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Alton and Upper Alton had baseball teams as early as 1858. They competed against each other on the "Alton Club Grounds," located in Middle Alton. In 1884, the idea of building a baseball park was put forth, and by 1886 the original Sportsman Park was built (which included fencing and a grandstand). The park was located on the south side of Broadway, near the Illinois Glass Works, in what was called the "East End." Many baseball, football games (and other events) were held at the Sportsman Park between Alton, East Alton, Upper Alton, Fosterburg, Western Military Academy, St. Louis and more. By May of 1906, Sportsman Park land was sold to the Illinois Glass Works, where the new owners erected a large warehouse.

By 1911, a new Sportsman Park was constructed on the north side of Broadway, where the Alton Plaza Shopping Center would later stand. This park continued with many ballgames and other events. I'm not sure of the closing date of this new Sportsman's Park, but in 1946 a garment factory and Presley Groves' tented roller skating rink occupied this site. In 1957 the Alton Plaza was constructed there.


Illinois Glass and the Alton Sportsman's Park


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, June 24, 1858
Some time since we noticed the organization in our city [Alton] of a baseball club. Since then, the Club has played from one to three games every week, the regular games being played on Friday afternoons, and the members have become very expert. Last week they accepted a challenge to play a match game with the Upper Alton Club. The game was played on Saturday afternoon, by twelve picked men from each Club, upon the Alton Club ground in Middle Alton, the latter winning in five innings, by one hundred and thirty-four rounds. The game stood at the close: Alton Club, 224 rounds; Upper Alton Club, 90 rounds. We are told, however, that the Upper Alton boys played at a disadvantage, being on strange ground, and three of their best players being sick. It is admitted by some of the members of the winning Club, that had the advantages been equal, the contest would have been a close one, and the result perhaps entirely different. We presume it will be tried again.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 7, 1866
At the match game of baseball played at Litchfield, August 30, 1866, between the "Prairie" of Litchfield and the "Active" of Alton, the following was the score:
Alton vs. Litchfield, September 7, 1866 game


Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, May 19, 1870
A match game of baseball was played on Friday last between the Kunstausstellingsgebaude and Magnolia Clubs of Edwardsville, in which the former got beaten. That name is enough to best anything.


Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, June 9, 1870
The Magnolia baseball club of Edwardsville visited Alton on Thursday last to play a match game of baseball with the Wide Awake club of that city. The day was very hot, and the game lasted between four and five hours, and resulted in the defeat of the Wide Awakes. The score stood Magnolia, 50; Wide Awake, 84. At the conclusion of the game, the latter felt so mortified at being beaten that with but one exception they could not treat their opponents with common politeness.


Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, November 17, 1870
On Thursday evening, November 24, the Magnolia Baseball Club of Edwardsville will give their first annual ball at Kinder’s Hall. Tickets of admission, $1.50.


Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, December 01, 1870
The ball given last week at Kinder’s Hall by the Magnolia Baseball Club of Edwardsville, on the occasion of their first anniversary, was a pleasant affair, was well attended, and passed off quietly and to the satisfaction of all concerned.


Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, July 6, 1871
Last Saturday the Chargoggaggoggmanchoggoggogg Club of Edwardsville played the first of a series of three games with the Eureka Club of Brighton, on the grounds of the latter club. The Edwardsvillians lost the game by 7 points. The next game will be played at Alton sometime during the present month, and a third on the fairgrounds at this place during the annual fair of the Agricultural Society.

On Monday evening last, those interested met at the courthouse and formed a club, to be known as the Red Caps. The old Magnolias and the Chargog (&c., &c.) are merged in the new club. The Red Caps will play the Eureka Club of Brighton at Alton on Saturday next.

At the fairgrounds during the progress of the German Catholic picnic on July 4, a game of baseball was attempted, but the excessive heat caused some of the players to wilt, and the game was abandoned.

There will be a practice game this afternoon on the grounds occupied by the Magnolias last season.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 8, 1884
The question of arranging grounds for a baseball park below the city near the Glass Works is again being agitated. We learn that there are many persons who would contribute liberally for such a purpose should they receive assurance that the project would be pushed to completion. As this city has numbers of skilled baseball players "lying around loose," so to speak, and as this point is the centre of aesthetic culture in that line, there is nothing to prevent the success of a determined effort to make a park for the purpose mentioned, and it is hoped that an association will be organized to push the matter. Strictly athletic sports at proper times and seasons should be encouraged and commended, as they tend to the physical improvement of those who take part in them.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 20, 1886
Baseball - The Wanda Boys went up to T. W. L. Belk’s last Sunday to do up the Stump Town Clod Hoppers, but failed. We stated last week that they would do them up in good shape, but we only made a mistake. Owing to their catcher being indisposed, our boys allowed them to take a catcher out of the Bethalto nine, and that is what beat them. They’ll have a chance soon to try us again, and will say this time for a fact that our boys will do them next time. The score stood 32 to 37.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 31, 1886
The Anchors of St. Louis arrived in town this morning and played Beall Bros.' newly uniformed nine at Sportsman's Park this afternoon.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 6, 1886
The looked-for event, the game of baseball between a Hunterstown club and the Gossrau nine [Hunterstowners] came off yesterday at Sportsman's Park and was well contested in the presence of a large number of spectators. The Musicians took their instruments and rendered some quick steps to enliven the occasion. The nines were arranged as follows:

Musicians: Louis Yager, Catcher; Winter, first base; Mold, second base; Hoppe, third base; Levi Yager, pitcher; Ernst, right field; Wutzler, left field; Meyer, shortstop; Tensor, centerfield.

Hunterstowners: William Weber, catcher; Craigen, first base; A. Kramer, second base; Seibert, third base; Fecht, pitcher; Synar, right field; Paul, left field; Hartmann, short stop; J. Weber, centerfield.

The game was called at 3:45, the Musicians at the bat. They made 4 runs on this inning and then retired. Their opponents made no score on their first inning, and the Musicians again took the bat and made one run. In the second inning of the Hunterstown club, Fries was called to the box, took pity on the Hunterstowners and "assisted" them to make 9 or 10 runs. Tonsor catcher. When the Musicians went to the bat the third time in order to equalize matters. Synar pitched for a short time and the harmonious nine made 3 runs. A shower of rain came up before the game closed, and an adjournment took place with a score of 11 or 12 to 13. The scorer made it 12 to 13, the Hunterstown nine having been "assisted" too much in the second inning. There was good play on both sides. The opponents of the Musicians showed themselves adepts, the most of them, at ball playing, their regular battery being excellent. The Harmonious Nine surprised the spectators by their performance on the diamond field, the battery, Levi and Louis Yager, playing like professionals. The Hunterstown club were in uniform: red caps, red stockings, purple and white striped knee breeches. The other club were in sober brown and black, except Vonder Mold, who sported a stunningly variegated cap on a lawnmowed head.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 12, 1886
There is no doubt that the St. Louis Browns baseball club will play, in accordance with their contract with Manager Mold, in Alton Baseball Park on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 17 and 18. The games will be played for the benefit of the Father Cassidy residence (rectory) fund. A large attendance will see both games, unless prevented by rain. The Altons are getting a good reputation for playing, and their friends expect a good showing against the World’s Champions in keeping down the score to single figures. Notwithstanding, the great expense attached to the engagement of the Brown Stockings, the price of admission will not exceed 25 cents.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 29, 1886
The arrival of the St. Louis Browns in Alton Tuesday morning was a noted event in baseball annals. A Reception Committee, comprising some of our principal citizens, was on hand, headed by Manager Mold of Sportsman’s Park. The members of the St. Louis club were right royally received. Three barouches were in waiting, to these the visitors were escorted, and the procession started. In the lead were the carriages, the streets and sidewalks thronged by a large crowd of interested spectators intent on getting a view of the Champions of the World; also of Mr. C. Von der Ahe, President of the American Baseball Association, who was with the club.

An enormous crowd saw the game Tuesday between the Altons and the St. Louis Browns in the Sportsman’s Park, and were rewarded by witnessing a fine contest. It was indeed truly one-sided in batting as far as the Browns were concerned, while the fielding of the Altons must have delighted all the local cranks. For four innings it was worthy of any professional club to have such infielders as the Altons showed themselves to be. McClelland and Whistler played faultlessly in their positions. The Browns safe batting was terrific, and fully in keeping with their willow-work against all the Association clubs. Carruthers, O’Neil, Comiskey, Welch, and Foutz doing the brunt of the work. McSweeney did splendid work. Fahey and Perkins did not do as well as usual. There were not many bases stolen on either side – Kemmler and Carruthers each losing a life trying it, and Welch was cleverly caught napping at second. Failure to hit Foutz at the right time was what prevented the Altons’ score from being larger, although the game was never in doubt. The following is the score:

St. Louis Brown vs Altonians, September 1886

Dave Foutz says that Hudson is the best pitcher the Browns have. If the Altons do as well today as they did yesterday, there will be fun in the boys’ camp tonight. Jack Mishell did the umpiring, and tickled Foutz immensely on balls and strikes.
1886 St. Louis Browns Roster
The very knowing ones say that Welch dropped that fly in center on purpose, and that Robinsons’ wild throw to first was complimentary. Poor croakers, how sad you must feel. Let us say right here that he or they who were not satisfied with yesterday’s game, as far as the Altons were concerned, must be away off their base, and if they don’t hug the bag pretty close, they’ll be thrown out.

An informal reception of the St. Louis Browns took place at Turner Garden last evening. Mr. Von der Ahe and the ball players were the center of attraction. The St. Louisians proved themselves to be sociable, intelligent gentlemen, with good conversational qualities, and made a favorable impression on all with whom they came in contact. Professor Gossrau’s band rendered a fine program to the delight of the company. The evening was pleasant. A party of ladies and gentlemen tripped a few hours with flying feet in the hall to the accompaniment of orchestral music. The party broke up between 10 and 11 o’clock.


Source: The Auburn, New York Bulletin, March 13, 1891
One of the bright and shining lights of the St. Louis "Browns" last season was Catcher William Kane. Kane is a six-footer, and few balls get by him, He was born at Collinsville, Illinois about twenty-three years ago, and has developed into 170 pounds of manhood. His first work as a ball player was as an amateur in his native town. After playing with a number of good clubs, Kane joined the Madison Club, of Evansville, Indiana, and did such excellent work with this team that President Von der Ahe soon snapped him up for the "Browns."

