WADDEL, ANDREW W./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 16, 1875
Andrew W. Waddel, the subject of this brief sketch, died at his residence about three miles west of Troy on Sunday morning, September 5, at the advanced age of 74 years, 7 months, and 14 days. He was born in the State of South Carolina in 1801, and emigrated to what is now the great State of Illinois, in 1804 – then a howling wilderness. He was married to Judith Whiteside, who survives him, in 1827. He made a profession of religion, and united with the Baptist Church of Troy in 1847. His funeral took place at the Baptist Church on Monday, Rev. T. W. B. Dawson officiating, assisted by Revs. Robert Stewart, M. G. Lane, and Jesse Renfro. Mr. Waddel was a man who was much esteemed and respected by all acquainted with him, and our readers will hear of his death with feelings of regret.


WADDELL, KATHRYN I./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 27, 1921
Mrs. Kathryn I. Waddell, aged 25 years, died this morning at six o'clock at the family home, 303 Cherry Street, after an illness of two weeks. The deceased is survived by her husband, Raymond Waddell, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andre and two sisters, Mrs. Harry Golden and Miss Frances Andre. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at nine o'clock from the St. Patrick's Catholic Church. Interment will be in the Greenwood Cemetery.


WADDLE, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 16, 1843
Died, at Six Mile [Granite City area], on December 6, after a long and severe illness, Mr. John Waddle, aged about 44. He was a native of this State; and his death is mourned by a large family.


WADE, ALBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 30, 1911
President of Alton National Bank
Albert Wade, in his 74th year, died at his residence, 412 East Twelfth Street, at 11:15 o'clock this morning, after long illness. His illness was due to arterial hardening. He had been in poor health for a long time, but at Swampscott, Massachusetts, early in the summer, he was taken very much worse and he hastened back home. Since his return he had been very ill and was unable to leave his home. The condition of Mr. Wade had been growing very much worse of late, and his death had been expected at any time during the past two weeks.

Mr. Wade was born at Ipswich, Massachusetts, May 15, 1837, but all his life he lived in Alton. [His parents were Samuel Wade (1806-1885) and Eunice Caldwell Wade (1809-1890).] He leaves one brother, Edward P. Wade; and one sister, Mrs. Eunice Louisa Drury, both of Alton. He leaves also one son, Samuel Sweetser Wade, and one daughter, Mrs. Caroline Endicott Wade Duncan, wife of George D. Duncan. Mr. Wade was vice-president of the Alton National Bank, and a director there and in the Alton Savings Bank. The death of Mr. Wade will be the cause of keen regret to many people who had known the man for his true value. Mr. Wade was not a man who sought to gain a reputation for doing kind acts, helping to smooth rough places for people, and for being a liberal contributor to worthy causes. He was not generally known to the public for what he was. No one knows of how many cases there are where Mr. Wade will be greatly missed in time of distress by those to whom he was more than kind. His hand was ever ready to minister in time of trouble, his heart was a sympathetic one that could not permit his hand to wait until he found out just what claim a person in need had on him. He did not wait for the appeal for help, he was there to make the offer of assistance when it was most needed. He did his good as one friend would do to another, not with the air of charity, and no one ever felt that loss of self-respect came through accepting the aid he so cheerfully and graciously lent. Mr. Wade kept himself young by keeping up his interest in young people. He was ever watchful over young men of his acquaintance, would give them help when they needed it, and in all his benefactions he never gave the least suspicion to the recipient that he felt he was doing anything that there should be any hesitation about accepting. It was between friend and friend.

Mr. Wade was married Mary Sweetser on December 13, 1864. His wife died a number of years ago [1905]. He never engaged in any line of mercantile business but once, and that was with his brother-in-law, N. C. Hatheway. His business consisted entirely of looking after his personal financial interests. He was a long-time member of the Congregational Church, and one of its most liberal supporters for many years. In his death the church loses a good friend. The funeral will be at 3:30 o'clock Monday afternoon from the residence. Interment will be private.

Children who preceded Albert Wade in death were: Anna May Wade (1866-1866) and Henry Sweetser Wade (1868-1884). Albert was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


WADE, ANNA MAY/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 19, 1866
Died in Alton on October 11, Anna May, infant daughter of Albert and Mary S. Wade.


WADE, AUGUSTA O./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 10, 1836
Died, in this town [Alton], on Sunday morning, July 31st, Augusta O., only daughter of Mr. Samuel Wade, aged 18 months.


WADE, CHARLES W./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 17, 1886
The funeral of Mr. Charles W. Wade took place on Tuesday from the residence of his mother, Mrs. Samuel Wade. Services were conducted by Rev. H. S. Mills of the Congregational Church. The large gathering spoke eloquently of the sympathy of many friends with those called to mourn. The remains were laid away in the family lot in the cemetery, by the side of the father, so lately called to the other shore. At home and at rest. Charles was the youngest son of Mrs. Eunice Caldwell Wade and the late Samuel Wade, and was 42 years, six months, and eleven days of age. He died in Barre, Massachusetts, June 12, 1886, at the residence of Dr. George Brown.

Charles was born December 1, 1844, in Ipswich, Massachusetts. His father, Samuel, was one of the first pioneers of Alton, who arrived there in 1831. Formerly a builder and carpenter, Samuel served as Alton mayor four terms. He later established the Alton Bank with his brother. Charles was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


WADE, EDWARD P./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 15, 1920
President of Alton National Bank; Mayor of Alton
Edward P. Wade died Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock at his residence, 1014 Henry street, following a general breakdown due to old age. His illness was of but two weeks' duration. He had not been as active as formerly, but was in fairly good health, considering his age. He had been unconscious since the day before his death. He had been able to recognize his older daughter, Mrs. J. L. Oldham, when she arrived, but when Mrs. John Duncan, his second daughter, came, he had lost consciousness.

In the passing of Mr. Wade, Alton loses a man who had been the longest interested in Alton of any man in the city. He was born in Alton and lived here all his life. Since boyhood, he had been connected with business institutions in the city, most of the time the banking business. His mind was perfectly preserved, his recollections of events and people of the far distant past were almost as if he was telling of something of yesterday. Illustrative of his state of mind, even up to the last few months of his life, Mr. Wade's brain was able to give out facts of the early history of Alton and her people. It was the custom of newspaper men who desired some information as to an old house built in the early days, or to inquire about some individual about whom it was for the moment necessary to have some facts, to appeal to Mr. Wade. His mind would seldom slip in its accuracy. His period of recollections spanned over 80 of his 87 years of life.

Mr. Wade was born on February 11, 1833, in a little brick house recently torn down on Broadway, east of the Levis building at Broadway and Alby. This house was the first brick house in Alton, and was built by Isaac Prickett in 1832. His father, Samuel Wade, was an active and very prominent citizen of the early day Alton, and was one of the founders of the bank that became the present Alton National Bank. Samuel was also mayor of Alton, 1849-51 and 1857-8. It was when a young man out of school, that Mr. Wade took a job clerking in a store and stayed there until an opening was offered in the bank. He stayed with the bank until last January 1, when he refused longer to serve in the capacity of president, insisting that he be succeeded by C. A. Caldwell, the cashier, who for the year 1919 had been acting in the capacity of president without the title, and who for years had been Mr. Wade's chief subordinate. At no time in his work in the bank was he merely a figurehead. He performed the functions of president, and he would, even when he occasionally visited the bank after he retired, assist in attending to customers in rush hours at the bank. Mr. Wade became president of the Alton National Bank in 1895, on the death of C. A. Caldwell, father of the present president.

Mr. Wade was for many years a member of the Monticello Seminary board of trustees, and during a long period was chairman of the board of trustees of that institution. He retired a few years ago because he felt his inability to continue at that post. He was deeply interested in Monticello Seminary at all time, and was also an honored guest at the commencements of that institution. He was among its most generous benefactors, and always supported any moves for the improvement of that school. It was in his private life that Mr. Wade perhaps showed the greatest nobility of character and his most admirable qualities. He was a kindly, courteous, generous man. His hand was ever ready to help those who needed help. He was profoundly religious and lived his religion in his everyday life. He had affiliated with the Plymouth Brethren for years, but he never gave up his interest in the First Presbyterian Church. For many years he was organist in the First Presbyterian Church, he being a musician of much talent. He was, therefore, a backer of many musical enterprises of merit in the city. Many institutions and individuals had known the liberality of Mr. Wade. [Wade is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.]


WADE, EUNICE (nee CALDWELL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 15 & 22, 1890
Wife of Samuel Wade
Mrs. Samuel Wade, a resident in Alton since 1832, after but a few weeks’ illness passed away Tuesday, May 13, aged 81 years, 3 months, and 22 days. Beloved through these years because of a rarely equaled Christian character and life, a wide circle mourns her departure. It has been a source of comfort to her family that such a gentle decline was permitted her, and most tenderly have loved ones smoothed her way even to its end.

Mrs. Wade was (with her husband, deceased January 2, 1885) a charter member of the Church of the Redeemer (Congregational). Large gifts of wise council, warm interest, and material support were there bestowed, and are today gratefully remembered. The same thanksgiving for her beneficence is prompted as many another worthy institution of interest of the past or present comes to mind. But surpassing such tokens of fidelity to all that is right and good has been her inner life, so pure and true. Its influence has been an inspiration to unnumbered friends. Permitted the near residence and fellowship of her kindred through these years, Mrs. Wade has been the center of an affection, the more beautiful because most natural tribute to her native worth.

As her end drew near, the members of the family circle gathered at the bedside, each to receive her parting message. That last word was characteristic of the preceding years of Christian covenant. Over and over again she testified of her confidence in the Savior, and that confidence was proved by the peace and spiritual exaltation she enjoyed. The King of Terrors was not there, but as the shades of evening gathered like a curtain all about her couch, she fell asleep, safe in the arms of Jesus.

Today was laid to rest in our City Cemetery one whose residence in Alton dates back to the year 1832, and ante-dating the civic incorporation of this community by a period of more than five years. Mrs. Wade was born in Ipswich, Massachusetts, January 21, 1809. Her parents [Sylvanus Caldwell (1787-1864) and Hannah Staniford Caldwell (1788-1864)] were of a community “distinguished for their good morals and steady habits.” She was the eldest of fourteen children, of whom ten attained to adult years, and of these there survive her, Mrs. N. R. Farley and Miss Sarah P. Caldwell of Ipswich; Mrs. Jeremiah Prescott of Arlington, Massachusetts; and Charles A. Caldwell and Mrs. Mary S. March of Alton. At an early age, sharing with her mother the responsibilities and cares of so large a family, life at once became to her a sober reality, and when three years before her marriage, Miss Grant and Mary Lyon established their school at Ipswich, she was at an age to fully appreciate her opportunities. Married in November 1830, she followed her husband to Alton in 1832, and coming from an atmosphere of exceptional intelligence and thrift, she was prepared to lay the foundation of a well-ordered family in her own home. In the Ipswich school, the reading and study of the Scriptures was a large element in the curriculum, and the words of the Preceptress are fully applicable to Her: “What a fountain of consolation the Bible affords! This precious Book has been to me of late above all price. How pure its doctrines; how elevated its precepts; how rich its promises; how much more valuable and satisfying than pleasure, wealth, or honor. If I do not love the Bible, I know not what I love.”

Four of Mrs. Wade’s children survive her, and reside in Alton: Messrs. Edward P. and Albert Wade; Mrs. Harriet A. Hatheway, and Mrs. Eunice L. Drury. Coming here from her eastern home with her honored husband, soon after their marriage, and settling in what was then almost a wilderness, the young couple established a home which developed into the ideal dwelling place of happy married life. As the years went by, children gathered about the hearthstone. The husband became a successful business man, a leading banker, a pillar in the church, and was repeatedly called to be the Chief Executive of the young municipality, of which he helped to lay the foundations. All his labors were ably supplemented by the wife, who was in the truest sense a help-meet for him, and whose devotion as a wife and mother consecrated the home with all the blessings of unclouded domestic felicity. The children grew up and founded homes of their own, and grandchildren renewed the youth of their grandparents in the beautiful old homestead. Together, husband and wife walked the pathway of life for over fifty years, and when the former was called to the other shore, the sons and daughters shielded his companion from the storms of life, or helped her to brave its sorrows and bereavements. The old home was still the center from which radiated sweet influences to the homes of children clustered about it. The mother was the queen, whom all delighted to honor. And now she too has gone to join the loved ones gone before.

A great company of relatives and friends gathered this morning to pay their tribute of love and reverence to her memory. Old friends of a lifetime were there, tearful and sorrowing for their own loss, but not mourning for her own sake, whose death was but transition to a nobler life. The services were conducted by Rev. C. C. Warner, pastor of the Congregational Church of which Mrs. Wade was one of the original members, and whose work she had ever been foremost in furthering and sustaining. After reading scriptural selections, which had peculiar fitness to the life and character of the departed, the speaker dwelt in tender and gentle terms upon the Christian faith and hope which had ever been the guiding star of the loved wife and mother, and her stay and comfort when about to cross the dark river. He compared her last hours to the parting of Jacob and his sons when the patriarch was about to be gathered to his fathers, and the fitness of the comparison was recognized by all present. His references to her home life and gentle ministrations, her charity, benevolence, her usefulness in the church and community, were all apt and touching, bringing vividly before all his auditors the sweetness and devotion of the life which had so long een a blessing to all within its influence.

After the last rites at the cemetery and a closing hymn, they laid to rest the loving mother, the tender wife, and the steadfast friend, by the side of the companion of over half a century. The gentle zephyrs of the opening spring stirred the leaves and verdure above her, and the soft May sunshine from cloudless skies gave its benediction over a new-made grave that answered the question: “Is life worth living?”

The floral memorials were profuse and exquisite in beauty and significance, while the clusters of roses which each child and grandchild added to the tributes on the mound spoke eloquently of a love that reaches beyond the narrow confines of mortal life.

Eunice Caldwell Wade was born January 21, 1809, in Ipswich, Massachusetts. She was the daughter of Sylvanus Caldwell (1787-1864) and Hannah Staniford Caldwell (1788-1864). In 1830 she married Samuel Wade. Samuel moved to Alton in 1831, and Eunice followed in 1833. Formerly a builder and carpenter, Samuel served as mayor of Alton for four terms. He later founded the Alton Bank with his brother. Samuel died in January 1885. Both he and his wife, Eunice, are buried in the Alton City Cemetery. Their children were: Edward Pierson Wade (1833-1920); Augusta Olivia Wade (1835-1836); Albert Wade (1837-1911); Harriett Augusta Wade Hatheway (1839-1908); John Richards Wade (1841-1941); Charles Wade (1844-1886); and Eunice Louisa Wade Drury (1850-1926).


WADE, HARRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 27, 1890
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wade of North Alton lost their son, Harry, aged about six years, who died Saturday night of diphtheria. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the family residence to the Alton City Cemetery, where interment was made.


WADE, HENRY “HARRY” SWEETSER/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 20, 1884
Grandson of Samuel Wade and Captain H. C. Sweetser
Another happy home is made desolate by the dark shadow of the Angel of Death, and a large circle of relatives and friends share in the sorrow of the stricken parents. A telegram received last Monday brought the sad, though not wholly unexpected news of the death, last night, at Aiken, South Carolina, of Harry S. Wade, eldest son of Albert and Mary Sweetser Wade, and grandson of Mr. Samuel Wade and Captain H. C. Sweetser. The deceased had been in feeble health for months, and had been taken south by his parents in the fond hope that under the influence of sunny skies and the balmy air of the land of flowers, strength and vigor would return. For many weeks, hope and fear have alternated in the hearts of those who were so tenderly watching over their loved one, but the end came at last, and today fond hopes and bright anticipations lie withered in the dust.

Harry was a young man of rare promise and of most engaging qualities. Though young in years, he was remarkably mature, and his attainments and disposition indicated a career that would bring happiness and honor to his family and friends. He was a pupil of Wyman Institute, studious and attentive, trusted by his teachers and beloved by his associates. Of a life so fair, so full of promise, so dear to the hearts of parents and relatives, it is unspeakably sad to know that its earthly career is ended, just as it was developing into manhood. Mr. and Mrs. Wade are expected to arrive here with the remains on Thursday. The hearts of all their Alton friends will go out to them in tenderest sympathy on their sorrowful return to their stricken home.

Henry Wade was born June 15, 1868, and was 15 years old at the time of death. Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery. His siblings were Anna May Wade (1866-1866); Samuel Wade (1873-1954); and Caroline Endicott Wade Duncan (1877-1954). Henry’s grandfather, Samuel Wade, served as Alton Mayor and President of the Alton National Bank.


WADE, LETTIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 5, 1883
Mr. and Mrs. Carter Wade were deeply afflicted on Saturday by the death of their little daughter, Lettie, after an illness of two weeks from lung fever, at the age of 11 years and two months. Lettie was a lovely child, and the parents will have the deep sympathy of all their acquaintances in this bereavement. The funeral occurred Monday from the family residence on Alby Street, near Seventeenth, and was largely attended. Her classmates in the Presbyterian Sabbath School and day school attended in a body.


WADE, MARY ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 20, 1908
Wife of Edward P. Wade
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Wade, wife of Edward P. Wade, died Thursday evening at the family home on Henry street after a brief illness. She had not been in good health for some time, and Sunday evening, November 6, she was stricken with her final illness after attending religious services at Monticello Seminary. She was not conscious from the time that she was taken ill, except for brief intervals. Her case was recognized as a dangerous one from the beginning of her illness. Immediately her two daughters, Mrs. J. L. Oldham of New York and Mrs. John Duncan of Pittsburg were summoned to attend her, and remained with her until her death. Mrs. Wade was a member of a well known family dating back to Colonial times. She was the daughter of Dr. George T. Allen, a leading physician of Madison county. She was born in New York, November 29, 1838, the family removing to Marine the year following and thence to Alton in 1856, which was the home of Mrs. Wade ever since. She was married to Edward P. Wade, now president of the Alton National Bank, December 1857, and a few months afterward moved to the residence on Henry street, which became their home for over fifty years. Had Mrs. Wade lived until the 29th of this month, she would have been seventy years of age. She graduated from Monticello Seminary in the class of 1857. She was a member of the Presbyterian church from childhood and was a director in the Jennie D. Hayner library. Beside her husband and two children she leaves five grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. Robert T. Underhill of East Orange, N. J., and Miss Eva Allen of Denver, Colorado. She leaves a brother, Rowland P. Allen of Batson, Texas. Mrs. Wade possessed a beautiful character. She was a devoted member of the Presbyterian church and one of its most interested workers. In every department of the church work she was a leader for many years, and until her eyesight failing made it necessary for her to remain out of active work except in her own home. There she continued as mistress of her house, even when darkness settled down on her through failing vision. She was able to carry on many of the duties she had been accustomed to do before her sight failed, and her ability to get around was a marvel to her friends and relatives. She preserved through her deep affliction the sweetest resignation. No one would have known from her that she missed her lost faculty, and even then, she was ever interested in others, always ready to do whatever was needed for those who needed sympathy or help. Her life was a bright light among those who came in contact with, and not only in her home and family circle, but among a very large circle of friends will her death be sincerely grieved. Her happy smile and her cheering words were cherished by many who had been in affliction themselves, and she will live long in their memories. The funeral will be held Sunday morning at 9 o'clock from the residence, 1014 Henry street, and interment will be private.


Samuel WadeWADE, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 8, 1885
Alton Mayor; President of Alton National Bank
Alton mourns the death of another old and honored citizen. At 11:20 o’clock a.m. Friday [January 2, 1885], after a brief illness, Hon. Samuel Wade, President of the Alton National Bank, passed peacefully away. He had been in feeble health for some months, but last Monday he was taken ill with congestion of the liver, and the disease soon manifested dangerous symptoms, which culminated in death at the hour named. It was not generally known until yesterday that his illness was serious, and the news of its fatal termination falls with a painful shock upon his lifelong friends and the business community.

A resident of Alton for over fifty years, during all of which he was actively engaged in public and private enterprises, he was one of the most honored representatives of its public, business, and religious life. A power in business affairs, a pillar in the church, trusted, esteemed, and honored in private life and civic service, of him it can truly be said that the world is better for his having lived in it. The loss of such a man is a public bereavement. The community is bereft when a life of such nobility, honor, and integrity is brought to a close, while in the sacred precincts of the family circle, where the strong staff upon which all leaned is broken, and the warm and loving heart is stilled, which beat responsive to the tenderest reverence and affection of all, the loss is unspeakable.

Mr. Wade was a native of Ipswich, Massachusetts, born April 18, 1806, and was, consequently, in the 79th year of his age. He was married in 1830 to Miss Eunice Caldwell, who, with five children, survives him. He came to Alton in 1831, where he has ever since resided, taking a prominent part in its affairs for many years, and several times acting as its Chief Executive.

The people of Alton gathered Sunday afternoon to do honor to the memory of one of their oldest and most eminent citizens. It was a great concourse, and all were mourners. The large number of old citizens in attendance was particularly noticeable. “When a good man dies, the people mourn,” is a truth that was never more emphatically evident than at the obsequies of Mr. Samuel Wade. A resident of Alton for nearly fifty-four years, one of the original incorporators of the town, repeatedly called to the head of its municipal affairs, a wise executive, a prudent counselor, a successful financier, a leader in the church, the devoted head of a loving family, around him clustered all the rewards of a noble life. The Congregational Church with which he was connected was also the scene, at the forenoon service, of a mourning gathering. The organ, the gift of the deceased to the church, was draped in black, as was also the family pew. The church, likewise, sent to the residence a beautiful floral crown, emblematic of the reward of a rounded life, and this, with numerous other floral designs decking the casket, were tenderly expressive of a love reaching beyond the grave.

The funeral services, under direction of Rev. Mr. Chaddock, pastor of the Congregational Church, opened with singing, “How Firm a Foundation Ye Saints of the Lord,” followed by reading of Scripture passages applicable to the occasion. Mr. Chaddock then gave a review of the life of the departed, his birth at Ipswich, Massachusetts in 1806; his marriage in 1830; his removal to Alton in 1831; and his business and public career in Alton. His ecclesiastical connection was first with the Congregational Church of his native place, next with the Presbyterian Church of Alton, with which he united in 1840, and then with the Congregational Church of Alton in 1870. His denominational preference had always been for the church of his youth, and when it seemed the time for colonization had come, he was mainly instrumental in organizing the new society here, contributing largely from his means for the church edifice and the parsonage, purchasing an organ, and in other ways liberally aiding the enterprise, while also giving to it the full measure of his devotion, experience, and faith.

He was the revered leader, the loved counselor, the wise arbiter, in whose decision all gladly coincided. Into the conduct of his extended business affairs, he carried the Christian principles that guided his life, and the success he won inured greatly to the benefit of the benevolent and educational interests of the church. He was a Christian philanthropist in the broad acceptation of the term, and no worthy cause ever probably appealed to him in vain. Though he did not receive the benefit of a collegiate course, he was yet a thoroughly educated man and a close student even to the close of his life. He gathered about him a noble library of standard works, and was familiar with their contents, but above all, he prized the Bible, which he constantly studied with the aid of the best commentaries. His business activity continued until the close of life, and when questioned once of late, as to why he did not retire, he replied that he was enabled by continuing at the head of the bank to do more for the benevolences of the church than would otherwise have been the case. The speaker closed with warm words of eulogy of Mr. Wade’s character and career, and presented him as an exemplar to those who would be called upon to take up the work he laid down.

Rev. Mr. Gordon of the Presbyterian Church followed in a review of Mr. Wade’s connection with that church from 1840 to 1870; of his election as Elder in 1841, in which he continued to serve until his dismissal to the Congregational Church. He represented Alton Presbytery several time in the General Assembly of the church, and amid the great minds of the denomination, his wisdom and judgment were awarded a high place. In the work of building a house of worship, he was generous in pecuniary aid and invaluable in practical assistance. He superintended the construction of the present edifice in 1846, laying its foundations on the solid rock, and likewise had direction of its enlargement at a later date. Active in every good work, he was also a strong and ready speaker. In meetings for prayer and other gatherings, his remarks were always fresh, apt, and original. Next to the minister of the gospel, the speaker regarded as most worthy of honor, the Christian man of business who carried his faith into his daily life, and in this Mr. Wade was worthy of respect and emulation. Mr. Gordon referred to Mr. Wade as one of the old landmarks.

Of the contemporaries of his early manhood, who aided him in laying the material and ecclesiastical foundations of the city, now few remain. Dr. Long, Mr. Whipple, Mr. Clawson, and a few others are left. The work of the founders is finished, or will soon be finished, and others must carry it forward. At a family gathering at the home of his oldest son, the deceased was, a week ago Thursday, the center of interest and reverence. How little they thought they would soon be gathered, a stricken company, about his bier! Such a life was a precious legacy to the children and grandchildren, and to the companion now left to walk alone the remaining journey of life.

The remarks of both speakers were glowing and heartfelt, and the simple truth of their words found a responsive echo in the hearts of all. We give a few points, as memory recalls them, yet realizing that they do scant justice to the breadth and strength of the tributes offered. The services closed with prayer by Dr. Abbott of the Baptist Church, and singing of the hymn, “There Is a Blessed Home.”

The bearers, all relatives of the family or connections, bore their silent burden to the hearse, and the long procession took up its mournful journey to the cemetery, where the honored dead was laid to rest in the family lot, nearby the resting places of the friends of early manhood and mature life who had gone before. “A place for memory and for tears.” There, with the winter sunshine shedding its declining rays, beneath a wealth of fragrant flowers strewn by the hands of children and grandchildren, with the last words and benediction of his pastor, and the notes of Pleyel’s hymn, they laid to rest all that was earthly of Samuel Wade – a name henceforward dear and precious. The floral tributes of hope and faith which were placed above him were emblems of a remembrance lasting as immortality. Hundreds had gathered at the cemetery in advance of the arrival of the procession. All classes of citizens were represented, and the spontaneousness of the gathering spoke louder than words of the warm place the departed had in the hearts of the community at large.

We may be pardoned an allusion to a point not as fully dwelt upon by the speakers as some others. We refer to the life of Mr. Wade in his declining years. Says a writer: “There is a haven where the storms of life beat not, or are felt only in gentle undulations of the unruffled and mirroring surface. This haven, this oasis, this rest, is a calm and serene old age.” How applicable to the one we mourn. “The days of a man’s life are three score years and ten, and if by reason of strength they be four score years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow.” But in the case of Mr. Wade, there seems to have been granted an exception to the common lot. True, with his feet on the sunset slope and his eyes fixed upon the beyond, there was a gradual decline of physical energy and premonitions of approaching dissolution were not wanting, still there was no perceptible decline of mental strength or activity. He embodied the lines: Rest is not quitting, This busy career, Rest is the fitting, Of self to one’s sphere; ‘Tis the brook’s motion, Calm without strife, Reaching to ocean, After this life.

He continued the conduct of his business affairs with perennial tact and wisdom up to the last brief illness; his interest in current events was unabated; his lifelong devotion to his church lost none of its fervor; his investigations and studies were not intermitted; his genial kindliness was untouched by frost; his care of and absorption in his family lost none of its freshness; and his sympathy in the recreations and enjoyments of youth was unalloyed. He was old in years, as men count time, but young in all things else. As he lay at rest, his face was that of a man in his prime, and from the peaceful features, the furrows of Time’s fingers seemed to have been erased. After a successful life, not, of course, undimmed by trials, but sanctified by right-living and noble purpose, he was old only in years. Surrounded by his children and grandchildren, the center of a reverent circle of relatives and friends, the love and devotion given them returned to him in full measure, blessing alike giver and recipient. How beautiful such a life-closing – how fair a heritage to those he loved. Pure and fair, his life was given him, and after the clouds and sunshine of nearly four-score years had alike passed by, he yielded it in unsullied beauty to the Giver.

Samuel Wade was born April 18, 1806, in Ipswich, Massachusetts. He was the son of John Wade (1770-1835) and Mercy Merryfield Wade (1772-1843). Samuel married Eunice Caldwell in 1830, and they had the following children: Edward Pierson Wade (1833-1920; President of the Alton National Bank); Augusta Olivia Wade (1835-1836); Albert Wade (1837-1911; President of the Alton National Bank); Harriett Augusta Wade Hatheway (1839-1908); John Richards Wade (1841-1941); Charles Wade (1844-1886); and Eunice Louisa Wade Drury (1850-1926).

Samuel Wade was one of the first pioneers of Alton, and served as Alton mayor four terms. He later established the Alton National Bank with his brother. Samuel is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


WADE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 7, 1905
Wife of Albert Wade
The funeral of Mrs. Albert Wade was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence on Twelfth street. There was a large attendance of friends and relatives of the family at the services. The funeral was conducted by Rev. A. A. Tanner of the Congregational church, who offered a prayer and gave a beautiful word tribute of respect to the memory of the departed one. The services were in keeping with the manner of life of Mrs. Wade, unostentatious and simplicity itself. Rev. Mr. Tanner took as his text Romans 8:38, 39: "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." During her long life in Alton Mrs. Wade's going to and fro in the city has been devoid of color of ostentation. She was ever doing good things for those in want, and since her death the expressions of genuine downright sorrow over the departure of their benefactor, coming from those to whom she had held out the helping hand, have been numerous. Her doings for others was in the nature of a friend giving just a little friendly assistance, and it never left the keen sense of dignity being taken from the recipient. The death of such a much-needed woman, whose sympathy was always ready for those in sorrow, whose hand was never stayed for those in need, is keenly felt by all who knew her, and their expression of sorrow was made in the large attendance at her funeral services.


WADKINS, LILLIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 9, 1902
Killed by Husband in St. Louis
The body of Mrs. Lillie Wadkins, daughter of L. M. Demoss, formerly a well-known resident of Upper Alton, was brought from St. Louis today for burial and was interred in Milton cemetery. Mrs. Wadkins was killed by her husband, Riley Wadkins, last Wednesday evening in St. Louis, and Wadkins then killed himself. He was angry because his wife refused to live with him, and that reason was assigned for the killing. Mrs. Wadkins' father was commissary of the Alton Federal prison during the war, and the family was well known. Services were conducted in the East Alton Baptist church at noon.


WADSWORTH, RUTH J./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 22, 1886
From Collinsville – Mrs. Ruth J. Wadsworth, one of Collinsville’s most estimable people, and wife of Mr. James F. Wadsworth, well known as one of the oldest residents of Collinsville, passed away peacefully Monday, at the residence of her son and only child, Dr. James LaRue Wadsworth. Death was caused by apoplexy, and came to deceased in her 78th year. Mrs. Wadsworth was a devoted Christian worker until hindered in her good work by the affliction from which she has suffered more or less during the past four years. The friends who mourn the loss of such a noble woman, and who sympathize with the bereaved family, yet rejoice in the knowledge that the life of deceased was such as to assure her eternal reward from the Maker she was so well prepared to meet. The funeral took place Tuesday from the First Presbyterian Church.

Ruth J. Wadsworth was born in Bristol, Connecticut on November 26, 1808, and lived there till she was 18 years of age. After that, she went to live with her brother-in-law at Cornwall, Connecticut. She lived with his family until her marriage. On September 18, 1837, she was married to James F. Wadsworth in Cornwall, Connecticut. They lived there about two years. From that place, Mr. and Mrs. Wadsworth moved to Mt. Vernon, Ohio. They lived in Ohio (Wyandotte County) eighteen years. From Ohio they moved to Kansas, living there six years. From Kansas they moved to Collinsville in the Fall of 1863, twenty-three years ago this Fall. She joined the Congregational Church, of which her brother-in-law was pastor, in the summer of 1837, nearly fifty years ago. In Ohio, Kansas, and Collinsville, she was especially active in church work. This work was done in a silent way. In her work she did not make the display before the world that others did. She did not make friends so rapidly as some did, but retained those she gained. She was the last of her family to go. She was the youngest of her family. One lived to be 84 years, one 82, one 76, one not known, and Mrs. Wadsworth was 77 years old last November. The only child living is Dr. James LaRue Wadsworth, two having died in infancy.


WAGGONER, ANN ELIZA (nee FERGUSON)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 25, 1890
Mrs. Wesley Waggoner was stricken with paralysis about noon yesterday at her home near the Methodist Church in Godfrey, and died there at a quarter to three o’clock this morning. Deceased was 57 years of age, and was a longtime and highly respected resident of the locality in which she died. A husband, two married sons, Edward and Eugene, an unmarried son and daughter, William and Mary, are left to mourn her loss. Mrs. Waggoner was seized just as she stepped from the wagon, her hand catching on the wheel. She was removed to her residence, and after an hour or two became unconscious. She was a prominent member and worker in the M. E. Church at Godfrey, and her loss will be deeply felt in the community.

Source: Alton Telegraph, January 8, 1891
From Godfrey – The funeral of Ann Eliza Ferguson, wife of Mr. Wesley F. Waggoner, who died of paralysis Sunday night, took place Wednesday afternoon at the M. E. Church. The services were conducted by Elder Scarritt. The pallbearers, who were all nephews of the deceased, were Charles, John, Lathy, Frank, and Roland Waggoner, and William Ackard. Mrs. Waggoner leaves a husband, three sons, and a daughter, and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss.

Ann Waggoner was born August 28, 1833. She was buried in the Bethany Cemetery in Godfrey.


WAGGONER, DEBORAH and INFANT SON/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 17, 1846
Died in Monticello precinct [Godfrey] on January 10, an infant son of H. B. and Deborah Waggoner, aged 6 days.

Died on January 12, Deborah, wife of H. B. Waggoner, and daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Blackburn, in the 21st year of her age; in the prospect of immortal bliss. They were both interred in one grave on January 13, amid the tears of friends and relations. A funeral sermon will be preached on the occasion by Rev. I. B. Randle, on the 1st of February, at the Methodist Schoolhouse on Scarritts Prairie.


WAGGONER, GEORGE R./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 4, 1879
Pioneer; Veteran of the Creek War
George Waggoner was born at Baltimore, Maryland, March 12, 1786. He was, therefore, ninety-three years old last March. He is of German origin, his father having been born onboard a German emigrant ship, and his mother a native of Pennsylvania. George emigrated to Knoxville, Tennessee while that State was yet in infancy, in 1797 or about that time, and when, as he says, they had to keep a sharp lookout for Indians, as they were often “mighty troublesome.” He was married at Knoxville in 1808 to Miss Mary E. Baker, with whom he lived in domestic harmony until her death, which occurred in the autumn of 1872, a period of 64 years. They were the parents of thirteen children – seven boys and six girls – all of whom, except one who died in infancy, lived to raise families, and eleven of whom are still living, ten in Illinois.

In 1814, George enlisted under General Jackson, and accompanied the expedition to Florida in what is known as the Creek War. He remembers perfectly even the minutest details of the winter campaign, and relates with clearness and animation many incidents which occurred, and the hardships endured by officers and men. At one time, they were five days without other food than was obtained by chewing buds and herbs, which in mid-winter, he says, was scanty diet.

In 1833, he with his large family emigrated to Missouri, where he remained one year, then removing to Alton, in the vicinity of which place he has lived since that time. There are known to be living at present, eleven children (the oldest 69 years); forty-nine grandchildren; and twenty-eight great-grandchildren. In all, eighty-eight descendants. There are dead two children, sixteen grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. In all, living and dead, 108 descendants.

When the family proposed holding a reunion, the arrangements were made entirely without his knowledge. About two weeks since, he having been asleep during the day, related a “very strange dream” as he expressed it, to his daughter, Mrs. Jane Andrews. He said he saw a large gathering of people, and among them many old friends whom he had not seen for years, mentioning several by name. Mrs. Andrews then interpreted his dream by telling him of the proposed reunion, and that he would see the persons mentioned there. A dream presenting a strange coincidence at least.

An invitation was extended to the friends of the family. Accordingly, the grounds were prepared in a grove on the farm of Joseph Andrews [his son-in-law], with whom grandfather George has for many years made his home. Last Thursday, August 28, 1879, at an early hour, the relatives and friends began to arrive, and until long after noon, the gathering kept increasing in numbers. Friends and relations were there from various parts of the State. The number present was variously estimated at from 400 to 600 persons. Probably one-third of these were relatives of the family. There were present ten children, thirty-four grandchildren, and seventeen great-grandchildren. In all, sixty-one descendants.

A short program had been arranged, and grandfather George was conducted upon a platform erected for the occasion, and seated under an arch of evergreen, in which was hung a white canvas bearing in evergreen letters the word, “Grandpa,” and the year of his birth, “1786,” and the present year, “1879.” A reading of the above sketch of his life was read by George Camp. Rev. J. A. Scarritt was then called upon for an address, and he began by enumerating some of the difficulties in making a speech on such an occasion. Dinner was announced, and the crowd dispersed in various directions. After dinner, Rev. R. Z. Fahs delivered an excellent address, as he too was of German origin. It was understood, however, that neither family belonged to the lager beer class of Germans, as they were all strictly temperate. The late speaker was Rev. George W. Waggoner. His speech was eminently practical, and was listened to with attention.

Late in the evening, the crowd began to disperse, feeling well paid for their trouble in attending the reunion. In behalf of the family, we feel disposed to thank the visitors and all present for their presence, and the uniform good order and quietude that prevailed during the entire day.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 25, 1879
Mr. George Waggoner died on Friday last, and was buried on Saturday from the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Joseph Andrews, near Brighton. He was a soldier under Jackson, and a pension as such. At the age of ninety-three years, he closed his life in the midst of a very large circle of his descendants – three generations being present at his obsequies. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. A. Scarritt. The same minister officiated at the funeral of Mrs. Waggoner just seven years ago. The two had then lived together for sixty-four years, and had lived in the respective States of Tennessee, Missouri, and Illinois, witnessing and aiding the changes that converted the wilderness into a fruitful garden of civilization. [George R. Waggoner was buried in the Asbury Cemetery in Brighton.]


WAGGONER, GEORGE W. (REV.)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 12, 1905
Pioneer Circuit Rider; Organized Upper Alton Methodist Church
After lingering at death's door for several days, during the last hours of which his tongue was unable to frame the words of farewell he desired to speak to his daughter and other members of his family, Rev. George W. Waggoner fell asleep just as the sun was rising, Sunday morning, at his home in Upper Alton. He would have been 85 years of age August 15. The last few years of his life had been made burdensome by illness, but whenever he was not actually prostrated by illness he was up and around carrying his messages of good cheer for those he met. His character was one of those beautiful ones that mirrored the perfect life which he endeavored to live. He was a quiet, forceful man, always sunny tempered and always looking for something good in everything. During his whole career as a minister he probably never incurred an enmity, even though he was most vigorous in reminding sinners of their errors. Although he suffered intensely, he was patient and bore suffering as a good soldier. He did not complain and among his last utterances was a quotation from the Apostle Paul, "For I reckon the sufferings of this present life are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us." He expressed his readiness and willingness to obey the last summons and was glad to go.

The death of Rev. George W. Waggoner marks the close of an interesting career. He was a co-laborer and personal friend of the great Peter Cartwright, the pioneer circuit rider. He was born at Knoxville, Tennessee, August 24, 1820. His parents moved to Brighton 71 years ago, and there he took up his chosen profession, preaching. He was ordained as a minister at Jacksonville in 1851. He was engaged in the work of the Illinois Conference when the southern part of the state was set off as a conference in itself, and he was one of the original members. The surviving original conference members are Rev. T. A. Eaton, Kansas City, Kansas; Rev. J. A. Scarritt, Cairo; and Rev. Hiram Scarritt of Cleveland, Ohio. His labors were devoted chiefly to building up and maintaining the churches in the new conference. He is said to have founded more churches than any other minister ever in this conference. He was wont to encourage congregations building new churches by telling them that although he had known many churches to be heavily burdened with debt, he never knew one to be sold for debt. He belonged to the old school of preachers who scorned to write a sermon. All his sermons were composed and carried in his head, and when he rose in the pulpit, he relied solely on his memory for what his audience was to receive. During forty years he did all his writing with one battered old gold pen, and he would allow no one else to use it. Many an offer to buy it he refused, after signing marriage certificates. It is said that in his career he performed many thousands of marriage ceremonies and conducted many thousands of funerals, all of which he made a permanent record of. His services were much sought by young couples about to be married.

Three weeks ago, he preached his last sermon at Piasa, Illinois, where he was visiting his sister. Two weeks ago, he officiated at a marriage ceremony. It is said that during his long career as a minister he was almost without exception returned for a year or more. He organized and served as first preacher for the Washington Street Methodist Church. Last fall he assisted in laying the cornerstone of the handsome new church that will be dedicated this summer. Just before his death, Rev. Mr. Waggoner gave an exhibition of his strong character. He made all arrangements for his own funeral services, giving detailed instructions to Rev. C. C. Hall, pastor of the Upper Alton Church, as to what services should be held. At his request the funeral sermon will be preached by Rev. T. H. Herdman, D. D., of Lebanon, Illinois. The services will be conducted Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the Upper Alton Methodist Church by Rev. J. H. Ford of Granite City, presiding elder. Various pastors in Alton district conference have been invited to attend and assist in the services.

Rev. Mr. Waggoner is survived by one brother, James E. Waggoner of Brighton, and two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Eckhard, and Mrs. Mary Holloway of Piasa, the latter 86 years of age. He leaves one daughter, Mrs. Harriet N. White of Upper Alton, with whom he lived. He leaves also nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The grandchildren are George H. White and Mrs. Hattie Picker of East Alton; Mary C. Skeen of Portland, Oregon; Mrs. Minnie Hepburn of Guthrie, O. T.; Homer and Oscar and Misses Roza, Nellie and Margaret Stratton of Mt. Vernon, Illinois. [Burial was in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.]


WAGGONER, HELEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 4, 1920
After being bedfast for two months, following a stroke of paralysis, Mrs. Helen Waggoner died at 7 o'clock this morning at her home. Mrs. Waggoner was 84 years of age last August. She was a member of a well known and prominent Madison County family, being the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alec Ferguson. Her maiden name was Helen Ferguson. Her husband died twenty-five years ago. She was a member of the Godfrey Methodist Church, and until illness incapacitated her, she took an active interest in church and civic affairs in her town. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Kate McNeil of Godfrey, Mrs. Lou Lefter of Granite City, and Mrs. Jesse Hinkle, also by two sons, Bert Waggoner of Edwardsville and Harry Waggoner of Macomb. She also leaves seven grandchildren.


WAGGONER, HENRY B./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 18, 1896
The funeral of the late Henry B. Waggoner took place yesterday afternoon from the Bethany Methodist Church, of which Mr. Waggoner had been a consistent member for many years. Rev. J. L. Wylder of Upper Alton conducted the services, which were attended by a large number of relatives and friends of the deceased. Interment was at the Cemetery near Bethany Church.


WAGGONER, KATIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 13, 1912
First Woman in Benbow City
Mrs. Katie Waggoner, the first woman who arrived in Benbow City in the early days of the village after the building of the Standard Oil refinery, died Wednesday afternoon at her home at 4:15 p.m. in Benbow City, after a long illness of Brights' disease. Mrs. Waggoner leaves a husband, Michael Waggoner, and no children. She was thirty-five years of age. When Benbow City was first established by the settlement of foreigners in box cars, Mrs. Waggoner, who was then not married to Mr. Waggoner, and known among the foreigners as "Katie," settled in a box car and did cooking for the foreigners, and in spare moments did translating as she was very fluent in five tongues, the Polish, Slavish, Hungarian, German and English. She was a very pretty looking young woman, and always dressed neatly, more as an American than a foreigner. Later she did a great deal of translating in the various police courts in the vicinity, and often received good wages for her work. She afterwards moved into a tent, and later on, after her marriage to Mike Waggoner, a foreigner working at the refinery, they purchased a house in which she died. Mrs. Waggoner was always held in high esteem by the foreigners and was admitted by a great many Americans with whom she was very friendly. The funeral of Mrs. Waggoner was held this afternoon at St. Mary's church. The burial was in Greenwood cemetery.


WAGGONER, MARY A./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 10, 1894
Tuesday afternoon the friends of Mrs. Mary A. Waggoner assembled in the Methodist Church in Upper Alton, to pay their last respects. The burial took place at the Upper Alton Cemetery. She was in her 77th year, and was greatly esteemed by a large circle of friends. She leaves a husband and two daughters. [Mary was born May 15, 1817.]


WAGGONER, SAMUEL H./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 9, 1897
From Godfrey - The funeral of Samuel H. Waggoner was very largely attended from Bethany M. E. Church last Sunday afternoon. He had been one of the leading members of that church 51 years. Rev. Mr. Taylor of Brighton officiated the funeral.


WAGGONER, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1908
Civil War Veteran
Thomas Waggoner, an old soldier who served three years in the army during the Civil War, died this morning at his home, Fifth street near Alby, after a long illness. He was stricken with paralysis one year ago and beside being rendered helpless, became blind. He was 6_ years of age. The body will be taken to Nebo, Ill. for burial tomorrow. Alton post, G. A. R. will furnish an escort of honor, as he was connected with Nebo post.


WAGGONER, WESLEY F./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 23, 1902
Wesley F. Waggoner, one of Madison county's most prominent farmers, died at his home one and one-half miles west of Godfrey, on Monday morning, June 23, 1902, after a painful illness of more than two years duration. The Waggoner family, of which he was a member, was well known in the county and was quite numerous. The deceased has been long a successful farmer of Godfrey, highly esteemed for his virtues and worth. He was a leading member of the Methodist denomination, and a substantial man in every way. Two of his brothers, J. E. Waggoner of Brighton and Rev. G. W. Waggoner of Upper Alton, survive him. His wife and four children also survive him, viz: Dr. Edward, Prof. Eugene of McKendree College, Lebanon, and a married daughter of Lebanon, and William Waggoner. The funeral will take place Tuesday at 3 p.m. from the M. E. church, at Bethany.


WAGGONER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 3, 1910
William Waggoner, a member of former well known Godfrey township family, died at Granite City very suddenly yesterday, and the body will be taken to Godfrey and services will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow in the Bethany church where the family attended services for many years. Waggoner's father was Wesley Waggoner, and the deceased lived with his stepmother at Granite City.


WAGGONER, WILLIAM W./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 10, 1887
From Godfrey – Mr. William W. Waggoner was born February 19, 1827, near Knoxville, Tennessee. In 1836, he, with his father and mother and ten brothers and sisters, came to Madison County, where he has since resided. During the war, he was Corporal of Company I, 144th Illinois Volunteers, during which time he contracted the dyspepsia, from which he was ever since suffered. December 15, 1853, he was married to Margaret J. Cull, who died February 5, 1876, leaving two sons and two daughters. He was married to Mrs. Sarah M. Pond of Brighton, November 27, 1877, who still survives him. He has suffered greatly for some months, but his family and friends have done all in their power for his comfort. He was a kind father, a good citizen, and a man without an enemy. His funeral was largely attended both by relatives and friends, showing in what high regard he was held by all. Quite a number of relatives from a distance were present. Rev. J. W. Blaine preached one of the fine discourses for which he is noted. The pallbearers were: J. R. Isett, J. Y Sawyer, William Young, John Roberts, J. B. Turner, and Robert Stewart. We extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy.


WAGNER, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 17, 1911
Professional Midwife
Mrs. Anna Wagner, a professional midwife, died at the Nazareth Home Friday morning after a long illness, aged 49. She had been in the Home since last October, and was very ill all of the time. She leaves one son, Clement, aged 14, two sisters, two brothers, and her mother.


WAGNER, J. N./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 11, 1893
Mr. J. N. Wagner, an aged and highly respected resident of Moro, died there on Saturday last. He left a request that his body be cremated. He was a member of a St. Louis Crematory Association. This, it is believed, is the first citizen of Madison County whose body will be incinerated. Mr. Wagner was 75 years of age, and was stepfather to Mr. Herman Kabel, Moro’s well-known coal operator. Besides an aged wife, he leaves numerous other relatives to mourn his loss.


WAGNER, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 23, 1882
Mr. John Wagner, an old citizen of Alton, died early yesterday morning at his residence on Fifth Street. He had been in poor health for several months, but was able to be out the day before his death. The funeral took place at two o’clock this afternoon.


WAGNER, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 01, 1894
Monday morning, Mrs. Charles Wagner died suddenly at her home, 800 East Second Street [Broadway], aged 38 years. Deceased is well known in Alton. She leaves a husband and two sons to mourn her death. She was a well-known hotel keeper of the East End, having had the management of Buck’s Hotel and Spring House at different times.


WAGNER, N./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 11, 1893
Moro -- Mr. N. Wagner died last Saturday after a brief illness at the advanced age of 75 years. In accordance with his request, his remains were taken to the crematory in St. Louis where they were cremated. Besides an aged wife, he leaves numerous other relatives to mourn his loss. This is the first incident of this kind in this community and excited not a little curiosity. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Craig and Butler of Gillespie, Eph Green, William Evans, William Owens and William Richardson.


WAGNER, ROSA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 21, 1887
Mrs. Rosa Wagner, aged about 52 years, widow of the late John Wagner, was found dead late yesterday evening sitting in a chair, at her home on Fifth Street, west of Ridge Street. Mrs. Wagner lived alone, and from indications it is supposed that she died Saturday evening, about 24 hours before her decease was known. Her non-appearance about the house yesterday caused some anxiety, although the first supposition of the neighbors was that she had made a trip to St. Louis. Finally, about dark, Mrs. Kleinpeter, Mrs. Wagner’s sister-in-law, went to the house, found it locked up, effected an entrance and found the occupant cold in death as above stated. Coroner Melling held an inquest soon after the sad discovery, and a verdict was rendered of death from heart disease.


WAGSTAFF, JOE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 7, 1901
Falls from Steamboat and Drowns
Joe Wagstaff, aged 16, son of Thomas Wagstaff of 605 Market street, engineer on the Ouatoga, fell overboard while shining the brass handrail on the boat at 3:45 this afternoon, and being unable to swim was drowned in a swift eddy and deep water. The body was searched for by the father this afternoon.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 9, 1901
The body of Joseph Wagstaff was taken from the river yesterday afternoon about 2:30 o'clock. The body was recovered in the eddy where the drowning occurred, and was found by George Mitchell, who has recovered the bodies of many drowned persons. The body of the drowned boy was taken to the rooms of Deputy Streeper, where an inquest was held and it was prepared for burial. The funeral was held this afternoon from the family home on Market street.


WAINWRIGHT, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 28, 1893
From Edwardsville – Mr. George Wainwright, who was very sick, died Wednesday night, and was buried Sunday with Masonic honors. An escort of twelve Knight Templars of Belvidere Commandery, of Alton, of which deceased was a member, assisted in the last sad rites. George Wainwright was a man who was strictly honest, a good citizen, and who stood well with his brother Masons. He leaves one son to mourn his death.


WAKEMAN, FRANCIS ALONSO/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 31, 1850
Died Wednesday, Francis Alonso, infant son of Lieut. A. C. Wakeman of Louisiana, aged 20 months.


WALBRIDGE, HATTIE A./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 8, 1886
Mrs. H. A. Walbridge, wife of Mr. Lucius Walbridge, died on July 1, after a lingering illness of six months, at the age of 41 years. She leaves a bereaved husband and three sons.


WALD, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 19, 1922
Employee of Illinois Glass
After five years of his life being spent in darkness, and an invalid for a long time, Joseph Wald, for 45 years an employee of the Illinois Glass Co., died this morning at 1:30 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. Ross McPherson, 1127 Central avenue. The death of Mr. Wald had been expected for a year. He had been a sufferer from a droppical condition and he had been bedfast practically all of the time. Five years ago, while he was working for the Illinois Glass Company, he was suddenly stricken with blindness. The cause of the loss of sight was never completely established. He had been a faithful worker for his employers. For many years he was a glassblower and after glassblowers were dispensed with, Mr. Wald had another position at the glass works until he lost his sight and was unable to work any longer. He was born in Lancaster, Ohio and came here when a boy. He was 67 years of age. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Louise Wald, and two children, John Wald and Mrs. E. Ross McPherson. He leaves also two brothers, John and Andrew of St. Louis, and one sister, Mrs. Henry Kentnor of Chicago. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home of Mrs. McPherson, and services will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Niebrugge, pastor of the Twelfth street Presbyterian church. Burial will be in City cemetery.


WALDON, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 25, 1911
Caught Under Moving Freight Car
George Waldon, a negro employed at the Gissal quarry, was fatally injured this morning by being caught beneath a freight car that cut off one of his legs, and a foot of the other leg. He died at the hospital. He and Walter Franklin had left the quarry this morning to go up town, when the rain set in that prevented them from working. They were on their return from town, when a heavy shower came on near the noon hour. Both men sought shelter from the rain beneath a string of cars that stood on the siding against the abandoned quarry, opposite the old water works station. There was a number of other men beneath another car further up. The beat of the rain drowned the approach of a switch engine that set a car in on the siding and moved it up the track. Waldon was caught by the wheel and drawn beneath it, before he was aware of the imminent danger. His leg was caught and cut off above the knee, and the foot of the other leg was cut off. Franklin was in an extremely dangerous position, with his life depending upon his ability to cling to a slender hold he had managed to grasp as the brake rods struck him and doubled him up and rolled him beneath the moving car. He was able to maintain his clutch on the rod until his position was made known to the train men, and he was removed from the car in what was supposed to be a badly injured condition, but he was only bruised and will be no worse for his adventure in a few days. Waldon was taken in the ambulance to the hospital, where he died soon after. The men beneath the car beyond that under which Waldon was caught had a bad scare, but escaped without harm. Waldon had been in Alton about three weeks, and was employed at the Gissal quarry. He is married and lives with his family in a house of the quarry company in the vicinity of the works, and was a neighbor of Franklin.


WALDRIP, NATHANIEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 27, 1896
Nathaniel Waldrip died Friday at his home, 1820 Common Street, after a short illness from congestive chills. Mr. Waldrip was formerly a farmer of St. Charles County, Missouri, opposite Alton. Since his removal to Alton, he has been in poor health, and meditated removal to his farm as soon as his strength would admit of it. On Sunday he was taken with the complication mentioned above, which resulted fatally. He was 71 years of age, and leaves a wife and one daughter, Mrs. Peter Nicholson of Wentzville, Missouri.

The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the home in Middletown. Rev. L. A. Abbott, D.D., conducted the services. The body was interred in the Alton City Cemetery. Messrs. J. L. Blair, Joseph Hamill, George Emery, Samuel Pinkstone, H. M. Carr, and Richard Holden acted as pallbearers.


WALDRON, TEMPERANCE B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 19, 1902
The body of Mrs. Temperance B. Waldron, widow of George W. Waldron, was brought to Alton today for burial. Mrs. Waldron died in St. Louis Friday afternoon, aged 71, after an illness with pneumonia at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. C. Evans. The body was accompanied by four of Mrs. Waldron's children, Mrs. G. C. Evans, Mrs. William Lewry of St. Louis, G. M. Waldron of Indianapolis, and Harry J. Waldron of Bloomington. The body was interred in Alton City Cemetery beside that of Mr. Waldron, who was buried there in 1879. Mr. Waldron was at one time a well known contractor in Alton, and the family lived on Summit street.


WALDRUM, UNKNOWN MAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 18, 1873
A destitute family, was robbed of their means while en route to Minnesota for the benefit of the health of one of their number. The name of the family is Waldrum. It consisted of an old man, his son and son’s wife, and a widowed daughter. Each of the women had a young child. A neighbor also accompanied them. The family started from Memphis, on the City of Chester, the younger Mr. Waldrum being very sick at the time. When near St. Louis, they were robbed, and the thief jumped onshore at Carondelet and escaped. They took the Northern Line packet at St. Louis, but had only means enough left to pay their passage to Alton, where they left the boat. Their pitiable condition excited the sympathy of several charitable persons, and they were as kindly cared for as possible, Mr. R. T. Largent giving them shelter in the packet office, and Mr. T. H. Kingsley furnishing them with provisions. Other persons were almost equally kind and attentive. They remained at the packet office during the day, and medical attendance was furnished for the sick man, but he was beyond the reach of help and became rapidly worse. He died during the night. Mr. Largent procured a coffin today, and the unfortunate man was buried. A subscription has been raised for the destitute family by Mr. Largent, Mr. Morrison, and others, and they will leave tonight for Louisiana, Missouri.


WALKER, DANIEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 8, 1851
We regret to learn that Mr. Daniel Walker of Upper Alton, who recovered from an attack of the cholera some two weeks since, was taken with a relapse on Friday last, which caused his death in a few hours. With the exception of this case, there has been no cholera in that town for some time, and the general health is improving.


WALKER, EDWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1898
Killed by Burlington Train
A well-dressed young man, nineteen years of age, who gave his name as Edward Walker, and his home Seymour, Indiana, was struck by a train Tuesday night near Edwardsville Crossing, and sustained a fracture of the skull from which he died at St. Joseph’s Hospital this morning.

The body was found lying between the Bluff Line and Big Four tracks at the Crossing Tuesday evening, by passersby and authorities at East Alton. The man was unconscious and barely alive, so it was thought he would die before he could reach Alton. He was brought to Alton and placed in the hospital that night, regaining consciousness the next morning. He appeared to be well-to-do, and had on good clothes. When he regained consciousness, it was learned where he lived and that his father’s name is Cyrus or Silas Walker, a farmer living near Seymour. Shortly afterwards he again became unconscious and died this morning. It was learned that the young man was tramping it, and while walking on the Big Four track, was struck by Burlington train No. 275. The crew of the train knew nothing of the accident.

Coroner Bailey held an inquest Thursday, and a verdict in accordance with the foregoing facts was found. The father of the young man has been notified.

Source: Alton Telegraph, October 06, 1898
Coroner Bailey received a letter from the father of Edward Walker of Valionia, Indiana. The young man gave his name as Edward Walker, when taken to the hospital after being struck by a Burlington train at East Alton, and gave his father’s name as Silas Walker of Seymour. When a telegram was sent to Silas Walker at Seymour, it was not delivered, and the Chief of Police there was asked to assist in locating the father. Walker’s home is at Vallonia, near Seymour. The father informed Coroner Bailey that the boy left home August 27, and was only 17 years of age. The body will be shipped back to Vallonia to the father.


WALKER, EMMA ROSSITA/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 10, 1865
Died on October 26, 1865, Emma Rossita, only daughter of William T. and Mary L. Walker, aged 9 months and 22 days.


WALKER, ESTELLA/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1877
From Melville – Estella, only child of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Walker, died August 21; aged about nine months.


WALKER, EZEKIEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 3, 1881
Ezekiel Walker, brother of Mrs. Levi Nutt, died at the residence of his sister on Twelfth Street, last Friday afternoon, at the age of 68 years. He was taken with a chill last Sunday, and although he had long been afflicted with a chronic disease, nothing serious was apprehended until the hour of his release from earth. Deceased was a native of Fairville, Chester County, Pennsylvania, and had lived in Alton eleven years. The funeral took place at the residence of his brother-in-law, Levi Nutt, yesterday afternoon.


WALKER, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 24, 1910
Brother Kills Brother - Accidental Shooting
Harry Walker, aged 12, was accidentally killed by his 15-year-old brother, Bert, this noon near Fosterburg. The boys are sons of Robert Walker. They had gone out in the woods to shoot squirrels and their father was with them. They had killed one, and the boys were trying to kill another after their father had gone home. Bert tried to make another shot, and in cocking his gun his finger slipped and he shot his brother in the temple. The boy died instantly. Hector Bassett went after the body and took it home, and this afternoon Coroner Streeper went over to Fosterburg to conduct an inquest.


WALKER, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 14, 1873
Mr. Henry Walker died on March 7, 1873, after a very short illness, at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. Samuel L. Howard, of the Grafton Road.


WALKER, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 13, 1917
In a race with death, at noon today life was the winner by just a narrow margin, and just as Supervisor Gus Haller of Wood River brought James Walker, aged 63 years, of Wood River, into the county hospital here, Walker died. Haller had hoped to get him here in time and he barely did, says the Edwardsville Intelligencer. Walker was found ill at Wood River Monday, and the case was reported to Supervisor Haller, who immediately made arrangements to bring him to Edwardsville. They arrived at the hospital at 1:25 and Walker died five minutes later.


WALKER, JAMES E./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 19, 1894
From East Alton – James E. Walker, one of the new brakemen on the Big Four, met with a fatal accident Saturday evening at Edwardsville Crossing [near Hartford]. He was riding on the pilot of the engine, and when near the station, jumped off ahead of the engine to throw the switch. He stumbled and fell, and the engine passed over him, cutting off both legs above the knees. He died at the hospital in Alton the same night. His home was in Utica, New York, where his remains were sent for burial.


WALKER, JOHN R./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 17, 1906
John R. Walker, formerly a resident of Upper Alton, died in a St. Louis sanitarium Monday morning at 1:30 o'clock, after a long illness. He was the husband of Maud B. Harney, a sister of Paul Harney of this city, and at the same time that the couple were married, Paul, the deceased son of Mr. and Mrs. Harney, was christened. The body will be brought from St. Louis and the funeral services will be held tomorrow, and burial will be in Upper Alton in Oakwood Cemetery.


WALKER, M. B./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1862
Died near Alton, after a severe illness of about three weeks, M. B. Walker, Esq., about fifty-one years of age.


WALKER, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 28, 1862
Died near Alton, on the 17th inst., Mary, consort of the late Moses Walker, deceased, aged 27 years, leaving 4 small children and numerous friends to mourn their loss.


WALKER, NICHOLAS W./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 26, 1867
Died at Summerfield [Godfrey area], April 6, of typhoid fever, Nicholas W., son of Moses B. and Mary Walker, aged 6 years and 11 months.


WALKER, RUSSEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 21, 1919
Russel, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker, died last night at the home near Fosterburg after a short illness with pneumonia. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Salem Baptist Church.


WALKER, SAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 21, 1908
Father of Thirty Children
Out of a family of thirty children, only one of them attended the funeral of Sam Walker, colored, which was held Tuesday afternoon in Upper Alton. The funeral was conducted by Rev. J. W. Edmundson at the A. M. E. church, and was attended by a very large number of colored people. It is stated by relatives of the deceased that he was married eight times and that he was the father of thirty children, most of whom are living. Julius, the 12-year-old boy of Walker and who has been living with him was the only relative of the deceased that attended the funeral. Walker's last wife lives in Springfield with her children and word was sent to her announcing the death of her husband. She wrote that she would attend the funeral but she failed to come, as did the children. The boy who has formerly lived with his father here will probably be sent to Springfield to live with the mother.


WALKER, SAMUEL B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 20, 1904
The body of Samuel B. Walker, who died in the insane asylum at Kankakee, Ill., arrived in Alton Thursday morning and the burial took place Thursday afternoon in Oakwood cemetery. Mr. Walker was 77 years of age, and lived in Alton from the time he was 8 years old until 1856. He was a carpenter by trade and was well known in Alton and Upper Alton. The last years of his life were clouded by a failing of his mind, due to old age. He leaves three daughters, Mrs. F. C. Wagner, of Charleston, and Mrs. Anna McGarrah and Mrs. Nora Evans of St. Louis. The body was accompanied to Alton by Mr. Wagner.


WALKER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 19, 1864
Died on the 11th of February, the only daughter of William T. and Mary L. Walker, aged 1 year, 9 months, and 19 days.


WALKER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28, 1873
Mr. William Walker died on February 19 at his residence on the Grafton Road.


WALKER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 20, 1892
Homestead in Suit Between Slave Wife and Alton Wife
William Walker, a well-known colored man in Alton, died last November 1891. At the time of his death, he was possessed of a homestead on Tenth Street. Some twenty or twenty-five years ago, he married a respectable colored woman named Mrs. Eliza Kyle, with whom he lived until his death. By this marriage, there were no children. He died without a will. The homestead, of course, is occupied by the widow.

Walker had been a slave in Missouri previous to his coming to Alton. In that condition he had lived with a woman, also a slave, by whom he had several children. The war separated the couple. A number of years (possibly ten) after his marriage in this city, his slave wife and children came to Alton and have resided here since that time. The slave wife and children made no claims on Walker as their rightful husband and father until after his death, but left the wife of his Alton marriage in peaceful possession, which according to the Illinois law in land suits, constitutes a good title. We do not know whether it will apply in matrimonial suits or not. After the death of Walker, his slave wife and children instituted a suit for possession of the homestead, claiming that the marriage in Alton was not legal, whereas the Alton wife claims that the slave marriage was not legal. Depositions were yesterday taken in the matter before Mr. L. D. Yager, Notary Public, J. H. Yager representing the Alton wife, and J. J. Brenholt representing the slave wife and children. It is an interesting case, and what the courts will decide deponent saith not.

William Walker was buried on November 7, 1891, in the Alton City Cemetery.


WALL, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 6, 1906
East Alton Farmer Commits Suicide
George Wall, a prominent landowner and former president of the village of East Alton, committed suicide at 6 o'clock Thursday morning by shooting himself in the temple with a revolver. His death was the result of a long spell of ill health, over which he brooded until in a fit of despondency he resolved to end his life at once. Several years ago Mr. Wall suffered a paralytic stroke and he had been more or less helpless since. Two weeks ago he fell and injured his side, and the physicians said that Mr. Wall's life could not be very much longer and he was advised that the end was near. This weighed on his mind when he realized that there was no hope of recovery until it drove him to desperation, and fearing that the remainder of his life would be one of helplessness he decided not to be a burden on anyone. Several days ago Mr. Wall told his son, Ed, that someone was prowling around the house at nights, and he asked that his revolver be given him in order that he might use it if occasion required. The pistol was given to him after repeated requests, and it is now thought that he then intended taking his own life although he never intimated that he intended ending his sufferings thus summarily. This morning when Ed Wall, who slept in the same room with his father, arose and left the house to feed the livestock, Mr. Wall seized the pistol, and putting it to his head fired. Mrs. Vosburgh, his daughter, was in an adjoining room preparing the morning meal and rushed to her father's side when she heard the shot. He died in a few seconds, and when Dr. C. N. Pence arrived nothing could be done. Mr. Wall was about 70 years of age and was for several years police magistrate of East Alton. He served the public in many capacities and always discharged his duties ably and well. He is survived by three children, Mrs. S. L. Vosburgh and Edward of East Alton, and Charles, a telegraph operator employed in East St. Louis. A Telegraph reporter visited the Wall home about a mile east of the village this morning, and Mrs. Vosburgh, who has been living at her father's home since he was stricken a couple of weeks ago, was so completely unnerved by the shock of the tragedy that she was unable to talk much of the affair. Coroner Streeper will hold an inquest tomorrow. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home.


WALL, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1851
Died near Alton on the 22nd ult., of consumption, Mrs. Mary Wall, wife of Thomas Wall, recently from Mackworth, Derby, England, aged 25 years.


WALL, S. ANN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 8, 1851
Died near Alton on the 18th ult., S. Ann, infant daughter of Mr. Thomas Wall, aged 11 months.


WALLACE, GEORGE McKINLEY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 26, 1920
George McKinley Wallace, the six months' old son of Casper Wallace, died this morning at the home, 311 Shields street. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery. Mrs. Casper Wallace, the mother of the child, died above five months ago.


WALLACE, HARRIET HAPGOOD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1915
When Mrs. George Miller Sr. of Madison Avenue went to pay her morning call on Mrs. Harriet Hapgood of Madison avenue, the latter did not answer her knock, and Mrs. Miller left again without bothering her. Returning a little later she found Mrs. Hapgood in an unconscious state, and quickly telephoned for a doctor. When the doctor arrived, he pronounced Mrs. Hapgood dead, saying that she must have passed off in her sleep, and that she had been dead some hours. Mrs. Hapgood was a resident of Madison Avenue for some years and was loved and venerated by all who came in contact with her, on account of her loving and sweet disposition. She was the sister of Mrs. Hayden, who died some time ago. For a number of years she and another sister lived together, but two years ago death separated them and since that time she has lived with Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Meyers, and was nursed carefully by Mrs. George Miller. Mrs. Hapgood was in her 85th year. For several years she had been very feeble and two years ago fell and broke her hip and the injury never healed. Since that time she has been bedfast. During all her illness she was always patient and was very much beloved by those who cared for her. Mrs. Hapgood was married twice. After the death of her first husband, Mr. Hapgood, she married a man named Wallace, and after his death she resumed the name of her former husband and drew a pension as his widow. The aged lady lost her only son a few years ago, and her estate must go to distant relatives. The funeral will be tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock from the home, and Rev. Arthur Goodget will conduct the services.


WALLACE, HARRY (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1911
Dr. Harry Wallace of Chicago died Tuesday night in St. Joseph's hospital after a long illness from a complication of troubles. He was 54 years old, and is survived by his aged mother and his aunt, Miss Sarah Forbush, of Madison avenue, Alton. Dr. Wallace spent his boyhood days in Alton, and was a nephew of the late Fred Hayden. He left here about 30 years ago and went to his farm near Villa Ridge, Ill. After a few years of farm life, he went to Chicago, and has since practiced his profession - medicine. His illness compelled him to abandon this about five months ago, and he came to Alton. A week or ten days ago he entered the hospital. He was well known and generally respected in Alton, but only his intimate friends known of the game fight he was making for years against death. He was cheerful and optimistic and made no complaints. The funeral will be held tomorrow probably under the auspices of Franklin lodge A. F. & A. M., of which he was a member, and religious services will be conducted by Rev. A. Goodger of St. Paul's Episcopal church. Burial will be in City Cemetery. The funeral will be Friday morning at 8 o'clock from the home, 265 Madison avenue.


WALLACE, HELEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10, 1920
Mrs. Helen Wallace, aged 33, died yesterday afternoon at the home on Mayfield avenue. She is survived by her husband, and two children, one of the children was only two days old. The funeral arrangements have not been made.


WALLACE, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 28, 1852
Mr. John Wallace, whose accidental death on April 21 we noticed yesterday, was employed in a circular sawmill, and came to his end by becoming caught in the saw, and before assistance could reach him, he was lifeless, the saw having entered his head deeply and produced instant death. No one was present at the time of the melancholy accident. He leaves a wife and two children and many relations and friends to deplore his loss.


WALLACE, WASHINGTON/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 19, 1837
Died, on Tuesday morning last, after a short but severe illness, Washington, youngest son of Mr. Wallace of Middletown, in the sixth year of his age.


WALLACE, WILLIAM H./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 20, 1852
Died at the residence of his father in Middle Alton, on the fifth inst., William H., son of Thomas and Margaret Wallace, aged 21 years and 11 months.


WALLAR, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 19, 1921
William Wallar, aged 45 years, died Friday afternoon at 4:45 o'clock at the family home at 1615 Piasa street after a short illness. The deceased is survived by his widow and one son, William Wallar. The funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at two o'clock.


WALLING, EMMA E./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 25, 1881
Died at Alton Junction [East Alton], August 4, Miss Emma E. Walling, aged 18 years, after an illness of three years and five months. She departed this life in hopes of a happy immortality beyond the grave.


WALLS, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 21, 1905
The funeral of Charles Walls will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the East Alton Methodist church, Rev. C. L. Peterson officiating, and burial will be in Oakwood cemetery in Upper Alton.


WALSH, ANNA (nee MURPHY)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 1 1920
Mrs. Anna Murphy Walsh, widow of James Walsh, died at her home in Godfrey township Monday morning, a few minutes after midnight, on All Saints Day. Her husband, John Walsh, died six months ago on Ascension day. Mrs. Walsh would have been 80 years of age next Friday. The death of Mrs. Walsh followed a period of eighteen months of complete paralysis. She was in such condition that it was impossible for her family to be sure that she understood that her husband had died. They could not know whether she suffered at any time. There was no sign of recognition from her given to any of the efforts of the family to give her any information. Mrs. Walsh had lived in Godfrey township since she was a small child. She was born of Irish parents in Berkshire, England, and they emigrated to America when she was very young. They settled in Godfrey township and there she passed all the remainder of her life. She had resided forty-five years in the house where she died and she had a wide acquaintance in Godfrey township, especially among the older folks. A year after she was stricken with paralysis, her husband, who had been constant in his devoted attention to her, died very suddenly. When news of the death of the husband went out many believed it was an error, that it must be the wife who had died, because of her condition. She leaves three children, John and William and Miss Anna Walsh. The funeral will be Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral, and burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.


WALSH, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 5, 1904
Mrs. Catherine Walsh of 1115 east Sixth street, died at St. Joseph's hospital Friday morning after a long illness. She was born in Ireland 70 years ago and came to America 55 years ago. She has lived in Alton 20 years and was well known and respected in the East End. She is survived by three daughters, Misses Jennie and Kate Walsh of Alton and Margaret, who is a Sister of the Dominican Order in New York City. The funeral will be Monday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's church.


WALSH, JOHN D./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 14, 1912
John D. Walsh, aged 56, died at the St. Joseph's hospital last night at twelve o'clock as the result of a fall he sustained on Monday night at his boarding house on Fourth and Belle streets. Walsh had been in the employment of the Standard Oil Co. for ___ years and 4 months, and was working in Alton for eight months longer so he might go to his home in Chicago and retire on the pension to be given him by the company for his long service. A week ankle which had been broken in his childhood was the cause of his fall, which resulted in his death. He was kept from work on Monday as the result of a bad cold, and Monday night as he was returning to his room from the bathroom of the boarding house down a flight of steps, his ankle gave away and he fell fourteen steps. John Scott, a fellow boarder in a room nearby, heard the noise and found Walsh unconscious at the foot of the stairs. A doctor was called and ordered that Walsh be taken to the hospital. At the hospital pneumonia set in and he died at 11 o'clock last night. He leaves a wife and five daughters. His wife and four daughters are in Chicago, and to them he sent the greater part of every paycheck, according to fellow boarders. The other daughter lives in St. Louis but was at the father's bedside when he passed away. The remains will be taken to Chicago tonight and the burial will be from his old home.


WALSH, JOSEPHINE YOKUM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 2, 1922
Mrs. Josephine Yokum Walsh, wife of Richard Walsh, died this morning at 5:30 o'clock following an illness which began last September. Her condition gradually became worse and for months Mrs. Walsh has been unable to leave her home. Heart trouble was the cause of her protracted illness. She died at the family home, 344 Bluff street. Mrs. Walsh was one of the city's best known residents. She was 50 years of age last January 18. She was born and reared in Alton, living her entire life on Bluff street, dying in a home next to the one in which she was born. She was educated in the Alton public schools and graduated as valedictorian of her class. She took a great interest in lodge work and was especially active in patriotic organizations. She was a member of the Daughters of Veterans, Woman's Relief Corps and the Maccabees. She was a member of the First Baptist Church. She leaves her husband, her mother, Mrs. Maggie Yokum, one brother and three sisters. Her mother and family are residing in Stockton, Calif. The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock on Saturday.


WALSH, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 29, 1847
Died at the residence of Doctor J. H. Weir in Edwardsville on Saturday, the 16th inst., Michael, only child of Michael and Lucy G. Walsh of Troy; aged 5 months and 16 days. May he rest in peace.


WALSH, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 20, 1919
Michael Walsh, aged 93 years, died Sunday morning at an early hour at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Long, of 1705 Alby street, after a short illness with pneumonia. The funeral of Mr. Walsh will be held at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning from the Cathedral, and interment will be in Greenwood cemetery. The passing of Mr. Walsh marked the loss of another well known Altonian, who will be greatly missed by relatives and friends throughout the city. coming to Alton at an early age the deceased settled in the vicinity of Seventeenth and Alby street, where he has since resided. For years he was employed by the Chicago & Alton Railroad, and when age prevented him from continuing his employment, he opened a small grocery store on Seventeenth street, where he prospered. He is survived by one son, David Walsh, of Alhambra, Cal., and by one daughter, Mrs. George Long. He also leaves six grandchildren, George Jr., Miss Helen, David, Earl, Eugene and Frank Long. Two of the grandsons, David and Earl, are in France, and it was the wish of the grandfather that he might live to welcome them home, but this was denied him. Walsh was born in County Cork, Ireland, on July 16, 1826, and came to Alton in 1864. Since that time he resided here, and throughout that time was a member of the Cathedral congregation. The family requests that friends omit flowers.


WALTER, BENEDICTA/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 1, 1883
Died on October 24, 1883 of consumption, Miss Benedicta, daughter of Benedict and Ann Walter; aged 25 years.


WALTER, CAROLINE MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 5, 1850
Died on Sunday last, Caroline Mary, daughter of Mr. Paul Walter of Alton, aged four years and nine months.


WALTER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 29, 1887
Mrs. Elizabeth Walker, mother of Mrs. Luther H. Calame, was born in the State of Kentucky in the year 1800, and died July 17, 1887, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Luther H. Calame. The greater part of her life was spent in Illinois, and she had resided in the vicinity of Alton forty-four years. She was an active and devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church from her fifteenth year, and all who knew her admired her Christian life. The funeral took place from the family residence near Alton, July 18, Rev. R. H. Manier conducted the service, with the following pallbearers: H. S. Bishop, J. B. Howard, H. Myer, T. Levi, J. M. Segraves, and E. Hollard.


WALTER, ELIZABETH [nee SCHWAN]/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 11, 1907
Mrs. Elizabeth Walter, wife of Landolin Walter, a resident of Alton over sixty years, died Saturday night at 11:30 o'clock from paralysis at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Green, on Thorpe street. At the time of her death Mrs. Walter was attended by some of her children, those living in the city having been summoned hastily to her bedside. A few days before Christmas she was stricken with paralysis at the home of her daughter with whom Mrs. Walter and her aged husband had been living. She was believed to be in a hopeless condition then, but she surprised everyone by getting up and around the house again. She was again stricken with paralysis Saturday and she did not rally. Mrs. Walter was a native of Germany. She would have been 78 years of age March 10. She came to Alton when she was a young girl. Her maiden name was Schwan. She was married in Alton fifty-six years ago, and lived all the remainder of her life in Alton. She raised a large family of children in the city, eight of the ten being alive still, and most of them being residents of Alton. Her aged partner in more than a half century of married life survives her. Mrs. Walter leaves the following children: Mrs. Edith Brandenberg, Mrs. Matilda Green, Mrs. Edward Yager of Alton; Messrs. George, Louis E., Gus of Alton; William of St. Louis and Frank of Columbia, S. C. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock from the home of Mrs. Green on Thorpe street. Mrs. Walter was a quiet, unobtrusive, home-like woman, and throughout her long life in Alton she was beloved by all her friends and neighbors and a good mother and wife. Her death is a sad blow to her aged husband. The funeral of Mrs. Walter will be private.


WALTER, ELIZABETH (nee JOHNSON)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 10, 1921
Mrs. Elizabeth Walter, widow of George M. Walter, died at St. Joseph's Hospital at 6:30 a.m. today. She was 66 years old. Though ill for some time, it was only a few weeks ago that Mrs. Walter's condition became serious. Ten days ago she was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, when her condition became worse. She failed to rally, however, and today the end came. Mrs. Walter had been a resident of Alton most of her life. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson. Her father was formerly superintendent of the Alton gas works. The death of Mrs. Walter, while not unexpected, was a shock to the many people who knew her, and caused profound sorrow. A woman not attracted by social activities and of no fraternal connections, she was loved and respected for her sterling character and kindly disposition. She was known for her love of home and family. Mrs. Walter was born in Manchester, England, on September 13, 1854, and would have been 67 years old next Tuesday. She came to this country with her parents when 18 months old. She was married on May 17, 1876, to George M. Walter, who died several years ago. Mrs. Walter is survived by two sons and two daughters. The sons are Robert and George M. of Alton. The daughters are Mrs. C. L. Goulding of Alton and Mrs. Eva Smith of Winchester. She is survived also by a sister, Miss Martha Johnson, and a brother, Charles Johnson, both of Alton. Funeral services will be at the Cathedral at 9 o'clock Monday, when requiem mass will be celebrated.


WALTER, FRANK/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 12, 1892
Mr. Frank Walter died at the hospital this morning at two o’clock, after an illness of about three weeks. He was first taken with la grippe, resulting in dropsy. Mr. Walter lived on a farm near Wood River, but was brought to the hospital for treatment. He was fifty years of age, and leaves six children to mourn his death. He was a son of Mr. C. Walter of North Alton. The funeral takes place tomorrow from the hospital to St. Mary’s Church.


WALTER, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 8, 1914
George Walter, well known traveling man and life long resident of Alton, died Wednesday morning at 4:40 o'clock at his residence, 1209 State street, from a cancerous growth. Mr. Walter had been ill since last November. He had been bedfast for six weeks. Up to the time his illness began last November, he was apparently in robust health, was a successful traveling salesman, and was filled with energy and vigor that made him intensely popular in a large circle of friends. When his illness began it was supposed that he had whooping cough and little attention was given to it until the malady failed to yield to treatment and time, and then the physicians began to be puzzled. It was not until an x-ray examination of him was made that it became apparent that his malady was of a very grave character and that his life would not be spared. Mr. Walter never gave up the appearance of a determination to get well. He manifested an outward appearance of hopefulness, and the good cheer which had characterized him in his every day life never was given up. He always insisted that he was doing nicely and getting better, even though those who were closest to him knew that it was a rapid decline that had set in and that he was steadily growing worse. He had been very low for a week and the end was expected. It was so peaceful there was no time to call his family members. Mr. Walter was born in Alton and spent all his life here. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Landolin Walter, who moved here from Grafton many years ago. Mr. Walter leaves his wife and four children, Mrs. C. L. Goulding; Mrs. Edward Smith; Robert and George Walter. Mr. Walter would have been 62 years of age the seventh of next August. Thirty-eight years ago, he began his career as a traveling salesman with that firm 21 years. He worked always in the same territory and he had a wide acquaintance and was a very successful salesman. His powers as a salesman had not been diminished up to the time his health failed him. He was a member of the United Commercial Travelers and of the Masonic fraternity. The funeral services will be held Friday morning from the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. L. Goulding, 720 Euclid place, at 10:30 o'clock. The burial services at City Cemetery will be under the auspices of Piasa Lodge A. F. & A. M., in which he held membership, and there will be a Knight Templar escort.


WALTER, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 30, 1922
George Walter, aged 70 years, died Saturday evening at 6 o'clock, following an illness of one month, suffering from heart trouble. He died at the family home at Godfrey, where he has spent most of his life. He was unmarried. He is survived by three sisters, Miss Rose Walter of Godfrey, Sister Leocadia of the O'Fallon Convent, and Mother Bernard of Ursaline Novitiate and three brothers, John of Bunker Hill, Henry and Philip of Godfrey. Miss Rose Walter and John made their home with the deceased. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at ten o'clock from the Cathedral, interment will be in the Greenwood cemetery. The body of Mr. Walter has been taken to the home of his brother, Philip, near Godfrey.


WALTER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 13, 1914
Joseph Walter, four weeks old son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Walter, was buried yesterday afternoon from the home on Danforth street to the Greenwood Cemetery.


WALTER, JULIA MONAGHAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 23, 1921
Mrs. Julia Monaghan Walter, wife of Louis E. Walter, died this morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. William Deacon, on the Grafton road, where she was taken a few days before her death. Mrs. Walter had been in bad condition for about seven weeks, but since last Tuesday her case had been desperate. She was suffering from a kidney trouble and while she did not give up her hope of recovering, it was known to her family that her condition was grave and that there was a probability that it would terminate fatally. Owing to the continual noise of passing automobiles on Central avenue, and the nervous condition of Mrs. Walter due to her sickness, it became necessary to seek a quieter place and so she was taken to the home of her sister, Mrs. Deacon, had reared Mrs. Walter from childhood, as the older sister, and it was to the home of this sister that she went to spend the last few days of her life. Her death occurred at 3:40 a.m., after her case had taken a sudden change for the worse. Mrs. Walter was born in Alton and spent all of her life here. She was born August 29, 1866, and was married in Alton to Louis E. Walter, May 7, 1890. She leaves beside her husband, two sons, Louis E. Jr., and Eugene. She leaves also two sisters, Mrs. Charles McKenna, of St. Louis, and Mrs. William Deacon, of Alton, and one brother, John Monaghan of Alton. Mrs. Walter was a woman of a quiet, beautiful disposition. She had a wide acquaintance in Alton and leaves a very large number of good friends to mourn her death, and who will join in sympathetic expressions to the afflicted family. She was known as a kind neighbor and one who always was for the ways of peace and harmony. She possessed a kind heart and there are many who will long remember acts of kindness she did for them. Her affection for her family was the dominant trait of her character, and in them most of her interest was centered. The body will be taken from the Deacon home on the Grafton road to the home on Central avenue Sunday evening. The funeral of Mrs. Walter will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral. Interment will be in City Cemetery.


WALTER, LANDOLIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 5, 1910
Landolin Walter, aged 86, died Saturday night at 11:20 o'clock at the home of his son, Gustave Walter, north of Alton, after an illness of only a few days. Mr. Walter had seemingly been in good health up to last Thursday, when he went to the home of his son in the North Side to spend the day. He was taken sick soon after he arrived and was unable to return to his home. Uraemic poisoning developed and his death followed within 48 hours after the beginning of his illness. Mr. Walter was a native of Oberschopheim, Germany, and was 86 years of age. He had lived in Alton 63 years, and had spent a very active life. Only about eight years ago he ceased to follow his vocation of cabinet maker, contractor and builder. He was the father of a large family, almost all of them residents of Alton and immediate vicinity. His aged wife died a few years ago, after having celebrated with him their golden wedding anniversary. The children are Mrs. Ida Brandenberger, Mrs. Fred Green, Mrs. Edward Yager, Messrs. George, William Gustave, Louis E., of Alton, and Frank Walter of Atlanta, Ga. A telegram was sent to his son who is in Atlanta. Landolin Walter left Oberschophelm on the 4th day of March 1847, traveling by way of Straussburg-Paris-Rouen-Havre de grass, taking passage on the sailing vessel "South Carolina," for New Orleans, from Havre-de-grass. Owing to stormy weather, it required fifty-nine days to make the trip from Havre-de-grass to New Orleans. Mr. Walter arrived at New Orleans on May 16th, 1847, and took passage for St. Louis by boat line, and from St. Louis to Alton onboard a boat named "Iouel'a." Mr. Walter was one of the founders of the German Evangelical church, and built the church that formerly occupied the site at the corner of Eighth and Henry. He was elected to the office of township collector for three terms. Mr. Walter is the last member of the family of Walter of the older generation. On December 16th, 1909, Mrs. Valentine Walter of Omaha, Nebraska was buried in this city. She was a sister-in-law of deceased. On March 3rd, 1910, Mr. Valentine Walter was buried in this city. On October 23rd Mrs. Ellen Runzi was buried in the City cemetery. Mrs. Runzi was a sister of Mr. Walter. Mr. and Mrs. Walter were married in the city of Edwardsville many years ago. Mrs. Walter died March 9th, 1907. The body of Mr. Walter was moved to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ida Brandenberger, 1503 Highland avenue, and the funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from there, Rev. E. L. Mueller officiating.


WALTER, LIBBIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 17, 1910
Northsiders [North Alton] were sincerely grieved when they learned of the death of Mrs. Libbie Walter, wife of "Shine" Walter, and the sympathy of this community is with the husband and children left behind. The home was an unusually happy one, and this makes the death all the worse - all the harder to bear. The family lived here several years, and all who knew her knew her as a good neighbor, a faithful wife, and loving mother. The funeral will be tomorrow morning from the Cathedral.


WALTER, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 11, 1904
North Alton News - After a severe illness dating from March last, Mr. Louis Walter, assistant supervisor of Alton township and for many years a business man of this place, died Sunday morning just as day broke. He leaves a wife and five children, Louis Jr., Frank, Joseph, Ignatius and Mrs. George Schmitt, all of this vicinity, and three step-children, Tobe Stevenson of Shelby county, Ed Stevenson of East St. Louis, and Mrs. David Sigel of Alton. Mr. Walter was about 60 years of age and spent most of these years in this vicinity. He was successful as a farmer and as a business man, and he served the township and county well on the board of supervisors and in various other positions of trust. He was a good neighbor and a kind husband and father, and he bore his long and excruciating suffering with resignation. The funeral will be Tuesday morning at 9:30 from St. Mary's church to St. Joseph's cemetery. The children are all here as are also a brother and other relatives of deceased from St. Charles County, Missouri.


