mrs. Job’s, many years ago, was the victim of a
run-away, and its life paid the penalty. Murray Job, a son of the
deceased, was kicked by a horse in the leg and died after suffering
for weeks with blood-poisoning caused by the kick. Mrs. Job, some
ten years ago, was thrown from her carriage and seriously wounded.
Her life was then almost despaired of. One of her now-living sons
was thrown from a vehicle and dragged quite a distance, but without
serious results.
There was a sorrowful gathering at the Job home on Henry Street
yesterday afternoon, when the family friends assembled to pay the
last mark of respect to the memory of the one whom tragic death has
taken from the rolls of the living. The spacious parlors where the
funeral services were held were filled to overflowing. There were
few eyes that were dry, and no hearts that were not burdened with
grief at the earthly parting, and for words that could not express
feelings, the mourners placed flowers on the bier. Many and
beautiful were the floral offerings, and if these tokens mean
anything, then certainly was Mrs. Job an estimable woman, highly
prized as a friend by those who knew her as such.
Rev. W. M. Backus of the Unitarian Church conducted the services at
the house and the grave, and his remarks were touchingly
appropriate. Her life and her good deeds were the subject of the
glowing eulogy that struck a responsive chord in the hearts of all
who had known of her acts of kindness. At the conclusion of the
services, the pallbearers, Messrs. H. R. Phinney, Lucas
Pfeiffenberger, A. R. McKinney, A. W. Hope, H. B. Sparks, and R. H.
Levis, bore the handsome black casket to the hearse. From the house
to the cemetery, a long cortege followed the body and saw it laid to
rest for its last long sleep.
Amanda Fitz Allen Montgomery Job was born on June 11, 1830, on her
father’s farm in Madison County, Illinois. She was the daughter of
William Montgomery (1786-1849) and Sarah “Sally” Rattan Montgomery
(1799-1847). Amanda married in 1851 to Zephaniah Beall Job Sr.
(1817-1907), and they had the following children: Virginia Job
Bowman (1854-1939); Alice Emma Job (1859-1945); Frederick William
Job (1862-1935); Infant Job (1864-1864); Zephaniah Bowman “Dick” Job
Jr. (1866-1910); and Jacob Murray Job (1876-1895). Amanda was buried
in the Alton City Cemetery.
JOB, HENRY LEE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1874
Died in Alton on July 29, Henry Lee, infant son of Zephaniah B. and
A. F. Job; aged 14 months and 12 days.
JOB, JACOB MURRAY/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1895
Son of Hon. Zephaniah Beall Job
After an illness of several months’ duration, Mr. Jacob Murray Job,
youngest son of Hon. Zephaniah Beall Job (1817-1907) and Amanda Fitz
Allen Montgomery Job (1830-1897), breathed his last on Saturday.
Some time ago, while out hunting, he injured his knee while climbing
over a fence. At first it caused him but little trouble, but some
weeks after an abscess formed. Several operations were performed,
but he grew no better, and Friday evening the anxious family had
about given up all hope, blood poisoning having set in, and he died
at the age of 19 years, and ten months. His untimely demise, while
in the prime of young manhood, is sad indeed, and a severe blow to
the family. He was a very popular young man, with a host of friends
in Alton, where he was born and raised.
The immense concourse of sympathizing friends that gathered Sunday
afternoon at the home of Hon. Z. B. Job, as the last sad rites were
performed for the dead, was a fitting tribute and mark of the
respect and admiration in which the late Murray Job was held by his
large circle of friends.
Rev. W. M. Backus of the Unitarian Church conducted the beautiful
and impressive service at the house, after which all were given an
opportunity to take a last look at one whose face would be seen no
more in life. A long cortege followed the body to the grave, where
with a prayer the casket containing the remains were consigned to
their last resting place. The pallbearers were John Drummond, Ralph
Root, William Joesting, Charles Yager, Harold Hewitt, and George
Pfeiffenberger. After the simple services at the grave, it was
covered with beautiful flowers and floral designed.
JOB, JEREMIAH/Source: Alton Weekly Courier, April 16, 1857
Died yesterday morning, Jeremiah, son of Zephaniah B. Job of Alton;
aged about 8 months. The friends of the family are invited to attend
the funeral from the residence of the father on Henry Street, this
afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.
JOB, MARY ELLEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1889
Miss Job, sister to Mrs. Mary Harrison, died yesterday morning after
a lifetime’s affliction, at the age of 64 years. The funeral took
place from the family residence, near the corner of Ninth and Henry
Street. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
JOB, MEDORA B./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 21, 1873
Died on November 13 in Alton, Medora B., daughter of Zephaniah B.
and A. F. Job; in the 27th year of her age.
JOB, ZEPHANIAH BEALL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 20,
A Legend in Madison County
Zephaniah Beall Job, in his ninety-first year, died shortly after
midnight Wednesday morning at his residence, 907 Henry Street, from
weakness of great age. His death had been expected for several weeks
and members of his family had been almost constantly in attendance
upon him. His faculties, which were in perfect condition until a few
years ago, failed until Mr. Job had become almost helpless and he
could hear with the greatest difficulty, and could scarcely see.
Mr. Job was born March 13, 1817, near Winchester, Virginia. His
parents were Jacob Job (1770-1841) and Mary G. Beall Job
(1786-1856). Jacob was born in Pennsylvania, and moved to Virginia
in 1814, where Zephaniah was born. When 16 years of age, Zephaniah
came West with his father, Jacob, riding horseback all the way
through the wilderness. As Mr. Job used to say he landed in Alton
"the year the stars fell" - 1833. Jacob bought land in the American
Bottoms, and farmed for the remainder of his life. By his first
marriage, Jacob had five children – John, Jacob Jr., George, Moses,
and Mary Job. By his second wife, Mary Beall Job, he had three
children – Zephaniah B., Jeremiah, and Mary E. Job. Jacob Job died
in 1841, and is buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Granite City.
Zephaniah remained in Madison County a short time and went on up to
Clarksville. After three years there, he came back to Madison
County, and lived here ever since. An interesting fact about his
life is that he probably owned more land in Madison County than any
other man in it, his holdings at one time aggregating 5,000 acres,
and beside this he held extensive land interests in Dakota. Mr. Job
used to say that he was land poor, before the now valuable farming
lands and town sites rose to their present estate, but he held on to
it, looking forward to the time when it would be worth more.
In 1844, during the flood following a six weeks' rain, Mr. Job moved
to Alton and lived in the city all the remainder of his life. He led
an eventful life, filled with incidents which indicate that he was
proof against illness and misfortune's worst efforts. He claimed
that he was immune to contagious disease, having exposed himself
both to yellow fever and smallpox during epidemics, and took full
care of patients dying with both diseases, yet he was not affected
by them. He started to California in 1849. He left from St. Louis on
a steamboat to go up the Missouri River to St. Joseph, but on the
way the boat sank and he lost everything but the wagon and the
mules. There he bought enough coffee and salt pork, and some
specially prepared hard bread, to last all the way to California.
The hard bread, as Mr. Job used to say, use useless as it was too
hard to be eaten. He was 84 days on the way to the Pacific coast. An
interesting incident was his wearing a pair of buckskin trousers for
six weeks without taking them off. The trousers shrunk from being
wet, and he could not get them off without destroying their
usefulness, so he kept them on until he got to California and then
cut them off. At Sacramento he sold the buckskin for $125, and it
was used for making purses to hold gold dust. At Sacramento he was
exposed to a cholera epidemic, and it was through his suggestions
that the epidemic was abated. He always claimed to have cured
cholera by making the men drink water and pine tar, and eat mustard.
He also induced the people to make huge bonfires of tar barrels. In
coming back from the West his boat was sinking, but he managed to
stop the leaks until Acapulco was reached, and from there he crossed
the isthmus of Panama.
In 1851, Zephaniah married Amanda Fitz Allen Montgomery (1830-1897),
daughter of William Montgomery. They had ten children, nine of whom
are: Medora B. Job (?-1873); Virginia Job Bowman (1854-1939);
Jeremiah Job (1856-1857); Alice Emma Job (1859-1945); Frederick
William Job (1862-1935; a leading lawyer of Chicago); Unknown infant
(1864-1864); Zephaniah Bowman Job (1866-1910); Henry Lee Job
(1873-1874); and Jacob Murray Job (1876-1895). In 1854, he erected a
residence for his family at 907 Henry Street, at the northeast
corner of Henry and Ninth Streets in Alton, where he lived for 50
years. In 1861, he established a mill for the manufacture of lumber,
and carried on this business for years. Coal mining was another
business interest of his.
In 1856, Job was elected Sheriff of the county, and it was in this
capacity that he officiated at the hanging of some men who had
killed a German peddler near Troy, in Madison County. There was
intense excitement at the time, and an effort was made to lynch the
prisoners. Sheriff Job could get no one to guard the jail except
three men, Josh Dunnegan, John Wheeler and Nelson Montgomery. These
three men were posted with the Sheriff where they could command the
approach to the jail and had instructions to shoot to kill, when the
mob made the attack. The demand was made for the prisoners, and
Sheriff Job defied the crowd. As the aged gentleman told of this
story of the past, the strong heart of older days which had not
quailed was no longer so strong, and the tears which came not in the
olden time when the incident occurred flowed freely, showing the
shadow of the emotion of an event fifty years gone by, which was
then concealed, but through a half century reached out its influence
and touched the old man keenly. By a trick Sheriff Job got a delay
from the mob and managed to get a company of militia from Alton, who
defended the prisoner. When it came time to hang the prisoners,
Sheriff Job refused to permit anyone else to do the work. One of the
prisoner's sentence was commuted to imprisonment, and he was
afterward pardoned.
Mr. Job often likened himself to his namesake, Job, the Bible
patriarch. He had seven sons and three daughters, and he had an
affliction of boils once in his life. He likewise had all his
possessions in lands and livestock. He claimed that he had cut more
railroad ties in Madison County than any other man. He was the
lessee of the State prison at Joliet at one time, and indeed, as Mr.
Job asked his interviewer last May when the facts of this story were
obtained from him, "What haven't I done?" He never would allow any
person to trespass on what he thought was his rights, and as he said
himself, he seemed to be in the unfortunate position of having been
trespassed upon almost all his life. According to his own statement,
he was not out of a lawsuit but six months of his life, from the
time he was 21 until a few years ago. He was probably the best
patron of the Madison County courts.
Mr. Job is survived by two sons and two daughters: Mrs. Horatio J.
Bowman and Miss Alice Job; Zephaniah Bowman Job, and Fred W. Job of
Chicago. The funeral of Mr. Job will be held Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the residence on Henry street. [Burial was in Alton
City Cemetery.]
JOB, ZEPHANIAN B. JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 8,
Contractor/Quarry Owner Dies
Z. B. Job, who was a well known contractor and quarry owner in
Alton, and one of Alton's well know young men, is dead at Flint,
Michigan, where he has been the past two years in the hope of
benefiting his health. He was born April 6, 1865. Mr. Job was next
to the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. B. Job, and a member of one
of Alton's best known families. He was a graduate of the public
schools and later entered the contracting business and opened a
quarry on his property above the water works station. Under the firm
name of Patterson & Job, Mr. Job put in the city hall square paving
and later while in the business by himself put in the Eighth street
paving from Alby to Langdon streets. He married Miss Mary Drummond,
the youngest daughter of the late John N. and Mrs. Drummond, and is
survived by his wife and daughter, Miss Elizabeth. Besides he leaves
two sisters, Mrs. H. J. Bowman of Alton and Miss Alice Job, who
resides in the east, also one brother, Hon. Frederick W. Job of
Chicago. The remains will be brought to Alton in the morning it is
expected, and the funeral will occur sometime Thursday, these
arrangements to be made later.
JOEHL, JOSEPHINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 20, 1912
Wife of Founder of Walnut Grove Dairy Dies
Mrs. Josephine Joehl, widow of Casper Joehl, died at the Nazareth
Home at 6:30 o'clock this morning, aged 82. Mrs. Joehl leaves a
large family of descendants, consisting of six children, 40
grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. She was born in
Switzerland, July 14, 1830, and was married there. She came to
America with her husband in 1850, and went to St. Louis, after eight
years moving to Alton. Her husband founded the Walnut Grove Dairy,
taking up the business he had known well in Switzerland, and some of
his children have continued in the dairy business. She suffered a
stroke of paralysis last Sunday, and had been very low ever since.
Her children are Mrs. J. C. Misegades, Mrs. Joseph Budde, Mrs.
Charles Schenck, Mrs. Christ Eckhard, Messrs. Minard and Louis
Joehl. The time of the funeral has not been fixed.
JOEL, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 5, 1918
Frank Joel, wire chief of the Kinloch Telephone Co., died this
morning at 2:30 o'clock at the home of his mother, with whom he
lived, 612 1/2 East Third street. He was 29 years of age. He had
been sick but a short time.
JOERGER, KATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 15, 1910
Mrs. Katherine Joerger, widow of August Joerger, died Sunday night
after a six weeks illness at the home of her son, Frank Joerger, 603
east Twelfth street. She had been very sick for two or three weeks,
and her death was expected. She was 78 years old and had lived sixty
years or more in Alton. Her husband died twenty-five years ago. She
is survived by her son, Frank, member of the painting firm of
Joerger & Hanpid, and two grandchildren. She was a kindly,
charitable woman and made many warm friends during her life, all of
whom now sincerely regret her taking off. The funeral will be held
Tuesday morning from St. Mary's church, and burial will be in St.
Joseph's cemetery.
JOESTING, ALEXANDER M./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 2, 1890
Musician in the Standard Band
The body of Alexander Joesting was brought here from Denver,
Colorado, Tuesday, and the funeral occurred in the afternoon from
the family homestead on Washington Avenue. Rev. Dr. Bulkley of Upper
Alton officiated, in the presence of a large concourse of relatives
and friends. The Standard Band attended as a mark of respect to a
deceased fellow musician, and performed slow music at intervals.
Among the floral pieces was a harp, a tribute from the members of
the band. [Alexander was born on May 20, 1860, in Illinois. He was
the son of Friedrich Wilhelm Joesting (1810-1883). Alexander was
buried in the Alton City Cemetery.]
JOESTING, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 2, 1912
Former City Marshall and Business Man Dies at His Residence
Charles Joesting, aged 71, died Sunday afternoon at his residence,
437 East Ninth street, after a long illness with kidney trouble. Mr.
Joesting had been in a bad way for a long time, and his death was no
surprise. He is survived by his wife; two daughters, Mrs. H. H.
Unterbrink and Mrs. Hugh L. Black; and three sons, George, Charles,
and Louis Joesting. Mr. Joesting was one of the best known of the
older residents of Alton. He was at one time City Marshal of Alton,
and for many years he was engaged in the baking and candy making
business. He was an expert in both lines, and of the older residents
of the city there are many who remember back to the days when they
purchased their childhood sweetmeats from Mr. Joesting's store. He
did not lose his skill in his old age, and for a number of years he
had made a practice of taking orders from old time customers and
delivering some of his choicest work to them. He was the friend of
childhood and more than one little boy or girl looked forward to his
annual visits with boxes of candy. He was engaged as a carpenter
part of the time. Mr. Joesting was one of the most devoted hunters
in Alton. Annually he would go for outings in the woods, was known
as a good camp cook, a skillful woodsman, and a good entertainer
around the campfire. He had planned to make his annual outing this
year with M. H. Boals, but his illness forbade his making the trip,
and the other members of the party were greatly disappointed. The
funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the
Congregational church.
JOESTING, CHRISTINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 15, 1916
The death of Mrs. Christina Joesting, widow of Charles L. Joesting,
occurred at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning at the family home, 437
east Fifth street. She was 71 years of age. Mrs. Joesting had a fall
a few weeks ago at her home and she sustained very bad injuries
which undoubtedly hastened her end. She had been suffering from the
effects of advancing age for some time and the shock of the fall
hastened her final collapse. For five days she had been very low and
her family had given up all hope of her recovery on Saturday. She
came to Alton when she was nine years of age and spent all the
remainder of her life here, raising a large family of children. Her
husband, former City Marshal Charles L. Joesting, died several years
ago after a long illness. Mrs. Joesting, up to the time of her fall,
had been in good health. In the neighborhood where she lived Mrs.
Joesting was beloved by all, and her illness and her death is the
cause of much sadness to those who knew her best. She leaves five
children, Mrs. H. H. Unterbrink, Mrs. Hugh Black, George, Charles
and Louis Joesting, all of Alton. She leaves also three brothers,
William H., Charles and George Paul of Fosterburg. The funeral will
be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the German Evangelical
church, and services will be conducted by Rev. E. L. Mueller.
JOESTING, ERNA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 24, 1892
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Joesting have the deepest sympathy of the
community in the loss of their infant daughter, Erna, who died
yesterday evening after an illness of about a week of diphtheria.
The funeral took place today from the family residence, 804 Henry
Street, to the City Cemetery. Music was furnished at the grave by
the Alton Maennerchor.
JOESTING, FRIEDRICH WILHELM/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 27,
Baker; Musician
Mr. Friedrich Wilhelm Joesting, a native of Venne, near Osnabrueck,
Germany, died Monday eve of a pulmonary complaint, after an illness
of two or three weeks, at the age of almost 73 years. Deceased had
lived in Alton since 1837, and was greatly esteemed and highly
respected by all who knew him. He had been engaged in business until
1863 or 1864, and acquired a large property by industry, economy,
and the most unswerving rectitude. He was devoted to music, and took
a great interest in the art in all its branches, and was an
accomplished performer on several instruments. He left a wife and
seven children: Mrs. Louisa Auguste Joesting Elble (1839-1890); Mr.
Charles Ludwig Joesting (1841-1912), our present City Marshal;
Ottilia L. Joesting (1862-1928); Ida Joesting Temple (1864-1932);
Theresa A. Joesting Smith (1869-1946); Edward Bernard Joesting
(1857-1923); and Alexander M. Joesting (?-1889), besides other
relatives and friends to mourn his death. The funeral will take
place tomorrow from the family residence on the Upper Alton road
[Washington Avenue], north of Bozzatown.
Fredrich Wilhelm Joesting was born November 5, 1810 in Germany, and
was the son of Anton Deiderick Joesting, a schoolmaster. Fredrich
learned the baker’s trade in the old country, and came to America in
1834, locating first in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. In 1837, he came to
Alton, and in 1838 married Otitia Sack. She died in 1846. On
December 11, 1856, he married Ida Alwine Marie Phillippine
Holzmueller (1830-1889), and they had seven children. The family
home was located off on Washington Avenue in Alton, just north of
Broadway. Today, Joesting Avenue and Joesting Terrace in Alton bear
the family name.
From the time he came to Alton until 1864 when he retired, he
carried on the baking industry, except during three years when he
tried his hand at farming. In 1844, the high water from the flooding
Mississippi drove him from his place of business in downtown Alton.
He swam to his ovens and put his pans on top of the house to keep
them dry. He traveled by boat from State to Piasa Street, so high
was the water.
Mr. Joesting was a natural musician, playing equally well the
violin, piano, and flute. While watching his baking, he would be
found playing the flute or violin. Music brought him great joy.
Sound judgment, hard work, and determination made Joesting a
successful businessman. He acquired a large amount of property, and
was able to save money to retire in ease. Joesting died in Alton in
September 1883, almost reaching his 73rd birthday. He was buried in
the Alton City Cemetery.
JOESTING, GUSTAVE A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 31, 1918
Alton Banker Dies
Gustave A. Joesting, a banker for many years in the city of Alton,
died very suddenly shortly after midnight, Thursday morning, at his
residence. Heart trouble was the cause of Mr. Joesting's death. He
had been failing in strength and energy for several years, but the
advance of age had been a gentle one and one which had not caused
any of the distressing symptoms so often seen in folks who are
"growing old." He had been able to continue at his post of duty up
to the very last. He had even been able to enjoy an automobile ride
during the evening, and he was very happy. It was just as he could
have wished the end to come, with no trouble for anyone, no anxious
moments before the last breath came, and himself still very useful
and able to discharge the duties of the highly responsible position
he held. The first warning that anything was wrong came about a half
hour before the end. He was taken sick, went to the bath room, and
realizing he was in a bad way he informed members of his household.
It was realized at once that he was in a bad way, and it was not
surprising to those about him, though very shocking, that in a half
hour's time he had breathed his last. His son, Dr. F. C. Joesting,
said that his father died from angina pectoris. The death of Mr.
Joesting was a sad shock to a very large circle of friends. As a
banker he was one of the best known men in Alton. He had served as
cashier in the Alton Savings Bank for many years prior to going to
the Citizens National bank about fourteen years ago. His personality
commanded confidence and respect. He had a very large clientele who
insisted upon having dealings with him. His presence in any bank was
regarded as an asset to the bank. His death, the third within a few
months in the one bank, caused profound regret there. He had been
preceded by his assistant, Robert S. Cousley, who died last
February, and by the chairman of the board of directors, Lucas
Pfeiffenberger, whose end was not preceded by much warning. Mr.
Joesting was a man who enjoyed the social side of life. His
companionship was much sought among social clubs in the city, He was
an enthusiastic member of some of the organizations meeting at
Turner Hall. Mr. Joesting would have been 71 years of age the 18th
of July. He was born in Osnabrueck, Germany. When sixteen years of
age he came to Alton. He was first in the old First National bank.
He went into the Alton Savings bank when it was organized and
fourteen years ago resigned to take a post of the same kind,
cashier, in the Citizens National. He leaves his wife, three
daughters and two sons, Miss Clara Joesting, Mrs. Louis Berner of
Alton; Mrs. George Hoyt of St. Louis; Dr. F. C. Joesting and Emil
Joesting, of Alton. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 4
o'clock from his late residence, 621 East Sixteenth street.
JOESTING, HENRIETTA MARY E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 1,
Mrs. Henrietta Mary E. Joesting, widow of Frederick C. Joesting,
died Friday morning at 5 o'clock after an illness of three weeks at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Minnie Ernst, on East Third street.
Mrs. Joesting was 84 years of age and had lived in Alton since 1868.
After the death of her husband in 1867, she decided to leave her
native land and accompanying her son, Mr. G. A. Joesting, who went
to Germany for her, she came to Alton to make her home and to pass
the remainder of her life. She was born in Osnabrueck, Germany.
Three weeks ago Mrs. Joesting was taken ill with what appeared to be
a malarial trouble, and her advanced age made it impossible for her
to survive the rigors of the malady. She leaves five children,
Messrs. G. A. and Adolph Joesting. Mrs. John Koch, Mrs. Minnie Ernst
and Miss Mary Joesting, all resident of Alton. Her son, F. W.
Joesting, and daughter, Mrs. Ellis Barnard, died a short time ago,
and their deaths were a sad blow to the aged mother. The funeral
will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of Mrs.
Minnie Ernst, and Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann will conduct the
JOESTING, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1889
Mr. Henry Joesting, formerly a resident of Alton, died July 8 at
Kansas City, Missouri, at the age of 49 years. The funeral took
place there Tuesday, and was attended by Mr. G. A. Joesting of
Alton, a brother of the deceased. Henry Joesting was a member of the
9th Illinois Regiment during the first three months of the War of
the Rebellion [Civil War], and afterwards joined the 82nd Illinois,
and received a wound at the Battle of the Wilderness that caused
lameness during the rest of his life. He went from Alton to Kansas
City about 20 years ago.
JOESTING, IDA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 30, 1889
Mrs. Ida, widow of the late F. W. Joesting, died Thursday at the
family residence on Washington Avenue, in the 64th year of her age,
after a protracted illness. The deceased was an old resident of
Alton, a lady held in high esteem by a large circle of relatives and
friends. She leaves five children: Alexander Joesting of Denver,
Colorado; and Edward, Otelie, Ida, and Therese Joesting of Alton;
also two stepchildren, Mr. C. L. Joesting and Mrs. Louisa Elble of
Alton. The funeral took place from the family residence on
Washington Avenue.
JOESTING, WALTER H./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 13, 1890
Died in Alton this morning, Walter H., son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Joesting; aged 6 years and 6 months.
JOHN, SAM/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 5, 1887
Farmer Suicides
From Highland, August 4 – Sam John, aged 57 years, a farmer living
about three miles north of Highland, committed suicide this evening
by throwing himself under the New York Express train, severing his
head from his body. The Coroner’s inquest returned a verdict of
suicide. His nephew testified at the inquest that he had been
intoxicated and was tired of life, and bade him goodbye. He leaves a
wife and five children. Family trouble is attributed as the cause.
JOHNDROW(E), WILBUR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 26, 1921
Two Little Boys Drown in Calame Pond at Melville
Two little boys, playmates, were drowned in the Calame pond at
Melville this morning by reason of a frail raft on which they were
playing, sinking under them. The boys were Wilbur Johndrowe, the 9
year old son of Mrs. Minnie Johndrowe, and Robert Loft, the 11 year
old son of Henry Loft. The Johndrowe boy's father is dead, and the
Loft boy's mother is dead. The Loft boy had been reared by his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loft. With the two boys who lost
their lives was Wesley Calame, a 12 year old son of Harvey Calame.
He alone was saved, swimming ashore. It is supposed that the frail
raft, consisting of two logs with some boards nailed on it, was
overburdened by the weight of the boys and sinking caused the boys
to leave it in terror. The Johndrowe boy and the Loft boy went down
together. When the Calame boy got ashore he ran to his home and told
his father and help was summoned, the pond dragged and the boys'
bodies taken out. Every effort was made to revive them, but it was
too late. Dr. G. Worden was summoned from Alton to supervise the
effects at resuscitation. The Calame pond where the drowning
occurred is not a large one, and had the boys been expert swimmers
and not become terrified, they could doubtless have made their way
to the shore as the Calame boy did. After the men arrived to help
get the bodies of the two boys out of the water, the raft that had
been the cause of the double tragedy was floating on the surface of
the water, it having come back to the surface after it was relieved
of the weight of the three boys. No definite arrangements for the
funerals had been made this afternoon, but it is expected that a
double funeral will take place Monday at 11 o'clock at Melville.
JOHNISEE, LENA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 4, 1907
Lena Johnisee, aged 14, died at the residence of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Johnisee, on Coppinger road, last evening from
typhoid fever. Short services were conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing.
