PABST, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 09, 1898
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Mary Pabst, aged an even 80 years, died
Sunday morning at the home of her son, Charles Pabst. Her demise was
due to congestion of the stomach.
PACE, EMMA/Source:
Alton Telegraph, February 8, 1894
From Upper Alton – Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Pace were sadly bereaved this
morning by the death of their daughter, Emma, aged 16 years. She had
been a sufferer from consumption for several months. The funeral
services will be held tomorrow. The interment will be at Winchester,
PACK, MARY J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 31, 1919
Mrs. Mary J. Pack, wife of James P. Pack, died this morning at 5
o'clock at the family home, East Sixth street. Mrs. Pack would have
been 76 years of age in May. She had been in feeble health for a
long time. Mrs. Pack had been a resident of Alton for many years.
She came here with her husband after the close of the Civil War and
settled here and had made her home in Alton ever since. Mrs. Pack
leaves beside her aged husband, one daughter, Mrs. Matilda
Kaeshammer and three grandsons, August, James and William
Kaeshammer. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock
from St. Patrick's Church.
PACKARD, E. H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 28, 1910
Found Dead Near Railroad in Godfrey
Coroner C. N. Streeper buried the body Wednesday afternoon of E. H.
Packard, the man found dead last Sunday on the C. & A. cut-off, a
mile southeast of Godfrey. Before Packard was buried, photographs
were taken of his body in the casket, according to the request of
his sister. James English took the pictures, and three different
views were taken. The photographs were finished up and mailed to his
sister this afternoon, and they were excellent pictures. Coroner
Streeper expects a letter from the sister of the dead man tomorrow.
This was the first request Coroner Streeper ever had to have a
corpse photographed.
PADDOCK, BENJAMIN F. JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October
2, 1901
Benjamin Paddock, aged 40(?), died at his home in East Alton this
morning after a protracted illness with heart disease. He leaves a
widow and one son. The funeral will be Thursday afternoon from the
home to Milton Cemetery.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 10, 1901
Benjamin F. Paddock Jr. died at his home on October 2 after a long
illness. Rev. Josiah Able from Granite City conducted the funeral
services from the house to Milton Cemetery. Mr. Paddock was a well
respected citizen, and for many years has been a member of the
Baptist church here. He was well thought of in his home community,
as was shown by the large gathering at the funeral. He leaves a wife
and one son to mourn the loss of a kind husband and father.
PADDOCK, HENRY L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 21, 1902
Henry L. Paddock, a resident of Godfrey many years, died suddenly
Thursday night after an illness with heart trouble. He was taken ill
at noon and lived until evening. He was 60 years of age and leaves a
family of a wife, five sons, and a daughter. Mr. Paddock was a
native of England and on coming to this country settled near
Brighton. He then moved to Godfrey where he followed his trade as a
mason. He was well known in the vicinity of Godfrey and Brighton,
and also in Alton, and was highly esteemed. The funeral will be held
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock and services will be conducted by Rev.
C. Nash, of the Jerseyville Methodist church. [Burial was at
PADDOCK, JOANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 10, 1867
Died this morning, (May 5, 1867), after prolonged and painful
illness, Joann Paddock.
PADDOCK, SARA JOSEPHA FOSTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
September 20, 1915
Death claimed Mrs. Josepha Foster Paddock, wife of Gaius Paddock,
Monday morning at 3 o'clock at their home in Moro township. Her
death at the age of 75 years was the first break in the family that
has occurred in the fifty-three years of married life of the couple.
They were one of the best mated, happiest old couples to be found.
Mrs. Paddock's health began failing long ago, and heer death was due
to a general breaking down from old age. The last forty-eight hours
of her life she was unconscious. For many years the couple resided
in Alton, on Fourth street, in the house now occupied by the family
of H. K. Johnston. They moved to St. Louis in later years, and
afterward went to Moro, where they settled down to enjoy rural life
the remainder of their days. Their home has been a hospitable place
indeed for all, and Mrs. Paddock was known as a delightful
entertainer. She was highly valued by those who knew her as a
friend, and her family were devoted to her. She leaves eight
children - Evelyn "Eva," the wife of Brigadier General John B. Kerr, U. S.
A.; Gaius Foster Paddock of St. Louis; Robert Allan Paddock, a New York attorney; Misses
May, Sarah and Alice, residing at home; Lucille, the wife of Lieut.
Palmer Swift of Ft. Riley, Kansas; and Orville Wood Paddock, an
electrical engineer, residing in Chicago. The funeral will be held
on Wednesday from the old Paddock homestead, three miles east of
Alton, and interment will be in the burial ground there.
Sara Josepha Foster was born July 5, 1841, in St. Louis, Missouri.
She married Gaius Orville Paddock (1836-1936), and they had the
following children: Evelyn “Eva” Paddock Kerr (1863-1927); Gaius
Foster Paddock (1866-1932); Robert Allan Paddock (1869-1937); Mary
“May” Josepha Paddock (1871-1963); Sara Singleton Paddock
(1874-1957); Orville Wood Paddock (1880-1955); Lucille Paddock
Swift; and Alice Paddock. Sara Paddock was buried in the
Paddock-Flagg Cemetery in Moro, Madison County, Illinois.
PADDOCK, LEWIS RAY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 28,
Lewis Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Paddock of 617 Ridge street,
died Sunday afternoon at the family home after an illness of one
week from diptheria, aged 10 years 8 months. No other member of the
family is ill with the disease. The funeral was in private this
afternoon at 4 o'clock.
PADDOCK, LIZZIE (nee LOHR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March
7, 1901
Mrs. Allen R. Paddock, nee Lizzie Lohr, died very suddenly yesterday
afternoon at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Lohr. Mrs. Paddock
has lived in Upper Alton and vicinity all her life, with the the
exception of the past two years, which she has spent with her
husband in Pueblo, Colorado, where they went hoping to benefit Mrs.
Paddock's health. Mrs. Paddock arrived here about three weeks ago
and was in great grief over the loss of her little daughter, Clova,
and this hastened her own death, which was from heart failure. Mrs.
Paddock was in her 29th year. One child, a son, Middleton, is here.
Mr. Paddock is expected here Friday morning. Funeral arrangements
will not be completed until he arrives.
PADDOCK, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 27, 1908
A funeral at East Alton Sunday morning, that of Mrs. Mary Paddock,
was disturbed by the shouts and screams of a woman who was calling
for help. Screams of "Help! Murder!" were the disturbing cause. Tony
Siler, who lives close to the Paddock home, was said to be trying to
murder his brother-in-law, Oscar Jones. The brother-in-law,
according to Mrs. Siler, had called to see Mrs. Siler, his sister,
and her husband objected to his being in the house. He procured a
revolver and it is said would have killed the brother-in-law but for
interference by Coroner C. N. Streeper. Mr. Streeper was in charge
of the funeral. He ran over to the place whence the screams were
coming and he disarmed Siler and prevented him carrying his threats
into effect. Justice S. G. Cooper issued a warrant for the arrest of
Siler, and he gave bond for his appearance this morning.
Mrs. Mary Paddock, wife of John Paddock, who was buried from her
East Alton home Sunday afternoon, had made all arrangements for her
own funeral long before her death occurred. She had selected the
clergyman, an old friend, to conduct the services; had picked out
the text, decided who was to sing at her funeral, and who were to
serve as pallbearers. Owing to the fact that some of those who were
picked had moved away from the village, some changes were made, but
the funeral was carried our almost as the deceased had expressed her
wishes. Rev. James Osborn, who officiated at the funeral of Mrs.
Paddock, was placed in an embarrassing position just when it was
time for the funeral service to begin. Rev. Mr. Osborn had prepared
a sermon for the occasion, but just when the funeral party started
from the home to the church, one of the relatives of the deceased
happened to think that no one had told the officiating clergyman
that Mrs. Paddock has asked that the text "She Hath Done What She
Could," be used for her funeral sermon. Mr. Osborne said there was a
large attendance at the funeral, and he had a very few minutes to
think over his subject, but managed to make a thirty-five minutes
talk. The hymns selected by Mrs. Paddock were "The Only
Remembrance," "Save by Grace," "Will There Be Any Stars in My
Crown," and "Rock of Ages." The pallbearers were S. G. Cooper, James
Mitchell, R. J. Hoekstra, John Thomas, Al Jones and John Ingals.
PADDOCK, MYRTLE EMMA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February
24, 1899
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Paddock are bereaved in the death of their only
daughter, Myrtle Emma, aged 11 months and 8 days, who died Thursday
afternoon from la grippe and lung fever. The funeral will take place
Sunday from the family home, 719 E. Sixth Street. Interment will be
in the Alton City Cemetery.
PADDOCK, ORVILLE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 3, 1868
Our community are again called upon today to mourn the sudden death
of another of our old, well-known citizens. Mr. Orville Paddock, who
has been a resident of Alton a great many years, and has raised up
among us a most estimable and worthy family, was taken with
paralysis last night, and in about an hour afterwards, departed this
life. It will be recollected that it was only a day or two since
that the Hon. Robert Smith was very suddenly removed from us, and
now our citizens are called upon to follow the corpse of Mr. Paddock
to the grave.
PADDOCK, ORVILLE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 23,
Old Soldier Dies
Orville Paddock, a brother of Gus Paddock of Moro, died at the
national soldier’s home in Virginia, Sept. 19, and was buried there
the following day. Word of the death and burial has been received by
Gus Paddock, the brother. Mr. Orville Paddock was born in August
1842, and enlisted with the 97th Illinois Regiment in Alton, 20
years later, in 1862. Capt. John Trilbe had charge of the Company
under the command of Col. Rutherford. Mr. Paddock served till the
close of the war. It is interesting in connection with the death of
this old soldier to mention that the deceased was one of the
twenty-two young Altonians who came back from the war in this
company, out of eighty who went away. Today there are only three of
them in Alton and few more alive. The three are William Ellis Smith
of the Drury-Wead Co., Dr. Charles Davis, and his brother Levi
Davis, the attorney. All three of these men are active in the
pursuits of life they chose, despite it being sixty-two years ago
that they shouldered guns and marched away from Alton to go to war.
PADDOCK, P./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1850
Died at Paddock’s Grove in Madison County, Illinois, on the 14th
inst., Mrs. P. Paddock, aged 81 years, for many years prior to her
removal to Illinois, a resident of St. Louis.
PADDOCK, SOPHIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 20, 1918
Double misfortunes were visited Monday night on Rollo Paddock of
Godfrey, the well known business man of the little village, in that
he lost his mother and home within a few hours time. Mrs. Sophie
Paddock, the mother, died at her home Monday evening at 10:30
o'clock, and the Rollo Paddock home and place of business was
destroyed during the night. The Paddock family went to the mother's
home and closed up the house, and were away at the time the fire
broke out. By the time the fire was discovered, it had eaten
throughout the interior of the house and the fire fighters who
arrived on the scene were unable to be of any assistance. The
Paddock family resided close to the C. & A. station at Godfrey, and
conducted a small grocery store and boarding house. Theirs was one
of the best known institutions in the town, and was known to all
visitors. The fire will be the cause of a shortage of sleeping
accommodations. As the result of the fire, the Kinloch wires were
burned out on the east side of town, and telephone connections were
broken off. The west side system was not affected. The Chicago &
Alton passenger station at Godfrey, which is about fifty feet from
where the Paddock house stood, was endangered by the fire. The old
station was burned not long ago, and the new one is nearing
completion. It stands under roof and is ready to receive the stucco
covering on the outside. The fire in the Paddock building would have
spread to the station but for the fact there was a full tank of
water and strong pressure available from the city water service
pipes, and it was possible to keep a stream of water playing on the
station all the time. On the other side of the passenger station
were two long strings of box cars, and no engine anywhere around to
move them, and all the cars were loaded. It was a dangerous time
until the fire had died down so that the menace to the depot and the
box cars was removed.
PADDOCK, SUSANNA “SUSAN”/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 8, 1885
Daughter of Gaius and Mary Wood Paddock
Miss Susan Paddock was born in Woodstock, Windsor County, Vermont.
She was the fourth daughter of Gaius and Mary Wood Paddock. In the
Fall of 1815, the family of eight daughters and two sons started for
the West, and wintered in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1816, they moved to
St. Charles, Missouri, crossing the Mississippi River at Smeltzer’s
ferry, about two miles above Alton. They were in St. Charles about
one year, and then moved to St. Louis, where they remained until
March 1819, when a part of the family, including Susan Paddock,
moved to the Illinois farm. It was then entirely new; one small log
cabin and about four acres under fence, and to the north no house
nearer than Fort Clark (now Peoria). Having a great taste for all
pertaining to botany, she commenced the cultivation of floral and
horticultural plants, and many old settlers came to her for plants
and trees to beautify their own homes. In 1831, her father died, and
the care of the farm came into her hands, and was conducted from
that time until her last sickness with credit to herself. She was
ever ready to assist the needy and to help the young to gain all the
instruction they would need through life. Painting was her
recreation, and many young persons were indebted to her for their
first lessons.
Some years ago she united with the Unitarian Church in St. Louis,
and was a consistent member until she felt it her duty to unite with
the Liberty Cumberland Presbyterian Church to which she gave great
attention as long as able to attend, in fact, she was taken down
with her last sickness on her return from the church, and died at
her home on October 26, 1884. [Burial was in the Paddock – Flagg
Cemetery in Moro, Madison County, Illinois.]
PADDOCK, THOMAS B./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 15, 1871
Died on August 23, 1871, in Paris, France, after a short illness,
Thomas B. Paddock of Alton.
PAGE, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 14, 1894
Engineer Thomas Page died Thursday. Mr. Page resided in Alton for
some time, and held a position on the Big Four Railroad. He was
discharged, owing to deafness. He was a kind-hearted man, and did
several acts of charity to the “cave dwellers” recorded at the time.
His mind was affected, and it became necessary to send him to the
asylum at Anna. The funeral took place Saturday from the home of his
family in Mattoon.
While an engineer on the Big Four, he was hauling a water train,
which was filled at Wann from the tank there. The train consisted of
coal oil tanks, and Mr. Page attempted to look into one of them,
holding a lighted torch for the purpose of seeing as to whether the
tank was empty. The minute the torch was lowered into the tank,
there was a loud explosion, and Mr. Page was badly burned about the
face and head, from which he suffered most severely for weeks.
PAINE, ROBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 27, 1894
Robert Paine, a resident of Alton, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital
Saturday night, at the age of 56 years, from bowel complaint. The
funeral occurred Sunday afternoon, and interment took place at St.
Patrick’s Cemetery.
PALMER, ELLA H./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 3, 1875
Died March 31, 1875, Ella H., infant daughter of H. R. and S. J.
Palmer; aged one month and one week.
PALMER, EMILY (nee GODFREY)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May
27, 1897
Daughter, and Last Surviving Child of Captain Benjamin Godfrey
Emily Godfrey Palmer, the last of the children of the late Benjamin
Godfrey, founder of the Monticello Ladies Seminary, died at her home
in New Brunswick, New Jersey, on Tuesday, May 18. Mrs. Palmer had
been sick for a month, and in poor health for six months previously.
Five children survive her.
She was married in Texas many years ago at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Bowie, and removed with her husband, Joseph Ransom Palmer, to
New Brunswick, where she lived and raised her family. The New
Brunswick papers speak of her as a woman of strong Christian
Source: New Brunswick Daily Times, May 19, 1897
Mrs. Joseph Ransom Palmer, daughter of the late Captain Benjamin
Godfrey of Godfrey, Illinois, died at her home, No. 78 College
Avenue, last night. She leaves, beside her husband, four children –
two sons, Oliver M. and Joseph; and two daughters, both of whom are
unmarried. She was also related to Mrs. Munsell of Paterson Street.
The funeral will be held from her late residence on Friday, at 11
o’clock. [Burial was in the Elmwood Cemetery, New Brunswick,
Middlesex County, New Jersey.]
PALMER, FANNY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 24, 1902
Mrs. Fanny Palmer, aged 46, died last night at St. Joseph's hospital
after an illness of several months. She underwent a surgical
operation a short time ago and did not rally from it.
PALMER, JAMES A./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 28, 1873
Dies in Edwardsville Jail
We understand that James A. Palmer, who was confined in the Madison
county jail [Edwardsville], under the charge of stealing a buggy and
a beehive, died in prison on Wednesday last of lung fever. He is
believed to be the first prisoner who has died while confined in
jail in this county, within the recollection of the “oldest
inhabitant” of Edwardsville.
PALMER, JESSE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 6, 1918
Jesse Palmer died last evening at the Emergency hospital where he
was taken upon the advice of his attending physician. He was taken
ill a week ago last Monday, and from that time grew worse. He
resided with his family just outside of Upper Alton, and worked at
the Western Cartridge Company. He leaves his wife and three
children, two sons, William and Theodore, and one daughter,
Catherine. William is in France with the American Expeditionary
Forces. His wife is very ill, having suffered a fainting spell
before her husband's death. All day she remained in a serious
condition which caused her family much alarm. Besides his wife and
children, Palmer leaves his aged mother, Mrs. Sarah Palmer, who
resided with him; also three brothers, Charles, Thomas and George;
and three sisters, Mrs. Charles Daniels of St. Louis, Mrs. Thomas
Payne of Sturgis, Mich., and Mrs. H. Jouett of this city. He was 44
years of age. This afternoon Mrs. Palmer recovered enough for her
brother-in-law, George Palmer, to tell her of her husband's death.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Thursday from the Streeper
Undertaking Parlors. The services will be private.
PALMER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1895
From Moro – Mrs. William Palmer died at her late residence in
Charleston, Monday evening, after a lingering illness. The remains
were brought to Moro Tuesday evening for interment. Short services
were held at the church, conducted by Rev. Smith. Mrs. Palmer was
long a resident of Moro. She leaves a large number of relatives,
among them being Mrs. George Russel of Moro, and Mrs. C. C. Russel
and John Palmer of Edwardsville.
PAPE, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 08, 1898
Charles Pape, a well-known young glass worker, died at his home on
Spring Street Saturday night with consumption. He was only 25 years
of age, and his death coming so untimely leaves many sorrowing
friends and relatives. The funeral was on Tuesday morning, and
services were held in St. Mary’s Church.
PAPE, CONRAD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 17, 1899
Conrad Pape, a longtime resident of Alton, died this morning at his
home, 822 East Fifth Street, after a long illness. Death was caused
by extension of paralysis of the throat to vital organs. He was able
to be about his home this morning, and was not considered
dangerously ill. His death was very sudden. Mr. Pape was born in
Germany, and was 69 years of age. He leaves a wife and three
daughters – Mrs. Theresa Hellrung, Mrs. Louise Edwards, and Miss
Anna Pape. The funeral will be Thursday, and services will be in St.
Mary’s Church.
PAPE, LUDWIG/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 26, 1915
Ludwig Pape, aged 93, died Monday afternoon in the Liberty Prairie
neighborhood near Moro, from old age. He had lived there since 1848
and he had raised a large family of children. He is survived by five
sons and five daughters. He served in the German army in 1848 as a
cavalryman. On coming to America, he took work on the place of
Gershom Flagg, and later he married. He bought some land and he
added to it and at his death he left about 250 acres of farming land
beside other property. He was a highly respected resident of the
neighborhood, and even though he had lived beyond the time of men
whom he had known in the days of his activity, he had many friends
among the younger people.
PAPE, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 5, 1907
Mrs. Mary Pape, who was a resident of Alton for more than half a
century, died last night from dropsy at her home, 822 east Fifth
street. She is survived by three daughters. The funeral will be held
Monday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church. Mrs. Pape was 75
years old the 20th of last March.
PARADEE, SUSAN C. (nee GASKILL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 20,
From Edwardsville - We have been told of the death of Mrs. Paradee,
widow of the late Caleb Paradee, which occurred at Troy in Madison
County about a week ago, and if all we heard is true, it would seem
that she died by poison administered by herself. We did not hear
full and reliable particulars, however, and the poison part of the
report may be false. The deceased was a daughter of Stephen W.
Gaskill of Collinsville. [Mrs. Paradee was born in 1850, and was 25
years of age. She was buried in the Glenwood Cemetery in
Collinsville. Her tombstone reads, “Mother.”]
PARADISE, NICHOLAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 16, 1891
Killed by Train
Nicholas Paradise, a German farmer, 55 years of age, was killed
Thursday on the track of the Chicago & Alton Railroad at Mitchell.
He was loading a car with wheat on a side track of the Big Four
Railroad. Two freight trains, with the engines racing each other,
stood between the car and the hotel. Mr. Paradise and his helper
tried to pass between the two engines to the hotel, across the main
line. As Paradise stepped on the track, train No. 42, known as the
Kansas City mail, going south, struck and killed him instantly. An
inquest was held by Coroner Bonner, the jury rendering a verdict of
accidental death. The remains were buried in the Catholic Cemetery
at Mitchell on Friday.
PARK, CHARLES T./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10,
Father and Son Die Same Day from Influenza
John Louis Park, aged 8, died this morning at the family home in
Wood River, and this afternoon about 2:30 o'clock the father of the
child, Charles T. Park, passed away. Both parents and child were
victims of the influenza. Other members of the family are ill with
the influenza, and no funeral arrangements have been made.
PARK, ELEANOR/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 10, 1890
Died April 4, Miss Eleanor Park, sister of Mrs. Mary Tansey, corner
of State and William Streets in Alton; in the 80th year of her age.
PARK, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 1, 1875
Mr. John Park, one of our oldest and most respected citizens, died
June 24, 1875, at his residence on State Street after a lingering
illness, aged eighty years. His decease has been long expected, but
will prove none the less a grief to his many relatives and friends,
by all of whom he was regarded with sincere affection. Mr. Park was
a native of Ireland, but came to this country when about twenty-five
years of age [in 1820], and took up his residence in New Orleans,
where he resided about fifteen years, and then owing to failing
health, he returned to his native land. In 1850, he again came to
the United States, and settled in Alton, where he has since resided,
living to a green old age, and ever retaining the respect and esteem
of all who knew him. He was an honest man and a good citizen - one
whose death is ever a severe loss to a community. Mr. Park was a
relative of Mr. R. P. Tansey of St. Louis.
PARK, JOHN LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10,
Father and Son Die Same Day from Influenza
John Louis Park, aged 8, died this morning at the family home in
Wood River, and this afternoon about 2:30 o'clock the father of the
child, Charles T. Park, passed away. Both parents and child were
victims of the influenza. Other members of the family are ill with
the influenza, and no funeral arrangements have been made.
PARKER, ANNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 29, 1893
Mrs. Annie Parker, wife of Mr. W. C. Parker, died Monday after a
painful illness covering several weeks. A little more than a year
ago, Miss Annie Holl was united in marriage to Mr. Parker, and this
married life promised much pleasure until about three months ago,
when she became ill and later was taken to her bed with consumption
at the residence of her sister, Mrs. William Fries, where she
remained until death came to her relief. The funeral took place
Tuesday afternoon from the home of her sister, Mrs. William Fries. A
large number of friends were present at the services, which were
conducted by Rev. L. A. Abbott. Numerous flowers testified of the
esteem in which the deceased was held by all who knew her. A large
cortege followed to the Alton City Cemetery, where the remains were
laid to rest with a last hymn and prayer.
PARKER, CHARLES A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 20, 1914
President of Parker & Block Commission in St. Louis Drowns
While a party of forty picnickers from Alton stood helplessly by on
Maple Island Sunday afternoon, Charles A. Parker, aged 52, president
of the Parker & Block Commission Co., St. Louis, was drowned a few
hundred yards of the island. The Alton party saw the Parker party
fight for over fifteen minutes in an effort to save the life of Mr.
Parker from the river, and it is very probable that if they had had
a skiff, they would have been able to have effected a rescue. Among
those who were in the picnic party were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McManus
and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Cobus Penning,
Mrs. Emma Meyers and daughter, Misses Susie Jones, Amelia Dietschy,
Lizzie Berner, Ada Hemkin. Besides these, there were a number of
guests. According to the members of the party this is the first time
that they have ever made their annual outing trip without taking a
skiff with them. Parker, who is well to do, being an owner of stock
in the St. Louis Federal League Club, besides his interest in the
Parker & Block Commission Co., arrived home from LaGrange, Ill.
Sunday after spending several days there on business. He was
persuaded by his brother and a number of other business associates
to make the pleasure trip to Willow Ben's Island. The party arrived
at the island at 1 o'clock, and at once set out for the bar above to
go swimming. Mr. Parker had not intended to go swimming, but he
found a bathing suit on the boat and decided to use it. The party
was taken from the island to the bar in the launch "Let's Go," owned
by William Havens, despite the protests of Willow Ben, who advised
them not to swim there. Parker was an exceptionally good swimmer,
and he was not content to remain in the four foot water over the
bar, and struck out into the river. After going for a distance of
some 150 yards, he was seized with a cramp and called out to the
other members of the party for help. At once Ed Streit, Henry
Kulage, and Joseph Abaracherle and Al Brown struck out to save him.
All of these men were fairly good swimmers, but the swim out to the
drowning man exhausted them to such a degree that it was impossible
for them to bring him back to the bar. For fifteen minutes the party
of five floated down the river, first one of the swimmers holding
Parker above the water and then another would take a turn. In the
meantime, Parker's brother, Stanley, hurried back to the boat and
started out in the big launch to effect the rescue. From the deck of
the boat he kept yelling orders and begged the men in the water to
hold on to his brother. Parker's short hair made it impossible to
hold him up in this manner, and at one time Brown held him up by the
shin and again by the ear, but both times he got away. Kulage, who
weighs but 135 pounds was taken down twice by Parker, who weighs
195, before he finally gave up the struggle, and Abarcherie was so
nearly drowned that it took the party fifteen minutes to bring him
to after getting him to shore. Abaracherle said after coming to,
that he would have stayed until the last but he thought of his
little children at home and had to leave go of Parker. It was a sad
party that left Willow Ben's Island Sunday evening for St. Louis in
the launch "Let's Go." It would have been very difficult to find a
set of fourteen men than those who confronted a reported for the
Telegraph on the island Sunday evening. Parker leaves a wife and
three children, who are at present enjoying a pleasure trip in the
East. Members of the family said that a liberal reward would be
given for the finding of the body. Efforts were made to get it
Sunday, but they were unsuccessful.
NOTE: Willow Ben, who advised the party not to swim there, and whose
real name was Ben Sawyer, made a living by attending the river
beacons to guide steamboat pilots. He also caught and sold fish. He
lived among the willows on the island with his dog, cat, and goat,
and made trips to Alton to buy provisions and meet with friends. He
also enjoyed killing and eating chicken hawks, and considered them a
great delicacy.
PARKER, EMMA/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 2, 1852
Died on the 27th inst., in Alton, Emma, daughter of W. R. and Z. H.
Parker, aged 1 year, 10 months and 22 days.
PARKER, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 13, 1910
The funeral of George Parker was held this afternoon at 3 o'clock
from his home on State street. A large number of friends of the old
soldier attended the services at the home and burial in Oakwood
cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. H. M.
Chittenden of St. Paul's Episcopal church. The pallbearers were
Samuel Pile, John Haven, James Smith, George Berngen, Leo Hale, W.
A. Rice.
PARKER, JENNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 13, 1890
From Marine – The funeral services of Miss Jennie Parker were
conducted by Elder Vance of Hillsboro, at the Christian Church. The
remains were interred at the Marine Cemetery Wednesday morning. Miss
Parker was born in Marine in 1859. She was a devout Christian and an
active worker, both in church and Sunday school. Dust has returned
to dust, and a spirit to its Creator. She leaves a mother and a
large circle of friends to mourn her demise.
PARKER, NEWTON SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 18,
Civil War Soldier
Newton Parker Sr., after an illness of short duration, died Friday
night at 10 o'clock at his home in Hawley avenue, the members of his
family with other relatives being at his bedside when the end came.
He was 82 years old, and lived here more than 80 of those years. He
was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Parker, who came here from the
east something over 80 years ago, when deceased was a small child.
He was one of the old time, expert sawmill men in this vicinity, and
for many years was employed at the sawmill operated on the
riverfront above Alton. He married a Miss Hawley, and several years
ago retired from work to the farm on Hawley avenue. He is survived
by his wife and three sons, Samuel Parker, Officer Harry Parker, and
Newton Parker Jr., all of Alton. He fought in the war of the
Rebellion, and is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He was
a companionable, genial man and a good neighbor, a devoted husband
and father, and a good citizen generally. He lived to see Alton
transformed from a little town surrounded by forests, into the fine
progressive city it is, and has seen all of the wonderful inventions
and improvements the world has made since he was a lad. His own farm
he has seen become in part, at least, the sites of happy homes, and
he has seen the farms of his early day neighbors become the sites of
a city. Charitable, just and kind, his death will be regretted by
the citizens generally, and his family has the sincere sympathy of
all. For the last forty years Mr. and Mrs. Parker lived on the
Hawley homestead in Hawley avenue, and after Mr. Parker quit working
in the saw mills for Messrs. George Allen, J. M. Ryrie and the late
A. K. Root, he devoted his time to the culture of fruit and kindred
pursuits. He was a brother of the late Mrs. William Armstrong, and
of the late George Parker. Two of his children died in infancy.
Death came to him last night without a struggle, and his end was
very peaceful. Mrs. Parker became prostrated and was under the care
of a physician for some time. The funeral will be held Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
PARKER, ROBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 1, 1910
Robert Parker, the 19 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Parker,
living in the North Side on Alby street, died at St. Joseph's
hospital Thursday evening from lockjaw, as the result of injuries he
received two weeks ago last Tuesday. Parker had lockjaw six days,
and two weeks from the day he was hurt he was moved to the hospital.
The family first noticed that pains which were troubling him were
due to a cold, but on Tuesday morning he became very bad and the
doctors who were called decided to attempt an operation at the
hospital, and also to inject tetanus anti-toxine. Three treatments
of the anti-toxin were given, but they were of no avail, and he died
Thursday after suffering agony from the frequently recurring attacks
of lockjaw. He would rest quietly at times, but when the convulsions
came on, his suffering was terrible. The funeral will be taken to
Melville for burial. Parker was caught under a caving bank at the
brick plant, and was crushed against the sharp teeth of a steam
shovel. His right arm was broken in several places, and his thumb
was broken and lacerated against the teeth of the shovel. It was
this that caused the tetanus.
PARKER, SARAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 2, 1852
Died at Marine, Madison County, Illinois, on October 21, 1851, Mrs.
Sarah Parker, wife of Captain Andrew Parker, in the 48th year of her
age. The deceased, till the last summer, was known as Miss Carah
Cadwalader. For many years she was an esteemed member of Rev. Albert
Barnes’ Church, Philadelphia. In the Fall of 1849, she came to the
West, and during her two year’s residence at Marine, has endeared
herself to many warm friends, in the exercise of “a meek and quiet
PARKER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 01, 1851
Died in Alton on the 23d inst., an infant daughter of James and
Elizabeth Parker, aged three months and 12 days.
PARKER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 05, 1915
The funeral of the eight-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Parker, of the Coal Branch, who died Wednesday morning, was held
yesterday afternoon from the home to Melville Cemetery, where
interment took place.
PARKER, W. C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 28, 1901
W. C. Parker died Tuesday evening in the 51st year of his age, at
his residence on Upper State street. Mr. Parker was a native of
Alton, where he has lived his entire life. He was for many years
engineer for John Armstrong, and proved himself faithful and
competent in the discharge of his duties. He was esteemed by all his
acquaintances who will regret his death. His wife and one son
survive him. The funeral will take place on Thursday morning from
the family residence at nine o'clock, Rev. G. W. Shepherd
PARKER, WALTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 19, 1908
Walter, 4 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker, died last
night from stomach troubles at the home in Alby street. The funeral
will be held tomorrow afternoon, and burial will be in City
PARKER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 15, 1916
The funeral of William Parker was held this afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from the home of J. Dorsett. The services were conducted by
Rev. M. W. Twing, and the burial was in the City cemetery.
PARKER, WILLIAM R./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 21, 1892
Mr. William R. Parker, one of Alton’s oldest and most respected
citizens, died at his home, corner of Ninth and Belle Streets,
yesterday evening, after a lingering illness of rheumatic
meningitis. Mr. Parker, who was 78 years of age, leaves besides the
widow, two daughter, Mrs. Felix Wise and Mrs. Charles Levis, and one
son, Mr. William E. Parker. Deceased was a native of Milton,
Delaware, and has resided in Alton since 1846. For a number of
years, he was engaged in business as a wholesale grocer, and was
perhaps longer in the grocery business than any other man in Alton.
The funeral will take place tomorrow from his late residence to the
Alton City Cemetery.
PARKER, ZORADA H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 17,
Another old resident of Alton received a sudden summons this morning
to the Great Beyond, and although she had been ill for three days
with the grip, the end came so unexpectedly as to severely shock her
relatives and numerous friends. Mrs. Zorada H. Parker died at 11
o'clock this morning of heart failure at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Charles Levis, 811 State street. She had been making her home
with her daughter for some time. Mrs. Parker was 71 years of age and
had lived in Alton since 1847. For many years after the death of her
husband, she continued to conduct the grocery store at Ninth and
Belle streets, and many poor people received much kindly aid from
her in time of need. She was of a nature that made friends and
retained them, and her death will be sincerely mourned by those who
knew her best. She leaves three children, Mrs. Felix I. Wise, Mrs.
Charles Levis of Alton, and W. C. Parker of St. Louis.
PARKINSON, AUGUSTUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 29, 1884
Augustus Parkinson, son of ex-State Senator Parkinson, died at the
family residence near Highland last Sunday, of consumption.
PARKINSON, WASHINGTON/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1846
Murder in Highland!
The following extract of a letter from a highly esteemed friend at
Helvetia [Township], in this county, gives an account of a
diabolical murder committed in the evening of the 15th inst. We
learn from other sources that the unfortunate victim, who was a most
respectable citizen, had just risen from the supper table and was
sitting near and fronting a window reading a newspaper at the moment
when the vile assassin accomplished his atrocious purpose. It will
be observed that a son of the deceased has offered a reward for the
apprehension of the villain, and we hope every proper exertion will
be used to bring him to justice with as much expedition as
"A most foul and cold-blooded murder was committed on Friday evening
last, the 15th inst., near Highland, Madison County, Illinois. Mr.
Washington Parkinson, an old and highly respectable citizen of this
county, was shot while sitting in his own house about 8 o'clock on
the night aforesaid, by some unknown person who, under cover of the
darkness, discharged a gun loaded with a ball through the window -
the ball striking Mr. Parkinson near the center of his forehead. He
lived until about eight o'clock a.m. on Saturday, when he expired,
having survived the wound about twelve hours. Rarely, if ever, has
there been perpetrated an act of such fiendish atrocity as the one
above stated in the state of Illinois - an act that cannot be
palliated by any extenuating circumstances, as the vile perpetrator
could have been actuated by no other motive than the gratification
of his revenge, and his victim, an aged and gray-haired man (being
about sixty years of age), a peaceable and quiet citizen, surrounded
by a multitude of friends and living in the midst of a moral and
religious community. Strong and energetic means should be resorted
to, to ferret and bring to justice the guilty actor of this dark and
bloody tragedy, for which purpose, Mr. Alfred J. Parkinson, son of
the murdered man, has offered a reward of two hundred dollars, and
his friends and neighbors have taken steps to increase said reward,
the result of which will be announced next week."
NOTES: Washington Parkinson was born September 3, 1787, and was the
son of Peter Parkinson and Mary Morgan. He was born in Washington
County, North Carolina, which later became Carter County, Tennessee.
He came to Madison County, Illinois Territory in 1814. After his
death he was buried in the Parkinson Cemetery in St. Jacob,
Illinois. His survivors include his wife, Mary, daughters Mary Ann
and Eliza, and son Alfred Jackson Parkinson. As far as I know, the
murderer was never found and brought to justice.
PARKS, ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 19, 1862
Died in Alton this morning, (the 13th inst.), Mrs. Ann Parks, aged
81 years.
PARKS, AUGUSTUS SHIPLEY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5,
Died, in this city [Alton], on the 28th ult., Augustus Shipley,
infant son of Lawson A. and Margaret Parks, aged 6 weeks.
PARKS, ELIZABETH JANE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1846
Died in Alton on the 8th inst., after an illness of but six hours,
Elizabeth Jane, only child of Lawson A. and Margaret Parks, aged 5
LAWSON A./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 1, 1875
Co-Founder of the Alton Telegraph
Died in Alton on March 31, 1875, after a lingering illness, Lawson
A. Parks, Senior Editor of the Telegraph, aged 62 years. In
announcing the death of our beloved associate and friend, to the
readers of the Telegraph, we feel that we address a multitude of
sympathizers in this great affliction, who mourn with us the loss
his relatives, friends, and the community have sustained. A type of
noble and upright manhood, a man of honest purpose and purity of
life, a Christian gentleman has passed away from among us.
On the last day of the old year [1874], three months ago he was
stricken with the illness which has resulted in his death. The first
symptoms of sickness were felt on that evening, while at the
Presbyterian Church, engaged in leading the weekly prayer meeting.
For three long months of such pain as few men are called upon to
endure, he was a patient, uncomplaining sufferer. After the first
few days, his disease (originally typhoid pneumonia) developed
alarming symptoms. Then, week after week came alternations of hope
and fear to the friends who watched by his bedside. All the
resources of medical skill, the supreme devotion of a loving and
tender wife, the untiring care and attention of sympathizing
friends, proved powerless to check the progress of the destroyer. At
twenty minutes of seven, last evening, “the silver cord was loosed
and golden bowl was broken.”
The last few moments of his life were free from suffering – calmly
and peacefully, as if falling asleep, his life ebbed away, until he
was no longer among us. Up to the last half hour, he was fully
conscious – his mind clear and strong as ever. Death had for him no
terrors. He welcomed it, rather, as opening the door to his Father’s
house, where is no sickness, no pain, no weariness, only fullness of
joy and rest forevermore.
All his preparations were fully made for the great change, all his
wishes expressed, all the farewells taken. But we must be excused
from extended comment at present. We find ourselves unequal to the
task. What can we say that those who knew and loved him best do not
already know? His life in Alton, for nearly forty years – a life of
stainless integrity, of devotion to principle, of labor for others,
of service to his God, are a record which can never be effaced. A
sketch of his life is in preparation by competent hands, and will
appear, probably, in our next issue.
Thirty-nine years ago, Mr. Parks founded the Telegraph, Today, it
goes forth to its readers to tell them of its great loss; to tell
them that the voice, that for thirty-nine years spoke through its
columns none but words of truth, of honor, of patriotism, of strong
upholding of right, of fearless denunciation of wrong, is now still
in death. This paper was the life work of his public career. Through
it, the influence of his noble manhood was exerted largely
throughout the Southern part of the State, and we believe that his
work lives after him in a sense stronger and fuller than is given to
the most of men. In taking up the work where he laid it down, how
strongly do we feel the greatness of the deeds he wrought. How vain
to hope to equal them!
The funeral will take place tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 2:30
o’clock, from the Presbyterian Church. Carriages will leave the
residence for the church at two o’clock. Friends and acquaintances
are invited to attend.
How desolate is the home he leaves behind him, where the wife and
mother, bereft of husband and children, mourn in her loneliness and
sorrow. How strange it seems to think that his familiar form, his
genial presence, will no longer be seen in this office. How great
the void left in the church, and in the Mission School of which he
was the head.
But we must bring these broken words to a close. To us, all must
come, sooner or later, sorrow and trouble. For him who has entered
upon the new existence, to join his children gone before, we know
has come the fullness of life denied him here. But the bitterness of
parting! The void left behind! Surely all the sorrow of death can
never be told by those who remain to mourn over its desolation.
The Funeral of Lawson A. Parks
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 8, 1875
The funeral of Lawson A. Parks, Senior Editor of the Telegraph, took
place last Friday afternoon (April 2) from the Presbyterian Church,
as per announcement. Seldom, perhaps never, in Alton has there been
a larger attendance of citizens at a funeral service than that
gathered on Friday to pay the last tribute of respect and affection
to one known and loved so well. The character of the assemblage was
significant of the impress his life and services had made on the
community. All classes of society were represented – rich and poor,
white and colored – all testifying by their presence and sympathy
that they had lost a personal friend, and the community an honored
citizen. The Mayor and Common Council testified their appreciation
of the public services of the deceased by being present in their
official capacity. Large numbers of friends were also present from
neighboring towns. The services at the church were simple and
appropriate. The funeral discourses were preached by Rev. Messrs.
Norton and Armstrong. Rev. Messrs. West and Morrison assisted in the
services. Beautiful and touching music was rendered by the choir and
by the organist, Miss Cora Dolbee. The pallbearers were Messrs. John
E. Hayner, E. Hollister, E. P. Wade, John A. Cousley II, W. Hart,
Samuel Pitts, M. P. Caldwell, and C. T. Ware.
The services ended, the great congregation filed by the remains to
take the last look at the still face of their friend, brother and
helper. Then the long procession wended its way to the cemetery.
“Earth to earth, dust to dust, ashes to ashes.” Under the beautiful
rays of the westering sunlight, on that lovely Spring day, amid
prayers and tears, he was laid to rest beside his children. Around
him all nature is rising “in leaves and branches to the sky,” a type
of the resurrection morning when the bodies of the dead shall rise
clothed in immortal youth.
The Life and Character of Larson A. Parks
Larson A. Parks was born at or near Charlotte, Mecklenburg County,
North Carolina, April 15, 1813. His ancestors were Irish
Presbyterians, and came to North Carolina at an early day. Of his
history in childhood and youth, I have little knowledge. He has told
me, however, that his early education was very imperfect. As proof
of this, I may mention that when he was about 38 years of age, he
studied with me in Alton, the rudiments of English grammar, proving
himself a thorough and apt scholar. He learned his trade of printer
at Charlotte, North Carolina, entering the office at 17 years of
age. At the age of 20, in 1833, he came with his father to St.
Louis, where he remained for three years. While there, he worked at
the printing business, the first year in the Republican office. Hen
then became connected with the St. louis Observer – the famous paper
edited by Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. While in St. Louis, Mr. Parks
united with the First Presbyterian Church, then under the care of
Rev. W. S. Potts.
Mr. Parks removed to Alton on January 8, 1836, and in connection
with Richard M. Treadway, established the Alton Telegraph. His
connection with that paper, with several brief interruptions and
many changes as to his associates in the enterprise, has continued
from that time until his death. It was in that connection mainly
that he developed himself, advancing every year in general
intelligence and in mental grasp and compass, until he became one of
the most accomplished, as he had ever been one of the most
conscientious editors of the day. It is too, in that connection
mainly, that he has exerted a degree of usefulness, second, perhaps,
to that of no man in the southern half of our State.
He united with the First Presbyterian Church in Alton by letter,
July 3, 1836. At this time, there are only two persons in the church
whose connection with it was formed prior to his, viz., Mrs.
Margaret Stanford, who united July 25, 1835; and Elder P. B.
Whipple, who united April 17, 1836. Mr. Parks was chosen an elder in
the church on May 28, 1841, at the same time with Mr. Samuel Wade.
Since the church adopted the limited term plan of eldership, Mr.
Parks has been regularly re-elected, at the close of each term, and
always by a unanimous vote. At the time of his death, he was in
office the oldest elder.
He has ever been connected with the Sabbath School in some capacity,
as pupil, teacher, superintendent, or vice-superintendent. For the
few years just past, he has managed, with great efficiency and
success, the Mission Sunday School on State Street.
His attendance on the weekly prayer meeting was regular and
constant. Whoever might be absent, he was present. Whoever might
fail of adding his quota to the interest and profit of the meeting,
his contribution was always ready.
Of our friend’s domestic relations I shall trust myself to say but a
word. He married Miss Margaret Shipley on March 23, 1837. Four
children were given them, three of whom died in infancy. One son was
spared to reach the age of twelve. The widow now sits solitary, and
unconsciously appeals to those Christian sympathies which we as
unconsciously and spontaneously bestow. Would they could be rendered
more effective. With husband and children gone, what can the mourner
do? Alas! The desolated home! The vacant hearth!
Mr. Parks never occupied any civil position. His virtue was too
Roman for these politically degenerate times. He could be Cato the
Censor, or Aristides the Just, but of Machiavellian wiles he knew
little, and heartily despised the little he knew. He was, however,
at the time of his death, President of the Board of Trustees of the
State Reform School at Pontiac.
There is one fact in Mr. Parks’ history which is little known.
Between 1850 and 1854 occurred one of the periods of interruption in
his connection with the Telegraph. Encouraged by some who knew his
remarkable fluency, clearness, and aptness in extemporary address,
he directed his attention to the ministry, entered upon a course of
study with that object in view, and on April 16, 1852, was licensed
by the Presbytery of Alton to preach the gospel. He labored in that
capacity for several months at Troy, Madison County. His labors were
very favorably received, and the congregation were anxious for their
continuance, but Mr. Parks conceived he could be more useful by
returning to his old work. He accordingly again purchased an
interest in the Telegraph, and went back to his editorial and
publishing business. He never became an ordained minister, but from
the Spring of 1852 to the time of his death, he held a regular
license to preach the gospel, and occasionally acted in that
The circumstances of his sickness and death are familiar to this
audience, and were set forth with sufficient fullness in the
Telegraph of Tuesday. In one of my last interviews, he said
repeatedly that he was “satisfied,” meaning that he was willing to
live or die as the Lord pleased. He had no will of his own. Like
Abraham and Isaac, he died an elder, a ruler in the church, he died
satisfied; he had had enough of life and was ready to be gathered to
his people.
He had fully set his house in order. Of his personal piety, it is
superfluous to speak. Those, who for nearly forty years, have heard
him speak and pray, have witnessed his consistent walk, his active
efforts to do good, the uniformity of his piety, his freedom from
those periodical declines, which disgrace the course of so many, do
not need to be told he was a Christian man. He fed on Divine truth.
He grew in the knowledge of God. His path was that of the just.
I say, he had set his house in order. His will was made. His debts
were all paid. It is believed that at his death he owned no man a
dollar, except it may be for the expenses of his last sickness. His
widow is left with a competence. Benevolent objects are not
forgotten. All these grand results have been achieved by integrity,
by honesty, and by a man as free from love of money as anyone I ever
saw. His life was a pecuniary success, though filled with struggles
and economies. Much more a pecuniary success than that of many men
who have handled a thousand dollars where he handled one.
You will bear with me if I prolong this inadequate and imperfectly
digested sketch enough to give a condensed estimate of the man:
1. He was a self-made man. His early advantages must have been
exceedingly small, though I am not prepared to say precisely what
they were or were not. But, like the immortal Lincoln, he had his
birth in that portion of our country over which the dark pall of
slavery had hung for 150 years, repressing education, and preventing
the establishment of that school system which is and ever has been
the glory of our eastern and northeastern States. But in some way,
he acquired some education and a competent knowledge of a trade
peculiarly favorable to mental discipline. By sedulously improving
all his opportunities for acquiring knowledge, and putting it to
constant use as fast as gained, he steadily increased its amount,
made it permanent, and instantly available. This improving process
he carried steadily forward through life; held to it, not from
ambitious motives, but from high principle and inclination. For the
blessed operation of a right heart is to make duty and inclination
2. He had not only good, but somewhat remarkable native powers. Had
this not been so, he would never have mastered the difficulties of
his circumstances, and have climbed steadily upward in spite of all
obstacles. His power of extemporary address was quite unusual. He
had that intense absorption in his theme, which constitutes one of
the chief elements of eloquence. This, with clear conceptions and
fluent speech, made him an orator of no mean order. Often have I
seen Presbyteries and Synods swayed by his addresses in a manner
which very few professed public speakers could emulate.
With suitable training and cultivation, he would have stood very
high in the rank of orators. With these native powers were combined
good habits and untiring industry. Hence his growth, steady and
constant to the end. Such men do not decline. They have no second
childhood. Their latest productions are the ripest and richest.
3. His Christian character was of the purest and loftiest type. He
loved the truth. That system of doctrine commonly called
Calvinistic, he received with all his heart, fully believing both
God’s sovereignty and man’s free agency, and never suspecting
conflict between them. Hence, he could both pray and work, and was
mighty in both directions. While fully, according to all others, the
same freedom of opinion which he claimed and exercised for himself,
he was, in his views of church polity, a Presbyterian, from
preference, education, and convictions. But he was truly Catholic.
He recognized every good man, by whatsoever name he might be called,
and was ready to cooperate with him in every good work. His evenness
of temper was remarkable. Whoever saw him in a passion? We have seen
him serious and grieved, but I, for one, never saw him angry. His
conduct was consistent with his profession. He was a “living epistle
of Christ, known and read of all men.” His cheerfulness was
unfailing – an outward sign of the serenity and peace within.
4. While his opinions and convictions were very positive, his course
as a political editor was remarkably free from mere partisanship. He
was courteous and fair to opponents, never stooping to chicanery and
intrigue, much less to misrepresentation. His country was his party
– true patriotism his rule of political action. If he wrote, spoke,
and acted with one organization rather than another, it was because
he fully believed such a course most conductive to his country’s
highest welfare. He knew that moral rectitude was the highest
political expediency and perfect honesty the soundest political
axiom. My personal relations with him were of the most pleasant,
intimate, and confidential character. For thirty-six years – the
duration of an entire generation – we have stood in this community,
shoulder to shoulder, acting in full sympathy and with entire
oneness of view. Very few men indeed have I so fully trusted. Why
the younger man is taken, in the midst of his highest usefulness,
while the older is left, is a mystery which waits its solution.
May his mantle fall upon the younger men who succeed to his great
responsibilities in connection with the Sabbath School, the church,
the press. That mantle is the glorious, gospel panoply: trust in God
and dare to do right. This is armor of proof. It is aggressive and
defensive. It is just the armor needed. A mighty moral, perhaps
bloody conflict is, doubtless, impending. While in some aspects, a
continuation of the terrible one just past, in other regards it will
reach forward to new and higher grounds and be fought on higher
issues. It is destined to enter, nay it has already entered the
field of education. Its premonitory symptoms are felt today through
the civilized world – in Italy, Germany, Great Britain, and these
United States. We need recruits for this mighty oncoming war – just
such men as he whose mortal remains lie in that coffin. Men of
decision, high moral principle, correct habits, industry and steady
growth. Such men will, under God, meet any crisis, and fight
successfully through any and every great moral battle.
Lawson A. Parks was buried in the Alton City Cemetery. Two of his
children were Augustus Shipley Parks (born and died in 1840; and
Elizabeth Jane Parks (born and died in 1846).
PARKS, LLOYD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 29, 1914
Young Boy Dies After Being Thrown from Buggy
Lloyd Parks, the 14-year-old boy who was thrown from a vehicle
during a runaway near the Milton crossing of the Big Four track when
the runaway horse caused the buggy to collide with a Big Four train
at the crossing, died at St. Joseph's hospital at 10 o'clock
Thursday night. He never regained consciousness. The body was taken
in charge by friends of the boy's family. The funeral of Lloyd Parks
will be held at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the St. Mary's
church to the St. Joseph's cemetery.
Mother Invokes Curses on Jury
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 2, 1914
The coroner's jury held no one responsible for the death of Lloyd
Parks, after hearing all the evidence in the case yesterday
afternoon. There were a number of reasons advanced for the cause of
the boy's death, but the jury returned a verdict that he had met his
death as the result of a fracture of the skull received when he
jumped from a runaway. When the coroner's jury returned a verdict to
the effect that the death was the result of an accident and
exonerating the railroad company from all blame, Mrs. Parks, mother
of the dead boy, arose from her seat and holding both hands high
above her head is said to have called down curses on all of the
jurors for returning such a verdict. The mother was very much
excited according to reports, and was calmed with difficulty. "We
could not bring any verdict other than the one we did," said one of
the jurors to a Telegraph reported, "for the evidence all tended to
prove the accident was unavoidable and unintentional on the part of
anybody." Mrs. Parks could not understand why no one was responsible
for her son's death, as she felt that some agency was responsible.
However, the facts shown at the inquest were that no one was
directly responsible for the accident, and the jury could not do
otherwise than report the verdict it did. The boy was fatally
injured when his runaway horse ran into a Big Four train at Milton
crossing one week ago, the boy leaping from the vehicle and being
kicked by the horse on the head so that his skull was fractured.
PARKS, MARGARET (nee SHIPLEY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 7,
Widow of Lawson A. Parks, Former Proprietor of the Telegraph
Mrs. Margaret Shipley, widow of the late Lawson A. Parks, former
editor of the Telegraph, died Monday evening after an illness of
five days’ duration. Mrs. Parks was born March 1817 at Baltimore,
Maryland, and was consequently 67 years and 4 months old. She was
married March 1837 to Mr. Lawson A. Parks, and was the mother of
four children, three of whom died in infancy, the last, Augustus
(Austin) Kent Parks, living to the age of 14 years. All the children
died in the month of March, as did also her husband. Mrs. Parks was
the last, but one, of a family of eight children, the sole survivor
being Mrs. Orrin Chaffee of Springfield, who attended her in her
last illness, which though brief, was very severe from the first,
and was in the nature of a bilious attack, resulting in complete
prostration, and finally she sank to rest as quietly as though
falling asleep.
Mrs. Parks came to Alton with her father’s family in 1835, and has
lived here ever since, her residence therefore covering a period of
nearly half a century. Soon after her marriage, she united with the
Presbyterian Church, and was at her death one of the oldest members
of that organization. She was also a constant attendant at the State
Street Sunday School, founded by her husband.
The funeral took place Wednesday from the homestead on Seventh
Street. There was a large attendance of neighbors and friends,
especially of the older residents of Alton, to show their respect
for the departed. At the close of the exercises, a long procession
followed the remains to their last resting place by the side of the
husband and children gone before, completing the reunion of the
family circle so long broken. The bearers were old friends and
neighbors of the deceased: Messrs. P. B. Whipple, E. P and Albert
Wade, L. Pfeiffenberger, Samuel Pitts, L. Haagen, John A. Cousley,
and J. K. Butler.
PARR, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 12, 1862
Alton Soldier Accidentally Shoots Himself
We have just received a letter from an officer in the 22d Illinois
Regiment, Colonel Dougherty’s stationed near Florence, Alabama. That
a private in Captain Morgan’s Company, named William Parr, from
Alton, accidentally shot himself with his own gun. As he was taking
his gun from the stack, another fell against it causing his own to
discharge instantly. The lead passed through his head, killing him
immediately. He was buried at Little Bear Creek, near where the
Regiment is stationed. We believe he has a brother in Alton. Whether
he leaves a family or not, we cannot state, but think that he does.
PARRISH, EMILY L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 31,
Mrs. Emily L. Parrish, wife of William A. Parrish, died Thursday
evening at 5:30 o'clock after a brief illness at the family home,
1615 Liberty street. Mrs. Parrish's death was a great surprise and a
sad shock to the friends and neighbors who were deeply interested in
her. She was taken ill during the afternoon after being apparently
in a good state of health and a short time before her death she gave
birth to a child, which died after birth. Mrs. Parish never rallied
and passed away within a few hours after she had been full of life
and strength. There was not the least reason for alarm over her
condition, so far as her family and friends knew, and there was no
apprehension over her condition until a short time before her child
was born. She was a sweet dispositioned woman, who made many friends
with her kind manner and her motherly ways. She leaves beside her
husband two little girls who have been deprived by death of their
mother's care. Mrs. Parish's mother and father are dead. She
formerly lived in St. Louis and from there went to Delhi, where her
mother owned a farm, and there she was married to William A.
Parrish. A few years ago the family moved to Alton and have been
living on Liberty street since. Mr. Parish is engaged in the
transfer business and is a well known horseman. Since coming to
Alton the family have surrounded themselves with a large circle of
friends, and in their affliction the family will have the sympathy
of the entire community over the death of the young wife and mother.
PARRISH, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 24, 1908
The funeral of William Parrish was held this morning at the Parish
home in Bethalto. Burial was in the Bethalto cemetery. Mr. Parrish
was the victim of a fall of slate in his mine at Bethalto about a
week ago, and died in St. Joseph's hospital.
PARSONS, ADA (nee SCARRITT)/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 15,
Daughter of Rev. J. A. Scarritt
A telegram was received in Alton Thursday announcing the death of
Ada Scarritt, wife of Mr. George Parsons, and daughter of Rev. J. A.
Scarritt, at her home in Cairo, Illinois, with consumption. Mrs.
Parsons had been a sufferer with the dread disease for years, and
although she knew her case to be hopeless, she made a brave struggle
for life. She visited foreign countries and spent much of her time
in North Carolina, in the hope that her life might be prolonged.
