Alton Evening Telegraph, December 05, 1899
One of the Largest Land Owners in Madison County
Mrs. Alvina Rach, an aged resident of Nameoki, died Saturday after a
short illness. She was 76 years of age, and leaves four children,
all of adult age. She was one of the largest land owners in Madison
County, and was very wealthy. Her husband was a veteran of the Civil
War. The funeral will be Wednesday from the Lutheran Church at
RACKY, ADAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 3, 1882
Mr. Adam Racky, an old resident of Alton, died this morning after a
brief illness.
RADCLIFF, C. A./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 15, 1864
Died on April 13, in Alton, Mrs. C. A. Radcliff, wife of Mr. T. W.
RADCLIFF, JAMES L./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 23,
Mr. James L. Radcliff, for half a century a resident of Alton, died
last night at the age of about 79 years, after an illness of four
years. For 30 years he was engaged in business here, and was highly
esteemed and respected. He left a widow and seven children: Mrs.
Marsh of Alton; Mrs. G. G. Pierce of Godfrey; Mrs. J. T. Bennett of
Staunton; Mrs. Marsh of St. Louis; Mr. G. W. Radcliff of Grafton;
Mr. J. W. L. Radcliff of Pike County; and Mr. T. L. Radcliff of
Alton; with other relatives and friends to mourn his death. The
remains will be buried at the Upper Alton Cemetery.
RADCLIFFE, OVID H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 25,
Soldier Dies from Gas
A message came Saturday night to George Radcliff of the Grafton
Road, telling him his son, Ovid, had died in a hospital in France
from pneumonia, following gassing. The last previous word from him
was a letter dated October 5. The young man died November 8. He left
Alton October 5, 1917 with a contingent that was sent to Camp
Taylor, Ky., and he left there last spring for France. He was in the
129th Infantry. He leaves beside his parents, six brothers and two
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 7, 1921
Soldiers' Body Brought Home from France
The funeral of Ovid Radcliff, the Alton boy who died overseas on
November 8, 1918, will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from
the Melville church. The body arrived in Alton this morning and was
taken to the home of Mrs. L. Spiess, a sister. The funeral party
will leave the Spiess home Sunday at one o'clock for Melville.
Radcliff is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Radcliff,
six brothers, Zan, Robert, Fred, George Jr., Earl and Bernard; and
by two sisters, Mrs. L. Spiess and Miss Electa Radcliff. He was born
May 28, 1888. He entered the service of his country during the World
War, and was a member of Co. M, 129th Infantry. He died in a
hospital and was buried in a cemetery at Nievre, France. After the
signing of the armistice, his family made arrangements to have the
body brought home and interred permanently in the Melville Cemetery.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 30, 1919
Memorial exercises for Ovid H. Radcliffe, a former well known
Godfrey township boy who died in France, November 8, will be held at
Summerfield school house on the Grafton road, Tuesday, May 6, at
three o'clock under the direction of Miss Katherine O'Donnell,
teacher, and the Godfrey township committee. Some time ago a hard
maple tree was planted in the school yard and on Tuesday will be
dedicated to Radcliffe's memory. A silver plate with Radcliffe's
name and the date of his death will be placed on the tree. During
the evening, Attorney Gilson Brown of Alton will deliver an address,
and the Western Military band will furnish music. A squad of W. M.
A. boys will accompany the band. All patriotic friends, who are
owners of machines are asked to loan their automobiles to the school
for the transportation of the cadets from Upper Alton to Summerfield
School. Those who will lend their machines are asked to drop a card
to Miss Katherine O'Donnell or Walter Sloan, of Godfrey, Ill. Ovid
H. Radcliffe was the son of George Radcliffe of the Grafton road,
and was a former well known young man of the neighborhood. He died
on November 8, following being severely gassed. Friends are invited
to attend the memorial exercises.
RADCLIFF, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 3, 1884
Mr. Thomas Radcliff, a native of Alton and a lifelong resident here,
died June 29 at the age of about 45 years. He left a widow (nee
Elizabeth Smith), and nine children to mourn his death. The funeral
took place from the family residence in the northwestern part of
RADCLIFFE, THOMAS W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13,
Thomas W. Radcliffe, one of the most prominent and best-known
residents of Alton, died Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at his
home, 1530 State street, after a week's illness. Mr. Radcliffe had
been at his desk constantly, although he had been feeling unwell
since last fall, but a week ago his condition became such he was
compelled to give up his duties and go to his home. For many years
he had made his home with his sister, Mrs. Charlotte Cannell, and it
was there that his last illness and death occurred. Mr. Radcliffe
appeared to be in robust health, and his many friends were surprised
to learn that he was dangerously ill. Until Sunday it was believed
that he would recover, and his illness was believed to be only a
brief one. Yesterday reports were given out indicating the serious
form his illness had assumed, and there was much alarm among his
friends and relatives. From Sunday noon to this morning, he suffered
from an acute and long continued attack of hiccoughs, but it was
possible this morning to relieve the malady. Mr. Radcliffe had been
in the employ of the United States Express Company nearly half a
century, and had filled many positions. He was cashier for the
United States and the Pacific companies in St. Louis for a long
period, but was returned to Alton as agent and has been here ever
since. He started out as a messenger for the company when he was a
young man. He was one of the ablest and most efficient of the
company's servants, and he was highly esteemed by the officers, many
of whom were messengers with him when he was a young man. Mr.
Radcliffe was most assiduous in attention to the duties of his
office as agent of the United States Express Co. He leaves one
daughter, Mrs. Ed Lock, and his sister, Mrs. Charlotte Cannell. His
affections were centered in his daughter, sister and his sister's
children, and by all of them he will be sorely missed. Mr. Radcliffe
was a leading member and one of the vestrymen of St. Paul's
Episcopal church, where he was a pillar of strength in all church
work and where his counsel was always sought. He was an earnest,
consistent Christian and a model of integrity. The time of the
funeral has not been set.
RADECKE, EMMA H. (nee FLOSS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 30,
Mrs. Emma Radecke, nee Floss, passed away peacefully Tuesday
morning. Her death, although not unexpected, is a shock to her many
friends who admired her for her gracious qualities. After an illness
of about three weeks the end came, throwing a pall on the family
home. An infant son is left to comfort the husband. A brother and
sister, Mr. A. L. Florr and Miss Florence Floss, survive her.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 6, 1893
The funeral of Mrs. Alexander George Radeke took place Thursday
afternoon from the residence on Prospect Street. Many friends
attended the services, which were conducted in an impressive manner
by Rev. H. M. Chittenden of the Episcopal Church. There were
beautiful floral tokens of respect and emblems of purity to the
young wife and mother. Music was furnished by members of the
Episcopal choir suitable to the sad occasion. A large cortege of
friends followed to the City Cemetery, where the remains were
tenderly laid away after a prayer and last hymn. The pallbearers
were Messrs. A. C. Williams, Dr. Waldo Fisher, J. H. Booth, R. F.
Sealy, A. H. Wuerker, and Dr. C. B. Rohland.
Emma Radecke was the daughter of Joseph H. Floss and Catharina
Pitsch Floss. She was the wife of Alexander George Radecke. In 1893,
Emma gave birth to a son, Roland Floss Radecke. Emma was buried in
the Alton City Cemetery.
RADEKE, EMMA H. (nee FLOSS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 6,
The funeral of Mrs. Alexander George Radeke took place Thursday
afternoon from the residence on Prospect Street. Many friends
attended the services, which were conducted in an impressive manner
by Rev. H. M. Chittenden of the Episcopal Church. There were
beautiful floral tokens of respect and emblems of purity to the
young wife and mother. Music was furnished by members of the
Episcopal choir suitable to the sad occasion. A large cortege of
friends followed to the City Cemetery, where the remains were
tenderly laid away after a prayer and last hymn. The pallbearers
were Messrs. A. C. Williams, Dr. Waldo Fisher, J. H. Booth, R. F.
Sealy, A. H. Wuerker, and Dr. C. B. Rohland.
Emma Radecke was the daughter of Joseph H. Floss and Catharina
Pitsch Floss. She was the wife of Alexander George Radecke. In 1893,
Emma gave birth to a son, Roland Floss Radecke. Emma was buried in
the Alton City Cemetery.
RADER, JACOB/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 25, 1849
Died at Alton from cholera, Jacob Rader, an estimable citizen who
was attacked by cholera on Friday forenoon, and died at about three
o’clock on Saturday morning, He suffered the disease to run ______
hours, and was actually in a state of collapse before medical aid
was called in.
RADER, JOE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 1, 1915
Joe Rader, 38, died at his home, 1710 East Second street, shortly
before noon today after a lingering illness. He is survived by his
wife. Rader came to the United States and settled in Alton about
three years ago. The funeral arrangements have not been made.
RADER, MARGARET/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 29, 1886
The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Rader, long a resident here, took place
Thursday at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. R. E. Lowe of Upper
Alton. Mrs. Rader was 85 years and 3 months old. The remains were
buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
RAETH, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 26, 1888
Killed As Mother Attempted Suicide
Mrs. Raeth, who lives about 2 miles east of Upper Alton, attempted
to commit suicide yesterday afternoon by plunging into a cistern
with her 18-months-old child in her arms. Her husband, Henry Raeth,
missed her immediately after the occurrence, ran to the cistern, saw
her in the water, and raised the alarm. Mr. William Wilkenhausen ran
to the rescue, was let down into the cistern, and secured the body
of the child, but life was unfortunately extinct. There was a slight
abrasion on the infant’s forehead, showing that it had struck some
projection as the plunge was made. The water was only about four
feet deep, and Mrs. Raeth was rescued without much trouble. Coroner
Melling held an inquest on the child’s body last evening, and a
verdict was returned that death was caused by the act of the mother
while laboring under temporary aberration of mind. The coroner has
made a report of the mother’s case to Judge Cook of the county
RAFFERTHY, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 28, 1893
John Rafferthy, a caisson [structure used in underwater work]
workman, was stricken with the bends or caisson paralysis last
night, shortly after he quit work. He died at an early hour this
morning. Mr. Rafferthy, in company with another man, was working at
a considerable depth in the caisson. He complained of being
threatened with the bends and was warned to leave immediately, which
he did. The compressed air, however, did its deadly work and
Rafferthy paid the penalty with his life. He had been afflicted
several times before and was warned not to again undertake caisson
work. He has relatives in Des Moines, Iowa, and a number of friends
in this city.
RAGAN, JOHN (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 20, 1886
The many friends of Captain John Ragan will be pained to learn of
his death, which sad event took place Sunday at his home in Alton.
Captain Ragan was born in County Meade, Ireland, and was 47 years
old at the time of his death. The deceased came to the United States
in 1851, and to Alton in 1883. For fifteen years he was in the
employ of the Huse-Loomis Ice Company of St. Louis, and is well and
favorably known to most of the river men. Captain Ragan was
considered one of the best pilots of the Illinois River, and it was
while engaged on that stream that he contracted the disease,
malarial fever, which finally proved fatal. Some three weeks ago, a
daughter of the deceased died, while her father was away, and the
survivors of the family are Mrs. Ragan and two children, who will
have the sympathy of all in their deep affliction.
RAGER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 24, 1898
From North Alton – The funeral of Mr. William Rager took place
yesterday from the Cathedral. Mr. Rager was an old and respected
citizen of this place, and widely known. He leaves a widow, who has
the sympathy of the entire community.
RAIBLE, JULIUS H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 23,
Prominent Alton Business Man
Julius H. Raible died Tuesday night at 11:30 o'clock at the home of
his daughter, Frieda, wife of Eugene J. Lingenfelder, in St. Louis.
Mr. Raible's death has been expected since his return from the west
a few weeks ago. While making a trip to Vancouver, B. C. with his
wife, Marie C. Raible, and Mr. and Mrs. Lingenfelder, he was taken
very ill and after being confined to his bed there with an acute
kidney trouble, it was decided to make the trip back to St. Louis,
to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lingenfelder. Since Mr. Raible returned,
he had been bedfast. Dropsy set in, and after much suffering the end
came Tuesday evening.
Mr. Raible was one of Alton's foremost business men. His business
acumen was highly developed, and there were few men in Alton who
stood higher in the commercial world. He was a director in a number
of prominent Alton institutions - among them the Citizens National
Bank and the Piasa Building and Loan Association. His advice was
always esteemed, and in both cases, he was a valued member of the
directorates. One year ago, Mr. Raible's health began to show signs
of being impaired. A few months ago, he disposed of his interest in
his wholesale liquor business in Alton and determined to spend the
remainder of his life in the enjoyment of the fruits of his business
activity. His death will be sincerely mourned by many people in
Alton who counted him as a friend. He was public spirited and
generous, and always ready to lend a helping hand whenever one was
Julius H. Raible was born in Rottweil, Germany, April 12, 1844, of
good family. After receiving a fair education, he entered a
mercantile house where he acquired an excellent knowledge of
business methods. He came to the United States in October 1866,
settling in St. Louis, Missouri, where he remained until January
1872, when he moved to Alton, entering into the mercantile business.
He soon became known as one of the most successful business men of
Alton, was elected to positions of trust in the municipal government
- filling the offices of City Auditor and member of the city
council. In 1873 he married Mrs. Fritz, who survives him. His only
child is Mrs. E. J. Lingenfelder of St. Louis.
Mr. Raible became an Odd Fellow, December 16, 1872, by invitation in
Germania Lodge No. 2, in which lodge he soon became an active
worker, filling the various positions to which appointed or elected
with credit to himself and to the benefit of the lodge. In 1876, he
was elected Noble Grand, serving two terms, and served as treasurer
ten years. May 16, 1873, Mr. Raible was exalted to the Royal Purple
degree in Wildey Encampment No. 1, and was Chief Patriarch of his
encampment in 1875. Entering the Grand Encampment and Grand Lodge at
the session of 1885, he soon became known as an earnest, active
worker in the Patriarchal field, and was ever ready to aid in any
work of the order. He was appointed Grand Marshal in 1891, was
elected Grand Inside Warden in 1892; Grand Senior Warden, 1893;
Grand High Priest, 1894; and Grand Patriarch, 1895. At the
establishment of the Old Folks' Home, in the Grand Lodge session of
1896, Mr. Raible was appointed a member of the Board of Trustees and
reappointed in 1897. He was also a member of the Masonic fraternity
and was a member of Belvidere Commandery, Knights Templar. [Burial
was in City Cemetery]
Julius H. Raible owned a wholesale liquor warehouse and wine cellar
on the North side of 4th Street in Alton, between Belle and Piasa
Street. The building had one of the finest store fronts in Alton,
with pressed brick, terra cotta, and iron and plate glass. A
handsome tower was constructed in a Moorish design, seven feet, six
inches square at the base, and rising sixteen feet higher than the
roof. He used the building for his wholesale liquor store, bottling
establishment, and storage house. The cellar was modeled after wine
cellar in California, with a storage capacity of 25,000 gallons. It
was made of double walls, with a nine-inch space between them. The
building was razed in 1956. Raible also owned property at 331 Belle
Street (southeast corner of Belle and 4th Streets), where he
operated a retail store. This building is now part of Mac’s Time Out
The Raible family lived at 531 Summit Street, in a home built by
William and John Mitchell, prosperous bankers and merchants, for
their brother, Leander, a farmer and riverboat captain. The home was
later owned by Dr. Charles Rohland, and then Julius Raible. In 1915,
Eben Rodgers, owner of the Alton Brick Company, purchased the home.
Raible’s daughter, Frieda, died November 1, 1956, at the Park Plaza
Hotel in St. Louis. Her husband had died in 1947, leaving an estate
of $1,167,113. She bequeathed $250,000 each to the Alton Catholic
Children’s Home and the Alton Women’s Home, plus money to various
St. Louis organizations.
Julius Raible married the widow of Dr. William Fritz, who was a
surgeon for the Twelfth Missouri Volunteers, in charge of the Marine
Hospital in St. Louis. She was a well-known writer and composer of
beautiful poems. Mrs. Raible preferred to express her thoughts in
German, and those who could read her poems in their original form
stated that they were of a very high order of literature. She was a
woman of high culture and refinement, and was devoted to art and
music. Dr. and Mrs. Fritz had a son, Rudolph Alex Fritz, whom Julius
Raible adopted. Rudolph changed his last name to Raible. Julius
raised his adopted son well, seeing that he was educated at the
College of Pharmacy and Chemistry in St. Louis. In about 1885,
Rudolph traveled to New Orleans and Memphis, where he contracted a
severe case of malarial fever. The disease lingered in his body, and
eventually ended his life on May 19, 1886, at the age of 22. His
adopted father, Julius Raible, was greatly grieved by the death of
his son. At the time of Rudolph’s death, his mother and sister were
away in Europe on a visit. Mrs. Marie Raible died 34 years later at
the home of her daughter in St. Louis, on the anniversary of her
son’s death - May 19, 1920. She is buried in the Alton City
Cemetery, along with her husband, Julius Raible.
RAIBLE, MARIE C. (nee KRAUS)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May
20, 1920
Wife of Julius Raible; Talented Writer; Composer of Beautiful Poems
Mrs. Marie C. Raible died yesterday in St. Louis, at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. E. J. Lingenfelder. She had been in failing health
for a long time, and was unable to get around much. A few days
before the end came, she fell asleep and did not wake up again. She
had retained her faculties up to the last.
Mrs. Raible was for many years a well-known and much beloved
resident of Alton. She was the widow of the late Julius Raible, for
many years in the wholesale liquor business here, and prominent in
fraternal circles. Mrs. Raible was a talented writer. She preferred
to express her thoughts in the German language, which she best
understood, and those who could read them in the original tongue
said that they were of a very high order of literature. Her works
were translated, and while few writers have been done full justice
in translations, those who read the little book of her poems, which
Mrs. Raible had published, realized that she had expressed beautiful
thoughts and that her completed work was worthy of much prideful
Mrs. Raible had but one child – Mrs. Frieda Lingenfelder, with whom
she made her home in St. Louis after the death of Mr. Raible many
years ago.
Mrs. Raible was a woman of high intellectual culture and refinement
of taste. She was devoted to art and music, was a good
conversationalist, and during her residence in Alton, she had a
large number of intimate friends here.
Mrs. Raible’s death occurred on the anniversary of the death of her
son, Rudolph, who died 34 years ago in Alton. Her death occurred in
the apartments of her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Lingenfelder, at the
Westmoreland, 330 Pershing Avenue, St. Louis. Mr. Raible, her
husband, died in 1903 in Alton.
Mrs. Raible was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, the daughter of a
Lutheran minister. Besides her daughter, she leaves a brother, Rev.
Dr. Rudolph Kraus, who resides at the old home place, and a sister,
Mrs. Charlotte Kapff. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at
the Wagoner Chapel in St. Louis, and the body will be brought to
Alton for interment in City Cemetery.
Telegraph, May 27, 1886
Adopted Son of Julius Raible; Bookkeeper in Father’s Firm
Mr. Rudolph (Fritz) Raible, aged 23 years, died suddenly Wednesday
afternoon at 4 o’clock of congestion of the stomach, at the
residence of his stepfather, Mr. Julius H. Raible. He had been
complaining some during the day. At 10 o’clock, he became much
worse, and although skilled medical aid was promptly summoned, he
died at the hour mentioned. Mr. Raible was an estimable young man,
and his sudden death comes with sad effect on his relatives and
friends. His mother, Mrs. Julius H. Raible, and only sister, left
but a few days ago for a visit to Germany.
The funeral of Mr. Rudolph A. Raible took place from the family
residence at 2 o’clock p.m. Friday, with a very large attendance –
Rev. J. Graessle of the Evangelical Church officiating. The floral
offerings were numerous and beautiful in appropriate devices,
including an anchor, a cross, broken wheel, pillows with initials of
the deceased in purple, wreaths, and bouquets. The bearers were
Messrs. C. A. Caldwell Jr., August Bickel, Arthur Floss, Fred
Radecke, John Blake, Otto Wuerker, Charles Davis, and Edward
Phillips. The remains were buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
Rudolph Alex. Raible was the son of the late Dr. William Fritz, who
entered the army in the war for the Union as Surgeon of the Twelfth
Missouri Volunteers, and was subsequently placed in charge of the
Marine Hospital at St. Louis, which position he filled until the
close of the war.
Young Rudolph was born in St. Louis, June 21, 1863, and was,
therefore, nearly 23 years old at the time of his death. After the
death of Dr. Fritz, his widow married Mr. Julius H. Raible of Alton,
and Mr. Raible formally adopted Rudolph as his son, giving him his
own name, and caring for his training and education with the same
affection and devotion he would have bestowed on his own child.
After completing his preliminary education at the public schools,
the subject of this sketch entered the College of Pharmacy and
Chemistry in St. Louis, where he applied himself to his studies with
such diligence that he won a foremost place in a class of forty-two,
and graduated with high honors in 1883. Returning home, he became
bookkeeper, and assistant in his father’s store, discharging his
duties with fidelity and ability. He was not only the pride and joy
of his parents, but was a favorite with a large circle of attached
friends. About a year ago, while on a trip to New Orleans and
Memphis, he had a severe attack of malarial fever, from which he
apparently recovered, with the exception of occasional attacks of
illness, but it is supposed that the seeds of the disease lingered
in his system, and produced the congestion which so suddenly and
lamentably ended his life last Wednesday afternoon. His father is
prostrated with grief by his great bereavement, which, as yet, he
can hardly realize. What adds to the sadness of the affliction, is
the absence from home of the mother and sister of the deceased, who
sailed for a visit to Europe but a few days ago, and who will hear
of their terrible loss when far away from home. The sudden closing
of a young life, just as it is opening upon a career of activity, is
ever a sorrowful event, but in this case, the absence of loved ones
makes the affliction doubly severe, and has called forth the
sympathy of the friends of Mr. Raible in unstinted measure.
RAIN, GERALD/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 02, 1893
Gerald, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rain, died Saturday, aged 2 years and
9 months, after an illness of three weeks of bronchial pneumonia.
His suffering was intense. It seemed that death was a relief. As he
lay back on his pillow, a happy, restful smile came over the wearied
features when he looked into the beautiful beyond. Mr. and Mrs. Rain
have the heartfelt sympathy of the community in this time of
trouble. Two other children, George and Lidia, have been very sick,
but have recovered sufficiently to sit up.
RAIN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 6, 1921
Slain by His Own Brother
The turbulent life of Chris Rain came to a climax this morning when
he murdered his brother, John Rain, at the home of the latter in
Wood River. It was the culmination of a persistent effort of the
older brother, John, to break up a companionship between Chris Rain
and a woman named Viola Bishop. The beginning of the events that
ended in the murder of John Rain was when Christ took Viola Bishop
to a dance hall in East End Place in the rear of Jim Riley's soft
drink establishment. Incidentally, John Rain accompanied Mrs. Chris
Rain to the dance hall for the purpose of inducing Chris to leave
and go home with his wife, Chris assaulted his wife, John interfered
and therein has born a grudge which resulted in Chris calling his
brother to his own door in Wood River about 1 o'clock in the morning
and shooting him in cold blood. Local justice courts and the city
court have had numerous cases of _____ involving Chris Rain. Part of
the troubles involved the Bishop woman. At one trial it was
testified by John Rain that he had tried effe__ally to break up the
associating of his brother and the woman, as he desired Chris to
devote his attention and his affections on the wife and six little
children at home. Mrs. Rain had left her husband once, and he had
used every endeavor to persuade her to come back and she did return.
Once, John testified at a trial before Justice Lessner, he had
_______ Mrs. Chris Rain, and finding the Bishop woman had overseen
Mrs. Rain horsewhip the Bishop woman. Again, Mrs. Chris Rain, seeing
her husband riding with the Bishop woman in Jerseyville, had fired a
shot at the woman, the bullet lodging in the ____ of the automobile.
The story of the killing of John Rain indicates that John had been
______ earnest in trying to save his brother, Chris, from bad
company. Thursday evening when Mrs. Chris Rain told her
brother-in-law that she wanted to go to the resort and get her
husband, John agreed to accompany her. Driving her there in the
automobile, John waited outside while Mrs. Chris Rain sought her
husband. When Chris met his wife, he attacked her and began choking
her, whereupon John Rain interfered and separated them. Then John
telephoned the police department, asking to have his brother
arrested for assault. After Chris went home, some officers were sent
to the Chris Rain home, 2601 State street to arrest him. They had no
warrant, and when Chris defied them to take him without a warrant,
they went away. Chris telephoned to _____ Charles Davis of the night
police later, that he intended to "get" his brother, John. Thereupon
Chris _____ a service car and ordered the _____ to take him to Wood
River. Arriving at the home of John Rain, Chris went to the front
door, rang the bell, and when Mrs. Rain rose from her bed to answer
the alarm, Chris asked to see his brother, John. When John was
called to the door, he was in his night clothes. Without any
argument, Chris pulled a revolver and fired three times, one bullet
entering the breast of John and causing almost instant death. Chris
Rain then came back to his home and about 5 o'clock in the morning
was arrested there by a squad of police officers, headed by Deputy
Sheriff ____ Hermann, and including Officers Dempsey, Stuckey,
Neeley and ______. With them were John Tisius, the brother-in-law of
John Rain, and _____ Streeper. When arrested by the police, Chris
Rain was laying across his bed, fully clothed, his hand on the
handle of a revolver which was in his pocket. He made no attempt to
resist and appeared to be asleep, but the officers were not certain
that he was asleep. The ____ said that he was full of _____ and had
every appearance of having been engaged in a hard spree. _____ taken
to police headquarters ______ up in a cell..... brought him in found
a rope in the house which, he said, he was told, Chris had attempted
to use, after killing his brother, in hanging his own oldest
daughter. Yesterday Chris Rain was conferring with a lawyer in an
effort to collect some insurance on an automobile he had lost by
fire within the last week. Some time ago he was tried and acquitted
on a charge of conspiracy to defraud an insurance company. It had
been testified at that trial by a witness that Chris Rain had hired
him, under threats, to destroy a car which had been insured and
afterward Chris Rain collected the insurance. The jury acquitted
Chris Rain. He had also been indicted on a charge of bootlegging,
and was acquitted by a jury. John Rain, the victim of the murderous
mania of his own brother, had made long continued efforts to induce
Chris to abandon his bad companions and take care of his wife and
children. He had interfered several times in behalf of his
sister-in-law to save her from brutal treatment by her husband and
had resorted to strenuous measures to break up the relationship
between Chris and Viola Bishop. John Rain, for a number of years
conducted a grocery store in the North Side, but for a long time has
been working for the Roxana Petroleum Co. at their refinery. He was
regarded as a steady, reliable man by his employers and was highly
esteemed. Beside his wife, he leaves one little child. The slayer
and the slain are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rain of the North
Side. George Rain, a brother of the prisoner, confirmed the story
that his brother, Chris, had made an attempt to hang his oldest
daughter, Laverne, on his return home and that he had used a little
skipping rope. The outcries of the other children dissuaded the
father from executing his own daughter. In his cell Chris Rain
agreed to waive a preliminary examination and he was held to the
grand jury without bond, and was taken to the county jail this
afternoon. Coroner Streeper was uncertain as to when the inquest
would be held. The funeral of John Rain will be held Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home of the parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Rain, at Elm and State streets. Burial will be at Godfrey.
There was a report out that a claim of self defense would be made by
Chris Rain and that John Rain had fired a shot at his brother first.
This was disputed this afternoon by Coroner Streeper, who secured
the revolver owned by John Rain, the only weapon in the house where
the killing occurred, and there was no empty cartridge nor any
indication of recent discharge of the revolver.
[Note: According to the Alton Evening Telegraph, November 9, 1921,
Chris Rain was acquitted of murder. However, he was later arrested
and convicted for burglary in Jersey County and sent to prison in
Chester, Illinois. It was in the prison that his "mind broke," and
he was transferred to the prison hospital "on the hill, where the
insane are kept." He died there August 11, 1925, and both he and his
brother are buried in the Godfrey Cemetery.]
RAIN, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 23, 1898
Child of Mr. and Mrs. George Rain
There was a coroner’s inquest Sunday that occupied six hours time,
and has brought mortification on one of the most prominent families
in North Alton, all because of the indiscretion of a young father
and mother, who are scarcely more than children, and who were not
sufficiently well posted in the ways of doing things right to keep
out of trouble.
On June 12, a child was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Rain of North
Alton, and the parents say it died a few hours after birth. The
neighbors were not informed as to the state of affairs, and the
child was quietly buried in the Godfrey Cemetery in the family lot.
The youthful father, in his inexperience, failed to go through the
formality of a burial permit, and said nothing to anyone about it,
except the members of his father’s family. The neighbors heard of
the birth, and the mysterious burial, and there was an interesting
sensation adrift in short order. The young father was accused even
of infanticide. The story reached the ears of Coroner Bailey, and he
Dr. L. M. Bowman, the attending physician, thought all was well when
seen by a Telegraph representative, so nothing was said of the
affair that evening. The coroner had the body exhumed, and an
examination of it was made by Drs. Fisher and Bowman, but the body
was so decomposed that the evidences of foul play, if any there
were, had been obliterated. The mother of Mrs. Rain, Mrs.
McPhillips, was one of the principal witnesses against George Rain.
She testified that such conflicting stories had been told her as to
convince that all was not well and proper in the child’s death, and
she also said she was not notified of the birth of the child. Mrs.
I. G. Rain, mother of George Rain, said Mrs. McPhillips was not told
of the events because of her nervous temperament, and it was feared
that her actions might produce an ill effect on the young mother.
The coroner’s jury found a verdict which recited the facts known of
the child’s death, and further said, “we find that the evidence of
Mrs. Isabella Rain and others is contradictory, and we believe the
death of the infant to have been due to violence of undue means, and
recommend that George Rain be held for the grand jury for further
investigation of the cause.” Coroner Bailey issued a warrant for the
arrest of the young father, and he was taken into custody and held
without bond.
The testimony given by Dr. Bowman was that the father of the child
called at his office Monday morning, the day after its birth, and
told him he had sent the child to St. Louis to be raised by a friend
there. The testimony of the grandmother of the child, and the
father, showed that the child was buried in the back yard of the
home Monday afternoon, and that afterwards the same evening, it was
disinterred and buried in a grave in the family lot in Godfrey. This
grave had been newly sodded. A sod had been taken out of the side,
so the evidence showed, a hole dug in the grave, and the little box
containing the body placed in the grave, and the sod put back. The
sexton of the cemetery at Godfrey knew nothing of the affair. In
looking for a new-made grave in the lot, the sexton discovered that
the sods of the grave had been tampered with; taking off the sod a
shovel was run into the fresh earth, and the box found containing
the body. The burial party admitted that they climbed over the gate
of the cemetery at Godfrey to get in. The testimony of the father
and both grandmothers was so conflicting and so contradictory of
their own statements, one of them admitted to the coroner that she
had not told the truth in her first statement, that the jury decided
to hold the father of the child, and so he was locked up last night.
The young couple had been married not quite seven months, and the
father claimed that the mysterious burial and statements to Dr.
Bowman were given out to prevent talk. It is more than probable that
the entire trouble arose from the indiscretion of the young father
of the child and other relatives, in the matter of the hasty and
secret burial, disinterment, and reburial.
George Rain is being held on suspicion of having laid violent hands
on his infant child, and was taken to Edwardsville, where a petition
for a writ of habeas corpus was presented to Judge Hartzel by his
attoryney, J. F. McGinnis. The States Attorney was willing for the
charge to be made manslaughter, and the boy to be admitted to bond.
Coroner Bailey went over also to be present at the hearing, taking
the evidence at the coroner’s inquest with him. Judge Hartzell put
him under $500 bonds, and he will hear the case Monday.
RAINES, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February
15, 1906
The 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raines died yesterday
afternoon after an illness with pneumonia at the family home, 2017
Common street. The body will be taken to Carrollton tomorrow morning
for burial.
RAITH, ROSENA (nee RODEMEYER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
May 11, 1929
Daughter of Charles & Mary Rodemeyer Sr.
Rosena Rodemeyer Raith was born in Alton in 1852. She was the
daughter of Charles and Mary Rodemeyer Sr. She married Charles
Raith, a native of Belleville, Illinois, in about 1878. They were
the parents of seven children, two of whom died in infancy. The
surviving children are: Misses Amelia and Anna Raith; Mrs. Amos J.
Maxeiner and Messrs. Charles E. Raith of St. Louis; and Elmer J.
Raith of Kansas City. Rosena died at her home, May 11, 1929, at 324
Court Street, Alton.
RALL or RULL, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 01,
Mysterious Letter States Man was Murdered
Coroner H. J. Bailey this morning received an anonymous
communication hinting that a young man named Rull or Rall, who died
near Dorsey a few days ago, had been foully dealt with, and did not
die a natural death. The letter was mailed on a train near
Edwardsville, and is written in a good hand, though disguised by
writing backhand. The letter is as follows:
“From Dorchester, Illinois, March 30, 1899
To the Coroner of Madison County, Illinois
Dear Sir, A few days since a young man named Rull or Rall, near
Dorsey, Illinois, died without medical attendance or coroner’s
inquest. The supposition is that his stepmother and father killed
him. You can get all the information you want near Dorchester,
Illinois. For humanity’s sake, investigate. This epistle is
purposely disguised. Yours for Humanity’s Sake.”
Coroner Bailey telephoned the village marshal of Bethalto to
investigate the case, and if there is any grounds for the suspicion
to notify him.
Later - Coroner Bailey went to Dorchester Sunday to investigate the
story that a young man named Rall had been murdered by his father.
He found their was no truth in the information sent him, but learned
that young Rall had died with consumption, and that there was no
doubt but his death was a perfectly natural one.
RALPH, JENNIE M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 14, 1900
Mrs. Jennie M. Ralph, wife of Mr. Thomas Ralph, died at her home in
Upper Alton at 2 o'clock Monday morning, after a long and severe
illness caused by stomach troubles. Mrs. Ralph was born September
17, 1846 in Rindge, N. Y. She was a life-long member of the Baptist
church, and affiliated with the Upper Alton church of that
denomination. For nearly 25 years Mrs. Ralph has been an invalid, on
several occasions being near death's door. Her husband and a son,
Richard F. Ralph, survive her. She was a lady who made and held fast
many friends, and her death will be deeply mourned by a large circle
of friends. The funeral will take place on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. from
the family residence in Upper Alton.
RAMEY, THOMAS TURNER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Wednesday,
June 28, 1899
Owner of Monk’s Mound in Collinsville
The funeral of Hon. Thomas Turner Ramey, the owner of the famous
Monk's or Cahokia Mound, took place today from the family home to
Collinsville. For several years Mr. Ramey, as the agent of a number
of scientific institutions, has been digging and delving in the old
mound, and the results of his labors will soon be published. He was
a great student of Indian character, and always claimed that the
Indians had nothing to do with the great mound, or its prototypes in
Ohio. He claimed that these mounds were erected by a people of a
much higher order of intelligence, and that they were intended for
several purposes and not alone as burying grounds, as was
universally believed. He held that the parties who constructed the
big earthwork had a distinct knowledge of geometry, as all the
figures on the inside are constructed on geometrical lines.
The mound, although made of earth, bears some resemblance to the
Egyptian pyramids. It has terraces, rooms, halls and anterooms,
courts, etc., all of which contain relics of the times and specimens
of the handicraft of the constructors of the mound. Mr. Ramey also
proved that the mound was not built from earth taken from the
adjacent low places or hollows, but nearly all the inside material,
thousands and thousands of tons of it, was brought from the bluffs
many miles away, supposedly in boats, the river then being several
miles wide. The old gentleman contended for years that he would have
a monument to his memory which would last longer than any gravestone
that the local artists could construct. He held that his
investigations in the mound would live in history and would add much
to the learning of the age. He also said that he did not wish his
papers published until after his death, and then not until they had
been edited by members of the highest scientific institutions of the
The farm upon which the mound stands will now pass into the hands of
younger members of the family, but it is understood that there is a
clause in the will preventing a sale of the premises until the whole
inner structure of the mound is explored. Some time ago Mr. Ramey
was offered $100,000 for the tract upon which the mound stands, but
would not sell. He said he took as much interest in the mound as
anyone else, and as he did not need the money, he would not permit
it to pass into other hands. About ten years ago a delegation from
the Smithsonian Institution visited the mound, and spent several
days exploring it and taking notes of Mr. Ramey's work. Many of the
party agreed with him that the mound was not the work of the Indians
who have occupied America since Columbus' time, while others held
that it was purely one of the bigger class of graveyards erected by
the Mound Building Indians. How this class of people could construct
perfect hexagons and other figures so mathematically correct was not
understood by any of the party.
(Earlier newspaper article)
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 15, 1898
From Edwardsville – The shooting of Thomas T. Ramey at his home at
Brooks by a burglar Friday morning was rendered of additional
interest to people in Edwardsville, from the fact that he is said to
be engaged to be married to Miss Mattie Sherman, one of the most
popular teachers in the public school, although no announcement of
the engagement has been made. Miss Sherman was notified of the
casualty by telephone Friday morning, and went at once to his
Thomas Turner Ramey was born March 6, 1823, in Caldwell County,
Kentucky. He was the son of John and Sarah (Martin) Ramey, who
married in 1806 in Kentucky. Thomas married Helen Schultz of New
York, and they had at least 7 children. After her death, he married
Margaret Crenshaw (1837-1908) in 1874, and they had one daughter.
Thomas purchased the land on which Monk’s Mound stood, and began to
study and collect artifacts regarding the mound. After his death,
the land went to his children. Thomas was buried in the Glenwood
Cemetery in Collinsville.
At one time, Cahokia was larger than London, England, covering about
six square miles with 120 manmade mounds in a wide range of sizes,
shapes, and functions. Scientists believe it was settled around
600AD. The inhabitants left no written records beyond symbols on
pottery, shells, copper, wood, and stone. The mounds were named
after the Cahokia tribe, an Illiniwek people living in the area when
the first French explorers arrived in the 17th century. This was
long after Cahokia was abandoned by its original inhabitants. Monks
Mound, located in Madison County, is the largest structure in
Cahokia. The mound was named after the La Trappe monks, who resided
there for a short time around 1809. In 1864, Thomas Ramey, a member
of the Illinois General Assembly, purchased Monks Mound from Mr.
Page, who lived in St. Louis. Ramey farmed the land at the base of
the mound. Ramey employed coal miners from Collinsville, and ran a
short tunnel into the mound. He permitted one or two excavations in
the mounds south of Monks Mound, but as a whole, he was against
excavations. During the 1890s, Ramey lobbied the State for Cahokia’s
preservation. His efforts were thwarted by a Chicago legislator, who
remarked that “his district needed parts for live people, and the
guys in the mound are all dead.” Finally, in 1925, the State of
Illinois purchased from the Ramey family 144.4 acres, including
Monks Mound, for $52,100. Cahokia Mounds State Park (part of which
is in St. Clair County and part in Madison County, was then created.
Some of the excavations throughout the years at the base of the
Monks Mound yielded a tomb or burial place, with the dust of nearly
twenty human skeletons and about a hundred vessels of pottery in
almost perfect condition. The pottery, some resembling vases and
long-necked water bottles, resembled the ancient vessels of the
Nile, painted in a bright red pigment with some of the same symbols
as used by the sun-worshipers in Egypt, and very similar to symbols
on vessels taken by Schliemann from buried Mycenae and Troy. Other
Cahokia relics include stone implements of agriculture such as hoes,
spades, and shovels.
RAMMAS, ANNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28, 1889
Died in Fosterburg, February 20, 1889, Annie, beloved child of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Rammas; aged 15 months.
RAMMER, JULIUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1890
The body of Julius Rammer, the missing Chouteau Island farmer, has
been found. A floater was discovered in the Mississippi River near
Commerce, Missouri, a few days ago. It answered the description of
the missing farmer, and in one of the pockets of the clothing worn
by the corpse was found a copy of the Globe-Democrat of March 20.
The body was in an advanced stage of decomposition, and was buried
after having been viewed by the Coroner of Scott County. Emil
Rammer, a son of the missing man, left for Commerce, which is about
125 miles below St. Louis, for the purpose of having the remains
exhumed for inspection. Telegrams received from the young man
yesterday indicate that identification has been complete, and that
the unfortunate man was undoubtedly murdered and his body thrown
into the river. Marks of violence were found, and it is a matter of
conjecture just where the crime was committed, or how long after
Rammer left St. Louis. Rammer disappeared on the afternoon of March
19, he was returning from Edwardsville, where he had been serving on
the Grand Jury. He was last seen by fellow members of the jury,
walking towards his home from Edwardsville Crossing [Hartford area].
No reason has been assigned for his disappearance.
Julius Rammer was born in 1832 in Saxony, Germany. He married Sophie
Kahle (1838-1896), and they had at least three children: Anna S.
Rammer Bergmann (1857-1934); Emil Rammer (1866-1941); and Emma C.
Rammer Ruwisch (1870-1924). Julius was reburied in the St. Johns
Cemetery, Granite City, Illinois.
RAMMES, EMILY/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 8, 1891
From Fosterburg – Died at her residence in Mt. Olive, Tuesday
morning, December 30, 1890, Mrs. Fred Rammes, at the age of 27
years. She had been a sufferer for over two years, and nursed by
loving husband, children, and friends, but they could not save her.
The family circle is broken, never to be repaired, a loving wife and
mother has dropped out; loved by all who knew her. She leaves a
devoted husband and two children (a boy and girl) to mourn the loss
of a loved one. The funeral took place at the Fosterburg Cemetery on
New Year’s Day, and was largely attended by friends who assembled to
pay the last tribute of respect. The bereaved family have the
heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.
RAMMES, MARGARET/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 17, 1892
From Fosterburg – Mrs. Rammes, one of our highly esteemed citizens,
died last Sunday evening. She has lived here for the past 30 years,
but about a year ago she went to keep house for her son, Fred, who
is now located in Edwardsville. Mrs. Rammes has been sick for a long
while, and suffered great pain until the end came, November 13. Her
remains were brought here [Fosterburg] for burial. Mrs. Rammes was
in her 70th year of age.
RAMMES, MARTHA MARIA (nee ASHLOCK)/Source: Alton Evening
Telegraph, January 17, 1922
Mrs. Maria Rammes, wife of Henry Rammes, well-known residents of
Fosterburg, died last evening about 6 o'clock at the home place,
which is located a quarter of a mile north of Fosterburg. The news
of the death of Mrs. Rammes came as a great surprise to the
residents of that locality, although she had been a sufferer from
asthma a large part of the time for several years. Mrs. Rammes had
been under the care of a physician several weeks ago, and she had
improved to such an extent that she was really better than she had
been in a long time, and she and members of her family were
rejoicing because of her improvement. She was up and about her home,
attending to her usual duties. Sunday she complained of feeling bad
and her physician was called from Alton and visited her. She
improved at once, and her condition was believed to be about the
same as she had been during the majority of the time, and on Monday
morning she lapsed into unconsciousness and never rallied, the end
coming about 6 o'clock in the evening. When Mrs. Rammes became
unconscious, word was sent out to her relatives and friends, and
several of them arrived at the home just a short time before the end
came. Mrs. Rammes was 66 years old the day before Christmas,
December 24. Her maiden name was Maria Ashlock, and she was a
daughter of the late Captain Richard Ashlock, one of the old timers
of Fosterburg. He was a prominent man in that neighborhood during
the Civil War. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Rammes was the Ashlock
homestead, and she was born there and lived on the farm all her
life. Her death occurred on the home place where she was born. Mrs.
Rammes leaves, beside her husband, two sisters and two daughters.
The daughters are Mrs. Frank E. Culp of the Fosterburg-Bethalto
neighborhood, and Mrs. Ollie Reeker of Upper Alton. The two sisters
are Mrs. Milinda Voiles and Mrs. Mary Foster, the latter being a
resident of Kansas. Mrs. Rammes was a large woman who carried a
great deal of flesh, and the years she suffered from asthma are
believed to have weakened her heart. Her death resulted from heart
failure, which was brought on by an attack of asthma. She was a
member of the Baptist church and had been an earnest worker in the
church during the time her health permitted her to do so. She was a
most highly esteemed woman in her neighborhood where she had spent
her lifetime. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 1
o'clock at the Baptist church in Fosterburg, and an effort was being
made today to get word to Rev. Fredrick Webber, the former pastor of
the church, of Mrs. Rammes' death. He will conduct the services
Thursday at the church.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 19, 1922
The funeral of Mrs. Henry Rammes was held this afternoon at one
o'clock from the Memorial House in Fosterburg, thence to the
Fosterburg cemetery where the body was laid to rest.
RAMPE, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 25, 1898
John Rampe, a resident of Alton for many years, died Thursday at the
home of Peter Reyland, after a long illness. He was a native of
Germany, and was 72 years of age. He leaves no immediately family,
his wife having died some years ago. He was a frugal, industrious
citizen, and had acquired quite a neat competency by hard labor.
RAMSAY, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 22, 1907
Frank Ramsay, the man struck by a Chicago and Alton train at the
foot of Ridge street Friday afternoon, died at 7 o'clock in St.
Joseph's hospital. His death leaves his little son without anyone
here to take care of him. An effort will be made to induce his
mother, in St. Louis, to take the boy too, as she has his brother,
her other son. Deputy Coroner Keiser was unable to get any word from
Ramsey's wife in St. Louis. He will probably bury the body tomorrow
and will hold an inquest Monday night.
RAMSEY, NEWELL/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1889
Two Sons Die of Measles
Newell, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey, who came here a few weeks
ago from New Jersey, died Tuesday of measles, complicated with
pneumonia, aged 4 years. The funeral will take place from the family
residence in Hunterstown, officiated by Rev. J. W. Caldwell, who
officiated Tuesday at the funeral of another son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ramsey, who died of measles at the age of 6 years. The community
sympathizes with the strangers in their sad afflictions. Mr. Ramsey
is a glass worker.
RANDALL, JOHN F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1909
Civil War Veteran
John F. Randall died Sunday morning at 4 o'clock at his home, 930
Henry street, from pneumonia, after an illness of three days. He
would have been 70 years old Tuesday, April 13. Mr. Randall's death
was very unexpected. He came home from St. Louis the middle of last
week, suffering from a severe pain in his back, which later
developed into pneumonia. One week ago last Friday Mrs. Randall
departed for Mystic, Conn., to attend her mother, who was very ill,
and she arrived there too late to see her mother alive. She was
destined to experience a similar bereavement in her Alton home
before her return. When Mr. Randall's case began to be very bad, a
message was sent to Mrs. Randall to hasten her return to Alton, and
she arrived Sunday afternoon, twelve hours after her husband had
died. Mr. Randall was not believed to be dangerously ill as he had
suffered severe attacks of illness several times in recent years and
had recovered. It was not until Saturday that his daughters began to
be alarmed over his condition. For ten years he had suffered from
hemorrhages of the throat, brought on whenever he would over exert
himself, and it was the fear of his family that one of those attacks
would prove fatal. Sunday morning, shortly before death, he seemed
better, and recognized his daughters, immediately afterward dropping
off into sleep and passing from that to death in a few minutes.
Mr. Randall was born at Mystic, Connecticut, April 13, 1839. He
would have been a member of the Yale graduating class of 1864, but
in his junior year there he gave up his studies and enlisted in the
21st Connecticut Volunteers and served throughout the Civil War. He
was mustered out with the commission of a First Lieutenant. He was a
member of Ransom post, G. A. R., and of the Loyal Legion, an army
officer’s organization. He was a member of the firm of Martin
Collins, engaged in the insurance business in St. Louis for
thirty-five years. Recently Mr. Collins died. He was married March
15, 1870 to Elizabeth F. Stark. He came to Alton in 1882. During his
residence in Alton Mr. Randall was a member of the board of
education several terms, was superintendent of the First Baptist
Sunday school, a deacon in the Baptist church, and was ever
identified with the church work. He was a man of culture, a quiet,
good citizen, and an earnest Christian. He leaves beside his wife,
two daughters, Misses Adelia and Julia Randall, also a brother,
Charles A. Randall of Maxton, Arizona, and a sister, Mrs. Adelia M.
Noyes of Mystic, Connecticut. The funeral of Mr. Randall will be
held tomorrow afternoon, his seventieth birthday, at 2 o'clock from
the family residence. Rev. M. W. Twing will conduct the services,
assisted by Rev. L. A. Abbott, D.D. Burial will be in City Cemetery.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 13, 1909
The funeral of John F. Randall was held this afternoon from the
family home, 930 Henry street, at 3 o'clock. There was a large
attendance of friends of Mr. Randall, and of those who had been
co-workers in the church, in business, and who had also been his
daily companions in the rides to St. Louis on the suburban trains.
In his long years of service in the Baptist church, Mr. Randall had
been earnest and sincere and devoted to his work. He had many
friends among the commuters who enjoyed his companionship, and in
his business he had made many friends. The funeral services were
conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing and Rev. L. A. Abbott, both of whom
had worked many years in the cause of the First Baptist church, with
Mr. Randall. At the funeral services in the home, a solo was sung by
Mrs. Hilton of Marissa. A quartet sang several hymns. At the grave
the quartet sang a "Christian's Goodnight." The pallbearers were T.
G. Harkins, H. F. Roach of St. Louis; George T. Davis, E. M. Bowman,
George M. Ryrie, R. M. Forbes, C. M. Yager, E. M. Caldwell. A
delegation of thirteen members of Ransom post, G. A. R., of St.
Louis, attended the funeral of Mr. Randall, and in connection with
Alton post conducted funeral services at the grave, according to the
ritual of the order. Mr. Randall was buried with his little red,
white and blue rosette of the Legion of Honor, of which he was very
RANDLE, CHARLES H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 24,
Son of Rev. Irwin Blackman Randle
Charles H. Randle, aged 63, died in Chicago Sunday morning, and his
body will be buried there tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Randle’s death
will be a surprise to many Alton friends, who knew him during his
earlier years when he was a resident of Alton. He was a son of Rev.
Irwin Blackman Randle of Alton, for many years one of the city’s
most prominent and highly esteemed citizens. He is the last of his
family, as his brother, Fielding Randle, and his two sisters, Mrs.
Mary Elizabeth Drummond (wife of John N. Drummond) and Mrs. Martha
J. Randle Kerr (wife of J. W. Kerr), are dead.
Mr. Randle was a very successful business man, and had wide business
interests. He was a frequent visitor in Alton, and whenever he came
back to his old home, he was sure to receive a warm welcome. He had
a happy faculty of being friendly with all he met, and the children
of his old friends were just as firm friends as their parents had
been. At one time he had an interest in the Drummond-Randle Tobacco
Co. at Alton, afterward merged with the Drummond Tobacco Co. of St.
Louis. Mr. Randle leaves a daughter, Miss Forrester Randle, and two
sons, Hanson and Guy Randle.
Charles H. Randle was the husband of a daughter of Nathaniel Hanson
of Alton, who founded the Alton Agricultural Works on Broadway in
RANDLE, EDMUND/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 31, 1848
Died on the 20th inst., at the residence of his brother in
Scarritt's Prairie [Godfrey], Edmund Randle, aged 56 years; leaving
a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his loss.
RANDLE, F. A./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 25, 1851
Died in Upper Alton on the 11th inst., of flux, F. A. Randle, son of
Rev. Irwin B. and Mary E. Randle, aged 8 years and 15 days. He was one
of our most attentive and faithful Sabbath School scholars. “suffer
little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is
the kingdom of Heaven.
RANDLE, IRWIN BLACKMAN (JUDGE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, Thursday,
October 5, 1893
Preacher; Justice of the Peace; Attorney; Business Man
At 2 o'clock a.m., Friday [September 29], the venerable Irwin B.
Randle, one of Alton's most highly esteemed citizens, passed
tranquilly away, aged 82 years and 7 months. For the past ten weeks
he has been a patient sufferer. During this time, he found rest only
in an invalid's chair, day and night. The news of his death was
received by Altonians with deepest sorrow. His sickness has been
watched by them in hopes of a rally. Mr. Randle was a man worthy of
the highest esteem. He was one of the pioneer settlers of Madison
County, and has held numerous positions of responsible trust. His
many sterling qualities won for him the friendship of all who knew
him. Out of eight children, three sons and two daughters survive
him. The children are Messrs. F. A. Randle of Joliet; Irwin B.
Randle Jr. of Upper Alton; and Charles H. Randle of Chicago
(1854-1917); Mary Randle Drummond, wife of John N. Drummond of Alton
(1839-1911); F. A. Randle (1843-1851); Bethia H. Randle Drummond,
wife of James Thomas Drummond (1844-1885); and Martha J. Randle
Kerr, wife of James Wilson Kerr of Alton (1854-1917).
Knowing that Squire Randle was seriously ill, and likely soon to
pass over to the great and silent majority, the Telegraph sent a
representative to the residence of Mr. James W. Kerr, where Mr.
Randle resided, and from his lips obtained the facts concerning his
life given below. The genial old veteran received the Telegraph's
representatives most kindly, and in his pleasant way detailed to him
the events of his long career. Mr. Randle was suffering
considerably, and it was a great effort at times to converse, but he
persevered until the chief points in his life had been given. Squire
Randle had been a subscriber to the Telegraph since its first issue,
January 14, 1836, nearly 58 years ago, and always took the warmest
interest in the paper, esteeming it an old and value friend.
Irwin Blackman Randle was born in Stewart County, Tennessee, March
24, 1811, and was therefore at the time of his death, September 29,
1893, eighty-two years, six months and five days of age. He was the
youngest of ten children, eight sons and two daughters, born to
Osband and Elizabeth Randle, a family which proved to be one of
remarkable longevity, four members living to be more than 80 years
of age.
Rev. Osband Randle, who was a prominent Methodist minister, came to
Illinois in 1814, and made arrangements to remove to Madison County
with his family, his incentive being a desire to cast his lot with
the people of a free State, being a strong anti-slavery man. Soon
after his return home, and before he was able to carry out his
intentions of removal, he was taken sick and died. His widow put his
plans into execution, and the next year removed with her family to
this county and occupied a farm near Edwardsville until her children
were grown and had left the parental roof. The pioneer life of that
day was not one of luxury, nor was it free from the frequent
depredations of the aboriginal savages, and many incidents of
interest were remembered and told by the Squire in his old age.
The famous Methodist divine, Peter Cartwright, officiated on the
occasion of his baptism, and a number of years later, when he had
reached the age of accountability, it was under the influence of a
powerful sermon by this great preacher in 1827, that he was brought
to repentance and conversion. Mr. Randle regarded it as a somewhat
remarkable coincidence that the man who had administered the rite of
baptism to him in infancy, should have been the means of his
conversion of the occasion of their next meeting thereafter.
After his conversion at the age of 16 years, he felt it his duty to
preach the gospel, but resisted the call until the year 1837, when
he was licensed to exhort, and in 1838 license to preach was granted
him. On account of a large family and financial embarrassments under
which he was laboring at the time, the young preacher did not apply
for regular work, but acted as local preacher as duty seemed to
call. During the year 1840, he was preacher in charge of the Alton
mission. In August 1842, Mr. Randle was ordained a deacon by Bishop
Roberts at Winchester, and in September 1847 he was ordained elder
by Bishop Waugh at Jacksonville. In 1849, he was appointed by
Governor French as Chaplain of the State penitentiary at Alton,
which position he held for a number of years until the appointment
of Rev. Dr. McMasters by Gov. Matteson. In September 1863, he was
made Chaplain of the 144th Illinois Infantry Volunteers, which
position he held until the close of the war. Having thus followed
his ministerial career, we recur to his early life for the purpose
of giving other matters of interest.
In the year 1828, he accompanied one of his brothers to Christian
County, Kentucky, where he spent two years on a farm, this time
being the only part of his long and useful life, after the age of
three years, during which Madison County was not his home.
On October 24, 1831, he was united in marriage with Miss Mary E.
Harrison, daughter of Fielding Harrison of Sangamon County. The
union was one of those made in Heaven, and was a most happy one
until dissolved by death in April 1889, when Mrs. Randle passed to
the echoless shore, whither the aged husband has so lately followed.
Ten children blessed this union. Two died in infancy and six
survive. Those surviving are Mrs. James W. Kerr and Mrs. John N.
Drummond of this city; Mrs. Robert Tunnel of Wichita, Kansas.;
Robert, Charles and Fielding Randle of Upper Alton, Chicago and
Joliet, respectively.
After his marriage and until the year 1836, our subject worked at
the cooper's trade. In that year he embarked in a mercantile
business in Upper Alton, but soon after becoming involved in
litigation over some land he was financially embarrassed and finally
driven to the wall. In 1839, he was elected Justice of the Peace,
and with the possible exception of one term, held the office to the
hour of his death. In later years, until failing health rendered it
advisable for him to yield, he has held the appointment of Police
Magistrate under various city administrations. For eight years also
he was Master-in-Chancery to the City Court. He was also for several
years a member of the Board of County Commissioners, and held other
positions of trust, in all which he acquitted himself with honor,
and none will be found to say that during his long service as
Magistrate, Irwin B. Randle ever rendered a decision other than in
accordance with his estimate of justice and right under the evidence
before him.
In 1859, after due preparation and upon the advice of friends,
deceased was admitted to the bar and practiced the profession in
this city and in Edwardsville until three or four years ago, when
the infirmities of age admonished him to relinquish the labor. While
never actively entering the domain of politics, the Squire always
took lively interest in public affairs and was always found by voice
and vote among the progressive, thinking men and on the side of
advancement. Allied with the Republican party by inherited
instincts, he was in full accord with it at all times and gave his
hearty support to its measures.
In 1888, he organized the "Tippecanoe Club," composed of men who
voted for William Henry Harrison in 1840, and who would vote for his
grandson, Benjamin Harrison in 1888. The organization did much to
add to the enthusiasm of the campaign, and none were more zealous
among the old veterans than Squire Randle. The club was reorganized
in 1892, and became a very large organization, and whenever it
turned out was greeted with admiration. The club attended in a body
a banquet tendered Gov. Oglesby in 1892 by Dr. Guelich. Governor
Oglesby was visibly affected by the appearance of so large a body of
men who had been voters for 52 years or more.
The genial, kindly old man has ceased from his labors. He has fought
the battle of life - fought it well and bravely, not forgetting to
love his neighbor and do good whenever and wherever opportunity
offered. His familiar face and form will be seen no more in the
walks of men, but his memory will long be green in the minds of the
people of Alton and Madison county. He said to the writer but a few
days before his death: "My disease is incurable. I can live but a
few days at most, and I hope with my last expiring breath to say
with the psalmist, 'Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is
within me bless His holy name.'"
Bowed with the weight of years, he has crossed the dark river and
his bent form has been rejuvenated in the bright beyond, and his
voice joins the songs of the ransomed. The funeral of Irwin B.
Randle took place Sunday forenoon at ten o'clock from his late
residence, corner Fourth and William Streets, to the First M. E.
Church, thence to the Alton City Cemetery, Rev. F. L. Thompson
officiating. The capacious auditorium was taxed to accommodate the
throng of people desiring to testify their respect for the memory of
the departed. The pulpit and the chair so regularly occupied by the
venerable patriarch at the minister's right, were appropriately
draped for the occasion, while liberal contributions of flowers
spoke of tender emotions of numerous friends left behind. Among
these was a large floral anchor bearing the inscription "Father."
The hymns sung were such as had been selected by deceased as his
choice for the occasion. The choir first sand "Rock of Ages Cleft
for Me," and after the reading of the 90th Psalm, "There is a
Fountain Filled with Blood," and after prayer by the pastor, "Jesus
Lover of My Soul" was sung. Then followed an appropriate and
interesting funeral sermon by the pastor from the 13th verse of the
14th chapter of Revelations: "Blessed are the dead which die in the
Lord. Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors;
and their works do follow them."
At the close of the sermon and while the song, "Nearer My God to
Thee" was sung, the large audience passed in front of the altar, and
for a last time looked upon the peaceful face. The procession to the
cemetery was a long one. The pallbearers were Messrs. E. P. Wade, J.
E. Hayner, Samuel Pitts, C. W. Leverett, Z. B. Job, and Capt. D. R.
Sparks. Among those present from a distance were Messrs. Charles H.
Randle of Chicago, and Field Randle of Joliet, sons of deceased, and
Hon. and Mrs. James T. Drummond of St. Louis.
RANDLE, IRWIN BLACKMAN JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 10,
Son of Judge Irwin Blackman Randle Sr.
Irwin Blackman Randle died at the family home on Saturday morning
after an illness of four days. By his death, Upper Alton loses one
of the oldest and most respected of its native citizens. Mr. Randle
was born in Upper Alton October 18, 1834, and spent his entire life
as a resident of Upper Alton. He was married February 01, 1859, to
Susan Warnack, who survives him. Beside his widow, he leaves four
children – Mrs. J. L. Drum of South Dakota; Mrs. [Anna] Edward
Smart, Harry Randle, and Isaac Randle of Upper Alton; two sisters –
Mrs. [Mary] John N. Drummond and Mrs. [Martha J.] James W. Kerr of
Alton; and two brothers – Charles H. Randle of Chicago; and Fielding
Randle of California.
During his lifetime, Mr. Randle served his village faithfully and
well. For twelve consecutive years he held the office of Township
Assessor, was Deput Sheriff two terms, Town Councilman, and up to
the late election, was for years a member of the Cemetery Board.
From Upper Alton – The funeral services of the late I. B. Randle
were held Sunday afternoon at the family residence. Rev. G. W.
Waggoner conducted the services, and several beautiful hymns were
sung by the choir of the Methodist Church. The pallbearers were
Messrs. A. H. Hastings, T. G. Emerson, W. D. Barnard, S. B. Gillham,
Stephen Holt, and John Convery. A large company of relatives and
friends gathered at Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery, where the remains
were laid away, and the grave decked with beautiful floral
RANDLE, LUCIA MARIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 1, 1836
Died - In Upper Alton, on May 31, Mrs. Lucia Maria, consort
[wife] of Dr. P. M. Randle, and daughter of Enoch Long, Esq., In the
20th year of her age.
RANDLE, MARY ELIZABETH (nee HARRISON)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
April 11, 1889
Wife of Justice Irwin Blackman Randle
Mrs. Mary E., wife of Justice Irwin Blackman Randle, died Sunday,
April 7, after a long and painful illness of an asthmatic nature, at
the age of 73 years and 10 months. Mary E. Harrison was born at
Hopkinsville, Kentucky, June 5, 1815. She came to Sangamon County,
Illinois, when a child. She was united in matrimony to Irwin B.
Randle at Upper Alton, October 14, 1831, and had resided in Madison
County since that time. She was a daughter of Fielding T. Harrison
and Anna Eleanor Madison Quinn Harrison of Virginia. It may be of
interest to note that Mr. Fielding T. Harrison was a cousin to
General William Henry Harrison, consequently deceased was a relative
of President Benjamin Harrison. She had been a member of the
Methodist Church for 56 years, was a highly esteemed Christian lady,
and went to her last, long sleep quietly, peacefully, serenely. She
left a husband and five children: Mrs. [Mary] John N. Drummond; Mrs.
[Martha] J. W. Kerr; Messrs. Irwin Blackman Randle Jr., Charles H.
Randle, and Fielding A. Randle to mourn her death, five children
having preceded her to the spirit land. The funeral took place
Wednesday from the family residence, corner of Fourth and William
Streets, with a large attendance. The bearers were Messrs. Henry G.
McPike, E. P. Wade, S. F. Connor, Samuel Pitts, George Gray, and J.
Y. Sawyer of Godfrey. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
RANDLE, NANCY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19, 1852
Died on March 7, at Edwardsville, Nancy, wife of Alexander
Randle, and daughter of Richard Sappington, in her 16th year.
RANDLE, THOMAS MARION (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, July
30, 1874
Veteran of the War of 1812; Illinois Ranger; Minister
From Edwardsville: Thomas Randle, who died at Upper Alton last
Saturday, at the age of 88 years, was a pensioner and a soldier in
the service of the United States during the war with Great Britain
in 1812-15. He was a member of Captain Moore's company of Illinois
Rangers, and assisted in building Fort Russell, which was located
near this place [Edwardsville]. He was on duty at Portage des Sioux
during the treaty in 1814. His remains were brought to this city
[Edwardsville] for interment, and his funeral took place from the M.
E. church last Sunday afternoon. One by one the old pioneers are
leaving us, and soon there will be none to tell their story. At
several other places Old Settlers' Societies have been organized,
and meet once a year. It has been suggested that such an
organization be formed in this county, and we renew the suggestion.
Thomas Randle was the son of Isham (or Isam) Randolph Randle and
Frances Jackson Randle. Isham Randle was born May 28, 1758 in
Brunswick County, Virginia, and was a veteran of the American
Revolutionary War. Isham died September 25, 1838 in Madison County,
and is buried in the Nix-Judy Pioneer Cemetery in Glen Carbon.
Frances Jackson Randle was a relative of President Andrew Jackson.
Their children were: Thomas Marion Randle; Peter J. Randle; Josias
Randle; William Henry Newton Randle; and Sarah Randle Allen.
Thomas was born November 9, 1786 in Montgomery County, North
Carolina. He married Sarah Washington in about 1812 in Montgomery
County, North Carolina. Thomas was a Methodist minister, and was a
charter member of St. John’s Methodist Church in Edwardsville. His
uncle, Josiah Randle II, was the first county clerk in Madison
County, serving from 1818-1924.
Thomas died July 25, 1874, and is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in
Edwardsville. The Randle’s were prominent early settlers of Madison
RANDLE, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 1, 1836
Died - In Upper Alton, on the 25th ult., infant daughter of Doctor
P. M. Randle.
RANDOLPH, IRENE C./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 31, 1891
From Upper Alton -Mrs. Irene C. Randolph, late of De Sota, Missouri,
died very suddenly from heart disease at the residence of her son,
O. F. Randolph, Friday, aged 74 years. Retiring in apparent health
after a hearty supper, she awoke from a quiet sleep, only to fall
almost instantly into the sleep of death. She leaves three sons, one
living here, two in St. Louis, and one daughter in Kansas. The
interment will be in St. Louis, where the body was taken this
RANKEN, G./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1900
Bethalto News - G. Ranken, aged 88, was stricken with paralysis last
Saturday and died Sunday. He was born in Rebsholt, Germany, and came
to this vicinity when 30 years old. He was a brickmason by trade,
but of late years had been a farmer. The funeral services were
conducted by Rev. Fedderson, pastor of the Lutheran church, of which
Mr. Ranken was a member. Two sons and three daughters survive him.
Mr. Ranken had made his home with Mr. John Burns the last two years.
RANKEN, GERD/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 14, 1868
From Bethalto – Mrs. Gerd Ranken died last Saturday, July 09, after
a lingering illness. She was in her 80th year, and was buried in the
Lutheran Cemetery.
RANKIN, HENRY V. and THOMAS G./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 8,
Died on July 3 at Lake Village, Arkansas, Thomas G., aged 2 years, 8
months, and 10 days; also on same date, Henry V., aged 8 months and
13 days – both sons of Thomas V. and Virginia F. Rankin of Alton.
RANSOM, ANN (nee MASON)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 28,
Died, on the 10th inst., at the residence of her father, Captain
John Mason, living near Monticello (Godfrey), Madison County,
Illinois, Mrs. Ann Ransom, wife of Mr. Hiram Ransom, aged about 32
years. About a year and a half previous to her death, Mrs. R.
experienced religion. Near the close of life, being interrogated by
a friend as to her religious prospects and enjoyments, she replied
that her desire to recover on account of her family was very great;
but she had no fear of death, and could say the will of the Lord be
done. In her death, Mrr. R. and his two motherless children have met
with an irreparable loss, and the cause of Christ a decided and
substantial friend.
RANSOM, VAN NESS/Source: Alton Weekly Courier, October 21, 1858
Died at Monticello [Godfrey] on the evening of Sunday, the 17th
inst., Mr. Van Ness Ransom, aged 40 years.
RAPHIER, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 10, 1910
Tom Jones, a negro, whose correct name was Thomas Raphier, died at
St. Joseph's hospital Tuesday night from tuberculosis. Jones was
engaged at the occupation of bootblack for many years and was about
38 years of age. He had been ill several months.
RATCLIFFE, MINERVA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20,
From North Alton - Mrs. Minerva Ratcliffe died this morning after an
illness of about a week. Deceased was born in Pike County, Illinois,
in 1831, and leaves eight children – two sons and six daughters. The
funeral will probably take place Friday.
RATHGEB, LEO/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 22, 1910
Alton Boy Loses Life in Quicksand
Frank Elsen this afternoon received a message from St. Charles that
his nephew, Leo Rathgeb, 12 years old, was drowned Sunday afternoon
while fishing in a lake or morass at St. Charles. The body has not
been recovered, and Mr. Elsen left for the place this afternoon. The
drowned boy is a son of Mrs. Christine Rathgeb, widow of the late M.
Rathgeb and Leo went to St. Charles section about ten days ago to
visit an uncle. Elsen's information is to the effect that the lad
stepped off a log on a spot covered with green scum, which he
mistook for grass. The water and quicksand beneath the scum soon
engulfed him. The boy was with Tony and Joseph Rathgeb, his uncles.
They cautioned him not to go swimming when they left him for a few
minutes. Soon after they heard his cry for help, and when Joe
Rathgeb tried to save him he too became caught in quicksand and was
barely rescued. The drowning occurred at 3 p.m. Sunday.
RATHGEB, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 21, 1903
Michael Rathgeb, aged 77 years, died Friday afternoon at his home on
the Vandalia road after a long illness from the debility of old age.
Mr. Rathgeb came to Alton thirteen years ago. He was born in
Wurtemburg, Germany, and lived there until he emigrated to Alton,
where some of his sons were living. He leaves a family consisting of
his widow and eight children. Mr. and Mrs. Rathgeb made their home
on the Vandalia road with three of their unmarried sons. Two of
their sons are living in Germany, the remaining ones, Eugene,
Michael, Adolph, Joseph and Anton Rathgeb, and Mrs. Sophia Huber,
being residents of Alton. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clock and services will be conducted in St. Mary's church.
RATHGEB, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18, 1906
Michael Rathgeb, a saloonkeeper doing business at Second and Spring
streets, died Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock after an illness from
lung troubles. He had lived in Alton many years and was formerly
engaged in the tailoring business. The funeral will be held Friday
morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church.
RATHGEB, THERESA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 7,
Mrs. Theresa Rathgeb of St. Charles, aged 75, a former resident of
Alton, died at her home last evening. She will be brought to Alton
tomorrow morning and will be taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Fabian Huber on Garden street, from where she will be buried
Saturday at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Rathgeb was born in Germany and came to
Alton when she was a small girl. She lived here up to a few years
ago, when she moved to a farm on the outskirts of St. Charles.
RAUBINGER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 12, 1891
From Marine – Mr. Raubinger, an old resident of Marine, died very
suddenly Saturday morning of apoplexy. The remains were interred at
the Marine Cemetery on Monday. William Raubinger of Everton,
Missouri, and Mr. Jench of St. Louis, were among the relatives
RAUTENBERG, MATHILDE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 27,
Mrs. Mathilde Rautenberg died Sunday morning at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. A. L. Floss, after an illness that attacked her while
she was visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Floss, after an illness
that attacked her while she was visiting her daughter. Mrs.