William Jeremiah “Jerry” Kane was born in Collinsville, Illinois on April 4, 1866. He joined the St. Louis Browns in 1888, and played first base/catcher. His last appearance for the Browns was June 25, 1890. He was then a minor league baseball manager for several teams, and went on to have a career in politics in East St. Louis, where he served as Justice of the Peace. Kane died in East St. Louis, Illinois in 1949, at the age of 83, and is buried in the Mount Carmel Cemetery in Belleville.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 16, 1893
The Weem's Laundry Base Ball Club was organized last evening, and the St. Louis Browns will now have all they can do to hold their prestige. Following are the names of the players: Fred Fox, c.; Johnnie Horn, p.; Dick McGrath, 1st b.; Lee Brenner, 2d b.; Will Coyne, 3d b.; Jim Goudie, s.s.; Will Culp, 1. f.; Mike Dwyer, r. f.; Mike Monaghan, c. f.. The Weem's Laundry folks will furnish uniforms for the club.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 27, 1893
There was a game of baseball in Edwardsville Sunday. The clubs were from St. Louis and Edwardsville. One of the players in the home club had a rib broken by a ball. Then there was a fight besides, but not on account of the broken rib. Yes, the national game has some little drawbacks.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 14, 1893
A great game of baseball was played in Godfrey last Saturday – the Godfrey Nine against the Home Runs. The Godfrey Nine was victorious.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 26, 1894
It was only a game of baseball Sunday, but by the time that the trial of Adams, the St. Louis baseball player, is over, for hitting A. Hoffmann, the hotel proprietor, over the head with an iron spittoon, and fracturing his skull, the costs to Madison County may run up to nearly $1,000. If this was the only cost, it would not be so bad, but for a man to suffer for months with a fractured skull is more than dollars and cents. It is stated that Adams, when sober, is a very clever man. Sunday baseball, every once in a while, has a side issue like this, which does a great deal to bring the game into disrepute. Adams can think over the matter in jail.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 17, 1894
From Moro – An interesting game of baseball was played Saturday at Balster’s Park between the Moro Unions and the Y.M.C.A.’s of Alton. The boys were beaten by three runs, the schore standing 16 to 13. The batters were: Y.M.C.A.’s McKinney and Lapelle; Unions – Cooper and Flagg. The Unions were handicapped by the absence of their regular battery and second baseman. A game is being arranged for on Decoration Day, between the Unions and a picked nine.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 24, 1894
From East Alton – The game of ball Sunday between the Bluff Line and Big Four, was won by the Big Four club, the score being 17 to 22. The feature of the game was the heavy batting of the Big Four boys in the seventh inning. Short lined out two homeruns, bringing in four runs each time. At the end of the sixth inning, the score stood 9 to 17, in favor of the Bluff Line, the Big Four boys being unable to size up McGrath’s delivery until the seventh inning, when they fell on to him and pounded out thirteen runs.

The list of the players is as follows:
Big Four: Lampert and Kirwin, pitchers; Short center; Tiley first base; L. Berner 2nd base; Ray 3 base; Shannon, shortstop; Flynn, centerfield; Kanel left field; Lampert, right field.

Bluff Line: Robings left field; Fitz, right field; McDow, center field; Gavin, 3rd base; Dailey, 2nd base and Captain; Berner, 1st base; Noonan, shortstop; Bushong, center field; McGrath, pitcher.

The Big Four club would like to hear from the Chicago & Alton boys, and arrange for a game.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 31, 1894
The Alton Home Runs and La Tosca’s will play at Riverside Park next Sunday. The la tosca’s are a strong nine, and the Home Runs are strengthening all weak spots.

The North Alton baseball team bids fair to become the champion team of the vicinity. On Saturday afternoon a game was played with the Godfrey team, which at the close resulted in a score of 27 to 3, in favor of the North Altons. Sunday afternoon the North Altons and the Upper Altons contested, and the score was 37 to 14, in favor of the North Altons.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 14, 1894
The game of ball between the Wanda and East Alton clubs Sunday was won by East Alton. Score 25 to 13. The baseball players of East Alton have leased a piece of ground northwest of the Big Four depot, and will make a fine ball park there.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 19, 1894
One of the best games of ball of the season was played Sunday afternoon between the North Alton Stars and the Shamrocks of St. Louis. It was war to the bitter end. The ninth inning resulted in a tie, also the tenth. At the end of the eleventh inning, Mayford scored a run from third base on a missed fly by the center fielder, thus giving the victory to the Stars, the score standing 15 to 14. Smith of the Stars struck out six men, while the visiting pitcher struck out five men.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1894
The Bucks Home Runs and the Upper Alton team played a game of ball yesterday afternoon. The Upper Altons played poorly, and were defeated by a score of 18 to 4. A colored baseball club played the Upper Alton team this afternoon.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 4, 1894
The Western Military Academy baseball team of 1894 defeated the Shurtleff College team Saturday afternoon by a score of 18 to 15. Hanna and Stout, the new W.M.A. battery, did good work, and held the college boys down in fine shape. A large number of visitors watched the game.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 18, 1895
From Edwardsville – The baseball cranks are now in their glory. Our club, that is the one called “Madisons,” has been organized, and in a game at Collinsville last Sunday, did up the team of that city by a score of 8 to 5. While we know very little about the game, we know that others must think a good deal of it as 100 people went over to see it played.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 19, 1895
The Chicago Colts, under Captain Anson, had easy sport with the Brown Stockings at the opening game of the season yesterday. An immense crowd gathered at Sportsman’s Park and witnessed a slugging match. The Chicago men had no trouble in batting Breitenstein’s curves, and “kept the ball rolling.” The Brown’s came up well in the last two innings, and the game ended with a score of 10 to 7 in favor of Chicago.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 25, 1895
The new baseball park is 425 feet square. It was opened last Sunday for the first time. About 400 people were there. The park is enclosed by a high board fence, and has several conveniences in the way of seats, booths, etc.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 29, 1895
The game between the North Alton Stars and the St. Louis Globes at North Alton baseball park was exciting, and both teams played a good game of ball. The score was Stars 9, Globes 6.

The Trilby Feet baseball team will play the Western Military Academy club at the Academy grounds next Wednesday afternoon. The following players constitute the Trilby Feet Club: Charlie Perrin, Emil Haagen, George McKinney, Charles Haagen, Clifford Coyle, John Pfeiffenberger, Nate Cole, and B. Davis. A large number from Alton will attend the game

The Trilby Feet baseball team went to Upper Alton this afternoon, incharge of Captain Emil Haagen, and as we go to press, the members are trying to defeat the Western Military Academy team, which is coached by Captain Harry Brown. The Trilby Feet are made up of a sprinkling of old “war horse” players, who are out of practice, and the result of the game with their juniors may be a victory for the soldies. The game was called at 2 o’clock.

The Trilby Feet are in the following positions: J. Pfeiffenberger, captain; McKinney, pitcher; Fox, 1st base; E. Haagen, 2nd base; N. Cole, 3rd base; A. Pfeiffer, short stop; C. Coyle, right field; C. Haagen, center field; H. Hewitt, left field. Captain Haagen has previously announced that probably the seventh inning will be played without shoes.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 10, 1895
Final arrangements were completed in the organization of the Illinois Baseball League yesterday. At the last moment, Edwardsville withdrew from the league, and Cairo, which had been refused admission at the previous meeting, was allowed to enter on condition that the matter of transportation for visiting clubs be borne in part by the far away applicant. The first games will be played Sunday as follows: Belleville at Springfield, Murphysboro at Alton, Collinsville at Cairo, East St. Louis at Mascoutah. The official schedule is not ready for publication yet. The first game to be played at Belleville will be May 26.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13, 1895
The Alton ballpark was trimmed and in tip top shape yesterday for the ball game, and the big enclosure reminded one very much of the old-time park which was successfully run for two seasons. The gates opened at two o’clock, and a band concert of an hour preceded the call of the game. The two stands are built with a covering, and the other intended for bleachers were well occupied. In the practice work, it was apparent that Alton’s home talent was not in it with the trained St. Louisians, who are carrying the colors for Murphysboro. With such cracks as Kinsely, McClelland, Meek, and Sheridan, the Alton’s had no show whatever. The teams were arranged in the following order:

Murphysboro vs. Alton - baseball game, May 1895

The Alton’s played a miserable game of errors, and the only work that was worthy of mention was the fielding of Tommy Lawless. Lawless caught four hard flies. Raymond behind the bat, and Bund at 2nd base played hard. The disappointments were many. Finn, the St. Louis pitcher, not only pitched a poor game, but was a failure at fielding. It was simply a test game, however, to try home talent. Manager Mike Gill announces that he will re-organize the club and this means that but few of yesterday’s players will be retained. The Murphysboro team is very strong. They defeated the famous Belleville Clerks, and the championship of the league lies between these teams. The score of the game yesterday was 25 to 6, and the Murphysboro’s “played off” constantly after the third inning.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13, 1895
The North Alton Stars will soon be the undisputed champions of this district if they continue to win honors in the way they did yesterday. The Stars defeated the St. Louis Fairs at North Alton Park, 10 to 6.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15, 1895
The members of the Alton City Band have organized a baseball team, and will play a picked nine Sunday morning. The band has eighteen members, and a good deal of managing was necessary to dole out the positions and keep all in good humor. The following are the names and positions of the team: O. Unterbrink, manager; Ulrich and Schmidt, catchers; Lemen and Kleinpeter, pitchers; H. Unterbrink, 1st base; Warner, 2nd base; E. Gossrau, 3rd base; Miessner, Hobman, and Cramer, fielders. The other members of the band were chosen mascots or spare fielders. The game will take place on the sandbar at 8:30 a.m.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1895
The game between the Alton Athletics and the Ponca Indians came off Monday afternoon at Sportsman’s Park. The game belonged to the Indians from the first inning. The Indians play good ball, and showed themselves adepts in the national game. The entire Athletic team could not be present, and the places of the absent ones were filled by outsiders. At the close of the game, the score stood 8 to 6, in favor of the Poncas.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 30, 1895
The game at North Alton park Sunday, between the North Alton Annexes and the Moros, resulted disastrously to the former. The Moro battery was Dietz and Busse, and the Annex battery was Davis and Cobeck. The Annex team lost the game through errors, as the battery work was unusually good. The score was: Moro, 16; Annex, 9.

The game between the North Alton Stars and the St. Louis Globes at Sportsman’s Park Sunday attracted a large crowd. The Globes were far inferior to the Stars, who defeated them with a score of 23 to 4. Most of the runs were piled up in the first inning by the Stars, and it was plain to be seen that the Globes were rattled. They recovered themselves, and in the last eight innings allowed 12 runs to be registered in favor of the Stars.

The Stars have accepted the challenge of the Edwardsville team, who threw down the gauntlet and invited the Stars or any other team to take it up. A game will be played at Edwardsville next Sunday and at Sportsman’s here the following Sunday. If a third game is necessary, a mutual agreement will determine the scene of battle. The series will decide who are the champions of Madison County, and will be watched with interest by Altonians.

The Athletics, accompanied by the Alton City Band, went to Belleville Sunday, and tackled the Clerks of that burg. The Clerks played good ball, and defeated the Altons with a score of 18 to 5.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1895
The East Altonians have completed their new baseball park, and with their new suits are now ready to play good ball.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1895
The Edwardsville Madisons defeated the Alton Athletics at Edwardsville Sunday, by a score of 10 to 5. The game was hotly contested, and up to the seventh inning was in favor of Alton, when the Madisons had a streak of luck, and pounded out enough runs to win the game. Nagle and Bund for the Athletics, and Wheeler and Schulte for the Madisons, were the batteries. Wheeler struck out 6 men, and Nagle 3. Base hits – Madisons 12; Athletics 7. This does not have any effect on the owner of the championship of Madison County, which has already been captured by the Athletics. Another game will be played by the clubs soon.

