Monticello Seminary Newspaper Articles

History of Monticello Ladies Seminary

Source: Alton Telegraph, December 28, 1836
(From an article about Alton)
The foundations of the Alton’s prosperity are laid on the broad basis of public morals and Christian benevolence. Its churches are its most prominent and costly edifices, and claim the tribute of praise from every beholder. "Three temples of His grace, How beautiful they stand, The honors of our native place, And bulwarks of our land." No people cherish the sentiment conveyed in these lines more than do those of Alton; not a town in the Union, of its population, has been so liberal in its contributions to every measure of Christian benevolence. The amount subscribed the present year probably exceeds $10,000 dollars; one item in which is the subscription, by two gentlemen, of $1,000 dollars each, to employ a temperance lecturer for this portion of the state. In addition to this, one of the same gentlemen (B. G. Esq.) [Benjamin Godfrey] has given $10,000 dollars towards the erection and endowment of a female seminary at Monticello, five miles north of the town, to the superintendence of which a most accomplished lady has been called from the celebrated institute at Ipswich, Mass.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1837
We regret to state that on Tuesday of last week, a melancholy accident occurred at the Female Seminary, about five miles from this place. While the carpenters were at work near the roof of the building, the staging on which they stood suddenly gave way, and precipitated three of them from the fourth story to the ground. One of these was killed on the spot; and the others were so much injured as to render their recovery somewhat doubtful. The name of the deceased is John H. Marshall. He was about 40 years old, and has left a large family to deplore his untimely end. The others also have families.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 21, 1838
Monticello Female Seminary will be opened for the reception of pupils on April 11, under the superintendence of the Rev. Theron Baldwin. A few Monticello Female Seminarystatements, therefore, with Monticello Female Seminary, Godfrey, IL reference to general arrangements and principles, will be necessary. The location of the institution is four miles from Alton on the stage route from that city to Jacksonville and Springfield. This was selected from a regard to health and freedom from the hustle and temptations of a large town. The adjoining prairie is thickly settled with an industrious and moral population. A stone building, 110 by 44 feet, and four stories high (erected and mostly furnished by the munificence of Benjamin Godfrey, Esq.) is now near its completion. The two upper stories together contain 40 rooms - each being designed to accommodate two young ladies. These rooms are to be furnished with a double bedstead, mattress, table and chairs. As the institution has not the requisite funds, all additional furniture must be provided by the occupants. Where it is not convenient to bring it, purchases can be made in Alton. The expense, when divided between two individuals, will be trifling. The second story is divided into school, recitation and family rooms; and the basement (which may be perfectly lighted and ventilated) into kitchen, dining hall, and chapel.

A competent lady has been engaged to superintend the boarding department. None will be received as boarders under the age of 14, unless by previous arrangement with the principal. The circumstances of each case will determine the question of admission.

All the pupils who board in the institution will be required to take the whole care of their own room - do their own ironing and alternately assist in setting and clearing the tables, and keeping in order such parts of the building as are appropriated to their use. This will afford healthful exercise, and tend to make them feel that they are but parts of one family. It is impossible, at this time, to estimate the price of board - but it will be put at cost; so that if the assistance rendered by the pupils should reduce it, they will reap the whole benefit. To produce a further reduction in expenses, the privilege of doing their own washing will be given to those who desire it.

The family of the principal, and all the teachers, will reside in the Seminary building, and board at the same table; and no pains will be spared to give to the whole the aspect and reality of a well-regulated family. Such is the sparseness of the population immediately around the Seminary, that no assurances can be given with regard to obtaining board in the vicinity.

The summer term of each year will continue 18 weeks, and be succeeded by a vacation of eight weeks. The winter term will consist of 22 weeks, followed by a vacation of four weeks. Tuition (payable in advance), Summer term, $9.00. Tuition for the winter term, $11.00.

Those who board in the institution will be required, at the commencement of each term, to advance on their board bill an amount equal to one dollar for each week of that term, and at its close to pay all remaining dues. The price of board will vary with that of provisions and labor; and different causes may operate to increase or diminish other expenses; but they will, in all cases, be put at the lowest practicable point. As the founder consecrates the building and furniture to the cause of education, no individual will reap any pecuniary advantages from the avails of the institution.

The course of study is to be systematic and extensive, and regular classes will be formed as soon as practicable. The training of teachers will receive special attention, as the constant aim will be to fit young ladies for usefulness. The principal textbooks are the following: The Bible, Colburn's First Lessons, Adams' New Arithmetic, Day's Algebra, Smith's and Murray's Grammar, Malto Brun's School Geography, Goodrich's History of the United States, Worcester's Elements of History, Grimshaw's France, andDomestic Science Lab, Monticello Seminary Goldsmith's England, Greece, and Rome, Phelps' and Eaton's Botany, Watts on the Mind, Newman's and Whateley's Rhetoric, Hayward's and Combe's Human Physiology, Playfair's Euclid, Olmsted's Natural Philosophy, Comstock's Chemistry, Wilkins' Astronomy, and Burritt's Geography of the Heavens, Abercrombie's Intellectual Philosophy, Smellic's Philosophy of Natural History, Mather's Geology, Marsh's Ecclesiastical History, Hedge's Logic, Paley's Natural Theology, Wayland's Moral Philosophy, Butler's Analogy, Alexander's Evidences of Christianity. The above works can be obtained at the bookstore of George Holton in Alton. A library of textbooks has been commenced, from which such as constitute a part of the course can, to a certain extent, be loaned to those who are unable to purchase. A beginning has also been made in procuring apparatus for the illustration of various branches of study.

The business of instruction will be in the hands of females. Two individuals - Miss Mary Cone and Miss Philena Fobes - have been engaged as teachers - both of whom have had experience in distinguished Female Seminaries. Others will be added as they are needed. To guard as much as possible against the evils that arise from a frequent change of teachers, and to secure the requisite amount of talent and experience, the course of study as far as practicable will be divided into departments, and those who fill them will be expected to sustain equal responsibilities.

Preaching (by the Principal) may be expected regularly on the Sabbath in the chapel of the Institution. This will be open to the inhabitants of Monticello and vicinity.

Communications relative to the Seminary may be addressed to the principal, Rev. Theron Baldwin, Alton. It is desirable that all applications for admission be forwarded as speedily as possible.

Monticello, February 14, 1838. Editors in this State, friendly to the cause of Education, are requested to give the above a few insertions in their respective papers.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 01, 1838
The first examination of Monticello Female Seminary will take place on Tuesday, the 14th of August next. Exercises to commence at 9 o'clock a.m. They will be open to all who may desire to attend. T. Baldwin, Principal.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 29, 1838

I've gazed on many a lovely form,
In climes beneath a southern sky;
I've sailed on Tigris' wave with maids
Of golden hair, and azure eye;

I've gazed on forms surpassing fair,
And lovely as the soft pale moon,
When forth from silvery clouds she breaks
To sail the sky, at night's still moon;

I've gazed on maids from Cashmere's vale,
Whose charms outvie the op'ning rose,
Whose laughing dimples on their cheeks,
Disturb the crimson's soft repose.

But thou art fairer far than these -
More glorious than the purest dream.
Of youthful poet's raptur'd soul -
Thou art his highest earthly theme.

Written by Claude.
[NOTE: Someone had written this poem on the newspaper "Owen Lovejoy."]


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1840
We have been politely favored with a copy of the first and second Catalogues of Monticello Female Seminary, which give a favorable account of the present condition of the institution. It was founded, as most of our readers know, by Capt. Benjamin Godfrey of this city [Alton], and opened for the reception of pupils on April 11, 1838. Their number during the first year amounted to 57; during the second year to 104. The price of tuition for the summer term of 16 weeks, is $8; and $28 for board. For the winter term of 24 weeks, $12 for tuition and $42 for board, exclusive of books, stationery, fuel and lights, estimated at $12 per annum. An extra charge of $12 per quarter of 10 weeks is also made for lessons in instrumental music, including use of piano. Although the buildings, by the terms of conveyance, go free of rent, and the principal has hitherto been sustained by the liberality of the founder, yet the Seminary could not have been kept up at the above low rate of charges, had not a revenue of $300 a year towards the support of the teachers been received from a few individuals of this city. "It is hoped and expected that permanent provisions will be made for conducting the Institution upon something near the present scale of expense," by means of endowments, which the friends of education, in easy circumstances, are respectfully invited to supply. The following are the names of the instructors: Rev. Theron Baldwin, Principal; Miss H. M. Sturtevant, Governess and Lecturer on Habits and the first principles of Morals and Religion; Miss Philena Fobes, teacher of Rhetoric and of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy; Miss Mary Cune, teacher of History and Natural Science; Miss Rebecca B. Long, teacher of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy; Miss Elizabeth W. Turner, teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music; Miss Eliza A. Brown, Assistant Pupil; Miss Sarah A. Norton, Monitress; and Mrs. Mariam Stoddard, Superintendent of Boarding Department. Communications relative to the Seminary should be addressed, postpaid, to the Principal, Rev. Theron Baldwin, Alton.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 28, 1840
We had the gratification on Wednesday last, of attending the Annual Examination in this institution, and although, owing to the very crowded state of the hall in which it was held, it was not in our power to understand distinctly all that was said, we were nevertheless highly pleased at the great readiness and propriety with which the youthful fair answered the numerous questions proposed to them, as well as at the great merit of the different original compositions which it was our good fortune to hear. The music was excellent, and the various exercises were so conducted as to reflect the highest credit on the Principal, the teachers, and the pupils. We are gratified to learn that an institution, which is an honor to our state as well as to the public spirit of its worthy founder, is in a flourishing condition.
Monticello Ladies Seminary, Godfrey, IL


By Mrs. E. R. Steele; From the Ladies' Companion
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1841
While journeying through the Western states last summer, I found upon the Mississippi a seminary conducted on so judicious a plan, that I am convinced it has only to be made public to be followed by other institutions. It is calculated for the wants of that people, and in fact, would be of great benefit to the young females of the Atlantic border. After a charming drive over the arcadian plains of the Florissante prairies, we found ourselves again in the city of St. Louis. Here we entered a steamboat, and in two hours arrived at Alton. This town looks very well as you approach it from below. It is built upon a sloping, uneven ground, and every little eminence is crowned by some public building, which displays to much advantage from the river. The Baptist and other churches are thus rendered quite conspicuous, as well as numerous dwellings and hotels of brick, and the penitentiary, and rows of warehouses of white limestone.

We repaired to the Alton House, a very large hotel, where we procured a handsome coach and set out for Upper Alton. After ascending the rising ground behind the town, we found ourselves upon a plateau of rich prairieland, from which we obtained fine views of the swift-rolling Physical Education, Monticello Seminary, 1914Mississippi, and across it the verdant plains of Missouri, with the green swelling Mammelie bluffs rising beyond. A drive of two miles brought us to Upper Alton, a pretty rural-looking village with many spires and neat houses peeping through the trees. We found our friends in a large and picturesque house in the cottage style, surrounded by piazzas whose pillars were wreathed with clusters of Michigan roses, and shaded by the graceful cottonwood and pretty redbud and locust. Here indeed was a paradise of the West! Here were realized those visions so many have sighed after. Upon the Mississippi's banks we found this lodge in a vast wilderness, so often courted; a secluded retreat far from the haunts of men, where the confusion and the follies of the world are only remembered as a troubled dream, and nature is looked upon in all its grandeur and freshness. A charming young family, a large and well-selected library, and above all, a well-educated wife, renders our friend's retirement the most pleasing of any I have met in this boasted West. We entered our friend's carriage the next morning, and after a charming ride through an oak forest, found ourselves in sight of the institution we came to visit.

Monticello Female Seminary is a building of the white limestone of thatMonticello Ladies Seminary, 1852/53 region, one hundred and ten by forty-four feet, and four stories in height. It stands within a park ornamented with groups of trees, and a fine garden is laid out in the rear. This extensive establishment was projected and founded by Benjamin Godfrey, Esq., a gentleman of Alton who to this benevolent purpose devoted a very large portion of his property. While a resident of the West, many examples had come before his eyes of the miseries arising from the imperfect education of the young women. The dearth of servants rendered it necessary for the young wives around him to superintend, if not assist in household labor, and he saw how much better it were they should come prepared for those duties and quite able to perform them, instead of wearing themselves out, and pining away over tasks which, by being new, appear much more arduous than they are in reality. As the evil lay in a defective system of education, this generous individual at once saw how great a desideration an institution would be, uniting useful with ornamental accomplishments. With a public spirit to be much applauded, Mr. Godfrey erected this spacious building for educating 'wives for western men.' Eighty young ladies is the limited number, all to be over fourteen years of age. With the course of scientific study usual in female seminaries, the pupils are taught music, instructed in religion, and in various household duties. Among others, they are required to take lessons in setting table, and in arranging their rooms. They also sweep and scrub the floors of their rooms, and wash, starch, and iron all their own clothes. Some young ladies who had been bred in idleness, or had come from the luxurious mansions of St. Louis where slaves awaited their nod, were very reluctant, at first, to undertake these menial employments, but the advantage which so good a school presented in its other departments rendered their parents deaf to their complaints. They were soon, however, broken in, and sing as merrily over their washtubs as the other pupils. As gain is not the object of its generous founder, the price of admission is placed quite low; still, there are some whose means are too straightened for even this, and these are allowed to pay for their instruction by labor in the house. The eagerness of the people to procure education for their children is very great, and many thus receive instruction who are of high respectability, and are enabled to teach others or attend to the younger members of their family.

Some of these young girls are beneficiaries of a benevolent society called the 'Ladies Association for Educating Females.' The directresses are mostly ladies of Illinois, but many belong to the surrounding States. They assemble once a year at Jacksonville, Illinois. The object of this society is 'to encourage and assist young ladies to qualify themselves for teaching, and to aid in supporting teachers in those places where they cannot otherwise be sustained.' Young females of all ages are selected from poor families and placed in schools, where they are watched over by these benevolent ladies, their tuition paid, and each, every year, is addressed a circular letter of advice, with the donation of an appropriate instructive book. When prepared, they are placed in situations where they can support themselves. Several have become missionaries. Their board at Monticello, and other seminaries where they are placed to receive instruction, is paid for by their own labor while out of school. We must indeed admire - to quote the last report of this society - "The moral dignity and energy of mind thus displayed," in being willing "in the hours of recreation to relinquish the playground and all social pleasures."

To show the eagerness of the mothers of Illinois to obtain an entrance into Monticello Academy, and their gratitude for aid extended to them, I will give an extract of a letter to one of the beneficiaries from her mother:

"I am truly thankful that you are at school, and regard it as Providential you are there. It was my most earnest desire and prayer to God, through the summer, that you might go to Monticello in the Fall; but I did not see how you could, unless we, by our own exertion, could procure the means of sustaining you there. then, when I came to be laid aside by sickness, I supposed it must be given up. But we see God is not wanting for means, when he has an object to accomplish. I hope you will view the subject in this light, and feel the obligation resting upon you to improve your time and privileges in the best manner; having greater usefulness as the sole object in view. It is of little consequence whether we move in the high, or more humble stations in life; if our object is to do good, we shall find plenty of employment in either."

The great amount of good performed by the Ladies' Society, entitles them to the good wishes of the benevolent and patriotic. The Reverend J. Spalding, in his address before the seventh annual meeting, tells us - "Since its commencement, it has aided one hundred and forty-seven young ladies in their preparation for usefulness and Heaven. During the last year, it has aided fifty-two young ladies, thirty-one of whom are professedly followers of the Lamb."

Two of the Monticello beneficiaries are of the Cherokee tribe of Indians, and are preparing to be teachers among their own people. they are fine, intelligent girls, but I am sorry to learn they will be obliged to leave the institution, as the Ladies Association find themselves obliged to reduce the number of beneficiaries. It is to be hoped they will be sustained in their 'labor of love.' I will conclude this episode of the Education Society, with the concluding words of the above Reverend gentleman's address to it: "Go on; gather the gems from these groves and these prairies; brighten them for earth, and burnish them for the skies!"

Class of 1888, Monticello SeminaryWhen we entered the academy, we were shown into a neatly-furnished parlor, where we were soon joined by the principal of Monticello, the Reverend Theron Baldwin, a gentleman of great information and piety. He kindly explained to us the principles upon which the seminary was conducted, and then offered to show us the house. Everything seemed arranged with the greatest order and neatness. The dining, school, and recitation rooms were large, clean and airy; and the bedrooms commodious. Upon the ground floor was a chapel filled up with the beautiful black walnut of their woods; here, divine service is performed by Mr. Baldwin to the school, and people of the neighborhood who assemble there every Sunday. In one of the halls we saw a young girl upon her knees, scrubbing, in payment of her board and her lessons - one of a family who had seen 'better days,' and who cheerfully undertook such services in order to obtain the great blessing of education. When qualified for the undertaking, she would be enabled to support herself and her parents by teaching. She was about fourteen, and quite pretty - her sleeves rolled up to avoid being soiled, displayed a plump, fair arm. She did not seem abashed by her situation, but calmly arose to give us room to pass, glancing a firm, but modest eye towards us. It was a sight that touched my heart. It is not usual to admit visitors upon 'cleaning days,' but we obtained a peep into an upper gallery where the broom and the dust brush were keeping time in a merry cadence with happy young voices.

I hope my young friends may never be forced to such extremes as here narrated. In this region, the young housekeeper can obtain help of some kind; still, her hour of need may come, and if she is not called upon to clean her house or cook her dinner with such instruction, she may be able to direct her ignorant servant. I hope the Monticello Seminary will be the model upon which many of our boarding schools shall be formed; and our young wives be not only capable of entertaining their company and family by their accomplishments and intellectual conversation, but by their knowledge, instruct and direct their households.

We left the seminary, pleased with its arrangements, and wishing all success to the generous individual who originated the establishment. It is delightful to see wealth so well employed - to see the 'just steward,' thus ably disposing of his Master's property. Such disinterestedness shone out in bold relief from the selfish and reckless waste of fortune, which we had beheld in our pilgrimage - like one of his own islands upon a sunny and treeless prairie.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 27, 1841
The catalogue of the officers and members of this Institution, for 1841, has been on our table for some weeks past. It states that the number of pupils for the last Summer term amounted to 80, and for the present Winter term to 81; of which five belong to the Senior Class, three to the Middle Class, and thirty to the Junior Class. The following are the names of the officers: Rev. Theron Baldwin, Principal; Miss H. M. Sturtevant, Governess; Miss Philena Fobes, Teacher of Rhetoric and of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy; Miss Mary Cone, Teacher of History and Natural Science; Miss Rebecca B. Long, Teacher of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy; Mr. Horace D. Munson, Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music; Miss Eliza A. Brown, Assistant Pupil; Miss Jane M. Stoddard, Monitress; Mrs. Miriam Stoddard and Mrs. Cynthia Stockton, Superintendents of Boarding Department. The course of instruction is somewhat similar to that pursued in our colleges. Each of the teachers "is independent as to her modes of teaching," having a particular department, so limited as to its number of branches, "that she can extend her investigations beyond the mereMonticello Seminary Hayride textbook, and bring into the recitation room, materials gathered from all accessible sources of information," thus securing competent instruction and a perfect division of labor. "The year is divided into two terms or sessions - one of twenty-four, the other of sixteen weeks." The expense of the shortest, or Summer term, which will commence in April next, amounts to $36, board and tuition included; of which $24 is to be paid in advance, and the remainder at the close of the term. For the longest, or Winter term, which commences about the first of October annually, $54 is charged, of which $36 is payable in advance, and the balance when the term expires. Ad additional charge is made for lessons in Instrumental Music. We are gratified to learn from an authentic source, that the Seminary - which is pronounced by competent judges to be the best institution of the kind in the United States - is in a prosperous condition; the principal difficulty with which it has to contend being the want of sufficient room to accommodate all the applicants for admission. The hope is indulged that this obstacle to more usefulness will not be suffered to exist much longer; and that the period is at hand when a hearty welcome will be given to all who may desire to participate in the advantages it offers to the young females of our country. Communications relative to the Seminary should be addressed, postpaid, to the Principal, Rev. Theron Baldwin, Alton, Illinois.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 9, 1841
Monticello Seminary commenced its winter session on Wednesday week last. Every room, we are informed, was filled or engaged the first day of the session, which is the safest assurance that can be given of the high estimation in which it is held by the public. The Institution can accommodate eighty young ladies, and were its accommodations twice as extensive as they are, we have no doubt every room would be filled.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 15, 1842
Through the politeness of the principal of this flourishing and invaluable institution, we have received a catalog of its officers and members for the year ending March 15, 1842. The number of your ladies receiving instruction Monticello Seminary, 1918 influenze epidemicat Monticello Seminary, during the year, are 78 at the summer term, and 85 at the Winter term. Would the accommodations of the buildings admit of it, this number, we are confident, would have been greatly augmented. The superior advantages it possesses over all other similar institutions in the West, have been fully tested and frankly conceded. This seminary of learning is under the charge of the Rev. Theron Baldwin as Principal; Miss H. M. Sturtevant as Governess; Miss Philena Fobes as Teacher of Rhetoric and of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy; Miss Mary Cone as Teacher of History and Natural Science; and Miss Rebecca B. Long as Teacher of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. In addition to these are Assistant Teachers, and Mr. H. D. Munson as Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music. The year is divided into two terms; one of twenty-four, the other of sixteen weeks; and the cost of a year's tuition including board, &c., does not exceed one hundred and five dollars per annum.

Of the high order of intellectual and moral qualifications of both Miss Fobes and Miss Cone, for the arduous and responsible stations they occupy, it would be arrogance in us to speak. They have won for themselves a reputation which is beyond the reach of praise or flattery; and thousands will hereafter rise up and call them blessed throughout the West for their devotion in instructing the female mind. To the Principal, too much praise cannot be awarded. The whole energies of his richly stored mind are put forth in the noble cause of Female Education; and we fervently trust his _____ with more than success.

There is one point to which we beg leave to direct the attention of the statesman and philanthropist, before concluding this hasty notice. We allude to the subject of endowments. The Catalogue before us contains the following sensible and well-times remarks:

"At the above rate of charges, the Institution would be a constantly sinking concern. It is hoped and expected that permanent provision will be made for conducting the Institution upon something near the present scale of expense. Measures are now in progress for the accomplishment of this desirable end. The experience of ages has settled the point that suitable endowments are indispensable to the success and even existence of colleges, and it would be difficult to show a good reason why there should not be institutions for the education of females upon a similar basis."

Upon this point, we think there can exist no doubt. And we shall have greatly erred in the character and liberality of our western gentlemen of wealth, if an appeal is made to them in vain for the endowment of this incalculably usefully and vastly important institution. To those who have it in their power to give, it will be better than money at compound interest. And in no way can they aid the prosperity and happiness of this western section of the union, more than by fostering and extending the usefulness of Monticello Female Seminary. As a citizen of Illinois, it is one of the proudest objects of our admiration; and for its permanent success, it has our best - our warmest wishes.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 26, 1842
We were present last week at the public examination which took place at the above institution, and were gratified beyond expression. The young ladies acquitted themselves with great credit, and furnished, in the rigid examination they underwent, incontestable evidence of the distinguished ability of those under whose charge they are so successfully ascending the hill of literature and intellectual improvement. The classes in Natural and Moral Philosophy, Geology and Astronomy displayed a thorough knowledge of their respective subjects; and the compositions which were read would have done credit to older heads and more experienced minds. We regret we were unable to procure them, that we might from time to time have published them, and thus invited a comparison with that of any other Female Institution in the Union. The close of the late term completes the fourth year of the existence of Monticello Seminary, and notwithstanding it has been crowded every term, it is a remarkable fact that not a single death has occurred among the students within its walls. Three young ladies graduated and received their certificates, viz: Miss Cowles, Miss Bartlett, and Miss Spencer; and we care not into what community or society they may be thrown, neither themselves nor the friends of the institution will ever feel ashamed in promulgating the fact that they were educated at Monticello Seminary in the State of Illinois.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 27, 1842
(From the Watchusa of the Valley)
We intended to notice this institution some weeks ago, but the catalogue left with us by the Principal was mislaid, and therefore forgotten. The Seminary is under the care of the Rev. Theron Baldwin, who is eminently qualified to make it, in all respects, worthy of confidence and patronage. It was projected and founded by Mr. Benjamin Godfrey, who, at an expense of $40,000 or $50,000, has erected a noble building, and furnished the rooms, procured apparatus, &c., for the school. The purpose of the Principal is to secure to the Institution such an endowment as shall give it the permanence of colleges. Four principal female teachers are employed, to each of whom is assigned a distinct department, in which by giving to it her whole time, she is expected to become unusually qualified to give instruction. The tuition is $20 per annum, and the board at cost, commonly from $1.50 to $1.75 per week.

The course of instruction is one of the most extended and thorough, for female education, we have ever seen. On the whole, we are inclined to place this institution at the head of female seminaries in the west. The fall term opens on the 28th of September next. Letters of inquiry should be addressed, postpaid, to the Rev. Theron Baldwin, Godfrey, Illinois. We nod an extract from the Catalogue.

The following extract from the deed of trust, given by the founder, will show the conditions on which boarders are to be received:

Science Lab, Monticello Seminary"That - - as the design of this institution is to recommend habits of industry, and economy, and an acquaintance with domestic duties, as well as to bring the means of education within the reach of persons in moderate circumstances, those who board in the Seminary buildings, be required to take the whole care of and clean their own rooms, and such public rooms as are devoted to their use, do their own washing and ironing, and alternately assist in setting tables; and that the rooms be free of rent to all scholars that board in the institution, and that no charge be made for the use of any of the buildings or premises, except a sum that shall be deemed by the Trustees, sufficient to keep the buildings and improvements in repair, and pay the insurance on ten thousand dollars annually."

Other considerations give peculiar importance to the above-mentioned requirements. 1. The difficulty of procuring help. This is often well nigh fatal to such establishments in the west. An important object therefore is gained by any reduction in the number of persons employed in labor. 2. Exercise. There can be no well-proportioned system of education in which reference is not had to physical as well as intellectual and moral culture. Such a course should be adopted with regard to exercise, as is calculated to establish that perfect harmony of action between the body and the mind, which is necessary to the health and vigor of both. The mind cannot devote itself to diligent and protracted study without great hazard to the constitution, unless regular exercise is taken. More than one mother has said, "I do not send my daughter to school to work, but to study." just as though one could study day and night for months without interruption or exercise.

