Bethalto Newspaper Articles
Source: Alton Weekly Courier, June 4, 1857
We take great pleasure in making room in our columns for the
following letter and accompanying certificates, which we think will
satisfy any one who is conversant with such machinery, that our
Alton made mills are "hard to beat." From the Forks of Wood River,
Madison County, May 20th, 1857, to Messrs. Johnson & Emerson, Piasa
Foundry, Alton, Illinois:
"I now have the Circular Saw Mill I purchased of you in operation,
and can say without any hesitation that I have the best Circular Saw
Mill in the country, anywhere. Day before yesterday I ran it from
sunrise to sunset, lacking two hours, making twelve hours steady
running; and in that time cut fifteen thousand six hundred and
ninety-four feet of three quarter inch stuff, of which thirteen
thousand five hundred feet was ____, [linn?], and the balance was
white oak, from two to four inches thick. Forty logs were used, of a
small average size. My mill is a single mill, and is fitted with a
fifty-eight-inch saw. Should anyone doubt the correctness of the
above, I will here state that I will wager my mill against its cost,
that I can cut on it twenty thousand feet, surface measure, from
sunrise to sunset. If you hear of any one that wishes to take the
bet, send him along. My mill is about four miles northeast of Upper
Alton." From L. T. Hamilton.
"I certify that I saw the above lumber cut, and measured it myself,
and that is the actual net measurement. Joshua Wood."
"We, the undersigned, certify that the above is a correct statement,
having seen the mill do the work ourselves. Elder John Brown,
Alexander Hodge, John Murphy, and D. J. Titchenal."
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 27, 1867
The brewery of Jacob Huppert at Bethalto was totally destroyed by
fire last evening. The fire was discovered about seven o’clock, and
is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. The building was
a new one, and had just commenced operations. We could not ascertain
the total loss, but the insurance amounts to $4,000.
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24, 1868
The Bethalto lodge of A. F. and A. Masons held a public installation
in the Presbyterian Church in that place, on Saturday evening, the
11th instant, at which the members appeared in full uniform, and the
chosen candidates took upon themselves the vows of their respective
offices, the Hon. Mr. Dimmock of Edwardsville presiding. The Hon. E.
M. West was expected to deliver an address on the occasion, but
failed to come to time. After the installation, the members of the
fraternity and their good-looking friends retired to their hall, and
there were introduced to a banquet – delightful to the eyes, sweet
to the taste, and most invigorating to the hungry souls. At 11
o’clock, the assembly dispersed, bearing with them the most pleasing
recollections of the occasion. May the lodge be benefitted, and may
they live to enjoy many such reunions.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 22, 1868
Mr. E. C. Long has just established a custom mill in the town of
Bethalto, and is now ready for business. Custom work is done on
Tuesday and Friday of each week. This is an enterprise which
deserves the support of the public.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 18, 1871
On Saturday, August 12, as John F. cox and Henry Smith were
returning home from a hunt in the woods, Mr. Smith’s gun was
accidentally discharged while he was riding along in a buggy. Smith
stood up in the buggy and looked around to see if he could see the
steeple of the church in Upper Alton. His movement displaced the
gun, which was lying in front of him on the bed of the vehicle, and
the piece slipped to the ground. As it fell, the hammer struck the
wheel, discharging the gun, the load lodging in his right arm, close
to the shoulder joint. He was driven to the residence of Dr. N. B.
Richards of Bethalto, some two miles from where the accident
happened. Dr. Richards being out, Dr. S. A. Albro was called and
stopped the flow of blood. When Dr. Richards returned, on
examination of the wound he decided that the limb had to come off,
and Drs. Williams and Haskell of Alton were summoned, and about two
o’clock the same night, the arm was successfully amputated at the
shoulder joint by Drs. Williams and Haskell of Alton, and N. B.
Richards and Martin of Bethalto. It was thought improbable that he
could survive the operation. Another warning to hunters to discharge
their guns before traveling on the roads.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1871
Mr. S. Miller of Bethalto, who crossed the Plains in 1851, in
company with a number of persons from this part of the State,
returned home a few weeks since looking well and hearty. He gives
glowing accounts of the many places of interest visited by him
during his sojourn in that western country, among which we might
mention the famous Yosemite Valley; the noted big trees of
Callaveras County; the highest point on the Union Pacific Railroad;
Sherman City, etc. Mr. Miller has been living several years in the
mining regions of California, and expects, after a vacation of some
months among friends in this locality, to return to the land of his
Mr. Marion Starkey, who was burned out some months since, has
resumed his old business, and is ready at all times to relieve his
customers of any loose change with which they feel burdened, giving
them in return a good quality of goods of anything in his line.
The time-honored passenger depot of the Indianapolis and St. Louis
Railroad at this place has been ornamented with an addition in the
shape of a bay window, and treated to a coat of paint. It now
presents a respectable appearance, for which improvements the
traveling public feel grateful.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 01, 1872
Mr. P. B. Fishback resigned his position as principal of the
Bethalto schools on account of poor health, and has been succeeded
by Mr. J. S. Culp. The change gives satisfaction to everyone.
Messrs. C. H. Flick and J. T. Ewing have made arrangements to build
at once a Custom Mill in Bethalto. Mr. Flick is known to be a
straight-forward business man, in whom the community has confidence.
His partner is a practical miller. In the hands of such men, the
enterprise is bound to be a paying business.
Mr. S. B. Harrison has sold his entire stock of goods and storehouse
to a St. Louis man, who is to take possession March 15. Mr. Harrison
has been long in business here, and was supposed to be one of the
permanent institutions of the place.
Four buildings are waiting the opening of Spring to begin work –
elevator and warehouse, mill, storehouse and residence.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 9, 1872
Messrs. Ewan & Flick are putting the machinery in their new mill,
and will be ready for grinding in a few days. Their engine was built
by Beech & Co. of Litchfield, Illinois, and the burr stones by
Messrs. Davidson & Co. of Dayton, Ohio.
The work on Messrs. Meyer & Guye’s elevator, under the skillful
superintendence and direction of Mr. George Hangerford, is
progressing rapidly, and will be completed by the middle of next
month. T. S. Moulton & Son, of Chicago, are the contractors. The
building is 75 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 81 feet in height, which
seems very high here where there are no tall buildings. Upper Alton
is plainly visible from the top. In connection with the building is
a railroad scale, to weigh the cars before unloading, said to be the
only one between East St. Louis and Terre Haute. It will hold 60,000
Mr. Charles Scheibe of Fosterburg is building a large brick house
for a residence for C. Balsters, a well-to-do farmer, three miles
south of town.
Mr. J. W. Guild of Rolla, Missouri, has opened a photograph gallery
in Bethalto, where he will be pleased to take pictures for everyone.
Mr. J. S. Deck, three years principal of the Bethalto schools, and
last year of the Venice school, has again taken up his residence
with us. He takes charge of the Oak Grove School next year.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 9, 1873
Our citizens, on April 23, decided to organize as a village under
the general law regulating cities and villages. Yesterday, the
election of officers for the village took place, with the following
Trustees – C. H. Flick, Adam Ellsperman, J. V. Richards, John
Stolze, Charles Gundall, and S. A. Albro.
Clerk – W. E. Lehr
Police Magistrate – J. A. Miller
There was considerable excitement over the result, and as the
majority elected were connected with the old Board, we do not fear
any changes for the worse in the coming year.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 22, 1873
We have had quite an exciting time here since last Saturday morning,
over the arrest and preliminary examination of parties charged with
stealing horses, wagon, harness, etc. The faces are as follows: A
well-to-do farmer, named William Matlock, residing near Greencastle
in Madison County, had in his employ for some nine months, a young
man named Lee Mayberry, a stranger in that section, also a young
woman named Martha Sutton, whose parents reside near or somewhere in
the vicinity of Prairie City. These young folks took a notion to
unite their fortunes, hence gave notice of a desire to leave their
employer. He reluctantly consented, and Monday, August 4, he took
them to the residence of Mr. Jerry Sutton. The nuptials were duly
celebrated the next day. Previous to this, a son of Mr. Matlock
missed a valuable set of harness. On Wednesday last week, Mr.
Matlock missed a pony from his pasture, but thinking he had gone
over the fence somewhere, he made but little noise about it. On
Thursday evening of last week, two valuable horses were taken from
his barnyard, when Mr. Matlock thought it time to look around for
the thief or thieves. He at once suspected this Mayberry, and
employed Mr. I. F. Brown of Bethalto, who was in that vicinity
selling sewing machines, to visit the premises of Mr. Sutton,
father-in-law of Mayberry, which he did, and by very adroit
management, learned that there were horses there which they did not
wish him to see. He drove to Bethalto, secured the assistance of Mr.
James McDonald, in whose company he returned to the premises
aforesaid. It was now nearly dusk, Friday evening, they approached
cautiously and saw Mayberry in the lot watering a pair of horses,
while Sutton was there talking with him. They could hear but little
of the conversation, but gathered enough to satisfy them that they
were speaking in relation to disposing of those horses as soon as
things got a little quiet. Soon Mayberry took the horses into a
thick woods, which comes up to a few feet of the lot, and Messrs.
Brown and McDonald followed closely after. He went but a short
distance, till he halted at a wagon, which was also stolen, to which
he fastened them. His pursuers were now upon him, and actually
examining the horses for certain brands before he knew of their
presence. Discovering them, he started to run. Bot called to him to
halt, which failing to do, McDonald fired his pistol, the load of
which lodged in Mayberry’s shoulder, and a race of some hundred
yards took place in the darkness and brush, which resulted in the
capture of the fugitive, who at once told them that he was not alone
in this business. They did not, however, deem it prudent to attempt
the arrest or search for other parties until reinforced, hence left
with their prisoner for Bethalto, where his wound was dressed by Dr.
Albro. It proved to be a flesh wound. He had an examination before
W. L. Piggott, Esq., and was bound over to appear at the next term
of the Circuit Court, in the sum of $1,000, which he failed to give,
hence was sent to jail.
Mayberry’s statement and other circumstances led to the arrest of
the Sutton family, viz: Jerry Sutton, his sons William and Peter,
wife, and the wife of Mayberry. But at their examination on Monday
before the Justice aforesaid, there was no evidence to criminate any
but the old man and the wife of Mayberry, and that very slight. Yet
the Justice, under the circumstances, felt authorized to send them
to jail, they failing to give the required bond - $1,000 each. The
property has all been restored to its rightful owners. One person,
perhaps more, will be sent to the State prison, and the honeymoon of
one couple shortened. Upon inquiring, I learn that the Sutton family
have been, and are now considered honest, poor folks, by all their
neighbors, while said Mayberry says they are connected with a band
of horse thieves, that he saw a book in their house giving the names
and doings of the band for some time. Diligent search was made for
this book, but without success.
A replevin suit from Bethalto was heard before Justice Quarton
Tuesday. A Dr. Easton of Bethalto, a druggist, was arrested and
incarcerated in jail for selling liquor without a government
license, but was afterwards bailed out. Soon after, Constable Randle
got out an attachment on certain goods and furniture belonging to
Easton, in order to secure the costs of the above suit. After the
attachment was issued, it appeared that Mr. R. McDonald had a
mortgage upon all the property attached, whereupon the latter
proceeded to replevin the property. The case was argued by Messrs.