Rautenberg made her home at Des Moines, Iowa, but had been spending
the winter here. She had frequently visited here, having been a
sister of the late Dr. Guelich. She was 70 years of age. She leaves
six children, Mrs. A. L. Floss, Mrs. George Aultman of Des Moines,
Mrs. Minna Reeder and Theo R. Rautenberg of Syracuse, N. Y., Guido
Rautenberg of St. Louis, and Miss Frieda Rautenberg of Alton. The
funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. Floss, 404 Bluff street. Services will be conducted
by Rev. Gebauer of the Unitarian church. The funeral party will
leave Tuesday morning for Syracuse, N. Y., where burial will take
Telegraph, July 25, 1903
Rev. William E. Ravenscroft of Edwardsville died at Owensboro,
Kentucky on Friday, where he had been visiting his daughter, aged 70
years. He was a well known Methodist clergyman and had presiding
elder of the Alton district for a number of years.
RAWSON, ELLEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 27, 1874
Died at Troy, August 15, 1874, Miss Ellen Rawson; aged 25 years, 11
months, and 27 days.
RAWSON, JENNIE/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, February 19,
Miss Jennie Rawson died last night at 12:15 o'clock at her home at
Troy. She had been a teacher of the schools for eighteen years among
her charges being rooms at Troy and Bethalto. She was 38 years old
and leaves surviving her mother, and a brother, Sam W., of
Collinsville. She was known to many here, and her death is sincerely
regretted by them.
RAWSON, SLYVANIE E./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 4, 1879
Died in Troy, Illinois, on Monday, August 26, 1879, Slyvanie E.
Rawson; aged 30 years, 11 months, and 18 days. Burial was in the
Troy City Cemetery.
RAWSON, WILLIAM/Source: Troy Star, March 28, 1895
The funeral of William Rawson, a former resident of this city,
occurred here Tuesday, March 26, at 4:30 p.m. Mr. Rawson and wife
and one child arrived here from their native land about 1872.
Shortly after their arrival here, the death of their child occurred.
Mr. Rawson followed his trade, that of plasterer, for about 5 years,
when he and his family removed to Highland, where he has been a
resident since. His death occurred at the latter place on Sunday,
March 24, 1895. He was a member of the Knights of Honor, which body
conducted the ceremony. He leaves a wife and four children: two boys
and two girls; also three brothers, Sam and Andrew of St. Louis; and
James, of whom nothing has been heard for years, and the supposition
is that he is dead. A host of friends followed the remains to their
last resting place.
RAY, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 25, 1888
The remains of Mrs. Caroline, wife of Captain John Ray, were brought
to Alton from St. Louis on the train today, and buried at the City
Cemetery. Mrs. Ray and her daughter, Mrs. Mattie Updike, were so
badly burned by a gasoline explosion about a week ago, that the
injuries resulted fatally to the elder lady yesterday. Mrs. Updike
is still suffering so intensely, and is in such a precarious
condition, that her father dared not leave her today to attend the
burial of his wife. Captain Ray and his family were former residents
here, and the sympathy of the community is extended to the sorrowing
ones in their deep affliction.
RAY, CHARLES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 30, 1888
Dies in the Edwardsville Jail
Charles Ray, the stranger who was arrested in Alton for voting
illegally at the township election, and committed to Edwardsville
jail in default of security for a $250 bond, was found dead in his
cell this morning. It is thought that it is a case of suicide, as
Ray had seemed very despondent, and had intimated a design of
self-destruction. Others think death was caused by heart disease.
Coroner Melling will hold an inquest.
RAY, EMILY/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 10, 1883
The funeral of Mrs. Emily Ray, beloved wife of Mr. W. R. Ray of
Alton Junction [East Alton] took place from the residence of her
uncle, Mr. J. P. Owens, of Fort Russell, Saturday afternoon, and was
very largely attended. The remains were interred at the old burying
ground, two miles south of Bethalto.
RAY, JAMES “JIMMY”/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1895
From Edwardsville – Uncle Jimmy Ray, one of the oldest and best
known residents of Edwardsville, died at his residence on North Main
Street yesterday afternoon. He was buried today. Mr. Ray was an
Irishman, born September 29, 1809. He had been a resident of
Edwardsville almost continuously since 1850. For many years he was a
horse trader, and was considered a good judge of horse flesh.
RAY, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 06, 1899
John Ray of East Alton was killed Friday afternoon by being thrown
from the top of a moving freight car on the C. P. & St. L. near
Litchfield. Until a few years ago, Ray was a brakeman on the Big
Four, and was employed in the Alton and East Alton yards. He left
the Big Four to work for the C. P. & St. L., and worked there
continuously until the time of his death. He was about 35 years of
age, and leaves a wife, formerly Miss Paddock, and two children at
his home in East Alton. Mrs. Ray was summoned to his bedside after
the accident. His body will be taken to East Alton for interment.
RAY, MABEL/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 24, 1887
From Brushy Grove – Mr. and Mrs. William Ray were called to mourn
the loss of their infant daughter, Mabel, who died very suddenly on
March 15. The funeral on Tuesday afternoon was largely attended by
neighbors and friends.
RAY, MARTIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1894
From East Alton - Martie, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ray,
aged about 2 years, died Saturday, and was interred Sunday afternoon
at Montgomery’s graveyard. Little Martin had been sick for some time
with stomach trouble. The bereaved parents have the heartfelt
sympathy of their many friends in East Alton.
RAYBURN, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 13, 1894
Mrs. Mary Rayburn died on Saturday, aged 30 years. One of her
sisters, Mrs. Mitchell, resides in North Alton. Two other sisters
and two brothers live in Iowa, and one sister in Belleville. The
funeral took place Monday from the residence of Mrs. Mitchell in
North Alton.
RAYMOND, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
September 28, 1918
The funeral of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Raymond
will be held Sunday afternoon at the family home on Harrison street.
RAYMOND, VICTOR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 27, 1905
Victor Raymond, aged 34, died Saturday night at the home of his
sister, Mrs. Thomas Goudie, 415 east Sixth street, after a long
illness from pulmonary tuberculosis. He has been staying in Colorado
for the benefit of his health, but his condition became so bad he
returned to Alton to be with his two sisters, Mrs. Goudie and Mrs.
Louis Arrington. He was unmarried. The funeral will be held Tuesday
morning at 11 o'clock from the family home, and burial will be in
City cemetery.
READ, H. L. “TINNIE”/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 26, 1873
God in His Providence has seen fit to remove by death Miss H. L.
Read, who for four years was an honored member of the Alpha Zeta
Society, respected and beloved by all who knew her for her gentle
demeanor and studious habits, her sterling Christian character, and
true womanly virtues. In short – her exemplary life, so illustrative
of noble qualities of both mind and heart.
READ, WILLIAM T. B./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 25, 1851
Died on the 15th inst., William T. B., only child of W. T. B. and
Adeilue Read, aged 10 months and 11 days.
READER, POLANDERS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 7, 1908
Nothing serves to emphasize the cosmopolitan nature of Alton's
population more forcibly than the funeral Tuesday morning of the
infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reader, Polanders, whose little one
died suddenly Sunday at the home in East End place. In the old
country from which they came, the custom is to follow the dead body
to its last resting place on foot, chanting prayers as they march
along, and that custom was followed in Alton today by the Italian
and Pollock neighbors and friends of the bereaved parents. The body
of the boy in a coffin was placed in a buggy driven by undertaker
Keiser, and the mourners, women and children, followed after on
foot, first to St. Mary's church and afterwards to St. Joseph's
cemetery, where burial was made. The strange procession and the loud
yraping [sic] and sound of lamentations attracted considerable
attention. Services were conducted by Rev. Fr. Meckel.
READER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28, 1917
Killed by Train On Way To Funeral
Two were killed and one seriously injured when the southbound
Chicago and Alton train this morning at 9:30 o'clock struck an
automobile near Miles Station. The dead are Harvey Cardiff, aged 30,
and Mrs. James Reader, aged 62. Mrs. Cardiff was not killed but is
badly hurt. The party were on their way to attend the burial of Mrs.
Frank Hupp, who died in Alton and was taken to Piasa for burial. The
persons in the auto were old neighbors and friends of Mrs. Hupp, and
were of a large number of people who were on the way to attend the
services. Other people in the vicinity of the place, where the
accident occurred, did not know of it until they had gone five miles
further. Mrs. Reader was a guest of the Cardiffs during the trip to
the burial of their old friend. At the crossing, a half mile from
Miles station, the southbound passenger train struck the automobile,
destroying it and hurling two of the occupants to death. The Cardiff
family had just recently moved to the place where they lived, and
the accident occurred about a mile from their home. The dead were
taken to their homes, and Mrs. Cardiff was given surgical attention.
READING, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24, 1873
Mr. Thomas Reading, a respected citizen of Upper Alton, died on
Sunday night with smallpox, at the pest hospital, and was buried
yesterday. Reading contracted the disease in St. Louis while engaged
there as a teamster. He leaves a wife and five children.
REAGAN, PATRICK F./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 16, 1878
Patrick F. Reagan, who died at his residence in Alton Monday night,
after a lingering illness, was buried from the Cathedral Wednesday
p.m. His funeral was attended by a large concourse of his fellow
citizens, besides a number of residents of St. Louis. Deceased had
long lived in Alton, and held several offices both here and in St.
Louis. He was a native of Ireland, but came to this country while
REAGEN, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 9,
The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Reagen was held this morning from St.
Patrick's Church, where a requiem mass was said by Rev. Bernard
Manning. Deceased had lived in Alton more than 60 years and many of
her neighbors and acquaintances attention the obsequies. Burial was
in Greenwood cemetery, beneath a coverlet of flowers, the offerings
of friends. The pallbearers were S. Bernes, Charles Hammelmann, John
Watsker, Jerry Callaghan, Henry Uhle and John Boyce.
REAGEN, UNKNOWN WOMAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 9, 1890
The funeral of the late Widow Reagen, who died at her home about two
miles north of Godfrey, Sunday night, took place Tuesday morning
from the State Street Cathedral. The remains were buried in the
Catholic burial ground at North Alton [St. Patrick’s Cemetery].
REAL, GEORGIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 9, 1884
From Upper Alton – Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Real have suffered a sad
bereavement in the dath of their oldest child, Georgie, a bright
little girl of three years. She has been sick some time with a
malarial fever, culminating in a brain affection which proved fatal.
The funeral took place in the Baptist Church.
REAL, LOUIS A./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 2, 1889
Mr. Louis Real, Constable of Wood River Township, died at his
residence in Upper Alton on Friday morning. He was born in St. Louis
in 1851. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
REAMEN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 26, 1899
Mrs. Andrew Reamen died this morning at 11 o'clock at her home on
East Third Street from the effects of the grippe. Mrs. Reamen was 69
years of age and had been a resident of Alton for years. Besides her
husband, she leaves five children: Mrs. L. Arrington, Mrs. Thomas
Goudie, George and Victor Reamen of Alton, and Andrew J. Reamen of
Cameron, Texas. The arrangements for the funeral have not yet been
REAVES, ANNA/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 1, 1877
Mrs. Anna Reaves, wife of Willis R. Reaves, a farmer living three
miles north of Alhambra, died at their residence on February 19, in
the 63rd year of her age. She was a good wife, mother, and neighbor,
highly esteemed by all who knew her, and has left a husband and
several children to mourn their loss.
REAVES, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 1, 1902
Suicide by Morphine
Nearly ninety hours after he took a fatal dose of morphine, George
Reaves, an employee at the Charles Seibold livery stable, died
Sunday morning at his home on Fifth and Easton streets. Reaves took
a fatal dose of morphine last Wednesday evening, and the doctors are
unable to account for the fact that he lingered so long before he
died. Wednesday afternoon he drove a carriage for a funeral in Upper
Alton, and on his return to the livery stable he informed Charles
Seibold that he believed he would die in a few days, and he made
known what teams and carriages he desired for use at his funeral. He
told other people that he believed he would die, and he selected the
undertaker and made other preparations for his end. Then he went
home and took the morphine. Reaves had been a sufferer from a cancer
which had given him great pain, and he had been using morphine to
give him ease. He was 55 years of age and leaves his wife and a
stepson. Deputy Coroner Streeper held an inquest Sunday afternoon
and took charge of the body, and it was buried Monday afternoon.
Services were conducted by Rev. L. M. Waterman.
REAVES, WESLEY/source: McHenry Plaindealer, May 28, 1903
Son of Tobias and Nancy Reaves
The funeral of Wesley Reaves, an old resident of Madison County,
occurred at the family home in New Douglas. His death occurred while
visiting his son in Kansas City. He was 76 years of age, and leaves
a widow and nine children.
REBSTOCK, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
December 23, 1910
Murdered - Infant Found in Clump of Weeds
Coroner Streeper held an inquest at Granite City today over the body
of an infant found in a clump of weeds December 13. The jury fixed
the responsibility for the death of the child upon the mother, Annie
Rebstock, aged 21, and the grandmother, Mrs. William Rebstock, aged
43. Both women were held to the grand jury today without bail for
infanticide. The child was born November 23. The girl charges that
her mother strangled the child to death and threw it in the weeds,
and the mother charges that her daughter did it. As the jury could
not decide which was responsible, both were held and both seem to
have had guilty knowledge, if not for the act of murder. The father
of the child was William Whitlock, Coroner Streeper says. This is
the second case of the kind in Granite City recently, but the
mystery of the first has not been unraveled.
RECH, LOUISA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 8, 1904
North Alton News - Mrs. Louisa Rech died Monday night at her home in
the southern part of the village after a long illness. She is
survived by her husband, Fred, who is old, partially blind and very
poor, and she has, it is said, a brother in Alton. Deceased was for
many years janitress of the public school building in School Lane,
but lost the position some time ago. She lost her eyesight and was
an applicant before the county board for the pension for the blind
for which the last Illinois legislature made statutory provisions in
each county. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon
RECHER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 05,
Mrs. Elizabeth Recher died Sunday noon at the family home, 811 East
Third street, after a long illness, aged 55 years. Mrs. Recher's
condition has been a pitiable one for several years, since she was
stricken with paralysis. Unable to move herself, she lay helplessly
paralyzed. When her son died recently, she was unable to go to see
him and his death was a sad blow to her. She was a woman well liked
by her friends, and there are many to sympathize with the family in
their affliction. The funeral will be Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock
from St. Mary's church.
RECHER, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13, 1900
The funeral services of John Recher held this morning at 9 o'clock
in St. Mary's church. Interment was at St. Joseph's cemetery.
RECHER, PHILIP/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 04, 1899
Philip Recher died last night at the home of her father, John
Recher, 811 East Third Street, after an illness of over five years
with paralysis. He was but twenty-nine years of age, but the last
five years of his life he has been a physical wreck, and death to
him was a welcome relief from a life of helplessness and suffering.
Five years ago he was stricken with paralysis while walking on the
street and fell to the sidewalk. Since then he has been almost
helpless, and the paralysis progressed until death came. He leaves a
father and mother and a family of brothers and sisters. The funeral
will be Sunday afternoon. Services will be in St. Mary’s Church.
RECK, ANTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 26, 1922
President of Reck Brewery Dies
Anton Reck, head of the Anton Reck Brewery, died yesterday at 2:30
p.m. at his home at 227 East Fifteenth Street [now Blair Avenue],
following an illness of three months. He was 80 years old. Mr. Reck
was born in Hund, Germany, on February 5, 1842. He was the son of
Joseph and Elizabeth Reck. He came to America in 1865 and located
first at Newark, New Jersey. In 1867 he moved to St. Louis and
inaugurated the business career which eventually brought him to
Alton. He became affiliated with several breweries at different
times in St. Louis, and finally became general manager of the
Schilling and Schneider Brewery. This brewery was absorbed in 1889
by an English syndicate.
In 1890 Mr. Reck decided to enter business, and after visiting
several cities for a suitable location, purchased the Alton Brewery
here, and removed with his family to this city. The experience
gained in his St. Louis connections stood Mr. Reck in good stead,
and this, combined with his business ability, enabled him to
successfully conduct the local enterprise. He worked diligently for
the success of his business, and it was not long until his product
became well-known in that trade. Mr. Reck was married in 1877 to
Miss Augusta Woeckel in St. Louis. Four children survive - Louise,
Bertha, Amelia and Herman. He also leaves a brother, who lives in
Germany. Mrs. Reck died nine years ago.
Mr. Reck was a man of winning personality and genial disposition,
who made friends rapidly. In his business career here, he built up a
reputation for sagacity and honest dealing. His friends were many
and his death will be the cause for sorrow to those who knew him.
Funeral services will be conducted at 3 p.m. tomorrow, at the home
by the Rev. H. M. Chittenden, former rector of St. Paul's Episcopal
Church. Interment will be in the Alton City Cemetery.
In 1890, Anton Reck purchased the Alton Brewery, located at 215 E.
15th Street (now Blair Avenue in Alton), from John Jehle for
$75,000. He moved his family to a home on the hill just above the
brewery. Reck installed an ice plant in the brewery in March 1894,
and in November of that year, a disaster was narrowly averted when a
fire broke out. Business began booming, and in 1908, an artesian
well was dug at the brewery, where more than 200 gallons a minute
could be drawn. Later that year a $30,000 addition was erected. In
1909, a $5,000 addition was made to the bottling department, and the
business was incorporated as the Anton Reck Brewing Company, with
Anton Reck as president; his son, Herman as vice-president and
general manager; and daughter Bertha as secretary and bookkeeper. In
June 1913, another $30,000 expansion was begun, as orders were
exceeding capacity. The cellars were enlarged, as well as the wash
room and ice plant.
At the beginning of 1918, World War I began to decrease the business
of the brewery. To comply with a Presidential order, brewers were
compelled to cut the alcohol content and use malted barley in their
product. Weeks later they were prohibited from buying barley or
other grains for making beer, and supplies were soon exhausted. In
November 1918, a wartime order ceased the manufacturing of beer. On
March 3, 1919, Anton Reck announced it was ceasing operation, except
for the ice plant. Later in March of 1919, Reck announced he would
begin making 2.75% alcohol beer, but this was never put into action.
In July 1919, the brewery completely shut down, including the ice
plant. In 1920 Prohibition became law, and in 1922 Anton Reck passed
away before Prohibition was repealed.
Herman and Bertha Reck continued to live in the house overlooking
the brewery. Herman went into the insurance business, and later sold
radios and refrigerators. In 1932, Bertha Reck, despondent over an
illness, committed suicide by driving her car in front of a train.
In 1939, 60 tons of brewing equipment, which had not been used for
over twenty years, were dismantled and sold for $700 as scrap.
Herman Reck estimated that they had cost around $50,000 new. In
1940, Herman Reck married and moved elsewhere in town. The abandoned
Reck Brewery was remodeled in 1940 for quarters for the Works
Progress Administration (WPA). In May 1945 the Reck home was sold to
the Owl’s Club, and the former brewery buildings were torn down.
Herman died in 1952.
RECK, AUGUSTA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28, 1913
Wife of Anton Reck
The funeral of Mrs. Anton Reck was held Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the family home on Fifteenth street, Rev. E. L. Mueller
of the German Evangelical church officiating. There was a large
attendance of friends of the family at the funeral, and many who had
been good friends of Mrs. Reck assembled to pay their last mark of
respect to the deceased. There were many rich floral offerings. The
pallbearers were Mr. Fenerbacher of St. Louis, Messrs. G. A.
Joesting, A. Neerman, August Luer, S. H. Wyss and John Jehle. Burial
was in the Alton City Cemetery.
RECKER, UNKNOWN (nee SCHALLENBERG)/Source: Alton Telegraph, May
29, 1890
From Godfrey - Mrs. Recker, daughter of Mr. Jacob Schallenberg, died
Tuesday morning. She leaves a husband and six children to mourn her
REDEKER, ELLA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 20, 1921
Mrs. Ella Redeker, wife of Julius Redecker, of 721 Royal street,
died this afternoon at 2:15 at St. Joseph's Hospital where she was
taken for treatment seven weeks ago. She has been ill for over
eighteen months. She was 61 years of age. Mrs. Redecker was born in
Lebanon, Ill., and for some time resided at Marine, Ill. She came to
Alton 23 years ago. She leaves her husband, Julius Redecker; two
sons, Fred and William Noblitt, and two grandchildren, Celestine and
Helen Noblitt. Her maiden name was Geers. She was a prominent lodge
woman and at the time of her death was Secretary of the Mystic
Workers. She was well known and her long illness has been watched
with interest by her many friends. No funeral arrangement were
completed this afternoon, but will be announced Thursday.
REDFORD, ELLEN PEARL/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 28, 1893
From Marine – Ellen Pearl Redford, aged 16 years, died at her home
at Mr. Don Brooks. She was buried Wednesday in the family burial
ground. Rev. J. O. Henry conducting the services.
REDMAN, ANDREW/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 13, 1850
We regret to learn that a lad named Andrew Redman, who was employed
in hauling dirt upon the railroad in the large carts used for that
purpose, by some cause stumbled and fell upon the track one day last
week, and the loaded car passed over his body, breaking one of his
legs in three places, and otherwise injuring him so that he died in
a few days. Too much care cannot be observed by those engaged in
that occupation, as the sharp iron wheels will break a limb very
REDMAN, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 9, 1909
Edward, the 3 1/2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Redman,
died last night at the home on Vandalia road. The funeral will be
held tomorrow afternoon from the home, and the body will be taken to
Wanda for burial.
REDMAN, SUSAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 2, 1917
Miss Susan Redman died at the home of her brother, George Redman, at
1135 Harrison street, yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock after
being ill for some time. The funeral was held at 1 o'clock this
afternoon from the home on Harrison street to the Wanda Cemetery.
The services were conducted at the home by Rev. A. C. Geyer.
REDMON, EVERETT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 14, 1921
Everett Redmon, residing at 1512 Maupin avenue in this city, died
Friday in a St. Louis hospital where he was undergoing treatment.
Deceased had been ailing for about ten months prior to his death. He
was 44 years of age and is survived by his wife and one daughter,
Louise. Other survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Ford of this city
and Mrs. Park of St. Louis; also two brothers, James Redmon of this
city and Luther Redmon of St. Louis. The remains will be brought to
this city for burial and the funeral is to take place Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the A. M. E. church on Fourth street.
Interment will be in the City Cemetery.
REDMOND, ANN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 17, 1906
Mrs. Ann Redmond, an old resident of Alton, died Sunday morning at
her home, 330 west Twelfth street, after a long illness. She was
well known among the older residents and leaves many friends who
will regret to hear of her death. She is survived by one daughter,
Miss Ella Redmond. The funeral will be Thursday morning at 9:30 from
the Cathedral.
REDMOND, FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18, 1918
Former Alton Business Man Dies at Medora
Fred Redmond, a native of North Alton, died yesterday at his home in
Medora, after a short illness with influenza. His relatives,
practically all of whom live in Alton, was not aware of his illness
until a few hours before his death. He was a son of the late John
Redmond, who for half a century, almost, conducted a harness shop at
the corner of State and Short streets. Fred conducted the shop for a
time after his father's death, then conducted a shop in North Alton
until moving to Medora. He was engaged in the harness business in
that town also. He is survived by his wife and two sons. George has
been in the service and Eldon is at home. His mother, Mrs. Barbara
Redmond, is living in the old homestead at North Alton, and five
sisters and one brother survive. The sisters are Mrs. J. G. Melling,
Mrs. Samuel Tingley, Mrs. T. A. Miller, Mrs. William E. Miller, and
Mrs. Norman Challacombe. The brother is George Redmond of Wood
River. It is likely the body will be brought to Alton and that
burial will be at Greenwood cemetery.
REDMOND, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02, 1896
Mr. James Redmond, a well-known glassblower, died at his home, 1812
Belle Street, Friday, after an illness of about a year, with
consumption. Mr. Redmond was 37 years of age, and had lived in Alton
most of his life. He learned his trade in the Alton glass works, but
of late years has worked at his trade in Busch’s factory in St.
Louis. Mr. Redmond was very popular among a large circle of
acquaintances. His mother, Mrs. Anna Redmond, and his sister, Miss
Ella, are the only members of the family left.
The funeral of the late James Redmond took place Sunday afternoon
from the family home on Belle Street, and was attended by a large
number of the friends of the family and of the personal friends of
the deceased. Floral offerings were numerous and beautiful, and the
glassworkers, both green and flint, marched in the rain behind the
hearse, carrying flowers. Obsequies at the Cathedral were conducted
by Rev. Fr. Cusack, and at the conclusion a long cortege followed
the remains to their last resting place in Greenwood Cemetery.
REDMOND, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 8, 1894
Mr. John Redmond, the well-known harness dealer, died Wednesday
night, at his home in North Alton. His death was caused by gangrene
or blood poisoning, and his sufferings extended over a period of 10
weeks. He rallied yesterday, but it was only the flicker of the
flame of life before it went out forever. He leaves a widow and
eight children, four sons and four daughters, besides numerous
relatives and friends to mourn his death. Mr. Redmond was a
generous, impulsive man, whose good traits were many and prominent,
and Alton has lost a good citizen, and his family an affectionate
REDMOND, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 22, 1909
Sleeping on Railroad Tracks - Killed by Train
John Redmond, a lifelong resident of Alton, who has been staying at
the Myrtle House, was instantly killed Sunday night by the Chicago &
Alton Capital City Flyer near the foot of Walnut street. With two
other men, one of whom was Walter Ferris of 931 Tremont street, he
lay down in the railroad yards to go to sleep. Redmond laid across
the track and the two other men were lying between the track and the
siding. The two other men escaped injury, but Redmond's head was cut
off and he was otherwise mangled. Engineer George Webb reported that
he saw two men lying beside the track and one of them proved to be
Ferris, who identified Remond and said he could not remember who the
third man was. The third man left and so far his identity has not
been ascertained. Coroner Streeper impaneled a jury last evening and
will hear Ferris statement tomorrow evening. Engineer Webb will also
be here to testify. Redmond was 30(?) years of age and was a nephew
of Miss Lettie Coleman. The funeral will be held from the Myrtle
House Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and burial will be in the City
REDMOND, MARTIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16, 1895
Martin Redmond, aged 75 years, died this morning after an illness of
only a few days. His death was due to old age. He leaves a wife, who
is at present critically ill, and two children, Miss Ella Redmond of
Alton, and Mr. John Redmond of St. Louis. The funeral will take
place tomorrow afternoon from the Cathedral. Deceased has been a
citizen of Alton for many years, and was highly respected by a large
circle of friends.
REDMOND, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 2,
Proprietor of Harness Shop
William Redmond, a well-known Alton business man, proprietor of a
harness shop for more than thirty years, died Thursday evening at 7
o'clock at his home, 356 Bluff street. Mr. Redmond had been in ill
health for several years. He had been in rapid decline for several
months and confined to his home most of that time. Since last Sunday
he had been unconscious, and his death had been looked for at any
time. He was 59 years of age last March 31. He was born in St.
Louis, but was brought to Alton when a small child by his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Redmond, and all the remainder of his life he
spent here. About thirty years ago, after he had completed his trade
as harness maker under his father, he set himself up in business in
Alton, and the business continued until a few days ago when his
family, knowing that Mr. Redmond's death was very near, suspended
it. The closing of the store was the passing of the Redmond family
from the harness making business in Alton. Thirty-nine years ago Mr.
Redmond was married in Alton. He is survived by his wife, four
daughters and two sons: Mrs. Fred Rust; Mrs. John Simon; Mrs. Arthur
Degrand; Miss Iva Redmond; William and Fred Redmond. His aged mother
still lives in the North Side. He leaves also two brothers, Fred and
George Redmond, and five sisters, Mrs. J. G. Melling; Mrs. Samuel
Tingley; Mrs. Norman Challacombe; Mrs. Thomas Miller; and Mrs. Will
Miller. Mr. Redmond was known for his kindly disposition and he had
a very large number of friends. He was an expert harness maker, and
in the face of the passing of the horse with the increase in the
number of automobiles, he continued to hold a good trade until ill
health made it impossible for him to work any longer. During his
long illness his condition has been watched with much interest by
friends and relatives.
REED, ANDERSON/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1871 (review
of 1870)
Mob Kills Man in Police Custody
On February 22, 1870, Anderson Reed, a colored man charged with
murder, was forcibly taken from Constable Lammert by a mob, between
Venice and Edwardsville, and killed by being riddled with bullets.
REED, BETSY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 12, 1842
Died, in this city [Alton], on Friday the 4th inst., after a short
but severe illness, Mrs. Betsy Reed, consort of Capt. A. Reed, of
the steamboat Eagle, aged about 25 years, leaving a disconsolate
husband and two young children to deplore her loss.
REED, GEORGE JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 27, 1898
Mr. and Mrs. George Reed of East Second Street [Broadway] lost an
infant child Saturday night. The funeral took place Sunday
REED, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 17, 1900
George Reed of 827 East Second street died at 12:50 p.m. today after
an illness of one week of inflammation of the bowels. He was 30
years old. His wife survives him. Funeral will be on Saturday at 9
a.m. from St. Patrick's church.
REED, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 25, 1873
Daniel Simms, a colored farmhand in the employ of Isaac Harkleroad,
Esq., of Collinsville, shot, and it is believed fatally wounded,
another colored man named John Reed, last Monday, April 14.
REED, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 15, 1897
Died from Overheating
Mr. John Reed, a millwright in the employ of E. P. Allis & Co., who
have the contract for remodeling the Stanard Mill, died Saturday
morning at his boarding place on Market Street, from the effects of
being overheated. The heat in the mill for the past week has been
terrific, and the men who are making the changes have suffered
greatly from it. On Thursday afternoon, Reed was prostrated with the
heat, and was taken to his boarding place. He was seemingly better
yesterday, taking his meals and walking around, expecting to go to
work again Saturday. After supper Friday, he was taken violently
ill, and although medical assistance was given him, he grew rapidly
worse, dying at 1:30 a.m. today. Reed was a married man, 38 years of
age, and has a wife and two children at Superior, Wisconsin. His
body was turned over to Undertaker A. J. Howell, who cared for it
until the family could be heard from. The other men who have been
working in the mill today stopped work, and are waiting for a change
in the weather.
REED, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1916
Just as Mr. and Mrs. Adam Reed were starting out of Union Station at
2:15 o'clock today, a telegram came to Robert Morrow telling him
that Margaret Reed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reed, had died at
Kissimmee, Fla.....Miss Reed, who was 16 years of age, had been a
victim of asthma. Her father took her to Florida about six weeks ago
for the benefit of her health, and when Mr. Reed returned he left
his daughter with her uncle, hoping the climatic change might be
beneficial. She was apparently improving and it was a surprise to
the parents when the message came saying that their daughter was in
a bad way, and to go at once to Kissimmee, Fla. With very little
time for preparation, the parents made departure. Then, after their
train was moving out of St. Louis, came the message telling of the
death of the girl. Margaret Reed was a charming young girl. She had
a host of friends and was the center of the affections of her
family. The news of her sudden illness and death caused great
surprise in Alton. Late this afternoon word was gotten to Mr. and
Mrs. Reed at East St. Louis, telling them of the death of Miss
Margaret, and the bereaved parents are returning to Alton to await
the arrival of their daughter's body.
REED, ROBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 29, 1893
Stabbed to Death in East Alton
Another murder is added to the lists of homicides in Madison County.
Robert Reed lies dead, and David Price is in jail. It appears that
about two weeks ago, the men quarreled over a pool game, and Price
broke a cue over Reed’s head. There had been bad blood between them
since, but no one thought of the fatal termination of Monday. Both
men were drinking Monday, but Reed was trying to avoid Price and
trouble. Reed was about 33 years of age, handsome, well-educated,
and of a generous disposition. He has relatives in Augusta and
Atlanta, Georgia, but has neither kith nor kin here. He has lived at
the Junction [East Alton] for 3 or 4 years, and has worked in
different stores there. Price is from Bond County, and is very
quarrelsome when drinking. It is said he killed a man in Kansas some
years ago, and he has figured in numerous cutting scrapes.
Deputy Sheriff Volbracht and Officer Pack found Price in a barn on
the premises of Mr. William Ray, where he had been employed. The
officers procured a lantern, and after searching for a time found
Price hidden in the hay, sleeping off the drunk. He was ugly, and
when the officers seized him fought desperately. He was overpowered
and searched. The knife with which the cutting was done was found in
his pocket. The blood of the awful deed was still on the blade. It
was a common pocket knife with a long blade, and sharp as a razor.
Reed was cut in the left side of the abdomen, and a three-inch gash
severed the intestines. Drs. Harry Lemen of Upper Alton, and Taphorn
of Alton, attended Reed’s injuries, and while they gave relief,
could not save him. He died early this morning at St. Joseph’s
Hospital. The coroner’s jury, consisting of Fred Volbracht, Sam
Hayes, W. H. Platt, James Webster, Frank Moore, and S. F. Connor,
held Price responsible for the death, and Squire Brandeweide
committed him without bail. Price admits the cutting, and seems
indifferent about it or its probably influence upon his fate.
[Robert Reed was interred in the Alton City Cemetery.]
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 29, 1894
Murdered in East Alton
David Price, who brutally murdered Robert Reed at East Alton last
June, was sentenced to 36 years in the penitentiary by the jury in
Edwardsville Thursday. The murder was a most dastardly one. It took
the jury two hours to decide on his punishment, and his neck had a
narrow escape. Price and Reed had trouble, and after leaving Henry’s
sallo together one night, they quarreled. Price drew a pocket knife
with a very sharp blade, and stabbed Reed in the stomach. The young
man cried out, “You have killed me,” and expired in a few minutes.
Price was captured, asleep in a barn, by Deputy Sheriff Volbracht,
who took from him the knife, still stained with blood. He resisted,
but was overpowered and was placed under arrest.
REED, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 19, 1903
William Reed, aged 72, died this morning at 4 o'clock after a long
illness at his home, 553 east Third street. The funeral will be held
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Cumberland Presbyterian
church. He leaves no family but his wife.
REEDER, MARANDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 26, 1910
Mrs. Maranda Reeder, widow of William W. Reeder, died Monday evening
at 5 o'clock at the Reeder homestead on Washington avenue. Her death
had been expected all day yesterday. Mrs. Reeder had been seriously
ill only a short time. She became confined to her bed about a week
ago, and from that time she began to sink, and she continued to
decline until death came last evening. She was in her 85th year, and
had lived in Upper Alton over fifty years. Mrs. Reeder was born in
Virginia and went to Tennessee when very young, where she lived a
long time. She came to Upper Alton with her husband from Tennessee,
and the couple lived here until death claimed both of them. Mr.
Reeder preceded his wife to the grave eleven months. Three children
survive the couple, Edward and James Reeder, and Mrs. Margaret
Murray, all of Upper Alton, and nine grandchildren. The funeral will
be held at the family home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and
Rev. M. B. Baker, pastor of the Methodist church, of which deceased
was a member, will conduct the service.
REEDER, OSCAR/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 11, 1895
On Saturday evening, Mr. Oscar Reeder died at his home in Upper
Alton, after a short illness from pneumonia, at the age of
forty-three years. Mr. Reeder was well and favorably known in Alton,
and leaves a host of friends to regret the loss of a good citizen.
He leaves a wife and four children.
REEDER, PETER/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 02, 1898
Chris Stacey was convicted of manslaughter Friday in the Circuit
Court, and sentenced to a term of eight years imprisonment in the
penitentiary. Stacey killed Peter Reeder of Collinsville some time
ago, and has since been imprisoned for the crime. The trial occupied
yesterday and this morning, the jury agreed on a verdict. The murder
was an unusually brutal one. Stacey was attempting a murderous
assault on his wife while drunk. Reeder interfered, and the drunken
man turned on him and killed him with a butcher knife. [Note: Name
was also spelled Reider in the article.]
REEL, ELLEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 02, 1893
Mrs. Ellen Reel died at the St. Joseph’s Hospital at an early hour
yesterday morning. She was 82 years old, and came to this country
from South Ireland, locating in Upper Alton.
REES, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 27, 1903
Edward Rees, for many years a resident of North Alton on the coal
branch, died Wednesday night at the home of his sister, Mrs. John
Evans, in Yager Park. He was a widower, and about 60 years of age.
Several weeks ago he was removed from North Alton to the home of his
brother-in-law, where he died. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon.
REESE, EMMA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 11, 1915
Mrs. Emma Reese, for years afflicted with blindness, died at the Old
Ladies Home Wednesday evening at 9 o'clock, aged 77. She had been an
inmate of the home for 17 years. First she had an operation
performed on her eyes to restore her sight, but it was of no use,
and after that she went to the Old Ladies Home. For years she had
made her home with the family of the late R. T. Largent in Alton.
She had no relatives so far as known to those who were the best
acquainted with her. She will be buried in City Cemetery in the lot
belonging to the Largent family. The funeral will be held at 10
o'clock tomorrow morning from the home, and services will be
conducted by Rev. Joseph Burrows.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 12, 1915
The funeral of Mrs. Emma Reese was held this morning from the Old
Ladies’ Home, where services were conducted by Rev. Joseph Burrowes
in the presence of former friends and neighbors of deceased. Floral
offerings were made by some of these, and burial was in the Alton
City Cemetery.
REESE, RUHANNA or RUHAMMA/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26,
Mrs. Ruhanna Reese, wife of Edward Reese, died Tuesday morning at
her home on the Coal Branch, after a lingering illness. Deceased was
72 years of age, and a native of North Wales, having come to this
country in 1855. She leaves a husband, two sons – Hugh and John
Pierce – and one daughter – Mrs. Joseph Motley of Auburn. Mrs.
Winifred Jones of Godfrey is a sister, and she also leaves a brother
and sister in Wales. The funeral took place from the family home
Wednesday afternoon, to the Godfrey Cemetery.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 02, 1897
The funeral of Mrs. Ruhamma Rees took place Wednesday from the
family residence on Coal Branch (North Alton). The attendance was
one of the largest ever seen in that village, as Mrs. Reese was an
old residence and most highly respected. The pallbearers were
Messrs. Louis Winter, John Mitchell, John Evans, Charles Henderson,
Nathan Syddal, and David Jones.
REEVES, MARTISHA/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1898
From Upper Alton – Rev. Joseph Able, assisted by Rev. G. W.
Waggoner, conducted the funeral services of Mrs. Martisha Reeves at
the M. E. Church on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Reeves had been
visiting the family of Mr. An. N. Draper since last August. Her last
illness was of nine days duration, and was pneumonia. Her husband
died about sixteen years ago. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Jenkins
of St. Charles, Missouri, and two grandchildren. She formerly lived
in Alton. The interment was in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.
REEVES, ORLAND/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 13, 1910
Drowned While Swimming
Orland Reeves, aged 17, was drowned Sunday afternoon at the foot of
Walnut street while swimming there with a party of boys. The lads
were close to the Walnut street sewer, and a party of women
approached. The boys were partly clothed, but they desired to get
out of view of the women, and they moved off toward a point in the
willows further out. Although Reeves could swim, he got into too
deep water, and while there he took a cramp. He sank before the eyes
of his companions, who did not have time to help him. The body was
recovered in the outlet of the Walnut street sewer, about two hours
after the drowning. The body was taken in charge by Coroner
Streeper, who will hold an inquest tomorrow morning. Reeves was the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Reeves of 212 Cherry street.
REHER, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 18, 1877
Died in Alton on Wednesday, January 17, 1877, of asthma, Henry
Reher, a native of Prussia; aged 39 years.
REHER, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 19, 1901
Mrs. Mary Reher, aged 66, died at her home in Upper Alton this
morning after a short illness. She was the widow of William Reher,
formerly a well known business man of Upper Alton. She leaves five
children, all of mature years. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon
from the family home, and services will be conducted by Rev. G. W.
REHER, RUDOLPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 14, 1903
Rudolph Reher, aged 25 years, died last night at the home of his
brother, William Reher, after an illness with tuberculosis. He is a
well known and highly esteemed young man and has lived in Upper
Alton all his life. He underwent an operation in St. Louis a year
ago for the disease from which he was suffering, and was much
improved afterward, but he was taken ill again a couple of months
ago and his death resulted. Deceased leaves one brother and two
sisters, his mother having died about two years ago.
REID, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 21, 1841
Died, at Troy, Madison County, Illinois, on the 17th August, Mr.
John Reid, aged about 40 years, formerly of Botetourt County,
REID, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 24, 1898
Tragedy at Edwardsville Mine
There has been a remarkable sequence of accidents at the coal mines
in Edwardsville of late. There have been three instances of a coal
car falling down the shaft, and in two cases a human life has been
the penalty. A couple of weeks ago at the Home Trade coal mine, a
car ran in at the top of the shaft and plunged downward to the
bottom, dragging with it the topman, Frank Bayer, and crushing his
life out. Last week at the new Henrietta shaft, a car got beyond
control at the pit top, and fell 300 feet to the bottom, but the man
pushing it let go and barely saved himself. The last of the trio of
casualties occurred Thursday at the Madison Mine. A loaded car was
being pulled off the cage by John Reid, the weigher, when the cage
moved up. The car slipped into the shaft, pulling Reid with it and
mangling him almost beyond recognition. His funeral took place
Saturday morning from St. Mary’s Catholic Church, and was largely
attended by the miners.
REIDEL, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 7, 1891
From Bethalto – Mr. and Mrs. Martin Reidel were sorely afflicted
last Friday night by the death of one of their twin baby girls, aged
seven months. The funeral took place on Sunday from the family
residence, west of town. The remains were buried at the Bethalto
REIDENBARK, HI/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 2, 1915
The funeral of Hi Reidenbark was held this afternoon from the Jacoby
undertaking chapel. Reidenbark had a wife and two children from whom
he was separated about fifteen years. They came to Alton, identified
the body and then went back home, making no arrangements for the
funeral as they said they had no money to pay for it. Burial was in
Milton Cemetery. Reidenbark was killed by a Big Four engine last
REIGART, JANE/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 5, 1841
Died, on Tuesday night last, the 1st inst., Mrs. Jane Reigart, wife
of Mr. Christian K. Reigart of this city [Alton]. She was a devoted
wife, an affectionate and faithful mother, a kind and benevolent
neighbor, and one of the most exemplary members of the Methodist
Episcopal Church. Her loss to her sorrowing husband, and large
family of motherless little children, is irreparable; and the
community in general will long mourn the unexpected departure from
among them at one of their most valued members. Though the summons
of the grim messenger of death was sudden, she was not found
unprepared for his coming. She died as she had for years previously
lived, reposing confidently upon the promises and mercy of her
Savior, and with an unfailing assurance that a blessed immortality
beyond the skies awaited her.
REIGART, SARAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 27, 1894
Mrs. Sarah Reigart, a well-known resident of Alton, died Friday at
her home, 236 West Seventh Street, after a lingering illness.
Deceased was 85 years of age, and leaves three children and eight
grandchildren. [Internment was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
[see also Reilly]
REILLEY, MARY D./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 28, 1903
Miss Mary D. Reilley died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles
Hastings, at 4:30 Saturday afternoon. Miss Reilley's death was
caused from nervousness from which she suffered many years. She was
born in St. Louis and was 75 years old and was an old resident of
Upper Alton. The only immediate relatives she leaves is her sister,
Mrs. Hastings, with whom she has made her home while in Upper Alton.
The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock and services
will be conducted at the Hastings home on Liberty street. According
to Miss Reilley's special request the funeral will be private.
Interment in the family burying ground at Paddock's Grove Cemetery
at Liberty Prairie.
REILLEY, PHILIP/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 29, 1918
The funeral of Phillip Reilley, aged 48, was held from the Cathedral
to the Greenwood Cemetery Monday morning. Reilley died at the home
of his sister, Mrs. William Jackson of the Grafton road, Saturday
evening. He was ill but one day. Reilley was born in Alton and has
lived here all of his life. He was employed at the Jackson nursery.
He is survived by a brother, James Reilley, and two ....
REILLY, BARNARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1902
Barnard Reilly, generally known as Barney, a well-known Alton Glass
blower, was killed at Kansas City yesterday, and a message
announcing his death was received by his wife last evening. Reilly
left Alton several months ago, going first to Litchfield and
afterwards to Kansas City, to follow his trade of glassblowing. His
wife and children live in the East End place. The news of the death
of the husband and father came as a cruel shock to his family. The
Alton glass blower’s union took charge of the funeral arrangements
and sent instructions for the shipment of the body to Alton for
burial. The body will arrive Saturday morning and the funeral will
probably be Sunday afternoon.
REILLY, FLORENCE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18, 1907
East Alton Girl Commits Suicide Over Love Affair
Miss Florence Reilly, aged 18, a daughter of Edward Reilly of East
Alton, committed suicide Wednesday afternoon by drinking carbolic
acid at her home. The girl had been under a mental strain for some
time, it is said, because of unrequited love, the object of her
affection being a man who could not reciprocate and she told members
of her family that she would not bother them much longer. She found
a bottle of carbolic acid her brother, Will Reilly, was using, and
she drank about one ounce of it. After taking the poison she went
into the room where her mother was, and Mrs. Reilly noticing the
strange look in her daughter's face inquired what was the trouble.
The girl would not say, but the next instant she collapsed in her
mother's arms. Dr. Pence was summoned but could do nothing for her,
and she died in about fifteen minutes after swallowing the poison.
Coroner Streeper held an inquest over the girl's body Wednesday
evening and a verdict of death from suicide was found. The funeral
of Miss Reilly will be held from the East Alton Baptist church at
noon Friday, and burial will be at Moro.
REILLY, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 15, 1871
Our citizens will regret to learn that at about eight o’clock last
evening, Mr. Henry Reilly, a resident of Upper Alton, and who was
well known as agent of the East St. Louis Transfer Company, while
endeavoring to step from the ferryboat to the dock on the East St.
Louis side, fell between the boats and was drowned. His body was not
recovered. Mr. Reilly is well known in this city, and held the
position of ticket agent for the Alton & Chicago Railroad for some
time, before accepting the position of Transfer Agent, and leaves a
host of friends here to lament his death. A reward of $100 is
offered for the recovery of the body.
REILLY, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 7, 1899
Joseph Reilly and Hattie E. Watson Murdered by James P. Bellenger
Insanely jealous of a woman who feared but did not love him, James
P. Bellenger fatally shot and wounded the woman, Mrs. Hattie E.
Watson, and her lover, Joseph Reilly, Wednesday night about 8:30
o'clock. The shooting occurred in the living apartments of Hattie
Watson over the Alton Novelty Company's place on Second Street
[Broadway]. Bellenger claims to have done the shooting in
self-defense. The scene of the tragedy was a small porch upon which
a back window opened, and from which a flight of stairs led to the
ground. The Watson woman was entertaining Reilly, and on account of
the heat, they were sitting outside to keep cool. Reilly had taken
off his shoes and coat. While the two were sitting there, Bellenger
quietly went up the stairs, through the house, and looking out the
back window, saw the couple. His footsteps were heard by Reilly and
Mrs. Watson as he left, and a few minutes later he was heard
returning. Bellenger had gone to his store, armed himself with his
revolver and returned. When they heard him coming back, Reilly and
Mrs. Watson made a desperate struggle to close the window and
shutters leading out on the porch. Bellenger attempted to prevent
the closing of the shutters, and a terrific struggle between the two
men ensued. Both were physical giants, and the battle for life was a
fierce one. Bellenger says he was struck over the eye, and bears the
mark there to show for it. At that, he says, he drew his revolver
and began firing. Reilly was struck twice in the breast, above and
below the heart. Mrs. Watson was struck once in the abdomen, but it
is thought Bellenger's intention was not to kill her, and that she
stepped in his way to save her lover. The four shots fired drew a
big crowd almost instantly, and the police were obliged to lock up
the house. When the first assistance arrived, Mrs. Watson was found
sitting up and supporting the head of her dying lover. Reilly was
taken to St. Joseph's hospital and died as he was being carried into
the place. Mrs. Watson was first cared for at her home, but was
removed to the hospital by order of the attending physicians. Joseph
Reilly was 36 years of age. He was the son of James Reilly, who was
buried Tuesday. He had lived in Alton all his life and was engaged
in the transfer business. He leaves a mother and six brothers and
sisters - Ed. Reilly, James Reilly, Mrs. Mary Sweeney, Mrs. Mary
Gaffney, Mrs. E. Coyne, and Miss Annie Reilly. The funeral will be
Friday at 2 p.m. Services will be held in St. Patrick's church.
After the shooting, Bellenger fled and the police were searching the
country for him. He went to the home of his attorney, L. D. Yager,
and by his advice surrendered himself to the police at about 10
o'clock. He was locked up in jail protesting bitterly against such
indignity to a man of his own prominence in the city. By advice of
his attorney, he declined to say anything of the killing, merely
stating he had acted in self-defense. At St. Joseph's Hospital, Dr.
Taphorn made an examination of Mrs. Watson and pronounced her wound
not necessarily fatal. Chief of Police Volbracht and Mayor Young
took Mrs. Watson's statement last night, which she signed. The story
she told of the shooting is substantially as given above. She said
also that since she entered the employ of Bellenger two years ago,
he has repeatedly made advances to her on matrimonial subjects.
Bellenger was deeply in love with her, and it is said it was on her
account he secured the divorce from his wife, Lillian Bellenger, on
Tuesday in the City Court. When the divorce was granted, Bellenger
renewed his advances and urged her to accept him as a husband. Mrs.
Watson says she feared him so she did not dare to become his wife
and she put him off. He was returning last night to again renew his
pleadings to her when the shooting occurred. When he found Reilly a
more favored suitor than himself, his hot southern passion made him
furious and he determined to kill his rival. She says she does not
believe her death was part of Bellenger's design. Coroner Bailey
impaneled a jury this morning and help an inquest in the police
station. The taking of evidence was slow work. States Attorney
Staats represented the State, and Yager and Brenholt represented
Bellenger. The first witness examined was Officer Welch, who was one
of the first to arrive on the scene of the shooting. He testified as
to the character of Reilly, which he said was good so far as he
knew. He stated the circumstances attending the finding of Reilly
and Mrs. Watson which were according to what has been told. Mayor
Young, who took Mrs. Watson's statement after the shooting, was the
second witness. He told that Mrs. Watson said the shooting was
preceded by a fierce fight. Bellenger was on the porch outside and
Reilly was with her in the dining room. The fight started, she said,
when Bellenger attempted to open the shutters which they had closed
when he came up the back steps. During the fight Reilly struck
Bellenger a fearful blow on the eye and the shooting began. Mrs.
Watson's statement was taken this afternoon to verify obscure points
in the first one. The statement is as follows: "We were in the room
close to the window. Bellenger was outside on the porch. Reilly and
myself had both gotten out on the porch before the shooting
occurred. Reilly was helping me to keep Bellenger out. Mr. Bellenger
said he would kill me before Joe should have me. He said this one
month ago. Joe struck at Bellenger before he shot. This and my
statement last night is my last, and I do not believe I will get
well. My statements given are the truck. Hattie Watson."
C. Orrick Bishop, the eminent criminal lawyer of St. Louis, who is
reputed to be one of the best posted men in the profession and the
superior of Gov. C. P. Johnson, has accepted the offer of the Reilly
family and will assist in the prosecution of James P. Bellenger for
the murder of Joseph Reilly. Mr. Bishop was in Alton today
conferring with members of the Reilly family with reference to the
case. He visited the place where the killing occurred, and found
that the scene of the tragedy was much altered since Bellenger
killed Joseph Reilly and Hattie Watson. The porch which surmounted
the stairway and upon which the shooting occurred has been torn
down, and there remains not a vestige of it. Chief of Police
Volbracht had photographs taken of the interior of the room facing
the porch, and also of the porch at the time of the killing. Senator
Brenholt has been retained by the brothers of Bellenger to defend
him, and they will not spare money in trying to save the life of the
accused murderer. The Reilly family is equally determined to bring
Bellenger to punishment, and will not spare money to carry out their
Hattie Watson Is Dead
Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8, 1899
Hattie Watson, the woman who caused the fearful jealousy of J. P.
Bellenger, died at St. Joseph's Hospital Thursday evening at 7:30
o'clock, after enduring fearful agony. She became much worse during
the afternoon, and did not rally from the shock of her fearful
experience. As long as she was conscious, she continued to heap
fearful imprecations upon the head of the murderer of herself and
Reilly, and her last efforts were used in making the final statement
which she hoped would hang him. She was fully conscious her end was
near, and talked of it freely when her last statement was taken.
Bellenger has retained as his attorneys to conduct his defense,
Senator J. J. Brenholt and L. D. Yager. He realizes he has a
desperate fight to make for his life. He has a brother, W. C.
Bellenger, of Gadsden, Alabama, who is reputed to be very wealthy,
and to whom he has appealed for assistance. His brother wired back
last night that he could not come on account of illness, but Senator
Brenholt sent another dispatch this morning asking him to come at
once at both victims of his brother's pistol are dead, and his
presence here is imperative. Bellenger was taken to the county jail
by Deputy Sheriff Batterton last night, where he will await the
action of the grand jury of the Circuit Court, which meets the third
Monday in October. Relatives of the dead woman arrived here this
morning and are looking after the arrangements for the funeral. Mrs.
Watson had money in the bank, and Undertaker Bauer was instructed by
her sisters to spare no expense. The body will be shipped to
Raymond, Illinois this evening. Coroner Bailey was to have held an
inquest this afternoon, but was called to Nameoki and did not return
until late. When Bellenger was locked up in jail, his nerve forsook
him as a full realization of his awful deed dawned on his mind.
Every effort will be made to secure for him a trial at a date as
early as possible to determine his fate. He has turned over his
business to M. Wilkinson, his landlord, who will dispose of the
stock to protect himself from loss on money due.
Bellenger in the County Jail
Alton Evening Telegraph, September 16, 1899
The Edwardsville Intelligencer says that J. P. Bellenger, the Alton
murderer, was photographed Tuesday by request of Attorney Yager. It
was for the purpose of showing the discoloration on the left side of
the face near the nose. This, it is thought, will establish the fact
that Reilly struck Bellenger. After being "shot," the murderer was
hurried back to his cell. The Edwardsville Republican relates this
amusing incident: "The prisoners in the jail treated Bellenger to
what they call a 'kangeroo' or mock trial on his entry. 'Skippy'
Clark, a well-known Alton character, officiated as judge, taking
special delight in acting in that capacity on account of a grudge
held against Bellenger. 'Skippy' claims he bought $50 worth of
furniture from Bellenger and after it was all paid but one dollar,
the latter took the stuff from him. He fined Bellenger $2.50, but as
he could not produce $1.50, reduced the judgment to $1 cash, which
was spent for a supply of tobacco for the boys."
Wife of J. P. Bellenger Visits Jail
Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1899
Mrs. Lillian Bellenger, the divorced wife of J. P. Bellenger,
visited him in the county jail yesterday. She says Bellenger thinks
his chances for being released are good, and the only remorse he has
it caused by his thoughts of the injustice he did her in securing
the divorce. Mrs. Bellenger says she has not been living in St.
Louis, but has been with her people in the South, and will go from
here to Bonne Terre, Missouri. Bellenger is very anxious to have her
assistance in defending his case and is making an effort to have her
promise to remarry him in case he escapes without punishment.
The Bellenger Case
Alton Evening Telegraph, November 10, 1899
It has been stated that the attorneys for the defense of J. P.
Bellenger were in Edwardsville yesterday arranging for his trial in
the county court, and that Mr. Bellenger's relatives would not help
him. Persons charged with murder are tried only in the circuit
court, instead of the county court. Mr. Bellenger's relatives will
give him all the assistance in their power. The day for the trial
has not been set, as the prisoner has not yet been arraigned. These
statements are made by authority of Mr. Bellenger's counsel. Indeed,
none of the persons indicted by the last report of the Grand Jury,
including Bellenger and Yahncke, have been arraigned in court.
James P. Bellenger Dies in Prison
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 9, 1911
Colonel James H. Bellenger died in the penitentiary at Chester
Wednesday night [March 8, 1911]. Bellenger was serving an
indeterminate sentence for killing Hattie Watson, and still hanging
over him was an indictment for the murder of Joseph Reilly in Alton
at the same time. The killing happened September 6, 1899, in Alton.
Bellenger was jealous of the attention showed the Watson woman by
Reilly, and one night he killed both of them. He was indicted for
murder, and Col. Brenholt, who defended him, says he had the hardest
fight of his life to save him from hanging and get him a penal
sentence. Bellenger's hair whitened and he became physically broken
in prison. Recently his mind failed, and he was an inmate of the
prison hospital all the time. He has no relatives who will do
anything for him, so far as known. Col. Brenholt said today that at
the trial of Bellenger, all his family forsook him and refused to
contribute toward a fund for his defense. He is believed to have a
son living at Gadsen, Alabama, and Col. Brenholt wired Warden Smith
of the penitentiary to send word there. Until word is received from
the son, if he is found, the body will be held. No attempt was ever
made to get Bellenger out on parole, as the old charge of killing
Joseph Reilly was still hanging over him. Bellenger conducted a time
payment house in Alton up to the time of the double killing.
Bellenger had been prominent in politics in Alton.
Bellenger's Will
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20, 1911
The death of James P. Bellenger, in the penitentiary at Chester, was
followed Monday by the filing of the will of Bellenger in the
Probate Court this morning, for record. The provisions of
Bellenger's will are interesting. The woman he killed was known as
Hattie Watson, but it is evident her real name was Pitchford, as in
the will Bellenger left her all his estate, with the exception of $2
he devised between his wife and his son. The will was written on a
letter head of Bellenger's furniture business in Alton, and was
signed by him in due form. It was signed up and dated August 7th,
1889, and about six weeks later Bellenger found it desirable to
shoot and kill the woman to whom he had left his property. Whatever
he had was spent in conducting his defense, so there will be no
estate for anyone to have litigation over.
The location of the shooting was in the apartment above the Alton
Novelty Mfg. Company, which was located on the north side of West
Broadway, between State & Piasa Streets. Hattie Watson died the next
day, September 8, 1899. She was buried in Raymond, Illinois where
she had family. Joseph Reilly was buried in the Greenwood (St.
Patrick's) Cemetery in Godfrey Township.
Bellenger was taken to the Madison County jail in Edwardsville. In
the jail, the other prisoners held a "kangaroo," or mock court. In
the mock court, Bellenger was fined $1 cash, which was spent on a
supply of tobacco for the prisoners. Bellenger's former wife visited
him in the jail, and indicated she would remarry him if he was found
Bellenger was tried for the murder of Hattie Watson and Joseph
Reilly separately. For the murder of Hattie Watson, he was convicted
of manslaughter, sentenced to an indeterminate term, and was taken
to the Chester, IL penitentiary. During the trial he addressed the
court, and stated he had advised Reilly and Mrs. Watson to get
married, and that the shooting was as much a surprise and mystery to
him as it had been to the people of Alton.
For the murder of Joseph Reilly, he was convicted of murder, but I
could not find the sentencing.
On March 8, 1911, Colonel James H. Bellenger died in the
penitentiary at Chester, Illinois. Colonel Brenholt, his attorney,
stated he had the hardest fight of his life to save Bellenger from
hanging. Bellenger's hair turned white while in prison, and he
became physically broken. His mind failed him, and he was an inmate
of the prison hospital most of the time. After the trials,
Bellenger's family (some of whom were wealthy) all abandoned him. It
was believed he had a son living in Alabama, but he was not to be
found. Bellenger had conducted a "time payment house" in Alton at
the time of the murders, had been prominent in politics in Alton,
and had owned a furniture store in Alton. He may have been buried in
the penitentiary cemetery in Chester, Illinois.
At the filing of the will for James Bellenger, it was discovered
that he had left Hattie Watson all of his estate, except for $2 to
be divided between his former wife and son. He listed Hattie
Watson's name as Hattie Pitchford, and it was signed and dated
August 7, 1899, about six weeks before he killed her. ~Bev Bauser
REILLY, MAMIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 24, 1913
Mrs. Mamie Reilly, wife of James J. Reilly, janitor of the Standard
Oil refinery office at Wood River, died at 6 o'clock this morning at
St. Joseph's Hospital where she was taken for an operation. The
operation was performed by five surgeons, several days ago, for the
removal of a tumor, but did no good. For a time she seemed to be
getting better, but her condition took a turn for the worse
yesterday. Mrs. Reilly is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts
of Alton, and leaves her husband, one child, Miss Mario Frasier,
aged 9, her parents, and one brother, Edward Roberts of Alton. Mrs.
Reilly was married twice, her first husband having been killed six
years ago in a railroad accident near Springfield when a freight
train crashed into a caboose in which he was sitting. His name was
Ed Frasier. Two years later she met Mr. Reilly and married him,
after which the couple moved to Wood River where Mr. and Mrs. Reilly
have been conducting a high class boarding house where the office
employees of the Standard Oil refinery eat their meals daily. The
funeral will probably be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
home in Wood River to St. Patrick's church. The burial is in
Greenwood Cemetery.
REILLY, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 26, 1901
Mrs. Mary Reilly, widow of James Reilly, died last evening at 7
o'clock after a long illness at her home, 321 Walnut street. She had
been an invalid for three years, but was not taken seriously ill
until last Sunday. She was born in Evandale, Ireland, and was 68
years of age. She came to Alton with her husband a few years after
her marriage, and at the time of her death had been in Alton over 40
years. She leaves four daughters, Mrs. John Sweeney, Mrs. John
Gaffney of St. Louis; Mrs. Edward Coyne of East St. Louis; and Miss
Annie Reilly of Alton;; also two sons, Messrs. Edward and James
Reilly. The funeral will take place Thursday morning at 9 o'clock,
and services will be held in St. Patrick's church.
REILLY, MICHAEL/Source: Syracuse, New York Post Standard,
Saturday, August 6, 1904
Father, Daughter And 6 Playmates Drown in Mississippi
While bathing in the Mississippi river tonight, Michael Riley, his
daughter and six of the latter's little girl friends were drowned.
One child was rescued. Riley lived near the river in the southern
part of the city and was accustomed to bathe on the beach in front
of his home after his return from work. Tonight his little daughter
begged to go with him. and Riley took her and seven of her girl
friends to the beach with him. When they entered the water, Riley
bade the children join hands and they all waded Into the river and
walked along a sandbar which stretches out into the stream at that
point. They had gone some distance from the shore, when suddenly the
whole party disappeared beneath the water, having in the darkness
stepped from the sandbar, into the deep channel. The children
struggled and screamed, fighting desperately to reach the sandbar,
where the water was only a foot or so in depth. Riley who is said to
have been a good swimmer. Is thought to have been made helpless by
the girls clinging to him and hampering his efforts to save them.
The only one in the party to regain the sandbar was Mary Timiny, 8
years old. The child is unable to tell how she saved herself. Riley
was 32 years old, and the ages of the children drowned ranged from 8
to 14 years. Four of the bodies have been recovered.
[Note: August 6, 1904 newspaper of the Alton Evening Telegraph is
missing. The 7th was on a Sunday, and no newspaper was printed.]
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 8, 1904
Three Double Funerals and One Single Funeral - Sad Sequel of Last
Friday's Tragedy in the Mississippi
Three double funerals and one single was the sad sequel Monday of
the tragedy of last Friday, by which Michael Reilly and seven little
girls lost their lives in the Mississippi River. Owing to the large
number of funerals, taken in connection with other funerals set for
Monday morning, it was necessary for the undertakers to hold a
conference to make arrangements for the use of hearses. The final
arrangements made were for the funeral of Michael Reilly to be held
Monday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's church; the funeral
of Bessie and Marie Brumm to be held at 3:30 from the home of the
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brumm on Brown street; the funeral of
Lucia and Eliza Pates to be held Monday morning at 10 o'clock at the
home of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis T. Pates on Garden street;
and the funeral of Alice Synar and Ruth Marshal from the Upper Alton
Methodist church at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon. There was little
the officiating clergymen and the eulogists of the departed ones
could say. Under the circumstances words were useless to express the
depth of the grief of the friends of the families and the surviving
relatives. Rev. Walter H. Bradley, pastor of the Upper Alton
Presbyterian church, expressed the general sentiment that there was
little to be said and that human minds could not comprehend the
workings of Providence in the taking of the children and a man whose
life was so full of good features as that of the victims of the
accident. In life, Reilly had loved the children, and in death he
was not parted from them, which was probably as he would have wished
it had the choice been given him, under the circumstances. In the
Upper Alton Presbyterian church, Dr. Bradley preached a special
sermon to his congregation, referring to the casualty, on the text
"Let not your hearts be troubled." At the Upper Alton Methodist
church a committee consisting of R. L. Lowry, Mrs. Lathy Waggoner
and Miss Effie Stalder was appointed to draw up suitable resolutions
for the Synar and Marshall girls, who attended church there. The
funeral of Lucia and Eliza Pates was in private, and was attended
only by relatives, neighbors and a few very intimate friends. The
services were conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden, rector of St.
Paul's Episcopal church of Alton. Lucia Pates was a communicant of
St. Paul's church, and both children attended services there. The
floral offerings sent by sympathetic friends of the little girls and
of the family were rich and numerous. Rev. Mr. Chittenden read the
Episcopal burial service for the dead in the home, and addressed
remarks to the surviving parents and members of the family for their
comfort in their hour of affliction. The pallbearers for the Pates
children were boys, six for Lucia and four for Eliza. They were:
Lucias Cassitt, Middleton Levis, Henry Rodgers, Henry McPike, Edison
Herb, Warren Levis and Wallace Dudley. The following young men
carried little Eliza's casket: Roland Dudley, Minor Watson, Henry
Schwartzbeck, Harry Levis, Harry Herb, and Willie McPike. Burial was
in the Alton [City] Cemetery, where the two little bodies were laid
away side by side beneath mounds of beautiful flowers.
Funeral of Michael Reilly
The funeral of Michael Reilly was held Monday morning at 9 o'clock
from St. Patrick's church, Rev. Fr. P. J. O'Reilly officiating.
Requiem Mass was celebrated at the church and there was a prayer at
the grave. The attendance at the funeral was large, the church being
filled to overflowing with friends of the victim of the drowning.
Mr. Reilly was very popular and was highly esteemed by all who knew
him. He was an esteemed member of the Mutual Protective League, the
Knights of Father Matthew, and the Knights of Columbus, all of which
organizations had large delegations at the funeral. None had known
Mr. Reilly except as a true gentlemen, a good friend to those in
trouble, and an intense lover of children. His whole life was
wrapped up in the little folks, and his life and character are
indicated by that fact. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery. The
pallbearers were S. J. McHenry, C. Davis, Harry Halton, William
Wilson, Peter Timoney, Robert Hamilton, Joe Everson and John Phelan.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 8, 1904
Elizabeth Reilly Still Missing
All day Sunday and until a late hour at night the fruitless search
was continued for the body of the missing Elizabeth Reilly. It was
desired to hold the funeral of the girl at the same time as that of
her father, Monday morning, and for that reason the efforts of the
searchers were redoubled. The force of men hunting for the body all
day Sunday was increased fourfold. The sandbar was covered with
boats of all descriptions. Men worked incessantly without any
thought of reward, their one determination being to find the body of
the missing girl. The naval militia crew went down the river in
their cutter, taking with them their Hotchkiss gun from which
charges were fired at frequent intervals in the hope that the body
would be started to the surface. All the expedients reputed to be
helpful in such cases were adopted, but all were of no avail. The
searchers found a piece of lace which Mrs. Reilly, the mother,
identified as having been part of the under-clothing of her
daughter, but the body was not near the snag from which the lace was
taken. Interest in the missing girl has increased as the time
passes, and the one question on everyone's mouth is one of inquiry
as to whether the Reilly girl had been found. A reward of $25 has
been offered by Branch No. 2, G. B. B. A., for the recovery of the
body of Elizabeth Reilly.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 9, 1904
Search for Elizabeth Reilly Continues
Interest in the search for the body of Elizabeth Reilly, who was
drowned Friday evening, has not abated. In response to the call
issued by Deputy Coroner W. H. Bauer Monday, a large party of men
went down to the sandbar Tuesday morning to assist in the search for
the body of the girl. The whole bar is being gone over again
carefully. A report that the body had been found at St. Louis was
investigated and proved groundless. Another report was received that
men on a down-river steamer had seen the body of a girl floating
below Herculaneum, attired in a bathing suit. Large quantities of
dynamite are being exploded at the bar this afternoon, and it is
hoped thus to displace the body and cause it to come to the surface.
$25 reward will be paid by the members of Branch No. 2, G. B. B. A.,
to any person recovering the body of Elizabeth Reilly from the
river. John Hurley, President
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 10, 1904
Human Chain was Fruitless
The search for the body of Elizabeth Reilly proved fruitless
Tuesday. A human chain was formed and swept over the entire sandbar
in the neighborhood where Friday evening's tragedy occurred, but
there was no result. Dynamiting was resumed Tuesday afternoon, and
great volumes of sand and water were thrown high in the air, the
concussion was terrific, but still the body did not appear. Men kept
at their task without losing hope, but now it is believed the body
has moved on down the river. Four skiff loads of men started Tuesday
morning to row to St. Louis and to search along the way, but they
could find nothing of the body. Mrs. Reilly, the mother, is almost
distracted over the failure of the searching parties to find her
daughter, and this fact has caused the friends and sympathizers of
the family to work harder. Dynamiting was resumed again Wednesday
morning, but it is believed that the body will not be found on the
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 12, 1904
Back to Scene of Drowning - Searching for Elizabeth Reilly
One week ago this evening Elizabeth Reilly was drowned, and the
waters of the Mississippi still refuse to give her up. There is no
let-up to the search, however, and no thought of abandoning it.
Those who went down the river in skiffs made a thorough hunt on both
sides of the stream as far as St. Louis without discovering the
body, and efforts to locate the body somewhere near the scene of the
tragedy have been redoubled. "There is," said one of the searchers
this morning, "a large piece of territory in the 'pocket' near where
the drowning occurred - fully a ten acre area, and there are many
ledges and deep holes in this area. It has been impossible to make
thorough search of all these places, but I believe the body is in
some one of these holes, and the only thing to do is to keep hunting
until fortune or chance directs to the right spot." Scores of people
are hunting daily for the missing girl, and while some are working
under pay or for the reward offered, the big majority are working
for humanity's sake - for the sake of the dead and beloved father
and for the sake of the mother and brothers who are left behind.
Dynamite is still being used, and strong hopes are entertained that
if everything else fails that the body will come to the surface on
the ninth day - Saturday night or Sunday.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 13, 1904
Body Expected to Rise Tonight
This being the ninth day since the drowning of Michael Reilly and
little charges, a close all-night vigil will be kept, it is said, in
the vicinity of the accident, as it is thought probably the body of
Elizabeth Reilly will come to the surface either tonight or Sunday
morning. The increased reward attracted a greater number of
searchers than ever Saturday, and unless the body has been taken
away down the river it doesn't look possible that it will remain
hidden much longer.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 15, 1904
Still Hoping to Find Elizabeth
The body of Elizabeth Reilly, who was drowned August 5, did not rise
from the watery depths Sunday as was hoped, but the search will be
continued. The water has been cold ever since the tragedy, unusually
cold at nights, and this it is said by those qualified to know will
have a tendency to keep the body down much longer than of the
weather and water were hot.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 16, 1904
Clairvoyant Tries to Find Girl's Lost Body
A woman living in East End place, claiming to be a clairvoyant, and
who says she can find the body of Elizabeth Reilly or get no pay for
her services, accompanied two men in a skiff for a trip down the
river Tuesday morning. The woman said on Monday that she could
locate the body, and told Deputy Coroner W. H. Bauer she was sure
the body was being kept hidden away by men who were trying to get a
higher reward for it. She said that the body was being concealed
some place under a boat, and described some details which made some
of the men who are working for the reward think there was something
in her claim. Accordingly, two of the men took the clairvoyant and
another woman for the trip down the river in a skiff, and he agreed
to find the body for them.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 17, 1904
Clairvoyant Unsuccessful
The searchers for the body of Elizabeth Reilly returned on the
Spread Eagle Tuesday evening from a down-river trip with a
clairvoyant without anything having been accomplished. The
clairvoyant who had volunteered to find the body or make no charge,
and who was employed by two of the searchers for the body, was just
as much at loss as anyone else, and notwithstanding her alleged
powers of seeing through mysteries, she could do nothing. She didn't
show the men any place where the body could be hidden, as she said
it was, nor could she give a suggestion about the hiding place.
