LaBRUN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 30, 1905
The five-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Louis LaBrun died Sunday night at the home in the Meyer block on east Second street, after an illness of several days caused by some throat affection. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon.


LACY, MACK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1907
A Collinsville negro named Mack Lacy hung himself in a tree. He climbed high up, tied a rope around his neck and around a high limb and then jumped off the branch where he was standing. As he hung his feet were ten feet from the ground. Coroner Streeper climbed the tree to get the body down and tied a halter strap around it to secure it as he was preparing to lower it. The weight of the negro's body broke the strap and the body tumbled to the ground.


LADEW, LIZZIE E./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 5, 1891
Mrs. Lizzie E. Ladew died at the sanitarium in Alton, Sunday morning, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Ladew was the mother of the late Mrs. L. J. Clawson Jr. The interment took place in Chicago, Mr. E. H. Lahee of Upper Alton accompanying the body, having left for that city Sunday night.


LADUKE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 15, 1906
Marine, Illinois, Sept. 14 - A valuable, spirited team owned and driven by Mr. Louis Laduke became frightened at the brow of a hill, four miles east of here a few evenings ago, and dashed at full speed down the entire incline of half a mile. The surrey was completely demolished at the foot of the hill, and the entire family, consisting of Mr. Laduke, wife and five children, were severely injured, and their oldest daughter, a young lady of sixteen, so severely that she died a few hours later.


LAFFERTY, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 17, 1910
Frank Lafferty, aged 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lafferty, died Monday morning at 7 o'clock at the family home at 427 George street. He had been ill many months with lung trouble, and had made a good fight against disease. He was the second son of his parents leaving beside his father and mother, two brothers. He was bright friendly young man, and there are many in the Altons who regret his death. The funeral will be Wednesday at 9 a.m. from the Cathedral.


LAFFERTY, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 28, 1897
Fell from Century Building in St. Louis
The remains of John Lafferty, who was killed by falling from the Century building in St. Louis, arrived here Saturday and were taken to the Cathedral, where funeral services were held. A large number of friends and relatives accompanied the body to Alton, and attended the services. Interment was at Greenwood Cemetery.


LAGEMAN, ERNEST/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 26, 1922
Ernest Lageman, an old time resident of Godfrey Township, died at 6 o'clock this morning after being helpless five years, following a paralytic stroke. He is survived by his wife, who is in her eighty-second year. Only last week the aged couple observed the fifty-ninth anniversary of their marriage. Beside his wife, he leaves six sons, Benjamin, John, Edward, George, Henry, all of Alton; Louis of Godfrey; and two daughters, Mrs. Anna Zellmire, who lived with her parents and took care of them, and Mrs. Herb Farrell of Godfrey. One year the aged couple lost a son, Frank, and two years ago they lost a daughter, Mrs. Ernest Bierbaum. Their home life had been remarkably free from breaks due to deaths of members, in all their years of married life. The death of Mr. Lageman removes one of the most highly esteemed residents of Godfrey township. He was known as a kindly, neighborly man who was always ready to do a kind act or speak a word of encouragement to anyone in need of it. He was engaged in farming until he was disabled by paralysis. From that time he was not able to be out of his house, except he was moved about by members of his family. His home was the visiting place for all his neighbors and friends and visitors always received a welcome such as made them want to come again to see the kindly old gentleman. His show of appreciation to those who called to see him was one of the causes of many people going often to call. His life may be regarded as having been a great success, for though he did not pile up great worldly wealth, he did scatter good cheer and he made happy his aged wife. The life of the aged couple had been one of more than ordinary happiness and they were devoted to their big family of children, and loved in return by them. Mr. Lageman had come to Godfrey when a young man and had lived in that township over sixty years. He came to this country when eleven years of age. Beside his wife and eight children, he leaves one brother, Henry Lageman, and one sister, Mrs. Henry Teals, both of Alton. Mr. Lageman leaves twenty-five grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.


LAGEMANN, ELIZABETH (nee EBBLER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 26, 1896
Wife of Rudolph Lagemann
From Godfrey – Mrs. Rudolph Lageman, whose death occurred November 19, 1896, was born in Westphelia, Germany, on February 16, 1815, and was married to Rudolph Lageman on November 14, 1838, with whom she has lived until her death. After living in Germany twelve years, they came to America in 1850. Their first residence was in North Alton, where they remained about twelve years, then moved to a farm in Jersey County, and lived there until 1885, when they took up their residence on their son’s, Mr. Henry Lageman, farm about two miles north of Godfrey, and here she remained until the infirmaties of old age released her from the life. She was the mother of ten children, six of whom have gone before her. She leaves an aged husband, and four children, two sons – Ernest and Henry of Godfrey – and two daughters – Mrs. G. Bott of Brighton, and Mrs. William Schneehage of Godfrey, and also twenty-seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren to mourn her death. She was 81 years, nine months, and 3 days old at the time of her decease, and was a kind and loving mother and grandmother. Her funeral took place from her residence on November 21. The attendance of sympathizing relatives and friends who came to pay the last sad rites to their loved one was very large. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Rauch of Brighton, who spoke words of comfort to the bereaved husband and children. The pallbearers were Messrs. E. Bierbaum, Fosterburg; J. Pfeiffer and J. Bott of Brighton; W. Karr, A. Kortcamp, and F. Schallenberg of Godfrey.


LAGEMAN(N), FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 15, 1921
Frank Lagemann, aged 51 years, passed away this morning at six o'clock at the family home near Godfrey. The deceased has been an invalid since birth, and has always made his home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Lagemann. He is survived by his mother and invalid father, six brothers, and two sisters, all of whom live in the vicinity of Alton and Godfrey. Namely: Mrs. Annie Selmier, Mrs. Kate Farrell, and Ben, John, Edward, George, Henry, and Louis Lagemann. The funeral arrangements have not yet been made.


LAGEMANN, RUDOLPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 02, 1897
From Godfrey – Mr. Rudolph Lagemann, after a brief illness, died December 21, 1896, aged 80 years, 1 month, and 6 days. His wife preceded him November 19, 1896. Mr. Lagemann was born November 15, 1816, in Westphalia, Germany, and was married Elizabeth Ebbler on November 14, 1838. After living in Germany about twelve years, he came to America in 1850, where he has since resided. He leaves four children – two sons, Henry and Ernest Lagemann of Godfrey; and two daughters, Mrs. William Schnechage of Godfrey and Mrs. George Bott of Brighton, and also twenty-seven grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren to mourn his loss. His home had been near and with his son, Henry Lagemann, one and a half miles north of Godfrey. He was a kind and loving husband, father, neighbor, and friend. The funeral took place Wednesday morning, December we, from the residence of his son, Henry. The attendance was large, with many relatives and sympathizing friends who came to pay the last sad rites to the loved one. Rev. Rauch of Brighton conducted the services, and spoke words of comfort and consolation to the surviving friends. The pallbearers were Messrs. E. Bierbaum of Fosterburg, J. Peffer and J. Bott of Brighton, and W. Starr, Pierce and Schallenburg of Godfrey.


LAGEMANN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 13, 1884
From Fosterburg – On March 6, William Lagemann, aged 64 years, died of congestion of the lungs.


LAILLARD, EDWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02, 1896
Killed When Towboat Explodes
The Artemus Lamb, a towboat used for towing lumber, was badly wrecked at Scotch Jimmy’s Island, at an early hour Thursday, by a boiler explosion. The Artemus Lamb passed Alton Wednesday with a heavy tow of railroad ties belonging to the Joy Lumber Co. of St. Louis, whose property the boat was. It proceeded as far as Scotch Jimmy’s Island, where it laid up for the night. A party of Alton yachtsmen passed the boat later on in the evening, and she was lying at the bank with all lights and fires out, and everything in seemingly good shape. At an early hour this morning, steam was gotten up, and the boat was backed out into the river to make a start. Just as she began to make headway, a flue of the boiler exploded, tearing out the front end. The fireman was blown into the river, but was rescued, horribly burned by the hot water, and more dead than alive. Only two men – Edward Laillard and Eli Lancaster, fireman and assistant, were injured. The boat was somehow taken back to shore, and the light-keeper at that point hurried to Alton in a dory, to get help. Dr. Haskell, on the Nina, left about 8:30 a.m. for the scene of the accident.

The cause of the accident was a weak spot in one of the boiler flues, which gave way, pouring the scalding water and steam on the two men below. The men’s injuries are very painful, but it is thought that with good care and nursing at St. Joseph’s hospital, they will recover.

Later – Edward Laillard, the fireman on the steamer Artemas Lamb, who was scaled and injured in the explosion on the boat Thursday morning, died at the hospital that evening after suffering terribly from his injuries. Laillard lived in St. Louis, and was unmarried. Coroner Kinder came over Friday morning and an inquest was held. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death.


LAIRD, F. H. L. (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1884
Rev. F. H. L. Laird, many years resident in Upper Alton, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. R. Dorsey, in Springfield, Missouri, on February 3. Mr. Laird was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, January 21, 1802. His studies were at Washington and Jefferson College, and at the Western University, Pittsburg. He was ordained by Bishop Underdonk in 1828, and received priest’s orders in the Episcopal Church in 1829. He was received into the Louisville Presbytery in April 1852. His labors thereafter were in Indiana, Missouri, and Illinois.

In 1828, he was married to Miss Sarah McFarland, of Montours, near Pittsburg. Of their ten children, three remain, seven having preceded him to the grave. Three sons volunteered and fought in the Union army during the War of the Rebellion. One died in hospital in 1862. One was killed at Memphis, November 1864, and the third, though wounded, served three years and was honorably discharged, and died in Upper Alton in 1866. The mother died in Upper Alton, November 1, 1868.

Mr. Laird was a good and true minister of the Gospel of Christ, a man of positive convictions, earnest and faithful in his ministrations. His last charge was at Moro, in Alton Presbytery, which after a few months’ service, he resigned in 1863, on account of bodily infirmities which followed him to the end of his life, and in his later years disqualified him for ministerial service. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord; yea, saith the spirit that they may rest from their labors and their works, which do follow them.”


LAIRD, JOHN P./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 1, 1882
Died at Tallahassee, Florida, July 28, 1882, of inflammation of the brain, John P. Laird, in the 56th year of his age. The funeral will take place at the family residence on Belle Street, Wednesday.

Mr. Laird Sr. had been connected in various positions of trust and responsibility with various railways of the country for 30 years previous to his death. During the War of the Rebellion, he had charge of the motive power of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, and discharged the arduous duties connected with the office to the eminent satisfaction of the U.S. authorities. In some instances, he attended successfully to the shipping by rail of some monster pieces of ordnance, a work requiring the greatest care, skill, and discretion. It is a strange, sad fact, that of the five men connected with the management of the Pennsylvania Central during the war, four have died of brain fever or kindred diseases, and the fifth is now suffering from a partial paralysis of his reasoning powers.

After leaving the Pennsylvania Road, Mr. Laird was for a time Superintendent of the Missouri Pacific. The very day that he was taken sick, he had sent in his resignation of the position he then held, General Superintendent of the Florida Central and Western Railroad.

Although quiet and unassuming, he was a man of wide and varied information, of practical attainments, with great inventive ingenuity. Several of his valuable processes have been patented, and are now in use in the Baldwin Locomotive Works of Philadelphia, and on the engines of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and elsewhere.

The remains arrived last evening by the nine o’clock express on the Chicago & Alton Road, accompanied by Mr. J. P. Laird Jr., son of the deceased, and were at once taken to the family residence on Belle Street, where the funeral services were held this afternoon, conducted by Rev. Dr. Kendrick and Rev. Dr. Norton.

John P. Laird Sr. was born in about 1826 in Scotland. He died July 28, 1882, in Tallahassee, Florida, and was buried in the Alton City Cemetery. He was survived by his wife, Lucia M. (nee SIBLEY) Laird (1832-1909); and a son, John P. Laird Jr.


LAIRD, LUCIA M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 10, 1909
Mrs. Lucia M. Laird, aged 77, died at 8 o'clock Thursday evening at her residence, 1114 State street, after an illness of several months. Her death was expected, as she had been very low for about a week and unconscious most of the time. Her illness began during the hot weather of July and August, and while she was able to get around some of the time, she was seriously inconvenienced by it. About a month ago her case became serious and she was confined to her home. Death came at 8 o'clock Thursday evening while she was attended by her two daughters, Mrs. Frank L. Taylor of Alton, and Mrs. N. C. Keeran of Chicago, the latter being here the past two weeks with her mother. Probably the dearest interest Mrs. Laird had, outside of her family and her church, was the public library system in Alton. She was connected with the library from 1873, thirty-six years, and was director of the library all that time. During the last 27 years of the library, the best in its history, the destinies of the institution were presided over by Mrs. Laird, whose place will be very difficult to fill. She had a desire to see the library grow and be firmly established, and when this was done by private gift and the library was permanently endowed, it was a source of the greatest gratification to Mrs. Laird. In the Presbyterian church, where she had been a member since she came to Alton over forty years ago, she was recognized as a very efficient member. She had a mind that planned and her counsel among the ladies and among the men who were managing the affairs of the church always bore much weight. She was vice-president of the Alton Woman's Council, and an interested member of the Browning club, whose sessions she attended regularly and she frequently entertained these organizations at her home. Mrs. Laird's sympathy was all-em____ and one of the principles of her life was to smooth over the rough places for other people and help them bear their burden. She was kind, considerate, and charitable. Her desire was that when she had passed away it might be deservingly said of her, "She hath done what she could." She was interested in womanhood and its advancement and many of her efforts were in that direction for general good. She was born at Milton, Virginia in 1832, and was educated at the Burlington, Vt. Female Seminary. She was married to J. P. Laird in 1852, and immediately came west to Michigan City, Ind., where she lived several years. Her husband being a railroad man, her early married life was one of moving about. She returned after a few years to White River Junction, Vt., then moved to Chillicothe, Ohio, and later to Litchfield, Ill, then to Altoona, Pa., and finally to Alton in 1866. Her husband was connected with the Missouri Pacific railroad at St. Louis. her only son, John P. Laird, died a few years ago, and this grief was intensified later when her grandson, Neil Taylor, died. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from her home on State street, and burial will be in City Cemetery.


LAKE, ELLEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 24, 1910
Body of Woman Identified - Suicide is Suspected
The body found floating in the river behind the dike near McPike island, Tuesday noon, was identified at the morgue of Coroner Streeper Tuesday night by relatives as being the body of Mrs. Ellen Lake, an old time resident of Alton. Her daughter, Mrs. John Cobeck, 514 east Third street, and a son, Edward Lake, whose whereabouts is not known, survive her. She has been in the Old Ladies Home seven years. At times, it is said, she would be restless and dissatisfied. She spent much of her time in reading. Byron, being one of her favorites, and the morbid character of the literature she read, may have had some influence on her mind. It is said that four years ago when ill, she told her physician that she would throw herself in a pond if there was one nearby. About fifty years ago she was separated from her husband and he married again. She always worried over the loss of her husband. Mrs. Lake was 76 years of age and had spent her entire life in Alton. She leaves two children, three grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. Coroner Streeper was informed Tuesday evening that Mrs. Lake was missing from the Old Ladies Home. She left there Monday morning at 8 o'clock, saying she was going to visit her daughter. The matron of the home supposed that she had gone there, while the daughter supposed her mother was at the Home. Mrs. Lake had differences with some of the inmates of the Home, also with the matron, none of them, however, more than might be expected from a woman of her age and subject to melancholic attacks. It is supposed that she crossed the river on the ferryboat, and then walked into the river in the bay behind the dike when no one was near. In her silk handbag when she was drowned was a small amount of money. According to Mrs. Louis Schwallensticker, Mrs. Lake was born in Alton August 13, 1835. She was a daughter of Henry Weeks, who came here in 1828, at the time that Mayor Beall's grandfather came, and was a member of the party. They settled in a tract on State street, and she was born in a log cabin where State and William streets came together. Her father, it is claimed, was the first man to do any digging to make a road up what is now known as State street hill. Mrs. Lake may therefore be classed as one of the oldest native residents of Alton. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of John Cobeck, 514 west Third street.


LAKE, GEORGE W./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 1, 1877
Died in Edwardsville, October 31, George W. Lake, aged 19 years, 10 months, and 2 days.


LAMB, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1897
Mrs. Mary Lamb, for many years a resident of Alton, died Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. Mahoney, on Bluff Street, after an illness of several months, caused by the infirmities of old age. Mrs. Lamb was 73 years of age. She came to Alton 40 years ago, and during that time formed many acquaintances among whom she was generally respected. Besides Mrs. Mahoney, she leaves another daughter and a son.


LAMB, UNKNOWN/Source: Troy Star, July 19, 1894
Mrs. E. Lamb of St. Jacob, who was paralyzed about a year ago, died last Wednesday and was buried Friday, Rev. Sweeny of this city officiating. Deceased was Mrs. Sweeney's aunt and a sister to John Anderson.


LAMB, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 6, 1900
An unknown boy was drowned last night between Glen Carbon and Edwardsville. The boy's stepfather is a miner of Glen Carbon named John Lamb. Late in the evening the boy, who was 16 years old, was sent on horseback on an errand to Edwardsville. He crossed a narrow stream going to the county seat, but in returning he found a flood forty feet wide. In attempting to ford it, both the boy and horse were swept away and drowned. The bodies of neither had not been found at last advices from the county seat. Deputy Coroner Ritter had gone to the scene to investigate.


LAMBERT, BRIDE or BRIDIE (nee MURPHY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 12, 1893
The funeral of Mrs. Edward Lambert, nee Bride Murphy, who died in Omaha Wednesday of throat trouble, took place this morning from the Cathedral. Mrs. Lambert was but 24 years of age, and leaves a husband and little son to mourn her untimely demise. The remains were interred in Greenwood Cemetery.

Bridie Murphy Lambert was born in 1869. She was buried in the Greenwood or St. Patrick’s Cemetery.


LAMBERT, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 5, 1893
Mr. Michael Lambert, an old and respected citizen of Alton, passed peacefully away Saturday at midnight, after a lingering illness. Aged 79 years and 9 months. Deceased was born in Wittenburg, Germany, and came to this country quite young. He moved to Alton in 1849, and has resided here ever since.


LAMBKA, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 23, 1886
Mr. John Lambka, an employee at the plow factory, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital Monday, of consumption. He left no family.


LAMMEY, CLARA M./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 1, 1852
Died at Upper Alton on the 24th inst., Clara M., youngest daughter of A. J. and Angeline Lammey of St. Louis, aged one year, seven months, and two weeks.


LAMONT, ALEX (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 2, 1915
Steamboat Captain
Captain Alex Lamont, aged 89, died at his home in Upper Alton Thursday evening at 6 o'clock from old age. He had been sick about fifteen days when the end came. Capt. Lamont was one of the old time river men. He was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, but he had lived in Alton and vicinity most of his life. He was identified with river pursuits since he was a young man. In his early days he was a steamboat pilot, and then was master of steamboats. He was connected with several steamboat lines up the Mississippi river, and during the war he was on a Federal transport and was engaged in the campaign at Vicksburg and at New Orleans. Capt. Lamont held a master's license at that time and during the war he performed deeds of daring. In recent years he had been promoting chiefly the Calhoun County trade, and was identified with boats running from St. Louis to Calhoun landings. He continued to possess all his faculties in good condition up to the last. His eyesight was unimpaired and only two years ago he was master of the steamer "Illinois" for the Alton division of Naval Reserves. He had been in retirement for some time, but the general breakdown did not manifest itself until about two weeks before he died. Capt. Lamont is survived by two sons, Paul Lamont and William Lamont.


LAMOTHE, EDWARD ARTHUR/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1850
Died on the afternoon of the 17th inst., Edward Arthur, youngest son of Captain William P. and Mrs. Mary Lamothe of Alton, aged 21 months.


LAMOTHE, GEORGE ANDREW/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 16, 1868
Died in Upper Alton today (October 12), George Andrew, son of William P. and May E. Lamothe, of consumption; aged 21 years and 15 days.


LaMOTHE, MARY C. (nee LOWE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 9, 1894
Wife of Captain William P. LaMothe
Mrs. Mary LaMothe, wife of Captain William P. LaMothe, died from paralysis. She was convalescing from a painful ____, when last Sunday, without warning, she was suddenly stricken with paralysis, and was finally relieved last night. She had been an _____ the greater part of thirty years, so that nothing serious was ________ from her illness. Her death is a great shock to her family, especially to her aged husband, who has suddenly been deprived of his companion of many years.

Mrs. LaMothe was the daughter of Zephaniah Lowe [1799-1890], and was born in Virginia in 1824. She came to Alton 61 years ago, and is one of the oldest residents of this city. In 1842 she was united in marriage with William P. LaMothe by Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers in Upper Alton, and eight children were the fruit of their marriage, four of whom are still living. She has been a devoted member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. She has always been a loving mother and devoted to the interests of her family, who mourn the loss of one whose place cannot be filled. Besides her husband, she leaves four children: Charles Harrison, Mrs. Virginia ____, Miss Mabelle LaMothe, and Emeline LeMothe. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


LAMOTHE, WILLIAM E./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1874
Son of Captain William Lamothe
It is with great regret that we chronicle the death of Mr. William “Will” E. Lamothe, which sad event took place Thursday afternoon at the residence of his father, Captain Lamothe, in Upper Alton, after a lingering illness. His disease was consumption. Mr. Lamothe was for many years one of the most highly esteemed and capable steamboat clerks on the river. As an officer of his father’s steamer, the Glasgow, he was well known from St. Louis to New Orleans, and also in the Missouri river trade. His many excellent qualities and genial disposition had endeared him to a large circle of friends and relatives, who will sincerely mourn his early death. The afflicted family have the sincere sympathy of the community in their great bereavement. He was 29 years and 1 month of age.


Captain William P. LaMotheLAMOTHE, WILLIAM P. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 2, 1898
Steamboat Captain
Captain William P. LaMothe, one of the pioneer residents of Alton, died at his home at West Alton at 2 p.m. today [December 2], after a short illness occasioned by a fall. He has been in feeble health for some time, but would have enjoyed life for some time to come but for his accident. His death was unexpected and sudden. He was taken much worse this afternoon from the effect of the fall, and called for his daughter, Miss Mabelle LaMothe, who was in the house with him. He lived only a few minutes after.

Captain LaMothe was born November 24, 1817, in Canada. He came to Alton in 1837, and in 1840 went into the steamboat business. His first boat was the Eagle, which plied in the St. Louis-Alton Trade. Later, in 1842, he was owner cand captain of the Louella, one of the fastest packets on the Mississippi. In 1873, he left the steamboat business, and acquired the title to over 1,000 acres of land across the river from Alton. He leaves three children: Mrs. Virginia McCarthy; Mr. Charles LaMothe; and Miss Mabelle LaMothe.

Captain William P. Lamothe was born in Canada on November 24, 1817. After working in as a store clerk for five years, he moved to Alton in 1837. He became a clerk for the commission house of which Thomas Hawley was the senior partner. Captain Lamothe was a nephew of Mr. Hawley. Thomas Hawley and his two nephews, George E. Hawley and Andrew T. Hawley, came to Alton from Quebec, Canada in 1836. They lived in a large log house on Broadway, and grew vegetables on their property for the family. They had a cow and other animals, and had a stable where later the Rodemeyer Carriage Factory was located. George Hawley became a steamboat captain. Andrew died within a few hours of Captain William LaMothe in 1898.

With a small inheritance, Lamothe opened a small store near the boat landing in Alton. When the opportunity came along, he invested in the steamboat Luella. During his successful 30-year career on the Mississippi River, he owned and operated 27 packet boats. He purchased land across the river from Alton, calling it the Lamothe Place. This would later be West Alton. He opened a small hotel and other businesses there. Captain Lamothe also saved the city of St. Louis from burning down. While out on the river, he heard a loud noise from another steamboat, and noticed some of the boats on the landing were on fire. Using his own steamboat, he was able to pull the boats out to the middle of the river, so the fire would not advance upon the city. He was honored for what he did, and the insurance underwriters gave him a silver service set for his heroism.

Captain Lamothe married Mary C. Lowe (1824-1894), and they had the following children: Emeline L. Lamothe Harrison (1843-1905); William E. Lamothe (1845-1874); George Andrew Lamothe (1847-1868); Edward Arthur Lamothe (1849-1850); Virginia A. Lamothe McCarthy (1858-1923); Florence “Mabelle” Lamothe (1859-1920); and Charles Lockwood Lamothe (1860-1936).

In November 1898, Captain Lamothe received an offer from a St. Louis woolen goods factory, to locate a large plant across from Alton, if he would sell them 10 acres of his property. The company proposed to establish a small village there, and would build houses for its workmen. Captain Lamothe agreed to sell the land. However, on December 2, 1898, Captain Lamothe died at his home in West Alton at the age of 81 years, following a short illness occasioned by a fall. His death was unexpected and sudden. He was buried beside his wife in the Alton City Cemetery. Many of his old river associates were present. The pallbearers were Captains G. W. Hill, H. B. Starr, Alex Lamont, the Hon. Henry G. McPike, C. W. Milnor, and William Armstrong.


LAMPERT, JOHN K./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 26, 1919
John K. Lampert, in his 78th year, died Friday morning at his home, 1931 Central avenue, following a general breakdown from old age, which occurred a little more than a month ago. Members of the family of Mr. Lampert had recognized the gravity of his condition and the only member of the family who resides out of the city, Edward Lampert, was here from Lake City, Col., attending his father at the time of his death. Mr. Lampert was born in Stuttgart, Germany, July 21, 1843. He came to this country when only three years of age, and most of his life he spent in Alton. He was a cooper by trade, but did not work much at his trade. He enlisted in the 144th Illinois regiment as a musician, December 8, 1863, and was discharged July 26, 1865. He was married October 8, 1866, to Margaret Rosenberzer, member of a well known Alton family, who survives him. For years he was employed as a clerk in the Haagen general store, and later he engaged in business under the firm name of Lampert & Behrene, and occupied a place in the east end. Besides his wife he leaves six children: Edward of Lake City, Col.; Misses Nellie and Theodosia; Messrs. John Edward, Joseph and Anson A. Lampert, all of Alton. He leaves also one sister, Miss Mary Lampert of Alton. The funeral will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the family home, and services will be conducted by Rev. O. W. Heggemeier of the Evangelical church.


LAMPERT, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 8, 1912
Joseph O. Lampert, an old time resident of Alton, died at 5 o'clock Wednesday morning at his home, 535 East Sixth street, after an illness extending over a period of ten months. He had been an intense sufferer. Ten months ago he underwent a surgical operation in the hope of relieving a long standing trouble, but his age was against him and he failed to recover completely. Many times during his long illness his death was expected, and several times his death was reported. His children had been gathered about him from time to time to witness the end, but Mr. Lampert manifested wonderful vitality and would rally. He was born in Oeffengen, Wittenberg, Germany, February 1, 1838. When eight years of age he came to Alton and has lived in the city ever since. He was married to Theresa Gottlob in St. Mary's church in 1863, and his wife survives him. Beside his wife he leaves two daughters, Mrs. W. A. Bertman and Mrs. H. F. Helwig, and a son, Joseph Lampert. Beside these he leaves two brothers and three sisters. Mr. Lampert was employed for many years in what is now the Standard-Tilton mill, and was well known throughout the city. In recent years he had worked in the glass works. He was known as an estimable citizen, a good family man, and in his home his married life was like one long continued courtship, the wife being in the position of his sweetheart in her husband's regard.


LAMPERT, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 23, 1922
Miss Mary Lampert, aged 81, died yesterday at the Nazareth home where she had been making her home for some time. She had been in feeble health for some time. Mrs. Lampert was a member of a well known Alton family and the last of the family circle in which she was a member. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning from the Nazareth Home.


LANCASTER, BELLE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 15, 1902
The funeral of Mrs. Belle Lancaster, wife of M. L. Lancaster, took place this morning from the Methodist church where services were conducted by Rev. G. W. Shepherd. Interment was in City Cemetery, and the funeral cortege was a very long one. Floral offerings were numerous and beautiful, many of them being contributed by the Royal Neighbors and Mystic Workers of the World, of which orders deceased had been a member. The members of these orders also attended the funeral in a body.


LANDIS, ISAAC B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30, 1918
Isaac B. Landiss of 328 Spring street, died Sunday evening at his home after a lingering illness with cancer. He had been bedfast since August 23. Mr. Landiss was 67 years old and a native of English, Ind. A wife and a daughter, Miss Florence of Alton, and a son, T. E. Landiss of New Albany, Ind., survive. Mr. Landiss has been a resident of Alton for 17 years. For 14 years he had been a storekeeper at the East Alton plant of the Western Cartridge Company. Mr. Landiss was prominently identified with the Cherry Street Baptist Church. For 14 years he had been a member of the Board of Deacons, and was active in the other departments of church work. He was also a member of the Alton Mutual Society and the Mutual Protective League. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at the Cherry Street Baptist Church. Rev. W. M. Rhoads, supply pastor, will officiate and the burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.


LANDIS, J. W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 31, 1912
J. W. Landis, aged 45, died this afternoon at his home, 302 Washington avenue, after a long illness with consumption. Mr. Landis was a carpenter by trade and came here from Springfield about seven years ago. Mayor Faulstich appointed him inspector of weights and measures at the April special meeting of the city council, but Mr. Landis was unable to do anything toward making any fees out of the job. His health became so bad he was disabled after two days work. He is survived by his wife.


LANDMAN, ADOLPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 15, 1897
Coroner Bailey held an inquest over the body of a man named Adolph Landman, who was found dead in a field at Chouteau Island. The dead man was about 70 years of age. Verdict was found of death from sunstroke.


LANE, ARTHUR/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 28, 1881
Civil War Veteran
Arthur Lane, a native of Upper Alton, and a resident of Alton for many years, died early on Tuesday morning of dropsy, after a protracted illness, aged forty years. He served three years during the war in the Second Illinois Cavalry. He leaves a wife, but no children. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


LANE, DENNIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 9, 1850
An inquest was held on Monday morning last by William Gill, Esq., coroner of Madison County, over the body of a man found at an early hour on Second Street [Broadway], opposite the Baptist Church in Alton. After an examination of the corpse and as full an inquiry into the facts as circumstances would permit, the jury returned for verdict that the body was that of Dennis Lane, and that he had come “to his death in a manner and by means unknown” to them. As the head of the deceased was somewhat bloody, when discovered, it was at first thought that he had been murdered, but the examination proved otherwise, and that the body had suffered no violence. The deceased, we understand, came here a short time since from St. Louis, where he had resided for several years past under the expectation of obtaining work on the Alton and Sangamon Railroad, and has left a wife and ten children to deplore his loss.


LANE, ELLEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 05, 1899
Mrs. Ellen Lane of St. Louis, and a former resident of Alton, died at her home, 1507 Clinton Street, Tuesday, and was brought to Alton this morning for interment. Services were in the Cathedral.


LANE, GILBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 10, 1872
Died on May 5 in Alton, Gilbert Lane; aged 67 years. Mr. Lane was uncle to Presiding Elder J. W. Lane. He came to Alton last Fall on a visit. Being in poor health, he was unable to leave, and for five months has been a patient sufferer from pulmonary disease, of which he finally died, in full confidence of the better life.


LANE, GILBERT H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 9, 1922
Postmaster of Alton; Traveling Salesman
Gilbert H. Lane, postmaster of Alton, died today at 1 o'clock at his apartment in the Illini Hotel. The postmaster suffered a stroke of apoplexy yesterday at 9:30. The stroke rendered him unconscious, and he never rallied. His won, Ward Lane, had been summoned from Denver and it was hoped he would get here before his father died. With Mr. Lane in the last hours were his wife and daughter, Mrs. E. H. Beall, and some other members of the family.

Gilbert H. Lane, PostmasterIn the passing of Gilbert H. Lane, a figure has passed from Madison County public life which was one of the most familiar in the county. He took a great interest in politics and for many years he gave his personal services to his party, and was never compensated in any way until recently, when he was selected postmaster at Alton. He gave his support to many others, and he secured for others recognition, but for himself he had never asked a thing. He began his career as a central committeeman in the days when there was one committeeman for each township. He rendered such signal service in behalf of his party in his first endeavor, he was given the warmest of commendation, and he was recognized as a new power in county politics. He retired from active participation in the county organization for a number of years, but he was persuaded to get back into it. He served with credit a two-year term as county chairman of the Republican committee, and then he was re-elected for another term, resigning after he was named postmaster at Alton.

Mr. Lane came to Alton as a very young man, and here he married Miss Annie Huskinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Huskinson. He was a traveling salesman for many years, selling wholesale drugs, and there were few salesmen who had better business or who stood higher in the traveling man list than Mr. Lane. He was a genial cordial gentleman, and he had a very large number of friends. He was a skillful hunter and until his eyesight failed somewhat, he was always sure to bring back good bags of game. One of his favorite pastimes was that of fishing. He was known as a successful angler. It was by his pursuit of these recreations that Mr. Lane kept the fount of youth springing perpetually in himself. There were few men who could boast of as good health as Mr. Lane, and though he was 69 years of age, he was young in his heart. He had not lost his power of endurance.

During the Christmas holidays he performed great service in the post office at Alton, taking important responsibilities and working early and late, regardless of the fact that he was entirely new to the work and that little ought to have been expected of a man so recently come into the service. It was one of the happiest days of his life when he was notified that he had been selected as postmaster. The position appealed to him as an honorable one, which he could fill satisfactorily, and he had ambition to discharge the duties of the office so as to make a name for himself. There are none but had confidence that Mr. Lane would prove a popular and efficient postmaster, as he had the peculiar traits of character which would have insured success.

In his family life, Mr. Lane was a devoted husband and father. He never got over being the lover of his wife, and their companionship was a relation that was beautiful to those who knew them best. He was intensely proud of his wife, and she of him, and only when he took up the work of postmaster and turned over to his wife his own private business, he took occasion to refer fondly to her capacity for handling the work he was giving her.

The city was shocked late Sunday to learn that the postmaster had suffered a stroke of apoplexy. He had arranged a luncheon for employees of the post office at the Illini Hotel Saturday night, but was unable to attend. All arrangements had been made, and the speakers engaged, and Mr. Lane decided not to call off the affair. Assistant Postmaster Sam Findley acted as toastmaster in the absence of Mr. Lane. Mrs. Lane entered the dining room of the hotel, and expressed her husband's regrets at being unable to attend. It was assumed by those at the luncheon that Mr. Lane did not attend because of the funeral, Saturday afternoon, of his niece, Mrs. Gladys Blalack, who was killed in an automobile accident in Los Angeles, California. It was known he had been indisposed for a few days, but he was not known to be seriously ill. Glowing tributes were paid Mr. Lane at Saturday night's luncheon. The postmaster gave the affair as part of a general plan for cooperation and harmony among the workers at the post office. Mr. Findley; Harry Covey, president of the local carriers association; George ??ch, president of the clerks' body; M. E. Robinson, John Seltz, Henry Ringemaun, Harry Coates and Oscar Paul, employees of the office, who spoke, praised Mr. Lane for his hospitality, and evidence of desire to harmonize and cooperate with his employees. J. J. Faulkner, postmaster at East St. Louis, was the principal speaker. He praised Mr. Lane for his spirit of cooperation, and told of his admiration for the local postmaster, whom he had known for a number of years. Those at the lunch gave the postmaster a vote of sympathy for his inability to attend.

Mr. Lane, for a number of years, was prominent in politics, his career culminating in his choice as head of the county Republican committee, and his selection as postmaster. He was named acting postmaster on November 26, last, to succeed Joseph Lampert, and took office on November 29. Mr. Lane's appointment to the postmastership followed long discussion, as to the choice of the man to succeed Mr. Lampert, discussion being due chiefly to regulations regarding the age of appointee. Mr. Lane's choice was the cause of general satisfaction, because of his city-wide popularity. Mr. Lane's appointment was that of "acting postmaster," to serve until a successor should be permanently named to succeed Mr. Lampert. Although a civil service examination for the position has been called for January 14, it has been generally assumed that Mr. Lane would remain in office at least until the expiration of Mr. Lampert's unfinished term. It was generally agreed his years of service to his party were deserving of some reward, since none had previously been forthcoming. Mr. Lane, formerly a commercial traveler, gave up that work for insurance selling. He worked for the Clover Leaf Casualty Co., and proved of such value to that company that he later became a director.


LANE, HAMILTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 12, 1911
Hamilton Lane, aged 73 years, an old resident of Alton, died Thursday morning at 1:30 a.m. at his home at 819 Belle street after an illness of several years duration. He has been ailing for some time, but a few days ago took down with pneumonia, which caused his death this morning. He leaves a wife and one son, Charles, of this city. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon from the home at two o'clock. Interment will be made in the City cemetery. He was a member of Robin Hood camp, M. W. of A. Mr. Lane was connected with the old woolen mill for many years as engineer, and after that plant suspended operations he still had charge of the property as watchman. He was incapacitated for work a number of years ago by failing health. He is a son-in-law of Mrs. Eliza Wendt, who is still living at the age of 94 at her home on Belle street where Mr. Lane died.


LANE, HARRIET C. (nee McCLOSKY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 4, 1880
From Edwardsville - Mrs. Harriet C. Lane, an aged and respected citizen of this city, died here last Thursday. She was born in Delaware in 1815, and came here about the year 1837. Her husband, Dennis Lane, came here at that time as one of the contractors for the building of the railroad from Alton to Mt. Carmel, and who died in Alton in 1850. The deceased was a member of the M. E. Church, and has left six children – three daughters and three sons, all adults (the youngest being Mr. James Lane, who is a teacher and recently taught the North Alton School), to mourn her demise.


LANE, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8, 1910
James Lane of Edwardsville, candidate for the Republican nomination for probate clerk, died from paralysis this afternoon at his home. He had been ill some time, and was just able to get out when he was injured and laid up again. His opponent, J. B. Coppinger of Alton, is thus given a clear field for the nomination. The name of Lane will have to stay on the ticket, it is believed, as there is no authority for changing the ballet after it is made up. Lane was for many years a school teacher. He took the census of manufacturing institutions in Madison county.


LANE, SCOTT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 10, 1909
Killed by Accidental Discharge of a Lot of Dynamite
Scott Lane, aged 27, unmarried, was fatally injured Friday morning about 10:30 o'clock by the accidental discharge of a lot of dynamite in a frame building at the D. M. Kittenger quarry near the Vandalia road. The cause of the accident is not fully known, but it is supposed that Lane was trying to fasten a detonating cap on a stick of dynamite after he had thawed out the frozen explosive on the stove in the building he occupied as his home at the quarry. D. M. Kittinger said today that he had forbidden his workmen to use dynamite in the quarry since the cold weather set in, as the explosive was frozen and he would not consent to the men trying to thaw it out owing to the danger attending such procedure. Several times Mr. Kittinger had given orders to that effect, he says. Mr. Kittinger had told the men to loosen what rock they could by using bars, but Lane evidently was not content to use such a slow method of working. Lane went to the shanty to get some dynamite, and it is supposed that after he heated it he tried to put on the detonating cap, and in some way the explosion accidentally occurred and other dynamite sticks were set off by the concussion. Lane lost a leg and an arm, and had a big hole blown in his back. His house was blown to small fragments, his shot gun was lifted high in a sycamore tree and his coat was blown about 150 years. The furnishings in the house were demolished. Lane was hurried to the hospital and died shortly after arriving there, about noon. Lane's body was blown 100 feet by the explosion. He never regained consciousness. J. T. Churchill and his son were working in the quarry at the time but were far enough away to escape being hit by any of the flying debris. The shock of the explosion was felt throughout the eastern part of Alton and in Upper Alton. Coroner Streeper took charge of the body and will hold an inquest.


LANE, WEBB D./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 26, 1891
Webb D. Lane, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Lane, died Saturday at the residence of his grandfather, Mr. William Huskinson, on Twelfth Street. A few weeks ago Webb was taken ill with a very light attack of scarlet rash, so light, indeed, that it was hardly observable. But when he was supposed to have recovered, dropsy set in and caused his death. Webb was ten years old on February 14. He was a bright, handsome, generous, manly boy, the delight of the fondest affection of his parents and relatives. His kindly disposition made him friends wherever known. The loss of such a child falls with crushing effect upon his parents, and we know in this sad bereavement they have the fullest and tenderest sympathy of their hosts of friends.

“There is no fireside, howso’er defended, But has one vacant chair.” With sad and aching hearts Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Lane realized the truth of these lines Sunday morning, as they returned from the cemetery where all that was mortal of their youngest son, Webb, was laid to rest, to sleep until the voice of the God shall bid him arise in beauty and eternal youth. A large number of the friends of the family followed the body of the loved one to the cemetery, where a still larger number had gathered to pay a last token of respect to the departed. The memory of this handsome boy will be to his parents in all the coming years a treasure richer by far than anything that their fondest hopes could call up. He sleeps. He shall awake, to sleep no more. The pallbearers were Messrs. Charles and Willie Huskinson, Charles Braznell, and J. S. Hopkins, all relatives of the deceased. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


LANG, J. F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 25, 1903
The funeral of J. F. Lang took place this morning from St. Mary's church where services were conducted by Rev. Joseph Meckel to St. Joseph's cemetery. A very large number of people attended the obsequies.


LANG, JAMES K./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 14, 1901
James K. Lang died Wednesday evening at 10 o'clock at the family residence, 1026 Langdon street, after an illness dating from July 21. His last and fatal illness began about __ days before his death, he having recovered sufficiently to be about the streets, but had not regained his usual health. Mr. Lang was one of the best-known residents of Alton, and during the last six years of his life, which he spent in Alton, he made many warm personal friends who will regret the death of a gentleman and most estimable man. He was engaged in the milling business many years of his life until his health forced him to seek other employment. He was born in Flat Rock, Michigan, and was in his fifty-sixth year when he died. He came to St. Louis when a young man, and later came to Alton, where he was associated with D. R. Sparks in the milling business. In 1876 he went to Litchfield, where he was engaged in the milling business with the firm of Beech & Lang. He was married in Alton to Miss Minnie Weigler, daughter of Hon. G. H. Weigler of this city. Mr. Lang leaves besides his widow, two children: George and Miss Florence Lang. He leaves also three brothers in Michigan and one sister in the Indian Territory. His death was due to congestion of the lungs, which had made rapid progress in the last few days of his life. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and services will be conducted at the family residence.


LANGDON, N./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 25, 1892
Mrs. N. Langdon, aged ninety-two years, died yesterday evening at St. Joseph’s Hospital of which she had long been an inmate. Mrs. Langdon was a sister of Mr. James Dunn, who died some months ago. The funeral took place this morning from St. Patrick’s Church to North Alton Cemetery, Rev. Father Fallon officiating.


Carl Wilhelm Friedrich LangeLANGE, CARL WILHELM FRIEDRICH/Source: Troy Call, April 9, 1926
Founder of Maryville
Carl F. W. Lange, founder of the village of Maryville, and grandfather of Arthur Lange of Troy, died Wednesday evening at his home in Edwardsville, where he had resided since 1906. Death was due to infirmities, his age being 84. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at Trinity Lutheran Church in Edwardsville, and internment will be made in the Pleasant Ridge Cemetery.

Deceased was a native of Germany, and was two years old when his parents came to this country and located in St. Louis. As a young man, he attended a commercial college, and afterwards held various clerical positions in St. Louis. When his health failed in 1863, he sought the country, and came to Madison County, purchasing a small farm on the site of what is now Maryville. He was successful in this venture, and eventually the farm comprised several hundred acres. In 1900, he laid out the town of Maryville, naming it after his wife, Miss Mary Krome Lange. Mr. Lange retired from farming in 1906 and moved to Edwardsville.

Mr. Lange served on the county board of supervisors for twelve years, and for nine years was chairman of the county home committee. He also served as an alderman in Edwardsville since his residence there. He was the father of thirteen children, nine of whom survive. They are: Mrs. Alvina Totzke and Rev. Alfred W. Lange of Philadelphia; Theodore W. Lange, Mrs. Martha Meier, and Fred Lange of Maryville; Mrs. Tabea Voge of St. Louis; Carl Lange of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Johanna Schoettle and Mrs. Christine Sievers of Edwardsville.

Carl Wilhelm Friedrich “Fritz” Lange was born May 3, 1841 in Germany to Frederick J. and Christina Clara (Blake) Lange. He immigrated to America with his parents in 1843, settling in St. Louis. He was educated in St. Louis, and was employed as a bookkeeper for two of the largest wholesale dry goods houses in St. Louis. Due to failing health, he moved to Madison County, Illinois, in 1863, buying a small farm in Collinsville Township. Lang married Maria “Mary” D. Krome on September 27, 1863, and together they had thirteen children. He added tracts of land throughout the years, becoming the owner of 350 acres, where he was one of the principal wheat growers. Lange was also a successful horse and mule breeder, selling them at high prices.

In October 1900, Lange platted and laid out the village of Maryville in Collinsville Township, naming it in honor of his wife. Maryville was incorporated as a village on June 4, 1902. The first meeting of the town board was held in the home of W. E. Mabbs. The President of the board was John Enz; Clerk - Mike Daly; Treasurer - Albert Hrubetz; with trustees Charles Forneso, John Contratto, Louis Novero, William Schoettle, Edward and William Williams. Due to the efforts of Mr. Lange, the electric streetcar line was brought into Maryville.

Lange moved to Edwardsville in 1906. He divided his farm among his children (although he retained the old homestead of 116 acres). He became the director of the Bank of Edwardsville. Lange died April 7, 1926 in Edwardsville, and is buried in the St. John’s Lutheran Cemetery in Maryville.

The thirteen children of Carl and Mary Lange were:

Alvina A. Lange Totzke (1865-1935)
Theodore William Lange (1866-1941)
Clara Charlotte Lange Strathman (1868-1903)
Gustave Wilhelm Lange (1870-1910)
Johanna Louise Lange Schoettle (1871-1943)
Martha Lange Meier (1873-1955)
Fred Lange (1875-1929)
Maria D. C. Lange (1877-1878)
Amalia C. C. Lange (1879-1879)
(Reverend) Alfred William Lange (1881-1943)
Christine Alwine Lange Sievers (1887-1969)
Carl Lange of Pittsburgh
Tabea Lange Voge of St. Louis


LANGFORD, DAISY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 13, 1912
Daisy Langford [this is a man], a well-known negro who formerly conducted a shoe shining stand in Alton, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital this noon from dropsy of the heart. He had lived all his life in Alton, and was about 50 years of age. [Burial was in the St. Patrick’s Cemetery in Godfrey.]


LANGHORST, IDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 6, 1900
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Langhorst were bereaved today by the death of their 19 months old daughter, Ida, after a short illness. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home in the rear of 512 Oak Street.


LANGHORST, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1889
From Bethalto – Mrs. Henry Langhorst, a must respected lady of Bethalto, died at her residence on Oak Street on Thursday morning, of pneumonia. She was 48 years of age, and leaves a husband and one son to mourn her untimely death. The funeral took place from the C. P. Church Friday, and was largely attended, there being a number of relatives and friends from St. Louis in attendance. The death of this estimable lady is a sad blow to the husband and son, also to her aged mother, Mrs. Friday, who has made her home with the family for several years. Numerous friends sympathize with them in their sorrow. The remains were interred at the Bethalto Cemetery.


LANGLEY, ANGELETTA JEANETTE (nee FREEMAN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 15, 1919
Mrs. A.J. Langley, 77, died at her home in Lockyer Addition yesterday after a long illness. She had been a resident of this section for 40 years. Mrs. Langley leaves to mourn her loss five children: Mrs. William Rummerfield, Mrs. William Porter, Mrs. John Lawless, Wesley Langley and Charles Langley. She leaves also twenty-two grandchildren and twenty great-grandchildren, a sister, and two brothers. Funeral services will be conducted at the Melville Church at 2:30 PM Tuesday.


LANGLEY, ELMER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 23, 1910
There will be two funerals from the Melville church Friday morning, the first time in the history of the village, so near as the oldest inhabitants can remember. Elmer, the three years old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langley, died last night of dysentery, and the little boy will be buried from the church at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. [Eva Federle was the other death] This is the third death of children in Melville in the neighborhood in the last three days, the little child of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lofts having died three days ago. With the high death rate in the list of the older residents the past two months, the residents of the little village feel keenly the work of the Grim Reaper.


LANGLEY, WALTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 24, 1913
Mysterious Killing in Betts Saloon Sunday
Walter Langley was killed Sunday night in the saloon of James Betts at Second [Broadway] and State Streets [in Alton]. The facts concerning the killing were exceedingly hard to find. The indications were that after Langley was fatally injured, he was dragged out to the sidewalk and left there, where he was found by Officer Scoville who had the ambulance called and conveyed him to police headquarters. When taken in there a doctor was called who decided that Langley was dead. He had probably been dead for some time, and was undoubtedly dead when the policeman found him. The indications are that the one blow struck Langley by Betts, according to Betts' admission, was enough to kill the man. If Betts' story is true, this is the second instance in that immediate vicinity of a man being killed by a blow of a fist. At police headquarters all information was refused by Betts who said he had nothing to say until he told his story to the coroner's jury. According to the story gleaned from hear-say reports and some statements which Betts made early to the police, he claimed that Langley went into the Betts saloon and carried out a quart jar, which had been on the bar. He returned to the saloon and when the jar was demanded, trouble was started. Betts told that he was struck by Langley and that in defense he struck Langley back. He claimed he hit but one blow, and that with his fist, and that he had no idea that Langley had been killed by the blow. After the killing, an order was given to close up the Betts saloon and to arrest everybody in it. Five men including Betts, were held. Betts and one witness being behind the unlocked door of the detention room which opens off the central police office. The saloon was re-opened this morning and doing a good business. Owing to the dense mystery which seemed to surround the killing of Langley, and the silence maintained by the principal, Betts, and his witnesses, it is believed that there is more to the story then filtered out. Coroner J. M. Sims was called and arrived this afternoon for the purpose of impaneling a jury and holding inquest. Five witnesses of the tragedy were detained in jail until after the coroner's inquest. An autopsy performed this afternoon in the Jacoby undertaking establishment by Dr. J. M. Sims, County Coroner, establishes the fact, as far as the autopsy had proceeded at 3 o'clock, that Walter ("Buck") Langley was murdered. No responsibility for the murder can be fixed, but four men are locked up, charged with knowing something about the affray in the James Betts' saloon at Second and State streets in which Langley got worster and was thrown out on the sidewalk. At 3 o'clock the inquest was set to be held in the city hall and a number of witnesses were brought in by Deputy Sheriff Fitzgerald, but the inquest had to be deferred an hour or so because the coroner was busy with the autopsy. The autopsy reveals that the man had been struck in the back of the head with some blunt instrument, which could easily have caused his death. There are also several bad bruises on his face, but these could have been caused by falling as he was thrown out of the saloon. Betts refused to confirm or deny the report current on the streets that he had struck the man. He said that he wanted to be a George Washington and would not say anything except the truth and that before the coroner's jury. The three men in jail refused to say anything on being prompted by outsiders. One of the men started to give a story which he said he told the night captain last night, when an outsider cautioned him to keep quiet. Coroner's undertaker, Berner, had similar trouble in finding out anything about the matter this morning and had several arguments with men who wanted to stop his investigation in the matter. Deputy Sheriff Peter Fitzgerald, who happened to enter an east end saloon, learned that a man had just been in there detailing an account of the killing, of which he said he was an eyewitness. Fitzgerald went on the trail, caught the man in the Moose saloon and arrested him and held him as a witness for the coroner's inquest. The man declared even after he was arrested as a witness that Langley was struck without provocation and that he was killed with a club. Langley is 40 years of age and lives with his mother and brother, Wesley, at 408 Lockyer addition. He worked as section boss of the Chicago, Peoria, and St. Louis [railroads] several times, and was once section boss at Lockhaven, where he formerly resided. He is single. He leaves beside his mother, three brothers and three sisters.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 26, 1913
The funeral of Walter Langley was held Tuesday afternoon, at the home on Mildred avenue. Services were held at the home and grave by Rev. W. Twing. He leaves to mourn his death his aged mother [Angeletta Langley] and three brothers, James, Wesley, and Charles; three sisters, Mrs. W. Rummerfield, Mrs. William H. Porter, Mrs. John Lawton. The pallbearers were nephews of deceased: Lee Hartley, Charles Burton, Charles Homer, Howard Wells, Edward Maupin, M. Michael.

NOTE: Walter Langley was buried in the Melville Cemetery. He was 39 years of age. Following the investigation in the crime, James Betts was charged with manslaughter, but was held on home arrest. The case was moved from the Edwardsville courts to the Alton City Court. In 1915, two years after Langley's death, James Betts was a free man. Public sentiment had died out, and Betts never had to defend himself. The State�s Attorney nolle pros the case (Nolle prosequi: a legal phrase used to describe a prosecutor's decision to voluntarily discontinue criminal charges either before trial or before a verdict is rendered).


LANGWISCH, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 24, 1920
Dies 30 Hours After Husband's Funeral
Mrs. Elizabeth Langwisch, 74, died last night at her home in Edwardsville, 30 hours after the funeral of her husband, Henry Langwisch. Mrs. Langwisch's death was due to heart trouble, and that of her husband to asthma. Mrs. Langwisch's heart affliction was due, it is believed, to a recent attack of influenza. Mrs. Langwisch was in a greatly improved condition yesterday, and last night a number of friends and her six children called on her at her home. As the visitors were leaving the house, they noticed a change in the expression on Mrs. Langwisch's face. She placed her hand to her breast, and in a few moments was dead. Mrs. Langwisch would have celebrated her 75th birthday next Saturday. She had planned having her children come to her home. Mrs. Langwisch was unable to attend the funeral of her husband, which was held Sunday, because of her illness. It was when she became improved that her friends called on her. Langwisch was a former city official of Edwardsville, of which city he had been a resident for 50 years.


LANTERMAN, DANIEL A./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 1, 1865
Died at his residence in Madison County on Sunday, August 20, 1865, Daniel A. Lanterman, in the 79th year of his age. Daniel A. Lanterman was born December 24, 1786, in the State of Pennsylvania, being a descendent of one of the old Dutch families. When he was a year and a half old, his father moved to Fayette County, Kentucky, whence he afterwards moved to Fleming County, and thence to Illinois, accompanied by all his family in 1818.

The subject of this sketch, who had married in 1812, came to Madison County, and for two years lived about where the Bethlehem Baptist Church now stands, engaged in school teaching. In 1820, he purchased the southeast quarter of section 19, in Fort Russell Township, to which he moved on the 4th day of January, 1821, and there abode until his death, 44 years afterwards. Mr. Lanterman was made a member of the old Court of Common Pleas in 1825, and School Commissioner in 1843, besides filling other offices of public trust.

As one of the first of the important, but then neglected fraternity of school teachers, his experience as taken down from his own lips is graphic and interesting:

“I had 33 children in their primers when I began; forty to fifty scholars was the highest number. I was paid twelve dollars a year for each scholar, teaching six months in the warm weather – but one year nine months. The books used were Webster’s Spelling Book, New England Primer and Pike’s Arithmetic. To reach the Rule of Three in this was considered getting well learned. The school house stood near the present Bethlehem Church, and was 24x20 feet, built of logs, with a half-log cut out on one side for a window, and one square window for me to sit by. We put greased paper in the window and built a fence about the school house to keep the cattle from licking it out. There was then not much glass in the country.”

The entire influence of Mr. Lanterman’s long life was given in favor of pure religion, sound morality, and the best interests of the community in which he lived, and his death will occasion a vacuum, which it will be hard to fill. [NOTES: Daniel A. Lanterman was buried in the Lanterman Cemetery, in Fort Russell Township, between Bethalto and Edwardsville.]


LANTERMAN, ELIZABETH T./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 8, 1874
Mrs. Elizabeth T. Lanterman, relict of Daniel Lanterman, deceased, and mother by a former marriage of John G. Irwin, our County Judge, died at her residence in Bethalto precinct last Sunday, in the 61st year of her age.


LANTERMAN, JOHN I./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 03, 1895
Mr. John I. Lanterman, stenographer for the Assistant General Passenger Agent of the Wabash Railroad in St. Louis, died at the home of his father, 711 State Street, Monday morning. He was the son of Mr. H. C. Lanterman, who last week moved to the residence named above. The young man was taken ill with typhoid fever some ten days ago in St. Louis, and was brought to Alton on Saturday. His father was principal of the North Alton public schools several years ago, and occupies a similar position in the Godfrey Schools at present. The deceased was 27 years of age, and a young man of much promise. The funeral took place yesterday morning from the home of his parents, 711 State Street. Short services were conducted at the house by Rev. W. H. Bradley, after which the funeral party was driven to Edwardsville, where the remains were interred.


LANTERMAN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 29, 1849
In the settlement about seven or eight miles from Alton, near the Edwardsville Road, the wife of Mr. Daniel A. Lanterman died from cholera.


LANTGEN, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 22, 1882
Mrs. Catherine Lantgen died of bronchial pneumonia this afternoon. Funeral from the German Catholic Church tomorrow.


LAPAN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 9, 1909
Mexican Artist and Former Soldier Killed by Train
William Lapan, a Mexican and former soldier, was mortally hurt by a Wabash train as he was sitting on the railroad track watching another train pass on the Bluff Line. He was sitting on the Illinois Terminal track, cooling off, within thirty feet of his cabin boat on the riverbank east of the Illinois Terminal station, when he was struck by a Wabash train which was backing up to the station to start for Edwardsville. He was thrown some distance. The train crew picked him up and took him to the depot, from whence he was removed to the police station and then taken to the hospital. The railroad company disclaimed responsibility for the man, and then Dr. Winn disclaimed the county's responsibility, but finally he went to the hospital and attended the injured man. Lapan had a bad injury on the head and on the hip and was torn and bruised by the car wheels. He was somewhat of an artist and also a linguist. He served ten years in the United States army and had an application in for a pension. He died within three hours. Coroner Streeper took charge of his body.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 10, 1909 Mexican Artist Killed by Wabash Train
A few days before he died, William Lapan, the Mexican who was killed Sunday night by a Wabash train, and who will now have to rest in a pauper's grave, complained that his experience had been that of other artists, that their works were seldom of any value until death had put an end to their ability to produce more pictures. He was talking to a group of friends on the Peter Joest fish dock at the foot of Piasa street, when he told of the hard luck he had experienced in making any money out of his pictures, and he said that he did not expect to do anything with them, and that he supposed his work would be appreciated after his death. He worked at hard labor to make enough money to support himself and buy oils and canvass upon which to work. He had been firing the boilers in the Illinois Packing Co. for several days. When other men would play out, Lapan would do the work, even though the heat was unendurable. He had taken the place of another man who had given out, but the artist, inured to heat by living in a shanty boat, that on hot days was like an oven, would strip himself to the waist and standing there would shovel coal until his skin gleamed in the fire light from the reflection of the furnace coals. It was after such work that he was resting on a hot night, cooling off outside of his shanty boat home, when he met his death. Coroner Streeper says that the county will have to bury Lapan, as he had no money to pay for a funeral.


LAPE, ALICE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 31, 1895
Alice, the six-year-old daughter of Mr. Frank Lape of Upper Alton, died last evening after a short illness of diphtheria. The funeral occurred this afternoon, and was private.


LAPELLE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 1, 1902
The funeral of the little child of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lapelle was held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home, and burial was in City Cemetery. Rev. M. W. Twing conducted the services. Mr. and Mrs. Lapelle's child died Saturday after a brief illness with meningitis.


LAPP, KATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 4, 1909
Mrs. Katherine Lapp died Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the residence of Valentine Reininger on Washington avenue, where Mrs. Lapp had been making her home for some time. She was the widow of the late Andrew Lapp, and the couple were among the old residents of Upper Alton and were very highly esteemed by their many friends and old acquaintances they had in all the Altons. Andrew Lapp was a wagon maker, and for many years conducted a wagon shop in the village. He became wealthy and at one time owned much property here. After his death Mrs. Lapp disposed of all their Upper Alton real estate, and since that time she has not maintained a residence here as she was the only member of the family living in Upper Alton. She had been sick only three weeks. Her health up to that time had been comparatively good, and she was out about town almost every day. Mr. and Mrs. Lapp were both natives of Germany and came to Upper Alton during the Civil War, where they remained up to the time of their death. They had three children, all of whom survive her. They are Edward Lapp of Ormond, Florida; Mrs. Clara Smithcors of Rockport, Pa.; and Mrs. Michael Dwier of Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. Dwier has been here several days and Mrs. Smithcors arrived this morning. A message was received from Edward Lapp which stated he would be unable to be here for the funeral of his mother. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Reininger home. Mrs. Lapp was a member of the German Methodist church.


LARBEY, CHARLES TURNER/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24, 1873
Died on January 15 at Bethalto, Charles Turner, youngest child of Mr. James Larbey; aged 1 year and 8 months.


LARGENT, ISAAC BENJAMIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1895
Civil War Veteran; Carpenter
Isaac Benjamin Largent, familiarly known as Ben Largent, was found dead in his workshop Friday night. He had been working at his trade, carpentering, during the afternoon, and returned at 5 o’clock. The tenant in an adjoining house who served him his meals gave him his supper at 6 o’clock. Shortly before 7 o’clock, a lad passed his shop, stopped and conversed with him, and passed on. The lad returned in a short time, and noticed the form lying on the floor of the shop. Several neighbors were notified, and it was ascertained that he was dead. The body was lying flat out, and gave the appearance of having fallen. It is probably that death was caused by apoplexy.

Isaac Benjamin Largent was born in Henry County, Tennessee. He was 64 years of age, and has resided in Alton since 1836. He served in the army, and was a member of Alton Post 441, G.A.R. Since the war, he has never left the city for a further trip than to hunt above the city. He was familiarly known about the river, and had a host of staunch friends. Deceased leaves a brother residing here, Mr. R. T. Largent.

Coroner Kinder summoned a jury Saturday, and held an inquest. The following were the members: H. D. Hussey, foreman; R. H. Fry, F. Hagerman, George Saurwin, J. Wright, and William Riley. They examined a number of witnesses, and brought in a verdict that deceased came to his death by natural causes, probably due to overheating. It was shown that he complained of illness during the day, and was greatly exhausted at suppertime.

The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the home on Eleventh Street, where many of his old friends assembled. Services were conducted by Rev. R. H. Fry of the C. P. Church. Interment took place in the Upper Alton Cemetery. The pallbearers were A. A Neff, William Flynn, Charles Harris, J. D. Hudgens, Charles Baker, and John Maxwell.

Isaac B. Largent was the son of Richard Largent (1804-1882), who is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


LARGENT, LAVINA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 18, 1892
The funeral of Mrs. Lavina Largent took place yesterday afternoon from her late home at 1107 Langdon Street. The services, which were conducted by Dr. R. Gibson in an impressive manner, were attended by numerous friends and relatives of the deceased lady. The interment was in Upper Alton Cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. William Flynn, George D. Emery, E. A. Smith, James Smith, S. R. McClure, and H. S. Mathews.