Everything that her father and mother and a kind and attentive
husband could do was done, but the disease conquered. The funeral
was at Cairo today, and Rev. Nash of Jerseyville conducted the
services. Interment will be at Chicago.
PARSONS, SARAH G. (nee EDWARDS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 31,
Died on Tuesday morning last, Mrs. Sarah G., wife of Lewis D.
Parsons, Esq., of Alton, and eldest daughter of Dr. Benjamin F.
PARTLOW, ARTIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17, 1901
Artie Partlow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Partlow, died Sunday
afternoon, aged 10, after a short illness with diphtheria. The
funeral was held this afternoon from the family home on Belle
PATES, HARRY LEWELLYN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 3, 1890
When the grim reaper, Death, enters a household and takes away one
of the members, we naturally lay aside all other feelings, save
those of pity and sympathy. But when the one to die is a young man,
just commencing the journey of life, surrounded by all the
association and comforts that make life dear to him, then it is that
words fail to express the sincere and deep regret we feel that the
life-flower should be plucked just as it emerges from the bud. Such
are the feelings expressed at the sudden demise of Harry Llewellyn
Pates, which occurred Friday night, June 27.
Harry Pates was born in St. Louis on March 11, 1868, and was
consequently 22 years and 3 months of age. The family afterward
removed to Alton, where his school days were passed in the Lincoln
School. After leaving school about four years ago, he went to
Dallas, Texas, where he remained until in August 1889. He was here
at that time enroute to Paris, France, when the death of his father
precluded the carrying out of his intentions. Last Fall he opened an
office in St. Louis, where with Mr. Black, he was engaged in making
manifests of shipments, the firm name being H. L. Pates & Co. Owing
to ill health, he was compelled to give up the business and come
home, about two months ago, in order that his health might be
restored. While able to walk about, he was, nevertheless very weak
from the terrible fever he contracted while in Texas, known as the
break-bone fever.
The family thought he was improving until Thursday, when he was
compelled to take to his bed. Yesterday he slumbered peacefully all
the day. This continued until and during the evening. At 9:30
o’clock, it became evident that he was sinking fast, and medical aid
was summoned, but he sank so rapidly that before the physicians
arrived, the last drop in the lamp of life had burned. Not a
struggle did he make in the dying hour, but peacefully and quietly
his soul took flight. Friends he counted by the score and the
universal regret over his death is proof of the loving remembrance
with which his memory will be cherished.
Many friends and acquaintances gathered Monday morning at the late
home of Harry L. Pates to pay tribute to his memory with their
presence at this sad occasion. In the rooms where his last hours on
earth were spent, these friends assembled and the hallowed influence
of the dead caused reverential silence to pervade these chambers of
death. Shortly after 10 o’clock, the first notes of “Rock of Ages”
were sung by Mrs. C. C. Warner, in a beautiful and feeling manner.
Rev. C. C. Warner read several passages from the Scriptures, and
made a short prayer. Mrs. Warner sang “He Knows,” in the same gentle
manner as the first hymn, and after the friends had taken the last
look at the face of the dead, he was taken to that silent bivouac
where peacefully he shall rest till the Father calls him home.
[Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
PATES, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1889
Superintendent of the Hapgood Plow Works
Mr. Thomas Pates, one of our most highly respected citizens, died
august 31, after an illness of two years, at the age of 56 years and
2 days, having been born at Doncaster, Yorkshire, England, August
28, 1833. He had lived in Alton 13 years, and during that time was
Superintendent of the mechanical department of the Hapgood Plow
Works until ill health compelled him to relinquish the position. He
made a trip to Texas and New Mexico several months ago for the
benefit of his health, but without avail. Deceased was at one time
G. W. P. of the Masonic Order of Indiana. He served two years
efficiently as a member of the City Council. He leaves a wife and
seven children: Mrs. W. R. Pinckard of Chicago; Misses Kittie and
Annie Pates; Messrs. Frederick, Lewis T., and Harry Pates of Dallas,
Texas, and Mr. William Pates of this city. All the family are now
here, except Mr. Lewis Pates.
Mr. Pates came to this country in 1853, and settled in Philadelphia,
where he was married the same year to Miss Eliza Lewis, who survives
him. He removed to LaPorte, Indiana, the following year. He came to
Alton from Bunker Hill in 1876. He had been identified with plow
making for the last thirty years, and was well and favorably known.
Mr. Pates was a remarkably skillful mechanic and the inventory of a
number of useful devices on which he held patents. He was a
kind-hearted friend and neighbor, and devoted to the welfare of his
family. As Superintendent of a department at the Plow Works, he had
many men under his charge, and his executive ability was excellent.
While requiring faithfulness on the part of employees, he also had
their confidence and good will, and all will hear of his death with
sincere regret and sympathy for the family so deeply bereaved. The
deceased was a lover of the beauties of nature, and spent much time
among his trees and flowers, and never wearied of adding to the
attractions of his delightful home. He made a gallant struggle
against the inroads of that insidious disease, consumption, and was
always cheerful and hopeful, but the strongest have to yield at last
to the relentless march of the grim conqueror.
The funeral of Mr. Thomas Pates was attended by a large gathering
Monday afternoon at the family residence on Twelfth Street. The
employees of the Plow Works attended in a body. They met first at
the factory, and then marched to the house, and at the close of the
service, followed the remains to the cemetery. There were also noted
in the concourse an unusually large number of business men and city
officials. A long procession wended its way to the cemetery, and the
departed was laid to rest beneath a wealth of floral mementoes.
PATTERSON, AGNES C. (nee CURRIE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January
17, 1884
Mrs. James Patterson of Liberty Prairie, an old and esteemed
resident of this county, died on January 3, in the 74th year of her
age. The funeral took place on Friday, January 4, from the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Liberty Prairie. [Burial was in
the Liberty Prairie Cemetery, Edwardsville.]
ANDREW CRAWFORD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 22, 1919
Civil War Veteran
The funeral of A. C. Patterson will be held from the residence four
miles out of Edwardsville at 2:30 o'clock on Friday, then to the
Liberty Presbyterian Church at three o'clock. Interment will be at
Liberty Prairie cemetery. Patterson was the father of Mrs. W. I.
Wilson of East Alton.
Andrew C. Patterson was born May 22, 1845, and died May 21, 1919,
one day before his 74th birthday. He was the son of James and Agnes
(Currie) Patterson, both of whom were of Scotch descent. The parents
had two sons, Andrew and James, the latter dying when sixteen years
of age, while his brother was away serving in the Civil War. At the
early age of eighteen years, Andrew responded to his country’s call
and joined Company K in the 10th Illinois Infantry. The company was
under command of General Sherman, and Mr. Patterson was in that
famous march from Atlanta to the Sea. On July 4, 1865, he was
honorably discharged at Louisville, Kentucky.
Mr. Patterson never forgot the parting words of his old general, W.
T. Sherman, “Boys, go home and make as good citizens as you have
Mr. Patterson was a man of sterling qualities, and has made as good
a citizen as he did a soldier. He was a member of the G.A.R. Post
No. 461, Edwardsville. On June 14, 1866, he was married to Janet
Elizabeth Harvey. Since the death of his wife five years ago, he
continued to live on the old home place in Fort Russell Township
with his eldest daughter. With the exception of a few years, he
spent his entire life there. He was a member of the Presbyterian
Church, and served as an elder for many years, and held a number of
important offices.
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson had seven children – three of whom having
preceded them into the beyond – Jennie R., Jeanette E. Sloan, and
Julia Edith. He is survived by four children and eight
grandchildren. The remaining children are Agnes C. Sloan of Liberty
Prairie; James H. Patterson of Mobile, Alabama; Sadie M. Sloan of
St. Louis, Missouri; and Clara M. Wilson of East Alton. [Andrew
Patterson is buried in the Liberty Prairie Cemetery in
PATTERSON, EMMA (nee SQUIRES)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
November 19, 1920
Mrs. Emma Patterson, a life-long resident of East Alton, died
Thursday morning about 1:15 at her home on Dry street, after an
illness of short duration. The deceased was 76 years of age, and
spent all of her life in this vicinity. Death resulted from old age
and a complication of diseases. Prior to her first marriage she was
Miss Emma Squires, and was one of the pioneer residents of this
community. She was married to Charles Fontnier, who preceded her in
death about 45 years ago, leaving one daughter who is now Mrs.
Orville Sawyer of Alton. About thirty years ago Mrs. Fontnier was
married to Louis A. Patterson, who was also very well known here.
Mr. Patterson succumbed to an illness about four years ago, and
since that time Mrs. Patterson has made her home alone in East
Alton. She is survived by two step-children, Gus Patterson and Mrs.
Matilda Bright, both of St. Louis, also ten grandchildren and
several great-grandchildren, besides a sister, Mrs. Rebecca Oliver,
of Alton. Funeral arrangements have not yet been announced.
PATTERSON, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 15, 1871
Died in Alton at the residence of Mr. James A. Wood, on September 7,
Henry Patterson of Iowa.
PATTERSON, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1878
Died on Sunday, February 10, 1878, at Liberty Prairie, James
Patterson, aged 64 years, 1 month, and 5 days, after an illness of
four days.
PATTERSON, JAMES A. JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 14, 1864
Died at Paddock’s Prairie, September 28th, 1864, James A. Patterson
Jr., of typhoid fever, in his 17th year.
PATTERSON, JENNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1882
Died on January 14, 1882, Jennie Patterson, daughter of Andrew C.
and Janette E. Patterson; aged 13 years, 5 months, and 6 days. The
funeral took place from the C. P. Church in Liberty Prairie in Fort
Russell Township on Monday afternoon. For more than a year her
health has been failing, and she had been able to attend school but
little during the last term. Her sister and little brother were seen
going to school alone, which was an unhappy omen. Although so young,
Jennie was more than ordinarily intellectual. She professed religion
when she was only eleven years old, and was a devoted Christian and
constant reader of the Bible. When asked by one of the family what
chapter she was reading, her answer was, “In my father’s house are
many mansions.” It has been said that “Death loves a shining mark,”
and it was evidently so in her case. She was a member of the C. P.
Church at the date of her death, and her funeral took place at the
church. The public school on that day was dismissed, and her
classmates were among the large number of sorrowful and loving
friends who attended the funeral on that stormy day. The family have
the sympathy of the entire community.
PATTERSON, JULIA A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 29,
Miss Julia A. Patterson, youngest daughter of E. C. Patterson of
Liberty Prairie, died yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, after an
illness of two months. Mrs. Patterson's parents, four sisters and
one brother survive her. The funeral will take place Friday at 1:30
p.m. Services at the Liberty Prairie Presbyterian church.
PATTERSON, L. A./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 30, 1893
From East Alton – The funeral of Mrs. L. A. Patterson occurred
Sunday afternoon, and a large concourse of friends and acquaintances
of the family followed the remains to their last resting place in
the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. Mrs. Patterson was bedfast for
over two years, and for several months past she had lost her mind
completely. During the whole of her long sickness, Mr. Patterson
proved indeed a “ministering angel.” Night and day he was always
alert to her comfort, and so assiduous was he in this, that it is a
wonder he has not been stricken down too. Death, generally is a hard
thing, but surely it was better for her, that her sufferings end.
“God doeth all things well.”
PATTERSON, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 13, 1911
Fatal Shooting Over Game of Craps
Louis Patterson, a negro, was shot in the ear and instantly killed
Saturday night at Canal station southeast of Alton, by William
Foley, another negro, over a game of craps. After killing Patterson,
Foley turned his automatic pistol on about 25 or 30 negroes who were
in the tent where a game of craps was going on, robbed them of all
they had, and disappeared in the night. Five grat rents in the
canvass walls of the tent showed where some of the terrified negroes
dived through the sides of the tent when shooting occurred. Coroner
Streeper went to the scene of the shooting Sunday morning to hold an
inquest. He learned that a gang of men had been shooting craps in a
tent when Patterson's wife wanted to participate in the game, and
Foley, armed with an automatic gun, refused to let her in unless she
paid $2 for admittance. Someone offered to put up the money for her.
Foley was rubbing the muzzle of the revolver on the woman's face and
neck and Patterson remonstrated. Then Patterson went to the fire to
stir it up and while he stooped over, Foley put the weapon to his
ear and killed him. The bullet went clear through Patterson's head.
Coroner Streeper took the body to Upper Alton and will hold it a
short time. The gang of negroes were employed on the drainage canal
that is being dug through the bottoms.
PATTERSON, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 19,
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Patterson, wife of James Patterson, was
held this afternoon from the family home at Fosterburg at 1 o'clock.
Mrs. Patterson's death occurred last Saturday.
PATTERSON, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 30,
Bethalto News - Samuel Patterson, a former resident of this place,
was buried here last Sunday morning. He was 79 years of age. He had
a paralytic stroke at his home in Edwardsville Thursday, and died
from the effects Friday morning.
PATTERSON, WILLIAM C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October
20, 1914
Pioneer of Madison County
Conducted Underground Railroad Station
The death of William C. Patterson last week at the country home in
Olive Township, near Staunton, Illinois, means a change in the
occupancy of an old country home in Madison County, which, since the
land was entered from the government in the 1830s, has never been
out of the family, nor occupied by any others than the original
owner of his descendants. A large tract of about 600 acres is in the
old Patterson farm. Since the death of her son, the mother, Mrs.
Jane Patterson, has decided that she must leave the place, as she
has but one daughter at home, and could not depend upon outside help
to conduct the large farm. So, it has been decided to leave the
country home, and perhaps strangers will get it.
William Patterson, who originally entered the land from the
government, was grandfather of the young man whose death forces the
family to give up their old home place. He was a staunch
“Covenanter” [adherent of the Scottish National Covenant of 1638]
who came from Ireland, and he left his impression on the community.
He was the center of the Covenanter adherents in Staunton, where
they supported a little church, which about 18 months ago was
closed, and some funds the church had in the bank, aggregating about
$4,000, was divided among the members. Most of the members had
either died or moved away, and there was but a handful left – most
of the survivors going to the Presbyterian Church. It was on this
farm that, in days before the Civil War, William Patterson, an
opponent of slavery, conducted a station of the “underground
railway,” and many a slave he is said to have aided in getting away
from pursuers. Though he was honest through and through, and a rigid
observed of the country’s laws, he did not believe slavery was
justified in any way, and he thought it no wrong to aid in the
escape of fugitives from the yoke of slavery.
The Patterson home is known for its hospitality from the very
beginning, back in 1838 when it was founded. It is said there was
hardly a week in the year that there was not some guests at the
home, and the place was very popular. Never a cent could be paid by
anybody for entertainment there in the years it received and
sheltered so many guests. No wayfarer was ever turned away from its
door either, and entertainment was without money and without price.
Such lavish entertainment never impaired the finances of the family,
as they prospered and were happy at all times, except when some
visit came from the death angel.
The fact that the Patterson home is to be closed will be an
interesting announcement to many people who have known of the family
and their influence on the community where they lived. There are
others of the same blood still residing in the vicinity of Staunton,
and some have scattered to other parts of Madison County. The family
always held out the helping hand to those who were in distress, and
many a man and woman owes subsequent prosperity to aid that came at
a critical moment from the old Patterson homestead.
It has not been decided to sell the place, but it may ultimately be
sold. Mrs. Patterson, in bad health herself, will go to St. Louis to
be with two other daughters, and some brothers and a sister who
reside there.
PATTERSON, WILLIAM K./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 18, 1863
At the regular meeting of the Veteran Camp Lodge No. 1(?), O. of G.
T., the following preamble and resolutions were passed:
Whereas, it has pleased Divine Providence to remove from among us,
by death, our beloved Bro. William K. Patterson, thus depriving our
Order of a worthy member, the army of a good and faithful soldier,
and his companion of a kind husband.
PATTISON, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 6, 1896
From Fosterburg – The sympathy of our entire community goes out to
Mr. M. H. Pattison and his estimable family in the death of their
son and brother, Charles, at the age of 15 years, which occurred
Sunday, February 02, after a brief illness. He was a very bright and
active boy, and had won the high regard of all who were acquainted
with him. The funeral took place from the family residence on
PATTISON, KATIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1889
From Godfrey – Little Katie Pattison, aged 5 years, died Friday and
was buried Sunday. She had long been a great sufferer, and death was
surely a happy relief to the dear child.
PATTISON, M. A./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1894
From Godfrey – The death of Miss M. A. Pattison occurred at
Bloomington, Illinois last Saturday. The remains were brought here
and interred in the Godfrey Cemetery last Sunday. Miss Pattison was
an earnest Christian woman, and deeply loved by many friends. She
will be sadly missed in the home circle, where she has so lovingly
and conscientiously labored.
PATTISON, WILLIAM S./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 31, 1871
Died on the 9th instant, in Monticello [Godfrey], William S.
Pattiso, of apoplexy, in the 63d year of his age.
PATTON, ADDIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 14, 1921
Mrs. Addie Patton, aged 58, died Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at
the family home, 2117 Lawton Avenue, after an illness of eight
months. Mrs. Patton was operated upon at Mullanphy Hospital in St.
Louis on July 13th, but her condition failed to improve. She
gradually became worse and for some time her condition has been
serious. Mrs. Patton is survived by her husband, Thad, two
daughters, Mrs. Otto Mossa of Alton, Mrs. Olive Bossatta of New
Orleans, and one son, Laverne of Alton. She also leaves one sister,
Mrs. Lou McGee of Salina, Kansas, and a brother, Edward Marshaw of
Dow, Ill. Services will be held at 11 o'clock Wednesday from the
home, and afterwards the funeral party will leave for the
Presbyterian church at Newbern, where the funeral will be held at
1:30 o'clock.
PATTON, WILLIAM H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30,
Inquest will be held tomorrow into the death of William H. Patton of
Wood River, who died suddenly last night in a grocery store there.
It had not been determined today if Patton died as the result of
drinking from a bottle of liquid thought to be liquor. Patton was
last night detailed by the police of Wood River to go to a soft
drink place and secure evidence of violations of the prohibition
laws. He was working on the case with Officers Holland and Edward
Maguire. Patton went inside the place and purchased a soda water
bottle full of a liquid with a color similar to that of whiskey.
Information secured by Deputy Coroner Streeper shows that Patton was
persuaded to take a drink by persons in the soft drink parlor,
against his will. It is said that he was not in the habit of
drinking. Patton left the saloon shortly afterward, the deputy
coroner's office has learned, and went to another place about four
blocks distant. Here he purchased a cigar. He then fell over, dead.
The place in which Patton died is the Zieggler grocery store, just
opposite the main office of the Standard Oil Refinery. He asked for
a cigar and reached into his pocket for money. It was then that he
fell. It was said today that he never removed his hand from the
pocket. Patton was employed at the International Tannery and was
married. He leaves a wife and three children. Police of Wood River
in the past few days have been conducting an intensive drive on
sellers of illicit liquor. Yesterday, and the day before, raids were
made and stuff said to be intoxicating liquor was taken. Yesterday
the Mithick place, near the Standard Oil Office was raided and a
quantity of what is believed to be liquor taken. The bottle of stuff
bought by Patton has been retained. The deputy coroner today said it
looks like whiskey and smells like a mixture of alcohol and hard
cider. The inquest tomorrow night will determine whether Patton's
death was due to liquor or other causes.
PAUL, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 2, 1902
Mrs. Catharine Paul, mother of Mrs. Charles L. Joesting of this
city, died suddenly at the home of her son, William Paul of
Fosterburg, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Paul was 84 years of age and had
been failing rapidly in health. A few days before her death she fell
to the floor of her room and sustained slight injuries, which gave
her much pain afterward. Sunday afternoon while alone in her room a
short time, she was stricken with death and fell from her chair to
the floor. When found, she had been dead a few minutes. Mrs. Paul
had made her home near Fosterburg nearly 50 years. She visited her
daughter in this city at frequent intervals, and had spent much of
her life in Alton. She was born in Nassau, Germany. She leaves four
children, Messrs. William, George and Charles Paul, Mrs. C. L.
Joesting. She leaves also a brother, Philip Maxheiner of Galena. The
funeral service will be held at the German Methodist church at
Fosterburg. Funeral party will leave the house at 2 o'clock tomorrow
PAUL, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1877
From Edwardsville – Mr. John Paul, an old and highly respected
citizen of our county, died at his residence near Wanda last week.
PAUL, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 4, 1888
Mr. John Paul died yesterday afternoon at the residence of his
brother, Philip Paul, on Eighth Street; aged 29 years and 3 months.
His disease was consumption. He was formerly a farmer in Foster
Township. He returned about two months ago from Colorado, where he
went for the benefit of his health. The funeral will take place
tomorrow afternoon from the residence of Philip Paul. [Burial was in
the Alton City Cemetery.]
PAUL, JOHN H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 3, 1908
John H. Paul, aged 29 years, died Monday, shortly after noon, from
appendicitis at his home, 610 east Fifteenth street. He was stricken
Friday afternoon suddenly while at work in the St. Louis office of
the Illinois Glass company, where he has been employed for several
years as bookkeeper and was hurried home as soon as possible. He
suffered intensely most of the time up to Monday morning when he
became easier. Two of the best physicians in the Altons did what was
possible to do for him, and Sunday night at 10 o'clock Dr. Carson, a
St. Louis specialist, arrived for the purpose of performing an
operation if deemed advisable. Mr. Paul was so weak, however, that
Dr. Carson advised against an operation, saying the patient could
not survive it. Deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Paul, and
was a favorite with all who knew him. He was industrious and
ambitious and has been steadily advancing from one position to
another, higher and better. His is the first death to occur in a
large family, and the grief of those left behind is intensified by
this fact. He suffered slight attacks of the trouble that finally
caused his death, two years ago, and again just before Christmas,
but they soon passed away and left him unharmed, apparently. He is
survived by his wife, his parents, four brothers, E. C. Paul and A.
W. Paul, the druggists, Harry L. Paul of Alton, A. G. Paul of
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and three sisters, Mrs. A. W. Sauer, Mrs.
Carl Skaer and Miss Paul. The sudden death of the esteemed young man
shocked his many friends sadly, and there will be sincere regret
over his demise. Funeral arrangements have not been made. [Note:
Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery]
PAUL, KATE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 10, 1909
The funeral of Mrs. Kate Paul, widow of Phil Paul, was held
yesterday afternoon from the German Evangelical church where
services were conducted by the Rev. E. L. Mueller in the presence of
a very large number of friends and neighbors of deceased. Deceased
was a popular member of the Ladies Aid society of the church and of
the Daughters of Rebekah, and the members of both these
organizations attended the obsequies in a body. Floral offerings
were unusually numerous and very beautiful, and the grave in City
cemetery was covered deep with them. Six members acted as
PAUL, MENA (nee MEEDEN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August
25, 1899
From Fosterburg – Mrs. William Paul died on Friday night and was
buried Sunday. Services were conducted at the German M. E. Church by
their pastor. Mrs. Paul was a lady of many good qualities. She
possessed a host of friends who mourn her loss. She leaves a
husband, four daughters and three sons. The family has the sympathy
of the entire community.
Mena Meeden Paul was born December 28, 1844, in Germany. She married
William Henry Paul (1843-1922), and they had the following children:
Emma Catherine Paul McCauley (1870-1930); Philip W. Paul
(1872-1952); John Henry Paul (1874-1943); Louisa F. Paul
(1880-1935); Hattie M. Paul Golike (1882-1915); Katie Silvia Paul
Golike (1886-1926); and Herbert Benjamin Paul (1889-1944). Burial
was in the Fosterburg Cemetery.
PAUL, MINNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 19, 1899
Mrs. Minnie Paul, wife of William Paul, died at her home in
Fosterburg last night of lung trouble. She was bedfast only five
days, but had suffered for years. She was in her 56th year, and
leaves a husband and seven children. The funeral will take place
tomorrow at the German M. E. Church at Fosterburg.
PAUL, PHILIP/Source: Alton Weekly Courier, November 30, 1854
Yesterday morning a German named Philip Paul accidentally fell over
the railing of an outside stairway at his residence near the Piasa
House. His neck was broken by the fall and he was taken up dead. He
was aged 28 years and leaves a wife. He was a native of Nasaau,
Germany, and had been employed at the lumber yard of Allen, Wills, &
PAUL, PHILIP/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1895
Friday, Mr. Philip Paul, a well known and highly respected citizen,
passed peacefully away after a lingering illness of consumption.
Death was not unexpected, and Mr. Paul has lingered on its border
for the past week. Deceased was 48 years of age, and a native of
Germany. He received his education in Alton, and surrounded himself
with a host of warm friends. He was a member of several local lodges
– I.O.O.F. and A.O.U.W. He leaves a wife and a sister, Mrs. Charles
Joesting, in Alton, and three brothers, Messrs. William, Charles,
and George Paul.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from his former home on Eighth
Street, and a large number of sympathizing friends gathered to show
by their presence their respect for an old citizen, and their
sympathy for the bereaved wife. The services at the house were
conducted by Rev. Carl Kramer of the Evangelical Church. After the
services at the house were concluded, a long cortege headed by the
Standard Band, and including the local orders of Odd Fellows and
A.O.U.W., and the Alton Maennerchor, followed the body to the City
Cemetery. The services at the grave were conducted according to the
rituals of the secret societies of which he was a member. The
pallbearers were F. J. Joesting, A. Kremer, C. Unterbrink, D. Sigel,
E. Shrimpf, and Philip Meisenheimer.
PAUL, UNKNOWN WIFE OF JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June
26, 1909
Mrs. John Paul, aged 27, died this morning at her home in
Fosterburg, leaving an infant one week old. The funeral will be held
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
PAUL, WILLIAM H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 24,
Mr. William H. Paul, one of Fosterburg's oldest residents died at
his home at 5:30 a.m., November 24, 1922. He was stricken with
paralysis late Monday evening and lingered in an unconscious state
until death occurred. He was a veteran of the Civil War and an
active member of the Fosterburg post. He was born in Germany, Dec.
1, 1843, and came to this country 7_ years ago and has lived in this
vicinity ever since. Mr. Paul was married to Miss Mena Meeden on
November 4, 1869. To this union were born ten children, three having
died in infancy, also Mrs. Hattie Golike who passed away seven years
ago. Those remaining are Mrs. John McCauley, Mrs. Herbert Golike,
Miss Lou Paul, also three sons, Phil, John and Herbert, all of
Fosterburg. He also leaves his twin brothers, George and Charles
Paul and eleven grandchildren. For the past seven years he has been
an active member of the Fosterburg Baptist church.
PAULIN, GERTIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 19, 1883
Gertie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Paulin, died July 17, after an
illness of about three weeks, at the age of 7 years and 6 months.
The remains were taken on the train yesterday morning to Pekin for
PAULY, PAULINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 7, 1902
Mrs. Pauline Pauly, wife of Mr. Charles Pauly of Edwardsville, Ill.,
died suddenly Wednesday evening. She had been in her usual good
health up to the time of the fatal attack, had eaten a hearty
supper, and shortly afterward became suddenly and violently ill, her
death resulting from heart trouble. Mrs. Pauly had many friends and
acquaintances in the Altons to whom news of her passing will be a
painful surprise.
PAUST, ADA M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 29, 1921
Mrs. Ada M. Paust, wife of Walter A. Paust, died last night at
midnight at her home on the Grafton road, the J. W. Beall farm,
after an illness of about three years. She was 37 years of age and
leaves her husband, two children, Mildred and Lois, and her father,
Harvey Rhyne of Perryville, Mo. She leaves also three sisters, Mrs.
Nora Spriggs of Perryville; Gartha Price of St. Louis; and Chloe
Ducheau of New York; also two brothers, Austin Rhyne of St. Louis
and Edgar Rhyne of Cleveland, O. The funeral will probably be Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Jacoby undertaking parlors. Burial
will be at Fosterburg.
PAYNE, JOSEPH F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 14,
Joseph F. Payne died this morning at St. Joseph's hospital where he
was taken a week ago Sunday following an attack of appendicitis. At
the time he was taken to the hospital, his condition was serious but
he showed a great improvement and an operation was not performed.
Yesterday he took a turn for the worse and an operation was deemed
necessary. The operation was performed but the patient did not rally
and died at 9:30 o'clock this morning. Mr. Payne is survived by his
wife, also four brothers. He was born on February 15th, 1870. Mr.
Payne and wife came to Alton from Mt. Vernon eleven years ago. He
was employed since coming to Alton at the Strawboard Plant. Since
coming to Alton he has been actively connected with the Upper Alton
Presbyterian church and at the time of his death was an Elder in the
church. The funeral will be held from the church.
PAYNE, JULIA DAWSON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 22,
Former Alton Hotel Owner
Mrs. Julia Dawson Payne, aged 51, died in the Christian hospital in
St. Louis, Monday evening, after illness from a complication of
diseases. She had been very ill for some time and recently was taken
to St. Louis to undergo treatment. Two months ago she married B. H.
Payne. She was the widow of John Dawson, and for years the family
conducted the Dawson hotel in the east end. The property was
purchased some time ago by the Illinois Glass Co., and transformed
into a lodging house for men employed at the glass works. Mrs. Payne
leaves six children: Mrs. David Blackwell of Parkersburg, W. Va.;
Mrs. Fred Ernst of Sharon, Pa.; Miss Florence Dawson of St. Louis;
John, Miss Julia and Elmer Dawson of Alton. She leaves a brother,
Albert Rodgers, of Alton. Mrs. Dawson was a member of the Order of
Ladies of the Maccabees. For seven years she conducted the Dawson
hotel. Mrs. Dawson was a well known Alton woman and her illness has
been the cause of much anxiety to her friends in Alton.
PEAIR, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 01, 1897
John Peair, a well-known colored citizen of Upper Alton, died
Saturday of lung fever, aged 50. He leaves eight children.
PEARCE, JAMES B./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 30, 1891
From Marine – James B. Pearce, for many years a resident of Marine,
died last Tuesday and was buried Wednesday at the Alhambra Cemetery.
WILLIAM WRILEY SR./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 22, 1888
Hon. W. W. Pearce of Alhambra, ex-member of the Legislature, who
died at his home in Alhambra last Friday, was born in Kentucky, June
20, 1815, and was brought to this county by his parents the same
year, and has resided here ever since. He was one of the largest
land holders in the county.
William Wriley Pearce was the son of James Pearce (1791-1861) and
Lucinda Allison Pearce (1793-1836). He married Barbara Allen Vincent
(1818-1902), and they had the following children: Lucinda A. Pearce
Warderman (1837-1911); Martha E. Pearce Stepp (1841-1873); William
Wriley Pearce Jr. (1842-1925); Joseph Bartlett Pearce (1847-1937);
and Louisa Josephine Pearce Matthews (1851-1869). William Sr. was
buried in the Vincent Cemetery in Alhambra, Illinois.
PEARSON, CATHARINE (nee GODFREY)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph,
March 11, 1892
Daughter of Captain Benjamin Godfrey
Just as we go to press, we learn of the death of Mrs. John Mills
Pearson, at 2 o’clock this afternoon at her home near Godfrey, after
an illness of three months. Deceased was a daughter of Captain
Benjamin Godfrey, and was born at Godfrey in 1835. She was educated
at Monticello Seminary, and married to Mr. John Mills Pearson in
1854. She has been a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church
for many years. Besides the husband, she leaves two sons – Harry and
Arthur of Chicago – and one daughter, Mrs. Nora Mason of
Minneapolis. The funeral will take place from the family residence
Sunday at 2:30 o’clock p.m.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 14, 1892
The funeral of Mrs. J. N. Pearson took place from the family
residence to Godfrey Cemetery yesterday afternoon. The music at the
house and at the grave was furnished by the Arion Quartet. An
immense concourse of people attended, including many from this city
and from many miles around the country. The pallbearers were Messrs.
R. P. Tansey, W. F. Squire, J. B. Turner, S. F. Connor, E. P. Wade,
J. W. Carey, William Jackson, and W. P. Hancock.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 22, 1892
“Mrs. John M. Pearson is dead” – such was the sad intelligence
conveyed in yours of the 11th, which carried grief throughout the
neighborhood, and went trembling over the wires to distant friends.
Catharine Godfrey was born in 1835. She was the daughter of the late
Captain Benjamin Godfrey of Godfrey, Illinois. Here she grew up from
childhood; here she attended the public school when a child, and
afterwards in 1854, graduated at Monticello Seminary; here in 1855
she was married to Mr. John M. Pearson. They made their first home
in Alton, where were born three sons and one daughter. Arthur and
John, both living in Chicago, and Winthrop, who died at eight years
of age; and Eleanora, now Mrs. Edward A. Mason of Minneapolis,
In 1856 they removed to their farm in Godfrey. Here were born a son
and daughter, both dying in infancy. Wherever was Mrs. Pearson’s
home, her benevolence knew no bounds. She united with the
Presbyterian Church in Alton, and was a most indefatigable worker
for the good of the church, and when, during the war, Alton became a
military station, her work for the Sanitary and Christian Commission
was constant. Her devotion to the sick soldiers was untiring. She
carried cheer to many a homesick heart in the hospital, and
dispensed comforts to both soul and body with a lavish hand. When
they moved to Godfrey, her pastor expressed his grief at losing from
his church one so helpful.
Soon after she moved to Godfrey, she united with the Congregational
Church in Godfrey, and entered at once into work for its interest.
She originated many beautiful ideas, and her work and enthusiasm in
materializing them were unbounded. None of us will forget the many
beautiful entertainments which originated in her mind and were
carried out by her own hand. She entered heart and soul into
whatever work she undertook, and seldom, if ever, failed.
For the last four years, she has been much of the time an invalid,
and often a great sufferer, but she always responded liberally when
asked for advice or pecuniary assistance. Her last wish was for
“Rest, Rest,” and now she is gone to the Master, for he gently
called, “come unto Me and I will give you Rest,” entering the same,
March 11, 1892.
The Life and Times of Mr. & Mrs. John M. Pearson
Daughter and Son-In-Law of Captain Benjamin Godfrey
By Mrs. Lodema Curtiss Godfrey (wife of James Ryder Godfrey)
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 9 & 22, 1910
"I came to Godfrey in 1865. At that time Mr. John Mills Pearson
[son-in-law of Captain Benjamin Godfrey] lived in Alton, but the
following year he moved to Godfrey with his family. Our farms
adjoined, and he built his house near ours, and from that time until
he died, we were neighbors and friends. When he first came here, he
identified himself with this church, and with his wife [Catharine
Godfrey, daughter of Captain Benjamin Godfrey] helped in every good
cause and never failed when extra help was needed. In the absence of
our minister he was often called on to fill the vacancy, and he was
always ready with a sermon which he read with his clear voice and
fine expression.
Mr. Pearson was a self-made man, and we find very few who with all
the help of schools and college could compare with him in general
intelligence or the knowledge of those subjects which are supposed
to be only learned by years of toil in college or university. He had
served one of two terms in the Legislature, and had held several
state offices, but we knew him best right here at home where he had
a large circle of friends and acquaintances. I was in his class in
Sunday school for many years. He was always present, unless absent
from town or sick. He made the Bible a wonderful book and could
refer to almost any passage called for without other help than his
wonderful memory.
During his sickness his patience never failed. A few days before he
died, he said to me, ‘I feel as if I could not live more than a day
or two.’ I said to him, ‘Well do you want to go?’ ‘No, I do not,’ he
said. At the last he raised himself up and fell forward, and found
himself in the presence of his Savior."
John Mills Pearson was born in Massachusetts on October 7, 1832. He
moved to Alton in 1847, and was hired as an engineer on the Alton &
Sangamon Railroad. I assume it is through Captain Benjamin Godfrey
(founder of the Alton and Sangamon Railroad) that he met his future
wife, Catharine Godfrey. John disliked the position, and next took a
job as a clerk with the Hanson Agricultural Works in Alton, where he
worked his way up to a partnership in the firm. He retired in 1865.
He and Catharine moved to Godfrey, where they lived on their farm
the rest of their lives. He became a local leader in the Republican
Party, and in 1873 was appointed to the state board of Railroad and
Warehouse Commissioners. In 1878, he was elected to the Illinois
House of Representatives, serving three consecutive, three-year
terms. He joined a Masonic order in 1853, and rose to become Grand
Master. He served as a trustee of the University of Illinois from
1870-1873. He died June 4, 1910 in Godfrey.
Catherine Godfrey Pearson
Catherine Godfrey, daughter of Captain Benjamin Godfrey, married
John Mills Pearson in 1855. They first lived in Alton, then moved to
Godfrey. Catherine was a graduate of Monticello Seminary. Together
they had three sons and one daughter – Arthur Godfrey Pearson and
John Longfellow Pearson, and Eleanora Pearson. Another two children
were born (a son and daughter), who both died in infancy. Catharine
was well known for her Christian benevolent works, including the
Sanitary and Christian Commission during the Civil War. Her devotion
to the sick and injured soldiers was untiring, taking care of them
in the hospital. After moving to Godfrey, she continued her good
works for those in need. During the last four years of her life she
became in invalid, until her death March 11, 1892.
The death of John M. Pearson in 1910 made it necessary to sell the
home place in Godfrey, and after the sale, their remained only one
piece of property left of the Benjamin Godfrey estate that one time
comprised abt. 50,000 acres of land in Madison, Macoupin, and Jersey
Counties. Captain Godfrey had sixteen children, and all of them were
now dead. Also, all the wives and husbands of the children were
dead, but one, who was Mrs. Lodema Godfrey, widow of James Godfrey.
John M. Pearson left about 190 acres of land. Mrs. Lodema Godfrey,
who was 87 at the time of Pearson’s death, had about 180 acres, and
the two pieces, 370 acres, made up all that is left of the holdings
of Godfrey. The children of Mr. Pearson did not desire to retain the
old home place, one of the finest places in the vicinity of Alton.
Captain Godfrey bought all the land he owned at very low prices
prior to 1840, and he held it many years. Much of it he lost through
helping to finance the Chicago & Alton Railroad, and much he lost in
other enterprises. However, he died possessed of an immense estate,
which has disappeared from the family possessions until now, the
next to the last piece is to leave the line of descent.
PEARSON, GUY/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 14, 1884
Mysterious Suicide
A mysterious suicide took place Friday afternoon at the farm known
as the Fred Inglis place on the Grafton Road, west of Dr. Long’s.
The place, or part of it, is now rented by three young men, Albert
Davis, Thomas Desmond, and Bert Hollister, who are raising cucumbers
thereon. On Thursday morning, a man made his appearance on the farm,
inquiring for employment. Mr. Davis hired him, and set him to work
picking cucumbers. He worked steadily that day, and his conduct
excited no comment. He told Mr. Davis that he was an Englishman by
birth, came from Canada last Spring, going thence to Texas and
Arkansas, and was now on his way home. His address was gentlemanly,
and his language and conversation showed that he had been highly
educated. Yesterday morning, Mr. Davis says, a young man rode up to
the farm on horseback, dressed in navy blue, and talked with Messrs.
Davis and Desmond, with whom he is associated. The stranger seemed
to view the caller with apprehension, and said to Mr. Davis: “That’s
a mounted policeman.” Mr. Davis said, “No, he is not a policeman.”
“Yes, he is,” persisted the man, “he is a mounted policeman.” After
this, Mr. Davis says, the stranger acted rather queerly, seeming
apprehensive of trouble. About two o’clock, he said he was thirsty,
and was directed to go to the barn for water. He went, and being
absent longer than was necessary, Mr. Desmond started for the barn
to see if anything was the matter. As he approached, he saw the man,
who was standing on the west side of the barn with an open knife in
his hand) run around to the east side, as if to avoid him. At this
point, Mr. Davis, who was in the field, had a full view of him, and
says, “He was sawing at his throat with the knife with all his
strength.” The men ran towards him, but as they did so, he fell
heavily to the ground, the lifeblood streaming from a gaping wound
in the throat. He was laid out in the shade, and everything done for
him that was possible, but he only lived about twenty minutes.
A reporter for the Telegraph reached the scene about 4 o’clock. The
body was lying near where it had fallen. It was that of a man from
thirty to thirty-two years of age, with dark hair and eyes and
swarthy complexion, though the last may have been the result of
exposure. He was about six feet high. He was commonly dressed in a
much-worn suit; brown coat and vest, navy blue pants. The bloody
instrument with which the deed was done, a large, white-handled
pocket knife, lay beside him.
In the pockets of his coat were found a Bible, handsomely bound in
morocco, and also a small Testament, with a hymnal appendix. On the
fly leaf of the Bible was written, “Tom Wadsworth, from Mary E.
Hartley, Guelph, Canada, March 7, 1884.” Enclosed in the leaves of
the Bible were several letters, all directed to Thomas Wadsworth, at
various post offices in Arkansas, showing that he had been roving
about from place to place. All the letters were signed by Mary E.
No other effects were found on his person, but there were enough to
establish that his name was Thomas Wadsworth, and that his late
residence was Guelph, Canada. The case is a sad and peculiar one,
and the real cause which led the wanderer to put an end to his
existence, probably lies back of any facts on the surface. Whatever
the cause, the occurrence will bring sadness to fond hearts in a
distant home. The deceased was in Alton Wednesday, and told officer
Allen that he was from Texas, on his way to Canada; that his
companion had been taken sick and died in the St. Louis Hospital;
and that he wanted to stay here until Saturday, when he expected to
receive letters and money from home.
Coroner Youree, being notified of the sad affair, arrived here on
the evening train and proceeded to the place where the tragedy
occurred, and held an official inquiry, as to how and in what manner
the deceased, Thomas Wadsworth, came to his death. The verdict was
to the effect that he died from injuries inflicted by his own hand.
After the inquest, the body was taken in charge by Mr. W. L. Klunk,
the undertaker, and brought to Alton. The burial took place Saturday
morning in the citizens’ ground at the Alton City Cemetery.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 21, 1884
It now transpires that the name of the man who committed suicide at
the Inglis place on the Grafton Road was named Guy Pearson and not
Thomas Wadsworth, as supposed from letters found in his pockets.
Mrs. M. L. Cone of Alton Junction [East Alton] called at the post
office a few days ago, and asked for mail matter for Guy Pearson.
She then stated that two men named Guy Pearson and Thomas Wadsworth
came to her house some time since, and after boarding there awhile,
left for Texas. About two weeks ago, Pearson returned and told Mrs.
Cone that he and his companion had taken the swamp fever while in
Texas, and returned to St. Louis, where Wadsworth died in the
hospital after giving to Pearson his Bible, presented to him by Mary
E. Hartley of Guelph, Canada, and several letters, all directed to
Wadsworth. Last Friday, a money order for $40 arrived at the post
office from John Blackboro of Ontario, directed to Guy Pearson.
According to Pearson’s statement he was married a short time before
he left Canada, and the supposition that John Blackboro, who sent
the money order, is his father-in-law. It will be remembered that
the deceased told Officer Allen that his companion died in the
hospital at St. Louis, and that he was expecting a remittance from
Canada. The mystery is now cleared up. The man who committed suicide
was Pearson, not Wadsworth.
PEARSON, JOHN LONGFELLOW/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 21, 1894
Son of Hon. John Mills Pearson and Catharine Godfrey Pearson of
Grandson of Captain Benjamin Godfrey
From Chicago – Among the many men in Illinois whose deeds are of
historical record, and whose names and fame will live after them in
history and story, is the Hon. John M. Pearson of Godfrey
[1832-1910], Madison County, Illinois. He was for a dozen years or
so a member of the Legislature in Illinois; of the State Warehouse
and Railway Commission, and State Board of Livestock Commissioners,
and prominent in the Masonic fraternity, being an A.F. and A.M. of
the 33rd degree, and late Grand Master of this State, Grand High
Priest of the Scottish Rite, and has held several high positions
otherwise. Mr. John M. Pearson, the father of John L., married
Catherine Godfrey, a daughter of Captain Benjamin Godfrey, whose
history in Illinois dates back to the time of Elijah P. Lovejoy, who
was assassinated in Godfrey’s warehouse, and is entitled to great
credit as the founder of Monticello Seminary in the village of
Godfrey, which is named for him. These points are repeated now, not
because they are new to the readers of this journal, but because
they will constitute a kind of background to what I have to say
about the young man whose name heads this mention, a son of the Hon.
John M. Pearson.
John Longfellow Pearson, of whom I am writing particularly, was born
in Alton, September 30, 1858, and graduated from Shurtleff College
in 1880, when he came to Chicago and read law with the well-known
lawyer and author of law books, James B. High, during his course in
the Union College of Law, from which he graduated in 1882, leaving a
record as an apt, studious, and promising student. He continued with
Mr. High for some years, when he formed a partnership in practice
with Orren V. Stookey, his classmate in the literary and law
colleges, which firm continues to this day. The firm was successful
from the start, and has been since. Mr. Pearson, on account of his
being substantial and reliable as a lawyer, has made his way to the
front ranks at this bar among the younger lawyers. He has never
aimed at ephemeral or momentary results, but has succeeded by his
industry, candor, and careful avoidance of fatal mistakes, hence his
achievements have been creditable to himself and permanent in a
commercial sense and otherwise, and his future is full of promise.
He is a worthy descendant of his excellent ancestry on the paternal
and maternal sides, and a credit to such mold. He is engaged in
general practice, but largely in real estate law.
In 1886, he married Grace Saltonstall, a daughter of William
Saltonstall, one of the early settlers of Chicago. This is an
especially prominent name in the history of Massachusetts and of New
England. They have one daughter.
Source: Oak Leaves, Oak Park, Illinois, June 17, 1922
Death came suddenly on Wednesday evening to one of Oak Park’s old
residents, John L. Pearson. While seated on his porch with his
family, he suffered a violent attack of angina pectoris, and was
gone in an instant.
Mr. Pearson was born in Alton, Illinois, September 30, 1858. After
graduating from Shurtleff College, he came to Chicago, where he
studied law and was admitted to the bar, from which time to the date
of his death he was actively and successfully engaged in the
practice of law.
He formerly lived on the west side, and as a young man was active in
the old First Congregational Church of Chicago. He moved to Oak Park
in the 1880s, and at once joined the First Congregational Church
here, with which he has ever since been prominently identified. Many
and varied duties fell to his lot, all of which were performed with
great care and fidelity. At the time of his death, he was the senior
deacon, having held that office longer than any other person in the
history of the church.
Before coming to Oak Park, he married Grace Saltonstall, who died a
few years ago. He later married Isabella Rankin, by whom he is
survived, together with his daughters, Katharine Pearson Krah and
Gertrude Pearson. Funeral services were held at the residence on
Friday, Dr. W. E. Barton officiating.
John Longfellow Pearson married in 1886 to Grace Saltonstall. They
had one daughter, Katharine Pearson Krah [1890-1936]. Following the
death of his first wife, Grace, in 1918, John married in 1920 to
Isabella Rankin [1871-1956], and they had another daughter, Gertrude
Pearson. John L. Pearson died June 14, 1922, in Oak Park, Cook
County, Illinois. He was buried in the Forest Home Cemetery, Forest
Park, Illinois.
His father, John Mills Pearson, died June 4, 1910, in Godfrey,
Illinois. He is buried in the Godfrey Cemetery, Godfrey, Illinois.
John’s mother, Catharine Godfrey Pearson, died on March 11, 1892, in
Godfrey. She is also buried in the Godfrey Cemetery.
PEARSON, JOHN MILLS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 4, 1910
Prominent in Masonic and Public Life; Son-in-Law of Captain Benjamin
John Mills Pearson, one of Madison County's most distinguished
citizens, died Saturday morning at 6 o'clock after an illness of
about a year from heart trouble. His end came as he had wished,
quietly, peacefully. He had been an intense sufferer for many
months, and seldom was able to lie down in bed. Hardening of the
arteries was the cause of the illness. In order to facilitate
breathing, Mr. Pearson, for many months, had taken most of his rest
sitting in a chair, and when he slept, he would pillow his head on a
desk in front of him. He had been very feeble for a week, but the
end was not expected to occur as soon as it did. He was sitting on
the edge of his bed and started to fall. An attendant who slept with
him attempted to seize Mr. Pearson to hold him up, but the young
man's hold was not secure enough and he fell to the floor. The last
words he spoke was a request to lay him down, and this was done. He
ceased breathing almost at once. Mr. Pearson had been contemplating
his approaching dissolution, and Friday he said that he did not know
how it would be, referring to a possible struggle when the end came.
He had wished for a quiet death, and he experienced it.
Mr. Pearson may be said to have been one of Madison County's most
distinguished sons. He stood high in the Masonic fraternity, and was
honored by all the brand bodies of that order in Illinois. He became
a Mason in 1854, and the following year affiliated with the chapter
and the council. In 1857, he joined the Commandery, and during the
early years of his life he applied himself assiduously to the study
of Masonic work. He became an expert on it, and rose in esteem among
the men high in the councils of the order. He filled the offices of
Grandmaster of the grand lodge, Grand High Priest of the Grand
Chapter, Grand Master of the Grand Council, and Grand Commander of
the Grand Commandery, and by each of those bodies he was presented
with a handsome gold jewel, duplicates of the jewels he had worn as
emblems of office while filling official positions. Those jewels
were recently exhibited in Alton and constituted a rare collection.
It is said but one other man, or possibly two, in the state of
Illinois, ever could show a similar collection. He affiliated with
the Scottish Rite Masons in 1882, and in 1884 he was elected an
honorary 33rd(?) degree mason. During many years he filled the post
of chairman of the jurisprudence committees of every one of the
Illinois Masonic grand bodies. This is one of the most important
offices in these bodies, and Mr. Pearson was kept there because of
his eminent ability. His mind was a well-trained one, he had depth
of reasoning, a wealth of vocabulary, and his logic was sound. At
all meetings of the grand bodies he was deferred to, and his opinion
was always awaited before action was taken on any important point.
John M. Pearson was born at Newburyport, Massachusetts, October 7,
1832, and was in his 78th year. He had few advantages in an
educational line, except a high school education he completed at the
age of 17. He was a tireless student, however, and determined to
educate himself. He aspired to enter Harvard, but never did. A
cousin was going through West Point, and young Pearson procured his
cousin's books, when he was through with them, mastered them, and
afterward examined himself by taking the examinations his cousin had
taken in West Point. He learned to be a civil engineer, and did all
his own engineering. He came to Illinois in 1849. In 1855 he was
married to Catherine Godfrey, daughter of Benjamin Godfrey, the
founder of Monticello Seminary. In 1865 he became a farmer. At one
time in his career, he took charge of the Agricultural Works at
Alton, and put the institution on its feet. In 1873, he was
appointed a member of the State Railroad and Warehouse Commission,
and he also served several terms in the Illinois legislature with
credit and honor to his district and to himself. He was known as an
experienced parliamentarian, and was skillful in debate.
For many years he was a political power in Madison County, and
frequently presided at Republican conventions. He was interested in
public affairs up to the time he became too weak longer to discuss
them. Mr. Pearson was a member of the board of trustees of the
University of Illinois for a number of years was a representative in
the Legislature from 1878 to 1884; was a member of the Madison
County Board of Supervisors for a number of years; was a member of
the State Livestock Commission from 1886 to 1892; was active in the
Alton Horticultural Society for 40 years; and president of that
State Horticultural Society 1885-86. He was a School Director for
nearly 35 years.
Pearson’s appearance was rugged, he thought little of external show.
He read almost constantly and was one of the best-informed men in
the country. He had an excellent memory, and had a wide
acquaintance. During his illness, his home was the Mecca of numbers
of his friends throughout the State, and many who could not make
personal visits wrote letters, which Mr. Pearson read with interest.
One of the most pleasing features of the close of his life, to him,
was the manifest esteem in which he was held by those who knew him.
In the Congregational Church at Godfrey he was an active worker. He
had a conspicuous part in everything that pertained to the welfare
of the church, taught a Bible class for many years, and his talks on
religious subjects were equivalent to a sermon by the best of
preachers. Nowhere will he be missed more than in the Godfrey
At the time of his death, none of the children of Mr. Pearson were
with him. They frequently came to Godfrey to attend him, but he
would not allow them to remain away from their homes to look after
him. He leaves one daughter, Mrs. Eleanor G. Mason of Minneapolis;
and two sons, John L. Pearson of Oak Park, Illinois, and Arthur G.
Pearson of Chicago. He leaves also six grandchildren and two
great-grandchildren. One of his granddaughters, a student at
Monticello, was summoned after her grandfather's death. The other
children are expected tonight or tomorrow. No announcement could be
made of funeral arrangements until after the arrival of his sons. It
is probable that the funeral will be under Masonic auspices from the
Godfrey Congregational Church, and that there will be many men
prominent in the order who will attend. [Pearson is buried in the
Godfrey Cemetery.]
Interesting History of Hon. J. M. Pearson
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 22, 1910
The following interesting communication to the Telegraph was written
by Mrs. Lodema C. Godfrey [wife of James Ryder Godfrey, who was the
son of Captain Benjamin Godfrey], now eighty-seven years old and
hale and hearty and interested in current events. She lives at the
home of her son-in-law, Charles Turner, township clerk of Godfrey
township. The article follows:
"We came to Godfrey in 1865. At that time, Mr. Pearson lived in
Alton, but the following year he moved to this place with his
family. Our farms adjoined, and he built his house near ours, and
from that time until he died, we were neighbors and friends. When he
first came here, he identified himself with this church, and with
his wife helped in every good cause and never failed when extra help
was needed. In the absence of our minister he was often called on to
fill the vacancy, and he was always ready with a sermon which he
read with his clear voice and fine expression. Mr. Pearson was a
self-made man, and we find very few who with all the help of schools
and college could compare with him in general intelligence or the
knowledge of those subjects which are supposed to be only learned by
years of toil in college or university. He had served one of two
terms in the Legislature, and had held several state offices, but we
knew him best right here at home where he had a large circle of
friends and acquaintances. I was in his class in Sunday school for
many years. He was always present, unless absent from town or sick.
He made the Bible a wonderful book and could refer to almost any
passage called for without other help than his wonderful memory.
During his sickness his patience never failed. A few days before he
died, he said to me, "I feel as if I could not live more than a day
or two." I said to him, "Well do you want to go?" "No, I do not," he
said. At the last he raised himself up and fell forward, and found
himself in the presence of his Savior."
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 6, 1910
An interesting event in the life of Mr. Pearson was the laying of
the cornerstone of the Masonic Temple in Chicago. He was Grand
Master of the Illinois Grand Lodge when the cornerstone of that
building was laid, and it became his official duty to lay the stone,
which he did.
A Sketch of His Life
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 5, 1888
In connection with its report of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge
of Masons, in session in Chicago, the Inter Ocean gives the
following sketch of Hon. John M. Pearson:
Deputy Grand Master John Mills Pearson was born in Newburyport,
Massachusetts, October 7, 1832. His ancestors constructed the first
flouring mill known to that locality in 1637. He graduated at
Harvard as a civil engineer, and was professionally employed upon
the railroads of Massachusetts in and about Lowell. He emigrated to
Illinois in 1849. The town of Godfrey, Illinois, where he now
resides, was named after his wife’s father, Captain Benjamin
Godfrey. In 1873, he was Railroad and Warehouse Commissioner of
Illinois, and was elected to the Legislature of Illinois in 1878,
and re-elected in 1880, and again in 1882. He was made a Master Maon
in 1854, united with the Chapter the same year, with the Council in
1855, the Commandery in 1857, and with the Scottish Rite bodies of
Chicago in 1882. He presided over the first four organizations, and
became Grand High Priest of the Council and Grand Commander of the
Grand Commandery. In 1884, the Supreme Council of the A. A. S. Rite
for the Northern jurisdiction of the United States elected him an
honorary member thereof; the same year he was Junior Grand Warden of
the Grand Lodge of Illinois, and now is the Deputy Grand Master.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 7, 1910
The funeral of John M. Pearson was held Tuesday afternoon (June 7,
1910) from his residence in Godfrey Township. There was an immense
attendance of neighbors and old friends. The morning trains brought
in many, among them delegations of officers of the Grand Lodge,
Grand Chapter, Grand Council, Grand Commandery, and the Consistory,
in all of which he held membership and was prominent. The
pallbearers were old neighbors of Mr. Pearson, and they bore the
casket from the home to the hearse. At the Godfrey Cemetery, there
was a change in the pallbearers. Piasa Lodge, A. F. & A. M. took
charge of the burial. Pallbearers from the Masonic fraternity
carried the casket and bore it to the grave in the Godfrey Cemetery.
The burial service was conducted by A. B. Ashley of Decatur, Grand
Master of the Illinois Masonic Grand Lodge.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 8, 1910
John M. Pearson, who was buried Tuesday in Godfrey Cemetery with
Masonic honors, had a very unusual record. It was revealed at the
funeral that he had the distinction of having joined the fraternity
before he was 21 years of age. It is a law which the attention of
applicants for membership is usually directed to, but in his case it
was not. Mr. Pearson was taken to be 21, and was not informed he
must be that old. He did not discover until he had passed through
the degrees in the chapter that he had been taken into the order
before he was the proper age. He had been a member of the order for
56 years, and was honored as few men have been in the order.