River men now think that the body long ago floated away in the
darkness and got far down the river. Instances are told of the body
of a drowned man who fell in the river at Alton being found at
Vicksburg, Mississippi, and another Alton victim of drowning floated
from Alton to Cairo before being picked up.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 20, 1904
Clairvoyant Tries Again
The female clairvoyant, who made an attempt early in the week to
discover the body of Elizabeth Reilly through the use of her occult
powers, started down the river again Saturday morning in a boat to
make another attempt. Two men and the woman's husband went with her
in a skiff. The men are not skeptical of the woman's ability to find
the body, and she says she has great confidence in her ability.
Capt. E. H. Webb was engaged to go down the river about noon to
bring the searchers home, as the woman was sure that by noon she
would have discovered the body or failed.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 7, 1904
Mrs. Michael Reilly Moving to St. Louis
Mrs. Michael Reilly is moving her household goods to St. Louis where
she and her sons will make their home. Emmett and Archer Reilly went
to Springfield last evening to spend a few days with friends. They
will return here on Monday and then they and their mother will go to
St. Louis to reside.
REILLY, PHILIP (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 14,
Alton Policeman and Marshal
Captain Philip Reilly, a well-known citizen and ex-policeman, passed
away Thursday. He had been a sufferer for a long time from Bright’s
Disease. Captain Reilly was born in County Kilkenny, Ireland, and
came to Alton in 1855, where he has resided ever since. He served on
the police force for thirteen years, and was City Marshal at one
time. His career as Marshal and policeman was always characterized
by the greatest efficiency, uprightness of conduct, and rare good
judgment. Two sons and two daughters survive him.
REILLY, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 13, 1913
Thomas Reilly, the third Benbow City councilman to died within the
past few months, died yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock at St.
Joseph's Hospital where he had been taken from Benbow City the night
before, supposed to be suffering with malaria. He was unconscious
when brought to the hospital, and did not regain consciousness
before he died. Reilly was 49, and leaves his wife and three
children in the western part of St. Louis county, it is said,
although he had not lived with them for many years. He drove for the
Jordan lumber yard, and has done odd jobs around Benbow City and
Wood River for the past two years. No arrangement has so far been
made for his funeral.
REILLY, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 29, 1893
Mr. William Reilly, son of Captain Phillip Reilly, died Thursday
morning from lung troubles. Mr. Reilly had been confined to his bed
for only a week or ten days. He was married about five months ago to
Miss Katie Driscoll, and was most highly esteemed by all who knew
him. The funeral occurred Saturday morning from St. Patrick’s
Church, Rev. Fr. Fallon conducting the services. There was a large
assemblage of sorrowing relatives and friends to pay their last sad
tribute to the one “gone before.” The funeral cortege was headed by
the employees of the Plow Works, who marched in a body to Greenwood
Cemetery at North Alton, where the final ceremonies occurred, and
where interment took place.
REINDORF, BERTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 10, 1906
Wife of Clergyman Dies Under Suspicious Circumstances
Coroner Streeper was notified this morning of the death of Mrs.
Bertha Reindorf in St. Joseph's hospital at Highland, Ill. under
suspicious circumstances. The woman was the wife of a German
Evangelical clergyman who was formerly a Catholic priest but who
renounced the Catholic religion, married and became a German
Evangelical minister. The circumstances attending the death of the
woman indicate that she died from poisoning. She lived at Hoopedale
in Bond county, near Greenville. After taking ill, she was put on a
train and hurried to Highland to be put in the hospital there in the
hope of saving her life, but the malady from which she was suffering
proved fatal in a short time. Coroner Streeper was consulted by his
deputy at Highland, Albert Koch. The inquest was held this
REINHARDT, ANNA MARIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 21,
Anna Marie Reinhardt, aged 25 years, passed away this morning at the
family home at 2301 College avenue after a lingering illness. She is
the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Antone Reinhardt and is survived
by one brother, Adolph Reinhardt. The funeral will be held Thursday
afternoon at two o'clock, interment will be in the Oakwood Cemetery.
REININGER, CLARA MAY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February
14, 1921
Mrs. Clara May Reininger, wife of Frank Reininger, died at her home
on the Grafton road very suddenly this morning from a malady that
had been causing her trouble for a long time. Mrs. Reininger leaves
one daughter, Mae Barton, and one son, Edward L. Maupin.
REININGER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 16,
Joseph Reininger, aged 28, died late this afternoon at his home in
Upper Alton after a brief illness from pneumonia. He was a very
skillful glassblower, and one of the best liked young men in Upper
REININGER, VALENTINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 10,
Man Who Blew Record Breaking Bottle for World's Fair
Valentine Reininger, one of the best known of the old-time
glassblowers of Alton, died this morning at 5:30 o'clock at his
residence on Washington Avenue in Upper Alton. Mr. Reininger was 72
years and 8 months old. He came to Alton 27 years ago from
Millville, New Jersey, to take a place at the glassblowing trade in
the Alton glassworks. He was one of the most skillful of the men who
ever worked at the glass trade anywhere. It was because of his
wonderful ability to handle glass that the Alton plant went to a
good deal of trouble to get him to come here. After he worked in the
Alton plant a couple of years, he moved his family from Milville to
this city, and they located on Brown street in Upper Alton. After
coming to Alton Mr. Reininger never worked any place else, and he
wound up his career in the glass blowing business in Alton, retiring
from work twelve years ago. For several years he has been in poor
health, but after suffering a severe attack he would recover, his
wonderful nerve and vitality winning out each time. His fatal
illness lasted nine days and he died on the tenth day. It was a week
ago Tuesday that the last attack of his old standing trouble made
its appearance and took the aged retired glassblower to his bed.
From the first it was known that this was the worst attack he had
ever suffered, and members of the family had little hope for his
recovery from the day he became ill. He suffered intensely until
death came this morning early, and ended his suffering. Mr.
Reininger leaves his widow and five children - two sons, Joseph and
William, having died from pneumonia during the last four years. The
death of the two young men very close together was a very hard blow
to the father. The children who survive are: Mrs. Walter Bardell of
Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mrs. James Ray of Toledo, Ohio; Mrs. William C.
Stork, Frank C. Reininger of Upper Alton; and Mrs. Edward Mahr of
Godfrey. The funeral will be held Saturday morning from St.
Patrick's Church. Valentine Reininger made the biggest bottle ever
blown. He made big ware in the glass trade for many years and on
numerous occasions he had broken the record for blowing big bottles
when something extra was demanded in the glass business. At the time
of the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904, Mr. Reininger was asked to
make some big ware for exhibition purposes as the company desired to
place some of their products on exhibit at the fair. It was at that
time that he made the biggest bottle ever blow. The bottle that
broke the record held 84 gallons and stood higher than a good sized
man. It was the bottle that broke the world's record, and it was
seen at the fair by many thousands. Mr. Reininger retired from the
glass trade soon after he made the World's Fair bottle, and he has
not worked any since. He was the owner of some valuable pieces of
property on Washington Avenue at the time of his death.
REININGER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 9,
The death of William Reininger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine
Reininger of Upper Alton, Thursday evening at 8:15 o'clock, marks
the third in a series of deaths of sons of this couple in the
twenty-fourth year of age. Three of the boys have failed to reach
their twenty-fourth birthday after passing the twenty-third. In each
case the son sickened and died. Albert was the first one. He came
here before the family did from Milville, N. J. Then Joseph died not
long ago. Two weeks ago Will Reininger was taken ill with typhoid
fever, and in the light of past occurrences in the family there was
considerable anxiety as to the outcome of his illness, which was
recognized as a serious case. Naturally the family, having lost two
sons prior to the twenty-fourth birthday, were somewhat worried over
the latest illness of a son in the fatal year, and their forebodings
were justified. Mr. Reininger was a glassworker, following the trade
of his father who was known as one of the most expert glassblowers
in Alton, cunning workmanship being considered. Beside the parents,
the deceased is survived by four sisters, Mrs. Walter Bardell of
Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mrs. James Ray of Toledo, Ohio; Mrs. W. C. Stork;
and Mrs. Ed Maher of Alton; and one brother, Frank Reininger. The
funeral arrangements have not been made.
REINWALD, LOUISA/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 13, 1879
Died in Alton, March 11, 1879, at the residence of her son-in-law,
Mr. W. L. Klunk, on Prospect Street, of congestion of the lungs,
Mrs. Louisa Reinwald, aged 73 years.
REIS, CHARLES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 16, 1888
Mr. Charles Reis, a native of Germany, died last evening of
consumption at the age of 33 years, leaving a wife and five children
in destitute circumstances. The funeral will take place tomorrow
from the family residence near the corner of Thirteenth and Alton
REIS, VICTORIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 3, 1903
After a long and painful illness, Mrs. Victoria Reis, a resident of
Alton for more than forty years, passed away Sunday afternoon at her
home, aged 81. She had been a sufferer from cancer. Mrs. Reis leaves
a family of six children, John Reis, Mrs. John Luly of St. Louis,
Mrs. Conrad Schreiber, Charles Graf, Philip Graf and Jacob Reis. The
last is in the Philippines where he went as a soldier and engaged in
business after the end of his term of enlistment. The funeral will
be held Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock and services will be held in
St. Mary's church.
REISENDICK, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 31, 1891
From Moro – Mr. John Reisendick, one of the oldest inhabitants of
this vicinity, died December 18, at the home of his son. He was
nearly 76 years of age, and native of Germany. The remains were
interred in the Dorsey Cemetery.
REIT, SISTER SOPHIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 7,
[note: last name could be Reif?]
Sister Sophie Reit of the Nazareth Home died this morning. Previous
to last evening Sister Sophie was up and around and was well with
the exception of feebleness occasioned by her great age, she being
in her seventy-fifth year. Last evening about seven o'clock Sister
Sophie was stricken with apoplexy, and throughout the night remained
unconscious. She did not rally at all and died at eight ten this
morning. The deceased was born April 27th, 1838 in Freiburg, Baden.
She entered the Convent of the Precious Blood Sisters at Gutwell,
Baden, at an early age. After having passed the state examination in
German and French, she was active for a number of years as teacher
in Europe. In 1873 she came to America with the Precious Blood
Sisters, whose Mother House is located in Ruma, Ill. For 23 years
she taught in various places, here in America, having meanwhile
learned English. After 23 years spent here, she went back to Rome
where she met Mother Pauline, who had been appointed Mother
Provincial at Baujaluka, Bosnia. Seven years ago Mother Pauline came
to America in company with six other nuns, Sister Sophie being among
the number, and founded the Nazareth Home. The religious community
lost in Sister Sophie a valuable member. The funeral will take place
from the chapel of the Nazareth Home on Central Avenue Monday
morning at nine o'clock. The burial will be in the St. Joseph's
REITER, UNKNOWN MAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 14, 1878
A gentleman named Reiter met with an accident Wednesday, which
resulted in his death about 11 o’clock Friday. He received a kick in
the abdomen from a horse while on Belle Street, but thought so
little of the injury at the time that he did not consult a
physician. Thursday he was seized with agonizing pain and called for
assistance. Several medical men were summoned, but all efforts were
in vain. It was found that some of his intestines were ruptured, and
his death occurred at the hour named. He leaves a wife and family.
REMPKE, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1872
Stabbed to Death by Brother-In-Law
A terrible stabbing affair took place Saturday morning on Third
Street, between Langdon and Henry Streets, the particulars of which
are as follows:
For some time past, a domestic feud has existed between George
Rempke, living at the place above named, and Matthias [or Anton]
Belz of Brighton, the husband of a sister of Rempke’s wife. The
cause of feud is not fully understood by outsiders, but it has
culminated in a fearful manner. Rempke is a water-hauler, and on
Sunday morning, about 6 o’clock, went out of the house towards his
stable to feed his horse. Just before he got to the barn door, Belz,
who, it seems, had been lying in wait for him, sprang out from
behind an outbuilding and attacked him with a corn knife, inflicting
several terrible wounds upon his person. Rempke then turned and ran
towards the house, Belz following him and overtaking him at the
door, where he slashed Rempke’s face and head horribly, the knife
penetrating the skull. Belz then turned and ran towards the river,
followed by one or two neighbors who witnessed the affair from their
houses, and ran to the rescue, but none of them could overtake the
would-be murderer.
The officers were, however, immediately notified, and started in
pursuit, while Dr. Guelich was summoned to attend the wounded man.
Rempke was able, before his wounds were dressed, to tell who the
assailant was, but gave no other information. His wife and some of
the neighbors saw and recognized Belz. Officers Challacombe,
Sauvage, and McKissock made a thorough search for the assailant, and
after satisfying themselves that he was not in the vicinity, the
last two started for Brighton, where they found that Belz had
arrived shortly before them, and had disappeared, no one knew where.
Up to the present time, he has not been found. He is a German, and
is described as about 5ft 8 inches high, heavily built, and wore a
suit of grey working clothes. Rempke is well known in town. He is
also a German, and about forty years of age. He has a wife and five
or six young children. This afternoon he was lying in a very
precarious condition, and his recovery is extremely doubtful.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 18, 1872
Mr. George Rempke of Alton, who was so brutally stabbed on October 6
by Anton Pelz of Brighton, died yesterday afternoon from the effect
of his injuries. The murderer is still at large, and as no reward
has been offered for his arrest, no effort is being made by the
officers in that direction.
RENFRO, ARMINDA C. (nee HARNSBERGER)/Source: Edwardsville
Intelligencer, February 01, 1893
Mrs. Arminda C. Renfro, wife of W. P. Renfro of Troy, died yesterday
morning at 5:30 o'clock. The funeral took place today. She was born
in Old Ripley, Bond county in 1852. She married W. P. Renfro and
moved to this county nine years ago. She leaves surviving her
husband, one son and one daughter; also, her mother, Mrs. C. E.
Cheney of Ft. Smith, Arkansas; one sister, Virginia Renfro, wife of
A. T. Renfro of Wayne county; one brother, John Harnsberger, and a
half-brother D. W. Cheney of Ft. Smith, Arkansas.
RENFRO, CYRUS W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 21,
Cyrus W. Renfro, aged 68, a veteran of the Civil War, died at his
home, 819 East Fifth street Sunday afternoon after a long illness
from pulmonary troubles. He had lived in Alton many years and was a
member of Alton post G. A. R., under whose auspices the funeral will
be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home. Mr.
Renfro leaves, besides his wife, four children: Mrs. Mattie Cummings
of Litchfield, and Messrs. A. E., Scott and Frank Renfro of Alton.
Mr. Renfro lived in Troy in this county before his removal to Alton.
RENFRO, LETICIA “LETTY” (nee WEST)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph,
March 17, 1882
Mrs. Letty Renfro of Troy died last week, having attained the ripe
old age of 82 years. She was the wife of the Rev. Jesse Renfro, who
still survives her at the age of nearly 85 years.
Letty Renfro was born June 12, 1800, in North Carolina. She was
married to Jesse Renfro, September 4, 1817, and was the mother of
thirteen children – five sons and eight daughters. Three sons and
two daughters are still living. She professed religion in 1827, and
became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. She has always
been esteemed a regular and consistent member. She was a devoted
wife, a faithful and kind mother, and a good neighbor. She was a
very quiet and agreeable companion. She always showed great love and
affection for her children and grandchildren, and loved to see them
around her and talk with them and give them good advice. She had
been considered for many years an invalid, had many very serious
spells of sickness, which she bore with patience and Christian
resignation. Her last sickness was congestion of the liver. She
expressed the opinion that this would be her last sickness. As death
appeared, she was calm and resigned, her suffering was but for a few
days. She was taken down March 6, and died Thursday, March 9, 1882,
at nine o’clock p.m. Her age was 81 years, 8 months, and seven days.
She leaves behind her to mourn her loss her dearly devoted
companion, with whom she lived in peace and comfort for nearly three
score years and ten. She also leaves her dear children to mourn and
weep, her many grand and great-grandchildren, her neighbors and her
many friends. She lived to celebrate the fiftieth year of married
life, and also held her diamond wedding with a large number of
friends, and all her living children, and many of her grand and
great-grandchildren. The celebration was a most pleasant and
enjoyable meeting. She lived after the diamond wedding anniversary
nearly five years, making her married life nearly sixty-five years.
Burial was in the Gilead Cemetery in Troy.
RENFROW, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 11, 1904
Mrs. Scott Renfrow, aged 18, died Sunday night at 8 o'clock after a
brief illness at the home, 1016 East Third street. Mrs. Renfrow is
survived by her husband and one child, only a few weeks old. The
funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock from the
family home on East Third street.
RENKEN, ESTHER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 04, 1915
From Bethalto – Mr. and Mrs. John Renken have the sympathy of their
friends, as their infant died last Friday. The baby was taken to the
German Church, and laid to rest in the Lutheran Cemetery. Little
Esther, three weeks ago, was taken ill with pneumonia, from which
she recovered, but a relapse set in and she was very sick, and her
little life was despaired of. She rallied and pulled throughit, and
again came a relapse, and in the weakened condition from the
previous attacks was unable to combat with the disease and
RENKEN, G./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 20, 1890
From Bethalto – The funeral of Grandma Renken, who died Sunday
night, took place from the residence of her son, Henry Renken, on
Tuesday afternoon, and was largely attended. Rev. Nachtigall of the
Lutheran Church officiated. This good old German lady was nearly
eighty-two years of age [born May 12, 1808]. The remains were
interred east of town [burial was in the Zion Lutheran Church
RENSEN, CHARLOTTE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30,
Mrs. Charlotte Rensen, aged 78, died at her home on East Sixteenth
street at 2 o'clock this morning following a protracted illness.
Mrs. Rensen has been confined to her home since Thanksgiving Day,
and her condition has been growing worse daily, so that the end has
been expected for some time. Mrs. Rensen was born in England and was
brought to the United States when a small child. She has lived in
Alton for the past twenty-three years. She is survived by her
husband, Joseph Rensen; one daughter, Mrs. Ed Brandeweide; and one
son, William Rensen. The funeral will be held on Saturday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. The funeral services are to be conducted by Rev. M. W.
RENSHAW, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 7, 1893
From Bethalto – Grandpa John Renshaw, who died on Friday evening at
the residence of his daughter, Mrs. S. C. Smith, was buried at Moro
Sunday morning. Mr. Renshaw was one of the oldest men in the county,
being ninety-six years of age.
From Moro – Mr. John Renshaw, who died at Bethalto on Friday evening
last, was interred here Sunday. Mr. Renshaw was born in Pennsylvania
in 1798, and had resided in this vicinity for a large part of his
life. He was married in 1827, and was the father of five children. A
remarkable coincidence in the history of the family was that for
fifty years, between 1827 and 1877, there was not a death in the
family. Four children survive him.
RETHERT, T. (newspaper headline listed first initial as
R.)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 12, 1919
Mysterious Death in Rooming House
Mystery surrounds the death of T. Rethert, white, in the colored
rooming house conducted by Rosie Elliot on Piasa street. The police
report shows that he died about two o'clock this morning. The cause
of his death is not known. Other roomers in the house did not know
that his condition was serious until he was dead. According to the
story told this morning at the home of Rosie Elliot, Rethert often
came to the house to call for Archie Johnson, who rooms there. Last
night about ten o'clock he came to the house and asked for Johnson
saying he was ill. Johnson was not at home but he was called home
from his work in Wood River to look after the man. Johnson said this
morning that by the time he arrived Rethert seemed improved. "I gave
him my bed, and went to sleep on the floor near him," Johnson said.
"I was awakened about two o'clock in the morning by his struggles
and he died before I had a chance to call the doctor." The body was
turned over to Deputy Coroner William Bauer. There is no mark on the
body, and nothing that would indicate the cause of his death.
According to Johnson, Rethert has worked in Alton for the past
twenty years. He has labored and has often been foreman of the
laboring gangs. He was unmarried, and at present was working for the
Standard Oil Co. in Wood River. Johnson said he believed Rethert was
about 45 years of age.
REUCH, ABRAHAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1896
Abraham Reuch died Friday night at his home on West Fourth Street,
from malarial fever. He was 31 years of age, and leaves a wife and
two children. Mr. Reuch held the position of Car Inspector on the
Bluff Line here. The body was shipped to Litchfield Saturday night,
where the funeral took place Sunday.
REULAND, PETER/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 28, 1893
Civil War Veteran Killed by Train
An unknown man was horribly mangled at Henry Street Friday, by the
Big Four train, which arrives here shortly after 9 o’clock. The
unfortunate man met his doom so suddenly, that he never was aware of
his danger. Mr. Frank Hansell, who was standing near the tracks in
front of the Hapgood Plow Works, saw the man when he was struck. He
is of the opinion that the man was riding on the blind baggage of
the Chicago & Alton train, which was late, and but a short distance
ahead of the Big Four, when just beyond Henry Street, he jumped from
the C. & A. train, and rolled onto the Big Four track. The tender of
engine No. 294 struck him, and mutilated his body horribly. When
picked up, the upper portion of his skull was crushed completely
off. He was brought to this city and placed in the police station
pending an inquest. Engineer Dawson stated substantially the same as
Mr. Hansell. He did not see the man jump, neither did he see him
ahead of the engine, but stated that it must have been in this
manner that the accident occurred.
Coroner Kinder failed to arrive Friday to hold an inquest. In
consequence, Squire Brandeweide summoned a jury Friday, and held the
inquest. The verdict of this jury was that an unknown man was killed
by the Big Four train at Henry Street, and the facts given by
witnesses was in accordance with the Telegraph’s account of the
accident. After the remains had been sent to the city cemetery for
interment, they were identified by Mr. Peter Reyland. The dead man
is Peter Reuland. He is about 52 years of age, and has resided with
Mr. Reyland for many years, doing odd jobs about the place. He
served through the war, for which he received a small pension, and
was also admitted to the Soldier’s Home for a short period.
The way in which the accident occurred made it appear that the man
jumped from the blind baggage of the C. & A. train. Such was not the
case. Friday morning, he left Mr. Reyland’s home, and stated that he
would go to the home of a friend. He evidently walked to Henry
Street crossing, and was walking on or near the track when the train
struck him. Mr. Reyland thought nothing of the fact that he did not
return for dinner, but when told by the friend that Reuland had not
been at his home, he investigated. At the city cemetery, the remains
were identified by the lower features of the face, clothing, shoes,
and hands. The burial was postponed, and took place Saturday from
St. Mary’s Church.
REUSCH, ANTON (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April
17, 1899
Rev. Anton Beusch, pastor of the Evangelical Church at Brighton for
many years, and one of the best-known ministers of the denomination
in this part of the State, died on Saturday after a long illness.
Rev. Reusch became pastor of the Brighton Church many years ago, and
has faithfully administered to the spiritual needs of his
congregation. He was beloved by them and to all who knew him. Some
time ago, he was taken ill with diabetes, and notwithstanding the
urgent advice of his physician to give up his work, he remained
steadfast in the pursuit of his chosen calling. Last Sunday week, he
preached to his congregation, although he was then very ill and
unfit to do so. He was 58 years of age, and leaves a family of eight
children, with his wife. His oldest son, Rev. Albert Reusch, is
pastor of the church at Red Bud.
Rev. Reusch was well known in Alton, as he had frequently been
called upon to preach here, and had performed many marriage
ceremonies in Alton. Last Fall he accidentally fell while in
attendance at an Evangelical Conference at Quincy, and was in a
critical condition for some time. His eyesight also had become quite
feeble, and he would soon have been obliged to give up his pastoral
The funeral will be Tuesday from the Brighton Church, and there will
be in attendance Rev. H. Buchmueller, President of the Southern
Illinois Conference; Rev. Haeberle, President of Eden College of St.
Louis; Rev. J. H. Dinkmeier of Belleville; Rev. H. Buschman of
Carlinville; and Rev. William Hackman of Alton. Also a quartette of
the Eden College.
Rev. Anton Reusch was born May 18, 1843. He was buried in the
Brighton City Cemetery in Macoupin County, Illinois.
REUSS, HENRY (newspaper also spelled the name RUESS)/Source:
Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15, 1909
Henry Reuss, a shoemaker, aged 53, was fatally injured Sunday
morning by being struck by a Chicago & Alton train at Illinois
Avenue in East End place. He was walking along the track when the
train hit him. Reuss was thrown a short distance, and his skull was
fractured. He was taken to St. Joseph's hospital where he died
shortly after arriving there. Reuss was engaged in shoe repairing
and conducted a small store. He has a family consisting of his wife
and several children. Coroner Streeper took charge of the body. A
son of Ruess, Frank Reuss, was injured several weeks ago and lost a
finger in an accident in an Alton factory where he was employed.
REUTER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1886
Mr. William Reuter, who resided near Alton Junction [East Alton],
was instantly killed Saturday evening by an unfortunate accident. He
was engaged in hauling a load of corn from his own place to that of
a neighbor, when one of the wheels of the wagon ran into a hole, and
he was precipitated forward and fell between the horses and the
vehicle. His cries for assistance were heard, and when the spot to
which the frightened horses had run was reached, Mr. Reuter was
found to be dead, his neck being broken by the fall. Coroner Melling
was notified, held an inquest, and a verdict was rendered in
accordance with the above account.
Mr. Reuter was a brother-in-law of Mr. H. C. G. Moritz of Alton. Mr.
Moritz and family attended the funeral, which took place from the
family residence on the Wood River. Deceased left a wife and two
sons to mourn his death.
Mr. Reuter was born December 18, 1823, and was about 62-63 years of
age. He was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
REXFORD, NORMAN GERTRUDE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 27,
Norman Gertrude, the 10 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Rexford, died last night and will be buried at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon from St. Mary's church.
REYLAND, ALBERT JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28, 1889
The little son of Alderman Peter Reyland backed into a bucket of hot
water while at play Sunday evening, and was quite severely scalded,
but was not considered seriously injured. The child was subsequently
taken with spasms, and died Tuesday evening. The bucket of water had
only been left standing on the kitchen floor for a moment,
preparatory to being taken out. The afflicted parents have the
sympathy of many friends.
REYLAND, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 11, 1908
Mrs. Margaret Reyland, aged 85, died this morning at 6:15 o'clock at
the home of her son, Peter Reyland, on Henry street, of injuries she
sustained in a fall two weeks ago. Mrs. Reyland was born in
Brandenburg, Luxemburg, Germany. She married Michael Reyland in
Germany and came to this country with him. He died fifteen years
ago. There are six children living, three sons and three daughters -
Peter and Nicholas of Alton; John of Waco, Texas, who will attend
the funeral; and Mrs. Katie Connor of Brandenberg, Germany. Mrs.
Barbara Herz of Glennonville, Missouri, and another daughter in
Gereling Luxemburg, Germany. A brother, John Fauigenburg in
Bethalto. Mrs. Reyland was a member of St. Mary's church parish.
REYLAND, OSCAR/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 16, 1896
Oscar, the seventeen months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reyland,
died last night from brain troubles. The parents have the sincerest
sympathy of their friends in the affliction. Funeral services will
be held tomorrow afternoon from St. Mary’s Church.
REYLAND, PETER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 15, 1918
One of Alton's Oldest Business Men Dies From Blood Poisoning
Peter Reyland, aged 67, died at midnight Monday night at his home at
816 Henry street, after a short illness. Mr. Reyland sustained an
abrasion on one of his hands ten days ago while working for Hartman
and Company of East Broadway. He was taking some empty barrels for
cider out of the cellar and bruised his hand. He paid no attention
to the matter until Tuesday, when the swelling became quite painful.
Thursday, while walking on the street, he fell, presumably from the
effects of the infection in his hand, and bruised the other hand and
hip. These too began to show signs of infection, but Mr. Reyland
declined to have an operation performed. Yesterday afternoon Mr.
Reyland was compelled to take to his bed and at midnight passed
away. Mr. Reyland was married in 1877. He leaves a widow, two
daughters, Mrs. Lizzie Corrigan of Alton and Mrs. Freda Mahr of
Bremerton, Wash.; and three sons, Peter Reyland of Alton, Alphonse
Reyland, who is with the American Expeditionary Forces in France,
and William Reyland, who is in a training camp at Bremerton, Wash. A
brother, Nicholas Reyland, lives in St. Louis, and two sisters are
living in Germany. Mr. Reyland was one of the oldest and best-known
business men in Alton. For 36 years he conducted a store at Ninth
and Henry streets. For several years he has been associated with
Hartman and Company. Mr. Reyland was a member of St. Boniface Branch
of the Western Catholic Union. The arrangements for the funeral have
not been completed, pending the receipt of word from the children as
to their ability to attend.
REYLAND, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 1, 1909
Wife of Peter Reyland - Alton Businessman
The funeral of Mrs. Peter Reyland was held this morning from St.
Mary's church, where a requiem high mass was said by Rev. Joseph
Meckel and assistants. The church was filled with friends and
neighbors of the deceased, and the cortege that followed to St.
Joseph's cemetery where interment was made was a long one. Many
floral offerings were made. The pallbearers were: J. J. Hammond, Nic
Wolf, Henry Beiser, John Schmidt, George Geoken and Lawrence Fahrig.
REYNOLDS, DOW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 5, 1902 Body
Severed By Train
Dow Reynolds, aged 16, son of Hardy Reynolds, was killed about 5
o'clock Friday evening by being run over by a freight train which
was crossing the Alton bridge. The boy had boarded the train and was
evidently trying to make his way home. The train, instead of coming
up the levee, turned on the "Y" at the approach to the bridge to
cross the river. The boy had been standing on the bumpers between
two freight cars, and as the train passed the platform at the
Langdon street station, he attempted to swing out and jump on the
platform. He was seen by Conductor J. E. Williams suspended by his
hands from two hand -holders, one on the end of each car, between
which he was swinging perilously. Just before the train reached
Williams, the conductor saw the boy lose his hold and fall between
the cars to the rail, and the heavy train passed over him, severing
his body at the waist. Deputy Coroner Streeper held an inquest and a
verdict of accidental death was found, and the railroad company was
exonerated. The Reynolds family live in the top story of the old St.
Charles hotel building on State street. The boy was the main support
of the family, being employed at the glassworks. The funeral
services were conducted this afternoon by Rev. S. D. McKenny of the
Cherry street Baptist church, from the family home.
REYNOLDS, ISABEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 12,
After several months illness, Mrs. Isabel Reynolds, 76(?) years of
age, widow of James A. Reynolds, ...... the Missouri Baptist
Sanitarium in St. Louis yesterday morning of infirmity. Funeral
services were from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John R.
Beale, Granite City, at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. D. L. Temple,
retired pastor of the Cuba, Mo. Presbyterian church officiated.
Burial was in Godfrey Cemetery. Mrs. Reynolds is survived by five
sons, Rev. John Reynolds of Effingham, Ill., Robert W. and George W.
T. Reynolds of East St. Louis; Albert M. and Joseph C. Reynolds of
Central Missouri; and three daughters, Mrs. Emma R. Smith of Venice;
Mrs. Effie Marr of Godfrey, Ill.; and Mrs. John Beale of Granite
REYNOLDS, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 29, 1912
James Reynolds, aged 73, died this morning at his home on Second
street next to No. 2 hose house. The funeral will be held Wednesday
morning from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral, and burial will be in
Greenwood cemetery.
REYNOLDS, MARIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1846
Died after a short but severe illness on Thursday, Feb. 19th, at her
residence in Marine prairie, Saline Precinct, Mrs. Maria, consort of
Reuben Reynolds, Esq., aged 43 years. It is with feelings of the
deepest melancholy and poignant grief that we are called upon to
announce the sudden departure of our much respected and beloved
friend, Mrs. Reynolds. In the prime of life, surrounded by
circumstances the most favorable, performing an active part in the
sphere of usefulness, a nurse to the sick and afflicted, a friend to
the poor and destitute, in the enjoyment of general health with a
heart ever overflowing with the "milk of human kindness" to all, the
delight of her relations and friends, in whose affections she had
obtained a hold never to be obliterated, we would fain have hoped
that she might have been spared. But alas "Death loves a shining
mark," and our friend, our sister is no more. Could the sighs and
tears and prayers of a deeply afflicted and agonizing circle of
relatives and neighbors have prevented thy flight, departed spirit!
Thou hadst still been here. But thou art gone! Why should we murmur?
We humbly trust that what joys, is an irreparable loss, is to them
indelible gain, that thou hast but changed the dull scenes of
suffering mortality, for the inexpressible glories of eternal bliss.
Mrs. Reynolds removed to this state from Stratford, Connecticut with
her parents, Nathan and Rebecca Thorp, in the year 1822; shortly
after which she became the affectionate wife of our much esteemed
friend, R. Reynolds, Esq. Thrice had she been called by the grim
monster, Death, to follow her tender offspring to the tomb, and it
was while endeavoring to soften the bed of affection, upon which her
beloved companion had been prostrated, and calm the raging fever
which threatened his dissolution, that she received the summons to
depart. The disease settled upon her brain, she was deprived of her
senses successively, one after the other, and to many of us the news
of her death preceded that of her disease. By her demise, a husband
has been bereaved of an affectionate wife, two interesting children
of a tender and devoted mother, a numerous circle of relatives and
friends of their brightest star. The neighborhood has sustained an
irreparable loss, for it can be said of her with truth that none
knew her but to love her. "Truly in the midst of life we are in
death." And how loudly does this affliction call upon us who
survive. "Be ye also ready, for in an hour when ye think not, the
Son of man cometh."
REYNOLDS, MARTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 02, 1899
From Upper Alton – Martha, the 11-months-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Reynolds, died this morning after an illness of six days
from dysentery. The funeral will be Friday from the residence to
Godfrey Cemetery.
REYNOLDS, SAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18, 1916
Sam Reynolds, aged 46, colored, died at his home, 616 Ridge street,
suddenly yesterday morning. He had been ailing for about a week, but
his condition was not considered serious. He is survived by a wife.
The body will be shipped to Vincent, Ind.
REYNOLDS, SOPHIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 20, 1865
In the family of B. L. Mason, deceased on the 11th of January 1865,
at the residence of Mrs. N. Thorpe in Highland, her mother Mrs.
Sophia Reynolds, aged 80 Years, 11 months, and 13 days. She was the
wife of James Reynolds, Esq. They were married in Augusta, Kentucky
in the year 1802, and emigrated to Illinois in the year 1822. In the
year 1854 he died, and she survived him nine years. She was a kind
and affectionate wife, a faithful mother, and a kind and charitable
friend to all around her. Her motto was the golden rule “Do unto
others what you would have them do unto you.” She died believing she
would be rewarded in Heaven. [Note: A granddaughter of James &
Sophia Reynolds, Mary Thorp (daughter of Nancy P. Reynolds Thorp)
married a member of the Burton L. Mason family.]
REYNOLDS, WALTER L./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 25, 1891
Walter L., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Reynolds, died yesterday at the
home of the family in Godfrey, aged seven years, four months, and
eight days. Death was caused by a spinal trouble with which the boy
was for a long time afflicted. The funeral will take place from the
family residence in Godfrey, Friday morning. Mr. Reynolds was
Principal of the Godfrey schools last year.
Rhoades (see also Rhoads, Rhodes)
RHOADES, SARA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 22, 1903
Sara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rhoades, died last night at the
family home in East End Place, after a short illness, aged one year.
Death was due to whooping cough. The funeral was held this
RHOADES, TILLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 14, 1911
Mrs. Tillie Rhoades, wife of George Rhoades, died at the family home
in Priest's addition, Thursday evening at 6 o'clock, aged 25. She
had been ill a long time with stomach troubles. She leaves her
husband and two children. The funeral will be Saturday at 2 p.m.
from the home, Rev. S. D. McKenney officiating.
RHOADS, ELLEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 9, 1896
Mrs. Ellen Rhoads, who has been ill for some time at her residence
in Upper Alton, died Monday morning, aged 73 years. Judge E. C.
Rhoads of East St. Louis is her son. The hour for the funeral has
not yet been fixed, but interment will be near Shipman, probably on
RHOADS, JOHNSON BARNEY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 26,
Struck by Car
Johnson Barney Rhoads, a carpenter who came to Alton about a week
ago to work at his trade, was fatally injured, dying Sunday morning
at St. Joseph's Hospital from the effects of the injuries he
sustained Friday evening when he was hit by a Ford car at Yager
Park. Rhoads is the victim of unknown persons who were driving a
Ford car on the state road and, it is said, sent their car off the
road and on to the walk beside the road where Rhoades happened to
be. The car hit him with great violence, breaking ribs on both sides
of his body. The ribs were forced into his lungs, and death was due
to a form of pneumonia caused by the lacerations in the lungs
produced by the broken ribs. Rhoads was boarding with Mrs. Rosie
Laird in Sering Place. After the accident, he was able to tell where
he belonged and the car which hit him was used to haul him to his
boarding place. The two men in the car assisted him to the house and
turned him over to the woman who had been his boarding mistress.
They left no names and there was neither license tag nor light on
the Ford which had so cruelly crushed the man. On Saturday it became
evident that Rhoads was in a bad condition and he was taken to St.
Joseph's Hospital. There he lingered until Sunday morning, when
death resulted from pneumonia. Rhoads was 45 years of age. So far as
known he had two brothers and one sister. Deputy Coroner Streeper is
being assisted in his search for information as to the identity of
the drivers of the Ford car which was the cause of the death of
Rhoads. It is said that the man was an Odd Fellow, and that the
members of that order are assisting in the hunt for information. The
deputy coroner said today that the identity of the car would be
RHOADS, NANCY J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19, 1917
Wife of Well Known Baptist Minister Dies at Family Home
Mrs. Nancy J. Rhoads, wife of Rev. William M. Rhoads, died this
afternoon at 1:50 o'clock at the family home, 2616 Walnut street.
Mrs. Rhoads was 67 years old on the 24th day of January. She had
long been a sufferer from asthma and bronchial trouble, and at times
in her life she had been very ill. During the last two weeks she
suffered a severe attack, and for several days it was known her case
was serious. She was in a critical condition all the earlier part of
the day until death relieved her sufferings shortly after noon. Mrs.
Rhoads leaves her husband, Rev. William M. Rhoads, one son, June M.
Rhoads, and one daughter, Miss Lulu Rhoads. The son is in Oklahoma,
where he has been spending the winter. Word was sent to him this
afternoon announcing the death of his mother. Mrs. Rhoads was born
in Jersey County and had spent her life in the country north of here
and in Alton. The family had lived in Upper Alton about twenty-five
years. Funeral arrangements have not been made. The death of Mrs.
Rhoads was a sad surprise to her many friends who did not realize
that her case was of such a grave character. She had long been a
sufferer, and it was generally believed that she would rally from
this attack of the malady that had caused her years of suffering.
She was very highly esteemed in the neighborhood where she lived.
She had a very wide acquaintance through the work that was carried
on for many years, in a religious way, by herself and her husband.
Among her neighbors she was beloved and to her family her death is a
sad shock.
RHOADS, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 20, 1896
Killed by Train
Thomas Rhoads, a painter by trade, was run down and instantly killed
by the Big Four plug train at Walnut Street [Central Avenue],
Wednesday. Rhoads was returning to his home at 1016 E. Second Street
[Broadway], and was walking along the Big Four tracks. Whether
because he did not see the approaching train, or whether it was for
other reasons, he did not get off the track in time. The engine was
backing in from its 5 o’clock trip, as is its custom, and Rhoads was
hit by the tender of the engine and thrown from the track. Death was
almost instantaneous, as when the train was stopped and backed up to
the place where he was lying he was unconscious, and died shortly
after. When picked up, it was found that his neck was broken, his
left arm broken in two places, and the ribs of his right side broken
in. The remains were carried to his home, and were taken charge of
by Mr. W. L. Klunk. The unfortunate man leaves a wife and family of
children, some of whom are dependent on him for support. Coroner
Kinder arrived the next morning, and held an inquest at the home. A
verdict of accidental death was found by the jury.
RHOADS, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15,
The four months old child of Mr. and Mrs. George Rhoads died at the
family home in East End Place today. The funeral will be Wednesday
at 10 a.m.
RHOADS, VIOLA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 27, 1921
Miss Viola Rhoads, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rhoads, died this
morning at 4 o'clock at the family home on Watalee avenue in the
east end. She was 18 years of age, last Saturday. Her death followed
a short illness with pneumonia. The funeral will be held tomorrow
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family home, and Rev. S. D. Kenny
will probably have charge of the services.
RHOADS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 15, 1893
Laborer Drops Dead
About 5 o’clock p.m. Thursday, a colored man who was working for
Contractor Ash, putting down a sidewalk at the Gill building,
suddenly fell to the ground and expired instantly. The patrol wagon
was summoned, and the corpse was conveyed to the police station,
where an inquest was held over the remains this morning. He was
identified by another colored man, William Berkley, as being William
Rhoads. Berkley testified that Rhoads was a laborer with whom he had
worked in Kansas City and Hannibal, Missouri. He arrived in Alton
Tuesday, and got employment as above stated. He has a wife and child
who were with him at Hannibal several years ago, but he does not
know where they are now. During the eight years he has known him, he
always thought him to be a healthy man. Several other witnesses were
examined, but little other information could be had. He was subject
to epileptic fits, and his death was due to this cause. The jury
found a verdict in accordance with these facts.
RHOADS, WILLIAM M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19,
Minister and former Trustee of Shurtleff College
Rev. William M. Rhoads died this morning at his residence in Upper
Alton, following a stroke of paralysis, aged 74. It was on the third
anniversary of the death of his wife, whose passing the aged
clergyman had mourned deeply. He had been in bad health for some
time, but there was no indication that the end was near. Thursday,
he received word of the death of his brother, Robert Rhoads, at
Madelia, Minn., the brother having been both blind and totally deaf
for a quarter of a century. With emotions mixed, grateful that the
end of his unfortunate brother had come and that his troubles were
over, and with heart filled with sadness on the eve of the
anniversary of the death of his wife, the aged minister had no
thought that his own death would follow so soon that of his brother.
This morning, shortly after he had eaten his breakfast, Rev. Rhoads
was stricken with paralysis and died soon afterward. It was just the
way his brother had died. Members of the family say that on the
evening before his death he was in a contemplative mood and was
giving members of his family messages which he wanted delivered to
friends of his who had been interested in the news of the death of
his brother. Rev. Rhoads was a man of a kindly, loveable
disposition. He was forever considering the welfare and comfort of
others. Kindly, dignified, courteous always, and a sincere believer
in the cause in which he had spent his life, that of giving his best
efforts to the cause of salvation of souls, the aged minister will
be sincerely mourned by thousands. He was the supply pastor for many
years in churches in Macoupin, Green and Jersey counties, and he had
given service to Alton churches, too. He was supply pastor of the
Cherry Street Baptist Church while Rev. Samuel D. McKenny was in the
Y. M. C. A. service overseas. He had married hundreds of couples,
had buried many hundreds of persons more, and was constantly subject
to call in many hundreds of homes when there was any need for the
services of a clergyman. Many of the little churches he served were
without a pastor much of the time. He would conduct great spiritual
revival meetings and the number of his baptisms runs into the
thousands. The death of Rev. Rhoads came as he had wished. He was
injured last summer by an automobile which struck him at the
crossing of Broadway and Piasa street. He never fully recovered.
Arterial hardening had been causing him much inconvenience too. A
few days before his death he was conversing with an old friend to
whom he said that if he was never to get any better, he would prefer
that he would be stricken with paralysis and avoid a long period of
weakening down. That was exactly the way the end came. He was born
at what is now Medora, then Rhoads Point, about a mile and a half
from the present village. He would have been 75 years of age April
15. Fifty-one years ago he was ordained as a Baptist minister, but
had been preaching a few years before that. Recently he said that he
had seen upward of 2,000 people, of which he had kept count, profess
conversion in meetings he had conducted. Of the men who attended his
ordination, Rev. T. N. Marsh is the only one still alive. His last
preaching service was two weeks ago last Sunday, when he filled the
pulpit of the Elm Street Presbyterian Church. The week before, he
had conducted a funeral service at Rockbridge over an old friend.
Mr. Rhoads is survived by his two children, three grandchildren,
also two brothers, P. B. Rhoads of Minneapolis; B. F. Rhoads of
Madelia Minn.; Miss Elizabeth Rhoads of Madelia; Mrs. Laura McDonald
of the Pacific Coast; and Mrs. Margaret Willson of Point Rock. N. Y.
For twenty-nine years he was a trustee of Shurtleff College and was
the last of the "old guard" of trustees of that institution,
remaining in service. He was a member of Franklin Lodge, A. F. & A.
M., and was also a Knight Templar. The burial service at the
Rockbridge Cemetery will be under Masonic auspices. The funeral
services at the home will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The
body will be taken to Rockbridge Monday morning and services will be
held there in the Baptist Church at 10:30 o'clock. According to a
request of Rev. Mr. Rhoads there will be no funeral sermon. He had
told Rev. Henry Dixon, an old friend, that when he died, he wanted a
spontaneous symposium of remarks by preachers with whom he had been
associated in the work of religion for so long. It is expected there
will be a large attendance at this service, and that clergymen for
miles around will attend.
RHODES, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 11, 1904
George, the 2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Rhodes, died
yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock and was buried from the home in
East End place this afternoon.
RICE, ELIJAH HARMON/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1872
Died on September 17, at Silver Leaf cottage near Godfrey, Elijah
Harmon, only child of William H. and Mary Rice, and grandson of E.
Frost, aged 6 months and 29 days.
RICE, ELIZA JANE/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 16, 1849
Died in Six Mile Prairie, Madison County, on the 17th February,
1849, after a very painful illness of only five days, Mrs. Eliza
Jane Rice, consort of Mr. George S. Rice, and daughter of Mr. Jacob
and Mrs. Nancy Varner, in the 25th year of her age. The deceased was
an ardently member of the M. E. Church, and in all the relations of
wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, peculiarly amiable, her
early fall is sincerely regretted by all who knew her. Two days
after the mother, her infant son, aged 7 days.
RICE, FRANCIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 4, 1909
The funeral of Mrs. Francis Rice, an aged colored woman, was delayed
two hours this morning until the money could be raised to pay half
the livery bill. Money was in hand last night to pay the bill, but
this morning it was no longer in evidence, and what became of it is
a matter of dispute. When the time for the funeral arrived, the
livery man insisted upon the promise being kept, that the cost would
be paid half down and half later on. There was nothing to pay with
and there was no funeral in prospect. The time set for the funeral
was 9 a.m., but it had to be postponed until 11 a.m. when someone
gave security. The woman was a great-grandmother, and none of her
children are living here.
RICE, GRACE/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 8, 1896
From Edwardsville – Died, Friday morning of diphtheria, Grace, the
10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Rice. The funeral
occurred Saturday.
RICE, HENRY J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 28, 1907
The funeral of Henry J. Rice was held this afternoon from the home
of his mother in the Turner addition, North Alton, and was attended
by a very large number of friends of deceased. Many lovely floral
offerings were also made, and the McPike paper mills were closed
down as a mark of respect for the dead man who had long been a
trusted and respected foreman there. Services were conducted by Rev.
Ernest Mueller of the German Evangelical church and burial was in
City Cemetery.
RICE, JENNIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 21, 1892
Miss Jennie Rice died this morning at the home of her parents on
Main Street. Deceased was 29 years of age, and her death was caused
from consumption. The funeral will probably take place tomorrow
RICE, JULIAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 3, 1905
The funeral of Julian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rice, was held
this morning at 10 o'clock from St. Paul's Episcopal church, Rev. H.
M. Chittenden officiating. Burial was in City Cemetery. There was a
large attendance at the funeral, and many beautiful floral
offerings. The pallbearers were six brothers, Edgar, William, Percy,
Eugene, Godfrey and Oscar Rice.
RICE, MARY A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 9, 1900
Mrs. Mary A. Rice, wife of Thomas A. Rice, dropped dead at 9 o'clock
this morning at her home on Brown street in Upper Alton, without any
warning illness. She was a sufferer with asthma and throat trouble
for many years, but her illness was not considered as necessarily
dangerous and not much attention was given to it. Her heart had
probably weakened under the strain of her asthmatic troubles, and
this morning it ceased to act. She had been sitting with her
daughter and little son eating breakfast and finished at about 9
o'clock. She rose to walk across the room and fell in the floor,
dying almost instantly. At the time of her death, her three
daughters were with her and they summoned Dr. E. C. Lemen, but it
was too late, for she was dead when the doctor arrived. Her death is
attributed to sudden failure of her heart to act. Mrs. Rice's death
is a sad shock to the community in which she lives and especially to
her family. Mr. Rice is a traveling salesman and is far from home,
but a message to him summoning him home has been sent, and he will
probably be here tomorrow. The oldest son, John Rice, is also
traveling and is now on his way home from Iowa. Mrs. Rice was a
prominent lady of Upper Alton and was connected with well-known
families in the village and in the south. She seldom was away from
home, her life being given entirely to the management of her home
and children, and what is the loss of such a woman cannot be told.
Funeral arrangements have not been completed.
RICE, MARY J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 13, 1901
Mrs. Mary J. Rice, one of the best known residents of Godfrey
township, died at her home yesterday after a lingering illness. Mrs.
Rice a few months ago underwent a surgical operation at St. Joseph's
hospital in this city, which for a time it was hoped would be an aid
in restoring her health. Mrs. Rice was for many years a
correspondent of the Telegraph at Godfrey, and she proved herself a
faithful chronicler of events. The funeral will take place Friday
afternoon from the family home.
RICE, ROSA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 21, 1902
The funeral of Mrs. Rosa Rice, wife of Percy Rice, was held this
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and services were conducted in the family
home on Bluff street. There were many friends of the young woman and
of the bereaved husband at the funeral, and the attendance was
large. Services were conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden of St.
Paul's Episcopal church and Rev. M. W. Twing of the First Baptist
church. Burial was in the City Cemetery. The pallbearers were Edgar
Rice, T. Rice, A. Maxheimer, George Maxheimer, Fred Heskett and Dick
RICE, ROSA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 31, 1910
Mrs. Rosa Rice, wife of Harry Rice, aged 29, died Sunday from heart
failure. Three weeks before she had given birth to a child. Mrs.
Rice was a weak woman, having spinal trouble. She leaves her husband
and two little children. The funeral will be held from the home,
1421 Monroe street to SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral Tuesday morning
at 9 o'clock.
RICE, SUSANNAH B./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1850
Died on October 21, 1850, in the hope of a glorious immortality,
Mrs. Susannah B. Rice, daughter of Phlerius Gillham. Sister Rice was
born in Illinois, March 5, 1822. She professed religion and joined
the M. E. Church at a camp meeting held at Old Ebenezer. She was
married to George S. Rice, Esq., September 4, 1840. Sister Rice was
a kind stepmother, an all-affectionate wife, and a consistent
Christian. While suffering in body, she had great peace of mind. Her
religion shined bright to all her conduct while in health, much more
so in affliction. In conversation with her a few days before her
death, she was so happy that she praised God aloud. Sister Rice has
gone where death can never follow her. She has joined many friends
who went before her in that happy world. And may those who still
remain prepare to meet her where parting shall be no more. Signed W.
RICE, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 24,
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rice died last night at home on
Belle street. The funeral will be Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from
the Cathedral.
RICE, WILLIAM H./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 16, 1893
Superintendent of Piasa Woolen Mill in Alton
Civil War Soldier
Sunday morning, Mr. William H. Rice, Superintendent of the Piasa
Woolen Mill, was stricken with apoplexy and died a few minutes
later. He had just risen, and fell forward on his bed, unconscious.
Assistance was called in and restoratives were applied, but life was
extinct. The sudden death was a most severe blow to his wife [Maggie
Rice] and daughter, who are left to mourn his death.
Deceased was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, November 13, 1842.
After completing his education, he found employment in a woolen mill
in that city, and devoted his entire business life to studying the
details of the business. He took charge of the Hillsboro Woolen Mill
when yet a young man, and later was made Superintendent of the
Woolen Mill in Mexico, Missouri. He came to Alton in 1882, and has
acted as Superintendent of the Piasa Woolen Mill ever since. He was
very popular with the employees of the mill, and his death caused
general sorrow among them.
Mr. Rice was a gallant Union soldier. He was a member of Captain
Lyman Bridges’ Battery of Light Artillery, known as Company B, First
Artillery, Illinois. Mr. Rice participated in the battles of Shiloh,
Vicksburg, Chattanooga, and in Sherman’s march to the sea, and in
many others during his four years of service. He was a genial,
pleasant gentleman, and his narratives of his experiences were most
interesting, and always sought for by his acquaintances.
The funeral took place yesterday morning. A large concourse of
friends assembled at the home to extend their sympathies to the
bereaved family, and tender their beautiful tokens of respect,
flowers, which graces the casket. The Arion Quartette sang several
appropriate hymns during the services, which were concluded with
prayer. The remains were sent to Mexico, Missouri, for interment.
The pallbearers were Messrs. Joseph Bodkin of Mexico, Missouri;
Captain N. Bueson of Jerseyville; A. R. McKinney, A. Neerman,
Hamilton Lane, and W. L. Eubanks of Alton. [Burial was in the
Elmwood Cemetery in Mexico, Missouri.]
RICH, CARRIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 7, 1918
Miss Carrie Rich, for many years a highly efficient teacher in Alton
High School, died Friday night at Washington, Ill., at the home of
her brother, and was buried there Monday. Word of her death was sent
to Rev. C. C. Smith, pastor of the Congregational Church at Alton,
by a nephew of Miss Rich, who wrote in behalf of his aunt, Miss Mary
Rich. The letter said that Miss Rich was taken down the day after
Christmas with what appeared to be a cold, but which developed into
pneumonia. The death of Miss Rich will be the cause of profound
regret in Alton. She was one of the best known women in Alton. Until
her retirement from teaching, Miss Rich had held a post in Alton
High School for close to thirty years. She was the possessor of a
life certificate from the state and was one of the few in Madison
County to hold such a certificate. She began teaching in Alton High
School when the High School was in Rooms 1 and 2 at Lincoln School.
She taught there for a number of years, then when the new High
School was built, she went over there and continued her work. Miss
Rich began teaching in the Alton schools in 1836 [sic - should be
1886], and she retired two years ago, making almost thirty years of
service to the cause of education in the one school. She was known
as a very efficient teacher, and her giving up of school work in
Alton was regretted by the other members of the faculty and by the
Board of Education. She was drawing a pension as a teacher under the
Illinois law. Her sister, Miss Mary Rich, had been in poor health
for some time. She had given up her work as teacher some time before
Miss Carrie Rich decided to discontinue her work. After ceasing to
teach, the two sisters moved to Washington, Ill., to be with their
brother. In Alton, the two sisters had been inseparable, had lived
together, and were deeply interested in each other. Miss Rich was a
devoted member of the Congregational Church. She was a woman of high
intellectual attainment, was possessed of a gracious disposition,
and she had a very large number of friends.
RICHARDS, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8,
Mrs. Elizabeth Richards died at her home on Washington street at
11:30 o'clock last night after an illness of several weeks. Mrs.
Richards was 40 years of age and has been a resident of Alton for
several years. Her son, R. H. Higgins, manager of the Collinsville
lead plant, was with her at the time of her death, and a daughter,
Mrs. R. T. Rutter of Centralia, arrived today. The remains will be
shipped to Georgetown, Ohio, this evening. A short funeral service
was held at the home at 5 o'clock by Rev. S. D. McKenney.
RICHARDS, EUGENE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 2,
Drowned in Alton Slough
Eugene, the 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Richards of Madison
street, was drowned in Alton slough on Labor Day. The Richards
family, with some other families, went across the river on the
ferryboat to spend the day fishing, and all the picnicers were
enjoying the day. The party was near the point where the old road
crosses the slough from McPike's Island to the main shore. The road
is submerged slightly, and Eugene was wading on the roadway and
fishing in the lower sine where the water is very deep. The boy
became over-balanced and fell backward from the road, plunging into
the deep water on the lower side where the current had washed a hole
about twenty feet deep. His father and mother saw him fall but could
do nothing to save him because of the distance they were from the
place at the time. The body was recovered an hour after it had
disappeared and was brought up from the hole by W. D. Fluent, who
used a line carrying hooks to drag for the body. The body was
brought home on the ferryboat, accompanied by all the members of the
party and was taken to the Richards home. The funeral will take
place tomorrow at 10 a.m. from the home of the parents, Madison
street near State.
RICHARDS, HOMER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 1, 1911
Commits Suicide by Drowning in Wolf's Pond at Leclaire
Homer Richards, aged 21, a son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Richards,
formerly of Alton, committed suicide at Edwardsville Wednesday
evening by drowning himself in a pond known as Wolf's pond at
Leclaire. The young man had been sick for seven years and unable to
do much work. Despondency over ill health is the reason given. He
left two notes, one telling where his body could be found. The
family were going to the High school commencement exercises at
Edwardsville last night, and Homer at first intended to go. However,
after the remainder of the family had left, the young man changed
his clothes, putting on an old suit, and going about a mile from his
home, drowned himself. The body was found late the same night,
according to the directions found in the notes. The father of the
young man is connected with the Alton Plumbing & Heating Co., and
formerly lived on Madison avenue in Alton. While the family were in
Alton, a little son was drowned across the river, and he is buried
in City cemetery. The funeral will be tomorrow afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from the family home in Edwardsville.
RICHARDS, J. V./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 20, 1890
From Bethalto - Mr. J. V. Richards, an old and much-respected
citizen of Bethalto, died at his residence at two o’clock and thirty
minutes Tuesday morning, aged 69 years, 3 months. We understand his
sickness was typhoid pneumonia, and of short duration. Dr. E. A.
Smith attended him, and for the last few days his brother, Dr. H. B.
Richards of Wyandotte, Kansas, was at his bedside day and night, and
while both did all in their power, it was without avail. The funeral
will occur on Thursday morning, under the auspices of Bethalto
Lodge, No. 406, A.F. & A.M., of which he was a beloved member,
having held the office of Secretary of that lodge for years. He has
held many other offices of trust, and filled all with credit. Soon
after his removal here from Fulton County, Illinois, he connected
with the C. P. Church of Bethalto, and lived a constant Christian’s
life until the day of his death. He leaves a wife and two daughters
by his second marriage; by former marriage he has living four
daughters and two sons; his oldest daughter, Mrs. J. Stevenson,
resides at Marine; his second daughter, Miss Jennie Richards, at
Wyandotte, Kansas; his third daughter, Mrs. John Chambers, at
Escondido, California; and his fourth daughter, Mrs. George Meyer,
resides in East St. Louis; his oldest son, Mr. L. O. Richards,
resides at Chester, Illinois, where he has been employed as a miller
for thirteen years. The other son, Mr. N. B. Richards, is located at
Mt. Baker, Washington. The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 27, 1890
From Bethalto – The funeral of the late J. V. Richards took place on
Thursday from the C. P. Church. There has seldom been a funeral here
that was so largely attended. The remains were interred at the
Bethalto Cemetery, with Masonic honors. The ceremony performed by W.
M. Peter Greenwood was very befitting the occasion, and was
delivered without fault. Visiting brethren from Upper Alton, Marine,
Bunker Hill, Edwardsville, Moro, and other points were present. Mr.
Richards was a school director for many years, and the schools
showed their respect by attending the funeral in a body.
RICHARDS, JERVIS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 17, 1888
Mr. Jervis Richards, a native of England, a resident of Moro
Township for about 40 years, a most estimable gentleman, died at his
residence in that township, August 16, at the age of 68 years. The
funeral will take place from the family residence Sunday, August 19.
Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.
RICHARDS, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 25,
Death by Drowning
Joseph Richards, aged 20, a young man employed at the glass works,
who boarded at the McCarthy boarding house on East Second street,
was drowned Tuesday at Mobile island. Richards, being out of work,
went down to Mobile Island to stay with Willow Ben, and last Tuesday
he was missing. Willow Ben, supposing that he had come to Alton
where his brother, Robert Richards lives, came up here to make
report but could find no trace of him in Alton. His hat and shoes
were found on the river bank and the conclusion was then reached
that he was drowned. When the report came to Alton that the young
man was missing, his brother organized a searching party and went
down the river to drag the river for the body. They expected that by
today the body would be floating, unless it was held down by brush
or had been buried in the sand, and the members of the party were
very hopeful of success. Richards came here from Georgetown, Ohio.
He has no relatives in Alton but his brother, and his parents are
dead. The body was recovered this noon, and Coroner Streeper was
notified. He went down to bring the body back to Alton. Owing to the
distance from the home of the St. Charles county coroner, the body
will probably be brought here before an inquest is held and the
coroner of St. Charles county will be asked to authorize Coroner
Streeper to hold the inquest.
RICHARDS, JULIA E. (nee RACINE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January
25, 1877
From Bethalto – Death has again visited our village. This time it is
our painful duty to report the death of Mrs. Julia Richards, wife of
Mr. Lucian Richards, which took place this morning, about two
o’clock. She was taken sick last Friday with a severe attack of
typhoid-pneumonia, and died as state above, leaving a husband and a
child, not quite one year old, and a large circle of friends. She
was married in March 1875, and to be taken away from those so near
and dear to her so early in life, being in her 21st year, seems to
be an unjust judgment. As a wife and mother, she was loving and
kind, always striving to make those around her happy. At the present
writing, it is not known where the funeral will take place from.
[Burial was in the United Methodist Church Cemetery in Bethalto,
RICHARDS, LUCIAN O./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 9, 1891
From Bethalto – Our town was thrown into a fever of excitement on
Monday, by a telegram from Marine, Illinois, stating that Mr. L. O.
Richards had committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with
a revolver. It seems that Mr. Richards and family had come up from
him home at Chester to visit relatives in this county, and while at
the house of his brother-in-law, Mr. John Stephenson of Marine, the
act was done. His health has been very poor for some time past, and
his employers, Messrs. Cole & Co., whom he has been with as second
miller for the past thirteen years, persuaded him to lay off two or
three months to recuperate. His disease, catarrh of the stomach,
preyed on his mind day and night until he could bear it no longer.
He was the son of the late J. V. Richards of Bethalto, who preceded
him by death a few months ago. He was 39 years of age, and leaves a
wife and three children, who have the sympathies of all who know
them. The remains were brought to Bethalto today (Tuesday), and
buried in Bethalto Cemetery by the side of his first wife [Julie E.
Racine Richards] , who died about fifteen years ago. The funeral
took place from the residence of Mrs. J. V. Richards on Railroad
Street, and considering the short notice, was well attended. The
wife and children were all present. His sister, Miss Jennie
Richards, arrived from Wyandotte, Kansas just in time to see the
remains of her brother before the funeral started. Mr. J. Stevenson
and wife and Professor H. T. McCrea of Marine; also, Mr. and Mrs.
George Meyer and wife of East St. Louis, were present.
RICHARDS, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 1, 1885
Mr. W. W. Arnold informs us of the sudden death of Mr. Thomas
Richards, a resident of Alton Junction [East Alton], which took
place Tuesday night. Deceased was sixty years of age, and an
employee of the tile works. He was a single man, and resided with
his brother. He got up from his bed about 12 o’clock to get a drink
of water, and soon after was heard to fall over heavily against the
stove. The noise aroused the family, who came to his assistance, but
life was extinct when they reached him. The cause of death was
pronounced to be heart disease.
RICHARDS, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 23, 1922
Father Sacrifices His Life to Save His Son
Thomas R. Richards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richards, of 2429
Sanford Avenue, was killed last night in a crossing accident at the
foot of Main Street by a Chicago & Alton train. Richards, when he
realized that it was impossible to avoid a crash at the crossing,
thought only of his two children with him in the automobile. With
him also was his brother, James, aged 18, who leaped in time to
escape injury. According to the story told by James Richards, the
father tried to save his two little boys, Harold and Charles Edward,
the latter 5 and the former 3 years of age. When the father noticed
the nearness of the train he exclaimed, "Oh, my children," and
seizing the younger by the arm he tossed him to the ground in a
place of safety and gathered the other child in his arms and tried
to leap from the car, but was too late. Instead he was hurled from
the car by the impact to the pilot of the locomotive, and there he
was found after the train had been stopped, his son still held in
his arms, and the child comparatively unhurt. The father was dying,
having given his own life to shield that of his offspring. The child
the father had in his arms sustained an arm fracture and a shoulder
break, but was otherwise unhurt. It was taken to the hospital. The
child thrown to the ground escaped with very slight injuries.
Bystanders said that the automobile, a Dodge, was carried a long
distance by the train after the crash and was destroyed. The train
was traveling at high speed when the wreck occurred. James Richards
said that his brother, who was employed at the Schuessler Foundry,
had been called back to the foundry, had been called back tonight to
get a key that he should have had with him. He took his brother
James and the two little boys with him. They were on their way back
home and were nearing the C. & A. track on the lane leading out from
the foundry to the state road. Traveling ahead of them was a Ford
car which had slackened its speed to make the ascent of the grade at
the crossing and this forced the car carrying the Richards party to
slow down also. This fact undoubtedly cost the life of Richards as,
had he been going normal speed, he would have gone over in safety.
The Ford car got over the track all right, and Richards drove up on
the track, noticing the close approach of the train when it was too
late. Then followed the tragic sacrifice of the life of the father
to save the lives of the two babies. He was careless of his own
safety in his desperate efforts to put his little ones out of harm's
way, according to the brother, who was riding in the seat behind.
The brother is under the impression that Thomas, after throwing out
the first child, must have leaped with the second squarely onto the
pilot of the fast approaching train. The victim of the tragedy was
28 years of age and had been married eight years. Beside his wife,
he leaves four children, the eldest 7 years old, Francis; and the
youngest six months old. Mr. Richards had been living with his
parents of late, and his wife had been living in their own home.
Members of the family are recalling that a year ago the two brothers
in the accident last night were in a dangerous experience. They had
been canoeing and the canoe overturned. James Richards, the survivor
of the tragedy last night, was drowning, and his brother, Thomas,
went to his rescue and saved his life.
Thomas Allen Richards was born in Alton on February 22, 1894. His
wife was the former Elizabeth Marie McLain. Richards was buried in
the Alton City Cemetery.
RICHARDSON, DAVID/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 16, 1893
Wann Disaster Victim
David Richardson, another of the victims of the Wann oil explosion,
died at St. Joseph’s Hospital Friday morning. He was 38 years of
age. His chances for recovery were considered good. Coroner Kinder
has been notified of his death, and will hold an inquest over the
remains this afternoon.
RICHARDSON, DAVID/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 17, 1914
David Richardson, the blacksmith, died Monday night after a long
illness with erysipelas. For several days Richardson has been
confined in his room on Ninth street near Henry, since his rejection
at St. Joseph's hospital on account of the nature of the disease.
Richardson is possessed of some means, and while being alone in the
world could not be regarded as a dependent, and a private nurse was
selected to take care of him in his room. Mr. Richardson is single,
but has a brother, William Richardson, and a sister of McAlester,
Ok., who came to Alton on receipt of word of his serious illness,
and were with him at the time of his death. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Chappee, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mann, and William Richardson are here on
account of Mr. Richardson's death, two being sisters and one a
brother. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday from the Bauer
undertaking establishment, and burial will be in City Cemetery.
RICHARDSON, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 15,
Mrs. Elizabeth Richardson, widow of Thomas Richardson, died Saturday
night at her home on Seventh street after a long illness brought on
by old age. She was a resident of Alton fifty years, and was well
known. All her children, William R.; Mrs. J. B. Mann of McAlester;
L. T.; and Mrs. Joseph B. Chappee of Roodhouse; and DAvid Richardson
of Alton; were at her bedside when the end came. Mrs. Richardson was
born in St. Monia's, Fifeshire, Scotland, and was 81 years of age.
She died Saturday evening at 6:30 o'clock. The funeral was held
Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and services were conducted at the
family home by Rev. J. H. J. Rice. Burial was in City Cemetery. The
pallbearers were Nik Seibold, J. W. Beall, William Flynn, H. O.
Tonsor, Henry Meyer and H. William Baner.
RICHARDSON, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 6,
Frank Richardson, aged 61, died this morning at 10 o'clock at his
home, 536 East Seventh street, after a short illness. Mr. Richardson
was the well-known piano tuner and music teacher, and was the father
of Mr. B. C. Richardson, assistant principal of the Alton High
school. Two weeks ago, he was taken ill with a severe cold that
resembled the grip, and last week the malady settled in his ear. He
suffered great pain from the trouble in his ear, and two days ago
congestion of the brain set in. His condition was pronounced
hopeless yesterday, and this morning he passed away. He leaves his
widow and one son, Mr. B. C. Richardson. He was well known in Alton
and during the time he has lived in this city he made many friends.
The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 o'clock from the family
RICHARDSON, JAMES C./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 29, 1897
Mr. James C. Richardson, the well-known East End saloon keeper, died
at an early hour Monday at his home on Washington Street, after an
illness of only a few days’ duration, with pneumonia. Mr. Richardson
was an Englishman by birth, but had lived in this country for many
years. He moved to Alton from More several years ago, and at the
last city election was a candidate for office of Mayor of Alton. He
leaves a wife and two children, and several brothers. The funeral
was held at the home on East Second Street, and was largely
attended. The remains were interred in the Alton City Cemetery.
RICHARDSON, JOHN R./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 25,
John R. Richardson, aged 46, died at his home on McClure avenue this
morning at 8 o'clock after an illness with pneumonia. He was a long
time resident of Alton. Mr. Richardson was born near Moro, but when
a young man came to Alton and worked for the Illinois Glass Co. for
years. He leaves his wife and four children. Funeral arrangements
have not been made.
RICHARDSON, MARY (nee OSELAND)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
November 23, 1916
The death of "Grandma" Richardson, which occurred Wednesday morning
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Monaghan of 411 Market
Street, disclosed the fact of her being a member of a family
remarkable for longevity. At the time of her death, Mrs. Richardson
was 86 years of age and she is survived by six brothers, all
residents of Taylorville. One of the surviving brothers is older
than Mrs. Richardson, while the other five are younger. The brothers
are Charles, Roni, Thomas, John, William and Richard Oscland.
Occasionally one hears of a family remarkable for having two or
three members reaching an advanced age, but rarely has it ever been
known when a family of seven reached such an advanced age as did the
Oscland brothers and sister. The funeral of Mrs. Richardson will be
held Friday morning from the Monaghan residence on Market street,
Rev. M. W. Twing officiating. Burial will be in Short cemetery.
Besides her two children, Mrs. Sarah Jane Monaghan and John
Richardson, twelve grandchildren and six great-grandchildren are
left to mourn her loss. [Mary Richardson was the wife of William
Richardson (1831-1904). She was born October 28, 1830, in
Staffordshire, England.]