Hope and Cambrill for the plaintiff, and Hon. J. H. Yager and Squire
Picket of Bethalto for the defense. The jury rendered a verdict
giving the property to Mr. McDonald.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1873
The work on the calaboose [jail] and hall for the town has
commenced. Mr. J. Falkenberg is about ready to commence work on a
two-story brick house he is going to put up this fall.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 5, 1873
have been four new buildings put up here this fall. Messrs. Uzzell
and Walsh have each built a comfortable frame house and moved into
them last week. Mr. J. Falkenberg’s building – a three-story brick –
is enclosed, and will soon be completed. The town hall and
calaboose, located at the northeast corner of West Main and South
Oak Streets, is also slowly approaching completion. If the weather
remains favorable, it will be ready for use by the holidays. Mr. S.
L. Miller has repainted his two tenement houses, which make them
look as bright as new.
Mr. M. Starkey, for several years a merchant in this place, has sold
his stock of goods, consisting of dry goods and groceries, to W. H.
Battles of St. Louis, and is traveling for a St. Louis firm. Mr.
Battles has increased the stock by an addition of new and seasonable
Mr. George Blay has opened a drugstore in Richards’ building. Mr.
Blay has a well-selected stock, and comes here well recommended as
an honest and reliable druggist. Dr. Graves has bought of McDonald
the stock of drugs left over by Dr. Easton and others, and is
endeavoring to sell them off at the old stand.
Mr. Mapes of Hillsboro has opened a harness shop here, and is
prepared to do any kind of making or repairing of harness on short
notice and in good style. Mr. F. W. Stotze has found a competent
blacksmith to commence work in his shop.
Mr. William Tryon, agent of the I. & St. L. Railroad Co., at this
place, ever since said road has been built, was compelled by reason
of his failing health, to resign his position as ticket and freight
agent. His successor is Mr. J. S. Collins.
The panic has not affected us like those in the cities. The Bethalto
Mills, Messrs. Meyer & Guye, still employ their same force – some
thirty men – at the old wages. The same is true of Messrs. Z. B. Job
& Co.’s mines.
Mr. J. Wiemers, south of town, has just finished and moved into his
large and commodious brick house. A. H. Ferguson is sinking a coal
shaft on his land north of town. Mr. C. N. Bivens has been appointed
our Village Attorney.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 5, 1874
Gundall’s new building is just completed, and being occupied by
George Bley as a drugstore. It is decidedly the finest business
house in the village. In fact, it has quite a “metropolitan air” in
front and finish.
The Baptists have their church house up and enclosed. They expect to
finish it this fall. It promises to be ahead of anything in the
vicinity, both in style and convenience.
Robert Walsh, Esq., is building a fine residence for himself –
two-story brick, to be finished in the modern style. Mrs. Charlotte
Buckheit has built quite an addition to her residence. Also N.
Smith, Esq., has enlarged his residence by adding another room.
Gundall’s building housed the George Bley Drugstore. On June 5,
1879, it was announced that William F. Neisler purchased the Bley
drugstore, and continued operating the business under his name.
Neisler took on a partner – Mr. Randall, as Mr. Bley had decided to
attend a medical school in Philadelphia.
Mr. Neisler married Miss Mary Randle (probably a relative of his
business partner) on May 13, 1880. In 1881, Neisler had a new brick
building erected for his drugstore and hardware business. The new
building included a public hall on the second floor. A grand opening
of the hall was held in December 1881. The room had a stage, and
seated approximately 500 people. A concert was held with the
Bethalto Cornet Band playing under the direction of Professor J. B.
In 1885, Neisler and Randall dissolved their partnership, with
Neisler keeping the drugstore, and Randall taking the hardware
business. Mr. Neisler also owned a drugstore in Nokomis, Illinois.
In 1902, Mr. Neisler left the retail business and formed the firm of
Irwin, Neisler & Co., manufacturing pharmacists. He moved at some
point to Decatur, Illinois. He sold his stock in the firm in 1906,
trading his share for a large grain, stock, and dairy farm near Lake
Park, Minnesota, where he invented a substitute for eggs, which he
perfected in 1913.
Neisler died on September 2, 1915, at the age of 60 years. He was
buried in the Greenwood Cemetery in Decatur, Illinois.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 28, 1875
October 25, 1875 – Messrs. Hixon and Gere have abandoned the
artesian well they have been at work on, and are engaged in erecting
a derrick to begin a new well. They have worked for some time to get
the drill out of the well they were at work on, but have come to the
conclusion that someone has dropped a piece of iron into the well
and wedge the drill so tightly, that it cannot be taken out. The
next well is to be eleven inches in diameter, so they will have a
better chance to handle their drill. We wish them success.
Upon complaint of Mrs. Mary Heither, wife of Charles Heither, a
warrant was issued by W. L. Piggott, Justice of the Peace, and
placed in the hands of Constable Griffee, against Charles Heither,
for assault and battery. He appeared in court, and after his Honor,
the Squire, heard the evidence, he fined Charles $25 and cost. It
appeared that Mr. Heither was not in the best of humor, and tried to
relieve himself by choking his wife, which act is not approved of by
this community.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1875
The furnace was put into the Baptist Church last week and was tried
on Sunday. It worked to a “T.” The sexton thought he would try the
heating powers of the furnace, so he heated it seven times hotter
than there was any need of, and came near melting the audience.
Mrs. Muchheit has closed out her saloon, and opened a new grocery
store. We think the village would be better off if several others
would do likewise.
The National Hotel has been purchased by Mr. Dorr, who is going to
erect a furniture store in connection with the hotel.
The mill, owned by Messrs. Meyer & Guye of St. Louis, and under the
charge of Mr. Ed Kueck, is doing a large amount of business and
giving life to our village. They manufacture their own barrels
there, giving steady work to 18 men in the cooper shop, and about
the same number in and around the mill, with a payroll of nearly
$300 per week. The mill runs day and night the year round, except
when stopped for repairs. In the last four weeks, they have bought
4,050 bushels of wheat, of which seventy-nine car loads were
received by rail, being grown in Texas, Tennessee, and Kentucky.
During the same time, they have shipped 4,800 barrels of flour to
the East. In connection with the mill there is an elevator and
warehouse. The former holds about sixty thousand bushels of wheat.
The latter is 60x100 feet, and has capacity for about six thousand
barrels of flour.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 9, 1875
From Bethalto – Saturday night about eleven o’clock, the store
building in Bethalto, owed by John S. Culp of Upper Alton, was found
to be on fire, in the room occupied as a furniture store by Mr.
Stein. Adjoining this room was the store of Bernard Picker, who
lived in the rear wing of the building. Mr. Picker was the first to
discover the fire, and at once gave the alarm. The parties on the
ground found the fire on the floor adjoining the partition of the
two rooms, and succeeded in putting out the flames as they supposed,
but soon after, the fire was discovered between the lining and the
outside, and bursting through the roof, it rapidly got the advantage
and the entire building was consumed. The furniture stock of Mr.
Stein was totally consumed, also that of Mr. Picker. Mr. Culp, the
owner of the building, loses about $3,500, less $2,000 insurance. It
is supposed the fire was the act of some malicious person or
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1877
August Krechle of Alton is having a building erected near the
Bethalto house, preparatory to opening a meat shop. By his coming in
our midst and building, Frank Eaton has given up the idea of opening
a shop. Long may August stay with us.
E. A. Gere has commenced boring wells. Last week was a hard one on
Postmasters. Messrs. Mayer & Guyo are shelling corn. C. H. Flick is
having a house built on his land east of town. The plasterers are
now at work on J. P. Wood’s new residence.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 02, 1877
Who says the great railroad strike in East St. Louis did not hurt
Bethalto? Merchants got “struck bound” at St. Louis. Groceries got
scarce. Building material was detained on the railroad. Mill
operators could not get money with which to buy wheat. Milk could
not be shipped, and worst of all, the supply of beer gave out.
When the trains began to run again, the enthusiasm was immense.
Women ran to the doors, and children, tramps, loafers, and whittlers
of dry good boxes congregated at the depot. Working men (not on
strike) left their work to see the curiosity – a train – going
through town. Four stock trains went east yesterday afternoon, and
the first local was run east this morning.
Source: Cleveland, New York Lakeside Press, October 11, 1879
A very pathetic suicide was that of Miss Emma Patterson at St.
Louis, a few days ago. She was from Bethalto, Illinois, where her
remarkable beauty and accomplishments made her the belle of the
place. Her father was poor, but she moved in the best society, and
most of her associates had far more money to spend on personal
adornment than she had. One of her suitors was John Shelton, and he
recently left a watch and $130 with her while he went on a short
journey. On his return she made trivial apologies for not giving
them back. He learned one day that she had engaged herself to marry
Mr. Montgomery, and he peremptorily demanded his property. She had
spent the money dollar by dollar in buying bits of finery, and as
she could get no help from her father, she was unable to repay
Shelton, who threatened her arrest. She went to St. Louis and tried
to get employment, but failed, and committed suicide.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 29, 1880
We learn from Mr. Otto Maerdian that a fire broke out in a tin shop
adjoining Frick’s Hall at Bethalto, about 3:30 o’clock this morning.
The building was all in a blaze when the alarm was given, and was
entirely destroyed. Frick’s Hall was badly scorched, many of the
window frames and an outside stairway being burned. A masquerade
ball was in progress in the hall at the time, and the dancers had
some difficulty in escaping from the place, the buildings being only
five or six feet apart.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 5, 1880
Mrs. McIlhany has leased one lot of the town hall property for ten
years. She will move her bakery and restaurant building at once.
This will be a very desirable location for her, as she can then
secure the railroad patronage.
A great deal of well-earned praise is due our efficient street
commissioner, Flick, and also the members of the town board, for the
fine condition with which they keep the streets and the excellent
repair in which the sidewalks are always kept. We will venture to
assert that there is not a village or city in the State that has
better streets and walks, or has a greater advantage for shade than
this one.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 21, 1881
Mr. B. C. Meyer, engineer at the big mill, is the lucky patentee of
an automatic self-registering scale for weighing running wheat,
bran, etc. It is a perfect “little hatchet” machine – can always be
relied on.
The rock foundation for Mr. C. H. Flick’s hotel building was
commenced yesterday. If Bethalto contained a few more of the
Squire’s grit, it would rise above villageism in a short time. Third
Street catches all the booms. This improvement is a much needed and
welcomed enterprise.
The farmers are very busy. Mr. B. Picker is putting u a building
north of the elevator to be used as a saloon. Ex-City Marshal, James
McDonald, has returned to his first love – farming. The west end of
Third Street is being widened, good thing. The shameful practice of
butchering shade trees has commenced in Bethalto.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 18, 1881
Last Sunday morning, our city marshal let the prisoners,
incarcerated in the village jail, out in the hall for a little fresh
air, and went home. While he was away, two of them took an iron
poker and pried the door open. They stepped out into the open air,
walked very leisurely down the street as if nothing had transpired,
until they had got a little way out, when they took to their heels
and ran like scared wolves. They have not been heard of since. The
other young man was more sensible and stayed, as it is more than
likely he will be released in a very few days.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 01, 1881
Neisler’s men have finished burning the brick this week for his
large building on Third Street. Mr. Charles F. Degenhardt of Alton
came out Saturday and put the roof on Squire Flick’s new hotel
building [Sheridan House]. The Squire thinks it a splendid job, and
is well pleased with his work.