LARGENT, RICHARD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 3, 1882
Mr. Richard Largent, an estimable citizen, a resident of Alton 46 years, died very suddenly at noon today, being seized while sitting on his doorstep with an attack that resulted fatally in a few minutes. He had been feeble and ailing for months. Deceased was born in North Carolina in 1804, and was 78 years of age. He was the son of William and Dorcas Largent. He leaves a widow, Lovina Largent, two sons, Captain Richard T. and Mr. Isaac B. Largent, a daughter, Mrs. Perlina Ann Motley [wife of James Motley], besides other relatives and friends to mourn his death. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the family residence, corner of Eleventh and Langdon Streets. [Burial was in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.]


LARGENT, RICHARD T. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 25, 1901
Old River Man Passes Away After Long Illness
Captain Richard T. Largent died Sunday evening at his home, 317 East Second Street, after an illness of over one year's duration. Old age was the cause of the failure of his health. He was born April 18, 1829, at Paris, Tennessee, and was over 72 years of age. The passing of Capt. R. T. Largent removes an old character and an interesting one. Since 1858 he had been in the steamboat business, taking an agency during that year for one of the packet lines. He was a ship carpenter by trade, and until a few years before his death his hand had not lost its cunning with the tools of his trade. He came to Alton in 1836, and lived here continuously from that time. Many an interesting story he had to relate of the early days of Alton and the river history of those days was especially well impressed on his mind. His friends would gather in his office and listen to him tell of the good old days on the Mississippi when a steamboat was a floating palace full of the gayeties of social life, and steamboat races to settle supremacy were common occurrences. He represented different companies during his long period of service, and toward the last he represented the Diamond Jo line and some other up-river packets. He was strictly honest, and not a person but can look back upon his record with admiration. He had many friends who were glad to accommodate him, and he retained much of his business until he was forced to retire. All last summer he was very ill, so seriously that he could not leave his bed for days at a time, but he stuck to his post of duty, struggling about on his feet when the necessity arose. On the day of the Stanard mill fire, his old packet shed burned. That removed from him all desire for living. He knew he could probably not obtain permission to rebuild it because of opposition that certain persons had maintained. From that time his decline was steady and a less strong constitution would have given way sooner. Every river man on this part of the Mississippi will regret the passing of this veteran. Capt. Largent leaves one son, Charles Largent, and a daughter, Mrs. Altvena Ruther, both of Kansas City, Mrs. J. S. Taylor of Nyhart, Mo., is also his daughter. His wife, Mrs. Hannah M. Largent, also survives. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, and services will be conducted in the First M. E. church.


LARKIN, A./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 9, 1890
Mrs. A. Larkin died Sunday afternoon of peritonitis, aged 22 years. Besides her husband, Mr. Chris Larkin, she left an infant only 6 weeks old. Her death in early womanhood was a great blow to her relatives. The remains were taken on Monday to Worden for burial, attended by deceased’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Deming, and Mr. Larkin’s father, Captain F. Rudershausen; Messrs. B. F. and George Welch went as far as Mitchell as pallbearers.


LARRANCE, GRANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 23, 1917
Guardsman Dies from Pneumonia
Grant Larrance, one of the soldiers in the company of Illinois Guards stationed at the plant of the Western Cartridge Co., died at St. Joseph's Hospital Sunday afternoon from pneumonia. He was one of the number of men there who contracted measles and pneumonia followed. He was very sick and was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital where he died. Other patients who contracted measles are getting along all right. Larrance was 22 years of age. The body was sent to Ridge Farm, Ill. today for burial. He was a soldier in Company 1 of the Illinois National Guards. He came to East Alton with the National Guards from Danville. In the same company was a brother, but the brother was married and was sent back to his home as the result of the orders issued by the government some time ago. Larrance was examined the first part of last week, and passed the examination. Shortly after being examined he was taken ill and remained in the army hospital until Sunday, when he was removed to the St. Joseph's Hospital.


LARSEN, KATIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 4, 1891
Mrs. Katie Larsen, wife of Dr. J. C. Larsen, passed peacefully away Friday afternoon at the residence of Mr. Paul Robidou on State Street. Deceased has been a sufferer from consumption for nearly a year, and leaves a husband and a large circle of friends to mourn her death.


LASKE, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 8, 1905
John Laske, an Austrian, employed by the Queen City Quarry Co., was drowned in the Mississippi Friday afternoon while bathing his head in the river, in an effort to cool off a fever from which he was suffering. Laske had been ill for some time, and when the fever would come he would go to the river bank and try to cool himself off. While doing this, he plunged forward into the river and was drowned. His body was picked up about three hours later and turned over to Deputy Coroner Keiser, who held an inquest. A verdict of accidental drowning was found by the jury. Laske was 28 years of age. Rev. Theodore Oberhellman conducted the funeral services this afternoon, and the body was buried in the City Cemetery.


LATHAM, CHARLES E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18, 1922
Charles E. Latham died last night at 11:30 o'clock at his home in East Alton from paralysis, aged 56. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon, and burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.


LATHEY, HENRY K. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 15, 1864
We regret to state that this eminent and useful physician died at his residence in Upper Alton last evening of the smallpox. He will be greatly missed, as he had a very extensive practice not only in Upper Alton, but also in Alton, and in the county for several miles around.

At the urgent solicitation of the citizens of Upper Alton, Dr. E. M. Joslin, Surgeon of the 6th Missouri Infantry, has been induced to tender his resignation for the purpose of settling in Upper Alton and taking the place of the late doctor Lathy. We understand that Dr. Joslin’s family has been residing in that place for some time past, and in that way the citizens had become acquainted with him.

Source: Alton Telegraph, April 29, 1864
The death of a good man in any sphere of public life, and in the midst of eminent usefulness, is always a public calamity, especially is this true of a devoted, skillful physician, long accustomed to visit the chambers of the sick, and to minister with distinguished success to the relief of the suffering. Such a man, such a physician, has recently departed from us, and this community is severely stricken in the sudden decease of Dr. Henry K. Lathy.

Dr. Lathy pursued his professional studies at the Pennsylvania Medical University in Philadelphia, where he graduated with honor, and became a resident of this state more than thirty years ago. He practiced his profession during all this period, and was exclusively devoted to it the last twenty-five years, in Upper Alton, Alton, and the surrounding towns and country. His reputation founded on his eminent ability and success, constantly increased, and his field of practice constantly extended till his labors ceased. His tender solicitude for the welfare of his patients is known to but few persons, but his devotedness to their relief is attested by thousands, in a compass of twenty-five or thirty miles, who in the times of their distress, have confidently relied upon him. His widely extended practice imposed on him arduous and responsible duties, in the discharge of which he was ever prompt, faithful, and indefatigable.

For three months previous to his decease, Dr. Lathy’s health had been seriously impaired by exposure and over-exertion in visiting and attending to his numerous patients, but he could not be induced to refuse attention to the calls made upon him, even when disease was preying upon his own exhausted system. From his last ride on the 1st inst., he returned home suffering severely from disease and exhaustion, yet from his sickbed he continued to prescribe for many who called for his aid, until the 3d inst., when it was discovered that he was falling a victim of the smallpox – contracted of one who had called several days previous for medical advice. On Thursday, the 7th of April, about seven o’clock p.m., he quietly expired, in the sixty-second year of his age.

She, who for thirty-six years had shared the vicissitudes of his public, as well as domestic life, and their elder son, survive to mourn their irreparable loss. But they mourn not without hope. Dr. Lathy was a firm believer in the doctrines of Christianity, and we doubt not he has exchanged the scenes and sufferings of earth for the transcendent glories of that bright world of peace and joy, where death, disease, and sin are unknown. Signed “L.”, Upper Alton, April 18, 1864

Dr. Henry Kent Lathey was one of three sons of William Kent Lathey and Mary Wallis Lathey. His brothers were Samuel Wallis Lathey and Charles Lathey (died when about 3 months old.

William Kent Lathey (the father) was the first known physician to have settled in the Muncy Valley in Pennsylvania. He was an Englishman by birth, and moved there a short time previous to 1800. He purchased a farm and built a large stone house, living there a few years, and then moved to Northumberland, where he died in about 1813.

Henry K. Lathey was educated at the Pennsylvania Medical University in Philadelphia, where he graduated with honors. He moved to Upper Alton in about 1834, and became a well-known and much respected physician there. The perfect symbol of the country doctor, Lathey would travel 25 to 30 miles to see his patients.

In 1837 Henry was appointed Secretary of the Alton African Colonization Society, which was formed six days before the murder of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. The purpose of the society was to enable those slaves who wished to return to Africa the means to do so.

In 1840, Henry Lathey, along with five others, founded the village of Grantfork, located at the intersection of Hwy. 160 and Pocahontas Road – party in Leef Township and partly in Saline Township (northeast of Marine). The town was originally called Fitz James.

Dr. Henry K. Lathey died April 7, 1864 of smallpox, at the age of 62. His son, Boyd Lathey, was also an Upper Alton physician. There is no known photo of Dr. Henry Lathey or his grave site. May he rest in peace.


LATHY, J. BOYD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 1, 1901
J. Boyd Lathy, probably the best known of the oldest residents of Upper Alton, and one of the most prominent of Upper Alton people, passed away last evening after a long illness, aged 74. He had been living in Upper Alton 67 years, and was considered one of the most substantial men of that place. For some time he had been in failing health, caused by rheumatic troubles and the grip. It is supposed that the rheumatism finally went to his heart. Mr. Lathy was reputed to be one of the wealthiest residents of Upper Alton. Many years ago he was connected with the present firm of Paddock & Hawley of St. Louis, his name being added to the firm name. He has extensive interests at Webb City, Mo., in the lead mining country, and also owned valuable property elsewhere. He leaves beside his widow, three children: Clinton Lathy, a fruit grower of Fresno, Cal.; Miss Sadie Lathy who teaches in the Missouri school for the blind; and Carl Lathy of Upper Alton. The funeral of Mr. Lathy will be held Monday morning at 10 o'clock and services will be at the family home, conducted by Revs. W. H. Bradley and G. W. Waggoner. [Interment at Oakwood Cemetery]


LATHY, ELIZABETH R. B./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 13, 1874
Died in Upper Alton on March 10, Mrs. Elizabeth R. B. Lathy, wife of the late Dr. H. K. Lathy, in the 72nd year of her age.


LATHY, WILLIAM K./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 29, 1847
Died at his father's residence in Upper Alton on Saturday morning last, William K. Lathy, second son of Dr. H. K. Lathy. The deceased was a very worthy young man, much esteemed by all who knew him. We sincerely sympathize with his afflicted parents and other relatives in their sad bereavement.


LAUER, JOHN J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 8, 1901
The funeral of John J. Lauer will take place Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from St. Patrick's church. Interment will be in Greenwood.


LAUGHLIN, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 14, 1902
Mrs. Elizabeth Laughlin, wife of John Laughlin, died Monday afternoon at 5:15 o'clock after an illness of many years, at her home 540 East Ninth street. She was 65 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Laughlin came to Alton from Pittsburg, Pa., and made their home with their son, Rev. J. W. Laughlin, who was at that time superintendent of missions for the Cumberland Presbyterian church and now pastor of the First Cumberland Presbyterian church, Chicago. The illness of Mrs. Laughlin dated back before her coming to Alton, and her suffering at times was acute. The last three years she had been bedfast nearly all the time, and the end was not unexpected. She leaves her husband and three children, Rev. J. W. Laughlin, J. L. Laughlin, and Miss Laura Laughlin. One daughter died recently. The time of the funeral is not set, as J. L. Laughlin, who is a rancher in Wyoming, has been notified of his mother's death and may come to Alton to attend the funeral. Rev. J. W. Laughlin arrived this morning from Chicago.


LAUGHLIN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 13, 1903
Mr. John Laughlin, formerly a resident of Alton, died at Wheaton, Wyoming Saturday, and his body will arrive here this evening accompanied by his daughter, Miss Laura, and his son, L. L. Laughlin. Rev. J. W. Laughlin, pastor of the First C. P. church, arrived from Chicago Sunday to make arrangements for the funeral, which will take place tomorrow morning. Mr. Laughlin's wife and a daughter died in Alton within two years, and afterward he went to Wyoming to make his home with his son. Services will be conducted in the Cumberland Presbyterian church by Rev. D. E. Bushnell, and burial will be in City Cemetery. The pallbearers are T. H. Perrin, J. M. Logan, C. E. Freeman, S. H. Malcom, F. J. Rue, and William Wilson.


LAUGHLIN, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 31, 1901
The funeral of Miss Mary Laughlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Laughlin, will take place at the residence of the parents, 540 East Ninth street, at 3 p.m. Thursday. Miss Mary has been a patient sufferer for more than six months and peacefully passed away on Tuesday at 3 p.m. She was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, exemplary in her life, a woman of sweet dignity and pleasant manner. Her death will be lamented by parents, one sister, two brothers, besides a host of friends who knew her.


LAUGHLIN, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 21, 1871
Murdered Over Twenty-Five Cents
A terrible shooting affray took place on Sunday last at Madison Precinct, in Madison County, under the following circumstances. A laborer named Michael Laughlin was spending part of the day in a saloon kept by a man named Dropp, and was drinking and gambling with the proprietor. At last, Laughlin prepared to leave, and went to the counter to settle his bill, when a dispute arose as to the amount. Dropp claiming twenty cents more than Laughlin thought was correct. The dispute soon became a quarrel, both became excited, and Dropp suddenly turned round in search of a weapon, whereupon Laughlin started for the door. Just before he got out, Dropp came up close behind him with a revolver, and fire. There were seven bullets in the barrel discharged, and four or five went entirely through the body of the unfortunate man, killing him almost instantly. Dropp was arrested, and his examination took place on Tuesday before a Justice, but we have not learned the result. The circumstances, as related to us, make this one of the most brutal and cold-blooded murders that ever took place in Madison County. A more trivial cause could scarcely be imagined – a man murdered for twenty cents.


LAUGHLIN, NEIL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 15, 1919
Neil Laughlin, aged 29, died last evening about 7 o'clock at the home of his mother, Mrs. Samuel Laughlin, of 216 West Seventh Street, after an illness which extended over a period of two years. For many months his condition had been serious and death was expected. He was single and resided with his mother at the family home. Besides his mother, Laughlin is survived by one sister, Mrs. J. Raymond Carringer of Elizabeth, New Jersey, and one brother, Eugene Laughlin of Alton. Three aunts, Mrs. J. Montgomery, Mrs. E. Telgman and Miss M. Laughlin, all of Normal, Ill., also survive. The funeral will be held on Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral. Interment will be in Greenwood cemetery.


LAUGHLIN, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 21, 1913
Former Deputy Sheriff At Alton Dies
Samuel Laughlin, formerly deputy sheriff at Alton, died Sunday morning at his home on West Seventh street, after a long illness, aged 49. He was born on Leap Year day 49 years ago, and was therefore one Altonian who had a birthday but once in four years. Mr. Laughlin was a native of Alton and had lived here all his life. He is survived by his wife, three children and three sisters. He belonged to a family that was well known in Alton. He had long been in ill health, and for several days before his death his recovery was not expected. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, and services will be conducted by Rev. J. M. Rohde. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.


LAUX, MARIE E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 15, 1909
Mrs. Marie E. Laux died Sunday morning at 7:20 o'clock at the home of her only daughter, Mrs. William Sonntag on Henry street. She was 82 years and eight months old and had been a resident of Alton for fifty-six years. She came from Germany in Nassau, where she was born almost sixty years ago with her husband. Mr. Laux died about fifteen years ago. Mrs. Laux leaves only one daughter, Mrs. William Sonntag, with whom she lived. The funeral will be held from the German Evangelical church tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Laux had been a member of this church all of the time she has resided in Alton. She was one of the founders of the Ladies Aid Society of the church, and had always been active in the work of the church. She died of the infirmities of old age.


LAUX, OSCAR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1904
Oscar Laux, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Laux, died at the family home on Edwards street Monday morning at 6 o'clock after an illness of less than three weeks. His illness started with an attack of malaria, and only a week ago developed into typhoid fever. Oscar Laux was 19 years old and was one of Upper Alton's best young men. His death is not only a sad blow to his immediate family, but his many friends are sorely grieved at the sudden taken away of such a useful and honorable young man. He was a member of the German Evangelical church, having been confirmed last Easter. He had been employed several years in the C. E. Freeman grocery store in Alton, and his record there for faithfulness and honesty had won for himself the admiration of all who knew him. He leaves besides his parents eight brothers and two sisters. The funeral will be Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock from the home, and the remains will be taken on the 8:20 train to Brighton, where services will be conducted by Rev. Theo Oberhellman. The funeral party can return on the train leaving Brighton at 11:30 a.m.


LAVATTO, P./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 26, 1911
Italian Laborer Smothered to Death
P. Lavatto, an Italian laborer working for the Federal Lead Co., was crushed to death about 11 o'clock today in the ore bin while he was at work. Lavatto was helping to take out ore when a big mass of pulverized lead ore slipped and covered him completely. He was taken out dead when his companions dug away the mass that buried him. The body was turned over to Coroner Streeper. At the coroner's morgue it was found that he had been badly crushed. Supt. R. Porter said today that the man was working alone in the room at the time of the accident. He must have undermined the bank of granulated lead ore and the whole mass of perhaps 30 tons in weight slipped down, covering him. It was a half hour before the man's body was recovered, and by that [time] death had ensued from suffocation. His lungs and throat were completely clogged with the fine particles of ore. It is not believed that crushing had anything to do with his death. None of the associates of Lavatto would admit knowing anything about him. It is supposed that he had money, as he was a steady worker and spent little.


LAVENUE, UNKNOWN CHILD OF FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 26, 1907
The 9 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lavenue died last evening after an illness from lung troubles at the home in Cherry street. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock, and burial was in City cemetery.


LAW, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1898
William Law, a farmer, was instantly killed Friday evening by a Chicago & Alton passenger train, while driving across the tracks at Nameoki. Coroner Bailey held an inquest on the body Friday night at Venice.


LAWLER, LEWIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 10, 1864
Yesterday afternoon, two small boys, Lewis Lawler and William Riley, were drowned in the river. Several boys were with them out on the edge of the sandbar, and it seems that the two little fellows went too far and stepped off a bluff bank out of their depth, and drowned before assistance could be rendered them. They were aged respectively 12 and 15 years.


LAWLESS, CELIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 20, 1904
Mrs. Celia Lawless, wife of Thomas Lawless, died Sunday morning at the home of her father on Cherry street, after a long illness. She leaves beside her husband two children. Mrs. Lawless was 27 years of age and had lived in Alton all her life. She was the daughter of John J. Dillon. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's church.


LAWLESS, DANIEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 9, 1915
Daniel Lawless died Sunday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of his brother, Edward M. Lawless, 1517 Clawson street. Deceased was a glassblower by trade and had worked in many different factories. He was 35 years old and was not married. He had made his home up to five months ago with his brother, John Lawless of 317 Henry street, but at that time he went to Upper Alton and lived with his brother, Edward. He had been in poor health a long time but he was never confined to his bed until three weeks ago. He became bedfast then and was never able to be up again. Mr. Lawless leaves three brothers, all of Alton: John of Henry street, Deputy Factory Inspector Tom Lawless of 1530 East Third street; and Edward of Upper Alton. Deceased was born in Alton and had lived here all his life. Funeral arrangements have not been completed but the services will be held at St. Patrick's Church and burial will be in Greenwood.


LAWLESS, DAVID/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19, 1901
David Lawless died this morning at the home of his brother, Thomas Lawless on Third street near Cherry. He was 24 years of age and had been ill many months with tuberculosis consumption of the lungs. He was well known in the East End and highly thought of by a large circle of friends, all of whom will be deeply grieved to learn of his death. He leaves five brothers, John, James, Thomas, Edward and Daniel Lawless. The funeral will take place Thursday morning at 9 o'clock, and services will be held in St. Patrick's church. Burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery.


LAWLESS, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 3, 1902
James Lawless, a prominent glassblower, died this morning at 10:25 o'clock after a long illness with lung troubles. He was 37 years of age and had lived in Alton many years. Several years ago he purchased some property northeast of Alton, hoping that a country residence would benefit his health, but without effect. He leaves his wife and three children, also four brothers. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's church.


LAWLESS, LIZZIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 16, 1893
Mrs. Lizzie Lawless died early Friday morning at the residence of her mother, on Fourth Street. Mrs. Lawless’ husband died about two years ago. She leaves a little daughter, six years old, to mourn her death. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon.


LAWLESS, MARY J./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 13, 1888
The funeral of Mrs. Mary J. Lawless, who died Sunday, took place this morning from St. Patrick’s Church. Mrs. Lawless was a native of Alton, 47 years of age, and left eight children to mourn her death.


LAWLESS, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 10, 1900
Thomas Lawless of Bethalto died this morning at 2 o'clock in St. Joseph's Hospital from injuries sustained by him in a runaway accident while he was harrowing in a field near Bethalto. He was thrown under the harrow during the runaway, and ____ooth of the harrow struck him in the calf of his left leg, inflicting a bad wound. Blood poisoning set in, and he died under treatment in the hospital. Lawless was a farm hand, and was 30 years of age. He has no relatives here. The funeral will be tomorrow morning, and services will be in the Cathedral at 10 o'clock. Burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery.


LAWLESS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19, 1891
The funeral of the late William Lawless took place yesterday from the residence of Mrs. Holl on East Fourth Street, thence to St. Patrick’s Church, where mass was conducted by Rev. Father Fallon. The attendance was very large, and testified to the friendship and esteem in which the deceased was held by his co-laborers and acquaintances. The funeral cortege was a long and imposing one, the green glassblowers league turning out to the number of about two hundred, with Mr. C. E. Lessner as Marshal. The pallbearers were Messrs. R. Galbally, M. Riley, Thomas Nolan, M. J. Gill, M. E. Carroll, and John Weber. The interment was at the cemetery in North Alton.


LAWRENCE, ABEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 14, 1839
We regret to state that on last Saturday evening, between nine and ten o'clock, a Mr. Abel Lawrence, formerly of New York, but for a short time past a resident of this state, while attempting to step on board the steamboat Illinois, then lying at our wharf, accidentally slipped into the river, and being unable to swim, unfortunately sunk to rise no more alive before any assistance could reach him. Diligent search was immediately made for his body, but it was not recovered until the next morning, when it was found near the shore, and at a short distance from the place where he had fallen in. We learn that he has a family residing in New York, whom the news of the unexpected death of their dearest earthly friend and protector will doubtless overwhelm in inexpressible sorrow.


LAWRENCE, ADDIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1877
From Bethalto – Miss Addie Lawrence, aged 19, daughter of Henry Lawrence, died last Friday afternoon. The funeral took place from her father’s residence Saturday.


LAWRENCE, DORSEY/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 15, 1895
From Bethalto – Died, August 7, 1895, at the St. Mary’s Hospital, East St. Louis, Dorsey Lawrence, age 27 years and 10 days. Monday morning, August 5, Dorsey Lawrence, Larry Garretts, and Al Eubanks went to the American Bottom in search of work digging potatoes. They found no employment of this kind, and went to Madison and Venice. At Madison, they were promised work in the car shops after August 11. This was Tuesday, August 6. Tired and anxious to return home, the young men went over to the Venice junction to board a freight train. They had got aboard No. 90, but Garretts and Lawrence were put off by the trainmen, Eubanks riding to East Alton. The two who were left waiting for No. 90, and in attempting to board it, Dorsey Lawrence missed his footing and fell with his left leg on the rail, two trucks passing over it just above the ankle. The trainmen knew nothing of the accident, and so did not stop. The injured man was soon discovered, and a physician was called and the flow of blood was somewhat checked. An engine was dispatched for him, and he was removed to East St. Louis, where an ambulance was in waiting, which conveyed him to the St. Mary’s Hospital. The hospital surgeons amputated the injured limb just below the knee, but the loss of blood had so weakened the suffering man, that he did not have sufficient vitality to withstand the terrible shock caused by the injury and the operation, and on Wednesday, August 7, death came to his relief. About an hour before his death, he aroused and called for the doctor. He said he knew he was going to die. The Sisters waited upon him, and the result was that the ordinance of baptism was administered by a priest. The body was removed to Kurrie’s undertaking establishment, where it was prepared for burial. His family was notified, and Wednesday evening J. U. Uzzell, Henry Meyer, and James went down and brought the remains to Bethalto. The funeral took place from the family residence. The coffin was literally buried with flowers. The large attendance at the house and cemetery spoke of the respect and sympathy of the community. The deceased leaves a young wife and two small children to mourn their loss; also his mother and a brother in Colorado. We unite with the entire community in offering our sympathy and assistance to the bereaved family.


LAWRENCE, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 21, 1902
Bethalto News - Edward Lawrence died Friday night at 9 o'clock after a lingering illness. He was 28 years old and leaves an aged mother, one sister, four brothers and a host of friends to mourn his death. Rev. Randle conducted the funeral services at the home Sunday.


LAWRENCE, GEORGE W./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1879
From Bethalto – Mr. George W. Lawrence of Ft. Russell died last Thursday after an illness of twelve days. He was about 49 years of age, and leaves a wife and seven children. The funeral took place from his late residence the next day.


LAWRENCE, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 13, 1893
From Bethalto – The funeral of Mr. Henry Lawrence, an old and respected citizen, took place from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. G. Rutherford, on Thursday last. He had been an invalid for a number of years, and while the sons and daughters mourn the loss of their aged father, his death no doubt was a relief to them, as well as to himself.


LAWRENCE, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 22, 1883
From Bethalto – Mr. James Lawrence, a young man aged 25, who has been sick for many weeks at the residence of Mr. Levi Kimball, died Monday evening. The funeral will take place tomorrow. The remains will be interred at the old burying ground south of Mrs. M. E. Montgomery’s.


LAWRENCE, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 15, 1900
Killed by Train at East Alton
John Lawrence of East St. Louis, was fatally injured at East Alton Saturday evening while attempting to board a Big Four train at 4:30 o'clock to go to his home in East St. Louis. He was struck by the train and hurled against a switch-stand at the track side, and his back was broken. He lived several hours and was cared for by relatives. Lawrence was 40 years of age and leaves a wife and three children. Coroner Bailey held an inquest and the body was cared for by relatives at East Alton. [Burial was in Montgomery Cemetery]


LAWRENCE, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 29, 1907
Killed by Train
John Lawrence, formerly of East Alton, was instantly killed Monday noon by being struck by the C. & A. train due at Alton at 11:30 o'clock. The train was behind time and was running down the grade north of Tenth street just as Lawrence was crossing the track going to dinner. He lived at 1111 Belle street with his wife and three children. E. C. Mack and several other men were with Lawrence and had just crossed the track ahead of him. They saw the train approaching and hurried to get across. It is believed that Lawrence, seeing the train so close to him and becoming terrified, hesitated a second before crossing over the track and he was hit before he could get out of the way. His body was thrown to one side, badly broken, but it was not mangled. The men with Lawrence did not know he was struck by the train until someone behind called out that he had been hit. The other men had gone on over the brow of the embankment and were hurrying on to their dinner. Mrs. Lawrence, who was close by in her home, heard the cry and must have seen her husband being struck by the train. She was among the first on the scene of the accident. The body was taken on the train and at Union depot was sent to the Keiser undertaking establishment to be prepared for burial. Mr. Mack says that Lawrence had worked for him about one month. He formerly lived at East Alton and at Bethalto.


LAWRENCE, JOHN P./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 25, 1877
From Edwardsville – John P. Lawrence, son of the late Captain John Lawrence, died on Sunday last of the injuries received two weeks previously by the wagon in which he was riding being struck by a passing train on the railroad at Edwardsville Crossing.


LAWRENCE, MINNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 11, 1914
Mrs. Minnie Lawrence, wife of L. J. Lawrence, died Sunday afternoon at 3:45 at the family home in East Alton after an illness of several months duration. She suffered at first from a severe attack of the grip, which later developed into a painful heart trouble. For the last few weeks her physicians gave her case up as hopeless, and still she lingered on and at times would rally so that it was thought she would completely recover. She was 57 years of age, and was born in Ohio. She has been living in East Alton about 15 years. She leaves her husband, L. J. Lawrence, and two children, Mrs. Frank McCabe of Wood River, and Mrs. N. N. Colburn of Monroe, La. Mrs. Colburn came to East Alton two weeks ago in response to word of her mother's serious illness, and has been in constant attendance at her mother's bedside ever since, as has also Mrs. McCabe of Wood River. The funeral arrangements have not been set definitely, owing to the fact that the family is waiting for Mr. Colburn to come from Monroe. The services will be held Wednesday, and the burial will be in the cemetery in Bethalto.


LAWRENCE, NIMROD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 19, 1907
Civil War Soldier Dies From Fall
Nimrod Lawrence, who fell and struck his head on the hinge of his kitchen door a week ago at Bethalto, died from his injuries and has been buried. He fractured his skull. Lawrence was taken with a fainting fit while getting up in the morning and pitching forward struck the door hinge. He died one day after he was 63 years of age. He was an old soldier and served with an excellent record during the Civil War. His first wife died about three years ago. He leaves beside his second wife, three children. He was a member of Christ Church of Fidelity.


LAWRENCE, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1901
Moro News - Samuel Lawrence, a highly respected young man, died at his home on the 26th of April after a lingering illness. He was in his thirtieth year. The funeral services were held Saturday morning, Rev. Spickler officiating. The remains were interred at the McPherson cemetery [cemetery is in Meadowbrook].


LAWRENCE, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 22, 1891
From Bethalto, Jan. 20 – Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Lawrence were bereaved on Wednesday last in the loss of their infant babe. The funeral occurred on Thursday.


LAWRENCE, WILLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 28, 1904
Dies From Eating Too Many Green Apples
Willie Lawrence, son of John Lawrence of 1007 Belle street, died Thursday morning from eating too many green apples. He was 12 years of age. The boy was taken with a bad case of cramps Wednesday night after making a meal off green apples, and never recovered. The funeral will be held Friday.


LAWSON, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 4, 1910
Anna Lawson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson, died Friday evening at the home in Emerald street, Lockyer's addition, after an illness of three days with diptheria. The funeral which was necessarily private took place this afternoon and burial was in City Cemetery.


LAWSON, CLARA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 25, 1913
Mrs. Clara Lawson, wife of John Lawson, died last night at her home, 1821 Ervay avenue, after a lingering illness extending over the past twelve months. She was bedfast however only the last week. Physicians diagnosed her malady as a tumor, and while she suffered constantly, she persisted in directing her household affairs and in being patient. She was born in Pennsylvania, but for the past fourteen years has resided in Illinois. She made firm friends of all neighbors, and these will sincerely regret the news of her death. She was 46 years old and is survived by her husband and two sons, Alfred and John. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the residence. Services will be conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing and burial will be in City Cemetery.


LEA, CHARLES G./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 14, 1891
The body of Charles G. Lea arrived Monday morning from St. Joseph, Missouri, where he died Saturday morning. The body was accompanied by Mrs. Lea and her daughter, Miss Edith, and son, John. The Masonic fraternity of Alton had gathered at the station, and took charge of the arrangements for the funeral. There were also many of Mr. Lea’s relatives and friends present. The funeral cortege went from the station to the cemetery, where the full Masonic ritual burial service was performed under direction of the W. M., Mr. P. L. Betts. The pallbearers were Messrs. H. M. Schweppe, Charles Milnor, F. H. Ferguson, H. P. Chalk, W. R. Pierce, and S. Pitts.

Mr. Lea was a native of Alton, and lived here until ten or fifteen years ago. He was one of our foremost business men until the time of his removal. Mrs. Ellen Hume, sister of the deceased, was in town today to attend the funeral.


LEA, HENRY NEVILLE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 8, 1838
Died, on Friday evening, 3d inst., Henry Neville, infant son of James Henry Lea, Esq., aged 10 months and nine days.


James Henry LeaLEA, JAMES HENRY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 5, 1890
Well-Known Alton Businessman
Planted First Soybeans in Illinois
From the Atchison, Kansas, Globe June 4 – “Mr. James H. Lea died of heart failure at noon today at his residence on North Second Street [in Atchison, Kansas], after a painful illness of two months. About two years ago, Mr. Lea was stricken with paralysis, from which he never recovered. Mr. Lea was in his eighty-first year, having been born December 19, 1809, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mr. Lea came to Atchison in October 1869, and for ten years was actively engaged in business here, when he retired and devoted his attention to private interests. Prior to coming to Atchison, Mr. Lea lived for many years at Alton, Illinois, where his wife died. The body will be taken to Alton for burial on Saturday or Sunday, it being the last wish of the deceased that he should not be buried immediately. Mr. Lea leaves one son, Charles Lea, and three daughters, Mrs. Hume, Mrs. Kate Cromwell, and Miss Grace Lea. He was conscious until the last moment, conversing with his children upon business and family affairs.”

Mr. Lea was for many years a resident and business man of Alton. His home was on Prospect Street, where the Catholic Orphanage now is [in 1890]. He has been in poor health for some time. His son, Charles G. Lea, lives in Atchison, and a daughter, Mrs. Hume, resides in Brighton. Mr. Lea’s wife is buried in the family lot in the cemetery in Alton.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 7, 1890
The remains of the late James H. Lea arrived here from Atchison, Kansas, at half past nine this morning, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Lea and son, Mrs. Helen Hume, and Miss Grace Lea. At the Union Depot, they were met by a number of old friends of the deceased, and the funeral cortege wended its way to the cemetery. After arriving there, the Episcopal burial service was read by Rev. D. D. Goodyear, and the body interred in the Lea family lot. The following gentlemen acted as pallbearers: Captain David R. Sparks, John E. Hayner, W. T. Norton, Henry C. Priest, T. W. Radcliffe, and Charles W. Milnor.

James Henry Lea was born December 19, 1808, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was the son of John Lea (1782-1862) and Catherine McClyment Lea (1785-1868). James married Ellen Campbell (1820-1874), and they had the following children: Charles G. Lea (?-1891); Alice Lea McNeil (1845-1883); Kate Lea Cromwell (1848-1914); and Grace Lea Rigg (1854-1910). James was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.

Mr. Lea was the first cashier at the Illinois State Bank in Alton. Later, he and a Mr. Brown built the Madison Mill, located at Piasa and Broadway in Alton. Later, Lea, Weaver, and Co. purchased the mill and remodeled and improved the buildings. James Lea was the senior partner of the firm. Lea was later a member of Wise, Lea, and Co.

The James H. Lea home was located on the southwest corner of Prospect and State Streets. The home later housed the Thomas Biggins family. Eventually, an orphanage owned by the Catholic church was located on the property, and was later used as a woman’s home. Today, the property is used for condos. James Lea is credited with planting the first soybeans in Illinois, when a friend gave him the seeds.


LEACH, JULIA (nee GODFREY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 17, 1874
Daughter of Captain Benjamin Godfrey
Died at Godfrey, April 11, 1874, Mrs. Julia Leach, aged 30 years, youngest daughter of the late Benjamin Godfrey, Esq.

Julia Godfrey Leach was born September 10, 1843. She was the youngest daughter of Captain Benjamin Godfrey and Rebecca E. Petit Godfrey (second wife of Captain Godfrey). Julia married Julius C. Leach, a leading citizen of Godfrey. Julius died July 30, 1870. Julia was buried in the Godfrey Cemetery.


LEACH, JULIUS C./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1871
Son-in-Law of Captain Benjamin Godfrey
On July 30, 1870, Mr. Julius C. Leach, a leading resident of Godfrey, died.


LEACH, UNKNOWN WIFE OF CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 24, 1866
Died in Alton on August 20, after a long and severe illness, Mrs. Charles S. Leach.


LEADY, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 19, 1913
Mrs. Elizabeth Leady, widow of the late Philip Leady, died Wednesday morning shortly before 10 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Meitner, on West Fourth street, from a complication of troubles. She had suffered more or less all summer, but had apparently recovered a few weeks ago. The fatal sickness started last Saturday, and from the first the case was hopeless. Mrs. Leady was born in Germany, but came to this country while quite young, and has lived in Alton or immediate vicinity since. She was 75 years of age this month, and is survived by eight children: five sons, Louis, Henry, Joseph, Philip and Charles Leady all of Alton; and three daughters, Mrs. Meitner and Mrs. A. Nolte of Alton, and Mrs. Martin Schneider of Colorado. She was a kindly, motherly, neighborly woman, and was "grandma" to all the young folks who knew her, and sorrow at her death with them will be genuine. Funeral arrangements have not been made.


LEADY, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 10, 1922
Henry Leady, burned yesterday morning in a gasoline explosion in the White Way garage on Belle street, died at 10 o'clock last night in St. Joseph's hospital. His death was due to the fact that such a large area of skin was burned it was impossible for him to recover. Immediately after the man was taken to the hospital, the attending surgeon warned the family that the injuries would probably prove fatal. Mr. Leady was born at Greenfield, Ill., and would have been 57 years of age next December 12. He resided at 216 East Sixteenth Street. He leaves a family consisting of his wife and three sons, Harry, John and Raymond, and three daughters, Mrs. Wilkes Gibbs, Mrs. Warren Kitzmiller and Miss Helen Leady. He leaves also four brothers, Joseph, Philip, Charles and Louis Leady and three sisters, Mrs. Carrie Blossom, of Denver, Colo., Mrs. John Meitner of Alton and Mrs. Bert Seymon of Chicago. For many years he was employed at the Reck brewery and he also conducted saloons in Alton. He worked for a time in the employ of bakeries in Alton. He had been working in garages for several years and had worked a year at the White Way Garage where the fatal accident occurred. The body will be taken to the home of Mrs. Wilkes Gibbs, 1300 Alby street, and the funeral will be held from there Saturday morning to St. Mary's church. The time of the funeral will not be definitely set until word is received from his sister, in Denver, who may come to the funeral. Mr. Leady belonged to the Eagles and to the Western Catholic Union.


LEADY, PHILIP SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 26, 1904
Philip Leady Sr., who moved to Alton ten years ago from Macoupin county, and who for several years conducted the Alton house on East Second street, died Friday evening from the effects of a paralytic stroke sustained a few days ago. He was 71 years of age, and leaves a wife and nine children. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will be conducted by Rev. Joseph Merkle, and interment will be in St. Joseph's cemetery.


LEASON, NANCY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 13, 1916
Mrs. Nancy Leason, aged 61, died at her home, Ninth and Piasa streets, at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. Her aged husband died one year ago. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and burial will be in City Cemetery, under Salvation Army auspices.


LEATHER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 1, 1850
Died on the 10th ult., Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of George Leather.


LEBO, J. G./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1871
On October 20, 1870, Mr. J. G. Lebo, an old gentleman, 75 years of age, dropped dead in the store of Mr. W. Parker, on Belle Street in Alton.


LEBOLD, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1851
Died at Upper Alton, July 3, of cholera, Mr. George Lebold, aged 51(?) years. He was buried by his brethren of Franklin Lodge, No. 23, with Masonic honors.


LEBREUM, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 3, 1905
Louis Lebreum, thirty years of age, died at the St. Joseph's hospital this morning as a result of lead poisoning. The young man worked at the lead works and contracted the poisoning there. He has been in the hospital for seven weeks, and has been out of his mind most of this time. He leaves a wife and two children. Funeral arrangements have not been made.


LECHANTER, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 11, 1897
Mr. John Lechanter died at St. Joseph’s Hospital Sunday night after an illness of several weeks. He was taken to the hospital Saturday for treatment. Mr. Lechanter was a stone mason by trade. He leaves no relatives. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon from the hospital under the auspices of the German Benevolent Society, of which deceased was an old member.


LECOMPTE, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Jun 24, 1922
Mrs. Caroline Lecompte, 65, died Friday noon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Fritchie, in Altwood Addition, following an illness of twelve months, suffering from a complication of diseases. Mrs. Lecompte has spent most of her life residing in Alton and East Alton. The deceased is survived by one son, John Brown of East Alton, and one daughter, Mrs. William Fritchie. The funeral was held this afternoon at two o'clock from the Fritchie home, thence to the Milton Cemetery for burial. Rev. William McIntosh had charge of the services.


LEDBETTER, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 7, 1901
Murder in Upper Alton - Man Killed in Quarrel Over Woman
Louis Ledbetter was instantly killed by Will Martin at a sociable of the Upper Alton colored Baptist church, at the home of Mose Baker. Martin claimed to have done the shooting in self-defense, but the evidence brought out at the coroner's inquest makes his defense untenable. Martin was held by the coroner's jury for the murder of Ledbetter, and has been sent to the county jail without bond. Martin's story is that Ledbetter was jealous of Mrs. Ledbetter, with whom he had been having much trouble. Mrs. Ledbetter sued for divorce from her husband, and after the first separation she started keeping boarders to sustain herself. Ledbetter was jealous of every man who boarded at Mrs. Ledbetter's place, Martin said, and made threats to kill Martin in particular. Saturday night while Martin and several other Upper Alton friends of his were going to the sociable, Ledbetter happened along and began abusing Martin and Mrs. Ledbetter, who was with the party. Ledbetter choked his wife, Martin says, and then began throwing stones at Martin, striking him several times. Afterward he made a move as if to draw his revolver, and Martin, fearing that Ledbetter was about to shoot him, fired, the ball taking effect in Ledbetter's head. Emory Maison, who witnessed the killing, tells a different story. He says that Martin ordered Ledbetter to leave the Baker place and that Ledbetter started to leave. As he turned to go, Martin drew his revolver and fired, the ball taking effect in the back of Ledbetter's head, causing instant death. Maison's story shows the killing a cold-blooded murder. The inquest was started early last evening and was concluded at a late hour. Stories told about the shooting are so conflicting that it will be difficult for a jury to decide who was to blame, Ledbetter or Martin. After shooting Ledbetter, Martin went home, changed his clothes and at once came to Alton and placed himself in the hands of the police for protection. The colored people in Salu are said to be divided into factions in their sympathies, some siding with Martin and some with Ledbetter. Martin is bound over to the Circuit Court.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 26, 1902
The case of Will Martin, the Upper Alton negro who is under indictment for killing Louis Ledbetter, and who admits the shooting but claims that he acted in self-defense, has been continued to the next term of Circuit Court. On account of the press of business in the criminal line, the States Attorney is unable to reach this case.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 30, 1902
William Martin, the Upper Alton negro who was tried yesterday for murdering Louis Ledbetter, was found guilty of murder, and his punishment was fixed at 30 years in the penitentiary. The case went to the jury at 11 o'clock last night and the jury reported this morning. Judge Dunnegan, for the defense, gave notice that a new trial will be asked. Martin shot Ledbetter one year ago. The bullet entered the back of Ledbetter's head. The jury could not understand how a self defense case could be made when the man was shot in the back of the head. Ledbetter was shot at a Sunday school sociable given by the Upper Alton colored Baptist church.


LEDBETTER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 21, 1914
William Martin, formerly of Alton but now prisoner 8080 of the Menard, Ill. penitentiary, is writing to his Alton friends in hope that they will do something towards having him pardoned for the murder he committed in Alton 13 years ago.....The murder occurred at an ice cream social held in Upper Alton about thirteen years ago. Martin had been very attentive to a Mrs. Ledbetter during the evening, and when her husband remonstrated with him, a quarrel started during which Martin shot the husband. He was sentenced to thirty years at hard labor.


LEDDER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22, 1901
Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Walter Ledder, a well known glassblower, died Thursday night at her home in Upper Alton at 11 o'clock, of acute pneumonia. Mrs. Ledder attended the Goodwin funeral on Tuesday and was apparently in good health, excepting for a slight cold. She was attacked with pneumonia on Wednesday and grew steadily worse until the end came. She was a good woman, neighbor, mother and wife, and her death will cause sincere sorrow and sympathy. She was about 42 years of age and leaves her husband and ten children, the youngest a babe of three months of age. Within a year there have been one birth, one marriage and two deaths in the family. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon from the home, Rev. H. M. Chittenden, rector of the Episcopal church of this city, conducting the obsequies.


LEDDER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 23, 1900
Joseph Ledder, the twenty years old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ledder, died this morning at 4 o'clock at the family home on Edwards street. He was ill two weeks with cerebral meningitis, a mild epidemic of which has been prevailing in Upper Alton. A young sister, three and one half years of age, also is very ill and at the point of death from the same disease. The funeral of Joseph will be Thursday at 2 p.m. from the family home.


LEDEBUR, CASPER/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1890
From Moro – word has been received here of the death, at Denver, Colorado, of Mr. Casper Ledebur, who left here only a few weeks ago for the benefit of his health.


LEE, ANNE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 19, 1866
Died at her residence near Bethalto, on the 8th instant, Mrs. Anne Lee, widow of the late Dr. John Lee, aged 75 years.


William "Deaf Bill" LeeLEE, WILLIAM "DEAF BILL"/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 23, 1915
Deaf Bill Lee Was Dying Alone - Is Taken to Hospital
Bill Lee, known as "Deaf Bill," who lived a near hermits life in a shanty boat across the river, was brought here this morning by a friend who thought that hospitals were free institutions and that medical attendance was to be had without money and without price. Bill was very sick, and when he was seen by Overseer of the poor, Joseph Hermann, and by Mrs. S. Demuth, they decided something must be done with him. Being a resident of St. Charles County, Mo., that county was responsible for him, but there was no time to discuss the question and fix responsibility. Bill had to be taken to the hospital. The county will pay part and Mrs. Demuth made arrangements whereby the hospital would stand the other part. Bill is so deaf he can hardly hear any sounds. Deaf Bill was found in a serious condition by a fisherman who went near his shanty on the Missouri side of the river this morning. He has been unable to feed himself. Fishermen friends who dropped along the river from time to time offered him a little to eat. After being brought to Alton, his condition was pronounced serious by the physicians who were called. An effort was made to get Deaf Bill to return to St. Charles for medical attention, as it was said that he was a resident of St. Charles. The old fisherman refused to do this, however, and stated that he would die in his little shanty across the river. He claimed that he was not a resident of Missouri, but a resident of Illinois. He said that all of his worldly belongings were in Alton and that he spent his winters here. In the summer he went over the river to fish, but he added that he spent all of his money in Alton and he believed Alton should care for him in his trouble.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 13, 1915 "Deaf Bill" Lee is Dead
William Lee, better known as "Deaf Bill," died at the poor farm at Edwardsville last night, and the body was brought to Alton today. Lee lived across the river in a shanty boat in the summer, and came to Alton for the winter. Recently he was brought across the river by a friend who found him helpless and suffering from lack of care. He was taken to the county hospital, and it was found he had tuberculosis.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 13, 1917 River Character Who Died Near Two Years Ago Will Be Interred On Second Anniversary
The undertaking establishment of W. H. Bauer is to lose its boarder. He has been a silent boarder, withal, as he has not spoken a word in the near two years he has been there. The tenancy of the silent boarder is to be ended November 13, on the second anniversary of his coming there. The boarder was "Deaf Bill" Lee. He spent many a year in the vicinity of Alton, and he lived on the river banks in houseboats. He crossed the river many a stormy night and many a wild day, but finally Bill died. When he died nobody could be found who was interested in him. It was reported he had a father, and Mr. Bauer tried to notify him. The father seemed to be flitting from place to place, and at last he was reported to be in Kansas, and there he disappeared. So hope of finding Lee's father or any friends interested in him have been dropped. Undertaker Bauer did a good job of embalming. Lee kept getting more and more solid, and today he looks like a mummy. There was never any doubt about his being "kept" all right, and that he would not begin to annoy the neighborhood. He lay quiet, and gave no disturbance whatever to any of the neighbors. But Mr. Bauer thinks it is about time that Bill was laid away, and so he has set November 13, the second anniversary of Lee's death, as the time for the funeral. He will be buried as a county charge.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17, 1918 "Deaf Bill Lee" - Unclaimed Body
At an Undertakers convention at the Illini hotel .... One of the objects of interest which the visiting undertakers will see will be the body of "Deaf Bill" Lee. He died November 13, 1915, and he has never been buried. Undertaker W. H. Bauer held Deaf Bill for someone to claim him and nobody did. Finally Deaf Bill became a fixture. It became interesting to watch what would happened to him. he stands behind a door in the undertaking establishment as a very convincing example of what embalming fluid will do. He is no deafer now than when he was a living, moving creature, but he is deaf enough. He will be shown to the undertakers and in a sense, he will illustrate as an expert all that embalming fluid will do and he won't have a word to say either.

[Note: according to the Alton Telegraph, Deaf Bill was finally buried on June 25, 1996 in the Immaculate Conception Cemetery in West Alton. Lee, whose body, dressed only in a "diaper," stood in the Burke Funeral Home in Alton for over 80 years, was given an honorable funeral, complete with casket, flowers, and a brand new suit. About 350 people came to pay their last respects. ]


LEE, HAZEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 13, 1919
Tried Suicide Many Times - Finally Succeeds
Mrs. Hazel Lee, aged 33, was found dying in her bed Friday evening by her husband, C. W. Lee, at the home, 209 West Broadway. She died before help could be rendered. According to the story her husband told deputy coroner Bauer, Mrs. Lee was a chloroform _____d. Her desire for chloroform was so great that many times she attempted suicide just because of fear that she might not get it. Once a year ago, she shot herself while her husband was on the way to Alton. She had told him to get some chloroform for her, and when he refused to promise her, he said, she became so frantic that she shot herself in the breast, the ball going clear through her body. She recovered. Once she leaped into the river and he rescued her, and three times he restrained her from jumping into the river from the Fluent dock. Her husband said that one time he took a bottle from her she seized it, the result being that the chloroform was spilled on his hand. "See now, it is spilled," the husband said. She seized his hand in hers and pressing it against her face inhaled the chloroform that was on his hand. Lee said he had forbidden some druggists to sell her the stuff, but she managed on one pretext or another to keep herself supplied with it. Of late, she had been using it more than usual, and yesterday neighbors noticed her stuffing up cracks and holes in the walls and doors of her room with paper. She had bought a good supply of Chloroform and had used it the day before. Lee believed she had taken some other poison because of her difficulty in getting chloroform, and that she killed herself. Her method of using it was to saturate a towel with it and inhale the fumes. She had told him she became addicted to use of chloroform by its being used in treating a toothache. Lee said he would take the body back to her old home, Akeley, Minn., for burial.


LEE, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 15, 1895
The funeral of the 18-months’ old child of Mr. and Mrs. William Lee of Godfrey, which died Saturday afternoon, took place Sunday from the family residence to the Godfrey Cemetery.


LEE, WILLIAM G./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 1 & 2, 1887
Killed by Lightning Strike
A terrible event took place at Upper Alton this noon, in the death by a stroke of lightning of Mr. William G. Lee, the well-known florist of Upper Alton. He was sitting at the table eating dinner with his wife, when a blinding flash of lightning shattered a large tree some fifty yards from the house. The concussion was terrible to them both, but on Mr. Lee the effect was fatal, and he fell lifeless to the floor. His wife was not much injured, although she received a severe shock, but rallied from it soon after. A colored man named John Moore, living near Mr. Lee’s, says that the bolt of lightning went through his house before striking Mr. Lee’s. The lightning left no mark on Mr. Lee’s person, so far as could be ascertained. The deceased was about sixty years of age, and was an honest, industrious man of good standing in the community.

Later: Mr. Lee was thrown from his chair by the stroke of lightning, which passed through him, leaving its mark upon him, and causing a paralysis from which he did not recover under the prompt application of restoratives, but passed away in a few moments without regaining consciousness. His wife and grandchild were in the same room. The former was unhurt, while the latter received a sharp shock, but suffered no evil results. The electric fluid passed out at the southeast corner of the roof, tearing loose some boards, as at its entrance, but otherwise doing no injury to the house. Mr. Lee was 69 years of age, and had been a resident of Upper Alton for over 25 years, during which time he made an enviable personal and business reputation. His death will be regretted by all who knew him.


LEECH, CHARLES S./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1851
Died at his residence in Alton on Monday afternoon after a short illness, Mr. Charles S. Leech, aged 37. The deceased was a very estimable citizen, and has left a deeply afflicted wife, three young children, and many friends to mourn his loss. His remains were conveyed to the grave on the following day by the Society of Odd Fellows, of which he was a worthy member, and consigned to their kindred dust with the customary ceremonies.


LEECH, ELWOOD COOPER/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 5, 1884
Elwood Cooper, oldest son of Mr. Charles S. and Mrs. Jennie A. Leech, died Sunday morning at the age of five years, one month, and ten days. For five months the little sufferer had been afflicted, and although everything was done that medical skill could suggest, and the most devoted affection effect, all was in vain, the fiat had gone forth, and the last summons came. Elwood was a handsome and manly boy, gifted with unusual mental powers, and of a kindly, genial disposition, giving great promise of usefulness, had his life been spared. The afflicted parents have the earnest sympathy of their many friends in this dark hour. The funeral took place from the family residence on Ninth Street. Rare flowers in rich profusion served as beautiful emblems of the young life that had faded so quickly away.


LEECH, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 6, 1910
Frank Leech, who a number of years ago was one of the best patrons of the police court, and who was thoroughly reformed in the line of law breaking by a term in the penitentiary, died at his home on Belle street last night from heart disease. Leech was prosecuted time without numbers, and always managed to escape being sent to the penitentiary for years. He spent many a week in the county jail, but until he entered the Pieper hotel and stole a watch a number of years ago, for which he was convicted, he had escaped the penitentiary. There he had to experience something to which he had been a stranger - hard work. The experience made him a changed man, and he was not arrested since. Leech was 67 years of age. He had _______. The two factories which will and was taken ill and died before a doctor could be called. Coroner Streeper held an inquest. He leaves a wife and two children, also a brother and a sister in Kansas City.


LEECH, HARRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 28, 1894
The many friends of Mr. C. S. Leech were pained to learn of his bereavement Saturday evening, when his infant son, Harry, passed peacefully away after an illness of but a few days. The bereavement is doubly great as Harry was a ray of hope and comfort, left motherless but three months ago. Death occurred Saturday evening. The funeral took place Monday morning from the home, where a large number of sympathizing friends gathered and followed the remains to the City Cemetery.


LEECH, JENNIE A. (nee FROST)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 29, 1894
Friday morning, the dark angel crossed the threshold of the home of Mr. Charles S. Leech, on Ninth Street, and claimed the young wife and mother, Mrs. Jennie Leech. A lingering illness, caused by consumption, accompanied by intense suffering, culminated in her death this morning at the age of 34 years. Mrs. Charles Leech, nee Miss Jennie Frost, was born in Jerseyville, where she has numerous relatives and friends. She was a bright and beautiful young lady, and a loving wife and mother, and her death brings sorrow to the many friends in this city. Besides her husband, two young sons survive her, one an infant less than a year old, for whom the mother’s tenderest affections were manifested during her entire illness. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the family residence on Ninth Street. There was a very large attendance of friends of the family, notwithstanding the very unpleasant weather prevailing. The choir of the Presbyterian Church rendered appropriate music. Rev. Smith, in his remarks, paid a tender tribute to the deceased, as a faithful Christian wife, mother, and neighbor. Mrs. Leech was admired by all who knew her, and her devotion to what she esteemed as right was sympathetically touched upon by her pastor. Mr. Thomson closed the services at the house with prayer, and conducted the services at the grave. The afflicted husband and children, and the infant son, too young to appreciate his loss, are the subjects of intense sympathy on the part of their many friends. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


LEEPER, JOHN F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 24, 1919
Old Time Traveling Man Dies in Alton - Was Old Soldier
John F. Leeper, the oldest traveling man going out of Alton, died this morning at 2:40 o'clock at his home in Upper Alton, 1506 Washington avenue, after an illness of about four weeks. Mr. Leeper had for years been a salesman for a cob pipe factory at Union, Mo., and was probably the best equipped man in the country to explain the merits of the corn cob pipe. His sales were large and he kept the trade supplied in fifteen states with the cobs which have made famous the territory around Union. He was a genial man, and he had made many warm friendships all over the country, as well as in Alton. Mr. Leeper was born at Denmark, Iowa, and at the time of his death was 75 years, 10 months 3 days old. He was educated at Knox College in Galesburg, during the time his parents lived here. He moved to Godfrey and there married Miss Ella Martin, daughter of Dr. William H. Martin, and she survives him. He leaves also five daughters: Miss Clara Leeper, Mrs. J. F. Curdie, Miss Florence Leeper, Mrs. C. M. Marsh, Miss Esta L. Leeper. Mr. Leeper was a soldier during the Civil war and had been very active in the G. A. R. He was a member of the Godfrey Congregational church while living at Godfrey, but after moving to Alton affiliated with the First Presbyterian church. The funeral arrangements have not been made.


LeFAFIOR, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 28, 1901
John LeFafior, a resident of Melville, died Tuesday afternoon, aged 79, from the effects of old age. He leaves nine children. The funeral will be Thursday, and services will be held in the Catholic church at Portage des Sioux.


LEFSKY, BELLE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 7, 1897
Mrs. Belle Lefsky, who lives at 822 East Second Street, died Wednesday under such peculiar circumstances as to at first give rise to suspicions of suicide. Mr. Robert Lefsky, her husband, is a baker by trade, who is at present working at night for the Illinois Glass Company, was away from home when she was taken ill, and the woman was alone. A neighbor, Mrs. Steinhaus, heard her fall and struggles, and ran into the house to investigate. She found Mrs. Lefsky lying on the bed struggling, and in a dying condition. Great chunks of foam came from her mouth and nose, and within twenty minutes she was dead. Dr. Bowman was sent for, but did not arrive until after the death of the woman. From the symptoms exhibited, the Doctor thought she must have died in an epileptic fit, although she had not been subject to such attacks before. She had bee apparently in the best of health all day Wednesday, and that evening. She was 28 years of age, and had been married not quite one year.


LEGADOS, GUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 27, 1917
Crushed to Death Under Flying Steel at Laclede Steel Company
Before he could enter upon the hazards of army life, Gus Legados, a Greek employed at the plant of the Laclede Steel Co., met death this morning at his work, by a lump of steel striking him. His neck was broken and his arm crushed. Legados, it was stated at the Laclede Steel Co. plant, was the man in charge of dropping a heavy iron ball to break up great chunks of slag from the steel furnaces. The slag lumps are broken by the hoisting of a 3-ton iron ball to a height of 60 feet, and then by pulling a rope the trigger is released, the ball is dropped on the chunk of slag and the slag flies into pieces. Legados, instead of standing behind a fence which had been provided to protect workmen from flying pieces of slag, was standing outside the protective line and a piece of slag weighing 26 pounds struck him on the neck and shoulder, breaking his neck. Legados was about 14 feet from the lump of slag that was being broken up by the impact of the three-ton ball. Friends of Legados said that he had been drafted and accepted for service in the army, and that he was to have gone out with the next lot of men. They said that he was going from St. Louis, where he had been registered. The body was turned over to Deputy Coroner Bauer to hold an inquest this evening.


LEGGETT, UNKNOWN MAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 9, 1864
Murdered in the American Bottoms
Mrs. Leggett, the wife of the man who was murdered last week in the Bottom, with a young man who had been working for Leggett for some time, were arrested several days since on suspicion of being instrumental or knowing to his murder, had a preliminary trial before Justice Regan yesterday, and were required to give bond to appear before the Madison County Circuit Court at its next session.


LEGLER, FREDERICK/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 12, 1881
Mr. Frederick Legler, who was kicked by a mule at Jehle’s Brewery two weeks ago, died Sunday from the effects of the injury, at the age of 28 years, 6 months, and 14 days. The funeral took place from the German Catholic Church Monday afternoon, and was largely attended by the many friends of deceased.


LEHMAN, SEBASTIAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18, 1900
Former Owner of Alton Brewery Dies in Denver
Sebastian Lehman, an old resident of Alton who was one of the best known citizens of Alton's earlier days, and was owner of a brewery here, died at Denver yesterday.


LEHMER, JAMES D./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 23, 1913
Commits Suicide in St. Louis Hotel
James D. Lehmer, who resided on Belleview Avenue, and was a salesman for the Stoneware Pipe Co. of East Alton, committed suicide in a room in the Laclede Hotel in St. Louis, Monday. Mr. Lehmer had been away from home for over a week. He was supposed to be out on a business trip seeking another position. His wife in Alton had received several letters from him, and from them it was concluded he had not seen the persons he had set out to see, and was disappointed in his quest for another position. Mrs. Lehmer was called up by telephone from St. Louis, Monday night at a late hour, and informed by one of her nephews that her husband was very sick in St. Louis, and she was requested to go to him. She did not know the truth until she arrived in St. Louis this morning. Mr. Lehmer, who was 63 years of age, had taken a room at the Laclede Hotel, December 16, and had stayed there most of the time, evidently for something. It was supposed, when the suicide was discovered, he had become discouraged over his unsuccessful wait, and brooding over his state of affairs, he had killed himself. All day yesterday the door of his room was locked. At 10 o'clock Monday night a bell boy, after failing to arouse him, gave the alarm and the door was broken down. Mr. Lehmer was found dead, and beside him an empty bottle of carbolic acid. He had bought it in Alton at Barth's drug store. Beside Mr. Lehmer were two notes, one addressed to O. H. Greene, and the other to Calvin V. Torrence, both of St. Louis. They were notified and took charge of the body. The letters addressed to the two men were not opened until the coroner's inquest today. Another note was addressed to the hotel clerk, requesting that his nephews, Greene and Torrence, be notified. It was said that Mr. Lehmer had been a sufferer from rheumatism and other ailments. The telephone message to Mrs. Lehmer, who had been at her home on Belleview avenue, was sent to her next door neighbor, Mrs. John Kies, late Monday night, and was delivered to Mrs. Lehmer. The suicide of her husband was a great surprise to the wife as she had no reason for fearing such an occurrence. J. W. Koch told a Telegraph representative this morning that Lehmer had always been a valuable man. He said it would be hard for the company to get a man to replace him. Lehmer never had anything to do with the finances of the company, his duties being mostly to keep the books and solicit business from contractors. Lehmer neglected the business somewhat last spring, but when the managers threatened to secure a man in his place, he did better and worked harder until the nineteenth of November, when he left the company and went to St. Louis. Last week Koch received a letter from him stating that he was in a sanitarium for his health, and would return to work shortly before Christmas so he could help take an invoice of the stock. Lehmer asked that he be given a vacation of six weeks starting the middle of January, so that he might have a chance to regain his health.


LEHNE, EMMA SOPHIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 17, 1906
Miss Emma Sophia Lehne, the only daughter of Mrs. Henry F. Lehne, died Tuesday morning at 5:20 o'clock at the family home on East Third Street. Pneumonia was the cause of her death. One week before her death she was taken with a bad form of pneumonia after being indisposed several days during which she would not give up her post in the store. She was obliged to take to bed one week ago Monday, and she did not rally. Her condition grew steadily worse, and from Saturday night until the time of her death she was kept alive by the administration of oxygen. Her death followed a period of unconsciousness beginning about midnight.

Miss Lehne was one of the most efficient business women in the city. She was connected with the dry goods store conducted by her father from the time the store was opened, and during the years her father was in business she was his mainstay. He relied upon her judgment in many things of the greatest importance in conducting the store, and on his death she assumed greater responsibilities. She was executrix of the will of her father, Henry F. Lehne. The father died on December 14 from the same disease, and the daughter's death took place four months to the day from the date of her father's funeral.

