East Alton Newspaper Articles
East Alton History | Wann Disaster
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 28, 1868
For the last two or three weeks past, goods shipped on the Alton and
Terre Haute Railroad, and directed to our merchants, have been
missed, until suspicion was excited and efforts were made to detect
the robbers. After considerable investigation, it was pretty well
ascertained that the thefts were perpetrated on the cars detached
from the general freight trains at night, left on the switch at the
Junction [East Alton], on the Alton and Terre Haute Road, about four
miles from Alton, to be brought to Alton in the morning. During this
time, the following named firms in Alton had missed goods: Messrs.
John W. & H. Schweppe, Mr. P. B. Whipple, Messrs. Blair & Atwood,
and Messrs. Joesting & Co., clothiers.
From the information obtained, locating the depredations at the
above-named point, Mr. Snowball, section boss on the railroad, and
Mr. Everinham, telegraph operator, determined to watch. On Friday
night they discovered some men carrying off some goods, and on
demanding of them to halt, one of the desperadoes wheeled and fired
upon Mr. Snowball, striking him in the arm and making a serious
flesh wound. But owing to the fact that he stood directly between
Mr. Everinham, the latter was prevented, through fear of injuring
him, from firing, and the robbers made their escape. Afterwards, in
examining the cars, a number of bags stuffed with goods was found,
which they had failed to get off. Dr. Williams of Alton was called
out and dressed the wound of Mr. Snowball, and it’s hoped he will
recover without any serious injury.
On Saturday morning a search warrant was issued, and Marshal Young
repaired to the Junction and commenced the search. In examining the
house of Mr. H. K. Smith, about a quarter of a mile from where the
cars were switched off, he came across quite a quantity of the goods
secreted in his house, store and stable, and immediately arrested
Mr. Smith, his father, a German, a barkeeper for Mr. Smith, and two
others, the names of whom we have not obtained. They were brought to
Alton and safely lodged in the calaboose. Their trial will not,
however, take place until tomorrow. It is thought that there are
several other parties implicated in these crimes, but we shall say
no more about that at present.
Yesterday, still further search for goods were made, when a case of
ladies and misses goods, which belonged to Mr. P. B. Whipple, was
found in a cornfield.
The arrest of these men will no doubt break up a foul den of
thieves. That vicinity has long been suspected of not being what it
ought to be, but nothing positive could ever before be brought
against them. Their plan was not to steal all that was in a box, but
to break it open, take out a portion of the goods, and close the box
again. A large iron was found on Mr. Smith’s premises, evidently
made for the purpose of prying open the cars and boxes. We will give
further particulars tomorrow, after the trial takes place.
An examination of evidence was quickly held, and Henry Gruering
turned State’s evidence against H. K. Smith, who was held over for
trial, with his father being released. Louis Froyster, Henry
Gruerning, and Michael Grimm were bound over for the next term of
the county court, with bail being $1,500 each. In default of bail,
the parties were committed to jail in Edwardsville. Philip Ritter,
another member of the gang of thieves, was still at large on October
01, 1868. I could find no further information.
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 19, 1872
E. Nevill & Co. have always on hand at their sample rooms in
Edwardsville and at the Wood River Driving Park Hotel, a choice
selection of genuine imported wines and liquors. They will give due
notice of all races at the Driving Park.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 29, 1872
Considering the state of the track through the heavy fall of snow on
Friday last, one of the best quarter races ever ran was at the Wood
River Driving Park [in East Alton] last Saturday. A short time ago,
Mr. Ed Nevill, the proprietor of the hotel and park, purchased the
celebrated race horse “Blind Weasel," and immediately matched her
against Mr. Hastings "Fleet Foot," the race to come off on March 23,
independent of the weather. The horses were brought on the track
promptly, when a hitch arose as to the choice of track, but Mr.
Nevill finally consented to Mr. Hasting’s terms. The horses were
taken to the Quarter Pole, and after a little delay in starting, the
word was given to go. The grey got the start by 3 feet, but in six
jumps she got up to him. They ran neck and neck until passing the
grandstand, when the mare shot away from the grey, and after a most
exciting contest, the Weasel won the race by five feet. So even was
the race thought to be, that what betting took place was even.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 26, 1872
The great horse show and races to take place at the Wood River
Driving Park on Saturday, April 27. In addition to the other
features, premiums will be given to first- and second-best roadster
horses. Another match has been made between Ed Nevill’s horse,
“Blind Weazel,” and P. Bradley’s “Dodger” – quarter mile heats, best
two in three – May 11.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1873
The engine house and water tank, belonging to the Terre Haute
Railroad at Alton Junction [East Alton], took fire Thursday night in
some unexplained way, and was consumed. The engineer in charge, Mr.
Easley, states that after filling the tank, and seeing that the
furnace fire was all safe, he left the building at the usual time,
and has no idea how the fire originated. The Junction engine now
takes water at the Chicago & Alton tank in Alton.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 13, 1873
Among the enterprises recently inaugurated in this vicinity, is the
fire brick factory of Messrs. Roepner & Co. of St. Louis, situated
about two miles northeast of Alton Junction [East Alton], where is
found an excellent quality of clay, suitable for the purpose. The
company have extensive works erected, and employ a force of from 25
to 30 hands. The bank of clay is found at the base of a steep hill,
and is mined from a shaft. After being dug, the clay is conveyed to
the works on a tramway, and is first ground fine in a huge “coffee
mill,” as it is termed, then moistened and moulded in the usual
manner. The brick are then “sun dried,” and afterwards “kiln dried,”
and finally burned. The works turn out above five thousand brick per
day, in favorable weather, though in time it is anticipated the
capacity will be largely increased. Mr. Frank Backof, one of the
proprietors, is in charge. The office of the company is in St.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 17, 1874
On Sunday night, the depot and water tank of the Terre Haute Road,
at Alton Junction [East Alton], together with the saloon and
restaurant adjoining, were totally destroyed by fire. The fire
originated in the saloon, which was owned and occupied by John
Yunck, and spread to the railroad buildings. The depot buildings
were probably worth about $1,000, and the saloon $200. Loss was
Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, February 4, 1875
The young men, James Smith and William Clayton, committed by Squire
Benbow on two charges of arson, have been transferred to the county
jail to await their trial, Judge Baker having refused to grant the
writ of habeas corpus sworn out in their behalf. The arrest of these
young men, the circumstances of which we have narrated, is regarded
as of great importance. The charges upon which they were committed
are for burning the Wood River Driving Park Hotel, and for
attempting to burn the residence of Jacob Koch. But it is believed
that they are connected with several other mysterious incendiary
fires that have occurred in the same vicinity the past year. So bold
have been these incendiary operations that a perfect reign of terror
has existed for months in the neighborhood of Alton Junction, no man
knowing when his property would share the same fate. There seems to
have been a gang of desperate men in the vicinity who avenged
private grudges by destroying the property of those against whom
they had conceived a dislike. Among the supposed incendiary fires we
recall in this connection are: Depot buildings at the Junction,
burned on the 12th of last April; residence of George Smith (father
of one of the prisoners), burned the same month; Driving Park Hotel,
burned May 4th; residence of John Cook, burned in same month; Brushy
Point school house, burned Dec. 25th. There is also the attempt to
burn the residence of Jacob Koch. In addition, a stable and one or
two straw stacks have been fired by unknown parties. It is believed
that the arrest of Smith and Clayton will lead to important
developments in regard to these other fires. It is certainly to be
hoped that the guilty parties have, at length, been caught, and that
the citizens of that locality will, in future, have more security
for their property. One thing that has a bad look for the defendants
is the fact that several important witnesses for the prosecution
have been mysteriously spirited away since the arrest, and cannot be
found. The credit for swearing out the warrant in this case is due
to Major Roper, and his action in the matter is justified by the
decision of the court in committing the prisoners for trial.
The Wood River Driving Park was located about where the Circle K gas
station is now, on W. St. Louis Avenue in East Alton, near the
bridge over the Wood River. This was a popular horserace track that
included a hotel and bar.
William Clayton had previously been arrested in 1875 for breaking
into a freight car in East Alton. On February 17, the two young men
stood before G. M. Cole, Master in Chancery (who was appointed to
hear the case by Judge Snyder, who was ill). Mr. Cole ruled that the
Judge had no authority to appoint a substitute to act in his place,
and that the case belonged in the Alton court. The prisoners were
taken back to jail to await their new trial in Belleville, not
Alton. Upon hearing the case in Belleville, Judge Snyder reduced
their bail from $2,000 to $200. No prosecutors were present, nor any
witnesses. At least Clayton did not pay his bail, because in June
1875, William Clayton and a man named Williams (in jail for horse
stealing), who were confined in the same cell in the county jail,
escaped. They did so by tampering with their cell door, by inserting
a piece of tin between the door and the casing, so when the door
closed, the bolt would not slide into place. They made their way
into the corridor, and hid behind the main door. When the jailer
entered, they rushed past him and escaped. I could find no further
mention of Smith or Clayton. It is assumed that they got away with
their crimes.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 5, 1875
(From the Daily of July 29) – On Tuesday evening, the greatest storm
of the present rainy reason commenced, and continued with slight
intermissions for thirty-six hours. The rainfall was something
almost unprecedented – creeks and water courses quickly overflowed
their banks, ponds and lakes were raised to a height never reached
before. In the city, the damage to streets, drains, and culverts is
very heavy, and will require a heavy outlay to repair it. A number
of houses up the creek, at the corner of Sixth and Alby Streets, and
on other low grounds, were flooded, and considerable damage done.
The greatest destruction in this vicinity was in the Wood River
Bottom, in the vicinity of the Junction [East Alton]. Both forks of
the Wood River overflowed their banks yesterday afternoon, and swept
in a resistless torrent across the bottom. The stream was four feet
higher than any point reached in the last forty years, which gives
some idea of the height attached by the flood.
At Upper Alton Station, on the Rock Island Railroad, the west fork
of the Wood River flooded all the lowlands in the valley. The depot
was entirely surrounded by water, but the bridge, although under
water, was not swept away. Up to this morning, the flood was still
so high that crossing at that point was impossible. All the farms on
that lowland between Upper Alton Station and the Junction were
overflowed. Fences, grain and hay were swept away. The standing corn
was prostrated, and root crops badly injured. Two bridges on the
Rock Island Road, one of them at Woods Station, were also carried
away, while the track was washed out and badly damaged. Below the
junction of the east and west forks, the river became a resistless
torrent, and poured a flood of water directly across the Driving
Park, carrying away the east and part of the north fence. The flood
followed the line of the wagon road pas the Thre Miles House, and
broke through the embankment on the Terre Haute Railroad, at the
crossing of the Edwardsville wagon road, and overflowed the lowlands
below for several miles. At twelve o’clock today, the wagon road to
St. Louis was still two or three feet under water as far as the eye
could trace it, from the railroad crossing beyond the Three Mile
House. The break in the Terre Haute Road at that point is a serious
one, but will probably be repaired by tomorrow, so that trains can
pass. On the Chicago track, a bad break occurred at a point about a
mile south of the Milton Bridge, but the damage was so promptly
repaired that trains crossed before 10 o’clock this morning. The St.
Louis passengers from Chicago this morning, by the lightning express
train, were transferred to the packet.
Although the river rose to the planking of the three bridges at
Milton, still they appear to be in good condition. The most serious
damage to the Terre Haute Road was between the bridge and the
Junction, at the point where the flood swept across through the
Driving Park. Two serious breaks, each several rods long, occurred
at this point, and it will be some time before they can be repaired.
In the meantime, the passengers from Alton for the East, will have
to be transferred at the bridge, unless the “plug train” makes
connection by running to Edwardsville Crossing [Hartford area] on
the Chicago & Alton track.
On the Rock Island Road, the condition of affairs is still worse.
Two bridges are gone, and the track badly damaged. No trains have
passed over the road between the Junction and Brighton since
yesterday morning. Until the damage is repaired, the only outlet for
this road will be over the Chicago & Alton from Brighton to St.
Louis. We presume trains will take this route.
The loss to the farmers on the bottom by this overflow will be
heavy. In many cornfields, we noticed the water this morning
standing two or three feet deep, and as there was no current, it
will evidently remain there until removed by the slow process of
absorption. The path of the main torrent presents a curious
spectacle – rails, fencing, trees, and debris of every description
are seen on every hand. Just above Milton, the heavy timbers of a
large bridge are stranded on the bank. On the east fork of the Wood
River, one county bridge is swept away, and also the timbers for a
new one, which Judge Stocker had the contract for building. The
details we have given of the flood are meager, but all that a hasty
drive to the scene of disaster enabled us to collect. Enough is
known to show that the flood is the most disastrous that has
occurred in that section for many years.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1877
Quite a large company of ladies and gentlemen from Alton,
Edwardsville, and other places, assembled at this favorite place of
public resort on Saturday afternoon, where a number of trials of
speed in trotting took place. Edwardsville horses carried off the
honors – the first prize, a $5 whip, was won by Hon. G. B. Burnett;
the second prize, a $3 whip, was carried off by Mr. Judy, both of
Edwardsville. Some Alton horses made good time in both races, but
were not quite equal on that occasion to their competitors from the
county seat.