Mr. D. Lewis sold last Saturday, September 27, to Mr. John Oetkin,
his farm of about sixty acres, for the sum of $4,925 cash. Most of
this land lies just outside the village limits on the east, a small
portion being inside. Mr. Lewis will sell at public auction on
September 10, all his farm machinery, livestock, household and
kitchen furniture, also several acres of good corn in the field,
preparatory to moving with his family to Indiana.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1881
A meeting of soldiers and prisoners of the late war [Civil War] was
held at the village hall Friday evening last, to make arrangements
to attend the reunion of soldiers of the State of Illinois, to be
held at Springfield, October 19 and 20, 1881. Colonel Rodgers was
appointed chairman, and J. A. Miller clerk of the meeting.
Committees on arrangements were appointed as follows: C. H. Flick
and J. A. Miller for Bethalto; J. S. Culp and Moses Thomson for
Fosterburg; Captain John Berry and E. K. Prewitt for Moto; Colonel
Andrew Rodgers and Solomon Wood for Upper Alton. The Bethalto Cornet
Band will accompany them, and the boys anticipate a pleasant trip.
Mr. James Larby sold his beautiful property on Third Street this
week, to Mr. J. W. Clark. Consideration twenty-one hundred dollars.
Mr. Clark in this trade has secured a “big bargain,” the property
being worth nearly twice that amount.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 03, 1881
Postmaster Piggott has resigned his position as postmaster at this
place, and it is said Mr. W. H. Battles will occupy that position in
the future. Mr. N. B. Richards Jr. started last week for Arizona,
where he intends working on the new Santa Fe Railroad. Quite a
number of our citizens went on a fox hunt a few days ago. There were
about thirty-five men, one dozen hounds, and three foxes. The foxes
were killed, the men and dogs came out safe. The next chase will
come off on November 6. Work is progressing on W. F. Neisler’s new
building under the supervision of Mr. C. H. Flick.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 01, 1881
A society to be known as the Bethalto Amateur Dramatic and Social
Club was organized last Wednesday evening at Richards’ Hall. The
following named gentlemen were elected as officers: H. T. McCrea,
President; F. B. Black, Vice-President; A. W. Reid, Secretary and
Treasurer; W. G. Clark, Stage Manager; L. Pennington, James F.
Clark, John Weidmer, and Will Montgomery, Committee of Arrangements.
The club has for a beginning nineteen members, composed of seven
young ladies and twelve gentlemen of excellent ability and fine
musical attainments. They expect to give an entertainment once a
month, and our citizens should take an interest in upholding it if
they would have it prosper.
Charles F. Degenhardt of Alton came out Monday to put the roof on
Neisler & Randle’s new business house on Third Street. It is to be a
felt and gravel roof, and no doubt a good one, as Mr. Degenhardt
understands his business perfectly.
Mr. Simon Koeppe of Fosterburg has done splendid work on the Baptist
Church in Bethalto, in the way of painting and decorating. Anyone
examining this work will see at once that Mr. Koeppe understands his
business, and we would cheerfully recommend him to any that are
desirous of having anything done in his line.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 15, 1881
The smallpox scare has struck our village, and quite a number of
parents are having their children vaccinated. It is well, “they
think,” to be on the safe side.
Quite a number of visitors were present Friday afternoon at the
schoolroom of Mr. F. B. Black, one of the efficient teachers in our
public school. The exercises were very good all through, and were
enjoyed very much by all present. The music by the school band
composed of Master Louis Shulenberg, Arthur Battles, Martin Johnson,
and Paris Hickerson. The children show that they have undergone
careful training, thus showing that the teachers have not neglected
their duty.
Mr. H. Eisenhauer’s team broke loose from a hitching rack in this
village, and ran way. They were caught, after upsetting the wagon
near Mr. Randle Rotsch’s, west of town, by Mr. William Smith of
Moro. The wagon and harness were damaged some, but luckily for Mr.
Eisenhauer, the horses were not hurt.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 16, 1882
The grand hop given at Neisler’s Hall by the Bethalto Cornet Band
last Tuesday evening, February 14, was a splendid success. The hall,
resplendent in its light, the music grand and harmonious, the gay
assemblage of welcome visitors, and Bethalto’s best society, all
conspired to make the affair not only a success, but a crowning
triumph for the band and a joy to their delighted guests. In fact,
to mention that the band were the givers of the party is in itself
sufficient to give a description of the affair. It is a guarantee, a
pledge, that everything was done for the comfort of all who were
fortunate enough to attend. Mrs. Josephine Gill prepared a splendid
supper, which for quality and quantity, was hard to excel. It was
well served and much enjoyed by all. At half past eight, the
orchestra, under the leadership of our time-honored friend, Walton
Rutledge, opened the programme. Rutledge never fails to please those
that trip the light fantastic, and Tuesday evening everybody was
light and happy as the melodies floated through the air. All the
minor details were attended to, and nothing occurred to mar the
general pleasure. All joys must end, but the halt was not called
until the wee, small hours. It is pleasant to add that the occasion
was successful financially as well as socially.
Neisler’s Hall was established by William F. Neisler, who held a
grand opening on December 27, 1881. The Bethalto Cornet Band
provided the music. The hall served as a meeting place, as well as a
“theater” to hold plays by local students and others. The hall could
seat 500 people, and was equipped with a stage, curtains, and
In 1879, Neisler purchased the drugstore of George Bley Jr., located
on West Central Street in Bethalto, who had operated there since
1862. Klein opened a drug and hardware business with Mr. Randle. In
1885, the two men dissolved their partnership, with Neisler keeping
the drugstore, and Randle taking charge of the hardware store.
Neisler also opened a drugstore at Nokomis, Illinois. The Louis
Klein family purchased the Neisler building for $3,500. John Klein
sold groceries on one side of the building, and George Klein
operated a drugstore on the other. The post office was housed in the
building when George Klein was postmaster. Later, the Charles
Aghetta family operated a grocery and dry goods business on the east
side of the building, and Bob Klein operated a gift store, candy
shop, and lunch counter with soda fountain on the west side. The
building still stands today.
President Mills Destroyed
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 24, 1882
22, about 9:45 o'clock, a fire broke out in the upper story of the
President Mills. It was discovered first in the smut machines, and
was conducted to the bran duster. It was seen at once that nothing
could be done to save the mill, which with the elevators,
warehouses, Ben Picker's dwelling house and saloon, Pat Conley's
Saloon, ice house and barn, and Neisler & Randle's machine depot,
together with a lot of machinery, were consumed. With great
difficulty and hard work, Cooper's Hotel, Neisler & Randle's large
business house and the Custom Mills were saved. If either of the two
former buildings had burned, no doubt more than four blocks would
have been in ashes at this time.
Much credit is due Messrs. Flick, Woodley, Hamp, Montgomery, Ralph
Henderson, Louis Bauer, Nick Smith, H. Bowman, H. D. Burcham, Mish
and Henry Meyer, and others, for the active work performed. Messrs.
Neisler & Randle had a great many good damaged by moving. W. H.
Battles moved about half his stock, and was somewhat damaged
thereby. Conley lost everything except one barrel of whiskey and his
horse and buggy; no insurance. Picker saved most of his furniture
and stock; no insurance on building. Cooper's Hotel and J. A.
Miller's business house were somewhat damaged. W. H. Battles'
dwelling would, no doubt, have burned had it not been for Messrs. L.
J. Lawrence, Louis Wood, Sam Luman and Miss Addie Smith, who kept it
pretty well soaked with water.
Thus, one of the best and finest mills in the State of Illinois is
in ruins. Nothing remains except the tall smokestack, which stands
as a monument to the once prosperous and magnificent mill. Mr.
Weidmer, the Superintendent, went to St. Louis this morning, and it
is expected J. W. Kauffman, the proprietor, will arrive here this
evening. At this writing we have not learned the total loss, but it
is estimated to be nearly $200,000, perhaps more. The mill, Neisler
& Randle, J. Cooper, and J. A. Miller, were insured. Neisler &
Randle's loss is about $500; Cooper's $100; and Miller's $50. There
are several other small losses.
This is the best site in Southern Illinois for a mill of this kind,
and no doubt it will be rebuilt soon. There were about 25,000
bushels of wheat consumed, and a large amount of flour - we have not
learned how much. Many amusing incidents happened while the fire was
burning, one in particular was when the steam from the boiler
commenced to escape. A great many started on a run down the
railroad, but they need have had no fear of explosion, for Weaver
and Smith, the engineers, had made everything safe. Xavier Stark,
millwright, had all his tools and sixty dollars in cash burned.
The President Merchant Mill and Elevator, located at Mill and Walnut
Street in Bethalto, was constructed in 1859 by James Neimrick, and
was the first mill in Bethalto. Like most modern mills of that era,
it had what were called "three runs of stones," with a manufacturing
capacity of 100 barrels of flour daily. In 1877 the mill was torn
down and rebuilt with a daily capacity of 500 barrels. Both members
of the firm died about 1879, and it was leased to the E. O. Standard
& Co., which operated the mill about one year. In January 1881 it
was purchased by J. W. Kauffman, who increased the capacity to 600
barrels. Kauffman also owned the Park Mills in St. Louis, Missouri.
In March 1882, a complete change was made, substituting the Gray
Roller System in place of the Burrs, which was an improvement in
milling of grain.
The mill was 54 x 80, and was five stories in height, with a stone
basement. The elevator connected with the mill was 40 x 80, and was
85 feet high. It could store 70,000 bushels of wheat, and had an
elevating capacity of 15,000 bushels of grain daily. A warehouse
nearby, 65 x 150, stored 10,000 barrels of flour. There was also a
cooper shop at the mill, and a railroad switch track from the main
route to the mill.
The President Mill was destroyed by fire in August 1882, but was
rebuilt. On March 2, 1895, the mill burned once again, and was never
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 01, 1883
Mr. C. H. Flick has finished a new porch in front of the Sheridan
House on Third Street. This large hotel will be finished in a few
days, and a grand opportunity is offered to some wide awake hotel
man, who will take hold of the establishment.
The President Mill will be rebuilt, and the stone masons arrived
here this morning to go to work on the foundation of the mill. An
elevator with a capacity for one hundred thousand bushels of wheat
will be erected at once on the old site. The building will be
extended fifteen feet farther south on a line with the mill.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 29, 1883
The rock work on the main building of the new mill was completed
last week, and the first brick was laid Wednesday afternoon. A large
force of brick layers are at work, who will push it forward to
completion very soon, the carpenters keeping right along with them.
The Sheridan House will be opened next Wednesday evening, April 4,
by a grand banquet. The reception and sociable at the hotel parlors
will be free. The brass band will furnish appropriate music for the
occation. Mr. W. F. Neisler has kindly tendered free the use of his
hall on that evening, and the dancers can while away the hours to
the beautiful strains of Professor Voccaro’s Quadrille Band. The
proceeds will be tendered to Mrs. T. G. Boone, proprietor of the
Sheridan House.