Sunday was a beautiful day for baseball; just warm enough and just cool enough to make the boys enthusiastic. Notwithstanding the other attraction, which consisted in electric car riding, the King B-Amateur game at the park was well patrionized. The King B’s “poured the soup” into the Amateurs from beginning to end of the game. The score stood at the close of the game 30 to 8, in favor of the King B’s.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 9, 1895
The game yesterday between the Alton Athletics and the Diels of St. Louis was a walk over for the home team. The Diels put up a good game of ball, but the Athletics played almost perfectly, and gave the battery full support. The Diels were shut out, the score being 34 to 0. Smith and Bund were the battery for the Athletics. The Athletics will play the Carlinville team at Sportsman’s Park next Sunday.

The managers of the Alton Athletics and Edwardsville Madisons have arranged to play the last game in the series of five on neutral ground. Accordingly, on Sunday, September 22, the two clubs will go to St. Louis and play the deciding game at Sportsman’s Park.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 10, 1895
Fosterburg has a baseball club – the Browns – which is fast striding toward the championship of the county. The players are all first-class, and some of them are phenomenal, notably pitcher Nagle. In last Monday’s hotly contested game between the Fosterburg Browns and a Gillespie team, an unfortunate accident stopped proceedings in the seventh inning, the score standing 12 to 6 in favor of the Browns. A member of the Gillespie team named Toohy fell and broke his right leg. All of the money was generously turned over to him.


Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, October 22, 1895
The baseball championship of Madison County, which the papers of Alton so enthusiastically claimed for the Altons, has taken a rapid shoot toward Edwardsville. The famous clubs met for the first games of the last series Sunday, and the Altons sustained two overwhelming defeats. At no time in either game did the visitors exhibit evidence of their ability to win. They did fairly good fielding in the first game, but were unable to hit. They hit well in the second because Wheeler was in for the second time, and there was no necessity for him to throw his arm off, but they went to pieces in the field and fell easy victims to our hard hitters. The first game was called at 10:20, and owing to the chilly weather was not very largely attended. For the Madisons, Will Wheeler was in the box. In the absence of Schulze, the regular catcher who is a mail carrier in St. Louis, and had to take an examination Sunday, Will Kane of Collinsville played the position, and did as well as the old veteran. The battery work was splendid. Only four hits were made off Wheeler and he struck out five men and gave only three bases on balls. Kane caught without a passed ball and threw four men out at second. Nichols, at short, played a steady game, and the old members of the team played good ball as usual. For the Altons, Nagle and Bund did the battery work. Nagle pitched a much better game than did Phenom Smith in the afternoon. Servis played in the field for the visitors, otherwise the team was as it has been playing. The Madisons scored two in the first inning. After Hackett went out, Wheeler was given a base and Winklemeier lifted the ball over the right field fence, both scoring; Alton scored one on two errors, and tied the score in the third by getting two bases on balls and one hit. In the fourth, the Madisons added another on an error and two bases on balls, and in the fifth made six by hard hitting, assisted by two errors and two bases on balls. This completed the run-getting, and with the score 9 to 3 at the end of the seventh inning the game was called to give the men time to get dinner. The second game was called at 2:30 o'clock. The afternoon attendance was only fair. Winklemeier was put in the box for the Madisons, but he retired after the second inning, although the visitors had made only one hit off him. His arm was not in condition. Wheeler succeeded him, and Winklemeier went to right, taking S. Henry's position. The other members of the team played in the same positions as in the morning. Wheeler started in to pitch good ball, but the two games were too much for him and the visitors found him quite freely in the latter part of the game. However, there was no occasion for him to strain himself. Smith, the man who the Belleville Clerks considered a phenomenon, started in to pitch for the visitors, but as on one occasion before, he was knocked out of the box in the seventh inning. He was hit safely twelve times in six and one-half innings, including three long drives for three bases. Granville finished the game and he was touched up for two singles and a double. Runs were made so fast in both games that the playing became uninteresting.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 30, 1896
The baseball season was opened Saturday in this vicinity by a game between the Western Military Academy of Upper Alton and the Smith Academy team of St. Louis. The Smiths were victors by a score of 15 to 11, and after the game paraded the streets of Alton, rubbing it in on the W.M.A. boys.

The game between the Altons and St. Louis Globes at Sportsman’s Park Sunday was exciting from beginning to end, and aside from the accident that befell the Globe catcher, the game was a big success. The Alton team was in fine trim, and evidently met in the Globes an equal, for up to the sixth inning the score stood 1 to 1. During the sixth inning, Joseph Lodecke, the Globe catcher, was struck on the abdomen with a hard ball, which laid him out. The Altons from then on began to pull away from opponents, and at the close the score stood 8 to 4, in favor of the Altons.

Lodecke’s injuries were intensely painful, and a physician was summoned to give him relief. He was taken to his home in St. Louis last evening. An unconfirmed report was current here today to the effect that his injuries had proved fatal.


Fosterburg Brown vs. Key Wests
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 7, 1896
The Browns played their first game of ball on Sunday with the Key Wests. Nanny Frankford and Ollie Robinson were the battery for the Browns, and John Harris and Spurgeon served in the same capacity for the visiting club. The score was 18 to 34, in favor of the Browns.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 16, 1896
The game between the Alton and Carlinville tea, Saturday afternoon, was an interesting and exciting one all the way through. The game was viewed by several hundred people at Sportsman’s Park. The teams are evidently very evenly matched, as was evinced by the closeness and good quality of the game. The score stood 8 to 5 at the close of the game, in favor of the Altons.

The Altons Sunday wiped up Sportsman’s Park diamond with the St. Louis Diels, to the tune of 13 to 8. The Altons are winning quite a reputation in this vicinity as ball players, and have been beaten but once this year.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1896
The baseball game at Sportsman’s Park, Sunday, between the Edwardsville Madisons and the Altons, attracted the largest crowd of the season. The game was the first in a series of five for the championship of Madison County, and a purse of $250. The contest was close throughout, and until the last part of the eighth inning, the score stood 3 to 1. The Edwardsvilles gained two more runs in the last half of the inning, and the score at the end of the game stood 5 to 1, in favor of Edwardsville.

The Alton Baseball Association is just now turning its attention to a bicycle track around their baseball grounds at Sportsman’s Park. There is a good stretch of ground surrounding the diamond, and this the management thinks could be turned to a lucrative use by building a regulation bicycle track. The matter was brought up last evening at the regular meeting, and it was decided to give an entertainment of some kind to raise funds for the purpose.

A meeting of the Alton Baseball Association was held last evening to elect officers to fill vacancies caused by resignation. Mr. J. F. Porter resigned as President, and Henry Dietz was elected to fill his place. W. F. Hoppe was elected Secretary to succeed Henry Hessnauer, resigned. Both officers resigned because of lack of time to attend to the duties of their offices.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 13, 1896
Owing to the failure to secure any accommodations from the Wabash Railroad till the last minute, a small crowd went from Alton Sunday to witness the second game in the series between Alton and Edwardsville, for purse of $250 and the championship of Madison County. The weather was so hot, that the game was attended with great danger to the players, and several of them were almost prostrated by the heat. Lahey of the Madisons had to retire, and his place was taken by Wahl.

The Altons lined up with Smith, pitcher; Steiger, catcher; Raymond, 1st base; Wheeler, 2nd base; Kirwin, 3rd base; Caustigan, shortstop; Wood, right field; Fahey, left field; and Mayford, center field.

Up to the sixth inning, the score stood 5 to 1 in favor of Alton, when the Madisons [Edwardsville] scored five runs, and at the last half of the ninth inning, the score was 13 to 10 in favor of Edwardsville, and Alton at the bat. With three men on bases, Steiger knocked a home run, and brought in four runs, which made the score 14 to 13, consequently the game was Alton’s.

The quality of the game was not near so good as the game played at Alton, the intense heat probably having a good deal to do with it. The way the Edwardsville rooters treated the Alton men was shameful. In the game at Alton, the Madisons were treated in a courteous manner, and acknowledged it. At Edwardsville, the rooters shouted all kinds of epithets at the Alton players, and conducted themselves in an ungentlemanly manner.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1896
Sportsman’s Park was visited by a large crowd Sunday afternoon to witness the third game in the series of five, between the Edwardsville Madison and the Altons, for the championship of Madison County. Both teams had been strengthened for the fray, and good quality of ball was furnished. The game was closely contested throughout, but at the conclusion of the first half of the ninth inning, the Altons proved to be the winners, the score standing 13 to 12 in their favor, and it being their turn at the bat, the game was dismissed without further playing. The next game will be played at Alton, the patronage at Alton being much large than at Edwardsville. Edwardsville people are feeling rather blue over the result of the baseball games that have been played in the championship up-to-date. One of them predicts the defeat of the Hub team next Sunday. Don’t feel so bad about it, Edwardsville, you’ll get used to it.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 03, 1896
The Altons lost an intensely exciting game Sunday to the East St. Louis Oberts, one of the crack teams of the defunct Southern Illinois baseball league. From the beginning to the end, the game was interesting and close, and both sides made some good plays. The Alton’s found their match in the Oberts, but there was no such scene as occurred at the game of a week ago. The score was 11 to 9.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 10, 1896
The Lynch Ryes of St. Louis, an amateur team recently organized, and considered the best in the city, came to Alton yesterday and administered a drubbing to the Altons, the score at the end of the game being 8 to 5. The contest was a spirited one thoughout, and splendid ball was played by the Altons, but they went down before the invincible Ryes.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 17, 1896
The game at Sportsman’s Park Sunday afternoon between the Belleville Clerks, the champions of southern Illinois, and the Altons, attracted a large crowd. The game was an interesting and close contest throughout. Herr of St. Louis, the new pitcher for the Altons, proved himself a dandy, and the Clerks were unable to “find” him at all. The Altons made two runs, both in the second and third innings, and one in the fifth. The Clerks made one in the fifth, and two in the sixth, the score at the finish standing 5 to 3, in favor of Alton. The Clerks have heretofore been considered the crack team of southern Illinois, having defeated all other teams and holding the championship.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 15, 1896
The large crowd of spectators who witnessed the game of football between the Shurtleff and W.M.A. teams Saturday afternoon, had the privilege of witnessing an exciting and hotly contested game. The first half of the game resulted in a score of 12 to 0, in favor of Shurtleff. In the latter half of the game, excitement was at fever heat, and neither side were able to score a single point. Hanna did the best playing on the W.M.A. team, and Jones, Dixon, and Swam did good work on the Shurtleff side. Both teams are in good shape, and presented a game which was much enjoyed by the devotees of the sport. Jones, Hoag, and Dudley received slight injuries, the latter being on the W.M.A. team, but there were no accidents of any consequence.