Source: Transactions of the Illinois State Horticultural Society,
One of Madison county's most distinguished citizens, a former member
of the State Legislature, for years a member of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Illinois, Illinois Railroad and
Warehouse Commission and State Live Stock Commission, a man of
national prominence in a great fraternal order of which he was a
member, and a member of the Alton Horticultural Society died June 2,
1910. Mr. Pearson was born October 7, 1832 in Newburyport, Mass. He
came to Illinois in 1849, and in 1855 was married to Katharine
Godfrey, a daughter of Benjamin Godfrey, the founder of Monticello
Seminary. He became actively interested in agriculture in 1865 and
for more than forty years was a member of the Alton Horticultural
Society, serving in various capacities as an officer and at all
times interested in the work of the Society, and valuable to it by
his practical knowledge of horticulture and its needs. Perhaps no
man in the membership did more in a practical way for the Society
and its members than Mr. Pearson by advice both as to the best
methods and what to avoid, and while the work he has done is
permanent and the effect of his study and observation is of the
greatest practical value, it is also true that his place will not be
filled either in the Society or the community in which he lived many
Near End of Godfrey Estate - Two Farms Left
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 9, 1910
The death of John M. Pearson makes it necessary to sell his home
place in Godfrey township, and when this sale is held there will be
only one piece of property left of the Benjamin Godfrey estate that
one time comprised probably 50,000 acres of land in Madison,
Macoupin, and Jersey Counties. Capt. Godfrey had sixteen children,
and all of them are dead. Also all the wives and husbands of the
children are dead, but one, who is Mrs. Lodema Godfrey, widow of
James Godfrey. John M. Pearson was a son-in-law of Benjamin Godfrey.
Mr. Pearson leaves about 190 acres of land. Mrs. James Godfrey, who
is 87, has about 180 acres, and the two pieces, 370 acres, make up
all that is left of the holdings of Godfrey. The children of Mr.
Pearson do not desire to retain the old home place, one of the
finest places in the vicinity of Alton. They will dispose of it as
soon as they can. Captain Godfrey bought all the land he owned at
very low prices prior to 1840, and he held it many years. Much of it
he lost through helping to finance the C. & A. railroad, and much he
lost in other enterprises. However, he died possessed of an immense
estate, which has disappeared from the family possessions until now,
the next to the last piece is to leave the line of descent.
Pearson Estate Sale
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 25, 1910
Among the articles sold the other day at the Pearson sale was a
large mahogany bureau, which according to markings on the back of
it, was brought from New Orleans by Captain Benjamin Godfrey, one
hundred and two years ago.
PEASE, JOHN L./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 28, 1839
Died, in this city [Alton], on Sunday evening last, Mr. John L.
Pease, formerly of New Hampshire.
PEAT, HANNAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 31, 1910
Mrs. Hannah Peat, aged 69, died Sunday morning at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, 1304 Belle street, after a long
illness with cancer of the stomach. She had been in bed twelve
weeks. Mrs. Peat came here from Kirkstaff, England, last August, to
pass her declining years with her daughter. She brought with her
another daughter, Mrs. Ada Hill, and her daughter, Esther Hill. The
old lady desired to be near her children when death would come, and
she transferred her residence to Alton, as she felt that all she had
that was worthwhile in life was her family. Beside Mrs. Mitchell and
Mrs. Hill, she had another daughter, Mrs. John License, of Chicago.
Her brother, Daniel Willby, of Springfield, Mo., is in Alton, having
come to attend the funeral, which will be held Wednesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the Mitchell home, Rev. M. W. Twing officiating.
PECK, HELEN NELSON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 12, 1902
The funeral of Mrs. Helen Nelson Peck took place this afternoon from
the home of her sisters, Mrs. Lucia I. Priest and Mrs. H. S. Bishop,
on Henry street, and the services were conducted by Rev. J. A.
Scarritt of Cairo, a former pastor and friend of deceased. Interment
was in the city cemetery, and the funeral was private.
Died March 14, 1858
Founder of Shurtleff College, Upper Alton
John Mason Peck was an American Baptist missionary to the Western
frontier. He was born October 31, 1789 to Asa and Hannah Pack, at
Litchfield South Farms, Connecticut, and was reared in simplicity
and industry as a child of Puritans. Asa Peck, his father, was
afflicted with lameness, which placed a large share of the farm work
on John’s young shoulders. His summers were devoted to the farm, and
in the winter, he attended the local schools. At the age of
eighteen, on December 15, 1807, he converted to Christianity, and
accepted God’s grace of salvation.
In 1807 he began to teach school. He married Sarah “Sally” Paine on
May 8, 1809, and they lived with his parents for about two years. In
1811, they moved to Windham, New York, near her family’s home.
Shortly after the birth of their first son, they joined the Baptist
Church. Peck taught school and served as pastor of the Baptist
churches in Catskill and Amenia, New York. He became interested in
missionary work after meeting Luther Rice, and went to Philadelphia
to study under William Staughton. There Peck met James Ely Welch, a
Baptist minister who became his missionary partner. The Peck and
Welch families traveled to St. Louis in December 1817. The
population of St. Louis at that time was about 3,000, of which
one-third were slaves. Peck and Welch organized the First Baptist
Church of St. Louis, and baptized two converts in the Mississippi
River in February 1818. They founded the first missionary society in
the West – the United Society for the Spread of the Gospel. With
missionary support withdrawn, Peck refused to move back East, and
continued his ministry in St. Louis. Two years later, the Baptist
Mission Society employed him at $5 a week. He established Bible
societies and Sunday Schools, and ministered to the rural
population. In 1818, he traveled to Kaskaskia, then the capital of
In February 1819, Peck felt it was time to establish a seminary for
the common and higher branches of education. His goal was to train
minds in habits of thinking and logical reasoning, to educate in the
gospel, and to train in Christian duties. Rufus Easton of St. Louis
(founder of Alton), made Peck promise that he would not locate his
planned seminary until he explored the village known as Upper Alton.
On February 22, 1819, Peck traveled to St. Charles, Missouri, took
Smeltzer’s Ferry across the Mississippi to Illinois, and traveled to
the future site of Alton. He found four cabins, and obtained
directions to Upper Alton. The previous year Peck had met Dr.
Erastus Brown, who had moved to Upper Alton. Emerging from the
“forest” in Upper Alton, Peck found campfires and piles of brush
glowing with heat. There was a boarding house, where he entered and
found a table with rough, newly-sawn boards with an old, filthy
cloth covering it. He found a boy and offered him a dime to take him
to Dr. Brown’s log cabin. There he found Brown, his wife, and two or
three children. They provided him food, and a small bedroom to
sleep. In the morning Dr. Brown showed him around Upper Alton, which
contained 40-50 families living in log cabins, shanties, covered
wagons, and camps. There was a school of 25-30 boys and girls,
taught by a backwoods fellow. Peck wondered where he would find
enough scholars to fill a seminary. He left Upper Alton, and it was
3 or 4 years until he visited Upper Alton again.
In 1820, Peck’s first son, a lad of about ten years, came down with
a fever and clung between life and death. His son passed away, and
two days later Peck’s brother-in-law, Mr. S. Paine, also died. Peck
looked to God with reverence and love, and said, “Though he slay me,
I will trust in Him.” Peck was also sick, but was spared.
In 1822, Peck was appointed missionary of the Massachusetts Baptist
Missionary Society. His first commission was signed by Thomas
Baldwin, President, and Daniel Sharp, Secretary. He earned five
dollars a week. He remained in the vicinity of St. Charles,
Missouri. At the end of April 1822, he moved to St. Clair County,
Illinois, and took up residence there. He bought unimproved land and
built a home and began cultivating the land to support his family.
He named his farm “Rock Spring.” A group of travelers settled
nearby, and on May 26, 1822 a church was organized. Peck preached
and baptized, ministering to the people.
A meeting was held at Rock Spring on January 1, 1827. The group
decided to locate Peck’s seminary at Rock Spring, on land given by
Mr. Peck. Dr. Benjamin Franklin Edwards, brother of Cyrus Edwards,
served on the Board of Trustees from its beginning. By the end of
May 1827, a seminary building was erected. Nearly everything
connected with this effort rested on Peck’s shoulders, and he was
performing the work of two or three men, besides his own duties
preaching. The seminary opened with 25 students of both sexes. The
number increased to 100 in a few weeks.
In 1832, Peck purchased land for a seminary in Upper Alton, where he
had once visited so long ago. He renamed his seminary Alton
Seminary, and established the Board of Trustees of Alton Seminary.
He persuaded Rev. Hubbel Loomis, who had been teaching a seminary in
Kaskaskia, to teach and fill the role as the seminary Principal.
Loomis Hall, the first building of the seminary in Upper Alton, was
erected in 1832. This building still stands, and serves as the home
of the Alton Museum of History and Art.
Rev. Peck traveled to the East to obtained financing for his
seminary for building purposes. He met with Dr. Shurtleff in Boston,
who agreed to give $10,000 (about $305,071 in 2022 dollars), if the
seminary was renamed Shurtleff College, which Peck agreed to.
Between 1836 – 1841, the number of students at the college averaged
88, with four instructors. The faculty included Rev. Washington
Leverett, his brother, Rev. Warren Leverett, and Rev. Zenas B.
On June 13, 1852, Peck mentioned in his diary of having his five
sons, with two of their wives, and two grandchildren, at home and
taking supper together. On November 18, 1852, the original Rock
Spring Seminary building, where it all began, was destroyed by fire.
Peck’s collection of files, periodicals, and pamphlets were all
destroyed. In 1852, he gathered his scattered and charred books,
1,500 volumes, into the largest room in his house, which then became
his library and study.
Rev. Peck resigned his duties at Shurtleff College on March 19,
1854, after learning he had lung disease. He soon became frail. At
the end of the year, he learned his son, Harvey Jenks Peck, had died
in Iowa on December 17, 1854. For the remainder of Peck’s life, he
wrote in his diary and visited with friends, including Cyrus Edwards
of Upper Alton. On Sunday, March 14, 1858, Peck passed away in his
family home at Rock Spring, and was buried in the Rock Spring
Cemetery in O’Fallon. Twenty-nine days later, at the request of
friends and colleagues, his body was disinterred and reburied in the
Bellefontaine Cemetery in St. Louis, to rest with other pioneer
Baptist ministers.
Rev. John Mason Peck left a lasting legacy at Shurtleff College. The
college went on to grow and prosper, and more and more buildings
were erected. Finally, in 1957, the college closed its doors. Today,
the former Shurtleff College campus is part of the Southern Illinois
University system.
PECKART, CHRISTIANA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, Jan. 28 & Feb.
1, 1888
From Highland, Jan. 26 – This afternoon in Highland, Mrs. Christiana
Peckart died at the age of 60 years.
PEERS, CYNTHIA S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 5, 1915
Mrs. Cynthia S. Peers, aged 83, died at the residence of her
daughter, Mrs. B. F. Bowler, Wednesday morning after an illness of
two days. Mrs. Peers was taken ill on Monday evening with pneumonia,
and for a time her condition was not considered serious. She died at
four o'clock this morning. Mrs. Peers has been a resident of Alton
for the past eighteen years, and left a large number of friends. She
was well and favorably known about the city. She leaves besides her
daughter, three sons, J. N. Peers and M. G. Peers of Collinsville;
and Edgar Peers of Vicksburg, Miss. Members of the family had
considerable trouble in locating her son, J. N. Peers, who was
cruising on the river in his boat, the Lelia. He left Alton on
Monday morning and did not know of the illness of his mother.
Messages were sent to Havana this morning and there it was learned
that he had just left that city for points up the river. Orders were
sent to have a speedboat follow him and tell him of the death of his
mother. This was done and he will return at once. A short funeral
service will be held from the residence at 436 East Eighth street on
Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Burial will be in Collinsville,
Ill. on Friday. A request has been made by relatives that flowers be
PEGUES, CLAUDIUS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 18, 1882
Mr. Claudius Pegues, a young man twenty-three years of age, son of
Mrs. Celia Pegues of Alton Junction [East Alton], died of brain
fever last Sunday at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. George
Crawford of Wood River. His remains were interred at the Bethalto
Cemetery Monday afternoon. The mother has the sympathy of many
friends in this, her sad affliction.
PEIPERT, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 14,
Mrs. Elizabeth Peipert, widow of Lawrence Peipert, died at ten
o'clock Thursday night at her home, 1110 State street, following a
three years' illness with complication of diseases. Throughout her
long illness, Mrs. Peipert was very patient, bearing her sufferings
cheerfully. She was a well known woman and until ill health confined
her to her home, she was active in the social life of the city and
was known for her entertaining. She was born and raised in Alton,
her maiden name being Tremmel. She was 53 years old last November.
Her husband died three years ago last October, and at the time of
his death Mrs. Peipert was in very poor health. Few friends thought
she would survive Mr. Peipert for so long a time. Mrs. Peipert is
survived by one son, William Peipert, and a daughter, Mrs. Charles
Smith of Wood River, and eight grandchildren. She also leaves four
brothers, Edward N. Tremmel of Carrollton, John Tremmel of Montreal,
Canada, Anton and Jacob Tremmel of Alton, and four sisters, Mrs. J.
F. Dunlap of Milwaukee, Wis., Mrs. George Keller of Albuquerque, New
Mexico, Mrs. John Kies and Mrs. Al Fullager of Alton. The funeral
will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from SS Peter and Paul's
Cathedral with interment in Greenwood cemetery.
PEIPERT/PIEPERT, LAWRENCE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
October 4, 1919
Lawrence Piepert, retired merchant, died this morning at St.
Joseph's Hospital at 6:05 after a serious illness of two weeks, and
an operation which was performed at the hospital last Saturday. He
had been ailing for almost two years when two weeks ago
complications set in with gallstone trouble, causing his death. He
was 59 years old. Mr. Piepert lived in Alton practically all his
life. He was born in Germany and came to America with his parents
when two years old. The family settled in Godfrey, and he became a
resident of Alton in his early youth. He took out citizenship papers
when he was 19 years old, and was engaged in the meat business on
Belle street for 18 years. When his health began to fail him two
years ago, he turned the business over to his son, William Piepert,
retiring from active life and settling with his son's family at 1110
State street. The untimely death of Mr. Piepert causes general
sorrow among a large number of friends. During the 18 years that he
was actively in business he made countless friends who proved him as
a man and those in the same line of business respected him as a
competitor in business. His illness has been watched by his friends
who held hopes that he would recover until his recent and more
serious illness at the hospital. He is survived by his widow,
Elizabeth Piepert, a brother, Jacob Piepert, three sisters, Mrs.
Theresa Burmeister of Melville, Ill., Mrs. Vincent Mrasik of
Memphis, Tenn., and Mrs. Gus Hilt of Godfrey, a daughter, Mrs.
Charles Smith of Wanda, son William Piepert of Alton, and four
grandchildren. The remains may be viewed by friends Sunday afternoon
at 1110 State street. The funeral services will be held at the
Cathedral at nine o'clock Monday morning. A requiem high mass will
be said by Father M. Costello, and interment will be at Greenwood
PELOT, ANNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 3, 1911
Mrs. Annie Pelot, wife of Louis Pelot, died at 4:40 o'clock Friday
morning at the family home east of Upper Alton. She had been ill for
over a year with tumor of the stomach, and a few weeks ago a
surgical operation was performed upon her at St. Joseph's hospital,
which failed to give her permanent relief. She was 40 years of age
and is survived by her husband and eight children. Mrs. Pelot leaves
also some brothers and sisters, William and Chris Horn of Alton;
George and John Horn of Jerseyville; Philip of East St. Louis; Mrs.
John Hoffman of Alton; Mrs. Martha Kessler of Fieldon. The family
lived until a few years ago in Alton, and Mrs. Pelot was well known
here. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon, and burial will be
in City Cemetery.
PELOT, MARIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 17, 1907
Mrs. Marie Pelot, aged 73, died Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock after
a long illness from asthma. Mrs. Pelot was a native of Germany. She
was born in Rhineberg, October 30th, 1833. She came to Alton when a
young woman and had lived in the city ever since, raising a large
family. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Most and Mrs. Getsinger, and
six sons, Frank Pelot of St. Louis, Charles, Louis, Adam, Gustave
and August of Alton. She leaves besides thirty grandchildren and one
great-grandchild. The funeral will be held Friday or Saturday from
the German Evangelical church of which Mrs. Pelot was a member. Mrs.
Pelot was highly esteemed by all who knew her. She was a woman of a
most estimable character, a good mother and a kindly neighbor.
PEMBROKE, ELIHU (COLONEL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 15,
One of Alton’s First Settlers
The following dispatch from St. Jo, Montague County, Texas, reports
the death of Colonel Elihu Pembroke, one of the first settlers of
Alton, and one whom the older citizens will remember:
Elihu Pembroke, who died here aged over four score and ten, was born
in Ontario County, New York, April 27, 1802. In 1820, his father
emigrated to Illinois, and bought ten acres of land where the main
part of the town of Alton now is, and in 1827 Elihu was married in
Alton to Miss Sarah Stout, but she died in 1831, after three
children had been born to them, all of whom had also died. In June
1833, he married Miss Louisa Knowland of Madison County, Kentucky,
who survives him. She was born in 1811.
Colonel Pembroke was originally a Whig in politics, and cast his
first vote for President of Henry Clay in 1824, and three different
times had the pleasure of voting for Clay. He became a Republican on
the formation of that party. His last vote, however, in 1892, was
for the Prohibition ticket.
Colonel Pembroke was one of the first settlers in Illinois. When he
moved with his father to that State in 1820, there was not a house
in Jersey or Macoupin Counties, and Illinois had not been admitted
as a State.”
Find A Grave gives the following information: Lists the name as
Elihu or Elisha Pembroke (tombstone shows E. Pembroke), who was born
April 27, 1802, in Afton Center, DeKalb County, Illinois. His father
was shown as Enos Pembrook, born 1776 in New York, and died November
18, 1832, in Ottawa, LaSalle County, Illinois, where he owned (in
1841) 75 acres in the northeast quarter of section 22, T33, R3. Enos
was the son of John Pembrook (a seafaring man from England). Elihu’s
mother was Lucinda J Warner Pembrook (1781-1815). The siblings of
Elihu were: Thomas, Ursula (1806-1887), David (1808-1879), Mary Ann
(1810-1830), Richard (1812-1864), and Celinda (1815-?) Pembroke. The
father, Enos Pembrook, married again in 1814 to Sophia Rice Pembrook
(1782-1861). The children of Enos and Sophia were: Enos Pembrook
(1815-1855); Calvin Park Pembrook (1818-?); and Jeremiah Rick
Pembrook (1820-1902).
According to the history of Macoupin County, Illinois, 1879, Enos
Pembroke, in 1820, settled in Alton, Illinois. He bought ten acres
of land where the main town of Alton is now located, where they
lived three or four years. They found the location so sickly, that
they were compelled to remove elsewhere. At that day, the
Mississippi River opposite Alton was covered with a green scum, like
that which may now be seen on the surface of stagnant ponds, and
fever and ague prevailed to such an extend along the riverbanks,
that the settlers were obliged to move. In about 1825 or 1826, his
father moved the family to the vicinity of Ottawa, LaSalle County,
Illinois, where he died in 1832. Enos Pembroke was buried in the
Summit View Cemetery in Ottawa, Illinois.
PEMBROKE, JULIA A. (nee ADAMS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 03,
Native of Edwardsville
From Bethalto - Mrs. Julia A. Adams Pembroke, wife of Thomas C.
Pembroke of near Canby, Oregon, suddenly expired at her home Sunday
afternoon of heart disease. She was apparently in good health and
spirits, conversing with her husband. She arose, walked into an
adjoining room, and immediately sank to the floor. All efforts to
revive her failed. The wheels of mortal life stood still. Thus,
passed away a good friend, a noble mother, and an affectionate and
devoted wife. The funeral was on Tuesday morning, the interment
being in Canby Cemetery.
Mrs. Julia A. Pembroke was born in Edwardsville, Madison County,
Illinois, March 12, 1847. She was married January _, 1865. She moved
with her family to Texas in 1869, going the entire distance by
wagon, there being no rail transportation between those points at
that period. They moved to Oregon in 1883, and has resided near
Canby since that date. The union was blessed with three children –
two sons and one daughter – all of whom survive her and attended her
As a true mother, her greatest desire was to pave the way for her
children’s welfare, always saying: “Let adversities fall upon me or
in my day, rather than in theirs, that they may live in comfort and
be men and women of honesty and integrity, is my most sincere
desire.” Wherever she lived, Mrs. Pembroke was always ready to visit
and minister unto the sick. The deceased leaves a husband and three
children to mourn their loss and hold sacred her memory in golden
thoughts that they had such a wife and mother. A brother in
Missouri, sister in Texas, and a sister in Colorado also survive
PENCE, ADDIE MUNDIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 03, 1894
From Marine – Died at St. Luke’s Hospital, St. Louis, April 24, Mrs.
Addie Mundis Pence, aged 24 years, 8 months, and 5 days. The remains
were brought to her home in Marine for interment. The deceased was
an only child, beloved by all who knew her; an earnest Christian and
faithful worker. The grief-stricken husband and parents have the
sympathy of the entire community.
PENCE, JAMES B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1902
James B. Pence, father of Dr. C. N. Pence, died suddenly Friday
afternoon at the home of his son at East Alton, after a short
illness with heart trouble. Mr. Pence was a school teacher
fifty-three years, and was a pioneer resident of Lewis county, Mo.
He was former school superintendent at LaGrange, and was well known
in Lewis county where he had made his home the greater part of his
life. Mr. Pence had been spending the winter with his son at East
Alton, and complained Friday of feeling unwell. Dr. Pence was
treating him. Mr. Pence had lain on a lounge and while lying there
he passed away peacefully and without giving any sign that he was
dying. Mrs. Pence was alone in the house, but when it was discovered
that her husband's father was dead, Dr. Pence, who was in
Edwardsville, was summoned. Mr. Pence leaves his widow and one son.
Burial will be at LaGrange, Mo., Sunday.
PENCE, TILLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 7, 1917
Mrs. Tillie Pence, aged 27, died at her home on State street
yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock after an illness of a very few
days with heart trouble. She was well known in Alton and leaves a
number of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. She was born in
Bethalto on June 28, 1890. On May 6, 1908 she was married to Oscar
Pence of Alton. Besides her husband she leaves a four year old son,
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, and three brothers. The
funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from the home.
The services are to be conducted by Rev. E. W. Heggemeier.
PENEFORD, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 13, 1899
Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Peneford of Fifth and Ridge
Streets, died this morning from spinal meningitis, aged two years
and four months. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon from
the home.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 14, 1899
The funeral of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. George Peneford took
place this afternoon from the home, Fifth and Ridge Streets.
Interment was in the Alton City Cemetery.
PENIFOLD, MILDRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 23,
Mildred, 11 years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Penifold, died
suddenly Tuesday morning at the family home on Ridge street, near
Third, after a long illness from stomach and heart trouble, the
latter being super induced by the former. While sick more or less
for a long time, she was able to be up and around much of the time
and attended school pretty regularly. Monday night she had a bad
night and the retching and vomiting caused by the stomach disorder
super induced weakness of the heart, it is supposed. Mildred arose
this morning and appeared to be no worse than usual, and Mr.
Penifold went to work. She died shortly afterwards after a paroxysm
of vomiting from heart failure. The funeral will be held Friday at 2
p.m. from the Congregational church.
PENNEWELL, AMY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 24,
Amy, the 11 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pennewell, died
yesterday afternoon about four o'clock at the home in Yager Park.
The child had been sick for two weeks with malaria fever. She is
survived by her parents and one sister and three brothers. The
funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 from the home.
Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.
PENNEY, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1874
Mrs. Penney, an aunt of Mr. John Batterton, died at his residence
near Alton about 11 o’clock Tuesday night. She was nearly eighty
years of age. Mrs. Penney was called from Louisville early last
Spring to the deathbed of her sister, Mrs. Batterton, who had been
stricken with paralysis. Mrs. Penney had been here but a few weeks,
when she too was seized with the same disease, and after a long and
painful illness, died as above stated. She was an estimable
Christian lady, and was highly esteemed by all who knew her.
Although she was taken ill away from home, she received every
attention and kindness which devoted relatives and sympathizing
friends could bestow. For some time before Mrs. Penney’s death, two
of her sons were with her, and aided in making her as comfortable as
was possible under the painful disease from which she suffered. Her
remains left here Wednesday afternoon for Louisville.
PENNING, ANNA “ANNIE” (nee FECHT)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March
22, 1894
Mrs. Annie Penning, wife of Mr. Christian Penning, aged about 30
years, passed away Monday afternoon at her home on Liberty and Ninth
Streets. She leaves a husband, two children, and numerous friends to
mourn her death. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at 2
o’clock. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
PENNING, CHRIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 27, 1917
Chris Penning, for many years an employee in the capacity of
gardener on the Joseph Krug place, died at St. Joseph's Hospital at
1 o'clock this morning after a long illness. He was 60 years of age
and he leaves a son and daughter, also two brothers and two sisters.
The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
Grace Methodist Church.
PENNING, NORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13, 1919
The body of Nora Penning, colored, who died in Chicago, arrived in
Alton and the funeral was held today, interment being in the Upper
Alton cemetery. She lived in Alton until a year ago.
PENNY, CRECLIUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 20, 1902
North Alton News - The funeral of Creclius Penny took place this
morning from the home of John R. Batterton to the City Cemetery at
Alton. Many friends of deceased attended.
PENROSE, FANNY L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 18,
Mrs. Fanny L. Penrose, wife of William Penrose, died Sunday morning
at 2 o'clock at her home in the Beall flat on eighth street, after
an illness of nine days from pneumonia. The death of Mrs. Penrose
was a sad shock to her friends who knew that she was very ill, but
had every hope that the crisis, which was expected to come Saturday
night with the end of the ninth day of the disease, would be passed
safely. She was very weak, however, from her illness, and she
collapsed shortly after midnight. Mrs. Penrose was born at Warsaw,
Ill., June 12, 1867. She came to Alton with her parents, Captain and
Mrs. John N. Hamilton, about twenty-five years ago, and had lived
here most of the time since then. She was married December 27, 1892
at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. D. Smith, Macon, Mo., having gone
there for the purpose of being married to Mr. Penrose. Beside her
husband, she leaves a nine year old daughter, Dorothy, two sisters,
Mrs. J. D. Smith of Macon, Mrs. J. B. Bemis of St. Paul, Minn., and
two brothers, G. H. Hamilton, agent of the Big Four at Alton, and D.
H. Hamilton. Her father also survives. Mrs. Penrose's death removes
from her social circle and her home a woman who was much loved by
all who knew her. She was always bright and cheery, devoted to her
family and to her friends, and it was a pleasure to know her. It was
not believed that she was as ill as she was, and few gave any
thought to a possible fatal termination of the malady from which she
suffered. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon from the
Congregational church at 2 o'clock.
PERCIVAL, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1871
Died in Alton on September 24, of consumption, John Percival, in the
55th year of her age. He was a native of England, but had resided in
Alton 25 or 30 years, and was very extensively known. He has left a
wife and one son to lament his death.
PERCIVAL, MARTHA/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 9, 1891
At six o’clock p.m., Wednesday, occurred the death of Mrs. Martha
Percival, in the 73rd year of her age. Mrs. Percival, who was a
widely known and respected lady, had been in poor health for some
months, but no fears of her immediate dissolution were entertained.
Lying on the bed while her granddaughter read to her, she passed
away as if in sleep, and without giving any intimation of unusual
pain or suffering. Drs. Fisher and Guelich were called, and
pronounced the cause of death heart failure.
Deceased was a native of Scotland, and with her husband, John
Percival, immigrated to Alton where they embarked in the grocery
business more than forty years ago. Mr. Percival died some fifteen
or twenty years ago, and the business has since been continued by
Mrs. Percival, who amassed considerable property. Mrs. Percival was
the mother of a number of children, all of whom preceded her to the
other shore, all save three dying in childhood. Surviving her are
eight grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren, all residents in
The funeral of Mrs. Percival took place Friday from her late
residence, 1300 State Street, to the Alton City Cemetery. The
attendance was very large. The pallbearers were Messrs. William
Armstrong, Fred Hayden, William Atkinson, J. A. Brunner, Robert
Hyndman, and John Reed.
PERCIVAL, PETER/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1889
Civil War Veteran; Prisoner at Andersonville
Monday night, Mr. Peter Percival, who was ailing, took a dose of
Paris Green, mistaking it for ginger, and in spite of all that could
be done to remedy the error, the poison resulted fatally, and he
expired at one o’clock Friday a.m. Deceased was 48 years old. He
left a wife [Mary Anne Rutledge Percival] and eight children,
besides many other relatives and friends to mourn his sudden death.
Two of his children are married – Mrs. Wesley Beall and Mrs. Bert
Mr. Percival was a native of England, born March 2, 1841, and came
to Alton in 1850 with his parents, who opened a store on State
Street, which is still managed by his aged mother, who today mourns
the loss of the last of her children. The funeral will take place
from his late residence on State Street, Sunday afternoon. The
deceased was an old soldier, and will be buried under the auspices
of the G.A.R. He was a member of Company C, 77th Ohio Infantry, and
was at one time a prisoner at Andersonville. [Burial was in the
Alton City Cemetery.]
Coroner Bonner arrived here Friday afternoon, and held an official
inquiry as to the death of Mr. Peter Percival. The verdict was that
deceased came to his death through inflammation, induced by his
having taken Paris Green administered by his own hand.
PERKINS, RACHEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 26, 1848
Died in Alton on the evening of the 10th inst., after a distressing
illness of nearly two weeks, Mrs. Rachel Perkins, aged about 23.
PERKS, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 9, 1881
Sexton at the Alton City Cemetery
Mr. Samuel Perks, the faithful, efficient Sexton at the City
Cemetery, which position he had held since August 16, 1875, died
June 1, after a painful illness of almost four months duration.
Deceased received a sunstroke in the summer of 1879, caused by
overexertion, having dug three graves in one day with the
thermometer at 98 degrees. Since that time, his health had not been
good. He was a native of England, and came to Alton more than 25
years ago. Deceased leaves a wife and an adopted daughter, besides
many friends to mourn his death. He was a member of Alton Lodge No.
2, Wildey Encampment No 1, I.O.O.F., and had his life insured for
$1,250. The funeral took place Sunday at his late residence in the
City Cemetery grounds, under the auspices of Alton Lodge No. 2,
I.O.O.F., and Wildey Encampment. The services at the house were
conducted by Mr. James Whitehead of the Latter Day Saints. The
I.O.O.F. ritual at the grave was conducted by Mr. A. G. Wolford,
acting chaplain. The bearers were selected by Mr. Perks, during his
last illness, and were Messrs. John Dow, J. Still, Charles Crowson,
John Burton, George Gray, and John Rowe.
PERLEY, WINNIE GOVE/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 17, 1865
Died on the evening of the 14th instant, Winnie Gove, only child of
R. G. and T. E. Perley, aged 2 years and 11 months. The funeral will
take place tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon from the residence of his
parents, corner of Fourth and Alton Streets. Friends of the family
are invited to attend.
PERONNI, JOHN/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, December 30,
John Peronni, the Italian who had his leg broken and was otherwise
badly injured by a fall of slate at the Madison Coal Company's mines
at Glen Carbon, a week ago Saturday, died Sunday evening [Dec. 27].
The leg had commenced to mortify and it was thought best by the
physicians to amputate it. The operation was performed but the
patient was unable to recover on account of other injuries he had
received. He has a wife and one son in Italy. He also has a son in
Michigan, who has been notified and will likely arrive before the
end of the week.
PERRIN, EDITH MATTIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 11, 1877
Died in Alton, January 11, 1877, at 5 a.m., Edith Mattie, infant
daughter of T. H. and M. A. Perrin; aged eleven days.
PERRIN, EMMA (nee KUEHN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
September 12, 1903
Mrs. Emma Perrin, wife of Will H. Perrin, died Friday evening at 9
o'clock after an illness of six weeks with typhoid fever at the
family home on State street. Mrs. Perrin was 32 years of age and is
survived by her husband and one son, Courtenay. She was the daughter
of Charles Kuehn, the well-known Alton business man. She was born in
Alton and lived here all her life. Her marriage to her husband was
the culmination of a little romance of her school days, when she was
one of the most popular girls of her years and time. She was taken
ill six weeks ago, and at the crisis of the fever her heart proved
weak and failed. The death of Mrs. Perrin is a sad shock to her
husband and to other members of her family. She was a member of St.
Paul's Episcopal church and a member of the church choir for many
years. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock
from St. Paul's Episcopal church.
PERRIN, ISABEL (nee TODD)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1885
Mrs. Isabel Perrin, for almost 48 years a resident of Alton, died
quite suddenly Monday, aged 86 years. She had been in feeble health
for several years, having attacks several times so severe that hope
of recovery was relinquished. She was about as usual Sunday, retired
that night, and was found dead in bed at 5 o’clock the next morning,
having passed away quietly and peacefully about an hour before, as
appearances indicated.
Mrs. Perrin was born in 1816 at Brough, Westmoreland County,
England. She came to this country in 1835, and settled at Frederick,
Maryland. She removed to Alton on November 6, 1837, the day before
the murder of Lovejoy, and had lived here ever since. She was twice
married, first to Thomas Harrison in England; the second time to
Harrison Perrin in Alton. She was a member of the Episcopal Church,
faithful in attendance on the services while her health would
permit, and ever a consistent Christian, a good friend, a kind
neighbor. She left three children: Mr. Thomas Harrison Perrin,
senior proprietor of the Alton Democrat; Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson;
and Mrs. Sarah Perrin Hudgens, wife of J. D. Hudgens of Larkin,
Kansas; besides many other relatives to mourn her death.
The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon from the home of her son,
Mr. T. H. Perrin, with a large attendance. On the casket was a
silver plate with the words, “Our Mother.” Burial was in the Alton
City Cemetery.
PERRIN, JOHN H./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 21, 1868
Died in Alton, February 16, 1868, John H. Perrin; aged 32 years.
PERRIN, MARY ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 31, 1845
Died, in this city [Alton], on the 27th inst., Mary Ann, daughter of
Mr. Harrison Perrin, aged 18 months.
PERRIN, THOMAS HARRISON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 26,
Newspaper Editor; Civil War Veteran; Postmaster
The end came for Thomas H. Perrin Monday afternoon at 4:50 o'clock
at his residence, 615 East Twelfth street. He had been very low for
a week and his going out was expected at any time. He had retained
consciousness up to a short time before the last, when it became
necessary to keep him under the influence of opiates to lessen the
pain he had been suffering for several weeks. For a week before his
death Mr. Perrin had known that the end was very near. He was
willing to go, ready to lay down the work of a life that had been
full of activities, and enter into his long rest. Surrounded by
members of his family who had been watching him closely and had not
been away from him for several days, he passed peacefully away.
The death of Mr. Perrin has taken from the working world one of
Alton's most active energetic citizens. It has removed a man who had
the highest conception of his civic duties, was invaluable to the
church, and in business was a keen energetic worker. All his life
had been a busy one, and he was always ready to do anything his hand
found necessary to be done. He was born in Alton on Second Street
[Broadway], between Market and Alby, March 1, 1842, and at the time
of his death was in his 69th year. His parents were Harrison and
Isabel Perrin. He had little advantage of an early education, and at
10 years he began to work in the office of Alton's newspaper, the
Alton Courier, where he served seven years apprenticeship.
Afterward, he worked as a journeyman printer in the offices of the
Alton Democrat and the Alton Telegraph. He gained in the printing
offices, and by study the education which made him afterward a
leader in church work, an expert on educational subjects, a good
speaker, and fitted him for the position he filled when he died.
Few men could show such a mental development with a start under such
adverse circumstances as he had. He enlisted when the first call for
troops was made by President Lincoln, in Co. I, 4th Missouri
Volunteers under Captain William Hubbell. The company was raised in
Alton, but could not get into an Illinois Regiment because the
Illinois quota was full, but they succeeded in finding a place in
the Missouri quota. Under the administration of President Cleveland,
he was appointed postmaster at Alton, and it was under his term that
the first free mail delivery was given in Alton. He made a study of
the public-school system, and was appointed for the first time on
the school board by Mayor Henry G. McPike. He served 21 years as a
member of the Board of Education, and served many times as president
of the board. He still retained the position up to the time of his
death. In his school work he manifested an intelligent grasp of
affairs which enabled him to make a success. He was always in favor
of keeping school expenses down to the lowest figure it was possible
to have and get good results. As president of the Board of
Education, he was honored alike by the faculty and all who have
served with him. Perrin was a charter member of Robin Hood Camp,
Modern Woodmen.
Mr. Perrin was married to Martha A. Logan, daughter of Reverend J.
B. Logan, D. D., June 30, 1864. As his first work was done in a
newspaper office, so his first business venture was in the
publishing business. His father-in-law was editor of a church paper,
the Western Cumberland Presbyterian, and Mr. Perrin became the
publisher of it. Dr. Logan's interest was afterward secured by Dr.
J. R. Brown, and the firm of Brown and Perrin purchased the
Cumberland Presbyterian, another paper, printed at Waynesburg,
Pennsylvania, merging the two papers. The same firm published also
the Ladies Pearl, a religious monthly. Later both of these papers
were sold to the Board of Publication of the Cumberland Presbyterian
church in 1872, and were re-established at Nashville, Tennessee, Dr.
Brown going there as editor.
Mr. Perrin formed a partnership with Edward A. Smith, who survives
him, a boyhood friend. In 1876, Perrin & Smith purchased the Alton
Daily and Weekly Democrat, which they published 15 years, when it
was merged with the Alton Morning Sentinel, owned by the late J. J.
McInerney. In 1879, Perrin and Smith started a branch office in St.
Louis, of which Mr. Smith had charge, while Mr. Perrin remained as
editor of the Alton Democrat. After Mr. Perrin retired from the post
office at Alton, the firm of Perrin & Smith having disposed of their
interest in the Sentinel-Democrat, Mr. Perrin became president of
the Perrin & Smith Printing Company. Mr. Perrin had a very important
part in developing this firm's business and increasing the value of
its plant until today it is one, or the largest firms in the
printing business in St. Louis, and has a large business in the line
of publication of monthly and weekly journals.
Although he had been active in business life, Mr. Perrin probably
attained his greatest recognition as a worker in the church. Today,
the Twelfth Street Presbyterian Church in Alton is a monument to
him, and his untiring self-denying liberality. He united with this
church in 1861, and soon after was elected a ruling elder. He served
in that capacity until the time of his death. In that church he was
the motive power to a great extent, that kept the church going. In
every department his aid and service were invaluable. He was not
merely an adviser, however, for if any difficult task was to be
done, Mr. Perrin was the man who did it. He built up the Sunday
school, as Superintendent, during the 39 years he served in that
capacity, and made it a thing of life. He had a Bible class there
that was recognized as being the finest Men's Bible class in this
part of Illinois. The spirit of the class was excellent, the
attendance a marvel to all. In the Twelfth Street Church, then known
as the Cumberland Presbyterian, he gained recognition from the
higher bodies of the church. He served as moderator of the Illinois
synod several times, was a member of the board of home and foreign
missions, with headquarters in St. Louis, for many years, and was
president two terms. He was a commissioner to the General Assembly
of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church many times, and was a member
of that body when the union of that denomination with the
Presbyterian Church was affected several years ago. Since the union
of the churches, he has been a commissioner to the General Assembly
of the merged church and a member of the National Council of
Reformed Churches of the Presbyterian faith; also treasurer of the
church extension association of Illinois.
Mr. Perrin is survived by his wife and three children, Charles L.,
William H. Perrin, and Mrs. Leo F. Winter. Mr. Perrin's illness
began several years ago, and his friends and family became somewhat
alarmed by several collapses he suffered. Finally, he decided to
submit to a surgical operation, to stay what was recognized as a
dangerous malady. The operation did not result in any permanent
good, and from that time he was able to be out but little.
Throughout his illness he manifested a splendid courage that enabled
him to ignore the advance of disease and the certainty of near
dissolution, and every minute of his time that he could do so, he
was engaged in some form of work of a public or business character.
The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the
Twelfth Street Presbyterian Church.
Thomas Harrison Perrin was born in Alton on March 1, 1842, to
Harrison (1820-1865) and Isabel Todd (1816-1885) Perrin. He married
Martha Ann Logan in 1864, and together they had three children:
Charles L. Perrin (1866-1948); William Harrison Perrin (1868-1945);
and Grace Janet Perrin Winter (1884-1954). Thomas is buried in the
Alton City Cemetery.
PERRINGS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 27,
William Perrings, aged 27, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Perrings, died
at 4 o'clock this morning at the home of the parents, 912 1/2 east
Sixth streets after an illness with pneumonia. Beside his parents he
leaves two sisters. The funeral services tomorrow afternoon at 2:30
o'clock will be conducted by Rev. S. D. McKenny at the family home.
PERRY, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 6, 1904
Upper Alton News - Edward Perry, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perry,
died Monday evening at 6:30 o'clock at the family home on Liberty
street in Upper Alton. He was just 21 years old, and had cast his
first vote at the Presidential election. The young man had only been
seriously ill since Saturday evening when he was brought home from
his _____ suffering with pneumonia. He had contracted a cold last
week while at work in St. Louis, where he was employed in the
freight office of the Frisco Railroad Company, and kept on with his
work as usual until Saturday, when he was taken suddenly ill and was
removed to his home where he suffered the worst pains of pneumonia
until death relieved him last evening. The death of Edward Perry has
caused a severe shock to the community. He was one of the most
energetic young men in Upper Alton, and all who knew him were his
friends. He was liked and trusted by his employers and by his death
they lose one of their best employees. The bereaved family have the
sincerest sympathy of the entire neighborhood. The funeral
arrangements have not been completed, but it will probably be held
tomorrow afternoon at the family home if all relatives that are
expected arrive in time. The deceased leaves to mourn his death
besides his parents, two brothers, Randolph and Wayman Perry, and
one sister, Miss Edith Perry, of Upper Alton.
PERRY, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 26, 1903
The funeral of Frank Perry, who died Sunday morning, took place this
morning at 10 o'clock at the family home seven miles north of Upper
Alton. The funeral services were attended by many friends and
relatives of deceased, who are grieved at his removal in the prime
of life. Interment was in the Bates graveyard.
PERRY, H. D./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 22, 1864
Died in Alton at three o’clock this morning, at the residence of her
son-in-law, A. W. Greenwood, Mrs. H. D. Perry, lately of Moscow, New
York; aged 65 years.
PERRY, MARIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 31, 1918
The funeral of Mrs. Maria Perry will be held tomorrow morning from
the residence of John Winkler of 604 Foest [sic] Home Place. Winkler
has taken full charge of the funeral arrangements.
PERRY, MARY A. (nee MURPHY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 4,
Mrs. Perry, wife of Mr. W. A. Perry, formerly of Alton, died at her
home in Durango, Colorado, last Saturday morning, August 30. Mrs.
Perry was the daughter of the late James Murphy, for many years the
sexton of the Catholic Cemetery at North Alton. Her remains will
arrive here this evening, and the funeral will take place from the
Cathedral tomorrow morning.
PETER (or PETERS), Keziah B./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 11,
Keziah B. Peter died in Piasa, March 3, 1880, aged 90 years and 18
days. The funeral services were held at the Methodist Church here,
and the body was interred in the cemetery on Scarritt’s Prairie
[Godfrey], where her husband was buried 50 years before. The
deceased was a native of Georgia, was married in Kentucky when 19
years of age to William Peter. In November 1830, the family,
consisting of husband, wife, and 10 children, came to Illinois.
Eleven days after their arrival, Mr. Peter died. These children all
grew up to become heads of families, and four of them are living
now. There are 30 grandchildren, and 31 great-grandchildren. For 69
years the deceased was a member of the Methodist Church, and as her
life had been one of uniform faith and piety, so her death was one
of peace and triumph.
Of more than ordinary interest is a life prolonged to such a great
extent as hers, reaching to almost a round century. We fail to
realize the import of it, unless we place it in juxtaposition with
other lives and events. When her life began, Napoleon the first was
only 21 years of age. George III reigned 30 years after she was
born, and George IV, William IV, and 42 years of Queen Victoria’s
reign came within the period of her life. Rhode Island, the last
refractory State to perform this act, ratified the constitution the
year of her birth. John Wesley was still alive, and Francis Asbury,
the pioneer of American Methodism, lived until she was 26 years of
age. She lived through every presidential term of our great
republic, and saw the population go up from 3 to more than 40
million, and the States increase in number from the original 13 to
39. Steamboating, railroading, telegraphing, and a thousand
inventions to expedite labor and relieve men of its drudgery came
within that period. No other 90 years in 18 centuries, perhaps, was
more fraught with events of moment and of interest than these. Her’s
was a ripe old age, few have retained to the end of such a life
their faculties of mind and body in such vigorous and healthy
PETERS, CATHERINA/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 1, 1883
Mrs. Catherina, wife of Philip Peters, a native of Baden, Germany,
and long a resident of Alton, died Sunday morning after a lingering
illness of ten months, at the age of 58 years, 2 months, and 12
days. Mrs. Peters was a most estimable lady, beloved by all who knew
her, and besides a bereaved husband, leaves two sisters, Mrs. F.
Erbeck, Mrs. M. Guehringer; a brother, Mr. T. Hund; seven children:
Mrs. Byron Brenholt and Mrs. Frank Squires of Godfrey; Mrs. Charles
Schleuter and Mr. Joseph Peters of Alton; Mr. John Peters of Albion,
Nebraska; Mr. Henry Peters of Chicago; and Mr. Charles Peters, naval
apprentice. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
PETERS, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 4, 1888
Died at Collinsville, May 31, 1888, Mrs. Elizabeth Peters, aged 7_
PETERS, ELLEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 21, 1906
Mrs. Ellen Peters, widow of Joseph Peters, died this afternoon at
her home, Nineteenth and Belle streets, after an illness of several
years. Mrs. Peters had lived in Alton almost all her life, having
come here from Charleston, S. C., when a girl. She leaves two
daughters, Mrs. J___ Quinn of Peoria, and Mrs. William Winters of
Godfrey. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock
from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
PETERS, EMILY EVALEIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 9, 1874
Died in Alton June 29 of congestion of the brain, Emily Evalein,
youngest daughter of Joseph and Ellen Peters; aged 1 year, 1 month,
and 3 days.
PETERS, ERHARDT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 16,
Erhardt Peters, a longtime resident of Fosterburg, died at his home
in that place last evening, aged 71 years. Deceased was a native of
Germany, but spent the greater part of his life in Fosterburg,
having lived there 38 years. The funeral will take place at the
Baptist church in Fosterburg on Thursday at 2 o'clock.
PETERS, HERMAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 27, 1890
The dead body of a man, terribly mutilated, was found this morning
on the track of the C., C., C. & St. Louis Railroad, about halfway
between Wann [East Alton] and Edwardsville Crossing [Hartford].
Coroner Bonner was summoned and was holding an inquest on the body
this afternoon. The man was later identified as Herman Peters, a
farmhand, who worked on a farm near Edwardsville Crossing.
PETERS, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 27, 1901
Electric Lineman Meets Death After Falling From Pole
Joseph Peters, a young electric lineman who was born and raised in
Alton, was almost instantly killed this afternoon shortly before 3
o'clock by falling from an electric line pole at the corner of Fifth
and Cherry streets. Peters was stringing wires in charge of Foreman
William Elfgen on Fifth street, and had been laying the line of
wires preparatory to putting them on the pole. He had complained of
his spurs hurting him just a few minutes before, and it is believed
for that reason he may have lost his hold on the pole upon which he
was clinging. The men working with him say they saw him reel
backward and fall headlong to the ground. He struck with his head on
the brick paving and sustained a long fracture on the top of his
head. He was picked up and carried to a house in the neighborhood,
but life was extinct in a few minutes after the fall. The exact
reason of Peter's fall is not known. By some it is attributed to
sunstroke, and by others to electric shock, or to the defect in his
spurs. After his fall he did not utter a sound, and the men who
picked him up saw he was dangerously injured. He fell a distance of
about 25 feet. The body was placed in the care of Undertaker Klunk,
and was taken to the home on Belle street. Peters was married, was
30 years of age, and besides his wife he leaves a family of three
young children. He was an industrious, sober workman and had been in
the employ of the Alton Railway Gas and Electric Company five years.
About six weeks ago while working in the vicinity of the powerhouse,
Mr. Peters was struck on the back of the neck by a live wire and
rendered unconscious.
PETERS, PETER (REV. FATHER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 5,
Rev. Fr. Peters, the venerable rector of St. Mary’s Church, is very
ill and his life is in a precarious condition. Some time ago, he
suffered a fall at Edwardsville, sustaining injuries from which he
has not been able since to be out of his home. Doctors Taphorn and
Haskell performed a surgical operation on him Monday, in the hopes
of relieving him, but his sufferings are intense and his condition
is critical.
Later – Father Peters died Thursday morning from the results of his
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 12, 1896
Rev. Father Peters died Thursday morning at his home on East Third
Street, after an illness of about one week. Last Sunday morning,
after regular Sunday services in the new St. Mary’s Church, he was
taken suddenly ill from the effects of a fall he suffered at
Edwardsville several weeks ago. He suffered great pain, and on
Monday, Dr. Taphorn, the attending physician, called in Dr. Haskell
for consultation, and a surgical operation was decided on to relieve
him. The operation did not alleviate his sufferings much, although
he seemed much better Wednesday afternoon. His conditioned changed
for the worse, and after intense suffering, he passed away at 1:50
o’clock Thursday morning. His dying bed was attended by his friends,
Rev. Fr. Foerster of St. Mary’s, Rev. Fr. Metzler of Brighton, and a
few of his loving parishioners. During his illness he was attended
by a Sister of Charity from the East St. Louis Hospital. Apropos of
his death a short sketch of his useful life will be interesting to
Telegraph readers.
Rev. Peter Peters, pastor of St. Mary’s, was born April 15, 1833, at
Kepellen, Rhenish Province of Prussia. He entered upon his classical
course at Emmerich, where he graduated in the fall of 1853. Studied
philosophy, and theology at the Royal Academy of Muenster in
Westphalia. He embarked in the following year for America, arrived
at Alton with the present Director of St. John’s Hospital in
Springfield, Rev. L. Hinssen, on July 4, 1859, finished his
theological course at the College of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and
was ordained priest by the Rt. Rev. Juncker, Bishop of Alton, at the
Cathedral, April 21, 1861. His first appointment was at
Edwardsville, where he remained until the spring of 1863. Thence he
was sent to Highland. Here, he built a convent and parochial school.
He built also new churches at Trenton, Clinton County; Saline,
Madison County; Pocahontas, Bond County; and started the church of
St. Rose in Clinton County. In august 1874, he was appointed pastor
of St. Mary’s at Alton, and has resided here ever since. He
remodeled St. Mary’s, built the Sister’s House near the Parochian
School, and the schoolhouse for the large boys, enlarged the church
property on Third Street, and bought all the estate on Fourth
Street. His monumental work was the new St. Mary’s Church, corner of
Fourth and Henry Streets, which he had just finished at a cost of
$60,000, and dedicated last Thanksgiving Day.
Father Peters was beloved by his parishioners as he justly should
be, and there are many sore hearts in St. Mary’s parish at his
sudden taking off. [Burial was in St. Joseph’s Cemetery in Alton]
PETERSEN, LETTIA D./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 13,
Mrs. Lettia D. Petersen, aged 52, died at her home at the corner of
Fifth and Ridge streets early this morning after an illness of
several weeks. She is survived by a husband and one son. The funeral
will be held from the home at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
Interment will be at the Oakwood Cemetery.
PETERSON, ALICE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 18, 1894
Miss Alice Peterson of Wanda, committed suicide in St. Louis
yesterday. She became despondent, and ended her life with poison.
She was well known in Wanda.
PETRY, MRS. PHILLIP (nee MERSINGER)/Source: Troy Star, April 19,
The funeral of Mrs. Phillip Petry took place at the Catholic church
in Black Jack Saturday. She was a daughter of F. Mersinger and a
well-known leader in her vicinity. She leaves a husband and three
small children.
PETTINGILL, KATIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1878
Miss Katie Pettingill, aged about 18 years, daughter of J. A.
Pettingill, met her death by drowning in a cistern at the family
residence, Wednesday afternoon, about 4 o’clock. She was not missed
by the family until about fifteen minutes before the occurrence was
discovered. The Coroner was notified. Deceased was a most estimable
young lady, and the family have the sincere sympathy of the entire
PETTINGILL, SUSAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 28, 1901
Upper Alton News - Mrs. Susan Peetingill, widow of the late D. A.
Pettingill, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jackson Vaughn on
Brown street, May 28, 1901, after a lingering illness, at the age of
72 years and 6 months. There will be a short funeral service at the
home at 9:30 tomorrow morning. The burial will be at Mitchell at
1:30 p.m.
PETTIT, ALEXANDER W./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 14, 1840
Died, in Middletown, on Monday the 9th inst., Alexander W., son of
John H. and Mary Ann Pettit, aged 20 months.
PETTIT, ELEANOR/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 16, 1849
Died at the residence of her son-in-law, Captain Simeon Ryder, in
Alton, on Friday the 9th instant, Mrs. Eleanor Pettit, relict of the
late Peter Pettit, Esq., of Kempstead, Long Island, New York, aged
81 years and 11 days. The deceased was born in the city of New York.
Her father’s name was Burling, whose ancestors emigrated from
England many years since, and were among the early settlers in the
above city. During the Revolutionary War, and when the British were
about to occupy New York, her father, who was an ardent patriot,
removed to Poughkeepsie with his family, but returned to the city
after the evacuation. After her marriage, Mrs. Pettit removed with
her husband to Hempstead, and there lived until the death of the
latter, which took place about 26 years ago. In 1819, she came to
Alton to live with her daughters, then settled here, and with the
exception of a visit to her friends at the East, continued to reside
in this city or the neighborhood, up to the period of her decease.
In early life, the venerable subject of this notice united herself
with the Episcopal Church, of which she remained a devoted and
consistent member until she died, illustrating by her Christian life
and conversation, as well as by her peaceful departure, the
excellence of the religion she professed. She has left two daughters
in Alton, and one son and daughter in Hempstead, and many relations
and friends to deplore her loss.
PFAFF, THEODORE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 11, 1892
Mr. Theodore Pfaff died Sunday at his home in Fosterburg at the age
of nineteen years. Mr. Pfaff has been in failing health for some
time, but was able to be up and his death will be quite a surprise
to his many friends who thought that he was much improved in health
up till Saturday evening, when he was taken much worse. The funeral
will take place tomorrow at Fosterburg.
PFAFF, VALENTINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 24, 1920
Civil War Veteran Dies at Home - Saw Many Important Battles
Valentine Pfaff, a veteran of the Civil War and a resident of Alton
and vicinity for 62 years, died at his home in Fosterburg today. He
was 77 years old. Mr. Pfaff was born on February 14, 1843, in
Niederschuein, Baden, Germany, and came to America when 15 years
old. He located in Alton, and for a number of years conducted a tin
shop. In 1882 he moved to Fosterburg with his family, and had since
resided there.
Mr. Pfaff enlisted in the Union Army on August 13, 1861, as a
private in Co. D, 17th Missouri Regiment of Infantry. He was 18
years old when he enlisted. He was discharged from the service on
March 12, 1864, at the United States General Hospital, Mound City,
Illinois, with a surgeon's certificate of disability, resulting from
a sickness. He participated in the battles of Key Ridge, Arkansas
Post, the Siege of Vicksburg, and others.
Mr. Pfaff was married on August 5, 1866, to Miss Louisa Hoffer. Of
this marriage, six children were born, four of whom survive. They
are Dr. R. A. Pfaff of Alton; Mrs. Emma Walters of St. Louis; and
Mrs. Rosa Ihne of Fosterburg. Mr. Pfaff is also survived by his
widow. Next August, Mr. and Mrs. Pfaff would have celebrated their
fifty-fourth anniversary of their wedding. Mr. Pfaff, while in
business in Alton, made many warm friends and his death causes
sorrow both here and at Fosterburg. He was a member of the Odd
Fellows and of Fosterburg and the Grand Army of the Republic.