RICHARDSON, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 26,
Samuel Richardson, aged 32, died this morning at his home, 1816
Market street, after a long illness. Previous to his illness
Richardson was employed at the Bauer Barber shop. Funeral
arrangements are incomplete.
RICHARDSON, SUSAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 30, 1846
Died on Thursday morning last, of a pulmonary complaint of long
standing, Miss Susan Richardson, late of Londonderry, Vermont; aged
about 28.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 13, 1846
Died in Alton on the 28th May, Miss Susan Richardson, aged 29 years.
"And I heard a voice in Heaven saying unto me, write, blessed are
the dead who die in the Lord." The deceased was early the subject of
serious impressions, and at the age of 18 became a member of the
Baptist Church at Londonderry, Vermont, her native place. In the
spring of 1834, she came to reside at Alton with the hope that a
change of climate might alleviate a severe asthmatic affection, from
which she had suffered from a child. This hope was in a good degree
realized, but in February last her health was again prostrated by a
severe attack of pleurisy, from the effects of which she never
recovered. The disease changed its form, and she became the victim
of a lingering and painful decline, which terminated to her death.
During the earlier part of her sickness, she manifested much anxiety
to recover, or to regain at least sufficient strength to return to
the East. There was her home - her parents and the companions of her
youth, and it was hard for her to think of dying before she had
looked once more upon the faces of those she most loved. She did
not, however, tho' far away from home and kindred, lack the sympathy
and kindest services of friends. No attention or care was wanting
that could tend to alleviate her sufferings, or minister to her
comfort. But her chief source of comfort was in the Christian's
hope. This grew stronger and stronger, and more and more precious,
the nearer she approached toward the grave. The anxiety and
occasional doubts and fears that had harassed her during the former
part of her sickness gradually left her, and she emerged, before her
departure, into the sunlight of perfect peace. Death lost its sting,
and the grave its victory. Her end was emphatically peace. She
suffered in yielding up her spirit, no agonizing struggle, and
apparently no pain, but calmly and a sweetly fell asleep in Jesus.
RICHARDSON, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 1, 1890
Mr. Thomas Richardson, one of our oldest citizens, died Thursday
after a protracted illness. Mr. Richardson was taken ill some months
ago with paralysis, but so far recovered as to be able to be on the
streets. While out, he was again prostrated with another stroke,
which proved fatal. Mr. Richardson has lived in Alton more than
forty years, and has raised a large family of children, all of whom
are of adult age. He was for a long period the leading blacksmith in
the city, and in recent years gave most of his time to practice as
veterinary surgeon. He was of Scotch birth, and was a familiar
figure in business relations during his long residence in Alton.
RICHARDSON, WALTER BYRON/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 16,
Died in Alton on the 13th inst., Walter Byron, only son of Mr.
George W. and Mrs. Eliza Richardson; aged 4 years.
RICHARDSON, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 26,
William Richardson, who has lived in the vicinity of Moro since
1852, died at his home yesterday after an illness with pneumonia. He
was well known throughout the county and generally respected. He was
the father of the late James Richardson of Alton, and of Mrs. John
Monaghan also of this city. Another son, John Richardson of Moro
also survives. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon. [Burial was in
Mt. Olive Cemetery]
RICHEY, FELIX/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 28, 1914
Felix Richey, aged 30 years, died this morning at 2 o'clock at the
home of his sister, Mrs. Frank Dashley, 1025 Easton street, after a
sickness caused by pneumonia. He was a native of Jersey County, and
the family moved here about 16 years ago. He is survived by his
mother, Mrs. Matilda Richey of East Fourteenth street; three
brothers, Albert, Ernest and Oscar; and two sisters, Mrs. Frank
Dashley and Mrs. George Delp. The funeral will be held Wednesday
morning from the Cathedral and burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
RICHEY, STEPHEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 9, 1909
Stephen Richey, in his sixtieth year, died this morning at 1:30
o'clock at his home, 1287 Easton street, after a long illness from
Brights disease. He was born May 21, 1849, near Fieldon, Jersey
County, Illinois. Mr. Richey worked at the Illinois glass works the
past few years and was well known and liked. He leaves his wife and
six children, Felix, Albert, Ernst and Oscar, all living at the
family home, Mrs. George Delp of Alton, and Mrs. Frank Dashley of
South Dakota. Mrs. Dashley arrived several weeks ago to attend her
father. He leaves also a brother, Jonathan Richey of Alton, and a
sister, Mrs. Sarah Smith of Hardin, Illinois. The funeral will be
from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral Thursday morning, and burial
will be in Greenwood cemetery.
RICHIE, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 23, 1904
The funeral of Harry Richie took place Saturday morning from the
Cathedral, where services were conducted by Rev. George Hensey.
There was a very large attendance at the funeral, and many beautiful
floral offerings. He leaves a wife - a bride of five months, and his
parents and brothers and sisters.
RICHMOND, ANN ELIZA (nee MILNOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 27,
After a lingering illness with paralysis, Mrs. Ann E. Richmond,
widow of the late Isaac J. Richmond, passed away Friday morning at
her home, Seventh and Alby Streets. Mrs. Richmond has been hovering
between life and death for several weeks, attended by her
granddaughter, Miss Annie Bronson, and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Milnor
Richmond of St. Louis, and all that careful hands and tender hearts
could minister was done to alleviate the suffering of the loved one.
Mrs. Richmond’s advanced age rendered her recovery almost
impossible, and while her death is a severe shock to the children,
it is a great relief to the pain-racked body.
Mrs. Richmond was born April 25, 1818, in Bristol Bucks County,
Pennsylvania, and was thus 75 years of age last April. She came to
Alton in the Spring of 1844, and shortly afterwards united with the
M. E. Church, of which she has been a faithful and consistent member
ever since. Her husband had been a prominent business man in Alton
for many years. He was appointed Postmaster at Alton in 1875, but
died before the expiration of his term of office.
The deceased was a woman of sterling character and many good works.
Of a quiet and unassuming disposition, she was respected by all her
acquaintances, and admired for her hearty hatred of all that was
evil, and her love for the good. Since the death of her daughter,
Mrs. Addie Bronson, in 1878, her granddaughter, Miss Annie E.
Bronson, has lived with her.
Three children survive: Will M. Richmond of Upper Alton; Albert B.
Richmond, now in Venezuela; and Milnor Richmond of St. Louis. She
also has ten grandchildren, one great-grandchild, and two brothers –
John K. Milnor of Litchfield, and George W. Milnor of Chicago. Truly
her death may be said to be the closing of a long and useful life.
There was a large assembly of friends and neighbors at the home
Sunday afternoon, who had gathered to pay the last tribute of
respect ere the closing scene of a long and useful life was enacted
and the departed was laid away for her last long rest. In her long
residence in Alton, Mrs. Richmond had surrounded herself with an
ever-widening circle of friends who with saddened faces, witnessed
the solemn rites and took a last look at the old, tried and true
friend. The services at the house were brief but impressive. A short
eulogy of the life of the good woman was read, also her favorite
chapter in the Bible, and two of her favorite hymns, “Rock of Ages,”
and “Clasped in the Arms of Jesus” were sung. A very large cortege
followed the body to the Alton City Cemetery. The pallbearers were
Messrs. Henry Guest McPike, Henry Watson, W. T. Norton, R. W.
Stevens, S. H. Cossaboon, and H. C. Priest.
RICHMOND, EVA (nee WEISS)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
February 7, 1920
Mrs. Eva Richmond died Friday night at 10 o'clock at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Lee Turner of 1642 Main street. Mrs. Richmond, who
was the widow of William Richmond, who died in 1908, celebrated the
sixtieth anniversary of her birthday on February 5, the day before
her death. Mrs. Richmond has been a sufferer from rheumatism for
many years but was able to be up and around. She was taken ill with
an attack of heart trouble Friday night and death resulted twenty
minutes later. She was born and raised in Brighton, coming to Alton
as a bride in 1888 to reside. Since her marriage she has made her
home in this city. Her maiden name was Eva Weiss. Mrs. Richmond is
survived by one daughter, Mrs. Lee Turner, and one grandchild. She
also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Emma Kolk of Alton, and Mrs. Robert
Paddock of Benld, and two brothers, John Weiss of Romona, Kansas,
and William Weiss of Brighton. She was an active member of the
Washington Avenue Methodist church and Rev. Frederick Sielzeriede of
the church will have charge of the funeral services. The funeral
will be held Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the family home.
Interment will be in City cemetery.
RICHMOND, HARRIET A. (nee ANTHONY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April
29, 1886
Mrs. Harriet A. Anthony, wife of Volney Paddock Richmond, died
Wednesday at the family residence in Fort Russell Township, after a
week’s illness of typhoid pneumonia. Her age was 67 years. She was a
native of Sherburne Valley, Vermont, and came West about 1840,
settling at Washington, Tazewell County. In 1858, she was married to
Mr. Richmond, and her home has since been in this county. For many
years past she had been in feeble health. The funeral takes place
from the family residence in Fort Russell Township, Friday
RICHMOND, HORACE EDWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 30, 1872
Died at Upper Alton on August 22, Horace Edward, son of Dr. A. and
Anna C. Richmond; aged 9 months and 2 days.
RICHMOND, ISAAC/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 12, 1873
Died in Alton on September 8, Isaac, son of Agnes and Milnor
Richmond; aged 15 months and 24 days.
RICHMOND, ISAAC J./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 9, 1878
Our citizens were pained to learn this morning of the death, very
unexpected to a great many, of Isaac J. Richmond, an old resident,
and a man who had acquired a large circle of attached friends during
the time he has lived in Alton, a period of more than thirty-four
years. It is supposed that the cause of his death was internal
hernia. The sad event occurred at 12 o’clock last night.
Mr. Richmond was born in Philadelphia, July 1, 1817. He married Miss
Ann E. Milnor, February 17, 1840, and came to Alton on April 25,
1844. He was engaged in business in Alton for many years, was
Inspector of the Port of Alton until the office was abolished, held
the office of United States Assistant Assessor for the Twelfth
Collection District for several years, was appointed Postmaster of
Alton upon the resignation of Mr. J. G. Lamb in 1875, which office
he held at his death. He was made a Master Mason December 15, 1849,
and had been a worthy member of the order until the day of his
death. Mr. Richmond united with the Methodist Episcopal Church at an
early age, and has been a consistent and efficient member and
officer of that communion during his entire residence in Alton, and
his death will be deeply felt by his brethren in the church, with
whom he has labored so long. He was a prominent and hearty supporter
of the temperance cause, and gave aid and encouragement to it and
all other virtues by an exemplary life. He leaves a widow and three
sons – seven children having preceded him to the future world, the
last of whom, an only daughter, died only a few weeks since.
RICHMOND, JOHN CHANEY/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 27, 1862
Died on June 24th, John Chaney, youngest son of J. J. and Ann Eliza
Richmond, aged two years and nine months.
RICHMOND, THEODORE/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 26, 1852
Died on Tuesday the 16th inst., Theodore, son of I. J. and A. E.
Richmond, aged 13 months.
RICHMOND, VIRGINIA JANE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 21,
From Moro – Virginia Jane Richmond was born in 1815 at Woodstock,
Vermont. She left with her mother in September 1818, for St. Louis,
where they arrived in November. She was united in marriage in 1836
to Abner Y. Ellis of Springfield, Illinois. They removed to Moro in
the Spring of 1865, where she resided till her death, and which home
she helped to make and did all in her power to make it happy. She
was the mother of six sons and two daughters, of which the youngest
son died at the age of 20 years, and the oldest at the age of 51,
and the others remain. She was a member of the Christian Church,
having united with that church in 1851. The funeral services were
held on Wednesday, Rev. A. Hunter, assisted by Rev. Smith,
conducting the services. The remains were interred in the family
burying ground at Paddock’s Grove. The pallbearers were the
immediate relatives of the deceased.
RICHMOND, VOLNEY PADDOCK/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 17,
Old Time Settler
Volney Paddock Richmond, one of Madison County’s oldest residents,
died at his home at Paddock’s Grove [south of Moro] on Monday,
January 14, in his 83rd year. Of all the old residents of the
county, Mr. Richmond was probably the best known. A short biography,
written by Mr. Richmond two years ago, is below:
“On the earnest solicitation of friend Cousley, I have written a
short history of a rather long life, the first of it passed when
Illinois had few inhabitants, and I have grown older with the growth
of our good State, and witnessed many changes.
I was born in Woodstock, Windsor County, Vermont, on April 25, 1818,
and left there in September following, and spent the next winter in
St. Louis, coming with my mother [Jane Paddock Richmond; who later
married Gershom Flagg] and grandfather [Gaius Paddock], to Fort
Russell Township, Madison County, Illinois, in March 1819. My first
recollections were the frequent passing of emigrants to the northern
parts of Illinois, and many companies of Indians going to and from
St. Louis. I have seen and remember well Blackhawk, Keokuk the
Prophet, and one who used to call himself ‘Silversmith.’ One time,
my grandfather persuaded the Indians to give us a ‘harvest dance.’
There were about a hundred bucks and squaws engaged. At another
time, a war dance, where only braves were engaged.
When in my sixth year, I went to Springfield to school, and on the
way passed four cabins, all in a distance of seventy miles. That was
the beginning of my school education. I had about two years of
school work in log cabins and schoolhouses, scattering along from
six to seventeen years of age. I completed my education, a part of
the time with Elijah P. Lovejoy, which I have always considered the
poorest part of my education. I like and think John Brown a much
better man in every respect than Elijah P. Lovejoy, and more
deserving of a monument to liberty.
I was born a farmer, but my people made a mistake and sent me, when
seventeen years old, to St. Louis, to make a poor merchant of me. In
about four years’ time in selling goods and covering another’s
debts, I found myself about $3,000 in debt and nothing to pay it
with, and went to work on the farm again in opposition to all
advices of kindred, and for fifty cents per day, in the Fall of
1844, I made a trip up in what was then called the ‘Military tract’
between the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers, in search of what would
make me a farm, and spent three weeks in travel and came home
thinking Madison County was good enough for me, and bought the land
on which is now my home, within four miles of where my people first
made their home in Illinois, and of the sixteen members of the
family who came from Vermont, only two are now living. What I may
have done for the good of the community amounts to but little, but
as you call for a biography of my life, I suppose some mention
should be made.
My first public work was getting up and being made postmaster of
Paddock’s Grove post office in May 1838, when just past my 20th
birthday. I began very leisurely getting up the necessary petition,
when one morning, when the thermometer was several degrees below
zero, I learned that an older man was at work for another place. The
snow was about a foot deep, but I started out with my petition and
tramped through the snow, got the required number of names, and next
morning started on foot (too cold to ride) for Edwardsville, and got
the postmaster to endorse and forward my paper to Postmaster General
Amos Kendall. Isaac Prickett, then postmaster at Edwardsville, was
one of my first friends there, and seemed to care for me, and when
it came to giving my bond as postmaster, I thought it would be
correct to call on an old friend, who was just old enough. When all
was completed, Mr. Prickett said to me, ‘My young friend, when you
want anyone to go your security, always ask an old man, for it is
not probably he will ever ask you to return the favor, and a young
may.’ It was good and useful advice, which I remembered and made use
I have held several minor offices – county and township – but never
asked anyone to vote for me. Under the county system, I was road
supervisor two or three times, was deputy assessor in 1857, census
enumerator in 1890, and town clerk for Fort Russell ten years, and
filled a vacancy, and had health permitted would probably have
continued longer. I was secretary of the Illinois Wool Growers
Association several years, director and secretary of the Madison
County Agricultural and Mechanical Association, a school director,
and a Master Mason. I have done considerable work for Sunday
schools, and for the temperance cause. I worked hard in 1840 for
‘Tippecanoe’ and gave my first vote for President to W. H. Harrison
and for Whig and Republican principles straight along. I have been
for many years a member of the Presbyterian Church, and since 1857,
a Master Mason.
My best work for the county was working up the ‘Old Settlers Union
of Madison County.’ It was hard, and met with opposition from all
the county papers. I saw where others failed, making the residence
in the county too short a time, the result was that many young men
sought to make themselves popular, and took the business out of the
hands of the ‘old settlers.’ I called for those who remembered the
deep snow of 1830, and after three calls through the papers, got
about a dozen together, and we worked up the organization. When I
meet so many old friends, I cannot but feel proud of my work.
In 1847, I married Victoria E. West, daughter of Emanuel J. West.
She passed away from me in 1856, leaving me with five children, two
of whom soon followed her. My oldest died in her twentieth year. I
was married the second time in 1858 to Harriet A. Anthony from
Vermont. She died in 1886.
If I were to write all I have passed through, nothing of any great
importance, and all the changes in the face of the country and
agricultural methods and machinery, the old-time Telegraph would
have to print many numbers to hold it. By the way, when the first
paper was started in Alton, which afterwards became the Alton
Telegraph, I went through prairie and woods, Upper Alton and
Bozzatown, which were all woods then, and a few houses (one of them
a part of the St. Joseph’s Hospital now) to pay the subscription
price, and have been a reader of that paper most of the time since.
I have passed outside of Fort Russell Township, all of the time I
have considered it my home.”
Respectfully yours,
V. P. Richmond
At the age of twenty-nine years, Volney was married to Miss Victoria
West. They had five children, two of whom were Edward West Richmond
and Isabel G. Richmond. They settled in section ten of Fort Russell
Township, near Hwy. 140 and 159, just south of his Grandfather
Paddock’s land at Moro Road and Hwy. 159, and built up a prosperous
farm. After the death of his first wife, he married Harriet Anthony,
a native of Vermont.
Richmond had in his possession the old compass that was used by the
government surveyor in this part of the State, and also a pouch and
powder horn, picked up on the Revolutionary War battlefield of
Bunker Hill. It was made of moose hide, sewn together with buckskin
strings. The buttons used for closing the pouch were cut from
rawhide. Inside the pouch were two bullets, one of which was British
lead, extracted from the body of the soldier who wore it. The horn
was engraved with the name of Jonathan Lawrence.
Volney Richmond was the first postmaster (1838) of Libertyville in
Fort Russell Township. The post office was located on the premises
of Gaius Paddock, known as Paddock’s Grove. He also kept a small
stock of goods, combining this business with that of the postmaster.
RICHTER, ANNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 5, 1916
Mrs. Annie Richter, wife of Henry Richter of 1227 east Fifth street,
died Monday afternoon at the family home after an illness of many
months with cancer. Mrs. Richter was a well known resident of the
part of the city where she died. She was 65 years of age and a
resident of Alton for many years. Beside her husband, she leaves two
sons, Henry and William; one daughter, Mrs. William Buesher; and two
brothers, Henry and William Vahle. The funeral will be held at 2
o'clock Thursday afternoon from the home, and services will be
conducted by the German Evangelical pastor, Rev. O. W. Heggemeier.
RICKEY, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 17, 1902
Mary Rickey, aged 4, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Rickey, died
yesterday at the family home on Alby street after an illness with
whooping cough. A child in this family died the preceding Sunday
from the same disease. The funeral was held today, and the body was
sent to Plainview for interment.
RICKS, LEWIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1889
Madison County Settler
From Edwardsville, June 1 – Lewis Ricks, 89 years of age, an old
settler of this county, having resided here since 1829 until three
years ago, when he removed to Prescott, Kansas, died at that place
on May 30. His remains were brought to Edwardsville, and will be
interred at the old home place in Olive Township tomorrow.
Lewis Ricks was the son of Jonathan and Temperance (Edwards) Ricks.
Lewis was born October 10, 1800, in Nash County, North Carolina. He
was married November 11, 1828 in Kentucky, to Mary Anderson. After
she passed in 1866, he was married a second time to Hester “Hettie”
(Ford) Keown, widow of Robert Keown, on September 30, 1871, in Olive
Township, Madison County, Illinois.
RIDD, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 18, 1892
Mr. John Ridd of North Alton died at midnight Saturday night, of
pneumonia, following the grip. Mr. Ridd, who was born in England,
came to this country some thirty years ago, settling on a farm near
Brighton, where he resided until a few years ago, when he came to
North Alton. Mr. Ridd had accumulated a competency during his
residence on the farm, and had retired from business and built a
nice home in our suburbs. Mr. Ridd leaves no child of his own. Mrs.
Ridd, who survives her husband, has three sons by a former husband -
Messrs. John and James Smith of Alton, and George Smith of Brighton.
The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon from the family
RIDDER, KATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 14, 1909
The funeral of Mrs. Katherine Ridder, who died Sunday, was held this
morning from SS Peter and Paul's Cathedral, Rev. Fr. Tarrant
officiating. Mrs. Ridder was an old resident of Alton and had lived
here since she was a young woman. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery.
RIDEN, EDWARD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 2, 1887
Drowned in Mississippi
A colored boy named Edward Riden, about 17 years old, was drowned at
noon today in the river, under the following circumstances. The
deceased, in company with Bud Wilson, John Johnson, James Creals,
John Turner, and David Searls, were in a skiff near the sawmill.
Another colored boy named Henry Parks, who was on shore, threw three
rocks at the occupants of the skiff, causing them to dodge and
partially upset the boat, so that it began to sink. The boys were
thrown into the water. Riden was unable to swim, became greatly
frightened, seemed to lose all presence of mind, sprang away from
the skiff and almost immediately sank. Some of the others clung to
the skiff until rescued, while one or two made the shore, which was
only about thirty feet distant. The body of the drowned lad was
recovered in about an hour, and removed to the Clarksville Packet
warehouse. The telephone was called into requisition, in order to
notify Coroner Melling, who went to Mitchell on official business
this morning. The drowned lad was a stepson of Ben Briscoe, who
lives near the corner of Fourth and State Streets.
RIDGLEY, NETTIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 03, 1898
From Edwardsville – Miss Nettie Ridgley died Sunday morning at
Comfort, Texas. The body was brought to Edwardsville Tuesday. The
funeral was at the residence Wednesday, and the interment at Bunker
RIDGWAY, EDWARD W./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1891
A telegram was received by Mrs. H. Watson in Alton, announcing the
death of Mr. Edward W. Ridgway at Valley City, North Dakota. Mr.
Ridgway probably died on Saturday, as the telegram stated the family
would leave Valley City yesterday morning to accompany Mr. Ridgway’s
body to Mt. Vernon, Illinois, where the funeral will take place on
As is well known, Mr. Ridgway has been in poor health for some time,
being treated at the Sanitarium and at his late residence on Alby
Street in Alton. In company with his family, he left for Valley
City, North Dakota in June, in hope of improvement in his health.
His death, while not unexpected, was deeply and generally regretted
by a large circle of acquaintances in this city, where he so long
resided, and where his many genial qualities made him hosts of
admiring friends. If the tenderest care of wife and children could
have saved him, then Mr. Ridgway would long since have been a well
man. The patient and watchful nursing of a devoted wife no doubt
prolonged a life that was very dear to her and her family, and
which, as the vital spark grew feebler, only served to redouble her
determination to defeat what appeared to be the inevitable.
Mr. Ridgway had long been a traveling salesman for the drughouse of
Meyer Bros. in St. Louis, who very highly appreciated his superb
business qualifications, and did everything in their power to aid
him in his unequal contest with the great conqueror. The sympathy of
many friends in Alton will be most freely extended to the afflicted
family, consisting of the widow and two children, a daughter, Miss
Maud, and a son, Master Scott. The funeral will take place in Mt.
Vernon, Illinois.
RIEFFER, JENNIE (nee CAMPBELL)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
January 5, 1903
Mrs. Adam Rieffer died at her home in East Alton Sunday afternoon.
Jennie McDowell Campbell, daughter of John A. and Mary A. Campbell,
was born November 1869 at St. Charles, Mo., married to Adam Rieffer,
July 28, 1889. Five children were born to them: Maggie A.; Eva May;
Ray James; Verrion C.; Lloyd C.; two of whom are dead. Early in life
she was converted and united with the First Baptist church in Alton.
The funeral services will be held at the family home tomorrow
afternoon at 1 o'clock.
RIEFGRABER, MADELINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November
19, 1918
The residents of East Alton were saddened this morning when they
learned that Mrs. Madeline Riefgraber, wife of Hugo Riefgraber, had
died after an illness of one week with the Spanish influenza. From
the first her illness was known to be serious, but her death was a
shock, nevertheless. Mrs. Riefgraber is the only daughter of William
Irby of East Alton, and was married seven years ago to Riefgarber.
The couple have no children. She is survived by her husband, father,
and one brother, Harry. Her mother died in East Alton less than two
years ago.
RIEGLER, HARRIET (nee HERB)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June
23, 1943
Daughter of Alton Mayor and Illinois Senator, Charles August Herb
Harriet Herb Riegler passed away on June 2, 1943. She lived in Santa
Monica, California. Harriet was the daughter of former Alton Mayor
and Illinois Senator Charles August Herb. She was born and reared in
Alton. The Herb family were long distinguished in public service in
Alton. Her father conducted a general store at Washington Avenue and
Bozza Street for many years, served in the Alton City Council, was
Alton Mayor, and represented his district in the Illinois State
Senate. Surviving Harriet Riegler were two sisters, Marie Herb
Finkell and Mrs. George Hershman, both of Los Angeles, California;
and two brothers, Charles F. Herb of New York; and Harrison “Harry”
B. Herb, a Captain in the Army Air Corps at Salt Lake City, Utah.
Harriet was buried in the Woodlawn Mausoleum at Santa Monica,
RIEHL, AMELIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 17, 1890
Madame Amelia Riehl died Saturday at the residence of her son. E. A.
Riehl, at Evergreen Heights, of consumption. Madame Riehl was 77
years of age, having been born in Calmar, France, on February 13,
1818. She has been an invalid for seven years, and her death comes
as a merciful relief from a life of patient suffering. Mrs. Riehl
was a widow, and leaves five living children – Mrs. Amelia Olmstead
(1839-1903) of Webster Groves, Missouri; Mrs. Charles Humphrey of
Albrion, Michigan; William Riehl of Potosi, Missouri; Mr. E. A.
Riehl of Alton; and Rev. D. C. Riehl of Montreal, Canada. The
remains will be taken tomorrow to Potosi, Missouri for interment.
She was an earnest Christian, a member of the Methodist Episcopal
communion. [Burial was in the Potosi Old Masonic Cemetery, Potosi,
RIEHL, MATHILDE H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 21, 1910
Wife of Emil A. Riehl - Well-Known Horticulturist
Mrs. Mathilde H. Riehl, wife of Emil A. Riehl, the well-known
horticulturist, died at the family home, Evergreen Heights, at 10
o'clock Friday evening. She was the mother of nine children, and her
death is the first break in the family circle, the married life of
the couple having been remarkably free from sorrow due to deaths.
She was born in Germany, September 12, 1841. Mrs. Riehl came to
America 56 years ago, and forty-five years ago she was married in
St. Louis and went as a bride to her home, that is known as
Evergreen Heights. She had much to do with the making of the place
what it is, and was deeply interested in her home and her family.
She never affiliated with any church, although she was a devoted
Christian. Her home being distant from all churches it was difficult
for her to attend services any place. Her health began to fail many
years ago, and about six years ago she became unable to walk, from a
slow paralysis. The last of ______ _______ sinking steadily and her
death was expected by her family. She leaves three sons, F. C. Riehl
of Tacoma, Wash., E. H. and Walter Riehl, and six daughters, Mrs.
Helen M. Lennan of Covallis, Wash; Mrs. Alice Starr of Olympia,
Oregon; Mrs. Annie Thompson, a missionary at Songdo, Korea; and
Misses Julia, Emma and Amelia Riehl, who live at home. Mrs. Riehl's
children who live at a distance will be unable to attend her
funeral, which will be held Sunday morning from the home, Evergreen
RIESENDICK, FRED/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 17, 1892
From Moro, Feb. 16 – Mr. Fred Riesendick died at his home near
Dorsey on Wednesday last, of pneumonia, at the age of 51 years. The
interment took place at the Dorsey Lutheran Cemetery, Rev. D.
Lochner conducting the services. Four children are left upon the
charities of the world, the wife and mother having died about two
years ago.
RIGGIN, MYRA M./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1874
Died at Troy on Sunday, July 26, 1874, Myra M., wife of Theodore A.
Riggin; aged 26 years.
RIGGIN, SARAH “MARY” (nee PIPER)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph,
August 5, 1887
Pioneer of Madison County
Mrs. Mary Riggin of Troy died Saturday, July 30, aged 73 years. She
was one of the pioneers of this county. [Note: Sarah was born March
7, 1813, and was the wife of Alford Riggin. She was buried in the
Troy City Cemetery.]
RIGGS, ADEILA "DELLA" V./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 5, 1894
Missionary in the Congo
Died, May 4, 1894, at Nganglia, Congo, Africa, after a missionary
service of two years, Miss Adeila V. Riggs, beloved daughter of John
Riggs of Godfrey, Illinois.
From Godfrey – The announcement of the death of Miss Della Riggs, in
Africa, was received Tuesday morning. Miss Riggs went as a
missionary to Africa over a year ago. Her death was very unexpected,
as she was only ill three days. The family has the deep sympathy of
many friends.
RIGGS, ALBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 18, 1899
From Godfrey – Last Sunday the remains of Deacon Albert Riggs were
brought here from Chicago and buried in the Godfrey Cemetery.
Several of his family came down, and the funeral party was met by
relatives here. Dr. Fairbank conducted short services at the grave,
and it was left covered with beautiful flowers, but a grave still.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 19, 1899
Albert Riggs Sr. of Chicago, formerly of Godfrey, died at his
residence January 13, 1899, at the age of 83 years, 1 month, and 4
days, of heart failure. He leaves an aged widow and six children to
mourn his loss – C. S. Riggs, Mrs. M. E. Lounsberg, and Mrs. P. C.
Ulrich of Chicago; Albert Riggs Jr. of Jacksonville; Mrs. Benjamin
Smith of Godfrey; and Mrs. Paul Watters of Upper Alton. Remains were
sent to Godfrey for interment.
Deceased was born in New York, December 09, 1815, and in the early
1850s he and his family came west to Chicago, and resided there till
the spring of 1872, when he moved to Godfrey, where he resided till
the fall of 1882, when he again removed to Chicago, where he still
resided at the time of his death. The funeral took place at Godfrey
January 14. Services were conducted by Rev. Fairbank, pastor of
Godfrey Church, of which deceased was an honored member and deacon
until his removal to Chicago in 1882, when he and his wife united
with the Third Presbyterian Church there. The remarks were very
appropriate and showed in what respect the deceased had been held by
his friends and relatives. A large concourse of people gathered to
see the last remains of the dear departed one laid away to his last
long rest. The floral offerings were beautiful and profuse.
RIGGS, JANET/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 16, 1890
Died in Bloomington, Sunday, Mrs. Janet Riggs, wife of the late
Daniel T. Riggs of Alton. Mrs. Riggs is well and most favorably
known in Alton, having for many years been a resident here. The
remains of Mrs. Riggs were brought here on the train from
Bloomington yesterday, and buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
Carriages were in waiting at the depot, and the funeral took place
immediately on the arrival of the train.
RIGGS, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 9, 1900
John Riggs of Godfrey died Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock after an
illness of four weeks from la grippe and lung fever. Mr. Riggs was
born in Putnam county, N. Y., June 25, 1820. He came to Godfrey in
1856, where he has since resided. He was one of the oldest residents
of Godfrey, and was highly respected for his virtues and kindly
disposition. During his entire residence in Godfrey he was a member
of the Congregational church there, an earnest worker, and always
present at the services when possible. He was a good man and full of
faith, and proved by his work his profession. Up to the time of his
death he was the oldest living member in the church. Nine children
survive him, all of whom are alive. The funeral will take place
Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Congregational church at
RIGGS, RAYMOND/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 18, 1922
13 Year Old Boy Crushed to Death While in Chicago
Raymond Riggs, 13 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riggs of Wood
River, was instantly killed yesterday afternoon in Chicago, where
with his parents, he was enjoying a vacation. According to a brief
message received at the Riggs' Drug Store in Wood River this
morning, the boy was riding in a machine, seated on the lap of an
uncle. As the machine was traveling along, it went over a bump and
[the] jar knocked the child out and threw it in the path of a truck.
The truck passed over the body, killing the boy. Mr. and Mrs. Riggs
and Raymond, an only child, went to Chicago to visit a couple of
weeks ago and planned to return home last Wednesday. However, at the
pleading of the little boy to extend their vacation, Mr. and Mrs.
Riggs decided to remain over until the last of the week. Little
Raymond was a bright and studious lad, and was much beloved by
friends of the family and of the patrons to the Ratz and Riggs Drug
Store in Wood River. The news of the death of the child was the
cause of much sadness in Wood River this morning. A message received
later in the day stated that the body will not be brought to Wood
River, but that the funeral would take place in Chicago Monday
RILEY, ANDERSON/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 14, 1884
Former Slave Died at Rocky Fork, Godfrey
Anderson Riley, an old colored man, formerly a slave, died Thursday
at his home at Rocky Fork, at the age, according to his own
statement, of 111 years. He had for a long time been only able to
move around slowly in a stooping posture. Tuesday, he went out into
his cornfield, and as he did not return when expected, a search was
instituted, but in vain until Wednesday, when he was found lying on
the ground, helpless and speechless. He was removed by kind hands to
his house, where he, yesterday, passed quietly from earth. The old
veteran came to this section after the war, having become a free man
through President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. He often
stated that he had formerly worked for Thomas Jefferson, and hence,
no doubt was a Virginian. He was possessed of many curious and
unique household utensils, relics of a former age. He left a widow
much younger than himself.
The 1880 census has him born around 1790, and his wife around 1818.
The 1870 census has him born in 1820 in Virginia, and his wife born
about 1825 in Missouri. He was possibly buried in the Rocky Fork
Cemetery in Godfrey Township.
RILEY, BARNEY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 3, 1882
Mr. Barney Riley, for many years a resident of Alton, brother-in-law
of Mr. Thomas Biggins, died Saturday morning at the residence of his
sister, Mrs. O’Neil, corner of Seventh and George Streets, at the
age of 62 years. He lost his wife by death a few months ago, and
leaves no family. The funeral took place from the Cathedral with a
large attendance.
Builder of the Godfrey Mansion
Captain Calvin Riley was born in 1799 in Middletown, Connecticut. He
was the son of Asher Riley (1748-1823) and Rebeckah Sage Riley
(1754-1821. Their ancestors can be traced back to John Ryley Riley,
born in 1620 in London, England. John Riley immigrated to America
around 1640. He located in Wethersfield, Connecticut, and was known
as “John the Settler.” John Riley died in June 1674 in Connecticut.
Calvin Riley married Eunice Stetson (1801-1877), a native of
Middletown, Connecticut. Their children were:
Catherine Riley Barry (1826-1895) (wife of Amasa Stetson Barry, a
merchant in Alton);
Rebecca Riley Drennan (1824-1904) (wife of Mr. John P. Drennan, a
Civil War soldier and merchant, of Roodhouse and then Ohio);
Mrs. Amelia Riley Curtis (1821-1903) (of Worcester, Massachusetts;
she first married John Edwin Curtis, who died in 1843; she then
married his brother Tyler P. Curtis);
Mr. Josiah Riley of Toledo Ohio (where he was the junior editor of
the Toledo Republican and The Commercial, and appointed collector in
1853; postmaster at Miami, Ohio in 1853), and then moved to Nevada);
Mr. William M. Riley (of Chicago then New York City)
In 1832, Calvin Riley, with his family, accompanied Judge Webb to
Illinois from New York, and was among the early settlers in Godfrey
Township, Madison County, Illinois. He built a large stone house on
Godfrey Road, north of the future village of Godfrey. This home was
later purchased by Captain Benjamin Godfrey, who made additions.
After selling his home, Calvin Riley engaged in the mercantile
business in Alton. He also resided one year in Edwardsville, then
returned to Godfrey Township and improved a farm on section 8.
Calvin Riley then erected another home on Godfrey Road, north of the
Captain Benjamin Godfrey home. George T. M. Davis, who was later an
Alton attorney, lived there for a time. It was later occupied by
James Hamilton, who kept it as a hotel (the Star Hotel). Hamilton
was a workman who came from the East to help build the Monticello
Female Seminary. The Star Hotel was destroyed by fire in 1862.
Calvin Riley later moved to Ohio and then Muskegon, Michigan. On
March 26, 1853, he, along with friends, were onboard a small vessel
named “Convoy” on Lake Michigan. When near the mouth of the Grand
River, in rough waters, the vessel capsized. All onboard succeeded
in clinging to the boat until rescued by Mr. Woodruff Chapin, who
saw the boat capsize and came to their rescue. But disaster struck
again. The rescue boat became swamped and capsized also. Mr. Chapin,
due to his energy and courage, rescued all except for Calvin Riley,
who drowned. His son, William and Josiah, offered a reward of $100
for the recovery of the body. Their father’s body was found on a
beach April 7, 1853. His body was brought to Alton, Illinois, and
buried there.
Captain Calvin Riley’s younger brother, Captain James Riley, was a
sea captain (it is quite possible that Captains Calvin Riley, James
Riley, and Benjamin Godfrey all knew each other). He was born in
Connecticut, October 27, 1777. Captain James Riley was shipwrecked
in 1815 on the northwestern African coast and was taken captive as a
slave (along with other surviving crew members from the merchant
ship “Commerce”). He later published his story in a book called,
“Riley’s Narrative.” Horribly mistreated, Captain James Riley and
his surviving crew members were beaten, sunburned, starved, and
forced to drink their own and camel urine. A slave would be worked
until close to death, and then either traded or killed. Captain
James Riley was later freed from slavery with the help of William
Willshire, a British consul. He was reunited with his wife and five
children. He later returned to the sea as Captain, and died March
15, 1840, onboard his vessel, “William Tell.” He was 63 years of
age. He was buried at sea.
RILEY, EUNICE/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 13, 1877
Widow of Captain Calvin Riley, who built the Godfrey mansion
Mrs. Eunice Riley, an old resident of Alton, who came here in 1832,
died yesterday morning at her residence in Alton, after a protracted
illness. She was the widow of the late Captain Calvin Riley, who
died in 1853. She was an estimable lady, and one of the oldest
members of the Presbyterian Church. She was a native of Middletown,
Connecticut, and was born in 1801 [Find A Grave states she was born
in 1799]. Five children Survive her, viz: Catherine Riley Barry,
wife of Amasa Stetson Barry of Alton; Rebecca Riley Drennan, wife of
Mr. J. P. Drennan of Roodhouse; Mrs. Amelia Curtis of Worcester,
Massachusetts; Mr. Josiah Riley of Nevada; and Mr. William M. Riley
of New York City.
RILEY, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 04, 1899
James Riley died Saturday evening at his home on Walnut Street, aged
72 years. Mr. Riley has been a resident of Alton for nearly fifty
years, and was held in high respect by his neighbors and
acquaintances. He leaves a widow, three sons, and four daughters.
The children are: Mrs. James M. Sweeney, Mrs. John Caffney, St.
Louis; Miss Fannie Riley, Messrs. Joseph, Edward, and James Riley of
Alton. The funeral took place this morning from St. Patrick’s
Church. The body was laid to rest in Greenwood Cemetery. The
pallbearers were J. P. Callaghan, B. Kennedy, Martin Keefe, J.
Burne, Addis McCarthy, and John Gallagher.
RILEY, JANE (nee HERONDEN)/ Source: Alton Telegraph, January 11,
From Moro – Mrs. Jane Riley was born in Kentucky March 5, 1828. She
came to Illinois in 1838, and with the exception of about two years
spent in Bond County, Illinois, she has lived in this immediate
neighborhood since she was about ten years old. She was married to
William Riley, November 12, 1850. Of this union, five children were
born, three boys and two girls, viz: Edward B. Riley, Mrs. C. M.
Sapp, Mrs. M. E. Berry, James S. Riley, and Alfred Denny Riley, all
of whom survive their mother. This family circle remained unbroken
for a little over thirty years, until the death of the husband and
father, which occurred February 13, 1881. The mother was the next to
follow, who after a little over two weeks’ sickness, died January 9,
1894, at the age of 65 years, 10 months, and one day. Mrs. Riley
united with the Moro Presbyterian Church in January 1895, and lived
a consistent member to her death. Besides her immediate relatives,
Mrs. Riley leaves a host of friends to mourn her loss. While no
wedding, feast, or church festival was complete without her, yet in
sorrow, as well as joy, in trouble as in happiness, she was mother,
friend, and adviser to all. We doubt if in this community one family
could be found who does not cherish tender memories of deeds of
loving kindness done by her. Memories of the last hours of some
loved one, whose wants she ministered to when Death was at their
door. In sickness, death or trouble of any kind, here was ever the
helping hand held out to aid the suffering. We mourn her loss as a
church, as neighbors, and as individuals. [Interment was in the Moro
RILEY, JOHANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 10,
Mrs. Johanna Riley, aged 57, died this morning at her home, 916 Main
street, after an illness with rheumatism. She was a native of County
Kerry, Ireland. Mrs. Riley leaves three sons and three daughters,
Theresa, Rose, Nellie, James, Thomas and Stephen. Her husband died
seven years ago. The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock Monday
morning from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral. Burial will be in
Greenwood cemetery.
RILEY, JOHN J./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1896
John J. Riley, a well-known character around Alton for many years,
died Tuesday at the hospital, where he was taken several days ago,
suffering from a number of ailments. Jack, as he was familiarly
known, was a native of Canada. He came to Alton in the early 1860s,
where he has resided most of the time since, and worked at his trade
of shoemaker. He also was a Justice of the Peace for a number of
years. On Tuesday, a gentleman whom he had known for some time,
while at the hospital, was seen by Jack, and was called into his
ward. Jack said that he was 68 years old that day, and stated that
he was going to die. The gentleman jokingly replied that he was
worth six dead men, but his fears proved true the next day, and he
passed away. His brother-in-law, Engineer William Dunn, came down
from Bloomington Wednesday, and the funeral took place from the
hospital to the Alton City Cemetery.
RILEY, KATE A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 23, 1906
Mrs. K. A. Riley died at noon Thursday at the home of her sister,
Mrs. B. M. French, 205 Walnut street, her demise being caused by old
age infirmaties. She was 82 years old and leaves no immediate
family. The body will be taken to Kirkwood, Mo., Saturday morning
for burial.
RILEY or COOLEY, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 14, 1891
Mrs. Mary Riley, better known as Mrs. Cooley, died Thursday evening
at St. Joseph’s Hospital, where she had been confined for some
considerable time from the effects of stroke of paralysis. Mrs.
Riley, who was born in Ireland, was seventy years of age, and had
spent most of her life here. She was a sister to Mr. John Gallager,
who is also a resident of Alton.
RILEY, MATHILDA E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 19,
Mrs. Mathilda E. Riley, wife of Dr. C. M. Riley of 2329 Central
avenue, died Sunday afternoon at the family home. Mrs. Riley, who
was about 73 years of age, has been ill for the past two years, and
since last September her condition has been serious. Dr. and Mrs.
Riley came to Alton 22 years ago and purchased a home on Central
avenue. Dr. Riley was a former college professor but recently he
retired. Besides her husband, Mrs. Riley leaves one sister, Mrs. L.
E. Minton. The funeral will be held from the residence at 1 o'clock
RILEY, THOMAS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 26, 1882
Coroner Youree held an inquest over the remains of a man named
Thomas Riley of St. Louis, a member of the Protective Benevolent
Bricklayers’ Association, who was killed by a train on the I. & St.
Louis Road near Nameoki yesterday morning. A verdict of accidental
death was rendered. The unfortunate man was accompanied by a dog,
and strange to say, the faithful animal stayed by his master and was
also killed by the cars.
RILEY, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 17, 1880
Mr. Riley, section foreman at Alton Junction [East Alton], was
struck and run over by a section of a train Monday, and injured so
severely that he died soon after. Deceased was a resident of
Mattoon, and a member of a Lodge of Odd Fellows. His remains were
forwarded to his home in Mattoon.
RILEY, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 10, 1864
Yesterday afternoon, two small boys, Lewis Lawler and William Riley,
were drowned in the river. Several boys were with them out on the
edge of the sandbar, and it seems that the two little fellows went
too far and stepped off a bluff bank out of their depth, and drowned
before assistance could be rendered them. They were aged
respectively 12 and 15 years.
RINGERING, ANTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 19,
Anton Ringering, aged 66, died very suddenly Friday afternoon about
5 o'clock in the jewelry store of Joseph Bauer on East Second
street, from the effect of an injury he sustained last summer. An
aneurism of the artery on the left side of the shoulder, one of the
largest in the body, broke, and Mr. Ringering lived only a few
minutes. Last summer he was standing on a ladder, and becoming
overbalanced he started to fall but caught himself. The strain
produced by his effort to save himself caused the weakening of the
wall of the big artery, and Dr. L. M. Bowman, who was attending Mr.
Ringering, warned him that death might result very suddenly at
almost any time. Friday afternoon, with his wife, Mr. Ringering had
been in Alton on business and had made a social call on Joseph
Bauer, who is an intimate friend of the family. Later he returned to
the store in company with Mrs. Ringering and told Mr. Bauer that he
felt sick. While Mr. Bauer was starting to give him some attention,
Mr. Ringering fell to the floor with a hemorrhage from the mouth and
nose and was dead in a short time. Mr. Ringering was 66 years of age
and had lived east of Alton near Wood river for forty years. He was
the father of ten children, and besides his children and wife,
leaves two brothers, Albert, whose place adjoined his, and Ernst,
who lives at Poag. His home was one of the most hospitable in the
American Bottoms, and the latch string always hung outside, with a
place at the table and a bed for anyone who desired to accept of the
hospitality. He accumulated considerable wealth and was financially
one of the most substantial farmers living near Alton. The funeral
will be held Monday from the family home, Rev. Theodore Oberhellman
officiating, and burial will be in City Cemetery. Mr. Ringering made
his will Thursday evening and expected to submit to a surgical
operation Wednesday in a St. Louis hospital.
RINGERING, LUCY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 24,
Scarlet Fever Claims Second in Ringering Family
Lucy, the three year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ringering,
died at noon today from scarlet fever. This was the second death
from the disease in the family, and there were five members,
including the father, who were down with the disease. The funeral
will be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, and will be private.
Interment in City Cemetery.
RINGERING, WILBUR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 11,
Third Victim in One Family to Succumb to Scarlet Fever
Wilbur Ringering, ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ringering,
residing near Wood River, died at 5 o'clock this morning from
complications following an attack of scarlet fever. The child was
thought to be recuperating from the disease, but after his attack it
was feared he would lose his sight and hearing, however these fears
were dispelled when his condition seemed better. Complications set
in and a relapse followed resulting in his death today, which marks
the demise of the third child in the Ringering family dying after an
attack of scarlet fever. There are three other children in the
family, however none have been affected with the disease, but at the
present time the father, Albert Ringering, is in a serious condition
from the same plague. The boy will be buried this afternoon, Rev. O.
W. Heggemeier officiating at the funeral services, to be at 1
RININGER, ALBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 28, 1895
Albert Rininger, aged 23 years, died last night at his home on Third
and Apple Streets, after an illness of one week, from pneumonia. He
was a glass blower, and exceedingly popular among his fellow
craftsmen, and was personally admired by all who knew him. He leaves
a wife and one child. He was a resident of Millville, New Jersey,
and the body will probably be sent there for interment.
RINKER, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 4,
Mrs. Catherine Rinker, 76, widow of Henry Rinker, died at 8 o'clock
Tuesday morning at the home of her son, John Rinker, in Bunker Hill.
Her death came on the 9th day of illness from double pneumonia. She
was the widow of Henry Rinker, who died in Foster township in 1883.
Mrs. Rinker was born in Wittenberg, Germany on the 2nd day of
October, 1837. She came to this country at the age of 7 years, and
located in Foster township where she lived all her life up to 12
years ago, when she retired from work and went to Bunker Hill to
make her home with her son. The family is an old time and well known
one around Fosterburg. The deceased lady leaves six children as
follows: Mrs. Jacob Hunt of East Alton; Mrs. C. E. Holyman, St.
Louis; John Rinker, Bunker Hill; Miss Mollie Rinker, Bunker Hill;
Edmund Rinker, Upper Alton; and Henry Rinker of St. Louis. The
funeral will be held Saturday morning. A brief service will be held
at the home after which the funeral party will leave over land for
Fosterburg, where the funeral will be held at the Methodist Church,
and the body will be buried there in the cemetery beside that of her
husband, who preceded her to the grave thirty years.
RIPPE, H. H./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 14, 1887
Mr. H. H. Rippe, for over 30 years a resident of Alton, a native of
Germany, died last evening at the Sisters’ Hospital, where he had
gone for treatment of a complication of diseases. He was almost 60
years of age, and for many years was a leading cigar manufacturer in
Alton. He left two sons.
RISSE, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 25, 1892
Stranger Succumbs to Heat
A stranger, whose name from papers found on his person appears to be
Joseph Risse, called at Buck’s Inn on East Second Street yesterday
morning, and called for a bed and retired, asking to be called in
time for the evening train for St. Louis. He was called between two
and three o’clock, and arose. Stepping out in front, he lay down for
a time on the cellar doorway, where he could get some breeze. Later,
he got up and was standing by a post when he fell suddenly to the
pavement. He was picked up, carried into the hallway, and placed in
a chair. The police station was notified, and Captain Ryan promptly
responded. He immediately telephoned for a physician, but made
several ineffectual efforts before he secured one. Dr. Guelich
reached the house just as the man expired, about twenty minutes
after Captain Ryan arrived on the scene. The body was removed to the
police station, and the Coroner notified.
On the person of deceased were found a check for 1300 marks (over
$300), a $5 bill, and a pawn ticket, also railroad ticket for St.
Louis, and checks for some baggage at the Union Depot. He was well
dressed, and evidently not in want.
Coroner Bonner arrived and immediately summoned a jury of inquest as
follows: Jonathan Quarton, foreman; James M. Cotter, George
Sauerwein, Henry Sworts, Theo. Adelmann, and J. P. Hodge.
Captain Ryan testified to finding the deceased in a dying condition,
and to his subsequent death before the arrival of Dr. Guelich. Also,
to the articles found on his person, which were, in addition to the
articles above enumerated, a pocket book well filled with
miscellaneous papers of various kinds, many of them addresses of
people in this and the old country; a watch supposed to be gold
plated, with a gold mounted hair guard, a new meerschaum pipe, an
old watch chain with numerous pendants, a military pass from the
German government, and a wage memorandum book used while in the
German Army, a discharge from the U.S. Army under date of February
7, 1892, having served five years in the Seventh Regiment, the
discharge of a soldier named August Killern, whose term of service
expired in July 1890.
From his military papers it appears he was born in Oestereidon,
Lippstadt, Prussia, on September 13, 1853. His father was a taulor,
and he followed the same occupation. He served in the German Army
from 1873 to 1876.
The second witness examined was Mr. Joseph Klebolt, who met deceased
on Belle Street Saturday morning, and had a conversation with him.
Mr. Klebolt knew him in boyhood in Germany, and was well acquainted
with his family. He told Mr. Klebolt he had just returned from
Germany about ten days ago, and had arrived in the city that
morning. After this conversation with him, during which he gave Mr.
Klebolt much news from Germany, Mr. Klebolt saw him no more.
Mr. Frank Pieper testified that he came to Alton Saturday morning in
a spring wagon with a farmer, with whom he was well acquainted, and
that he bore a letter of introduction from Mr. Pieper’s sister, and
was kindly received on account of it. He was very nervous,
apparently from the influence of drink, and Mr. Peiper purposed to
send him to a hotel, but he said he must see “Jo,” meaning Mr.
Klebolt, and left soon after. Mr. Pieper saw him no more till Sunday
morning, about six o’clock, when he gave him 50 cents and told him
to take the boat and go to St. Louis, where his trunk was, and get a
change of clothes. He started out to find Mr. T. Schienne, and Mr.
Pieper never saw him afterwards.
Dr. Guelich testified that the man was dead when he reached him, and
that from all the circumstances, the appearance of the body, and the
evidence as related to him, he was convinced the death was excessive
Mr. Edward Miller testified that he first saw the man at
Richardson’s saloon, between ten and eleven o’clock. That he lay on
a cellar door for a time, and then asked for a room and he gave him
one. When he got up to go to St. Louis, as stated above, he asked
for his umbrella, and on receiving it, started out. In a few
minutes, someone came in and said “that man” was lying on the walk,
sick. Mr. Miller carried him into the hall and placed him in a
chair, where he soon after expired. Mr. Miller made all haste to
telephone the police and to secure a physician, but he was dead
before Dr. Guelich’s arrival.
Other witnesses were Messrs. Barney Osterman, who sent the telephone
messages; Michael Renshan; Mr. James C. Richardson; but their
evidence was only cumulative, adding nothing to that already in,
except Mr. Richardson’s statement that he had on entering his place
called for ice water and a cool place to sit.
In his conversation with Mr. Klebolt, deceased had declared his
intention to re-enlist in the army at Jefferson Barracks. It is
found upon examination that the check above referred to for 1,3454
marks, is probably of no value, being merely a duplicate of German
exchange issued immediately after the date of his discharge from the
army by the Fourth National Bank of St. Louis, on C. F. Plump & Co.,
of Bremen, and numbered 884. The exchange had probably been cashed
in Germany.
The verdict of the jury was in accordance with the evidence, that
deceased came to his death through the effects of excessive heat.
RITCHEY, MINERVA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 20, 1911
Mrs. Minerva Ritchey, aged thirty-two years, wife of Maude Ritchie,
a smelter at the Federal Lead works, died at the home of her father,
Simon Prough, at 100 east Second street, at three o'clock this
morning after an illness of about a year's duration with
tuberculosis. Mrs. Ritchie leaves besides her husband and father, a
daughter, Miss Maggie Smith. The remains will be shipped to Kane,
Ill., tomorrow morning, where internment will take place tomorrow
afternoon from the Christian church. Mr. Prough with his daughter
moved to Alton from Kane last February.
RITTER, AMELIA L./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 25, 1882
Mrs. Amelia, widow of the late Henry A. Ritter, died this afternoon
at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. R. W. Stevens, at the age of
68 years and 12 days. Her death was caused by cancer in the face,
from which she had suffered so much for almost two years. Death was
considered a merciful release. Deceased bore the anguish that at
times racked her frame, with true Christian fortitude and
submissiveness. She was long a faithful, consistent member of the
Methodist Church. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. R. W. Stevens; three
sons, Rev. A. Ritter of Butler, Mr. Henry Ritter of Alton, and Mr.
J. F. Ritter of Parkersburg, West Virginia; besides many other
relatives and attached friends to mourn her death. Mrs. Ritter was
born April 13, 1814, at Oborrodem, Hanover, Germany, came to this
country almost 50 years ago, and had been a resident of Alton over
18 years.
RITTER, AUG./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 1, 1877
From Bethalto – Aug. Ritter of Moro died at 3 o’clock this
afternoon. He was sick but two or three days.
RITTER, BENJAMIN “BEN” H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
January 15, 1915
A telegram received in Alton last evening told of the sudden death
of Ben Ritter in Los Angeles, California, Thursday. Mr. Ritter, who
was thirty-two years of age, went to California some time ago for
his health. It was thought by Alton friends that he had completely
recovered, and the news of his death came as a complete surprise.
Mr. Ritter is survived by a bride of two months. She was formerly
Miss Susan Hart of Brighton, Illinois. The couple were married in
California on Thanksgiving Day. Besides a wife, the deceased is
survived by his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. William Ritter of
Alton; five sisters, Mrs. Oscar Keller, Mrs. William Meyers, and
Mrs. John Berner Jr. of Alton; Mrs. Alice Lewis of Belleville, and
Mrs. Flora Bryant of St. Louis; and one brother, William Ritter of
Alton. The telegram did not say what was to be done with the body.
Alton relatives had not been informed today as to whether the burial
would be in Los Angeles or Alton. [Burial was in the Forest Lawn
Memorial Park in Glendale, California.]
RITTER, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 21, 1909
Commits Suicide by Drinking Carbolic Acid
Charles Ritter, aged 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ritter of 409
Ridge street, committed suicide this noon by drinking a half pint of
carbolic acid. He sought the river end of the embankment at the
Alton bridge approach. Sitting down underneath the railroad track
leading on to the bridge, he swallowed the fiery drink and fell over
dying. He made a very complete job, drinking all of the acid except
a little he spilled on the ground, and a very small amount he left
in the bottle. The cause of the suicide is not known. Men working in
the glassworks with him said he had not been working steady, and
that he frequently complained of being sick. They said he would lay
off from his work frequently before the day was done, and that he
did not have a steady job. This noon Harry Schreiber, who knew him,
met him walking down Ridge street and spoke to him. Later, Ritter
bought the bottle of carbolic acid at the Wyss drug store, and about
11:30 he was seen by Lein Boren, fireman on the bridge train,
walking briskly along the bridge approach toward the bridge. That
was the last seen of him alive. Shortly after one o'clock, some boys
noticed the body lying stretched out under the track and reporting
it to Len Whetzel, who investigated and found the man was dead. The
fact was reported to relatives of Ritter, and they took charge of
the body. Ritter belonged to a large family living on Ridge street,
and he has brothers and sisters who are highly respected.
RITTER, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 4, 1918
Charles Ritter of Wood River, aged 84 years, died yesterday and was
buried this afternoon in St. Joseph's Cemetery. Ritter was a
RITTER, FREDRICK W./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 27, 1868
On Saturday morning last, a terrible accident occurred in
Hunterstown, by which a man named Fredrick W. Ritter lost his life.
We mentioned the occurrence on Saturday, and the full particulars
are as follows:
The unfortunate man was standing within a foot or two of the Terre
Haute Railroad track near Bozza’s corner, watching the departure of
a train on the Chicago Road, the tracks of which run near and
parallel to that of the former road. While he was in this position,
a train was backed up on the Terre Haute Road, and Mr. Ritter, being
very deaf, did not hear its approach, and the advancing train struck
him a terrible blow on the head, breaking his skull. Bystanders who
saw his danger shouted to him, but he did not hear the warning. The
injured man lived but a short time after the accident. An inquest
was held on the remains by J. Quarton, Esq., Coroner of Madison
County, and a verdict was rendered by the jury, of which H. C.
Sweetser, Esq., was foreman, in accordance with the above facts.
Mr. Ritter resided in Hunterstown, and was about fifty years of age.
He was a baker by trade. His family are left in destitute
circumstances by his sudden and terrible death.
RITTER, HENRY/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, December 1,
Founder of Edwardsville Brewery
It is our painful duty to record the death of one of our oldest
citizens. Mr. Ritter, at the time of his death, was making
preparations for building seven or eight frame cottages on Hillsboro
Street, besides the three now nearly completed. Mr. Ritter was very
eccentric in his habits, and his disposition was such as not to
gather about him many personal or warm friends, but in his business
relations, he was scrupulously exact and straightforward. He was
always building in some shape or other, and has done more in that
line for the advancement of the town of Edwardsville than any other
living man. His death is to be much regretted on that account. His
funeral took place on Tuesday. The Turners, of which order Mr.
Ritter was a member, followed him to the grave in full regalia.
Henry Ritter was born in Germany on May 18, 1817. He and his family
were among the first of a large, foreign-born population to arrive
in Illinois, initially settling in St. Clair County in 1844.
Sometime after 1850, the Ritters moved from St. Clair County to
Edwardsville, where Mr. Ritter engaged in several endeavors – a coal
mine, brewery, and building cottages. He opened the first coal mine
in the vicinity. His miners, knowing what price coal commanded in
those days, went on strike for higher wages. Ritter granted them
immediately. Two hours later a second strike was announced, and a
higher price was demanded and allowed. In the afternoon of the same
day, the miners made a third strike, demanding ten or twelve cents
per bushel. Mr. Ritter went to the mine shaft to deliver this
message: “The hoisting apparatus of these mines will be removed
within fifteen minutes; and all miners remaining in the pit longer
than fifteen minutes must provide their own means of getting up and
out.” This settled the matter, and no further strikes occurred.
Henry Ritter and his brothers established the Edwardsville Brewery,
circa 1858. The brewery was in a three-story brick building, located
at the end of North Main Street. Nearby was the Ritter brick home,
later occupied by the Klingel family, and even later used for the
Klingel House Tea Room. Some report that the home was constructed in
1864 for the Klingel family, but the Ritter addition was recorded in
1859. The brewery was sold to Louis Klingel in 1866, which included
the brewery and the brick house. Both Ritter and Klingel died in
1870. The brick home still stands, and is located on Highway 159
near Phillepena Street (named for Henry’s wife, Philippena Gabelmann
Ritter), and is now occupied by the Gori Julian Law Firm.
Henry married Philippena Gabelmann (1815-1890), and they had four
children: Henry Ritter (1844-1921); Eva Ritter Goodrich (1851-1930);
Martha Ritter Baker (1853-1941); and Emma Ritter Sutter (1858-1918).
The Ritter home was located in the north end of Edwardsville, in
what was referred to as Lower Town. This area was populated mostly
by German settlers, and was referred to as “Hexebuckel,” meaning
Witch’s Humpback or Witch’s Back. Ritter is buried in the Woodlawn
Cemetery in Edwardsville.
RITTER, HENRY A./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 16, 1875
Died in Alton on September 15, of typhoid fever, Henry A. Ritter;
aged 73 years.
RITTER, HENRY JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 8, 1921
Wealthy Land Owner
Henry Ritter, well known in Alton, and making his home at Liberty
Prairie, died at midnight Thursday, after an illness extending over
a period of about three years, with gangrene responsible in part for
his death. The deceased was 77 years of age, and resided in or near
Edwardsville for some 70 years. He was the son of Henry Ritter, who
was the discoverer of coal near Edwardsville over a half century
ago, and later became a coal operator accumulating considerable
wealth, and who died a number of years ago. The late Mr. Ritter had
retired from active life some time ago and spent the greater part of
his time looking after his extensive holdings. Henry Ritter is
survived by his wife and one daughter. The funeral will be held at
Edwardsville on Monday.
RITTER, JULIA AMELIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 12, 1877
Died this morning, Julia Amelia, infant daughter of Henry and
Margaret E. Ritter; aged 2 months and 21 days. The funeral will take
place from the family residence on Ninth Street.
RITTER, NELLIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 13, 1884
Accidently Shot by Husband
Edwardsville, Ill., June 12 - A terrible accident happened here this
morning at about 11 o'clock, resulting in the death of Mrs. Nellie
Ritter, wife of ex-City Attorney Herman Ritter. It seems that Mr.
Ritter was cleaning a breech loading gun under the impression that
it was not loaded. Suddenly the piece was accidentally discharged,
the entire contents of the shell entering his wife's left breast,
killing her instantly. The frantic screams of the husband attracted
the neighbors, and though medical aid was on hand promptly, it was
not needed, as the poor woman died almost instantly, the heart and
vitals being riddled with the shot. Mrs. Ritter was the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friday, old residents of this city, and they,
together with the husband and other relatives, are almost distracted
over her tragic and untimely death. The accident has sorrowed the
hearts of our whole community, as Mrs. Ritter was known and loved by
RITTER, WILLIAM J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 26,
William J. Ritter, aged 80, died last night at 7 o'clock at his
home, 614 East Third street. Ritter has been in poor health for a
number of years and for five years was blind and bedfast. His fatal
illness began one week ago. Ritter was born in St. Louis on November
7, 1841. After residing in St. Louis for some time, he came to
Illinois, and 20 years ago moved to Alton from Bunker Hill. He was
well known throughout the city. He has been a very patient sufferer,
bearing his blindness and ill health with much fortitude. He was an
excellent husband and father, a kind neighbor and friend. He is
survived by his wife, two sons and five daughters. The sons are
William and Leonard Ritter of Alton, and the daughters, Mrs. Oscar
Kellar, Mrs. William Meyer and Mrs. John Berner Jr., of Alton; Mrs.
William Lewis of Belleville and Mrs. James McKelvey of St. Louis.
The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9:30 from St. Mary's
church, Requiem Mass to be sung by Rev. J. J. Meckel. Interment in
the City cemetery.
RIVERS, ALEX/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 13, 1896
Alex Rivers, for the past twenty years a resident in Alton, died at
St. Joseph Hospital Sunday after a long illness with typhoid fever.
He was allowed to lie at his home at Fourth and State Streets with
no medical assistance, and no one but three little children to
attend to him. He was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital several days
ago after the disease had made fatal headway. He was fifty years of
RIXON, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 03, 1896
The citizens of Upper Alton were shocked Sunday night when the news
of the sudden passing away of one of its most honored and respected
fellow-townsmen was rapidly circulated. For some weeks, Mr. Rixon
has been ailing with rheumatism, but his condition was not regarded
as alarming. About eight o’clock last night, while his wife was
sitting by his side, she noticed that he had difficulty in getting
his breath, and she immediately called for help. His daughter came
at once, and several of the neighbors, and the doctor was hastily
summoned, but before he reached there, Mr. Rixon had ceased to
James Rixon was born at Wilber Lodge, Northamptonshire, England, on
November 26, 1822. Forty-one years ago, he was married to his second
wife, Miss Jane Marshall, who survives him. Soon after his marriage
they came to America and to Upper Alton. It is thirty-eight years
since they came to Upper Alton, where they have resided ever since,
with the exception of a year’s absence. During all these years the
esteem, honor, and respect of the entire community has been his.
A son and a daughter by his first wife survive him. The son is in
England, but the daughter, Mrs. Annie Farron of Leeds, England,
arrived here five weeks ago on a visit to her father, and was
fortunately present in his last hours.
Mr. Rixon has been a valued member of the Presbyterian Church for
about 25 years, and was at his death the oldest elder. He has held
many positions of honor and trust in the community, serving many
times as Alderman and President of the Village Board.
The funeral services took place Tuesday afternoon from the Upper
Alton Presbyterian Church. The obsequies were attended by an immense
concourse of people, showing the esteem and respect in which Mr.
Rixon was held by all with whom he was acquainted. The remains were
interred in Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.
James Rixon owned 32 acres of land southeast of Upper Alton, which
was purchased on March 24, 1904 by W. W. Lowe. Mr. Lowe divided the
property into lots for homes, which became part of Milton Heights.
Mr. Rixon’s wife, Jane, died November 3, 1900. Rixon Street, located
west of Milton Road in the Milton area of Upper Alton, is named
after Mr. Rixon.
RIXON, JANE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 3, 1900
Mrs. Jane Rixon, widow of the late James Rixon, died this afternoon
at the family home in Upper Alton after a short illness. She was
stricken with paralysis a few days ago, and since then her condition
had been precarious. She passed away without regaining
consciousness. Mrs. Rixon would have been 66 years of age November
24, and was a resident of Madison county, in the vicinity of Upper
Alton, since 1855. She was married in England in 1855, and then came
to America. After living a short time in Macoupin county, Mrs. Rixon
and her husband came to Upper Alton. Mrs. Rixon was a devout member
of the Upper Alton Presbyterian church thirty years. She was well
known in Alton, having conducted a vegetable stand here many years.
The funeral will take place Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and
services will be held at the Upper Alton Presbyterian church.
ROACH, DAVID/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 24, 1848
Died on the 10th ult., at Lamb's Point in this county, after a short
illness of only 35 hours, Mr. David Roach, in the 63rd year of his
ROACH, FRANCIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 2, 1845
Born in 1739
Died on July 9, at the residence of his son, at Lamb's Point, ten
miles northeast of Edwardsville, Mr. Francis Roach, aged 106 years.
Mr. Roach was a native of Fairfax County, Virginia, where he was
born in the month of April, 1739. Being an orphan boy, he was bound
to a master who removed with him to the state of North Carolina in
early life, where he married. In the year 1770, he emigrated to the
state of Kentucky, where he spent the first six years in a fort at
Dougherty's Station near Danville, Mercer County, and after residing
at several other parts of that state, moved in 1806 to Illinois and
settled in this county, where he resided till his death. Mr. Roach
was a man below the middling stature, of a swarthy complexion, gray
eyes, and of active bodily faculties, which he retained to a
remarkable degree till the time of his last illness - was naturally
of a cheerful disposition - rather weakly the first thirty-one
years, which probably taught him how to be prudent in the managing
of his health, having enjoyed, uniformly, with the exception of two
or three attacks of the fever and ague, good health during that
period. He was always an "early riser," day rarely dawned before he
was out of bed, "winter or summer." Mr. Roach was always a temperate
man, using enlent spirits only in the shape of "morning bitters," as
was the custom in his day, ate meat generally at every meal, never
liked nor drank coffee, but tea occasionally for the last ten years,
and totally disused ardent spirits for the same period. He became a
professor of religion and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church in
the year 1787, in which he remained a devout member the balance of
his life. Mr. Roach had drawn a pension since 1832, having served
one campaign in North Carolina, between the years 1778 and 1779, and
two other campaigns into the Indian country in the present state of
Ohio, in one of which he helped to cut up and destroy their corn at
"Old Chillicothe of the Little Miami," now known by the name of Old
Town, three miles from Xenia, and at Piqua on the Big Miami. After
he was one hundred years old, his eyesight became so dim that he
could with difficulty discern one person from another, being guided
more by their voice then otherwise. He never had the benefit of an
education, and consequently had not as much need for spectacles as
the peruser of books. Mr. Roach was a hatter by trade, but most of
his labor was spent on the farm, which never ceased as long as his
eyesight served him. The writer of this has seen him cutting
cornstalks in the field with a hoe after he became a centenarian.
ROACH, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 15, 1844
Penitentiary Guard Dies
On Thursday morning last, an inquest was held by H. S. Summers,
Esq., coroner of this county, over the body of a man discovered
floating down the river, close to the wharf. It appeared in evidence
that the name of the deceased was John Roach, that he had been for
some time past employed as a guard at the Penitentiary, and that he
was last seen alive about daylight on Monday morning, walking
outside of the prison wall, and seemingly somewhat indisposed. As
his head was very much cut and his neck dislocated, the jury arrived
at the conclusion that he had come to his death either by falling or
jumping off the high bluff just above the Penitentiary, upon the
rocks on the river bank, and rendered a verdict accordingly, after
which his remains were decently interred. The deceased was an
Englishman, and about 24 years of age.
ROACH, MARTHA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 31, 1853
Died in Ridge Prairie, March 21, after a long illness, Martha,
consort of James Roach, Esq., in the 24th year of her age. She has
left an affectionate husband, two little children, and many
relatives to mourn her loss. They mourn not as though death was an
eternal sleep. For the last ten years, she had adorned her Christian
profession. Though called so early in life, she died in the triumph
of faith, and in the full assurance of a blessed immortality.
ROBBINS, FREDERICK W./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 23, 1852
Died in Alton on the 14th inst., Frederick W., son of S. W. Robbins,
ROBBINS, MARTHA ELIZA/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 12, 1852
Died on the 25th ult., at Edwardsville, of erysipelas, Martha Eliza,
second and only daughter of Rufus P. and Jane H. Robbins, aged 30
ROBBINS, RUFUS PUTNAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 4,
Bandmaster Dies in Cairo, Illinois
R. P. Robbins, who many years ago was a director in an Alton band,
and who often visited Alton in later years, died Sunday night at his
home in Cairo. He was 88 years old, and was a grandson of General
Rufus Putnam. He has lived in Cairo since 1862. One son and three
daughters survive him, one of the latter being Mrs. Russell, wife of
State Treasurer Andrew Russell of Jacksonville. Between sixty and
seventy years ago, Mr. Robbins resided in Edwardsville and was the
organizer and leader of a famous band of those days. He also
directed the musicians in the Alton and Bunker Hill bands.