Job’s Stables Destroyed by Fire
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 11, 1881
Mr. Zephaniah B. Job’s stables near the race track, a few miles
below the city, caught fire about noon Friday, and were totally
consumed in a few minutes. The structure consisted of a large range
of wooden buildings, and had lately been used to shelter teams used
in constructing the Chicago & Alton Railroad cut-off. There was a
lot of loose straw about the place, and it is supposed that the fire
was caused by sparks from an engine, as a train had just passed. Dr.
Guelich and Mr. J. Kuhn, who were near the place at the time, state
that they first saw a little smoke, and in an inconceivably short
space of time, the whole building was enveloped in flames and was
destroyed so quick that nothing could have been done to save it,
even had the appliances for the purpose been on hand.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 10, 1881
“Wann Station” is the new name given to Alton Junction by the I. &
St. Louis authorities in their new time card, issued yesterday.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 15, 1881
During their geological exploration last week near Alton Junction
[East Alton], Professor Marsh and Hon. William McAdams were much
interested in a beaver dam across the Wood River, a short distance
from the I. & St. Louis Railroad bridge. The dam extends entirely
across the stream, and is very ingeniously constructed. It raises
the water about three feet. The gentlemen were much surprised at the
discovery, as they supposed the beaver had long since deserted this
part of the country. They had both often seen beaver dams in the far
West, but did not expect to find one in the Wood River, within three
miles of a busy town, and near where a hundred men are at work on
the cut-off. The residents on the Wood River regard the dam as a
great curiosity, and would visit dire revenge on anyone who molested
the ingenious little builders.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 12, 1882
Alton Junction [East Alton] seems bent on furnishing its quota of
exciting incidents. While excavating for earth to be hauled onto the
Chicago & Alton cut-off near the Edwardsville wagon road at the
lower end of town, today the workmen were greatly surprised at
finding the skeleton of a human being that had been buried there
some years in the past. The strange unlikeliness of the situation,
for so sacred a duty, caused them to wonder greatly, but it was
increased to astonishment when the discovery was made that the back
part of the skull had been driven in by some blunt instrument,
probably at the time its owner came to his death. The skull, which
is now in the hands of a villager, yet retains a slight portion of
the hair. Among other things exhumed was a brass kettle, a silver
half-moon shaped plate, which bore the engraving of an opossum, a
silk ribbon, on which were several silver buckles, and quite a
number of beads. The poor fellow’s remains, we understand, and
regret to state, were hauled up onto the “cut,” and dumped in with
other earth.
The situation of the unknown’s grave, and the disreputable fame
associated with the locality in years gone by, cause one to
speculate with a feeling of horror as to the manner of the death. At
this instant, might not a loving wife be looking with that
never-failing trust for the morrow that would bring that loved form
and gladness to her heart, and might not the cheering thoughts of
that far-away fireside and loved friends have been occupying his
thoughts when the assassin’s blow felled him to the earth?
A conviction for murder has been the outcome of following
circumstances less manifest than those already developed in this
affair, and some amateur detective has a fair opportunity of pitting
his keenness against probably villainy.
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 14, 1886
The Hotel Wann, at Alton Junction [East Alton], owned by Mr. George
Y. Smith, caught fire Friday afternoon, and was totally destroyed.
Some of the household furniture and goods were saved. The flames
originated from the flue, communicating to the woodwork just under
the roof. The house was a two story, brick and frame. The building
and contents were insured for about $3,200. This will not quite
cover the loss. In the effort to extinguish the flames, some persons
had their hands frozen.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 15, 1886
Late Monday afternoon, the boiler of a steam engine, used in
threshing wheat on a farm near Alton Junction [East Alton],
belonging to Hon. Zephaniah B. Job, rented by Mr. A. Mathias,
exploded and scattered fragments of iron and clouds of steam in
every direction. Fortunately, operations had ceased for the time
being, and those engaged in the work had separated to some extent,
otherwise the consequences might have been much more serious. As it
was, three men, William Diamond, William Baily, and Charles Neimeyer
were considerably injured and disabled. They were taken care of by
Mr. Mathias and others, placed in a wagon, and carefully conveyed to
Alton. Baily and Neimeyer were placed in charge of the Sisters of
St. Joseph’s Hospital. William Diamond was removed to his residence
on Belle Street, near Fifteenth Street. He had a severe cut, four
inches in length, in the right jaw, and a wound, made with a nail or
other missile, just back of the right ear. He was not scalded. He
was conscious, but unable to swallow anything except liquids, owing
to the swollen condition of his neck. All the men were doing well
today, with prospects of speedy recovery. Two wagons, a lot of
wheat, and straw were destroyed by the explosion, and two horses
were killed.
[East Alton]
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 18, 1887
A costly fire occurred at Alton Junction this morning, by which the
Tile Works at that place was totally destroyed, including all the
machinery and fixtures. The flames were first discovered near the
boilers, and with such fury did they rage that in thirty minutes,
the whole building, or mass of buildings, was a pile of ashes. There
were no appliances for a crisis like this, hence nothing effective
could be done towards extinguishing the flames. The main building
was 72x144 feet, two stories high. One wing was 30x200 feet; the
other to the rear, 30x100 feet. There were 15,000 feet of steam pipe
in the establishment; three drying floors; the engine was
45-horsepower; and steam cylinder. There were 2 tile machines, 1
elevator, 2 clay crushers, 2 brick machines, a 5-pump doctor, an
iron lathe, and other appurtenances. All of these were destroyed or
badly damaged.
From 40 to 45 men have been employed at the Works. The members of
the firm are: M. H. Boals, John Cook, A. F. Foster, W. W. Stickney.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 14, 1887
The destructive fire which swept away the main factory buildings of
Manuel H. Boals and Company’s sewer pipe and tile works at Alton
Junction [East Alton] last January, and which at the time seemed to
be a great misfortune
the town and county, as well as to the proprietors, has happily
resulted in one of the most extensive and substantial manufacturing
improvements in the State. At the time of the fire, one of the
partners was in California, and this, together with the inclemency
of the season and the usual formalities of insurance adjustments,
caused some delay in starting to rebuild. Meanwhile, the firm took
occasion to carry out a long-contemplated change into a joint stock
company, duly incorporated under the laws of this State, under the
name of the Stoneware Pipe Company. The stockholders of the new
organization consist mostly of the same parties interested in the
old firm, and it is understood that the management will continue
practically the same as heretofore. All preliminaries being
satisfactorily adjusted, work was commenced early in March on the
foundations of the new factory buildings. On the site of the old
ruins, there stands today a substantial three-story brick structure,
192 feet long by 112 feet wide, and a one-story engine and boiler
house, 56 feet long by 40 feet wide. These buildings contain floor
space enough for 261 rooms, 16 feet square, or 65 entire houses of 4
large rooms each. Over 100 carloads of material have been used in
construction, consisting mostly of about four hundred thousand brick
and three hundred thousand feet of lumber.
This is understood to be the largest factory in the west, devoted
exclusively to the manufacture of stoneware pipes for sewers,
culverts, and general drainage purposes, and it is also the only
pipe factory in the west which draws all its raw material, both clay
and coal, from its own mines, which are believed to contain ample
supplies to last more than a hundred years. With such advantages, it
is difficult to see why this concern should not make money, as every
citizen of this county should be glad to see it do, for there is
nothing which builds up and sustains a community like such large and
permanent manufacturing establishments, bringing in money as they do
from all parts of the country, and distributing most of it in the
form of wages to their employees. The productive capacity of this
establishment will not be less than three carloads per day of
manufactured ware, or one thousand carloads per year, and almost the
whole cost of production, aside from wear and tear of buildings,
kilns, and machinery, is the labor expended in mining the raw
materials and converting them into merchantable ware, and whatever
conflicts between labor and capital may be carried on elsewhere,
there seems to be but little reason for any such disturbances at the
Stoneware Pipe Factory, since the employees get by far the larger
share of the proceeds of the business.
A large boarding house and six dwelling houses belonging to the
company are already provided for the accommodation of the employees,
and we are informed that ten more commodious houses are soon to be
built by the company on its own grounds for the same purpose, thus
forming the nucleus of a pleasant little village in the immediate
vicinity of the works, the social and economic advantages of which
will undoubtedly be duly appreciated.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 12, 1891
The property at the Alton Junction, belonging to Joseph Herman and
occupied by Chris Ulrich as a store and post office, was totally
destroyed by fire yesterday morning. The origin of the fire cannot
be ascertained, but it is thought that a defective flue was the
cause. The building being a frame structure, burned very rapidly,
and there being no water, the structure was reduced to ashes in a
short time. It was with hard work that the neighbors saved the
adjoining blacksmith shop from the fury of the flames. The contents
of both the post office and store were destroyed. The building in
the rear of the post office was saved.
(East Alton)
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 27, 1891
Christian Ulrich, Postmaster at Alton Junction, has resigned his
position, the resignation to take effect August 31. There isn’t
sufficient fryable fat in this post office to justify a man giving
it his entire time, and Mr. Ulrich, who has made an efficient and
accommodating official, will move to Alton, where he will engage in
business. E. C. Gum, the successor of John Koch in the general
merchandise business, will probably become postmaster.
Aleck Schmitt, one of the Junction’s enterprising merchants, will at
once commence the erection of a larger and more modern-looking store
building. He will also build a large barn and warehouse.
The Chicago & Alton Railroad is doing an immense fruit, melon, and
vegetable carrying business from this place, but as is generally the
case, when crops are unusually good, prices are such as to leave but
small profit for the producer.
Jack Hamilton, Wood River’s colored philosopher, guide, and weather
prognosticator, says folks can look out for hot weather as long as
the moon continues flirting in the Southern heavens, as she has been
doing the past week. Jack’s predictions generally happen, and until
Miss Luna returns to her own side of the fence, hot weather may be
confidently expected.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 18, 1892
Details reached the city today of an affray which took place near
Alton Junction [East Alton] last evening, and which rivals in its
ghastliness some of the dime-novel border stories. The affair
happened on one of Mr. Z. B. Job’s farm – the one usually termed
Job’s ranch. In the farmhouse lived a man named Gardner and his
family, Willie Davis, William O’Neill, Patrick O’Brien, and John
Williams. Yesterday morning a quarrel started between Davis and
O’Neill about who should feed the cows. O’Neill drew a knife and
threatened to cut Davis. The latter picked up a piece of brick, but
bystanders brought about peace. Davis then went to Alton Junction,
thinking he would thus avoid any trouble. Williams afterwards told
O’Neill that he (O’Neill) was in the wrong. Everyone except O’Neill
let the matter drop there. He, however, got his revolver and loaded
it to kill. Gardner found the revolver where O’Neill had put it, and
hid it. O’Neill and Williams, who had been the best of friends, then
started to the Junction. There, O’Neill filled up on whiskey in some
of the “closed” saloons. Williams returned to the ranch at about 8
p.m. On the road to Alton Junction, O’Neill had told Williams that
he intended to kill O’Brien. Williams told O’Brien to be on his
guard, that O’Neill had said O’Brien’s time had come. All the men
got home before O’Neill. O’Brien went to bed upstairs, and Williams
laid on a bench thinking to quiet O’Neill when he came home. But he
fell asleep, and his good intentions may be the indirect cause of
his death. The men had been out late and retired early on that
account. At 8 o’clock, they were sleeping soundly.
O’Neill had been bloodthirsty all day. The whisky he had imbibed
made him a demon. When he came in the house, he saw Williams on the
bench. Here was a victim. He got an ax that had been used for
cutting meat, and struck Williams on the side of the face, cutting a
gash from the chin to the ear, and breaking the jawbone. Williams
fell to the floor, when O’Neill rained blows on his body. When
Williams groaned, he cried, “I’ll cut your legs off!” On Williams’
head, body and legs came the blows from the ax, and in the din
O’Brien waked up. He came to the stairway and O’Neill came toward
him, threatening to kill him. Just then, Williams moaned again, and
the brute, O’Neill, said, “Ain’t you dead yet?” With this, he rushed
to Williams. He aimed a blow at his head, but it missed and struck
Williams in the breast. Again, he tried to strike the prostrate man,
but O’Brien had come up behind him, and giving him a shove sent him
sprawling to the floor. Here, he held him until Gardner could
arrive, and together they tied him hand and foot. When the wretch
was secured, a telephone message was sent to Alton, and Deputy
Sheriff Volbracht brought him here, where he placed him in the city
This morning O’Neill was given a preliminary examination before
Squire Brandeweide, who fixed his bond at $1,000. O’Neill would
convict himself on his own story.