WALTER, LOUISA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 1, 1913
Mrs. Louisa Walter, widow of Paul Walter, aged 85, died Wednesday morning at her home on West Brown street in Upper Alton, at 10:45 o'clock after a three-weeks illness. Mrs. Walter was a resident of Alton more than sixty years, and in her long period of residence here she had made many friends, most of whom have gone before her, but among the younger people she had acquired a retinue of friends who held her in the highest esteem. Mrs. Walter's husband died eleven years ago in Alton. She was born in West Coplin, Germany, July 13, 1827, and came to America when she was eleven years of age. She married in Alton July 20, 1844, and the remainder of the time she lived in Alton and vicinity, spending some time in Jerseyville. The greater part of her life she lived in Alton and close by. She was the mother of nine children, six of whom survive, Henry of Upper Alton, Mrs. Josephine Malforth and Mrs. Otto Ulrich of St. Louis, Miss Mary of Upper Alton, William of Upper Alton, George of Fosterburg. She leaves sixteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren, also two sisters, Mrs. Theo. Lex and Mrs. Caroline Kies, and a brother, Louis Schaaf, all of St. Louis. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon from the family home. Rev. C. M. McManis of the Presbyterian Church officiating.


WALTER, MARY (SISTER FLORIAN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 7, 1917
Sister Florian died last evening at 7 o'clock at the Ursuline Convent, of which order she has been a member for years. While Sister Florian had not been well for some time, she was able to be in chapel for mass Sunday morning. Death was due to heart trouble. Sister Florian was in her sixty-fifth year. Before entering the convent she was Miss Mary Walter, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Walter of this city. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Andrew Bensman of North Central avenue, and by a number of nieces and nephews. The Walter family was a well known family in Alton, residing in Middletown. Sister Florian was looking forward with great anticipation to the celebration of her golden jubilee, which she expected to enjoy. She was in the convent over forty-eight years. Her death will cause a great sorrow among her many Alton friends, but particularly among the children of the Academy, with whom she was a great favorite. She possessed a beautiful character, and her sweet and lovable ways endeared her to all who had the pleasure of knowing her. Sister Florian's funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from the convent chapel, where she spent so many years of her religious life.


Maurice WalterWALTER, MAURICE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 7, 1918
Gives Life Defending His Flag (World War I)
Word came to Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Walter of the North Side that their son, Maurice Walter, was killed in action in France, September 26. The message was the first tidings of the young soldier received in some time. It is not true in his case, as in some others, that any letter written by him dated subsequent to the date mentioned as that of his death has been received, so the family credit fully the official message telling that he had given up his life on the field of battle. Maurice Walter was one of the best beloved of any Telegraph employee among the men with whom he worked. He was an apprentice at the printer's trade. It was with the utmost regret the Telegraph force saw him leave, as his uniform good cheer and his willingness to be of service to others had made him a popular favorite among the employees. Maurice, when war broke out, could take little interest in his work or anything else. He felt that he must be helping in the war. Being under age, he did not immediately enlist, but gave up his work at the Telegraph to take a job where he felt he was directly doing war work. Then, having taken that one step, he concluded to take another by enlisting his service in the army. Last spring he was back home in Alton. He had been sick in camp in Oklahoma, where he was training. He had a head for mechanics and he was given some special rank as a repair man for rifles. In the Telegraph office he had shown a remarkable ability in handling machines of the most intricate kinds. It was this ability that caused him to be called upon to do repair work. He was shipped to France soon after he recovered from the illness in camp, and following his furlough at home. Those who knew Maurice Walter knew that he would be ready to make the sacrifice, whatever it might be, for his flag, as that was the controlling idea in his mind. There is genuine mourning among his family and among those who worked with him over the necessity that caused the loss of a bright, happy young life that had in it qualities which would have worked for the highest usefulness, had not it fallen to his lot to render it for his country's flag. Besides his parents he leaves two sisters and six brothers. He would have been 22 years old in December.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 26, 1918
Christmas Day brought a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Walter and family of the North Side, that gave them cause for being uplifted with pride on the first Christmas after Maurice Walter gave up his life fighting for his country's flag. The letter was written by Miss Bertha Skinker, a sister of Capt. Skinker of Co. I, 138th Regiment, and it gave the family the first real facts about the death and burial of Maurice on the field of battle. The letter recites a tale of heroic self-sacrifice and contempt for real danger on the part of Captain Skinker and Maurice Walter, which resulted in the saving of the company from murderous fire that was being poured on them from a machine gun nest. Maurice volunteered to go with his captain to clean up the machine gunners the enemy had posted there, and in making the attempt both lost their lives and both were buried in the same grave, as they found them lying side by side on the field. The family of the soldier have good reason for being proud and their pride is shared by the entire force of the Alton Telegraph, where Maurice Walter was employed for a long time before the war began. Every member of the force who worked with him in the Telegraph office felt certain that if he had a chance to do it, Maurice would do just what he did do. He was known as a boy who would do what seemed necessary, and ask no questions and do it without complaint. They are sure that he went to his last great task with a smile on his face and a cheery "I'll go," when calls were made for volunteers. The letter from Miss Skinker is as follows: "6464 Ellenwood Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. - If this note reaches the relatives of Maurice Walter of Co. I, 138th Regiment, it is meant for them. Otherwise, I have made a mistake (as it has been hard to trace Maurice Walter's address) and I am sorry for the intrusion. Though I never knew Maurice Walter, I shall always remember his name and I am anxious his family should understand how deeply I sympathize with them in their sorrow for his loss, and how proud of him they have a right to be. I do not know whether you have heard that he and my brother, Captain Skinker, were found lying near each other, after the battle of Cheppy, and were laid to rest in one grave. Evidently it was he who went forward with my brother (no doubt having volunteered for the post of danger) when it became necessary to break up a machine gun nest which was pouring a murderous fire into the shell hole in which a hundred and fifty men of I Company had taken refuge. They both fell, but they saved otheers, for the others rushed forward to avenge them and overpowered the enemy. My brother's last words were: 'My boys! My poor boys! What will become of my poor boys?' They were his last thoughts and, after all, his sacrifice and that of Maurice Walter's, were the cause of most of them being saved. That is a great deal for the families of both these heroes to be thankful for. If you are not already using a flag like the enclosed, I should be glad for you to use it as combined memorial to the two who were so closely united at the end, and have marched together through the pearly gates. These holidays are a sad time for some of us, but I hope you will find some comfort, as we do, in such uplifted pride. Very sincerely, (Miss) Bertha R. Skinker."

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 3, 1921
Body of Young Soldier Returned from France
Funeral services for Maurice Walter, soldier killed in battle in France, will be conducted at the home of his father, G. A. Walter, 103 West Elm Street, at 2:30, Monday afternoon, by the Rev. E. L. Gibson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Interment will be in City Cemetery. The American Legion post will take part in the funeral and will furnish a firing squad and the pallbearers. Owing to the distance of the home from the cemetery, the firing squad will meet the cortege at the City cemetery. The body of Maurice Walter arrived in Alton last night. The body of Charles Maguire, another of Alton's heroes, has arrived at Hoboken, but up to this morning, word as to when the body will reach Alton had not been received by the family. Maurice Walter was killed in battle on September 26, 1918. He was killed at the time that Capt. Skinker of St. Louis met his death. The body of Capt. Skinker is now enroute to St. Louis. The St. Louis officer was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal for bravery. Capt. Skinker attacked a German machine gun nest. Capture of the nest meant a strategic triumph, and he asked for volunteers. Two men responded, one of whom was Maurice Walter, then a boy of 20 years. In the performance of this heroic duty, he met his death. As before related, the captain was posthumously honored. News of the heroic way in which the Alton boy went to his death was learned from the family of Captain Skinker, in St. Louis. Maurice was a member of Co. I, of the 138th. Members of his company, who reside in St. Louis, are expected to attend the funeral. The Alton Post of the American Legion will also participate. Charles Maguire was a son of Police Magistrate and Mrs. Patrick Maguire. He died a heroic death in the battle of the Argonne. He met death in the battle in which Edward Kniery, also of Alton, was killed. He will be buried with military honors when the body reaches Alton.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 6, 1921
Maurice Walter is Paid High Honor - Family of Captain Skinker Present
St. Louis vied with Alton Monday afternoon, in paying honor to the remains of Maurice Walter and to the memory of him, many members of the 138th Regiment being present from St. Louis to attend the funeral. Some of these had been members of Co. I, and had been pals of Maurice and two of these, D. R. Collier and R. L. Spohr, served as pallbearers. Both were in the battle at Chappy, France, on September 26, 1918, in which Maurice gave up his life, and both were sincere mourners and genuine admirers of the youth who went with his Captain that day, volunteering before others had a chance, after the Captain, Alexander Skinker, asked for volunteers to face what must have then appeared as almost certain death, the bare chance only of surviving being present. The Skinker family is one of the oldest, most prominent and wealthiest of the families of St. Louis County, and the following members of the family drove up from St. Louis to attend the obsequies of the young man whose memory they love, because he loved their son, husband and brother, and went with him to eternity: T. J. Skinker, father of Captain Skinker; Mrs. Alex Skinker, widow of the Captain, who came from Philadelphia, Pa. to attend the funeral and pay her respects; Miss Skinker, sister of deceased Captain; Thomas Skinker, a first cousin of the Captain; and Fred Niemeyer, Lieutenant of Co. I. Company I went into that battle full strength - about 200 men - and after the battle was won, only 18 of the members of the Company were left. The attendance of neighbors and friends at the home of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Walter, 103 Elm street, was very large, among them being many Legionnaires and some 25 or 30 relatives and friends of the family from St. Louis. At the cemetery, the attendance was much larger, the former soldiers gathering there in force. Many of the Legionnaires were in uniform, but many others wore civilian clothes because they have outgrown their uniforms. Services were conducted by the Rev. E. L. Gibson of the First Presbyterian church, and he preached a touching sermon, but one filled with comfort for the parents and brothers and sisters of the dead boy. He told of the love of Maurice for home, and how he did not haunt street corners or questionable society, like so many boys of his age do, and how he always wanted to help "Mother" do something about the home. He told of his loyalty and patriotism; how he volunteered for the war, and afterwards volunteered when his Captain needed volunteers - always faithful; always loyal; always cheerful; always fearless. Rev. Gibson also paid tribute to the loyalty and bravery of that captain who went to his death for the liberty and welfare of the world with the words "come on boys, let's stop them," instead of "go on boys and take them." He asked no soldier to go where he would not go with them, and in advance of them. The father and widow and sister of the deceased captain plainly appreciated the appreciation voiced by the pastor, of their own loved and lost one. The cortege was a very long one, some 80 automobiles being in line while others went to the cemetery by another route. The floral contributions were fine and lovely and numerous, among them being pieces from the 138th Regiment, Co. I, 138th Regiment; the Ladies Auxiliary of the 138th Regiment; all St. Louis; Alton Post American Legion; Alton Post Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion, and numerous contributions by individuals. At the cemetery, Rev. E. L. Gibson conducted brief services, and then the Alton Post American Legion took charge. At the conclusion of ceremonies the firing squad discharged three volleys over the grave, and the bugler sounded taps, and Maurice Walter was lowered into his final resting place mourned sincerely and honored genuinely. The pall bearers were all former soldiers who saw service in Europe, the two first of the following being members of the same company with Maurice, and pals of his: D. R. Collier, R. L. Spohr (St. Louis), Elmer Campbell, J. M. Campbell, J. B. Lamm, and E. Lamm of Alton. The widow of Capt. Skinker ....[unreadable] the Congressional medal of honor, voted her husband by the Congress of the United States.


WALTER, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 18, 1922
Michael Walter, 80, died this afternoon at 2506 State street. He had been seriously ill for three weeks. He leaves five sons and a daughter.


WALTER, PAUL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1901
Helped Build the First Church in Alton
Paul Walter died at 1:15 this morning after a short illness. Mr. Walter was born in Baden, Germany, August 16, 1811. He came to America in 1832 and to Alton in 1833, and has resided here continuously since that time. He was in early life, and up to the time when age forbade him, engaged in active business pursuits. Fifty years ago and more he was a drayman, and lived on Second street near Henry street. The house is still standing. It was to this house he took his young bride, Louisa Schaaf, who survives him. Some six or seven years ago he celebrated his golden wedding, when a large company of his friends were present. The marriage took place on the 20th day of July 1844. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Fr. Carroll, then the Catholic priest of Alton. Mr. Walter was for many years one of Alton's most prominent citizens and was highly respected by all who knew him. Mr. Walter helped to build the first church in Alton, then the Presbyterian, but afterwards the Episcopal, which stood on the same location that the Episcopal church now does. The building that he was married in and lived in for many years still stands in its old location and is owned by R. J. Bierbaum. It is a remarkable event that Mr. Walter's death is the first one in the family - a family of seven children, which has had a history of almost 57 years since the marriage ceremony was performed in 1844. Beside the widow, the children are: Henry, Paul, William and George Walter; and Mrs. Josephine Marfarth, Mrs. Frieda Ullrich of St. Louis, and Miss Mary Walter of Alton. Besides these, a large circle of relatives live in Alton, among whom are Mr. Landolin Walter and children. The funeral will take place Sunday at 2 p.m. from the family home, corner Seventeenth and Alby streets. The services will be conducted by Rev. H. K. Sanborne.


WALTER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 15, 1906
Wife of Well-Known Grocer and Distiller in North Alton
The general public will be shocked to learn of the death of Mrs. Michael Walter, wife of the well-known grocer and distiller of North Alton, for although her condition was known to be dangerous several weeks ago, it had improved so greatly that nothing but favorable news had been heard from the sick room for some time, and her recovery was deemed certain. She was taken to St. Joseph's hospital several weeks ago, and a surgical operation performed for her relief, and she rallied so nicely and improved so rapidly apparently, that she was removed from the hospital to North Alton at her own urgent request Saturday. She rested well Saturday night and felt well Sunday morning, but in the evening a change came, and surrounded by the members of her family she passes away Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. She was about 68 years of age and was a resident of North Alton for more than 40 years. She was well known in all the Altons and was esteemed for her kind heart and steadfast adherence to all that she knew or believed to be right. In North Alton she was a firm friend to many who needed a friend, and the sorrow her death will cause will be widespread and sincere. She is survived by her husband, Michael Walter, and five children, Mrs. William Blakely, Joseph F., John, George and William Walter. She died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Blakely, adjoining her own home. Some grandchildren, the offspring of her deceased son, Frank, also survive and with their mother lived at the Walter home. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.


WALTERS, F./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1871
On July 27, 1870, Mr. F. Walters, an old resident of Alton, died.


WALTERS, MARY (nee KRUG)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1898
Mrs. Mary Walters, wife of Philip Walters, died Thursday, aged 37 years. She leaves a husband and five small children. She was the daughter of Mr. Joseph Krug. The funeral took place Saturday from the residence of Joseph Krug on State Street, to St. Patrick’s Church.


WALTERS, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 27, 1905
Lived in Alton Area Since 1833
Wednesday evening at the old homestead in Godfrey township, Mrs. Mary Walter, aged 86, passed away after an illness which began Monday afternoon with a chill. Up to Monday afternoon she had enjoyed excellent health and was quite active. She was born in Baden, Germany, and came to America with her parents in 1832. A year afterwards the family moved to Alton, and four or five years later she was married to Mr. P. Walter, who died about 11 years ago, and for about 68 years she has lived on the old farm where she went a bride. She is survived by seven children: Messrs. John, Henry, George and Philip Walters; Miss Rosina Walters; and Sisters L'Codia who is an inmate of an O'Fallon, Mo., convent, and Sister Bernerd of the Ursuline Academy of Alton. From practically a wilderness, Mrs. Walters saw Alton and surrounding country develop into a garden spot, and she and her family had much to do with the development of a part of it. The funeral will be Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral. Besides her children, Mrs. Walters leaves 18 grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren.


WALTERS, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 29, 1918
Friends in Alton were very much shocked this morning to learn of the death of Miss Mary Walters, daughter of Philip Walters, a wealthy and well-known farmer of Godfrey, Ill. Miss Walters died last night at 10 o'clock at St. John's Hospital in Springfield, following a short illness with pneumonia. The body arrived in Alton this noon and was taken to her father's home at Godfrey. The young woman was born and raised in Godfrey, and was educated at the Ursuline Academy in this city, from which institution she was graduated from in 1909. Several years ago Miss Walters went to St. John's Hospital in Springfield and took a course in nursing. She completed her course in her chosen work only a short time ago, and had just commenced her active duties as a trained nurse when she was taken ill with pneumonia. She was 28 years of age. She was the eldest daughter of Philip Walters, and six sisters, Mrs. Alex Zerwas and the Misses Josephine, Agnes, Lucy, Helen and Gertrude Walters. Many other relatives and friends survive her. The funeral will be strictly private from the home. Interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery.


WALTERS, MYRTLE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 25, 1912
Granddaughter of Sandy Freeman
The funeral of Miss Myrtle Walters, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Freeman, will be held tomorrow morning from the Cathedral. She was 18 years old, and died Wednesday at the Freeman home on the Piasa. Her mother died when Myrtle was 3 years old, and the grandparents reared her.


WALTERS, PAUL JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 2, 1903
Paul Walters Jr., a well-known Foster township farmer and an extremely genial, charitable, popular man, died Wednesday afternoon at his home after an illness of about a year's duration with liver trouble. The immediate cause of his death was pneumonia, which he contracted a few days ago. Besides his wife and two daughters, he leaves his mother, Mrs. Paul Walters Sr.; three brothers and three sisters. The brothers are William and George of Foster township, and Henry of Upper Alton; one daughter Miss Mary, who lived with the mother. The others live in St. Louis. The deceased was 47 years of age and was a member of one of the oldest families in Alton. The funeral will be Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the home. Interment will be in Godfrey Cemetery, and services will be conducted by Rev. W. H. Bradley, pastor of the Upper Alton Presbyterian church.


WALTERS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 25, 1892
The remains of Mrs. Frank Walters, who died at Anna, were brought to Alton yesterday morning. The funeral took place from the depot to St. Mary’s Cemetery, where the interment took place.


WALTERS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 4, 1920
William Walters, 57 years old, died at St. Joseph's hospital in Alton at 8 o'clock Thursday morning, following an attack of rheumatic cold. Mr. Walters had been a carpenter and caretaker at Monticello since 1903, and was highly regarded both by the seminary officials and students, of whom he has seen seventeen classes pass through the institution. He was taken to the hospital the first part of the week when his illness became severe. His death was said to be due to uremic poisoning. He is survived by four children, Joseph, Myrtle and Velma Walters of St. Louis, and Mrs. William Dietz of Alton; two sisters, Mrs. Otto Ulrich and Miss Mary Walters of St. Louis; and two brothers, Henry Walters of Los Angeles and George Walters of Upper Alton. Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed.


WALTON, ABRAM/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 24, 1892
Mr. Abram Walton, aged 76 years, living four miles northeast of Upper Alton, died Saturday afternoon and was buried Sunday. Mr. Walton had been in bad health for many years, and had been confined to his bed for more than a year.


WALTON, CHARLOTTE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1919
Charlotte Walton, aged 55, died this morning at the family home, 1825 Piasa street. Funeral services will be held from the home at one o'clock on Thursday, and interment will be in Rocky Fork cemetery.


WALTON, ISHAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 5, 1886
Isham Walton, a well-known colored man, one of the oldest residents of this locality, died early this morning; aged 84 years.


WALTON, JESSE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 24, 1866
Died in Alton on the 17th instant, Jesse Walton, of cholera, aged 56 years. Mr. Walton was among our oldest citizens, and was well known as an honest and upright man, and one who aimed to make himself generally useful. He was indefatigable in his efforts to distribute moral and religious reading among the soldiers and military prisoners during the time this city was occupied as a military post. At the time of his death, and for sometime previous, he had been in our employ, and we always found him faithful in the discharge of his duty. He was proverbial for his kindness and benevolence, and the poor or neglected of our city always found in him a kind friend and aid. We extend to his family our warmest sympathy and condolence in their great loss.


WALTON, MISSOURI/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 9, 1887
Died Sunday morning, May 8, 1887, Missouri Walton, aged three years. The funeral took place at the family residence on Belle Street this morning.


WALTON, SILAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22, 1906
Silas Walton, a well-known colored resident, died Wednesday evening after an illness of a couple of weeks with pneumonia. He was 60 years of age, and leaves a wife and four children. The Funeral will be held Saturday morning. [Burial was in the Rocky Fork Cemetery.]


WALTON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1878
Yesterday a farmer named Walton, living near Upper Alton, while driving along the road two miles northeast of that place, on a load of lumber, was thrown from the wagon by the team running away, and was instantly killed. The horses were frightened by the lumber slipping forward and striking them. Two other men were with Mr. Walton on the wagon, but escaped uninjured. The unfortunate man was an Englishman and unmarried.


WALTON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 1, 1880
Mrs. Walton, a colored woman, about 70 years of age, died Sunday morning at 10:30 o’clock from an attack of the measles. Her funeral took place from the A. M. E. Church.


WALTON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 12, 1883
Died Thursday night, at her home on Alby Street, a daughter, aged 12 years, of Mr. Henry Walton.


WALWORTH, EMMA AUGUSTUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1850
Died at Monticello [Godfrey], on the 11th inst., Emma Augustus, only daughter of Thomas P. and Sarah Elizabeth Walworth; aged 1 year and 7 months.


WALWORTH, SARAH E. (nee MASON)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 25, 1906
Daughter of Hale Mason (Godfrey Pioneer)
Mrs. Sarah E. Walworth (nee Mason) was born in Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois, October 4, 1826. She was the daughter of Hale Mason, a pioneer, who with several brothers, emigrated about 1820 from Grafton County, New Hampshire to Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois, and were prominent men in laying the foundations of society in that early period. When the "little girl" Sarah, was five years old, her parents moved to what was then known as "Scarritt's Prairie," later on known as Godfrey. Here, a permanent abode was fixed, when a large family was reared, where the parents died, and the valuable old homestead is yet seen only a few rods from Godfrey station. On February 26, 1845, the "grown girl," Sarah Mason, was married to Thomas P. Walworth. They formed a new household in the same community and continued in the same locality during Mr. Walworth's lifetime. Twelve children were born of this union, ten of whom reached adult age, and seven survive their mother. After many years of active life at Godfrey as station agent, Magistrate and Postmaster Mr. Walworth died January 10, 1872, and was buried in the Godfrey Cemetery nearby.

About this time the large family being grown, began to scatter out and enter upon chosen enterprises in business and domestic life. These changes had the effect to enlarge the field and objects of the mother’s solitude and affection, and necessarily transferred from the old home into new ones, the essential requisites to the care and comfort of the old, which are found mainly in the filial devotion of children. Following the natural order, after three score years of strenuous service, made light and easy by the buoyancy of a mother's affection, she yielded the work and responsibility to willing sons and daughters, who, together and separately as occasion required, contributed the treasures of hands, hearts and homes to the aged one, until in cheerfulness and comfort she approached the maximum of allotted years. On Saturday, January 20, 1906, in the home her daughter, Mrs. Will C. Rood, in Chicago, having entered the eightieth year of her life, she passed away from earth and entered into rest. Though her children reside in different and distant places, some in Chicago, others in Springfield, Quincy and Kansas City, Missouri, yet most of them were with her in the last days and hours, and six of the seven of the direct family, with several of those who are members by marriage, came with the remains of their mother to Godfrey and tenderly laid the precious dust with kindred dust. The remains of Father and Mother Walworth rest side by side, and in the same cemetery the grandfather, Hail Mason, and a large number of relatives are buried. The officiating minister, a native of Godfrey and life-long friend of the family, conducted the services at the burial of Mr. Walworth in 1872. The floral offerings were numerous and profuse. Several of the pieces were elaborate. All were beautiful and appropriate.

Hale Mason, the father of Sarah E. Mason Walworth, was the co-founder of Clifton Terrace. He then settled in Godfrey, died there in 1842, and is buried in the Godfrey Cemetery.


WALWORTH, THOMAS P./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 12, 1872
We are informed that Mr. Thomas P. Walworth, one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Godfrey, died this morning after a brief illness. We are without further particulars.

Thomas P. Walworth was born December 10, 1823, and died January 10, 1872. Walworth was the Godfrey station agent, magistrate, and postmaster. He married Sarah E. Mason, daughter of Hail Mason of Godfrey. He is buried in the Godfrey Cemetery.


WANEMAKER, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1894
From Melville – Died on Saturday, John, only child of Mr. and Mrs. James Wanemaker, of congestive chill, aged ten weeks. Their many friends will sympathize with them in the loss of their dear baby boy. The funeral services were held Monday, October 8, 1894, at the Cathedral. Interment in the Greenwood Cemetery in Godfrey.


WANLEH, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 25, 1882
From Godfrey – Mrs. Wanleh, a German lady, died very suddenly of heart disease, and was buried today. She leaves a husband and several children without the comfort and aid of a loving wife and mother.


WANNAMAKER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 14, 1898
William Wannamaker, a flint glass worker, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital Thursday with consumption. He was twenty-five years of age, and had lived here for a number of years. He leaves a mother and sister, whose whereabouts are unknown.


WANURA, THERESA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 28, 1921
Mrs. Theresa Wanura, aged 80, died yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the family home, 1217 East Seventh street. Mrs. Wanura was a long-time resident of Alton and news of her death will be received with much regret. Her husband died a number of years ago. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Teresa Mueller and Mrs. Benj. Wutzler, both of St. Louis, and three sons, Lee Wanura of Mounds, Ill., Wenzel Wanura of Breeze, Ill., and Lawrence Mickley of Springfield. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock, requiem mass to be said at St. Mary's Church. Burial will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery. The body is at Klunk's undertaking parlors on East Broadway and can be viewed by friends until time for the funeral.


WAPLES, ADELINE BISHOP (nee BETTS)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1898
Wife of Alton Businessman – Timothy L. Waples
Mrs. Adeline Waples died Wednesday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. F. Crowe, on Prospect Street. Mrs. Waples death was due to malignant cancer, with which she suffered terrible pain for many months past, and from which there was no relief but death. She was taken ill eight months ago with the disease, which had made itself evident some time previously. Over one year ago, a painful growth on her side formed, which at the time was pronounced a malignant cancer, and she consented to undergo an operation for its removal. The operation did not completely remove the dread disease from her system, and it soon manifested itself again, and in a more malignant form. During the past eight months, she has been a helpless invalid, almost the entire side of her body being affected. She tried every means that might be able to give relief, but in vain. She returned to Alton several months ago after a protracted absence for the benefit of her health, and since that time has been unable to leave her room. It was well known that death was the only relief, and she patiently awaited the end. During the latter part of her illness, she was attended by her children, who had been summoned to be present. Her son, Andrew Bishop of Chicago, has been with her during the past three weeks.

Mrs. Waples was born at Richmond, Staten Island, New York, and at her death was in her seventy-eighth year. She was twice married, first to Andrew D. Bishop, and then to the late T. L. Waples. With her first husband she came to St. Louis in 1843, and lived there one year, to return to her home a bride and a widow. In 1857, she married Timothy L. Waples, a leading wholesale clothing merchant, and came west to Alton where she has since lived. During her long residence in Alton she was a consistent and devoted member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, and was at all times one of the most active ones in the work of her church. She was a member of the choir, and also of the church societies. In her large circle of friends she was honored and loved, revered also by the younger generations. She leaves four children – Andrew D. Bishop of Chicago; Mrs. Irene Breckenridge of Burlington; Mrs. G. F. Crowe; and Walter L. Waples of Alton.

The funeral took place Friday in St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. There was a very large attendance at the services at the church, which consisted in the impressive Episcopal ritual for the dead, and a touching eulogy of the life of Mrs. Waples by Rev. H. M. Chittenden. Interment was in the Alton City Cemetery, whither a long cortege of friends followed the body and saw it laid away. The pallbearers were H. R. Phinney, W. D. Sparks, Jacob Wead, A. L. Floss, T. W. Radcliff, and James Aldous.

Adeline Betts Bishop Waples was born August 09, 1821, in Richmond County, New York. She was the daughter of Walter Betts Sr. (1786-1850) and Rebecca Abrams Betts (1789-1866). She first married Andrew D. Bishop, and they had one son, Andrew D. Bishop Jr. After the death of her husband, Adeline Bishop married Timothy L. Waples, a leading wholesale clothing merchant in Alton. They had three children: Harriet Josephine Waples Crowe (1857-1945); Mrs. Irene Breckinridge (1861-1942); and Walter L. Waples.


WAPLES, CAREY LANGLEY (LIEUTENANT)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 19, 1918
Killed in Aviation Accident at Texas (WWI)
Lieut. Carey Waples, only child of Mrs. William B. Robinson, and the only grandchild of Joseph W. Carey, was killed in an aviation accident at Kelly Field No. 2, San Antonio, Tex., Thursday morning. He was 23 years old. Word of the accident was conveyed in a dispatch to the mother received in Alton Thursday evening. No details came with the message. The mother of the young officer was in Alton, but his grandfather had gone recently to spend the summer at Harbor Beach, Mich. According to press dispatches from San Antonio, Lieut. Waples and another officer, Lieut. Highley, were in a machine together flying, when the airplane struck a tree. The fall was fatal to Waples, but his companion was not hurt. The death of Carey Waples recalls that a few weeks ago his marriage was the subject of an announcement made by Mrs. Robinson she gave at her residence. He had married a young girl from San Antonio, Tex., with whom he had become acquainted since going there. The plans of the young aviation officer to marry had been kept secret even from his home folks, and they knew nothing of it until they were informed the marriage had taken place. Mrs. Robinson invited in a party of her friends and very happily announced that her son had married a short time before. Carey Waples was one of the most popular of the young society men in Alton. He was the life of the social circles in which he moved, and among the young people who knew him best there was a great grief when the news was received that he had died. Being the only child of his mother, and the only grandchild of Mr. Carey, the death of the young man is a crushing blow to them. Mrs. Robinson had deferred making a start to spend the summer at northern resorts because she wanted to be as close as possible to her son, so she could put in as much time as she could get with him before he would be ordered away to France. Carey Langley Waples was born in Alton March 21, 1895. He was educated in the Alton public schools and after finishing his work there he entered Western Military Academy from which he graduated in June 1913. He entered the military service May 15, 1917 at the Officers Reserve Training Camp at Plattsburg, N. Y. He entered the aviation work August 15, 1917, going to the Boston Tech Ground School. He was sent to Kelly Field December 8, 1917, where he received his commission as Lieutenant February 1, 1918. On June 14, 1918 he married Miss Vera Calhoun of Beaumont, Tex. The body will be brought to Alton for burial and will be accompanied here by Mrs. Waples and by some brother officers. Arrangements for the funeral will be made on the arrival home of his grandfather, J. W. Carey, who is returning from Harbor Beach, Mich.


WAPLES, ELIZABETH S./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 18, 1852
Died in Alton on the 11th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth S., consort of Mr. T. L. Waples, aged 29 years. The deceased was a native of New Jersey, but had resided in this State a number of years. She leaves a devoted husband, two infant children, and many friends to mourn her loss.


WAPLES, GRACE H. (nee HARWOOD)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 24 & 25, 1888
Died in Alton, Tuesday, April 24, Mrs. Walter Langley Waples. The funeral will take place Wednesday, April 25, from the family residence, corner of Fifth and George Streets. Friends are invited to attend.

Grace was born in 1862, and was 25-26 years of age. She was buried in the Alton City Cemetery. A child, W. L. Waples (probably Walter L. Waples Jr.), died April 10, 1888.


WAPLES, TIMOTHY L./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1862
We are pained to learn that Timothy L. Waples died yesterday evening after a brief illness of typhoid pneumonia. Mr. Waples has resided in this city for more than a quarter of a century, and was one of our best and most successful business men. He was at his death, and has been for several years past, a member of the Common Council. His loss will be severely felt throughout the city. We have now lost, within a comparatively short time, three of the oldest and most active and enterprising business men of our city – Captain Godfrey, Mr. E. D. Topping, and Mr. T. L. Waples. Verily, death is doing its mysterious work at home as well as on the battlefield!


WARD, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 15, 1884
Accidental Gun Shot
A sad accident occurred Sunday afternoon at the residence of Mr. William Kidwell, on the hill near Milton, resulting in the death of Mr. Kidwell’s brother-in-law, Mr. John Ward, who had been working for Hon. Zephaniah B. Job. Mr. Ward had a revolver in his hands, and by some mischance, the weapon was discharged, the bullet passing through the unfortunate young man’s stomach, inflicting a wound from the effects of which he expired in two and a half hours. Dr. Lemen was called, but skill could not avail. The wounded man was conscious to the last, and made a statement as to the accident. Deceased was from Chillicothe, Ohio, and came to this county last Christmas. He was about 24 years old and unmarried, but leaves a father, sister, and brother to mourn his tragic end. The funeral took place this afternoon from the residence of Mr. William Kidwell.


WARD, KATIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 13, 1901
Katie Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ward, died last evening at 6:15 o'clock at the family home on the Grafton road after an illness with typhoid fever. She was 15 years of age and had been ill two weeks. For the past week her condition has been considered dangerous. Miss Maggie Ward, aged 20 years, also a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ward, is very ill with the same disease. The funeral of Miss Katie Ward will be held at 11 o'clock Saturday morning from the family home.


WARD, MARGARET/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 9, 1889
The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Ward took place Tuesday from the Cathedral, with the largest attendance of any occasion of the kind for a long time. Floral tributes were many and beautiful in various appropriate devices. She was the wife of Mr. Patrick Ward, and was 69 years of age. She was born in the Parish of Longhainsland, County Down, Ireland, in 1820. She was married to Patrick Ward by Rev. Father McLaughlin in Downpatrick, County Down, Ireland, August 20, 1846. There were four children born of the marriage, all of whom are dead. She leaves five grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Ward emigrated from Belfast, Ireland, October 8, 1853, for America. They landed in New Orleans, November 7, 1853, came to Springfield, Illinois, March 1854, left Springfield for Alton on September 1854. Deceased lived in Alton until her death, May 5, 1889. The remains were buried in St. Patrick’s Cemetery at North Alton.


WARD, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 29, 1914
Mrs. Margaret Ward, widow of M. Ward, died at her home, 907 Alby street, this morning at 9 o'clock. Her illness began a year ago from a general decline in her health. She had not been in a serious condition for a short time before her death, and the end found her family unprepared for it. Mrs. Ward had been a resident of Alton for many years. She leaves three daughters, Mrs. James Hagen; Mrs. Robert Brown; Miss Julia Ward; and one son, Joseph Ward. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.


WARD, MARTIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 1, 1871
Killed by Freight Train
A sad and fatal accident took place Sunday morning, about six o’clock, on Piasa Street near Ninth, by which Martin Ward, a brakeman on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, lost his life. The circumstances were as follows:

The morning freight had just arrived, and the cars for Alton were being switched off. Ward was engaged in “running down” some cars on the side track, when he fell (from what cause is not known) from the top of the car to the ground, striking on his head with such force as to render him unconscious. He fell clear of the side track, but his legs rested across one rail of the main track. Immediately after the accident, Engine No. 21, in backing up the main track, ran over the unfortunate man, cutting off one leg below the knee and splintering the bone of the other. Of course, the engineer of the locomotive did not know of the accident, and as it was scarcely daylight, saw nothing of Ward until the engine had passed over him. The young man was at once removed to the Sisters’ Hospital, and was attended by Drs. Williams and Haskell, but he was beyond the reach of medical aid, and died about 11 o’clock. Indeed, the physicians state, that the fall from the car would alone have proved fatal, without the other injuries.

Mr. Ward was an unmarried man, about twenty-four years of age. He has a brother and sister and cousin residing in Alton. He was a young man of good habits, and highly esteemed by his associates. He was a member of the Hibernian T. A. & Benevolent Society, which met yesterday and passed resolutions of respect to his memory. An inquest was held on the remains by Justice Regan, and the following verdict rendered:

“We, the jury, summoned by P. F. Regan, acting Coroner of Madison County, Illinois, to hold an inquest at the Sisters’ Hospital in the city of Alton, over the body of Martin Ward, do find from all the evidence adduced before us, that he came to his death by being run over by Engine No. 21, on the Chicago & Alton Railroad in Alton, on the morning of November 27, 1871, and no blame is attached to anyone therefor. Signed, B. Kennedy, Foreman.”


WARD, McKINLEY/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 16, 1890
Pioneer Settler
McKinley Ward, aged 76 years, and one of Madison County’s first settlers, died Friday morning at his farm on the Piasa. The funeral will take place from there tomorrow afternoon.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon over the remains of the late McKinley Ward at the Piasa farm homestead of this aged pioneer settler of Madison County. Friends of the family gathered there as a mark of their respect and honor in which they had held the deceased during his life, and of their sorrow at his death. Many came from surrounding towns and several from St. Louis. The body was buried on the farm where the late Mr. Ward had spent so many years of his life, and where death found him at last.

The Ward homestead was located in Section 18 of Godfrey Township.


WARD, NANCY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 26, 1909
"Grandma" of St. Joseph's Hospital
"Grandma" Nancy Ward, the grandmother of St. Joseph's hospital, died last night after an illness of three weeks at her home, St. Joseph's hospital. Three years ago last February the aged woman, then past four score and eight, was taken to the hospital suffering from a general breakdown due to overwork and exposure. She had been earning her living by doing washing and ironing at the age of 88, when her health broke down and she had to cease her activity. Dr. Winn had her moved to the hospital and when she recovered her physical strength party she had become so attached to the place and had made so strong friendships with the Sisters of Charity, she stayed on. She had no place to go, and her only daughter visited her but once in all the time the aged woman was in the hospital at Alton. She adopted the nurses and inmates of the hospital as her grandchildren, and to all she was known as grandma. Most of the time she was too feeble to do anything, but whenever she was able she would insist upon being allowed to make beds, but that was seldom. Her only reason for discontent was that she could do little to help pay her way. She passed her 92nd birthday in the hospital and was moving on toward her ninety-third year, when three weeks ago the hot weather became too much for her and she broke down completely. The body is being held by Undertaker W. H. Bauer, who will ascertain if possible whether relatives are living and see if they desire to take charge of the body. She was a happy dispositioned, cheerful old lady, and was beloved by nurses and inmates alike in the hospital. Although she was dependent for a living, her death was sincerely regretted by those who had learned to love the old woman who had been abandoned in her closing years by those who were bound to her by ties of blood and kin.


WARD, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 24, 1912
Samuel Ward, a well-known Godfrey township farmer, died at his home near Godfrey, Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. He had been ill with bowel complaint for only a short time, and his case was not considered serious. Mr. Ward was born in Yorkshire, England in 1844, and came to this country when four years old, going to Belleville. Later he came to Alton when a mere boy. He leaves beside his wife, six daughters and one son, also eleven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The daughters who survive are: Mrs. George Z. Miller, Mrs. Morris Hartnett, both of Alton; Mrs. William Cairns of St. Mary's, Mo., Mrs. Dwight Roberts and Misses Minnie and Grace Ward of Godfrey; also William Ward, the son, of Godfrey. Mr. Ward also has a brother and a sister residing in St. Louis, George Ward and Mrs. Oscar Beckhoff. The funeral will be held from the family home to the Melville church at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.


WARD, SARAH F. (nee RADCLIFF)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 4, 1916
Godfrey Woman Dies After Receiving False Report of Son's Death
Mrs. Samuel Ward died Wednesday evening at 9 o'clock at her home in Godfrey township after a short illness with heart trouble which followed a shock. Her son-in-law, Dwight Roberts, is very critically ill at his home in Godfrey, and one week ago a report was spread around Godfrey that he had died. On hearing the report, Mrs. Ward ran all the way from her home to the home of her daughter, a long distance away, and, upon her arrival learned that the report was false. The trip proved too much for her and she was taken ill immediately afterward and kept getting worse until last evening when she died. Her son-in-law is still in a very serious condition. Mrs. Ward was 69 years of age. About one year ago her husband, Samuel Ward, a well known Godfrey man, died. Mrs. Ward is survived by seven daughters and one son, William Ward, with whom she made her home. The daughters are Mrs. Mary Long, Hettick, Ill.; Mrs. Maggie Cairns, St. Mary's, Mo.; Mrs. George Z. Miller, Alton; Mrs. Dwight Roberts, Godfrey; Mrs. Claude Watkins, Godfrey; Mrs. Bartnett, Alton; and Miss Minnie Ward, Godfrey, The funeral will be held from the home in Godfrey on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be held in the Melville Cemetery. [Note: Her first name was located on the cemetery records at Melville Cemetery]


WARD, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 5, 1911
Former School Teacher; Civil War Veteran
Thomas Ward, aged 83 years, died this morning at 5 o'clock after a short illness, at his home, 1254 Main street. He is survived by his aged wife, a son, H. B. Ward living in Texas, and two daughters, Mrs. Rilla Schultze of Alton and Mrs. Lizzie Carl of La Crosse, Wis. Funeral arrangements will not be made until this latter daughter is heard from. Mr. Ward was formerly a school teacher, and has the reputation of having been a very good one. He was a fine penman, but rheumatism and infirmities of old age finally disabled him to such an extent that he could no longer discharge the duties of a teacher, and for several years he has been doing odd jobs. He formerly lived in Carlinville, and came to Alton about twelve years ago. He had the record of never failing to attend Sunday school at Elm street chapel in the North Side, and rain or shine, cold or hot, Mr. Ward was to be found every Sunday at the mission. He was a veteran of the Civil War and a member of the G. A. R. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock from his late home.


WARD, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 16, 1911
Killed in Switch Yards
Thomas Ward of Alton was killed in the switch yards of the C. B. & Q. road, in north St. Louis Thursday morning. The body was not at first identified until an examination of the dead man's clothing revealed papers that gave his name and his employers, Swift and Rusk, contractors in Government works on the river at Church Landing and Sterling Island, for whom he worked as a lineman. He has two brothers living in Alton, James and Adam, whose address is 448 east Second street. He had in his possession about $90 in money, and two checks drawn on Swift and Rusk for $18 dollars each, and an address of John Dooley, Walnut street, but there is no one of that name at the address given. The family came to Alton from Jersey county where they were large farmers owning considerable land. The information was brought to Alton by a representative of Swift and Rusk, Jesse Foval, who informed the brothers last night of the tragedy as it had been forwarded to the company from St. Louis. The body was badly mangled, and was strewn along the track for a hundred yards. The accident happened early on Thursday morning.


WARDEIN, FRANCISCA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 29, 1910
Mrs. Francisca Wardein, wife of Lawrence Wardein, died Saturday morning at her home in Alton after a long illness with cancer. Mrs. Wardein had been a constant sufferer for several years, and for nine weeks she had been bedfast. She was 69 years, 8 months of age. Mrs. Wardein was born in Banstrum, Austria. In 1872 she moved to America with her husband, and settled near Belletrees, where she lived until about one year ago when she came to Alton with her husband. She leaves five sons, Vincent, Henry and Matthew Wardein of Alton; Joseph of Belletrees; and Rev. Fr. I. B. Wardein of Michaels, Ill. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church. Mrs. Wardein was know to a large circle of friends in the neighborhood of Beltrees as a good neighbor, and to her family was a good wife and mother. She lived to see all her children grow up to be honored residents in their communities, and filling good stations in life. Her death is a sad loss to her husband and her five sons.


WARDEIN, JACOB/Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, May 17, 1877
Murder on the Grafton Road
We learn from Mr. T. M. Long that an affray took place Sunday afternoon, about five miles from Alton, on the Grafton Road [West Delmar], that resulted in the death of Jacob Wardein, from the effects of a blow from a grape stake, in the hands of George Pfeiffer.

Justice Melling of North Alton impaneled a jury Monday afternoon, and proceeded to the house of the deceased, Jacob Wardein, about 5 miles from Alton, on the Grafton Road [West Delmar], and held an inquest. After the examination of some witnesses, the jury found that “deceased came to his death from the effect of blows inflicted by George Peiper, and his son, Lawrence Peiper, on Sunday afternoon, the 13th inst.” Upon the rendition of the verdict, Justice Melling issued a mittimus and the persons implicated were arrested yesterday, at North Alton, by F. Volbracht, City Marshal, brought here and committed to the Alton city jail until this morning, when they were sent to Edwardsville, in charge of Deputy Sheriff, James Bannon. After the prisoners were sent to the county seat, it was discovered that there had been considerable informality in the proceedings, and that no preliminary examination had taken place. Consequently, it is the intention to bring them back to Alton, this evening, for the purpose of holding a preliminary examination before Justice Quarton tomorrow. George Peiper states that he expects to prove that he acted throughout in self-defense, and he also says that his principal witness, the man who saw the whole affair, through some misunderstanding or mismanagement, was not examined by the Coroner’s jury. It seems from a corrected version of the affair that the deceased, Jacob Wardein, did not die immediately after the affray, but on the contrary went home, after making some threats, drank wine with his friends, went to bed without complaining of any injuries, and was found dead the next morning. No doubt the preliminary examination will give additional light.

The parties to this unfortunate affair are near neighbors, and have resided where the occurrence took place for about seven years. The trouble originated months ago, in a misunderstanding about a division of some land. On Monday morning, before the death or dangerous injury of Wardein was known or even suspected, George Peiper went to North Alton to swear out a warrant for the deceased, on a charge of assault and battery. But while at the Justice’s office, news came of the sad termination of the affair, which led to the arrest of the accused persons.

Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, November 22, 1877
The State vs. George and Lawrence Peipert, indicted for the murder of Jacob Wardein on the Grafton Road, some months ago, was continued on affidavit of defendant.

Oddly enough, I could find no further information on this incident, and whether or not the Peiperts were convicted of murder. My guess is that they were not. George Peipert died July 8, 1913 at the age of 83, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Gus Hill, on West Delmar. He left behind six children: Mrs. Mary Marseck, Mrs. Theresa Murmeister, Mrs. Gus Hill, and Lawrence, Joseph, and Jacob Peipert.


WARDEIN, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 1, 1904
Joseph, the 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wardein, died Thursday morning at 4 o'clock at the family home on Diamond street. The child had been ill with diphtheria for a week, and a few days ago it became necessary to insert a tube in its throat. The funeral was in private this afternoon at 4 o'clock from the family home, and burial was in St. Joseph's cemetery.


WARDEIN, NANCY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20, 1900
Mrs. Nancy Wardein, a resident of Alton and vicinity for thirty years, died this morning at her home near Melville after a long illness with dropsy. She was 50 years of age and was well known in Alton and at Melville, where she passed most of her life. She leaves one son, Carroll Wardein. The funeral will take place Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, and services will be at the home of Z. H. Calame near Melville, Rev. J. H. J. Rice of the Congregational church will conduct the funeral services.


(See also Warnock)

WARNACK, HARRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 03, 1896
Mr. Harry Warnack died in Dallas, Texas on November 30. A telegram announcing the event was received by Dr. H. T. Burnap, brother-in-law of deceased, yesterday morning. Mr. Warnack was 85 years of age, and formerly lived in Upper Alton. Mrs. Dr. Burnap is a sister, and his mother resides with Mrs. Burnap. Mrs. C. L. Castle is another sister who resides in Upper Alton. His grandmother, Mrs. S. W. Cooper, and her daughter, Miss Alice, are visiting at Dr. Burnap’s.

Source: Alton Telegraph, December 10, 1896
From Upper Alton – A large number of friends gathered at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Burnap Thursday, to pay respect to the memory of one whom they respected and honored. Mr. Harry Warnack spent his boyhood days in Upper Alton, where he has a large circle of friends and acquaintances. About sixteen years ago, he removed to Texas, and has resided there since.

The news of his death came as a sudden blow to relatives in Upper Alton. He had suffered from an attack of grippe, but no danger was imagined until a relapse brought the sad and sudden end. Pastor Wylder of the M. E. Church conducted the services. The pallbearers were: Messrs. W. D. W. Barnard, C. E. Megowen, George Delteker, James Johnson, John Davis, and Mr. Fiske. All were Upper Alton friends except John Davis of North Alton, and Mr. Fiske, who was a Texas friend. The interment was in Oakwood Cemetery.


WARNACK, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1861
Died in Upper Alton on the 1st instant, Henry D. Warnack.


WARNACK, HERMAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 16, 1889
From Upper Alton – Herman Warnack, a young man of about 17, delivery clerk for D. B. Kittinger & Co., died Tuesday evening at Mr. Henry W. Hastings’ residence, from inflammatory rheumatism, after an illness of about a fortnight. The funeral took place Wednesday.


WARNACK, ISAAC E./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 6, 1883
From Upper Alton – Mr. Isaac E. Warnack, an old and highly esteemed resident of Upper Alton, died Friday night at his residence, from Bright’s disease, following an attack of typhoid fever, from which he had but recently recovered. Mr. Warnack was a native of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, born in 1801. He had lived here for over fifty years. He leaves a widow, five children - a son who lives in Upper Alton – George L. Warnack. There are also three daughters, Mrs. S. W. Cox of Jefferson City, Missouri; Mrs. J. R. Brown of Denver, Colorado; and Mrs. I. B. Randle Jr. of Upper Alton; and a large family of relatives reaching to the fourth generation. Mrs. Dr. Burnap and Mrs. L. T. Castle are grandchildren. The funeral was under the charge of Franklin Lodge No. 25, A. F. & A. M.

Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1883
The funeral services of Isaac E. Warnack were held on Monday at his residence, and were led by Rev. R. H. Massey, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which the deceased had long been a prominent member.


WARNER, ALEXIS S./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 4, 1871
Mr. Alexis S. Warner, an old resident of Alton, was drowned on Monday afternoon last in the river, about two miles south of Alton. It is supposed that he went into the water with the intention of committing suicide, while suffering from temporary aberration of mind, caused by business troubles.


WARNER, AURORA ANNETTE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 18, 1916
Mrs. Aurora Annette Warner, aged 79, widow of C. H. Warner, died this morning at the home of Mrs. H. H. Satigast in Godfrey, after a long illness. Mrs. Warner had resided in Godfrey with her daughter about ten years and during most of that time her health was such she seldom went out. Up to that time she had been deeply interested in the work of the Methodist church wherever she had lived, but advancing years and ill health forced her to give up her activities. Mrs. Warner spent a number of years of her life in Alton. Her husband was manager of the Bell telephone exchange at Alton for a long time. During her stay in Alton she was one of the most deeply interested of the workers in the First Methodist church. She resided in Cairo for a number of years. Mr. Warner died nine years ago. Mrs. Warner leaves three sons, Frank of Baltimore; R. A. and J. R. Warner of Cairo; and two daughter, Mrs. Mae Donnelly of Alton; and Mrs. Addie Satigast, at whose home in Godfrey she died. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:45 o'clock from the Godfrey Methodist church and burial will be in the Godfrey cemetery.


WARNER, CARLETON, H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 7, 1907
First Manager of Bell Telephone Exchange
Carleton H. Warner, the first manager of the Bell telephone exchange at Alton, died Wednesday night at 8:40 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. H. Sattgast, after a long illness from cancer of the stomach. Mr. Warner lived in Alton for many years after he severed his connection with the Bell Telephone company. He had charge of the Country club grounds until he was incapacitated by ill health and recently he went to the home of his daughter at Godfrey. He was born in Northfield, Vt., January 25, 1836, and had just passed his seventy-first year. His early life was spent in Vermont. He married in 1858 and later moved his family to Iowa, where he resided for ten years, up to 1872. He came to Alton from Quincy. Mr. Warner was a member of the A. O. U. W. He was a charter member of Park lodge 56 of Quincy, and has been a member in good standing ever since. He was a member of Alton lodge since 1886. Mr. Warner leaves five children: F. O. Warner of Baltimore, Md.; J. B. and R. A. Warner of Cairo; Mrs. W. J. Donnelly of Alton; and Mrs. H. H. Sattgast of Godfrey. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, and services will be conducted at the Sattgast home by Rev. J. A. Scarritt. Burial will be in the Godfrey cemetery.


WARNER, DANIEL HITT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Thursday, March 30, 1899
Daniel H. Warner died at his home near Fosterburg, March 23, 1899, of nervous prostration, the result of la grippe, aged 85 years, 3 months and 25 days. He was born November 30, 1813 near London, Madison County, Ohio, came to Illinois in 1836, and has since resided on the farm where he settled at that time. He was married to Mary A. Heath in May 1846, who died November 4, 1881. Of this union there were 52 descendants, of which 8 were their own children and 44 grandchildren. Mr. Warner joined the M. E. church in 1847, was ordained a minister of that denomination by Geo. W. Robbins. Deceased was widely known and highly esteemed. He was a rank Republican and always enthusiastic in political affairs. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Josiah Able, of Alton, at the A. M. E. church at Fosterburg, Sunday. The pall bearers were John Helnes, John Thompson, William Thompson, William McCauley, Moses Thompson and Phillip Neuhous.


WARNER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 14, 1910
Two Deaths Afflict One Family
Mrs. Elizabeth Warner, aged 73, and George William Adams, her grandson, aged 30, died within 18 hours of each other, the one Saturday night at 10:20 o'clock, the other Sunday afternoon at 4:20 o'clock. Mrs. Warner's death was at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William H. Adams, 400 east 14th street in Alton. The death of George William Adams, a young engineer on the Illinois Terminal occurred Sunday afternoon at a sanitarium in St. Louis. There will be a double funeral Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Adams home on Fourteenth street for the grandmother and grandson. The death of Engineer G. William Adams was a great surprise. He had been taking a layoff on account of bronchial trouble and had gone to a hospital in St. Louis for treatment, hoping to be able to make a trip later to a warmer climate to get relief. He was taken suddenly worse Sunday and died before his family could get to him. The news of his death, coming so soon after the death of his grandmother, was a sad shock to the family. He was born in Alton, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Adams. He had been employed about twelve years by the Illinois Terminal railroad, and was considered one of the best engineers on the road. He leaves a wife and two children, Leona and Thelma. He had been off duty only about ten days. The death of Mrs. Warner, Saturday night, was expected. She was born in Neuenkirchen, Germany, March 24, 1837. She was married there in 1858, and ten years later came to Alton and remained here the rest of her life. Her husband, George J. Warner, died 20 years ago. Mrs. Warner leaves two daughters, Mrs. W. H. Adams of 400 east 14th street, Mrs. Ernst Kolb of 1122 Green street, and one sister, Mrs. Peters of Bunker Hill. She leaves also 11 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.


WARNER, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 13, 1890
Mr. George Warner, aged fifty-three years, died Sunday at his home on Green Street. Death ensued after an illness of about one week’s duration, and resulted from a severe attack of inflammation of the bowels. Deceased was a well-known and highly respected resident of Alton, who had lived here many years. He leaves a widowed wife and two married daughters, Mrs. William Adams and Mrs. Ernest Kolb, both of whom reside in Alton.


WARNER, LOUISA/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28,1873
Died on February 23 in Alton, Louisa Warner; aged 12 years and 2 months.


WARNER, RICHARD YATES/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 9, 1864
Died at Fosterburg, Illinois, on Tuesday, August 30th, at 1 o’clock p.m., Richard Yates, infant son of D. H. and M. A. H. Warner, aged 11 months and 20 days.


WARNOCK, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 10, 1918
Mrs. W. H. Warnock, formerly of Alton, died at her home in Granite City Monday, according to word received here by friend today. Mrs. Warnock formerly lived at 1602 Henry street in Alton. Several years ago the family moved to Granite City where they have been making their home. Mrs. Warnock is survived by three sons, Wilbur H., Harry and Ansel; and one daughter, Mrs. Marsh Stewart of Chicago. Harry is in the U. S. naval training station at Chicago, being an instructor there. The body will be taken to Butler, Mo., on Wednesday. The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon.


Attorney Wilbur Moore WarnockWARNOCK, WILBUR MOORE/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, December 8, 1911
Edwardsville Attorney
Wilbur M. Warnock, one of Edwardsville' foremost citizens, passed away at 6:05 last night at the St. Luke's Hospital in St. Louis, where he had been since Monday evening of last week. With him when the end came were his wife, who had never left his bedside since he was stricken; and his business associates, George D. Burroughs, together with his physician, Dr. S. T. Robinson of Edwardsville. The funeral will be tomorrow, Saturday afternoon, at 2:30 from the residence on Kansas Street to Woodlawn Cemetery, Rev. J. W. McNeil, pastor of St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church, will conduct the service at the home.

Mr. Warnock, with all his attainments, was not fifty years old. It seemed very perverse of fate to pronounce the final sentence upon one who had attained to a place where he could fully enjoy life. A high position in his profession, affluence, a handsome home, and a loving family were his to appreciate and enjoy when the cup was suddenly dashed form his lips.

Wilbur M. Warnock was born in Columbia, Illinois, April 23, 1862, a son of Lafayette and Lucinda Moore Warnock. His father was born in Vandalia, March 14, 1824, and hisWilbur Moore Warnock - late teens mother is a native of Waterloo, born March 12, 1826. The family originally came from South Carolina, being Revolutionary stock. Mr. Warnock's grandfather, Judge Warnock, was the first territorial judge of Illinois for the southern district, holding that office when the State was admitted to the Union in 1818. He was postmaster of Vandalia when that city was capital. Wilbur M. Warnock was one of a family of eight. He attended the district schools and then the High School at Columbia. In 1878 he entered the academy at Butler, Missouri, where he studied until the Spring of 1880. Then he came to Edwardsville, and studied law for a year in the office of Judge B. R. Burroughs. Entering the Union College of Law at Chicago, he graduated in June 1883. He formed a partnership at once with Judge Burroughs, but as he was not yet of age, his name was not incorporated in the firm until the following years. This partnership continued until February 1889, when the Judge was elected to the Circuit bench.

Mr. Warnock practiced alone until 1889, when he formed a partnership with R. P. Owen, which continued two years. On the first of August 1891, the firm of Travous & Warnock was formed, the late C. N. Travous being the senior member. Later George D. Burroughs was admitted to the membership, then Thomas Williamson, and recently Mallory L. Burroughs. The firm title at present is Warnock, Williamson & Burroughs. Mr. Warnock was a master in chancery of Madison County for a number of years. He was a very bright lawyer, quick to grasp all the details of a case, and fertile in resource. In the later years of his law work he engaged most extensively in corporation practice, handling the legal business of many railroads and corporations. During the past year, much of his time was spent in studying western investments. He was a brilliant speaker, equally good before judge or jury, or on the public. In the affairs of his home town he always took a deep and sincere interest, being in the forefront of any movement that was calculated for the general betterment. He was a Democrat, and manifested always a keen interest in party success. This did not prevent him from viewing men and matters impartially where local conditions were concerned. He could estimate men readily and became a splendid judge of human nature. He was social in nature and an aristocrat in this breeding. He had a kindly word for everyone at all times. He was one of the "big men" of his community and will be sadly missed. He is survived by his aged mother, his wife, Maud Burroughs Warnock, who is a daughter of judge, and one son, Donald Burroughs Warnock.

Wilbur Moore Warnock was born April 23, 1862, in Columbia, Monroe County, Illinois. His parents were Lafayette and Lucinda (Moore) Warnock. Wilbur married Maud Burroughs, and they had one son – Donald Burroughs Warnock. Wilbur died December 7, 1911 at the age of 49, in St. Louis, after an operation for appendicitis. He is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.


Newspaper Owner
Dedication to Anti-Slavery Effort
Source: Source: Centerville, Indiana True Republican, Nov. 10, 1864
Hooper Warren was born in May 1790, in Walpole, Cheshire County, New Hampshire. He was one of a family of sixteen children, and was a descendant of a Mayflower passenger. At an early age, his family moved to Woodstock, Vermont, where he learned the printer’s trade working on The Herald. In 1814, he moved to Delaware, and then in 1817, settled in Frankfort, Kentucky, where he worked on a Frankfort newspaper until the year 1818. In Kentucky, the slavery sentiment was too strong for his liking, so he moved to St. Louis, Missouri in 1818, where he worked at the Missouri Gazette.

Being a staunch anti-slavery man, he planned to move to Illinois, where he would fight any attempts to bring legalized slavery into the State. In 1819 he moved to Edwardsville, and established The Spectator newspaper, at the corner of Main and West Union Streets. This was the third newspaper founded in Illinois (the first newspaper being the Illinois Emigrant; and the second paper, the Illinois Intelligencer). It was the first newspaper in Madison County. George Churchill, a good printer and first-rate editor, became his assistant.
Hooper Warren print shop
In 1823, Senator Theophilus W. Smith, a pro-slavery man, established the Illinois Republican in Edwardsville. The two men battled with words in their respective newspapers. Smith, a man of powerful physique over six feet tall, met Warren on the streets, and after an argument, he proceeded to “cowhide” Warren. He pulled a knife on Warren, who defended himself by drawing his pistol. Smith’s long legs couldn’t carry him fast enough down the street.

During the call for an 1824 convention to change the Illinois constitution and introduce slavery in the State, Hooper Warren became aware of the plot of certain men, and in an editorial in his paper in 1820, exposed the entire thing. The attempt to call the convention in 1824 to legalize slavery in Illinois failed because of men like Hooper Warren.

In 1825, Warren severed his connection with the Spectator, and turned it over to Rev. Thomas Lippincott and Jeremiah Abbott. Warren went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he associated with The National Crisis, an anti-slavery paper. In less than a year he returned to Edwardsville, and reunited with the Spectator. On October 20, 1826, he published the last issue of the Spectator, and the printing office was moved to Springfield, where the Sangamon Spectator was established. In 1829, Samuel Meredith bought the paper, and changed the name to the Journal and Sangamon Gazette. Mr. Warren took the paper back from Merdith, and shipped his printing business to Galena. Burdened with hard work, Warren’s health began to suffer. At the brink of starvation, relief came in the form of an appointment from Judge Young to the office of Clerk of the Circuit Court in Putnam County, Illinois. He and his family moved there in 1831. In 1841 he moved to Henry, Marshall County, Illinois, where he was drawn into several newspaper enterprises.

In 1864, while on a visit to Chicago, he became ill. He started for home, stopping off to see his son-in-law in Mendota, Illinois. While there, he passed away on August 22, 1864, at the age of 74 years. His body was taken to Henry, Illinois, where he was buried in the Henry Cemetery beside his wife (Mary Adamson Warren; 1807-1850), whom he had married in 1822, and died in May of 1850. He left behind four children (John Adamson “Ad” Warren (1825-1901); Winslow Seth Warren (1827-?); Rebecca Matilda Warren (1830-1863); Mary Emma Warren (1840- aft. 1920).

Hooper Warren left a legacy of excellence in journalism in Illinois, and his hard work and fearless dedication to the anti-slavery effort turned legalized slavery away from the newly establish State of Illinois.


WARREN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 7, 1865
Drowned in Piasa Creek After Being Forced At Gunpoint
We are pained to learn that a son of our esteemed friend, Mr. J. W. Warren, formerly of Brighton but now of Alton, had a son, about fifteen years of age, drowned yesterday under very painful circumstances. The facts in the case as we have learned them are about as follows:

Some men engaged the son at Brighton, to take them from that place to Rockbridge, some fifteen or twenty miles north of the former place, but on arriving at Piasa Creek, the boy discovered that it was very much swollen by the late rains, and refused to attempt to drive across, when his passengers, who were under the influence of liquor, drew a pistol and threatened to fire on him if he did not proceed. Under the influence of this threat, the poor boy drove into the turbulent creek, and he and the wagon and team were at once swept downstream, drowning him and the horses. We have not learned whether the worse-than-savage men, who forced the young man to the commission of the rash act, perished or not. This painful intelligence was conveyed to his bereaved father about the middle of last night, and he left at once for his home. We have not learned whether the corpse of the young man was recovered or not. We do not vouch for all the particulars here given, but state them, as near as we can, as they were given to us.

Source: Alton Telegraph, April 7, 1865
We have learned that the body of the young Mr. Warren, whose death by drowning in the Piasa Creek we published on Saturday last, has been recovered and was buried on Sabbath last in Brighton. When he attempted to cross, there was a man on the opposite shore who saw the passenger draw a pistol on the boy, to force him into the water. When the boy was thrown into the stream, this man swam into the water and was almost within reaching distance of him when he sank for the last time. The passenger swam ashore. He has since been arrested, and at last accounts was held in custody at Brighton.


WASHBURN, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28, 1916
The funeral of Charles, the five months old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Washburn, was held from the home in Godfrey this afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. Brown of Godfrey.


WASHBURN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28, 1922
Accidental Shooting
William Washburn died at St. Joseph's Hospital this morning at 5 o'clock following a surgical operation to recover the bullet which had inflicted a wound in his head as the result of an accident at Monticello Seminary yesterday forenoon. The surgeons found that the bullet had passed through the head from the back to the front and had lodged inside the skull behind the right eye. The funeral will be held Sunday at one o'clock at the home in Godfrey, and will be private. Interment will be in the Godfrey cemetery and will be open to friends. The private services at the home was made necessary through the illness of the boy's mother, who is suffering with pneumonia.


WASHINGTON, CARTER/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 29, 1891
Carter Washington, an aged colored man, was found dead Sunday in a gutter in the rear of the residence of William Dougherty, 1124 Union Street. “Uncle Washington,” as he was familiarly called, had been sick for several days, and had taken a shortcut to his home, which is in that neighborhood. He must have sat down on the bank above the gutter in which his body was found, for a bundle and his bucket were found on the bank above. Coroner Bonner arrived last night and held the inquest, the verdict of the jury being accidental death. AT the examination it was found that his neck was broken. Death must have occurred almost instantly. He fell about 25 feet.


WASHINGTON, CLARA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 18, 1900
Clara Washington, aged 14 years, died this morning at her home on Russel street, with spinal meningitis. The funeral will be Saturday morning.


WASHINGTON, GEORGE SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 12, 1908
The funeral of George Washington Sr. was held this morning from the Cathedral where services were conducted in the presence of a large number of friends and neighbors. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery.


WASHINGTON, LAURA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 14, 1916
The funeral of Mrs. Laura Washington was held this morning from the Cathedral, where a requiem mass was said by Rev. Fr. Tarrent in the presence of a congregation of friends and relatives. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery.


WASHINGTON, MOSES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 10, 1918
Moses Washington, colored, died at 3:30 o'clock this morning at his home, 1715 Maupin avenue, at the age of 72 years. This afternoon no funeral arrangements had been completed.


WASHINGTON, WILLIAM 'WILLIE'/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 8, 1901
Drowns in Mississippi
Willie Washington, son of Lewis Washington, living on Union street, was drowned this afternoon at two o'clock while bathing near the pier of the bridge at the foot of Henry street. The body of the lad had not been recovered up to the hour of going to press, although a number of persons were seining the river for it.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 9, 1901
The body of William Washington, the colored boy drowned in the Mississippi river just below the bridge yesterday afternoon, was recovered today at noon by two fishermen who used big hooks. The body was not far from where the boy went down, but all efforts to locate it proved unavailing until the fishermen came on the scene. Deputy Coroner Streeper held an inquest this afternoon and the funeral will be tomorrow morning from the home on Union street.


WAS(S)MAN, FLORENCE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 2, 1916
Miss Florence Wasman died at the home of her mother, Mrs. William Wasman, of Wanda, yesterday morning, from heart failure. She died in her sleep and the other members of the family did not realize her condition until they attempted to arouse her. She had been an invalid the greater part of her life. Miss Wasman formerly lived in Alton but moved to Wanda with her mother and brothers about three years ago. She is survived by her mother and three sisters and three brothers, Frank, Ida, and Mrs. Hugh Poag of Wanda; Mrs. A. L. Dolbow of Alton; Fred of Bloomington; and Henry of Oklahoma. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the home in Wanda to the Wanda Cemetery.


WAS(S)MAN, KATHERINE (nee MAGUIRE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15, 1919
Widow of William Wasman
Mrs. Katherine Wasman, widow of William Wasman, died Friday afternoon at 5:45 o'clock at her home at Wanda, after an illness of about six years. She was 72 years of age. She had been suffering from a complication of diseases. Her husband, a prominent farmer in the Wanda neighborhood, and a resident of Alton for three years up to about eight years ago, died six years ago. Mrs. Wasman is survived by the following children: Henry of Weatherford, Okla.; Fred of Bloomington, Ill.; Frank of Wanda; Mrs. A. L. Dolbow of Alton; Mrs. Hugh Poag of Wanda, and Miss Ida Wasman of Wanda. She was born in Madison county October 27, 1846, and all of her life she spent in Madison County. Her maiden name was Maguire. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home at Wanda.


WASSMAN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 1, 1906
The funeral of Mrs. Henry Wassman was held today, services being conducted at the home on Fourteenth street by Rev. H. M. Ewers of First M. E. church. There was a large gathering of friends at the home, and many lovely floral offerings, among them being a beautiful design from the Mutual Protective League, of which order she had been a member. The body and funeral party were taken to Wanda by an Illinois Terminal special, and burial was in the Wanda cemetery.


WAS(S)MAN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 4, 1912
Farmer; Civil War Veteran
William Wassman, aged 75, a soldier of the Civil War, died at 5:45 o'clock this morning at his home near Wanda, after an illness of several months from liver trouble. He was a native of Germany, being born there March 17, 1837, and came to America in 1855. Almost ever since he had lived near Wanda. He enlisted in the 117th Illinois volunteers during the Civil War. Mr. Wassman is survived by four daughters, Mrs. A. L. Dolbow, Miss Ida Wassman of Alton; Mrs. Hugh Poag and Miss Florence Wassman of Wanda; also by three sons, Henry of Alton; Fred of Downes, Illinois; and Frank of Wanda. The funeral will be held Friday noon from the home to the Wanda Cemetery.


WASSON, MINOT S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 15, 1910
Minot S. Wasson, aged 80, died this afternoon shortly before 2 o'clock after an illness of six weeks, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Sophia W. Buckingham, 723 Euclid Place. He lived in St. Louis many years, where he was employed by the St. Louis Terminal Association. He had made his home for a number of years with his only sister in this city.


WASTLER, ALAN SANDERS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 28, 1919
Five-Year-Old Boy Accidentally Shot
Alan Sanders Wastler, five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wastler, 2111 Main street, was shot and instantly killed yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock while playing with a revolver in company with Kenneth Burns, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Burns, 2107 Main street. The two boys were in a bedroom in the back of the Burns house, playing a phonograph, when one of them took from a chifforobe in the room an army revolver. The boys were alone in the room and young Burns was heard to say: "Don't, Allan, don't." Members of the Burns family, on running to the room, found the Wastler boy on the floor. He was carried to a table and a doctor sent for, but the boy's death was instantaneous, the physician said. The ball entered the left side of the boy's neck and went out the back, just below the right shoulder blade, and lodged into the wall. The Burns boy did not know the revolver was loaded. It had lain on the chifforobe for some time, unloaded, but was loaded yesterday as a protection against vicious dogs seen in the neighborhood. Young Burns, unable to give testimony to the coroner at the inquest at the Wastler home this morning because of his slightly demented condition, admitted he killed the boy. The verdict of the coroner's jury was that death was due to accidental shooting. Alan was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Wastler. The family moved to Alton four years ago from Medora, where the boy was born. Wastler is a blacksmith at the Standard Oil Refinery at Wood River. There was great sadness in the two families today. The parents of young Wastler were insistent, however, that the shooting was accidental and that Burns could not be held responsible. The funeral of Allan Wastler will be held tomorrow at Chesterfield, Ill. Services will be conducted at the home here at 8 a.m. by the Rev. Theo Cates, pastor of the Upper Alton Methodist church, who will also conduct the services at Chesterfield. The death of young Wastler was the third accidental death in Alton in three days. On Tuesday the four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin DeSart was killed by an automobile on College avenue, and on Thursday the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bailey, Elmer, was drowned in the Mississippi river.


WATERHOUSE, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 20, 1918
Elizabeth Waterhouse, aged 78, died last night at the Alton State Hospital after an illness of pneumonia. She was buried in the cemetery on the hospital grounds today.


WATERMAN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 6, 1879
Died in Alton, February 5, 1879, of apoplexy, Mrs. A. E. Waterman; aged 49 years.


WATERS, JESSIE (nee ELLIOTT)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 23, 1920
Mrs. Jessie Elliott Waters, wife of Dr. P. S. Waters, died at the Alton State Hospital this morning at 6 o'clock. Dr. Waters is one of the Managing Officers of the Alton State Hospital and holds the position of Assistant Superintendent. Both Dr. Waters and his wife are members of pioneer families in Southern Illinois. The Waters family came to the Alton institution about 18 months ago, after residing in Anna for 6 years. Since coming to Alton the family has made many friends who will be interested in the death of the wife and mother. Evelyn Waters, a 13 year old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Waters, graduated from the Horace Mann school this year. Mrs. Waters is survived by her husband and one daughter. Mrs. Waters has been ill for two years and though every attention was given her, it was known for many months that she could not live. She made friends among the people at the hospital, being very patient during her long illness. She was 37 years of age. The body will be shipped out of Alton at 5:40 Tuesday morning and will be sent to Metropolis, Ill. for burial. Two children of Dr. Waters are buried in Metropolis, so it was thought best to take the body of the mother there for burial.


WATERS, MARTHA ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 9, 1853
Died at Bear Creek [possibly near Glen Carbon area?] on the 5th inst., of fever, Martha Elizabeth, daughter of Zachariah and Elizabeth Waters; aged 14 years and 2 days.


WATERS, NANCY ANN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 18, 1918
Nancy Ann Waters died at her home on Belle street last evening, at 4 o'clock, aged 69 years. Her funeral will be held from Campbell M. E. church Monday morning.


WATERS, PATRICK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 10, 1916
Patrick Waters, aged 79, died Sunday afternoon at his home in Godfrey township from old age. He had been in failing health for more than a year and had been out very little. Mr. Waters had been a hardworking man and a very successful man. He had started out in life with nothing, but his strong hands, a willingness to work, and a very high grade of character. He came to this country a poor young man, but he developed soon an ability to acquire land. By hard work and good management, he succeeded in getting a number of rich farms in Godfrey township. The farms may have been poor enough when he got them, but it was apparent to everybody after he had a farm awhile, it began to be a producer. He made a reputation as a builder of worn-out farms and the land he owns is among the most valuable in the vicinity of Alton. Mr. Waters was highly regarded by everyone. He was known as a man who was strictly honest, very businesslike, and his word was always good. He was a good citizen and he raised a family that is highly esteemed in the community. His wife, one daughter, Mrs. Fitzgerald, and three sons, William, James and John, survive him. The funeral will be at 9 o'clock tomorrow from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. Mr. Waters was born in Kilkenny, Ireland in 1837. He came to this country in 1854, and after living in Cleveland, Ohio and St. Charles, Mo., he moved to Godfrey in 1857, where he spent all the remainder of his life. He was married in 1865 to Ellen Lindley, who, with three sons, William, James and John, and one daughter, Mrs. Fitzgerald, survives him. It is estimated that the land holdings of Mr. Waters up to the time he gave farms to his children was about 1,000 acres. There are few farms in the county that are more extensive, and Mr. Waters had all of them free of debt. He gained his real estate by hard work, good habits and strict attention to business.


WATERS, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 21, 1881
A child of Patrick Waters, who lives about seven miles from Alton on the Jerseyville Road, was buried Tuesday.


WATERS, WILLIAM E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 15, 1895
William E. Waters, colored, died at his home on Market Street yesterday, after an illness of several months from consumption. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from the house.


WATKINS, HENRY W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 2, 1912
Henry W. Watkins, the negro who was killed by Constable H. P. Madrey several weeks ago, was buried at Milton cemetery this morning. There was no one interested in the disposition of Watkins body, and none attended the funeral.


WATKINS, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 4, 1907
John Watkins, colored, died last night at his home, 1214 Elliott avenue, after a long illness from consumption. He was 29 years old and is survived by his mother and some brothers and sisters. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home.


WATKINS, MARTHA (nee GREENWOOD)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 29, 1901
Descendant of Colonial and Revolutionary Family
Mrs. Martha Greenwood Watkins, aged 83, died at 10 o'clock last night at the residence of her nephew, Mr. W. A. Kelsoe, in St. Louis. Death was indirectly caused by an accident which occurred October 21, when Mrs. Watkins fell down a flight of stairs and fractured her left hip bone. The break healed nicely, considering the advanced age of the patient, but the enforced confinement to her bed brought on stomach trouble, and for the past ten days death has been expected momentarily. The funeral will be held Tuesday. Brief services will be held at Mr. Kelsoe's residence during the morning, after which the body will be sent to Alton. She will be buried by the side of her brother, Stephen, who died in 1892 at the age of 75 years. The deceased was born in Boston, Massachusetts, October 15, 1818. She was one of six children of John and Elizabeth Payson Greenwood, members of old colonial, revolutionary stock. In 1839 the family, with the exception of the married children, two daughters and one son, came West. They located on a farm near Greenville, Bond county, Ill. The married son, Stephen P. Greenwood, established himself in Alton, Ill. a few years later. When Arnold died in 1886, Mrs. Watkins, having already lost her husband, returned to St. Louis to make her house with W. A. Kelsoe, her nephew, who had been a member of her family all his life prior to her removal to California in 1874. Mrs. Watkins' only child, a son, died at an early age in Pocahontas, Ill., where she spent the first twelve years of her married life. Mr. E. P. Greenwood, cashier of the Bank of Edwardsville, at the county seat, is a nephew of deceased. The body will arrive on the Burlington Tuesday noon and will be taken direct to the cemetery, where services will be conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden. [Burial was in City Cemetery]


WATKINS, MARY J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 9, 1903
Dies from Fright and Excitement of Flood
Penned in her home with her family by a wild expanse of waters, with fear that her family would be drowned in the flood after they had refused to leave their home because the mother was too ill to be moved, Mrs. Mary J. Watkins, wife of Joab L. Watkins of Missouri Point, died from fright and excitement Monday night. When the flood began to advance, Mrs. Watkins was ill with heart trouble. She had been a sufferer from the malady for some time, and it was believed unwise to move her from the family home. Mrs. Watkins' sons and her husband stayed with her in the house. Between caring for their mother and helping to rescue their unfortunate neighbors, the family has been one of the busiest on the Missouri lowlands since the flood began. High wind storms have been a thing to be dreaded over there, with houses surrounded by torrents of water, and it has been a matter of felicitation among the unfortunates over there that wind had not blown since the trouble began. Monday evening when the storm arose the waves were lashed furiously and this, combined with a strain of extraordinary excitement to which the sick woman had been subjected by the circumstances of losing much of the family personal property and knowing of the losses of her friends and neighbors, caused the collapse of Mrs. Watkins. Mr. Will Bauer went to the Watkins home Tuesday morning to bring the body over to Alton, where it will be prepared for burial. Mrs. Watkins was born in Alton and her maiden name was McCorkle. She was about 63 years of age. She was a most estimable woman, loved devotedly by her family and esteemed by all her neighbors, for the relief of whom she always held an open hand when in trouble. Her heart was a sympathetic one, and the unfortunate ones on Missouri Point will miss her sadly. Before her marriage, Mrs. Watkins taught in the Alton public schools, and she also was a member of the Presbyterian church in this city. Mrs. Watkins body was brought to Alton this morning and was taken to the Cannell home on State street, whence the funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon. Burial will be in City Cemetery. Mrs. Watkins leaves her husband and three children, McLain, William Watkins and Miss Theo. Watkins.


WATKINS, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 17, 1910
Boating Accident
Samuel Watkins, an aged man who was in a little boat on the Illinois river when it was run down over a month ago by the Sparks II of Alton, died last night at St. Joseph's hospital from complications resulting from his injuries. Watkins was badly cut up by pieces of planks from his own boat that were broken when the Sparks II struck it. The story of the collision told at the time was as follows: The Sparks II, with the Kentucky, were cruising up the river carrying lamps and lookouts, when a little scowboat with gasoline power shot across the bow in the darkness and was hit by the Sparks. All the occupants of the damaged boat were drunk and asleep, according to their own statements, and they carried no signal lights. It was thought Watkins would recover, and he seemed to be doing nicely, but he suffered a backset and his death followed. C. F. Sparks, who owned the yacht that struck Watkins, bore all the expense of his keep in the hospital and will see that he is buried.


WATLEY, JACOB AND WIFE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 11, 1887
Dies Four Hours After Wife’s Funeral
From Highland, July 9 – Death has just claimed one of the oldest couples in this part of Madison County. Jacob Watley, aged 77years, a resident of Highland for nearly half a century, died this morning, only about four hours after the funeral of his wife.


WATSKER, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 20, 1900
Frank Watsker, the 18 years old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Watsker, died this morning at 11:30 o'clock at the family home, 1200 East Second street, after a two weeks illness with typhoid fever. The young man was taken seriously ill at the start, and he continued to grow worse. The parents have been prepared for the worst the past few days, but the death of their son is a sad blow to them.


WATSON, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 29, 1920
Proprietor of Grocery Store
Charles Watson died at the family home, Belle and Hamilton streets, Saturday night, after an illness of several weeks. He is survived by his wife, Catherine, and several children. For some time Watson has been proprietor of a grocery store, conducted near the home. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home. Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery. The children are Leo, Rose, Catherine and Elizabeth. He also leaves his father, Dr. Samuel Watson, three brothers, James of Atlanta, Ill., Harry and William of Alton, and three sisters, Miss Gertrude Watson, Mrs. Joseph Deane, and Mrs. L. Gillham, the last named of Dow.


WATSON, EMILY FANNY/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 17, 1865
Died in Alton on the 12th inst., Emily Fanny, daughter of Henry and Fanny Watson, aged 5 years and 19 days.


WATSON, EMMA J. (nee HOWELL)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18, 1919
Mrs. Emma J. Watson, wife of Dr. S. M. Watson, died this morning at 1:30 o'clock at the family home, 271 Madison avenue, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Watson had been bedfast for ten weeks, but the members of her family and friends report that no complaint was uttered during the whole period regarding her physical trouble. Mrs. Watson was 74 years old on February 18th last, and was born at Godfrey. Her maiden name was Emma J. Howell. She was married to S. M. Watson on October 13, 1869. Besides her husband, Mrs. Watson is survived by three daughters, and four sons. They are: Miss Gertrude Watson and Mrs. Joseph Dean of Alton; Mrs. Luther Gillham of Dow; Charles, William and Harry, all of Alton; and James Watson of Atlanta, Ill. Eleven grandchildren also survive. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family home. Rev. M. W. Twing, pastor of the First Baptist Church, will officiate. The burial will be in the Godfrey cemetery. Mrs. Watson was known to a large circle of friends for her splendid traits of character. Her large family was the center of her affections and care, and she reared them to mature manhood and womanhood to respect the traits of character which she possessed.


WATSON, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 15, 1904
Fifteen-Year-Old Boy Drowns
The son of Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Watson, was drowned at noon Friday while learning to swim in a pond at Ninth and George streets. The pond was formed in part of the hollow of the old Smith's pond, by the building of Ninth street through. The property owners there petitioned to have the pond drained at the last council meeting, but the city council declined to take any action. This morning the boys gathered at the pond and while some were wading around, George Watson went swimming. He could not swim and got beyond his depth. The frightened boys ran to the home of Mr. Edmond Beall for help and within a half hour after the boy disappeared under the water his body was taken out by Roy Beall. Efforts were made by Dr. H. R. Lemen to resuscitate him, but the work was not rewarded by a return of life. The father and mother had learned of the accident add were standing on the bank beside the pond when their son's body was taken from the water. The drowning of the boy is a grievous shock to the family and to the friends of the boy. He was 15 years old last February, but was a young man in physique and remarkably mature for his years. He was carrier on the Alton Telegraph and one of the most faithful boys ever in the employ of the office. The body was taken to the home of the parents, on Alby street.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 18, 1904
The Cumberland Presbyterian church was filled to its capacity Sunday when the funeral services over George Watson, were held. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Watson, in the affliction which has befallen them as the result of carelessness of city officials in neglecting to drain the pond after its dangerous character had been called to their attention. Services were conducted by Rev. D. E. Bushnell, beginning at 3 o'clock. Two songs which were the favorites of the boy were sung. Dr. Bushnell spoke tender words of comfort to the parents and relatives of the deceased. Among the floral tributes were several presented by the carrier boys, many of whom attended the funeral. Those who knew George Watson have nothing but words betokening grief. In his career as a paper carrier on the Telegraph he was one of he most faithful carriers the paper ever had in its employ. His patrons mourn the death of the boy as a personal loss as he had manifested a carefulness in his work which makes successful men in life. Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Watson desire to return grateful thanks to their neighbors for the many expressions of sympathy received over the death of their son, George; and to those who sent flowers, and for all the kind acts of sympathizing friends, and especially to those who assisted in recovering the body from the water. All will be kindly and lastingly remembered for their aid in our hour of severe affliction.


WATSON, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 24, 1907
Killed Under Electric Car
George Watson, aged 33, was killed by an electric car near Second and Walnut streets Monday evening about 7:20 o'clock while trying to cross the track ahead of the car. His body became wedged in between the motor box and the axle of the car, and it was necessary to jack the car up to get him out. He was still alive when taken out, but died immediately afterward. The accident was witnessed by about a half dozen people, and the story told by witnesses is that Watson was running to catch the car which was going west, and had crossed the Walnut street line. Noticing that he was on the wrong side of the car to get aboard, he attempted to dodge over the track ahead of the moving car and he was struck and rolled underneath. When taken out his back was bent over the timbers in the motor box and was broken. He was not much mutilated. Watson was boarding with Mrs. Martha Badgely of 1005 Second street, and had been employed as a teamster at the Federal Leads Works. He came to Alton from Fidelity and it was said he was unmarried. William Reber said that he and Watson were drinking some beer at the Continuous Bar when they heard the electric car coming, and Watson started to run out to catch the car. The stories of the witnesses indicate that he got on the wrong side of the track and was unable to board the car while it was running. Motorman Will Woods was unable to stop the car before he was hit, but did stop it after it had run about 6 feet on hitting Watson. Deputy Coroner Keiser took charge of the body and notified the relatives of Watson of his death. He had brothers living at Fidelity.


WATSON, HATTIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 19, 1900
Murdered by J. P. Bellenger
The trial of J. P. Bellenger for the murder of Hattie Watson and Joseph Reilly will come up Monday in the Circuit Court. Bellenger is very desirous of having his case go to trial, as he thinks he will not be convicted of murder. He will plead self-defense and says that he killed Reilly and the Watson woman because he feared he would be killed himself. The Reilly family has employed an eminent St. Louis attorney to assist State's Attorney Staats in prosecuting Bellenger. Col. J. J. Brenholt will conduct the defense. He said today the case will come up for trial Monday, if nothing to prevent it occurs. Bellenger looks well and is bearing up cheerfully under prison rules.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 20, 1900
Jury Says Manslaughter
The report of the finding of the jury in the Bellenger murder case was attended with a display of feeling on the part of the accused murderer of Hattie Watson, and Bellenger broke down and cried with joy at the verdict. When court was convened at 9 o'clock this morning, the jury reported that it had found a verdict and was ready to report. Judge Hartzell received the long envelope in which the jury had placed its verdict, and on opening read that the jury found the accused, James P. Bellenger, guilty of manslaughter in causing the death of Hattie Watson, and fixed his punishment at imprisonment in the penitentiary. All through the trail, the principal figure in this case, Bellenger, has sat unmoved as testimony of the most damaging nature was given against him. He is said to have been cool and collected, as if he was not on trial, and he bore up under the strain well. He no doubt deeply realized his situation and was determined to keep up. When Judge Hartzell read the verdict, Bellenger seemed unable to fully comprehend the full meaning of it, but as he realized that the danger of paying the extreme penalty was at an end, for the present at least, he broke down and cried. The scene was one that moved the feelings of nearly everyone in the court room. Col. Brenholt, the chief of counsel for the accused, said after the verdict was given that the verdict means of short term of imprisonment in the penitentiary, and that he will be released under the parole law. Bellenger has friends and relatives who would gladly secure a parole for him, and the prospect for him under this sentence is that he will not remain in jail long. There remains the Reilly case to be tried, which may result more seriously for Bellenger. It is thought the Reilly case will be tried at this term of court, and there is much interest in speculation as to what the outcome will be. The verdict in the first case will not affect the second one, and the finding of the jury in the second case will carry with it additional punishment, whatever it may be.