There is preaching regularly on the Sabbath by the Principal, in the Chapel of the institution. This is also open to the inhabitants of Monticello [Godfrey]. The Bible is made a text book, and an expository lecture on some extended portion of scripture is delivered each Sabbath. This is made a subject of study the following week by all the members of the Seminary. They use such helps of Biblical literature as they can command, and recite the lesson to the teachers on some morning during the week. The Bible is not studied simply, nor namely for its history, its ____ _____, or its poetry - but that it's awakening, elevating and redeeming influence may be felt through every vein and artery of the system of instruction. It is but mockery to call that education which keeps out of sigh the relations of man to his Creator and the future world. Morning and evening prayers are attended regularly in the dining hall or school room.

The order and discipline of the institution are especially committed to the Governess, who has leisure to investigate thoroughly all cases of delinquency, and at stated times before the whole school to develop and enforce those great principles which be at the foundations of current habits and good morals, and constitute the basis of all valuable characters. She also engages to the certain extend in teaching.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 25, 1843
The public examination of this flourishing and deservedly popular institution of learning took place on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week in the presence of a crowded and highly gratified audience. Through the incessant labors and untiring perseverance of the estimable Principal, the Rev. Theron Baldwin, large additions during the last few months have been made to the apparatus, rendering it sufficiently extensive for all important experiments in chemistry, electricity, and pneumatics. He has also succeeded in procuring a cabinet of minerals, at a cost of eight hundred dollars, comprising a collection of mineralogical specimens of eight hundred pieces; a collection of geological specimens (including numerous fossils, both foreign and domestic) of six hundred pieces; and a collection of three hundred shells. In addition to this, the library, which is made accessible to all the pupils, has been extended until it now numbers nine hundred volumes and upwards. These, together with other improvements which have been made, render this institution decidedly the first in the valley of the Mississippi, and inferior to nine in the Union. With all its advantages, including the low rate of tuition, if the institution is now crowded to overflowing with pupils, it must only arise from the consideration, that the importance as well as the blessings of education are not sufficiently appreciated.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 30, 1844
The summer term in this institution will commence on Wednesday, the 10th of April next. The expenses will be, for the summer term of 16 weeks, for board, tuition, and incidental expenses, $44; of which $25 is required in advance. The trustees have erected a commodious building on the Seminary grounds in which they intend to open a Preparatory School for the benefit of misses under 14 years of age, and those who are not otherwise qualified to enter the Seminary. It is designed that this department shall be equal in every respect to the best Female Academies in the country. With the facilities which the Seminary can furnish in obtaining teachers of known qualifications, and by means of its apparatus, library, cabinet, etc., it is believed that it will not be difficult to carry out this design. Those who intend to pursue the higher branches in the Seminary will find it greatly to their advantage to attend this school, as the books, course of study, and mode of teaching will be specially adapted to preparing them to enter favorably upon the Seminary course. Mr. A. W. Corey will have the particular care and supervision of this department. The teacher and pupils will board in his family (his residence is within a few rods of the building). The pupils will be under the immediate domestic care of Mrs. Corey, and receive every attention requisite to health, morals, and manners. They will also be constantly under the eye of the teacher, not only in the school room, but in the boarding house, whose influence will be united with that of Mr. and Mrs. Corey, in controlling and regulating their habits. Terms: For board, tuition, washing, lights, and incidentals, for the summer term, $40 - $25 in advance. Bedding, except a bedstead and straw mattress, to be furnished by the young ladies themselves, who will be taught and required to take care of their own room. No pupil received for less than one term. The necessary books will be furnished, for cash, at the lowest rates. Communications relative to the pecuniary interests of the Seminary, and the Preparatory Department, should be addressed Post Paid, to Mr. A. W. Corey - all others to the principal, Rev. Theron Baldwin, Godfrey, Madison County, Illinois.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 7, 1844
The Winter term in this institution will commence on Wednesday, September 25. By an act of the Board of Trustees, passed on the 19th inst., the rule which has heretofore existed, requiring young ladies to do their own washing and ironing and take part in cleaning halls and public rooms, has been unconditionally suspended for the present. It is to be left optional with the young ladies, whether they shall wash and iron or not. Facilities will be furnished as heretofore, for those who may wish to laundry.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 29, 1845
The annual public examination at this institution took place on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 11th and 12th inst., in the presence of a crowded and attentive audience. These exhibitions have always excited a deep interest in the minds of those who have witnessed them, but never more so, apparently, than on the present occasion. The following are among the subjects on which the classes were examined, viz: Geometry, Rhetoric, Ancient History, (Sacred and Profane) Physiology, Conic Sections, Natural Philosophy, Modern History, Chemistry, Karne's Elements of Criticism, Astronomy, Geology, Intellectual Philosophy, and Vocal and Instrumental Music. The examinations on all these branches were minute and thorough - occupying the whole of two days. The readiness, facility, and correctness with which the young ladies uniformly answered the questions - not in the mere words of the textbooks, but in the spontaneous effusions of their own well-disciplined and well-stored minds - and the perfect ease with which they disposed of some of the most abstruse and difficult propositions in Conic Sections and other branches of Mathematics, evinced clearly not only their own industry and high attainments, but also the eminent qualifications of their worthy teachers. The Compositions which were reach ovinced almost every characteristic of good writing - the style being in general well adapted to the nature of the subject, and the pieces exhibiting a good variety. Indeed, we heard no article read which would not have reflected credit on writers of much greater age and experience. Much attention seems to be paid to this very desirable but difficult art at this institution. The exercises were most agreeably interspersed with music, vocal and instrumental, under the direction of Mr. Munson, who has for several years superintended this department in the institution with distinguished ability. Those whom we consider good judges (we do not profess to be ourselves), have remarked that the performances, especially in vocal music, were as nearly perfect as anything of the kind they had ever witnessed. We believe it is conceded that few teachers possess greater skill or have had greater success in teaching in this department than Mr. Munson. The Senior class consisted of seven, to all of whom Diplomas were awarded "as testimonials of their having successfully completed the whole course of study, and as a token of the high and affectionate regard of their teachers, &c." Upon the whole, the exhibition throughout, though far removed from ostentation, was to our minds deeply imposing and affecting. The feeling involuntarily came over us that after all, the true benefactors of our race are those who are thus laboriously but quietly engaged in the noble work of training the minds and hearts of those upon whom will so soon devolve the burdens and responsibilities of society. We doubt not every parent present sincerely wished that his own daughter, if he had one, might participate in the advantages which he saw had been so well improved by others. May this noble institution long be sustained, and answer the highest expectations of its generous founder and numerous friends!

The annual catalogue has just been issued, from which we perceive that the number of pupils for the last year, in the Seminary proper, has been 60, and in the Preparatory Department, 31 - total 91. Some changes have been adopted by the trustees in the management of the institution. The Rev. Mr. Baldwin, who up to this time has been Principal, but has been absent for the last year or two, has resigned, and Miss Philena Fobes, who has in the meantime acted in that capacity, has been appointed Principal of the institution. The other teachers also will remain, so that the Board of Instruction will continue to be substantially the same as it has been for the last seven years. The Rev. George Pyle, who ministers to the church and congregation in Monticello, has been appointed Chaplain.

We had not the pleasure of being present at the examination of the Preparatory Department, but a gentleman who attended it has handed us the following, which we cheerfully append to this article, and which will doubtless be read with interest:

"Messrs. Editors - I beg leave to call attention, through the columns of your valuable paper, to the Preparatory School for young ladies at Monticello, in this county, and although its advantages may be well known and appreciated by yourselves and the citizens of Alton generally, yet there may be many of your readers entirely unacquainted with the Monticello Female Seminary - an institution which, it may be said in truth, is known throughout our land - and it is intended as a Preparatory Department for the benefit of young ladies under fourteen years of age, and such others as are not qualified to enter the Seminary. I believe I may state with propriety that this department is equal in every respect to the best Female Academies in the country. Those who intend to pursue the higher branches in the Seminary will find it greatly to their advantage to attend it, as the mode of teaching is especially adapted to preparing them to enter favorably upon the Seminary course. On the 8th inst., I had the pleasure of attending an examination of this school. The promptness and accuracy with which the young ladies replied to the questions proposed, and the extent and minuteness of their answers, were the most flattering testimonials to the unremitted and successful efforts of their accomplished teacher. Signed, A Parent.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1846
On Thursday the 28th ult., the dome of the Monticello Seminary was discovered to be on fire. It produced great alarm among the young ladies and inmates of the institution, and all in the neighborhood. When the fire was discovered, the roof of the Observatory was in a brisk blaze, and the dome being constructed of pine lumber and covered with tin, was burning like a furnace. It seemed for a few minutes that the whole building must be burned to the ground. But by the most judicious and strenuous exertions of all present, the fire was soon extinguished. The principal damage consists in the entire destruction of the dome, and the roof of the Observatory. The dome was twelve feet in diameter, and cost about $200. The fire was caused by a pipe extending from the furnace chimney through the roof of the Observatory. Much credit is due to the young ladies in the Seminary for their efficiency and soldier-like conduct on that occasion. Without their timely and well-directed efforts, that noble edifice must have been in ruins. The friends of the Seminary are also thankful for the prompt assistance of the neighbors, and of some strangers who were fortunately passing in the road. They did not pass by, but ran to the scene of danger.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 21, 1846
The Annual Examination of the young ladies in this institution, which took place on Tuesday and Wednesday last, was highly interesting and satisfactory. We had the pleasure of being present part of both days, and although the pressure of the crowd and other unfavorable circumstances put it out of our power to hear distinctly all that was said, yet so far as we were able to judge, the different classes acquitted themselves in such a manner as to reflect much credit upon the professional skill and attention of the teachers, as well as upon their own application and diligence. Besides answering the various and intricate questions propounded to them, in relation to the different branches of study pursued in the Seminary, with great accuracy and readiness, the pupils recited sundry pieces of original composition, in prose and verse, evincing much originality of thought, as well as excellent taste, on the part of the authors. Not the least interesting part of the exercises, at least to us, was the reading of two newspapers - the "Violet" and the "Miguonelle" - the contents of which were exceedingly amusing and instructive, and might well put to the blush publications of far greater pretensions, but very inferior merit. The "Valedictory," by Miss Margaret A. Bailey, one of the graduates, was very beautiful and affecting; the music, both vocal and instrumental, excellent; and the breathless attention of a numerous and most respectable audience during the continuance of the exercises showed better than words how deeply they were interested in the scenes which were passing before them. Three young ladies - Miss Margaret A. Bailey of St. Louis, Miss Laura S. Culver of Springfield, and Miss Mary F. Sanborn of New Orleans - graduated on this occasion. Two of these - Miss Bailey and Miss Sanborn - we understand, have been engaged as teachers in the Female Seminary at Putnam, Ohio, and we doubt not, are fully equal in every respect in the faithful and efficient discharge of the high and responsible duties which will devolve upon them as instructors of the rising generation. May their labors in the new field of action upon which they are about to enter be crowned with the most abundant success, and may the institution which they have just left continue to flourish more and more, and annually send forth many young ladies equally qualified by their scientific and literary acquirements and moral virtues, either to grace and charm the domestic circle, or adorn and dignify a public station.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 7, 1848
The “tenth annual catalog of the officers and members of” the above institution has just made its appearance, and gives a favorable and gratifying view of the increasing usefulness. We learn from this publication that the Board of Instruction is now constituted as follows: Miss Philena Fobes, Principal and teacher of History, Moral and Intellectual Philosophy; Miss Rebecca B. Long, teacher of mathematics and Latin; Mrs. Aurella Lyons, teacher of Rhetoric; Miss Sarah C. Eaton, teacher of Natural Science and the Modern Language; Miss Cornelia E. Hoyt, teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music; Miss Mary R. Davis, assistant teacher; and Miss Virginia A. Corbett, teacher of the Preparatory Department. The seat of the teacher of drawing and painting is now vacant, and the boarding Department is under the care of Mrs. Cynthia N. Mason. The number of pupils during the year ending on Tuesday, the 27th ult., at which time the last term ended – amounted to 117, of whom 4 were attached to the senior class; 23 to the middle class; 14 to the second class; 43 to the first class; and the remainder to the preparatory department. For information with regard to the System of Instruction, government, Accommodations, expenses, facilities for self-education, &., we would respectfully refer to the catalogue, with the single remark that in no respect is the Female Seminary of Monticello inferior to the very best in the United States, while it possesses many decided advantages over nearly the whole of them.

The building is of stone, a choice material. It is four stories, and contains a chapel, a boarding hall, and rooms for 6 teachers and 80 pupils. It has a primary department. The pupils in this department are taught in a separate building of wood, near and tasteful in its structure, at a short distance from the main building. The building will bear a comparison with any building of this kind at the East, and they exceed most, both in beauty of exterior and economy in internal arrangement.

The funds of its benevolent founder did not allow him to endow it, as he desired and intended. A liberal endowment is what it most needs, and what it signally deserves. The grounds adjacent are spacious and beautiful, and the observatory commands an extended view of the country, and some views of the landscape are almost enchanting.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 27, 1853
The pleasure excursion to Carlinville on last Saturday, with three carloads of bright eyes, rosy cheeks, and happy faces will occupy a wide niche for some time. It was just the day for a pleasure party – cool, soft and balmy, and the young ladies of Monticello Seminary, at the invitation of the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, made a grand turn out on the occasion. They say corporations have no souls, but we very much trust the Chicago and Alton Railroad Company, as Monticello Seminary took its seat in the softly cushioned cars, felt its pulse beat quicker, and its heart grow warmer with happiness and emotion. It is strange if it did not.

The train left Monticello station with its precious burden at two o’clock in the afternoon, under the charge of conductor Tilton. The track was in excellent order, clear throughout, and admitting of almost any speed, and the iron horse dashed over wide, waving prairies, through green patches of timber, and along brooks and water courses, sparkling in the sunlight in most gallant style. The scenery, though not so grand as that which skirts the Vermont roads, nor so romantic as that which borders the Hudson River, nor so wild and rugged as that through which the Baltimore and Wheeling road passes, is yet in some measure a blending of them all, and offers to the eye as beautiful and gorgeous stretches of country as the West anywhere affords. But we had not long to descent on yellow fields of grain and island groves, and prairie flowers. In less than an hour, we came in sight of Carlinville, as it lay sunning itself on the edge of the prairie, and the next moment, a broadside, shot from a hundred bright eyes, took it by storm. The good people, no doubt, thought it was enchantment as they gazed upon the crowd of many-colored dresses, green veils, and while sunbonnets parading in negligent procession into town. We were half inclined to regard it as such ourselves.

The worthy proprietor of the Franklin House, Mr. Gray, hearing of our advent, extended to us a cordial invitation to partake of his hospitalities. Although got up on the spur of the moment, he treated the company to a most excellent collation, to which admirable justice was done, and for which Mr. Brown of the Courier, in behalf of the young ladies, returned many thanks. After spending an hour and a half in Carlinville, we returned to the cars, and in a few moments were speeding our way homeward over the prairies. To say that it was all in all an agreeable jaunt, does not half express the general sentiment of the company. The pleasant converse and merry laughter which rung and echoed through the cars proved that it was something more, and as the train drew up on its return at the Monticello station, we thought we saw more than one making a regret that it was too speedily over. Too many thanks cannot be extended to Mr. Keating, the Superintendent of the road, for his kindness in giving the invitation, and to Mr. Starr, the ticket master, and Mr. Tilton, the conductor of the train, for their carefulness and attention during the excursion. With such officers as these, it is not strange that there is so much good feeling for the company throughout the line of the road.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 29, 1849
The anniversary exercises of this flourishing institution came off on Wednesday last. The weather was propitious, and the attendance was good, although not so large as might have been expected if this were a healthy season. It was not our good fortune to be present in the morning, but we learn that the exercises were very interesting. In the afternoon, a paper, conducted by the young ladies of the institution, was read, and we were much gratified with the contents, some of which would do credit to the columns of the best literary journals in the country. The Editor’s Table was particularly interesting, and we are sorry to say the article, detailing the cares and troubles of an Editor, contains but too much truth. The graduates, of whom there were five, distinguished themselves greatly by their compositions and recitations, and in line, the whole affair passed off much to the credit of both teachers and pupils.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1852
Some four miles from Alton, in Madison County, stands the Monticello Female Seminary, one of the most celebrated in the Western Country. One could hardly find anywhere a place of more inviting aspect than that in the midst of which this institution is located – the little village of Godfrey, so named after Benjamin Godfrey, Esq., a prominent citizen, who some fourteen or fifteen years since selected on his land a site for the seminary, which he built at his own expense.

The building is of stone, painted a light color, one hundred and ten by forty-four feet, and four stories high, and looks imposingly in the center of its highly cultivated grounds, enclosing about eight acres. There is a garden tastefully arranged, a specious lawn in front, laid out in walks, sprinkled with arbors and summerhouses, and ornamented with flowerbeds and shrubbery. Passing through the basement floor, which comprises the kitchen and dining hall and the chapel, where the neighbors, as well as the pupils attend Presbyterian service every Sunday – the visitor in ascending will be struck with the perfect neatness and quiet prevailing everywhere throughout the establishment. From the observatory on the top of the building, a magnificent view can be obtained of an extensive sweep of country on every side; the undulating prairie stretching for miles northward, with its smooth fields, its orchards and groves, and its neat homesteads; or the pleasing variety of woodland, meadow, and cultivated farms. In other directions, a misty height in the distance being seen on the other side of the Mississippi. The railroad from Springfield passes through the town. The surrounding region is among the earliest settled in the State, and more than thirty years have passed since its pioneers came to till the wild prairie soil in the neighborhood.

The course of study in this institution occupies four years, exclusive of preparatory studies – for pupils in which a separate building opposite the Seminary is assigned. The higher studies are pursued in the junior and senior years, and through the whole system, the Bible holds a prominent place, with such helps in sacred literature as can be commanded. The end proposed is to lay a substantial basis of education, without neglecting the ornamental branches. Three papers are sustained by original contributions from the pupils, and there is a literary society, the members of which, at stated meetings, read discussions on questions proposed by a committee from their own members. The natural sciences are illustrated by experiments, and there are cabinets of mineralogical and geological specimens and shells. The library is rather small, but is annually increased by donations. Diplomas are awarded to the pupils who complete the full course of study. Every department is under the superintendence of female teachers. Signed by Mrs. E. F. Ellet.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, July 8, 1853
July 01 - The Annual Anniversary of this excellent institution took place on Wednesday last. The day was exceedingly warm, with occasional showers. The number of visitors was larger, we think, than ever before, and the Chapel was not only crowded to its utmost capacity, but every place opposite the doors and windows of the Chapel, where there was a possibility of hearing the exercises, was crowded with listeners, and many were denied even that privilege, and had to go away disappointed. The exercises of the day consisted of the alternate reading of the compositions of the young ladies, and vocal and instrumental music, and were of a character which fully sustains the high reputation the institution has attained. A portion of the time we found it impossible to obtain a good place for hearing, and cannot therefore speak as fully of some of the compositions as we would wish, or as they deserve. The present Chapel is entirely too small for such an occasion. With a ceiling exceedingly low, and the presence of several pillars supporting the roof, make it exceedingly difficult to speak so as to be heard perfectly, and in music, some of the finest and most effective passages are entirely lost. It is in contemplation, we understand, to erect a church in the immediate neighborhood, which will be built with a view, among other reasons, to obviate the difficulty now experienced. The reading by the young ladies was generally sufficiently loud to be heard throughout the Chapel, and the enunciation clear, distinct, and firm - not hurried, but natural; and their attitudes while reading or singing, very easy, graceful and unaffected....[compositions listed by Ellen E. Prince, Marilla S. Tolman, Harriett M. Lyons, Amy Chandler, Isabella Hurlbut, Rosa J. Teasey, Joanna E. Rice, and F. S. Van Arsdale, ] .....Diplomas were awarded to the Senior Class, which was composed of the following: Misses Chandler, Rice, Lyons, Godfrey, Van Arsdale and Teasey.... [music listed]....The Annual Address was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Gassaway of St. Louis. The address was an eloquent one, replete with beautiful thoughts, elegant extracts from the poets, and gave a fine exposition of what constituted woman's true education, which he contended, would invariably fix her position. He had no sympathy for the sticklers for the so-called "woman's rights," and expressed himself as much opposed to "petticoat" government. The address abounded with encouragement to the young to persevere in the paths of duty and rectitude, thereby ensuring to themselves happiness in the future. The speaker closed with a well merited tribute to the generosity and benevolence of Capt. Godfrey, for his exertions in behalf of female education. Altogether the exercises were of a very interesting character, and were highly enjoyed by those present. May many more such anniversaries gladden the hearts of parents and the friends of education, and throw out an influence through the land to purify, exalt, and refine.


Source: The New York Times, June 20, 1856
Mr. A. W. Corey, the agent of the Monticello Seminary in Illinois, has been highly successful in his efforts to raise a fund for the enlargement of this Seminary. At the present time about $10,500 have been subscribed by the people of Alton and vicinity, and there is every prospect that the amount will be raised to $15,000.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, December 17, 1857
The Seminary at Monticello when completed will be one of the finest buildings in the West. Not only will it be noble and palatial in its outward appearance, but also elegant, tasty and convenient within. Among other things, water will be carried into all the stories, thus obviating the necessity of carrying it by hand. Workmen are now busily engaged in erecting works for the manufacture of gas, with which to light the building. It is expected that the arrangements will be completed in about a fortnight, and the gas will be used for the first time on Christmas night.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 28, 1861
Wednesday was Anniversary day at Monticello, the day looked forward to with pleasure by all. To the pupils it is the beginning of a season of rest; to the public it affords a momentary relief from the daily tail and drudgery of life. It is not every day, it is not everywhere, that we can stroll through such pleasant grounds, rest beneath the shade of such noble trees, or listen to such glorious music, as we can and do at Monticello each Anniversary. Therefore, it is a welcome day to us all, welcome because of its time-honored associations; because of the pleasure it brings to us; because of the joy it brings to others. But let us give such brief description of the exercises as our limited space will permit.

Owing to the financial and political troubles of the year, the school has not been so full this session as usual. The graduating class numbered but four. For this reason, the exercises were confined to the afternoon only, instead of examining over the whole da as heretofore. Arriving at what we supposed to be the appointed time, we found the large hall already full and the exercises begun. The prayer by Rev. Mr. Norton of Alton was ended and the prelude of a sacred song was being played upon the organ, which decorates the stage. The song was sung by the whole school, and was, we need not say, excellently done. After this came the reading of extract from the literary papers. We cannot for want of room speak of each article by itself, as we should lie, and as we ought to do were entire justice to be done them. The readers, Miss Mary V. Sweetser and Miss Juliet Samuels, did well their part in making intelligent and interesting the papers which it fell to their lot to read.

“Almanacs,” by Miss Julia Bulansen, was a good composition, upon a rather queer subject. The writer discoursed of the history of almanacs, their uses, and the thoughts excited by one particular old almanac, which had suggested to her the subject. “A straight line is the shortest distance between two points,” by Miss Lucy A. Starne, was an essay showing that while curves were lines of beauty, straight lines were those best fitted for utility and duty in every walk of life, and no less in character and conduct than in more material matters. Two more pieces of literary papers were read.

Of instrumental music, we very frankly confess we are no judge, and of course, no critic. So we cannot speak with certainty of that important portion of the exercise. Of vocal music, there were five pieces. With one exception, perhaps, those were all fine pieces. Suffice it to say that all were executed and particularly the one entitled “Those Evening Bells.”

After the reading of the Valedictory, the audiences called for the Star-Spangled Banner, which after some consultation on the part of the powers that be, was sung by the whole school. When it was evident that it was to be sung, several secession sympathizers made themselves appear very small by leaving the room. As they doubtless ascertained the world moved along very well without them, and the audience listened to the soul-stirring notes of our national anthem with that pleasure which only patriots can feel, and at its close testified to it by hearty and long continued applause.

The diplomas were given to the graduates, a farewell song was sung, a prayer was made by the Rev. Dr. Post of St. Louis, and the exercises were over. A pleasant hour or two of social converse with friends which brought to a close this very pleasant Anniversary Day.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 2, 1862
The festival given by the Monticello Union Aid Society, at that Seminary, on Christmas night, was a complete success. The weather and roads were bad, and many other public and private entertainments were given that evening, yet there was a very full attendance. The large hall in which the supper was served was tastefully decorated with evergreen wreaths, and the tables fairly groaning beneath the food placed upon them, looked neat and entertaining beyond expression.

In the large hall above, the audience were entertained with some splendid singing by a party of ladies and gentlemen who kindly came from St. Louis for the purpose of contributing their share towards making the evening pleasant as well as profitable, and we but express the sentiment of everyone in attendance, when we say that this share was a very large one. All the pieces were excellent, and one, “The Sword of Bunker Hill,” was so superior, both in matter and manner of performance, that the audience was not content with one hearing, and hardly with the second. After the concert, the supper was partaken of, and no one went away hungry. There was plenty and to spare. The supper over, the evening was spent in social converse, and at a late hour the crowd dispersed to their homes, abundantly satisfied, we believe.

Financially, the festival was also a success, the receipts amounting to nearly $200, and the clear profits to about $125. This considering the hard times and other unfavorable circumstances, was doing remarkably well.

We can safely say that no better entertainment has been afforded our citizens in many years, and when it is understood that the whole thing was planned and executed inside of ten days, we think our readers will not be disposed to deny that the ladies of Monticello are possessed of uncommon energy and zeal. All lent a willing hand, and the result is the realization of a sum that will make glad the heart of many a poor soldier who has found disease and wounds in the service of his country.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 26, 1865
The handsome steamer, May Bruner, with John A. Bruner, Captain, was gaily decked in holiday attire yesterday morning, for the purpose of conveying the Monticello Sunday School and the teachers and pupils of the Seminary up the river upon a picnic and pleasure excursion. The glorious Stars and Stripes floated from her masts, and at about 8:30 o’clock, the excellent band of the 144th Regiment, who had volunteered their services for the occasion, played several stirring airs upon her decks.