Funeral services will be conducted at the home at 2 p.m. Wednesday,
by the Rev. Korb, pastor of the Fosterburg Presbyterian Church.
Interment will be in Fosterburg Cemetery.
PFEFFER, BENJAMIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 13, 1883
Suicide by Hanging
About four o’clock Tuesday afternoon, Frank, the little son of B.
Pfeffer, a tailor living on the south side of Second Street
[Broadway], between George and Langdon Streets, went into the
basement of the house and found his father hanging by the neck from
a strap hitched to a nail in the ceiling. The little boy gave the
alarm at once, a crowd gathered, and the body was at once cut down
by the City Marshal. It was still warm, but life was extinct. That
the act was premeditated is shown by the fact that the deceased, a
few minutes before, told a woman living in the same house to take
care of the little boy. He leaves no family but the boy. In hanging
himself, he stood on a chair, placed the strap around his neck, then
kicked the chair away.
Deceased was about 50 years of age. He lost his wife about two weeks
ago, since which time he has been sick and despondent, which is
supposed to have been the cause for the deed. Coroner Youree arrived
on the train Tuesday evening, and held an official inquiry. The
verdict of the inquiry was death by his own hand from hanging.
Surviving was the boy, Frank, and a brother living in Alton. [Burial
was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
PFEIFFENBERGER, ANDREW M./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 8, 1894
Son of Architect Lucas Pfeiffenberger
After a lingering illness of several months, Andrew M.
Pfeiffenberger, the eldest son of Hon. And Mrs. Lucas
Pfeiffenberger, passed peacefully over the dark river Sunday
morning. His death caused profound sorrow among his many young
friends in Alton, who have known him as a young man of marked
ability, with a most promising future before him. He was born
November 9, 1871. His school career was an unusually creditable one.
He graduated from the Alton high school with the class of 1888,
being the only boy in a large class. He was greatly beloved by his
schoolmates for his gracious qualities.
He entered college in Jacksonville, Illinois, where his education
was completed in two years, and upon his return, took charge of his
father’s office in East St. Louis. That dread destroyer,
consumption, fixed upon him, and for several months his decline was
marked, ending in his death yesterday. The sympathy of Altonians is
with the parents, in their bereavement, and sorrow is universal
among the young people of Alton.
At 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon, there assembled at the home on State
Street a throng of friends to attend the funeral of Andrew M.
Pfeiffenberger, oldest son of Hon. And Mrs. Lucas Pfeiffenberger.
The many schoolmates of Andrew, who knew him as a warm friend and
delightful companion, were present. A profusion of flowers testified
to their friendship and love. A most touching service was conducted
by Rev. H. M. Chittenden of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Sympathy
was extended to the bereaved parents, clothed in words of solace and
comfort. The Episcopal choir sang appropriate hymns. The funeral
train that followed to the City Cemetery was an unusually large one.
Here, a short service was conducted, and the casket was lowered to
the grave. The pallbearers were W. J. Boals, Levi Davis, W. G. Saxe,
H. W. Wise, Charles Haagen, and Guy Edwards.
Andrew M. Pfeiffenberger was born November 9, 1871, in Alton,
Illinois. He was the oldest son of Lucas Pfeiffenberger Sr.
(1834-1918) and Elizabeth Mather Pfeiffenberger (1841-1921).
Andrew’s brothers were: Lucas Pfeiffenberger Jr. (1867-1884); George
Davis Pfeiffenberger (1873-1956); John M. Pfeiffenberger
(1876-1952); and James Mather Pfeiffenberger (1879-1963). Andrew was
interred in the Alton City Cemetery. He was 22 years old.
Telegraph, February 21, 1921
Widow of Former Mayor Lucas Pfeiffenberger Dies
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Pfeiffenberger, a life-long resident of Alton,
died at her residence, 708 State street, Sunday evening at 7:45
o'clock from paralysis following a general breakdown due to her age.
She would have been 80 years of age the 11th of next May. Mrs.
Pfeiffenberger's death had been expected during all of the week
preceding the end. She was stricken with paralysis on the Saturday
of the week before, and for eight days she had been unconscious,
unable to take any food or water. She had been in bad health for
some time previous to the paralytic stroke. At the time of the death
of her husband, former Mayor Lucas Pfeiffenberger, three years ago
next March 16, it was not believed that Mrs. Pfeiffenberger would
long survive him. The couple had been deeply devoted to each other.
They had been married over fifty years at the time of the husband's
death, and their married life had been one in which both had left
nothing undone for the comfort and happiness of the other, and those
who knew Mrs. Pfeiffenberger best realized that it would not be her
wish to be left alone for very long. She was born in the city of
Alton, the daughter of Andrew Mather, and she spent all of her life
here. She was married here November 20, 1867, and was the mother of
five children, three of whom survive, George, John M. and Dr. Mather
Pfeiffenberger. Her whole interest was centered in her family and
her maternal devotion to her children was repaid to her in her
declining years by every mark of filial devotion being bestowed on
her by her sons, who were constant in their attention to her and saw
to it that she lacked nothing at any time that would comfort her in
her declining years. Mrs. Pfeiffenberger is the last of her family,
but one, only one sister, Miss Belle Mather, remaining. A few years
ago Mrs. Pfeiffenberger's other sister, Mrs. George H. Davis, died,
and a number of years before her brother, John Mather, passed away.
Mrs. Pfeiffenberger was highly esteemed in the neighborhood where
she lived. It was not only as a wife and mother that she was a
success, but as a neighbor, and among those who had lived near her
there was the deepest concern over her illness, and much sympathy
for her. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
from the family home on State street, and will be private. The
family request that there be no flowers.
LUCAS SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 18, 1918
Prominent Alton Architect and Mayor
Lucas Pfeiffenberger, four times mayor of Alton, dropped dead in his
home on State Street Saturday, March 16, 1918, as the indirect
result of an accidental fall a few days before by which he broke two
ribs on his right side. He had risen from his bed to go unattended
to the bathroom, and arriving there he was stricken with death and
fell over into the empty bathtub. His death was instant. The opinion
of his son, Dr. Mather Pfeiffenberger, was that death was due to an
embolism of the brain. A blood clot had doubtless formed in the
circulatory system of his body as the result of the injuries he had
suffered, and when Mr. Pfeiffenberger rose to go to the bathroom the
clot was set adrift in the veins and reached the brain, where it
obstructed the brain action and caused instant death. Members of the
family had known that Mr. Pfeiffenberger's case was a serious one.
He had been suffering intensely from the broken ribs and he had also
had some loss of blood, indicating internal injuries, but he was in
such a resolute frame of mind and so stoutly insisted that he would
get well, it was believed that he might have a chance to recover,
notwithstanding his eighty-four years. His daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Mather Pfeiffenberger, was with him just before he died, and he had
insisted that he be allowed to go unattended. He refused to consider
that he needed any assistance.
Lucas Pfeiffenberger was born in Mudau, Baden, Germany, November 14,
1834, to John (1804-1894) and Catharine (1806-1884) Pfeiffenberger.
He was brought to this country by his parents when he was 18 months
old. His parents settled at Dayton, Ohio, and there he apprenticed
himself to a carpenter when 15 years of age. He worked by day and at
night, studied the theoretical side of building, preparing himself
for the profession of architect. In 1852 he went to California, and
returned to Dayton, and it was while on his way there a second time
he arrived in Alton and stayed here. A drouth on the plains had
caused him to postpone his trip. He found Alton so satisfactory to
him that he concluded to make it his home permanently, and he later
established himself in business. He engaged first as a contractor,
then opened an architect's office and continued in that profession.
Every day up to the time of his injury he would climb the two, long
flights of stairs to his third story office on the north side of
Third Street, two doors west of Piasa Street, and he never
relinquished interest in business. In 1867 he married Miss Elizabeth
C. Mather, daughter of Andrew Mather, for many years a well-known
and prominent business man of Alton.
Lucas Pfeiffenberger always had a deep interest in public matters.
In 1866 he was elected chief of the Alton Fire Department, and
continued in that capacity until 1872. Four times he was elected
mayor of Alton. He was prominent in Democrat Party politics here,
besides being interested in local politics. For many years he was
generally the choice of the Democrats as chairman of their party
meetings and primaries, and his influence in the party was weighty.
In 1866 he organized the first Board of Trade, and in 1885 he was
elected its president, serving in that capacity until the present
Board of Trade was organized in 1911. At that time, he, with the
other officers of that body, turned over their records to the newer
and fully financed body. In 1883 he helped organize the Alton
Building and Loan Association, and was made its president. He also
headed its successor, the Bluff City Workingmen's Building and Loan
Association, and when it gave way to the Piasa Building and Loan
Association, he became that organization's first president, and
continued in office ever since. At the time of his death, he still
held the position of president, and he was among the most regular in
attending meetings, no matter how stormy the weather. He assisted in
the organization of the Citizens National Bank, and was its first
vice-president, later giving place to another, and becoming chairman
of the board of directors in the bank.
Pfeiffenberger designed buildings at distant places, among which
were a hotel at Manitou, Colorado, and the first shelter at the
Mineral Springs there. In Alton, he designed Lincoln School, erected
in 1868, also the Madison Hotel, the Alton National Bank, St.
Patrick's Church, St. Joseph's Hospital, the homes of John E.
Hayner, Henry Watson, St. Mary's Church, Garfield School, the
Woman's Home, Nazareth Home, the Bowman Dry Goods store building,
the Wood River School, the residences of E. M. Dorsey, George R.
Hewitt, and the present home of former Mayor Beall. Among industrial
plants, he designed the Beall Bros. plant at Alton and East Alton,
the Illinois Corrugated Paper Co. plant, and part of the plant of
the Alton Brick Company.
Mr. Pfeiffenberger was a staunch believer in Alton, and he was ever
ready to give personal service and his money to help out on public
enterprises. He was known as a man of resolute will, and not to be
easily deterred from a course of action. One of his best-known
expressions indicative of his quality of mind, was when he would
urge falterers in any enterprise to "take the bull by the horns."
There was never any failing about him and he faced death with as
much courage as he did any of his minor battles in life. In his
passing Alton lost an active and useful citizen. Surving beside his
wife, who celebrated with him last November their golden wedding
anniversary, are three sons - George Davis Pfeiffenberger, in
business in East St. Louis; John M., who was his father's right-hand
man in Alton; and Dr. James Mather Pfeiffenberger. Two sons preceded
him in death – Lucas Pfeiffenberger Jr. (1867-1884), who died at age
17, and Andrew M. Pfeiffenberger (1871-1894), who took over his
father’s East St. Louis office, and died from consumption. The
funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home.
In conformity to an oft expressed request, the funeral will be very
simple, and there will be no flowers. He loved flowers but he
believed they should be given to the living and not for the dead.
[Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
PFEIFFENBERGER, LUCAS JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 30,
Son of Hon. Lucas Pfeiffenberger
Hon. And Mrs. Lucas Pfeiffenberger have been afflicted by the death
of their son, Lucas Pfeiffenberger Jr., which sad event took place
Tuesday, October 28. The young man was born in Alton, December 27,
1867. Deceased was a young man of much promise, and the sympathies
of the community will be extended to the family in their great
bereavement. The funeral will take place from the family residence
on State Street this afternoon.
Lucas Pfeiffenberger Jr. was the son of Hon. Lucas Pfeiffenberger
and Elizabeth Mather Pfeiffenberger. He was their oldest child, and
was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
PFEFFER, BARTHOLOMEW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 4,
Bartholomew Pfeffer, aged 74, died Monday morning at 11 o'clock at
his home, Bloomfield street and the Vandalia road, where he had
lived alone for many years. He leaves two sons, Joseph and Edward
Pfeffer, his wife having died a number of years ago. Mr. Pfeffer was
an interesting old man, possessed a kindly disposition, and in the
neighborhood where he lived he was generally known among the
children as Santa Claus. He had lived in Alton over fifty years,
coming here when a very young man after serving a term of enlistment
in the Germany Army of his Fatherland. For many years he conducted a
cooper shop where he made beer and whisky barrels, and in later
years he put much of his time doing repair work on barrels for the
Bluff City Brewery. After the death of his wife he lived with his
children, but finally concluded to occupy two rooms in a house that
belonged to him, and there he stayed the remainder of his days. Even
when he was taken very ill he would not go to the home of either of
his sons. Every day, however, members of his family would look after
him and see that he was comfortable. His little "den" was decorated
with old time pictures and curios, and he had a large number of
little keepsakes he had preserved and of which he was very proud.
About three weeks ago the little old man was stricken with his last
illness, and uraemic poisoning developed, which proved fatal. The
body was taken after his death to the home of his son, Edward
Pfeffer, 903 Vandalia road, where the funeral services will be held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, to be conducted by Rev. E. L.
Mueller. The German Benevolent Society, of which he was an old time
member, will have charge of the service at the grave, and the White
Hussars band will participate in the funeral services.
PFEFFER, HONORE (nee MORRISSEY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October
21, 1897
Wife of A. Pfeffer
Mrs. Honore Pfeffer, wife of Mr. A. Pfeffer, died Thursday at her
home, 1102 Belle Street, after a lingering illness with consumption,
in her fortieth year. Mrs. Pfeffer has long been a sufferer with the
dread disease, and some months ago it became apparent that her life
would not last much longer. In the hope of prolonging it, she took a
trip west, and remained there, separated from her family, for
several months. The change was not beneficial, as it was hoped it
would be, and about five weeks ago she returned home, when it became
apparent that the end of her suffering was near. At midnight last
night, death laid its icy grasp on her, and took her from the midst
of her family, leaving the home desolate. She was a most admirable
woman, and during her life-long residence in Alton, has surrounded
herself with a circle of friends limited only by her acquaintance.
She leaves her husband, Adolph Pfeffer, three sons, and one
daughter. Besides these, her father, James Morrissey; two brothers,
E. J. and Will Morrissey; and a sister, Miss Genevieve Morrissey,
survive her. The funeral took place Saturday at the Cathedral.
Requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Cusick, and the
services were attended by a large number of friends of the afflicted
family. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery. The pallbearers were T. J.
McInerney, J. E. Dunnegan, Michael Thornton, John Meehan, Ed
Thornton, and D. C. Terry.
Honore Morrissey Pfeffer was born in 1856 in Illinois. She was the
daughter of James Morrissey (1829-1902) and Mary Higgins Morrissey
(1837-1885). Honore married in 1878 to Adolph Pfeffer (1855-1922).
Surviving were three sons and one daughter. She was interred in the
Greenwood (St. Patrick’s) Cemetery.
PFEIFER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 28, 1912
Joseph Pfeifer, aged 30 years, died Saturday evening in the Granite
City hospital after a year's illness. He was employed in the Census
department in Washington D. C. until sickness overcame him when he
returned to Granite City to the home of his brother, Frank. Recently
he became much worse and the Knights of Columbus had him removed to
the hospital. His parents are both dead, and for many years lived on
a farm the other side of Godfrey. He leaves five brothers, John, who
is farming the home place; George of St. Louis; Frank and Anthony of
Granite City; and Ed in Brookline, Ark. He has four sisters,
Mesdames Henry and Louis Leady of Alton; Mrs. Dick Welsh of Delhi;
and Miss Lizzie Pfeifer of Granite City. The funeral mass will be
said tomorrow morning in Granite City by Rev. Fr. Murphy, and he
will accompany the funeral party later to Brighton, where burial
will be made Tuesday afternoon. The pall bearers will be six members
of the Granite City Lodge, Knights of Columbus.
PFEIFFER, EMANUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 5, 1902
Emanuel Pfeiffer, a retired business man and one of the most
prominent citizens of Alton, died this morning at 12:30 o'clock at
the family residence on Twelfth street. Mr. Pfeiffer has been an
invalid for over eighteen months, during the greater part of which
time was confined to his home. During the last four months of his
life, he was bedfast, and his condition has been such as to cause
his family to abandon all hope of his recovery. His death was a
relief from great suffering as his malady has been an acute one,
affecting his entire system. He was born at Weidenthal, Germany, and
was in his 68th year. He came to Alton forty years ago and was
engaged in the shoe business 35 years. By careful methods and
industry he built up a profitable business in Alton, and he had the
confidence of all who dealt with him. His health failing, he was
unable to look after his business in later years, and he was
compelled to retire. He was married at Prairietown, Madison County,
while a resident of Alton, and raised a large family here. He leaves
a widow and five children, Mrs. H. J. Bailey, Mrs. J. R. Cartwright,
Albert, Harry and Blanche Pfeiffer. His death removes one of the
best-known business men of Alton, and while his passing is deplored
by his family and his friends, it is a relief to know that his
suffering has reached its end. The funeral will be held Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock and services will be conducted at the home by
Rev. M. W. Twing.
PFEIFFER, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 16, 1903
John Pfeiffer, aged 64, died from paralysis last evening at his home
near Godfrey. He had lived there since 1866, and was the father of
10 children now living. He will be buried Saturday morning at
PFEIFFER, NELL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 7, 1916
Mrs. Nell Pfeiffer, widow of George Pfeiffer, who died about a year
ago, passed away this morning at her home on lower State street,
just opposite Third street. Mrs. Pfeiffer has been in poor health
for some years and the shock of her husband's death was very hard on
her. She was in her 42nd year. Mrs. Pfeiffer was a member of the
well known Noonan family of Russell street, and leaves besides her
two little daughters, her mother, one sister, Miss Nonie Noonan, and
five brothers, James of Chicago; and John, Edward, Dennis and David
of Alton. The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock Monday morning from
the Cathedral. Burial will be held at Greenwood Cemetery beside the
body of her late husband.
PHAYER, ELLEN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 31, 1887
Died near Upper Alton, October 30, Mrs. Ellen, wife of Richard
Phayer, youngest daughter of the late James McKenzie; at the age of
32 years and 10 days. Funeral will take place tomorrow from the
family residence, one mile east of Upper Alton. Deceased left a
husband, mother, a sister, a brother, and one child to mourn her
PHAYER, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 02, 1898
Mrs. Mary Phayer died Saturday night at her home in Upper Alton,
after a lingering illness with general debility; aged 74 years. A
husband, four sons, and three daughters are left. The funeral will
be Tuesday morning from St. Patrick’s Church.
PHELAN, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 12, 1916
One of Oldest Glassblowers in Alton Dies
George Phelan, one of the oldest glass blowers in the city of Alton,
former Upper Alton village official, and member of the Madison
County Board of Supervisors, died this morning at 6:20 o'clock at
the family home on Washington avenue. As stated in the Telegraph
last night, Mr. Phelan had been in an unconscious condition for
almost three days, and his death was expected at any time. He was 66
years old. Mr. Phelan's death was the result of a sickness that
commenced in an unusual manner about two weeks ago. He had been
conducting a grocery store for some time, and last winter he put in
a truck to deliver goods. He had been running the truck himself a
part of the time, and on the 19th day of May he had a slight
accident when his truck was struck by a street car in front of his
store. While the car was not running fast, the delivery truck was
knocked backwards a distance of about thirty feet. Mr. Phelan was
not thrown out of the machine, but the shock of the accident was a
severe one. Whether the accident had anything to do with his illness
is not definitely known, but Mr. Phelan was inclined to believe that
it was. He suffered from headaches during the weeks that followed.
One week ago last Sunday his fatal illness commenced, and from the
first he was in a delirious condition the greater part of the time.
George Phelan was one of the oldest glassblowers in Alton. He came
here forty-three years ago from Ellenville, N. Y., and commenced
blowing glass in the Alton glass factory when it was located on
Belle street. He worked at the trade almost up to the time that the
hand blower was crowded out by the automatic machine. He was born in
Troy, New York, December 7, 1851. He was married to Miss Anna Archer
of Alton a couple of years after he came here to take a place at the
glass trade. Besides his widow he is survived by one daughter, Mrs.
Edward Dorsey. Mr. Phelan was widely known for the interest he took
in public affairs. His political career commenced when he was first
elected to the office of trustee in the village of Upper Alton
before that section of the city was annexed to Alton. He served
several terms as member of the village board, and later he was
inspector on numerous street paving jobs when the first street
paving in Upper Alton was done. Four years ago Mr. Phelan was
elected an assistant supervisor, which gave him a seat on the
Madison County Board of Supervisors. He was holding this office at
the time of his death. Besides being a member of the board, Mr.
Phelan was a member of Western Star Lodge, I. O. O. F., Carlin
Rebekah, and the Bluff City Court of Honor. The funeral will be held
Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home at Washington and
Sanford avenues, and services will be conducted by Rev. Joseph
Burrows, pastor of the Washington Street Methodist Church. Burial
will be at Oakwood Cemetery in Upper Alton, and the services at the
cemetery will be in charge of the Odd Fellows.
PHELAN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17, 1914
Old Time Glassblower Dies - First Apprentice Under William Eliot
John Phelan, an old time glass blower of Alton, died at 5 o'clock
Tuesday evening at the family home on Washington avenue in Upper
Alton from a stroke of apoplexy, which he suffered Monday morning.
Mr. Phelan worked at the glass trade up to three weeks ago, when
factory No. 10 in the plant of the Illinois Glass Company suspended
operations. Since that time he had done nothing and he complained
almost each day of feeling badly. During one of the hot days of last
week he was overheated, and he had not entirely recovered from that
illness. Monday morning he complained of his head hurting, and he
started to go to bed, but before he got there he fell to the floor
in an unconscious condition and never rallied. He leaves his wife
and three children, one daughter, Mrs. Katie Gerdes of San
Francisco; and two sons, John of Alton; and Charles Phelan, whose
whereabouts seem to be unknown. He also leaves two brothers, George
Phelan, who resides a few doors from the home of deceased; and
Alonzo Phelan of Massillon, Ohio, who will arrive in Alton tonight
to attend the funeral of his brother. The daughter, Mrs. Gerdes, has
started for home but she cannot get here until Saturday, and the
funeral arrangements will not be made until her arrival. Charles
Phelan, the younger son, is working at the glass trade in the West
and up to a short time ago he was at San Francisco. He got out of
work there, and he wrote his parents he was going up the coast in
Washington State to work in a new plant, but he did not explain just
where it was, and therefore his relatives here cannot locate him to
inform him of his father's death. Several messages have been sent,
but each failed to locate the young man. John Phelan was born in
Ellenville, N. Y., and was 58 years old on the 11th day of May. He
came to Alton with his brother, George Phelan, in 1872. George was a
journeyman glass blower, but his brother ha dnot yet learned the
trade. Both men went to work for William Eliot Smith in the Alton
glass works, then on Belle street, and John Phelan was the first
apprentice put to work to learn the trade by the late Mr. Smith. He
continued at the trade and became a glass blower, and for the past
forty-two years he has been at work at the trade. He was one of
Alton's old time glass blowers, and there are few of the old
tradesmen in Alton that have been at the trade longer than he was.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 22, 1914
The funeral of John Phelan was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from St. Patrick's Church. There was a very large attendance at the
funeral as Mr. Phelan was highly esteemed by all who knew him, and
especially among his neighbors and fellow workmen. The daughter,
Mrs. Katherine Gerdes, whose coming from California was being
awaited, arrived Saturday night. The son, Charles, who was in the
west and whose whereabouts was not ascertained until after
considerable delay, could not get here. The funeral services were
conducted by Fr. Francis Kehoe. The pallbearers were Adam Kestner,
Joseph Wahl, Henry Freark, Joseph Everson, William Jackson, and Fred
Green. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery beneath a heavy blanket of
PHELAN, VINCENT/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 31, 1898
Vincent Phelan died Wednesday afternoon at his home, eighteenth and
Alby Streets, after an illness with tuberculosis-meningitis. He was
a young man in the employ of the Post Dispatch, and moved to Alton
some time ago because of illness of Mrs. Phelan’s mother, Mrs.
Flynn. A few weeks ago, he was taken with sickness, and since that
time his death has been expected daily. He leaves a wife and two
small children.
PHILBROOK, MARY LOUISE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1864
Died on August 17th, Mary Louise, daughter of Samuel and Rose
Philbrook, aged sixteen months and eleven days.
PHILLIPS, CHARLES S./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 23,
Takes His Own Life
Charles S. Phillips, a well-known citizen of Upper Alton, died by
his own hand last night about nine o’clock. Going into his bedroom,
he sat on his bed, put a pistol to his temple on the right side, and
fired. He fell backward upon the bed, his feet not leaving the
floor, and was thus found. He lived about an hour. When the doctor
was called, he pronounced the wound fatal. Mr. Phillips was entirely
unconscious from the time he fired the fatal shot until he expired.
No one was in the house at the time but Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, the
cook who was in the kitchen, and the man who had retired to his room
in the rear of the house. The daughters were spending the evening
with their brother, Mr. Harry Phillips, who lives a short distance
away on the same street. The man was quickly aroused and aid
summoned, but nothing could be done, the fatal bullet having done
its work only too well.
The circumstances show that the act was deliberate and premeditated.
He went to the bank in the morning, drew some money, and paid all
his outstanding indebtedness. He also fixed up some other matters
calmly and in a business-like manner. Mr. Phllips was for a number
of years connected with the Hapgood Plow Company, and was an
esteemed and trusted official and citizen. Several years ago he
severed his connection with the company. He was in excellent
circumstances financially, the possessor of a beautiful home, a most
excellent family, consisting of a wife and four children (two
daughters and two sons), with money sufficient to gratify all real
desires, it would seem that life should have been a pleasure, not
only to himself, but to his family and friends.
Mr. Phillips was 58 years of age. The inquest was held this morning,
and the jury rendered the verdict that he came to his death by a
pistol wound, self-inflicted, and the wound was caused by a Smith &
Wesson double-action revolver, 38 caliber, about 8 o’clock on the
evening of August 22, 1892.
PHILLIPS, FREDERICK/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 24, 1865
Died of convulsions after a short, but painful illness, on Sunday,
February 5, 1865, at 6:30 o’clock p.m., at the residence of his
parents in Edwardsville, Illinois, Frederick, eldest son of George
W. and Elizabeth Phillips, aged 22 years, 7 months and 21 days. The
deceased, whom none knew but to esteem, has left heart-stricken
parents, a loving brother, an affectionate sister, and a large
circle of friends to mourn is untimely death.
PHILLIPS, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 5, 1946
Son-In-Law of Colonel Andrew F. Fuller of Upper Alton
Harry Phillips, member of a well-known Upper Alton family, died at
his summer home, St. Emile de Montcalm, in Canada. His home was in
Montreal, where he and his wife, Dove Rodgers Phillips, lived at the
Royal Hotel.
Mr. Phillips died at the age of 80. He had been retired from the
railroad business, where he had been a prominent figure after going
to Canada to work for the Grand Trunk Railroad. He was formerly
employed by the Wabash Railroad in St. Louis. Phillips was survived
by his wife, Mrs. Dove Phillips, who was a daughter of Colonel
Andrew F. Rodgers. They had married in Upper Alton in October 1890.
He leaves also two daughters, Mrs. R. G. Hutchins and Mrs. J. G.
Wilson. Burial was in Montreal.
PHILLIPS, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 1, 1891
Kicked by a Mule
Henry Phillips, the man who was kicked by a mule last Friday evening
on the farm of John Stadler, two and a half miles east of Mitchell,
died from his injuries Sunday morning at St. Joseph’s Hospital.
Deceased was a farmhand about 28 years of age, and had worked around
Mitchell for some time.
A number of witnesses were summoned from Mitchell, as rumors had
been circulated that he had been foully dealt with, but from the
testimony of the witnesses, such was not the case, and the verdict
of the coroner’s jury was that he came to his death by a kick from a
mule or horse, on the night of September 25, in the stable of John
Stadler, near Mitchell. The body was interred in the city burial
PHILLIPS, JAKE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 29, 1919
Crane Man Saved When Crane Falls - One Man is Killed - Third is
George Holland seemingly by miracle, escaped injury in a fall of 25
feet with a 15-ton traveling crane at the Laclede steel plant, while
Jake Phillips was killed and Thomas Stokes was maimed, losing one
leg and the other was badly hurt. The accident, which occurred about
4 p.m., was due to the collapse of the "runway" on which traveled
the crane, weighing about fifteen tins and having a fifteen ton
lifting capacity, in the open hearth department. Holland was
operating the electrically driven crane and fell with it. On the
floor were two negroes, Phillips and Stokes, who were caught by the
falling crane and pinioned. Phillips was instantly killed. It was
believed Stokes was killed too, but when he was taken from beneath
the crane he was alive, but had suffered terrible injuries to his
legs, one of them being so crushed as to make amputation necessary.
Reports that two men had been killed were due to the fact that,
until Stokes had been taken out, it was believed that it was
impossible for him to have escaped with his life. Stokes was taken
to the hospital and Phillips' body was turned over to Deputy Coroner
Bauer. Phillips was in his 53rd year and had lived in Alton
seventeen years. He leaves his wife, four sons and two daughters.
The funeral services will be held from the home, 1022 Gold street,
Friday at 2 p.m. and burial will be in City Cemetery.
PHILLIPS, MATILDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 30,
Mrs. Matilda Phillips, aged 65 years 2 months, died suddenly at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. John Shea, at Godfrey, this morning from
fatty degeneration of the heart. She weighed 425 pounds and was so
large that it was necessary for Undertaker Klunk to send for a
casket to be made to order. She had not been able to sleep in a
reclining position for a long time, but sat up in a chair because of
difficulty in breathing. She leaves only one daughter, Mrs. John
Shea. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the family home at Godfrey.
PHILLIPS, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 9, 1874
From Edwardsville - The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips, wife of
G. W. Phillips, who died at 2 o’clock a.m. on January 5, aged 52
years, took place from the family residence yesterday afternoon.
PHILLIPS, FREDERICK/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 17, 1865
Edwardsville Young Man Poisoned
We are under obligation to our highly esteemed, personal friend, Dr.
J. H. Weir of Edwardsville, for the following particulars of the
death of the lamented young Frederick Phillips of that place, from
the Intelligencer. It is sincerely to be hoped that the person or
persons guilty of this diabolical act may be detected and brought to
justice. The subjoined correspondence nearly explains itself. It is,
however, proper to say that at the time of the death of young
Phillips, various opinions existed as to the cause. Shortly after
his burial, Dr. J. H. Weir had the body exhumed, took out the
stomach, and carried it personally to St. Louis and delivered it to
Dr. Litton, an eminent chemist, for examination. The stomach was,
however, afterwards turned over to Enno Sander, an equally skillful
chemist, whose report will be found below:
St. Louis, February 27, 1865
To John H. Weir, M. D., Edwardsville
The package was delivered to me by Dr. A. Litton, on your order was
opened on the 16th instant, in presence of Charles Hauck, M. D., who
agreed to the following observations:
The can contained a stomach, tied up on either end; the external
appearance was regular, with the exception of a small spot near the
mouth of the stomach, which was somewhat inflamed and partly
corroded. When opened, the semi-liquid contents, being of a sour
smell, and consisting of undigested food, small pieces of potatoes,
etc., were poured into a separate dish, and the whole stomach split
and spread out to examine the interior. Part of it showed
considerable inflammation, and so much corrosion, that the mucous
membrane and the lining of the stomach from the mouth down could be
easily removed by a spatula. The corrosion extended to about
one-third of the stomach – it gradually diminished, and the lower
portion of the stomach was in a natural condition. The contents were
then subjected to an examination. Nothing could be found in it of a
crystalline form, nor could any foreign substance be detected on the
lining of the stomach. It was then divided into two parts, one-half
examined for inorganic, the other for organic poisons. The former
did not give any result – a proof for the absence of mineral
poisons. The last, however, resulted in the elimination of
Having so far convinced myself of the presence of strychnia, I have
taken the whole stomach, and what was left of the contents, to
prepare from it the strychnia it contains. As soon as it will be
eliminated in a pure state, I shall forward it to you by mail. So
far, I can give you only the assurance that strychnia was contained
in the stomach delivered to me as above stated. And to make this
report more valid, I shall testify to it before a justice of the
I remain, doctor, most respectfully, your obedient servant, Enno
[Notes: Frederick Phillips was the son of George W. and Elizabeth
Phillips. He was born June 14, 1842. It is unknown what happened to
Frederick. He is buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville. He
died at the age of 22 years.]
PHILLIPS, GEORGE W./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 26, 1878
Edwardsville Business Man
From Edwardsville – George W. Phillips, one of our oldest,
wealthiest, and most highly respected citizens, died at his
residence in Edwardsville at 3 o’clock last Thursday afternoon, aged
63 years. He left a widow (his second wife) and two adult children,
a son and daughter, to mourn his death. The deceased was always an
honest, industrious, and prudent business man. For many years he was
in the milling business here. Subsequently, he sold his mill and
retired from business, but an idle life did not suit him. He again
embarked in business – this time in the lumber trade, in which
latter business he continued up to within a few weeks of his death.
He has left an estate, value estimated at about $35,000. His word
was his bond, and in evidence of his disposition to keep out of
debt, we will state that two hundred dollars are sufficient to pay
all claims against him at his death.
George W. Phillips was born in 1815. He married first to Elizabeth,
and they had three children – Frederick Phillips (1842-1865); Albert
Phillips (1851-1853); and Mary Elizabeth Phillips Knuppel
(1861-1931). Elizabeth died in 1874, and he remarried to Rhoda Ann
Griffith that same year. George Phillips is buried in the Woodlawn
Cemetery in Edwardsville.
PHINNEY, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28, 1878
Died Monday morning, February 25, 1878, Charles, only son of
Lucretia Allen and Henry H. Phinney. Aged 5 years and 15 days.
CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 5, 1904
Proprietor of Boston Grocery; In Partnership as Phinney & Barr
Charles Phinney passed away at midnight last night after several
week's illness from debility. Charles Phinney born born in Wauquoit,
Mass., August 25, 1810. His father was a master mariner, and with
him Charles, when a lad, made several coasting trips. When he
arrived at maturity he, in common with a vast company of Eastern
people, came West, settling in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he remained a
few years, and then came to Alton in 1838, where he entered the
grocery business in which he continued until his death, a period of
more than 66 years. This is probably the longest record of an active
business career of any man in the West. Mr. Phinney in the early
days conducted the "Boston Grocery" on West Second street, about
where Hayden's machine shop now is. Afterwards, in connection with
the late Samuel DeBow, he began the wholesale grocery business on
Third street, afterwards the firm was Phinney & Barr, and after the
dissolution of this firm he carried on the business himself until
his son, the late H. R. Phinney, became his assistant. Mr. Phinney's
vigor and activity was one of the remarkable features of the man.
After the death of his son, Henry R. Phinney, it was supposed that
he would retire from business life, but the veteran was so
accustomed to his career of activity that he continued to supervise
his store until a few weeks ago, when he was compelled to take his
bed. Mr. Phinney in the early day was a strong anti-slavery man. His
sympathies were with the slaves in the South, and when one of them
made his way to Alton, Mr. Phinney's pocket book was always open to
render assistance to the fugitive. Mr. Phinney was a devoted
Christian man, his membership being with the Presbyterian church
during his entire residence in Alton, with the exception of a few
years when his relations were with the Congregational church.
Although of a retiring nature and somewhat of an appearing severity
of manner, there was no man with a warmer heart for a cause he
deemed right, and no one's face lighted up with more pleasure when
it was his privilege to talk with intimate or casual friends. His
familiar form on the streets was known to all, and up to a few years
ago his brisk walk and activity was a surprise to all. Mr. Phinney
married Miss Sarah Allard in this city [Alton]. She was a New
England lady. To this union six children were born, all of whom,
including his wife, have passed away. Mr. Phinney lived at the old
homestead on Twelfth and Langdon, where his granddaughter, Mrs.
Robert M. Forbes, kept house for him. The last member of his family
was Henry R. Phinney, who died Christmas night, 1901, and his death
was a heavy blow to the aged business man; but, as in all the
affairs of life, he bore up bravely and continued the even tenor of
his way until the message for himself came, and then he was ready.
Of Mr. Phinney's relatives the following survive him: His sister,
Mrs. Sarah Sargent of Twelfth street, Mrs. Robert M. Forbes and
brother Thomas Lewis (the latter of St. Louis), children of Mrs.
Harriet Phinney Lewis, Mrs. Charles L. Phinney and daughter, Mrs.
Sadie Phinney Hopkins, Mrs. Henry R. Phinney and children, viz: Mrs.
Lulu Phinney Burr of Sicily, Mrs. Harriet Phinney Bennett of Los
Angeles, Cal., Miss Mary Phinney and Henry R. Phinney, both of
PHINNEY, CHARLES LEWIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 4, 1885
Son of Charles Phinney Sr.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 4, 1885
Another happy home is darkened by the shadow of the angel of death,
and sad hearts are longing for the touch of a vanish hand, and the
sound of a voice that is still. Monday morning, after a protracted
illness, Mr. Charles L. Phinney passed quietly away. Deceased was
the oldest son of Mr. Charles Phinney, one of Alton’s oldest and
most honored citizens. Charles Lewis Phinney was a native of Alton,
born January 8, 1845, and was consequently in the 41st year of his
age. After completing his education, he entered his father’s store,
and for more than 20 years had been associated with him and his
brother, Henry R. Phinney, in the wholesale grocery business. In
January 1869, he was married to Miss Ellen Fay, who with one
daughter, Miss Sadie, survive him. Of the six children of Charles
and Sarah Phinney, Mr. Henry Robinson Phinney alone remains.
Mr. Phinney was a favorite not only in business circles, but
throughout the city, and none knew him but to admire his noble
characteristics and to honor his strict integrity and uprightness,
and his intolerance of shams and insincerity. Although possessing
unusual abilities and a wide fund of information, he was modest and
retiring in disposition, and found greater happiness in the midst of
his family, in the beautiful home which he took such pleasure in
adorning, than in public life or gatherings. For the last 12 or 14
years, he has been an invalid, seldom experiencing a day of entire
exemption from pain or weakness from consumption, but with a courage
and patience that were simply heroic, he bore the burden of
suffering uncomplainingly, attending to his business without
intermission, except when entirely prostrated. It is certain that
his iron will, his cheerfulness, hopefulness, and devotion to the
duty of the hour, prolonged his life for many years, to be a
blessing to his family and a comfort to his friends. A man weaker in
willpower and determination would have despaired, and long ago have
given up the struggle against a foe at once strong and insidious.
Although so long an invalid, he never obtruded his sufferings upon
others, but turned to his family and friends only the brightness and
sweetness of his life. This repression of complaint, this care and
thoughtfulness for others, reveal a beauty and strength of character
and a sacrifice of self such as few possess, but all should emulate.
His home was the center about which clustered his highest hopes and
aspirations. He loved to see all about him happy, and his devotion
to his own family and his relatives of the old home circle was
touching in its depth and fullness. The death of his beloved mother
shadowed the last year and a half of his life, and for her loss his
grief was deep, and the longing for her presence unceasing. Some six
weeks ago, he suffered a serious hemorrhage of the lungs, and from
the time was confined to the house. The time had come when the
tenderest care and the highest resources of medical skill could only
alleviate, not arrest, the work of the destroyer. Last week it was
evident that the silver cord would be soon loosed. The pain-racked
frame was worn out. He longed for rest, and when the change came,
was ready and willing to go; his only regret being the parting with
the loved ones of his home and heart.
To his friends remain fragrant memories of a true and honorable
life. To his father and brother, the associations of many years of
mutual trust and affection. To his wife and daughter, a legacy of
love and devotion that will remain with them through coming years as
a perennial benediction. His friends and relations will miss his
genial smile and cordial greeting, and the community will be the
poorer in the loss of a true and honest man, whose unswerving
integrity, heroic endurance, and honesty of life, whose patience
under trial have crowned him as an exemplar of noble manhood.
The funeral services took place yesterday afternoon from the family
residence, in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and
friends from the city and abroad. The attendance of business men was
remarkably large, thus testifying to the esteem and confidence with
which the departed had inspired them through an intimate association
of many years. The procession following the remains to the cemetery
was one of the longest ever seen in Alton. The grave was covered
with fragrant evergreen, and above were placed a wealth of rare and
beautiful flowers, wrought in devices emblematic of faith and
remembrance that time will not dim nor separation obliterate.
[Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
PHINNEY, ELLEN T./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Wednesday,
July 24, 1912
Mrs. Ellen T. Phinney died at 2 o'clock this afternoon at her home
at Twelfth and Henry streets after an illness extending over a
period of four years. Her condition became very acute the past two
weeks and the end has been looked for at any hour for several days.
Mrs. Phinney became ill with an affliction that baffled physicians
and although everything possible was done for her she gradually sank
as the malady took her strength. Born in Alton almost seventy years
ago, she was one of the pioneer native residents of the city. Her
husband, Charles Phinney, preceded her to the grave many years ago,
and she is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Sadie Graham, who has been
constantly with her mother during her long illness. Mrs. Phinney has
resided in the home where she died for over thirty years and her
acquaintance in the city, especially among the older residents, was
far reaching. Mrs. Phinney had three sisters, Mrs. J. W. Cary, her
twin sister, died ten years ago. Mrs. Sarah Adams and Mrs. George
Hawley, both of St. Louis, still survive. Mrs. Phinney was a member
of the First Presbyterian church and was an interested worker in the
church cause.
PHINNEY, HENRY R./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 26,
Prominent Alton Business Man and Civil War Veteran
Henry R. Phinney died Thursday morning at 2:30 o'clock at the family
residence, 302 East Twelfth street, after a two weeks illness from
heart disease. Mr. Phinney's death is a crushing sorrow to his
family and to his many friends, because of its suddenness, as it was
believed he was convalescent and would be able to be downtown in a
few days. He had been suffering from heart trouble during his two
weeks illness, and his family persuaded him to stay at home and
recover his strength. Wednesday evening at 9:30 o'clock he fell into
a deep sleep, but his repose seemed natural and caused no alarm. The
sleep seemed to be the forerunner of a restoration to complete
health, and the suspense of his wife and daughter, who were in
constant attendance, was greatly relieved. Until 1:45 o'clock his
sleep continued to be natural, but then he became restless and
seemed to be suffering pain. He passed away within 45 minutes,
without waking from his sleep, which had turned into the sleep of
death. Mr. Phinney's death produced a genuine sensation in the
business world in which he moved and among his friends who had known
him as a successful business man and good citizen for many years. It
was not generally known he was dangerously ill until the report of
his death gained circulation. For many years he was engaged in the
wholesale grocery business with his father, Charles Phinney. Of
recent years he has had complete charge of the business, although
the venerable father has always been constantly at his own place at
the store. He was probably better known in Alton than most of the
business men, having been a life-long resident of Alton and always
deeply interested in the city and everything that pertained to its
interest. His concern in all public events was most prominent among
his characteristics and his enthusiasm and interest concerning those
around him was always evident. In his family he was the best of
fathers, always working for those nearest and dearest to him. By his
death he leaves his aged father, the last of his family, his wife,
three daughters and one son: Miss Mamie Phinney, Mrs. Harriet
Bennett of Los Angeles, Mrs. Lulu Burr of Berlin, and Henry R.
Phinney Jr. of Alton. Mr. Phinney was a veteran of the Civil War,
enlisting when a boy in Co. I, 97th Illinois Volunteers, and served
until compelled to come home because of ill health. He served
several terms in the City Council and has always been prominent in
civic affairs. He was prominent in Masonic circles and had been a
member of Piasa lodge and Belvidere commandery of this city. Henry
R. Phinney was born in Alton, October 7, 1846, and except a few
years he was away from here, he resided in Alton all his life. The
funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and services
will be conducted at the family residence.
PHINNEY, HOWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 5, 1850
Died on the 24th inst., Howard, infant son of Mr. Charles Phinney of
Alton, aged about three months.
PHINNEY, SARAH H. (nee ALLARD)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January
3, 1884
Wife of Charles Phinney
From the Daily of January 2, 1884 - To many hearts in Alton
yesterday was the saddest New Year’s anniversary of their lives. The
news of the sudden death of Mrs. Charles Phinney, which occurred at
Bunker Hill the previous evening, December 31, 1883. On Monday
evening, Mrs. Clark of Springfield, Massachusetts, Mrs. Phinney’s
sister who had been visiting her, started on her return home, and
Mrs. Phinney decided to accompany her as far as Bunker Hill, and
remain there over night with her niece, Mrs. Van Dorn, who was
notified by letter of her intention. The ladies started on the
evening train, accompanied by Captain Lewis, Mrs. Phinney’s
son-in-law, who was going to Litchfield. At Bunker Hill, Mrs.
Phinney took leave of her relatives and left the train. There was no
one to meet her at the train (the letter announcing her coming
having miscarried), and Captain Lewis hastily engaged a boy to
accompany her to Mrs. Van Dorn’s. when near that lady’s residence,
she was attacked by sudden illness (doubtless heart disease to which
she was subject). A physician about to pass her on the sidewalk saw
her condition, and quickly supported her into his office, and with
other physicians, gave her immediate attention, but the vital spark
had fled. The transition was instant and painless. The kind-hearted
strangers did not know who she was, but learning from the boy where
they were going, word was sent to Mrs. Van Dorn, who quickly reached
the scene and took charge of the remains. A telegram was at once
sent to Mr. Phinney, but it did not reach him until morning, and
after the train had gone. Mr. Henry Robinson Phinney, however, at
once started for Bunker Hill in a buggy, arriving there about one
p.m., and Captain Lewis, who was telegraphed to, drove down to that
place from Litchfield, and the two gentlemen and Mrs. Van Dorn
arrived in Alton in the evening with the remains. Friends met them
at the Junction [East Alton], and amid the driving snow of a wintry
storm they brought to the stricken home the one who had been for so
many years its light and life, to the home she had sanctified by a
wife and mother’s ceaseless devotion, and had made radiant with the
happiness inspired by her presence.
Mrs. Sarah Allard Phinney was a native of Holliston, Massachusetts,
born May 16, 1821. She was married to Charles Phinney, who survives
her, on April 3, 1839, in Upper Alton, and this city has ever since
been her home. Of their six children, only three reached adult
years. Their daughter, Mrs. F. T. Lewis, died nearly five years ago,
and Messrs. Charles L. and Henry R. are now the only survivors. Mrs.
Phinney’s ecclesiastical connection was first with the Presbyterian
Church, then with the Congregation, and again with the Presbyterian.
She was a devoted laborer in all church enterprises, and foremost in
every good word and work. Her life was throughout a record of
unselfish devotion to her family, her church and the community at
large. Her beneficence was unceasing, her charity unfailing, and her
neighborly kindness all-pervading.
Mrs. Phinney’s leading characteristic was her supreme unselfishness.
She never seemed to think of self. Every thought and act was for
others. Of a genial, cheerful disposition, she exerted a magnetic
influence in the social circle, and into darkened homes she brought
ever a flood of sunshine. It can truly be said that of the many good
and noble women of Alton, no other would be as sadly and widely
missed. So widespread was her influence for good, that it seemed to
have penetrated all homes, and today mourning hearts throughout the
community beat in unison with those most closely bereaved. [Burial
was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
Sarah Phinney’s husband, Charles Phinney, as born in Massachusetts
in 1810. He settled in Alton in 1838, and entered into the grocery
business, which he continued until his death in May 1904. He first
conducted the “Boston Grocery” on Broadway, and afterwards he and
his partner, Samuel DeBow, began a wholesale grocery business on
Third Street. Later the partnership was with a Mr. Barr, and after
this he conducted the business himself, until his son, H. R.
Phinney, took over. The couple had six children, all deceased before
Mr. Phinney died. They lived at Twelfth and Langdon Streets in
PHIPPS, DANIEL W./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 5, 1885
Mr. Daniel W. Phipps died March 2, at the age of 23 years, of
consumption, after an illness of about two years.
JOHN THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 25, 1916
Village Marshal Dies from Rabies
John T. Phipps, village marshal at Wood River, died shortly after
midnight Tuesday morning in St. Joseph's Hospital from rabies, as
the result of being bitten by a rabid dog last October 13. The death
of Mr. Phipps was expected. He was in a very bad condition when
taken to the hospital and he grew steadily worse. He was in a high
state of nervous excitement, and manifested all the symptoms of
rabies, including a very pronounced aversion to water. The
sufferings of the afflicted man were excruciating. He was attended
by some of the members of the family up to a point where they became
completely exhausted by their vigil and they went home. Phipps was
58 years of age.
Before going to Wood River, he had been a farmer in Jersey County.
He was known as a man with high conceptions of his duty and he made
a good officer. It was while attempting to execute a dog which had
bitten a child that he was bitten, and he paid no attention to the
wound. Phipps leaves his wife and eleven children and step-children.
One of his sons has been away from home for some time, and
ineffectual efforts were made to locate him and advise him of his
father's bad condition. During most of the time that Phipps was in
the hospital he suffered from intermittent convulsions.
The death of Phipps from rabies is of unusual interest because of
the rareness of a fatality from that disease. Ordinarily such
precautions are taken after a person has been bitten by a dog
suspected as being rabid, that a cure is speedily effected. A number
of instances of this kind have arisen in Alton, and the Pasteur
treatment has been used. In this case it was not used, nor was it
used on the boy who was bitten at the same time. However, other
germicides were used and the boy is apparently all right. The rabies
germ has great vitality and unless some means of overcoming it is
used may be dormant in the system for a long time. The death of
Marshal Phipps from hydrophobia, and the fact that several persons
in Alton were bitten by mad dogs in the past several months, has
caused the attention of the public to be focused on the disease, for
which no cure has yet been discovered. "After symptoms are fully
developed there is no hope for a cure" is the assertion of eminent
expert authority on the subject. It can be prevented, however, by
prompt treatment, and this treatment should be used as quickly as
possible after exposure to the disease. This preventive treatment
costs $50, and the serum must be injected into the patient daily for
25 days. It has prevented the development of rabies or hydrophobia
wherever used, it is claimed, and it is further claimed that it
would have saved Marshal Phipps if he had used it in time. The
period from the time of infection to the development of symptoms is
known as the period of incubation, and it varies in human beings
from eight days to six months, according to the H. K. Mulford
Company, leading chemists of the United States.
Mr. Phipps would have been fifty-nine years of age if he had lived
until May 23. He was born in Jersey County. Three years ago, he came
to Wood River, and for a year was employed at the Standard Oil
Refinery. On the first day of April, a year ago, he was appointed
village marshal and served as a very efficient officer ever since.
Mr. Phipps was always attentive to duty. One of his principal duties
was to collect licenses for dogs and to execute the dogs on which
licenses were unpaid. He has killed and buried several hundred dogs
during his term of office, and it is a singular coincidence that he
should lose his life as the result of the performance of duty of an
encounter with a dog, after so much valuable service for the village
in the line of doing away with undesirable canines. Mr. Phipps was
twice married. His first wife, Mary Bryant, died in 1888. He was
married a year later to Mary Plumb, who survives him. Mr. Phipps
leaves eleven children and two step-children. The children are
Thomas K. Phipps, whose whereabouts is unknown as he left home
thirteen years ago and has not been heard of since; Louis Paul
Phipps of Joplin, Missouri; Mrs. Sam Harris of Wood River; Mrs.
William Cartwright of Granite City; John Harrison Phipps of Wood
River; Aldred Clyde Phipps of Drumright, Oklahoma; Charles Phipps of
Wood River; and Misses Ruth, Alice, Luella and Mattie Phipps of Wood
River. The two step-children are Mrs. Alonzo Cope of Alton and Ed
Plumb of Granite City.
John Thomas Phipps was the son of Thomas Kinsman Phipps (1819-1889)
and Martha Jane Ray Phipps (1829-1911). Thomas and Martha married in
about 1854 in Mississippi, and then settled in Jersey County,
Illinois. He died in 1889, and is buried in the Rosedale Cemetery.
Martha died in 1911, and is buried in the Fieldon Cemetery. John
Thomas Phipps is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.
PHIPPS, LAVINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 30, 1900
Mrs. Lavina Phipps died this morning at her home on Silver street,
after a long illness with kidney troubles. She was 73 years of age
and had lived in Alton many years. The funeral will be tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home.
PICARD, CHARLOTTE A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 6,
Mrs. Charlotte A. Picard, wife of the late P. Picard, died at the
residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. V. Brown, in Livingston, Mont.,
on June 3, in the 83rd year of her age. Mrs. Picard was a resident
of this city for many years and among the older residents had a
great number of friends. She leaves two daughters and one son, Mrs.
Leila Calvin of Madison, Wis.; Mrs. A. V. Brown of Livingston,
Mont.; and Frank C. Pickard of this city. She leaves also two
brothers, J. D. Roper of Springfield, Ill.; and J. S. Roper of this
city. The remains are being brought to this city for burial and on
account of the uncertainty of the time of arrival the time of the
funeral is uncertain. Due announcement will be in the papers
Saturday evening.
PICARD, FANNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 21, 1893
Teacher in North Alton
Miss Fannie Picard, one of the teachers in the North Alton public
schools, died at her home on the Grafton Road Monday morning. Miss
Picard was taken ill a week or ten days ago with la grippe, and her
death has been feared for several days. She was an excellent
teacher, and highly esteemed by all who knew her.
PICARD, MARIA (nee STRONG)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
February 25, 1903
Daughter of Jacob Strong, Pioneer of North Alton
North Alton News - In the passing away of Mrs. Maria Picard, Tuesday
afternoon, a good, charitable, kindly woman, a model mother and
excellent neighbor, this community has suffered a distinct loss and
her immediate family an irreparable one, tempered only by the belief
implanted by Faith and nurtured by Hope that God fulfills all
promises, and that the loved departed has been given the peace and
rest and rich rewards of a blessed eternity. Mrs. Picard was twice
married and leaves seven children: Mrs. Ella Witt of Hettick, Ill.;
Misses Buena and Emma Brown; and Lillian and Cecelia Picard of North
Alton; and Ed and Will Picard of St. Louis. An aged sister, Miss
Emma Strong, who lived at the Picard home, also survives, and there
are several nephews and nieces, grandchildren and other relatives
left to miss and mourn her. Mrs. Picard was born in Carlyle,
England, July 28, 1827, and came to this country with her parents in
July 1837. The funeral will be Thursday afternoon, and services will
be conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden, rector of St. Paul's
Episcopal church. Interment will be in Godfrey cemetery. Mrs.
Picard's father, Jacob Strong, built the first house, and was the
first settler in what is now North Alton. He kept a hotel and was a
very extensive farmer and stock raiser. His place was called "The
Buck Inn," because of a huge pair of antlers that graced the side of
the house just above the door. The post office was "Buck Inn" for
years, afterwards changed to Greenwood, then to North Alton. Where
are now business and dwelling houses and electric railway telephone
and electric light poles, and other evidences of development and
progression, was then a dense forest, and Mrs. Picard lived to see
and become a part of all these changes. Her home was always the
abode of hospitality and love and faithfully did she follow the
golden rule of doing unto others as she would be done by. She leaves
a blessed memory to her children and a fragrant one to her
neighbors. May she rest in peace.
PICKARD, MARY A./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 13, 1872
Died on September 11, in Alton, Mrs. Mary A., wife of Mr. George
Pickard; aged 34 years.
PICKARD, PHILANDER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28,
Owner of Piasa King Farm, Godfrey Township
Mr. P. Pickard, one of the best known residents of Godfrey Township,
died at 9:30 o'clock this morning after an illness of several weeks.
Mr. Pickard was 80 years of age, and during his long residence here
he made a host of warm friends. He was born in New York State in
1815, and came to Alton in 1846. He engaged in the wholesale liquor
business here, and later established the Piasa King Farm. Deceased
leaves a wife, three daughters, and one son, viz: Mrs. Mary G.
Kellenberger, Mrs. Leila R. Calvin, Miss Hortense Pickard, and Mr.
Frank Pickard. The funeral will take place at two o'clock tomorrow
afternoon from the home. Interment in Alton City Cemetery.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1895
Mr. Philander Pickard, one of the best-known residents of Godfrey
Township, died Thursday morning after an illness of several weeks.
Mr. Pickard was 80 years of age, and during his long residence here
he made a host of warm friends. He was born in New York State in
1815, and came to Alton in 1846. He engaged in the wholesale liquor
business here, and later established the Piasa King Farm in Godfrey
Township. Deceased leaves a wife, three daughters, and one son, viz:
Mrs. Mary G. Kellenberger; Mrs. Leila R. Calvin; Miss Hortense
Pickard; and Mr. Frank Pickard.
Philander Pickard was the son of Jonas Pickard (?-1870). Philander
married in 1848 to Julette Pickard (?-1857), and remarried in 1859
to Charlotte A. Pickard (?-1919). The children were: Infant Pickard
(?-1856); George G. Pickard (?-1861); Henry B. Pickard (?-1861);
Mary Gertrude Pickard Kellenberger (1851-1928); Leila Roper Pickard
Calvin (1862-1943); and Frank Clemence Pickard (1863-1936).