Miss Lehne was one who will be greatly missed in business circles and also in home and church circles. She was a devoted member of the German Methodist Church and a most dutiful daughter and sister. It was her choice to be trying always to do something for someone else; to be reaching out the helping hand and bearing other people's burdens. She was of a quiet nature, but most effective in her work. She carried a large burden of responsibility in the business which she had grown up with, and there she will be most missed. Miss Lehne was a native of Alton. She was the oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Lehne. She lived in Alton all her life and was a member of the German Methodist church from childhood. Besides her mother, she leaves two brothers, Henry and Fred Lehne. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home to the German Methodist Church.

Emma Lehne was buried in Alton City Cemetery. She was born January 17, 1866, and at the time of her death was 40 years of age. It appears that because of her dedication to her father's business, her health was affected and death soon came.


LEHNE, HEINRICH (HENRY) F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 14, 1905
Proprietor of Lehne’s Dry Goods in Alton
Henry F. Lehne, proprietor of one of the finest stores in Alton, and one of the best known business men of this city, died Thursday morning at 4:30 o'clock at the family home in Alton, 439 East Third Street, in the 71st year of his age. Mr. Lehne's death was not unexpected. He has been ill for eighteen days with pneumonia (taking ill on Saturday, November 25), and only his exemplary mode of life and his good constitution upheld him as long as it lasted after the doctors could hold out no more hope of his recovery. He contracted a severe cold which settled on his lungs and developed into pneumonia. All his life he was a hardworking man, even up to the last, and he practically died in the harness, as he was the directing spirit of the store on Third Street which bore his name. He refused to give up his work at first and go to bed, but finally was forced to do so, and he never rose again.

Mr. Lehne's death fell on business circles during the Christmas holiday season like a dark cloud. He was a man highly respected by all who knew him. His nature was one of the gentle type, slow to intrude itself, but eager to assert what he became convinced was the right. He was a man of strong conscientious instinct and in all his business dealings he never did a wrong thing intentionally. He shrank from doing an injustice to anyone. In his business dealings no one ever questioned the honesty of Henry Lehne. By competitors he was respected as well as by his patrons. If Mr. Lehne's word was given, it was good.

His private life was filled with the Christian spirit. He was one of the principal supporters of the German Methodist Church, an active worker and an officer in the church for many years. His death will be keenly felt as a heavy loss to the work of that church. He was born at Ihrhofe, Ostfriesland, Germany, January 15, 1835. He came to America in June 1858, and was married to Miss Lucke Janssen, December 29, 1858. His wife, one daughter, Miss Emma Lehne, and two sons, Henry L. and Fred Lehne, survive him; also, one sister, Mrs. Jacob Miller of Edwardsville. He clerked for the firm of Hawkins, Auten & Leech, and afterwards with Auten & Holden. He was a tailor by trade, and worked at his trade in Alton for a time. He was in business on Third Street forty-eight years. He was a member of the German Methodist Church since 1859, and was always one of the most deeply interested members of the church. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon. The body will be at home and may be seen by friends Friday evening from 7 to 9 o'clock, and Saturday afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock. The cortege will leave the family home, 439 East Third Street, at 1:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, and services will be in the German Methodist Church at 2 o'clock. Rev. W. F. Isler, the pastor, will be assisted in conducting the services by Rev. J. A. Scarritt. Burial will be in the Alton City Cemetery. Mr. Lehne was a charter member of Robin Hood Camp Modern Woodmen, and has been a Woodman in good standing for more than twenty years.

[Surviving Henry were his wife, Lucke Lehne (who died in 1916 from penumonia); a daughter, Emma Sophia Lehne (who died in 1906 at the age of 40, from pneumonia); and a son, Henry F. Lehne Jr. (who died in July 1921 of heart trouble).]

Source: Alton Telegraph, December 1905 - Submitted by Crystal Jensen
One of the most strikingly impressive funerals ever held in Alton was that Sunday afternoon of the late Henry F. Lehne, the veteran businessman who entered into rest Thursday morning last, after an illness of pneumonia. Life's kindness and courtesies gave wonderful attest in the outpouring at the obituary services, neither the home nor the church in which the services were held being at all adequate for the many people who thus offered by their presence their last respects to the departed. The floral offerings were so numerous that special conveyances were necessary and even then all could not possibly be put on his grave. Altogether, the fruits of a humble, honest, and conscientiously pure life were marvelously evident. Services were held first in the home at 1:30 PM when the German Lutheran choir sang "Jesus Lover of My Soul." Rev. Philip Hehner, of Nokomis, an old friend of the deceased, read the 90th Psalm from Scripture, after which prayer was offered by Rev. W. F. Isler. The choir consisted of Misses Lizzie and Annie Althoff, Nellie and Mae Paul, Minnie Jungleblut, and Messers. Harry Paul, Carl Skaer, Prof. Richardson, Louis Schaefer, and Edward Misenheimer. Miss Lillian Bierbaum was organist at the church. At the church at 2 o'clock, the choir sang as the corpse was carried into the edifice, after which Rev. Hehner led in prayer. Rev. Ewers, of the First Methodist Church, gave a scriptural reading and after another selection by the choir, Rev. Isler read from II Timothy, Chapter 4, verses 7 and 8. The choir then sang "Meet Me There" after which Rev. J. Scarritt eulogized the life of Mr. Lehne, followed with a few additional remarks by Rev. Isler. The corpse was taken to the grave in Grandview Cemetery where brief services were held by the ministers, and then the loved form was consigned to the tomb, and the latter backed with the innumerable floral gifts that had been carried by the clerks of the Lehne Store, almost 20 in number. It was impossible for even this number of clerks to carry them all, however the remainder were taken in a special carriage. Bearers of that pall were Messers. Philip Misenheimer, R. J. Bierbaum, C. C. Paul, Fred Offer, Louis Unger and Anton Jacoby.

Surviving Mr. Lehne was his wife, Lucke Lehne (who died in 1916 from pneumonia); a daughter, Emma Sophia Lehne (who died in 1906 at the age of 40, from pneumonia); a son, Heinrich “Henry” Frederick Lehne Jr. (who died in July 1921 of heart trouble), and a son, T. Frederick “Fred” Lehne (who died in April 1924). Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery. The Lehne’s Dry Goods store was on the south side of Third Street in downtown Alton. The Lehne family, including his wife, daughter, and sons, continued operating the dry goods store until their deaths, when it was sold.

Henry Lehne Sr.’s brother, Theodore Lehne, came to Alton in 1858, and operated a store until 1891, when he moved to Springfield, Illinois. Henry and Theodore’s parents were Christian Heinrich Lehne (1798-1871) and Imke Jurgens Lehne (1802-1870). Henry Lehne Sr., the parents, and Theodore are also buried in the Alton City Cemetery. Henry Sr.’s sister, Gretje Lehne Miller (1837-1912), was the wife of Jacob W. Miller of Edwardsville.


LEHNE, HENRY F. JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 30, 1921
Henry F. Lehne died in St. Joseph's hospital this afternoon where he had been the last nine weeks of an illness which began about the first of May. He was suffering from heart trouble and arterial hardening. Mr. Lehne is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Stanley Allen and Misses Leonore and Virginia Lehne. He leaves also one brother, Fred Lehne. Henry Lehne was the oldest son of H. F. Lehne, who conducted a dry goods store on Third street for many years. The son had not been in good health for many years, and for long before the dry goods store was sold, he had not been connected with it. His health broke down completely about May 1, and a month later when it was believed he could last only a day or so longer, he was taken to the hospital. To the surprise of everyone, he lingered for nine weeks, his vitality astonishing everyone who knew of his weakened condition. The body will be taken from the Keiser undertaking establishment Monday at 1:30 p.m., to Grace Methodist Church, where services will be held at 2 p.m. Interment in City Cemetery will be private.


LEHNE, LENA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 5, 1871
Died on May 1, in Alton, of consumption, Mrs. Lena Lehne, wife of Mr. Theodore Lehne of Alton.


LEHNE, LOUISE LEONORE “LULU”/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 03, 1894
Thursday, after eight weeks of suffering, Louise Leonore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heinrich "Henry" F. Lehne, passed away quietly at the age of 22 years, 9 months, and 18 days. Miss Lehne was a favorite with all who knew her, and her parents and family will have the kind sympathy of their friends in the loss of their beloved and lovely daughter. She was a member of the German M. E. Church, a teacher in the Sunday School, and President of the Epworth League. Her heart was in the work, and she never tired working for her Master. She was a graduate of Alton High School, Class of 1888.

The funeral of Miss Lulu Lehne occurred Sunday afternoon from the German M. E. Church. The services consisted of a touching and appropriate sermon, and music by the choir. The Epworth League, of which deceased was a member, and a large cortege, including a number of friends of deceased from surrounding towns, followed to the Alton City Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Frank Bierbaum, Albert Unger, Edward Paul, Charles C. Esslinger, Henry Loarts, and Charles Nickel.


LEHNE, LUCKE (nee JANSSEN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 10, 1916
Mrs. Lucke Lehne, widow of Henry F. Lehne, died Sunday morning at 3 o'clock at her home, 439 East Third street. She had been suffering from pneumonia the past week. Mrs. Lehne had been in failing health for years, but her condition did not become serious until a pneumonia attack began. She was very low all day Saturday and hope of a rally was given up. Mrs. Lehne was a native of Germany. She came to this country and to Alton in 1858, and she was married here shortly after her arrival to H. F. Lehne. With her husband she had lived in Alton from that time. Mr. Lehne died ten years ago, and about the same time the mother was bereaved also by the death of her daughter. She leaves two sons, Henry and Fred Lehne. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Lehne continued to conduct the dry goods store which he had founded, and she was represented in the store by her son, Fred Lehne, until the time the business was sold recently. Mrs. Lehne was a member of the Methodist Church from the time she came to Alton, and was a deeply religious and conscientious woman. She affiliated with Grace Methodist Church, formerly the German Metho


LEHNE, LYDIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1921
Husband Attends Mother-In-Law's Funeral - Returns to Find Wife Dead
Henry Lehne Jr. of Alton returns from attending the funeral of his mother-in-law, Mrs. John Butikofer of Nokomis, this morning, to find that his own wife had died at midnight very unexpectedly. Mrs. Butikofer was buried at Nokomis yesterday, his wife, Mrs. Lydia Lehne, had been in bad health since Easter. She had been making her home with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Miller in Edwardsville, and was employed at the county seat. Her daughter, Miss Leonra Lehne, was with her mother when she died. There was no reason for expecting the death of Mrs. Lehne when her husband departed to attend her mother's funeral, but the end suddenly following a quick change for the worse. Mrs. Lehne and her husband were the same age to the day, both being 52 years old last November 11. The couple had spent most of their married life in Alton, and she was well known here. The body will be brought to Alton Thursday after brief services in the Miller home, and will be taken to Grace Methodist church in Alton where services will be conducted by Rev. Davis S. Wahl, Thursday at 2 o'clock p.m., and burial will be in City Cemetery. The news of the death of Mrs. Lehne was the cause of a great shock to her Alton friends. It was a great surprise to her husband when he reached the Miller home this morning to be told that his wife had died during his absence. Mrs. Lehne leaves three children, Mrs. Stanley E. Allen, Misses Leonore and Virginia Lehne.


LEHNE, NELLIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 25, 1878
Died in Alton, July 23, Nellie, youngest daughter of Henry and Lucy Lehne; aged two years and three days.


LEHNE, T. FREDERICK “FRED”/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 02, 1924
Son of Heinrich “Henry” F. Lehne Sr., founder of Lehne’s Dry Goods
T. Frederick Lehne, former well-known Alton business man, died this morning at his home, 518 East Eighth Street, after a long illness. Five years ago his health failed him, but he made a manly struggle against his malady, and he continued his efforts to follow the business he had taken up until it became impossible for him to continue. One year ago, he became bedfast. In all that time he had been a patient sufferer, during which he underwent two surgical operations in the hope that he would obtain relief. Mr. Lehne was fifty years of age.

Mr. Lehne was born in Alton and lived here all of his life. When a small boy, he took a place in the dry goods store conducted by his father, Henry F. Lehne, and he continued there as one of the assistants of his father until the father died. He was associated in the store with an older sister. After her death, he took full charge of the store, and he continued to conduct it until the business was sold out, and the Lehne firm became only a memory to those who had known it for many years. Mr. Lehne had learned the methods of doing business which his father had exemplified, and the store had a large trade. Mr. Lehne decided, because of health conditions, to seek another climate, and he went south for a while, but came back to Alton. Here, he adopted a line of business which would not make such drafts on his strength, and he carried it on for some time until he was forced to give it up.

Mr. Lehne is survived by his wife, two sons, Richard and Harold, and one daughter, Mrs. Mildred Heilig. He leaves also one grandchild, June E. Heilig. Mr. Lehne is the last of his father’s family, all of whom were for years well-known residents of Alton. He was a well-liked man, and during his long illness there has been much sympathy for him in his brave struggle for life. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon from the home, and will be private. They will be conducted by the present pastor of the Grace M. E. Church, Rev. Mr. Gattis, and by a former pastor, Rev. David Wahl. Mr. Lehne had for years been a member of the Grace Church, as well as the rest of his family. Burial will be in the Alton City Cemetery.

Fred’s first name may have been Theodore, which was the name of his uncle, who also operated a store in Alton until 1891, when he moved to Springfield, Illinois.


LEHNE, THEODORE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 26, 1900
Word was received here Saturday night that Theodore Lehne, formerly a resident and well-known business man of Alton, died at his home at Springfield at 8:30 o'clock that evening. Death was due to paralysis of the heart, and the only premonition was a slight illness during the two days preceding. He was suddenly stricken while talking to his son, George, in his home. He was in his sixtieth year and was born in Osfriesland, Germany. He came to Alton in 1858, and until 1891 he was one of the best known merchants of the city. His wife died last fall after a long illness, and her body was brought to Alton for interment. Mr. Lehne's body will be brought here this evening, and the funeral will take place from the home of his brother, Henry F. Lehne, at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Services will be in the German Methodist church at 2 o'clock. Mr. Lehne leaves a family of five sons and two daughters. He has many friends in Alton who will regret to hear of his sudden death.


LEHNE, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 5, 1883
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lehne are in deep affliction, caused by the death, Thursday, of an infant child, a son, six months old. The funeral took place from the family residence on Ninth Street.


LEHNE, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 16, 1897
The funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. George Lehne of Springfield took place Sunday from the German M. E. Church at Seventh and Henry Streets. There was a large attendance of sympathizing family friends at the church and at the services at the Alton City Cemetery. Rev. Thomas conducted the services in German, and Rev. F. L. Thomson in England.


LEHR, CHRISTIAN S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22, 1916
Old Soldier Dies
Christian S. Lehr, in his 76th year, died Wednesday morning at his home, 681 Spring street, after being an invalid for six years. Mr. Lehr, an old soldier, was a well known resident of Alton. For many years he was engaged in the teaming business and in summer time he sold watermelons. He was a member of Alton Post, G. A. R., and the funeral will probably be under the auspices of that organization. Six years ago he began to be afflicted with a paralytic stroke, and a year later he had another. In the six years time it is said by his family, he was not off his place more than four times. He had lived in Alton forty years. Mr. Lehr was born at Springfield, Mo., and grew to manhood there. He later moved to Miles Station, then to Brighton, and later to Alton. He was twice married. His first wife died sixteen years ago. He remarried and his second wife survives him. He leaves three children, Eugene of Denver, Frank of St. Louis, and Jesse of Coal, Ill. He leaves a stepson, Hubert Crabbe. The funeral arrangements will not be made until the sons have been heard from.


LEHR, REINHART/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 8, 1873
Died on Injuries From Coal Mine Accident
Reinhart Lehr, the young man, who on May 17, while working in Gaffney’s coal mine in Edwardsville, had the misfortune to get one of his legs broken, and received other injuries from a falling stone, died of his injuries last Tuesday evening.


LEHR, WILLIAM ELISHA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 11, 1893
Civil War Veteran; Bethalto Village Clerk
From Marine – Last Saturday afternoon the sympathy of our citizens was awakened by the sudden death of our former principal, Professor William E. Lehr. The deceased was taken with congestion of the brain Friday afternoon, and remained unconscious until his death. He was born in Jefferson City, Missouri, April 6, 1839. On September 27, 1860, he was married to Judith R. Wilbauiss at Upper Alton. The father of three children, of which one son and one daughter still live. Mr. Lehr reached a high standing in that noble profession, the teaching and education of the mind, which was his greatest ambition. Having received an education at the Normal University, and being the possessor of a State certificate, he had no trouble in securing a position. He was the principal of our school 13 and of Collinsville 2 years. He then moved back to Marine, and in 1887 was appointed Postmaster, which place he has faithfully filled. School was closed Monday in his honor. The funeral ceremonies were conducted under the auspices of our A. F. and A. M. order, of which he has long been a member, and for a number of years Grand Master. The remains were taken to the Christian Church, where an eloquent sermon was preached by Rev. Henry, thence to the Marine Cemetery, where the Masons conducted the ceremonies in which a beautiful and pathetic oration was delivered by Grand Master John Stevenson. Visiting brethren were present from Highland, St. Jacob, Troy, and Edwardsville, and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Northcott of Greenville. The departed was 54 years, 21 days old, and was held in respect and admiration by all who knew him.

Mr. Lehr also served in the Civil War, and was elected village clerk in Bethalto.


LEIBLER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 30, 1881
Mr. Joseph Leibler of Troy, while stacking wheat Monday, was struck by lightning and instantly killed. The horses he was driving were both knocked down by the shock, but received no permanent injury. Mr. Leibler was a wealthy young farmer who had been married about 4 months. His funeral took place Tuesday and was largely attended.


LEIGH, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1896
Mr. Samuel Leigh died Monday afternoon after a painful illness of malarial and intermittent fevers. He was thirty-nine years of age, and leaves a young wife and four children to mourn his demise. Mr. Leigh was a mold maker by trade in the employ of the Illinois Glass Works, and besides being a most efficient workman, was most popular in his large circle of friends. He was a member of the order of the Knights of the Maccabbees.

The funeral took place yesterday from the family residence in Yager Park to the Alton City Cemetery. Rev. F. L. Thomson spoke touchingly of deceased. The funeral service was conducted by the Knights of Maccabees, of which deceased was a member. The pallbearers were: Messrs. A. Schnorr, H. Schinderwolf, F. Pilgrim, E. Warner, F. Bauer, and H. Forrest.


LEISMAN, CONRAD/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 12, 1872
On Monday evening, a German named Conrad Leisman, living near Edwardsville, was killed while walking on the track of the Chicago & Alton Railroad, between Venice and East St. Louis, by being struck by the engine of the lightning express. It is conjectured that he heard the train approaching, and stepped from the track far enough, as he supposed, to be out of danger, but he did not calculate correctly, and was struck on the head by some projecting portion of the engine and killed.


Dr. Edward Clarke LemenLEMEN, EDWARD CLARKE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 10, 1913
Physician Dies in Private Sanitarium
Dr. Edward Clarke Lemen, in his seventy-second year, died in a private sanitarium in Jacksonville, Illinois, Sunday morning at 3:30 o'clock after being an invalid for seven years. Death was due to pneumonia. He had been in a state of decline for some time, and when pneumonia afflicted him, the end came quickly. For several days before his death it was known the end was near, and his daughter, Mrs. D. A. Wyckoff, and his son, Dr. H. R. Lemen, were with him when his death occurred.

Dr. Lemen was born in O'Fallon, Illinois, and was 71 years old July 20. He was a graduate of Shurtleff College and attended Rush Medical College in Chicago and the St. Louis Medical College, from which he graduated. He served three years during the Civil War as a soldier in Company I, 117th Illinois. He was a deacon in the Upper Alton Baptist Church for many years and a trustee of Shurtleff College for thirty years. Dr. Lemen practiced medicine in Alton and Upper Alton forty years. Seven years ago, failing health forced his retirement. Close attention to his duties and too infrequent rests had undermined his health, and he was never able to resume his work. He was known as a very successful doctor. His love for little children caused him to take an interest in their welfare, and he devoted most of his time to looking after the cause of children. He had made a specialty of treating children and took a deep interest in this special branch of the science of medicine.

Dr. Lemen was an old school gentleman, always kind and helpful to those with whom he came in contact, and when he dropped out of the practice of medicine his loss was regretted by many who had learned to depend upon him. The body was brought to Alton Sunday afternoon and the funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the late home in Upper Alton. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, holding membership in Franklin lodge, in which he had formerly been Master. The Masonic fraternity will conduct the burial services.

Edward Clarke Lemen was born July 20, 1842, to Sylvester and Susan (Shook) Lemen. The Lemen family has a long history in Southern Illinois. Edward’s great-great grandfather, Rev. James Lemen Sr., was born in 1760 in Virginia. He served during the Revolutionary War, and in 1786 immigrated to Illinois. He founded the town of New Design in Monroe County. One of his sons, Rev. James Lemen Jr., was the second white child, born of American parents, in the State of Illinois. James Jr. and three of his brothers spent their lives spreading the Gospel in Illinois and Missouri. Dr. Edward Lemen’s father, Sylvester Lemen, was born in 1816, and died in 1872. Little is known about him.

After attending medical college, Dr. Edward Lemen set up his practice in Upper Alton, and married Susan Permelia Rodgers, daughter of Rev. Ebenezer and Permelia Rodgers of Upper Alton. They had one son, Dr. Harry Rodgers Lemen; and one daughter, Mary, who married David Armstrong Wyckoff. Dr. Lemen served not only Upper Alton residents, but Alton as well.

In about 1885, Dr. Lemen constructed a home, located at the northeast corner of Washington Avenue and Edwards Street in Upper Alton. This home later became the property of his daughter, Mary Wyckoff, and her family. In 1935, Roger Templin, a long admirer of the property, purchased the home. He and his sister, Daisy, lived in the home. After Daisy's death in 1956, Templin gave many items from her collection to the Smithsonian Institute. In 1961, Templin sold the home to make way for the construction of the Washington Square Shopping Complex. He retained the right, however, to live in a small brick home located on the property. The parking lot for the shopping center surrounded his home. After his death in 1976, the small home was razed, and a fountain was installed in his memory.

As Dr. Edward Lemen’s health failed, his son, Dr. Harry Lemen, took over as physician. Edward’s wife, Susan, died in May 1899. In February 1920, Dr. Harry Lemen was driving his car down a hill. His brakes failed, and his car struck a train. He died from his injuries. All are buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


LEMEN, HARRY RODGERS (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 21, 1920
Alton Surgeon Killed When His Car Hits a Train
Dr. Harry R. Lemen, one of the best-known physicians in Alton, was instantly killed this noon by driving his new automobile against the tender of the engine drawing passenger train No. 47, due in Alton at noon. His daughter, Miss Susan Lemen, was badly injured but will live. She was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital. Dr. Lemen was horribly mutilated, his body being dragged fifty feet by the engine. The accident is supposed to have been due to a faulty brake on the new automobile Dr. Lemen was driving east on Ninth Street with his daughter, and was on his way to go to St. Louis where Mrs. Lemen and their daughter, Lois, had been at a hospital, Lois undergoing treatment there. The railroad men claim that the crossing bell was ringing and that the watchman was at the crossing, and that he signaled Dr. Lemen when the automobile was about 75 feet from the crossing. Dr. Lemen made a desperate attempt to stop his car and failing in that he tried another desperate measure to swing the car so it would run up the railroad track and parallel the moving train. In both these plans he failed. The automobile crashed into the engine tender, and the auto was dragged about thirty feet. Dr. Lemen's mangled body was dragged further. Miss Susan Lemen was hurled over against a pile of railroad ties. She escaped instant death because she was sitting on the side opposite that which struck the engine. The father may have sacrificed his own life to save his daughter as he turned up the track instead of down, thus accepting the worst hazard in case of a crash.

Miss Lemen was picked up and taken to St. Joseph's Hospital where surgeons were summoned to give her attention. Rumors had it that she was much worse hurt than developed when examination was made. Rev. Frederick D. Butler of St. Paul's Episcopal Church started for St. Louis at noon to bring Mrs. Lemen and her daughter home from St. John's Hospital. This afternoon at St. Joseph's Hospital, no further information regarding Miss Lemen's condition was forthcoming. It was stated, however, that she was about to undergo an operation, which was still in progress at press time.

The tragic death of Dr. Lemen ended the career of one of the most active men in Alton. Dr. Lemen was highly energized, a man of constant action. From boyhood he had been of the disposition that made it necessary for him to be very active. When the war between Russia and Japan was raging, Dr. Lemen saw service as a surgeon in the Japanese army. When the Boxer Rebellion was on in China, he saw service there too. When the Spanish-American war broke out, Dr. Lemen gave up a valuable practice in Alton, enlisted as a private in the 16th Infantry, and on the battlefield of Santiago, when the men were being shot down all around him, he dropped his rifle and began taking care of the injured. He was promoted on the field of battle to surgeon, and he continued in that rank. Later, he continued his service to his country during the campaign in the Philippines.

Coming back to Alton after the conclusion of his service, he married a San Francisco girl he had met while visiting in her home city as he was on his way home, and he settled down in Alton. He had a very large practice in and about Alton. He was the surgeon for a number of companies carrying liability policies on various corporations, and the fact that he was killed in an accident after having had so much to do with the care of accident victims adds to the tragedy of the case. Dr. Lemen was a man who possessed ability to make and keep many friends and he was very popular. He was known as a skillful surgeon, and was ready to tackle any emergency. No obstacle discouraged him, and in his work or in any of his actions in life he would press on to achieve what he set out to do. He was always ready to do a favor for anyone who applied to him for assistance, and was the soul of good cheer.

Dr. Lemen was the son of Dr. and Mrs. Edward C. Lemen, both of whom have been dead for a number of years. He was associated at first in the practice of medicine with his father, but afterwards started for himself. He was deeply attached to Alton and a few years ago he built one of the handsomest residences in the city, in which he took great pleasure. Dr. Lemen performed many public services in Alton. He was deeply interested in all public affairs and though he was kept very busy attending to the calls of his profession, he could find time to do public work. It is recalled that when Dr. Duggan was acting health officer and was taken very seriously ill and had to take treatment, Dr. Lemen assumed the duties of the health officer and discharged them without pay, permitting the income to go to the sick man who was supposed to be looking after the job. It was just such acts as this that endeared Dr. Lemen to a large number of people in Alton, and will make him not only sincerely mourned but greatly missed.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 23, 1920
The jury impaneled by Deputy Coroner Bauer to investigate the death of Harry R. Lemen, found a verdict of "accidental collision of an automobile with a train," no effort being made to fix responsibility for the tragedy. There was confusion in the testimony of witnesses at the inquest. Four different places were referred to as the point at which the auto struck the train, or the train struck the auto. Ben Johnisee testified that the automobile struck the train baggage car. Bertha Cox said the auto struck the second car behind the engine. Presley Arbuckle saw the engine hit the auto with its pilot. The engineer and conductor testified that the auto struck the front end of the engine tender, knocking off the tender step. Some of the witnesses said that the automobile was turned south by Dr. Lemen, and one witness said it was turned north. Rose Malloy supported the story of the crossing watchman, Tom Jones, that Jones signaled the approaching automobile of the oncoming train.

Engineer A. W. Wersch said he was running between 15 and 18 miles an hour, and had just applied his airbrakes to slack the train, and had released the brakes, indicating his train was not susceptible then of being controlled. This statement was coincided in by the conductor, G. H. Brown. One witness said that the train ran far past the crossing before coming to a stop.

The testimony of Miss Susan Lemen was not taken, as it was not considered she was able to make a statement at this time. Reports from the hospital today indicated that Miss Lemen had a good chance to recover. Her left leg was broken above the knee, and she had some bad cuts on the face and head. Some show of blood from her mouth caused anxiety, but it was believed that there would be no bad results from internal injuries, as she seemed to be very well. Five surgeons made a thorough examination of her, and could find but one broken bone. Her escape with apparently such slight injuries is regarded as miraculous.

The funeral of Dr. Harry R. Lemen will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from St. Paul's Episcopal church, where services will be conducted by the Rev. Frederick D. Butler. The body was taken to the home today by Deputy Coroner Bauer, and a number of friends of Dr. Lemen called there during the day. All day Sunday there were many who viewed the body at the place of the deputy coroner. Notwithstanding the horrible effects of the accident, it had been possible to effect a restoration of the features that would have made it possible to allow the body to be seen at the funeral, but the plan was abandoned of allowing the public to view the body at the church before the funeral because of Lenten services that were to be held in the church prior to the funeral services. The burial in Oakwood Cemetery will be under auspices of Franklin lodge, A. F. & A. M., in which Dr. Lemen held membership. He was connected with many other lodges, and it is expected there will be a large attendance at the funeral services.

E. W. Obermiller, who sold Dr. H. R. Lemen the Essex car that was in the fatal mishap when Dr. Lemen lost his life last Saturday, states that the brakes were carefully adjusted when Dr. Lemen got the car. Mr. Obermiller says that the fact that Dr. Lemen drove the car down West Ninth street hill before starting his fatal ride over Belle street to Ninth, is evidence that the brakes were in good order, or he could not have held the car coming down the State Street hill.

After an investigation, it was determined it was an accidental collision, and no responsibility for the tragedy was fixed on anyone. The accident occurred at the intersection of Piasa and W. 9th Streets. Dr. Lemen’s daughter, Susan Lemen, had a broken leg above the knee and cuts on the face and head. She survived.

Dr. Harry Rodgers Lemen was the son of Dr. Edward Clark Lemen and Susan Permelia Rodgers Lemen. He was buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. A veterans of Spanish-American War post was named after him.


LEMEN, ISAAC/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1874
Died on January 30, near Collinsville, in the 59th year of his age, Mr. Isaac Lemen, son of Robert Lemen Sr.


LEMEN, ISAAC W./Source: Troy Weekly Call, May 9, 1895
Died on Monday, May 6th, at 6:10 a.m. at the family residence near Bethel, Isaac W. Lemen, an old and respected citizen, at the age of 76 years, 3 months and 10 days. He had been sick for about 6 weeks with dropsy, which terminated as above stated. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Jas. Osborne, of Upper Alton, yesterday, from the Bethel church to the family burial ground.


LEMEN, JAMES K./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 27, 1884
Another aged and respected citizen has passed to his rest. James K. Lemen, after two days of unconscious suffering from a paralytic stroke, died at his residence a few miles north of New Douglas, Madison County, on November 4. The family who were present at his death removed the deceased to Bethel Church on November 6, when after commemorative services by Rev. W. R. Andereck, and a few appropriate remarks by Mr. Isaac W. Lemen, a brother of deceased, the large funeral cortege moved to the grave in the old family cemetery, where the remains were interred. Mr. Lemen was a son of Rev. Joseph Lemen, an eminent Baptist minister of early times in Illinois, and Mary Lemen, nee Kinney, who was a member of the distinguished family of that name which was prominent in the early history of our State.

James K. Lemen was born November 29, 1811, in St. Clair County, Illinois. According to the Cairo Daily Bulletin, November 5, 1884, James Lemen died November 4, 1884, at the home of his son, W. C. Lemen, in Bond County, Illinois. His grandfather was among the first settlers in the neighborhood of Kaskaskia, when Illinois was a wilderness. The grandfather came with his wife and seven sons, and established the first Baptist Church in the State. During his long life, he preached the gospel to the hardy settlers who devoted themselves in establishing a home in the wilderness. Six of his seven sons became preachers, following in the footsteps of their father. One of these sons, Joseph Lemen, settled in St. Clair County near Collinsville, where he engaged in farming and preaching in a church built by himself, three miles south of Collinsville, and known as Bethel Church. Joseph and Mary “Polly” Kinney Lemen were the parents of Mr. James Lemen, whose death occurred November 4. The area around the Bethel Church became known as the Lemen Settlement. The family held possession of its rich lands for nearly a hundred years.

James Lemen was a warmhearted, pure minded man, one whose heart always inclined to deeds of kindness, who ears were never deaf to the cry of distress, and whose hand was always open for the relief of the poor and needy. He lived a pure life, following closely in the footsteps of the Master, and dying he has gone to his reward. He married Roxanna Maria Kingston (1822-1887) in 1847, and they had at least one child – Olive M. Lemen (1861-1864). James was buried in the Lemen Cemetery in St. Clair County, Illinois.


LEMEN, SUSAN P./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 17, 1899
Wife of Dr. Edward Clarke Lemen
Mrs. Susan P. Lemen, wife of Dr. Edward C. Lemen, died at the family home in Upper Alton this morning at 6:30 o'clock, the immediate cause of her death being peritonitis [inflammation of the peritoneum (the serious membrane lining part of the abdominal cavity)]. The end was expected by the friends and family who knew Mrs. Lemen's condition and it was a sweet relief to the sufferer. For six years she had been afflicted with a mysterious malady that defied all the skill the medical profession of the country could offer. The most eminent specialists of Chicago, New York and Hot Springs were called into consultation but they were all puzzled by the invidious disease. Some had no experience with it and none could do anything for it. Mrs. Lemen suffered the most excruciating agony with true heroism and a fortitude that few knew. She told few of her trouble and few knew of it until long after her case had become well nigh hopeless. To her friends she was the same vivacious woman who was always glad to meet her intimate acquaintance and she gave little sign of the bodily agony she suffered. For the sake of her family she desired to prolong a life of suffering and went to Hot Springs, Arkansas in hope that this last resort might prove beneficial. The hope was a vain one, for she returned in March, last, in a very serious condition. Since that time her failing health forbade her appearance out of her home, and much of the time she was bedfast. During the last week, her anxious attendants saw the end was near, and she also realized it. Death came slowly, and when she breathed her last it was a relief to those who had watched her tortuous sufferings. Mrs. Lemen was born in Upper Alton and was the daughter and youngest child of the late Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers. At her death she was in her fifty-second year. She was married to Dr. Lemen thirty years ago. Dr. Lemen was then a young medical practitioner, just out of the army, and was practicing at O'Fallon. Mrs. Lemen was one of the popular young belles of the village of Upper Alton. Mrs. Lemen was a member of the Monticello class of 1864, but left the Seminary on account of ill health in the senior year. Possessed of an exceptionally bright intellect, and cultured by extensive reading and travel, she was qualified to hold the prominent place which she occupied in the literary circle of her community, while her queenly manner and never-failing courtesy made her a social leader. She leaves two children, Dr. Harry R. Lemen, who, until Wednesday, held a commission as surgeon in the Third Regiment of Volunteer Engineers, and Miss Mary R. Lemen. In addition to her immediate family, Mrs. Lemen leaves four brothers, Colonel A. F. Rodgers, Edward Rodgers, H. P. Rodgers and Rynold Rodgers. The funeral services are appointed for Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the Baptist church, of which for over thirty years she has been a member, and will be conducted by President A. K. DeBlois and the pastor, Rev. L. M. Waterman.


LEMON, BYRON/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 7, 1861
Coroner Dr. Allen informs us that an inquest was held yesterday on the body of a man found drowned in the Mississippi River, about two miles below Alton. From papers found on the deceased, his named was supposed to be Byron Lemon, and it is thought he was a resident of Walshville in this state. The jury found a verdict in accordance with the facts. The following is the description of the deceased: height, six feet; weight about one hundred and eighty pounds; dark hair, cut short; and whiskers and moustache; dress coat, dark tweed; hickory shirt and canton; flannel undershirt. Light twilled linen pants and cotton flannel drawers, white woolen socks, and a pair of coarse, strong shoes, with copper eyelets.


LENACHER, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 27, 1910
The funeral of Charles Lengacher will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home in Washington street. As is customary at funerals of members of the German Benevolent society, the White Hussar will head the funeral procession, will play dirges enroute to and in the cemetery.


LENHARDT, DORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 24, 1906
Mrs. Dora Lenhardt died at her home in Nameoki Tuesday afternoon of pneumonia. She was 68 years of age, and one of the pioneer residents of that section, having resided there all of her life. She leaves a niece, Mrs. S. H. Wyss of Alton. The burial will be in Nameoki cemetery Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock.


LENHARDT, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 22, 1905
Henry Lenhardt, who had gone to the old Montgomery place near Edwardsville Crossing with Charles Bradley Wednesday, to bring back a beef for Nevlin & Schwegel of Alton, fell dead about 4 o'clock while walking along the road toward home. Bradley, who was with him, says that they had been to Bartle Schmidt's place near Grassy lake and were on their way home with the beef fastened behind the wagon on which they had been riding. Lenhardt, who is about fifty-two years of age, was afraid that the animal tied behind would turn the wagon over, and he refused to ride with Bradley and insisted upon walking behind in the road. He had walked about a half mile when Bradley, who happened to be looking backward, noticed him fall face forward in the sand, the blood spurting from his nose and mouth. Bradley hurried to render assistance and says that Lenhardt died in about four minutes. Help was summoned from nearby. Mr. Augustin Head was engaged nearby harvesting his wheat crop and he stopped the work and had the men try to render what assistance was possible. Bradley telephoned to Alton to give notice of what had happened to his companion, and Coroner Streeper was notified. The body was brought to Alton and taken to the family home, 622 east Fourth street. Members of Lenhardt's family say that this was the third attack he had suffered within a week. He had fallen several times with a rush of blood to the head. It is supposed that he became overheated from walking and the attack for that reason proved fatal. Lenhardt was a well known butcher, having worked in nearly all the packing establishments in Alton. Recently he worked at the Kirsch packing house, but left there last week and was not employed any place when he went in the country yesterday with Bradley. Mr. Lenhardt was 52 years of age June 4. He had lived in Alton almost all his life, and he leaves his wife and five children: Frank, Margaret, Hilda, Irene, and Henry. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 9 o'clock from the family home, 626 east Fourth street, and services will be conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann.


LENHARDT, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 26, 1916
Old Soldier Killed by Fall
Henry Lenhardt, aged 70, died while in the ambulance on the way to St. Joseph's Hospital this afternoon, as the result of a fall he suffered while returning to his home under the Jones grocery store at Seventh and Belle streets this afternoon. He fell a distance of not over 6 feet and struck on his head. The skull was fractured and he lived but a short time. Lenhardt was an old soldier. He and his wife had lived together from his pension money and had repeatedly refused to leave their little basement home. Recently, the wife died and the old man had been living by himself. Today he fell while going down the steps to his home and his head struck the concrete floor.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 27, 1916
For years the man who died after falling down a flight of stairs at his basement home on Belle street Tuesday had been known as Henry Leonard. When he was injured and when he died he was designated as Henry Leonard...Afterward the old man's pension papers were found and he turned out to be Leonard Hein. It is supposed that the surname was taken for an abbreviation of the German form of the word Henry, and that his last name was transposed into his first and the first into the last. In that way, the old man was about to be buried as the wrong party, and there might have been endless confusion in pension records.


LENHARDT, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 14, 1898
Mrs. William Lenhardt died Monday at her home on Oak Street, between Second and Third Streets, after a long illness. She leaves beside her husband a large family of children. The funeral took place yesterday from the hme on Oak Street, where a large number of friends and acquaintances assembled to honor the memory of the deceased lady. The interment was in the Alton City Cemetery.


LENNING, S. A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 28, 1901
Another of Upper Alton's aged residents has passed away. Mrs. S. A. Lenning died last night about 9:40 after a long illness. Mrs. Lenning was 80 years, 3 months, and 1 day old. She was a widow, and had lived here for a number of years with her two sons, Oliver and Alonzo Lenning. Death was due to heart trouble. Funeral services will be held at the home tomorrow morning at 7:30, conducted by Rev. L. M. Waterman. The body will be taken to Piasa for interment tomorrow.


LENTZ, EVERETT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 16, 1914
Boy Fatally Injured by Heavy Wagon - Skull is Fractured
Everett Lentz, aged 14, whose home was at 517 Rock street, was fatally injured Tuesday afternoon by falling to the pavement when trying to mount to the high seat of the National Biscuit Co. wagon on State street near the water tanks. The child had just been dismissed from school. He had entered Irving school a few days ago and was giving promise of doing good work. His teacher spoke in the highest praise of the child's mentality. After completing his day's work at school, he had started for home, and seeing the National Biscuit Co. wagon approaching, he attempted to climb upon the seat beside the driver while the wagon was still in motion. His foot slipped in making the ascent and he fell to the pavement striking his head violently. Some said that the front wheel of the wagon ran over him, but others did not think so. The lad was carried to the porch at the home of Mrs. Greeling, where he became unconscious. He was being conveyed to his home in the ambulance when Dr. Shaff met the ambulance and made a hasty examination of the boy. He directed that he be taken to the hospital at once, and there is appeared that a fracture of the skull and other injuries made his case a very grave one, and his chances of recovery very slight. The boy lingered for hours after the accident....The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the First Methodist Church. The cortege will leave the home of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lentz, on Rock street at 2 o'clock. The family lost a daughter last March.


Charlotte LeoLEO, CHARLOTTE (nee MEISTER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 16, 1898
Mrs. Waldemar Leo died at her home in St. Louis Wednesday, after one week of illness with blood poisoning. The body, accompanied by members of the family, arrived here Friday from St. Louis on the Burlington Railroad. It was taken to the Evangelical Church, where the funeral services were held. Interment was in the Alton City Cemetery.

Charlotte Meister was born February 02, 1864, in Germany. She married in 1882 to Johann Peter “Waldemar” Leo (1841-1923), and they had the following children: Edgar Leo (1883-1883); John Alden Leo (1884-1967); Alexander Robert Leo (1886-1969); Albert Sophus Leo (1887-1937); Herbert Thal Leo (1889-1964); Elsie Leo (1891-1893); Erna Charlotte Leo Threewit (1893-1976); and Haskell William Leon (1895-1950).


LEONARD, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1889
Mr. George Leonard, a harness maker by trade, died Friday morning after a long illness at the residence of his brother, corner of Third and Spring Streets, aged 34 years. He left no family. The funeral took place Saturday from the residence.


LEONARD, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 9, 1918
George Leonard, 42, a painter by trade, died last evening at the Alton State Hospital, where he has been making his home for some time. Relatives will arrive this evening to claim the body.


LEONARD, JEFFERSON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 2, 1922
Jefferson Leonard, engineer at the plant of the Mississippi Lime & Material Co., died at St. Joseph Hospital yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock from a skull fracture sustained in an accident in the engine room of the company near the pumping station of the Alton Water Co. Leonard never regained consciousness after the accident. It was feared from the time he was picked up on the floor where he had been hurled by a refractory belt that he would not recover. The injury to Leonard resulted from his efforts to put back in its place on a pully a little belt, ___inches in width. The belt was used to drive a feeder, which regulated the supply of stone that went into a crusher. It got out of position, and Leonard attempted to push it back using his hands. The belt travelled at slow speed, and it had always been considered safe enough when it slipped to push it on by the use of the hands of the engineer. This time, the belt started up with a jump, and the violence of the start caused Leonard to be jerked off his feet and turned him upside down, dropping him to the floor on his head. His skull was cracked near the base. Leonard was in the employ of the present company and its predecessor for twenty-five years, and was one of the oldest employees of the plant. He had been around the engine room most of the time, and the past two years had been engineer in charge. He was regarded as a steady, industrious man, and was highly esteemed by his employers. Leonard was 57 years old. He was born at Pinckneyville, and came here when 8 years old, and spent the remainder of his life in Alton. He is survived by his widow, Florence Leonard, and five children - Hugh, Clyde, Virgil, William and Bennie, all of Alton. He leaves also two sisters, Mrs. Irene Eldridge and Mrs. Edna Milligan, both of Cutler, and two brothers, John and Charles, both of Alton. The funeral will be Friday afternoon at two o'clock from the family home at 1125 Logan street. Interment will be in the City cemetery. Rev. Shumard of the First Methodist church will officiate.


LEONARD, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 25, 1903
A story comes from East Las Vegas, N. M., of shocking treatment given the body of a former Alton woman who died in an insane asylum there. Mrs. Mary Leonard, who was well known in Alton, was admitted to the New Mexico insane asylum July 27, 1899. The woman died from ptomaine poisoning, and after her death the asylum authorities had the flesh hacked from the bones and the bones thrown into a barrel, where they remained until overturned and scattered about the yard of the institution. It was said that the asylum authorities desired the bones for use as a skeleton. The discharge of the assistant medical director resulted in disclosures of a shocking nature being made, and among them was the story of the disposal of Mary Leonard's dead body.


LEONARD, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 5, 1917
The one year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leonard died last night from the grippe and the funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from St. Mary's Church.


LEONARD, UNKNOWN (nee GOODWIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 9, 1911
Mrs. John Leonard, aged 57, died this morning at 7 o'clock at side her husband [sic], four children, Charles and Joseph, Mrs. Ed Atherton and Mrs. Sidney Roberton. She leaves one brother and a sister. Mrs. Leonard's maiden name was Goodwin, and she came to Alton when 9 years of age from Dalton, Ga. The funeral will be Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home, and burial will be in City cemetery. Rev. G. L. Clark will conduct the services.


LEONHARD, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 17, 1899
The funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Leonhard was held this afternoon from the family home on Main Street.


L'EPLATTENIER, ELIHU/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 15, 1919
Well Known Fruit Dealer
Elihu L'Eplattenier, prominent business man, for many years engaged in the fruit business in Alton, died Monday morning at 5 o'clock at his home, 642 East Broadway, aged 66. His death followed a long illness. About two years ago he began to show indications of a decline and about five weeks ago the malady from which he suffered showed indications of making a quick end of the well known business man. Thursday last it was realized he could not last much longer. His illness had caused much anxiety among those who knew him well. He was possessed of a large circle of good friends who admired him for his many good qualities. In the part of the city where he had conducted a business for many years, Mr. L'Eplattenier was the center around which many of the social activities of the business men revolved. He was a cook of high order, an epicure, and the feasts he would spread always were sure to be a great success. His place of business was a place where one could go to find food dainties and he had a reputation in Alton for his good taste in selecting his stock. The deceased leaves a widow, Emma L'Eplattenier, and a niece who married Paul Chevally, 2519 Sanford avenue, Upper Alton, about seven years ago. The niece had been brought up by the L'Eplatteniers as a daughter until the time of her marriage. He also leaves two brothers, Zenas and Mark, in Switzerland, and a married sister, Milka, in Budapest, Hungary. He was born at Chaux de Fonds, Neuchatel Province, Switzerland, April 14, 1853. He arrived in America in 1883 and almost immediately took up his residence in Alton and took out his citizens papers. He is well known in Alton business circles, a member of the Elks, and Onion Club, Peacocks and other numerous social and business organizations, and has been in the wholesale and retail fruit business for practically 25 years. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chevally, 2519 Sanford avenue, Upper Alton, and friends may pay respects to the memory of the deceased from 9 o'clock on Wednesday. Services will be held at the home by the Rev. S. D. McKenny of the Cherry Street Baptist Church, and burial will be in the Oakwood Cemetery.


LESHER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 5, 1887
From Bethalto – Mr. George Lesher and wife arrived here this morning from Nashville, Tennessee. They brought with them the body of their only child. The hearse was in waiting at the depot, and on arrival, the remains were taken immediately to the C. P. Church, where services were held. Mr. and Mrs. Lesher formerly resided here, and have the sympathy of numerous friends. We are told they have come to make their home with us again.


LESSNER, JOHN F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 31, 1914
John F. Lessner, aged 59, died this morning at the home of his sister, Mrs. William Dailey, east of Upper Alton. While Mr. Lessner has been ill for several months, his death last evening came very unexpectedly. He had partaken of a large dinner and supper, and was sitting in the yard with other members of the family, when he suddenly lurched forward in his chair and before the members of the family could get to him, he was dead. Lessner leaves two brothers, Police Magistrate Harry H. Lessner of Alton; and Charles Lessner of Godfrey township; also three sisters, Mrs. Wilbur F. Streeper of Alton; Mrs. William Dailey of Wood River township; and Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly of Baltimore, Md. The funeral arrangements have not been made. The doctor who was in charge of the case claimed that his death was due to tobacco heart. He had been blind since childhood, and found consolation mostly in his pipe, which he could be found smoking at any time of the day. When he was taken ill several months ago, the doctor said he could not survive much longer.


LESSNER, MARY C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 27, 1909
Mrs. Mary C. Lessner, wife of Harry H. Lessner, died at her home, 1206 Bloomfield street, Sunday evening at 10:40 o'clock after an illness of about thirty minutes from heart disease. She had been subject to heart attacks, combined with asthma, and several times had suffered severe spells. Sunday evening she was feeling as well as usual, except for a slight headache, and with her husband had spent the evening at dominoes. After retiring at 10 o'clock, she complained of pain in the region of her heart, and although everything possible was done for her, she died at 10:40 p.m. Mrs. Lessner was a native of Baltimore, Maryland, and was in her 48th year. She came to Alton in 1887 shortly after her husband moved here, and had made her home in Alton ever since. She was prominent in the work of the Royal Neighbors and had held official positions in that organization. As a neighbor and a friend, she was highly valued by those who knew her, and in her family her loss is a grievous one. She leaves three daughters and three sons, Mrs. Carrie E. McClain, Mrs. Margaret Van Ausdell and Miss Emma Lessner, Charles, Harry and Walter Lessner. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Jenkins of Baltimore, have been notified and may attend the funeral. Mrs. Lessner leaves also two brothers and four sisters, and three grandchildren. The time of the funeral has not been decided.


LESSNER, WALTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 2, 1916
The "Little Judge"
Walter Lessner, aged 19, son of Justice H. H. Lessner, died very unexpectedly at 11 o'clock Sunday evening at the home on Highland avenue. Death came to the little fellow very unexpectedly. He never realized that the end was at hand. His father did not know until Sunday that his condition was so serious. The boy worked on Saturday and was downtown with Mrs. Lessner on Saturday evening. Sunday he complained that he did not feel well. His family believed that he was sleeping, and when they went to look at him at noon, found him in a stupor. A physician who had treated him during the week preceding was called. He told the family the boy was a victim of uraemic poisoning and would never recover. He never regained consciousness before he died. The boy was known at the city hall as the "Little Judge." He fell when he was a child and this caused an injury to his spine so that he did not develop physically as other children. He was never able to do any work but when his father, then Police Magistrate, began to lose his sight and was unable to see to write, the little fellow came to work with his father every day. He sat beside the judge at all times and became known as the "Little Judge." He was expert at making out the papers of the court and writing up the docket entries. Notwithstanding his physical condition and the pain he suffered at times, he was always on the job and had a smile for everyone. He was at the office every day and remained close to his father at all times, helping him about the streets and always looking out for the older man. When his father left the office of Police Magistrate and took charge of the scales at the city hall, and since he has been elected Justice of the Peace, the little fellow has performed the same service. The death of the lad is a sad blow to the father, who at once offered his resignation to the Mayor. The Mayor refused to accept the resignation, however, thinking that some other arrangements might be made whereby the father could retain the position. Walter Lessner was 18 years old last March 8. His mother died just seven years ago last Tuesday, and her death occurred on Sunday at the same hour as that of her son. He was a member of William McKinley Council, Jr., O. U. A. M. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home, and burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.


LESURE, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1874
Died on August 18 in Upper Alton, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. C. C. Merrill, Mrs. Elizabeth Lesure, relict of the late Edward Lesure.


LESURE, RUFUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1894
News has been received by residents of Alton of the death recently, in Tuscon, Arizona, of Rufus Lesure, an old resident of Alton. Rufus Lesure was prominent in Alton in war times, and his family is well recollected by the older citizens. He joined the Masons here in 1835.


LEUTHNER, MATHIAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 24, 1881
A dispatch was received Wednesday night of the death by railroad accident of one of our highly esteemed German citizens, Mr. Mathias Leuther, at Venice, about 8 o’clock. Deceased had resided in Alton ten or twelve years, was a marble cutter by occupation, and for a time was in partnership with Mr. William Flynn in that business. He leaves a wife and eight children, most of them small, to mourn his death. Deceased was a member of the Odd Fellows, holding the office of V. G. of Germania Lodge No. 299. It was stated that deceased was struck by an engine on the C. B. & Q. Railroad, a short distance this side of Venice, while waiting for a train for Alton. An inquest was held by Coroner Youree at Venice. Verdict of accidental death was returned. After the inquest, the remains were brought to Alton, under the charge of Mayor Brueggemann and Mr. William Flynn, and taken to the late residence of deceased, corner of Sixth and Liberty Streets, where the funeral took place Friday, under the direction of Germania Lodge 299, I.O.O.F., of which deceased was Vice Grand, with Mayor Brueggemann acting as Marshal. The services at the house were conducted by Rev. W. Wilken, pastor of the German Lutheran Church. There was a large attendance of Odd Fellows in regalia, as well as of friends and neighbors, thus showing their sympathy with the stricken wife and the bereaved children. The bearers were Messrs. George Luft, F. Hoeffert, V. Pfaff, C. Borckmann, W. Schell, and H. Wempen. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


LEVER, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 18, 1905
John Lever, a farm laborer working for Jacob Frey at Liberty Prairie, was found dead in a field Monday afternoon where he had died from exposure in the sun while suffering from an attack of alcoholism. Lever had been drinking heavily for some time, and on Sunday it became necessary to confine him in an outbuilding. He escaped from the place where he was imprisoned, and was not seen until Monday afternoon when his body was found where he had fallen.


LEVERETT, CARRY JUDSON/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 27, 1850
Died on the 23d inst., at Upper Alton, Carry Judson Leverett, aged 14 months, son of Prof. Warren and Mrs. Mary Ann Leverett.


George Walker LeverettLEVERETT, GEORGE WALKER/Shurtleff Pioneer, January 21, 1925
Son of Joseph Leverett
George Leverett, a cousin of the late Cyrus W. Leverett and of John Leverett of Alton, died at 9 o’clock Wednesday evening at his home on Center Street, Edwardsville. Mr. Leverett was over eighty years of age, and for the past three years has been practically confined to his home, and entirely incapacitated for active work. For many years prior to his retirement, he was a civil engineer, serving as County Surveyor for some years, and later conducting an Abstract Office at the county seat [Edwardsville]. He had an extensive acquaintance with people throughout the county, and an even more intimate acquaintance with their holdings of real estate. He was long a compendium of information regarding lands in this section of the State, and was ever ready to give enquirers the benefit of knowledge in this line acquired through years of field work and research. Mr. Leverett was a graduate of Shurtleff College in the Class of 1861.


LEVERETT, HARRIET/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 8, 1865
Died on Sunday evening, December 3 at 10 minutes before 7 o’clock, Harriet, wife of Professor Washington Leverett of Upper Alton. Funeral services will take place at the Baptist Church in Upper Alton, Thursday morning, December 7, at 9 o’clock. Friends of the family are invited to attend.


Joseph LeverettLEVERETT, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1878
Brother of Warren, Washington (Professors at Shurtleff College), and Thomas Jefferson Leverett
George Leverett of Alton was summoned by telegraph on February 2, to visit his father, Joseph Leverett, who was lying dangerously ill at his residence in Warren, Jo Daviess County, Illinois. He took the first train for that place, but before he reached there, death had claimed its victim. The deceased was about 78 years old, and if he had lived until the 19th, would have celebrated his golden wedding. His sickness was of short duration – from Thursday to Saturday night [February 9] only.

Joseph Leverett was born September 4, 1804, in Brookline, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. He married Mary Turner on February 19, 1828. She died in 1881. Thomas Jefferson Leverett (1802-1836), Warren Leverett (1805-1872), and Washington Leverett (1805-1889) were his brothers. Joseph and Mary had the following children: James Walker Leverett (1830-1916), Ebenezer Turner Leverett (1832-1911), Frances Ellen Leverett White (1835-1892), Sarah Fuller Leverett Boone (1838-1919), and George Walker Leverett (1840-1925). Joseph and Mary Leverett were buried in the Elmwood Cemetery, Warren, Illinois.


LEVERETT, MARY A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 3, 1901
Mrs. Mary A. Leverett, widow of Prof. Warren Leverett, died at six o'clock this morning at her home on College avenue, Upper Alton, after an illness of less than twenty-four hours. The immediate cause of death was congestion of the bowels, the weakness of old age contributing to a fatal result. Mrs. Leverett was born in Strathham, N. H., August 1, 1812, and was consequently in her 89th year. October 11, 1837, she was married to Prof. Warren Leverett, and in 1839 she came to Upper Alton with her husband when he entered the faculty of Shurtleff College. For twenty-eight years she has been a widow. For over a half century, Mrs. Leverett was active in church work and kindred charities, as well as in tenderer ministries of neighborly association. Indeed, as has been said of her, "she was everybody's friend, and everybody's grandma." In her home she was a most devoted mother in every sense of the word. Three children, Mrs. Mary L. Greene, Mrs. Sarah B. Stiffler and Mr. John Leverett, all of Upper Alton, survive her. One son, William Leverett, and an infant son are dead. While for the past few years advancing age has curtailed her activities, she manifested her love and interest in much quiet work for the Master's cause. For nearly sixty years, and until within the past few months, she taught regularly a class in the Sabbath school. She attended services last Sunday morning at the First Baptist church of which she was the oldest living member. The funeral will be at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon from the residence. The Sunday morning service at the Baptist church will be a memorial service for Mrs. Leverett, conducted in the church by the pastor.

LEVERETT, UNKNOWN CHILD/ Source: Alton Telegraph, July 27, 1849
Died in Upper Alton from cholera – child of the Rev. Washington Leverett.


Warren and Mary Ann Leverett & sonLEVERETT, WARREN (PROFESSOR)/Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, November 15, 1872
Shurtleff College Professor
Our citizens will hear with profound sorrow of the death of Professor Warren Leverett of Upper Alton, which sad event took place Friday at 2 o’clock a.m. He was for many years an instructor in Shurtleff College, connected, we believe, with the institution from its inauguration until some two or three years since. Professor Leverett was a man of singularly pure and upright life, and of consistent Christian character. He was of a genial and a winning disposition, and was beloved and esteemed by all who knew him. We do not believe he ever had an enemy in the world. He was a man of rare scholarly attainments, with a remarkable tact for conveying instruction. With the students, he was a universal favorite.

To thousands of the students of “Old Shurtleff,” now scattered over the whole country, his death will come as a personal sorrow. Many of them owe all their success in life, all their incentives to usefulness, to the imprint left upon their lives while under his tutelage. His has been a life of practical philanthropy, of usefulness, and of honor. His death will be sincerely mourned, and it will be long “ere we look upon his like again.”

We trust, in a few days, to be able to publish a sketch of his life that will adequately portray his services to his fellow men, and his success in the cause of education. To his brother, Professor Washington Leverett, his life-time co-worker in the same field of labor, to his family and relatives, the sincerest sympathy of all will be extended in their affliction.

Biographical Sketch of Professor Warren Leverett
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1872
The history of a faithful teacher’s life, even in the higher ranks of education, is seldom fraught with incidents, or marked by events adapted to attract public attention. Year after year, in comparative retirement, he discharges the daily duties of his vocation, developing the mind and shaping the character of the successive classes of youth coming under his instruction. However skilled and persevering and exhausting his labors, the results appear in the success of others in the different walks of life, whom he has contributed to qualify for the trusts committed to them, and for the various responsibilities devolving upon them. Unambitious of personal distinction, his ruling desire is the usefulness of those under his charge, and their prosperity is his most coveted and richest reward. A practical and marked illustration of this we have in the lives of Professors Washington and Warren Leverett, whose long continued and faithful labors as teachers in Shurtleff College have made their names familiar throughout so wide a region in this Western Valley. They were twins by birth, and twins in the associations and labors of life. Through nearly the allotted period of threescore and ten years, have they lived, toiled, suffered, and enjoyed together, scarcely absent from each other’s side till death came to sever the early tie.

Washington and Warren Leverett were born December 19, 1805, latest born of six children of William and Lydia (Fuller) Leverett, of Brooklyn, Massachusetts. Four of these children survive. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Leverett became the wife of Joshua Griggs. By this marriage, two brothers were added to the family, both of whom still live. At the age of 14, the “twins” went to finish the period of their minority with one of the family kindred, Samuel Griggs, Esq., a large farmer residing on Otter Creek, Rutland, Vermont, and a brother of the late Stephen Griggs of Alton. On reaching their majority, they declined the opening prospects before them in agricultural pursuits, and returned to their native town. A year before leaving Vermont, they had hopefully experienced the saving grace of God, and henceforth the only worthy object of life appeared to be usefulness in some department of the service of Christ. This became their supreme purpose. Having united with the First Baptist Church in Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, and being warmly encouraged to secure a collegiate education as a means of greater usefulness, they soon, under the instruction and direction of their eldest brother, Rev. William Leverett of Roxbury, commenced preparations for entering college. In September 1828, they entered Brown University, and graduated in 1832. During the last two years of his collegiate course, Warren’s health was seriously impaired by dyspepsia and attacks of pulmonary disease.

Thus far in life, the “twins” had seldom and for only brief periods been separated. But now for nearly two years, their mutual intercourse was by epistolary correspondence, Washington being engaged in teaching in Columbian College, D. C., and in Brown University. Warren, baffling the attacks of insidious disease, at one time vainly endeavoring to pursue his chosen course of professional studies at Newton Theological Institution, and at other periods in quest of health, circulating Bibles in Charleston, South Carolina, and teaching school in Lawrenceburg and Franklin, Indiana. After repeated attempts to resume, and prosecute his course of studies, accompanied by frequent and alarming attacks of hemorrhage of the lungs, he reluctantly relinquished his cherished purpose, and submitting to the advice of medical and other friends, concluded to escape from the bleak and chilling wintry winds of “Institution Hill,” and seek a more genial residence in the Western Valley, and to adopt teaching as his life work. Accordingly, in October 1837, he was united in marriage with Miss Mary A. Brown, of Stratham, New Hampshire, who was at that time Preceptress of the Young Ladies Academy at Townsend, Massachusetts, and together they journeyed to Upper Alton, where his twin brother had arrived the year before. Several months were spent in visiting schools in St. Louis, Quincy, Griggsville, and other growing places. At length, Warren concluded to locate in Greenville, Bond County. His school became prosperous, and his labors were appreciated. But after some year and a half, having received an appointment in Shurtleff College in Upper Alton, then in its infancy, he moved to Upper Alton.

Upper Alton was his home and this the scene of his labors till life ended. Here, he did most emphatically his life work, giving himself from the prime of manhood through his mature years, with untiring diligence, and through periods of great struggle and sacrifice to the interests of education in this institution. In 1853, he resigned his chair in college, and for the next two years conducted a school of high order in the community. Having then been re-elected to a position in the College faculty, he occupied it till the close of the academic year, 1867-168. No class has yet graduated from the college that has not been under his instruction, and large numbers all over the West now hold him in grateful remembrance as their faithful and respected teacher. Since his retirement from college, he has been the proprietor and conductor of a bookstore in Upper Alton until his death.