The sky the day previous had threatened rain, but the sun rose bright and clear, and hearts beat high in anticipation of a pleasant, joyous trip. About 9 o’clock, the excursionists arrived in wagons and carriages, and proceeded at once to the boat. Having been favored with an invitation from the worthy Principal, Miss Fobes, we went onboard, and about a quarter of 10 o’clock, the gallant vessel pushed off from the landing amid the adieus, waving of “kerchiefs,” and well-wishes of those we left behind us.

Our precious cargo comprised about 300 souls, a majority of them being the teachers and young ladies of the Seminary. All seemed to have their minds made up for a day of pleasure. The excursion upon a boat was quite a pleasurable surprise to many of the passengers, the fact not having been generally made known, and many supposing it to be merely a picnic in the woods. The boat steadily and beautifully glided up the noble stream; the band discoursed the most lively and soul-stirring music; some of the young ladies sang patriotic and sentimental songs; others gathered in groups, admiring and expatiating upon the lofty bluffs and the rippling blue water; while still others, no less happy, quietly promenaded the decks, conversing of events past, present, and in the future. All seemed joyous. Everywhere that he could be of service or add to the comfort, convenience and pleasure of his passengers, was Captain Bruner. Everything was thought of and performed by him to insure the enjoyment of his fair guests. His little daughter, Miss May Bruner, after whom the boat was named, was onboard, and is a bright, little fairy.

Mr. Maclean was the chief manager of the excursion, and we must say that his wise judgment and good taste in the arrangements were everywhere manifest. Rev. Mr. Little, pastor of the Monticello Church, and lady, Mr. A. W. Corey and lady, Mr. Blackburn and lady, were also onboard, each adding his and her every endeavor to promote the happiness of both young ladies and Sunday School children. Miss Philena Fobes, the Principal of Monticello Seminary for the past twenty-seven years, seemed to take great delight in a day’s relaxation from the arduous duties of her responsible position, and we are persuaded none enjoyed the occasion more than herself. Miss M. S. Tolman, Miss A. A. Smith, Miss A. O. Snowden, Miss Kate A. Denolor, Miss L. A. Wentworth, and Miss M. H. Hamilton, teachers in the Seminary, were present, and they and the young ladies seemed determined to make the most of the holiday – the relaxation and recreation of which they stood so much in need.

The large number of young ladies onboard was a most beautiful and bewitching sight, and the thought of the future of our great nation could not but intrude upon our mind. The powerful influence, either for good or evil, which will, in future, be in the keeping of these young ladies, is an important matter. We believe there is no institution in the country where the principles of female character are better or more ably impressed upon the minds of pupils than at Monticello.

We arrived at Grafton about 12 o’clock, and landed, giving the party an opportunity of visiting the caves and viewing the scenery in the vicinity. The caves being but a short distance from the boat, were soon reached and thoroughly explored, many of the young ladies bringing away mementoes of their visit. A half hour or more was spent in climbing over the rocks and through the caves. The exercise and fresh air of the day by this time had furnished each with a sharp appetite, and again we pushed off from the Illinois shore and crossed to the Missouri side, landing at a most delightful and lovely spot, where the table cloths were soon spread upon the grass, and a most bountiful repast placed thereon. One must go picnicking in order to have a proper and full appreciation of the keen relish with which each one feasted upon the good things made and provided for the occasion by the fair ladies. But – miserable – a sudden shower falls, and such wild scampering and hurrying to the boat occurs. ‘Tis over in a minute, and once more to the viands all find their way. We but fairly begin eating again, when the windows of Heaven open and the floods come. ‘Tis fortunate there is shelter in the boat. Again in a few moments, the clouds break away, and in peace and quiet we finish our repast. A skiff from the Illinois shore appeared, returning to our company one of the ladies who had been left at Grafton. The grass being wet, and signs of more rain, it was decided to cast off and run up to the mouth of the Illinois River. Proceeding up that river a short distance, the boat was put about and swiftly took the homeward track. The shower of rain, although it marred the enjoyment on shore somewhat, was not allowed to interfere with the mirth and pleasure on the boat. The little excitement, rather lent zest and variety to the affair, and mirth and jollity reigned supreme throughout the cabin, upon the guards, on the hurricane roof, and in the pilot house thronged a happy, joyous crowd, each well pleased with themselves and determined to be pleased with each other. The Sunday School children were highly delighted, and romped and raced in innocent glee all over the boat. The older and more sedate of the party gathered in groups and talked of the days of their youth, when cares and sorrows sat so lightly upon their brows. The more gay and lively among the young ladies whirled away in the giddy waltz, to the music of the band, and all was enjoyment and good humor.
Monticello Ladies Seminary
Soon after passing Elsah, the passengers were, one and all, requested by Captain Bruner to make their way to the cabin, where he, with proverbial liberality, had provided a bountiful supply of ice cream. This was indeed an unlooked for addition to the many excellencies of the occasion, and the large company quietly sipped, chatted and laughed over the cooling refreshment for near half an hour. Reaching the city, the boat, like a thing of life, flew by, and proceeded down the river past Maple Island, and turning up the Missouri River a short distance, again put about and headed for Alton. Although we had cleft the waters of three rivers and visited the soil of two States during our day’s travels, all seemed to regret that the day was so far spent that it became necessary to bring our pleasant excursion to a close.

Immediately after leaving the mouth of the Missouri River, the party were assembled in the cabin, and Mr. A. W. Corey called upon to preside. After making a few remarks, Rev. Mr. Little offered resolutions of thanks to Captain Bruner, Mr. Maclean, and the band, which were unanimously concurred in and adopted.

Captain Bruner and Mr. Maclean each responded in a few fitting remarks, and short speeches were made by Messrs. Corey, Blackburn, and Maclean, all expressive of the great pleasure of the occasion.

The landing was soon reached. Arrangements having been made to take a photograph of the boat and excursion party, all were detained for a short time. Our talented city artist, Mr. E. H. Breath, succeeded in taking a fine view of the boat and her fair passengers, and within a very few minutes, the party were upon free soil, wending their way to Monticello.

Thus, ended one of the most pleasant and agreeable excursions it has been our good fortune to attend. The party seemed to vie with each other in making everything pleasant and agreeable to all. Not the slightest accident or difficulty occurred to mar the pleasure of the occasion, and the only regret was that the time allowed was all too short. The excellent band of the 144th Regiment added greatly to the pleasure of the party by their choice selections and varied music. We shall ever retain a pleasant remembrance of various acts of kindness bestowed upon us by the gentlemen and ladies of the party, and to them we return our grateful thanks.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 23, 1865
The annual exhibition of the gymnastic class of Monticello Female Seminary took place last evening. A large audience witnessed the performance, and the expression was of the most universal satisfaction and admiration. The young ladies were dressed in the usual gymnastic costume, consisting of a short dress, extending down ten to fourteen inches from the floor, according to the height of the wearer, with a Garibaldi waist and Turkish pants, and a cap of the same material, finished with cord and tassels. We arrived as they were entering the gymnasium in single file, keeping most excellent time to the music of the piano.

The first exercise was the “diagonal march,” and was nicely executed.

The second was an exercise with wands, during which the most perfect drill was maintained. The ladies performed some very difficult feats of muscular training, utterly impossible for those unpracticed in the exercises.

The third exercise was “skipping with wands,” a most beautiful exhibition of the grace and ease which the gymnastic training gives the pupils.

Fourth was an exercise of the rings, in couples and quartettes, of the most interesting character – the ladies going through some severe tests of their muscles, apparently with the greatest ease and confidence.

The fifth exercise was a peculiar march, “face to face,” in rank – the ladies passing in perfect order and time, one rank through the opposite rank, and returning.

Sixth was an active, but laughable exercise with “bean bags,” in which the ladies were formed in two parties of double ranks. The bean bags were placed in chairs at each end of the ranks, and an excited contest was carried on – each party trying to pass the bags from one end of the rank to the other, and return them before the opposing party could do so. The party placing the bags at the head of their rank first indulged in a clapping of their victorious little hands, which was quite natural. We thought we discovered a little, just a little of what is vulgarly called “shenanigan,” in passing the bags, towards the close of this exercise, but perhaps our eyes deceived us.

Seventh, with “dumb bells,” was a difficult, but well performed exercise. The bells were used with the utmost grace and energy, and it seemed to us the ladies were tireless in handling them. We venture the assertion that not one man in fifty can go through the same exercise with the ease those delicate females did. It is astonishing what practice will accomplish. This portion of the exhibition was, to us, very interesting.

Eight, “marching and countermarching” in the most perfect order and keeping excellent time, was a most graceful and beautiful exercise.

Ninth, “pin-running,” was a trial of activity between two ladies at a time. Three wooden pins were placed together for each contestant, and a larger one between them. The object as to place the three pins at intervals on the floor, and the one getting the large pin first was the winner in activity. It was a lively exercise, and provoked much laughter and humor. One contest was very close, and both ladies started at once for the large pin, making a very close race for it.

Ten, exercise with “scepters,” was a becoming and healthful performance.

Eleventh, was a “grand gymnastic march,” and was charming. The drill and time were perfect, and the ladies appeared to the very best advantage. This concluded the evening’s entertainment.

We have heard but one opinion expressed in regard to the gymnastic exercises, and that was of a highly complementary and commendatory character. To Miss M. S. Tolman, teacher of Latin and Mathematics, great credit is due for the high degree of proficiency which the young ladies have reached in these healthy and profitable exercises. The audience was highly delighted, and returned to their homes in a good humor with themselves and this most excellent Seminary.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 18, 1867
Among the bills passed by the State Senate yesterday, was one forbidding the sale of liquors within one mile of the Monticello Seminary building. The bill has yet to come before the House, but will probably pass that body. A similar law was passed some years since for the benefit of Shurtleff College, which is still in operation.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 19, 1867
We have for several days been in possession of the facts in regard to a disgraceful occurrence, which took place last Sabbath afternoon at Monticello, but have for several reasons refrained from publishing them until now. It seems that some young gentlemen, so-called, to the number of between twenty and thirty, residents of Alton and Upper Alton, rode out to Monticello on Sunday afternoon in buggies, and while there conducted themselves in a manner highly unbecoming both to themselves and the sacredness of the day. They at first amused themselves for a time in driving around the Seminary grounds shouting and laughing boisterously, to the great annoyance of the inmates of the building. This act, although exceedingly ungentlemanly and indecorous, was not as positively insulting to the ladies of the Seminary as was their after conduct, which was as follows:

At the time of the afternoon service, these gentlemen(?) drove up on opposite sides of the crossing between the church and the Seminary, seven buggy loads on each side, and there remained while the congregation was assembling, thus compelling the long procession of ladies, on their way to the church, to pass directly through the rows of horses. The occupants of the buggies had decorated their hats and whips with their handkerchiefs, in order to attract attention, and while the ladies were passing, amused themselves by making sundry critical remarks concerning them.

It is the unanimous opinion of all who witnessed, and who have heard of the conduct of these parties, that it was the worst specimen of rowdyism that has ever occurred in this part of the country, and would richly entitle the actors to a thirty days’ residence in the city calaboose [jail]. If there is no law to protect the ladies of the Seminary from such insults, it is time one was passed.

We have refrained from giving the names of the parties concerned in this disgraceful affair, but pledge ourselves to do so, in full, if a like occurrence takes place again.

Source: Alton Telegraph, April 26, 1867
A communication, in attempted vindication of the recent disgraceful rowdyism at Monticello, by a party of young men from Alton and Upper Alton, appeared in the Democrat of last evening. The article was remarkable for nothing save its foolishness. We say it was foolish, first, because being the testimony of one of the participants, and resting entirely upon his individual assertions, it possessed no weight whatsoever, as a denial of our charges. Second, it was foolish because it again brought the parties in a disgraceful affair before the public, without adducing any palliating circumstances for their conduct.

We shall not take the trouble to reply to this article, because it contained its own contradictions, and for the reason that we have no desire to comment farther on an exceedingly unhappy occurrence. We will only say that our statements in regard to the affair have met the hearty approval of both those connected with the Seminary, and of all those who admire decent and respectful conduct toward ladies.

We have been solicited by several young gentlemen of Alton to publish the names of all concerned in the affair, in order that no odium might be attached to innocent parties, but we shall not do so at present, at least, for two reasons: First, out of respect for the feelings of the relatives of certain of the parties in this city; Second, because we understand that the trustees of the Seminary have instituted legal proceedings against the participants, which of course will relieve us of all further responsibility in making the matter public.

No further mention was made of the "disgraceful conduct" by young men from Alton and Upper Alton, towards the students of the Monticello Ladies Seminary. I imagine they received some kind of punishment, or at least condemnation from the public.


Alton Telegraph, May 31, 1867
There are bright days in the lives of all of us – days which form epochs in our histories and upon which we ever look back as periods of unalloyed pleasure. Perhaps if all the year were playing holidays, to sport would be as tedious as to work, but when they seldom come, they wished for comes, and certain we are that all who joined in the pleasure excursion of the Monticello Seminary and Sunday School, onboard of the steamer “Southwester,” will ever look back upon Thursday, May 23, as a day long to be remember. May has lingered so long this year in the lap of winter, that we began to think that the coy maiden had forsaken us utterly. For days past, her balmy air has been chilled by the frosty breath of her hoary lover, and her usually smiling face has been bathed in tears. But on yesterday, the time fixed upon for the excusion, she broke away from the thralldom of old winter, and shone forth in all her splendor. We imagine that many expectant hearts beat happily when the longed-for day dawned so clear and bright.

The excursion party was made up of the members of the Monticello Sunday School, and the teachers and scholars of the Seminary, together with invited guests. The whole conduct of affairs was in the hands of the genial superintendent of the Sunday School, Mr. L. Maclean, and to his kindness and generosity, the excursionists owe a debt of gratitude which they can never repay. To this gentleman’s courtesy, we were indebted for an invitation to make one of the party, and we, therefore, about nine o’clock, wended our way to the Southwester. The steamer was fairly embowered in branches of trees, and from every available point there floated the colors of the land we love. Side by side waved in the breeze the hues caught from the rainbow’s dyes, and the color chosen by Dame Nature for her own adorning. The boat was scrupulously neat, and all the decorations were arranged with a taste and skill that produced a beautiful effect.

Abut half-past nine o’clock, the long procession of no less than thirty wagons and carriages, containing the excursionists, came in sight, and soon their occupants were safely discharged and onboard of the steamer. Their arrival was greeted with a burst of music from Murphy’s matchless silver cornet band, which was on hand, and by a hearty welcome from the guests from Alton, who were already onboard. We imagine that the boat, with its beautiful decorations, when further graced by the galaxy of animated loveliness from the classic halls of Monticello, formed as beautiful a picture as is ever presented to mortal eyes. The well-known photographer, Mr. Roberts, was evidently of this opinion, as we observed him busily engaged upon the levee in taking a picture of the scene.

Finally all was ready, and about 10 o’clock, the noble steamer, with its precious freight, swung out from its moorings and steamed slowly up the river. Kerchiefs waved, music swelled, and merry adieus were tendered to the crowd upon the shore.

Soon the bend in the river hid both friends and the city from view. On the one hand towered the stately bluffs, which we are so rapidly blasting away and shipping to distant points; on the other, there spread out before us the broad and fertile lowlands of Missouri, with their wealth of promise of plenteous harvests and golden grain. Below Alton, the banks of the Father of Waters are remarkable for naught save the dead monotony of their aspect; but, between the city and the mouth of the Illinois, the scenery is certainly worthy to be immortalized by both poets and painters, and the excursionists seemed fully to appreciate its beauties.

Onboard, laughter and gaiety held full sway – young and old, great and small, the gray-haired sirs and the blushing maid, all entered into the spirit of the occasion, and seemed determined to enjoy the day to the full. The ladies from the Seminary, as “Beautiful as sweet, and innocent as gay,” appeared especially to enjoy their freedom from the dull routine of study and recitation. Some promenaded the decks, and others invaded the sanctum of the pilot and endeavored to fathom the mysteries of his profession; some, more adventurous, boldly descended into the Plutonian regions and viewed the wonders of steam and machinery there hidden; others, more staid, held quiet converse in the specious saloons, while scattered all over the boat were laughing groups, exchanging the joke and merry repartee. The day was not exactly as mild as heaven’s own child, with earth and heaven reconciled, but still, it was not too chilly for comfort, and as the morning waned, the breeze died away and the sun’s rays became very warm and pleasant.

Captain Bruner, the prince of steamboat masters, seemed everywhere at once, and with genial courtesy, going all in his power to add to the comfort and pleasure of his passengers. Mr. Maclean, also, and the dignified and accomplished Principal of the Seminary, Miss Tolman, together with her able corps of assistant teachers, vied with each other in their endeavors to make all enjoy the trip to the fullest extent, and judging by appearances, their efforts were perfectly successful.

The steamer held steadily on her course. Clifton, Jersey Landing [Elsah], and Portage were soon successively passed, and about noon, Grafton, with its quarries and vineyards, came in sight. The boat touched for a moment at the landing, and it was then decided to cross to the Missouri shore. This was done, and soon the steamer was made fast at a point directly opposite the mouth of the Illinois, and all who wished, left the boat and rambled through the woods, disporting themselves as best suited their fancy. Owing to the recent rains, it was not thought prudent to spread the tables upon the damp ground, consequently they were laid in the cabin of the boat, where there was plenty of room and to spare but all who so preferred took their baskets in hand and lunched in the woods. We were honored with a seat at a table graced by the presence of several of the Seminary teachers, among others, and have a feeling remembrance of the hospitality dispensed on the occasion. If all the tables groaned under such a load of good things as did ours, the whole repast must have been one fit for a King.

When the wants of all were satisfied, there was a general dispersion in search of amusement. Swings were erected in the woods and liberally patronized; wild flowers were sought for and gathered; skiff riding was indulged in by some; while in every direction merry groups rambled gaily among the trees, while here and there groups of two, not necessarily of the same sex, and evidently as much interested in each other as in their surroundings, strolled off for more quiet converse. All went merrily. Nature was in her loveliest mood and gave the Fair.

About three or four, of five o’clock, or thereabout (we are terribly uncertain as to the exact hour), the warning bell of the steamer sounded, and soon all were aboard. Captain Bruner stopped at Grafton again for a moment, and then headed up the Illinois. After proceeding up this stream some five miles, in order to allow the excursionists an opportunity of viewing the magnificent scenery, the boat turned about and the homeward trip began. The bluffs seen from a different direction unfolded new beauties continually. Here and there the summits were crowned with elegant residences, while down the slopes the thriving vineyards and flourishing orchards gave evidence that we were passing the horticultural paradise of Illinois. The appearance of the bluffs between Grafton and the mouth of the big Piasa attracted much attention. In this vicinity, the broad face of the limestone rock is diversified by the jutting out of lofty columns and towers, reminding the beholder of ancient bulwarks and feudal castles. Meanwhile, the band at intervals discoursed their sweetest strains, and the pursuits of the day were continued with unabated zest. Only one thing marred the pleasure of the homeward trip – and that was the knowledge that every revolution of the wheel was bringing us nearer the end of our journey. Ere long, the bend in the river was rounded, and the Bluff City lay once more before us, but before landing, the Captain kindly ran the steamer down to the mouth of the Missouri, and then returned, reaching the levee a little after six o’clock. The part of pleasure seekers disembarked as perfectly satisfied and delighted as could be imagined. The carriages and wagons that were to convey the Monticello people, and the Seminary ladies to their homes soon arrived. There was a busy stowing away of graceful forms and bright faces in the mysterious depths of huge lumber wagons; an interchange of smiling adieus and kind wishes, and the great excursion was over.

To the gentlemanly officers of the Southwester, all praise is due. Owing to their foresight and care, not the slightest incident occurred during the whole trip to mar its pleasures. In regard to Mr. Maclean, we can truly say that his thoughtful kindness and cheerful assumption of responsibility have won the grateful remembrance of the members of his Sabbath School, the inmates of the Seminary, and all others who participated in the trip.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 17, 1868
In the room of the Principal, Miss Haskell, hangs an exquisite little oil painting of a scene in Vermont. It is the work of one of New England’s most talented artists – Mrs. Dary – a friend of Miss Haskell’s. This picture was presented to the latter lady by her scholars at the East, as a token of their regard.

The pupils at the Seminary, desirous of testifying their love and respect for their Principal, sent to the same artist at the East, and induced her to paint for them another picture, much larger and more beautiful even than the other. Tuesday last was Miss Haskell’s birthday, and during her temporary absence from her room, it was entered by fair invaders, and this picture, a magnificent view of Lake Lucerne, was hung upon the wall. It was surrounded by an elegant frame, and was in all respects a splendid triumph of the painter’s art. A more tasteful tribute of affection could not have been devised. The gift was accompanied by the following graceful note:

Dear Miss Haskell,
You have a token on your wall that you had many lovers among your girls at the East. Their loss was our gain. Therefore, let us hang another picture painted by the same hand, and that hand your friend’s, in order that the new loves and the old may be linked pleasantly and tenderly together as you look daily in the faces of your girls at the West.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 4, 1868
We understand that M’lle Natalie Seitz, a native of “Fair Blugen on the Rhine,” will teach German and French at Monticello Seminary during the coming year. M’lle Seitz speaks pure Parisian French, and was educated in Paris. Any persons in Alton wishing to receive lessons of her could do so by application to the Principal of the Seminary.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 31, 1871
Thursday of last week, we spent very pleasant at Monticello Seminary near Alton, a pleasant and noble institution of learning, where through the munificence of Captain Godfrey at an early day in the educational history of the State, a seminary building was erected from which, for more than thirty years past, annually has gone forth an influence for good, which will be felt through all time. We find here not the proverbial “fashionable boarding school” – a mythical institution where young ladies are ornamental with feathers and paint, and glittering tinsel – but a plain, substantial, solid seminary, where the useful is not sunk in the ornamental, and where the ornamental is, beyond doubt, capable of adding beauty and symmetry to the daughters of the land, who submit their youthful years to the fostering guidance of Monticello.

The Seminary is now full to overflowing. Miss Haskell, who for two years past has been the head of the Seminary, is a thoroughly competent preceptress [teacher], and is so much of an enthusiast in her line, that one cannot listen for an hour to her busy conversation without being converted into a belief in Monticello and its matron.

Just now, it needs some friends of education to supplement the noble endowment of Captain Godfrey, with about $50,000 for a north wing, which the school sadly needs. There are now and then wealthy men who know how to use their means in lifetime; to them we have not a word to say, but if there be any poor, rich men – men who have money, but are poor in the talent of making it useful, they might find in Monticello a worthy object for their surplus.

Dr. Robertson of Carlinville recently gave to the institution land worth $8,000, to lay the foundation. Five more Dr. Robertsons are wanted.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 24, 1871
Some months ago, Dr. Robertson of Macoupin County made a donation of a tract of land worth six or seven thousand dollars, to Monticello Seminary. The young ladies, to show their appreciation of his beneficence, have constituted him a life member of the American Bible Society. The good doctor acknowledges the compliment in the following note to the Principal of the Seminary:

Carlinville, November 8, 1871
Dear Miss Haskell,
Sometime in August I received a certificate of life membership from the American Bible Society – a compliment from the young ladies of Monticello Seminary, for which, through you, I would express my grateful thanks, with the assurance that no manifestation of their kindness, and regard could have been more acceptable. And may God, who is love, make the gift effectual for their good and for the good of our common humanity. Yours respectfully, William A. Robertson.


Gas Being Installed in Buildings
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 4, 1871
The work of introducing gas into all the apartments of Monticello Seminary is being vigorously carried on this vacation. To lay pipes through such an extensive building, and put up fixtures in so many rooms is a great undertaking, requiring both time and skill. The work is under the superintendence of Mr. R. Johnson of the Alton Gas Works. The cost of the improvement will be about $6,000, and it will be completed two weeks before the reopening of the school in September. The gasometer Mr. Johnson is building is twenty-two feet in diameter, with eight feet rise.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1872
Its occupants are all busy in preparing for the reception of pupils, who are now securing rooms for the next term, which opens on September 12. Indeed, the whole vacation has been one of uncommon activity in and about the venerable building. Carpenters, masons, painters, upholsters, and paper-hangers have kept up an unceasing din, and the whole structure, from roof to cellar, as well as most of the furniture, has undergone a delightful renovation, so as to make it attractive, agreeable, and healthful.

A new set of blinds for the whole building, well adjusted and richly painted, give to the exterior a new and attractive appearance. The interior has been amply supplied with suitable carpeting. In these improvements, a large amount of money has been expended. The main hall, from end to end, at a cost of nearly $500, has been furnished gratuitously with a beautiful Brussels carpet by the Principal. We saw her today with needles, tacks, and hammer in hand, adjusting it to the floor. But it is the policy of the Trustees and teachers that this institution shall keep pace in all respects with the first seminaries in the land, at whatever cost or effort.

The pupils, we are pleased to see, are many of them in demand, as soon as they leave the school. Several who left here at the end of the last term have already secured good places. The highly accomplished valedictorian, we learn, has just received an appointment in an important public institution in St. Louis.

Harriet Haskell planting a treeThree years ago, as a gentleman made application for a room in reply to the question, “Why bring your daughter here when you have good schools so much nearer home?” said, “Well, I have considered that if my daughter can graduate at Monticello, it will amount to something. Most of your graduates, I find, are in demand, as soon as they leave the school, and occupy places of influence and usefulness, and command large salaries for their services. I believe the best testimonial I can give my daughter when she embarks in the struggle of life will be a diploma from Monticello Seminary.” That young lady, at the last anniversary, secured that treasure, which she and her father consider above rubies. It is indeed questionable whether any school this side of Mount Holyoke has sent forth so many practical women as Monticello Seminary. The Seminary is a benevolent institution, and every dollar made over its current expenses is used to aid poor girls in getting an education – hundreds of whom have thus been aided.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 19, 1880
The third annual reunion was held at the Tremont House in Chicago on February 9, 1880. The Monticello Society numbers over eighty members. The old girls and the young girls, or as they style themselves, the Fobites and the Haskellites, commenced assembling at two in the club room, and such merry greetings, such exclamations of joy and surprise!