Terrible Accidents at the New Mill
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 5, 1883
The engine used for hoisting brick and mortar for the new mill
became unmanageable Saturday afternoon, which delayed the work
somewhat, but only for a short time, as Mr. J. P. Cooper, the owner,
and somewhat of an expert at running these engines, came up and had
it in running order again in a few minutes, and the work is
progressing very rapidly this week.
Last Sunday afternoon, some boys were playing with the hoisting
apparatus at the mill, when the cage, with several boys on it, came
down, striking Freddie, son of Mr. John Wiedmer, on the head,
crushing him to the floor. He was badly injured about the head – so
much so that Dr. N. B. Richards was called to attend him. No bones
were broken, and it is hoped he will be out again soon. This should
serve as a warning that boys should not play with machinery of this
Just before noon on April 4, Mr. Thomas Chism, while wheeling a
barrow of brick along a scaffold at the new mill, was instantly
killed. The accident was caused by the breaking of a board. From
what we could learn, the barrow must have fallen first, the deceased
falling about twelve feet, striking the handle of the barrow on his
right side under the arm, it passing through his body and coming out
at the left jaw. Mr. Chism was past fifty years of age, a poor but
very industrious man, and was much respected by all who knew him. He
leaves a wife and two small children, who have the sympathy of every
feeling heart in this community. Coroner Youree has been telegraphed
for, and is expected up this evening when an inquest will be held.
The accident has cast a gloom over all our village, and every mouth
is heard to say it is “too bad” for the poor mother and fatherless
children, as his labor was their only support.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 12, 1883
The grand opening and reception at the Sheridan Hotel last Wednesday
evening was a success financially, as well as socially. Excellent
music was furnished by the B. C. Band, and Professor Vocarro’s
orchestra. The supper, a rich feast splendidly served, was furnished
by the landlady, Mrs. T. G. Boone. After indulging in music and
social conversation at the hotel parlors, the happy throng dispersed
at a late hour, the dancers at the hall keeping time to the music a
little later. We are pleased to say that Bethalto has now a hotel
that can accommodate the traveling public in every respect.
Commercial travelers will find first-class accommodations at this
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 26, 1883
The last brick on the President Mills was laid Thursday, April 19,
at which time Mr. Wiedmer spread the stars and stripes to the
breeze. “Long may she wave.” The mill wrights, under the supervision
of Mr. O. H. Carleton, commenced work yesterday morning. The roof is
completed, and the windows will be put in this week. Bunker Hill men
have the contract of laying two floors, which will be all complete
this week.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 28, 1883
The Evening Star Social Club gave their first hop at Neisler’s Hall,
Thursday evening. The hall was beautifully illuminated, and the
graceful figures made a grand showing on the polished floor. The
music was furnished by Professor Vaccaro’s string band of St. Louis,
and was of a splendid order. Mrs. T. G. Boone prepared the supper,
which for quality and quantity was hard to excel. A large number
from Alton were present.
The brickwork on the large warehouse for the President mills was
commenced yesterday. The structure will be a decided improvement on
the old when finished. The cooper shops for the mill will start up
this week, giving employment to a great many who have been idle for
some time.
We understand a Mr. Parks from Bunker Hill will open a drugstore in
the George Bley property on Prairie Street this week.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1883
Just one year ago tomorrow, August 22, the President Mills of this
place burned, a date that will be long remembered by our citizens.
The first work toward rebuilding began February 18, just six months
ago. On August 16, everything being in readiness, the engineer, Mr.
Murray, and Mr. D. Simpson, boss miller at the Park mills in St.
Louis, started the new machinery to rolling, in the presence of a
large number of our citizens, who were highly delight, as everything
moved off in a most satisfactory manner. The machinery has been kept
running most of the time since Thursday, getting ready for the grand
commencement, which takes place this afternoon.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 13, 1883
The large manufacturing establishment lately erected in Bethalto by
John W. Kauffman of St. Louis, is a grand affair, located on the
south side of the I. & St. Louis Railroad. The mill, elevator,
warehouse, and cooper shops cover considerably over an acre of
ground. The mill is 61 ½ feet in width by 91 feet in length; four
stories and basement, brick; gravel roof and brick cornice. Basement
is 12 feet high in the clear, contains 28 elevators going to the
roof, four conveyers, two “Peerless” dust catchers, six suction
spouts; shafting and belting for running machinery on first floor.
Flywheel of engine is 18 feet diameter, 28 inches face. Main driving
pulley is 10 feet diameter, 28-inch face; also contains two reel
tightener belts and large pulleys on main shaft for driving rods on
first floor.
First Story
The first story is 13 feet high in the clear, contains eight
elevators going to the roof, two conveyers, 38 “Alice & Gray’s”
patent roller mills with four rolls each, four flour packers with
automatic filler, tools and hopper over them, and two “Eureka”
packer scales.
Second Floor
The second floor is 12 feet 11 inches in the clear, and contains six
elevators going to the roof, eighteen conveyers, four bolting chests
with four reels and eight conveyers each, three “Gray,” and five
“Smith,” middling purifiers, with “Kirk & Fender’s” dust catchers
over them. This floor also contains two wheat bins, one of 500
bushels and one of 100 bushels capacity.
Third Floor
The third floor is 14 feet in the clear, and contains three
elevators going to the roof; five bolting chests with flour reels
and eight conveyers each; six “Gray’s” centrifugal reels and bran
dusters, five “Smith’s” and three “Gray’s” middlings purifiers, with
“Kirk & Fender’s” dust catchers over them.
Fourth Floor
The fourth floor is 15 feet high in the clear, and contains eight
conveyers, five of which go into the elevators; five bolting chests
with two reels and two conveyers each; three “Gray’s” centrifugal
reels; one “Richmond” bran duster; and two automatic scales.
Boiler and Engine House
The boiler and Engine House is 36 ½ feet in width by 59 feet in
length, 18f feet high in the clear, one story, brick, gravel roof.
The boilers are four in number, 48 inches diameter, 22 feet long,
ten six inch and ten two inches flues each. The engine is of the
Wheelock patent, made in Worcester, Massachusetts, 600 horsepower,
cylinder 33x60 inches, running 65 revolutions. The fire pump and
doctor take water from a pond, two hundred feet distant.
The elevator has the same kind of roof, is 90 feet high. The weight
of the elevator rests on wooden posts, 10x10 inches, in clusters of
five, on stone foundations.
The basement is nine feet in the clear, and contains one line of
shafting driven from engine, with a 10 feet and 14 inch face pulley,
one line shafting driving machinery in basement, and one line
driving bran packer on the first floor; three conveyers; two
elevators going to the roof, and one wheat sink with 6 partitions;
whole capacity – 1,700 bushels.
The cupola is 10 feet high, front part, 16 feet high, covered with
corrugated iron on the outside, and contains heads of elevators, and
gearing for same; one large conveyer driven by belting for
distributing wheat into the different bins. The dust from all the
dust catchers is conveyed into spouts, which lead to the first
floor, where it is caught into sacks.
The warehouse is 68 feet in width, by 149 feet in length, is one and
two stories, brick, gravel roof, north part two stories and south
part one story; first story ten feet, second story ten feet nine
inches; all used for storage of flour and empty barrels.
Special Features
The mill is lighted by gasoline gas in the first story, engine room,
and boiler house; the carburetor for manufacturing the gas is
outside of the building, eight feet underground. Closed lard oil
lanterns will be used throughout the balance of the buildings. The
mill usually runs day and night, and will be heated by steam. One
barrel of water and two buckets on each floor, and the same in
elevator, in case of fire. The mill is very light and airy on
account of its numerous windows, and has a capacity for
manufacturing 800 barrels of flour per day. The company manufactures
two brands, namely the “Souvenir” and “President,” which find very
ready sale in the eastern market. The machinery was furnished by E.
P. Allis of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The engineer, or boss millwright,
was Mr. O. H. Carleton of that place. Everything is done in tip top
style, a credit to the contractor and the gentleman for whom the
work was done, as well as our little town in which the establishment
is located. Mr. John Wiedmer is Superintendent, and a very competent
man, having had a large experience in this capacity. Mr. J. W.
Simpson has charge of the manufacturing department, and though a
young man, has had considerable experience, and no doubt will give
excellent satisfaction. His brother, Mr. George Simpson, has the
position of millwright. Mr. F. J. Weaver, the former engineer, who
has been boss engineer at the Aviston Mills for the past year,
returned last week and took charge of the motive power. Mr. Ignatz
Mutz, who has held the position as foreman of the cooper shops for a
number of years, and shown his efficiency and ability in this
respect, has been retained at his old post.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 17, 1884
Last Tuesday, Mr. Al Short, who is employed by Williams Brothers of
Wood River, started for this place with 55 bushels of wheat. The
roads being had, he had on four horses, in crossing what is known as
Williams bridge, across the Wood River, the main span, about 50
feet, broke down, precipitating man, horses, and wagon into the
creek, a fall of about 18 feet. Luckily man and horses escaped with
only a few bruises. This bridge has not been safe to cross with a
load for some time. We understand a splendid iron bridge will take
the place of this “old rattle trap” some time this year. A ford has
been made that will serve as a crossing until the new bridge is
It was our good fortune to attend one of the most pleasant
gatherings of the season last evening, at the spacious residence of
D. W. Stoeckel, west of town, given in honor of Mr. J. H. Hickerson
and family, who depart this evening for Barton County, Missouri.
Some of the guests were late, but by 9 o’clock a goodly number was
present. The B. C. Band was on hand, and enlivened the occasion with
several select pieces of music. It will be well to say that this
organization has lost a very valuable and promising young member in
the person of Master Parris Hickerson, who will accompany his
father. A splendid supper was served, presided over by the kind host
and hostess, in their usual happy manner, and was much enjoyed by
all present. It was about 1 o’clock when the crowd dispersed, and
many expressions of regret were evinced at this hour when the guests
began to take leave of Mr. Hickerson and family. They leave this
afternoon for their new home, and will carry with them the hearty
good wishes of a host of very warm friends. Among those present were
Neelie Wood and mother; Supervisor Culp and lady of Foster Township;
Misses Lou and Effie Hamilton, Luella and Lettie Williams, and
Thomas Hamilton of Wood River Township; and W. F. Bivens of Fort
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 10, 1884
The Fourth of July passed off quietly in our town, most of the
business houses were closed. The celebration at Boque’s Grove, under
the auspices of the Evening Star Social Club, was well attended, and
much credit is due to those who were instrumental in getting it up.
Between the hours of three and four o’clock Monday morning last, Mr.
Charles Bruening’s large store on Railroad Street was discovered to
be on fire. Master George Bruening, a young man who was sleeping in
a small room connected with the store, was awakened by inhaling
smoke. He could not get out through the building, so procured a
hatchet and knocked off a board, jumped out, and gave the alarm. The
citizens responded quickly, but not in time to save the burning
building or any goods. Mr. Bruening’s dwelling was in great danger.
Had it caught fire, the whole block would have burned, therefore
active and willing hands went to work in earnest, and succeeded in
saving this property. The origin of the fire is not known, but is
supposed to have been from the explosion of a lamp that was left
burning in the store.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 13, 1884
The two-story addition to the Village Hall will be let to the lowest
responsible bidder this week.