In 1828, while a member of the church in Cambridgeport, Professor Leverett received a license to preach the gospel, and in the early part of his public life, his occasional pulpit ministrations were highly appreciated. But he could never be prevailed on to accept public ordination, because he was devoted to a different sphere of labor. In 1852, he was elected a deacon of the Upper Alton Baptist Church, and continued to serve in that office till his death, and officiated at the Lord’s Supper the Sabbath previous to it. He also filled the office of clerk of the church for a period of twenty-nine years. He was several years Superintendent of the Sabbath School, and one of its teachers for over thirty years. Nearly the whole period of his membership in the church, he was on its Board of Trustees. His pastors have ever found him a wise and judicious counselor, and a faithful, unshrinking supporter of the truth and the right. He understood and appreciated, as few do, the duty of the members of Christ’s body, and the obligations he never sought to evade. He believed himself, with all he had, to belong to Christ, and was ever ready to recognize all the consequences of such a relation to his Master.

Professor Leverett’s usefulness has not been limited to the church and the college. As a member and officer of the Board of the Illinois Baptist Education Society, almost from its origin, his counsel and cooperation contributed largely to the promotion of its object. When an association of citizens of Upper Alton was formed to improve the condition of the public cemetery, he was placed in a responsible office, which he filled till removed by death. Upon the incorporation of the town of Upper Alton, he was elected the first President of its Council, occupying that and other important positions several years, and was Treasurer of the town and of the school district at the time of his decease. In our personal acquaintance with the subject of this sketch, every step of advance in intimacy of knowledge has increased our respect for him as a man and our love for him as a Christian.

In all our intercourse, we have found him ever kind, ever courteous, ever honest, ever true, and no opinion once formed of him or feeling awakened toward him have we seen occasion to modify, by subsequent development, save to confirm and intensify. And we are confident that we only express sentiments which will meet with unhesitating response from an entire community, in which, for thirty-three years, he has held the position of one of its most valued and honored citizens. To the purity of his character and the unblemished record of his public and private life, a multitude of witnesses stand ready to testify, and many of his fellow citizens will long mourn for him with sincerest grief.

Professor Leverett had been subject for many years to bilious attacks during the summer and autumn. On Monday, November 4, exposure to the impetuous storm produced a severe chill, which resulted in typhoid pneumonia, and on Friday morning, November 8, at two o’clock, he ceased to breathe. His funeral services were attended, Sabbath morning, at the Baptist Church, by his Pastor, assisted by Dr. Kendrick, President of Shurtleff College, and Revs. Rudd and Lowe, Pastors of the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches, which had dismissed their regular service to attend on this mournful occasion. The memory of the just is blessed. Signed N. M. Wood, Committee on Sketch.

Warren and Mary Ann Leverett moved to Alton in the late 1830s, where Warren took a position as a professor at the newly named Shurtleff College. They became involved in their community, and the family grew to include four children. Sarah B. Leverett, daughter of Warren and Mary Ann, was born in Alton in November 1845. During the Civil War, Mary Ann became involved in the Ladies’ Union Aid Society, while her husband, Warren, continued to teach at Shurtleff College. William Stifler, who had recently moved to Alton to attend Shurtleff College, enlisted in the Union Army and was called away to serve at the Rock Island Arsenal. Later in 1870, he would become the husband of Sarah B. Leverett. Generations of Warren and Mary Ann’s descendants attended Shurtleff College.

Washington Leverett, Warren’s twin brother, settled in Alton and began teaching at Shurtleff in the year 1836. Washington Levertt was also a pastor, and served as a leader in the Baptist community for years.


Professor Washington LeverettLEVERETT, WASHINGTON (PROFESSOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 19, 1889
Professor at Shurtleff College; Baptist Minister
The many friends of the venerable Professor Washington Leverett of Upper Alton will learn with profound regret of his death, which took place at 9 o’clock a.m. Friday, after an illness of four days. He was prostrated Monday morning last with a nervous chill, and failed rapidly thereafter until the end came. He had been a sufferer with Bright’s disease for years, but never complained, although the disease had undermined his strength so that his last illness was brief.

Professor Leverett lacked six days of being 84 years of age. He was a native of Brookline, Massachusetts, born December 19, 1805. He was one of the oldest residents of Upper Alton, and was connected with Shurtleff College over a half century. His life-work indeed, together with that of his twin brother, Professor Warren Leverett, who preceded him to the other shore, would include the history of the college. We have the data at hand for a sketch of his life, but that will follow later.

To thousands of former students of Shurtleff College, now scattered all over the country and in foreign lands, the news of his death will come with all the poignancy of a personal grief, “none knew him but to love him,” and neither “lapse of time nor distance of space” has dimmed the affection. The memory of his life will ever be with them as a perennial benediction. His end was as peaceful as his life was stainless, and he passed away in full consciousness of, and readiness for, the impending change.

Professor Leverett leaves one son, Mr. Cyrus W. Leverett of Upper Alton; a stepdaughter, Mrs. W. K. Sherwood of St. Louis; and a stepson, Mr. Nathaniel Wilson of Washington D. C. The first two were with him at the last.

An immense concourse gathered at the Baptist Church, Upper Alton, Sunday afternoon, many coming from a distance, to attend the funeral service of the late Professor Washington Leverett, LL.D. A resident of Upper Alton for over fifty years, he was loved by all its people, and all were saddened at the thought that they should see no more the genial face, and hear no more the kindly greeting of their honored and revered friend and associate. The sermon was delivered by Rev. Dr. Kendrick, President of Shurtleff College, from the text found in the 4th chapter of Mark, 28th verse: “First the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear.” A theme specially appropriate to the rounded and perfected life of the departed. The address was brief, but a most admirable tribute to personal worth, the truth and fitness of which found an echo in every heart. He referred to the distinguished ancestry of Professor Leverett in colonial and Revolutionary times, tracing from eminent and noble forefathers the traits of character that made his career especially notable. He spoke of the eventful changes that had taken place within his lifetime, which extended from the first decade of the century almost to the last; of his coming to the West as a young teacher, and his work thereafter in the field of education. He dwelt upon his character as a man and a Christian, of his amiable and yet persistent disposition, of his interest in young men, of his pure life ripening into a serene old age. The address was followed with prayer by Rev. Dr. Abbott. The music was furnished by the choir of the church. At the close of the services, the vast concourse filed by the casket to take a last look at the loved face of their lifetime friend. The interment was in the Upper Alton Cemetery. The bearers were: Dr. Charles Fairman, Hon. D. B. Gillham, Dr. O. L. Castle, Professor Ebenezer Marsh, Professor George B. Dodge, and Captain J. H. Weeks.

[Leverett Street in Upper Alton is named after this family.]


LEVERETT, WILLIAM W. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 19, 1874
Son of Professor Warren Leverett Shurtleff College, Upper Alton
The many friends of this gentleman will hear with sincere sorrow of his death, which took place last Thursday at his residence in Little Rock, Arkansas, after a lingering illness, the sequel of disease contracted in the army. Captain William W. Leverett was a son of the late Professor Warren Leverett of Upper Alton. He was a graduate of Shurtleff College, served through the war on the staff of General Palmer and in other positions, was subsequently connected with the Cairo and Fulton Railroad, and has latterly been in business at Little Rock. Possessing a genial disposition, noble qualities of heart, and a refined and cultivated intellect, he was a general favorite with a large circle of relatives and friends. His death, in his manhood’s early prime, will be widely mourned. He leaves a wife, mother, sisters, and brother, who have the warm sympathy of the community in their affliction.

Captain William W. Leverett was born in Alton on November 22, 1841, to Professor Warren and Mary A. (Brown) Leverett. After serving in the military and contracting an illness, he passed away in Little Rock, Arkansas, on November 12, 1874. He was 32 years old. He was buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


LEVI, JANE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 14, 1895
From Melville – Mrs. Jane Levi, an aged lady, died at the residence of her stepson, Mr. William Levi, last Sunday of pneumonia. The interment took place at Calame’s Cemetery on Monday.


LEVI, JESSIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 31, 1911
The body of Jessie Levi arrived from Chicago this morning and will be buried from the family home Wednesday afternoon. Burial will be in the Melville cemetery. The girl committed suicide in Chicago. C. N. Streeper said today that he succeeded in getting the body shipped for one half the price that was first demanded by the undertaker in charge at Chicago. The family being unable to pay the sum demanded could not have it shipped until some concession in price was made.


LEVI, LENA (nee KIEDELL)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 4, 1888
Died on September 2 after a five hours’ illness, Mrs. Lena Levi (nee Kiedell). Her many friends will be shocked to hear of her sudden death. All sympathize with husband and brother. The funeral took place at Melville Church.


LEVI, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 25, 1909
William Levi, aged 65, died Sunday evening at his home, Twelfth and Alby streets. He leaves a wife and six children. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon.


LEVICK, ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 11, 1897
Mrs. Ann Levick died Thursday at her home, 1126 East Sixth Street, after a long illness with consumption, aged 34 years. She leaves two young children. The funeral services were held at St. Patrick’s Church.


LEVICK, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 29, 1891
James Levick of Alton Junction [East Alton] died Sunday morning of typhoid pneumonia, aged 33 years. Mr. Levick was a blacksmith by trade and highly respected. He has lived at Alton Junction for about seven years. He was sick about two weeks. He leaves four small children and a wife.


LEVICK, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 11, 1901
Mary Levick, aged 15, died this noon at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Ann McInerney at East Alton, after a long illness with lung trouble. She was the daughter of the late James Levick, and was an orphan. The funeral will be held Monday morning at nine o'clock from St. Patrick's church.


Edward Levis Sr.LEVIS, EDWARD SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 2, 1903
Co-Founder of Illinois Glassworks in Alton
One of the old familiar faces of Alton will be seen no more on the streets. The kindly, gentle, gentleman, the friend of every man and every man his friend, Edward Levis Sr. has exchanged his earthly tabernacle for that of the eternal. No one who has passes from the paths of life in Alton for many years will be more missed. His kindly greeting to all in his walks about town and to his business place, was one of the events that all his acquaintances prized. His friendly words, his genial manners, endeared him to all. As some men age, they appear to forget, or are forgotten, by the younger portion of the community. Not so with Mr. Levis. He liked the young people, and young men liked him and sought his advice and counsel. No one ever heard unseemly language from him, and his words sprang from a tender heart, schooled by long experience and a conservative temperament. He will be sadly missed by his family, by his business associates, by his friends everywhere. He was one of the few over whose demise sincere regrets will be general. A good father, a kind friend, a neighborly neighbor, and a most excellent citizen, after life's work well done, has passed on.

Edward Levis, in the 84th year of his age, peacefully slipped away Wednesday evening, April 1, at 7:30 o'clock. Death was due to old age. Mr. Levis had been failing in health for months, and his death had been expected to take place during several weeks prior to the time it occurred. The strong constitution of Mr. Levis had worn out, and a collapse occurred a few days ago. His illness dates back to the time of the death of Mrs. Levis [in 1902], at which time it was believed her aged partner in life would not be far behind her in solving the mystery of the great unknown. He rallied, however, and was able to be downtown to see his old friends, but there were indications that he was failing rapidly. The death of his son, Frank Levis, last November, was the crushing blow that toiled heaviest on him. He never recovered from the shock of his son's untimely death, although he knew that recovery was impossible. His bodily vigor became impaired, his eyesight failed, and he longed for the summons that would take him to join the members of his family who had gone before. He weakened rapidly during the last few days, and Wednesday afternoon it became apparent that the end was fast approaching. Members of his family were summoned to his bedside and saw him as he peacefully passed away.

Mr. Levis was one of the original founders of the Illinois Glass Company, in connection with the late P. B. Whipple and John E. Hayner. Mr. Levis remained with the institution, and in company with William Eliot Smith built it up into the great place it now is. He was vice-president of the concern, and one of its active managers until laid aside by the infirmities of old age, and was succeeded by his sons in the control of affairs. Mr. Levis had filled various offices in the city, such as assessor, many years ago; alderman from the First Ward; Supervisor of Alton Township; member of the Board of Education. He was also a director and member of the Committee on Valuation of the Piasa Building and Loan Association from its organization.

Edward Levis was born in Bristol, Pennsylvania, April 5, 1810, to Samuel Levis (1779-1830) and Mary "Polly" Johnson Levis (1782-1863). His brothers were William K. Levis (1814-1897); John Levis (1810-?); and Mahlon Levis (1824-1914). Edward came to Alton in 1835. His brother, William, also lived in Alton for a time, operating a sawmill. Edward married Miss Mary Morfoot in 1845, and their entire married life of nearly sixty years was spent in Alton. To them were born one daughter and seven sons, all of whom survive their father except Frank, viz:

Edward Levis Jr. (1848-1918)
Sarah A. Levis (1850-1937), wife of Lycurgus F. Cotter of Chicago
George McClellan Levis (1854-1933)
John Mitchell Levis (1858-1942)
Charles Levis (1860-1948)
Robert Harry Levis (1862-1950)
Frank Levis (1862 – November 1902)
Nelson Levis (1868-1950)

One brother, Mahlon Levis of Selms, California, also survives Mr. Levis. The funeral will be Saturday afternoon, April 4, from the late home of deceased, 1019 State Street in Alton. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]

Mahlon Levis, the brother of Edward Levis Sr., was born on February 28, 1824, in Bristol, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He was one of seven sons – all reared on their father’s farm. Upon the death of the father in 1838, the home was broken up and Mahlon and three of his brothers went to Illinois. In 1842, Mahlon engaged in the lumber business in the pine woods of Wisconsin. When the discovery of gold went out in California, Mahlon, in 1849, went West and tried his luck in the mining districts. His companion, a man by the name of Pomeroy, and himself, returned to Wisconsin. He again went into the lumber business in Wisconsin, and married Maria E. Olden, a native of Canada. He later engaged in farming, and in 1873 went again to California. In Fresno County, he planted one acre of grapes, and by 1890, had 50 acres of his ranch planted in grapes. He grew in prosperity, until he was one of the largest raisin-growers in the area. Mahlon Levis died on November 10, 1914, at the age of 90. He is buried in Selma, Fresno County, California.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 4, 1903
There was a large assemblage of friends, neighbors and employees of the glassworks at the funeral services of Edward Levis Sr. this afternoon. Services were conducted in the family home at 3 o'clock by Rev. J. A. Scarritt of Cairo, a former pastor of Mr. Levis, and Rev. M. H. Ewers of the First Methodist church. The entire plant of the glass company, of which Mr. Levis was the last surviving one of the founders, was closed down for the afternoon, and hundreds of the men who had worked under Mr. Levis during the last twenty years were present and added their testimonials of esteem and remembrance to those which were dropped by Mr. Levis' intimate personal friends. The pallbearers were Lucas Pfeiffenberger, J. H. Raible, C. W. Milnor, R. Galbally, G. H. Smiley, John Armstrong, J. F. McGinnis, James Duncan. The floral offerings sent by friends were numerous and profuse. Among the most conspicuous was one sent by the members of the glassblowers union, representing the "Rock of Ages," made from roses and carnations. A quartet consisting of Miss Beatrice Ferguson, Mrs. Beck, B. C. Richardson and J. H. Dickie, sang several selections during the service. Rev. Mr. Scarritt gave a touching tribute of respect to his old friend who had laid down life's burdens after so many years, and who had gladly gone to join his aged partner in life and his children who went before him. Burial was in City Cemetery beneath a mound of flowers.

The Edward & Mary (Morfoot) Levis family

LEVIS, EDWARD JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 15, 1918
Edward Levis, member of a well known Alton family, oldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Levis, died Sunday morning at 4:30 o'clock at his residence, on Washington street, after being bedfast three weeks. Mr. Levis was the only member of the family of sons of his father who did not take an active part in the management of the business of the Illinois Glass Co. His tastes were in other directions, and when he was a young man he left Alton and remained away from here a long time. He came back here with his wife about thirty years ago, and lived in Alton from that time up to the time of his death. He was in poor health for several years but did not become seriously ill until about three weeks before his death occurred. He was one of the best known men in the eastern part of the city and he had a wide acquaintance all over Alton. Mr. Levis was born in Alton seventy years ago, and most of his life he spent in Alton. He is survived by his wife, one sister, Mrs. L. F. Cotter, of Chicago, and five brothers, George, Charles, John M., R. H. and Nelson Levis. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Washington Avenue Methodist Church in which both he and Mrs. Levis had taken a deep interest, and for which they have been indefatigable workers. It is the request of the family that there be no flowers. Burial will be in City Cemetery.


LEVIS, ERNEST GRAY/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1889
Son of George M. Levis
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Levis are sorely afflicted in the death, Friday, of their oldest child, Ernest Gray, a bright and beautiful boy, aged 3 years, 5 months, and 3 days. They have the sympathy of many friends in both Alton and Upper Alton. The funeral took place from the residence on Liberty Street, Upper Alton.


LEVIS, ELLA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 11, 1914
Wife of Nelson Levis
Mrs. Ella Levis, wife of Nelson Levis, died Monday morning at 1:30 o'clock at the family home, 1019 State street. Her death followed an operation which had become immediately necessary, and was performed in the hope that it might at least reduce her suffering, if not prolong her life beyond what seemed to be a near end when the operation was performed. She was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital from her home when her case became bad, and there it was necessary to delay several days until she would be able to stand the shock of the operation. She rallied considerably and was able to be taken to her home, but the temporary gain was soon lost, and for almost a week she had been hanging between life and death with every prospect that the feeble spark of life would be snuffed out at any moment. On Saturday her case had become completely hopeless and it was therefore no surprise that the end came after Sunday. Mrs. Levis was a woman who was generally liked. She possessed a sweet, peace-loving disposition, and she had a very large circle of friends who were deeply grieved to learn that she had become the victim of a malady that must inevitably result fatally, and that there could be only a very short period of life left to her. In her home she was a good mother and a good wife. She was deeply interested in her family and devotede all of her time and attention to them.....The following was written by a friend: ....After an illness of nine weeks, Mrs. Ella Levis, wife of Mr. Nelson Levis, passed away at 1:20 a.m. at the family residence, 1019 State street....Mrs. Levis was born in Alton, March 27th, 1879, and on August 4th, 1896 became the bride of Mr. Nelson Levis. Four children blessed this happy union: Walden, who has been attending St. John's Military Academy; Richard, deceased; Edward Nelson and Mary Elizabeth. Mrs. Levis also leaves to mourn her demise her mother, Mrs. Mary Jane Anders, and two sisters, Mrs. Charles Nelson Hodge of Chicago and Miss Vina Anders of this city. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home on State street. [May 13, 1914 - Entombment was in the Grandview mausoleum.]


LEVIS, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 17, 1902
Son of Edward Levis Sr. - Co-Founder of Illinois Glass
Frank Levis died Sunday morning at 7:30 o'clock at the home of his sister, Mrs. L. F. Cotter, Woodlawn, in Chicago. His death was not unexpected as he suffered a sudden change for the worse Saturday morning, and his relatives were summoned to his bedside from Alton. The news of his death came as a sad shock to his many friends in Alton who had continued to hope that Mr. Levis might recover sufficiently to take up lighter duties than those of his position in Alton. Early in the summer, the health of Mr. Levis began to show signs of a complete breakdown, and he at last consented to giving up his duties at the glass works office, and going to Chicago, he entered a sanitarium for treatment. He was able to be moved several months later to the home of his sister in Woodlawn, where Mr. and Mrs. Levis went to housekeeping while Mrs. Cotter came to Alton to remain with her aged father. Saturday morning a message was received saying that Mr. Levis had shown signs of a quick collapse, and some of his relatives in Alton hurried to Chicago, arriving there in time to be present at the end.

Frank Levis was a remarkable man, and there are few in the glass making business who could approach him in ability. The man's capacity for work seemed unlimited. His memory was prodigious. Rarely was it necessary for him to consult a written record when accurate information was sought regarding the business of his office. He carried in his mind an infinite number of details pertaining to his office of superintendent at the glassworks. One of the most difficult features of his work was the keeping of the list of ware manufactured in the glassworks. Of all the thousands of kinds of bottles manufactured in the plant, he knew off-hand the price, size and weight, and could give accurate information as to how long any shop had worked on an order and when it would be through with the order. All this mass of detail he carried in his mind, and seldom consulted the records. He was an expert in his line of work, and as such was known throughout the glass making trade. Probably there was no man so well known in the glass trade as he. He has been missed every minute since he was forced to give up his position, and it is probably that no one man will ever be able to fill it alone again.

Frank Levis was a man who had many friends, although of a quiet nature. His loss will be deeply mourned by the men who worked under him and all who knew him. He was born October 3, 1863, and his whole life was spent in Alton. He leaves his wife, nee Hattie Keiser, and one child (Robert Preston Levis). He leaves also his father, Edward Levis Sr.; six brothers - Edward Levis, George Levis, Charles Levis, R. H. Levis, Nelson Levis of Alton; John Levis of Chicago, and one sister, Mrs. [Sarah] L. F. Cotter of Chicago. The funeral party consisting of Mrs. Levis and child, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Levis, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morfoot of Alton, Mr. and Mrs. John Levis and Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cotter of Chicago, arrived Monday morning. The body was taken to the home of the father, 1019 State Street, and funeral services will be held there Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The gentlemen friends of Mr. Frank Levis may take a last look at him this evening from 7 to 10 o'clock, and the workmen at the glass works will be given this opportunity to see their deceased superintendent for the last time. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 18, 1902
The funeral of Frank Levis took place this afternoon from the home of his father, Mr. Edward Levis, 1019 State street, where there was gathered one of the largest assemblages of people ever seen at a funeral in Alton - an assemblage that numbered among its parts, the laboring man, the glassblower, the office man, the business man, the banker - in fact, all classes and conditions of men who knew and esteemed the deceased and who desired to pay their tributes of respect before he was placed to rest forever. The services were conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing of the First Baptist church and Rev. L. A. Abbott, a former pastor, and words of tender consolation were spoken to the grief stricken relatives. The body was interred in the City Cemetery, the grave being piled high with beautiful floral offerings. Last evening hundreds of employees of the Illinois Glass Co. and others of the friend of deceased called at the Levis home and took a last look at the face of him they all respected. The entire glassworks plant shut down at noon today, and the employees attended the funeral practically in a body. The Benevolent Order of Elks of which he was a member also attended in a body. The pallbearers were Richard Galbally, Frank Taylor, Christopher Koenig, George J. Kendall, Harry Ferguson, Patrick Lafferty, Eben Caldwell and James McKinney.


LEVIS, GEORGE M./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 10, 1889
Brother of Edward Levis
Mr. George M. Levis, late of Vicksburg, Mississippi, and formerly a well-known steamboat engineer, died early Friday morning at the residence of his brother, Mr. Edward Levis, on State Street, where he had been ill for the last six months. He was in the 61st year of his age. He leaves a widow and one daughter, Mrs. F. P. Owings of Chicago. The funeral of Mr. Levis took place Sunday afternoon, from the residence of his brother, Mr. Edward Levis, on State Street. There was a very large attendance of neighbors and friends of the family present. The services were conducted by Rev. J. W. Caldwell of the M. E. Church. The pallbearers were Captain John A. Bruner, Charles Loehr, William Elliot Smith, Richard Galbally, William J. Ferguson, and William Armstrong.

George M. Levis, and his brother, Edward Levis, were sons of Samuel Levis (1779-1830) and Mary Johnson Levis. George married Mandana A. Jones (1836-1862). Their daughter was Jeanette A. Levis Owings (1858-1943).


LEVIS, HATTIE PARKER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph August 7, 1911
Wife of Charles M. Levis Commits Suicide by Drowning in Cistern
Mrs. Hattie Parker Levis, wife of Charles M. Levis, aged 48, drowned herself Sunday morning in a cistern at the home of Samuel Pitts, her next door neighbor, 607 State street. It is supposed she had been in the water some time, as her body was floating on the surface when discovered soon after 5 o'clock by her son, Parker Levis, who was one of the members of the family who went in search of her when the alarm was given in the house that the mother was missing. Since her illness Mrs. Levis had meditated the action, the fever having caused recurring attacks of melancholia, and a close watch had been kept upon her to prevent her carrying out any suicidal plans she had formed while suffering from the fever. She was believed to be convalescent, yet a nurse was kept with her and the watch had not been completely relaxed. Mrs. Levis had been downstairs several times, and her family were delighted with her apparent progress toward health and recovery. Sunday morning, some time after midnight, she must have taken advantage of a period when her nurse was getting some sleep, and arranging the pillows in her bed so to counterfeit her form under the covers should the nurse awake and discover her absence, she slipped out of her room, escaped from the house, and going direct to the Pitts' cistern she leaped in and was drowned. No one heard a sound, not even in the Pitts' home, although Mr. and Mrs. Pitts were asleep in a room with windows opening out near the cistern, and the blinds only were closed. Coroner Streeper was summoned with some assistants, and the body was taken from the cistern about 6:30 a.m. Several members of the family were away from home at the time of the drowning of the mother, and were summoned to return. Mrs. Levis was a native of Alton, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Parker. She leaves a brother, Will C. Parker, and a sister, Mrs. Mary K. Wise. She leaves her husband, three sons, C. P. Levis, Walter and William, and a daughter, Lucy Levis. Preceding a time a number of years ago when Mrs. Levis was stricken with a very severe illness from which it was feared she would never recover, she was a leader in her social circles. When she began to recover after a long illness, she resumed her social place, and her friends were encouraged to believe that she would evidently and quickly regain her health. She was a good mother and a devoted wife, and her sad end is filled with grief for her family and all who knew her. Her son, William Levis, who had gone to Lake Okoboji, Iowa, on a visit, was summoned home by telephone message, and arrived Sunday evening. One of the remarkable features of the drowning of Mrs. Levis is the fact that her body would float in the water so soon after she had been drowned. It is a well known fact that drowned people generally do not float in cold water for many days, and the cistern was filled with very cold water. Even in the river, bodies generally require from twelve to eighteen hours in hottest summer weather before they float, yet Mrs. Levis had not been in the cistern more than five hours at the longest, and possibly for a shorter time. The funeral of Mrs. Levis will be at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the residence on State street, and burial will be private.


John Mitchell LevisLEVIS, JOHN MITCHELL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 2, 1942
Son of Edwards Levis Sr. – Co-Founder of Illinois Glass Company
John Mitchell Levis was born in Alton on April 30, 1858, at the Levis home at 1007 State Street. He was the son of Edward Levis Sr. and Mary (Morfoot) Levis. His father was co-founder, with William Eliot Smith, of the Illinois Glass Company in Alton. John Levis began working at the Alton plant in 1875, and moved to Chicago as the company’s representative in 1888. His brothers also went to work in the glass business – George, John, Harry, Charles, Nelson, and Frank. John retired in 1928 when the company merged to form Owens-Illinois Glass Company.

John Levis died July 1, 1942, at his home in Chicago. He had been in failing health for two years. He was survived by his wife, Jessie (Wagenseller) Levis, a daughter, Mrs. (Marie) Bernal Diaz of Los Angeles, California, and three brothers. His son, Albert C. Levis of Chicago, died two months previous. John was buried in the Rosehill Cemetery and Mausoleum in Chicago, Illinois.


LEVIS, MARY (nee MORFOOT)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 13, 1902
Wife of Edward Levis (Co-Founder of Illinois Glass Works)
Peacefully, as though falling into a deep slumber, closing her eyes on a world that had been full of cares and full of joys, Mrs. Mary Levis, wife of Edward Levis, one of the pioneer residents of Alton, passed away Wednesday evening at the family residence on State street after a long illness with paralysis. Her death was expected as she had been steadily failing in strength for many months, and recently the weakness had been making rapid progress. She was stricken with paralysis one year ago, and since that time she had been an invalid, almost unable to help herself and able only occasionally to venture out for a drive with the aged partner of her life's joys and sorrows. The appearance of the venerable couple on the street was always greeted with the felicitations of their friends, but it seemed that the improvement indicated on these occasions could be only temporary. Mr. Levis has been ill the past ten days with a severe malady, and this fact distressed Mrs. Levis. Wednesday evening her condition became worse and surrounded by members of her family she at last fell into the deep sleep that draws the curtain on this life and reveals to her the mystery of the other side.

Mrs. Levis was first a dutiful wife to her life partner, and afterward a tender and careful mother. Her crowning glory was the family of sons and the daughter she raised, and in them, with her husband, her interests were centered. She was always interested in the welfare of her friends and was ever a good neighbor and one to be relied upon for assistance in time of need. She was a devoted member of the First Methodist Episcopal Church and a regular attendant there until advancing years and illness rendered her unable to bear the fatigue.

Mrs. Levis was born in Yorkshire, England, November 23, 1824. Her maiden name was Morfoot, and she has a brother and a sister, Mrs. W. A. Towse and William Morfoot, both of Carlinville. She came to America with her parents when she was three years old, and settled at Carrollton in Greene County, where she lived until she was married. The marriage ceremony was performed nearly 57 years ago on April 3, 1845, Mr. Levis going to Carrollton for the ceremony. The officiating minister was a Methodist preacher, Rev. E. Corrington, who was one of the pioneer circuit riders of the Methodist church. Mr. Levis has been a resident of Alton since 1833, and he brought his bride to a little home he had prepared for her in Alton. Since girlhood she was a member of the Methodist Church and always lived as a good, practical, consistent Christian should do. None who remember her during her long life can recall anything but the good things she did in a quiet way, and many there are who bless the memory of the departed follower of her Saviour. In her home she was the best of mothers, and throughout her life she was interested in the doings of her husband and her children. She leaves beside her husband, eight children, Mrs. L. F. Cotter of Chicago; Messrs. Edward, George M., John M., Charles, Frank, Nelson and R. H. Levis, all of Alton. She leaves also her brother and sister of Carlinville, who will attend the funeral. Because of the illness of Mr. Levis, the funeral, which will be private, will be held from the family home Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock and services will be conducted only at the grave.

Mary Morfoot married Edward Levis Sr., co-founder of the Illinois Glass Works in Alton. Edward and William Eliot Smith built up their business on Broadway in Alton until it became one of the largest glass manufacturers in the country. Mary and Edward Levis had one daughter and seven sons – Edward Levis Jr. (1848-1918); Sarah A. Levis Cotter (1850-1937); George McClellan Levis (1854-1933); John Mitchell Levis (1858-1942); Charles Levis (1860-1948); Robert Harry Levis (1862-1950); Frank Levis (1862 – 1902); and Nelson Levis (1868-1950). The brothers followed in their father’s footstep, working the various positions in the glass works. Mary and her husband, Edward Levis, who died in 1903, are buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


LEVIS, MARY A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 8, 1911
Mrs. Mary A. Levis, wife of R. H. Levis, died very suddenly Sunday night at 10:45 o'clock at the family home, 760 Washington street. Mrs. Levis had been troubled somewhat with a malady, but her death was entirely unexpected and a great shock to her family and her friends, who were in no way prepared for it. She was apparently in good health Sunday evneing, in her home, and when the collapse came from cerebral hemorrhage, the end followed very quickly. Mrs. Levis was a native of Skelton, Yorkshire, England. She was born August 28, 1861, and came to America in 1884 to make her home with her uncle, Thomas Middleton, a prominent resident of Alton, who left a valuable estate and whose heir Mrs. Levis became. She was married in January 20, 1886, and beside her husband leaves two children, Thomas M. of Chicago, and Arthur R. Levis of Alton. The death of Mrs. Levis was a great surprise. Although she had from time to time felt poorly, she said little about it and no one suspected that she was threatened with a cerebral hemorrhage. she was a home loving woman, quiet but forcible in character, and she leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her sudden death. The funeral will be from the home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, friends being invited to attend, and burial in City Cemetery will be private.


LEVIS, RICHARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 29, 1901
Son of Nelson Levis
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Levis of upper State street were bereaved today in the death of their three year old son, Richard, which occurred about 9 a.m. The child was ill two weeks with bronchitis, and while every attention was given him, yet the sweet spirit fled to the land that is fairer than day. He was a bright and beautiful boy, the pride and solace of his parents, and the admiration of all who saw him. The sympathy of relatives and friends will be with the sorrowing family, with the hope that the memory of the child's brief life with them will be as a bright star in their lives, beckoning them on to a reunion with him where parting is no more.


LEVIS, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 8, 1842
Died, at his residence in this city [Alton], on Monday, the 28th ult., after a long and inveterate affliction of the liver, Samuel Levis, aged 3_ years. From the onset of his disease, which was of five months confinement, he had a strong presentiment of his approaching dissolution. Feeling the necessity of religion, he was seriously awakened, and began earnestly to inquire what he should do to be saved. He has left an affectionate circle of friends to mourn their loss - among whom are an aged mother, a wife and daughter, to lament their sore bereavement - but they do not mourn as those who have no hope. His mind was calm and resigned - his trust was in God. "Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like His."


LEVIS, SAMUEL WARREN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 14, 1906
Son of George M. Levis; Camp Warren Levis Namesake
Samuel Warren Levis, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Levis, died Wednesday morning after an illness of less than a week, from pneumonia. He would have been nineteen years of age on Saturday. The death of the young man coming after so brief an illness is an inexpressible grief to friends as well as to his family. It was hardly known that he was seriously ill until Monday, and then it was announced that there was scarcely any hope. His illness came on very suddenly. One week ago last Sunday he was assisting to put out the fire in furnace No. 1 at the glassworks. He was one of the hardest workers at the fire, and he became thoroughly soaked with water through his efforts to help the firefighters. He contracted a cold, and it developed into pleuro pneumonia. He was taken with a chill last Friday at the office of the Illinois Glass company and was obliged to go home. Friday night he was taken worse and he was unable to be out of bed from that time. On Monday it was realized that his condition was extremely grave. His heart was not in the best of condition, and it was admitted by the attending physicians that there was little hope, owing to that fact. Yesterday oxygen was being administered as the last resort, but the respite was of short duration. During all day yesterday he lingered in a hopeless condition, and during the night he hovered between life and death, and just barely alive. His death occurred about 8 o'clock this morning. The death of Warren Levis evokes an expression of sympathy from the entire community for the stricken family. He was a very companionable young man and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. At the glassworks, where he held a position and was learning the business, he was liked by the men. He was much admired by the young men with whom he was a social companion and was very popular. He was a young man of magnificent physique, large and powerful, and he promised to be not only a man of large physical proportions, but manifested ability in a business line that would have made him a leader among men, his friends believed. He was bright and hopeful, always, and his death coming at a time when life was looming up bright before him is sad beyond expression.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16, 1906
The funeral of Warren Levis, son of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Levis, was held this morning at 10 o'clock from the residence on Garden street in Upper Alton. There was a very large attendance at the funeral services, the friends filling the downstairs part of the house. The floral offerings were so numerous that they almost filled one end of the parlor where the casket lay. A magnificent robe of red roses covered the casket, and a bank of flowers was behind it. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Walter H. Bradley of the Upper Alton Presbyterian church, who had his station on the stairway, while members of the family were upstairs and the friends were downstairs. Mrs. Ewell Buckner of Upper Alton sang two selections, "lead Kindly Light," and "Asleep in Jesus." The pallbearers were John M. Pfeiffenberger, L. A. Schlafly, Thomas Morfoot, Lathy Yerkes, H. J. Christoe, and H. H. Ferguson. The body was laid away in a vault in [Alton] City Cemetery for the present.

[In memory of their son, Warren, Mr. and Mrs. George Levis donated 160 acres of land to the Boy Scout Camp in Godfrey. The camp is named in his honor.]


LEVIS, WALTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 28, 1914
Son of Charles Levis
The word came this morning by telegram that Walter Rhoades Levis, youngest son of Charles Levis, died at Mudlavia, Indiana, from rheumatism of the heart. At the time of his death, he was attended by his father and by Mr. and Mrs. George M. Levis, his uncle and aunt. The news of the young man's death was not altogether unexpected, as there had been warning about ten days ago. The father was summoned to attend his son and he stayed with him through the remainder of his sickness. His brother, William, who went to attend him, returned home after staying a few days. Walter Levis was taken ill while attending the University of Illinois where he was in his third year. He was forced to return to Alton and was sick at his home for some time. Then he was taken to the health resort in the hope that he might be benefited, but the change did not prove to be as beneficial as was expected. The fact that he was in such a serious condition was a great surprise to everyone, as it was believed that with his youth and physical strength he would be able to overcome to malady that was troubling him. The first alarm was felt ten days ago, when he collapsed and seemed near death, but after that he rallied and it seemed he might get along nicely. He was in his 21st year. He was a promising young man, had made a good record in his word at school, and was apparently destined to take an important place in the business world when his years of maturity would come. He was a very popular socially in Alton, and his death leaves many friends and relatives grieving over his untimely end. The body will be brought back to Alton for burial. He is survived by his father, Charles Levis, and two brothers, Parker and William, and one sister, Miss Lucy Levis.


LEVIS, WILLIAM K./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 13, 1898
Brother of Edward Levis Sr. (Co-founder of Illinois Glass)
Mr. Edward Levis Sr. has received notice of the death of his brother, William K. Levis, on last Monday evening at his home in Osseo, Wisconsin, aged 83 years. In 1835 he was a resident of Alton, and engaged in the sawmill business. Sometime afterward, he removed to Wisconsin, where he raised his family. He was a native of Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

William K. Levis was born in 1814 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He was the son of Samuel Levis (1779-1830) and Mary “Polly” Johnson Levis (1782-1863). His brothers were John Levis (1810-?); Edward Levis (1819-1903), who co-founded the Illinois Glass Company in Alton, Illinois; and Mahlon Levis (1824-1914). William married in 1847 to Mary Elizabeth Blanchard Miller (1823-1906), who had one son from a previous marriage – John W. Miller (1845-1944). They lived for a time in Alton, where he operated a sawmill, then in about 1846, he moved to Black River Falls in Wisconsin, where he operated a sawmill until 1860. He then moved to Alma Center in Jackson County, Wisconsin, and in 1867 he moved to Trempealeau, Wisconsin, where the family settled on a farm about 2 miles north of Osseo. After a long and useful life on the farm, he moved to the village of Osseo in 1890, and died there in December 1897. He was interred in the Osseo Cemetery, Osseo, Wisconsin. The following are children of William and Mary Levis: Mary L. Levis Beatty (1848-1884); Sarah Emaline Levis Wood (1850-1929); William K. Levis Jr. (1853-1928); Clark M. Levis (1859-1931); and Ernest Eldin Levis (1863-1917).


LEVORA, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 01, 1892
Suicide by Drowning
From Edwardsville – Joseph Levora, a Bohemian blacksmith, drowned himself in the mill pond yesterday afternoon. His body was recovered about an hour afterwards. One or two persons saw him jump in.


LEWIN, WALTER P./Source: Alton Weekly Courier, September 13, 1855
On Friday morning about three o'clock, a young man named Walter P. Lewin, a citizen of St. Louis, was drowned at our Levee under circumstances truly heart rending. He came up from St. Louis with his wife on the Young America [steamboat]. He left his wife at the Franklin House to take the stage for Carrollton, where her father resides. He then started to return to the boat to continue his journey to Peoria. The Young America lay outside the Louisville, and in crossing on the plank between the two boats, he fell into the river and was drowned before aid could be rendered. His body has not been recovered, but unremitting exertions were made during the day for that purpose. He was a cabinet maker by trade.


LEWIS, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 8, 1838
Died, on Tuesday evening, 7th inst., Mr. Charles Lewis, of this city [Alton], formerly at Chatham, Connecticut, aged 20 years. His funeral will be attended this afternoon at 5 o'clock from the residence of Mr. James H. Treadway.


LEWIS, EDWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 6, 1897
Farm Laborer Found Dead
A farm laborer named Edward Lewis was found dead in the loft of a stable belonging to Mr. F. G. Brooks, at East Alton. The body was found Monday morning, and the man had evidently laid down in the loft to sleep last night, and had died while asleep. Coroner Bailey went to East Alton to hold an inquest over the body this morning.

From East Alton – Mr. Edward Lewis died early Monday morning after a few days sickness. Deceased has been around here for several years, and was innocent and inoffensive, and had the good will of all. Because of the suddenness of the death, Coroner Bailey was notified, and held an inquest, and the verdict was death from natural causes. Deceased leaves a son and two daughters in New Haven, Missouri, and the coroner decided to telegraph them as to the disposition of the body.


LEWIS, FREDERICK T. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 13, 1901
Civil War Soldier
Capt. Frederick T. Lewis, one of the best known residents of Alton, died at the Maverick hotel at San Antonio, Texas, yesterday, after a long illness. He had been staying in the South in hope of being benefited in health. The message was received this morning by his daughter, Mrs. Robert Forbes, stating that his death had occurred there, but no particulars were given. The body will be sent to Alton for burial. His services during the War Between the States as Captain in the Ninety-Seventh Illinois Volunteers were such as to gain for him recognition from high places, and a fuller account of him will be given later, details being unobtainable today. He leaves two children, Mrs. Forbes, with whom he made his home, and Thomas Lewis. His figure was a familiar one on the streets and he had many good friends here who will be shocked to learn of his death.


LEWIS, GERTRUDE (nee BISHOP)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 24, 1903
Mrs. Claude Lewis died at her home on Main street Saturday evening after a long illness. She was 28 years of age and leaves a husband, beside other relatives. She was Miss Gertrude Bishop. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 9 o'clock and services will be conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing. [Burial was in City Cemetery]


LEWIS, HARRIET NYE (nee PHINNEY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 6, 1879
The funeral of Mrs. Harriet Nye Lewis, wife of F. T. Lewis, took place last Saturday afternoon from the residence of her father, Mr. Charles Phinney, on Twelfth Street. There was a large gathering of friends and acquaintances on the occasion to pay the last tribute of respect and affection to one they had all known and loved so well. The services were impressive and affecting. A long procession wended its way to the cemetery, and as the sun was sinking to its setting, the mortal remains of her whose memory will be ever so fondly and tenderly cherished were laid to rest by the side of other members of the family group who had gone before.

Harriet Nye Phinney Lewis was born April 16, 1842, in Alton, daughter of Charles Phinney. One of her daughters was Mary Phinney Lewis Forbes. She was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


LEWIS, HARRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 4, 1897
Harry Lewis of Edwardsville Township, while out hunting last Wednesday, accidently shot himself, and died from the injuries yesterday. He was buried today. Coroner Bailey was not notified, and he will go to Edwardsville tomorrow and hold an inquest as to the cause of the young man’s death.


LEWIS, JESSE W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 20, 1918
Soldier Dies from Tuberculosis
Jesse W. Lewis, of West Tenth street, died Thursday evening at the home where he had lived since his return from Camp Taylor. Lewis was in the draft and was accepted for general military service and sent to Camp Taylor. There he started to undergo the physical training to make a soldier of him, and he developed a latent case of tuberculosis, which caused him to be discharged from camp. He returned to Alton and had been very sick here the past three or four months. He had been a lead worker before going into the service. The only relative he had here was his sister, with whom he lived. Funeral arrangements have not been made.... (later) ... The burial was in the City Cemetery in his sister's lot. Lewis was born at Beardstown, Ill., March 1, 1890. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis. His mother died when he was young. His sister states that the present address of their father is not known.


LEWIS, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19, 1902
John Lewis, a machine glassblower, aged 28, died Tuesday evening after a five days illness with pneumonia. Lewis lived near Second and Cherry streets at Shreiber's boarding house. His former home was Benwood, West Virginia. His relatives have not been located.


LEWIS, JOHN SR./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 17, 1891
From Edwardsville – John Lewis Sr., aged nearly 60 years, who resided two miles south of town, was in the city Thursday last, in good health, but when he returned home he was stricken with paralysis and died Sunday morning.


LEWIS, LUCINDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 13, 1906
Mrs. S. W. Scott of Kansas City arrived here Thursday night to attend her mother, Mrs. Lucinda Lewis, who was dying at St. Joseph's hospital. She arrived a short time after her mother's death, which resulted after a surgical operation. Mrs. Lewis was 53 years of age. Mrs. Scott, on arriving in Alton and before seeing her mother, demanded to know whether or not her mother's hair was cut off. She was informed that it was and then she told of a dream she had last Tuesday night and that her mother's hair had been taken off. She knew that the heavy suit of hair was causing her mother annoyance during her illness, and she says she supposes that fact impressed itself on her mind and she dreamed of it.


LEWIS, MARTHA/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 20, 1894
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Martha Lewis, a native of Edwardsville, died in St. Louis on December 11, in the 69th year of her age. The funeral took place from the Methodist Church in Edwardsville.


LEWIS, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 12, 1918
Mrs. Mary Lewis, widow of James Lewis, a well known aged resident of Alton, died this morning at 9 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward Broderick of West Ninth street, after an illness which extended over a long period. Mrs. Lewis was ill for many months at her home on East Ninth street, and was then removed to her daughter's home where she could receive greater care. Mrs. Lewis was a good and kind neighbor, and up until a few years ago when her age and health prevented her from active life, she was ever ready to help out in time of sickness and death among her friends. She was born in Limrick, Ireland. She was the mother of one son, James Lewis of Alton, and of three daughters: Mrs. Edward Broderick of Alton; Mrs. M. J. Boundy and Mrs. F. A. Neff of St. Louis. She also leaves two nieces, Sister Mary Edmond of Decatur, Ill., and Miss Mary Noonan of this city, whom she raised. She also leaves four grandchildren, James and John Lewis, Virginia Neff and Edward Broderick. Mrs. Josephine Dower of St. Louis and D. Noonan of Morrisonville are sisters and brother. Mrs. Lenora Noonan of Alton is a sister-in-law. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral of which parish she was a faithful member. Interment will be in Greenwood cemetery.


LEWIS, MRYTLE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 24, 1910
A report was given to the coroner Wednesday that Mrytle Lewis, an inmate of a resort at Wood River, who died after being taken to St. Joseph's hospital suffering from typhoid fever, that her illness was primarily due to over exertion in a dance. She is said to have been dancing against time in a resort at Wood River, and that she kept up the dance for 1 hour and 45 minutes, and that she did not desist until she dropped on the floor. She was carried out of the place and was revived after considerable effort. However, she never recovered, and later she was taken down with typhoid fever. The attending physician said when she was brought to Alton she was in bad condition and appeared to be suffering from a number of troubles. She had a very dissipated appearance. Some of her friends at Wood River are helping bear the expense of her burial.


LEWIS, R. C./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 14, 1880
From Edwardsville – R. C. Lewis came home last Friday from St. Louis in his usual good health, and on the next evening he was a corpse from the effects of a congestive chill. His sudden death was a sad surprise to all. He was in the fifty-fifth year of her age. He left a widow and four children (the oldest a married daughter residing in St. Louis) to mourn his death. His funeral from his late residence to the Lusk Cemetery in Edwardsville took place yesterday afternoon under the auspices of the I.O.O.F.


LEWIS, ROBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 8, 1881
From Edwardsville – Robert Lewis died last Saturday evening at the residence of his mother, Mrs. R. C. Lewis, in Edwardsville. He was aged about 24 years. His funeral took place yesterday morning under the auspices of Company F, Illinois National Guard, of which organization he was a worthy member.


LEWIS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 9, 1918
Within seven hours after her uncle, Harvey L. Black had died at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. P. Black, a granddaughter of the same aged woman died under the same roof. Mrs. Hugh Black Lewis, a daughter of Ben Black, a granddaughter of Mrs. J. P. Black and a niece of Mrs. George Sauvage, had been suffering from influenza for several days and was believed to be improving. The death of her uncle, for whom she had worked in the Hapgood Plow Co. office, had a very bad effect on her and she died within seven hours from the time her uncle did. Word was sent to her father, the message telling of his daughter's death following close on the one telling of the death of his brother under the same roof the same day. Mrs. Lewis was 29 years of age. Funeral arrangements for Mrs. Lewis will be made when word is received from the father, who is expected to come here.


LEWIS, VIOLETTIA ANN (nee STARKEY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1881
From Bethalto – The many friends of Mrs. Dennis Lewis will be pained to hear of her death, which took place near Terre Haute, Indiana. Mrs. Lewis was born and lived nearly all her life near Bethalto, and was loved by all who knew her. She was a daughter of “Uncle Jesse Starkey,” as he was called, and sister to Mr. Salathiel Starkey, who lives half a mile east of Bethalto. She was a loving wife and a kind mother. Mrs. Lewis moved with her husband a short time ago to Indiana. She has been sick for several years, and her death was not a surprise to her friends. She will be brought here for interment. [Burial was in the Bethalto United Methodist Church Cemetery. Surviving was her husband, Dennis Lewis. A child, Bernie Lewis, died at birth in 1881. Mrs. Lewis was 33 years old.]


LEWIS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 20, 1911
Child Killed by Accident
William, the 2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis, living near Duck Lake, died Monday morning from the effects of injuries received yesterday in the family home. On Saturday the child was sitting in one willow basket when the basket tipped over and the child fell backward against another basket. From the side of the second basket a wooden prong protruded, part of the basket frame. It penetrated the back of the child's neck and went through the windpipe. Dr. E. A. Cook took it out, but the child died this morning. Coroner Streeper will hold an inquest.


LEWIS, WILLIAM JR./Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, Tuesday, February 1, 1897
William, the 18 year old son of William Lewis, a farmer west of the city, who was accidentally shot Wednesday evening, as detailed in Friday's issue, died Sunday evening [January 31] at six o'clock. Death was caused by blood poisoning resulting from the wound he sustained. The funeral took place at one o'clock this afternoon from his home, where services were conducted by Rev. S. P. Groves. The body was interred at Woodlawn. The many friends of the family extend heart-felt sympathy.


LEYHE, FRANK W./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 21, 1886
Son of Captain Henry Leyhe
Frank William, son of Captain Henry and Mrs. Rosa Leyhe, died Wednesday of typhoid fever, at the age of almost 18 years. He was a highly estimable young man, endeared to all who knew him, and his death, in the bloom of youth, falls with cruel weight on his family and friends.

Frank was born at Canton, Missouri, February 13, 1868. The family removed to Quincy when he was but a few months old, and lived there about eight years. The family then came to Alton, and have resided here since. Frank attended our public schools, afterwards worked for Mr. George D. Hayden about two years, and was employed on the Spread Eagle the latter part of last year. Besides his father and mother, he leaves two sisters, Misses Anna and Ida, and one brother, Harry, to mourn his death.


Commodore Henry LeyheLEYHE, HENRY (COMMODORE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 11, 1914
Commodore of Eagle Packet Company
Commodore Henry Leyhe, aged 76, died Wednesday morning at his residence, 219 East Third street in Alton, from an intestinal cancer. His death had been expected since Monday. He had been in bad health for two years, but last May his malady began to cause him much trouble. October 10 was the last time he was in St. Louis, and since that time he had hardly been out of his home. On Monday he began to grow worse, and his family had been expectant of the end. Tuesday he began having hemorrhages, and his decline from that time was rapid. His deathbed was attended by his wife, his two daughters, and his son. His only brother, Captain William Leyhe, was not informed of his death until morning, though he had been expecting it. Captain [Henry] Leyhe was one of the last of the old time steamboat men. He was born in Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany in September 1838. He served an apprenticeship as a millwright, and the skill he acquired then was of good service to him in his after life, in the handling of steamboats and the making of repairs on them and building new boats. He was recognized as a mastermind in steamboat construction, and he had a mind that naturally turned toward mechanical matters. There was not a man on the river who knew more about the handling of steamboats, and when they got into trouble he knew how to take care of them. It is largely due to his conservativeness, combined with that of his brother, Captain William Leyhe, that the Eagle Packet Company could boast that in all its long experience it never lost a passenger, nor did it ever lose a boat except because of circumstances beyond the control of human agencies. In 1847 he came to the United States, landing at New Orleans in August of that year after a two months' voyage. He went to St. Louis, and at the age of 20 he began his river career by taking a position as engineer on a steamboat. In 1861 he made the beginning of what is now the Eagle Packet Co., and ever since that time he had filled the position of general manager. He was always ready to counsel with his associates in the business, but his opinion was final and was always deferred to by those who were with him. His judgment was known to be sound and exact. The Eagle Company was incorporated in 1874. The first boat of what was to be the Eagle line was the Young Eagle, which was used in the trade from Warsaw to Alexandria and Keokuk. The company then built the Eagle in 1862, and in 1864 the first Grey Eagle came, which plied between Quincy and Keokuk. The first Bald Eagle was built in 1869, running between St. Louis and Alton, and in 1873 the first Spread Eagle appeared to take the place of the Grey Eagle, which was transferred to the Illinois river trade between Peoria and LaSalle. Captain Leyhe clung tenaciously to the family name of Eagle for the boats, and his first compromise was the naming of the steamer Alton. He is said to have hesitated a long time about leaving the name of Eagle off that boat. Since then he has built the steamer Peoria. He built three Spread Eagles, the last in 1911. Captain Leyhe was married in 1894, and recently the golden anniversary was passed, but owing to his ill health there was no formal observance of the anniversary. Four children were born to the couple, and one of these died. Three others survive: Mrs. S. B. Baker; Miss Ida Leyhe; both of Alton; and Captain Harry Leyhe of St. Louis. His son, Captain Harry Leyhe, who succeeded his father in command of the Alton, had just taken some boats down to Mounds on the way to Paducah. Being worried about the condition of his father, Capt. Harry Leyhe took a train for Alton and was here up to the end. Capt. Henry Leyhe's motto was to "be safe" in all his work as a steamboatman, and it is due to this fact that he could boast that his line had never lost a passenger. The only really bad accident he was ever in was a few years ago, when the Alton was blown against the Alton bridge during a storm when she had a big crowd of passengers aboard, but no one was hurt, and the boat was only slightly damaged. The funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home, and the services will be conducted by Rev. E. L. _____________ [unreadable].

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 13, 1914
The funeral of Captain Henry Leyhe was held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family residence on Third street. The services were conducted by Rev. E. L. Gibson of the First Presbyterian Church. There was a large attendance of friends and relatives at the funeral services, and many men who had been associated with Capt. Leyhe in the river service were there. Burial was in City Cemetery. The pallbearers were: E. M. Bowman, H. H. Ferguson, Lucien Baker, C. A. Caldwell, Joseph Leibke, T. T. Lewis, Philip Rohan, and S. H. Gregory. The death of Capt. Leyhe breaks up two old partnerships. One was the nuptial partnership with his wife, which had existed for over fifty years. The other was the partnership with his brother, William, of Alton. The business connections between the two men was a remarkable one. It is seldom that two brothers live to such an age and continue together in business in perfect accord, and that the one is the complement of the other, each making up what the other might lack in a business way. The two old brothers had always been together in their business affairs, and each had relied upon the other. The floral display at the funeral was a remarkable one, and it surpassed in magnificence anything that has been assembled in Alton as a testimonial to a deceased citizen. Some of the pieces were unusually large, and there were some of unusual design. The Eagle Packet Co. carries between the stacks of each of its boats a large gilded ball. Some friends of Capt. Leyhe sent a huge yellow ball of chrysanthemums. There was also a large pilot wheel and a huge floral anchor. There were large floral emblems of ordinary designs too, all the gifts of men who knew Capt. Leyhe as a friend, as a business associate, or as an employer. A large room in which the casket was placed was so filled with flowers that there was scarcely room for friends to get in there, except in small numbers, to take a last look at the face of Capt. Leyhe. Almost all of the old river men in St. Louis, and many from other places, attended the funeral.


LEYSER, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 12, 1891
Senior Member of Leyser Brothers
Mr. Henry Leyser, one of Alton’s most prominent business men, died Monday. Mr. Leyser had been a sufferer for several years from a complication of diseases, but had been confined to his bed for only two months. He was the senior member of the well-known firm of Leyser Bros., who have so long been in the confectionery and restaurant business in Alton. He is the last of three brothers, who were all members of the same firm. Mr. Leyser was unmarried, his only living relatives being Mrs. Ruebsam of Alton, and Mrs. Joseph Sicher of Sedalia, Missouri. He was 60 years of age.

Mr. Leyser’s firm has been very successful in business, and has long been known for the solid character of the firm’s dealings, which had acquired not only large property interests in Alton, but also in Sedalia, Missouri, and elsewhere.

The funeral services of Mr. Henry Leyser took place yesterday from the family residence on Third Street. There was a large attendance of friends, acquaintances, and business men of Alton present. There were many from the surrounding country who had known this prominent merchant in lifetime, who came to town today to pay a last testimonial to one whom they highly respected. At the conclusion of the services, a long cortege of vehicles took up its way to the cemetery, where all that was mortal of Henry Leyser was given over to Mother Earth. Dr. Wolff conducted a simple service at the grave. Many rare floral tributes adorned the casket and covered the grave. The pallbearers were F. Rudershausen, Louis Haagen, William Sachtieben, Louis Berner, J. H. Raible, W. A. Hildebrand; all lifelong and intimate friends of Mr. Leyser’s. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


LEYSER, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 17, 1883
Co-Owner of Leyser Bros. Confectionery
Mr. John Leyser, for thirty years a resident and prominent business man of Alton, died this morning after an illness of two years. Deceased was born at Hamburg, Rhine Bavaria, January 1, 1833, came to Alton in 1858, and has lived here ever since with the exception of a short time spent in Missouri. He was junior member of the firm of Leyser Bros., the well-known confectioners, and was noted for probity and business ability. He was married in 1874, and leaves a widow, four children, two sisters – Mrs. Sicher of Sedalia, Missouri and Mrs. Ruebsam of Alton, and a brother – Mr. Henry Leyser. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the family residence in North Alton. The remains will be buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


L'HEUREUX, NAPOLEON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10, 1919
Napoleon L'heureux, aged 76 years, died Sunday afternoon at his home, 1720 Maupin avenue, following a stroke of paralysis which he suffered three weeks ago. Mr. L'heureux was a native of Platsburg, N. Y. His parents removed to St. Paul, Minn., where he enlisted at Ft. Snelling, in the Union army, during the Civil War. He served three years in the army. After the war Mr. L'heureux came to Illinois, where he married Mrs. Mary Clark in 1885. Twenty years ago he came to Alton to reside. Beside his wife, Mr. L'heureux leaves two daughters, Mrs. Sarah Arnold of Deer Plain, Calhoun county, Ill., and Mrs. Mable Tisiue of Alton; and two sons, Frank of Alton and Alfred, who is with the American Expeditionary Forces in France. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home. Rev. Robert Morris, pastor of the First M. E. Church, will officiate. The services at the grave will be under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic. The burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.


LIBBY, FRANK H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 20, 1900
Frank H. Libby died this morning at 8 o'clock at the home of his brother-in-law, Rev. M. W. Twing, at 930 Highland avenue in this city. Mr. Libby has made his home with his sister since Rev. M. W. Twing and family came to Alton four years ago. He was a quiet, unassuming young man, whose demeanor and kindly manner won for him the respect and friendship of all with whom he came in contact. He was a stenographer by profession, but failing health has kept him from following his profession except at brief intervals. He was born in Saco, Maine, and the body will be taken thither for interment. The funeral services will be held this evening at the home of Rev. M. W. Twing at 7 o'clock, and the funeral party will leave tomorrow morning.


LIBBY, SARAH F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 29, 1904
Mrs. Sarah F. Libby, mother of Mrs. M. W. Twing, died Friday evening at 10 o'clock after an illness of nearly two years with lung troubles. She was born December 6, 1832, and came to Alton when Rev. and Mrs. M. W. Twing moved to the city, making her home with her daughter. She was the widow of Dr. F. C. Libby, a medical practitioner at Saco, Me., and it was her request that her body be taken back to Saco where it will be laid to rest beside the bodies of her husband and three children who preceded her. Mrs. Libby had been a member of the Baptist church from girlhood, and she was a woman who lived her religion in her every day life. To those who knew her, she had a sunny disposition that was cheering to all who met her, and gloom and despondency melted away before her. In January 1903 she was taken ill with the grippe and she never fully recovered. Last Christmas day she was attacked by another illness, and in her feeble condition she could not regain her strength. Her condition had been alarming for several weeks before the end came, and when the suffering was over she sank peacefully into the last long sleep. The funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the family home, 930 Highland avenue, and the funeral party will leave Monday morning for Saco, Me., where interment will take place.


LIBBY, WASHINGTON T./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 18, 1892
The late Washington T. Libby of New York was formerly a resident of Alton, having been one of the firm of Pitts & Libby, owners of the old Alton House on Front Street. Mr. Libby died, leaving an estate valued at $1,000,000. His will did not provide properly for his son, Mr. Wallace Libby of Ottawa, Illinois, and that gentleman has gone to New York to look into the matter, and will test the validity of the instrument in the courts. The son, who contests, is married to a daughter of Mr. William Watts of Godfrey, and all the parties are well known here.

The Mr. Pitts in the hotel firm of Pitts & Libby was the late Samuel Pitts, father of the well-known Belle Street merchant of the same name. While Mr. Pitts was ill, the hotel took fire and burned to the ground, and Mr. Pitts never received a dollar of the insurance.


LICH, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 31, 1919
Man Shot by Policeman Dies - Mother Claims Body
William Lich, who was shot by Patrolman Gus Rotsch Wednesday afternoon after a running fight in which Lich tried to kill the policeman, died at St. Joseph's Hospital Thursday night at 10 o'clock. Peritonitis resulting from the wound caused his death. Mrs. Christine Shadd, mother of the dead man, claimed her son's body today. She said her son was 32 years old, and a widower, with no children. The mother has been working in a restaurant in St. Louis, supporting herself. She says she knew little of her son, seeing him infrequently, but she said before he came to Alton she saw him and that he had some money with him. She said that he also showed her some papers identifying him as a detective, and that was the reason he was carrying the automatic revolver. She attributes his death to whisky, and claimed that he did not drink much, but she said she seldom saw him. Thomas Sturgeon, who has admitted he was with Lich, has a wife and two children in St. Louis. The wife has been here trying to get her husband out of jail. She said that her husband had been working for $3 a day driving a team in St. Louis and had decided to come to Alton to work in the Federal Lead plant. She said that her husband had been drinking hard cider and whiskey. She said that she stood in need of her husband's support. The revolver which Sturgeon had, and which furnishes the basis of a concealed weapon charge, is supposed to have belonged to Lich. It is said that Lich was well armed, carrying the two automatic revolvers, also a big supply of cartridges.


John Albert LieblerLIEBLER, JOHN ALBERT/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, December 1, 1886
John A. Liebler, a popular young farmer in Black Jack, met with an accident last week, which cost him his life. He took a load of poultry to St. Louis on November 24, disposed of it, and started on his way home. He left Collinsville about 6 o'clock, having a drive of eight miles more to his home. The night was dark and the road rough, and as near as can be ascertained, he must have fallen from the wagon at Canteen Hill, on the Collinsville and Looking Glass Road. The team was met near Henry Sauer’s by boys of Mr. Bohnenstiehl and Mr. Bress, who were on their way home from spelling school. They did not notice the absence of the driver until they had passed. They then turned and followed, and stopped it at Philipp Schwarz's, when they found Liebler hanging over the wagon, one overshoe caught under the seat, his right foot in front of the box on the platform, his body hanging over the front axle, and his head and right arm dragging on the frozen ground. They notified the neighbors and sent for Dr. Brown. The doctor arrived about 2 o'clock, and found Liebler still alive, but he died in about three-quarters of an hour afterward. His vest was found about one-half mile of Val. Moore's; his coat some distance closer; his watch and pocket book about 20 rods west of the house. Some small change was in the pocket book and vest pocket, hence all theories of foul play, as was first suspected, are dispelled. The facts above given are as received by a coroner's inquest. Liebler was 24 years old, married, and leaves a wife and two children. About four years ago, his brother, Joseph, was killed by lightning at his father's, while stacking hay. The father is a highly esteemed and well-to-do farmer of Black Jack.