The committee on reception had arranged the tables elegantly. The President, Mrs. Dr. Clanton Locke, nee Adele Bouthill of St. Louis, occupied the center of the table. Opposite her, on a beautiful easel, crowned with evergreens, stood the portraits of Captain Benjamin Godfrey, Rebecca E. Godfrey, his wife, and Philena Fobes. On each side sat the members of the society. The mingling of the old and young. The silver locks and the fresh, bright faces made up a scene of unequaled beauty and interest.

After the banquet, Mrs. Locke delivered a pleasant address of welcome, full of tender remembrances of the days of “Auld Lang Syne.” Mrs. Gibbs, nee Ann M. Mulford, fittingly responded to a call for thanks to Miss Haskell, for the presentation at the reunion of the portraits of the founders of the Seminary. A historical paper, sent by Miss Fobes, was read by Mrs. Dr. Boyd, nee Scarritt. This paper embraced 25 years of brief history. Mrs. A. M. Bacon, nee Marilla Tolman, read reminiscences from 1854 to 1867, the time of her connection with the Seminary as student and teacher. A letter from Lucy Larcom was read by Miss Grace Patterson.

Miss Haskell gave the history of the last 18 years. The reunion, in the opportunities which it offered for renewing old acquaintances, and in the eminently social feeling which prevailed, together with the earnest love manifested for Alma Mater, was the pleasantest of the three yet held.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 19, 1881
The gas manufacturing establishment at Monticello Seminary, a small frame building about a hundred yards in the rear of the institution, was discovered to be on fire Monday night, about 11 o’clock. Messrs. J. B. Turner and M. Robidou, who had been out at Melville, arrived at the place at the hour mentioned, and seeing a light, drove up to the Seminary, where they found some of the men employed at the place greatly excited and alarmed by the blaze. Measures were taken immediately by ringing an alarm bell to summon more assistance. The people of the neighborhood turned out, and by the use of water from a well, dashed on the burning building from buckets, the fire was soon extinguished, the roof only of the gas house having burned. The loss was not very serious. It is supposed that the fire originated from a flue. Measures will be taken immediately to repair the damage.


Principal of Monticello Ladies Seminary
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 8, 1881
From Boston, August 29, 1881 – We have just spent a delightful hour at the picture gallery of J. Eastman Chase, Hamilton Place, in company with both the substance and shadow of Miss Harriet Newell Haskell, Principal of Monticello Seminary. She was there in person, with her gracious, kindly welcome, and at the farther end of the room, stepping as it seemed, from its Harriet Haskellframe to echo her greeting, stood her double, only done in oil, a life-like portrait, standing in her favorite attitude with hands lightly clasped in stately command and youthful vigor. It is not a “counterfeit presentment,” but her actual self, transferred to canvas. The artist has given the figure three-quarters length and a three-quarters view of the face, looking easily and naturally towards you, and embodied one of the finest expressions of her mobile face. He has done the subject justice, yet the picture is the reverse of flattering. It is full of force and power – her nobility and independence of charter, wonderful executive ability, and abounding life – with the loving kindness of her great womanly heart, are fully portrayed, and one can even fancy a shade of wistfulness in the clear blue eyes. The dress is dark silk, elegant in its simplicity, and softened by white lace at the throat and wrists.

It has long been the wish of the alumnae of Monticello, graduates under Miss Haskell’s administration, to present the Seminary with a portrait of its loved and honored Principal, and after much solicitation, Miss Haskell consented to the trying ordeal. The result is a picture instinct with her life. It is executed in the Bonnat style, and all art critics comment is, “the modeling (or the manner in which the figure stands out from the background) is its striking characteristic.”

Alfred Q. Collins, the artist, though young, has a continental reputation, having spent the last seven years in Paris, studying under the celebrated Leon Bonnat. This is the first portrait he has painted in this country since his return. He expects soon to open a studio in New York City. The picture is superbly mounted by J Eastman Chase in a frame, Florentine style of bronzed scroll work. The canvas measures 39 by 54 inches.

The art committee of the exhibition of the “Massachusetts Mechanics Charitable Association,” to open here the 13th of September, have applied for permission to exhibit the portrait in their spacious art gallery. The picture has excited much interest and favorable comment in art circles, and is the center of attraction in the crowded gallery. By all, the touch of a master’s hand is discerned.

To us, the strongest evidence of its success is that we cannot forget it. The marvelous likeness grows on us, and walking down Tremont Street, we were haunted by the idea that around in Hamilton Place, we could not only stand face to face, but speak with Miss Haskell! The portrait will not be sent West until next January, and the time and manner of its presentation to the Seminary are as yet undecided.

Harriet Newell Haskell began her position of principal of the Monticello Ladies Seminary in Godfrey in 1867. The seminary was founded by Captain Benjamin Godfrey in 1838. When the seminary was destroyed by fire in 1888, Miss Haskell worked tirelessly to raise the funds to rebuild. She was a respected and loved principal, who left a legacy at the seminary. Miss Haskell died at the seminary in May 1907, after 40 years as principal. She was buried in Maine, her home State. The seminary still stands, and is now the Lewis & Clark Community College.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1881
Mr. G. S. Nutter of Brighton, paid a visit of inspection to the artesian well at Monticello Seminary and found it in fine condition. The well is 250 feet deep, with 210 feet of first-class mineral water, equal to that of the Wilmington artesian well. Mr. N. pronounces the Monticello well very valuable, worth thousands of dollars.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 20, 1884
The school year of 1884-5, at Monticello, has opened under most favorable auspices, with a full attendance in all departments. Year by year, the fame of this institution of learning widens and extends, until it now draws its pupils from all sections of the country, and from almost every State in the Union. With educational facilities unsurpassed, with attractions unequaled in the way of imposing buildings and delightful surroundings, it adds yearly to those comforts and conveniences which mark this era of progress and improvement. For nearly fifty years, Monticello has been engaged in the great work to which it was dedicated by its founder, and it is now educating the daughters and granddaughters of its pupils of early days. A true Alma Mater it has proved to all, and the reverence and affection for it transmitted from mother to daughter is a worthy heritage.

For a western institution, it has become quite venerable, but added years have not brought a relaxation of its pristine energy or clogged its curriculum with worn-out methods or theories. On the contrary, its pulse has always throbbed responsive with the educational progress of the day, just as its buildings, surroundings, and appointments have all responded to the material progress of the century, until today every convenience of the most improved edifices are found within its walls. Lighted with gas, heated by hot water pipes, attractively furnished throughout, well ventilated and provided with all necessary sanitary conditions, its halls furnish not only a healthful and delightful home for the pupils, but facilities for instruction under skillful teachers unexcelled in the country. Situated in the midst of spacious and charming grounds, laid out in accordance with “the art that doth mend nature,” shaded by “grey old trees of hugest limb,” the surroundings both charm the eye and furnish opportunities for recreation in the open air that are invaluable to a symmetrical training of mind and body.

Without detracting an iota from the grand work accomplished by her predecessors, it is only just to say that the principalship of Miss Haskell has been Monticello’s golden age, and that her executive ability, scholastic attainments, and progressive labors have brought about the rounded perfection which now marks all the appointments of the institution. Every vacation witnesses improvements and attractive changes, the last of which was accomplished last summer by the transformation effected in Seminary Hall. The sum of $2,000 was expended in seating it with elegant opera house chairs, providing inside blinds, and painting and decorating the walls and ceiling in a most beautiful artistic manner. It is now pronounced the handsomest and most comfortable hall in the West. There is a quiet elegance about all its arrangements and ornamentations that reveals refined taste and critical judgment. This hall is where the pupils meet for service on the Sabbath, and where all the public exercises and entertainments are held. The value of artistic surroundings cannot be overestimated as a factor in elevating the taste of the receptive minds subjected to their influence.

It will be remembered that Miss Emily Faithfull, the noted philanthropist of England, visited Monticello last winter on her last tour in this country, and remained for some days. She has just published a book entitled, “Three Visits to America,” in which she embodies her observations of this country, especially those phases of its social and educational life which bear most directly on the developing of new fields of labor for women. In this book, after speaking of “Vassar,” “Wellesley,” and “Smith’s College,” of the Eastern States, and “Mills’ Seminary” of the Pacific Coast, each of which she visited and highly commends as representative colleges, she speaks of Monticello as follows, which being the only Seminary thus specialized is very complimentary, while her characterization of Miss Haskell is so lifelike, that all will endorse the correctness of the pen portrait. Miss Faithfull says:

“I cannot forget while writing about colleges for girls the two days I spent in Monticello Seminary at Godfrey, about thirty miles from St. Louis. I think if anyone asked me to name one of the best times I had during my last trip to America, I should unhesitatingly reply, ‘The hours I spent with Miss Haskell at Monticello.’ Endowed with a fine personal presence, which might be too imposing but for the genial manner and sweet womanliness of her nature, Miss Haskell’s boundless share of genuine humor carries the stranger’s heart into instant and willing captivity. Seldom have I met with anyone whose influence was so magnetic and healthy. She has one of those rare and beautiful natures, which seem at once to bring out all the good in those with whom she comes in contact. Fortunate, indeed, are the girls who find themselves placed under the beneficial care of this intellectual woman, who in spite of her vast learning and grave responsibility, retains such a buoyant, youthful nature, that when the hour comes for throwing down the reins of government, and promoting the wholesome fun, which is so important an item in a girl’s well-being, the youngest student in the college does not enter into any admissible frolic with keener zest than its wise and cultured principal. Miss Haskell is still the leader, for she is the heart and soul of the entertainment, the merriest spirit in all the happy throng.”


[Second Wife of Captain Benjamin Godfrey]
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 11, 1886
Monticello Seminary was the scene Monday eve of a notable festal gathering, in honor of the eightieth birthday anniversary of Mrs. Rebecca E. Godfrey, widow of the late Benjamin Godfrey, the founder of the institution. The idea of celebrating the occasion in the manner chosen was one of those inspirations of thoughtfulness for the happiness of others, which is one of Miss Haskell’s most notable characteristics. But outside of this consideration, it was fit and proper that the faculty and students should unite in honoring one whose life had been so closely identified with the development of the institution, and had been prolonged to such a good old age. Madame Godfrey, therefore, on Miss Haskell’s invitation, became the guest of the Seminary for the day. In order that all the pupils might participate in the pleasant occasion, only a lunch was served at noon, and the dinner postponed until 5 o’clock. A number of friends had been invited to meet Mrs. Godfrey, and when the company gathered in the dining hall, the visitors and faculty were escorted to an embowered alcove, where were numerous small tables. At the central one, sat the Principal, Miss Harriet N. Haskell, and the honored guest of the day, with the faculty and visitors grouped about them at similar “progressive” tables. Evergreens, plants, and flowers adorned the hall, and a vase of exquisite hothouse exotics emitted fragrance from the central table. We cannot specify particularly what was done or said at the dinner, but it is surmised that Miss Haskell’s sparkling wit and genius for hospitality, and the genial courtesy and conversational charms of the accomplished faculty made the hour at the banquet board a memorable one. The viands were in generous profusion, but delicate and dainty as became a birthday feast in the palace of the Princess. The members of the Senior class, as maids of honor, in white aprons and tennis caps, waited upon the tables of the guests, and their grace and beauty gave a piquant interest to the various courses. After dinner, the company adjourned to the parlors, where the honored guest of the day was the recipient of many heartfelt congratulations.

Although crowned with the halo of eighty years, Madame Godfrey is still in the enjoyment of all her mental and physical faculties. After a life voyage that, of late years, has seen more of shadow than of sunshine, she has entered the quiet harbor of a serene old age, encircled by the affection and veneration of loving relatives and friends.

Among the friends present, were the venerable Mrs. C. N. Mason, whose 87 years have not dimmed her enjoyment of social reunions; Mr. B. B. Haskell, father of the Principal, who has passed his eightieth milestone; Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Webster; Mrs. A. P. Mason; and Mrs. J. R. Isett, who rank with the pioneer friends of Monticello. Hon. and Mrs. John M. Pearson and their daughter, Miss Nora, were also present, Mrs. [Catharine] Pearson being, as will be recalled, a daughter of the founder of the Seminary, Captain Benjamin Godfrey [and the late Harriet Cooper Godfrey, his first wife]. Alton was represented by Mr. E. P. Wade, of the Board of Trustees, and his wife.

The company separated at an early hour in the evening, feeling that the anniversary reunion would ever have a prominent place in the storehouse of memory; while to the honored guest of the day, the occasion must have brought more vividly to mind the increasing importance of the educational work which the far-seeing benevolence of her husband inaugurated nearly half a century ago.

Following the death of his first wife in 1838 (Harriet Cooper Godfrey), Captain Benjamin Godfrey (founder of the Monticello Ladies Seminary in Godfrey, and who spearheaded the construction of the Chicago & Alton Railroad) married Rebecca E. Petit. They had three children – Eleanor Godfrey (1840-1848); Benjamin Godfrey Jr. (1841-1884); and Julia Godfrey Leach (1843-1874). Rebecca was born on August 15, 1807, in Hempstead, New York. She died January 1, 1892, in Godfrey, at the age of 84, and is buried in the Godfrey Cemetery.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 13, 1888
Monticello Seminary celebrated yesterday the greatest and grandest event in its history – the semi-centennial anniversary of its education work. It was fitting that the daughters of Monticello should gather once more about their Alma Mater with tributes of praise and garlands of remembrance. They came from far and near, all eager to tread once more the winding walks in shady groves, and to wander through the classic halls where the happiest hours of their lives were spent, all eager to meet the classmates and friends of days gone by, and renew in retrospect “the days that are no more.”

The early trains brought their contingent of visitors, and the crowd swelled until it numbered thousands. Over 600 former students reported at headquarters, and were decorated with golden badges. The anniversary hall was crowded to repletion. Hundreds turned away from the doors disappointed. The floral decorations were beautiful, while the students arrayed in white on the platform were a charming picture of youth and loveliness.

The central attraction was the queenly principal, Miss Haskell, and about her, her maids of honor, the graduates in their snowy robes of office. There were also the trustees and faculty. Occupying seats of honor were the venerable Mrs. Benjamin Godfrey, widow of the founder of the institution, and Mrs. Bacon (nee Tolman), Miss Cone, Miss Long, and Mrs. Marsh, teachers in the long ago. At the left of the principal sat the Governor of the commonwealth of Illinois, who had laid aside the cares of State, and made the day memorable by his presence. Gallant Dick Oglesby! His hair is silvered now, but his life is crowned with so many chivalrous deeds, that he will never grow old. He was accompanied by his wife, a beautiful and gracious lady. In back of the Chief Executive sat General John M. Palmer, who next to General Logan, was Illinois’ most distinguished volunteer soldier. He was also accompanied by his wife, an alumna of Monticello. By the side of the old warriors sat Captain Dement, our genial Secretary of State, who had consented to give the Gresham boom a day’s rest, and accompany a Monticello girl (his wife) to the reunion.

The exercises opened with prayer by Dr. Tanner, President of Illinois College, followed by chorus by the school, “Morning is Nigh.” The graduates numbered seventeen, a remarkably strong and brilliant class, and when Miss Elmira Cox Caldwell was announced as the salutatorian, the Alton people felt a pardonable pride that their fair representative should have received the high honor.

A brief history of the Seminary by Rev. Dr. Dimond of Brighton was of absorbing interest. He revealed facts new and old, clothed them in apt and fitting garb, and held them up to view, delighting all hearers. The address by Rev. A. A. E. Taylor, D.D., of St. Louis, was short, but one of the most pleasing presentations of the day. His subject was the “Joys of Educations.” After the graduation took place, Rev. Dr. Boardman, President of the Board of Trustees, made a brief address and presented the diplomas to the following graduates: Elmira Cox Caldwell, Alton; Elizabeth Gurley Elderkin, Newport Barracks, KY; Phoebe Ferris, Carthage; Mary Andras Gregory, Jacksonville; Nellie Hoblit, Atlanta; May Noland, Independence, MO; Mamie Clara Parks, Lewistown, Arkansas; Mary West Prickett, Edwardsville; Alby Prather Rickey, Fulton, MO; Anne Elizabeth Russell and Mary Cynthia Russell, Bonham, Texas; Bertha Smith, Marsovan, Turkey; Gertrude Lillian Springer, Mabel Roxana Streeter, and Carrie Sweet, Chicago; Sophie Barnes Weir, Belleville; and Mary Grace Witbeck, Chicago.


November 4, 1888
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 5, 1888
A few months ago, on a beautiful day in June, Monticello Seminary celebrated its Golden Jubilee, commemorating with appropriate exercises the close of fifty years of usefulness and prosperity. All was mirth and gladness. Thousands were gathered there from all over this broad land: old students, alumnae and friends, drawn there by tender memories and cherished associations. Every nook and corner of the old edifice and the beautiful grounds was revisited by former pupils, and the old times were lived over again in the same shady resorts. Never had the groves and lawns appeared more attractive, never had the proud edifice seemed to loom up in statelier proportions.

Today, all is changed. The blackness of desolation has settled down upon beautiful Monticello, and tears and lamentations succeed the mirth and congratulations of a few months ago. As the news flies over the wires that Monticello Seminary is a heap of smouldering ashes, it will awaken a responsive thrill of sorrow in the heart of every participant in last June’s jubilee. The first question asked in hundreds of distant homes, whose loved ones were represented among the pupils, is were any lives lost, and it is with grateful hearts that the Principal and trustees can answer, “all safe; not one life lost, and no one injured.” The calamity is a terrible one, but is devoid of the unspeakable horror that would have been added thereto, had a single one of the young and beautiful lives entrusted to the Seminary gone out amid the smoke and flame of that awful night.

The Story
The kitchen and servants’ quarters of the Seminary were located in a large, two-story frame building adjoining the northwest corner of the main edifice. The fire broke out over the ovens, but how it originated has not been ascertained as yet. The servants were awakened by the smoke and flames, and at once effected their escape and gave the alarm. Mrs. Pendleton was the first one in the main building to learn the situation, and she at once aroused the Principal, Miss Haskell. The latter immediately sent the teachers through the corridors, stopping at every door and awakening the sleeping inmates. Aid was summoned from the neighbors, and quickly responded to. This was a few minutes before one o’clock Sunday morning. When the fire broke out, there were 120 pupils, 12 teachers, and the servants in the building. The suddenly aroused pupils were told to dress themselves, secure what effects they could, and leave the building as quickly and quietly as possible. There was no panic or confusion. Everything was quiet and orderly. The young ladies retaining their presence of mind admirably. Some few became frightened and ran out barefooted and scantily clad. Some with only wrappers thrown over their night dresses, and with their clothes in their arms. But there was no necessity for such haste, as the fire did not at once communicate to the main building. While the pupils were making their escape, the gentlemen from the village were battling with the flames, trying to prevent their spreading to the main building, but as there was no adequate appliance for fighting the fire, the efforts were unsuccessful. The cornice of the main building soon caught, the flames spread to the roof, and it was evident that the building was doomed. The gentlemen, after satisfying themselves that all the inmates were safe, turned their attention to the furniture and effects. They went from room to room of the dormitory, emptied the bureau drawers onto the bedspreads, rolled them up and threw the bundles out of the windows. In the public rooms, there was some salvage. Most of the contents of anniversary hall, including the valuable portraits and paintings, were saved, as the wing was the last to go, being removed under direction of Hon. J. M. Pearson. Many of the personal effects of Miss Haskell’s room were also saved.

The scene was a magnificent and thrilling one, as the sea of fire surged over the main building, creeping down from the roof and darting fiery tongues from every window. The flames lit up the country for miles around. The fire raged all night, and by daybreak, only the walls of the building were left, and those of the main structure soon after fell in. The building was of stone, and the walls of the wing still seem firm, but not a vestige of the woodwork remains. Even the stables, some distance from the building, were fired by sparks and totally destroyed.

While the fire raged, the unfortunate teachers and pupils gathered on the lawn and under the trees in the chill night air, helplessly watching the destruction of the building, at once a happy home to them and a sacred place to thousands of students and alumnae scattered over the land. Many of the pupils were thinly clad, some barefoot, and they wandered about wrapped in blankets, searching for their effects and bewailing their misfortune. Beauty in distress was everywhere. The people round about came with vehicles to take the pupils to other homes, but few cared to leave until daylight. Then they were taken off to breakfast by the kind-hearted neighbors, and everything possible done for their comfort.

The cottage, a house of twelve rooms, on the Seminary grounds, was at once utilized as a place of refuge, as was also the spacious residence of Mr. J. G. Brown and the church across the street. The morning was spent by the pupils and teachers in searching for their effects, which were scattered over the grounds in indescribable confusion, and in telegraphing to their friends and relatives. Mr. E. P. Wade and Mr. J. R. Isett, of the Board of Trustees, were on hand soon after the fire broke out, and together with Miss Haskell were enabled to systematize the work of caring for the students and sheltering perishable effects.

The Losses
There was not much saved. The buildings are a total wreck, and the salvage is inconsiderable compared with the total loss. Two pianos, three organs, part of the library and cabinet, and some of the furniture are saved. Nineteen pianos, the scientific apparatus, and the bulk of the accumulations of fifty years went up in smoke. The loss to the Seminary of building and contents is at least $150,000, with an insurance of $75,000. Besides this, every teacher and pupil in the building lost many of their private effects, trunks, money, clothing, watches, jewelry, and minor articles. One teacher lost $700. But all are so glad and grateful that no lives were lost, that the sacrifice of property is hardly regarded.

The Future
The majority of the pupils started for their homes last night and this morning. The remainder leave as soon as possible. Miss Haskell intends carrying the senior class through the year in any event. Of course, the Trustees will rebuild, but no definite plans can be made until the insurance is adjusted and the Trustees know what they have to rely upon. The institution has no debt, and everything received will be available as a building fund.

The loss of this institution is a catastrophe overwhelming and far-reaching, a loss to the community, a loss to the cause of education, and a loss to every teacher and pupil. The extent of the calamity can hardly be expressed in words. Miss Haskell has the special sympathy of this community and the grateful thanks of every parent and patron of the school for her coolness and masterly self-possession in securing the safety of those in her charge.

The Alton Girls
Alson was unusually well represented at the Seminary this year, but it so happened that all but three of them had come home to spend Sunday. Only Misses Hallie Wade, Dell Hatheway, and Ada Nichols remaining. When the news reached Alton in the night that the Seminary was burning, the anxiety of the families of these young ladies, until they learned that all were safe, can be better imagined than described.


Source: New York Times, New York, November 5, 1888
Godfrey, Ill., Nov. 4.-The famous Monticello Seminary was destroyed by fire at 1 o'clock this morning, and 125 young ladies had a narrow escape from a frightful death. The night was clear and cold, and at 10 o'clock every inmate of the college was in bed or preparing to retire. At midnight the fire broke out in the basement, directly beneath the kitchen, and burned for a considerable period before the danger was discovered. The smoke ascended through the halls of the main building, and, pouring through connecting doors into the halls of the dormitories in both wings, aroused the girls and teachers. By this time the fire had taken possession of the first and second floors of the main building and was reaching out to the wings. The teachers showed rare presence of mind at this terrible crisis. Many of the girls were yet sleeping soundly, unconscious of danger, though the smoke was suffocating and the panic widespread. The women and older girls struggled bravely through the smoke, pulling the terrified girls out of their beds and instructing them to leave everything and run for their lives. The stairways at both ends of the wings were not yet in possession of the flames, and the frightened girls, clad only in their night clothes, rushed pell-mell into the blinding smoke and escaped down the stairs. Some carried their clothes in their arms, some carried souvenirs of affection in the shape of books, birds and correspondence. All were dreadfully frightened by the awful glare in the rear, and yet many refused to move until assured that loving companions were safe. The girls huddled in groups in front of the building and remained until all the students were reported safe. They were then distributed among the neighbors in the town of Godfrey, and every effort was made to soothe their distress. Before the escape of the students two servant girls, who were sleeping in an apartment over the kitchen, jumped from the windows and are believed to have sustained fatal injuries. Mrs. Haskell, the principal, was almost crazed by the casualty. As the little town of Godfrey is practically helpless in case of fire, telegraphs were sent to Alton to asking for engines. Meanwhile the fire had taken entire control of the old college that has one of the most illustrious alumnae in the United States. The building was of stone, five stories high and 110 feet front. It was built in 1845 by Benjamin Godfrey, its founder, and was the oldest seat of learning of its kind in the West. Before 3 o'clock in the morning it was in ruins. The flames swept through the wings, chapel and all the school rooms. A fine gallery of paintings was destroyed, and a library that was the pride of the seminary. Valuable collections of souvenirs and gift from the Alumnae met the same fate. The outhouses and stables went down before the march of the fire, and the total loss is estimated at $250,000. Most of the young ladies lost everything except their night dresses and lives. Money, baggage and everything of value was abandoned. They take their loss good-naturedly, and are thankful for their fortunate escape.


Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, November 7, 1888
Monticello Seminary, Madison county's famous educational institute for young ladies, was destroyed by fire early Sunday morning. The fire originated in an old building adjoining the main structure, used as a kitchen. The building was of stone, and the flames made slow progress, but the means for extinguishing them which were at hand were insufficient to subdue them. There were 120 ladies enrolled as pupils, and all made their escape without injury. The loss is estimated at $100,000, which does not include part of the library, the museum, and the personal effects belonging to students. The institution will be rebuilt at an early day. Miss Katie Pogue is the only student from this city this year. In years past, Edwardsville has been one of the most largely represented cities, and there are quite a number of graduate residents here. Mrs. W. F. L. Hadley is at present one of the vice-presidents of the St. Louis Alumnae. The seminary was one of the oldest and most highly reputed institutions of the kind in the country. It was founded by Benjamin Godfrey on the 11th of April, 1838, and has been in a flourishing condition ever since. He donated the ground, furnished the stone from his quarry, and gave the sum of $53,000, which he afterward increased by an additional sum of $51,000. The widow of Capt. Godfrey still survives him, and lives near the institution that perpetuates his benevolence and public spirit. The s___-centennial of its birth was celebrated this year, and was attended by hundreds of alumnae, many of whom occupy the foremost positions in the ranks of American literature and art. As a school for the education and refinement of young ladies, it has had for many years no rival in any western institution. In its catalogue are the names of young ladies from the first families of every western and southern state, and from its halls have graduated many whose names are now written high on the scroll of fame. Miss Harriet Haskell, the principal, has been at the head of the institution for 20 years, and it is due mainly to her able and judicious management that the present high standard of excellence and national reputation has been attained by the school.