WATSON, HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 2, 1909
Proprietor of Watson’s Quarry
Henry Watson, aged 73, died Friday morning shortly after midnight, at his residence, Seventh and Alby Street in Alton, after an illness of two months. He had been suffering from a very painful malady which developed into a malignant tumor of the neck and shoulder. It was not believed to be anything serious when it first began to make its appearance, as it gave him no pain, but about two months ago Mr. Watson began suffering so severely from it he decided to undergo a surgical operation. It was then the dangerous character of the malady was recognized. A second surgical operation was performed, but this brought no relief, and from that time the end was known to be near. During the last few weeks Mr. Watson was able to see but few of his friends, and the last week was unconscious almost all of the time. The tumor had made inroads among the large arteries and vital parts, and for several days he was dying. During his last illness he was constantly attended by his wife and all of his children. He leaves one son, George Fred Watson of Duluth, Minn., and four daughters, Mrs. F. R. Bissell of Dallas, Texas, Miss Mary Watson, Mrs. G. A. McKinney and Mrs. L. M. Carr.

Henry Watson was born at Bishop Auckland, England, March 17, 1836. He came to Alton fifty-nine years ago a poor young man, but endowed with remarkable business capacity, also the ability of making friends. Fifty years ago, he engaged in the stone quarry business and succeeded from the first. He engaged in the contracting business in connection with his quarry. One of his first big jobs was furnishing the stone for the Macoupin county courthouse. He also was a contractor for the C. & A. cut off, and he built the Wabash shops at Moberly, Missouri. He was married twice, one son resulting from the first union. His second marriage was forty years ago and his wife survives him.

Mr. Watson was prominent in Alton financial circles and was a stockholder and director in the Alton National Bank and vice-president, also a stockholder in the Alton Savings Bank. He had large interests in the stone business, being engaged in business personally, and also being a large stockholder in the Alton Lime and Cement Co. He was a long-time director in the Piasa Building and Loan Association and had been one of its heaviest patrons.

One of the greatest works of Mr. Watson's life was the building of the Alton water works system in 1875. He also promoted the building of the Madison Hotel. Mr. Watson had unlimited confidence in Alton and believed that it was a good investment to put money in the city. For years he was practically the only man who had enough confidence in Alton to spend a large amount of money in erecting homes. It was to promote the upbuilding of the city that he helped to organize the first building association in Alton in 188_ (looks like 1883).

Personally, Mr. Watson was a man of wide sympathy and many good friends. He was kindly, jovial, and had a wide range of acquaintances. Old and young were his friends, and he always manifested the deepest interest in their welfare. As a business man he was widely known and possessed the utmost confidence of those who transacted business with him. In his death, Alton losses a valuable citizen, and those who knew him lost a friend who was near and dear to them. There will be many to mourn the death of Henry Watson among all classes. To his family he was kind and indulgent. Mr. Watson was a member of the Masonic order and had membership in Belvidere Commandery, Knights Templar, and in the Mystic Shrine. He was a remarkably active man, supervising personally the work that was being done in his quarries, and he never held stock in any business that he did not give it the strict attention that he gave to his own private affairs. At his quarries, even when he was far advanced in years, he would be up on the rock ledges with his men, climbing steep ladders and helping with his hands wherever he saw help was needed. He was a young man for his years, and a few months ago no one would have believed that Mr. Watson was so near his end. He was the picture of physical health, his mind was as bright and active as ever it was, and he was prepared and desirous of living to enjoy his stay with his family and friends. When told that it was impossible to get well, he faced the end without complaint and set about preparing for it. The funeral will be held Sunday morning at 9 o'clock and services will be in the home. Burial will be in City Cemetery.


WATSON, JANET (nee JOHNSTON)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 17, 1917
Widow of Henry Watson
Donated Land for the Expansion of Riverview Park
Mrs. Janet Watson, widow of Henry Watson, died at 9:55 o'clock Saturday morning after an illness of just one week from pneumonia. Her case was recognized from the very first as a very serious one, and at once the only one of her daughters who was away from home, Mrs. F. R. Bissell, was summoned from Dallas, Texas. In the passing of Mrs. Watson, Alton loses a woman who was known to many for unfailing acts of kindness and thoughtfulness. Those who knew her best knew that her mind was ever alert to discern where some kindly word or some practical help was needed, or where sympathy in any form would help someone over a hard place, and there Mrs. Watson was sure to be found. She had the understanding that it was in doing little things as well as big things that greatest help is sometimes given. Among her neighbors she was one of the most beloved of all. In her church work she was depended upon in every way for help. In her home she was the real mother, the one who counseled and helped and her chief interest was centered there, but never to the exclusion of interests of those on the outside who needed help. She was one of the most devoted and most liberal members of the First Presbyterian Church, which she had joined September 18, 1870, soon after she came to Alton as a bride, in the church work she was one of the most active and a leader. In the various societies of the church, she maintained a deep interest and held out an ever-ready helping hand. She was one of the members of the Y.M.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary, was vice president of the First Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Society for many years, was a vice president of the Old Ladies' Home board, and she had interests in many other lines of good work in the city where a woman's help and counsel and oftentimes liberal gifts were needed. It was her heart full of sympathy for those who needed any kind of assistance that made her spare not her strength nor her time in any good work. Absolute justice and fairness was one of the cardinal rules of Mrs. Watson's life. Her judgments were sure to be sound ones, she was not disposed to criticism of an unkindly character, and her whole life was devoted to making the way easier for those with whom she came in contact.

Mrs. Watson's maiden name was Johnston. She was born in Dalry, Ayrshire, Scotland, October 8, 1846. She came to America when she was seven years of age. She was married January 1, 1869 at Bunker Hill, Illinois, to Henry Watson, and came to Alton as a bride. The remainder of her life she passed here. Her husband died nearly eight years ago, leaving large business affairs to be handled by Mrs. Watson. She demonstrated that she had marked business capacity in looking after the settlement of her husband's business affairs. It will be recalled by many that Mrs. Watson showed her public spirit and her desire to be helpful to her home city, by giving a valuable piece of ground to the city of Alton as a part of Riverview Park. She had offers from others who wished to buy the ground, but she preferred to give it to the city of Alton to make Riverview Park a more attractive place and to prevent any chance of the park being depreciated by grading down the adjoining property. Any matter of public good was sure to have the sympathy and support of Mrs. Watson, and only those she had helped, and had smoothed the way for during her life could truly judge the value of her life.

Ten days before her death she was one of the liveliest ones of a company of the older ladies of the Presbyterian Church, who entertained the Ladies' Aid Society with a little play, and those who saw it say that Mrs. Watson contributed much by her personal efforts. Her illness began the following Saturday. From the beginning she showed no indications of improvement. The best that could be given out was that she was holding her own, but on Friday she appeared worse and Saturday morning the end came. Mrs. Watson leaves one brother, H. K. Johnston of Alton; and four daughters, Mrs. F. R. Bissell of Dallas, Tex., Mrs. O. S. Slowell, Mrs. George A. McKinney, and Mrs. L. M. Carr of Alton. Her stepson, Fred Watson of Duluth, to whom she had stood in the place of a mother, arrived this morning, having started as soon as he could leave after he had learned of Mrs. Watson's illness. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence, Seventh and Alby streets. Friends of the family are invited to attend the services at the home, but burial in City Cemetery will be private. It is requested also that flowers be omitted.

Janet Johnston Watson was born in Dalry, Ayrshire, Scotland, on October 8, 1846. She immigrated to America, and married in 1869 to Henry Watson. The couple had at least four children – Emily Fannie Watson Bissell (1871-1945); Mary Watson Stowell (1877-1926); Elizabeth W. McKinney (1879-1962); Grace Kirkwood Watson Carr (1881-1957); and George Fred Watson of Duluth, Minnesota (from a first marriage).

Henry Watson owned the Watson Quarry, located along the riverfront, just below the Riverview Park. He also operated the quarry located near Hop Hollow, at the Blue Pool, and erected the Alton Water Works. His first big job was furnishing the stone for the Macoupin County Courthouse. He was also a contractor for the Chicago & Alton cut off near Upper Alton, and he built the Wabash shops at Moberly, Missouri. He was stockholder, director, and vice-president of the Alton National Bank, and stockholder in the Alton Savings Bank. He was also a large stockholder in the Alton Lime and Cement Company, and a long-time director in the Piasa Building and Loan Association. He also promoted the building of the Madison Hotel in Alton.

After Henry Watson’s death, Mrs. Watson continued to run the business. She donated land for the expansion of Riverview Park. The last home they occupied was located on Alby Street, near 7th Street. The home was constructed in about 1882, and was fondly referred to as “Watson’s Mount.” The home still stands today. Hugh K. Johnston, the brother of Janet Watson, was the proprietor of the Johnston Hardware at Broadway and State Street in downtown Alton.


WATSON, ROE D./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 28, 1917
Assistant States Attorney
Roe D. Watson, Assistant State's Attorney and three times City Attorney of Alton, died Wednesday near midnight from septic poisoning, after an illness of about a week. One week before his death he was able to be out and attended a picnic at Rock Spring Park. At that time he was suffering from what appeared to be a slight inflammation of his nose. The innocent appearing malady speedily developed into one of the most serious character, and on Tuesday morning it became necessary to hasten him to St. Joseph's Hospital while surgeons went to work in an effort to stay the extension of what was identified as a very dangerous case of septic poisoning. On Monday he began to show some very bad symptoms, but they were not pronounced enough to admit of a certainty in the diagnosis. The operation was performed on Tuesday, and it was hoped it might arrest the spread of the disease. The hope was a vain one. The malady continued extending its bad effect, yet the young lawyer retained consciousness and until Wednesday afternoon he was able to converse with those around him, though he was suffering intense pain. All hope of his recovery had been abandoned by those around him. The chief concern of Mr. Watson was for his family, and he made no complaint of his own suffering. The death of Mr. Watson has caused real sorrow throughout Alton. He was one of the best liked men in the city. His first entry into politics was when he became a candidate for City Attorney in Alton. He was elected three terms in succession. Finally, he decided not to be a candidate for a fourth term. When State's Attorney Streuber was elected, and was looking about for a clean young lawyer to take the post of Assistant State's Attorney, he selected Mr. Watson, and he had held that post since. He was making a good showing in the office. Friends of Mr. Watson who knew him most intimately knew him as being devoid of any insincerities. He possessed a mind that was clear, and his character was of the very highest. A friend, in speaking of Mr. Watson, said that he had never heard an unclean utterance from his lips, nor had he ever known of an act by him that was not in the highest degree honorable. He possessed traits of character that endeared him to all who knew him. Men in all stations in life were his personal friends, and there are few men in Madison County who held such a full share of public esteem as he had. He possessed a mind that was of a high type, and everything pointed to a useful future ahead of him. His death is a great loss to the county, both as a citizen and as a lawyer. Mr. Watson is survived by his wife and two young children, one of them only a few months old, and the other about 19 months old. He leaves also his mother, Mrs. Alice E. Rodgers; three brothers, Edward and Miner Watson; and Clark Rodgers; and one sister, Mrs. Jane Bassett. Roe D. Watson was born at Marianna, Ark., September 2_, 1886, and would have been 31 years of age next birthday. His father was Roelof D. Watson. He came to Alton with his mother when a young boy, and lived the remainder of his life here, except during the period when he was away at school. He passed through the junior year at Shurtleff college, and then entered the University at Ann Arbor, Mich. There he graduated, after taking the law course. He received highest honors at the University. He was very popular in his school life, was a member of the Delta Chi fraternity, and was the chief officer of that organization, also was treasurer of the athletic association. He was a member of the football squad and was slated for position on the varsity team, but he preferred to devote his time to his studies and never qualified on the varsity team. After graduating from law school, he came back to Alton, was admitted to practice law in Illinois, and went into the office to associate himself with J. V. E. Marsh in the practice of law. He was soon afterward elected city attorney, a post he held for almost three terms. He resigned last December to take the position of assistant States Attorney. He discharged the duties of both offices with great ability and in the work of the office he held at the time of his death he was strongly relied upon by his chief, States Attorney Streuber. He took a prominent part in the work of the office. In his practice of law he had built up a good business and was in the ranks of the successful young lawyers. He practiced his profession on the highest plane, had a good knowledge of law and his judgment was sound. His integrity was never questioned and he had the confidence of every one who knew him, both in and out of his profession. The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, and the services will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bowman Sr., on Twelfth street.


WATSON, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 12, 1893
The remains of the late Thomas Watson were brought to Alton last Thursday and interred in the Upper Alton Cemetery. Deceased being an Odd Fellow, the body was met at the depot by that order. Notwithstanding the rain, a large number of friends followed the body to the cemetery.


WATSON, WILLIAM N./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 19, 1847
Mexican-American War Veteran, Editor of the "Alton Democratic Banner"
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 19, 1847
It will be observed by a letter from one of our correspondents in the Second Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, attached to General Wool's command, that Mr. William N. Watson, late of this city [Alton], died near Saltillo on the 28th of December last. The deceased, it will be recollected by some of our readers, commenced the publication of the "Alton Democratic Banner" about the middle of May last, but had issued only a few numbers when he volunteered in the above regiment, and after sharing in its long and harassing marches through the Mexican territory, has, in common with hundreds of other patriotic citizens, become the victim of an unhealthy climate. Our acquaintance with him was very limited, having seen him only a few times during his brief residence in this place, but his conversation and manners impressed us strongly in his favor. We believe he was from Steubenville, Ohio, and without a family. May his ashes, and those of his fellow sufferers, rest in peace!


WATTS, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 12, 1894
Mrs. Elizabeth Watts died at Godfrey yesterday morning after a long and painful illness. Deceased was 79 years of age, and had been a resident of Godfrey for 44 years. She was a devoted mother and Christian lady. Besides many friends she leaves four children to mourn her death: Messrs. William Watts of Alton; John Watts of Godfrey; Mrs. Mary White of Decatur, Illinois; and Mrs. John Meisenheimer of Godfrey. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at the Bethany Church in Godfrey.


WATTS, ELLEN B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 16, 1906
Mrs. Ellen B. Watts, widow of William Watts, died at 11:45 a.m. Tuesday after an illness of one year, which culminated in peritonitis. She had lived in the city of Alton and vicinity fifty-eight years, having come here as the bride of William Watts, who lived in the city of Alton until 1865, when he moved to the farm where he died in Godfrey township, between North Alton and Godfrey. Mrs. Watts was 79 years of age last May 31. She was born at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, May 31, 1827. Her parents came to Illinois when she was eight years of age and settled in Macoupin county, where she lived until the time of her marriage, July 23, 1848. Her husband died August 23, 1904, after more than fifty six years of married life. Mrs. Watts' health began to break about one year ago, and she continued to grow weaker until death took her. She is survived by six daughters, Mrs. William A. Charless of Butler, Mrs. W. H. Fullager of Chicago, Mrs. Wallace Libby of Ottawa, Ill., Misses Minnie and Mattie Watts, and Mrs. W. P. Hancock of Godfrey.


WATTS, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 11, 1880
Died at Godfrey of hemorrhage, November 5, 1880, John Watts, a native of England, aged 71 years. Deceased had resided in this vicinity 29 years.


WATTS, LUCY B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 24, 1909
The funeral of Mrs. Lucy B. Watts was held this afternoon from the home of her sister, Mrs. E. M. Shryer. Services were conducted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden of St. Paul's Episcopal church. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery.


WATTS, M. J. (nee NUTT)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 19, 1883
The funeral of Mrs. Mary J. Watts took place yesterday afternoon from the residence of her father, Mr. Levi Nutt. The remains were buried at the Upper Alton Cemetery.


WATTS, RACHEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 12, 1922
Mrs. Rachel Watts, a well-known and longtime resident of Alton, died yesterday morning following a stroke of paralysis which disabled her three weeks ago. Mrs. Watts was in a serious condition from the first, but she was manifesting such strong vitality that there was hope that she would recover from the paralysis. Thursday of last week complications set in and death resulted Sunday morning. Mrs. Watts was 77 years of age. Until she was paralyzed, she was strong and active and was deeply devoted to her church and to the cause of the W. C. T. U., in both of which she was a valuable member. Until the very last she kept up her interest in these two organizations and her family. She was known for her self-denying liberality, and contributed to all causes she deemed worthy. For many years she had been connected with the First Baptist church. Owing to the absence of her pastor, the funeral services Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Hollister, will be conducted by Rev. Edward L. Gibson of the First Presbyterian church. Mrs. Watts is survived by four daughters, Mrs. C. F. Steizel and Mrs. Edgar Hollister of Alton, Mrs. S. W. Ingalls of Jacksonville, and Mrs. J. A. Atkinson of Chicago. She leaves also one son, John Watts of Alton. Her husband died many years ago.


WATTS, RODGER/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 15, 1881
Mr. Roger Watts, for several years a resident of Alton, and a son-in-law of Mr. Levi Nutt, died Friday, December 9, after a long illness of a pulmonary nature, at the age of about 45 years. He was a native of England, but came to this country when a youth. He was a Union solder during the War of the Rebellion, and while in the service contracted the disease with which he suffered, patiently and uncomplainingly so long. He leaves a wife and one child, and a number of other relatives to mourn his death. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon from the family residence, corner of Fourth and Easton Streets. The remains were buried in the cemetery near Godfrey.

Rodger Watts was born in 1836 to John and Elizabeth Watts. He was buried in the Bethany Cemetery in Godfrey.


WATTS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 24, 1903
Civil War Veteran
William Watts, a veteran of the Civil War, died after an illness from pneumonia, Thursday morning at 2:40 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. F. Steizel, Ninth and George streets.Mrs. Steizel, who is visiting in Prescott, Arizona for the benefit of her health, will not be able to return in time to attend her father's funeral. Mr. Watts was an old resident of Alton and was well known. He had lived in the city many years and was the father of a well known family. He leaves beside his wife, six children: John W. Watts, Mrs. Edgar Hollister, Mrs. Charles Steizel of Alton, Mrs. W. M. Atkinson of Chicago, Mrs. S. W. Ingalls of Jacksonville, and Mrs. C. E. Ashley of Prescott, Arizona. He was a member of Company D, 10th Illinois volunteers, and served with honor during his period of enlistment. He was a member of the A. O. U. W. twenty-two years. Forty-three years ago, he was married at Godfrey to Miss Rachel Sollman, who survives. him. Mr. Watts was an industrious man, respected by all who knew him, and a good citizen. He was 69 years of age. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home of C. F. Steizel.


WATTS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 23, 1904
Proprietor of Grocery Store
William Watts, aged 85, died Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at his residence north of North Alton, in Godfrey township, after a long illness. He was a native of England and came to Alton in 1848, where he was engaged in the grocery business. He moved from Alton to his late home in Godfrey township about 35 years ago. He leaves six daughters, Mrs. W. A. Charless of Butler, Ill.; Mrs. William Fullager of Chicago; Mrs. Wallace Libby of Ottawa; Mrs. W. P. Hancock; and Misses Mamie and Mattie Watts, who lived at home with their father. Mr. Watts was one of the best known residents of Godfrey township, and was a man known for his many good qualities, his worth as a citizen, and a kindly good heart. Illness had confined him to his home most of the time for several years, and death was a happy release from long suffering.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 25, 1904
William Watts of Godfrey was buried Thursday afternoon in a vault in Alton City Cemetery, which had awaited its owner for forty years. Mr. Watts had always held a strong feeling against the burial of a body in the ground, and forty years ago he had a vault constructed in City Cemetery in which he planned his body should be laid when dissolution occurred. During the forty years the only persons laid in the vault permanently were his two little children, who died many years ago. In compliance with the wishes of Mr. Watts, his body was laid away in the vault Thursday afternoon for its last long rest in a hermetically sealed metallic casket.


WAUGH, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1900
John Waugh, aged 72 years, died at his home near Poag in this county, on Tuesday. The interment will take place in the Upper Alton cemetery on Monday. He resided in North Alton for 25 or 30 years, where he has many friends. Some fifteen years ago he removed to a farm near Poag. The last year his health has been poor. His wife and four children survive him.


WAYMAN, ALDENIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 01, 1896
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wayman are bereaved by the death of their four year old daughter, Aldenia, who died Tuesday afternoon after an illness of four days, from membranous croup.


WAYMAN, WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 12, 1912
Well Known Contractor Hit by Automobile
Civil War Veteran
W. H. Wayman, the well-known contractor who was hit by automobile at the corner of Second and Ridge Streets Wednesday afternoon, as told in the Telegraph, died at St. Joseph's hospital at 5 o'clock, a little over an hour after the accident. He never regained consciousness. Dr. J. N. Shaff, who witnessed the accident, and had been the attending surgeon for Mr. Wayman in several other bad accidents in which Wayman was hurt, was with him at the hospital when Wayman died. The injured man passed away as he was being undressed and before anything could be done for him. When picked up he was apparently fatally injured, and there appeared to be no chance whatever for his reviving. The automobile that struck Wayman was owned and driven by W. W. Heil of Bunker Hill, who had been in Alton during the day. Heil stopped, gave his name and address, and after waiting about for a while started for Bunker Hill, and no arrest was made. It was the opinion of those who witnessed the accident that the driver of the auto was guilty of criminal carelessness. Dr. J. N. Shaff, who witnessed the accident, tells a damaging story on the auto driver. Dr. Shaff was running west on Second street when he encountered Wayman, who was crossing from the south to the north side of the street, but instead of going directly across was angling off toward the east a distance about 30 feet east of the crossing. Wayman was apparently oblivious of any danger. Dr. Shaff swung his machine to miss striking Wayman, then the Heil machine approached. Instead of keeping to the right to pass Dr. Shaff, Heil swerved to the left, passing the Shaff auto on the left side, and for that reason struck the aged contractor, who walked slowly and could not move quickly. Heil sounded his horn, but this only confused Wayman, and before the machine could be stopped Wayman was underneath it and doubled up. He was dragged about 10 feet witnesses say.

Mr. Wayman was 73 years of age and leaves his wife and four children. He was the victim of many accidents, and had been broken up several times. Once he fell from the roof of St. Joseph's hospital 70 feet, and sustained injuries which were believed to be fatal. Again, he fell from a roof at Nameoki, two stories, and sustained numerous injuries. He was hurt badly several times, and in consequence his limbs were so stiffened that he could not move with much quickness. Coroner Sims held an inquest this afternoon and the jury found a verdict of unavoidable accident, exonerating Heil for striking Wayman with his automobile.

William Wayman was born February 24, 1840, in Schoharie County, New York. He enlisted in Company K, New York 121st Infantry on August 23, 1862. He was promoted to full Corporal on March 1, 1865, and mustered out June 25, 1865, at Hall’s Hill, Virginia. He was married twice, first in 1866 to Hannah Edson, who died in 1912; and second in 1880 to Lizzie Lee Jeans, who survived him. He had seven children: Lillie Maude Wayman Kauffold (1881-1966); George N. Wayman (1884-1885); Hattie Wayman (1886-1886); Grace Mae Wayman Nixon (1888-1983); Adelaide Wayman (1894-1896); Annabel Wayman Branning (1894-1957); and Hilary H. Wayman (1896-1958). William is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


WAYNE, RALPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 2, 1918
Edwardsville Business Man
A party of Alton members of the Knights Templar went to Edwardsville today to attend the funeral of Ralph Wayne, a business man at Edwardsville, who died Saturday and was buried this afternoon. Masons had charge of the funeral and the Commandery members served as an escort of honor. Mr. Wayne was at one time in the grocery business in Alton, in partnership with Thomas P. Dooling on State Street.


WEAVER, EDWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 21, 1886
Mr. Edward Weaver, a very estimable young man, son of Mr. Henry Weaver, died suddenly and very unexpectedly this morning. He had been ailing for a few days, suffering with pains of a rheumatic nature in his extremities. He became worse during last night, and medical aid was summoned. He experienced a difficulty of breathing, the first alarming symptom, at an early hour this morning, and his father, who is on the Night Police, was summoned, but before he arrived at home, the young man had ceased to breathe. Deceased was about 36 years of age, and had for 12 years been engaged at Stanard’s mill. He was faithful, steady, undeviating in the performance of his duties, and his death falls with sad weight on his parents, relatives, and friends.


WEAVER, FRANK/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 12, 1892
Gored by a Vicious Steer
Frank Weaver, a butcher of Bethalto, was gored by a vicious steer last evening from the effects of which he died the same evening.


WEAVER, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 25, 1897
Mr. Henry Weaver, one of Alton’s oldest citizens, died Sunday at his home on Bluff Street, after a short illness. Mr. Weaver was upon the streets a few days ago, and was taken ill with what was from the very first a dangerous sickness. He rapidly grew worse until death came to his relief. He was 78 years of age, and had lived here most of the time. He followed the business of a grain buyer for many years, but of late he has been leading a retired life. For many years he was a leading business man of Alton, and quite wealthy. He served in the city council years ago with many of Alton’s most prominent citizens. He was at one time a member of the school board. Five children survive him: Miss Weaver, Mrs. George Ginter, Messrs. Frank and Alex Weaver of Alton, and Joseph Weaver of St. Louis.

The funeral services took place Tuesday at the Cathedral, whither a large number of old acquaintances of the deceased assembled. High Mass was celebrated for the soul of the deceased. The remains were interred in the Greenwood Cemetery. The pallbearers were: L. Pfeiffenberger, G. F. Crowe, J. M. Cotter, Thomas Doran, and Paul Robidou.


WEAVER, JOHN EDWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 6, 1879
Died in Alton, Friday, January 31, 1879, John Edward, infant son of Joseph and Jenny Weaver, aged eleven months and one week.


WEAVER, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 02, 1894
From Bethalto – The funeral of Mr. Samuel Weaver, who died at Nokomis, took place Sunday at the Liberty Prairie Cemetery, Rev. A. Hunter officiating at the grave. Mr. Allison Weaver, nephew of the deceased, and son of Mr. John Weaver of Carpenter, and other relatives, accompanied the remains to this place. Mr. Weaver was over 80 years old, and for the past thirteen years had resided with his nephew at Nokomis.


WEAVER, WILLIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1895
From Bethalto – Died - Little Willie Weaver, aged 7 years, 7 months, and 24 days, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Weaver. Little Willie was an exceptionally bright boy, and seemed to take more than ordinary pleasure in attending school. He was a very obedient little child, and politeness was one of his chief characteristics. He took sick about a week before his death, but was not considered in danger until a short time before his death, which occurred Monday evening, September 16. The funeral took place from the Catholic Church on Wednesday.


WEBB, DANIEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 16, 1921
Daniel Webb, aged 62, an invalid for three years, died Saturday evening, leaving his family in a destitute condition. Members of the family said that they had no food in the house on Saturday, and they had been getting along at times on a meager allowance. The Red Cross had been paying the rent on the house and had been furnishing them with some food. The mother had been doing some work to earn money. Saturday, when the mother was occupied in taking care of her husband in his dying house, there was nothing to eat in the house. When this information was learned by outsiders, a supply of food was immediately provided for them to relieve their emergency needs and later other substantial aid was provided for them. One son of the dead man is in the army; another is married and has three children and a daughter is married. The other children are young, with the exception of a 16-year-old boy who is described as being small for his age and finds it difficult to get a job to help support the family. The family live on McClure avenue in Yager Park. Their wants are now being looked after.


WEBB, DEBORAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1851
Died in Alton, July 6, Mrs. Deborah Webb, consort of the late James Webb, aged 67 years. Mrs. Webb was born in the State of Vermont, and had resided in Illinois since the year 1842. She died in the bright hope of a glorious immortality, through the goodness and mercy of her Saviour. For many years she had been a member of the Presbyterian Church. She was a child of affliction. Her bodily infirmity for a long time had subjected her to suffering and severe trials, yet she patiently submitted to the will of her Divine Master. Her infirmities were borne with Christian resignation, through an abiding faith, that the children of hope, who are here severely tried, will have a bright eternity with a God who afflicts only for wise purposes. She is now gone to the last resting place, and her spirit is with the redeemed.


WEBB, ELIZABETH LOUISE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 16, 1915
Mrs. Elizabeth Louise Webb, wife of Harrison Webb, died at her home at 1:45 o'clock this morning after an illness of four months. She was in her twenty-fourth year, and had been married to Harrison Webb but one year on December 4. Mrs. Webb is survived by her husband and one sister, Miss Elsa Anderson, who was with her at the time of her death. Her condition had been serious for some time, and relatives and friends have been expecting her death. Mrs. Webb was a member of the Congregational Church, and for many years one of the active workers in the Congregational Sunday school. She was well known for her kindly disposition and her ready smile, and had a host of friends in all parts of the city. The funeral will probably be held on Sunday afternoon from the Congregational Church to the City Cemetery. The services will be conducted by Rev. I. G. McCann.


WEBB, ETNA PEARL MANLEY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 1, 1921
Word has been received in Wood River of the death at Muncie, Indiana, of Mrs. Etna Pearl Manley Webb, wife of Harry Webb, following an illness which extended over a period of a year. Mrs. Webb was taken ill with the grippe, and her sickness terminated into tuberculosis. Every attention was given her but her condition gradually became worse. Mrs. Webb is survived by her husband, Harry Webb, one brother and three small children; Howard, aged 5; Adele, aged 3; and Carl, aged 2. Her husband is the eldest son of Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Webb of Wood River. Mrs. Webb died at the home of her foster parents in Munice. Her parents died when she was very small. The Webb family resided for a long time on Penning avenue in Wood River, and the young wife and mother made many friends who will regret to learn of her death. Mrs. Webb was 26 years of age. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Streator, Ill. Rev. and Mrs. Webb will attend the funeral.


WEBB, FELIX G./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13, 1912
Felix G. Webb, aged 79, died at his home, 302 Danforth street, Sunday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock after a long illness. He is survived by his wife, three sons, George, Thomas and Arthur, and one daughter, Mrs. Aquila Alexander; also, one sister, Mrs. Black, residing in St. Louis. He was born in Pulaski county, Tenn., in 1833. He was an old-time resident of Alton, and for many years worked in the plant of the Alton Box Co. The funeral will be tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home, Rev. S. H. Cossaboon officiating, and burial will be in City Cemetery.


WEBB, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10, 1919
Fifteen-Year-Old Boy Shot by Companion
George Webb, 15 years old, was shot and killed by Gerald Monroe, about the same age, yesterday afternoon on a sand bar in back of the plant of the Illinois Glass company, opposite Skinny Island. Five boys - - Webb, Monroe, Ernest Little, Sam Reeder and Russell Bawlings - - went to the river to hunt ducks, there being a 38-caliber revolver and a shot gun in the party. Monroe wielded the revolver so carelessly, according to the story told of the shooting, that the others became frightened. Monroe and Webb went into a duck blind, Monroe carrying the revolver. The other three boys shortly afterward heard the shot, and saw Webb staggering from the blind. An effort was made to carry him somewhere where assistance could be had, but he died in a short while. According to the information given the deputy coroner, Monroe was sitting with the revolver in his hands. The gun was discharged accidentally, the ball entering Webb's jaw and coming out at the neck. The body was taken over by Deputy Coroner Bauer, who will conduct an inquest. Webb was a son of Donald Webb, 2707 College avenue, and leaves several brothers and sisters.


WEBB, GEORGE M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17, 1913
Car Inspector for Illinois Terminal Railroad
George M. Webb, aged 64, car inspector for the Illinois Terminal, died at his home, 1228 East Second street, Monday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock from apoplexy. He was stricken with a cerebral hemorrhage June 7, and had been unconscious part of the time since then. Paralysis caused his death. He had lived in Alton about twenty years. Mr. Webb leaves beside his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Flora Wasser and Mrs. Tillie Schreiber, both of St. Louis, and two stepchildren, Mrs. George Harr and Nathan Holmes. He leaves also eight grandchildren. The funeral will be Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family home.


WEBB, JAMES (JUDGE)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1850
County Court Judge; Pioneer of Onondaga County, NY
Died on Wednesday, August 20, at Alton, Illinois, the Hon. James Webb, aged 68 years. Judge Webb was born in the State of Connecticut and immigrated to Onondaga County, New York, in the year 1800(?). He was among the first of the pioneers who settled that county. He soon became prominent, and during a residence there of thirty years, he held rank among men who were the most prominent and influential in that State. When the great scheme of constructing the Erie Canal through New York was before the Legislature, he, as a member of that body, gave the measure his influence and support. After that period, he filled the office of County Judge for many years, and for twenty-three years held the office of Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, though many political changes occurred within that time. He immigrated with his family to Illinois in 1832(?), where he has since resided. In this State, he was also favored with office by the people.

In public office, Judge Webb always maintained a character for strict integrity, for clear perception of duty, for great firmness, and for prominences to promote the interest of his constituents, and to perform what they had a right to demand. He was highly endowed with the social qualities which always made him agreeable in any society. This made him a favorite. As a citizen, he faithfully performed all the obligations imposed on him by the government or society. In his domestic relations, he was kind and affectionate, as a husband and parent. Alas! He is now gone to the place appointed for all the living. Yet, his memory will remain with a sensation of pleasure, while rising on the ____ which his presence gave to the social circle, and with regret at the thought that he who was once so cheerful and active, and so energetic, Is now mouldering in death.

Source: Syracuse, New York Daily Standard, September 25, 1850
Died, at Alton, Ill., on the 20th of August, James Webb, aged 68 years, formerly a resident of Onondaga, and one of the first settlers of that town.

Judge Webb married Deborah Lorin March (1784-1851). They had at least one child – Helen Webb Wheaton (1809-1887). The Judge is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


WEBB, JESSE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 9, 1897
Jesse, a three-month’s old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webb of Elm Street, was found dead in bed Friday morning on the arm of its mother. The child had been awake at about 3 o’clock and nursed, and the mother then went to sleep. When Mrs. Webb awoke at 6:30, she placed her hand on the child’s head and noticed that it was somewhat cold, and the little one did not respond to her touch as it usually did. Taking the baby in her arms, she carried it downstairs to the husband, and it was soon seen that its life had gone, although the body was still warm.

The child had been subject to fits of strangulation, and probably died in one of those spells, as its little hands were clenched tightly. Dr. Yerkes, who was called in, said that death probably resulted from this cause. The baby had been unwell for two weeks, but the parents did not think it was anything serious. Coroner Bailey held an inquest over the body, and the jury returned a verdict of death from accidental strangulation of convulsions.


WEBB, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1877
We have the painful duty of announcing the death of one of our respected fellow citizens, Mr. John Webb, who died March 29, after a lingering illness of four or five weeks. He has been a resident of our city for many years, and leaves numerous friends and acquaintances who will miss his friendly face and pleasant greeting. We believe he leaves no family.


WEBB, MARTHA M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 26, 1911
Mrs. Martha M. Webb, aged 78, widow of William W. Webb, died at her home, 1710 Belle street Saturday afternoon after a long illness with dropsy and asthma. Mrs. Webb had been such a sufferer from asthma she had not been able to sleep in bed for a long time and was obliged to get her rest in a reclining chair. She was the mother of Ralph and Eugene Webb, Mrs. Newton Jones and Mrs. Buckley. Her husband died many years ago in Alton, and Mrs. Webb had been a resident here almost all her life. The funeral was this afternoon from the home on Belle street, Rev. Arthur Goodger of St. Paul's Episcopal church officiating. Burial was in the City cemetery. In the death of Mrs. Webb, the Telegraph loses one of its very oldest friends. She had been a reader of the paper since she was a girl, 70 years ago. Her father at that time was a resident of Edwardsville and conducted a hotel. The paper was a visitor in the home of her father, and when she was a girl of eight years Mrs. Webb saw it for the first time. She always said that she read it when it was a weekly paper, and that in later years she read it as a daily paper. Just a few days before her death she continued to enjoy her favorite paper. There are few people who can compare with Mrs. Webb in the length of time of reading the Telegraph, and there are few people who could be said to have been such a steady patron of any paper.


WEBB, SARAH S./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 14, 1897
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Sarah S. Webb, a former resident of Edwardsville, died Sunday morning at the home of Mr. Thomas H. Webb in Granite City. The funeral services were held at St. Andrew’s Church in Edwardsville Tuesday morning, the funeral party coming here in a special car. Dean J. G. Wright of Greenville conducted the service, and interment was in Woodlawn Cemetery. Mrs. Webb was 70 years, 9 months, and 15 days, and had been a resident of Edwardsville for nearly thirty years prior to removing to Granite City two years ago. Two sons, George J. and Thomas H., survive her.


WEBBER, J. E./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 15, 1884
From Bethalto – The funeral of Mr. J. E. Webber, who was killed by lightning last week, was largely attended. The Bethalto Cornet band, of which he was a member, and their teacher, M. E. Beauregard of Bunker Hill, paid their last respects to the departed brother.


WEBBER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 28, 1887
Mr. Joseph Webber, a well-known glass blower, died this morning of consumption at the residence of his brother, Mr. Henry Webber. He was a single man, aged 32 years. He came here from Covington, Kentucky, and has resided here eight years. His friends in the East have been telegraphed, and the time of the funeral will be announced.


WEBBER, SUSANNAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 7, 1919
Mrs. Susannah Weber, wife of Edward K. Webber of Godfrey, died at the family home Sunday evening at ?:30 o'clock after being disabled about one year by paralysis. She suffered from a complication of diseases in the latter part of her illness. She is survived by her husband and eight children. Mrs. Webber was twice married, her first husband being Mr. Lyons, and by him she bore four children: Misses Maude and Nannie Lyons of Godfrey, Rev. Charles Lyons of Elgin, Ill., and William Lyons of Granite City. By her second marriage she had four children: Harry Webber of Sedalia, Mo., Fred Webber of Godfrey, Mrs. Thomas Mulherron of Godfrey, and Philip Webber, who is in the army in Germany. She leaves also six grandchildren. Mrs. Webber was born in Germany, at Langdorff, Hesse Darmstadt, and at the time of her death she was past 66 years of age. During the period of her first marriage she lived at Grafton, but had resided many years at Godfrey. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home, Rev. Green officiating, and burial will be in the Godfrey Cemetery.


WEBBER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 30, 1892
From Fosterburg - At her home north of town, Mrs. John Webber died last Wednesday. She was very old, and had been sick for the past year. The funeral services we4re held at the German M. E. Church, the Rev. Emig officiating. The interment was in the Fosterburg Cemetery. She leaves an aged husband and two grown sons, besides a large number of friends to mourn her death.


WEBBER, VIRGINIA M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 4, 1906
The funeral of Mrs. Virginia M. Webber was held this morning at 10 o'clock from the family home, 108 west Seventh street. Services were conducted by Rev. M. H. Ewers, and burial was in City Cemetery.


WEBER, ADAM/Source: Troy Star, October 26, 1894
Adam Weber, a much-respected citizen of Troy, died Sunday noon at 12 o'clock, aged 80 years, 10 months and 11 days. He was a resident of this vicinity for a score or more of years and had a host of friends. He leaves to mourn his death a number of close relatives. The funeral took place Tuesday morning from the family residence to the Black Jack Presbyterian church, where the last sad services were conducted. One by one the old settlers are passing away.


WEBER, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 8, 1894
From Marine – Mrs. Catherine Weber died Tuesday in her 63rd year. Rev. Father Eggenstein conducted the funeral services at St. Elizabeth’s Church, from whence the remains were taken and laid to rest in the Catholic Cemetery. Deceased had been ill for a long time, and her daughter, who had lived with and cared for her, is very seriously ill.


WEBER, ELIZABETH (nee SUPPIGER)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 11, 1892
Mrs. Elizabeth Weber died in Upper Alton last night, at the residence of her son, Captain Otto Assmann, in her 79th year. Her maiden name was Miss May Suppiger. She was a native of Lucerne, Switzerland. The funeral will take place Saturday. Interment at Highland.


WEBER, FRANK JR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 15, 1919
Auto Hits Street Car
Frank Weber Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weber of the Godfrey road, was fatally injured Saturday night when an automobile driven by Frank Yost, in which he was riding, crashed into a street car at Broadway and Cherry streets. Weber sustained a skull and a jaw fracture, never regaining consciousness. Yost escaped practically unhurt, though hurled out of the car to the pavement. The accident occurred about 10:30 o'clock Saturday night. The two young men, who were the best of friends, were preparing to take a hunting trip and were out in Yost's auto. According to the story told by Yost, he was driving east on Broadway behind a street car. As the car approached Broadway and Cherry, some people stepped out from the sidewalk to stop the car. Yost insists that he attempted to stop the automobile, but says he was unable to get the power shut off. He says that he had to turn to one side or the other of the street car to avoid running into the back end of the car. On the right side were the people standing, waiting to get on board the car, so he made a desperate effort to run around on the left side, taking a chance. As he rounded the car he saw ahead of him another automobile coming to meet him. To avoid running into the oncoming automobile, he made a swing with his own auto and collided with the street car. Weber was sitting on the right side of the auto next to the street car and bore most of the shock of the collision. He was picked up unconscious and taken to the hospital, where his name was ascertained from a letter in his pocket. Relatives were notified and they hurried to the hospital to attend him. It was decided from the first by the surgeons that the young man had little chance to live, owing to a fracture of his skull near the base of the brain. He died about 7 o'clock Sunday evening. Frank Weber was 23 years of age last August 15th. He was born and reared in this vicinity and was a very popular young man, leaving a large number of friends who mourn his death. He leaves beside his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weber, one brother, George, and two sisters, Mrs. Walter Morgenroth and Miss Alvena Weber. The young man was employed on the farm with his father. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from the Cathedral. Interment will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery.


WEBER, GEORGE FRIEDRICH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 25, 1888
From Fosterburg, May 21 – Mr. Weber [spelled Webber in the newspaper], an old and highly-esteemed citizen of Foster Township, passed away Friday, May 18. He leaves a wife and large family, all grown, He was 69 years of age. The family have the heartfelt sympathy of all. [Weber was born in 1819. He was buried in the Fosterburg Cemetery.]


WEBER, GERTRUDE BARBARA/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19, 1896
Gertrude Barbara, the six-year-old daughter of Mr. Ed Weber of Godfrey, died yesterday from scarlet fever. The funeral will be this afternoon.

Source: Alton Telegraph, March 26, 1896
From Godfrey – The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weber deeply sympathize with them in the loss of their little six-year-old daughter, Gertrude, who died last Wednesday morning after a brief illness of three days.


WEBER, JULIUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 4, 1893
From Glen Carbon – On last Thursday the funeral of Julius Weber of Glen Carbon, formerly of Lincoln, Illinois, was largely attended. He leaves a widow and three sons. He was in his 41st year.


WEBER, KATE/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 6, 1865
Last night, a girl by the name of Kate Weber, living in the family of Mr. T. Cansell, was fatally burned in the following manner. She has been subject to fits, and generally retired to her room before the family did so, but on this occasion was left by Mrs. Cansell downstairs. It is supposed that shortly after being left, she took a fit and upset the light, thus setting her clothes on fire, and on recovering from her fit, she ran upstairs screaming, and then into her own room, and threw herself on the bed, setting fire to it also. Mrs. Cansell went to her assistance, and with the aid of a man who was passing, succeeded in smothering the flames, but not until the sufferer was burned beyond all hopes of recovery.


WEBER, KATHARINA M./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 23, 1891
Mrs. Fred Weber of Fosterburg died of heart disease yesterday; aged 63 years. [Burial was in the Fosterburg Cemetery.]


WEBER, LULU A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 27, 1906
Mrs. Lulu A., wife of Edmond J. Weber, died this morning at her home, 201 E. Thirteenth street, after an illness following the birth of a child a few weeks ago. She is survived by her husband and four small children, and numerous other relatives in Foster township. The funeral arrangements are not complete, but the burial will probably be Thursday at Fosterburg.


WEBER, PHILIP J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30, 1920
Philip J. Weber died at his home, 717 Linden avenue, at 7:45 o'clock this morning after a three weeks illness, in his 60th year. His wife and all of his children were present at the time of his death. He leaves his wife, five sons: Fred, Arthur, Gustave, Oscar and Ernest; and two daughters, Lillian and Estella. He leaves also two sisters, Louisa and Mary, of Edwardsville, and three brothers, Edward, William and Fred Weber. He was a faithful member of the Grace Methodist church from which church the funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.


WEBER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 1, 1906
Baby Christened Beside Mother's Casket
At the funeral of Mrs. Edwin J. Weber, held Friday morning from the family home to the German Methodist church, there was an unusual incident at the home before the funeral party started for the church. The two months old child of Mrs. Weber was christened Raymond Lewis Weber, beside the casket of the mother as she had requested before her death. The mother gave the child the name, knowing she was about to die, and the father, in compliance with her wishes, had the christening done in the presence of the body of the mother before it was taken to the church for the funeral services. Rev. Mr. Eitelgeorge officiated at the christening.


WEBSTER, BENJAMIN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 23, 1887
Mr. Benjamin Webster, an esteemed and valued citizen of Godfrey, died at his residence in Godfrey yesterday afternoon, after a protracted illness. Mr. Webster was a native of Londonderry, New Hampshire, born in 1809. At an early age he removed to Boston, Massachusetts, where he remained until 1836, when he came to Alton. He remained here but a short time, locating in St. Louis in the Fall of 1836, where he resided until 1851, when he moved to Godfrey, which has since been his home. He was postmaster of that place for many years, and prominent in all local affairs. His life was one of uprightness and integrity, and he ever retained the confidence and affection of his fellow citizens.

He was a man of strong convictions and superior abilities, a kind neighbor, a warm friend, and a leader in all religious and benevolent enterprises. He lived an honorable and useful life, and dies lamented by all who knew him. His wife, Rhoda Abbot Webster, survives him. He also leaves one son, Hon. B. F. Webster, a prominent lawyer of St. Louis, and a member of the Missouri State Senate; and a daughter, Mrs. Judge Dennison, of St. Louis.

Children of Benjamin and Rhoda Webster were: Eliza Bourne Webster (1837-1838); Emma Abbot Webster (1839-1839); Charles A. Abbot Webster (1842-1842); Emma Abbott Webster Denison (1843-1922; wife of Judge Denison); Charles A. Abbott Webster (1848-1850); and Horace Bourne Webster (1850-1851).


Ezra Griswold Webster and his brother, Amason Webster.WEBSTER, EZRA GRISWOLD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28 & 30, 1902
Upper Alton Merchant; Illinois Legislator
Upper Alton News - Mr. Ezra Griswold Webster died at his residence here at 9:30 p.m. Monday, at the age of 78 years. He had been a sufferer for some time with a complication of chronic diseases which was followed by senile gangrene in one of his feet. Owing to his advanced age and weakened condition, the gangrene progressed steadily to a fatal termination. His family was all with him through his last illness. On Thursday morning between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock all friends of the deceased and of the family will be given an opportunity to view the remains at the family home. The funeral and interment will be private.

Ezra Griswold Webster was born at Columbus, Ohio, September 8, 1823, and died at Upper Alton, January 27, 1902, at the age of 78. He was the fifth son of John Webster and Lydia Steadman of Connecticut, who emigrated to the Scioto Valley, Ohio, in 1814, the seventh in lineal descent from Governor John Webster of Connecticut, who, coming from England, settled in that colony in the year 1630. The family was numerous and widely scattered, and include a few illustrious names, notably that of Noah Webster, the lexicographer, who was a cousin of Ezra Webster's grandfather.

A religious home, the pioneer district school and an academy at Delaware, Ohio, furnished Mr. Webster's education. At the age of 16 he was thrown on his own resources, endowed with good health, energy and high moral instincts. Having learned the trade of cutting shoes, he worked at this for many years in Cincinnati, Marietta, Philadelphia, New York City and Woonsocket Falls, Rhode Island. In 1857, he relinquished his position as foreman in a shoe factory at Philadelphia, and came to Peoria County, Illinois, to take care of an invalid brother. Here, he engaged in business as a merchant, and took a leading part in political affairs, serving in local offices repeatedly, and in 1872 was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives. In party affiliation he was at first a Whig, and then a Republican. His most important work in the Legislature was promoting laws to prohibit the sale of diseased meat for food. The first iron bridge in Peoria County was constructed through his efforts, and it is believed that the first barbed wire fencing in Madison County was erected by him on a farm near Godfrey, to which he moved in 1875.

In 1880, Ezra moved to Upper Alton, and was engaged first in the manufacture of cigars, and later in the business of a merchant, which occupied him continuously for the next twenty years, excepting an interval of two years when he again conducted a farm in Franklin County, Illinois. He retired from the active management of his business a few years previous to his death.

Webster was married at Elmore, Peoria County, Illinois, to Sarah Elizabeth Day (1840-1922), who survives him. Four of his eight children are living, and were with him when he died, namely:

Mr. Park Sedgwick Webster (1865-1930), who operated a grocery store in Upper Alton
Miss Rita S. Webster (1854-1925)
Mrs. Genevieve Webster White Herdina (1878-1951, wife of Thomas S. White who died in 1905. She remarried to Joseph Herdina)
Mrs. Clara E. Titterington of Jerseyville, wife of Dr. D. B. Titterington, whose son is the only grandchild.
A son, Paul Ezra Webster, died in 1890 at the age of 20.

Two brothers, Rev. John Webster, formerly of Upper Alton; and Amason Webster of Columbus, Ohio; and one sister, Mrs. Mary J. Waver of Montezuma, Iowa; all above eighty years of age, have preceded him to the final rest within the last decade. One sister, Mrs. Cynthia L. Ingalls, the youngest of the family, still lives near the old home at West Jefferson, Ohio, in the 75th year of her age.

Funeral services were held this afternoon at the family home. Rev. Mr. Waggoner, an old friend of the deceased, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Waterman, conducted the services which were simple and short. The pallbearers were Messrs. Mark Dickson, John Convery, James L. Johnson, Louis Erhler, John Leverett and J. T. Atchison. Interment was at Oakwood Cemetery.

The southwest corner of College and Washington Avenues in Upper Alton originally belonged to Ezra Webster, who operated a general store there. He sold out to Kittinger, who continued operating the store. William A. Clark bought the property and established a drugstore. He constructed the Ouatoga Theater and Hall just to the south of the corner. In 1914, he rented the property to the S. B. Kerr Drugstore, who operated there until 1935, when the Kerr Drugstore moved to 2512 College Avenue. After 1935, the corner property was owned by various businesses, including Helen Kay Beauty Shop, Thies Dry Goods, and Fashion Lane (opened in 1959). The building was torn down in 1997 to make way for Walgreens.

John Webster, a great-grandfather of Ezra Webster, was an early colonial settler in New England, who served one term as Governor of the Colony of Connecticut in 1656.


WEBSTER, PAUL EZRA/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1890
Son of Ezra Griswold Webster Killed by Train
Michael Delaney, while patrolling the track of the Chicago & Alton “Cut Off” was horrified to find pieces of human flesh and bones scattered profusely in his path. He walked on up the track, about twenty yards, and there he found, lying between the rails, the body of a man, cold in death, terribly mutilated and minus several of its members. For two rail lengths beyond, flesh, limbs and brains were found, but the face was comparatively uninjured. The trackman was so scared and horrified by the sight, that he stayed not upon the order of his going, but went at once to seek assistance. A large number of people soon flocked to the scene, and the body was identified as that of Paul Webster, aged about nineteen years, son of Mr. Ezra G. Webster, merchant in Upper Alton. The nature of the catastrophe made immediate action necessary. Coroner Bonner could not possibly arrive until late in the evening, and Justice of the Peace Murphy of Upper Alton accordingly impaneled a jury to investigate the affair.

The verdict of this jury was that he was killed on the Chicago & Alton “Cut Off” about two miles north of Upper Alton, while attempting to board a train in motion, or by being struck by a passing train. And the jury further found that he was thus killed between 10 o’clock p.m. Saturday and 7:30 a.m. Sunday. The evidence showed that the boy left Upper Alton shortly before 10 o’clock Saturday night; that when last seen alive he was walking without a companion towards the place where his dead body was found, and that he expressed an intention to leave his home that night, never to return.

Friends took charge of the remains and removed them to the family home of deceased, on Manning Street, when whence the funeral took place today. Mr. E. G. Webster, the father of the deceased, has long been a respected citizen of Upper Alton, and the sympathy of the entire community is with him and his stricken family.

Paul Ezra Webster was born August 27, 1870, in Elmore, Peoria County, Illinois. He was the son of Ezra Griswold Webster (1823-1902) and Sarah Elizabeth Dey Webster (1840-1922). Paul was buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


WEBSTER, RHODA A. (nee ABBOT)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 7, 1897
Civil War Nurse
Mrs. Rhoda A. Webster died at her home in Godfrey Saturday, at the age of 82 years. Mrs. Webster was the widow of the late Benjamin Webster, a well-known farmer, and long-time resident of Godfrey, and who died many years ago. Mrs. Webster was a lady of rare intelligence and high character. She has conducted the home farm since her husband’s death, with business tact and success. Her long residence in Godfrey made her a familiar figure both in the country and in Alton. She came with her husband, the late Benjamin Webster, from Rockingham County, New Hampshire, to Madison County, in 1851, and settled in Godfrey. During the Civil War, she took deep interest in its progress, and was an ardent and intense sympathizer in the cause of the Union. She entered the sanitary commission, and became a nurse in the hospitals in the department of the Mississippi, and rendered service to the inmates of the hospitals of inestimable value. Letters, from the seat of war, published in the Telegraph at the time, gave strong testimony to the character of the work performed by Mrs. Webster. While many of the nurses in the hospitals have been pensioned, Mrs. Webster never received remuneration. She left her home in Godfrey in a patriotic and good Samaritan spirit, and devoted her talents to ameliorating the sufferings of the boys in blue in the hospitals. The late Dr. George T. Allen of Alton, who was Surgeon General of the department, gave unqualified testimony to the worth and work of Mrs. Webster.

Two children survive Mrs. Webster – Mr. B. F. Webster of Webster Grove, Missouri, and Mrs. George Denison, widow of the late Judge Denison of St. Louis. Her grandson, Mr. Harry W. Denison, has for many years lived with Mrs. Webster at the old homestead at Godfrey. Mrs. Webster has for some time been in quite feeble health, and her demise was not unexpected.

The funeral of Mrs. Rhoda A. Webster took place Monday afternoon. The services were held at the Webster homestead in Godfrey, and were conducted by Rev. Robert C. Denison of Janesville, Wisconsin, a grandson of the deceased lady. There was present a large assembly of neighbors and acquaintances from the vicinity of Godfrey, as well as a numerous delegation of friends from this city, who had known and appreciated Mrs. Webster in her lifetime, and testified their respect for her memory in the only way possible to them to do. The young minister and grandson paid a just and fitting tribute to the deceased. He had known her life and work, and in a tender and touching manner gave honor and credit to a life well spent, to a work well done. The interment was in the family burying ground, beside her husband, who passed away some ten years ago. Mrs. Webster was among the last of the old familiar faces of the pioneers, whose sturdy integrity, intelligence, and industry have given Godfrey a name that is appreciated far and near. The pallbearers were old friends from Godfrey and Alton.

From Godfrey, Alton Telegraph, October 7, 1897
In the death of Mrs. R. A. Webster on Saturday, October 02, this community has lost one of the most active and well-known residents, who for more than forty years was connected with all the interests of the place. Her late husband, Mr. Benjamin Webster, in his capacity as a builder, erected the new south wing of the first Seminary in 1854, and also many other structures, which evinced his skill. After a useful and active life, his death occurred in February 1887. Mrs. Webster’s funeral took place from her late residence on Monday, October 4, the services being conducted by her grandson, Rev. Robert C. Denison, now pastor of the Congregational Church in Janesville, Wisconsin. A large number of her relatives and friends assembled to pay the last sad rites.

Rhoda A. Abbot was born in Vermont in 1815. She married in 1834 to Benjamin Webster (1810-1887), a native of New Hampshire, who came to Alton in 1836. Rhoda and Benjamin had the following children: Benjamin Franklin Webster (1834-1903); Eliza Bourne Webster (1837-1838); Emma Abbot Webster (1839-1839); Charles A. Abbot Webster (1842-1842); Emma Abbott Webster Denison (1843-1922); Charles A. Abbot Webster (1848-1850); and Horace Bourne Webster (1850-1851). Rhoda was interred in the Godfrey Cemetery.


WEBSTER, SARAH E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16, 1922
Mrs. Sarah E. Webster, widow of Ezra Webster, died at 11:40 o'clock this morning at her home, 1323 Washington avenue, after an illness of six days with pneumonia. Few friends knew that the aged woman was seriously ill and were shocked to learn of her death. She was 81 years of age. Mrs. Webster was born in Warren County, New Jersey, and came to Illinois in 1849. In 1880 she came to Alton and has resided here since that time. She was the mother of four children, Miss Rita Webster, a retired school teacher; Park S. Webster, who for many years conducted a grocery store in Upper Alton; Mrs. Clara Kitterington of St. Louis; and Mrs. Genevieve Herdina of this city. Last November Mrs. Webster celebrated her eightieth birthday with a family reunion. At that time, Mrs. Webster and three sisters from distant points were together for the last time. Mrs. Webster was one of Upper Alton's best known residents and was beloved by all who knew her. Until the debility of age confined her to her home, Mrs. Webster was an active worker in the College Avenue Baptist Church. No funeral arrangements had been completed at a late hour this afternoon.


WEBSTER, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 12, 1906
An infant child of Roy Webster on Hampton street died this morning from dysentery.


WEDEL, ADAM SR./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 28, 1881
Adam Wedel Sr. died Friday night at the age of 64 years. He had been a citizen of Alton for over 25 years. He leaves a widow, one son, and many friends to mourn his death. He was a member of Erwin Lodge, I.O.O.F. The funeral took place from his late residence on Sixth, between Oak and Walnut Streets.


WEDEL, ANNA/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 3, 1888
Died in Alton on May 3 of lung fever, Anna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wedel; aged two years and nine days. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the family residence on Sixth Street, between Oak and Walnut. Friends are invited to attend.


WEDEL, MAGDALENA L./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 28, 1889
Mrs. M. L. Wedel, a native of Germany, for over 30 years a resident of Alton, died yesterday at the residence of her son, Mr. Adam Wedel; aged 68 years. She suffered long and patiently from a complication of painful diseases. Funeral took place Sunday afternoon from Mr. Adam Wedel’s residence, Sixth Street, between Oak and Walnut Streets. Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.


WEDEPOHL, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 2, 1887
Little Caroline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Wedepohl of New Douglas, died on January 25, aged 11 years. Mr. and Mrs. Wedepohl were formerly of Bethalto. The sad news was received by their friends in Bethalto with much regret.


WEDEPOHL, THEODORE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 25, 1919
The funeral of Theodore Wedepohl, who died in Mount St. Rose's Hospital, St. Louis, was this morning from the home of a sister, Mrs. James Monaghan, to St. Patrick's church, where solemn high requiem mass was sung. The Rev. Fr. F. B. Kehoe was celebrant with Fathers Dailey and Costello deacon and sub-deacon, respectively. Interment was in Greenwood cemetery, where services were conducted by Father Dailey. The pall bearers were Fred Clifford, James Gilmartin, John Gilmartin, Jack Fingleton, John Degnan and Edward Schulte.


WEED, MARTHA/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 7, 1890
Mrs. Martha Weed, mother of Mrs. B. B. Browning, died Thursday in her 79th year. Death was undoubtedly caused from general debility. Mrs. Weed has been a resident of Alton since 1834, possibly at the time of her death she had lived longer in Alton than any other resident. The funeral took place Saturday from the family residence, 819 East Fifth Street. The interment was at Girard, going on the 9:15 a.m. train.


WEEDEN, DOROTHY LUCILLE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30, 1918
Dorothy Lucille Weeden, the infant daughter of Albert Weeden, colored, died Saturday night at the family home, 2808 Hazel street, from bronchial pneumonia. The funeral services were held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, and the burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.


WEEDEN, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 16, 1903
The two weeks old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Weeden, colored, died at the home in Salu last night. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.


WEEKS, ARCHIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 19, 1900
Shot by Officer in Self-Defense
Special Officer H. H. Sattgast, for the C. & A. at Godfrey, shot and instantly killed a negro named Archie Weeks at Godfrey Sunday evening at 5:40 o'clock, in self-defense. The bullet fired by the officer struck in the right nostril of the negro and penetrated his brain. The shooting was provoked by Weeks, who drew a gun first on the train brakeman and then on Officer Sattgast, at whom he snapped the revolver twice before Sattgast fired the fatal shot. Weeks was accompanied by another negro, Robert T. Lee, formerly of Alton, who was released from custody after the Coroner's inquest, and is still in Alton. According to Lee's story, the two met at Brooklyn crossing yesterday and climbed aboard the C. & A. freight train, No. 55, for a ride to Alton. At Mitchell, the train brakeman ordered Lee and Weeks off the flat car upon which they were riding, and Weeks drew a revolver on the brakeman as he left the train. When the train started again, the two negroes climbed aboard and refused to get off. At Wann, a message was sent to Officer Sattgast, instructing him to arrest the negroes when the train arrived at Godfrey. As the train pulled in at the south end of the Godfrey yards, Sattgast was waiting, but the two negroes jumped and ran. When ordered to stop, Weeks did so, and when the officer was within twelve feet of him, the negro drew his revolver, and pointing it at the officer, snapped the trigger, but the weapon misfired. Sattgast ordered him to drop his gun, and the negro again snapped the trigger, the weapon failing to discharge as before. The officer then fired one shot that instantly killed the man. Lee says he never met Weeks until yesterday. The only clue to the man's identity is the name scribbled on a piece of paper in his pocket. Lee's testimony before the Coroner's jury confirms Sattgast's statement of the shotting. Coroner Bailey held an inquest and the jury found a verdict of justifiable homicide. The body is being held by the Coroner.


WEEKS, JOSEPH H. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 13, 1906
Civil War Veteran, Prisoner at Andersonville
Captain Joseph H. Weeks of Upper Alton died this afternoon at his home after forty years of invalidism due to injuries and disease, which had their beginning while he was serving in the army during the Civil War. He had been at death's door for many months, but showed a wonderful vitality that surprised everyone. He was 70 years of age.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 14, 1906
The funeral of Captain Joseph H. Weeks will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home in Upper Alton, and will be private. The services will be conducted by Rev. Dr. J. C. C. Clarke, Rev. Dr. L. A. Abbott, and Rev. W. H. Bradley. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery. Joseph H. Weeks was born January 25, 1836 in New York City, the son of Harvey and Sophia (Waterbury) Weeks. His father was a soldier in the War of 1812. Capt. Weeks' mother was born in New York City, June 18, 1800, and died at his home in Upper Alton, October 2, 1891. He received his early education in the public schools of Brooklyn, N. Y. After leaving school, he learned the carpenter's trade. In 1857 he came west, stopping first at Virden, and in 1860 he came to Upper Alton. Mr. Weeks enlisted in Company F, 32nd Illinois Infantry, September 1, 1861, being mustered into service at Camp butler, Illinois as second sergeant. On January 31, 1862 his regiment was ordered to Cairo, Illinois, where it was one of the few comprising Grant's army of the Tennessee. Two months later he was appointed color sergeant, having in the meantime been assigned to the first brigade, Fourth division, under General Hurlburt. Then came the battle of Shiloh, in which of his Color Guard of seven men, six were either killed or wounded. The weary months that followed are matters of history, and Mr. Weeks experienced no less hardships than the others. January 2, 1864 he re-enlisted at Nachez, Mississippi, and in February came home on a brief veteran's furlough. Rejoining his regiment, he participated in the Georgia campaign under McPherson. He was commissioned First Lieutenant to date from September 2, 1864. On October 28th, while in advance of his company who were on the skirmish line, he was cut off and taken prisoner and sent to Andersonville. Here he suffered the tortures of prison life for seven months. On his return to the Union lines he was a mere skeleton, almost blind and with limbs crippled with scurvy. Having spent some months in the hospital, he joined his regiment in Washington. His command was ordered to Louisville, St. Louis, and finally to Fort Leavenworth, where he received his commission as Captain, dated July 5, and on September 16, 1865, with his regiment, he was mustered out and returned to his home in Upper Alton. Captain Weeks was married October 4, 1865 to Miss Martha L. Mills, daughter of Rev. B. H. Mills of Upper Alton. She died February 9, 1869, leaving one son, Charles H., who survives his father and was with him during his last illness. Capt. Weeks was married at Jerseyville, April 1, 1873 to Miss Martha M. McGill, daughter of Thomas McGill. They have had six children, of whom three are now living: Harvey E. of Davenport, Iowa, Martha E., and Frederick T. of Upper Alton. Captain Weeks was appointed postmaster at Upper Alton, January 30, 1877, and held the office until 1885, when he was removed by a change of administration. He was re-appointed April 29, 1889 by Postmaster-General Wanamaker. On March 24, 1890, the office being raised to the third class, he was commissioned by President Harrison for four years, retiring from the office May 31, 1894, having served as postmaster for thirteen years. Captain Weeks has long been a faithful member of the Baptist church. For many years he has been a deacon in the Upper Alton church. His life in the community has been that of a Christian gentleman. His official record is one of which any man might well be proud. He has always been ready to respond to calls of distress, wherever the need. His last years have been full of physical distress and pain, but he has borne all with a wonderful patience and resignation. He has rounded out a life of devotion to his God, his family, and his country, and leaves a fragrant memory behind him.


WEEKS, LYDIA “LYDDY” FRANCIS/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 14, 1894
Sunday evening, Mrs. Lydia Weeks died. She was without doubt the oldest person in Alton. She would have been 93 years of age on July 26, and had been a resident of Alton for fifty years. Death was due to old age. She came here from North Carolina with a large family of children, one of whom, Mrs. Ellen Lake, still survives her. She leaves the one daughter, six grandchildren, and fifteen great-grandchildren. Another daughter, Elizabeth A. Weeks Bailey died in 1886.

Lydia Weeks was born July 26, 1801, in North Carolina. She was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


WEEKS, MARY J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1919
The funeral of Mrs. Mary J. Weeks took place yesterday. She died at Bethalto, at the age of 78, and her body was taken to Edwardsville for burial. She was the widow of George Weeks.


WEEKS, NORA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 30, 1910
School Girl Killed by Train
Nora Weeks, the 13 year old daughter of Richard Weeks of Oldenburg, was killed Friday evening by the C. And A. Prairie State Express train near Lakeview, while going home from school with her 11-year-old sister, Nellie. It is said the children were walking on the track, and the younger one noticed the train approaching, she had time to step off but the older girl did not move quick enough and was hit by the train, which was running at a high rate of speed. The child's skull was fractured, both legs and one arm broken. It is supposed she died instantly. The train was stopped and men who were nearby carried the body of the child home. Coroner Streeper was notified, and held an inquest today. John Dillon, one of the interurban employees who witnessed the accident, said that the men with him noticed the danger of the children and shouted to them, but only one got off the track. The girls were carrying their school books, as yesterday was the last day of school, with them, and were going home happy in anticipation of starting in on their vacation. The men who witnessed the tragedy were so filled with grief that they declare they cannot soon forget the horrible sight of the child being struck by the train.


WEEKS, SOPHIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 30, 1890
Mrs. Sophia Weeks died Saturday night at the residence of her son, Captain Joseph H. Weeks, aged 90 years. Mrs. Weeks has made her home with her son for a number of years past, and while the growing decrepitude of age shut her off more and more from active participation in current events, she has ever been beloved by all who knew her for the earnest Christian spirit that remembered in prayer those interests for which for so many years she had labored. “Those also serve who only stand and wait.” At a ripe old age, she passed peacefully away. The funeral services were conducted from the house Monday, Rev. W. Green, pastor of the Baptist Church, officiating.


WEEKS, UNKNOWN CHILD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 20, 1887
Captain and Mrs. J. H. Weeks have abundant sympathy in the loss of their youngest child, a beautiful boy of eight years, which occurred Wednesday, from dropsy, following scarlet fever. The burial was private today. They still have two children down with the same fever.


WEEKS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 14, 1903
Mrs. George Weeks died Wednesday evening at her home in Yager Park after an illness of about two weeks. She was 53 years old and leaves a husband and five children. The Weeks were quarantined recently, as all the family had smallpox, but no deaths resulted from that disease. The funeral of Mrs. Weeks will take place tomorrow afternoon.


WEERTS, WEERT W./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 9, 1880
Died in Alton, Monday, December 6, 1880, of typhoid pneumonia, Weert W. Weerts, a native of Filsum amt. Fickhauzen, Hanover, at the age of 55 years.


WEGENER, ALEXANDER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 1, 1920
Stone Mason; Contractor; Alderman
Alexander Wegener, one of Alton's best known citizens, died at his home, 1005 Pearl Street, Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, after an illness of one year. Death was due to weakness of old age. He had been failing in strength ever since the death of his wife, who died eight years ago. The aged man never got over grieving over his lost mate, to whom he had been married forty years at the time of her death. He had married her in Alton. She was Lena Vonnahman. When nineteen years of age he came to Alton from Germany, sixty years ago, and he had lived here continuously since that time. He was a native of Westphalia, Germany, and grew up to young manhood there. Mr. Wegener was one of the best stone contractors in Alton. He was known as a skilled workman, and he built some fine jobs of stone masonry which are pointed to with pride by their owners. He operated a quarry for a long time in connection with his contracting business. One of his monuments is the foundation of St. Mary's church, but there are numerous others in the city that are examples of high class workmanship. He retired from active work about six years ago because of failing health. He was much worse in the last year and his condition had been declining rapidly the last few months. He leaves five daughters, Misses Anniem Mary and Clara Wegener of Alton, Mrs. Joseph Davis of Milwaukee and Miss Sophia Wegener of El Paso, Tex. He leaves also four sons, Alexander, Henry, Frank, all of Alton, and John of Savannah, Ga. Mr. Wegener served as alderman in the city council several terms. His first attempt at political honors returned him a victor by one majority over his competitor. Averring that one was as good as thousand if it was on his side, Mr. Wegener took office. He took an active part in city affairs, and was, in his way, a good alderman. His knowledge of how to do work very valuable to the city. He was once a candidate for mayor, but was defeated. Years ago his right to vote was attacked after he held office for years. The record of his naturalization in Alton was lost, but Mr. Wegener was saved from criminal prosecution by the rare chances of his finding the men who had been his witnesses many years before. They appeared in court and testified that they had served as witnesses for him at his naturalization, and so new papers were issued to him by the then presiding judge. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock from St. Patrick's church, and interment will be in St. Joseph's cemetery.


WEGENER, CAROLINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 27, 1913
Mrs. Caroline Wegener, wife of Alexander Wegener, aged 58, died Sunday morning at the family home, 1005 Pearl street, after a long illness from nervous prostration. Mrs. Wegener had been sick six months and last Friday she suffered a stroke of paralysis which proved fatal. She was born at Wood Station, and was 58 years of age. She was married in Alton forty years ago at St. Mary's church, and had been a member of that church the entire forty years. She was the mother of twelve children, nine of whom survive her. It was one of the sources of her greatest pride that she had been the mother of twelve children, and she frequently referred to that fact. The children who survive here are: F. A., Henry, Annie, Mary, Clara, Gertrude, John, Sophie and Frank Wegener, all living in Alton. She leaves also three brothers, John Vonahmen of Wood Station, Frank Wolf of Fosterburg, Joseph Wolf of the state of Washington, and three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Spurgeon, Mrs. Annie Mahler of Alton, and Mrs. Rose Bange of Liberty Prairie. The funeral will be at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning from St. Mary's church.


WEGENER, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8, 1908
Seventeen-Year-Old Drowns at Hop Hollow
Joseph, the 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Wegener of North and Pearl streets was drowned in the Mississippi river at Hop Hollow about 2 o'clock, Labor Day, while swimming with a party of friends. The passing of the excursion steamer, City of Providence, was responsible for the accident. No one on the steamer knew of the drowning and the boat did not stop. With Ernest Fitzgerald, Leo Mahler, and Henry Elfgen, young Wegener had gone to Hop Hollow on foot Monday morning to spend the day fishing. The boys went in swimming after the noon hour. At that point the water is shallow and it is necessary to wade a long distance to get out to deep water. The water was low, and at that place it is necessary for the excursion steamer to make a sharp turn to cross the river and it was the close passing and turning of the boat that drew young Wegener off his feet and carried him out into deep water. He was drowned in the sight of his companions who tried to render help but failed, and Leo Mahler too had a narrow escape from drowning. The boys sought the aid of a fisherman who was nearby, and he got out lines and dragging for the body was started. The body was recovered and was brought back to Alton about 6 o'clock. It was taken to the family home on North street later in the evening. The young men were bathing in the river, they say, Wegener suggested that they go out as far as possible and wait for the Providence. The others stayed back and warned him not to go too far out, as they feared the waves of the boat would dash over him and drown him. He kept crying out, "Come on boys it's fun," and as the Providence hove in sight and the waves kept getting higher and higher on him, he cried out for joy. The others, although better swimmers than he, stayed closer in calling to him to come to shore. Finally the waves began rushing over Wegener's head, and a giant white cap knocked him under. Elfgen, who could swim fairly well, swam to his assistance as he cried out for help. He grabbed him and sank with him. Elfgen had a hard fight trying to save the drowning boy, but finally got disentangled from him and turned toward the shore, having barely strength enough to make it. The other two boys got a boat and hurried out, but they could see nothing of Wegener. They then gave up hope of doing anything as they could not swim, and rowed away to a fisherman's camp and got several men to help them. The body was recovered after a two hours' search with nets and hooks. Elfgen remained with the searchers while the other two ran to Alton to tell the news. When they returned to the scene the body had been recovered. It was brought down in a skiff and then taken home in a wagon by Henry Klunk. The young man was very industrious and was a good worker. He was employed at the Ginter-Wardein planing mill. The inquest will probably be held this evening. The funeral has been set for Wednesday at 9 o'clock at St. Mary's church. The burial will be in St. Joseph's cemetery.


WEGENER, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 6, 1909
Mrs. Mary Wegener, aged 43 years, died Thursday morning at St. Joseph's hospital from the effects of a surgical operation performed several days ago for the relief of a complication of troubles, bowel and stomach. The funeral services will be held Saturday morning from St. Mary's Catholic church, and burial will be in St. Joseph's cemetery. Her husband, Theodore Wegener, was sexton of St. Joseph's cemetery and died a little over a year ago after submitting to a surgical operation for another cause than the one for which his wife was operated upon. He left his wife and six children, some of these being very small, but Mrs. Wegener and the children continued in charge of the cemetery and did the work well until her condition became so bad, about two months ago, as to cause a complete cessation of work on her part and shortly afterwards caused her to enter the hospital. She has many relatives in Alton and numerous friends, and her brave fight against fate and for her children's welfare following the death of Mr. Wegener won for her the esteem and admiration of all citizens acquainted with the conditions. The children, since the mother entered the hospital, have been cared for by her brothers and other relatives.


WEGENER, THEODORE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 23, 1908
Sexton of St. Joseph's Cemetery
Theodore Wegener, aged 42, died at St. Joseph's hospital Saturday night from tetanus. Lockjaw set in after a surgical operation to relieve some malignant tumors which had been causing him trouble on his neck. He was sexton of St. Joseph's cemetery since last October. His illness antedated his taking the employment in the cemetery, according to Mrs. Wegener. It was decided that his only means of relief would be by means of a surgical operation, but he was unable to stand it. He leaves his wife and six children. He was a nephew of former alderman Alexander Wegener. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning from St. Mary's church at 9:30 o'clock.


WEHR, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18, 1904
George Wehr died at his residence in Yager Park yesterday at 2:30 o'clock, aged 57 years. His wife alone survives him. A brother and sister live in Chicago. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.


WEIBLING, WALDO FISHER/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 1, 1889
Thursday evening, July 25, brought to friends and neighbors the sorrowful message that their little friend, Waldo Fisher Weibling, had closed his eyes forever on the scenes of life. Waldo was taken sick the evening previous to his death. Anxious relatives and physicians did all in their power to relieve the little sufferer, but God called him home. Friday afternoon, a large number of relatives and friends met at the home of Waldo’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Weibling, and followed to the Godfrey Cemetery all that was mortal of little Waldo. The family circle has been broken, and to father and mother, brother and sister are extended heartfelt sympathy. Seven months of life did Waldo spend this side of Heaven, and then Jesus said, “I have need of thee.”


WEIGAND, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 02, 1893
From Upper Alton – Mr. Henry Weigand’s funeral from Wann [East Alton] to the Upper Alton Cemetery, was in charge of Madison Lodge, No. 110, A. O. U.W.


WEIGEL, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 24, 1891
From Edwardsville – Henry Weigel, a young man seventeen years old, an employee at Nelson’s works [in Leclaire], met with an accident last Saturday evening, which caused his death Sunday. Young Weigel went to the home of a friend by the name of Will Nix. According to report, Nix had a revolver which he tried several times to discharge, but was unable to do so. Weigel asked permission to try it, and upon receiving the revolver tried to discharge it. He also failed, and at last turning the weapon towards his head and looking into the muzzle, some way it discharged it, the ball entering his neck below the chin, finding a resting place in his brain.


WEIGLER, GEORGE HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 25, 1911
Business Man; Druggist; Officer of the Alton Jaeger Company
George Henry Weigler, a resident of Alton since 1838, died at his residence, 600 East Second Street [Broadway], Thursday morning shortly after 6 o'clock. His death was due to a breakdown from old age. He was taken ill the Friday preceding his death, and was removed from his drugstore to his room, which he was not able to leave again. The attending physician diagnosed his malady as pneumonia, and it was known from the first that the illness would probably prove fatal on account of the great age of Mr. Weigler. His condition became worse Wednesday and he gradually sank until Thursday morning, when the end came.

Mr. Weigler probably deserved the distinction of being the oldest practicing druggist in the state. He kept his drugstore open, and was ready for business long after he was too old to see well enough to compound any prescriptions. He had been a power in the community in his younger days, and always maintained a deep interest in current events. He was one of the oldest readers of the Telegraph, and when dimmed eyesight made him cease his readings, he daily had his daughter read the Telegraph and the St. Louis Republic to him. George Henry Weigler, son of George Henry Sr. and Mary Louise Weigler, was born in Elberfeld, Prussia, October 13, 1818. He attended school there until he was 12, when he removed with his parents in 1830 to America, going directly to Cincinnati. In 1836 he went to Milwaukee and opened a dry goods store, and in that he was successful. He also studied medicine and passed the examination for a druggist and chemist. He remained there until 1838, when he came to Alton in January, and on February 6th, 1841, he married Hannah F. Ubert, widow of Charles Ubert, who had two children - Charles, now residing in Memphis, Tennessee, and Amelia, the deceased wife of William Sachtleben. Mr. Weigler acquired 40 acres of land on the Vandalia Road [Brown Street] between Alton and Upper Alton, and built his home. The house is still standing. Here eight children were born, three sons and one daughter having died. The year 1860, a terrible tornado struck Alton, he built his building at Second and Henry Streets, and moved his family there. During the tornado, the Catholic Church, then at the corner of Third and Henry Streets, was partly blown on to his new house and crushed it. He at once repaired it and opened a drugstore in the corner, and a dry goods store in the second building. He was alderman of the 5th Ward in 1882, when L. Pfeiffenberger was mayor.

For many years Mr. Weigler was a leader among the German residents of Alton, and with their assistance he was honored by the community. He filled the office of Justice of the Peace several terms, was a member of the city council, and also served a term in the Legislature from 1874 to 1876. A biography of Mr. Weigler says the following:

“The Germans of Alton found themselves numerous enough in 1851 to organize their social Vereine. The celebration of the 4th of July 1851 was the first public festival arranged by the Germans, who flocked to Alton in great numbers. The festival was held in a beautiful grove on the Coal Branch road. Rev. Dr. Therding and Mr. Weigler were the orators. Elble's clarinet and Lehman's fiddle furnished the music for the old and young. A militia company of St. Louis participated in the frolic, and our Altonians immediately went to work to organize a military company - naming it Alton Jaeger Company, with 106 men rank and file. It was officered by George Henry Weigler, the late L. Haegen and B. Runzie. In 1861 the Company entered the Federal service as Company A, 9th Illinois Volunteers. The company suffered fearful losses at Shiloh.

The Turnverein organized in 1853 erected a beautiful building in 1868, and purchased a library of over 1,000 volumes to furnish the means of mental culture to all members and friends. Another Verein, Mutual Aid Association, has been a blessing to its members ever since its organization in 1856. The founder of this society was George Henry Weigler. The Maennerchor was organized in 1867, and soon after consolidated with the old Turnverein. Squire Weigler commenced the publication of the "Beobachter" (Observer) in 1854, and continued it until 1865. The German Protestants of Alton organized in 1849, and the congregation erected a church edifice in 1851. They also built the first German school in Alton, at the corner of Eighth and Henry Streets. Mr. Weigler was an enthusiastic promoter.

Mr. Weigler is survived by four daughters - Mrs. A. F. Miller of Belleville; Mrs. Mina Lang of Wood River; Mrs. W. R. Hancock of St. Louis; and Miss Louise Weigler of Alton, who took care of her father, and when his eyesight failed him, served him with her own eyes in keeping him posted on current events of the day. He leaves also one son-in-law, William Sachtleben, and 19 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. He became a member of the German Evangelical denomination in 1841, and died in that faith.

Weigler Drugstore and Hall [now part of the Elfgen building], was constructed by Squire George Henry Weigler in 1860, at the corner of Broadway and Henry Streets in Alton. A dance hall was on the third floor. At one time the Weigler building housed the Huntertown Baptist Mission and the Congregational Sunday School.

Weigler was born in 1818 in Prussia, and came to Alton in January 1838 after first living in Ohio. He worked hard and established himself as a respected business man, and was known as a typical old-fashioned chemist. He ran a reliable drugstore until old age forced him to retire. He served on the Alton city council and the school board, and was almost elected mayor. Weigler owned 40 acres of land between Alton and Upper Alton, and there built his home. Weigler later lived on the second floor of his building. Squire Weigler often sat in his drugstore in the building, smoking a long pipe with the bowl resting on his knees. He had a long white beard.

On June 21, 1869, a tornado demolished part of the building, and the entire upper floor was rebuilt by Weigler.

The Weigler building was the birthplace of the Hogue Band, which later became known as the White Hussars, the predecessors of the Alton Municipal Band. Dances were held on the upper floor of the building. At one end was a raised bandbox, where the orchestra played. The Weigler Hall was a popular amusement resort in the "East End" of the city.

George Henry Weigler died in May 1911 at his home on the second floor of the Weigler building. He had been in the drugstore and began to feel ill, and was carried upstairs where he passed away. He was survived by four daughters.

Eugene K. Elfgen purchased the former Weigler building, and in 1948 made plans to convert it into a modern office building, complete with a new brick facing. This building still stands. This block includes the Alton Banking & Trust Company (the Wedge Bank).

The German Turnverein was the German gymnastic movement, founded amid the nationalist enthusiasms of the War of Liberation in Germany. Once banned, it was revived in the 1840s. These gymnastic clubs were often closely aligned with workers' organizations and democratic clubs with whom they shared a desire for reform and a rejection of traditional hierarchies. In the 1840s, almost one-half of the membership were non-gymnasts, the so-called "Friends of Turnen," and new clubs engaged in activities such as funding libraries and sponsoring lectures.


WEIGLER, GEORGE HENRY JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 17, 1848
Died on Wednesday morning, George Henry, infant son of Mr. George H. Weigler of Alton; aged 10 months and 5 days.


WEIGLER, JOHANNA LOUISE “HANNAH” (nee STRATHMANN)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 11, 1892
Wife of Squire George H. Weigler
Came to Alton with Lovejoy’s Family
Johanna, wife of Squire George Henry Weigler died this morning from the effects of a paralytic stroke, from which she suffered since Wednesday night. Mrs. Weigler was born in Herford, Prussia [Germany], September 12, 1817. She came to Alton from St. Charles, in company with the family of Elijah P. Lovejoy, and has resided here since. She was most highly respected by all who knew her. As a mother, she was kind and indulgent to her children, of whom four, together with the husband, survive her. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon from the Evangelical Church. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]

The children of George and Johanna Weigler were: Elisabeth Weigler (?-1861); Charles Edward Weigler (?-1861); George Henry Weigler Jr. (?-1855); Mary Louise Weigler (1842-1917); Emma D. Weigler Miller (1845-1920); Wilhelamina Weigler Lang (1851-1925); and Julia Weigler Hancock (1856-1941).


WEIGLER, MARY LOUISE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 19, 1917
Running to Escape Storm, Drops Dead Instantly on Sidewalk
Miss Mary Louise Weigler, in her 75th year, died very suddenly from heart trouble, as the result of over exertion in attempting to get to shelter from an impending storm, Wednesday evening on east Broadway. Miss Weigler had been suffering for four or five years from a malady, which had been diagnosed as arterial hardening. She was out of her home Wednesday evening when the squall of rain and wind came, and she hastened to get back to her home to close up her house. The unusual exertion caused a collapse of her heart. Dr. J. Shaff, who was summoned to attend her after she had been carried into the millinery store of Mrs. Link close by, said that death must have been instant. For fifty years, Miss Weigler had lived in the one house where she was residing at the time of her death, 604 East Broadway. She was born August 15, 1842. Until six years ago she was the housekeeper for her aged father, George H. Weigler, for many years a very prominent resident and business man in Alton. She leaves three sisters, Mrs. Minnie Lang of Alton; Mrs. A. F. Miller of Belleville; and Mrs. William R. Hancock of Pensacola, Fla. The funeral will be from the home of Mrs. Minnie Lang, 437 East 11th street, and will be conducted by Rev. O. W. Heggemeier of the Evangelical Church at Eighth and Henry streets. The funeral time was tentatively set for Saturday afternoon, but no definite decision was possible until word could be received from the sister in Florida.


WEIHE, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 3, 1921
Mrs. Anna Weihe, wife of William Weihe, died at 2 o'clock this morning at the family home, 625 Liberty street, from a nervous breakdown. She had been a partial invalid for many years and of late had been constantly growing worse. Last Sunday she was obliged to take to her bed and on Wednesday she became unconscious, remaining in that condition to the end. Mrs. Weihe had no children. She leaves beside her husband two sisters, Mrs. Blase, of St. Louis, and Mrs. Louise Bowman of New Minden, Ill. The body will be taken to New Minden for burial, Monday.


WEIL, FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 11, 1905
Commits Suicide Near Milton Bridge
Fred Weil, a glassworker residing in the Joesting addition in Alton, committed suicide near the Milton bridge sometime near noon today. He shot himself in the breast, near the heart, three times with a 38 calibre revolver which he purchased in East Alton. A passerby found Weil standing against the bank at the side of the road, dead. It appears that he fired the fatal shots, and then walked over to the bank where he died. He was seen in East Alton this morning and seemed very melancholy over something. He went to the store of David Ellman and purchased a 38 calibre pistol, and started off up the road. An hour later his dead body was found. A note found in the dead man's hand read: "I would rather die than meet my children in court." A suit for divorce pending in the City court, and brought by Mrs. Weil, is supposed to have prompted the man to the deed. Weil had a bank book in his pocket showing $600 to his credit in the Citizens' National Bank. He also owns two lots in the Joesting addition in the east end. The remains were taken charge of by Deputy Coroner Allan Keiser, and an inquest will be held.

Source: September 12, 1905
Deputy Coroner Allen Kaiser empaneled a jury and held an inquest over the remains of Fred Weil Monday night. The jury after hearing the small amount of evidence, a verdict that the deceased met his death by his own hand, having shot himself with a revolver while on the Milton road east of Alton. The remains have been removed to the home, and the funeral will be held from the German Evangelical church, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Weil had not been at his home for the past week, and had been boarding at the Dawson hotel. His friends say that he had been acting very strangely, and think he has been brooding over domestic troubles. The man is known to be worth not less than $15,000, and was industrious and very saving. The body of the unfortunate man was taken to the home on Joesting avenue, and the widow and children are taking his death very hard. No one suspected he would take such extreme measures to end his troubles, and one of his children, a boy of about 13 years of age, is completely overcome by his father's tragic death. The little fellow refuses to be comforted and cries continually. Mr. Weil was a member of the Bluff City Court of Honor, and was well thought of by his fellow members. The Weils were married 27 years ago.


WEILE, LYDIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 16, 1902
Miss Lydia Weile, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weile, died Sunday morning after a long illness at the family home, 613 East Eighth street. The young woman was in her twenty-fifth year, and had been a victim of consumption for three years. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family home.


(Weimers - see also Wiemers)

WEIMERS, B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 15, 1918
Dies from Joy at the Prospect of Son Returning
The funeral of Mrs. B. Wiemers, who died from joy at the prospect of her son, Grover, returning alive from France the day after the armistice was signed, was held today from the home southeast of Bethalto, and was attended by many neighbors and friends. Services were conducted at the home, and burial was in the Bethalto cemetery. Mrs. Wiemers [sic] was the mother of 12 children, and six of them were at the funeral. The other living one is a United States soldier "over there." She was more than 80 years old, and it is said was completely overcome with joy when she heard the peace news. Reaction followed and she collapsed.