Dr. W. Fisher attended poor Williams. The man is fearfully cut and
hacked. Besides the gash on the cheek, he has both eyes closed, his
mouth cut and mashed, a big cut on the leg, another on the breast,
and numerous bruises on the body and internal injuries. The blows on
the head caused concussion of the brain. There is little hope of
Williams’ recovering. O’Neill is in jail. He couldn’t get bonds for
any amount, and if Williams dies, he will be a candidate for
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 23, 1892
Patrick O’Brien, one of the men living on the Job ranch, stated to a
representative of the Telegraph yesterday, that he was the man with
whom O’Neal, who used an ax on Williams last Sunday, had the
misunderstanding early in the morning; that he (O’Brien) left the
ranch and went to the Junction to avoid trouble that O’Neal told
Williams (the wounded man) that Sunday would be O’Brien’s last day;
that all the men were sober; that Williams stayed downstairs in
order to pacify O’Neal; that he (O’Brien) was waked out of a sound
sleep by the butchery going on downstairs, and came down in time to
save Williams’ life; that he threw O’Neal down, held him there until
a rope was procured, and then tied him; that O’Neal had threatened
the lives of several of the party. O’Brien says he served nearly
five years in the army during the Rebellion [Civil War], and has
just applied for a pension and feels very thankful that O’Neal’s axe
did not fall on him, as he believes was intended; that he wants to
live to enjoy his pension for some time yet.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 19, 1892
There is but little change in the condition of Williams, the man who
was so unmercifully chopped with an axe on Sunday by the drunken
brute, O’Neill. Dr. W. Fisher is hopeful of Williams’ ultimate
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 20, 1892
We are informed that all of the trouble about the Williams – O’Neill
imbroglio has not been published. There are always two sides to
every story, and there seems to be no exception to the rule in this
case. Williams, so the other story has it, had whipped O’Neill twice
during Sunday. That when O’Neill returned from Alton Junction, the
men were not asleep as reported. That Williams again set on O’Neill
with the result know. It seems that jealousies have existed between
the men for some time past, which was fanned into flames by the
connivance of one of the men on the ranch.
Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, Wednesday, January 20, 1892
An assault occurred near Alton Junction on one of the farms of Z. B.
Job, Sunday, in which William O'Neil hacked John Williams while
asleep with a meat ax. The farm house was occupied by John Gardner
and family, Willis Davis, Patrick O'Brien, William O'Neil and John
Williams. Sunday morning a quarrel took place between Davis and
O'Neil about the feeding of the cows. O'Neil drew a knife and
threatened David. Bystanders interfered and Davis, to avoid trouble,
went to Alton Junction. Williams afterwards told O'Neil that he was
in the wrong. Everyone let the matter drop with this except O'Neil.
He got a revolver and loaded it. Gardner found the weapon and hid
it. O'Neil and Williams then started for the Junction. There O'Neil
drank freely. Williams returned home about 3 o'clock in the
afternoon. On the road to the Junction O'Neil told Williams that he
intended killing O'Brien. Williams on his return told O'Brien to be
on his guard. All the men got home before O'Neil. O'Brien went to
bed and Williams laid on a bench, thinking to quiet O'Neil when the
latter returned. He fell asleep and when O'Neil returned was
sleeping soundly. O'Neil was blood thirsty and when he saw Williams
became enraged. He went to the kitchen, got an ax that had been used
for cutting meat, returned to where Williams was sleeping, and
without warning struck Williams across the face, cutting a huge gash
from the eat to the chin and breaking the jaw bone. Williams fell to
the floor, when O'Neil struck him several more times. When Williams
groaned the infuriated man cried, "Now, I'll cut your legs off." On
Williams' head, body and legs the ax did its dreadful work. The
noise awakened O'Brien. He came to the stairway and O'Neil came
towards him and threatened to kill him. Just then Williams moaned
again and O'Neill, with the exclamation, "Ain't you dead yet,"
rushed to Williams. He again struck him and attempted to repeat the
blow when O'Brien came up from behind and shoved him sprawling on
the floor. Here O'Brien held him until Gardner came up and together
they tied him. A telephone message was sent to Alton, and Deputy
Sheriff Ferd Vollbracht went after him. He was taken to Alton and
bad a preliminary hearing Monday. His bond was fixed at $1,000, in
default of which he was brought to the county jail. Dr. W. Fisher
attended Williams, whose injuries left little hope of saving his
life. He presented a horrible sight. If Williams dies, as seems
probable, another will be added to the list of murders in the
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 4, 1892
A manufacturing company from the East, which has been negotiating
for lands in the vicinity of Wann [East Alton], has closed deals for
nearly one hundred acres of land just north of that place, in
Sections 9 and 16, presumably with a view to building residences for
its employees in addition to such ground as may be necessary for its
works. The lands were bought of Messrs. Zephaniah B. Job, Zephaniah
Silver, and H. H. Hays. Evidently, the company means business, and
the location and development of the works will most likely follow
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 9, 1892
Engineer T. M. Long informs us that Mr. C. D. Olin of Troy, New York
will be here again about May 20, on business relative Wann. The
company represented by Mr. Olin has works in Minnesota and Missouri,
and Mr. Long states that Wann was selected because it was midway
between both plants, and considered as part of Alton, has such
excellent railroad and river facilities.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 6, 1892
The Big Four Railroad has a large gang of men at work here, hauling
sand, earth, etc., to “raise” the approaches of the Wood River
railroad bridge.
Miss Maggie Mullane, piquant, accommodating, and painstaking, is now
in charge of the post office here. This is the reason probably that
so many young fellows persist in calling for mail about ten times a
day between mail trains.
Work is progressing satisfactorily on the numerous buildings of the
powder plant, but it is thought the work of manufacturing explosives
will not begin until Spring.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 13, 1892
Hundreds of visitors from Alton visit the powder plant on Sundays.
They probably wish to have the appearance of the country firmly
fixed in their minds so that they may contrast it with what it will
look like after the mills blow up once or twice.
George Eccles of Marine has moved his family into one of Zephaniah
B. Job’s houses, east of here a short distance.
The stoneware company ships about nine carloads of their products
daily, and their orders come from all points in the United States.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 28, 1892
Charley Hermann, “Mine Host” of the Park Hotel, will, as soon as
possible, commence the erection of a large hotel building, his
present quarters being inadequate to meet the demands made upon him.
Mr. Hermann intends to discontinue the merchandise business, and
confine his attention to his hotel and saloon.
It is likely that the manufacture of powder will be commenced here
next week. Anyone desiring to be blown up can set any day after
operation’s begins to come out and be accommodated. Seriously, there
are a great many who foolishly fear wholesale destruction because of
this powder mill. The danger really is very insignificant, and
anyway, as an esteemed ancestor of mine would remark, “It is time
enough to wish the devil good morning when you meet him.”
There was great sport here Christmas eve at Will Henry’s store,
where 100 turkeys had been provided for the elegant shooting match
that followed. Will Henry always provides amusements for the boys on
festal occasions.
George Henry has purchased an interest in the flourishing business
Will Henry has conducted so long, and after the first of the month,
the firm will conduct affairs under the name of Henry Bros. Both
young men are energetic, have splendid business qualifications, and
will make a success of their enterprise.
A stock company is being formed here, having for its object the
erection of a three-story building – the two lower stories to be
used as a hotel, and the upper story for lodge room purposes. About
$2,000 has already been subscribed, and the additional $1,000
necessary will be forthcoming shortly. The building is to be built
on Front Street, about midway between the depot and Park Hotel.
[East Alton]
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 12, 1893
The Henry Bros. will erect at once a building, 116x80, just west of
their present store building, to be used as a saloon. The boys are
going into the commission business, will buy everything a farmer
raises, or will handle for the farmer on commission.
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 19, 1893
The Powder Mill folks are laying in a large supply of sawdust for
fuel purposes. They are also storing up large quantities of coke for
the same purpose.
Dozens of eggs have been frozen hereabouts during the past ten days,
and their commercial value destroyed. Whenever a hen cackles, you
can generally depend on it that something has occurred, but unless
someone immediately followed the hen and picked up the occurrence,
the frost fiends took possession and “that’s an end.”
Rain or shine, hot or cold, the Pipe Ware company keeps business
moving, and an immense business it has grown to be.
Charles Ferguson, our energetic and accommodating coal dealer,
intends erecting a large shed for the storage of coal, so that he
will always have a supply ahead. Orders come in now so thick and
fast, that it keeps him hustling to meet the demands of the
shivering public. Charles deserves success, and it is hoped he may
have lots of it.
WANN NEWS (East Alton)
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 9, 1893
Make the railroads keep a watchman at every crossing where human
life or property is endangered, or make all trains come to a full
stop at all such crossings. If this had been done before, the Wann
disaster would not have happened, and many homes would not now be
desolate. Those Alton ladies – Mesdames Hamilton, Demuth, and
Thompson – have the heartfelt gratitude of the people here for the
relief work they have done and are still doing for the victims of
the horror of January 21. Engineers on the Big Four have been
ordered to approach all interlocking switches with their engines
under perfect control, prepared to stop at least 500 feet from a
derailed switch. It is a case of locking the stable door after the
horse has been stolen, but it is a great deal better than the old
order of things.
Frank James, who has been in charge of the butcher shop here for
some time, has returned to his home in Brighton. Frank was not
injured in the explosion as was first reported, but his escape was
really miraculous. Christian Ulrich of Alton is in charge of Charles
Hermann’s grocery and saloon business since the explosion.
Mrs. James Mullane, worn out with anxiety and watching and nursing,
has succumbed to the tax put upon her, and is now quite sick. Mr.
James Mullane is recovering slowly from his burns [Wann Disaster],
and Johnnie Mullane is doing very well considering the fearful burns
he received.
Mr. Pat O’Mara, whose burns [Wann Disaster] were not of a serious
character, caught cold and is very sick with pneumonia symptoms.
John Henry has made a hard fight, and it is now believed that he is
out of danger and his recovery, while necessarily slow, from the
severity of his injuries, is almost certain. Thomas Philbrick is
alive and seems to be gaining strength, but it is undoubtedly only
seeming, for the poor sufferer is in an awful condition, and if he
did not possess a constitution of iron, he would have passed over to
the majority long ago. The Miller brothers are reported out of
danger, as is also Will McIntosh. The outlook is hopeful for the
recovery of all here, except possibly Mr. Philbrick.
A fox was seen in Zephaniah B. Job’s woodland pasture near the tile
works the other day – the first one seen here for years. Mr. Job has
been loading cars with wheat for several days past. The grain is
intended for Alton dealers.
D. O. Tomlinson, who already operates one large and successful
blacksmithing establishment in Alton, besides the one here, will
open another shop in a few days somewhere downtown. Mr. Tomlinson
has the reputation of being one of the best horseshoers in the
State, and his work sustains the reputation.
Mr. M. G. Powel, the able teacher of the schools at Wann, skated
from Godfrey to the schoolhouse – a distance of eight miles, in
eight minutes. Pretty swift, isn’t it?
(East Alton)
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 23 & 30, 1893
Mr. Zephaniah Silver, or “Boss” as he is familiarly called, will be
the next representative of Wood River township in the county
legislature. Boss believes in good roads, and believes road
improvements should be made permanent. Even if only a few hundred
yards of road be built substantially in each township every year, it
would not be long until good rock roads would be the rule, and not
the exception, throughout the county. Every Supervisor elected in
Madison County next month should be pledged to do something towards
bettering the generally abominable country roads.
It is estimated that “Knights of the Road” have burned fully a
carload of coal belonging to the railroad company here during this
winter. Their campfires are an every night, and all through the
night occurrence.
It was not many moons ago that Boone Vaughn, burning up with the
western fever, left Madison County for a residence in Colorado. The
other day he came back. He is cured of the western fever, and there
is no danger of a relapse. He admits that the West is a great
country, but says Illinois is a greater. He likes the broad expanse
of billowy prairie, and the grandeur of the gigantic mountains, but
he dislikes the familiarity of the climate where the wind plays
baseball with boulders, and don’t care a cuss whether they strike
you or the bat, and he seriously objects to the liberty Boreas takes
in converting the lobes of ones ears into sandbags. Madison County
is good enough for him in the future, and Madison County is good
enough for anybody.
The Fat Men’s Society of Alton Junction will be organized next
Saturday night. Those, only, four of whom can sit on a brick, are
permissible as candidates or admissible as members. Messrs. Will
Henry, George Smith, George Wall, John Kane, George Tomlinson, and
Charley Ferguson are the prominent candidates. The writer managed to
sit on the point of a pin the other day, and his application has
been reported upon favorably by the proper committee.
The new sawmill at the tile works is in full operation, and is
turning out large quantities of splendid hardwood lumber. The
company will erect at once a large barn and other buildings on their
property here, their increasing business demanding more buildings.
Johnnie Mullane has so far recovered from his severe burns [Wann
Disaster] as to be able to walk around a little unassisted. This is
good news to his many friends, and here is hoping he may soon
recover all his former strength. Mr. James Mullane, who was also
burned in the oil explosion, is not gaining strength as rapidly as
he should, and while he is not confined to his bed, his general
health is bad. Charley Hammond, a former employee of the Big Four
here, and a victim of the explosion, is now braking on the Bluff
Line in Alton.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 4, 1893
Mr. William Henry's store at Alton Junction [East Alton] was
ransacked last night by professional thieves and safe-crackers and
$400 in money stolen. Mr. Henry, upon arising this morning, was
astonished to find the things scattered over the store, the doors
wide open and his safe missing. An investigation revealed the fact
that his store had been entered by thieves. The safe stood in a
corner of the store room, some distance from the door. The burglars
took a pile of jeans pants from a shelf and carefully laid them on
the floor from the safe to the door. Ropes were attached to the safe
and it was drawn to the entrance. So carefully was this done that
the family overhead was not aroused. The safe was a very small one
and weighed but a hundred pounds. It was but little trouble to drag
it a distance of a hundred feet to the rear of the stable, drill a
hole near the lock and blow it up with dynamite. The money was
mostly paper, there being about $330, the balance being in silver.