Source: Jersey County Democrat, November 8, 1888
A bevy of pupils of the institution, comprising Misses Nellie McConkey and Myrtle Kimberly of Kansas City; Anna Blair of Ottawa, Kas.; Ollie Travis, Pleasant Hill, Mo.; and Clara Parish of Chillicothe, Mo., awaited the outgoing train tonight under the charge of MR. O. W. Maxfield, the outside superintendent.
Interior tower ruins, 1888 fire
"We were not frightened a bit," they said, in chatting chorus. "Most of us saved a few things and when we got out safely and saw how slowly the building was burning, we went back and secured a great many of our valuables, but many of the girls lost their clothes, money and jewelry in the flames. Our teachers went quietly from door to door and marched us out and down the three stairways with the precision of veterans. Most of the Alton girls went home today, and we are going out on this train." The seminary numbered pupils from St. Louis, Alton, Chicago, Denver, Shreveport, Springfield, Milwaukee, Belleville, Fort Smith, Otta, Kas., and many other towns throughout Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. Among the St. Louis girls attending the school this year were the daughters of O. J. Lewis, Misses Edwards, Travis; the daughters of Phil Chappel of Jefferson City, the two daughters of Joel Rickey, and Miss Curd of Fulton, Mo.; Miss Bertha Brownlee of Lebanon, Ill., were also in attendance. Chicago and Milwaukee had an unusually large number in the school, which depended mainly upon Chicago, St. Louis and Alton for patronage and its alumni numbers many of the society leaders of these cities. Among the prominent members of alumni from St. Louis are the three Misses Sneed, Mrs. Anna Sneed Cairns of Kirkwood, Mrs. John M. Allen, Mrs. Judge Shephard Barclay, Mrs. Pat Dyer, Mrs. Judge Denison, the two daughters of Judge Hunt, the daughters of Gen. Burnett, Mrs. Geo. W. Parker, Mrs. Isaac Sturgis, two daughters of O. J. Lewis, Miss Lottie Willis, the daughters of John Nixon, Mrs. Julia Blow Webster and Mrs. Webster Loughborough. A flourishing alumni association, numbering 240 members, has been in existence in Chicago for a number of years, and a similar organization was affected in St. Louis last spring with a membership of 60. The late Rev. Dr. Truman Post of St. Louis was president of the board of trustees for 35 years. Dr. J. B. Johnson is now the St. Louis member of the board. The building was of stone, four stories and a basement, and contained about 150 rooms. The dormitories were on the second and third stories. The contents of the art studios and music rooms on the fourth floor were completely destroyed, the losses, including some 20 pianos and model casts and valuable paintings. The oil portrait of Capt. Godfrey, the founder of the institution, was saved, much to the gratification of Miss Haskell and her assistants. The opera chairs, carpets, piano and organ in the anniversary hall on the first floor were saved and lie stored in the basement of the little village church opposite the ruins of the institution. About one-third of the library of several thousand volumes was saved and is preserved at the residence of Mr. James Brown, of the firm of Dodd, Brown & Co., of this city. The burning seminary was a beacon for the towns of Jerseyville, Shipman, Alton, Godfrey and the entire surrounding county, thus preserving its dignity as an educational light to the last. The flickering flames from a winter's supply of coke still lit up the desolate walls at a late hour tonight. The residence of Mr. Brown is but a few rods from the seminary and caught fire several times, but was saved through the watchfulness of the spectators.

Miss Haskell's Story
Miss H. M. Haskell, the principal, was seen in the seminary cottage, which stands about 700 feet from the fire. Her costume illustrated most forcibly the general ruin caused by the early morning flames. She was seated in the parlor, which was filled with masses of blankets, all varieties of clothing, trunks, chests, dressing cases and other articles that had been hurriedly saved. Miss Haskell's attire was the dress which she had hastily thrown on Sunday morning when escaping, and a blanket was thrown about her, giving her quite a primitive appearance. She received the Republic representative with excuses for her appearance, stating that she was but one of the many who were forced to adopt such wear. Miss Haskell told the story of the fire as follows:

"Every soul in the building had retired at 10 o'clock, and were asleep at 11. Shortly after 1 the matron, Mrs. Pendleton, who sleeps on the first floor in a room nearest the kitchen department, was awakened by partial suffocation from smoke, and springing up discovered that the northwest portion of the building was filled with smoke. She at once awakened the men servants and then aroused me. About the same time the fire was discovered by a teacher sleeping on the third floor, Miss Strachlin, who aroused the rest of the teachers. The 425 scholars asleep on the second and third floors were awakened by the teachers, who directed them how to escape. Of course, they were frightened badly, but behaved splendidly, and there was no panic. There were two stairways leading down from the upper floors, and in 20 minutes after the first fire was first discovered everyone was out of the building. The men, under the charge of Mr. Maxfield, went to work to fight the fire. It had originated in the bake room, near the oven, which had no fire in it since noon on Saturday. A defective flue is the only explanation possible for the origin of the fire. The kitchen is in the northwest wing and was a frame building. The rest of the seminary building was of stone. It was five stories high and had sixty-four sleeping rooms. By fighting the fire with buckets of water the flames were gotten under control, and although the kitchen was destroyed, we thought the rest of the building was saved. Suddenly the flames began to leap from the roof of the seminary. The fire had communicated under the tin cornice and unperceived until too late to be checked. We had to sit and watch the dear old place burn. It was a curious scene. The teachers, scholars and servants of course, had thrown on whatever garment was nearest, and as many blankets and other bedding had been hastily thrown out, we all arrayed ourselves in these and thus, wrapped in all sorts of parti-colored blankets and coverlets, out in the campus, sat on trunks, mattresses and chests until daybreak, with the flames lighting up the scene so vividly. It was a wild picture. No one, of course, could think of sleeping, and we talked of the sudden awakening and escape and watched the seminary being so swiftly destroyed before our eyes. The citizens of Godfrey turned out in a body and were at the scene half an hour after the fire began. They did everything possible to aid, but it was then too late. I regret to say that thieves, during the excitement and confusion, stole several articles, a gold watch, jewelry and money belonging to various scholars and teachers. This morning the citizens of Godfrey did everything possible to alleviate our discomfort. We all had to breakfast, of course, and accepting the many invitations extended, were distributed among various homes by the two seminary omnibuses, for breakfast and dinner, afterward being gathered again at the seminary cottage. I telegraphed at once to the parents of my scholars and also applied by wire to the authorities of the Chicago and Alton railroad for free transportation home for the scholars, but receiving no response, I paid the fare of 85 pupils who went. The loss was $150,000, the insurance $70,000, placed with Alton agents, Dr. McKinney and Whipple & Smiley. The seminary will be rebuilt at once and will issue a circular to all trustees, alumni and patrons of Monticello Seminary, also to the governors of various states, soliciting aid in rebuilding. The seminary was the pride of several states having large alumni associations, notably one in St. Louis of 60 and Chicago of 240. I have received telegrams today from all quarters and especially kind attention from the people of Alton and Godfrey. I am sure the grand old seminary will soon be rebuilt." Two frightened fathers from Duquoin, Ill., who had just alighted from the train, were seen by the Republic reporter. Their names were A. C. Brookings and L. B. Skinner, and although they had been telegraphed by Miss Haskell that everyone was saved, they were very apprehensive until met by Mr. Maxfield at the depot and assured that their daughters were saved. Their trip was in vain, as Miss Haskell had already sent the two young ladies home on the afternoon train.

A Thrilling Experience
Otto W. Maxfield, the outside superintendent, who looks after a farm of 120 acres belonging to the establishment, was the only one who had a thrilling experience during the fire. He had rushed to the third floor to save everything possible, and sprang into a closet, when a Negro assistant, not knowing he was there, closed the door and ran hurriedly on, also intent on saving valuables. Maxfield found to his horror that there was no knob on the inside. He threw himself against the heavy door, but it refused to yield, and he shouted and kicked against it vigorously, knowing that the flames were approaching that room. "It was a frightful moment," Maxfield said, "and I was panic-stricken, but fortunately the Negro man heard my cries and released me. He asked me how I felt locked up in there, but just then I had neither time nor breath to answer him, as the fire was entirely too near us."


Source: New York Times, New York, November 5, 1888
Godfrey, Ill., Nov. 4.-The famous Monticello Seminary was destroyed by fire at 1 o'clock this morning, and 125 young ladies had a narrow escape from a frightful death. The night was clear and cold, and at 10 o'clock every inmate of the college was in bed or preparing to retire. At midnight the fire broke out in the basement, directly beneath the kitchen, and burned for a considerable period before the danger was discovered. The smoke ascended through the halls of the main building, and, pouring through connecting doors into the halls of the dormitories in both wings, aroused the girls and teachers. By this time the fire had taken possession of the first and second floors of the main building and was reaching out to the wings. The teachers showed rare presence of mind at this terrible crisis. Many of the girls were yet sleeping soundly, unconscious of danger, though the smoke was suffocating and the panic widespread. The women and older girls struggled bravely through the smoke, pulling the terrified girls out of their beds and instructing them to leave everything and run for their lives. 1888 Fire, Monticello SeminaryThe stairways at both ends of the wings were not yet in possession of the flames, and the frightened girls, clad only in their night clothes, rushed pell-mell into the blinding smoke and escaped down the stairs. Some carried their clothes in their arms, some carried souvenirs of affection in the shape of books, birds and correspondence. All were dreadfully frightened by the awful glare in the rear, and yet many refused to move until assured that loving companions were safe. The girls huddled in groups in front of the building and remained until all the students were reported safe. They were then distributed among the neighbors in the town of Godfrey, and every effort was made to soothe their distress. Before the escape of the students two servant girls, who were sleeping in an apartment over the kitchen, jumped from the windows and are believed to have sustained fatal injuries. Mrs. Haskell, the principal, was almost crazed by the casualty. As the little town of Godfrey is practically helpless in case of fire, telegraphs were sent to Alton to asking for engines. Meanwhile the fire had taken entire control of the old college that has one of the most illustrious alumnae in the United States. The building was of stone, five stories high and 110 feet front. It was built in 1845 by Benjamin Godfrey, its founder, and was the oldest seat of learning of its kind in the West. Before 3 o'clock in the morning it was in ruins. The flames swept through the wings, chapel and all the school rooms. A fine gallery of paintings was destroyed, and a library that was the pride of the seminary. Valuable collections of souvenirs and gift from the Alumnae met the same fate. The outhouses and stables went down before the march of the fire, and the total loss is estimated at $250,000. Most of the young ladies lost everything except their night dresses and lives. Money, baggage and everything of value was abandoned. They take their loss good-naturedly, and are thankful for their fortunate escape.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 15, 1888
At a meeting of Trustees of Monticello Female Seminary, held on Wednesday, November 14, at the Cottage annex, it was resolved to rebuild as soon as the matter of insurance is adjusted and suitable plans could be adopted; meanwhile, to erect a temporary building on the premises and to re-open the school no later than December 15, 1888. George N. Boardman, President, H. N. Haskell, Secretary.

The temporary building to be erected will be two stories high, 120 x 30 feet, located immediately south of the cottage and connected therewith by a covered passageway. The new building will have twenty-six rooms for students on second floor; stairways at each end. Dining hall, music and recitation rooms on first floor. It will be plainly finished, but convenient and comfortable; heated by steam. It will be completed in three weeks. This temporary building, in connection with the cottage, will furnish ample accommodations for conducting the school for the remainder of the year.

The Trustees and the Principal do not intend to let the great calamity they have experienced overwhelm them, but will go forward in their educational work. We trust that every patron of the school will second the devotion of the Principal, Trustees and teachers, and will return their daughters or wards to the institution promptly at the re-opening. Miss Haskell's reputation as an instructor is second to none in this country, and her abilities are dedicated to the work of rebuilding Monticello, and making its future usefulness transcend even its past. Many flattering offers have come to her from other institutions, but she has declined them all, and will go forward with her present work. She hopes every one of her pupils, so suddenly and widely scattered, will be present on the 15th prox., to resume the duties of the scholastic year.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 22, 1888
From Godfrey, November 14, 1888
It gives me pleasure to be able to say that Monticello Seminary will re-open for the remainder of the school year in temporary buildings, which will be erected on the campus near the Cottage. The work will be pushed, and the date of opening sent to students. The minor details will be carefullyHarriet Haskell and students, Monticello arranged, so that the school work will be prosecuted with vigor and with little, if any, interruption. No recess will be given at Christmas, so lost time can be then made up in large measure. Please let me know at once, whether we may welcome you when the exact date is announced. Let the outfit be simple and comfortable for winter. Bring the usual bed clothing, towels, and napkins. Leave jewelry and superfluities at home.

The overwhelming disaster of November 4 is a loss to the institution, faculty, and students, but we will take courage again, adapt ourselves to the circumstances thrust upon us, thanking God that the fire destroyed only what can in time be restored. The successful history of fifty years, the Christian influence, the affection of the students, the “precious lives of all dwellers” in the house, still remain. We trust you will return to us to complete the year’s work begun, and also to move with us into the new Monticello, which will be rebuilt on the same site and within the shadow of the grand old trees, to finish the curriculum commenced on September 21, 1888. Hoping your affection, “tried by fire,” will deepen as the days go on, and your daily prayer will be that Monticello may be blessed, even thro’ her own ashes.

I am lovingly your friend,  Harriet N. Haskell


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 26, 1888
Miss H. N. Haskell has received the following letter from an alumnae of the Seminary, which speaks for itself.

Lewisville, Arkansas, November 16, 1888
My Dear Miss Haskell,
The news of the burning of dear Monticello has distressed me so very much, that until today I have been unable to write you. I delayed doing so, not only because I feel unequal to the task of telling you how deeply I feel the loss of our dear “Alma Mater,” but also because I knew your time and patience were constantly being presumed upon, as hundreds of kind friends, I know, have written you. My dear Miss Haskell, no spot on earth except my home is dearer to me than that upon which our grand old Seminary stood. Every rock in that building seemed to claim a part of my strong love, and that love, you know, was so freely given. I think that out of three hundred graduates, none could have loved Monticello more than I do or appreciated what she has done for her girls more than “Arkansas Parks.” I feel deeply pained when I reflect that the roof which so kindly sheltered me for four happy years, tonight is nothing but a bed of ashes. But Monticello must be rebuilt, and who must do this? Her girls must do it, her friends must aid them, for many of them (like myself) would gladly give thousands of dollars, but are not able. Call on me for a hundred dollars, which to be sure, is only a “mite,” but is freely and lovingly given. I hope you will be successful in finding a suitable place to continue your school, and that the Seminary will have the pleasure of graduating the Class of 1889 after all. I do not ask for a reply, as I know too well how busy you are, but at any time I will be charmed to learn something of the plans for continuing your school. Please remember me with love to Miss Alden, and accept my best love and wishes for success in your undertaking to reestablish our much-loved school. Hoping soon to learn that we are not alone in the world, without our Monticello, and that her future may be a brilliant continuation of her gloried past.

I am very sincerely your friend,
Mamie C. Parks
(Known as “Arkansas Parks” at school.)


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 10, 1889
Monticello Seminary reopened Thursday in the temporary building prepared for use since the fire. May good fortune attend this institution henceforward.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28, 1889
The odd-looking building with its very primitive and barn-like appearance looks strangely enough after having passed the ruins, whose picturesque decoration suggests some old-world ruin wrought by time’s slow and inexorable power. The new quarters of the Seminary, plain and rough as they are, represent, nevertheless, the energy, enterprise, and I may add, as quoting from one of the Chicago journals, “the marvelous work of the heroic Principal.” To design and prepare this temporary building, to which seventy-four of the old students could return and take up the interrupted course of study under former teachers, and this work being accomplished in sixty days with as little cost and as great convenience as the necessities of the case demand, would put three ordinary men to their wits’ ends, but Miss Haskell is an extraordinary woman, and a daughter of New England withal.

It was pleasant to see the regime of student life going on as smoothly and orderly as ever in this novel young ladies’ seminary that the Principal, with her usual disposition to view it from the humorous side, calls “Knotty Hall,” with stress laid upon the fact that she spells it with a “k” on account of the prominence of these features in the pine. There is no paint nor plaster, nor even a chimney, yet the building is heated with steam and lighted with gas, the large smoke stack of the boiler being outside, and the gas is supplied by the old plant belonging to the Seminary. Cooking is done by gas also, and the arrangements for this are unsurpassed by anything in the State, outside of Chicago, and found to be perfectly satisfactory as to cost and convenience, an improvement, in both respects, upon the old method. The large gas range, with a hood over it to carry off the fumes of gas and food, was in full operation when I saw it, doing the cooking for the household of 103 persons in a truly mulium in purvo fashion. This phrase applies to all the departments of the school. The kitchen, with many appliances smaller, but far more convenient than the old one. The studdents’ rooms and music rooms and every nook and corner utilized, all made to subserve the one important end.

After ascending the “grand staircase,” (of pine) we find the Principal’s room, where she presides with all of her old-time dignity, tempered with that ready humor, one of her greatest attractions, and a factor in her manner of discipline. Here, most of her surroundings that were “snatched from the burning” make a singular contrast to the crude structure. The Burssels carpeting and folding bed of carved oak, with its large mirror and a desk of the same material; the books and some rare pieces of bric-a-brac. With the view from the window of the fine old trees, with their bare branches interlaced and the dun meadows reaching far on every side, make this a pleasant place for “camping out,” as all seem to regard these improvised accommodations to which teachers and pupils alike have adjusted themselves in a most admirable fashion.

The faculty and friends of the institution are to be congratulated that the Seminary, with its magnificent record, was not compelled to move from its present site, but will continue on with an unbroken line among its graduates. It is a matter of special public interest that this noble Christian institution should be speedily restored to its former estate, more fully equipped than ever, for the purpose to which it has been consecrated, the higher education of women. Signed L. P. Stelle.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 21, 1889
William H. Reid, formerly of Alton, now a resident of Chicago, through Miss Haskell, Principal, has given to Monticello Seminary, Godfrey, a gift of $25,000 in memory of his wife, Eleanor Irwin Reid. This leaves Miss Haskell to raise, outside of the insurance, $35,000. She looks to Alton for the nest egg, and has been soliciting large and small amounts here the past week.

The Monticello Building Committee met at the office of the Savings Bank Monday. Present were Messrs. Root, Pearson, Watson, and Isett. Absent was Mr. Hayner, who was out of the city. The committee organized by electing Mr. Augustine Root, Chairman, and Hon. J. M. Pearson, Secretary. They discussed the plans of the architect, Mr. Link of St. Louis, made some preliminary arrangements, and adjourned to await the completion of the specifications by the architect.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 28, 1889
The wrecking of the walls at Monticello, and clearing of rubbish and cleaning foundations, assorting stone, iron, brick, and other salvage, has been awarded to the St. Louis Wrecking Co. for $1,500, and work commenced today and is to be finished in twelve working days.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1889
Going! Going! Gone! The old Monticello! The picturesque ruin even, etched by flame and arabesque by smoke, is yielding to hook and tackle until “not one stone shall be left upon another” of the beautiful castle which was a unique feature of the landscape which it graced with its stately architecture. Years of sunshine and the patience of clambering vine decorated the very summits of its proud towers, with summer tendrils of green and autumn pennons of scarlet. So lovely was the sight thereof, that it will be long ere we can “off with the old love and one with the new,” but as Spring steals over the valleys upon her “odorous foot,” there are “whispers in the tops of the mulberry trees.” Lovers of Monticello begin to “see visions and dream dreams,” under the skilled hand of the careful architect a new Monticello is shaping upon paper! The voices of prophecy are abroad in the land; the generous giver arisen to materialize the vision, and fulfill the prophecy. “ring out the old, tenderly. Ring in the new, jubilantly!” The chasm between has been gloriously bridged by the swift energy of the management. In sixty days from date of disaster, a temporary building was erected, the school reassembled and arrangements were perfected by which the work of the students should be resumed and finished with little serious loss of privilege.

Miss Haskell’s undaunted and indefatigable efforts have preserved the continuity of the school history by carrying the institution safely over a calamitous crisis that might have proved its utter ruin. The reward of such prudential perseverance is sure, and the results thereof are beginning to crystalize. Mr. William H. Reid of Chicago has presented already a memorial gift of $25,000; another $25,000 has been realized from old students and special friends; $70,000 insurance has been paid in, thus giving a working capital of $120,000. Thirty thousand dollars more is imperatively needed to complete the building outside of furnishings. It is hoped by the staunch friends of the institution, that since the rebuilding is an assured fact and work has been actually begun, those who have been planning to assist, when notified of these facts, will now come forward with the liberal help which the record of the past few months deserves in order that the new Monticello may be worthy of its legacy of sacred memory, as well as of its perspective of irrepressible hope. From the Globe-Democrat.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 12, 1889
After a week of storms, the clouds lifted and a clear sky ushered in the birthday of the new Monticello. That is, on this day, June 11, in the year of grace 1889 was laid the cornerstone of the physical frame in which the disembodied spirit of Monticello, crowned with semi-centennial graces, but for seven months a wanderer, will take up its permanent habitation. The clear skies, the mildly tempered breezes, were a happy augury. Fire and water are indispensable, but unlike some other things, enough of each is all we want - an over-plus is ruin.

The reader recalls the old Monticello, in its stately beauty, with hospitable portals and ivy-crowned towers, in which dwelt the Princess and her maidens. The catalogue for 1889 gives an admirable engraving of the ruins of the "palace" after the demon of fire had swept over it. The visitor on the 51st anniversary found the green-carpeted campus unchanged in beauty; the wide-spreading elms the same; the cottage still there, but the site of the Seminary a blank, even the ruins were gone and the space cleared for a new edifice. South of the cottage is temporary Monticello, "Knotty Hall," built after the cracker box school of architecture, but comfortable and convenient though contracted.

All the exercises of the anniversary centered in the ceremony of laying the cornerstone, and the members of the senior class were the priestesses in charge. We would not cast reflections on the past, but this kind of an anniversary excels the stereotyped form. Of course, we despise the man who can't appreciate hearing the intricacies of Beethoven extracted from a piano, and have no patience with the cynic who smiles sarcastically when fair girl graduates proceed to re-adjust the social order of the universe; still, so far as genuine enjoyment is concerned, the visitors would prefer to have a cornerstone laid every year.

The preparations made for the occasion were complete. A broad platform under the sheltering trees was prepared large enough to accommodate the faculty, trustees, pupils and many visitors. Seats and benches were provided for hundreds in front of the platform, and a stage over the excavation at the cornerstone was for the ceremonies at that point. Off at a little distance was the stand where Postlewaite's band discoursed dulcet strains.

At the hour of commencement, the inmates of the Seminary marched to the platform, the pupils in radiant white, and the procession marshaled by Col. W. B. Pendleton of St. Louis. The trustees, President Boardman of Chicago, Dr. Johnson of St. Louis, Mr. E. P. Wade of Alton, and Mr. J. R. Isett of Godfrey, were all present; while the guests of honor were Hon. S. V. White, the millionaire Congressman of Brooklyn; Dr. Edwards, Superintendent of Public Instruction of Illinois; and Mr. William H. Reid of Chicago. The exercises opened with an invocation by Rev. Dr. Wolff of Alton. A brief and felicitous address of welcome followed by Dr. Boardman. Dr. Dimond of Bright, Chaplain of the Seminary, then delivered an historical address, briefly reviewing the record of the Seminary, recalled its baptism of fire a few months ago, recounted the struggles of the renaissance and painted the promise of the future. The learned Doctor, always eloquent, is ever inspired to speak the fitting word with rarest grace and felicity. At the close of the address, to the music of a march, the audience surrounded the stage at the cornerstone. Upon the platform were circled the members of the Senior class, with Miss Haskell in the center. There were also the guests of the day, Messrs. White, Edwards and Reid, and wee Miss Lucy Stowell.

First came the beautiful class poem, written by Miss Alden, and read with charming elocutionary effect by Miss Lila L. Haskell. Then the class paper of introduction, read by Miss Lydia A. Fritschie. A production of rare merit, in which the year with its strange fatality, its trials and triumphs, was reviewed. "It is meet," it said, "that the class of 1889 should testify to the vitality of Benjamin Godfrey's original gift by setting in its resting place the cornerstone of the new Monticello, made possible by later benevolence, especially by the munificence of William H. Reid of Chicago." The tribute to "her whose superb nerve spanned the chasm of disaster with its fine tension of invincible resolve," was fitting and true. Miss Haskell then enumerated the contents of the box to be deposited in the cornerstone, a list of which is appended:

The Holy Bible
Constitution of the United States and of the State of Illinois

Copies of "New York Mail and Express," "New York World," and "St. Louis Republic," containing reports of centennial of Washington's inauguration.
Portraits of all Presidents of the United States
Autographs of State officers of Illinois
Copy of deed of trust of Benjamin Godfrey and Rebecca E. (his wife) to first Board of Trustees, viz: Theron Baldwin, W. S. Gilman and Enoch Long.
Semi-Centennial catalog of June 1888, with pictures of Monticello in 1838 and 1888.
Register of trustees for fifty years, twenty-two in number; Principals, same period, three; teachers, 163; graduating classes, 48; alumnae, 380; students, 5,985
Historical address delivered at seventeenth anniversary by Rev. Theron Baldwin, first Principal
Semi-Centennial Poem by Miss Emily G. Alden; badges, program and reports of Jubilee exercises
Engraving of Benjamin Godfrey and Rebecca E., his wife
Photographs of Miss Philena Fobes, Rev. Dr. A. T. Norton, Rev. Theron Baldwin, Hon. Cyrus Edwards, Enoch Long, A. W. Corey, Rev. Dr. T. M. Post, Rev. Dr. George N. Boardman, Dr. J. B. Johnson, E. P. Wade, J. R. Isett and Harriet N. Haskell, Trustees; senior class of 1889; students of 1889; also photos of Logan and Christopher Coleman, donors of cornerstone laid this day, and first donors to building fund.
Volume of poems and portrait of Lucy Larcom, graduate of Monticello, 1852
Papers and circulars relating to burning of Seminary, Nov. 4, 1888
Picture of temporary building
Autographs and photographs of the courageous students (73) who returned to complete studies in temporary building
Letter from W. H. Reid donating twenty-five one-thousand-dollar bonds to Monticello, for rebuilding fund - as a memorial to his wife, Eleanor Irwin Reid
Photographs of Eleanor Irwin Reid and W. H. Reid; also copy "N. Y. Evangelist" with obituary notice of Mrs. Reid
Copies of "Alton Telegraph" with accounts of destruction by flood of Johnstown, Pa., Mary 31, 1889
Copies of "Alton Sentinel-Democrat" and "Alton Telegraph" of June 10, 1889 and "Globe Democrat" of June 11, 1889
Annual catalogue for 1889, with program of commencement exercises
Silver coins of the United States
The clapper of the old bell
List of contributors to the building fund for New Monticello, with amount of gifts, containing 276 different names, commencing with William H. Reid, $25,000, and ending with the name of little Lucy Stowell, 25 cents, which she thought Miss Haskell needed more than the heathen did. Total amount, $55,000.25

The box was then deposited in place by Misses Ada Nichols and M. H. Curd, with these words by Miss Hannah W. Wade, in delivering the silver key to the trustees:

"I now herewith have the honor to present the silver key of the copper box deposited this day, within the cornerstone of the new Monticello (the contents of which have been already enumerated), to the present President of the honorable Board of Trustees, Rev. George Nye Boardman, D. D., to be by him passed to the present Principal, Harriet Newell Haskell, to be by her transferred to the Principal succeeding, and so on in continuous succession."