Thieves made a raid on our quiet little village last Saturday night.
They entered Squire Miller’s residence between twelve and one
o’clock, and took fifteen dollars from his pants’ pocket. They then
visited the dining room and helped themselves to bread, butter, &c.
They next visited Mr. W. J. Simpson’s residence, and gaining an
entrance through the basement, entered his bedroom and took $36.50
from his pocket, $13 or which was in an envelope and belonged to his
brother-in-law, Mr. J. W. Johnson. They wrote on the envelope, “Good
luck old boy,” and left, but not before they had helped themselves
to several glasses of jelly and some pumpkin pie. They next went to
the residence of Mr. Ignatz Mutz, cut a slat from the shutter so
that they could raise the window, reached in and took from a small
satchel belonging to his daughter, Miss Josie, $5.35. We have heard
of no other places being visited, but this is enough to serve people
to be a little more careful where they place their valuables before
retiring. No clue to the perpetrators.
A two-story frame house, situated near the old Madison County coal
mines, burned on Sunday night. No one had been living in the house
for some time, and it is supposed to be the work of an incendiary.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 19, 1885
Kauffman’s Milling Company purchased from Mrs. A. H. Cox this week,
one acre of land in the northwestern part of our village, for the
purpose of making a large pond. One sufficient to furnish water for
their mills all the year; work on the pond will begin soon.
Mr. G. Klemm, our efficient blacksmith, was awarded the contract
last evening to build for this village a Hook & Ladder carriage, his
bid, $85, being the lowest. Our village “dads” can rest assured that
Mr. Klemm will do a first-class job, notwithstanding the low price.
Our mechanics do not want such contracts to leave the town. Why
should they?
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 26, 1885
Mr. E. B. Randle has sold his stock of hardware to Mr. James
Mitchell of Moro, who will open out a general store in the same room
it now occupies. Mr. Randle will move his stove and tinware to
Squire Miller’s building on the same street. Thus, Bethalto is to
have another store. Mr. Mitchell is an excellent young man, and we
wish him much success.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 02, 1885
The village has again leased the second story of their hall to the
Masons, Odd Fellows, and Druids, for a term of five years. Since the
completion of the new addition, the hall is more commodious, making
it more convenient for the several lodges, and also a source of more
revenue to the village.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 25, 1886
The Masquerade at the rink on last Saturday evening was a splendid
success financially and otherwise. A large crowd was present, and
enjoyed one of the most pleasant evenings of the season. There were
a number of gentlemen masked, but only a few of our young ladies
could be persuaded to disguise their features. The Bethalto Cornet
Band furnished excellent music for the occasion, and everything
passed off in the best possible manner, except the awarding of the
prizes. In this there was not enough to go around. Miss Nellie
Arnold of Alton captured the prize for the most graceful lady
skater. Mr. Jesse Starkey merited the prize for the most graceful
gentleman skater. The judges decided that Mr. Thomas Henricks
displayed the most comic costume, and took the third prize, a silver
cup. The wild Irishman, Humpty Dumpty, and the colored gentleman
with the high hat, created the most merriment, while the gentleman
with the high-top breeches took the cake. Topsy and the little
chambermaid (Herbert Culp and Lottie Neisler) were the center of
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 8, 1886
Bethalto Post No. 509, GAR, will give their first annual Camp Fire
at Neisler’s Hall on Thursday evening, April 15, 1886. Colonel S. P.
Galt of Ransom Post, St. Louis; Commander C. L. Cook Sr., V. C.;
John D. Heisel and comrade W. P. Bradshaw of Edwardsville Post, will
be present and deliver short reminiscences of army life. The
Bethalto Cornet Band has been engaged to furnish appropriate music
for the occasion, and a splendid program has been arranged. The
supper will consist of the regular army bill of fare. Come
everybody, and bring your friends. Admission 25 cents, including
supper; children under 12 years, 15 cents.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 22, 1886
Notwithstanding the extreme dampness of the weather, Bethalto Post
No. 509 wwas greeted with a very large and enthusiastic audience at
Neisler’s Hall on Thursday evening last, to witness their first
annual Camp Fire, which was a grand success, and reflected much
credit upon the gentlemen who managed the affair. The different
posts in the county did not turn out as they expected. Company F of
Edwardsville State militia was detained at East St. Louis on account
of strike, hence this part of the program was omitted, but the
Williams brothers are always equal to the occasion, and substituted
something else. Addresses were made by Colonel T. J. Newsham,
Commander C. L. Cook, and Comrades J. D. Heisel and W. H. Jones of
Edwardsville. The features of the evening were the bugle calls by
Joel Williams of the Bethalto Cornet Band, the band music, army song
by Mr. Irby Williams, and the recitation of a poem by Master Ed
Duffy of Dorsey, written by the late Paschal Preuitt in 1863 while
on guard duty at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and last but not least,
the splendid supper furnished by the Post and served at the Sheridan
House by Mrs. Gill, who set the tables and made delicious coffee.
Everything was there in perfection and abundance, even to S. B.
beans and hard tack, and ‘tis needless to say was much enjoyed by
Among the old soldiers present were: Messrs. Newsham, Cook, Bernius,
Lynch, Vogt, Durer, Volbracht, Heisel, Jones, and Storig of
Edwardsville Post No. 461; Messrs. Rodgers, Moore, Flynn, Smith,
Graham, Hobart, Kidwell, Parker, and Percival of Alton Post No. 441;
and A. A. Corneau of Dunham Post No. 141 of Decatur, Illinois.
The committee of arrangements deserve great praise for the work
performed. Mrs. Gill and the young ladies who had charge of the
tables exerted themselves to please and deserve the thanks of all.
The Bethalto Cornet Band entertained the visitors at the hall tables
with some of their choicest selections. It is pleasant to add that
the entertainment was a success financially, as well as socially.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 20, 1886
Miss Lillian Belk of Bethalto and Mr. Fred Sloper of Long Lake were
married on Tuesday last, at the residence of the bride’s sister,
Mrs. George Worden of Upper Alton. We are informed the happy pair
will start in a few days for Kansas, where they will make their
future home.
One of the most pleasant social events of the season occurred at the
residence of Mr. W. F. Neisler on Mill Street last evening, being in
honor of Miss Jennie Rawson, one of the efficient lady teachers in
our schools, who has made her home during the last term with Mr. and
Mrs. Neisler, and will depart this week for her home at Troy,
Illinois. Miss Rawson has made many very warm friends here during
her stay for the past two years, who will gladly welcome her back
after vacation. A large number were present, and enjoyed themselves
in the best possible manner. Mr. and Mrs. Neisler exerted themselves
to please, and if we are any judge, their efforts were crowned with
success. The evening was moonlight, and many took part in croquet on
the beautiful lawn. Others enjoyed themselves indoors with music and
songs by the little Misses Lottie Neisler, Rosa McCrea, and Nolie
Wood. The Bethalto Cornet Band was also present, and contributed
some of their splendid selections. The elegant repast consisted of
delicious cake, strawberries and ice cream, which were there in
abundance, and served in the best possible manner. At 12 o’clock,
the happy throng took leave of their host and hostess, but not
before considerable handshaking with Miss Jennie, and wishing her a
very pleasant vacation. The whole affair was very enjoyable, and
will be long remembered by all present.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 5, 1886
Three young men, strangers, passing through our village last
Wednesday afternoon, gave the section boss, Mr. Morgan, and his men,
some “sauce.” Mr. Morgan asked them what they meant, and said they
had better leave town, whereupon one of them whipped out a revolver
and said he could not make them leave. Mr. Morgan said perhaps he
could not, but he would find a man who could, and soon Marshal Glass
and other citizens were after them. Mr. Morgan thought they were
thieves on first sight, and when they ran and began to throw away
knives and revolvers, it was very evident. They would not stop when
halted, and the consequence was that more than a dozen shots were
fired after them. The parties who did the shooting were poor
marksmen, as there was no one hurt. After a long chase, they were
captured north of town, and lodged in the calaboose. No arms were
found on them, but they were seen to throw both knives and pistols
away, a number of which were found. Squire Piggott assessed a fine
of $35.00 each. In default of which they were sent back to jail. Two
of them broke jail Friday morning, just after the marshal went off
duty and made good their escape. The Marshal from Pana, Illinois,
took charge of the remaining one, whose name is O’Brien. The goods
they had in their possession proved to be taken from a store that
was burglarized at Pana an evening or two before.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 14, 1886
Grand opening of the skating rink next Saturday night, October 16.
Music by the Bethalto Cornet Band. All lovers of sport are invited
to be present.
Neisler’s Hall was filled to overflowing on last Saturday night to
listen to the eloquent speech of Hon. John Baker. He received marked
attention, for the people are very much interested in the coming
election. We are inclined to think that Colonel Morrison is not near
as popular as he has been in this vicinity heretofore.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1886
The Catholic Church and parsonage at Bethalto was consumed by fire
last Thursday night. The fire originated from a defective flue. The
congregation was holding service at the time, and the first they
knew sparks were falling from the ceiling. It must have been on fire
some time before they noticed it, as the whole garret was in flames
before the people were hardly outside. The G.A.R. Post was in
session in their hall when they heard the alarm, and immediately
formed themselves into a fire company, took the hook and ladder
wagon, and proceeded to the scene, but too late to be of any
benefit, except to help carry out the furniture, which was nearly
all saved. It was a sad occurrence, and put an end to the very
interesting services which were to be held the next day. The
congregation will rebuilt sometime next year.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 7, 1887
Last Saturday, Mr. Lemuel Lawrence, a well-known citizen of this
vicinity, had imbibed a little too freely in this village, and late
that night was making his way to Mr. Smith’s in the Bottom. When
near Mr. Charles Vaugh’s residence, he decided to hang up for the
night, making himself a bed on the roadside by piling leaves
together against a log. About midnight, a colored man by the name of
Wells, who had been over to a neighbor’s, journeyed that way, and
hearing something in the brush, thought it was a coon. He went over
to Mr. Vaughn’s and borrowed a shotgun, returning to the place
again. He heard a rustling in the leaves, and seeing what he took to
be Mr. Coon, fired, striking Mr. Lawrence in the arm and hand, who
cried, “I am shot. I am shot,” and jumped to his feet. Mr. Wells,
seeing his mistake, immediately took him over to Mr. Vaughn’s and
Dr. E. A. Smith of Bethalto was called and attended his injuries,
which are painful though not very serious. Had he fired from the
other side of the log, it very likely would have proved fatal. The
injured man was taken to Edwardsville on Sunday. This serves as
another temperance lecture to our thinking young men.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 9, 1886
Mr. F. Weaver Jr. has vacated Mr. John Falkenburg’s meat market on
Third Street, and has formed a partnership with Mr. Peter Treff. Mr.
Falkenburg has rented his shop, residence, slaughterhouse, and
fixtures to the firm of Rogers & Sraker, late of St. Louis, who will
continue the business at the old stand. They are practical butchers,
and promise to keep constantly on hand the choicest meats the
country affords.
While hauling wood for Williams Bros. a few days since, Mr. William
Spurgeon met with what might have been a very serous accident. The
driver was seated on a large sled load of wood, and while passing a
sideling place, the whole business was upset in a ravine, Mr.