WEIMERS, BRAUER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1910
Brauer Weimers, aged 78, died at his home in Bethalto Monday morning from injuries sustained Friday night when he fell down stairs at his home. Mr. Weimers arose from his bed after all the family had retired, about 11 o'clock, and becoming confused in the dark he wandered to the head of the stairs and tumbled down. Members of his family were aroused by the sound of his fall, and two of his sons, John and Herman, carried him back to his room. A surgeon was summoned Saturday morning, and he found that Mr. Weimers had fractured his shoulder blade and suffered internal injuries. He was born in Germany, and when 21 years of age he arrived in Bethalto, where he had made his home ever since. He was married fifty-five years ago, and his wife is still living. He was the father of six sons and six daughters, of whom four sons, John, Frederick, Charles and Herman, and two daughters, Mrs. Dora Dewman and Mrs. Mary Bunker, are living. He leaves also seven grandchildren. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon from the home. The funeral services will be conducted by an Evangelical minister from Edwardsville. The pallbearers will be Fred Meikamp, Herman Herrin, Henry Miller, S. Tuetken, Fred Bangert and Reinholt Smith. Coroner Streeper was notified to hold an inquest over the body.


WEIMERS, TILLIE A./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 30, 1897
From Bethalto – Miss Tillie A. Weimers died of typhoid fever at Chicago, at the age of 33 years. Miss Weimers suffered with this dread disease for five weeks. At the end of three weeks, she was pronounced better, but suffered a relapse which ended in her death on September 23. Her remains were brought to Bethalto via Illinois Central Railroad, Saturday morning, accompanied by her brother, William, of Chicago, and were interred in the Lutheran Cemetery, Saturady. She leaves two brothers to mourn her death.


WEINRICH, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 5, 1913
Mrs. Elizabeth Weinrich, wife of Joseph Weinrich, died at St. Joseph's Hospital this morning after a long illness, aged 32. She had been an invalid for a long time, and recently was moved to the hospital. She leaves her husband and one child. Mrs. Weinrich was a daughter of Anton Klei____ of Alton. She leaves beside her husband one child, two sisters, and a brother. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home at Union and Ridge streets, to St. Mary's Church; and burial will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery.


WEINRICH, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10, 1911
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weinrich died at the family home on east Third street Thursday evening. This is the third son of the couple to die. The funeral was held this afternoon from St. Mary's church, and burial was in St. Joseph's cemetery.


Dr. John H. WeirWEIR, JOHN H. (DOCTOR)/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, August 7, 1878
Edwardsville Physician
The death of this noted physician, which occurred on Saturday, August 03, 1878, was not unexpected. He died of valvular disease of the heart, and had been confined to his room for six or seven months. The people of Edwardsville, and of the county generally, will regret his death. He was the oldest practitioner of this county, and had, previous to his sickness, a large and lucrative practice. His funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, under the supervision of the Masonic Order of Edwardsville, and was largely attended. Dr. Weir was generous to the poor, and did as much or more to advance the science of medicine as any physician in the county.

Dr. John H. Weir was born October 5, 1809, in Chester County, South Carolina. He was of Scotch-Irish descent, the son of Samuel Weir and Jennie Butler Weir. In 1825, with his father, he moved to McMinn County, Tennessee, where he began working for Rev. Samuel A. Worcester, who influenced the young man to obtain an education. In 1829, Weir walked to Boston, Massachusetts, making the journey in thirty days. He immediately entered Phillips Academy at Andover, and by working a part of each day and teaching during the winter months, he managed to defray his expenses and complete a classical course of suty. He afterwards began the study of medicine in the office of Dr. Kendall Davis of Reading, Massachusetts, and later entered the medical department of Harvard University, and completed his medical course in 1835. During this same year, he located in Edwardsville, Illinois, where for forty-two years he was actively engaged in the practice of his profession. During the Civil War he was surgeon of the board of enrollment of the Twelfth Illinois District, and later became a member of the Board of Pension Examiners for the county. He was a liberal contributor to the medical journals of his day, and corresponding editor of the Southern Medical Record of Atlanta, Georgia.

In politics he was a Whig. After the death of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy in Alton, he became a vocal Abolitionist, earning the name from one newspaper of the “Red Hot Abolitionist.” He was a faithful and earnest member of the Methodist Church, and did much to shape the character of the young people.

Dr. Weir married in 1836 to Hepsibah Damon (1810-1838). After her death, he married again in 1839 to Mary Hoxsey (1810-1887). They had the following known children: William H. Weir (1840-1853); John A. Weir (1842-1843); Sarah Frances Weir Hoiles (1843-1874); Charles A. Weir (1845-1846); Edward Henderson Weir (1847-1904); and Samuel B. Weir (1851-1852). Dr. John Weir was buried in the Lusk Cemetery in Edwardsville.

In July 1963, the Madison County Historical Society purchased the Dr. Weir home for the county historical museum. The 1836, Federal-style, 15-room brick home, located at 715 N. Main St. in Edwardsville, was built by Dr. John H. Weir. The bricks were shipped from New England by flatboat, down the Ohio River and up the Mississippi.


WEIR, WILLIAM HENRY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 15, 1853
Died in Edwardsville, Madison County, Illinois, on the 10th inst., of congestive chills, William Henry, son of J. H. Weir, M. D., in the 13th year of his age. His sickness was very brief. He was thought to be dangerously ill for only a few short hours before his death. Alas! How tragic – how transitory is human life.


WEIRICH, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 6, 1913
Employee of John Snyder Store
John Weirich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weirich, died Tuesday morning at 4 o'clock at his home, 902 Royal street, after an illness that began a year ago. He is survived by his wife and three children. Mr. Weirich was 33 years of age April 30. He was employed at the John Snyder store until last fall, when he was taken down with a severe sickness. He regained his strength partially, and two weeks ago was taken with his last illness. Uraemic poisoning was the cause of his death. He leaves beside his parents and his wife and children, four sisters, Sister Joanita of St. Paul, Minn., Mrs. Frank J. Budde of Alton, Henry Weirich of Effingham, and Dr. William Weirich of Jacksonville, Ill. Mr. Weirich was a member of St. Boniface Branch W. C. U., and the Retail Clerks Union.


WEIS, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 07, 1898
East Alton Marshal Shot
James Weis, the Village Marshal at East Alton, was shot and instantly killed at midnight last night by one of four men, whom he was ordering from the Big Four Railroad property. Weis is employed by the village and the Big Four jointly, to watch suspicious characters at nighttime, and his vigilance was the cause of his death. There have been many robberies committed in the village of late, and it was almost a nightly occurrence for a freight car to be broken open and robbed. Marshal Weis saw a man skulking about the Big Four yards last night, and he ordered the trespasser off the premises. No one but a tramp witnessed subsequent events, but it is supposed that the men refused to go, the Marshal attempted to eject them, and the shooting followed. Barney Kirwin, night yardmaster of the Big Four, heard the shot fired, and running in the direction from which the sound came found Marshal Weis lying on the ground a short distance south of the depot. He was dead with a bullet hole in his breast over his heart. When Mr. Kirwin came upon the body of the dead Marshal, he saw four men running in the direction of Alton. He gave the alarm, and Chief of Police Kuhn was notified of the affair. Chief Kuhn wired to Whitehall to get the pair of bloodhounds used in trailing the train robbers a few weeks ago. In the meantime, a squad of officers was in pursuit of the four men, and watches were posted at every avenue of escape. The village of East Alton was full of excitement, and almost every man in the place was out hunting for the slayers of the village Marshal.

The bloodhounds arrived at East Alton this morning, and with Chief Kuhn started on the trail of the fugitives. The hounds made straight for the Chicago & Alton tracks, and then started south in the direction of St. Louis.

Coroner Bailey held an inquest early this morning over the body.

The tramp, who was standing nearby when the shooting occurred, says he could identify the four men and the man who did the shooting. He is being held by authorities to await the capture of the fugitives.

The dead man was well liked by everyone, and filled his position capably. He was 37 years of age, and leaves a wife and three small children. He was serving his second term of office, and was a most efficient officer. He will be buried tomorrow, the funeral being from the home at East Alton.

Source: Alton Telegraph, July 14, 1898
The village of East Alton has offered a reward of $200 for the arrest of the four murderers of Village Marshal Weis. In addition to this, the State has been asked to offer a reward, and Governor Tanner may grant the request. It is thought the four men boarded a C. & A. freight train, and rode to Granite City, the first stop, and then made their escape.


WEISBACH, CHRISTOPHER/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 7, 1891
Mr. Christopher Weisbach died Sunday at his residence, corner of Second and Walnut Street, at the age of 54 years, after an illness of some months of Bright’s disease. The funeral took place Tuesday from the residence. Interment was at the Alton City Cemetery. Mr. Weisbach, who had been a resident of Alton for 30 years, was born in St. Louis. He was a bottler of soda, a thrifty, hard-working man. He leaves, besides his widow, three sons and three daughters.


WEISBACH, EDWARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 8, 1908
The funeral of Edward Weisbach, whose death occurred Tuesday night at 11 o'clock at the home of his sister, Mrs. Oscar Weindel, was held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Weindel home, 927 East Third street. Services were conducted by Rev. E. L. Mueller of the German Evangelical church. There was a large attendance of friends and relatives of the young man who felt genuine regret over his untimely death, Mr. Weisbach had been in ill health for a long time. He went west for the benefit of his health but failed to derive any benefit of a lasting nature from the change in climate, and he was obliged to come back to his home in Alton. He was formerly connected with the soda water factory at Alton, but sold out his interest to his brother when his health began to show indications of breaking down completely. He was a member of Madison Camp, Modern Woodmen. Mr. Weisbach leaves two brothers, William of Alton and Louis of California. He leaves also three sisters, Mrs. Reiter, Mrs. Koehne and Mrs. Weindel, all of Alton.


WEISER, EMMA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 7, 1917
Mrs. Emma Weiser, aged 50, wife of Thomas Weiser, died at her home at 922 East Broadway at 2:30 o'clock on Sunday morning after an illness of several months. Her condition has been serious for the past two weeks and her death has been expected almost hourly for the past week. Mrs. Weiser was born in Virginia and came to Alton 30 years ago. She has been making her home here since. She was well known and had many friends in the eastern part of the city where she had lived since coming to Alton. Besides her husband she leaves two sons, Harry and Charles, both of Alton. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home on East Broadway to the City Cemetery.


WEISHAUPT, CONRAD/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 13, 1897
From Moro - Conrad Weishaupt of Prairietown died Sunday after a short illness at the advanced age of 80 years. The remains were interred in the Lutheran Cemetery on Tuesday. Mrs. R. Ritter of Moro was a daughter of the deceased.


WELCH, MAMIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 18, 1886
Miss Mamie Welch, daughter of Michael Welch, died Wednesday at the family residence, corner of Alby and Seventeenth Streets. Her age was 18 years. Her disease was typhoid fever. She leaves a father, brother, and sister, and many friends to lament her death. The funeral will take place Friday at the Cathedral.


WELCH, MAY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 16, 1918
Mrs. May Welch, wife of John Welch of St. Louis, died this morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. A. Herrick, on Sanford avenue, after an illness of several years. She had been at the home of her sister three months. Mrs. Welch was 48 years of age. She leaves besides her husband, two sons, both in the service of their country. Lieut. W. H. Welch, stationed at Newport News, is on his way across the Atlantic now, and another son, John W., of the Marine corps, is on his way home, wounded.


WELCH, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1889
From Bethalto – “Grandma Welch, an old resident of Wood River Township, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. S. T. Patterson in Edwardsville, on last Sunday, at the age of ninety seven years. We are informed the remains were taken to Upper Alton for burial. The biography of this good old lady, properly written up, would be very interesting.


WELCH, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 26, 1900
Mr. and Mrs. George Welch were bereaved by the death of their 17 months old son, William, this afternoon, after a short illness with brain fever. The funeral will be Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, and Rev. O. Shepherd will conduct the services at the family home, 2114 Johnson street.


WELD, ARTHUR D./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 6, 1921
Arthur Weld, aged 62, died at the Alton State Hospital last night where he had taken employment some time ago. The death of Weld marks the closing of a life that had great promise, but which in middle life was a great disappointment on account of a breakdown in health. He was born in Boston and received a very good musical education and possessed a fine voice which was the delight of those who knew him or had an opportunity to hear him sing at entertainments. For years Mr. Weld was a vocal soloist and for a long time he was soloist in the Church of the Messiah of St. Louis. Twenty years ago his health broke down and later he came to Alton. Here he was frequently heard at various gatherings and his services were in demand. He took employment in various factories at Alton, as his voice no longer being a sufficient asset, he took to common labor. Not long ago Dr. George A. Zeller gave Mr. Weld a position at the state hospital, and his vocal talents there, or the remnant of them, afforded much pleasure to those who heard him. His health suffered further impairment and the end came last night. His mind was not affected. Weld leaves a brother who resides in Boston and efforts were being made to get into communication with him and get instructions as to what disposition to make of the body. Weld was married but his wife and he had separated.


WELLING, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 12, 1894
From Fosterburg – The sad news comes to the many friends of Miss Mary Welling of Fosterburg, who has been living in Alton for some time. She was a young lady highly respected by all who knew her. Her sudden and unexpected death by paralysis was a sad surprise to all. The family have our sympathy in their sad bereavement.


WELLS, AMANDA V./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 10, 1898
Mrs. Amanda V. Wells died Saturday night at the home of her son on East Fifth Street, aged 55 years. Mrs. Wells came here from New Jersey some time ago to live with her son.


WELLS, EDWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 9, 1890
Engineer Killed in Train Accident in Collinsville
Coroner Bonner came over from Edwardsville for a consultation with States Attorney McNulty, in regard to the taking out of warrants for the arrest of two Vandalia Railroad men. The culprits wanted are the conductor and engineer, who had charge of the coal train which ran into a passenger train at Collinsville last Thursday. Edward Wells, the engineer of the latter train, might have saved himself, but he knew that to do so meant serious injury and possible death to many people in the coaches. He stuck to his post, and his bravery cost him his life.

The coroner’s jury, which held an inquest over the remains of this martyr to duty, charged the engineer and conductor of the coal train with willful and criminal negligence, and they will be prosecuted for manslaughter. States Attorney McNulty drew up the complaint today. Coroner Bonner left for Collinsville, with the instrument, and will have warrants taken out there for the arrest of those charged with being responsible for the death.


WELLS, ELEANOR G./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 17, 1887
From Upper Alton - After an illness of about a year, Miss Eleanor G. Wells Closed her busy and useful life yesterday, and gladly exchanged the sufferings, which have been almost constant during six years past, for an eternal rest. The many who have enjoyed the friendship or sat under the tutelage of Miss Wells will remember her as a lady of robust physique, whose kindly, Christian disposition endeared her to all her friends. For some months past, however, she has been the victim of a stealthy and cruel malady, which had attained a foothold in her system before it was recognized, and so deeply as to be incurable. During the last months of her life, she had the tenderest attention from her brother, Mr. William B. Wells, who has ministered to the almost constant requirements of his sister, and cared also for an invalid mother with faithful, self-sacrifice.


WELLS, ISAAC L./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 15, 1850
Died at the residence of his father, L. S. Wells, Esq., in Upper Alton, on Monday morning last, Mr. Isaac L. Wells, aged 20 years and 2 months. The deceased was a very exemplary young man, and much esteemed by all who knew him.


WELLS, JULIA M./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1851
Died in Upper Alton on Monday, July 7, after a distressing illness of six days, Miss Julia M. Wells, daughter of Mr. L. S. Wells, aged 19(?) years and 3 months. She had just completed her con___ at Monticello Seminary, and after graduating with the highest honors of the institution, had returned home to become again a member of the much-loved circle, and while dotting affection and friendship were exulting in her return and such by a hand and voice we cannot see, beckoned her away. She followed, and we are desolate. With her intellect moulded and expanded here, she has gone from us to make still more rapid advancement, to join an angel band and ______ wisdom from its pure source, and quench her insatiate thirst in those living waters that flow from the throne of God. And whilst our hearts are filled with agony and the burning tears are blinding our yees, yet we can look up to Him who so sorely has smitten us, and say, “Thy will be done.” He has taken the beloved of our hearts to himself, and we feel assured, from her consistent life since she embraced the Saviour, that her dying words, “All will be well,” are verified. Much loved, Julia, farewell. May we all like thee be ready and willing when the Master calls to meet thee.


WELLS, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 20, 1911
Dies from Burns
Mrs. Mary Wells, aged 34, the colored woman who was scalded at her home near Federal several months ago, died last evening at six o'clock. It was reported at the time of the incident that she was taking a pan of hot water off of the fire when she slipped upon a banana peeling and fell, throwing the boiling water over her. It later was charged that the water was thrown upon her by William Sweeney, who was later arrested upon the charge. Mrs. Wells had suffered intense pain from her burns during the past month, and it was thought all the time that she might recover until a few days ago. An effort was made to put her in the hospital early this week, but there was no place for her and she was taken home. Sweeney claims the scalding was accidental. Coroner Streeper will hold an inquest.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 23, 1911
A jury impaneled by Coroner Streeper held William Sweeney without bail to answer to the grand jury to a charge of throwing scalding water on Mary Wells, a negro, causing her death....Coroner Streeper had been making an investigation and learning that Sweeney expected to get some money on an insurance policy the woman carried to pay her burial expenses, he waited at the place where the payment would be made and picked up Sweeney before he could get the balance after the expenses had been deducted. The body of the woman was shipped to Blockmantown, Tenn., Sunday morning, and on the same morning a son of the Wells woman started from the same place to come to see his mother. He arrived Monday morning in Alton, and will probably claim the insurance money which Sweeney was trying to get. The witnesses examined by the coroner's jury testified that the Wells woman had repeatedly told them that Sweeney had quarreled with her about some money, that he had butted her down with his head, kicked and beat her, and poured scalding water upon her. Two very important witnesses in the case, a man and a woman, have disappeared, one of them a negro who boarded in the house and saw the whole affair. Sweeney claims that the signature of the woman on the complaint upon which a warrant was issued is a forgery, and that his arrest is part of a scheme to get revenge upon him.


WELLS, MARY E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 6, 1906
Found Dead on Roadside
Mrs. Mary E. Wells, an old colored resident of Upper Alton, was found dead beside the road this morning by two boys a short distance north of Upper Alton. Mrs. Wells has been at work yesterday at the E. B. Young dairy farm one mile from town. Last night she started for home shortly before dark, and was stricken with apoplexy before getting out of the Young place. After leaving the house it is necessary to walk a half mile before getting on the public highway, and the road in the farm is through a cornfield. It was there that Mrs. Wells fell. Her children at home supposed, when she did not return, that she had decided to stay in the country all night. The body was found early this morning after it had been lying on the ground all night. It was taken charge of by Coroner C. N. Streeper, who will hold an inquest this evening. Mrs. Wells was a slave in the south, and her exact age is not known, but she was supposed to be between sixty-five and seventy. She was a big, strong woman, weighing about two hundred pounds, and was always in good health. She leaves two sons and three daughters, all of whom are grown and reside in Upper Alton. Mrs. Wells made a practice of going into the country to do washing and she was widely known in the rural districts. Her husband, Willis Wells, was murdered about ten years ago by his son.


WELLS, PALERMA W./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 17, 1891
Mrs. Palerma W. Wells, widow of the late L. S. Wells, died Saturday night at her home in Upper Alton. She was about 85 years of age, and one of the oldest residents of Madison County. The funeral took place from the late family residence this afternoon.


WELLS, R. B./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 11, 1852
Died yesterday afternoon after a short illness, Mr. R. B. Wells of Alton, aged 30 years. The deceased was an estimable citizen, and has left many friends and acquaintances to drop the tear of affectionate sorrow over his grave.


WELPTON, SARA J./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 27, 1898
Mrs. Sara J. Welpton died Saturday evening at her home on East Second Street [Broadway], aged 56 years. Mrs. Welpton was born in Bond County, but has lived in Alton a number of years with her son, Lemuel.


WELSH, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 7, 1900
Mrs. Anna King Welsh, wife of William Welsh, died this morning after an illness of one month at the family home, 1318 East Second Street. Four weeks ago Mrs. Welsh, with her family, was returning from Pittsburg where she had been spending the summer with relatives at her old home, and she was taken ill on the train. On her arrival here, her illness assumed a serious form and she continued to become worse until this morning. She was 24 years of age, and leaves beside a husband, three children. The body will be sent back to Pittsburg tonight for burial.


WELSH, B./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 25, 1908
The funeral of Mrs. B. Welsh was held this morning from St. Patrick's church, where a requiem mass was said by Rev. Francis Kehoe. A very large number of friends of deceased and of her family attended the obsequies and many beautiful floral offerings were made. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery. The pallbearers were David Ruddy, J. J. McInerney, James Linnan, James Lynch, Thomas Newman and Lawrence Hellrung.


WELSH, ELLEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1907
Mrs. Ellen Welsh, who has been an inmate of St. Joseph's hospital for twenty-one years, died there this morning, aged 80 years. She lived on the "old plank road" for forty years or more before going to the hospital, and all of her immediate family died years ago. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon from St. Patrick's church to Greenwood cemetery.


WELSH or WELCH, PATRICK/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 20, 1898
The body of an unknown man was found underneath a railway trestle, east of Edwardsville, Tuesday morning. It is supposed that the man, while on the trestle, saw a train coming and crept out on the end of one of the timbers to avoid it, and the jarring of the train probably shook him off, and he fell 60 feet to the branch below. The body was identified later as Patrick Welsh, living near Edwardsville.

Source: Alton Telegraph, January 27, 1898
There is considerable talk that the death of Patrick Welch at Edwardsville was not as simple as it appeared. Welch was found dead at the foot of a 60-foot bristle, and it was supposed that he had been killed by falling from the top, but no bones were broken, and he had no bruises, two scratches on the face being the only injury. It is now suspected that there was foul play of some kind. Welch had been at a neighbor’s the evening before, and became involved in a quarrel with a peddler, who was there. They fought, and the scratches on his face were received in the struggle. He left at 10 o’clock, and was never again seen alive by anyone. There is much feeling that he was done away with, and his body placed under the trestle to misarm suspicion. At investigation will probably take place.


WEMPEN, CARRIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 27, 1888
Mrs. Carrie Wempen, a very estimable lady, died Saturday afternoon at the age of 32 years. Deceased left a husband and four children, with many relatives and other friends to mourn her death. The funeral took place this afternoon from the family residence on Third Street, between Oak and Walnut Streets.


WEMPEN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 11, 1904
Saloon Owner Suicides by Hanging
John Wempen, formerly a well-known Alton business man and a resident of the city more than forty years, was found hanging in an out-building Tuesday afternoon at his residence on Washington street. He had just died when found by his daughter, Miss Caroline Wempen, who went in search of her father when Mrs. Wempen discovered he was missing. Three years ago Mr. Wempen was stricken with paralysis, and for many months his life hung in the balance. He finally regained strength, through his wonderful vitality, and was able to be around again, but the trouble which had prostrated him had left a permanent effect upon his brain. All that medical science could do for him was done, but about a year ago the attending physicians informed the family that owing to Mr. Wempen's low spirits and the general despondency which bore down upon him, he was liable to make an attempt at any time upon his life. Mrs. Wempen and her children watched Mr. Wempen closely ever afterward, and he was seldom allowed to go out of sight of someone of his family, unless he was out for a drive to call on his married children. His friends noticed his mental condition was never the same after the paralytic stroke, and the fears of the family were shared by them. Tuesday noon Mr. Wempen left his home, and his wife, thinking he was going to his son's house nearby, went in search of him. Mr. Wempen was found a few minutes later hanging by the neck in an out-building, and was quite dead. John Wempen was born December 27, over 62 years ago near Berlin, Germany. He came to Alton when a young man and had lived in the city forty years. He was one of the best-known business men in Alton for many years. He leaves beside his widow, eight children: Mrs. J. J. Roach, Mrs. V. L. Duke, Mrs. R. Garstang, Misses Adelle, Emily and Caroline Wempen, and Messrs. Harry J. and Eugene Wempen. The death of the husband and father is a cruel shock to the family, although his health had not been good for some time, and they had been fearing that he might at some time yield to the mania which seemed to have taken possession of his mind.

NOTES: John Wempen, or "Honest John," conducted a saloon on Washington Street (near Bozza Street), in the late 1800s. Several times he was taken to court by the city of Alton for violating ordinances against operating a saloon on Sunday, but was acquitted each time. It was said someone was out for revenge against him. In 1894 a fire, which started in a barn on Bozza Street, destroyed the upper floor of Wempen's saloon. It was covered by insurance and he rebuilt. Wempen was Secretary in the A. P. A. Society, but I haven't discovered what that was. In November 1900, Wempen sold his saloon and decided to retire. He made a trip back to Germany to visit his homeland. It was after that trip that he was stricken with health problems. He is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


WENDELL, HARRIET JANE and MARY ISABELLA/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 18, 1851
Died at Upper Alton, July 1, of cholera, after an illness of 10 hours, Miss Harriet Jane Wendell, aged 17 years and 8 months. Also, July 2, of dysentery, Mary Isabella, aged two years and three months; daughters of D. F. and Harriet Wendell.


WENDELL, WILLIAM H. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 15, 1913
Civil War Veteran
William H. Wendell, an old soldier, died at his home in White Hall yesterday, aged 83 years, and the body will arrive in Alton tomorrow noon. He was a member of the 97th Illinois regiment, and formerly lived in Alton. [Captain Wendell married Sarah Emily Pritchett (1843-1928), and they had five children. The Captain was buried in the White Hall Cemetery, White Hall, Illinois.]


WENDLANDT, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1891
William Wendlandt, the man who was shot by Constable Charles Isenberg at Hamel on Thursday, died Saturday evening. All reports so far received from the neighborhood seem to indicate that Wendlandt was a strong man of very violent temper, and at the time the officer was called, had George Engelmann, his son-in-law, on the ground choking him. When Wendlandt was pulled off, he became terribly excited, and getting hold of a corn knife, started after the Constable, who ran home, followed by Wendlandt. The Constable then turned and warned Wendlandt not to come into the premises, and fired two shots to scare him, and finally the third shot, which proved fatal. Coroner S. O. Bonner left for Hamel Sunday morning to hold an inquest, but no report has been received as to the decision.


WENDLER, ELIZABETH (nee RICHTER)/Source: Troy Call, January 4, 1918
Mrs. Elizabeth Wendler, widow of the late Henry Wendler and one of the old residents of this vicinity, was claimed by death Thursday morning at 11:45 o'clock at her home northeast of this city on the Marine road. Her age was 71 years, 6 months and 28 days. The death of Mrs. Wendler was due to pneumonia with which she was stricken on Thursday of last week. Her condition from the first became grave and she seemed to have a premonition that the end was near. With true motherly love and devotion she summoned all her children last Saturday and told them she felt she was to leave them but was ready to go if the Master so willed. Funeral arrangements have been made for Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock and will be from the residence to St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church. Rev. C. Lange will conduct the burial service and interment will be in the Lutheran cemetery. Deceased, whose maiden name was Richter, was born in St. Louis, Mo., June 6, 1846. Her childhood was spent at Collinsville where after reaching maturity, she taught in the German school. Her marriage to Henry Wendler took place October 29, 1865, and in 1899 they came to Troy and located on the present Wendler farm where they spent the remainder of their lives. To Mr. and Mrs. Wendler were born eleven children, four of whom died in infancy. The survivors are four sons and three daughters who are: Mrs. Charles Fedder of Collinsville, Theodore Wendler of St. Louis, Paul Wendler of Chicago, and Mrs. August Schultze, Mrs. Ben Schultze and Charles and MOritz Wendler of Troy. There are also twenty-seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Mrs. August Fedder of Collinsville is a step-daughter and Gotthold Richter, also of Collinsville, is a brother. Mr. and Mrs. Wendler celebrated their golden wedding anniversary three years ago and the husband and father's death occurred June 17, 1916. Mrs. Wendler was a devout Christian and one of the oldest members of St. Paul's Lutheran church. She was a devoted and loving wife and mother, a kind and obliging neighbor, a true friend, and was held in highest esteem by all who knew her. She will be missed most in the home circle by her children and other relatives who in their filial devotion recall her and her memory as blessed.


WENDT, ANNA ELIZA (nee SACKETT)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 12, 1914
Mrs. Eliza Wendt, in her ninety-sixth year, died at her home, 810 Belle street, Thursday morning after being bedfast for nearly three years. Three years ago next Spring, it was, Mrs. Wendt, then 93, fell in her home while engaged about the house in looking after some household duties she persisted in giving attention. She had refused up to the time of her fall to surrender the management of her house, and was known as the oldest housekeeper in Alton. She fractured her hip joint, and in the natural order of things, Mrs. Wendt should have succumbed to the injury in a short time, but she did not do it. She was too old for the fractured hip to unite again, and enable her to get up and be as active as she had been, but she lingered a long time and she demonstrated to the satisfaction of all that, had it not been for her accident, she might have passed the century mark. She had lived to see herself the head of five generations. She had been too helpless for the past few years to be very happy, as she was confined to her bed almost all of the time. Her case had been a very serious one the past week, and the end was expected by her family. Her death occurred at 1 o'clock this morning. Mrs. Wendt was born at Utica, N. Y., in 1818, but came West at a very early age. Her maiden name was Anna Eliza Sackett. She was married to George Wendt in Cincinnati, O. in 1834, and the following year she and her husband came to Alton and settled here, where her husband followed the carpenter trade. Mr. Wendt died in 1886. Mrs. Wendt was the oldest of five generations. The generations are represented by Mrs. Caroline Templeton, Mrs. Kate Green, Mrs. Matie Fullerton, and James Fullerton, all of whom are living. Mrs. Wendt leaves three daughters and one son, two grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren. Mrs. Wendt was the oldest member of the First Methodist Church of Alton, but for the past twenty years feebleness and old age had prevented her from taking active part in the church services. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at two-thirty from the home of the deceased on Belle street. Rev. W. T. Cline, pastor of the First Methodist Church, will officiate.


WENDT, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 16, 1885
Mr. George Wendt, for 50 years a resident of Alton, died Thursday after a long illness, caused by the general debility incident to advanced years; at the age of almost 75. He was born in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, in 1810, was married there to Miss Ann Eliz Sackett in 1834, and came to Alton in 1835. Mr. Wendt was by trade a carpenter and builder, and for many years was one of the most successful operators in his line in our city, doing a large business both in Alton and surrounding country. He leaves a widow, three daughters, and one son.


WENDT, JOSEPH M./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 4, 1852
Died on Friday night of lung fever, Joseph M., oldest son of Mr. George Wendt of Alton, aged about 10 years.


WENTWORTH, JOHN F./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19, 1847
Died on Monday last, after a short but painful illness, Mr. John F. Wentworth, formerly of Massachusetts, aged 20. He has left a bereaved wife and two small children to mourn his loss.


WENTWORTH, JOHN F./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 1, 1866
Died in Alton on the afternoon of the 29th inst., Mr. John F. Wentworth, after a long and painful illness, in the 23d year of his age.


WENTWORTH, WILLIAM A. JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 26, 1847
Died on Tuesday last, after a short illness, William A., son of Mr. William A. Wentworth of this city, aged about 14.


WENTWORTH, WILLIAM A. SR./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 17, 1848
Died in Alton on Thursday evening, the 16th instant, after a short but severe illness, William A. Wentworth, aged about 38(?) years, leaving an afflicted wife and a large family of children to mourn his loss.


WENTZ, ANTON/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, Wednesday, January 4, 1893
Agent for Anthony & Kuhn Brewing Company
Anton Wentz died unexpectedly Thursday [Dec. 29, 1892] at 12:45 P.M., after an illness of only a few days. The remains were taken to St. Louis Saturday on the Wabash train, in charge of J. P. Sehnert, Charles Heinrich and Charles Miller, members of the U.O.T.B. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from 2716 Utah street. Mr. Wentz was 38 years, 5 months and 14 days old. He has been a resident of this city for several years, acting as agent for the Anthony & Kuhn Brewing Co. He leaves a wife and four small children.


WENTZ, FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 1, 1909
Bartender at Saloon
Frank Wentz, a bartender employed at John Ehret's saloon, died at St. Joseph's hospital Saturday evening from congestion of the brain, following an overdose of quinine and whiskey. Wentz put great confidence in quinine as a cure-all, and it was said that he would take some of the drug whenever he felt out of his usual good health. He had been suffering with the grippe for about ten days, and during a week's time he took an average of 40 grains of quinine a day, in whiskey. He was taken very ill the middle of last week and removed to the hospital. Congestion of the brain developed, and he became so violent it was necessary to restrain him with a strait jacket. He was 31 years of age, a quiet young man who was highly esteemed by all who came in contact with him. The funeral was to have been held today, but a sister from Pittsburg sent word she was on the way so the funeral was deferred until tomorrow. He has a brother, Harry Wentz, from whose home the funeral will be held.


WENTZ, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 21, 1896
From Edwardsville – John Wentz, aged 65 years, one of the best known residents in the northern part of Edwardsville, died Sunday morning of paralysis of the heart. For many years he has conducted a cooper shop in lower town. The funeral occurred today from the family home to the Evangelical Church, where Rev. Carl Kunzmann conducted services. By his request, the remains were interred in the Lusk Cemetery. Deceased leaves a wife and two sons, John and Edward.


WENTZ, WILHELMINA (nee WITTMER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1894
From Marine – Mrs. Frederic Wentz, a highly esteemed and worthy lady, died Wednesday. The remains were taken to the C. P. Church, thence to the Marine Cemetery. Deceased leaves a husband, five sons, and one daughter, besides many other relatives to mourn her demise.


WENZEL, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 28, 1902
Charles Wenzel, aged 76, died Saturday afternoon at his home in Yager Park after a short illness from heart trouble. He leaves two sons and two daughters. The funeral was held this afternoon at two o'clock from his late home in Yager Park, and services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Martin of the Evangelical church.


WENZEL, RUTH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 12, 1906
Ruth, the 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Wenzel of 419 Grand avenue, died from spasms last evening at 9 o'clock after a short illness. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, and services will be conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann.


WERMEYER, LAURA E./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 4, 1875
Died on January 28, at the residence of her father, D. F. Owings, on the Grafton Road, Mrs. Laura E. Wermeyer; aged 21 years.


WERNER, LEO/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1906
Leo, the 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Werner, died last evening after a ten day's illness from typhoid fever at the family home, 731 east Fifth street. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church. Besides his parents he leaves three brothers and one sister.


WERTS, BERTHA/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 9, 1896
Mrs. Bertha M. Werts died April 01 at her home on East Fifth Street, after a lingering illness from dropsy. Mrs. Werts was 72 years old, and has been a resident of Alton for many years. Mrs. Werts was the widow of the late Wesley A. Werts, who died some years ago. She leaves five children, Mrs. Fred Althoff, Mrs. Henry J. Young, Mrs. Jacob Votterot, Mrs. Smith Riley, and Mrs. Philip Meisenheimer.

The funeral services of Mrs. Bertha Werts was held Sunday afternoon from the home on East Fifth Street to the German M. E. Church. The church was filled with sorrowing relatives and friends. Services were conducted by Rev. Charles _____, assisted by Rev. M. Jameson. The pallbearers were Messrs. H. F. __ehne, Louis Unger, C. C. Paul, R. J. Bierbaum, H. Heide, and Theodore ____ehne of Springfield.


WERTS, JOHN S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 4, 1920
Grocery Store Owner
The death of John S. Werts occurred this morning at 2:35 o'clock at the family home on Main street. He had been ill with pneumonia only a few days. Mr. Werts was 64 years old April 28, and was born and had lived in Fosterburg until 28 years ago, when he came to Alton. He owned a grocery store on Staunton street until a year ago, when he sold it and moved to his new home on Main Street. He is survived by his wife, a son, Henry, a daughter Anna, two sisters, Mrs. Henry Gottlob of Archwood, Ia., Mrs. Elizabeth Clayton, and one half-brother, Abraham Hedge, both of Fosterburg. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at two o'clock from the home on Main street. Rev. C. Combrink of the Twelfth Street Presbyterian Church will have charge of the services. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. The Jr. O. U. A. M. will have charge of the services at the grave.


WERTS, MINNIE [nee REISTER]/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18, 1916
Friends of Mrs. Henry Werts were shocked this morning to hear of her death, which took place unexpectedly at 10 o'clock at the family home on Jefferson avenue. Mrs. Werts, who was in her twenty-first year, was married less than three months ago. Shortly after her marriage she was taken ill with heart trouble, and about three weeks ago contracted pneumonia, which was the cause of her death. Mrs. Werts was, before her marriage, Miss Minnie Reister, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Reister of Jefferson avenue. She was graduated from the Alton High School in 1914, and has hosts of friends who loved her. She is also survived by her young husband, Henry Werts; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Reister; and one sister, Mrs. George Queen of this city. The funeral of the young wife will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home on Jefferson avenue. Rev. Arthur Goodger of the Episcopal Church officiating. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.


Moses and Frances WertsWERTS, MOSES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 27, 1915
Lifelong Resident of Foster Township
Moses Werts, aged 58, a lifelong resident of Foster township, died Thursday morning at 2 o'clock at his home near Fosterburg after an illness with typhoid pneumonia. Mr. Werts leaves his wife, six sons and two daughters, all of the children being grown. He was a brother of John Werts of Alton, and he also leaves one brother, A. L. Hodge; and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Clayton and Mrs. Gottlob of Larchwood, Iowa. He was highly esteemed in the neighborhood where he lived, was known as a good neighbor and a kind husband and father. His neighbors regarded him as an extremely unfortunate man, and some recent worries rendered his sickness more severe. The funeral will be held Sunday morning at ten o'clock from the Fosterburg Baptist Church, and burial will be at Fosterburg.


WERTZ, WESLEY/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 31, 1885
The funeral of this esteemed young man took place yesterday afternoon. There was a large attendance at the services, a fact expressive of sorrow for the sad event, and sympathy with the bereaved family. The altar was draped and decorated with flowers, and a number of beautiful floral offerings were sent by friends of the deceased.


WESCOTT, CECIL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 2, 1903
The Wescott home on Phinney avenue was darkened again Saturday by the death angel. Cecil, the 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wescott died Saturday night after a brief illness of appendicitis. The little fellow was at school last Thursday and was taken dangerously ill from the beginning. Physicians could do nothing for the boy, as the case was an acute one, and late Saturday night the end came. The affliction comes with an added poignancy because the child was the only one left to its parents, their other child having been taken one year ago. In their deep affliction the sympathies of the entire community will go out to the bereaved parents whose home has been saddened by the loss of their only child. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home on Phinney. [Burial in City Cemetery]


WESCOTT, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 26, 1900
Boy Suicides
The dead body of George Wescott was found yesterday morning at 10 o'clock on the bank of Shield's branch that runs through the fence on the east side of the Glass Works. The body was in a state that indicated death must have taken place at least seventy-two hours before, and it was lying where it had been passed many times by the searchers, without it being discovered. The body was found by boys who knew the Wescott boy, and had been playing with him. From the position in which it was found, the boy must have been sitting on the bank of the branch playing with the revolver, when either intentionally or otherwise he placed the weapon to his right temple and fired the only cartridge in the revolver, the bullet passing into his brain and causing instant death. The finding of the body was a terrible shock to the father, and the breaking of the sad news to the mother was a difficult duty. At no time in the search for the boy did it occur to the parent that the finding would be so sad. It was reported to the father and Officer Parker yesterday morning at the corner of Second and Washington street, that young Wescott had been staying in the vicinity of East End Place, and was at a dance the Saturday night of the week before. The boys started off at the request of the officer to make a search for the missing boy, and in a half hour they returned to tell Officer Parker that he was found, but that he was lying dead on the bank of the branch in the rear of the box factory. When the father and the officer investigated the report, they found it true. The father was almost prostrated by the sight that met his gaze. The revolver lying by the side of the little boy told the story of a boy's causeless desperation and its awful outcome. A great hole was in the temple, and the appearance of the body was that it had been in the rain and had lain where it was found during several warm days of last week. For this reason, it is thought the boy must have killed himself Wednesday or Thursday. He left home one week ago last Saturday afternoon, taking with him his father's revolver. When he did not return, his father became alarmed, and the day after his disappearance started out in search for the boy. Every nook and corner of the country was searched during the week that followed, and every clue suggested was followed up without avail. The lad was 13 years old and had never been away from home, so his absence was viewed with additional alarm when the cold weather set in. The lad had no good reason for leaving home, as his parents were always kind to him and gratified his every wish, and it is supposed that he became angered for some petty reason, and after leaving home with the revolver, it is supposed he became desperate from cold and hunger, and feared to return home, notwithstanding the reports he must have heard of the search being made for him. The father refuses to accept the suicide theory, and thinks the boy was accidentally killed while playing with the revolver. This theory is supported by the fact that the boy had discharged all the cartridges in the weapon but one, and when found only one shell was in it. Coroner Bailey held an inquest last evening, and a verdict was found that the boy came to his death by a bullet wound inflicted by a revolver in his own hand. The body was taken to the home in Highland Park last evening, and the funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will be conducted at the home by Rev. A. H. Kelso. There is deep sympathy for the afflicted parents in the sad bereavement which has come to their home - one of the heaviest that can fall upon any family.


WESSEL, ALBERT A./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 27, 1913
Worker for Telephone Company Electrocuted
Albert A. Wessel, aged 25, "trouble" man for the Kinloch telephone company, was electrocuted in his home, 705 Milnor avenue, Monday night, on taking hold of the brass socket of an electric lamp. His wife witnessed the accident but was so unnerved by the accident that she was powerless to give any help and though her husband three times shouted to her to go back upstairs and throw off the switch, she could not get up the stairs. Mr. and Mrs. Wessel, who had been married but six months. Mr. Wessel went to the cellar for a bucket of coal, and his wife stood at the head of the stairs, waiting for him. In the cellar there was an extension lamp, and instead of an ordinary extension cord, ordinary insulated wire was used. The lamp could be carried into the far corner of the cellar, and hung up there to illuminate the far corner. Mr. Wessel had carried the lamp in, filled his coal buckets, got his kindling, and carried them back to the foot of the cellar stairs. Then he went back for the lamp. He was carrying it back to the stairway when his foot went into a pool of water, and, it is said, at the same instant the street car went around the curve, and the trolley and incandescent wires came in contact. Wessel received the full force of a deadly current. He shouted to his wife first to shut off the switch and told her not to touch him. In her excitement she fell down the stairs. Mrs. Wessel saw her husband's plight, and he shouted to her to run back upstairs and shut off the current. Twice more, while the terror stricken wife was attempting to climb the stairs, she heard her husband telling her to hurry. She says that she seemed to have no control over her legs. She stood almost helpless and she says she heard her husband fall. Then she ran, with all the speed she could, to the home of William R. Wilson, and called him. Mr. Wilson went over to render aid and when he got there, he found the electric current still on. He threw the switch, and then he went to the cellar, and found Mr. Wessel lying on the floor, his hand freed from the electric lamp, but the wiring and the socket were lying on the floor beside him. The conclusion was that in his struggles to free himself, Wessel had dragged the wiring from overhead, but even this failed to break his grasp on the electric socket, his muscles rendered tense in their contraction as the powerful current coursed through his nerves. Wessel was dead when Mr. Wilson reached him. Burned spots were on his right hand and right foot. According to Mr. Wilson, there were many complaints, Monday night, of excessive power in the electric lighting system. Whether it was due to lightning or to some crossing up of lines not known. The death of Wessel came about in exactly the same way as that of Mrs. Alvina Foulds, a sister of G. F. Crowe and Mrs. James Aldous, and it is the second instance of the kind in Alton in many years. Mr. Wessel was well known among the patrons of the Kinloch company, as it was his duty to investigate and repair all troubles on the telephones. He was an expert electrician. Dr. R. M. Luster arrived in Alton today to conduct the inquest in the death of Albert A. Wessel, the young man who was electrocuted Monday night in his home, 705 Milnor avenue. Relatives of Wessel arrived from his old home, New Haven, Mo., to assist in looking after the funeral plans. They were deeply interested in the death of the young man and it was decided to secure some aid in the way of eliciting all the possible information at the coroner's inquiry this afternoon. The taking of evidence was at the Jacoby Undertaking establishment, and a number of witnesses were called. The theory upon which the family are going is that the young man's death was due to improper hanging of the trolley and electric light wires in the neighborhood and it is claimed that the deadly current had been complained of before. However, the representatives of the Alton Gas & Electric Company claim that the trolley line voltage is not high enough to kill a man, and that the deadly current, as told last evening was transferred from the high tension line to the service line leading to the Wessel home, by means of a strand of baling wire which boys had thrown over the high tension wire and let hang down to the other wire.....The jury found a verdict that Wessel came to his death by being electrocuted from current furnished by the Alton Gas and Electric Co. No specific finding fixing the responsibility was made. E. A. Wessel, of New Haven, Mo., a brother of Albert A. Wessel, has arrived here to look after the funeral arrangements of his brother. He brought with him an urgent request from the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Wessel, of New Haven, that the body be sent back there for the funeral services and burial. To this the widow has refused so far to agree. It is being urged by the brother that his father is prostrated, and his mother ill, and that neither can come to Alton to attend the funeral, so it is desired that the body be taken to them.....He was a favorite of the couple, among their children, and they want the body. However the young wife can not bring herself to the point of giving her consent. Another conference will be held this evening to attempt reaching some conclusion about the funeral. There is no doubt that in Illinois the wife has the right to dictate what disposition shall be made of her husband's body.


WESSEL, ELLEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 28, 1903
Mrs. Ellen Wessel, aged 80, a resident near Oldenburg 55 years, died Saturday night at 6 o'clock at her home, and was buried this morning at 10 o'clock from her late home. Mrs. Wessel leaves five children.


WEST, CHARLES HILLERY/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 30, 1850
Son of Edward M. West, Esq., Injured in Accident
A painfully distressing accident occurred near Edwardsville on Thursday, 22d instant. Charles, an interesting son of E. M. West, Esq., 7 years of age, was run away with by two horses attached to a buggy, and thrown out with great violence, thereby fracturing his skull and placing his life in the most imminent danger. By great care and skillful attention, the effects of the injury received by the fall were so far overcome after a few days, that strong hopes were obtained of his recovery. On Tuesday, however, severe chills and fever succeeded, placing him again in the most critical condition, and admitting of but slight hopes of his recovery.

Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1850
Died in Edwardsville on Tuesday afternoon, September 3, Charles Hillery West, oldest son of Edward M. West, Esq., aged 7 years, 8 months, and 8 days.


WEST, CORNELIUS B./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 12, 1877
Mr. Cornelius West, father of Rev. Robert West, died at the residence of his son in Alton, Tuesday night, aged 71 years and 4 months. His disease was paralysis. Mr. West was born March 16, 1806, in Belmont County, Ohio. He was married to Margaret Major, December 30, 1827. He was the father of eight children, five of whom are still living. He was converted in 1820, and remained a member of the church until his death. For many years he was a class leader in the Methodist Episcopal Church. During all the active portion of his life, he was a farmer. He was a man of naturally strong and robust constitution, but for many years had been in feeble health. For the past nine years, he resided with his son in Alton and elsewhere. He died full of years, and rejoining in hope of eternal life.

Cornelius B. West was born March 16, 1806, in Belmont County, Ohio. His parents were Avery West (1770-1849) and Elizabeth Poole West (1779-1859). Cornelius married Mary Margaret Major West on December 30, 1827. She survived him, along with two of their known children – Parley Brown West (1843-1923) and Rev. Robert West (1845-1886). Two other children preceded him in death – John M. West (1829-1852) and Nathaniel West (1836-1850). Cornelius was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


Edward Mitchell WestWEST, EDWARD MITCHELL/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, November 2, 1887 - Submitted by Jane Denny
President of West & Prickett Bank in Edwardsville
Captain in Illinois National Guard
Hon. Edward M. West, President of the banking firm of West & Prickett, and for over half a century identified with the interests of the city commercially, politically, educationally and socially, died on Monday, shortly after noon, at his residence, on St. Louis Street. He had been unwell for several weeks but was not strictly confined to bed, and it was not believed that any serious results would follow. The immediate cause of death was heart disease.

Edward Mitchell West, a native of Virginia, was born May 2, 1814, and would have reached the age of 74 years at his next birthday. His ancestors were English, and were closely identified with the Revolutionary War. The numerous incidents related of the war made a strong and lasting impression upon the subject of this sketch. In 1818 he came west with his father, settling near Belleville, St. Clair County. In the early times of his childhood in Southern Illinois there were no colleges, and had there been, he could not have attended them. He was always an earnest supporter of educational facilities and assisted in building the first school house in the county. He was emphatically, to a great degree, a self-educated and self-made man. When only a boy, twelve years of age, he was hoeing corn and doing other farm work on his father's farm in St. Clair County. The next year he went to Springfield, spending two years in the Recorder's office, recording all the deeds made in Sangamon County. During that time, he rendered valuable aid to the postmaster, besides cultivating the garden of his employer. The year 1833 found him with a clerkship in the land office at Edwardsville, where he spent two years of his time working fourteen hours a day, at a salary of $12 per month. By strict economy he managed to lay by one-third of his salary, and having gained a knowledge of bookkeeping, he opened a store in this city [Edwardsville] in the spring of 1835. By his persistent industry and application, soon established a reputation as a reliable and successful business man. By dint of perseverance, pleasing manners and fair dealing, he rapidly built up the largest trade in town.

There had been no bank in Edwardsville since 1824, and Mr. West, recognizing the need of one, in connection with his son-in-law, Major W. R. Prickett, erected a handsome building in 1867, and established the banking house of West & Pricket. This institution is among the first in the state, and Mr. West remained as its President to the time of his death. His face was a familiar one to all business men and to all who had business connections with the bank. Notwithstanding his close application to business, he devoted much time to literary pursuits, and was well read. As an earnest student he had collected a fine library. In recognition of his literary attainments, Illinois College, the oldest in the state, conferred the degree of Master of Arts upon him.

When the Illinois National Guard was formed, he was commissioned Captain of the 15th Battalion, and acted in capacity of Chaplain until it ceased to exist. Politically, he was formerly a Whig, but since that party has become extinct, he acted with the Democratic Party. In these affairs he always took an active interest, and many expressions of confidence were bestowed upon him. Being a candidate for office fifteen times, he with two exceptions, was elected. He was a member of the State Constitutional Convention in 1848, and took a very active part in the debates of that body. In this convention he drafted an article "On Counties," and as a member of the finance committee furthered the payment of the state debt.

His ambition, however, has not been for political honor and distinction, but he rather preferred the pursuits of business and quiets of domestic life. He was an indefatigable business man and worker, and even in late years was regular and persistent in his devotion to the interest of the bank. His judgment seldom was at fault, and hence his advice was frequently sought. Both in public and private affairs he was not only generous, but unostentatious. For many years he has been an active and prominent member of the Methodist church, rendering aid in every form. He contributed very heavily to the maintaining and erection of St. John's church and other churches in the state. In fact, it is largely due to his beneficence that the debt on the M. E. Church is lifted.

West was wedded to Miss Julia A. Atwater in 1835, in whom he found a worthy companion and loving wife for forty-two years. But three of his children reached their majority: Virginia, wife of Major W. R. Prickett; Mary, wife of Senator W. F. L. Hadley; and Norah L., wife of O.L. Taylor. Only two of his children survive him, the wife of Major Prickett having passed away thirteen years ago. Mr. West was again married in 1880, to Mrs. M. K. Mitchell of this city, who survives him. The funeral services, which will be conducted at the Methodist Episcopal Church, will occur tomorrow morning, at 10 o'clock. The remains will be laid to rest in Woodlawn Cemetery.


WEST, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 22, 1891
Civil War Veteran Dies in Poverty
An aged pauper named Henry West was found dead in his bed Saturday morning, in a log cabin on Mr. Charles Bushwell’s farm, a short distance north of Godfrey. Coroner Bonner has been notified, and an inquest may be held tonight. This log cabin was on the farm of James Squire, north of town. “Judge” West, as he was commonly known, was a bachelor, without known relatives, and probably nearly seventy years of age. For some disability incurred during his short service in the army, he was promised a pension that would have kept him comfortably. The poor fellow made many trips to the post office, vainly looking for this, but the government was exasperatingly slow – slower than death – as vouchers for the pension arrived a few hours after the latter had taken place, and before the fact was discovered by the neighbors.

Later: An inquest was held on the body of Henry West. Evidence was produced that the old man had been suffering from bronchitis, and the jury returned a verdict of death from natural causes. West had been an object of charity for years. Food, clothing, and a place of abode have been given him gratis or on long-standing credit. Recently, he was granted a pension for service in the War of the Rebellion, and it is said that he would have received a considerable sum of money from the government in a few days. He was buried at Godfrey yesterday afternoon.


WEST, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 13, 1874
James West, who was hurt by the runaway team as previously reported, died last Saturday of his injuries. His funeral, which was largely attended, took place from the residence of Doctor B. E. Evans, the following day. The deceased was from the County Donegal, Ireland, and was in the fifty-third year of his age when he died. He had been in this country but a few years, and leaves a large family and numerous friends to mourn his sad and untimely demise.


WEST, JOSEPH BENJAMIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 29, 1878
From Edwardsville - Joseph Benjamin West, son of Thomas S. West, died last Saturday at his home on Silver Creek, 12 miles northeast of Edwardsville; aged about 30 years. He has left a widow and three children to mourn their irreparable loss.


WEST, JULIA A. [nee ATWATER]/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, March 7, 1877 - Submitted by Jane Denny
Wife of Hon. Edward Mitchell West
Died on March 3, in Edwardsville, Mrs. Julia A. West, wife of Hon. Edward M. West, and daughter of the late Joshua Atwater. The funeral services took place at the resident on the 5th, in presence of a large audience of friends how had come to evidence their esteem for the memory of the departed. The services were conducted by Rev. F. A. Hoyt, of the M. E. church, assisted by Rev. Dr. Root [sic] of the Presbyterian church, and Rev. Jub. Hogan of St. Louis. From a paper read on the occasion by Judge H. K. Eaton, we get the following facts: Mrs. West was born near Collinsville, on the 5th of March, 1817, and has always lived in St. Clair and Madison counties, and at the time of her decease had probably lived longer in Edwardsville than anyone who ever resided in this city. Received into the M. E. church by Rev. Samuel H. Thompson, when ten years of age, she became one of the first class of that church in 1827, of which Rev. Richard Randle, now of Salem, Illinois, was the leader. She was the last surviving member of the twenty persons who formed that society. Knowing her intimately well for over forty years, I can say that I never knew a person of purer life than hers. She loved truth and practiced it as perfectly as can be done in human life, guided by a clear intellect, and aided by Divine wisdom and strength. For fifty years she was a christian in all that word means, uniform in her experience and settled in her convictions of Bible truth. Without pretense and peculiarly conscientious, she never said anything which her judgment did not approve, nor did anything that her conscience condemned. Never were parents blessed with a better child -a husband with a truer wife, or children with a more loving mother. All who came within her influence were impressed with the dignity and excellence of her character. For forty-two years she had made her home a place of holy joy to her family, and of welcome to her friends and acquaintances. All who knew her esteemed her, and they who knew her best loved her most. Although an invalid for two years, her sick chamber was the most cheerful room in the household. She suffered without complaining, and was cheerful and happy where many find cause of despondency and sorrow. Of ripe and cultivated intellect and discerning christian faith, she found sources of enjoyment and cause of hope and gratitude where many feel discouragement and sadness. Of nine children two survive her, and a husband who will never cense [sic] to love and cherish her memory as the richest treasure of life. The day, which would have completed the sixtieth year of her age, finds many loving friends gather to bear her from her pleasant home to her last resting place. While she leaves to the church in Edwardsville, of which she was a member for fifty years, the valued legacy of a holy and useful life, and to her family and friends the sweet memories of affection and benevolence, and rising to a higher and heavenly life, and joining many loved and kindred spirits, will enter that rest of joy and blessedness prepared for the faithful and the pure.


WEST, ROBERT (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 4, 1886
The funeral of Reverend Robert West, whose remains were brought here from Chicago on Thursday, took place from the Congregational Church, Rev. H. S. Mills, pastor, and Rev. George C. Adams of St. Louis, officiating. Mr. Adams spoke feelingly and earnestly in eulogy of the departed, his impulsiveness, power of intuition, courage, self-devotion, of his sunny disposition, a temperament that shed light on lives darkened by sorrow and adversity. He alluded to the great and important work done by Mr. West as a minister and as an editor, stating that he had left an impress for good wherever he had been. He had worked four years’ pastorate in Alton. The remains were taken to the City Cemetery, and buried by the grave of the deceased’s father.

Rev. Robert West was born September 14, 1845, in Ohio. He died in Chicago, and his remains buried in the Alton City Cemetery. He was the son of Cornelius B. (1806-1877) and Mary Margaret Major (1806l-1877) West.


WEST, WALTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 11, 1904
The body of Walter West, the child who died at the Catholic Orphanage Friday, was sent to Effingham for burial. His father, who is in Missouri some place, could not be located. [According to an article in the April 13, 1904 newspaper, he had died of measles and pneumonia.]


WESTERE, ANTONIO/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 12, 1914
Killed by Train
A Chicago & Alton switch engine instantly killed Antonio Westere, a Greek, aged 50, this morning. Westere had just stepped outside the glasswork’s yards, paying no attention to the approaching switch engine, and he walked on the track in front of the engine. He could not be identified at first, but it was finally established that he was Westere, and that he lived at 126 East Fourth street. He leaves his wife and six children, the oldest a girl of 17, employed at the Venardos' store. The family have not been here long. The father came here about 2 1/2 years ago, and then he sent for his family who arrived about 18 months ago. He is said to have been a quiet, industrious man, very fond of his family and his family devoted to him. They had a hard time getting along, making their home in a new country, but the father was a hard worker and spent his money on his little flock, and the outlook was beginning to be brighter. The mother, with a number of little children about her looking to her for support, was unconscious of the accident until about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Some Greek residents appointed a committee to visit her and break to her the news of the tragedy that had deprived the family of their head and main support. It was said this afternoon by Mr. Venardos that an effort would be made to raise sufficient funds to help the family, by subscription, in Alton and St. Louis. A coroner's inquest will be held over the victim of the accident.


WESTERHOLD, FRED H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 24, 1918
Submitted by Marsha Ensminger (great-granddaughter)
Lived on One Farm for Half Century
The funeral of Fred H. Westerhold will be held Friday afternoon. The funeral party will leave the home two miles east of Wood River at 1 o'clock. The services will be conducted at the Eden Evangelical Church in Edwardsville at 2 o'clock. Interment will be in the Wanda cemetery.

Mr. Westerhold was well known in the vicinity of Wood River. He has lived on one farm there for over a half century. He was 76 years, 3 months old. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Minnie Westerhold; five sons, William of Jerseyville; Edward of White Hall; and Henry, Herman and Charles of Wood River; and one daughter, Mrs. Fred Klopmeier of Liberty Prairie and two sisters, Mrs. Charlotte Schwettman of Los Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. Henry Bade of Nameoki.


WESTON, GERTRUDE (nee CANNELL)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20, 1919
Mrs. Gertrude Cannell Weston, wife of L. H. Weston, died this morning at 8 o'clock at St. Joseph's hospital where she was taken for treatment about noon yesterday. Mrs. Weston's death occurred in less than 24 hours after being removed from the home to the hospital. She had been suffering from diabetes during the past two years, but her case was not considered necessarily serious until lately. Finally she made up her mind to go to the hospital where she could be treated for the trouble from which she suffered, but her case had become very serious and she was in a very weak condition. Her death this morning comes as a surprise to her friends. Mrs. Weston was born in Alton and lived here all her life. She leaves her husband, L. H. Weston, and two sons, Horace and William Weston. She also leaves two brothers, Charles A. and Herbert Cannell, and one sister, Miss Eva Cannell. The body was removed from the hospital to the residence in Upper Alton this morning, but funeral arrangements were not complete. The Weston family moved to Upper Alton twelve years ago and lived several years in the E. C. James homestead at Amelia street and Washington avenue. From there they moved to the Dr. Robert Gibson place at College avenue and Humbert street, where they have resided for five years. The funeral will be held from the home.


WESTON, HANNAH GRAY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 23, 1919
The body of Mrs. Hannah Gray Weston, wife of W. G. Weston, who died last Wednesday at Petaluma, Cal., arrived here this morning. She will be buried tomorrow from St. Paul's Episcopal church, where services will be conducted, the Rev. H. M. Chittenden of Salem, Ill., former rector of that church. Mrs. Weston was 81 years old. She was a resident of Alton for more than 50 years. She left this city to go to California about eight years ago. During her residence in Alton, Mrs. Weston was an active member of St. Paul's Episcopal church. She was a sister of George Gray, one time city clerk of Alton. She was well known among the older residents of the city, and was known as a charitable woman. She was loved by all who knew her and her death will cause sorrow among a large number of people. Mrs. Weston is survived by a daughter, Mrs. T. H. Hanson of Petaluma, and one son, L. H. Weston of Upper Alton, and her husband, W. G. Weston. The aged husband accompanied the remains of his wife to Alton. She leaves two grandchildren, William B. Weston of Petaluma and William G. Weston of Alton. The mother, wife and son of L. H. Weston have died within five months. His wife died last March, and his son, Horace Weston, Shurtleff College student, was drowned at Lake Geneva, Wis., and was buried five weeks ago today.


WESTON, HORACE C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 14, 1919
Alton Boy Drowns at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Horace C. Weston, 19 years old, son of Leslie H. Weston, 1718 Humbert street, and a student of Shurtleff College, was drowned yesterday at Lake Geneva, Wis. Weston, with six other students of Shurtleff College, had gone to Lake Geneva to attend a Y. M. C. A. conference. The Alton party arrived at Lake Geneva yesterday morning, having left Alton Thursday night. Yesterday afternoon Weston and Marcos Canas decided to go in swimming, and each dove off a long pier. Weston never reappeared after his dive, and efforts to locate his body had failed up to last night. His father, accompanied by Chas. Cannell, his uncle, departed for Lake Geneva last night to assist in the hunt for the boy's body. It was only about an hour before the Alton party left for Wisconsin that Weston knew he was to be one of the local representatives. It was found that of the funds provided by the college Y. M. C. A., enough remained to pay the expenses of another representative, and Weston was induced to go. Those in the Alton party were: Cyrus Daniel, Edward Meriwether, John Blair, Wilford Queen, George Crawford, Marcos Canas, and Weston. The news of the drowning was brought to Alton in a message to President George M. Potter, of the college, from Grover C. Little, state secretary of the Y. M. C. A. for colleges for Illinois, who is attending the conference for Lake Geneva. Weston was a member of the June 1917 class of Alton High school, and entered Shurtleff College last September when that institution was under government supervision, with an S. A. T. C. unit training there. When the army unit disbanded in December, Weston continued his school work. He was a boy fond of athletics and outdoor life, but also ranked among the leaders in the class room. He leaves his father and a brother, a High school student. His mother died a few months ago. At 3 o'clock this afternoon President Potter of Shurtleff College stated that he had received no further word from Lake Geneva regarding the recovery of the body. The father was due to arrive in Lake Geneva at 11 o'clock this morning to assist in the search. However, Secretary Little of the Illinois College Y. M. C. A. work, in understood to have been doing everything possible to recover the body of the Alton boy. Lake Geneva has been a favorite resort for Shurtleff students, several of them having gone there each year for the last two decades to attend the annual meeting of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. organizations. Other Alton people have also visited the resort. One Alton resident, who is quite familiar with Lake Geneva, stated today that the water is not only deep at the point where young Weston dived, but that there was a strong undercurrent. A few years ago two young lady visitors to the resort were drowned near where Weston is said to have gone down, and their bodies were not discovered.

Horace Weston Buried Today
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 18, 1919
The funeral of Horace Weston, who was drowned at Lake Geneva, Wis., was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Wesley Methodist church in Upper Alton. The services were conducted by Rev. Theodore Cates. There was a very large attendance at the funeral services. The young man, in addition to being intensely popular in Upper Alton, had taken an active part in the work of the church. He was a member of the junior choir of the church, and the members of the organization participated in the funeral ceremony. The young ladies of the choir carried flowers, and six young men of the choir served as pallbearers. They were Hugh Ford, Gordon Greene, Ed Hord, Talkett Wells, William Thompson, Ray Elder. Musical numbers were sung by the choir of the church.


WETSTEIN, HUBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 25, 1916
Crippled Young Man Found Dead in Pasture - Gored by Bull
Hubert Wetstein, a brother of Joseph Wetstein, a well-known farmer and gardener living east of Alton, was gored to death by a bull belonging to the Wetstein farm, in a pasture some distance from the house, some time Thursday afternoon. After dinner Thursday, "Hippy" started out to the pasture to do some fence repairing and what happened there will never be known as he was alone. When he did not return to supper, the members of the family became alarmed and a search was made for him with lanterns until a late hour without locating him. Early this morning the hunt was resumed and shortly afterwards the dead body of the young man was found near a clump of bushes in the pasture, and some distance from the fence. There was some doubt as to whether Wetstein was killed by the bull or not. He had a bad lump on the back of the head and a torn place on his shirt. Some think that had the bull attacked Wetstein there would have been marks on the body lower than the head, as a bull usually lowers its head and strikes low down. Young Wetstein was about 47 years of age and was a cripple. He had always been crippled and was not bright and it is probable that he became completely confused when the animal attacked him and tried to run away from the fence instead of towards it. The condition of the body indicated that he was killed early Thursday afternoon and it may have been done while he was on his way to the fence after leaving home at dinner time. The bull is said to have shown no vicious tendencies previously, and it is thought must have been angered in some manner just before or after the time the unfortunate young man came along. Neighbors of the family with whom a Telegraph reporter conversed this morning say the parents and other members of the family are prostrated by the tragic occurrence, and the neighbors generally greatly shocked thereby.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 26, 1916
The jury empaneled by Coroner Simms yesterday afternoon to inquire into the death of Hubert Wetstein, whose dead body was found Friday morning in the Wetstein pasture east of Alton, brought in a verdict that his death was caused by being trampled and gored by a bull. Burial will be at St. Joseph's cemetery beside the body of the father, John Wetstein, who died six or seven months ago. During the inquest it developed that the bull had treed a couple of men in that pasture about a week ago, and later attacked Mrs. Joseph Wetstein. Joseph Wetstein, the brother, is in a pitiable condition over the tragedy. He is blaming himself for sending Hubert out to fix the fence and is moaning that he wishes he had gone himself. Friends are neighbors are trying to console him by the statement that because of Hubert's mental and physical condition he is much better off, but there is no consolation in that for the surviving brother. Hubert, several years ago, accidentally shot and killed a brother at the Wetstein home, but it was said then and has been frequently said since, that he never realized what he had done. The boys were hunting rabbits in the field near the house when the shooting occurred, and Hubert knew in a dazed sort of way that something was wrong but he never realized what it was or what part in bringing the condition about he played. The Wetstein family are receiving the sincere sympathy of all who know them.


WETSTEIN, MAGDALENE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 27, 1911
Mrs. Magdalene Wetstein, wife of John Wetstein, died at the family home, 814 east Second street, Saturday night after a brief illness. Six weeks ago, the aged couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, and at that time all of the children were present and enjoyed a very pleasant time. The husband and four sons survive Mrs. Wetstein, the sons being John, Matthew, Hubert, and Joseph. For many years the couple lived on a farm near East Alton until Mr. Wetstein retired from farming and moved to Alton to spend the remainder of his days. The time of the funeral was not fixed until a son in Texas could be heard from. [Burial was in St. Joseph's Cemetery]


WETZEL, UNKNOWN/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, February 19, 1897
Suicide by Hanging
Mrs. Henry Wetzel, wife of a prominent farmer living two miles from Alhambra, took her own life Wednesday morning [Feb. 17], between ten and eleven o'clock. She was found dead in her room at that time by a servant, who gave the alarm and summoned the assistance of neighbors. Death was due to strangulation, a stocking fastened from the head of her bed being used for that purpose. Coroner H. J. Bailey, of Alton, was notified and arrived about 11 o'clock Wednesday night. The verdict was suicide. Despondency, due to the recent death of her mother and illness is assigned as the cause of the act. Some time ago, Mrs. Wetzel scalded her arm badly, making a painful wound which prevented her attending the funeral of her mother, and this, in connection with her general state of health, made her very downhearted. She leaves a husband and several small children, the youngest under a year old.


WEYEN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 18, 1918
World War I Soldier Dies in Camp
Mrs. Minnie Weyen of Bethalto received word today that her son, John Weyen, aged 30, who left Bethalto July 28, died in camp at Columbus, Ohio, and the body will be brought back for burial. He was in the saloon business at Bethalto and quit to go to war when drafted. He leaves beside his mother, a brother, William, and a sister, Miss Mabel. Burial will be at Gillespie.


WHALEN, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 1, 1912
John Whalen, aged 52, died Sunday night at the home of Ben C. Few in Upper Alton. His death was very unexpected and neither his wife nor his children knew of his death until the end had come. Whalen had been suffering a long time with throat trouble, and he went to California last fall. He became homesick and stayed only four weeks, although he had gained considerable in weight and strength. He became worse when he returned, but he insisted upon going to work in January, and worked ten days. Then he took a lay-off and resumed work week before last and remained at work until Friday. He returned home Friday night, his mind evidently impaired, and on Saturday he insisted upon going to work again, but he was persuaded to stay at home. However he did walk up to the office of his physician, Dr. T. P. Yerkes. He seemed to be in fairly good condition Saturday night and all day Sunday had a good appetite and was up all day Sunday. After he went to bed, Mr. Few discovered that Whalen was in a bad way and he called a doctor over Whalen's protests. Death occurred about 11:30 o'clock. Mr. Whalen leaves his wife and three children, Edward, Beulah and Fred. His wife and daughter have been in St. Louis working since shortly after the husband and father went West. Mrs. Whalen had visited him and he had visited her, but he was making his stay at the Few home. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's church. [burial was in Greenwood Cemetery]


WHALEN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 30, 1880
From Edwardsville – William Whalen, an old resident of Madison County, died last night, December 28, from an abscess. He was about 50 years of age, and leaves a wife and one grown son.


WHEARHIDE, FRED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 31, 1906
Fred Whearhide died at 6 o'clock Wednesday morning at the home of Henry Whittleman at 210 Ridge street. He was 51 years of age, and has been a sufferer with dropsy for several years. The past month he became very ill, and nothing could be done to relieve his condition. The funeral will be held from the Whittleman home Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. H. M. Ewers will officiate.


WHEAT, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 10, 1913
Thomas Wheat, aged 70, a resident of Alton for many years, died Thursday evening at his home, 416 Bluff street, from kidney trouble. He had been a long sufferer from chronic Bright’s disease. His condition became such Thursday morning that a physician was summoned and that evening at 7 o'clock he died suddenly. He had dropsical symptoms. Mr. Wheat was engaged in business in Alton for many years. He is survived by his wife, as he never had any children. A few years ago he left Alton to make his home in the south, taking all of the money he could gather together with him. He deposited the money in a bank in his new home, and the bank failed and Mr. Wheat was forced to see the sweeping away of his entire possessions, except the little home he had owned in Alton, and which he had been unable to sell. He came back here with Mrs. Wheat and recently he sold the home. Mr. Wheat was a native of England. Before coming to Alton about thirty years ago, he lived around Shipman and Brighton, and the body will be taken to Shipman for burial at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Owing to the fact that he had sold his home and had all his goods packed, ready to move to Florida, and that the new owner had moved his household goods into the place, the funeral will be from the undertaking establishment of Allen Keiser at 9 a.m.


WHEATLY, RICHARD (alias RICHARD DUGGAN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 28, 1902
Richard Duggan died at St. Joseph's hospital Sunday from the effects of overheating. Deputy Coroner Streeper took charge of the body. Duggan lived at East Alton.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 29, 1902
It has been learned that the man who died at St. Joseph's hospital on Sunday under the name of Richard Duggan was really Richard Wheatly, and that he has a brother who is now an engineer on the Chicago & Alton railroad. Why Wheatly assumed the name of Duggan is not known. The body is being held by C. N. Streeper until the brother can be heard from.


WHEELER, CLAYTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 15, 1906
Struck on Head by Heavy Timber
Clayton Wheeler, who was struck on the head by a heavy timber at the Beall shovel plant at East Alton several days ago, died at St. Joseph's hospital last evening at 10 o'clock. His death was due to paralysis. The father and mother of the young man, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wheeler of Grafton, were with him when he died. The body will be sent to Grafton for burial.


WHEELER, GILBERT/Source: Alton Observer, June 15, 1837
Read and Sympathize - On Monday, the 5th instant, Gilbert Wheeler, aged four years, son of Erastus Wheeler, Esq., of Edwardsville, Ill., wandered out of town late in the evening; and although constant search was made for him by a large number of men, he was not found until Friday morning, when he was found in Cahoe creek, about one mile from town, where he probably had lain from Monday night. He was a fine promising boy, and a great favorite of his distressed father and mother. "But while they mourn, he sings above, And views with joy the God of Love."


WHEELER, JOHN S. (COLONEL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1881
Son of Erastus M. Wheeler
From Edwardsville - Died at his residence in Edwardsville, on Sunday last, after a painful illness of about ten days, Colonel John S. Wheeler, aged 51 years, 10 months, and 26 days. To say that this county has lost one of its most energetic citizens is but expressing the universal opinion of our people. The funeral took place from the family residence Tuesday morning, and was largely attended by the friends of the deceased.

Colonel John S. Wheeler was born November 18, 1829, in Illinois. He was the son of Erastus M. Wheeler (1797-1867) and Julia A. McMullen Wheeler (1799-1865). He married Maria Emma Arthur in 1855. Shed died in 1869. The Colonel had two children, John E. Wheeler (1860-1863) and Arthur M. Wheeler (1864-1917). He was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.


Colonel William E. WheelerWHEELER, WILLIAM E. (COLONEL)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 18, 1901
Son of Erastus Wheeler (Early Settler of Madison County)
Colonel William E. Wheeler, aged 74, died this morning at Edwardsville after a long illness. Col. Wheeler was a son of Col. Erastus Wheeler, one of the earliest settlers of Madison county, and he was himself one of the best-known men in the country. He filled the office of county surveyor, sheriff, and has been prominent in Democratic politics almost all his life.

Colonel William Wheeler was born March 3, 1826, in Edwardsville, Illinois, to Erastus and Julia A. McMullen Wheeler. William married Piety Forte Hatcher, and they had three children: Angelina Cordelia Wheeler Burton (1862-1946); Lillian Julia Wheeler Mansfield (1864-1945); and William Erastus Wheeler (1872-1936). William is buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.   See biography here.


WHEELER, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 25, 1908
Killed by Train
William Wheeler, said to be 52 years of age but apparently much older, was killed Saturday evening by the Springfield Accommodation train on its last trip, as the train was passing the C. & A. roundhouse. The old man was crossing the track, and was trundling a wheelbarrow in which he was carrying home some supplies of food for the family. His son, Thomas, is employed in the roundhouse. Fireman A. R. Brown noticed the old man on the track trying to push the wheelbarrow over, as the train rounded the curve. He told Engineer Webb and the train stopped and backed up. A son of Wheeler, seeing the train return and thinking something had happened, went out to see who it was who was killed and found that it was his own father. The body was taken to the morgue of Deputy Coroner Keiser, where an inquest was held Saturday night, and a verdict of accidental death was found. A singular circumstance was that a bottle of whiskey in the man's pocket was not broken when the engine struck him. Wheeler leaves his wife and children, Mrs. Emma Rose and Thomas Wheeler. The funeral of Wm. Wheeler was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home.


WHEELOCK, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 8, 1890
The death of this estimable lady, Monday afternoon, was a great shock to her many friends. She was taken ill on Wednesday with congestion, and suffered intensely all the time. Mrs. Wheelock had lived with her husband, Mr. H. T. Wheelock, in Alton, thirty-one years, and in that time won a circle of warm and admiring friends, to whom her death will be a sad loss. Mrs. Wheelock, besides her husband, leaves an adopted daughter.

Catherine Wheelock was born in 1835. He married Hiram T. Wheelock (1835-1910). Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.


WHEELOCK, ELEAZAR LOUIS RIPLEY (COLONEL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 25, 1847
Died at Edwardsville on the 21st of April last, Colonel Eleazar Louis Ripley Wheelock, formerly of Madison County but latterly a resident of Wheelock, Robinson County, Texas, aged 54 years.

Colonel Eleazar Wheelock III was born March 31, 1793, in Hanover, New Hampshire. He was the son of Eleazar Wheelock II (1756-1811), who is buried on the family farm in St. Clair County, Illinois. Eleazar Wheelock II was the son of Rev. Eleazar (1711-1779) and Mary Brinsmead (1714-1783) Wheelock, who are buried in Hanover, New Hampshire. Rev. Eleazar Wheelock graduated from Yale College in 1733. He continued his theological studies at Yale, and licensed to preach in May 1734. Mary Brinsmead was his second wife. He was part of the Great Awakening, a religious revival. He was deeply concerned about the Native Americans in New England, whose numbers declined rapidly due to disease, warfare, and social disruption. Rev. Wheelock died during the Revolutionary War, on April 24, 1779.

Colonel Eleazar Wheelock III died while on a business trip in Edwardsville, and was buried with his parents-in-law (George and Sarah Prickett) in the Lusk Cemetery in Edwardsville, with his name on the back of their tombstone. This tombstone (and perhaps the remains?) was moved from the Lusk Cemetery to the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville sometime in the early 1900s. There is a cenotaph erected to him in the Texas State Cemetery in Austin, Texas.


WHEELOCK, HIRAM T./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 2, 1917
Partner in Ginter & Wardein ; Talented Musician
Hiram T. Wheelock, for many years a prominent business man of the city, and prominent in the work of the Twelfth Street Presbyterian Church, died at 9:30 o'clock Friday morning at his home, 612 East Sixth street. The death of Mr. Wheelock had been expected since Wednesday of last week, when he took a turn for the worse and his decline was rapid. He had been in bad health for over two years, due to weakness of advancing age, and he had not been able to be out very much. During the long period he was practically an invalid, the aged gentleman received many visitors at his home. His long life had been characterized by a sunny disposition which had made many friends, and beside his strong character had won for him many sincere admirers. Though he found it a hardship for one of his activities to be confined to his home, he bore his disability bravely and cheerfully, and he looked forward with utmost resignation to the approaching end. His daughter, Miss Mary T. Wheelock of Beaumont, Tex., was summoned to be with him in the last week of his life. She arrived just a week before the end came. Mr. Wheelock was born in Bakersfield, Vt., July 23, 1835, and was in his eighty-second year. He came to Alton about 1859, and for a while he worked in the Boals Planing Mill. Then he engaged in the planing mill business and he was associated in partnership with several men of bygone days in Alton. His latest partner was Louis Gluter. About twelve years ago he sold out his interest to the firm of Ginter & Wardein, and he retired from active occupation. Mr. Wheelock was a talented musician, and his musical talent was always at the disposal of the Twelfth street church in which he held membership, and where he served as an officer for many years. He was a quiet, dignified, gentlemanly man, and he had a large number of friends. He is survived by his wife, and his daughter, Miss Mary T. Wheelock, who was adopted by him when she was a few days old. He leaves two sisters, Mrs. James Sherman of Holly, Colo., and Mrs. Henrietta Look of Anaheim, Cal., and a brother, Charles of Seattle, Wash. The funeral will be held Sunday at ___ p.m. from the home, and friends are requested to omit flowers.


WHELAN, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 24, 1889
From Edwardsville - John Whelan, an inmate of Dr. Pogue’s hospital, died Saturday. He was buried yesterday. He was injured on the K. C. Railroad near Fruitt, by being caught under a fall of earth. He was an old soldier, leaving served in a New York Regiment.


WHETSTEIN, ADELINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 16, 1909
The funeral of Adeline Whetstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Whetstein, was held this afternoon from St. Mary's church where services were conducted by REv. Jos. Meckel. Burial was in St. Joseph's cemetery beneath a heavy coverlet of flowers.


WHETSTEIN, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7, 1889
Accidentally Shot by His Brother
Young William Whetstein, who was accidentally shot by his brother on January 10, while the two were out hunting, died of his injuries Friday morning, after three weeks of intense suffering. The wound was pronounced fatal at the first, but the victim lingered so long after the accident, that hopes were entertained for a time, of his recovery, but the result first anticipated has been sadly realized.


WHETZEL, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 26, 1894
About five o’clock Sunday evening, Charlie, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Whetzel, fell from the outside of the Eagle Packet Company’s wharf boat. The little fellow was throwing missiles into the water near the bow of the Spread Eagle, when he lost his footing. A number of people on the Spread Eagle saw him fall, but could render him no assistance. A boat put out from the shore shortly after, but he had disappeared beneath the water. Charlie was eight years old. His parents reside on State Street, and were greatly shocked when informed of the fate of their son. A search for the body was immediately made, and has been kept up ever since. The riverfront was dragged with grappling hooks and lines, but the body was not caught.


WHETZEL, LOUIS O./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 6, 1922
Helped Build Alton Railroad Bridge
Louis O. Whetzel died at 11:40 o'clock last night, aged 62, after a long illness with Brights disease. He had been in bad health for about one year. The death of Mr. Whetzel had been expected for some time. Recently he was completely disabled after having returned to his place of duty on the draw span of the Alton Bridge. He had been employed on the bridge ever since work upon it was started, about 1891. He came here as labor foreman for the bridge contractor. When the bridge was finished, Mr. Whetzel was given the position of chief engineer on the draw span, in charge of turning the span for passing steamboats. He continued on that job without any interruption and was still carried as an employee of the company at the time of his death. He has the record of never losing a day's time except on rare occasions he would go away to attend some lodge gathering for a part of a day, and so rare were his absences it is said that he never missed a day's pay. Some time ago he was forced to take a layoff on account of bad health, but he managed to resume his duties until a few weeks ago when he was prostrated and he sank rapidly. Mr. Whetzel was born in Des Moines, Ia., July 6, 1860. He was the father of seven children, all of whom are living. His wife also survives him. The children are Louis Jr. of Springfield, Ill., Freeman of St. Louis; Robert, Paul, Perry, Ernest and Miss Mary Whetzel, all of Alton. He also leaves four grandchildren. Mr. Whetzel had been a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Junior Mechanics and the Masonic Order. Mr. Whetzel was a good citizen, a hard working man and he was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. He was a good father and husband and respected by his neighbors. The time of the funeral will be announced later. [Whetzel is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.]


WHIPPLE, ELIZABETH H./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19, 1847
Died in this city [Alton], at 9 o'clock on Sabbath morning, the 14th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth H. Whipple, aged 35 years. Mrs. Whipple was the wife of Mr. Perley B. Whipple, was born in the city of Philadelphia, and has been for 11 years a resident of this place. She made in early life a public profession of religion, and has been ever since a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church. She died in the full possession of her reason, with many expressions of confidence in her Savior, and leaving the most delightful assurance that death to her was gain. Her funeral was attended on Monday morning from the Presbyterian Church. A sermon was preached by her Pastor. A large audience, composed of the members of the church and congregation, the Sons of Temperance and many other citizens, testified their sympathy with the bereaved. Mrs. Whipple left two sons and an infant daughter.


WHIPPLE, HANNAH G. (nee CHASE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 11, 1918
Mrs. Hannah G. Whipple, widow of Perley B. Whipple, died Monday at 12:45 o'clock at her residence, 327 East Twelfth street, after a long period of disability. She was in feeble health for a long time, but her illness did not become alarming until Friday when she took a change for the worse and she sank fast. Early this morning it became apparent that she could not live much longer. During her long illness Mrs. Whipple was given the most devoted attention by her daughter, Miss Florence Whipple, who had given up all other interests to look after her aged mother. The condition of the aged lady was the cause of much anxiety to a large number of her friends and neighbors for some time. She maintained her faculties almost to the last, and the passing out of her life was beautiful and peaceful as she would have had it. She had been unable to be out of her home for a long time, but in her home she was given the most devoted attention by her daughter and her friends. Mrs. Whipple was the widow of one of Alton's early day business men. Her husband died many years ago at a great age. She was very active in the work of the First Presbyterian Church until recent years, when old age compelled her to yield those duties to others who were younger. In the work of the various women's societies of the church she was one of the leaders and counselors. She was beloved by all who knew her, and was recognized as a woman of great mental ability. Almost all of her married life she had lived on the one piece of property at Twelfth and George Streets. Mrs. Whipple's maiden name was Chase. She was born in Millbury, Mass., February 22, 1831, and at the time of her death was nearing her 87th birthday. She was a member of a prominent eastern family, and one of her brothers was for many years the head of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. She came to Alton as a bride March 5, 1857. During the first five years of her married life she lived in two different places, but in 1862 the family moved to the house where she died. In 1896 her husband died. Mrs. Whipple had held membership in the First Presbyterian Church sixty years, and was one of the oldest members of that church. Mrs. Whipple was for many years president of the Women's Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian Church, and she had a deep interest in that work. She also had been a member of the board of directors of the public library for many years, and she was also one of the original members of the Women's Council. She was deeply interested in many public enterprises and always ready to help out of her broad experience and good judgment. Mrs. Whipple was the last of her own family. She leaves one daughter, Miss Florence Whipple, and two nephews. The time of the funeral had not been set this afternoon.


WHIPPLE, PERLEY BATCHELDER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 9, 1896
Pioneer; Alton Business Man; Abolitionist
Friend to Elijah P. Lovejoy
One of Alton’s oldest citizens and one of its early pioneers – Perley Batchelder Whipple – died in Alton last evening, in his 87th year. Mr. Whipple was born in New Braintree, Massachusetts, April 15, 1810. He removed to Alton in October 1835, making him a resident of Alton over 61 years. He began business immediately on his location in Alton, putting in a stock of boots and shoes and dry goods, and continued in this line until 1871, when he retired with the intention of going on a farm. But just about that date, he was called upon to act as executor of the estate of Arba Nelson, to which he gave much of his time. In connection with his duties as executor, he opened an insurance and real estate agency, and remained with it until a few years ago, when he disposed of his interest in the firm to his partner, Mr. George H. Smiley.

When Mr. Whipple arrived in Alton in 1835 with a stock of goods, there was not a vacant business house in town. After looking around for a day or two, he found a saloonkeeper who was willing to sell out. A bargain was made, and Mr. Whipple took possession of the house and stock of liquors. “What are you going to do with the liquors?” asked the saloonkeeper. “turn them out into the street,” was the instant reply. “I will buy them of you and pay you all they are worth,” said the saloonkeeper. But Mr. Whipple would not sell, and turned the firewater into the street, where it would do no harm. During his long life he has been an earnest and practical advocate of total abstinence.

Much of the history of Alton was familiar to Mr. Whipple. Coming to the little city shortly before the riots that ended in the death of Elijah P. Lovejoy, he became deeply interested in the martyr’s career. Mr. Whipple was an abolitionist and deeply sympathized with the little company who defended the great expounder of the doctrine of the liberty of the press and the liberty of the slave. The writer has frequently heard Mr. Whipple tell of the dreadful days prior to and succeeding the death of Lovejoy. Every man who was known to be a friend of Lovejoy’s was hourly in danger of his life. The mob spirit was bold and aggressive. The homes of the little band of liberty-lovers were threatened, and it was found necessary for many days after the death of the martyr to keep the windows darkened after night, for fear of assassination. In this connection, it may be well to state that Mr. Whipple’s first marriage was solemnized by Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, not long before the murder was committed.

It was in Mr. Whipple’s private life as a citizen, neighbor, friend, husband, and father, that the characteristics which made him eminent were developed and appreciated. Of a quiet and unobtrusive disposition, it required an intimate acquaintance to discover the endearing parts of which he was possessed. The charm of his life was in sitting down with a few friends and listening to his intelligent and careful consideration of all subjects that might be brought up. No man in Alton during all the long years of his life was more sincerely attached to his friends and acquaintances than was Mr. Whipple.