Dr. Boardman received the key and turned it over to the care of Miss Haskell, who in appropriate words, received it in trust, for herself and successors. In sealing the stone, Miss Clara Halbert said:
"As we seal this stone, may the blessing of Almighty God be upon the deed. May the Architect, Theo. C. Linck, the builders and the workmen in whom we have full confidence be protected from every accident during the progress of the work. May the structure to be erected be planned with wisdom, supported by strength and adorned in beauty, and may it be preserved to the latest ages as a monument to the energy and liberality of Benjamin Godfrey, as also the munificence of the donors who have made the rebuilding an assured fact."

The consecration of the Stone was conducted by Miss Leila M. Brown, who said:
"We scatter this corn as an emblem of Plenty; may the blessings of bounteous Heaven be showered upon us and upon all like educational enterprises, and inspire the hearts of instructors and instructed with virtue, wisdom and gratitude."

Response by the class. "There shall be a handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains; the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon. So may it be."

"We pour this wine as an emblem of joy and gladness. May the great Ruler of the Universe bless and prosper all our National and State Institutions and preserve for future usefulness this Institution founded by Benjamin Godfrey and chartered by the state of Illinois."

Response: "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. So may it be."

"We pour this oil as an emblem of Peace; may the blessings of Peace abide with us continually, and may the Ruler of Heaven and Earth shelter and protect those dwelling here, not only during their sojourn at Monticello, but to the end of human life."

Response: "Peace be within the walls and prosperity within thy gates. So may it be."

By class: "We scatter these roses as emblems of the fruitious of Womanhood, and also as typical of the 'Rose of Sharon' by whose gospel woman has been Christianized and saved."

Response: "The wilderness and the solitary place shall blossom as the rose."

Miss Laura Greene scattered the corn; Miss Dell Hatheway poured the wine, and Miss Stella C. Hilliard, the oil, and the class strewed the flowers. The memorable ceremony concluded with prayer by Dr. Dimond.

At the ringing of the great class bell for the first time by Misses Aletta Burchard and Cynthia M. Hancock, all returned to the main platform where the school and audience joined in singing an original hymn, "Fair Monticello Lift Thy Head."

Hon. S. V. White of Brooklyn, the famous politician and Wall Street King, was then introduced. Mr. White is well known the country over. A former resident of Jersey County, he has long been a staunch friend of the institution. His sister, Mrs. J. A. Allen, is an alumna of the institution and President of the St. Louis Alumnae Society. The theme of the address was "The Educational Situation in Illinois and the West." The address was a magnificent one, delivered with fine oratorical effect, and as we hope to publish it in full hereafter, we will not mar it by a synopsis.

Mr. White was followed by Dr. Edwards, one of our country's great educators, who after a pleasant introduction, in which he alluded to the well-known fact that Monticello is a section of the garden of Eden which escaped the curse, and was somehow successfully transplanted to its present location, announced his theme as "Unity in Scholarship." Our space will not permit a review, save to say it was learned without being prosaic; suggestive and vivid, instructive and entertaining. The genial Doctor is a speaker of rare force and power, who adds to the ripe attainments and observations of the scholar, the charms of the finished rhetorician. To listen to him was a rich treat, which the audience highly appreciated.

In fitting words, Dr. Boardman then presented diplomas to the following graduates:

Misses Leila Marion Brown, Brighton; Aletta Burchard, Chicago; Matsie Hart Curd, Fulton, Missouri; Lydia Alvine Fritschie, Brighton; Laura Augusta Greene, Collinsville; Clara Halbert, Belleville; Cynthia Mason Hancock, Godfrey; Lila Lowell Haskell, Waldoboro, Maine; Nora Dell Hatheway, Alton; Stella Chase Hilliard, Brighton; Ada Nichols and Hannah Wallace Wade, Alton.

Class honors were waived on this occasion, both of greeting and farewell. The class of 1889 is christened Constantia, and a fairer band of graduates never bade farewell to Alma Mater than these who go forth to their life work, bearing this name and having been tried as by fire, wearing the motto: Staunch hearts are more than coronets.

After benediction by Dr. Boardman, the audience adjourned to a spacious tent where the ladies of Godfrey regaled them with viands rich and rare, and gathered in shekels for the building fund.

During the exercises a telegram was read from Governor Fifer, announcing that his absence was due to his being called to Chicago to attend the funeral of Hon. Leonard Swett. It was also announced from the platform that Mrs. G. Rea of St. Louis had subscribed one thousand dollars to the building fund. Later it was whispered over the campus that Hon. S. V. White had handed Miss Haskell a check for $2,000, and had intimated that under certain contingencies, a check for $3,000 more might be found in Monticello's stocking next Christmas.

The remainder of the afternoon was spent by the visitors in strolling about the grounds, inspecting the site of the new edifice, which will be double the size of the old, and will, as the architect's design over the platform proclaimed, be a noble and majestic structure. There were the usual reunions and greetings of old students, and then the departure of visitors and preparations of students to return to their homes. During the past year of vicissitudes, the faculty of Monticello, which has so successfully carried the students through the regular course, has consisted of Harriet N. Haskell, Principal; Emily G. Alden, Julia C. Kellogg, Lenore M. Hanna, Caroline S. Pepper, Ella F. Stroelin, Marie Buttner, and Margaret E. Harbaugh. Department of Music - Caroline Whittlesey, Katharine Armstrong, Sarah Hayman, Elizabeth Row.

The new bell was presented to the Seminary by the graduating class of 1889. The new building will be built of Alton stone, quarry faced. The building fund now amounts to $58,000, exclusive of $70,000 insurance money. The inscription on the exposed face of the cornerstone reads: "Founded by Benjamin Godfrey, 1835. Opened April 11, 1838. Monticello. Destroyed by fire November 4, 1888. This cornerstone laid June 11, 1889.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 4, 1889
By the fire-stained ruins of the old Seminary we are assembled to lay the cornerstone of the new. Some have said we were today to lay the cornerstone of the new Monticello. But is not this a careless use of words? The pressure of things present is upon us; the influence of our immediate environments impels us; the gravity of the duty imposed upon us engrosses us; and so the edifice which we are preparing to rear may for the time overshadow the benefactions which that edifice is built to promote.

When history, that impartial witness of all times, looking back down the vista of the long past, from the centennial – the bi-centennial – the millennial of Monticello shall recall the events of today, she will not mention the old Monticello or the new. She will not name that tablet as a cornerstone of Monticello, but rather she will have recorded that, in the march of Monticello from the wilderness toward the Promised Land, she halted at her fifty-first milestone, and recorded in the enduring marble that undismayed by disaster, and undaunted by calamity, she pressed on with renewed zeal in the great work whereunto she had been called. History will never know an old Monticello or a new, but Monticello – inwrought with the very fibre of this great commonwealth, has made, and will make, its impress on every page of American history from its first commencement day to the last syllable of recorded time. And does any man say this is an attempted figure of speech, and at best is but a “glittering generality?” Nay, nay, not so. I do not know that there was any formal laying of a cornerstone with pomp and ceremony, when the honored [Captain Benjamin] Godfrey commenced to rear this monument of his philanthropy, more lasting than enduring bronze. Very like in those stern practical times in which he wrought, the work was begun under a profound sense of the importance of the undertaking, with no more formal ceremony than the opening of a new account upon the ledger, and the careful preparation of a payroll. But this I know, that the cornerstone of Monticello, the perennial Monticello, neither the old nor the new, but the enduring Monticello has been laid and re-laid, far and wide, at home and abroad, in every household and within every home into which her pupils have been called to enter.

If I am met with the statement that the same thing can be said of every seminary and college, while I acknowledge it and rejoice that it is true according to the measure of usefulness of each, yet I may be pardoned for dwelling a little upon the times and the surroundings of the early days of Monticello, from which it will be seen that Monticello is facile princeps in female education in the Mississippi Valley, and therefore easily, also, the chief, in the formation and spread of cultivated Christian womanhood, in its homes and by its firesides. And in addressing myself to the discussion of the educational situation in Illinois and the West, I fear I may not be able to divest myself wholly of a personality associated with times and events of fifty years ago, which are present with me with the distinctness of yesterday or of today.

Mr. President and friends, I am deeply conscious of the great honor of being called to speak to you on this memorial day, and this memorable occasion. But I am also conscious that it is not so much any superior fitness which has called me from the shores of the Atlantic to the banks of the Mississippi to deliver this address, as it is the vicinage of my early home, and my intimate association with the then young Monticello.

I suppose that in every life there are headlands of thought, of sentiment or of emotion, standing out like bold promontories in the ocean, to which through aftertimes the memory reverts. I know that there are such in mine. I will instance two, and introduce the one by the other. I remember well, indeed, I can never forget, the first time when my sense of awe was complete, and my imagination was filled with a sense of grandeur which I could not then and cannot now express. It was my first view of the Mississippi. We had made our way, my father and I, down a pathway and through a narrow gorge in the bluffs not a score of miles from where we stand. Suddenly we emerged upon the river, which was more than bank full, and spread its waters far out over the lowlands of the opposite shore. The eddying current surged and swirled, and swept onward to the southern gulf, and surging waters from above filled the places of the waters that had gone. “When will it all run by?” I asked, and when the answer came, “Never, it springs from exhaustless fountains, flows to a sea that can never be filled,” then for the first time my mind struggled to grasp what was to me the infinite, and I can never forget the sublime grandeur of the thoughts that more than filled my being. Since then, I have gazed on the Atlantic in storm and the Pacific in repose, but never have I been thrilled with profounder emotions of the majesty of Nature than when a child I gazed on the swollen Father of Waters.

I have introduced this incident to set it besides another, in which the old seminary building had its setting in a picture which has dwelt and will dwell throughout my life. It was in the Autumn of 1837. Illinois was then a commonwealth of cabins. I was six years old. I hailed from a log cabin in the county on the west (then Greene County, now Jersey), and was bound for a log cabin in Clinto County on the east. A rumor of an immense schoolhouse, which had then about reached its completion, had reached my parents, who chaperoned me on that occasion, and we made a detour of two miles to see the immense structure. Candor will compel all of us to admit that architecturally, the old seminary building was not ornate. There was neither light façade nor heavy bastion. There was neither Corinthian nor Dorie column; but as compared with the cabins from which I came and by which I passed, and to which I went, the Temple of Diana at Ephesus could not have seemed grander or more beautiful, and the immensity of the structure to me was almost as great as the immensity of the Mississippi. Since then, I have stood before the shapely C apitol which overlooks the Potomac. I have ascended the graceful Cenotaph which rises higher than the pyramids, in honor of the Father of his country. I have seen all the great buildings in all the great cities of America, but no building has ever so impressed me as did that new schoolhouse, so conspicuous in comparison with the humble architecture of this State at that time. But I should not have reverted to this incident, however fondly I may delight to dwell on incidents of that time and of this place, had it not been a pen picture of the time whereby the influence of Monticello might be the better understood.

Let me not underrate the worth of the dwellers in the humble homes of Illinois at the time Monticello Seminary was built, when her residents were for the most part in the woodlands which marked her water courses, when her prairies were illimitable meadows, glowing in the rich colors of her wild flowers, and waving in grasses so tall that rider and horse were hidden as though they had been submerged upon their entrance; when her metropolis, which now numbers probably three quarters of a million, was unincorporated, and had less than four thousand inhabitants. It was from those homes in this commonwealth of cabins that Douglas was called to thrill the Senate; that Hardin and Bissell and Shields and Baker were called to glory or to death in the defense of their country, and it was from her humblest cabin that Illinois gave to the world and to history a name which is above every other name of his time – the name of Abraham Lincoln. All honor, then, to the honest, virtuous, contented Christian cabin dwellers of Illinois in 1827. Among an enterprising people in a fertile country, the cabin is a means, but not the end of achievement. With industry, there was certain to come wealth to a people who wrought on such soil as the soil of Illinois. With wealth in a community, there must be education and refinement, or the wealth will but add to the dissoluteness of ignorance. At that time, there was no free public school system in the State. Holyoke and a few kindred institutions seemed (and were, if measured by the time required to reach them) further off than Paris or St. Petersburg are now. Who then shall be able to estimate what Monticello, the pioneer, and for Illinois in its early work? How intelligence was stimulated, conscience was aroused in the pupils who came to it, and how each and every one of them became an evangelist in carrying away from Monticello into the homes where they dwelt, into the cabins where they taught; as the severally went out from these halls. The voice of Monticello was “the voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare ye the way of the Lord.”

I was not more susceptible than my other childish fellows, and my sex was not as susceptible as was the other, and there were thousands in that early day to whom the building alone was an incentive to higher aims and aspirations, and to whom Monticello spoke in words not then perhaps fully comprehended, saying, “Build thee more stately mansions, O my Soul! As the swift reasons roll.”

And is it then a mere figure of speech to declare that a fresh cornerstone of Monticello, the representative of learning and refinement, has been laid by every pupil who has gone forth and assumed the arduous duties of life, and that the daughters of Monticello, who have become the mothers of the land, have inwrought the influence and teachings of Monticello into the very texture and fabric of life, in church and in State, and that its influence, already exerted, will mould and shape society down through the annals of coming time, so long as the current of life pulsates in the veins of their posterity.

Monticello Ladies SeminaryThere has been much discussion in this country, from time to time, as to the proper sphere of woman in public affairs, and when she governs – as govern she will – how far she should have the notoriety of her influence. In that discussion I have nothing to say here. But this I say, that the voice of Monticello has been heard, and her influence has been felt at the bar and in the pulpit, on the bench and in the Senate, rendering degrees and rejecting treaties, and never has that voice been lifted against honor or against equity. I had thought of speaking of the grand and good women who were called to the grand and noble work of Monticello in that early day, whose individualities are so closely allied to the ends achieved, and the good accomplished here. To the pupils and friends of the institution forty years ago, to mention Monticello was to name Philena Fobes. In those days, people liked to associate work with the workers, and Miss Lyon’s school was better known than Holyoke and Miss Fobes’ school than Monticello. I should like to recall the names of Lyon and Eaton, and Long and Hoyt, and others whom I knew, but I am so mindful of the many years which have intervened in which the personnel of the Monticello corps of instructors is unknown to me, that I feel that special emphasis upon the names of the pioneer teachers might seem unjust to those who succeeded them. And so I content myself with the statement that the work so grandly conceived was as ably executed and that not only was the seed sown in a fertile soil, but it had husbandmen to care for it at once skillful and faithful.

How well the work of fifty years had been done we did not know, till the fire came and laid the visible Monticello in ruins. Then it was that the principles which Monticello had taught, budded and blossomed, and bore fruit as in a day, while yet the embers smouldered over what had seemed to be Monticello. Then it appeared that the munificence of Godfrey, and the zeal and fidelity of Fobes still lived in others who had come after them.

We firmly fix today the cornerstone of the new temple of learning, which shall again give physical expression to the spirit of Monticello Seminary. Above it, in more graceful lines and more attractive architecture, the new home shall support the old. With the march of thought, with the advances of science, and with the increased responsibility upon the student and educated men and women. Her young women have had an object lesson to nerve them for the duties of coming life. Happy they who rushed from the burning building into the wintry night, and saw worldly effects “vanish into thin air,” if thereby they learned the lesson of renewed zeal and renewed labor to overcome the calamities which must surely befall us in life. Happy they who have seen the unceasing labor and the untiring energy, the fertility of resource, and the facility of suggestions of the living Haskell, that the benefaction of the departed [Captain] Godfrey might go on its work for woman and for humanity. And as they behold the more stately and more graceful temple take the place of the old, may the lesson come to each – “leave thy low-vaulted past! Let each new temple nobler than the last, Shut thee from Heaven, with a dome more vast, Till thou at length art free, leaving thine outgrown shell by life’s unresting sea!”


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 4, 1889
The walls of new Monticello are above ground from three to six feet all the way round, and some idea can be gained of the grand proportions of the rising edifice. The contractors have about fifty men employed hewing the large blocks of Corydon and Bedford stone, and putting them in their places in the walls. Immediately above the foundation, on the east front, comes a tier of the massive Corydon stone, bluish in color and a handsome building material. This tier also constitutes the windowsills of the basement story. Above the Corydon tier comes the Bedford stone, set in regular blocks quarry faced. This is also a showy building stone. It will be used on the first story front. Above this will come the Alton limestone, also quarry-faced. All the trimmings will be of Corydon stone. Even now, an inspection of the material on hand indicates that the edifice will be an imposing one. Architect Link and his assistant, Mr. McArdle, are looking after the construction personally, while Miss Haskell, the Trustees, and the building committee are active in the work now fully under way.

In outward appearance, the new Monticello will be grander and statelier than its predecessor, and its interior will be surpassed by no institution in the country in modern appointments and educational facilities. The philanthropic friends of education can make no wiser disposition of their means than in helping along the rehabilitation of this famous institution, and none that would build them a more enduring monument.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 8, 1889
Building operations at Monticello Seminary are advancing rapidly. The stone work of the basement story is completed all around, except the Chapel. The brick partitions will be finished in three days. The carpenters commenced work yesterday, laying the joists for the second floor of the kitchen wing.

The stone walls of the new edifice are 27 inches thick, and are the most solid and magnificent specimens of masonry to be found in this part of the country. The work has now advanced to a point that gives the spectator some idea of the magnitude of the undertaking, and the completeness of the plans elaborated by Architect Link.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 26, 1889
The Seminary opened in the “Temporary” today, with every place full. The entire Senior class returned, which considering the circumstances of the case, is a fact very complimentary to the faculty and management of the institution. The new building is progressing rapidly, and the walls are finished to the third floor. The chapel is nearly ready for the roof, and “everybody is happy.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 24, 1889
As the Seminary building at Godfrey acquires shape and form, it develops the grandeur of proportion and gracefulness of outline that are to be its chief characteristics. The contractors have had the advantage of most favorable weather, and have pushed their work rapidly forward. The stone walls of the main building have risen past the second story, and in some places, half way up the third, the kitchen wing is under roof, and the stone masons have but one gable and a tower to finish when their work upon the chapel will be done.

Carpenters are engaged on the grounds framing the roof trusses that are to be placed over the main building. The lumber for the roof trusses over the chapel have not yet arrived. Long, clear timber will be required in this case, and yellow pine has been ordered from the South.

The rooms upon the first and second floors are partitioned off, ready for lathing, so that one can now note the arrangement of apartments that are destined to become halls of learning and boudoirs of beauty.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1889
Sunday was observed at Monticello as the first anniversary of the destruction by fire of the old Seminary building. Services, conducted by Miss Harriet N. Haskell, were held in the “Temporary,” at which the Principal read a history of the institution, making particular mention of the rebuilding work, and of the names and amounts given by those whose generosity has helped to move it on.

In the afternoon, faculty and students assembled in the main entrance to the new building, and sang the Doxology in chorus, on the spot where they were gathered together on the ever-memorable night of the fire.

The capstone was placed on the Eleanor Irwin Reed Chapel on Wednesday. The ceremony was conducted from the apex of the gable by Miss H. N. Haskell, Principal, and was original and beautiful. The Holy Bible was deposited in the cornerstone, June 11, 1889. Today, the Holy Bible was placed in the capstone, consecrating the building from turret to foundation stone to the course of Christian education.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1890
Ever since the night when Monticello was attacked by dire disaster and robbed of her Seminary building through the agency of fire, her friends have endeavored to comfort and support her in her hour of needs. It was naturally supposed that the joyous holiday season would be considered the proper time to testify to the interest which they take in this institution and to the esteem in which its beloved Principal is held. Miss Haskell was interviewed by a Telegraph reporter for the purpose of inquiring as to how Santa Claus had treated her, and the lady gave the information as follows:

“I know that my many generous friends are the kind of givers who do not let their left hand know what their right hand doeth, and they would prefer that their gifts should not receive too much notoriety, but so many tokens of love have come to me during the Christmas time, that I am glad to have this opportunity to publicly express my gratitude.” She then stated that she had received, among other Christmas presents, a check for $2,000 from Hon. S. V. White of Brooklyn, New York, and a check for $500 from his wife. The money is to be applied to the rebuilding and furnishing of the Seminary. A large book of poems, entitled “Days Serene,” handsomely bound and beautifully illustrated, is the very appropriate Christmas souvenir sent by Prof. William C. Richards of Chicago. Last but not least, the manner in which the students of Monticello celebrated the anniversary of their Principal’s birthday. On that day, January 14, they presented her with a purse of $112, and it is their desire that this money shall be used to defray the expense of some part of the furnishing of her rooms in the new Seminary building. It is needless to say that this contribution is made doubly acceptable, and is the more highly appreciated by the principal on account of the source from which it comes.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 17, 1890
Fifty-two years ago Friday, April 11, Monticello Seminary first opened its doors to those who sought knowledge, and it has therefore become customary to observe each recurring eleventh day of April as Founder’s Day. Books were laid aside, and the last anniversary of the auspicious event mentioned was made the occasion for a general holiday, and for a regular “hurrah girls” jollification. Mindful, however, of those whose beneficence had rendered possible the advantages which they now enjoy, the faculty and students of Monticello paid a reverential visit to the tomb of Captain Benjamin Godfrey, and called in a body on his aged widow.

Miss Haskell returned Friday morning from Chicago, where she attended the meeting of the Chicago Alumnae of Monticello, which was held in the Auditorium Hotel, Wednesday afternoon. She states that 50 alumnae were present, and 30 letters were read, among which was one from Miss Fobes, ex-principal, one from Miss Lucy Larcom, the poetess, and one from an alumna now traveling in China. Mrs. Stockham, an alumna of Monticello who has just returned from a tour of Finland and Russia, delivered a highly interesting address, detailing the condition of the women in those countries, whom she described as being much more refined and educated than common opinion holds them to be. Miss Emily Alden read a delightful poem which bespoke the old love for the new Monticello. The alumnae enjoyed a most elegant banquet, and as it was the first one ever served in the Auditorium Hotel, those who prepared it used every effort to make it a success. The chef made use of all his skill in concocting a cake which he made especially for Miss Haskell, and this triumph of the culinary art the principal brought home and shared with her girls yesterday.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 12, 1890
The sun shone bright and clear yesterday morning, and added a charm to the beauties of wood and field in the midst of which Monticello’s new walls tower, a memorial to past achievements and a token of future success. At 10:30 a.m., the procession formed at the temporary structure, and marched to the new building. The procession included Postlewaite’s Band; six boy ushers, decked with sashes and ribbons of bright yellow, Monticello’s chosen color; and the faculty, trustees, and students of the Seminary. Arriving at the Eleanor Reid Memorial Chapel, they took their places on the platform, and opened the exercises with the Hymn of Gratitude.

Rev. Dr. Dimond, D.D., the chaplain, then delivered the historical address. He reviewed the condition of the schools of the past, and told of their high standard at present. He graphically described the destruction of the old building by fire on November 4, 1888, and said that all arguments on the part of Monticello’s faculty has been the higher education of the females, which fact has been amply recognized by the public. He spoke of the many interests which the worthy Principal has had to watch and which her genius has guided to a successful end, aided by patience and skill, making a record immortal. This work would go down in the great hereafter to the memory of Miss H. N. Haskell. Miss Elizabeth O. Brown of Springfield, Illinois, then delivered the class poem, the same being an offering of joy that this class should be the first to graduate from the Seminary.

Miss Gertrude E. Skinner then dedicated the chapel to “Service,” and gave the recital of the donation made by Benjamin Godfrey in establishing the school. The seniors also took part in the offering. Miss Ella W. Brookings offered a dedication to “Praise,” and Miss Myrtha M. Kimblerlin to “Science.” Miss Jessie E. Foss to “Art,” Miss Carolyn Greene to “Music,” Miss Lily Pappenheimer to “Belle Lettres,” and Miss Frances C. Strode to “Home.” The dedication hymn was then sung in a beautiful manner by Misses Jessie Lewis, Maud Newell, Josephine Aumoth, and Ida Yager, in which Mrs. Eleanor Reid was remembered.

Rev. George N. Boardman, President of the Board of Trustees, offered the Dedicatory Prayer. He thanked God for all the blessings bestowed on Monticello, and that so many had been privileged to be educated within its walls; that so many had been permitted to assemble here today to consecrate the building for His sake; that He would watch over and be with the institution and the many hearts that will assemble here in time to come, and give His blessings on both.

Miss Kate Tallaferro offered congratulations to Madam Godfrey, the widow of Captain Benjamin Godfrey, the founder. Miss Mary A. Phinney extended the thanks of the class and the faculty to all who contributed to the erection of the new Seminary. She also, on behalf of the class, extended a fond farewell to the temporary building which was known as “Knotty Hall.” The class then sang the Hymn of Blessing, in which the audience joined.