Spurgeon turning a complete summersault and the whole load of wood
and rock burying him. Mr. Irby Williams, being close at hand, ran to
his rescue, expecting to find him killed or hurt very badly, but
after removing the wood, to his delight he found him not injured in
the least, and it was a very lucky mishap. Mr. Spurgeon says he is
not willing to try another of the kind.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 17, 1887
Dr. Burwell, late of West Virginia, is again with us and will take
charge of Mr. Neisler’s Drugstore, who will be absent several weeks
in Kansas. Mr. Neisler expects to leave us soon, and our citizens
will surely miss him, for he has kept the best drugstore we have
ever had, and for the few years he has been with us, has done more
for the town then many of its elder and wealthier citizens. He is
energetic, enterprising, and a good business man, and if he is
determined to leave us, we trust he will be very successful. He will
visit Wichita, Kingman, and other points in Southern Kansas.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 21, 1888
A meeting for the organization of a Literary Society was held in
Neisler’s Hall last Thursday evening. Owing to inclement weather,
the attendance was small. An organization was effected, however, and
a debate arranged for Thursday evening of this week. We hope the
organization will be strengthened by the addition of a number of
good members.
Mr. R. Gossrau of Alton was in town Saturday, making arrangements
toward opening a coal mine here. The vein is from five to eight feet
thick, good roof, and the very best quality of coal. The home trade
is large, there being a town of 800 people, and a thickly populated
farming community to supply. The President Mill and the Bethalto
Custom and Merchant Roller Mill together will consume about eight
car loads of coal each week. Land can be leased in any quantity
desired, for mining purposes, adjoining the I. & St. Louis railroad.
Mr. R. F. Retterath has been presented by Professor McAdams of Alton
with a fine specimen of pottery from a New Mexico cliff dwelling. It
is perfectly molded and handsomely decorated with figures of birds
and flowers. The vessel is similar in shape to a canteen, and was
probably used by the Pueblos as an ornamental flask or drinking
vessel. Mr. Retterath has also a collection of specimens gathered
among the Piasa mounds, and has made the origin and use of these
peculiar instruments by the ancient tribes a study.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 5, 1888
The Bethalto Creamery started up on Monday making about 35 pounds of
excellent butter. They have a capacity for many hundred pounds
daily, and if they can obtain all the cream that the country around
affords, the company will do a handsome business. They invite the
farmers to come and see them, and hope to prove to them that they
can make more money raising cows than they can by clinging to wheat
year after year.
Mr. George Hovey has his new smith shop nearly complete, and will be
ready for work after this week.
The Kauffman Milling Company have put their wagon scales in good
George Dorr, our popular furniture dealer and undertaker, is
building a large barn on the property recently purchased of Mr.
Schluter, on Sheridan Street. The building will be two stories,
thirty-eight by fifty feet; large enough for a first-class livery
and feed stable.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 9, 1889
The newly-elected officers of the village took the oath on Monday
evening, and at once entered upon their work. President Flick
appointed the different committees. Saloon licenses were granted to
F. J. Henrichs, B. Picker, and William Ohley. W. J. Piggott was
re-elected to the office of Village Police. George Kaus received the
appointment of Superintendent of streets. President Flick made quite
a neat little speech to begin with.
Last Friday, Master Johnnie Mullen, while at work plowing for his
grandfather, Mr. James Monaghan, one mile north of Bethalto, left
his team and went a short distance for water. In his absence, the
team ran away with the plow. In their course, they ran over Mr.
Monaghan, who was burning rubbish close by, knocking him down.
Luckily, he was not seriously hurt. They then ran into Mr. I. Cox,
who was passing that way on a road cart. We understand he was
somewhat hurt. Mrs. W. W. Arnold of Alton, and Miss Maggie Miller of
Bethalto, out for a pleasure ride, met the team on the road. They
turned out near a deep ditch, the runaway team turning in the same
direction, bringing all the horses together. Miss Miller’s horse
backed off into the ditch, turning the buggy upside down. The
vehicle was badly broken, but strange to say the ladies went through
the wreck without a scratch. The runaway team was brought to a
standstill at the house of Mr. Monaghan, and the strangest thing of
all, was that neither horse was hurt in the least, and not a thing
broken on the plow or harness. Mr. Monaghan willingly pays all
damages, and says he is very glad it was no worse.
J. W. Kauffmann, miller-in-chief Simpson, and Engineer Weaver of St.
Louis were up last week to see how the work on the President Mills
was progressing. The whole work is being pushed as rapidly as
possible, and when ready, Bethalto will have a mill second to none
in Southern Illinois.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1889
The school exercises on Friday last were a splendid success. The
scholars acquitted themselves nicely, and the teachers deserve much
credit for their training. The day was pleasant, so that all who
attended were fully repaid for their trouble. A special feature of
the day’s entertainment was the drill and sham battle on the
playgrounds. The girls’ costumes were handsome, and each carried an
ornamental broom. The boys were armed with guns, etc., that were
equally as attractive. The Bethalto Cornet Band furnished excellent
music during the day.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 05, 1889
The baseball game was played last Thursday. It was an interesting
one. The score was 26 to 18, in favor of the south side. Jones did
effective work in the box. The assistant p.m. did not have his box
with him, and was knocked out. Prof. shortstop was disabled in the
fourth inning and retired. Marshal Piggott, the great center fielder
for the south side, threw his shoulder out of hip, and was succeeded
by ex-Judge Hickerson. A suit is pending against the Doctor for
scraping the grass from an acre of pasture while sliding to third.
The little Professor spent a most enjoyable afternoon hunting
leather in left field. The fat man furnished an excellent target for
the north side pitcher, which he took advantage of, he was pulled in
for repairs in the eighth; since the game, he has used a block and
tackle to get upstairs. The Bethalto meat market said his bat had a
hole in it. “Wade” Hampton said it would have been otherwise if he
had been in the game. D. Balster has charged the Barber with
knocking down six panels of fence by a drive to left field. Starkey,
the trick pitcher for the north side, made a clean home run after
the game. The scorer wanted to bet two hundred on the south side, it
was safe, as he had it all his own way. The umpire is still living
with a faint hope of recovery. The game was called for August to
have six weeks in which to play it to a finish.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1889
School opened here on Monday with a good attendance. As in the past,
the Principal, D. M. Bishop, with his assistants, will exert
themselves to make this one of the best schools in the county.
A very pretty wedding took place August 28 at the residence of the
bride’s parents in this village. The contracting parties were James
Kelsey, a well-to-do farmer and an excellent young man, and Miss
Jennie, the accomplished and amiable daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Uzzell. The affair was very informal, as only the immediate
relatives and friends witnessed the marriage. After congratulations
and a splendid supper, the happy couple departed by boat for St.
Paul and other points in Minnesota and Wisconsin. At the end of two
or three weeks, they will return and settle down to quiet
housekeeping at their beautiful farm residence, east of town,
attended by the good wishes of all.
Georgie Russell celebrated his sixth birthday at his father’s
residence on Friday afternoon. A goodly number of his playmates were
present, and all acquitted themselves in a very pleasing manner.
Misses Rosa and Helen Kehne were the subjects of a splendid party
one evening last week at their father’s residence on Prairie Street.
A few delightful hours were spent amid music, mirth, games, and
social chat.
Charles Gundall and Isom Wood, two wide-awake Prairie Street
merchants, are in St. Louis today making their fall and winter
purchases. Louis Klein, one of our popular merchants, will occupy
his new store on Third Street this week. His genial son (John) will
take charge of the new branch.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 17, 1891
The Greenwood farm, situated one mile west of our town, will be sold
from the east door of the courthouse at Edwardsville, December 28.
The farm contains 130 acres, consisting of a two-story brick
dwelling, fine barn, corn cribs, grainery, ice house, smoke house,
never-failing wells of water for the house and stock, cistern,
cellar, and every convenience necessary. The improvements alone are
worth three thousand dollars. This is a rare opportunity to purchase
a cheap and a beautiful home – near good schools and churches, good
markets, and surrounded by the best of society. Don’t fail to go and
see this property.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 03, 1892
A serious cutting affray happened last evening on the farm of
William Montgomery Sr., near Bethalto. William Montgomery sent his
son, William Jr., to Bethalto to procure some coal. The young man
met some congenial friends and neglected to get what he was sent
for. When he returned home, his father upbraided him for the
negligence. The young man said nothing, but went upstairs and packed
his clothes. When he came downstairs, the family was at supper. The
family wanted to know why he had packed his belongings, to which he
replied that he and his father could not agree, and he intended to
leave. Patrick Conley, who has lived for years on the farm, said,
“Let him go,” supplemented the statement with a vile name. Young
Montgomery told Conley to come outside, and he would settle with
him. Both men started outdoors. Just as they reached the kitchen,
Conley struck Montgomery. The latter drew a knife, and cut Conley
across the forehead and across the cheek, and along the neck. The
latter wound is the worst, and is very dangerous. Conley bled
profusely, and is not expected to recover. Montgomery fled, and has
not yet been heard from.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 8, 1892
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore of Chicago were guests at the “Meddow
Spring Farm” the past week. Mr. Moore is connected with the Drover’s
Journal and Chicago Sun, of the “Garden City,” and formerly resided
at Upper Alton.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 6, 1892
The firm of Buchanan & Zimmerman (druggists) has sold out to Mr.
George Klein, who will continue the business at the old stand. Mr.
Buchanan and Zimmerman have not yet decided where they will locate.
They have been corresponding with Mascoutah parties with a view to
buying out a drug house in that city. We wish them success wherever
they decide to locate.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 18, 1892
Dr. J. S. Thrailkell and bride have settled down to quiet
housekeeping on Prairie Street, attended by the good wishes of all
our citizens. We should have enjoyed writing up their wedding, but
owing to disability could not.
Our school is progressing nicely. Quite a number of larger scholars
have started this month, so that the principal’s room is quite full
at present.
The secret orders have had no meeting for some time, on account of
repairing their hall. Mr. C. H. Flick has it in hand, and will turn
the goat loose again soon.
We have not yet formed the acquaintance of Mr. Dillman, the new
druggist for Mr. G. Klein, but from what we hear, he is a very
pleasant gentleman, and join in giving him and his family a hearty
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 6, 1893
The President Mill has shut down until after harvest. During this
time the machinery will be thoroughly overhauled, some new put in,
and the tanks and smokestacks painted.
Mr. John Elliot has moved his barbering outfit to Squire Miller’s
property on Prairie Street.
Mr. Lucas Bauer got the contract for repairing the schoolhouse.
The Moro Nine [baseball team] “put it all over” our boys last Sunday
in their friendly ballgame.
Everybody in this vicinity, Democrat and Republican alike, condemns
the action of Governor Altgeld in his last great pardon, and his
name is “Dennis” for anything the people can give him in the future.
The Fourth of July was ushered in clear and cool, and everybody was
prepared for a grand time. The weather indeed was very pleasant
until near noon, when angry clouds began to show themselves. The
distant thunder warned many, and kept them at home. About nine
o’clock the rain descended, and many who were at Spencer’s Grove
made a wild rush for town. The more enthusiastic braved the
elements, however, and were boasting Wednesday morning of a way up
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 23, 1893
The Bethalto Cornet Band has arranged for a grand ball in the
evening of Thanksgiving, November 30. A fine string band has been
secured, and a good time is assured for everyone in attendance.