Baseball Game
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 27, 1897
The Alton Mutuals went to Edwardsville Sunday to play ball with the Edwardsville Madisons, and came home Sunday evening after having drained the dregs of defeat to the last drop in the bucket. The score was 32 to 11, and the Mutuals could only lay claim to the tail end of that score. The Alton boys put up a good game, and its loss is wholly chargeable to errors. Mallott, the Mutual pitcher, struck out fifteen men, and had his support been what the boys might have made it, the score would possibly tell a different tale. The Mutuals had no difficulty in connecting with the Madison’s pitcher, and did some heavy batting. The Mutuals and Madisons will play here at a near date.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 28, 1897
The last, but not least, was the game at Sportsman’s Park between the Altons and the ex-Altons. The ex-Altons was an aggregation of ball players who have in times gone by held up the standard of Alton on the green diamond, and again organized Sunday to try conclusions with the Altons in the closing game of the season. The game was for $25 a side, and there were side bets too on the result. The attendance was large, and not a person there but said the game was the best of the season. In the second, fourth, and sixth innings, the Altons scored, and in the third and sixth the ex-Altons scored. The Altons made seven hits and four errors; the ex-Altons four hits and three errors. Dietz and Raymond held down the rubber for their respective teams, and did good work. An Alton ball player is authority for the statement that next season Alton will have a baseball team to be proud of, and negotiations are now being made with some good players for the season. Alton is a good baseball town, and with a good team to represent her, the local fans would do all in their means to give it proper support.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 04, 1898
Al Warner, the well-known glass worker and baseball man, has become a member of President Young’s staff of National League umpires. Al was at one time one of the first-class ballplayers of the league, and is now one of the most enthusiastic baseball men in the country. He is a glassblower by trade, and can make good wages, but is so enthusiastic in his devotion to the game, he prefers to serve as a National League umpire at a much less salary. He was a member of the old Altons, and was the star pitcher, beginning his career here as a baseball pitcher. A few years ago his arm went bad on him, and he was forced to give up his place in the National League. Then he became an umpire in the Western League, and afterward in the Central League. He has now reached his goal in his appointment as an umpire in the National League, making his debut at Pittsburg yesterday in the game between the Philadelphias and the Pittsburgs. Al is a fearless umpire, who is bound to give satisfaction because of his accurate knowledge of league rules and his long experience. He has made arrangements with his employers in St. Louis to blow glass after the close of the baseball season.

Albert “Al” H. Warner was born in Alton on September 18, 1865. He umpired his first game in the National League on July 28, 1898. He umpired 138 games in his three-year career in the Major Leagues. His last game was on August 26, 1900. He died November 20, 1916, in St. Louis, Missouri, and is buried in the St. Matthew Cemetery in St. Louis.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 18, 1898
Mr. J. H. Fenton, an enthusiastic baseball man from St. Louis, was in town Friday to make arrangements for bringing a first-class baseball team to Alton. He leased Sportsman’s Park for the remainde4r of the summer, and intends to have a game at the park every Sunday, beginning August 21. Mr. Fenton promises to bring a team to Alton that will be as good players as the Belleville Clerks, and has already closed with the Clerks for a game. The team is to be called the Altons. The battery is to be a good one. Adam Dietz will play with the new team, and possibly one or two others of the best players of last year’s Alton team will be engaged.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 10, 1899
William Wilson, manager of the Alton Baseball Club, was here yesterday making the necessary arrangements for the appearance of his team, April 30, the opening date. The club will be named the Alton Blues. The team is to equal any club ever in this city, and they will undoubtedly be liberally patronized.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 15, 1899
The first baseball game of the season was played this afternoon at Sportsman’s Park, between the Western Military Academy and St. Louis High School. Both teams belong to the Interscholastic League, and this is the first game of a championship series, some to be played in St. Louis and some in Alton. All the clubs in this league are “cracker-jacks,” and a swift game of ball may always be expected when any of them are matched.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24, 1899
Manager Charles Wilson of the Alton Blues was in Alton Sunday and stated that the new Alton team is now organized and ready for the opening game at Sportsman's Park, to be played next Sunday. The St. Louis Athletics, who will play the Alton's next Sunday, is one of the very best of amateur teams in St. Louis. When these two strong teams meet, there will be an interesting game, and with a fine day there will be a large crowd in attendance. The coming of the new team has set all the local fans to talking, and great interest has been created. The team has suffered some changes by some of its good players entering other teams, but their places have been filled by some of the best men obtainable, and there is no doubt that the team is a strong one. The players are: Charles Gass, catcher; Thomas Gillon, pitcher; Frank Meeks, first base; Thomas Morrison, second base; Will Morrison, third base; Paul McSweeney, shortstop; James Zoellers, left field; Al Hiob, center; Will Kieth, right field. An Alton player, Will Kuhn, will be extra man to play in emergencies.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 27, 1899
Smith's Academy baseball team of St. Louis will play the Western Military Academy team at Sportsman's Park Saturday afternoon. The St. Louis Browns broke their winning streak yesterday by dropping a game to the "Orphans" of Chicago, the score being 7 to 6. The St. Louis team apparently had an easy victory up to the last inning, when Wilson, who was on the rubber, broke down and gave a base on balls and four hits to the "Orphans." The new St. Louis club has a record of seven games won and one lost, and stands at the head of league teams. At Sportsman's Park, there will be a big crowd to witness the opening game between the Alton Blues and the St. Louis Athletics. With a first-class team in Alton and a pennant winning team in St. Louis, baseball interest is supplanting every other amusement in this section of the country.

Troy Call Baseball Club - 1907 

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 01, 1899
The Alton Blues lost their first game Sunday, but in such a defeat there was no disgrace, and in such a victory there was great glory. The score was 5 to 4 in the ninth inning, and McSweeney died on third base, preventing a tie. Up to the sixth inning the game was as pretty a game as has been seen in Alton in all time. The grandstand and bleachers were filled with an enthusiastic crowd of revelers. During the first part of the game the weather was threatening and a high wind prevailing, but the game went right along and then it was when the boys did their best work. About the sixth inning the pitcher of the Blues partially went to pieces, and some of the boys became slightly rattled. McSweeney, the old Alton favorite, was there as shortstop, and he was just the same old McSweeney. In the sixth inning three of the Blues died on base after three runs had been made. Then the Athletics turn came, and they made four runs in the same inning. Gillon was replaced by McSweeney after this, and the Athletics couldn't hit the ball. Each team made one run before the ninth inning and at the close of the first half of the ninth, the score was 5 to 4.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 6, 1899
The Alton Blues have been strengthened for the game with the Columbias tomorrow, by the addition of two new men, Wryoski and Popps, both pitchers. The weak spot in the team last week was the pitcher, and the weak spot has been braced up. The game with the Columbias will come off at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Sportsman's Park.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 8, 1899
The St. Louis Columbias came to Alton Sunday to try to do with the Alton Blues what the Athletics did last Sunday. They returned home Sunday night without doing anything, except making three runs, while the Blues made 13. From the start the game belonged to the Blues. Doble was easy for the Blues, and in the first inning five runs were scored by the home team. The Columbias' errors made their defeat worse than it should have been. They made one error after another, and freely let the Blues' men on base tally up runs. Frank Wryoski of Cape Girardeau spent Sunday for the first time with the Altons. He is a new acquisition, and a valuable one too. He is said to have a delivery like a shot, but his pitching yesterday was not so fierce as it would have been had there been a necessity for it. It was the opening game of the season for the young pitcher, and he save his arm. Gass, the catcher, is a hot favorite. He plays a good game at all times. His batting is something terrific and about equally divided honors with Zoellers, who had little difficulty in finding the sphere and putting it where he wanted it. There was over a thousand in attendance at the game, and the manager of the team is very well satisfied. The game next Sunday will be with the new Belleville Clerks, a team organized to take the place of the old Clerks, who are now the Altons.

Alton Baseball Team - 1917 


Baseball Game Held at Rock Spring Park
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 13, 1899
The most exciting game of baseball of this season is scheduled to come off at Rock Spring Park tomorrow morning. It is the game between the Chicago & Alton employees and the Big Four yard men with the office men. The rivalry between the two offices has been standing for years, and the representative teams meet on the green diamond once a year to settle the championship. The Big Four has had a decided advantage in George Hamilton, who has pitched the Chicago & Alton boys out of the game every time. The umpires will be Louis Berner and A. Lampert.

The lineup of the teams at the game will be:
Chicago vs. Big Four Railroad

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15, 1899
The Big Four employees took the game from the Chicago & Alton men at Sportsman’s Park Sunday morning. The victors claim their opponents are easy, and that they can do the same thing with them any time the Chicago & Alton boys want to try. About 500 spectators enjoyed the contest. Up to the fifth inning, the Big Fours had their rivals for championship honors shut out, and were trying hard to blank them nine innings, but the C. & A. boys made a grand rally, and scored a few runs. Louis Berner was the umpire of umpires, and was cock of the walk and bose of the game. He kept the boys from tearing each other’s hair and cut down the rag-chewing and bad names to a minimum. The boys were mostly “has beens” in the baseball line. Once when Shanahan had made a base hit and had gone to first, the ball was tossed to first base. Quackenbush missed the ball, and Shanahan went on to second. The second baseman muffed, and Shanahan had to run, but he was done. Halfway down the path he laid down and crawled to third before the ball reached there. Round House foreman Aichorn offered a dollar for the first man to make a homerun. Bob Brown won it. He knocked an easy base hit, and the first base man muffed the ball, when it was thrown to him. Bob went on to second, and the ball was lost, so he walked into home. The score was 14 to 6 in favor of the Big Four boys.



Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15, 1899
Not for a single minute were the Belleville Clerks in the game at Sportsman’s Park on Sunday. The wearers of the cast-off clothes of the Altons came here yesterday with the lofty ambition to beat their predecessors to the name, but they did not succeed. The Altons were victorious by a score of 21 to 5. When the Clerks did make their five runs in the sixth inning, the Altons were so far ahead that the crowd thought the Altons gave the runs to the Clerks so they could go home.