John Albert Liebler was born October 19, 1852, in Madison County. He was the son of Johann Liebler (1828-1899) and Christina Nadig Liebler (1825-1882). He was buried in the Saint John the Baptist Catholic Cemetery in Madison County.


LIEBLER, JOHN JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 2, 1886
From Highland, IL, November 26 - News reached here this afternoon of a terrible accident or highway robbery, which happened last night to John Liebler Jr. Yesterday morning early he started for St. Louis with a load of poultry, and last night about 9 o'clock some farmers and neighbors of his, in going home from a shooting match, saw a team going along the highway without a driver. On examination, they found Mr. Liebler hanging on the wagon bed, his head dragging on the frozen ground. On stopping the team, they found his head badly mashed and his clothing above the hips all completely rubbed from his body. The unconscious man was taken to a neighboring house and died a few hours afterward, never being able to narrate what had happened. On closer examination it was found that his pockets had been rifled of all his money and a watch. The watch, however, was this morning found in the possession of two colored men, and foul play is suspected.


LIEBLER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 22, 1881
Mr. Joseph Liebler of Troy, while stacking wheat Monday, was struck by lightning and instantly killed. The horses he was driving were both knocked down by the shock, but received no permanent injury. Mr. Liebler was a wealthy young farmer, who had been married about 4 months. His funeral took place Tuesday, and was largely attended.

Joseph Liebler was born January 12, 1856, in Madison County, Illinois. He was the son of Johann and Christina Nadig Liebler. Joseph married Katherine Schwartz in 1881. He was buried in the Saint John the Baptist Catholic Cemetery in Madison County.


LILE, ANNIE E./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 14, 1886
From Upper Alton – Mrs. Annie, wife of Rev. Walter B. Lile, who has been a resident of Upper Alton for four months past, died suddenly Wednesday afternoon from a cerebral tumor. The deceased has been helpless for the past nine weeks, during which time she has suffered greatly, and received the tenderest care at the hands of her devoted husband and kind neighbors. For the past few days, her sufferings have been growing less, and her husband left her, with brighter hopes of her near recovery than for many weeks, at her request to procure something for her in Alton, but a little more than an hour before her death, and was absent at the arrival of the dark angel. The only other member of the family is a young lady who has made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Lile for some years past. The funeral was held at the house Thursday afternoon. The remains were taken to Orio, Henry County, for interment beside an infant child. [Burial was in the Western Township Cemetery, Orion, Illinois.]


LINCOLN, THOMAS J./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 17, 1898
Civil War Veteran
Thomas Lincoln, an old soldier, a member of Company B, 22nd Illinois Infantry, Volunteers, during the war for the Union, died at the Soldiers’ Home at Quincy on Friday last. Mr. Lincoln was a resident of Madison County.

Thomas Lincoln was born in 1832 in Missouri. He married Mary Elizabeth Hill in 1865, and they had the following children: Harriet Marie “Hattie” Lincoln Kohlmiller (1876-1937); Robert Lincoln (1879-1937); and John Abraham Lincoln (? – 1950). Thomas was interred in the Sunset Cemetery in Quincy, Illinois.


LINCOLN, THOMAS J./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 30, 1898
Civil War Veteran
From Bethalto – Thomas J. Lincoln, an old veteran of the Civil War, died at the Soldier’s Home. Uncle Tom, as he was familiarly called, lived here a number of years. Lately, his health began to fail him rapidly. He then sold his household effects and went to the Soldier’s Home to die.


LIND, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 18, 1918
Mrs. Elizabeth Lind, wife of Jacob Lind of 1516 State street, died last evening at 7:55 o'clock following a very short illness with acute indigestion. She had been in poor health for many years, but was up and around until Tuesday evening when she was taken with a sudden illness. Mrs. Lind was 53 years of age. She was born in Alton on the 19th day of January, 1865. She was a well known woman and has many friends who will regret to learn of her sudden death. She was a good mother and neighbor, and was ever ready to lend a helping hand in time of trouble and sickness. She is survived by her husband, Jacob Lind, eleven children and 17 grandchildren; also two sisters and one brother. Two of the children are in camp, Henry at Camp Dix, New Jersey, and Charles at Camp Taylor. The children are Mrs. W. R. Smith, Frederick Lind, Miss Elizabeth Lind, Mrs. Paul Rothacher, Frank Lind, Mrs. Henry Young, Frank Lind and John Lind of Alton; Charles of Camp Taylor; William Lind, East St. Louis, and Mrs. Gus Volz of Wood River. Mrs. Teresa Broker, Mrs. R. Rumple and John Doran are sisters and brother. The funeral arrangements will not be made until her soldier sons can be heard from. She was a member of the Evangelical church.


LIND, KATE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 13, 1891
Mrs. Kate Lind died Monday night at the residence of Mr. John Threde, 930 Union Street, after an extended illness, at the advanced age of 72 years. Mrs. Lind, who was born in Germany, came to America some 40 years ago, and had resided on a farm near Brighton for many years. For some months past, she has been making her home with her children in Alton. Surviving her are two sons, William Lind of Dorchester, Macoupin County; and Jacob Lind, who holds a position as blacksmith with Beall Bros., in Alton; and four daughters, Mrs. George Sauerwein, Mrs. William Kolb, Mrs. John Threde, and Mrs. William Heldemann.


LINDEMANN, GEORGE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 26, 1892
Mr. George Lindemann died last evening at his home, 627 East Third Street, after an illness of some weeks of inflammatory rheumatism. Mr. Lindemann, who was a traveling salesman for Mr. J. H. Raible, returned home from Springfield on July 2, with a badly swollen arm, and has since been confined to his bed most of the time. He was not, however, thought to be in immediate danger until a very short time before his death, when his difficult breathing alarmed his wife.

Deceased was 32 years of age, and a native of Berlin, where his father and all relatives reside. He was a man of good education, and of very gentlemanly and dignified bearing. He enjoyed the fullest confidence of his employer. He had been in this country for some ten or twelve years, and with Mr. Raible for about four years. Surviving him are his wife and two sons, the younger of whom is less than two years of age.

Deceased was a member in good standing of Germania Lodge, No. 2, I.O.O.F.; of Irwin Lodge, No. 315, A.F. and A.M.; and of Alton Lodge, No. 457, D.O.H.; and carried a policy of $1,000 in the New York Life Insurance Co. and $700 in the D.O.H. The funeral will take place from the family residence to the City Cemetery tomorrow, under the direction of Germania Lodge, I.O.O.F.


LINDER, JAMES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 11, 1882
From Moro – James Linder, a citizen of Bethalto, was killed Saturday night, just south of this place, by a freight train. He was intoxicated at the time. The evidence was that he was killed by a train on the Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad sometime during the night of October 7. The body was found lying dead in the ditch, one-half mile south of Moro, Sunday morning, by Mr. R. Hendricks, section forman. A large wound was found on the head, and both legs were broken below the knees. Mr. Linder was unmarried, and lived with his widowed mother in Bethalto. He was 39 years of age, a man of good manners, honest, industrious, and much respected by a large circle of friends, but like many other poor unfortunates, was addicted to strong drink, and no doubt this was the cause of his untimely death. He leaves a loving mother and one brother, who took charge of the remains, and laid him to rest in the Montgomery graveyard, two miles south of Bethalto.


LINDER, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 27, 1898
Accidentally Shot
James Linder, the 17-year-old son of Richard Linder, was killed almost instantly by the accidental discharge of a shotgun Sunday afternoon at the home of a farmer named Bartels, several miles east of Alton on the Upper Edwardsville Road. The young man had been out hunting, and while on his way home stopped at the Bartels home, which is about two miles from his father’s place. The accident was witnessed by two companions, Louis and Henry Bartels. The gun that caused the death of young Linder is a double-barreled, muzzle loader of antiquated pattern. One barrel had been discharged, and Linder was blowing in it to clear it of smoke. He had the muzzle against his mouth when the other barrel was accidentally discharged, the full load of shot entering the left side of his mouth, tearing a ghastly hole. The young man lived half an hour after the accident. The shot, with few exceptions, lodged inside the head and did not come out. His face was horribly burned with the powder because of the close contact with the muzzle of the gun.

Coroner Bailey was summoned to hold an inquest, and left Sunday afternoon for the Bartels place. An inquest was held, and a verdict of accidental death was found. The father of the unfortunate young man is a well-known farmer of Ft. Russell Township, and is well known in Alton and this vicinity.

James Linder was born in 1881, and was the son of Richard D. Linder (1847-1917) and Olive Gum Linder (1857-1912). He was interred in the Montgomery Cemetery in Bethalto.


LINDER, OLIVE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 29, 1912
Mrs. Olive Linder, wife of Richard Linder, died this afternoon from stomach troubles after an illness of four weeks - an illness that had been unusually severe from the start. She is survived by her husband and seven daughters, Mrs. Hattie Funk, and Misses Anna, Kate, Ruth, Hope, Nellie and Leona Linder; and two sons, Richard and Daniel. She was a good neighbor and a devoted wife and mother, and her death is regretted by all who knew her. She was a daughter of the late Perry Gum, and has many relatives in Madison and Bond counties. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the home, 1000 McKinley avenue, where services will be conducted at 2:30 o'clock by Rev. S. D. McKenney. Burial will be in the Montgomery cemetery in Wood River township, between East Alton and Bethalto.


LINDER, PERRY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph
From Bethalto – A little child of Mr. and Mrs. D. Linder, aged 21 months, was fatally burned on last Thursday afternoon by its clothes having accidentally caught on fire. At the time of the accident, the father and mother were in the cellar, they had been absent from the room but a few minutes when a little daughter, four years old, came running to them saying little Perry was burning up. They immediately ran to the child’s assistance, and found the little fellow enveloped in flames, which they smothered with bed clothing. The father then tore what clothing was left from the child, and a large portion of skin came with it. Not having the necessary remedies at hand, they brought it in by wagon to Bethalto, a distance of four miles. They drove at once to the residence of Mr. Linder’s mother on Third Street, where Dr. E. A. Smith was called and did everything that was possible for the little sufferer, but without avail, as death came to its relief on Saturday morning. The funeral occurred Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Linder have the sincere sympathy of all.


LINDER, RICHARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 8, 1917
Although he left two notes and was found dead in bed, there is no reason to believe that Richard Linder of Logan street was a suicide. He was taken ill while downtown yesterday, and instead of returning to his home he secured a room over the Kies saloon and told them to call him at 6 o'clock last evening. When they went to call him they discovered that he had died. Deputy Coroner William H. Bauer was called at once and he stated that Linder had been dead for some time before he was called. The men at the place did not know that Linder was ill. He came there yesterday morning and told them he was tired and wanted a room until night. They paid no more attention to him until it was time to call him. The old man evidently realized his own condition as the notes indicate. One, which is believed to be the first he wrote, was in ink and read as follows: "I don't think I will live long, so have got a room. Oh, my side. If anything happens don't tell Hattie Funk right away. Richard Linder." The Hattie Funk referred to in this letter is his daughter. It is believed that he did not want to worry her and that was his reason for asking that the news be kept from her for a time. The second note is as follows: "I feel awful bad. I have got a room until better. I doctor with Dr. Bowman. If anything happens me notify Bethalto Lodge, Odd Fellows. R. Linder." Mr. Linder was 69 years of age. He had lived on Logan street in the North Side for a number of years and was well known in that vicinity. He is survived by three children. Before coming to Alton Mr. Linder was a successful farmer and had his farm near Bethalto. The inquest was held over the body this morning. The jury returned a verdict of death from la-grippe and exhaustion. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon from the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Funk on Logan street. The services at the home will be conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing. The services at the Montgomery Cemetery will be conducted by the Bethalto lodge of Odd Fellows.


LINDLEY, CHARLES A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 13, 1904
The funeral of Charles A., son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lindley, took place this afternoon from the family home on East Second street to the City Cemetery. Rev. M. H. Ewers conducted the services.


LINDLEY, CLARISSA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 09, 1899
Mrs. Clarissa Lindley, mother of Mr. J. F. Lindley, the East Second Street dyer, died this morning after an illness of two weeks from dropsy. Mrs. Lindley was 57 years of age. Some months ago she fell from a high sidewalk on Second Street, and was severely injured. She instituted suit against the city, which is now in court. Mrs. Lindley was an excellent woman, respected by all who knew her, and an active and worthy Christian, a member of the M. E. communion. The funeral will be Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.


LINDLEY, CORNELIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 16, 1921
Mrs. Cornelia Lindley, aged 68, died this morning at 4:30 o'clock at the home of her sister, Mrs. James Brown at Godfrey. Mrs. Lindley has been failing for the past two years, since the time of the death of her husband, William Lindley. She was born at Godfrey on September 22, 1853, and spent her entire life in that neighborhood. She was one of Godfrey's best known residents and was a member of the Compton family. Her maiden name was Cornelia Compton. She is survived by three sisters, Mrs. James Brown of Godfrey, Mrs. Mary Perrings of Upper Alton, Mrs. Florence Robinson of Godfrey, and by one brother, Richard Compton of Godfrey. She leaves no children. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock at the Methodist church at Godfrey, and interment will be in Godfrey cemetery.


LINDLEY, ELIJAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 28, 1897
Elijah Lindley, aged 65 years, died yesterday after a long illness, at the home of his son, Mr. J. F. Lindley, on East Second Street. Death was due to dropsy, from which he had suffered for months.


LINDLEY, MARY C./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 03, 1898
Old-Time Pioneer
Mrs. Mary C. Lindley, one of the best-known residents of Godfrey Township, died today at the home of her son, Mr. Sam Lindley, on the Jerseyville Road, four miles north of Godfrey. Mrs. Lindley came to Madison County in the early days, and with her husband, settled near Godfrey on the place where she died. Mr. Lindley died some years ago, and since that time she has lived with her son, at whose home she passed away. She was one of the oldest settlers of this end of Madison County, and with her husband amassed quite a neat competence. She leaves a large family of children, all of whom are of mature age, among whom are: Mrs. Patrick Waters, Mr. Samuel Lindley, and Mr. Horace Lindley. Death resulted after a short illness. The funeral will be Friday from the home.

Source: Alton Telegraph, February 10, 1898
The funeral of Mrs. Mary C. Lindley took place Friday from the family home on the Jerseyville Road near Godfrey. There was a large attendance of pioneer settlers at the obsequies, and the funeral was one of the largest held in that part of the county.


LINDLEY, MARY ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28, 1918
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lindley, wife of William A. Lindley, died at St. Joseph's Hospital at 4 o'clock Thursday morning after a four day illness with peritonitis. She was taken suddenly ill the first of the week after being up and out of the house on Sunday. Her case was bad from the beginning. She was 51 years of age. Beside her husband she leaves two sons and three daughters: Walter E. and Harry C.; and Mrs. Ray Oller, Misses Iva and Bertha Lindley. She leaves also her mother, Mrs. Sarah Ray of Greenville; one brother and two sisters; and three half brothers and sisters.


LINDLEY, MINNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 03, 1915
Mrs. Minnie Lindley, wife of Mahlon R. Lindley, died Monday evening shortly before 6 o'clock after a long illness. Uraemic conditions caused her death. Mrs. Lindley had been an invalid of many years standing, and in the past few months she suffered a complete breakdown, necessitating constant attendance. She suffered a complete breakdown a few days ago and her death resulted from uraemia. Mrs. Lindley was 49 years of age. Before her death she had made all arrangements for her funeral, and the plan was carried out according to her wishes. One of her requests was that she be cremated within 24 hours after her death. The body was taken to St. Louis this noon and direct to the crematory.


LINDLEY, MINNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 09, 1920
Mrs. Minnie Lindley, wife of John F. Lindley of 609 East Broadway, died at 6:55 Monday evening at St. Joseph's Hospital where she underwent an operation for the relief of gallstones last Saturday morning. Mrs. Lindley's condition had been grave for a week, and an operation was resorted to as the last measure. The operation revealed serious intestinal troubles other than gallstones. Mrs. Lindley has been in poor health for several years but it was only a week ago today that her condition became grave. She suffered intensely for the past few days, and friends feared that the end was near. She was born in Keokuk, Iowa and came to Alton a bride 33 years ago. She is survived by her husband but no children. She was 58 years of age the 14th of February. Besides her husband she leaves one sister, Mrs. Fannie Carter of St. Louis, and two brothers, Amos Pollard of Keokuk, Iowa and Thomas Pollard of Farmington, Iowa. Her maiden name was Minnie Pollard. Her husband conducts the Lindley Dyeing and Cleaning Company on East Broadway. Mrs. Lindley was a life long Methodist and during her residence in Alton was an active member of the First Methodist Church, being very prominent in all church work. She was a member of the F. N. C. Club, and hers is the first death in the organization. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the First Methodist Church, the Rev. Charles Shumard to officiate. Interment will be in the City Cemetery.


LINDLEY, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 09, 1899
Mrs. Charles Lindley, mother of Mr. J. F. Lindley, the East Second street dyer, died this morning after an illness of two weeks from dropsy. Mrs. Lindley was 57 years of age. Some months ago she fell from a high sidewalk on Second street and was severely injured. She instituted suit against the city, which is now in court. Mrs. Lindley was an excellent woman, respected by all who knew her, and an active and worthy Christian, a member of the M. E. communion. The funeral will be Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.


LINDLEY, VIOLA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 25, 1904
Viola Lindley, 3-year-old daughter of William Lindley, died yesterday morning at 2 o'clock. The funeral took place this afternoon from the family home.


LINGS, MOTHER ANGELA/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 16, 1898
Mother Angela, one of the best known of the Sisters of the Ursuline Convent, died Tuesday after a long illness with cancerous complaint. During her illness in the past year, she bravely underwent three surgical operations in the hope of saving her life or relieving her sufferings, but surgical skill was of no avail. She has been unable to be about for a long time, and for the past weeks her death was expected at almost any time. During the past three days she has been in a comatose condition, unconsciousness mercifully putting an end to her suffering.

She was born in 1842 in New York State, and came west to St. Louis in 1860 to enter a convent. In 1862, she came to Alton and entered the Ursuline Convent, where she has since been, excepting a few years she was at Litchfield. She was a very intellectual woman, for years filling the position of principal instructor of the convent. She was a good woman with great zeal for her church and the institution of which she was a member.

She leaves a mother in New York, and a brother, Rev. Fr. Lings of St. Joseph’s, Yonkers, New York.


LINK, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 29, 1915
The funeral of Charles W. Smith, who, with George Link died from injuries received when struck by an interurban car at Mitchell on Christmas Day, will be held from the Smith family residence at Mitchell Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The funeral of George Link was held this morning about 7 o'clock at the Link residence east of Mitchell. The body was shipped to Gillespie on the Big Four train which left Mitchell at 7:15, hence the early hour for the funeral.


LINK, HENRY A. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 22, 1891
Henry A. Link, a well-known steamboat pilot, died at his home in Upper Alton yesterday morning after a lingering illness from consumption. Mr. Link has been employed for many years by the various lines of steamboats on the upper Mississippi. He was 44 years of age. His funeral will take place this afternoon at the Presbyterian Church, Upper Alton.

The Funeral
The funeral service of Captain H. A. Link was attended from the Presbyterian Church yesterday. The services at the cemetery were conducted by the order of A.O.U.W., of which deceased was a member.


Michael Smith LinkLINK, MICHAEL SMITH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 10, 1911
Former Legislature Who Confessed to Bribery
Michael S. Link, former member of the Illinois Assembly, and who confessed to bribery, died at his home near Mitchell at 5 o'clock Monday morning. He died from the effects of a stroke of apoplexy. Mrs. Link heard her husband go to the bathroom at four o'clock this morning, but dozed off and did not wake again until five o'clock. She then went to the bathroom and found Mr. Link sitting close to the bath tub with his head over the edge of the tub. He was dead. Mrs. Link at once gave the alarm, and Dr. E. W. Fiegenbaum of Edwardsville was called. He stated the former legislator had died from a stroke of apoplexy.

Mike Link, through the Illinois bribery case, became prominent over the entire state of Illinois. He was 52 years of age, weighed close to three hundred pounds, and was a hale fellow well met. When the bribery expose came, Mr. Link held out strong for his innocence, but finally confessed to having received a thousand dollars for his vote for Lorimer. Since that time, he has not been very well, the worries of the entire matter having caused the condition that probably caused his death this morning.

After the bribery investigation, Link settled down on his fine farm near Mitchell, a farm of 165 acres of fine, black soil and worth no less than $50,000. He has a magnificent home on the farm, equipped with modern conveniences. His wife and daughter, who survive him, reside in the home. On the second of April, one week ago Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Link celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary, and were surrounded by their relatives and friends. Mr. Link was heard to state at this function that he feared he might go soon, and it is stated he arranged all of his affairs. This fact caused a tremor of suicide to be spread this morning, but Mr. Link's physician, Dr. Fiegenbaum, states he died of apoplexy. Two brothers, John and George Link, reside at Nameoki, and have taken charge of the arrangements for the burial of their brother.

Mr. Link was born in Macoupin county near Gillespie, and came to Mitchell 22 years ago when he first took charge of the 250 acres belonging to the Mitchell heirs. His parents were Lewis W. and Elizabeth A. (Davis) Link, his father dying last in 1889. There were six sons, of which three survive: Michael S., John B. of Gillespie, and George L., who lives near Mitchell. Michael and George are very fleshy, their weights being respectively 320 and 369.

Michael Link married Miss Lena Hess of Mitchell, 20 years ago, and of this union there is one child, Miss Frieda Lucille Link, aged 16. He served as a school director at one time in Mitchell. He was a member of the Elks, Knights of Pythias, and Woodmen. He was thought well off and stood high in the community. In 1908 he was elected representative for two years, and it was during this term that the legislative trouble began which may have had no small part in causing his death. Mrs. Link could not be seen at the house today, but Miss Mary Kleecamp confirmed all the details given. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon, the details not being definitely arranged, and the burial will be in St. John's Lutheran church cemetery in Nameoki, Mrs. Link being a member of that church.

Lewis Link, the father of Michael Link, was a native of Pennsylvania. He was a farmer and proprietor of a flour mill in Gillespie, Macoupin County, Illinois. Michael was born in Macoupin County on April 13, 1858. He attended the public schools, and went into business as superintendent of a large farm near Gillespie. On April 2, 1891, he married Lena Hess, a well-known and esteemed young lady of Chouteau Township, and daughter of Charles and Charlotte (Bruene) Hess.

For thirteen years following his marriage, Mr. Link was superintendent of the 2,000-acre farm of John J. and William H. Mitchell, two Alton wealthy business men and financiers who the village of Mitchell was named for. Link and his wife lived on the farm. They then moved to their own farm of 97 acres, while he continued to superintend the Mitchell place. The grounds were improved with shade trees, and a beautiful home was constructed on the banks of Long Lake, a spot famous as a summer resort. Link purchased more land, until owning 127 of fine farmland. Michael and Lena Link had one daughter, Freda Lucille Link. She attended the Mitchell schools, and then entered the Ursuline Academy in Alton, from which she graduated with honors in 1911.

Michael Link was director of the public schools, and in politics was a Democrat. He was twice elected to represent his county in the Illinois Legislature – 1906 and 1908. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen of American and the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks of Granite City. He, along with Illinois Representatives Charles A. White and H. J. C. Beckemeyer, was caught up in a controversy involving bribery. The case brought state-wide attention. He was accused of accepting a $1,000 bribe to vote for Illinois Representative William Lorimer for Senator. Link claimed innocence, however Charles White and H. J. C. Beckemeyer testified before the grand jury, receiving immunity after confessing. Link was indicted for perjury, and finally admitted his guilt. William Lorimer was elected Senator in 1909, but in 1910, the Chicago Tribune published an admission by Representative Charles A. White that Lorimer had paid $1,000 for White’s vote. On July 13, 1912, after a Senate investigation, the Senate adopted a resolution declaring that corrupt methods and practices were employed in his election, and the election, therefore, was invalid. When Lorimer returned to Chicago, he was greeted with a parade with those who claimed he was innocent. Lorimer later served as president of La Salle Street Trust & Savings Bank from 1910 to 1915. [Michael Link died April 10, 1911, and is buried in the St. John’s Cemetery in Granite City.]


LINKS, JACOB/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 7, 1881
The funeral of Jacob Links took place at his late residence Friday afternoon, Rev. W. Wilken of the Lutheran Church officiating. Germania Lodge No. 299, I.O.O.F., and the Harugari Society, both of which organizations deceased belonged, attended in regalia, Mayor Brueggemann acting as Marshal. On the casket, a beautiful wreath of white flowers, also the regalia of the departed brother, were placed. The bearers were Messrs. E. Wilken, A. Stein, L. Brueggemann of the Odd Fellows, and Henry Meyer, Joseph Hermann, Adolph JOesting of the Harugari. An imposing procession attended the remains to the cemetery.


LINNAN, JULIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 3, 1917
Mrs. Julia Linnan, wife of Thomas Linnan, died at the family home at 1028 Central avenue last evening from pneumonia. Mrs. Linnan had been ill for two weeks, but her condition did not become critical until Friday. Besides her husband, Mrs. Linnan is survived by a sister, Mrs. Griffith, of Wood River. The body was taken to Pierce City this afternoon at 5 o'clock, where funeral services and interment will be held.


LINNAN, PETER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 22, 1918
The funeral of Peter Linnan was held this morning from the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Linnan, of East Sixth street, to St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Rev. F. B. Kehoe officiating. A large number of friends of the Linnan family and friends of the wife, who was formerly Mrs. Lucy Havens-Oldacker. Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery. Solemn Requiem Mass was celebrated with Rev. Manning as Deacon, and Rev. M. Tarrent, Sub-deacon. Rev. Kehoe and Rev. Tarrent went to the cemetery. The pall bearers were chosen from the True Blue Social Club, which was organized 18 years ago with Linnan as a charter member. The pall bearers included George Hoffman, John White, Louis Hoffman, Peter Meisenheimer, Louis Gramilch and Roy Oiler.


LINNAN, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 10, 1919
Thomas Linnan, 66, died yesterday afternoon at St. Joseph's Hospital. He is survived by four brothers and a sister. The brothers are James Linnan, who resides in Pennsylvania; Michael Linnan of Pierce City, Mo.; and William and Henry Linnan, who live in Ireland. The sister is Mrs. Catherine Gleason, who also lives in Ireland. Mr. Linnan had been a resident of Alton for 20 years and had been a member of St. Patrick's Church. The remains will be shipped this afternoon to Pierce City, Mo., where the funeral will be held.


LINS, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 15, 1849
A German, name not known, was drowned on Tuesday evening last at the lower part of the Landing. He was bathing in the river, and being somewhat intoxicated, he ventured beyond his depth, and sunk to the bottom before assistance could reach him. His body was recovered yesterday morning.

Source: Alton Telegraph, June 22, 1849
Two or three personal friends of the German, whose accidental death by drowning in the river, opposite the lower part of the landing, was briefly noticed in our last, called upon us yesterday, and informed us that his name is Michael Lins, and that he was from Helligenstadt, department of Ebfurt, in the Kingdom of Prussia. They added that he was perfectly sober at the time of the accident, not having used intoxicating drinks for six months past. We make this correction most cheerfully.


LINSIG, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 27, 1877
Mr. George Linsig died Monday evening, at the age of 47 years, after an illness of two weeks direction, caused by lung fever. Deceased had been engaged in business in Alton for a number of years, and was highly esteemed by his many friends and acquaintances. He leaves a widow and six children.


LINSIG, JACOB/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1889
Mr. Jacob Linsig, a resident of Alton for the last seventeen years, died last Thursday of consumption, after an illness of six months, in the 48th year of his age. He leaves a wife and six children.

Jacob Linsig was born November 28, 1841, at Feldberg, Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


LINSIG, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 11, 1897
John LInsig, a well-known German citizen of Alton, died at his home on East Second Street [Broadway] Saturday morning, after a two-weeks illness with pneumonia. Mr. Linsign was born in Germany, but has been an American citizen for nearly forty years. He moved to Alton about eight years ago, and opened a restaurant on East Second Street. He was 61 years of age, and has been a respected and upright citizen. He leaves a wife and an adopted daughter, Mrs. Albert Dietchy, to mourn his death. The funeral took place Tuesday from the home, where a large number of acquaintances gathered to do the last earthly honor, including the members of Germania Lodge, I.O.O.F.. Rev. William Hackman officiated at the home, and at the grave the lodge ritual was solemnized. The interment was in the Alton City Cemetery.


LINSIG, LOUISA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 21, 1915
Mrs. Louisa Linsig, widow of George Linsig, died shortly after 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Gibbs, 535 Spring street, after an illness of one year. She was in her seventy-seventh year. Mrs. Linsig was born in Germany, but she came to Alton when she was a young woman, and had lived here over fifty years. Her husband died many years ago. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Gibbs, and the following sons: Gus of Alton; Charles of Moline; George of Alton; and an adopted son, John Grimm of Moline. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the German Evangelical church, Rev. E. L. Mueller officiating. Burial will be in City Cemetery.


LINSIG, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 8, 1916
Mrs. Mary Linsig, aged 75, died at her home on Liberty street on Saturday evening at 9 o'clock after an illness of several months. Her death had been expected for some time. For the past few years Mrs. Linsig had been ailing, but her condition did not grow serious until a few months ago. Mrs. Linsig had been a resident of Alton for many years. She is the widow of Jacob Linsig, formerly of this city. Mrs. Linsig is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Emma Bracht and Mrs. William Hoff of Alton; Mrs. Harry Walker of Terre Haute and Mrs. Lulu Senft of St. Louis, Mo. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the German Evangelical Church.


LIPPINCOTT, ABRAHAM LEGGETT (LIEUTENANT)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 13, 1863
Died at Duquoin, November 3, of wounds received at Vicksburg on the 22d of May last, Lieut. Abraham Leggett Lippincott of the 81st Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Aged 28.


LIPPINCOTT, ALEXANDER LOCKWOOD/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 18, 1852
Died in Alton yesterday, June 15, Alexander Lockwood Lippincott, aged 22 years; second son of Rev. Thomas Lippincott.


LIPPINCOTT, CATHERINE WYLY (nee LEGGETT)/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 24, 1850
Died in Alton on the 8th last, Mrs. Catherine Wyly Lippincott, [third] wife of Rev. Thomas Lippincott. She was the daughter of Abraham and Catherine Wiley Leggett. She was buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. She left behind two sons, Charles Ellet Lippincott and Alexander Lockwood Lippincott.


General Charles Ellet LippincottLIPPINCOTT, CHARLES ELLET (GENERAL)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 13, 1887
Son of Rev. Thomas Lippincott of Upper Alton
General Charles E. Lippincott, Governor of the Illinois Soldier’s Home, died at the home in Quincy, Sunday afternoon, of paralysis. He was born in Edwardsville, Illinois, January 25, 1825, and was the son of Rev. Thomas Lippincott, a well-known pioneer Presbyterian minister, and Catherine Wyly Leggett Lippincott. Charles was a graduate of Illinois College and of St. Louis Medical College. He served as a member of the State Senate of California; two terms as State Auditor of Illinois; and during the war was Colonel of the 33rd Illinois Infantry.

General Lippincott’s Duel in California – 1856
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 22, 1887
The recent death of General Charles E. Lippincott calls to the mind of one of his old friends and acquaintances here, the story of his duel in California with Robert Tevis, in 1856. Lippincott, then a practicing physician, went to California in 1852 for his health, expecting to remain a year. About this time, that State was convulsed with the slavery agitation. Dr. Lippincott was born and reared an anti-slavery Democrat, and his father took an active part in the struggle in Illinois, which prevented slavery from being fastened upon Illinois. In the California agitation, the young Illinoisan allied himself with the wing of the party which was led by David C. Broderick, and opposed the scheme to carry the majority of the Legislature in favor of a convention for revising the constitution in the interest of slavery. In this contest, he found himself elected to the State Senate in 1854, for a term of two years. In that capacity, he assisted to elect Broderick to the United States Senate in 1856. Lippincott was located in Yuba County, probably at Marysville. As July 4 approached in 1856, arrangements were made for its celebration, and it seemed to be important to avoid any factional discussion. Robert Tevis was a bright young lawyer there, and intimated his desire to make a speech at the celebration. Lippincott thought it would be unsafe to select Tevis, and consequently managed to have him put on to read the Declaration of Independence. Tevis feigned satisfaction with the arrangement, but when he had finished the reading, he volunteered a few extemporaneous remarks upon the matter read, and from these branched out into a general speech and occupied the stand for nearly two hours.

Lippincott had control of a corner of the local newspaper at that time, devoting his space chiefly to the promulgation of the opinions held by the Broderick Democrats, and in the next issue of the paper, passed some rather sharp criticisms on Tevis’ speech and the manner in which he had managed to ring it in on the audience against the will of the committee of arrangements. This fired Tevis, and he sent Lippincott a challenge to fight a duel. The latter knew that to decline a challenge in those days in California was equivalent to accepting notice to leave the country. Accordingly, he accepted it. It does not appear now just how shotguns loaded with buckshot happened to be selected as the weapons, but they were. Lippincott was an excellent shot, but Tevis devoted himself to practicing, and acquired a very deadly aim before the day of the encounter arrived. The duel was fought near what is known as Ousley’s Bar, and at a distance of 40 yards. The guns were discharged simultaneously, and Tevis fell, shot through the breast, expiring in a short time. One of the buckshot from Tevis’s gun carried away a lock of Lippincott’s hair, just over the right ear.

Lippincott remained in California till some time the next winter, when he left, went to Washington City to see Broderick installed as U.S. Senator, and thence returned to his home at Chandlerville in Illinois.

Tevis was related to the Tevises of Bond County, Illinois, now a prominent family. General Lippiincott, not long before his death, referred to this duel as one of the horrible things in his life, adding, “but there was nothing to do in those days in California, but to accept a challenge if it was sent to you, or to skip out of the country by the shortest route and most expeditious means.”

When the news of this duel reached General Lippincott’s father, Reverend Thomas Lippincott, it caused him such intense grief that his hair turned white in a single night.

Civil War Union Brevet Brigadier General Charles Ellet Lippincott was trained as a physician, having graduated from St. Louis Medical College in 1849. When the Civil War broke out, he was made Colonel of the 33rd Illinois Infantry Regiment. Because of the educational level of the regiment, it was referred to as the "Brains Regiment." Lippincott provided distinguished service at the battles of Port Gibson, Champion Hill, and Vicksburg. In the last months of the war, he participated in the siege of Mobile and related battles of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely. On February 17, 1865, he was made a Brevet Brigadier General for services rendered during the war. After the war, he served as Illinois State Auditor from 1869 until 1877. Bio by: Thomas Fisher, Find A Grave.

Charles married Emily Webster Chandler (1834-1895) in 1851. They had at least three children – Linus Chandler Lippincott (1858-1872); Winthrop Gilman Lippincott (1860-1879); and Thomas Hale Lippincott.

Charles died September 11, 1887, at the Illinois Soldier’s Home in Quincy, Illinois, and was buried in the Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois.


LIPPINCOTT, LYDIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 26, 1873
Wife of Rev. Thomas Lippincott
This estimable lady, the wife of the late well known Rev. Thomas Lippincott, died in Alton, Wednesday evening, September 17, after a few hours' illness, at the age of 75 years. Her first husband's name was Barnes, and up to the time of his death she resided in Cincinnati, but at his death, something near twenty-five years since, she removed to this city so as to be with her two sisters, Mrs. T. S. Fay and Mrs. David J. Baker, where she continued to reside until she was united in marriage with the Rev. Thomas Lippincott. Her time after that event was spent principally in this city [Alton], Du Quoin, Pana and Chandlerville. She was an intelligent and devoted Christian woman, and although very retiring in her manners, was eminently useful and soon made hosts of friends wherever her lot was cast. She was spared, however, to see more than her three score years and ten, but has been gathered home at last to her rest, like a shock of corn fully ripe and ready for the harvest.


Rev. Thomas LippincottLIPPINCOTT, THOMAS (REVEREND) - Died April 13, 1869
Rev. Thomas Lippincott was born on February 6, 1791, in Salem, New Jersey, to Barzillai and Elizabeth (Ellet) Lippincott on. His mother died when he was nine years old, and he was raised by relatives. He lived with his uncle, Charles Ellett, in Philadelphia, until 1812, where he worked as a clerk for his uncle part of the time. During the War of 1812, he enlisted in a corps of Philadelphia volunteers. Thomas moved to Lumberland, New York, in 1814, where he worked for Jesse Crissey, a lumber dealer. Lippincott later wrote that at that time, “he was a godless young man and a Universalist.” He came under the influence of Patience (Patty) Swift, a sister of Mrs. Crissey. Thomas married Patience Swift on August 15, 1816, who was the daughter of Dr. Isaac and Patience (Case) Swift. She was seven years older than Thomas. Patty had lost her parents at the age of 22, and took up teaching as a livelihood.

On July 3, 1817, the Lippincott’s first child – Abia Swift Lippincott – was born. When she was three months old, they left Lumbertown on October 28, 1817, to seek a new home in the West, reaching St. Louis on February 17, 1819. They started their journey in a one-horse wagon, going over rough roads – sometimes only eight miles a day – through Orange County, New York, New Jersey, and finally over the Alleghenies to Youngstown and Pittsburg. On December 1, 1817, with a party of twenty-five people, they began their journey in a flat-bottomed boat, 25 feet long, with a cabin 10 feet square roofed over. The river was full of ice, and they were delayed for days near Ravenna, Ohio. They arrived in Shawneetown, Illinois, on December 30, 1818. They then started out in a wagon and drove for nine days. Twice they were obliged to prolong their journey because of whooping-cough in the family. They reached the Mississippi on January 17, 1819, and crossed the river in a ferryboat. At St. Louis, they were welcomed by Mr. Lippincott’s brother, Samuel. They joined the First Presbyterian Church, and Thomas worked as a clerk. Colonel Rufus Easton of St. Louis asked him to take goods to establish a store in his newly founded Alton – which he laid out in 1817. They formed a partnership as Lippincott & Co. and Thomas loaded his goods onto a boat, where he disembarked at Alton. However, instead of settling at Alton, Lippincott established a store in Milton, which was more populated and active at that time.

Thomas and his wife, Patty, established at Milton the first Sabbath School in the State of Illinois. Within a few months after his arrival, he received a commission as Justice of the Peace. Since there was no minister there, he frequently performed the marriage ceremony in Milton and surrounding country. After one summer at Milton, Patty Lippincott became so sick, that Thomas became alarmed. He would place Patty in a buggy, and drive ten or twelve miles a day into the country, away from the unhealthy Wood River. At first she improved, but when they reached a friend’s house on Silver Creek in St. Clair County, near Shiloh, she took very ill. She died October 14, 1819, nine days after giving birth to a son, who did not survive her. She was buried in the old cemetery at Shiloh, but no gravestone marked her resting place. Since then, the cemetery itself has been cut in two by a road to Belleville.

Thomas Lippincott married again on March 25, 1820, to Henrietta Maria Slater, daughter of Elijah Slater. She died September 1820, of the same malarial fever his previous wife had died from. Lippincott then moved to Edwardsville to get away from the unhealthy climate of Milton, and took work in the Edwardsville Land Office. He remarried again on October 21, 1821 at Edwardsville, to Catherine Wyley Leggett, daughter of Captain Abraham Leggett of Edwardsville. In December 1822, he was elected as secretary of the Illinois State Senate, and also became editor of the Edwardsville Spectator. Through this medium and in his public life, he took every opportunity to aid in the struggle then going on in Illinois over slavery. During the winters of 1822 and 1823, there was a call to change the State constitution, and thus admit slavery into its borders. Lippincott opposed the convention, and wrote some of the most influential articles on the subject, which contributed to the victory won by his party. He was elected January 17, 1824 by the anti-convention party to fill a vacancy in the Court of County Commissioners. During his term, the commissioners refused licenses to all applicants who designed to keep saloons.

Lippincott was an elder in the Edwardsville Presbyterian Church, and was licensed to preach on October 8, 1828, and was ordained October 19, 1829 at a meeting of Presbytery at Vandalia. He organized the Presbyterian Church of Alton on June 19, 1831, and supplied that pulpit over a year.

Thomas moved to Carrollton on December 1, 1832, where he lived for three years. There, his oldest daughter, Abia Swift Lippincott, married on December 4, 1834, to Winthrop Sargent Gilman. Gilman was a friend of Elijah Lovejoy during the struggles over anti-slavery and freedom of the press. Lippincott’s wife, Catherine, died in May 8, 1850 in Alton, and is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. Thomas remarried November 27, 1851, to Lydia Fairchild Barnes. In 1853, they moved to Chandlersville, and then to Duquoin. In 1868, when Thomas was seventy-seven years old, he gave up his active ministerial work, and moved to Pana, Illinois, where they lived with his son, Thomas W. Lippincott. He died there on April 13, 1869, just four years after writing a series of historical articles for the Alton Telegraph. He is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. Lydia Lippincott died in September 1873, and is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


LIPPOLDT, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 3, 1907
Edward Lippoldt, aged 67 years, died this morning at 10 o'clock at his home, 307 Henry street, after a short illness. He was born in Saxony, Germany, but came to America when 12 years old. Until recently he lived at Brighton and in that vicinity. Ten children and seven grandchildren survive. He also leaves two brothers, Anton and Gotlieb Lippoldt. Funeral arrangements are not complete.


LIPPOLDT, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 24, 1919
Soldier Dies in English Hospital
Joseph Lippoldt, of Alton, died Wednesday in a hospital at Southampton, England, according to a cablegram received by relatives from a Miss Sommers, a English Red Cross nurse. Lippoldt left America about the middle of October, and during the trip overseas became ill with influenza, which soon developed into pneumonia. Lippoldt later contracted pleurisy. He had not written home since landing overseas. The only information regarding his condition received by Alton relatives was from Miss Sommers, who wrote on December 30, stating that the Alton soldier did not seem to improve. This letter was received on Jan. 20 by a sister of Lippoldt in Alton. Miss Sommers had visited Lippoldt on Dec. 26. She wrote that the Alton man had undergone an operation during the early part of December. Lippoldt entered the service of his country last summer, going to Camp Shelby with a contingent of drafted men. He was born at Brighton, Ill., but spent most of his life in Alton. He was employed at Granite City. He leaves four brothers and three sisters. The brothers are: George, Edward, Henry and August; and the sisters are Mrs. Thomas Downes, with whom he made his home, Mrs. William Kelly, and Miss Millie Lippoldt. Lippoldt was about 33 years old, and was Fourth Degree member of the Alton council of the Knights of Columbus, and is the fourth member of that council to die in service. At the time of his departure for camp, he was given a send-off by the local Fourth Degree members.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 7, 1920
Soldier Who Died Overseas Arrives Home
The body of Joseph Lippoldt, a soldier who died in Southampton, England, January 24, 1918, from pneumonia, arrived in Alton this morning. It was the first body of a soldier to arrive here from Europe. Accompanied by Private Daniel Guinan, who detailed at Camp Upton, N. Y., to escort the body, the remains came in this morning. No word had been sent to the family of the shipment of the body to Alton. They had been notified that the body was expected to arrive about May 24, but nothing further came to them. This morning when Private Guinan came in with the casket containing the remains, he got into communication with Miss Millie Lippoldt, a sister, to whom the body had been consigned. The casket in which the shipment is made is air tight and of steel. Lippoldt was taken sick on a transport with pneumonia, and immediately taken to a hospital where he remained several months before he died. His family were informed of his illness by a letter from his nurse and almost immediately afterward came news of his death. On the box containing the casket was spread a bunting flag. The soldier in charge was ordered not to leave the casket until he had a receipt therefore from the sister.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 9, 1920
The funeral of Joseph Lippoldt, who died in England in January 1919, and whose body was returned to Alton Monday, was this morning held from the home of a sister, Mrs. Thomas Downes, Henry street. Solemn high requiem mass was celebrated at St. Mary's Church. The Rev. Father Jos. Meckel, pastor of St. Mary's Church, acted as celebrant, the Rev. Father M. A. Tarrent as deacon, and the Rev. Father Daniel Daley as sub-deacon. The Rev. Father F. B. Kehoe, pastor of St. Patrick's Church, and the Rev. Father Faller of St. Mary's and the Rev. Father Costello of the Cathedral, also were in the sanctuary, Father Faller acting as master of ceremonies. Member of Alton Council Knights of Columbus, of which Lippoldt was a member, marched in a body from the home to the church. The church, outside and inside, was decorated with American flags. The service flag was displayed and the church flag hung at half mast. Father Faller delivered the funeral sermon. He spoke on the fourth degree of the Knights of Columbus, of which the dead soldier was a member and lauded the patriotism of Mr. Lippoldt. The pallbearers, all Knights of Columbus, and ex-servicemen who served overseas, were Peter Reynolds, Leonard Dwiggins, John Grossheim, Edward Barrett, James Lynch and Henry Berger. Services beside the grave in Greenwood Cemetery were conducted by the Rev. Father Meckel and Father Faller.


LITE, ARTHUR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 12, 1917
Race to the Top of Steel Tower Ends in Tragic Death
Arthur Lite, aged 14, after being hit by a current of 66,000 volts, fell 50 feet, striking on a pile of rock, and lived eight minutes, Friday evening at six o'clock. It was a race between two boys, playmates, that resulted in the death of Lite. The two boys were walking along with a man, John Southworth, and seeing the steel towers of the Keokuk line, were filled with a desire to do something daring. It seemed the most important thing in the world, just then, to determine which of the boys could climb fastest to the top, and a race was started. Southworth said he tried to dissuade them, but had no influence. He says he told them to come back, and threatened to throw stones at them, but he says they paid no attention. Then, he said, he turned to go on his way. Just then he heard a sizzling sound, and looking around saw Lite's head in contact with the high tension wire, while a great flame of electricity was playing on his head. Then the boy pitched backward to a pile of rocks. A few feet below Lite, who was winner of the race, was Frank Harris. In the plunge to the rocks, Lite passed Harris, and one of Lite's feet struck Harris on the nose, making a mark. Harris climbed safely down. When spectators reached the boy who had fallen, they found his pulse still beating, but they recognized he was fatally hurt. The whole top of his head was gone. At first they thought that was due to striking the rocks, but later expert examination revealed that the electric current had burned the hair, skin and bone, and exposed the brain, which was cooked. The boy was started for the hospital, but died before reaching there. Lite's parents are dead. He lived with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pierce, at Mt. Vernon. He had come to Alton to visit at the home of Mrs. Finks, 1402 East Third street. Southworth and the Harris boy stayed at the same place. The three were out trying to gather up some kindling, it was told the coroner's jury at the inquest conducted by Deputy Coroner W. H. Bauer, this morning. The funeral will be held at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the Bauer Undertaking rooms to the City Cemetery. The services are to be conducted by Rev. S. D. McKenny.


LITTLE, HANNAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 12, 1864
Died in Alton on February ?, 1864, Mrs. Hannah Little, aged 41 years.


LITTLE, FRANCIS LEON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 2, 1908
Old Man Foretold His Own Death
About three weeks ago Francis Leon Little applied to Mrs. S. Demuth for some assistance. He told her he needed some food and would be grateful if she could help him. Mrs. Demuth provided him with the food he asked for and would have given him some clothes, but Little refused to accept any garments. He told Mrs. Demuth that he would not need them, as he did not believe he would be living much longer. He had been a sufferer for many years from lung troubles. His funeral took place today.


LITTLE, HENRY B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 15, 1907
The only "little" thing about the late deputy circuit clerk whose funeral took place Friday afternoon was his name. He was great in his fidelity to friends, performance of duty and charitable judgment of the failings of others. May he rest well after his long years of labor.


LITTLE, MONROE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 9, 1894
From Upper Alton - Monroe Little, a well-known colored man, died yesterday at his home after a lingering illness of consumption. The funeral took place this afternoon.


LITTLE, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28, 1838
Died in Edwardsville on the 21st inst., Mr. Samuel Little, aged 36, formerly of Meridian, Connecticut.


LITTLEFIELD, EMMA NADINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 30, 1850
Died in Alton very suddenly, August 10, Emma Nadine, aged five months, only daughter of Levi and Susan Littlefield.


LITTLETON, GEORGE H./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 16, 1880
From Edwardsville - George H. Littleton, who has been an invalid for a long time, yielded to the King of Terrors yesterday morning. His remains will be taken tomorrow morning to Bellefontaine Cemetery, St. Louis, for interment. He leaves a kind mother, a devoted wife, and a loving son and daughter just arriving at maturity, and a large circle of friends in Edwardsville to mourn his demise.


LIVERMORE, E. A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 1, 1903
Rev. L. M. Waterman went over to Moro this morning where he officiated at the funeral service of Mrs. E. A. Livermore, who died Wednesday night at St. Joseph's hospital. Mrs. Livermore formerly lived here and her daughter, Miss Ola Livermore, graduated from the college in the class of 1899. Mrs. Livermore had many friends here who are grieved by the news of her death. Many from Upper Alton went to Moro this morning to attend the funeral, and the Alpha Zeta Society, of which Miss Ola Livermore was a member, sent a beautiful pillow of flowers.


LIVINGSTON, ANNIE (nee BROWN)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 17, 1888
The funeral of Mrs. Annie Livingston, of Ocoya, Illinois, took place at ten this morning from the Cathedral. The remains arrived here yesterday. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. John Brown of Alton, and was but 19 years of age. She was married seven months ago, and her death, in the bloom of young womanhood, is a sad affliction to her relatives and friends.


LIVINGSTON, EPSY (nee PREUITT)/Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, January 20, 1876
Daughter of Isaac Preuitt Murdered by Husband
A few years ago, a daughter of Isaac Preuitt of Bethalto was married to a man named Clay Livingston. This man had been in the army with the sons of Mr. Preuitt, and his character was not such as to predispose the lady’s family in his favor. However, the marriage took place, and the couple soon after removed to Kansas, where they have since resided. This week the terrible tidings reached the relatives of Mrs. Livingston at Bethalto, that she had been murdered by her husband without provocation, so far as is known, and that a mob of citizens took vengeance upon the guilty wretch by hanging him as soon as the awful deed was discovered. We have no further particulars of this fearful tragedy in which murder was so quickly followed by retribution, and can assign no reason for the husband’s great crime. Major Preuitt and lady, the relatives of the murdered family, are among the oldest and most respected residents of Madison County, and their large circle of friends will sympathize sincerely with them in their affliction.

Clay Livingston and Epsy Preuitt were married by Rev. E. M. West at the residence of Mr. L. C. Keown in Edwardsville on October 14, 1864. Miss Preuitt was the daughter of Isaac Preuitt of Liberty Prairie, and was much esteemed by all who knew her. Livingston was not so favorably known, but for infamy and crime, on December 27 last, he made a record rarely equaled. At their own home in the State of Kansas, he murdered his wife in cold blood – an outraged community being advised of the facts, put an end to his existence without judge of jury. Served him right.

Source: New Philadelphia Ohio Democrat, January 27, 1871
From the New Chicago Kansas Transcript - A most foul and brutal murder was committed on Monday night, December 27, 1870 [note – Find A Grave give the date of death as February 27, 1868], in Big Creek Township, about six miles east of this town. The fiendish deliberation with which the murderer prepared himself to do the horrible deed has but few parallels in the annals of crime.

We give details of the homicide as they were furnished us by a gentleman who was present at the inquest, held on Tuesday over the dead body of the murdered woman, before Squire Hemmingway in Big Creek Township [near Hays, Kansas], and heard the testimony of the witnesses.

The name of the murderer is Clay Livingston. He is about forty-five or fifty years of age, and his wife was about twenty-four, and is said to be highly intelligent and well cultivated in mind, and possessed of good looks and winning manners. They were married in the State of Illinois about four years ago, and came to Kansas and settled on their farm on Big Creek about three years ago. They had no children of their own. A boy about eight years old, an adopted child, and a boy named Hudgins, about eighteen years of age, were the only inmates of the house on Monday night.

After Livingston had done his chores and taken supper that night, he brought an ax from the woodshed and deposited it upstairs, then locked two doors, took the keys out, and nailed up another door that had no lock, then ordered his wife to bring downstairs the bed the boys slept in, and put it against the door in the south side of the house. After this was done, they both pulled off their shoes and sat up for some time before the fire, then went upstairs, the two boys to their bed.

After they went upstairs, the boy, Hudgins, states that Livingston covered the opening with a trapdoor, then pulled the bedstead he and his wife occupied, and some trunks on the trapdoor, so that no one could come up and interfere with his bloody pastime. He then said his prayer (what a sacrilege!), and then both went to bed, after which the boy heard them quarreling for about an hour or more, when he went to sleep. The boy was awakened by the cries and groans of the wife, who called to the boy to come up, that Livingston was killing her. He tried to get into their room, but of course failed after the preparation made to exclude him detailed above. He heard the wife moan and groan, crying faintly, “Oh don’t,” for about fifteen minutes, when it was still. The two children were very much terrified, fearing that they might meet the same fate, and looked about for some means of escape. Luckily, the brute had dropped one of the keys on the floor of the room below, which the boy found, unlocked the door, and made his way about midnight to the house of a brother of the boy, Hudgins, about half a mile distant, and told him what had taken place. The alarm was communicated to the neighbors, and Mr. Hemmingway, J. Lynch (the constable of the township), and several others soon arrived at the house where the murder was committed, and demanded the murderer to come out and deliver himself up. He answered them that he would neither come out nor let them in, when the constable fired a couple of shots through the door, and then went in and took him into custody. He told his captors, “for God sake, don’t kill me here. Take me out, and don’t bloody things here.” He was doubtless laboring under the supposition that justice was to be meted out to him on the spot.

The body of the murdered woman laid in bed in a natural state. There was no blood visible, only scratches and contusion on the face and throat, clearly indicating the wretch had choked her to death.

On the evening following this most unnatural crime, the citizens of the neighborhood collected together, and went to the house where Livingston was in custody, and demanded that he be turned over to them at once. The guard made an effective resistance as possible, but no power there could save Livingston from the vengeance of an outraged community. “blood for blood” appeared to be the determination of the mob. They took the prisoner out into the woods and proceeded to make preparations for hanging him. Everything was quickly prepared, the prisoner given time to make peace with his God, and during a deathlike stillness, Clay Livingston was launched into eternity. He hung about twelve hours, when some neighbors cut the corpse down, and took it to his late residence and prepared it for burial. On one side of the room lay the wife – in death retaining her beauty, a victim to jealousy and passion – on the other side lay the homicide, a victim to the speedy vengeance of an outraged people.

According to Find A Grave, Clay Livingston killed his wife in a jealous rage. He was buried outside the cemetery in an unmarked grave. No record exists where Epsy was buried, however Find A Grave lists the burial site as Big Creek Cemetery, Neosho County, Kansas.]

Epsy’s father, Isaac Preuitt, was born August 12, 1812, in Madison County, Illinois. He was the son of Solomon Preuitt. After living in Madison County 73 years, he moved with his family to Denver, Colorado, where he died March 20, 1891. He is buried in the Riverside Cemetery, Denver, Colorado.


John LivingstonLIVINGSTON, JOHN/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, March 15, 1898
Namesake of Livingston, Illinois
John Livingston died at his home in Olive Township, Friday, after an illness extending over a period of ten months. When a boy, he injured the joint of his right knee in jumping. The injury proved nothing serious at the time. About four years ago, he experienced some inconvenience in using his limb, which troubled him at intervals until the last year, during which time he suffered great agony. He allowed the limb to be amputated, about four inches above the knee. He did well the first few days, the wound healing rapidly, but was overcome by nervous prostration the eleventh day, in which state he lingered until the twenty-first day.

The funeral services were held at the family residence, Sunday, Rev. Bradley of Staunton conducting them. He took as his text a portion of Zechariah 14-7: “At evening time it shall be light.” Music was furnished by the Staunton Presbyterian choir, singing, “Nearer My God to Thee” for the opening hymn, and “Asleep in Jesus” for the closing. The interment took place in the family lot in Spangle Cemetery. The funeral was largely attended, the line of vehicles being nearly a mile in length, attesting the esteem in which he was held by the community. The pallbearers were W. P. Binney, William J. Bennett, Archibald Burns, H. A. Jones, Samuel Clark, and William McKitrick.

John Livingston was the youngest of six children, a son of James and Sarah (Bethel) Livingston. He was born December 25, 1830 in Monaghan County, Ireland, and with his mother came to Madison County when about sixteen years old (1846). The remaining years of his life, with the exception of about three years’ residence in Macoupin County, were spent in Madison County, having resided at the present homestead 83 years. He began life in America with less than a dollar, working as a farmhand. Through his untiring industry and frugal management, he accumulated sufficient to provide a comfortable home for himself and family in his declining years. He became an agricultural giant in the area. He was also involved in local politics, and was a member of the Republican Party. He served as school director, and was Highway Commissioner for fifteen years.

Livingston married Mary J. Brown, November 6, 1857, in St. Louis, who died March 23, 1897. To the union were born eleven children, all of whom reached maturity before the family circle was broken. There were: Sarah J., who died February 2, 1897; Martha W., wife of J. R. Hoxsey; Robert W.; Rebecca E.; Mary E., wife of C. S. Frame; Margaret A.; William J., who died October 19, 1893; Jessie A.; David G.; Luella Mae; and Cora B., whose death occurred at Denver, Colorado, November 2, 1896. Besides eight children, he leaves twelve grandchildren to mourn his death.

When quite young, Livingston became a Christian, uniting with the Presbyterian Church, being a member of the Staunton Church at his death. He was, during his residence in that community, a member of Hall Lodge I. O. O. F., of Nameoki, and in recent years was a member of Lodge No. 325 A. O. U. W., of Staunton.

By his death, his children have lost a tender and affectionate father, his neighbors a kind and helpful friend, and the community an honored and respected citizen.

Mining development in Olive Township required a railroad development. In 1903, the Big Four Cut Off, extending from Mitchell northeast through Madison County, was completed. A shaft was sunk in section 16, on the property of the John Livingston estate. A railroad station was established nearby, and christened Livingston. As soon as the station was established and the mine opened, a settlement developed. The first five houses were built in 1904. A town was laid out on section 15 and 16 by the heirs of John Livingston, on lands bequeathed them by their father. Livingston was incorporated as a village in 1905. The first president of the village board was David G. Livingston, son of John Livingston.

The Livingston home was the scene of many social gatherings for state, county, and township officials, as well as family members. On May 18, 1883, a tornado hit the Livingston family farm, and the home was demolished. Luella Mae was the only family member home at the time, and she survived. Mary Livingston died in 1897. John Livingston died March 11, 1898, at the age of 67. They are both buried in the New Spangle Cemetery in Livingston.


LOAHLAEN, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 31, 1904
Boy Goes Hunting, Drops Loaded Shotgun With Fatal Results
George Loahlaen, 17 years old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Loahlaen of Bluff street, went hunting Sunday with some boy companions in Godfrey township, and it is said, climbed upon the fence surrounding the Godfrey church to rest a while. His gun, the triggers of which were cocked and which he held across his knees, fell to the ground in some way, muzzle up, and the concussion that followed striking the ground discharged the weapon, and young Loahlaen received the entire contents in the side, tearing a great hole therein. Medical help was secured after which the boy who was suffering great pain was removed in a carriage to St. Joseph's hospital where he died Monday morning. The funeral will probably be Tuesday afternoon from the home, where services will be conducted by Rev. Theo. Oberhellmann. Deputy Coroner Bauer will hold an inquest this evening.


LLOYD, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 13, 1896
The body of the late Mrs. Mary Lloyd, who died at Nilwood several days ago, was brought to Alton Monday and was buried in the Upper Alton Cemetery. Mrs. Lloyd was a former resident of North Alton, and was 77 years of age. The pallbearers were Louis Winters, John Mitchell, Ned Reese, John Pierce, Nathan Siddall, and Richard Mather.


LOARTS, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 25, 1893
Ran Over by Wagon
Mr. George Loarts died this morning from the effect of injuries received Friday afternoon. While attempting to cross the street railway track, opposite Luer Bros. on East Second Street [Broadway], the wheels of the wagon slipped suddenly and rapidly, and he was thrown from the seat under the wagon. The latter was heavily loaded with sand and passed over his body diagonally, inflicting injuries internal and external. He was taken to Wyss’ Drugstore, where Doctors Taphorn and Lemen were summoned to attend his injuries. Upon examination, they found that three ribs had been fractured, and had penetrated his lungs, his collarbone was broken, and his hand badly crushed. Everything possible was done to relieve him, but his injuries resulted in death. Mr. Loarts was about fifty years of age, and leaves, besides his wife and five children, numerous relatives and friends to regret his untimely death. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery. One of his children was Annetta A. Loarts Groves (1882-1972).]


LOBBIG, CHARLES F. Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 23, 1909
Pioneer Resident of Fosterburg
Charles F. Lobbig died this morning, at an early hour, at his home in Fosterburg, after a week's illness, suffering from a bad cold and general break down. He was 82 years old last Sunday. He was a native of Lippe, Detmold, Germany. He came to this country when a young man. Mr. Lobbig went to Fosterburg soon after coming to America. He opened a general store in the village 52 years ago, and was in the store constantly until one week ago. Mr. Lobbig was post master for over 40 years, nearly all the time that Fosterburg has had a post office, except during the two terms of President Cleveland, and until the post office was abolished some three years ago when rural mail delivery was established. He was tax collector for many years. He has been township treasurer for 15 years, or since the death of Squire Brown. This indicates the high esteem in which he was held by his fellow townsmen.

Charles was kind hearted, and wherever he could lend a helping hand aid was extended. Mr. Lobbig's wife died two years ago last Spring. There survive him three sons, Henry who lives in Alton; Albert who lives in Elgin; and Milton who lived at the home of his father; also, three daughters, Mrs. Lydia Meisenheimer of Upper Alton; Misses Rose and Minnie Lobbig, who live at the father's home. There are also quite a number of grandchildren. He has a large number of relatives living in both Alton and St. Louis. He was an active and consistent member of the Presbyterian Church, in which it was his pleasure to do everything he was able to advance the cause of Christianity. His loss to the community will be deeply felt, as he made it his life work to do all the good he could to everyone he met at all times. The funeral will be held from the Presbyterian Church at Fosterburg, Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock.

Charles F. Lobbig was the son of Carl Friedrich Lobbig, a grocer. Charles was born in 1827 in Lippe, Detmold, Germany, and immigrated to America when a young man. Charles married Minnie _____ in St. Louis in 1856, and the couple settled in Fosterburg. They had ten children. Charles opened a general store in 1857. This store also served as the Fosterburg post office, which was established in 1858, with Charles as Postmaster, until it was abolished in about 1906 when rural mail delivery was established. Charles was also tax collector for many years, and township treasurer for 15 years.