Philander was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
PICKER, PETER/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 2, 1880
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Picker of Bethalto met with a sad affliction
in the loss of their little son, Peter, who died yesterday of
diphtheria; aged 3 years.
PICKER, UNKNOWN WIFE OF BEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July
20, 1914
Mrs. Ben Picker, wife of the well-known East Alton business man,
died suddenly at her home in East Alton Monday morning while sitting
in a chair in her bedroom. Mrs. Picker had arisen because she could
not sleep, and sat down to read. While sitting on her chair she fell
over dead. Mrs. Picker was 67 years of age and had resided for many
years in East Alton and vicinity. She had been in her usual health
and her death came as a surprise to the members of her family,
especially her husband, who was with her at the time of her death.
She leaves beside her husband, former Mayor Ben Picker; one son,
Harry Picker of Portland, Oregon; and a daughter, Mrs. C. H. Doerr
of Herrin, Ill. The arrangements for the funeral will not be made
until the children are heard from.
PICKERING, CYNTHIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 21, 1836
Died, at Ridge Prairie, in this county, on the 8th(?) inst., Mrs.
Cynthia Pickering, wife of Mr. Ebenezer Pickering of Prairie du
Pont, and eldest daughter of Mr. David Gaskill of the former place.
PICKERING, MALVINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 10, 1901
Upper Alton News - Mrs. Malvina Pickering died this morning at 5
o'clock after a long illness with Bright's disease. Mrs. Pickering
made her home with her daughter, Mrs. H. S. Deem, and has lived here
since last August. Her home was formerly in Bethalto. Funeral
services will be held from the home of H. S. Deem tomorrow at 2
o'clock, conducted by Rev. M. L. Cole of the M. E. church. The
interment will be at Oakwood cemetery.
PICKING, W. N. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
November 30, 1918
Captain Goes Down with Liner Off the Coast of Ireland
Letters received by friends from the wife of Capt. W. N. Picking,
for a long time connected with the Western Military Academy, tell
that he was drowned off the coast of Ireland when he went dow with a
liner that was sunk September 30. He is well remembered here. The
couple lived at the home of Mrs. F. L. Wells and Mrs. Picking was
well known for her musical ability. She is now in a broken state of
health and in a sanitarium in North Carolina.
PICKETT, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 12, 1918
Man Dies From Shock After Rescuing Child From Under Automobile
John Pickett, aged 49, died this morning at the home of his nephew,
Bert Pickett, in Wood River, as the result of an attack of heart
trouble which seized him on July 4 while he was making an effort to
save a child from being run over by an automobile in Alton. Pickett
was eating a meal in an Alton restaurant where he was taking his
meals at the time. He looked out through the window and saw a little
child leave the sidewalk in front of a large machine which was
moving rapidly along. He leaped to his feet and ran out of the door
in time to grasp the child by the waist and draw it out of the way
of danger. The driver of the auto and the parents of the child were
very grateful for what he had done, and offered a reward which he
modestly refused to accept. Pickett went on inside the restaurant
and resumed his meal, but his nerves had been so unstrung by the
sight of the child who was about to be crushed under the automobile,
that he could not eat. Soon afterwards he collapsed, and had been
confined to his bed since. Last Sunday he was moved from his home on
State street to the home of his nephew in Wood River. His wife and
child came along, and they have been doing what they could for him,
but without avail. His heart kept getting weaker until his death
which occurred at 7 o'clock this morning. Pickett's funeral will be
held tomorrow afternoon at the home. The burial will be in Milton
Cemetery in East Alton.
PIEPER, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 18, 1909
Former Alton Hotel and Saloon Man Dies - Had Long Career in Business
Frank Pieper, aged 65, died suddenly Saturday evening at the hotel
that bears his name and was conducted by him. He had suffered
several sudden attacks of illness, supposed to be due to kidney
trouble, and several times in the past few years had been near
death's door. The family had been warned that his death would be
likely to occur just as it did. Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock he
was in the hotel office when he suddenly fell to the floor. Feeling
the stroke coming on him, Mr. Pieper shouted for help, and members
of his family upstairs heard him and went down to find him lying on
the floor helpless. He did not regain consciousness and died in
about three hours. Mr. Pieper was well known to the traveling
public. He kept a tidy, neat, home-like hotel, and it was very
popular among traveling men. He had not in recent years set a table
for his guests. He had the reputation of being very particular who
he rented his rooms to, and his place bore an excellent name. In
conducting his saloon in connection with his hotel, he had the name
of never allowing any loitering around his place, no intoxicated
persons ever got any liquor there, nor any minors. He tried and
succeeded in living up to the laws regulating saloons as well as it
was possible to do, as he desired honestly to do it. He was well
liked by everyone he met in a business or social way, and there is
many a sincere regret that Mr. Pieper has passed away. He was born
in Westphalia, Germany, 65 years ago, and he had lived in Alton and
vicinity for 45 years. He leaves beside his wife, five daughters and
three sons: Miss Kate Pieper, Mrs. Annie McCormick, Mrs. Lizzie
Wutzler, Mrs. Theresa Jehle, Miss Mamie Pieper, Messrs. Frank, Fred
and Fern Pieper. He leaves also a brother, M. Pieper of California,
his only other living relative. The funeral of Mr. Pieper will be
held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church, and burial
will be in St. Joseph's cemetery. Mr. Pieper was a member of St.
Joseph's society.
PIERCE, BERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 31, 1895
From Melville – Mr. Bert Pierce, age about 18, died of typhoid fever
at the home of his mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Lawless, last Thursday, after being sick for about four weeks. The
funeral took place Friday morning, Rev. W. M. Backus of Alton
delivery the funeral sermon at the C. C. Church, from whence the
cortege went to Levi’s Cemetery, where the interment took place. Our
departed friend and schoolmate was liked by all who knew him, and
his loss is greatly mourned.
PIERCE, EMILY S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 25, 1903
The venerable Mrs. Emily S. Pierce, mother of W. B. Pierce, died at
the residence of her son shortly after noon today, in her 94th year.
Mrs. Pierce has enjoyed a fair measure of health for one of so many
years. She was born Feb. 25, 1810 in Reading, Vermont. In early life
she married Dr. William C. Pierce. Dr. and Mrs. Pierce came to Alton
in 1856, where they continued to reside through life. Dr. Pierce
died many years ago. Mrs. Pierce's two children, William B. and Mrs.
Carrie Crane, survive her, and are both residents of Alton. The
funeral will take place on Thursday from her son's residence on
State street at 3 p.m.
PIERCE, EMMA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 25, 1908
Mrs. Emma Pierce, wife of J. A. Pierce, in charge of the quarter
boat on the Alton levee, died last night at St. Joseph's hospital
where she had been taken suffering from pneumonia several days ago.
She was 42(?) years old and leaves her husband and two daughters.
The family came from Galena, but the body will be buried here
Thursday morning.
PIERCE, ETTA D./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 17, 1906
Mrs. Etta Drury Pierce, widow of W. B. Pierce, died at the residence
of her niece, Mrs. George Baker, in St. Louis, May 16, 1906. The
funeral of Mrs. Etta D. Pierce, widow of W. B. Pierce, will be held
tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from the home of Mrs. A. H. Drury,
419 Henry street.
PIERCE, GEORGE G./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 23,
One of Godfrey's Oldest Citizens Passes Away at 86 Years
George G. Pierce died at his home in Godfrey township on Wednesday
evening, September 21st, after one week's illness with typhoid
pneumonia. Mr. Pierce was born in Hobarth, Mass., in 1819. He came
to Alton in 1838, and has resided in the vicinity of Alton since
that date. Most of his life was spent on his farm two and one-half
miles north of the village of Godfrey. Mrs. Pierce and six children
survive Mr. Pierce, viz: Mrs. Emily Howard of Alton; Mrs. Belle
Giles of Springfield; Mrs. Annie Ruckman, living at her parent's
home in Godfrey; Mrs. Abbie Regness of South Bend, Indiana; W. A.
Pierce of Virden; E. B. Pierce of Alton. The funeral will take place
on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. from the family home to Godfrey
PIERCE, GEORGE H./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 30, 1898
Civil War Casualty
B. Nathan, Pension Agent, received notice today that a pension had
been granted Mrs. Sarah Pierce of Godfrey, for her son, George H.
Pierce, who died while in the service of his country in 1864. He was
a member of Company D, 10th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. The pension
dates from June 18, 1894, and is for $12 per month.
PIERCE, JONATHAN L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 15,
Old Time Music Maker Is Dead - Hangs Self From Post of Bed
Jonathan L. Pierce, aged 75, for many years a resident of the
Grafton road neighborhood, and for many years the leading spirit at
social occasions in the vicinity of Alton, is dead. Suffering from a
long illness which he knew would terminate fatally, the aged man
lost his mind about ten days ago, and on Sunday morning while
mentally unbalanced, he hung himself to a post at the head of his
bed using a clothes line to hang himself. Connected with the tragedy
was a shocking incident. When he discovered that his father was
dead, Moses Pierce, a son, telephoned first to Joseph Kehr to come
at once to the house, and then he ran to another neighbor's house to
get other help, to be present when the news would be broken to Mrs.
Pierce, who is just a year younger than her husband. Mrs. Pierce was
worn with the long service to her husband in caring for him through
his illness, and the son feared the consequences. Joseph Kehr
arrived first, having leaped on a horse and galloped over to the
Pierce home. There, Mrs. Pierce saw him coming, and thinking he had
come to see Mr. Pierce, she went to call her husband, and discovered
just what the son had hoped to keep from her. Mr. Pierce had been
ailing for some time, having suffered greatly from kidney trouble,
and later from a severe attack of nervousness. Sunday morning his
son, Moses Pierce, went upstairs to his father's room, about 7
o'clock, to give the latter his medicine, as he had done for several
days. After administering to his father's wants, the son left the
room, only to return again at 8:15 o'clock, when he found his
father's lifeless body lying on the floor beside the bed. A small
piece of clothes line was tied around Mr. Pierce's neck, and also
tied to one corner of the bed, which told the sad story. It is the
general supposition that after tying the rope around his neck, Mr.
Pierce rolled off the bed and expired, as he was in a very weak and
feeble condition. John L. Pierce was born in Gorham, Maine, August
12, 1839, therefore making him 75 years and 7 months old. He came to
Illinois when a boy fourteen years of age, and with his parents
moved on the farm in Godfrey township in 1850, and had lived there
continuously until his death. Improvements had been made about the
Pierce farm from time to time, until the place became an ideal
country home. In 1863 Mr. Pierce was married to Miss Mary A.
Wissore. To this union seven children were born: four girls and
three boys, namely: Mrs. Walter Welch; Mrs. Jennie Ebbert; Mrs.
James Shearlock; Mrs. James Millen; Charles H., Moses G., and Frank
L. Pierce, all of Alton and vicinity, who together with his wife,
survive. Mr. Pierce leaves one brother, Humphrey Pierce of Appleton,
Wis.; two sisters, Mrs. Angie Parks of Appleton, Wis.; and Mrs.
Julia Berschi of Denver, Colo.; and also two half-sisters, Mrs. Jane
Watson of Newark, N. J.; and Mrs. Sadie Glassbrenner of the North
Side. The tragic death of John L. Pierce has cast a deep gloom over
all who knew him. He was a public benefactor to the community in
which he resided, and was a school director in the district in which
he lived - Summerfield - for forty-two years. Mr. Pierce was also
highway commissioner of Godfrey township for many years, and was
justice of the peace at the time of his death. Mr. Pierce as a
farmer by occupation, but also was a great grower of strawberries
some years ago. There is not a man in the North Side, who, during
his boyhood days, that had not worked for Mr. Pierce. He was a
friend of everybody. Everybody was a friend of his. Instinctively
kind, warm-hearted and jovial, he imparted to all with whom he came
in contact a magnetic mirth of joy and gaiety that was wholly
irresistible. His kindness of heart was proverbial and the loyalty
and devotion of his friendship knew no bounds. His sociability and
ever ready repartee made him a favorite among gatherings, and his
story telling and reminiscences of word paintings were always
listened to with great interest in the social circles in which he
moved. Mr. Pierce was a musician of note, and years ago, when violin
playing was in vogue at dances, no gathering was complete unless
John L. Pierce wielded the bow. He did much to make people happy and
to remove the gloom and sorrow among others. These are the
characteristics that made him so many friends, and the sympathy of
the community goes out to the family in the loss of a good husband,
a kind father, and a truly friend. The funeral will be held from the
home Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, under the auspices of the
Masonic order, of which deceased was a member, and burial will be in
City Cemetery.
PIERCE, JULIA L./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 02, 1893
Mrs. Julia L. Pierce, the venerable wife of Charles Pierce,
deceased, died Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred
Glassbrenner of North Alton, aged 83 years. Deceased was born in
1810 in the State of Maine, and came to Godfrey in 1846. Two
daughters, Mrs. Joseph Watson of Newark, New Jersey, and Mrs. Fred
Glassbrenner of North Alton, survive her. The funeral took place
Friday afternoon from the home in North Alton to Godfrey Cemetery.
PIERCE, MARY ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November
23, 1918
Word was received in Alton this morning of the death of Mrs. Mary
Elizabeth Pierce, at the family home in St. Louis. Mrs. Pierce died
Saturday morning at 2:15 o'clock after a very short illness with
influenza, which turned into pneumonia. Her little daughter,
Catherine, is also very ill with the disease. The dead woman was
born and raised in Alton, being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Crofton, formerly well known residents of the East End of town. She
was married a number of years ago to Frank Pierce, and until two
years ago last September the family resided in Alton. At that time
the family moved to St. Louis where they have resided since that
time. Mrs. Pierce was about 40 years of age. Mrs. Pierce is survived
by her husband, Frank Pierce, and two children, Katherine, aged 10,
and Kenneth, aged 8. Also by her aged father, James Crofton Sr., of
St. Louis; one sister, Mrs. Kitty Crofton Eggleston, St. Louis, and
three brothers, Harry of St. Louis; James and Williams of Alton.
Many relatives in Alton also survive. Miss Lucille Crofton is a
niece. The body will be brought to Alton for burial early next week.
Interment will be in Greenwood cemetery. Mrs. Eggleston and both of
Mrs. Pierce's children are ill and will be unable to attend the
PIERCE, RUTH (nee WADE)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December
6, 7, 1887
Sister of Hon. Samuel Wade
Mrs. Ruth Wade Pierce, wife of Mr. Thomas Pierce, died this morning
after an illness of months at the age of 72 years. Deceased was a
sister of the late Hon. Samuel Wade, and was the youngest and last
member of her family. She was born at Ipswich, Massachusetts, May 5,
1815, and had been a resident of Alton for 33 years. She left a
husband, two daughters (Mrs. Ellen Sawyer and Mrs. A. L. Daniels),
and a grandson by a deceased daughter, besides many other relatives
and friends to mourn her death. Mrs. Pierce was a most estimable and
worthy lady, a kind friend and neighbor, devoted to her family and
household interests.
The funeral took place from the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. A.
L. Daniels, on Alby Street, with a large attendance of relatives,
neighbors, and friends.
PIERCE, SAMUEL C. (MAJOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1840
Died, yesterday morning, after a long and painful illness, Major
Samuel C. Pierce, a highly respectable citizen of this place, aged
about 45; leaving two children and a very large circle of much
cherished acquaintances, to deplore his loss. His remains will be
removed from the residence of Mr. William L. Harrison, his
brother-in-law, where he departed this life at two o'clock, and
reach the Baptist Church at four. His friends are respectfully
invited to attend.
PIERCE, SARAH B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 27,
Mrs. Sarah Pierce, widow of George Pierce, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Annie Ruckman, in Godfrey township, Sunday evening at
9:45 o'clock from old age. She would have been 90 years of age in
March. Mrs. Pierce was a native of Virginia, and came to the
vicinity of Alton when she was seventeen years of age and had lived
in Godfrey and in Alton ever since. Her illness began two weeks ago,
and she succeeded in passing through Christmas day, dying the day
following. She leaves four children, Mrs. Annie Ruckman, Ezra
Pierce, William Pierce, and Mrs. Abbie Regeness of Niles City,
Michigan. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock
from her daughter's home. Mrs. Pierce was a member of the Baptist
PIERCE, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 30, 1896
Alton Grocer
Tuesday at 2 o’clock a.m., at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Mr. Thomas
Pierce, an old and respected citizen of Alton, breathed his last
after months of intense suffering from a cancer. It is about eight
years ago since the cancerous growth developed, and the torture
since that time, while not continuous, was something terrible. The
malady became worse several months ago, and while everything
possible was done for the sufferer, all efforts proved unavailing.
About four weeks since he was removed to St. Joseph’s Hospital in
order that nurses might be with him at all times, and his every want
attended to.
Mr. Pierce was born in Massachusetts about 79 years ago, and came to
Alton 41 years ago. For many years he was engaged in the grocery
business, and was quite successful. Two daughters, Mesdames A. L.
Daniels and R. S. Sawyer, survive him.
Thomas married Ruth W. Wade (1815-1887), and they had the following
children: Ellen Pierce Sawyer (1842-1929) and Julia Pierce Daniels
(1843-1913). Thomas was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
PIERCE, URIAH(?)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 11, 1863
Died on November 16th, in Monticello [Godfrey], of diphtheria, Uriah
Pierce, son of Sarah C. and George G. Pierce, aged two years.
PIERCE, WILLIAM BYRON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Dec. 5,
Prominent Alton Businessman
William Byron Pierce, secretary of the Alton Roller Mill Company in
Alton, died just after midnight Saturday morning after a brief
illness, which began the day before Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Pierce’s
death was immediately due to a hemorrhage, superinduced by an attack
of heart trouble, which had rendered him very weak. The day before
Thanksgiving Day, he was stricken with an attack of neuralgia of the
heart, which was followed by an almost complete collapse. The last
few days he could take no nourishment, and his condition was more
alarming Friday than it had been at any time before. Up to Friday,
he insisted upon directing the business affairs of the mill by
messages, sent from the sick room, and he confidently expected he
would be able to get down to his office again. Mr. Pierce will be
missed in the milling industry in which he had been a prominent
figure for many years. He was successful in business, and a man
capable of forming many secure friendships, and he will be sadly
missed by a large circle of friends. By all his employees he was
held in the warmest affection, as he was always most considerate of
them in all his dealings.
Mr. Pierce was born November 21, 1838, at Chester, Vermont, and with
his father, the late Dr. W. C. Pierce, came to Alton in the Spring
of 1856 to make his home. Since coming to Alton, he made his home
here continuously, and much of the time he was engaged in the
manufacturing industries. During the Civil War, Mr. Pierce was
connected with a bookstore on Third Street with M. I. Lee, and
subsequently he was in the cracker manufacturing business with A. L.
Daniels and George A. Bayle, in Alton. The last twenty years of his
life, Mr. Pierce was secretary and manager of the Alton Roller Mill
Company, operating the flour mill at Second and State Streets. Mr.
Pierce is survived by his wife, Etta Drury Pierce, and a sister,
Mrs. Henry J. Crane, both of whom were with him at the time of his
death. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon from the family
home on State Street.
In the death of Mr. Pierce, Alton loses one of her most substantial
business men. He was a man whose friendship was highly prized by
those who knew him, and who beneath the surface had a heart always
keenly sympathetic for others who were in need of sympathy. He was
unostentatious in his good deeds of help for the suffering, as many
who have shared his bounty could testify. In all matters his
judgment was considered good, and he was very much alive to the
matters of every day interest in public affairs. Throughout his life
he was a good citizen, and in his death, Alton has lost one whom she
can illy afford to spare.
PIERCE, WILLIAM C. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 11,
Our citizens will regret to hear of the death of Dr. William C.
Pierce, which took place Friday. Deceased had been in feeble health
for several years, but was taken worse last Sunday and passed away
this morning. Dr. Pierce had been a resident of Alton for the last
24 years. He was a trusted and skillful physician, a genial friend,
and useful citizen, esteemed in all the relations of life, whose
death will be deeply deplored by a large circle of friends and
Dr. Pierce was a native of New Hampshire, born in 1811. He removed
to Alton from Woodstock, Vermont in 1856. He leaves a widow, Emily
S. Pierce, and two children, Mr. W. B. Pierce and Mrs. H. J. Crane.
The funeral took place Saturday morning from his late residence on
State Street. There was a large attendance of mourning relatives,
friends, and fellow citizens of the deceased, who took this
opportunity of paying the last tribute of respect to his memory.
Rev. Jason Fisher of the Unitarian Church conducted the solemn and
impressive services. The bearers were Messrs. J. W. Schweppe, M. H.
Topping, D. R. Sparks, J. E. Hayner, C. A. Murray, and Homer
Stanford. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
PIERRE, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 18,
Mrs. Elizabeth Pierre, wife of George H. Pierre, died this noon at
her home, 438 East Fourteenth street, after a week's illness from
malaria and lung trouble. She leaves beside her husband, one
daughter, Gladys, and a son, George C. Pierre. The funeral will be
held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home.
PIERSON, FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1861
Died in Alton on the 8th(?) inst., Frank, the youngest son of J. H.
Pierson, aged eight years. He was a smart, active boy, and a great
favorite with all who knew how ______ of very delicate constitution,
and has suffered much from sickness. He has now, forever, taken
_____ of himself, where there will be no more pain or suffering. The
evidence of this fact will, to some extent, alleviate the sorrow of
his bereaved parents and brothers and sisters.
PIERSON, H. N./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1871
On January 22, 1870, Mr. H. N. Pierson, a prominent citizen of
Alton, died.
PIERSON, NORTON R./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 16, 1885
Mr. Norton R. Pierson, for several years in the employ of Messrs.
Sweetser & Priest, lumber dealers, died April 12 at noon, of
consumption, at the age of 44 years. Mr. Pierson’s last illness was
brief. He was only confined at home a few days previous to his
death. He was born in Michigan, but most of his life was spent in
Alton. He left three orphan children to mourn his death, his wife
having proceeded him to the silent land a few months. The funeral
took place from the deceased’s late residence on Liberty Street.
PIERSON, REBECCA STETSON (nee BARRY)/Source: Alton Evening
Telegraph, May 19, 1902
Mrs. Rebecca Stetson Barry Pierson, widow of Mark Pierson and mother
of William M. Pierson, died Sunday noon at the home of her son, 321
East Fifth street, from the debility of old age. Mrs. Pierson was
for many years one of the best known residents of the city of Alton,
and in the Baptist church she was an earnest worker. She united with
the Alton Baptist church when she came to the city a bride, in 1837,
and had the distinction of being the oldest member of the church in
Alton. Mrs. Pierson was born in Boston, June 26, 1814. In 1837 she
was married to Mark Pierson, who was for many years one of the most
prominent business men of Alton. Since coming to Alton as a bride
she made her home here continuously and was much attached to the
city of her adoption. The last of a family of thirteen children,
Mrs. Pierson bore the weight of her years in patience, calmly
awaiting the call to her Heavenly home which she confidently
expected would come soon. Her health has been failing for some time,
and during the last week her death was expected at almost any time.
Mrs. Pierson's husband died in Alton in 1855. In her church she
never lost her interest, and until feebleness prevented her regular
attendance at the church services, she was always one of the most
regular. Her church was dear to her as her family, and in her life
she followed closely its teachings. She was an interested worker in
the church. Mrs. Pierson came of a distinguished family, her
brother, Rev. John Stetson Barry having been known as an eminent
Massachusetts historian; and her brother Rev. William Barry, having
been the founder of the Chicago Historical society. She had two
other brothers well known in the early days of Alton - Amasa Barry
and B. F. Barry. For thirty-seven years she made her home with her
son in this city. The declining days of her life were made pleasant
for her by kindly attentions, and she slipped away into her last
long sleep in the full enjoyment of the benefits of love and
affection of her children, Mr. and Mrs. William Pierson. The funeral
will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the family home.
PIGGOTT, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Friday,
February 3, 1899
Mrs. Elizabeth Piggott, wife of Squire W. L. Piggott, died Thursday,
January 25, at her residence in Bethalto, aged 65 years. Mrs.
Piggott had been in poor health all winter, having suffered from the
grip, which culminated in typhoid fever. The deceased was a lady
highly respected by all her acquaintances, and a most excellent wife
and mother, beloved not only by her own family but by all within the
radius of her acquaintance. She was a faithful and consistent member
of the M. E. church of Bethalto. The funeral services were held in
the church. Her pastor, Rev. S. E. Turner, conducted the exercises,
paying a high tribute to Mrs. Piggott. Her husband, Squire W. L.
Piggott, and one son, Eugene Day, of Denver, Colorado, survive her.
Mrs. Piggott was married to Squire Piggott twenty eight years ago.
She had been married previously. The pall bearers were John Jarvis,
John S. Culp, Irby Williams, J. T. Ewan, A. J. Canipe, H. S. Deem.
J. Piggott and Levi Dunnegan of Alton were in attendance.
PIGGOTT, ISAAC N./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 1,
Isaac N. Piggott died after a long illness at his home, 224 Fourth
street, where he conducted a boarding house for the past couple of
years. He is survived by a wife and several children. The funeral
was held this morning, and the body was taken to Elsah for burial.
Mr. Piggott was about 63 years of age.
PIGGOTT, W. L. (JUSTICE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March
15, 1902
One of Madison County's Oldest Inhabitants Dies
Justice W. L. Piggott died at 3 o'clock Saturday morning at his home
in Bethalto. Justice Piggott was one of Madison county's oldest and
most honored citizen. His 74th birthday occurred on March 10. He had
held the office of Justice of the Peace for many years, and was an
honor to the bench. He was well and favorably known throughout the
county. Mr. Piggott was born in St. Louis, March 10, 1828. He went
to Bethalto in 1856. He built the first sawmill in Bethalto, and ran
it for several years. He sold the business and began to practice the
profession of law before Justices' courts. President Grant appointed
him Postmaster of Bethalto, which he held for fourteen years. He was
elected a Justice of the Peace in 1872, which he continued to hold
until his death. Politically he was a Republican, and was an earnest
advocate of his party principles, and was identified with that party
since its organization, and in whose councils locally he had great
weight. He was married three times. His first marriage was in 1849
to Miss Hannah Gillespie, who died in 1852. He married again in 1856
to Miss Sara Deck. Six children were born of this union, two of
whom, sons, are still living. In 1872 he married his third wife,
Mrs. Elizabeth Day of Jerseyville, who died three years ago. The
funeral will take place tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the M. E. church. The services at the cemetery will be
conducted by the Masons, Mr. William Montgomery of Moro acting
Deputy Grand Master will officiate. The pallbearers will be Judge
William P. Early, John James, Jacob Frey, J. S. Culp, Irby Williams,
Dan Stoeckel.
PILCHER, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 1, 1885
Mr. George Pilcher of Godfrey died Tuesday evening, December 31,
1884, after an illness of two months. He was born in Hythe, County
of Kent, England, in 1819, and came to America in 1849, locating in
St. Louis, Missouri, where he resided until 1857, when he removed to
Illinois to what is now the town of Godfrey, where he resided until
his death. Mr. Pilcher will be kindly remembered by all who knew him
as an obliging neighbor, a good citizen, and an honest man. During
his long and painful illness, which he bore with fortitude and
Christian resignation, he had the attention and care of his
neighbors and friends, who gratefully remembered the kindness with
which he had so often rendered similar services to them. The funeral
services were held January 1 at the Bethany Methodist Church, of
which he had been a member for over 25 years. Notwithstanding the
intense cold, the funeral was well attended. Mr. Pilcher was twice
married, and leaves a widow and five children.
PILE, ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 5, 1871
Died on April 30, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Ann Pile, beloved
wife of James Pile; aged 73 years. Mrs. Pile was born near
Barnstable, England, in the year 1798, and emigrated to Alton in
1844, where she has ever since resided. She was a loving wife and a
kind mother, and was much respected by all who knew her.
PILE, DAVID/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 17, 1851
Died in Alton on the 14th instant, after a lingering illness, Mr.
David Pile, aged 25 years.
PILE, IDA E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 12, 1910
Mrs. Ida E. Pile, wife of Samuel B. Pile of 1201 Norton street, died
at St. Joseph's hospital Sunday evening at 7 o'clock from heart
failure, following a surgical operation. Mrs. Pile had been
suffering for some time and it was decided that a surgical operation
might prolong her life. She passed safely through the operation, and
seemed to be recovering, and her friends and relatives were very
hopeful. She was taken suddenly worse Sunday, her heart showing a
weakness, and she died without rallying. She leaves no children. The
funeral will be Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of Mr.
Pile's sister, Mrs. James Smith, 1246 State street. The body was
moved to the Smith home Sunday evening. Mrs. Pile was 41 years of
age. She is survived by her husband and a brother, G. A. Kincer of
St. Louis, and a sister, Mrs. H. A. Town of Salt Lake City. She was
a member of the Daughters of Rebekah, and the funeral will be
attended by that order. Rev. H. M. Chittenden will conduct the
funeral services.
PILE, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 18, 1863
Died in Sempletown, on the 17th inst., James Pile, in the ??? year
of ??? (Unreadable).
PILE, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 19, 1878
Died at his residence on State Street in Alton, at 5 o’clock this
morning, December 18, James Pile, in the 80th year of his age.
Deceased had been afflicted with blindness for about a year previous
to his death. He was an estimable man, a good citizen, of a quiet,
unassuming nature, ever given to good deeds. He was a native of
Barnstable, England, and immigrated to America in the year 1844, and
has resided in Alton since that time. He was known and respected by
a large circle of friends, and was unusually loved by all who knew
him. He was noted for his acts of kindness, it being one of his
greatest pleasures to assist the needy. He leaves a son, Charles,
and three grandchildren to mourn their loss. The funeral will take
place from his late residence on State Street.
PILGRIM, FREDERICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 2,
Frederick Pilgrim, one of the best known residents of Alton and a
model of industry and sobriety, died Wednesday morning at an early
hour at his home on East Third street after a short illness from
pneumonia. He had been ill about four weeks and was believed to be
convalescent, when he became worse a few days ago and it was evident
that he was on the decline. His age was 66 years, and was telling
heavily against him in his fight for recovery. He passed away
surrounded by members of his family who gathered to watch him during
the last moments. For fifty years Mr. Pilgrim lived in Alton, and as
an illustration of his steady application it is related that for 37
years he was employed at one place and lost only six weeks time in
all those years. He leaves his widow and seven children. The funeral
will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and services will be in
the German Evangelical church.
PILGRIM, LOUISA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 10, 1892
The funeral of Mrs. Louisa Pilgrim, who died on Monday, took place
this afternoon in the Evangelical Church. Her pew in that edifice
was appropriately decorated by the loving friends who showed this
last act of esteem. The services were conducted by Rev. Carl Kramer
in the presence of a large audience assembled to honor their
departed friend.
PILGRIM, LOUISE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 15, 1918
Mrs. Louise Pilgrim, widow of Fred Pilgrim, a resident of Alton for
sixty years, died from paralysis Sunday while visiting two of her
daughters in Nokomis. She was at the home of Mrs. E. L. Schwartzle
when on Friday morning, just as she went down stairs to breakfast,
she was stricken with paralysis. She did not regain consciousness,
and her death occurred nearly forty-eight hours later. With her when
she died were four of her daughters, Mrs. Schwartzle, Mrs. Leonard
Lahman, Mrs. Annie Brenner, Miss Emma Pilgrim, also Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Pilgrim. Beside these children she leaves one daughter, Mrs.
Charles Raith of Kansas City, Mo., and Fred Pilgrim of Alton. Mrs.
Pilgrim would have been 78 years of age in October. She came here
when a young woman and was married here. She had resided for many
years at 814 East Fourth street. Her husband was one of the best
known east end residents. Mrs. Pilgrim had been in failing health
for some time, but there was no particular alarm and she was
considered well enough to make the trip to Nokomis with her
daughter, Miss Emma, to visit the two daughters living there. Mrs.
Pilgrim will be buried Wednesday afternoon. The funeral will be at 2
o'clock from the Evangelical Church and burial will be in City
PILGRIM, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 12, 1881
A daughter of Mr. F. P. Pilgrim, eight years old, died Saturday from
the effects of scarlet fever. The funeral took place Monday from the
family residence on Fourth Street, east of Ridge.
PILKINTON, LARKIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15,
Revolutionary War Soldier Dies
Died, at the residence of his son, Hobert, in Edwardsville, Madison
County, Illinois, on the 6th inst., Mr. Larkin Pilkinton, aged 83
years, some months, - a Revolutionary soldier. He bore his
affliction with Christian fortitude, and left this world with a full
belief of going to a better.
PILLEN, ANNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 29, 1908
Child Killed by Passenger Train
Annie Pillen, aged 18 months, whose parents live near Benbow City,
was instantly killed Tuesday evening by a Bluff Line passenger train
which went south that evening, leaving here at 6:45 o'clock. The
child was in a growth of weeds alongside the track and just as the
engine came up to her she stepped up out of the weeds onto the
track, and while she gazed with wide open eyes in wonder at the
oncoming monster she was hit by the engine and her body was badly
cut and crushed. Engineer Clark, seeing the child, made a desperate
effort to stop his train but failed to do so in time as there was
only a few feet space left between the child and the engine as she
stepped on the track. The little girl never spoke a word and when
the trainmen hurried back to see what had been the effect of the
engine hitting her, they found the child quite dead. The body was
turned over to Coroner Streeper. The parents lived close by where
the child met its death. When informed of what had happened they
were in deep distress. The child had just strayed away from home
playing, and the parents did not know she was in danger until they
knew she was dead. The parents are foreigners living near Benbow
PILLSBURY, GEORGE F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 20,
Navy Veteran Murdered in California
Charles W. Pillsbury, residing on Central Avenue, received shocking
tidings Wednesday morning in a telegram which was sent by the
authorities at Oakland, California, telling the father that his son,
George Pillsbury, had been murdered at that place. No details came
in the message. Mr. Pillsbury said that he would telegraph at once
to have the body of his son sent to Alton for burial. The young man
was 24 years of age, and was married. He had been living about 25
miles from San Francisco, and his father cannot account for his
being murdered in Oakland.
George Pillsbury was well known in Alton. He enlisted in the U.S.
Navy, and served a term of enlistment there. After his discharge
from the Navy, he married and settled down recently to make his home
in California. He leaves, beside his parents in Alton, one sister.
His parents, who are well known in Alton, are crushed by the sad
tidings that came here. They could not believe the message when it
came, but finally they realized that their son must be dead, so they
began plans for getting the body sent here. Mr. Pillsbury is a very
estimable man, with a large number of friends. The family are very
highly esteemed in the neighborhood where they live. The young man
sometimes wrote home while he was in the West, and his letters were
delightfully entertaining. There is deep interest in his family and
among his friends in the details of the killing.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 21, 1915
Press dispatches indicate that George Pillsbury of Alton, who had
married in California, was slain by the first husband of the woman
he had married. John F. Turner, the murderer, is in jail, and says
he is glad he killed Pillsbury. The killing occurred after Mr. and
Mrs. Pillsbury had been spending the evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Neighbors in Oakland. Mrs. Pillsbury was given a decree
of divorce from her first husband.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 22, 1915
The body of George Pillsbury, who was murdered several days ago in
Oakland, California, will arrive in Alton Monday noon, and the
funeral will be held from the home of his father on Central Avenue
Wednesday afternoon. The interment will be in Upper Alton Oakwood
George F. Pillsbury was born in 1890, and was the son of Charles W.
Pillsbury (1860-1926) and Rosa M. Pillsbury (1870-1931). His sister
was Laura Pillsbury Youngblood (1893-1918).
PINCKARD, JOSEPH HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 14, 1843
Died, on Saturday last, Joseph Henry Pinchard, infant son of William
G. Pinckard, Esq., of this city [Alton].
PINCKARD, MARY JANE “JENNIE” (nee FRICK)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
December 16, 1897
From the Springfield Journal - The funeral of Mrs. Thomas Stanton
Pinckard occurred Sunday afternoon at the family residence, 720 N.
Seventh Street. The services were largely attended, and were
conducted by Rev. D. F. Howe, pastor of the 1st Methodist Episcopal
Church. The last remains of a loving mother and devoted wife were
laid to rest in Oak Ridge Cemetery, and the grave was left under a
covering of many beautiful floral designs. The pallbearers were J.
D. Roper, B. F. Talbott, Jacob Decker, T. F. Lennox, W. H. Good, and
Frank Hudson. Mrs. Pinckard was for many years a resident of Alton,
where her husband is well known to most of the older citizens.
Mary Jane “Jennie” Frick Pinckard was born in 1837 in Northumberland
County, Pennsylvania. She was the daughter of Charles Henry Frick
(1813-1891) and Mary Ann Waples Frick (1813-1869. She married Thomas
Stanton Pinckard (1833-1911), and they had the following children:
Lillie May Pinckard Bullard (1856-1940); Hattie Pinckard
(1859-1915); and Preston Frick Pinckard (1873-1935). Her husband,
Thomas S. Pinckard, was a native of Upper Alton, Illinois. He was
apprenticed to the firm of Bailhache and Dolbee, proprietors of the
Alton Telegraph, and became a foreman in 1852. After spending time
in California, he returned to Alton to work in the Alton Courier
office. In 1855, he went to Springfield, and worked at the State
Journal until the Civil War, when he enlisted during that war. He
returned to Springfield after the war, and moved to Kansas to work
for The Champion newspaper. He later returned to Springfield in
1880, and worked at The State Register. Mary was interred in the Oak
Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois.
Used His Influence to Preach Against Slavery
Nathaniel Pinckard was born in the East sometime before 1773. His
wife may have been Lucy Green Pinckard, daughter of Colonel William
Green. Nathaniel lived in Culpepper County, Virginia, and migrated
west by covered wagon, arriving first in Ohio. He was an early
Methodist minister. In 1818, Rev. Nathaniel, his son, William Green
Pinckard (born in 1793 in Virginia), William Heath, and Daniel Crume
journeyed from Ohio and settled in Upper Alton. There was no mention
of Nathaniel’s wife, so she may have been deceased at this time.
Nathaniel was filled with the love of God and for his fellow man.
His cheerful, and had a genial spirit and kindness of heart made him
many friends. He had a deep hatred of slavery, from his experience
in the West Indies (area of Cuba, Puerto Rice, Jamaica, and Cayman
Islands), where he was sent as a missionary. He witnessed the
treatment of slaves there, and felt deeply for them. He became
acquainted with a young, beautiful slave, who was intelligent and
accomplished. They became friends, and she sought his counsel. He
was shocked to hear that her master was not only her father, but her
grandfather. How keen must have been the emotions of wrong and shame
that stung the young woman, the offspring of “lust and incest.” But
there was a deeper depth of grief and degradation for her. Whether
from advances actually made, or from the known character of her
brutal master-father, her soul was harrowed by the fear that he
would compel her to submit to his incestuous lust. She asked Rev.
Pinckard whether it was not her duty to commit suicide, to preserve
her chastity. He confessed to a friend that it was a question too
awful for him to decide. He could only weep with her, and bid her
trust in God and pray for deliverance. In Upper Alton, Rev. Pinckard
set up housekeeping in the area of Salu, near the road that led from
Missouri towards northern Illinois (I assume this would be
Washington Avenue). Rev. Nathaniel frequently saw travelers from
Missouri, bringing along their slaves with them. When they would ask
if they were taking the wrong road, he called to them, “You must
take the left hand [road]. I am afraid you will always have to take
the left,” meaning that they were not right, but wrong in holding
slaves. His home became a stopping point for traveling clergy, and
he often held services in his home. He used his influence and
preached fervently against the practice of slavery. I could not find
any record of his death, or where he was buried.
PINCKARD, T. M. (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29,
We regret to state that the Rev. T. M. Pinckard, who was so well
known and appreciated in Alton in times which are now past and gone,
died at Nevada, Missouri, on the first of this week. He was the son
of the late William G. Pinckard, and was born in Upper Alton in
1822. He was engaged in Alton for several years in commercial
business, but went to Missouri as a minister of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, and in 1846 was married to Miss Lucy Lyle of
Missouri. During the last ten years, he was at the head of the
Southern Methodist Publishing House in St. Louis, and editor of the
St. Louis Christian Advocate. He was a man of noble, generous
nature, trusted and honored by all who had business or social
relations with him. His aged mother, several brothers and sisters,
and several of his children survive him, and mourn the loss of a
kind, affectionate, and good son, brother, and father.
THOMAS STANTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24, 1911
Old-Time Alton Printer, Part Owner of The Telegraph
Thomas Stanton Pinckard, aged 78, died Sunday morning at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. J. N. Bullard, in Mechanicsburg, Ill., after a
long illness. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 1:30
o'clock from the Bullard residence, and burial will be in
Springfield. Mr. Pinckard was at one time part owner of the
Telegraph, and also was employed on the Alton Courier. The following
is from the Springfield Journal: "Mr. Pinckard went to Los Angeles,
Cal., about one year ago to visit his daughter, Mrs. Edmund Patton.
He started for home about April 1, making the trip alone. The long
journey caused a general breakdown, and he had since been making his
home with his daughter, Mrs. J. N. Bullard of Mechanicsburg.
Decedent is survived by two sisters and seven children: Mrs. J. N.
Bullard, Mechanicsburg; Miss Hattie Pinckard, Springfield; Charles
Pinckard, Kansas City; Mrs. Emma Patton, Los Angeles, Cal.; Preston
F. Pinckard, Chicago; and Mrs. Jennie De Jarnatt, Evansville, Ind.
Mr. Pinckard was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and the
Typographical Union. Thomas Stanton Pinckard was one of the oldest
printers in the west. He was born in Upper Alton, June 19, 1833, and
was educated in the common schools. At the age of fifteen years he
was indentured as an apprentice to the firm of Bailhache & Dolbee,
proprietors of the Alton Telegraph, and became a foreman in 1852. In
1853 Mr. Pinckard crossed the plains to California. He aided in
putting up the first line of telegraph wire between Sacramento and
San Francisco, and was the first messenger boy in the Sacramento
office. He returned to Alton in 1854, and cast his first vote for
Judge Lyman Trumbull for Congress in that year. Mr. Pinckard was
foreman of the Alton Courier office until Messrs. Bailhache & Baker
bought the Illinois State Journal from Simeon Francis. In July 1855,
Mr. Pinckard came to Springfield and was foreman of the State
Journal until President Lincoln called for volunteers in 1861. Mr.
Pinckard enlisted as a private in the Yates Dragoons. Later he
entered Company F, First Illinois Cavalry, which company was
captured at Lexington, Mo., where General Mulligan surrendered his
brigade to General Price. The company was mustered out of service by
order of Governor Fremont. By order of the war department, the
company was reorganized and Governor Yates commissioned Mr. Pinckard
as First Lieutenant, which office he resigned a few months later. He
served as clerk in the quartermaster's department in West Virginia
until 1864, when he bought an interest in the Alton Telegraph, and
supported Mr. Lincoln for re-election. Mr. Pinckard returned to
Springfield in 1865, and was foreman of The State Journal until
1879. That year he moved to Atchison, Kan., taking the foremanship
of The Champion, of that city. He returned to this city with his
family in 1880, and became foreman of The State Register news room
in 1883, filling that position until 1886."
Thomas Stanton Pinckard was the son of William G. Pinckard. William
G. Pinckard, along with William Heath and Daniel Crume (who was
Pinckard's brother-in-law), came to Illinois from Ohio, and first
settled at Hunterstown [Alton] in the fall of 1818. On their
four-week journey to Hunterstown, they occasionally met emigrants
eastward bound, who declared that if they went to Alton, they would
all die, as the country was very unhealthful and was the "graveyard
of the West." The cabin in Hunterstown was about sixteen feet
square, and had a clapboard roof with a hole in it through which the
smoke of their fire escaped. That winter had some of the coldest and
most disagreeable weather. During the winter of 1819-19, William G.
Pinckard and Daniel Crume made a contract to build a house for
Colonel Easton. This house was became a hotel for the small village
of Alton. It stood near the corner of Broadway and Piasa Streets,
and was torn down in 1868.
The group later moved to Upper Alton, where Thomas Stanton Pinckard
was born, and together lived in a log cabin of two rooms. That
winter Pinckard and Heath constructed a pottery, and in the spring
of 1829 began the manufacture of pottery, making dishes, cups,
crocks, and all kinds of vessels of which there was a great demand.
Nathaniel Pinckard, father of William G. Pinckard, became a resident
of Upper Alton at this time. Burial of Mr. Pinckard was in the Oak
Ridge Cemetery in Springfield, IL.
PINCKARD, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 14,
Wife of Thomas Stanton Pinckard
The funeral of Mrs. Thos. S. Pinckard occurred Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock at the family residence, 720 N. Seventh street. The services
were largely attended and were conducted by the Rev. D. F. Howe,
pastor of the First M. E. church. The choir of the Second M. E.
church rendered several hymns. The last remains of a loving mother
and devoted wife were laid to rest in Oak Ridge cemetery, and the
grave was left under a covering of many beautiful floral designs.
The pall bearers were J. D. Roper, B. F. Talbott, Jacob Decker, T.
F. Lennox, W. H. Good and Frank Hudson. Mrs. Pinckard was for many
years a resident of Alton, where her husband is well known to most
of the older citizens.
March 4, 1864
Killed by Friendly Fire at the "Battle of Murder Hollow"
We have deferred any particular notice of the death of this
promising young man until such time as his corpse should reach this
place and be interred. It arrived here on Monday morning on the
Alton and Chicago Railroad train. On yesterday morning, his funeral
was attended from the Methodist Episcopal Church, attended by the
Masonic fraternity and the military stationed in Alton, and a very
large concourse of citizens. All the flags in the city were floating
at half-mast on the occasion, and solemnity appeared to be stamped
on the countenances of all our people. The Rev. Dr. Corrington
preached a funeral discourse, which we were not permitted to hear.
Pinckard was born in Alton in 1837, and was the son of William G.
Pinckard Esq., of Alton. In the year 1852, he was apprenticed to the
late Judge Bailhache, then editor of the Alton Telegraph, to learn
the printing business, with whom he faithfully served. After the
expiration of his apprenticeship, he worked in the law office of
Hon. Lyman Trumbull with the intention of devoting his life to the
profession; but after the election of that man to the U. S. Senate,
he again had returned to his trade, working in Jacksonville,
Springfield, and Alton – part of the time as local editor of the
Alton Courier.
On September 16, 1857, he married Miss Em____ Henderson of
Jerseyville, Illinois. He passed about two years in this city in the
Alton Courier office and in the mercantile trade, when he removed to
Springfield, Illinois. Remaining there only a short time, he again
removed to Edwardsville, the county seat of Madison County, and up
to the breaking out of the Rebellion [Civil War], published the
Madison County Advertiser. He supported Mr. Lincoln through the
columns of his paper, strongly and forcibly, and did much towards
the success of the Republican Party in that canvass.
Answering the first call for three months men, he enlisted in the
gallant 9th Regiment, in which he served during the three months,
and upon the re-organization of that regiment for three years, he
was commissioned by Governor Yates, at the request of Colonel E. A.
Paine, as Regimental Quartermaster. He served in that capacity until
after the capture of Fort Donaldson, when he was detailed as Acting
Assistant Quartermaster on the staff of the late General C. F.
Smith. He held that position until the death of that officer.
In June 1862, he was appointed Captain and Assistant Quartermaster
by the President, and assigned duty in the Army of the Potomac. In
May 1863, he was ordered to Charleston, West Virginia, where he
remained on the staff of General E. P. Scammon, until the 25th of
January, when he accompanied the General to Cumberland, Maryland.
When returning, and within 28 miles of his post, the boat and all on
board were captured by a party of Rebels, and the General and staff
taken as prisoners to the interior. The party that captured them
were in turn surprised by our troops, and Captain Pinckard was
killed by the fire of our own men.
Mr. Pinckard was a young man of unblemished moral character,
possessed more than ordinary talent, and was brave and daring to
fault, and was a warm and enthusiastic defender of his country.
Although he has been taken away almost in the beginning of his
manhood, yet he has left a fame which must prove a great comfort and
consolation to his many friends in their severe bereavement.
While traveling by boat to Charleston, West Virginia, Captain
William G. Pinckard was captured by the Confederates, led by Colonel
Milton Jameson Ferguson, whose goal was to draw attention of the
Union forces away from eastern Virginia. After their capture,
Captain Pinckard, a Lieutenant, a Sergeant, and another Union
soldier were seated around a campfire in the Confederate camp, when
Colonel George Gallup, of the Union 14th Kentucky Infantry, attacked
Ferguson’s camp. Approximately five Confederate soldiers were killed
during this “Battle of Murder Hollow,” with others wounded. Captain
Pinckard, and the three others seated around the campfire, were
killed by the bullets from the 14th Kentucky Infantry. Pinckard
lived six hours, and before his death, requested that his body be
sent to Alton. Colonel Ferguson was arrested. The skirmish occurred
in the dead of winter, and the bodies reportedly froze to the
ground. When the thaw came, the stream ran red with blood. Rumors
are that Murder Hollow is haunted to this day. Captain William G.
Pinckard is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
Captain Pinckard’s father was William G. Pinckard Sr. The father
came to Illinois in the Autumn of 1819. He and William Heath
operated a pottery near Upper Alton. William Sr.’s father, Nathaniel
Pinckard, became a resident of Upper Alton also at this time.
William Pinckard Sr. and Daniel Crume entered a contract in 1818 to
build a log house for Colonel Rufus Easton, founder of Alton. The
house was used as a “stopping place,” or boarding house, and when
torn down in 1868, the logs were found to be as sound as when they
were put up. This was the first house erected in Alton, although
small rude cabins had been previously erected. William Pinckard Sr.
died in March 1866.
Particulars of Captain Pinckard's Death
Source: March 11, 1864
We are permitted to make the following extract from a letter
received by Thomas S. Pinckard, from Captain A. J. Allen,
Catlettsburg, Kentucky. We are gratified to learn that he was well
treated while a prisoner, and died with kind friends around him.
“Captain Pinckard was killed about sixty miles from where I was. As
I had formerly known him, and being from Illinois, I took more than
ordinary interest in the matter. I had a long conversation with the
Rebel Colonel Ferguson in relation to him. It appears that Captain
Pinckard was anxious to be exchanged, and so also was the Rebel
Colonel Ferguson anxious to effect the exchange. A flag of truce was
within two hours of the camp at the time of the unfortunate affair.
Colonel Gallup had given orders to his men not to fire upon the
Rebels unless they should attempt resistance after being summoned to
surrender, but when the demand was made for surrender, the Rebels
caught up their arms and fired on our men. Our troops immediately
returned the fire, killing among the rest several of our men who
were in the Rebel hands. Captain Pinckard fell mortally wounded, but
lived about six hours. He requested that his body be sent to Alton,
or such place as his wife might direct. He spoke in terms of praise
of the manner in which he was treated while a prisoner. He often
mentioned his wife and children.”
PINCKARD, WILLIAM GREEN SR./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 23,
Alton Pioneer, Mayor, Justice of the Peace, Coroner
William G. Pinckard Sr., of Alton, died March 13, 1866, at 4:30
o'clock, at his residence on Third Street. Mr. Pinckard was born in
Culpepper County, Virginia, July 13, 1793, and was consequently in
his 73rd year. Early in 1800, his parents emigrated to Ohio, where
he grew to manhood amid the hardships and dangers to which early
pioneers were generally exposed. Volunteering in the service of his
country in the War of 1812, he was among those in General McArthur's
command, who were surrendered to the British as prisoners of war by
General Hull at Detroit. On December 15, 1814, he was married to
Elizabeth Warner, at London, Madison County, Ohio, by Rev. Jonathan
Minchell. In the Fall of the year 1818, he emigrated to the
Territory of Illinois, and reached what is now known as Upper Alton,
on November 20 of that year, and determined to make it his home. At
that early day there was not more than twenty families within a
circuit of fifty miles from the present location of this city,
except at the village of St. Louis. Two log cabins stood upon the
ground now occupied by the city of Alton. All was a vast, unbroken
wilderness. Milton, where the road crossed the Wood River, was then
the place of importance and trade. Several stores and dwellings were
erected there when he first reached the county. Here among the early
settlers, he found a pleasant, happy home, and with his well-beloved
wife, and in the bosom of his family, he saw the wilderness
disappear, and the large city and the thickly-settled country take
its place. Here he resided for more than forty-seven years.
The last twenty-five years he served his fellow-citizens in various
offices of trust and confidence in the city government. He had a
most rugged and powerful constitution, and until attacked by
paralysis, the disease of which he died, he enjoyed most excellent
health. Last November, he was stricken down with paralysis, and for
several weeks his life was despaired of; but he rallied, and was
able to be about, although quite feeble, until March 9, when he was
again brought down by the disease, and his silver cord of life
finally gave way yesterday, while he was surrounded by his wife and
children and friends. A good man has gone.
Mr. Pinckard was a life-long Christian and a consistent member of
the Methodist Church. His house was ever the home of the minister,
and to the weary, hungry or sick, his latch-string was ever out. He
was the father of fourteen children, six of whom live to mourn the
loss of a kind and loving father. His life-long and devoted wife has
been in feeble health for many years, but yet lives to mourn the
loss of him with whom she spent more than half a century of useful,
happy married life.
William Green Pinckard was born July 13, 1793, in Culpeper County,
Virginia. His father was Rev. Nathaniel Pinckard, and his mother is
possibly Lucy Green, daughter of Colonel William Green. In 1800, the
Pinckard family moved to Ohio, where William grew into manhood. In
1812, William volunteered to serve during the War of 1812. He was
among those captured by the British, and held a prisoner of war in
Detroit. On December 15, 1814, he married Elizabeth Warner in
Madison County, Ohio. In 1818, William and Elizabeth, along with
William Heath and Daniel Crume, traveled by covered wagon to the
Illinois Territory. On their way westward, they met immigrants going
eastward, who declared that if they went to Alton, they would all
die, and that it was the “graveyard of the West.” Before arriving in
what would later be called Bozzatown near Upper Alton, they stopped
at the settlement of Milton near the Wood River, where they
purchased supplies from Rev. Thomas Lippincott, who operated a store
there. The group then travel west, and settled at Shields’ Branch
(near Bozza and Pearl Street in Alton).
At Bozzatown, William and his companions took possession of a
“half-faced” camp, in which the whole party lived in for two months.
The cabin was about 16 feet square, with a clapboard roof which had
a hole in it for the smoke of the fire to escape. Soon after their
arrival, Major Charles W. Hunter, proprietor of what was afterward
called Huntertown, made an offer of town lots if they would
establish a pottery on his land. They agreed, and the party built a
cabin of round logs, with one room, sixteen feet square. During the
winter of 1818-19, William G. Pinckard and Daniel Crume made a
contract with Colonel Rufus Easton (founder of Alton), to build a
house of oak logs. It had two large rooms, with one open space
between them. The house served as a boarding house in Alton for some
years. It stood near the corner of Broadway and Piasa Street. It was
during this time period, that William’s father, Rev. Nathaniel
Pinckard, moved from Ohio to Upper Alton. In 1819, William T.
Pinckard, assisted by Crume and Heath, built a frame house for Major
Hunter, which was the first frame building erected in Hunterstown.
This house stood on Broadway.
Throughout his lifetime in Alton, William Pinckard was civic-minded,
and served in various offices. He was Justice of the Peace
(1837-1848), fourth Mayor of Alton (1839-1840), Madison County
Coroner (1854-1856), Alton’s first town Marshall (1846-1849), and
Alton Alderman (1854 and 1855). He and his wife had fourteen
children, with only three sons and three daughters still living in
William G. Pinckard died March 13, 1866, in Alton. Surviving were
his wife and six children. He was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
The following are known children of William G. Pinckard:
Reverend John Camp Pinckard (1820-1898); died in Kansas City, Kansas
after being stricken with paralysis. He left a wife, a son, Dr.
Cyrus G. Pinckard, and two daughters, Emma Pinckard and Mrs. W. H.
Pumphrey. He was buried in Groveland, Illinois.
Reverend Patrick McLene Pinckard (1822-1871); died in September 1871
in Nevada, Missouri. Married to Lucy Jane Lyell of Missouri, and was
editor of the St. Louis Christian Advocate. He is buried in the
Bellefontaine Cemetery in St. Louis.
Elizabeth B. Green (1826-1924); died in Pana, Illinois, at the home
of her nephew and niece. It is unknown who her husband was.
Thomas Stanton Pinckard (June 19, 1833 – April 1911); died in
Mechanicsburg, Illinois, at the home of his daughter. Thomas was
part owner of the Alton Telegraph, and enlisted as a Private in
Yates Dragoons during the Civil War. He was later in the First
Illinois Cavalry.