The body will be taken to Kane, Jersey county, for interment on
JOHNS, HULDA/Source: Alton Telegraph, Thursday, September 17, 1891 -
Submitted by John Caskey
Mrs. Hulda Johns died at 5:30 o'clock Tuesday evening, at the
residence of her son-in-law, Mr. John Haley, 411 Henry street, after
an illness of several months, of paralysis. Mrs. Johns had been a
resident of Alton since 1835, in which year she came here with her
parents from Indiana. She was the mother of five children, only two
of whom, Mrs. John Haley, of this city, and Mrs. Emma Fox, of Cairo,
Ill., survive her. The funeral services will take place from the
residence of Mr. Haley at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Interment at the
City Cemetery.
JOHNSON, A. SYDNEY/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 3, 1872
Whereas, our Heavenly Father, in His Divine wisdom, has seen fit to
remove from our midst our late beloved brother, A. Sydney Johnson,
and whereas this lodge has lost one of its most worthy and useful
members, and society an honorable and Christian man. Therefore, be
Resolved, That we receive with deep regret the announcement of the
death our beloved brother, A. Sydney Johnson, late a member of this
Resolved, That as a testimony of respect for the memory of the
deceased, the members of this lodge will wear the usual badge of
Resolved, That we sympathize with his bereaved widow, in this, her
great affliction, and irreparable loss.
Revolved, That the proceedings of this lodge be communicated to the
family of the deceased, and a copy of these resolutions be printed
in the city paper. Signed W. H. Ellsworth, W. M.; and Benjamin
Moseby, Secretary. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
JOHNSON, AGNES/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 17, 1873
Died on October 15, in Alton, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Agnes,
wife of Robert Johnson, in the 41st year of her age.
JOHNSON, ALICE/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 6, 1881
Miss Alice Johnson, aged about 16 years, one of twin sisters, died
Friday, September 30, of typhoid fever. The funeral took place from
the Union Baptist Church on Saturday, with a large attendance of
mourning relatives and friends.
JOHNSON, AMANDA O./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 2, 1915
Mrs. Amanda O. Johnson, wife of James L. Johnson, died last evening
at the residence, 2608 College avenue. Her death was expected at any
hour during the day Friday, and the end came late in the evening.
Mrs. Johnson was born in New York City on December 6, 1836, and was
in her 79th year. She had been a resident of Upper Alton over fifty
years. Mrs. Johnson had been in failing health the last few years,
but she was able to be out at times up to three weeks ago when her
final sickness commenced. During the past week it was known that she
could not recover. The death of Mrs. Johnson removes one of the old
residents of Alton, and especially one of the old members of the
Upper Alton Presbyterian Church. She was one of the pillars of the
church. When she came to Alton in 1864 to make her home on College
avenue - the same spot where her death occurred last night -
opposite the church, she united with the church, and since that time
she was an active worker and a substantial support of the church.
For fifty years Mrs. Johnson had charge of the communion set and she
always prepared and made ready for the communion services in the
church. Her residence being close to the church it was very
convenient, and when time came for serving the Lord's Supper it was
always left to Mrs. Johnson to have the communion elements ready.
For more than thirty years Mrs. Johnson had charge of the music in
the Upper Alton Presbyterian Church. She was a musician of much
talent and was a good singer in her younger days. For many years
when the church had a small reed organ and no choir at all, Mrs.
Johnson played the organ at all services and led the singing at the
same time. The reed organ, in use now at this church and which has
been a long number of years, was selected and purchased by Mrs.
Johnson for the church. It is quite a coincidence that the organ,
which Mrs. Johnson selected, will in the next month be replaced by
the new pipe organ that the church has bought. Her organ served its
time and it proved that her judgment in buying it was sound and good
and the instrument served the church up until her death. Mrs.
Johnson was married to James L. Johnson on October 1, 1879, the
ceremony being performed by the late Rev. Dr. Samuel J. Nichols,
pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church of St. Louis, and the
wedding was in his residence in that city. Her death occurred on the
anniversary of her marriage to Mr. Johnson. She and her husband were
in business in Upper Alton a long number of years, but when a fire
completely destroyed their business building which stood upon the
site of their present residence, they built their residence upon the
former business location and retired from business. Her death takes
away one of the old substantial residents of Alton, and one who will
be sadly missed. She leaves besides her husband, James L. Johnson,
one daughter, Miss Nellie B. Hovey. The funeral will be held Monday
morning at 10 o'clock at the family residence, and will be private.
The remains will lie in state at the Johnson home Sunday afternoon
from 2 to 5 o'clock, and her friends will have an opportunity during
that time to call at the home. It is requested that friends omit
flowers. The services Monday morning will be conducted by Rev. C. N.
McManis, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Burial will take place
at Oakwood Cemetery.
JOHNSON, ANNA S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 20, 1910
Death was busy in Upper Alton Friday night and Saturday morning.
Three aged residents of the village were called away. One of them,
Mrs. Anna Johnson, is said to be the second oldest person in the
village, Mrs. Tarbell, her son's mother-in-law, being the oldest.
Mrs. Anna S. Johnson, a resident of Upper Alton for 77 years, and a
member of the Upper Alton Methodist church all that time, died
Saturday morning at 1 o'clock at her home, from the effects of a
fall she suffered six weeks ago. Mrs. Johnson had been in reasonable
good health, notwithstanding her more than ninety years of life. She
struck her hip when she fell and she was not able to be out again.
The injury combined with the hot weather proved fatal. Mrs. Johnson
came to Alton 77 years ago in a wagon, and when her family went to
Upper Alton there were only a few houses and none the family could
rent, so they camped out for awhile. She grew up there, and married
and raised her family. Her husband, James L. Johnson, died
forty-five years ago. She was the mother of eleven children, but
only two of them survive her, C. B. and James L. Johnson. Many of
her children lived to manhood and womanhood, and she lived to see
almost all her family go before her. She was known as one of the
most conscientious, religious members of the Methodist church, and
during her whole period of residence in Upper Alton she was known
for her unfailing kindliness and neighborliness to those who needed
any kind of help or sympathy. The funeral will be Monday morning at
10 o'clock from her home, Rev. M. B. Baker officiating.
JOHNSON, BEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 29, 1911
Engineer of Steamer Spread Eagle for 18 Years
Ben Johnson, aged 40, engineer on the steamer Spread Eagle for
eighteen years, died at the United States Marine Hospital in St.
Louis, Friday evening at 8:30 o'clock, after a long illness with
lung troubles. He was scalded four years ago while on duty, making a
trip down the river and he contracted a cold which developed into
lung troubles. He remained at his post of duty on the Spread Eagle
until the close of navigation last fall, then went south for the
winter. He returned to his home, then went to the Marine hospital
knowing that his malady would prove fatal. He was not again able to
reassume his duties on the Spread Eagle. He belonged to a family
which lived in Alton formerly. He was born at Clarksville, Mo. His
wife is a daughter of James Fingleton, and she survives him. The
body will be brought to Alton for burial Monday morning, and the
funeral services will be from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral at 9:30
o'clock, and burial will be at Greenwood cemetery. Ben Johnson was
known to many of the young men in Alton. He was possessed of a
friendly nature and made many warm friends.
JOHNSON, BENJAMIN R./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 16, 1897
Civil War Veteran
From Edwardsville – Benjamin R. Johnson, the old soldier who arrived
in town in a wagon Thursday with his family, died Sunday morning.
The family was in destitute circumstances, and camped by the
Springfield bridge over Cahokia Creek. The Grand Army Post provided
them with food and medical attention, but the old man gradually sank
and died Sunday morning. The funeral took place Monday afternoon to
Woodlawn Cemetery.
Mr. Johnson served in Company A, 16th Wisconsin Infantry during the
Civil War.
JOHNSON, CALVIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 11, 1908
Calvin Johnson died at 12 o'clock today at his home, 1017 Liberty
street, after a long illness. He was 64 years of age, and had spent
much of his life as a resident of Alton. The funeral arrangements
have not been made. He was the son of old "Scotch" Johnson, the
negro who buried Lovejoy in 1837. The grave of Lovejoy was known
only to the man who buried him for many years, and it was pointed
out by him at a time when man had begun to view Lovejoy in a
different light from when he was killed. Calvin Johnson was for many
years a cleaner of Pullman cars at St. Louis.
JOHNSON, CHARLES A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 29, 1912
Charles A. Johnson, aged 45, of 1201 Norton Street, died at St.
Joseph's Hospital yesterday evening from the effects of injuries he
sustained when the Bluff Line pile driver overturned Thursday near
Belltrees, dropping him to the creek bed with the machine a distance
of 50 feet. Johnson's injuries from the first appeared to be of a
fatal character, and the surgeons could hold out but little hope
that there would be any improvement in his condition. He is survived
by his wife and six children, some of the children being grown. A
jury was sworn in by Magistrate Lessner, at the instance of Coroner
Streeper, and an inquest will be held Wednesday evening.
JOHNSON or JOHNSTON, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June
1, 1916
The funeral of Miss Caroline Johnson was held this afternoon from
the home on Alby street where services were conducted by Rev. E. L.
Mueller, pastor of the German Evangelical Church, in the presence of
many friends and neighbors of deceased. Floral offerings were
numerous and beautiful.
JOHNSON, CECILE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 13, 1905
Cecile Johnson, four years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Johnson, died yesterday morning at the home in State street after an
illness with diptheria. Another child in the family is very ill with
the same malady. The body was taken to Elsah this morning for
burial. The Johnson family moved here recently from a farm in the
vicinity of Delhi.
JOHNSON, CHAMP/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 7, 1920
Youth Crushed at Powder Mill Dies in Hospital
Champ Johnson, 19 years old, of East Alton, died at St. Joseph's
hospital Wednesday evening, several hours after he had been dragged
into a crushing machine and mashed between its rollers at the plant
of the Equitable Powder Company at East Alton. According to
authorities at the plant, Johnson, with Adolph Rhodes, was at work
feeding lumps of powder into the crusher to be ground up. His feet
became caught in the rollers, which are set about an inch apart, and
he was drawn into the machine. The rollers are set to allow for an
expansion of three and one-half inches under pressure, and Johnson's
body was pulled into the opening up to his thighs. Johnson is one of
seven children of John Johnson, with whom he lived at East Alton.
JOHNSON, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 28, 1911
Takes Fatal Nap on Tracks Near Edwardsville Crossing
Charles Johnson, aged 35 years, claiming to be a glassworker and
claiming Granite City as his home, was killed at Edwardsville
Crossing Sunday morning. Johnson missed the electric car and laid
down on a switch spur to take a nap. He placed some grass on one of
the rails to soften the head rest and went to sleep. Several hours
later a C. & A. train was switched onto the spur, and Johnson's head
was severed from the body as neatly as if he had been guillotined.
Coroner Streeper took charge of the body. Johnson had been drinking
hard and was under the influence of liquor when he laid down on the
railroad track. Up to late this afternoon, Coroner Streeper had not
received any positive assurance that the man is Johnson - no one
from Granite City or this city knowing him. Many have viewed the
remains but none could identify the man.
JOHNSON, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 26, 1913
Charles Johnson, aged 70, died at the St. Joseph Hospital at 1
o'clock this morning following injuries sustained in a fall down the
steps at the Pickett Boarding house on Front street two weeks ago.
According to the story given out by the people at the boarding house
when the accident occurred, Johnson had been drinking for about a
week prior to the time of the accident, and had fallen down a number
of times. Finally he fell down the steps at the hotel and the police
were called. After taking him to the police station, it was found
that his condition was serious enough to have him taken to the
hospital. Johnson was unable to talk English, and during his stay at
the hospital little was learned concerning his relations and only
one man ever visited him while there. The doctors report that when
he was taken to the hospital he had a number of old bruises which
must have been sustained before he fell down the steps. No
arrangements for the funeral have been made. An inquest was held
over Johnson this afternoon.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 27, 1913
The coroner's jury found yesterday that the death of Charles Johnson
was due to alcoholism. Johnson, aged 70, died at the St. Joseph's
hospital yesterday morning following his falling down stairs at the
Pickett hotel two weeks ago. The jury decided that his being
intoxicated continually had more to do with his death than his fall,
and that the shock of his inquiries caused alcoholism to develop.
JOHNSON, CHARLES A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 24, 1912
Charles A. Johnson, aged 45, of 1201 Norton street, died at St.
Joseph's hospital yesterday evening from the effects of injuries he
sustained when the Bluff Line pile driver overturned Thursday near
Belletrees, dropping him to the creek bed with the machine, a
distance of 50 feet. Johnson's injuries from the first appeared to
be of a fatal character, and the surgeons could hold out but little
hope that there would be any improvement in his condition. He is
survived by his wife and six children, some of the children being
grown. A jury was sworn in by Magistrate Lessner, at the instance of
Coroner Streeper, and an inquest will be held Wednesday evening. The
body will be taken to Elsah tomorrow morning, and the funeral
services will be held at 2 o'clock in the Methodist church at Elsah.
JOHNSON, CHARLES RUFUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 15, 1880
Died in Alton, Friday morning, April 9, Charles Rufus, infant son of
Francis M. and Mary C. Johnson.
JOHNSON, CLINTON M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 9, 1906
The funeral of Clinton M. Johnson was held Saturday afternoon from
the home on Belle street, and was attended by many friends of the
family. Burial was in City Cemetery.
JOHNSON, D. J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 19, 1903
D. J. Johnson, aged 69, died at his home on a farm in Godfrey
township on the Coal Branch road last night, after an illness with
stomach troubles. He was a native of Germany but lived in this
vicinity since his 28th year. He leaves four children, Annie, Fred
and Henry, who are at home, and Tena, who lives in Seattle, Wash.
Funeral will be Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the home to the
Evangelical church, Alton, where services will be conducted by Rev.
Theodore Oberhellmann.
JOHNSON, EDWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7, 1889
Killed in Altercation at Bush’s Corner
From Edwardsville, February 3 – This afternoon, Will Gillham, living
near Comstock, walked into the office of Jailer William H. Cotter,
and said he had killed Ed Johnson, a 15-year-old negro boy. His
story is that he and Johnson got into an altercation over a jug of
cider. Johnson attacked Gillham with a knife, cutting his clothes
and inflicting a slight gash in his breast. Gillham drew a revolver
and fired at Johnson, killing him instantly. He then saddled a horse
and rode to Edwardsville and gave himself up.
JOHNSON, EMILY A. (nee FISHER)/Source: Collinsville Herald, November
6, 1914
Emily A. (Fisher) Johnson passed away at the family residence at
Hesperin Street on the first of November after a brief illness. She
was born near Waterloo, Ill. January 6, 1811. She married J. W.
Johnson on the 19th of June 1861. She became a resident of
Collinsville shortly afterwards. She is survived by her aged
husband, one sister, Mrs. Josephine Allen of Mt. Vernon; one
brother, John Fisher of Nebraska; and 5 children: Edward, Clarence
and Jesse Johnson, and Mrs. David Killerger, all of this city, and
Mrs. Mary Phillips of East St. Louis, sixteen grandchildren and one
great-grandchild. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. J. H.
Ford of the First M. E. church with interment at Glenwood Cemetery.
Telegraph, September 20, 1888
From Moro, Sept. 18, 1888 - Mr. and Mrs. Gerd Johnson have been
deeply afflicted by the death of two children from diphtheria.
JOHNSON, ENOS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 12, 1911
Enos Johnson of Upper Alton, died at his residence Thursday evening
at 6 o'clock after a long period of disability from paralysis. Mr.
Johnson's death had been expected since he was stricken Monday
evening. He was in the act of winding up his business affairs, as he
realized that he must go away or be subject to a fatal attack of a
malady which had been troubling him since February 1908. At that
time he had suffered a slight stroke of paralysis, and later he had
been taking life easy, but had been giving attention to his banking
business in Upper Alton and decided to give up everything and devote
all his time to getting well if possible, and nursing his weakened
strength along. He never regained consciousness after the fatal
stroke of Monday night. His children were summoned to attend him and
his son, Hermon Johnson, who was in the Navy, obtained a furlough to
be with his father at the end. Mr. Johnson was born near Medora,
Ill., March 16, 1855. He was engaged at farming until he moved from
there to Upper Alton in 1893, and he then took up real estate and
insurance business. He established a branch of an Alton bank in
Upper Alton, and carried on that business as a side line. He was
prominent in the Masonic order, having filled all the offices in the
Medora lodge and later when he moved to Upper Alton he became Master
of that lodge and was later appointed a grand lecturer and
subsequently was district deputy grand master, resigning the last
post recently because of ill health. He was a long time member of
the Baptist church and was a deacon in the Upper Alton church. He is
survived by his wife and three children, Hermon W. Johnson, Mrs. A.
J. Edwards of Paris, and Ray Johnson. The funeral will be tomorrow
morning, and brief services will be held at the home, conducted by
Rev. W. M. Rhoads and Rev. M. H. Day. The body will be taken on the
C. B. & Q. train to Medora, where it will be buried with Masonic
honors in Oakland cemetery near Medora. Dr. H. T. Burnap will
conduct the Masonic burial service at the grave.
JOHNSON, ETHEL MAY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 4, 1908
Ethel May, the 18 months' old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson
of 1204 Belle street, died last evening at 9:30 o'clock at the
family home after an illness of ten days from stomach and bowel
trouble. During the child's illness everything was done that could
be done by the parents and friends to save her life, but it proved
ineffective. In their deep affliction the family has the sympathy of
all their friends. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 10
o'clock from the family home.
JOHNSON, EUGENIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1850
Died on the morning of the 17th inst., Eugenia, only daughter of Mr.
James I. and Mrs. Zelda Johnson of Alton, aged 18 months and two
JOHNSON, EVANS/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 8 & 15, 1894;
March 01, 1894
Interesting Historical Figure
Mr. Evans Johnson of Missouri Point, St. Charles County, will be 90
years old next May, and in an interview with a reporter of the St.
Charles Cosmos, speaks entertainingly of early days around Alton,
years is but a brief span in the history of the older countries of
the world, but in these United States, it covers the greater part of
our national life. Think of it, a man living next door to you, who
was born but a few months after the purchase of this magnificent
valley from Napoleon, during the first administration of Jefferson,
the third president of our country, one who has lived through the
administrations of twenty-four presidents, who was eight years old
when Jackson whipped Peckanham before New Orleans, and was
twenty-eight when he shouldered his rifle in the Black Hawk War. Mr.
Johnson was born in 1804, and came to the Point when he was a year
old. His father came from Tennessee when he was a famous scout and
Indian fighter. By the way, he tells me that “Old Hickory”
[President Andrew Jackson] got his first taste of Indian fighting
under his father, who was a Lieutenant under Colonel Jack Gordon in
Tennessee. Jackson was then quite a young man, and had never seen
any military service. He was anxious to have a brush with the
Indians, and rather doubtingly inquired of Gordon if he expected to
meet any. Gordon declared emphatically they would not return until
they found them, and so Jackson started off with the rest, marching
through the wilderness in a thin pair of pumps that were ill adapted
to such work. Ultimately, they captured an Indian village, and many
of the Indians were slain. Jackson was by this time barefoot. He
searched around among the slaughtered braves until he found a fellow
with fine new leggings and moccasins, which he deemed would fit him.
“To the victors belong the spoils” was Jackson’s motto many years
afterwards in the White House. It was certainly true in this case,
for he was speedily parading in the poor Indian’s finery, much to
his apparent satisfaction.
Mr. Johnson showed me the rifle which his father carried in
Tennessee, and which he, himself, afterwards carried in the Black
Hawk War. The bore is not large, and the barrel is about five feet
long. The stock was broken in the Black Hawk War during a stampede
of horses. Mr. Johnson repaired it himself, and won many a shooting
contest with it since here in the Bottom.
Mr. Johnson’s father, when he came here, purchased 30 acres of land
from one LeBohm, for $1 an acre. His nearest neighbor was one
Griffith, who lived two miles hearer Portage [des Sioux]. All below
was a dense wilderness.
Portage then rivaled St. Charles and St. Louis. There was not a
house where Alton now stands until many years later. Mr. Johnson’s
father died in 1844, at the age of 74 years, and left three girls
and three boys. All are dead now, except a sister, who is 88 years
old and lives in California.
With the aid of glasses he still reads, and his hearing is scarcely
affected. Some years ago, he got what he called his second sight,
and discarded the spectacles, doing a long time without them. In
early life he chewed, but at the age of thirty gave it up. He has
smoked for 60 years. He is naturally getting a little stiff and
feeble, but only quite recently astonished a neighboring lady, who
expressed some doubts as to his agility, by dancing “Jim Crow” in
the old pioneer style.”
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 15, 1894
Continuing story of Evans Johnson – Mr. Johnson lives in a neat
commodious house, one end of which is of wood, and the other of
brick. The brick end was built in 1812 by Mr. Seely. He made the
brick and burned them on the premises. The excavation is still to be
seen. Nine pounds of nails were all that could be obtained in St.
Louis, and they were shingle nails. Larger ones had to be made by a
blacksmith. The large nails in the old brick house today were so
The woods were then full of Indians – Sacs and Foxes – and game was
abundant. There were deer, wolves, wild cats, foxes, coons,
opossums, and wild turkeys.
In the fall, after corn husking was over, he and other young fellows
would go a few miles further down the Point, and put up a hunter’s
hut and spend three or four weeks hunting. The Indians, as a rule,
behaved themselves, but occasionally committed deeds of violence.
One Jack Piper was killed and scalped near Portage, and the
grandfather and grandmother of Mr. Johnson’s present wife, Burkleo,
were shot while in their house, on the site now occupied by Morris
Stonebraker. Mrs. Burkleo lived for a short time, and Mr. Burkleo
During the earthquake disturbances of 1811-12, Mr. Johnson’s family
received a great scare. They were awakened one night by the swaying
and creaking of the house. Dishes were thrown from their places and
broke. The house at that time was a log structure, and rested on
high blocks. Mr. Johnson’s father instantly concluded it was the
Indians, and that with levers they were endeavoring to overturn the
house. Hastily seizing his rifle, he partially opened the door and
came pretty near shooting one of his darkies, who, alarmed at the
unaccountable disturbances, had left his quarters to seek shelter
with the white men.
Mr. Smeltzer, after whom the neighboring lake is named, some years
later, established himself at the mouth of the slough, on the
Mississippi, between Dresser Island and the mainland. Here, he
erected a brick house. Henry the name Brick House Slough. He ran a
skiff ferry, and had a flatboat, in which a team could be
transferred. Mr. Sloan started a ferry at about the same place where
Captain Starr now runs, and Smeltzer went away. Not a vestige of the
old brick house remains, except a slight depression in the ground
where it once stood.
Mr. Johnson remembers a treaty made with the Indians at Portage des
Sioux in 1812. He recollects the great number of wigwams along the
bank of the Mississippi, the canoes on the river and display of
Indian finery.
The Griffiths, who were originally from New York, went home on a
visit. When he returned the following summer, of course, he had
great news to tell of the outer world. Among his other stories, he
told seeing boats run without the aid of oars or sails. His
listeners sat that down as a Munchauson creation. But the very next
summer, the Johnson family heard a most singular sound on the river,
which is right in front of their house. The view was then
unobstructed, though trees have since grown up there, and the
channel was then close upon the bank. They all rushed breathlessly
down to the river to see what this strange monster might be. A
monster, indeed, it was. It was the Dolphin, the first steamboat to
ascend the Missouri River. She was built, I think, at Cincinnati.
She went up the Missouri River some distance, and then came to St.
Louis, where she shortly afterwards sank. Her bow was built in the
semblance of a huge snake. The eyes shone plainly, the mouth was
wide open and disclosed rows of sharp teeth. Through the mouth the
steam escaped. The Dolphin was, indeed, a terrible-looking
monstrosity in the eyes of the children who ran, crying with fright
from the bank of the river, and never stopped till they reached the
Mr. Johnson has seen nine very high overflows of the rivers in this
Bottom. The highest of all was in 1844. The river at that time was
in his house, and one end of the brick house was entirely destroyed,
and the other end very much damaged. It was by actual measurement, 4
feet 7 inches higher then in 1892.
Recollections of a Pioneer
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 01, 1894
From the St. Charles newspaper – “The farmers of those times, 70 or
80 years ago, said the old gentleman didn’t aim to produce much more
than was likely to be consumed. In this section of the country, at
least, there was absolutely no demand for any surplus. Money was
scarce, but then there was no need of it. Wheat, corn, potatoes, and
other vegetables, sufficient for the needs of the family and stock,
were cultivated. But one team was kept at home and cared for. The
remainder of the stock, together with the hogs, roamed at will
through the woods. They wintered there, and came out fat in the
spring. Luxuries, of course, were few, but never having been known,
they were not missed. Tea was hardly ever seen, and coffee was such
a rarity that I remember, when a little boy, mother keeping a small
sack of it hanging up on the wall to be brought down and used only
on very high and important occasions. Sometimes a neighbor – a few
miles away – whom mother wished to treat with extraordinary respect,
would call, and I was summoned to climb up after the little bag of
coffee. That’s how I remember it so well.
We had no salt codfish, nor mackerel, nor canned lobsters, nor
salmon, but the old Missouri River on one side, and the Mississippi
River on the other, were just loaded with fish, and the cats, the
bass, the pickerel, and the croppies just begged one to come and
catch them. Venison was common, wild turkeys ran gobbling through
the woods, coons, ‘possum, squirrel – why there was no end to the
game, and if you longed for sweetness, the wild bees would supply
you. What more could one desire?
Cornbread was a steady diet – cornbread and honey – but remember it
was cornbread made by a sooty-colored old aunty. We had as many as
11 darkies at one time, and the older ones were very loathe to leave
us when they gained their liberty. I wonder what was the secret of
making cornbread possessed by these old aunties. And think of
‘possum baked in a dutch oven with big “yaller” yams and served up
with coon gravy!
After all, I don’t know but that the pioneers had more luxuries then
their descendants can boast of. What we call table luxuries, they
would consider “trifling fixins.” As to clothes: sheep were kept and
flax was grown, and so was cotton. Every house had cards, spinning
wheels, and looms. If the homespun wasn’t very elegant, it was
certainly warm and serviceable, and all wool – something pretty hard
to gety in the stores these days. Along with the homespun cloth, of
course was made lots of flannel, and from the flax we made our
I remember a little anecdote about two of my sisters that may cause
the young belles of the present day to smile. Like all young ladies
– my experience of 90 years forces me in saying all – they thirsted
after finery. The means of gratifying such a longing, in this place,
at that time, were to express it mildly, rather limited. But there
was one thing they had set their hearts on, that they dreamed about,
that they must and would have white dresses. You know, “when a woman
wills, she will, you may depend on’t,” and the girls down in the
Point were built on pretty much the same pattern as in Shakespeare’s
time. So they sowed some cotton, tended it, picked, cleaned, carded,
spun, and wove it, and then made their dresses. All the work was
performed very carefully, for they were smart girls, and the
garments were perhaps much finer than you would suppose. At any
rate, the Johnson girls were accounted the belles, henceforth, at
all social gatherings.