In December 1881, Charles' son, Charles Jr., a young man of about 23 years of age, wandered away from home while suffering from an "indisposition," and was found dead in the Wood River on the Davidson Farm. Accidental drowning was the official cause of death.

Minnie Lobbig died in March 1906. Charles Lobbig died in December 1909. Surviving were three sons – Henry F. of Brighton, Albert, and Milton; and three daughters - Mrs. Lydia Meisenheimer (whose husband died in 1891 of typhoid fever, at the age of 38), Miss Rosa “Rose” Lobbig, and Miss Minnie Lobbig. Rose Lobbig continued operating the store until her death in 1924.


LOBBIG, CHARLES JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 1, 1881
Charles Lobbig, a young man about 23 years of age, son of Charles F. Lobbig, Esq., of Fosterburg, wandered away from home last Saturday while suffering from indisposition, and although every effort was made by his anxious father and friends to ascertain his whereabouts, nothing could be learned of his fate until Monday morning, when the dead body of the unfortunate young man was found in the Wood River, on the Davidson farm. In the absence of Coroner Youree, Justice Amos E. Benbow of Upper Alton held an official inquiry. A verdict of accidental drowning was returned by the jury.


LOBBIG, MINNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 21, 1906
Wife of Charles F. Lobbig of Fosterburg
Mrs. Minnie Lobbig, wife of Charles F. Lobbig, died at the family home in Fosterburg, Tuesday evening, at 9:40 o’clock, after an illness with pneumonia, which began last Sunday evening. Mrs. Lobbig was born in Dissen, Germany, September 7, 1837. She came to Madison County in early womanhood, and married Charles F. Lobbig in St. Louis on June 3, 1856. She and her husband settled in Fosterburg in 1857. To this union were born ten children, four of whom are dead. Three sons living are Henry of Alton; Milton of Fosterburg; and Albert of Fosterburg. Daughters are Mrs. Lyddie Lobbig Meisenheimer; Miss Rosa and Miss Minnie of Fosterburg. Her husband was Postmaster at Fosterburg, having had charge of the office for forty-eight years.

Mrs. Lobbig was a woman of kindly disposition, and her death will be regretted by all who knew her. For many years, she has been identified with the Presbyterian Church at Fosterburg, and was one of its most devoted and influential members.

One of the sad features of the death of Mrs. Lobbig is the serious illness of her aged husband, Charles F. Lobbig, and daughter, Miss Rosa, who have been ill for some time, and whose condition is quite serious.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 23, 1906
Despite the bad roads, there was a very large attendance of farmers and their families at the funeral service in the German Presbyterian Church at Fosterburg this morning of Mrs. Charles F. Lobbig. Services were conducted by Rev. Dr. Frederick of St. Louis, assisted by Rev. F. Ostermann of Brighton. Floral offerings were numerous. Burial was in the Fosterburg Cemetery.


LOCH, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13, 1910
Commits Suicide by Drinking Carbolic Acid
Joseph Loch, an Upper Alton glassblower, committed suicide this morning at 11:15 o'clock by drinking carbolic acid. Loch was in the yard at his home at the south end of Clawson street when he drank the acid. His wife attributed the cause of his taking his life to worry over his trade of blowing glass. She says he had been able to get in only three days work each week of late, and this caused him to worry very much. Mrs. Loch says her husband had been a hard drinker, and she believes that had much to do with discouraging him. She says he had been walking the yard all morning from one end to the other, worrying over conditions at the glass factory. No one knew he had any intentions of taking his life, and Mrs. Loch knew nothing of him getting carbolic acid at any place. Shortly after 11 o'clock after he had been walking the yard, he drank the acid and then called to his wife to come out in the yard. As she left the house her husband said, "It's all over now, goodbye." With that he fell to the ground. The neighbors were summoned and a physician called, but the man was dead in a very few minutes after falling. Coroner Streeper was called and took charge of the body. He will hold an inquest this evening. Joseph Loch was ?? years old [unreadable]. He had been in very good health. He had said very little to his fellow workmen concerning his troubles. He was born in Chicago and had lived in the Altons 20 years, 11 years in Upper Alton and 9 years in Alton. He moved to Alton from St. Louis. He had been married twice, and leaves two children by his first marriage, Mrs. Dan Burnett and Mrs. Della Reed of Upper Alton. He leaves one little boy by his second marriage. A coincidence in his death is that his son-in-law, Dan Burnett, committed suicide a few months ago by drinking carbolic acid in a saloon in Alton while four men tried to keep him from taking the drug. Arrangements for the funeral of Joseph Loch have not been made.


LOCK, ELLA (nee AXTHELM)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 31, 1889
Mrs. Ella Lock, nee Axthelm, wife of Mr. John Lock, died Saturday evening. Consumption had fastened itself upon her, and she had lain very low for some time, consequently her family and friends were in a measure prepared for their bereavement.


LOCK, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 15, 1873
Mr. Thomas Lock, one of our oldest and most respected citizens, died on Friday a.m. He had been unwell for nearly a year past, but no immediate danger was apprehended until about a month since, when he became seriously ill, and lay in that condition until he was relieved, as before stated, this morning. Mr. Lock has resided in Alton from his youth, and was one of our most useful and honorable citizens, and a very exemplary and devoted Christian. He has left a wife, three small children, and a very large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his loss. He was 49 years of age.


LOCKE, FLORENCE A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 16, 1900
Florence A., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Locke of Upper Alton, died last night at the family home after a week's illness from diphtheria. She was six years and six months of age, and her death was a terrible shock to the parents. The funeral will take place from the home tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, and will be private.


LOCKE, J. C./Source: Alton Weekly Courier, April 21, 1859
Died on Monday night, April 16, in Alton, Mr. J. C. Locke, aged 35 years.


LOCKYER, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 15, 1900
Little Margaret Lockyer, the seven months old child of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Lockyer, was found dead in bed Sunday morning by her parents when they arose at 7 o'clock. She had been ill with a slight ailment of the stomach, and at 1 o'clock was apparently in no serious condition. When found dead, she was cold and stiff and death evidently had taken place five hours previously. Coroner Bailey held an inquest and a verdict of death by strangulation from croup was found. The funeral took place at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the family home, Rev. H. K. Sanborne officiating.



LOEHR, AUGUSTA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 20, 1922
Mrs. Augusta Loehr, 85, widow of Henry Loehr, died Wednesday night at 9:15 o'clock at her home, 1721 Washington avenue, after an illness which began over three months ago. During her long illness, Mrs. Loehr was a most patient sufferer, bearing her trouble with much fortitude. With the exception of Mrs. Charles Snow, all members of the family were with Mrs. Loehr when she died. The aged woman has resided in the same location in Alton since coming to Alton sixty years ago, and was much beloved by both old and young. She was a kind neighbor and friend and was always ready to lend a helping hand in time of trouble. Mrs. Loehr was born in Bremen, Germany and was married in that place. Immediately after their wedding, the young couple left for America, coming direct to Alton to take up their residence. Mr. Loehr died fifteen years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Loehr were members of the Evangelical church and while her health permitted Mrs. Loehr took an active interest in church work. Mrs. Loehr is survived by three daughters and two sons, Mrs. Charles Snow of Kansas City, Mrs. Louise Convery and Mrs. Emma McFarland of St. Louis, Frank and W. H. Loehr of this city. An only grandchild, Mrs. Frank E. Graham, also survives. Mr. Snow is ill and it is uncertain whether Mrs. Snow can come for the funeral. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from their home at 1721 Washington avenue. Services will be conducted by Rev. Heggemeier of the Evangelical church.


LOEHR, HENRY SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 21, 1903
Upper Alton's Oldest and Best Known Citizens Passes Away
Henry Loehr Sr. died at his home on Liberty street in Upper Alton today at 12:15 o'clock after one week's illness with pneumonia. Mr. Loehr had been in very good health up to last Wednesday, when he contracted a bad cold which developed into pneumonia, and the attending physician said he could not survive the attack. Mr. Loehr was born in Bremen, Germany, and lived there until he was about 21 years old, when he was married to the wife who now survives him. The next year he and his wife came to America, residing in New York one year. He then came to Upper Alton where he and his family have lived ever since. In the death of Mr. Loehr, Upper Alton loses one of her oldest and most respected citizens and business men. About 30 years ago Mr. Loehr started a livery stable in Upper Alton, and by his hard work and untiring patience he made it a profitable business. He also conducted a grocery store about 20 years ago at the stand Megowen & Mueller now occupy. He sold out his grocery business later and continued in the livery and transfer business up to the time of his death. Besides his wife he leaves three sons and three daughters: Mrs. JOhn Convery, Mrs. John McFarland, and Miss Caroline Loehr, Henry Loehr of Alton, Frank and William Loehr of Upper Alton. The time of the funeral has not been set but will be announced later.


LOEHR, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 03, 1895
From Upper Alton - Mr. Joseph Loehr, an old and highly respected resident of Upper Alton, died yesterday morning at home near the cut-off [railroad track], at the age of 75 years. Mr. Loehr has been sick for some time, having been at death’s door last fall, but recovered and was able to be out again. He leaves a large family to mourn his death. Deceased was for a number of years sexton of the Alton Cemetery, and was a member of Germania Lodge I.O.O.F., and the German Benevolent Society, under whose auspices the funeral will take place Friday from the residence to the Alton City Cemetery.

Source: Alton Telegraph, October 10, 1895
The funeral of Mr. Joseph Loehr of Upper Alton took place this afternoon. A large concourse of friends and relatives of the deceased gathered at the home in Upper Alton, where services were conducted by Rev. William Hackman of the Evangelical Church. A long cortege followed the body from Upper Alton, and were met at the corner of Third and Cherry Streets by German Benevolent Lodge and Odd Fellows of Alton, headed by the Standard Band, and marched to the Alton City Cemetery, where the remains were interred. The pallbearers were three members of each lodge.


LOEHR, NANCY (nee CULP)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 12, 1875
From Upper Alton, August 11, 1875 – The funeral services of Mrs. Nancy Loehr, wife of Peter Loehr, and daughter of B. F. Culp, Esq., were conducted by Rev. Dr. Bulkley on Sunday afternoon last, at Mt. Olive Church. She died near Upper Alton on August 7 of rheumatic fever, in the 25th year of her age.


LOER, ANNA/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 21, 1884
Mrs. Anna, widow of the late John Loer, died Friday night of paralysis of the heart, the attack lasting but 20 minutes, at the age of 57 years, 11 months, 29 days. Mrs. Loer was a native of Wurtemburg, Germany, and had lived in Alton about 37 years. She was highly esteemed by all her acquaintances, and her sudden death was a deep affliction to her relatives and friends. She leaves two sons: Fred J. and E. F. Loer; also a brother at Springfield, Missouri. The funeral took place Sunday from the family residence on Narrow Street, between Spring and Dry Streets. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


LOER, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 25, 1886
Yesterday afternoon, a party of hunters, Messrs. Samuel and George Pyle, Charles Loer, George Russell, and Mr. Mayford, were returning from a hunting expedition to Missouri Point and Dresser’s Island in two skiffs, crossing near the sawmill, when owing to the roughness of the river, one of the skiffs upset near the middle of the stream. The other craft immediately went to the rescue, and in the effort to save those in the water, it was also upset, and the whole party were engulfed in the icy flood. They clung to their frail vessels and called for assistance. Fortunately, a lumber raft was lying near the sawmill, and some of the men on it went to the rescue of the perishing ones, and by great effort saved all of them except Charles Loer, who became exhausted and sunk. The others were taken to shore and resuscitated, under the treatment of Dr. Davis, who was notified by telephone as soon as possible. The body of Mr. Loer has not yet been recovered. He was a son of Mr. Loer, an engineer on the steamer Arkansas City, of the St. Louis and New Orleans Anchor Line, and is now on a trip down the river. The unfortunate young man was 20 years old last May, and his sudden death in the prime of life is not only a fearful blow to his relatives and friends, but will sadden the whole community. The bereaved parents especially have the sympathy of all in their affliction. [Burial was in the North Alton Cemetery.]

Source: Alton Telegraph, December 2, 1886
The body of Charles Loer, who was drowned last Tuesday, was found Sunday, lodged under a rocky reef, about 100 yards below Hop Hollow, and a short distance below where the lamentable accident occurred. Two fishermen, Thomas Scott and his partner, recovered the remains by dragging. The body in appearance was unchanged, the features quite natural. Coroner Melling held an inquest at the saw mill. The body was then taken to the family residence on State Street. The funeral will take place on the arrival of deceased’s father, who left Memphis on the City of Arkansas last evening. A telegram was sent to intercept him at Cairo by Emil Loer, conveying the news that the body had been found.


LOER, CHARLES J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 2, 1916
Aged Riverman
Charles J. Loer, aged 81, died at his home, 312 Jefferson avenue, at 8 o'clock last evening. He had been ailing for some time, but his condition was not considered serious until recently. He is survived by his wife and three daughters, Mrs. Charles Nash of St. Louis, and Misses Louise and Sophia Loer of Alton. Mr. Loer was a well known riverman, having worked as an engineer on the river for about a half century. He moved to Alton in 1848 and has resided here since. For many years he lived on State street, near Grand avenue. Several years ago he retired from the river. The funeral will be held on Monday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral to the Greenwood Cemetery. Mr. Loer is the last member of his family. Three times he lost sons suddenly. His oldest son, Charles, was drowned in the Mississippi river at Alton many years ago. A few years ago, another son, Emil, was fatally injured in an accident at the Sparks mill where he worked. About a year ago another son, Will, died very suddenly in St. Louis after a few hours illness. Mr. Loer was a native of Wittenberg, Germany. When very young he came to Alton and made this his home. He retired when age made it imperative that he give up regular employment, but he was sometimes called out to render emergency aid on steamboats, in case of a shortage of help. Fifty-one years ago he was married to his wife, who survives him.


LOER, EMIL/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 28, 1897
Terrible Accident at Sparks Mill
Emil Loer, a young man only 19 years of age, and a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Loer of 1240 State Street, was fearfully mangled Friday in the cogs of a shoft of a bolting machine in Sparks Mill. The young man was working “extra” today, and had been put to work at sweeping. He was brushing some mill dust from behind the shaft upon which the cog wheel turned, and while so doing, the sleeve of his shirt became entangled in the cogs. His right arm was quickly drawn in before he could save himself, and his body drawn up closely to the rapidly revolving cog wheel. His right side was pressed against the wheel, and the cogs tore his side in a horrible manner. His stomach, liver, and intestines were torn out of his body, and his right arm almost torn from its place. No one was near when the accident occurred, and the unfortunate young man, too terrified to make an outcry, stood there entangled in the machinery until the mill was stopped, when he was taken out and surgical assistance was summoned. He realized his condition, and asked to see a priest, and Fr. Healey was sent for. As soon as possible after the accident, he was taken to his home on State Street. He has, beside his father, who is a river engineer, several brothers and sisters and a mother. He was well known about town, and the terrible ending of his young life is a sad blow to the afflicted family and friends.

Emil Loer died at 10 o’clock Friday night at his home on State Street. He never lost consciousness until death came, and he did not seem to feel his suffering, his nerves having been shocked beyond sensibility. He was just nineteen years of age, and in the prime of his young manhood. His death is a terrible blow to his fond parents, brothers, and sisters. He was highly esteemed by his friends and acquaintances, industrious and full of promise of a successful future.

The funeral took place Monday from the Cathedral. The attendance at the church was large, and was fitting testimony of the respect in which the young man was held by his associates and acquaintances. Rev. Fr. Healey celebrated requiem High Mass, and conducted short services at the grave. The floral offerings were very profuse, conspicuous among which were two pieces – a handsome circular piece from his comrades in the mill, and a broken wheel from twenty of his companions. The pallbearers were Hosea Sparks, James McAlaney, Charles Degenhardt, Robert Plummerfield, John Howard, and Allen Challacombe.


LOER, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 7, 1907
George Loer, aged 75, who lived in Upper Alton over 35 years ago, died Monday afternoon at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Loer. He came from Kansas City on Christmas day, having come to spend the remainder of his life in Upper Alton with his relatives. The aged couple had no children, and their only relatives was Mrs. Loer, their sister-in-law, a niece, Mrs. Albert Wildi, and four nephews, George, Joseph, William and John Loer. Mr. Loer was engaged in business as a tailor until a short time ago, when he retired. He was taken ill on New Year's day, just one week after his arrival in Upper Alton, and he continued very ill until death came. The time of the funeral is not set.


LOER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 1, 1911
The funeral of William Loer was held Friday morning at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter & Paul's Cathedral, where services were conducted by Rev. Fr. Tarrent. There was a large attendance at the funeral. The case is an unusually sad one, this death being the third sudden one, and it has removed the last of the sons of the aged couple, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loer, all of them by sudden summons. Charles Loer was drowned in the Mississippi at Alton many years ago; his brother, Emil, was brought home mangled from the Sparks mill a few years back; and William Loer was brought home dead from St. Louis after a three day illness with pneumonia.


LOESCHER, FREDERICKA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 4, 1919
Mrs. Fredericka Loescher of Fosterburg dropped dead at 6 o'clock last evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gus Wagenfeldt. Mrs. Loescher, who was 86 years old, had been complaining some for several weeks, but had not taken to her bed. While busied about the Wagenfeldt home last evening, she suddenly collapsed. Life was extinct when the members of the family reached her. On account of not having had a physician, Deputy Coroner William H. Bauer was summoned and held an inquest this morning. The jury returned a verdict that death was due to paralysis and heart disease. Mrs. Loescher leaves the one daughter, Mrs. Wagenfeldt, with whom she had made her home for several years in the edge of the village. Funeral services will be held from the Wagenfeldt home Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the burial will be in the Fosterburg cemetery.


LOFTON, AGNES/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 17, 1844
Died, at the residence of her son, T. G. Lofton, Esq., in Six Mile [Granite City area], Madison County, on the 12th inst., in great peace, Mrs. Agnes Lofton, widow of the late Mr. John G. Lofton of Jersey County, Illinois, in the sixty-eighth year of her age. She, with her husband and numerous family, emigrated to this state in 1808. Although God, in His providence, touched many a tender chord - by taking almost all her numerous family before her - yet she was always able to say, "for so it seemeth good to thee, O Father." She was a Christian, for she born all the fruits of the Spirit. Mrs. Lofton was the oldest daughter of William and Jane Gillham, Senior, long since deceased, and has left many acquaintances and many relatives to mourn her death.


LOFT(S), ROBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 26, 1921
Two Little Boys Drown in Calame Pond at Melville
Two little boys, playmates, were drowned in the Calame pond at Melville this morning by reason of a frail raft on which they were playing, sinking under them. The boys were Wilbur Johndrowe, the 9 year old son of Mrs. Minnie Johndrowe, and Robert Loft, the 11 year old son of Henry Loft. The Johndrowe boy's father is dead, and the Loft boy's mother is dead. The Loft boy had been reared by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loft. With the two boys who lost their lives was Wesley Calame, a 12 year old son of Harvey Calame. He alone was saved, swimming ashore. It is supposed that the frail raft, consisting of two logs with some boards nailed on it, was overburdened by the weight of the boys and sinking caused the boys to leave it in terror. The Johndrowe boy and the Loft boy went down together. When the Calame boy got ashore he ran to his home and told his father and help was summoned, the pond dragged and the boys' bodies taken out. Every effort was made to revive them, but it was too late. Dr. G. Worden was summoned from Alton to supervise the effects at resuscitation. The Calame pond where the drowning occurred is not a large one, and had the boys been expert swimmers and not become terrified, they could doubtless have made their way to the shore as the Calame boy did. After the men arrived to help get the bodies of the two boys out of the water, the raft that had been the cause of the double tragedy was floating on the surface of the water, it having come back to the surface after it was relieved of the weight of the three boys. No definite arrangements for the funerals had been made this afternoon, but it is expected that a double funeral will take place Monday at 11 o'clock at Melville.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28, 1921
There was a double funeral this morning in the Congregational church at Melville when the bodies of two victims of the drowning accident of Saturday, Robert Lofts and Wilbur Johndrowe, were laid away in Melville cemetery. The two little caskets of the playmates who went to their death while playing on a frail raft on the Calame pond Saturday, were set side by side in front of the pulpit in the church and thither wended almost the entire population of the neighborhood this morning, to attend the services in the church at Melville. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. John F. Green, the present pastor of the Melville and Godfrey Congregational church, assisted by Rev. F. Herman Brown, the former pastor and predecessor of Rev. Green. The members of the families of the boys were sorely stricken with grief over the drowning. The father of the Lofts boy was so affected that he fainted several times in the church at the time for the services. A coroner's inquest over the bodies of the two boys resulted in a verdict of accidental drowning being found by the jury. There were many beautiful floral offerings sent by sympathizing friends. The two lads had been well liked in their neighborhood and there was intense sorrow throughout the community over the double drowning. Albert Volmer, William Brinkman, Wesley Calame and August Volmer were the pallbearers for the Johndrow boy, and Elmer Stringer, Edgar Langley, J. Volmer and Lester Lofts for the Loft boy. The newly made graves were covered with beautiful flowers, tokens of sympathy from relatives and friends of the bereaved mother and father.


LOFTS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 23, 1910
There will be two funerals from the Melville church Friday morning, the first time in the history of the village, so near as the oldest inhabitants can remember. Elmer, the three years old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langley, died last night of dysentery, and the little boy will be buried from the church at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. Eva, the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Federle, died last night of the same disease, and the funeral will take place from the church at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. Rev. E. L. Mueller of Alton conducting the funeral service. This is the third death of children in Melville in the neighborhood in the last three days, the little child of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lofts having died three days ago. With the high death rate in the list of the older residents the past two months, the residents of the little village feel keenly the work of the Grim Reaper.


LOGAN, BERTHA M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 11, 1908
Burned to Death When Starting Coal Oil Fire
Mrs. Bertha M. Logan, aged 20, wife of Bert R. Logan, was fatally burned in her home on Main street Tuesday evening at 5:30 o'clock. She died at 5:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, twelve hours after the accident occurred, and after being conscious up to the last. Mrs. Logan was entertaining her sister, Mrs. G. H. Ashebrenner of Anardako, Oklahoma, and another relative, Mrs. Ben Merriman, at the time the accident occurred, and the two women were upstairs. Mrs. Logan had made several attempts to start the fire with coal oil, and the results were not satisfactory, so she made another attempt. In some way the can became caught on the stove and she could not move it, and the explosion occurred which set fire to her clothing. She ran upstairs where he guests were, and then down again and out into the yard and started to jump into the cistern. Mrs. Merriman, a sister-in-law of Mrs. Logan, saw her plight and snatched a blanket off the bed, ran after her and threw the blanket around Mrs. Logan, but was too late. All her garments were burned off her by her running, and when the fire was put out nine tenths of the skin on her body had been burned off. The kitchen was set afire by the explosion and the fire department was summoned by members of the family of Philip G. Darr, across the street. Neighbors ran to assist the woman and they put out the fire in the house. When Dr. Taphorn arrived he pronounced Mrs. Logan's injuries necessarily fatal. She was so badly burned that her sufferings were not so intense as they might have been. Mrs. Logan had been married over two years and leaves a child of 18 months. She had been visiting her mother at Anardarko, Oklahoma, and returned home only a month ago, accompanied by her sister who was visiting in Alton. Her husband was employed at the box factory and was not at home when the accident occurred. He arrived a short time afterward. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home.


LOGAN, FINIS E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 12, 1918
Finis E. Logan, a well-known resident of Alton, died Monday afternoon after an illness of four days. Mr. Logan is survived by a widow and one daughter, Miss Lola Logan; also, two sisters, Mrs. Martha Perrin and Mrs. J. C. Mench; and two brothers, William C. and J. R. Logan, the latter of Trinidad, Colo. Mr. Logan was a member of the Twelfth Street Presbyterian Church. He was also a charter member of Robin Hood Camp No. 138, of the Modern Woodmen of America. The death of Mr. Logan leaves just three charter members of that camp, William Flynn and former Senators John J. Brenholt and Edmond Beall. Mr. Logan was a printer by trade, and besides working in Alton for many years worked in St. Louis. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence, and will be private. Rev. E. C. Combrink, pastor of the Twelfth Street Presbyterian Church, will officiate, and the burial will be in the City Cemetery.


LOGAN, FLORA IDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 24, 1920
Flora Ida Logan, 64, widow of John M. Logan, who died July 8, 1906, passed away last night at 10:45 at the home of her son, James S. Logan, Oakwood Avenue, after a long illness which had been very serious since last Sunday. Mrs. Logan was one of the best known of Alton's residents. She was very well known and a member of one of the most estimable of the older families of the city. She was born in Alton on August 29, 1856, the daughter of U. S. and J. S. Murphy. She was educated in Alton public schools, graduating from the Alton High School, and was a life long member of the Twelfth Street Presbyterian church. She was married to John M. Logan of Alton, December 29, 1875, at Taylorville, Illinois, and lived in Alton until 1914. She had seven children, two of whom are living, Mrs. A. G. Schermerhorn of Chicago, and James S. Logan of Alton. She is also survived by a sister, Mrs. M. T. Whitenack of Shoshone, Idaho. She moved away from Alton in September 1914 with her daughter, and made her home with her in Chicago. She came back to Alton last Memorial Day for a visit with her son's family. Her health had been failing for two years, and on June 20 she was taken with an acute attack of diabetes. Her condition grew steadily worse up to Tuesday night when she was taken with an acute attack, expiring Wednesday night at 10:45 o'clock. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at four o'clock from the Twelfth Street Presbyterian church. Burial will be in City Cemetery.


LOGAN, HARRY ELLIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 12, 1895
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Logan were bereaved yesterday afternoon by the death of their infant son, Harry Ellis, aged 6 months, from summer complaint. Mr. and Mrs. Logan have the sincere sympathy of their many friends in their sorrow. The funeral took place this afternoon from the home in Middletown. Services were conducted by Rev. R. H. Fry, and the little body was laid to rest in the Alton City Cemetery.


LOGAN, JOHN EDWARD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 10, 1888
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Logan were bereaved this morning by the death of their infant son, John Edward, at the age of 5 months, after an illness of a week’s duration. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the family residence, corner of Fourteenth and Henry Streets.


LOGAN, JOHN G./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 23, 1916
John G. Logan, aged 29, died at his home, 1017 East Broadway, yesterday afternoon after a short illness. Logan is survived by his wife and his mother. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home to the City Cemetery.


LOGAN, JOHN MEREDITH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 9, 1906
Alton's Sweet Singer Dies
John M. Logan, whose sweet tenor voice delighted Alton audiences for many years, and who was always being called upon to give his help in carrying out musical programs for public gatherings of every kind and in the various churches, passed away Sunday night just before midnight, after an illness with brain trouble that resulted in paralysis from a hemorrhage on the brain. The illness began last October and made it necessary for Mr. Logan to resign his position in the Alton National bank, which he had held fifteen years. He attempted to recuperate his failing health by devoting his entire time to getting well and resting, but the malady was not to be cured, and he was never able to resume his former activity. His death is regretted by a large number of people. He had been active in all religious work in the community for many years. His nature was a kindly one, and he was always ready to lend a helping hand with any good work that was going on. He was a member of the old Arion quarter, an organization that delighted audiences for many years with its music. He was a ruling elder, a choir leader and had charge of the music in Sunday school and church of the Cumberland Presbyterian church for many years. It was always to Mr. Logan that people looked for assistance in arranging for musical numbers on programs for ordinary events in the city. He was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church from his tenth year. John Meredith Logan was born at Mexico, Missouri, August 6, 1850. He was the eldest son of Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Logan. He came to Alton with his parents when he was 4 years old and lived here the remainder of his life. He attended the public schools in Alton and finished his education at Lincoln University, Lincoln, Illinois. He was in the book business for a short time, and later was connected with Perrin & Smith of Alton, subsequently going to the Alton National Bank. He was a charter member of Robin Hood Camp, Modern Woodmen, and of the Y. M. C. A., and was a member of the Mutual Protective League. He leaves his wife and one daughter, Hallie May Logan, and a son, Jamie Logan. He leaves also three brothers, Rev. W. C. Logan, F. E. Logan, and J. R. Logan, and three sisters, Mrs. T. H. Perrin, Mrs. A. A. Neff and Mrs. J. C. Mench. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Twelfth Street Presbyterian church. Rev. Dr. D. E. Bushnell will conduct the services.


LOGAN, MARGARET P./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 25, 1872
Died in Alton, Tuesday, October 22, 1872, at 12 p.m., Margaret P. Logan, mother of Rev. J. B. Logan; aged 76 years, 1 months, and 5 days.


LOGAN, NONIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 11, 1885
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Logan suffer a deep affliction, the second time within a brief period, through the death of their daughter, Nonie, which sad event occurred Sunday, after an illness of almost two weeks, caused by the dread disease, scarlet fever. Little Nonie was about eight and a half years old, a lovely, bright, affectionate child, the pet of the household, and of a large circle of relatives. The funeral took place today.


LOGAN, ROBERT/Source: Edwardsville Spectator, October 30, 1819
Died on Monday evening last, Mr. Robert Logan, watchmaker.


LOGAN, SUSAN HENDRICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 27, 1905
Wife of Founder of Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Susan Hendrick Logan, widow of Rev. James B. Logan, founder of the Twelfth Street Cumberland Presbyterian church, died Sunday night, just before midnight, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Mench on Liberty street. Her death was in keeping with her life, full of manifestations of religious fervor, and she died after breathing a prayer to her Creator for the welfare of her soul. Shortly before Mrs. Logan breathed her last, she called for her son in law, T. H. Perrin, and requested that he conduct a prayer service at her bedside. With all her children present but one, each of whom knew that dissolution was near, the prayer service was held, a comforting passage in the Scriptures was read, and almost before the echoes of the prayer had died in the silent death chamber, Mrs. Logan's spirit had taken its departure. Mrs. Logan was the last of the original members of the Twelfth street church. She was born near Bowling Green, Kentucky, October 14, 1855. She was the second wife of her husband, and to the two children whom she found in his home, she was a faithful and devoted mother. She came to Alton in March 1855, and the church here was organized in June 1855 with 24 members, of which she is the last. She was taken to her bed last Tuesday with ills incidental to her great age, and she failed to rally. Her husband, Rev. James B. Logan, was the editor of the Western Cumberland Presbyterian, which he moved from St. Louis to Alton. He edited the paper here during the nineteen years he was pastor of the Alton church. Mrs. Logan returned to Alton about fifteen years ago with two grandchildren, Russell and Edith Logan, who were children of her deceased son, Charles Logan. She made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Mench, who devoted much of her time and attention to her mother. She leaves four sons, Rev. W. C. Logan, editor of the Cumberland Presbyterian of Nashville, Tennessee, F. E. Logan, J. R. Logan, J. M. Logan, and Mrs. J. C. Mench of Alton. She leaves also two step-children, whom she always regarded as her own, Mrs. A. A. Neff and T. H. Perrin. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 from the Cumberland Presbyterian church.


LOGUE, ALEXANDER G./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 4, 1897
Mr. Alexander G. Logue died Friday morning at St. John’s Hospital, Springfield, where he was taken three weeks ago after a year’s illness with consumption. Mr. Logue’s case is a particularly sad one, and his life has been full of vicissitudes. Some years ago, he lost his right arm in a railroad accident. He was then given a position as operator for the Big Four at Edwardsville Crossing, and while living there one of his children was struck by a train and killed. Shortly afterwards, he moved to Alton, and his wife died here about three years ago. He made a brave struggle against the terrible disease, going to Denver last fall, and remaining several months. Returning about a month ago, without receiving any benefit, he finally gave up and made preparations for his death and burial. He was 35 years of age, and leaves two small children.

The funeral services took place Sunday at the M. E. Church, which was filled with the friends and acquaintances of the deceased. Members of Constantine and Fleur de Lys Lodges, K. of P., attended in a body, first escorting the remains from the home of Mrs. Axthelm on Mechanic Street, to the church. The services at the cemetery were conducted by the Knights of Pythias, and their ritual was observed.


LOGUE, HATTIE A./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1895
Yesterday, in the Methodist Church, the funeral services over Mrs. Hattie A. Logue took place. The interment took place in the Alton City Cemetery, with short services at the grave. Many were the expressions of heartfelt sympathy for the husband and children bereft of a wife’s and mother’s care. Mrs. Logue has had a full share of the sorrow that befalls humanity the past years.


LOGUE, WALTER E./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 5, 1890
Two-Year-Old Child Killed by Train
Mr. O. G. Logue, the one-armed station agent at Edwardsville Crossing [Hartford], is a sorely stricken man. Death in a most horrible form has robbed him of a two-year-old child, and now threatens his wife, as the result of a casualty which happened as follows:

As the engine of Chicago & Alton train No. 2, southbound, whistled for the Crossing, about half past six o’clock Tuesday evening, Mrs. Logue discovered that one of her children, a boy about 2 years old, was missing from the room in the station where he had been but a few moments before. Rushing out of doors, she saw the child sitting on the track, directly in the path of the fast-approaching train. By a superhuman effort, she reached her boy, but the destroyer was there simultaneously with the would-be preserver, and the locomotive struck the child and tore it from its mother’s grasp. The baby was mangled and killed outright. Mrs. Logue was hurled about ten feet from the track by the engine, and received most serious injuries. The lady is in a delicate condition, and the loss of her life or reason is almost sure to follow this terrible calamity. Another child of these afflicted parents is seriously ill, and its chances of recovery are slight. Mrs. Logue is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Axtheim of Alton, and the report of her dire misfortune was a great shock to many sympathizing Alton friends.

Source: Alton Telegraph, April 2, 1891
In the case of A. G. Logue, against the Chicago & Alton Railroad, a suit for damages for the killing of a child at the Edwardsville Crossing [Hartford], to which reference was made a few days since, has occupied the court at Edwardsville the last two days, and was given to the jury Thursday evening. They returned a verdict this morning awarding $2,500 damaged. The circumstances of the killing of the child were most painful. The mother, hearing the train coming, ran out to look for the little one, and to her horror saw it on the track with a rapidly approaching train almost on it. She ran to the child, but was too late. The engine struck the little one, killing it instantly and throwing the mother to one side. She was very severely injured, but has recovered. Mr. Logue was operator at Edwardsville Crossing, and lived there with his family. Mrs. Logue was about to become a mother again when the accident happened, and her illness continued long and was very severe.


LOHR, CHARLOTTE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 22, 1913
The body of Mrs. Charlotte Lohr arrived from Mississippi Sunday morning, and was taken to the home of Mrs. C. A. Wildi, a niece of deceased. The funeral was held this morning at the Wildi residence on College avenue, and six nephews served as pallbearers. They were C. A. Wildi, Joseph, George, Addis, John and Albert Lohr. The services were conducted by Rev. C. N. McManis, pastor of the Upper Alton Presbyterian church, and many friends and relatives of the deceased lady attended, and some very beautiful flowers were sent by sympathetic friends. Mrs. Lohr had been in poor health for some time, and two weeks ago she started south. Death overtook her shortly after she reached the end of her journey. Her husband died in Upper Alton a few years ago and was buried in the Alton City cemetery. After the services this morning at the Presbyterian church, Mrs. Lohr's remains were laid to rest beside that of her husband, who preceded her to the grave.


LOHR, LENA/Source: Alton Telegraph, Thursday, January 2, 1913
Mrs. Lena Lohr, aged 42, wife of George Lohr, died Monday [Dec. 30] noon at the family home, two miles north of Upper Alton, after an illness from peritonitis. Mrs. Lohr's death is rendered more sad because of the fact that in her death the family of twelve children lose their good mother. The oldest of the children is 23 years of age and the youngest is six months old. The surviving children are William, Harry, Edward, Rudolph, George, Frank, Elmer, Otto, Julia, Louisa, Flonia and Grace. She also leaves two brothers, Charles and William Brenner, of Alton. Mrs. Lohr's illness had been short, but very grave from the beginning. She was a very energetic, hard working woman. Although she was but 42 years old, she had given birth to eighteen children, twelve of whom are living. Just one week ago while Mrs. Lohr was doing her family washing, she became very ill. She wanted to finish the washing before giving up to her illness and she kept on at work until almost through, when she fainted. Her husband arrived at the house about that time and he placed the sick woman in bed and hurried to town for a doctor. Since that time she was continually under the care of two physicians. Her illness finally developed into blood poisoning which caused her death shortly after noon Monday. Three sons of the deceased woman, Edward, Tilbert and Harry, are now boys in the West. One of them is supposed to be in California and the other two in Montana. Just where to locate the boys is not known and they cannot be informed of their mother's death. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home and burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. The husband, George Lohr, is a well known farmer in the Upper Alton neighborhood.


LOHR, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16, 1912
Mrs. Mary Lohr, a resident of Upper Alton many years, died Saturday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Wildi, in Upper Alton, from gangrene. Mrs. Lohr's trouble began over two years ago when a heavy box fell on one of her feet, crushing a toe. The injury never got well, and last December 27 she was taken to her bed. Gangrene developed in the toe, which progressed into the foot and finally caused her death. Mrs. Lohr is survived by six children, four sons: Joseph, George, William and John Lohr; and two daughters: Mrs. Eula Scott of Binghampton, N. Y., and Mrs. Mary Wildi at whose home she died. Funeral arrangements had not been made this afternoon.


LOHRMANN, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 12, 1894
Sunday morning, a party of men entered the police station and gave the information that a corpse was lying in the hollow at the Biggins’ stone quarry. Investigation confirmed the report, and the Coroner was sent for. The body proved to be that of George Lohrmann of St. Louis, a shoe cutter, who had come to Alton in search of work. He had probably crawled into a box car to sleep, being destitute of money, and during the night had probably arisen in his sleep. The quarry, which was on the other side of the box car, is about fifteen feet deep, and cannot be seen in the dark. The unfortunate man probably attempted to step out and fell, striking on his head and crushed his skull. The remains were taken to the police headquarters, an inquest held, and a verdict of accidental death was found.

The brother of the dead man was fishing in East St. Louis, and was informed in the course of conversation that a man had been killed here, and from the description given he immediately suspected that the man was his brother. Coming to Alton, his suspicions were confirmed, and his parents were at once notified. His mother, Mrs. Leonard Lohrman, and two brothers, arrived this morning from the family home at Nauvoo, Illinois. They read the description of the dead man, and when they arrived the brother, who came last night, confirmed the sad news. Mrs. Lohrman was frenzied with grief. She was taken to the police headquarters, where she fainted time and again, and was with difficulty revived. In her delirium, she mistook overyone for her son, and kept constantly calling for him to come to her. Dr. Feigenbaum was called and succeeded in quieting her.

Deceased was a young man, 22 years of age, and was making his way from St. Louis to Chicago, where he hoped to get work with a brother.


LONE, PRESLEY STEPHENSON/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 1, 1836
Died - In this town [Alton], on Wednesday, 18th instant, Presley Stephenson, youngest child of J. S. Lone, Esq.


LONG, A. M./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 16, 1888
From Fosterburg – Died February 10, 1888, at the residence of Mr. J. Pragers, A. M. Long, aged 93 years. He had been in feeble health for several years, but the night he died he had been sitting up by the stove about one hour before he passed away.


Dr. Benjamin Franklin LongLONG, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 03, 1889
Dr. Benjamin F. Long died about 5 o'clock last evening at his residence on the Grafton Road, aged 83 years and five months. He had been in feeble health for over a year, and had been confined to his bed for about seven weeks. Dr. Long was one of the pioneer settlers of Illinois, having located in Alton in 1831. He was a native of New Hampshire, born August 1st, 1805. He studied medicine and practiced his profession successfully in Alton and Upper Alton until 1849, when he removed to his farm on the Grafton Road, which has since been his home. He was one of the founders of the old Illinois Mutual Insurance Co., and acted as its President for 21 years. Dr. Long was successively a member of the Presbyterian churches in Alton and Upper Alton, and of the Congregational Church at Monticello [Godfrey]. He was an upright, conscientious man of superior abilities and attainments, and his long and useful life was a model of Christian manhood. Dr. Long came of an old and honored New England family. His father served through the Revolutionary War as a member of General Washington's bodyguard. His three brothers were all distinguished men and survived to a good old age. Deacon Enoch Long, who was over 90 years old at the time of his death, was Captain of the company that defended Lovejoy's press at the time of the pro-slavery riots in this city. Col. Stephen H. Long, who died at 81, was Chief of U. S. Topographical Engineers. Major George W. Long, who also died at 81, was an officer of engineers in the regular service for many years. Dr. Long leaves a widow and two sons, Messrs. J. Willis and George Frank Long. [Burial was in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.]

Father of Dr. Benjamin F. Long
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1879
Dr. Benjamin F. Long was a pioneer settler of Illinois, and located in Alton in 1831. He practiced medicine in Alton until 1849, when he moved to his farm on the Grafton Road [Melville area]. His father, Moses Long, was a soldier in the army of the Revolution, and the night after the battle at Monmouth, he was one of sixteen young men selected from a Cape Ann regiment to serve as Washington’s temporary bodyguard. The bodyguards stripped an apple tree of its leaves and branches to make a couch on which the Father of his Country rested after the engagement was over.

Mr. Long’s regiment was in the division of the army under General Charles Lee, the officer who was ordered by Washington to advance and bring on the battle by attacking the British and Hessians. After firing a few volleys, General Lee ordered a retreat, and when the Commander-In-Chief came up with the remainder of the army and found how affairs were progressing, or rather retrograding, he was terribly indignant, and reproached Lee in unmeasured terms, to the following effect: “You scoundrel, what do you mean by this dastardly retreat in the face of the enemy?” It is said by those who were spectators, among whom were Mr. Long, that Lee fairly cowered beneath the storm of Washington’s wrath, and asked, “General, what will you have me do?” “Advance immediately and attack the enemy!” was Washington’s imperative command. “I will, sir,” was Lee’s rejoinder.

It is said that on this occasion, Washington, in his great rage, used an oath in his first address to Lee, when he found that he had ordered his troops to retreat when they were eager for battle. The latter obeyed the last orders of his superior officer, and fought the enemy bravely through that long summer’s day, when the heat was so intense that hundreds on both sides fell through exhaustion. As is well known, the British army retreated during the night and left the field to the Americans. In this battle, Mr. Long captured a musket from a Hessian, but the piece was so heavy that he exchanged it for a “Queen’s arm,” which is now in possession of Dr. S. L. Breckinridge of Alton, a great-grandson of the captor.

Moses Long died on March 03, 1848 in New Hampshire, at the age of 83. Dr. Benjamin F. Long died January 02, 1889, at his farm on the Grafton Road.


LONG, BRIDGET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 17, 1915
Mrs. Bridget Long, aged 76, a resident of Alton for over sixty years, died at the St. Joseph's Hospital this morning after a week's illness. Mrs. Long was the last member of her family, one sister and three brothers having preceded her to the grave. She was very well known in the eastern part of the city where she has lived by far the greater part of her life. Mrs. Long came to the United States from Ireland when she was but fifteen years of age, and made her home at once in Alton. Later, she was married to Patrick Long of this city. Mr. Long died thirty years ago and since that time she has been living with the members of the O'Neil family on East Third street. She has no immediate family but is survived by six nieces, Mrs. A. H. Herman of St. Louis; Mrs. R. E. Scott of Silex, Mo.; and Mrs. J. E. Bailey; and Misses Gertrude and Kathern O'Neil of Alton; also Sister M. Edwin, Sister Superior of the Notre Dame Convent of Chicago. She is also survived by a nephew, M. C. Murphy of Chicago. The remains will be taken to the O'Neil home at 1012 East Third street where they will remain until Friday morning. The funeral services will be conducted at 10 o'clock at the St. Patrick's Church and interment will be in the Greenwood Cemetery.


LONG, CHRIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 9, 1901
Chris Long, an old resident of Alton, died Sunday morning after a long illness, aged 67, at his home on Bluff street. His death has been expected many weeks. He had lived in Alton nearly all his life, and has many friends in the city. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock, and services will be held at the Cathedral.


LONG, EDWARD P./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 5, 1847
Died at Upper Alton, on Wednesday morning the 2d inst.,, of typhus fever, Mr. Edward P. Long, aged 40 years.


LONG, ELEANOR/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 15, 1847
Died on Monday last at Summerfield Farm, three miles from Alton, Eleanor, only daughter of Major G. W. Long; aged 4 years and 10 months.


Enoch LongLONG, ENOCH H. (DEACON)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 21, 1881
Son of Revolutionary War soldier, Moses Long
Veteran of the War of 1812-15
Anti-Slavery Advocate
We learn from Mr. Moses Hastings Long of Sabula, Iowa, that his father, Deacon Enoch Long, passed away to his rest at that place, Tuesday, July 19, at the age of 90 years, 9 months, and 3 days. Deceased was, many years ago, a resident of Alton, and was one of the pioneers of this part of the country.

Marshall, Illinois, Clark County Herald, July 26, 1881
Deacon Enoch Long, the founder of Sunday Schools, and one of the founders of Presbyterianism in Illinois, died on July 19 at his home in Sabula, at the age of 91 years. He was born in 1791, and was a native of Hopkinton, New Hampshire, and settled at Alton as early as 1814. He was an earnest anti-slavery man, and at the time of the murder of Lovejoy in 1837, was severely wounded while helping to defend the printing office of Lovejoy in Alton. He was a member of the Madison County, Illinois, Anti-Slavery Society, and was one of the original trustees of Shurtleff College in Upper Alton.

Enoch H. Long was born in 1791, to Moses and Lucy (Harriman) Long. His father, Moses, was a Revolutionary War soldier, entering the Third Massachusetts Infantry in the Spring of 1777, and serving for three years. He was at the surrender of Burgoyne, and passed the terrible winter at Valley Forge. He was one of 16 men who acted as George Washington’s body guard the night after the Battle of Monmouth. Enoch Long served during the War of 1812 on the Niagara frontier, in a regiment of the New York militia. He then settled in Upper Alton, arriving there in 1819, where he served as one of the original trustees on the board of Shurtleff College. He later moved to Alton, and founded the first Alton Presbyterian Churches there. Long and Captain Benjamin Godfrey laid out the village of Monticello (Godfrey) in 1840. Long was a fervent anti-slavery man, and was elected vice-president of the Anti-Slavery Society held in Upper Alton in 1837. He stood with Elijah P. Lovejoy in the warehouse the night Lovejoy was killed by a proslavery mob. Enoch was elected captain of Lovejoy’s 60 defenders, and it was Long who commanded that no one should fire without his order, which he hesitated to give from motives of mercy. Enoch was an early adventurer in the Galena lead mines, and moved to the city of Galena in 1844. In 1863 he moved to Sabula, Iowa, to live with his son. Long died in July 1881, at the age of 90 years. He is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery in Sabula.


Major George Washington LongLONG, GEORGE WASHINGTON (MAJOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 15, 1880
Son of Revolutionary War Soldier
Soldier; Engineer
It is with great regret that we record the death of the venerable Major George W. Long, which took place last night at his residence on the Grafton Road [Rt. 3, or W. Delmar in Godfrey Township], in the 81st year of his age. This distinguished officer and engineer was born at Hopkinton, New Hampshire, in November 1799. He was the son of a soldier in the army of the Revolution, a member of the body guard of General Washington.

When a young man, Major Long was appointed to the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, from which institution he graduated in 1824, and was appointed Brevet Second Lieutenant of the First Artillery in July of the same year, and soon after, Second Lieutenant in the Fourth Artillery. During 1825-6, he was instructor in mathematics in the school for practice at Fortress Monroe, and was acting assistant Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy at West Point from August 31, 1828 to February 1, 1829. He was commissioned First Lieutenant February 2, 1832. He resigned his commission in the army on December 31, 1835, and accepted the position of Chief Engineer of the State of Louisiana, which place he occupied until 1838. He superintended the building of the Marine Hospitals at Paducah, Kentucky; Helena, Arkansas; and Natchez, Mississippi, during the years 1850-51. He had charge of the improvements of the Illinois River during the years 1853-54 and 1855, and was associated with General Robert E. Lee and other officers in the survey of St. Louis harbor in 1842. Many other important engineering services were rendered by him during the years he was engaged in the active practice of his profession.

Major Long had resided for many years previous to his death at the family homestead on the Grafton Road, four miles from Alton. He was a gentleman of profound scholarly attainments, and had made many valuable contributions to the science of engineering. Especially noteworthy are his papers on the improvement of the navigation of the Mississippi, a subject which possessed a strong interest for him to the day of his death. His knowledge of the hydrography of this stream was probably more thorough, complete, and practical than that of any of his contemporary engineers. A favorite project of his was the turning of the channel of the Missouri into the Mississippi by means of a canal at or near Portage, in order to prevent the destructive erosion of the American Bottom, which has been in progress for years. Had his plan been carried out a score of years ago, Madison County would today have thousands of acres of valuable land which are now in the Gulf of Mexico. To illustrate: A leading physician remarked in our hearing last evening, “The road on the Bottom over which I used to drive to Madison, twenty-one years ago, is now a mile and a half on the other side of the river.” This tells the whole story, and shows what would have been saved to this county had Major Long’s plans been adopted. We believe the time is at hand when his view of the proper way of regulating the mad Missouri’s entrance into the Mississippi will be carried out.

Major Long’s career was an eminent one, and his services as an engineer will hand down his name to posterity, as the projector of many important public works on the great river of the West. His profession was his pride, and to the development of engineering science he gave the best years and the best work of his life.

Major Long was a member of a distinguished family. An older brother was the late Colonel Stephen H. Long, Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army. Another brother is the venerable Enoch Long of Sabula, Iowa, formerly of Alton, and a prominent anti-Slavery man in Lovejoy’s time. A third brother is Dr. Benjamin F. Long, whose homestead on the Grafton Road adjoins that of the deceased. Major Long’s wife [Marian N. Moale Long] died in February 1879. For the past five months, the Major has been in feeble health, the general debility of old age, and last night his eventful life was brought to a close. He leaves three sons – Thomas M. and Jesse Willis Long of Grafton Road, and Stephen H. Long of Chicago. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


LONG, H. L./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 16, 1872
Wife of Dr. Benjamin Franklin Long
Died on February 8, at the family residence of the Grafton Road, about four miles from Alton, Mrs. H. L. wife of Dr. Benjamin F. Long, of erysipelas, in the 61st year of her age.


LONG, HANNAH (nee HALL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 14, 1895
From Godfrey – Mrs. Frank Long, after a brief illness, died at her family residence last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Long, besides a husband and little daughter, has many friends who will mourn her sudden death. She was laid to rest last Monday afternoon in Oakwood Cemetery in Upper Alton.

Mrs. Hannah Long, wife of Mr. George Frank Long, died Friday at her home, Sylvan Grove, on the Grafton Road. Two weeks ago Mrs. Long gave birth to a child, which lived only two days, and Friday the mother followed the child in death. She was 38 years of age, and leaves a daughter, 12 years of age, and a husband. She was the daughter of the late William Hall. The funeral services took place Sunday from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. There was a large attendance, and the body was followed to the last resting place by a large cortege of friends.


LONG, JAMES LATHY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 21, 1906
The funeral of James Lathy Long was held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the home north__st of North Alton, and was attended by a very large number of friends, neighbors and acquaintances. Services were conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden on the lawn in front of the residence on account of the heat. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery in Upper Alton. There was a large attendance of friends both from this vicinity and from St. Louis. The floral offerings were numerous and very beautiful. The choir from the Presbyterian church in this city sang, "How from a Foundation," the hymn that was sung at his mother's funeral.


LONG, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7, 1889
From Highland, January 30 – John Long, 14 years old, son of Mike Long, living five miles north of Highland, met with a painful death yesterday evening. While engaged in feeding and watering the horses, he wrapped the hitching strap of one of the horses around his arm, and the horse becoming frightened, dragged him on his back over the frozen field, and then ran into an open barn, where the halter strap broke. The lifeless remains were found by his father.


LONG, JOHN J./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 7, 1893
Alton Alderman
Alderman John J. Long died Saturday, after an illness of about one months. Mr. Long was born in Cork, Ireland, in 1839. He came to this country in 1956, and settled in Alton in 1863, where he became one of our best known and most highly esteemed citizens. He has represented the Seventh Ward in the council for several years, and has made a painstaking and careful official. He leaves several children to mourn a good father’s demise.

The funeral of Alderman John J. Long took place Monday morning from St. Patrick’s Church. Mayor Brenholt and the members of the city council attended in a body, and joined with many who assembled at the church to pay their last respects to the dead. After the services, the funeral cortege followed to Greenwood Cemetery, where the remains were interred. The pallbearers were Messrs. J. J. McInerny, John F. McGinnis, David Ryan, Charles F. Degenhardt, Thomas Dooling, and C. J. McHenry.


LONG, KATE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24, 1906
The funeral of Miss Kate Long was held this morning from the Cathedral, where a Requiem Mass was said by Rev. Father Fennessey. A large number of neighbors and friends of the deceased lady gathered in the church to pay their last respects, and many followed the body to its last resting place in Greenwood cemetery. Floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. The pallbearers were Messrs. George Ginter, John F. McGinnis, P. Murphy, P. Maguire, Louis Murphy, Dr. A. C. Barr. Rev. Fr. Tarrent officiated at the graveside services.


LONG, LUCY M./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 20, 1846
Died, at Upper Alton on the 17th inst., after a lingering illness, in the triumph of Christian hope, Mrs. Lucy M. Long, wife of Dr. Benjamin F. Long, aged 33 years.


LONG, LUCY MARIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 21, 1843
Died, at Upper Alton, on the 14th inst., Lucy Maria, infant daughter of Dr. Benjamin F. Long.


LONG, M. J./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 3, 1871
M. J. Long, who lived two miles north of St. Jacobs in Madison County, dropped dead one day last week while tending a vat of boiling sorghum. He was a strong, robust man, and apparently in good health when he left the house only a few minutes previous to his death. No one was present when he died. (From the Lebanon Journal, October 27, 1871.)


LONG, MARIA N. (nee MOALE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1879
Mrs. Maria N. Moale Long, wife of Major George W. Long, died yesterday afternoon at the family residence on the Grafton Road [Melville], in the 75th year of her age. Mrs. Long had been in feeble health for the past year, but it was not until within the last week that her illness, which was an affection of the stomach, became serious. Mrs. Long was a most estimable lady of affable manner and cultivated mind, whose loss will be deeply felt by her many relatives and friends. She was one of the old residents of this vicinity, having removed here with her husband from New Orleans in 1838. She was a native of Maryland, her birthplace being near Baltimore. Mrs. Long leaves three sons, viz: Thomas M. Long, C. E. and Willis Long of Grafton Road, and Mr. S. H. Long of Chicago. Her venerable husband, now 80 years old, is left in his declining days to mourn the loss of his faithful and loved life companion. The funeral took place on Tuesday morning from the family residence on the Grafton Road. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


LONG, MARTHA/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1873
Died on September 11 at nine o’clock p.m., at her late residence in Middletown, Mrs. Martha Long, widow of the late Colonel Stephen H. Long, U.S.A.


LONG, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Monday, March 13, 1899
The funeral of Miss Mary Long took place at 9 o'clock this morning from the Cathedral. Rev. Fr. Cusack conducted the services. The pall bearers were Messrs. James Handlin, Joseph Broderick, James Reilly, Ed Reilly, James Dawson and Dr. H. Taphorn.


LONG, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1872
Died on November 12 in Alton, Michael Long; aged 38 years.


LONG, PATRICK/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28, 1884
Tuesday, about 8 o’clock a.m., three men, Patrick Long, Larry Havens, and George Schneider, were working under the bluff near the stone crusher, above Alton, digging out the earth in order to clear the ledge of rock. Suddenly, an immense mass of earth fell from the almost perpendicular bank above, and Long was crushed beneath it and entirely entombed. The earth first commenced crumbling, so that the alarm was given, and Havens and Schneider escaped, the latter being thrown down by the slide, escaping without injury, but Long seemed bewildered, and made no particular effort to escape. The alarm was immediately given, and Mr. Henry Watson, aided by Henry Geissel, foreman of the working force, collected all the men engaged about the quarry to the number of about 30, and they set to work energetically with all the implements at command to remove the earth from the unfortunate victim of the accident. Owing to not knowing the exact spot where he was lying, it was about half an hour before they succeeded in their efforts, and then the last spark of life was extinct. Some friends of the deceased had the body removed to the police station. In the meantime, the coroner was notified by telephone, and arrived here by a freight train this afternoon and held an inquest. The verdict wa sin accordance with the above statement.

Patrick Long was born 40 years ago in Cork, Ireland, and had lived in Alton about 25 years. He was honest, industrious, and greatly respected by his friends and acquaintances. He leaves no family except a wife, on whom the painful news fell with sad effect. Two brothers of the deceased are living at or near Bethalto, they being connected with the I. & St. Louis Railroad.


Colonel Stephen Harriman LongLONG, STEPHEN HARRIMAN (COLONEL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 9, 1864
Explorer; Surveyor
Died in Alton at nine o’clock on Sunday evening, September 4, 1864, Colonel Stephen H. Long, in the eightieth year of his age. Colonel Long was born at Hopkinson, New Hampshire on December 30, 1784. He graduated at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, after which he spent three years as Principal of a public school at Germantown, near Philadelphia. He then obtained employment in the United States service as an officer of the Corps of Engineers, and was breveted a Lieutenant, December 12, 1814. On the conclusion of peace between the United States and Great Britain in 1815, Colonel Long was assigned to duty at West Point Academy as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics, and served in that capacity till the Spring of 1816, when he was transferred and promoted to the rank of Major in the Corps of Topographical Engineers, and very soon thereafter was assigned to extensive and laborious explorations in the uncivilized regions of what was then termed “the far West.” In the performance of these duties, his researches and examinations, touching the condition and aspect of the country, extended through all the great rivers of the West, his voyages being mostly performed in skiffs and keel boats, steam navigation being at that time very precarious. In 1817, he was required by the War Department to establish a military fort on the Arkansas River. In 1819 and 1820, he performed his celebrated expedition from Pittsburg to the Rocky Mountains. In 1821, a similar exploring expedition was placed under the command of Colonel Long by the Secretary of War, extending to the sources of the Upper Mississippi to the northern boundary of the United States, or the 49th degree of north latitude. He completed the organization and outfit of this expedition at Philadelphia, proceeding by way of Wheeling, Columbus, Fort Wayne and Chicago, where in June he remained several days to recruit. It was the Colonel’s opinion that at the time of this visit, all private claims to the real estate in and about Chicago might have been extinguished at a cost not exceeding one thousand dollars. The duration and extent of Colonel Long’s explorations occupied a period of eight years, and embraced an aggregate distance of more than 20,000 miles.

In 1824-25, Colonel Long was employed on duties relating to the improvement of the western rivers. In 1827, he was assigned to duty on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and continued in this service till the end of 1829. He prepared and published the first treatise on railroads in the United States. In 1830, he invented and patented a new principle in bridge building, which is now a general use in all bridge architecture. In 1831, he devised important improvements in the construction of locomotives.

He was employed in the survey of nearly all the early railroads, both in the East and South. In 1841, he was engaged under the direction of theColonel  Stephen Harriman Long Topographical Bureau, in the removal of the Red River _____. In 1843, he was superintending the construction of dredge boats on the western rivers. In 1845, the construction of Marine Hospitals was committed to his charge. In 1846-7, he was employed by the Quartermaster’s Department in superintending the construction of steamers, and their outfit for the Mexican War. Since then to 1853, he was engaged in the improvements and surveys of the Lower Mississippi and of the lakes and western rivers. He was placed at the head of the corps of Topographical Engineers, September 9, 1861, and has only recently, and after frequent _______ on account of his feeble health and old age, been placed upon the retired list.

The materials for an extended biography of Colonel Long are in the hands of a gentleman competent to fulfill the task. The writer of this imperfect and hasty sketch of his life, feels himself wholly incompetent to do justice to a man who has filled so large a space in the country’s history, and to whom the west particularly owes so much for the development of its wealth and greatness. In the death of Colonel Long, a noble benefactor to his country has gone to his rest, full of years, and crowned with all virtues that adorn the noblest work of God – an honest man.

Colonel Stephen Harriman Long was born December 30, 1784, in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He was the son of Moses (a Revolutionary War soldier) and Lucy (Harriman) Long. His siblings were:

Dr. Moses Long (1786-1858)
Sarah Long Lyman (1788-1859)
Deacon Enoch Long (1791-1881)
Abigail L. Long Colby (1794-1869) (buried in Alton)
Lucy Long (1798-1821)
Major George W. Long (1799-1880) (buried in Alton)
Caroline Long Bartlett (1803-1902)
Dr. Benjamin F. Long (1806-1889) (buried in Godfrey Township)

Colonel Long married Martha Hodgkiss (1799-1873), and they had the following children:

H. E. Long (?-1871)
Lucy Long Breckenridge (?-1917)
Richard H. Long (?-1849)
William Deweese Long (?-1887)

Colonel Long served as a U.S. Army officer and explorer. He supervised the surveying of the West following the Lewis and Clark expedition, and was chief surveyor for most of the railroads in western America, from 1827 to 1837. His maps were invaluable to the Union Army during the Civil War. In 1838, he was in command of the expedition with Zebulon Pike to the Rocky Mountains. Long’s Peak, next to Pike’s Peak in Colorado, is named for him. He retired as a Colonel and Chief of Topographical Engineers in 1861. He died September 4, 1864, at the age of 79, in Alton, Madison County, Illinois. His brothers, Major George Long and Dr. Benjamin F. Long, both died in the Alton area also. Colonel Stephen Long is buried in the Alton Cemetery.


LONG, STEPHEN HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 14, 1848
Son of Deacon Enoch Long
Died in Galena, on the March 15, 1848, S. H. Long, youngest son of Enoch Long, Esq. and Mary Abbott Hastings Long, formerly of Upper Alton, aged 16 years. He was born May 30, 1831, in Alton, Illinois. Burial was in the Old City Cemetery, Galena, Jo Daviess County, Illinois.


LONG, THOMAS KERCHEVAL/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 5, 1881
Died April 30 of pneumonia, Thomas Kercheval, son of Thomas M. and Minnie K. Long, aged 3 years, 1 month, and 18 days.


LONG, WILLIAM F./Source: Granite City Press-Record, July 12, 1921
Wm. F. Long, 48 years old, former business man of this city [Granite City], for several years in the grocery business on 23rd street, and who left here several years ago for Colorado for his health, taking his family with him, died at his home in Colorado Springs, Colo., on last Wednesday, word of his untimely end being received here by friends the latter part of last week. Details concerning his death have been unobtainable. While a resident of this city, Mr. Long was well known, being a member of several fraternal organizations. He was also known in the county, being a former resident of Edwardsville. He also had been in business in St. Louis. As a member of Cascade Lodge No. 602, Knights of Pythias, of this city, when he was a resident, he was an active worker and will be remembered by many of its members. Deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Long, former residents of this county. He received his education at Edwardsville. In his earlier days he was in business in Alton, Edwardsville and Glen Carbon, the latter place being where his father conducted a meat market. A brother, Charles Long, resident of this city, died about a year ago in a St. Louis hospital after several blood operations to save his life. Mr. Long leaves to mourn his loss, his widow and two children, Miss Mildred and Elmer Long; also two sisters, said to reside in St. Louis. Mrs. Long, before her marriage twenty years ago, was Miss Margaret Wentz of Edwardsville. After the marriage the couple lived in St. Louis for a time. In the west, Mr. Long was also engaged in the grocery business. T. J. Long, an uncle, resides at Edwardsville. Mrs. Chas. Long, a sister-in-law, resides in this city; C. A. and H. A. Wentz of Edwardsville are brothers-in-law of the deceased. The burial took place at Colorado Springs, it is thought, although no official word of the burial was received here.