Beviot, the Clerk’s pitcher, was an easy thing for the Blues. He was so hard hit that it must have been highly discouraging to a young man of ambition like himself. The Altons piled up hit after hit, and made some two and three baggers on one base hits, because of fumbles and errors of the Clerks. Wyroski, of the Blues, was too much for the other fellows, and the few times they did connect with the little pitcher’s slants, the support in the outfield was such that retirement in one, two, three order was the thing. In the first inning the Clerks managed to have three men on base when the third out was made. There was a series of blanks to the sixth, and they began to find the ball. Five runs were scored in this inning, and the remainder of the game was blank. The support given Gass and Wyroski was superb, and only a few errors were chargeable to the Blues. In the eighth inning, Girard of Alton was substituted for Wyroski, and he did very well. The team to play next Sunday is the Consumers of St. Louis.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 22, 1899
The Alton Blues won a great game from the Consumers of St. Louis Sunday. It was the prettiest, snappiest and quickest game of the season at the park, and was played in just 90 minutes, one of the shortest amateur games on record. The diamond was in bad shape, but that did not affect the game to its disadvantage. There were fewer errors in the game than have been known at any game this year at Sportsman's Park, and all the players seemed to do their very best. The score was 10 to 4. O'Connell, the new acquisition of Manager Wilson, is a star pitcher. He held the Consumers down to only a few hits and made himself a hot favorite at his first appearance in Alton. Gass covered himself with glory too, both offensive and defensive. He made two three-base hits and some good single-baggers. He was at his best behind the bat and was almost perfect. Meeks played a fine game at first base and has a star record as a first baseman. Johnson, of the Consumers, pitched a good ball, but the Blues had little difficulty in solving his twists and batted him unmercifully for a while. The umpire was John Hunt, an old baseball man who has been engaged for the season. The game next Sunday will be with the Athletics of St. Louis, and the following Sunday the St. Charles Browns will play here.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 10, 1899
A new baseball club was organized last night in the East End. The new club is to be called the Keystones. The members are: L. Luly, third base; C. Luft, centerfield; G. Huskinson, second base; A. Mans, leftfield; J. Mans, rightfield; W. Bissinger, catcher; J. Lampert, pitcher; J. Schulenberg, first base; W. Schulenburg, short stop; J. Bauer, substitute. The first game will be played with the Senators at Sportsman’s Park on June 18.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 28, 1899
The game between the Fats baseball club and the Leans was played at Sportsman Park this afternoon. When the game was proposed by the Fats, most people thought the heavy weights were bluffing, but they meant business, and the game was the real thing. Fun for the crowd and for the players was the main object, and the Woman's Home treasury benefit was a secondary matter. The fun at the game was fast and furious. It began at the Fats' headquarters in Ben Few's hotel at 1 o'clock, when the big fellows began to drop in there to dress for the afternoon. The fats wore blue overalls, white shirts, yellow caps, and red and green striped stockings. The weights of the Fats as they stood ready to play the game was said to be 2,275 pounds for the nine, not counting in the weights of the substitutes. Ben Few, the one-armed pitcher of the Fats, weighed 266 pounds, and Frank Leyser, the seventeen years old first baseman, tipped the scales at 307 pounds. George Few, the catcher, brother of Ben, weighted 227 pounds; John Elenbaugh, second base, 222 pounds; Ed Scheffel, third base, 212 pounds; George Dickson, shortstop, 223 pounds; Mayor Young, centerfield, 211 pounds; John H. Boals, left field, 219 pounds; J. M. Giberson, right field, 266 pounds. A. L. Daniels, the umpire for the Fats, had 229 pounds to back up his decision and a big revolver he wore in his belt. W. D. Barnard, the Upper Alton druggist, was captain of the Fats and registers 262 pounds avoirdupois [body weight]. Each of the Fats carried a little paper umbrella to keep off the sun's heat.

The lineup of the Leans was: R. W. Stanton, captain; Thomas Goudie, catcher; Rev. H. M. Chittenden, pitcher; LeRue Boals, first base; F. L. Stanton, second base; Raymond Hatfield, third base; Dr. G. A McMillen, shortstop; R. D. Patton, left field; Ira Garstang, right field; T. H. Kauffman, centerfield. The Leans wore the natty blue-gray suits of the Alton Blues that were made without regard to fitting the long frame of the Stantons and Ira Garstang.

The Fats rode to the park in a big wagon drawn by four horses, while the Leans crowded into a wagonette. The Juvenile band headed the procession. The Fats carried a banner that read on one side, "Watch Us Skin the Skinnies," and on the other, "Champion Baseball Aggregation, Captured in Borneo, Imported at Great Expense." The procession started at 2 o'clock and the program began at 2:30. The crowd at the park filled nearly every seat.

The Fats went to the bat and scored 9 runs. The Leans scored 11. In the first inning the following Fats scored: George Few, Ben Few, Dixon, Leyser, Eilenbach, Scheffel, A. W. Young and J. M. Giberson. The Leans scored: Goudie, Chittenden, Boals, McMillen, Hatfield, Kauffman. Young, Turk and Garstang made outs. In the second inning the Fats were shut out. The Leans that scored in this inning were: Chittenden, Boals, McMillen (home run), and Kauffman. Jim Young, Garstang and Goudie made outs. At the close of the second inning, the score was: Fats 9; Anti-Fats 14.

Part of the show was a tight rope walker who was captured by Ben Few. The fellow was dressed up in gorgeous apparel, and tumbled to the ground every other step. As the wire was only three feet above the ground, his falls were not serious. The first part of the program at the park was omitted.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 10, 1899
The attendance at the ballgame at Sportsman's Park yesterday was the largest of the season. The tickets taken in at the gate numbered 2,030. The Alton Blues are money-makers, and Alton helps them out. It was a lucky win for the Blues, as the St. Charles series is most profitable and an extension of the series will make the two teams money.

1910 Western Military Academy baseball team


(Baseball Game)
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 25, 1899
The Lean and Hungry men demonstrated they can play baseball better than the Fats yesterday afternoon at the park. The finish was a close and exciting one, and it looked very much as though the Fats might win out in the end, but they did not. The score was 23 to 24. The Leans were far ahead of the Fats up to the eighth inning, when the big men started down the home stretch and lost by a nose. Captain Few was beginning to exalt over the prospective defeat of Captain Stanton’s team, when it was one, two, three, and the Fats were out and beaten. They made a game fight, and both sides played championship ball of their class. “Baby” Bliss’ mountain of flesh was a favorite target for kodakers, and for more than one picture he posed without knowing it.


1899 Alton Blues vs. Jefferson CityBLUES WIN FIVE STRAIGHT GAMES
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 11, 1899
The Alton Blues took the fifth game of the series with the Jefferson City team Sunday, on the home grounds of the capital city, and a large crowd saw it done. A special excursion train bearing over two hundred fans, the Alton baseball team, and the White Hussars Band, left here Sunday morning for Jefferson City to see the game. The people there treated the Alton boys finely, and gave the White Hussar Band and the Blues a great send off. As the baseball team marched to the grounds, it was cheered vociferously. The Jefferson City people were much interested in the phenomenal team that defeated their own team of baseball wonders in four straight games, and they showed they were true admirers of the game. The grounds were wet and slippery, rain having fallen up to 10 o’clock. Swartz pitched for the Altons, and did wonderful work, but he had a marvel opposing him in Coleman.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 19, 1900
A meeting of the Alton Baseball Association was held yesterday, and all the land belonging to Sotier and Straube was leased for the baseball park. The fences enclosing the park will be moved back on the south side, and a place will be provided there for carriages of patrons of the park. It is possible that a grandstand for ladies will be erected back of the catcher.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 06, 1900
From St. Charles comes the story that the Alton Blues may lose their captain, Paul McSweeney. The Monitor says: "From present indications the St. Charles baseball club will lose its old famous reliable second baseman, Billie Kuehne, better known as 'The Count.' There is not a rooter in St. Charles but what feels bad about the loss, for 'The Count' always greatly 'counted' in a baseball game, and did much in giving us the scalp. Kuehne at present is working for the Hargadine-McKittrick Wholesale Dry Goods Company of St. Louis, and as that company will put a strong club in next season, they have pulled him into the team. He can't get out of the job, and although he likes St. Charles and her rooters, he will have to play ball for his employers. Alton, our old time rival, is also hard hit under the belt, and the queer part of it all is 'the blow that almost killed father' comes from the same source. Paul McSweeney, the famous Alton Blues captain of last season, the same who made such a beautiful spin on his head the day Bode ran into him at Alton, also works for the Hargadine people, and they have nailed him to play on their club. Alton and St. Charles can shake, in this, their sad hour of affliction." Mr. George Sauvage of the Alton Baseball Association was seen today and said he does not believe McSweeney has any intention of leaving the Blues. McSweeney is a popular favorite with Alton fans and he prefers coming to Alton to playing elsewhere.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 13, 1900
The baseball park fence had a close call for destruction by fire last evening, and Eliot hose truck was called out to put out the flames. Boys smoking cigarettes at the south side of the park set fire to the grass near the fence, and the fire communicated to fence. Only a little damage was done.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 02, 1900
The Alton Baseball Association held a meeting yesterday and elected the following officers: Alex McBride, president; James J. McMullen, secretary and treasurer; C. A. Wilson, manager; Paul McSweeney, captain; James Mullen, John Weber and George Sauvage, directors. The season at Sportsman's park will be opened April 22 with a game between the Blues and the Hargadine and McKittricks of St. Louis.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 09, 1900
As the Telegraph announced one month ago, Paul McSweeney will not play with the Alton Blues this season. The announcement was flatly contradicted by Manager Wilson at the time, who said McSweeney would not play with the Hargadine and McKittrick new team, but the first information was correct. It was given out yesterday that the Blues catcher had decided to leave the team because of pressure of his employers to join the team organized among their employees in the store. Swartz will do all the pitching for the team and Fairback will exchange places with Meeks. Either Lee Garvin of Jefferson City or Stein of the Belleville Clerks may go in as catcher of the Blues, and both are good men.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 16, 1900
Phil Kavanaugh, who will be center fielder, and Manager Charles Wilson of the Alton Blues, were in Alton yesterday. The Blues will open with the St. Louis Spaldings next Sunday afternoon. Frank Pears will be umpire during the season, and the following is the lineup: Stein, catcher; Schwartze, pitcher; Fairback, first base; Tom Morrison, second base and Captain; Griffin, short stop; Ricks, third base; Hiob, leftfield; Kavanaugh, center field; Zoellers, rightfield; Meeks, general utility man. The Blues will come to Alton Saturday afternoon, and will don the blue uniform for practice at the park.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 23, 1900
The Alton Blues started the season yesterday in the way the rooters wish them to travel without deviation this season. The team was stiff and not in its prime form, but the material was there and the spirit that made the Blues champions last season. The players were up late the night before, and with the usual stiffness of athletes after lack of practice, the boys were not able to make the showing they made last year, but they were all right. Some admirers of Schwartz say he has better control of the ball in its puzzling down's and out's than last season, and Fairback showed he has lost none of his old time batting ability when he lined out a few to keep his hand in. Stein, the new Hannibal catcher, gives evidence of being a very good man on the team and a find of great importance to the Alton fans. In the seventh inning, the Spaldings were so far behind they could never catch up, and Manager Wilson put William Zimmerman, a new man here, in the box for trial. All the runs of the visitors were made off the new man in the two innings, but there is probably better stuff in Zimmerman than he showed yesterday.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 26, 1900
Ther Spalding Catholic Club Baseball team has been organized with the following players: J. Riley, catcher; C. Conley, pitcher; B. Garstang, first base; G. Bruner, second base; H. Chalk, third base; W. Cremen, shortstop; S. Toole, right field; J. Crivello, centerfield; J. Burton, left field; S. Sneeringer, manager.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 27, 1900
The Western Military Academy baseball team was defeated by the St. Louis University team at Sportsman's Park yesterday afternoon. The Western's pitcher, Scott, was not in good form and was hard hit, while his team gave poor support. The University pitcher was hard hit also, but was better supported, and the outfielders played an errorless game. The Westerns will play Smith Academy Saturday.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 18, 1900
Hackett, the Jacksonville twirler who pitched against the Alton Blues last Sunday and made such a good record, will wear a Blue uniform Sunday and will play here with the Alton team as long as he gives satisfaction. The deal was closed yesterday at Jacksonville by Manager Wilson. Manager Sheble of the Hargadine-McKittrick team, which will play here Sunday, says his team is putting in much time in practice and that they go to Athletic park every afternoon to practice for Sunday's game. He says their rooters, 200 strong, will come up with the team Sunday and will bring brooms and tin horns and they say that the way they will root will make the Alton men green with envy. Hackett says the St. Louis rooters will not have a chance to put their horns to their lips and that they will have no need for the brooms unless it is to brush the dirt from their clothes after the game is over. The Alton rooter is becoming famous and the visitors will bring the choicest selection in St. Louis to compete with them for first honors. Manager Wilson says he thinks Sunday's game with Paul McSweeney's team will be the best of the season up to date.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 21, 1900
Fully 2,000 persons saw the Alton Blues give the Hargadine-McKittrick team of St. Louis a fearful drubbing at Sportman's Park Sunday, defeating them by the score of 27 to 2. The Blues gave a great exhibition of batting, finding the ball for thirty safe drives. "Big Bill" Fairback made a terrible drive over the centerfield fence, scoring the first home run made on the local grounds this season, thereby winning a few boxes of cigars, a hat, a pair of trousers and other articles too numerous to mention, offered by Alton merchants. Paul McSweeney played by far the best ball for the visitors, and he was the only one on his team that could do anything with Hackett, the new pitcher signed by Alton last week. Hackett had no chance to show his real ability as a twirler, as he was not called upon to exert himself, but he showed he had plenty of reserve curves that could be made to deceive better batters than the victims of yesterday. Al Warner umpired his usual faultless game. Next Sunday Jake Bene's new East St. Louis team will oppose the Blues.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 28, 1900
Jake Hene's new East St. Louis team were the guests of Charley Wilson's Alton Blues at Sportman's Park Sunday afternoon, and before the usual large crowd the two aggregations put up the banner game of the season. The visitors were re-enforced by John "Wee Willie" Sudhoff, the Cardinals' "Wee Willy" Sudhoffpitcher, and he twirled a brilliant game. Hackett began for the Blues, but in the middle of the third inning he was forced to give way to Frank Pears. Hackett had worked in four games for the Jacksonville Central League club the past week, and he was all out after starting the contest. In the first inning East St. Louis team scored on Winter's single and steal and two outfield flies. In the third, after Hackett had given Burke a base on balls and that player had stolen second, being counted on Taff's safe hit, he was relieved by Pears, who put out the next three batters and yielded but one hit in the remaining six innings. Alton's lone run was scored in the sixth on Taff's miss of Burke's throw, giving Zoellers second. A short safe hit by Stein sent Zoellers to third. On an attempted double steal Zollers was out at the plate, and Stein reached third. Fairback's slow tap to Vien tallied Stein. In the seventh inning Phil Kavanaugh put the ball over the fence, but it was declared foul by Warner, who gave the Blues' the worst of a close decision. Griffin, Hiob, Vein and CArney besides the pitchers, carried off the honors. Final score: East St. Louis 2. Alton 1.