ROBBINS, SOPHIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 17, 1849
Died on August 13 in Alton, Sophia, infant daughter of Mr. S. W. and
Mrs. A_____ [unreadable] Robbins.
ROBBINS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28, 1884
Coroner Youree held an inquest Monday night at Troy, on the body of
a woman named Mrs. E. L. Robbins, wife of a traveling photographer,
who committed suicide that afternoon by throwing herself into a
well. She had first attempted to make away with herself by gashing
her throat in two or three places with a knife, but her heart
failed, apparently, and the wounds were not deep enough.
ROBERTS, EDWARD F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 28,
Edward F. Roberts, aged 35 years, son of John Roberts, died at 4
o'clock this morning at his home on West Ninth street. The funeral
will be held from Lock's tomorrow, thence to the Cathedral where
Father Tarrent will officiate. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
Funeral at 9 o'clock.
ROBERTS, FANNIE (nee BULKLEY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 30,
The funeral services of Mrs. Fannie Bulkley Roberts, at the house of
her father, Rev. Dr. Bulkley, Sunday afternoon, were attended by a
large company of friends, filling the rooms adjacent to the one
containing the family, and surrounding the house. The two literary
societies of the College attended en masse, each having about forty
members in line. In addition were many friends from Alton and the
country. The services at the house were quite short, consisting of
prayer and brief remarks by President Kendrick and Professor Clarke
of the college, and the singing by the family of several hymns, as
they have for years been accustomed to do on Sabbath afternoons and
other occasions of family gatherings. The dear and silent form was
tenderly borne out from her youthful home by her husband and three
brothers-in-law, Dr. C. B. Roberts, Dr. L. English, and J. J. Pitts,
Esq., and followed to the cemetery by a large procession of
co-mourners; was by the same hands laid away and covered with
fragrant flowers and branches of evergreen, over which they
carefully placed the earth as though they were laying their dear one
in a bed of down for a brief rest, instead of an eternal repose in a
bed of clay. Dr. Bulkley thanked the assembled friends and spoke
briefly of their hope for the departed as bright and cloudless as
the day they were enjoying. It was a touching service, a family
service throughout.
ROBERTS, FANNIE ATWOOD/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 6, 1849
Died in Alton on the 30th ult., Fannie Atwood, infant daughter of
Mr. John L. Roberts, aged 8(?) months.
ROBERTS, ILAS FLAVEL (D.D. AND M.D.)/Source: Alton Evening
Telegraph, April 29, 1901
Dr. Ilas Favel Roberts died at East Alton Saturday afternoon at the
home of his niece, Mrs. S. G. Cooper. He was 84 years of age and was
one of the most remarkable men ever known in this section of the
country. Notwithstanding his great age, he pursued the life of a
nomad and seemed unable to content himself unless he was traveling.
Roberts had been making visits at East Alton occasionally the last
three years. He seldom rode on trains, as his means would not permit
it. When he received his quarterly pension allowance from the
government, he would set out on a journey and traveled in the most
economical mode. It is said that he had made the trip overland to
California at least a dozen times, walking all the way. He had
crossed the Atlantic ocean at least fifteen times. One week ago
Sunday he arrived at East Alton after a journey on foot from
California, and he was on the way to Indianapolis. He was taken ill
and suffered a physical collapse.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 30, 1901
The body of Dr. Ilas Flavel Roberts, the old nomad who died at East
Alton at the home of S. G. Cooper Saturday, was buried this morning
at 10 o'clock at Milton Cemetery. The old man was a Seventh Day
Adventist Preacher. Services were conducted at the Cooper home by
Rev. Josiah Abel of the Granite City Methodist church. Roberts is
said to have had relatives in the east who are well off, but they
decline to assume the responsibility of burying the old man.
ROBERTS, LEROY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 18, 1922
Thirteen Year Old Boy Falls 60 Feet to Ground - Had Climbed Steel
Tragedy shifted yesterday from one home to another, one home first
being prostrated with grief, then lifted to heights of ??. In the
other home, where compassion was being felt for the folks in the
first one, the tragic pall suddenly dropped as if lifted from the
other. Little LeRoy Roberts, 13 year old son of Richard Roberts of
626 East Fifth street, was instantly killed by connecting up with a
high tension wire on the steel tower of the power transmission line,
at the foot of Central avenue. He fell about 60 feet to the ground,
flaming as he fell, and parts of his body were burned to a crisp. At
first it was thought the boy was Evanal Collins of 448 East
Broadway, son of Mrs. Georgia Collins. When the lad fell, someone
thought he was the Collins boy, and sent word to the mother. The
Collins boy was not at home, but had been a short time before the
accident, and the mother hurried to the scene of the tragedy. There,
she was not permitted to look at the body, owing to its condition,
and she, accepting the story as correct, believed it was her son.
She went back home, weeping and mourning her boy. Fifteen minutes
later, into the house walked the son, alive and well. He had heard
on the street he was dead, and he hastened home to cheer his
mourning parent. His sister, Mary, fainted when she saw her brother
walk in alive. Then Deputy Coroner Streeper told that the
identification was false, got busy on the telephone. He spread the
tidings all over the city that the boy had not been identified and
sought information as to any boy who had failed to return home to
supper. The Roberts family had such a boy and investigation revealed
he was the victim of the tragedy. According to men who saw the boy
fall from a distance, there were two of them who had climbed to the
first deck wires, about 60 feet from the ground. One of the boys
must have touched one of the wires carrying about 16,000 volts.
There was a sudden flash of fire, and the boy was seen to plunge to
the ground. The other lad did not fall. He climbed down the tower,
and reaching the ground he fled as fast as he could go. Efforts were
made last night and this morning to ascertain who he was. When the
flash came which killed the boy, set fire to his clothing and hurled
him to the ground, the short circuiting of the high tension current
caused trouble at the power house, so workmen there reported. Mrs.
F. A. Voorhees was sitting in the office at the H. Winters planing
mill, and she saw the boy fall from the tower in flames. She it was
who reported another boy being there with him. It was learned today
that the boy who was with the Roberts boy at the time of the
accident was Evanal Collins, the boy who was reported killed. He did
not make this known until today. The funeral of the Roberts boy will
be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's church.
ROBERTS, MARY E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 26,
Mrs. Mary E. Roberts, wife of John F. Roberts, died at 3:35 o'clock
Monday morning after a two weeks illness with pneumonia at the
family home, 100 west Ninth street. Mrs. Roberts death followed a
very painful illness. She was the last of her family, and hers was
the third in a series of deaths within her family circle within the
last three months. Her daughter died last October, and her only
sister died in December. She leaves her husband, who is crossing
watchman for the C. & A. at Third street, and one son, Edward
Roberts. She leaves also one grandchild. Mrs. Roberts was born at
Warsaw, Ill., March 2, 1857. She came to Alton when a young girl,
was married here thirty-eight years ago next May, and had spent most
of her life in Alton. The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock
Wednesday from SS Peter and Paul's Cathedral and burial will be in
City Cemetery, where he daughter was buried.
ROBERTS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 6, 1886
Died on Friday, April 30, William Roberts, aged 19 years, 11 months,
and 26 days; eldest son of Captain William Roberts Sr. of Venice,
ROBERTSON, FRANCES/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 22, 1896
Mrs. Frances Robertson, widow of Peter Robertson, died Friday night
at her home near North Alton, at the advanced age of 88 years. She
was one of the oldest residents of North Alton, and was well known
in all of the Altons. The funeral took place Monday afternoon from
the home.
ROBERTSON, LYDIA ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 30, 1878
Died near Godfrey, May 26, 1878, Mrs. Lydia Ann Robertson, aged 30
years and 20 days.
ROBERTSON, PETER/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 19, 1891
Mr. Peter Robertson died Thursday night at his home near the Coal
Branch, at the age of 78 years. Mr. Robertson was a native of
Scotland, born near Edenborough. He came to this country in 1854,
and has resided at the Branch for thirty-four years. Mr. Robertson
has long been engaged in coal mining, and was probably one of the
first, in connection with the late James Mitchell, to sink a shaft
at the Coal Branch near Alton. Mr. Robertson was a substantial and
well-to-do citizen, and was highly respected by all who knew him. He
leaves a wife and two children. The funeral took place from the
family residence Sunday afternoon. A large concourse of friends were
present at the services, and followed the remains to the grave. The
pallbearers were Messrs. Henry Stewart, Peter Robertson, J.
Dwysdale, Alex. Schmidt, George Haig, and Edward McPhillips.
ROBERTSON, PETER B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 8,
Well-Known Contractor - Paved Roads in Rock Spring Park
Peter Robertson, the well-known paving contractor, is dead. The end
came very unexpectedly after a brief illness, Friday evening about
9:45 o'clock. Mr. Robertson went to the state fair Thursday and
returned that evening. He rose Friday morning, apparently in his
usual robust health, and after milking his cow he ate breakfast.
Soon thereafter he complained of feeling ill, and a doctor was
summoned. During the afternoon he took a sudden turn for the worse,
and the doctors told him when he inquired that he had slight chance
for recovery. Mr. Robertson then arranged all his business affairs
and prepared for death. The attending surgeons say that Mr.
Robertson must have been suffering for a long time with an
intestinal ulcer in the appendix. It was supposed the ulcer broke
and the resultant perforation of the bowel caused his death. Two
years ago he had an attack of typhoid fever, which may have left him
in bad condition. Mr. Robertson was born in the vicinity of
Pittsburg, Pa., September 7, 1865, and was just past 45 years of
age. He came to Alton when a child with his parents. His aged
mother, Mrs. Isabelle McPhillips of the North Side, is living, and
beside her he leaves two half sisters, Mrs. George Rain and Mrs.
Henry Stuart, and one half-brother, E. J. McPhillips. He leaves in
his immediate family, his wife, two daughters, and a son, Pearl,
Frances and Alex Robertson. Mr. Robertson laid more street paving
than any other man in the vicinity of Alton. It was estimated today
by David Ryan, his partner, that he had done $150,000 worth of
street work in the Altons since their partnership was formed. All
the contracts were taken in Mr. Robertson's name. He was a very
successful contractor, and during his career as such in Alton he did
good work. He had the reputation for being a rapid workman, and
executed his contracts in the shortest possible time. In this way he
crowded much work into the four years he was in partnership with
David Ryan. At the time of his death he was engaged on the contract
of building the roads system in Rock Spring park, and was nearing
completion. He was known as a hard working man, strictly honest, and
in every way reliable. He was quiet, but had many good friends, and
every one respected him. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock from the home, 1002 Stanton street, Rev. W. H.
Bradley officiating.
ROBERTSON, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 17,
Samuel Robertson, aged 19, died at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Robertson, in Upper Alton, of typhoid pneumonia, with
which he has been ill eighteen days. Mr. Robertson showed a
remarkable tenacity in clinging to life as he had been dying for the
last seven days, but his strong constitution kept him alive and it
even appeared to give him a chance for recovery. Mr. Robertson has a
host of friends and was well liked by everyone who knew him. He
leaves his father and mother, two brothers, James and Harry, and
four sisters, Mrs. Beneke, Mrs. Joseph Kohler, Mrs. William Everts
and Mrs. James McManus, all of Upper Alton. The funeral will be held
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. [see Samuel Robertson, December
21, 1908)
ROBERTSON, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 21,
In connection with the funeral of Samuel Robertson (see December 17,
1908), it is recalled that on June 14, 1889, a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Robertson, Samuel Robertson [yes, same name] was killed by a
train while on his way between the glassworks and his home. S. H.
Cossaboon at that time was working with the boy and he was invited
to conduct the funeral services. On the following November 17th,
another son was born in the family, and he was named Samuel for the
boy who was killed. This was the son whose funeral was held Sunday,
and Rev. Cossaboon was asked to conduct the funeral services over
the second Samuel Robertson.
ROBERTSON, SAMUEL H./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1889
Coroner Bonner arrived Friday and held an inquest on the remains of
Samuel H. Robertson, an estimable young man. It was a sad
bereavement to his relatives and many friends. After an examination
of all the witnesses procurable, the jury returned a verdict that
the deceased was killed by being run over by an I. & St. Louis
freight train while attempting to board the same.
ROBIDOU, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 23, 1906
Civil War Veteran
Charles Robidou, a member of one of Alton's old families, died at
midnight Wednesday at his home on west Seventh street after a long
illness from Bright's disease. He was about 73 years of age and
spent most of his life in Alton and immediate vicinity. He was a
lieutenant in the federal army during the war and saw considerable
service on the battlefields of the South. He is survived by four
brothers, Mark, David and John Robidou of St. Louis; Joseph of
Whitehall; and one sister, Mrs. Julia Wood of Milwaukee, Wis. Alfred
DeGRand of the firm of Luft & DeGrand is a nephew. His wife died
several months ago, and there were no children. The funeral will be
held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral.
ROBIDOU, EMILY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 4, 1909
Widow of Paul Robidou, Blacksmith
Mrs. Emily Robidou, widow of Paul Robidou, died Saturday morning at
7 o'clock at the home of her nephew, Alfred DeGrand, 516 Summit
street, after an illness of nine weeks from the effects of injuries
she sustained by falling. Her hip was fractured and she failed to
rally from the effects of the hurt. Mrs. Robidou was 77 years of age
and had lived in Alton over fifty years. Her husband, Paul Robidou,
who conducted a blacksmith shop in Alton for many years, died five
years ago. She had been living with her nephew as she left no
children. She is survived by a brother, John D. Mayville, of
Windsor, Canada, and a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Morse of Bay City,
Michigan. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from
SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
ROBIDOU, EMMA STARR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 5,
A telegram from Anna, Ill., to Mr. Charles Robidou announced that
his wife, Mrs. Emma Starr Robidou, died in the asylum at that place
this morning. Mrs. Robidou was taken to the asylum three months ago.
Her husband was not aware of her severe illness and was much
surprised when he learned of her death. Mrs. Robidou was born in
Alton about sixty-two years ago. She was a member of the First
Baptist church here, and as long as her condition permitted, was a
regular attendant of the church. She is survived by her husband
only, leaving no children. Mrs. Robidou was a daughter of the late
Thomas Starr, formerly a prominent business man here. No
arrangements have yet been made for the funeral, as Mr. Robidou does
not know when the body will be shipped to this city.
ROBIDOU, LAURENT/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 26, 1885
Mr. Laurent Robidou, an old, respected citizen, died Saturday
evening, March 21, of typhoid fever, at the age of 79 years, 2
months, and 16 days. He was born in Monroe, Michigan, and came to
St. Louis in 1827, making most of the trip by means of a rowboat. He
next went to Galena, where he engaged in lead mining. He was a
soldier in the Black Hawk War, and had many stirring adventures
while sojourning in the West in the early days. He removed to Canada
during the rebellion in that country in 1837, was married there and
came to Alton in 1861, where he resided until his death. He left a
widow, six sons, and two daughters.
ROBIDOU, PAUL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 5, 1905
Well-Known Blacksmith
Tuesday evening at his home, 618 west Seventh street, Mr. Paul
Robidou, a well known and generally respected citizen of Alton, died
after an illness of several weeks duration, the start of which was
an attack of grip. He was born in St. Louis in 1828, but moved to
Alton in 1861, and since that time has resided in this city. Nearly
all of the time he conducted a blacksmith and horse-shoeing shop on
west Fourth street, retiring only a few years ago. His widow
survives him, as does also a brother, Charles, of this city, and
Mark of St. Louis, both of whom were with him when the end came. Mr.
Robidou was a most genial man and was never at a loss to say some
happy thing or utter a good word for any person under discussion. He
was charitable, honest and industrious - a good man in all respects.
The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9:30 from the
ROBIDOU, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 15, 1878
Mr. John H. Stillwell, yardmaster of the Chicago & Alton Railroad,
received a telegram about ten o’clock Friday night, conveying the
painful intelligence that Mr. William Robidou, an estimable young
man of Alton, a brakeman on the railroad, had met with an accident
that has proved fatal. It appears that while in the discharge of his
duty, he fell from the train at Stroud’s Station on the Louisiana
branch of the road, and was run over by several cars and shockingly
injured. His legs were crushed in several places, and he received
some terrible bodily injuries.
ROBINSON, ANNE E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 17, 1917
Mrs. Anne E. Robinson, wife of A. R. Robinson, died at 7:20 o'clock
Friday evening at her home, 716 Euclid place, after a long illness
with heart trouble. Mrs. Robinson had been improving, but on
Thursday she took another backset and hope of her recovery was very
slight during the day. Mrs. Robinson was taken ill before Christmas
and had been bedfast ever since. During part of the time of her
illness her husband was very sick also, and there was a time when
his recovery was a matter of grave doubt and there was much anxiety
over this condition. He regained his strength, however, and has been
able to be downtown again. Mrs. Robinson was a daughter of Dr. E. C.
Eliet, of Bunker Hill, coming of a family that was famous in the
state of Illinois. She was a close relative of Charles R. Eliet, who
made fame for himself during the Civil War by her services to the
government. She was born in Bunker Hill and lived there a number of
years. Her only sister, Mrs. E. M. Dorsey, is a resident of Alton
and it was because of her sister being here that Mr. and Mrs.
Robinson came to Alton to make their home. The couple have a very
large number of friends, and there are many who regret exceedingly
the passing of Mrs. Robinson and sympathize deeply with her husband
in his affliction. Mrs. Robinson was 64 years of age. Mrs. Robinson,
after her marriage to Mr. Robinson, moved to Kansas City where the
couple lived many years, then moved to St. Louis and ten years ago
they came to Alton to make their home in this city. Friends are
requested to omit flowers. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clock from the home. Rev. E. L. Gibson officiating. Burial
will be in the cemetery at Bunker Hill, Monday.
ROBINSON, AMASA REED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 1, 1918
Amasa Reed Robinson, aged 68, died Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock
at his home, 716 Euclid Place, from paralysis, following a brief
illness with the grippe. It was not generally known that Mr.
Robinson was in a serious condition. He had been stricken with the
grippe on Thursday and on Saturday he found it necessary to take to
his bed. He seemed no worse than he had been Tuesday, but about 20
minutes before the end came he was stricken with paralysis and he
passed away quickly. While grippe may be the reason that medical men
assign for the death of Mr. Robinson, his friends, and they are
counted by the hundreds, know that there was quite another. He had
mourned for his wife, who died a year ago last March, and though his
outward appearance did not indicate the burden he was carrying on
his heart, those who knew him closely knew that he could not refrain
from talking of the loss he had suffered in the passing of his wife.
At the time she died he had been very ill too, and it was uncertain
which of the devoted couple would die first. Many of their friends
had hoped that there would be no parting and that they would pass
away together. Mr. Robinson, however, rallied, and his partner in
life passed away. He had not been in robust health for years, and
since Mrs. Robinson died he had been declining appreciably.
Relatives were summoned to attend Mr. Robinson Tuesday evening by
word that he had been taken much worse, and he died a few minutes
later. Mr. Robinson was a widely known traveling salesman. For years
he lived in St. Louis, and about a dozen years ago came to Alton to
make his home. He was one of the very best known men in Alton. When
home, he was almost constantly in the company of Mrs. Robinson.
There was no man in Alton of his years who had any more friends
among the younger set of men, his cheerful, happy disposition making
his society much in demand. To those who were sick Mr. Robinson was
ever kind. It was his practice to seek out his sick friends and take
them out for drives in pretty weather. It was his wish that his body
be cremated, and it was also his wish that there be no flowers at
his funeral. The services will be held Thursday morning at 10:15
o'clock at his home, and in the afternoon the body will be cremated
in St. Louis. Mr. Robinson was born in Ohio. He was married in 1880.
He leaves two brothers, George and William Robinson. When it became
generally known in Alton that Mr. Robinson was dead, there were
general expressions of regret. He was known as a man of sunny
disposition, and a persistent maker of friends. When he made a
friend, he kept that friend and there will be hundreds in Alton who
will miss his cheery smile and his pleasant greetings. The opinion
was general that life held no more charms for Mr. Robinson after the
death of his wife, and that he was glad to go.
ROBINSON, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 21, 1841
Died, at Silver Creek in Madison County, on the 31st July, Mrs.
Elizabeth Robinson, widow of the late William Robinson, deceased.
ROBINSON, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 21, 1851
Died on Wednesday morning, the 5th inst., at the residence of Mr. A.
Lamb, Madison County, Illinois, Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson, aged 74
years, 2 months, and 4 days. For many years she was an acceptable
member of the Baptist Church, and was respected and esteemed by all
who knew her, as a devoted Christian and useful neighbor. She has
left a large circle of friends and relations who mourn her loss, but
they mourn not as those who have no hope.
ROBINSON, ELLIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 04, 1899
Coroner Bailey held an inquest at Madison Yesterday on the body of
Ellis Robinson, a colored man, aged 68 years, who was killed by John
Cooperwood, alias “Baltimore.” A dispute arose between the two men a
month ago over a game of craps, in which Cooperwood was engaged. The
two men met in Madison yesterday, and Cooperwood deliberately shot
and instantly killed the old man, who according to the evidence, had
been seeking for the protection of the village marshal.
ROBINSON, FANNIE A./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 31, 1874
Died on Thursday, December 17, 1874, Fannie A., daughter of Joseph
G. and Mary Robinson; aged 15 years, 11 months, and 21 days.
ROBINSON, GUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 01, 1893
The funeral of the late Mr. Gus Robinson occurred Tuesday afternoon
from his home at Melville. The young man had long been a sufferer
from consumption, and was about 33 years of age. He was a brother of
Mrs. R. W. Stanton of Alton, and leaves many friends to regret his
ROBINSON, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 24, 1880
From Edwardsville – Mr. Henry Robinson of Hamel Township died last
Thursday at the residence of S. Morehead, his brother-in-law. The
deceased was an unmarried man, highly esteemed by all who knew him.
ROBINSON, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28, 1901
Henry Robinson, one of the best known of the oldest residents of
Alton, died this morning at his home, 438 East Fourteenth street,
after a painful illness with erysipelas. He was 83 years of age and
was one of the oldest residents of Alton. He was a voter in 1840,
and when the Tippecanoe clubs were organized in Alton in 1888, Mr.
Robinson was one of the members, having voted for William Henry
Harrison in 1840, and he voted for his grandson, Benjamin Harrison,
in 1888 and 1892. He was a devout member of the First Baptist church
and was janitor there many years, where his services were most
faithfully given. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him, and
his death will cause regret in the heart of many friends who had
learned to admire the true worth in him. The funeral will be held
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, and services will be held at the
late home of Mr. Robinson on Fourteenth street.
ROBINSON, ISABEL J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 6,
Mrs. Isabel J. Robinson, widow of S. B. Robinson, aged 60, died
Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock at her home after a long illness. She
had been an invalid for several years. Mrs. Robinson leaves two
daughters, Mrs. H. A. Bryan and Miss Margaret Robinson, and one
sister, Mrs. Quick of Bunker Hill. She was a member of a well-known
family of Liberty Prairie. [Note: see Isabelle H. Robinson
shown below. Probably the same person.]
ROBINSON, ISABELLE H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December
10, 1904
Moro News - Mrs. Isabelle H. Robinson, widow of the late Sidney
Robinson, died at her home, Liberty Prairie, Tuesday at 8:15 p.m.
after a long illness. The funeral services will be held Thursday
afternoon from the residence at 1:30 o'clock, Rev. Safford
ROBINSON, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 23, 1892
From the Breese, Gloucester, Massachusetts - Mr. John Robinson, one
of Gloucester’s oldest and most respected citizens, died at his home
early this morning, from a gradual breaking up of the system of old
age. Mr. Robinson was a resident of Alton from 1850 to 1875, when he
removed to Gloucester, Massachusetts, where he has since lived. Mr.
Robinson has three children who survive him: Miss Mary E., who has
kept house for him, William L. and Hon. David I. Robinson, all of
ROBINSON, JOHN S. (LIEUTENANT)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January
13, 1865
Civil War Soldier; Adjutant of the Brigade
We regret to announce the death of this gallant and able young man.
He was raised in this city [Alton], and was among the first who
responded to the call of the country when the war broke out, and has
been active in the service ever since. At the terrible battle which
took place at Allatoona [Georgia] some months since, where our
troops displayed such unprecedented bravery and skill, and a mere
handful of them foiled [Confederate Lt. General John Bell] Hood’s
entire army, he fell wounded through the lungs. It was hoped for
some time that he would recover, but we were informed this morning
that contrary to these hopeful expectations, he had died, and that
his corpse is hourly expected to arrive in our city. We have been
requested to say that on the arrival of his remains in the city,
suitable funeral services will take place. His aged parents have the
heartfelt sympathy in their sad bereavement of our entire community,
and it is hoped they may receive abundantly of that support and
strength which the Christian religion alone can impart.
Funeral of Lieutenant John S. Robinson
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 20, 1865
There was a very large concourse of citizens and soldiers attending
the funeral services of this young and lamented officer, yesterday
morning at the Baptist Church. The house was filled to its utmost
capacity, and many were unable to find admittance. Colonel Richard
Rowett of the Seventh Regiment was present on the occasion, having
come from his home in Carlinville, where he is slowly recovering
from a wound received in the Allatoona fight. The Rev. Mr. Jameson,
the pastor of the church, conducted the services on the occasion in
a very fitting and appropriate manner. After the services were
concluded, the many friends of the deceased were permitted to take a
last look upon his remains. His features were remarkably well
preserved considering the number of days that had elapsed since his
death. The military then took possession of his corpse. A suitable
number of Lieutenants being detailed to act as pallbearers, the
procession moving toward the cemetery, headed by a band of music.
Lieutenant Robinson volunteered in the 7th Illinois Regiment while
it was employed in Alton as a guard for the military prison in 1861,
and again re-enlisted as a veteran. He early rose to the rank of
Lieutenant, and was soon made the Adjutants of the Regiment, which
position he filled with credit to himself and to the great
satisfaction of the regiment. But for some time previous to his
receiving his fatal wound, he had been acting Adjutant of the
Brigade, of which Colonel Rowett was in command. To give some idea
of the terrible fighting which the 7th Regiment was engaged when he
fell, it is only necessary for us to state that one man out of every
two of that regiment was either killed or taken prisoner at
Allatoona. The remainder of the men are now with Sherman at
Savannah. We are requested, in behalf of the family and friends, to
return thanks to Lieutenant Colonel Kuhn for the military escort and
band furnished on the occasion. [Note: Lieutenant Robinson is buried
in the Alton City Cemetery.]
ROBINSON, JOSEPH G. JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1877
From Edwardsville – Joseph G. Robinson Jr., a nine-year-old son of
Captain Joseph G. Robinson, died last week. His funeral took place on
ROBINSON, JOSEPH G. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December
25, 1890
From Edwardsville – Captain Joseph G. Robinson of St. Louis,
formerly of Edwardsville, died last Thursday evening and was buried
yesterday morning, the funeral services being held at St. John’s M.
E. Church in Edwardsville. The Masons and the G.A.R. post attended
the obsequies. A large number of old friends and acquaintances
attended the exercises, especially a number of prominent farmers of
this and adjoining townships.
ROBINSON, LETITIA A./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 18, 1879
Died Wednesday, September 10, at Liberty Prairie, Mrs. Letitia A.
Robinson, aged 69 years, 9 months, and 15 days.
ROBINSON, MARTHA/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 29, 1850
Died in Edwardsville on the 14th inst., Mrs. Martha Robinson, aged
about 40(?).
ROBINSON, SIDNEY Z./Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, February
15, 1893
Sidney Z. Robinson died at his home in Liberty Prairie, at 4:15
o'clock p.m. Sunday [Feb. 12], after a lingering illness. The
funeral services were conducted yesterday afternoon by Rev. James
Lafferty, of this city, assisted by Rev. Allison Hunter of Liberty
Prairie. The pallbearers were: John Hays, C. E. Arbuthnot, C. M.
Belk, W. W. Head, Andrew Patterson and D. C. Scheer. Among relatives
who attended the funeral were: B. W. Trabue and C. E. Edwards of
Dorchester; O. C. Denny and wife of Sorento; C. A. Quick and wife of
Bunker Hill; and Thomas W. Springer of Edwardsville. Deceased was
born May 19, 1834, at the home in which he died. He was 58 years, 8
months and 23 days old. In early manhood he entered Shurtleff
College, Upper Alton. He afterwards went to Plattville, Wisconsin,
and engaged in business. In August 1862, he enlisted in the service
of his country, being mustered in as orderly sergeant of Company D.,
117 Illinois Volunteers. He served three years, and was mustered out
August 9, 1865. He returned home, and on December 12th, 1866 was
married to Miss Isabel Harlan of Bunker Hill. He leaves a wife and
two daughters, Anna and Margaret, to mourn the loss of a kind father
and loving husband. He was one of five sons of the late W. S. B.
Robinson, only two of whom survive, W. J., a twin brother to the
deceased, who resides in Kansas City, Mo., and Joseph A., who lives
at Baldwin, Kansas. For a number of years he has been ruling elder
in the Presbyterian church of this city. He was a member of
Edwardsville Post No. 461, G.A.R.
ROBINSON, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 10, 1898
Thomas Robinson, a well-known farmer living three miles north of
Godfrey, died Monday morning after a four-days illness with
pneumonia. He was 66 years of age, and leaves a wife and four
ROBINSON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1850
Killed in Accident
We learn that as Mr. William J. Robinson, accompanied by his wife
and three children, were returning home in a two-horse wagon on
Sunday evening last, the horses started, and by some means jerked
the reins out of his hands. He then endeavored to jump out and stop
the horses, but in so doing was run over by the wagon and seriously
hurt. Shortly afterwards, the wagon was overturned, and Mrs.
Robinson was thrown out with such force as to cause her death the
next morning. Two of the children were also severely injured. Mr.
Robinson lives about fives miles northeast of Alton in Ridge
Prairie. Mrs. Robinson was the daughter of Mr. Henry Morrison of
Ridge Prairie, and her loss will be deeply deplored by her numerous
friends and relatives.
ROBINSON, WILEY F./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1883
Murdered in Worden
From Edwardsville – Two of the men concerned in the murder of Wiley
F. Robinson at Worden have been arrested and are in jail here. Ed
Walker (a son of Aaron Walker, deceased), the ruffian who it is said
fired the fatal shot, has not been arrested, but it is confidently
believed that his hiding place will be disclosed soon. Let us say
nothing of murders committed in Texas and elsewhere until the
percentage of like deeds committed nearer home is reduced.
The circumstances of the affair are these: A party of five men from
Staunton came to Mr. Robinson’s place and raised a disturbance.
Being remonstrated with, they attacked Mr. Robinson, and one of
them, named Walker, shot him with a pistol. The ruffians fled, and
three of them are still at large, but two of them have been captured
and were brought into Edwardsville. The whole population of Worden
and vicinity is out in pursuit of the remaining murderers, and they
are reported surrounded, and their capture only a question of time.
The names of the men arrested are George and William Ryan.
ROBINSON, WILLIAM C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December
23, 1911
Fatally Injured by Train
William C. Robinson, aged 55, was fatally injured Friday evening by
being hit by a train on the Chicago & Alton track at Canal Station.
His home was at Federal, where he and his wife conducted a boarding
house. Robinson was able to speak but a few words after being picked
up. He said he was dying, and asked for his wife, and afterward
spoke her name, "Emily," several times, but was unable to tell where
to find her or where he lived. Robinson fell into the hands of two
good Samaritans by the name of A. O. DeMoulin and J. W. Derrington,
who did not know him, but nevertheless beneath their mud bespattered
clothes there beat hearts that were in sympathetic tune with the
unfortunate. They said that they are employed on the Cahokia
diversion canal, working for Robinson & Co., the contractors.
Someone reported to them that a man's screams of pain had been heard
at the railroad, and they went over at once and found the man
mangled and bleeding to death. They did what they could for him, had
him moved to East Alton, and then brought him to Alton on the Big
Four [railroad]. They took charge of what money the man had, $4.60,
also an insurance policy and a bank book, and aided in locating the
man's wife. Mrs. Robinson could not be found until her husband had
died. It is said that Robinson was of a nervous disposition. During
the afternoon he bought some medicine at Paul Bros. drug store, and
it was through this that the man's wife was found. Robinson's left
leg was cut off and he was otherwise badly broken and bruised.
Robinson's wife says that her husband is 43 years of age and that he
leaves his wife and three children. She says she could not
understand why he went to the place where he was killed. Robbery was
suspected at first, but as Robinson had almost all the money he had
drawn for wages, this theory was not accepted.
ROBINSON, WILLIAM S. B./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 30, 1885
From Bethalto – Another old landmark gone. Passed away from this
life on the morning of April 26, William S. B. Robinson of Liberty
Prairie; aged 75 years. Mr. Robinson was born in North Carolina, and
came to this county with his father’s family about the year 1815,
and settled in Edwardsville Township near the north line. When
beginning life for himself, he came to Fort Russell Township and
improved the farm on which he resided (excepting two years) to the
time of his death. Early in life he united with the Presbyterian
Church, in which he remained a consistent member and a true
Christian. He was at the head and beginning of Sunday Schools at
home, and continued his work as long as he felt himself to be
useful. Many of the younger citizens will remember his earnest, and
continued work during their lives. As a neighbor, and in all
business transactions, no one was ever more kind and honorable. He
leaves three sons, and they can claim no higher merit than that they
are the sons of the community’s friend, William S. B. Robinson. The
funeral took place Tuesday morning from the family residence, and
was very largely attended. The remains were taken to the Upper Alton
Cemetery for burial.
William S. B. Robinson was born August 10, 1810, in Lincoln County,
North Carolina. He was the son of Joseph Robinson (1775-1841) and
Jane White Robinson (1778-1834. William married in 1830 to Letitia
White (1810-1879). They bought 160 acres on the Alton-Greenville
Road, now Route 140, six miles north of Edwardsville. The sons of
William and Lettitia were: Lewis (born about 1832); Joseph A. (born
about 1834); William and Sidney, twins (born in 1836); and John
(born 1838).
ROBSON, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 7, 1875
From Melville, December 31, 1874 – We regret to announce the death
of our good neighbor and citizen, Mr. John Robson, who after a
protracted illness of more than a year, died of consumption on
Monday, December 28, 1874. The funeral rites were administered by
the Rev. M. Chase, and Greenwood Lodge I.O.O.F., of which Lodge the
deceased was a member. The deceased leaves a widow and sister, also
a host of friends to lament his loss.
ROCHESTER, WALTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 3,
Killed in Battle in France (World War I)
Mrs. Mary Rochester of 1319 East Fourth street received a telegram
telling her that her husband, Walter Rochester, aged 23, had been
killed in France August 12. The young man went from Staunton, Ill.,
October 3, 1917. He left his wife, who has a child five years old.
Mrs. Rochester came to Alton after her husband went away and she
procured work here, trying to do her part while her husband was
fighting in the army. He leaves his parents, three brothers, and one
ROCKWOOD, G. B./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 9, 1846
Died in Alton on the 3d instant, Mr. G. B. Rockwood, formerly of New
York, about 30 years of age.
RODEMEYER, BERTHA (nee SCHWAB)/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 18,
Wife of William Rodemeyer
This estimable lady died last evening of congestion of the brain, so
unexpectedly that the event was a great shock to her relatives and
friends. She had been ailing to some extent for five or six weeks,
was taken suddenly worse at 5 o’clock, and expired about six. Her
maiden name was Schwab. She was 31 years of age, and leaves three
young children. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from
the family residence west of State Street, near Mr. Peter Wise’s
RODEMEYER, CHARLES JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24,
Former Wagon and Buggy Manufacturer In Alton
Charles Rodemeyer, aged 69, died at 6:30 o'clock Thursday evening at
his home, 431 Alby Street, after an illness of two years. He had
been bedfast since the first of this year, and his end was expected
several times during the period that he was unable to be out of bed.
Mr. Rodemeyer is survived by his wife and two children, Miss Arnot
Rodemeyer and Charles Rodemeyer. He was for many years engaged in
manufacturing enterprises in Alton. He conducted a wagon and buggy
shop on Third street between Market and Piasa streets. The funeral
will be strictly private Saturday noon, it was said today by Mrs.
Rodemeyer, and the service in the family home will be conducted by
Rev. J. A. Scarritt, an old time friend of Mr. Rodemeyer. The body
will be taken to St. Louis to be cremated at 12:50 noon.
RODEMEYER, CHARLES SR./Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, July 11,
Owner of Wagon and Buggy Factory
Mr. Charles Rodemeyer, one of our oldest and most esteemed
manufacturers, died at his residence in this city, Thursday
afternoon at 5:30 o'clock, after a painful illness of seventeen
weeks. He was born in the province of Pfaltz on the Rhine, in
Bavaria, in 1812, came to this country while young, and first
settled in Pennsylvania and engaged in coal mining. He married Miss
Miller in St. Louis in 1838, and came immediately to this city
[Alton] and took charge of the mechanical department of the Alton
Penitentiary, which position he held for twenty-two years. He then
embarked in the carriage and wagon manufacturing business, which
industry he conducted on a large scale until his last sickness.
Deceased was a member of the Lutheran Church, and had established an
enviable reputation in this community as an honest, upright,
straight-forward business man, one whose word was good as his bond.
His manufacturing enterprise, for many years, was of great advantage
to the prosperity of the city, and his death is a public loss and
will be much deplored not only by his business associates, but by
the community at large. He leaves a widow and six children - four
daughters (two or which are Mary Rodemeyer Miller, wife of Daniel
Miller; and Matilda Rodemeyer Schiess) and two sons (Charles Jr. and
William), all adults, and all married except two, besides many other
relatives and friends to mourn the loss sustained in his death.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 8, 1878
A vast concourse turned out yesterday afternoon to attend the
funeral of Mr. Charles Rodemeyer, one of our oldest and most
esteemed citizens. The funeral took place at the family residence,
west of State Street in Sempletown, concluding at the cemetery, and
was conducted by Rev. Mr. Wilken of the Lutheran Church, of which
denomination deceased was a member. He also belonged to the Odd
Fellows, and the Order turned out in force in regalia, making an
imposing part of the very large procession. Gossrau's band in full
uniform led the procession and performed slow music at intervals
during the march and after arriving at the cemetery. The
pallbearers, members of the Odd Fellows' Lodge, were Messrs. George
Formhals, J. H. Raible, George Meissel, John M. Tonsor, John Roe,
and F. H. Ullrich.
Charles Rodemeyer was born in 1812 in Germany. He came to America
when young, and first settled in Pennsylvania, engaging in the coal
mining business. He traveled to St. Louis, married, and then settled
in Alton with his new bride in 1838. He worked in the "mechanical
department" at the State Penitentiary for about 22 years, and then
he, along with his brother, William, opened a carriage factory in
about 1860 at the southwest corner of Third and Market Streets
[where the Grand Theater was later located]. His son, Charles Jr.
also worked in the business. Charles Sr. died in July 1878. The
funeral was held from the Rodemeyer home, west of State Street.
Charles belonged to the Odd Fellows. Gossrau’s Band, in full
uniform, led the funeral procession to the cemetery. The pallbearers
were George Formhals, J. H. Raible, George Meissel, John M. Tonsor,
John Roe, and F. H. Ulrich.
Charles Rodemeyer Jr., his son, took over the business with his
uncle, William Rodemeyer. In August of 1880, William left the
business and Charles Jr. continued with his partner John Karel. In
1897, Charles Jr. sold the business to Karel, who continued making
carriages. The building was sold to George Kirsch, who converted
part of the building to make "artificial ice." The Kirsch Building,
as it was later called, housed a small theater (named successively
by different owners the Electric, Victory, Habit, and Crescent
Theater). The Grand Theater was constructed on this site in 1920,
and still stands.
Charles Rodemeyer Jr., who was born in February 1850 in Alton, moved
to St. Louis, Missouri after selling the business. He and his wife,
Emma Arnot Rodemeyer, lived there until his death in April 1914.
Emma then moved to Chicago to live with her daughter, Arnot
Rodemeyer. Emma died in 1951.
RODEMEYER, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1885
Widow of Charles Rodemeyer Sr.
Mrs. Mary Rodemeyer, widow of the late Charles Rodemeyer Sr., died
Sunday morning after an illness of eight months, caused by the
debility incident to old age, being 74 years, 6 months, 15 days old.
Deceased was an estimable lady, highly respected and venerated by
all who knew her. She was born in Germany, but had lived in Alton
about 50 years. She left five children: Mrs. Rosina Rodemeyer Raith,
wife of Charles Raith of Benton City, Missouri; Mrs. Matilda
Rodemeyer Schiess, wife of B. Schiess; Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Rodemeyer
Miller, wife of Daniel Miller; Mrs. Louisa Rodemeyer [Roenicke]; and
Mr. Charles Rodemeyer Jr. of Alton. Another son, William Rodemeyer,
died in 1882.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Rodemeyer took place Tuesday afternoon from
the family homestead on State Street. A profusion of rarely
beautiful flowers in various devices, gave testimony to the respect
and affection of thoughtful friends.
RODEMEYER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 11, 1882
Son of Charles Rodemeyer Sr.
This morning, Mr. William Rodemeyer, son of the late Charles
Rodemeyer, was seized by a fit of apoplexy at his residence on State
Street, and expired in about 10 minutes. He was preparing to leave
home for his place of business when the seizure took place. He
immediately fell prostrate with the exclamation, “Oh God, Oh God!”
Those who were present asked him if they should raise him to a sofa,
but he declined the proffered assistance, and breathed his last
where he fell. It was a heart-rending scene, the stricken mother
lamenting over her dying son, two little girls weeping for their
father. Dr. Guelich was summoned and arrived at the place as soon as
possible, but the vital spark had fled and human skill could avail
nothing. Deceased, in addition to a widowed mother and two little
girls, leaves four sisters – Mrs. B. Kirsch, Mrs. D. Miller, a
married sister in Kansas, an unmarried sister, and a brother, Mr.
Charles Rodemeyer. He was a member of Irwin Lodge F. and A. M., and
was insured in a Masonic Association for $1,200. He complained
yesterday of feeling unwell, with a sense of oppression in his
chest, but nothing serious was anticipated until too late to attempt
any remedial measures.
Mr. Rodemeyer had lately embarked in the manufacture of wheeled
vehicles, at the corner of Fourth and State Streets, having formerly
been in partnership with his brother as successors to their father
at the Great Western Carriage and Wagon Factory. The funeral will
take place Sunday afternoon from the family residence.
William Rodemeyer was the son of Charles Rodemeyer Sr., owner of the
Great Western Carriage and Wagon Factory at the southwest corner of
Third and Market, where the Grand Theater now stands. Charles Sr.
was born in Bavaria in 1812, and came to America when quite young.
He settled first in Pennsylvania and engaged in coal mining. In
1838, he married Miss Miller, and came immediately to Alton, where
he took charge of the mechanical department of the Alton
Penitentiary. He held this position for twenty-two years. He then
embarked in the carriage and wagon manufacturing business with his
brother, William Rodemeyer, which he built into a large, prosperous
business. Charles died in July 1878, and left behind a widow, four
daughters, and two sons (Charles Jr. and William). After the death
of Charles Sr., his two sons, Charles Jr. and William (named after
his uncle) continued in the business with their uncle, William.
William left the business in August 1880, and the sons of Charles
Sr. continued in the business with John Karel, a partner of William.
At some point the business was sold to John Karel, and Charles
Rodemeyer Jr. moved to St. Louis. In March 1882, William opened his
own carriage and wagon factory at State and Fourth Streets. William
passed away suddenly August 11, 1882. William’s wife, Bertha Schwab
Rodemeyer, died in July 1878 at the age of 31. She left behind three
young children. Charles Rodemeyer Jr. later moved back to Alton and
lived on Alby Street. He died in April 1914, and was survived by his
wife and two children, Miss Arnot Rodemeyer and Charles Rodemeyer
RODEMEYER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 13,
From Upper Alton – William Rodemeyer, the 5 months old child of Mr.
and Mrs. William Loehr, died last night from convulsions brought on
by measles. The funeral will occur Friday afternoon from the home,
and will be private.
RODGER, JANE G./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 13, 1908
The funeral of Mrs. Jane G. Rodger was held from her late home in
the Northside Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. A large number of
old time friends attended. Services were conducted by REv. W. H.
Bradley. Interment was in Oakwood cemetery, Upper Alton. The
pallbearers were Alex Rodger, James Rodger, John Rodger, J. H.
Baumann, Frank Stalder and Elmer Rodger, sons, son-in-law and the
last a grandson of the deceased.
RODGERS, ANDREW FULLER (COLONEL)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
January 20, 1922
Mexican-American War and Civil War Veteran
The adventuresome career of one of Madison County's most picturesque
pioneers came to an end when Colonel Andrew Fuller Rodgers, veteran
of two wars and prominent in civic life in Alton, died this morning
at 7:20 o'clock at his home on College Avenue, after an illness of
about two weeks. His death was due to a physical breakdown from old
age. He would have been 95 years of age next October 13. Colonel
Rodger's life was one singularly full of stirring adventure. It was
a life remarkable for a connecting up of the past with the present.
The fact that he was fortunate enough to live to an old age, blessed
with bodily and mental vigor, interested in all that went on about
him, made it possible for Colonel Rodgers to connect threads that
were broken off in his early life, and he found the ends later on.
Numerous incidents can be related of the strange linking together of
old-time events of his younger day experiences he had in his later
years. His breakdown was recognized as the probably beginning of the
end. The fact that he was content to remain in bed was the most
discouraging fact about this old soldier and adventurer, who had
never in his long life confessed his inability to combat physical
weakness. That he was not going to rally was a foregone conclusion
when he showed no inclination to be up and about. Up to the time he
broke down two weeks ago, about the only sign of failure was the
loss of his eyesight. That had taken effect a few years ago, but
beside that he was in good condition. The aged wife, from whom he
had been separated but a few times since he married her back when
both were young, is prostrated. She has been anticipating such an
end as came this morning to her aged partner in life, but the crisis
found her unprepared, and she has since been confined to her bed.
Colonel Rodgers did not know that his last brother, Reynold Rodgers,
was buried the afternoon before his own end came. He was not told of
the death of his brother.
That type of American immortalized in song, story and history, he
blazed the trail of progress, participated as a leader in the great
movements of his time. Resourceful, energetic, enterprising,
courageous, upright, his experiences included service in two wars -
in one of which he was a prisoner for more than a year -
participation in the gold rush of 1849, shipwreck with 250 others on
an island in the Pacific, and service in the Illinois State
Legislature. No task was too great, no duty too tedious for this
man, who was a living example of that American of which the world is
so envious, and unable to completely fathom. Of indomitable will, he
accomplished what he set out to do. Nothing seemed impossible to
him, no situation too trying. Whatever the circumstances, however
great the chances against him, Colonel Rodgers did that which always
seemed right, and did it well.
Colonel Rodgers was born in Howard County, Missouri, on October 13,
1827. He was the son of a pioneer Baptist minister, the Rev.
Ebenezer Rodgers. The Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers was born in England and
came to America in 1818, locating at Louisville, Kentucky. In 1819,
he accompanied Cyrus Edwards to a new home in Howard County. Mr.
Edwards was prominently identified with the early history of Alton.
In 1834 the Rev. Mr. Rodgers moved to Upper Alton and located on a
farm of 40 acres, since included in the limits of Upper Alton. He
was one of the founders of Shurtleff College, and one of its early
trustees. In 1823 he married Permelia Jackson, of a family that
settled in Howard County in 1818. Colonel Rodgers was one of twelve
Colonel Rodgers was one of the early students of Shurtleff College.
In 1844 he became a clerk in a St. Louis hardware establishment, but
returned to Upper Alton before the beginning of the war with Mexico.
When the war with the southern republic broke out, Colonel Rodgers
became a member of Colonel Bissell's Second Illinois Infantry under
Captain Lott in Company E. It was in the Mexican War that the career
of adventure of Colonel Rodgers dawned. Brave, and possessing that
fire and determination so necessary, he was the ideal soldier. He
gave distinguished service with his regiment in a number of
engagements, the chief of which was at Buena Vista. After the war,
he returned home, but farm life was without the excitement and
thrills sought by this conquering American. He joined the gold rush
to California in 1849. A year at the mines was followed by service
more suitable to young Rodgers. He served as a deputy sheriff of
Sacramento County, and was a member of the famed Sutter Rifle
Company. He returned home for a visit, and on his return voyage to
California added to his adventures that of being shipwrecked. His
vessel was wrecked in the Pacific in 1853, with the loss of 250
passengers. Colonel Rodgers, with a few other survivors, was cast on
Margueretta Island. At that time, he saved the life of a girl
passenger. Fifty years later he learned that the girl he saved was
living in St. Louis, the mother of a clergyman of the Episcopal
Church. The survivors were finally picked up by a whaling vessel,
which landed them at San Francisco. Colonel Rodgers again served as
a deputy sheriff and lived in Sacramento County until 1853, when he
went to the mines. The following year his father died, and he
returned to Alton in July 1854. He was married on May 31, 1860, to
Jane E. Delaplain, a member of one of Madison County's oldest
families. Young Rodgers continued at home, tending the farm and
sawmill, until the outbreak of the Civil War. In 1862 he entered the
service as Captain of Company B of the Eightieth Illinois Infantry,
and when the troops were mustered in on August 25 of the same year,
he was appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment. His service in
the Civil War was arduous, eventful and of a distinguished order. He
was carried from the field of battle at Perryville, Kentucky,
wounded. In April 1863, having recovered, he commanded his regiment
in a raid against Bragg's army. His audacious leadership won for his
regiment many victories. The resourcefulness of the young commander
made of the outfit an efficient, able fighting force. In 1863, his
force was captured at Rome, Georgia. He and his fellow officers were
made prisoners and kept at Danville. Later, they were transferred to
the notorious Libby prison. Colonel Rodgers spent 12 months there.
He was afterward transferred to the prison at Macon, and finally to
Charleston. At Charleston, Colonel Rodgers and his fellow officers
were placed in a cell directly in line with the enemy's fire, and in
this perilous position remained for six weeks, until released by
exchange. While in the Southern prisons, Lieut. Colonel Rodgers was
commissioned Colonel, a title he had fully earned, by his service in
the field and exposure in the prisons. Upon his return to the North,
he recruited 500 men for the 144th Illinois Regiment, at the request
of Governor Yates and General Rosecrans. He resigned from the army
on November 25, 1864.
When his regiment was captured at Rome, a sword given Colonel
Rodgers by Alton friends upon his departure from home, was stolen.
On the handle of the sword were a Masonic emblem and the name of the
owner. Fifty years later, Colonel Rodgers was informed by the
adjutant general of Illinois that a man in Texas was seeking an
officer by name of A. F. Rodgers. The sword was returned to the
Alton officer by a brother of the man who led the Southern troops
which captured Colonel Rodger's force. The sword had been used in a
Texas Masonic lodge as the Tyler's sword [a Tyler guards the door
during Masonic meetings.]
Colonel Rodgers was a leader in civic affairs. His energy and
ability were in demand when a public movement was projected. In
politics, he was a staunch Democrat, and in his earlier years was
devoted to Stephen A. Douglas. He was frequently a delegate to
district and state conventions, and in 1870 was elected to the state
legislature. He was prominent in Masonic circles, and was the oldest
Knight Templar in the city. He was made a Mason in Upper Alton in
1852. Following his retirement from the army, Colonel Rodgers lived
on his estate near Upper Alton. Colonel Rodgers was one of Alton's
most picturesque characters. Many anecdotes are told of him. One of
them is that he attached a small bell to his fishing pole when
fishing, so that he might be warned when fish were biting. Mr.
Rodgers' surviving children are John B., Catherine, William, Sarah
H., and Henry F. Colonel Rodgers engaged in two wars, and lived
during four of the nation's six important wars. A veteran of the
Mexican and Civil Wars, he lived during the Spanish-American and
Great War [WWI]. After having fought in two, he had sons and
grandsons in the other two. Colonel Rodgers' death was the first in
his own immediate family, all his children and grandchildren being
alive. On the other hand, he was the last of his father's children,
the funeral of his brother taking place the day before his death.
Describing the meeting with the girl he saved in the shipwreck in
the Pacific, in "Reminiscences," as prepared from Colonel Rodgers'
story by a daughter, the Colonel said:
"A few years ago (the Reminiscences were collected in 1910), the
Rev. Henry Watson Minzer of St. Louis read an account of a gathering
of the few remaining Mexican soldiers in Alton. Later, when here, he
asked to be taken to see them, as he wished to know if they
remembered his father who was at Buena Vista with the same regiment.
I happened to be chosen. At college and in the Mexican War I knew
his father well, and immediately asked if it was true that he had
married Ella Watson. Strange to say, the answer was 'Yes,' and I
could scarcely realize that before me stood the son of the beautiful
young girl I last saw during the wreck of the 'Independence.'
Several months later, when Mrs. Ella Watson Mizner was visiting her
son, they stopped at Alton, and although after a lapse of 55 years,
we were immediately taken back to our last meeting on the burning
'Independence.'" The reminiscences of Colonel Rodgers are concluded
with: ‘With all the children away, we are alone again, just as we
started our journey together, 50 years ago.’”
Colonel Andrew F. Rodgers was the son of Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers &
Permelia M. (Jackson) Rodgers. One of his brothers, Edward Rodgers,
founded the Alton Brick Company, which was located at Homer Adams
Parkway and Alby Street. Edward Rodgers purchased land east of Upper
Alton, and later sold it to the State for the purpose of erecting
the Alton State Hospital. Colonel Andrew F. Rodgers lived on College
Avenue, near present-day Rodgers Avenue, which is named after this
family. Colonel Rodgers is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood
RODGERS, E. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1871
On May 8, 1870, Dr. E. Rodgers of Upper Alton committed suicide by
drowning in the Wood River, while delirious from fever.
RODGERS, EBEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 21, 1959
Former President of Alton Brick Company
Eben Rodgers, member of a distinguished Alton family and one of the
city's outstanding men, died in a St. Louis Hospital. Mr. Rodgers,
former president of Alton Brick Co., was 85 years old. He had been
in failing health for several years and was a patient in the St.
Louis hospital for 20 months. Mr. Rodgers' public service in Alton
embraced many fields. He served as president of the Alton Board of
Trade, a body that was the forerunner of the present Association of
Commerce. He served as president of the Alton Board of Education; as
president of Piasa Bird Council, Boy Scouts; as president of the
board of Monticello College; as president of Alton Park Commission.
Mr. Rodgers was a member of the board and of the executive committee
of Alton Memorial Hospital, and was a director of the Better
Business Bureau of St. Louis. He was a member of First Unitarian
Church of Alton, and served the church as president. In industry,
Mr. Rodgers achieved notable success. He took a position in 1892, at
the age of 19, with Alton Brick Co., which was founded by his
father, the late Edward Rodgers. The brick company grew into an
important industry, and Eben Rodgers guided it after his father's
death. Eben Rodgers became a leader in the brick industry. He was
elected president of the National Brick Manufacturers Association in
1937, and in 1941 was named as "No. 1 Man" of the Structural Clay
Products Institute. He also was president of American Facer Brick
Assn. in 1914, and was president of Structural Clay Products Assn.
from 1937 to 1941. He also was a member of American Ceramics
Society. "Alton Brick" became widely known as first-class product.
The company expanded and erected a plant near St. Louis. Mr.
Rodgers' association with the company extended from 1892 until 1955,
when it was sold to Cincinnati interests. The career of Eben Rodgers
was marked by devotion to his city and to its institutions. In the
field of business, social service, education, church he gave of his
talent, his time, and his money. He lent his intelligent leadership
to projects that were calculated to benefit the community to which
he was so loyal. It was recalled that Mr. Rodgers, out of his own
pocket, made up a part of a deficit in park funds traceable to
another member of the commission, after the latter's death. Mr.
Rodgers was wholly without responsibility, but because he was
chairman of the park body during part of the time the shortage took
place, he gave of his own money so Alton would escape any financial
loss. Mr. Rodgers was born in Upper Alton, August 12, 1873, a son of
the late Edward and Ella Hewit Rodgers. He attended the Alton
schools and Bingham Military Academy in North Carolina, and
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His first wife, the
former Miss Annette Schweppe, to whom he was married in 1900, died
July 6, 1938. On July 18, 1942 he was married to Miss Tilton Wead,
who survives him. Also surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Preston Levis,
Toledo, Ohio; and a son, Eben Rodgers Jr. of San Francisco; a
sister, Mrs. Mather Pfeiffenberger Sr., Alton; and a brother, E.
Hewit Rodgers, El Paso, Texas; four grandchildren: Mrs. Harriet
Levis Belknap, Waco, Texas; Mrs. Annette Levis Minns, Marion,
Indiana; John Preston Levis Jr., Toledo, Ohio; and Jane Rodgers, San
Francisco, California; and seven great-grandchildren. The body is at
Morrow-Quinn Mortuary, pending funeral arrangements.
RODGERS, EBENEZER (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 12,
Died April 25, 1854
Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers was a young man of Welsh parentage but English
birth, whose missionary promptings had led him to America some five
years before, since when he had been laboring successfully in
Kentucky for several months, and some four years previous had
organized a Baptist church in Capt. Jackson's neighborhood, of which
he was pastor at this time. In 1834 Mr. and Mrs. [Permelia] Rodgers
moved to Upper Alton. For one year Mr. Rodgers was joint pastor of
the Alton and Upper Alton Baptist churches, and afterwards for two
years he gave his time exclusively to the church in Upper Alton.
Upon leaving the pastorate, he devoted himself to missionary and
associational work throughout the State, and was probably the most
active and efficient minister in the denomination in all this
section. His efforts for the advancement of Christianity and
education were untiring, and much of the success attained in these
directions is due to his labors. In April 1854, Father Rodgers died
at his home in Upper Alton at the age of 66 years.
Reverend Ebenezer Rodgers, from the time he was a child, felt the
call to go into the ministry. After his education, and the
completion of his studies in London, he felt it necessary to visit
America. Arriving in the Fall of 1818, he became the welcomed guest
of Benjamin Edwards of Kentucky. Edwards’ three sons subsequently
migrated to Illinois – Ninian Edwards (who became the Governor of
Illinois), Cyrus Edwards (soldier, and served in the Illinois
Legislature), and Dr. Benjamin F. Edwards. A friendship formed
between these gentlemen and Ebenezer Rodgers, and Rodgers was
persuaded to visit the Territory of Missouri before returning to
England. He agreed to accompany Cyrus Edwards, with his new wife and
a sister, to Howard County, Missouri. Rodgers found the “whole
country almost entirely destitute of preachers,” and soon began his
circuit ride, traveling from settlement to settlement, preaching in
rude log cabins. He became ordained as a pastor, and established a
church at Chariton, 175 miles West of St. Louis. He was financially
supported partly from teaching school, and partly from cultivating
the soil. He organized about 50 churches.
On August 28, 1823, Rodgers was united in marriage with Permelia,
daughter of Deacon John and Susan Jackson of Howard County Missouri
[Boone’s Lick area]. She was years younger than Ebenezer, but was
devotedly attached to her husband, and always wore a cheerful air.
In 1832, Rodgers visited England, his native home, and preached
there. Many of his ancestors were now deceased, and his youngest
brother was also dead. He returned to America, and visited Alton in
May 1834. There he received a call to pastor the Baptist churches in
Alton and Upper Alton. The Baptist Church in Upper Alton was
organized on April 25, 1830, by Rev. John M. Peck, the first
Principal at Shurtleff College. During Rodger’s pastorate in Upper
Alton (1834-1838), a large stone church was erected in 1836. In
1852, a nephew from England came to visit Rodgers. Traveling up the
Mississippi from Alton, he inquired of several passengers if they
knew him. They replied, “Oh yes, I do. Everyone knows Father
Rodgers. He is revered as a saint.” Shortly before the nephew left
Alton, he wrote that Rodgers took him to the cemetery, and asked him
to look at a marble monument. To the nephew’s surprise, it was in
memory of himself, and fully inscribed, with the exception of the
date of his death. Rodgers told his nephew that soon the body of his
poor uncle will soon lie there. In less than two years, the nephew
was mourning his death. Rodgers died April 25, 1854, and is buried in
the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery, along with his wife, Permelia.
The children of Rev. Ebenezer and Permelia Rodgers were:
Sarah Ann Rodgers Badley (1826-1899; wife of William Badley)
Colonel Andrew Fuller Rodgers (1827-1922; veteran of the
Mexican-American and Civil War)
Dr. John Milton Rodgers (1829-1856; physician in Mississippi)
William L. Rodgers (1831-1851; Shurtleff College student)
Edward Rodgers (1839-1920; founder of the Alton, IL Brick Company)
Reynold Rodgers (1843-1922; Treasurer of El Paso Brick Co.)
Henry P. Rodgers (1844-1905; Civil War veteran; business man in
Marianna, Arkansas)
Susan Permelia Rodgers Lemen (1847-1899; wife of Dr. Edward Clarke
Lemen of Upper Alton, IL)
RODGERS, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 26, 1920
Founder of Alton Brick Co.; Farmer; Son of Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers
Edward Rodgers, in his eighty-second year, died in his room at the
Illini Hotel today from old age. Since Sunday night he had been
unconscious. His death had been expected for some time. His strength
had been failing for years, but he had an indomitable will that kept
him up. Last summer he insisted on making a trip to Alaska. He
started with Mrs. Rodgers, and they got to Vancouver, B. C., where
they were forced to delay on account of difficulty in getting
passage on a steamer, and there Mr. Rodgers was stricken. It was not
believed at first that he would be able to get back home, and most
men would not have survived the trip, but he did. He wanted to come
back to Alton, and after further delay the trip was begun and he
arrived here safely. He was never able to be out any more after his
return. His condition became weaker and weaker day by day, and this
morning he passed out peacefully.
In the passing of Edward Rodgers, there went a man who had all his
life been deeply engaged in successful business. He was the founder
of the Alton Brick Company. During the 28 years of its existence, up
to the time of his death, he remained its president. He was also
president of the El Paso Brick Company, and was interested in the
Fernholtz Brick Machine Company. Though he has been known in recent
years to have been heavily interested in the manufacture of brick,
it is interesting as a fact that Mr. Rodgers did not engage in the
manufacturing business until he was 54 years of age. He had been a
farmer, and he farmed on the place which was sold to the State as
part of the Alton State Hospital. He was a highly successful farmer
too, and not only was he able to make satisfactory sales of his own
products, but he was engaged for a long time in marketing the
products of the other farmers in his neighborhood. He was filled
with business ability and his judgment was relied upon by all the
farmers who lived in his vicinity.
In 1871 he built the homestead that was afterward sold to the State
of Illinois. He built it for his fiance, who was Miss Ella Hewitt,
and the next year the couple were married. There they lived until
just before the property was sold to the State.
Mr. Rodgers was born in Madison County, August 18, 1839, and lived
in the county all his life. His birthplace was in Upper Alton, and
at no time in his long life counted any other place as his home. He
was a great traveler and frequently made long trips. In the later
years of his life he spent his winters in El Paso, a city he had
seen grow to fine proportions from a group of adobe houses. In his
birthplace he had great interest. He always wanted to see the city
improve go ahead, and pay more attention to beautifying itself. He
could always be counted on for a liberal subscription to any cause
for the public good. One of the latest benefactions in his life was
the providing of a handsome gateway and brick wall for Upper Alton
Oakwood Cemetery, where he had planned to be laid away when his end
came. He paid for the work that was done there and it will be a fine
monument to his memory. Even when he was weakening rapidly in the
last week of his life, he was interested in planning to do things of
a similar character. His family say that he never allowed them to
know he realized his end was near. He was planning, he told them, to
go to El Paso for the winter, even up to the last, though the family
knew that he must understand that the end was very near.
Mr. Rodgers is described by one who knew him well as a man who was
always sure of himself. He knew what he wanted to do, and he had
unbounded confidence in his ability to make a successful conclusion
of any enterprise he started. His enthusiasm carried others along
with him, and his energy seemed to be tireless and inexhaustible.
Illustrative of his clearness of head, even in his old age, he
insisted on driving his automobile, and one night last spring, when
he got into a jam and a street car struck his auto, he calmly
laughed at the evidences of anxiety on the part of others around and
he extricated his car from the jam and drove away chuckling over the
thought that others considered him unable to drive the car. His mind
remained keen and perfect to the time he became unconscious and sank
into his last sleep.
Mr. Rodgers comes of a family that has been very prominent in
Madison County. He leaves two brothers - Colonel Andrew Fuller
Rodgers, who is 93, and Rynold Rodgers, who is 78 and lives at El
Paso, but has been here attending his dying brother. Mr. Rodgers
also leaves his wife and three children - Eben of Alton; Hewitt of
El Paso, Texas; and Mrs. Mather Pfeiffenberger of Alton. The funeral
will be held Thursday afternoon from the home of Eben Rodgers, 531
Summit Street, and burial will be in Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery,
the place he had helped by liberal gifts to make beautiful.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 28, 1920
The funeral of Edward Rodgers was held at 3 o'clock this afternoon
from the home of his son, Eben Rodgers, where funeral services were
conducted by President George M. Potter of Shurtleff college, the
selection of the officiating clergyman being made because of the
interest of Mr. Rodgers in the college during his lifetime. There
was a large attendance of friends, relatives and old business
associates of Mr. Rodgers at the funeral. The floral offerings from
friends and organizations in which Mr. Rodgers was interested were
numerous and unusually fine. The pallbearers were William, John,
F_____, and Clark Rodgers, all nephews of the deceased, and Edward
Watson and Harry Meyers. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.
The Alton Paving and Fire Brick Company, founded by Edward Rodgers,
was located on Alby Street, north of Roberts’ Ford. The site was
chosen because of a ledge of yellow clay and shale that is ideal for
making brick. Although Edward Rodgers began the company in 1854, it
was not incorporated until 1892. Many of Alton’s streets were paved
with bricks from this company. The Chicago & Alton Railroad ran
along the property, which allowed for the shipping of the bricks.
The plant had a steam whistle which was audible for miles. Each
morning, except Sunday, it was sounded at six o’clock, and again at
seven o’clock to signal the start of work. It blew again at
lunchtime, and at six in the evening to signal the end of the work
day. Edward’s son, Eben Rodgers, became President of the Company
after his death. The brick company ceased operations in about 1964.
Later, the property became the Alton landfill, which has since been
RODGERS, ELMER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 14, 1916
Elmer Rodgers, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rodgers, died at 1:40 a.m.
at the home of his parents after an illness of several months with
tuberculosis, aged 27 years and 6 months. Three months ago,
accompanied by his mother, he went to Denver in the hope of
recovery, but the trip did not prove beneficial. He returned home
three weeks ago, and has been in a very serious condition since that
time. Elmer Rodgers was a young man of exceptional qualities
counting as his friends, all who knew him. He was a member of the
Cherry street Baptist church, where he has held several offices. He
has been employed at the office of the Illinois Glass Co. for a
number of years, giving up his position when his health failed. He
leaves his father and mother, one sister, Miss Leila Rodgers, one
brother, James Rodgers, and a large number of relatives to mourn his
early death. One very sad feature of his death is that he was soon
to be married to Miss Carrie Grissom, to whom his death is a great
sorrow. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 from the
family home, No. 1716 Alby street. Rev. S. D. McKenny and Rev. M. W.
Twing will officiate. Burial will be in the City cemetery.
RODGERS, HENRY P./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 30, 1905
Civil War Soldier, Brother of Colonel Andrew F. Rodgers
Mr. Henry P. Rodgers died today at 1:38 o'clock at the family home
on Garden street in Upper Alton. Mr. Rodgers was one of the
best-known old residents in Southern Illinois, and had been in a bad
state of health for six months. He gave up his business duties last
winter on account of his health, and went to San Antonio, Texas,
where he spent the winter in the hope of regaining his health. He
returned to Upper Alton in the spring, and has been confined to his
bed ever since. Mr. Rodger's illness was from liver trouble and
dropsy. Henry P. Rodgers was born in Upper Alton in 1844, and spent
his young manhood there, being a scholar in Shurtleff college for
several years. After leaving school he went to Bolivar, Tennessee,
where he engaged in business for a number of years. Later he was
married to Miss Jennie Upshaw of Mariana, Arkansas, and he then went
to that place and started in business. Thirteen years ago his wife
died, and Mr. Rodgers returned to Upper Alton and lived a short
time. He later returned to Marianna, where he was married to his
second wife, Mrs. Jennie Watson. He moved his family to Upper Alton
after this marriage, and has resided here since, he being kept in
Marianna a large part of the time attending to his cotton farm at
that place composed of 6,000 acres. Mr. Rodgers was 61 years of age
and was a soldier of the Civil War. He leaves three brothers, Edward
and Col. A. F. Rodgers of Upper Alton, and Mr. Rinhold Rodgers of
Marianna, Arkansas, one daughter and one son by his first wife, Mr.
Henry Rodgers, of Marianna, Arkansas, and Mrs. Dr. Williams of that
place; his step-children are Mrs. R. E. Bassett of Chicago, and
Messrs, Edward, Roe and Minor Watson of Upper Alton, and one son by
his last wife, Clary Lemen Rodgers. Mr. Rodgers was an active
business man all his life, and he leaves a large number of men who
have been associated with him in his business at different times. He
was known and liked by a large circle of acquaintances, and all who
ever had dealings with him were his friends. The funeral services
will take place tomorrow at the family home, and the body will be
taken to Marianna, Arkansas, the funeral party leaving tomorrow
RODGERS, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 4, 1894
Thursday, James Rodgers, a young man, 22 years of age, died of
consumption at the home of Mr. John Dehlstrom on Cherry Street.
RODGERS, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 26, 1902
James Rodgers died Friday at 5:45 p.m. from heart failure from
feebleness of old age. He was as well as usual yesterday morning,
but towards evening he began to sink and before his children from
Alton could reach his bedside, life had passed away. He was 74 years
of age and a native of Scotland. He had lived in North Alton fifty
years and was highly respected by all who knew him. He leaves a
widow and six children. His oldest son, Alex Rodgers, lives in
Decatur; Mrs. J. H. Baumann, James and John Rodgers live in Alton;
and Misses Agnes and Leah live with their mother in North Alton. The
funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the
family home in North Alton to Oakwood cemetery.
RODGERS, LESLIE R./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 25,
Harry H. Rodgers of Mill Street returned home yesterday from
Osceola, Missouri, where he was called on account of the death of
his father, Leslie Rodgers. Mr. Rodgers has been in declining health
for about a year, suffering from stomach trouble, which finally
caused his death January 19. He visited his son in Alton, Illinois
last Fall, and will be remembered by the many friends he made while
here. Mrs. Harry Rodgers, who has been in Osceola for the past
month, will return to her home in Alton in the near future.
Leslie R. Rodgers was born November 24, 1848. He married in 1870 to
Fannie A. Rodgers (1848-1894). He was interred in the Osceola
Cemetery, Osceola, Missouri.
RODGERS, MORRIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 22, 1897
Lost His Life Saving a Little Boy
Coroner Bailey was called to Venice today to hold an inquest over
the body of Morris Rodgers, who was killed by a Chicago & Alton
train at that place Sunday. Rodgers lost his life in rescuing a
little boy from death in front of the train. In throwing the little
boy from the track, he was delayed in getting off himself and was
ground to small pieces.