Mr. Whipple was a lifelong Christian, a member and an officer of the Presbyterian Church for 60 years. As a sincere, pleasant, consistent worker in the cause of his Master, he was respected, and his example was continually a good one and worthy of emulation. Frequent was the remark by those who knew him, “Mr. Whipple is one of the best men I ever knew.” No other criticism was ever passed upon him. His advice in the church was cherished and heeded, and long after he was laid aside by the infirmities of old age, the members continued to re-elect him to the office of Elder, which he held at his death. He was contemporary with every pastor the church has had during its long history, and all of them bore testimony to his worth as a Christian, and his wisdom in giving advice. As a friend in affliction, as a neighbor, his visits were always appreciated and looked forward to. As a husband and father, it was his earnest desire to do all that it was possible for him to do, and his memory to those relatives will be treasured as long as life lasts. Columns might be written of the departed, but they would not tell all that was good, useful, helpful in his character. His life was an open book, and his heart and hand were always open to those in need. He was a good man whom all who knew him loved, and he has gone home to the rest prepared for the people of God, leaving a memory fragrant with all that is beautiful, true, and holy, which no doubt will be an inspiration for those who knew him to live similarly.

Besides his wife and daughter, Miss Florence, who live in Alton, two sons, Dr. Nathaniel L. Whipple of Pleasant Gap, Missouri, and Dr. Henry W. Whipple of De Ann, Arkansas, survive him.

Funeral of Perley B. Whipple
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1896
The funeral of the late Perley B. Whipple took place yesterday afternoon. The services were held at the family home on Twelfth Street, and were conducted by Rev. George W. Smith, Ph.D, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, assisted by Rev. Dr. L. A. Abbott, late pastor of the Baptist Church. The attendance was large. There were present many old citizens, quite a number who had passed their four score years, and life-long friends of the venerable man for whom they had ventured out to pay the last tribute of respect.

The funeral cortege was formed, and followed the body to the cemetery, where the last rites were performed, the choir singing “Good Night” as the casket was covered over with mother earth, and crowned with the floral offerings. The pallbearers were all old-time friends of the deceased and the family.

Perley B. Whipple first married Elizabeth H. Williams, who died in 1847. They had two sons, Dr. Henry W. Whipple (1842-1922); and Dr. Nathaniel L. Whipple (1839-1925). He then married Hannah G. Chase (1831-1918), and they had one daughter, Florence E. Whipple (1859-1942). The Whipple home was located at 327 E. 12th Street in Alton. Florence, the daughter, lived in the home for 80 years, until her death in 1942. Mr. Whipple was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


WHITAKER, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 29, 1849
James Whitaker, a very worthy young man of Alton, employed as a clerk in Mr. S. B. Catts’ Leather store, sank under the disease of cholera on Sunday forenoon, after an illness of seven hours.


WHITAKER, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 18, 1851
Died in Alton on Saturday, 12th inst., James, infant son of Alexander and Elizabeth Whitaker of Alton.


WHITCOMB, MARSHALL/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1845
Died in Alton on the 2d inst., after a short illness, Mr. Marshall Whitcomb, aged about 45 years. Mr. Whitcomb was a native of Cataraugua County, New York. He emigrated to this city about four years ago, and by his kind and social disposition won the friendship and attachment of all those with whom he became acquainted. He was a good husband, father and neighbor, and has left a deeply afflicted widow, four small children, and a large number of friends to deplore his loss.


WHITE, ALPHONSO/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 23, 1864
Died in Alton on December 14th, Alphonso White, a member of Company K, 144th Illinois Volunteers, in the 19th year of his age.


WHITE, ANDREW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 22, 1919
Negro Boy, 5, Shoots Himself
Andrew White, five years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. George White, colored, shot and killed himself this afternoon at the home of his parents, 1114 Pearl Street. The youngster found the revolver, a weapon of heavy caliber, lying under a bed. He picked it up and shot himself through the head. The lad lived 20 minutes. The gun had a safety appliance and it was not thought it could be fired by a child. Deputy Coroner Bauer took charge of the body and will conduct an inquest.


WHITE, ARTHUR G./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 1, 1848
An inquest was held on Wednesday last by Fred Weed, Esq., Coroner of this county, over the body of a man found on the edge of the Mississippi at Hop Hollow, two miles above Alton, when after due inquiry and a careful examination of the remains, the jury returned a verdict of “death by drowning.” From the papers found upon the person of the deceased, it is supposed that his name is Arthur G. White, and that he was a resident of Detroit. He was dressed in cassimere pantaloons, silk craval, and striped and white shirt. Some bruises were discovered about the head and body, but it was impossible to ascertain whether they were the result of violence or of accident.


WHITE, ANNA RACHAEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 29, 1921
Mrs. Anna Rachael White, aged 62 years, passed away this morning at 12:30 at the family home at 20 Elm Street after a lingering illness of two years, suffering from gall stones. During the past two years she has been confined to her bed most of the time. Two months ago she was taken seriously ill and had been unable to leave her room during that time. The deceased is survived by her husband, Douglas White, one daughter, Mrs. Hillopine Sprague of this city; two sons, Fred White of Michigan and Henry Borghen of Tennessee; and one brother, Henry William of Calhoun. Mrs. White's death was preceded by that of her granddaughter, Miss Bessie Sprague by several weeks. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at two o'clock from the family home. The interment will be in Oakwood Cemetery.


WHITE, BESSIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 5, 1906
Miss Bessie White, aged 17, died this morning at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jacob Diehl, Sixth and George streets, after an illness of three weeks caused by a complication of diseases. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Cherry Street Baptist Church.


WHITE, CONRAD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 27, 1910
Driver of Horse-Drawn Street Car
Conrad White, a resident of Upper Alton almost forty years, died this morning shortly after 1 o'clock at his home on Broadway street, after a long illness from dropsy. Mr. White's death had been expected for some time. For the past three months he has been very low and at intervals he was so bad his relatives did not believe he could rally, but each time he improved, and his lease on life was extended until this morning the final call came. He was 73 years old. Conrad White was born in Greenville, and came to Upper Alton about thirty-eight years ago. His wife, who survives him, was a daughter of the late Rev. G. W. Waggoner. He leaves besides his widow, one son, G. H. White of Marion, Ill., and two daughters, Mrs. Harry Picker and Mrs. Robert Sheens, both of Portland, Oregon. For many years "Con" White was connected with the horse car line that was operated between Alton and Upper Alton. He was a street car driver, and was also employed at the barns of the company in Upper Alton. The sound of his voice was very familiar when he called out "all aboard" at 6 o'clock every morning, when the first car was about to start from the end of the line in Upper Alton. His son, Herbert White, will arrive here this evening from Marion, after which the funeral arrangements will be made.


WHITE, D. C. (DR.)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 12, 1903
Alton Dentist
Dr. D. C. White died Thursday night at his residence on Bellview avenue. The Doctor had practiced his profession of dentistry in this city for almost fifty years, having come here from Concord, N. H. in 1854. Of late years, his health had been feeble from advanced years. He was the oldest dentist in Alton, and one of the oldest in Southern Illinois. His wife and one child, Mrs. H. G. Giberson, survive him. He has a brother living in Concord. Dr. White was born in that city in 1822 and came to Alton in 1854. The funeral will take place Saturday at 2 p.m. from the family residence on Bellview avenue.

Source: Items of Interest, A Monthly Magazine of Dental Art, Science & Literature, Volume XXV, 1903, page 637
Dr. D.C. White died at Alton, Illinois in the eighty first year of his age. The Doctor had practiced his profession of dentistry in Alton for almost fifty years, having moved there from Concord, NH in 1854. Of late years his health had been feeble from advanced years. He was the oldest dentist in Alton and one of the oldest in Southern Illinois. His wife and one child, Mrs. H.G. Giberson survive him. He has a brother living in Concord, Dr. White was born in that city in 1822 and came to Alton in 1854.


WHITE, EDWARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 25, 1884
Mr. Ed White, one of our prominent colored citizens, a resident of Alton since 1832, died last night after a long illness at the house of his son, Mr. Robert White, Deceased was 62 years old on July 4. He had been engaged in various lines of business during his long residence here, and was noted for his probity. He left three children: Mrs. Thomas Knight of Alton; Mrs. Rebecca Dye of St. Louis; and Robert White of Alton. The funeral took place at the Union Baptist Church.


WHITE, FLORENCE E./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26, 1864
Died in Alton on the 23d inst., Florence E., infant daughter of William W. and Mary C. White, aged 10 months and 23 days.


WHITE or WISE, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1907
Shot While Resisting Arrest
Coroner C. N. Streeper was summoned to Collinsville where a deputy sheriff named William Biskely had shot and killed a bad negro by the name of George Wise, who was threatening to kill the deputy sheriff with a shot gun while resisting arrest. The dead negro was known as Big Boy. He was of gigantic stature and was known as a troublesome man. The jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide, as it was testified that the deputy sheriff, on following White [sic] to his home, shot him as White was in the act of drawing a shot gun to fight off the officer.


WHITE, IDA MAUDE/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1873
Died in Alton on March 19, suddenly of congestion, Ida Maude, aged 1 year and 4 months, daughter of J. E. and Jennie C. White; granddaughter of Mrs. Dr. Thomas Stanton.


WHITE, JESSE W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 21, 1911
Jesse W. White died suddenly at his home at 617 Belle street Friday morning at 7:30 o'clock. He had been ill ten days, but it was thought that his ailments were not of a serious nature at all. He was able to be about the house at times, and he was thought to be only afflicted with an attack of the grippe. Friday morning shortly after seven o'clock, he called other members of the family to his bedside and told that that he was not feeling so well, and suggested that a physician be called. Just a few minutes afterward he was dead. The physician arrived shortly before he died, but could do nothing for him. Death was pronounced due to heart failure. Mr. White was fifty-one years of age and had been a resident of Alton for the past four years, having moved from New Holland, Ill., to this city at that time. By trade he was a railroad man. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Florence White, in his immediate family. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the home. The Knights of Pythias will take charge of the services, and Rev. A. G. Lane will officiate. Interment will be made in the Upper Alton Cemetery.


WHITE, JOHN H./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 18, 1894
From Edwardsville – John H. White, formerly a resident of Edwardsville, died in St. Louis on Tuesday of last week, and was brought here Thursday for burial. The funeral was conducted under the auspices of the local lodge I.O.O.F. He held the office of city clerk for ten years.


WHITE, NANCY/Source: Alton Weekly Courier, November 18, 1853
Nancy White - This young female, who recently died at Jacksonville under peculiar circumstances, we learn was formerly a resident of Alton, and has relatives here at this time. She lived at service for some time; in different families in this city, and so far as we have learned, bore a respectable character.


WHITE, PATRICK/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 18, 1888
Patrick White, a native of Ireland, a resident of Alton for over 40 years, died last night at the residence of his son-in-law, Thomas Ciampitt, at the age of 60 years. Deceased left a wife and four children. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the Cathedral.


WHITE, THOMAS S./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 6, 1905
Thomas White died at his home on Main street in Upper Alton at 2 o'clock Sunday morning after an illness of two weeks. He was at first taken down with an attack of the grip, and after a brief illness with that trouble, he almost entirely recovered and was out of the house, but he suddenly suffered a relapse after which the trouble settled in his head and caused congestion of the brain. He had been in an unconscious condition for a week, and the end came in a most peaceful way without a struggle. The death of Thomas White is a sad blow to the whole community. He was one of the best known young men in all the Altons, and was liked by all who knew him. He was a very industrious young man and had the best of habits. He was a glassblower by trade and had served his apprenticeship three years ago. His bereaved wife, mother and brother have the sincere sympathy of the community. Thomas White was born in Upper Alton on the 26th day of April 1878, consequently he would have been 27 years old, had he lived a little more than one month. He lived here ever since, and from boyhood up he was a favorite among his large circle of friends. Three years ago he was married to Miss Jennie Webster, who survives him. He was a member of the Court of Honor, the order of Ben Hur, and the glassblowers' union. He leaves his wife and one child, his mother, Mrs. Jennie E. White, and one brother, Mr. H. Clay White, all of Upper Alton. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the services will be conducted at the Methodist church of which the deceased had been a member since boyhood. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery. If it rains tomorrow afternoon, the funeral will be postponed.


WHITE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28, 1878
Died in Alton on February 21, Mrs. Cullen White, after a lingering and painful illness. Mrs. White was one of Alton’s early settlers, having lived here for over 31 years. She was highly esteemed by many kind and dear friends.


WHITE, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1895
Drunken Spree End in Death
A gang of toughs yesterday afternoon succeeded in scraping together enough money to buy a keg of beer, and toughs and roughs from all parts of town gathered in Blair’s pasture to properly celebrate the Fourth of July. The result of this convocation of toughs is the death of William White, ex-Chicago & Alton yardmaster. According to the story of some of those arrested, the entire crowd became inflamed with liquor, and began a quarrel. A bum from Edwardsville, named Jeff Hamilton, and William White became particularly quarrelsome, and a few words led to blows. Hamilton picked up a stone and struck White on the side of the head, just above the ear. White fell to the ground unconscious, and never recovered. The gang of drunken bums, terrified by the bloody termination of their spree, scattered over the hills, and Hamilton, it is said, skipped up the Chicago & Alton railroad track, and has not since been heard of.

The patrol wagon was called, and White was conveyed to St. Joseph’s Hospital, and Dr. Halliburton summoned. An examination revealed that the victim’s skull was fractured, and that it was impossible for him to live. Last night he expired without ever, for a moment, returning to a consciousness of his surroundings.

A State warrant was issued last night by Squire Nathan for the arrest of “Pitch” Havens, Joseph Havens, Pat O’Leary, Ed Swiggelton, Fritz Keber, Ed Anderson, Charles Thompson, Albert Faust, “Hawker” Burns, Nic Schwab, Jack Spellman, and Thomas Clampitt as accessories to an assault on the dead man. City warrents were issued also for trespass for the named parties. Some of the above named have been arrested, and will be held to answer the respective charges against them. Nic Schwab was probably the worst injured of the other participants in the melee, being badly bruised and cut about the face. At the time of going to press, the inquiry as to the cause of the death of William White is still going on. All of the participants in the row were examined, and as soon as the verdict of the coroner’s jury is known, steps will be taken to punish the guilty parties.


WHITE, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 9, 1896
Killed With Piece of Iron
From Edwardsville – Mack Mumford, who killed William White with a piece of iron at Collinsville last Thursday night, has been brought in and placed behind the bars. At the coroner’s inquest Friday afternoon, the jury held Ruben Howard, Alonzo Mitchell, and Julius Montgomery as accessories. They too were arrested with the exception of Howard, and are in the custody of Jailor Barnsback. Mumford has served two terms in the penitentiary, and bears an unsavory reputation. White was of a quiet disposition, and a hard working man. All parties are colored.


James WhiteheadWHITEHEAD, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 04, 1898
Alton Pioneer
James Whitehead, one of the old pioneers of Madison County, and one of the earliest settlers in the city of Alton, died Wednesday at Lamoin, Iowa, where he has made his home for the past nine years. Mr. Whitehead was born in England, and was 89 years of age. He came to Alton over fifty years ago, when a poor, young man, and lived here until recent years. During his long life in Alton, he amassed a comfortable fortune, and gained as well the highest esteem of all who came in contact with him in a business or social way. He was at different times elevated to the position of harbor master of Alton when Alton was a thriving steamboat town, and the duties of office were very responsible. He also represented the old Third ward in the city council, at all times proving a most efficient officer. Eight or nine years ago, he moved away from Alton, settling in the little town of Lamoin, Iowa, where was a settlement of the sect known as Latter Day Saints. Mr. Whitehead was a leader of the sect, and an upright man whose good qualities gave him a prominence among his chosen people. Of late, he has been in failing health, owing to his advanced age. His relatives here knew nothing of his illness being serious, and it is supposed his death was sudden. He leaves an only daughter, Mrs. Charles Beall of Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beall and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beall attended the funeral.

James Whitehead was born April 12, 1813, in Preston, Lancashire, England. He married Mrs. Jane Hindle on January 25, 1836, by whom were born to him one son and two daughters. The son died in infancy, and the elder daughter, Mrs. Jan Allen, died years previous in Alton, Illinois. His wife died August 12, 1886.

Elder Whitehead was a member of the Reformed Church of England, but united with the Latter Day Saints on October 13, 1837. Being called to the ministry, he labored in England until February 06, 1842, then sailed for Nauvoo, Illinois, where he occupied the position of private secretary to Joseph Smith, president of the church. He filled that position until the death of Joseph and Hyrum Smith in June 1844. From Nauvoo, he went to Omaha, Nebraska, and then to Alton, Illinois. He united with the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and moved to Lamoni, Iowa in 1889, where he married Mrs. Ella Dudley in 1892. He died in Lamoni in July 1898, and is buried in the Lamoni Rose Hill Cemetery.


WHITEHEAD, JANE (nee MARSHALL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1886
Mrs. Jane, wife of Mr. James Whitehead, and an old resident of Alton, died August 11 of paralysis, at her residence on Union Street, at the age of 75 years. The deceased was a native of Lancashire, England. She emigrated to this country in 1842, landing in New Orleans, and settled in Alton in 1847. She had been married to James Whitehead for over 50 years. She was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and highly esteemed for many virtues. She leaves a husband and three children, Mrs. Charles Beall and Mr. Edward Hindle of Alton; and Mr. William Hindle of California. Her living grandchildren number eighteen. The funeral took place Friday from the family residence. After the singing of a hymn and appropriate scripture readings, prayer was offered. Rev. Barr spoke of the good example offered by the life of deceased, extending over a period of three quarters of a century; her self-sacrificing, unassuming, disinterested efforts for the welfare of kindred, neighbors, friends, trusting for her reward in the “Treasure laid up in Heaven.” On the casket were a silver plate inscribed with the name and age of the deceased, and some beautiful flowers of rich fragrance. The bearers were T. H. Perrin, G. A. Joesting, Edmund Beall, Charles Crowson, George Gray, and W. A. Murphy. [

Jane Marshall was born in England in 1811. She first married Robert Hindle, and they had at least two children - Edward Hindle and William Hindle. After the death of her husband, she then married in 1837 to James Whitehead. In 1842 the couple immigrated to America. They had two children – Mary Jane Whitehead Allen (1841-1876) and Anna Margaret Whitehead Beall (1844-1931). Jane Whitehead died in 1886, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


WHITEHEAD, WILLIAM/Source: Quincy Journal, August 25, 1905
Collinsville Miner Suicides
From Collinsville, August 25 – The body of William Whitehead, a miner, aged 45 years, was found in an upper room of the Parr Building, formerly the McKinley School, on Vandalia Street, yesterday afternoon, by three boys who were playing about the building. An empty vial with a carbolic acid label was found in the room. Whitehead separated from his wife about a year ago. This fact, together with litigation recently begun against him by his former partner, John Paul, is supposed to have made him despondent. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias, and of the United Mine Workers of America. The former organization will conduct the funeral.


WHITENACK, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 15, 1911
Mrs. Margaret Van Horne Whitenack, mother of Mrs. H. S. Dorsey, died Thursday night at 11 o'clock at the home of her daughter on State street after an illness of several months from the weakness incident to her great age. Mrs. Whitenack came to Alton to make her home at the time of the marriage of her daughter. Her old home was at Greenwood, Ind., and her body will be taken back there for burial, the funeral party leaving this evening at 6:45 o'clock. The funeral services were held at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The service was conducted by Rev. Dr. A. G. Lane, Mrs. Whitenack being a member of the Presbyterian church of long standing.


WHITESIDE, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 27, 1868
Died in Troy precinct, Madison County, January 30, 1868, Mr. James Whiteside; in the 63d year of his age. He was a very worthy citizen, a native of Illinois, and a member of the Baptist Church.


WHITESIDE, MICHAEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 26, 1881
Mr. Michael Whiteside, living three miles northeast of Troy, died May 20, in the 76th year of his age. Mr. Whiteside, with his parents, moved to the place on which he died nearly 70 years ago. He was one of the pioneers of this section of the State, was one of the most honorable and upright men in the county, was a liberal and kind neighbor, beloved by all who knew him. The funeral took place Saturday.


WHITESIDE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 10, 1896
Two negroes were run over and killed on the Big Four near Nameoki, the latter part of last week. One was named Whiteside, a farmer in the Bottoms, and the other was an unknown man from St. Louis. They were buried at Brooklyn Sunday.


WHITESIDES, BUD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 8, 1907
Bud Whitesides, colored, aged 25 years, died this afternoon at his home, 817 Union street, from consumption. Funeral arrangements have not been made.


WHITMAN, J. D./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1874
Edwardsville Newspaper Man
From Edwardsville – On Saturday morning, April 18, J. D. Whitman died of consumption at his residence in Edwardsville. He leaves a wife of two children in indigent circumstances. Mr. Whitman was at one time editor and proprietor of the Madison County Courier, but more recently was foreman in the Intelligencer printing office in Edwardsville, and had the reputation of being a good printer.


WHITNEY, FRANK/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 9, 1880
Killed by Train
Mr. Frank Whitney, brakeman at the Chicago & Alton Railroad yard, was killed near the Glass Works below Alton, about 11:20 o’clock last night. He, with some other railroad employees, was engaged in switching on a side track at the place mentioned, with Engine No. 154, when just as the train was reaching the main track, Whitney’s lamp was seen to fall to one side, and suddenly become extinguished. The train was stopped and search being instituted he was found on the track lying on his back, the left leg being cut off near the body, the other crushed at the ankle, one ear torn away, and his skull crushed, his face was, besides, considerably mutilated as though he had been dragged by the trucks after falling off. He was alive when found, but unable to speak. He was immediately put on a car and brought up, and when at the stone depot was still alive, but unable to articulate, although he made an effort to say something to those who were with him, dying shortly afterwards. Dr. Davis was called as soon as possible, but the injuries were such that nothing could be done for the sufferer.

Deceased was highly esteemed by those with whom he was acquainted. He was only 22 years old, and was married September 8 last to Miss Mary Cummins of Alton, who is terribly stricken by the sudden bereavement. His mother lives at Streator, and a dispatch from her, in response to one conveying the tidings of her son’s death, stated that she would arrive here this evening. Deceased procured life insurance to the amount of $1,000 last Wednesday. The accident is a heart-rending one in all its features, and causes deep regret among the friends and acquaintances of the unfortunate young man. Especial sympathy is expressed for the sorrowing wife and mother of deceased.

Coroner Youree arrived on the train this morning, and after impaneling a jury, with C. W. Browning as Foreman, proceeded to hold an inquest. After viewing the remains, which were enclosed in a neat burial casket, at the late residence of deceased, between Piasa and Market Streets, a short distance south of Ninth, the witnesses were examined at the stone depot. The facts brought out were in accordance with the account given above. There was some outside evidence to the effect that Whitney may have been struck by a shed that stands near the track about the place where he was found, but nothing certain was ascertained on that point. The jury found that deceased, Frank Whitney, came to his death by falling from a box car on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, and being run over by two or three cars at a side track at the Glass Works, and the jury recommend that parties interested remove a shed which stands near the track at the point where the accident occurred.


WHITNEY, JAMES ROYAL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 17, 1915
Civil War Veteran; President of Workingmen's Bank at East St. Louis
James Royal Whitney, in his seventy-ninth year, died at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning at his residence, Court street in Alton, after a long illness. Mr. Whitney's death was due to a general failing from old age. He had been in failing health for three or four years, but only a year ago he gave up making his daily trips to and from East St. Louis where he was in business. He was president of the Workingmen's Bank at East St. Louis for eighteen years, and was for many years in the real estate business in that city. Mr. Whitney was born in St. Lawrence County, N. Y., April 23, 1837. He was married in Philadelphia, March 29, 1864, and his wife survives him. He served during the Civil War as a member of the 92nd Volunteers of the State of New York, and had a good record as a soldier. He came west after the war and engaged in business in East St. Louis, where he was very successful. For many years he was connected in an official capacity with the Madison Car Works, and was with that company in the days before it was acquired by the trust. He was highly successful in the car construction period of his career. Mr. Whitney was a member of the Congregational Church and he was one of Alton's best citizens. He was known for his quiet, gentle tact, and he had a large number of friends. He was very regular in his business habits and always made the trip to St. Louis to look after his affairs until this feebleness forced him to discontinue the trips. He had been in a weak condition for many weeks, but his death came very quickly. His sons, C. L. and J. E. Whitney, were away from home when the end came, and were expected to arrive in Alton this evening. The funeral arrangements will be made when they return home. Mr. Whitney leaves beside his wife and two sons, one sister, Mrs. E. A. Thomas of East St. Louis.


WHITNEY, NATHAN S./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 02, 1896
From Edwardsville – Nathan S. Whitney, one of Edwardsville’s oldest citizens, died Christmas night at 10:30 o’clock. He had been ill for some time, and was sent to the Baptist Hospital at St. Louis for treatment, but not liking the restriction, returned in a few days, and was attended by friends here. He was a marble cutter by trade, and plied his vocation in our midst the post 36 years. He was a genius in mechanics, and spent much of his time in giving his ideas form, but little success was derived in this manner. He was an industrious and honest citizen, and as far as lay in his power of means, donated freely to the Baptist Church, of which he was a staunch member. [Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.]


WHITTAKER, HENRY B. (REVEREND)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 21, 1844
Died, at his residence in Upper Alton on the 15th inst., the Rev. Henry B. Whittaker, minister of the Presbyterian Church in that place. The deceased was born in Charleston, Kanawha County, Virginia, November 15, 1814. He became hopefully pious when about 19 years of age, and soon entered upon a course of preparation for the ministry. His studies were prosecuted mainly at Marietta College and Lane Seminary, Ohio. He was licensed to preach the Gospel, June 25th, 1842, by the Presbytery of Lexington, Missouri. He labored a short time in the Platte Country, then, for several months in Belleville, Illinois. From that place he removed to Upper Alton, where he continued to labor until his death. FLrom his conversion till the end of his life, his heart was set on "doing good." To accomplish this object, he labored "in season and out of season." His eagerness to do his Master's work was so great, that he toiled when he ought to have rested. To this is to be ascribed the malignant character of the disease which, after a continuance of 15 days, laid him in the grave. "He being dead, yet speaketh." His funeral sermon will be preached next Sabbath afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Presbyterian Church, Upper Alton.


WHITTINGTON, HOLLEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 21, 1880
From Edwardsville – Hollen Whittington, an old citizen of Omphghent Township, died on Sunday, October 10, 1880.


WHITTLEMAN, EDISON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 30, 1909
5-Year-Old Boy Dies of Bullet Wound
Edison Whittleman, aged 5, died at St. Joseph's hospital Friday afternoon from the effects of the bullet wound inflicted by Walter Smith while the boy was shooting with a target rifle at his home on Madison avenue. The boy was out with his sister, Miss Lillie Smith, who is employed at the A. B. & C. bakery store, and they were about to try the rifle when the Whittleman boy ran in front of the muzzle of the rifle and was hit on the head. His condition was not deemed necessarily fatal, but shortly after the lad was moved to the hospital he died. coroner Streeper will hold an inquest over the boy. It was a case of pure accident, and there is great grief in both families over the sad affair. The funeral will be held from the family home tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.


WHITTLEMAN, EVA (nee VARTER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13, 1918
Mrs. Eva Whittleman, wife of Henry Whittleman of Salu street, died suddenly Saturday evening at the family home while telling her husband of a telephone message she had received Saturday morning from their daughter, Miss Pearl Whittleman, of St. Louis. Mr. Whittleman had just returned home from his day's work and while his wife was talking to him she was stricken and dropped to the floor. Neighbors were called and a physician was telephoned for but Mrs. Whittleman passed away in a very few minutes after speaking the last time. She had been in fairly good health of late, but during the past year Mrs. Whittleman had suffered several severe attacks of illness. She had been better than usual in the last few months. Word of her sudden death is a sad chock to her family and to the neighbors and friends. Mrs. Whittleman was 62 years old on the 29th day of April. She was born and raised at Mt. Vernon, and her grandfather was one of the first three men to settle there where the town later developed. Her maiden name was Eva Varter, and she was married to Henry Whittleman in Mt. Vernon. The couple engaged in farming at Granite city soon after their marriage, and they farmed fifteen years on ground where the Chicago and Alton passenger station now stands at Granite City. They came to Alton thirty years ago last September, and have resided in the city since that time. They lived down town the greater part of their residence in Alton, but of recent years the family have resided in Upper Alton. Mrs. Whittleman leaves besides her husband four sons and two daughters, viz: William of Madison avenue; Robert of Houston, Texas; Mrs. Dora Forcade of Alby street; Herbert and Harry of Upper Alton; and Miss Pearl Whittleman of St. Louis. Robert Whittleman had just moved his family to Texas, where he is engaged in government ship building. He is now on the way to Alton on account of the death of his mother. Miss Pearl Whittleman of St. Louis, who is a trained nurse, had recently been called to Kentucky on a case in her profession, and she had just arrived in St. Louis from this trip. She telephoned her mother Saturday morning of her arrival in St. Louis, and it was this message her mother was giving the father when she was stricken. Mrs. Whittleman was a nurse all her life and during the long number of years she lived in Alton she had been present in many Alton homes at the time of the visit of the Stork, and on many other occasions of sickness. She was one of the most charitable women in the community. To relieve suffering was her work in life, and she never failed to respond to a call where her services might bring aid and relief to someone who was suffering. Her kind disposition and her willingness to render assistance made her services valuable at all times. She was a woman who practiced real charity. At home she was a real mother and her taking away is a sad stroke upon the members of her home. The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Wesley Methodist church on Main street. The services will be in charge of the pastor, Rev. Fay Marriott, and he will be assisted by Rev. W. I. Terhune, of Effingham, former pastor of the church. Mrs. Whittleman had been a life long member of the Methodist church and a worker in the church. Since being a resident of Upper Alton she was a member of the Wesley church. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.


WHITTLESEY, ELISHA JR./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 21, 1894
A Son of Madison County in Chicago
From Chicago – Elisha Whittlesey Jr. is one of the most successful and promising of the attorneys at the Chicago bar. He lived and was educated in Upper Alton; was one of a family of ten children, nine of whom are living - his father and mother and two brothers in Chicago. The children have all been successful on account of their industrious and meritorious lives. Charles F. and Orville H. Whittlesey live in Chicago, the former an architect. Luther H. is a sculptor in New York.

The Whittlesey family is a historic one in Connecticut. John Whittlesey, one of the ancestral tree, married Ruth Dudley, a daughter of Governor Dudley of Massachusetts, one of the distinguished family of that name in New England at an early day. Thomas Tucker Whittlesey, grandfather of Elisha Whittlesey Jr., lived in Danbury, Connecticut, and was a representative in Congress, and otherwise a prominent man in his day and generation. The homestead of the family is still standing there, and is a historic landmark, as it was besieged by the British during the Revolution. The site, at least, of the dwelling which John Whittlesey, the pioneer of the family in this country, erected in Saybrook, Connecticut in 1662, sixteen years after he landed, is still occupied by a Whittlesey – on the identical cellar and foundation. The ferry across the river there, which he built, remained in the possession of the family until a few years ago, when it was transferred to the town. A family monument was erected there in 1848, hence the name is commemorated and perpetuated in marble and stone in the ancestral town, as well as in history and story. Its inheritance of a good name and high character has been transmitted from generation to generation unimpaired, and is conspicuous today because of the continued possession.

Elisha Whittlesey Sr. [1829-1902] is the son of a noted lawyer and member of Congress in Connecticut. He located in Madison, Wisconsin, and married Ruby Estella Winston [1830-1922], a daughter of Dr. Reuben Winston of La Crosse, members of the latter family being prominent in southern Wisconsin now. He was in the 49th Wisconsin Regular Infantry. His father was on the bench at Madison for several years.

Elisha Whittlesey Jr. was born in Madison, Wisconsin, September 13, 1854. The family moved to Upper Alton, Illinois, subsequently, and Elisha was educated at Shurtleff College. He read law with Wood Bros. at Effingham, Illinois, and was admitted to practice, on examination before the Appellate Court of Mt. Vernon in the summer of 1890, and has been engaged in practice ever since; first for a time in Iowa, from whence he came to Chicago in 1889, and has been here since, and successful in all respects. While he is a general practitioner, he gives much attention to corporation law, being the attorney and counselor of several large corporations. He practices in State and Federal courts; is now defending some important cases in the Federal Court in St. Louis. He is yet a young attorney, but has evidenced the possession of native intellectuality and legal attainments, which presage future meritorious achievements in his profession. He has office, en suite, 804 Owings Building.

In 1885, he married Mary Allie Bowes, the only daughter of Dr. G. A. Bowes, a prominent physician of Chicago. They have one child, George Bowes Whittlesey. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. They live on the south side.

Elisha and Mary Allie Whittlesey had at least two children: Amelia Bowes Whittlesey (1888-1889) and George Bowes Whittlesey (1889-1900). Elisha died on June 12, 1905, and is buried in the Oakridge Cemetery in Effingham, Illinois.


WHYERS, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 29, 1909
Mrs. Anna Whyers, aged 88, a resident of Fosterburg many years, died this morning at her home in Fosterburg where she had lived 43 years. Her death was due to old age, and she had been in failing health for several months. She leaves three children, William G. Cousins of Douglas, Kan., John Cousins of Fosterburg, and Mrs. Elizabeth Whyers of Fosterburg. The funeral arrangements have not been made. Mrs. Whyers was a highly respected woman during her long years of residence in Fosterburg and leaves many friends.


WHYERS, ELLA (nee JINKINSON)/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 13, 1895
From Fosterburg – The sad news of the death of Mrs. Ella Whyers, aged 29 years, reached Fosterburg on Thursday night. She had gone to Litchfield, supposing that the change would be beneficial, but it proved to the contrary. She died on Thursday, June 6, at 3 a.m. Her remains were brought to her home on Friday. The funeral services were conducted at the Baptist Church by Revs. Tull of Bethalto and Waggoner of Upper Alton. She leaves a husband and two small boys. Her death is particularly a sad one to her many friends. We extend our sympathy to the family.

From Bethalto – Quite a number of sorrowing friends attended the funeral of Mrs. Richard Whyers at Fosterburg. Mrs. Whyers (nee Ella Jinkinson) was well and favorably known here. Her bereaved husband and little children have the sympathy of numerous friends.


WHYERS, JACOB/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 26, 1904
The body of Jacob Whyers arrived from Edwardsville today and was taken to the Short cemetery two and a half miles west of Bethalto, where it was interred. Deceased was 75 years of age and was an old resident of the county.


WHYERS, RICHARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 8, 1874
Mr. Richard Whyers, an old resident of this county, died at his residence near Fosterburg on Wednesday. He was a native of England, immigrated to this county in 1836, and has resided here ever since. He was an upright, moral man, a kind friend, and good neighbor, who will be sincerely mourned by his relatives and acquaintances. He was 66 years and 6 months of age.


WHYERS, RICHARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 4, 1886
Suicide by Hanging
Mr. Richard Whyers of Wood River, a man about 45 years old, was found hanging in the doorway of his barn about 10 o’clock Friday morning, life being extinct. He ate his breakfast as usual, appeared in ordinary health, and no cause is assigned for the rash act except that it may have been caused by mental despondency through the death of an infant child, which was buried Thursday. Deceased left a widow and a number of children. [Burial was in the Ingersoll Cemetery near Fosterburg.]


WHYERS, THOMAS EDWARD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 24, 1882
Accidentally Shot by Brother
From Upper Alton – A sad occurrence happened at Mr. Joseph Whyers’ farm Sunday morning, by which his 16-year-old son, Thomas Edward, was killed by the accidental discharge of a pistol in the hands of an older brother, Jacob. The pistol was an old self-cocking revolver, and the boys were removing an empty shell when the weapon was discharged with such sad consequences. Coroner Youree impaneled a jury, who rendered a verdict in accordance with the above statement. The funeral of the young man was held yesterday afternoon from the family residence.


WHYERS, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 4, 1913
A little child of Mr. and Mrs. William Whyers, born while the mother was suffering from smallpox, died this morning. The child had been frail from birth. The funeral was held this afternoon from the Cathedral, where services were conducted by Rev. Father Tarrent. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery. The little one was vaccinated when but a day old to prevent it contracting the smallpox, but it is believed to have been born with the disease.


WICKART, MARTIN A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 14, 1905
Martin A. Wickart, aged 48, died at his home, 718 east Second street, last evening after an illness from heart and lung troubles. He is survived by a wife and two sons. Wickart came to Alton three years ago from Calhoun county. He claimed to be a cigar maker by trade but had not been working at his trade for a long time. The funeral will be held at 8 o'clock Thursday morning from St. Mary's church.


WICKENHAUS, CHILD OF JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Monday, April 17, 1899
Two-Year-Old Drinks Carbolic Acid
A distressing accident occurred Sunday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wickenhaus, two miles east of Upper Alton. The two years old daughter, while left alone in the house for a few minutes, drank a bottle of carbolic acid and lived only three hours afterwards. The little child suffered excruciating agony. Mrs. Wickenhaus had come to Alton to attend church Sunday morning, leaving the child at home with the father. During the morning, Mr. Wickenhaus went to the stable to attend a horse that was sick and before leaving the house took a bottle from a shelf and after uncorking it, left it in a convenient place. While he was gone, the child found the bottle and drank the fiery contents. The face, lips, throat and stomach of the little thing were frightfully burned and her agonized screams brought her father hurrying in. He hastily saddled a horse and taking the unfortunate in his arms, rode at a break-neck speed to Upper Alton to Dr. E. C. Lemen. It was too late when he arrived for assistance to save the child's life, and at two o'clock she died. The accident is an exceedingly distressing one to the parents and they have the sympathy of everyone in their affliction. Mrs. Wickenhaus formerly lived in Alton and was Miss Tillie Eichorn. The funeral will be Tuesday at 9 a.m. from St. Mary's church.


WICKENHAUSER, OTTILIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 7, 1906
Ottilie WickeNhauser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Wickenhauser, East Alton, died this morning of a rupture of the bowels. The child was 14 years of age and has been ill since Saturday. The funeral will be Friday morning from St. Mary's church.


WICKER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18, 1911
Mrs. Elizabeth Wicker, wife of Daniel Wicker, died Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at St. Joseph's hospital following a surgical operation to which she submitted several days ago. She was about 37 years old, and is survived by her husband. Her relatives all live in England. She was of a generous, charitable nature, and was well liked and esteemed by all who knew her. The funeral will probably be held Tuesday afternoon from the home, at 110 east Ninth street.


WIDAMAN, KATIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 8, 1881
From Godfrey – After a protracted illness of about a year, Miss Katie Widaman died on December 1. Her funeral occurred on December 3, with a large and sympathizing audience testifying their high regard for the deceased and family. The pallbearers were E. A. Mason, C. E. turner, W. P. Hancock Jr., J. S. McCoy, W. Fullager, and J. Tolman.


WIDAMAN, LAURA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 25, 1913
Miss Laura Widaman, in her 75th year, died Thursday night at the home of her half-sister, Mrs. Charles Merriman, in Godfrey Township, from old age. Her death was brought on by an attack of the grip. Miss Widaman was a cripple since she was 2 years of age, and all her life was afflicted with bodily ailments. She was born in Greousburg, Pa., but came to Godfrey Township when a small child and had lived there ever since. She made her home with Mrs. Merriman. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. Merriman and Mrs. Harriet McIntyre of Frankford, Mo., and four brothers, Harvey of Wellsville, Mo.; E. B. of Anadarko, Okla.; Levi of Godfrey; and Frank C. of St. Louis. The funeral will be tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home.


WIDAMAN, MAY A. (nee BRUNER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 18, 1884
Daughter of Captain John A. Bruner
Granddaughter of Captain Benjamin Godfrey
Mrs. May A., wife of Mr. E. B. Widaman of Carlinville, died at Godfrey Saturday, after a protracted illness of consumption; aged 28 years. Deceased was the daughter of Captain John A. Bruner of Alton, and a granddaughter of the late Captain Benjamin Godfrey. She was a most estimable and lovely lady, whose death will cause general regret among a large circle of relatives and friends. She leaves a husband and two children. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the Widaman homestead in Godfrey.


WIDAMAN, REBECCA (nee HILL)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 25, 1892
Mrs. Daniel A. Widaman died last night at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. C. A. Merriman, in Godfrey Township. Her death was caused by heart failure, superinduced by la grippe. She was in her 72nd year. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the Congregational Church. [Burial in Godfrey Cemetery.]


WIDEN, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 12, 1873
Joseph Widen, an old steamboat captain and formerly one of the proprietors of the large flouring mill at Troy in Madison County, died in St. Louis last Sunday of injuries received in the explosion of the steamboat George C. Wolf.


WIEDMER, JOHN SR./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 1, 1885
Superintendent of Bethalto Mill
From Bethalto – It is with great regret we record the death of Mr. John Wiedmer, for many years a prominent and well-known citizen of our town. The sad event took place on Christmas Day, and was not a surprise to his family and many friends, as he had been ill for many weeks, but no matter how long the grasping presence of the grim destroyer is felt, the last moments are as bitter to the mourning ones as the first. Mr. Wiedmer was a native of Switzerland, born in 1831, before moving to our town he resided at Pocahontas, Illinois. For a number of years, he has successfully superintended the large milling interests here of Meyer & Guye, and later of J. W. Kauffman of St. Louis. He was an honored member of the Masons and Odd Fellows, and had served several years here as Village Trustee, and much respected and esteemed by all; a useful citizen, a kind neighbor, a loving and indulgent husband and father, his demise furnishes features of unusual sadness, and the stricken family have the sympathy of all.


WIEGAND, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, Thursday, February 2, 1893
Victim of Wann Disaster
As announced in the Telegraph, the funeral of Henry Wiegand occurred at Wann Wednesday at 1 p.m. The new meeting house of the Baptist church is not yet finished, but it was cleared of the workmen's litter and furnished with temporary seats for the sad occasion. It was very fitting that the services should be held in this house, in the building of which Mr. Wiegand had been so much interested, and to the speedy completion of which he, with others, looked forward so joyfully. The house was well filled by sympathizing neighbors and friends, some of them from a distance. A sister of Mr. Wiegand, Mrs. Jacob Schapp, with her husband, from St. Louis; another sister, Mrs. Selb, from Mexico, Missouri, and a brother, Mr. George Wiegand from Bridgeton, Missouri, were in attendance. A large number of members of Madison Lodge 110, A.O.U.W., of Upper Alton, accompanied the family to the church and were present at the services, filling one side of the house. The pastor, Rev. M. Jameson, spoke from a text which he said had been much in his mind during the past few days of terror and sadness, "The glorious gospel of the blessed God." He claimed for the gospel that it prepared men both to live and to die, even though death come as suddenly as it did to so many in the calamity of Saturday. He also gave illustrations of the influence of the gospel in transforming the character and changing the life of Henry Wiegand. A choir, composed of Mr. Keiser, Miss Boyle, Miss Holden, and Mrs. Jameson of Alton, and Mr. Jones of Wann, sang at intervals favorite hymns of the departed, "Safe in the arms of Jesus," "Just as I am," and "God be with you till we meet again." After the services at the meeting house the members of the A.O.U.W. marched with the procession to Upper Alton, where the burial took place with the impressive services of the order. Mr. Wiegand was 35 years old and has lived at Wann seven years. He leaves a widow to mourn his loss, and he will be greatly missed in the church and in the community.

WIEGAND, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 18, 1893
Wann Victim
From East Alton - The body of the late Henry Wiegand, one of the victims of the explosion, will be disinterred Wednesday and reburied in another place in the Upper Alton Cemetery.


WIEGAND, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 27, 1881
Mr. John Wiegand of Fosterburg, a native of Germany, a resident of this county for more than forty years, died Monday at the age of 78 years. He leaves a widow, three daughters, and one son to mourn his death. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at the German Methodist Church at Fosterburg.


WIEGAND, JOHN A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 7, 1903
John A. Wiegand, a blacksmith employed by D. G. Tomlinson, died from alcoholism in St. Joseph's hopsital last night after a week's illness. He was 33 years of age and unmarried. The body was sent to Morrisonville, Ill., at noon, for burial.


WIEGEND, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 6, 1901
Fosterburg News - Mrs. Mary Wiegend, a native of Germany, died Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, aged 92 years. Mrs. Wiegend has long lived in America. Her husband died many years ago. Three children survive her: Peter Wiegend of Bunker Hill; Mrs. J. W. Paul of Peoria; and Mrs. Charles Schaefer of Fosterburg. She has a large number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She had been a resident of Madison county 65 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Tuesday) at 11:30 a.m. from the M. E. church in Fosterburg.


WIEMERS, ANNA M./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1891
Mrs. Anna M. Wiemers died at her residence, 537 East Fifth Street, Wednesday evening. She was a native of Germany, and was 58 years of age. Her husband, John Wiemers, and three of her children survive her, viz: W. F. Wiemers of Chicago; George F. Wiemers of Bethalto; and Miss Tillie Wiemers of Alton. The funeral of Mrs. Weimers occurred Friday from the family residence, after which the remains were taken to Bethalto Cemetery, where they were interred. The pallbearers were William Sonntag, Jacob Strubel, Henry Hoehn, B. Schlageter, R. Bierbaum, and Samuel Wyss Sr.


WIEMERS, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 24, 1914
Wealthy Farmer
Though only 54 years of age, George Wiemers, a resident of Ft. Russell township, wealthy farmer, died from arterial hardening Monday evening. The malady is one that usually attacks only people of advanced age. Mr. Wiemers was also a victim of diabetes, and had been a sufferer for a long time. He leaves his wife and three sons. Mr. Wiemers was born May 24, 1860, in Ft. Russell township, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wiemer. He was one of the wealthiest and best-known residents of Ft. Russell township. The Lutheran church loses in him one of the most consistent and liberal members. He was active always in the work of the church. In the community he was recognized as a splendid citizen and was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. His family, beside his wife, are Oscar W., Walter G., and J. Paul Wiemers, who have lost a very kind and devoted husband and father. The funeral will be from the family home Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock, thence to the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and burial will be in the Lutheran cemetery.


WIEMERS, JOHN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 18, 1892
John Wiemers, for the past three years a resident of Alton, died yesterday afternoon after a lingering illness of dropsy. Mr. Wiemers was 67 years, 4 months, and 14 days of age. He came to this country from Hanover, Germany, about 1842, and settled near Bethalto, where he engaged in farming up to four years ago, when he removed to Alton. He was a member of the Evangelical Church, and was highly respected by all who knew him. Four children, all of adult years, survive him, his wife having preceded him nearly a year ago. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from his late home, 537 East Fifth Street.


WIEMERS, WILLIAM F./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 5, 1894
Chicago Attorney
From Chicago, April 02, 1894 - William F. Wiemers was born and raised on a farm down in Southern Illinois, in Madison County, and while engaged in extracting the obstinate roots of trees in clearing the farm, he conceived a liking for square and cubic roots and mathematical problems. There seems to have been a leaven of intellectual and moral power born in this young man; a principle behind everything else, which fired the powers of his youth and impels the energies of industry, are determinative of the degree of his success. He is yet a young man, but so far he has had a well-marked and successful career, in which his friends base the prediction of a creditable and substantial future at the able and brilliant Bar of Chicago. He early conceived the idea of obtaining a higher and broader education, that would fit him for professional life, having in view that of the law. In this determination, he evidenced the conscious possession of mentality to support his aspirations and ambitions. This far in his career, his early formulated plans have been justified by what he has accomplished towards their fulfillment.

William Wiemers was born in 1857. His father, John Wiemers, who recently died in Alton, was a farmer in Madison County, located about eight miles out of Alton, and here, William passed his early life, attending school and working on the farm until he went to Shurtleff College in Upper Alton, where he was graduated in 1882. He then came to Chicago, engaged in reading law in one of the prominent law offices here, and studying law in the Union College of Law, from which he graduated in 1884, leaving an excellent record as an apt and intelligent student, and received merited recognition for his ability and substantial attainments. He then engaged in independent practice, and has been successful from a law, as well as pecuniary standpoint. Since 1886, he has been associated in practice with Abner Smith, recently elected to the Circuit bench of this county; one of the successful lawyers of this Bar. Mr. Wiemers came near being nominated for judge last Fall as a representative of the German element, he being of that ancestry. He will be appointed Master in Chancery of this Circuit Court, a position he is especially well qualified to fill.

In 1889, William married Clara B. Rivison of New Hampshire. They have one child. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and has taken the thirty-second degree in the order; and a member of social and other societies and clubs.

Death date is unknown.


WIENEKE, ANTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 1, 1921
Anton Wieneke, 90, who died suddenly at his home in Edwardsville, will be buried next week in the casket he had made two years ago. He suffered his third stroke of paralysis which proved fatal. When his wife died six years ago, Mr. Wieneke had some trees cut down on his farm near Edwardsville, and from these were made boards used in the construction of her coffin. Wieneke at that time made known his intention to build his own coffin. The plan was not at that time followed out, but two years ago boards from trees on his own farm were used in constructing Mr. Wieneke's coffin. The coffin made two years ago has been kept by Mr. Wieneke in his home in Edwardsville. When the funeral will be held has not been decided, due to the uncertain time of the arrival of a son, Henry, from Minnesota. Mr. Wieneke is survived by four children. He was the owner of 600 acres of excellent farm land near Edwardsville, which he had divided among his children. The land is said to be worth more than $100,000. Mr. Wieneke, it is said, began work in straightened circumstances and accumulated sufficient money to purchase the land through his own efforts. He is believed to have left little besides the land.

Edwardsville, Ill., Dec. 1 - Anton Wienicke, a farmer, died today of heart trouble. There was a dinner at the Wienicke home yesterday at which thirteen persons were present. Six years ago, Mrs. Wienicke died, the day following a dinner party, at which thirteen persons also were present.


WIENEKE, GEORGE H. C./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 10, 1887
From Godfrey – George H. C. Wieneke died at his residence near Godfrey on March 3, 1887, aged 79. He was a native of Hanover, but has lived in this country for some years. He came here from Calhoun County five years ago. He leaves a widow, four children, and five grandchildren, all of whom were present at the funeral, which took place from the M. E. Church Friday afternoon.


WIESE, AUGUST C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 29, 1906
Glassworks Foreman Cuts Own Throat
August C. Wiese, a foreman at the glass works, killed himself this afternoon by cutting his throat with a ____ knife at his home, 827 North _____. He was suffering from malarial fever and had been delirious for several days. He had been confined to his home for a week, but his case was not considered so bad that there was any danger of a fatal outcome. Today he went out in the yard to an outbuilding, and there he stabbed himself in the throat and cut his throat from ear to ear, severing the carotid arteries. Dr. C. H. _____, who was summoned, said that on his arrival at the Wiese home he found the man dying, and that he had lost so much blood all bleeding had stopped. There was practically no more blood in his body. Wiese lived a short time after the arrival of the doctor. No other cause than delirium from malaria fever is known for the suicide.

Wiese was a man of jovial temperament and was widely ac___tiated in the city. He was a great ______ for baseball, and many years ago he was a star baseball player and a member of one of the best teams Alton ever had. Wiese had many friends in the city who will be filled with sorrow over his tragic death. Mr. Wiese was 40 years of age and leaves his wife and two children. The shock of finding the body of the husband and father in the outbuilding caused Mrs. Wiese to suffer a nervous collapse, yet she summoned help and had him carried to the house where he died. The affair occurred about 2 o'clock and within a half hour afterward he was dead.

August C. Wiese was born in 1868 to Mary Wiese Henschel. He married Rose Mundali (1868-1949), and they had two children: Augusta E. Wiese Williams (1889-1940) and Leona C. Wiese Moore (1893-1959). He was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


WIESE, UNKNOWN BABY/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 1, 1892
A seven months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Wiese, of 1138 Bloomfield Street, died last night after a brief illness. The funeral took place this afternoon from the family residence.


WIEST, LOUISE RODOLPHINE (nee GAGNEBIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 28, 1911
Wife of Peter Wiest
The funeral of Mrs. Louise Wiest will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Spurgeon, on Broadway. Her children have all arrived, Mrs. Emma Brooks of Quincy having come Friday, and H. F. Wiest of Nashville, Tenn. arrived this morning. The funeral will be conducted by Rev. L. A. Kuents of St. Louis, assisted by Rev. Van A. Sullins, pastor of the Upper Alton Methodist church. Burial will take place in Oakwood cemetery.

Mrs. Louise Wiest was born in Geneva, Switzerland, Dec. 26, 1825, and died Oct. 26, 1911. When 20 years of age she came to America with her parents, and since made her home in Alton, with the exception of six years spent in Kansas. Soon after coming to Alton, she was married to P. F. Wiest in St. Louis. To this union were born six children, one of whom died in infancy. The remaining five are: Mrs. Emma Brooks of Quincy; Henry F. Wiest, Nashville, Tenn.; Mrs. Leah Warnack, Ashley; Mrs. Lizzie Scovell, Upper Alton; and Mrs. Laura Spurgeon, Upper Alton, with whom she made her home. Besides her children she leaves 21 grandchildren, two brothers and three sisters. One sister lives in Alton, one brother in Kansas, and the others in California. Mrs. Wiest became a member of the Upper Alton Methodist church shortly after her husband's death, which occurred 25 years ago. She continued a faithful member until misfortune incapacitated her.


WIEST, PETER F./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 17, 1886
Mr. Peter F. Wiess, living on Bluff Street, died yesterday afternoon at the age of 68 years and one month. He was among the oldest citizens who formerly lived in Upper Alton. Peter was born April 14, 1818, and married in 1848 to Louise Rodolphine Gagnebin (1825-1911). They had children, one of whom was Henry F. Wiest, who had a business in Upper Alton.


WIETFIELD, SOPHIA (nee HAGERMAN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 20, 1879
Mrs. Sophia Wietfield (nee Hagerman) of Upper Alton died about 4 o’clock Saturday morning at the age of 46 years, of dropsy and heart disease, having been ailing for some time. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 8 o’clock.


WIGGINS, ISABELLA/ Source: Alton Telegraph, January 4, 1894
From Godfrey – As the closing hours of the old year passed away, Miss Isabella Wiggins, who had been a member of Mr. John Riggs’ family for many months, quietly passed away, leaving behind many friends to mourn her loss. Although in feeble health during her residence in Godfrey, she had greatly endeared herself to those who became intimate with her by her quiet, earnest Christian character, which proved that she was ripening for that blessed home for which she so earnestly desired. The world is better for having had such an example for good placed before it.


WIGHTMAN, CHARLES J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 14, 1901
Upper Alton News - Mr. Charles J. Wightman died at his home here yesterday, May 13, at 5:30 p.m. Mr. Wightman had been ill for some time and his death resulted from a complication of diseases. He was born in Boston, Mass., February 6, 1810, and consequently was 84 years, 4 months and 7 days old. In 1885 he came with his family to Upper Alton from Greenville, Ill., and has since lived here the greater part of the time. He was twice married - first to Miss A. A. Blanchard of Greenville. After her death, which occurred in July 1865(?), he was married to Miss Josephine Merriam of Greenville. The widow and eight children survive him. Of the first marriage, William H. Wightman and Miss Annie Wightman of Upper Alton, and Mrs. Josephine Scott of Smithboro of the second marriage, Mrs. Louise Gibbs of McLean; Mrs. Mary P. Enlow of Smithboro; Mr. S. A. Wightman of the firm of Emerson & Wightman, Upper Alton; Mrs. Jennie L. Clark of East Alton; Mrs. Ida May Reynolds, Madison, Ill. Tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock there will be a short funeral service at the house, conducted by Rev. L. M. Waterman. On Thursday morning the body will be taken to Greenville for burial. Services will be held there from the Baptist church of which he was a member.


WIGHTMAN, DANIEL H./Source: Alton Telegraph, August 25, 1898
Suicide by Shooting
Daniel H. Wightman, formerly a well-known resident of Upper Alton, committed suicide in his office at De Sota, Missouri Saturday, by shooting himself in the head. The act was deliberately planned. He wrote letters to an undertaker, giving exact directions as to the funeral; to bank cashier Coxwell in regard to his building and loan stock; to L. R. Kingsland, his partner; also to D. F. Kingsland of the Simmons Hardware Company; and one to his wife. He wired for his best friend, O. H. Morse of the Simmons Hardware Company to come at once.

In all these letters, he gave as a reason for his act the great business strain he has been laboring under. He had decided to give it up entirely, and seek rest in death.

For eighteen years Mr. Wightman was connected with the Simmons Hardware Company of St. Louis, holding a responsible position. During the greater part of his time he lived with his family in Upper Alton. Several years ago his health failed, and he was compelled to resign his position. He went into business at DeSoto, Missouri, where his family moved. Business was not as prosperous as Mr. Wightman desired, and he deliberately took his life to put an end to the worry. He was 65 years of age, and leaves a wife and one daughter, Miss Daisy Wightman. The funeral took place in DeSoto, and the body was interred in Bellefontaine Cemetery, St. Louis.


WIGHTMAN, JESSIE MABLE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 8, 1895
The funeral of Jessie Mable Wightman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Wightman of Upper Alton, took place this afternoon from the Baptist Church. The young lady had surrounded herself with a circle of young friends, who attended the last sad services. The interment took place in Upper Alton Cemetery.


WIGHTMAN, WILLIAM H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 19, 1903
Killed by Train
William H. Wightman of Upper Alton was instantly killed this morning by the Chicago and Alton Midnight Special at 7 o'clock at the College avenue crossing over the cut-off tracks. Mr. Wightman's body was horribly mangled by the train, one horse was killed and his wagon demolished. The other horse he was driving escaped with a slight scratch. Wightman was working for the Burton Nursery Company and was driving a team to Fosterburg to get a load of coal. He had just driven to Col. Rodgers' place and was making the turn to go to Fosterburg when the Midnight Special, running at a high rate of speed, came spinning down the track and struck him on the crossing. It is said that the crossing bell was not ringing. All trains run swiftly down the steep grade. His body was thrown a long distance, and when it was picked up there was not a whole bone in his body. Death was instant. The body was taken in charge by Deputy Coroner Streeper, and he is holding an inquest this afternoon. It is stated the body of the dead horse was strewn along the tracks for a long distance. At the wagon-road crossing there is a straight stretch of level track for more than a mile north of the crossing with a full view up the track. The same is true of the track south of the crossing. The roar of the train can easily be heard for miles away, and unless the person crossing be both deaf and blind, it would be almost impossible to not both hear and see a swiftly running train like the "Midnight Special." Mr. Wightman is neither deaf nor blind, and it is difficult to account for the collision with the train. Mr. Wightman was 45 years old, and leaves his wife and three children. Mrs. Wightman is now in the Southern Illinois Hospital for the Insane, and the death of Wightman leaving his little family under such circumstances is doubly sad. He was a man of most estimable character, and had many friends in Upper Alton. He is a brother of S. A. Wightman of Upper Alton and Mrs. W. A. Clark of East Alton.


WILCOX, JOHN AND SOPHIA (BERGHOFF)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1907
Kills Wife Out of Jealousy, Then Kills Self
A young man, who is identified as John Wilcox, aged about 22 years, shot and killed his young wife and then sent a bullet through his own brain at Yaeger Park [near the foot of Main Street in Alton], at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. The couple was found dead in a path that leads up into the McClure tract across from the car barns of the interurban. Henry Vogeker, who works at the glass works at night, was coming over the hill when he heard a shot, and then another almost instantaneously. He ran to the top of the hill, and down near the bottom saw the couple lying in the path. When he reached them they were quite dead. The girl had a big wound in her right temple, and the man was shot in the forehead. Vogeker called the residents of Yaeger Park, and the couple was identified by a relative as Mr. and Mrs. John Wilcox of East Second Street [Broadway].

At four o'clock no one could be found who knew of any reason for the tragedy. The young man has been out of work for two months, and friends believe that the husband and wife entered into the death pact, and that they went down to that lonely place to carry it out. Wilcox had placed the revolver close to the temple of his wife's head, as the powder burn testified. There is every indication that death was instantaneous in both cases. Wilcox, it is stated, is a miller by trade. His resident, said to be on East Second Street, does not appear in the directory. The coroner took charge of the bodies and removed them to Upper Alton. Coroner Streeper found a note on Wilcox addressed to his mother-in-law, which the coroner opened. The note stated that he was jealous of his wife and that he would kill her and himself and that their bodies would be found on the Bethalto road. His mother-in-law's name is Berghoff.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 21, 1907
Henry Berghoff, father of Mrs. John Wilcox who was murdered by her husband Friday afternoon, spurned the body of his son-in-law and refused to permit the request in the letter by Wilcox that the bodies be buried side by side. Mr. Berghoff said that he would not allow his daughter to be buried with that of her slayer. He therefore bought a lot in St. Joseph's cemetery and the funeral services over Mrs. Wilcox will be held tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock from St. Mary's church and burial will be at St. Joseph's. The body of Wilcox will not be buried tomorrow. The fact that Berghoff refused to have anything to do with his daughter's husband has thrown the body on the county to be disposed of, unless some friends or relatives come to the rescue. Wilcox formerly worked at Kittinger's store and played on the Kittinger baseball team. As he is well know, it is planned to raise a fund by private subscription to bury him. Last evening and today there have been many callers at the Streeper & Penning establishment to view the bodies.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 21, 1907
Coroner C. N. Streeper found in the pockets of John Wilcox, Friday afternoon, a note telling why he killed himself and his wife east of Alton, in which the husband claimed that he had been unable to induce his wife to stop running around at nights. The note was addressed to Mrs. Julia Berghoff, the mother of Mrs. Wilcox. It was a lengthy epistle, written in a scrawley hand on four pages of a sheet of letter paper. Wilcox said that his wife had been in the habit of going out in the evening. Wilcox says that he had talked to his wife and tried to persuade her to stay at home, in vain. He had threatened her with death he said in the note, but she had continued to ignore his pleas to stay at home, and therefore he had decided to make good his threats. He said the bodies would be found on the road between Alton and Bethalto. He also said that by selling the furniture, enough money could be raised to pay for the funeral expense. The killing was in a clump of weeds through which a path passed, about sixty feet distant from where lived Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moslander. Mrs. Moslander was at work in her home and noticed a couple walking up the slope along the path, chatting agreeably. She saw them lie down in the weeds when they came opposite her window, and in a few moments three pistol shots were heard. She was so terrified she did not go to investigate and knew nothing of what had been the result of the pistol shots until Henry Vogeker discovered the bodies about fifteen minutes later. The couple were lying side by side. Mrs. Wilcox had on a white silk dress and white stockings. Her husband was clad in his best. It is believed by some that Wilcox persuaded the wife to let him kill her, or that they sat down in the clump of weeds to have a talk. Mrs. Wilcox had a bullet hole in her right temple and another in the back of her head. Wilcox had one hole between his temple and his right eye. Death was probably instantaneous. The couple had been living on Second street in a house belonging to John Simons, two doors from W. A. Bray's grocery store. They had been very unhappy recently. Wilcox had not worked steadily. A few days ago he complained to the police about his wife and asked them to interfere to make her stay at home, declaring that he would have to do something himself. W. A. Bray had a talk with Wilcox Friday morning and he told him he had taken a job at the Boals planing mill, but laid off for the afternoon. Wilcox induced his wife to take the walk and then must have persuaded her to consent to him killing her. In the hand of the dead woman was a photograph of the bridal party of two years ago when the couple were married. Wilcox gave the age of his wife as 18 when he complained to the chief of police a few days ago, and said he had married her two years ago at the age of 16. The husband was considerably older than his wife. Coroner Streeper took the bodies to Upper Alton, and there notified the father of Mrs. Wilcox, to whom he read the note which was left.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 24, 1907
Baseball fans in Upper Alton who used to sit in the bleachers and cheer John Wilcox as he made sensational plays have contributed toward a fund to send the body back to DeSoto, Mo., where the mother can take charge of it and have it buried.....The mother of Wilcox, whose name is Mrs. William Wears, has been heard from. She said that another one of her sons died 5 weeks ago, and that because of the heavy expense to which she had been put by his death, she would be unable to pay to have the body of her son sent to DeSoto, although she desired very much to have it sent.

Sophia Berghoff Wilcox was born January 3, 1888 in Madison County to Henry and Julia Berghoff. She married John Wilcox in about 1905, who in September 1907, murdered her by gunshot, and then turned the gun on himself. Her father traveled to Upper Alton and claimed the body of his daughter. He refused to allow his daughter to be buried beside her husband, and had her remains buried in an unmarked grave in St. Joseph’s Cemetery in Alton, so relatives of her husband’s would not be able to find her, and have her remains dug up and moved to where her husband was to be buried in DeSoto, Missouri.

John Wilcox formerly worked at Kittinger’s Store in Alton, and played on the Kittinger baseball team. Coroner C. N. Streeper found in the pockets of John Wilcox a note, explaining why he killed his wife and himself. Wilcox claimed he had been unable to stop his wife from “running around at nights.” He claimed his wife went out in the evening, and he was unable to persuade her to stay home, even after threatening her with death. He stated that his furniture could be sold to pay for the funerals. A neighbor, Mrs. John W. Moslander, saw a couple chatting and walking up the slope along the path. She saw them lie down in the weeds, and in a few moments, three pistol shots were heard. Sophie, age 18, had on a white silk dress and white stockings, and in her hand was a photograph of the bridal party of two years earlier, when the couple were married. John, who was about 22 years of age, wore his best. It was believed by some that Wilcox persuaded his wife to let him kill her. The couple had been living on Broadway in a house belonging to John Simons, and they had been unhappy in their marriage. Wilcox had not been working recently, and complained to the police about his wife, asking them to interfere to make her stay home.

Baseball fans and friends of John Wilcox, who used to sit in the bleachers and cheer him on, contributed to a fund to send his body to DeSoto, Missouri, where he was from. His mother, Mrs. William Wears, stated she had another son died 5 weeks previous, and because of the expenses from that funeral, was unable to pay to have the body of John sent home. He was buried in the City Cemetery at DeSoto, Missouri.

Did Sophia know her husband was about to murder her as she walked along the path with him? Or was she forced to lie in the weeds as her husband drew his pistol and fired? No one will ever know.


WILCOX, MARTHA (nee DILLON)/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 15, 1894
From Fosterburg – The many friends of Mrs. Martha Wilcox of Alton will be sorry to hear of her death. She formerly lived in this vicinity, and gained for herself many friends. Of late years, she has been living with her son in Alton. She died Friday morning of last week. Her life was a little less than four score years. She was a Christian lady. About six years ago, she was baptized and joined the Baptist Church. She leaves one son and one brother.

In her heart, there was no room for selfishness. A kind and loving disposition ruled her whole life, and she lived not for self, but that others might be made happy. Rev. L. A. Abbott conducted the services, assisted by Rev. William Volle. Her remains were interred in the Fosterburg Cemetery. The family has the sympathy of many friends.

Martha Dillon was born about 1814 in Ohio, possibly Butler County, to Samuel and Elizabeth (Davis) Dillon. The family left Ohio in about 1834, settling in Fosterburg, Illinois. On September 4, 1845, Martha was married to James Monroe Wilcox. They had four children – James M., George, William, and John. (Source: Find A Grave)


WILD, CASPER/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 15, 1894
Watchman Meets a Watery Grave
AT 3:30 o’clock a.m. Friday, Fisherman Brooks, while asleep on his houseboat on the river, was awakened by frantic cries for help. There was no mistaking them. Someone was drowning, and Mr. Brooks lost no time in reaching his boat. He was directed by the cries to the bridge, and hastened there. But before he reached the spot, the cries had ceased. It was dark, but Mr. Brooks rowed about in hopes of finding the unfortunate, but was unsuccessful. Casper Wild of Winona, Minnesota was the unfortunate. He was night watchman for Contractor Cartledge, and was stationed on the pile driver [for the construction of the railroad bridge]. Another watchman was stationed at one of the piers, but had no boat, and could not render assistance.

Wild was evidently walking about the pile driver, and stepped overboard. He struggled bravely, and his cries were heard by the other watchman, who also yelled for assistance. He leaves a wife and three children at his home in Winona. Contractor Cartledge and a crew put off at daylight in skiffs, in search of the body, but were unsuccessful.

Mr. Wild was an industrious man, aged about 35 years. He has been in the employ of the bridge company for about five months. His wife was telegraphed the facts in the unfortunate accident.


WILD, PAUL B. JR./Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, April 18, 1919
Family Succumbs to Influenza
For the third time in four days, death has visited the family of Paul B. Wild of Troy. Yesterday morning his wife, Mrs. Anna Wild, died from pneumonia, and late in the afternoon a son, Paul Jr., died from the same cause. Another child, Orville, died Monday as previously told in the Intelligencer. The death of Mrs. Wild and the critical condition of Paul were mentioned yesterday. The father and a daughter, Agnes, six years old, are the only two left in the family, and have not fully recovered from the attack of influenza. Plans are being made for a double funeral, to be held Saturday afternoon, and the mother and son will in all probability be buried in a double grave in the Evangelical cemetery, beside the newly made grave of the other boy. Rev. G. W. Dame, pastor of the Troy Methodist Episcopal church, is to officiate at the double service. The latter will be held from the undertaking parlors of H. C. Kueker. The plan is to have six nephews of Mrs. Wild serve as her pallbearers, and six little friends of Paul will act for him. The funeral of Orville Wild was held Wednesday afternoon from the Kueker parlors and was largely attended by friends and acquaintances. The pallbearers were Ansel Rood, Cecil Naylor, George Kimberlin, Wesley Pritchett, Fred Robinson and Theodore Heuer.


WILDER, EVA LUCRETIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 4, 1919
Family Loses Two Children in Three Days
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilder of Church street, East Alton, have been allotted more than their portion of misfortune when, following the death of their two-year-old daughter, Eva Lucretia, on Monday, September 1, their son, Kenneth Keith Wilder, 4 years of age, died last night from malarial fever. Edward Wilder was attending the funeral of his child, Eva Lucretia, which was held yesterday at Gillespie, and upon his return home from the funeral was sorrowfully informed by his wife that their boy, Kenneth, was in a serious condition and expected to die. When the father reached the bedside of the boy he was nearly dead. It was but a few hours later that the boy died. Mrs. Wilder is nearly distracted as a result of the misfortune, and the family is receiving many condolences from friends in their hour of sorrow. The wilder's have two other children, a boy of ten and a girl of 12 years of age. The girl has graduated from the eighth grade. Edward Wilder works at the Western Cartridge Co. plant.


WILDER, KENNETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 4, 1919
Family Loses Two Children in Three Days
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilder of Church street, East Alton, have been allotted more than their portion of misfortune when, following the death of their two-year-old daughter, Eva Lucretia, on Monday, September 1, their son, Kenneth Keith Wilder, 4 years of age, died last night from malarial fever. Edward Wilder was attending the funeral of his child, Eva Lucretia, which was held yesterday at Gillespie, and upon his return home from the funeral was sorrowfully informed by his wife that their boy, Kenneth, was in a serious condition and expected to die. When the father reached the bedside of the boy he was nearly dead. It was but a few hours later that the boy died. Mrs. Wilder is nearly distracted as a result of the misfortune, and the family is receiving many condolences from friends in their hour of sorrow. The wilder's have two other children, a boy of ten and a girl of 12 years of age. The girl has graduated from the eighth grade. Edward Wilder works at the Western Cartridge Co. plant.


WILDT, JOHN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 25, 1895
Mr. John Wildt died in St. Louis yesterday morning, February 24. He formerly resided in Alton, and was an employee at Hanson’s foundry, but moved to St. Louis some six years ago. He was in his 56th year. His wife and adult children survive him. The body will be brought to Alton tomorrow morning, and the funeral will take place from the German M. E. Church on Henry Street.


WILHELMS, ANNA and LIZZIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 25, 1897
Mother and Daughter
It was a sad occasion which called the friends of the family to the home at 817 East Third Street, Thursday afternoon, to attend the funeral of mother and daughter – Mrs. Anna Wilhelms and Miss Lizzie Wilhelms, who died within twenty-four hours of each other. Services were conducted by Rev. William Hackman, who in tender words gave consolation and comfort to the bereaved family and friends. The funeral was largely attended, a long cortege following the bodies to the Alton City Cemetery, where they were interred. The pallbearers for Mrs. Wilhelms were Charles Seibold Sr., Charles Borckman, Ernst Feldwisch, Fritz Pilgrim, D. Nienhaus Sr., and B. Schlageter. For Miss Wilhelms, the pallbearers were Emil Zelier, John P. Bauer, Joseph Bauer, W. H. Gerhardt, Ed C. Paul, and Albert Wutzler.


WILHELMS, JULIUS/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 7, 1888
Mr. Julius Wilhelms, who was stricken with paralysis about a week ago, received another stroke yesterday afternoon from which he did not rally, passing quietly away at the age of 62 years. He was a native of Germany, but had resided in Alton since 1853. He was a potter by trade, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. A wife of two children, besides other relatives, mourn his death. Deceased was a charter member of the German Benevolent Society.


WILKEN, HANNAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 2, 1903
Mrs. Hannah Wilken of Oldenburg died yesterday afternoon after an illness with cancer of the stomach, aged 71. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at Bethalto.


WILKEN, SOPHIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1890
The funeral of Mrs. Sophia Wilken took place yesterday morning from the house of the deceased on Second Street [Broadway]. Rev. Feigenbaum conducted the services. Quite a large company of friends attended to pay a last tribute to the departed. Beautiful flowers rested on the coffin, expressive of tender and loving feelings entertained by those whom she has left behind.


WILKENING, THEODORE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 15, 1912
Killed in Explosion at Western Cartridge Company
Theodore Wilkening, the 24-year-old-son of Mr. and Mrs. William Wilkening of 1110 Putnam Street, died at St. Joseph's Hospital Monday afternoon at 5:40 o'clock from injuries he sustained in a powder explosion at the plant of the Western Cartridge Co., at one o'clock in the afternoon. The young man was badly burned about the face and arms by the flashing of powder from the explosion, and he was also crushed in the side by a heavy door falling and striking him on the ribs. The young man formerly worked at the plant, and recently he returned there to go to work. He was lowering some powder at the tower in the loading room when the explosion occurred. Wilkening was working in the loading department of the Western Cartridge Works called the "Klondike," and was standing at a machine which loads shells. Above him in the second story is the "hopper" in which the proper mixture of powder to be loaded into the shells is put. Wilkening released the powder mixture by means of a rope, and it runs down through distributing pipes into the shells at the bottom. As he pulled this rope there was an unexplainable explosion. The heavy door which is used on the machine as a protector to the operator flew off. Wilkening must have turned his back at the explosion, for the door struck him in the right side, striking a rib just near the shoulder. The broken rib was driven through his right lung, causing his death after he had been removed to the hospital. About two kegs of powder, or a hundred pounds of powder, is put into the "hopper" at each charge. Wilkening was slightly burned about the hands and face, but this was not serious. The twelve other employees in the same room were badly shaken up by the explosion, but were not hurt. The men employed at Beall's, a quarter of a mile away, heard the explosion plainly and left their benches thinking that something had happened at their own plant. Otto Wilkening, a brother, works at Beall's plant, but had left at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, having completed his work. The explosion was plainly felt by persons who live in East Alton, dishes being rattled on the sideboards and windows shaken. The young man lived with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wilkening, at 1110 Putman Street. The family moved to Alton from Moro, a few years ago, where Mr. Wilkening was a Big Four [railroad] section boss. A member of the family said this morning that Theodore was always unlucky. He leaves his parents, two brothers, Otto of 723 Linden Avenue; William Wilkening Jr., who lives in Moro; and two sisters, Miss Clara Wilkening of Alton and Mrs. Mary Gilner, wife of John D. Gilner of Bethalto. Coroner C. N. Streeper was notified by Schuette brothers, who have charge of the body and will hold an inquest. A series of accidents have followed the boy ever since he was four years old, when he fell and broke his right arm in two places. Since that time, he has been in one accident after another, most of which were not very serious. When he was ten years of age he fell out of a box car and hit on his breast bone, so it has been turned since. At the age of 14 he fell off a threshing machine, bruising himself about the face, cutting his face and arms and knocking out several teeth. Three years ago, while employed by the A. B. C. Bakery Co., he had his hand badly crushed and the wound had not completely healed. Two years ago, while working at the Powder Works, he contracted a case of poisoning and was seriously ill for six months. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Central Avenue Lutheran Church. [Burial was in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.]


WILKENING, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 7, 1918
Friends were shocked this morning to learn of the death at Moro last evening at 11:20 o'clock of Mrs. William Wilkening of Putnam street in this city. Mrs. Wilkening was well in the morning, and her death was very sudden. Influenza was given as the cause of death. She died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Gueidener, with whom she was visiting. Mrs. Wilkening was born and raised in Moro, coming to Alton nine years ago to reside. She was born July 26, 1858, being 60 years of age at the time of her death. The family resided at 1110 Putnam street. She is survived by her husband, William Wilkening; two sons, William Jr. of Moro, and Otto of Alton; also by two daughters, Mrs. John Gueidener of Moro and Mrs. Owen Reinhardt of Alton. She also leaves nine grandchildren and three sisters. The funeral will be held tomorrow from the John Gueidener home at Moro, and will be private. Burial will be in the Upper Alton Cemetery. After the funeral, memorial services under Beecher, formerly of this city, will be held at the Lutheran Church on Central avenue, of which the deceased was an active member. Services will be at 3 o'clock, and the public is invited to attend.


WILKENING, WILHELM “WILLIAM”/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 12, 1875
William Wilkening, one of the most prosperous farmers on Ridge Prairie, was kicked by a horse in his stable last Friday, and received injuries which produced his death on Sunday. The deceased had been to Edwardsville and had just returned home. We are told he was somewhat intoxicated. William was born August 15, 1824 in Germany, and was 50 years of age. He was buried in the Immanuel United Church of Christ Cemetery in Hamel. He left behind a wife, Dorathea Wilkening, and three children – Sophia, Amelia, and William F. Wilkening.


WILKERSON, DANIEL A. (REV.)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 16, 1893
Rev. Daniel A. Wilkerson, formerly of Upper Alton, died at his home in Chester on February 13, after an illness of several months, aged 67 years. The remains will be brought to Upper Alton for burial, where his son, John Wilkerson, resides.


WILKERSON, MARGARET (nee PORTER)/Source: Alton Telegraph,l September 2, 1886
Mrs. Margaret (Porter) Wilkerson, widow of the late Rev. Emanuel Wilkerson, and a resident of Upper Alton for 53 years, died at her residence on Main Street on August 25. Mrs. Wilkerson was married September 20, 1823, and during her residence here has brought up a large family of children, all of whom have proven an honor to their parents’ care, some having risen to eminence in their profession. Rev. J. M. Wilkerson of Lawrence, Kansas; Rev. D. A. Wilkerson of Sorrento; and Mr. William F. Wilkerson of Des Moines, Iowa, were sons. She also leaves two daughters. Mrs. Wilkerson was for 65 years a faithful member of the M. E. Church.


WILKIN, E. J./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1874
From Bethalto – On last Saturday, Mr. E. J. Wilkin died very suddenly. He lived on a farm belonging to John Wiemers, Esq., about two miles south of town, On Saturday he was stacking his wheat. Toward evening, about six o’clock, while he was on the stack, his team ran away, but was soon caught. He then asked his son how many shocks there were yet, after which he was seen to fall on his face, and when approached was found dead. He leaves a wife and five children. He was a German, known as a sober, industrious, and honorable man.


WILKINSON, IDA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 15, 1909
Falls From Floating Bridge, Drowns in Hop Hollow
Ida, aged 12, daughter of Mrs. Walter Stafford, was drowned Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the creek at Hop Hollow. The child was playing in a small boat that was floating on the creek. The mother noticed after a short time that the child was no longer on a floating bridge to which she had pushed the boat and was playing. The mother gave the alarm and herself recovered the body, which was in ten feet of water. Mrs. Stafford prepared a fishing line with hooks and dragging near the floating bridge she soon brought up her little daughter's body. The child was the only one her mother had. The Stafford family moved to Hop Hollow recently. Mr. Stafford is employed at the Duncan foundry. The coroner was notified of the drowning of the girl and he held an inquest.


WILKINSON, JANE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 23, 1915
Mrs. Jane Wilkinson, widow of Matthew Wilkinson, died Thursday evening at 6 o'clock at her home on William street, after a long period of helplessness due to paralysis. Her death had been expected for a long time, and it was considered remarkable by her friends that one of her years should show so much vitality. Mrs. Wilkinson was born in Wakefield, Lancashire, England, January 15, 1837. She came to America with her parents, landing in New York in 1854. The family came West to Illinois, and she was married at Carlinville in 1856 to Matthew Wilkinson. The couple came to Alton in 1861, and stayed here two years, afterward going to Jerseyville for one year and returned here in 1864. Since then she had lived steadily in Alton. She had enjoyed excellent health up to Thanksgiving Day, 1913, when she suffered a paralytic stroke, from which she rallied briefly. She was stricken again two weeks later, and since that time had been unable to leave her room. She leaves five sons, James E. and John of Alton; William A., Rochester, N. Y.; Joseph, Chicago, Ill.; Charles, Portland, Ore.; three daughters, Mrs. Hannah Stark, Chicago, Ill.; Mrs. Lelia M. Harlan and Miss Schna Wilkinson, Alton, Ill.; also two brothers, John F. and William Holmes Hutchinson; and two sisters, Mrs. Phoebe Parker, Alton, Ill.; and Mrs. Mary A. Smith, Sterling, Kan.; besides eleven grandsons and seven granddaughters, four great-grandsons and one great-granddaughter. The funeral will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, April 25th, 1915, from the family home, 504 William Street, to City Cemetery.


Jennie McPike WilkinsonWILKINSON, JENNIE (nee McPIKE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 29, 1944
Daughter of Henry Guest McPike
Jennie McPike Wilkinson was born November 20, 1857, the second child of Henry Guest McPike (1825-1910) and Mary Amanda Burns McPike (1832-1867). She married William Robert Wilkinson on October 24, 1877, at the McPike Mansion in Alton, which was quite a social event. William Wilkinson was born September 1, 1854 in Perry County, Missouri. His father was John Wilkinson, who along with his father, owned a riverboat named The Laurel, and became involved in the shipping trade from Louisville, Kentucky to Alton, Illinois. On one of their trips, their steamboat sank a few miles from what would later be known as Seventy-Six, Missouri. A shanty was constructed from the wreckage of the boat, and Wilkinson immediately became a dealer in cord wood, which was the only fuel used at that time to power steamboats. Eventually, John Wilkinson became one of the largest landowners in the area, and founded the unincorporated Seventy-Six, Missouri. An island in the Mississippi – Wilkinson Island – was named after him.

William Wilkinson graduated from the University of Missouri in Columbia in 1878, and was a circuit judge in Perry County for 14 years, elected in 1884. He was also large property owner, and a member of the Missouri State Board of Agriculture for 28 years. The couple had three children, but only one son, William Earl Wilkinson (1881-1883) survived for any length of time. William and Jennie Wilkinson must have gotten divorced, as he remarried in 1915 to a woman named Abbie. Jennie McPike Wilkinson died July 29, 1944, at the age of 86, in Mobile, Alabama. She was buried in the Alton City Cemetery. Judge William Wilkinson died on October 7, 1930, in St. Louis County, Missouri. He is buried in the Laurel Hill Memorial Gardens in Pagedale, Missouri.


WILKINSON, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 3, 1907
Joseph Wilkinson, of 270 Madison avenue, Alton, died Monday night at Los Angeles, California very unexpectedly. The news of the death of Mr. Wilkinson was received in a telegram this morning to Mrs. Jane Wilkinson, widow of Mathew Wilkinson, who was a brother of Joseph Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson left a few months ago for a winter tour of the west and south. They intended to spend a short time at Denver with a son, then go to Los Angeles and spend the winter with a daughter, and returning visit their sons at Dallas, Texas. Before the departure of the couple their neighbors gave them a farewell surprise party, and the couple received many heartfelt expressions of good will and the hope that they would have a pleasant trip and return in the spring to finish their life in Alton. Some handsome gifts were presented to the couple. It was not known to his friends that Mr. Wilkinson was ill. He was apparently in the best of health and the news of his death was a sad shock to his friends in Alton. Mr. Wilkinson had lived in Alton many years. He was a native of England. He was a man who made friends and held them. He was a quiet, unassuming man, a good citizen and upright in all his dealings with mankind. The body will probably be interred at Los Angeles. Mr. Wilkinson was 70 years of age. He came to Alton thirty years ago from Silsden, Yorkshire, England, his native place. He leaves his wife and five children, Mrs. Charles Brooks and Miss Annie Wilkinson of Los Angeles, Cal., James Wilkinson of Denver, and Irving and Harry Wilkinson of Dallas, Texas.


WILKINSON, JOSEPH E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13, 1900
Joseph E. Wilkinson, the 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkinson, died last night at 8:30 o'clock at the family home, 1020 Easton street. The little fellow had been ill only two days with an acute stomach trouble and suffered great pain. His death and release from suffering was a relief to his parents as well as himself. The funeral will be Sunday at 2 p.m. from the family home.


WILKINSON, MATHEW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 13, 1902
Head Miller at Sparks Mill
After ten months of suffering which was borne patiently, Mathew Wilkinson passed away Saturday evening at his home on William street. Mr. Wilkinson was a good man, a good citizen, an admirable husband and father, a steadfast friend. He was a man accustomed to measuring his fellow men and their failing with the broad tape line of charity, and he believed in planting and cultivating Hope in human souls where only Doubt or Despair grew before. By those who knew him best, Mr. Wilkinson was most appreciated and esteemed. His character was clearly revealed to intimates and it was an admirable character. May he rest in peace. Mr. Wilkinson was born at Silsden, Yorkshire, England, August 4, 1832. He came to America in June 1854, and was married to Miss James Holmes at Carlinville, Ill., September 11, 1856. He came to Alton in the fall of 1858, and had been a resident here since. He was a miller and a good one, and for many years was engaged in the Schooler, Adams and Farber mills, and was head miller for the Sparks Milling Co. for several years. He engaged in the milling business for himself in 1873 at 109 West Second street. He retired from active business in 1890. He was economical and amassed considerable property some of which is very valuable. He leaves a wife and nine children: Messrs. James E. and John, of Alton; William A. of Rochester, N. Y.; Joseph of Chicago; Charles of San Francisco, Cal.; and four daughters: Mrs. Charles Stark, Chicago; Mrs. Samuel H. Phillips, Denver, Colo.; Mrs. Lelia M. Hart, and Miss Celina Wilkinson of Alton. One brother, Joseph Wilkinson also survives. Mr. Wilkinson also leaves several brothers and sisters in the old country, also a sister, Mrs. William Bradley, in Providence, R. I. The funeral will be Tuesday afternoon from the family home at Park and William streets to City Cemetery. Services will be held at the home and cemetery by Rev. George R. Gebauer of the Unitarian church.


WILLARD, ALMYRA (nee CADY)/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 10, 1873
Died on October 5 in Chicago, Mrs. Almyra C. Willard, wife of Julius A. Willard; aged 75 years and 25 days. Mrs. Willard was long a resident of Alton, and was well known by many of our citizens. For sometime past, however, she has resided at Chicago.

Almyra Cady Willard was born September 11, 1798, in Orange, Franklin County, Massachusetts. She was the daughter of Cyrall and Joanna P. Cady, and the mother of Dr. Samuel Willard and Alonzo J. Willard. Almyra is buried in the Graceland Cemetery in Chicago.


WILLARD, FRANCIS E./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 03, 1898
The Francis E. Willard memorial service was held Thursday in the M. E. Church, and was attended by an audience which filled the church. Music was furnished by the Conservatory. Sixty-three members of the W.C.T.U., representing the unions of the three Altons and the Alton Y, marched in a body into the church. Owing to the sickness of Mrs. E. A. Smith, Rev. Dr. Van Treese delivered the address. The remarks were made by nine of the local pastors, and were full of earnest praise to Miss Willard. The members rising, paid this tribute to Francis E. Willard: “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”

Just before the benediction, Mr. Stigler, a young student, told how he had been inspired by personal contact with Miss Willard. All present unite in saying that it was a fitting service to the memory of so great a woman as Miss Willard.