The tableware was mostly of pewter, and I remember how interested I
used to be watching mother polish up the pieces, dotting them here
and there for show, and ranging them on the old-fashioned dresser.”
Death of Evans Johnson
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 01, 1894
Mr. Evans Johnson, the interesting story of whose life has been
published in the Telegraph recently, died Sunday night at his home
on Missouri Point. He was 90 years of age, and 89 of these years
were spent on the home farm near Bellefontaine. He was attacked by
the grip lately, and his old age and enfeebled condition consequent
thereon prevented recovery. The funeral occurred Tuesday at Portage
des Sioux, and that good, genial, old gentleman has at last
penetrated the mystery of the “dividing veil” between time and
eternity. His death caused considerable sincere sorrow, and his
funeral attracted large numbers of people. May he rest in peace.
Evans Johnson was born May 30, 1804 in Tennessee. His father, a
famous scout and Indian fighter, brought the family to the Missouri
Point in 1805. His father died in 1844, at the age of 74 years.
Evans Johnson died February 25, 1894, shortly after speaking to the
reporter of the St. Charles Cosmos. He was buried in the Saint
Francis of Assisi Cemetery, Portage des Sioux, St. Charles County,
Missouri. Evans had married in 1834 to Angelique LeFevre
(1814-1861). There were two known children: Mary Anna Johnson
Valentine (1848-1904) and Stephan Evans Lee Johnson (1867-1901).
JOHNSON, FRANCIS MARION/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 29, 1912
School Historian and Soldier Dies
Francis Marion Johnson, aged 67, a native of Alton, died at 11:30
o'clock Wednesday at his home, 1120 Wallace street in Alton. He had
lived in Alton all his life and was one of the best known men in
Alton. His death followed an illness of about two weeks from which
he seemed to have recovered. He was taken down again a few days ago,
and was very ill the remainder of the time until his death occurred.
Francis Marion Johnson was a man of unusual ability. All his life he
had been a hard worker, but he had cultivated his mentality until he
was recognized as a man who was unusually well informed, and his
memory was wonderful. As a historian of the old No. 2 school
building, a number of years ago he appealed to the old-time
residents of Alton by recalling graphically many incidents of his
school days, which were very interesting. When a young man he
enlisted in the 22nd Illinois regiment and served with credit during
the war. At every Memorial Day parade, his heart and step still
young, he would march with the old soldiers and he would beat the
old drum which he had carried with Sherman through Georgia. He would
organize one new drum corps after another, as the old ones would
lose interest, and no parade was complete without his drum. He was a
man who fairly oozed patriotism at every pore of his skin and any
call for assistance in any patriotic enterprise was sure to enlist
the services of Mr. Johnson. He is survived by his wife, two sons,
William and Frank Jr., and three daughters, Fanny May Johnson, Mrs.
Foreline and Mrs. Grace Layton. He leaves also a brother, Rufus, and
a sister, Mrs. Emma Murphy. He was a long standing member of the G.
A. R. at Alton and the funeral will be under auspices of that
organization. The funeral will be at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon
from the home.
JOHNSON, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 02, 1899
From Moro - George Johnson died at his home on the 25th of January
after an illness of only six days. Few men in Moro Township were
better known or more highly respected than Mr. Johnson. He was born
at Friedeburg, Ostriesland, Germany, in January 1832, and came to
America with his father's family in 1853, and has ever since been a
resident of Madison County. He was married to Wuebke Frerichs
February 24, 1859, who with two daughters, seven sons, and seven
grandsons survive him. Mr. Johnson was a man of rare ability, and he
was justly honored by all who knew him. He had served as
commissioner, trustee and school director a number of terms, and his
record is one that anyone might be proud to leave. He was a
prominent member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Dorsey,
having been one of its organizers some thirty years ago, during all
of which time he was one of the elders. He represented his
congregation at several meetings of the Illinois district of the
Synod of Missouri, Ohio and other states. The funeral services were
held Friday afternoon. His pastor, Rev. H. P. Kuehn, assisted by
Rev. P. N. Fedderson of Bethalto, conducting the services. Mr.
Johnson was for many years a subscriber and constant reader of the
Telegraph. His pastor adds these words: "He proved to be a sincere
Christian, loving the Word of God. He liberally contributed to the
support of the congregation, and always looked to the best of it.
But what is above all, he never sought salvation in his own
Christian deeds, but only in his Savior Jesus Christ, whom he
considered as his righteousness before God; his works being
witnesses only of his faith."
JOHNSON, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 9, 1918
George Johnson, aged ___ [either 83 or 33], died yesterday at the
family home at 1621 Alby street. The funeral will be held Wednesday,
interment being in the City Cemetery.
JOHNSON, GEORGE R./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 23, 1904
George R. Johnson, one of the best-known residents of Upper Alton,
died Sunday morning at 6:10 o'clock at his home in that place after
being ill four months. Mr. Johnson's illness commenced in the fore
part of last winter by an attack of the grip. Later, it developed
into rheumatism and ended in a gradual paralytic stroke. George R.
Johnson was born in Upper Alton February 6, 1844, consequently he
was 60 years old, and had lived there all his life. He was well
known throughout this vicinity. For many years he conducted a
transfer business between Alton and Upper Alton, but of late he had
a clerical position in the office of the Secretary of States in
Springfield. Mr. Johnson is survived by his wife, one son, and three
daughters: Edward Johnson of San Francisco, Cal., and Mrs. Lee Ellis
of the same place; Misses Anna and Maud Johnson of Upper Alton. Also
his mother and three brothers: James L., John B., and Charles B.
Johnson. G. R. Johnson was married to Miss Delia Parker in Marion,
Arkansas, and she survives him. The funeral will be held Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home to Oakwood Cemetery.
Rev. G. W. Waggoner, assisted by Rev. W. H. Ganneway, will conduct
the services.
JOHNSON, GUSTAVE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 18, 1917
Killed in Blast at Cartridge Plant
Gustave Johnson, aged 28, fulminate mixer at the plant of the
Western Cartridge Co., was killed this morning in the explosion of a
quantity of fulminate he was working with. The building in which he
was working was blown to pieces, and the body of Johnson was
horribly mangled. The job on which he was working is regarded as an
extremely dangerous one, requiring great skill and care. Accidents
occur there occasionally, and it always means a fatality, but by
care and caution the danger has been reduced to the minimum.
Johnson, according to the practice observed at the plant, worked
alone in the little building where the fulminite mixture is made.
The mixture is used as the explosive in the caps which set off the
cartridge shells. What caused the explosion will never be known. Mr.
Johnson had been working as a fulminite mixer for several years. He
had lived about two years at 1225 East Fifth street. Besides his
wife, he leaves a little child about one year old. The body was
turned over to Deputy Coroner W. H. Bauser, who will conduct an
inquest. The time of the funeral had not been set as relatives at
distant points had not been heard from. The official statement
issued from the Western Cartridge Co. office today stated as
follows: "The cause of the explosion has not, at the present time,
been ascertained, on account of the nature of the materials which
was involved in the explosion. Mr. Johnson has been in the employ of
the company, in the mixing department, over three years, and was
known to be a very careful man. The department in which the
explosion occurred is isolated from the remainder of the plant on
account of the nature of the material handled, and no one is
permitted to visit this department except the persons employed in
the mixing of the material. The explosion will not in any way
interfere with the operation of the remainder of the plant." The
funeral will be held at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the home
on East Fifth street to the City Cemetery. The services will be
conducted at the home by Rev. O. W. Heggemeier, who will have charge
of the services.
JOHNSON, HANNAH (nee ARMSTRONG)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
March 7, 1911
Mrs. Hannah Armstrong Johnson, wife of Harrison Johnson, died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. O. G. Norris, on Market street at noon
Tuesday. Her death was due to a general breaking down from old age.
She was a native of Alton and except for nine years of her life, she
had been a constant resident of Alton. It was 77 years ago that her
father, George J. Armstrong, moved into the home, 1244 Main street,
where the family made their home, and it was only six months ago
that Mrs. Johnson, beginning to break in her health, went to live
with her daughter, Mrs. NOrris. Mrs. Elizabeth Soule, her sister
with whom the family had made their home, left the house six weeks
ago to stay at St. Joseph's hospital, and this was the first time in
77 years the house had not been occupied by a member of the
Armstrong family. Mrs. Johnson was taken to her bed a week ago last
Monday, and last Friday she became unconscious and her life slipped
away as she lay apparently in a peaceful slumber. She was born in
the house that was, until recently, her home, and was married there
January 27, 1867 to Harrison Johnson. She leaves two sisters, Mrs.
Soule and Miss Katherine Armstrong, formerly an instructor at
Monticello Seminary. Her two brothers, John Armstrong and William
Armstrong, died before her. She leaves beside her husband, one
daughter, Mrs. Orrin G. Norris, and two sons, Thomas A., and Fred D.
Johnson. She was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal church for many
years. During her whole life she was known for a kindly, gentle
disposition, and in her home she was an excellent wife and mother.
The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from St.
Paul's Episcopal church, and burial in City Cemetery will be
JOHNSON, HARRIET/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 31, 1890
From Upper Alton – Mrs. Harriet Johnson died on Saturday evening at
her residence on Brown Street, after an illness of a few days from a
calculous affection; aged 53 years. Mrs. Johnson’s life has been
passed in Upper Alton, and she possessed a large circle of
acquaintances and friends. For some years she has been a
professional nurse, and her skillful ministrations have endeared her
in many families. She was a half-sister of Mr. D. M. Kittinger.
JOHNSON, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 5, 1909
Killed In Explosion at Wood River Refinery
A very bad explosion occurred Tuesday morning in still No. 1, at the
Wood River Refinery, by which Henry Johnson, whose home was 1208
Main street in Alton, was instantly killed and his body almost
burned up, and three other men, James Green, George Lang, and Thomas
Manning, had narrow escapes but were not injured. Johnston [sic] was
about 36 years of age, and leaves a wife and one child, aged 7
months. The accident is not explained satisfactorily by anyone, and
it is said to be a very unusual one and that it like was not known
in any of the refineries of the Standard Oil Co. The men were
engaged in "plating" a still about 3:15 a.m., after it had been
cleaned and was being refilled with crude oil. Manning was on one
side and Johnson on the other. Green was close by and George Lang
was on top of the still. Without any warning there was a sudden
explosion of the gases in the still, which blew the heavy iron plate
out and probably instantly killed Johnson, who was knocked against
the concrete wall. A stream of fire poured from the hole in the
still and played upon the head and shoulders of Johnson like a giant
blow torch, which consumed the man's flesh and bones. Green and
Manning were blown against the sides of the building and were
stunned, and when they regained consciousness they made their
escape. Lang was lifted off the top of the still and dropped over
into a "condenser" in which there was a sufficient depth of water to
extinguish the fire in his clothing. Each of the men was blown about
30 feet by the explosion. The shock of the explosion shattered all
the window panes in the buildings close to it and shook up the whole
plant. A general fire alarm was turned in and the fire was
extinguished. It could do no damage as the building was concrete and
iron, and the still ir iron. The still was completely wrecked and
will be disabled for some time. Coroner Streeper was summoned to
take charge of the body, and he removed it to his place in Upper
Alton. The witnesses of the accident were ordered to remain there
until after the inquest. It was stated to the brother of Mr. Johnson
for one hour after the explosion fire was fought in the still house,
and when the fire was out the roll was called and Johnson was found
missing. When his body was found it was charred almost beyond
recognition, and it was still burning. The victim of the explosion
leaves one brother, Fred Johnson, and two sisters, Miss Annie
Johnson of Alton, and Miss Tenie Johnson of Seattle, Washington. The
body will be taken to the home, 1208 Main street, which Mr. Johnson
had built and furnished. The inquest will be held at 9 o'clock
tomorrow morning. A. Neermann of Fourth and Langdon streets saw the
flash of fire and felt the jar of the explosion at his home in
Alton. Mr. Neermann said he had been awake a few minutes and was
looking out of the window at his bedside, toward the Wood River
refinery. He saw a flash of fire rise in the air and then disappear,
and a few minutes later, or as long as it took for the concussion to
travel seven miles, he felt the jarring of his room and the rattle
of his windows.
JOHNSON, IDA AND INFANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 4,
Ida Johnson, colored, aged 18, died Monday night after a long
illness at the home of her father, Horace Hobson, on Fletcher
street. Her four months old child died a few hours before her. The
funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Wednesday at the Union Baptist
JOHNSON, J. P. (REV.)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 28, 1889
The funeral of Rev. J. P. Johnson took place Monday from the Salem
Church. The attendance was the largest ever seen in that part of the
county. Deceased left a mother, four sisters, three brothers, and a
host of friends to mourn his death.
Rev. Johnson was long a prominent minister of the colored Baptist
Church. He died at his home near Wood’s Station in Foster Township.
He had been suffering from indisposition for about a week, but it
was not thought that his condition was at all dangerous. In the
afternoon, however, he was taken with a profuse hemorrhage, which
proved fatal in a short time. He left a number of relations and
friends to mourn his sudden death. His age was 50 years. He preached
at Piasa, Jerseyville, and Wood River.
JOHNSON, J. P. or W. T. TURNER?/Source: Alton Telegraph,
September 02, 1897
The man who gave his name as J. P. Johnson, and was struck by a
Bluff Line train August 12 near Oldenburg, died at St. Joseph’s
Hospital Friday morning from his injuries. He was badly injured by
the train about the body and head, and had his leg broken. He
claimed Springfield, Illinois, as his home, and said that he was a
discharged Cavalry man. Coroner Bailey went to the hospital and
impaneled a jury to hold an inquest over the body.
A fellow inmate of the hospital, whose cot was next to that of
Johnson, says that the latter told him his name was not J. P.
Johnson, but W. T. Turner, and that his home is Greenfield,
Illinois, where he was well acquainted. He also said he had a son,
G. W. turner, who owns a tea store in St. Louis on Walnut Street,
between Third and Fourth. He had $15,000 insurance on his life, and
was also a member of the St. Louis Merchants Exchange.
JOHNSON, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 09, 1899
Killed by Train
James Johnson, a tramp, was imstantly killed Thursday night, three
miles north of Godfrey, by a freight train on the Kansas City
branch. With Johnson was his partner, R. S. Rumby, who had a narrow
escape with his life. The two men were sitting on the ends of the
ties on the track asleep, with their heads leaning on their hands.
Rumby waked in time to roll off the track and barely escaped being
crushed under the wheels. Johnson was struck on the back, and thrown
into the ditch beside the track, being instantly killed. Coroner
Bailey was summoned and held an inquest. The man’s spine was broken
by the blow from the engine. Undertaker Bauer took charge of the
body and will bury it at Milton Cemetery.
JOHNSON, JAMES EDWARD/Source: Collinsville Herald, August 9, 1919
James Edward Johnson, 40 years, 6 months, and 18 days old, died
Monday morning at the home of his sister, Mrs. E. Watson, after an
illness of several months. Mr. Johnson was born in Collinsville
November 27, 1878, and has lived here most of his life except for
the last several years. His trade was as a painter. He was never
married. Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon from the
residence of Mrs. Watson. His nephews acted as pallbearers: Edward,
John Albert and Elmer Phillips and Lester and David Killinger. Rev.
Daniel Breese officiated and interment was in Glenwood Cemetery. Mr.
Johnson is survived by 2 sisters, Mrs. Watson of this city and Mrs.
Mary Phillips of East St. Louis, and 2 brothers, Jesse and Clarence
Johnson of this city.
JOHNSON, JENNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1877
Died in Alton, February 16, Mrs. Jennie Johnson, of pulmonary
JOHNSON, JENNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 26, 1910
Mrs. Jennie Johnson died last evening at 8 o'clock at her home on
College avenue in Upper Alton. The news of her death came as a shock
to her friends, as few of them were aware that her illness had
become serious. Mrs. Johnson was sick just eight days. She was first
taken with chills and fever, but Monday pneumonia developed. It
became evident Tuesday morning that her illness was serious, and she
continued to grow worse all day until death came in the evening. She
leaves one daughter, Mrs. Nellie Willard. Mrs. Johnson was the widow
of the late John Johnson, a native of Upper Alton. She was born in
the state of Oregon on March 12, 1849, and came with her family to
Illinois when six months of age, and has been a resident of the
state ever since. She was the youngest of her family of four
brothers and sisters, all of whom are dead. She was married to John
Johnson at Gillespie in 1868, and they lived there until fifteen
years ago when they moved to Upper Alton and made their home here
until death. Mrs. Johnson was a devoted member of the Upper Alton
Methodist church, and she leaves a large circle of friends who are
deeply grieved on account of her sudden taking away. The funeral
will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Methodist church.
The casket will be open at the family home from 4:30 o'clock this
afternoon until 1 o'clock tomorrow, but will not be opened at the
church. Rev. H. Baker will conduct the service and burial will be at
Oakwood Cemetery.
JOHNSON, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 21, 1885
From Moro – Mr. John Johnson, an old and respected citizen, died on
May 2, after a lingering illness. He had been a resident of Moro
Township for 32 years.
JOHNSON, JOHN B. G./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 7,
Killed at Plow Works
This afternoon, an accident occurred in the grinding room at the
Plow Works, by which John Johnson, a German, was almost instantly
killed. While using an emery wheel, the stone burst and fragments
struck the unfortunate man, crushing the left side of his head and
face, severing the carotid artery, resulting fatally almost
instantly. Drs. Haskell and Fiegenbaum were called, but their
services were not needed.
Deceased was about 45 years of age, and leaves a wife, Mary H.
Johnson, and children to mourn his tragical ending. He had a narrow
escape eight or nine months ago by a similar accident. Although a
number of other workmen were engaged in the same department, none of
them were injured by the explosion. It is thought that the
unfortunate man was running his wheel too rapidly, and that this
caused the catastrophe, as no defect has been found in the wheel. An
inquest will be held to determine the facts.
JOHNSON, JOHN PETER/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 9, 1881
Mr. John Peter Johnson, an estimable young man, a native of Upsala,
Sweden, died at the residence of Mr. John Uebelhack, corner of Third
and Langdon Streets, on Wednesday morning, after an illness of
several weeks, caused by throat consumption. Deceased had lived here
about eight years, and left a large circle of friends to mourn his
death. The funeral took place Thursday from Mr. Uebelhack’s
residence. He was 30 years and 10 months old.
JOHNSON, JONAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 4, 1886
Jonas Johnson Killed by Stepson in Defense of His Mother
A terrible domestic tragedy took place last evening, about two miles
east of town on the road to Wood River, resulting in the death of
Jonas Johnson, at the hands of his stepson, Charles Carr, the deed
being done in defense of Mrs. Johnson, the young man’s mother.
Johnson was formerly a hired hand working on the farm of Charles
Carr Sr. After the death of Mr. Carr, he remained on the place in
the employ of the widow, and finally married her. Their domestic
life was not a happy one. Johnson, according to reports, was a hard
drinker and of a quarrelsome disposition when intoxicated. He is
said to have abused his family frequently. The couple separated at
one time, and Johnson went east, but returned about a year ago. He
had, it is said, repeatedly driven young Carr away from home, who of
late has been working for a man named William Stromberg. Last
evening Carr went home and found Johnson and his wife disputing
about some property. Johnson was violent and abusive in his
language, when young Carr interfered in defense of his mother, and a
quarrel ensued between the men. Carr got possession of a shotgun,
and told Johnson that the abuse of his mother had gone far enough
and must be stopped. Johnson thereupon, so the report runs,
attempted to assault his stepson. Carr ordered him back and snapped
a cap on the gun to intimidate him. Johnson still came towards him,
when Carr ran out of the house and Johnson followed. In the yard,
Carr again warned him back, but Johnson still pursued, and the young
man fired. The charge entered Johnson’s abdomen, inflicting a
ghastly wound, which resulted in his death about one o’clock this
morning. Carr made no attempt to escape, but gave himself up to the
Deputy Sheriff, and was lodged in jail. He is about twenty years
old, of a quiet disposition, and has always borne a good character.
Immediately after the shooting, which took place about 6 p.m., Jonas
Johnson, the wounded man, who walked about 30 yards after he was
shot, called to Williiam Sims to run for a doctor, and Dr. Yerkes
was summoned. On arrival, the doctor saw at once that the man would
die, and as soon as possible sent Policemen Sauerwein for Deputy
Sheriff Volbracht. Mr. Volbracht received the notification about
11:30 p.m., and considering that the man Carr would have made off by
that time if he intended to run, did not go down until 4 o’clock
this morning. He found Carr at Hamilton’s place, about one fourth of
a mile below the house. Carr readily gave himself up, remarking that
he expected the officer, and admitting doing the shooting, saying
that there had been bad blood between Johnson and himself for a long
time. Deputy Sheriff Volbracht then arrested Carr, brought him to
Alton and lodged him in jail. Coroner P. J. Melling received notice
this morning, and about 10 o’clock proceeded to the scene of the
tragedy as did also States Attorney George F. McNulty. Hon. A. W.
Hope, who has been retained for the defense, also went down.
The scene of the shooting is at the back of a one story and a half
brick dwelling, which is situated on rising ground, about one
quarter of a mile this side of the Wood River bridge, just off the
main road. The house is on a farm of 19 acres belonging to the Carr
estate. At the house this morning, there were a number of men about
and a few women, and Coroner Melling had no difficulty in empaneling
a jury, who at once proceeded to view the body, which was lying in a
small room. The deceased was a well-built man of above the middle
height, with dark hair, and wearing a moustache and goatee of a
sandy color. The features were composed. On lifting the sheet
covering the corpse, a ghastly gunshot wound was disclosed in the
abdomen under the breast bone. The aperture was large enough for the
bowels to protrude. Death resulted in seven hours from the loss of
blood. In a few minutes, the jury returned to the kitchen and heard
the evidence of the widow, Mary C. Johnson, and that of William
Sims, the latter being an eyewitness of the shooting. Their sworn
testimony appears in full below. The widow appeared quite calm and
collected, and gave her testimony in an unembarrassed manner. The
deceased appears to have been an amiable sort of a man when not in
liquor. There were no blows struck prior to the shooting, nor any
very decided threats made, except that Jonas was determined to have
some plowing done whether his wife wanted it so or not, and he was
angry at his stepson’s interference. The shooting took place a few
feet back of the kitchen door, and the men were only about eight
feet apart. The weapon used was a double-barreled shotgun. Carr
first snapped the cap on the one barrel, which misfired, and he then
discharged the contents of the other barrel full into Johnson’s
abdomen, with the result stated. The body of Mr. Johnson lies at the
house, in charge of the relatives, and will, it is understood, be
interred tomorrow. The proceedings of the jury did not take more
than an hour from the time the members were sworn.
Evidence of the Widow
Mary C. Johnson, sworn and deposed:
“I reside in Wood River Township. I am the wife of the deceased, and
have been married seven years ago in July. My husband had me in a
corner and threatened what he would do to me. Carr said, ‘stand back
or I will shoot.’ My husband made his way towards him. My son will
be 20 years old in April. My son shot him. It was about six o’clock
in the evening of Monday, March 1, 1886. My husband was making
threats and said he would plow up a piece of meadow even if it took
six horses instead of two. He made motions at me with his hand. My
husband said to Carr not to interfere, and started towards him
saying to my son, ‘What have you got to say about it?’ I did not see
the shooting. I did not see my husband strike my son. My husband was
sober, and had only been drinking hard cider. I believe my husband
would have struck my son if he had reached him. Two years ago, Jonas
made threats against my son. He was not quite sober at the time, but
knew what he was about. The gun was in a shed at the back of the
house. The shooting took place almost at once after the men left the
Signed with her mark, Mary C. Johnson. Witness: P. J. Melling
Evidence of William Sims
William Sims, sworn and deposed:
“I reside in Upper Alton. Am a farmer. I have known the deceased
about six years. I was in the shed, and heard the snap of the cap. I
started for the door. Just as I ggot to the door, Charley said,
‘Stay back or I will shoot you.’ There were no words said but these.
I saw the shot fired. It was about 10 minutes after 6, Monday
evening, March 1. I was standing in the old shed door about 30 feet
from them. Jonas was crowding Charley. The gun was setting just
inside the kitchen door. When I heard the snap of the cap, I started
out of the shed. I did not hear Jonas threatening his wife. After
Jonas was shot, he followed Charley about 30 yards saying, ‘I will
kill you if I get hold of you.’ I went for the doctor. The name of
accused is Charley Carr. I never heard any words between them
before. I have been pretty intimate with them. Charley was a quiet,
peaceable fellow, and I thought him a big coward. Mr. Johnson told
me to go for the doctor. Jonas died from the wound at two minutes to
1 o’clock this morning, Tuesday, March 2. I know Jonas would have
beat Charley if he had got hold of him. I never heard any dispute
between them before.”
Signed, William Sims
Preliminary Examination of Charles Carr
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 11, 1886
The examination was held in the Council Chamber before Justice
Quarton, and a very large crowd assembled at and about the city
hall. When the doors were thrown open, the spectators rushed in,
completely filling the body of the hall. The prisoner, accompanied
by his mother, sister, brother, and guardian, was brought in
promptly at the hour for trial. The widow and daughter were dressed
in mourning. The manner of the prisoner was calm and self-possessed.
The prosecuting attorney opened the case by calling the widow, Mrs.