RODGERS, PERMELIA [nee JACKSON]/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 29
& April 12, 1883
Wife of Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers
Mrs. Permelia, widow of the late Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers, the
well-known pioneer Baptist preacher, died Wednesday morning, March
28, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Lemen, in Upper
Alton, after a week’s illness of pneumonia, at the age of 77 years,
7 months. Deceased was born in Lincoln County, Kentucky, removed to
Missouri in 1818, where she married her late husband in 1823, and in
1833 to Upper Alton, where she resided until her death, a period of
50 years. She was among the last of the original members of the
Baptist Church of Upper Alton, a faithful, consistent Christian,
loved and respected by all. Her death will be a great affliction to
her relatives, friends, and acquaintances, and a loss to the whole
community to whom she had become endeared by a lifetime of
usefulness and devotion to others. Among the old settlers, her
associates in pioneer times, the news of her death will be received
with sincere sorrow. Mrs. Rodgers leaves six children: Mrs. S. A.
Badley; Colonel Andrew Fuller Rodgers; Edward Rodgers; Rynold
Rodgers; Mrs. Susan P. Lemen, all of Upper Alton; and Hon. H. P.
Rodgers of Mariana, Arkansas, besides other relatives and friends to
mourn her death. The funeral took place from the Upper Alton Baptist
This venerable lady whose residence in Upper Alton for nearly half a
century has won her the respect and esteem of all who have been
honored with her acquaintance, passed to her rest on Wednesday,
March 28th, at the age of 77 years and 7 months. While to those who
knew her best no word of praise for her many virtues is needed, a
brief sketch of her life will be of interest. Mrs. Rodgers was born
at Shelbyville, Kentucky, on August 13th, 1805. Her father, John
Jackson, was a farmer. A few years later he entered the War of 1812,
where he commanded a company of Kentucky volunteers. Returning from
military life, Capt. Jackson resumed his former pursuits in
Tennessee, whence in 1818 he removed to Howard county, Missouri,
locating near the present town of Fayette. On the 28th of August
1823, she was married to Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers, a young man of Welsh
parentage but English birth, whose missionary promptings had led him
to America some five years before, since when he had been laboring
successfully in Kentucky for several months, and some four years
previous had organized a Baptist church in Capt. Jackson's
neighborhood, of which he was pastor at this time. In 1834 Mr. and
Mrs. Rodgers moved to Upper Alton. For one year Mr. Rodgers was
joint pastor of the Alton and Upper Alton Baptist churches, and
afterwards for two years he gave his time exclusively to the church
in Upper Alton. Upon leaving the pastorate, he devoted himself to
missionary and associational work throughout the State, and was
probably the most active and efficient minister in the denomination
in all this section. His efforts for the advancement of Christianity
and education were untiring, and much of the success attained in
these directions is due to his labors. In April 1854, Father Rodgers
died at his home in Upper Alton at the age of 66 years. For several
years after her husband's death Mrs. Rodgers lived at the old
homestead till the marriage or removal of all her children, since
when she has made her home with one and another of her children,
they sharing the pleasure of caring for her and having her with
them. Latterly she has been with her younger daughter, Mrs. E. C.
Lemen, at whose house she took the leave of the sorrowing friends
who had gathered at the news of the approach of the dark messenger.
To Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers there were born ten children, six of whom
survive them: Mrs. S. A. Badley, Col. A. F. and Edward Rodgers who
live near town; Rynold; Hon. H. P. Rodgers of Marietta, Arkansas;
and Mrs. E. C. Lemen of Upper Alton. From a large family of brothers
and sisters, there remain but one, Milton Jackson, who lives on the
old place near Fayette, Missouri, himself now bending beneath the
burden of 76 winters. The remains of Mother Rodgers were tenderly
borne to their last resting place on Friday last by her four sons,
Fuller, Edward, Rynold, and Henry, her son-in-law Dr. E. C. Lemen;
three grandsons, John Rodgers, Henry Seiter and Henry Hart Jr.,
Joseph Burton, an old neighbor and valued friend, and Zephaniah
Lowe, the first man to greet Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers when they came to
Upper Alton, and probably the only one now living among their
earliest acquaintances here. The funeral services were held in the
Baptist church and were conducted by Rev. Dr. Bulkley, a warm
personal friend and former protege of Father Rodgers, Rev. D. T.
Morrill, late pastor of the church, and Rev. Dr. Kendrick, President
of Shurtleff College.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 12, 1883
Mrs. Permelia Rodgers, whose residence in Upper Alton, for nearly
half a century, has won her the respect and esteem of all who have
been honored with her acquaintance, passed to her rest on Wednesday,
March 28, at the age of 77 years and 7 months. While to those who
knew her best, no word of praise for her many virtues is needed.
Mrs. Rodgers was born at Shelbyville, Kentucky, on August 13, 1805,
the daughter of Captain John and Susan (Slaton) Jackson. Her father,
John Jackson, was a farmer. A few years later he entered the War of
1812, where he commanded a company of Kentucky volunteers. Returning
from military life, Captain Jackson resumed his former pursuits in
Tennessee, whence in 1818, he removed to Howard County, Missouri,
located near the present town of Fayette. He died September 17,
1849, and is buried in the Jackson Cemetery in Howard County,
On August 28, 1823, she was married to Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers, a
young man of Welsh parentage but English birth, whose missionary
promptings had led him to America some five years before, since when
he had been laboring successfully in Kentucky for several months,
and some four years previous had organized a Baptist Church in
Captain Jackson’s neighborhood, of which he was pastor at this time.
In 1834, Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers moved to Upper Alton. For one year,
Mr. Rodgers was joint pastor of the Alton and Upper Alton Baptist
Churches, and afterwards for two years he gave his time exclusively
to the church in Upper Alton. Upon leaving the pastorate, he devoted
himself to missionary and associational work throughout the State,
and was probably the most active and efficient minister in the
denomination in all this section. His efforts for the advancement of
Christianity and education were untiring, and much of the success
attained in these directions is due to his labors. In April 1864,
Father Rodgers died at his home in Upper Alton at the age of 66
For several years after her husband’s death, Mrs. Rodgers lived at
the old homestead till the marriage or removal of all her children,
since when she has made her home with one and another of her
children, they sharing the pleasure of caring for her and having her
with them. Latterly, she has been with her younger daughter, Mrs. E.
C. Lemen, at whose house she took the leave of the sorrowing friends
who had gathered at the news of the approach of the dark messenger.
To Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers, there were born ten children, six of whom
survive them: Mrs. Sarah Ann Rodgers Badley; Colonel Andrew Fuller
Rodgers; and Edward Rodgers, who live near town; Rynold Rodgers;
Hon. Henry Preston Rodgers of Marietta Arkansas; and Mrs. Susan
Permelia Rodgers Lemen, wife of Edward Clark Lemen of Upper Alton. A
son, Dr. John Milton Rodgers, died in 1856.
From a large family of brothers and sisters, there remain but one,
Milton Jackson, who lives on the old place near Fayette, Missouri,
himself now bending beneath the burden of 76 winters.
The remains of Mother Rodgers were tenderly borne to their last
resting place on Friday last by her four sons, Fuller, Edward,
Rynold, and Henry, her son-in-law Dr. E. C. Lemen; three grandsons,
John Rodgers, Henry Seiter, and Henry Hart Jr.; Joseph Burton, an
old neighbor and valued friend; and Zephaniah Lowe, the first man to
greet Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers when they came to Upper Alton, and
probably the only one now living among their earliest acquaintances
here. The funeral services were held in the Baptist Church, and were
conducted by Rev. Dr. Bulkley, a warm personal friend and former
protégé of Father Rodgers, Rev. D. T. Morrill, late pastor of the
church, and Rev. Dr. Kendrick, President of Shurtleff College.
RODGERS, REYNOLD or RYNOLD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
January 16, 1922
Only Surviving Brother of Col. A. F. Rodgers
Reynold Rodgers, aged 79, died this morning at 8 o'clock at El Paso,
Tex., after undergoing a surgical operation in a hospital there. He
was the only member of the family of Rodgers surviving, except Col.
A. F. Rodgers, who is confined to his bed at his home on College
avenue by a serious illness. Reynold Rodgers was the treasurer of
the El Paso Brick Co. For many years he was connected with the Alton
Brick Co., and was employed in the company's office. He left Alton
to take the position with the El Paso Brick Co. He was born on the
Rodgers farm, east of Alton, now the site of the Alton State
Hospital. He never married. He was here for the last time at the
time of the last sickness and just preceding the death of his
brother, Edward Rodgers. He had been sick only a few days. He had
sustained a rupture of the gall bladder and underwent an operation
for its relief last Friday. His death followed the operation three
days. The body will be brought to Alton for burial and will be
accompanied home by his nephew, Hewitt Rodgers. It is expected they
will arrive here by Wednesday night or Thursday morning. The body
will be taken to the home of his niece, Mrs. D. A. Wyckoff, and the
funeral services will be from there. The time of the funeral will be
announced later. Mr. Rodgers was a quiet unobtrusive man, and not so
well known in Alton as other members of the family. Much of the time
he made his home with his sister, Mrs. E. C. Lemen, and after her
death he made his home with his niece, Mrs. Wyckoff. He leaves many
relatives, friends and acquaintances here. The death of his only
brother is being kept from Col. Rodgers, who is believed to be not
strong enough to withstand the shock such information might cause
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 18, 1922
The body of Reynold Rodgers, who died at El Paso, Texas, is expected
to reach Alton at 9:40 a.m. tomorrow. Funeral services will be at
three o'clock at the home of Mrs. D. A. Wyckoff in Washington
avenue, and interment in the Upper Alton cemetery.
RODGERS, UNKNOWN MAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 15, 1849
Mr. Rodgers of Upper Alton departed this life on Sunday morning from
an short attack of cholera. Cases of derangement of the stomach and
bowels, more or less severe, are now quite commond, but they
generally yield readily to medical treatment.
RODGERS, WILLIAM L./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 22, 1851
Son of Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers
Died at Upper Alton on the 12th instant, William L. Rodgers, aged 20
years. The deceased was a son of Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers, who, with
his family, removed from Missouri to this place in 1834, and who is
extensively known both in Missouri and in this State, as a laborious
and efficient minister of the gospel. From early childhood, William
was distinguished for mildness of disposition, enterprising
character, and unhesitating obedience to his parents. He was to them
an object of tender affection and of high expectations, which “grew
with his growth and strengthened with his strength.” Instructed by
them and in the Sabbath School in his relations to God and his duty
to love and obey Him, he was restrained from yielding to many
temptations which beset the path of childhood and youth. On several
occasions, his attention was arrested by Divine truth to a serious
consideration of his condition as a sinner accountable to the
righteous Judge of all. During the last winter, after a deliberate
and earnest examination of the subject, he became convinced of the
necessity of a personal interest in the atonement of Christ, was
hopefully converted to God, and united with the Baptist church, of
which he remained a consistent member until his death.
In early life, he manifested a thirst for learning, which,
encouraged by his fond parents, led him to enter upon a thorough
course of education. At the time of his death, he was a member of
the Sophomore class in Shurtleff College. His application and
progress, his elevated aims and flattering prospects, all indicated
future eminence in literature and science. Of a social, cheerful
temperament, he won the esteem and respect of many associates and
friends. During his last long and painful illness, which he bore
with Christian patience, he gradually gave up, with meek submission
to the Divine will, all his cherished plans and hopes and prospects
of life, calmly trusting his immortal interests in the hands of his
precious Saviour. A few hours before his decease, he called all the
family around him, gave each the parting hand, and bade them an
affectionate farewell, exulting in the anticipation of soon being at
his “glorious home” with the family of the redeemed above. “Blessed
are the dead who died in the Lord.” Signed by L. P., Upper Alton,
August 18, 1851.
ROEDER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30,
The funeral of William Roeder was held this afternoon from the home
in Illinois avenue, and services were conducted by the Salvation
Army officers, Capt. McDavie in charge. Burial was in City Cemetery.
ROENIKE, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October
26, 1892
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Roenike, who died yesterday,
aged four months, was buried this afternoon from the family
residence at 424 Cliff Street.
ROES, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 25, 1883
Found in Well
From Edwardsville - Occasionally every community is shocked by some
awful occurrence, and it fell to the lot of our citizens yesterday
afternoon to be shocked and horrified most terribly. A colored man
attempted to draw water from the well in front of Springer’s
carriage shop, and the bucket refusing to sink readily, he looked
down and discovered the remains of a man, who subsequently proved to
be John Roes. The deceased was about forty years of age, was a wagon
making by trade, and formerly lived in Prairie City in this county,
where he had a family, but his wife, who now lives in Worden,
obtained a divorce from him, and for upwards of a year he lived here
and worked in the wagon shop of Henry Sommerlad, on Main Street. His
last work, however, was in the shop of Joe Levora on St. Louis
Street. He had been missing about ten days, but as he sometimes went
on what some people seem to think is a harmless drunken spree, but
little or no attention was paid to his absence. The coroner’s
verdict was suicide by drowning.
ROESCH, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 6, 1917
Aged, Retired Druggist Killed by Car
Charles Roesch, nearly 82 years of age, was fatally injured Tuesday
morning just before 10 o'clock by an interurban car near the
baseball park in the east end of the city. He died soon after being
taken to the hospital. The fatal injuries were on his head and
chest. Mr. Roesch, it was said by spectators, was attempting to go
across the interurban track ahead of the approaching car. He had
been troubled for a long time with the weakness of advancing age,
and he had much difficulty in getting around. He insisted upon
walking about the city, seeing his friends, and it was while so
engaged he was struck by the interurban. He seemed dazed, and his
mind did not act quick enough to admit of his making a successful
move out of the way of the oncoming car. The aged man was brought
uptown on the interurban, and moved from it to the hospital where he
died soon afterward. Charles Roesch conducted a drugstore in Alton
for twenty years or more. He was born in Germany in 1835. He came to
America in 1853 and in 1863 he enlisted for three years in the Union
Army. He was wounded in battle. After the war he came to Alton in
1865, and the remainder of his life he passed in this vicinity. He
leaves a wife and three daughters, Mrs. C. W. Koenig and Miss Bertha
Roesch of Webster Park, Mo., and Mrs. H. J. Christoe of Alton. The
body will be taken to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Christoe, and
the funeral will probably be from there Thursday afternoon.
ROESLER, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 04, 1898
From Godfrey – The funeral of Mr. Charles Roesler took place last
Sunday from the family residence. The body was interred in the
Godfrey Cemetery.
ROESSEL, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 17, 1905
Fatal Accident to Aged Farmer
John Roessel, an aged farmer living near Moro, was almost instantly
killed, and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Roessel, his son and daughter-in-law,
were badly hurt in a runaway Sunday afternoon, which occurred about
three miles east of Moro. The party were on their way home from
attending the St. John German Evangelical church on the Springfield
road near Moro. While going down a long steep hill there was an
accident to the harness, which permitted the carriage to run down on
the spirited team of horses and they took fright and ran away. The
horses dashed down the steep hill to a bend in the road at the
bottom, where they were unable to turn and dashed into a rail fence,
throwing the three occupants of the wagon to the ground. Mr.
Roessel, the father, living only a few minutes after being carried
to his home nearby. The accident occurred as the party was almost at
their home. The son and his wife are thought to be in good condition
for recovery. Mr. Roessel had lived in the vicinity of Moro many
years and was a well to do and highly respected farmer. He was over
75 years of age. He leaves two children, Adam Roessel and Mrs. Louis
ROGAN, NORA/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 20, 1890
Mrs. Nora Rogan, widow of the late P. J. Rogan, died Sunday at her
home on Ninth and Market Streets. She was 32 years of age, and had
long been a sufferer from consumption. Four children are left to
mourn a mother’s loss, besides other relatives and friends. The
funeral occurred Tuesday from the Cathedral.
ROGAN, PAT J./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 23, 1885
Mr. Pat J. Rogan, an old resident, employee at the Hapgood Plow
Works, died quite suddenly Saturday, not far from his residence on
Second Street [Broadway], between Spring and Vine Streets, while on
his way to work. He had arrived at the south side of Second Street,
when he was seized with a hemorrhage from the lungs, staggered, and
would have fallen, had he not been supported by a companion, James
Gibbons. Death ensued in a few minutes. Deceased was about 40 years
of age, and had been long afflicted with a pulmonary complaint, but
had not been confined to his house. He left a widow and four
children to mourn his death.
ROGER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 24, 1898
William Roger, aged 69 years, died at his home in North Alton
Saturday night. He leaves a wife and several sons. Funeral was
Tuesday from the Cathedral.
ROGERS, ALICE JULIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 7,
The funeral of Mrs. Alice Julia Rogers was held Tuesday afternoon
from St. Patrick's church, where services were conducted by Rev. P.
J. O'Reilly. There was a large attendance of friends at the funeral,
and many floral offerings were made.
ROGERS, ALMA MARIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 26,
Alma Marie, the twelve-year-old daughter of Mrs. Mary Rogers, died
at the family home, Twelfth and Alby streets, this morning after an
illness with Bright's disease. She leaves only her mother. The
funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the home, and
services, which will be only at City Cemetery, will be conducted by
Rev. M. W. T______.
ROGERS, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 3, 1917
Body of Colored Man Found Near Wood River Crossing - Killed by Train
The body of a negro was found near Wood River last night by the crew
of a northbound freight train. The body was seen on the track by the
engineer and he stopped his train before running over it. The
unidentified negro was killed by being run over by a C. P. & St. L.
freight train earlier in the evening. The crew of the train that
went through Alton at 8 o'clock last evening sent down word from
Lockhaven that they found parts of a man's clothing on the wheels
and tracks of the train, and they asked that the Alton police make
an investigation. This was done, but the police found no trace of
the body. The negro is apparently about 25 years of age. It is
believed that he might have been hit while making the crossing and
then ran over by the train. The crew knew nothing of the accident.
The body was identified today by Mrs. Hattie Bell as that of James
Rogers of Alton. The inquest was held at a late hour this afternoon.
ROGGE, ANNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 14, 1898
Mrs. Annie Rogge, widow of Diedrich Rogge, died yesterday morning at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Louis Brueggemann, on Easton Street.
She was 72 years of age, and had lived in Alton forty-five years.
She was well known, and had many friends who will be grieved to hear
of her death. Sometime ago, she was stricken with paralysis at her
home on Union Street, and was expected to die then. Her death
followed a long illness and suffering. She leaves two children, Mrs.
L. G. Brueggemann of Alton, and Mrs. Charles Koelling of Harper,
Kansas. The funeral will be Friday from her late home on Easton
ROHAN, DANIEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 24, 1919
Daniel Rohan, aged 71 years, a long time resident of Alton, died
Saturday after an illness with a combination of diseases. He is
survived by one daughter and two sons, his wife having preceded him
to the grave. The funeral was held this morning from the Cathedral,
where a requiem mass was said in the presence of many friends of the
deceased and of the family, by Rev. Fr. Costello. Burial was in
Greenwood cemetery, and short services were conducted at the
graveside by Father Costello.
ROHAN, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January
24, 1899
An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rohan of East Third Street
died last night and was buried this afternoon.
ROHLAND, CHARLES B. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
June 29, 1910
Dean of Alton Dentists
Dr. Charles B. Rohland, the Dean of Alton dentists, and one of the
foremost men of the profession in Illinois, died at his residence,
1217 State street, Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, after a long
illness. Death was due to heart trouble resulting from kidney
disease. It had been expected for several days. Dr. Rohland, about
three months ago, concluded it was time for him to take life easier,
and he decided to get an assistant in his office and leave the
burden of his work on him. Since then he has been very little at his
office on Third street. He was taken much worse a few days ago, and
since then his family were much alarmed. His case became desperate
Tuesday afternoon, and Tuesday night the attending physician gave up
all hope of prolonging his life beyond a few hours. He was born at
Lebanon, Pa., March 24, 1845. He was educated in the public school
there, and also went through Union Seminary at New Berlin,
Pennsylvania. Afterward he taught in the seminary. Later he studied
at Dickinson college, Carlisle, Pa., and there was given his degrees
of bachelor of arts and master of arts, and graduated with the
second honors of his class. President Soper, head of Ohio
University, was the Valedictorian of the class. He graduated from
the Pennsylvania Dental college and was given his degree of doctor
of dental surgery there. Dr. Rohland came to Alton in 1869 and
opened an office for the practice of his profession. From that time
he has been identified among the greatest dentists of the state of
Illinois, and in Alton he was looked up to by all who practice the
profession. He believed in organization among dentists, and he was
active in his efforts to form and maintain societies. He was the
founder and first president of the Southern Illinois Dental society,
and had filled the offices of president, vice-president, secretary
and treasurer of the Illinois State Dental society. He was a life
member and a member of the executive board of that society. He was a
member of the Dental Protective Association, and was often
representative from Illinois to the American Dental Association and
various international meetings of members of the profession. During
the term of Governor Fifer, he was a member of the state examining
board, being selected by the Illinois society. Dr. Rohland was a man
of cultured mind and considerable literary attainment. A number of
years ago he surprised many Alton people by composing a little
farce, which was given in Temple theater, and in which he took a
leading part. There was a beauty in his literary compositions as
well as in his musical works. He was a skillful musician, and could
play a cello or organ. He was always faithful to his profession and
worked hard, as he had a big practice. He had attended to the dental
needs of Alton people, many of them from childhood to middle life.
He found time, however, to contribute to dental papers, and he also
was the author of articles and notes in the Dental Encyclopedia. His
opinion on professional subjects was given great weight by men
eminent in the profession. As a man, he was courteous, refined and
elegant. He was devoid of ostentation, made warm personal friends,
and had not an enemy on earth. Among men practicing the profession,
he was very highly regarded and he might be termed the highest
exponent of profession ethics. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Cora
D. Rohland, and his daughter, Miss Constance Rohland. He has no
other immediate relatives. He was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal
church, also of Belvidere commandery, Knights Templar. The funeral
will be held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from St. Paul's Episcopal
church. Friends are requested to omit flowers.
ROHRKASTE, GOTTLEIB/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 5, 1885
From Edwardsville – Gottleib Rohrkaste, a citizen of this place for
more than a quarter of a century, died at his residence on Main
Street, February 26; aged 53 years. The funeral took place last
Friday afternoon.
ROLIER, UNKNOWN WIFE OF OTTO/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
December 22, 1915
The funeral of Mrs. Otto Rolier was held this morning from the
family home on Gold Street to St. Patrick's Church, where a Requiem
Mass was sung by Rev. F. B. Kehoe at 10 o'clock. The funeral was the
largest seen in Alton for some time, and gave evidence of the love
her many friends had for the deceased. Interment was in Greenwood
Cemetery, where the newly made grave was covered with a blanket of
beautiful flowers.
ROLLER, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 18, 1910
Mrs. Mary Roller, only daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Maxwell, died
Thursday morning at her home, 119 east Ninth street, after an
illness with cancer of the stomach. She was a sister of Chief of
Police John Maxwell, and beside her aged mother and her brother, she
leaves one daughter. Mrs. Roller had lived with her mother almost
all her life. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the home on Ninth street.
ROLOFF, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 29, 1893
Civil War Veteran
Mr. John Roloff, veteran of the late war and a resident of Upper
Alton for the past 36 years, died Thursday morning at 11 o'clock of
lung complications. Mr. Roloff was widely known and greatly
respected for his many sterling qualities of mind and heart. A
native of Germany and a plasterer by trade, he had actively followed
his chosen vocation until about a year ago, when failing health
compelled him to desist. Besides his widow, he leaves two sons, John
and William, and four daughters, Mrs. McIntosh and Mrs. Henry
Hesnauer, of Upper Alton. Mrs. Eaton Barnard of St. Louis and an
unmarried daughter, Annie, who resides at home. He was about 64
years of age and leaves numerous friends to mourn his death. He will
be buried Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with Masonic honors. This
sad bereavement follows swift upon the terrible Wann disaster, of
which Mr. Roloff's son, George, was a victim.
ROLOFF, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 12, 1917
Killed in Auto Accident
John Roloff, aged (65 or 55 ... hard to read), was instantly killed,
and Daniel Haller escaped unscratched when an automobile in which
they were riding collided with a Chicago and Alton train at the
Ninth and Piasa street crossing Saturday evening at 7:20 o'clock.
The automobile in which they were riding caught fire and was
destroyed after the collision. According to a statement made by M.
Haller, who is a building contractor and for whom Roloff worked, he
was taking Roloff out State street to see a man on business.
Crossing down at Ninth street, Haller shut off the engine as he
passed Market street going west, and was coasting down the Ninth
street grade. He said he heard no warning signals of any kind,
neither the engine whistle or the bell nor the ringing of the
electric crossing bell. Just as he came to the east line of Piasa
street where the banks and buildings no longer shut off his view of
the track north of the crossing, he saw the train running down grade
and just upon him. He tried to stop the automobile but did not have
time. The auto struck the engine just behind the pony trucks and was
carried on down the track about 100 feet. Roloff was sitting on the
right hand side of the front seat beside Haller, who was driving the
car. Being on the right hand side, Roloff received all the force of
the shock of the collision, and his skull was crushed and his left
arm was mutilated. He died instantly. Haller was so confused by the
accident that he did not know whether Roloff was still in the car
when it broke away from the engine, or had been thrown out to one
side. One witness at the coroner's inquest testified that he helped
lift Roloff out of the wreckage of the burning car. Haller was still
in the car when it became detached from the engine and he climbed
out unhurt. Bystanders who witnessed the accident hurried to pick up
the body of Roloff and conveyed it to the sidewalk. The fire
department was called to put out the burning car, but it was of no
use. The engineer and fireman testified at the inquest yesterday
that the whistle was sounded, the locomotive bell was ringing, and
that the automatic bell at the crossing was ringing. Haller
testified that the crossing bell was ringing ten minutes after the
accident, or as long as the train stayed in the circuit. It is a
remarkable fact that the death of Mr. Roloff is the third accidental
fatality in his family. One brother, George, was burned to death in
the Wann oil explosion, and another brother, William, was killed in
an accident at the Luer Packing Co. plant. John Roloff leaves his
wife, two daughters and three sons. He had been working as a
carpenter helper under Haller at Wood River. He was a member of a
large family well known in Alton. The funeral will be held Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, Main and Brown streets.
ROLOFF, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1871
On January 14, 1870, Mrs. John Roloff of Upper Alton was burned to
death by the explosion of a coal oil lamp.
ROLOFF, W. J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 26, 1918
W. J. Roloff, son of the late William Roloff and Mrs. Henrietta
Roloff, died this noon at 11:35 at St. Joseph's Hospital where he
was operated upon two weeks ago for an infection of the ear. The
little fellow was 9 years and 10 months of age. His mother conducts
a confectionery store on Washington Avenue.
ROLOFF, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 7, 1908
Instantly Killed by Fall
William Roloff, aged 32, was instantly killed just before noon
Thursday by falling in the engine room of the Luer Packing Company,
where he was at work doing some whitewashing. Roloff's death was
probably due to the breaking of a plank on which he was standing,
just over the engine which operate the ice machine. He was struck on
the back of the head by the crank of the engine, and he was thrown
under the engine. His neck was broken and his skull was crushed. The
machinery was stopped and the unfortunate man was taken out from
underneath the engine, but nothing could be done for him. It is
supposed that he did not breathe after he fell on the engine. It is
said that no one was watching at the time the accident occurred, and
it is not known exactly how it happened. The appearance of the
plank, however, indicates that the breaking plank was the cause of
Roloff's fall. The deceased leaves his wife and one child at the
family home in Upper Alton. He was a brother of George Roloff, who
was one of the victims of the Wann oil disaster many years ago. His
father, John Roloff, died shortly after the death of George, and it
was said that grief over his son's death brought on the malady that
caused the father's death. The body of Roloff was taken to the
undertaking establishment of Deputy Coroner Keiser shortly after the
accident occurred.
ROLOFF, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1871 (review
of 1870)
On January 14, 1870, Mrs. John Roloff, of Upper Alton, was burned to
death by the explosion of a coal oil lamp.
ROMAN, FRANCIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1862
Died in Alton on Tuesday, the 4th inst., Mr. Francis Roman, an old
citizen of Alton.
RONSHAUSEN, JOHN C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 23,
John C. Ronshausen, who for many years was in the boot and shoe
making business in Alton, but who for several years has resided in
North Alton, died this morning after an illness with pneumonia. He
was 66 years of age and leaves a wife and six children: Henry, Fred,
and Charles Ronshausen; Mrs. Elizabeth Drisdall of St. Louis; and
Mrs. Valentine Baudendistel Jr.; and Mrs. Andrew Mayford of North
Alton. Two brothers, Charles and J. P., live in Chicago, and a
sister, Mrs. Gertrude Weidner, lives in St. Louis. Deceased was a
member of the German benevolent organization, the Harugari, and of
the A. O. U. W. and the Frohsinn Singing Society. He was a kind
hearted, charitable man, and would go any distance in any kind of
weather, night or day, to visit or do some service for a sick friend
or neighbor. Funeral arrangements are not complete.
RONSHAUSEN, KATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 10,
Mrs. Katherine Ronshausen, aged 69, widow of the late John C.
Ronshausen, died early this morning following an illness of three
weeks with pneumonia. She had been a resident of Illinois for the
past sixty years. She came to this country from Germany when she was
two years of age and has lived since in the State of Illinois. She
has been in a serious condition for several days, and her death had
been expected at any time. She leaves six children, Mrs. Lena
Baudendistel and Charles Ronshausen of Alton; Henry and Fred
Ronshausen of St. Louis; Mrs. Andrew Mayford of Milwaukee; and Mrs.
Reinfelt of Memphis, Tenn. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the German Evangelical Church.
ROOD, DAVID H./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 26, 1885
From Godfrey – Mr. David H. Rood died at his residence near Godfrey,
March 22; aged 73. Mr. Rood came to this place from Vermont in 1837.
He was married to Susanna Huntington in 1845, who died ten years
ago. He leaves four children and many friends to mourn his loss. He
was a sincere, earnest Christian, a kind hearted and scrupulously
honest man. He lived at peace with all men, and sweet will his
memory ever be to all who knew him. His funeral took place Sunday
afternoon. The pallbearers were Messrs. W. F. Waggoner, Charles H.
Bartlett, Z. Brown, John Kingcade, H. Waggoner, and William Young.
ROOD, HORACE/Source: Chicago Press and Tribune, June 14, 1860
Guard Killed at Alton Prison
Horace Rood, formerly a guard in the State Prison at Alton, was
kicked to death on Sunday morning last by a horse which he was
leading to water.
ROOD, SUSANNA (nee HUNTINGTON)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January
28, 1875
Mrs. David H. Rood of Godfrey, whose serious illness we noted last
week, died on Friday night, and her funeral took place on Saturday.
ROON, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 3, 1890
Mrs. Mary Roon, born in England on July 20, 1802, died at Mr. Ralph
Dixon’s on Bluff Street, June 26. She came to Alton in 1853, and
resided in St. Louis for many years. Her late years were spent with
relatives in Alton and Roodhouse. The funeral took place Sunday from
Mr. R. Dixon’s residence. The pallbearers were Messrs. Ralph Dixon,
Arthur Dixon, Joseph Dixon, Charles Clifford, Ed Detterding, and
Joseph Rain. Rev. Dr. Abbott of the Baptist Church officiated. A
large number of friends and relatives of the family were present at
the sad rites, and followed the remains to their last resting place
at the cemetery at Godfrey.
ROOT, AUGUSTINE KILBURN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 14,
Business Man; Banker; Founder of Roots Opera House
Augustine K. Root, who had been ill for 18 months at his residence,
1511 State Street [near the Alton Public School Stadium], died
Friday evening at 6:30 o'clock. During the last 18 months of his
invalidism, he was bedfast and was almost helpless, requiring the
constant attention of members of his family. His death was expected
to occur at any time as he had been sinking slowly and only a very
strong vitality kept him alive so long.
Mr. Root lived in Alton fifty-seven years, and for many years he was
very prominent in the business world of Alton, also in St. Louis. He
was the owner of extensive real estate holdings in Alton and
elsewhere, and was prominent in financial circles, being connected
with many banks and other business institutions. He was a native of
Montague, Massachusetts, and was born December 8, 1829. He came to
Alton when 20 years of age, and he lived in the city continuously.
He was engaged in business here for many years with the firm of Root
& Platt. In St. Louis he was connected with the firm of John E.
Hayner & Co., Paddock & Hawley, and the Sligo Iron Store. He was
vice-president of the St. Louis National Bank from 1889 to 1892, he
was connected with the State National Bank of St. Louis, and a
director of the Alton Savings Bank.
During the more than half century that Mr. Root lived in Alton he
was regarded as one of Alton's most prominent and progressive
citizens. He was a good business man and very aggressive in carrying
out his business transactions. Mr. Root leaves besides his wife,
four children, George E. Root, Miss Lillian Root, Ralph Root and
Mrs. A. C. Mills. Mr. Root was a self-made man, having started with
nothing and accumulated an estate that is very valuable. Mr. Root
used to relate that he left his old home in Vermont at the age of
20, having made his own trunk, and took a hide to the tannery to
have it prepared to serve as a trunk cover. When he came to Alton he
had no money, having borrowed $40 to make the trip, and he had great
difficulty in getting the trunk. He worked most of his life in the
hardware business, and by hard work and strict economy he managed to
get a good start in life. He became connected with the firm of Root
& Platt in 1857, and built the building on Third Street now occupied
by Sutter & Dreisoerner [just to the west of The Riverbender
building], also the Mercantile building long known as Root's Opera
House on Belle Street. This place was long the only place of
amusement in Alton, except the city hall, before the erection of
Temple Theater. He built the house which he occupied as a residence
the remainder of his life, over 38 years ago. He was married in
Alton. A son of Mr. Root, Ralph, who was at Wichita Falls, Texas,
was intending to leave for Alton this morning to make a visit at his
home, but received a telegram last night apprising him of his
father's death, and that he must come prepared to attend the funeral
of his parent. Mrs. Mills will probably not come to the funeral.
Rev. George Gebauer, who is at Cambridge, Massachusetts, will come
home to conduct the funeral services. The funeral will be private
and will be held Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. from the residence.
Augustine Root was the son of Elihu Root, a native of Massachusetts.
Elihu moved to Craftsbury, Vermont, where he purchased a farm and
lived out the remainder of his life. Augustine was educated in
Vermont, and came West in September 1849, settling in Alton. He
began his career as clerk in the store of Arba Nelson, and later for
the Topping Brothers. He than founded a business with Anson B. Platt
- Root & Platt on Third Street. During the Civil War, he was engaged
in the sale of cattle to the government. At the death of Mr. Platt
in 1872, their business was closed, and he engaged in the
agricultural implement business in St. Louis. He then became
associated with John E. Hayner until the firm was dissolved in 1884.
Mr. Root was also President of the Alton Roller Mill. In 1865, he
married Miss Harriet E. Eaton, daughter of Captain Nathaniel Johnson
Eaton. Together they reared five children.
Augustine Root founded the Root Opera House in 1882. The opera house
was located in his Mercantile Building at 323 Belle Street (the
building was constructed in the 1850s). Root converted the second
and third story of the building to an opera house with a
semi-circular gallery in "approved theatre style." This opera house
was the second entertainment spot in Alton - the first being at the
old City Hall. The opera house was the social center of Alton, where
parties, plays, dances, and political rallies were frequently held.
It was managed by John Mather, a cousin of the Pfeiffenberger
The building later housed the Goulding Jewelry Store, George Loart's
Grocery Store, the Naval Militia Armory, and the Commercial Club.
Mac’s Time Out Lounge now occupies the property. In March 1951, the
Thrifty Drug Store, owners of the building, removed the third floor
and modernized the building. Currently located on this property is
Mac’s Time Out Lounge.
ROOT, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 7, 1908
Mrs. Elizabeth Root, widow of Thomas Root, died Friday morning at
her home in Fosterburg township after a year's illness from old age.
Mrs. Root was born in Wood River township and lived there until her
marriage over fifty years ago when she went with her husband to
Fosterburg and passed the remainder of her life there. She was a
member of the Christian church. Mrs. Root leaves three sons, James
with whom she lived, John of Coffeen, and Francis of Dorchester. She
leaves also two daughters, Mrs. Edward Voumard of Fosterburg and
Mrs. Evert Meeden of Brighton. The funeral will be held Sunday
afternoon at 1 o'clock from the home of her son, James Root, and
services will be conducted by Rev. Austermann of the Brighton
Methodist church.
ROOT, HELEN DUDLEY/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 15, 1873
Died on August 8 in Alton, Helen Dudley, daughter of Augustine K.
and Hattie E. Root; aged 11 months.
ROOT, HENRY EATON/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 14, 1895
Son of Augustine K. Root
On Saturday evening, Mr. Augustine K. Root received a telegram from
Galveston, Texas, announcing the death of his son, Henry E., in that
city. Mr. Root had been stopping at the Tremont Hotel, Galveston,
and was found dead in his room. He had registered as from Fort
Worth, Texas. Papers and letters found on his person showed that his
parents live in Alton, and telegrams were sent here by an
Mr. Henry E. Root has been in Texas for four or five years,
superintending a large brick plant owned by his father, our
well-known townsman, Mr. Augustine K. Root. So successful had his
management been that the plant has been a fine paying business
almost from the start. It was located at Millsap, Lakota being the
post office address, about three miles from Fort Worth. Something
over a year ago, Mr. Root was married to Miss Evarts Huffman, a
beautiful and accomplished young lady of Fort Worth. Some two or
three weeks ago, Mr. Root visited his parents in Alton, and then
seemed in the best of health. His hosts of friends in Alton, where
he was born and raised, enjoyed his visit in the highest degree. His
genial and gracious manner, and his companionable disposition made
him friends with all who knew him, and who feel his untimely death
most keenly. Rarely, indeed, does it occur when so many expressions
of sincere regret and sorrow are on all lips as were heard yesterday
and today over the death of Mr. Root. The parents and family of the
deceased have the sincerest sympathy of the people of Alton, in
their great loss, and whatever comfort and solace may be obtained
through heart-felt sympathy will be theirs.
Mr. Root was about 32 years of age. Besides his parents and two
brothers and two sisters, he leaves a young wife, the bride of only
a year, to mourn his death.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 21, 1895
The home of Mr. A. K. Root on State Street has been the scene of
mourning for the past few days. The remains of a much-loved and
admired son, Henry E. Root, arrived here Wednesday morning from
Galveston, Texas. Since that time, numbers of former intimate
friends and associates of the dead, and sympathetic friends of the
family have taken advantage of the opportunity to look once more on
the face of their deceased friend. It was not until this afternoon,
when the time for the last sad mark of respect, which can be offered
fellow mortals, came, that the full measure of grief of sympathizing
friends became evident. The attendance was one of the largest ever
known here, and it seemed that all of Mr. Root’s acquaintances must
have been present. The services began at two o’clock, and were
conducted by Rev. W. M. Backus, who read a selection appropriate to
the occasion. Mrs. E. W. Sparks touchingly rendered the solo, “There
is a Land Mine Eye Has Seen,” which was followed by some remarks by
Rev. W. M. Backus. The choir of the Unitarian Church, accompanied by
Mr. L. D. Yager on the piano, sang “Nearer My God to Thee,” in
concluding the services.
The long cortege followed the body to the Alton City Cemetery, where
it was laid away in its last, long sleep. The pallbearers were H. B.
Sparks, W. L. Sparks, E. W. Sparks, Richard Z. Job, H. H. Ferguson,
and W. D. Armstrong.
Henry Eaton Root was born in Alton on February 6, 1867. He was the
son of Augustine Kilbourn Root (1829-1906) and Harriet Eaton Root
(1843-1925). Henry was the grandson of Nathaniel Johnson Eaton, and
the great-grandson of General William Eaton. Henry married Evarts
Huffman. Following the death of Henry, Evarts Huffman Root married
in 1898 to Stanley Dean Tobes. Henry was buried in the Alton City
ROOT, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 31, 1871
Died on the 18th inst., at the residence of his brother, Thomas
Root, on the wood River, Madison County, Mr. John Root; aged 62
years, 9 months, and 17 days. He was a native of Swineshead, near
Boston, Lincolnshire, England.
ROOT, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 27, 1901
Thomas Root died at his home in Foster township this morning at 7:30
o'clock after a week's illness caused by a fall and the infirmities
of old age. A week ago Thursday, Sept. 19, Mr. Root got up early in
the morning and fell just after getting out of bed. The shock was
too great for his feeble constitution, and he never recovered. The
last two days he was unconscious. Thomas Root was a native of
Lincolnshire, near Boston, England, where he was born Oct. 31st,
1816, being almost 85 years of age. He came to America in May 1837,
and to Alton in August of the same year. He worked in Alton for some
time, and became a subscriber to the Telegraph soon after his
arrival, and continued to the day of his death. He also worked in
Quincy and in St. Louis. He went to Foster township and began
farming where he afterwards resided. He married Elizabeth Bevill 43
years ago. Of this union six children were born, five of whom still
survive, viz: John T., Francis T., James I., Mrs. Hannah Voumard and
Mrs. Margaret Meden. His wife also survives him. Mr. Root was one of
those sturdy emigrants who came to Illinois many years ago, and who
had so much to do with building up the country. He was scrupulously
honest, an economical and industrious farmer, a good and kind
husband and father. In his passing away, one of the old landmarks
disappears whose demise is regretted by all. His many pleasant calls
at this office are kindly remembered and his interesting talks about
the early times were always eagerly listened to. His favorite
newspaper, the Telegraph, was never forgotten, and the old gentleman
used to say that whatever household matters were necessary to
curtail, he could not get along without the Telegraph. The funeral
will take place from Ingersoll school house in Foster township on
Sunday at 2 p.m. [Burial was in Ingersoll Cemetery]
ROOT, WILLIAM EATON/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 15, 1880
Another household is in mourning, and sad hearts grieve for the
loved and lost, even though it was “only a little child.” William
Eaton, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Root, died Monday
morning, aged five months. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of
their many friends. The funeral took place at 5 o’clock Tuesday
afternoon from the family residence on State Street.
ROOT, WILLIAM HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 22, 1862
Died on the Wood River, Madison County, Illinois, August 6th,
William Henry, the youngest son of Thomas and Elizabeth Root, aged 1
year, 8 months and 2 days.
GEORGE STEVENS (MAJOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 4, 1897
Mr. John S. Roper of Alton, yesterday received a telegram from
Rockford, Illinois, conveying the news of the death of his brother,
Mr. George S. Roper, at that place. Major Roper’s death was probably
caused by cardiac-catarrh. He also suffered with Bright’s disease.
Mr. John S. Roper received a letter from him Tuesday morning,
written on Sunday, in which he spoke of having had trouble with his
heart, and difficulty in breathing, but had now, he hoped, passed
the dangerous point.
Major Roper came to Alton in 1855 or 1856, and resided here until
the breaking out of the [Civil] War, when he was appointed
commissary of subsistence, and served on General George H. Thomas’
staff, and afterwards on General J. N. Brannan’s. He was afterwards
detached to the department of military railroads, and was in charge
of the furnishing of supplies for a large territory with Nashville
as headquarters. After the war he returned to Alton, where he lived
until 1881, when he removed to Rockford, Illinois, where he has
since resided. While in Alton he was engaged in various business
pursuits, and was deputy sheriff when the late Captain James T.
Cooper was Sheriff of the county. Of his immediate family, his wife
and two sons – George S. Jr. and Edward Roper – survive him. He has
two brothers – John S. Roper of Alton, and D. S. Roper of
Springfield. He also has a sister in Mobile, Alabama, and one in
Pennsylvania. He had just passed his 65th birthday, January 28. He
was born in Rutland, Massachusetts, but in early life moved with his
father’s family to Pennsylvania.
Major George Stevens Roper was born January 28, 1832, in Rutland,
Worcester County, Massachusetts. When seven years of age, he
accompanied his parents – Joseph and Maria L. (Mendell) Roper, to
Western Pennsylvania, where he was educated in the common schools.
In 1848, he attended a select school, and at the age of 18 began
life as a teacher, later clerking in a store for two years. He
married Miss Louisa B. George of Pennsylvania. In 1854, Mr. Roper
moved his family to Illinois, and settled in Springfield, where for
a year he was clerk in a dry goods store, and bookkeeper for S. M.
Tinsley. He then became associated with Edward R. Ulrick & Co.,
lumber dealers, and in a short time was admitted to the firm. He had
his headquarters in Alton, where the firm’s business was carried on
by Ulrick & Roper. In 1859, Mr. Roper returned to Springfield, and
embarked in the boot and shoe business. The following year he
organized the first Republican Glee Club.
George served in the Civil War as stated above. After the battle of
Mill Spring, Captain Roper was appointed Major, receiving a
complimentary commendation by General Thomas, who said of him, “If
one was entitled to credit more than another for the success of the
northern troops, it was Captain Roper.” Major Roper served until
February 6, 1866, when he was mustered out with the rank of Colonel.
After severing his connection with the army, Major Roper located in
St. Louis, then moved to Alton in 1867. He resided there twenty
years, engaging in the real estate and insurance business. His first
wife, Louisa, died in Springfield, leaving three sons, Mahon F.,
deceased, George D., and Edward U. Roper. His second wife was Miss
Almira S. Bangs, principal of schools at Springfield. She died five
months after their marriage. Major Roper than married Roxy G.
Conklin of Jackson County, Michigan. One child was born to them, a
son, who died when five months old.
Major Roper was buried in the Greenwood Cemetery in Rockford,
ROPER, JOHN S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 22, 1920
Prominent Citizen and Quarry Operator Dies - Civil War Veteran
John S. Roper, in his seventy-ninth year, died at 10 o'clock Tuesday
evening at his residence, Fourth and George Streets, following an
attack which prostrated him less than a week before his death. Mr.
Roper had not been in the best of health for some time, advancing
years having caused him to fail somewhat in strength. However, he
was able to be up and around until the day he was stricken with what
appeared to be a paralytic stroke. He was able to recognize his
family and make known his wants. He was very low all of Monday and
Tuesday, and the end was expected. Mr. Roper was born in Ligonier,
Pa., January 10, 1842. He went to Springfield, Ill., _t Olive in
about 1856. During the Civil War he served as a commissary clerk in
the army, most of the time with Gen. Thomas in Kentucky and
Tennessee. He witnessed the battle of Missionary Ridge and was with
Gen. Sherman's army in the "March to the Sea." After the war he
settled at Elsah, Ill., and on November 2, 1867 he married Adelaide
T. Benner, at the residence of his sister, the late Mrs. Charlotte
A. Pickard, the ceremony taking place in the room next adjoining
that in which he died. He moved to Alton in 1872 and in 1881 into
the house which has since been the family residence. Since early in
the 70s he was secretary of the Grafton Quarry Co., and until
recently he maintained an office in St. Louis. For many years he was
superintendent of the Unitarian Sunday school. He served as a member
of the city council and was for many years deeply interested in
municipal affairs. He was known as a public spirited citizen, a good
friend and neighbor and he had a large circle of friends, both among
young and old, who deeply regret his passing. Mr. Roper is survived
by his wife, his daughter, Jessie A. Roper, his son, Denny W. Roper
of Chicago, and one brother, Joseph D. Roper of Springfield. The
funeral services tomorrow afternoon will be private. Friends are
requested to omit flowers.
ROPER, WALTER JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1912
The funeral of Walter Roper Jr. was held this afternoon from the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roper Sr., 3029 Alby
street, where services were conducted in the presence of a very
large gathering of friends and sympathizing neighbors. Floral
offerings were numerous and very beautiful, and burial was in
Oakwood cemetery. The pallbearers were former schoolmates and
life-long companions of deceased and many high school and McKinley
school pupils attended the obsequies.
ROSA, JOE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 18, 1918
Joe Rosa, two months old son of Madison Rosa, died yesterday at the
family home, 103 Missouri avenue, and was buried in the City
Cemetery today.
ROSE, BENJAMIN SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 27, 1916
Confederate Soldier, Officer of the Law
"Old Ben Rose" is dead. For many years he served as an officer of
the law, and he personified the tenderer, more merciful side of
justice. He had one of the kindest hearts that ever beat under the
badge of authority. It was a well-known fact that Old Ben Rose could
be relied upon when he was forced to evict anybody from a house,
when he was constable, he was very considerate. It was equally well
known that when anyone came before Ben Rose when he sat in judgment
as magistrate or justice, that the penalty was sure to be light. The
absolute rule in his court was $3 and costs. So far as he was
concerned, there was no other penalty for ordinary offenses.
Sometimes those who thought that heavier penalties ought to be
imposed were disgusted with Ben's penalties, but Ben could not be
moved. He always had sympathy for the fellow who was being tried and
he was inclined to practice the rule of mercy rather than exact the
fullest measure of eye for eye and tooth for tooth. Soft voiced,
gentle mannered, Ben Rose for years used the hand of velvet in his
discharge of duties of officer of the law where he would have to
inflict penalties or enforce claims for other people who applied to
him for redress.
Ben Rose was born in Virginia and was in his 78th year. He came to
Alton forty-five years ago from Louisiana, Missouri, where he had
worked in a tobacco factory, and he started to work in the Drummond
factory in Alton. He was a highly paid man in the days when tobacco
workers were the princes among Alton laboring men, considering their
income. He did not leave Alton when the tobacco factory moved, but
remained here and made a living as a constable, later as a justice
of the peace, then as police magistrate and for the remainder of his
life as justice of the peace. It is related that when a culprit
would come before Ben he would ask, "Have you an attorney?" and when
the usual assurance was given that he had none, Ben would say,
"Well, I'll be your lawyer and look after your interest," and
protest as much as they might, lawyers on the other side could do
nothing to shake Ben in his view that it was his duty to help
protect those who were handicapped by lack of legal counsel in his
Ben Rose leaves his wife, Mary Rose, and eleven children, six
daughters and five sons. They are Mrs. John Holl; Mrs. Richard
Strong; Mrs. Charles Hale; Mrs. Clarence Weeks; Mrs. August Hoppman;
Mrs. Minnie Allen; Harry, Homer, Benjamin Jr., Albert and Sherman
Rose; the last named being a son by a former marriage and his
whereabouts is unknown. He leaves eight grandchildren and one
sister. He was a member of the Odd Fellows Order, and was a soldier
in the Confederate Army. His illness began three years ago and he
had done little in an official way. For ten days he had been ill
with pneumonia and this caused his death at 2 o'clock this morning.
The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
home, Rev. Arthur Goodger officiating.
Benjamin Rose was buried in the Alton City Cemetery. His son, Homer,
enlisted in the army during WWI, and was severely gassed. From that
time on his health was frail, and he died in 1935.
ROSE, FRANCES J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 25, 1902
Frances J. Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rose, died this
morning after a three week's illness, aged 8 years and two weeks.
The funeral will be held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock and services
will be conducted at the family home, 714 Langdon street.
ROSE, MYRTLE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30, 1912
Myrtle Rose, aged 14, a pupil of the Upper Alton school, died at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Alice Rose, this morning after a lingering
illness. She leaves three brothers and two sisters. The body will be
shipped to Golconda on Monday morning for burial.
ROSE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 12, 1883
Mrs. Rose, a native of Saxony, grandmother of Mrs. Louis
Brueggemann, died Monday, aged 80 years, at her residence, Third
Street, between Henry and Ridge. The funeral took place from the
German Lutheran Church.
ROSEBERRY, ANDRREW/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 17, 1865
Died in Middle Alton on the 14th inst., Mr. Andrew Roseberry, aged
80 years, 6 months and 21 days.
ROSENBERGER, ANDREW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 18,
Andrew Rosenberger, in his ninety-fourth year, was found dead in his
bed Wednesday morning at his home, 930 Staunton street. His death
must have come as he slept, and was peaceful and unexpected. Mr.
Rosenberger had been in perfect health. He was known for his
physical strength, his activity, and energy. He continued working
almost up to the very end of his life. The aged man was a familiar
figure on the streets of Alton. He would never consent to give up
going downtown, driving his wagon about, and hauling loads on his
wagon. He could see no use in a man quitting work as long as he felt
perfectly well and able to do things. He had no idea that his end
was fast approaching, as except for a slight illness which began a
month ago, the aged man had always been strong and well. He was the
oldest member of the German Evangelical church, having affiliated
there since the church was organized. Mr. Rosenberger was a native
of Marjosz, Hessen, Germany, and was born on Christmas day, 1820. He
came to America in 1838 and arrived at Richmond, Va. on the Fourth
of July of that year. There, he with other young Germans who had
come to America, took service with some Virginia planters who needed
strong young men to help them with their work. It had taken two
months for him to cross the Atlantic Ocean. As overseer, he with his
father, stayed on the plantation 3 years. They started west in
wagons in 1840 and stopping at various places, they arrived in Alton
in 1844, having spent some time at Nashville, Tenn. After coming to
Alton, Mr. Rosenberger bought two teams and began hauling rock and
lumber. In 1847 he bought the house in which he died from a man
named Brodt, who had built it many years before. The timbers are
solid oak, with the exception of a floor in one of the rooms, no
important repairs have been made since the house was bought. Mr.
Rosenberger was of the opinion that the place is over a hundred
years old. It is one of the oldest houses still used in Alton. When
Mr. Rosenberger first bought the house, there was only one other in
the vicinity, that belonging to the father of George Alt. Mr.
Rosenberger cared for a cow and horse of his own up to the last. He
made his home with his daughters, Misses Amelia, Elizabeth, and Dora
Rosenberger, and his son, Andrew Rosenberger, at 930 Staunton
street. His other children are Mrs. John Lampert, Mrs. John
Stupprich, and Louis Rosenberger of Macoupin. Two children are dead.
He has twenty-four grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
During his long life Mr. Rosenberger was an abstainer from the use
of tobacco and he attributed his good health and strength to the
fact that he had refrained from vices.
ROSENBERGER, CATHRINE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 18, 1888
Mrs. Andrew Rosenberger, a resident of Alton for 40 years, died this
morning at the age of 67 years. She left a husband and 8 children.
The funeral will take place tomorrow from the family residence on
Washington Street. [Burial was in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.
Surviving was a daughter, Dora Rosenberger.]
ROSENTHAL, JACOB/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 10, 1868
Man Falls from Bluffs at Alton
This morning a gentleman named Jacob Rosenthal, a brother-in-law of
Mr. Simon Mooney, met with an accident which will probably cost him
his life. It seems that he was in rather feeble health, and was out
taking a walk upon the bluffs. When near the residence of Mr. S. R.
Dolbee, he sat down on the very verge of the bluffs overlooking the
stone quarry. After remaining there a few moments, he rose to his
feet, and becoming dizzy, it is thought, lost his balance and fell
into the quarry below – a distance of over a hundred feet. Both of
his legs were broken by the fall, and he was otherwise so badly
injured that it is not thought possible that he can survive. Some
laborers saw him fall, and assistance being procured, he was taken
to the residence of Mr. E. C. Calm, where the best medical care and
attendance were provided.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1868
Mr. Jacob Rosenthall, the gentleman who fell from the bluffs a few
days since, died last night about ten o’clock. The immediate cause
of his death was lockjaw, induced by a concussion of the brain,
received in his terrible fall.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 1, 1868
Died in Alton, April 22, 1868, at 1:30 a.m., at the residence of Mr.
J. C. Calm, Esq., Mr. Jacob Rosenthal, aged 30 years and 6 months.
The deceased was a native of Wurtemberg, Germany, but had resided
for about twelve years in the State of Illinois, for the most part
in Galva, Henry County. His amiable nature, kind disposition, and
consistent, upright conduct endeared him to all who had the good
fortune to make his acquaintance. They entertained a deep affection
for him, and his early death has caused a profound feeling of
sadness to settle upon them. They already feel the sorrowful blank
in the social circle caused by his death, while the poor and
distressed, to whose assistance his sympathizing nature ever called
him, will deeply feel the loss of his charitable disposition and
aid. His remains were conveyed to the Union Depot this morning,
attended by his friends and relatives and the Masonic Lodges of the
city, enroute for St. Louis, where the interment is to take place.
ROSENTHAL, THEODORE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 23,
The funeral of Theodore Rosenthal was yesterday morning. Services
were conducted at the home at 813 State street by Rev. E. L. Gibson,
pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. The body was taken to St.
Louis and interment was in Valhalla Cemetery there, the service
being under the ritual of the Modern Woodmen of America, and
conducted by Frank Fisher. The pall bearers, all members of the
Woodmen lodge, who accompanied the remains to St. Louis, were:
Maurice Hoffmann, Ross McPherson, Thomas Hunt, C. E. Wright, M.
Jenkins and Thomas Rowan.
ROSINE, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 20, 1914
Louis Rosine, a tailor, employed for many years at the Joesting
Company place, died at St. Joseph's Hospital after a three years
illness from pernicious anemia. He was a member of the tailors'
union, and as he had no relatives in this country, that organization
will see to his burial.
ROSS, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 12, 1913
Pleasant Buggy Ride Ends in Tragedy
Mrs. Anna Ross, aged 32, wife of John S. Ross, was fatally injured
Saturday night, dying Sunday morning at 7 o'clock, from being thrown
from a buggy in a runaway. Her husband and her son, Howard, were
thrown out too, but they escaped serious injury. Mrs. Ross' death
was due to a fracture of her skull at the base of the brain.
With her husband and son, she had started driving Saturday evening,
and they were going through Rock Spring Park when they met an
automobile. The horse shied when the auto dashed past at high speed.
According to the survivors of the accident, the driver of the auto
paid no attention to what followed, and drove on under full speed.
Mr. Ross was first thrown from the buggy and carried the reins to
the ground with him, leaving his wife and son in the buggy, helpless
to attempt controlling the frightened horse. The horse dashed
through the park to Staunton Street [now part of College Avenue],
then on Central Avenue, Phinney Avenue, and over to Bloomfield
Street, where Mrs. Ross was thrown out near Gold Street, after a
three-quarter of a mile run. She had first pitched her son out of
the buggy, hoping to save him from injury, and a short distance
further on she tried to jump out herself, but failed to make a safe
escape. Her screams and shouts at the horse had attracted attention
along the way and a number of attempts were made to stop the horse,
but the horse ran on. It is supposed that Mrs. Ross feared a fatal
accident would result if she continued in the buggy, and so she
tried to get out with fatal results. The horse was stopped less than
150 yards from where Mrs. Ross was thrown and the buggy was not
injured in the least. Mrs. Ross was carried into the J. P. Hanlin
store, and after a delay of over an hour the ambulance was procured
and she was moved to the hospital. It was found there that she was
probably fatally injured. The son and husband of the woman had
escaped with slight injuries. Coroner J. M. Sims came over Sunday
and held an inquest, a verdict of accidental death from a fracture
of the skull. The funeral will be tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the family home on Powhattan Street in Upper Alton.
Anna Ross was born in 1880, and was consequently 32 years of age at
the time of her death. She was married to John S. Ross, and they had
a son, Howard. John Ross came to Alton in 1900 to work at the
Western Cartridge Plant in East Alton as a skilled machinist. He
invented a number of machines over the period of years he worked at
the Western, and was held in high esteem. After the death of his
wife, Anna, he remarried in 1914 to Miss Vivian Sewell of Upper
Alton, and they moved to College Avenue. John and Vivian had two
children – John Ross Jr. and Virginia Ross. John Ross Sr. died in
August 1938. Both John and Anna are buried in the Upper Alton
Oakwood Cemetery.
ROSS, CHARLES/ Source: Alton Telegraph, February 5, 1864
Yesterday afternoon, as the Alton & Terre Haute passenger train was
starting out, a man by the name of Charles Ross, living at the
junction of the Alton & Terre Haute Railroad, came running down the
embankment just below the Alton House, with a view of getting on the
train, and without ever stopping his speed, seized hold of the front
railing of the hindmost car, but owing to his own velocity and the
motion of the cars, he was unable to hold on and fell, first against
the forward trucks, and then directly onto the track. While in this
position, the wheels passed over his breast, killing him almost
instantly. The train at the time had not got under headway, and was
able to check up very soon, but not in time to prevent the fatal
catastrophe. We understand that the deceased has left a dependent
family to deplore his sad fate. W. G. Pinckard, Esq., acting for the
Coroner of Madison County, impaneled a jury who held an inquest on
the following verdict: “We find that the deceased came to his death
by being run over by the cars, when attempting to get on the train
while it was in motion, and that no blame is attached to the
Engineer or Conductor of the railroad train. Signed by R. W.
English, Foreman. January 28, 1864.
ROSS, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 11, 1921
Frank W. Ross, aged 80, died this morning at his home, 1825
Evergreen Avenue in Upper Alton, from old age. Mr. Ross was a
retired farmer. He had lived in the Delhi neighborhood for many
years and he gave up farming fourteen years ago and moved to Alton
where he has lived ever since. He began to show the effects of
advancing age last July when he complained of suffering from
neuralgic pains of the heart and he had been in a bad way most of
the time since then. He leaves his wife, three daughters and one
son, Mrs. Emma Craig, Mrs. Fred Breitweiser, Mrs. Dixon Mundle and
Edward Ross. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock
from the family home and services will be conducted by Rev. O. W.
Heggemeier of the Evangelical church. Burial will be in the Marston
cemetery on the Jerseyville road, about ten miles out of Alton. Mr.
Ross was highly respected in Alton where he had passed the declining
years of his life. He was a highly esteemed man in the neighborhood
where he spent the greater part of his life near Delhi.
ROSS, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 24, 1884
A man named John Ross of Edwardsville Junction [Hartford], met with
a shocking death on Friday night, being run over and cut to pieces
by a train near Kinder [Granite City area], a station on the
Indianapolis and St. Louis Railroad, just north of Venice. He was
intoxicated, lay down on the track and went to sleep, and was run
over by the outgoing New York Express. The remains were taken to
Edwardsville Junction for burial.
ROSS, VIOLA/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 19, 1889
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ross are in mourning for their little daughter
and only child, Viola, who died rather suddenly Monday eve. For a
short time past, their little girl, who was about six years old, has
suffered from the spasms, which caused her death. The parents have
the heartfelt sympathy of many friends in the sad and sudden
bereavement that has befallen them. Little Viola was the pet of her
parents. She seemed to realize the approach of death, expressed her
readiness in beautiful language, and died with a smile on her face.
ROSS, WEBB/Source: Alton Telegraph, Thursday, January 26, 1893
Engineer of train at Wann disaster
The funeral of Webb Ross, the veteran engineer who was burned to
death in the wreck of the Big Four limited at Alton Junction
Saturday morning, took place in Mattoon, Illinois yesterday from the
Methodist church. Mr. Ross was 62 years old, second oldest engineer
on the Big Four road and an active member of the Methodist church.
Nothing but words of praise can be said of him by all who knew him.
Hale and hearty he was one of the most trusted engineers of the
road. The church was crowded with friends from far and near and the
occasion was a sad one. Members of the Brotherhood of Engineers
acted as pallbearers among, then, being Patrick Vaughn, the oldest
engineer on the road. The people turned out in one accord and fairly
enveloped the casket of their fellow citizen with flowers. An
enormous funeral procession followed the remains to the cemetery.
Among the number was Mr. George W. Cutter of this city [Alton], one
of the oldest engineer's on the C. & A. [Railroad].
ROSSON, JOSEPH B./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 19, 1881
Joseph B. Rosson, the young barber who committed suicide in St.
Louis Tuesday, was a native of Bethalto. He left the following
letter addressed to his employer, Mr. George Muller: “Please
telegraph to my uncle, Jasper Starkey, who lives at Bethalto,
Illinois, Madison County, stating what has happened, and also to my
mother, Mrs. E. A. Rosen, who lives at Farmersville, Texas, Collins
County. I would state the reason for my committing this terrible act
upon myself, but it would not make the matter any better. I now
leave my kindest regards to everybody, hoping you may all have a
happy life to live. I now bid you all farewell until we meet at the
judgment bar. Yours respectfully, J. B. Rosson.”
Rosson was a former resident of Bethalto, and moved with his parents
to Texas. He then moved to St. Louis and engaged in barbering. The
body of the deceased was brought to Bethalto, and interred at the
“old graveyard, two miles south of town.” [Possibly Vaughn Hill
Cemetery or the Montgomery Cemetery.]
ROST, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 25, 1905
Henry Rost died at his home at 915 Hapton street at 9 o'clock this
morning, after a lingering illness from consumption. The deceased
was 43 years of age, was a glassblower, and has been a resident of
Alton many years. A wife and seven children, and also three brothers
survive him. The funeral will be held from the home Monday afternoon
at 2 p.m., Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann of the German Evangelical
church officiating.
GEORGE/May 30, 1911
Prominent Highland Resident
“From Rags to Riches”
George Roth, one of Highland’s most prosperous and influential
citizens, was born in Germany on March 30, 1845. At an early age, he
was brought to America by his parents, both of whom died in the
summer of 1849. His father was a poor shoemaker, and left no means
for the support of his three sons. The children were taken into the
homes of strangers, and endured many hardships. The oldest, John,
later resided in Marysville, California. The youngest, Joseph, lived
at Spring Bluff, Missouri.
George was sent to live with a farmer, who cruelly abused the
orphaned lad. Because George would not eat bacon, the farmer tied
him to a beehive, telling him that he would have to stay there until
he would eat bacon. Out of fear, when the bees came near, he tried
to brush them away and upset the hive, causing them to surround him.
So severely did they sting him, that for many days he was blind.
At the age of six, George went to live with John Buchter of
Highland, who proved to be a kind benefactor, allowing him to go to
school and giving him as good advantages as possible. He learned the
blacksmith’s trade, at which he was working when the Civil War broke
out. During the last year of the war, he enlisted in the 149th
Illinois Infantry, and served one year. After being discharged, he
worked at his trade for twelve months, and then spent a couple of
years in Colorado and Kansas, but returned to Highland in 1869, and
embarked in the hardware and machinery business. He continued this
trade until 1890, when he sold the business.
George Roth was one of the original stockholders and founders of the
Milk Condensing Company in Highland. During the dark days of its
existence, many of the stockholders wanted to abandoned the
enterprise, but George refused, insisting they must make it a
success. This was ultimately done, and as he was the largest
stockholder, it proved very remunerative. He sold his interest in
the Spring of 1893. George also invented and patented a number of
labor-saving machines that were widely used in the factory.
George was one of the original stockholders of the Highland Bank,
and became a director. He was the principal stockholder in the
Highland Milling Company and the Highland Dairy Association. In
addition, he was a stockholder in the Highland Brick & Tile Works,
and held large amounts of real estate in town and surrounding
farmlands. He also served as Highland mayor (1896).
In 1872, George married Miss Emma Amalia Kuhnen, daughter of
Christian Kuhnen, one of the pioneers of Highland. They had the
following children: Adeline Pauline Roth Suppiger (1872-1938); Erwin
George Roth (1874-1904); Ella Mary Roth Schott (1876-1944); Ada
Lilly Roth Montenyohl (1882-1976); Laura Erma Roth Burroughs
(1885-1969); Florence H. Roth Goforth (1886-1986); Walter Reuben
Roth (1888-1970); and J. G. Carlyle Roth (1890-1916).
George Roth died on May 30, 1911. His wife, Emma, died on November
29, 1911. Both are buried in the Highland Cemetery.
ROTH, UNKNOWN/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, January 18,
Mrs. Wenzel Roth, of Ft. Russell Township, died yesterday morning of
old age and bronchial troubles. She was in her 72nd year. She was an
old resident of the county. The funeral will take place tomorrow
afternoon. She leaves one son and one daughter, Louis Roth and Mrs.
Adam Fuhrman.
ROTSCH, AMELIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 2, 1913
Two Die from Auto Accident
Two are dead and two men are held to the grand jury in connection
with the automobile accident of Monday afternoon near Second and
Cherry streets. Miss Amelia Rotsch died at the home of William
Penning in Upper Alton Monday night at 10:10 p.m., and Maurice
Meehan died Thursday morning at 3 o'clock in St. Joseph's hospital.
The death of Miss Rotsch was unexpected. She was not believed to be
seriously injured. Not a mark that was given in the wreck was on her
person, the only bruise being due to a fall on a table after she had
been carried into the office of the Sweetser Lumber Co. She had not
even been thrown from the car when the wreck occurred, and was
lifted from the tonneau where she had slipped down in a faint after
the collision. It was supposed she was suffering from nervous shock
and would recover in a few days. Surgeons had pronounced her case
not to be of a serious nature. Monday night she collapsed about a
half hour before her death occurred, and her mother, who had been
with her all day, had gone to the family home in Bethalto. Her death
was a great surprise to everyone. Miss Rotsch was 25 years old, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rotsch of Bethalto. She had taught
at the Brushy Grove school and had been transferred to the East
Alton school where she was teaching. The theory of Miss Rotsch's
death is that when the collision occurred, one of the men in the
Granite City car was hurled at her and struck her on the breast and
head, as one of the men was lifted out of the Clark car where he was
hanging after the accident. Maurice Meehan's death occurred Thursday
morning at 3 o'clock. He had regained consciousness only a few
minutes during Wednesday, but at the time he was conscious he began
to show certain indications of dissolution, and the surgeons gave it
out that he could not last 24 hours. He continued to sink steadily.
His wife attended him constantly from the time of the wreck. Meehan
was 43 years of age and leaves his wife. He had conducted a saloon
in the city of Madison, Ill.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 3, 1913
Miss Amelia Rotsch, one of the two victims of Monday's auto accident
at Second and Cherry streets, was laid away today in the pretty pink
silk gown which she made for a birthday celebration postponed from
Christmas until New Year’s Eve. She also wore a ring which was
presented to her as a Christmas present a year ago by the pupils of
the East Alton school in token of their appreciation for her
faithful services. The funeral was held this morning at 10 o'clock
at the Bethalto Presbyterian church, the Rev. E. L. Gibson of Alton
officiating. The pallbearers were selected from her school friends
at Bethalto by her fianc�, Samuel Pressey, assistant foreman at the
Western Union Cartridge plant at East Alton.
ROTSCH, FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 15, 1883
The funeral of Mr. Frank Rotsch, a farmer of the American Bottom, of
whose sad death by drowning we have given an account, took place on
Saturday afternoon. The remains were buried in the Alton Cemetery.
ROTSCH, MARIE (nee SCHMIDT)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July
25, 1912
Mrs. Reinhold Rotsch, aged 64 years, died last evening at 5 o'clock
at her home on Washington street from cancer of the face, after
having suffered from the malady for the past year. She was born in
Independence, Mo., and was before her marriage Miss Marie Schmidt.
She came to Alton when about 6 years old and has lived in this
vicinity ever since. The family into which she married is an old
Wood River township one, and she resided in that township for
several years with her husband. She leaves eight children: Mrs.
Tuetkin of Fidelity, and Mrs. Ahe, Cora, Gustave, Frank, Herbert,
Frances, and Robert Rotsch of Alton. Her mother, Mrs. Marie Schmidt,
and three brothers, Charles, William and Jacob Schmidt, also
survive. A stepson, William Rotsch, lives in Collinsville, and there
are fifteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Gustave
Rotsch, the well known police officer, gave up his position five
weeks ago in order that he could devote all of his time to caring
for his mother. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 10
o'clock from the German Evangelical church, and burial will be in
Oakwood Cemetery Upper Alton. Her husband died two weeks ago after a
short illness. Both were well known and respected throughout the
ROTSCH, REINHOLD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 10, 1912
Reinhold Rotsch, aged 77, died at his home on Washington avenue in
Alton at 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon after an illness of a week. He
had been a sufferer from asthma for a long time, and a week ago the
trouble was complicated with a bad cold which disabled him. He was
not regarded as being in a serious condition, and no alarm was felt
about him. His wife, who has been a sufferer for a long time with a
cancer on her face, and is in a very bad condition, has been
expected to die at any time, and her death has even been reported.