[According to Wikipedia: John William (Wee Willie) Sudhoff (September 17, 1874 - May 25, 1917) was a starting pitcher in Major League Baseball who played in the National League for the St. Louis Browns (1897-1898), Cleveland Spiders (1899), St. Louis Perfectos (1899) and St. Louis Cardinals (1900-1901), and with the St. Louis Browns (1902-1905) and Washington Senators (1906) of the American League. Sudhoff batted and threw right-handed. He was born in Saint Louis, Missouri.]


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 04, 1900
Almost 2,000 enthusiasts attended Sunday afternoon's game at Sportsman's Park, between Charley Wilson's crack team [Alton Blues] and the Trenton aggregation. "Wee William" Sudhoff, who had given the local band its one defeat of the season last Sunday, was on the firing line for Trenton, and he tried hard to duplicate his feat of a week ago. He was up against a hard game, though, as the Blues, re-enforced by Jack Crooks, the well known former big leaguer, went after his slants savagely and won the game easier than the score of 8 to 7 shows. Trenton's final three tallies came in their ball of the ninth inning, and their brief rally was ended through a swiftly completed double-play, started by Hicks and going via the Crooks route to Pears, who was on first. Crooks secured one safe drive and tallied two runs. In the field, he had the unusual number of sixteen chances, and accepted the all without an error, taking part in three double-plays. Percy Griffin put up his usual neat game at short, and Pears' first base play was of high class. Schwartz was touched up fairly lively, but received good support and was never really in danger. Stein back him up in splendid shape. Sudhoff twirled a good game for the visitors and fielded his position splendidly, accepting eleven chances and shutting off several well intended "singles." He was well supported by Wolff and Skinner, the others putting up a very weak defensive game. Al Warner umpired faultlessly.

Alton police vs firemen - 1937

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 6, 1900
The ball game tomorrow between the Police and the Fats promises to be an interesting affair. The Police will be led by Mayor Young and Chief of Police Volbracht. The Police nine have so long wielded the club that no doubt they will be able to do some hard slugging. They have had a good deal of practice legging it over hill and dale, so that they ought to make good base runners. The number of catches they have made in their time ought to make them experts behind the bat and in fielding. The way they steal home on crooks will give them the necessary experience in stealing bases. And the Fats - what shall we say of them? They are daisies, every one of them, especially Squire Few. There are four of them who weigh on an average of 250 pounds each, viz: Andy Greble, Henry Geeser, John Tonsor and Ellis Barnard. Woe betide the policeman that happens to collide with one of these giants. He will think that the Alton Limited had struck him. All the Fats have had previous experience, and in this they are ahead of the Police. Squire Few may again be called upon to umpire the game, and if he does it will be plain sailing and easy victory for Fats. We would rather have the Squire on our side as umpire than have the New York Giants or any other aggregation. The object of the game is not wholly fun, while there will be fun and to spare. Two very and deserving charities are the beneficiaries - the Woman's Home and the Hospital. Our citizens should turn out and enjoy an old fashioned game of ball, and help on most worthy institutions. The lineup will be:
G. Root, 240 lbs, catcher; Few, 265 lbs, Greeble, 220 lbs, pitchers; McDow, 235 lbs, 1st base; W. Glassbrenner, 200 lbs, 2nd base; J. Elinbaugh, 225 lbs, 3rd base; L. Glassbrenner, 225 lbs, left field; George Few, 235 lbs, center field; H. G. Giberson, 212 lbs, right field; E. Scheffel, 215 lbs, shortstop. Subs: A. Millen, 240; Henry Leyser, 235; John Tonsor, 275; Ellis Barnard, 240. Waterboys: Henry Tonsor and John Kramer.

H. Spaet, catcher; A. Mayford, pitcher; Capt. Fitzgibbons, 1st base; Tom Green, 2nd base; F. Volbracht, 3rd base; Green Parker, left field; Mayor Young, center field; John Winkler, right field; George Welch, shortstop. Subs: B. Fahrig; William Thomas; Henry Satgast; James Colman. Waterboys: T. Jones, Thomas O'Leary.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 8, 1900
The Fats again demonstrated they are ball players, notwithstanding their cumbrous size, by defeating the night police in the game at Sportsman's park yesterday afternoon. The score was 17 to 18 in favor of the Fats. The night police went to pieces in the sixth inning, and allowed the Fats to pile up runs in such numbers as to overcome the lead the Police had, and the officers never caught up again.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 18, 1900
The Alton Blues took the first game of the series with St. Charles yesterday by a score of 9 to 3, and 2,100 people saw them do it, the number including many of the admirers of the St. Charles team who had come over on a special train to see their favorites wallop the baseball park with the Blues until the earth would be covered with the remnants of their hides. The rooters for St. Charles were at their best, but they had little chance to vent their enthusiasm, the course of the game perforce corking up their choicest "roots" in their throats. It was a disappointed crowd that went home to St. Charles after the game, and no doubt the despair in the Missouri town was deep and dark last night. The visitors confidently expected to defeat the Alton boys. Young was not at his best, however, and he was found for 12 base hits while Schwartz was touched for only 8 in a game where both sides had on their batting clothes and frequently found the ball. Davy Young began to be ineffective in the fifth inning when the Altons solved the mystery of some of his slants, and hits were many. Maloney, the much vaunted pitcher of St. Charles, was not given a trial. Long before the game started the crowd had filled the grandstand, and hundreds of people filled the vacant space before and around it to the topes that had been stretched to keep the people out of the field. It was the biggest attendance in the history of the park. The two teams played superbly, considering the early stage of the season. Schlem for the visitors was a stone wall at third. Stein for the Blues played a pretty game, and both Kavanaugh and Schwartz covered themselves with glory. Once Kavanaugh was on third after a three base hit and the catcher was returning the ball from home to the pitcher. Kavanaugh started down the home stretch on a steal, and succeeded in making his score before the ball could be returned to the catcher. Kavanaugh is making a great reputation among the local fans as a stealer of bases, and is credit with being a base kleptomaniac. Schwartz never pitched better, and did much to win the game. Next Sunday the Blues will journey to St. Charles to try the same thing on the Browns on their home grounds.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 22, 1900
The Christian Brothers baseball team of the Upper Alton High School has begun practice for a coming engagement with the Jerseyville High School team in the near future.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1900
The Alton Blues defeated the Oakland team, formerly of Matoon, Wednesday afternoon in the shortest time that the game was ever played at Sportsman's park. The attendance was large and the crowd saw the best game of the season, both sides playing with a remarkable fewness of errors. The Altons made three errors and the visitors made none. The score was 3 to 1. The Oakland team put up by far the best game of any club that has been seen on the local diamond this season, and made the locals play hard all through the game to win out. Zoellers' home run drive over the right field fence, and Jack Rick's hitting and base running set the big crowd wild. Schwartz, who pitched a masterly game, was ably supported by Stein. Pears made a sensational double play unassisted in the first inning that got the Blues out of a tight hole. The visitors' best work was done by Keefe at third and O'Connell at short, they accepting fourteen chances between them. Al Warner umpired. Next Sunday the Blues will go over to St. Charles to play the second game of their series.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 21, 1900
The baseball teams from Venice and Edwardsville that will play at Sportsman's Park tomorrow will have a large number of friends with them to see the game. A large number will come from the county seat and the game will be an interesting one in that the team is made up of many of the old Madison players that won all the games they played when they were in their prime. The Venice team is a good one too, and will be accompanied by a large number of rooters.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 28, 1900
The Lemps and the Anheuser-Busch baseball teams played a match game yesterday afternoon at Sportsman's Park for the benefit of Henry Schreiber, and incidentally to settle a question of supremacy that has been a contested claim of each team. The score shows the dispute as to supremacy was well grounded, and neither side had an easy thing in the game. The score was 8 to 9, in favor of the Lemp team.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 30, 1900
The Blues and St. Charles Browns played two of the prettiest games ever played at Sportsman's Park Saturday and Sunday, and as a result the Blues won both, giving them the championship of their class of Illinois and Missouri, also giving Alton seven straight games from St. Charles. The contest was a heartbreaking one, Saturday. Neither side seemed able to score a decided advantage throughout the game, and up to the close of the tenth inning it was anybody's game. Startling plays were the order of the day, and both sides distinguished themselves. St. Charles was playing with the energy of despair, and the Blues realized they had a tough proposition. St. Charles deserves credit for the excellent game they put up, while the Blues covered themselves with glory. Zoellers in the right garden slid ten feet on his hands and knees and caught a low line drive that made every fan there catch his breath in surprise. Kavanagh's base running and O'Connor's game at third were some of the features of the Alton side, while Frank Pears pitching was good. In the Sunday game the playing was phenomenal, while most interest was centering about the magnificent pitcher's battle. Invincible Carl Schwartz was opposed by McDermott, formerly of the Clevelands and the Louisvilles. Schwartz gave no free passes to first, and McDermott let five Blues walk. Meeks, the rejuvenated Blue, did some terrific hitting and excellent first base work. Ricks did some sensational hitting. The score for the Saturday game was 6 to 5 in ten innings. The score yesterday was 5 to 2, the two runs being made in the eighth inning by the visitors.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 01, 1900
The Spaulding club is making arrangements to hold a field sports exhibition at Rock Spring Park next Wednesday, at a picnic to be held at the park that day. The Spaulding Tigers are getting themselves into form for all kinds of contests in the line of field sports.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 6, 1900
The beating the Alton Blues gave the St. Charles team is taken as a public affliction in the village, and nearly every fan in the place is wearing crape or a long face. The latest to be heard from was Bob Bode, the tall first baseman of the old Browns, who extends in his letter to St. Charles fans his sincerest sympathy. He says: "Am very sorry Browns lost games to Alton, thereby losing the championship. It's tough luck to have Alton rub it into our boys in Brown. They are hard ones to beat, especially with their own umpire. Extend my sympathy to Manager Hoehn and tell him 'it ain't what you used to be, it's what you are today.'"