Miss Haskell then introduced Rev. S. J. McPherson, D.D., of Chicago, who delivered the address. He stated the history of the fire had been narrated several times, and he would spare the audience on this subject. “Hope,” he said, was the presiding genius, and Monticello’s law of life was “Progress.” The world will measure this institution by the work she sends forth – physical, intellectual, and moral. Education is growing all over the world, and Heaven itself may be but a post-graduate course for the education of the soul. May the glory of God rest over these walls dedicated today. The soul must use its wealth of learning as facile tools. He paid a touching tribute to Eleanor Irwin Reid, in whose memory the Chapel was erected. He referred to the history of the tyranny to which woman has been subjected throughout the past, but that tyranny is now vanishing. He spoke of the Institution as a home, and said that the home was the place where all chiseling of the character and moulding of the morals were to be effected. He desired the young to learn to say “yes” to all good, and the proverbial “no” to evil will come involuntarily; not the old injunctions “Thou shalt not,” etc., but rather the positive assertion “Thou shalt,” etc. The meanest and deadliest thing in this world is a lie, and he considered the ninth commandment the most important. “Give me simple and absolute truth.” Couple them with courage and fearlessness. Be faithful, for faith is a vitalizing force. What is human nature without faith?

The address was well received by the audience, after which Mrs. Mattie Ingram-Hardy of St. Louis sang “O, Rest in the Lord.”

The diplomas were conferred on the graduates, and Dr. Boardman delivered the address in which he said: “Last year I spoke of ‘Loyalty’ to the graduates; this year I speak of ‘Faith.’ You have stood by the Seminary in the hour of trial, and now you can carry the word ‘Victoria’ as your watchword. The chain of classes has never been broken, and this is by the grace of God Almighty, who is the incentive of all good things.” He charged them to be firm in adhering to the wholesome principles inculcated while they were in the Seminary. He eulogized the work of woman, and spoke of the many deeds accomplished by her; of the hallowing influence shed by woman’s presence. “May your lives be crowned with the blessing of God.”

The class of 1890 is named “Victoria,” in recognition of its two years’ sojourn in temporary buildings and graduation in the Eleanor Irwin Reid Chapel. Its members are: Josephine E. Aumoth, Springfield, Missouri; Elizabeth O. Brown, Springfield, Illinois; Ella W. Brookings, Du Quoin, Iowa; Jesse E. Foss, Geuda Springs, Kansas; Carolyn Greene, Collinsville; Myrtle B. Kimberlin, Kansas City, Missouri; Jessie B. Lewis, St. Louis, Missouri; Maud M. Newell, Chicago; Mary A. Phinney, Alton; Lily Pappenheimer, Fort Smith, Arkansas; Gertrude E. Skinner, Du Quoin, Iowa; Frances C. Strode, Denver, Colorado; Kate Taliaferro, Roseville, Illinois; and Ida E. Yager, Alton.

Miss Haskell thanked the audience, and the guests betook themselves to the park-like grounds, and strolled about listening to the band concert that took place immediately after the exercises. Many persons from abroad were present, among whom were: Mesdames George C. Adams, D. W. Houghton, Van Nostrand, George Parker, George Denison, F. G. Russell, George Rea and Messrs. Truman A. Post, Judge Denison, Dr. J. B. Johnson, D. P. Dyer, and Miss Alice Hough, Miss Hunt, and Miss Jennie Craig of St. Louis; Miss Blanch Bentley and Mrs. John Vredenburg of Springfield, Illinois; Mrs. Anna Sneed Cairnes of Kirkwood Seminary; Senator and Mrs. Hadley of Edwardsville; and Mesdames Augustus Newell, John Moses, William Leavey, and Charle Springer, and Misses Helen and Gertrude Springer, Miss Newell, and Miss Emily G. Kellogg of Chicago.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 19, 1890
The memorial window in the Eleanor Reid Chapel at Monticello was made by Frederick L. Stoddard of St. Louis. It is the finest work in this line ever done in the West, and compares with Tiffany work in New York. The center window represents the Praise Angel, or life-sized figure of St. Cecelia. It is a magnificent work of art, 6 feet 9 inches wide by 9 feet 8 inches high, and contains 10,000 pieces of art glass. The beautiful protecting saint of music and devotion is the center figure. To avoid obscuring the beauty of the figure, the background represents a marble arch and a gothic doorway through which the saint is passing. She has the emblem of music in her hand, the seven-pipe organ, and her robes fall about her as gracefully as in a painting. The face expresses praise and devotion. From Harriet N. Haskell.


Source: Buffalo, New York Morning Express, October 4, 1890
Mrs. S. V. White of Brooklyn, the wife of Deacon S. V. White of Wall Street, has presented the Monticello Seminary of Godfrey, Ill. with $5,000 to endow a scholarship to be named in honor of her husband.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 13, 1890
Miss Harriet N. Haskell, Principal of Monticello Seminary, has bought the James Brown residence and property adjoining the Seminary grounds on the north. The sale takes in a large two-story brick house, surrounded by elegantly laid out gardens and groves, and about 50 acres of fine farming land.


(Of dictionary fame)
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 20, 1890
Miss Harriet N. Haskell, Principal of Monticello Seminary, last week sent to Seely’s bookstore to be mounted and framed, a time-honored and otherwise notable document in the shape of an autograph letter, written by Noah Webster of dictionary fame, to Messrs. Corey and Webster, former residents of Godfrey, now deceased, who were in business in Alton at the time the letter was written. The letter is dated, New Haven, Connecticut, April 6, 1836, and is written on one sheet of paper. The writer starts out by saying that he has sent Messrs. Corey and Webster 500 copies of his grammar at a cost of $96. He then branches out into a discussion of the politics of his times as follows:

“Our election is passed and is said to be unfavorable to the Whigs. Indeed, it is impossible to struggle against the power which the President possesses. Millions of dollars at his disposal, in offices, and the popular pretext of favoring the people will secure to him or to any President the power of governing the country.

I see by the papers that an attempt is now making in Congress to bribe the western States to support Van Buren by the opposition to Mr. Clay’s land bill, and the real intention of giving to the western States all the western lands. If this attempt should succeed, it will probably rend the Union asunder.”

Mr. Webster then states that he has withdrawn entirely from the contention, and that he gave neither political party his vote, “since both have abandoned republican principles and entered into a mere scramble for office.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 18, 1890
The acoustic properties of the chapel at the new Monticello Seminary received a severe and scientific test last Friday evening, when Mr. L. T. Powers of Boston gave an impersonation of the characters in Dicken’s story, David Copperfield. Mr. Powers has given performances in almost every hall in the United States worthy of note, and he says that the place in which he spoke Friday night is one of the best that he has found in all his travels, as far as excellence in acoustic properties goes.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 01, 1891
On invitation of Misses Lizzie and Kittie Haskell, a party of young society people from Alton gathered at Monticello Seminary last evening, and passed several hours in that palatial building enjoying the varied pleasures afforded by the occasion. Dancing was the principal and favorite pastime of the evening. Many sought the bowling alleys, however, and all were highly entertained at intervals by Mr. George Root, who at affairs of this kind is always a whole host in himself, and whose specialties are unsurpassed by any performer of the age. A part of the company made the trip to Godfrey in a Herdic, and the ride was not the least pleasant experience of the evening. Among the Misses Haskell’s guests were: Misses Alexander of Waco, Texas, students of Monticello who are spending the holidays there; Misses Bertha and Pussy Drummond; Lillian Root; Sadie Phinney; Lucy Cary; Emma Watson; Ida Yager; Mae Armstrong; Gertie McKinney; and Clara and Mamie Gregg of Godfrey; Messrs. Will and Ed Sparks; Henry and George Root; Harry Ferguson; Z. B. Job Jr.; Denny Roper; Ben Harris; Louis McKinney; Carl Wuerker; Will Greenwood; and James Hopkins.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 16, 1891
Saturday was Founders Day at Monticello Seminary. Fifty-three years ago the school was opened with six day pupils and five boarders. Today there are 110 students, who celebrated the 53rd anniversary of the opening of the Seminary by the planting of trees and flowers, and joining in an elegant and bountiful dinner furnished by A. L. Daniels, the caterer. After the dinner, the teachers, pupils, and friends of the school joined in a formal call on Mrs. Rebecca E. Godfrey, widow of Benjamin Godfrey, founder of the Seminary. The call was a delightful event to Mrs. Godfrey, who has lived to see “New Monticello” rise grandly from the ashes of the old building that saw the trials and triumphs of a faith and hope that moved her husband to set apart an ample fund for this worthy object. The day, with its bright skies and sunshine, is but symbolical of the future history of Monticello.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 01, 1892
It was a unique wedding this morning, March 01, and it came about in this way: Fred Tolle had for ten years been one of the employees at Monticello, and he fell in love with one of the cooks in the kitchen. He planned a marriage before a Justice of the Peace, but Miss Haskell always, with both eyes open and not lacking in open ears, heard of the plan and at once said, “No, that will not do. I will give you a Christian wedding in the dining room at 10 a.m.” And so the minister, Rev. Mr. Dickerson of the Godfrey Church, was invited. The full force of employees were in their Sunday dress. The presents from employees, faculty, and temporary dwellers, where “Little Fritz” so ably ran the boiler, came pouring in, and Annie Osborne of Alton was married to Frederic Tolle of Godfrey. The wedding breakfast was served, and the good wishes of all friends attend them.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 12, 1892
April 11, 1892, Founder’s Day was celebrated in a fitting manner at Monticello Seminary. In the morning, special exercises were held in the chapel. Included was appropriate prayer, with songs written for the occasion. An address was given by Miss Haskell, giving the history of the institution, and reading letters written by Captain Benjamin Godfrey in 1840, in which he gives his reason for devoting a large part of his fortune in founding the Seminary. The students listened with interest, and will carry a larger love for their alma mater because of the day. In the afternoon, four trees were planted on the new driveway. Evergreens were heaped on the two graves in the cemetery in memory of Benjamin Godfrey and his wife, Rebecca E. Godfrey.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 16, 1892
During the wildest part of the storm Saturday evening, while the rain was falling in torrents, the inmates of Monticello Seminary heard the wailings of a child’s voice, apparently at one of the doors of the institution. An investigation revealed a colored girl, about 10 or 12 years of age, drenched and thoroughly frightened by the downpour and the vivid lightning and loud peals of thunder. The little wanderer was taken into Monticello’s hospitable domicile. Dry clothing was given her, and when warmed and fed, she told the following story. She was an orphan; no brothers or sisters; no uncles nor aunts; indeed, she seemed not to know what the latter relationship was. She had worked in Alton at scrubbing on Saturday forenoon, and was given her dinner and ten cents. She asked the person who employed her, where she should go, but was told that that was her matter. The child wandered away from Alton and wound up at the Seminary, about the time of the terrific rainfall. The young ladies of Monticello vied with each other in their efforts to make the little waif comfortable. Many of them gave her articles of clothing until she could boast of almost equaling the Queen of Sheba in the size of her wardrobe. It would have been impossible for the little unfortunate to have fallen into more tender and charitable hands than were found at Monticello.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 8, 1893
The throng that appeared on the Seminary campus Tuesday morning was the largest that ever greeted the commencement of Monticello. The fact that this is the 25th anniversary of Miss Haskell’s charge of the school added many that otherwise would not have attended. Monticello has grown into prominence throughout the country as an institute combining the qualities that make it near perfection. The campus was used as a promenade ground for the assemblage of guests, until the time for the opening exercises, when they entered the Reid Memorial Chapel, beautifully decorated with the black and yellow Seminary colors. The graduates took their positions on the stage, fourteen in number. Misses Arabella Allen, Chicago; Helen A. Dennison, St. Louis; Jennie M. Dickerson, Godfrey; Grace G. Gill, Chicago; Rhoda H. Green, Honolulu, Hawaii; Mary B. Look Collinsville; E. Lurline McKeller, Shreveport, La.; Mary Proudfoot, Chicago; Sophia B. Straus, Jefferson City, Missouri; Stella M. Seymour, Payson; Elizabeth A. Vredenburgh, Springfield; Hurley S. Webster, Webster Groves, Missouri; Kathryn B. Wood, Springfield; Helen Worthington, Pittsfield, are the young ladies who finished the school course and received their diplomas. The class name chosen was “Patricia,” linked to the motto: “Better Not to Live than Not Live Nobly.”

The address of the day was made by Hon. S. V. White, LL.D., of Brookly, New York, the famous Wall Street broker and financier. He commenced his address by an allusion to the saying, “Where Am I At,” and wove it into his recollection of Monticello Seminary, when Benjamin Godfrey founded it for women. His closing remarks were a tribute to the memory of Lucy Larcom, Benjamin Godfrey, and Miss Haskell. In the absence of Rev. Dr. Boardman, President of the Board of Trustees, Miss Harriet N. Haskell conferred the diplomas.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 12, 1893
Thursday morning, a man in an almost nude condition was seen parading through Monticello Seminary grounds, and before he could be apprehended, he started through an orchard northwest of the Seminary. He was followed by several men and overtaken. The fellow was demented, and was taken to a house nearby, where some clothes were furnished, and he was allowed to warm his chilled frame. He was brought to Alton in the afternoon. He can give no account of himself, but says he just came from Chicago. A cut three inches long on his neck, and a slight stab in the breast showed that he had either tried to commit suicide or was badly used up by thugs.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 02, 1893
From Topeka, Kansas, October 27, 1893 – I see in your last issue one of your correspondents reports the possession of a copy of the Telegraph of August 1843. I have also a copy dated July 23 of the same year. Also two copies of the “Clipper” of 1839. In the first number of the “Clipper,” taken from the “Monticello Mignionette,” said to be published semi-weekly at Monticello. The article I copy is from the “Mignionette:”

“You tell me flowers are fair. I have seen them in all their beauty and loveliness; I have gazed upon the bud with its leaves folded, and upon the full-blown flower, mingling in all the colors of the rainbow, far surpassing all the eloquence of art and mocking to scorn all the tints of the artist. I have seen the red, pink, the white hyacinth, the purple tulip, the fair lily, the rose of every hue, the flower of every color. I have admired them all; I have said all these, Parent of Excellence, are the works of Thy hand. I have seen woman also; I have seen the dignity and majesty of her form, the elasticity of her step, the tenderness of her heart, the brightness of her eyes, and the smiles that have adorned her countenance. I have seen her thousand winning arts and have felt the influence of her thousand virtues. You tell me again that flowers are fair, that they are pleasing to the eyes, and gratifying to the senses. But woman, how shall we compare her? Her price is above rubies. In comparison, the flowers are no longer beautiful; they droop, they lose their loveliness, they die. Oh woman, thou far excellent them all. Thy form hath no equal; the mountain chamois scarcely excels the lightness of thy step, and to the tenderness of thy heart the outcast and the stranger have in all ages borne witness. Signed, Jessamine.”

I thought perhaps some of your readers might be among those who had in the long, long ago been interested in the “Mignionette” and it would be a pleasure to have it recalled to their minds. Signed “W.”


Source: Auburn, New York Daily Bulletin, May 17, 1894
Several weeks ago, the principal of Monticello Seminary learned that some of the students were receiving notes and packages left at the store of John Roberts. She therefore prohibited the young women from going to the store. Roberts has sued the principal for $5,000 damages.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 14, 1894
Black and yellow ribbons fluttered everywhere at Monticello Seminary Tuesday, at the 56th commencement of this beautiful institution. The sun poured forth his bright and ardent rays at an early hour, but the heat was tempered by a good breeze beneath the shade trees on the campus, and the unusually large attendance of alumnae and visitors was made comfortable. The trains that reached Godfrey were crowded with visitors who were driven in herdics to the seminary, and waited beneath the elms or inspected the seminary studio and chapel. Miss Haskell was beaming with pleasure from the presentation of two magnificent gifts. One from Mrs. S. V. White of Brooklyn, New York, formerly Miss Eliza chandler of Monticello Seminary; and the other from the “Class of 1894.” The first was a magnificent statue of Undine, the water nymph, commemorating Miss Haskell’s achievements at the school, and the Principal has a just right to feel proud of this princely gift. The other, from the “Class of 1894,” is a bronze fountain, which stands complete just west of the building. These and another successful commencement were good reasons for Miss Haskell’s pride and good feeling. The Class of 1894 numbered nine young ladies: Miss Ethel B. Allen, Greenville; Julia B. Campbell, Carbondale; Gertrude A. Fleischman, Sedalia, Missouri; Grace F. Johnson, Alton; Jessie I. Nightingale, Chicago; Clara Noterman, Hillsboro; Annie B. Ricker, Cheyenne, Wyoming; Sarah B. Rodgers, Upper Alton. Alton and Upper Alton both claim a graduate from Monticello this year, and they will always carry with them the distinction of being alumnae of this institution.

The exercises took place in the Reed Memorial Chapel. They were marked by a program of unusual brilliance; a magnificent address by Bishop Edward Cheney of Chicago, presentation of the statue of Undine, and music, both instrumental and vocal, of excellent quality.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 5, 1894
Miss Della Rodgers, formerly of Monticello Seminary, is now in St. Petersburg, Russia, appearing in the leading role of the grand opera, “Carmen.” Miss Rodgers left Paris for St. Petersburg, in company with her mother, several weeks ago, Miss Georgia Rodgers remaining in Paris. Among the amateur singers in Paris, Miss Rodgers gained the distinction of being the finest singer, and received the recognition of the best critics.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 13, 1895
Truly the sun’s beacon red had kindled on Monticello Seminary Tuesday morning, and the hot atmosphere laid heavy without the building. Within, the cool hallways offered a relief, but the fans were kept waving persistently through the exercises. The chapel was crowded with guests, students, alumni, and visitors. The graduates were: Mary S. Andras, Jacksonville; Fannie M. Atkinson, New Orleans; Florence Dunn, Ella C. Freeman, Florence M. Freeman, Chicago; May Halbert, Belleville; Mary R. Hudson, Springfield; Elizabeth Lippencott, Bascobel, Wisconsin; Emma Matthias, Ottawa; Edith N. Orvis, Chicago; Jane Roby, Decatur; Minnie L. Warner, Clinton; Blanche Warren, Rock Island; Lenora C. Wood, Springfield. They chose for their motto, “Crystallina, The pure in heart reflect God.”

After a dinner served in the basement, the St. Louis Monticello Students Association held its seventh annual reunion in the Eleanor Irwin Reid Chapel. The Alton visitors were fewer than usual this season, owing to the fact that no Alton girls were among the graduates.


Source: Utica, New York Saturday Globe, May 30, 1896
At the time the Vandalia train was blown off the track on the Merchants' Bridge, the Chicago & Alton limited was having an even more narrow escape on the Eads bridge. Not more than 15 seconds after the train had passed the east span the storm came and wrecked that very portion of the structure. Naturally the loud crash immediately at the rear of the train frightened the passengers, and there was a panic for several minutes. But there was one young woman in that train who maintained her presence of mind. She was Miss Harriett Haskett, who attends the Monticello Seminary, at Godfrey, Illinois. She immediately set out to reassure the other passengers that there was nothing to be frightened about. "We are safe," she said in commanding tones, standing upon her seat, "and every one of you should take your seats and be quiet." The cool manner and heroic voice of the pretty young woman had its effect, and within five minutes after the accident happened, the car over which the young woman took command was in a state of quiet. She was declared heroine of the day.


Nineteen Ladies Graduate
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 11, 1896
The seminary grounds never looked prettier than in their spring dress, and visitors strolled around admiring the beauty of the scene. Inside, the halls and reception rooms were thronged with interested spectators, attracted by the announcement of the 58th commencement exercises of the institution, which is held so dear to the hearts of many.

Miss Haskell was everywhere, superintending and watching closely that everything passed off smoothly. The students of the seminary, all attired in white gowns, filed into the Eleanor Reid Chapel, where the exercises were to be held. Following them came Miss Haskell and the graduating class, nineteen young ladies, looking as only the girl graduate can, charmingly pretty, in white costumes, and taking seats on the platform. After the ceremonies ended, Monticello again sends out into their various spheres a class of gifted young ladies, who will no doubt, wherever they go, leave their impression of the training and education received at old Monticello.


Source: Syracuse, New York Daily Journal, June 24, 1897
The fifty-ninth anniversary exercises of Monticello seminary were held last week and a class of fourteen young ladies who have completed the four years' course received their diplomas The school was founded in 1833 by Captain Benjamin Godfrey, who gave the lands and erected the buildings as his own expense, the cost being about $110,000. It is the oldest school for the higher education of women in the West, and, with the exception of Mount Holyoke, the oldest in the country. It was built in a primeval forest, four miles north of Alton, Ill., and all the material used in the construction of the building was brought from the East. In 1888 the buildings and all their contents were destroyed by fire, entailing a loss of $300,000. Miss Haskell, who has been principal for thirty-one consecutive years, at once had a temporary structure built, and the studies of the pupils were interrupted for only two months. She then laid the plans for a more capacious building, and in two years the present beautiful edifice, one of the most complete and adequate for educational purposes in the United States, finished and dedicated. Since that time a memorial chapel has been added, and during the present year a large annex, four stories in height, has been finished.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 12, 1900
Today was a great day in the history of Monticello Seminary. The old stone institution of learning was the scene of a large gathering of the girls who had graduated from there in years gone by, some of whom are now grandmothers, and whose daughters and granddaughters have since passed through the seminary and have closed their studies there, were assembled to see the class of 1900 receive their diplomas. The principal event of the day was the unveiling and presentation of the portrait of Miss Harriet Newell Haskell, who today rounded her thirty-third year as Principal of the school. The ceremonies incident to the presentation of the marble portrait occupied the greater part of the time of the commencement exercises, and were full of interest to every person in the great audience assembled in Eleanor Reid Chapel to witness the speeding of another class of young ladies on their voyage of life at the close of their school days at Monticello. It was a day of triumph for Miss Haskell, for certainly was appreciation never so warmly expressed or so plainly manifested for her as it was today. It was the crowning event of her life, and the applause with which the audience greeted every mention of her name showed better than words the feelings of her friends, who numbered every person there. The platform was decorated in the class colors, yellow and black, and the back of the stage was banked with green plants. The twelve young ladies who graduated were seated upon the stage and were dressed in beautiful rich gowns of white. Mr. Charles Galloway of St. Louis was at the organ, and Miss Jessie Ringen of St. Louis sang the local solos on the program. Miss Ringen never sang better before an audience, and the manner in which she rendered the difficult and classic, "A Ballad of Trees and the Master," would delight the most captious critic....The highest fidelity of those who have attended the school is due to the founders, and it appears to be automatic that all graduates of the school should be faithful. Miss Haskell was likened to the pilot who knows where the rocks are, and she has never failed to guide her splendid craft safely into port with a full cargo.....It was announced to the visitors at the Seminary that the marble portrait of Miss Haskell was the gift of Mr. William H. Reid, the Chicago banker, whose benefactions to the Seminary had given a chapel, and an extensive annex to the building several years ago.....The presentation of diplomas was by Miss Haskell. The "high six" of the class, Misses Coleman, Drury, McMillen, Brenholt, Craig and Watson, were given especial honor.....The graduates were: Edith L. Brenholt, Alton; Corinue N. Busey, Pueblo, Colorado; Mary L. Coleman, Springfield; Amelia O. Craig, Chicago; Anna M. Drake, St. Louis; Emily Drury, Alton; Florence McMillen, New York; O. Rhea Pearson, Louisiana, Mo.; Carolyn Reynolds, Kirksville, Mo.; Jessie M. Sargent, Alton; Agnes Scarborough, Bonham, Texas; Elizabeth J. Watson, Alton.


Source: Rochester, New York Democrat Chronicle, November 9, 1900
The students of Monticello Seminary celebrated McKinley's election with a special programme. The young ladies, attired in curious costumes and carrying oddly-figured and shaped banners, held a parade on the campus. After the parade they repaired to the Ean Eleanor Reed chapel, and campaign addresses were made. Miss Ruth Bryan, daughter of the Democratic nominee, delivered an address on the silver issue.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 20, 1900
Monticello Seminary is keeping up a good work among the poor children of Chicago. Every year the young ladies attending the school send dolls to a settlement in the slums of Chicago, known as Monticello Settlement, and every year liberal contributions are made by the students in the Seminary to assist in keeping up the work among the poor children. At a dinner given last Saturday night at the Seminary, a collection of $100 was taken up, and with $100 additional was sent to the Monticello Settlement in Chicago with 100 dolls that had been dressed by the young ladies to be given to the children of Monticello Settlement in the slums, to make their Christmas day brighter. The dinner was an important event in the school, and the young ladies took great interest in their self-imposed work of making a merry Christmas for unfortunate children of a big city.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18, 1902
Today was celebrated as Founder's Day at Monticello Seminary in memory of Benjamin Godfrey. The day was observed with appropriate exercises and an interesting program was given. Part of the program consisted of the planting of a tree at Monticello, a long-established custom, and the historic spade was used on this occasion.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 27, 1902
Among the most enthusiastic numismatist [coin collector] in the country is the Rev. H. K. Sanborne, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Alton. He has collected during the last twenty years some of the most interesting coins ever made, and some of them have an age which dates before the Christian era. Mr. Sanborne has turned his collection over to Monticello Seminary, and that institution will have it as a treasure and for study by the young ladies attending there. Mr. Sanborne kept his collection in a case which was made in Turkey, and was perhaps 300 years of age. The case alone is an object of interest, being made of many thousands of pieces. It is built of teakwood, ornamented with mother-of-pearl, bone and other materials. The ornamentation is in mosaic and shows that infinite skill and labor is required to fashion it. In the front of the case there are 3,800 pieces of wood. The most ancient coin Mr. Sanborne has was one of Athens, which was minted probably 500 years before Christ. It is the silver tetradrachm, bearing the head of Minerva. Another valuable one is a coin of the isle of Aegina, showing a tortoise. The collection was made with the assistance of Dr. Albert Long, vice-president of Robert college of Constantinople, and a noted numismatist. Mr. Sanborne has no doubt of the genuineness of his coins, as Dr. Long was an authority and the purchases were made with the understanding that the coin would be returned to the owners in case they proved to be counterfeits. The collection consists of 245 coins dating from 500 B. C. to 500 A. D. The latest addition to the collection are two coins, one minted under Emperor Otho, of the Roman Empire, and the other a silver half-penny of the time of Christ. Mr. Sanborne will not part with his Turkish coin case, but has had made a beautiful cherry-wood case, which will contain the relics in the future.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 18, 1903
The following story told by a North Alton miner yesterday may be of some interest. He says that when the big well at Monticello Seminary - which was sunk deep enough to tap the water supply on the other side of the world - was dug, the big vein - in fact about a 90 feet vein of coal - was discovered by the diggers. It was kept still, he says. Those fellows were after water, not coal that was worth millions, and they erected canvas coverings and sides over the well and hid the coal taken out so that the world at large and the statesmen of Godfrey, in particular, should not know of the find. He tells this story in all seriousness, but it would be cruel to put him on public record by publishing his name.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13, 1904
Today was the birthday anniversary of Miss Harriet N. Haskell, the famous principal of Monticello Seminary, and it was appropriately observed this afternoon by Miss Haskell, her pupils and friends. Ladies as a rule do not confess to having birthdays, but Miss Haskell is proud of her years in the belief that age is honorable when well worn, and her magnificent school at Monticello Seminary is the best evidence of the faithfulness and her industry in the seventy years of life she had passed today. Miss Haskell has identified herself so closely with the fortunes of Monticello that the two are inseparable and cannot be disassociated from one another in the minds of Monticello's friends, whose number is legion. A recital was given by Richard Platt of Boston, pianist, and Miss Lila Haskell of York, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. C. B. Rohland. Many Alton people took advantage of the opportunity to attend this musical treat.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 13, 1905
Died: At Greenwich, Conn., April 7, Harriet Baker Pendleton, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. George P. Sheldon. Funeral and burial at Yarmouth, Maine. Mrs. Pendleton came to Godfrey as matron of Monticello Seminary in 1869, and at a meeting of the trustees in November of that year it was recorded: "The selection seems to be an admirable one." Mrs. Pendleton fulfilled the expectations of the trustees and won and held, during her administration of nineteen years, the affectionate esteem of faculty and pupils. She resigned after the fire in 1888, and subsequently resided in her old home at Yarmouth.