Captain William Green Pinckard Jr. (1837-1864); killed by friendly
fire in the Battle of Murder Hollow during the Civil War. Before the
war he was an apprentice at the Alton Telegraph, then worked in the
law office of Lyman Trumbull. He also operated a store in Upper
Alton, and was the first to have free delivery.
Joseph Henry Pinckard, infant; died in October 1843.
Emma Pinckard; opened a school in 1865 in her father’s home on the
corner of Third and Alby Streets.
PINEMANN, LENA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 1, 1902
Mrs. Lena Pinemann died Tuesday morning at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Lena Boedy, 827 east Fifth street, after a long illness. She
leaves one daughter, five grandchildren, and sixteen
great-grandchildren. Mrs. Pinemann was a woman most respected and
loved by all who knew her. She was a quiet, motherly woman, always
having a pleasant word for her acquaintances, and there are many who
came within range of her genial, sunny disposition who sincerely
regret her death. She had lived here many years.
PINKERTON, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20,
Mrs. Margaret Pinkerton, aged 75, died at St. Joseph's hospital this
morning after an illness from cancer of the liver, resulting from an
accident she suffered last fall. It was her pride that she could do
any kind of physical labor, no matter how hard, and even in her old
age she continued to do what she considered her share of the farm
work. Mrs. Pinkerton thought it no disgrace for a woman to do a
man's work, in face she insisted upon woman's rights and she would
do a man's part in the field. She could plow a furrow as straight as
any man who ever held a plow, and she could hew a log with as true
an aim as any woodsman that ever chopped a tree. She could do any
kind of work around the livestock on the farm and knew as much about
farming as any man in this part of the country. She was considered
one of the most remarkable women in the state of Illinois. Her boast
was that she did not lose her strength as she grew older, and that
she was able to do anything that anyone else could do about the
farm. Last fall while she was feeding the cattle on her farm near
Belletrees where she lived alone with her son, Louis Pinkerton, she
carried a heavy sack of corn and was trying to throw it over a fence
when she staggered and fell toward the fence. The sack of corn
pinioned her down, sliding down on her body and holding her there
until she was almost exhausted from struggling. Finally she managed
to struggle free by throwing the sack of corn off of her to the
ground. She did not tell anyone of her injury until she was brought
here to be treated at the hospital, her son said. She then told him
what she believed to be the trouble with her. The attending
physicians found that a cancer of the liver had developed and it
proved fatal. Mrs. Pinkerton was twice married, first to a man named
Brewer and she was known by both names, Brewer and Pinkerton. Indeed
her son, by her second marriage, was known by both names and said
today that it made little difference to him which name he was
called, whether by that of his own father or that of the man his
mother married the first time. Mrs. Pinkerton was born of French
parents in France, but came to America and settled at Portage des
Sioux when a young girl. Her parents were driven across the river by
floods in the early days, principally the flood of 1844, and they
settled at Belltrees, where she lived until she was brought to Alton
to die. The body will be taken to Belltrees for burial, and services
will be held here tomorrow morning at 7:45 o'clock at St. Mary's
PINKERTON, SAMUEL M./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 26,
Died at the residence of Joseph Noble in Summerfield, on the 26th
last, Samuel M. Pinkerton, aged 51 years. The deceased was an old
and esteemed citizen, and leaves friends to deplore his loss.
PINKSTONE, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 6,
Civil War Veteran
The funeral of Samuel Pinkstone, old soldier and former resident of
Alton, was held this morning from Union Depot. The body arrived from
Shipman and was met at the train by a squad of old soldiers and
Women's Relief Corps and Daughters of Veterans members. The flag of
the Daughters of Veterans at the Myrtle House was at half-mast from
the time the funeral party left Shipman until after the funeral.
Seven members of the G. A. R. served as pallbearers. Burial was in
City Cemetery.
PINKSTONE, SAMUEL JR./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 18,
Samuel Pinkstone Jr. died last night of consumption of the lymphatic
glands after a long and painful illness, at the age of 16 years and
9 months. Deceased was thrown from a horse a little over two years
ago, and received a kick from the animal by which his skull was
fractured and one eye destroyed. He recovered from the accident
sufficiently to appear in ordinary health for a time, but it is
thought that the injuries received on that occasion induced the
disease that caused his death. It is a sad affliction to his parents
and other relatives. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the
family residence, corner of Fourteenth and George Streets. Friends
are invited to attend.
PINTA, DOLDASSARE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 22,
Doldassare Pinta, the four year old daughter of J. Pinta of 2000
East Broadway, died at the home last evening following an accident
in which the little girl was scalded in catsup. During the catsup
making time at the Pinta home the child was playing around the yard.
The catsup was being made in a big kettle so that an open fire could
be made under it. Not noticing where she was going, the little tot
fell into the kettle of catsup. Her cries attracted other members of
the family who were nearby, and she was pulled from the catsup but
not in time to keep her from being seriously burned. The child
lingered between life and death until last evening. She died at 4
o'clock. The funeral was held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the
St. Mary's Church. The services were conducted at the church by
Father Tarrant.
PISWULSKI, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
Wednesday, July 24, 1912
Coroner Streeper held an inquest this morning at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Hess, where a little child, five months old, died Tuesday
morning without medical attention. The parents of the child gave
their name as Piswulski, and they crossed the ocean on their way to
Alton six weeks ago. Neither one could speak English and it was
necessary to have an interpreter to give their evidence to the
coroner's jury. Mrs. Peter Herzog, a neighbor of the family,
explained their conversation to the jury. Mrs. Piswalski said the
child was born on February 21, 1912, in Germany, and had been in
perfect health all its life. She said that while the family made the
voyage across the water, it seemed to enjoy the trip and was never
sick. Last Sunday, shortly after dinner, the child became very sick
and had vomiting spells. It continued ill and on Monday a neighbor
gave the German family a prescription, saying their child had been
sick, evidently with the same disease, and that their physician had
given them this prescription to have filled. The German family sent
the prescription to the drugstore and gave the child the medicine
according to the directions. The child died at 2:30 the next morning
without further medical attention. Dr. L. L. Yerkes was sworn in as
foreman of the coroner's jury and he said that from the evidence
given by the parents about the child's sickness, he would infer the
cause of its death was cholera infantum. Upon his recommendation the
jury gave a verdict to that effect. The body was taken immediately
to St. Joseph's cemetery.
PITTS, ELIZABETH (nee VAUGHN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 17,
Died in Alton on the 14th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth, consort of Samuel
Pitts Sr., in the 61st year of her age. [See Captain Samuel Pitts
Sr. obituary below.]
PITTS, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 27, 1847
Died on Saturday last, George, youngest son of Captain Samuel Pitts
of Alton, aged 17 months.
PITTS, ISABELLA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 6, 1914
Mrs. Isabella Pitts, widow of Samuel Pitts Jr., died at the home of
her daughter Tuesday morning at 4:30 o'clock from a general break
down of her system due to old age. She was in her eighty-second
year. After the death of her husband 18 months ago, Mrs. Pitts went
to live with her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Fiegenbaum at Seventh and
Henry streets. About four months ago she began to show signs of a
breakdown, and she continued to grow weaker from day to day. She had
possessed a strong constitution and it took a long time for the
powerful body machine to wear out completely.....Mrs. Pitts was a
native of Scotland. She came to this country with her parents when
an infant, and after being in New York awhile she went to
Cincinnatti where she attended the public schools. In 1850 the
family moved to Upper Alton, and after living there a while they
moved to Springfield. In Alton she had met Samuel Pitts, and he went
to Springfield and claimed her as his bride in 1857. The couple had
five children, four of whom died. Mrs. Pitts was a member of the
First Presbyterian church. The funeral services will be held
Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock from the home of Dr. J. H.
Fiegenbaum, and will be conducted by Rev. E. L. Gibson. Burial will
be in City Cemetery.
PITTS, MILLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 3, 1903
Mrs. Amos Pitts, aged 60, died at her home in North Alton, Friday
evening. She leaves four children. The funeral will be Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Union Baptist church to Rocky Fork
PITTS, SAMUEL JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 11, 1912
Samuel Pitts, in his 80th year, died Monday night at 10:30 o'clock
at his residence, 607 State street, from uraemic poisoning. Mr.
Pitts had been ill about two weeks. He was taken down suddenly and
his case developed a very grave aspect early, but his strong
constitution seemed to be giving great assistance in overcoming the
disease, and there was some hope that he might rally. The last few
days of his life, however, his condition had become such there was
no hope for his recovery. Mr. Pitts was one of the best known and
oldest residents of Alton. He had lived in the city over 76 years,
having come here with his parents when he was 3 years of age. He was
engaged in business many years until a few years ago, when he
retired from the firm of Pitts & Hamill. Mr. Pitts was one of the
few survivors of the old days in Alton. He was engaged in the
tinsmith business, first with his brother. In 1879 he took in as his
partner, Joseph Hamill, and they remained together until recently.
Mr. Pitts was in business in the olden days when a tin roof put on a
building stayed as long as the building lasted. There are many old
roofs still doing good service on old business houses which Mr.
Pitts put there. His memory of olden times was good, and it was
interesting to hear him recount his early experiences. He filled the
post of trustee and also that of elder in the First Presbyterian
church for many years. During his long life in Alton he had made for
himself a reputation of strict honesty. He was a man of cheerful
disposition and scattered sunshine and happiness wherever he went.
It was one of his rules not to say evil of anyone. Mr. Pitts' death
was expected, but it is nevertheless a sad event for the large
circle of friends who had learned to love and respect the kindly old
gentleman. He is survived by his wife and by one daughter, Mrs. J.
H. Fiegenbaum. Samuel Pitts was born at Boston, Mass., March 14,
1833. He came to Alton with his parents in 1836. He went into
business with his brother, William Pitts, in 1856. He was married
fifty-four years ago. His only sister is Mrs. Eli T. Hollister of
St. Louis, Now the last of the family. The funeral will be held
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock from the home, and will be private.
[Burial was held at City Cemetery.]
PITTS, SAMUEL SR. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph,
September 25, 1884 (submitted by Charles Harris)
Captain Samuel Pitts Sr., one of our oldest, most respected
residents, died Thursday morning [September 18, 1884], after a
painful illness of ten day’s duration. Captain Pitts was born at
Orange, Massachusetts, July 12, 1802, and was, consequently, 82
years, 2 months and 6 days old. He came to Alton, August 12, 1836,
when he was 34 years of age, and has resided here ever since. He was
proprietor of the old Alton House, burned in 1837, his partner being
Washington T. Libby, now of the Briggs House, Chicago. He was
afterwards proprietor of the Franklin House on State Street. He was
for a time interested with his son, Samuel Pitts Jr., in the stove
and tin ware business, and for the last five years has been
connected with the store and hardware firm of Pitts & Hamill. His
wife died in 1866. He was a member of the Baptist Church, an
affable, genial, unassuming Christian gentleman, a true friend and
one greatly esteemed by all who had the privilege of his
acquaintance during the long period he resided here. He left two
children, Mrs. Mary Hollister of St. Louis, and Mr. Samuel Pitts
Jr., of this city, besides other relatives and many attached friends
to mourn his death.
Captain Pitts was one of the old guard, of whom so few are now left.
He was one of the pioneers who participated in the early struggles
of our city, and had been identified with its growth and progress
for a period of almost fifty years. Always faithful to his duties as
a man and a citizen, upright and honorable in his business career,
he filled well his part in all the relations of life. And now at a
ripe old age, he is “gathered to his fathers,” leaving behind the
record of his useful and well-spent years.
The funeral took place at 3 o’clock p.m. Friday from the residence
of his son on State Street. The large attendance of old residents,
business men, and neighbors testified to the esteem and affection
entertained for this genial, kind-hearted gentleman, whose venerable
form had been a familiar object upon our streets for many years. In
the unavoidable absence of Dr. Abbott, the pastor of the deceased,
the services were conducted by Rev. Thomas Gordon. The discourse was
a tender tribute to the life and virtues of the departed, and
included an interesting biographical sketch.
At the close of the address, the members of Alton Lodge No. 2,
I.O.O.F., of which deceased was an original member, took charge of
the services and escorted the remains of their departed brother to
the cemetery, followed by a long procession. The bearers, all Odd
Fellows, were: Dr. I.E. Hardy, Messrs. J.N. Squier, George W. Long,
James Mathie, Thomas Corbett, J. Still.
Captain Samuel Pitts Sr. was born July 12, 1802, in Massachusetts.
His ancestry is reportedly traced back to Peter Pitts, who
immigrated from Taunton, England to Taunton, Massachusetts before
1643. He married Elizabeth Vaughn in 1828 in Boston, Massachusetts.
They had six children – Samuel Pitts Jr., William Vaughn Pitts,
Charles Henry “Harry” Pitts, George Pitts, Theo Mae Pitts, and Mary
E. Pitts Hollister. The family came to Alton in 1836. He kept a
coffee house on the south side of Broadway, where he dispensed
“liquids stronger than coffee.” He was a man of strong moral
principles, and when asked to sell a mere boy port wine, he refused,
and gave the lad a strong rebuke.
Mr. Pitts joined the Pioneer Engine Company fire department, and was
one of the original members. He had previously been a member of a
fire department in the East since the age of 16. He became Captain
of the Company in 1836, and retained that title throughout his
Captain Pitts entered the hotel business, and took over the original
Alton House, which was destroyed by fire in 1837. In September 1838,
Pitts took over the United States Hotel with partner Washington T.
Libby, at the corner of Piasa and Fourth Streets in Alton. Pitts
later took over the Franklin House on State Street, where he and
Senatorial candidate Abraham Lincoln dined together on at least one
occasion. He later operated a stove and tin ware business with his
son, Samuel Jr.
In August 1866, Captain Pitts’ wife, Elizabeth, died. The Captain
also endured the loss of four of his children. George Pitts died in
1847 at the age of 17 months. William Pitts died at the age of 28
years in 1864. In March 1879, Captain Pitts lost his young daughter,
Theo Mae Pitts. The funeral took place from the Captain’s residence,
and she was buried in Alton. Charles Henry “Harry” Pitts, a son of
Captain Pitts, died in December 1883, right before Christmas. Harry
was a young man of excellent abilities – kind, generous, and
noble-hearted. He was on the threshold of manhood when his life was
taken by illness.
In 1856, Samuel Pitts Jr. went into the stove and tin ware business
in Alton with his brother, William, until William's death in 1864.
In 1879, he entered the same business in partnership with Joseph
Hamill. Captain Pitts was also connected with the business with his
Captain Samuel Pitts died September 18, 1884, and was buried in the
Alton City Cemetery. Samuel Pitts Jr. died in 1912, and is also
buried in the Alton City Cemetery, along with his wife, Isabella,
who died in 1914.
PITTS, THEODOSIA MAY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 27, 1879
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pitts Jr. were Monday called to mourn the death
of their youngest daughter, Theodosia May, after an illness of nine
days of inflammatory rheumatism. Theo was a favorite both with young
and old, her bright, genial disposition making her friends with all
who knew her, and she will be much missed by her school mates. But
the pall thrown over the parental hearts by such an event can only
be fully appreciated by those who have been similarly bereaved. In
the hour of their affliction, all will sympathize with Mr. and Mrs.
Pitts, and will hope that the hand of a kind Heavenly Father, who
removes the bright jewels from the household below to that above,
will sustain and comfort them. At the funeral of little Theo May
Pitts, which took place at the residence of her father, her
classmates from the Presbyterian and State Street Mission Sunday
Schools sang, “I am so glad that Jesus love me,” and “Little Lambs,”
with touching effect.
Theodosia May Pitts was born in 1871, and died March 24, 1879, at
the age of 7 or 8. She was the daughter of Samuel Pitts (1833-1912)
and Isabella Pringle Pitts (1832-1914), and was buried in the Alton
City Cemetery. Besides her parents, she was survived by her brothers
and sister: Sophie Elizabeth Pitts Fiegenbaum (1859-1939); and Henry
Charles Pitts (1863-1883). Two brothers preceded her in death:
William A. Pitts (1862-1864) and Lee Irwin Pitts (1865-1868).
PITTS, WILLIAM V./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 3, 1864
Died in Alton on the 1rst instant, William V. Pitts, of the firm of
S. & W. Pitts, aged 28 years. His funeral will be attended from his
father’s residence on Belle Street tomorrow (Friday) afternoon, at
three o’clock. His friends and the acquaintances of the family are
invited to attend. Mr. Pitts’ death will be much regretted in Alton,
as he was born and raised in the place, and was well and favorably
known by nearly all of our citizens. He had just commenced his
career in life, under very promising circumstances, and possessing,
as he did, an amiable disposition and an excellent moral character,
he won the confidence and affection of all with whom he became
acquainted. His bereaved father and mother, and brother and sister
have our heartfelt sympathy, in this their great trial.
PLAGER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 29, 1897
From Fosterburg – Mrs. Plager, a German lady whose friends were
numerous in this vicinity, died at her home three miles north of the
Burg on Sunday, at the age of 68 years. For years she has been a
faithful member of the Baptist Church here. Mrs. Plager was a lady
of many good qualities, a kind mother who will be greatly missed.
Funeral services took place at the Baptist Church.
PLATT, HARRISON “HARRY” H./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 14,
Youngest Son of Anson B. Platt
The many friends of Mr. Harry H. Platt, a young man born and raised
in Alton, youngest son of the late Anson B. Platt, will be saddened
by the news of his death which took place Saturday last in St.
Louis. The deceased had been for some time in New Mexico with a
railroad engineering corps, and was prostrated with what is known as
“brake bone” fever. He rallied from the first attack, but as a
result of the fever was attacked on December 26 by paralysis. His
mother went out to care for him, and he recovered so far that his
physician advised his being taken home. Within an hour after his
mother started back with him, he had a second stroke of paralysis on
the train. He was brought to St. Louis, but never rallied, and the
disease resulted fatally Saturday. Harry was a genial pleasant young
man, a favorite with all, and his many relations and friends are
greatly afflicted. The remains were brought to Alton for interment.
PLATT, WILLIAM A./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1873
Mr. William A. Platt, who has been a resident of Alton for the last
35 or 40 years, died Monday a.m., about 6 o’clock. For a great many
years he was regarded as among our most industrious and prosperous
citizens. He had served several terms as a member of the Common
Council, and took much interest in the growth and prosperity of the
city. He has left a wife, three daughters, and a large circle of
relatives and friends to mourn his loss. The funeral will take place
tomorrow afternoon, from his late residence on State Street.
PLATT, WILLIAM H./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 28, 1896
Suicide by Rat Poison
William H. Platt, formerly a resident of Alton, took his own life
Wednesday at his home in Upper Alton, with a self-administered dose
of rat poison. Without apprising anyone of his intention, he took
the poison that night, and at once became violently ill. His wife,
supposing he was suffering from the effects of a prolonged spree,
administered the simple remedies usually employed in such cases, and
awaited his recovery. He died in the most excruciating agony. After
his death. Dr. T. P. Yerkes was summoned, and his experience at once
told him that Platt had died from other causes. A search of the room
in which he died resulted in the finding of an empty Rough-on-Rats
bottle. A further search revealed a note written by the suicide to
his wife, telling her that he had committed suicide and bidding her
take good care of the three children. Coroner Kinder was notified,
and empanelled a jury. The verdict was that Platt deliberately
planned by himself his death, and that he alone was responsible.
Platt leaves a wife and three children, and was insured for $2,000
in the I.O.M.A. He had served as harbor master in Alton for several
terms, and was for many years a pension agent here.
PLATZ, AUGUST/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 2, 1887
August Platz, a well-known character who has often been seen on
horseback on our streets in a soldier’s uniform, was found dead
yesterday at his home, where he lived quite alone, in the
neighborhood of Clifton. He was about 70 years of age, and had
served in the Union army. Mr. Platz was a veteran of the 97th
Illinois Infantry, and attended the reunion held in Alton last
PLATZ, JOHANNA C./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 31, 1889
Died in North Alton this morning, of dropsy, Mrs. Johanna C., widow
of the late August G. Platz; aged 78 years. The funeral will take
place Saturday morning, Nov. 2, at the residence of Henry Grenzbach.
Interment at Melville Cemetery. Friends are invited to attend.
PLEGGE, EDWARD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 10, 1887
From Bethalto – Mr. Ed Plegge, a much-respected farmer who resided
two and a half miles southwest of Bethalto, died at his residence on
Monday morning last, aged forty-nine years. He leaves a wife and
several children who have the sympathy of all. The funeral will take
place Wednesday from the family residence. The remains to be
interred at the Lutheran Cemetery, east of town.
PLEGGE, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 20,
From Bethalto – Death claimed another of the family of Mrs. Ed
Plegge last Saturday, this time a child about 2 years of age.
PLOEGER, SARAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 11, 1875
From Fosterburg – Among the recent deaths is the death of Miss Sarah
Ploeger. The universal sympathy of the people was well expressed
through an unusually large funeral, that attended her remains to the
church, and from there to the cemetery. The Rev. Charles H. Becker
delivered, in the German Baptist Church, an able and touching sermon
on the occasion.
PLUMB, CORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 7, 1920
Many friends gathered at the Cathedral this morning at 9 o'clock to
attend the funeral of Mrs. Cora Plumb, whose death occurred on
Saturday night at 8:30 o'clock, following an illness of over a year.
The interment was in the Melville cemetery. The pallbearers were
George Bowen, Frank Bowen, Frank Demuth, Frank Bauer, Frank Merkle
and John Gissler. Among those attending from a distance were Mr. and
Mrs. Willia LaFaivre of Missouri, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Denham of
Elsah, Mrs. Wiseman, twin sister of Mrs. Plumb of Jerseyville, and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaFaivre.
PLUMMER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 25, 1903
The funeral of Joseph Plummer will take place Thursday morning from
the home of his sister, 726 East Second street, to Milton Cemetery.
POAG, CLARA JULIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 01, 1905
The funeral of Mrs. Clara Poag, wife of Hugh Poag, was held Thursday
from the home near _____. Mrs. Poag was 29 years of age, and was
beloved by all who knew her. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fangenroth. [Surviving was her husband, Hugh Poag, and two children
– Richard Fielding Poag (1900-1946) and Benjamin Gordon Poag
(1903-1986). She was buried in the Wanda Cemetery in South Roxana.]
POAG, HUGH F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19, 1942
Hugh F. Poag was born in Chouteau Township, Madison County,
Illinois, on November 13, 1869. He was the son of Andrew J.
(1834-1904) and Lucinda (Sanders) (1837-1920) Poag, pioneer settlers
in Chouteau Township. Andrew served in Company B, Telegraph Corps,
Missouri Volunteers during the Civil War. Hugh spent all his life in
Chouteau Township, and at the time of his death in 1942, resided
within sight of the homestead where he was born.
Hugh Poag married twice – first to Clara Julia Fangenroth in 1895,
who died in 1905; and second to Lena Wasman in 1906. His children
are: Richard Fielding Poag of Long Beach, California; Benjamin G.
Poag of Alton; Gilbert E. and Donald Hugh Poag of Chouteau Township;
and Mrs. Edna L. Poag Huebner of South Roxana.
Hugh Poag was found dead in the yard at his home by his wife on
March 18, 1942. She had returned home after visiting her sister.
Hugh had worked during the morning in the yard doing chores. His
death was attributed to a heart attack.
Poag was active in the Wanda vicinity community for more than half a
century. He served 12 years as secretary of the Wanda School Board,
and was secretary for a number of years of the Wanda Cemetery Board.
He was buried in the Wanda Cemetery.
POAG, LUCINDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 18, 1920
Mrs. Lucinda Poag, a lifelong resident of the neighborhood of Wanda,
died Wednesday night at her home from arterial hardening, in the
83rd year. She was born and reared and passed all her life near the
one place and was one of the best known of the older rural residents
of the county. Mrs. Poag's son, John L. Poag, died February 11 from
arterial hardening, and after his mother learned of his death she
failed rapidly. She had been paralyzed for eight months prior to her
death. She was a daughter of Samuel Sanders, and was born April 25,
1837. When she was 16 she united with the Baptist church at
Bethalto, but later joined the Methodist church at Wanda, which was
nearer to her home. She was married July 6, 1863. She leaves four
children: Harry, Hugh and Curtiss Poag, and one daughter, Mrs. Frank
Smith. The funeral will be Saturday at 2 p.m. from the home, Rev. C.
W. Webb of Wood River officiating.
POEHLMAN, BARBARA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 26,
Mrs. Barbara Poehlman, aged 86, died at the home of her son-in-law,
Theodore Masel, Ninth and George streets, at 2:30 o'clock Saturday
morning. She had been suffering from pneumonia for a week. Mrs.
Poehlmann was born in Germany and came to America in 1883. She had
lived fifteen years in Alton. Her daughter, Mrs. Masel, died, and
she continued to make her home with her son-in-law and his children.
She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Fred Dietz of Seattle, Wash., and six
grandchildren, five of whom are children of her deceased daughter,
Mrs. Masel. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
from the Masel home, and services will be conducted by Rev. E. L.
POELING, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 18, 1910
Saloon Porter Stabbed to Death
Henry Poeling died at St. Joseph's hospital Monday afternoon from
the effects of wounds inflicted by Robert Smith, negro porter at the
Lincoln hotel. Poeling was porter at the Aswege saloon and boarded
at the Lincoln. Late Saturday evening the negro and white man, with
another white man, had been drinking beer. Later Poeling accused
Smith of stealing a beer bottle from him, and following that, when
Poeling had retired to his room, the stabbing occurred. The fight
was not reported to the police, and the officers discovered it by
accident. Officer Richey stumbled across the negro in Sugar alley,
but being unable to get any information from anyone around the
hotel, turned Smith loose after questioning him. Smith led the
officer to believe he was going home. The full details of the fight
were not obtained until Sunday morning, and then Chief Maxwell,
assisted by Officers Lewis and Fahrig, made the arrest. When taken
into the police court Monday morning, Smith at first pleaded not
guilty, then consented to waive a preliminary examination and was
held under $1,000 bond. At that time it was not known whether
Poeling would die. Poeling was much worse Sunday night, and it
became necessary to remove him to St. Joseph's hospital. There he
very soon became so bad that it was impossible for assistant state’s
attorney Wilson to get a statement from him. Dr. Duggan said that
Poeling was in a dying condition and could not last through Monday
night. Assistant States Attorney Wilson, unable to get a dying
statement from Poeling, secured a very good statement from Smith,
the accused negro, in which Smith, in the presence of three
witnesses, told the story of the stabbing to Mr. Wilson, and this
was taken down. Smith claimed that after Poeling had retired to his
room he went to the door and demanded admission, for the purpose of
being revenged for an epithet Poeling had applied to him. Poeling
refused to answer, and when Smith continued demanding that he open
the door, using threatening language, Poeling did open the door.
Smith claims Poeling had a beer bottle in one hand and a club in the
other. He claims Poeling threw the bottle at him and that he then
got in the room and took the club from Poeling. Then Poeling started
to run away, and as he ran down the stairs, Smith admits, he stuck
the long knife in Poeling's back. Assistant States Attorney Wilson
says the story, told as it was in the presence of witnesses, would
convict Smith of a penitentiary offense at least. The fact that he
roused a sleeping man to renew a quarrel might be made a case of
murder in the first degree in event of a fatal outcome of the wound
inflicted when Poeling was trying to run away from Smith.
POETTGEN, SOPHIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 18, 1877
Mrs. Poettgen, an old resident of Alton, living on Tenth Street near
Langdon, was found dead in her bed last Thursday morning by Freddy
Rudershausen, who went to her house at that hour on an errand.
Deceased had resided alone, refusing to have company. Her health had
been poor for several years, and her death was not entirely
unexpected by her neighbors. She was found lying on her bed with her
clothing on, and from indications, had probably been up and down all
night, the fire still being alive in the stove in the room. Deceased
appeared very much attenuated, as though she had suffered from long,
continued illness. She was a native of Prussia, born in 1809, and
has been a resident of Alton almost 42 years.
From the evidence offered, we learned that she had not been seen
alive since Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Louisa Thornton, daughter of
deceased, Fred Rudershausen, aged 11, and Bridget Powers, aged 14,
were examined, after which the Coroner’s jury, empaneled by J.
Quarton, J. P., with Dr. Hardy as foreman, found the following
verdict: “We, the jury, find that deceased, Mrs. Sophia Poettgen,
came to her death at her home in Alton on January 11, 1877, from
congestion of the lungs, consequent upon chronic catarrh.”
It is supposed that the deceased was possessed of considerable
means. Her will was left in the care of her son-in-law, Mr.
Thornton. She leaves three children – two daughters and one son –
all arrived at the age of maturity. She was about 68 years of age.
POGUE, AMASA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 12, 1881
Son of Dr. Pogue
From Edwardsville, May 11 – Amasa, aged 4 years, only son of Doctor
Pogue of Edwardsville, was drowned at 9 o’clock a.m. by falling into
the pond in the yard near the doctor’s residence.
POGUE, ELIZABETH (nee HOAGLAN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February
22, 1894
Mrs. Elizabeth Pogue, wife of Dr. Joseph Cooper Pogue, died
yesterday morning at her home in Edwardsville, after ten days
sickness of pneumonia. Mrs. Pogue was born in White Hall, Illinois
in 1838, but her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hoagland, moved to
Alton when she was quite young, and here she grew to womanhood, and
here remain many friends who were attached to her and who will
sincerely mourn her death. Three children, her husband, her parents,
two sisters (Miss Katherine Hoagland of Alton, and Mrs. Ellen Covill
of St. Louis) and one brother, John Hoagland, are left of her
nearest relatives to bear the anquish of her loss. The Edwardsville
Intelligencer, in speaking of the lady, says:
“Mrs. Pogue took an active interest in everything that tended to the
development of the city, socially and intellectually. In the little
parties and gatherings, she was a moving spirit. She labored for the
church, for the public library, and all else in which the help of
woman was needed. Her home life was serene and beautiful. Like every
true woman, she was always happiest with her family. She was a good
companion of her husband, a fond and cherished mother. She was to
all a friend. The position of her husband gave her frequent
opportunities to exercise those tender charities that endear one to
those around her, and she fulfilled every duty with a gentle hand
and kindly smile. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon. The
interment will take place at Woodlawn Cemetery. The pallbearers
selected are: Judge W. H. Krome, George Kalbfielisch, William H.
Prickett, E. W. Mudge, M. W. Clark, A. P. Wolf, W. F. L. Hadley, and
Charles Boeschenstein.
POGUE, JANE K./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 19, 1865
Died in Alton on the 16th instant, Mrs. Jane K. Pogue, after a very
brief illness, age 61 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow
morning (Thursday) the 18th inst., from her late residence in Middle
Alton. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to
POGUE, JOANNA/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1873
Died on September 13 at Edwardsville, Joanna, daughter of Joseph and
Elizabeth Pogue; aged 6 months and 21 days.
JOSEPH COOPER (DOCTOR)/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, August
20, 1919 - Submitted by Jane Denny
Edwardsville Doctor, Chief Surgeon of the Western Sharpshooters
Dr. Joseph Pogue, resident of Edwardsville for over 60 years, last
night slipped away to the realm beyond. The end came at 8:05 o'clock
after a marked decline in health since last November. He had
attained the ripe old age of 84 years, 4 months and 29 days. The
death has been expected during the past few days, but with his
wonderful recuperative powers in the past there were possibilities
for a recovery, and hopes were not given up to the very last breath.
The end is attributed to bronchial pneumonia. Plans for the funeral
were made today. Services will be held at the family residence at 3
o'clock Thursday afternoon. Rev. Jas. R. Sager of the First
Presbyterian Church will conduct the religious services. Afterward
services at the grave in Woodlawn Cemetery. Five of his oldest
friends are to serve as honorary pall bears. Two - Gaius Paddock and
Major William R. Prickett - have been friends since young men.
Dr. Pogue, at the time of his death, was one of the oldest
physicians in Illinois and Madison County. He is one of the few
Illinois doctors whose careers began before the Civil War, and he
served many second and third generations as the family physician.
With only one important interruption - the serving his county as an
army surgeon - Dr. Pogue practiced in Edwardsville since 1858. When
the War of the Rebellion [Civil War] ended, he launched his career
in Edwardsville. He was one of a number of Madison County boys with
a Missouri regiment, and in a short time became chief surgeon of the
Fourth Missouri Volunteer Infantry. It was known as the Western
Sharpshooters. His regiment was afterwards transferred, and became
the Sixty-Sixth Illinois.
Dr. Pogue was born at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on March 20, 1835.
He was a son of Joseph and Jane Knox (Cooper) Pogue. His father was
a prominent business man of Philadelphia. He added to his reputation
as a merchant broker on the Board of Exchange in connection with
cotton manufacture and a print works. The father came from Ireland,
and his mother, a highly cultured woman, belonged to a Quaker
family. Dr. Pogue acquired his early education in the public schools
and in private instructions at home. He entered Pennsylvania College
to finish his medical education, and came west to practice. He
located in Alton, but a year later came to Edwardsville. Three wives
have preceded Dr. Pogue to the grave. The first was Miss Sarah
Whitesides, to whom he was married in February 1860. Her death
occurred two years later. The second was Miss Elizabeth Hoaglan,
whom he married in March 1866. She passed away during 1894. Three
daughters survive by the union. They are Mrs. L.T. Milnor of
Cincinnati, Ohio; Mrs. C. H. Ford; and Miss Katherine B. Pogue of
Edwardsville. A son died in early life. The third wife was Mrs. Mary
Littleton McCorkle who died. Dr. Pogue and his family have long
occupied one of the most beautiful homes of Edwardsville at
Hillsboro Avenue and Commercial Street, and within a stone's throw
of the heart of the city. The natural lay of the ground permitted a
beautiful landscape with a babbling branch, rustic bridges and a
beautiful flower garden.
One of Dr. Pogue's greatest losses occurred April 2, 1912, when his
office was burned to the ground. Before the fire, it was filled with
some of the finest surgical instruments in state, a medical library
which would be envied by any physician and tens of thousands of
prescriptions which he had filled in the years of practice and most
were lost. Dr. Pogue was a member of the First Presbyterian Church
of Edwardsville.
Edwardsville Intelligencer, August 21, 1919
Dr. Pogue Laid Away. Masonic Service Conducted at Woodlawn Today. G.
A. R. Attend In a Body and Fire Farewell Salute.
The last sad rites for Dr. Joseph Pogue, whose death was told in the
Intelligencer yesterday, were held this afternoon. Services were
conducted at the family residence, many friends and acquaintances
being present. Burial was made at the Pogue lot in Woodlawn
cemetery. The home was fragrant with odor from the many floral
designs. The active pall bearers were Judge J. F. Gillham; Fred C.
Gillham, Dr. C. C. Corbet, Jesse George, E. D. Bell and Alvin C.
Bohm. The honorary pall bearers were six old friends and the
physicians of Edwardsville. They were Major W. R. Prickett, A. P.
Wolf, Gaius Paddock, A.L. Brown, George Leverett of Edwardsville and
Dr. H. M. Bascome of Peoria; Drs. R. S. Barnsbach, E.C. Ferguson,
E.W. Fiegenbaum, J.A. Hirsch, A. H. Oliver, S.T. Robinson, J.R.
Sutter, Eugune [sic?] F. Wahl, H. T. Wharff and H.E. Wharff. Gaius
Paddock, long time resident of Ft. Russell, has had intimate
relations with Dr. Pogue since the day the family arrived in Alton
55 years ago. Yesterday he came to town to pay his respects to the
family. He brought with him an interesting and well prepared account
of the family's arrival at Alton. Yesterday was another sad day for
Mr. Paddock. Besides losing whom he declared his best friend, it was
the anniversary of the death of his brother, Thomas B. Paddock, on
the ramparts at Paris, France, on Aug 20, 1871. At that time the
Germans were making a drive on Paris. Mr. Paddock's brother had
served as an officer in the Civil War and was touring Europe when
the war between France and Germany started. He enlisted as a soldier
to help the French. "Dr. Pogue was prominent in raising a company in
Edwardsville for the Civil War" said Mr. Paddock yesterday. "but did
not get to go with them. He was rejected for the Illinois volunteers
but on August 21, 1862, received a commission with a Missouri
regiment. Those days saw many copperheads. Someone raised a question
about Dr. Pogue's stand and defeated him here, but he made a
glorious record in helping saving [sic] the union. "I well remember
the arrival of the family at Alton in 1854. At the time Dr. Pogue
had not completed his medical education. Members of the family were
intelligent and highly cultivated and soon became prominent. "I
attended Dr. Pogue's first wedding and it was one of the truly
social events of the country at that time. Many of his friends and
acquaintances from far and near were present."
Dr. Joseph Pogue was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in
Edwardsville. The Grand Army of the Public (G.A.R.) attended and
fired a farewell salute. The active pallbearers were Judge J. F.
Gillham; Fred C. Gillham, Dr. C. C. Corbet, Jesse George, E. D. Bell
and Alvin C. Bohm. The honorary pallbearers were six old friends and
the physicians of Edwardsville. They were Major William R. Prickett,
A. P. Wolf, Gaius Paddock, A.L. Brown, George Leverett of
Edwardsville, and Dr. H. M. Bascome of Peoria; Drs. R. S. Barnsbach,
E. C. Ferguson, E. W. Fiegenbaum, J.A. Hirsch, A. H. Oliver, S.T.
Robinson, J.R. Sutter, Eugene, F. Wahl, H. T. Wharff and H.E.
Dr. Pogue's home was located at the northwest corner of Hillsboro
Avenue and Commercial Street. His property extended the length of
Commercial Street. His office was across the street. In 1926, the
home was razed, and the Masonic Hall was erected. His office was
also razed, and the post office erected there.
POGUE, WILLIAM H. (JUDGE)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph,
September 24, 1887
Hon. William H. Pogue, whose serious illness we have heretofore
noticed, died at noon yesterday, aged 52 years. He was suddenly
prostrated with cerebral hemorrhage on August 31, from which he
never rallied. He was born in Philadelphia in 1835, educated at
Pennington Seminary, New Jersey, and in 1854 came to Illinois with
his mother’s family, locating in Alton, where he first clerked in
the post office, and then studied law in the office of Judge
Billings. On December 27, 1860, he was married to Miss Mary A.
Warren, daughter of Judge Warren of Jerseyville, and in 1862 he
removed to that city and entered into a law partnership with Judge
Warren. He soon became prominent in Jersey County, both in his
profession and in politics, and in addition to other official
positions, was twice elected Judge of the County Court. He was a
prominent member of the Presbyterian Church, and a leading
temperance advocate. Judge Pogue leaves a widow and several
children; also, a brother, Dr. Pogue of Edwardsville, and a sister,
Mrs. Warren Hamlin of Alton.
Hon. William H. Pogue was the son of Joseph Pogue (1794-1848) and
Jane Knox Cooper Pogue (1800-1865). William’s brother was Dr. Joseph
Cooper Pogue (1835-1919) of Edwardsville. Jane Pogue is buried in
the Alton City Cemetery, and Joseph Pogue is buried in Ardmore,
Pennsylvania. William married Mary Allen Warren (1841-1926). He is
buried in the Oak Grove Cemetery in Jerseyville, Illinois.
POINDEXTER, ALEXANDER “ALLIE”/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
July 8, 1897
Suicide by Drowning
Allie Poindexter, the colored youth whose disappearance from home
has been mentioned in the Telegraph, has been found in the morgue at
St. Louis. The body was taken from the river near St. Louis Tuesday,
and the fact was mentioned in the St. Louis papers that the body of
a colored boy had been found, and the description led the mother to
believe that her boy had carried out his threat. She telegraphed to
her son in St. Louis to investigate, and he arrived here yesterday
and confirmed the fears of the mother. The body had, in the three
days that it was in the water, become unrecognizable, except for the
clothes upon it. The brother brought with him a piece of the pants,
and the goods tallied exactly with that of a vest at home belonging
with the pants which the boy had on when he left. The hair and the
shoes answered the description of Allie’s, and there is no doubt now
that the body found in the river is his. He was seen by Officer Foxx
at about five o’clock Sunday morning going toward the river, and he
must have jumped into the water from the Spread Eagle. It is
certainly strange that he was seen by no one when he jumped in. No
reason is known for the boy taking his own life. He was always
industrious, and his death is a sad blow to his widowed mother. The
body arrived from St. Louis today, and was buried this afternoon.
POINDEXTER, EARL/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 10, 1896
Killed by Streetcar
Earl Poindexter, a 14-year-old son of Mrs. Anna Poindexter, who
lives at 106 West Seventh Street, had his two legs crushed Monday at
noon by being run over by an electric car on the Middletown line.
The little fellow attends Lincoln School, and was going home to
dinner at the time the accident happened. He was riding in a wagon,
and must not have noticed the car. At Ninth and Alby, he jumped from
the wagon to the ground by the side of the track, and just as he was
crossing it the car struck him. The bones of both legs were badly
crushed by the wheels of the car which ran completely over them. The
flesh was mashed and torn, and the little fellow was in a pitable
condition. He was placed in the car and a flying trip made to town,
where he was placed in the ambulance wagon and taken to St. Joseph’s
Hospital. Doctors Taphorn and Haskell were summoned to give surgical
At the hospital, ether was administered to him, and it was found
necessary to amputate both legs above the knees. He is now in a very
precarious condition, and may not live. The general opinion of those
who saw the accident is that no one is to blame, as the car was
going very slowly, and attending circumstances will exonerate the
motorman of all blame.
The injured boy died from the effects of his injuries at 4 o’clock.
Coroner Bailey, after returning from Edwardsville last evening,
where he had taken the oath of office, legally had become coroner,
impaneled a jury to hold an inquest over the remains of Earl
Poindexter. It was the new coroner’s first case, and there was a big
crowd of coroner’s jury experts there to see that everything was
well done. The new coroner gave eminent satisfaction to even the
most critical. The verdict of the jury was that the boy came to his
death by being struck by an electric car. The body was then turned
over to the mother and taken home until preparations for a funeral
could be made. The coroner’s jury was as follows: J. A. Cooley,
George Burton, Charles Seibold, William Bauer, Joseph Bryant, and
David Kyles. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
POINTSALOT, PHILIP/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 30,
Philip Pointsalot died this morning at St. Joseph's Hospital where
he has been for the past three weeks. Pointsalot resided on Atwood
avenue, and did gardening work for the residents of Middletown. He
leaves a son and a daughter.
POLLARD, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 14, 1919
Suicide by Carbolic Acid
Joseph Pollard killed himself by drinking carbolic acid at noon time
today at the family home in the Paul flats, 533 1/2 East Third
street. His wife was just making ready to go out seeking another
house as they had been given a five day notice to vacate the place
they were occupying. His wife said that she saw her husband after he
had swallowed one ounce of acid, and she poured whisky down his
throat but it did no good. She called a doctor, but he was dead in a
few minutes after swallowing the acid. Pollard was 83 years of age.
POLLARD, MARTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 10, 1908
Mrs. Martha Pollard, aged 64, died Sunday afternoon from consumption
at the home, 912 Belle street, after a long illness. She is survived
by three children, a son and two daughters. The funeral will be held
Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock and burial will be in City Cemetery.
POLLARD, THOMAS JEFFERSON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
February 8, 1908
Thomas Jefferson Pollard died at 10 o'clock Saturday morning at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. J. F. Lindley, 600 east Second street. He
had been suffering from the infirmities of age, and coupled with
pneumonia the malady proved fatal. His body will be taken to Keokuk,
Iowa, for burial, and the party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Lindley and Mrs. Marian Sharretts of Chicago will leave Sunday
morning. Mr. Pollard was born at Lexington, Ky, June 3, 1823, where
he lived until 1848, when he moved to Keokuk, Iowa. He was elected
sheriff of Lee county, Iowa three terms, and for many years was
engaged in the wholesale and retail grocery business. He retired
fifteen years ago and two years ago he came to Alton to live. His
widow to whom he was married six years ago survives him, and is 81
years of age. The couple were members of the Methodist church from
childhood and both were always faithful, conscientious Christians.
Mr. Pollard leaves, besides his widow, six children - Thomas Pollard
of Lee county, Iowa, Amos Pollard of Keokuk, Mrs. Dora Henson of
Revere, Missouri, Mrs. L. M. Carter of St. Louis, Mrs. Marion
Sharretts of Chicago, and Mrs. J. F. Lindley of Alton. He leaves
also twenty-two grandchildren and twenty-three great-grandchildren.
POLLARD, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 28, 1896
Fireman on the Steamboat “Glad Tidings” Drowned
William Pollard, fireman on the Glad Tidings, was drowned in the
Illinois River Wednesday afternoon, about one and one-half miles
from Twelve Mile Island. The Glad Tidings left Wednesday morning
with a party of St. Louis men and the Beall Brothers onboard for a
four or five days’ outing in the vicinity of the government locks on
the Illinois River at Kampsville. Mr. Pollard, who was employed by
Beall Bros. at their shops on Belle Street, was taken along as
fireman for the launch. The houseboat, “Swan,” was lashed alongside
the Glad Tidings, and the coal supply for the cruise was onboard the
houseboat. Just before reaching Twelve Mile Island, Pollard, with
the assistance of another member of the party, was carrying some
sacks of coal to the Glad Tidings. He fell into the river, and
before his mishap was noticed, the Glad Tidings had gone on about
fifty yards. Mr. Ralph Webb jumped into the boat’s tender and
started to rescue the unfortunate man, who was swimming along
attempting to catch up with the boat. When Mr. Webb was within about
thirty feet of Pollard, the latter sank and came to the surface but
once more. His body was found shortly after it sank, and the party
returned to Alton.
Pollard was an excellent swimmer, and the supposition is that on
being first plunged unexpectedly into the water, his lungs filled at
once, weakening him and disabling him from keeping his head above
water. Pollard had just finished a very hearty dinner, and the warm
condition in which he was in, and then the plunge into the cold
water, may have caused congestion. He also wore heavy shoes, and
with the wet clothes would make it very difficult for him to keep
above water. Pollard leaves a wife and two small children, who were
dependent on his daily labor for sustenance.
The Beall Bors. Gave directions to the undertaker to prepare the
body for interment. They feel deeply the loss of a faithful employee
in the manner in which it occurred, and have rendered the afflicted
widow and children all the aid possible. The coroner rendered his
death an accidental drowning.
The funeral took place Friday morning from the home on Marshall
Street. The pallbearers were selected from the employees of the
shop, and were William Ulrich, Thomas Miller, Horace Dixon, Joseph
Herbert, Joseph Funk, and John Slanker. The body was interred in the
Alton City Cemetery.
POMEROY, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 2 & 9, 1849
Alton Businessman
Died in Alton at 2 o’clock this morning, of chronic diarrhea, Mr.
John Pomeroy, aged about 30.
At a meeting of Piasa Lodge No. 27, of Free and Accepted Masons,
held on the evening of the third inst., a committee was appointed to
prepare an obituary notice of the late lamented brother Pomeroy.
That committee reports the following:
Brother John Pomeroy was born in Northampton, Massachusetts, but
very early in life removed with his father to Zanesville, Ohio,
where he remained until he had reached the years of manhood. He was
brought up to the mercantile profession, and in this, has spent his
life. After leaving Zanesville, he spent some time in Cincinnati.
Thence he removed to Chicago, Illinois, where he remained about one
year. From Chicago, he removed to St. Louis, where he remained in
business about seven years previous to coming to Alton. He commenced
business in Alton about the first of April, 1846, in company with
Mr. Moore, with whom he continued in a very successful business unto
the time of his death.
In the absence of all his relations, the particulars of his early
history cannot yet be obtained. Many in our community have known him
ever since the time of his coming to St. Louis, and none who have
known him will fail to testify to his high moral worth and
gentlemanly deportment. He was quiet and unobtrusive, being seldom
seen where duty did not call him. His words were few, but always
characterized by discretion and sober judgment. In his business
transactions, as in all the relations of life, he was entrusted by
high and ______ principles, and his whole life was a practical
rebuke to every species of vice, in this affective dispensation of
an accruable evidences, the Masonic Fraternity have suffered a sad
bereavement, and society has lost one of its best members. A vacuum
is caused in our community which cannot soon be filled. Though dead,
he lives in the hearts of those who knew him, where his memory will
long be cherished as a _______ thing.
POMEROY, WILLIAM H./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 9, 1849
Died on the 29th ult., Mr. William H. Pomeroy, of Smooth Prairie
[Fosterburg], Madison County; aged 10 years, 1 month, and 22 days.
The deceased was a member of the M. E. Church. His sickness was of
short duration, lasting only ten days, which he bore with Christian
fortitude, and often exhorted his young companions to submit to the
laws of Heaven. Although young as he was, he had won the love and
admiration of the old and the young of his neighbors, and has left a
tender and affectionate mother, brothers, and sister, and many other
friends and relatives, to mourn his loss – but they mourn not as
those that have no hope. He was a native of Jefferson County,
PONTIOUS, EMMA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1904
Mrs. Emma Pontious, a stepdaughter of Mrs. Eliza Drowson, died this
morning from stomach trouble at Mrs. Crowson's home on Henry street.
Mrs. Pontious lived in St. Louis, but came to Alton during her
illness. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
and services will be conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann.
POPE, AUGUSTIN FREDERICK/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 22,
We are pained to learn that on yesterday a child about three years
of age, the son of Mr. A. F. and Mrs. M. J. Pope, living on 12th
Street near the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, fell into a kettle
of hot water and was so badly scalded that it died the same evening.
POPE, ENOCH/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 23, 1897
Coroner Bailey held an inquest Monday on the body of Enoch Pope, a
17-year-old young man who was drowned Sunday night by falling into
the river at Venice. Pope was down at the wharf assisting some
friends onto the ferry boat. In the darkness, he fell over the wharf
and was drawn under it. The body was found Monday morning.
NATHANIEL (JUDGE)Source: Alton Telegraph, January 25, 1850
Territorial Secretary; U. S. District Judge
We deeply regret to state that the Hon. Nathaniel Pope, U. S.
District Judge for the District of Illinois, departed this life at
the residence of his son-in-law, Thomas Yeatman, Esq., in St. Louis,
on Tuesday morning last, at the age of 65. The deceased had been in
bad health for some time past, and sustained a severe attack of
disease a few weeks since, when on his way home from Springfield,
where he had been holding court. He was, however, relieved
sufficiently to reach this place, and to proceed hence to St. Louis,
where a part of his family resides.
Judge Pope was one of the earliest settlers of Illinois, and has
held the office of District Judge ever since the adoption of our
State government. He was highly esteemed as a jurist, as well as for
his social qualities, and has left a large family and many friends
to drop the tears of sorrow over his grave.
Source: Oneida Morning Herald, Utica, New York, January 31, 1850
Information has been transmitted to this city by telegraph, of the
death of Hon. Nathaniel Pope, Judge of the District Court of the
United States for the District of Illinois. He died some four or
five days since, at Alton, Illinois, of paralysis, at an advanced
and green old age. He was among the earliest settlers of that State,
and exercised for many years a large influence with all classes and
conditions in society. He was a profound jurist, an able, upright
and impartial Judge, a most worthy citizen, and the kindest of
neighbors. His loss will be deeply deplored throughout the length
and breadth of the State where he has so long resided.
Nathaniel Pope was born January 5, 1784 in Louisville, Kentucky. He
was the son of William and Penelope (Edwards) Pope. He attended
Transylvania University in Kentucky, and was admitted to the bar. He
entered private practice in Ste. Genevieve, Louisiana Territory (now
Missouri) and Kaskaskia, Indiana Territory (later Illinois
Pope was appointed Secretary of the Illinois Territory by President
James Madison, serving from 1809 to 1816. He was acting Governor of
the Illinois Territory in 1809. Pope was an Illinois Territorial
Militia officer in 1812. On September 5, 1816, he was elected a
Delegate to the United States House of Representatives for a
two-year term. He was a register for the U. S. Land Office in
Edwardsville from November 1818 to March 1819. He was instrumental
in securing the Illinois Territory’s admission as the 21st State on
December 3, 1818. He adjusted the new State’s northern boundary from
the southern extremity of Lake Michigan, adding land now included in
13 northern counties, including what was to become Chicago.
Pope was nominated on March 3, 1819, by President James Monroe, to
the U. S. District Court in Illinois, and was confirmed by the
Senate in 1819. His service terminated on January 23, 1850, due to
his death in St. Louis. He was buried in the Colonel O’Fallon
Burying Ground, and later reinterred at the Bellefontaine Cemetery
in St. Louis. He left behind his wife, Lucretia Backus Pope, and
their children: Elizabeth, Penelope Pope Allen, (General) John Pope,
Cynthia Ann Pope Yeatman, and Lucretia Pope Yeatman.
Nathaniel Pope played a part in the founding of Alton. Ninian
Edwards (Territorial Governor) and Nathaniel Pope possessed a claim
to land on which Colonel Rufus Easton had laid out the future town
of Alton. Litigation followed, and since there was no clear title to
the land, future land buyers were driven away. This difficulty was
finally compromised by a division of the land. Edwards and Pope were
given blocks of land in the northeaster part, which today is in the
area of Middletown.
POPE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 22, 1885
From Edwardsville, January 20 – One of the most horrible cases of
burning occurred this morning at the farm of Mr. Robert Baird, three
miles east of this place, the victim being a colored woman, aged 22,
wife of James Pope, who lives in a tenant cabin. Mrs. Pope was
standing with her back to an open fireplace, when her dress caught
fire. The woman’s husband and Mr. Baird were 200 yards away at work,
and seeing the smoke issuing from the house, started to run toward
it, but before they reached there, the woman ran screaming from the
cabin and threw herself in the snow. Her clothes were all burned
from her. Dr. E. W. Fiegenbaum was called and discovered that every
particle of her skin had been burned from her except the scalp and
the soles of her feet. At last accounts, she was still alive, but
her recovery is impossible.
PORTER, ALEXANDER/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 25, 1887
Accident Near St. Jacobs
From Highland, June 24 – Yesterday, A. Porter, a farmer living near
St. Jacobs, about six miles west of Highland, while plowing corn met
with a serious, if not fatal accident. His horses became
unmanageable and ran away.
Alexander Porter was born June 8, 1863. He was 24 years old at the
time of his death. Alexander died from his injuries, and was buried
in the Keystone Cemetery in St. Jacobs, Illinois.
PORTER, BLANCHE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 9, 1922
A woman who said she was Mrs. Blanche Porter of East Alton, Ill.,
died at the City Hospital at 11:45 o'clock last night of a broken
back sustained yesterday noon when she fell 15 feet from a window of
the Municipal Courts Building. Fred Knittell, Clerk of the Court of
Criminal Correction, glancing up from his desk, saw the woman's legs
dangling from a window across an areaway. She appeared to be trying
to reach a ledge 3 feet below the window, and reaching it slipped
and fell to the ground. At the City Hospital she would not explain
her action. She was poorly dressed.
PORTER, HANNAH I./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 22, 1903
Mrs. Hannah I. Porter, wife of William E. Porter, died Thursday
afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the family home, Tenth and Alby
streets, after a long illness from a complication of diseases. She
was in her 37th year. Mrs. Porter was an invalid the last three
months of her life, but it was believed until Monday that she was
improving. A nervous collapse occurred Monday, and she did not rally
from it. She had been married twelve years, and beside her husband
leaves one son, Harold. Mrs. Porter was born in McHenry county, Ill.
She was a woman who made many firm friendships and to her family was
all that a wife and mother should be. Her death is a very sad
affliction not only to her family but to her many friends who have
learned to highly esteem her during period of residence in Alton.
The funeral party will leave this evening for Woodbine, Iowa, where
interment will take place. The body will be accompanied by Mr.
Porter, Miss Ada Porter, and Harold Porter.
PORTER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 5, 1880
William Porter died in the poor house. After payment of his debts,
$318.50, remained in hands of administrator; no one claiming it, it
was placed in the county treasury. The widow now appearing and
proving satisfactorily her right to the same, obtains order to draw
the same from the treasury.