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 18, 1900
The game tomorrow between the Blues and the St. Louis Globes will be a good one. The Globes have strengthened their team by adding some new players, recruited from the ranks of professionals, and the team will be much stronger than the one that came here early in the season. McDermott, who pitched for St. Charles and has made a good record, will be here as pitcher for the Globes, and he has selected all the Globe's players for tomorrow's game. He expects to win the game, too. Winters, right-field, played with Montreal last season, and refused to sign with the Canadians this season. Clifford played center for Hillsboro, and is well known to Alton fans. The line-up for the two teams for tomorrow's game will be:

Altons: Stein, catcher; Schwartz, pitcher; Meeks, 1st base; Ricks, 2nd base; O'Connor, 3rd base; Griffin, shortstop; Hiob, left field; Kavanaugh, centerfield; Zoehlers, right field; Peals, substitute.

Globes: Clifford, catcher; McDermott, pitcher; O'Brien, first base; Erman, second base; Corcoran, third base; Wilcox, shortstop; Riley, leftfield; Flood, centerfield; Winters, rightfield; Carney, substitute.

[The Gobes were defeated by the Blues, 6-4.]


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 11, 1900
A baseball game will be played Thursday, September 20, at Sportsman's Park for the benefit of the Merchant's Carnival fund. Will Bauer is getting up two teams to be made up among the clerks of the city, and tickets to the game will be sold for 25 cents. Every person in the city will be expected to buy at least one ticket, and as many more as he can possibly be prevailed upon to take. It is proposed to raise a big part of the money for the carnival fund by means of this baseball game.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 17, 1900
The Blues set Alton baseball wild Sunday by defeating the crack Danville, Illinois club of the Central League. It was the most exciting and hard fought game ever played in this city. Alton made a Garrison finish, winning out in the ninth inning, after one man had been retired. The big crowd went wild with delight, throwing hats, coats and umbrellas in the air, and carrying Jack Ricks, who drove in the tying run and scored himself on a wild throw with the tally that gave Alton the game. The game consisted of some brilliant playing on both sides at times, though neither team played steady ball. Both pitchers were touched up rather lively when hits meant runs, but Schwartz had by far the better control, retiring several of the Danville batsmen on strikes, while Popp was wild, giving seven bases on balls. Final score: Alton 10; Danville 9.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 24, 1900
The Alton Blues baseball team will close their season with a game at Alton, October 14. Manager Wilson has arranged for a game with a team of professionals headed by Frank Genkins of the Cleveland team, which Genkins is picking out from the best material obtainable in the vicinity of St. Louis. The following Sunday the Blues will travel to Memphis, Tennessee to play the crack Memphis team, which has been negotiating for some time to secure a game with the Alton team. The Blues have had a very prosperous season this year, and its percentage of games won will be high. Manager Wilson says that the prospects of the formation of a league of baseball teams of South St. Louis, Belleville, East St. Louis and St. Charles, with the Blues as one of the members, are good. The proposition has been well received by all the teams to which it has been made.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 01, 1900
The Blues were defeated Sunday at Sportsman's Park by the professionals from St. Louis in an exciting ten-inning game, 8 to 4. The Blues held a commanding lead up to the ninth inning, when the visitors tied the score on a couple of costly errors, followed by two safe drives. They scored four more in the tenth on two bases on balls, a base bit and a wild throw to the plate that got lost in the "bleachers." The features of the game were Genins' sensational catch of Cavanaugh's hard drive to deep left-center. Winkehneyer's home run over the fence and Kane's base running. O'Connor and Stein played the best ball for Alton.

Alton Blues reunion, 1945

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 18, 1901
It is announced by members of the Alton Baseball Association, which was disbanded a few months ago, that the association will be reorganized, and that the Alton Blues Baseball team will have another season at Sportsman's Park in Alton. It was announced at the time of the disbandment that the club would probably not be reorganized, owing to lack of interest on the part of Alton fans the latter part of the season, which made the Blues a failure as a financial investment during 1900. The Alton fans have been so urgent in their requests that another season be tried that a meeting will be called. Charley Wilson, who has been manager of the Blues since the team was organized, will not be with the Alton Blues during the season. His place will be filled by the appointment of another manager, probably James J. Mullen, who was a prominent stockholder in the Alton Baseball Association, and an old baseball player. It is stated that the team will be strengthened by some new players, and most of the best players of last season who were with the team, and are still available, will be engaged for the coming season. Some of the best semiprofessional players in St. Louis will be taken into the team, and the Blues will be made as strong as it is possible to make them. The management has the reputation of paying good salaries, and good men are assured. It will probably be part of the new policy of the association to take the Blues away from Alton to play more frequently, in order to insure the appearance of better teams to play return games.

Marmon Baseball Team, Alton

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 6, 1901
The management of the Alton Blues is making haste to secure contracts with the players who will wear the blue uniform this season, and it is announced that some of them have already signed. Betts, the new pitcher, who will take the place of Schwartz who has gone to St. Charles, and Ricks, who will play second base, have signed for the season, and it is expected that by tomorrow afternoon, when a meeting will be held by the directors, that all the members of the team will have signed. Manager Mullin is in correspondence with all the players in St. Louis who are desired, and answers are expected from there before tomorrow morning. The season at Alton may be opened the last Sunday in April or the first Sunday in May. Last year the season started the last Sunday in April. A first-class team is promised Alton fans this year.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 8, 1901
A meeting of the Alton Baseball Association was held yesterday for the purpose of considering the organization of the club for the season, and to take account of what players can be counted upon for the Alton Blues. Every point in the team has been filled except short stop, and Manager Mullen hopes to have a good man in that position in a short time. Letters were received from all the players who had been counted upon to join the Blues, and acceptances were the rule. Henry Stein of Hannibal, catcher; Herrold Betts of St. Louis, pitcher; Frank Meeks, first base; John Ricks, second base; Arthur Granville of St. Louis, third base; Charles Gast, Joe Zoellers and Al Hiob in the outfield. The team will be as strong as last year, although Schwartz has signed as pitcher for St. Charles.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 30, 1901
The Spauldings baseball team was organized last evening at the Alton Catholic Club rooms, and the following officers were elected: Bayard Davis, manager; Ed Cremens, Captain; C. C. Ruberstein, treasurer and corresponding secretary. The team is one of the strongest amateur teams in the city, having the pick of the best players in all the best clubs in the city.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 01, 1901
Roy Swain, catcher on the first baseball team of Shurtleff College, was struck in the eye by a ball yesterday and was rendered unconscious for some minutes. There will be no injury to his eye.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 6, 1901
The Alton Blues and the St. Louis Bohm Bros. teams played ball yesterday in Sportsman's park - that is the Blues played ball, the Bohm played bum, but were permitted to make two runs to encourage them a little. The new members of the Blues are good men, and with a little practice will prove invincible to all such amateurs as can be found in Edwardsville, St. Charles, St. Louis and other villages of that class. Donahue of the Bohm's did some very fast work as short stop, as did also Pennington, third baseman for the visitors. The honors of the day for speedy and effective work for the Blues were captured by Granville and Ricks. The score was Blues 6, Bohm Bros. 2.

Hooper Baseball Club

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 11, 1901
The Spaldings, Alton's recently organized baseball club, will go to Litchfield tomorrow and open the season with the Litchfield Lightnings. A great many rooters will go up with the following players: Kuennemen and J. Berner, catchers; Cremen and Demuth, pitchers; Ashlock, 1st base; Demuth, 2nd base; Dooling, 3rd base; Brady, shortstop; Dooley, left field; Noonan, center field; Kennedy, right field.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 10, 1901
The Alton Blues suffered their first defeat Sunday at the hands of the St. Louis Diels. It was a rattling good game for a while, but the local team went into the error making business while the visitors turned their attention to making good hits, and the result was disaster. However no team can win all the time and the encouraging record made by the Blues ought to spur them to great deeds in the future. Blues players: Zoellers, Stein, Ricks, Granville, Cass, Meeks, Barrot, Close, Betts.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 10, 1901
The Bluff City Brewery baseball team went out to Godfrey and walloped the Godfrey club by a score of 25 to 15, Sunday. Batteries: Alton team - Stillwell and Mitchell. Godfrey - Doyle and Hermon. The feature of the game was the remarkable batting of Stillwell and Barr of the Alton team, and Frank Squire of the Godfrey team. The B. C. B. team will play at Delhi next Sunday, and at Moro the Sunday following, and if any one else wants a game with the club, the wants will be supplied by addressing E. A. Stillwell, care Alton Roller Milling Company.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 02, 1901
Harold Betts, the pitcher for the Alton Blues, has left the team. His place will be filled in the game Thursday with the Globes by Charles Gass. Al Hiob will be with the Blues Thursday also. The Blues will go to St. Charles Sunday, East St. Louis the next Sunday, and Quincy the following Sunday.

McCoy Transfer Co. Championship Team

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 5, 1901
The Alton Blues defeated the St. Louis Hargadine-McKittrick team Sunday by a score of 19 to 5. There was nothing much for the Blues to do only do as they please to win. They pleased to do some good ball playing. The batteries were Stein and O'Connell for the home folks; McSweeney and Rily for the visitors. The Alton Browns defeated the No Names at Rock Springs park by a score of 7 to 25. Hoehn and Threde of the Browns made a great double play. The Spaldings defeated the Mexico Stars, Sunday. The Stars being eclipsed by a score of 13 to 1 - pretty nearly as bad as Bryanism. The Mohawks defeated the Cherry Streets. Score 5 to 3. An Upper Alton picked team played with the Godfrey boys Saturday afternoon on the College campus, and the latter were defeated by a score of 15 to 14.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 22, 1901
Manager J. J. Mullen has booked no game for Sunday, and there is nothing definite as to when another game will be booked. The patronage of recent games has not been sufficient to encourage the management to maintain the team, and not being millionaires they do not feel able to keep up a good team at the expense of their own private purses. Manager Mullen stated today that the old-time rooters have fallen off in their devotion to the team, and that the attendance is so small that the team is going in the hole slightly. It is not decided that the Blues will be disbanded.