C. Johnson, who being sworn, deposed: “I am the widow of Jonas
Johnson, and live at Wood River. I gave evidence before a Coroner’s
jury as to the cause of the death of my husband. Late in the
afternoon of the shooting, I saw my son, Charles Carr. On the day of
the death I went to town to get some money in order to pay taxes. I
had some words with my husband about plowing a meadow, and he said
he did not care for Carr or myself, and abused Carr as hard as he
could. Jonas threatened to hit me. He was sober, having only drank a
little cider. He started after my son. He said he would kill every
one of us if we interfered with his plans. He was passing his hand
before me as I stood in the corner of the kitchen, and used violent
language. I did not say at the coroner’s inquest that Jonas
threatened to kill every one of us. I did not see the shooting, that
took place outside the house. The farm belongs to myself and my
children. Jonas had in other years plowed the meadow. The land
belongs to the Carr heirs. Deceased was my second husband. The talk
between Jonas and myself took place about 5 p.m. on Monday Charley
came in after hearing the dispute and interfered. Jonas said the
dispute was none of his business. Charley then left the house and
Jonas followed. I heard Charley say outside the door, ‘Stand back or
I will shoot.’”
Charles Carr was sworn in and said,”I am the party who shot Jonas
Johnson. On the day of the shooting, I came from Burger’s, and got
to the house about 6 p.m. I heard Jonas talking in a loud tone just
before I entered the kitchen. In the kitchen there were Jonas, my
mother, and sister. Jonas abused us all, and I went to the summer
kitchen for my gun to defend myself. Jonas kept coming towards me,
and I told him to stand back. I snapped a cap, and then fired the
gun. I was in fear of bodily harm. Jonas had threatened to strike my
mother. When I interfered, he called me a ____ ____. I knew where
the gun was because it was always kept in the kitchen. Jonas was two
steps from the kitchen when I snapped the first cap, and 25 feet
when I snapped the second and shot him. Jonas beat me about two
years ago, and a year ago he choked me to make me mind him. I was
not laid up from the choking. Prior to the shooting, Jonas
threatened to sink mother, my sister, and myself in the sea. Jonas
was of bad disposition, drunk or sober. I was four feet from Jonas
when I shot him. He made a grab for the gun.”
Johnny Carr was sworn in and said, “I was at the house when Charley
came home on the mule. I put up the mule and came to the house, and
saw Charley come out of the kitchen door, and Jonas after him.
Charley ran and got the gun. Jonas went after him, Charley snapped a
cap at him. Then Charley said ‘Stand back or I will shoot you.’ He
then fired and shot Jones. I was at the corner of the house when the
shooting took place. I did not see Jonas have any weapon in his
Hon. Charles A. Herb handed in a plan of the premises where the
shooting took place, and said, “I am the guardian of the defendant
and the minor children. The land belongs to the Carr heirs, and not
to Jonas. Jonas was a man who would do anything for a friend, but he
would be a dangerous enemy.”
The States’ Attorney rose, and stated that he would proceed no
further with the case, and the prisoner was discharged. He was of
the opinion that no jury could readily be found to convict the
prisoner, and acted accordingly.
The Jury’s Verdict
“In the matter of the inquisition on the body of Jonas Johnson,
deceased, held at Wood River, on the 2nd day of March 1886. We, the
undersigned jurors, sworn to inquire of the death of Jonas Johnson,
on oath, do find that he came to his death by a gunshot wound at the
hands of Charles Carr, in Wood River Township, on the first day of
March, 1886.”
Signed J. M. Gearing, Foreman; James Fallen, Joseph McKenzie, John
Chessen, J. Kleinschnitzer, and H. A. Niederkern.
Immediately after the inquest, Coroner Melling returned to town and
issued a formal warrant for the detention of Carr, when a
preliminary examination will take place Thursday, in a Justice’s
JOHNSON, J. WESLEY/Source: The Advertiser, April 1, 1916
J. Wesley Johnson, aged 76 years and 1 month, died at his family
home. He had been in failing health this past winter and died on
Tuesday. He had heart trouble with complications. Mr. Johnson was a
carpenter by trade and followed that trade until last summer. His
wife died about 14 months previous. Three sons and two daughters
survive him, all of which live in this city with the exception of
one daughter, who lives in East St. Louis. They are as follows: Ed,
Clarence and Jesse Johnson and Mrs. David Killinger, all of
Collinsville, and Mrs. Mary Phillips of East St. Louis. The services
were held at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Killinger, at 304 Short
Street, and conducted by Rev. P. G. Spangler of the Baptist church
with interment at Glenwood Cemetery.
JOHNSON, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 23, 1907
Imprisoned at Libby Prison During Civil War - But Not A Soldier -
Was Cattle Driver
John Johnson, in his 67th year, died Tuesday afternoon at his
residence in Upper Alton from paralysis. He was stricken Sunday
evening while alone in his home, and was found unconscious when his
wife and daughter returned from attending church services. He did
not regain consciousness. Mr. Johnson was said to be the oldest
native resident of Upper Alton, being born in the village 67 years
ago next July. The last four years of his life were spent in total
blindness. Neuralgia attacks which settled in his eyes caused the
loss of his sight, and about six months ago he was granted a special
pension for blindness through the efforts of Congressman Rodenberg.
He was not an enlisted soldier in the Union army during the Civil
war, but was engaged as a cattle driver and was captured and
confined as a prisoner in Libby prison for eight months. It was on
his prison experience that he was given the pension. He leaves his
wife and one daughter, Miss Nellie Johnson. He leaves also two
brothers, Charles B. Johnson and James L. Johnson, both of Upper
Alton. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the home, Rev. C. C. Hall of the Methodist church officiating.
JOHNSON, JOHN G./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22, 1902
Bethalto News - John G. Johnson, a highly respected and retired
farmer, died Tuesday at 11 o'clock from consumption and dropsy. Mr.
Johnson came to this place four years ago from Lizard, Iowa, and
soon afterward married Mrs. H. Miller. He was 64 years of age. The
funeral took place from the German church, Rev. Fedderson conducting
the services. Besides a wife, he leaves two sisters and several
grown children to mourn his demise.
JOHNSON, KATE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 4, 1921
Miss Kate Johnson, one of the best-known women in Upper Alton, and a
lifelong resident of that section of the city, died this morning at
5:30 o'clock at the Johnson homestead, corner of Brown and Spaulding
streets. Miss Johnson's illness, which began over a year ago, was
well known to her many friends and her case was watched closely by a
very large number of people. Just a year ago yesterday, Miss Johnson
submitted to the first surgical operation for the relief of the
trouble from which she suffered. She was benefitted temporarily by
that operation, but later on she submitted to other operations.
About two months ago she wanted to return to St. Louis for treatment
in a hospital, and she was taken to the city. After being in the
hospital a short time, she wanted to come home and she was brought
back. She continued to decline rapidly from that time on, and her
death this morning was expected. Miss Johnson was 60 years old and
she lived all of her life in the Johnson homestead, where she was
born. She leaves her one sister, Miss Doll Johnson, who is the last
member of the family. The brother, H. E. Johnson, a former well
known politician and for several years an official of Wood River
Township, died about seven years ago. For many years the brother and
the two sisters made their home together, and after his death the
two sisters continued to live in the old home place. The death of
Miss Johnson this morning leaves the remaining sister to occupy the
home place alone. Miss Johnson leaves two aunts, Mrs. Ellen Harting
and Mrs. Emma V. Heskett of Alton, and one uncle D. M. Kittinger,
who is in Florida. Mrs. Harting said this afternoon that she had
telegraphed to the brother, Dan Kittinger, announcing the death of
his niece this morning, but she had not received any reply so far.
The funeral arrangements will not be made until Mr. Kittinger is
heard from.
JOHNSON, KATE C./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 28, 1877
Died in Alton, June 25, of cholera infantum, Kate C., youngest
daughter of Harrison and Hannah Johnson.
JOHNSON, L./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1883
Mr. L. Johnson died at his residence on Third Street, east of Henry
Street, Saturday, leaving a widow and two children. He was an
employee at the Hapgood Plow Factory. Disease – consumption.
JOHNSON, LAYMAN L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 10, 1913
Dies From Fractured Skull
Layman L. Johnson of 2079 Alby street died at St. Joseph's hospital
Monday morning from accidental injuries he sustained in a fall
Sunday afternoon. He was 57 years of age and had worked for the C. &
A. railroad since he was a boy. He had never done anything but
section hand work, having refused to accept promotion offered to
him. His only work was to make the railroad track solid and keep it
safe for the big trains on which he was never to have a ride, and he
did his work well. Johnson had passed through many a dangerous
experience in the forty years he had worked for the Chicago & Alton
as a section hand, but he always escaped with slight injuries.
Sunday afternoon he sustained fatal injuries while going about his
work. He was ascending an incline leading to the ice house of the C.
& A. just north of the freight depot, when he missed his footing and
fell ten feet, striking on his head. He was hurried to the hospital
for surgical treatment, but never regained consciousness. His death
occurred at 7:10 a. m. Monday. Johnson, it will be remembered as
having been published a few weeks ago, had declined promotion
whenever it was offered. General Roadmaster Maurice Donahue of the
Alton was given a position on Johnson's recommendation, when Johnson
declined the job that subsequently led Donahue to the highest
position in the road department. Johnson would watch the fine cars
go rolling by and whenever he saw the official car, he would think
that he might have been in one of those cars, had he cared to accept
promotion, but he preferred to look after the spikes in the track,
see that the rails were in condition to carry those trains, and the
ballast was solid under the ties. He worked always for the road, and
when expenses were reduced, Johnson always stayed. The reason he did
not wish to take advancement was that he had his aged parents in
Alton, and when they died he had his sister. He was a man of good
habits, faithful conscientious and a first class workman. He lived
in his little home on Alby street with his sisters, and what money
he did not spend on his home he saved. He was a fixture on the C. &
A. railroad. High officers who rode in the official cars, the men
known by Johnson as the "big bugs," came and went, but Johnson had
gone on working for the C. & A. forever...He leaves two sisters,
Mrs. Fred Tusscher of Springfield, and Miss Caroline Johnson of Alby
JOHNSON, LOUIS Albert/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 16,
Louis A. Johnson, aged 35, died this morning at 8:15 o'clock at the
family home at 1209 Norton street after an illness with influenza.
He is survived by four brothers, two of whom are in France, also by
two sisters, and his wife, Ethel. The brothers are William and Lacy,
with the American Expeditionary Forces in France; Clifford and Fred
of Alton; the sisters are Mrs. E. Murphy and Miss Nellie Johnson of
this city. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 11 o'clock
from the home, and will be private.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 18, 1918
Lewis Albert Johnson was born in Elsah, Jersey county, July 2nd,
1888, and died November 16th. He was 35 years, three months, and 16
days of age. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Ethel Johnson; father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. The brothers, John L. and William, who
are serving their country in France, and Clifford Johnson and Fred
Johnson of Alton. The sisters are Mrs. Edith Murphy and Miss Nellie
Johnson. He died happy in the Lord. The services were conducted by
Rev. A. W. Kortkamp at 11 o'clock this morning. Interment was in
City Cemetery. The pallbearers were Walter Bost, Robert Troesten,
John Williams, John Janni, Albert Shartel and James Thurston.
JOHNSON, LOUISA (nee WILLRODT)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
August 19, 1904
The funeral of Mrs. Edward Johnson, nee Louisa Willrodt, of
Mitchell, was held Thursday at Nameoki, and Rev. G. Plassman of the
Evangelical church conducted the funeral service. Mrs. Johnson was
21 years of age. Her funeral was the largest ever known in the
American Bottoms, and the cortege was several miles long as it wound
along the road from Mitchell to the Nameoki church. Mrs. Johnson's
death followed the birth of a child, which was born two weeks ago.
By a strange coincidence, Mr. Johnson's first wife's death, which
occurred two years ago, resulted from a similar cause. Mr. Johnson
is Republican central committeeman at Mitchell.
JOHNSON, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 19, 1890
From Upper Alton – Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Johnson have been sorely
bereaved in the death of a daughter, a bright girl of seven years of
age. They have much sympathy from their many friends in Upper Alton.
The child was buried at their former home in Greene County.
Mary Johnson was born December 20, 1882. She was buried in the
Hickory Grove Cemetery in Wrights, Greene County, Illinois.
JOHNSON, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 4, 1893
Mrs. Mary Johnson, the aged resident of Upper Alton, whose sudden
death was chronicled last Saturday, was supposed to be very poor by
her neighbors, dependent upon charity to a certain extent. Since her
death, however, a search of the house resulted in finding one pocket
book containing about $150, and another hunt unearthed a book
containing $100. Mr. M. Lowe put the money in a valise, which he
gave to Mrs. Johnson’s son, a not overly bright person, with
instructions to meet the former at Alton, and together they would go
to a bank and deposit the cash. Mr. Lowe got to Alton and found
Johnson, but the latter had no valise, and finally remembered that
he had left it on the counter of a State Street saloon. The valise
was found where it had been left, and the money placed where it will
be safe. Further search of the Johnson house may reveal more money,
and if it does, a conservator should be appointed for the son.
JOHNSON, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 25, 1914
Girl Dies on Dance Floor - Cause Not Known
Mrs. Mary Johnson, aged about 35, died suddenly Tuesday evening at
the Kitzmiller dance hall, where she had been attending a dance. She
was formerly a waitress at the Lafayette restaurant, and she
continued to keep a room at that place. She had gotten to the dance
to spend the evening, and she complained suddenly of feeling unwell
and she exclaimed to a friend, "I feel like I was going to die." She
had hardly uttered the words before she collapsed in what was
supposed to be a faint, and restoratives were given in vain. She was
then taken in a buggy to the Lafayette hotel on Piasa street, and
there she was placed in a chair just within the doorway at the foot
of the stairs leading to the second floor, and Dr. D. F. Duggan was
called. He arrived soon afterward and pronounced her dead. The body
was turned over to John Berner, coroner's undertaker. Mrs. Johnson
danced one set and a half, a period of over twenty minutes, when she
exclaimed "I'm choking." She began coughing, and asked for water.
The water did not stop the cough and Link Drew was asked to secure a
buggy and take her from the Kitzmiller hall to the Lafayette
restaurant where she was head housekeeper. She went to the dance
with Lillian Fox and Blanche Miller. She has been at the Lafayette
hotel for a year. She came from Clarksville, Ill., where she has a
father, one brother, and two sisters. She was married but separated
from her husband for the past four years. Employees of the hotel say
that she had a bad cold and was frequently seized with coughing
spells. Her death was thought to have been aided by exhaustion, as
she had a weak heart. The inquest was started this afternoon at 3
JOHNSON, MARY C./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 30, 1890
Mrs. Johnson, wife of Mr. Frank M. Johnson, died Sunday evening at
the family home, 1121 Salu Street. Her death was caused by
consumption, from which the deceased had long been a sufferer. Her
husband, five children, and a large circle of friends and relatives
are left to mourn her loss. [She was born in 1849. Burial was in the
Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.]
JOHNSON, MARY J./Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, February 17,
Miss Mary J. Johnson died at the county farm Tuesday night (Feb.
16). The subject might be dismissed with this mere statement of a
fact, had not circumstances developed after her death that shroud
her career and life in mystery. She died, while depending on charity
for maintenance. Her funeral robes and her burial were such as only
people of wealth can afford. She was brought to the county farm on
the 3rd inst., by Marshal Seaborn Miller, of Venice. She was the
mother of a child which was one month old on the 12th inst. Her age
was given at 23 years. Her appearance indicated that she was no
older, if as old. She was a pretty woman in appearance, bright
intellectually and showed natural refinement. She had an innocent,
honest expression. She had relatives near Venice, it is stated a
brother and a sister. They were notified of her death, Wednesday
morning. In the evening M. J. Walsh, an undertaker of East St.
Louis, arrived on the 9 o'clock Wabash, and embalmed the body. On
Thursday morning arrived a handsome casket and expensive robes and
furnishings. The body, which had been taken to the depot in an
ordinary coffin, was transferred to the casket, and forwarded on the
9:25 train to Venice. The remains were met there by a hearse and
four carriages. The funeral took place under the auspices of the
Ladies Aid Society of Venice. The body rests in the Lutheran
cemetery at Nameoki. The funeral expenses amounted to not less than
$250 or $300. The undertaker was reticent about giving any
information whatever, stating merely that the money to pay him was
just as good as if deposited in a bank. The dead woman left a paid
up insurance policy for $500, payable to her sister, but the pay for
the funeral does not come from that source. Poor people do not
ordinarily have such expensive funerals. Conscience and wealth are
not always neighbors.
JOHNSON, MARY J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 7, 1901
Mrs. Mary J. Johnson died at her residence, 923 East Third street,
today at 11:40 a.m., after a week's illness. Mrs. Johnson was born
in Arnt, Ouright, Germany, December 3, 1830. She came to Alton in
1844, and has resided here or in this vicinity ever since. Three
sons and three daughters survive her, viz: John, William and Fred
Meinecke, by her first husband, the first two in Oklahoma and the
last in Bunker Hill, and Mrs. A. C. Young of Alton, Mrs. Martha
Meyers of Bethalto, and Mrs. H. B. Carpenter of Jackson,
Mississippi. The funeral will take place on Monday, December 9, at 2
p.m. from the Evangelical church.
JOHNSON, MARY LOUISE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 29, 1898
Mrs. Mary Louise Johnson, wife of Rev. G. J. Johnson, died Sunday at
her home in St. Louis. The funeral took place this morning, and a
number of relatives and friends of the family attended from Alton.
Mrs. Johnson, with her husband, lived in Alton many years ago. Dr.
Johnson was financial agent of Shurtleff College, and he it was who
raised the $100,000 centennial endowment fund. Some years ago the
family moved to St. Louis, but there are still in Alton many of
their old friends who remember them. Dr. Johnson is over eighty
years of age, but is still in good health.
JOHNSON, MILDRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 10, 1908
The funeral of Miss Mildred Johnson was held this afternoon at the
Washington M. E. church. The burial was in the City cemetery.
JOHNSON, NATHAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 1, 1880
Proprietor of the Piasa Foundry in Alton
Mr. Nathan Johnson, an old and respected citizen of Virden, a former
resident of Alton, died Saturday morning at the age of 71 years. Mr.
Johnson, while in Alton, was engaged in the foundry business for
several years, first under the firm name of Stigleman, Johnson &
Co., at the Piasa Foundry, corner of Piasa and Fourth Streets, and
afterwards on Belle Street, at the building now used as the Alton
Woolen Mills, the firm name being Johnson & Emerson.
JOHNSON, ROBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 23, 1880
Superintendent of Alton Gas Works
Mr. Robert Johnson, an old, highly esteemed citizen of Alton, died
at his residence on Belle Street, Sunday morning, at the age of 52
years, after an illness lasting several days, caused by lead
poisoning, which induced partial paralysis. Mr. Johnson, in his
business of fitter of gas and water pipes, used white lead in
fastening the joints. In handling this material, it is supposed that
his system gradually absorbed so much as to cause death at the time
mentioned. Mr. Johnson was for many years Superintendent of the
Alton Gas Works, but about two years ago went into business as a
plumber. Deceased was born at Manchester, England, where his father
yet lives, and came to Alton about 25 years ago. He leaves, besides
his father, three daughters – Mrs. George Walter, Misses Mary and
Mattie; and three sons – James, Richard, and Charles, to mourn his
death. The funeral took place from the Episcopal Church, under the
auspices of Piasa Lodge No. 27, F. and A. M., of which deceased was
a member. The services we4re conducted by Rev. Mr. Dresser of
Carlinville, who read the 39th and 90th Psalms and 1st Cor. 15, and
offered a prayer, besides giving a brief sketch of the life of the
deceased. The bearers were J. H. Koehne, M. H. Boals, D. Miller, S.
F. Connor, William Rodemeyer, Walter Rutledge. A large procession,
including the Masons in regalia, under the direction of Col. Cooper
as Marshal, also Alton Lodge I.O.O.F., with which deceased was
likewise connected, attended the remains to the cemetery.
JOHNSON, ROY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 2, 1912
Negro Loses Both of His Legs - Injuries Fatal
Roy Johnson, a negro, who had been arrested Tuesday evening about
8:20 o'clock for insulting Mrs. Ed Lonie on Piasa street between
Second and Third street, lost both of his feet in an effort to get
on board a freight train that was passing, just as Office Link Drew
had him at Second and Piasa streets. He died four hours later.
Johnson had seized Mrs. Lonie by the arm and addressed some bad
language to her as she was waiting for his husband, who was in the
Bauer barber shop. Officer Drew was notified and he rounded up the
negro and had him on the way to police headquarters. Near the
Citizens bank corner, the negro made a break to get away, struck
Drew and ran for the freight train. He slipped in trying to get
aboard the train, fell with both feet across the rail, and they were
severed by the car wheels. Johnson came into public notice some time
ago by being mixed up in a cutting affray on Union street last
summer, in which he was carved up so badly the doctors said he would
not get well, but he was out of the hospital in a very short time.
Tuesday night, after the accident, according to eye witnesses, it
was fully 25 minutes before a vehicle was procured to take Johnson
to the hospital. At first a buggy was sent to convey him to the
hospital, and it was seen to be impossible to get him there in that
way, so a spring wagon was sent instead of an ambulance. A big crowd
was gathered around the maimed negro as he lay on the brick paving,
bleeding away his life. Johnson died at the hospital at midnight
from the effects of shock and loss of blood. According to those who
were trying to get the negro arrested, efforts to find a policeman
were unavailing until a search had been made for one. It was said
that for fifteen minutes before Johnson was arrested, Mrs. Lonie and
others watching him as he lingered around, while her husband went in
search and finally found private watchman Link Drew, who made the
JOHNSON, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 25, 1915
Killed by Train
Samuel Johnson, known as "Sam Boots," was fatally injured Saturday
evening by a C. B. & Q. train near the glass works gates, as he was
going home from work. The train, it was said, was going at a high
rate of speed when it hit Johnson. He was picked up and hurried to
the hospital where he died a few minutes after arriving there. Some
difficulty was being experienced in finding relatives of the dead
man. The inquest was not held Sunday. Johnson lived at 1715 East
Second street. Coroner's Undertaker John Bauer received word today
from Woodburn, where he was trying to locate the father of Sam
Johnson, that the father would have nothing to do with his son's
body. It was told to the coroner that the father had not seen his
son since the child was two years of age, had no interest in him,
and would not come here to attend the funeral nor to look at his
son. Under the circumstances the coroner's undertaker looked no
further for relatives to take charge of the body.
JOHNSON, SARAH KELLER (ENSMINGER)/Source: Troy Weekly Call, July 1,
Wife of Caleb Johnson; Troy Hotel Proprietor
After a life of more than four score years and seven, most of which
was spent in Troy, Mrs. Sarah K. Johnson, relict of the late Caleb
Johnson, and one of the oldest residents of Troy, passed peacefully
away at 8:30 o’clock Wednesday morning at the home of M. F.
Auwarter. Her age was exactly 87 years, 6 months, and 8 days. The
death of the venerable old lady, although fully expected during the
last few days of her illness, occurred in a manner of suddenness,
and was a surprise to many of her friends. A little over a week ago
she was able to be about in her customary health and made some calls
on friends. She was stricken on Tuesday of last week with what was
diagnosed as inflammatory rheumatism, and was immediately confined
to her bed. Her condition grew rapidly worse until the end came
Wednesday, when she was surrounded by members of the family and
friends. She suffered great pain and remained conscious until the
evening before her death. The funeral of Mrs. Johnson took place
yesterday morning at 9 o’clock from her late home to the
Presbyterian Church, and was attended by a large concourse of
people, among whom were many from out of town. The Rev. H. W.
Marshall preached a very appropriate funeral sermon, and the
selections by the choir were likewise befitting. The casket bore
many beautiful floral tributes, and was borne by A. R. Snodgrass,
William Rawson, John F. Deimling, Charles Seligman, August Droll,
and P. M. Davidson. The honorary pallbearers were T. H. Bell, W. W.
Jarvis, C. F. Edwards, Thomas McAdoo, William J. Vetter, and E. S.
Donoho. Interment was made on the family plot in the Troy Cemetery.
Among those from out of town in attendance at the funeral were: Mrs.
George Schott of Sioux City, Iowa; Mrs. Kate Evans of Mulberry
Grove; Mesdames J. A. Vance and Jake Barnsback of Edwardsville; and
Mr. and Mrs. James Geers, Mr. and Mrs. John Black, John Miller, and
John Ensminger of St. Jacob. [Burial was in the Troy City Cemetery.]
Mrs. Sarah Keller Johnson, whose maiden name was Ensminger, was born
in Ross County, Virginia, on December 20, 1817, and moved to
Chillicothe, Ohio in 1825. She was married to Caleb Johnson on April
16, 1832, and they came to Troy in 1833. At that time Troy was a
mere village. Mr. Johnson opened a shoe shop on the spot now
occupied by J. H. Steinhans’ furniture store, and afterwards bought
a tract of land east of town in later years owned by the Rev. T. W.
B. Dawson. In 1861, Mr. Johnson was appointed postmaster of Troy
under President Lincoln, and in 1870 he built the brick house on
Market Street now owned by Dr. F. W. Braner. The post office was
removed to a small building on the corner of these premises, and Mr.
Johnson remained postmaster until his death in 1875, when his
daughter, Miss Mattie, received the appointment which she held until
her death in 1880. Thus the Troy post office remained in the Johnson
family for a period of 27 years.
To Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were born two sons and two daughters, viz:
John, who was thrown from a horse and killed at 18 years of age;
Sydney, who died in mature years; Mattie [Martha A. Johnson], who
was former postmaster and died in 1888; and Adda [Mary Adalaid
Johnson], who died in 1887 and was the former wife of Martin
Frederick Auwarter. Mrs. Johnson was a sister of John and Joshua
Ensminger. A sister, Mrs. Casing, resides in Portland, Oregon, and
is now in her 76th year. She is also survived by six grandchildren
and eight great-grandchildren.
After the death of her husband, Mrs. Johnson kept a hotel known as
the “Johnson House,” and her place for many years was widely known
among the traveling fraternity for its desirable accommodations and
comforts of home.
About five years ago in February, Mrs. Johnson sustained a severe
fall at her home, causing an injury to one of her limbs, and
although she regained her health, she never fully recovered from its
effects, and was since confined to the constant use of a _____.
Shortly after her accident, ….. [unreadable] to make her home with
her son-in-law, with whom she has since resided.
“Grandma” Johnson, as she was in late years known and spoken of, was
a woman who possessed the true Christian spirit, and many other
endearing qualities. As a wife and mother, she was true and devoted
and her friends were legion. A marked characteristic of her motherly
spirit was shown in her devotion to her grandchildren, and they
added much to her joy and comfort in her declining years.