LONG, WILLIAM R./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 03, 1900
Mysterious Death at Edwardsville
From the Edwardsville Republican - William R. Long, a prominent young farmer living near New Douglas, was brought to the county seat Thursday evening so violently insane that it was necessary to strap him to a cot. At the depot in New Douglas, Dr. Thredgill administered an injection of morphine to quiet him, and he rested well on the trip here, and talked rationally at times during the inquisition before a jury in Judge Early's court. Before the trial ended, however, he became unconscious and remained in that condition until 4:30 o'clock this morning, when he died before regaining consciousness.


LONIE, EFFIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 15, 1919
The death of Miss Effie Lonie, 17 years old, occurred at 2:40 a.m. today at the family home at 506 State street. She had been ill for six months. She was born in Alton and had lived here all her life. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Louis McLain. The funeral will be Thursday at 10 a.m. from the home on State street. Services at the home will be conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing, pastor of the First Baptist church.


LONIE, ISABELLE BOWIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 20, 1886
Died in Alton on May 17, of rheumatism, Isabelle Bowie, wife of John Lonie; aged 36 years and 2 months.


LONIE, ROBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 29, 1912
Robert Lonie, a former bartender, died at the county hospital in Edwardsville, Monday evening, after long illness, aged 40. He leaves four brothers, Edward and Joseph of Alton, and Thomas of St. louis, and Frank of Albany, NY. The body will be brought to Alton this evening and the funeral time will be set when it is ascertained whether or not his brothers can come to attend the burial. The deceased underwent the amputation of one of his legs some time ago in the hope of relieving a bad condition in the leg which was threatening his life, and the operation proved unavailing.


LOOK, EMMA CORBETT (nee DARROW)/Source: Alton Observer, December 22, 1836
Written by Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy
Includes Collinsville History
Emma C. Look was born in Lynn, New London County, Connecticut, March 19, 1797. Her parents, Zadock (1768-1849) and Lucy (nee Lord) (1768-1823) Darrow, were both pious, the former attached to the Baptist, and the latter to the Presbyterian communion. She was accordingly early taught to believe the great truths of revealed religion. In 1803, during a time of revival, her mind was much wrought upon, and from that period she was remarkably thoughtful. It was the practice of her pious mother to pray for and with her children, and this together with her Christian example, produced the happiest effect upon the youthful mind of the subject of this memoir. She often manifested great tenderness of conscience when conversed with on the subject of religion, and sometimes showed much anxiety about her soul’s salvation.

In 1807, her parents moved to Chenango County, New York, taking her with them. Here she attended the religious meetings of the Freewill Baptists, and often expressed great concern to know what she should do to be saved. In 1810, her anxiety increased, but through the Divine blessing, she was led to accept and rejoice in Jesus as her Savior. Her experience was remarkably clear and satisfactory. She soon joined the Church, where she had been accustomed to attend worship. She was baptized by Elder Strait, under whose ministry she had been led to Christ, and while in communion with that Church, she was a bright example of a holy life. Sometime after her connection with the Freewill Baptists, and while residing with her uncle, a Presbyterian minister, her mind became changed in favor of that church.

In 1815, while living with her parents, who had removed to Hartwick, Otsego County, she joined the Presbyterian Church under the care of the Rev. Mr. Chapman, and during this period was beloved as a humble Christian. In 1817, it pleased God to afflict her with a most severe sickness, during some part of which her life was despaired of not only by her friends, but by her physicians. But while in the prospect of death, she manifested not only a willingness, but a desire if it were the Lord’s will, that she might depart and be with Christ. She could say, “I know that my Redeemer liveth.” From this sickness she never entirely recovered. In 1819, she accompanied her father’s family to St. Louis, Missouri, where they arrived in the Spring of 1820. The journey proved highly favorable to her health, and on December 7 of the same year, she was married to Mr. Horace Look of Sangerfield, New York. While residing in St. Louis, she attached herse4lf to the church under the pastoral care of the Rev. Salmon Giddings.

Soon after her marriage, she removed with her husband to Edwardsville, Illinois, carrying letters with her from the church in St. Louis, to the one in that place. While residing here in the summer of 1821, she was attacked with a bilious fever which reduced her so low as to be again given over by her physicians, but during her whole sickness, she manifested the most entire resignation and Christian confidence in the view of death. From Edwardsville, she removed with her family to Collinsville in the same county, in the Spring of 1823, and joined the church in that place. In the Fall of 1827, it pleased God to afflict her again with the most distressing illness, which was borne like her former sickness, with exemplary patience. The sickness which terminated in her death, commenced about July 1, 1836, and continued to October 30, when she sweetly fell asleep in Jesus.

Few have suffered more in the same period of time than she, during her protracted illness. But during the whole, she was never known to utter a murmur. As the time of her departure drew nigh, her mind seemed almost wholly occupied with the thoughts of death. But she had no fear. She knew in whom she had believed, and was persuaded that He was able to keep that which she had committed to him, against that day. She was a dutiful daughter, a kind and beloved sister, a faithful and affectionate wife, a tender and pious mother. She has left a husband and seven children to mourn her loss. I will only add, that a short time before her death, she called her husband and children about her bed, and bidding them severally farewell, exhorted her companion to bear her loss with Christian fortitude, and expressed the belief that they would soon meet in a world where sorrow and parting would be unknown. She took each of her children by the hand, and with the most tender solicitude, besought them to take the counsel of a dying mother, and seek at once an interest in the Savior of Sinner.

Emma’s parents, Rev. Zadock Darrow and Lucy Lord Darrow, settled near O’Fallon, Illinois, in about 1820, where he taught at the Rock Spring Seminary, founded by John Mason Peck (who later moved the Seminary to Upper Alton, and changed its name to Shurtleff College). Zadock’s move to Illinois was prompted by Missouri being a slave state.

In 1821, Emma Darrow married Horace Look, the son of William and Sarah Childs Look. Horace was one of three men who laid out the original town plat of Collinsville. He was also Justice of the Peace and the first postmaster of Collinsville. After having seven children, and enduring many illnesses, Emma died in 1836, and was buried in the Glenwood Cemetery in Collinsville.

In 1823, Emma’s mother, Lucy Darrow, died, and was buried in the Rock Springs Cemetery near O’Fallon. Rev. Darrow remarried in 1825 to Sarah Pearce Peach Darrow. Rev. Zadock Darrow died in 1849 at the home of his son-in-law, Horace Look, in Collinsville. It is presumed he was buried in Collinsville or Rock Springs, but no stone has ever been found. Emma’s stepmother, Sarah, died in 1857, and is buried in the Rock Springs Cemetery.

One of Horace and Emma’s children was Isaac Newton Look, who was born in Collinsville in 1828. He later moved to Santa Ana, California, and died there in May 1911, at the age of 82. He was buried in the Santa Ana Cemetery.

Another son, Corp. Oliver C. Look, was born in Collinsville in 1826. He made his living as a saddler. In 1856 he married Katherine Budle, and they had four children – Arthur, Horace, Emma, and Maria. Oliver enlisted in the 117th Illinois Infantry, Company F, during the Civil War. He mustered out in 1865. Oliver died in 1900 in Collinsville, and is buried in the Glenwood Cemetery.


LOOK, HORACE (SQUIRE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 01, 1864
Died at Collinsville, Madison County, Illinois, of pneumonia, in the 66th year of his age, on December 25, 1863, Horace Look, Esq. Mr. Look emigrated to this county from Oneida County, New York, 1818. He resided about two years at Edwardsville, and then removed to Collinsville. For many years he held the office of Justice of the Peace, and some other offices; and was shown to be an upright magistrate, a faithful husband, an indulgent and tender parent, a patriotic citizen, an honest man, and a humble and zealous Christian. His funeral obsequies were performed onn Sunday, December 27, according to the forms of the Protestant Episcopal Church, by the Rev. Robert Trewartha, who feelingly addressed a large and attentive congregation, at Christ Church, from Colossians 3:2. “Set your affections on things above.”


LOOK, SARAH L./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 10, 1865
Died at Collinsville, Madison County, Illinois, February 23, 1865, Mrs. Sarah L. Look, widow of the late Horace Look, Esq., daughter of the late Rev. Zadok Darrow, and sister of the late Rev. Joseph Lee Darrow, aged 70 years and 2 months. Her first husband was Doctor Isaac Guernsey, who died at Collinsville of the cholera when that disease first prevailed there. Mrs. Look was a sincere and zealous Christian, and in all the relations of life, an excellent woman.


Captain David Burt LoomisLOOMIS, DAVID BURT (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 4, 1897
Last of the Lovejoy Defenders Dies
Civil War Soldier
Proprietor of a Lumber Mill
Minnesota Legislator

“Lovejoy was not ten feet from me when shot. He staggered back into the room without uttering a groan or speaking a word, he walked tottering up a flight of stairs and fell – he probably lived one minute after he was shot.”

To Mr. George M. Ryrie we are indebted for the privilege of looking over a copy of the Stillwater, Minnesota Gazette of Thursday, February 25, containing an account of the death of Captain David Burt Loomis at the Minnesota Soldiers’ Home at Minnehaha Park, Minnesota. The paper does not give the date of the death of Captain Loomis, but that event probably occurred the Tuesday or Wednesday preceding.

The death of Captain Loomis will be of interest to all Altonians, as he was the last survivor of the gallant band that so bravely defended the old Godfrey and Gilman warehouse from the mob of Lovejoy’s enemies.

Captain Loomis was born April 17, 1817, and came to Alton in 1830. He was a young man, twenty years of age at the time of the riot in Alton, and was an employee in the warehouse - the scene of the riot. He actively participated in the defense of the building, and before his mind failed him a few years ago, his accounts of the stirring events of those days, which have since become historical, were most interesting. In speaking of the killing of Lovejoy, Mr. Loomis at one time said, “Lovejoy was not ten feet from me when shot. He staggered back into the room without uttering a groan or speaking a word, he walked tottering up a flight of stairs and fell – he probably lived one minute after he was shot.”

Mr. Loomis left Alton in 1843, and since that time he has held many positions of honor in the then Territory, and now State of Minnesota. He served through the War of the Rebellion (Civil War) from 1861 to 1865, and rose in rank to Captain. He was a member of the Minnesota Legislature for several years.

The funeral services were held Friday at Stillwater, Minnesota, and were conducted by the local Masonic Order and G.A.R. post.

With his passing is ended the list of the little handful of stalwarts who were willing to die rather than sacrifice a righteous principle in the dark days of 1837.

David Burt Loomis was born April 17, 1817, in Willington, Connecticut. He was the son of Rev. Hubbel Loomis (1775-1872) and Jerusha Burt Loomis (1782-1829). In 1830, the Loomis family arrived in Alton, where at the age of fifteen years, David worked as a clerk in a store for five years. In 1837, David was an employee in the warehouse of Captain Benjamin Godfrey and his partner, Winthrop Sargent Gilman. On November 7, 1837, David was at the warehouse, and joined the band of men who were there to defend Elijah P. Lovejoy and his freedom of the press. Lovejoy was shot by members of the mob, and died soon after.

In 1843, David moved to the St. Croix valley in Minnesota Territory, and engaged in the lumber business. In 1846, he was one of the four original owners of the Arcola Mill, but in 1849 he sold his interest to Mr. Mower. For the succeeding years, David was in charge of the St. Croix boom. In 1847, he was surveyor general of logs and lumber. In 1851, he was a member of the Minnesota Territorial Council, and was re-elected in 1853, serving in all four years, during one of which he was president of the council. In 1853, David was one of a company that built a mill in South Stillwater, Minnesota. He sold out in 1859. In 1861, David entered the army as Lieutenant, Company F, Second Minnesota Volunteers, and was promoted to Captain. He served three and a half years during the Civil War. He resigned from the army on November 4, 1864, and made Stillwater, Minnesota his home. In 1873, he represented Washington County in the Minnesota legislature. David died on February 23, 1897 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was buried in the Fairview Cemetery in Stillwater, Minnesota.

Additional Source:   Find A Grave


LOOMIS, HANNAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 5, 1864
Died at Upper Alton, Illinois, February 3, Mrs. Hannah Loomis, second wife of Rev. Hubbell Loomis, aged 70 years, 7 months, and 10 days.


Rev. Hubbel LoomisLOOMIS, HUBBEL (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, December 20, 1872
Professor and Principal of Shurtleff College
This venerable and distinguished divine departed this life in Upper Alton on the December 15, at the residence of his son-in-law, Hon. Cyrus Edwards, in the 98th year of his age. It was hoped by his many friends in Alton that he might be spared to complete his hundredth year, but for some months past, although afflicted with no positive disease, he has been gradually failing. He manifested no desire to live, but rather “desired to depart and be with Christ.” He was not only one of the oldest citizens of the county, but one of the best and most useful men in the State. But as his friends and relatives will, no doubt, prepare a lengthy notice of him, we shall confine ourselves to the statement of only a few of the more prominent events of his long and active life.

Hubbel Loomis was born in Colchester, Connecticut, on May 31, 1775. He made a profession of religion at the age of sixteen years; commenced to study for the ministry under Dr. Nott, and completed his education at Union College. He was licensed to preach the gospel as a Congregational Minister in 1801, and was soon afterwards settled as pastor over the Congregational Church in Willington, Connecticut, which position he held with great acceptance and usefulness for twenty-four years, until he changed his views in regard to the ordinance of Baptism, and soon afterwards connected himself with the Baptist church.

In 1830, Loomis came to Illinois, and was mainly instrumental in establishing Shurtleff College, and acted as its President until the year 1836, when he resigned, giving as his reason for so doing his advanced age. Since that time, he has continued to reside in Upper Alton, but has made himself very useful in preaching to vacant churches in the vicinity, and by the use of his pen. He greatly distinguished himself in the early stages of the anti-slavery controversy, and was one among the heroic spirits who stood side-by-side with the Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy in his conflict with the slave power, in defense of which he finally fell a martyr. As a Christian, it is enough for us to say that his praise was in all the churches, irrespective of name or sect. He was pre-eminently a father in Israel.

Three daughters survive Mr. Loomis – Sophia Loomis Edwards of Upper Alton (wife of Cyrus Edwards); Caroline Loomis Newman of Upper Alton, widow of Professor Newman; and Jerusha Loomis Bradford. Also, a son – Professor Elias Loomis of Yale College, the celebrated astronomer and author of several mathematical works of great value. [Other sons were David “Burt” Loomis, John “Calvin” Loomis.]

The funeral of Father Loomis took place from the Baptist Church on Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock. There was a very large attendance from Upper Alton, Alton, and abroad, at the services, which were conducted by Rev. Dr. Wood, the Pastor of the Baptist Church, assisted by Dr. Bulkley and President Kendrick. Dr. Wood preached an impressive sermon from the text: “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth: yea saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them.” Rev. 14, 13.

At the close of the discourse, Dr. Wood gave a short biographical sketch of the life of the departed. The following gentlemen acted as pallbearers: Messrs. Cole, Burton, Hewit, Clawson, Castle, and Howes. The remains were followed to the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery by a large number of citizens, and the students of Shurtleff College in a body.

According to Find A Grave, Rev. Loomis was buried in the Old Willington Hill Cemetery in Willington Hill, Tolland County, Connecticut. I believe the tombstone in Connecticut is a centagraph (memorial stone for an empty grave). Hubbel was the son of John and Rachel (Harris) Loomis. His wife was Jerusha Loomis, who died in 1829. After her death, the family began to search of economic security and religious tolerance. Leaving their son, Elias Loomis, at Yale, and Jerusha, his daughter, in the care of her husband’s family, Hubbel Loomis announced his intention to move West in 1830. In the Spring, he, daughters Sophia and Caroline, and sons Burt and Calvin, made the arduous journey from Connecticut to Illinois. The family first settled in Rock Springs in Kaskaskia, and in 1831 settled in Alton. It was a difficult journey, and included meeting French traders and Indians. In 1832, his daughter, Jerusha, joined the family in Illinois, well after her husband left her to seek his fortune in the South. Jerusha supported herself by teaching. She suffered from cataracts, and received treatments by electricity and galvanism.

In 1833, Hubbel Loomis returned East to raise funds for the founding of a college. To the surprise and dismay of his children, he returned with a new wife, Hannah (who died in 1864 in Upper Alton at the age of 70 years). His children feared they would have more children, and destroy the family’s financial prospects. In 1834, Jerusha embarked on a trip to meet her husband, James, now settled in Georgia. After a year, she invited family members to Georgia, which was accepted by Caroline and Sophia. Jerusha quickly accepted slavery as the custom of her new home, although her Northern family members held different views on the subject. As early as 1833, Hubbel Loomis wrote of the condition of blacks in Illinois, and Jerusha, inviting his brother, Elias, to visit, warned that those who voiced abolitionist sentiments were subject to the Lynch Law. Letters were written by the family concerning the 1836 attacks on Elijah Lovejoy’s printing press, and in 1837 recount the Illinois Anti-Slavery Society meeting in Alton and the subsequent mob violence. In 1837, Hubbel Loomis was selected Chairman of the Madison County Anti-Slavery Society.

In 1836, Elias Loomis was named professor at Western Reserve College in Hudson, Ohio, and he left for Europe to purchase astronomical equipment for the college. On his return from Europe in 1837, Calvin, the youngest brother, was sent to attend Western Reserve. Sophia married Cyrus Edwards of Upper Alton, and Jerusha and James moved to Alabama in 1838.

The family endured hard financial times. Elias moved to New York in 1844; Burt to St. Croix; and Calvin to the South in order to teach. Caroline, shortly after the death of her husband in 1844, followed Jerusha’s suggestion and moved to Alabama to sustain herself through teaching. Jerusha and James constantly moved from town to town in search of a well-paying school.

Jerusha died in 1852. Elias’ wife, Julia, in failing health, returned to Ohio to have their second child. She died in 1854, leaving the children in care of the Ohio family. Calvin, by 1856, was acclimated to Southern ways, and admitted that if the Union dissolved, he would go with the South. Caroline, who returned to Illinois, feared her brothers would have to meet on the field of battle, although they never did.

Caroline Hubbel wrote frequently of Shurtleff College and Upper Alton. The college admitted black students, and by 1871 admitted women. In 1872, Hubbel Loomis died at the age of ninety-seven.


LOOS, MAGDALENA (nee WITTMER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 9, 1894
From Marine – Mrs. Edward Loos, aged 49 years died Friday of paralysis. Funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon by Rev. C. Kurz, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Marine Cemetery.

Magdalena Wittmer was born in Germany on December 12, 1844. She was the daughter of Heinrich Ludwig Wittmer (1802-1879) and Magdalena Feickert Wittmer (1811-1884). She married Edward Loos (1835-1915), and they had the following children: Lena Loos (1865-1932); Fred Loos (1866-1926); Edward Loos (1868-1898); George Loos (1869-1929); Henry Loos (1871-1936); John Loos (1873-1949); Charles Loos (1881-1927); and Anna Loos (1884-1966). Burial was in the Marine Cemetery in St. Jacob.



LORCH, JACOB/Source: Alton Telegraph, Thursday, November 23, 1893
At 12 o'clock Friday [November 17], Mr. Jacob Lorch, the well known bank collector and janitor died at his home 413 East Third street. He has long been a sufferer from heart troubles, but was not confined to his bed until about five weeks ago. He leaves a widow and three children, Mr. John Lorch of this city, Mrs. Hannah Neal of Bunker Hill, and Mrs. George W. Lehne of Omaha, Nebraska. Mr. Lorch was 68 years of age, was born in Germany and came to Alton in 1853. He has been connected with the Alton National Bank for 33 years and nearly everyone in the city knew and liked the kindly man.


LOOS, ADOLPH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 03, 1892
Mr. Adolph Loos, a native of Germany, died at his residence last night after nine days sickness of typhoid malaria, at the age of 65 years and 6 months. He has been a citizen of Alton since 1861. He is a member of William Tell Lodge, I.O.O.F., of Wheeling, West Virginia. He leaves two children – Henry Loos and Mrs. Valentine Lehman. His wife died a few years ago. The funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon from his residence on East Second Street, in Hunter’s block, under the auspices of the Odd Fellows. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


LORCH, JACOB HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 23, 1893
Friday, Mr. Jacob Henry Lorch, the well-known bank collector and janitor, died at his home, 413 East Third Street. He has long been a sufferer from heart troubles, but was not confined to his bed until about five weeks ago. He leaves a widow, Marie Elizabeth (Shaefer) Lorch and three children, Mr. John Lorch of Alton, Mrs. Hannah Neal of Bunker Hill, and Mrs. George W. Lehne of Omaha, Nebraska. Mr. Lorch was about 66 years of age, was born in Germany, and came to Alton in 1853. He has been connected with the Alton National Bank for 33 years, and nearly everyone in the city knew and liked the kindly man. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]

The funeral of Jacob Lorch took place Sunday afternoon from the German M. E. Church. An assemblage of friends of the deceased gathered at the solemn sound of the church bell, to pay their last respects to the deceased. The Knights of Honor, of which deceased was for many years a member, attended in a body. The corsege that followed to the Alton City Cemetery was a large one, where the remains were interred after a short service. The pallbearers were Messrs. Phillip Paul, Mt. Olive; Charles Laux, William Laux, Adolph Laux, all of Brighton, and Mr. Lorch and C. C. Paul of Alton.


LORCH, JOHN P./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 7, 1916
John P. Lorch died at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon at his residence on Washington avenue and Amelia street, after a lingering illness from kidney and heart trouble. Mr. Lorch was born in Alton and was 57 years 8 months and 6 days old. As stated in the Telegraph last night, his death had been expected at intervals during the day yesterday, and when the end came at 4 o'clock it was expected by all his relatives who had gathered at his residence. Mr. Lorch was a machinist by trade and was a very well known workman in Alton. He was the son of the late Jacob Lorch, for many years watchman at the Alton National Bank. John Lorch took the place of his father following his death, and held the place as watchman for the bank 9 years. He learned his trade of machinist in the old Hansen Foundry, and for many years he was employed at the Hapgood Plow Works. For the last 12 years he worked at the Duncan Foundry. He remained in this position up to a few days ago when his illness became such that he had to quit work, and his death came very shortly afterward. He leaves besides his wife, two children, John Lorch Jr., and Mrs. Frank Schenk of Alton. He is also survived by his aged mother, Mrs. Mary E. Lorch, who lived in Upper Alton at the corner of Main and Powhattan streets. Mr. Lorch was a good workman and was esteemed very highly by the men among whom he had labored so many years. He was a good neighbor and his loss will be mourned by a large number of his friends, neighbors and relatives. The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Free Methodist Church on Main street, and burial will be at the Oakwood Cemetery.


LORCH, LILLIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 14, 1887
Died yesterday morning, Lillie, infant daughter of John P. and Lizzie Lorch; aged 14 months. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the German Methodist Church.


LORD, EMILY B. (nee BAKER) and Child/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 25, 1905
The funeral of Mrs. John K. Lord was held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ferguson, Fifteenth and Liberty street. The services were conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden of St. Paul's Episcopal church. There was a very large attendance of the friends of the young woman at the funeral services. Mrs. Lord was the possessor of a bright, happy, sweet disposition which had made her many friends, and their grief over her untimely death was manifested by the large attendance at the funeral, and the wealth of beautiful flowers offered with the sympathy of the friends. The little child which was born Saturday to Mrs. Lord, John K. Lord Jr., died Tuesday, and was buried in the same casket with its mother. Miss Lila Haskell sang a solo during the funeral services at the Ferguson home. The pallbearers were Eben Rodgers, John H. Moulton, C. M. Yager, John D. McAdams, Will Duncan, of Alton, and Dr. George Palmer of Springfield, all of whom had been friends of Mrs. Lord for many years in Alton. Burial was in City cemetery. Among those who attended the funeral were Lucien Baker of New Orleans, H. B. Baker of Ann Arbor, Mich., Col. and Mrs. J. P. Baker of St. Louis. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


LOTI, SAMUEL "WAR BOY"/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 7, 1913
Friend of Kit Carson; Fremont’s Pathfinder; Civil War Veteran
Samuel Loti, affectionately named "War Boy" by Kit Carson on account of his fearlessness, is dying at his home at 1227 Rodemeyer Street in his 86th year, of heart trouble and old age. He was unable to speak this morning and tell of the events of former days about which he would grow wild with enthusiasm. Mr. Loti, according to his wife, ran away from his home in Vermont when a young man seventeen years of age, and became such a friend of Kit Carson's, that he took him along in his western trips for his companion. Loti also went on Fremont's Pathfinder Expedition and served in the Civil and the Indian Wars. Four misfortunes robbed Loti of the chance of becoming a wealthy man, and therefore he was left to die in poverty. In Denver, Colorado, after he returned from his roving war life, he established a saloon, but in a row with a clergyman over a $20 contribution, he struck the clergyman whose followers swore vengeance. A few weeks later his saloon was burned with the money in it. During the Civil War he was on the Confederate side, and his 100 acres of land in Missouri were confiscated. Although a veteran of two wars, he was unable to get a pension.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 24, 1913
Samuel Loti, aged 87, died Sunday at his home on Rodemeyer Street from old age. He had been ill for a long time, and his death was expected several months ago, but he rallied enough to be downtown a few weeks ago. At that time it was urgently desired by some who were interested in him that he go with his aged wife and take up his home at the Nazareth Home in Middletown, but Loti was too proud to spend the declining days of his life in an institution that could in any way be classed as a charitable institution. He was given help by his friends and his close of life was made as easy as possible. Many kindhearted Alton citizens, on hearing of his decision not to leave his little home where he had lived so many years, took up his case and helped him.

Loti was one of the last survivors of the John C. Fremont Pathfinder Expedition. He, with Henry Mayo, formerly a negro resident of Alton, was a member of the Fremont party that went on the Western tour of exploration. He was a man of nerve and as long as he was able, he was an industrious, hard-working citizen. It was only when he became too old and too weak to work at the carpenter's trade that he gave it up. He had lost much during the Civil War. He took up the side of the Confederacy and was a soldier of the Confederacy. For this reason, the local chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy ministered to him.

Loti used to tell many incidents of his acquaintance with John C. Fremont, and also with Kit Carson, the noted trapper, who was the guide for the Fremont pathfinding party to the Western country. He always claimed to have been a favorite of Carson's, and was very proud of his acquaintance with him. Even up to the last, there was in the old man many of the remnants of the spirit that made him a brave Confederate soldier and a daring member of the Fremont party. He was a man of strong opinions and would frequently express them. It was one of the greatest sorrows of his life that he found it necessary to be somewhat dependent upon the help of others during the last days of his life.

Loti was fond of telling stories of his earlier days and was proud of the numerous experiences he had passed through. One of his most manifest traits was his hatred for Indians. He boasted that he had killed several hundred during his various tours over the plains, as the guide of Kit Carson, the noted trapper, and as a member of the John C. Fremont Pathfinder expedition. Kit Carson affectionately called him his "War Boy" on account of his fearlessness in fighting with the Indians.

Loti ran away from his home at the age of 17, when his parents, who were French ancestry, lived in Vermont. He went West in search of adventure, and landed in St. Louis where he met Kit Carson and was quickly appointed his favorite guide. Loti was a good marksman and a fine handler of horses which endeared him to Carson. During his trips on the plains he had numerous narrow escapes, but was never wounded. Loti was at one time a saloon keeper in Denver and was raising a neat little fortune in the business when a quarrel with a clergyman who was soliciting funds for a church got him into trouble and made him lose about $3,000 worth of property. Shortly after the trouble with the clergyman, whose friends swore vengeance, Loti's home and business building was burned down, he said. After his war experiences and when wandering through Missouri as a trapper, Loti became hard up and hired out as a farmhand to a certain farmer whose daughter he met and fell in love with. She is Mrs. Katherine Loti, twenty years his junior, who was his most affectionate and devoted nurse during his last few months of illness. Mr. Loti has resided in Rodemeyer Avenue for about twenty years. The couple have no children. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.

John C. Fremont first met frontiersman “Christopher Huston “Kit” Carson on a Missouri River steamboat in St. Louis during the summer of 1842. Fremont was preparing to lead his first expedition and was looking for a guide to take him to South Pass in the Rocky Mountains. Carson offered his services, as he had spent much time in the area as a hunter and trapper. The five-month journey, made with 25 men, was a success. From 1842 to 1846, Fremont and his guide Carson, along with Samuel Loti, led expedition parties on the Oregon Trail and into the Sierra Nevada. During his expeditions in the Sierra Nevada, Fremont became the first American to see Lake Tahoe, and is also credited with determining the Great Basin as endorheic, that is, having no outlet to the sea or a river. One of Fremont's reports from an expedition inspired the Mormons to consider Utah for settlement. He also mapped volcanoes such as Mount St. Helens. John Freemont was later a Senator for California, and was the first Republican candidate for President of the United States.

“Kit” Carson learned to speak Spanish and French fluently. He learned the lands, cultures, and languages of the Native Americans, and married two Native American women. After his expeditions with Fremont, Carson took up ranching in New Mexico, and in 1853 drove a large flock of sheep to California, where gold rush prices paid him a large profit. Returning to New Mexico, Carson was appointed Federal Indian Agent, until joining the Civil War in 1861. Carson stated in a biography that Fremont’s service to his country were great, and he never forget Fremont’s treatment of his men when undergoing the severest of hardships. Fremont always suffered along with his men, and participated in all that was undertaken. Lt. George Douglas Brewerton later wrote of Carson that he found him plain, simple, and unostentatious, below medium height, with brown curly hair and a voice as soft as a woman’s. The “hero of a hundred desperate encounters” was one of Nature’s gentlemen, but nowhere better suited than in the backwoods of America. Carson became a popular hero in many Western novels, and spent his final months as superintendent of Indian affairs for the Colorado Territory. He died on May 23, 1868, and his last words were, “Doctor, compadre, adios!”

Samuel “War Boy” Loti, who was part of the story of the great American West, was buried in the Greenwood (now known as St. Patrick’s) Cemetery in Godfrey. Unfortunately, I could find no photo of him. How I wish he could tell us his story, and the tales of the American West!


LOVE, STELLA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 4, 1910
The body of Stella Love, a carbolic acid victim who committed suicide, will be shipped to Carmi, Ill. tonight.


LOVE, SYLVESTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 29, 1902
Sylvester Love, the negro fatally wounded by Arthur Smith Sunday morning at Front and Ridge streets while a party of negroes were going home from a dance they had been attending in North Alton, died yesterday afternoon at St. Joseph's hospital. He made his dying statement charging Smith with willful murder and also implicating many others of the party in the shooting as accomplices. All the negroes who were in the party from Alton who attended the dance at North Alton Saturday night and heard the trouble between Love and Smith have been subpoenaed as witnesses, and the inquest was begun at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon and evidence is being taken in the police station before Deputy Coroner Streeper.


LOVEJOY, CELIA ANN/Source: Shasta, California Courier, July 30, 1870
Widow of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy
The Trinity Journal chronicles the death of Mrs. Celia Ann Lovejoy, mother of the editor, on July 9, 1870. She was the widow of Elijah P. Lovejoy, murdered by a pro-slavery mob at Alton, Illinois in 1837.

Source: Weaverville, California, Weekly Trinity Journal, July 16, 1870
It is the lot of all to die. It is certain that the destroying angel will in turn enter every household, yet the thoughtless inhabitants of earth do not realize this until death stares them in the face, or they are suddenly and rudely separated from those they hold most dear. It is the mournful duty and priceless privilege of the writer of this article to chronicle the demise and publish to the world the virtues of a dearly-beloved mother, Mrs. Celia Ann Lovejoy. She had been in frail health for several years, but it was not suspected that she had any organic disease. On Saturday, July 9, she attended upon a dying woman (a stranger in the place), and from the shock received at witnessing a death-bed scene, she never recovered. On Sunday following, she was barely able to be around. On Monday next, she was unable to be up, and that evening, while vomiting, burst a blood vessel, and expired in the arms of her only son in less than half a minute.

The life of Mrs. Lovejoy was an eventful one, and she drank deeply of the bitter cup of adversity. Reared in the lap of luxury, her trials began with her marriage. Her husband was hunted down like a wild beast, and was finally assassinated in cold blood. Through all these troubles and exciting times, she never flinched nor faltered. Threats nor entreaties could not divide her from her husband in the hour of danger. When he was laid low by the hand of midnight assassins, after the ensuing paroxysm of anguish, she devoted herself to the rearing of his infant son. Most nobly did she discharge this duty. Language is too weak to express her utter unselfishness and self-sacrificing devotion. The object of her unbounded affection lives only to cause her memory to be beloved and revered. No monument can be too costly as a token of remembrance, and no epitaph, however studied, exaggerate her many virtues. Charitable to a fault, her good deeds were carefully concealed from everyone. Industrious as the day was long, upon the slightest symptom of indisposition on their part, she would urge upon others the necessity of refraining from labor and taking the best care of themselves. To be concise, the character of this good woman is best described in the words of the poet – “And e’en her feeling leaned to virtue’s side.”

Having arrived at a ripe old age, and seeing her darling boy established in life, she often said she had no further ambition to gratify, and was ready to go. For her son, she was ready to make any sacrifice; his welfare was her sole aim. When he forgets her unutterable affection and unselfish devotion, may a just God forget him. About this dead decaying mother, he could write and speak forever, but the world would not care to hear. There must be an end to all things, and he must close. It is hard to bid adieu to such a friend. The relations of this mother and son were peculiar. For more than twenty years, they were all in all to each other. By day and night, they were constant companions. Between them there existed an exclusive and unreserved confidence. They lived in a world of their own, baring their inmost hearts to each other, but to none else. The world can never know or understand the sorrows of the survivor, and enough has been said. The funeral obsequies are over. It only remains to speak the last sorrowful words of parting. Beloved mother, pleasant companion, cheering comforter, faithful friend, father, mother, brother, sister, more than all combined, a sad, a last, a long farewell.


Son of Rev. Elijah Payson Lovejoy
Reno Evening Gazette, August 28, 1891
Edward Payson Lovejoy died on August 26, 1891, after a brief illness, at Wabuska, Nevada, on Wednesday night, of which the Chronicle last night says:

“Mr. Lovejoy had been ill but five or six days, suffering from a complication of troubles, chiefly of the heart and stomach. He had been confined to his bed but a few hours before his death, which occurred very suddenly, and probably due to heart failure.

Deceased was a native of St. Louis, Missouri, aged 55 years (born March 12, 1836). He had been on this coast for over thirty years and followed mining in early days in California. He was for a number of years editor of the Trinity County Journal in the palmy days of that county and held the office of District Attorney of the same county. He was well known of the Comstock and some years ago kept the American Exchange Hotel in this city. The funeral will take place tomorrow in Dayton, upon the arrival of the five o'clock train over the C. & C. from the south, under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge of Mason Valley, assisted by others of the order. He was a member of Carson Chapter, R.A.M., also a member of the order of I.O.O.F. and the A.O.U.W.”

Source: Alton Telegraph, November 26, 1891
As many of our readers are aware, Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy left a son, Edward Payson Lovejoy, who was hardly more than an infant at the time of his father’s tragic death. This son was with his mother in Alton from the year 1836 until about 1851, having previously had a brief residence in various places, then removed and disappeared so completely that the most diligent inquiry of relatives failed to reveal his whereabouts. Not until a few months ago could any trace be obtained of him. Then a letter was received by his aunt, Mrs. Hammond of Evanston, Illinois, written by the man himself, and giving an account of his wanderings and vicissitudes of fortune from the time he last left Alton in 1851 until now. Mr. Lovejoy is at present a resident of Wabuska, Nevada, where he is Postmaster, and engaged in other business. His mother, who always made her home with him, died July 10, 1870, in Colorado [according to her obit above, she died in California], in the 58th year of her age.

After the final departure from Alton, the mother and son resided for several years in Iowa, near Keokuk, where they remained, engaged in farming until 1857, when they moved to Colorado. Young Lovejoy there engaged in mining, but subsequently studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1865, was successively Justice of the Peace, District Attorney, and County Judge. He met with reverses in a milling venture, and removed to Virginia City, Nevada about 1878, and in 1881 to Wabuska, his present residence, where he is moderately prosperous. He is married, but has no children.




Owen LovejoyLOVEJOY, OWEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 1, 1864
Brother of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy
The death of this distinguished politician and philanthropist occurred in Brooklyn, New York, on the 25th instant. He had been unwell for several weeks previous, but still his friends hoped that he would ultimately recover, until a few days since when it became evident that his conflict with evil in this world would soon be brought to a close. His death will prove a great loss to his family, his Congressional district, and to the nation at large. He has also left many warm, personal friends in Alton, who have always regarded his career with peculiar interest, induced by the strong attachment they had formed for him while a resident in Alton, in the beginning of his remarkable and checkered career. The most of his life was devoted to the ministry, in which profession he not only displayed ability, but much eloquence and adaptability to the work in which he was engaged. His entire pastoral labors were expended, however, wit the Congregational Church in Princeton, Bureau County, in Illinois. A church he organized and built up until it is now among the strongest churches of that denomination in the State.

After he was elected to Congress, he resigned his pastoral charge, and we do not think he has preached very much since. As his political career is so familiar to our readers, it is not necessary that we should enlarge upon it at all in this place.

His funeral is to take place today at Brooklyn, New York, Messrs. Beecher and Storrs officiating. His death will probably be announced in the House today by Mr. Washburne, and a committee of the House appointed to go to Brooklyn and accompany the remains to Illinois.


LOVELESS, W. H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30, 1921
W. H. Loveless, aged 67, died at midnight Thursday at the family home, 1730 Bozza street, after a two years illness. Although having been in ill-health for so long a time, Loveless' death at this time was not expected. The deceased came to Alton nearly 30 years ago and for the past 27 years has been an employee of the Illinois Glass Co. He is survived by his wife, Ellen, and two children, Wesley Loveless of Alton, and Mrs. W. F. Wallace of Bridgton, N. J. He also leaves two grandchildren in Alton, and four grandchildren in Brighton. The body will be taken to the home of Wesley Loveless at 1714 Bozza street. The arrangements for the funeral are incomplete, awaiting word from Mrs. Wallace. Mr. Loveless is well known in Alton, especially in the neighborhood in which he resided, and his illness has been watched closely by friends. The news of his death was received with much regret among the many friends of the family.


LOVELL, HARRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 26, 1898
Two Killed in Alby Street Sewer Cave-In
A fatal cave-in of the Alby Street sewer yesterday resulted in the death of two men and the injury of two others. The dead are Harry Lovell and Joseph Steigler, who went to work for Contractor Charles Degenhardt at noon. The injured are Joseph Llewellyn, who lives with his family near the waterworks pumping station; William Manly of 612 Belle Street, who is married.

The entire force of ten men was working along the line of the sewer between Sixth and Fifth Streets, when the cave-in occurred. Only five men were down in the deepest part of the trench, which was 12 feet deep, when the bank caved in. A mass of earth 30 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 12 feet high slipped down and buried the men. Manley and Llewellyn were at the north end of the ditch, and were not buried very deep, so their lives were saved.

Harry Lovell and Joseph Steigler were working together and were crushed under the mass of mud, tons in weight, and were probably instantly killed.

Contractor Degenhardt was overseeing the job when the cave-in occurred, and a call for help was made. A dozen men were soon at work digging to save the lives of the men buried under the crush of earth. Llewellyn and Manley were rescued from their dangerous position, and taken to their homes where surgical aid was given them.

Lovell’s body was recovered at about 3 o’clock, and Steigler’s body fifteen minutes later. The bodies were in a standing posture, and were terribly crushed. Steigler’s neck was broken, and his body mashed in a horrible manner. Harry Lovell is a young man about 27 years of age, and was married, living on Main Street. His body was taken home as soon as recovered. Steigler has lived in Alton only a year or two. He joined the Salvation Army several weeks ago, and lately has been their flag-bearer.

The accident was due to failure to brace the walls of the ditch, which were of made earth, and very unsubstantial.


LOVETT, AMY/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 08, 1871
Monticello Ladies Seminary Student
Died at Monticello Seminary after a sickness of four days from rheumatism of the heart, Miss Amy Lovett, youngest daughter of S. T. Lovett of Hannibal, Missouri; aged 16 years. This is the first death of a pupil in Monticello Seminary since its commencement in 1838.

Source: Alton Telegraph, December 15, 1871
From the Hannibal, Missouri, Courier
The tenderest things concerning the dead can never be told, and yet it is the blessed privilege of the living to let fall some sweetly sacred words of remembrance when “He giveth our Beloved sleep.” Neither need we refrain from such utterance, inasmuch as they who go to the grave to weep there understand the sad significance of tribute to the dear one “who is not,” because angels have taken her to the Mansions of the Master. Such a sorrowful record is the following:

Died at Monticello Seminary, Godfrey, Illinois, November 29, of rheumatism of the heart, Amy Lovett, aged sixteen, daughter of S. I. Lovett, Hannibal, Missouri. Heavily laden with grief as such lines are, they tell the story, but in part. They speak not, except to those who knew the beautiful life of the sixteen years, the tender memories of her three month’s life at Monticello, the patient suffering at the last, during a brief illness of four days. Quiet and undemonstrative, though conscientious and decided in character, she was a child who gave unusual promise of becoming a thoroughly matured and concsistent Christian woman. She was strongly individual, and while teachable, independent enough to shape her instructions in the mould of her own pure and earnest thought. Of delicate organization, both physical and spiritual, of discriminating taste and rapidly maturing intellect, she could be but an accurate and self-reliant scholar, although sweetly unpretentious and winning ever, in that she rather shrank from, than courted observation. Her sympathies were keen, while unselfishness and tender regard for others were the rules of unobtrusive school life.

Her teachers, who learned to love and greatly delight in her, also made themselves acquainted with her progress in the Divine way, that leadeth unto Life, and ascertained after her death, from her roommate, that she expressed herself in sure possession of the pearl, which is priceless, beyond all comparison with earthly jewels.

Knowing how precious such tidings would be to the most solicitous of parents, she decided with her characteristic appreciation of beautiful methods, in which to do beautiful things, to make her communication with her own tongue, rather than with her pen, and writes her mother, “I have something to tell you at Christmas.” Alas! The touching Christmas gift of the child’s confidence, the most precious the mother could ever have received, was prematurely bestowed by strangers, because the dearest lips in the world were mute in death. And when the Holy days, which we call holidays, shall come again to the bereaved ones, their darling will be where she shall hear the heavenly story of the Christ child, who “gave Himself for us” as told by Cherubim and Seraphim before the throne of God. Signed, Harriet N. Haskell, Monticello Seminary, Godfrey, Illinois, December 1, 1871.


LOWDER, DUDLEY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 24, 1917
The funeral of Dudley Lowder was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late home on Market street and services were conducted by Rev. Heggemeier of the German Evangelical Church. Burial was in City Cemetery.


LOWDER, W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 17, 1913
W. Lowder, aged 82, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mabel Foy of 314 Market street, at 5:45 o'clock last evening. Lowder has been ailing for over a year and his death was expected for some time. He leaves one son and three daughters, Dudley Lowder and Mrs. Mabel Foy of Alton, and Mrs. Dora G. Berry of Excelsior Springs, Mo., and Mrs. Flora Utt of Kansas City, Mo. Lowder has lived in Alton for ten years. The arrangements for the funeral have not been completed.


LOWE, ALFRED HUMBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 5, 1897
Son of William Calvin Lowe
Civil War Veteran
The dark angel has again entered the ranks of Upper Alton’s respected citizens, and claimed another victim. It was a great surprise and shock to his many friends when the news of Mr. Lowe’s death was borne about yesterday afternoon. He had only been ill since Tuesday, and the final end came yesterday at 12:50. He was taken with lung fever, which rapidly culminated in pneumonia, and not until a short time before his death was much danger apprehended. He leaves a widow and five children, as follows: Carrie E. Lowe; Cora M. Lowe; Julia E. Lowe; Herbert Lowe; and Blanche B. Lowe; all of whom live in Upper Alton. This is the first time death has entered the family circle. His brothers are Messrs. Mike, Richard and Samuel Lowe. One brother, the later Mr. Cal Lowe, having died a short time ago.

Mr. Lowe was a soldier in the late Civil War, and was honored and respected by a large community. He had spent his life in Upper Alton, having been born here in October 1839. The funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon from his late residence on Brown Street, and conducted by Revs. J. L. Wylder and C. H. Moscrip. The interment will be in Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


LOWE, ALFRED L./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 12, 1872
Died on July 7, in Upper Alton, of inflammation of the brain, Alfred L., infant son of A. H. and Hattie E. Lowe; aged 11 months and 8 days.


LOWE, BLANCHE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 3, 1912
Miss Blanche Lowe, daughter of Mrs. Humbert Lowe of Benbow Avenue, died Sunday night from inflammatory rheumatism, which affected her heart, after a week’s illness. She is survived by her mother, three sisters, and one brother. Owing to the fact that some of the family are away from home, the time of the funeral has not been set.


LOWE, CHARLES A./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 18, 1886
From Upper Alton – Mr. Charles A. Lowe, oldest living son of M. A. Lowe, passed quietly away on Saturday afternoon after an illness of several months. The funeral was attended Sunday afternoon from the M. E. Church. [Burial was in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.]


LOWE, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 27, 1916
Member of Old Upper Alton Family
Edward Lowe, one of the two remaining members of the Mike Lowe family of Upper Alton, died this morning at 2:30 o'clock at St. Joseph's Hospital following a stroke of paralysis that overtook him Sunday afternoon while in the Alton Hotel at Second and George streets, where he made his home. The sick man was removed immediately to St. Joseph's Hospital as it was evident his condition was serious. At the hospital, the attending physicians found that a blood clot had settled on the left side of the brain and they made an effort to keep him quiet and few of his relatives were allowed to see him. His condition grew worse and at 2:30 o'clock this morning he died. Before death came Mr. Lowe regained consciousness and talked with his brother, James Lowe. The death of Ed Lowe this morning leaves one surviving member of the Mike Lowe family, James Lowe, of Upper Alton. The family was one of the old and well known families of this vicinity. M. A. Lowe, the father, died six years ago last spring. The sinking of the Lusitania last spring, in which disaster Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tesson of New York lost their lives, removed the one sister, Mrs. Tesson, who was a member of the Lowe family. Her death left the two brother, Ed and Jim, and the death of the former this morning leaves the one surviving member of the old family. Since the Mike Lowe estate was settled last summer and the heirs sold the farm which is now Woodlawn, Ed Lowe was boarding and made his home at the hotel, where his illness overtook him Sunday afternoon. He was born on the Lowe place on Main street in 1851, and would have been 66 years old in January, had he lived until that time. The body was taken charge of this morning by Undertaker C. N. Streeper, and was removed to the undertaking rooms. The funeral will be held at the residence of his nephew, Charles Atkins, of 2428 Judson avenue, probably Thursday afternoon.


LOWE, ELIZA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 11, 1902
Mrs. Eliza Lowe, wife of M. A. Lowe, died Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the family home in Upper Alton after a four weeks illness with kidney troubles. She was born in Nashville, Tenn., and was 76 years old. Most of Mrs. Lowe's life was spent in Upper Alton, and she was well known and highly esteemed there by neighbors and intimate friends alike. She was the daughter of Peter Wagner, who moved to Upper Alton when his daughter was 8 years old. She leaves beside her husband, three children, Mrs. Alice Tesson of Philadelphia, and Messrs. James and Edward R. Lowe of Upper Alton. The funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon, and will be conducted at the home at 2 o'clock by Rev. M. L. Cole of the Methodist church.


LOWE, ELIZABETH/Source: Find A Grave
Daughter of George W. Lowe
Elizabeth Lowe was born in about 1841. She was the daughter of George W. and Harriet Lowe. Elizabeth died at the age of 19 years, in February 1860. She was buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


LOWE, FREDDIE WARREN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 17, 1899
The death angel entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lowe in Upper Alton Monday night, and took away Freddie Warren, the youngest child. The manly little fellow, eight years old, had won much love in his short pilgrimage, and was the idol of the home. He was taken sick Thursday with the prevailing grip, and every hope was entertained for his recovery. But he grew rapidly worse Monday evening, and after complaining severely of his head, the little sufferer laid his tired head on his arm and dropped peacefully to sleep, and his waking was in Heaven. The parents have the greatest sympathy in their bereavement, for Freddie had many friends. The funeral will take place at two o'clock on Wednesday from the home on Edwards Street.


LOWE, GEORGE M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 25, 1913
J. B. Lowe received word yesterday of the death of his cousin, George M. Lowe, of Lufkin, Tex. He had lived in Alton, Ill. until the late rebellion, when he enlisted in the Second Illinois Cavalry, under Maj. Frank Moore. Of the 1,200 men in the regiment, 359 were permitted to return. Mr. Lowe was a son of Zephaniah Lowe, who with his brother Sylvester W. Lowe, built Shurtleff College. Of his large family, one son remains, Henry C. Lowe of Memphis, Tenn. Mr. Lowe was in his 72nd year. Diabetes was the cause of death. He had lived in the South most of the time since the close of the Rebellion.


LOWE, JOHN H./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1928
Son of Sylvester W. Lowe
John H. Lowe died Saturday evening, February 11, 1928, after a long illness at the residence of his brother, Warren W. Lowe, on Edwards Street, at the corner of Seminary. While he had been in a poor state of health more than a year, Mr. Lowe’s final illness started just three weeks before his death. So desperate was his condition at the beginning of the turn three weeks ago, there was no hope for his recovery. During the last week he had been unconscious all the time, and the end had been expected for days.

Mr. Lowe was a native of Upper Alton, and with the exception of a period of slightly less than two years (he was in Florida many years ago), he had spent his entire life in this city. He was born May 25, 1848, on the corner of College Avenue and Seminary Street, where the Upper Alton Baptist Church stands – a block from the point where his death occurred. He would have been 80 years old next May. His parents, Sylvester W. Lowe and Sarah Matthews Lowe, were pioneer residents of Upper Alton, having located in the town, then a very small village, in 1829, when they came from Virginia. John H. Lowe was one of the best posted men in Alton on subjects having a bearing on the early history of the vicinity. He had a very clear memory, and on many occasions, he was called upon for information as to events that took place in the early days.

Of a large family, Mr. Lowe’s brother, Warren W. Lowe, is the sole survivor since the death of Mr. Lowe Saturday night. The two brothers had always lived together, and the only time they were separated in their lives was the two years John spent in Florida. He had never married, and the residence of W. W. Lowe, who is about 3 years his junior, was always home to him. Their comradeship was quite remarkable. They had always gotten along together, and when one of the brothers had anything the other wanted, he took it and nothing was said.

The brothers had passed through an epidemic of cholera that visited Alton in 1854, and in which time their mother and a sister were taken. Even though Upper Alton was a very small place at that time, and there were not many people there, it has been said in years gone by that over one hundred people perished in the few weeks the epidemic lasted. The cholera epidemic in Upper Alton of 1854 holds an important place in history of the town, especially with the pioneers of the neighborhood. After that date, another epidemic of cholera was never known here.

John Lowe followed the carpenter trade in his younger days. Being noted himself for a neat personal appearance, he was the same way with everything he had to do with. When he did a job of work, it was neatly done, no matter what kind of a job it was. Later in life he engaged in the lightning rod business, and during the years he followed the trade, he equipped many buildings with rods. For a number of years he was in partnership in the lightning rod business with the late Marion T. Christy, and the two traveled many miles into the country in Madison County and surrounding counties, to place rods on fine farm buildings. In this manner, Mr. Lowe had gained a wide acquaintance.

Surviving him, besides his brother, Warren W. Lowe, are three nieces (Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mrs. John W. Olmstead of Alton; and Mrs. Jay Haney of Roodhouse); also, two nephews (Benjamin Lowe of St. Louis, and Morris Wempen of Alton). He also leaves a large number of more distant relatives in Alton. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at the Lowe residence at Edwards and Seminary Streets, and burial will be at the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


LOWE, JOHN HARVEY/Source: Find A Grave
Son of George W. Lowe
John Harvey Lowe was born April 27, 1844, in Missouri. He married on December 25, 1877, to Sarah “Sadie” Jane Karr (1859-1891), and they had one son, Guerney Ratio Lowe (1880-1955). After Sarah Karr Lowe died in 1891, John H. Lowe married Jennie Mills. They had an infant daughter who was born and died in 1897. John divorced Jennie about a year or two before his death in 1900. John died of malaria in Newton County, Missouri, on April 27, 1900, at the age of 56 years. He is buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Neosho, Newton County, Missouri.


LOWE, JOHN L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 21, 1890
Son of William Calvin Lowe
The remains of the late John L. Lowe, who died Saturday, October 18, in the State Insane Asylum at Jacksonville, was brought here on the Chicago & Alton train this morning. The funeral took place immediately on the arrival of the body at the depot, the interment being in the Upper Alton Cemetery.

The deceased was for many years in business here, but subsequently moved onto a farm in the southern part of the county, where he became insane about a year ago and was sent to Jacksonville. He married Emaline “Emily” Hunt, born in about 1831 in Illinois.


LOWE, LIANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1840
Died in Upper Alton, on the 15th inst., Liann Lowe, daughter of S. W. Lowe, aged 3 months.


LOWE, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 25, 1840
Died, in Upper Alton, on the 12th inst., Mrs. Mary Lowe, wife of Sylvester W. Lowe, aged 19 years and 9 months.


LOWE, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 26, 1885
From Fosterburg – Mrs. Mary Lowe, formerly of Upper Alton, was buried here last Friday; disease – consumption. She leaves three children. Her husband, W. P. Lowe, preceded her but four weeks to the “silent land.”


LOWE, MARY ELIZABETH (nee GILLHAM)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 10, 1922
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lowe, wife of W. W. Lowe was called by death on Monday morning at the home of Lee Lowe, 2808 Edwards street, after a week's illness with pneumonia. She was the eldest daughter of Daniel B. and Lucretia Smith Gillham Lowe, and would have been seventy years olf had she lived till August 10th. Born at Wanda, Illinois, Aug 10, 1852, she moved with her family to Upper Alton in her early girlhood. She received her education in the Alton schools and at Elmira College at Greenville, Illinois. In 18?? she was married to Warren W. Lowe of Upper Alton, who survives her. Besides her husband, she leaves three children - Benjamin II. Lowe of St. Louis, Mo., and Mrs. Arthur L. Smith, and Mrs. John W. Olmstead of Alton; also three grandchildren. One child, Freddie, a child of eight, preceded her. She also leaves her mother, Mrs. A. H. Gillham of Alton; one brother, William L. Gillham off San Jose, Calif., and four sisters, Mrs. Thomas S. Young of Denver, Colo., Mrs. S. H. Bowyer of Cincinnati, Ohio; Mrs. Herman Cole of Springfield, Illinois; and Miss Virginia Gillham of Alton, Ill. She was a woman of great generosity, hospitality and devotion to her home, family and neighbors, bound by the strongest of ties to those whom she loved and served. She will be buried from the home where she had spent practically all her life, Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The services will be conducted by two brothers-in-law, Dr. S. H. Bawyer of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Dr. Thomas S. Young of Denver, Colo. She will be buried beside her beloved child in Oakwood cemetery.


LOWE, MICHAEL A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 27, 1910
Upper Alton Pioneer
Michael A. Lowe died Tuesday night [April 26] shortly after midnight at his homestead on south Main Street in Upper Alton. Mr. Lowe was 87 years old in January and was probably one of the oldest residents of the immediate vicinity of Alton. Up to last February Mr. Lowe has been in remarkably good health and the strength and vitality shown by him was the admiration of all his friends. His breakdown started in February when he had to attend court in Edwardsville when his sons, James and Ed Lowe, were attempting to show that their father was not capable of attending to his business affairs longer. His case came on one of the worst days in the winter and the trip to the county seat was a very hard one on the old man. He made the trip, however, and since that day his health failed steadily. His death was looked for at almost any time during the past six days.

Michael A. Lowe was born at Uniontown, Virginia in 1823, to William Calvin and Mary Catherine (Spade) Lowe. With his father and mother, he came to St. Louis at the age of 5 years. His father, with two other brothers, walked up to Alton from St. Louis and decided to locate here. They lived in St. Louis two months and then moved to Upper Alton, and since that time Mr. Lowe has been a resident of Upper Alton. His mind was always perfectly clear and he remembered well many occurrences of the early days about Alton, and his old-time stories were very interesting. His wife, Eliza Wagner Lowe, died twenty years ago. He is survived by three children, viz: James and Ed Lowe of Upper Alton, and Mrs. Alice Tesson of New York City. He also leaves six grandchildren.

For many years M. A. Lowe and his wife conducted a summer boarding house at their residence. They had a fine house which stands in a beautiful grove of trees, and every summer their patrons came up from St. Louis and spent the season. His death removed one of the oldest and most respected residents. He leaves one brother, Samuel Lowe, and one half-brother, Frank K. Lowe, both of Upper Alton. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home. As an indication of how well Mr. Lowe's faculties were preserved, he had no difficulty in establishing in court recently that he was perfectly able to take care of his own property. His strength seemed to begin failing after that incident in his career. The place on which he lived is said to be a very valuable piece of property, as a good part of it is level. During his lifetime, he would not sell the place for building sites, but preferred to conduct a farm in the village of Upper Alton on land that is said to be worth in the neighborhood of $1,000 per acre.

Michael A. Lowe was present at the Lincoln-Douglas debate in Alton in 1858. He was 35 years old at the time. Mr. Lowe was buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. Mr. Lowe’s daughter, Alice Lowe Atkins Tesson, and her husband, Frank B. Tesson, were aboard the ship RMS Lusitania on May 7, 1915, when it was torpedoed by a German U-boat, and sank in 18 minutes. Their bodies were never recovered. The couple boarded the ship intending to go to Paris on a buying trip for John Wanamaker Stores, where he was assistant manager of the shoe department. Frank’s father was Captain Francis Honore Tesson, who was a popular riverboat pilot on the Mississippi.

The Michael A. Lowe home was located on a 100-acre tract at Main Street and Grandview Avenue in Upper Alton. It was built by Lowe, and sat on one of the highest points in Upper Alton. It was an Upper Alton landmark. The home was purchased in 1917 by Mrs. Herman Luer, who converted the 18-room building into the Grandview apartments. She then installed bathrooms on three of the floors, and made other improvements. The rest of the property was divided into tracts for homes.

Michael Lowe’s brother, Richard Lowe, conducted the Laclede Hotel in Upper Alton for 25 years. He was best known as a horseman, and was passionately fond of horses. He was the owner of the famous race horse, “M. C. Jr.”


LOWE, MILLARD J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 27, 1922
Millard J. Lowe, son of Samuel S. Lowe, of 1307 Washington avenue, died at his home at 12:30 am. today in his forty-sixth year. Mr. Lowe has been in poor health for the past two years, but his illness was not considered serious until the last two weeks. Everything possible was done in order to restore his health, but all efforts proved in vain. He spent some months in Florida the past winter in hope that the change of climate would prove beneficial, but the relief was only temporary. Throughout his illness, Mr. Lowe was always hopeful of recovery and followed his doctors advice with the utmost faithfulness. During the last few weeks his illness was alarming. He said that "it was the will of the Almighty," and he was reconciled to his passing. Mr. Lowe was a commuter for a number of years and had many warm friends among his fellow passengers. He was well liked by everyone who knew him. Mr. Lowe was born on August 14, 1876, and his whole life was spent in this community. In 1908 he married Emma B. McMahon, who with the aged father and his only sister, Mrs. Olive M. Riehl, survive. He was a member of Franklin lodge A. F. and A. M. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.


LOWE, RICHARD E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 29, 1905
Upper Alton Pioneer and Horseman
Richard E. Lowe, aged 81, died Thursday night at his residence in Upper Alton on Elizabeth street near Locust, after an illness of three days. His death was very unexpected. Mr. Lowe was taken ill with what seemed a slight ailment, and a physician was summoned. He lived alone with a housekeeper at his residence. About midnight, while the woman who kept house for him was giving him medicine, Mr. Lowe's hand suddenly fell to his side and he appeared to be dying. She summoned help but the old gentleman had passed away. "Dick" Lowe, as he was known, was one of the best known residents of Upper Alton. He had lived in Upper Alton almost all his life, having come from Monroe county, Virginia, now West Virginia, when four years of age. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lowe, with their six children, settled in Upper Alton in 1829, and were among the earliest settlers in the place. Except for a year that Mr. Lowe was absent in Kansas, conducting a broom factory, his whole life was passed in and around Upper Alton. He was born January 4, 1825. He conducted the Laclede hotel in Upper Alton for 25 years. Mr. Lowe was probably best known as a horseman. He was passionately fond of horses and devoted much time to their improvement. He was the owner of a famous race horse, "M. C., Jr.," and his place on the brow of the hill overlooking what is now the site of the Federal lead works was known as "M. C., Jr.'s Home. He leaves five children, Mrs. William Johnson of Carrollton, Mrs. Daniel Depry of Hutchinson, Kan., William and C. E. Lowe of Edwardsville, and Edward Lowe of Alton. He leaves also two brothers, M. A. Lowe and Samuel Lowe, and a half brother, Frank Lowe of Upper Alton. The funeral will probably be held Sunday afternoon from the home of Mr. Lowe.


LOWE, SAMUEL STANTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 10, 1924
Last of Pioneer Family
Civil War Veteran
The funeral of Samuel Lowe, old Upper Alton resident who died suddenly Saturday afternoon, March 8, at his home on Washington Avenue, was held this afternoon and burial was in the Oakwood Cemetery on a lot where Mr. Lowe had buried his wife and two sons. There was a large attendance at the services, which were held in the residence at 1307 Washington Avenue.

Mr. Lowe’s death Saturday afternoon was sudden, but was not unexpected. He had been in failing health for over a year, and he frequently experienced heart attacks. He had been informing his friends for some time that he would drop dead, and he was continuously expecting a fatal attack. Saturday afternoon, when Mr. Lowe’s daughter-in-law, Mrs. Emma Lowe, arrived home from her work in the office of the glass company, she found him lying on the floor beside his chair, where he had dropped. He was unconscious, but life was not extinct. She summoned his physician, who arrived soon. The physician held out no hope, and at 2 o’clock he passed away.

Mr. Lowe was born in Upper Alton in the same block where his death occurred. He was 82 years old on Friday, the day before his death. He spent his entire life in Upper Alton, with the exception of a time when he drove a team of oxen to Denver, and the years he served in the Civil War.