WILLE, CAROLINE/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, November 23, 1936
Submitted by Marsha Ensminger
Funeral services for Mrs. Caroline Wille, 78, wife of the late William Wille of near Nameoki who died Sunday at 12:20 a. m., will be held Tuesday at 1:15 p. m. at the Schildman Funeral Home in Granite City, with services at 2 p. m. at the St. John's Evangelical Church. Burial will be in the St. John's Cemetery.
Mrs. Wille was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Huebner and lived 54 years of her life in the Nameoki vicinity. Her husband and one daughter preceded her in death. Surviving is one son, Louis Wille, near Nameoki; three daughters, Mrs. Eleanor Krauskopf, Granite City, Mrs. Sophia Klingmann (sic), Edwardsville, Mrs. Henrietta Westerhold of Wood River.


Died January 6, 1904
Submitted by Marsha Ensminger
William Wille, baptized Heinrich Wilhelm Christian Wille, was the son of Johann Christoph Wille and Anna Sophia Dorothea Bade. Born February 29, 1852, probably on the family farm in Pleasant Ridge, Collinsville Township. He married Caroline Huebner on May 10, 1882, in St. John's Evangelical Church, Granite City. One daughter, Caroline Margaretha, died in 1899, aged 4. He is survived by wife and four children: Eleanora Wille (married Karl Krauskopf), Sophia Louise Wille (married Gustav W. Klingemann), Henrietta Wille (married Herman Westerhold), and Louis William Wille (married Elsie Emma Miller). Buried in St. John's Cemetery, Granite City. My great-grandfather.


WILLETT, OLIVE M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 17, 1906
Mrs. Olive M. Willett, wife of Samuel M. Willett, died very suddenly Tuesday evening at the family home, 1605 Piasa street, from the effects of an abdominal abscess. She had been in poor health for some time and had shown symptoms of heart trouble for several weeks. While sitting down at the supper table she fell over unconscious and expired a few minutes later. She leaves beside her husband, two children, a boy and a girl. The funeral of Mrs. Willett will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the First Methodist church.


WILLHEIM, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 21, 1921
Margaret Willhelm, wife of S. Willhelm, died this morning at seven o'clock at the family home, 1203 Belle street. She was 67 years of age. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon, with the Rev. M. W. Twing, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiating. Interment will be in City Cemetery.


WILLHIDE, EVELYN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 29, 1907
Evelyn, three years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Willhide, this morning at the family home in east Eighth street, died from pneumonia. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock and services will be conducted by the Rev. Ernest Mueller.


WILLI, CHRIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 28, 1912
Chris Willi, aged 40, died at Edwardsville Crossing after a week's illness of paralysis. He leaves a wife and five children. The funeral will be in the Wanda cemetery. The Rev. Rahn of Edwardsville will officiate.


WILLI, ELIZABETH K. (nee HUEBNER)/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, April 10, 1909
Submitted by Marsha Ensminger
The futility of human plans was illustrated yesterday. Mrs. Lizzie Wille (wife of Louis Willi), a well-known member of the Evangelical Eden Church of Edwardsville, had looked forward with a good deal of pleasure to attending the Easter services which the church members have been preparing for tomorrow. Fate willed otherwise, however, and Mrs. Wille's life was suddenly terminated yesterday by a rush of blood to the head. She had been subject to these attacks for several years, but always recovered with a rest of a day or two. Yesterday one came at the noon hour and at 1 o'clock Mrs. Wille was dead. The funeral will be on Monday morning, leaving the family home at 11 o'clock. The Wille place is at the Grassy Lake crossing of the Illinois Terminal. The service at the Wanda Church will be at 12 o'clock, and will be conducted by Rev. H. Rahn, pastor of the Eden church. The interment will be in the Wanda cemetery.

News of Mrs. Wille's demise was received with great regret in Edwardsville. She was born and raised in the American Bottom, west of Edwardsville, her maiden name being Huebner. She was 41 years old last February. Surviving are her husband and four children, George, aged 16: Minnie, 12, Louise, 6, and Edna, 3. There are three brothers and five sisters, John, George and August Huebener (sic), all of whom live at Oldenburg; Mrs. Caroline Wille and Mrs. Minnie Krauskopf, of Nameoki, Mrs. Franceska Rickenburg (sic), of 4600 Michigan Avenue, St. Louis; Mrs. Mary Buenger, of Chouteau Island, and Mrs. Henrieta (sic) Hoehn, of Oldenburg.


WILLIAMS, ADA/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 1, 1883
Died in Alton, October 28, of croup, Ada, daughter of the late Richard A. Williams; aged 8 years, 7 months, and 17 days.


WILLIAMS, ALBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 26, 1884
Murdered in Cold Blood at Rocky Fork
A cold-blooded murder was committed at the Sidway farm, Godfrey, at 10 p.m. Monday, with Albert Williams, a colored man, being the victim of the assassin’s bullets. It appears Williams, at the hour mentioned, went out of his house to procure a drink of water. In a short time, three reports as from a revolver were heard, one striking him in the heart, one in the side, and the third striking a log in the house. He fell, exclaiming, “I am shot.” His wife dragged him into the house and closed the door, and he expired soon after. The assassin escaped across a cornfield and into the woods. Mr. Williams leaves a wife and a son, about 14 years old. An inquest was held by Justice Melling. The verdict of the jury was that the deceased came to his death from bullets fired by some party unknown.

The section in Godfrey Township known by the name of Rocky Fork is a wild, romantic region, with deep rocky ravines, a stream of water flowing through, heavily wooded slopes, and darkly shaded valleys – a fit place for mysterious tragedies. The place has long had an unenviable reputation, on account of the scenes that have transpired in the neighborhood. Years ago, a gentleman stopping there had two horses stolen, the animals disappearing so completely that their owner never again got a trace of them. At another time, a gentleman went to that neighborhood with a sum of money, intending to make some purchases, but disappeared one night as mysteriously as though the earth had swallowed him, leaving no trace behind. Then the bloody tragedy when DePugh and Ross, cousins, were slaughtered, and lastly the murder of Albert Williams. As is known, Felix Henry is confined, awaiting trial on his own confession of having committed the double murder of DePugh and Ross [Felix Henry was hung for the crime], but the last crime remains a mystery, although suspicions are aroused and officers are working in the case with a hope of developing some definite evidence.

Rocky Fork was home to former slaves, who made their way up from the South to freedom. It is located west of Camp Warren Levis, on Rocky Fork Road in Godfrey. While former slaves found it a refuge, the area also had its tragedies. On June 23, 1884, Albert Williams, an African American who lived at Rocky Fork, went out of his home to get a drink of water from the well. As he stood in the doorway of his home on the Sidway farm at Rocky Fork, three shots rang out, and he fell. The assassin was never found. I could not find any record of his burial, but it may have been in the Rocky Fork Cemetery.


WILLIAMS, ANNA H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 26, 1909
Mrs. Anna H. Williams, widow of Richard Williams, died Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at her home, 1128 Alby street, after a long illness. She leaves only one son, David Williams. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock from the family home on Alby street.


WILLIAMS, BERTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 21, 1905
Bertha Williams, the Alton girl with a record for unrequited love affairs and attempts at suicide, died this morning at her home in the alley just off Weigler street between Second and Third streets, after an illness from pneumonia. She had made four endeavors to kill herself, and it was only a few weeks ago that her last attempt caused the presence of almost every physician in Alton at her bedside fighting off death. Carbolic acid was the favorite poison taken by the unfortunate girl, and this was never taken until after she had absorbed considerable whiskey. The whisky, physicians say, always counteracted the effects of the acid and permitted the girl's recovery. The girl kept herself and her relatives in a constant state of worry, and many times the causes of her own worry were so insignificant as to be scarcely worth noticing at all, yet she would magnify them and fret until death seemed to her the only way out. It is hoped she has found complete peace at last. The body will be taken to Deer Plains, Calhoun County, Saturday morning for burial.


WILLIAMS, CELIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 22, 1909
Former Slave - Claimed to Be 117 Years Old
Mrs. Celia Williams, who claimed to be 117 years of age, died Thursday evening at the home of her niece, Mrs. Mary Morgan, at 16th and Easton streets. The age of the old woman was not fully authenticated, as naturally her early life was clouded in a haze of obscurity, when she was a slave. She did not know exactly the year she was born, but from her recollections of happenings she was believed to be very old, although few credited her age as being as high as she claimed it was. She was a sister of old Gilbert Williams, the old time negro who died a few years ago, and whose feet turned out until the toes pointed like the hands of a clock, pointing to 10 minutes to 2. For many years the old woman had been assisted by the county, and she was the oldest person on the list of the supervisors for many years. Her age was doubtless very great, even though she was not as old as she claimed to be, but her people credited her claims of great age, fully, and so did other people who knew her. She was bent and shriveled from age, but until a few years ago she used to call in person for her county paycheck. She was the oldest of a family of thirteen children, she claimed.


WILLIAMS, CHARLES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 24, 1913
Charles Williams, aged 47, died at the county hospital in Edwardsville Thursday night, and was buried this afternoon in the family lot of his late father, Samuel Williams, who years ago conducted a hotel in Alton. Charles Williams, familiarly known as "Paddy," had been sick a long time. He had lived in Alton most of his life and had many friends here. Some time ago he was sent to the hospital at Edwardsville because his condition had become very bad. The funeral services this afternoon were conducted by Rev. W. T. Terhune of the Upper Alton Methodist Church. Burial was in City Cemetery.


WILLIAMS, COLEMAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 24, 1898
A colored man named Coleman Williams, who was employed about the place of Mr. James Duncan in Middletown, dropped dead while working, shortly before noon Tuesday. He had been sick recently, but had been working for the past few days at his usual tasks. He was about fifty years of age, and leaves a wife and two children. Coroner Bailey will hold an inquest. The dead man lived in Middletown, and was a hardworking man.


WILLIAMS, D. C./Source: Alton Telegraph, February 24, 1865
Died on the morning of the 21st instant, son of Daniel J. and Margaret Williams, aged 2 months and 12 days. The funeral will take place tomorrow, the 22nd, at two o’clock.


WILLIAMS, DANIEL/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 18, 1882
Mr. Daniel Williams, a native of England, for more than thirty years a citizen of Alton, a man universally esteemed and highly respected, died this afternoon from the effects of a stroke of apoplexy at his office on Market Street. He was seen ten minutes before the sad occurrence going to his office. Mr. William Quigley happened at the place soon afterwards, saw the old gentleman on the floor, and alarmed Mr. J. W. Ash, whose office is next door. When found, Mr. Williams was lying on his face, and was immediately lifted to a lounge in the room, when it was found that his forehead had been badly bruised by the fall, his nose also receiving some contusions. Drs. Doty and Gibson were immediately sent for, but although their patient breathed a few times after being found, nothing could be done, and his spirit passed quietly away. Deceased was well known by all our old citizens. He at one time kept the Piasa House, and had been engaged in several other lines of business. He was a consistent member and a faithful official of the Episcopal Church. His age was 75 years. He leaves a stricken widow, and two sons, Daniel and Samuel Williams of St. Louis, to whom the sad news was telegraphed this afternoon.


WILLIAMS, ELLEN/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28, 1873
Died on February 16 in Looking Glass Prairie, Ellen, wife of David Williams, in the 34th year of her age.


WILLIAMS, FRANK/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 16, 1892
Frank Williams, one of the best-known young men of Alton, died this morning at the home of his parents on Third and George Streets. Mr. Williams was 20 years and two months of age. He was an excellent young man, of genial nature, and had a friend in everyone who knew him. His death was caused by an abscess of the bowels, his sufferings being most intense for seven months. He leaves a mother and father, three brothers and a sister to mourn his death. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon from the family residence.


WILLIAMS, GEORGE/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 1, 1886
From Upper Alton – After an illness of several months, Mr. George Williams passed quietly away on Friday last, at the family residence, whence four members of the family had been borne during the past ten years, a prey to the dread disease, consumption. One brother, the last of a dozen children, survives. The funeral services were held on Saturday.


WILLIAMS, GILBERT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 11, 1902
Gilbert Williams "Old Gilbert," colored, a well-known character about town, died Wednesday evening at his home, Sixteenth and Alby streets, after a long illness. His age is problematical, although it is known he was very old. Gilbert had lived in Alton many years and was known to almost every white person in the city. The funeral took place this afternoon and services were conducted at his late home.


WILLIAMS, HARRIET V./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 4, 1875
Died on the morning of February 27 at Upper Alton, of consumption, Mrs. Harriet V. Williams, wife of the late Captain John Williams; in her 45th year.


WILLIAMS, HARRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 13, 1908
Alton Glassblower
Harry Williams, a popular young glassblower who has been working in Alton for several years, died Thursday evening at St. Joseph's hospital after an illness of several weeks from a complication of troubles. He was 35 years old and has no relatives in Alton. He has a mother living in New Brighton, Pa., and a brother, Fred, arrived Thursday evening from Muncie, Indiana, where he is employed. The body was removed today from the hospital to the home of Mrs. Ashlock, 921 east Second street, and funeral services will be held at that place tomorrow evening at 8:15 o'clock. The body escorted by Eagles and glassblowers will be taken to the depot at 10 p.m. and will be sent to the old home at New Brighton for burial.


WILLIAMS, HELEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 27, 1916
Helen Williams died last evening at 10:15 o'clock at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Williams, of 1900 Pleasant street, after an illness of several months. Miss Williams was 21 years of age. The funeral will be held from the Campbell M. E. Church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. George A. Brown officiating.


WILLIAMS, HEZEKIAH (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 31, 1872
Alton Physician; Civil War Surgeon
Descendant of Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island Colony
At ten minutes before six o’clock p.m. on Wednesday, May 22, Dr. Hezekiah Williams breathed his last at his residence in Alton. The sad event was not unanticipated. For several months he had been in feeble health, suffering from an affection of the lungs, induced by exposure and too severe attention to the duties of his arduous profession. Some three months since, he went South, trusting that rest from labor and the genial influences of a milder climate would restore his failing strength. But the hope proved fallacious, and when he returned home a few weeks since, it was only too apparent that disease had a fatal hold upon him. Everything that medical skill and the loving care of relatives could do to ward off the attack of the destroyer was done, but all proved futile, and now the genial friend, the affectionate husband, the public-spirited citizen, rests in the long sleep that knows no waking. It is with a sad heart that we pen these lines concerning the noble man who has gone from among us, in the prime of life, in the height of his usefulness. With a heart sad for our own personal loss, sad for the loss the community has sustained, and sad for the grief-stricken relatives, who mourn the loss of one who will never more go in and out among them.

Doctor Williams was the eldest son of the late Hon. Hezekiah Williams, M. C., from the State of Maine. He was born in Castine, Maine, March 10, 1827, and was consequently something over forty-five years of age at the time of his death. He pursued his collegiate studies at Bowdoin College, Maine, and afterwards studied medicine under the late Dr. Cobb at the Cleveland Medical College, where he received his diploma. After his graduation, he came to Illinois in about the year 1850, locating first in Montgomery County, and the following year removing to Edwardsville. In 1854, he located in Alton, which he has ever since made his home, and where he married Miss Sophronia, daughter of Elijah Lewis Dimmock, Esq. At the outbreak of the War of the Rebellion [Civil War], he gave himself heart and soul to the service of his country, both by words and deeds, displaying a glowing patriotism equaled by few and excelled by none. In 1862, he entered the army as Surgeon of the 2nd Illinois Artillery, with the rank of Major, in which capacity, and that of Medical Inspector, he served for two years, and then returned to Alton, where during the remainder of the great conflict, he acted as Surgeon of the military prison. His patriotic services were emulated by his three brothers, all of whom served throughout the war with distinguished honor. Commander E. P. Williams, the brother next in age to himself, won a national reputation for gallant naval services, and the whole country mourned when he and his brave crew went down on the coast of Japan in the ill-fated Oneida. The next younger brother, Lt. Colonel M. H. Williams, served through the war in the 10th Missouri Cavalry, and as Inspector General of the Cavalry of the West, sinning a brilliant reputation. Major Charles A. Williams, the youngest of the four, had a useful career in the 11th Missouri Cavalry. It is seldom that one family furnishes four such distinguished officers to the service of the country.

Dr. Williams professional career in Alton was a continual growth – both in medical knowledge and skill, and in the increasing demands made upon his services by the public. He was an enthusiast in his profession, a hard student to the end of his life, and his skill and scientific attainments were equaled by few physicians in the country. Especially in severe surgical operations he was eminently successful. For the last few years, he has been associated in practice with Dr. A. S. Haskell, and it is safe to assert that no firm of medical practitioners in Alton has ever enjoyed a more enviable reputation. Dr. Williams was strictly conscientious in the discharge of his duties, and was possessed of a high sense of professional honor that was in itself chivalrous. His disposition was remarkably genial and pleasant. The magnetism of his cheerful presence in the sickroom was, it itself, a grateful tonic, and we doubt not, was in many cases more effectual than any prescription would have been. Naturally, he was universally beloved. If he ever had an enemy in Alton, we do not know who it was. He will be missed more keenly, perhaps, than would any other of our citizens. In the sanctity of the sickroom, and in the common walks of life alike, will his loss be mourned. His acquaintances feel that they have lost a friend and a brother – one whose pure and upright life was a constant example of worthy living. The bereaved relatives have the kindest sympathy of the community in their great sorrow, though we know how weak and vain are words of consolation in a grief so overwhelming.

The funeral services took place on Friday afternoon from the Episcopal Church, and were attended by the largest gathering we ever remember to have seen in Alton on a similar sad occasion – the church being completely filled. After singing of the “Rock of Ages,” by the choir, Rev. C. S. Abbott, late Rector of the church, preached a brief but very touching and impressive discourse. At the close of the services, an opportunity was given for all who wished to take a last look at the face of him they had loved so long and well, when the entire assembly took advantage of the invitation, and paid this last tribute of affection. There were few dry eyes in the house. All seemed to feel a sense of personal loss. It was evident that of the deceased, it could be truly said he was the “beloved physician.” The pallbearers were Messrs. C. A. Murray, A. H. Gambrill, Dr. William A. Haskell, Dr. W. C. Quigley, J. E. Hawver, and Captain George E. Hawley.

The death of Dr. Williams has left a vacancy in this community hard to be filled. During his long residence here, there is scarcely a family in Alton he has not visited in a professional capacity, and to all he was a trusted friend and counselor, as well as the skillful physician. Such an exhibition of general sorrow as was witnessed yesterday is the noblest monument that can be reared in memory of a worthy life, well spent in relieving the suffering and ministering to the needs of his fellow-men. His name will long linger in the memories of our citizens of all classes and condition, and the influence of his pure and self-sacrificing career will continue to bear a rich harvest through the coming years.

Dr. Hezekiah Williams was born in Castine, Maine, March 10, 1827, to Hezekiah Williams Sr., Congressman of Maine. He was a descendant of Roger Williams, a Puritan minister, theologian, and author, who founded Providence Plantations, which became the Colony of Rhode Island. Dr. Williams’ brother, E. P. Williams, was Commander of the ill-fated U.S.S. steamship Oneida, which sunk from a collision with the British steamer Bombay, on January 24, 1870. During a Court of Inquiry, it was decided the officers of the Oneida were entirely to blame for the collision. The Oneida was under the command of an inexperienced junior officer, while the senior officers were at dinner. One hundred twenty-five men were lost, with 61 sailors being saved by Japanese fishing boats. The American government made no effort to raise the wreck, and sold it to a Japanese wrecking company for $1500.00. The Japanese workers found many bones of the lost men among the ship’s timbers. The Japanese erected a tablet in the Ikegami grounds to the memory of the dead. Dr. Williams died at the age of 45 years, on May 22, 1872, of consumption, and was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.

From the State Journal:
Many of our citizens will regret to hear the announcement of the death of Dr. Hezekiah Williams, an old citizen of Alton, which took place on May 22. Dr. Williams had a large number of personal friends in our city, as well as in other parts of the State. He was the son of Congressman Williams of Maine, and one of the lineal descendants of the celebrated Roger Williams. He was also the brother of E. P. Williams, the Commander of the ill-fated U. S. steamship Oneida. During the late war [Civil War], he was Surgeon of the Second Regiment of Illinois Artillery, and served his country well and faithfully in that capacity. In his profession he ranked high, and in social life he was known to be not only an educated and polished gentleman, but a good and useful citizen.


WILLIAMS, JAMES/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 8, 1885
From Upper Alton – After a lingering illness but a brief confinement, Mr. James Williams died Thursday night at the family residence, east of the college. Jimmy, as he was familiarly called by all, was a quiet, kind-hearted young man, and has many friends who will be pained, although not surprised, to learn of his early death. He would have attained his majority on October 5. His disease was consumption, which has already carried away both his parents and six brothers and sisters. Two brothers, one older than James and one younger, survive him.


WILLIAMS, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 28, 1908
James Williams, aged 52, died at his home in St. Louis this morning after a long illness. He had been unconscious almost a week and all hope of his recovery was abandoned. He was a son-in-law of Officer Henry Tisius of the police department. The body will be brought to Alton for burial. Beside his wife and four children, he leaves a sister, Mrs. Darnell, and brother, Charles Williams of Alton. Mrs. Williams has made arrangements for having the funeral services held in St. Louis and the body will be brought to Alton Sunday noon and taken direct to City cemetery.


WILLIAMS, JENNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 5, 1871
Died in Alton on May 3, Jennie, infant daughter of Daniel J. and Maggie Williams.


WILLIAMS, JOE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 4, 1914
Legs Crushed While Trying to Board Train
Joe Williams, the negro who was run over at East Alton Saturday afternoon while trying to board a moving freight train, died at 11 o'clock Tuesday at St. Joseph's hospital. Both legs were crushed. The remaining leg was amputated yesterday in hope of saving his life. Williams was one of the members of the Young Buffalo Bill wild west show, which disbanded in Alton last week.


WILLIAMS, JOEL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 11, 1913
Joe Williams is dead. His end occurred at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the old home in Wood River township where he was born and lived all his life. He died attended by his two sisters, Miss Luella Williams and Mrs. Frank Sargent, but a sad feature of the death was that the oldest brother, the one who had stood as a father in the family, who was recently married, was away on his honeymoon trip. The Williams family had been a devoted one. Out of the four children, there was but one who married, Mrs. Frank Sargent. The brothers and the sister lived together in the old home, happy and contented. After a courtship of fifty years, Irby Williams eloped recently to California with the girl he had been wooing so many years, Miss Josephine Crawford. He was still there when his brother was taken ill. Today, three telegrams were sent to Irby that his brother, Joel, was dying, and to start at once. An answer came back that Irby would start for home at once. Though Joel Williams was a strong powerful man for a man of 68, and had observed good habits all his life, pneumonia, which afflicted him last Sunday, soon caused his death. The time of the funeral is not set, as the arrival of Irby Williams from Ocean Park, Cal. is being awaited. Joel Williams was one of the best known farmers of the neighborhood of Bethalto. He was a member of a wealthy family, was actively interested in public matters, and took prominent parts in any enterprise that happened to demand his help. He was well and favorably known in Alton, and the news of his death was received here with keen regret.


WILLIAMS, JOHN R./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 17, 1909
John R. Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Williams, died at 3:30 a.m. today at 1923 Gross street. The funeral will be Friday from the Union Baptist church to Rocky Fork cemetery.


WILLIAMS, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 17, 1896
Mr. Joseph Williams died Tuesday morning at his home on Easton Street, after a long illness from consumption, during which time he has suffered intensely. He was a soon of Mr. Samuel Williams, and was 28 years of age. A young wife and one child survive him.


WILLIAMS, LAURA/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 3, 1885
Miss Laura, daughter of Mr. Samuel Williams of the Brent House, died last night of an illness of a pulmonary nature, at the age of 23 years. Deceased was a very amiable young lady, and had suffered a considerable length of time from the fatal disease. The many friends of the family sympathize with them in their sad affliction.


Lydia Moore WilliamsWILLIAMS, LYDIA (nee MOORE)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 18 and 31, 1901
Daughter of Captain Abel Moore
(Famed by the Wood River Massacre)
Abel Moore, the father of Lydia Moore Williams, was a native of North Carolina, while her mother, Mary Bates Moore, was a native of South Carolina. They were married in about 1803 or 1804 in North Carolina, and soon afterward immigrated to Kentucky, where they resided some three or four years. They then started to go to Boone's Lick, Missouri, but were compelled to stop at what afterward became Alton, and settled on land east of Upper Alton in 1809, where the Alton State Hospital was later constructed.This was the year that Illinois was made a territory, and as there were but few settlers and really no organized government, the land titles were simply squatter's claims, which in some instances were based on prior French claims.

At the time of settling Illinois, Abel and Mary Moore had two sons, William and Joel. They had previously buried one daughter, Elizabeth, in Kentucky. At their homestead near Upper Alton were born to them three sons: John, Joshua and Franklin; and five daughters: Nancy, Sarah, Rachel, Lydia and Annie, by which it will be seen that the subject of this sketch is next to the youngest daughter - her brother, Franklin, being the youngest of the family. The sons, William and Joel, aged 8 and 10 years respectively, were victims of the Wood River Massacre, which took place near the Moore homestead on July 10, 1814. The remaining sons and daughters lived and raised families in the immediate community.

Lydia Moore Williams was born in Madison County, Illinois, May 13, 1821. She was raised with her brothers and sisters on the homestead in what was then a frontier country. However, Upper Alton had established a school and church, and the children attended with some regularity. Lydia obtained a fair common school education, and learned to love the Sabbath school and church.

Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers (whose son, Edward Rodgers, founded the Alton Brick Company), who settled nearby the Moore homestead, for many years wielded a wonderful influence for good in the community. In about the year 1836, at a meeting held by Father Ebenezer Rodgers, assisted by Rev. Elias Fort, who was then a student of Shurtleff College, at the residence of Samuel Williams, Lydia was converted to Christianity, but made no public profession until 1848. At this time, while in attendance upon a meeting at the head of Wood River Baptist Church, conducted by Rev. Harrison Witt, she professed faith in Christ and was baptized into the fellowship. The place of her baptism was in Indian Creek, northeast of Dorsey Station.

Miss Lydia Moore was united in matrimony with Mr. Madison Williams on August 13, 1839, at her father's residence. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Williams settled in middle Alton, but during the following winter they moved into a tenant house on her father's farm in the old sugar orchard. From this tenant house, April 9, 1841, they moved to Madison Spring Farm that has ever since been the Williams homestead. To Mr. and Mrs. Williams were born five sons and three daughters, of whom four survive their mother: Irby, Joel, Luella and Lettie, the latter now Mrs. Frank Sargent. At the Williams homestead in the winter of 1850-51, there was an old-fashioned protracted meeting conducted by the Revs. Rhoads and Brown, and during this meeting between 40 and 50 professed religion and joined the church that was organized at that time and place, and that has since been known as Mt. Olive Church, located in the immediate community. Of this church, Madison Williams, who had held the office of deacon in the church at the head of Wood River, and his wife and the brethren and sisters who had become members of the present church, obtained letters and were constituted a separate organization in May 1851, of which Mrs. Williams remained a true and consistent member until her death.

Lydia Moore Williams died Thursday, January 17, 1901, at 9:30 p.m., aged 79 years and 8 months. Mrs. Williams was the oldest resident born in Wood River Township at the time of her death. Both her grandparents served in the Revolutionary War. Her father fought in the Black Hawk War. Her brother, Major Frank Moore, and her oldest son, Irby Williams, served in the Civil War. Major Frank Moore is the only surviving member of the family.

The funeral took place from the Williams homestead. Rev. Dr. Kendrick conducted the services. She was buried in the Short Cemetery, on 14th Street in Cottage Hills.


WILLIAMS, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 14, 1909
Burned to Death by Gasoline
Mrs. Mary Williams, aged 38, wife of David Williams, was burned to death Tuesday evening at her home, Twelfth and Alby street, by setting her clothing afire as she was working around a gasoline stove. She had started the gasoline burner and stepped out of the house. On her return, she noticed in the drip pan under the stove what she thought was water from a bucket she had set on the burner. She took a dishcloth and started to wipe up the fluid and the rag caught fire. It is supposed that instead of water it was gasoline that had leaked out of the stove. Mrs. Williams' clothes caught fire from the rag, and in an instant she was enveloped with flames. She began running wildly about the house in her agony, and her husband finally caught her and tripping her up, threw her to the floor and put out the fire in her clothes by wrapping several quilts about her. She was burned from the chin to the feet, and lived only six hours after the accident occured, dying about 11 o'clock. Her home was at Havana before she married Williams. A few months ago Williams' mother died, leaving him her property, and a few days ago Williams sold the homestead at Twelfth and Alby street to Ed Spreen. The family were about to move to Peoria. Coroner Streeper was notified this morning to hold an inquest over the body. Coroner Streeper held an inquest this morning, and a verdict of death from accidental burning was found by the coroner's jury.


WILLIAMS, MILTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 5, 1916
Milton Williams, for many years a resident of Upper Alton, died Sunday evening at the home of his son, W. T. Williams, at Ninth and Belle streets, from old age. Mr. Williams had reached the age of 77 years 7 months and 7 days. He had been making his home with his daughter, Mrs. D. H. Toomey, at Winchester, Ill. for some time, and he came to Alton a little over a week ago to visit his two sons, W. T. Williams and Rev. L. H. Williams, and to see old friends in Alton. He was taken down and a short illness followed with a fatal termination. Mr. Williams was a farmer in Jersey County for years, but about 22 years ago moved to Alton and spent most of the remainder of his life in Alton. Mr. Williams' wife died four years ago, and ever since that time he had been making his home with Mrs. Toomey. He was a devoted member of the Baptist Church in Upper Alton, ever since he moved to Alton, and he had been a member of the church elsewhere from early manhood. He was a man of deep religious convictions, a fact that was reflected in the choice of the ministry by one of his sons, and the choice of a minister for a husband of his daughter. He was very highly esteemed in Upper Alton, where he spent many years of his life. Mr. Williams was a native of North Carolina, but when a young man moved to Jersey County. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home of his son, Rev. L. H. Williams, on Evergreen avenue, and burial was in Oakwood Cemetery.


WILLIAMS, NANCY/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 28, 1886
From Edwardsville, Jan. 22 – This afternoon, Nancy Williams, a colored woman about 60 years of age, who was rather simple minded, residing with her son, Bennett Williams, was standing near a stove and her clothing became ignited. In a few moments, she was a sheet of flame. Becoming frightened, she began to rush around, screaming at the top of her voice. The neighbors were aroused, but before any help could reach her, she expired. Her body was almost burned to a crisp. The coroner has been summoned, and the inquest will be held this evening.


WILLIAMS, NANCY/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 27, 1898
Mrs. Nancy Williams, widow of the late Captain Samuel Williams, died Monday after a short illness at her home on East Second Street [Broadway]. Mrs. Williams was an old resident of Alton, and had raised a large family here, most of whom have preceded her in death. Her husband died about a year ago. She was 66 years of age. Three children, Mrs. E. A. Darnell, James and Charles Williams, survive.


WILLIAMS, NONIE D. (nee DIMMOCK)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1896
This estimable lady died in St. Louis Monday, January 20, after an illness of several months, at the age of 59 years. She was the daughter of the late Elijah Lewis Dimmock, and the widow of that beloved physician, Dr. Hezekiah Williams, so dear to the hearts of many of Alton’s older citizens. Mrs. Williams was a life-long resident of Alton, where in her circle of acquaintances she was most highly prized for her many excellencies, both of mind and heart. Of a retiring disposition, she was not wont to push her acquaintance, but when once made, it proved to be a lasting one. Her life’s work was largely in her home, in the Sabbath School, and the church, where she labored diligently and successfully. During many years, she was a teacher in the Sabbath school of the Presbyterian Church, of which she was a member, of different classes of boys, all of whom she attached to herself strongly. She was also identified with the Library Association, and was treasurer of the institution. As long as health permitted, she gave her best energies to it. Her friends in the Sabbath School, church, and library will sadly miss her presence, for she was always faithful and prompt. The only living member of her father’s family, Hon. Thomas Dimmock, is a resident of St. Louis. She made her home in Alton with her niece, Mrs. Jacob Wead.

The funeral services took place yesterday from the residence of Mr. Jacob Wead, on Second Street. A large number of sorrowing relatives and friends were present to show this last mark of respect to the one whom they had known and loved so well in life. Rev. G. W. Smith of the Presbyterian Church officiated at the services. The casket and surroundings were covered with a profusion of rare and beautiful flowers. After the services at the house, a long cortege followed the body to the City Cemetery, where the interment took place. The pallbearers were H. R. Phinney, E. P. Wade, W. T. Norton, T. W. Burgess, W. A. Haskell and W. B. Pierce.


WILLIAMS, RICHARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1883
Richard Williams, a native of Belalie, Wales, died August 9 after lingering illness caused by catarrh of the stomach, at the age of 44 years. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon from the family residence, corner of Twelfth and Alby Streets.


WILLIAMS, ROBERT and WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 16, 1885
Murdered at Nameoki
Robert Williams, a negro tenant on the Emmert place, was shot while lying in bed at midnight, and his son, William, aged 18, was killed in the same room.

From Nameoki, April 9 – On Monday, a man calling himself Wiggins hired to Robert Williams. He worked Tuesday and left on Wednesday morning. He returned again at dark, and requested food and shelter. He was entertained and told interesting stories until midnight, when he suddnely jumped up, drew his pistol, and handing Mrs. Williams a rope, told her to tie the hands of her son, William. Under pressure of the pointed pistol, she complied. He then demanded the money in the house, which was brought him, amounting to $9.50. He ordered it placed on a table, and then asked for the girl, Frances, who is about 14 years of age, and the principal witness against Sam Emmert for the murder of the negro Cole last June, which comes up at Edwardsville on Tuesday next. She was absent at a neighboring house. He then cursed the elder Williams, said his pistol had to go off that night, fired two bullets into the old man as he lay in bed, one taking effect in the head and the other in the left breast, just above the heart. He then raked the money off the table, and immediately fired at the boy, William Williams, hitting him in the right temple. Then he chased Mrs. Williams nearly to a neighbor’s house, firing two shots at her as she ran. He returned to the house, loaded his pistol, and departed.

The wounded man lay there in the bed. The boy sat where he was shot, and a little boy, struck dumb by the terror of the scene, lay in a corner until morning, when the neighbors gathered and went over to the house.

Some of the whites here, and all the negroes, connect this tragedy with the murder of the negro, Cole, by Emmert last summer, but the facts indicate the motive was robbery, and an old feud to which the murderer is said to have alluded just before shooting the old man. Coroner Melling held an inquest on the body of the boy, the jury finding a verdict of murder by Wiggins. The coroner issued his warrant for Wiggins’ arrest, which was forwarded to Sheriff Hotz at Edwardsville tonight. The man is six feet high, heavy build, bright yellow color, chin whiskers. He wore a dark coat and dark jeans pants; had a large wen or horny protuberance over his right eye, and was ruptured. The negroes in the vicinity are much afraid, and when a deputy sheriff this evening served subpoenas on some of them as witnesses in the Emmert murder case, to be tried on Tuesday, they seemed to regard them as son many death warrants.


WILLIAMS, ROSA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 20, 1901
Rosa Williams, wife of Gilbert Williams, died this morning after a two weeks illness with neuralgia of the heart. She was 65 years of age, and besides her husband leaves one son and five grandchildren.


WILLIAMS, SAMUEL E./Source: Alton Telegraph, December 10, 1896
Mr. Samuel E. Williams, for many years a respected resident of Alton, died very unexpectedly yesterday at his home, 119 East Fifth Street. Mr. Williams had been in excellent health, and his sudden death is a terrible shock to his bereaved family. He had arisen as usual this morning, and was doing customary tasks about his home before taking up his daily occupation, when he suddenly had an attack of heart failure. He was assisted to his bed, and shortly after expired.

Mr. Williams was for many years a well-known figure on Alton’s streets. He was born in Ohio 69 years ago, and since that time has lived in Alton the greater part of the time. For 25 years he was in the employ of the Eagle Packet Company, and subsequently was proprietor of what is now the Central Hotel. He was known as a cook fit for service to epicures. In the last two years, he has followed the occupation of market gardener. He leaves a family consisting of a wife and three children – James and Charles Williams, and Mrs. E. A. Darnell.


WILLIAMS, SARAH/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 6, 1887
Widow of Daniel Williams
Mrs. Sarah, widow of the late Daniel Williams [who died in 1882], died yesterday in St. Louis at the residence of her stepson, Mr. D. J. Williams, at the venerable age of 81 years and 4 months. Mrs. Williams was a native of England, but removed to Alton with her husband about 45 years ago. She was well known, especially among the old residents, and esteemed by all. Since her husband’s death, she has spent most of her time with the families of her stepsons, Messrs. Samuel and D. J. Williams of St. Louis. She has been feeble for several weeks from the effects of paralysis, and yesterday breathed her last. The remains will be brought here for interment, the funeral taking place tomorrow from Episcopal Church, of which deceased was a member. [Burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.]


WILLIAMS, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 7, 1875
Mr. Thomas Williams died Wednesday afternoon after a very short illness, the disease being congestive chills. Mr. Williams was an old resident of Alton and was also a candidate for election as Street Commissioner, together with Mr. Mullen, at the late charter election.


WILLIAMS, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 15, 1914
Thomas Williams, for many years a resident of Alton, died from paralysis Monday morning at the home of his son, Eugene Williams, at East Alton. He was 60 years of age. Mr. Williams worked at the Bauer furniture store until ill health forced him to quit. He was stricken with paralysis about six weeks ago at his son's home. He seemed to be improving steadily, but last night was stricken again and the stroke proved fatal. He was for many years a school teacher at Carlinville and in Macoupin county. Beside his wife, he leaves two sons, Eugene of East Alton; and Walter of Alton; and two daughters, Mrs. Albert Pfeiffer of Cape Girardeau, Mo.; and Mrs. Frank Bitzer of Cincinnati. The body of Mr. Williams will be taken to Carlinville Wednesday morning, departing on the 10 o'clock train for burial.


WILLIAMS, THOMAS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 30, 1918
Nine-Year-Old Boy Ran Over by Trailer
Thomas Williams, the 9-year-old son of John Williams of 627 Central Avenue, was instantly killed Thursday afternoon by being run over by a trailer behind a motor truck of the Kienstra Supply Co. of Wood River. The accident occurred at the eastern boundary line of the city of Alton, on the State Road. The Williams boy, with another lad named Morris, had been riding the trailer, and it is supposed was attempted to get off. In so doing he fell between the motor truck and the trailer and a wheel of the trailer ran over his neck, breaking his neck and causing instant death. The body was picked up and brought to the place of Deputy Coroner Bauer, who started in search of some evidence for the inquest. The Morris boy who was reported to have seen the accident could not be found until this morning. Evidence introduced at the inquest this morning showed that the boy was riding on the tongue of the hay wagon being hauled by the motor truck. He had but recently found an old horseshoe and was carrying this with him. When he dropped it he did not want to lose his luck so down he went after the horseshoe. In getting off he fell so that the wheels of the hay wagon ran over him, breaking his neck and crushing in his chest. The funeral will be held at 9:30 o'clock on Sunday morning from the home on Central avenue. The services are to be conducted at the home by Rev. S. D. McKenny.


WILLIAMS, TOM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10, 1913
Killed by Train
Tom Williams, aged 34, who had frequently been a defendant in the police court for being drunk, was killed by the C. & A. Palace Express Sunday night at the foot of Henry street. He was lying on the track which the train hit him. His body and head was so badly mashed, it was impossible at first to identify him. He had been in jail all day Sunday for drunkenness, and was turned out Sunday evening. It is supposed to renewed his drunk and finally laid down on the track for a nap and was crushed by the train. As his coat was found four blocks away, there is another theory that he may have had a fight with someone and that he was killed and laid on the track. He had recently come from Keokuk, Iowa. He leaves his parents at Keokuk, a brother and a sister living in Alton. Officer Gus Rotsch identified the body as that of Williams.


WILLIAMS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Weekly Courier, November 2, 1854
Gored by an Ox
On Monday afternoon 23d ult, a son of Madison Williams was gored by an ox, the horn entering his throat and piercing through into his mouth. The lad survived about twenty-four hours. He stated that while harrowing, the ox became frightened by a bush which a younger brother was flourishing near, and turned upon him.


WILLIAMS, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 5, 1896
Mrs. J. N. Williams, wife of J. N. Williams, died yesterday afternoon, aged 22 years. Their infant child, 4 months old, died at 8 a.m. The funeral services took place today, and the bodies were shipped to Carlinville on the train for interment.


WILLIAMS, WALTER/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 18, 1908
Drowned While Fishing
Walter Williams, living in penitentiary plat, aged 35, was drowned this morning by falling on a partially submerged barge belonging to the Mississippi Sand Co., just above the Bluff Line freight depot. Williams was out trying to catch some fish for breakfast, and in attempting to walk around the outside of the barge, he slipped into the water and was drowned before anyone could help him. The drowning was witnessed by several men on the sand boat. Williams leaves a wife, one child and three step-children. According to Thomas Martin of the Mississippi Sand Co. fleet, he saw Williams on the inclined deck of the sunken barge. The man had two fishing poles, one at each side of the barge, and he was going from one to the other when he slipped on the slimy deposit on the deck of the barge and slid into the river. He called for help and Martin tried to get hold of a rope, but could find none. Then he threw Williams a life preserver but the drowning man made no effort to reach it, although the float was only five feet from him. He was drowned a short distance from shore and if he was a swimmer could easily have saved his own life. There is a swift current at the place where he was drowned. Williams belonged to the Salvation Army and his voice was frequently heard in the meetings. His wife has lost in him her third husband, all of them having died.


WILLIAMS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 23, 1912
Killed in Accident at Riehl's Station
The engineer and head brakeman of a work train, an extra, No. 62, were killed in an accident on the C. P. & St. L. at Riehl's Station at 12:30 today, and four of the crew injured. William Williams, engineer, and Thomas Brown, head brakeman, were killed, and Williams the fireman, C. C. Riker, Richard Linder, W. A. Day, and Charles Briggs were injured, but none of the five seriously. The engine was backing up the road when at a point a half mile south of Riehl's Station the engine suddenly jumped the track and toppled over on its right side. The engineer jumped and was caught by the headlight of the engine and thrown beneath the wreck. He was badly crushed. The head brakeman, Thomas Brown, was caught in the cab and his body crushed and scalded to death by the escaping steam. Both of the dead men live in Springfield, the engineer was about forty years of age, and Brown about twenty-eight. C. C. Riker of Alton was bruised and his leg injured; the others, Day, Briggs and Linder are but slightly hurt and were able to walk to the doctor’s office after they were brought to Alton. The fireman, Williams, Williams of Springfield, saved himself by leaping from the side of the engine opposite to the side that fell into the ditch. He is not injured beyond being bruised from his leap. A rescue train was dispatched from Alton to the scene of the wreck bearing a surgeon and assistants, which brought to Alton the dead and the injured. The cause of the accident, according to the report of Frank Johnson of the local yard service, is unknown. The engine had been dispatched to Dow to pick up a portion of a wreck and it was moving up the track backwards, at Lock Haven the engine would have been turned. The track was apparently in good condition at the point the engine left the rails. The injured were given attention at the office of the surgeon of the road in Alton, and all were able to travel without assistance. The engineer and the fireman bear the same name, but they are said not to be related.


WILLIAMS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 24, 1913
William Williams, colored, aged 22, died yesterday afternoon at 1923 Gross street of tuberculosis. He leaves a wife and one child. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock at the home. The Rev. Mason will officiate.


WILLIAMSON, EMMA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 16, 1889
Emma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williamson, died Sunday night at the age of 10 years and 6 months, after an illness of 8 weeks. The funeral took place Tuesday from the family residence on Ninth Street, between Piasa and Market Streets, with a large attendance.


WILLIAMSON, MARY E./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 5, 1881
Drowned in Pond at Monticello Seminary
A sad accident took place about four o’clock Tuesday afternoon near Godfrey, resulting in the death of an amiable young lady, Miss Mary Ellen Williamson, daughter of James Williamson of the Coal Branch. Miss Williamson, who was employed at Monticello Seminary, went with a companion, Miss Mary A. Davis, yesterday afternoon to a deep pond a few hundred yards back of the Seminary, on which a raft was floating. They took a ride on the raft, and when it came near shore, Miss Davis stepped off, causing her companion to lose her balance by the tipping of the frail structure, and she fell into the water where it was about 8 feet deep. Miss Davis instantly ran for help, so frightened and excited that she could at first only give the alarm by gestures. Miss Williamson was soon taken from the water, and every means used for her resuscitation, Dr. Guelich, who was at the Seminary at the time, exerting his skill to that end, but all in vain.

Deceased was a native of Godfrey, almost 20 years old, and was one of the main supports of her aged parents, on whom, as well as her other relatives and friends, the sudden blow falls with inexpressibly painful effect. Coroner Youree was telegraphed, went to Godfrey last evening, and held an inquest, the verdict being in accordance with the facts above stated. The body was removed to the family residence at Coal Branch last night, and the funeral will take place at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend.

Source: Alton Telegraph, May 12, 1881
Additional Information on the Drowning of Mary Williamson
From Godfrey, May 4 – This community was shocked yesterday afternoon at the intelligence that one of the employees of the Seminary, Mary Williamson, had been drowned accidentally in the pond belonging to the institution, nearly one quarter of a mile in the rear of the Seminary. With one of her friends, she had been gathering flowers beyond the fatal spot, and was on her return, when stopping at the pond she stepped upon a piece of framework floating there, from which she slipped, falling into deep water, from which she could not be extricated until life was extinct. She was one of four sisters in the employ of the Seminary, and this sudden calamity has cast a shade of gloom over her bereaved friends, by whom she was greatly beloved. Her home was at the Coal Branch. Coroner Youree arrived on the C. & A. train, and impaneled a jury, composed of G. W. Churchill, foreman; Dr. W. H. Martin, O. W. Maxfield, Alfred Turner, James W. Cashen, and J. B. Turner, who rendered a verdict of accidental drowning.


WILLIAMSON, RUTH (nee COOK)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph
Mrs. Ruth Williamson, wife of W. G. Williamson, died at the family home of Bostwick street this morning at 3:05 o'clock after an illness of about three months, from pneumonia. Mrs. Williamson's death had been expected for some time and her vitality was amazing to all who attended her. She leaves her husband and one daughter, Helen Virginia, aged 2 years. Mrs. Williamson was Miss Ruth Cook, and belonged to a well-known Medora family. She was born at Medora 29 years ago, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Cook. Beside her husband and child, she leaves her parents and two brothers and three sisters. The funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at Medora in the Baptist church, Rev. L. H. Williams of Upper Alton officiating. Short services will be held tomorrow morning at the home on Bostwick street after which the body will be taken to Medora. Mr. Williamson is one of the most valued employees of the Ryrie Grocery Co., and is well known as Glenn Williamson. The case of this young woman has been watched with great interest by her relatives and a very large number of friends in Alton and in the Medora neighborhood. Mrs. Williamson's illness started with an attack of grippe in the second week in March. She had gone to Medora to attend the funeral of Mrs. French, H. C. Wilhite's sister, which occurred in Alton. Mrs. Williamson's trip to Medora was her last time out. She caught cold on the trip and the grippe followed. Other complications set in resulting in blood poisoning and it was this that was the direct cause of her death. Her long fight for her life attracted much attention and the manner in which she clung to life with all odds against her was astonishing to the physicians. The long battle ended this morning at 2:10 when death relieved her suffering. Mrs. Williamson will be buried on her wedding anniversary, June 6. She was married to Glen Williamson of the Ryrie Wholesale Grocery store on June 6, 1917, and Wednesday would have been the couple's sixth wedding anniversary. The body will be taken to Medora on the C. B. & Q. train at 9 o'clock and the funeral will be held in the Medora Baptist Church at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon. Her mother has been ill since January, but she recovered sufficiently to come to Alton several weeks ago and remain with her daughter a while. She had gone back to her home some days ago. Mr. Cook, her father, was with her when the end came. Besides the parents, Mrs. Williamson leaves three brothers and two sisters.


WILLIAMSON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 27, 1905
A very large number of North Altonians and residents of Godfrey and Foster townships attended the funeral of Mrs. James Williamson in Alton today. She had lived here so long and was so well known and so kindly thought of that it seemed all persons particularly in the "branch" section of town desired to pay their last respects by attending the obsequies. Services were conducted by Rev. Dr. A. G. Lane in the First Presbyterian church, and burial was in Oakwood cemetery, beside the body of her husband.


WILLIAMSON, VIOLET FLORENCE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 5, 1921
Violet Florence Williamson, aged 11 years and 2 days, died on Sunday morning at 9:25 o'clock at the home of her father Charles Williamson, on Choteau avenue, after an illness of two days. For the past two days she had been in a very critical condition, and the end was expected any time. She is survived by her father, Charles Williamson, mother, Mrs. Bella Hempen, and one brother Charles I. Williamson, and one sister, Alva Mae. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home on Chouteau avenue, interment in the Godfrey Cemetery.


WILLIS, ANNA/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 20, 1880
Mrs. Anna Willis, widow of the late George Willis, died at her residence in Upper Alton at four o’clock Friday morning. Mrs. Willis has long been a resident of Upper Alton, and has endeared herself to many by her quiet, but effective Christian character and life. For a year or more, she has been subject to occasional attacks of temporary paralysis, of late these ill turns have been more frequent and yielded less easily to medical skill, till a very sudden and severe attack on Friday severed the frail thread that bound her to earth. She was nearly 73 years of age, and leaves three daughters to mourn her death – Mrs. H. W. Crosby of Hannibal, Missouri; Mrs. James P. Moore of St. Paul; and Miss Mary Willis, who has been her mother’s companion and faithful nurse since Mr. Willis’ death several years since.

Mrs. Willis spent her childhood with her parents in Delaware at the old homestead where some of the family still reside. While quite young, she went to live with a sister in Philadelphia, where she was married in November 1827, and from there came with her husband and children to make a home in Upper Alton, in June 1836. For 39 years, she was a faithful and highly respected member of the Baptist Church.


WILLOUGHBY, JOHN RICHARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 23, 1866
Died in Troy precinct, Madison County, Illinois, February 14, 1866, John Richard Willoughby, aged about 40 years – a native of Delaware, but for many years a highly valuable citizen of this county.


WILLS, HANNAH (nee ROGGE)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 17, 1892
Mrs. Hannah Wills, wife of August Wills, died this afternoon at her home on North Street of blood poisoning, following child birth. Mrs. Wills had been very sick for some weeks, and was reported dying yesterday. Deceased was only about 21 years of age, and was married to Mr. Wills something like a year ago. Her maiden name was Rogge.


WILLS, HENRY R./Source: The Inland and American Printer and Lithographer, 1901
Henry R. Wills, for over twenty years connected with the Hoyt Metal Company, St. Louis, Missouri, died at his home in Alton, Illinois, May 22, 1901 of dysentery. Mr. Wills was known and respected by all who knew him. The electrotypers and stereotypers of the country will miss his genial smile and his kind words. He was a familiar figure at all conventions, and his advice and counsel in the formation of the national association will never be forgotten by those in the trade. No one worked harder than he did to keep up the friendly spirit between firms in different cities - a spirit which aided so much in bettering trade conditions.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 22, 1901
Henry R. Wills died this afternoon at 1:20 o'clock at his home, 226 East Fifth street, after a brief illness, aged 53 years. Mr. Wills' death has caused a penetrating shock to his friends and to his family, the blow is made heavier because of its unexpectedness. Few entertained any other belief until this morning but that the illness which seemed only a temporary one, would end speedily, and that he would soon regain his wonted vigor, and be about the streets greeting the many friends who had learned to respect and admire his noble qualities. For several weeks he has been confined to his home with a complication of malaria and dysentery, and the announcement made at the time of the beginning of his illness caused no forebodings of the sad close that it was destined to have. He failed to improve as he should have done, and the last few days his condition was mildly alarming. Tuesday evening a consultation of physicians was held and it was not fully realized until then how grave was his situation. Twelve hours later he began to sink rapidly, and his family was informed there was no hope for him and that he would probably not outlast the day. In four hours the disease had conquered and Mr. Wills fell into his last sleep while his wife and his son and daughter were at his bedside watching Life's losing battle with Death. Mr. Wills was a man of uniform geniality of soul and his sunny nature made him a welcome visitor wherever he went. He was the best of company, and his companionship was sought by all who knew him. As a man, he was morally correct and his integrity was never questioned. He was deeply interested in sports and was an active member of several organizations, being known as a crack shot with a rifle and most enthusiastic in all other lines of sport in which he was interested. He was a member of the Union League club of Chicago, and there he was well known and in great demand when in the city. As a business man, he was among the most successful and his place will be hard to fill. He traveled for the Hoyt Metal Company of St. Louis, of which he was a vice-president. With his family he came to Alton shortly before he became connected with the Hoyt Metal Company and for many years they have made their home where Mr. Wills died. Last winter he suffered a painful injury to one of his eyes, a poker with which he was prying open the door to his furnace at his home slipping and causing his eyeball to be rendered permanently useless. His nervous system suffered a severe shock from the injury and he never fully recovered from its effects. In his family, Mr. Wills' life was all that a good father's and husband's could be, and in the hour of their deep affliction the friends of the family cannot find words to express their feeling of sympathy. He leaves beside his wife, two children - Miss Lila and Fred Wills. The funeral arrangements have not been made.


WILLS, MARGARET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 31, 1910
Mrs. Margaret Wills, widow of Jacob Wills, aged 93, died at the Nazareth Home Sunday morning at 6:30 o'clock, after an illness due to a general breaking down of her system from old age. Mrs. Wills leaves but one daughter, Mrs. Mary Sneeringer, and one grandson, Gus Sneeringer, both of Alton. She had lived in Alton 58 years. Mrs. Wills husband, many years ago, was one of the most prominent and most prosperous business men of Alton. He conducted a sawmill and was in the lumber business in Alton for a number of years, up to the time of his death. Mrs. Wills had lived with her daughter until recently, when owing to her great age, she was moved to the Nazareth Home, where she could be given the care she needed. She was a quiet, lovable woman, highly regarded by all who knew her during her long period of residence in Alton. Had she lived to next January 3, she would have been 93 years of age. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock from the Cathedral. Interment will be made in the Greenwood cemetery.


WILSON, ANN SMITH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 21, 1901
Mrs. Ann Smith Wilson, wife of James Wilson, died at her home, 529 George street, at 2:30 o'clock this morning after an illness of seven weeks duration. Mrs. Wilson was born in Sterling, Scotland, 71 years ago. Her family removed to Ireland, where 43 years ago she married James Wilson. They came immediately to America, first to Iowa, afterwards to Glasgow, Mo., and 46 years ago to Alton, where they have since lived and raised their family of three children, John Wilson of Denver, Colo., Miss Mary Wilson and Mrs. A. F. Cousley of Alton, all of whom with their father, survive Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Wilson was one of those women whose chief joy and interest was in her family, and to whom she was the light of the household. Neighbors and acquaintances outside of the family circle knew her only to appreciate her worth as a true woman and constant friend. In all the years of her life she bore herself in such a manner as to elicit the confidence and good will of all who knew her. She was a lifelong member of the Presbyterian church, at whose services she was a constant attendant until her last illness prevented. The funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon from the family home.


WILSON, ANNIE/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1898
Miss Annie Wilson, the daughter of Mr. J. S. Wilson, died at her home in Alton Wednesday morning. She has been sick six weeks. Her age was 21 years, 9 months, and 12 days.


WILSON, BENJAMIN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 14, 1851
Died in Madison County on the 13th inst., Mr. Benjamin Wilson, aged 52 years.


WILSON, CHARLES (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 15, 1882
From Upper Alton – Dr. Charles Wilson died Thursday at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. John Bates, and was buried yesterday. The deceased was educated for the profession of a physician in England. At the breaking out of the war, he was living in DeSoto, Missouri, from which place he entered the U. S. Army. After serving for some time as Surgeon, he resigned and moved to Upper Alton, purchasing property in the north end of town, where he has lived until within a few weeks of his death, which occurred at the age of 80 years. He leaves a widow and married daughter, residents here, and other children in St. Louis and vicinity.


WILSON, CLARA or CHLOE/Source: The New York Times, January 9, 1860
Former Slave Lived to be 124 Years Old
Death of Centenarians - A negro woman named Clara Wilson died near Alton, Ill., Dec. 13, at the age of 124. She settled near Alton in 1840, being then nearly one hundred years old. The Alton Courier says: "She was born and raised in South Carolina, and her earliest recollections were of Charleston, in that State, which she remembers as a small village, instead of the great city it now is. She grew up on the plantation, field work being her task so long as she was a slave. [See obit of her son, William "Buck" Wilson, below.]


WILSON, FRANCIS F./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 21, 1839
Died, in Upper Alton, on the night of Tuesday last, Mr. Francis F. Wilson, leaving a deeply afflicted widow and children, together with many friends and acquaintances to deplore his loss.


WILSON, HANNAH (nee SEYBOLD)/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 7, 1881
From Troy – Suddenly, on Sunday evening at 7:30 o’clock, at the family residence three miles west of Troy, Mrs. William A. Wilson, aged 58 years, 6 months, and 18 days. Mrs. Wilson, who was the daughter of the late Samuel Seybold, was born and spent most of her life near where she died. The funeral will take place today from the Baptist Church. She has been a consistent member of that church since her childhood. The husband and children have the heartfelt sympathy of this entire community.

Hannah Seybold Wilson was born August 5, 1825, near Troy. She was the wife of William A. Wilson, and was buried in the Troy City Cemetery.


WILSON, ISAAC/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 2, 1879
Father Isaac Wilson, an old and well-known resident of Madison County, died at his residence near Collinsville, December 23, 1878, at the age of 83 years. During his long residence in Madison County, he acquired an enviable reputation for honesty and integrity. He leaves a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn his loss.


WILSON, ISAAC/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 21, 1904
North Alton Blacksmith
Isaac Wilson, the widely known colored blacksmith of North Alton, died Thursday night at his home after a long illness. He was quite a leader among the colored people, and was considerable of a politician. He leaves a wife and family. The funeral will be sometime Sunday, the hour not yet being set.


WILSON, JAMES/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 7, 1911
Civil War Veteran; Salesman
Beyond a painless, faint warning that the end was approaching, James Wilson, aged retired traveling salesman, died in his sleep Sunday morning at his home, 419 George street, with no signs of his approaching dissolution visible before hand. It was as he had wished, that the end might come peacefully for him, and as he was in his slumber in his room, life vanished from his body. He was found about 8 o'clock Sunday morning by his daughter, Miss Mary Wilson, who had been his housekeeper since the death of Mrs. Wilson about twelve years ago. Miss Wilson had called her father twice, and when he failed to respond she went to investigate and found him lying on his side, in the position he always occupied in sleep, and his body was cold. It is believed he had been dead a number of hours and that the end must have come early in the night. Mr. Wilson was an interesting man. Always kindly, courteous, a great lover of children and deeply sympathetic with young people in their joys and sorrows, he had many friends among the younger men of the city, and especially among the members of the United Commercial Travelers. He was born in County Down, Ireland, and was 76 years of age. He came to America in 1850, and to Alton in 1863. He served a short time in the Union army during the Civil War. For thirty-five years he was employed by the Sligo Iron Store of St. Louis, and for twenty-five years he carried a grip selling goods on the road. Last January, old "Uncle Jimmy," as he was known, decided to retire from the road, but after his retirement he continued to make his rounds with his grip. He found that after so many years of activity he could not give up his customers, and so he was permitted to take orders for them and send them in to the house. It pleased him, and enabled Mr. Wilson to let himself down easily to a life of retirement, after so many years of active duties. Out on the road, in his home, and on the streets, he was always the same. He possessed a sunny disposition that made him loved by all who knew him, and there is deep grief among his friends that his end had come, although all were glad that it was quiet and peaceful and there was no suffering. The only warning he had was a numbness in his legs which had made it hard for him to walk. He was downtown Friday, and none of his friends noticed any change in his condition. It is supposed that paralysis of the heart was the cause of death. Mr. Wilson probably held the record for continuous tenancy in Alton. Although he owned several farms and had other property, he never owned his own home where he had lived, and paid rent to one landlord for 35 years. Mr. Wilson leaves two daughters, Miss Mary Wilson and Mrs. A. F. Cousley, and one son, John D. Wilson of Denver, who is now traveling in California. The funeral of Mr. Wilson will be held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock from the home. His son will not be able to make the trip back home.


WILSON, JANE/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 5, 1884
From Bethalto – The funeral of Miss Jane Wilson, who died at Edwardsville Sunday, took place yesterday at the old graveyard, two miles south of this place.


WILSON, LUCY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 26, 1904
Mrs. Lucy Wilson, wife of William Wilson, a well known glassworker, died very unexpectedly Friday evening after a brief illness which dated from the preceding Wednesday, at the family home, 945 Phinney avenue. Mrs. Wilson's illness was not considered very alarming until Friday afternoon. She contracted a heavy cold while visiting the World's Fair last Wednesday, and laryngitis developed, which did not seem at first to be of a serious nature. Everything that could be done for her was done, but the malady took a fatal turn and she passed away about 9 o'clock Friday evening. Mrs. Wilson was a native of Jeaneat, Pa., and would have been 38 years of age December 16. She leaves beside her husband, two children, a daughter 12 years old and a son 6 years old. Mrs. Wilson was a woman of a most loveable disposition, a true mother in every respect and a devoted wife to her husband. Her greatest interest was centered on her own home, and all her attention was devoted to making her home life a happy one for her family. Her love for her home and husband and children was fully reciprocated by them and her death has left on the home a pall of sadness which words of sympathy can only slightly lessen. Mrs. Wilson is survived by six sisters, two brothers and her father and mother, who reside at the old home place in Pennsylvania. The mother of Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Matilda Wilson of Turtle Creek, Pa., has been visiting at the Wilson home and she too is very ill.


WILSON, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 21, 1893
From Edwardsville – Mrs. Mary Wilson was stricken with paralysis a week ago, and died Friday night. She was buried Sunday afternoon from the Baptist Church. Mrs. Wilson was a Christian lady in every sense of the word. We heard two gentlemen talking about her, and they said she did many kind acts which only a few people knew. The poor will miss her.


WILSON, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 14, 1895
Mrs. Mary Wilson died early this morning at her hom eon Union Street, from malarial fever. She was 48 years of age. The funeral will take place tomorrow.


WILSON, MINNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 28, 1918
Minnie Wilson, an inmate of the Alton State Hospital, died Sunday from pneumonia. The body was shipped to Olney, Ill., this morning for burial.


WILSON, SAMUEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1885
Samuel S. Wilson died of consumption at the residence of his parents on Wednesday, August 12, 1885. The funeral took place from the residence Thursday afternoon. The deceased was born in this county, November 17, 1854, and was an exemplary young man.


WILSON, WILLIAM “BUCK”/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1867
Former Slave; Civil War Veteran; Trail Guide
Died in Wood River Precinct [the town of Wood River didn’t exist yet], Madison County, November 9, 1867, William Wilson, a colored man, better known as “Buck” Wilson, supposed to be over ninety years of age. As will be recollected by many of your readers, “Old Chloe,” [also named in the newspaper as Clara Wilson] mother of Wilson, died in this county about ten years since, at the age of 120. She was a native of Charleston, South Carolina. When Wilson was quite young, she escaped with him from her owner and went to Tennessee. They were taken prisoners by the Choctaw Indians, and held in slavery by them for many years, and then sold to separate masters. For some time, Wilson was owned by David Bailey, Esq., of Memphis, who employed him as a guide and interpreter in expeditions to the Rocky Mountain regions. Through the kindness of his owner, and the influence of a party of gentlemen whom he had safely conducted through one of their long and perilous adventures, he was enabled to buy his freedom. He then had a wife in slavery, and several children. After long years of toil, he accumulated sufficient means to buy his wife and one child. After receiving his pay, the owner repented of his bargain and refused to execute the necessary papers until, through the assistance of his old master, he was compelled to do so, with the delays of a lawsuit.

Wilson left Tennessee about twenty-five years ago and came to Alton, bringing with him his wife, one child, and his mother – the latter having remained in slavery till after she was 100 years old. No charge was made to him for the remainder of the service that she owed.

It was the frequent boast of Wilson that he was never whipped by any of his masters. His tall, athletic frame, and ideas inculcated by the Indians upon this subject, may have led to this immunity. Although unable to read, he was possessed of more than ordinary intelligence. He took a lively interest in the late war with slavery [Civil War], and kept well posted in passing events. To the writer of this, he foretold its coming many years since, and prognosticated its results with remarkable accuracy. His slave life, as narrated by himself, was replete with interesting incidents. He was one of the number who were pressed into the service at the Battle of New Orleans. He stated that during the fight, there were no “cotton bales” visible where he stood. As a guide and interpreter, he was frequently called to pass through hostile tribes of Indians, and his knowledge of the various Indian dialects was of great service to his party. His various experiences in this vocation would, if properly depicted, form a volume as strange and interesting as the wildest romance. He was naturally sedate. His attitude and appearance were not unlike those of an Indian Chief. He was temperate in all things – truthful and strictly honest. For several weeks before his death, his constant prayer was that he might be removed from this world. He died in full faith of a blessed immortality. [It is unknown where William Wilson is buried.]

William’s mother, Clara or Chloe, died near Alton on December 13, 1860, at the age of 120 or 124. The Alton Courier stated she was born and raised in South Carolina, and she remembered Charleston as being a very small village. She grew up on the plantation, working in the fields. She and her son, William, escaped from the plantation and traveled to Tennessee, where they were taken prisoners by the Choctaw Indians, and held as their slaves. They were then sold to separate slave owners. William gained his and his mother’s freedom, and moved to Wood River Township, near Alton. It is unknown where he and his mother are buried.


WILSON, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 28, 1903
Veteran of Spanish-American War; Blacksmith
Isaac S. Wilson, the well-known colored blacksmith, received a message Friday evening from the Soldier's Home at Quincy, which notified him of the death at that institution of his son, William, who went to the home from Alton, February 19. William Wilson was 33 years of age and unmarried. He served in the Spanish-American War, and contracted the disease which caused his death. He has been a hopeless invalid for more than two years. The body will be brought home for burial.


WILSON, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 25, 1909
Murdered At Gambling Establishment
Following a murder of a strange negro in a crap den on the levee, west of Piasa street, early Wednesday morning, Chief of Police Maxwell, with a squad of officers acting under instructions of Mayor Beall, raided the place, closed it permanently and burned on the levee all the equipment in the place. Dice, pool balls, cues, chairs, tables and other paraphernalia were piled in the pyre on the levee and were consumed before 8 o'clock. In addition, the big pool table was smashed with axes and the entire joint was put out of commission. The killing of the strange negro was done by a negro named James Rudd, who formerly assisted on a garbage wagon. It was said the murder arose from a crap game in which a number of negroes were engaged. No report of the stabbing was made to the police until a half hour after it happened, and the negro who was stabbed as he was being taken to the hospital died without being able to tell anything about the affair. He had three very bad knife wounds in his body, one that severed an artery over his heart, another that penetrated his side, and a third that opened up his abdomen. The murder was witnessed by a gang of negroes who had been making an all night game of it, and had not broken up. The stabbing is supposed to have been done about 5:45 o'clock. When the negro was stabbed by Rudd, the wounded man was dragged outside the gambling joint and was set up outside on a box. Afterward he fell over on the sidewalk. A few negroes stood around for a short time, then left, probably to avoid being caught as witnesses, and after the killing everyone denied all knowledge of it. The proprietor of the place, Ed Anderson, disappeared, and Henry Thompson, who managed it, could not be found. Only one man was picked up who would give the police a clue to who did the stabbing, and then officers went in search of Rudd. Anderson and Thompson were afterward arrested and fined. They denied having been in the place when the killing occurred. It was said that the dead man came here three weeks ago from Quincy and was ordinarily a hard working man. Rome Sanders and Harry Wesley claim to have been the only witnesses to the murder, and they lay all the blame on Rudd. They claim he began abusing the strange negro, whose name was learned to be William Wilson, and Wilson ordered him away. When Rudd continued his abuse, Wilson struck him and Rudd drew a knife and plunged it into Wilson's body, then walked away. Rudd was arrested by Constable Sauerwein on the road between North Alton and Godfrey, as he was going to a sale of some farming effects. He is being held pending an inquest by the coroner.

[James Rudd was convicted of murder following his trial, and sentenced to serve a term in the penitentiary at Chester, IL of one to fourteen years.]


WILSON, WILLIAM D./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 10, 1919
William D. Wilson, aged 76, dropped dead Tuesday afternoon about five o'clock, just after finishing his supper at the home of his son, Henry Wilson, 550 East Third street. Mr. Wilson was a retired farmer who made his home most of the time with his daughter, Mrs. Louis Straube, but he practised visiting about among his eight other children and had just returned from Granite City where he had been visiting. He went to the home of his son, Henry, and after eating supper sat down to talk to the members of his family. He was stricken with death without warning. His wife died before him, but he leaves three daughters and six sons. Mrs. Louis Straube and Henry Wilson of Alton; Robert Wilson of Granite City; Louis, Edward and Marion Wilson and Mrs. May Atkins of Charleston; Mrs. Lille Ettleman and John Ettleman of Franklin, Ill. The body will be sent to Vandalia, Mo., for burial, where Mr. Wilson for many years was a farmer.


WILSON, WILLIAM R./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8, 1914
Prominent Businessman Killed by Burglar
William R. Wilson, a prominent Alton businessman, former member of the Board of Education, was slain by a burglar, it is supposed, on Highland Avenue about thirty feet east of Central Avenue, about 2 o'clock Tuesday morning. Wilson was one of a party who had been watching and trying to capture a burglar who was raiding the store of Delaney Brothers at the corner of Central and Grove streets. In the party were the Delaney Brothers, Officer Dooley, and Mr. Wilson. A fusillade [continuous discharge of firearms] of shots startled the neighborhood, and then screams soon told that a tradegy had occurred. The men who were with Mr. Wilson found him lying almost dead in deep mud in Highland avenue, a few steps away from Central avenue, where he had turned in while he searched for the burglar. A bullet hole in his head indicated the trueness of the aim of the man who shot him. Dr. J. N. Shaff, who lives close by, was called, and when he arrived there Mr. Wilson was dead. It is said that death was almost instant. The burglary was the third of a series in the Delaney store, which was recently opened there. Watch was being kept. The burglars had confined themselves to eating what they could and their loot was never very large, but it was annoying, so an effort was being made to capture the fellows. Officer Dooley had been detailed by orders of the mayor, Val Delaney said, to keep a special watch. Mr. Wilson, whose store had been attempted once or twice, was on guard too. Dooley and Wilson had been sitting all evening with Delaney on Wilson's store porch, watching for the burglars to come. The Delaney brothers, Val and Ed, had been told to go to bed at the store, as a heavy rain was falling and it was not believed there was much chance for the burglar to come. The two Delaney brothers had hardly gone to bed when they heard outside the window of their store someone rattling at the iron bar that secured the place. Then they heard shooting. Both ran outside armed, and they joined in the fusillade. The burglars, two of them, started to run east and crossing Central avenue turned into the dark Highland avenue. There the pursuers lost sight of them. Wilson, according to Delaney, was leading the party of four pursuers by a few feet. He had fired all the cartridges in his revolver and did not wait to reload. The three men who escaped being shot say the flash and roar of a revolver a few feet away from them was heard, and then Wilson fell. They ceased the chase after the burglars, and they turned their attention to their wounded comrade. He was shot through the forehead, the bullet going from the front to the back. When they turned Wilson over in the mud he was apparently dead and never spoke again. Val Delaney said that this was the fourth attempt to burglarize his store in two weeks, and beside an attempt or two has been made on the Wilson store without success. Bloodhounds were sent for at Springfield to take the trail, and they arrived at 9:33 a.m. and were taken out to track the murderer of Mr. Wilson. It was admitted to be a difficult job, owing to the fact that a heavy rain was falling as the murderer escaped. The death of William R. Wilson is a heavy loss to the community. He was a valuable public servant. He served as a member of the Board of Education for several terms and was known as one of the most valuable men on the board. He devoted much time and effort to the cause of the public schools. When he was chairman of the janitors' committee, he had charge of the janitors of the schools. Whenever any janitor was unable to be on the job through illness, and it was impossible to get a substitute, Mr. Wilson would go to the school and fire the furnaces and do the janitor's work until he could make other arrangements. He was formerly a glassblower, but he bought the grocery store on Central Avenue and he had built up a very profitable business there. He was a man of high character, possessed good business ability, and had a large and growing business. He had not an enemy in the city of Alton and his death is mourned by the entire community. The bar which the burglar dropped at the Delaney store when they were first fired upon seems to have been taken from some quarry, perhaps the Kittinger quarry. It was marked with a private mark by the man who owned it, and an effort was made today to find out whose the bar was. The bloodhounds which were brought here to do some trailing found it very difficult going. The rain following the flight of the murderer had done much to obliterate the trail the dogs would have followed. Wherever there was a hilly place, it was climbed, the dogs would lose the scent, then they would make a circle and attempt to pick it up again and would go on. The chase was not satisfactory. It was said this afternoon that no clue to the identify of the two burglars had been found. There was some suspicion, but this, the officers said, was not justified by the course the dogs took. Mr. Wilson was 47 years of age and leaves his wife and three children. The time of the funeral had not been set this afternoon. No arrangements for the funeral were made, as even the undertaker was forbidden by the coroner to embalm the body. A telephone message was sent to Dr. Sims who said he would be in Alton this afternoon, and that the body was not to be embalmed until his arrival.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 9, 1914
The story told by Val Delaney, who was closest to Wilson at the time of the murder, was that he was aroused from his sleep in the Delaney Bros. store by the firing of two shots. He rushed into the street just in time to see officer Dooley and William Wilson pursuing two men down Central avenue. He joined in the chase and was almost even with Wilson when the two turned into Highland avenue after the burglars. A few feet from the corner is a telephone post, and Val says he saw a flash of a gun from behind this post when Wilson was not more than 8 feet from it. Then he saw Wilson pitch forward. He said that he was too frightened to continue the chase, and turned and ran back. He said that he would not be able to identify the men. Officer Dooley told practically the same story as was in the paper yesterday. Ed Delaney, who was in the Delaney store at the time the running battle started, said that he left the store and fired one shot in the air, and then returned for his coat as it was raining. Before he could continue the chase, he saw officer Dooley, who had been the third man in the chasing party, return and telephone to police headquarters that one of the burglars had been shot. It was not until the officer and Ed returned to the body of the dead man that they discovered it was Wilson who had been shot instead of one of the burglars. The verdict of the coroner's jury was worded as follows: "Mr. William Wilson came to his death from a gunshot wound of the head, fired by a person unknown to the jury. We further find that the wound of entrance was over the right eye, and that it was by a bullet of a small caliber, probably a metal jacket, basing this conclusion on the character of the wound."

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 11, 1914
The funeral of William R. Wilson, victim of an assassin, was held this afternoon from the home on Central avenue. The services were conducted by Rev. George L. Clark of the Twelfth Street Presbyterian Church, in which Mr. Wilson held membership. The funeral was private and only relatives and a few intimate friends and neighbors attended. Among those from a distance were Mr. Wilson's mother, Mrs. Matilda Wilson, and his sister, Mrs. William Dott, both of Turtle Creek, Pa.; and J. C. Mench of Mounds, Ill. The funeral services were brief. The pallbearers represented the various orders in which Mr. Wilson held membership, the Maccabees, the Junior Mechanics, the Glassblowers' Union, the Retail Merchants, and the church, and beside, there were a few of his neighbors. The pallbearers were John Uzzell, J. C. Mench, Will Thomas, _. D. Shepler, George A. Neff, Frank P. Bauer, Samuel Finley, and Robert Curdie Jr. Emtombment was in the Grandview Mausoleum.

Seeking to Identify One 12-Pound Bar
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 16, 1914
Wanted: Positive information that will give the complete history of one twelve-pound iron bar. This advertisement has not been inserted in the papers by the City Court grand jury, but that body is trying to solve the mystery connected with one steel bar weighing 12 pounds, which, if its history could be unraveled, would solve the mystery of the persons responsible for the death of William Wilson, grocer, who was assassinated, presumably by a burglar, last week. The grand jury, without casting reflections on anyone, is turning its attention toward getting what information can be had of the travels of this steel bar. It came originally from the Beall Bros., whose stamp on it indicates that they sold it. These bars are pretty much alike. They are made on the same patterns, and it is hard to tell one bar from another. Yet on this bar are some marks indicating that they were put there for purposes of identification by the owner. It is a difficult job to trail down the owner of such a bar. The search has been made around the city among all places where one might have been owned. Likewise, wherever such a bar was owned, inquiry was made as to whether one was missing. A steel bar might belong to some very reputable person, and still play a part in a cold-blooded murder. It might be stolen from its owner and left there to incriminate him. Many points are being investigated by the grand jury, it is reported. The second story hallway of the City Hall is well-filled with witnesses awaiting their turn to go into the city council chamber where the grand jury is holding its sessions. The inquiry into this iron bar is said to be causing a postponement of the prospective adjournment of the grand jury. Whoever had the bar last on the night of the killing of William R. Wilson knows who slew Wilson. If the full history of the bar can be found out, there rests the solution of the Wilson murder mystery. Whether the bar was carried from the unknown owner to the Delaney store, there used to assist in the burglarizing of the store which had as its climax the tragic death of one of Alton's very best citizens, is what the grand jury would like to find out. City officials, and others have been called to tell what they know, and whether the inquiry will shed any light on the mystery is a question that is filling the minds of many Alton people who believe that the mystery should be solved. The dumb, cold, iron bar has connected with it a story that would doubtless cause severe punishment to be visited on someone who might have carried it to the Delaney store for the purpose of robbery.

NOTE: During the investigation of the murder, focus was made on the iron bar which was dropped by the burglars at the Delaney store. I could not find any mention in the newspaper as to whether or not the owner of the bar was found, not did I find any evidence this murder was solved. Wilson was born on July 25, 1867, and died September 8, 1914, at the age of 47. He is buried in the Grandview Mausoleum, Row 10, at the Alton City Cemetery.


WIMBER, CHARLES C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 8, 1904
Charles C. Wimber, a glass blower, died this morning at his home in Clement Place after a few days illness from pneumonia. He was 32 years of age and resided in this city about 12 years. Some years ago he married a daughter of ex-police captain Thomas O'Leary, and she with three children survive. His parents and three sisters and four brothers also survive and live in Sharpsburg, Pa. He was a member of the glass blower’s union, the Knights of Columbus, and of the Maccabees. The funeral will probably be Friday morning.


WIMBER, ROSE ANNIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 14, 1907
Rose Annie Wimber, four years old, died at the home of her mother in Clement Place Monday morning. The little girl has been ill for four weeks with pneumonia, and every effort was made to save her life. Last night she took a turn for the worse and expired early this morning. The funeral will be held from St. Patrick's church, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.


WINBEGLER, ELLA/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 02, 1894
Ella Winbegler, the 17-year-old niece of Mrs. Frank Woods of Alton, in a frenzy of love sickness, jumped from the steamer Spread Eagle Friday morning, and was drowned. The spot where Miss Winbegler threw herself overboard is near Madison landing, ten miles above St. Louis. She left her home yesterday morning, about 6:30 o’clock, telling a lad she knew that she would return in a little while, but in case she failed to, to waken her uncle, Mr. Frank Woods, who keeps the restaurant at Fourth and Belle Street, recently opened. Mr. Woods was not awakened until late. He found Ella missing, and upon inquiry found that she had mysteriously disappeared. He was uneasy, but did not know of anything that would cause the rash act on Ella’s part. Ella boarded the Spread Eagle.

When the boat was well under way, she retired to the ladies’ toilet room, where she was soon engaged in writing letters. She finished two letters, placed them in envelopes, addressed them (one to her love, Herbert Rice, and the other to her mother), and secured them in her hat, which she hung up on a hook in the room. By this time, the boat had reached Madison Landing, and Ella appeared bare-headed on deck. She walked quickly through the crowd to a position just aft the wheel, on the left side of the boat. Here, she stood a moment, then quietly climbed up on the rail, and with a little shriek, jumped into the river. The boat was running fast, and the girl was far astern before Captain Leyhe could get the machinery stopped and a boat lowered. First Mate Dick Norris was soon in the water with the ship’s yawl, pulling like mad to the place where the girl was last seen, but to no avail. When he arrived, she had gone down for the last time, and never reappeared at the surface. The yawl was pulled about for some time, and then returned to the Spread Eagle, which continued the trip to St. Louis.

The letters in the hat were found and opened. They read as follows:

July 27, 1894
My Own Love,
Dearest you may think I am crazy, but I am not, for my love for you was so great and you deceived me, told me when you went with me that you loved, but it was false, you were whole life and heart, and now my heart is broken forever. I have waited for the last two years to try and gain you back, but it was impossible for me to do so, but my love for you was too great, and I can not stand it any longer, and with death I must meet, for you I never could gain. My life was left to you, and you turned and left with a cold heart for me, so goodbye my only love. I am too nervous to write any more, but I could tell you lots if I could write. From the one that loves you, the truest in the world. You can never find one that loves you as true in the wide world. Goodbye love, forever.

July 27, 1894
Dear Nell,
I am tired of life and I wish to die for my heart is broken and has been for two years, and I cannot live any longer, for death would be much more pleasanter than life, for I never could live long and work for I have not half the strength you think I have, and I know that there is now time to take care of me, and I would never marry, for the one I love does not care for me, and I never could take another, for Herbert Rice was the only one I ever loved, and no other could take his place. Nell, for heaven’s sake, keep the picture of that rock, for I wanted to take it along, but of course it was not where I could find it this morning, and I had to go alone, but oh how I would liked to have had it, of course. Nell, you will never see me anymore, but my last request is to please give this message to my last love, of course I am dead, but I wish for him to have it now. Nell, it is my last request I am so nervous I can’t write, but I guess you can read these few words I left on the boat, and jumped off on the back into the river, just off the side. You and I was at that Sunday night, now don’t ever look for me, for I hope I will never be found. Tell all my true friends I wish them a sweet goodbye. And also to yourself from your heart broken niece, Ella Winbegler.

Mr. Rice always bore a good reputation here. Miss Winbegler was a girl of good reputation, so far as known. Her uncle, Mr. Woods, stated that her domestic relations were all of the most friendly, and she seemed to be happy. She had just recovered from a spell of sickness. It seemed to be a case of despondency. The body has not yet been recovered. Mrs. Winbegler lives near State Street on Seventh, and was recently married. The news of the death was a great shock to her and to Mr. Woods’ family.

Later - The body of Miss Ella Winbegler arrived in Alton Monday, and was taken to Klunk’s undertaking establishment to await burial. Tuesday morning occurred the sad sequel to the tragic suicide of last Friday. When found, her features were unrecognizable, and her relatives, A. C. Murphy and J. P. Dove, who left yesterday morning to identify her, were able to do so only by her clothes. When found, she was dressed in a light dress with black polka dots, tan shoes, and stockings.

Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at the grave at Melville. Considering the distance, there was a large attendance at the funeral, and numerous floral offerings were presented by the loving friends of the dead.


WINCHESTER, EMMA J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28, 1914
Mrs. Emma J. Winchester died last night at her home, 1106 Putnam street, aged 38. She was the wife of Hiram Winchester. She leaves two children, Ruth and Roy. The funeral will be at 9 o'clock Friday morning from St. Patrick's church.


WING, DAISY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 15, 1920
Former Cashier at Young Dry Goods Company
Friends were very much grieved this morning to learn of the death at Hamburg, Ill. of Miss Daisy Wing, daughter of Mrs. Ella Wing. For a year or more she has been very ill, and was taken to Hamburg recently, hoping that the change might improve her condition. Within the past few weeks her condition became very serious, and her sisters left a week ago Saturday night to be with her. One year ago last April, Ernest Wing, father of Miss Wing, dropped dead at the Alton Brick Yard, and the shock of his death caused Miss Wing's illness. Every effort was made to help her, but to no avail, and death came as a relief after a year of great suffering. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Ella Wing, and two sisters, Miss Bertha Wing and Mrs. Clinton Miller. Miss Wing was born in Minnesota, but came to Alton when a small child, having lived here about 18 years. She was 21 years of age the 14th of February. She attended the Alton Public schools. For several years Miss Wing was connected with the Young Dry Goods company, filling the position of cashier. She was with the firm until her illness compelled her to take an indefinite vacation. She never lost hope and confidently expected to return to work. during her long illness she was patient and was easy to take care of. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at Hamburg. Many friends are planning to go to the funeral. Miss Wing's father is buried in Calhoun County.


WING, ERNEST/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph April 8, 1919
Employee of Alton Brick Company
Ernest Wing, aged 59 years, dropped dead this afternoon shortly after lunch while at work at the Alton Brick yard where he was employed. Wing had not been ill, and his death came as a severe shock to his family. Wing is survived by his wife and three children, Mrs. Clinton Miller, Miss Bertha Wing, and Miss Daisy Wing. Two grandchildren also survive. The Wing family reside at 2001 State street. The family has resided in Alton about twenty years and is very well known. The body was taken to the Bauer undertaking parlors, and an inquest was held late this afternoon. No funeral arrangements have been made.


WING, HENRY (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 24, 1871
Prominent Physician and Active Anti-Slavery Man
We regret to announce the death of Dr. Henry Wing of Collinsville, which took place at his residence on February 18. He was not only one of the oldest and most influential citizens of Madison County, but was one of the most distinguished physicians, literary and scientific gentlemen in the State. During the war, he was a member of the State Board of Medical Examiners, and at the time of his death, a member of the State Board of Education. He was also one of those bold and independent thinkers who lead rather than follow in the wake of public sentiment, and hence, was a prominent and active anti-slavery man at an early day, when it cost something to openly avow such sentiments. At a public meeting of the citizens of Collinsville and vicinity, held on the day of his death, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:

“Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom, to remove from our midst our esteemed friend and fellow townsman, Dr. Henry Wing, who departed this life February 18, 1871; and while we bow in deep humility to the will of Him who gave and who taketh away, we feel unfeigned sorrow that society has lost one of its brightest ornaments, and his family a kind husband and affectionate father.

Resolved, That in the death of Dr. Henry Wing, the State has lost a valuable citizen, humanity a true and devoted friend, education an ardent supporter, science a thorough student, the medical lprofession an able practitioner, and the church an esteemed member.

Resolved, That we extend our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family and sorrow-stricken relatives in their deep affliction and irreparable loss.

Resolved, That we suspend all business during the funeral hour, Tuesday, February 21, 1871.”

Henry L. Wing was born April 5, 1822, in Missouri. He was the son of Horace Benjamin Wing and Mary Perkins Wing. He was one of the most distinguished physicians, and literary and scientific gentlemen in the State of Illinois. In 1849, he married Catharine Collins. During the Civil War, he was a member of the State Board of Medical Examiners. He was also one of the bold and independent thinkers, who led rather than followed in the public sentiment, and was a prominent and active anti-slavery man at an early day. He died February 18, 1871, and was buried in the Glenwood Cemetery in Collinsville.


WINGRAVE, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 6, 1912
George Wingrave, aged 85, died this morning at 8:10 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. B. H. Coyle, in Euclid place, after an illness of about a week. He had not been in bad condition and yesterday was up and around the house and even sat up until 10 o'clock Friday night. His death was sudden, and was due to a complete collapse of his strength. Mr. Wingrave is survived by two children, one a son, Arthur Wingrave, living in Detroit. His wife died five years ago, and he then came to Alton to live with his daughter. He was a native of England, but had been in America about 45 years. He passed his 85th birthday last December 9. The body will be taken to Adrian, Mich., for burial, the party leaving Alton Sunday, and burial will be Monday.


WINKLER, HARRIET E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 20, 1906
Mother Dies Following Childbirth
Mrs. Harriet E. Winkler, wife of John F. Winkler, died Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the family home, 604 Forrest avenue, from uraemic poisoning following the birth of a child. Mrs. Winkler was only 39 years of age, and she leaves a family of ten children, one an infant only 24 hours old. Mrs. Winkler was informed some time ago by the physician that kidney trouble had made her life much shorter than it would have been, and that she was in a very dangerous condition. The brave little woman made all preparations for a fatal termination of the malady in a short time, and yesterday she passed away after giving full directions to her children and counseling them for the future, knowing that she was about to leave them. At the time of her death two of her sons were away from home, being members of the Alton division of naval militia, and they will not return from Chicago until tomorrow, having been away for a week on the annual cruise of the division. The funeral will for that reason be delayed until Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock from the family home. Services will be conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing. Mrs. Winkler's death is an extremely sad blow to her family. She was devoted to her husband and her children, and the family deprived of the care of a wife and mother will have the sympathy of the entire community.