The wife is in such a state that she would not realize her husband's
death, and so she has not been told of it. Tuesday afternoon, while
Mr. Rotsch was being helped to his chair, he was suddenly stricken
and he died a few minutes afterward. He is survived by his wife and
nine children, William, Gus, Frank, Herbert, Robert, Mrs. Mamie
Tuetken, Mrs. Julia Ahe(?), Misses Frances and Cora Rotsch. He
leaves also two brothers, Adolph of Carthage, Mo., and Charles of
Bethalto; and two sisters, Mrs. John Dressler of Melville, and Mrs.
M. Moll of Alton. The funeral will be at 10 a.m. Thursday from the
Washington Street Methodist church.
ROUTLEDGE, EDWARD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 24, 1888
Mr. Edward Routledge, a native of England, for more than 40 years a
resident of Alton, died last night at his home on Belle Street, of
weight of years and general debility, at the age of 86. He was born
April 13, 1802, in Neitherdenton, Cumberland County, England, and
came to Alton in 1841. He left a wife and two children to mourn his
death. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the
family residence. [Burial in Alton City Cemetery.]
ROUTLEDGE, MARY ANN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 13,
Mrs. Mary Ann Routledge, long a citizen of Alton, died last evening
in the sixty-eighth year of her age. She leaves a husband, Mr.
Edward Routledge, two children, and many friends to mourn her death.
Deceased had resided here almost 40 years. The funeral will take
place tomorrow morning from the family residence on Belle Street,
between Ninth and Tenth.
ROUTLEDGE, WILLIAM H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January
31, 1903
The funeral of William H. Routledge was held this morning at 10
o'clock from St. Paul's Episcopal church. Services were conducted by
Rev. H. M. Chittenden, and burial was in City Cemetery. There was a
large attendance of friends and relatives of Mr. Routledge. The
members of the orders, Modern Americans and the Mystic Workers,
attended the funeral as a mark of respect to their deceased brother.
ROWAN, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 9, 1914
The funeral of Mrs. Ann Rowan was held this morning at 10 o'clock
from the home of her son, Thomas Rowan, on Mechanic street. Rev. M.
W. Twing conducted the funeral services. The pallbearers were
grandsons Charles and H. J. Rowan, L. H. Howe, J. Lemon, Thomas H.
Williams, Thomas Miller. Mrs. F. B. Browning and Mrs. Havey Wells
sang several duets. All the children were present, including Mrs. C.
L. Kolb of Newton, Kas.; Mrs. Harry Isaac of Rosedale, Kas.; Mrs. T.
J. Williams of Sparks, Nev.; Mrs. H. E. Bay of Venice. Burial was in
City Cemetery.
ROWAN, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1889
Mr. Thomas Rowan, a resident of Alton for 30 years, died Monday
night, November 4, at his home in Emporia, Kansas, aged 71 years and
three months, after an illness of only 24 hours, although he had
long been somewhat feeble. He was born at Brighton, Scotland, August
3, 1818. He removed to Emporia from Alton in the Fall of 1885. He
was a faithful member of the Baptist Church in Alton and Emporia,
for many years, an estimable gentleman, and a good citizen. Deceased
left a wife and eight children – Messrs. Charles and Thomas Rowan of
Alton; Mrs. F. Henick of Kansas City; Mrs. Thomas Williams, Mrs.
Robert Beal, Misses Lydia, May and Mattie Rowan, of Emporia. The
remains were buried at Maplewood Cemetery, Emporia.
ROWAN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 15, 1907 -
Submitted by Colleen Stutz
Mrs. William Rowan, a native of Godfrey township, where she spent
most of her life died Sunday afternoon at her home in Bunker Hill,
aged 79 years. She was a sister of James Smith, sexton of the
Godfrey cemetery, and of Samuel Smith, of this place, and was well
known by Godfrey and Alton people generally. Funeral services were
conducted at the home this afternoon and the body will be taken to
Kinmundy, Ill., this evening for burial. Mrs. Rowan leaves her
husband and four children, two sons and two daughters. She was the
third member of the Smith family of brothers and sisters to die
within the year, Benjamin dying a few months ago at his home in
Godfrey and William less than a year ago. Mr. and Mrs. James Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. R.R. Mather and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith attended the
funeral from here.
ROWE, ANNA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 3, 1882
Mrs. Anna, wife of Mr. John Rowe, died yesterday at the age of 49
years from nervous prostration and blood poisoning, caused by
injuries received from a fall on the ice on the pavement near the
corner of Second and Market Streets, January 14, by which accident
the base of her spine was fractured. She leaves a husband and five
children to mourn her death, which proved a release from long
continued suffering and anguish. Mrs. Rowe was a native of
Bedfordshire, England, and had resided in Alton since 1856. [Burial
was in the Alton City Cemetery.]
ROWE, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 24, 1882
Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe, widow of Mr. John Rowe, for many years a
prominent business man of Alton, died last night at North Alton in
the 77th year of her age, after a lingering illness, at the
residence of her son-in-law, Mr. C. W. Colby. Deceased was a most
estimable lady, and besides many relatives, friends, and
acquaintances to mourn her death, leaves four children – Mrs. Miller
of San Francisco, California; Mrs. C. W. Colby of North Alton; Mr.
William Rowe of Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Mr. James Rowe of Palmyra,
Illinois. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.
ROWE, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 22, 1886
Drowned in the Mississippi River
From the Daily of Wednesday – This morning, Master Joseph Rowe,
accompanied by his cousin, Master Croesen and Masters Davis and
Phillips, hired a skiff and pulled over to McPike Island,
immediately opposite Alton, where they landed, disrobed, and went
into the river to bathe. While wading about in the water, Joseph
Rowe suddenly stepped off a reef and got into deep water, where he
sank and drowned, after coming to the surface three times, as the
eye witnesses say. None of the boys could swim, so nothing could be
done to save the victim. The survivors, taking the crowned boy’s
clothing, immediately pulled over to Alton and reported the sad
occurrence to the father, Mr. John Rowe, who is employed at
Stanard’s Mill. Mr. Rowe, with Messrs. Kamp, Coleman, Dorsett,
Tiser, and some others, proceeded immediately in boats to the scene
of the accident, and commenced dragging for the body, but up to two
o’clock this afternoon, the search was unavailing.
The deceased was a bright, intelligent, popular boy, about fourteen
years old, and his early death must be a terrible blow to his
relatives, who will have the sympathy of all in their affliction.
All of the boys, with the deceased, were about the same age as
himself, and the danger of such young persons bathing in the river
unless accompanied by some good swimmer, older than themselves, is
very great, as the yearly deaths from drowning testify. Indeed,
scarcely a summer passes without one or more fine boys being drowned
in the river here. The search for the body was conducted with seines
and grappling irons, and many willing hands aided in the work. The
sad death of young Rowe has cast a gloom over his boyish companions
by whom he was much liked.
Shortly before 3 o’clock, George Munro, southward, and Anderson
succeeded in grappling the body of the boy, which was at once
brought to this side of the river and taken by the stricken father
to his residence on Third Street, between Market and Alby. Coroner
Melling held an inquest on the remains, and a verdict was returned
in accordance with the facts of the case as above stated.
ROWLEY, BELLE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 30, 1906
Child Killed by Falling Bar Fixture
Belle Rowley, the 4 years old daughter of John Rowley, living in the
upstairs of the building at Second and Ridge streets over Putze's
saloon, was instantly killed Sunday afternoon by being crushed under
a bar which had been taken from Putze's saloon almost two weeks ago
and which was standing in the back yard which served as an access to
the living apartments of the Rowley home. The bar has a narrow base
and widened at the top, and the top was of heavy wood, making the
piece of furniture top-heavy and very unsteady when not strongly
braced. A loose board was lying at the base of the bar and was
struck by the older sister, dislodged the bar and caused it to
topple over. Belle was running behind and was caught beneath the
heavy piece of furniture. Her head was pinned down to the brick
pavement by the heavy top of the bar, and she was killed instantly.
The father, hearing the screams of his little daughter, Lulu, ran
down and found his daughter Belle, pinioned to the pavement by the
bar. He lifted the heavy weight and bore the body of his little
girl, bleeding from frightful wounds, to the apartments upstairs.
The mother, who gave birth to a child the night before, was overcome
by the shock of seeing the bleeding form of her little daughter
carried into the room to her. Physicians were called at once, but
the child was dead. Her skull was crushed and the doctor said that
death was instant. Deputy Coroner Keiser was summoned and will hold
an inquest tomorrow. The funeral was held this afternoon at 3
o'clock from the Cherry Street Baptist church, where services were
conducted by Rev. S. D. McKenney, and the inquest will be held
Tuesday evening, a jury being impaneled to view the body by Deputy
Coroner Keiser this morning. The condition of Mrs. Rowley, mother of
the victim, is reported greatly improved today.
ROWLEY, JOHN A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 26, 1907
Man Collapses Upon Hearing Immoral Charges Against Daughter
John A. Rowley, whose home was in the alley between Second and Third
streets, Cherry and Walnut, died this morning from typhoid fever.
The wife says that her husband's death was due to grief over the
arrest of his 16 year old daughter, Katie Rowley, who was sent to
the county jail Saturday after being given a hearing on a charge of
having very bad morals. Mrs. Rowley said that her husband was so
shocked on being informed of his daughter's wickedness, that he
collapsed. Dr. J. N. Shaff, who visited him several times, says that
death was due to typhoid fever. The man had been in ill health for
some time, and had what is known as the walking typhoid fever. The
family are very poor. One year ago a little child was killed by
being crushed under a saloon bar which fell in the back yard at the
saloon of Louis Putze. Rowley was 42 years of age and leaves beside
his wife some small children. The funeral will be held tomorrow.
RUBLE, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 20, 1881
Mrs. Elizabeth Ruble, an esteemed resident of Alton, died October 15
of paralysis, aged 81 years. She was one of the oldest members of
the Presbyterian Church. She had lived in Alton since 1837. Her
funeral took place last Sunday afternoon from the residence of Mr.
John Batterton, North Alton.
RUCKER, RANSOM/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 9, 1893
From East Alton – Mr. Rucker, the aged father of George William
Rucker, died last Saturday. His death is attributable to the
explosion [Wann Disaster], as the awful death of the son was
undoubtedly the cause of hastening the end of the father.
Ransom Rucker was born in 1816, and was 76 or 77 at the time of his
death. He was buried in the Short Cemetery in Cottage Hills. His
son, George William Rucker, died in 1893 as a result of the Wann
Disaster in East Alton, where a train wreck caused oil tankers to
explode, killing many people.
RUCKMAN, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 1, 1910
Fatally Crushed Under Wagon
George Ruckman, the 16-year-old son of S. C. Ruckman of West Alton,
Mo., was fatally injured Sunday afternoon by being run over by a
wagon loaded with wheat. The boy was driving the wagon, and the
reins becoming tangled up where wheated was to be loaded in the car,
he attempted to get out and straighten out the reins. In so doing,
he fell down in front of the front wheel of the wagon, and before
the horses could be stopped both back and front wheels had run
completely over his body at the waist. He was taken home, and Dr. G.
Taphorn of Alton was summoned to attend him. Dr. Taphorn found that
the boy's kidneys had been ruptured. He died two hours afterward.
RUCKMAN, LEROY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 5, 1919
Slashes His Throat
Worry over debts and money due on a Liberty Bond, which he thought
he would never be able to pay, and the fear of being sent to prison,
are thought to have been the cause of Leroy Ruckman taking his own
life this morning. Ruckman slashed his throat with a razor at 10:30
this morning, and died a half an hour later before a physician
reached him. He lived on Fourteenth street. Ruckman was 33 years old
and married. His wife, who is at the home of Mrs. Arthur Thomas, 401
East Fourteenth street, said today that her husband had been
worrying for some time over debts he owed and the money due on the
Liberty Bond. He often expressed the fear of being sent to prison,
she said. He frequently grew very discouraged, Mrs. Ruckman said,
and was heard to say, "I haven't a friend in the world." Mrs.
Ruckman said she believed her husband was greatly in debt, and to
many people, though he seldom told her of his affairs. Ruckman was
an oiler at the plant of the Sparks Milling Co., and worked last
night. He complained this morning, his wife said, of being tired.
The family had prepared to move, and Ruckman had loaded several
sacks of coal. Ruckman leaves his widow, Mrs. Carrie Ruckman, and
two children, James, four years old, and Bertha May, 14 months old.
She came here from St. Charles, Mo. Ruckman was born at Hardin and
has been living in Alton about 25 years. He leaves a brother who
resides .. The body was taken in charge by Deputy Coroner William H.
Bauer, who ...... [unreadable] Ruckman lived in a house he purchased
from Yager on the building and loan plan. He had been unable to meet
the payments and grew discouraged. Yager took the house back from
him some time ago, and yesterday suggested that Ruckman move from
the house, which, Yager said, was in dangerous condition and liable
to collapse at any time. Mr. Yager planned to make repairs. Ruckman
refused to move, even when Yager offered to find another house for
him and stand part of the expense of moving, saying his stay longer
would be at his own risk. Preparations for moving had been completed
this morning, Mrs. Ruckman said, before her husband ended his life.
RUDERSHAUSEN, FREDERICK (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August
17, 1893
Veteran of the Civil War
Co-Owner of Rudershausen-Sonntag Insurance and Real Estate in Alton
Captain Frederick Rudershausen, one of Alton’s best-known citizens,
died Tuesday at his home on Eighth Street. On June 13, he met with a
severe fall from the stone wall on the south side of his home, and
received severe internal injuries. There were hopes of his ultimate
recovery, but they gradually lessened as time passed by, and he did
not rally. Dropsy set in, and he suffered intensely until the end
came last night.
Captain Rudershausen was born in Siefersheim, Hesse-Darmstadt,
Germany, June 30, 1843. He came to this country when quite young
with two brothers, Messrs. Edward and John Rudershausen of New York
City, and Mrs. Louisa Neinhaus of Alton. In 1861, he entered the
army as a volunteer in St. Louis, and served until the close of the
war when he located in Alton. A wife (Catherine ‘Kate’ Haas
Rudershausen) and five children, Mrs. George E. Dahlstrom, Mr.
Frederick Rudershausen Jr., and Misses Julia, Minnie, and Nellie
Rudershausen survive him. The funeral will take place from the home.
Erwin Lodge No. 315, A.F. and A.M., of which he was a member, will
attend in a body. The Turners will also attend the funeral, Captain
Rudershausen having been one of the oldest members. [Burial was in
the Alton City Cemetery.]
Captain Rudershausen married Catherine Haas (1846-1927). Their
children were: Frederick Rudershausen Jr. (1865-1938); Julia
Rudershausen Powell (1867-1955); Louisa Barbara Rudershausen
Dahlstrom (1870-1952); Hugo Rudershausen (1874-1865); and Minnie
Lillian Rudershausen Ulrich (1880-1953). Burial was in the Alton
City Cemetery.
RUDERSHAUSEN, HAYES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 3, 1878
Son of Captain Frederick Rudershausen
Hayes, son of Captain F. Rudershausen, died in his second year, last
evening. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon, at the
family residence on Ninth Street, near Langdon. Although an intense
sufferer during the greater portion of his short life, little Hayes
endeared himself to his parents, and his death will leave a vacancy
in the household that only those who have had the same sad
experience can know. Captain and Mrs. Rudershausen have the sympathy
of their many friends and acquaintances.
RUDD, ALFRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 11, 1919
Soldier Dies From Tuberculosis
Alfred Rudd, aged 33, one of the men who was sent into the army from
Alton, died at Mt. St. Rose Sanitarium in St. Louis at 4 o'clock
this morning from tuberculosis. He was sent home disabled and given
his discharge because of the malady from which he suffered. The body
will be brought to Alton tomorrow and the funeral will be Friday
morning from the home of his sister, Mrs. Joshua Craig, to the
Cathedral. An infant child of Rudd died June 13, and the father came
home eight days after the burial of the babe, and had been sick ever
RUDD, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 3, 1907
James Rudd, a well known Alton character, died Saturday night at his
home in Ninth street after a long illness caused by old age
maladies. He was 76 years of age and is survived by his wife and
three children, Mrs. Joshua Craig and Alfred Rudd of Alton, and
Franklin Rudd who is somewhere in Canada. The funeral was held today
and burial was in City cemetery. A sister of Rudd, Mrs. Amelia
Farrell, is dangerously ill at the Woman's Home, and it was through
the solicitude of his sister that Rudd professed conversion to the
Episcopal faith before his death. The funeral services were held
this afternoon, Rev. H. M. Chittenden officiating.
RUDDY, DAVID/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 4, 1918
David Ruddy, better known as "Shorty" Long, aged 59, died last night
at ten minutes after one, after a short illness of one week brought
on by a severe attack of asthma last Monday. Several years ago Ruddy
was very ill with asthma and it was thought that recovery was
impossible but he pulled through. Monday he was taken ill but his
condition was not thought to be serious until Saturday when
pneumonia developed. "Shorty" Long was one of the best known men in
the city of Alton, being in business for the past 34 years. He was
born and raised in Alton where he has a large host of friends who
will regret to learn of his death. His father died when he was quite
young, and his mother remarried. After his mother's re-marriage he
was called "Shorty" Long among his intimate friends. He was married
and is survived by his wife and two daughters, Irene and LaVern,
besides a large number of other relatives. He was the son-in-law of
Mrs. Carolne Yeake_. He was a member of St. Patrick's church, and of
the Western Catholic Union and Holy Name Society of that church. He
was a prominent Eagle and took an active interest in the business
and social affairs of the organization. Besides his immediate family
he leaves six sisters and two brothers. Sisters are: Sister M.
Catherine of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Chicago; Mrs. John
Steinmetz, Denver, Colo.; Mrs. Jerry Kennedy; Mrs. James Hanlon;
Mrs. George Marsh of Alton; and Mrs. W. Hill of Chicago. He also
leaves two brothers, John Long of Edwardsville and James Long of
Pana. Mrs. W. C. Clark, Mrs. William Weisback, Miss Caroline Yeakel
and John Yeakel are sisters and brother of Mrs. Ruddy. Nearly three
years ago Ruddy sold his place of business on East Broadway on
account of ill health, and went to work for the Western Cartridge
Company. He was greatly interested in the successful outcome of the
war and was happy in doing his all in the making of ammunition. He
felt better last Monday evening and talked of going to work Tuesday
but was unable to do so. The funeral will be held Wednesday, but the
time has not been set. The body is at the family home at _28 East
Fifth street, where death occurred. Mrs. Caroline Yeakel and Miss
Yeakel are at the Ruddy home. Following the death of Mr. Ruddy, Miss
Yeakel took a nervous chill and has been very ill since that time.
RUDERSHAUSEN, HUGO/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 13, 1875
Died in Alton on May 8, of inflammation of the brain, Hugo, infant
son of F. and Kate Rudershausen; aged 10 months.
RUE, HARRY F. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 1,
22 Year Old Alton Dentist Dies of Brain Tumor
Death came Monday morning at St. Joseph's hospital to relieve the
long suffering of Dr. Harry F. Rue, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank J. rue, of Grove street. The young man passed away peacefully,
having had the full knowledge for a week that he could not recover.
Several weeks ago surgeons pronounced his case a hopeless one. He
was suffering from a malignant tumor which started its growth at the
base of his brain and developed rapidly. Just after the young man
had completed his course of study in dentistry, had opened an office
with his brother in the Spaulding building for the practice of his
chosen profession, his health broke down. The sudden collapse of his
health was ascribed to nervous prostration brought on by too close
application to his studies. He had graduated among those who
received honorable mention in the dental college, and his rank was
very high. For several months he suffered the most excruciating
tortures from the mysterious malady which baffled the physicians.
Finally, the tumor began to develop and produced paralysis from the
waist down, also causing him great inconvenience in swallowing and
breathing. The worst symptoms of the disease had passed when death
came, and the end was a peaceful one. Dr. Rue was 22 years old last
April, and had lived most of his life in Alton and vicinity. He was
a bright, cheerful lad, and had shown great adeptness in the dental
profession. His death comes as a sad bereavement to his family and
to his many friends in Alton. [Burial was in City Cemetery]
RUE, ORRIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1885
Little Orrin, aged 10 months, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rue
of Godfrey, died Monday night, August 3, at the home of his
grandfather, Dr. A. D. Bull. The funeral took place at the church at
Godfrey Wednesday morning.
RUEBSAM, GOTTHARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 2, 1885
Civil War Veteran
Mr. Gotthard Ruebsam, many years a resident of Alton, and well known
to most of our citizens from his connection with the firm of Leyser
Bros., died last night after an illness of two months, at the age of
47 years. His death took place at the residence of Mr. J. Leyser of
North Alton. He was quiet, somewhat reserved in his manners, and
greatly esteemed by all his friends. He left a widow and five
children. Mr. Ruebsam was a soldier in the Union army, and was
severely wounded in one of the great battles in Tennessee, and
suffered from the injury until his death.
RUEBSAM, JULIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 27, 1895
Mrs. Julia Ruebsam died this morning after a lingering illness, aged
52 years. She was born in Hamburg, Germany. She leaves four
children, viz: Mrs. J. H. Hancock, Misses Julia and Tillie Ruebsam,
and Mr. Ed Ruebsam. The funeral will take place Monday from the
family residence, 312 Belle Street, Rev. Carl Kramer officiating.
RUECKGAUER, BARBARA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10,
The funeral of Mrs. Barbara Rueckgauer took place this afternoon
from the Evangelical church, where services were conducted by the
pastor, Rev. Theo. Oberhellman to the City cemetery, where the body
was laid to rest. Very many friends of the deceased and of the
family attended the obsequies and many beautiful floral offerings
were made by them.
RUEDIN, CATHERINE (nee LONG)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
January 3, 1913
Mrs. Catherine Ruedin, wife of Martin Ruedin, died Thursday night at
her home on the Grafton road from pneumonia. A few days ago she was
in St. Louis suffering from what was believed to be a heavy cold.
She was brought home in an automobile Monday, and later pneumonia
developed. Her death was expected all day yesterday, and occurred at
9:35 o'clock Thursday night. She leaves beside her husband, four
children, Henry and Everett, and Miss Bertha Ruedin and Mrs. Harry
Coleman. The funeral will be held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock from
the family home to Oakwood Cemetery. Rev. W. T. Cline and Rev. S. D.
McKenny will have charge of the funeral.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 6, 1913
The funeral of Mrs. Martin Ruedin was held Sunday morning at 10
o'clock from the family home on the Grafton road, where services
were conducted by Revs. W. T. Cline and S. D. McKenny.
Notwithstanding the disagreeable weather, a large assemblage of
friends of the deceased escorted the funeral cortege to Oakwood
cemetery, where interment took place. Floral contributions were many
and most beautiful, showing the high esteem in which deceased was
held. Following were the pallbearers: A. T. Hawley, John Hall,
George Mattie, August Brecht, Edwin Riehl, and Fred Boehner. Mrs.
Ruedin's maiden name was Long. She was born in Indianapolis, January
13, 1856, and came to Illinois when a young girl. She became the
bride of Martin Ruedin in 1877, and had since resided in the
vicinity of Alton. Through her illness she was a patient sufferer,
and was hopefully looking forward to the time when she could resume
her place in the household where she had been a guide and reliable
adviser to her family. She was kindly, charitable and was ready to
lend a helping hand to those in trouble.
RUEGGER, ADOLPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 19, 1907
Former County Treasurer Kills Self
Adolph Ruegger, a well known resident of Edwardsville and formerly
county treasurer, killed himself this morning at his home in
Edwardsville. Ruegger was a well known figure around the county seat
for many years. He was a member of Belvidere Commandery, Knights
Templar, of Alton.
RUFFIAN, RICHARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 30, 1896
From Edwardsville – Richard Ruffian, colored, aged 72 years, died
Monday evening. He has been employed for the last several years for
A. W. Metcalfe.
RUMMERFIELD, ARTHUR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 17,
Arthur Rummerfield, aged 77, died at his home on Jefferson avenue
Sunday morning at 1 o'clock, from loss of blood. He ruptured a blood
vessel in his lungs and was taken down at 8 o'clock Saturday
evening, dying five hours later. Mr. Rummerfield had worked all day
Saturday, and after the close of his day's labor he went home and
complained of feeling poorly. He had lived in Alton many years. Mr.
Rummerfield leaves his wife, three sons and three daughters,
fourteen grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. His children
are William, Perry and Harry Rummerfield; Mrs. Amelia Riester, Mrs.
Estella O'Hare, and Martha Foreman. The funeral was held at 2:30
o'clock this afternoon from the home, and burial was in Oakwood
cemetery, Rev. H. M. Chittenden officiated.
RUMMERFIELD, CHARLES A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August
5, 1901
Charles A., the three years and a half old son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Rummerfield, died at the family home on Jefferson avenue this
morning of troubles induced by the heat. The funeral will be at 9:30
Tuesday morning, and interment will be at Melville.
RUMMERFIELD, [HIRAM] PERRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
October 11, 1916
Dies After Falling Off Roof
Perry Rummerfield, who fell from the roof of a house owned by Mrs.
White on Bellevue avenue Tuesday afternoon, died at his home, 1213
Norton street this morning at 10:40 o'clock, without regaining
consciousness. Mr. Rummerfield's death was considered almost a
certainty after his fall, as the attending surgeon declared that he
believed the injured man had a very slight chance to live. Mr.
Rummerfield was 42 years of age. Mr. Rummerfield was a former
resident of Elsah. He moved to Alton about 25 years ago. He was a
member of Fleur de Lys Lodge K. of P., and also of Mt. Hood Tent,
Knights of the Maccabbees at Portland, Oregon, and of the Alton
carpenter’s union. He leaves his wife, Carrie Rummerfield, his
mother, three sisters: Mrs. William Reister, Mrs. Ed O'Hare, Mrs.
Samuel Foreman, and two brothers, William and Harry Rummerfield. He
was a man of excellent character, a kind husband and was beloved in
his family. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him. The funeral
arrangements have not been made.
RUMSEY, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1903
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Zene Rumsey was darkened Wednesday evening
by the death of their 6 year old daughter, Mary, from paralysis,
resulting from scarlet fever. The funeral was held this afternoon in
private from the family home on Ninth street.
RUMSEY, RAYMOND W./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1896
Raymond W., the 5-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rumsey, died
at noon Thursday.
RUNDELL, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 19, 1922
Crushed Under Train
Frank Rundell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rundell, was killed
yesterday afternoon on the Big Four tracks near the plant of the
Equitable Powder Co. by the train due to arrive at East Alton at
4:20 p.m. Rundell's home was at 522 Shelly street. He had been
married two years, and is survived by his wife. Members of the
family said that he had been out of work for a few days, and that he
was searching for a job with the construction gang building an
electric circuit from East Alton to Bethalto. He was formerly a
lineman and wanted to take up his old work. He inquired of the men
in the gang about the chances of getting a job, and was directed
down the track to where the foreman was to inquire of him. That walk
down the track proved fatal to him as he was overtaken by the Big
Four passenger train and run down. Evidently, he did not hear the
approaching train in time to get off the track in safety. In
addition to the wife and parents, the deceased leaves four sisters,
Mrs. Harry Raymond, Earl Coatney, Clara and Millicent Rundell, and
four brothers, Walter, Harry, John and Carl Rundell.
RUNDELL, HENRY POST/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 4, 1880
Upper Alton Tailor, Constable, Coroner, and Sheriff
Mr. H. P. Rundell was born near the present site of Catskill, New
York, July 17, 1795, and when he was quite a child, the family
removed to Oxford, and soon after to Homer in the same State. At the
latter place, he learned the tailor’s trade, and in the Fall of
1818, started for the West, stopping over the winter at Olean Point,
whence he took passage on a pine raft for the mouth of the Ohio
River. Thence the company of travelers proceeded on board a keel
boat for St. Louis, where they landed in June 1819. The “future
great” [St. Louis] was then but a little French village, protected
from Indian depredations by stone forts, and containing but two
brick houses, one of which was the gubernatorial mansion of Governor
In the Fall of 1821, Mr. Rundell came to Upper Alton, and entered
the employ of William Welch, tailor. The departure of his employer
from town left an opening for Mr. Rundell to open a shop of his own.
In 1822, he married Catherine Delaplaine, the eldest daughter of
Samuel Delaplaine. His wife died in 1877. At the time Mr. Rundell
first came to Upper Alton, it was far from the peaceful village it
is now, its reputation being that of a rough place, where the stocks
and whip were used as punishment for crime. Still, it was a larger
town than our city was then.
Mr. Rundell was an eyewitness of the Lovejoy riot in Alton in 1837,
and in his capacity as constable, exerted himself to keep peace.
In 1827, Mr. Rundell visited the Galena lead mines, and returned
after a few years successful work there, and farmed 5 years on
Scarritt’s Prairie [Godfrey], when he moved back to Upper Alton,
where he resided up to the time of his death. Mr. Rundell held the
office of Constable for 10 years, was elected Coroner and served as
Sheriff of Madison County for over a year to fill the unexpired term
of John Adams.
Mr. Rundell was made a Master Mason in Olive Branch Lodge No. 5,
Upper Alton, August 6, 1822. The hall stood near the present
residence of Mr. M. A. Lowe, south of town. Mr. Rundell served as
Tyler of Franklin Lodge No. 25, A. F. & A. M. for thirty years, more
or less, and still held the office at the time of his death. He was
a Mason for 58 years.
The children of Henry and Catherine Rundell were Dewitt Clinton
Rundell (1823-1823); Mary Jane Rundell (1825-?); Horace Melville
Rundell (1841-1923); and Robert Green Rundell (1844-1844). Henry
Rundell was buried in the Oakwood Cemetery.
RUNDLE, HARRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1883
From Edwardsville – Harry Rundle died yesterday. He was a well-known
citizen of Edwardsville, having lived here for several years. He
will be missed by a large number of friends.
RUNDLE, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 1, 1907
Death from Ptomaine Poisoning
Thomas Rundle died at his home on Ridge street this morning before 6
o'clock from a blood clot in his heart resulting from ptomaine
poisoning. Dr. H. R. Lemen was called to attend him Sunday evening
at his home. Rundle had been working in the Frisco yards at Mitchell
and had been living on commissary stuff, chiefly. It is supposed
that some of the food he ate Sunday was poisoned and shortly after
he returned home he was taken very ill with all the symptoms of
heart trouble. He was attended by members of his family at the time
of his death. He was 57 years of age.
RUNDLE, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1896
William Rundle, the 19-year-old son of Horace Rundle, died Monday
afternoon at his home in Highland Park. The young man had been an
invalid for years. The funeral services took place Tuesday
afternoon, and were in charge of the Salvation Army. The interment
was in the Upper Alton Cemetery.
RUNZIE, BARTHOLOMEW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 26,
Member of Alton Jaegers
Bartholomew Runzie died this morning after an illness of four
months. His illness was due to the infirmities of old age. Mr.
Runzie was one of the oldest residents of Alton. He was born in
Baden, Germany, August 24, 1820, and came to America with his
parents when only twelve years of age, having lived in Alton since
that time, except a few years he was at St. Charles. He came to
Alton when the city was young, and he could recall many of the
earlier events in Alton’s history in which he was actively
concerned. One of his recollections was the murder of Elijah P.
Lovejoy, in which he often referred. For many years he was in
business in Alton, but retired a number of years ago to spend his
remaining days in quiet at his beautiful home on Alby Street. Mr.
Runzie was married in Alton and lived happily with the bride of his
youth until twelve years ago, when she died. He leaves four children
– Mrs. John Curdie; Misses Sarah E. Runzie; Fanny A. Runzie; Messrs.
John and Joseph Runzie. Beside his children, two sisters survive him
– Mrs. Frances Hinkle of Alton and Mrs. Agnes Heebler of Wisconsin.
The funeral will be Friday from the family home.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 28, 1899
The funeral of Bartholomew Runzi took place this afternoon from the
family home, 1912 Alby Street. Rev. Henry K. Sanborn of the
Presbyterian Church was officiating clergyman. The attendance at the
funeral was large, many of Mr. Runzi’s friends being present to pay
their last tribute of respect. The Presbyterian Church choir sang a
selection at the house. The pallbearers were Messrs. John Sutter,
Henry Watson, M. Kissner, Louis Berner Sr., Rudolph Maeridan, and
Louis Walters – all old friends of the deceased. Interment was in
the Alton City Cemetery. Mr. Runzi was First Lieutenant of the Alton
Jaegers, a military company organized by German residents of Alton
before the war. He was also at one time prominently identified with
public matters in the city, serving as alderman of the second ward
in the city council most capably. Mr. Runzi retired to private life
many years ago.
Bartholomew Runzi was born on August 24, 1820, in Baden, Germany. He
married in 1846 to Elizabeth B. Carter (1826-1887), and they had the
following children: Emma J. Runzie Curdie (1849-1930); Anna May
Runzie (1855-1876); Sarah Elizabeth Runzie (?-1927); Fannie A.
Runzie (?-1929); John runzie (?-1940); and Joseph Runzie (?-1952).
RUNZI, ELIZABETH B. (nee CARTER)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph,
September 27, 1887
Wife of Bartholomew Runzi
Death has again invaded the ranks of the old residents of Alton, and
taken therefrom an esteemed and valued member. Mrs. Bartholomew
Runzi died this morning after a protracted illness, in the 62nd year
of her age, leaving a large family and many warm friends to grieve
for her loss.
Mrs. Runzi’s maiden name was Elizabeth B. Carter. She was a native
of Yorkshire, England, born February 24, 1826. She came to this
country in her youth, settling in Alton, where she was married to
Mr. Runzi in 1846, and has resided here ever since. She was one of
the oldest members of the Baptist Church, was prominent in
charitable and benevolent enterprise, and lived a life full of good
works and of devotion to the best interests of her family. She was a
lover of nature, and took great interest in the cultivation of
fruits and flowers, and her contributions to the displays of the
Alton Horticultural Society, of which she was a member, were always
admired. She was a good and true woman, whose honored and worthy
example will long be remembered and treasured by those she has left
behind. Her husband and five children survive her, a daughter and
son having preceded her to the grave. Her children are: Mrs. Emma
Curdie, wife of John Curdie; Misses Sarah E. and Fannie; and Messrs.
John R. and Joseph C. Runzi. The funeral takes place from the
Baptist Church Thursday afternoon.
RUPPRECHT, ALBERT CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
November 25, 1918
Soldier Killed in Action
Notice has been received by Mrs. Mamie Brakenhoff of Nokomis, that
her brother, Albert Charles Rupprecht, had been killed in action
October 7 in France. The notice from the Adjutant General was the
first news the family had of the death of the young man. The soldier
lived in Alton all of his life, until he was drafted and sent to
Camp Taylor last February. From there he was sent to Camp Sevier in
a few days, and in May he was sent to France. He was in Co. H, 119th
Infantry. He was twenty-eight years of age. The family lived at 3007
Alby street for many years. He leaves two brothers, John of Alton;
and William F. of Co. D, 333rd Infantry, now in France; and one
sister, Mrs. Mamie Brakenhoff of Nokomis.
RUPPRECHT, FRED J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 19,
The funeral of Fred J. Rupprecht will be from his late residence,
3007 Alby street, at 2 o'clock Sunday, April 20, Rev. G. L. Clark
officiating. Burial will be in City Cemetery.
RUPPRECHT, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 5, 1904
12-Year-Old Newsboy Killed by C. & A. Train
Harry Rupprecht, the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rupprecht,
living on upper Alby street, was fatally injured Tuesday afternoon
by being struck by the second section of the Chicago and Alton
Prairie State Express, about 5 o'clock. The boy was on his way
downtown from his home to carry papers, he being an agent for the
Sentinel-Democrat and the St. Louis Star. He was running along the
railway track, going down the street, and when passing the C. & A.
roundhouse the train was coming around the curve and hit him. The
boy probably did not hear the approach of the train. He was struck
squarely in the back, the worst injury being inflicted to the back
of his head and the base of his spine. The boy was picked up by the
trainmen and carried down on the train to the depot. He was
afterward moved to Seibold's livery stable office, where surgical
attention was given him, and from there to St. Joseph's hospital.
His skull was fractured and his spine bruised. The injuries proved
fatal Tuesday night about 9 o'clock. Deputy Coroner W. H. Bauer has
impaneled a jury to hold an inquest when he can get hold of the
members of the train crew.
RUPPRECHT, MAGGIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Monday, March
06, 1899
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rupprecht on Alby Street has been
bereaved by the death of their two-year-old daughter, Maggie
Rupprecht. Death was due to spinal meningitis. The funeral was at 2
o'clock this afternoon from the family home and services were
conducted by Rev. William Hackman.
RUPPRECHT, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 1, 1921
Alton Soldier Killed In France
Word was received today that the body of William Rupprecht would be
sent to Alton for burial. He was killed overseas while performing a
volunteer mission. His parents are dead and the other members of his
family have departed from Alton. A sister residing at Nokomis has
been notified of the shipment of the body here and has asked
undertaker William Bauer to receive and hold it until members of the
family can arrive.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 30, 1921
Funeral services for William Rupprecht, a former Alton soldier, who
was killed in France, will be held on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
from the German Evangelical church with Rev. Heggemeier officiating.
Alton post of the American Legion will have charge of the services
and the Legionnaires are asked to assemble at City Hall Square at
two o'clock Sunday afternoon to accompany the remains from the Bauer
Undertaking establishment to the church, and following the services,
from the church to the City cemetery where interment will be made.
The Legion firing squad composed of the same members who served in
previous funerals will serve at the Rupprecht funeral on Sunday, and
all members of the Legion are urged to turn out for this funeral.
Pallbearers will be selected from among the soldiers who served in
the same company with the deceased.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1921
Funeral services over the remains of William Rupprecht, a former
Alton boy who met his death while serving with the American
Expeditionary forces overseas, were held here Sunday afternoon under
the direction of Alton post American Legion. The Legionnaires
congregated in City hall square and accompanied the remains from the
Bauer undertaking establishment to the Evangelical church where Rev.
Heggemeier conducted a funeral service in the presence of many
friends of the deceased. The funeral procession then went to the
City Cemetery, where Dr. Mather Pfeiffenberger, commander of Alton
post American Legion, carried out the Legion burial ritual with the
assistance of a firing squad. Pallbearers were chosen from among
friends of the deceased who served with him overseas. They were:
Warren Ash, Jack Kinney, Tom Dugan, May Campbell, Elza McCann.
Legionnaires in the funeral procession were commenting today upon
respect shown the Flag when the cortege was enroute to the church
Sunday afternoon, and thence to the cemetery. It was observed that
on one street where a large number of men were passed, only one
individual removed his hat at the passing of the colors.
RUSSELL, ALFRED H./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 3, 1881
It is with great regret that we are called upon to chronicle the
death of Mr. Alfred H. Russell, which sad event took place at 12:50
p.m. Wednesday, after an illness of several months, of consumption.
It was only last June that the youngest son of the family, Frank G.
Russell, was laid to rest, the victim of the same disease, and now
the oldest son, long the pride and stay of a widowed mother, is
called away, leaving sad hearts and stricken lives behind. Mr.
Russell was taken sick last Fall, having contacted a severe cold,
and before danger was apprehended, the fatal disease developed, and
under the influence of the protracted cold weather, made such rapid
progress that medical skill and the most tender and loving care were
powerless to more than alleviate his suffering.
Deceased was of an amiable and affectionate disposition, devoted to
the welfare of his relatives. His many estimable qualities and
genial manners made him a favorite with a large circle of friends,
who sincerely mourn his early death. He was a native of St. Louis,
born in 1849, but the greater part of his life was spent in Alton.
Although a mere youth, he volunteered for the defense of his
country, and did good service as a cavalry soldier in the latter
part of the [Civil] war. His death is a great grief to his relatives
and friends, and excites the profound sympathy of the community for
the sorely afflicted mother, brothers, and sisters who survive him.
The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at the family
residence, and the remains will be taken to St. Louis for interment.
[Burial was in the Bellefontaine Cemetery in St. Louis.]
RUSSELL, ANNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 5, 1901
Mrs. Annie Russell, aged 60, died Wednesday night at St. Joseph's
hospital of dropsy. Mrs. Russell lived alone in a little house on
the coal branch, and refused to leave her home when urged to do so
by persons willing to help her. She was taken to the hospital about
ten days ago. The funeral will be Friday afternoon from the hospital
to the City Cemetery.
RUSSELL, BIRDIE HUGHES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 5,
The body of Mrs. Birdie Russell, a negro woman, was shipped to St.
Louis today to be identified there as the body of the woman who slew
a negro woman in St. Louis a month or so ago. After the Russell
woman had shot another negro woman five times and had killed her,
she was arrested and held, but managed in some way to give bond and
was released. She came to Alton to make her home the balance of her
life, as she was known to be in bad health. Her illness was probably
one of the reasons why she was released at the time. Monday
afternoon she had just been lifted from her bed while a change of
bedding was being made, and an old friend was calling to see her.
She suddenly collapsed and in a few minutes was dead. Owing to the
fact that she had given bond it was considered necessary to satisfy
the St. Louis authorities that she had died, so the body was shipped
to St. Louis this morning for identification there, in order to
release her suretise on the bond. She was about 30 years old.
RUSSELL, FRANK G./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 29, 1880
Mr. Frank G. Russell died at his mother's residence on State street
at 2:40 o'clock this morning, of consumption, after a lingering
illness of over two years. Deceased was a most worthy and estimable
young man, a favorite with all who knew him, and warmly beloved by
the relatives and intimate friends who were best acquainted with his
high character and many noble and generous qualities. During his
long illness he was watched over and cared for by his relations with
the most assiduous care and devotion, and every means that human
skill could apply, or tender affection suggest to arrest the
progress of his disease was employed, but the most that could be
done for the sufferer was to smooth his pathway to the grave.
Something over a year ago he spent the winter in San Antonio, but
the genial climate, which has helped so many invalids, brought no
healing to him, and he returned only to linger out days of pain and
nights of waking. He bore all his sufferings with patience and
fortitude4, and peacefully awaited the inevitable end. His widowed
mother, brothers and sisters have the sympathy of all their
neighbors and friends in this affliction. Mr. Russell was a native
of Alton, where he spent his brief life. For several years he was a
compositor in this office, always faithful, prompt and efficient.
The funeral will take place from the family residence at 8 o'clock
tomorrow morning. The remains will be taken to St. Louis for
interment in Bellefontaine cemetery.
RUSSELL, FRANK G./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 1, 1880
Mr. Frank G. Russell died at his mother’s residence on State Street
at 2:40 o’clock this morning, of consumption, after a lingering
illness of over two years. Deceased was a most worthy and estimable
young man, a favorite with all who knew him, and warmly beloved by
the relatives and intimate friends who were best acquainted with his
high character and many noble and generous qualities. During his
long illness, he was watched over and cared for by his relations
with the most assiduous care and devotion, and every means that
human skill could apply, or tender affection suggest to arrest the
progress of his disease was employed, but the most that could be
done for the sufferer was to smooth his pathway to the grave.
Something over a year ago, he spent the winter in San Antonio, but
the genial climate which has helped so many invalids brought no
healing to him, and he returned only to linger out days of pain and
nights of waking. He bore all his sufferings with patience and
fortitude, and peacefully awaited the inevitable end. His widowed
mother, brothers and sisters have the sympathy of all their
neighbors and friends in this affliction. Mr. Russell was a native
of Alton, where he spent his brief life. For several years he was a
compositor in this office, always faithful, prompt, and efficient.
The funeral took place at the family residence on State Street. The
remains were taken by train to St. Louis, for interment in the
family burying ground at Bellefontaine Cemetery. He was 23 years and
6 months of age.
RUSSELL, GUY/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 02, 1898
Drowned in the Wood River
The body of a young man, which it developed was that of Guy Russell
of 415 Pine Street in St. Louis, was found Wednesday afternoon on
the bank of the Wood River, about 250 yards below the Big Four
Railway bridge. The body was found by Henry Schuarts, lying high
upon the bank, where it had been left by the receding waters, and
his attention was attracted to it by the smell. It was in an
advanced state of decomposition, and was unrecognizable, save for
the clothes that were on it. Mr. Schuarts reported his find to the
East Alton authorities, and Chief of Police Kuhn was notified. A
notification was sent out about ten days ago by J. L. Russell,
telling of the disappearance of the young man on May 13, and
offering a reward of $100 for him alive, and $50 for him dead.
The body found was clad in a gray bicycle suit, with blue shirt and
stockings, and tan shoes. The clothing worn by Guy Russell when he
disappeared from the Baptist Sanitarium in St. Louis was exactly the
same, and the Chief of Police wired the father of the young man that
his son had been found, and to come at once. Three brothers and
Detective Dewar of St. Louis came up, and fully identified the body
as that of Guy Russell.
On the day of his disappearance, he had been out bicycle riding with
a negro attendant, whose duty it was to look after him when he had
epileptic fits. While the attention of the attendant was diverted,
Russell mounted his wheel and made off. It was supposed he was
demented. He was seen at East Alton, ten days ago, riding on his
bicycle. He talked with Mr. Charles H. Miller, Big Four yardmaster,
and then set out toward the powder mill. It is supposed he was
crossing the Big Four bridge, and being taken with a fit, fell into
the raging stream. The body was badly bloated. It showed no marks of
foul play. Although the clothing on the corpse was the same as the
missing man wore, there were doubts in the minds of the men who came
up to identify him, and they hesitated to say positively that the
body was that of Russell. He had had his skull trepanned by Dr.
Mayfield of Mayfield Sanitarium, and that gentleman was wired to
come to make an examination. He arrived this morning, and after a
careful examination of the head, he positively identified the body
as that of Guy Russell. Undertakes Bauer prepared the body and
shipped it to St. Louis, and the funeral was Friday.
RUSSELL, HATTIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 30, 1882
Miss Hattie Russell, a lovely and amiable young lady, daughter of
Mrs. A. N. Russell, died this morning after a lingering illness,
aged 22 years, 1 month, and 20 days. Gifted with rare personal
attractions and many engaging qualities of mind and heart, she was
the pride of her relatives and the favorite of a large circle of
friends. Cut off in the early bloom of womanhood, when life spread
out before her with all its most pleasant anticipations, her death
is one of the saddest events we have ever been called upon to
record. The tender sympathy of all will go out to the widowed mother
and the stricken brothers and sister in their unspeakable sorrow.
For the third time, within a brief period, has the grim messenger of
death darkened their home. The remains will be taken to St. Louis
next Saturday for interment in Bellefontaine Cemetery, by the side
of the father and brothers gone before. Funeral services will be
held at the family residence on State Street before the departure
for St. Louis.
RUSSELL, J. A. and W. H./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 25, 1851
Died in Upper Alton of cholera, July 17, Mr. J. A. Russell, aged 18;
and W. H. Russell, aged 12 years. These amiable youths, being two
out of three orphan boys, the remnant of a once happy family, had
been pursuing their studies here during two years past, aided by the
kindness of their uncle, Major William Russell of St. Louis. Cut
down in a few short hours, both carried on the same hearse, and
buried in the same grave, followed by no kindred, save their
remaining orphan brother. Where shall we find a more relentless
instance of the “Destroyer’s work.” They were lovely and pleasant in
their lives, and in death they were not divided. The elder, although
exposed to all those temptations by which the fatherless are so
often corrupted, was noted for integrity, sobriety, discretion, and
all the virtues which make youth estimable. In addition to this, he
was untiring in his watchfulness over his younger brothers, whom
Providence had committed to his guardianship, and the cares of his
last hour were for the survivor. Of the younger, we may emphatically
say “none knew him but to love him.” For in a long and intimate
acquaintance, we never saw any indications of ruffled temper or
abatement of good will toward his playmates. With humble faith, we
leave them in the care of the “Father of the fatherless,” whose
promise is “When thy father and thy mother forsake thee, then the
Lord will take thee up.”
RUSSELL, J. E. JR. "BERT"/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
October 4, 1918
Young Soldier Dies in Training
J. E. Russell Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Russell, died at
Stamford, Conn., Thursday, from influenza, after a brief illness.
The message telling of the reassuring replies from his superior of
great surprise to his relatives in Alton. They had known of his
illness, but in response to messages they had sent making inquiry
they had received very reassuring replies from his superior officers
which allayed somewhat the anxiety the family felt. The message
giving information of his death said that the fatal illness was
influenza, followed by pneumonia. "Bert" Russell, was born in Alton
and had lived in Alton all his life. He was a fine specimen of young
manhood, physically, and he was one of the most highly esteemed
young men in Alton. He was a graduate of Alton High School, and he
had, for some time, been employed as an assistant to the head
chemist at the plant of the Federal Lead Co. He was making good in
his chosen profession of chemist when he was called to the colors.
At first his employers filed an industrial claim for him, but he at
last made arrangements for a successor on his job and he then
reported himself ready to go into service. He was sent away to
training camp, and for some time he had been on duty at Stamford,
Conn., in a position where his scientific training made him
peculiarly valuable to the government. A remarkable coincidence is
that just the day he died, and less than 24 hours before the death
message was received, the parents received the life insurance policy
which he had taken out on his life, and coming as it did at a time
when the parents were anxious over their son's welfare, it did not
tend to allay apprehension. "Bert" was 22 years old and left Alton
May 29, 1918 with the contingent for Camp Shelby, Hattiesburg, Miss.
The body will be brought to Alton for burial, but owing to the
nature of the malady from which he died, it may not be possible to
hold a public funeral.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 5, 1918
A telegram was received by J. E. Russell today from Ira Oetrli,
former instructor in Alton High School, that he would arrive in
Alton Sunday night with the body of Bert Russell, from Stamford,
Conn. Oetril and Russell were both engaged in chemical work at the
arsenal at Stamford. After being sent to Camp Shelby they were
transferred to the arsenal at Edenwood, and thence to Stamford, and
had been together all the time. The funeral will be held Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home at 1004 Alby Street, and will
be private. Interment will be in the Upper Alton Cemetery.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 7, 1918
A large crowd of friends and relatives assembled at Union Station
Sunday night to meet the 10 o'clock Chicago and Alton train, which
brought in the body of J. E. Russell Jr., who died at Stamford,
Conn., where he was stationed. The telegram received last week
notifying the family of Bert's death bore the tidings that the young
soldier died of Spanish influenza. When the body arrived it was
accompanied by Ira Oertli, who told the father, J. E. Russell, that
there was a message inside the box telling that the young man died
from pneumonia, and not influenza. The friends went to the Lock
undertaking parlors where the notice was read which confirmed
Oertli's verbal announcement. The body was taken upstairs and
prepared, and the friends invited to view the remains. No change was
made as to a private funeral arrangement, and they were carried out
as planned this afternoon from the home on Alby street, attended by
the members of the immediate family only. Services were conducted by
Rev. A. C. Geyer of the First Methodist Church. Interment was in
Oakwood Cemetery under a heavy blanket of flowers. Rev. Geyer also
conducted services at the grave side.
RUSSELL, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 19, 1911
James Russell, a member of a former well known colored family in
Alton, died in St. Louis, and the body was brought to Alton today
for burial in the City Cemetery.
RUSSELL, LAVINA E. (nee RUSSELL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January
8, 1891
From Moro – Died at her home in Moro on last Monday afternoon, Mrs.
Lavina E. Russell, after an illness of nearly two years duration.
She leaves a husband and four married children. She united with the
church at an early age, and lived a consistent Christian life. The
funeral took place from the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday.
Lavina was the wife of John Russell, who survived her. Eight
children were born from their union. She was buried in the Moro
RUSSELL, MAGGIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 25, 1899
The funeral of Maggie Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell,
1041 Union Street, took place yesterday. The pallbearers were Walter
Pitts, Walter Jackson, John Hunter, John Crawford, Atrus Hughes, and
Barney Johnson.
RUSSELL, NELLIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 15, 1883
From Bethalto – Little Nellie, infant daughter and only child of Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Russell, died Monday morning at 7 o’clock, aged one
year and eight months. The funeral took place this afternoon from
the family residence on Railroad Street. The remains were deposited
in the Moro Cemetery. The stricken parents deeply feel the sore
affliction that has befallen them, and in their sorrow have the
sincere sympathy of every feeling heart.
RUSSELL, REUBEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 7, 1902
School Boy Commits Suicide
Reuben Russell, son of Joel Russell of 1049 Union street, drank
carbolic acid Friday evening at the family home because he had been
reproved for misconduct at school. The boy had a fight with a
schoolmate, and when his mother punished him for fighting, the boy
went home and finding a bottle of carbolic acid, drank the contents
and died shortly afterward. He was 11 years old. The boy had been
attending Lovejoy school on Union street. Deputy Coroner Streeper
was notified and held an inquest this morning, and the jury found a
verdict of suicide, and that the boy committed the deed because he
had been reproved for fighting.
RUSSELL, SAMUEL PALMER/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 18,
From Moro – Mr. and Mrs. George Russell on Friday, buried Samuel
Palmer, their youngest child, whose death occurred Wednesday night
after an illness of short duration. A large number of friends were
present at the funeral, which took place from the Presbyterian
RUSSELL, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 3, 1885
Mrs. A. N. Russell died this morning of heart disease at the family
residence on State Street; aged 59 years. She had long been in
feeble health, but her last illness was but of a few days’ duration.
She was a native of Kingston, Canada, where she was born in 1826.
She married there, and shortly after removed with her husband to St.
Louis. In 1854, they removed to Alton, which has since been the home
of the family. In 1864, her husband died, and she was left with a
family of six children. All these reached adult years, but within a
short period she has followed two noble sons and two lovely
daughters to the cemetery. Her terrible and accumulated sorrows had
probably more to do with her death than actual physical illness. She
leaves two sons, Charles and George, the sole survivors of a once
numerous and happy family.
Mrs. Russell was a lady of most estimable character, a devoted
mother, a warm friend, and a kind neighbor. The many friends who
have sympathized with her in her many afflictions, and admired the
patience and resignation with which they were borne, will deeply
feel her loss, and yet they can but feel that the rest and peace she
has found are to her a happy transition. The funeral took place
Wednesday from the family residence. The remains were taken on the
train to St. Louis for burial in Bellefontaine Cemetery.
RUSSELL, WILLIS L. (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
September 5, 1919
Dr. Willis L. Russell, aged 46, died at his home, Third and Piasa
streets, today, after an illness of more than two years. He was
bedfast since last May. His death was due to tuberculosis. Ten years
ago Dr. Russell came to Alton and established himself in the
practice of the dental profession in the Snyder building at Third
and Piasa. He leaves his wife and one daughter, Charlotte. The body
will be taken to Cairo for burial, and Mrs. Russell plans to take
her daughter there to make their home.
RUST, JAMES W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 20, 1922
James W. Rust, aged 33, died this morning at 11:30 o'clock at his
home, 1506 Clawson street, after an illness of four months. Mr. Rust
had been near death a long time. All hope of his recovery was
abandoned some time ago and then he began to show signs of
improvement and again hopes were held that he would get well. His
attending physician expressed the belief that it was only the strong
will power of the man that tided him over at one period when he was
in the worst condition. The number of friends Mr. Rust had
manifested in his long illness by the large number of visitors who
called or inquired for him, manifesting a deep interest in his
condition. He was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge and the
encampment, also the Rebekahs, and also of the First Presbyterian
Church. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock
from the First Presbyterian church, Rev. Edward L. Gibson,
officiating. The body will be taken to Perry, Ill., for burial,
Tuesday morning. Mr. Rust leaves his wife and one daughter, Harriet,
aged 9. He was employed at the plant of the Illinois Glass Company
at the time he was taken sick. The struggle of Mr. Rust to conquer
the malady which had attacked him attracted much attention.
Conflicting reports as to his condition were abroad, and in all
cases they were justified, as when he seemed the worst he would take
a sudden turn for the better and it appeared that he might have a
chance to get well. It was these changes in his condition that
attracted so much attention.
RUTHERFORD, FRIEND SMITH (GENERAL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, June
24, 1864
The Funeral of General Friend Smith Rutherford took place from the
family residence in Middletown yesterday afternoon. The 17th
Illinois Cavalry, Colonel Beveridge commanding, escorted the remains
to the cemetery, where they were deposited with military honors due
his rank and eminent services. The funeral was a large and imposing
one, and the solemn and mournful music appropriate to the occasion,
discoursed by Murphy’s Silver Cornet Band, added greatly to the
impressiveness of the occasion.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 1, 1864
According to previous notice, the Rev. Dr. Taylor preached the
funeral sermon of Colonel Friend S. Rutherford, last evening in the
Presbyterian Church, to a large and attentive audience. It was one
of Mr. Taylor’s very best efforts. He met the great issues now
before the country, and discussed them in a fearless and masterly
manner, and proved very conclusively that the war was not one of our
seeking, but was forced upon us in such a way as it could not be
declined by us without dishonor and national suicide. And that
although the sacrifices called for were great, still it was the duty
and highest privilege of a patriotic people cheerfully to make all
that was required for the purpose of maintaining the life of the
He contended that there was no way of ever again securing a
permanent peace, except by subduing the rebels. To submit to a
compromise was to consent to the death of the nation. He concluded
his discourse by giving a brief, but very satisfactory biographical
sketch of Colonel Rutherford’s life, which, if it can be procured,
we shall transfer to our columns at some future time.
We have heard some of our citizens speak in the highest terms of
this discourse, and expressing a desire that it might be published,
but whether any steps have been taken to accomplish the object, we
are not at present advised.
Acknowledgements from the Rutherford Family
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 1, 1864
In behalf of the family and relatives of the late Colonel Friend S.
Rutherford, we tender their most grateful acknowledgements to the
neighbors and friends who were so unremitting in their attentions
and kindness to him during his late protracted illness, and to
officers and men of the 17th Illinois Cavalry, who officiated in the
ceremonies of his burial; and also to “Murphy’s Silver cornet Band”
for their promptness in complying with the request of friends to
grace the escort with their presence and solemn and impressive
strains of music.
There are a few whose assiduous kindness especially endeared them to
the deceased, and whose names were often on his faltering tongue in
his last hours, accompanied with expressions of deep obligation,
gratitude and prayers for their prosperity. We are not at liberty to
name them here, but can assure them that the gratitude felt by the
dead will long be cherished by the living relations, who were the
witnesses of their generosity.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 1, 1864
We learn by a private dispatch just received from Washington, under
date of today, that the Senate of the United States confirmed
Colonel F. S. Rutherford yesterday as Brigadier-General of
Volunteers, in accordance with the nomination made by the President
and mentioned by us some days since. This is a deserved tribute to
the worth and bravery of our departed friend, and although too late
to benefit him personally, still it will be a source of great
satisfaction to his family and his many warm, personal friends in
this vicinity, to know that the sacrifices and services which he has
rendered to his country are appreciated by the authorities at
Headquarters, 97th Illinois Volunteers
New Orleans, July 5, 1864
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 22, 1864
At a meeting of the commissioned officers of the 97th Illinois
Volunteers, held this evening, Captain J. G. Buchanan was called to
the chair, and Lieutenant J. K. Frierson appointed Secretary. The
President stated that the object of the meeting was for the purpose
of passing resolutions in regard to the decease of Colonel Friend S.
Rutherford, late commander of the regiment. A committee of three was
appointed by the chair, consisting of Major Victor Vifquain, Captain
F. T. Lewis, and Lieutenant J. B. Frierson, to draft resolutions.
The committee so appointed presented the following, which were
unanimously adopted:
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God in His Divine Providence to
remove from us by death, our late commander, Colonel Friend S.
Rutherford; therefore be it
Resolved, That in his death, our country has lost one of its most
able, patriotic, devoted, and zealous officers, and society one of
its best members.
Resolved, That dying from disease contracted while in the line of
his duty, he sacrificed his life as truly, and as bravely for his
country as though he had fallen on the field of battle.
Resolved, That only those so intimately associated with Colonel
Rutherford, as we who have been under his command, can duly
appreciate his kindness of heart, his care for his men, his true
patriotism and spirit of self-sacrifice, and his undaunted bravery,
and as officers of the 97th, we can but express in this feeble
manner our sense of the greatness of our loss.
Resolved, That we tender our deepest and most heartfelt sympathies
to his bereaved widow and children, and relatives in this their
great bereavement, and trust that the recollection of the glorious
cause in which the husband, father, and friend has fallen, and that
the sympathies of all patriots may in some slight degree serve to
alleviate the bitterness of their anguish.
Resolved, That in respect to his memory, we wear the usual badge of
mourning for thirty days.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the
family of the late Colonel F. S. Rutherford, and that a copy also be
forwarded for publication in the Alton, Illinois papers, and in the
papers in the city of Troy, New York, also in the New Orleans Times,
Chicago Tribune, and St. Louis Democrat.
Signed, Major Victor Vifquain, 97th Illinois.
Captain F. T. Lewis, 97th Illinois.
Lieutenant J. R. Frierson, 97th Illinois.
Colonel Rutherford was born in Schenectady, New York, in the year
1820. In early youth he was noted for a love of learning, and for a
quick invention and a mechanical turn of mind, which led him early
to the study of Philosophy and the practice of philosophical
experiments. As he grew older, his tastes became more directed
towards intellectual pursuits, and he finally decided upon the study
of law. He pursued his legal studies at Troy, New York, where he
took a good rank among his fellow pupils, but by over study, his
eyes became so weak that he was forced to desist from study, and to
betake to a more active life. For a change, he engaged in planting
telegraph lines, as an agent for the American Telegraph Company, and
in this capacity came South, and traveled over much of Tennessee,
Alabama, and Mississippi. There he met a great deal of opposition,
but by his energy and carefulness, succeeded against it all. His
health having become restored, he removed to Alton, Illinois, and
entered upon the practice of his profession in which he at once took
a good rank. He early took a decided and prominent part in politics,
and connected himself with the Democratic Party, but rather with the
free-soil wing of it. Becoming convinced of the pernicious designs
of Southern politicians and of the efficeness of both the great
parties of the country, he was one of the first to break his party
allegiance, and to proclaim the necessity for the formation of the
Republican Party. In the contest that followed in 1856, he took a
very prominent part, and to his efforts is perhaps due the triumphs
of that party in his section of the State. Thus, he was prepared
when this wicked Rebellion broke out to enter heart and soul into
the contest for our country. When the 97th Regiment was raised in
1862, he was elected Colonel, and continued as commander until his
In the march through Kentucky and in the first attack upon Vicksburg
in the battle of Arkansas Post, through the long and terrible winter
at Young’s Point, in the march to Grand Gulf, on the battlefield of
Magnoira Hills, Champion Hills, and Black River Bridge, he led the
Regiment, but the long march to Vicksburg overcame him, and he was
obliged to yield the command to Colonel Louis D. Martin during the
whole siege of Vicksburg and vicinity as his health continually
failed, he was forced to apply for a leave of absence, and was at
home dangerously sick until the last of November 1863, when he
rejoined the Regiment to all appearance, well. But as the warm
season advanced, his old disease (chronic diarrhea) returned, and it
was evident to all his friends that if he wished to save his life,
he ought to leave for the North. But he was unwilling so to do, and
did continually strive against his disease until forced by weakness
to leave. Alas, too late, for he never rallied, and died upon the
20th of June.
Colonel Rutherford was a person of more than ordinary abilities, a
stateman of far-reaching views, with his every instinct upon the
side of Freedom. An eloquent orator, a warm friend, a good officer,
a noble man - and standing by his grave, we look to see them and not
to any defect, he may have had, not to any persons, feelings of
pique or otherwise, and only feel our loss and mourn our commander
and friend.
RUTHERFORD, FRIEND SMITH JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph,
September 6, 1913
Son of Gen. Friend S. Rutherford
Word was received in Alton Saturday morning by Mrs. J. F. McGinnis
and Miss Mary Rutherford, that their brother, Friend S. Rutherford
Jr., had died in a hospital in St. Louis, where he was taken after a
stroke of apoplexy. He had been ill but a short time. He was 60
years of age, and a son of the late Mrs. Letitia V. Rutherford of
Alton. He was remembered by some of the older residents of Alton.
For many years he had been living in St. Louis, where he was engaged
in the commission business. He leaves his wife and six sons and
three daughters. Beside his two sisters mentioned, he leaves two
others, Mrs. W. C. Johnston of St. Louis and Mrs. William Russell of
Brother of General Friend Smith Rutherford
General George Valentine Rutherford was born in 1830 in Rutland,
Rutland County, Vermont. He was a brother to General Friend Smith
Rutherford and Reuben C. Rutherford. Gen. George Rutherford was an
attorney, manufacturer, and telegraph superintendent. He held the
following positions: Chief of Field Inspections & Reports Office,
Quartermaster General Dept. 1861-1864; Captain Assistant
Quartermaster, April 2, 1863; Colonel Quartermaster, August 2, 1864
to November 1866; Chief, Division 8 (Inspections) - Quartermaster
General Dept., 1864-1865; Bvt. Major, March 13, 1865; Bvt. Lt.
Colonel, March 13, 1865; Bvt. Colonel, March 13, 1865; Bvt. Brig.
General, March 13, 1865; MOV, November 10, 1866. General George
Rutherford died of consumption in St. Helena, California on August
28, 1876. He was interred in the St. Helena Cemetery in St. Helena,
George Rutherford was married twice. He first married in 1861 to
Libbie Worthington Hurlbut (1835-1869). He married a second time in
1870 to Lucy Emily Keyes (1838-1887). He had the following children:
Ralph H. Rutherford (1863-1907); Suzie E. Rutherford (1867-?); and
Belle C. Rutherford (1868-?).
RUTHERFORD, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 9, 1895
From Bethalto – The funeral of Mr. John Rutherford, formerly an old
citizen of Bethalto, occurred at Edwardsville last Friday.
RUTHERFORD, JOSEPH C. (DOCTOR)/Source: Barton, Orleans County,
Monitor, October 27, 1902
After an extended illness from heart trouble, Dr. Joseph C.
Rutherford, the veteran surgeon, was summoned to his final reunion
in the great army of the spirit land, October 21, 1902, at the
advanced age of 84 years and 21 days. He was born in Schenectsdy,
New York, in 1818. He came to Burlington, Vermont, in 1830, in which
place and Woodstock he obtained his education. He began the study of
medicine with Dr. Newell of Lyndon at the age of 21. He came to
Newport in 1860, where he has since resided. He was surgeon in the
Civil War of 1861, serving three years. He was prominent in
fraternal organizations, having been a Mason thirty-nine years, and
an Odd Fellow nearly three-score years. He has always been one of
the staunchest friends of the local militia organization, attending
all its public functions, and was an honorary member of Company L,
who now mourn him as they would one of their enlisted officers. He
was always ready with a cordial greeting to all, and his genial
countenance was an inspiration of good cheer to many. The large and
impressive funeral services at the Congregational Church Thursday
afternoon attested stronger than words the affection felt for
another departed hero of the war. Four fraternal organization were
in the funeral march, viz. Malta Commandery, Knight Templars;
Memphremagog Lodge, F. & A. M.; Baxter Post; and Company L, V.N.G.
The Commandery funeral rites were observed, Prelate W. M. Johnson of
Barton officiating, impressively assisted by the Rines brothers in a
song service. Eulogistic remarks were made by Rev. A. F. McGregor,
pastor of the Congregational Church. The floral tributes were
especially profuse and beautiful. The interment was at the West
Derby Cemetery. The surviving relatives are: a son, Dr. Jacob
Rutherford of Providence, Rhode Island; two daughters, Mrs. K.
Woodward of Missouri; and Mrs. Helen Colby of Newport; and four
grandchildren: Ruth, Enoch, and Joseph Colby, and Helen Woodward.
RUTHERFORD, LETITIA V. (nee SLOSS)/Source: Alton Evening
Telegraph, April 20, 1910
Wife of Colonel Friend S. Rutherford
Mrs. Letitia V. Rutherford, a resident of Alton since 1858, died at
7:15 o'clock Wednesday morning, at her home, 431 east Ninth street,
after an illness of two weeks. Her death was due to a breaking down
of her system from old age, and had been expected for almost a week.
She was taken ill two weeks before her death with what was believed
to be a slight ailment, and she never was able to be around again.
Up to the evening before her death she was conscious, her mind was
undimmed, and while she knew for several days she was dying, she was
glad and ready to go and was happy with the members of her family
around her. Up to the time she lost consciousness finally, the
evening before her death, she conversed about current events, seemed
to be still as deeply interested in her friends and her family as
ever, and was not in the least perturbed by the certainty of her
near dissolution. Mrs. Rutherford had always maintained her youthful
interest in the young people. Her family and friends said she would
never grow old in spirit, because she loved children so well, and
this prediction was borne out to the last. She had a sweet
simplicity of soul that would not countenance any display, her
family and her friends were her little world, and she was never so
happy as when, surrounded by many of her descendants, she lay on her
dying bed. She was a devoted member of the Presbyterian church and
had held membership in the First Presbyterian church of Alton since
she came to this city. Her father was Rev. James Sloss, a
Presbyterian minister. She was born in Florence, Ala., and would
have been 79 years of age June 13. She was married on her 18th
birthday to Friend S. Rutherford, at her home, and she was separated
from him by death in June 1864. Her husband was the colonel of the
97th Illinois volunteers, and he was taken sick after a long
campaign in the neighborhood of Vicksburg, and at New Orleans. His
wife went south and brought him home, and soon thereafter she was
left with a large family of children, by her husband's death. She
always maintained her home circle, made it the center for the other
home circles that grew from her own, and was imbued with the spirit
of hospitality that made her home a delightful place to be. She
leaves four daughters, Mrs. W. C. Johnston of St. Louis; Miss Mary
Rutherford; Mrs. John F. McGinnis; Mrs. William Russell of Alton;
and one son, F. S. Rutherford of St. Louis. She leaves also an
adopted daughter, her niece, Miss Grace Sloss. She is survived by
two brothers, Joseph Sloss of Memphis, Tenn., and Robert Sloss. She
leaves thirty-six of grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren.
In 1852 Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford and their 13 months' old daughter,
Anna, later Mrs. J. A. Cousley, now deceased, removed to
Edwardsville, where Mr. Rutherford began the practice of his
profession, the law. The family resided in Edwardsville until 1858,
until Mr. Rutherford received an appointment as one of the officials
of the Illinois State Penitentiary, then at Alton. Their residence
was continued here until the present time. Mrs. Rutherford's
brother, Joseph Sloss, is the only survivor of the persons who
participated in the original Lincoln-Douglas debate. Prior to the
arrival of the principal speakers it was planned that speeches would
be made by local talent. Her husband, F. S. Rutherford, and her
brother, Joseph Sloss, both attorneys, were the speakers selected to
represent the two parties, the brother being on the Douglas side and
her husband on the Lincoln side. Later both enlisted in armies, the
one to fight for the Union, the other for the Confederacy. Later her
brother was elected as representative in the United States congress,
and was later appointed U. S. Marshall for the North District of
Alabama of the Federal Court, by President Grant. The funeral will
be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, and services will be held
in the First Presbyterian church by Rev. A. O. Lane. Burial will be
in City Cemetery.