The books, insurance policies, and other papers belonging to Mr.
Henry were strewn about the ground. A dog belonging to Marian
Chirak, living on the opposite side of the street made an uproar
during the night. A member of the family got up and looked about,
but was unable to see anything unusual. Shortly after a shot was
fired which must have been the blowing of the safe. This occurred at
2 a.m. Mr. Henry has wired the surrounding towns to be on the
lookout. He thinks that a pair of suspicious looking characters who
watched him open the safe the morning before, after purchasing
several articles, are the ones responsible for the robbery.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 6, 1893
I am told there is a project on foot to change the name of the Alton
Junction post office to Wann, the name of the railroad station.
There have been numerous attempts before to change the name of this
place, but without effect. Several years ago “Emerald,” the most
popular name suggested, clung to our town awhile, and then died.
Alton Junction it has always been, and Alton Junction it will be
always, or until it becomes East Alton, a thing which, from present
indications, may not be very far in the future.
Work is progressing satisfactorily on the new building of the Henry
Brothers. The store occupied by them is a pretty large one, but
their increasing trade demands more room – hence the new structure.
The boys deserve success, and “here’s hoping they may have oceans of
Everybody is improving his property in some way. New houses are
going up all over the village, and progress and prosperity has taken
possession of the town “for keeps.”
Charlie Ferguson’s barn was discovered in flames last Friday
morning, and the contents were speedily in ashes. The flames spread
to a corn crib adjoining, and 150 bushels of corn were destroyed.
Mr. Ferguson’s loss will amount to $500, having lost besides the
corn a valuable mule, a binder, a mower, plows, and harness. The
fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary or to have
been accidently set afire by someone who will not acknowledge the
accident. Mr. Ferguson is an honest, hardworking citizen, and
deserves better luck. During the fire, the flames spread to the
house occupied by Thomas Philbrick and family, and the town at once
resolved itself into a volunteer fire force. Women as well as men
joined the bucket brigade, and the flames soon succumbed, just as
every other mean thing is squelched when the women get after it in
real earnest.
John P. Mullane is getting along splendidly (Wann disaster victim),
and he says he is going “to beat all of the severely burned ones by
getting out first. He walks around the house, eats heartily, sings
snatches of songs occasionally, and is as happy as a lark over his
recovery. Good luck to him, and may he never have to go through such
an ordeal again. John Henry Jr. is also rapidly striding up the hill
to complete recovery. Patches of skin the size of a silver dollar
and larger are starting to grow, his strength is coming back to him
rapidly, and he will soon be among us again, weaker, of course, but
well. Thomas Philbrick, another one of the badly burned, is getting
well also. His recovery is almost a miracle, as he was shockingly
burned. He will be maimed and disfigured for life, but his health
generally is apt to be very good, and his friends will welcome him
as one risen from the dead.
(East Alton)
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 13, 1893
The dedication at Wann occurred Sunday, and was a very interesting
occasion. The house was filled in the forenoon, and there was a good
congregation in the afternoon and evening, but on account of the
rain, not so many came as in the morning. Dr. Bulkley preached
excellent and appropriate sermons both morning and evening.
The financial feature of the day was especially interesting to the
building committee. Their report showed that the building, above the
foundation, had cost $1,425, of which $1,375 had been received and
paid, and the balance of $50 was provided for by subscriptions not
yet paid. About $100 was needed for furniture, and this amount was
secured at the forenoon and afternoon meetings by $5 pledges and a
collection of $16.
Four years ago, Mr. Zephaniah B. Job and wife gave the church the
lot on which the building stands, and a few days ago they added by
deed another lot adjoining on the south, so that now the premises
measures 80 feet front by 120 feet deep. This latter generous gift
had been kept a secret, so that it came as a pleasant surprise to
most, if not all the church and congregation. Other gifts were the
chandeliers from the Upper Alton Baptist Church, the pulpit, a
beautiful piece of carpentry, the workmanship and gift of I. H.
Keiser. The pulpit Bible and pulpit lamp, an insurance policy for
three years on the new house for $1,000, and a coal shed and
outhouses were also given. All told, these gifts, in addition to the
two lots, must have saved the church an expenditure of a hundred
dollars or more.
One farmer member was much missed from all the meetings, which he
would have enjoyed perhaps more than anyone else – Henry Wiegard,
formerly treasurer of the building committee, who was one of the
victims of the Wann Disaster. The pastor, Rev. Dr. Jamesson,
proposed to the afternoon meeting to raise money enough by
individual pledges of $1.00 each, to buy a bell to be called the
Henry Wiegand Memorial Bell. These pledges were promptly made, 31 in
the afternoon, and 19 in the evening.
The church and people of Wann are to be congratulated upon the
successful completion of this worthy enterprise, which supplies a
long-felt want in that growing village. It is to their credit that
so nearly half of the expense was met by contributors in Wann and
the immediate vicinity, and it is to be praise of the generosity of
Alton and Upper Alton that nearly all the rest came from those two
The Baptists have decided to use chairs instead of pews for their
church building, and the necessary furniture was secured in Alton
last week.
(East Alton)
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 4, 1893
The people of Alton Junction have concluded to act upon the
suggestion made by the Telegraph some six months ago, and will
incorporate their thriving village. A few days ago a gentleman was
employed to look up the law and make preparations generally, and
last night a sort of informal meeting of the citizens was held, at
which it was decided to incorporate. The village will be sure of
$1,500 a year revenue from saloons, besides the license money of
other occupations, and its portion of the regular tax, and it is
argued that incorporation need not add one cent to the present rate
of taxation, while it will add greatly to the peace protection and
progress of the place. The proposition will be submitted to a vote
of the people interested, but it will be a matter of mere formality,
as they are a unite almost on the subject. It was decided also that
the name of the village should remain Alton Junction or Emerald, the
latter being the favorite.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 18, 1893
Mr. Marion Squires, while ploughing in a field near Wann yesterday,
found a silver souvenir medal that had evidently lain in the ground
for several years, as it was quite black. The medal is commemorative
of the unveiling of Gen. Frank P. Blair's statue in Forest Park, St.
Louis, in 1885.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 29, 1893
It being necessary to decide upon a name for the new corporation of
Alton Junction, before the petition praying for an election can be
presented to the county judge, an informal meeting was held last
night, and the sense thereof was that the new town should be called
East Alton. East Alton will give the place an importance and
prominence no other name could give, and the decision to so name it
is a wise one.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 6, 1893
Alton Junction has been “born again” in more ways than in its new
name. There is energy in each movement of its citizens.
Determination and enterprise are written plainly in their
countenances, and the result is “works not words.” The place is
being built up rapidly, with new substantial and aesthetic homes,
and even the once weather-beaten, sun-wrinkled houses of the oldest
inhabitants have received such an overhauling, repairing, and
improving generally that recognition does not follow when one has
not seen them for some time.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 03, 1893
The election at East Alton passed off quietly yesterday, and owing
to the absence of a majority of the citizens who were at work in the
farming districts, the vote polled was a light one. Only 43 votes
were cast, and three of these were thrown out as defective. All were
for incorporation, so that it may be truthfully be said the
proposition carried unanimously. Messrs. Z. B. Silver, D. G.
Tomlinson, and G. W. Wall acted as judges. The next thing in order
is for the county judge to call an election for village officers,
and this will be done at once. It is intended by the citizens to
hold a primary and nominate such candidates as the majority may
desire to elect. The Telegraph congratulates East Alton on the
important work of yesterday. It means very much for the thriving
village – it means law and order and progress and stability.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 24, 1893
The corporation of East Alton includes the Chicago & Alton (Wann)
depot, as well as the Big Four and Quincy depots. It takes in also
Job’s old sawmill site, or “the ranch,” as it is more generally
known. A petition is being prepared, asking the post office
authorities at Washington to change the name of the post office from
Alton Junction to East Alton, and the railroads will be asked to
change the name from Wann.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 21, 1893
East Alton is to have a coap factory. The location has been decided
upon, near the line of the corporate limits. It will be located on
the Job tract near the Big Four bridge over the Wood River. The
parties who will take charge of the enterprise are from East St.
Louis. They will erect a good-sized building, and will be furnished
with material from Alton butchers. They have given East Alton
authorities a solemn promise to keep everything very clean, and not
permit offensive smells to permeate Madison County. The manufacture
of bone dust will be made a specialty. At present, farmers in the
bottom pay $35 a ton for bone dust. The new factory will furnish it
at $15 a ton. Properly conducted, the new factory should be a
benefit to East Alton.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 8, 1894
By order of President D. G. Tomlinson of the school board, the
children were vaccinated by Dr. Pence Monday.
The school teacher here is having a peck of trouble with some of his
scholars. It seems as if some of the girl scholars have the
Corbett-Mitchell craze, and snake dances and pow-wows are given
daily. There is trouble in the camp, and all of the graduating class
have their war paint on. If any duels occur among them this week,
you will be duly informed.
Mr. Hank Feldwish, who is clerking in the George Smith’s store here,
while out in the latter’s back yard Tuesday night, saw a man emerge
from the hen house, with some chickens under his arm. He ordered the
man to stop, and upon the thief refusing to comply with the orders,
Hank caught him by the collar and dragged him into the store, which
had not yet been closed, where he turned out to be a man who had
worked for Smith all summer. He was given five hours in which to
leave town, and this time he obeyed and left without ceremony.
The blacksmith shop at this place is again running full blast, under
the skillful management of Messrs. George Hedger and Marion Shyrock.
The following are the nicknames by which some of the business houses
in East Alton are known: Brooks’ saloon – “Cozy Corner;” Arnold,
Wildi & Co. – “Sandwich Islands;” William Henry’s – “The King B;”
George F. Smith’s store – “Slicks.” Brooks’ nickname is his own
invention. Wildi’s place was called the Sandwich Islands by an
enthusiast one evening, and the name sticks to it like the paper on
the wall. William Henry’s nickname is from Holl’s popular cigar, and
last summer, as William was the only one around here who kept the
King B, the boys began calling his place the King B. Everyone knows
where Smith’s nickname comes in.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 01, 1894
James Uppingham, barkeeper at William Henry’s saloon, was fired upon
Saturday night while he was closing the saloon, by a thug whose name
is not known. He immediately pulled out his own gun, and gave the
desperado ball for ball, and after emptying their revolvers at each
other, they retreated. About ten people were standing near and saw
the shooting, but fortunately no one was hurt. In speaking of it
afterwards, Jim said, “I do not know his name, but I know him when I
see him.”
Mr. Albert Schriner, our popular Marshal, has run no less than 200
tramps out of town this week. Albert is the boy who knows his
business, and the East Alton folks would not have anyone else
either, and don’t you forget it.
Mr. Fred Walling found several relics last week while digging near
the C. B. & Q. bridge. Among them was about twenty stone arrowheads,
three or four tomahawks, and several other relics.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 8, 1894
The village board of this place met Tuesday night, and several
important items of business was discussed. Messrs. Patterson,
Ferguson, and Walls were apponted as a committee to see after lights
for the village. The plan is for every property holder who wans to,
to buy a lamp and pole, and the village will put them up and take
care of them. All the lamps are to be the same kind, and the same
height. The village only agrees to do this for one year, and if it
proves satisfactory to them at the end of that time, it will be
renewed. It is a very good idea, and the citizens of East Alton
should do their utmost to help in this matter, and also extend many
thanks to Messrs. Tomlinson and Patterson for the suggestion. It
will not only add to the appearance of the village, but it will also
make one more at home, especially on rainy nights, when he is liable
to step knee deep in water.
Messrs. Henry, Seymour, and Patterson were appointed a committee to
investigate the trouble in “tin can alley,” and have any and all
rubbish that may be in the alley removed.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 15, 1894
Street lamps will be placed at the following places: William Henry,
2; Frank Hendricks, 2; George Smith, 2; Z. B. Job, 2; C. A. Wildi,
1; D. G. Tomlinson, 1; Ben Crews, 1; Fred Penning, 1; Mrs. A.
Levick, 1; Mr. Albert Jones, 1; Mr. Charles Ferguson, 1; Frank
Tiepel, 1; Jeff Bright, 1, and George Walls, 1. Total, 18.
When the shooting affray occurred here Sunday evening, there were
about fifty people on the platform, and such screaming and
scattering was never witnessed by man as there was then. Why Lewis
Berner, who is usually as cool as a cucumber, lost his head
entirely, and thinking he was a valuable document of some kind. Ran
into the depot and filed himself in a drawer in the safe, and James
Turner, the C. B. & Q. operator, was upstairs at the time, and he
stayed there too, until after he found out it would be safe enough
to go down, and when he did go down, it was to find that he was
being called over the wire for fifteen minutes. When he was asked by
B. where he was, James said he had important business upstairs just
The citizens of this place assembled at the schoolhouse Tuesday
night, in mass meeting, for the purpose of nominating a president,
clerk, and board of trustees for the village of East Alton. Mr. D.