WINKLER, L. C./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 10, 1885
Coroner Melling Tuesday held an inquest over the body of L. C. Winkler of Collinsville, a well-known merchant of that place, and Collector of the township, who committed suicide Monday night by taking morphine. The verdict was in accordance with the above statement.


WINNAKER, LENA/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1884
From Godfrey – Died February 7, at her home, one mile north of Godfrey, Miss Lena Winnaker, aged 30 years. The funeral took place from the family residence on Friday.


WINNERS, UNKNOWN INFANT/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 13, 1892
A two-weeks-old child of Mr. L. Winners of 324 Belle Street died at ten o’clock last night, after an illness of several days. The body was shipped to St. Louis this afternoon for interment.


WINSLER, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 27, 1878
The body of an unknown man was found by Mr. George Scott, floating in the river near the Union Depot, about half-past 10 o’clock this morning. The body was that of a man apparently of about middle age, and when first found, appeared as though it had been in the water but a short time, but soon greatly changed in appearance from exposure to the sun and atmosphere. Coroner Youree was notified and held an inquest this afternoon. Nothing could be ascertained as to the name or place of residence of the drowned man. A small blank book was found in his pocket, containing some writing in German and some directions about some small sums of money, and a statement that the keys were in the pocket of his other pants. There was no name or signature in the book.

The body was delivered to Mr. William Brudon, undertaker, for interment. Marshal Volbracht learned of a gentleman from Jerseyville that the drowned man was probably a late resident of that town, named Henry Winsler, who left there for Jersey Landing about two weeks since on account of some family trouble. The description was an exact, even to the names and sums of money written in the blank book found on the person of the drowned man, and the pipe in his pocket, that there is little doubt but the identification was correct.


WINSCOTT, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 6, 1910
Mrs. Mary Winscott, a long time resident of Alton, died Monday night shortly after 10 o'clock at her home, 1222 State street, after a long illness from a complication of troubles. She was the widow of the late B. F. Winscott, and is survived by two nieces, Mrs. Fred Levedy and Mrs. Martin Minter, both of St. Louis. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home. Services will be conducted by Rev. Dr. Cline. Burial will be in City cemetery.


WINSHIP, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 23, 1843
Died, at Monticello [Godfrey] on the 14th instant, Mr. William Winship, aged 38 years. The deceased was a native of Brighton, Mass. In 1810, soon after uniting with "Christ's Church, Springfield, Mass., he removed to this state in the hope of recovering his health, for which serious apprehensions had long been entertained. For a time the change of climate promised favorably - but ultimately that promise was withdrawn - yet the wants of a young and interesting family urged on his struggle with the world, until he was prostrated upon his dying bed from which the skill of the physician and the untiring attentions of a wife and friends were unable to elevate him. He was humbly submissive to the Divine will; and only for his family did he desire to live. On the day of his death, in answer to the inquiry of his companion, he said, "I am perfectly happy - I know in whom I have trusted." His loss can only be fully appreciated by the members of his surviving family - and to them it is irreparable. In the parting moment, he made no betrayal of extreme bodily pain, but on the contrary, his stress countenance exhibited a calm and sweet repose. "So fades a summer cloud away; So sinks the gale when storms are o'er; So gently shuts the eye of day; So died a wave along the shore."


WINSLOW, TRUMAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 23, 1914
Falls from Steel Tower
The funeral of Truman Winslow was held this morning from the home of the parents, and services were conducted by Rev. S. D. McKenny. Burial was in City Cemetery. The boy's death resulted from his falling from a steel tower Saturday, after he had touched a high tension wire.


WINTER, CHRISTINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 5, 1907
Miss Christina Winter died Thursday at her home, 419 East Fourth street, after an illness of several weeks duration from asthma. The malady became acute the past few days and the end came at 2 o'clock this morning. Miss Winter was 57 years old and practically all of her life was spent in Alton. She was the oldest of the Winter sisters who for many years have conducted one of the leading millinery stores in Alton or in Madison county, and besides being an excellent business woman, was blessed with a disposition and with characteristics that made lasting friends of all who made her acquaintance. She was a kindly disposed, charitable woman, and her charities which were many were of the unostentatious kind, known to herself and the beneficiaries principally. She is survived by two sisters, Misses Wilhelmina and Amelia, and a brother, Henry L. Winter. Funeral arrangements have not been made.


WINTER, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 20, 1898
Mrs. Elizabeth Winter, widow of the late Henry Winter, died Tuesday at her home, 419 East Fourth Street. Mrs. Winter was 78 years of age, and had been in poor health for some time, but her demise was not expected so soon. She had been seriously sick only a few days from a general weakening of the system, incident to old age.

Mrs. Winter was a native of Germany, but came to America in 1850, and has resided in Alton since that time, respected by all who knew her. She leaves four children – Mr. Henry L. Winter, and Misses Amelia H., Christina, and Minnie F. Winter.


WINTER, HARRY W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 25, 1907
Harry W. Winter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Winter, died Friday morning shortly after 1 o'clock at the home of his parents, 1002 Union street, from an affection of the heart, which began developing two years ago while the young man was a student at the State University at Champaign. He was 25 years old and is survived by his parents and three brothers. He was well known in the Altons, having been for several years in the office of Pfeiffenberger & Son, was an accomplished draughtsman, and would have made a superior architect, it is said by those who knew him best, had he lived. He was attending the State University for the purpose of taking a special course in the profession he had chosen for his life work and would have graduated there with high honors in a few months more if illness had not intervened. Following his return from Champaign, he went to Arizona and other western and southwestern points in the hope of benefitting his health, but returned home about six months ago but little, if any, benefitted. He possessed a cheerful and friendly disposition and easily made friends of all with whom he came in contact. He always retained a friendship when made, and was one of the most respected young men generally in Alton, whose future was bright because he himself was bright. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home on Union street, and burial will be in City cemetery.


WINTER, HENRY J. and SOPHIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 1, 1916
Collinsville Farmer Kills Wife, Then Shoots Self
After killing his wife, Mrs. Sophia Harmeier Winter, 50, at their country home near Collinsville, at 8 o'clock this morning, J. H. Winter, aged 58, wealthy farmer and realty owner, shot himself. Despite efforts of a neighbor to overpower him, he crawled into another room and killed himself with a 22 rifle, shooting himself in the mouth. No cause for the murder and suicide has been found. They were among the wealthies of Collinsville residents. They have a son and daughter.


WINTER, HERBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 18, 1890
Herbert, the fifteen months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winter, died early this morning at the family residence, corner of North and Union Streets. The sorrowing family will have the heartfelt sympathy of the community, in this their hour of trial.


WINTER, WILLIAM E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 7, 1919
Alton Automobile Dealer
William E. Winter, well known automobile dealer in Alton, died Friday morning at the home of his brother, Irving Winter, 412 Bluff street, from pneumonia following an attack of influenza. He would have been 33 years of age on March 24. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Gertrude Ingersoll Winter and two daughters, one aged 4 years and the other aged 4 months. He leaves also his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winter and two brothers, Leo and Irving Winter, all of Alton. The death of Will Winters was foreshadowed by announcements made Thursday that the young man was in a bad way and that there was very little hope he could survive. He had been in Florida where he had property interests, and being informed of the fire which had destroyed the Winter planing mill in Alton, he came back with his father to arrange for getting back into business again. A few days after his return from Florida he was taken down with the influenza and was desperately sick from the beginning. The attending physicians attribute the malignancy of the case to the fact that he had been in a warm climate and coming back here to colder weather, he was an easier victim of the disease. The same malady had afflicted other members of the family, but they are getting along well, his case alone being of the extremely grave type. Members of his family say that Mr. Winter had, for the past three or four months, been winding up his business affairs, preparing to make a start anew in Alton. Last fall he had disposed of his interest in the automobile business he had founded on Piasa street. Going to Florida where he owned a small orange grove, he had disposed of that. He had even sold his automobile. Everything he owned he had converted into cash, so that he leaves no business complications whatever. He was not in bad health, and members of his family say that his determination to dispose of his holdings everywhere at this particular time was merely due to his desire to engage in some other lines. He established the first garage in the city of Alton, going into business with Sam Darnell. Prior to that he had been much interested in the automobile business. The little business he established grew into a big business, even though competitors did come in numbers as the auto business he established grew and prospered. He had been interested in the planing mill before engaging in the auto business, and when the fire destroyed that plan, he returned home to look after it with his brothers. His wife and children arrived in Alton just a few days before he died, having started for here when apprised of the serious character of his illness. In the death of Will Winter, Alton has lost one of her most capable young business men. He had demonstrated a high order of business ability and had made a great success. As a citizen he was very highly esteemed and he was personally very popular and had a very large number of friends and admirers. His death is a sad blow to hundreds of people aside from his immediate family. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The services at the home of Irving Winter will be private. The services at City Cemetery will be under Masonic auspices, and will be conducted by Piasa Lodge, A. F. & A. M., in which he held membership.


WINTERS, GUSTAVE J./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 22, 1919
Business Man Suicides by Shooting Himself
Gustave J. Winters, 41 years old, proprietor of a tire vulcanizing and resoling establishment on East Broadway, killed himself with a bullet in a room in the Benton Hotel, St. Louis, yesterday afternoon. He was found lying on the bed with a revolver in his hand about 5 o'clock. In Winters' clothing was found a note addressed to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Winters, of Alton, which said: "I am unable to bear the burden since Verna died, and I leave everything to you." Vera [sic] was the name of his wife, who died three and a half years ago, shortly before the death of his daughter. Tuesday, before going to St. Louis, Winters had taken the memorial card of his wife, printed at the time of her death, and looked at it before going to St. Louis. He left the card lying on his dresser. The parents of Winters had heard nothing of the death of their son, when a Telegraph reporter went to their home, 518 Ridge street, early last night. While the reporter was at the home efforts were made by a St. Louis person to reach Mrs. Winters by telephone. When the call from the undertaker at St. Louis confirmed the reporter's statement that Winters had taken his own life, Mrs. Winters was hysterical. She declared she had felt all day that something was wrong when her son did not return home Tuesday afternoon as he had planned. Winters went to St. Louis early on Tuesday to attend a meeting with a man named Willard, representative in the St. Louis district, of the Gates Tire Resoling Company of Denver, Colo., of which Winters was the Alton representative. On leaving he told his mother he would not be home for lunch but would probably return in the afternoon. Uneasiness was felt when he did not return Tuesday afternoon. No word had been received from him when the reporter went to the home. A friend of the family called the Hotel Statler, St. Louis, where Winters said he was to meet Willard yesterday, when Winters failed to return, and was told that neither Winters nor Willard had registered at the hotel. Since the death of his wife Winters had resided with his parents at the Ridge street address. He had been in the vulcanizing business on East Broadway about three years and according to his friends had a flourishing business. He recently purchased the brick building on the southeast corner of Broadway and Central avenue for a price said to be in the neighborhood of $10,000 and had contemplated enlarging his business. In conversation with a neighbor on Sunday evening, Winters had talked of his business saying he "had all he could handle." When questioned last night his parents said they knew of no reason why their son would end his life. His business was flourishing, they said, and he had no othere worries of which they had any knowledge. Winters was born in Alton and spent most of his life here. He leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Winters, and six sisters: Mrs. Ralph Rowe, St. Louis; Mrs. Fred Betzel, St. Louis; Miss Rose Winters, St. Louis; Miss Matilda Winters, Alton; Mrs. George Hauerker, San Jose, Cal.; Mrs. George Wohlenweber, Alton. He leaves three brothers, Joseph; Philadelphia; John, Alton; and Henry of East St. Louis. The body will be brought to Alton for burial, arrangements for which have not been made. The body will be brought to Alton this evening at 6 o'clock. [Later report says burial will be in City Cemetery.]

Think Gus Winters Victim of Murder - Foul Play is Hinted
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 24, 1919
That Gustave Winters, proprietor of a vulcanizing and automobile tire repair shop on East Broadway, who was found dead with a revolver in his hand in a room in the Benton Hotel, St. Louis, Wednesday afternoon, did not commit suicide but was the victim of foul play is the belief of members of his family. Henry Winters, a brother of the dead man, this morning told a Telegraph reporter that members of his family have never believed that Winters took his own life. The brother said that Winters was carried up the steps of the hotel on Tuesday evening by a police officer. This information, he said, came from the clerk of the hotel who saw Winters being carried to his room. It was the last seen of him until he was found dead, Henry Winters said. A watchman at the hotel, Henry Winters declared, heard a shot fired at 11 o'clock on Wednesday morning and did not report it until later in the day. The body of the Alton man was found about 5 o'clock. The body was in underclothing, the outer apparel of the dead man being on a chair near the bed. The trousers and coat, the dead man's brother said today, were covered with blood. The blood on the suit of clothes cannot be explained, it is thought, if Winters shot himself with the gun found in his hand. The brother also declared today that many of the letters found in the room could not be identified as belonging to the dead man.


WINTERS, H. C./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 25, 1901
North Alton News - The remains of H. C. Winters arrived from Colorado last evening and were taken to the Ryan home on Elm street. The funeral took place at 9 o'clock Monday morning, to the Cathedral, where a Requiem High Mass was celebrated by Revs. Fathers Spalding, Cusack and O'Connell. Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery, beside the body of his wife, the late Mrs. Mary Winters (nee Ryan). A large number of people attended the obsequies, and many beautiful floral offerings were made.


WINTERS, LOUIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 22, 1906
Louis Winters, a resident of Alton and North Alton for forty-two years, died Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock after an illness which began the preceding Sunday. He would have been 81 years of age next May. Mr. Winters was in failing health for some time but was not taken very ill until Sunday. His condition was not regarded as dangerous until yesterday, and shortly after the change for the worse began he passed away. He is survived by his wife and four children, Mrs. Alice Rodgers and Frank Winters of Decatur, Miss Caroline Winters of North Alton, and George Winters of Upper Alton. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home in North Alton, Rev. W. H. Bradley officiating, and burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.


WINTERS, LUCILE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 15, 1912
Lucile, the 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winters of 908 Liberty street, died this morning from pneumonia. The funeral will be Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.


WINTERS, MARGIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 25, 1916
Margie Winters, aged sixteen years, died Thursday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Alice Winters, at 819 Piasa Street, after a short illness. Besides her mother, she leaves to mourn her loss a sister and a host of relatives. The funeral was held this afternoon at one o’clock from the Campbell ME Church, with Rev. Brown of Alton and Rev. Brooks of St. Louis officiating. Burial was in Rocky Fork Cemetery.


WISE, ADAM/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, May 14, 1897
Killed by Train
Adam Wise, aged 35 years, was run down and killed by the Big Four "Flyer" on the Venice-Brooklyn crossing, Monday afternoon. His head was cut and both his legs crushed.


WISE, ALEXIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 5, 1921
Son of Peter Wise; Successful Farmer
Alexis Wise, a lifelong resident of Alton, died at 7:20 o'clock this morning after an illness which began five years ago and which for three years had forced him into retirement. The past nine weeks he had been confined to his bed suffering from a severe illness with heart trouble, which proved fatal. The end came peacefully this morning, and was no surprise to those around him, as it was known for some time that Mr. Wise had no chance of getting up again. In the death of Mr. Wise, the career of a successful farmer is closed. His chief interest, outside of his family and his church, was his great farm on Missouri point. He was a wheat grower, and for forty-one years he had made a success of grain growing on the 900 acre farm he had in the richest land in the country, below West Alton. Mr. Wise raised crops year after year because he had the business foresight to see the benefits of spending money to build high levees to protect his land against the floods from the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, which would otherwise have caused him frequent losses. In a district where much could be gained by building a levee, Mr. Wise was the only one who made any extensive test of that form of guarantee that he would harvest the crops he planted. He gave his farm his personal supervision, but for a few years ago, realizing that his ability to continue that work was fast waning, he began to sub-divide his property and sold part of it to tenants, whom he helped in many ways to make successful their new purchases. His tenants could tell many instances of his helpfulness to them, as beneath a bluff exterior Mr. Wise had a warm heart that dictated many acts of kindness to others. When he was a young man of 23, he lost one of his arms by the accidental discharge of his gun in a hunting accident on his farm over the river. The death of Mr. Wise removes a familiar figure from the streets and over the river, where he had been a near daily visitor, he will be greatly missed. It is related by those who knew him that even though advancing age had made it hard for him to keep the pace, Mr. Wise would take long walks over his place over the river, and he would not let weather interfere. When floods were menacing his levees over the river, he was there night and day patrolling the supervising the work of strengthening the banks where weak spots would develop. He was the largest wheat grower on Missouri point for many years. Mr. Wise was born in the city of Alton in the place now the Trenchery home on State street. He was 67 years of age last July 17. His parents were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wise, who built the house now occupied by the F. W. Olin family, and it was there that Mr. Wise lived when his marriage to Miss Bridget Ryan took place. His family was an old time, prominent family. All his life he lived on State Street. Besides his wife, Mr. Wise leaves his two children, Peter Wise and Miss Anna Wise, and one sister, Mrs. Levi Davis, and one brother, Charles P. Wise of St. Louis. The last named has been in Los Angeles for a long time for the benefit of his health and has not been back since his brother's illness began. He was on his way back home today and is expected to arrive in St. Louis tomorrow. After his arrival the time of the funeral will be set. According to a wish of Mr. Wise, flowers are to be omitted at the funeral.


WISE, BERNIE F./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 27, 1892
Bernie F. Wise, son of Mrs. Mary R. Wise, died Sunday morning at the home of his mother, 823 Belle Street. Deceased was 19 years of age, and for several years has been employed as clerk at Buckmaster’s tobacco store. He was a young man of unusual good habits, always kind and obliging, and in business he made friends of all whom he met. He had been a sufferer for some years with Bright’s Disease. About two months ago he took to his bed, and most of the time since then has suffered severely, all of which was borne with fortitude and manliness. Bernie will be much missed, as his kindly genial face was a favorite. With his doubly bereaved mother and his sisters, there will be earnest sympathy in this new affliction that has fallen upon them. The funeral took place this afternoon from the Episcopal Church. Many friends gathered at the church to pay a parting tribute of respect to one who had been a dear friend. The pallbearers were Samuel Wade, Edward Neermann, John Drummond, Thomas Lewis, George Sauvage, and Harry Leyhe. The interment was at the Alton City Cemetery. The Bunker Hill Council, Junior Order of American Mechanics, of which deceased was a member, attended the funeral.


WISE, EUGENE S./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 14, 1848
Died on Saturday last, Eugene S. Wise, son of Mr. Peter Wise of Alton, aged 14 months.


WISE or WHITE, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1907
Shot While Resisting Arrest
Coroner C. N. Streeper was summoned to Collinsville where a deputy sheriff named William Biskely had shot and killed a bad negro by the name of George Wise, who was threatening to kill the deputy sheriff with a shot gun while resisting arrest. The dead negro was known as "Big Boy." He was of gigantic stature and was known as a troublesome man. The jury returned a verdict of justifiable homicide, as it was testified that the deputy sheriff, on following White [sic] to his home, shot him as White was in the act of drawing a shot gun to fight off the officer.


WISE, FELIX J./Source: Alton Telegraph, March 14, 1878
Died in Alton on March 11, Felix J. Wise; aged 37 years.


WISE, FRANCIS J./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 4, 1889
Drowned in Alton Harbor
Mr. Francis J. Wise, whose residence was on Fourth Street, near the Garstang Foundry, was drowned Saturday night in Alton Harbor, opposite this city. He was a night watchman on Captain Brown’s dredge boat, and went on duty Saturday evening. The other hands went to bed as usual. Mrs. Wise, who was engaged on the boat, had a brief conversation with her husband about one o’clock a.m., when he complained of the loneliness of his position while engaged in the performance of his duty. She warned him against sitting on the guards of the boat and going to sleep. After she left him, he was not again seen alive. About 7 o’clock Sunday morning, he was missed, but it was at first thought that he had either gone ashore or was asleep in one of the banks. The face that all the lights on the boat were left burning, led his wife to suspect that some accident had occurred. Hooks were procured, and in a few minutes, by dragging at the sides of the vessel, the water being comparatively shallow and with but a sluggish current, the body was found. Deceased’s hands were clasped as though he had been in a sleeping position and had fallen overboard and died with scarcely a struggle. An inquest was held at the place where the accident occurred, and a verdict of accidental drowning returned. The remains were brought over here on the dredge boat late yesterday afternoon and conveyed to the deceased’s home. He was about 33 years of age. He came to Alton from Peru, Illinois, four or five years ago. He left a wife and a little boy and a stepchild to mourn his sudden death. The funeral took place at 2:30 p.m. Monday from the Cathedral, Rev. Father Hayder officiating.


WISE, GEORGE S./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 16, 1887
Alton Businessman
A telegram was received here this morning from St. Louis, announcing the death of Mr. George S. Wise, for many years a leading resident of Alton. He had been in feeble health for some months, his disease culminating in dropsy. Mr. Wise was prominent in business circles in Alton for many years, first in the employ of Arba Nelson & John E. Hayner, then as a member of the firm of Wise, Blake & Johnston; and later as a member of the Sligo Iron Store Co. of St. Louis, of which he was treasurer at his death. He was a gentleman of remarkable business talent, and was eminently successful in his avocation.

After the removal of his business interests to St. Louis, he returned to Alton to reside, purchasing the beautiful homestead on State Street known as the Barry place, where he resided until a few months ago, when he sold the place to Mr. Levi Davis, and again made his home in St. Louis. Mr. Wise was a genial and popular gentleman, a kind neighbor and friend. His tastes were quiet and domestic, and he was warmly devoted to his home and family. He leaves a wife and three children. Mrs. Wise was formerly Miss Mary S. Snyder, a niece of Judge Baker.

Mr. Wise was 49 years of age. He was a native of Emmettsburg, Maryland, but removed to Alton with his father’s family forty years ago. He has three brothers and three sisters, none of them residents of Alton. He was a cousin of Messrs. J. W. and C. P. Wise. The funeral will take place Monday morning in Alton. [The funeral took place from the Cathedral, with Rev. Father Joseph Wise of Yazoo City, Mississippi, brother of deceased, officiating.]


WISE, HARRIET/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 26, 1906
Widow of Peter Wise
Mrs. Harriet Wise, widow of Peter Wise, died Friday morning about 9 o'clock. Wednesday Mrs. Wise suffered a paralytic stroke and soon became unconscious. She never regained consciousness and death came to her peacefully. Previous to Wednesday morning she had been in good health and manifested at all times considerable interest in the world and its happenings. She was 91 years of age last November, and had lived in Alton ever since she was a young woman. More than half a century ago she and her husband were leading figures in church and business circles, and up to the last she manifested great interest in religious matters. The former Peter Wise house, now occupied by Mr. F. W. Olin, was one of the finest in Madison county. Mr. Wise died many years ago and Mrs. Wise has been making her home with her son, Alexius, at 1118 State street. Another son, Attorney Charles P. Wise, and a daughter, Mrs. Levi Davis, also survive her. Another daughter is Mother Dolorosa of a New Orleans convent. Mrs. Wise was born in Adams county Pa., November 26, 1814, and came to Alton 65 years ago. The funeral will be Monday morning at 10 o'clock from the Cathedral, and a Requiem High Mass will be said with Rev. Albert R. Wise, a Jesuit Father of Florissant, Mo., a grandson of deceased, as celebrant.


WISE, HARRY ARTHUR/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 24, 1878
Mrs. Felix J. Wise was afflicted Monday by the death of her infant son, Harry Arthur, aged 13 months. The funeral took place at the residence of Mr. W. R. Parker on Belle Street Tuesday afternoon. It is perhaps needless to say that the afflicted family have the sympathy of their friends and acquaintances.


WISE, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 31, 1849
Died in Alton on Friday last, after a long and painful illness of four months duration, Mr. Joseph Wise in the 69th(?) year of his age. The deceased was born in York County, Pennsylvania, but removed with his parents at an early age to Frederick county, Maryland, where he resided until his removal to Alton in the Spring of 1822(?). As a husband, father, and citizen, he was exemplary in his deportment, and faithful in the discharge of his duties, while his benevolence of heart was such that the poor and destitute never approached him in vain. He bore his protracted sufferings with Christian patience and resignation, and has left a deeply-afflicted widow, and three young children, together with many relations and friends to drop the tears of sorrow over his grave.


WISE, JOSEPH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 29, 1902
Formerly in Flour and Saw Mill Business
Joseph Wise, formerly a prominent resident of Alton, died this morning at his home in St. Louis after a long illness. He was 74 years of age, and lived in Alton many years until nine years ago, when he went to St. Louis. He leaves a family of four sons and four daughters. The body will be brought to Alton for burial Monday morning at 9 o'clock, and services will be conducted in the Cathedral. Many years ago Mr. Wise was interested in the flour manufacturing business in Alton, and subsequently was engaged in the saw mill business. Among the older residents of the city he had many friends.


WISE, JOSEPH BERNARD/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 2, 1848
Died in Alton of bilious fever, on Friday last, Joseph Bernard, in his 16th year, eldest son of Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Eliza J. Wise.


WISE, MARY B./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 22, 1885
Mrs. Mary B. Wise, wife of Mr. Joseph W. Wise, Superintendent of Stanard’s Mill, died Friday after an illness of almost seven months’ duration, at the age of 54 years. Deceased, who was highly esteemed by all who knew her, left a husband, ten children, and other relatives and many friends to mourn her death. Although long a sufferer, she bore the pain with Christian fortitude and true resignation. The funeral took place Monday from the Cathedral.


WISE, MARY C. (nee SNYDER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 31, 1907
Widow of George S. Wise
Mrs. Mary C. Wise, whose death was mentioned yesterday afternoon, was a resident of Alton since childhood. Her maiden name was Snyder. She was a granddaughter of David J. Baker, who was the father of the late Judge Henry S. Baker, and part of her early life she passed at Kaskaskia, Ill., the early capital of Illinois. Her parents died when she was a very young girl, and she made her home most of the time afterwards until her marriage, with her grandfather. She was the widow of George S. Wise. Mrs. Wise is survived by two sons, Henry of St. Louis, and Dr. Philip Wise of Los Angeles, Cal. When it became apparent that her death was the matter of only a short time, word was sent to her son, Dr. Philip Wise, who started east at once and arrived this morning, too late to see his mother alive. He was here recently, however, and spent some time with his mother, afterward doing ..... married there several months ago. Mrs. Wise's death was due to heart and stomach trouble. She was taken ill about one year ago and went from her residence on State street to St. Joseph's hospital. After being confined there a long time she was able to return home, but she never fully regained her strength. Mrs. Wise was a pupil in the first High School in the city of Alton. She was known in a large circle of friends who valued her for her kindly ways and she will be sadly missed by many to whom she was the helping hand that soothed distresses and smoothed out rough places for unfortunate ones. The funeral will be held Monday morning from SS. Peter and Paul's Cathedral.


WISE, PETER/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 26, 1878
Died in Alton, Monday evening, of membranous croup, Peter, son of Joseph W. and M. B. Wise; aged 8 years.


WISE, PETER/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 3, 1892
Co-Owner of the National Mill in Alton
At about nine o'clock last night, Mr. Peter Wise died at his residence, 1128 State Street, at the advanced age of eighty-four years and nine months. Mr. Wise has been very sick for some weeks, the beginning of his immediate sickness being an attack of the grip, which he suffered some six or eight weeks ago. Deceased was born in York County, Pennsylvania, on May 11, 1807. His father shortly afterwards removed to Emmettsburg, Maryland, from which place in company with his brother, Sebastian, he came to Alton in 1839, and embarked in the milling business, the brothers taking charge of the mill which then stood on the present site of the water works. In the following year, they returned East and brought their families to their new home. From that day forward, until weight of years and failing eyesight compelled his retirement from active life, Mr. Wise was prominently identified with the business interests of the city. In 1842 they put machinery into the old Godfrey & Gilman warehouse, which was used as a mill till the year 1857, when the buildings now occupied by the Sparks Milling Company were erected and occupied until their retirement from business some years later.

Peter Wise was a man whose genial disposition and courteous treatment of all with whom he came in contact won him the respect and good will of all who knew him. Besides the loving partner of his joys and sorrows, to whom he was married in 1835, and who survives him at the age of 78 years, he leaves two sons - Messrs. Charles P. of St. Louis, and Alexius Wise; and two daughters - Mrs. Levi Davis Jr. of Alton, and Anna, Sister Superior of the Carmelite Convent in New Orleans. The funeral services will take place at the Cathedral at 10 o'clock Friday morning.

Peter Wise was born May 11, 1807 in York County, Pennsylvania. He and his brother, Sebastian, engaged in the milling business in Alton from 1839 through 1857, when David R. Sparks purchased their property and erected the Sparks Mill. Sebastian Wise died in May 1862.

Peter married Harriet M. ______, and they erected their home at 1128 State Street in Alton. In 1898, Franklin Olin, founder of the Olin Corporation, purchased the home from the Wise estate.

Harriet Wise, Peter’s wife, died in January 1906 at the age of 91, in the home of their son, Alexius Wise, who lived at 1118 State Street. Alexius Wise was a successful farmer on the “Missouri Point” in West Alton, and was one of the largest wheat growers in the area. He was badly wounded in the arm at the age of 23, when his gun accidentally discharged while hunting on his farm in West Alton. Alexius died in October 1921.

Peter and Harriet had the following children: Eugene S. Wise (died in 1848 at the age of 14 months); Charles P. Wise, an attorney in St. Louis; Alexius Wise (1854-1921); Mary E. Wise Davis (wife of Levi Davis Jr., 1814-1906); and Anna Wise, Sister Superior of the Carmelite Convent in New Orleans. Many of the Wise family are buried in the St. Patrick Cemetery in Godfrey.


WISE, SEBASTIAN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 9, 1862
Proprietor of Flour Mill in Alton
We are pained to have to chronicle the death of this old citizen of Alton. He died after a very short illness. He was taken with something like the erysipelas, and notwithstanding, he had the very best of medical skill, its ravages could not be arrested until it had accomplished its work. Mr. Wise has resided in Alton about twenty years, and owing to his connection with a large flouring mill, had become acquainted with nearly everyone in this region, all of whom will regret to hear of his death. He possessed many excellent qualities, and his family and the social circle in which he mingled, and also the church with which he was connected, have met with a great loss, which will not soon be repaired.


WISE, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 7, 1918
Fell Through Railroad Bridge at Hop Hollow
William Wise of Sterling, Ill. died last night at St. Joseph's Hospital from tetanus. Wise fell through the bridge on the C. P. & St. L. railroad at Hop Hollow on November 28. He was not discovered for some time, and when found his feet had been frozen. He was brought to St. Joseph's Hospital. Tetanus developed from the injuries. Deputy Coroner William H. Bauer will hold an inquest this evening. The arrangements for the funeral have not been completed.


WISE, WILLIAM J./Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1889
Two Boys Drowned
At 10 o’clock yesterday morning, two lads, William Wise and Robert Bedbury or Strong, procured a skiff of Mr. James Dorsett, and started fishing, taking with them a large Newfoundland dog. The skiff not being returned at a late hour last night, Mr. Dorsett became solicitous as to the safety of the boys, the mother of young Bedbury having been inquiring for him, and search was made for them during the night, but in vain. Early this morning, Mr. George Schwab discovered the skiff on a sandbar above Alton at the head of the dike, and found the boys’ clothing in it, they being missing. The inference at once was that they were drowned, and steps were taken to recover the bodies. The dog was not found in the vicinity of the skiff, but was seen this morning in the woods on Missouri Point. Mr. Dorman was passing along near the head of the dike late yesterday afternoon, and saw the skiff on the sandbar, which is surrounded by water, but the boys were not in sight, while the dog was running around the skiff and acting strangely. This leads to the supposition that the drowning occurred sometime yesterday afternoon. The dog returned to the sandbar this morning while a search party was there, smelled the hat of one of the boys which had been left on the bar, plunged into the water, swam around as though in search of something, returned to the skiff that the boys had used, laid down in it and refused to leave.

William Wise was 17 years and 6 months old, a promising young man, an adopted son of Francis J. Wise, who was drowned in Alton Harbor about a week ago, and son of Mrs. Etta Wise, the bereaved widow. His affliction, therefore, falls on her with double force. Young Bedbury’s home is at the corner of Ninth and Piasa Streets. He was not so old by a year as Willie Wise.

The bodies were found, the one about 11 o’clock, the other at noon today, near where they drowned, by Mr. S. B. Anthis, Mr. Kemp, and four or five other persons. One body arose soon after a blast at a stone quarry on this side of the river, the concussion of the atmosphere causing it to quit the bottom. The other was brought up by a net or seine. They were towed down to the packet warehouses on the levee to await the action of Coroner Bonner, who was notified that his presence was required.

Young Bedbury is a son of Mr. John Bedbury. The family came here last Fall from St. Paul. The father is at work for Mr. Seagraves near Newbern, and Mr. Derrick took the 11 o’clock train on the Bluff Line this morning to inform him of his bereavement.

Coroner Bonner arrived Tuesday afternoon and held an inquest on the bodies of William Wise and Robert Bedbury, or Strong, who were drowned in the Mississippi River Monday. The inquiry was held at Mr. W. L. Klunk’s undertaking establishment, to which the body of William Wise had previously been removed. Nothing new was developed at the inquest, and the jury returned the following verdict: “We, the jury, find that the deaths of Robert Strong and William Wise were caused by accidental drowning in the Mississippi River, opposite Alton, at the upper dike, July 8, 1889. Signed Joseph Crowe, foreman, George Brenner, Clerk, J. Still, Anton Sauvage, Jacob Kuhn, and Ben Allen.”

The funeral of William Wise took place Wednesday from the Cathedral, interment at North Alton Cemetery [St. Patrick’s Cemetery]. After the inquest, the body of Robert Bedbury, or Strong, was removed to the residence of Mr. S. B. Anthis, corner of Ninth and Piasa Streets. The funeral of Robert Bedbury took place yesterday, under the auspices of the Salvation Army. The remains were buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


WISEMAN, MARY (SISTER BENEDICTA)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 8, 1904
Sister Benedicta, known in the world as Miss Mary Wiseman, ended a career of 44 years as an Ursuline Sister in the Alton Ursuline Convent, Friday just before noon. Sister Benedicta had been a sufferer from asthma for many years, but the last few weeks her malady had been complicated by heart troubles. She bore up bravely throughout her illness and insisted upon attending to her duties about the convent, although she was physically unable. She was born in Prussia in 1834, and came to America in 1855. She took the vows of the Ursuline order in St. Louis and came to Alton in 1860. During all the time since she entered the institution, Sister Benedicta had never spent a night away from her home convent. The funeral will be held Monday at 9 a.m. from the Ursuline chapel.


WISEMAN, MARY B. (nee BURROUGHS)/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, Friday, February 12, 1897
Wife of Rev. B. W. Wiseman
Death loves a shining mark and his visit, always sad, is doubly so when the young, the loved and the useful are taken. Such was the death of Mrs. Mary B. Wiseman, which occurred Tuesday evening [Feb. 9] at 6:20 o'clock at the Baptist Sanitarium, St. Louis. It was due to a shock following a surgical operation. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the home of her brother, Captain D. E. Burroughs, in this city. The services were impressive and the tributes paid to Mrs. Wiseman's character and worth touched every heart. Dr. A. A. Kendrick, pastor of the Emanuel Baptist church, St. Louis, made the invocation, which was followed by a hymn, "Asleep in Jesus," beautifully rendered by a quartet composed of Misses Edith Metcalfe and Josephine Springer and J. G. Delicate and F. W. Tunnell. Dr. Kendrick read selections from the scriptures and the quartet sang "Nearer My God to Thee." A brief memoir of Mrs. Wiseman's life was read by Rev. S. P. Groves, and after a song, "Jesus, Love of My Soul," Dr. Kendrick delivered the sermon. Rev. G. W. Waggoner, of Upper Alton, who was pastor of the Upper Alton church at the time of her conversion, told about her early Christian life. Rev. Groves led in prayer, and the quartet sang "Rock of Ages." The interment was in Woodlawn. Many exquisite floral offerings testified to the esteem in which she was held by her relatives and friends, and this was still further shown by the presence of a large number of friends from other places, who were members of churches in different cities which had been in charge of Mr. Wiseman. Among those from a distance in attendance of the funeral were: Jacob Wiseman of Jerseyville; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Patterson and Mrs. Charles Rogers of Roodhouse; Leroy Martin and sister, Miss Mary, J. B. Thompson, Mrs. William Herrin, Mrs. Frank Barnett and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller, of Morrisonville; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stroud and daughters, Misses Dora and Bertha of Upper Alton; Rev. J. T. Brown, Kane; T. W. Thacker, Mrs. Perry Wells and Miss Mae Mitchell, Girard. Mary Burroughs Wiseman was born near this city November 21, 1869. She was the only daughter of John Claxton and Esther Burroughs. Her school days were spent at Jacksonville Seminary and Shurtleff College, and it was at the latter place she met Mr. Wiseman who was then a student at the college, and afterwards became her husband. She was married on January 29, 1890, to Rev. B. W. Wiseman, then pastor of a Baptist church at Kansas City. She leaves her bereaved husband, two daughters, Esther and Edith, aged 5 and 3, her mother, Mrs. Esther Burroughs, and four brothers to mourn her demise. She became a Christian at the age of 14 years and has lived a consecrated life since. Her life, though short, was an unbroken record of useful Christian devotion.


WISSMAN, CHARLES/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1890
Charles Wissman, the young man who has been suffering from lockjaw, caused by an accidental gunshot wound, died Friday morning at two o’clock. Deceased had been living with his family in Job’s row, east Second Street [Broadway], where they had removed from the vicinity of Mitchell after the accident, to be near medical attendance. The young man’s sufferings were extremely severe, and the attendance by his mother and members of his family was of such a character as to seriously tell on their health. The interment will take place at the young man’s home, where the body was removed.


WISSORE, SARAH/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 3, 1851
Died on Monday morning last, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Sarah Wissore, consort of Mr. Henry Wissore of Alton, leaving a deeply afflicted husband and four young children to mourn the loss of an affectionate wife and tender mother. The deceased was a professor of religion from her youth, and joined the Methodist E. Church several years since, of which she remained a consistent member to the day of her death. She was in the 26th year of her age.


WISSORE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 14, 1866
Three Children Drowned Near State Street Schoolhouse
A most terrible calamity occurred yesterday afternoon at the pond near the State Street schoolhouse, by which three school children were drowned. The pond was covered with a thin coating of ice, and at the afternoon recess, some of the boys ventured upon the ice, and two of them – John J. Montie, aged ten years, and Robert B. Smiley, aged nine years, broke in. On hearing her brother’s cry for help, Orlan M. Montie rushed to the opening where he sank, and caught hold of him. Just then, the ice gave way under her, and she, too, sank. Although assistance was immediately summoned and every effort made by neighbors and passersby to rescue the children, they had been in the water fully half an hour before they could be gotten out. Two of the children were taken to the residence of Anson Platt, Esq., and every possible measure employed by physicians and friends to resuscitate them, but everything was in vain.

This is one of the saddest accidents we have ever had to record, and the sympathy of the whole community for the afflicted families has been excited by the calamity. The noble heroism of the girl, in endeavoring to rescue her drowning brother and losing her own life in the attempt, is above all praise. The sad fate of these children should be a warning to all, not to venture upon the ice while there is a doubt of its safety. We sincerely hope never again to be called upon to chronicle such a sorrowful occurrence.

The three children were all members of the Methodist Sunday School, and their funerals, together with that of another pupil of the school – a daughter of Mr. Henry Wissore – took place this afternoon from the Methodist Church. Dr. Frazier, the pastor, being absent, Rev. Mr. Jameson officiated, assisted by Rev. Dr. Taylor. Thus, four members of the Sunday School were buried at one and the same time.

The scholars from the public schools where the children attended came to the church in a body, as well as many pupils from other schools. The great number of children present, together with friends and neighbors, crowded the church to its utmost capacity. There were twenty-four pallbearers in all, eighteen from the Methodist Sunday School, and six from the public school. A sadder funeral has seldom been witnessed in Alton, and its lesson will probably be long impressed upon the minds of the children who were present.

Notes: Burials of Robert B. Smiley, Orlan and John Monti, and the daughter of Henry Wissore, were in the Alton City Cemetery.


WITHERS, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 17, 1872
Died on May 7, 1872, in Alton, Mrs. Mary L. Withers; in the 74th year of her age. [She was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.]


WITT, ADA/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1912
Mrs. Ada Witt, wife of William Witt, 3204 State street, was found dead on her bed Tuesday evening by her husband when he returned home from his work at the plant of the Alton Brick Co. where he is employed as an electrician with his father-in-law, Peter Patton. The cause of the suicide, it was said by her husband, was not known. Mr. Witt had been working all day and when he returned home he found the house locked. Climbing in a window, he went from room to room searching for his wife and at last noticed her on her bed. turning on an electric light, he saw his wife was apparently asleep, but when he attempted to rouse her he found that she was dead. He gave the alarm and help was summoned. Physicians said that Mrs. Witt had probably been dead several hours. It was learned that she had been downtown during the day and at two drug stores had bought bottles of carbolic acid, saying she intended to use it for a throat gargle. She was given directions for diluting the acid, to render it harmless, and she did not arouse any suspicion as to her intention. She drank the contents of both bottles, as the empty bottles were found beside her body. Her husband said that there had been no differences between them. He said that he attended a political meeting the night before and in the morning she had said something to him about being out so late, but there had been no words of a quarrelsome nature. Mrs. Witt was 20 years of age, and the couple had been married one year. They had lived one month in the house where she committee suicide. The funeral of Mrs. Witt will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the family home.


WITTE, J. D. CONRAD/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, March 2, 1892
J. D. Conrad Witte died Sunday, afternoon, of pneumonia, at his home at Sugar Loaf Mound in Pleasant Ridge, aged 46 years and 11 months. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon to the Pleasant Ridge cemetery. He was born in Germany and came to this country when only a month old with his parents, in 18?5. They located in Pleasant Ridge. His mother died when he was six years old. His father died in 1881, having never remarried. Conrad married Lizzie Krome in 1873. She and six children survive him. He was one of the most prosperous farmers of that section, and leaves a comfortable competency. He died at a time when he was in the best condition to enjoy life.


WITTE, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 23, 1890
From Fosterburg – Mr. William Witte died at his residence here in the burgh, Thursday morning, October 16, at the age of 83 years. Mr. Witte had been in feble health for a long time, and for the past six weeks he was seldom out of his bed. He leaves a wife, who is over 80 years old, and two sons and a daughter to mourn his death.


WITTIE, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1895
From Fosterburg – Mrs. Wittie, a former resident of Fosterburg, but who for some time has been living with her daughter in Edwardsville, died at the age of 88 years. Her remains were brought here Monday. Services were conducted at the Presbyterian Church by Rev. Bell, and her remains were interred in our cemetery.


WITTMANN, WILHELMINA (nee SPRINGMAN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 9, 1921
Wife of Sigmund Wittmann
Mrs. Wilhelmina Wittmann, aged 62, wife of Sigmund Wittmann, died very suddenly this morning at 6:30 o'clock at the family home at 1715 Myrtle Street. For the past six months she had been under a physician's care, being a sufferer of heart trouble. She was up and about the house this morning when she was stricken without warning. The deceased was one of the best known residents of this part of the country, having been born and married at Brighton. Her maiden name was Springman. With her family, she moved to Alton 11 years ago, and since that time has resided at the Myrtle Street address. After coming to Alton, she made many friends, who will regret to hear of her death. She was a member of the congregation of Ss. Peter and Paul's Cathedral. She was born at Brighton on May 3, 1859, and became the bride of Sigmund Wittmann on May 5, 1877, being married for 44 years. She leaves her aged husband, five daughters and four sons. One son died about two years ago. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. Sophie Cairns of this city, and four brothers, Edward Springman of Palestine, Tex., Lawrence Springman of St. Louis, Lee Springman of Brighton and George Springman of Alton. The daughters are Mrs. William Bartlett of Delhi, Mrs. John Waters of Godfrey, Mrs. Louis Wagonblast of Delhi, Mrs. Charles Wendle of Godfrey, and Mrs. Frank Klunk, Jr. of Michaels, Calhoun County, and the sons are George Wittmann of Godfrey, Peter Wittmann of Godfrey, John and Walter Wittmann of Alton. Plans for the funeral are being held up, awaiting word from George Springman, who is in Texas on business. Present arrangements are to have the funeral Friday morning at nine o'clock from the Cathedral, with interment in Greenwood Cemetery.


WOEKBURGER, MARGARET JANE/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 3, 1852
Died on the 17th inst., Margaret Jane, wife of B. Woekburger, aged 21 years, 6 mos., and 5 days.


WOERSTER, VALENTINE/Source: Troy Star, June 14, 1894
Suicide By Hanging on Freight Car
Valentine Woerster, an aged resident of Marine, committed suicide Monday evening by hanging himself to a freight car with binder twine, on the St. Louis & Basters road at Montgomery Station. The coroner's verdict was suicide. Deceased leaves two daughters and one son.


WOLCOTT, MABEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 10, 1867
Died in Alton, Friday morning, May 3, Mabel, infant daughter of A. and R N. Wolcott; aged 18 months.


WOLF (see also Wolff)


WOLF, CAROLINE [nee FIX]/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, June 20, 1877 - Submitted by Jane Denny
Wife of F. A. Wolf
We attended, a few weeks ago, the funeral of Mrs. Caroline Wolf, a lady whose exemplary life as a mother, wife and Christian, called on us to join the procession which was paying this last tribute of respect to her memory. The interment was at Woodlawn cemetery. We lingered after others had departed, to take a view of this resting place of the departed. The afternoon was bewitching. The long-continued rains had ceased on the previous day and the freshness of spring was in very tree and shrub, and the birds were singing amid then green foliage. We strolled over the ground. Many elegant monuments are there. We paused, a few moments, before a neat slab which indicated the place of rest of Richard Sappington. We had known him well. He attained a happy old age. It was pleasant, there, to recount his virtues and be able to say, here rests one who was honest, trustworthy, and with scarce a fault-a christian [sic] who in his last moments could hopefully say, "home is near now, weep not, but follow on." Further on a pure white marble, within the enclosure of which were beautiful flowers, tokens of love, showed the spot where we had seen deposited the last remains of a youth of genius and promise, young George Burnett, called away whilst yet young. We recalled how many pleasant moments we had spent with this interesting child and we also recalled how many fond hopes were crushed when mother earth took to her bosom this gifted youth. The name of Julia A. West, newly inscribed on a monument of faultless grace, attracted our attention. With that name we had always associated love and devotion to family and a self-sacrifice for others. We recalled that pleasant home hallowed by her presence, and we recalled a just tribute to her worth when, fifteen years ago, we heard the husband say that his marriage day had proved "the blessed day of his life." Her memory is fondly cherished by husband and children. Several beloved children had preceded her, and in her christian [sic] faith, she could well believe that they would be the first to meet her in heaven. Of the departed, space will not allow us to say more, now, though we would gladly allude to the resting place of Mrs. Armbruster and others, embellished with many beautiful tokens of love, evincing "how sweet is the cherished memory of the loved and lost." In these grounds little gardens of rare flowers abound, and wreaths and crowns of immortelles are seen everywhere. Among the varied forest trees are planted firs, cedars, pines and junipers. How beautifully romantic these grounds be. There is scarce an acres but has a beauty peculiar to itself. You may have sunshine, or if you prefer, you may find the deep wood where the mourner can seek the luxury of solitary grief. As we passed along the shaded paths of this silent city of the dead it occurred to us that this region could afford few more lovely, more tranquil or more sacred spots ht [sic] ... place to take our rest.

Edwardsville Intelligencer, May 23, 1877
Died - On the 18th last of ... Caroline ... wife of F. A. Wolf of this city. The funeral services which took place at the house of the deceased were solemn and impressive. The Edwardsville Maennerchor were in attendance and rendered beautiful and appropriate music. Caroline, only child of Phillip and Henrietta Fix, [was] born in Musbach, Bavaria, March 26, 1819. She immigrated with her parents to the United States in 1837 and settled in Belleville, St. Clair County. In 1838 she was united in marriage to Mr. F. A. Wolf and in 1840 removed to Edwardsville where the family have ever since resided. Of this union there were ... children, ... of whom are living. On coming to this county, Mrs. Wolf fully adopted it as her home and when the war broke out ... gave her three sons cheerfully for the defense and maintenance of her adopted county. For some years past Mrs. Wolf has been almost an invalid. One year ago while engaged in her domestic duties, she was suddenly stricken with paralysis in the right side which confined her to her bed for a fortnight. There was some apprehension that she would not recover the use of herself but in care and nursing as did recover so as to again attend to her household duties. Within the last few days she ... and fond hopes were entertained for full recovery. She was a person of great energy of character and too anxious like many others to have all her work done and well done so that she overworked herself. About four o'clock on the afternoon of Thursday she feeling tired sat down and thought she would take a lunch, when suddenly as the lightning stroke, she was stricken down and became unconscious. Her life work was done and in about nine hours she calmly passed from earth to the spirit world.


WOLF, EDMUND W./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 16, 1889
A little son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman E. Wolf of Edwardsville died Saturday of diphtheria. He was 3 or 4 years of age.


WOLF, ERNEST/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 6, 1905
Businessman in Alton
Ernest Wolf, for many years a well known business man of Alton, died at his home, 423 North street, Wednesday evening, after a long illness, aged 68. He is survived by his wife and four children. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's church. [Interment was in St. Joseph's Cemetery]


WOLF, FRANCIS/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 30, 1916
Mrs. Francis Wolf died at midnight Tuesday night at her home at 623 Central avenue after an illness of three months. She was fifty years of age, and leaves two daughters, Frieda and Elenore, and three sons, Alvish, John, Albert and Ernest; also four sisters, Mrs. Peter Reyland of Henry street, and Mrs. W. Ramspott, Mrs. A. Hitt and Miss A. Schlenne of St. Louis. Mrs. Wolf was well known and leaves a big list of friends to mourn her death. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 9 o'clock, and will be from the St. Mary's Church.


WOLF, KATE (nee ALLEN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28, 1884
Mrs. Kate Wolf, daughter of Captain Boone Allen of Upper Alton, died on Wednesday at her home in Two Harbors, Minnesota, and was buried in Upper Alton Monday afternoon from the Presbyterian Church. The deceased was married a little less than two years ago to Mr. John S. Wolf Jr., who was then engaged in business here. She was in her 21st year, a young woman of great promise and striking beauty of person and character. She leaves a daughter a few weeks old. The church was crowded with sympathizing friends. Captain Allen was absent on his boat and out of reach of the telegraph. [Burial was in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.]


WOLF, MARY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 12, 1904
Mrs. Mary Wolf died last night at St. Joseph's hospital. The funeral will be Saturday morning from Bauer's undertaking establishment.


Rebecca Harris WolfWOLF, REBECCA (nee HARRIS)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 7, 1913
The funeral of Mrs. Frank Wolf of Fosterburg was held this morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's Church, where services were conducted by Fr. Kehoe, assisted by Fr. Driscoll and Fr. Schauwecker. Burial was in St. Joseph's Cemetery. The pallbearers were Henry and F. A. Wegener, Leo Mahler, Anthony, Joseph and William Vonnahman.


WOLF, VALENTINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8, 1913
Dies While Working on Wood River Canal
Valentine Wolf, aged 53, died suddenly Sunday morning, from apoplexy, while on his way to look after his gang of men who were working on the Wood River drainage ditch near East Alton. Mr. Wolf's body was found lying in a clump of weeds by some passersby who reported the fact, and the body was later moved to the East Alton village hall, where it was later taken in charge by the coroner's undertaker, John Berner. Mr. Wolf was pushing work on his part of the Wood River diversion canal contract. He had a time limit on the job, and was fearful that he would go beyond the time, so he was working his gang on Sunday. He had gone to the vicinity of the job and started to walk a short distance to where his men were at work. He must have felt ill and stepped to the roadside to recover, when death struck him. He was found about an hour later. His relatives in Alton were notified at once and they went to East Alton to see the body, the widow being accompanied by Mr. Wolf's brother, H. R. Wolf of Alton. The body was brought to Alton later. Coroner Sims empanelled a jury to hold an inquest. Valentine Wolf was one of the most generally known men in Alton and vicinity. He came here about twenty years ago, and soon became active as a contractor and later in a political way. He took a leading position in some of the political events in Alton about a dozen year ago, and was rated as one of the most prominent Democrats in Alton....He was generally liked, his jovial nature being of the kind that is friendship compelling, and there are many regrets about Alton that Valentine Wolf is dead. The news of his death was so sudden that it was shocking to all who heard of it, and was not credited until authentic corroboration of early reports came. Mr. Wolf was a member of Robin Hood Camp, Modern Woodmen. The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning from the family home.


WOLFBRANDT, LEONARD/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 28, 1922
The funeral of Leonard Wolfbrandt, who died Tuesday in a hospital in Edwardsville, was held from the Pentecostal church today at 2 p.m. The funeral sermon was preached by S. A. Rayborn, who is in charge of the church, while the pastor is in Mattoon. Burial was in the City cemetery.


WOLFBRANDT, OSCAR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 27, 1901
Oscar Wolfbrandt, the 13 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wolfbrandt, died at the family home on Shields street yesterday afternoon. The funeral will be Saturday at 2 p.m. from the home, and services will be conducted by Rev. Theodore Oberhellmann.


WOLFBRANDT, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 18, 1909
Woman Burned to Death - Coal Oil Responsible
Mrs. Martin Wolfbrandt, aged 27, a wife of about a year, was burned to death and her father, Henry Fenger, aged 80, was seriously burned, Monday morning at 8 o'clock at the Wolfbrandt home in an alley between Second and Third streets, and just off Monument avenue. A three months baby, Katie, was saved uninjured. Mr. Fenger was Mrs. Wolfbrandt's grandfather, and was here from Glassboro, N. J., on a visit. The fatality was caused, it is supposed, by coal oil, although Mr. Fenger insists that it was gasoline. Chief Hunt, however, is positive that Mrs. Wolfbrandt attempted to hurry up the fire in the kitchen stove by pouring coal oil on the fuel and that live coals were in the stove at the time. The rooms were filled with fumes of coal oil and the lids of the stove were off. In addition, a new two gallon coal oil can had the bottom blown out and was lying on its side in the kitchen. The gasoline stove was near the cook stove, and was undamaged. The attention of neighbors was attracted by screams of "murder, murder," emitting from Mr. Fenger, who was running about the back yard, and Ed Keefe and Joe Bund Sr. hurried to the scene. Fenger ran back into the house and ran out with the 3 months old baby in his arms. The child was uninjured and had not been aroused from its slumber by the noise. The old gentleman ran back into the house, crying aloud for his granddaughter, and when he got inside he fell in a huddled heap in a corner of the room. He was carried out by Messrs. Keefe and Bund. The body of Mrs. Wolfbrandt burned to a crisp was found in the front room of the house by Chief Hunt of the fire department, and removed to a neighbor's house where it remained until taken possession of by the coroner. Mr. Fenger says he was in bed when he heard the shrieks of his granddaughter, and without waiting to don any clothes he rushed into the kitchen. He tried to envelope her with a blanket and smother the flames, but failed to hold her and his own clothing caught fire. Mrs. Wolfbrandt ran into the front room where she fell dead. After being given emergency treatment by physicians, the old gentleman was removed to St. Joseph's hospital. He was badly burned about the hands, face, abdomen and knees, and is believed to have inhaled a large quantity of smoke and oil fumes. He came here about three weeks ago to visit his granddaughters, Mrs. Martin Wolfbrandt and Mrs. Emil Wolfbrandt, the brothers having married sisters. The family moved into the house but a short time ago. It belongs to Leo Wahl and was damaged to the extent of about $1,000 by the fire. The Wolfbrandt furniture and furnishings are a total loss. The little girl Katie, who was carried sleeping from the house, was taken to the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wolfbrandt, who live in the former George Gray property in the North Side, and the remains of Mrs. Wolfbrandt were taken to the undertaking rooms of Coroner Streeper in Upper Alton. An inquest will be held this evening. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of her father-in-law, 2004 State street, and services will be conducted by Rev. E. L. Mueller.


WOLFF, ANALINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 16, 1893
The remains of Analine, daughter of Rev. A. T. Wolff, D. D., were received in Alton Tuesday for interment in the Presbyterian lot in the Alton City Cemetery. Analine died in Frankford last summer of scarlet fever, where she was buried. As the family will soon leave there, the body was brought to Alton for burial beside her brother, Scoville, who died in Alton some three years ago. Dr. Wolff leaves Frankfort this week for his new charge as pastor of Calvary Presbyterian Church in Detroit.


WOLFF, CONRAD/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 7, 1875
The examination of Mr. Fritz Kahla, charged with killing Mr. Conrad Wolff near Nameoki on New Year’s morning, took place on Monday at Venice, before Justices Robinson and Squire, and resulted in the discharge of the prisoner. The evidence produced at the trial was to the effect that Wolff and Kahla had quarreled at a neighbor’s, and had afterwards separated, and started ostensibly for their homes, which were in opposite directions, Kahla leaving ten minutes after Wolff. On Kahla’s way home, he was attacked by Wolff, who was waiting for him by the wayside. According to the testimony, Wolff made a lunge at Kahla and fell to the ground, striking the back and side of his head on an osage orange stick lying there, producing the wounds from which he died half an hour after. The case seems to be a strange one, and we do not fully understand it, but the evidence was such that Justices Robinson and Squire, both good men, deemed themselves warranted in discharging the prisoner from custody.


WOLFF, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 22, 1897
Dorsey Station
Coroner Bailey was called to Dorsey Station Sunday, to hold an inquest on the body of Henry Wolff, a well-to-do farmer living near the station. Saturday morning, Wolff left the house to carry lunch into the field. Nothing was seen or heard of him until evening, when he was found lying by a fence, dead, where he had fallen, having been stricken with heart disease. The jury returned a verdict to this effect. Wolff was 65 years of age, and leaves a wife and several children.


WOLFF, SYLVESTER SCOVEL/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 4, 1888
Died in Alton, September 3, Sylvester Scovel, youngest son of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wolff; aged 2 years and 10 months. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the family residence. Friends are invited to attend.


WOLFF, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 10, 1888
A young lady, sixteen years of age, daughter of Mr. Ernest Wolff, living on North Street, died suddenly last evening from blood poisoning following an attack of diphtheria. The funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon.


WOLFF, UNKOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02, 1896
The twelve-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wolff of 627 East Third Street, died Saturday noon from diphtheria, and was buried in St. Joseph’s Cemetery Saturday evening.


WOLFORD, ALBERT GALATIN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 9, 1894
New was received last night by Mr. R. W. Stevens of the death, at Topeka, Kansas, of Mr. Albert G. Wolford, who for many years was an honored and prominent citizen of Alton. Mr. Wolford had reached the ripe old age of 83 years, yet when he was here a few months ago, he was still bright in manner and active in motion, and greatly enjoyed meeting his hundreds of old friends and neighbors.

Wolford came to Alton in 1837, and was a newcomer at the time Lovejoy was killed. Soon after his arrival, he joined the Western Star Lodge No. 1, I.O.O.F., then in its infancy, and was a charter member of Wildey Encampment No. 1, and has ever since maintained his membership in these organizations.

Mr. Wolford was a painter by trade, and for nearly half a century he carried on this business, sometimes with a partner, and sometimes without. His last partner was the late L. E. Houghton. Mr. Wolford was highly respected by all his acquaintances. He had lived in Alton and witnessed its growth from a hamlet of a few hundred people until it reached a growing and most prosperous city, and always rejoined in its prosperity.

There was no man in Alton who more fully knew its history, as well as the history of its older residents, than Mr. Wolford. His reminiscences of these events were always interesting and valuable, his unfailing memory enabling him to speak off-handed on almost any occasion of people and events of the past half century. He was for many years a leading member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Alton, always present at all services, and always ready to do his part towards maintaining the church of his choice.

Since his residence in Kansas, Mr. Wolford has written for the Telegraph accounts of his travels through the West, his last letter appearing in this paper only a short time ago. Mr. Wolford was an ardent Republican, and as years came to him, his love for and interest in the Republican Party grew brighter and stronger. Born in Kentucky, yet he loved freedom so dearly that early in life he espoused the abolition cause, and always was deeply interested in the freedom and welfare of the colored man. With the demise of Mr. Wolford, one of Alton’s most familiar figures passes away.

The body left Topeka for Alton this morning, and will arrive in Alton tomorrow, and will be taken to the M. E. Church, where it will lie in state until the funeral services, which will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. F. L. Thomson. The Odd Fellows will attend the funeral in a body, in regalia, and will conduct the services at the cemetery.

Albert G. Wolford was born in 1811 in Kentucky. He settled in Alton in 1837, and married Julia Unknown. They had four daughters: Leonora Amelia Wolford (1837-1841); Emily Fletcher Wolford (1839-1841); Margaret “Maggie” Elizabeth Wolford Ritter; and Helen Wolford Nutz (1841-1897). Albert’s first wife, Julia, died in 1854, and he then married Sarah Ann Calvin (1817-1886). Albert Wolford was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


WOLFORD, DETER S./Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1861
Civil War Soldier
The death of Deter S. Wolford of Alton is announced as having occurred in the hospital at Cairo, on last Tuesday inst. Mr. Wolford was a member of Captain Tucker’s Company, and at the expiration of his three-month’s service re-enlisted. He held the position of Drum Major, and leaves an interesting family to mourn his death.


WOLFORD, EMILY FLETCHER/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1841
Died, on the 21st inst., Emily Fletcher, daughter of Albert G. and Julia Wolford, aged 1 year and 10 months.


WOLFORD, LEONORA AMELIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 2, 1841
Died, on Monday morning last, after a few hours' illness, Leonora Amelia, daughter of Mr. A. G. Wolford, of this city, aged 4 years.


WOLFORD, SARAH A. (nee CALVIN)/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 2, 1886
Mrs. Sarah A., wife of Mr. A. G. Wolford, died Friday morning at the age of 69 years. Deceased was long a prominent and faithful member of the Baptist Church, a most exemplary lady with a large circle of friends who will deplore her death. She had been a resident of Alton since 1845, and was united in matrimony to A. G. Wolford on August 25, 1850. Besides her bereaved husband, she left two stepdaughters – Mrs. Maggie Ritter of Topeka; and Mrs. Helen Nutz of Leavenworth, Kansas, to mourn her death. The funeral took place from the family residence. There was a large attendance, many old residents of the city being present. Mr. Abbott spoke touching of the lessons afforded by the quiet, unobtrusive, Christian life of the deceased, and the good example afforded by her uncomplaining patience when racked with pain during years of affliction.

Sarah A. Calvin Wolford was born in 1817 in Virginia. She married Albert Galatin Wolford (1811-1894), and had two stepdaughters, Helen A. Wolford Nutz Thatcher (1841-1897) and Margaret Elizabeth Wolford Ritter (1846-1918). Sarah Wolford was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


WOLFORD, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Telegraph, March 21, 1873
Mrs. Peter S. Wolford, whose illness we mentioned yesterday, died last night at 11 o’clock. Mrs. Hannah Brientnell died in the same house yesterday morning.


WOLTEMADE, MAMIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 25, 1916
Dies After Giving Birth
Mrs. Mamie Woltemade, wife of Albert J. Woltemade, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Elble, died Tuesday morning at St. Joseph's Hospital in Alton at 7:30 o'clock. She had been staying with her parents in Alton since April. Monday morning she was taken to the hospital and at noon she gave birth to a fine, large, healthy son. Soon thereafter she went into convulsions and death followed the next morning. The death of Mrs. Woltemade was a sad shock to her large circle of friends in Alton. She had been a frequent visitor at her parents' home since her marriage. For a number of years she had made her home at Lincoln, Neb. She was a good mother to her little family of children who are left motherless by the closing of the life of the young woman. Friends and relatives say they do not believe that Mrs. Woltemade had any idea that her illness would prove fatal and no one realized until Saturday that there was any danger of any complications in her case. Mrs. Woltemade was the oldest daughter of her parents. She was born in Alton April 6, 1883, and was 33 years of age. She was married October 26, 1905 to Albert J. Woltemade. She was known for her personal beauty and her gracious manner, and she was loved by many Alton people for her many good qualities. She leaves beside her husband, her three children, Jack, aged 5 years; Margaret, aged 2 1/2 years; and the infant. She also leaves her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elble, one brother, Benjamin Elble, and one sister, Miss Nettie Elble. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's Church and burial will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery.


WONDERLE, BARTHELIA (nee NEININGER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 4, 1884
Mrs. Barthelia Wonderle, a respected German lady, died Friday; aged 52 years. Deceased was the wife of Mr. E. Wonderle, and sister of Mr. John A. Neininger. She had been in poor health ever since the death of her mother four months ago, and never rallied from the shock.


WONDERLE, IGNATZ/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 22, 1885
Monday evening, Mr. Ignatz Wonderle was found in an unconscious state on Henry Street, near Fifth, by Mr. William Wilkinson. Mr. Charles Fuess, Mr. R. H. Flagg, Mr. S. B. Baker, and one or two other persons, soon arrived at the place, and on examination, discovered that the prostrate man was in a dying condition. Dr. Guelich was called immediately, but when he arrived Mr. Wonderle had ceased to breathe. Marshal Joesting was notified, and took the body to deceased’s residence on Third, between Langdon and Henry Streets. Mr. Wonderle had been ailing for several days, and having no family, had been stopping with his brother-in-law, Mr. J. A. Neininger. Monday afternoon, he went to his own home in order to shovel away snow, and it was while on his return to Mr. Neininger’s, that he was stricken with death. As a physician had been attending him and pronounced death caused by congestion of the bowels and exposure, it was not thought necessary to hold an inquest. As has been stated, deceased had no family, but leaves a brother, Mr. Alex Wonderle, of Brighton.


WONDERLY, JOHN/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 3, 1872
Twelve-year-old Boy Commits Suicide
On last Saturday afternoon, between 12 and 1 o’clock, a frightful suicide occurred about four miles from Alton, and two miles from the Buck Inn – the victim being a boy about twelve years of age, named John Wonderly. The circumstances are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Wonderly, having come to Alton, left the children at home – John and two others younger. While away, according to the testimony of the younger children, John was taken quite sick, and remarked that he wished he was dead, or words to that effect, and at the time above stated, went into a room by himself, and procured a double-barreled shotgun, and from circumstances, it would appear, that find he could not set the trigger off with his foot, he took out the ramrod, and after placing the muzzle of the gun to his forehead, discharged the same by pressing upon the trigger with the ramrod, which discharged the gun, blowing the top of his head completely off. After the report of the gun, the other children and neighbors rushed in and witnessed a most horrible sight.

Justice Tibbets, Acting Coroner, held an inquest over the body, and the jury returned a verdict “That John Wonderly came to his death from the effects of a shot fired from a double-barreled shotgun, by his own hand, while under a temporary derangement of the mind.”


WOOD, ANDREW/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, August 28, 1896
Andrew Wood died at his home two miles south of Troy, Tuesday morning [Aug. 25] at 8:50 o'clock, having attained the age of 79 years, 1 month and 28 days. The funeral took place yesterday at half past ten from the late residence to the Cantine cemetery. W. P. Bradshaw, of this city, gave a biographical sketch and paid an elegant tribute to his dead friend, after which Rev. A. T. Sanders, of Pawnee, delivered the funeral discourse. The pallbearers were: Ignatius Riggin, R. C. Morris, T. H. Beli, Joseph Renfro, John Smith and Henry Ri?ser. Andrew Wood was the son of Samuel Wood, a native of Virginia, and Naomi Renfro, who was born in Tennessee. He was born in this vicinity, in Jarvis township, July 2, 1817 and for nearly three score years had made his home where he died. His father died in the county in 1850 and two years later his mother passed away. He spent his whole life on the farm and it was one of honest toil, truthfulness and devotion to all that makes a man himself better, and his fellow men love and respect him. In religion he belonged to what was known as the Primitive Baptist church, a religious society noted for its piety and strict adherence to morality. Politically he believed in the principles of democracy. Mr. Wood was twice married. His first wife was Eliza Keown, to whom he was joined in August 1857. They had nine children, four of whom are living, viz: Elizabeth, wife of Henry Park; William E.; Emley F, wife of Jordan Tilly; and John E. Wood. The mother of the children died April 2, 1869. He married Mrs. Pricilla Ross in 1872 and she died in February 1893. He leaves besides his children, 12 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. For the last five- or six-years Mr. Wood had been an invalid and for three years has been cared for by his devoted daughter-in-law, Julia E., wife of John E. Wood, and her careful attention and interest in his comfort is the highest tribute to her Christian character. Mr. Wood, by his activity, amassed a competency in early life and enjoyed the contentment that follows this position. He closed a life of useful toil, respected and beloved by all who knew him.


WOOD, AURORA BARTLETT (nee FOSTER)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 24, 1906
Daughter of Oliver Foster
The burial of Mrs. Aurora Wood, Sunday, at Woodburn, Illinois, marks the closing of the career of one of Madison County's oldest residents. She was born in Oxford County, Maine, September 5 or 6, 1811, and came west with her parents, who drove in a wagon from the State of Maine to Alton, arriving here in the year 1819. Mrs. Wood's parents were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Foster. She was married on December 5, 1840 to Jonathan Lucas Wood, and moved to a farm at Woodburn, where she lived 66 years and died. She lived with her son, Reuben Oscar Wood. She was the widow of Jonathan Wood, who died in 1887.

Mrs. Wood's personal history would be an intensely interesting one. One incident of the declining years of her life was her reunion a few years ago with her brother, Michael Foster, after a separation of over forty years, after he had been declared legally dead because of his failure to return and write to his relatives. His property was administered upon after he was declared legally dead, twenty years after the estate was first taken into court, and the property was divided up among Foster's heirs. Mrs. Wood, with her living sister and the surviving heirs of her deceased brothers and sisters, who participated in the division of his property, have compensated him by taking care of him and giving him a home in his declining years. Mr. Foster was not, however, in need of any other assistance than that which might have been given to a brother, as he was very well fixed financially after his absence of forty years in Arizona.

Mrs. Wood leaves one sister, Mrs. Rosa Jinkinson. The funeral conducted Sunday afternoon at the Woodburn Baptist Church was a large one, and was attended by a large number of relatives and neighbors of the aged woman. She was buried in the Woodburn Cemetery, Macoupin County, Illinois.

Aurora Bartlett Foster Wood was the daughter of Oliver Foster, whom Fosterburg is named after. According to Find A Grave, she first married in 1832 to Henry Gauswelling, and then on December 5, 1840, she married Jonathan Lucas Wood. Aurora died July 19, 1906.

Jonathan and Aurora Wood had three children – Reuben Oscar Wood (1845-1925); Thomas Granville Wood (1848-1901); and Frederick F. Wood (1851-1873). They are all buried in the Woodburn Cemetery in Macoupin County.


WOOD, BEN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 3, 1901
The death of Ben Wood, the 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood, occurred last evening at the family home in North Alton. He was employed at the glass works and was well known in a large circle of friends. Sixteen days ago he was taken ill with typhoid malaria, and did not improve. The last two days his condition was so grave that all hope was given up. The funeral will be Friday morning at 9 o'clock, and services will be at the family home in North Alton.


WOOD, BENJAMIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 18, 1902
Pioneer Resident of American Bottoms
Benjamin Wood, aged 92, died Wednesday at his home near Nameoki after a long illness from the effects of old age. Mr. Wood was one of the oldest and wealthiest residents in the vicinity of Nameoki. He had lived there nearly all his lifetime and was one of the best known of the oldest residents of the American Bottoms. He was one of the oldest members of the Masonic order in Madison county, and was a member of Triple lodge of Venice. Dr. H. T. Burnap went to Nameoki this noon to conduct the funeral services this afternoon at 2 o'clock according to the Masonic ritual. Mr. S. B. Gillham of Upper Alton also attended the funeral. [He is buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Granite City, IL.]


WOOD, CORNELIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 23, 1907
The funeral of Miss Cornelia Wood will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from her late home, the old Wood homestead at Wood station.


WOOD, ELIZABETH MONTGOMERY/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 15, 1881
Mrs. Elizabeth Montgomery Wood, wife of Alonzo J. Wood of Moro, died Wednesday, September 14, in the 22nd year of her age. The funeral will take place Friday at the Presbyterian Church in Moro.


WOOD, EPENETUS H./Source: Alton Telegraph, November 25, 1875
From Upper Alton, November 22, 1875 – Mr. Epenetus H. Wood, whom we reported as very ill, died yesterday afternoon. He was well known here where he has lived for several years, and his family have the sympathy of many friends. His remains have been taken to New York State for burial. [Wood was born March 21, 1796. Burial was in the Big Bend Cemetery in Moreau, New York. His wife, Jane H. Wood, died in 1863. They had three children – Isaac H. Wood (1829-1865); Epenetus Wood Jr. (1833-1900); and Ira Louis Wood (1833-1911).]


WOOD, GEORGIA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 25, 1909
Mrs. Georgia Wood, wife of James Wood, died this morning at the family home on Jefferson avenue, aged 38. She had been ill many months with tuberculosis. She leaves beside her husband, four children, two girls and two boys. She leaves also two brothers and one sister. The funeral arrangements have not been made.


WOOD, HOMER/Source: The Alton Evening Telegraph, Thursday, June 22, 1899
Fifteen-Year-Old Falls Down Mine Shaft
Homer Wood, the fifteen-year-old son of Mrs. Isom Wood, of Bethalto, was instantly killed in a shocking manner, Wednesday morning at 8:30 o'clock. He fell down the shaft of the James mine, a distance of 76 feet, and struck on the floor of the cage, breaking through the two-inch planking in the bottom, and falling through to a pool of water 2 1/2 feet deep. When the lad was picked up he was quite dead and must have died instantly. An examination of the body showed he had broken his back, both legs and arms in many places. The exact circumstances could not be learned or how the young man came to take the fearful fall. Al James was hoisting water at the mine and turned from his work just in time to see young Wood plunge headlong down the shaft. The body was at once taken out and Coroner Bailey notified. A jury consisting of Squire Piggott, George A. Klein, Fred Mutz, Al Greaves, Benjamin Picker, and Ed Cooper was impaneled and a verdict of accidental death was found. Homer was fifteen years of age, and was the oldest son of his widowed mother, Mrs. Laura Wood. He was a promising lad and his terrible death is deeply mourned by all the community. He leaves, besides his mother, a brother and sister. The funeral will be Friday morning at 10 o'clock from the Bethalto M. E. church.


WOOD, ISOM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 8, 1895
From Bethalto – Mr. Isom Wood, late of Bethalto, the well-known correspondent of the Telegraph at that place for the past twelve years, died at Eureka Springs, Arkansas on Tuesday, August 5. While few particulars of the death of Mr. Wood are known, it is understood that it was very sudden and totally unexpected, as he had written that he would return to Bethalto on Friday to take his family to his new home. He had suffered severely, and for a long period with some affection of the eyes, sometimes being almost blind. For this cause, he removed to Eureka Springs in hope of an improvement. The physicians there told him that it was not merely his eyes, but that another disease affected them.

Mr. Wood was one of Bethalto’s most highly respected citizens, with whom it was a pleasure to have an acquaintance, and to do business with. In his long career as correspondent of this paper, he was found accurate in writing, correct in his accounts, and a valuable member of the Telegraph’s corps. The body of Mr. Wood arrived in Bethalto today, and the funeral will take place Friday from the C. P. Church.

Source: Alton Telegraph, August 15, 1895
From Bethalto – Isom Wood died at Eureka Springs, Arkansas, Tuesday, August 6, of apoplexy. Mr. Wood was one of our foremost citizens, and a thoroughly self-made and successful business man. For several years his eyesight had failed him. Finally, he resolved to try Eureka Springs. The physicians there were treating him for diabetes and other complaints. He had purchased property and intended to return home before long, and remove his family there. For about ten days before his death, his condition was gradually becoming worse. His physicians cautioned him against violent exercise, especially climbing stairs. Tuesday evening, August 6, he was in the best of spirits, and attended the lodge meeting of the I.O.O.F. While trying to give the password, he fell forward into the arms of a brother Odd Fellow. His physician, Dr. Regan, was hastily called, and the stricken man removed to his room, where in the presence of his brother Odd Fellows and the physician, he peacefully and painlessly passed into the other world. His body was brought to St. Louis by a committee of the I.O.O.F. organization of Eureka, where it was met by S. R. Hudnall and S. M. Deen of the Bethalto lodge. The corpse arrived home Thursday morning. The funeral services were held under the auspices of Bethalto Lodge 735 I.O.O.F., at the C. P. Church, Friday, August 9. Rev. Allison Hunter delivered the funeral oration, after which the beautiful and impressive services of the order were rendered as a last mark of respect to the beloved brother. The church was appropriately draped, and the floral offerings were magnificent. The body was interred in the Bethalto Cemetery.

Mr. Wood was, at the time of his sudden death, 44 years and 4 months of age, and leaves a wife, two small sons, and a daughter to mourn the loss of a faithful husband and a kind and provident father. Many years ago, the deceased united with the C. P. Church of Bethalto, and has ever lived in a manner consistent with his profession. He was a member of the Bethalto Lodge I.O.O.F., and took more than an ordinary interest in the same. Mr. Wood carried a policy in the Iowa Life and Indemnity Company, and leaves his sorrowing family well provided for. The bereaved family have the sympathy of a host of friends.


WOOD, ISOM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 5, 1904
Isom Wood, aged 74, died Monday morning at his home one mile below East Alton. He leaves two sons and two daughters to mourn his death. Mr. Wood was one of the oldest and best known farmers in the American Bottom, and had been ill two weeks with pneumonia. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of the deceased.


WOOD, J. W. /Source: Alton Telegraph, October 25, 1900
Gas Explosion at Godfrey Water Pumping Station
J. W. Wood, assistant of the C. & A. agent at Godfrey, and a well-known young man, died Wednesday [Oct. 24] from injuries he sustained one month ago in a gasoline explosion in a room under the engine at the Godfrey water pumping station. At the time he was burned, Mr. Wood was not thought to be seriously injured, although he suffered great shock and was in a bad condition. The details of the accident have never been published. Wood was acting agent at Godfrey in the absence of the regular agent, Walter Sloan, whose duty it is to run the engine that is used for pumping water from the pond to the C. & A. water tank. The engine is ran with gasoline, and it is necessary for the operator to fill the tank with gasoline occasionally. It is supposed that in doing so Wood spilled some gasoline and that it ran through the floor to a room below where dripping water from the engine is collected. The water is carried off to another room through a pipe and the gasoline floated off with it. Underneath the engine room is a room where are the valves that shut off the water going to the tanks. The tank became full, and Mr. Wood took a torch to go down to the room to shut off the water. The room was full of the fumes of the gasoline and as Wood entered he probably placed the light near the end of the escape pipe leading from the other room. There was an explosion and the gasoline in the room where Wood was took fire. For half an hour he was obliged to stay in the room leaning against the walls to protect himself from the fire before he recovered from the shock sufficiently to escape. When he came out he was badly burned about the face and arms. The burns have healed up, but the shock caused heart failure and he had been in a critical condition several weeks before his death. Mr. Wood had been operator at Godfrey seven years and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He leaves his wife and one child, aged 16 months.


WOOD, LAURA/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 4, 1875
Died at the residence of William Cook near Collinsville, on January 18, Miss Laura Wood; aged 25 years, 9 months, and 19 days.


WOOD, LOUIS D./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 5, 1902
Civil War Veteran
Louis D. Wood, aged 74 years, a well-known Grand Army man, died at his home in North Alton, Thursday evening, after a long illness of dropsy of the heart. He was twice married and six children by the first wife survive him. These are Mrs. Sarah Murphy, and Frank, Oliver, James, John and Will Wood, all of Alton. The funeral will be Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from the home, and services will be conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing of the Baptist church. Interment will be in the Upper Alton cemetery, and the funeral will be conducted by the Grand Army Post of Alton, of which deceased was a member.


WOOD, MARY E./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 21, 1903
Mrs. Mary E. Wood, widow of Louis Wood, who died suddenly Sunday in Madison, was buried this morning, the funeral taking place from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Russell, at Ninth and Piasa streets, Alton. Services were conducted by Rev. M. W. Twing of the Alton Baptist church, and interment was in Oakwood Cemetery beside the grave of her husband. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce of Godfrey township, and an almost life-long resident of this locality.


WOOD, RACHEL/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 31, 1884
From Bethalto – “After life’s weary struggle, she rests in peace.” On Saturday evening last, Mrs. Rachel Wood, wife of Mr. Robert Wood [1824-1892] of Bethalto, died at her late residence at the advanced age of 61 years and three months. She was born in Marlon County, Illinois, and came to Madison County quite young, had been a resident of Bethalto for 26 years. Mrs. Wood united with the Baptist Church at an early age, and remained firm and faithful in her religious belief until death. She was possessed of noble and generous qualities which were appreciated by those who knew her best; ever ready with kind words and willing hands in time of need. Aunt Rachel (as she was familiarly called) was a great friend to the children, who will miss her very much. The funeral took place from the Baptist Church on Sunday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. R. R. Brent of Moro. The remains were deposited at the Bethalto Cemetery. There remain behind an aged husband, two sons, and one daughter, who have the kind sympathy of all in this, their sad bereavement. [Find A Grave has her age at 55 or 56, being born July 1828. She was buried in the Bethalto United Methodist Church Cemetery.]


WOOD, RICHARD T./Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1865
Died in Alton, September 25h, Richard T. Wood, aged 35 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning, at 10 o’clock, from the residence of Charles W. Dimmock. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend without further notice.


WOOD, ROBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 7, 1893
Bethalto News – Mr. Robert Wood, one of the oldest, if not the oldest native born citizen of this county, died at his late residence on Mill Street Tuesday night at 10:30 o’clock, in the 77th year of his age. He had been sick for nearly a year, so that his death was not unexpected. In life he was an upright, inoffensive and quiet man, and much respected by all who knew him. Two sons and a daughter mourn his death. The funeral took place from his late residence at ten o’clock Thursday morning, Rev. Mr. Bert of the Baptist Church officiating. The remains were laid to rest in the Bethalto Cemetery beside his wife, who proceeded him in death July 26th, 1884.


WOOD, SARAH “SALLY” (nee HUSTON)/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 21, 1897
Wood Station Named After This Family
From Upper Alton – Mrs. J. Wood, one of the oldest residents of this part of the State, died at her home two miles north of town Sunday morning. She died of bronchitis. Mrs. Wood has been an invalid for many months, and her death was not unexpected. She leaves three daughters and one son as follows: Mrs. Mary Wilson of Sutpheris Mills; Mrs. James Vaughn of Colorado; Miss Cornelia Wood of Upper Alton; and Mr. Solomon Wood of Sutpheris Mills.

The funeral services of the late Mrs. Sarah Wood were held yesterday at the family home at Wood’s Station. The services were conducted by Rev. J. Bulkley, D.D. A large assemblage of friends and neighbors were present to testify to the love and respect for one whom they had all learned to admire. Mrs. Wood and her husband were prominent in the early history of Illinois, especially in this section. The train station was named for them.

Sarah “Sally” Huston was born May 02, 1811, in Kentucky. She married in 1829 to Joshua P. Wood (1809-1865). They had the following children: Eliza Wood Vaughn (1831-1890), wife of James Vaughn; Peter F. Wood (1833-1852); Mary Wood Wilson (1835-1932); Solomon F. Wood (1838-1901); Cornelia Wood (1849-1907); Judith A. Wood (?-1848); John Wood (?-1852); and Laura Wood. Sarah Huston Wood was buried in the Short Cemetery in Cottage Hills.


WOOD, SARAH S./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 17, 1843
Died, in Upper Alton, on Thursday last, after a lingering illness of 12 years, which she bore with Christian fortitude, Mrs. Sarah S. Wood, late consort of Mr. Richard Wood, aged 43 years. She has been a pious and exemplary member of the Baptist Church for the last 23 years. In the various relations of life, in which it was the lot of this worthy woman to be called to act, it may be truly said of her that she sustained a character void of offense towards God and towards man. As a wife, a mother, a member of society, and a Christian, she so sustained herself thro' all, as to render her last moments full of that hope which awaits the Christian in the trying hour of death. A distressed husband and three children, with a large circle of friends, mourn her departure from among them.


WOOD, THOMAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 30, 1884
Mr. Thomas Wood died Monday evening, October 27, of paralysis, at his home near Dorsey; aged 77 years, 6 months, 24 days. The funeral took place today, and the remains were interred in the Wood’s family burying ground.


WOOD, WILBUR/Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, August 8, 1873
Died on July 25th at Wood Station, Madison County, of cholera infantum, Wilbur, infant son of S. F. and Emma H. Wood, aged 1 year, 8 months, and 17 days.


WOODMANSEE, GWENDOLYN ANNA/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 23, 1897
Gwendolyn Anna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Woodmansee of the Globe Hotel, died yesterday morning, aged 12 years and 6 months. The parents were bereaved only a few months ago by the death of an infant child, and have much sympathy in this second affliction that has come to them.


WOODRUFF, ELIZA D./Source: Alton Telegraph, June 21, 1883
Wife of Captain John Woodruff
Mrs. Eliza D. Woodruff, wife of Captain John Woodruff, died Thursday, 69 years of her age. On relatives, friends, and a wide circle of acquaintances, and especially to husband and children, this affliction falls with crushing weight. The death of this noble lady closes a life of singular purity, unselfishness, and devotion to others. Unassuming in disposition, only those intimately associated with her could know of and appreciate the beauty of her character.

Eliza Woodruff was a native of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, born in 1814. Her parents were Scotch-Irish, her father coming to this country during the Presidency of George Washington. She was married at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, in April 1834, to Mr. John Woodruff [1813-1884], with whom she passed almost fifty years of happy married life, and who now survives her. Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff removed to St. Louis in 1841, and after residing there and in Peoria and Springfield, settled in Alton in 1847. In 1854, they again located in St. Louis, returning to Alton in 1870, where they have since resided.

Mrs. Woodruff was a life-long and beloved member of the Baptist Church, and made her religion a part of her daily life. To the poor, the suffering, and the afflicted, she was ever a ministering angel, thinking nothing of risking her own life and health in aiding those in distress. Old citizens recall the fact that in 1849, when Alton was scourged with the terrible cholera epidemic, she devoted her time to caring for the sick, never refusing a call for assistance in nursing the afflicted. Many owe their lives to her self-sacrificing ministrations, and at many death-beds she performed the last sad offices, when no one else was found willing to approach the infected locality. Again in 1866, during the cholera epidemic in St. Louis, she devoted her time to nursing the sick, helping the needy, and seeking out the suffering in the most squalid portions of the city, in which good work she was aided by her daughter, Mrs. Buckland. And these instances are but illustrations of her whole life. Ever laboring for her family, her friends and the afflicted, she never thought of self. She was active in church work, and in St. Louis was the main reliance of her pastor in caring for the suffering ones among his parishioners. She was always foremost in every good work, and endeavoring to make the sum of human suffering less.

Devoted to her family, her children and grandchildren were in turn devoted to her, regarding her ever with reverence and the tenderest affection. She was a lady of refined tastes and excellent literary attainments, and imbued her children with the same characteristics.

Her last illness, which commenced last January, was long and painful, but borne with perfect patience and resignation. She was unmindful of herself, but only fearful that her husband and daughters would overtax their strength in caring for her. Thursday, she realized that she was dying, and calling her family about her, spoke her last farewells. She also called absent friends by name, sending them tender parting words, and then repeating the hymn commencing, “Jesus can make a dying bed, As soft as downy pillows are,” she gently fell asleep.

The close of such a life is not death – only transition. She leaves a world she made happier by her life, and enters on her reward. Mrs. Woodruff was the mother of eight children, of whom only three survive, viz: Pamelia D. Woodruff Buckland, wife of J. A. Buckland of St. Louis; Sarah Woodruff Allen, wife of J. W. Allen of Kansas City; and Mr. John A Woodruff of Solomon, Kansas. She also leaves eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

The funeral took place Saturday from the family residence, corner of Fifth and Alton Streets. The services were conducted by Rev. Dr. Kendrick of Shurtleff College, in the presence of a large gathering of relatives, friends, and neighbors. The pallbearers were Messrs. H. M. Carr, B. Caldwell, E. H. Blair, and A. E. Bassett. The remains were taken to St. Louis on the train for interment in Bellefontaine Cemetery.