Mrs. Johnson united with the Troy Presbyterian Church 40 years ago,
and remained a faithful and consistent member to the day of her
death. She gave freely of her time and means to the furtherance and
church work, and was one of the organizers of the Troy Cemetery Mite
Society, upon which she was highly complimented on Memorial Day by
the Rev. Stephen Catt of Jerseyville, who was the orator of the day
at the celebration in this city. With the recollection of her many
endearing qualities and the wide and esteemed friendship she has
long enjoyed, Mrs. Johnson will be missed both in and out of her
home, and her death is one which is generally regretted.
JOHNSON, THEODORE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 19, 1901
The funeral of Theodore, the 5 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. R.
Johnson of Illinois street, who died Thursday evening of spinal
meningitis, was buried today.
JOHNSON, TILLIE JANE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 9, 1902
Mrs. Tillie Jane Johnson, one of the oldest residents of Wood River
township, died this morning at 5 o'clock at her home on College
avenue in Upper Alton. Mrs. Johnson was born in Norfolk, Virginia,
on March 26, 1825, making her 77 years old at the time of her death.
She came to Upper Alton in 1844, and has lived there ever since. She
was the mother of thirteen children, of which only three are living.
They are John Johnson of Alton, Mrs. John Depry and Ruben Johnson.
She also leaves fourteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Arrangements for the funeral have not been made, but will take place
as soon as her two children, who live in the northern part of the
state, arrive here.
JOHNSON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 27, 1879
Mrs. Johnson, a colored woman, an old resident of Alton, died at her
home on Ninth Street, between Belle and Piasa Streets, last week at
the age of about fifty years. The disease of which she died was
JOHNSON, UNKNOWN WIFE OF EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
February 28, 1902
The funeral of Mrs. Edward Johnson of Oldenburg will be held
Saturday morning at Oldenburg, and service will be conducted by Rev.
G. Plassman, pastor of the Evangelical church there. Mrs. Johnson
was 26 years of age, and she leaves her husband and two children.
JOHNSON, UNKNOWN WIFE OF GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
June 28, 1921
Mrs. George Johnson, one of the oldest residents of Dorsey, died at
her home in that town yesterday. She was 81 years old. She is
survived by eight children, 24 grandchildren and 3
great-grandchildren. The children are Mrs. William Oldenettle of
Bunker Hill, and Fred, John, William, Herman, Otto and Miss Johnson,
all of Dorsey; and Edward Johnson of Alton. Funeral services will be
conducted at 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon in the Dorsey Lutheran
Church and interment will be in the Lutheran cemetery there.
JOHNSON, UNKNOWN WIFE OF JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 5, 1879
Possible Suicide
From Bethalto – The quiet of our village was disturbed between 12
and 1 o’clock Friday night, by one of those sad occurrences for
which the mind philosophers have found no solution. Mrs. John G. B.
Johnson left her bed, apparently to go to the well for a drink. As
she did not return, Mr. Johnson went to see what was the matter. To
his sorrow, he found his wife in the well. He raised the alarm, and
two or three neighbors responded in a very few minutes. But before
anyone could be let down to her, she ceased struggling. When the
body was brought to the top, Dr. J. C. Martin took the case in hand,
but it was past all medical skill – life was extinct. Whether she
accidentally fell into the well, or deliberately jumped in is a
question. The way the well is enclosed nearly blots out all
possibility of an accident. Why she should commit suicide is a
mystery. To the world, hers was a happy home, surrounded by a
respected family and many friends, and provided with all the
necessaries of life. The evening before, she and Mr. Johnson visited
at a neighbor’s until 10 o’clock, and nothing out of the way could
be noticed with her. Coroner Youree held an inquest Saturday
evening. The jury returned a verdict of accidental drowning. The
funeral took place Sunday from the C. P. Church. The remains were
followed to the cemetery by a large number of friends who sympathize
with her husband and three children.
JOHNSON, UNKNOWN WIFE OF WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
June 11, 1903
Mrs. William Johnson died at the home of Albert Wilde this morning
on the eastern border of Upper Alton, after a long illness with
consumption. Mrs. Johnson leaves besides her husband, three small
children and her mother, who lives at Grafton, and was 31 years old.
The Johnson family formerly lived in the East End place, but were
driven from their home by the flood and they went to the home of
Mrs. Wilde to stay until the water went down. The funeral will be
held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Washington street M. E.
church, and Rev. O. L. Peterson will conduct the services.
JOHNSON, UNKNOWN YOUNG MAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 4, 1871
A young man by the name of Johnson, living some eight miles from
Edwardsville, was lately killed by his team running away. Johnson
was recently married, and his untimely death leaves a destitute
JOHNSON, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 9, 1910
The funeral of William Johnson was held this morning from the home
of his brother, Frank, in Riverview, and after services the body
accompanied by a funeral party was taken to Elsah for burial.
JOHNSON, WILLIAM C./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 9, 1868
Died at his residence at Wanda, on September 30, William C. Johnson,
in the 59th year of his age.
Evening Telegraph, September 15, 1911
William Henry Harrison Johnson, aged 72, died Thursday evening at
6:30 o'clock at Beverly farm, where he had been staying for over a
year. His death was due to arterial hardening, but the end was
hastened by a paralytic stroke which disabled him recently. His only
daughter, Mrs. O. G. Norris, who was a daily attendant at his
bedside, had left him just a short time before his death, and it was
not believed at that time the end would come so soon, as his pulse
was strong and he was conscious. He collapsed immediately after
eating a light supper. Mr. Johnson was known to everybody as Harry
Johnson. For over thirty years he was in the ice business at Alton,
and many a boy, now a grown man, remembers how kind he was to the
boys and how, by his generosity to them, he encouraged them to hang
around his ice wagon in summer time. He always was the friend of the
boys, and at the place where he spent his last days he was kind to
the young people. He was born February 8, 1839, at Canastota, N. Y.
He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson. His parents died when
he was twelve years old, and he came to Alton when he was nineteen,
making his home with his uncle, Leander Hamlin, a prominent resident
of Alton. He was a carpenter by trade, and while he followed that
trade he helped build many of the old houses in the city. For a
while he was in the castor oil business at Nashville, Ill. He
married Miss Hannah Armstrong in 1867. She died six months ago. He
was the father of four children, three of whom are living, Mrs. O.
G. Norris, Thomas and Fred Johnson. He leaves also a granddaughter,
the daughter of Mrs. Norris. He was a brother-in-law of Mrs. Mary
Armstrong, whose funeral took place the first of this week. He was
the last of his father's family. The funeral will be from St. Paul's
Episcopal church tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, and friends of the
family are invited. Burial will be in City cemetery and will be
JOHNSTON, AGNES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24, 1919
Word was received in Alton today that Mrs. Agnes Cousley Johnston,
widow of David Johnston, died at 8 o'clock this morning at the home
of her son, J. F. Johnston, at Muskogee, Okla. She was 85 years old
last February. Mrs. Johnston had been in failing health for six
years. She had made her home for a number of years in Alton with her
brothers, Robert C. and John A. Cousely, and at the time of her
breakdown she was at the home of the latter, about six years ago.
She was taken to the home of her son, W. C. Johnston, in St. Louis,
and later to the home of her other son, J. F. Johnston in Muskogee,
where she spent the remainder of her life. To her friends and
relatives, she was affectionately known as "Aunt Nancy," and she had
a large number of friends in Alton who loved and admired her. The
death of Mrs. Johnston was very sudden, and was due to a stroke of
paralysis, the culmination of her long period of invalidism. She was
the last of a large family of children which came to Alton with
their widowed mother from Ireland in 1850. One after another of the
brothers and sisters died before her until her death completes the
passing of that family circle. She is survived by only two sons, and
by three grandchildren, Dr. Meredith Johnston, who has just returned
from service in France; Miss Doris Johnston, who was serving her
country too; and William Johnston, who was recently discharged from
the army. Mrs. Johnston for many years conducted a millinery store
on Third street in the building west of the Commercial building. The
body will be brought to Alton for burial, probably Saturday
afternoon. It is expected the funeral services will be held in City
cemetery Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock after the arrival of the
body from Muskogee.
JOHNSTON, DAVID/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 13, 1888
Mr. David Johnston, a native of Scotland, for about 35 years a
resident of Alton, died yesterday at the age of 54 years. Deceased
left a wife, Nancy Cousley Johnston, and two sons and other
relatives in Alton and Chicago. The funeral will take place tomorrow
afternoon from the residence of his son, Mr. W. C. Johnston, on
Belle Street.
JOHNSTON, ELIZABETH J./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 23, 1897
Miss Elizabeth J. Johnston died Friday, December 18, at her home,
3532 Pine Street, St. Louis. Miss Johnston was a daughter of the
late James Johnston, who during his life was one of Alton’s most
highly respected citizens. For many years, she made her home in
Alton, but removed to St. Louis eight or ten years ago, where she
has since resided. She was a niece of Mr. J. A. Ryrie and Mrs. James
Forbes, and a cousin of Mr. J. A. Ryrie of Alton. One brother, Mr.
George Johnston of St. Louis, and a sister, Mrs. Helen Dodge of
Chicago, survive. The funeral took place Monday. The body arrived in
Alton from St. Louis, and from the depot was followed to the Alton
City Cemetery by relatives and friends of St. Louis and Alton. Rev.
M. Jameson conducted short services at the grave.
JOHNSTON, EVA EDNA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 12, 1887
Died in Alton, August 11, 1887, Eva Edna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Johnston; aged 1 year, 11 months, and 16 days. Her death was
caused by drinking lye. The funeral will take place tomorrow from
the family residence on Alby Street, near Sixteenth.
HUGH KIRKWOOD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 9, 1923
Civil War Veteran
First Superintendent of the Alton Water Works
Owner of H. K. Johnston Hardware, Alton
Hugh K. Johnston, retired business man, died Sunday afternoon [July
8] at his home, 315 East Fourth Street, in his eightieth year. The
death of Mr. Johnston was not unexpected, though it did follow a
collapse which was sudden. He had been confined to his home for a
year, bedfast for ten weeks, and has been very weak for some time,
but was showing no indication of any immediate closing of his life.
His daughter, Mrs. J. E. Duffield, who had been here with him, had
gone to her home in Chicago, where her presence was required. When
the sudden breakdown came, she was telegraphed for, but the end came
several hours before she could reach her father’s bedside. In his
long illness, Mr. Johnston had the most devoted attention of his
wife and his daughter, Miss Mary, and his son, Harry. Mrs. Duffield
was here part of the time with him.
Mr. Johnston’s death was due to the weakness of age. He had been a
strong, healthy man all of his life, and he was the last of his
immediate family. He was a member of a family which came to Alton
from Dalry, Scotland, before the Civil War. He was born at Dalry on
May 22, 1844. Mr. Johnston first made his home in Alton, then he
went to Bunker Hill to live, and afterward came to Alton to remain
the rest of his life. He served in the Civil War as a member of
Company A, 97th Illinois Regiment, and he served with credit.
After the close of the war, he went back to Bunker Hill and stayed
there a while, then came to Alton in 1876 to take the position of
first superintendent of the Alton Water Works. He held that position
a few years, and in 1880, he embarked in business and the small
business he started grew into the H. K. Johnston Hardware Company,
with the largest floor space of any retail business house in the
city. He was known as a first-class salesman. He had a personality
that was magnetic. He drew buyers to his place of business, and he
held them, all of them regarding him as a personal friend. He was a
jovial man, and he had a wide reputation as an entertainer. His
storytelling powers made it possible for him to earn a reputation
for having something interesting to tell. Possessed of many
qualities which went for making of popularity, it was no wonder that
Mr. Johnston was one of the most popular business men in this part
of the country.
About ten years ago, he found it necessary to drop some of the
burden of business, and he turned them over to others. His daughter,
Miss Mary, had been associated with her father a long time, and she
took them over until her brother, Harry, was ready to assume
responsibilities, which he did after his return from service
overseas in the army.
Mr. Johnston’s health began to show signs of failing about a year
ago, and he was forced to suspend his usual practice of making trips
downtown. It was his custom to come downtown with his wife, and the
couple were one of the most devoted pairs one could find. When it
became necessary for him to remain in his home, Mrs. Johnston took
up her duty of looking after his comfort, and making as happy as
possible the time when he was disabled.
The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon from the family home,
Rev. Edward L. Gibson officiating. Burial will be in the Upper Alton
Oakwood Cemetery.
Hugh Johnston married Ann Pringle Richards [1849-1929] in 1873. They
had the following children: Mary K. Johnston (1874-1969]; Hugh F.
Johnston [1882-1883]; Rutherford A. Johnston [1889-1889]; Mrs.
Bessie H. Johnston Duffield, wife of J. E. Duffield of Chicago;
Henry “Harry” Johnston; and Infant Son Johnston [1893-1893].
JOHNSTON, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 8, 1886
Mr. James Johnston, one of the patriarchs of Alton, died at his
residence on George Street last Saturday evening, at the good old
age of 86 years. Deceased was a native of Scotland, and came to this
city about the year 1849, where he has since resided. He was of a
retiring disposition, but highly esteemed by all who had the
pleasure of his acquaintance. Of late years, the infirmities of age
have kept him confined to the house the greater part of the time.
Mr. Johnston was a brother-in-law of Mr. J. A. Ryrie, and leaves a
large circle of relatives, besides his own family. His wife, Mariam
Ryrie Johnston, died in 1880. His children are: Miss Lizzie Johnston
of Alton; Mr. George A. Johnston of St. Louis; Mr. J. S. Johnston
and Mrs. A. P. Dodge, of Chicago.
JOHNSTON, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 14, 1896
Mr. James Johnston died at his home in Chicago Tuesday, after an
illness of nearly a year from paralysis. Mr. Johnston was engineer
of the Watson Stone Company in Chicago, and it is thought that the
shock of the burning of the company’s works a year ago was the
result of his ill health, which resulted in complete paralysis, both
of body and mind. He was for a number of years, while the plant was
owned by Mr. H. Watson, Superintendent of the Alton Water Works. He
was a fine mechanic, and always gave the greatest satisfaction to
his employers. He was born in Scotland, but came with his father’s
family to Alton while quite young. Alton has been his home during
most of his life. Besides a wife and three children, daughters,
living in Chicago, a brother, Mr. Hugh K. Johnston, and a sister,
Mrs. Henry Watson of Alton, and another sister, Mrs. H. Graham of
Chicago, survive him. He was about 46 years of age. The funeral took
place this morning from the residence of Mr. Henry Watson, corner of
Seventh and Alby Streets.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 21, 1896
The body of Mr. James Johnston, accompanied by the family of the
deceased and other relatives, arrived by train from Chicago Thursday
morning, and was taken at once to the residence of his
brother-in-law, Mr. Henry Watson, corner of Seventh and Alby
Streets. Services were held and were conducted by Rev. G. W. Smith,
pastor of the Presbyterian Church. The services, while brief, were
impressive. The music was rendered by the choir of the Presbyterian
Church. At the close of the service, the body was borne to the
hearse by the pallbearers, and a large cortage followed to the Alton
City Cemetery, where the interment took place. The pallbearers were:
Messrs. A. L. Daniels, S. F. Connor, Robert Curdie, J. M. Ryrie, O.
S. Stowell, and James Duncan.
The widow and her daughter, Miss Nellie, and Mrs. Robson Graham,
sister of the deceased, accompanied the body from Chicago. Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Loudon and son, Allen, of Bloomington, were also of the
party from the latter city. Mr. William Morris, a nephew of the
deceased, and Mr. D. H. Johnston, a cousin from Bunker Hill, were
also present at the funeral.
JOHNSTON, LILLIAN D./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 2, 1907
Lillian D. Johnston, wife of Edward Johnston, died this morning at
6:30 o'clock at the family home, 1241 Pearl street, after a long
illness. Her death was due to pneumonia, but she had been a victim
of nervous troubles for eight years. She was 27 years of age and
leaves her husband and two children. The funeral will be held
Thursday afternoon from the Washington street Methodist church. Rev.
W. A. Cross, assisted by Rev. C. Koehler, the former pastor, will
officiate. The Mutual Protective League will have charge of the
services at the grave.
JOHNSTON, MARIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 8, 1880
The friends of this noble Christian woman will regret to learn of
the death of Mrs. Mariam Johnston, which took place last Sunday
afternoon. Although she had been feeble for some time, her death was
sudden – so unexpected, in fact, that there was not time to summon
all of her children to her bedside. Mrs. Johnston was the wife of
Mr. James Johnston, and the sister of Mr. John A. and the late
Daniel D. Ryrie. She had resided in Alton since 1837, and was,
therefore, one of our oldest citizens. Her life was devoted to the
welfare of her family and to works of charity and benevolence. Hers
was a practical Christianity which was ever watching for an
opportunity of doing good to all about her. Her charity, kindness,
and devotion to the best interests of all with whom she came in
contact will long keep her memory green among relatives and friends,
while the poor and needy, who were never turned away empty from her
door, will miss alike her assistance and her kindly counsel. Besides
her husband, Mrs. Johnston leaves four children, all of adult years.
She was 59 years of age. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
JOHNSTON, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 22, 1883
Son of H. K. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Johnston have been sadly afflicted in the loss of
an infant son, aged about six months, who died at Bunker Hill
Friday, where Mrs. Johnston was visiting. The bereaved parents will
have the sympathy of all.
JOHNSTON, WALTER/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 30, 1843
Died, in this city [Alton], on Saturday last, at the residence of
Mr. William Hooth, Walter Johnston, after a lingering illness - aged
about 30. The deceased was a native of Scotland. [Related to William
"Scotch" Johnston?]
JOHNSTON, WILLIAM “SCOTCH”/Source: St. Louis Post Dispatch, July 10
& 16, 1885
The Scotsman Who Buried Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy
William Johnston (also spelled Johnson in various accounts), an
estimable, intelligent colored man with quite an interesting
history, died at his home in Alton last night, having long been in
feeble health, at the age of about 80 years. He was a native of
Aberdeen, Scotland, and was a Freemason there. While a very young
man, he was the confidential attendant of a Scotch nobleman, Lord
Aberdeen, and in that capacity traveled extensively in Europe. He
saw Lord Byron, and heard him make a speech in Aberdeen, Scotland,
in acknowledgement of a reception given him when he succeeded to the
Johnston came to America more than 50 years ago, landing first at
New Orleans, where he got into trouble on account of his color, the
laws then being very strict in requiring passports of all freemen of
his race. He afterwards came to St. Louis, where he worked at his
trade as stone mason for some time. He laid the last stones on the
tower of the old cathedral on Walnut Street, and used to say that
when his work was done, Bishop Rosatti gave him a glass of wine and
$5 in gold. While walling a well in St. Louis, he was buried by the
caving earth, and released with difficulty after many hours’
interment, losing the sight of one eye by the terrible ordeal.
When Elijah P. Lovejoy was killed in 1837 by a pro-slavery mob,
Johnston was living in Alton, and without fee or reward, dug the
grave of the first anti-slavery martyr. He stated that he painted
Lovejoy’s coffin red with pokeberry juice. He performed, on the same
terms, the same office twenty years later, when the remains were
removed to another part of the Alton Cemetery. If all men did their
duty as well as William Johnston did his, the world would be a much
more desirable place to live in.
Johnston was an interesting talker, and could entertain all
listeners with an account of his hair-breadth escapes and thrilling
adventures. He was connected with the underground railway before the
[Civil] War, and assisted many fugitive slaves to escape. He leaves
several children to mourn his death. [Burial was in the Alton City
JOHNSTONE, ALFRED B./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 20, 1887
Son of Arthur H. Johnstone
A few days ago, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Johnstone were called to
Kansas City, and took with them their infant son. On Saturday
evening, Mrs. Johnstone started on her return with the child, her
husband being detailed by business. The child had not been well, but
was not thought to be seriously ill, but was taken suddenly worse
and died on the train several hours before its arrival in Alton. The
conductor telegraphed to Mr. Howell, who met the bereaved mother at
the depot. Mr. Johnstone has been notified of the sad event, and
will arrive home this evening. The funeral will take place tomorrow
morning from the residence of Mr. John Johnstone, State Street. The
stricken parents have the sympathy of all in their distressing
JOHNSTONE, ELIZABETH A. (nee HESLOP)/Source: Alton Telegraph, June
5, 1884
The many friends of Mrs. Elizabeth H., wife of Mr. John Johnstone,
will regret to hear of her death, which took place early Friday
morning after a brief illness. She was taken ill last Sunday with a
severe headache, to which she was subject, but had not been
considered in a dangerous condition until two days before her death,
which was caused by an affection of the brain. Mrs. Johnstone was a
native of England, born at New Castle On Tyne, and came to Alton in
1844 with her parents, and has resided here ever since. Prior to her
marriage to Mr. Johnstone, she was successfully engaged in teaching
a private school. She was a graduate of Monticello Seminary, and a
lady of scholarly tastes and unusual literary attainments. She was a
member of the Presbyterian Church. She was a devoted wife and
mother, a kind neighbor, and interested in every good work. She will
be deeply mourned by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, who
will also warmly sympathize with the stricken family, who have met
with the greatest of bereavements. She leaves a husband and four
children: Mary, Arthur, Ralph, and Grace Johnstone. [Burial was in
the Alton City Cemetery.]
JOHNSTONE, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1879
From January 16 – We announce today the death of Mr. James
Johnstone, in the 73rd year of his age – one of our oldest citizens.
His disease was bronchitis, from which he had suffered a number of
years. Mr. Johnstone was a native of Scotland, emigrating to America
about 25 years ago with a large family of children, his wife having
died shortly before leaving his native land. He settled in Alton
after his arrival, where he has lived most of the time since. He was
for several years engaged with Mr. John Mellen in the pork packing
business near Henry Street, but latterly he has been acting as
Superintendent of Mr. Watson’s quarries, until his health compelled
him to desist.
He has three children living in Alton, the youngest of whom is Mrs.
Watson; one in Chicago; and one in Ohio. Two daughters have preceded
him in the journey that falls to the lot of all. Mr. Johnstone was
an industrious and upright man, respected by all who knew him, and
will be sincerely mourned by his relatives and many friends.
JOHNSTONE, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 5, 1892
Many of our citizens were surprised to hear of the death of John
Johnstone today, which occurred at his residence on State Street
after a few days’ illness of peritonitis. Mr. Johnstone has been a
resident of Alton for fifty years, and during all that time has been
most highly respected as one of Alton’s most reputable citizens. For
a number of years Mr. Johnstone has lived a very quiet life, having
retired from business ten or fifteen years ago. He was born in New
Gretna, Scotland, February 15, 1814, and was, therefore, in his 79th
year. He came to Alton in 1842, and has lived here since. He married
Miss Elizabeth Heslop, who died eight years ago. He is the last of
his family. Four children survive him – Mrs. A. J. Howell; Messrs.
Arthur and Ralph Johnstone; and Miss Grace Johnstone, all of Alton.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 7, 1892
The funeral of John Johnstone took place this afternoon from his
late residence, corner of Seventh and State Streets. There was a
large attendance of old friends and neighbors of deceased. Many of
Alton’s oldest residents were present to pay tribute to one whom
they had known and highly respected so long, and was one of the few
who had lived in Alton for fifty years. The interment took place in
the family burying ground in the City Cemetery.
JOHNSTONE, JOHN E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 27, 1915
John Edward Johnstone, aged 52(?), died at 12:50 o'clock this
morning following an illness of ten months. He is survived by one
daughter, who has been living with him at his home, 2_29 College
avenue. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
from the home to Oakwood Cemetery.
JOHNSTONE, RUTHERFORD/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 2, 1890
Son of H. K. Johnstone, Alton merchant
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Johnstone were bereaved by the death Sunday of
their infant son, Rutherford, who passed away after an illness of
several weeks at the age of 10 months. The funeral took place this
afternoon from the family residence. The burial will occur tomorrow
at the Bunker Hill Cemetery.
JOINER, W. H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 29, 1911
W. H. Joiner, colored, died at his home on Hampton street today.
JONES, AMOS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 25, 1922
Old Hoss Trader Dies
Amos Jones, for many years a well-known character in Madison,
Jersey, and Macoupin counties, died at the Dunkard's home at Girard
Monday night, after being in ill health for a long time. Jones had
lived at Brighton and his burial was at that place. The death of
Jones removes a picturesque character from this vicinity. He was one
of the last of the old-fashioned horse traders, and he had lived to
a time when the horse had so far disappeared as a trading medium
that he was about put out of business. Aaron Allred, another
old-time horse trader, died recently and his death occurred at a
time when Amos Jones was in a bad way and it was evident that his
life would not be much longer. Trading was the chief occupation for
Jones. When horse trades became scarce, Jones took up trading in
real estate, and his methods of realty trading were characteristic
of his horse trading. He became involved in numerous suits against
persons he claimed were his clients. Some time ago he appealed to
Joseph Hermann, overseer of the poor, to send him to the hospital.
Finally, his brother, Sidney Jones of Brighton, took him in charge
and had him put in the Dunkard's home at Girard where he declined
rapidly. In the olden days, there was hardly a man, woman or child
in the country round Alton not acquainted with "Ame" Jones. The body
was taken to Brighton this morning and passed through Alton on the
way there for burial.
JONES, ANN R. JENKINS/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 15, 1885
Mrs. Ann R. Jones, an estimable lady, died last Friday morning at
the family residence in North Alton, after an illness of 13 weeks.
Mrs. Jones was born at Llauguke, Glaumorganshire, South Walves,
December 19, 1808, and was consequently a little over 76 years old.
She came to Philadelphia in 1851, and to North Alton in 1853, and
has resided there ever since, except two years at Otterville. She
was a consistent Christian, from her youth a member of the
Presbyterian denomination. She left a husband, Mr. William R. Jones,
and three children by a former marriage: Mrs. David R. Jones;
Messrs. Richard and David Jenkins.
JONES, AUSTIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 2, 1891
Bethalto Village Marshal; Grandson of Major Solomon Preuitt
Civil War Veteran
From Bethalto, March 31 – Village Marshal Austin Jones died Sunday
night at his residence on Railroad Street. His sickness was
inflammation of the brain, and of very short duration, being
confined to his bed only about three days. He had been ailing for
some little time previous to his taking down. He was 48 years of
age, and a member of the G. A. R. Post of Bethalto, which took
charge of the funeral today. He was appointed Marshal by President
Flick of the Village Board last May, and has filled the office with
credit. He was much respected by all who knew him. The funeral took
place Tuesday morning from the family residence, and was largely
attended. Being the grandson of Major Solomon Preuitt, the remains
were interred in the family graveyard on Supervisor Preuitt’s farm,
just south of town. [Burial was in the Preuitt Cemetery.]