St. Louis Cardinals play exhibition games

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 11, 1901
The Amusement Committee of the colored Knights of Pythias have secured Sportsman's Park for a baseball contest in connection with their emancipation celebration here Monday, September 23. It will be the first time colored ball teams ever played there. Two games will be played. At 1:30 p.m. the Alton team will play Granite City, and at 3:30 St. Charles, Mo., will try conclusions with Granite City.

Hartford Baseball Team

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 12, 1901
Fosterburg News - Last Sunday our "invincible" Browns crossed bats with the Big Four team of Bethalto, on the Fosterburg diamond, and we can safely say it was one of the best if not the best game that has been played here this season. Robert Pfaff was in the box for our team, and struck out fourteen of the Big Four players. The Browns have not lost a game this season, and have played several visiting teams, the Woodburns, Key Wests, and Big Four are among the teams that have met defeat at the hands of the Browns. The score was 14 to 6.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 24, 1901
Andrew Hart, pitcher for the colored baseball team from Newport, that played at Sportsman's park Monday afternoon, broke his right arm between the shoulder and the elbow while throwing the ball. He had thrown the ball once before and felt no inconvenience. When he delivered the ball the second time, his arm fell limp and a doctor was summoned. Dr. Bowman made an examination and pronounced the bone broken off squarely. Hart says his arm was never broken before, and this fact makes the accident a curious one. The force of the throw must have caused the fracture. Hart's arm was set and he was sent home. The score of the game was 10 to 11, in favor of Newport.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 7, 1901
The Alton Blues took the championship of Illinois and Missouri yesterday in the closing game of a series of five games between the Blues and St. Charles Browns. The Blues made some glaring errors, but as they won out in the ninth inning, the errors are forgiven. Breitenstein pitched for the Blues, and his part of the game was very satisfactory. In the first half of the ninth inning the St. Charles made one run that tied the score, and Blues played out the last half, making another run that made score 7 to 6, in favor of Alton. The game was witnessed by a good-sized crowd. Next Sunday a team of professionals may come here to play the Blues.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 21, 1902
An indoor baseball club is being organized in Alton among the young men who take active interest in athletic sports. The members of the indoor baseball club will probably be the members of the old Olympias, Imperials, Black Hawks and one other bowling club. The young men have secured permission to use the city hall, and last evening they held their first meeting in the hall to make preparations for beginning the games. The teams consist of eight players, there being no short-stop, but the teams will have a dozen players each in them from which to select men to make up the eight. There will be four clubs, and they will play a series of games for championship honors. Monday night the players had a practice game, and say they found the game a very good one. They have placed wire screens over the windows in the city hall to avoid breaking the glass, and they have laid out the floor for the games. The bases are 27 feet apart. The ball used is a large one, of soft material, and the game is played similarly to the national game of baseball. The young men who are interested in the formation of the indoor baseball league will hold a meeting next week to effect a permanent organization and to elect officers. The organizers of the indoor baseball league asked the permission of the City Council to use the city hall for the game this winter, and permission was given. Meetings will be held once a week, probably on Monday nights, and the only expense to the players will be the cost of replenishing the carbons in the electric lights.

Granite City baseball team

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 21, 1903
The opening game of ball in Alton in the Trolley League series next Sunday in Sportsman's park, between the St. Charles Browns and Alton Blues, will be one of the best games seen in Alton for years probably. Both teams are in good form and each is determined that the other must lose. That feeling insures good ball playing. The Altons have been greatly strengthened and the club gives every evidence of winning a great bunch of laurels for itself and Alton this season. In speaking of this opening game, the St. Charles Cosmos says: "Next Sunday a railway excursion will be run from here to Alton, Ill., in order that our rooters may attend the opening game of the Trolley League. Rummel's Military band and many of our prominent citizens have signed the list to go. St. Charles wants the game and will get it. Hill and Heininger are getting down to business. Louie says there will be something doing at Alton next Sunday." Mike Woodlock has been signed to play shortstop and Riordan will play in right field after the close of his early season with the Christian Brothers team. Otherwise, the Alton team will be strengthened by the addition of new players wherever it is found possible to make improvements.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 31, 1905
The Alton Blues lost their game with the Triple A team at Jerseyville Sunday. The score was 9 to 4. Many of the local fans went to Jerseyville to see the game. A game was played yesterday afternoon at Forkyville, near Upper Alton, between the J. H. Mann's club and the Burlingtons. Neville and Steigler did some fine work for the Mann's team, and succeeded in keeping the list of Burlington runs down to three. The Mann's team made ___ runs. The manager of the latter team, Walter Schwartzbeck, would like to hear from any amateur clubs desiring a game. Fosterburg defeanted the Upper Alton baseball team yesterday by the score of 13 to 8.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 22, 1906
The end of this week will mark the end of the throne on which the baseball fan sat for many a day and many a year, passing judgment on the deeds of the heroes of the green diamond. The bleachers has furnished a seat for the real fans, those whose enthusiasm could not be burned out by an August sun, nor chilled by the early frosts of the Fall before the game was ended for the season. It was the place where the real critics and where the "sure things," the old true-penny of the managers sat, who could always be counted on to find money enough to see a game of baseball even if the pantry at home did suffer. The grandstand played a minor part, but was none the less a fixture of the old baseball park. Manager W. M. Sauvage, who has charge of the May festival to be given at Sportsman's park, said today that he would tear down the bleachers and the grandstand and clear the whole grounds to make room for the shows which will be put in there by the Gaskill Carnival Co. The Illinois Glass company, having purchased the baseball park to be used as a site for a new office building, the grandstand and bleachers once taken down, will not be rebuilt. It will be the end of the baseball park as a ball park. If a new diamond is to be secured it must be found east of town, perhaps at the old Chessen race track.

Alton Turner Baseball Team - 1917

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 12, 1913
Earle Harry Decker, many years ago the star catcher on a star Alton baseball team, who caught Al Warner in the memorable game in which Alton defeated the Drummond Horse Shoes by a score of 9 to 5, has been sent to the state prison at San Quentin, California, for forging checks. The poor fellow has been an inmate of Kankakee and other institutions for the insane in the past on similar charges, but it seems the Californians did not believe Earle Harry Deckerhe was "daffy." Decker on his first trip to the plate clouted a three bagger on Paul McSweeney, and each time up hit safely. He also caught the game at Hannibal two weeks later, coaching Warner splendidly to another great victory, 9 to 4. The famous "Eagle Eye" Jack Beckley only secured a lone single out of a total of four hits. A dispatch from Los Angeles says: E. H. Decker, who was arrested at Los Angeles under the name of Earl H. Davenport, for passing forged checks, was found guilty by a jury in Judge Willis' court and sentenced to serve three years in the penitentiary at San Quentin. A plea of insanity was set up, and it was shown that Decker had been an inmate of the Elgin and Chester, Ill. asylums. It was claimed that while playing with Pittsburg in 1891 he was hit in the head with a ball pitched by Bobby Caruthers, then twirling for Brooklyn, from the effects of which, it is claimed, he has never recovered. Decker had played ball with Philadelphia, Detroit, Indianapolis, Toronto, Macon, Keokuk, Jacksonville, Decatur, and other clubs, and is said to be the inventor of the safety catchers' mitt now in general use. It is also said that he has invented a pneumatic mitt that is to be placed on the market next spring.

[Note: According to the website Evolution of Baseball Catchers Equipment: "Mitts were a taken-for-granted part of catching. The earliest documented use of a glove by any player occurred on June 28, 1870 and that was by a catcher. A sportswriter for the Cincinnati Commercial cabled his office, [Doug] Allison caught today in a pair of buckskin mittens, to protect his hands. Historians quibble over whether Harry Decker or Joe Gunson first used the padded catcher's mitt in the 1880′s The "Decker Safety Catcher's Mitt," a contraption that was basically a glove stitched to the back of a round pad that covered the palm of the hand. These gloves were literally flat pillows that got their pockets broken in on the job at the expense of the catcher's palm."]


FORMER ALTON PLAYER VISITSLaverne Chappell, White Sox player
Now Member of Chicago White Sox
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 16, 1913
Laverne "Larry" Ashford Chappell, who was auctioned off to the White Sox baseball team for $15,000 [$462,286.36 in 2023 money], the highest price ever paid for an outfielder in professional baseball, was in Alton today for a short time on his way to his home in Jerseyville. Chappell, who is only 23 years old, played with the Greenwood team in the North Side [North Alton] as his first appearance in a baseball team away from home at McClusky. He is well known in Alton because of the good work he did with the Greenwood team. He will join the White Sox team in Chicago Friday, and make his debut as a big-league player. He is expected by the White Sox management to make good, as is shown by the big price that was paid for his release from the team where he had been doing star work. It is the fact that Chappell is a hard-hitter, as well as a star outfielder, that makes him valuable, and he is young and ambitious and ought to make good.

Chappel played for the Chicago White Sox, Cleveland Indians, and Boston Braves. He died in 1918 in an army camp in San Francisco [WWI] from the Spanish Flu, and is buried in the Oak Grove Cemetery in Jerseyville.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 30, 1913
John Ireland, the member of the East Alton Blues who was struck with a ball pitched by John Balster in the game between the East Alton Blues and the Bethalto team, was removed to St. Joseph's Hospital this morning for an operation to be performed by Dr. J. N. Shaff, to remove the pressure of the skull from the brain. The pressure of the skull is believed to have formed a blood clot there, as he bled at the nose all night last night and paralysis of the brain set in. It is hoped that the operation will relieve the injury. The surgical operation was performed because there seemed to be a depression in the skull where the ball struck Ireland, and the surgeons believed that there had been a fracture of the inner table of the skull, which had caused the blood clot to form. By trephining the skull and draining away the blood clot, it was believed it would be possible to relieve the pressure and permit the young man to regain his normal senses, and be relieved from the paralysis which would inevitably disable him, at least partially, unless the pressure was taken away. The operation was performed late this afternoon and the surgeons believed it would be successful.

Broadway Club baseball team, Alton

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 23, 1915
A meeting of the members of the Alton baseball team will be held next Saturday at the office of Peter Glassbrenner on East Second Street, to make plans for the year. Among other things that will be discussed will be the founding of a new ballpark. The old park in the eastern part of the city has been torn down and turned into a farm again, and the boys playing under the name of Alton will have to look for a new place to play. Several places in the North Side of the city are in view at the present time for a ballpark, and the indications are that one of these will be selected.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 16, 1922
Jack Holiday, right-hander, who this spring had a tryout with the St. Louis Browns, and who was sent by that club to Meridian, Mississippi, and later went to Terre Haute and Bloomington of the Three-I League, will be in the box for the Blues, Sunday, against Collinsville. Manager Jack Butler of the Blues today received a telegram from Jack saying the hurler will be here. When it was learned that Holiday might be traded by the Bloomers, Butler immediately got busy and made the wires hot by his telegrams, with the result that Holiday will be here. Sunday's defeat has caused Butler to get into action. Another change on the club is planned, but what it will be Butler will not state. He merely said a change was coming, but when the Telegraph asked what it was, replied with his characteristic smile. It may be announced in a few days.


Watertown Dads Baseball Team, Alton

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