G. Tomlinson was elected chairman, and Mr. G. W. Able, clerk of the
meeting. A long debate ensued in which it was decided to nominate as
many for office as the people wished. The nominations were:
President – D. G. Tomlinson
Clerk – George Smith and Henry Tiepel.
Trustees – William Henry, Lewis Patterson, A. Seymour, Gus
Patterson, Frank Tiepel, A. Jones, Jeff Bright, Z. Silvers, and
Chalres Ferguson, of whom six are to be elected.
Police Magistrate – George Walls
East Alton is to have a baseball club this year, that even Von der
Ahe will envy. A movement is already onfoot to secure players, and
James Turner, C. C. Sherman, J. A. Flynn, Louis Berner, Pat Kirwin,
and James Templeton have been signed.
East Alton
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 12, 1894
The powder magazine blew up at Wann [East Alton], about three miles
southeast of Alton, Saturday afternoon. The house was full of
blasting powder at the time of the explosion, and the whole place
was blown away. No one was injured, but the explosion followed by
falling bricks frightened the entire community.
The regular Big Four local, Patrick Vaughn, engineer, had just left
Wann and was passing down along the sand ridge, when the fearful
explosion back of the bluffs occurred. The train crew and passengers
saw the smoke and falling debris, but were far enough away to rest
assured that there would be no danger to them or their train. The
excitement in Wann was great. Those who remembered the recent
disaster when thirty-two people were killed, entertained grave
apprehensions of another terrible slaughter, and many hastily sought
places of safety. The magazine was situated about half a mile east
of the town.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 26, 1894
Everyone in our thriving village is engaged putting in garden,
building, and otherwise making general improvements. Let the good
work go on.
Our enterprising butcher, J. B. Vanpreter, has purchased a new meat
wagon, and starts out Saturday to supply our country friends with
nice fresh meats.
A gang of young boys, ranging in age from five to twelve years, and
living in Alton, are in the habit of daily stealing a ride from
Alton to this city, on the afternoon freight run. We would advise
the parents to look after their boys and keep them away from the
railroad. The city marshal put two of the gang in the calaboose
A bright, intelligent boy, ten years of age, arrived here from
Oklahoma April 11. His parents reside in Lowell, Massachusetts, and
sent their boy as a guide for a blind man from Lowell to Oklahoma,
and after arriving there, the blind man concluded to remain, and
turned the little fellow out without a cent to shift for himself and
get home the best way he could. The little fellow remained here one
night and was put aboard a freight train April 12, and Mr. Ray, who
kindly took the boy to a hotel, received a card from him stating he
arrived in Lowell on April 18.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 03, 1894
Zephaniah B. Job is building a new blacksmith shop next to
Vanpreter’s butcher shop. Our village is forging right to the front,
and will soon be equipped with two blacksmith shops – the more the
merrier. The next shop in order should be a shoe shop (not a
horseshoe shop). It would pay someone to start such a shop. He would
find plenty of repairing to do.
A string of race horses was shipped from here to Chicago Friday, via
the “Q.” They would not be admitted to the racetrack at Madison,
because of the smallpox, and the drove to this place from Madison
and returned home.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 28, 1894
After three weeks of idleness on account of the lack of coal, the
Stoneware Pipe Company resumed operations Saturday. They received a
supply of coal from Hillsboro, and a guarantee from the same company
to furnish plenty of coal to keep them running.
John Farras and John Vanpreter, not being on the very best of terms,
met at the post office here Saturday, and proceeded to knock each
other out of existence, according to bricks and rocksberry rules.
Farras received a blow in the mouth, and Vanpreter one or two body
blows. Vanpreter swore out a warrant for Farras, and Farras did
likewise. They were tried Monday before Squire Walls, Farras
pleading guilty and fined $3 and costs. Vanpreter was tried by jury,
and fined $5 and costs. He took an appeal to the circuit court.
Mr. J. B. Vanpreter has been named as our new postmaster, and will
soon receive his commission from Washington.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 9, 1894
At the regular meeting of the East Alton town board, the matter of a
new town hall was brought up, and after a short discussion, it was
finally decided that a hall should be built. It was resolved to
instruct Architect C. S. Nixon to prepare plans, which are to be
submitted to the board. As soon as the plans are approved, work will
be commenced at once, and East Alton will have one of the prettiest
public buildings in this part of the country.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 9, 1894
At the meeting of the village board Tuesday night, Mr. U. S. Nixon
of Alton was selected superintendent of building the new town hall,
and will have full charge of letting the contracts, etc. work on the
building will be pushed as rapidly as possible, and it is hoped will
be completed and ready for occupancy before snow flies. Quite a
number of bills were read and allowed, except three or four, which
were laid over on account of irregular dates. J. A. Cooper was
appointed Marshal for another month, and a committee was appointed
to investigate the complaints of the railroad company against Mr.
Cooper, which are in the nature of allowing tramps to loiter in
their yards, etc.
C. B. & Q. freight train No. 74 was wrecked here in the yards
Wednesday morning, doing considerable damage, wrecking the stand
pipe and hog drencher, and tearing up the depot platform. Two cars
of merchandise and two oil tanks were badly wrecked. Notwithstanding
the terrible results of the oil tank disaster here January 21, 1893,
the usual crowds of sightseers were on hand in full force.
Ed Benbow of Upper Alton is putting up a two-story building, just
west of George Smith’s grocery, to be used for a drugstore,
stationery, etc.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1894
At a special meeting of the village board Thursday, the town
purchased the west half of lot 14, Smith & Carr’s plat, for $150,
from Mr. George Walls. This gives the town a lot 160 feet square to
build the town hall on.
The East Alton Sandies baseball club reorganized a few days ago, and
dubbed themselves the Horseshoes.
Gus Kittsenburg’s new house is well underway, Mr. Schlueter of Alton
being the contractor. Our town is enjoying a prosperous building
boom at the present time. Two new dwellings and a large store
building are going up now, and work on the new town hall will
commence in a few days.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 30, 1894
At a meeting in East Alton, August 27, Mr. Zephaniah Silvers was
elected chairman, and George F. Smith, secretary. N. G. Storrs,
general agent of the Plummer Manufacturing Company of St. Louis,
Missouri was present, and proposed to set up a plant complete with
the best improved canning machinery, guaranteed capacity of putting
up 10,000 cans per day, for $2,800, without the building. Such a
plant will put up all the tomatoes, peas, beans, pumpkins, squash,
and fruit that may be grown miles around the city, employ many more
women and girls in the building, and many growing the material, give
ready market at home for the farmer and money to the merchant at a
season when money is scarce. George F. Smith and John Henry Jr,
George W. Wall, Zephaniah Silver, were appointed a committee to
notify the people of a meeting, Friday, August 31, in the town
schoolhouse. Everyone, both old and young, is interested and should
be present.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1894
The new drugstore of Owens & Clark will be opened and ready for
business Saturday evening. The new store building of Benbow & Lowe
was completed Tuesday. Half of this building will be occupied by
Owens and Clark, druggists.
Two masked men covered the fireman at the tile works Monday night
with guns, and demanded his money. He was badly scared, and made a
break and got away from them without injury. No clue as to who they
The tile works has a big order of forty cars of sewer pipe for
Mattoon, Illinois.
Mrs. Elizabeth Fahrig, while driving from East Alton to Alton early
Monday morning, was halted by a tramp near Chessen’s place. He
demanded her purse, which was given to him. It only contained one
dollar and a key. The tramp kindly returned the key.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1894
On account of the extra force of men at work here on the Big Four
Railroad, two or three new boarding houses have been opened to
accommodate them. Everything is on the boom here, and no excuse can
be made by our few habitual idlers, who are always looking for work
and praying they won’t find it.
Peter Welsh, a stranger, was found lying near the railroad track
here Tuesday evening, with his left foot cut off near the ankle, and
was taken to the hospital at Alton. He had missed the train for
Mitchell, and started to walk to that place, and being under the
influence of liquor, it is supposed he fell in a drunken stupor with
one foot on the rail, and the Flyer is supposed to be the train that
amputated the foot. The unfortunate man vowed and declared he would
never touch liquor again.
Charles Ferguson was awarded the contract for furnishing coal for
the East Alton school, he being the lowest bidder.
The foundation of the new town hall will be completed by Thursday
evening. The first car load of brick for this building arrived
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1894
Two of the four East Alton saloons have closed the past week on
account of poor business. The proprietors are Frank Hendricks and F.
G. Brooks.
Mr. Luer of Alton has rented the new Benbow store, and will start a
meat shop here soon.
Our new townhall is getting well under way, and with this continued
fine weather, the main building will soon be completed. The jail
cage arrived Monday, and Louie Berner has the honor of being the
first to look through its bars, while the cage was being transferred
from the car.
An elegant supper was served at the home of Mr. W. R. Ray last
Thursday evening, for the benefit of the Brushy Grove Baptist
Church, which netted about $21. Among the number present were Misses
Julia and Ella Smith, Misses Tillie and Maggie Penning, Misses Irene
and Ulia Head, Miss McConnell, and Misses Lettie and Lillian Gillham
of Upperson; and Messrs. Frank Miller, J. B. VanPretter, and D. L.
Dent. An enjoyable and pleasant evening was spent by all present.
The new steel bridge across Wood River on the Big Four will be
completed by Friday night.
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 6, 1894
The Village Board held its regular meeting Tuesday evening. All
members present. Charles Herman was granted a saloon license for one
year from December 6. An application for Village Marshal was
presented by Albert Schriener and J. P. Cooper. It was left to a
vote of the board, and Schriener received 4 votes, and Cooper 2.
Schriener was promptly sworn in as Marshal from date.
Source: Auburn, New York Argus, 1895
Five thousand pounds of giant powder exploded at the Equitable
Powder Mills, Alton, Illinois. Thomas Keff, Henry Ragus, and William
Roetgess were killed.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 7, 1895
About 2 o’clock Friday morning, the residence and store building of
Charles Herman’s was completely destroyed by fire. The store was
occupied by C. A. Wildi for a grocery store and saloon. All the
goods were destroyed. Mr. Herman saved all his household effects.
The origin of the fire is unknown, and started in the store
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 21, 1895
On March 24th, the Big Four [Railroad] will change their station
name here to East Alton instead of Wann. This change will make
everything straight East Alton, and does away with the two or three
different names for the village.
[NOTE: The Big Four Railroad was the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago
& St. Louis Railroad. The Wann Station was originally called Alton
Junction, and existed as early as 1864 in the town of Emerald (later
named East Alton). There was a hotel at Alton Junction called Hotel
Wann, and I believe this is where the name of Wann Junction came
from. Hotel Wann, a 2-story brick and frame building, was owned by
George Y. Smith, and was destroyed by fire in January 1886.]
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 21, 1895
Our village Marshal received a letter Saturday from Sheriff H. W.
Potter of La Junta, Otero County, Colorado, stating he had a man in
jail there, and had just taken him to the penitentiary. He told the
Sheriff he had robbed a store at Alton, Illinois, and buried the
goods at Wann [East Alton] in the stock pens. The Marshal, on
searching the stockyards, found the goods as stated, which consisted
of a lot of mittens, shirts, and socks. It is thought the goods were
stolen from a car on the Big Four here last October, and the thief
was a well-known character of this place, who left here some time
ago under peculiar circumstances, and wound up in the pen in
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 5, 1896
Clark & Smith have opened a grocery store in the same building with
their drugstore. This makes six grocery stores in East Alton now.
They are selling goods at Alton prices.
The foundation is laid for the second new store building to be
erected by our enterprising postmaster, Mr. J. B. Vanpreter.
William Henry is putting up a very ornamental and handsome iron
fence around his Shamrock Street property.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1895
Misses Mary Brown and Lizzie Shuarte will open up a restaurant and
confectionary in the Crews Hotel the latter part of the week, and
would be pleased for everybody to give them a call.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02, 1896
Two tramps murderously assaulted Mr. Jacob Shreiner, Marshal at East
Alton, Saturday night. The two men were lying near a fire in the Big
Four yards, and Marshal Shreiner, as was his duty, walked up to the
fire to investigate. He was talking to one of the men when the other
unexpectedly pulled a knife and stabbed Mr. Shreiner in the right
side, the knife blade penetrating his abdomen and intestines. The
two man fled on accomplishing their murderous work. Mr. Shreiner was
taken to his home where everything possible to facilitate his
recovery is being done. Telegrams giving the description of the two
men have been sent all over the country, and it is hardly possible
that the men will escape.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 09, 1896
Postmaster VanPreter’s elegant two-story building is completed, and
he is moving his stock and fixtures into it today. He has added
wonderfully to the appearance of the main street by the buildings he
has erected within the past year. Elman & Bertman of St. Louis have
opened a dry goods and clothing store in one of VanPreter’s
The powder mill shut down last Wednesday, and it is also rumored
that the Stoneware Pipe shop will shut down again soon.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1896
The steam shovel working in the sand pit dug up what is supposed to
be the remains of an old distillery. The pieces of pipe, 25 or 30 in
number, were found at a depth of ten feet. Some of the old-time
residents say that it is the remains of a boat that sunk years ago
when this place was the bed of the Mississippi.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 01, 1896
About eight o'clock this morning, two distinct and severe
concussions were felt by the people of Alton. Some imagined that it
was an earthquake, but the general opinion was that an explosion had
occurred at the powder works at East Alton. This was soon verified
by telephone reports, indicating that two of the houses had been
blown up, and three men killed in the explosion. The first explosion
occurred in what is called the press mill, where the men killed were
at work. A few seconds afterwards the corning mill exploded. The
fire and smoke ascended into the air at least several hundred feet
and were seen plainly in Alton, the smoke remaining in the air for
ten or fifteen minutes. The shock was felt for miles around.