RUTHERFORD, MARY EFFIE (nee SANDERS)/ Source: Alton Telegraph,
August 02, 1894
Daughter-in-Law of Col. Friend S. Rutherford
Mrs. Effie, wife of Friend Smith Rutherford Jr. of St. Louis, was
fatally burned by a gasoline explosion in that city on Tuesday
evening. She was filling the tank from a can, but neglected to
extinguish the flames at the burner. Her clothing was immediately
enveloped in flames, and her screams brought men from the street,
who wrapped her in blankets, but she was dreadfully burned. Her
husband, who travels for a St. Louis commission firm, was not at
home. Her mother-in-law, Mrs. Letitia V. Rutherford of Alton, left
for St. Louis Thursday. The victim of the explosion died Thursday
morning at 3 o’clock.
Mary Effie Sanders Rutherford was born in 1857 in Iowa. She was the
daughter of John Sanders (1827-1919) and Mahala Antoinette Sanders
(1836-1888. She married Friend “Frank” Smith Rutherford (1853-1913)
in 1878. They had the following children: Nellie Grace Rutherford
Walz (1882-1961); John Ramey Rutherford (1884-1953); Mabel Effie
Rutherford Woodrich (1886-1970); and Maude Ethyl Rutherford Kettman
(1891-1964). Effie was buried in the Bellefontaine Cemetery in St.
Louis. Her husband, Friend S. Rutherford Jr., married again in 1895
to Jeannette Louisa Brands (1873-1965). Friend & Jeannette had the
following children: Francis Otto Rutherford (1895-1953); Sidney
Arthur Rutherford (1898-1952); Letitia Agnes Rutherford (1902-1922);
Joseph Edward Rutherford (1904-1967); and Jeannette Catherine
Rutherford Vatterott (1906-1939).
RUTHERFORD, MARY J./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1874
Dies From Injuries From Fire
A sad accident took place Monday evening at the residence of Mr. G.
Paddock. A colored servant girl named Mary J. Rutherford, lit a lamp
in the kitchen with a piece of paper, and then threw the burning
paper on the floor, where she thought it was extinguished, but
instead of that, it set fire to her skirts, and in a moment she was
enveloped in flames. In her terror, she ran upstairs into Mrs.
Paddock’s room, when that lady threw a bed blanket around her,
drenched her with water, and finally extinguished the flames, but
not until the girl had been so terribly burned from the waist
downward, that her life is despaired of. Mrs. Paddock also had her
hands badly burned in endeavoring to aid the suffering girl. The
courage and presence of mind displayed by Mrs. Paddock, in the
emergency, are highly praised by her friends. Had it not been for
her, the disaster would have been much worse, as the girl, as she
ran, set fire to everything with which she came in contact. {Mary J.
Rutherford died February 4, 1874, and is buried in the Alton City
REUBEN CLIFFORD (GENERAL)/Source: Quincy Journal, July 2, 1895
Brother to Gen. Friend S. and George V. Rutherford
General Reuben C. Rutherford, widely known among a large circle of
friends in Illinois as “Dr.” Rutherford, died at his home in New
York on June 24, 1895, in the 72nd year of his age. Dr. Rutherford
was a native of Troy, New York, born September 29, 1823, but spent
his boyhood in the States of Vermont and New Hampshire. He early
fitted himself for the bar, but while still a young man qualified
himself as a lecturer on physiology and related subjects, delivering
his first course of lectures on chemistry at the age of 16. Coming
West in 1849, he commenced lecturing on physiology, anatomy, and
mental science, in which employment he spent several years,
delivering popular courses in many of the principal towns and cities
in Illinois. During the years 1854-55, he canvassed the State
extensively in conjunction with the venerable Professor J. B. Turner
of Jacksonville, and Mr. Bronson Murray (now of New York) in the
interests of the movement originating in this State in behalf of
“industrial education.” It was out of this movement grew the
donation of public lands by the general government for the support
of “agricultural colleges” in the several States, and the
establishment of the University of Illinois at Champaign.
In 1856, Dr. Rutherford was married to Miss Maria Rebecca Robbins,
daughter of John P. Robbins, a prominent and wealthy farmer residing
in the immediate vicinity of Quincy, Illinois, and that place
continued to be his home for the next thirty years, except while in
the public service during the Civil War. In this he was one of the
first to engage, enlisting in the three months’ service in 1861. He
was immediately appointed commissary of subsistence, serving in this
capacity at Cairo during the first year of the war, first under the
authority of the State, and afterward under the general government,
while that place was a camp of instruction and troops were being
forwarded to the front. Later, he was connected with the
quartermaster’s department of the State, in fitting out troops for
the field, and finally, by appointment of Secretary Stanton, his
strong personal friend, became identified with the secret service of
the War Department, serving at various stations in the middle and
eastern States and in Washington. At the close of the war, he was
complimented with a commission as Brigadier General by brevet, but
remained in the service until 1867, when at the solicitation of his
family, he was induced to resign. His wife’s parents, having died in
1872, his family became involved in a vexatious and expensive will
contest, lasting some fifteen years, which became one of the “causes
celebres” of the Illinois courts. Though finally successful, a large
estate had been practically dissipated, and in 1886, General
Rutherford went to New York. There he soon after became identified
with the Dr. Jaeger Sanitary Woolen System Company as editor and
advertising manager, in which service he remained until the
beginning of his fatal illness, some four months ago. He is survived
by his wife and three children – two daughters and a son – who
remain in New York. General Rutherford had two brothers – Friend S.
and George V. Rutherford – both of whom were prominent in affairs of
Telegraph, October 30, 1863
We regret to state that a son of Colonel Friend S. Rutherford,
residing in Middle Alton, was thrown from a wagon on Tuesday, and so
severely injured that he died during the night. We understand that
an uncle of the child, who lives in the country, had been at the
house of Colonel Rutherford, and being about to return home, he
hitched up his horses to a small wagon, and placing the boy and his
sister in it, drove outside of the gate, but there remembering
something which he had forgot, he left the wagon and children a
moment, when the horses made a sudden start, and soon striking a
tree, smashed the wagon to pieces, and threw the children out. The
boy was killed as stated above, while the little girl entirely
escaped injury. We deeply sympathize with the worthy parents in this
afflictive dispensation of Providence. And what adds to the pain and
grief of the afflicted mother, is the fact that Colonel Rutherford
is absent in Washington City, but as he has been telegraphed to it,
is to be hoped he will soon be at home.
A Mistake Corrected
Allow me, Mr. Editor, to state that you were misinformed in respect
to some of the circumstances attending the accident which resulted
in the death of Colonel Rutherford’s little boy. Although it was Mr.
Sloss’ team which ran away, he was not in charge of it at the time,
but was in the house waiting for Colonel Rutherford’s man to harness
and drive it round to the door. The hired man drove it out of the
stable yard, put the lines in the hands of the children in the
wagon, and went back to shut they gate. Then the horses started and
ran with the fatal results already made known to your readers.
Signed “R.”
RUTHERFORD, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 2, 1880
A terrible and fatal accident occurred Wednesday night at Venice,
Illinois, whereby Mr. William Rutherford, well known as a conductor
on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, lost his life. He was standing at
the depot when a train of the I. & St. Louis pulled in, and through
some unknown circumstance – probably a slip on the snow – he fell
under the wheels, which passed over his body and crushed the life
out of him almost instantly.
RUTHERFORD, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 18, 1892
William Rutherford, 20 years old, met death in a peculiar and
distressing manner at Girard last Thursday evening. A party of young
men, of whom he was one, had gathered for a charivari, when a large
dog attacked them, and a number of them, including young Rutherford,
took out their knives for defense. With the open knife in hand,
Rutherford started to run, but fell, driving the knife to his heart
and died instantly. He was a young man who stood very high, and the
whole town was greatly shocked at the occurrence. [Burial was in
Girard Township Cemetery, Gerard, Illinois.]
RUTLEDGE, ANDREW J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 3,
Andrew J. Rutledge, aged 80, father of Mrs. Fulk, died at the home
of his daughter in the North Side, Saturday night, from paralysis.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon and burial was in Oakwood
cemetery, Upper Alton. It was just one week to the day from the time
of the funeral of the husband of Mrs. Fulk, who was killed in a
railroad accident at the foot of Ridge street. Mr. Rutledge had been
ill a long time.
RUTLEDGE, FRANCES (nee HEPPLEWHITE)/Source: Alton Telegraph,
November 14, 1895
Intelligence has been received in Alton of the death of Mrs. John
Rutledge at Collinsville. Both Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge formerly lived
at North Alton, and the bereaved husband will have the sympathy of
his many friends who will be grieved to hear of the untimely death
of Mrs. Rutledge.
RUTLEDGE, IRETTA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 24, 1906
Iretta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rutledge, died last night at
the family home on Fourth street between Market and Piasa streets,
after two years illness with paralysis. The funeral will be held
tomorrow morning. The child was 3 years old. Deputy Coroner Keiser
held an inquest, and a verdict of death from paralysis was found.
RUTLEDGE, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 30, 1894
Pioneer Coal Miner
Mr. John Rutledge, a well-known resident of North Alton, died
Saturday after lingering illness from typhoid fever. Mr. Rutledge
was 71 years of age. He was a brother of Mr. Walton Rutledge of
Alton. He was one of the pioneer coal miners in Illinois, and was
among the first who dug coal in North Alton.
Monday afternoon occurred the funeral of the late and respected John
Rutledge, from the family home at North Alton. Probably the most
forcible reminder of the esteem in which Mr. Rutledge was held by
his friends and fellow citizens was the cortege that followed the
body to its last resting place in the Godfrey Cemetery. The services
were conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden, after which all those
assembled were given an opportunity to look on the face of the one
who had been taken from their midst. The services at the grave were
conducted according to the Odd Fellows ritual by the chaplain of
Greenwood Lodge, and the pallbearers were Thomas Hyndman, William
Flynn, Thomas Corbett from Wildey Encampment, and Edward Ries,
Charles Clifford, and Henry Wutzler from Greenwood Lodge.
From North Alton – The funeral of the late John Rutledge took place
yesterday afternoon from the family residence to the Godfrey
Cemetery. One of the largest corteges that ever left this town
followed the corpse to the grave. Many and beautiful were the tokens
of respect placed on the grave of the one who had always been an
example of honesty and sincerity in the community.
John Rutledge was a brother of Walton Rutledge, who was born in
County Durham, England, April 18, 1935. Walton came to America in
about 1854, and served in the Civil War. He also worked as a coal
miner, and later served as county mine inspector and Illinois miner
inspector. Walton died in 1922, and is buried in the Alton City
RUTLEDGE, MARIE ENO/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 16, 1922
Mrs. Marie Eno Rutledge, wife of Walton Rutledge, died this morning
at 8 o'clock at the family home, Fourth and Market streets, from the
effects of pneumonia. She had been suffering from the disease nearly
a month. With her at the time of her illness, for most of the time,
were all the members of her family. Her aged husband, Walton
Rutledge, who has been suffering from arterial hardening, is in a
very bad condition, and the death of his wife has added to the
gravity of his case. Mrs. Rutledge was married in Alton nearly sixty
five years ago. She was only 15 years of age when she was married in
Alton, and the observance of the sixtieth anniversary about four and
a half years ago, was a big event with the family. They were looking
forward to the sixty-fifth anniversary, which would have fallen the
4th of next December, and planned to make it a notable occasion, as
there are few couples who live to celebrate that anniversary. Mrs.
Rutledge was born in Boston, England, March 27, 1842, passing her
eightieth birthday last March. She came to America with her parents
when very young, going first to Winona, Minn., and afterward coming
to Alton at the age of 10. She was married at Edwardsville, December
4, 1857. Since girlhood, she had been a member of the First Baptist
church and her religious interests centered there. In her home she
was a good mother and wife, and in her closing hours her devoted
family of children were around her. She leaves her aged husband,
Walton Rutledge, and six children, William A. of St. Louis, Elmer E.
of Alton, Ella S. of Alton, John J. of Urbana, Mrs. Zeb Lapelle and
Herbert Rutledge of Washington, D. C.
RUTLEDGE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 06, 1899
Mrs. John Rutledge died last evening at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Henry Cartwright, two miles east of Upper Alton, after a long
illness, aged 76 years. Her death has been expected by her family
for several weeks, and nothing but her great vitality kept her
Mrs. Rutledge was the widow of the late John Rutledge of North
Alton. They were both natives of England, having come to this
country in 1855, soon after their marriage. On landing in America,
they made their way to Alton immediately. Mrs. Rutledge leaves five
daughters and one son – Mrs. J. A. Goff of Alton; Mrs. Jennie Fraser
of Ottawa, Kansas; Mrs. Lee Jones of Milwaukee; Mrs. H. Cartwright
of Upper Alton; Mrs. Mary Anne Percival of Alton; and Mr. John
Rutledge of Collinsville. She also leaves 35 grandchildren and 17
great-grandchildren. The funeral will take place from the residence
of Mrs. M. A. Percival, 1210 State Street. [Burial was probably in
the Godfrey Cemetery, beside her husband, John Rutledge, who died in
RUTLEDGE, WALTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17, 1922
City & County Engineer, State & County Mine Inspector
Walton Rutledge, one of the best known residents of Alton, and for
many years prominent in public life, died this morning at his home
on Fourth and Market streets, after a long period of physical
disability. His death follows closely that of his wife, and at the
time of her death Mr. Rutledge, who had suffered a collapse, did not
realize that his partner of nearly 65 years of married life had
passed over. His death was not unexpected, and was a happy release
from suffering. He was born in Haswell, Durham county, England,
April 18, 1836, and came to the United States when he was nineteen
years of age. Mr. Rutledge was in his early days a coal miner in the
old mines on the coal branch, at North Alton, and it was there he
acquired the experience which fitted him for valuable public service
to the state in the years to come, in various capacities, all of
them connected with the mining industry. He served as county mine
inspector for several years and he also held the position of county
surveyor of Madison county, for twelve years. For five years he was
city engineer of the city of Alton and he rendered capable service
in that time. Two years he served as a member of the Alton city
council. For more than thirty years Mr. Rutledge served the state of
Illinois in the capacity of a state mine inspector. He was retained
in the service under one governor after another, and he did not give
up his state work until old age made it necessary for him to do so.
During the Civil War he served in two regiments, first in the 132nd
and next in the 144th, in both instances being a first lieutenant.
He had a prominent part in the framing and passing of the mining
laws of Illinois which formed the basis of mining legislation in
other states. He was an honorary member of the Mine Inspectors
Institute of America, a member of the Grand Army of the Republic.
For many years he had been a member of the Masonic fraternity,
holding membership in Piasa lodge at Alton, and he was also a member
of Belvidere commandery, Knights Templar. He was the first president
of the board of trustees of the village of North Alton, now a part
of Alton. Mr. Rutledge was a good musician, and was especially
skillful in playing the violin. Old timers recall that in the olden
days there would seldom be a social gathering in the North Side that
would be without some musical background furnished by Walton
Rutledge. He was a kindly, courteous, friendly man, and he was known
as a good citizen, an upright man in every particular, and he was
held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. The children
surviving are William A. Rutledge of St. Louis, E. E. Rutledge and
Miss Ella Rutledge of Alton, J. J. Rutledge of Urbana, Ill., Mrs.
Zeb Lapelle and Herbert W. Rutledge of Washington, D. C. The funeral
of Walton Rutledge will be held Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock
from the home. The distant members of the family are expected to be
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 21, 1922
The funeral of Walton Rutledge was held this morning at 9:30 o'clock
from his late residence, Fourth and Market streets. There was a good
attendance of old friends and relatives at the services, which were
conducted by Rev. D. T. McGill of the College Avenue Baptist Church.
The burial service in the City Cemetery was under the auspices of
the Masonic order. Mr. Rutledge having held membership many years in
Piasa lodge. The Knights Templar furnished an escort of honor for
the deceased. There were many floral offerings from those who had
know Mr. Rutledge in his long career in public life. The pallbearers
were J. W. Beall, George T. Davis, J. D. Broome, P. B. Cousley, H.
T. McCrea, J. T. McClure.
RUTLEDGE, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 2, 1886
Civil War Veteran
Mr. William Rutledge, a well-known business man, died Wednesday
morning at his residence on Belle Street, of quick consumption, in
the 43rd year of his age. He was a native of Shinkcliffe Cloliery,
County of Durham, England, born December 6, 1843. He emigrated to
this country with his father’s family in 1855, arriving in Alton May
10, where he has since made his home. His occupation was clerking
until seven years ago, when he went into business for himself. He
has filled several local offices, and at the time of his death was
Clerk of Alton Township. He served in the army during the war, and
was a member of the G.A.R. He also belonged to the A.O.U.W. He was
married seven years ago to Miss Hannah Burton, who with three young
children, survives him. He also leaves a father, mother, five
sisters, and other relatives. Mr. Rutledge was highly esteemed by
many friends who greatly deplore his death.
William Rutledge was a Union soldier with the 10th Illinois
Infantry, Company D.
RUTLEDGE, WILLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 16,
The funeral of Willie Rutledge, the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Rutledge, who died from the effects of burns he sustained
one week before, was held yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the
home of Walton Rutledge on Market street. Services were conducted by
Rev. M. W. Twing. At the funeral announcement was made of the death
of the 8 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rutledge, from
diphtheria, at Baltimore, Maryland, on the same day and at the same
hour as the death of a son of William Rutledge. The announcement at
the funeral was the first information Mr. and Mrs. William Rutledge
had received of the affliction that befell Mr. and Mrs. John
Rutledge. The pallbearers for Willie Rutledge were five little
friends of the boy, Arthur Krone, Randolph Richardson, Grover
Casper, Joseph Klein, and Marion Richardson. Burial was in City
RUYLE, ALFRED/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 15, 1890
Killed by Train
A few moments before six o’clock Tuesday evening, Alfred Ruyle fell
under the engine of a Chicago & Alton construction train, on which
he was acting as brakeman. Both of his lower limbs were horribly
mangled, and the unfortunate man died about five hours later at the
Sister’s Hospital, whence he was carried after the accident. The
train was “heading in,” onto the Milton sidetrack, when Ruyle
attempted to board the pilot of the engine. Probably the mud, which
had gathered on his shoes, caused him to slip, he lost his foothold,
fell under the engine, and his limbs were crushed by its wheels as
well as by those of the cars which followed after. Deceased lived at
Roodhouse, was about twenty-one years old, and unmarried.
RYAN, ALICE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 5, 1920
Mrs. Alice Ryan, a resident of North Alton for more than sixty
years, died last night after a lingering illness caused by old age
infirmities, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ignatius Walter, on
Elm street. Mrs. Ryan would have been 80 years old March 17 next,
and most of her life was spent in Alton. She was a kindly,
charitable woman, and made and retained friends because of her
lovable characteristics, and her death will be regretted by all who
knew her. She is survived by three sons and four daughters, and all
the children but one, who lives in Oregon, were with her before she
passed away, peacefully as if sleeping. The children are John T.
Ryan and Mrs. Ignatius Walter of Alton; Mrs. Charles Lyle of
Malavoh, Oregan; Mrs. W. H. Staley of Sioux City, Iowa; Miss
Katherine Ryan of St. Louis; James Ryan of Tulsa, Oklahoma; and
Thomas Ryan of Wichita Falls, Texas. The funeral will be held
Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral, and burial will
be in Greenwood cemetery.
RYAN, ANNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 14, 1900
Mrs. Annie Ryan, wife of John Ryan, died this morning at the family
home at Sixth and Walnut streets. She was 40 years of age and had
been ill only a short time. The funeral will be Monday afternoon at
2 o'clock, and services will be at the home.
RYAN, BRIDGET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 10, 1907
The funeral of Mrs. Bridget Ryan was held this morning from the
Cathedral, and was attended by a large number of friends of the
family. Services were conducted by Rev. Fr. Fennessey and burial was
in Greenwood cemetery. The pallbearers were Joseph and Thomas
Broderick, David Walsh, James Kirwin, Fred Havens and James Hagen.
RYAN, CORNELIUS (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19, 1885
Captain Cornelius Ryan, one of our old, well-known citizens, died
last Monday, March 16, quite suddenly and unexpectedly. He had been
failing for some time, but was able to be about until Saturday
night, when he was seized by an attack that soon proved fatal, at
the age of 66 years, 4 months. His condition was not thought to be
dangerous until but a few minutes before he breathed his last,
causing the blow to fall more heavily on his afflicted family. The
immediate cause of death was congestion of the brain.
Captain Ryan was a native of Ireland, but came to this country when
quite young, landing first in Canada. He became a resident of Alton
about 40 years ago, and for several years was engaged in
steamboating on the Mississippi, Missouri, and the Illinois Rivers.
He commanded the steamers Leodora, Metamora, Gypsey, and Dunleith.
He was a man of large and varied experience. For years he was
engaged with his brother, the late Daniel Ryan, in the hardware
trade on Second Street [Broadway], but for some time has not been in
any active business occupation. He leaves a widow and ten children.
[Burial was in the Catholic Cemetery.]
RYAN, DANIEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 20, 1863
Mr. Daniel Ryan, a well-known hardware merchant of Alton, died last
night at his residence on State Street.
RYAN, DANIEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 02, 1897
Daniel Syan, for the past forty-two years a resident of Alton, died
Saturday night at his home on Alby Street; aged 78 years. The
funeral took place Tuesday morning from the Cathedral.
RYAN, DAVID/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 3, 1917
One of Alton's Most Progressive Builders
David Ryan, aged 78, died at 4:30 o'clock Friday morning at his
home, 318 Prospect street, after a long illness from a cancerous
trouble in his jaw and throat. The funeral will be held Monday
morning from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral at 9 o'clock, and burial
will be in Greenwood Cemetery. In the passing of Mr. Ryan, Alton
loses one of her most progressive citizens, a builder of the city,
and a man whose work had done much for the improvement of the city.
He had laid more miles of street paving and sewers in the city of
Alton than any other man, and he was the first Alton man who did a
job of street paving in this city. He was awarded the second paving
contract ever given out in Alton, and until old age forced him to
retire, he was a bidder on all jobs of public improvements. He was
also a builder of homes in the city and among the real estate
possessions included in his valuable estate are some of the nicest
houses in the city that are rented. He had great confidence in Alton
realty as an investment, and what money he made he quickly put into
houses. He would buy old houses, enlarge and remodel them, and turn
them into handsome places in which first class families lived. He
had done much to set the example in building of homes in Alton.
David Ryan was a man of great native shrewdness. He was born in
Ireland and came to the United States when a young man. More than
fifty years ago he came to Alton. He was known for his great energy
and his constructive ability. When they were starting a building and
loan association in Alton the first time, he was a member of it and
he stayed with the Piasa until a month ago, when approaching death
caused him to get out of the directorate. It is said that when the
first street paving job was done he was a constant watcher of
operations. He learned how it was done, put in a bid for the next
job, and he made money out of contracting. Prior to that he had been
a contractor in house building, his trade being that of carpenter.
He conducted the Alton house at Second and George streets, and while
there he sat as a member of the City Council for several terms. He
was always deeply interested in politics. He began failing in health
a few years ago. The first indication of that was when he no longer
felt able to appear as a bidder for public work. He had for years
dominated the paving contracting in Alton by "sharpening his
pencil," as he expressed it, in his figuring on a job. He was more
often the low bidder than not. In later years he had taken in other
men as his partner, on various jobs. Mr. Ryan is survived by his
wife, to whom he was married over forty-nine years ago. He leaves
also six children: Miss Mary, who resided with her parents; Fr.
Dennis Ryan of Granite City; Mrs. Theresa Beiser; Mrs. Agnes Meyer;
Sister Felicitas; and David Ryan. He leaves also seven grandchildren
and three brothers, the latter in Ireland. He was a member of SS.
Peter and Paul's branch of the Western Catholic Union. It is
recalled of Mr. Ryan, illustrative of his retentive memory, that
when he was a boy he worked on a Catholic Church in Ireland. When
Fr. O'Mullane, who came here to the Cathedral, was talking with Mr.
Ryan, he told him that there was a window broken in the church, a
very fine art glass window, and that there was no record of the
place where the glass was made, and there was some delay being
experienced in getting the window replaced. Mr. Ryan told the young
priest that he could give the information. He said that the glass
was made at a certain place in Munich, and he gave the firm's name.
Fr. O'Mullane sent word back to Ireland, and the glass was ordered
from the firm that had made the original window many years before.
It is planned to have the funeral services conducted by a son, Fr.
Dennis Ryan, and two nephews of Mrs. Ryan, Fr. Patrick Bresnahan of
Tallahassee, Fla., and Fr. D. L. Scully of Granite City. Fr. Tarrent
will be master of ceremonies and Rev. E. L. Spaulding, V. G., will
preach the funeral sermon.
RYAN, EFFIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 20, 1919
Mrs. Effie Ryan, wife of Frank Ryan, died at 2 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon at St. Joseph's Hospital following an extended illness.
Mrs. Ryan was operated upon at the hospital Thursday last, but
failed to recover. She was born and raised in Wanda, and has many
friends in the vicinity who will regret to learn of her death. She
was married in 1896, and is survived by her husband and one son,
Clarence Ryan, aged 22 years. She also leaves one brother, A. L.
Dolbow, and one half-brother, Harry Oliver, who resides in the West.
Mrs. Ryan was a member of the Methodist Church and was a very active
worker. She was also a member of the Court of Honor. The funeral
arrangements are incomplete and will be announced later.
RYAN, JAMES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 12, 1888
Mr. James Ryan, a resident of Alton for 40 years, died yesterday at
the residence of his brother, Thomas Ryan, of Macoupin County.
Deceased had been unwell for several months, and for a time was an
inmate at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Alton. The remains were brought
here on the train this morning, and the funeral took place from the
RYAN, JAMES/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 31, 1892
Mr. James Ryan died yesterday morning of neuralgia of the bowels,
after an illness of two months, being confined to his bed the last
three weeks. Deceased was 52 years of age, was born in Ireland, and
came to this country when he was 15 years old, and to Alton about
five years later. He has lived in Alton and vicinity the past 40
years. He leaves 8 children, three sons and five daughters, two
married daughters (Mrs. Winters of Wellington, Kansas is already
here, and Mrs. Staley of Lincoln, Nebraska is expected to arrive
today). The funeral will occur tomorrow. Services will take place at
the Cathedral. Burial in Greenwood Cemetery.
RYAN, JANE/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 6, 1893
Mrs. John D. Ryan, wife of Janitor Ryan, dropped dead Friday
afternoon at the family residence, 1735 Market Street. Mrs. Ryan has
been in delicate health for some time, but was able to be up and
around, and in fact, was today in unusually good health, apparently.
She was about 50 years of age, and leaves, besides her husband, six
children, some of them small. She was a good, charitable woman, a
tender mother, and good neighbor, and the afflicted family has the
sincere sympathy of the community in the awful sorrow that has come
so suddenly upon them.
Jane Ryan was born in 1848 in County Limerick, Ireland. She was
buried in the St. Patrick Cemetery, in Godfrey.
RYAN, JOHN D./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 21, 1909
John D. Ryan, in his 71st year, died Thursday evening at his home,
1735 Market street, after a long illness from cancer. He was known
generally at Captain Ryan, and for many years he was on the Alton
police force, filling the positions of night captain and also
patrolman. Everyone in Alton knew Capt. John Ryan in the days when
he was active. He served on the police force fifteen years. He
leaves one brother, David Ryan of this city, and three brothers in
Ireland, Martin, Dennis and James. He leaves also five children,
Dennis Ryan of St. Mary's, Kansas, John Ryan of the Illinois Glass
Company, Mrs. James O'Brien of St. Louis, Misses Bridget and Nellie
Ryan of Alton. Capt. Ryan had been an invalid for several years and
was unable to get around much. He had been dangerously ill for
several months. He was a good provider, a kind father, and an
agreeable neighbor. Word was received this morning from Dennis Ryan
of St. Mary's, Kansas stating that he would arrive Saturday morning
to attend the funeral. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at
10:30 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
RYAN, JOHN T./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 8, 1910
John T. Ryan, superintendent of the packing department at the glass
works, died very unexpectedly Tuesday morning, five minutes after
midnight, at his residence, 410 Belleview avenue. Cancer of the
throat and mouth was the cause of his death. He had been a sufferer
for a long time from the disease, and had made several trips to
Chicago to be operated upon by specialists in the line of cancer
surgery. He was able to do very little work after he was taken by
the latest form of the disease. All day Monday Mr. Ryan was able to
be up and around his place and he seemed much better than he had
been. About 10 o'clock Monday night he became worse and he sank
rapidly for over two hours before the end came peacefully. The death
of Mr. Ryan is a sad event in his large circle of friends. He was _7
years of age. Recently his father died from the same disease that
caused the son's end. At the glass works he was considered a very
valuable man. On several occasions he was taken to wage conferences
to assist in settling wage scales. He discharged the duties of his
position there with great satisfaction to his employers. He leaves
his wife and seven children. Mr. Ryan had been married 14 years. He
was a well doing industrious young man, and had a nice home he
bought a few years ago. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at
9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.
RYAN, JOHN T./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 6, 1922
John T. Ryan, aged 45 years, a life long resident of North Alton,
passed away Monday morning at 15 minutes to eight o'clock after a
lingering sickness that began two years ago. Everything that could
be done or tried to give him relief was done by his family, but all
was in vain. Specialists were able to afford only temporary relief
and for several months he has been bedfast, and death came to him as
a relief. He was a fine young man, genial and charitable in word and
deed, and his friends are limited only by the number of those
acquainted with him. There will be genuine regret in all parts of
the city to learn the outcome of his long, brave fight against
disease. He is survived by his wife, two brothers, Tom and John of
Texas and Oklahoma respectively, and four sisters, Miss Kate of St.
Louis, Mrs. Ignatius Walter of North Alton, Mrs. Lizzie Staley of
Iowa and Mrs. Charles Lyle of Oregon. He also leaves a stepdaughter,
Mrs. Ada Roller, who with her husband lives at the Ryan home, and
two stepsons, Raymond and Will Leonard, both of here. Funeral
arrangements have not been made, awaiting the arrival of the
brothers and the Iowa sister. Mrs. Lyle will hardly be able to come
from Oregon to attend the obsequies.
RYAN, LEILA L./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1904
Mrs. Leila L. Ryan died this afternoon, aged 41 years, at her
residence on Staunton street. She was the widow of the late William
H. Ryan, who died last spring. Two children survive her, and three
brothers: Thomas and Peter Hawkins of Alton, Clement L. Hawkins of
Golden, Adams County, Ill., Mrs. Mary E. Fites of Farmington,
Tennessee, and Mrs. Mary B. Callahan of Fairweather, Adams County,
RYAN, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 28, 1905
Mrs. Margaret Ryan, widow of the late Daniel Ryan, died Thursday
afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at her home, 1731 Alby street, after four
month's illness superinduced by old age. Mrs. Ryan came to Alton
about 63 years ago and has resided here since. Her husband and
children all preceded her to the grave, and for some time a niece,
Miss Mary Mulcahy of Brighton, has been living with and taking care
of her. Deceased leaves many friends but few relatives. A brother,
Daniel Mulcahy in Brighton, and a sister, Catharine in East St.
Louis. Mrs. Ryan was born just 90 years ago last month in Waterford,
Ireland. The funeral will be Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from the
RYAN, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1872
Died on October 1 in Alton, Mary, daughter of David and Margaret
Ryan; aged 1 year and 10 days.
RYAN, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 8, 1894
Alton Nurse
Mrs. Mary Ryan, an old resident of Alton, and a professional nurse
whose services were sought and greatly appreciated by many families
in this city, died Wednesday in St. Louis, at the residence of her
son, of pneumonia. She leaves one son, Dennis, and two daughters,
Mamie of St. Louis, and Mrs. Alexis Wise of Alton. Mrs. Ryan has not
been sick a week, and her death will cause surprise and sorrow in
many Alton households. The remains arrived from St. Louis, Friday,
and were taken from the depot to the Cathedral, where a requiem mass
was celebrated. The funeral cortege, which was a long one, then took
its way to Greenwood Cemetery, where all that was mortal of the
loved nurse and tender comforter of the afflicted was laid to rest.
RYAN, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 8, 1896
Miss Mary C. Ryan, daughter of Captain John Ryan, died Thursday at
the family residence, 1735 Market Street. Miss Ryan had been ill for
several months with lung trouble, and all that was possible was done
for her. She was 24 years of age. She was of a genial nature, the
solace of her father’s heart since the death of her mother, and a
very general favorite with all who knew her. In the family, her loss
will be most deeply felt, as all found her a tender and loving
sister. The friends of Captain Ryan will sympathize deeply with him
in the sad affliction that has come upon him.
RYAN, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 30, 1918
Only relatives attended the funeral of Miss Mary Ryan, which was
held this morning from the home on Prospect street to the Cathedral.
Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery under a heavy blanket of
flowers. Solemn Requiem High Mass was celebrated at the Cathedral by
Rev. Dennis Ryan of Granite City, a brother of the deceased. Rev.
Scully was Deacon and Rev. M. Tarrant was subdeacon. During the
services at the church Miss Mary Maguire sang a solo. Music was also
furnished by the Cathedral choir, of which Miss Ryan was a member.
Professor Rene L. Becker presided at the organ. On account of the
quarantine [influenza epidemic], the services, although solemn, were
shortened as much as possible. Rev. M. Costello was master of
ceremonies. Rev. M. O'Mullane of Michaels, Ill., Rev. E. L. Douglas
of Kampsville, Rev. Scully, cousin of the deceased, of Granite City,
Rev. S. Scheuwecker and Rev. J. J. Brune of St. Mary's Church were
in the sanctuary. The pallbearers were Joseph Sharkey, Rudolph
Meyers, Dennis Noonen, Michael Fitzgerald, Henry Kopp and James
RYAN, THOMAS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 16, 1887
Mr. Thomas Ryan, who fell from a third story window last Sunday
night, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital today.
RYAN, THOMAS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 31, 1892
Mr. Thomas Ryan, a well known resident of this city living on Market
street, died today about one o'clock under the following
circumstances. Mr. Ryan had been working on the Bluff Line, and last
Friday evening as he was returning from work, when near Mr.
Deterding's store, corner of Second and Market streets, he had a
slight stroke of paralysis. Some friends who were with him aided him
in getting home, and he recovered so much as to be able to walk
around the house. Today, about noon, he went into the cellar of his
residence, and while there received another stroke which caused his
death. His wife found him in the cellar and immediately sent for Dr.
Haskell, but Mr. Ryan was past human help before the Doctor arrived.
Deceased is a brother of Messrs. John and David Ryan. He leaves no
family but his wife, his children having died a number of years ago.
He was about 50 years of age and had lived in Alton since 1866.
RYBURN, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1901
Murdered at East Alton
A man, who appears to be James Rayburn of St. Louis, aged about 34,
was found dying in a boxcar this morning at East Alton, his head
crushed in by blows from a piece of heavy iron and his body covered
with bruises and with blood. The body was found by a harvest hand
named Lou Barber, who was passing the car in the Big Four yards and
heard the dying man's groans. Making an investigation, he discovered
the body in the car covered over with straw. Rayburn lived one hour
after being carried to the town hall at East Alton, and died at 7
o'clock. He did not regain consciousness, and the identification was
by means of papers in his pocket. The head of the man was beaten
almost into a shapeless mass. On the back of the head was a big hole
and the skull above the left eye was crushed in. The ear was knocked
off and a hole made in the bone. On top of the head was a hole and a
heavy blow had been struck over the mouth, knocking out Rayburn's
teeth. All but one of the pockets in Rayburn's clothes were turned
inside out, and the motive of the murder was apparently robbery. In
the one pocket that had not been searched by the murderers were
three silver dollars, and in his sock was a paper dollar bill.
Rayburn's clothes were of good texture and his body was clean. He
wore silk underclothes, a stiff hat, blue check suit of clothes,
blue tie, blue shirt and tan shoes. In the clothes was a check for
baggage, and he was evidently going from East St. Louis to Kansas
City and was beating his way. It is said at East Alton that two
suspicious characters boarded a freight train for St. Louis at 5:30
o'clock this morning. The murder was probably committed at 5
o'clock, as the blood on him was still fresh and the wounds were
new. No one knows how the murdered man happened to be at East Alton,
nor had anyone seen him there before. Deputy Coroner Streeper held
the inquest this morning and a verdict was found that Rayburn came
to his death by blows inflicted by unknown persons.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 8, 1901
Ryburn's Murderer in County Jail
Thomas Johnson [also spelled Johnston], the confessed murdered of
James Ryburn of Bloomington, was lodged in the Alton jail Sunday
night by Chief of Police Volbracht, Mayor Young, and C. W. Watkins,
who went to St. Louis after him. Chief Desmond cautioned the
officers to be very careful of Johnson, as he believed him to be a
dangerous character. Johnson confessed to having served penitentiary
terms in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and a reform school sentence at
Pittsfield, Mass., when he was 16 years old. His Wisconsin name, he
says, was Maloney. He is 24 years of age and a large, well built
young man, 5 feet, 10 1/4 inches in height. He brutally laughs as he
tells of the killing and seems to feel little regret except, as he
said, it was a bad hole he was in and that if he could have foreseen
what was coming he might not have committed the murder. He says he
did not intend to kill Ryburn, but acted in self-defense. He claims
to have played a game of cards with Ryburn by moonlight in the car,
and that in a quarrel over the game Ryburn kicked him in the
stomach. He says he picked up the iron rod he stumbled over in the
car and struck Ryburn on the head one blow. The story of the
murderer is obviously untrue, as the car was closed with the
exception of a narrow opening at one side, and the moonlight could
not have illuminated the car to furnish light for a card game.
Ryburn did not know how to play cards, Mr. Watkins says. On striking
his victim, Johnston says, Ryburn began groaning and he covered him
up with straw after taking his watch and money. He came to Alton,
took breakfast at the Model restaurant, and from here he crossed the
river, walking to West Alton, and took the Burlington train to St.
Louis. There he disposed of the watch and traded his clothes, which
resulted in his arrest. In the police station this morning Johnston
told the story of his life and the tragedy without the least
semblance of a feeling of remorse. He says he believed Ryburn
intended to kill him and that he struck his man only once, although
the dead man's head was pounded to a jelly. He says robbery was not
his motive, or he would have taken all the money in Ryburn's pocket,
and that the reason for his seeming fearlessness in coming to Alton
and then going to St. Louis to pawn the watch was because he did not
believe he hurt the man. He said he ran away from his home in
Paintsville, Ky., when he was nine years old and joined a circus.
When he was 16 he was sentenced to the reform school at Pittsfield,
Mass., for larceny, and at the age of 17 he enlisted in the heavy
artillery, battery D of the Fourth regiment. He was discharged three
years later, and then went to Wisconsin where he was caught stealing
and served a year at LaCrosse for larceny. Then he went to Kansas
City and has since been traveling over the country, plying his
profession of thief. He went from Kansas City to East St. Louis,
arriving at the latter place July 4, when he met Ryburn. In speaking
of the card game in the box car, Johnston says: "At East Alton we
entered a box car to play cards first for small nails and then for
money. Ryburn lost $3 in bills to me and he accused me of cheating
after he staked his watch against the money and lost it too. He
snatched the money and I picked up the watch, after which Ryburn
kicked me in the stomach, and I said I would fix him for that. I was
in an ugly mood after he kicked me, and when I saw him reach back as
though to draw a revolver, I struck him a blow on the head and he
fell to the floor 'hollering.' I covered him with straw and left the
car, taking the watch. I came to Alton, took breakfast at the Model
restaurant and went to St. Louis." He says no one was with him. The
prisoner refuses to give the name of his people and admits he has
not given his true name. He says his people are poor and cannot help
him, and that he is willing to take the consequences. He was held to
the Circuit Court grand jury without bail, and was taken to
Edwardsville this morning.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 7, 1901
Cold Blooded Murderer Real Name
The cold blooded murderer of James Ryburn, who said his name was
Thomas Johnson, and who admitted having served penitentiary
sentences under various aliases, has been identified. His identity
was established through a letter he wrote to his brother at
Springfield, Mo., asking him to assist him in getting out of the
trouble. Johnson's name is Chris Stockstile. He seems to have been
in trouble many times, and to have made many calls on his brother
for assistance in clearing himself. Since his incarceration in the
county jail, he wrote a letter to his brother at Springfield, Mo.,
and the Sheriff read it, according to the custom in the county jail.
Stockstile told his brother that he was in serious trouble, and that
he needs assistance. He said that unless he had a good lawyer he
would likely lose his head. He told the brother he could not write
everything in a letter, as the letters were read, but that he would
like to see him and urged the brother to come at once. It is not
believed the brother will help the murderer, as the tone of his
letter indicates that the prisoner has been in trouble frequently
and has made other appeals for aid. The brother at Springfield is
supposed to be a well-to-do farmer. When John Ryburn, brother of the
murdered man, visited Stockstile in the county jail, the prisoner
reached out his hand to shake hands. Ryburn had been introduced
under a fictitious name and Stockstile did not know that he was a
brother of his victim. Ryburn refused to make the murderer's hand,
but talked to him of the murder.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 21, 1902
Thomas Johnson Pleads Guilty
After three days efforts to get a jury in the case of Thomas
Johnson, charged with the murder of James Ryburn last July at East
Alton, Johnson pleaded guilty to the charge of murder. Thomas
Williamson, one of the defendant's attorneys, offered a strong plea
for mercy for his client, and Mr. Gillham, the other attorney for
the defense, followed Mr. Williamson in a similar strain. State's
Attorney Brown demanded justice upon the atrocious murderer, who no
doubt stole upon his victim beating the life out of him while he was
asleep. Mr. Brown demanded that Johnson suffer the extreme penalty
of the law, and asked the court to sentence Johnson to be hanged
until he was dead. Judge Harizell announced his decision, premising
that he had no doubt as to the guilt of Johnson, but there were some
circumstances that were not sufficiently evident that would warrant
him, instead of fixing the extreme penalty, of sending the prisoner
to the penitentiary for life, which he did. The prisoner had shown
no interest in the proceedings in court up to the point where the
judge gave judgment, and when the sentence was given - life
imprisonment - he looked up and smiled. The members of the family of
the murdered man, who were present, were not satisfied with the
judgment of the court, they naturally felt that the brutal murderer
of their brother demanded the severest punishment, and in this
feeling the general public strongly sympathizes. James Ryburn was
found unconscious in a box car at East Alton one morning early in
last July. When an examination was made, it was found that his skull
had been crushed in by some heavy instrument in five different
places, any one of which, the doctors said, was sufficient to cause
death. A coupling pin was found to have been the instrument used in
beating Ryburn. Johnson was arrested in St. Louis and was found to
be in possession of Ryburn's watch, and confessed that he killed the
man. He afterwards withdrew his confession made to the officers, but
a confession made to a Telegraph reported was probably instrumental
in deciding his attorneys to persuade Johnson to plead guilty.
Johnson had shown not the least emotion until yesterday. He said
this morning he had been unable to sleep for a few nights and was
much worried over his situation. It is said that the jury's verdict
would probably have been for the death penalty, if the case had gone
to the jury. Sheriff Hotz will take Johnson to the Chester
penitentiary Tuesday morning, where he will begin serving his life
sentence. When asked by the court if he had anything to say before
being sentenced, Johnson said, "I have nothing to say, except that I
thank the court for its mercy."
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1902
Attorneys attending the trial of Thomas Johnson, the confessed
murderer of James Ryburn of Bloomington, say that they never before
saw such an impassive, self-controlled criminal as Johnson. Not a
feature of his face betrayed an emotion; his face was as
expressionless as that of a statue as he sat before the court while
the jury was being selected. His immobile countenance concealed
emotions that were well nigh wearing his life out from anxiety. As
the plea of guilty was entered by Johnson, he was asked if he
understood the nature of the plea he was making, and he replied that
he did, fully. "And you still plead guilty," the Judge asked. "Yes
sir, I do," he replied. Then the Judge proceeding, expressed the
belief that Johnson was guilty of cold-blooded murder, but after a
few minutes of talk he said that it could not be proven
satisfactorily that robbery was the motive. At this time it seemed
from Judge Hartzell's remarks that he was about to sentence Johnson
to the gallows, and the prisoner felt it. A physician in court
called attention to the fact that close scrutiny of the prisoner's
face showed not a muscle move, not a nerve twitch, and the only
indication that the face was not that of a graven image was a sudden
paleness and then the violent beating of the carotid artery in his
neck, showing the excitement under which he was laboring and which
was being repressed. When Judge Hartzell pronounced the penitentiary
sentence, the drawn muscles of the face relaxed into a smile, and
the prisoner sank but said nothing. Not until he was congratulated
by his attorneys did he make a move, so great had been the strain,
and even then he had remarkable self control. When asked by the
court if he had anything to say before being sentenced, he replied,
"I have nothing to say, Judge, except that I thank you for your
mercy." Johnson says that he will never let his relatives know his
predicament and he will go to the penitentiary to be forever dead to
them. So great has been the mental strain on the prisoner and his
dread of hanging, that he has passed many sleepless nights and has
lost his appetite. The night before he pleaded guilty, he said he
had not slept one minute.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 11, 1902
The murdered, who was sent up from Madison county and was shot down
by penitentiary guards while attempting to escape from the Chester
institution last week, an account of which has been published, turns
out to have been James L. Johnston. He killed James Ryburn in a box
car at East Alton, and after being incarcerated in the county jail,
led a desperate attempt to escape in which seventeen prisoners
figured. Last week he succeeded in almost getting away, and was shot
in the legs and lower parts of the body by the guards and severely
injured. He will recover.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 19, 1904
Murdered by Thomas Johnson in Box Car at East Alton
Thomas Johnson, the cold-blooded murderer of James Ryburn, of
Bloomington, who is serving a life sentence in the penitentiary for
killing Ryburn in a box car at East Alton, may now pay the extreme
penalty for gratifying his passion for murder. Johnson's appearance
when in Madison County jail and in the courtroom frequently called
forth the expression that he was the worst man who ever lived. His
cast of countenance would indicate a conscienceless body, who could
murder without any remorse. A fellow prisoner whom he assaulted with
a knife without any cause in the penitentiary has died, and Johnson
will be hung for his offense. Johnson's guards say that he would
frequently look at them with the most malignant hatred on his
countenance and cursing them saying that he would kill them the
first chance he had. Shortly after his confinement in the
penitentiary he tried to escape and was shot in the arm by a guard.
When charged with Ryburn's murder, Johnson was wearing his victim's
coat and coolly admitted the killing, but set up self-defense as a
plea. When tried, he pleaded guilty to murder. It was generally
believed that Johnson had committed murders before and he had spent
most of his life in prison.
RYDER, ANN ELIZA (nee PETTIT)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November
6, 1879
Widow of Captain Simeon Ryder
Mrs. Ann Eliza Ryder, widow of the late Captain Simeon Ryder, died
very suddenly of heart disease, sitting in her chair at her home in
Alton, Sunday, at 10 p.m. Mrs. Ryder was an old resident, having
lived here since 1836. She was a native of Hempstead, New York, and
was about eighty-four years old. She leaves a sister, Mrs. Godfrey;
a son, Mr. S. Ryder; and a stepdaughter, Mrs. H. B. Bowman; besides
others to mourn her sudden death. The funeral took place at her late
residence on Second Street [Broadway], at 2 o’clock on Wednesday
afternoon, with a large attendance of mourning relatives and
friends. The services were conducted by Rev. M. Chase, Rector of the
Episcopal Church, of which deceased was a member. The bearers were
Messrs. John E. Hayner, H. C. Sweetser, J. Quarton, H. Stanford,
George S. Roper, and J. W. Ash. [Mrs. Ryder was buried in the Alton
City Cemetery. Her husband, Captain Simeon Ryder, was a sea captain
from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, who came to Alton in 1834. He was
principal in the building of the Alton & Terre Haute Railroad, and
was president of the Alton Marine & Fire Insurance Company, and a
director in Illinois Mutual.]
RYDER, NELSON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 10, 1921
Several Alton people went to Edwardsville yesterday to attend the
funeral services of Nelson Ryder, attorney. Burial was at Marine.
Mr. Ryder had some good friends in Alton who regretted to hear of
his death. A memorial service for him is set for October 20 in the
Circuit court. At the services yesterday Rev. Thos. Dyke officiated.
RYDER, SIMEON (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 30, 1877
Businessman; Founder of Alton & Terre Haute RXR and Alton & Sangamon
During the past year, death has claimed an unusually large number of
the pioneer settlers of Madison County – the men who found the
country a primeval forest, and left it a smiling garden – and now we
are called upon to record the death of Captain Simeon Ryder, one of
the oldest and most prominent of our citizens. For several months
his health had been failing, owing to the debility of old age. A few
days ago, he became seriously ill, and at 2:30 o’clock Tuesday
morning [August 28, 1877], quietly passed away, aged 82 years.
Captain Ryder was distinguished for wonderful energy, enterprise,
business tact, and an unconquerable determination that never rested
short of success. His life was an eventful one, and during the most
active part of his career, closely identified with the growth and
progress of Southern Illinois.
Captain Ryder was born in Chatham (Cape Cod), Massachusetts in the
year 1795, his life thus dating back into the past century. Like so
many of the residents of Cape Cod, he adopted a sea-faring life, and
at the age of fourteen or fifteen, went to sea. When about 21 years
of age, he rose to the command of a vessel, and was thenceforward,
for many years, engaged in commerce with various foreign countries,
leading an adventurous and eventful life. After being engaged in
this business over twenty years, he gave up the sea, and engaged in
mercantile pursuits in New York City. But the great West was then
the Mecca of attraction for enterprising men, and Captain Ryder
followed the tide, locating in Alton in the year 1834. Here he again
engaged successfully in the mercantile business for a number of
years. Always having the prosperity and progress of Alton at heart,
he early conceived the project of making Alton the center of the
railway system of the State, which was projected on an extensive
scale more than thirty years ago. He was the originator and finisher
of the Alton and Terre Haute Railroad, and to his untiring energy,
business skill, and liberality, was due the building of this road,
in opposition to the Brough Road (now the Vandalia) from Terre Haute
to St. Louis. Captain Ryder was President of the Road from 1851 to
1858, and subsequently a member of its directory. He was mainly
instrumental in laying out and founding the towns of Litchfield,
tower Hill, Nokomis, Irving, and Windsor, which have since become
important stations on the line of the road. The importance of this
road, in opening and developing the southern part of the State,
cannot be overestimated, and its successful inauguration would have
crowned the life work of any man. But the Captain was not satisfied
with this single scheme, but was, at the same time, deeply
interested in the progress of the Alton and Sangamon Railroad (now
the Chicago and Alton), of which he was also the originator. It will
thus be seen that for many years, Captain Ryder was the leading man
in promoting the commercial enterprises of Alton. He was ambitious
for the growth and progress of Alton, and although his early labors
in this respect have not been crowned with the success he perhaps
dreamed of, still it is a patent fact that Alton is mainly indebted
to Captain Ryder for her railroad system and the present prosperity
and importance of the place. For the past fifteen years, perhaps, he
has not been engaged in active business, other than the care of his
private affairs.
Captain Ryder was a man of strong convictions, and was upright and
honorable in all his transactions. He took a deep interest, not only
in national politics, but also in the local affairs of the
community. In the later years of his life, he was a great reader,
and was thoroughly posted on current events the world over. With him
has passed away one of the old pioneers of Alton, who united the
present to the past – one who has left a strong impress on the
development of the State.
Captain Ryder was twice married. His first wife was Miss Nickerson
of Chatham, Massachusetts, who died about 1830. His second wife was
Miss Ann Eliza Pettit of Long Island, New York, who survives him. He
was the father-in-law of Mr. H. B. Bowman, and the uncle of the
Messrs. Topping brothers.
Captain Simeon Ryder is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.
RYDER, SIMEON W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 31, 1916
Son of Captain Simeon Ryder
Died in St. Louis, July 31, 1916, Simeon W. Ryder, aged 80 years.
The remains will be brought to Alton for interment.
RYDER, UNKNOWN (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 16,
The funeral of Captain Riley, whose remains arrived here yesterday
morning, will take place this afternoon at 3 o’clock from the
residence of Mr. A. S. Barry on State Street.
RYRIE, DANIEL D./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 5, 1877
Alton Business Man; Cashier of First National Bank
The news of the death of Mr. Daniel D. Ryrie, on July 3, 1877,
Cashier of the First National Bank, and one of Alton’s oldest and
most respected citizens, caused much surprise and sincere sorrow to
this community when it was announced this morning. It was known that
he had been confined to his home for the past few days by illness,
but not until within a day or two had it become known that his case
was serious. He was first taken with a bilious attack, followed by
great nervous prostration, under which he sank and died last night,
about one o’clock. Thus has passed away one of those noble and
true-hearted men, whose life and example are the pillars of society.
A man a pure character, of perfect integrity, modest and unassuming,
and trusted by his fellow men implicitly.
Ryrie was gifted with rare business qualities, and filled various
positions of trust and confidence in the commercial world, but was
best known in the position he occupied at his death – that of
Cashier of the First National Bank. Yet his ambition was not to
acquire wealth, but to live a life of usefulness to his fellow men.
His benevolence, though known only to the recipients, was extended
and far-reaching. In the cause of education, he ever took a deep
interest. For many years he served as a member of the Board of
Education, and the present efficiency and prosperity of the Alton
Public Schools is due, in no small degree, to his enlightened and
disinterested efforts for their welfare. Since his early manhood,
Mr. Ryrie had taken great interest in the success of Shurtleff
College, of which institution he had been a trustee for twenty-five
or thirty years, and his advice and council were ever highly valued.
His services to the college, through a long series of years, were of
the highest importance.
Mr. Ryrie was a native of Wick, Highland, Scotland, born July 2,
1825, and emigrated to Alton with his parents when about twelve
years old, since which time, a period of forty years, he has resided
here. He entered mercantile life at an early age, and became a
wholesale grocer, in company with his brother, John Ryrie [and later
operated by George Ryrie, John’s son]. Subsequently, he became
connected with the Chicago & Alton Railroad, then with the Alton
Mutual Insurance and Savings Company, and finally with the First
National Bank.
Mr. Ryrie served several terms as Alderman from his ward, but he was
averse to holding public office, and declined many positions his
fellow citizens desired to confer upon him.
Mr. Ryrie married Miss Jane Adams, sister of the later Captain D. C.
Adams, who died some two years ago. She was a lady of great worth
and amiability, tenderly loved by her husband. Her death was a shock
from which he never fully recovered. The only surviving children of
this marriage are James M. and John A., both now of adult years.
In religious belief, Mr. Ryrie was a Baptist, and had been a valued
and consistent member of that denomination since his early youth.
The death of such a man leaves a void in the community that can
never be filled. He will be missed in the house of God, in the
counsels of the friends of education, in business circles, and in
the affairs of the community where he ever discharged faithfully the
duties of a conscientious citizen. To his relatives and friends, his
death comes with a keenness of personal bereavement such as words
can poorly portray. He had just completed his fifty second year,
yesterday having been his birthday. The funeral will take place at 2
o’clock on Thursday afternoon from the Baptist Church. [Burial was
in the Alton City Cemetery.]
Memorial of Daniel D. Ryrie
By Rev. T. G. Field, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Alton
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 12, 1877
I see him now, a slender and sprightly boy of nine years, in the
ship with his brothers, sisters, and parents, bound for the port of
New York. Mr. Ryrie was born July 3, 1825, at Wick, county of
Caithness, in almost the extreme northeast corner of Scotland. After
arriving in this country, his family remained in New York between
two and three years, and then came to Alton. Beside his schooling in
New York, he was taught for awhile in Alton by his brother, William,
now at rest. In early manhood, he entered upon business life, but
with a taste for study shown by his library and constant reading.
First as a mere youth of fifteen or sixteen, as an accountant with
Mr. Nicholson Sr., and then with Mr. Buchanan in St. Louis. Then
entering into business with various early merchants of Alton, then
with his brother in business. He then engaged in insurance with
banking privileges, and finally, by his own energy and skill, and
that of the band of thrifty and able men collected about him, he
settled into the office which he held until his death. And you,
business men, who were associated with him, are best judges of his
ability and force as a banker and business man. As he rose in
business, he became prominent as a citizen. Full of public spirit
and kindness, people flocked to him for counsel and help. In saying
this, I only repeat a widely-spoken testimony which will be repeated
in days to come. His heart and hand were busy in the interest of the
public schools, as he labored there not only that his own, but other
children might share in the blessing of sound learning, and be
fitted to fill well and happily their places as citizens and as
We see him now on the street, now at his table in the bank, now at
his home, now in your houses, now in the house of God, varied, and
ever the same. He was like a fine chronometer watch – the motion was
quick, but was well balanced, and nicely regulated, so that it was
known to be trusty and nothing else.
So, unassumingly as in life, quietly and unexpectedly he has gone
from us. Probably he did not look for death. He was anxious that
others should not be distressed with any thought of serious
sickness. His own self-forgetfulness misleading him. But he was not
RYRIE, ELIZABETH (nee STANTON)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 9,
Wife of John Alexander Ryrie
Saturday afternoon, after a brief illness, Mrs. Elizabeth Ryrie,
wife of Mr. J. A. Ryrie, passed peacefully across the dark river of
death. Patiently for two years Mrs. Ryrie has, with great fortitude,
remained cheerful in spite of paralysis, which during this time has
confined her to her home. A short time ago, she was taken seriously
ill, which ended with death. Mrs. Elizabeth Stanton Ryrie was born
in Philadelphia in 1837. Ten children survive her.
The funeral took place Monday from the home, when the beloved form
of the mother and wife was laid to rest in the City Cemetery. A
large number of friends attended the services. The pallbearers were:
Messrs. C. A. Caldwell, A. M. Scott of St. Louis, Henry Breuchaud of
Greenville, Alexander Forbes and R. W. Stanton.
The children of John Alexander [1827-1902] and Elizabeth Ryrie were:
Effie Ryrie (1856-1941); James E. Ryrie (1862-1899); George Magnus
Ryrie (1864-1915); Bertha Ryrie Koch (1867-1948); Jessie Ryrie Cross
(1868-1935); Daniel H. Ryrie (1871-1919); Rachel Alice Ryrie
(1876-1932); and Harriet S. Ryrie Swain (1883-1941).
RYRIE, GEORGE MAGNUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 10,
Founder of Ryrie Wholesale Grocery in Alton
George M. Ryrie, aged 50, died at 4:30 o'clock this morning at his
residence, 1308 Henry Street, after an illness of about seven weeks.
His death was due to typhoid fever, the final diagnosis of the
malady was declared to be. For a long time, the malady puzzled the
attending physician and specialists who were called in to attend
him. Mr. Ryrie, about seven weeks ago, went to St. Joseph's Hospital
to undergo an operation for a rupture, which had long troubled him.
He was in good condition and was feeling so well he decided to have
the long-standing trouble attended to. He underwent the surgical
operation in good shape, but afterward there developed an insidious
sickness that could not be defined. He suffered from a fever after a
while, and his condition continued to grow worse and worse. He was
removed to his home, and there grew a general alarm over his
condition. Recently he had shown signs of being better, and members
of his family were filled with confidence that he would recover.
They had ceased almost entirely to be alarmed over his condition,
when yesterday he was taken with a chill and he continued to grow
worse. The doctors had decided finally that the malady was typhoid
fever, and the chill was due to a perforation of the peritoneum. The
announcement of his death this morning was a great surprise all over
Mr. Ryrie was a native of Alton, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Ryrie. He leaves his wife and two children, Miss Helen Claire and
John Alexander “Jack” Ryrie. The son had been attending Brown
University at Providence, Rhode Island, and he was summoned home to
be with his father when the illness began to be alarming. He had not
finished his school year, but his presence here was deemed
The business which Mr. Ryrie founded, George M. Ryrie & Co.,
wholesale grocers, was built up by him until it had become a large
enterprise in the city of Alton, with a wide reputation, and it did
an enormous trade. It was the outgrowth of the grocery store
conducted by John A. Ryrie for many years. When a young man, George
M. Ryrie engaged in the wholesale line of the grocery business, and
he made it prosper from the start. He was a man of the highest
character. His word was never questioned and he was never known to
drive a mean bargain, though a business man of high quality, and a
man of the best of judgment. He possessed a great number of personal
admirers who knew him for a high-class man and had utmost confidence
in whatever he would say. It is doubtful that Mr. Ryrie had an enemy
in the world. He was a member of the First Baptist Church.
His death is a sad loss to the members of his father's family, who
had always regarded him as the head of the family since the father's
death. He was their counselor and advisor. Mr. Ryrie leaves one
brother, Herbert, and six sisters: Misses Effie and Rue Ryrie; Mrs.
A. M. Scott; Mrs. Jessie Cross; Mrs. Irene Hutchinson; and Mrs.
Harriet Swain. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 3:30
o'clock from his late home, and services will be conducted by Rev.
M. Jameson. Friends are requested to omit flowers.
George Magnus Ryrie was born November 11, 1864, and was the son of
John Alexander and Elizabeth (Stanton) Ryrie. They were natives of
Wick, Scotland, and immigrated to America, arriving in Alton in
1837, a few weeks before the assassination of Rev. Elijah P.
Lovejoy. John and his brother Daniel founded a prosperous grocery
store in Alton in 1850.
George Ryrie founded a wholesale grocery business as an outgrowth of
the grocery store founded by his father, John Ryrie, and uncle,
Daniel Ryrie. The business was prosperous and grew. George died in
June 1915, and was buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. He
was survived by his wife, Sophia (Hopkins) Ryrie, who was born in
Alton in 1867, and who was a granddaughter of Cyrus Edwards, brother
of Ninian Edwards, Territorial Governor of Illinois. Her father was
George Hopkins, a wholesale druggist in Alton. Sophia Ryrie died in
October 1963, at the age of 95. Also surviving George Ryrie was one
brother, Herbert Ryrie; and six sisters, listed above; and two
children, Helen Clair Ryrie and John “Jack” Alexander Ryrie.
RYRIE, HELLEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 10, 1849
Died on the 1st inst., in Alton, Mrs. Hellen, consort of the late
Mr. Magnus Ryrie, in the 64th(?) year of her age.
RYRIE, JAMES E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 15, 1899
Son of John Alexander Ryrie
Mr. John A. Ryrie received a message this morning bearing the news
of the death of his oldest son, James E. Ryrie at Galena, Kansas.
The family here knew nothing of the illness of James Ryrie, and the
startling news of his death was a sad shock to all his immediate
relatives. The first dispatch received merely gave the fact of his
death, and inquiries were at once made by wire to learn the cause.
No definite information as to his illness has been received up to a
late hour this afternoon. Mr. Ryrie was in the 38th year of his age.
He was born in Alton, and spent his earlier years of manhood here.
About four years ago he married, and his wife survives with two
children – one three years of age, and the other one year old. The
body will be brought to Alton for interment. It is expected to
arrive tonight or tomorrow morning, and the funeral will be from the
home of Mr. J. A. Ryrie on Sixth Street, near Henry Street.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 16, 1899
The body of James A. [sic] Ryrie arrived here this morning from
Galena, Kansas, and was taken to the home of Mr. J. A. Ryrie on
Sixth Street. Mr. Ryrie died after a short illness with congestion
of the stomach. He had been a sufferer with a chronic stomach
trouble many years, but it was thought he had recovered. The funeral
took place this afternoon from the home of Mr. J. A. Ryrie. Mr.
William Mare of St. Louis conducted the funeral service. There was a
large attendance of friends at the funeral. Interment was at the
Alton City Cemetery. The pallbearers were members of the family – C.
A. Caldwell, C. A. Koch, R. M. Forbes, D. H. Ryrie, Edward Spreen,
and Walter Roman.
According to the tombstone, James E. Ryrie was born December 20,
1862, making him 36 years of age at his death. He was interred in
the Alton City Cemetery.
RYRIE, JOHN ADAMS/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 2, 1880
Died in Alton, August 28, of typhoid malarial fever, John Adams
Ryrie, son of the late Daniel D. Ryrie, aged 24 years and 4 months.
RYRIE, J. MAGNUS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 20,
Retired Businessman
J. Magnus Ryrie, aged 61, retired manufacturer, died suddenly at his
residence Friday evening, 424 East Fourth street, from apoplexy. His
death was unexpected. He had not been in good health for a number of
years, and had been complaining of pains in his shoulder as if of
rheumatism. Physicians say it was merely an indication of arterial
hardening, and that this was what caused his death. A blood vessel
on his brain, which had been weakened, gave away, and Mr. Ryrie's
death from cerebral hemorrhage resulted. He had been spending the
evening at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George S. Milnor, next
door. On returning home a little after 10 o'clock, he had retired to
bed and was suddenly stricken. Mrs. Ryrie procured help, and Dr.
Taphorn, a neighbor, was hastily summoned. He reached Mr. Ryrie
before his death. Mr. Ryrie passed away without any suffering. Mr.
Ryrie was a native of Alton and lived here all his life. He was a
son of D. D. Ryrie, who was one of the founders and the first
cashier of the First National Bank of Alton. Mr. Ryrie engaged in
business in the box making firm of Allen & Ryrie, and for many years
he was one of the owners of a very prosperous saw mill and box
manufacturing plant, which stood near the site of the present Alton
Water Co. pumping station. After the transfer of the Alton Box
Factory to St. Louis, Mr. Ryrie continued in business for a while in
the firm and then he retired, disposing of his interest. Mr. Ryrie
was a very successful business man, and was rated as one of Alton's
very wealthy citizens. In recent years he had given much attention
to the upbuilding of Alton. He was deeply interested in the work of
the Alton Board of Trade. As a member of the Good Roads Committee of
that organization, he had been very active. It was due to the advice
of Mr. Ryrie and his very active efforts in that behalf, the project
of improving the country roads about Alton was taken up. He made
long tours in his automobile, gathering information, and when he
went he would take with him other men whose influence he felt was
necessary to show to them the benefit of road improvement in other
places. He advocated making the best of what we have in the way of
roads, until there is opportunity and means of doing better. He was
one of the advocates of the Alton Way, and helped much in putting
that project through. He was an officer of several of the good roads
associations organized in this vicinity, and through personal
effort, personal contributions, and personal influence, he
accomplished much. He had direct charge of the work of dragging the
country roads about Alton, and supervised the expenditure of the
fund raised for that purpose. He was engaged in the work of raising
another fund for next season. The death of Mr. Ryrie removes one of
Alton most interested and most useful citizens. He was a gentleman
who never forgot to fulfill his obligations to his fellowman, and he
will be remembered with the greatest kindness by many who have good
reason to remember him. Mr. Ryrie is survived by his wife and two
daughters, Mrs. George S. Milnor and Miss Mary Adams Ryrie. It is an
interesting fact that Mr. Ryrie died in the place where his
grandfather, Magnus Ryrie, built a home in the earliest days of
Alton, and where Daniel D. Ryrie was born, and where Mr. Ryrie was
born. It is the old homestead of the family, and Mr. Ryrie had never
lived any place else. A friend, in speaking of him today, said that
a few weeks ago he had a talk with Mr. Ryrie in which the remark was
made by Mr. Ryrie that everything he had attempted to do in the year
that was nearing an end had turned out just a she had hoped for, and
the one thing that remained was to accomplish getting the Alton Way
recognized by the county board in deciding where the first state aid
road in the county would be built. He succeeded too. It may be added
that friends believe that Mr. Ryrie's end was just as he would have
wished. Without warning with no trouble to others or himself. The
funeral will be held from the home Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
Rev. Arthur Goodger and Rev. M. W. Twing officiating. Burial will be
in City Cemetery.
RYRIE, JOHN ALEXANDER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 27, 1902
Co-Owner of Ryrie Wholesale Grocery
At 10:30 o'clock Sunday night, John Alexander Ryrie passed away after a
lingering illness in the 76th of his age. Mr. Ryrie has, for more
than one year, been confined to his home from the effects of
paralysis, and has constantly grown feebler. During his illness he
has been a most patient sufferer, waiting the call that would
relieve him from weakness and permit him to enjoy the presence of
his Master whom he had so long served faithfully and well here. John
A. Ryrie was the son of Magnus Ryrie, and was born June 9, 1827, in Wick, Scotland. He came to
America, arriving in New York in 1835, and moved to Alton in 1837, a
few weeks before the assassination of Elijah P. Lovejoy. He has
lived in Alton since that date, making him one of the oldest, in
point of residence, among Alton business men. There are probably two
men in Alton now who are his senior - Charles Phinney and Edward
Levis Sr. When a boy, Mr. Ryrie clerked for W. A. Holton & Co.,
druggists. At the age of 18 he engaged in the book business, and
later was a member of the firm of Metcalf & Ryrie, booksellers. In
1850, in connection with his brother, the late Daniel D. Ryrie, he
established the grocery business in which he continued until last
year. In early life Mr. Ryrie had a narrow escape from death. He was
a passenger on the steamer Kate Kearney, then running between Alton
and St. Louis. The boilers of the boat exploded in the afternoon
while lying at the St. Louis levee, just before it started for this
city. Mr. Ryrie was blown into the river, but was able to get to
land without damage. Many others were killed or badly scalded with
steam. In 1854 he married Elizabeth Stanton, a union that proved a
happy one until its ending at the death of his wife in 1891. Nine
children, seven daughters and two sons, survive him, viz: Mrs. A. M.
Scott, Mrs. Charles Koch, Mrs. F. J. Williams, Mrs. L. A. Welton,
Misses Effie, Rachel and Harriet Ryrie; and George M. and D. A.
Ryrie. One sister, Mrs. Jane Hood, also survives him. To these
relatives he leaves a fragrant name - that of a good father, a kind
brother, a merchant whose honesty and high character were never
questioned, and whose word was accepted wherever known. In early
life he became a Christian, and his walk, conservation and all his
acts adorned the holy name he bore so long. Of a meek and quiet
spirit, firm in the right, faithful in every undertaking, he was an
example not only to his large family of children, but also to the
entire city. Such men are rare indeed, and their lives should make a
deep impression upon the community in which they live and when their
life's work is done. Any community must be enriched from a life like
John A. Ryrie's spent in its midst. The funeral will take place at
10:30 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, October 29, from his late residence
on Sixth street. [Ryrie is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.]
RYRIE, MAGNUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 21, 1846
Died in Alton, on Sabbath morning last, Mr. Magnus Ryrie, aged 62
years. Mr. Ryrie was a native of Scotland, where he lived until the
year 1835, when, with his family, he came to America. They resided
in the city of New York about two years, and then removed to Alton,
from which place he was never afterwards absent a single day. He was
a bright Christian, an affectionate husband, a kind father, and
devoted friend. To know him was to love him. No man was more
different in business, or constant and single in all his duties. The
Bible was his polar star. He long since made a public profession of
religion, and manifested it in his life and conversation. For the
last five years he was a strong pillar in the Baptist Church in this
place. He was one we could most desire should live, yet one we would
be most willing should die. He was emphatically a good man. In death
(as in life) he was apparently in the enjoyment of perfect peace.
RYRIE, MARY JANE (nee MATHER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 18,
Died in Alton on March 15, 1875, Mrs. Mary J., wife of Mr. Daniel D.
Ryrie; aged 47 years. She was born in Edwardsville, December 14,
1827, and was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.