Mr. Lowe had a most interesting career during his long life, and especially in the early days in Upper Alton. He was the son of William Calvin Lowe, a pioneer of this section, and he was the youngest of a family of seven brothers, all of whom are dead. He was the last of the family of which most all the present generation of Lowes have descended. The late Mike, Cal, and Dick Lowe, all of whom lived to be very old residents of Upper Alton, were brothers.

Mr. Lowe could tell very interesting incidents of early day history in this section of this city. His father lived on the land on Washington Avenue, which is now the block between Benbow Avenue and Bloomfield Street. When Mr. Lowe was a boy, his father used to sit on the front porch of his home, and shoot wild ducks over a pond that was then on the land across the street. In 1858, when he was 16 years old, Mr. Lowe accompanied a government caravan in a cross-country trip to Denver, driving a team of oxen. A brother also went along on this trip. The experience of this cross-country trip was in some incidents exciting. Mr. Lowe told of the trouble the caravan was caused by buffalo, and it would be necessary at night for some of the men to remain up and keep the buffalo out of their herd of oxen. Once in a while, a buffalo would be found in the herd in the morning. At one time, the caravan got into a buffalo stampede, and all the drivers had narrow escapes from losing their lives. The city of Denver was at that time, Mr. Lowe said, a small settlement. Soon after arriving home from the trip West, the Civil War broke out, and Mr. Lowe enlisted. After the war he never left Alton.

A few years ago, Millard Lowe, the youngest child of Mr. Lowe, bought a lot on Washington Avenue in the block where his ancestors had resided many years before, and he built a new house there. His parents continued to live at their old home place on Benbow Avenue until Mrs. Lowe’s death occurred eight years ago. After her death, Mr. Lowe went to the home of his son on Washington Avenue to make his home. The death of the son occurred there 21 months ago, and since that time Mr. Lowe continued to reside there with his daughter-in-law.

Mr. Lowe leaves one daughter, Mrs. Ollie Lowe Reihl. Also, three grandchildren: Archie, Norma, and Virginia Reihl. So confident was he that his death would occur soon and in a sudden manner, Mr. Lowe had named six men whom he desired to act as his pallbearers.

The funeral services were held this afternoon in the home, and were conducted by Rev. D. T. Magill, and were attended by many people, some of whom had lived in the neighborhood with Mr. Lowe a half century. Some fine floral pieces were sent by sympathetic friends.


LOWE, SARAH A. (nee ROBINSON)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 11, 1888
Died in Upper Alton, Tuesday, April 10, Mrs. Sarah A. Lowe, aged 55 years, 3 months, 10 days. She was taken ill Saturday evening, but no fatal results were apprehended until yesterday, when she became unconscious and passed away peacefully at the hour mentioned. Deceased was born at Dorchester, Massachusetts, a daughter of Mr. John Robinson, a former resident of this place, and had lived in Alton 41 years. She was married to the late S. W. Lowe in 1858. She was a very estimable lady, and besides many other relatives and friends, leaves three children: J. H. Lowe; Warren W. Lowe; and Nellie Lowe, to mourn her death. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the Baptist Church at Upper Alton. Friends are invited to attend. [Burial was in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.]


LOWE, SUSAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 20, 1910
Mrs. Susan Lowe, aged 79, known to many as Grandma Lowe, passed away last night shortly after midnight at the homestead on Brown street. Her death had been expected at times for many months, but her wonderful vitality prevailed and she improved many times when her condition was such that her relatives could not see how she could recover. She had been in very feeble health the last fifteen years, and during the past six years she was helpless. Mrs. Lowe was one of the old residents of Upper Alton. She was married to Calvin Lowe in that village sixty years ago, and she has lived continuously ever since in Upper Alton. She leaves four sons, O. V., A. L. R. B., and N. S. Lowe, all of Upper Alton, and two daughters, Mrs. John Waggoner of Milton Road, and Mrs. Mollie Joyce of Chanute, Kas. Mrs. Joyce arrived several days ago and was with her mother when the end came. Her husband preceded her to the grave seventeen years ago. During her long illness her children have been taking care of her and they made her last days as comfortable for her as possible. She was well known and leaves a large circle of friends and relatives in Madison county with whom she was associated during the many years she lived in Upper Alton. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the old home on Brown street.


LOWE, SYLVESTER WOODVILLE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 18, 1877
Mr. Sylvester Woodville Lowe, one of the old residents of Alton, died last Thursday, January 11, at his residence of typhoid fever, after a lingering illness. He was a native of Virginia, born in 1877, and removed to Upper Alton about forty years ago (1837), where he resided until 1855, when he removed to Alton. Mr. Lowe was a man highly respected by a large circle of relatives, friends, and acquaintances, who learned through intercourse to esteem his many valuable qualities of mind and heart. His life was one of strict integrity and uprightness. At the time of his death, he was a member of the Baptist Church of Upper Alton. Mr. Lowe was twice married, his first wife dying in 1854. His second wife, daughter of Mr. John Robinson, survives him. He also leaves three children, two of them of adult years; and brother Zephaniah Lowe of Sullivan, Illinois. Another brother, Sylvester W. Lowe of Alton, passed away in October 1866. Thus, one by one the old settlers, whom we all have so long looked up to with respect, are passing quietly away to their long home.

The funeral services took place at the residence of the family on 15th Street, near Henry, Sunday afternoon at one o’clock, and were attended by a large concourse of mourning friends and neighbors. They were brief, impressive, and interesting, and were concluded by singing “Go Bury Thy Sorrow,” after which the funeral procession wended its course to the Upper Alton Cemetery, where the remains were buried. 


LOWE, WARREN WASHINGTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 23, 1931
Son of Sylvester Lowe; Realtor
Warren Washington Lowe was born in Alton on February 26, 1851. He was the son of Sylvester Woodville Lowe, who came to Alton from Virginia in 1829. Warren married in 1879 to Mary Eliza Gillham (1852-1922), daughter of Daniel Brown Gillham, a State Representative and later, Illinois Senator. They had the following children: Sadie Lowe Smith (1878-1959); Benjamin Herman Lowe (1880-1933); Sue Lowe Olmstead (1881-1967); and Fredrick Warren Lowe (1890-1899).

Warren Lowe was one of the earliest realtors in Alton, who undertook to sell property on time-payment plan - $5 down, and $5 a month thereafter. In his realty business he had partners, including Frank A. Bierbaum. Warren did business in Upper Alton, but when the brick building originally built by the First Presbyterians at the southeast corner of Market and Broadway was sold to Captain Huntington Smith, a St. Louis realtor, who added a third story and named it the Laura Building, Mr. Lowe occupied quarters there for the remainder of his working career. Mr. Lowe sold over 1,500 lots, almost all of them on the time payment plan. He had contract to sell tracts in the Hawley & Lowe Addition, Loehr & Lowe Addition, Lowe’s Prospect Hill Addition, Milton Heights Addition, H. C. Priest’s Addition, Beall-Huskinson Addition, College Heights, Gillham Heights, and Mik-Lo Addition (named for Michael Lowe). In 1913, Mr. Lowe and Mr. Bierbaum purchased a pear orchard, and developed it into a good producing orchard – the Orchard Gardens. They sold it in 1928.

Warren Lowe was involved in the Upper Alton and Alton community improvements. Among these was the erection of the row of business buildings on Washington Avenue, Upper Alton, which was included the old Upper Alton post office building. The site where the seven business houses were erected had formerly been occupied by an old dilapidated blacksmith shop, which at that time was the only business on Washington Avenue. The Upper Alton post office was moved into one of the new buildings. He lived to see the buildings increase in value ten times the price what they were built for.

Mr. Lowe served at various times as member of the Upper Alton village board and the school board. He was also a member of the Oakwood Cemetery board of trustees.

Mr. Lowe died at the age of 80 years on July 23, 1931, in his home at 2802 Edwards Street in Upper Alton. His death followed an illness due to the effects of his age and the hot weather. Surviving him were two daughters and one son.


LOWE, WILLIAM A./Source: Unknown newspaper, Oklahoma City, January 5, 1918
Civil War Veteran
Son of George W. Lowe
William A. Lowe, 80 years old, living at 227 E. 2nd Street, and one of the pioneer residents of Oklahoma City, died yesterday, January 4, 1918. He came to Oklahoma City in 1890, shortly after the opening. He was a veteran of the Civil War, having served four years on the union side under General Thomas and General Ulysses S. Grant. He leaves a wife and two daughters.
Funeral arrangements will be announced today by Perrine & McAtee, undertakers.

Source: Unknown newspaper, Oklahoma City, January 6, 1918
Funeral services for William A. Lowe, who died Friday at his home here, is to be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the Perrine & McAtee undertaking chapel. Rev. H.E. Van Horn will officiate. Burial will be in Fairlawn Cemetery in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

William Lowe married Anna Holley (1848-1944).


LOWE, WILLIAM CALVIN JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 18, 1896
Son of William Calvin Lowe Sr.
Mr. William Calvin Lowe, after an illness of several months, died at his home in Upper Alton, Thursday morning. Mr. Lowe was afflicted with Brights’ Disease, and all the power of medical skill could not baffle its inroads, and the strong constitution finally succumbed. Mr. Lowe was 69 years, 2 months, and 20 days of age at the time of his death. He was born in what is now West Virginia. He moved with his father’s family to St. Louis, and resided there for a short time, when the family came to Upper Alton. Mr. Lowe has been a witness of the early history and growth of Upper Alton, and has been prominently identified with all its interests. He remembered well the “great high water of 1844; the encampment of the soldiers here at the time of the Civil War; and many other events of ‘auld lang syne.” He was a pleasing talker, and his description of those early days was both interesting and instructive.

Mr. Lowe was married in 1853 to Susan H. Waggoner, who with six children, survive him. Four children are deceased. The children are Laura L. Waggoner, Mary R. Joyce, and Orville, Arthur, Richard, and Norman Lowe, who live in Upper Alton and vicinity.

Mr. Lowe was a public-spirited citizen, and took much interest in the progress and development of Upper Alton. His death is mourned by a large circle of friends and neighbors. The funeral will take place at the family residence on Brown Street next Sunday afternoon, Revs. Wylder and Bradley will conduct the services.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 24, 1896
The high esteem in which Mr. William Calvin Lowe was held was attested in the large concourse of people who assembled at the family residence Sunday afternoon to pay respect to the early remains of the departed. The services were in charge of Rev. Mr. Wylder and Rev. W. H. Bradley, both of whom spoke tender and fitting words. The pallbearers were the four sons of the deceased, Messrs. Orville, Richard, Norman, and Arthur Lowe, and two cousins, Messrs. Edward, and James Lowe. A large cortege followed the remains to their last resting place in Oakwood Cemetery.


LOWE, WILLIAM P./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 12, 1885
From Upper Alton – Mr. William P. Lowe died Friday evening after a lingering illness from consumption, at the residence of his father, Mr. Michael A. Lowe.


LOWE, ZEPHANIAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 30, 1890
Came to Alton in 1827
Mr. Zephaniah Lowe died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. W. W. Peckham, in Ravenswood near Chicago, Wednesday, where he removed about a year ago. Mr. Lowe had lived for ten or twelve years previous to his removal to Ravenswood, with his in-law, Captain Lamothe, in Upper Alton. He came to Alton in 1827, making him possibly the earliest settler of this place at the time of his death. He was born in 1799, being about 91 years old. He was, some 25 or 30 years ago, the most prominent carpenter and builder in Alton, and was highly respected by all who knew him. Mr. Lowe was a great-great-grandfather, and leaves many relatives.

The remains of Mr. Lowe were brought to Alton Friday morning from Ravenswood, and the funeral took place this morning at ten o’clock from the Baptist Church in Upper Alton. Rev. William Green officiated as the services in the presence of many friends and relatives of the aged and honored deceased. The pallbearers were: Captain William Wright, Professor Charles Fairman, Colonel Andrew F. Rodgers, C. W. Leverett, Ed Rodgers, and Captain Troy Moore.

Zephaniah Lowe was born in 1799. He was the son of Nehamiah and Christiana “Christy” Elkins Lowe, and brother to Sylvester Lowe. His mother died in 1830 in Alton, and is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. Zephaniah married Abigail Wade (1811-1873), who was the sister of Samuel Wade of Alton, and they had at least two children – Addie Lowe Peckham (1851-1906); and Edward Lowe, who died in 1873 at the age of 24 years. Zephaniah was buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


LOWENSTEIN, CHRISTIAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 24, 1901
Moro News - Christian Lowenstein, a well-known Springfield Road farmer, aged 75 years, died at his home Monday night. The funeral was from the Evangelical church Wednesday morning.


LOWRY, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 28, 1913
Mrs. Caroline Lowry, wife of Prof. R. L. Lowry, principal of Horace Mann school and former superintendent of schools of Madison county, died Friday morning at 9 o'clock at the family residence on Seminary street. Mrs. Lowry's death was expected, and all members of her family were at her bedside when the end came. Her illness dates back two months. She had been a sufferer from kidney trouble some time, but it was known more than two months ago that her condition was so serious. About three weeks ago she was taken very ill and her family were summoned home, but a week later she so greatly improved that members of her family were greatly encouraged and they returned to their respective homes and places of business. The first of this week Mrs. Lowry became suddenly worse and members of the family were again called home, and it was evident that her illness this time was the final one. Her children and husband were with her continually until death relieved her sufferings this morning at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Lowry was a member of the Methodist church and was one of the earnest workers in church circles. She was a quiet woman of the highest character, loved by all who knew her. She will be sadly missed, not only by the members of her family, but by her church and the community generally where she lived. She leaves besides her husband, two sons and two daughters, Grover Lowry of Peoria, Robert of Upper Alton, and Misses Edith and Nancy Lowry of Upper Alton. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon.


LOWRY, JESSE THOMAS/source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 4, 1917
Jesse Thomas Lowry died Saturday night at 11 o'clock at his residence on Main street, two doors south of College avenue. Mr. Lowry had lived a retired life since 1904, and he was 76 years old at the time of his death. Mr. Lowry had been a salesman, the greater part of his life, working in Taylorville and New Douglas. After retiring from that work, he engaged in farming, but in the year of 1904 he retired from work, and in 1913 he moved to Upper Alton where he had since lived. Mr. Lowry was born in Galiten, Ill., and he is survived by his widow, Mrs. Sarah E. Lowry. He leaves no children. Two brothers, William E. Lowry of Oklahoma, and R. L. Lowry of Upper Alton, survive; also two sisters, Mrs. Nancy Pierce of Tulsa, Ok., and Mrs. J. L. Reeves of St. Louis. All the brothers and sisters were in Upper Alton this afternoon to attend the funeral. Mr. Lowry was a member of the Methodist church for 35 years. Funeral was held this afternoon at four o'clock at the residence on Main street, and services were conducted by Rev. M. J. Mumford of the Upper Alton Methodist Church. Many friends and neighbors were present at the services.


LOWREY, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 22, 1850
Died at his residence in Lowreyville [Alhambra], in this county, on Sunday evening, November 10, Mr. Thomas Lowrey. The deceased was a most worthy and exemplary citizen. An aged mother, a large number of relatives, friends, and neighbors deplore his loss, yet they mourn not as those without hope.


LOWRY, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 3, 1908
Child Dies from Inhaling Gasoline Fumes
The two year old child of Mr. and Mrs. George Lowry of 1715 Belle Street died Thursday afternoon from the effects of gasoline. The child got hold of a rag soaked with gasoline and sucked it in its mouth. Before anyone noticed it, the child had inhaled so much of the gasoline fumes it was overcome and died within an hour. Dr. Moore was summoned and he arrived just after death occurred. The family are colored. The child is a grandchild of Joseph Green, janitor of the Laura building.


LOWTHER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 9, 1888
Drowned in Mississippi
Yesterday afternoon, a party of men and boys were bathing in the river south of the glass works, when one of the party, William Lowther, an employee of John Robinson’s show, while crossing the slough was seized with cramps and drowned. Assistance was near at hand, and the unfortunate man was rescued from the waves in a short time, but although persistent efforts were made towards resuscitation, all was in vain. It is said that deceased has a wife and family at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was highly esteemed by his associates, and his sudden death saddens the company. He is the third man that they have lost in the same way during the season.


LOX, VIOLET CHARLOTTE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 14, 1904
Mother Finds Child Dead in Bed
Because they had no money to pay a doctor for services, Mr. and Mrs. William Lox of Bethalto say, their little child, Violet Charlotte, aged 2 years, had to die for lack of medical attention. The child was found dead in bed by its mother Sunday morning. It had been suffering from measles which struck in because of a cold the child contracted. The mother says she sent for a doctor Thursday night, but had no money to pay for the physician's services. Sunday morning about 3 o'clock the child asked for something to eat, and the mother gave her a cracker and some milk. At 5:30 o'clock the mother awoke to find the child dead in bed beside her. Deputy Coroner Streeper held an inquest and elicited these facts from the parents.


LUBBIN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 16, 1916
The funeral of the late Mrs. John Lubbin, who was brought here from Anna, Monday, was held Tuesday from the home of Mrs. G. V. Miller on Liberty street, where the remains were taken upon their arrival in Alton. The funeral cortege went to Bethany, and funeral services were held at the Bethany Church, Rev. Brown officiating. Burial was in the Bethany Cemetery.


LUBEN, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 22, 1903
Henry Luben, an old resident of Foster township, died last Saturday after a long illness with Brights disease, and was buried today. He left seven grown children - three sons and four daughters. Services were conducted at the family home, and burial was in Brighton cemetery.


LUCAS, GEORGIANNA/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1867
Died near Staunton, Illinois, August 10, 1867, Georgianna, daughter of Joseph and Catharine Lucas; aged thirteen months and four days.


LUCAS, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 8, 1907
John Lucas, aged 65, died from dropsy at St. Joseph's hospital this morning after a long illness. His home was at Godfrey. He leaves no relatives and will be buried by the county authorities. Hannon said he had some distant relatives who lived in Boston forty years ago, but that he did not know where any of them are now, and as he had not heard from any of them in forty years he did not consider they had any interest in the division of his property.


LUCAS, JULIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 1, 1909
The first heat victim of the year in Alton is Mrs. Julia Lucas, aged 75, who died at 2 o'clock this afternoon after a few hours illness. Her death was caused by acute indigestion superinduced by the oppressive heat of the past few days. She is a widow lady, and leaves a daughter, Miss Susan, with whom she resides, two sons in St. Louis, and a third son in Montana, whose little son, the grandson of the aged lady, was living at the Lucas home at 1003 State street.


LUCAS, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16, 1908
Birth of Fifteenth Child Proves Fatal
Mary Lucas, said to be 55 years of age, died Monday morning at her home in Upper Alton. She leaves a baby one week old, said to be the fifteenth born to her. Thirteen of the children are living. She was a former well known colored resident of Alton, but recently the family moved to Upper Alton.


LUCKER, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 13, 1918
Patrolman Stricken in Police Headquarters
Patrolman Louis Lucker, aged 47, died at his home, 926 Fountain street, Wednesday morning, at 3 o'clock, from paralysis. He was stricken with a cerebral hemorrhage Friday evening while sitting in a window at police headquarters smoking a cigar and chatting with his fellow officers. He had not been feeling in the best of health for a short time, but he had not given any serious thought to his condition. Apparently he was in his usual robust health. He was a man of great size and powerful build. His fellow officers on the police force declare that they do not think that he ever found out how strong he was or what he was capable of doing. He was appointed to the police force thirteen years ago under the administration of Mayor Brueggemann, and but for a few months he was off, he had served ever since. He was known as a man of good judgment and he had a way of performing his duties without making any trouble of it. His great size inspired respect for his orders. With a pleasant smile he approached his duties as a rule, and he carried everything with that smile. His courage was undoubted. Around police headquarters and among his best friends there is genuine satisfaction over the fact that Louis Lucker did not live. They realize what a burden he would have been to himself, great and powerful as he had been, to be compelled the rest of his life to be helpless, had the attack failed to prove fatal at present. He leaves his wife and five children: Lawrence, Alois, Louis, Margaret, and Marie. He leaves also four brothers, Conrad, Tony, Frank, and John, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Dirksmeyer. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's Church.


LUCKER, MARIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 24, 1902
Mrs. Maria Lucker, widow of Anton Lucker, died this morning at 2 o'clock at her home, 606 Belle street, after a long illness. She was 66 years of age and had been a resident of the vicinity of Alton more than 30 years. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church.


LUCKING, H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 4, 1901
Fosterburg News - Mrs. H. Lucking died at her home three miles north of the Burg, Friday, March 29th at 3 o'clock p.m. at the age of 63 years 9 months and 9 days. Mrs. Lucking has been an invalid for several years with the dropsy, and the best medical skill of the country had been employed but she grew steadily worse, and the first of last week the physicians decided that a surgical operation was all that could prolong her life. Friday five physicians, two from St. Louis, two from Bunker Hill and one from Woodburn, performed a surgical operation, but her constitution could not stand it. She leaves a husband and several grown children to mourn her loss. The funeral will take place from the German M. E. church, of which the deceased belonged, Saturday at 3 p.m. The bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.


LUEHNING, AMELIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 8, 1906
Mrs. Amelia Luehning, wife of Henry Luehning, died this morning at 3 o'clock after a long illness, aged 72 years, at the family home, 1714 Belle street. She leaves beside her husband two daughters, Mrs. John Prinster and Mrs. John Jacobs, one brother, and two grandchildren. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church.

(see also Luken)

LUEKEN, EMMA/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 28, 1898
From Fosterburg – Mr. and Mrs. Lueken, living north of Fosterburg, were sadly afflicted by the death of their daughter, Emma. She died Tuesday, aged 19 years. Typhoid fever was the cause of her death. She was much loved by all who knew her, and as a member of the M. E. Church, she frequently officiated as organist. She leaves to mourn her departure a father, mother, four brothers, and six sisters. A brother, something less than two years ago, entered the railroad service, and in the course of a very short time was brought home a corpse, his life crushed out by an accident. Mrs. Lueken’s health is very poor, which adds much to the weight of her burden. Rev. Foetch of the M. E. Church conducted the funeral services, which were held Thursday. Much sympathy is expressed for the family.


LUEKER, FRIEDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 18, 1910
Mr. and Mrs. Luecker of Fountain Street were afflicted this morning by death of their 2 1/2 years old daughter, Frieda, who died from brain fever. The funeral will be tomorrow at 2 o'clock from St. Mary's church.


Hardweg H. LuekerLUEKER, HARDWEG H./Died March 20, 1900
Hardweg H. Lueker was born September 4, 1848, in Westphalia, Germany. His parents were Gottleib and Sophia (Hagemeier) Lueker. In 1857 the family crossed the Atlantic to America, making their way first to St. Louis, then Madison County, locating in Omphghent Township, where the father purchased a farm of 132 acres. He farmed the land until his death, in his 66th year.

Hardweg Lueker was the fifth child of Gottleib and Sophia. He was 9 years old when the family made the journey across the Atlantic. He was educated in the local schools, and later attended a private school of the Lutheran Church. In 1872, he married Caroline Borman of St. Louis. The young couple located on the old homestead of his parents, where they resided until 1877. Hardweg devoted his time and attention to farming, with good success. He was elected Superintendent of the Worden Coal Company for 9 years, and then worked as Superintendent of the Keiser Brothers Elevator and Grain Company.

In 1884, Lueker and H. C. Picker established a lumber, hardware, and farm implement store in Worden, and was also one of the stockholders and President of the Worden Butter and Cheese Manufacturing Company. He was known for his enterprise, perseverance, and sagacity, and whatever he undertook, was successful.

Lueker was a Democrat in politics, and was elected Supervisor of his township in 1885, holding that office until 1892. He was one of the first School Directors, and a member of the first Village Board.

Hardweg H. Lueker was murdered by his nephew, John Lueker, on March 20, 1900, at the age of 51. Hardweg’s son and nephew became engaged in a dispute, and the father tried to separate them. A knife was drawn by John Lueker, and in an effort to stab the son, the knife was plunged into the father, Hardweg. He died shortly after. The trial was held the following year, and John Hardweg was found guilty of manslaughter. He was sent to the penitentiary. Hardweg H. Lueker is buried in the Worden Lutheran Cemetery.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 21, 1900
Farmer Murdered by Nephew
There was a murderous cutting affray at Worden yesterday, which resulted in the murder of H. H. Luecker, a prominent farmer of that place and a well-known politician. The man who killed Luecker was John Luecker, a nephew of his. Luecker's son and the John Luecker became engaged in a dispute, and the father attempted to separate them. A knife was drawn by the murderer and in an effort to stick it in the son, the knife was stuck in the father. Mr. Luecker died shortly after, and Coroner Bailey was sent for to hold an inquest.


LUFT, GEORGE A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 16, 1910
George A. Luft, aged 68, a resident of Alton forty-one years, died shortly after 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon at his residence, 323 Ridge street, from paralysis. Mr. Luft's illness had lasted about ten days. He was first taken with bleeding of the nose, and this was stopped after considerable difficulty. It was only the beginning of the end, as after the bleeding had been checked, he had great difficulty in speaking, could hardly get around his place, and most of the time had to be helped about by his children. For three days he had been unconscious and his death was looked for at any moment. Mr. Luft was a native of Wittenberg, Germany, and came to Alton forty-one years ago. The first man he worked for was Lorenz Stoehr, who is still living and is strong and active. After being here three years, he moved near Mitchell and had a shop there, but later returned to Alton, and with Louis Unger, who is still alive, he bought out Mr. Stoehr. Later he bought out his partner and conducted the business of blacksmithing and horseshoeing alone until 13 years ago, when he took his son, Charles, into partnership. Five years afterward this partnership was dissolved, the son succeeding his father. Mr. Luft was a man of powerful physique and immense size. His health had been good until recently. He leaves one son, Charles Luft, and four daughters: Mrs. Charles Meyers, Mrs. Joseph Lampert, Mrs. Joseph Faulstich, Mrs. Dick Busse Jr. He leaves also one sister, Mrs. Leorge Lehlein. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home. Rev. E. L. Mueller officiating. Mr. Luft was a member of the Odd Fellows order.


LUFT, GEORGE JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 10, 1908
Young Mold-Maker Apprentice Run Down by Interurban Car
George Luft Jr., son of George Luft of 323 Ridge streets, was fatally injured Monday evening at 5 o'clock by being hit by an interurban car bound for St. Louis. The accident occurred near Second and Monument avenue. Luft, with three companions, all apprentices at the mod making shop in the glassworks, were on their way home. They were talking and laughing and full of good spirits. Luft was walking with Louis Schmoeller. The interurban car was going at a rapid rate of speed east on Second street, and a street car was going west. A wagon was being driven along on the south side of the interurban car and the party of young men approached the track from behind the wagon. They did not hear the interurban car, they say, and the rattle of the wagon drowned the sound as they got close to it. Luft and Schmoeller were walking together and they stepped behind the wagon and out on the street car track just as the interurban car came along. Schmoeller just escaped being hit by a few inches, and Luft, who was a step in advance, was struck hard and hurled about fifteen feet or more. When picked up it was found he was insensible and apparently fatally injured. An ambulance was summoned and he was conveyed to his home where Drs. Joesting and Shaff attended him. The surgeons immediately decided there was no hope of recovery. Death occurred about three hours later and the victim of the accident never regained consciousness. Both legs were broken, his back was hurt and his side was crushed in and his skull was fractured. George Luft was 19 years of age past. He is survived by his father, one brother and four sisters. He was known to be a bright, cheerful young man, always in good spirits and the moving spirit of every company wherever he happened to be. His death under such tragic circumstances caused a wave of horror wherever he was known. He was a hard working, industrious young man. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home.


LUFT, HAROLD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 13, 1922
Victim of Hunting Accident
Harold B. Luft, aged 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Luft, was instantly killed yesterday morning by the accidental discharge of his own shot gun, as he was climbing a wire fence near Chesterfield, Ill. He had set the gun down against the fence and was climbing over the fence at a post, when the weapon was accidentally set off, and the whole charge of shot lodged in his neck. The party, consisting of five, had departed late Saturday night for Chesterfield, intending to put in Sunday hunting. They had parked their automobile near the home of William Ribbsby and started off to hunt along the Bluff Line right of way. About a half mile from the Riggsby home the fatal accident to Luft occurred. The first word came to Alton from Charles Lehline, who was in the party. He was related to Luft, and he called first at the home of his own mother to inform her of the tragedy. The mother of Lehline had lost a son herself in a similar way at about this time of year, and her mind was not at all easy about her son going on the hunting trip. When the call came by telephone, Mrs. Lehline first jumped at the conclusion that her own son had been killed. She was much relieved to learn that it was her son speaking, and she learned that in this instance the bereavement was to be in the home of near relatives, instead of in her own. The body was brought to Alton yesterday afternoon by Deputy Coroner Streeper, who was sent out with his ambulance to bring it home. There was a slight delay in departure owing to the necessity of holding a coroner's inquest at Chesterfield. In the party with Harold Luft were Jacob Sass, Charles Lahlein, Muriel Staples and John Garvey. Members of the party say that Luft had lost his pocketbook and that the members of the party were searching for it, scattered out. Luft had on a new hunting coat and as he was crossing the fence the coat became caught. He called for help and one of the party was hurrying to go to his relief when the shotgun went off, the charge hitting him in the neck. He died without uttering a sound. The death of Harold Luft was a sad shock to hundreds of people in Alton. He was a popular young man and he had shown remarkable business ability in his work in the automobile agency in which his father had included his two sons as partners. He was a hard working young man, deeply interested in business and he had proven of great value to the business.


LUFT, ROSINA F./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 23, 1897
Mrs. George Luft, one of the best-known residents of the east end, died Tuesday night at her home at Third and Ridge Street, after a long illness. Mrs. Luft was a most estimable woman, and during her residence in Alton of almost forty years, she had made for herself a warm place in the hearts of her many friends, who will be grieved at her sad death. She was born in Loffenau, Wittenburg, Germany, fifty-four years ago, and came to this country in 1830. She leaves, besides her husband, six children – Mrs. Joseph Faulstich, Misses Emma, Mary, and Frieda Luft, and Messrs. Charles and George Luft Jr. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon from the Evangelical Church.

Rosina F. Luft was born on September 30, 1843. She married George A. Luft (1841-1910). They were buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


LUKEN, FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1895
From Fosterburg – Mr. Frank Luken, while in the employ of the Chicago & Alton Railroad at Roodhouse Wednesday morning, was accidentally struck in the head by a pole while working with some cars on the sidetrack. His injuries were such that proved fatal soon after. It was a very sad accident. The young man was just in the prime of life, 28 years of age. Funeral services were held in the German M. E. Church here on Sunday. The remains were interred in the Fosterburg Cemetery. The attendance was one of the largest ever known. The family have the profound sympathy of the community.


LUKOVIC/VUKOVIC, LUKA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 8, 1920
Shot Nine Times - Killed by Prohibition Enforcement Officer
Luka Vukovic, 37 years old, of 1327 G Street, Madison, was shot nine times and killed by S. Glenn Young, a prohibition enforcement officer, when Vukovic resisted a raid on his home Saturday night. Young, with Walter Cowgill and E. J. Tieney of the Granite City police force, had learned that Vukovic was making liquor and storing it in the home of his cousin, Mike Sever, 1325 G street. At this address they found a still and a quantity of liquor, which they confiscated, and then proceeded next door. Peeping through a rear window, the officers saw Vukovic drinking some liquor out of a milk bottle, and knocked on the door demanding admission. Eliciting no response, the raiders went to the front door, which they broke in when the occupant refused to open it. They found Lukovic in bed. A trap door was discovered leading to the cellar, where a 20 gallon keg, nearly filled with raisin whisky, was found. Young commanded Lukovic to remain in sight while the officers carried the whisky upstairs. Lukovic stood in the doorway a moment, and then disappeared, to return with a revolver he pointed at the policeman and pulled the trigger. The weapon failed to go off, and Young emptied his revolver at Lukovic, who ran to the rear of the porch. Gowgill followed him, but was knocked down by a blow on the head. Young took up the pursuit and fired three shots from a second revolver, at which Lukovic fell dead. All nine bullets had entered his body, two in the chest, one in the neck, wrist, right shoulder, each hip, left temple, abdomen, and right leg. A jury called by Coroner Joseph Krill returned a verdict of justifiable homicide. Vukovic will be buried in St. Mark's Cemetery, Granite City, Monday afternoon. [name was spelled with a "V" and an "L"]


LULY, HENRY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 7, 1887
Mr. Henry Luly died yesterday after a painful illness of 10 weeks’ duration, at the age of 34 years. He left a wife and an adopted daughter, besides many other relatives to mourn his death. Deceased was a native of Alton, and was a member of the German Benevolent Society. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the family residence on Second Street [ Broadway].


LULY, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 22, 1901
Joseph Luly, one of the best known of Alton's business men, died Sunday morning shortly after midnight at his home on Alby street, where he has been dangerously ill for over four weeks with dropsy of the heart. He was a man of excellent health until recently, and when he was first taken ill it was not believed that there was anything very serious in his illness. He continued to grow worse, and at last his condition became alarming, in which way it has continued several weeks. He had moved from his home on Eighth street to his old dairy farm on Alby street before his illness. Joseph Luly was 45 years of age and had lived in Alton and North Alton all his life. For many years he was engaged in a prosperous dairy business from which he retired a few years ago to engage in the grain and produce business with Peter Reyland at the Farmers' elevator, which was recently incorporated as the Electric Roller Milling Company. He leaves his widow, five sons and one daughter: Leonard, Joseph, Robert, William, Sadie and Harold Luly. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and services will be conducted at the home by Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann. Mr. Luly was a member of Robin Hood Camp, Modern Woodmen.


LULY, L./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 22, 1885
The funeral of Mr. L. Luly took place from St. Mary’s Church Friday, with a large attendance of relatives and friends.


LULY, MOLLIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 7, 1888
Miss Mollie Luly, adopted daughter of the late Henry Luly, died yesterday afternoon after an illness of about three days, at the age of 12 years. Deceased was a bright, intelligent, affectionate girl, an attendant at the Presbyterian Sunday School and Humboldt day school. A short time before she died, she said to one of those standing near her bedside, “I wonder if flowers will be put on my grave.” The funeral took place this afternoon from the family residence, corner of Second and Oak Streets.


Mary Ann LumanLUMAN, MARY ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 02, 1897
From Bethalto – The many friends of Mrs. Mary Luman will be grieved to learn of her death at Denver, Colorado, at the home of J. E. Day, November 24. Mrs. Luman was born at the Luman farm, three miles north of town, in 1833, where she lived until thirteen years ago, when she went to Golden, Colorado, where she has since resided. The following is from the Golden, Colorado Globe:

“Died at Denver on November 24, 1897, Mrs. Mary A. Luman, wife of Hazel Luman, of Golden, aged 64 years, 3 months, and 23 days. Her disease was cancer of the stomach and heart trouble. Deceased leaves a husband and three children to mourn a great loss.

Mrs. Luman went to Denver not long ago for treatment, and was with her daughter, Mrs. Day, when the end came. The remains were brought to Golden on Wednesday evening, and the funeral ceremonies were held at the late residence on Friday, conducted by Rev. Cook of the M. E. Church. The interment was in the Golden Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Luman came to Golden in March 1884, from near Alton, Illinois, and they have continuously resided here since. Mrs. Luman was a Christian woman, a good wife, a kind mother, and was beloved by those who knew her. The world is better for her living in it, and she has her reward. The Globe voices the sympathy of this whole community to the aged and sorely bereaved husband and the sorrowing family.”

Mary Ann Williams Luman was born August 01, 1833, in Madison County, Illinois. She married in 1852 to Hazel W. Luman, and they had the following children: Sarah Caroline Hays Starkey (1850-1886); John W. Luman (1854-1900); Emma Jane Luman Day (1857-1905); and George Franklin Luman (1859-1918).


LUNDACK, FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 22, 1890
Coal Miner Killed
Mr. Frank Lundack, a young coal miner, was killed at Collinsville Friday evening, in what is known as shaft No. 4, by the premature discharge of a dynamite blast. The affair was rendered peculiarly sad by the fact that the unfortunate young man leaves a bride whom he wedded only a few days ago, and a party given by his sister in honor of that event was in waiting for him at the time that he was killed.


LUNDAHL, EMMA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 31, 1906
Miss Emma Lundahl died this morning at the home of her parents on Pearl street after a brief illness. She was 19 years of age. Arrangements for the burial have not been made.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 4, 1906
A pathetic story has come to light since the funeral of Miss Emma Lundahl, who was buried Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock in City Cemetery. Funeral services were held at the home of Miss Lundahl's mother, Mrs. Anna Lundahl of Pearl street. Miss Lundahl was engaged to marry Archie Kortcamp, a well known young glassblower. After the death of his fiance, Mr. Kortcamp asked to bear all the expenses of the funeral. He bought for his fiancé a beautiful white casket and a silk robe. He had saved up money to pay for furnishing the home to which he intended taking his bride, and when tuberculosis laid its hand on the young woman and made it necessary to postpone the wedding last June, and the young man's hopes were destroyed, he felt that it was his duty and his privilege to bear all the expenses of furnishing the last long home for the young woman who was to have been his bride. Miss Lundahl was 19 years of age and a sweet, charming young woman and her death was a sorrowful event in the lives of her relatives and others to whom she was dear. She was a devout Christian and had led a beautiful and happy life, and her death was one such as is seldom witnessed, for happy anticipations for the future.


LUNDAHL, NILS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18, 1902
Nils Lundahl, aged 53, died Thursday evening at 10:15 o'clock after a long illness from consumption, at his home on Market street. He was a native of Sweden, and came here in 1880. He was engaged in business in Alton, and lately had conducted a boarding house on Market, between Second and Third streets. He leaves his widow and six children, Misses Ida, Lena, Annie and Emmma, Otto and Edward Lundahl. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, and services will be conducted by Rev. H. K. Sanborne.


LUSHER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1884
From Bethalto – Mr. and Mrs. George Lusher were sorely afflicted last week in the loss of their little babe, aged two years.


LUSK, ELIZA C./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 19, 1853
Died on January 18, Eliza C., infant daughter of John and Elizabeth Lusk of Alton; aged about one year. Friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral this afternoon, at the father’s residence on Prospect Street.


LUSK, GEORGE C. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 19, 1892
From Edwardsville – The best-known citizen who died last week was Captain George C. Lusk, who was the oldest native-born resident, being nearly 69 years of age.


LUSK, JOHN THOMAS (COLONEL)/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, April 03, 1943; Sept. 8, 1959; June 21, 1963; History of Madison County, 1882
Pioneer of Edwardsville
John Thomas Lusk was born November 7, 1784, in Spartanburg County, South Carolina. He was the son of James Vance Lusk (1754-1803) and Lettice Thomas Lusk (1760-1793). John settled in what was later to become Edwardsville in about 1805. In 1809, he married Lucretia Gillham (daughter of Charles Gillham), and they were the parents of eight children: Milton James Lusk (1812-1812); Alfred Jackson Lusk (1814-1869); Marquis De Lafayette Lusk (1816-1838); Charles Marion Lusk (1821-1863); George Campbell Lusk (1824-1892); Sarah Jane Lusk Torrence (1828-1897); Mary Louisa Lusk Sloss (1831-1915); and Julia Lucretia Lusk (1833-1835).

John Lusk served as a Ranger during the War of 1812-14. While the men were absent, the women sought refuge in the nearby fort, and Mr. Lusk’s wife, Lucretia, was appointed their Captain. She was an excellent rifle shot, and had plenty of spirit and bravery.

In 1816, Lusk erected a story and a half building of heavy logs, with three rooms on the ground floor, where he opened the first hotel in Edwardsville. It was located at Main and J Streets (where Rusty’s Restaurant was located), diagonally across from the first county seat buildings on the future Lincoln School site. A few years after its construction, Lusk framed the logs. In 1959, the building still stood. After Lusk closed the hotel, the center room was used for the post office. One end was rented to Mrs. Howard, who kept a pie and cake shop. The other end was a saloon.

Lusk erected a second hotel building, also made of logs, at the northwest corner of Main and West Union Streets. This building was destroyed by fire in 1839. This property was later home to another hotel, first named the Edwardsville Hotel and then renamed the Wabash Hotel. This building still stands.

Lusk erected a mill in 1854-5. The mill changed hands several times, and was later owned by Brown & McCorkell (1861); George W. Phillips; and John A. Prickett (1865). The mill was destroyed by fire in December 1873. Lusk was also one of the founders of the original 1819 Edwardsville Library, and was elected school commissioner (1837).

John Thomas Lusk died December 22, 1857, in Edwardsville, and was buried in the Lusk Cemetery at Randle Street and Oak Lane, where many of Edwardsville’s early pioneers rest.

Quote From Hon. Robert Aldrich in His Reminiscence
Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, March 11, 1875
“After resting a few days at Kaskaskia, Henry Keley, my brother and I [Robert Aldrich], each mounted a horse and rode up to Edwardsville, leaving George Keley, the women and children in a house temporarily rented. We crossed over and took a look at the French village of St. Louis as we came up. We reached Edwardsville about the 6th or 7th of November, A. D., 1817, and put up at a public house, just built of logs by the late Colonel John T. Lusk. It stood where Colonel Lusk afterwards built a large frame for a store. His new log hotel was not quite finished when we arrived. Some chinking and daubling were still to be done. The cracks between the logs were wide, and during our first night quite a blustering storm arose, and so furious was the blast that our bed clothing was swept off us.”


LUSK, LUCRETIA/Source: Alton Weekly Courier, April 7, 1859
Wife of John T. Lusk
Died in Edwardsville, on the morning of Sunday, March 27, at the residence of her son, Mrs. Lucretia, relict of John T. Lusk, Esq.; aged sixty-four years.


LUSK, MARTHA J. (nee PARKER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1886
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Martha J. Lusk, an old and highly respected resident of Edwardsville since her birth, died at her home yesterday, aged 65 years. She was a sister of Mrs. General W. A. J. Sparks, wife of the present Commissioner of the General Land Office.

Martha J. Parker Lusk was born September 18, 1820, in Madison County, Illinois. She was the daughter of Moses Parker (1793-1873) and Mary Butler Head Parker (1801-1847). Martha married in 1838 to Alfred Jackson Lusk (1814-1869), and they had the following children: Julia Adelaide Lusk Benedict (1839-1903); John Parker Lusk (1841-1866); Charles Edward Lusk (1842-1843); and Newton Deming Strong Lusk (1843-1858). Martha was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.


LUSK, MARQUIS D./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 21, 1848
Died on Sunday at Edwardsville, the 16th instant, Mr. Marquis D. Lusk, aged 31 years.


LUSK, MARTHA ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 6, 1849
Died at Edwardsville on the 20th ult., Martha Elizabeth, only surviving child of Dr. Charles M. and Frances Lusk, aged 2 years, 7 months, and 17 days.

LUTEMAN, WILLIAM T./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1904
Mr. William Luteman died at noon today at the home of his son, William T. Luteman Jr., on Brown street. Mr. Luteman was subject to asthma, and has had several hard attacks recently. Last night he was taken with a severe attack, and died about 12 o'clock today. He was 64 years old and leaves a son, W. T. Luteman, a well-known railroad man who is towerman for the Burlington at West Alton. Funeral arrangements have not been made.


LUTMAN, MARTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 13, 1901
Mrs. Martha Lutman, aged 63, died this morning at the home of her son, William T. Lutman on Brown street in Upper Alton. She had been ill a long time, and death was due to an abscess of the bowels. She leaves one son. The body will be taken to Canton, Mo., tomorrow afternoon, and the funeral will be held there Sunday.


LUTTRELL, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Wednesday, Monday, June 19 and June 21, 1899
Thomas Luttrell, the eight years old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Luttrell was drowned at Riverside Park Sunday while playing about the ferry boat, Altonian, which was lying at the landing. The little fellow had accompanied his mother to the picnic. During the afternoon he, with some little playmates, were playing about the boat when they found the door to the wheelhouse open. Tommy stepped inside the big box and his playmates saw him step off into the water and drown. No assistance could be given him, so he floated under the boat and was not seen again. No attempt was made to recover the body last night, but a party went up from Alton today and dragged in the vicinity of the government dike extending halfway across the river there. The body of Thomas Luttrell was recovered from the river Tuesday at 4:45 p.m. by Frank Sikes. The body was floating in the water about 75 yards below the place where the drowning occurred. Parties of men had been dragging during the two days for the body unsuccessfully. The Ino, a big towboat, with a heavy tow, passed down about 4:30 o'clock, and the water was so stirred up by the wheel that the body was dislodged from whatever was holding it and came to the surface shortly after. Frank Sikes was standing on the bank and saw it shoot out of the water as the gases buoyed the body to the surface. He rowed out to the body and brought it to Alton. The funeral was this morning from the home of the mother, 1206 Second street. Interment was in the city cemetery. The jury impaneled by Coroner Bailey to inquire into the cause of the death of Thomas Luttrell found a verdict of accidental drowning, and in addition charged the drowning was due to the carelessness of the officers of the ferryboat Altonian. The jurors visited the ferryboat and examined the door to the wheelhouse of the boat. They reported it was a death trap, being inadequately locked. The hasp on the door was easily unhooked and should have been fastened securely. No action has been taken with reference to the verdict of the Coroner's jury, and it is likely none will be taken.


LUTZ, UNKNOWN CHILD OF HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 5, 1916
Last of Three Children Dies - Leaves the Couple Childless
The death of the 6 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lutz of Park Avenue, shortly after noon today, leaves the couple without a child. The series of deaths of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Lutz in the last few months is a very unusual occurrence, and the parents have been very sadly afflicted by having all their children claimed by death. Mr. Lutz was a street car employee in Springfield up to last winter when he moved to Upper Alton to make his home. He is a brother-in-law to Elmer Kimber, and for a while last winter the Lutz family lived in the house with the Kimbers until they secured a home in Upper Alton for their own. In the short time they stopped at the Kimber home one of their children died. In a very short time the second one died from the same disease - erysipelas. The boy, whose death occurred today, had been ill since last winter. His trouble was diagnosed as enlargement of the heart. For several days his condition had been very serious and death came about noon today to relieve his suffering. The bereaved parents are broken hearted by the loss of all their children in the short time they have lived in Upper Alton.


LYLE, HARRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 10, 1890
The funeral of Harry Lyle took place Tuesday afternoon from the family residence in North Alton. There was a large concourse of people present, who manifested their deep sorrow at the untimely taking off of this most excellent young man.


LYNAM, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 10, 1910
Frank Lyname, aged 46, died from pneumonia Sunday afternoon at his home, 1230 east Second street. He had been an invalid for a long time and had suffered two paralytic strokes. He contracted pneumonia, which proved fatal. He is survived by his wife.


Sgt. Daniel Adams LynchLYNCH, DANIEL ADAMS (SERGEANT)/Source: Unidentified Newspaper, August 10, 1922
Civil War Veteran; Edwardsville Marshal; Businessman
Taps sounded shortly after sunrise today for one of the old natives of Madison County, resident of Edwardsville for years, and veteran of the Civil War. A message from the Old Soldier's Home at Quincy brought news of the death of Daniel A. Lynch at 7:45 o'clock. Death was due to the ailing health over several years and due to a rheumatic condition. During the past two or three years he has slowly but steadily been fading away but he made a good fight. Two weeks ago, physicians advised that he be taken to the home for treatment after careful attention for a long time at home. The untiring efforts of Mrs. Lynch had been checked through her illness. He was taken to Quincy a week ago last Sunday and since then his condition has not been so good. The rheumatic condition has bothered him for a number of years and was so bad at times that it was difficult for him to walk. Lack of walking, through age and the ailment made the case a more severe one.

Mr. Lynch was a native of Ft. Russell Township, born on May 7, 1843, and would have been four score had he lived until next Spring. He was a son of Mr. & Mrs. John Lynch, his father being an early settler of the community, and his mother member of an old family. He received his education at the district school and followed farming until 19 years old. With the clouds of the Civil War, he answered the call. He entered for thirty-day service and re-enlisted for the three-year period. He became a member of Company K, Tenth Illinois Volunteers. At the end of the three years the war was still raging. Before being placed in a Company, he was taken ill with smallpox and discharged from service on account of physical conditions after he was well. During the three-year period he became a Sergeant of his Company. Returning home, he followed farming, teaming and railroad work for a number of years. Later he moved to Edwardsville, and served the city as village Marshal. He held a position as guard at the Southern Illinois Penitentiary at Chester, and giving it up, was engaged in the furniture business with his son for a time. He was twice married. His first wife was Miss Mary A. Stahl, whose death occurred at Moro a few years later. She has been dead for forty-five years. The union was blessed with three children, Samuel Lynch of Cedar Falls, Iowa, Mrs. Dora Alice Stevinson, Columbia, Missouri, and John Henry Lynch of South Bend, Indiana. Several years after the death of his first wife, he was married to Miss Elizabeth A. Glass, the ceremony being performed on October 5, 1880. She became the mother of the three children. He is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Mary Shephard of Springfield, Illinois, and a brother, Clay Hardin Lynch, Edwardsville. Three step-sisters survive - they are, Miss Sallie Harbison; Mrs. Jane Judd, St. Louis; and Mrs. Matilda Womack, Detroit Michigan.

Mr. Lynch is one of the oldest members of Edwardsville Lodge No. 33, A. F. and A. M. In another seven months he would have celebrated his fifteenth anniversary as a Mason. He is one of the oldest members of the First Presbyterian Church. Plans for the funeral are indefinite. One request that he be buried at Moro will be carried out. Word from his son Samuel is expected in the afternoon. It is not known if the body will be brought here or taken directly to Moro.

Daniel Adams Lynch, born May 7, 1843 in Ft. Russell Township in Madison County, was the eldest child of John and Sally Ann (Lanterman) Lynch. His father was a native of County Cork, Ireland, and died in 1866 in New Orleans, Louisiana. John Lanterman was buried in the Locust Grove Cemetery in New Orleans. In 1905, the cemetery was plowed under for the Thomy Lafon School. No remains were removed. In 2005, when Hurricane Katrina hit, the school was damaged. FEMA found the school was built on top of the cemetery, and the school was demolished. During the demolition, remains were found. A memorial stone for John Lynch was placed in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville, since there was no hope of recovering his remains from the old cemetery. John Lynch was a Private in Company A, 39th Illinois Infantry, during the Civil War.

Daniel Adams Lynch died August 10, 1922, in the Old Soldiers Home in Quincy, Illinois. He was buried in the Moro Cemetery in Madison County. Six Masons carried his flag-draped coffin. One of his nephews, Clay Womack, who was born in Edwardsville, became an actor, performing in “Make Your Own Bed” with Jack Carson and Jane Wyman, and “Rhapsody in Blue.” Womack was named after his Uncle Clay, who was a State’s Attorney in Madison County.

Dora Alice Lynch Stevinson, Daniel’s daughter and wife of Leonidas Brown Stevinson, was born March 10, 1871, in Moro, and lived to be 101 years of age. She died September 15, 1972, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She is buried in the Red Top Cemetery in Hallsville, Boone County, Missouri.

Samuel Adams Lynch, Daniel’s son, was born August 27, 1868, in Moro, and died at the age of 86 in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa. He is buried in the Fairview Cemetery in Cedar Falls.

John Henry Lunch, Daniel’s son, was born April 7, 1875, in Moro, and died at the age of 96 in Ocean Springs, Jackson County, Mississippi. He is buried in the Highland Cemetery in South Bend, Indiana.


LYNCH, DOMINIC, WIFE, AND SON/Source: Madison County Courier, October 12, 1865
We are informed that three members of the family of Mr. Dominic Lynch, residing near town [Edwardsville], were buried during one day of last week. The deceased members were Mr. and Mrs. Lynch and their son.


LYNCH, J. B. SAUCIER/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1895
Drowns at Clifton Terrace Tavern
The opening of the Clifton Terrace Tavern in Godfrey Township, Madison County, Illinois, was marred Sunday by a sad occurrence – the drowning of Mr. J. B. S. Lynch of St. Louis. Mr. Lynch, in company with Daniel Fisher, Andrew Hosie, Harry Shields, F. A. McEwen, and H. L. King, all of St. Louis, attended the opening of the hotel on Saturday night, and spent Sunday. About 4:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon, the party donned bathing suits and prepared for a swim from the beach on the island just opposite the hotel. Mr. Lynch was among the last to leave the hotel, and he ran the distance from the hotel to the water’s edge, where the party was awaiting him in skiffs. He was heated from his hasty exertions. Upon reaching the bathing place, Mr. Lynch did not wait to reach the shore, but plunged into the water at some distance from the beach. He was a strong swimmer, and his action caused no alarm. The skiffs kept on. Soon the occupants were startled by the cries for help. Evidently in distress, Mr. Lynch was making desperate efforts to reach the shore. An oar was thrown to him, which he weized feebly, and again went below the surface. A hard effort to reach him was made, but he sank for the last time before help arrived. The alarm was given and other guests at the hotel immediately went to the spot. After a search of about an hour, the body was recovered. It is evident that the unfortunate man was either attacked with cramps or with heart failure. The affair caused a profound sorrow among the guests. The body was placed aboard the launch Mary Lee, and with a part of his late friends, the remains were brought to Alton.

Mr. Lynch was 25 years of age, and was employed at the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad office in St. Louis. He is the son of George Newman Lynch, a prominent undertaker, and resided with his parents at 2814 Chestnut Street. He leaves a father, mother, and several brothers.

An inquest was held that night by Coroner Kinder, and the following jurymen rendered a verdict of accidental drowning: A. C. Williams, W. H. Rippe, Charles Seibold, Finis Hindle, W. L. Klunk, and H. D. Hussey. The remains were sent to St. Louis Monday, and were accompanied by his brother and several friends. [Burial was in the Calvary Cemetery in St. Louis.]


LYNCH, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 31, 1871
Died in Alton, on the 28th inst., James, infant son of Patrick and Kate Lynch.


LYNCH, JULIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 5, 1906
Miss Julia Lynch, a well known Edwardsville girl, died at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home of her parents, Attorney and Mrs. Clay Lynch on Fourth street. She had been ill for the last week, threatened with typhoid, but a fatal termination of the malady was entirely unlooked for. Miss Lynch was a member of the Madison County Teachers' Association, and it was too great attention to her vocation that undermined her health. She was a member of the Edwardsville Choral, and deeply interested in church work. Arrangements for the funeral have not been made.


Mary Ann Jessie Stahl LynchLYNCH, MARY ANN JESSIE (nee STAHL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1878
From Edwardsville – Many friends will be pained to hear the sad news. Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. Daniel A. Lynch, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stahl of Moro, died about 2:00 o’clock Sunday morning, after an illness of several weeks. In her death, a husband has been deprived of a faithful and loving wife, the light of his home. Three small children are left without the care of a fond and affectionate mother, and Moro society has lost one of its most respected members.

Mary Ann Jessie Stahl Lynch was born October 10, 1844 in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, to Samuel and Elizabeth (Boucher) Stahl. She was the wife of Daniel Adams Lynch (1843-1922), and they had three children: (Samuel Adams Lynch (1868-1954); Dora Alice Lynch Stevinson (1871-1972); and John Henry Lynch (1875-1971).


LYNCH, PATRICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 20, 1908
After an illness of several weeks, Patrick Lynch, aged 76, died yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock at St. Joseph's hospital. He was attended by some members of his family just before his death, and all of them will attend his funeral. Mr. Lynch had lived in Alton over fifty years. He was engaged in the grocery business at Seventh and Belle streets for many years, and was also at one time in the transfer and hauling business, and was connected with steamboats landing at the Alton wharf. Seven years ago he retired from business, and his family went to St. Louis, but he remained in Alton and boarded. He had been in failing health for many months, due to the weakness of age, and about eight days ago he broke down and had to be moved to the hospital. He leaves his wife, two sons and five daughters. The children are John and Thomas Lynch and Misses Mary, Catherine, Margaret, LaBelle and Elizabeth Lynch, all of St. Louis. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.


LYNCH, SALLY ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 30, 1852
Died on Indian Creek, Madison County, on the 14th inst., Mrs. Sally Ann, wife of John Lynch, in the 25th year of her age.


LYNCH, UNKNOWN WIFE OF JAMES P./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 24, 1914
The funeral of Mrs. James P. Lynch was held this morning from St. Patrick's church, where a requiem high mass was said by Rev. Francis Kehoe and assistants. The church was filled with friends and neighbors of deceased and of the family, who had gathered to pay their last respects. The funeral sermon was a tribute to the many amiable qualities of deceased and hope for the survivors. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery, where services were also conducted at the graveside. Many beautiful floral offerings made by sympathizing friends. The pallbearers were Peter Fitzgerald, E. J. Morrissey, Barth Kennedy, Thomas Finnegan and John Hurley.


LYND, GEORGE D./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 14, 1922
Retired Railway Conductor
George D. Lynd, retired Big Four passenger conductor, for many years in charge of the Big Four flyer, a commuters train, died at his residence, 814 Alby Street, Thursday night from arterial hardening. His death had been expected for the past two weeks, as it was known he was in a hopeless condition. The death of Mr. Lynd followed a period of retirement from service, after he had earned the retirement through many years of capable, loyal service to the railroad he had served. According to the rules of the New York Central lines, employees, after a given period of service were entitled to retirement under pension. Perhaps the hardest part of Mr. Lynd's life was the time after he was retired, as he was a man who had been accustomed to being constantly on the move and he could not accustom himself to being idle, even though he had been given recognition by the Big Four with a liberal pension for past faithfulness. During the time he was in charge of the Big Four flyer, during almost the whole of the time it was being operated, Mr. Lynd gave highly efficient service. He was generally liked by the commuters, was honest and efficient in every way. When the suburban train was discontinued during war times because of a slump in business, and the Big Four threw all of that business over to the interurban, Mr. Lynd was taken care of in another way by being put in charge of the train which carried the workers to the Western Cartridge plant. He continued this work until the time came for his retirement under the age limit. There is general regret in Alton over the death of Mr. Lynd. Not only was he a kind and indulgent husband and father, but he was also a good neighbor and a fine friend. Mr. Lynd was taken to his bed two weeks ago when the hardening of his arteries began to assume its most serious stage. His death occurred in his home, and he was attended by all the members of his family at the time. He was born on a farm near Mitchell, Ind., May 14, 1851, and he was in his seventy-second year. At the age of 14 he was left an orphan. He was educated at Mattoon, Ill., and worked in a store there until 1878,when he entered the employ of the Big Four railroad. For forty-three years he worked for that company. Eleven years he was on the main line and then he was sent to Alton to take charge of the commuters train. He served there for 28 1/2 years, and between Alton and East Alton on the "plug" train for four years. His retirement came a year ago after he had passed his 70th birthday. He turned in his punch and other railroad property, made out his last reports and quit. He would still drift back around the trains, however, the habit of years being too strong to be overcome. It was figured that during the more than 28 years he was on the flyer, he made at least 100 miles a day for seven days in the week, so the aggregate of miles he had ridden on railroad trains in his life was great. He was kindly, accommodating and courteous to all who traveled his trains, and he leaves a pleasant memory with the many thousands of people who knew him. He was married in 1882 to Mary Durnell of Mattoon, who survives him. He leaves two daughters, Priscilla Mae and Edna Pearl Lynd, both of Alton. He was an active member of the First Methodist church and served there as trustee for years. He belonged also to Piasa lodge, A. F. & A. M., of Alton and to Bouillon commandery, Knights Templar, at Mattoon. He also belonged to the Modern Woodmen and to the Order of Railway Conductors. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home, and services will be conducted by Rev. Chas. Shumard. Services at the cemetery will be under the auspices of the Masonic lodge.


LYON, LUTHER L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 15, 1905
Death of Old Soldier
Luther L. Lyon, an old soldier and resident of Bethalto, died at 8 o'clock Friday morning at St. Joseph's hospital after a long illness from old age. He was 72 years of age. Mr. Lyon had been complaining of ill health for many years. A short time ago he came to Alton and entered the hospital. He had other relatives in Alton also. The funeral will be held Sunday from the home of Mrs. Preuitt at Bethalto.


LYON, LUTHER WELLS/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1885
Mr. Luther W. Lyon, for over 50 years a resident of Madison County, died on Thursday, at the residence, near Bethalto, of his son-in-law, Mr. W. G. Preuitt, after an illness of about a month, caused by over exertion combined with cold, at the age of almost 84 years. Deceased was a native of Woodstock, Connecticut. When he first came west, he opened a farm about one and a half miles southwest of Bethalto, where he lived until the death of his wife in 1870. After that time, he made his home with Mr. Preuitt. Deceased was an almost life-long, faithful member of the Baptist Church, and was one of the oldest members of the Masonic fraternity in this section. He maintained his faculties to the last, and expressed a desire that his funeral should take place without ostentation or display of any kind. He was noted for his abstemious habits, of an energetic, active temperament, one of the pioneer workers of the county. He left three children: Mrs. Martha Helen Lyon Preuitt (wife of Wiley Green Preuitt); Mr. Luther L. Lyon of Alton; and Mrs. Nannie Louisa Lyon McPike of Rockford (second wife of Henry Guest McPike, which ended in divorce). They were all in attendance a portion of the time during his last illness.

The funeral took place Sunday morning from the residence of Mr. W. G. Preuitt, with an unusually large attendance. Mr. Lyon was well known to all the citizens of Bethalto, having been one of the early settlers in that vicinity. He was respected and esteemed by all; a useful citizen, a kind neighbor, and his loss will be deeply felt by his relatives and friends. The remains were interred at the family graveyard, a few rods south of Mr. Preuitt’s residence.

Luther Wells Lyon was born May 6, 1802, in Woodstock, Connecticut. He married in 1831 to Martha Wardwell Fairfield (1805-1870). They had one son and two daughters, listed above. Luther was buried in the Preuitt Cemetery in Bethalto.


LYONS, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 11, 1911
The funeral of Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Lyons of Godfrey, was held Sunday afternoon from the family home, Rev. Charles Lyons officiating. Burial was in the Godfrey cemetery.


LYONS, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 1, 1889
A St. Louis man named Michael Lyons lay down to sleep Tuesday night under a freight car at Nameoki, this county. The usual result followed – the car was pulled out during the night, Lyons was run over, and so badly mangled that he died the next day. Coroner Bonner held an inquest, and took charge of the body.


LYONS, ROBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 14, 1911
The funeral of Robert, 2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Lyons, was held at Godfrey Sunday afternoon, services being conducted by Rev. Dr. Cotton. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons buried their other son [Should be daughter] just two weeks ago Sunday, and the sympathy of the entire community is with them in their sorrow. Floral offerings were numerous, the mound in Godfrey cemetery being covered deep with them.


LYTLE, MAGGIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 10, 1908
Mrs. Maggie Lytle, wife of William G. Lytle, died Tuesday morning at her home, Seventh and Belle streets, after an illness of several years. She had been helplessly paralyzed almost all of the time and unable to help herself. She was in her 43rd year. She leaves her husband, one son, a brother, and a sister. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home.