JONES, BESSIE M./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1875
Died in Alton on August 17, Bessie M., only child of Richard C. and
Lizzie P. L. Jones; aged thirteen months and twenty-five days.
JONES, C. F. or C. S./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 12, 1841
In the discharge of my official duties, I was yesterday called upon
to hold an inquest over the remains of a man found dead, about ten
rods from the road leading from Alton to St. Louis, on land owned by
Mills and others, adjoining the town of Madison, and about eighty
rods from the residence of Thomas Elliot. The individual's name is
supposed to be C. F. Jones. In justice to the inhabitants of the
town and vicinity, we think it proper to detail, as nigh as may be,
all the facts and circumstances as they came before the jury in
Robert R. Stanley, being sworn, testified that the deceased came to
Thomas Ellitt's on the night of Friday, the 21st of May, about
eleven or twelve o'clock in the night; that he remained there the
next day; and purchased some articles of clothing of Stanley
Elliott's storekeeper. His conduct on Saturday appeared to indicate
partial derangement; staid at Elliott's on Saturday night; stated
next morning that he wished to go down to Squire's; had stated
several times previous to this that he wished to take a boat to go
up the river; talked of going to Alton; borrowed a razor of Stanley
on Sunday morning. The last time witness saw him, he was going up
the road towards Alton. Witness also stated that he had not drank
anything while he had been there, but probably one dram.
David Adams, being sworn, testified that on the 2d day of June, he
was out in the direction where the body was found; that he heard
dogs fighting; that he proceeded to the place and there found the
remains of the body, supposed to be the same individual; the same
razor he had borrowed lying open, about six feet from where the
principal part of the body lay. The body was found in a dreadfully
mutilated situation; entirely destitute of flesh, except a little on
the hands and feet; the upper part of the head separated from the
under jaw; the backbone in one place, the bones of the legs and
thighs, and one arm, in another, the bones of one arm and hand in
another; and the clothes entirely torn to pieces. In one of the vest
pockets were found forty-four dollars and twenty-five cents,
together with a bill of goods purchased of David Tatum, St. Louis;
form of the bill "C. S. Jones to David Tatum, Dr." I think the bill
was receipted the amount for fifty odd dollars. There was also found
a small slip of paper, apparently torn from a larger one, on which
were these words: "My last words are that ---." The prevailing
opinion was that the deceased cut his throat; but such as the
mutilated state of the body, that the fact could not be ascertained.
You are at liberty to publish all, or as much of this communication
as you may think the interest of all concerned may require. Signed
by H. C. Caswell, Coroner, Madison County.
JONES, CHARLES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 5, 1887
Mr. Charles Jones, an estimable colored man, formerly engaged at the
National Mills, since the opening of navigation a fireman on the
Spread Eagle, was drowned a little after 4 o’clock yesterday
afternoon. He was engaged in cleaning the wheel of the boat of the
masses of ice, which obstructed its action, when a turn of the wheel
made him lose his balance and he fell into the icy current. The
wheel from which he fell was nearest the shore, a distance of only
about 20 feet, and it is supposed that had he swam toward the
landing, he could have been saved. He struggled manfully, but
floated down with the current, and was 40 or 50 yards below the boat
when he finally sank. Unfortunately, no skiff or other craft was
available, else he might have been saved. Steps were immediately
taken to recover the body by dragging.
The body was found just before dark, near the place where the
drowning man disappeared, and taken to the residence of Mrs.
Hutchinson on Sixth Street, the deceased’s boarding place. Coroner
Melling held an inquest before the body was removed from the levee,
and a verdict of accidental drowning was returned. Deceased was
about 38 years of age, and was a member of the A. Y. M Order, and of
the United Brothers of Friendship. He was the bass player of
Hunter’s Cornet Band. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the
Union Baptist Church. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
JONES, DAVID/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 5, 1917
Aged Grocer Passes Away
David Jones, aged 82, died this afternoon at 3:20 o'clock at his
home on Belle street after a week's illness. Mr. Jones was one of
the oldest grocers, if not the oldest, in the city of Alton. He
leaves his wife, Mrs. Emily Jones, and four children. Mrs. Florence
White, Mrs. M. J. Sullivan of Alton, Ellsworth and Osborne Jones of
Chicago. All the children were here when their father died. He came
to Alton when he was about 17 years of age and had lived here ever
since. A number of years ago while in a drowsy condition, he stepped
off a moving train at Seventh and Piasa streets and sustained
injuries which caused the loss of one leg. He was a member of Piasa
Lodge A. F. & A. M., and also of Alton Post G. A. R. He leaves eight
grandchildren. Mr. Jones was a man who was most highly respected by
all who knew him. He was honorable in his dealing, a quiet,
estimable gentleman.
JONES, DAVID R./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 18, 1888
Founder of Jones Grocery and Hotel in Coal Branch
Mr. David R. Jones, an old and well-known resident of Coal Branch, a
brother of William R. Jones, died at his residence there last night,
at 10:25 o'clock, aged 61 years and 8 months. He was a native of
South Wales, born in Jontardain, Glamorganshire, on February 27,
1827. The funeral will take place at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon
at his late residence. Friends and acquaintances are invited to
David R. Jones was one of the pioneering settlers of Coal Branch, a
small community located at Elm and Alby Streets near North Alton.
Those who lived there were mostly coal miners, who worked the mines
along Coal Branch Creek in Godfrey Township, just north of Homer
Adams Parkway. There was a church and school at Coal Branch.
David R. Jones came to America from Wales in 1851, and settled in
Pennsylvania. He married Gwenifred Jenkins, who was born in 1835 in
Aberdare, Wales. The couple came west, and settled in the Coal
Branch area in 1853, where they opened a grocery store, hotel, and
hall at Elm and Alby Streets. They were both central figures in the
development of the Coal Branch area. They had six daughters –
Catherine Jones Cunningham; Mary A. Jones Williams; Swenne Jones;
Jennie Jones Williams; Rachel Jones Gallagher; and Bessie Jones
Spaningberg; and one son, Reece D. Jones. David Jones died on
October 17, 1888, and his wife died in 1902. Both are buried in the
Godfrey Cemetery.
The Funeral
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 20, 1888
Mr. David R. Jones’ funeral took place at the family residence,
North Alton, yesterday, with Rev. J. W. Caldwell officiating.
Deceased was a native of Glanmorganshire, South Wales, came to this
country in 1851, came to Alton in 1853, and has resided here ever
JONES, DAVID R. JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 23, 1875
Died at Coal Branch on December 20, David R. Jr., infant son of
David R. and Winifred Jones; aged 19 months.
JONES, EDNA BELLE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 19, 1918
Mrs. Edna Belle Jones, aged 27, died this morning at the family
home, 465 Ethel avenue, after a short illness with influenza. She
was the wife of Perry Jones. Besides her husband, Mrs. Jones leaves
a family of little children. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
JONES, EDNA GERNIGIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 23,
The funeral of Mrs. Edna Gernigin Jones was held at Kane, Ill. on
Thursday, where the body was taken. Mrs. Jones died in Alton where
she was residing, but she was born and raised in Kane. Mrs. Jones
was born on Nov. 15th, 1891, and died on Nov. 19th, last Tuesday, at
the age of 27. She was married on Jan. 10th, 1900, to Perry Jones,
and besides her husband she is survived by her two children, Carl
Victor, aged 8 years, and Perry Leroy, 8 months.
JONES, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15, 1912
Edward Jones, a well known Ft. Russell township farmer, fell dead
upon a street in Bethalto at 9 o'clock this morning while in
Bethalto on business. Mr. Jones has stated to a friend an hour
before that he had a pain in his heart, and that if he did not feel
better within another hour he would see a doctor. A few minutes
later, while walking along the street with Henry Lawrence, he
dropped to the ground and expired at once. Mr. Jones leaves a wife
and three sons and three daughters. He was 65 years of age, and well
known in the Bethalto district.
JONES, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 18, 1892
The funeral service of Mrs. Elizabeth Jones will take place from the
M. E. Church tomorrow afternoon. Friends of the family are invited.
JONES, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 22, 1904
Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, who had reached the ripe old age of 98 years,
6 months and 23 days, died Saturday night at 9:30 o'clock at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Nixon, in Upper Alton.
Notwithstanding her great age, Mrs. Jones had maintained her
faculties almost unimpaired, to the last, and her physical health
had been excellent until the last month. Recently she had gone back
to her childhood days as a first indication of her dissolution, and
finally on Saturday night, she died while she slept, peacefully and
without a sign of pain. The body was taken to Sharpsburg, Pa.,
Monday morning for burial, and was accompanied by the daughter, Mrs.
Elizabeth Nixon, where it will be buried beside the body of her
husband who died 25 years ago, after a married life of fifty years.
Mrs. Jones leaves another daughter, Mrs. Almira Hiss, of Allegheny
City, Pa. The funeral services were held Sunday evening at the Nixon
home, and were conducted by Rev. L. M. Waterman of the Baptist
church. Mrs. Jones had been a member of the Baptist church 77 years
and was a devoted Christian all her life. Mrs. Jones was born in
Hookertown, now included in Boston. When a young girl she moved
westward with her family to Lafayette, Ind., and subsequently she
lived in the vicinity of Pittsburgh. Fifteen years ago she came to
Upper Alton to make her home when her daughter's family came here.
It was interesting to her friends to listen to the aged lady recount
tales of the early days. Her memory was perfect until recently, and
as she had seen many interesting events in her life and had met many
interesting people, her company was sought by many people to hear
her talk. Her husband died in 1879 after a married life of 50 years,
lacking a few months.
JONES, ELIZABETH H. (nee GUM)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
March 15, 1915
Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, known
familiarly as “Aunt Betty” Jones, in Kansas, where she went to
reside in 1897. She was 92 years of age, and will be remembered by
nearly all of the old residents of Wood River Township. The family
lived on what is now the Wiemer’s place. She leaves three daughters
– Mrs. Jasper Starkey of Bethalto; Mrs. Henry Weber, and Mrs. Willis
Reeves of Kansas. The body will be taken to Bethalto for burial, and
the funeral will be held tomorrow morning at the Methodist Church at
Bethalto. The burial will be in the Silver Cemetery.
Elizabeth H. Gum Jones was born in Madison County, Indiana, January
11, 1825. She was the daughter of Isaac Gum (1785-1847). Elizabeth
married James Jones (1817-1896), and they had three daughters. She
was interred in the Montgomery Cemetery in Bethalto, Illinois.
JONES, EMMA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 17, 1920
Mrs. Emma Jones, widow of David Jones, died Friday afternoon at 3:35
o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. J. Sullivan, 617 Belle
street, after a long illness. She had been bedfast for ten weeks.
Mrs. Jones had passed her 75th birthday the week preceding her
death. She was born in England and came to this country when nine
years of age. She was married in Alton to David Jones, who for
years, was a coal miner in the North Side and later was the owner of
a little grocery store he conducted on Belle street near Seventh
street. Mrs. Jones leaves four children: Mrs. Sulivan and Mrs.
Florence White of Alton; and Osborn and Ellsworth Jones both of
Chicago. She was possessed of a large number of friends, most of
whom had passed on before her, and there were few remaining of the
people she had known in her younger days in Alton, and had been her
good friends. She was highly esteemed in the neighborhood where she
lived. Besides her sons and daughters, Mrs. Jones leaves seven
grandchildren. The funeral will be held from the Sullivan home on
Monday at 2 o'clock. Rev. Edward L. Gibson, of the First
Presbyterian church will conduct the services.
JONES, EVANS/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 12, 1875
Friday forenoon, two young men paid a visit to a disreputable place,
kept on a boat about two miles above Alton, by a man named Jennet,
and one of them, Evans Jones, went in swimming with his clothes on
and was drowned. His companion and the man Jennet came to Alton and
reported the above story to Marshal Dawson. The father of the
deceased, who lives at the Coal Branch, went up to the place this
afternoon to search for the body. It seems that young Jones returned
on the Andy Johnson this morning from Rock Island, and soon after
went to the place mentioned. There are suspicious circumstances
attending this affair, and the statements of the parties present do
not appear as clear as they might be. Before expressing any opinion
on the subject, we shall wait for further information.
There is a queer story afloat in connection with the finding of the
body of Jones. All efforts to recover his body were unavailing. At
last, a colored man living near Buck Inn, went to Mr. William R.
Jones, the father of the deceased, and told him that if his
directions were followed, the body could be recovered. His
directions were that a garment should be thrown into the river at a
point above where young Jones was drowned, and that a loop of straw
should be thrown into the stream directly afterward. The colored man
stated that the garment would float down to where the body was lying
and then sink, and that the straw would circle around over the same
spot. Accordingly, Mr. Jones went to the scene of the drowning with
several friends carrying with him a shirt and loop of straw. The
garment was thrown into the water and floated down with the current
about 150 yards, when it sank as suddenly as a stone. The loop of
straw was also thrown into the stream and floated down to the same
spot, where it circled round and round over the spot where the
garment sank. The men who were watching let down the grappling irons
at the spot indicated, and brought up the body, and also the shirt
which had been set afloat above. The body was towed to town, and an
inquest held as related elsewhere. This story sounds utterly foolish
and incredible, but the facts are substantially as related above,
and can be proven by a number of creditable persons who saw the
experiment tried. The incident has caused a decided sensation in
Alton, and many theories are promulgated to account for the strange
fulfillment of the old African’s superstitious belief.
JONES, EYNON/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 20, 1890
From North Alton – The funeral of Eynon Jones occurred Sunday
afternoon from his late residence in North Alton. The services were
conducted by Rev. Warner of the Congregational Church, after which
the body was taken to the Godfrey Cemetery, where it was interred
with the rites of the Odd Fellows, of which he was a member.
JONES, FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 29, 1874
Mr. A. S. Bretz informs us of a sad and fatal accident to an
employee of the Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad. As a freight
train was going west, about one-fourth mile from Bethalto early last
evening, Mr. Frank Jones, a brakeman, in attempting to uncouple a
flatcar from the train while in motion, lost his balance, fell
between the cars, and was run over by the remainder of the train,
some twelve or fifteen cars. His right side was terribly crushed,
his right leg mangled almost to a jelly, and his left leg nearly
severed below the knee. He was picked up and taken back to Bethalto
by the railroad employees, and Coroner Griepenburg summoned, who
called in consultation Dr. Graves. But upon making an examination,
the physicians decided that he was injured so badly internally that
he could not live. Everything possible was done to relieve his
sufferings. He lingered in great suffering until about 8:30 p.m.
The unfortunate young man had been in the employ of the company
about three weeks. His parents reside in Leicester, Livingston
County, New York, and were immediately telegraphed to. He was 21
years of age and unmarried. The accident was solely attributable to
the present wretched and dangerous system of coupling freight cars.
Mr. Bretz wrote down the last wishes of the dying man, and will see
that they are faithfully executed.
JONES, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 17, 1872
Mr. George Jones died on May 12, 1872, at his residence near
Brighton. He was an old resident of this locality, having settled at
his late home in 1832. He was a native of Virginia.
JONES, GWENNEFRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1902
Death Takes One of the Original Coal Branch Settlers
North Alton News - Just fifty-one years ago, Mrs. Gwennefred Jones
came here as a bride from Pottsville, Pa., with her husband, the
late D. R. Jones, and she has lived on the "coal branch"
continuously since, with the exception of the times she has been in
Chicago visiting her children. She was born in South Wales and came
to America in 1851 when she was about 16 years of age. Six months
after her arrival in Pottsville, she was united in marriage to Mr.
D. R. Jones, and they came west. The name of Jones is prominently
and inseparably connected with the history of the Coal Branch. Mr.
Jones was identified in an active way with the development of the
"branch," and for years both himself and his wife, who was a
help-meet in face, as well as name, were central figures in almost
every social and industrial movement out here. Mrs. Jones was taken
ill last Easter, and since then has been an acute sufferer until
death came Friday evening. Her sufferings she bore bravely and
resignedly, and faced the coming of the inevitable with calmness and
without fear. She was a devoted mother and a kind hearted,
charitable neighbor, who was ever ready, forgetful of self, to
assist in every way possible to alleviate sufferings of others and
assuage their sorrows. She leaves behind a memory of her goodness
and the hope is strong with everyone that all is well with her now.
She leaves six daughters: Mesdames Catherine Cunningham, Mary A.
Williams, Gwenne Jones, Jennie Williams of Chicago; Mrs. Rachel
Gallagher of St. Louis; and Mrs. Bessie Spaningberg of North Alton;
and one son, Reece D. Jones, a prominent electrician of Chicago, all
of whom are here. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Burial will be in Godfrey cemetery, and services will be conducted
by Rev. Walter H. Bradley.
JONES, HANNAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 29, 1909
Mrs. Hannah Jones, aged 78, died very unexpectedly this morning at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Anna Golike, after an illness of a
few days. She had been troubled with asthma, and a few days ago went
to visit her daughter, hoping to be benefited. She was taken with
fainting spells yesterday and was obliged to go to bed. This morning
she had a worse fainting spell and afterwards fell asleep. She died
in her sleep. The body was taken to the Jones place in Wood river
township, 3 1/2 miles northeast of Upper Alton, and the funeral will
be held there. The time is not set.
JONES, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 10, 1896
Born in Madison County - 1817
From Bethalto - James Jones was born in Madison County, Illinois, on
July 30, 1817, in the block house erected on Section 18 of Fort
Russell Township [south of Bethalto], for protection of the earlier
settlers against the Indians, and had resided on the same section of
land ever since. He was twice married. On February 02, 1843, he was
married to Miss Lucinda Rossen, who died in August 1853. He married
his second wife, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Gum File [1825-1915], in June
1857, who survives him. He was the father of seven children, five by
his first marriage, and two by his second. Five of his children are
still living.
Mr. Jones was of Welsh descent, his forefathers numbering among the
first colonists and participated in the American struggle for
national independence. He embraced the Baptist faith early in life,
and became an earnest worker for his master. For over forty years he
has been a member of the Masonic fraternity. He was first a member
of Franklin Lodge No. 25, Upper Alton, but affiliated with Bethalto
Lodge No. 406 on December 27, 1866. He departed this life on
September 4, 1896, having lived to the age of 79 years, 1 month, and
4 days. And we feel certain, when he knocks at the pearly gates for
admission, the Master will say, “Well done, thou good and faithful
servant, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord.” The remains were
interred in the Montgomery Cemetery near the old homestead. The
funeral was held at the family residence, Dr. Justus Bulkley of
Upper Alton officiating.
Following are the resolutions adopted by the Bethalto Lodge, A.F.
and A.M. - Hall of Bethalto Lodge, No. 406, A.F. and A.M., in
emergent communication assembled, adopted the following resolutions:
Whereas, The Almighty Ruler of the universe has seen fit in His
infinite wisdom to remove from our midst our beloved brother, James
Jones, and
Whereas, Bethalto Lodge has lost a true and faithful brother Mason,
an earnest and faithful member, thereof, be it
Resolved: That in the death of Brother James Jones, this lodge
laments the loss of him who was always prompt and faithful in the
discharge of his duties, whose every effort has been for the
prosperity of our noble order. As a friend, he was true and
faithful, and true to the principles set down in that Great Book of
Nature and Revelation, mourning with us in sorrow, and rejoicing
with us in prosperity. And we rejoice to know that through the walk
of life, he has been a living example of the excellent tenets of
Masonry. As a citizen, he was respected and trusted by all. As a
husband and father, he was indulgent, seeking their comfort and
enjoying their society.
Resolved: That our charter and lodge room be draped for thirty days
as an indication of our grief, and that the lodge extend its
sympathy to the family of our deceased Brother, in this their sore
trial and affliction; and commend them for consolation to Him who
orders all things for the best, and whose chastisements are meant
for mercy.
Resolved: That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the
lodge, and that a copy be sent to the bereaved family, one copy to
two of our county papers, and a copy to the Illinois Freemason.
Signed, D. W. Stoeckel, J. G. Klein, J. J. Maxwell, Committee.
JONES, JAMES FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 5, 1918
Bethalto Soldier Succumbs to Spanish Influenza
Mrs. Louisa Jones of Bethalto received a telegram today stating that
her son, James Fred Jones, had died this morning from an attack of
Spanish influenza at Camp Eustis, Virginia. Jones was not known to
be sick with the epidemic. It is not known when the body will arrive
home, but the funeral services and burial will be in Bethalto. Young
Jones departed in the Alton contingent of June 28. He was 26 years
old. He was a member of the 47th Coast Artillery and was in the
medical department, detailed to assist in waiting on the sick, at
the time he succumbed to the disease. Arthur Jones, a brother, 18
years old, is stationed at Camp Sevier. S. C. Jones enlisted as a
volunteer on April 9, last. The two are the only sons of Mrs. Jones.
JONES, JAMES G./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 14, 1903
James G. Jones, one of the oldest and best-known residents of
Madison county, died at his home near Fosterburg last evening after
a short illness. Mr. Jones was in his 85th year and had been
suffering from stomach and heart trouble for some time. He leaves
ten children, all grown, living in various parts of the country. He
is a brother of William Jones of Upper Alton. Mr. Jones was born in
Tennessee, but came to these parts when a boy. The funeral will be
held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock from the family home to Mt. Olive
JONES, JOHN (HONORABLE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 29, 1879
Aided Thousands of Slaves in Escaping to Canada
The Hon. John Jones, ex-County Commissioner of Cook County, died at
12:30 o’clock Wednesday afternoon at his residence, 43 Ray Street,
Chicago, aged about 62 years. His youthful days were spent in
Memphis. He moved to Alton while quite young, having been free born,
and resided in Alton until 1845, when with his newly wedded wife, he
started for Chicago in a wagon. During their journey in those “good
old times,” they were looked upon as fleeing slaves, and on several
occasions narrowly escaped arrest and detention on suspicion. They
arrived in Chicago with $3.50. Mr. Jones’ life was devoted to his
race, and he aided thousands of fugitives in escaping to Canada. He
was a man of considerable wealth.
Click here to read more on John
JONES, JOHN D./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 5, 1890
Decoration Day at Wanda is nearly always observed on the Sunday
after May 30. Sunday last, 300 persons from Edwardsville went down
on an excursion train to the Wanda Cemetery, and took part in the
exercises there. It is said that the crowd on that day was the
largest that ever assembled there to do honor to the fallen heroes.
A sad event occurred to remind the veterans that their comrades were
departing daily to be enrolled with the “silent majority.” Just
before the procession was formed, John D. Jones, a former resident
of Alton, was taken sick and died almost immediately. He was buried
yesterday afternoon.
JONES, LUCY B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 27, 1909
Mrs. Lucy B. Jones, aged ___, died at her residence, __17 State
street, at 5 o'clock this morning from the effects of a fracture of
her hip resulting from a fall six weeks ago. Mrs. Jones had been
bedfast since her accident, and her life was despaired of from the
first. Her strong vitality was shown by the persistency with which
it held out during her long period of suffering. She had resided in
Alton sixty years, and lived all that time in one neighborhood.
Forty years she spent in one house. Fifty-eight years ago she was a
school teacher in the Alton schools, and many of her school children
are still living here. Three children survive her, George, Miss Lucy
B. Jones and Mrs. Laura Russell. She was born in Collinsville.
William Jones, the husband, died here in March 1872. The funeral
will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late home.
JONES, MARGARET “PEGGY”/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 18, 1881
From Edwardsville - The numerous friends and acquaintances of Aunt
Peggy Jones, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed ladies in
our county, are pained to hear of her death, which took place last
week at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Josiah P. Owens. The
deceased was among the first settlers of this county, and her
deceased husbands, Martin and William Jones (she having first become
the widow of one, and then married the other), were both soldiers in
the War of 1812, upon account of the latter of whom she was in
receipt of a survivor’s pension at the time of her death. Only a few
more of these old landmarks survive.
Margaret “Peggy” Jones was born June 19, 1798. She first married
Martin Jones (1791-1845), and then married William Jones, who is
possibly Martin’s brother. Martin and Margaret had a son, Franklin
Jones (1842-1929). Martin was the son of William Jones Sr., and is
buried in the Vaughn Cemetery in East Alton, Illinois. Margaret is
also buried in the Vaughn Cemetery.
JONES, MARTIN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 25, 1882
The many friends of Mr. Martin Jones of New Douglas will regret to
learn of his death on Friday, January 13. Mr. Jones was born in this
county near Bethalto, fifty-nine years ago, having spent the greater
portion of his life here. He moved to the eastern part of the county
twenty years ago, where he lived up to the time of his death. He was
a kind father and a loving husband, and much esteemed by all who
knew him.
JONES, MATHILDA (nee GEBBART)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
February 20, 1918
The body of Mrs. Mathilda Jones arrived in Alton this noon at one
o'clock, and was taken to the City Cemetery where interment was
held. Services were held at the cemetery by Rev. Edward L. Gibson,
pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Mrs. Jones died on her 54th
birthday, last Sunday, February 17th. Mrs. Jones has resided in St.
Louis, but is well known in Alton after having been born and resided
in the north end of the city. She was raised by her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Eberhardt Kortkamp, and was before her marriage Miss
Mathilda Gebbart. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. Robert Curdie of
Alton, and Mrs. Hoover of St. Louis.
JONES, MELVIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 5, 1879
Saturday afternoon, about 5 o’clock, while Thomas Sabin was driving
his team for a load of coal to Kortkamp’s pit, Melvin Jones, 10
years of age, got into the wagon, and while driving around the
platform, the hind wheel came in contact with the structure, upset
the wagon, and all fell on young Jones, who was fatally injured and
died about 8 o’clock p.m. Thomas Sabin was slightly bruised on the
legs. Drs. Haskell and Halliburton were called, but could do nothing
to save the injured boy. The family have the sympathy of the
community in their sad bereavement.
JONES, MERRIWETHER/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1883
Died July 23, Mr. Merriwether Jones, one of the oldest citizens of
Godfrey Township. The funeral took place this afternoon.
JONES, REBECCA/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 4, 1851
Died in Sempletown on the 30th ult., after a short illness, Mrs.
Rebecca Jones, wife of Mr. Paul Jones, aged 42. The deceased was a
native of Maryland, but for many years a resident of Alton. She died
a consistent member of the Methodist E. Church, and has left a
husband and several children to mourn her departure.