Telephone messages were received from East St. Louis, Edwardsville,
Collinsville, and other places, inquiring if Alton had experienced
an earthquake. The shock was not felt as much at East Alton as at
Upper Alton, because the buildings are situated behind a hill, which
separates the village and the works. The Telegraph's East Alton
correspondent gives the following account of the explosion:
At 7:50 o'clock this morning, the press mill and corning mill of the
Equitable Powder Milling Company blew up, instantly killing William
Roettger, Henry Rages and Thomas Keffer, all employees. The cause of
the explosion is a mystery. The men killed all have families. G. H.
White was slightly injured and was just leaving the press mill when
the explosion occurred. Roettger and Rages were employed in the
press mill, and Keffer had gone to the mill for something and was
just in the door of the press room and coming out when the explosion
took place. Herbert White, being a short distance ahead of Keffer,
escaped any serious injury. The remains of Rages and Roettger have
not been found, nor likely never will be. The biggest part of their
remains found so far was a thumb and a piece of flesh the size of a
hand. Their bodies were blown to fragments.
The Press mill exploded first, and a minute later was followed by
the corning mill. The corning mill was in charge of George Scott,
who made his escape without injury. Mr. Scott saw the press room was
going, and well knowing that his mill would also go, ran for his
life, and none too soon, for in scarcely a minute from the time the
press mill went up, the corning mill did likewise. Windows were
shaken, glass broken and chimneys knocked down everywhere in the
town, and pictures shaken from the wall. The report was heard at
Bunker Hill and East St. Louis. The damage will amount to many
thousands of dollars.
The engine room was also wrecked. The men killed had been working
with the Equitable Powder Co. ever since the mill has been here.
William Roettger had made application to the A. O. U. W. and had
been examined by the local physician, but his medical papers had not
been returned from the Grand Medical Examiner, and he was to have
been initiated Saturday evening, September 5. Mr. Olin was in St.
Louis. He was notified by wire and arrived here on the Burlington at
9:30. An eyewitness who saw the explosion from near Milton bridge
says he saw a timber blown at least 1,000 feet in the air. A
telephone message from East Alton at 3 o'clock states that up to
that time a portion of the skull and a part of the shoulder of Rages
had been found. Coroner Kinder came over from Edwardsville and held
an inquest. The jury was unable to learn the cause of the explosion,
and returned a verdict of death by explosion.
An ex-employee of the powder works was seen this afternoon, and
explained that the press room is where the powder is pressed into
cakes by hydraulic pressure. Usually, 60 kegs or 1410 pounds are
here at a time. Being so compact is what produced the terrible
concussion of the first report. The powder which filtered out of the
buildings settled on the ground, and this explains how the corning
room exploded. The latter is 100 yards away, and here is where the
cakes are cut into the sized grain desired. This powder being in
grains did not make such a report. This informant states that the
two magazines have a capacity of 60,000 kegs.
Shock Felt for Miles Around
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 03, 1896
Tuesday morning, two distinct and severe concussions were felt by
the people of Alton. Some imagined that it was an earthquake, but
the general opinion was that an explosion had occurred at the powder
works at East Alton. This was soon verified by telephone reports,
indicating that two of the houses had been blown up, and three men
killed in the explosion.
The first explosion occurred in what is called the press mill, where
the men killed were at work. A few seconds afterwards, the corning
mill exploded. The fire and smoke ascended into the air at least
several hundred feet, and were seen plainly in Alton, the smoke
remaining in the air for ten or fifteen minutes.
The shock was felt for miles around. Telephone messages were
received from East St. Louis, Edwardsville, Collinsville, and other
places, inquiring if Alton had experienced an earthquake. The shock
was not felt as much at East Alton as at Upper Alton, because the
buildings are situated behind a hill, which separates the village
and the works.
The Telegraph’s East Alton correspondent gives the following
At 7:50 o’clock this morning, the press mill and corning mill of the
Equitable Powder Milling Co. blew up, instantly killing William
Roettger, Henry Rages, and Thomas Keffer, all employees. The cause
of the explosion is a mystery. The men killed all have families. G.
H. White was slightly injured, and was just leaving the press mill
when the explosion occurred. Roettger and Rages were employed in the
press mill, and Keffer had gone to the mill for something and was
just in the door of the press room, and coming out when the
explosion took place. Herbert White, being a short distance ahead of
Keffer, escaped any serious injury.
The remains of Rages and Roettger have not been found, nor likely
never will be. The biggest part of their remains found so far was a
thumb and a piece of flesh the size of a hand. Their bodies were
blown to fragments.
The press mill exploded first, and a minute later was followed by
the corning mill. The corning mill was in charge of George Scott,
who made his escape without injury. Mr. Scott saw the press room was
going, and well knowing that his mill would also go, ran for his
life, and none too soon, for in scarcely a minute from the time the
press mill went up, the corning mill did like wise. Windows were
shaken, glass broken, and chimneys knocked down everywhere in the
town, and pictures shaken from the wall. The report was heard at
Bunker Hill and East St. Louis. The damage will amount to many
thousands of dollars. The engine room was also wrecked.
The men killed had been working with the Equitable Powder Company
ever since the mill has been here. William Roettger had made
application to the A.O.U.W., and had been examined by the local
physician, but his medical papers had not been returned from the
Grand Medical Examiner, and he was to have been initiated Saturday,
September 5. A telephone message from East Alton states that up to
that time, a portion of the skull and a part of the shoulder of
Ragus had been found.
An eyewitness, who saw the explosion from near Milton bridge, says
he saw a timber blown at least 1,000 feet in the air.
Coroner Kinder came over from Edwardsville and held an inquest. The
jury was unable to learn the cause of the explosion, and returned a
verdict of death by explosion.
An ex-employee of the powder works was seen this afternoon, and
explained that the press room is where the powder is pressed into
cakes by hydraulic pressure. Usually 60 kegs, or 1,440 pounds, are
here at a time. Being so compact is what produced the terrible
concussion of the first report. The powder which filtered out of the
buildings settled on the ground, and this explains how the corning
room exploded. The latter is 100 yards away, and here is where the
cakes are cut into the sized grain desired. This powder being in
grains did not make such a report. This informant states that the
two magazines have a capacity of 60,000 kegs.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 02, 1896
No further fragments of the bodies of Henry Rages and William
Roettgers, who were blown to pieces by the powder mill explosion
yesterday morning, have been found, and all that remained of the men
was a few pieces of flesh, picked up in different places. The
funeral of Thomas Keffer, whose body was not badly mutilated, took
place in Upper Alton today. The funeral of William Roettger took
place at Brighton today, and the remains interred there. The funeral
of Henry Rages will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the Baptist Church in East Alton.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 15, 1896
East Alton’s sufferers from diphtheria are all recovering, and it is
thought that precautionary measures of such a character have been
taken as to make a further spread of the disease improbable.
Taylor Foster has started his hard cider press to working again, and
will make thousands of gallons of apple cider this fall.
Mr. L. J. Johnson has purchased the apple crop on Job’s ranch, and
now has pickers engaged in preparing them for market.
Supervisor Silver, who has been confined to his home several days by
an attack from both malaria and rheumatism, has recovered
sufficiently to attend to business again.
Mrs. Reagus, who was made a widow with a dependent family by the
recent powder mills explosion has rented one of Charley Herman’s
large storerooms, and will open a store in a short time. President
Olin of the Equitable Powder Mills is said by those in a position to
know to have furnished the capital necessary, and his action in the
matter has won him many warm commendations and words of approval
from people generally.
Mr. J. B. VanPreter has leased for a term of two years the Eastern
meat market to James Chessen Jr., the famous ex-driver of Tutsey
Wilkes. Possession will be given October 15, and if the new
proprietor drives the meat business like he drove the race mare, he
will most certainly come under the wire a winner. Mr. VanPreter will
continue his duties as Postmaster, and will remain in the produce
shipping business also.
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1896
A.N. Reed has given up the livery stable business here, and is now
in the horse training business at the race track. Mike Dun has taken
charge of the old livery stable, and is being backed by Dr. Pence.
We hope Mike will make a success of it.
The Big Four has a large force of men at work here rearranging and
enlarging their yards. Work will be commenced this week on a station
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 17, 1896
Mr. John Dawson, who for a quarter of a century was engineer of the
“ping” between here and Alton, is now day engineer of the stationary
engine at the pumphouse here.
The Big Four Railroad contemplates in the near future the erection
of a large section house to replace the one recently destroyed by
The A.O.U.W. Lodge, recently organized here, has now 30 members and
at the regular meeting Monday night, seven new applications were
East Alton is now the official headquarters of Wood River Township,
all official documents with the township safe having been removed
here from Upper Alton.
It is rumored that an Alton merchant contemplates opening a branch
store here, and promises to make things fairly hum in the way of
reduced prices and good goods.
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 07, 1897
Mr. George Franklyn has purchased a barber outfit, and has opened a
neat little shop on Emerald Avenue. Mr. George F. Smith has sold his
stock of groceries, boots, shoes, etc., to a gentleman named
Flemming from Bethalto. Mr. F. G. Brooks has also disposed of his
grocery store and saloon.
Among flourishing industries recently established here is an ax
handle factory, operated by Mr. Thomas Franklin.
St. Louis mill men have purchased all the walnut timber in this
vicinity, and some of it will come back here in the shape of
high-priced furniture.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 04, 1897
East Alton is to have another “custom” mill, one that will grind
both wheat and corn. The location will be near the Milton wagon
bridge on the Wood River, and the names of the projectors, Messrs.
Zephaniah B. Job and W. F. Henry, are sufficient guarantees that the
enterprise will not lag or prove unprofitable.
Mr. James Chessen Jr. has started the erection of a slaughter house,
tank and kettle house. It is to be a complete building operated by
steam power.
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 18, 1897
Mr. Ben Oetkin Sr., who is nearing the 90th milepost, had a narrow
escape from death a few days ago. He was walking across the Wood
River bottoms, and got into quicksand or something similar, caused
by the hard and frequent rains. He was fast becoming exhausted with
his struggling, when some young men out hunting appeared and they
released him from his dangerous position. He has about fully
Mayor Smith has plans on the board for the erection of a double
frame business building, work to commence in the near future. Half
of the building will be occupied by Mr. Smithley’s grocery stock,
and a drugstore, it is said, will be started in the other half.
Mr. J. H. Chessen’s slaughter house and sausage factory has been
completed, and “linked sweetness” will soon be manufactured there in
good shape. Connection has been made with the Alton water works,
with the pipes running to East Alton, and nobody need say any more
that Upper Alton hasn’t got water works, as Mr. Chessen’s house is
within the corporate limits of Pie Town, that extend, by the way,
within a few rods of those of East Alton.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 08, 1897
A hurricane passed west of here Wednesday morning. Amongst other
damage, it blew over a big straw stack on the farm of James Chessen,
burying a valuable graded Jersey cow and smothering the life out of
her before the men about the place could dig her out.
A “bath house” for livestock in transit is being erected now, and is
a contrivance whereby cattle and horses can be watered on cars, and
where hogs can be treated to cooling shower baths.
Mr. Jesse Jones Jr., a graduate of a St. Louis barber’s school, has
opened a shop in the Brooks building, and is ready to lather and
shave you in an expert manner.
Mr. Ed Hassman is hauling brick and building material from Alton to
his farm near here, and while he denies all “soft impeachments,”
circumstantial evidence is against him, and there will undoubtedly
be a new farmhouse and a new bride in the neighborhood before many
Ground has been broken for a new double business building by Mr.
George F. Smithly, and construction work will be pushed vigorously
until it is completed.
Indian Mound Discovered
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 22, 1897
Within the corporate limits of East Alton is a high mound of earth,
and it is believed to be a mausoleum for Indians, or prehistoric
dwellers of this locality. No extended investigation has ever been
made of the mound, but the chances are that a full one will be made
now as recent discoveries have set the curiosity of the people
afire, as it were.
A day or two ago, Mr. Charles Henry was up on the mound prowling
around and digging a little, just for exercise. His spade brought up
some bones pretty soon, and then more care was taken of the manner
in which he worked. A skull was unearthed, and some arm and leg
bones also, all in a good state of preservation. Several teeth were
picked up too, and are being treasured by Mr. Henry. The teeth are
small and solid, and the enamel thereon is still flinty and
brilliant. Whoever owned those teeth in life, undoubtedly had
milk-white molars, and never was under the necessity of seeing the
dentist. Other investigations will be made shortly, and a full
report given.