Pioneer; Ranger; Farmer
Jubilee Posey was born November 15, 1793, in Milledgeville, Baldwin
County, Georgia. He came to Illinois Territory in 1811, at the age
of 17, with his older brother, Chesley Posey. Jubilee settled in
Madison County, while his brother settled in St. Clair County. He
served as a Ranger during the War of 1812, and rendered valuable
service in guarding the settlers. He served under three units –
Captain Samuel Whiteside’s Company of Mounted Riflemen; Captain
Samuel Judy’s Company of Mounted Illinois Militia; and the Volunteer
U. S. Rangers.
After his time as a Ranger, Jubilee purchased land from John
Robinson near Troy, in the southern part of Pin Oak Township,
Madison County, and in 1815 he married Catharine Smith, daughter of
James Smith. They had at least four children – Bennet Posey (born in
Madison County in 1823), Julia Posey, Martha Posey (married James
Thomas), and Chesley Justin Posey (1832-1886). After the death of
his first wife, Catharine, he married Eva Margaret Whiteside in
1854. From this marriage were born three girls.
Jubilee Posey was a respected farmer, and was a resident of Madison
County for 65 years. The first school in Pin Oak Township was taught
in a log schoolhouse on his farm. He died August 4, 1878, in Glen
Carbon, Illinois, at the age of 85. He was buried in the Oak Lawn
Cemetery in Glen Carbon. His son, Bennett Posey, lived on part of
his father’s estate.
POST, SARAH S./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 3, 1889
Wife of former Alton mayor, Captain William Post
Mrs. Sarah S. Post, wife of Captain William Post, died at
Litchfield, December 26, of paralysis, aged 77 years. The deceased
was for many years a resident of Alton, and her husband was at one
time mayor of this city.
POST, WILLIAM (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 25,
Ex-Mayor of Alton; Steamboat Captain
Captain William Post died Tuesday night at the home of his
son-in-law, Mayor Taylor, in Litchfield. He was 90 years of age.
Early in the 1830s he settled in Alton, and served as Mayor of Alton
from 1859-1860; and 1866-1867. He was also a steamboat Captain for a
number of years.
William Post was born in Middletown, Connecticut on November 26,
1806. He was the son of Ashbel Post (1768-1823), a native of Old
Saybrook, Connecticut, and Abigail Post (1780-1813). William married
in 1828 to Sarah Starr Child (1811-1888), and they had the following
children: Sarah Cornelia Post Watson (1833-1911); William James Post
(1838-1890); and Ida A. Post Warner (1852-1935). Captain Post
erected a stone house in 1838 at 1516 State Street in Alton, which
still stands today. The home was constructed with Doric columns and
cast iron railings in the Parthenon Style of Greek Revival
architecture. Originally, the exterior of the home was covered with
a lime plaster incised to resemble limestone cut blocks. Captain
Post was a friend to Stephen Douglas, and during the Lincoln-Douglas
debates in Alton, Post entertained Douglas. Captain Post died
February 23, 1897, and was buried in the Elmwood Cemetery in
Litchfield, Illinois.
POTTER, CORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 23, 1918
The funeral of Mrs. Cora Potter was held this afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from the Free Methodist Church on Main street, Upper Alton.
The Pastor Rev. Richard C. Nowlin officiated. The burial was in
Oakwood Cemetery.
Telegraph, May 10, 1911
Mrs. William F. Potts died this morning at her home at 1210 East
Second street after an illness extending over two years. Several
weeks ago her case became alarming, and she sank rapidly till the
end. Mrs. Potts leaves beside her husband two sons, Matt E. Robinson
of the Alton post office, and Gary W. Robinson of St. Louis, also
one step-daughter, Mrs. R. W. Stanton of Gas, Kansas. Mrs. Potts was
married twice, her first husband being a prominent farmer in Jersey
county. The funeral services will be from the home on East Second
street, Friday morning at 10 o'clock, the service being conducted by
Rev. G. L. Clark. Interment will be in the Upper Alton cemetery.
POUCH, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19, 1885
Suicide by Shooting
From Collinsville, Mar. 17 – John Pouch, a wealthy farmer living
three miles south of here, committed suicide this morning about 4
o’clock by shooting himself. He came to town yesterday, and while
under the influence of liquor went to the bank to draw $1,500. He
filled out a check, and while the cashier was counting the money,
Mr. Pouch went out and nothing more was heard from him until his
friends came to town with the above account. It is supposed he woke
up, after sobering off, and missing the money which he thought he
had drawn and lost it, committed the act. He was about 70 years old.
POUNTIOUS, CHARLES H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January
11, 1904
Man of Many Aliases Buried in Milton Cemetery
Deputy Coroner Streeper today buried at Milton cemetery the man of
many aliases killed three weeks ago by falling from the roof of a
boarding house on Second street while trying to extinguish fires in
the roof started by brands from the Wheelock & Ginter lumberyard
fire. The man was known as Stallings where he boarded, but his wife
says his real name is Pountius. He has a son at Versailles, Ind.,
known as St. Clair, and the dead man also was known at various times
as Hilbert and Williams. In the absence of any positive proof as to
the name of the man, he was buried as Pountious. His first name was
always Charles H. There is a deep mystery in the case, which the
woman claiming to be his wife will not, or can not, unravel.
POWELL, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 7, 1912
Mrs. Anna Powell, wife of Benjamin S. Powell, a glassblower, of 1327
east Fourth street, was stricken with an attack of organic heart
trouble while walking in the street with her daughter, Catherine,
last night, and died within twenty minutes after being seized with
the attack. Mrs. Powell had been in the best of health with the
exception of her usual complaint of unsteadiness of her heart, which
had been bothering her for years, but did not give her any unusual
pain. The mother and daughter were going to the Princess theater to
attend the high school benefit, and had gone as far as the Weisert
barber shop on east Second street, when the mother complained of a
pain in her heart. A second later she fell unconscious, and several
men helped carry her into the barber shop. Dr. J. N. Shaff was
summoned, but death occurred within twenty minutes. Mrs. Powell
leaves a husband and five children, Misses Emily, Catherine, Agnes,
George, and Benjamin Powell. Mrs. Powell was 55 years of age, and is
one of the well known ladies of the east end. She was a home woman
and mother, and devoted to her family, making her loss all the more
keenly felt in her household. George Powell, the son, arrived this
morning from Chicago, having left last night in answer to a telegram
announcing his mother's death. The funeral will be held Friday
morning at 9 o'clock from the St. Patrick's church.
POWELL, FLORENCE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 3, 1901
Florence, the 20 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Powell,
died last evening with spasms at the family home, Fourth and Plum
streets. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock.
Services will be in the Cathedral.
GEORGE WASHINGTON (PROFESSOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 9, 1896
From Upper Alton - The funeral services of Professor G. W. Powell,
who after a long, severe illness died of blood poisoning Saturday
morning, were held at the home Sunday afternoon. Rev. J. L. Wylder
preached a very touching sermon. Appropriate music was rendered by
the M. E. Church choir. A large delegation from the several Masonic
lodges of the county was present, together with a large delegation
of Cass Lodge of Beardstown, where he has been the honored
Superintendent of the Public Schools for the last year. Many were
the friends that gathered about the grave at Oakwood Cemetery (Upper
Alton), as the body was interred in its last resting place. The
floral offerings strewn on the grave were the most beautiful we have
ever seen, and bore evidence of the respect and esteem in which he
was held by his many friends. Relatives from abroad were Mr. B. P.
Powell of Clearwater, Nebraska; Miss Nellie Powell of Kansas City;
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall of Smithboro; and Mr. M. W. Powell of Troy,
George Washington Powell was born September 24, 1846, in Fayette
County, Illinois. He was the son of William C. and Rhoda S. (Causey)
Powell. George married Malinda Brenneman Miller on September 26,
1867, and they had nine children. He was buried in the Upper Alton
Oakwood Cemetery.
Edwardsville Intelligencer, Wednesday, January 13, 1892
Husband and Wife Die on Same Day
Mrs. Parthenia F. Powell and William C. Powell, wife and husband,
both died at the family residence in Pocahontas, on the 6th inst.,
she at 3:30 p.m. and he at 6:00 p.m. Both were residents in years
past of this county and are known to the older settler. Mrs. Powell
was a daughter of Cyrus and Cynthia Scott and was born one and
one-half miles west of Troy on the farm owned by J. A. Vance. Her
parents came to this county from Tennessee and were among the first
settlers. Their daughter Parthenia married Garrett Crownover, of
Highland, and after his death, William C. Powell. He was born in
Cumberland county, Tenn., and resided several years in this county.
She was 57 and he was 74 years old. The funeral services took place
in the M. E. church at Pocahontas, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Barnsback and Mrs. S. T. Kendall of near this city attended. Mrs.
Powell, Mrs. Kendall and the mother of Mrs. Barnsback were sisters.
POWERS, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 6, 1901
Mrs. Catherine Powers, wife of John Powers, died at midnight
Saturday after a long illness at her home on Dry street, with heart
disease. She was 65 years of age and was formerly a well known
resident of Godfrey. With her husband she has been living in Alton
of recent years. Death was due to heart disease. The funeral will
take place Tuesday morning at nine o'clock from the Cathedral.
POWERS, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 24, 1901
John Powers, a resident of Alton and Godfrey for many years, died at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. P. H. Hays, in East St. Louis this
morning, aged 70. His death was due to heart failure. Mr. Powers had
been ill several months before the death of his wife in this city,
and he went to the home of his daughter to stay for a few weeks. He
was taken very ill Saturday, and his children were summoned. The
body will be brought to Alton Wednesday evening, and the funeral
will be Thursday morning from the home of John E. Hanlon on Bluff
street to the Cathedral. Mr. Powers leaves three children, Mrs. J.
E. Hanlon, Mrs. P. H. Hayes, and Miss Lizzie Powers.
POWLESS, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 28, 1888
Mr. John Powless died this morning at the residence of his brother,
Mr. Lewis Powless, after an illness of several weeks from pneumonia.
Mr. Powless has been a resident here for about a year. Ever since
the war, he has been an invalid, but has exhibited marvelous pluck
in keeping active, notwithstanding his physical infirmities. He
leaves a widow and two children, one a boy of about 12, who is also
down with lung fever.
POWLESS, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 17, 1903
Mrs. Mary Powless, wife of Lewis Powless of Upper Alton, died very
suddenly this morning at the family home near Upper Alton. Mrs.
Powless had evidently been as well as usual, and this morning the
family ate breakfast as usual. Mr. Powless left for town on an
errand after breakfast was over, and left only his wife and their
oldest son at home. The latter, who is almost blind, had not arisen.
When he got up and went downstairs, he stumbled over the dead body
of his mother. A physician was summoned, but when he arrived he
could do nothing as the woman had died from heart failure. Mrs.
Powless was 64 years of age and had lived in Upper Alton and
vicinity for many years. Besides her husband, she leaves four
children: Francis and Guy Powless and Mrs. Lenis McGowen, all of
Upper Alton, and Alvin Powless, who is now in Alaska. Funeral
arrangements have not been made but it will probably be held next
POWRIE, ELIZABETH JANE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December
28, 1899
Wife of James “Scotch Jimmy” Powrie
Mrs. Jane Powrie, wife of James Powrie, who is known up and down the
river as “Scotch Jimmy,” died at her home on Scotch Jimmy’s Island
this morning, at the age of 60 years. She had been ill one year, and
death resulted from the feebleness of old age. She leaves her
husband and two children, one of whom, Mrs. Lewis Young, lives in
Alton. Mrs. Powrie came from Scotland when a young woman, and
settled on the island that has been known by the soubriquet of her
husband ever since. They made their home there for over forty years,
and were known to all river men and hunters. The funeral will be
Sunday morning, and services will be in the Congregational Church at
Melville. [Burial was in the Melville Cemetery.]
PRAGER, AUGUSTA J. (nee LANGE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February
18, 1897
From Fosterburg – Mrs. Julius G. Prager (1828-1895), a
much-respected German lady, died at her home one mile north of the
Burg, on Monday, at the age of 58 years. Death has been ver severe
on this family. Left at home now are but a little girl of 12 years,
and a son, Julius August Prager, who is grown and whose health is
much impaired. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to
them in their sad loss.
ROBERT PAUL/Source: The Troy Call, Troy, Illinois, April 5, 1918
"German Spy" Hung By Mob in Collinsville
Robert Paul Prager, an alien enemy, 39 years old, and suspected of
being a German spy, was hanged by a mob at Mahler Heights, west of
Collinsville, about 1 o'clock this morning. Prager had been under
surveillance for some time because of alleged disloyal remarks. He
was in Maryville yesterday, where he posted a proclamation declaring
his loyalty, and as a result he was run out of town. He was followed
to Collinsville by a number of men, and a mob soon assembled at the
Suburban "Y." It proceeded to the Bruno bakery where Prager was
found and taken out and marched down the street in his bare feet
with an American flag wrapped around his body. Police rescued Prager
from the mob and took him to the city jail in the city hall. The
crowd then went to the jail and demanded that Prager be turned over
to them. In the meantime, Mayor Siegel had been summoned and pleaded
with the men not to resort to violence. It was then Prager was taken
out of his cell and concealed among the rubbish of the city hall.
The mob dispersed after the talk by Mayor Siegel, but returned after
several hours and made a search for Prager, who was taken out and
hurried down the street. The police say they were unable to handle
the situation. Prager was marched out to Mahler Heights, a rope
placed about his neck and swung to a tree for several seconds. He
was then let down and asked if he had anything to say and requested
that he be permitted to write a farewell to his parents in Germany.
His brief letter follows: "Carl Henry Prager, Dresden, Germany. Dear
Parents: I must, this the fourth day of April 1918, die. Please pray
for me, my dear parents. This is my last letter and testament. Your
dear son and brother, Robert Paul Prager." After being permitted to
write the note, Prager was again drawn up by the rope and left
hanging, and the mob dispersed quietly. Prager had worked as a baker
at the Bruno bakery for several years, but of late had been trying
to secure employment at the coal mine at Maryville. He was denied
union membership there because of his disloyal remarks against the
United States. He was registered in St. Louis as an alien enemy. The
authorities are indignant over the affair. Attorney General Brundage
and State's Attorney Streuber have denounced the lynching as a
disgrace, and declare that the members of the mob must suffer for
the act which was as unlawful as it was heinous and horrible.
President Wilson and his cabinet have also denounced the affair.
Attorney General Brundage is expected in Collinsville today, and the
inquest into the death of Prager is expected to be held Monday.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 11, 1918
Springfield, Ill. - That the Swiss legation at Washington, which is
attending to German interests in this country, has offered to pay
the funeral expenses of Robert P. Prager, alleged pro-German who was
lynched by a mob at Collinsville last Friday night, was made public
from the office of Gov. Frank O. Lowden here tonight. The offer,
which is believed to be initiated by the German Government, was made
by the Swiss officials through Secretary of State Lansing. A message
to Gov. Lowden on Monday from Secretary Lansing bore the information
of the offer, reading that the Swiss legation "would bear all
reasonable expenses" attending Prager's funeral.
Collinsville, Ill., April 11 - The funeral of Robert P. Prager,
German alien enemy, lynched at Collinsville last Friday morning by a
mob for alleged seditious utterances, was held in St. Louis,
following information from the German Government that it would
guarantee the funeral expenses. The services of the Harmonie Lodge
of the I. O. O. F., of which Prager was a member.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1918 Man Hung in Lynching
by Five Men in Collinsville
Joseph Riegel, Wesley Beaver, Richard Dukes Jr., William Brockmeier
and Enid Elmore, all of Collinsville, were arrested last night at
the request of the coroner's jury investigating the death of Robert
P. Prager, German alien enemy, who was lynched at Collinsville last
Friday morning. The inquest closed. The men were placed in
automobiles following their arrest, and driven to Edwardsville,
where they will be held in the county jail to await the action of
the Madison County Grand Jury, which will meet Wednesday. Riegel,
the first man arrested, had previously admitted that he was the
leader of the mob which hung Prager. He is proprietor of a shoe
repair shop at Collinsville, and three are miners and one a porter
in a saloon. It was announced at the conclusion of the coroner's
investigation that the grand jury of Madison County would convene
Wednesday morning at Edwardsville to take up the evidence submitted
against the five men. Also it was stated that several other men
against whom evidence of guilt appeared strong would be investigated
by the grand jury. Mose Johnson, district board member of the
Illinois Miners' Union, yesterday submitted to the coroner's jury a
written statement as to the causes that led to the lynching of
Prager. The statement had been prepared by John Lobenad, examiner
for a Marysville mine owned by the Donk Brothers' Coal and Coke
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1918
The state of Illinois will pay the funeral expenses of Robert
Prager, alleged pro-German lynched at Collinsville. The Swiss
legation received a bill for $197 from the undertaker, who buried
Prager, who turned it over to Secretary Lansing. The $197 will be
paid by the state, which it would have been done had not the Swiss
legation asked for it.
Source: The Troy Call, Troy, Illinois, May 17, 1918
The eleven defendants in the Prager lynching case go from jail to
courtroom wearing American flags. Cut it out! This is a trial, not a
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 28, 1918
The jury which is to try 11 defendants for the murder of Robert
Prager, enemy alien, was selected late Monday. The 12 men were
finally accepted after 11 days of examination, during which time
more than 725 talesmen, called from all parts of Madison County, had
been questioned. The men selected are: Keith Ebey, clerk,
Edwardsville; T. Benett, railroad car accountant, Edwardsville;
George Neary Sr., janitor, Edwardsville; Walter Solterman, teamster,
Worden; W. C. Dippold, flour miller, Edwardsville; Marion
Baumgartner, tailor, Edwardsville; D. W. Fiegenbaum, manufacturer,
Edwardsville; John Groshans, farmer, Edwardsville; A. H.
Challacombe, plumber, Alton; Frank Oben, horse and mule buyer,
Alton; F. W. Horn, tailor, Alton; Frank Weeks, clerk, Edwardsville.
When Judge Bernreuter, who is presiding, announced that a jury had
been chosen, the 11 defendants who during the past 11 days have
viewed the examination almost with impatience, burst into a loud
cheer and clapped their hands. They were not rebuked by the Judge.
As soon as the jury was sworn in, State's Attorney Streuber made an
opening statement. Contrary to expectation, he spoke only briefly.
"We do not represent Prager nor any pro-German nor any pro-German
sentiment," he declared. "We have made an effort to keep possible
pro-Germans off the jury and I believe we have one that is 100 per
cent loyal. Our only interest is to see that the law is upheld. If
Pprager was either a pro-German or a spy, there was a remedy at law,
and we aim to show that a mob took the law upon itself, which is in
itself a violation."
James M. Bandy, chief counsel for the defense, then spoke briefly.
He declared there was evidence to show Prager's disloyalty and that
"after all the evidence is in, the jury will not return a verdict of
The taking of evidence will begin tomorrow morning. More than 100
witnesses have been summoned and it is believed more than two weeks
will be consumed in getting their evidence before the jury. Prager,
accused of being a pro-German, was lynched by a mob at Collinsville
on the morning of April 5. After the adjournment of court, Sheriff
Jenkin Jenkins, who was disqualified about a week ago at the
instance of the State in the Prager trial, made an assault on
State's Attorney Joseph P. Streuber, striking Streuber in the face
with his fist. Streuber had gone to restaurant to get supper and was
followed by Jenkins, who charged him with "putting out stuff about
him." Streuber said that he was nervous over the ordeal of selecting
a jury in the Prager case, but at some other time he would talk with
him about it. Jenkins replied, it is reported, that he had come to
settle it there. Streuber's face was cut by a ring Jenkins is said
to have had on his hand. They were separated by friends, who took
Jenkins away and Streuber to a surgeon, who dressed his wound. ~From
the St. Louis Republic.
Source: The Troy Call, Troy, Illinois, June 7, 1918
Men Charged with Prager Lynching Found Not Guilty
The eleven men on trial in the Madison county circuit court at
Edwardsville for the lynching of Robert Paul Prager, an alleged
German spy, at Collinsville, on April 5th, were declared not guilty
by the jury in the case last Saturday evening and were set free. The
trial was in many respects a sensational one. The selection of a
jury was begun on May 14th and was not completed until May 27th,
after nearly 700 talesmen had been examined. The taking of evidence
began on Tuesday of last week, and was completed Friday, and the
attorneys made their closing arguments Saturday. The case went to
the jury Saturday afternoon, and after deliberating but a few
minutes, a verdict of "not guilty" was returned. The announcement of
the verdict was greeted with loud cheers, and when the men filed out
of the courthouse, they joined in a parade headed by the Great Lakes
"Jackie" Band. The acquittal of the prisoners was no great surprise
to those who heard the evidence in the case. The state was
absolutely at a loss to prove the actual participation of any of the
accused men in the hanging of Prager. Every man arraigned for
complicity in the crime swore he had no part in it, and the state
failed to prove otherwise. As a result, one county paper ventures
the assertion that Prager must have hung himself. The defendants who
were acquitted were: Joseph Riegel, coal miner; Cecil Larrsmore,
coal miner; James DeMatties, coal miner; Frank Flannery, coal miner;
Charles Cranmer, clerk; John Hallsworth, coal miner; Calvin Gilmore,
plumber's helper; Wesley Beaver, saloon porter; Enid Elmore, coal
miner; and William Brockmeier, coal miner. Following announcement of
the verdict, State's Attorney Streuber dismissed the charges against
five others who were implicated in the Prager case. They were George
Davis, Martin Futchek, Fred Frost, Harry Stevens, and John Tobnick.
The latter four are police officers and were charged with
malfeasance in office. State's Attorney Joseph P. Streuber and C. W.
Middlekauff of the attorney general's office at Springfield
conducted the prosecution, and the defense was handled by James M.
Bandy & Son of Granite City and Thomas Williamson of Edwardsville.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 22, 1918
That the lynching of Robert P. Prager by a mob at Collinsville,
three months ago, will be made a matter of representation by the
German government some time in the future is indicated in a letter
which has been received by John Mellon of Edwardsville, county clerk
of Madison county. The letter is from Henry Nussie, consul at
Chicago, who signed himself "in charge of German interests," and
stated that he had been requested by the legation at Washington to
"ascertain the true facts regarding the case of Robert P. Prager,
who was killed at Collinsville, Ill., on April 5, 1918." Prager,
whose name the consul spelled "Praeger," was suspected by coal
miners of the region with being a German spy. He was registered as
an enemy alien. He disregarded warnings from the Maryville miners to
remain away from that place, and in placards which he posted up
accused their president of keeping him out of a job. He was sought
at his boarding house in Collinsville, paraded through the streets,
made to kiss the flag, and toward midnight, when the tar with which
he was to be coated could not be found, he was hanged.
Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, September 30, 1919
To Have Rich Tomb
Robert Paul Prager, victim of a Collinsville mob on April 5, 1918,
is to be moved Sunday from one of the humblest graves in St.
Matthew's Cemetery in St. Louis, to one of the prettiest spots in
the burial grounds. A costly monument will also be erected by
Harmonic Lodge, No. 353, I. O. O. F., of which he was a member.
Collinsville Odd Fellows, members of Lodge No. 43, have been invited
to attend the ceremony which will be held Saturday afternoon at 3:30
o'clock. After Prager's death, his body was claimed by the St. Louis
lodge of which he was a member. At that time there was a question as
to his patriotism. He had been suspected of being a German spy, and
his acts and doings prompted the formation of a mob which hung him
to a tree on the outskirts of Collinsville after taken from the city
jail. Prager was formerly a baker and later a coal miner. His death
attracted international attention, and Germany made threats against
Americans. The German government filed a complaint with the State
Department at Washington. Prager was a German alien. A federal and
state investigation followed. Grand jury investigations were made
which resulted in the indictment of a dozen persons. Eleven were
tried in Edwardsville for murder, but in June, sixty days after the
death, the jury acquitted the defendants.
PRATHER, RAYMOND/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 12,
Rifle Accident Proves Fatal
Raymond Prather, the Upper Alton boy accidentally shot by a 22
caliber rifle in his own hands on Labor Day, died this morning at 7
o'clock as the result of the accident. The death of the boy caused a
gloom over the neighborhood in which he lived and a general regret
over the entire village. The boy was the son of Mrs. Joe Hern and
was 14 years old. He was a very good boy and is spoken of in the
best manner by his school teacher, school mates and all who knew
him. The fatal accident occurred on Labor Day one week ago last
Monday. The Prather boy and Wesley Christy had gone out to shoot
with a target rifle. The Prather boy was sitting on a rail fence
holding the gun in front of him with his hand over the muzzle. He
tried to cock the rifle and the hammer slipped from his thumb and
the rifle was discharged. The bullet passed through the boy's hand
and upwards going through the end of his nose and lodging in his
forehead fracturing the skull. Blood poison resulted from the wound
in the skull, which caused the boy's death this morning. He leaves
beside his mother and step-father, one little sister. His uncle,
Rev. S. A. Teague, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Table Grove,
Ill., arrived yesterday. Funeral arrangements have not been made.
PRATT, HARRY AND WIFE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January
11, 1902
Moro News - The Telegraph's Moro correspondence told of a queer
request made by a dying woman being fulfilled by her friends. Mrs.
Harry Pratt, formerly of Moro, died at Peoria December 23. During
her lifetime she had been inseparable from her husband, and at his
death one year before her own, she is said to have been heartbroken.
Her death is attributed to mourning for her dead husband. Mr. Pratt
died in Texas and was buried there. His wife, before her death,
requested that her body be taken back to her old home at Moro and
that it be interred in the old burying ground. That she might be
united in the grave with her husband, she requested that the body of
her dead husband be removed from the Texas cemetery where it was
sleeping, and that it was place din the same grave with her. This
was done by friends a few days ago. Mrs. Pratt's grave was opened
and the body of her husband placed therein.
PRENDERGAST, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September
12, 1914
Woman Dies Under Strange Circumstances
Mrs. Christopher C. Prendergast of Union and Ridge streets died
Friday evening from heart trouble. A coincidence in connection with
her death was that when she had difficulty in breathing, either from
pleurisy or heart trouble, her husband allowed her to breathe some
chloroform. However, it is believed she would have died anyhow.
There was no doctor regularly attending her as she had two and after
her death a third one saw her. She had been ill for some time, and
her husband had been trying to give her relief. He bought one ounce
of chloroform, which seemed to relieve her pain, and then yesterday
afternoon he got the bottle refilled. He gave her some more, but her
heart succumbed and she died. A hurry up call was made for the city
ambulance, and the lung motor and this was taken out and used, but
the woman was dead and the lung motor was of no use. She was 45
years of age and leaves her husband and two children. Coroner Sims
was notified and will hold an inquest into the cause of her death.
Those who know the family exonerate the husband of any blame,
inasmuch as he was merely trying to give his suffering wife relief.
PRENTICE, ELIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 21, 1866
Died at Troy, Madison County, December 9, 1866, Mr. Ella Prentice,
aged about 78 years. He served his country fifty-five years ago in
the capacity of a drummer at the Battle of Tippecanoe [War of 1812],
and afterwards in the same capacity in the U. S. Navy in the
Mediterranean. In his latter years, he was nearly blind, but it did
not prevent him from earning a living in the capacity of a wood
sawyer. He was an inflexible patriot, and a truly honest man.
PRENTISS/PRENTICE, FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August
2, 1909
Fred Prentiss, the Federal Lead Co. foreman who fell ten days ago
and was found unconscious after tumbling twelve feet from a platform
to the ground, died Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in St. Joseph's
hospital. He was 38 years of age and leaves his wife, one child, his
mother, and two brothers, all of whom had been attending him. Only
for a few minutes at a time would he regain consciousness from day
to day, and the doctors attending him said they could do nothing for
him. His spine and brain were injured by the fall. The body of
Prentiss was taken to his home on Pleasant street, and the funeral
will be held tomorrow, and the body will be taken to Bunker Hill for
burial. He was a grandson of General B. M. Prentiss, of the United
Army, one of the first Brigadier Generals commissioned in 1864. Mr.
Prentiss was a young man of high character and much ability. He was
a hardworking, industrious young man, and was highly esteemed by all
who knew him. He was a member of Bunker Hill lodge, A. F. & A. M.,
also of the Bunker Hill camp, Modern Woodmen. He also belonged to
the Alton Mutual Society, an insurance organization. An inquest will
be held by Coroner Streeper, as Prentiss' death was due to the
accident he suffered ten days before his death.
PRESTON, SARAH ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1838
Died, in Marine Settlement, on the evening of the 8th inst., after a
severe illness of one week, Mrs. Sarah Ann Preston, wife of Doctor
W. E. Preston. [Editors in N. Hampshire are requested to notice the
PREUITT, ABRAHAM "ABRAM"/Source: Alton Telegraph, Jan. 29 & Feb.
5, 1885
Son of Solomon Preuitt
From Bethalto – the funeral of Mr. Abram Preuitt took place Monday
morning from his late residence near Dorsey. The remains were
interred at the family graveyard on the farm of his brother, Mr.
Wiley Green Preuitt, one and a half miles south of Bethalto.
Deceased was the oldest of a large family, and at the time of his
death was seventy-four years of age. The funeral was well attended,
and no doubt would have been much larger, had it not have been for
the extreme cold weather.
From Dorsey – Died at his residence near Dorsey, January 24, 1885,
after a few hours’ illness, Abraham Preuitt, aged 74 years, 3
months, and 11 days. Mr. Preuitt was born in Wood River Township
near Alton Junction [East Alton], in the year 1810. He settled in
Moro Township in 1830 or 1831, where he lived up to the time of his
death. His first wife died in 1861. Of that union, only two children
are living – Captain Valentine Preuitt of Charleston, Missouri; and
Matilda, wife of J. L. Wood. His second wife and seven children are
left to mourn his loss. His remains were interred in the family
burying ground at his brother, Wiley Preuitt’s, south of Bethalto.
Abraham Preuitt was born October 12, 1808, in Wood River Township,
Madison County, Illinois. He was the son of Solomon Preuitt
(1790-1875) and Rebecca Higgins Preuitt (1790-1855). He married
Mildred Wood, daughter of Ephraim Wood, and they had two children:
Valentine and Mathilda Preuitt. In 1861, he married his second wife,
Louisa Wells. They had nine children, three of which were: Paschall
E. Preuitt (?-1878); Ida Preuitt Challengsworth (1870-1945); and
Elias Preuitt (1872-1896). Mr. Preuitt’s first house was a rough log
cabin, which was burned. The second house was a hewed log cabin, and
the third a frame building. Abraham was buried in the Preuitt
Cemetery, Bethalto, Illinois.
PREUITT, ELIAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 01, 1896
From Fosterburg – After a very painful illness of six weeks, Elias
Preuitt, who lived near Dorsey, died September 24, aged 24 years. He
was a young man of many good qualities and liked by all who knew
him. Death at his age, which so suddenly ends all prospects of a
bright future, is particularly sad. Services were conducted by Rev.
Milford Sunday, at the Baptist Church, the remains being interred in
the Fosterburg Cemetery. In their affliction the family has the
sympathy of the community.
Elias Preuitt was born in 1872 in Dorsey, Illinois. He was a son of
Abraham Preuitt (1808-1885) and Louisa Wells Preuitt.
PREUITT/PRUETT, ELIAS K./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 11,
Old Soldier and Old Time Resident of Madison County Dies
Elias K. Preuitt, in his seventy-ninth year, died Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Frances Duffy at Bethalto, from heart trouble.
The funeral will be held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock from the
Fosterburg Baptist Church, in which he had held membership and had
served as deacon for many years. Interment will be under auspices of
the Fosterburg G. A. R. Mr. Preuitt was one of the most prominent
residents of Fosterburg, having lived there and at Dorsey almost all
of his life. He had been in poor health for about one year, and went
to Eureka Springs, Ark., about three weeks ago for the benefit of
his health. The change did not prove beneficial. He was returning
with his wife to his home in Fosterburg, and when he reached
Bethalto Wednesday afternoon he was unable to travel further and was
taken to the home of Mrs. Duffy, who was an old friend of the
family. He rapidly grew worse and death came less than 24 hours
later. Mr. Preuitt leaves besides his wife, many cousins and other
relatives, he being the last of his immediate line. He was married
to Miss Mary M. Kirkpatrick at Washington, Wisconsin, March 22, 1860.
They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary seven years ago.
Mr. Preuitt comes of a family of pioneers. His grandfather, Solomon
Preuitt, settled near Bethalto about 1804. He was a captain in the
Black Hawk War, and also took part in the events subsequent to the
massacre of the Moore family July 10, 1814, in the Wood River
massacre. Mr. Preuitt's father was born on the farm south of
Bethalto. Mr. Preuitt was born at Dorsey. He enlisted as a volunteer
in Co. K of the 20th Illinois, as orderly sergeant, and served
throughout the remainder of the war. He was filled with intense
patriotism and he always had a warm place in his heart for the old
soldiers. Nearly all of the men in Co. K. were from Bethalto and
Fosterburg. He was adjutant of the G. A. R. Post at Fosterburg. Mr.
Preuitt was a very religious man and a good citizen. He was among
the most faithful members of the Baptist Church, always being
present at the church services when he was able to do so. He was
deeply interested in assembling historical facts and his
contributions to historic literature was voluminous. [Later: Burial
will be in Fosterburg Cemetery.]
PREUITT, FRANKLIN L./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 20, 1890
Died Saturday afternoon, March 15, at the family residence near
Bethalto, Franklin, only son of Wiley G. and Martha Preuitt. Age 25
years and 2 months.
Franklin L. Preuitt was born January 20, 1865. He was the only son
of Wiley Green Preuitt (1827-1908) and Martha Helen Lyon Preuitt
(1832-1920). Franklin was the grandson of pioneer Solomon Preuitt
(1790-1875). Franklin was buried in the Preuitt Cemetery in
PREUITT, ISAAC/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 9, 1891
Madison County Pioneer
Died in Denver, Colorado, March 29, 1891, Isaac Preuitt, age 78
years, 7 months, 17 days. Mr. Preuitt was one of the Pioneers of
Illinois, being born in Beeman’s Fort, on August 12, 1812, near the
present site of Alton Junction [East Alton], where a few families
were fortified to protect themselves from the treachery of the
Indians. After residing for 75 years in Madison County, he moved
with his family to Denver, Colorado, at which place he died. His
remains were placed in Riverside Cemetery, Rev. Thomas Uzzell
preaching the funeral sermon. No cause of death can be assigned
other than old age.
PREUITT, JACOB/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 6 & 8,
Born Near Original Town of Milton; Prominent Farmer
Jacob Preuitt, the oldest native resident of Madison County, died
Thursday morning at 7 o'clock at his home in Fosterburg, aged 93. He
celebrated his birthday very quietly on New Year’s Day, and at that
time he was in apparently good health and promised to live for some
time. He was taken ill a few weeks ago with infirmities of old age,
and he gradually sank until the spark of life fluttered out. In the
death of Jacob Preuitt there passes a man who was always known for
his kindness of heart, and it is generally believed among his
neighbors that he attained the fullest significance in his character
of the term, a good man. He was never very conspicuous in public
life, nor did he ever attempt to appear as a better man than his
neighbors, yet he was faithful in his duties of neighborliness and
friendship, and he was ever kind and sympathetic with those in
trouble. He was born near the site of the present Milton bridge,
east of Alton, being of a family which settled originally in the old
town of Milton, now extinct, and of which the old Milton Cemetery
east of Alton is the last trace. He probably was the last person
living in the county who could go back as far in his recollections,
and his mind was full of memories of early day events. It was a
remarkable fact that "Uncle" Jake, as everyone knew him, preserved
his faculties to the last, and he was always glad to see and talk
with anyone, and he kept posted on current events, even up to his
last illness. In politics he was a staunch Democrat, and he probably
took greater pride in his fealty to his party than most people. He
was a farmer by occupation for many years. His wife died many years
ago. Four children survive him: Mrs. John Thompson and Mrs. Moses
Thompson of Fosterburg, Frank Preuitt of Texas, and Shields Preuitt
of Oklahoma. The funeral of Mr. Preuitt will be held from the home
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. W. M. Rhoades of Upper Alton will
have charge of the funeral service.
The following brief review of the life of the old gentleman has been
furnished the press by his nephew, Elias K. Preuitt of Fosterburg,
and he got the facts from deceased himself:
"He was born in a log cabin near the site where East Alton now is.
His father owned 200 acres of land at that time, but on account of
an epidemic of milk sickness and ague, he sold out and moved to the
homestead south of Bethalto, where he lived until his death. 'Uncle
Jake' was six months old when they moved. Mr. Preuitt was no doubt
at all the oldest person who was born in the county. I will not
attempt to give a history of the family, but will leave that until
another time, but will give a few recollections of the early days.
He told of the early history of Alton, Milton, and many other towns.
Many of the first towns laid out are extinct and forgotten. Milton
was laid out before Alton had a store. William Barrett built the
first house in Alton. He clerked for Atwater at Edwardsville. The
next two houses built in Alton were log houses, one a saloon the
other one story, for a hotel. The saloon was on Piasa Street. A man
by the name of Bradley built the first water mills. Bradley was sent
out to this country by the government and built the first flour mill
for Morrison on Cahokia. Seely had the second mill, built on the
Wood River at Milton. Seely went to San Antonio, Texas. He returned
and died at Milton. The first sack of coffee sold in Upper Alton was
sold by St. Clair and A. Neil, at one dollar per pound.
In the early days log school houses were the rule. Mr. Preuitt told
of how they used to do in that day. Teachers taught for $10 per
month and boarded around. At the same school he attended, daughters
of Bradley attended. His wife was an Indian. The teacher made a rule
that the scholar getting to the schoolhouse first on Monday morning
could have the pick of the seats for the week. One morning he and
the Indian girl met at the schoolhouse and they had a tussle which
should get in first. The girl was too much for him, but as the door
was fastened, he went around and climbed in at the window and gained
the seat.
Another story is when Mr. West bought out B. Collet, his money was
in St. Louis. He had $4,000 in silver. On his return with the money
from St. Louis he stopped on the way and stayed all night, leaving
his money out all night wrapped in a buffalo robe.
'Uncle Jake' remembered the cold winter of 1832, when the hogs froze
to death in heaps. He well remembered the campaign when General
Harrison ran for President, and how they drank hard cider. Major
Charles Hunter was the leader in Alton, and on his way to some
speaking, he stopped at Mrs. Foster's in Foster Township, and she
made him a present of a nice, long handled gourd.
After the election, a crowd went over to Edwardsville from Upper
Alton in a four-horse wagon. Mr. Binging held the reins, as he was
an expert driver. He told of a trip he made on horseback in 1834 to
Greene County. The time was in August. He started out early in the
morning, crossing the Wood River at Pullman's Ford, for there were
no bridges, and wending his way through this township, only passing
four houses on the way. After considerable effort, they landed at
Uncle Jim's. On Monday after his arrival, the State election was
held and the site for the Statehouse was voted on. Of course, all
the relatives voted for Alton."
Jacob “Uncle Jake” Preuitt was born January 1, 1816, near the
original town of Milton near the Wood River. His parents were
Solomon Preuitt (1790-1875) and Rebecca Higgins Preuitt (1790-1855).
Solomon Preuitt immigrated to Illinois with his father, Martin
Preuitt, in 1806. Martin Preuitt was a Revolutionary War soldier.
They located on Sand Ridge Prairie (East Alton area), three miles
east of Alton, in Wood River Township. It was there that Jacob
Preuitt was born. Solomon joined the Rangers on the frontier, in the
war against Great Britain, and served until the close of war in
1812. Solomon moved to Fort Russell Township, where his father,
Martin, died at the age of 97 in 1841. Solomon was one of the first
to enlist in 1831 in the war again Black Hawk. He served as Captain
of a company. On his arrival home, he was elected Major of the
militia at the age of 21.
Jacob Preuitt married Clarinda “Clara” Starkey (1816-1870), and they
had four children: Oscar L. Preuitt (1838-1903); Maria Preuitt
Thompson (1840-1920); Oren Shields Preuitt (1847-1922); and Franklin
Pierce Preuitt (1852-1920). Jacob was buried in the Fosterburg
PREUITT, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1889
From Bethalto – The funeral of Mr. James Preuitt, who died at Eureka
Springs on Wednesday last, took place from the residence of his son,
Mr. Elias K. Preuitt, near Dorsey, on Friday last, at eleven
o’clock. Dr. Bulkley of Upper Alton officiated. Mr. Preuitt was 71
years of age, was born and raised in this county, therefore was an
old settler here. He came from a good family who originally hailed
from North Carolina. The history of the father, Major Preuitt, would
be very interesting, but time and space forbid us writing it at this
time. The remains were accompanied here from Arkansas by Mr. and
Mrs. E. K. Preuitt, with whom the father (deceased) had lived for
many years. The burial took place at Fosterburg Cemetery. Mr. and
Mrs. E. K. Preuitt will spend several days here with relatives and
friends before returning to the Springs. Mr. Preuitt leaves two
sons, E. K. Preuitt now of Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and Hon.
William G. Preuitt, Treasurer of Montana Territory.
James Preuitt was born August 30, 1818, in Bethalto, Illinois. He
was the son of Major Solomon Preuitt (1790-1875) and Rebecca Higgins
Preuitt (1790-1855). James married Malinda Starkey (1819-1880), and
they had the following children: Elias K. Preuitt (1838-1917), and
William Green Preuitt (1843-1909).
PREUITT, PASCHALL E. (SERGEANT)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December
19, 1878
From Edwardsville – Pascal E. Pruitt, late Deputy in our Circuit
Clerk’s office, died on Thursday night, December 5, 1878, in the
34th year of his age, leaving a widow and one child to mourn their
loss. The deceased was an honest, faithful, quiet, inoffensive
citizen, highly esteemed by all who knew him.
Sergeant Paschall E. Preuitt was the son of Abraham Preuitt
(1808-1885). His wife was Margaret Bernreuther Stahlhut, whom he
married in 1877. Mr. Pruitt was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in
Edwardsville. He was a member of Company K, 80th Illinois Infantry.
January 7, 1790 – January 8, 1875
Major Solomon Preuitt was born on January 7, 1790, in Abington,
Washington County, Virginia. He immigrated to Illinois with his
father, Martin Preuitt (also spelled Pruitt), in 1806. They located
on Sand Ridge Prairie, three miles east of Alton, in Wood River
Township. Solomon married Rebecca Higgins, who was then 17 years of
age. At the age of 20, Preuitt was appointed a Lieutenant of
Militia, on January 2, 1810, and was promoted to Captain on January
24, 1812. In 1813, Solomon joined the Rangers on the frontier in the
war against Great Britain (War of 1812), and served until the close
of the war. In 1818, Solomon moved to Fort Russell Township, and
located in section 18. It was here that his father, Martin Preuitt,
died at the age of 97 in 1841.
Preuitt wrote the following:
“In 1767, when my father, Martin Preuitt, was 15 years of age, he
went to the wild woods of Kentucky with his father, William Preuitt,
along with Daniel Boone, John Finley, Isaac Belcher, and other
hunters. They stayed nine months, and returned to North Carolina
with their furs. Upon his return, Martin married Mary Woods, my
mother. When the Revolutionary War commenced, my grandfather and my
father joined General Washington’s army, and served as soldiers
until the colonies gained their independence. During the war,
General Cornwallis of the British Army sent Ferguson with fourteen
hundred Tories to break up some new countries along the frontier.
When the backwoods mountaineers heard the news, they rallied
together near King’s Mountain. My father, with his brother, Isaac
Preuitt, and my father-in-law, Philip Higgins, all took a part in
that battle. Before the attack was made, a council was held in which
it was decided that all should return but one thousand selected men,
who were led on by the brave Campbell Servier, Shelby, and Williams,
who ascended the hill and commenced that attack. Like Sinai of old,
the top of the mountain was wrapped in smoke and flame as the leaden
hail came whizzing from every quarter. In forty minutes, Ferguson
was slain, and his entire command destroyed either by death, wounds,
or taken prisoner.”
In 1831, when Black Hawk and his braves went on warpath, Solomon
Preuitt was one of the first to enlist in the cause. He was elected
Captain of a company from the west end of the county, and was then
elected Major of the regiment. He served with credit until the
disbanding of the regiment, and was praised by his men for his
excellence and worth as a citizen, and a good militia officer. He
always looked to the interests and welfare of his men, and was
appreciated and respected for it by them. Preuitt served with credit
until the disbanding of the regiment.
Preuitt’s first wife, Rebecca Higgins, died in the Fall of 1855. He
then married Elizabeth Higgins, a sister of his former wife. No
children were born by the second marriage. Ten children were born
from the first marriage – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Martin, James,
Elizabeth, William, Nancy, Wiley, and Mary. Major Preuitt died in
his home in Bethalto on January 8, 1875, at the age of 85. He is
buried in the Preuitt Cemetery in Bethalto, along with his father,
Martin, his brother Abraham, his wife Rebecca, his second wife
Elizabeth, and his sons – Abraham and Wiley.
Major Preuitt died in his home on January 9, 1875, at the age of 85.
In December 1875, the Solomon Preuitt 150-acre farm near Bethalto
was sold to E. C. Balsters for $12,000.
Sketch of Colonel Solomon Preuitt
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 23, 1865
Colonel Solomon Preuitt, now in his 74th year, called upon us a day
or two since, from whom we gathered the following information:
He came from Tennessee to this State in the year 1807, and settled
near the junction of the Alton and Terre Haute Railroad, in the
neighborhood of which he still resides. He has walked all over the
site where Alton now stands, long before there was a house erected,
or the slightest sign of a human habitation visible. Wild game of
every kind was, at that time, very abundant, and he sustained his
family for two years after settling there, almost exclusively upon
it. He took an active part as a soldier in the War of 1812, and also
in the war with Black Hawk. He was chosen Colonel by a Regiment
which went from this part of the State, to take part in the latter
He has raised a large family, and although becoming quite feeble
physically, he yet retains in vigorous exercise all of his mental
faculties, and has taken an active interest in behalf of his country
during the last conflict for its life, and against the traitors who
were trying to destroy its free institutions. He voted against the
introduction of slavery into this State when it was first organized,
and he still abhors the system of human slavery, with all its
attendant evils and blasting influences.
PREUITT, WILEY G./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 12, 1908
Wiley G. Preuitt, aged 82, one of the oldest residents of Madison
county, died Monday evening at his residence, one mile south of
Bethalto, from the effects of old age. Mr. Preuitt was known
throughout the county as one of the old timers. His recollections of
old days were always interesting. He had been in poor health for
some time, and his death was expected. He leaves two children, Mrs.
Ida Pritchett of Fairbury, Nebraska, and Mrs. Charles Cotter of
Edwardsville. Mr. Preuitt was an old time member of the Masonic
fraternity. He had been a faithful member and was one of the most
respected members of the fraternity in the county. Members of the
lodges in Bethalto, Alton, Upper Alton, and Edwardsville have been
invited to attend the funeral, which will be held Thursday afternoon
at 1 o'clock from the family home. The services will be conducted by
Rev. T. N. Marsh of Upper Alton. The pallbearers selected for the
funeral are Hiram Stahl, Irby Williams, Herman Kabel, Jarvis
Richards, Alonzo Wood, D. W. Stoeckel, all old time friends of Mr.
PREUITT, WILLIAM ARTHUR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November
28, 1905
Veteran of the Philippine-American War
William Preuitt, a Madison County man who rose to prominence in the
far east, who assisted in the winning of the Philippines and then
stayed to help in their intellectual uplift, died November 16 in
Denver, Colorado, and was buried on November 19. Mr. Preuitt was a
son of Isaac and Isabelle Preuitt of Dorsey, and a nephew of Mrs. L.
C. Keown of Edwardsville. His mother, one brother, L. D. Preuitt,
and one sister, Amanda, survive. His last visit here was in July of
last year, when he was representative of the Philippines to the
International Educational Congress at the World’s Fair.
Will Preuitt was 34 years of age and unmarried. He served as
superintendent of all the Manilla schools for three years.
William Arthur Preuitt was born in Illinois in 1871. He was the son
of Isaac Preuitt (1812-1891) and Isabel Preuitt (1829-1910). His
father, Isaac Preuitt, was born in Madison County, Illinois, on
August 12, 1812. Isaac Preuitt was the son of Solomon Preuitt
(1790-1875) and Rebecca Higgins Preuitt (1790-1855), natives of
Virginia, who in 1806 settled on the Sand Ridge Prairie in Illinois,
three miles east of Alton. William served in the Philippine-American
War in the Army. He died in November 1905 in Denver, Colorado, where
he is buried in the Fairmount Cemetery.
PRICE, CLINTETTE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 20,
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac C. Price were sorely afflicted Saturday night by
the death of their nine years old daughter, Clintette, after a
painful illness with meningitis, brought on by the grippe. The child
was ill with the fatal disease only a few days, and its death is a
sad shock to the family. Another daughter, Julia, is ill with the
same disease, and her condition is causing her parents no little
alarm. The funeral of Clintette Price will be Tuesday at 10 a.m.
from the family home on East Third Street.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 21, 1899
The funeral of Clintette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Price, took
place this morning at the home on East Third Street. There was a
large attendance of sympathizing friends and neighbors. The
interment was in the Alton City Cemetery. The pallbearers were:
Weller Hopkins, Mont. Malcom, James Springer, Ed Hesli Jr., Gus
Norton, and Bennie Cousley, members of the high school.
PRICE, ELIZABETH (nee GARDNER)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph,
July 25, 1882
Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Isaac Price, died last evening after an
illness of more than two years’ duration, caused by paralysis, at
the age of almost 72 years. Mrs. Price, nee Gardner, was born in
Brown County, Ohio, and came to Alton with her husband in 1850,
having resided here ever since. She was a most estimable lady, a
good friend, a kind neighbor, and leaves, besides her husband, two
children – Mrs. W. V. Crossman of Alton, and Mr. Isaac C. Price of
St. Louis. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. D. Keith of Kentucky; two
brothers, Dr. Gardner of Atlanta, Illinois, and Mr. David Gardner of
Ohio. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the family
residence, corner of Fifth and Walnut Streets.
PRICE, ELLA MAY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1906
Ella May, the 17 years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Price,
died yesterday afternoon at 1:10 o'clock at the family home on east
Third street after an illness of three days. The girl had over 300
convulsions in the three days, and during Wednesday, up to the time
of her death, she had over 80. Friends and acquaintances of the
family wishing to view the body may call Friday between 9 and 12
o'clock in the morning. The funeral will be private.
PRICE, JAMES ISAAC/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 9, 1920
9 Deaths in Family in 18 Months
James Isaac Price, in his 72nd year, died Monday afternoon at his
home in Wood River. His death was largely due to enfeeblement
entailed by eighteen months of worry over the death of his wife, to
whom he had been married many years and by whom he had raised a
large family. Mr. Price's death was the ninth in a series that began
when Mrs. Price died there 18 months ago, according to C. N.
Streeper, who has buried all of the family who have died in that
time. In the year and a half, Mr. Price buried his wife, two
daughters, two daughters-in-law, three grandchildren, and now he in
turn will be buried. He leaves two sons and two daughters. Friends
say that Mr. Price never recovered from the blow caused by the death
of his wife and that he never ceased mourning her. He began to break
down, kidney trouble developed and his death resulted.
PRICE, JULIA ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 25,
For the second time within three months, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac C. Price
are called to mourn the death of a member of their family. Julia
Elizabeth, their second daughter, died today in her eighteenth year,
after an illness of three months from the effects of spinal
meningitis. At the death of her sister in February from the same
disease, there was little or no hope entertained for Julia, but she
has lingered along, racked with pain and suffering. Within the past
few days she apparently was suffering less, and early this morning
she was so bright that her father thought it safe to go to his
business in St. Louis. He returned on an after-dinner train, only to
find that his daughter had passed away. The date of the funeral has
not been fixed.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 27, 1899
The funeral of Julia Price took place this afternoon. Services were
conducted at the family home by Rev. Sanborne of the Presbyterian
Church. There was a very large attendance at the services in the
home, and many of Julia’s young friends took a last look at the face
of their schoolmate. The pallbearers were six young friends of the
PRICE, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 24, 1892
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Price of 715 East Sixth Street, mourn the loss
of their 19-months-old daughter, whose death occurred last evening
after a brief illness. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning
from the home of the parents.
PRICE, UNKNOWN MAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1872
Killed by Express Train
A man aged about thirty-five years was run over and killed by the
eastern bound express train on the Wabash line, near the depot at
this place [Edwardsville], last night. He is said to have been a
coal miner by the name of Price, unmarried, a Scotchman by birth,
and a short time before the occurrence was seen and said to be in a
state of intoxication.
PRICHETT, HARVEY/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 9, 1852
We are informed that on Monday of last week, while Harvey Prichett,
son of James Prichett, living in Looking Glass Prairie, Madison
County, was engaged in cutting wheat with a reaping machine, his
horses took fright and started to run. Springing from his seat to
stop them, he fell in front of the reaper, which caught him and
dragged him along some distance, severing one of his thighs almost
entirely from his body, and otherwise wounding him severely. Medical
aid was called in immediately, but so severe were the injuries he
had received, that he died in about six hours after the accident
PRICKETT, ISAAC (COLONEL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 27, 1844
Businessman; Postmaster; Judge; Quartermaster General of the Militia
On Monday week last, Colonel Isaac Prickett departed this life at
Edwardsville, in the 53rd year of his age. He was one of nature's
nobleman - an honest, upright, self-made man, and his loss will be
deeply felt by the whole community. Colonel Prickett emigrated to
this State from Kentucky in the year 1817, and followed his calling
- that of a shoemaker - until the year 1820. He then commenced
mercantile pursuits, and continued engaged therein until the day of
his death. He has filled several offices of honor and trust, and at
the time of his decease, was Receiver of Public Money, having been
first appointed under President Van Buren, and re-appointed under
the lamented President Harrison. Mr. Prickett's loss to the town of
Edwardsville, as well as to the county at large will be deeply felt,
for he was one of our most estimable and exceptional citizens. He
was cut off in the midst of his usefulness, and with but a few
hours' notice. He had, however, bound his lamp trimmed, and his
house set in order to exchange the scenes of earth for the instant
immortality beyond the skies, which awaits the just made perfect.
Mr. Prickett was an exemplary member of the Methodist Church, and
departed in full faith of a glorious and triumphant resurrection at
the day of final accounts.
Isaac Prickett was born December 22, 1790, in Savannah, Georgia. He
was the son of George Washington and Sarah (Anderson) Prickett. He
settled in Kentucky, then St. Louis in 1815, and moved to
Edwardsville in 1818. He engaged in the mercantile business in
partnership with his older brother, Abraham. He later established a
store of his own, which he operated for many years in a building on
Main Street in Edwardsville, opposite the old courthouse. Prickett
married Nancy Lamkin in 1821. He was coroner, postmaster, judge
(1826), public administrator, road supervisor (1838),
Quartermaster-General of the militia, and inspector of the Illinois
penitentiary at Alton. From 1838 to 1842, he filled the office of
receiver of public moneys for the land office at Edwardsville. He
built Alton’s first brick house in 1832, where the Wade family first
One of his sons, Nathaniel Pope Prickett, was an officer in the U.
S. Navy, and died of yellow fever in 1850 onboard the U. S.
Lexington. Another son was Major William Russell Prickett, born in
Edwardsville in 1836, and who served in the Civil War. William later
engaged in the banking business in Edwardsville.
Colonel Isaac Prickett is buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in
Known Children of Isaac and Nancy Pricket:
Joseph D. Prickett (1828-1829); Nathaniel Pope Prickett (1831-1850),
Major William Russell Prickett (1836-1922); and Ellen L. Prickett
Siblings of Isaac Prickett:
Abraham Prickett (1788-1836); Mary P. Prickett Wheelock (1797-1881);
David Prickett (1800-1847); and Elisha Prickett (1803-1878).
PRICKETT, ISAAC/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 2, 1886
From Highland, IL, November 25 - Isaac Prickett, a farmer living
about two miles west of this city, died yesterday evening of abscess
of the liver, at the age of 43. He leaves a wife and several small
PRICKETT, JOHN ADAMS/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, Friday,
February 19, 1897
Founder of Farmers Exchange Bank; First Mayor of Edwardsville
John A. Prickett is at rest, life's battle is over. For several days
his dissolution has been a question of hours only. He was growing
weaker every minute. He was unconscious most of the time. Once or
twice he rallied and tried to speak to members of his family, but
his voice forsook him. At five minutes after six o'clock last
evening he sank to sleep, the long last sleep that knows no waking.
The news spread rapidly, and soon everyone in the city knew it. He
had been known long and well. There were only expressions of sorrow.
John Adams Prickett was a native of Edwardsville, a son of Abraham
Prickett who was born in 1790 and in those early days grew to be a
prominent man, being a member of the Territorial legislature, and of
the convention that framed the constitution for the State in 1818.
Abraham died at Quincy in 1836. Thomas J. and John A. were twin
children, the date of their birth being May 4, 1822. John A.
acquired his early education in the log school houses of early days.