JONES, SAM I./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 17, 1916
Sam I. Jones, aged 62, died at the St. Joseph's Hospital at 7
o'clock last evening following his collapse on the Union street car
yesterday morning while he was going to his home on Long avenue.
Jones went to the office of an Alton physician yesterday morning
seriously ill. The doctor wanted him to get the ambulance to make
the trip to his home but he believed that he was strong enough to
make the trip on the street car. He boarded the Union street car and
before he got to the corner of Central and Union street he
collapsed. The city ambulance was called and he was taken to the St.
Joseph's Hospital where he died last evening. Jones was a farmhand
and worked near West Alton. He is survived by a wife and four
children. The funeral will be held at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
from the home, 1134 Long avenue, and the services will be conducted
by Rev. Boyd.
JONES, SARAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 18, 1889
Mrs. Sarah Jones died at her residence of her son, William Jones,
Monday evening; aged 63 years and three days. The funeral took place
Tuesday from the family residence, 409 Bluff Street.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 10, 1899
From North Alton – The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Jones was held this
morning from the home on Elm Street.
JONES, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 15, 1883
From Bethalto – Mr. Thomas Jones, another one of our old citizens,
died at his residence, one and a half miles east of Bethalto, last
Friday morning, of catarrh of the bladder, a disease that had
troubled him for many years. He was 72 years of age, an Englishman
by birth, and had lived at the farm on which he died for over thirty
years. The funeral took place from the family residence Friday
afternoon, and was well attended. The remains were interred on the
JONES, THOMAS "TOMMY"/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 14, 1897
From Bethalto – Tommy Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones, died
Monday morning at the age of 16 years of scarlet fever. This is a
severe blow to the family, as Tommy practically took charge of the
farm. Being a bright lad, his presence will be missed at the Sunday
School. He was interred at the Bethalto Cemetery.
JONES, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 9, 1905
Thomas Jones died at the St. Joseph's Hospital Sunday night at 5
o'clock from a bronchial affliction. He was 37 years of age and has
been a resident of Alton for six years. He leaves a mother and two
brothers in Clayton, N. J., and the remains were shipped to that
point last night. The deceased was a glass worker, and was well
known and liked among his fellows.
JONES, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 10, 1910
Tom Jones, a negro, whose right name was Thomas Raphier, died at St.
Joseph's hospital Tuesday night from tuberculosis. Jones was engaged
at the occupation of bootblack for many years and was about 38 years
of age. He had been ill several months.
JONES, THOMAS H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1895
Mr. Thomas H. Jones died this morning. He leaves a wife and four
children. He was a brother of William H. Jones, Newton Jones, and
Mrs. John Slater of Alton; John Jones of St. Louis; and George Jones
of Scott County, Illinois. The funeral will be conducted by the
Salvation Army from the residence of William H. Jones on Dry Street,
and from the Slavation Army hall on Second Street [Broadway].
JONES, TRUMAN ASHLEY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1903
Truman Ashley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Jones, aged 4 months and
11 days, died Wednesday night at the family home, 1710 Belle street,
after an illness with pneumonia. The funeral will be held Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home.
JONES, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 2, 1890
From Bethalto – A little child of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jones died
Tuesday morning, from the effects of that dread disease, diphtheria.
The stricken parents have the sympathy of all, and though there are
many willing hands, few will venture to assist them, for fear of
spreading the terrible disease. We trust we will not be called upon
to report another case.
JONES, UNKNOWN SON OF GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 12, 1871
We are indebted to Mr. E. Frost of Godfrey for the particulars of a
sad and fatal accident which took place on Monday, on the farm of
Mr. George Jones on the Piasa, about eight miles from Alton. A son
of Mr. Jones, aged about fourteen years, was engaged in driving a
span of horses attached to a roller, over a plowed field. The
driver’s seat was not well secured, and the horses becoming
frightened from some cause, started on a run, throwing the
unfortunate boy from his seat directly in front of the roller, which
passed over him, inflicting such terrible injuries that he died in a
few moments. A physician was instantly summoned, but before his
arrival the boy had expired. This terrible accident is a sad
affliction to the family and friends of the deceased. They have the
sympathies of the entire community in which they live.
JONES, WALTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 7, 1922
Drowned Trying to Save the Life of Friend
Walter Jones, aged 18, a printer's apprentice working at the office
of the Alton Daily Times, was drowned yesterday afternoon while
trying to save the life of Mrs. Jesse Reader, who had gotten into
deep water while swimming in a hole at Skinny Island. It was the
gallant effort of Jones in behalf of Mrs. Reeder that caused his own
life to be lost. Mrs. Reeder was saved. A party of four, including
Mr. and Mrs. Reeder, Dallas Medhurst, and Jones, had gone for a
swim. Mr. Reeder and Medhurst were closer to shore. Jones and Mrs.
Reeder were out in deeper water when Mrs. Reeder got into trouble
and began to flounder. Jones tried to reach her and in so doing
became entangled in the arms of the frightened woman. He managed to
escape her and again tried to rescue her. In the meantime, Mrs.
Reeder was saved by her husband pushing a railroad tie to her and
she was drawn ashore. In some way Jones lost his presence of mind
and he began to drown. His life was lost before anything could be
done for him. The death of Jones is one of unusual sadness. The
family are orphans. He leaves a little sister, Grace, aged 11, who
had been under his care and whose sole support he was. The two had
been living with their sister, Mrs. Dallas Medhurst, who died seven
months ago. The death of the sister was a hard blow to the brother
and little sister, and the brother undertook to carry on for the
sake of his sister. He was a boy devoted to his work in the
newspaper where he was employed, and he had the unbounded admiration
of all who knew of his manly purpose of looking after his little
sister. He had two brothers, one Clyde, aged 17, living at Joliet,
and the other Russell, an inmate of an orphanage at Normal. On
Saturday, Walter Jones had sent his little sister for a visit in
Jacksonville, where they formerly lived, and she was planning to
make a nice visit there. Her visit was rudely interrupted by news of
the death of her brother and chief reliance. Speaking to a reporter
for the Telegraph, this morning, Jesse Reeder, who saved the life of
his wife, gave the following version of the drowning. We, including
myself, my wife and children, had gone to Skinny Island to take a
swim, this was early Sunday afternoon. After being in the water for
some time, we came out, making preparations to go home. As we were
doing so, Walter Jones came up with his bathing suit and we all
decided to take another swim. Dallas Medhurst and I were only a few
feet from the shore, but Mrs. Reeder had gone about 100 feet from
the land, when I noticed her asking for help. While I swam to her
assistance, Jones, who was near her at the time, also swam toward
Mrs. Reeder to save her. He succeeded in reaching her, but was
unable to do anything when she held on to him. By this time I had
reached the two helpless persons. I made a grab for my wife, and
Jones and her both held on to me. I finally managed to get loose
from Jones, taking my wife with me. After I had taken her near
shore, my children pushed a railroad tie out to her and she managed
to keep from sinking by holding on to it. In the meantime, Jones had
gone under, before my assistance could be given him. Mr. Reeder this
morning said that he is lucky to be here, as his wife and the Jones
boy holding on to him under the water several times. He said that
his wife had the death hold on him, grabbing him around the neck and
by the hair. The hole where the two drowned is the only deep place
near where the swimming was taking place. The hole is said to be
about 15 feet across and 20 feet deep. Both Mrs. Reeder and Jones
knew of the hole, but it was not until Mrs. Reeder had gone down
three times that assistance reached her. The body of Jones was found
at 9:15 this morning in about 10 feet of water. The rescuing party
had been searching for the body late last evening and early this
morning. The men who found the body said that it was standing up in
the water, and they were unable to recognize it for a long time.
Finally one of the men could see what he supposed was the hair of
the drowned lad, and with assistance they managed to get the body
out of the water. Deputy Coroner Streeper came and got the body, and
the inquest will be held at No. 3 fire department this evening at
Madison County Pioneer; Legislator
Reverend William Jones was born in Virginia on September 12, 1771.
He moved to Kentucky and then to Tennessee, and came to Illinois in
about 1807, locating on Sand Ridge near Alton Junction (East Alton).
A few years later, he bought out Major Ferguson and moved to that
claim in Fort Russell Township. At that time, the claim consisted of
a small clearing of ten acres and a cabin. Jones’ family consisted
of his wife, Elizabeth (nee Finley, whom he married in 1804) and
four children – Martin, Lavina, Letitia, and William. Seven other
children were born after coming to Illinois, including Finley John
Jones (1807-1884); James Jones; and Mary Jones Starkey (1809-1877),
wife of David Starkey. By 1882, only one remained in Madison County
– James, who later lived on his father’s homestead.
Rev. Jones was a prominent man in his day. The first Baptist Church
in Madison County was organized in Wood River Township on May 3,
1807, by Rev. David Badgley and Rev. William Jones. It was one of
five churches that formed the first Baptist association, called the
“Illinois Union.” In 1809, the association met with the Wood River
church. The first Saturday in July 1816, the church purchased 1 ½
acres of land, where the meeting house and cemetery were located,
from Joseph Vaughn, for $7.50, and Vaughn donated ½ acre and twenty
rods. This is where the victims of the Wood River Massacre were
buried, and is still known as the Vaughn Cemetery.
Rev. Jones served as Captain of a company of Rangers in 1812. John
Springer was Lieutenant of the company, and Thomas Finley, ensign.
Rev. Jones conducted a school in 1818, in the blockhouse in section
Jones served as County Commissioner in 1820, and later served as a
member of both the Territorial and State Legislature. He died at the
old homestead, January 2, 1845, at 73 years of age. Mrs. Jones died
in 1810. Both are buried in the Vaughn Cemetery in Wood River
JONES, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 27, 1879
Mr. William Jones, a resident of Alton for more than thirty years,
died at his home on Belle Street Sunday, November 23, at the age of
62 years. He was an engineer by profession, and acted in that
capacity for several years in the press room of the Alton Courier,
and afterwards at the Cracker Factory, until incapacitated through
disease from active exertion. He has lately been keeping a store on
Belle Street. He was a native of Wales, but of English parentage,
and was a man much esteemed by all his acquaintances. The funeral
took place from the family residence on Tuesday afternoon.
JONES, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 14, 1882
Mr. William Jones died at the residence of his son, Mr. Jonathan
Jones, living two miles north of Bethalto, last Friday, of
consumption, aged sixty-six years. The remains were taken to New
Douglas for burial.
JONES, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 28, 1916
Victim of Murderous Assault
William Jones, aged 30, died at his home on Semple street, Wednesday
morning, from the effects of injuries inflicted upon him by two rum
sodden men about last Thanksgiving day. Jones was beaten and wounded
and never recovered from the effects of that experience. He
continued to develop slowly paralysis, and recently in an effort to
save his life he was induced to submit to a surgical operation for
relieving pressure on his brain. From a strong man physically, he
had dwindled to a helpless wreck. The operation gave some relief,
but bad symptoms appeared again and his decline was rapid. Members
of his family said today that last Thanksgiving Jones was in a
saloon formerly conducted on Belle street, and while there was
accosted by a pair of men who wanted him to buy them drinks. Jones
refused and the two men began an attack on him. The mother of Jones,
Mrs. Eliza Jones, happened along, and she undertook to help her son.
The two men followed him and they renewed their assault upon him and
Mrs. Jones was wounded on the arm in her efforts to assist in bating
off her son's assailants. That night Ike Rose was arrested on a
charge of beating up Jones, but there was no very serious attempt
made at prosecuting them. Rose was given a fine in Justice Nathan's
Court, and he paid it and later he left the city. Rose, is was
charged, was the chief attacker on Jones. It was uncertain today
whether or not a coroner's inquest would be held. One of the doctors
who attended him and participated in the surgical operation gave it
as his unhesitating opinion that Jones died from the effects of the
injuries he received in the fight. Another doctor said, that
pneumonia complications caused death, but that it was brought on by
the injuries which Jones had received in the fight. The surgeons
said that a fracture of the skull was caused by the blow on the head
inflicted by Rose and that Jones gradually lost the power of speech
and motion.
JONES, WILLIAM “BILLY”/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 14, 1895
The old familiar figure of Billy Jones, as he was known, will be
seen no more on the streets. Mr. Jones died at noon Friday at St.
Joseph’s Hospital, from general debility. Some time ago he was taken
sick on the street, and had to be sent to the hospital, where he has
since been taken care of by the Sisters. He was 75 years of age, and
has had a varied career. He was one of the best known characters
about Alton, having been a resident of North Alton and Alton for
many years. A few months ago he went to Kansas with the intention of
spending the remainder of his life with a sister, but he was soon
back again in Alton, where he remained until his death. Mr. Jones
has filled the office of Highway Commissioner of this township for
several years. He was a native of Wales, but had lived in this
vicinity the greater part of his life.
JONES, WILLIAM G. T./Source: Collinsville Advertiser, November 23,
Painter at Miners Institute Falls to his Death
William G. T. Jones, a painter employed at the new Miners Institute
building in Collinsville, fell to his death Monday when a board on a
scaffold on which he was working broke, and let him fall to the
granitoid floor, almost forty feet below. Jones’ skull was
fractured, and he died a few minutes after the fall. He was 53 years
of age, and resided at 1482a Burd Avenue, St. Louis, and was
married, being survived by the widow. An inquest was conducted by
Justice Thomas, and the other workmen in the building told of their
attention being attracted by the noise of the falling man, and of
their seeing him strike the pavement. A physician was called, and
the man carried to the hospital, where he expired in a few moments.
The jury rendered a verdict in accordance with the above facts.
[Burial was in the Calvary Cemetery in St. Louis.]
JONES, WILLIAM GREEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 21, 1889
From Bethalto – We regret to announce the death of Mr. W. G. Jones,
which took place at his residence in Fort Russell, two miles south
of this place, on Saturday evening last. He was 43 years of age, a
useful citizen, a good neighbor, a loving and indulgent husband and
father. He was noted for his honesty and upright dealing with his
fellow man. His demise furnishes features of unusual sadness, and
the heart-broken wife and three little children have the tenderest
sympathy of all. His sickness was typhoid pneumonia, and of short
duration, being only six days. The funeral took place on Monday from
the residence of his father, Mr. James Jones, where the remains were
taken after death. The Bethalto Lodge, No. 735, I.O.O.F., of which
he was an honored member, took charge of the body at the request of
the family. The lodge was out in full force, and paid their last
respects to one who was dearly loved by every member of his lodge.
The remains were deposited in the Montgomery graveyard, two miles
south of town. [Wife was Sarah E. Lawrence Green.]
JONES, WILLIAM M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 6, 1919
Civil War Veteran Dies - Lost Arm in Sherman's March to the Sea
William M. Jones, 83, a native of this vicinity and a Civil War
veteran, died Friday evening at 6:45 o'clock at his residence,
corner Main and Judson streets in Upper Alton. Mr. Jones lost his
left arm when a very young man while making General Sherman's famous
march to the sea in the Civil War. Mr. Jones had been in failing
health several years, but he continued to get about town until last
spring. His strength commenced to fail rapidly and he was confined
to his home all summer. His decline was gradual but steady, and the
end came peacefully last evening just before 7 o'clock. William
Jones was a native of the Alton - Fosterburg neighborhood, having
been born on a farm near Fosterburg. When the Civil War broke out,
he enlisted at Alton and went to war form here. He continued in the
service of the government until the close of the war, even though he
had lost his arm. Returning from the army at the close of the war,
Mr. Jones served some time carrying the mail between Alton and
Edwardsville. Later he bought a farm at Gillespie and he resided
there until about 20 years ago, when he retired from farming and
moved to Alton. The family occupied the Lemon cottage on Washington
avenue several years until they built their present home on Main
street at Judson avenue. Mr. Jones spent the last years of his life
there. He leaves his widow and two daughters, Mrs. Mable Pettingill
of Upper Alton, and Mrs. Daisy Jones Elwell of Tacoma, Washington. A
message was sent to Mrs. Elwell announcing the death of her father,
and she signified her intention to come to Alton for the funeral.
Arrangements for the funeral will be made after the arrival of Mrs.
JONES, WILSON/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 13, 1887
Mr. Wilson Jones died yesterday afternoon at the age of about 50
years. He left a wife and two children. The remains were buried
today at the Montgomery Cemetery, Wood River Township.
JONES, WINIFRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 4, 1921
Mrs. Winifred Jones died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank
Kay, in Godfrey, at 2:05 this morning, at the age of 87 years. She
leaves two daughters, Mrs. Frank Kay and Mrs. Fred Graner; one son,
Edwin Roberts, two grandsons, and two granddaughters, several nieces
and nephews. She was born in Denbigh, Wales, and came to this
country in 1872. The funeral will be Sunday at 2:30 from the
Methodist church at Godfrey, Rev. Calvert officiating. Burial will
be in Godfrey cemetery.
JOSEPH, FRANCES E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 15,
Mrs. Frances E. Joseph, aged 65, died this morning at the home of
Dr. George E. Wilkinson on Second street, after an illness of many
years. Mrs. Joseph has been an invalid for about ten years, and
during that time Mrs. Wilkinson, her only daughter, was her constant
attendant. When her daughter became the bride of Dr. Wilkinson last
summer, the mother came to Alton to stay here, as soon as the couple
were settled down in their home. Last Friday Mrs. Joseph went into a
state of coma, and she did not regain consciousness. Her death was
expected at any time since Friday, and her son, Charles Joseph,
arrived here Monday to attend his mother. She was a native of
Virginia, but had been living at Potwin, Kansas before coming to
Alton, and her body will be buried there. Her son, Charles Joseph,
and her daughter, Mrs. Wilkinson, left this afternoon with their
mother's body. Mrs. Joseph's husband is dead. She leaves five sons
and the one daughter.
JOVROPEDOFF, OBEDIAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 3,
Obediah Jovropedoff, aged 21, a Russian Armenian, died in Wood River
Sunday from influenza and double pneumonia. Funeral will be
tomorrow. Burial in City cemetery.
JOYCE, CATHERINE (nee DOWNES)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
December 28, 1901
After several days suffering, Mrs. Catherine, wife of John Joyce,
died at 11 o'clock Saturday morning at her home on State and Fourth
streets. She was a daughter of the late Thomas Downes. She leaves
numerous relatives in Alton, besides her two sisters, Miss Maggie
Downes and Mrs. William Maher. She was about 33 years of age and not
quite a year ago was united in marriage with John Joyce of St.
Louis, and he with a two weeks old son survive her. The funeral will
be Monday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral.
JUDD, EMILY HODGEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 30, 1900
Mrs. Emily Hodgen Judd, wife of the late Dr. Homer Judd, died at her
residence in Upper Alton this morning at 11:30 o'clock, aged 68
years, 2 months and 8 days. Mrs. Judd had been in failing health for
the past three years, but her last illness began April 18, ending in
her death June 30, 1900 of paralysis of the stomach. Emily Hodgen
was born in Hodgenville, Kentucky, April 22, 1832. She came with her
parents to Pittsfield, Ill., while she was yet a child. On March 8,
1853, she was married to Dr. Homer Judd. Fifteen years ago they came
to Upper Alton, and have lived there ever since. Seven years ago Dr.
Judd died. Mrs. Judd was the mother of three children; two, Mrs.
Emily Judd Smith of Chicago and Miss Ida May Judd of the W. M. A.
faculty, survive her. Mrs. Judd was a member of the Congregational
church in Alton, but for some time has been in the habit of
attending the Presbyterian Church in Upper Alton. The funeral
arrangements have not been completed, but the funeral party will
probably leave on Monday morning, July 2, for Pittsfield, where she
will be buried beside her husband and son. Of a large family of
brothers and sisters, only one, Mrs. Mary W. Seeley of Upper Alton,
survives her. Services will be at the home Sunday at 4 p.m.
HOMER (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 22, 1890
Physician; Dentist; Founder of Missouri Dental College
Homer Judd, M. D., D.D.S., an honored citizen of Upper Alton for the
past eight years, died at his home Tuesday, after a lingering and
painful illness. He was born March 29, 1820, at West Otis, Berkshire
County, Massachusetts. He graduated at the Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Medical School in 1847, and in 1853 came west, and practiced
medicine, and later dentistry, at Pittsfield and Warsaw, Illinois
and at St. Louis, Missouri. While at Pittsfield, Illinois, Dr. Judd
married Miss Emily T. Hodgen, a sister of the late Dr. J. T. Hodgen
of St. Louis, who survives him. In 1868, Dr. Judd moved to St. Louis
and founded the Missouri Dental College, of which he was Dean for
several years. He has always stood in the front rank of progressive
thought on professional matters, having been Vice-President and
President of the National Dental Association, and occupying official
position in the State Associations where he has resided, being at
his death a member of the Illinois State Board of Dental Examiners.
Of late years, he has been largely interested in silver mining in
Colorado, spending his summers in that State. He was the head of the
Judd Mining Co., which owns valuable property near Ouray. In 1882,
Dr. Judd came to Upper Alton, establishing a dental office at his
residence and practicing that part of his profession exclusively. He
has won and retained the highest respect of all who knew him. He was
not a man to have many intimate friends, but to know him at all was
to recognize his sterling qualities. He will be greatly missed in
the community which has watched the progress of his disease with
keen solicitude, and now extends its sympathies to the afflicted
widow and daughters. Funeral services will be held at the family
residence tomorrow. The remains will be taken the same evening via
the C. B. & Q. Railroad to Pittsfield, Illinois, for burial in the
Oakwood Cemetery, Pittsfield.
JUDY, DAMARIS (nee YOWELL)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 19,
Wife of Thomas Judy Frightened to Death
The death of Mrs. Thomas Judy Sr., of Edwardsville, of which we made
mention yesterday as having taken place Wednesday afternoon from an
accident, was a very singular occurrence. It appears that Mrs. Judy
was not at all injured by the accident. She was riding in a buggy
with a married daughter, Mrs. R. Barnett, and her child, when the
horse shied, and Mrs. Judy, who was advanced in years, sprang out.
The horse started to run, but soon collided with a stump, throwing
out the two remaining occupants of the buggy. The old lady had
followed the buggy, and when she saw her daughter and grandchild
thrown out, she fell prostrate with fright, and when taken up, life
was extinct. As far as could be ascertained, she had received no
injury, and her sudden death was caused simply and solely by fright
at sight of the peril of her loved ones. Mrs. Barnett and her child
suffered little or no injury.
Mrs. Judy was born July 13, 1817, in Shelby County, Kentucky. She
was the daughter of James Hurt Yowell (1776-1842) and Mary S. Walker
Yowell (1786-1856). Damaris first married George Barnsback, May 7,
1839, in Macoupin County. He died soon after, the same year. From
that union was born one son, George W. Barnsback (1839-1840). She
then married Thomas Judy on January 8, 1845, in Madison County. From
this union was born two children – Thomas Jefferson Judy (1846-1897)
and Mary Lois Judy Burroughs (1850-1940). Damaris Judy was buried in
the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.
JUDY, REUBEN “OLD RUBE”/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 24, 1884
Fatal Railway Accident - Former Judy Slave
About 9 o’clock Monday morning, “Old Rube,” a colored man who has
long been engaged around the city gathering rags, old iron and
paper, was the victim of a railway accident attended with fatal
results. The old man, at the time mentioned, was on the Chicago &
Alton main track on Piasa Street, near the freight depot, engaged in
his usual occupation, when Engine No. 7, with a car attached, was
backing down the track. Mr. John Dow, who was passing at the time,
saw the danger to which the old man was exposed, and warned him,
telling him to get off the track. For some reason he did not hear or
heed the warning, and was thrown down and run over by the trucks of
the car and tender, those on the engine not at the time being aware
of his presence, hence no blame attached to them. Mr. Dow says when
he called the second time, the old man, who was apparently searching
for something between the rails, looked up, saw that the car was
almost on him, caught hold of the bumper with one hand and tried in
vain to save himself, still clinging to the sack used in his work.
Both thighs and one foot were crushed to such an extent, that the
poor victim breathed his last in a few minutes, having first been
removed on a stretcher to a room of the depot. The old man had been
complaining of illness, but a short time before the accident, and
had been kindly furnished with some medicine by Mr. Joseph Crowe,
who had frequently supplied his wants.
It is thought by those best qualified to judge that “Old Rube” was a
centenarian. He had been a resident of Alton for 50 years, and was
long a familiar object about the streets. It is said that he was a
slave in the early part of the century, belonging to the Judy
family, residing in the vicinity of Edwardsville. We are informed
that the members of the family to which the old man formerly
belonged, often desired to help him and offered to give him a home,
but he preferred to depend on his own exertions. After a long and
checkered life, a slave, freeman, and citizen of the republic, he
rests at last.
Coroner Youree arrived on a Chicago & Alton engine, and proceeded to
hold an inquest, Captain H. Brueggeman as foreman of the jury. The
witnesses examined were engineer Price of No. 7, Charles Cheney,
fireman, and Yard Master William White. The facts developed were as
have already been stated. The verdict was to the effect that the
deceased, Reuben Judy, came to his death by being run over by a
Chicago & Alton railway car, attached to Engine No. 7. After the
inquest, the remains were taken in charge by undertaker, W. L.
Klunk, for the purpose of burial. [Burial was in the Alton City
January 12, 1838
Samuel Judy was born August 19 or 20, 1773, in Basel, Basel-Stadt,
Switzerland. He was the only son of Jacob Judy (original spelling of
last name was Tshudi), a gunsmith, and Maria Catherina Judy, who
settled first in Kentucky, and then in Kaskaskia, Illinois, in 1788.
Jacob and Samuel resided at Kaskaskia four years, and then moved to
New Design settlement in Monroe County, Illinois. Jacob had a very
early mill, which was patronized by local settlers. Jacob died at
his mill seat in 1807.
Samuel Judy came with his father to the Illinois Territory at the
age of 15 and became a hardy pioneer. In his youth, he entered into
any campaign against the Indians, and it was said by Governor
Reynolds that he was the “bravest of the brave.” During the War of
1812 against the Indians, he was actively employed in the service.