A reception was held at the spacious country residence of our
friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Culp, last Friday evening, in honor of
their son, Frank, who is a musician in the U.S. Army. He was
stationed at Columbus, Ohio, and was changed to Cheyenne, Wyoming.
On his way he grasped the opportunity and stopped off here a few
days. The band here, of which he was a member, was invited, with
numerous other friends of the family, and ‘tis needless to say that
all in attendance spent one of the most pleasant evenings of their
lives. A splendid supper was served early in the evening. Then music
and social converse filled the spacious parlors, until such time as
the kind host and hostess thought the company tired, when another
elegant table was spread, and the joyful guests were again invited
to the dining rooms. Everybody was chuck full of good humor, and the
company did not take their leave until near two o’clock Saturday
morning. The subject of this enjoyable affair is now, no doubt, at
his destination, and his numerous friends at home wish him a safe
While there are not many new buildings going up, there is
considerable repairing, new roofs, etc., going on hereabouts.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 8, 1894
The ladies of the M. E. church will give a box sociable at the
residence of Mrs. J. T. Ewan on Wednesday, February 14th. Rev.
Allison Hunt will fill his regular appointment at the C. P. church
next Sunday. Mrs. Lena Starkey is quite ill at her father's
residence on Sherman street. Mr. Harry Picker is convalescing after
a siege of several weeks’ sickness. Mr. James McDonald visited
Edwardsville twice this week. Mr. S. R. Hudnall and lady are
entertaining a lady friend from Rosemond. Mr. and Mrs. Brant, of
Upper Alton, were the guests of Mr. Fred Ackerman and lady Tuesday.
Mrs. Chas. Dude, of Nokomis, who formerly resided east of our city,
was a welcome visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jackson, of
Fort Russell. Tally another boy for our friend, Fred Ackerman. The
big break at the President mills was patched in double quick time,
which enables them to start up again today. The company has ordered
a splendid new engine, which is now in process of construction and
will be placed some time between now and harvest. The outlook for
our little city is brightening and we are led to believe that in the
next few years we will notice more growth than we have witnessed in
a number of years past. There is no reason why a large coal mine
would not do well, and enterprises of other kinds would find perhaps
no better location in the State. We are close to large markets, have
fair railroad facilities and prospects for better, and by the way,
we are to have a new postmaster at the beginning of the next
quarter, in the person of Andrew Jackson Canipe.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 19, 1894
The Bethalto Jollity Company went over to Fosterburg last Saturday,
and played “The Turn of the Tide” to an appreciative audience. The
weather did not injure the play much, as a good-sized storm renders
it more natural and serves to take the place of artificial wind and
rain, which is a part of the program.
The Moro Unions and the North Alton nine crossed bats here last
Sunday, and the game at the end of the ninth inning was North Alton
11, Moro Unions 5. We are informed the Unions will tackle a club of
your city next Sunday. The game will be called at Balster’s park in
Mr. Harm. Tuetken has broken ground for a new residence on his lots
on Mill Street. Hope we may notice many more new improvements before
the building season is ended this year.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 03, 1894
About two hundred or more of our people went to Alton on Tuesday to
witness the bridge opening services, and we were pleased to see such
a bright day after the storm.
If the weather is favorable next Sunday, there will be a large
attendance from here to the Fort Russell Sunday School convention,
which meets at Wanda this year.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 8, 1894
The Bethalto Jolity Company was greeted on Saturday evening by a
crowded house, every reserved seat was sold, and there was hardly
standing room in the rear of the hall. The play, “The Turn of the
Tide,” was well rendered, everyone performing their respective parts
in a very becoming manner. “Professor Bonebreak’s Phonograph” was a
closing farce, in which “Pepper” took the cake and half the pie.
Our little city seems to be overrun with life insurance agents,
commercial drummers, building and loan agents, mud, and hard times.
A couple of soft soap men in a fine carriage struck our town Monday,
and succeeded in victimizing a large number of our people into
purchasing for one dollar one dozen very small cakes of common soap.
They promise to bring each purchaser next Monday a fine prize, such
as parlor rockers, hanging lamps, set of beautiful china, dishes,
etc. Now that they got the dollar, it remains to be seen whether or
not they give the promised prizes.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 14, 1894
The Odd Fellows celebrated their 11th anniversary last Saturday in
grand style. The early morning trains brought visitors from a
distance. A procession was formed at their hall on Oak Street, and
headed by the Bethalto cornet band, with Mr. C. H. Flick as grand
marshal, marched to the grove. Numerous baskets, well filled with
good things, were previously sent out, and at noon the different
tables were spread, and everyone on the grounds (who would accept an
invitation) partook of a most delicious dinner. Grand Master J. Otis
Humphrey of Springfield was introduced to the large assemblage by
Deputy G. M. Belk, and made a masterly address. It was well
received, and no doubt this lodge will be greatly benefitted by his
efforts. The band discoursed excellent music at intervals during the
day until 5 p.m., when Starr’s orchestra started the “ball to
rolling,” and until the noon of night a more enjoyable dance has
seldome occurred. At that hour, the lights went out and the
good-natured attendants turned their faces homeward. It is pleasant
to add that the affair was a financial success, as well as a very
sociable entertainment.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1894
Coming home from the soldier’s reunion at Fosterburg last Thursday
night, Mr. Dorr’s team, drawing a spring wagon containing six
members of the Bethalto Cornet Band, ran away at break-neck speed,
turning the wagon upside down. All except Mr. Will Zimmerman were
more or less bruised, but luckily no bones were broken. Four horns
were completely done up. The trombone was mashed into a B flat, and
the solo alto was almost unrecognizable. The base drum did not have
a head put on it, but a head went through it just the same. It will
take fully $50 to repair the instruments, saying nothing of the
skinned shins, bruised heads, and torn uniforms. The cause of the
runaway was the breaking of a pole strap while doing downhill.
Messrs. Z. B. Owens and W. A. Clark have purchased the shelving and
bottles in the McDonald drugstore here. They will fit them in their
new drugstore at East Alton when completed.
Mr. W. R. Ray’s horse took first money at the Bunker Hill races
Monday. Mr. Z. B. Owens little mare took second place in the trot
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 22, 1894
The Bethalto Pedagogical Club, although a recent organization,
promises to become an important factor in the professional interests
of the public schools of Bethalto and vicinity. The meetings are
held once every three weeks at the public-school building. The next
meeting will take place on Saturday, November 24.
Our schools will give a literary, musical, and dramatic
entertainment at Klein’s Hall next Saturday evening, November 24. A
small admittance will be charged, the proceeds to be used in
purchasing son books for the school. All who can should assist the
pupils in this way. The splendid program selected will fully repay
Dr. John Moore and Mr. McKnight have moved here this month from
Portage, Missouri. The doctor has purchased property from Mr. James
McDonald, and will practice his profession here. He is the son of
Major Franklin Moore of Upper Alton, therefore is not an entire
stranger to all our citizens.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 13, 1894
Mr. George A. Klein opened up the skating rink last Saturday night.
There was a large crowd present, and everyone enjoyed the sport
highly. Another enjoyable time is given out for Saturday evening of
this week.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 27, 1895
The Martha Washington supper given by the ladies of the C. P. Church
on Friday evening last, at Klein’s Hall, was well attended, a
financial success, and a very sociable gathering.
Mr. James has moved to our town from Clyde, and will soon commence
the sinking of a coal shaft on Mr. G. R. Heeren’s farm in the
western part of the village. We welcome Mr. James among us, and wish
him much success.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 7, 1895
On the night of August 22, 1882, our citizens witnessed the burning
of the President Mill, and on March 02, 1895, they were called upon
to look at a similar conflagration. About 12:30 o'clock Saturday
everybody was startled by a shock and a rumbling sound, and before
the fire bell rang out the streets were full of people running
towards John W. Kauffman's large mill. It was soon learned that
there had been a terrible dust explosion, and the sound had hardly
died away before the flumes were leaping from every window.
Notwithstanding the company had expended several thousand dollars
for protection against fire, it was so sudden that nothing could be
done, and the mill burned in less than two hours. The large elevator
burned longer.
About 35,000 bushels of wheat was stored in the bins, which is still
burning. At the time of the explosion, Messrs. Thomas Scott and Otto
Ostendorph, employees, were in the fourth story of the mill. They
were both thrown to the floor with great force. They were up in a
moment, and crawling and feeling their way between timbers, spouting
and machinery. They managed to get to the door which led downstairs,
losing no time in getting to the open air. Scott is now suffering
from a dislocated shoulder, and Ostendorph was slightly burned. They
did indeed have a miraculous escape. Three other employees were on
the lower floor but escaped with slight injury. There might have
been fatalities to report had it not been so soon after the dinner
hour, and the employees had not returned to work.
The loss to the Kauffman Milling Co. will be about $200,000, partly
covered by insurance. The large warehouse in which was stored
several thousand barrels of flour was saved by very hard work. The
two large smoke stacks fell about 7 o'clock Monday night, which made
another crash. The public is warned away from the standing walls.
The C. P. church, standing east nearly one-quarter of a mile, took
fire from chunks of fire, some of which traveled a mile before going
out. Mr. Ewans' custom mills were with difficulty saved, as was J.
A. Miller's grocery store. Ohley's saloon stock and fixtures was a
total loss. Mr. Picker's house on the corner was quickly consumed,
and for a time, the ice house and barn and Mr. H. A. Ewan's new
residence was in great danger. The front of Philip Schoeppet's
saloon was considerably damaged, and the sidewalk for some distance
was burned. Mr. J. S. Thrailkill moved his furniture right quick.
Mr. Klein's folks were also hustling valuables to a safe distance.
The large safe which was in the mill office, and contained the books
and papers, has not yet been opened. The loss is a large one to the
company and also to the town, but we hope to see another mill and
elevator in the near future. This is one of the best points for a
milling business in Southern Illinois, and many milling men know
this and if Mr. Kauffman does not rebuild, others will grasp the
The President Merchant Mill and Elevator was constructed in 1859 by
James Neimrick, and was the first mill in Bethalto. It was located
at the northwest corner of Mill and N. Walnut Streets. Like most
modern mills of that era, it had "three runs of stones," with a
manufacturing capacity of 100 barrels of flour daily. In 1877 the
mill was torn down and rebuilt with a daily capacity of 500 barrels.
Both members of the firm died about 1879, and it was leased to the
E. O. Standard & Co., which operated the mill about one year. In
January 1881, it was purchased by J. W. Kauffman, who increased the
capacity to 600 barrels. Kauffman also owned the Park Mills in St.
Louis, Missouri. In March 1882, a complete change was made,
substituting the Gray Roller System in place of the Burrs, which was
an improvement in milling of grain.
The mill was 54 x 80, and was five stories in height, with a stone
basement. The elevator connected with the mill was 40 x 80, and was
85 feet high. It could store 70,000 bushels of wheat, and had an
elevating capacity of 15,000 bushels of grain daily. A warehouse
nearby, 65 x 150, stored 10,000 barrels of flour. There was also a
cooper shop at the mill, and a railroad switch track from the main
route to the mill.