He supplemented the splendid foundation gained in this way by
studious application. He had a most excellent library and it
afforded him real pleasure. When his father died in 1836, he was
taken by an uncle, a lawyer, who thought of preparing his charge for
admission to the bar. He became dissatisfied and ran away, with a
view of engaging as cabin boy on a steamboat, but he was induced by
his brother to return home. Upon leaving school, he went to Alton
and learned the saddlery trade, which pursuit he followed six years.
When the Mexican War broke out, he assisted in organizing a company
and was elected First Lieutenant. The company was known as Company
E, 2nd Regiment Illinois Volunteers, with Governor Bissell
commanding. He remained with the regiment and participated in all
battles including the battle of Buena Vista, in which he was
injured, a bullet shattering his left shoulder. As a result of this
wound, he returned home before his enlistment expired.
In 1847, John A. Prickett was elected Recorder of Deeds, which
office he filled two years. At the end of his term, he was elected
County Clerk and was twice re-elected, serving twelve successive
years. He gave close attention to his duties and made a faithful
public servant. In 1864, he purchased a flouring mill in
Edwardsville, and operated it until the mill was destroyed by fire
in 1869. He founded the Farmers' Exchange Bank, which was afterwards
succeeded by J. A. Prickett & Sons. The institution continued in
business nearly 28 years, up to two months ago, when an assignment
was made on account of inability to realize on assets.
When township organization was adopted in Madison County, Mr.
Prickett was elected the first Supervisor to represent Edwardsville.
He served in this capacity two terms, and was the first chairman of
the board. When Edwardsville was incorporated as a city in 1872,
John A. Prickett was elected the first mayor. He was for many years
a member, and repeatedly president of the school board.
Mr. Prickett, in politics, was a Whig until 1855, when he became a
Democrat. Religiously, he was a firm believer in the teachings of
the Scriptures. He was a member of the Masonic Order, and also of
the Odd Fellows. Of the latter organization, he was the only
remaining charter member.
Nearly fifty years ago, on November 4, 1847, he was united in
marriage to Elizabeth M. Barnsback, daughter of Julius L. and Polly
Barnsback. The wife and five children survive, viz: Julius L.; Clara
P. (wife of William H. Jones); Minnie P. (wife of Cyrus Happy);
Harris E.; and Jessie E.
John A. Prickett had been identified with Edwardsville and Madison
County as much as any other man. He was a citizen of individuality.
Before disease wasted his body and mind, he was strong, positive and
aggressive - a man to make his personality felt wherever he went and
in whatever company he might find himself. He knew the triumphs of
life and he tasted its sorrows. Man is the creature of forces beyond
his control. The arrows that sting deep in life fall pointless in
death. After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well. To his ashes may
peace be forever.
The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock from
the family residence to St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, thence to
Woodlawn Cemetery. The obsequies will be conducted under auspices of
the Odd Fellows. A special meeting of the lodge will be held tonight
to make arrangements. Members are requested to assemble at the hall
tomorrow at one o'clock. The active pallbearers will be selected
from among lodge members, and the former mayors will serve as
honorary pallbearers. Bishop George F. Seymour, of Springfield, was
expected to preach the funeral sermon, but a telegram has been
received from him stating that he is to officiate at the funeral of
a minister of this diocese at that hour, and it will be impossible
for him to be here. Rev. Clarence D. Frankel, rector of St. Andrews,
will conduct the services.
PRICKETT/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, November 4, 1874 -
Submitted by Jane Denny
A most shocking accident, causing the death of two persons, occurred
here [Edwardsville] Monday night. It is the same old story -
explosion of a coal oil lamp. Between seven and eight o'clock on the
night mentioned, an alarm of fire was raised in the vicinity of the
residence of William R. Prickett, on Hillsboro Avenue. A few
neighbors rushed immediately to the scene. Screams were heard
issuing from the house and those who first heard the alarm, on
entering the dwelling, saw a sight that made their blood curdle in
their veins. There were Mrs. Prickett and her eldest daughter,
Nannie, aged eleven years, enveloped in flames; the former standing
in one corner of the kitchen with her clothing, with the exception
of a leather belt and corset, all burned from her body. She was
standing with a blanket about her head; Nannie was lying in the
sitting room. The servants in the house were panic-stricken and were
powerless to render any assistance, with the exception of a man
servant, by the name of Fritz Winters, who had nursed Mrs. Prickett
when she was a baby.
The accident occurred in this manner:
After tea Mr. Prickett walked out to town. Mrs. Prickett (Virginia
Frances Prickett) and her eldest daughter, Nannie (Nancy Julia
Prickett), were sitting at a table in the sitting room, upon which
were two lamps burning. Suddenly one of the lamps exploded, falling
into the lap of Nannie. Her mother tried to extinguish the flames,
but failing in this, she ran upstairs for a blanket. She went up the
front stairs, and in the excitement, she did not discover for the
moment that her own clothing was on fire. As soon as she was
conscious of this fact, she ran down the back stairway which leads
into the kitchen. Before she reached the kitchen, however, all her
lower garments were burned off, and she stood in one corner with the
blanket over her head, crying aloud for someone to unfasten her
belt. In the meantime, Winters had discovered what was going on, and
in his endeavors to save the poor little child, was burned
considerably on his hands and knees. A bucket of water was thrown
over each of the victims and by this time Mr. Prickett had returned
home, and the house at the same time was filled with people. But the
mischief had been done. A once happy home had, in a few hours, been
made desolate. Mrs. Prickett lingered in great agony until five
o'clock the next morning. Nannie died two hours earlier. They were
both conscious until they expired, and Mrs. Prickett, two hours
after the sad occurrence, was able to explain how the accident
Mrs. Prickett was the daughter of Mr. Edward Mitchell West, and was
his favorite child. She was born February 12, 1838 in Madison
County, Illinois, and was married to Mr. William Russell Prickett in
1857. There are three other children surviving her - one boy (Edward
Isaac Prickett) and two girls (Georgiana and Mary). Mrs. Prickett
was an accomplished lady in every sense of the word and her husband
and family have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community. The
funeral will take place at 10 o'clock today. [NOTES: Burial was in
the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville. In 1888, fourteen years after
the death of his wife, Virginia, William Prickett married Mary
Josephine Gillespie, daughter of Judge Joseph and Mary E. (Smith)
A follow-up appeared in the Edwardsville Intelligencer, 11 November
Mrs. Virginia F. Prickett
In that beautiful life which so suddenly went out, on the early
morning of the 3rd instant, there was so much to love and remember
that the simple announcement heretofore made of the sad event, is
insufficient to express the deep feeling of her friends, and the
felt loss of the community where she lived. Mrs. Prickett was born
in Edwardsville and her whole life was here - where she had acquired
universal esteem and love. Never in the history of this city has
there occurred an event which caused such profound sorrow as the
sudden and distressing casualty that caused the death of the wife
and daughter of our esteemed citizen, Major Wm. R Prickett. Perhaps
no one person had done so much to promote a refined state of social
life in Edwardsville than had she. Her pleasant home was always open
to all who sought a pleasure to be derived from refined social
intercourse, which was enlivened by the conversation of her whose
mine was enriched by an extended acquaintance with the best writers
of the past and present age. From childhood she was exceedingly fond
of books. The writer has never known any one, how in a given time
could read so much, and who retained so fully in knowledge of what
was read, as Mrs. Prickett. The hospitalities and entertainments of
herself and husband, free from all taint of ostentation, were the
charm of social life in our little city, and so generous as to leave
not jealousies behind them. Of beautiful presence, cordial and easy
manner, cultivated taste, and pure Christian spirit, it was
impossible to be with her without being impressed with the
excellence of her character, and being made better from the
association. With a fine mind, cultivated by an education at
Monticello Seminary (the queen of female colleges), an aesthetic
nature, and means to gratify taste, she had made her home as near an
earthly paradise as may anywhere be found. A devotion to the
happiness of her family, she has given her life to the purpose of
making home everything that could be desired, and in every part of
that home was the impress of a refined taste and pure nature. It is
the wife who fills the largest place in the domestic heaven; and the
mother whose unmeasured love, watchful care, holy teachings and
deeds registered above, are as a holy presence and charm. It is she
whose province and power it is to preserve from evil; influences,
and guide to a higher and purer life - and truly did she come up to
all those trusts. Her noble Christian spirit went out in deeds of
love and charity to others. No opportunity by her was ever avoided
or lost, to contribute to the happiness of others, or to aid those
in need. Truly did her minister say of her that "her charities were
only limited by her opportunities," and yet so silently done that
usually none but those receiving, knew of them. To her husband she
was all he desired; to her children all a fond mother could be; to
her sisters a charm and a joy; to her parents, who have frequently
before been called to bear deep afflictions in the loss of their
children, her death causes most poignant sorrow. Their oldest child,
she was their counselor and companion, and in their oft repeated
bereavements they had learned to lean on her for comfort and
support. Desolate, indeed, and full of anguish must all those loving
hearts be, which once formed so happy a family circle. Her last
hours, though amid such sufferings as cannot be described, were made
impressive and hold by such an exhibition of affection for family
and fair in God, as was never the privilege of the writer before to
witness. When, as the clock told the hour of twelve, and the new day
had begun, she was told that her little daughter had gone to heaven,
her face brightened, she raised her hands, all charred by the
flames, and said: "Oh, I am so glad that in going I take her with
me, who least of all could do without me," and looking up to her
mother with countenance of holy expression said: "I shall die, and
soon I shall know all." Then with sweetest words of love to the
husband, and expressions of confidence in the future goodness of her
children, and with an earnest desire to be gone, she laid her down
to sleep, and as the first grey dawn of the morning appeared, there
went out forever from the light of this world a life which for
thirty-six years and gladdened all who beheld it. All her life a
follower of the Great Teacher, and for more than twenty-five years a
member of his church. "For her to live was Christ; but to die was
gain." The little daughter, Nannie Julia, of eleven years, who by a
few hours preceded the mother to the better land, was a child of
much promise and sweetness of disposition: with a mind quite in
advance of her age, she was an experienced Christian. On an occasion
not many days before, she expressed the desire that she might die
when Mama did, and that her last act might be to kiss her. A bright,
winsome thing, with eyes of lustre and hair of gold, she seemed sent
by God to bless the parents, and to leave behind her sweet memories.
But the light has gone out of those beautiful eyes, and the gold
will fade form the silken hair, but the spirit bright and pure as
the flowers strewn by her schoolmates at her grave, has gone up to
God. By and by the morning will come, with its sunlight and
fragrance; by and by there will be gathered again the strands of
that broken chord, which will lead the loved ones all to that
paradise of the angels of heaven, where the pure dwell, and where
they have gone, and "where we shall know even as we are known."
Intelligencer, December 23, 1922 - Submitted by Jane Denny
Edwardsville Banker and Financier; Civil War Soldier
Major William Russell Prickett, retired Edwardsville banker and
financier, died at his home, 210 Kansas street at 12 o'clock today.
The end was due to a heart attack with which he had been suffering
since Tuesday but yesterday and today seemed greatly improved. The
end came as he was receiving some mail from a messenger who had just
returned from the post office. He sank to the floor and expired
within a few moments, without a struggle. Telegrams were sent to the
three children, Mrs. H. Clay Pierce and E. I. Prickett of New York
City and Mrs. H. L. Drummond of Pasadena, Calif., early this
afternoon. The three are expected to come here and plans for the
funeral will be deferred until they answer. Major Pricket was born
in Edwardsville, September 21, 1836. He is of Southern ancestry. His
mother was Kentuckian, having been born in Hopkinsville, August 6,
1806, and his father, Colonel Isaac Prickett, a native of Georgia,
was born in Savannah, December 22, 1790, but at an early date
migrated to Illinois and was prominently identified with its
history, both as a territory and as a state. He embarked in
merchandising at Edwardsville, in 1818, and continued in the
business until his death, in 1844, in the meantime filling numerous
offices of public trust, viz: quartermaster general of the Illinois
militia, paymaster of militia, inspector of the penitentiary, public
administrator, coroner and postmaster. In 1838 he was appointed by
President Van Buren to the responsible position of receiver of
public moneys for the United States land office, and was
re-appointed to the office by President Tyler in 1842, which
position he held at the time of his death. The mother of Major
Prickett, whose maiden name was Nancy A. Lamkins, was a daughter of
Captain William Lamkins, of Christian county, Kentucky, who was a
soldier in the war of 1812. Her marriage to Colonel Isaac Pricket
took place in Edwardsville, Illinois, on February 12, 1821. The
eldest son of the family, Nathaniel Pope Prickett, was an officer in
the United States navy, and died of yellow fever on board the United
States storeship Lexington, in the harbor of Rio de Janiero, South
America in 1850. The youngest son, Major William Russell Prickett
spent his life in his native town with the exception of the years
that he was a student at the Western Military Institute in Kentucky
and afterward at the Illinois College at Jacksonville. He entered
the latter institution in 1855, and there, through application and
industry, laid the foundation for a business life of activity and
usefulness. Major Prickett became identified with the Masonic Order
at the age of twenty-one years, joining Edwardsville Lodge No. 99.
He was also a member of the Army of the Cumberland, Grand Army of
the Republic, and the Loyal Legion of the United States. Although he
had always been a Democrat, he followed the example of the great
Douglas in being loyal to the state and country, and entered the
Union army as Lieutenant in the One Hundred and Fiftieth Infantry.
Before leaving Camp Butler he was made Major of the regiment. He had
command of the forces between Bridgeport, Alabama, and Chattanooga,
Tennessee, and was in command of the left wing of the regiment while
it was stationed at Spring Place, Georgia. In July he was appointed
Judge Advocate of the court martial, which office he filled until
the regiment left Atlanta, August 14th, when he had command of
Companies E, F, G, H, and K., with his headquarters at LaGrange,
Georgia. He was honorably mustered out of the service in 1866, at
Springfield, Illinois. In 1868 Major Prickett engaged in the banking
business at Edwardsville. He incorporated his banking interest into
the Bank of Edwardsville on January 1, 1896, and at the same time
assumed its presidency. He continued in it successfully until the
year 1899 when he retired, selling out his interest in this bank. As
an illustration of his financial standing during the panic of 1873,
when so many hundreds of the banks in the country suspended payment,
the banking house of West & Prickett continued to pay and discount
as usual during the stringency. As evidence of the confidence still
reposed in him by the people, it may be mentioned that during the
panic of 1893, his deposits increased rather than decreased. Major
Prickett has been twice married. His first wife, whom he married
1859 and who died in 1874, was Virginia Frances West, daughter of
Hon. Edward M. West, who until his death in 1887 was engaged in the
banking business with Major Prickett. Three children born of this
marriage are living. The son, Edward Isaac, is a resident of
Pasadena, California. The elder daughter, Virginia Russell, is the
wife of Henry Clay Pierce, of New York City. The younger daughter,
Mary West, is the wife of Harrison I. Drummond, of Pasadena,
California. Major Prickett's second marriage took place in 1888, and
united him with Mary Josephine Gillespie, daughter of the late Judge
Joseph Gillespie, who was one of the pioneers of Illinois history in
politics and statesmanship.
Edwardsville Intelligencer, December 26, 1922
As the Years Pass:
The death of Major William R. Prickett on Saturday impressed those
who really knew him with a sense of irreparable loss as their first
thought on learning of the demise. The major was the last of the
old-timers - octogenarians - who were native to the city and who
helped build it and who grew with it in the formative days. With his
passing we now skip a decade to those in the seventies. People of
the present day rarely have the opportunities for commercial,
financial, civic, political and patriotic participation that were
his. He had many sides and only a limited number knew more than a
few of them - perhaps none knew all. The expression "a gentleman of
the old school," naturally comes to mind in thinking of the major.
He was a gentleman born and bred and he never lost nor diminished
his native courtesy. To those who entered his home, or whom he
encountered in public he was ever the same, suave, considerate and
deferential. His home was to him the pleasantest place in the world.
Life brought to him a bounteous measure of good things. He was
wealthy and could have traveled when and where he would but he
wisely knew that the greatest contentment is in the intimate
surroundings of the home and he rarely left it. In the earlier days
that home was the scene of many social gayeties. The major was a
host par excellence; he loved to be surrounded with intellectual,
cultured people of social nature, and as a result the gatherings,
both formal and informal, at his home, were notable. The major's
memory continued bright and clear up to the last moment of his life.
He linked the old Edwardsville of the pioneer days with the city of
the present. In his young manhood skins of animals were exchanged
for dry goods and provisions. The only industries of Edwardsville in
the way of manufacturing were a brewery and a distillery, at each of
which tin cups sat on a bench beside the front door and the wayfarer
was welcome to help himself. Indians were no uncommon sight in the
streets. People traveled by pack horses, and it was a great day when
daily transportation by road was established and the first stage
coach of the Springfield-St. Louis line dashed up to the door of the
Wabash hotel. Time went on and the Civil War cast its shadow over
the land. The major enlisted and went with Sherman to the sea. After
the war politics attracted him and he served in many positions. His
calling was that of a banker and it is difficult to make clear to
present day thought how much this meant to the earlier day. He and
his father-in-law, the late E. M. West, operated the bank of West &
Prickett. There was no bank supervision then. No skilled experts
dropped in unexpectedly as they do now, to keep the present banks up
to the highest efficiency. Banking was a private business and its
character depended absolutely upon the individual. Mr. West and Mr.
Prickett were conservative by nature. They had the highest personal
standards of honor and integrity. Their business was administered
conservatively and honestly. No shadow ever fell across their floor.
No suspicion ever entered any mind as concerned them. During times
of stress when others suffered from the unrest of the day, the
deposits of West & Prickett increased, the finest testimonial of
human confidence possible. And when in course of years, their
well-established business passed on to others, it was with a
stainless and unblemished reputation. In his personal side it has
been stated that the major was ever courteous. He was more - he was
kindly. No one will ever know of his benefactions. He performed them
in a quiet way and said nothing about them. He sent money and boxes
of commodities. He looked around at home and dropped benefactions
here and there. He would stop into a grocery store and leave a
ten-dollar bill with orders. He aided various churches. For many
years he literally kept the Baptist church going and when Miss
Maggie Fruit, upon whom usually devolved the necessity of getting
together the deficit, would go to the major, he would always give
her a check for whatever was lacking. This was a side to his nature
that few knew about. The major was a great home body. In the years
of his first marriage when the children were little, he and "Old
Fritz," his faithful retainer and house man, took the greater part
of care of them. Fourteen years after his bereavement he was married
to one who had always been a very dear friend, and this happy union
endured for more than a third of a century until the major's cycle
was completed last Saturday. There is no doubt that his span of life
was lengthened ten or perhaps twenty years by the tender
ministration of his devoted wife. Mrs. Prickett's life has been one
of devotion to those near her, first to her beloved sister, then to
a brother who depended greatly upon her, and then to her husband.
The major knew how greatly he leaned upon her ministrations and at
times stated that her care was prolonging his life. And having lived
long and well he went away on the last journey just as he would have
wished. In full possession of every faculty, clothed and moving
around his home, about to examine the holiday greeting of friends,
as he stretched forth his hand to take the letters and cards that
were presented to him, another hand - an irresistible one -
intervened, and without sorrow or pain he departed. It was as he
would have wished. Major Prickett has passed on. There is none who
can or will take his place.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 27, 1922
The funeral of Major William R. Prickett was held this afternoon
from his late home in Edwardsville at 2:30 o'clock and were attended
by a large number of friends of the deceased from all parts of
Madison county. His death Saturday surprised and shocked many
people. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Thomas Dyke of
St. Andrews Episcopal church. The Masonic fraternity had charge of
the burial services in Woodlawn cemetery. The active pallbearers
were six members of the lodge, C. W. Burton, Frank B. Sanders, W. L.
Estabrook, douglas M. Hadley, R. D. Griffin and Judge G. W.
Crossman. The honorary pallbearers were A. P. Wolf, E. W. Mudge, S.
O. Bonner, Gaius Paddock, Charles Boeschenstein and A. L. Brown.
With the exception of one, Mr. Boeschenstein, all are men of
advanced years who have known Mr. Prickett during a long period.
PRIEST, HENRY CALVIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 31,
Lumber Businessman
After an illness of several years duration, Henry C. Priest, one of
the oldest and best known business men of Alton, died this afternoon
at 1:15 o'clock at his home, corner of Sixth and Henry streets. He
was seventy years of age and had lived in Alton forty-four years.
Mr. Priest was one of the pioneer lumber merchants of the west,
having come to Alton when the lumber business was an unimportant
industry, and built up through a thriving business one of the
largest fortunes in the possession of any one person in Alton. He
was born in Belchertown, Massachusetts in 1830, where he passed his
earliest days on a farm. He came to Illinois in 1854, and after
spending a few years teaching school in Macoupin county, he came to
Alton and entered into a partnership in the lumber business with
Henry C. Sweetser. At that time, all the lumber used in a territory
within a radius of fifty miles of Alton, came from Alton, and was
brought down the river in rafts. By careful methods and strict
attention to business, he and his partner made their business an
extensive one, and there were few people in this part of the state
during the earlier days of Alton who had not heard of Sweetser &
Priest. They had a lumber yard on Piasa street at Fourth street, and
on Second [Broadway] street near Weigler, where the business is now
conducted. On the death of his partner, Mr. Priest took charge of
the business and conducted it himself with the assistance of his
cousin, William C. Sweetser, who is now in charge of the property.
Mr. Priest married Miss Imogene Brown in 1884, who was his first
wife, and he leaves no children. He leaves two brothers, Willard E.
Priest of Chicago and William A. Priest of Northfield, Mass. William
C. Sweetser and Mrs. Albert Wade of Alton, and J. E. Sweetser of
Brighton, are cousins of Mr. Priest. A confident of Mr. Priest
stated today that throughout his career he confined himself closely
to business, not giving up his favorite pursuit even for recreation.
He adhered to a strict rule of fidelity to business, and he leaves a
large amount of personal and real property as the fruits of his long
life of hard work. He was a Mason, and was also identified with the
Methodist church, toward the support of which he has been a liberal
contributor. The time of the funeral is not decided upon, but will
be announced tomorrow. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery]
PRINGLE, ALEXANDER/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 10, 1881
Mr. Alexander Pringle, father-in-law of Mr. Samuel Pitts, died at
Springfield, Sunday, in the eighty-first year of his age. He
formerly resided in Alton, removing from here to Springfield about
twenty-four years ago. He leaves five adult children and a large
number of grandchildren. The remains were brought here [Alton] for
interment - the funeral taking place on Tuesday morning, at 10
o'clock, from the residence of Mr. Samuel Pitts on State street. [He
was buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.]
PRITCHETT, HENRY/Source: Alton Weekly Courier, July 9, 1852
Henry Pritchett, son of James Pritchett, who resides in Looking
Glass Prairie, was killed a few days ago while engaged in cutting
wheat with a reaping machine. In attempting to stop his horse from
running, he fell on the point of the reaper and was injured so
severely that he survived but an hour or two after the accident.
PRITCHETT, JOHN WESLEY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November
1, 1921
John Wesley Pritchett, a coal miner at Troy, killed himself with a
shotgun last night under circumstances that were very peculiar.
Pritchett's wife had gone to Highland where she was to undergo a
surgical operation for the relief of appendicitis. Whether the
absence of his wife had anything to do with the suicide of Pritchett
is not disclosed. It is recalled that when he married last September
14, he forgot his wedding date and went hunting. Five hours after
the time set for the marriage he arrived on the scene and the
wedding proceeded. A coroner's inquest will be held this evening.
PRITZ, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 23, 1907
Henry Pritz, aged 60, was rundown and instantly killed by an
Illinois Terminal train near the eastern city limits Tuesday
evening. Pritz was deaf and did not hear the approach of the train.
He was employed at the Federal lead works and was on his way home
from work. The body was turned over to Deputy Coroner Keiser and he
will hold an inquest and ......[unreadable] a few weeks ago, had his
wife arrested charging her with being with another man. When the
case came up before Justice Nathan, the woman showed she was not his
wife as she had a copy of a divorce decree Pritz had obtained, and
she denied his claim that they had been remarried. Assistant State's
Attorney Wilson dismissed the case, as the woman had a witness to
prove her innocence of the charge - the mistress of a boarding house
where she stayed. Pritz had a little boy with him, and Mrs. Demuth
threatened to take the child from the father.
PROCTOR, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 7, 1875
From Edwardsville – A boy by the name of James Proctor, aged 14
years, a son of Isaiah Proctor, a farmer, living in a cabin on a
piece of leased land about two miles northeast of Edwardsville, was
shot with a rifle and killed on September 28, 1875, at the house of
Caleb Dorson, who lived but a few rods from the house of said
Proctor. It seems that the two families were on amicable terms, and
that the old folks were at the house of Proctor, and that the two
boys were to stay all night together at Dorsons’ for some reason,
young Proctor stated to his companion, saying he was going home and
would not stay with him. Soon afterwards, young Dorson heard a noise
at the door as if someone was trying to get in. He asked who was
there, and received no reply. He repeated his inquiry with like
result, and added that he would shoot unless he received a reply.
This was about 9 o’clock at night. The noise outside the door was
repeated, and true to his word, the inside boy discharged the
contents of his father’s rifle through the door, with the above
result. The deceased boy was brought to town and buried, and no
thought taken of the matter, except that it was a sad affair which
had occurred through a misapprehension of facts.
The law, however, requires that the Coroner should hold an inquest
in such cases, and the news of the death having been conveyed to
him, he, on Sunday afternoon last, disinterred the remains and held
an inquest, resulting in a verdict that “the deceased came to his
death by a wound from a gun in the hands of one Thomas Dorson, fired
under excessive fear that it was some unknown person trying to get
into the house, and that no blame is attached to the said Thomas
PROFITH, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 20, 1908
Mrs. Mary Profith, aged 24, wife of Edward Profith, died at her home
in Granite City yesterday from catarrh of the stomach. She had been
ill a short time. Mrs. Profith was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Clem Collins of Second and Alby streets, and her death is a sad blow
to the parents as well as to the husband. She leaves also two
brothers. Mrs. Profith was deeply attached to her parents and spent
much of her time with them looking after them in their advancing
years. All last summer she visited her parents in Alton. The body
arrived here this afternoon and the funeral will be held tomorrow
from the home of the parents. The funeral of Mrs. Profith will take
place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of her father,
Clement Collins.
PROHO, EUGENE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 17, 1907
An inquest was held last evening over the body of Eugene Proho, who
died from injuries sustained Saturday noon by falling down a flight
of stairs at the Empire house. So far nothing can be ascertained as
to relatives of where he had the money he claims he had in St. Louis
banks, or where is situated the real estate he would claim he owned
at times when he was drinking. A verdict of accidental death was
found by the jury empanelled by Deputy Coroner Keiser.
PRUE [PRUGH], CORA D. HARRIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
March 1, 1909
Miss Cora D. Harris Prue, wife of William Prue, died last night at
11 o'clock at the family home on Brown street, Upper Alton, after a
three years illness. Death was caused by an abscess of the lungs.
She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Harris, who resides
northeast of Upper Alton. She was born thirty-eight years ago on the
old Harris place, and married Mr. Prue thirteen years ago. Since
that time they have traveled in Ohio and Kansas, returning to Upper
Alton a year or so ago, where they have lived ever since. One child
survives her, Marie, aged 12. Besides her father and mother and
husband, she leaves four brothers, John V., Samuel S., both of Upper
Alton; John S. of Portland, Oregon; and Jesse O. of Upper Alton; and
four sisters, Mrs. Carrie D. Titchenal of Macoupin County; Mrs.
Rilla Dooling; Mrs. Fannie Campbell; and Mrs. Rebecca Budde, all of
Upper Alton. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock
from the house. Rev. Powell of the Upper Alton Baptist church will
officiate. The burial will be in Mt. Olive cemetery.
PRUETT, MARTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 1, 1920
The body of Mrs. Martha Pruett, a former resident of Bethalto who
died June 29 at Fairbury, Nebraska, reached Alton from Fairbury
today. The funeral was held at the old family burial grounds in
PRUITT, LUCY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 14, 1919
Mrs. Lucy Pruitt, wife of William Pruitt, died Sunday morning at 10
o'clock from old age at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Weiss,
2220 Belle street. The death of Mrs. Pruitt followed a period of
seven days in bed, and it was the first time in her life she had
ever been confined to her bed by illness. Ten months ago she began
to show signs of breaking down and her daughter, Mrs. Weiss, went to
Fidelity where the aged couple were living and brought her father
and mother to Alton to make their home with her. They had been
married seventy-two years and had not been separated. In their old
age they had happily lived together on their country home place near
Fidelity, and when the aged wife showed indications of a collapse
due to old age, it was deemed best to get them to leave their home
and come to live with their daughter. Mrs. Pruitt was a woman of
remarkably good health, notwithstanding the fact that she was 92
years of age. Her husband is exactly the same age. Their life had
been a very happy one together, and it was one of very beautiful
cases of love lingering in great age, as the couple were strongly
attached and deeply devoted to each other. They were the parents of
nine children, only three of whom survive - Mrs. Frank Walters of
Alton; Mrs. Thomas Moran of Fidelity; and Mrs. Brux Weiss, at whose
home the aged couple lived and where Mrs. Pruitt died. Mr. Pruitt
was for many years a prosperous farmer in the Fidelity neighborhood
and he also owned land in Greene County, most of which he had
disposed of. The body of Mrs. Pruitt will be taken to Jerseyville
for burial, and the funeral services will be from the home of her
niece, Mrs. Hattie Woodruff, tomorrow at 10:30 o'clock, and burial
will be in Oakwood Cemetery at Jerseyville. Mr. and Mrs. Pruitt were
the oldest residents of the Fidelity neighborhood. They had a very
wide acquaintance and everyone was deeply interested in the aged
pair who had lived so many years in the one neighborhood.
PRUITT, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 9, 1919
William Pruitt, aged 93, a son of Maj. Pruitt, famous in the early
days of Madison County, died at the Nazareth Home, Monday afternoon
at 3:30 o'clock from old age. He leaves three daughters, Mrs. Frank
W____, Mrs. Frank Walters, and Mrs. Thomas Moran, all of Alton. His
wife died five months ago ..... [unreadable].
PUCKETT, JOHN W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 6,
John W. Puckett, the fourteen months old child of John Puckett, is
dead at the home at 313 east Second street. The burial will be
Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m. Interment in Milton cemetery.
PUETZ, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 10, 1908
Joseph Puetz, aged 27 years, a native of North Alton, died Friday
morning at the home of his cousin, Mrs. John L. Krug, 2606 State
street, after a long and painful illness which began more than a
year ago. Deceased spent last winter in Florida for his health, but
after returning to St. Louis where he lived for several years, he
was compelled to submit himself to the surgeon's knife on three
different occasions, and the debilitating effects of these
operations caused other complications which resulted in his death.
Three months ago he went to New Mexico, hoping to benefit his
health, but remained there only eight days, coming direct from there
to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Krug, where he has been receiving the
best of care since. He was a ticket seller at the Union station, St.
Louis, for nine years and was held in high esteem by his employers
and by his fellow workers, many of whom have come to Alton on
different occasions to see him and help, if possible, since his last
illness began. He is survived by his father, Louis Puetz of St.
Louis, a brother, Tillman Puetz of Alton, and a large number of
cousins and other relatives. The funeral will be held Sunday
afternoon from the Krug home, and burial will be in the Oakwood
cemetery. Services will be conducted by Rev. Walter H. Bradley.
PUETZ, MARIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 4, 1918
The death of Mrs. Marie U. Puetz, 80 years old, formerly of Alton,
occurred Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. F. Felber,
in St. Louis. The body will be brought to Alton for burial, the
funeral being Friday morning at 9 o'clock in St. Mary's Catholic
Church. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. Mrs. Puetz was the
widow of Tilman Puetz. The family were well known residents of North
Alton. After the death of her husband five years ago, Mrs. Puetz
moved to St. Louis, where she made her home with her daughter.
Surviving her are her daughter, Mrs. L. F. Felber, and a son, Louis
Puetz, both of St. Louis, and two sons, Joseph and Rudolph Puetz,
both of Alton.
PUETZ, TILLMAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 3, 1907
Tillman Puetz, who lived in the northside [North Alton] for more
than sixty years, died Saturday night at his home near the [beer]
park, after a long illness from a complication of ills. He was
engaged in business for many years in Greenwood, and afterwards in
North Alton, but retired twenty or more years ago with a competence.
He owned the ground upon which the village hall stands, and gave
that to the public. He was 83 years old, and is survived by his wife
and three children – Rudolph, who lives here, Joseph Puetz and Mrs.
K. Felber, who reside in St. Louis. The funeral was held Monday
afternoon from St. Mary’s Church, where services were conducted by
Rev. Father Meckel, and burial was in Greenwood [now St. Patrick’s]
Cemetery. The pallbearers were David Ilch Sr., Frank Gissler Sr.,
Michael Walter, Joseph Krug, Henry Kranz, and Julius Bratfisch.
PULLEN, ARLON/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1895
From Moro – The remains of Arlon Pullen, who died in North Carolina,
were brought here Wednesday for interment.
PULLEN, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 13,
North Alton News - Mrs. Elizabeth Pullen, widow of Charles Pullen,
died Thursday morning at 5 o'clock after an illness beginning the
first of November. She was 77 years of age, and that operated
actively against her recovery. She was born in Leadberry,
Herefordshire, England, but came to this country when quite young.
She had lived in this vicinity many years and leaves numerous
friends to mourn her demise. She leaves seven children: William
Pullen of Alton; James P. of Bethalto; and Mesdames [sic] John
Mathle, North Alton, Jacob Luly, St. Louis, Charles Koehne, Alton,
Frank Long, Whiting, Indiana, and Henry Rhoads of Kansas. The
funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and services
will be conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden. Burial will be in
Oakwood Cemetery, Upper Alton.
PULLEN, MARY (nee MILLER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1896
Mrs. Mary Pullen, wife of William Pullen of Godfrey, died at an
early hour yesterday morning after brief and painful illness, at the
age of 42 years. She leaves besides her husband, two young children.
Three brothers, Messrs. Louis, George, and Frank Miller, and one
sister, Mrs. Lizzie Shreiber, reside in Alton.
PULLEN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1910
William Pullen died Saturday morning at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Andrew Bensman, in Main street, after a long illness. He was 60
years old March 9, and lived many years in Alton. Two years ago
while fishing he sustained a paralytic stroke and fell out of his
skiff into the river, and would have drowned but for the prompt
assistance of others. He never recovered fully from the stroke, and
at intervals since has been very sick. He leaves a son, Joseph
Pullen, and his daughter, Mrs. Bensman. The funeral will be Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home to Godfrey cemetery.
PULLIAM, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 1,
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Pulliam will be held tomorrow at 10
o'clock. Interment will be in the Liberty Prairie Cemetery.
PULLIAM, MARGARET (nee RENSHAW)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph,
May 18, 1882
From Bethalto – Last Saturday night, Mrs. Margaret, wife of Mr. D.
W. Pulliam of Bethalto, died very suddenly of heart disease. She
retired at about half past ten as well as usual, and an hour later
was a corpse. She was about sixty-six years of age, and the mother
of several grown-up sons and daughters. She was the daughter of Mr.
John Renshaw of Bethalto, who came to this State in an early day, he
having moved here a few years ago from St. Clair County, and at the
present time is nearly ninety years old and very spry for one of his
age. The funeral took place from the family residence, and a large
number of friends followed the remains to their last resting place
in Moro Cemetery. The bereaved husband has the sympathy of many
GEORGE MORTIMER/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 28, 1897
Built the First Pullman Railcar
George M. Pullman, whose death occurred Tuesday, was at one time a
citizen of Alton, in days when he had not become as well known as he
was when he died. When here, he was a common day laborer, and worked
for the Chicago & Alton Railroad. It was in Alton, in an old shed
now standing at the corner of Tenth and Piasa Streets, that the
first Pullman railcar was built; so we are informed by Mr. William
Huskinson, who was then and for many years afterward Roadmaster of
the Chicago & Alton.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 24, 1913
Contractor Louis Biesemeyer was engaged today in wrecking the old
brick building on Piasa Street, which was formerly occupied as an
office by George A. Ginter, and which was since purchased by Charles
Seibold. The walls of the old building were strong, and it was with
great difficulty and much concerted effort and ingenuity that the
brick walls were overthrown by the contractor's men. The strength of
the walls gave a silent tribute to the effectiveness of work done
many years ago by the old-time builders.
An old resident of Alton tells a Telegraph reporter that he thinks
the building was part of the structure in which the Chicago & Alton
Railroad at one time built its first sleeping car. It will be
remembered that George M. Pullman, the founder of the sleeping car
business, was a resident of Alton and built his first sleeping car
in Alton for the old Chicago and Alton. The shops were on the lot
where this building stands, and it is believed that this building
was one of those occupied at that time as the home of the first
sleeping car. The old building will make way for an addition to the
Bluff City Garage, conducted by the Alton Automobile Co. Work of
erecting the annex will be pushed rapidly, when the old brick
structure is cleared off the ground.
The Chicago & Alton Railroad car shops were located at the southeast
corner of Fourth and Piasa Streets. George M. Pullman, founder of
the sleeping car, was a resident of Alton, and it is believed he
built his first railcar there. Diagonally, at the northwest corner
of Fourth and Piasa Streets, was the Chicago & Alton Railroad
freight depot.
George Pullman was born in New York in 1831. He moved to Chicago as
a young engineer, where he worked to raise the buildings of central
Chicago when a new sewer system was designed. After an extremely
uncomfortable train ride, he realized there was a vast market
potential for comfortable passenger service. In 1857 he formed a
partnership with former New York state senator, Benjamin C. Field,
to build and operate several sleeping cars. Pullman and Field
secured a contract from the Chicago & Alton Railroad to develop a
more comfortable sleeping car. Pullman and Field converted two
moderately successful cars [I believe that Pullman & Field built
this car in Alton]. Field, more interested in politics, assigned his
interest to Pullman in exchange for future loans. In 1859, during
the gold rush, Pullman sought to build his fortune in Colorado by
establishing the firm of Lyon, Pullman, & Co., which operated as a
freight business and ore crushing mill. They supplied fortune
hunters with items necessary for the mining. Pullman and Lyon
eventually bought 1,600 acres of land, which they platted as Cold
Spring Ranch. The ranch became a prominent base camp for the gold
fields, where miners could bed down, camp, purchase supplies, and
buy a meal and drink. It became known as Pullman’s Switch, where
weary teams could be switched for fresh teams before attempting to
take on the rigors of mountain passes. Pullman disliked Lyon, and
dissolved his partnership as soon as possible.
Pullman returned to Chicago in 1863, and built the Springfield
railcar, named after Lincoln’s hometown. In 1864 Pullman was drafted
into the Union Army, but like many young men of wealth, he hired a
substitute to take his place. Pullman expanded his company, and in
1867, Field dissolved the partnership and the company became the
Pullman Palace Car Company. In 1869 he bought the Detroit Car and
Mfg. Co. to consolidate all his manufacturing operations into one.
He built 5 classes of cars: hotel, parlor, reclining room, sleepers,
and diners. Pullman died in 1897 in Chicago.
PULLUM, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 10, 1881
Coroner Youree held an inquest Monday afternoon over the remains of
the colored male infant found Monday morning in the vault of a water
closet on the premises of Captain Hill on State Street. The inquiry
was held at the police station, to which the body had been taken. On
the crown of the head of the infant was a cut or bruise, causing
considerable laceration, but whether done accidentally or
intentionally could not be determined. After the inquest, the
remains were taken in charge for the purpose of interment by Bauer &
Hoffmann, undertakes.
The witnesses examined were Captain Granderson W. Hill, Columbus
Layburn, who recovered the body from the vault, and Dr. J. L.
Thomas, who attended the mother of the child, and through whose
agency, principally, the discovery of the affair was made. The facts
elicited at the inquest were in accordance with the account we gave
of the matter yesterday. Dr. Thomas testified that according to the
best of his knowledge and belief, the child was fully matured, its
appearance bearing out that testimony. He also stated that the girl
disavowed all knowledge of the particular locality where the birth
took place. After considering all the evidence obtainable in the
case, the jury found that the “male infant came to its death by the
act of its mother in putting it into the vault of a water closet,
hence the jury further finds the mother, Mecy Pullum, guilty of
Coroner Youree immediately issued a mittimus, commanding the arrest
and commitment of the said Mecy Pullum on a charge of infanticide,
and placed the paper in the hands of Deputy Sheriff Rudershausen for
service. Mecy Pullum, the principal in this unfortunate occurrence,
is a colored girl, between seventeen and eighteen years of age, who
came to this city about three years ago from Warsaw, where she has
relatives living. Nothing is known as to the father of the dead
PUMP, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 11, 1910
Mrs. Caroline Pump, aged 64, a resident of Alton for many years,
died Thursday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry
Howell, on Seminary street in Upper Alton. Death was due to an
abscess on one of her feet, which resulted in gangrene. She leaves
only the one daughter, Mrs. Howell, and a brother at Brighton. The
funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Howell
home. Mrs. Pump's husband died in Alton fourteen years ago.
PURCELL, AMANDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 21, 1917
Mrs. John Purcell died at her home at 1017 East Sixth street at
11:30 o'clock this morning after an illness of several months. Mrs.
Purcell is survived by her husband and seven children. The body will
be shipped to Shoals, Indiana, on Friday, and the funeral will be
held there on Saturday morning.
PURCELL, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1874
Died near Edwardsville, January 29, 1874, James Purcell, aged 29
years and 5 months.
PURCELL, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 25, 1914
Little Boy Killed Under Steamroller at Sixth and Central Avenue in
James Purcell, the 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Purcell was
fatally crushed at Sixth and Central avenue by being run over by a
5,000 pound steam roller, almost in front of the home of his parents
on Sixth street. The child, though crushed from the feet to the
waist, made no outcry. He died at St. Joseph's hospital, and to his
parents, as he was dying, he kept trying to explain that "I couldn't
get out of the way of the old thing." The lad was caught while
trying to jump off in front of the roller, which was moving along at
the rate of about one- and one-half miles an hour, according to the
owner, Fred Gerdes. Gerdes had been using the steam roller to roll
down a job of paving at St. Patrick's church, and was on his way
home up Central avenue. He had gone just two blocks when the fatal
accident occurred. Mr. Gerdes was driving the steam roller along and
he says that he did not see the little boy who had leaped on the
front part of the roller frame and was riding along. The lad jumped
off and fell as he jumped. Bystanders who witnessed the accident
said that he scrambled along in the path of the roller on hands and
feet, trying to get out of the way. The machine was making such a
racket as it progressed, Gerdes could not hear the shouts of
warning, if any were uttered in time. It was only after the child
had been caught, Gerdes said, he was warned by a little boy that the
child was being crushed to death forward under his steam roller. He
stopped the machine, backed it up, and the child was tenderly picked
up and borne to the hospital two blocks away. Dr. J. N. Shaff said
that although the child was crushed from the feet to the waistline
under the roller, when the surgeon arrived there was not any visible
evidence of the crushing in so far as there might be flattened flesh
and muscles. The tenacious character of the child's bones and
muscles was shown by the fact that they very soon resumed their
normal shape. However, the child's internal organs had been fatally
injured by the crushing process, and the lad succumbed to his
injuries in the hospital one hour after he was hurt. He astonished
everybody by retaining consciousness up to the last minute, and he
talked to his parents up to the last. The inquest was held over the
lad this afternoon, and the body will be shipped tomorrow morning
for Scholes, Ind. for burial.
PURVIANCE, JAMES MONROE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 9, 1872
Died on August 1, at Ridge Prairie, Madison County, James Monroe
Purviance, son of Mr. James Purviance; aged about 23 years.
PURVIS, BERNARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 5, 1918
Bernard Purvis, aged 37, was a victim of influenza. He died last
night at his home, 712 1/2 East Broadway, aged 37. He leaves his
wife and two children. He will be buried Wednesday afternoon at 2:30
PUTZE, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 22, 1908
Louis Putz, a prominent east end business man, died Wednesday
morning after a long illness. Paralysis was the immediate cause of
his death. Mr. Putze's illness had its beginning over ayear ago. His
condition was known to be grave and he continued to grow worse,
failing to realize the hopes of his family and his friends that
there might be ultimate recovery. His malady finally attacked his
brain and for several months his mind had been clouded by the
paralysis which had affected him. Tuesday evening he sustained
another stroke of paralysis, and relatives were summoned to attend
him. Two of the members of his family went to attend him, and
Wednesday morning they sent word that the illness had proved fatal
and that Mr. Putze was at rest. Louis Putze was one of the best
known residents of the east end of the city. He was engaged in the
saloon business for many years, and conducted the saloon at Second
and Ridge streets until failing health made it necessary for him to
see out. Louis Putze was born May 3, 1850 in Saxony, Germany. He
came to America in 1867, and to Alton in 1868, where he has lived
ever since. He was engaged many years in the cracker business and
had conducted a saloon for thirty years. He married Caroline Yeakel
in Alton, November 24, 1875, and he is survived by his wife and
three children, Mrs. Lem Malone and Messrs. Edward and Arthur Putze.
His death occurred at midnight last night. He leaves one sister in
Germany. Mr. Putze was a member of the German Benevolent society,
also the A. O. U. W. Burial will be in City Cemetery.
PUTZE, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 26,
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Putze died last night after a
short illness of diphtheria. The funeral was private, and took place
from the home this afternoon.
PYLE, GEORGE W. (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24,
Monticello Seminary Chaplain
Died at Monticello Seminary on Thursday, 22d inst., in the blessed
hope of a glorious resurrection, Rev. G. W. Pyle, Chaplain of the
Seminary and Pastor of the church in Monticello [Godfrey]. His
funeral will take place from the Seminary Chapel at 11 o'clock a.m.
on Saturday 24th. A sermon will be preached on the occasion by Rev.
A. T. Norton. A more extended notice hereafter.
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 31, 1846
In last week's Telegraph was a brief notice of the death of Rev.
George W. Pyle, with an intimation that a more extended notice would
be furnished. It is not our purpose on the present occasion to
furnish an extended memoir, or portray in full the excellencies of
our departed friend. The one would require a volume, and the other
older hands than those to whom the present duty has been assigned.
The most that will at present be attempted will be to furnish a very
brief outline of his history, and some specimens only of his views
and feelings and conversation, just as he was about to leave this
world of sin and enter into his rest, for the gratification of his
distant friends, and that we all may see something of the life of a
devoted Christian minister, and how a holy man can die.
From some brief memoranda and information obtained from his friends,
we learn that our beloved brother was born near the city of
Philadelphia in 1813; that his childhood was spent without any
advantages of education; that at a suitable age he was bound as an
apprentice to learn a trade, and brought up in ignorance and sin;
giving himself up to follow the unrestrained inclinations of his
youth. Next we find him a young man of twenty, in company with some
horse racers on his way to North Carolina. Making a brief stop in
Virginia, he is induced by the over-ruling providence of God, by
curiosity perhaps, to attend a camp meeting in the neighborhood. His
attention is arrested by what he sees and hears. Conviction of sin
enters into his soul. After a hard struggle, he forms the resolution
to go forward to be prayed for. Pressing his way through the crowd,
he loses his hat, but fearing if he went back to recover it his
purpose might be changed, he presses on, leaving his hat behind.
There he humbles himself, submits to God, and comes away rejoicing
in the Savior. New views, new feelings, new hopes, new fears,
possess his soul. New motives are the spring of his actions.
Scarcely being able to read it, he purchases Janeway's Token for
Children, the only religious book to be found, and the first book he
ever owned.
Arriving at his journey's end, he finds that his religion is not a
mere impulse, without reality. It has entered deeply into his views,
his feelings, his purposes. Like Paul, he was now led to inquire,
"Lord what wilt thou have me to do?" The inquiry is scarcely raised
before he finds the purpose formed in his heart, and suddenly
expressed, "I will be a Minister." He next inquired how it is to be
accomplished. By some means he had heard of Illinois College at
Jacksonville, where young men can be educated for the Ministry at
little expense. Finding a family about to remove to Illinois, He
accompanies them - driving one of their wagons. With no acquirements
except barely being able to read, he enters the Preparatory
Department. By alternately studying and working at his trade to
obtain the means of subsistence, living much of the time on 25 cents
per week, in the short space of two years he is prepared to enter
fully upon his college course, goes through the whole course, and
comes out with the first honors of the College. His room at College
was directly over that of President Beecher. And he has often
remarked that often, when his prospects seemed dark and cheerless,
and he was sinking under discouragement in view of the difficulties
before him, he has been cheered onward by hearing the voice of that
devoted Minister, in secret prayer for his pupils.
We next find him in Lane Seminary, prosecuting with his accustomed
zeal and industry his Theological studies, and living in the most
frugal manner. His course accomplished, he is recommended by the
distinguished faculty of that institution to a committee of a church
who were seeking his services, as a young man of rare qualities and
attainments, who for thoroughness, originality and depth of thought,
was surpassed by few. Immediately after the completion of his
studies, he removed to Illinois as the chosen field of his labors.
He first preached a few months in Springfield, to supply a church
during the absence of their Pastor. He next labored for about one
year in Peoria, till September 1844, when in compliance with an
invitation from the church and the Trustees of the Seminary, he
removed to Monticello, where he continued his labors as Pastor of
the church and Chaplain of the institution until Thursday 22d
instant, when after sixteen months' useful labors among them, and a
whole ministry of only about three years - by a painful sickness of
only seven days, he was, by "the Master" called away from the scenes
of his earthly toils.
Having followed our departed brother to the verge of Jordan, some of
his expressions and specimens of his feelings in the full view of
death and Heaven, may here be interesting and instructive. Until the
day before his death, there was but little apprehension that he
would not recover. He was then told by his physician that his case
was critical. To this announcement, he made no reply nor manifested
the least agitation. One of the Elders of the church coming in, he
said, "I think it is God's will that I should die. Your church will
be left destitute, but trust in God. He will provide." After a
little interval, with much animation and a countenance beaming with
Heavenly joy, he exclaimed, "Can it be! Can it be! Can it be! O!
Glorious thought, that I shall so soon be with Christ!" He soon
after clasped his hands and prayed audibly, and with great apparent
fervor. His prayer abounded with thanksgivings and rejoicings in
God. His faith in Christ seemed firm, and his hope unclouded. He
said, "O God! I have proved thee, and tried thee, under all possible
circumstances, and have never known thee to fail me. And now in this
hour of affliction, yes even if it be of death, I will not distrust
thee. 'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.'" He prayed also most earnestly for his wife and
little son. A lady coming into the room, on taking her hand he said,
"They tell me I shall soon be well." "Are you glad? Does Heaven
appear better than earth?" With a heavenly smile upon his
countenance, he replied, "O yes, yes, yes. I have thought I enjoyed
glorious views of Christ and Heaven during this winter. But oh! Such
flights as I have had during this sickness! 'O! Glorious hour, O
blest abode, I shall be near and like my God.' Tell the young ladies
that if I had strength, I would repeat with tenfold solemnity every
truth I have uttered in their ears this winter. Tell them it is my
dying message, that they give their hearts to Christ, and consecrate
their all to Him." He at one time remarked that if he should die
now, he should have commenced his ministry about the same time of
life, and ended it about the same time that Jesus Christ did. During
Wednesday night his mind was a good deal bewildered. But even then
his conversation was in Heaven. It ran upon the last supper, the
last alike to his Lord and to him. His last public service was to
administer the Communion. Turning his eyes to his wife he said,
"None of us fully comprehend the glorious doctrine of the
resurrection." It was a theme he had thought and conversed much
about during health. On Thursday morning, seeing the music teacher
standing by his bed, he requested her to sing, "Jerusalem, my
glorious home."
His weakness increasing, he said, "I can't pray aloud nor talk
much," but on seeing the teachers and pious scholars, he earnestly
exhorted them all to live for Christ. He then called for two of the
impenitent young ladies, for whose salvation he had been much
interested. He told them he had "felt much and prayed much for them,
as eternity will show," and exhorted them with all the earnestness
of a dying "ambassador of Christ," "to be reconciled to God." The
scene was impressive and affecting beyond description. Upon bidding
his wife farewell, he said, "You will soon be at your home I
suppose," meaning her father's house. "Yes," she replied, "but I
shall return, not as I came; I shall leave you in Illinois, I feel
as if I would rather go with you." With her hand in his, and with a
look of inexpressible tenderness, he quickly replied, "But Jesus
Christ says, you can't come yet; finish your work, and then Christ
will bring you to His home." His dying message to his father,
mother, brothers, sisters, classmates, and all his friends, absent
or present, was "Live by Christ," "My sentiments and feelings are
expressed in my last sermon. 'God forbid that I should glory save in
the cross of Christ.'" He said he had a premonition when he was
preparing that sermon that it would be the last, and wished all to
regard it as his dying message. He said nothing more till about a
minute before he died, when addressing Rev. Mr. Chamberlin, he said,
"Brother Chamberlin, what is the difference between the revolution
of a minute and a year?" and slept in Jesus. O! who would not say,
in view of such a scene, "Let me die the death of the righteous, and
let my last end be like his!"
Religion, in his view, was the first, the chief concern of man, and
that too, as a thing to be practiced, not merely experiment, and all
other things subordinate. His daily intercourse, his conversation
and his prayers, clearly evinced this. In regard to his daily
deportment, we "all are witnesses how holy and justly and
unblamably" he behaved himself among us. His prayers impressed every
one who heard them with the conviction, that he was a man who lived
in close communion with God. The last public prayer he offered was
with his hand upon the head of a young lady whom he was consecrating
to God in the solemn act of baptism. One has remarked that on that
occasion, "he soared so high it seemed to her he could hardly get
back again to earth." In preaching, his subjects were always
selected with a special reference to the education of Christians,
and the conversion of sinners. His last sermon may be regarded as a
specimen. Everybody who heard that sermon must have felt that he
regarded all the possessions and splendors and glories of earth as
_______, as shadows; evanescent as the morning cloud, compared with
those Divine, unutterable glories that cluster around, center in,
and radiate from the cross of Christ. Although he had a portion for
every class of his congregation, must of his sermon was directed to
the young ladies of the Seminary. And Oh! how insignificant and
worthless did those things appear in which young people usually
"glory!" God grant the impressions then made may never be effaced
till all who heard it may glory in nothing "save in the cross of
Christ." In his dying message to the teachers also, he evinced the
superlative value he attached to religion. "The salvation of the
soul, said he, should be the first and great object of the faculty
of every literary institution."
To be a faithful minister of Jesus Christ was in his estimation the
highest honor to which man could attain, while he considered it the
most responsible ever entrusted to man. Deeply imbued with these
sentiments, from the time he first set his face towards the
ministry, he resolved not to spend his time in pursuing any branches
of study, however useful in themselves, which had not an immediate
tendency to qualify him for preaching the gospel. For, said he, not
long since, to the writer of this notice, I commenced preparation so
late, I saw that unless I pursued this course I should utterly fall
of the attainment of my great object. This rule which he formed for
himself so early, he seems to have observed to the end of his life.
It seemed impossible to interest his mind in anything else except
those subjects immediately connected with his appropriate work. His
library consists almost exclusively of commentaries and works
explanatory of the Scriptures. The Bible was, therefore, his almost
exclusive study. In his preaching he magnified the Bible as the
charter of man's salvation, and the only and all-sufficient rule of
human duty; while he pointed out the fallacy and danger of
substituting for it human reasoning and vain philosophy. His
estimate of the ministry, as well as his own humble views of
himself, may be inferred from his dying injunction respecting his
beloved, his only child, a boy but 10 months old [Theodore].
"Whatever you neglect," said he to his wife, "don't neglect the
education of that boy - give him a good education, and train him for
the ministry." After kissing this dear child and saying "farewell,"
as it was borne from his embrace, looking after it with inexpressive
tenderness, he said to him, "Serve Christ - live holy - and be a
better minister than your father ever was." But this notice has
already extended far beyond the original intention of the writer,
and must here be closed, though many things still remain unsaid. May
we all profit by these very brief memorials of the life and death of
a good man! Signed C. [Note: Rev. George W. Pyle is buried in the
Godfrey Cemetery.]
PYLE, JANE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15, 1900
Mrs. Jane Pyle, a resident of Alton more than fifty years, died last
night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Smith, on State
street, after an illness of over one year's duration. Mrs. Pyle was
one of the oldest residents of the city, having come to Alton when a
young woman and lived here continuously with her family. She was 72
years of age. Since the marriage of her children, she has made her
home with her daughter, Mrs. James Smith. Of late years her health
was not good, and the last year she has been an invalid. She leaves
two sons, Messrs. George and Samuel Pyle. The funeral will be Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home. The services will be
conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden of St. Paul's church, of which
Mrs. Pyle was an almost life-long member.