He was in command of a company of spies under Governor Edwards, and
in the year following he was Captain of a company under General
Colonel Samuel Judy received a military grant for 100 acres of land
near the base of the bluffs, just north of Judy’s Creek near what is
today Glen Carbon. He became the first permanent settler of Madison
County. The area became known as the Goshen Settlement, and was
centered on the Judy property at the junction of Judy Creek and
present-day Rt. 157. In 1808, the Goshen Road trail was built as a
wagon road from the Goshen Settlement to the Ohio salt works. The
trail crossed the state diagonally, following a route from Peter’s
Station to the north, and west of Glen Carbon, east to Troy, and
then in a southeasterly direction, eventually ending at Shawneetown
on the Ohio River. The existing Goshen Road, running from Rt 159 to
the intersection of Rt 143, is part of the original trail.
Colonel Judy was an energetic man, and improved a large farm and
became wealthy. He manufactured the first brick in the area, and in
1808, erected the first brick house in what would become Madison
County. The two-story home, made of sun-dried brick, with walls two
feet thick and wood trim of walnut, was located just within the
northern limits of Collinsville Township, on the line dividing
sections 5 and 6. The house was damaged by the New Madrid
earthquakes in 1811. The walls were cracked, but were repaired. It
was said that a servant, seated near the fireplace, was killed. The
home was razed in 1934.
Colonel Judy married Margaret Whiteside, sister of General Samuel
Whiteside, and reared a large family. Their children were:
Jacob, who married Elizabeth, a daughter of William B. Whiteside.
Jacob became the Register of the Land Office at Edwardsville, and
died May 15, 1850 in Weston, Missouri.
Sarah Judy, who was born August 21, 1800, and married Ambrose Nix.
She died January 14, 1852.
Samuel Judy Jr., who was born September 1801, and married Elizabeth,
daughter of Stephen Whiteside. They settled in Greene County,
Illinois, and he died there in 1864.
Thomas Judy, who was born December 19, 1804. He became a Colonel,
and died October 4, 1879 in Hamel. He married Nancy Hayes in 1833.
Nancy died in 1844. Thomas then married Damaris Yowell in 1845.
Nancy Judy, who was married to Moses Whiteside, son of William B.
Whiteside. She next married John Owens. Her third husband was Thomas
Grant. She died in 1887.
Elizabeth Ann “Margaret” Judy, who first married John McGaughey, and
then Moses Barber.
Mary Judy, who married Elias Rice. She died in 1898.
Neomy Judy, who died in 1849 at the age of 20 or 21.
Martha Judy, who died in 1849 at the age of 19.
A territorial government was formed in 1812, and Colonel Samuel Judy
was elected to serve in the first legislature, which convened at
Kaskaskia. After Madison County was organized in 1812, Judy was one
of the first County Commissioners. Goshen Township was established
soon after Madison County, and Samuel Judy and Henry Cook were
appointed overseers of the township in 1818.
After a long and useful life, Colonel Judy died January 12, 1838. He
is buried in the Nix-Judy Pioneer Cemetery in Glen Carbon, on Rt.
157, just north of Interstate 270.
JUDY, THOMAS J. (COLONEL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 16, 1879
Son of Colonel Samuel Judy; Farmer; Legislator,
Another good man has gone to his rest, and been gathered to his
Fathers. It is not mete that a good man, a characteristic man, and a
representative man, should go unheralded to the grave. It is due to
the dead, it is due to the living, that their works should follow
them. The example of such men should be held up as a beacon light to
guide those who survive or come after them. Thomas Judy was
pre-eminently such a man, one whose example led always in the right
direction, and which if followed, would not fail to form a character
worthy of acceptance amongst men. The practice of paying a tribute
to the memories of the illustrious dead seems to have attained a
more solid footing with, and been more highly appreciated by, that
greatest of all the nations of antiquity, the old Roman, than
amongst any other people. Funeral orations afforded them the
opportunity which the press is capable of lending to us. It is
difficult, however, in the brief space of a few newspaper
paragraphs, to speak commensurately of such a man as Thomas Judy,
and I shall be obliged to confine myself to what I feel will be but
a feeble delineation of his character, in the walks of private life.
His public record has passed into history, and is treasured up in
the hearts of the people. It would have been almost impossible for
Colonel Judy to be anything but what he was, a patriot. Nothing but
patriotic blood coursed through his veins. His father was one of the
best Indian fighters that graced the annals of pioneer life in
Illinois. His name is always found in the front ranks, in the most
perilous expeditions against the Indians during the early settlement
of the country.
The mother of Thomas Judy was a Whitesides, one of a family of
peerless Indian fighters. No family can show a brighter record for
fearless devotion to home and country than the Whitesides. The only
reason why old Samuel Judy and the Whitesides are now comparatively
unknown to fame, is that they battled in the profoundest depths of
the western wilds, with no historian to chronicle their deeds.
Thomas Judy inherited a character remarkable for firmness and
enterprise. He succeeded in everything he undertook, and although
not wedded to money, his business capacity and steadfastness of
purpose made him rich, almost in spite of himself. He was a model
farmer and stock raiser. He promptly adopted the best labor-saving
appliances, and most highly improved breeds of animals, and he
spared no pains or expense to add to their value and good qualities.
Thomas was the liberal patron of every public improvement, which he
thought would benefit the country. He was an admirable judge of
mankind, and was seldom, if ever, mistaken in his estimate of
individual. In his business relations, his integrity and honor were
proverbial. His word was equal to his bond, wherever he was known.
At one period of his life, he was engaged extensively in the cattle
trade, which brought him into business relations with a vast number
of men, and in his multitudinous and complicated transactions, it
may be safely said he never had a difficulty. He was frequently
selected as arbiter to settle disputes between his neighbors, and
his determinations were invariably respected by the disputants.
After Colonel Judy had made up his mind, his opinions were as
inflexible as the decrees of fate. Yet he never acted until after he
had reflected, and so strong was his sense of justice, and so solid
his judgment, that he was seldom wrong. He was bred a farmer, and
had great love for his calling. He was firmly persuaded that the day
was not far distant, when the following of that avocation would
require a wider range of thought and more diversified knowledge than
belonged to any other pursuit in industrial life. He was fully
impressed with the dignity of labor, and regarded true nobility as
consisting in love to country, and in the exercise of diligence,
integrity, and honor, in business and good will and universal
kindness in the social relations.
In his domestic affairs, no man was more felicitous. He loved his
family circle with an intensity that knew no bounds. His whole soul
was devoted to their reputation and welfare, and the sentiment was
duly reciprocated. He was an unostentatious, but exemplary member of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, during a greater portion of his
life, and died in the full assurance of a blissful immortality,
surrounded by sorrowing family and friends. He had lived a long,
useful and honorable life, and left behind him a widow and offspring
well to do in the world, and of good repute and promise, who bid
fair to walk in the footsteps of their worthy and honored sire.
To leave the world thus, would seem to be all that ought to be
desired. Yet the void cannot be filled. We shall no more behold the
presence, or be guided by the counsel of one we loved so dearly and
admired so much. But such is the inevitable lot of all, and we must
bow with submission to the universal law of nature. Peace to his
ashes, and respect to his memory, is the sincere prayer of one who
knew the departed intimately for nearly sixty years. Signed J. G.
The Judy family was among the early pioneers of Illinois, and some
of the earliest settlers of Madison County. Samuel Judy (original
spelling of the name was Tshudi) was born in 1773 in Basel,
Switzerland. He immigrated to American in 1777 with his father, and
settled first in Maryland. In 1787, Samuel came west to Kaskaskia,
Illinois, and in 1800 settled in Madison County. Samuel fought in
the campaign against the Indians, and was said by Governor Reynolds
that he was “the bravest of the brave.” During the War of 1812, he
was in command of a company of spies under Governor Edwards. Samuel
Judy received a grant for 100 acres of land in 1800 near what is
today Glen Carbon. He married Margaret Whiteside, and reared a large
family. In the Fall of 1812, Samuel was elected to the Legislative
Council of the Illinois Territory, holding that position for four
years. He was elected as County Commissioner, and improved his large
farm and became wealthy. He manufactured the first brick, and
erected the first brick house in Madison County in 1808, in
Collinsville Township. Samuel died in 1838, and is buried in the
Nix-Judy Pioneer Cemetery in Glen Carbon.
Colonel Thomas Judy was born in in the old Judy homestead in the
Goshen Settlement on December 19, 1804. He was the son of Colonel
Samuel Judy (1773-1838) and Margaret Whiteside Judy (1780-1816).
Thomas first married on March 23, 1826, to Lavisa Snyder, daughter
of Jacob Snyder, one of the early settlers of Madison County. The
children of this union all died young, except Margaret (1828-1850),
who became of wife of James L. McCorkell. Thomas married again in
1833 to Nancy Hayes. She died in 1844. There were two daughters by
this union – Eliza Ann (1840-1925), wife of Rufus C. Barnett, and
Sarah Elizabeth (1843-1888), wife of Isaac C. Davis. Thomas married
for a third time in 1845 to Mrs. Damaris Yowell Barnsback, widow of
George Barnsback. By this union were several children, including
Thomas Jefferson Judy (1846-1897); William S. Judy (1848-?); and
Mary Lois Judy (1850-1940), wife of Benjamin R. Burroughs.
Thomas Judy continued living in the American Bottom until 1849,
where he worked his large farm. In 1850, he moved to Hamel Township,
again farming on an extensive scale. In 1852 and 1853, he
represented his county in the Legislature. He was a man of great
physical strength and undoubted courage, and served his country
during the Indian wars. Thomas Judy died October 4, 1879, at the age
of 74 years.
JUDY, THOMAS JEFFERSON/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, Friday,
February 12, 1897
Thomas Jefferson Judy passed away at his home in Pin Oak Township,
Wednesday morning [Feb. 10] at two o'clock, after an illness of
nearly two years. He has been a sufferer from Bright's disease, and
frequently has been on the verge of death, hence the end, while it
came with suddenness, was not unexpected. The funeral will take
place tomorrow afternoon. The body will be taken from the family
residence at one o'clock to St. John's M. E. church, where at half
past two o'clock services will be conducted. The funeral will be in
charge of Edwardsville Lodge No. 99, A. F. & A. M. Members are
requested to meet at the lodge room at one o'clock for the purpose
of attending the funeral. The interment will be in Woodlawn. Thomas
Jefferson Judy was a son of the late Colonel Thomas Judy, who was
born in Madison county in 1804 and was an active participant in all
the affairs of pioneer days. Thomas J. was born May 15, 1846, and
was married to Nancy M., daughter of Robert and Nancy McKee, March
17, 1870. They have resided on the old Judy homestead. To the union
was born six children, the oldest Robert, aged 22, and the youngest,
Frances, aged 8, who together with the wife and mother survive. He
also leaves one brother, William S. Judy of Decatur, and two
sisters, Mary, wife of Judge B. R. Burroughs, and Eliza, wife of R.
C. Barnett, both of this city. Mr. Judy was an extensive farmer and
stockman and for many years the product of his stables was widely
known. He was an ardent democrat and filled various township offices
among them supervisor, collector and assessor, discharging the
duties of all with fidelity and to the satisfaction of his
constituents. He was esteemed by neighbors and friends and will be
missed in the wide circle of his acquaintances.
JULIAN, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 2, 1901
James Julian, the Italian laborer who fell down a flight of stairs
Friday morning at the Model restaurant while suffering from a severe
illness and was delirious, died this morning at St. Joseph's
hospital. Julian did not recover from the effect of his fall,
concussion of the brain resulting. He was unconscious until the time
of his death.
JUN, ALFRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 15, 1906
The funeral of Alfred, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jun, was held
Sunday afternoon from St. Mary's church where services were
conducted by Rev. Joseph Meckel, and was attended by many
sympathizing friends of the parents. Burial was in St. Joseph's
JUN, ALOYSIUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 27, 1902
Aloysius, the three-and-a-half-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Jun, died at 4:30 Wednesday afternoon at the home, 1027 Diamond
street, of scarlet fever. The funeral took place this morning at 11
o'clock to St. Joseph's cemetery, where services were conducted by
Rev. Fr. Meckel. The afflicted parents have another child critically
ill with the same disease.
JUN, APHLONIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 21, 1916
Wife of East Broadway Grocer First of Thirteen To Die
Mrs. Aphlonia Jun, aged 34, wife of Joseph Jun, East Broadway
grocer, died at the St. Joseph's hospital shortly before six o'clock
last evening as the result of a minor operation she underwent at the
hospital several days ago. Her condition was not considered in the
least serious until yesterday afternoon when she suffered a relapse
and died a short time afterwards. Mrs. Jun had been planning to have
the operation performed for some time. Before leaving her home for
the hospital, she made all preparations for Easter Sunday, as she
expected to be home by that time. She walked from the home to the
hospital on Tuesday evening in the best of spirits. The operation
was performed Wednesday morning, and was considered of such little
consequence that some of her relatives had not been informed it was
to be performed. She seemed to be improving steadily until yesterday
at noon when the relapse occurred. Mrs. Jun was a member of the
Daughters of Isabella, and was also an active worker in the Ladies
Auxiliary to the Eagles. She was an active member of the St. Mary's
church. This is the first death in the ranks of the Daughters of
Isabella, an organization which was started in Alton three years
ago. She was the youngest member of a family of thirteen children,
and is the first death in the family with the exception of two
children who died when they were infants. Her aged father, William
Manns, is still alive. She is survived by seven sisters, Mrs. John
Vieth of Edwardsville; Mrs. Mary Vonnahmen of Bethalto; Mrs. Louis
Joehl of Godfrey; Mrs. Louis Luecker; Mrs. William Klasner; Mrs.
Fred Schultz; and Mrs. Chris Budde of Alton; and five brothers,
Conrad Manns of Edwardsville; William Manns of Bethalto; John,
August and Frank Manns of Alton. Mrs. Jun was born in Alton and was
married here to Joseph Jun about fourteen years ago. She is survived
also by her husband and two children, Dorothy Jun aged 12, and
Joseph Jr. aged 11. The funeral will be held from the St. Mary's
church on Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. The interment will be
in the St. Joseph's Cemetery.
JUN, ELINOR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 16, 1920
The funeral of Miss Elinor Jun, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Jun,
who died from pneumonia Saturday noon, was held today from the
family home, 611 East Fifth street, and was private. Services were
conducted by Rev. O. W. Heggemeier of the Evangelical church. She
had been a deeply interested worker in the Sunday school of that
church and had taken such an active part in the Sunday school that
her death is depriving that organization of one of its most valuable
workers. Sunday afternoon a large company of the Sunday school
members went to the Jun home and there the body of the young woman
was lying in the casket close to a window through which the visitors
could view it. Miss Jun's death a few days after the date she was to
have been married to Earl Wilhelm, had an added note of tragedy. The
young couple had arranged for a house, had selected their furniture,
and were to have gone to housekeeping in Wood River.
JUN, JACOB/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 26, 1910
Jacob Jun, a well known resident of Alton, died Saturday morning at
his home, 818 Union street, from pneumonia, after an illness which
began last Monday. He was 68 years of age and had lived in Alton
since 1858. His wife died a quarter of a century ago, and he is
survived by five children, three daughters, Mrs. F. A. Wegener, Mrs.
H. C. Hellrung, and Mrs. Anthony Stolze; and two sons, J. T. Jun the
grocer, and John M. Jun. Twelve grandchildren survive and four
sisters and one brother. He was a charter member of St. Boniface
branch of the Western Catholic Union and a member of St. Joseph's
society of that church and of the Alton coopers union. The funeral
will be Tuesday morning from St. Mary's church at 9 o'clock.
JUN, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 8, 1902
Joseph, the 10 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jun, died at
the family home on Diamond street, Monday afternoon, of brain fever.
The funeral was this afternoon from the home to St. Joseph's
cemetery, where services were conducted by Rev. Fr. Meckel of St.
Mary's church. Only a few days ago the afflicted parents lost their
other son, Aloysius, scarlet fever being the agent of death, and
their cup of sorrow is filled to overflowing. They have the
heartfelt sympathy of all who knew them.
JUN, MAY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8, 1902
The funeral of May Jun, 7 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Jun, took place Sunday afternoon from St. Mary's church to St.
Joseph's cemetery, and was attended by a large number of
sympathizing friends of the sorrowing parents.
JUN, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 5, 1902
Thomas Jun, special night watchman in the business district, died
this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock after a week's illness with
pneumonia. His illness was dangerous from the beginning, and the
last two days all hope was abandoned by his family. He was 59 years
of age and had lived in Alton since he was a young man. He leaves a
widow, seven sons and one daughter. The funeral will be held
Saturday morning from the family home on Fourth street, between
Henry and Ridge streets, and services will be held in St. Mary's
church. Mr. Jun served on the police force two years and was
recently appointed by Mayor Young to succeed the late Capt. Fred
JUNCKER, H. D. (BISHOP)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 9, 1868
At six o’clock last evening, Rt. Rev. H. D. Juncker, Catholic Bishop
of the Diocese of Alton, breathed his last at his residence in
Alton. For more than two months, the Bishop had been suffering from
a severe complication of disorders induced by over exertion in
discharging the duties of his extensive Dioces. During the whole of
his protracted illness, he was provided with the best medical skill
of this city and St. Louis, but all efforts were unavailing to
arrest the progress of the disease.
Bishop Juncker had been a resident of this city ever since it was
created a Bishopric, and has discharged the duties of his high
position in a manner highly acceptable to the clergy of his
denomination. His death will be a cause of sincere grief to
Catholics throughout the West.
JUNETTE, JESSE JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Sept. 23, 1902
& Mar. 2, 1903
Old River Man - Uncle of the "James Boys" Dies
Jesse James Named After Him
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 23, 1902
North Alton News - Jesse James Junette is very feeble and quite ill
at his home in Godfrey Township near here. He is 92 years of age and
has lived in Alton and vicinity since 1832. He is an uncle of the
"James Boys," and Jesse James was named after him. Jesse James'
father was a half-brother of Mr. Junette, and they were greatly
attached to each other. The old gentleman is unable to help himself
now in anyway, and must be cared for like a child. His wife is still
living, but she is younger than he and is stronger and more
healthful. Both are living with a son.
Alton Evening Telegraph, March 2, 1903
Jesse James Junette, who was born in Nashville, Tennessee in 1810,
was buried this afternoon in Oakwood cemetery, Upper Alton. Although
93 years of age, Mr. Junette, up to a year ago, was fairly active
and in possession of his mental faculties, but he has been failing
for months and the end came quietly Friday at his home in the
northeastern part of Godfrey township where he resided the past four
years. He leaves a widow and ten children: Joseph T., John, James
and Mrs. William Sullivan of this vicinity; Mrs. Gus Blumerstein of
Brighton; Oliver Amidee of Denver, Colorado; Mrs. Rowens Allison;
and the Misses Augustina, Iona and Senora Junette of St. Louis.
Funeral services were conducted at the home Monday morning by Rev.
H. M. Chittenden of the Episcopal church, and all the children and
several of the thirteen grandchildren, as well as numerous friends
and acquaintances, were present. When a boy, Mr. Junette left
Tennessee for Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where he became an expert
machinist and river engineer, and he followed the river until 1867.
He first visited Alton on a boat in 1832, and located here in 1843.
He was chief engineer at different times of the "Luella" and the
"Time and Tide," two of the steamers belonging to the Mitchells
engaged in the St. Louis-Alton trade. He served as engineer on
transports during the war for the government, and was well known on
the Ohio, Mississippi and Tennessee Rivers among river men and
shippers, and is believed to have been about the last one of the
old-time river men. He quit the river in 1867 and retired to a farm
near Bunker Hill. This farm he sold about four years ago and
purchased another in Godfrey Township, where the end came. His wife
is 15 years younger than he was, and is still in good health. [Jesse
Junette is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. His wife,
Nancy Ann, died in 1912, and is buried by his side.]
JUNETTE, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 14, 1920
Civil War Veteran; Sportsman
Cousin to Jesse James
Joseph Junette, aged 75, sportsman, fighting man, old soldier, was
found dead in his chair on his home place in Godfrey Township,
Saturday evening. His little grandson had been sent over to the
house where Mr. Junette lived alone, to carry him a copy of the
evening newspaper. The grandson had failed to arouse anyone about
the place, and returned home to make report of his failure.
Investigation was made and the old soldier was found dead, sitting
in the rocking chair in which he passed many nights since breathing
had become difficult.
The passing of Joe Junette closes the career of an interesting
character. His chief interest was centered in a flock of fighting
cocks he owned, and in Airedale dogs. With his game chickens and his
Airedales, he was content to live a life of what other people might
have considered loneliness. In other days, Joe Junette never missed
a chicken fight, and he was known far and wide as a breeder of the
only pure-bred poultry stock in the world, the game chicken. When
one saw Joe Junette faring forth with a sack filled with animated
freight on his back, it was a safe guess that there was going to be
a cock fight somewhere. He had among his chickens some old timers he
had kept for years because of their victories or their especially
good fighting qualities. Some of these chickens were patiently
waiting Saturday evening for the coming of their master to feed
them. It was not believed he had been dead very long. He had been
seen about the place in the morning.
Joe Junette had been a resident of the vicinity of Alton most of his
life. He had served with honor in the Union army during the war. As
a fighting man, he had a wide reputation. He was always interested
in the art of self-defense, and it was generally known that if
anyone attempted to impose on him, Junette was not the kind to come
out second best. He was a true sportsman, interested in contests of
skill and strength. The funeral was held this afternoon under the
auspices of the G. A. R. and the services were conducted by Rev.
Frederick D. Butler of St. Paul's Episcopal church. Burial was in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Joseph Junette was born in about 1845. He was the son of Jesse James
Junette (1810-1903) and Nancy Ann Junette (1824-1912). Joseph was a
farmer (known for raising the best watermelons in the county), and
in 1907 served as the Deputy Game Warden. In 1905 it was reported
that he was training Blue Jays to hunt squirrels and other game
which hide in trees. Junette rented or leased land from Mr. A. T.
Hawley, who lived near Rocky Fork in Godfrey Township. He also
farmed in the Hop Hollow area of Alton.
Joseph served honorably during the Civil War, and was a member of
the Grand Army of the Republic. In 1902, Joseph was appointed an
aide de camp on the staff of the Illinois Department Commander, and
attended the national encampment in Washington D.C.
Joseph’s father, Jesse James Junette, was an uncle to the James boys
of Missouri, and the famous Jesse James was named after him. Jesse
James’ father was Robert S. James, a half-brother of Jesse James
Junette. Jesse James Junette lived in Godfrey, Illinois, and died
there in 1903 at the age of 92 years. Both Joseph Junette and Jesse
James Junette were buried in the Upper Alton Cemetery.
The children of Joseph and Nancy Junette were: John H. Junette
(1851-1920); James Junette (1862-1953); and Jessie Junette
JUNGBLUT, FREDERICK “FRED” JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 31,
The Drowning of Fred Jungblut and Noel Heide
The death by drowning of Fred Jungblut and Noel Heide was one of the
saddest events that ever happened in Alton. The boys had gone
fishing, and tiring of this they went in swimming. They proceeded
out into the water along the bar, just opposite the Glass Works.
Each had hold of the other’s hand, and when far from shore, stepped
into a hole, which a sand ______ had dug several years ago, and was
never filled up. As they held hands, one must have pulled the other
in after him, as he lost his balance, and neither of them being able
to swim, they were drowned. Two men who were fishing down the river
saw them, but they had disappeared before the men reached the spot
where the boys went in. They immediately called an alarm, and a
large crowd soon collected on the shore and several men commenced to
look for the bodies. Mr. Malsom, who had a ______ and a large boat,
worked until 6pm, when the body of Fred Jungbluf was found about 50
feet from the place of drowning. The body of Noel ____ was washed
over the reef into deep water, and carried down the river by the
current as far as Maple Island, where it was discovered this
Coroner Bonner held an inquest on the body of Fred Jungblut last
night, and returned the verdict usual in such cases. The inquest on
Noel Heide will occur today sometime.
The two boys were relatives, Noel being the uncle of Fred. They were
_____ and raised in the same house, and have been inseparable
companions through life. Fred was 12 years, ____ months, and 21 days
old, and Noel was 12 years, 7 months, and 24 days old at the time of
death. Both the boys were of excellent character. They were member
of the German M. E. Sunday School. The boys’ friends, as well as all
others who knew them intimately, speak in the highest terms of them.
It is sad and a severe shock to the afflicted families. So far as
human sympathy can avail, the parents of each of the young lads will
have it extended them to the fullest measure.
The funeral of Fred Jungblut and Noel Heide, who were drowned last
Thursday, took place Saturday afternoon. Preliminary exercises
occurred at the respective homes of the boys. A joint service was
held at the German M. E. Church. The house was crowded, and the yard
was filled with people who came to attest their sympathy with the
afflicted families. Rev. Mr. Feigenbaum preached in German, and Rev.
Mr. Warner in English. The church was handsomely decorated with
flowers. There were many elegant specimens of bouquets, wreaths,
etc., tokens of regard from relatives and friends. At the conclusion
of the services, the caskets were taken up by the bearers and borne
to the hearses in waiting, and then one of the largest, as well as
one of the most solemn funeral processions ever seen in Alton wended
its way to the silent city of the departed.
Fred Jungblut was born in 1878 in Alton, and was the son of
Frederick William Jungblut (1843-1895) and Anna Heide Jungblut
(1854-1937). He had five siblings. Burial was in the Alton City
JUNGEBLUT, WILLIAM F./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 10, 1895
The many acquaintances of Mr. William F. Jungeblut were shocked
Wednesday to hear of his death, which occurred at 8 o’clock, from
typhoid fever. Mr. Jungeblut was taken sick about a week ago with
that dread disease, and was unconscious almost from the start,
expiring that morning at the age of 52 years. He had suffered an
attack from the fever several years ago, from which he never fully
recovered, and his constitution was, therefore, unable to withstand
a second visitation of the disease.
Mr. Jungeblut was a native of Germany, but came to this country
early in life and settled in Alton, where he has resided for almost
30 years. He was a member of the German M. E. Church. For some
years, Mr. Jungeblut has been in the employ of Mr. J. H. Booth, and
was known and respected for his honest and fair business dealings.
He leaves besides many other relatives, a wife and five children.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 10, 1895
The funeral of Mr. William F. Jungeblut took place Friday from his
late residence on Spring Street to the German M. E. Church on Henry
Street. The services were attended by a large number of sorrowing
relatives and friends. The funeral sermon was delivered by Rev.
Charles Emig, pastor of the church, who spoke of the many sterling
qualities of the deceased. A long cortege followed the body to the
Alton City Cemetery, where it was interred.