Mayor Smithley’s new business building is beginning to assume
respectable proportions.
Three ladies and one man were baptized in the Wood River near the
Milton bridge last Sunday afternoon, in the presence of a large and
interested audience.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 06, 1897
Henry, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Carstens, while playing
around the yard, fell and struck a piece of small iron bar. The bar
penetrated his abdomen, and for a time serious consequences were
feared. Dr. Yerkes relieved the little fellow, and he is now getting
along all right.
Lightning, assisted by high wind, demolished a large oak tree in the
Big Four stockyards a few days ago.
Several men were speaking of the “cold snap” Saturday, and
interjecting gloomy forebodings in their conversation, when Hon.
Zephaniah B. Job, who was listening, said, “You folks don’t know
what this county can really do when it wants to right bad. I
remember that on the night of June 01, 1845, a killing frost visited
this section and killed everything almost that was growing. Potatoes
were large enough to eat, and corn was well up before that night.
After that, it was well down. One peculiarity of the frost’s work
was that in places one hill of corn would be killed, while the next
hill would be all right, and in other places, I noticed that one or
two stalks in a bill would be killed, while the remaining stalks
were uninjured. I was farming here then, and the devastation of that
year is well remembered. We made good corn and potatoes, despite it
all, however, as the fall was long and favorable.”
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 13, 1897
Mr. W. F. Henry is now Mayor of East Alton. The ceremony whereby the
old was rung out and the new rung in, occurred Tuesday night,
Messrs. Cassella, Ferguson, and Franklin took their seats as
Aldermen. It is not often that the eternal fitness of things in
civic affairs is so well observed as in the elevation of Mr. Henry
to the presidency of this place. He is the father, mother, guardian,
husband, and “best man” of East Alton as a corporation. He worked
unceasingly to that end, and gave freely of his time and money. He
saw what a money-maker and revenue-getter the place is, and he saw
all the money leaving here and going into the coffers of the county
and State, and he determined if possible to change the order of
things and keep all or most of the money at home, for home
improvements and for the benefit of home folks. He succeeded, and it
was grateful tribute and a peculiarly fitted one that the people
should choose him as chief guide of the destination of the village,
and that he will do wisely is the opinion of all.
Mayor Henry appointed the following officers for the ensuing year,
and they were approved by the ______: Treasurer, George F. Smith;
Marshal, George Weiss. Following are his committee chairman:
finance, J. Cassella; Streets and Alleys, C. Ferguson; Bridges and
Railroads, ___hert Jones; Sanitary, John Paddock; Fire, L.
Patterson; Light, S. Franklin; Police, J. W. Cassella; Judiciary, S.
Franklin; and Ordinances, C. J. Ferguson. Ex-Treasurer Henry Luddeke
will go to St. Louis shortly, where he secured a position.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 20, 1897
Ex-Mayor G. F. Smitley has a large force of men engaged in the
erection of his huge, 14-room business building.
Burglars, or rather one burglar, ran up against a snag the other
morning at the residence of Mr. Ed Johnson, a farmer living near
Oldenburg, below here. Mr. Johnson and his wife were awakened in the
morning by an unusual noise in their room, and as soon as awakened,
discovered the figure of a man prowling around. Mr. Johnson secured
a revolver, and without saying a word to his visitor, fired directly
at him. The man screamed and fell, but quickly arose again and
jumped through the window of the room, which was on the second story
of the house, and escaped. The next morning blood stains enabled Mr.
Johnson to follow the fellow’s trail for some distance, but it was
finally lost. It was discovered that Mr. Burglar had partaken of a
good meal in the kitchen, and had disarranged everything downstairs
before he went up above to get shot at.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 01, 1897
Hunters from Bethalto have been invading the woods near East Alton
of late, and have killed game indiscriminately, law or no law. The
Telegraph is requested by several of its patrons among the farmers
to give these hunters warning that forbearance is about to take
wings and fly away, and that prosecutions will certainly follow any
future violations.
Hon. Zephaniah B. Job was in East Alton Friday for the first time
since his narrow escape from death at Milton Crossing, and he was
the recipient of many hearty congratulations. Three times within the
memory of the writer has Hon. Zephaniah B. Job narrowly escaped
violent death. One time a threshing machine engine blew up and shot
itself directly over his head, and but a mighty little way over,
either. Then came the Wann oil explosion, and men all around him
were burned to death, and the Big Four collision is the latest and
one of the most dangerous. He says he hopes narrow escapes have
ended for him, and says the “Big Four Catch Basin,” commonly known
as the Milton Crossing, was the closest one of all.
Grasshoppers, potato bugs, or any other old insect cannot injure the
erstwhile fine crop of sweet potatoes, claimed and mentioned by Mr.
C. C. Shannahan, the genial village clerk and efficient Big Four
operator. The reason why nothing can damage the vines is that “Neal”
himself damaged them for keeps. He was out in the garden hoeing the
other evening, and when he went to bed was shaking hands with
himself in congratulation over the excellent job he had done. Brief
was his joy, however, when a neighbor next day discovered the fact
and related it to Mr. C, that he had cut out the potatoe vines and
hoed the dirt up in splendid shape to morning-glory vines instead.
It is almost sure death to even breathe “morning-glory_ within his
hearing, and one fellow, who was singing “grasshopper sitting on a
sweet-potatoe vine, etc.,” is now crippled for life.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26, 1897
The melon season is at its best here now. From five to seven cars of
muskmelons and two or three cars of watermelons are being shipped
daily. Mr. J. B. Vanpreter loads a car of mixed fruits and
vegetables every day for shipment.
Mr. Christopher Penning had a narrow escape from losing an eye
several days ago. While some boys were throwing hard apples at his
home, one of them struck him in the eye and caused a painful injury.
Mayor Henry had an exciting experience with highwaymen several
nights ago while returning home. One of the men grabbed for the
reins of the horse he was driving but missed his hold. The Mayor
gave him a cut with the whip, and the horse, becoming frightened,
started to run and got away from the would-be highwaymen.
Our town barbers, Charles Henry and Jesse Jones, have pooled issues
and are now shaving East Alton beards in one shop, Charles Henry’s
old stand.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 21, 1897
The new cartridge factory of the Equitable Powder Co. is now in
process of construction at East Alton, and a force of men is rapidly
getting the building into shape for the reception of the machinery.
The factory will be devoted to the manufacture of cartridges, blue
rock clay pigeons, and other sporting goods. Mr. Franklin W. Olin at
first intended to secure a location for his factory in Alton, but
insurance rates were so high, and he found so much difficulty in
securing a location, that he decided to build a plant at East Alton.
Two gentlemen, the Hebbard brothers, sons of the inventor of the
blue rock pigeon, have come here from the East to take charge of
that part of the Equitable Powder Co.’s new enterprise. It is to be
regretted that Mr. Olin was unable to locate his factory in Alton,
as it would have been a new industry that has exceedingly bright
prospects for future expension. Mr. C. C. Hebbard has moved into the
Goulding residence on Prospect Street.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 24, 1898
George F. Smith, for many years one of our leading merchants, has
retired from business for the present. Mr. Smith traded his business
house, stock, and three lots, for a farm of 120 acres near
Fairfield, Illinois. The trade was made last Friday. Mr. S. M.
Hawkins is his successor.
Mr. James Chessen and Miss Annie Haller will be married Thursday of
this week in St. Louis. The bride is a most estimable young woman
with a charming personality, and is highly popular with and a
general favorite among a host of friends. Mr. Chessen is a
prosperous business man here, and very popular. We congratulate the
young couple, and tender them our best wishes.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 03, 1898
Tonight, Hon. W. F. Henry, Mayor of East Alton, retires, and turns
over the office to his successor, Dr. C. N. Pence. He has made a
good officer, and leaves the corporation in splendid shape
financially. When he took the reins of government, there was a debt
against the town, and this under his capable management has been
paid off, and there is a surplus in the treasury. The elegant new
city hall has been completed and paid for, a splendid new steel
bridge has been built over the Wood River, and the treasury pocket
book is growing in size and importance constantly.
Mayor Henry is really the father of the corporation, as it is due to
his efforts, which he gave freely in both time and money towards
incorporating the town some 4 or 5 years ago. East Alton was always
a revenue producing place, and Mr. Henry saw the county and state
obtaining all the benefits of this revenue to the detriment of
himself and neighbors. In connection with the merchandising
business, he had himself paid out over $6,000 for a saloon license,
and the village got no benefit at all. There were other saloons
there also, and when finally Mr. Henry, in conjunction with others,
succeeded in obtaining a corporate standing for the town a steady
flow of revenue set in for the good of his neighbors. He has always
been progressive. He was always more than that – he was a man with a
heart, and whatever Madison County may hold for him in the future,
it is he will deserve it all, and will fill the place creditably, no
matter how high it is or what the responsibilities are.
East Alton will be fortunate if the ingoing Mayor guards her whole
interests as the retiring official guarded and advanced them, and
the latter will always have the esteem of the people generally, and
can depend on being greeted with the verdict of “well done, thou
good and faithful servant.”
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 30, 1898
Ex-Mayor W. F. Henry, with his usual progressiveness, has had his
store equipped with acetyline lighting apparatus, and has now by far
the most brilliantly lighted building in town.
A new physician, Dr. McKee, has moved from Mattoon and opened an
office here.
Several new dwellings have been erected or are in course of
construction here this summer.
The reception tendered to Mr. Thomas L. Van Preter and bride (nee
Lizzie Schuarte) Thursday evening at the home of the latter’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schuarte, was an elaborate affair, and
the numerous presents evidenced the esteem and good will in which
the happy couple are held by numerous friends. They have gone to
housekeeping on the groom’s farm, a short distance west of town.
East Alton is in a perfect stew over the appearance of a mommoth
snake in Job’s Wood River pasture. There are several worked out coal
mines in the tract, and the snake makes his home therein evidently,
as vigilant search fails to disclose his whereabouts anywhere on
terra firma, except when he comes out to kill. Hon. Zephaniah B. Job
lost five colts this spring, and great wonder was indulged in as to
the cause of their death. They were found strangled, and portions of
their neck eaten. Last week Mr. Taylor Foster was in the pasture
hunting a cow, and finally found her dead, with his snakeship
reclining by her side, evidently too full to move away without a
rest. Taylor describes the snake as being fully twenty feet long, as
“big around as a telegraph pole, and spotted in color.” The snake
elevated his head and about six feet of his body, and began hissing
defiance at the visitor, while Taylor elevated his feet and all of
his body and fairly flew to a place of safety. The cause of the
death of the livestock is no more a mystery, and the only mystery
about the matter now is where did the snake come from? Messrs. John
Devanny and John Schultz, both reliable men, saw the reptile also,
but at different times, and their description of his size and color
agrees with Mr. Foster’s. Mrs. Ben Paddock, while blackberrying in
the pasture a few summers ago, saw the snake and reported the
matter, but not much attention was paid to the matter then. Several
others have seen it since, however, and an organized hunt for the
huge and dangerous animal’s destruction is very probable.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 07, 1898
Charles Henry has erected a windmill over his barbershop. Its duties
being to operate a huge fan over the chairs of the patrons. It’s a
good mill when it goes at all, but it is as stubborn as an army mule
when it won’t go, which is about nine tenths of the time. When there
is wind enough to run the mill, a fan isn’t needed, but when a fan
is needed worse than anything else on earth, that mill balks and
stays balked.
Tobe Neumann has erected one at his place a couple of miles east of
here, that is equal to a hired girl for work. It does the churning
and also the family washing and operates both the churn and the
washing machine with a vigor that is refreshing.
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 28, 1898
Mr. C. J. Ferguson will take possession of the post office August
01, and will open in Will Clark’s drugstore. Mr. J. B. VanPreter,
the retiring official, leaves the office after four years service
with a good record for efficiency and accommodation. It has passed
into a proverb that the post office under him was open any old time
from 5 in the morning until 10 o’clock at night, and he carries with
him into retirement the best wishes of the people for his future
success. The new postmaster, Mr. Ferguson, will undoubtedly give
satisfaction also, as far at least as satisfaction can be given to
humans, some of whom have to kick themselves in the absence of
anything else to kick at.
Mr. John Shultz has purchased a half interest in Gus Kanter’s coal
mine, and together they have organized the East Alton Coal Co. They
will in the future furnish coal and fuel of all kinds to the people
generally, and the quality of coal is such as to guarantee it a wide
sale that the preparations for delivery in any quantity or at any
time have been perfected. Both are young men of hustling qualities,
and their success is almost an assured fact. This will make three
coal dealers in East Alton, and the people are certain to be
benefitted thereby.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 04, 1898
Druggist Clark is having another story added to his double business
building on Dewey Avenue. It will, when completed, add materially
not only to the value of the building, but also to the good
appearance of the block.