Source: Skaneateles, New York Free Press, June 15, 1906
Miss Mabel B. Stackus, musical instructor of Monticello Seminary, Godfrey, Ill., arrived in town yesterday, and will spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stackus.


Principal of Monticello Ladies Seminary
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 7, 1907
Miss Harriet Newell Haskell, principal of Monticello Seminary almost forty years, died Monday evening [May 6, 1907] at 5:30 o'clock from heart failure in the institution she had rebuilt and which will be as much a monument to her memory as it is to that of its founder, Benjamin Godfrey. Miss Haskell's death was not unexpected, but it produced no less profound sorrow. Her illness had been such that her death was expected at any time the last three weeks. When she died no one at the seminary was informed of the fact except the teachers. The young ladies attending the school did not know of it until this morning. The funeral services were held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon in the Seminary chapel, and were attended by all the students, teachers and some of Miss Haskell's Alton friends. They were conducted by Rev. A. G. Lane of the First Presbyterian church and Rev. H. M. Chittenden of the Episcopal church, both of whom were personal friends of Miss Haskell. The body will be taken to Waldoboro, Me., by Misses Leli and Elizabeth Haskell, leaving tonight, and burial will be there in the old family burial place beside the body of the father and other members of Miss Haskell's family. A memorial service will be held for her here two weeks later. Her brother, Lowell P. Haskell of Waldoboro, Lincoln County, Maine, was attending her until a few days ago when he went back home. Miss Haskell was born at Waldoboro, Maine, and was 72 years of age last January 14. She attended school at Waldoboro until she was 12 years old, when she attended a school at Castleton, Vt., going there five years. She entered Mt. Holyoke then and graduated from that institution in 1855. In 1905 she celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of her graduation from Mt. Holyoke by attending the commencement exercises of that college, and while there she received the degree of doctor of letters, an honor she appreciated highly. It was while attending school at Mt. Holyoke she met Miss Emily G. Alden, who subsequently became her assistant and was still in that capacity up to the time of Miss Haskell's death. The two young ladies formed a friendship which lasted through life, and Miss Haskell herself said that during all the remaining fifty-five years of their friendship they had a common home and a common pocketbook. The two friends were inseparable, and the loss of her old friend is a sad affliction to Miss Alden. After graduating from Mt. Holyoke, Miss Haskell taught a year in Boston and a year at Waldoboro, going thence to her first alma mater, Castleton, where she became principal and remained as such until she came to Monticello in 1867. As a business woman, Miss Haskell's ability was no less than her skill as an educator. When Monticello was burned in 1888 there was only $70,000 insurance. The school must be rebuilt and Miss Haskell's influence accomplished such wonders that when the handsome pile of stone was finished as it stands, over $250,000 had been spent. Since then additions have been made to buildings and grounds which make the property worth close to $500,000, and not one dollar of debt is on it, all having been lifted by the careful management of Miss Haskell. She had the ability to interest wealthy men in the school. William H. Reid of Chicago has given immense sums of money to Monticello, in addition to building the handsome chapel as a memorial to his first wife. Miss Haskell was a woman of profound intellect and rare skill as an educator. Her pupils were taught to adorn the home rather than a career in life. Her exposition of the Bible when she would be conducting the devotional services in the school would do credit to a clergyman. Her reputation throughout the country was such that she gave Monticello a name that was really Miss Haskell's more than it was that of the school. Her death is a sad blow to Monticello, but as it was known for several years she was failing, it has given time for consideration both by Miss Haskell and the trustees as to who would receive her mantle. This matter, it is understood, has practically been decided upon, at the request of Miss Haskell, some time ago. Miss Haskell's illness began on the fortieth anniversary of the date of the extending of a call to her to take charge of Monticello Seminary.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 8, 1907
The farewell of the Monticello students to their principal, Miss Harriet N. Haskell, was a touching feature of the funeral service Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The girls assisted in the service by singing one hymn, "In Heavenly Love Abiding," the chorus of 150 voices of the students rising in unison to sing their farewell to their teacher. When the services were ended, the visitors first took a farewell look at Miss Haskell, while the girls and faculty remained in their places. Afterward, the girls said silent farewell and then formed in a double line in the corridor, leading from the chapel door to the entrance to the building. All the girls, clad in pure white, stood silently as the casket was carried between the lines. The hearse was at the main entrance to the seminary, and there the girls gathered again in double lines, and with one line on either side escorted the body of their beloved principal to the northeast gate. The march was beneath the budding trees, over a campus coming forth in spring verdure in preparation for the day which was to have been another of Miss Haskell's days of triumph, Monticello's annual commencement. The birds were singing in the trees, the doves were giving forth their plaintive notes from overhead and everything was beautiful, but the sadness of the scene was not lightened by these beauties of nature. Shortly before the Seminary gate was reached, the hearse was stopped and the marching lines of girls advanced to the gate, massing themselves there in close order while the hearse was driven through the two white silent lines. A general sob broke forth as the gate was passed and the girls marched silently and sorrowfully back to the stricken seminary. It was an impressive scene and one to be remembered long by those who saw it. It was the passing of the spirit which had created Monticello on its present high plane, but there was hope and confidence that the institution which Miss Haskell had built was so firmly impressed with her life and spirit that it would go on and continue to grow in respect and strength for years to come.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 03, 1907
Mrs. John Leverett received word yesterday of the death, at 12:30 Sunday morning, of Mrs. S. V. White, wife of Hon. S. V. White of Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. White was a sister of Mrs. Mary A. C. Hamilton, who resides with her daughter, Mrs. Leverett, in Upper Alton. Many residents of Alton and vicinity know of Mrs. White as a close friend of the late Miss H. N. Haskell, and as a generous donor to Monticello Seminary. Among her benefactions to that school are the elegant mantel in the reception room, and the superb marble statue of Undine, which is valued at $1,800. Mr. and Mrs. White also gave a considerable part of the library, and numerous donations in money from time to time. Mrs. White was a student at Monticello in her youth, and both she and her husband have always felt the warmest interest in the Seminary. Mrs. White has been indelicate health for some months, and the news of Miss Haskell's death was a great shock to her and caused her death. Mrs. White was about 74 years young, properly speaking, as she never gave evidence of advancing age, preserving to the last the keenest interest in the many charities and good works of which she was the founder and promoter. Among these were the Home for Consumptives and the Home for the Friendless, both in her home city. The former she regarded as her especial life work, and it is surely a moment to her memory which will long endure. She was Regent of Fort Greene Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and an active member of the Society of Mayflower Descendants, and was widely known throughout the East for her ability, generosity and pure patriotism. She was a valued member of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, having been a warm personal friend of the late Henry Ward Beecher, with whose family she was closely connected by marriage. She formerly lived in Jerseyville. The funeral services will be held at Plymouth church on Tuesday afternoon.


"Female" Had Become Obsolete and Distasteful
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13, 1908
The obsolete word "female" in the legal name of Monticello Seminary has been formally and legally dropped and will be forgotten. When the institution was founded, the word female was more in style than now. As Gail Hamilton once wrote and is quoted by an officer of Monticello, "don't call yourself a female, hogs and cows are known as females; call ourselves a woman." The legal name of Monticello was "Monticello Female Seminary." The middle word has been dropped in all ordinary reference to the institution, but on all legal papers it was necessary to put the legal name, which was not fancied and in fact had fallen into disapproval among the officers and faculty, who prefer the name woman to female, or lady or any other distinguishing term for the sex referred to.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 17, 1908
The contract has been awarded to a St. Louis contracting firm for the building of the handsome stone entrance to the Monticello grounds as a memorial to the late principal, Miss Harriet N. Haskell, deceased. The plans for the memorial gate and arch were drawn by Theodore C. Link of St. Louis, who planned Monticello Seminary. The gate will be a triumph of the Haskell Memorial Gate, Monticello Seminaryarchitectural art. It is modeled somewhat after the famous Brandenburg gates at Berlin, Germany, but will have only three arches instead of five. It will be built of Hodford stone to conform with the design and material of the Monticello buildings. The stone is being quarried now, and it is expected to have the handsome gateway ready for the commencement day next June. The plan was accepted after considerable deliberation and after some changes were made in the plan originally proposed. It was desired to make the memorial arch gateway something that would be dignified and artistic, and that would be in keeping with the beauty of the grounds and the main building at Monticello. The friends of Monticello, particularly the ladies of the Alumnae association, have been working hard to get the necessary fund raised. It was desired to have as many as possible of the alumnae and friends of the institution interested in the work as a monument to the memory of Miss Haskell, whose life and work were so inseparably linked with that of the school that Monticello and her appurtenances are her real monument. It is planned to have iron gates of artistic design swung in the three arches. The top of the archway, which will be massive, will be 27 feet from the ground. It is so designed that it can be made a harmonious part of the stone wall which it is proposed to build around the extensive grounds of the Seminary, the latter to be done later by the trustees of the school as they find it feasible. The whole improvement including arches and fence will be a monument to Miss Haskell.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 14, 1910
At Monticello Seminary last Friday evening, the young ladies attending that institution gave a very cordial greeting to Mrs. Florence Howe Hall of Boston, daughter of Julia Ward Howe, the author of the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Mrs. Hall was to deliver a lecture on Good Manners. In her home when she was a girl, she met many distinguished people, as her mother was a woman of national character, and recognized as an author of great prominence. The daughter told of her personal experiences with some of the great personages of her Mother’s Day. The lecture was a very good one and pleased many. As Mrs. Hall entered the chapel where the lecture was to be given, the students at Monticello rose to their feet and sang, as welcome to Mrs. Hall, the lines of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, composed by her mother, starting: "Mine eyes have seen the Glory of the coming of the Lord."


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 13, 1911
Bids have been received for the wiring of Monticello Seminary so the place can be illuminated with electricity. The seminary has always been illuminated with gas, and has maintained a gas manufacturing plant on the premises. The new building, erected in 1888, was not wired for electricity, but it has been deemed advisable to make a change in the illuminating system. The call for bids included the wiring of the main building, the teacher’s dormitory, and the cottage occupied by the family of O. W. Maxfield. It is estimated the improvement will cost in the neighborhood of $6,000 or $7,000. The contract has not been awarded. C. A. Caldwell, a trustee of the institution, said today that the decision had been reached to make the change from gas to electricity. It is not known whether the electric current will be supplied by the A. J. & P. system or by the Alton Gas & Electric Co. from Alton.


Source: Richfield Springs, New York Mercury, 1913/1914
A quart of corn, yellow and perfectly preserved, was found in a glass jar in the foundation of the old school building at Godfrey, Ill. Workmen who were tearing down the walls got to the cap of the jar. They worked carefully to get the jar out intact, believing It might contain money. The corn is perfect In color, is not shriveled or discolored and seems to be perfectly preserved. It is believed the germ is alive, though the corn has been in the wall 75 years to the knowledge of living men.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1913
The seventy-fifth anniversary of the first breakfast served in Monticello Seminary was observed yesterday morning in the school, and a breakfast copying almost exactly the menu of the original breakfast was served. An interesting feature of the diamond jubilee of the first breakfast was that Miss Elinor Hewitt, president of the senior class, was a granddaughter of one of the girls, Elizabeth Olney, who sat down at the first breakfast in 1838. The menu was boiled eggs, pancakes, coffee, bread and butter, to which the 1913 girls added fruit and cereals to give a modern-day flavor. The story told is that 75 years ago, April 11, when the school was opened, the housekeeper was ill and the cook incapacitated. Rev. Dr. Theron Baldwin was the head of the institution. Mrs. Baldwin cooked the breakfast, the teachers served it, and Dr. Baldwin and the girls ate it. Fifteen years ago, Miss Harriet N. Haskell had the breakfast copied on the anniversary, and she and the seniors served it. This time the seniors served the breakfast, 28 of them, and they did it well, serving with all the exactness of maids who had long experience. It was intended to open Monticello in October, 1837, the same day Mt. Holyoke was opened, but this plan failed because the building was incomplete. The opening was therefore delayed until April 11, and while the seventy-fifth anniversary of the school will be celebrated in June at the annual commencement when the Principal of Mt. Holyoke will be here to participate, the real anniversary of the school opening was yesterday. It may be interesting to know that Monticello gained her name indirectly from the home of Thomas Jefferson. Capt. Webb called the prairie around Godfrey "Monticello Prairie," and when Captain Godfrey refused to permit his name to be used in the naming of the school he had founded, it became known as Monticello, and the name has remained.


Former Assistant of Miss Haskell
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 6, 1914
A telegram came today to Miss Katherine Armstrong of Alton, that her old friend, Miss Emily Alden had died at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. H. A. Alden, in Boston, Mass. The news of Miss Alden's death was no surprise, as it was known she had been very ill since the first of the year, and as she had passed 80 years of age, there was little hope that she would survive the illness. The message said that the funeral would be Tuesday. Miss Alden was connected with Monticello Seminary forty years, during the entire period that Miss Haskell had charge of the institution. She came with Miss Haskell and as was stated one commencement, the two women had a common home and a common purse for fifty years of their life. Miss Alden did not stay at Monticello long after her beloved companion died. Seven years ago she left the institution, broken down with grief over the death of Miss Haskell. She went to Boston to live with her sister-in-law. Ever since she came to Monticello, she had been making it her practice to contribute to the school the annual commencement poem. Next Tuesday will be commencement day at Monticello, the day when, had her health and life been spared, she would have made her annual offering to the success of the commencement in the form of her commencement poem. The death of the former assistant principal of Monticello will sadden the commencement season for many of the older students who will be back to attend reunions and who had known and loved Miss Alden.

Emily Gillmore Alden was born January 21, 1834, in Boston, Massachusetts, to Joseph Warren Alden (1808-1892) and Emily Gillmore Alden (1811-1834). She was a descendant of Captain John Alden, who was a crew member on the historic voyage of the Pilgrim ship Mayflower. Captain Alden stayed at what became Plymouth Colony, and was a signatory to the Mayflower Compact.  While yet an infant, Emily and her parents moved to Cambridge, where she obtained her early education. She also attended Mt. Holyoke Seminary in South Hadley, Massachusetts. She taught at Castleton, Vermont, and at the Monticello Ladies Seminary in Godfrey, where she had charge of the departments of history, rhetoric, and English literature. Alden Hall at Lewis & Clark Community College is named after Miss Alden.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 11, 1916
At two o'clock this afternoon the ceremony incident to the laying of the cornerstone for the new Fobes Annex to Monticello Seminary took place, and was attended by the largest crowd of friends ever assembled at the Seminary. The new addition to the Seminary will be completed by the commencement of the new school year in the fall, and will be a handsome addition to the already spacious and well-equipped Seminary. The new addition will be known as the Fobes Annex, it being named for the second principal of Monticello, Miss Philena Fobes, who was head of the institutionFobes Hall, Monticello Seminary from 1843 to 1866. The annex is being built at a cost of $60,000, the greater part of the amount being raised by former graduates and students of the school. The remainder of the amount will be furnished by the Board of Trustees. Among the guests present today was Mrs. Virginia Harhert of Jerseyville, a former Fobes girl, and the oldest living graduate of the school. A number of other Fobes girls were also present. Two portraits, that of Miss Marilla Colman Bacon, acting principal of Monticello from 1865 to '67, and one of Miss Catherine Burroughs, an instructor in the seminary from 1907 to 1910, were presented by Miss Emma Matteson of the class of 1907, and were placed in the box. The exercises were held out of doors, and the weather man blessed the event with plenty of warmth and sunshine. The parade from the building to the scene of the cornerstone laying presented a beautiful scene. The parade included eighteen of the Fobes girls, two of them being from Alton, Mrs. T. M. Long and Mrs. A. K. Root, who were students at Monticello during the Fobes principalship. The parade was led by Miss Mary Caldwell of Alton, a student of Monticello, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Caldwell. Miss Caldwell carried the Monticello banner and the Fobes banner was carried by Miss Dorothy Dahlman of the class of '17. The box to be buried in the cornerstone, and which was to hold the treasure to be placed therein, was carried by Miss Elizabeth Walker, president of the class of 1916. When the box had been placed, the articles were placed within it, one by one. The first article to go in was the hold Bible carried and given by Miss Katherine Scarborough, president of the class of '17, and one of five sisters, all of whom have attended Monticello. The second article to go into the box was a portrait of Miss Philena Fobes, the founder of Monticello Seminary; also a portrait of Theron Baldwin, placed by Miss Gertrude Pearson, a great-granddaughter of Benjamin Godfrey. The third article placed in the box was a portrait of Miss Thilema Fobes, given by Miss Harriet Beecher Wall, daughter of Mary Case, who was a member of the class of '90 and '91. The fourth article to be placed in the box was a portrait of Miss Harriet Newell Haskell, principal of Monticello Seminary from 1867 to 1907. The portrait was given by Miss Catherine Haskell, great-niece of Miss Haskell. The fifth article for the box was a portrait of Miss Martina Erickson, present principal of Monticello. The picture was presented by Miss Norma Lee of the class of '17. A portrait of the members of the present board of trustees was presented to be sealed in the box by Miss Elizabeth Wade Duncan, a daughter of Mrs. Hallie Wade Duncan, a member of the class of 1889. Miss Duncan is also a granddaughter of Edward P. Wade, and a granddaughter of Mary E. Allen Wade, a member of the class of 1857. Ruth Campbell gave copies of the Echo, she being the editor of the Echo this year. With this printed matter also went names of the subscribers to the equipment fund, a list of the students and the faculty of 1915 and 1916, and newspaper clippings containing notices of happenings at Monticello the past two years. The latter were presented by Pauline Westall of the class of 1917. The padlock and key to the box and the trowel for sealing it forever in the great cornerstone, were presented by Miss Ruth Hinkle, of the class of '16. The chain and the padlock were gifts of the members of this year's class. After the sealing of the box in the cornerstone, Reverend E. L. Gibson said a prayer and the open-air ceremonies were ended. The indoor program included addresses by E. P. Wade, the oldest of the board of trustees; Margaret Molloney Bangs of Chicago, class of '78; Julia H. Gulliver, president of Rockford College, Rockford, Ill.; and Nathaniel Butler of Chicago. The benediction was given by Rev. E. L. Gibson of Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1917
Martina Erickson ParsonsThe resignation of Miss Martina C. Erickson as principal of Monticello Seminary has been tendered to the board of trustees, and with it has come the information that Miss Erickson is to be married in the fall to Dr. William Wood Parsons, president of the Indiana State Normal at Terre Haute, Ind. The resignation will be effective as soon as the board of trustees can fill the principalship. The announcement of the engagement of Miss Erickson reached Alton through a copy of a Terre Haute newspaper. The engagement was of unusual interest at Terre Haute, because before she came to Alton, Miss Erickson was dean of the College of Women at the Indiana Normal, of which Dr. Parsons is the head. Miss Erickson was chosen principal of Monticello Seminary seven years ago. The seven years has been rich in progress for Monticello Seminary. She brought to the school advanced ideas which has undoubtedly been very good for the school, and since her coming the institution has prospered greatly. It has increased its accommodations too, due to her indefatigable effort and the great loyalty shown the school by the alumnae. The handsome addition to the seminary was partly due to Miss Erickson. Monticello is a greatly changed institution since her coming, and she has had the cordial sympathy of the trustees and the alumnae, and also has had the satisfaction of seeing her efforts rewarded by increased demand for the privileges of the school. There is no definite time set for the termination of Miss Erickson's work at Monticello. The trustees may have much difficulty in finding the proper person to take her place. However, as one friend of the school said, "They found Miss Erickson, and they will try to get someone who will be worthy to succeed her." Miss Erickson is leaving a name in Monticello that will long be cherished in the memories of the friends and alumnae of the institution.


Was Instructor at Monticello Seminary
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 27, 1918
Miss Katherine Haskell Armstrong, for many years an instructor at Monticello Seminary, and for a few years one of the acting principals of the school following the death of Miss Harriet Newell Haskell, died at St. Joseph's Hospital in Alton at 4:45 o'clock Tuesday morning after a long illness. She had been growing weaker steadily and her death was no surprise to those who were attending her. Miss Armstrong was born and reared in Alton, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong. She was born in 1850 and was 68 years of age. She graduated from Monticello Seminary in the year 1871, and was valedictorian of her class. She was employed as an instructor at Monticello Seminary the year following her graduation, and for many years she continued at that institution until advancing years forced her to relinquish the work and go into retirement. The death of her good friend, Miss Harriet Newell Haskell, probably determined her severing connection with the school at the time she did. She had been one of two acting principals who bridged over the period from the death of Miss Haskell to the coming of a new principal. She had served as secretary of the Board of Trustees and had also made a trip abroad with Miss Haskell, for a period of six months. Seven years ago, she came to Alton and made her home with her niece, Mrs. O. G. Norris. Since coming back to her old home, Alton, she had taken a very active interest in St. Paul's Episcopal Church in which she held membership, also in the Browning Club, the Woman's Council and especially in the work of the Red Cross. Miss Armstrong was a woman of simple dignity, and possessed a high character and a sweet disposition which made her greatly admired by all who knew her. Her illness began seven months ago and for a time it was believed that the end would come quickly soon after she was taken down. She was moved to St. Joseph's Hospital where she could receive the benefit of professional nursing and there she remained until the end. Miss Armstrong leaves the following nieces and nephews: Mrs. George S. Haskell of Chicago; Mrs. O. G. Norris; Fred D. Johnson; Thomas A. Johnson; Mrs. Bern Degenhardt; Herbert Armstrong; Miss May Armstrong; and William D. and Paul Armstrong of Alton. The body of Miss Armstrong will be taken from the hospital to the home of her niece, Mrs. Norris, 603 Henry street. The funeral will be from St. Paul's Episcopal Church and will be conducted by the rector, Rev. Frederick D. Butler, assisted by Rev. H. M. Chittenden, an old friend of Miss Armstrong.


(1918 influenza epidemic)
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 18, 1918
That Monticello Seminary had submitted voluntarily to a quarantine on account of influenza was made known today. The school has forty cases of influenza, not one of which is serious, and most of them are convalescent. It was said today the reason for the quarantine being asked was so the school could regulate its visitors. The fact that influenza was there caused some parents to go to the school and there is no room for them. A corps of nurses was secured, and the students who are ill isolated and given every care.

[The 1918 influenza pandemic infected 500 million people worldwide, and killed an estimated 20 to 50 million. Approximately 675,000 American died during the pandemic. At the time, there were no effective drugs or vaccines to treat this killer flu strain or prevent its spread. In the U.S., citizens were ordered to wear masks, and schools, theaters and other public places were shuttered. Researchers later discovered what made the 1918 pandemic so deadly: In many victims, the influenza virus had invaded their lungs and caused pneumonia.]


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 24, 1921
A house that has an authenticated history of eighty years and still is in good condition is undergoing improvements and an addition in its old age. The house is the one occupied by the Maxfield family at Monticello Seminary for many years and known as "the cottage," to distinguish it from the main building. The need for more room to house girls at the seminary made it seem desirable to enlarge "the cottage," and O. G. Stelle is working on the job. It is said that the building was erected very strong. It has in it oak timbers throughout, and oak lathes. The timbers are mortised together with pins to hold them. The house has no appearance of great age beyond the style of architecture. It is a very attractive appearing building and it will probably last for many years to come. The Maxfield family, who occupied the place, left there after Mr. Maxfield gave up the position he had held so many years at the Seminary and they are now living in Alton. Last year some girls were kept in the cottage, and the coming year more may be kept there, because of the great demand for quarters in the seminary from girls desiring to attend the institution. There are few houses in this part of the country having such a great age as this building now undergoing repairs, and at the same time presenting such a well-kept appearance. The reason is that repairs have always been kept up on the building which, though of wooden construction, has all the appearance of being a comparatively modern building. The house was built at the time Monticello Seminary was erected by Benjamin Godfrey in 1836, and it has outlived the original seminary stone building and has gone a long distance with the new building. It was said today that so far as knowledge of anyone living goes, the house has stood for all these years just as it was originally built.


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