WOODS, ANNA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 27, 1906
The funeral of Mrs. George Woods was held this morning from the family home in penitentiary plat. Services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Otey, and burial was in City Cemetery.


WOODS, ELIZABETH/Source: The Alton Daily Telegraph, November 29, 1889
Died - Woods - In this city, Thursday, a 4:30 p.m. Mrs. E. J. Woods, mother of Mrs. J. W. Flint, age 60 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 7 p.m. from the Methodist parsonage. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.

Saturday Evening Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, Saturday evening, November 30, 1889
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Woods, mother of Mrs. J. W. Flint, took place at 2 p.m. today from the Methodist parsonage, Sixth street, Rev. J. A. Scarritt officiating. Deceased was born in St. Clair Co. Ill. Sept. 2nd 1829. Died Nov. 28th 1889, so that she journeyed on earth a little more than an even three score years. The last decade of her life was passed in widowhood. Two children have preceded her to the spirit world. Two daughters and one son remain to mourn the loss of an affectionate and exemplary Christian mother. Her early religious life was passed in communion with the Cumberland Presbyterian church. Later she united, by removal, with the M. E. church , in which connection she remained, highly esteemed, until transferred to the upper fold. For many months she has been in poor health. In October she came to this city with the family of Rev. J. W. FLINT, and soon took her bed and patiently suffered. In readiness and longing for her change. Her daughter and family, though comparative strangers, have the deep and sincere sympathy of many friends.


WOODS, JOHN R. (COLONEL)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 26, 1872
Civil War Veteran
Colonel John R. Woods, who is so well known in Alton, died yesterday morning at his residence in Winchester, Scott County, of lung fever, on Saturday afternoon, April 20, 1872. He came from the State of Delaware, and settled in Alton in 1833 or 1834, and continued to reside here until a few years’ past, when he moved with his family to Winchester. He was a gentleman of much more than ordinary ability and fine literary attainments, which in connection with great energy of character and a strong and determined will, gave him much prominence in society. But few of our citizens exerted a more extensive influence than Mr. Woods, while a resident of this city. He was among the earliest members and one of the founders of the Presbyterian Church, and continued to hold his connection here until a short time since. His influence was always on the side of education, temperance, religion, and good morals, and his memory will long be warmly cherished by a very large circle of acquaintances and friends.

After Colonel Woods left Alton, he was appointed by Governor Yates to a highly responsible and important position in connection with the sanitary care of our soldiers at Springfield, during the [Civil] war, which he filled with great acceptance and satisfaction to all with whom he had official connection. After the close of the war, he returned to Winchester, where he has led rather a retired life, devoting his time to literary and other pursuits.

Colonel Woods was not only one of the most prominent Odd Fellows, but was also one of the oldest in the State, being one of the charter members of Western Star Lodge, No. 1, of Alton – the first lodge organized in the State of Illinois, and we believe he continued to take active interest in the growth and prosperity of the order until the hour of his death.

Colonel Woods’ funeral took place on Monday afternoon in Winchester, under the superintendence of the Odd Fellows of that place. He has left the early partner of his life, who has lived with him more than forty years, and three daughters and a son – all arrived at years of maturity, to mourn his loss. He was something over sixty years of age at the time of his death.

Source: Alton Telegraph, May 24, 1872
The readers of the Telegraph have seen the announcement of the death of Colonel Woods, at his residence in Winchester, Illinois, from typhoid pneumonia. The following is a sketch of his life:

Colonel John J. Woods was born at Wilmington, Delaware, January 7, 1804. His mother was also a native of Wilmington – her maiden name was Margaret Robinson. His father, William Woods, who was a seafaring man, died and was buried at sea when his son was two years old. Early thrown on his own resources, John, by honesty, industry, and strict temperance in all his habits, made and secured friends wherever he went. In early youth, he made a profession of religion, and attached himself to the Dutch Reform Church in Maryland. He lived many years on a farm in that State, when his fine constitution was early perfected into vigorous manhood, and where, being constantly conversant with nature, he learned to love her in all her varied aspects. He worked hard through the summers, and plodded weary miles in winter through mud and frost and snow, to acquire the limited education that country boys then enjoyed. He was ever foremost in all his classes, especially the spelling, and almost intuitively learned to wield the pen in a clear, plain, compact text. He was always a great reader, and a strong, clear, independent thinker. He was also a close observer, and was not generally satisfied until he looked clear through whatever he undertook to investigate. Frankness, candor, and a strong will were prominent points in his character. A strong vein of original wit and humor, with occasionally some sarcasm and irony, are to be seen in many of his writings, as well as the serious, the pathetic, or playful style.

In early manhood, he returned to his native town and engaged in the milling business with the brothers Poole – wealthy and extensive millers on the Brandywine, with whom he remained eight years. During that time, though constantly busy all day, he wrote much for the papers, read extensively, engaged in debating societies, was the first President of the “Young Men’s Temperance Society” in Wilmington, was one of the earliest members of the Lodge of Odd Fellows, having joined in 1830, and in many ways made his influence felt on the side of truth and temperance.

In August 1833, his desire to visit the great West was so strong, that having received an offer through a friend in Newport, Kentucky, to come out and take charge of a mill, he left his home and traveling by stage, reached Cincinnati, having enjoyed to the utmost the novelty and beauty of the scenery through which he passed. Here, in his new home opposite Cincinnati, he immediately entered the Sabbath School, and was the first secretary of the “Young Men’s Temperance Society of Newport. April 9, 1835, he was married to Sarah Morrison of Madisonville, near Cincinnati, with whom he came to Alton in May. They together joined the Presbyterian Church in June of the same year. Here again, he entered the Sabbath School – a cause in which his heart was ever earnestly engaged in all his after life.

He was one of the originators of the Franklin Debating Club in Alton, was one of the warmest friends of the first temperance society of the young city of his adoption, and was one of the founders of “The Sons of Temperance.”

Woods was County School Commissioner and School Director for years, and was ever a zealous friend of the cause of education. He filled many offices of trust, and was always prompt, sincere, earnest, and decided in everything he undertook. Becoming weary of the perpetual wear and tear of business, and the great strain on his brain and nerves from incessant writing for various insurance companies on school business, as Justice of the Peace, as Secretary for various societies, and with a large private correspondence, he left Alton in 1854, after nineteen years residence, for a pretty home in the country, four miles north of Alton, where his love of nature and the beautiful, in the cultivation of fruits and flowers, was abundantly gratified. Here he remained for ten years. Even in that retired spot, he was not permitted to rest, but was soon chosen School Director for his district, and also Trustee of Monticello Seminary, where his daughters were educated, and where he was ever ready to assist at all their anniversaries and their many social gatherings. The Principal felt as if she could not do without him on any emergency.

When the Rebellion broke out [Civil War], his whole soul was in the interest of his beloved country, and it was with many entreaties from his family that he was kept from taking an active part in the field, especially after he had been appointed State Agent to visit hospitals of our sick and wounded soldiers. When Governor Yates gave him a Colonel’s commission, he wished to raise a regiment, and labor for the freedom of our great nation. With patience, promptness, and fidelity, he performed every duty assigned to him as State Agent, very often endangering his own life, being, as the attendant physician told, more than one in the very jaws of death. Twice or thrice his illnesses therefrom were severe and dangerous. His deeds of kindness to our poor soldiers, while he was in the Sanitary Department and had charge of the Soldier’s Home at Springfield, are well known.

During this period, Governor Yates appointed him a Director of the Deaf and Dumb Institute at Jacksonville. At the expiration of four years, Governor Oglesby reappointed him. In this term, he, with other directors and officers, originated the institute for idiotic and imbecile children. Most assiduously did he labor for the welfare and advancement of those two institutions. Governor Palmer gave him a third appointed.

Woods removed to Winchester in 1865, engaging, after his return from Springfield, in banking business as Vice-President of the First National Bank. He took a lively interest in the formation of the Lyceum and the Sabbath School precinct meeting, was ever ready to contribute to each with essay, poem, address, or recitation. The Sabbath School and prayer meeting were objects of his warmest love and most devoted attention.

His neighbors have lost a social, obliging friend; his wife a provident, thoughtful, affectionate husband; and his children a parent whose loss they will feel more and more keenly each year they live. He died after a sickness of two weeks. He gave the most satisfactory and touching proofs of his implicit trust in the Great High Priest of our salvation. The funeral took place from the Presbyterian Church in Winchester, on April 22. Quite a number of delegates from the lodges of Odd Fellows in neighboring towns were in attendance. The scholars of the Presbyterian Sabbath School and of the public schools swelled the long procession.

Colonel John R. Woods was born January 7, 1804, and died April 20, 1872. He is buried in the Winchester City Cemetery, Winchester, Scott County, Illinois.


WOODS, LUCY MARIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 3, 1849
Died of cholera on Tuesday morning, the 31st ult., Mrs. Lucy Maria Woods, wife of Mr. John C. Woods. Mrs. Woods was born at Bath, New Hampshire, October 18, 1809; married June 4, 1831; and after residing about two years at Matamoros, Mexico, removed with her husband to Alton in the Spring of 1837. Here she has since resided. The deceased was a professor of religion in connection with the Presbyterian Church. She experienced religion in early life, and has ever been an intelligent, devoted, laboring, and most useful Christian. She has fallen in the midst of her days and usefulness. But she will not be forgotten. The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.


WOODS, MAGGIE (nee RINKER)/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 27, 1893
From Fosterburg – The many friends of Mrs. Maggie Woods, nee Rinker, will be very sorry to hear of her death, which took place on April 20 at her home in Woodburn. Many from here attended the funeral on Saturday.


WOODS, R. FRANK/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 17, 1914
R. Frank Woods, the well-known expressman, died suddenly at his home on Lawton avenue in the North Side at 9:30 o'clock Thursday night. Mr. Woods retired about nine o'clock and fell asleep. A half hour later he awakened coughing, and a few minutes later called to his wife, "Send for a doctor. I am going to die quick." Mrs. Woods sent for Dr. Watson, but Woods was dead when the physician arrived. He had ruptured a blood vessel in his throat and the rupture caused him to bleed to death. The deceased was 53 years of age, and has been a resident of Alton for twenty-five years. He was in the livery business where the Seibold stable is now located at Fourth and Piasa streets, twenty-four years ago. The last few years he has driven a small express wagon. He leaves besides his wife, two sons, Lewis F. Woods of Coffeyville, Kan.; and Ferdinand B. Woods of Alton. Mr. Woods also leaves four brothers, James and John of Alton; Oliver of East St. Louis; William of Oregon; also one sister, Mrs. Charles Hamilton of Alton. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen and the Owls. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, services to be conducted by Rev. W. T. Cline, and burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.


WOODS, RODOLPH T./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 28, 1875
Died in Alton on January 25, 1875, of hemorrhage of the lungs, Rodolph T. Woods; aged 28 years.


WOODS, SUSIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 11, 1896
Mrs. Susie Woods, colored, of Upper Belle Street, died yesterday afternoon from dropsy, aged 32 years. The funeral took place this afternoon from the home to Rocky Fork Cemetery.


WOODS, SUSIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 6, 1916
Susie Woods, aged about 50, colored, died suddenly at her home 1106 Union street, at 9:30 o'clock last evening. She had been in the best of health during the day, and was taken ill only a few minutes before her death. She is survived by a husband and three children. Mrs. Woods was a prominent member of the A. M. E. church, and was well known in the eastern part of the city where she has lived for many years. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.


WOODS, WASHINGTON/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 30, 1897
Washington Woods, a well-known colored citizen, died yesterday at his home on Upper Belle Street, after a long illness. The funeral took place today from the A.M.E. Church to Rocky Fork Cemetery.


WOODSIDE, CHRISTINA/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 14, 1880
The funeral of Mrs. Christina Woodside took place from the Cumberland Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoon, with a large attendance of mourning relatives and friends. The services were impressively conducted by Rev. B. D. Cockrill of Franklin, Tennessee. On the casket, on a silver plate, were the words “Rest in Peace,” and two beautiful floral wreaths.


WOODSIDE, JAMES H./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 10, 1882
Mr. James H. Woodside died this morning, at the residence of his step-father, Mr. Thomas Hyndman, after a long illness caused by consumption, at the age of 26 years. Deceased had lived in Chicago for a time, but was compelled by fading in health some months since to give up his engagement there and return to his home in Alton. He was an estimable young man, and leaves a mother, besides many other relatives and friends, to mourn his early death. The funeral will take place tomorrow, under the direction of Alton Lodge No 2, I.O.O.F., of which deceased was a member.


WOODSIDE, MARIAN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 20, 1887
Mrs. Marian Woodside, daughter of Mr. Alex Woodside, for many years a resident of Alton, died yesterday at the family residence in Roodhouse, of erysipelas. Deceased had relatives and many friends in Alton who will be deeply pained to learn of her death. The remains will be brought to Alton for burial.


WOODSIDE, MARY/Source: Alton Telegraph, December 17, 1891
Mrs. Mary Woodside, widow of the late Alexander Woodside, died Thursday afternoon. She had been ill for some time, and death was a release from all earthly pain. She was 78 years and nine months old at the time of her death. The funeral took place from the residence of Mrs. Annie Gillies, 1414 Alby Street, the Rev. W. C. Logan officiating. Interment at Alton City Cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. John Patrick, Robert Hyndman, William Gilcrist, Robert Curdie, John Gillies, and Hugh Spiers.


WOODSIDE, MATTHEW/Source: Alton Telegraph, May 3, 1883
Mr. Matthew Woodside, recently a resident of Alton, died at the home of his son, Alexander Woodside, at Chicago, Friday, April 27, after an illness of 4 months, at the age of about 87 years. Deceased was a most estimable man, a native of Dalry, Ayrshire, Scotland. He removed to this country in 1854, coming to Alton in August of that year, and had lived here until about a year ago, when he went to Chicago. He left a daughter, Mrs. Mary Halbert of Kansas; three sons, William Woodside of Silver Creek, Colorado; Matthew Woodside of Louisiana, Missouri; and Alexander Woodside, already mentioned, of Chicago. The funeral took place Sunday from the residence of Mr. Thomas Hyndman, with a large attendance.


WOODSIDE, MATTHEW/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Thursday, March 16, 1899
Mr. Matthew Woodside died at 6 o'clock last evening at the home of Mr. Charles Freeman, Twelfth and Alby streets, with whose family he has lived for many years. Mr. Woodside has been sick all winter with the grippe, and was unable to withstand its debilitating effects on the system. He was a native of Scotland, and came to Alton in 1854. Since that time, he has resided in Alton, with the exception of a few years he lived in Missouri. Mr. Woodside was an employee of the C. & A. [rail]road for thirty years, serving the road in the capacity of car repairer until three years ago. In all his work he was faithful and was respected by all acquainted with him for his many good qualities. He was an Odd Fellow. The order will attend the funeral and conduct the services at the cemetery. Of his immediate relatives only a brother and sister survive him. The brother lives in Colorado. His wife died twenty years ago, and there were no children. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from Mr. Freeman's residence.


WOODSIDE, ROBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 22, 1874
Died at his father’s residence in Alton on October 10, of typhoid fever, Mr. Robert Woodside, son of Alexander and Mary Woodside, in the 18th year of his age.


WOODSON, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 18, 1892
A sixteen-months-old-child of Mrs. Annie Woodson, colored, died last night of scarlet fever. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the family residence on upper Belle Street.


WOODWARD, ROBERT/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 26, 1894
Shot and Killed
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 26, 1894
Mr. John J. Anderson, an old man, a cook by trade, has been living in a boathouse near the glass works for some time. He has a family, and has the reputation of being a peaceable, industrious man. Robert Woodward was friendless and penniless, and Anderson gave him a home for the past six or eight weeks, and everything seemed agreeable. Recently Mr. Anderson secured a contract from Mr. Joseph Golike to load wood, and he concluded to move his boat to his new scene of labor in Brick House Slough. Monday, Anderson, Woodward, and a man called “Dave” started up the river with the boat. When they arrived at the levee, Woodward came ashore and purchased a jug of whisky, and began to drink freely. When they reached Hop Hollow, he was drunk; so much so, that Mr. Anderson endeavored to coax him to lie down and sleep it off. Woodward wouldn’t do it, and became abusive and insulting. He said he would take the boat across the river anyway, and proceeded to do so. Anderson left the boat to avoid trouble, but when Woodward untied the bow line to start across the river, he returned. Woodward said he would “break the little ____ ____ in two and throw him in the river,” and Mrs. Anderson persuaded her husband to go into the bedroom out of sight. This he did, and was immediately followed by Woodward, who grappled him and proceeded to make good his threat of “breaking him in two.” Woodward was a large, active man. Mr. Anderson is an old and small man, and thinking his life was at stake, he reached under the pillow on his bed, secured his pistol, and shot Woodward, killing the latter instantly. Mr. Anderson came to Alton about five o’clock last evening, and gave himself up to the officers. Coroner Kinder came over later, and the body was brought down from Hop Hollow, and an inquest held. The jury, composed of Messrs. Ed Yager, E. C. Taylor, S. B. Mays, John Curdie, Jacob Kuhn, and David Eligh, found “That deceased had come to his death from a pistol shot, inflicted by John J. Anderson, and further found that the shooting was done in self-defense.” Mr. Anderson was released from custody, and returned to his family. He cried bitterly because of the tragedy, and regretted exceedingly the taking of a human life.

Woodward has no relatives here. It is said he has a sister in Grand Rapids, Iowa. He was about 45 years of age, and was of a quarrelsome disposition. His remains are in charge of Undertaker Klunk. He had worked for Mr. Henry Watson, but a week ago he quit, and has been at Anderson’s boathouse since that time.


WOOLDRIDGE, CHARLES AUGUSTUS/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 8, 1849
The infant son of Mr. Thomas P. Wooldridge and Elizabeth Wooldridge of Alton, sank into the arms of death on Saturday morning after a short but painful illness from cholera. He was about 18 months of age.


WOOLDRIDGE, EDWIN AUGUSTINE/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 7, 1846
Died on Saturday the first instant, Edwin Augustine, infant son of Thomas P. and Elizabeth Wooldridge, aged 2 weeks and 6 days.


WOOLDRIDGE, ELIZABETH H./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 23, 1891
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Wooldridge died Saturday, April 18, aged 75 years. Mrs. Wooldridge was one of our oldest citizens, a lady highly respected and admired by all who were honored with her acquaintance. Her husband, T. P. Wooldridge, who was one of Alton’s most prosperous and enterprising citizens, died many years ago, leaving Mrs. Wooldridge with three children – Mrs. Emma Dougherty of Jonesboro, Illinois; Miss Mattie Wooldridge and Mrs. George H. Smiley of Alton. Mrs. Wooldridge has been a careful and prudent mother, a good and kind neighbor, a consistent Christian, and as long as her physical strength would permit, active in her labors with the church of her choice, the Presbyterian in Alton.

The funeral of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Wooldridge took place Tuesday afternoon from the residence, corner of State and William Streets. The pallbearers were Messrs. Levi Davis Jr., Louis Haagen, Albert Wade, Samuel Pitts, James Kerr, and A. R. McKinney. There was a very large attendance of old friends and neighbors who had known Mrs. Wooldridge during her long residence in Alton. The interment took place in the Alton City Cemetery.


WOOLDRIDGE, SARAH MATTIE/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 18, 1892
The funeral of Miss S. M. Wooldridge took place yesterday afternoon. The services were held at the residence of George H. Smiley, her brother-in-law, on State Street, and were conducted by Rev. George W. Smith, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, of which Miss Wooldridge had long been a member. There was a large attendance, the house being crowded to its utmost, and the grounds surrounding being occupied by numbers who were unable to gain entrance. At the conclusion of the services, a long line of vehicles followed the hearse to the cemetery, where the mortal remains of the esteemed Miss Wooldridge were laid to rest. The pallbearers were: Dr. C. B. Rohland, R. F. Seely, O. S. Stowell, F. L. Taylor, A. H. Wuerker, and J. K. Butler.

Sarah Mattie Wooldridge was born in 1852, and was 39-40 years of age at her death. She lived her entire life in Alton. She was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


WORDEN, ELIZABETH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 10, 1917
Widow of Capt.ain Jones Worden of Upper Alton Dies
Mrs. Elizabeth Worden, widow of Capt. Jones Worden, and for many years a well known resident of Upper Alton, died Sunday night at 9 o'clock at the home of her son, Dr. Frank Worden in the North Side, where she had been making her home. Death was due to old age. Mrs. Worden was 88 years of age. She was born in Sandusky, Ohio, Sept. ?, 1829. She came to Alton when a young woman and all the remainder of her long life she passed in Upper Alton. She leaves two sons, Dr. Frank Worden and Grant Worden, both of Alton. Mrs. Worden was a member of many years standing in the Upper Alton Presbyterian church, and the funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from that church. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.


WORDEN, FRANK (DOCTOR)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 20, 1931
Son of Captain Jones Worden of Upper Alton
Frank Worden was born in Galena, Illinois, on October 10, 1853. He came to Alton with his parents, Captain and Mrs. Jones Worden, when he was a small boy. Frank attended the old St. Louis Medical College, which later became the medical department of Washington University. Upon graduating at the age of 22 years, he married and in 1876, he opened a practice in the North Alton area, in the Coal Branch settlement. For 45 years he attended to his patients. He drove the muddy roads in bad weather, and the dusty roads in the summer. He was a prominent figure in the old village of North Alton, and held public office there. He was elected village president, before North Alton was annexed into Alton.

Dr. Worden was considered a progressive, inheriting a adventuresome spirit from his steamboat captain father. He learned all he could about the new invention, the automobile, and was the first motor car owner (an Oldsmobile) in Madison County. The car was built with a whip stock and toboggan dashboard, and many times Dr. Worden had to call on someone with a horse to tow him in. His car could make West Ninth Street hill in Alton, and at times he would get out and walk beside it. It was destroyed by fire in about 1929, when an old barn in which it was stored caught fire.

Dr. Worden was active in the medical society meetings for many years, until he began to become old and infirm. He moved to the old Worden homestead at 1521 Worden Avenue, Upper Alton, where he had lived in boyhood, and died there in 1931, at the age of 79. He left behind his wife, Josephine Worden, and two sons – Dr. George K. Worden and Fred Worden of Alton, and two daughters, Mrs. Edna Lathy of Houston, Texas, and Mrs. Nellie Berner of St. Louis.


WORDEN, GEORGE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 12 & 14, 1908
Son of Captain Jones Worden of Upper Alton
George Worden died Sunday evening in the Baptist Hospital in St. Louis, after undergoing an operation for appendicitis. He is a son of Captain and Mrs. Jones Worden, old residents of Upper Alton, and was 53 years old. Mr. Worden was stricken with the attack of appendicitis two weeks ago yesterday. He was taken to the hospital, but on account of his serious condition, the physicians would not operate upon him until they were compelled to do so as a last resort. The operation was performed Friday, and resulted fatally.

George Worden was born in Galena, Illinois, in 1855, when Captain Worden was engaged in the river business before his moving to Alton. In 1881, he was married to Miss May Belk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. L. Belk of Upper Alton. The couple went to St. Louis where they have lived ever since. They have three children – Henry and Bessie Worden, and Mrs. Grace Worden Cummings. The body arrived in Upper Alton this afternoon on the train, and was taken to the undertaking rooms of Streeper & Penning, where it will be kept until the funeral arrangements are made. Mr. Worden had been a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge in Upper Alton many years, and the burial will be in their charge.

The funeral of George Worden was held this afternoon from the Presbyterian Church. There was a very large attendance of old friends of deceased, and several friends and relatives from St. Louis attended. The members of the Odd Fellows Lodge attended in a body, and had charge of the services at the grave. The floral offerings were beautiful, and the grave in Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery was completely covered with them.


WORDEN, GRANT/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 6, 1940
Son of Captain Jones Worden of Upper Alton
Grant Worden was born in Galena, Illinois, on September 3, 1861. He moved with his parents to Upper Alton in about 1856, living at 1521 Worden Avenue. Grant helped his father with the farm, devoting his life to the farm and his aging parents. His father, Captain Jones Worden, owned a large amount of real estate in the southeastern part of Upper Alton. All the property along what used to be Locust Street, now Worden Avenue, from Edwards Street to Brown Street, and from Brown Street east to the city limits, was included in the Worden tract. Grant also owned a farm on Milton Road, which he sold a few years before his death. He sold it to the Bishop & Weber Realtors, who developed it into the Altona Heights subdivision, opening Aberdeen and Berkeley Avenue through the tract. There were 40 acres on the farm, the Milton Road cutting off the triangle-shaped tract from the farm.

Grant was an avid sportsman, and had a great love for baseball. He played with various Upper Alton teams, and when Shurtleff College didn’t have a coach or athletic director, Grant helped the students organize their baseball team and coached them in playing. Grant was also one of the original members of the old Upper Alton Drum Corps, and for many years turned out with the drummers on patriotic occasion. He was a member of the College Avenue Presbyterian Church, and served in various capacities there. He became well known for his knowledge of Upper Alton and its history.

In 1911, Grant married Nellie Johnson Willard. They had no children. He died in his sleep at his home on August 6, 1940. He would have been 79 on September 3. He was the last of his family.


Colonel John C. WordenWORDEN, JOHN CHARNOCK (COLONEL)/Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, February 12, 1895
Namesake of the Village of Worden
Colonel John C. Worden, after whom the village of Worden is named, had an apoplectic stroke Thursday afternoon at half past four o'clock, which terminated in his death Saturday morning [February 9] at 11:30 o'clock. Colonel Worden was born near Preston, Lancashire, England, June 24, 1834, and was at the time of his death 60 years, 7 months and 15 days old. He emigrated to the United States in 1848, and spent the following six years in the East. His first employment was on public works in Albany. A year later he apprenticed himself to learn the trade of blacksmith, and attended night school at Schenectady. His next occupation was boating on the Erie Canal. During the winter, he attended Whitestown Seminary. He purchased a half interest in a canal boat and afterwards operated a brickyard, and finally in 1853 became clerk in a store in Mohawk, New York. During the winter that followed he taught school, and in December 1854 came to Madison County, where he was given a position as clerk in a general store owned by his aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Sandbach. He was so well pleased with this country that he returned to England in 1856, and induced his mother to come here with him. He then taught school for several terms in the St. Louis and Moultonville, Illinois, public schools, after which he again entered his aunt's store.

In July 1865, he purchased a store in New Hampton [now part of Worden], which town was afterwards included in the corporation of the village of Worden, being named so in honor of Colonel Worden. After a successful career in business, he disposed of his stock in 1871 to accept the position of station agent for the Wabash railroad. This position he held until 1878, when he resigned and retired from the business.

Colonel Worden was well and favorably known throughout Madison County. To his public spirit and enterprise more than any other cause, is due the building up of the flourishing village which bears his name. He has repeatedly been honored with positions of trust by the people and always discharged his duties to the best interest of his constituents. In 1860 he was appointed Deputy Sheriff. For eleven years he was postmaster. He also filled the office of Justice of the Peace and school treasurer for several terms. Colonel Worden was married November 26, 1867 to Miss Virginia J. Weaver, who died in September 1881, leaving a family of two sons and two daughters - Bernice, John P., George B., and Virginia E. The funeral occurred this afternoon from the Methodist Episcopal South Church, at Worden, and was largely attended. The services were conducted by Rev. R. F. Killgore, the Evangelist, who is holding revivals there. The deceased was a prominent Mason, a member of Staunton Lodge No. 177, under whose auspices the ceremony was conducted. [Colonel Worden is buried in the Worden City Cemetery.]

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 12, 1895
Colonel John C. Worden, a prominent citizen of Madison County, died at Worden yesterday from a stroke of apoplexy, aged 61 years. He was the founder of the village of Worden, which bears his name, and was a prominent politician and Mason. He was a native of England, born in Preston, Lancashire, in 1834. Politically, he was a Democrat, and he has been active in politics for many years. He was a self-educated and self-made man. He leaves six children.

According to the Centennial History of Madison County, 1912, John Lamb, a native of Tennessee, settled in the future area of Worden at an early day. A sawmill was constructed southwest of Lamb's homestead, and a post office was established called Lamb's Point. During the Civil War it was a recruiting station for the Union army. In 1857 the station was moved to the home of Hampton Wall. In 1860 Mr. Wall laid out a town and called it New Hampton. He also established a store there.

In 1854, John Worden came to the county and engaged in business. In 1867, he purchased the store of Mr. Wall and his real estate holdings, and laid out an addition north of the New Hampton plat. In 1870, the Decatur and East St. Louis railroad, later the Wabash, was built through the area, and the name Worden was given to the station in recognition of Mr. Worden's activity in furthering the community. Worden was railroad agent, postmaster, deputy sheriff, and held other positions of trust.


WORDEN, JONES (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1909
Riverboat Captain
Capt. Jones Worden, 93 years old, one of the few nonagenarians of Upper Alton, died a few minutes before noon today at his home in Upper Alton. Capt. Worden was 93 years old last January. He had been in very good health for a man of his advanced age until last December when he fell and fractured one of his hips by stepping out upon the brick walk which was icy. The accident was a fatal one to the old river man, although he showed wonderful vitality in withstanding it as long as he did. When Capt. Worden suffered the accident, it was generally believed that on account of his great age he could not recover, but his remarkable constitution and vitality prevailed, and he suffered the worst effects of it and had commenced to get better. When his birthday came, and the Odd Fellows call and spent the evening with him, he was greatly encouraged and brightened. The last few days his strength began to fail, and his relatives became convinced that he could not last much longer. Capt. Worden was an old Mississippi river man, and was engaged in river traffic throughout the Civil war and many years before. The last twenty-five years he has been retired from active life and lived very quietly. He leaves besides his aged widow, two sons, Dr. Frank Worden of North Alton, and Grant Worden of Upper Alton. Capt. Worden was in former years very active in politics in Madison county and especially in Upper Alton, where he was very influential. He always took a great interest in all the elections, even in his advanced age, and he was always anxious to see his home town advance. He was one of the oldest Odd Fellows in the state, and had been a member of the order almost sixty years. His son, George Worden of St. Louis, died a year ago. Funeral arrangements have not been made.


WORTHEY, SINAH/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 26, 1921
Mrs. Sinah Worthy, wife of Harry Worthy, died this morning at 7 o'clock at the family home, 1215 Rodemeyer avenue, after an illness of eleven months from dropsy. Mrs. Worthy leaves beside her husband, two daughters, Rosetta and Addielee. She leaves also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex G. Richmond, one sister, Mrs. Prudence Schmidt, of Alton, and two brothers, Charles Richmond and Frank Smith. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the First Baptist Church and after services there the body will be taken to Melville for burial.


WORTMAN, ARTHUR/Source: Alton Telegraph, July 02, 1896
From Fosterburg – Little Arthur Wortman, after a long and painful illness of dropsy, died and was buried Tuesday.


WORTMANN, FREDERICK/Source: Alton Telegraph, January 2, 1879
Died at Fosterburg, Madison County, on December 23, 1878, after a lingering illness, Mr. Frederick Wortmann, in the 61st year of his age.


WORTMANN, HENRY A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 10, 1909
Henry A. Wortmann, aged 38, died Thursday evening at his home near Fosterburg, after a long illness from cancer. He leaves his wife and one child, and was married just three years. He was a farmer and was born and raised in Foster township. His father is John Wortmann, and his mother is now Mrs. Ferdinand Rammes of Upper Alton. He leaves also a sister, Mrs. Minnie Shores, in Kansas. Mr. Wortmann lost one of his arms a number of years ago in a corn shredder. He served as assessor of Foster township for seven or eight years, and retired from office a year ago. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the home to the German Methodist church, the cortege to leave the home at 1 o'clock.


WORTMANN, LYDIA/Source: Alton Telegraph, October 31, 1873
From Fosterburg – We regret the untimely death of Miss Lydia Wortmann, daughter of Ernest Wortmann. Her youthful life ended on Saturday last, in her sixteenth year, after a week’s suffering from typhoid fever. She was the cause of daily pleasure in the family, and the sadness thus brought upon her friends, years will only be able to erase.


WRAY, JAMES T./Source: Alton Telegraph, January 25, 1877
Died in Alton on January 22, 1877, James T., infant son of John W. and Emma C. Wray.


WRAY, JOHN W./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30, 1907
Confederate Soldier; Associate in Drummond Tobacco Company
In speaking of the death of John W. Wray in St. Louis, a former resident of Alton, who will be buried here Tuesday afternoon, the Globe-Democrat today said:

"One more fell out of the ranks of the organization of Confederate veterans yesterday morning when John W. Wray, well known in Alton and St. Louis business circles for forty years, died at the Missouri Baptist Sanitarium after an illness of five months, aged 74 years. Mr. Wray served in the Second Missouri Regiment, Confederate States Army, up to the battle of Shiloh, in which he was shot and left for dead on the field. He was picked up by the Union Hospital Corps, recovered and remained a prisoner of war until its close.

In 1866 he became interested in the tobacco business in Alton, and was associated with James T. Drummond and John N. Drummond, whose sister, Emma C., now deceased, he married the same year. The Drummond Company removed its factories to St. Louis in 1880, and Mr. Wray continued with the company until its sale to the American Tobacco Company several years ago was negotiated.

The deceased leaves two surviving children Charles H. and John E. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the family residence at 4375 Washington Avenue. Interment will be private and will take place at Alton."

The Drummond Tobacco Company was founded in Alton in 1861, and in 1880 moved to St. Louis. John Wray became associated in the business (in what way I don't know), and married the sister of James and John Drummond, founders of the company. Wray moved to St. Louis when the company moved there. His remains were brought back to Alton and buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


WREN, JOHN P./Source: Alton Telegraph, April 8, 1864
Died at Shurtleff College, Upper Alton, Monday morning, April 4, John P. Wren of Spring Hill, Ohio, aged 28 years. An earnest Christian, he was thus ear5ly been called from earth to the reward of the righteous in Heaven.


WRIGHT, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 10, 1917
Mrs. Catherine Wright, wife of Samuel Wright, died at her home on Mather street in the North Side, Saturday morning at 6 o'clock, after an illness which began last June, soon after the birth of her last baby. Mrs. Wright had been bedfast all the summer and had been in a very sad condition, owing to the claims which her large family of little children made on her. The oldest of the children is 15, and the youngest is about 6 months old. The mother's case was recognized as a bad one from the very start, and it was realized that little could be done for her except to make her easier. Kind neighbors and the community nurse lightened the dying mother's anxieties about her family as much as possible. Mrs. Wright would be 40 years of age next March. The funeral of Mrs. Wright will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Free Methodist church.


WRIGHT, DAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 27, 1904
Notorious Desperado Killed in Self Defense
Dan Wright, probably the most notorious desperado in this part of Illinois, was instantly killed Friday night by a charge of buckshot fired into him by Lawrence Slaughter, a well thought of colored man, who was defending his own home and family against the intoxicated desperado. The load of shot lodged in Wright's right shoulder and neck and he fell, his hand clutching a knife in his pocket which he was trying to draw "to cut the throat" of Slaughter. Wright had been paying attention to Slaughter's daughter, Sarah, aged 15, and the girl had repeatedly spurned his proposals of marriage. Slaughter also refused Wright admission to the house, but being much small in stature could do little to prevent the physical giant having his own way in the house. Thursday night, Wright called at the Slaughter home and persisted in forcing his attentions on the girl. Finally, when she persisted in refusing him, Wright pinned her against the wall with one powerful arm and with the other struck her a blow in the face that nearly rendered her unconscious. The father is weak from rheumatic trouble and had no ammunition in the house to use in his firearms. Wright left the house vowing to return the next night to fix them. Slaughter bought some powder and buckshot, loaded up two old army muskets and a revolver, and laid in wait for Wright behind locked doors. Wright came back according to promise, very drunk and noisy. On the street car he was insulting and abusive to passengers and was evidently looking for trouble. He went straight from the street car to the Slaughter home and there demanded admission. He was begged to go away peaceably, but Wright insisted on entering, saying he would cut Slaughter's throat and would run him out of his house. Slaughter then told his daughter to throw open the door. She did so, and the father brought his gun into position for action. Wright, holding a knife in one hand, was advancing through the door. As he was on the threshold, Slaughter fired and Wright fell dead outside the house. Slaughter gave himself up to Constable Harry Streeper, and the Alton police would not even lock him up. He was allowed to stay in the police station all night. There is real relief in police circles that Wright's career is ended. He was notoriously bad, an ex-convict, and had a reputation for looking for trouble. Slaughter was visited in the detention room at police headquarters last night and congratulated on his work in killing Wright. Presents of money were made him and offers made to procure him anything he desired in the eating and drinking line. Wright was so generally recognized as being a "bad man," that his taking off is looked upon as a blessing by those who knew him best. Deputy Coroner C. N. Streeper said this morning he will hold an inquest over Wright's body tonight. There is little doubt that the jury will render a verdict of justifiable homicide, as all the evidence obtainable indicates that Slaughter killed Wright in self-defense. Until exonerated by the jury, Slaughter is being detained at police headquarters. There is considerable talk of raising a fund to be presented to Slaughter, as he is suffering from rheumatism and unable to work at present.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22, 1904
Clay Osborn, a young Upper Alton negro, has written a song entitled "Poor Dan Wright, the Brave Man is Gone." Osborn has had his production printed in the shape of a small hand bill and is offering it for sale about town. The song includes about fifteen verses, and the writer is now endeavoring to have it set to music.

Slayer of Dan Wright Hoodoo Victim
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 9, 1906
With his mind almost wrecked with worry over having been compelled to kill Dan Wright, a notorious negro character who died with his boots on in Upper Alton several years ago, Lawrence Slaughter, a negro resident of Upper Alton, died last night. He claimed that he was a victim of a hoodoo and that he was being haunted by Dan Wright's ghost. At times during his illness, he would become wildly excited and would start fighting an imaginary foe with terrific vigor. Physicians said that Slaughter died from dropsy, but people who knew him well say that his bad health was the result of a physical breakdown from worry. It will be remembered that Dan Wright, a notorious and dangerous negro character, was slain by Slaughter in Upper Alton while Wright was trying to force entrance to Slaughter's house to kill him. The career of the bad man, suddenly ended by Slaughter, was so bad that Slaughter was hardly even taken into custody. He was held at police headquarters in Alton after surrendering himself, but was fully exonerated the next morning and the police and other Alton people who knew Wright well were disposed to raise a fund for his health. Indeed, a cash bonus was started and a number of people voluntarily walked into the police headquarters and gave him money, ostensibly to aid in his defense, but really as a thank offering for killing Wright. Slaughter never did recover his peace of mind, although fully justified and he imagined that the ghost of Wright was haunting him and only waiting for vengeance.

[Daniel Wright is buried in the Milton Cemetery, and Lawrence Slaughter is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. According to the Telegraph, August 28, 1906, the "colored population" of the Salu area of Upper Alton was very superstitious, and some would never go around Slaughter's home after he killed Dan Wright.]


WRIGHT, DAVID/Source: Alton Telegraph, September 13, 1872
David Wright, who settled in Madison County in 1818, died on Monday in Bunker Hill.


WRIGHT, DAVID/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 16, 1881
Mr. David Wright, a very estimable young man, son of Mr. Thomas Wright, died at an early hour Tuesday morning, at the age of 26 years, of quick consumption. Deceased had been for years connected with the grocery store of P. Downes & Co., and was thoroughly efficient in the business. He leaves a young wife, to whom he was married last Thanksgiving Day, a father, mother, and sister, besides many other friends to mourn his death.


WRIGHT, EVA E./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 21, 1887
From Bethalto – The death of Mrs. Eva E. Wright occurred at the residence of Supervisor Culp last Saturday. She was a half-sister to Mrs. Culp, and has been at death’s door for many weeks. The funeral took place on Monday. [Mrs. Wright was 25 years of age. She was buried in the Short Cemetery, Cottage Hills.]


WRIGHT, HELEN M./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 5, 1914
Widow of Capt. William Wright
Mrs. Helen M. Wright, widow of the late Capt. William R. Wright, veteran of the Mexican and Civil wars, and who marched out of Alton when he went to each one of these historic fights, died last night at 8:20 o'clock at the home on Clawson street in Upper Alton. Mrs. Wright was past 84 years of age. She had been in a bad condition for the last three months. Mrs. Wright had enjoyed fairly good health in her old age, but she had a fall in her home last fall that eventually resulted in her death Wednesday night. She had been very low several times during the last few weeks, but she exhibited wonderful vitality and clung to life. The past two days she was unconscious from weakness, and the end was expected when it came. Mrs. Helen M. Wright had lived in Upper Alton 72 years. She was a member of the Upper Alton Baptist church 64 years, and is said to have been the oldest continuous member of that church. She joined the church 64 years ago, and was a member continuously the remainder of her life. She was born in Pulley Valley, N. Y., and came to Alton when 12 years of age and has lived here ever since. She leaves three children, Frank Wright, Mrs. Hattie E. Belle, and Mrs. Bertha E. Wightman, all of Upper Alton. She leaves a brother in California, whose whereabouts is unknown, and she also leaves a number of great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home, and will be conducted by Rev. G. S. Beckwith, pastor of the Baptist church. Warren P. Keck, a grandson of Mrs. Wright, telegraphed he would arrive in Alton Saturday night to attend the funeral.


WRIGHT, HIRAM W./Source: Alton Telegraph, May 22, 1890
Moved to Alton in 1834
Mr. Hiram Wright died suddenly May 15 at his home in Bunker Hill. Deceased was a native of Louisville, Kentucky. He removed to St. Louis in 1828; to Alton in 1834; and to Bunker Hill in October 1854, where he engaged in the hardware business. He was married in Alton to Miss Mary A. Bramhall, sister of the late Jason C. Bramhall, in February 1845. His wife died in February 1875. He was the father of two daughters (who survive), and nine sons, four of whom are living. For 32 years he has been a member of Charter Oak Lodge I.O.O.F., and it was a rare occurrence for him to miss a meeting. He has many friends yet living in Alton who will regret to hear of his death. [Burial was in the Bunker Hill Cemetery.]


WRIGHT, JESSE/Source: Alton Telegraph, February 4, 1897
From Upper Alton – Truly “sorrows come not singly,” for almost immediately following the death of Mrs. E. L. Miller, we must chronicle the death of her son, Mr. Jesse Wright, who died Sunday afternoon at his home on Church Street. Mr. Wright has been a great sufferer for many months from paralysis. He has been almost helpless for weeks, and since Friday has been unconscious so that he knew not of his mother’s demise.

Some months ago, Mr. Wright received a fall from a ladder, and his illness dates from that time, from the effects of which he never fully recovered. Mr. Wright was 70 years of age, and has large numbers of friends in Upper Alton and vicinity, where he has spent nearly all his life. He leaves a widow and three children to mourn his death, besides his brothers, and sisters.

It was a doubly sad occasion which was celebrated Monday afternoon at the home of the late Mrs. E. M. Miller on Main Street. The mother of the family, who passed away Friday afternoon, and the oldest son of the family [Jesse Wright], who entered into rest yesterday afternoon, were both taken from the same home and laid to rest in Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. Mrs. Miller was one of the oldest residents in our village, having celebrated her 93rd birthday on last New Year’s Day. She has been a woman of remarkable vigot and usefulness. She was twice married. Her first husband being W. R. Wright. To them were born seven children, four of whom survive: Mrs. Mary M. Stewart of Iowa; Mrs. Susan Simmerwell of Kansas; W. R. Wright Jr. of Upper Alton; and Mrs. Ann Moore of Oklahoma. She was again married in 185 to David Miller. To them were born six children, of whom only Mrs. Harrison Sawyer of Oklahoma and Misses Kate and Ellen Miller of Upper Alton, survive.

Mrs. Miller was the oldest member of the Baptist Church, having been the seventeenth member received into the church after its organization. Mr. Jesse Wright was the next oldest in membership, having been the 270th member received.

The services were conducted by Pastor C. H. Moscrip. The house was thronged to its utmost capacity by the friends and neighbors who assembled to honor the memory of the moether and son, who had been among them so many years and whose demise brings sorrow to so many hearts.


WADE, HARRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, November 27, 1890
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wade of North Alton lost their son, Harry, aged about six years, who died Saturday night of diphtheria. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the family residence to the Alton City Cemetery, where interment was made.


WRIGHT, LATHY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 14, 1900
Upper Alton News - Mr. Lathy Wright, a former resident of Upper Alton, died at Edwardsville yesterday. He will be buried here. His mother and some other relatives live here. The body will be brought from Edwardsville today. The funeral services will be held Friday.


WRIGHT, LIZZIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16, 1918
The funeral of Mrs. Lizzie Wright, whose death occurred yesterday morning, will be held at her home on Amelia street tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.


WRIGHT, LUCY (nee HART)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1901
Daughter of Alton Physician B. K. Hart
"She hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away," was said of a woman by the Son of God while upon the earth. Thursday morning Mrs. Lucy Hart Wright, wife of Charles L. Wright, died after a lingering illness in the fullness of faith and strong in hope of a fruition in a brighter and happier clime. Mrs. Wright, the daughter of the late B. K. Hart, Alton's beloved physician, was born in this city, and grew to womanhood amid a circle of friends who cherished her friendship and delighted in being of the number whom she chose as her friends. She married in early young womanhood Charles L. Wright, with whom she lived 35 years - a union of happiness and marital felicity in which she passed the years without apparently becoming old. Of high principle, that could not be swerved from the right, her life was an example to all. Her work and labor of love for the church and Sabbath school (the Presbyterian) of which she was a member was constant and fervent. Her labors in the community in which she lived were a benediction. She had almost from its inception been a director and officer in the library association so long conducted by the ladies of Alton. She was a most liberal contributor to the association, and her presence in the board and efforts for its maintenance will be greatly missed. Mrs. Wright was one of the women whom the quotation with which this article begins, could be aptly applied to. She chose her course early in life, adhered to it during all the years of her pilgrimage here with firmness, and a hopefulness that nothing dimmed. Her loss to her husband will be a sad one, for she was a devoted wife. Her only sister, Mrs. O. S. Stowell, survives her. To the husband and sister their many friends offer their sincere condolence on their loss. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the family residence at 2 o'clock p.m.


WRIGHT, MARTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 9, 1907
Mrs. Martha Wright, colored, aged _0 [unreadable, but may be 80], died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dates, 1012 Bloomfield street, this noon, from old age. She will be buried Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. [Burial was at City Cemetery]


WRIGHT, SHED/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 15, 1902
Upper Alton News - Shed Wright, an aged colored man who has lived here for 35 or 40 years, died this morning.


WRIGHT, SILAS/Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1889
Shot While Forcing Way into a Home
Silas Wright, who was shot Sunday by the boy Fred Montgomery at Mrs. Montgomery’s house, in the lower part of Alton, while he, Cardwell, and Scullin were engaged in forcing their way into the place, died last night at St. Joseph’s Hospital from the effect of the wound. Cardwell was fined by Justice Randle $3 and costs, a total of $14, for being implicated in the disturbance. Scullin was also fined $3 and costs, the total amount being about $4. Fred Montgomery, who shot Wright disappeared soon after the trouble.

Coroner Bonner arrived in town Tuesday, to hold an inquest on the body of Silas Wright. The inquest was held at Buck’s Hotel, and the verdict rendered as follows: “We, the undersigned jurors, sworn to inquire into the death of Silas Wright, do find on oath that he came to his death from a gunshot wound fired from a revolver on Sunday, June 2, 1889, supposed to have been in the hands of Fred Montgomery. Signed, G. F. Crowe, Foreman; L. Larley; M. Minnaugh; G. W. Lauth; L. J. Hartman; and Jacob Kuhn. The witnesses were Alfred Scroggins, Lizzie Monroe, Frank Scullen, Dr. W. A. Haskell, and Harriet Martin.

Sunday about noon, Silas Wright, Ed Cardwell, and Frank Scullin went to the house of Mrs. Montgomery in the alley at the rear of 1208 Second Street [Broadway], and demanded admittance, which was refused. In the house besides Mrs. Montgomery was their 16-year-old son, Fred, Mr. Scroggins and daughter, Hattie, Mrs. Harriet Martin and her daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Monroe. The three men asked for Mrs. Monroe, and when she refused to see them, they burst open the door and proceeded to choke and beat her. Fred Montgomery rushed to her assistance with a revolver. The men then turned on him, whereupon the boy fired the revolver, the ball taking effect in Wright’s side just below the ribs. He was taken to his home, and Dr. Haskell dressed the wound, finding it very dangerous. Wright states that he was drunk, does not know why he went to the place, and claims that he interfered to prevent trouble and was shot while so doing. The preponderance of evidence, however, is that the boy did the shooting solely in self-defense. Cardwell land Scullin were arrested by Marshall Kuhn, officers Cousley and Farley, and were locked up.


WRIGHT, UNKNOWN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 23, 1911
Mrs. Massey Q. Wright died at 5:30 o'clock this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. E. Dixon, on Bostwick street, after a lingering illness from the effects of old age. She was born July 4, 1823, and would have been 88 years of age had she lived twelve days longer. Mrs. Wright had lived in Upper Alton about seventy-five years of her life. She was born in West Virginia, but when four years old went to St. Clair county, Illinois, with her parents. In 1833, when her parents died, she was taken to Upper Alton by her uncle, L. J. Clawson, in whose family she lived until her marriage to Jesse Wright, November 9, 1843. Three years of the time, in the seventy-eight since she first began to live in Upper Alton, she spent with one of her daughters at Alsey, Ill., at the time the mother broke up housekeeping. She was the mother of nine children, five of whom survive her: Mrs. Helen McGlasson of Alsey, Ill., Mrs. Harry Bundock of California, Mrs. S. E. Dixon, John Wright, and Miss Mattie Wright of Upper Alton. About fifty years ago she united with the Baptist church and continued a member all her life. She lived to see almost all of her old friends buried. The funeral will be Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Dixon home, 212 Bostwick street.


WRIGHT, WILLIAM R. (CAPTAIN)/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 15, 1911
Veteran of the Mexican and Civil War
Captain William R. Wright, in his 84th year, died Tuesday afternoon at his home in Upper Alton from the weakness of age. The brave soldier who served his country in the Mexican and Civil Wars, and on his return to private life was a good citizen, has long been in a decline. His principal trouble appeared to be a weakness in his legs which made it difficult for him to get about, and he required assistance in moving around. Notwithstanding his weakness, Captain Wright was one of the most enthusiastic of those who gathered at the recent reunion of Colonel Andrew F. Rodgers regiment in Alton, last Fall, and he took a ride on the river with his former comrades, although it was hard for him to keep pace with the others. His mind was clear up to within the last two weeks, and then, troubled with a malady such as had fallen upon his old friends, Rev. S. B. Taggart, who had been taken ill shortly before Captain Wright, he became helpless, and for a week he was regarded as being in a dying condition. He had been much interested in the case of Rev. Mr. Taggart, with whom he had been a close friend, and it was a strange coincidence that he too should be stricken after his friend and would pass away before him.

Captain Wright was born in Gallitan, Tennessee, on April 5, 1826, and would have been 85 years old had he lived until the first of next month. He came to Illinois with his parents three years later in 1829, and located in the vicinity of Upper Alton. He has been a resident of this vicinity ever since, and he was one of the early settlers in Alton, and could always tell interesting stories about the early days in Alton. He was married July 2, 1848, to Helen M. English, and his widow survives him. Besides his widow, Captain Wright leaves three children: Mrs. Hattie E. Bell, Frank E. Wright, and Mrs. S. A. Wightman.

After the death of his father, Captain Wright's mother married again, her last husbands name being Miller. Two daughters by this union survive, half-sisters of Captain Wright. They are the Misses Ellen and Kate B. Miller of Upper Alton. Mrs. Miller, mother of Captain Wright, died at her home on Main Street about fifteen years ago.

Captain Wright was distinguished on account of having been in two wars - the Mexican and the Civil Wars. He had a splendid war record, and it was the greatest delight of his life. He had a wonderful memory and he loved to talk with his old friends of war times and to relate his adventures of those exciting days. He marched out of the little town of Upper Alton to the Mexican War when a small boy, and his mother always said that when she saw William march away, she bade him good bye forever because she never expected to see him again. However, she lived to see him march away to another war. He served one year in the Second Regiment Illinois volunteers in the Mexican War. He was in the famous battle of Buena Vista, February 22 and 23, 1847, which was the principal fight of that war. Colonel Andrew F. Rodgers and John Diamond of Alton are the only survivors of the Mexican War in this vicinity since the death of Captain Wright.

Several years ago, Captain Wright wrote a short sketch of his career as a soldier in which he mentioned several incidents of the Civil War. He was a member of the 80th Illinois during the Civil War, and according to his own sketch of his life, he was in the battles of Perryville, Tennessee, Milton, Tennessee, was on the raid with Colonel A. D. Straight through Tennessee, Mississippi and Alabama, was in six fights with Forrest and Wheeler, and was compelled to surrender to Forrest on May 3, 1863, and was held a prisoner of war for a year following. Later he was captured and held a prisoner at Libby for 22 months.

The funeral of Captain Wright will be held Friday afternoon at the residence on Clawson Street, and burial will be at Oakwood Cemetery.

A gourd canteen, carried as part of regulation Army equipment in the Mexican War, and a magenta sash and silk kerchief were among items belonging to Captain Wright which were presented to the Madison County Historical Museum in 1965. Also donated to the museum were elaborate bone and wood carvings made while he was imprisoned in the Libby Prison in Richmond, Virginia, for 22 months. Wright was a cooper by trade, and utilized his craftmanship in making carvings from bone, including a signet-like woman’s ring and a small replica of a leather book cover, both sent to his wife, Helen Wright. Returning to Upper Alton after his release from prison, Wright continued to work in the cooper’s trade. Other carved items presented to the museum made by Wright included a gavel, spoon, and small pedestal bowl. Before his death, Captain Wright would participate in the Upper Alton Memorial Day Parades.

Frank Wright, the son of Captain William R. Wright, died in February 1932. He lived most of his life in Upper Alton, and worked at the Illinois Glass Works and Federal Lead Plant in Alton. Frank married in 1893 to Miss Clodine Rigney. They had three children. Frank was buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery, beside his parents.

Bertha W. Wright Wightman, daughter of Captain William R. Wright, died in 1959 and is buried in the Upper Alton Cemetery.


WUERKER, ADOLPH H./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 25, 1913
Adolph H. Wuerker, aged 56, died Friday evening at his home, 311 Prospect street, after many years of intense suffering. Mr. Wuerker had been in better condition Friday than for some time, apparently, and the collapse that resulted in his death was extremely unexpected. It was known, however, that he was in a bad way, and had been for some time, and it was not believed that life would last much longer, though there was no indications of immediate dissolution. He had been a constant sufferer for many years. He was born in Alton, the son of Christian Wuerker, now at the age of 89, who survives his son. A few days ago the father celebrated his birthday and the son was one who seemed to enjoy the most of the birthday anniversary. About 5 o'clock Friday afternoon, Adolph Wuerker was taken very much worse and his death followed a short time afterward. He was in business in Alton for 22 years, succeeding his father. Ill health forced him to retire from active business pursuits in 1906. Mr. Wuerker was educated in the Alton public schools and the college at Jacksonville, Ill. He was a member of the Unitarian Church. Mr. Wuerker leaves beside his father and his brothers, Carl Wuerker of Alton, and Otto of Los Angeles, his wife and two children, Miss Cora Wuerker and Adolph Wuerker Jr. The funeral services and burial both will be private, and friends are asked to omit flowers. The services will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home on Prospect street.


WUERKER, FRED/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 15, 1897
Mr. Fred Wuerker, an old and well-known resident of Alton, died very unexpectedly Friday eve., about six o'clock, at his home, 408 East Second street. Some time ago Mr. Wuerker suffered an attack of hemorrhage of the lungs, and he has been in very poor health since. Yesterday afternoon he went to his shop on State street, and about 5 o'clock started to walk home, complaining of feeling sick. When near Hotel Madison he had to take a street car, although only a few blocks from home. Arriving at home he was placed on a bed, but continued to grow worse, sinking rapidly until death came at six o'clock from heart failure, caused by another hemorrhage. Mr. Wuerker was 70 years of age, and leaves a wife, three daughters, and one son. For many years he has been engaged as a gun and locksmith in Alton.


WUERKER, CHRISTIAN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 30, 1915
Proprietor of the Wuerker Harness Shop in Alton
Christian Wuerker, in his ninety-first year, died at his residence, 311 Prospect Street, Thursday evening at 7 o'clock, after a long period of helplessness due to old age. His death had been expected for some weeks as he had been confined to his bed for months and unable to be out of his home for a longer time. He had been very low for several days.

Mr. Wuerker was born in Mahlen, Saxony, Germany, October 21, 1824. He left his native land when still in his young manhood for St. Petersburg, Russia, where he worked at his trade of saddler in the employ of the government, remaining there several years. He returned to his old home in Germany, where he remained for a short time, and then came to America. The sailing vessel on which he was a passenger required thirteen weeks for the trip. He landed at New Orleans in the 1840s. In 1848, he left New Orleans, not because of the cholera epidemic there, but because he believed there were better trade possibilities in Alton. He first stopped at St. Louis, and came to Alton after the great fire in St. Louis in 1849.

During the California gold excitement, Mr. Wuerker, with his brother, Frederick, outfitted many expeditions to California with guns and small arms to make the trip across the plains. He resumed his regular trade of saddlery, however, and he conducted a business in Alton successfully for over fifty years.

Mr. Wuerker was married in St. Louis in 1856 to Magdalena Lutz. Their golden wedding anniversary was celebrated in 1906.

During Mr. Wuerker's long career in Alton, he has witnessed the steady progress of the place he loved and was always interested in its development. He was a Mason and a Knight Templar of many years standing, and until ill health forbade, he was a faithful attendant at lodge meetings. His aged wife died before him [in 1909], and since that time he was given the most devoted attention by his children and grandchildren. The death of his son, Adolph, was a sad blow to him. He leaves two sons, Otto Wuerker of Los Angeles and C. A. [Carl] Wuerker of Alton. During his long career in Alton, Mr. Wuerker won the respect and esteem of all who knew him. He was a good citizen, a kindly gentleman, and a man who never forgot the little courtesies he felt he owed to others, even when his great age made it difficult for him to render them. The funeral from the family home tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock will be under Masonic auspices.

The Wuerker Harness Shop was located on State Street, across from the Franklin House Hotel (now Lincoln Lofts). Mr. Wuerker was married in St. Louis in 1856 to Magdalena Lutz. The family lived at 311 Prospect Street in Alton, a home which Wuerker built in 1861. They had three sons – Adolph H., Otto, and Carl Wuerker. His son, Adolph H. Wuerker, took over the business when the father retired. Adolph sold the business in 1906 to Frank Pickard, who continued the business until June 1, 1936. Christian Wuerker died in April of 1915, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


WUERKER, FRED/Source: Alton Telegraph, April 15, 1897
Mr. Fred Wuerker, an old and well-known resident of Alton, died very unexpectedly Friday evening, at his home, 408 East Second Street. Some time ago, Mr. Wuerker suffered an attack of hemorrhage of the lungs, and he has been in very poor health since. Yesterday afternoon he went to his shop on State Street, and about 5 o’clock, started to walk home, complaining of feeling sick. When near Hotel Madison, he had to take a streetcar, although only a few blocks from home. Arriving at home, he was placed on a bed, but continued to grow worse, sinking rapidly until death came from heart failure, caused by another hemorrhage. Mr. Wuerker was 70 years of age, and leaves a wife, three daughters, and one son. For many years he has been engaged as a gun and locksmith in Alton.

The funeral took place Monday from the home on East Second Street, and were largely attended by old acquaintances. The interment was in the Alton City Cemetery.


WUERKER, MAGDALINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 17, 1909
Wife of Christian Wuerker
Mrs. Magdaline Wuerker, wife of Christian Wuerker, died Saturday evening at the family residence, 2311 Prospect street, after an illness that began nine months ago, but has been serious for about three weeks. She is survived by her husband, who is 85 years of age, and with whom she had lived as a faithful and devoted wife since they were married fifty-three years ago. During the illness of his aged partner in life, Mr. Wuerker was constant in his attendance upon her, and from the time that it became apparent that her days could not be many more, her husband stayed at her bedside and could be induced with difficulty to leave her long enough to take the air and exercise that his great age demanded to maintain his own health. Their life had been a singularly pleasant one together, and the death of Mrs. Wuerker is a sad shock to the aged gentleman who is thus left without the one who had for so many years been his counselor and comforter. Mrs. Wuerker was born in Wuertemberg, Germany, August 27, 1829. Practically her entire life, since coming to America, has been spent in Alton. She was married in St. Louis May 8th, 1856, and immediately took up her abode here, where she has lived ever since. She celebrated her golden wedding three years ago with a family reunion. In fact, the family reunion feature was a chief characteristic of Mrs. Wuerker's and her son, O. O. Wuerker of Los Angeles, rarely ever failed to attend these annual meetings. Being thoroughly devoted to her family her every thought was for their welfare and happiness. Always charitably inclined, her kind deeds, though unostentatious, will linger a long time among her friends. Mr. Wuerker's loss is indeed great in losing such a faithful and devoted wife. Their many years of wedded life covering a period of over fifty-three years has witnessed many changes in Alton's development from a village to its present proportions. Mrs. Wuerker leaves beside her husband, three sons, Adolph H., Otto L., and Carl A. Wuerker; also one brother, Mr. Henry Lutz, who is the sole survivor of that family. Mr. Otto Wuerker is on his way from Los Angeles, where he is engaged in business and is expected here tomorrow morning, in time to attend his mother's funeral. The funeral will be held from the home in private Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. E. L. Mueller officiating.


WUTZLER, AL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 30, 1912
Proprietor of Faulstich Cigar Store
Al Wutzler, aged 40, died this morning at 11:20 o'clock at his residence, 638 Spring street, after a long illness with locomotor ataxia. Mr. Wutzler was taken very ill on Christmas day. He had long been suffering from a malady which he knew to be incurable, but he managed to be up and around and attended to his business affairs until Christmas day, when he was forced to give up. His condition became rapidly worse from that time until the end came Monday morning. Mr. Wutzler had been conducting the cigar store formerly owned by Mayor Faulstich on Second street, for some time. He was doing a prosperous business and was making a name for his brands of cigars. He was a member of a well known Alton family. His mother, Mrs. August Wutzler, lived with him. He leaves beside his wife and one child, one brother, H. A. Wutzler of Alton, and two sisters, Mrs. Emma Schumann and Mrs. Lena Johnson.


WUTZLER, AUGUST/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15, 1911
Stone Mason & Contractor (Built the Foundation of Hotel Madison)
August Wutzler, one of the old German residents of Alton, died at his home on Spring street Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock after an illness of several months. He was 72 years of age last November, and had resided in Alton 39 years. Mr. Wutzler was born in Letzendorf, Saxweinner province, Germany, and at forty years of age emigrated to this country, coming directly to Alton. He was a stone mason and contractor by trade, and handled many building contracts in the city. He built the foundation of the Hotel Madison, and this was one of the last big contracts he handled. Four children, two sons and two daughters, survive. They are Herman A. and Albert Wutzler of Alton; and Mrs. Lena Johnson of Muskogee, Okla.; and Mrs. Emma Schneemann of Elyria, Ohio. A brother, Henry Wutzler, a venerable resident of the North Side, also survives and is still active at the age of four score and eight years. August Wutzler was well known among the older residents of the city and was highly respected. His kindly salutation to all men he met made him many friends, who will regret to learn of his death. Mr. Wutzler was affiliated with the German Evangelical church, and the funeral will be held from that church, the time to be announced later.


WUTZLER, BERTHA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 13, 1903
Miss Bertha Wutzler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Wutzler, after a long and painful illness with cancer died Sunday morning. She was born September 11, 1868, in the same room in which she died, and she is the eighth of the nine children born to Mr. and Mrs. Wutzler to pass to the Great Beyond. She was a good woman in every sense of the word, and no one in all her life had anything but words of warm commendation for her. Whenever Bertha Wutzler's name was mentioned, the original topic of conversation was followed by good words for her. She was a good, loving daughter, and her death leaves her aged parents completely prostrated. Besides her parents, she leaves a brother, Benjamin Wutzler, an uncle, Herman Wutzler, and several cousins in Alton. The funeral will be Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be in City Cemetery.


WUTZLER, EDWARD/Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 6, 1887
Mr. Edward Wutzler, a native of Germany, who had long resided here, died this afternoon after an illness of four weeks, caused by an affection of the head. He was about 40 years of age, and left a wife and four children.


WUTZLER, HENRY/Source: Alton Telegraph, August 5, 1897
Tuesday evening, Mr. Henry Wutzler of North Alton received a telegram announcing the sudden death of his son, Adolph Wutzler, at Mason City, Illinois. Mr. Wutzler fell dead while walking on the street. He was about 30 years of age. The body was brought home for interment, arriving this morning.


WUTZLER, J. HENRY/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 30, 1913
Suicides by Hanging on Bedpost
J. H. Wutzler is dead at his home, 2617 State Street, and there is general sadness in North Side homes and throughout Alton among those who knew him because of his passing in the manner he did. He was found in his bedroom about 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon by a neighbor, Mrs. Kate Elfgen, and his aged wife. He was huddled up on the floor by the bedside, and Mrs. Wutzler thought he had dropped in a faint. Her dim eyesight did not detect the rope around his neck, and Mrs. Elfgen hurried her out of the room before she did detect it. She does not now know he ended his own life, and the fact will be kept from her as long as possible. Mrs. Elfgen started to cross the street to Dr. Watson's office, but met that gentleman on his way to the Wutzler home. It had long been a practice of Dr. Watson to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wutzler daily and chat with them for a while, but his visit had been postponed Thursday about two hours because of a sick call elsewhere. He cut the rope that was around Mr. Wutzler's neck, and after placing the body on a bed, telephoned for the coroner's undertaker. Dr. Watson says that Mr. Wutzler had been dead probably an hour when discovered. Mr. Wutzler gave no intimation of intending to take his own life, although frequently in the past few years he has remarked that death was the best thing for "old folks like me." He would have been 90 years old July 31, and he and his surviving wife were married sixty years ago. Mrs. Wutzler is 87 years of age, and while she is bearing up reasonably well, it is feared by her friends that a sudden breakdown may occur as a result of the tragedy. About 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon Mr. Wutzler was talking to a Telegraph reporter, who had a habit of dropping in the Wutzler home frequently to talk with the old folks, and the old man said he and his wife had decided not to abandon the store and old home, but would remain where they had spent the last sixty years, "what little time is left us. I don't know," Mr. Wutzler said, "when I lie down at night whether I will be here in the morning or not." He appeared as cheerful as usual, however, and said he knew every foot of the house so well that his failing eyesight did not interfere with his duties to any extent. It was after 2 o'clock that he entered the bedroom, which adjoins the store on the ground floor, for a nap, and he must have been suddenly overcome with an insane desire to end his life. The rope had a slipknot in it, and one end was tied to the top of the bedpost and the noose end placed around his neck. He then must have jumped off the bed and slowly smothered to death. His feebleness caused dissolution to be hastened, the doctor thinks, and that same feebleness is all that could have prevented strangulation by gripping the bed with his hands and lifting himself up a few inches. He has lived in the North Side territory almost all of his life, being a young man when he came to this country from Germany. For thirty years or more he conducted a shoe store and shoe repairing shop, but for twenty years or more has been conducting a candy and notion store in the building where he died. Besides his wife he leaves a son, Ben, the last of a large family of children. H. A. Wutzler is a nephew. He was an honest, companionable, good man, and that makes the shock of his tragic death the more severe, and the harder to understand, except on the theory that insanity seized him temporarily. Mr. Wutzler was a member of Western Star Lodge, I. O. O. F., and the funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home, and will be under the auspices of the lodge.


WUTZLER, WILHELMINA/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 1, 1913
Widow of August Wutzler
Mrs. Wilhelmina Wutzler, widow of August Wutzler, died at 6 o'clock Monday morning at her home, 638 Spring street, aged 76. Mrs. Wutzler's death was the result of shock caused by the death of her son, Al Wutzler, who was buried last New Years' Day. The aged mother grieved so over the death of her son that she was never in good health or spirits again, and three days ago she became bedfast. She was an old-time resident of Alton, having lived here over forty-five years. Her husband, August Wutzler, died two years ago last February, and it was the death of her son, following so soon after the death of her aged husband, that caused her health and spirits to break down. She is survived by one son, H. A. Wutzler, of Alton, and two daughters, Mrs. Emma Schunemann of Elyria, Ohio; and Mrs. Lena Johnson of Muskogee, Okla. The funeral of Mrs. Wutzler will be Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the family home.


WYATT, THOMAS F./Source: The Ottawa Free Trader, Ottawa, Illinois, July 24, 1846
Mexican-American War Soldier Drowns in Mississippi River Near Alton House
We are pained to state that on the 11th inst., Mr. Thomas F. Wyatt, one of the volunteers attached to Capt. Zabiskie's (late Capt. Roberts') company from Morgan county, while bathing in the Mississippi a little below the Alton House, was accidentally drowned. On Monday the 13th his body was found near the mouth of the Missouri, brought to this city, and buried with the honors of war; several of the volunteer companies following his remains to the grave. From those who knew him, we learn that he was an estimable and promising young man, and much esteemed in the community where he resided. We sympathize with his friends and relatives in their severe bereavement.


WYCKOFF, WILLIAM A./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 18, 1900
William A. Wyckoff died suddenly last evening at 7 o'clock at the home of his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Terrell, on Summit street. His death was due to water around the heart and his illness was of only a short duration. He was taken ill a few days ago, and was confined to his bed only a few hours. He was suddenly seized with heart pains last night, and expired in a short time. Mr. Wyckoff was unmarried, and came to Alton a few years ago to reside with his sister. He was 61 years old. He came to Alton from Morrisonville, Ill., but lived many years in Jersey county. He leaves a sister, Mrs. Terrell, and three brothers, Charles Wyckoff of Virden; Spenser Wyckoff of Delhi; and Lieut. Barkley Wyckoff, U.S.N., who is stationed at Seattle, Washington. The funeral will be Sunday morning and services will be conducted in Jerseyville by Rev. H. K. Sanborne. The body will be taken from here at 8:40 a.m. Sunday.


WYMAN, BENJAMIN/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 30, 1908
Child of Anson Wyman
Anson Wyman today swore out a state warrant before Justice Rose, charging that his brother-in-law, Ed Craig, beat and assaulted him with brass knuckles. Wyman's child was dying at the family home on Belle near Ninth street. Wyman had been keeping vigil over his sick child at night and trying to work day time, and was reclining in a barber chair in his shop taking a rest. Craig entered the shop, according to Wyman, and before he could wake up thoroughly Craig attacked him. Wyman has a bad cut under one eye and a bad bruise under the other, which he says Craig caused. Craig's case was set for trial Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Wyman's child, Benjamin, aged 14 months, died this morning, and after the child's death the father swore out the warrant. The Wyman's live back of the barber shop. Wyman said that his sister was married to Craig and she left him, and that Craig had blamed him for causing the separation.


Professor Edward WymanWYMAN, EDWARD, LL.D./Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 1 & 3, 1888
Proprietor of the Wyman Institute, Upper Alton
The community was shocked this morning as the word passed abroad that Dr. Wyman had died suddenly last evening. Nor will the blow fall alone on this community, where indeed the crowning effort of a successful life has been brought to perfection under his masterly hand, and where he leaves lasting monuments of his taste and judgment in his model school. Hundreds of boys and men, scattered over the continent and even beyond the sea, will mourn the loss of an ever-dear friend, as they read the intelligence of the death of their old preceptor. During an experience as an educator, reaching back a half a century, Dr. Wyman has instructed three generations, and he has perhaps no senior in his profession in the West, surely no one who has pursued teaching so constantly. He has seen his contemporary instructors drop by the wayside, one by one, while he has kept up his activity to the very last.

A little after eight o’clock last evening, Dr. Wyman passed through the schoolroom where Professor L. M. Castle was in charge of the boys during their study hours, stopped a moment to speak with Professor Castle, and passed on into his office. A few moments later Professor Castle was hurriedly called into Dr. Wyman’s room, where he found him senseless and probably even then lifeless. Dr. Wyman had seated himself at his desk and was making out checks for the payment of his help for April, when he suddenly fell back in his chair, helpless. Mrs. Wyman summoned assistance at once, but in spite of her tender efforts and the labors of the physicians hastily summoned, her husband never recovered consciousness. Thus, suddenly, in the midst of the tireless labor that has ever characterized his life and rendered him so conspicuous an example of hearty, active age, this veteran educator is cut down by the Grim Reaper, who “Reaps its bearded grain at a breath.”

Dr. Wyman leaves a large family of sons, all men of prominence in their respective callings: Dr. Walter Wyman, Surgeon in charge of the U.S. Marine Hospital, New York; Frank Wyman of the Simmons Hardware Company, St. Louis; Harry Wyman and Arthur Wyman, both in business in St. Louis; also, a married daughter living in St. Louis, and a brother, Isaac Wyman of New York City. Pending the arrival of the absent relatives, the funeral appointments have not yet been made.

The Funeral of Professor Wyman
Services over the remains of its dead Principal were held this morning in the school room at Wyman Institute. The pupils, 48 in number, were seated at their desks, while the wall was lined and the corners of the room filled with seats for friends from town and elsewhere. The casket with its rich floral ornaments was placed on the platform whence the deceased had so often addressed his boys in words of tender counsel. Dr. A. A. Kendrick, President of Shurtleff College, conducted the services, and delivered an eloquent and touching eulogy upon his friend and co-laborer in the grand work of Christian education. He likened Professor Wyman to Arnold of Rugby, as one whose personal impress upon the youth of the Mississippi Valley is as great as that of Arnold upon the British youth, who have come under his instruction at Rugby. He commended his example of conscientious service in his chosen profession to the young gentlemen whose fortunate lot it has been to sit beneath his teachings. The singing, “Jesus, Lover of My Soul” (a favorite hymn of Mr. Wyman’s), by the school, was broken by frequent bursts of grief from the pupils, and altogether the service was inexpressibly pathetic. The room seemed full of the presence of him to whom they were gathered to pay their last tribute, and as the lads filed softly around the casket to take a tearful leave of their beloved teacher, there was scarcely a dry eye in the room. Rev. Dr. Wolff, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Alton, made the closing prayer, and the friends gave a last look at the well-known face, which even in death retained the hues of health, and silently passed out leaving to the family the last hour before the time of their departure on the 12:55 train for St. Louis, where the final services were appointed for 3 p.m., to be conducted by Rev. George E. Martin, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. The deceased had been an elder of that church for many years. Among relatives at the funeral were Mr. Isaac Wyman, deceased’s only brother, and his son.

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Wyman
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 11, 1888
Edward Wyman was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts on April 24, 1815. His ancestors were among the early settlers of Massachusetts, and of Revolutionary War fame. He received his early education in the public schools of Charlestown, and at a private boarding school in Londonderry, Massachusetts, and was specially fitted for college under the private instruction of Reverend Jared Curtis, the learned pastor of Harvard Church, who from his pulpit had noted the boy in the congregation, and picked him out as one in whom to take especial interest. After a four year’s course, he graduated from Amherst College in 1835, being contemporaneous, though not in the same class with Henry Ward Beecher, Richard Storrs, and others who were afterwards renowned. His preparation had been so thorough, that his college tasks were easily accomplished, and he was noted rather for exuberance of spirit than for deep study or fondness for books, though the latter were not neglected.

Immediately after graduation, he secured a position of teacher of a small school at Somerville, Massachusetts. His ability attracted attention at the outset, and before the expiration of his term, he was offered a better position in one of the Boston grammar schools. His success in the latter was so marked, that he was advanced and given charge of one of the schools, and was offered flattering inducements to remain in service of the public schools of Boston. But he was imbued with a desire to go west, and accepted a proposition made through Mr. John Tillson of Hillsboro, Illinois, to undertake the instruction of his own and other boys, who in those pioneer days could not otherwise receive proper education. He went west in the Fall of 1836, and for seven years conducted the Hillsboro Academy. During this period his father, who in early life had been in affluent circumstances, but whose fortunes were now reversed, likewise came west with his wife and settled in Hillsboro.

In April 1839, while still engaged at Hillsboro, he married Miss Elizabeth F. Hadley of Boston, the mother of five of the children who are still living. The remaining son is the offspring of his second marriage to Miss Martha Leigh in 1859.

In 1843, he left Hillsboro, first sending his wife and children back east, and came to St. Louis. He hired a room on Fourth Street near Olive, on the site now occupied by Steinberg’s hat store. St. Louis at that time was not the metropolitan city of today, and the furniture of “E. Wyman’s English and Classical High School,” as his new sign read, consisted of a desk made from a dry goods box and covered with green baize, and a section of a dining table and some chairs bought at the auction sale of the old Virginia Hotel, corner of Green and Main Streets.

His first scholar in St. Louis, and for a while his only scholar, was Charley Comstock, son of Deacon Anson Comstock of the First Presbyterian Church. When after some days his second pupil came, he wrote a cheering letter to his wife saying his school had doubled in number. In this school he had perhaps in all a dozen scholars, but in less than a year he rented larger apartments on the southeast corner of Fourth and Chestnut Streets, over Charless’ (later McLeod and Wheaton’s) drugstore. Here he taught a constantly growing school for six years, or until the completion of Wyman’s Hall in 1849. This was a large double, five-story building, erected at a cost of $25,000 dollars raised by subscriptions to school certificates, which were accepted by Professor Wyman as payment for tuition. The building was on the south side of Market Street, between Fourth and Fifth, and contained besides the school a large hall, which for many years, or until the completion of the Mercantile Library, was the principal hall for entertainments, and witnessed many remarkable events, among them the appearance of Jenny Lind, Petite Patty, the famous receptions by General Tom Thumb, and scientific lectures by Professor Silliman of Yale College, etc. The floor above this hall was devoted to a scientific collection of fossils, shells, birds, animals, etc., of great value. Professor Wyman began this collection while in college, by collecting enough minerals for a cabinet. He kept adding to it until it became so large that he conceived the idea of a museum. He employed a celebrated taxidermist, Mr. John T. Bates, and sent him twice around the world to collect birds and animals. Over a thousand of the finest specimens were obtained and stuffed and displayed with the greatest possible taste in arrangement, in fifty glass cases. The museum contained also many paintings of rare merit, statuary, and the fossil Zeuglodon, a skeleton ninety-six feet in length, found in Alabama. The museum was eventually sold, taken to Chicago, and was destroyed in the great fire.

The top floors of Wyman Hall were devoted to the English and Classical High School, which numbered between 400 and 500 pupils, the sons of the first citizens of the city. The appointments were complete, including a fine outfit of philosophical and chemical apparatus, a telescope, and other astronomical instruments. The building was destroyed by fire some years ago.

In 1853, Professor Wyman retired from teaching, and entered into the banking business. The firm failed, and was dissolved in 1856. The steps leading to the failure had been taken before Mr. Wyman’s identification with the firm, but the liabilities were such as to affect his subsequent business career and thwart many enterprises.

In 1858 or 1859, he ran for Mayor of St. Louis on the American ticket, against Chauncey I. Filley, Republican, and Lewis V. Bogy, Democrat. Mr. Filley was elected.

By dint of great energy, in connection with others, he then established a mill for the manufacture of linseed and cottonseed oil, white lead, varnishes, etc., and was in the enjoyment of a very successful and rapidly increasing business, when he was dispossessed of his entire interest by legal complications of the banking firm, and he found himself completely bankrupt.

In 1861, after eight years’ retirement from his regular profession, he again took up teaching in the City University, corner of Sixteenth and Pine Streets, and for six years maintained here a school, which in its last year had an enrollment of over six hundred scholars. On account of his health, Mr. Wyman was obliged to give up this school in 1867, and from that date until 1879, he was engaged in the real estate business, first as member of the firm of E. G. Obear & Co., later the firm of Priest and Wyman, and finally under his own name alone.

In 1879, for the fourth time in the west, he again established a school, the present Wyman Institute, at Upper Alton, where he died suddenly on April 30, while in the full possession of his strong mental and physical faculties. He lived to see the Wyman Institute become the crowning glory of his professional life, and died with a pen in his hand, seated at his desk. He leaves a widow and five sons and a daughter, the latter the wife of Mr. James Richardson Jr. of the Richardson drug company. The sons are Mr. Henry P. Wyman, Secretary of the St. Louis and Mississippi Valley Transportation Company; Mr. Charles Wyman, Custom House Broken; Dr. Walter Wyman, Surgeon in charge of the U. S. Marine Hospital, New York; Mr. Frank Wyman, of the Simmons Hardware Company; and Mr. Arthur Wyman, agent of the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company. All except one reside in St. Louis.

Professor Wyman was for a number of years superintendent of a large Sunday School in the Methodist Episcopal Church on the corner of Eleventh and Locust Streets. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of St. Louis, and President of the board of trustees for a long period. He was also for a long time President of the school board of St. Louis, and acting as the agent of the board at one period, went east, and selected fifteen professional teachers for service in the public schools of St. Louis. He was one of the curators of the State University of Missouri, and was given the degree of LL.D. by the institution in recognition of his eminent service in the cause of education. At the date of his death, he was a member of the board of trustees of Shurtleff College. The faculty of this college have passed appropriate resolutions and a testimonial, to be suitably engrossed, was adopted at meeting of a large number of his old pupils in the Lindell Hotel, St. Louis, May 8. Signed W. W.

Professor Edward Wyman was born April 24, 1815, in Charlestown, Massachusetts. His parents were Nehemiah Wyman (1786-1869) and Susan Frances Cutter Wyman (1790-1864). Edward married Elizabeth Frances Hadley (1819-1858). From this union were born the following: Henry Purkitt Wyman (1841-1922); Ella Wyman (1844-1863); Charles Hadley Wyman (1845-1908); Dr. Walter Wyman (1848-1911); Frank Wyman (1850-1924); Herbert Wyman (1853-1853); and Florence Wyman Richardson (1855-1920). After the death of his wife, Elizabeth, he married Martha Leigh of St. Louis, Missouri. Professor Wyman was buried in the Bellefontaine Cemetery in St. Louis.


WYMAN, PAUL/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 5, 1918
Paul Wyman, aged 27, died at the family home this morning from influenza, which he contracted a short time ago. He resided on Long avenue with his parents, and was single. No funeral arrangements have been made.


WYMAN, RALPH EDGAR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24, 1920
The funeral of Ralph Edgar, four months' old child of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wyman, was held this afternoon from the home, 1123 Long avenue. Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery.


WYSS, CATHERINE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 13, 1907
Mother of Samuel H. Wyss
Mrs. Catherine Wyss, mother of Samuel H. Wyss, died at 9:30 Wednesday morning after a lingering illness, aged 69 years. She had suffered from a complication of diseases, resulting in heart failure. Mrs. Wyss came to this country from Essendor, Westfahlen, Germany, when 16 years of age, and was therefore one of our oldest citizens. She was the wife of Samuel Wyss who died Nov. 15, 1901. She was a daughter of the late Henry Dietz. One son, S. H. Wyss, and one daughter, Mrs. Bertha Strubel, both of Alton, and a sister, Mrs. Mary Hackethal of Denver, Colo., survive her. The latter arrived from Denver on Monday. Mrs. Wyss was an active and consistent Christian, a member of St. Mary's church, respected by all who knew her. The funeral services will take place at St. Mary's church, Friday, March 15, at 9 a.m. Burial will be in St. Joseph cemetery.


WYSS, MATTIE/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 24, 1912
Christmas Tragedy
Mrs. Mattie Wyss, widow of William Wyss, aged 56, died at St. Joseph's hospital Monday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock after undergoing a surgical operation for the relief of a stragulated hernia resulting from some injury that she had accidentally suffered. Mrs. Wyss had been filled with the thoughts of celebrating Christmas. She has planned some nice gifts for each of her children, and had even counted in herself and had one prepared for herself, all hidden away in the house where she could find them in time to play Santa Claus for the family. When her condition became so bad that it was apparent she must resort to surgery to save her life, and even then her case was doubtful, she was unwilling to do. It was evident, however, that she could not live unless she did consent to the surgeon's knife being used, she finally consented and was moved to the hospital. Her case was a bad one, and the necessity of an immediate operation was urgent. She did not long survive the operation. She leaves seven children, also four sisters. Her husband died eight years ago. The funeral will be Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the German Evangelical church.


WYSS, OSCAR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 11, 1895
The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. William Wyss’ three-year-old son, Oscar, took place this afternoon from the family residence on East Fourth Street. The remains were interred in the Alton City Cemetery.


Samuel Henry Wyss Jr.WYSS, SAMUEL HENRY JR/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 4, 1936
Samuel H. Wyss Jr. was born in Alton, September 27, 1860. He was the son of Samuel Wyss Sr. (1828-1901) and Caroline Dietz Wyss (1838-1907). He attended local schools in Alton, including Shurtleff College. He also graduated from a school of pharmacy, and opened a successful drugstore on E. Broadway near Ridge Street in Alton. In 1902, he joined the Alton Banking & Trust Company as its first president. He held a leading part in making it one of the solid financial institutions of Alton, and remained active until 1925. Wyss was also treasurer of the Obear-Nester Glass Company of East St. Louis, and continued as one of its directors for years. Wyss was interested in farming also, and invested in farm lands until he held a large acreage in the fertile American Bottoms.

Wyss Jr. married Miss Dorothy B. Emert of Hartford, on August 30, 1893. They had one son, Emert L. Wyss (1897-1978; who became a cashier of the Alton Banking & Trust Co.) and four daughters – Margaret Wyss Miller (1899-1969); Angela M. Wyss Maley, wife of Mark Maley of St. Louis (1902-1981); Bertha Helen Wyss Duggan, wife of Gregory Duggan of Alton (1905-1991); and Mrs. F. B. Kane of St. Louis.

Wyss Jr. was prominent in the erection of the St. Mary’s parochial school, and the convent of the Sisters of Notre Dame. He was also a member of the Knights of Columbus.

Wyss Jr. suffered a heart attack on March 3, 1936, as he was driving to his home at 914 Henry Street. He died within a few minutes of arrival at St. Anthony’s Infirmary. He and his son had visited his old drugstore on Broadway, taking what was his last look at the business where he spent 35 years of his early life. He was buried in St. Joseph’s Cemetery in Alton.


Samuel Henry Wyss Sr.WYSS, SAMUEL SR./Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 16, 1901
Former Alton Hotel Owner
Samuel Wyss Sr., one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Alton, after months of suffering from Bright's disease and other ailments, died Friday evening at 7 o'clock at his home on Henry street. Deceased was a kindly man, a genial neighbor and friend, and good father and husband. He married Miss Caroline Dietz of this city [Alton] in 1856, and she survives him. He was a life-long member of the German Evangelical church, and was also one of the oldest members of the German Benevolent Society of this city. He retired from active business in 1883, although since that time he managed his extensive property interests. Samuel Wyss Sr. was born in Aarwangan, Switzerland in 1828, and came to America and Alton in 1855, and for year was a very active force in the city in a business way. He embarked in the hotel business on East Second street [Broadway], and continued in it for over a quarter of a century. He was interested in other industries in a financial way, and became possessed of a great deal of property. He leaves besides his widow, two sons, Alderman S. H. Wyss of the Fifth Ward, and William Wyss, both of Alton, and Mrs. Bertha, wife of William Struble of St. Louis. The funeral will be Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. from the home, Sixth and Henry streets, under the auspices of the German Benevolent Society. Services will be conducted by Rev. Theo Oberhellmann.


WYSS, WILLIAM/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 28, 1904
Brother of S. H. Wyss (President of Alton Banking and Trust)
William Wyss, aged 47, died suddenly from heart disease Sunday, at his home, 632 east Fourth street. He had been sitting in his chair with his family about him, and was reading when he was taken with an acute attack pain in the heart and fell to the floor unconscious. Death occurred about ___ minutes later. Mr. Wyss was a member of a prominent Alton family and a brother of S. H. Wyss, president of the Alton Banking and Trust Co. He had been suffering from heart troubles for a year, and no coroner request will be necessary as he had been under a doctor's care. Mr. Wyss is survived by his wife and seven children. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home