The President Mill was destroyed by fire August 22, 1882, but was
rebuilt. On March 2, 1895, the mill burned once again, but was never
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 09, 1895
Our Board of Directors met on Wednesday evening and chose the
following teachers for the ensuing school term: J. U. Uzzell,
Principal; Henry Zimmerman, 1st assistant; Miss Hettie Tomlinson,
2nd assistant; Miss Mida Clark, teacher for the Primary Department.
Mr. Russell Duffey has been engaged to teach near Dorsey next
season. Mr. William Zimmerman has been retained to teach again near
Nameoki. Mr. John Zimmerman will have charge of the Lanterman School
in Fort Russell next term. This is a good town from which to select
competent school teachers, and any district which has not yet
employed an educator will do well to investigate our stock on hand.
Mr. J. H. Miller has sold out his meat market on Third Street to Mr.
Nick Smith Jr., who takes charge immediately. We wish the new firm
The new Village Board met Monday, with President S. R. Hudnall in
the chair, and all members present. Considerable business was
transacted, and the President appointed the following officers,
which was approved by the board: Policeman, John Humm;
Superintendent of Streets, J. H. Hickerson; Treasurer, A. J.
Battles; City Weighers, H. A. Ewan and Harry Picker; Village
Attorney, Emil Huelscotter.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15, 1895
A splendid organ and a new coat of paint are the latest additions to
the Grange Hall on Prairie Street. This organization is still
growing, each meeting adding to its membership. The literary part is
becoming a feature of the grange.
Mr. Ernest Klopmeyer recently sold a farm of 84 acres to Mr.
Benjamin Schoenbaum. Consideration, $6,300. The farm is located two
and one-half miles southwest of Bethalto.
The Big Four Railroad killed two nice calves for Mr. John Neunaber
one day last week.
Mr. James, who is sinking a new coal it west of town, is now through
a six-foot vein of splendid coal. We congratulate Mr. James, and
wish him abundant success.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1895
Quite a serious accident occurred Monday morning at the home of Mr.
Iley Cox near Liberty Prairie. The little son of Mrs. Charles
Silland, in some mysterious way found a bottle of carbolic acid and
drank the contents. With all possible hast, Dr. Pembroke was sent
for, and although a very serious case, there is a possibility of its
recovery. During the time of suffering of the little boy, a child
was born to Mrs. Silland. Mrs. Silland is the widow of Mr. Charles
Silland, who a few months ago was killed by the accidental discharge
of a gun.
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 09, 1896
Wood River Grange No. 901 held its annual installation exercises
Saturday, January 4. The following officers were installed for the
ensuing year: Master, William Cartwright; Overseer, Cy Stahl;
Lecturer, T. W. Belk; Steward, Lee Dorsey; Assistant Steward, Samuel
Mathews; Chaplain, Herman Kabel; Treasurer, Colonel Andrew F.
Rodgers; Secretary, Joel Williams; Gate Keeper, Zeph Bivens; Pomona,
Miss Lou Hamilton; Flora, Mrs. Zeph Bivens; Ceres, Mrs. Jennie
Kelsey; Lady Assistant Steward, Miss Minnie Kabel. Your
correspondent witnessed the installation ceremonies, and was very
favorably impressed with it. At noon, the members and guests were
invited to partake of a bountiful repast, which had been prepared by
the ladies. After dinner, and after the installation ceremony, a
literary program was rendered. The Center Hill Quartette of Moro
rendered two choice selections – their singing was very much
appreciated. The paper read by Mr. Arthur Smith, entitled, “to What
Extent Farmers Should Follow Fashion,” was a strong plea in favor of
plain common sense. The Grange here is growing, and the farmers seem
to be greatly interested.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 11, 1896
Two or three weeks ago, the Bethalto Fire Company was instrumental
in extinguishing the flames at the coal mine of Mr. John James. In
appreciation of this, Mr. James made a donation to the fire company.
The secretary, Mr. J. R. Elliott, takes this method of thanking Mr.
James, on behalf of the company, for his kindness.
The plank walk leading to the cemetery is in a deplorable condition.
It is so rotten, that it is dangerous to walk upon. Something should
be done at once.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 03, 1896
The second annual Harvest Home Picnic was given Thursday, August 26,
by the Wood River Grange, in McDonald’s Grove, south of Bethalto.
Quite a large attendance was present. A basket picnic was one of the
pleasant features of the affair. Quite an interesting series of
events were pulled off, among which were foot races, egg races, mule
races, a game of baseball, and many other entertaining features. In
the afternoon, quite an interesting literary program was rendered,
consisting of songs and recitations. W. H. Cartwright gave the
history of the Wood River Grange.
The most instructive and highly enjoyable feature was the exhibit of
farm and garden products. Premiums were awarded for the best exhibit
of each particular kind. Premiums were given to J. S. Culp, Z. E.
Bivens, William Bros., William Jackson, and L. Fangenroth.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 07, 1897
The Orange Creamery has put in a new boiler. This creamery produces
as fine butter as anywhere in the State, and the demand is greater
than their output.
W. L. Lowrance has purchased the John Luman property on Prairie
Street, where he has opened a harness shop for the accommodation of
the farmers.
Prosperity has struck the town, and James E. Kelsey, Miss Susie
James, Miss Mabel Richards, and Miss Nora Jones are each the proud
possessor of a new piano. A merchant of your city was the lucky man.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 14, 1899
George Darr is moving the old store building of John Miller’s to his
place of business on Prairie Street. On Saturday night, John
Starkey’s meat shop burned to the ground. Mrs. Schoppel heard the
crakling of the fire and gave the alarm. The fire department worked
hard to save Mr. Starkey’s property.
Henry Greaves Shot by John Faries
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 08, 1900
A revolver shot and the calls of a man for a doctor to attend a man
who had been shot, nearly broke up a Republican meeting at Bethalto
Saturday night. The crowd in the hall started for the door to learn
who had been shot, and a panic at the door was averted by the
coolness of the speaker, Hon. G. W. Patton, who urged the people to
stay. The shooting occurred just outside a saloon in Bethalto. Henry
Greaves was shot in the face by John Faries or Herbert Williams, two
powder mill men who had gone to Bethalto for a Saturday night
frolic. Greaves was intoxicated also, and it was some time before he
could tell who did the shooting. He was found lying on the street
corner in a semi-conscious condition with a bullet hole in his jaw,
the bone fractured and blood spurting from the wound. The bullet
entered the base of Greaves' brain, and the wound is considered very
After the shooting, word was sent to East Alton to arrest the two
men, and they were taken into custody. Deputy Sheriff Dreisoerner
went to East Alton yesterday afternoon, took the two men to
Bethalto, and there they were identified by Greaves as the men with
whom he quarreled. Faries is charged with having fired the shot, and
Williams also says he did. Greaves was brought to Alton today, and
is at St. Joseph's Hospital where Dr. Yerkes is attending him. He is
a son of Charles Greaves of Troy, and belongs to a well-known
family. He is worse this afternoon and can hardly live. Faries and
Williams were taken before the wounded man at Bethalto, and he
identified both. Williams was placed under $500 bond, and Faries was
put under $800 bond.
Henry Greaves died on October 11, 1900, at St. Joseph’s Hospital in
Alton. Funeral services were held in Bethalto. His father swore out
a warrant, charging Herbert Williams with accessory to murder, and
John Faries with murder. The two men were held without bail. The two
men claimed the shooting was in self-defense.
Squire W. L. Piggott of Bethalto took the dying statement of
Greaves, and after that time period, Piggott died. John Culp of
Fosterburg was a bondsman for John Faries, and also the
administrator of Piggott’s estate. The court requested Culp to
produce the dying man’s statement, but it could not be found. Both
Faries and Williams were released on bond in 1901. The trial was
continued many times, and finally held in June 1902, with Senator J.
J. Brenhold and Judge J. E. Dunnegan as attorneys for the defense.
Since the dying statement of Henry Greaves could not be found, and
there were no witnesses to the murder, the two men were acquitted.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 25, 1901
Hugh Speir's blacksmith shop and G. Klemm's hardware store on
Prairie street took fire Friday night about 8:30 and burned to the
ground. By heroic work, the Duffey house was saved. Mr. Speir only
had $200 insurance. Mr. Klemm carried none. His loss will be $1,000.
A large portion of his stock was saved, and he takes this means of
extending thanks to his friends for saving much of his goods. The
buildings belonged to Mr. Klemm. Mr. Speir, who is a wide-awake
business man, immediately rented Squire Piggott's building, opposite
the post office, and is fitting it up and will be ready for business
the latter part of the week.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 9, 1904
It has been some time since the Indian creek panther caused dwellers
along that classic stream in the vicinity of Bethalto to stay at
home of nights, and it has been several months since the panther
invaded barnyards and carried off lambs, pigs and calves, but the
animal is back again, it is reported, and can scream more loudly and
viciously than ever. John Kruse was returning from Edwardsville late
Thursday night, and was jogging along on horseback at an easy gait,
and as he entered a strip of woods in the creek bottom through which
the wagon road winds, and was about half way through this strip of
timber, when all at once there was a crash through the leaves and
limbs above him; the horse frightened, jumped and swerved, and a
huge body descended from a tree and alighted on the ground just
where the horse had been a moment before. Kruse and his horse were
both badly frightened and lost no time in putting space between them
and the spot, and the equine's speed was accelerated immensely by
the unearthly and agonized screams of the disappointed panther - for
it was the panther. Now again will the men of that section become
confirmed stay-at-homes of nights, and there is likely to be a boom
in the sale of big steel traps which will be set in barnyards and in
woodland in hope that the panther may be caught by one of them.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 27, 1917
For the second time within the past few months, schools, churches
and other public places in Bethalto have been ordered closed by the
mayor on account of diphtheria. An order was given today that all
the churches and the school be closed and that the people should
stop congregating on the streets as much as possible. A new case has
broken out, which is very severe and a general epidemic is feared if
precautions are not taken at once. The Rev. Alfred Kortkamp of Upper
Alton, who has been holding a series of revival services in the
Bethalto Baptist Church, received word today not to hold any more
meetings until after the fear of the diphtheria epidemic had
subsided, which will be in about a week or ten days.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 9, 1920
Joseph Kitzmiller, the ninety-year-old resident of the Bethel
neighborhood, nine miles from Jerseyville, who was buried Saturday,
was the last of a band of fifty farmers organized about 56 years ago
to buy ground for a cemetery, and for a site for a church, according
to his son, Richard Kitzmiller, the Belle street [Alton] barber.
Joseph Kitzmiller followed forty-nine of the original band of fifty
to their last resting places in the cemetery they bought jointly
more than half a century ago. All did not live and die in that
vicinity, but all who moved away and died were brought back for
burial in the cemetery, which the purchasers named the Pruitt
cemetery, a name it has kept since. The first building erected as a
house of worship by the fifty was a log one, but the Bethel church
of today is the development of the pioneer church organized by the
majority of the fifty. "He helped bury forty-nine of the original
fifty," Richard Kitzmiller says, "and their descendants helped bury
him, the last of the fifty." [The Preuitt Cemetery is on
the property of the St. Louis Regional Airport in Bethalto.]