Mr. Stephen L. Vosburgh has purchased Mr. G. F. Smitley’s stock of
groceries, and will take possession August 01.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 11, 1898
Some whopping big watermelons are raised here this year, and various
sized stories are being told of their weight, etc. The other day,
Mr. James Chessen Sr. sent to personal friends - one in Michigan and
one in Indiana – two melons, the combined “heft” of which was 126
pounds. They were grown by Mr. Al Haller, and must have been raised
by a derrick.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 18, 1899
The entire plant of the Western Cartridge Company at East Alton was
destroyed by fire Tuesday evening, shortly after the men had stopped
work for the night. The buildings destroyed are the main building
where cartridges are loaded, a structure about 40x60 feet and two
stories high in places, also the blacksmith shop and the old stable
building, at the time
as a powder store house. While the buildings themselves were not a
very heavy loss, the machinery and other contents of the building
were quite expensive and are ruined. One cartridge machine recently
installed cost $8,000, and three other machines were valued at about
$2,500 each. Beside this loss, the cartridges and powder in the
buildings together with the buildings themselves will aggregate
It was stated today by a representative of Mr. Olin that no one but
Mr. Olin, who is absent and will return tonight, could state the
amount of damage, as he alone knows the cost of the machinery. The
insurance was $5,200 with companies represented by G. H. Smiley, and
$3,000 by Edward Yager.
The fire was discovered at 6 o'clock when the flames burst from the
roof. All hands at the cartridge factory had stopped work at 5:30
p.m., and there was then no sign of fire about the place. All
employees are ordered from the building at the closing hour, and the
doors securely locked. The first flames seen were leaping from the
roof of the main building, and before many minutes the entire
building was wrapped in flames. The fire soon spread to the
blacksmith shop and the old stable used as a storeroom. In the
stable were two reservoirs for powder which contained seven or eight
kegs of powder at the time. The powder exploded, but did no damage
as the reservoirs and buildings are loosely constructed in
anticipation of just such occurrences. The explosion of powder was
distinctly felt in Alton in two sharp shocks that were the first
intimation received here that anything was wrong at the powder
It has become an established rule that whenever earthquake-like
shocks rock the earth from the direction of East Alton, everyone
jumps to the conclusion it is the East Alton powder works going off,
if it is nothing else. In the main building was fully fifty cases of
cartridges, and these added to the uproar and confusion.
The fire is supposed to have been started by electric light wires.
The plant is lighted with electricity supplied by an independent
dynamo. No other theory can be given than that the wires in the roof
set fire to the woodwork a short time before the closing hour. By
chance it happened that there had been quite a demand for
cartridges, and most of the stock had been shipped out so that the
loss was comparatively light in that respect. The buildings of the
Equitable Powder Company were too far distant from the fire to be
affected, and no damage was done to them.
The Western Cartridge Company in East Alton was founded in 1898 by
Franklin W. Olin. Nearby was the Equitable Powder Manufacturing
Company, founded by Olin in 1892. The Western was the forerunner of
the Olin Corporation, formed in 1944. Olin rebuilt the Western
following the 1899 fire.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 01, 1900
The Western Cartridge Co. is pushing work on its new factory for the
making of shells used in the manufacture of cartridges. It is said
the company is putting in the finest machinery at its new factory at
a great expense, and that the factory will be one of the finest
equipped in the country. When the Western Cartridge Company has
finished its improvements, it will be an active competitor for the
cartridge and shell business of the country.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 02, 1900
East Alton had a close call from being wiped from the face of the
earth by fire early Sunday morning. The fire originated in a double
store and dwelling house of J. B. Vanpreter, and spread to the
double store and dwelling house of William Clarke, thence to two
dwellings in the rear owned by A. E. Benbow, and from there across
the road to William Henry's saloon building, a barber shop, and a
shed where farm machinery was kept. All of these buildings were
destroyed, and only the heroic efforts of the East Alton people
saved the fine building of William Henry, from which the fire could
easily have spread and destroyed the entire village. Several hundred
people worked for hours passing buckets of water to be poured on
blankets which were spread over the threatened side and roof of the
Henry grocery and saved the building. Three times the side next to
the burning saloon caught fire and was extinguished by the
villagers. The Wood River saved the town. Usually no water is nearer
than the river, but a large pool was left in the rear of the Henry
property when the flood in Wood River subsided, and from this pool
water was carried to keep the blankets wet and to keep the clothes
of the firemen from burning.
In the Vanpreter building was J. W. Robinson's grocery store and
Cooper's saloon, and upstairs lived J. B. Vanpreter and Neil
Shannahan with their families. In the Clarke building was Clarke's
Drugstore and the post office, David Ellman's Dry Goods Store, and
upstairs lived the Clarke's, Ellman's, and J. A. Hamilton's
families. In the two dwellings of A. E. Benbow, the families of
Ralph Douglas and Joseph Cooper lived, and all of these lost
everything in the houses, escaping in some instances only partly
The crackling of flames awakened Neil Shannahan who was asleep in
his home with his two young children. Mrs. Shannahan was not home.
He caught up his two children and rushed from the house just in
time. The flames were burning fiercely from the outside, and the
breaking of a window caused him to awaken. He saved none of his
clothing and all of his wife's clothing was destroyed. The fire
spread to the Clarke building and the inmates had but short time to
leave their burning homes with what little clothes they could
hurriedly gather up. The entire grocery stock of J. W. Robinson was
destroyed, and there is little insurance. The contents of the
drugstore were destroyed, and also of the Ellman dry goods store.
Mr. Clarke estimates his loss at $6,000 and insurance at $4,500. Mr.
Ellman's stock of dry goods valued at $1,500 is a total loss with no
insurance, and the same is true of the saloon fixtures of Joseph
Cooper. The loss in the Benbow dwellings with the furniture, and to
the families living over the burned stores, is almost total, as fire
insurance rates in the village are high because of their being no
fire protection, and as a result but little insurance was carried by
property owners. Mr. Vanpreter estimates his loss at $3,000, and
says he could have sold for that amount a short time ago.
Across the road was a vacant barbershop building that was set afire
by the intense heat, although the wind was blowing in the opposite
direction. From this building the flames spread to a storehouse
which William Henry was using to store farm machinery for which he
is the agent. A binder was in the burned building and with a lot of
extra supplies was ruined. From this building the flames leaped to
the Henry saloon building which was owned by Zephaniah B. Job Jr.,
and in a short time this was a complete loss. The East Alton people
thought the Henry grocery was doomed and all of Mr. Henry's
household goods and his stock of groceries was carried to the
outside and piled up in the roadway, but the fierce fight of the
amateur firemen at last conquered the flames. Mr. Henry places his
loss at $500, and Mr. J. B. Job's loss is about the same. A new
brick building in course of erection for James Chessen was slightly
damaged by fire, but was saved by the wind. The total loss is
estimated at $15,000.
Blood Shed in Contest Between “Wets” and “Drys”
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18, 1900
East Alton had the most exciting election in her history Tuesday.
When the contest between the license and anti-license [for those
serving alcohol] forces took place and resulted in a barren victory
for the "drys." A riot occurred in the village hall where the polls
were located, and the injured are:
Riley P. Owen, scalp severely cut
F. G. Brooks, badly bruised and cut
Joe Cooper, arm broken
Sam Hunter, scalp wound
Besides those injured many had a narrow escape from being wounded
with a double charge of shot fired by Frank Devanny from a shotgun.
Stones were hurled through windows and into the struggling mass of
men in the polling place. The trouble was brewing all day, feeling
being to the point of frenzy on both sides. The temperance people
were determined to carry the election and the saloon people were
more determined such should not be the result. Shortly before the
polls closed the clash came. Around the polls in the city hall a
crowd of workers for both sides had gathered to watch the last few
votes go in. The four saloons in the village had been bending every
energy to carry the day, and every vote counted heavily. James H.
Chessen, the village clerk, offered to swear in five challenged
votes for the "wets," and the votes were accepted. Then someone said
he would not believe Chessen under oath, and someone else silenced
the doubter with a blow, so an eyewitness says. Then the mix-up
began, and the fight was furious and bloody for a few minutes.
Someone outside hurled a stone through a $20 plate glass window in
the town hall, and F. G. Brooks ran into the room from the outside
and hurled a stone at the village attorney for the "drys," R. P.
Owen, and struck him on the head. Mr. Owen is ordinarily quiet
enough, but frenzied with pain and blood pouring from his wounded
head he bore Brooks to the floor, and the consequences might have
been serious but for interference of the other men there. Mr. Owen
hurt Brooks badly. In the melee, Joe Cooper, father of a candidate
for trustee, suffered a broken arm, Sam Hunter sustained a bad scalp
wound, and to heighten the confusion, Devanny fired his shotgun but
no one was hurt. The total vote against license was 114, and the
total vote for license was 92. It is said Bright, Chessen and Cooper
were elected by the biggest majorities ever given at an election in
the village.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 02, 1900
The Equitable Powder Company is preparing to make extensive
additions to their plant at East Alton. A big powder magazine will
be built and additions to the manufacturing capacity of the plant
will be made. The powder mills near East Alton are fast becoming one
of the most important industries in this vicinity, and the rapid
increase in business of the institution is an effective comment on
the push and business methods of the company.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 25, 1900
The fine new store building of William Clarke at East Alton has been
completed so far as the foundations. The building will be of stock
brick and will be a handsome structure.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 10, 1900
The office of the Equitable Powder Company and the Western Cartridge
Company at East Alton was destroyed by fire this morning, and little
of its contents were saved. The fire was discovered by Night
Operator Robert Rodgers of the Big Four, at 2:45 o'clock, and in a
short time after the fire alarm had been given by firing of
firearms, the entire male population of the village had turned out
and was engaged doing its utmost to prevent the flames spreading to
a magazine, only a short distance away. The office building
destroyed was a two-story frame structure, almost new, and
substantially built. It contained all the papers and books of the
two companies, some of which are very valuable. In the middle of the
building was a brick vault in which the papers were stored, and it
is supposed they are in good condition, as the brick work was
standing after the fire. The origin of the fire is not known, as no
one was near the building when it broke out. The damage was covered
with insurance.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 13, 1900
One ton of gunpowder was exploded last night at 9:45 o'clock in
wheel houses 3, 4, and 5 at the mills of the Equitable Powder
Company at East Alton. Wheelhouse No. 3 exploded first, and the
other two were set off by detonation from the first. Not a man was
hurt by the explosion, although the force was so great it distinctly
shook buildings in Alton and was plainly heard in all parts of the
city. The shock was felt at Edwardsville also. Fred Kauffmann, Sam
Hunter and Munsey Palmer were the watchmen at the wheelhouses last
night, and their escapes were narrow. It is the duty of the men to
visit each of the six wheelhouses once every 20 minutes to keep
watch on the explosive, which is being ground under 10-ton crushers,
and is kept constantly wet to prevent heating by friction. The men
had started on the rounds, and No. 1 had been entered when the
explosion in No. 3 occurred. The watchman in No. 1 lost no time in
escaping, but Nos. 1, 2 and 6 did not explode. The roofs of the
solid stone wheel houses were blown to pieces, being loosely laid on
to furnish no resistance. It is not known how badly the machinery is
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 03, 1900
The Equitable Powder Company and the Western Cartridge Company is
building a fine brick office building on the ruins of the office
that was destroyed by fire one month ago. The building is the most
substantial one in East Alton, and is a credit to the place. The
damages caused by the fire and explosion at the wheel houses of the
powder mill have been repaired and the plant is again in running
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 17, 1901
Ten tramps who had been hanging around the railroad yards at East
Alton Wednesday, all day, started out in a bunch this morning
between 12 and 1 o'clock, and held up and robbed everybody they met.
Just how much they got is not known. Some meetings were going on
last night, and several men were abroad at that hour. Marshal Hank
Feldwisch and Ollie Harris were hunting in the yards after the
robbers had dispersed, when they were met by a small boy who said he
knew that the hold-up men were in the Big Four sandpit camped by a
fire, and that he heard them planning the robberies. The officer and
Harris slipped quietly into the pit, covered the crowd with guns,
and the ordered them to surrender. The robbers broke away, shots
were exchanged and one of the "invincibles" fell, but got up again
and escaped with seven others. Feldwisch and Harris captured three,
and the wounded man and two others of the gang were captured by East
St. Louis officers as they emerged from a freight car in the East
St. Louis yards this morning.
People of the town (those of them who had been aroused) were
thoroughly alarmed, armed themselves hurriedly it is said, and
barricaded themselves in their houses. They tell today that Charley
Henry, the barber, was discovered this morning in his shop,
surrounded by eight revolvers and one breech loading shotgun,
defying all the thieves that ever was, and daring them to come on
and receive his treatment, which he guaranteed to cure thieving,
free of cost. The good work of Marshal Feldwisch and Ollie Harris is
evoking many works of commendation, and increases the feeling of
security people down there have had since "Hank" put on the star.
Henry F. “Hank” Feldwisch was a member of the East Alton police
department for 40 years, and police chief under Mayor James Jameson.
He was one of the early settlers in East Alton, and was one of the
first employed at the Equitable Powder Company in East Alton.
Feldwisch was an eyewitness of the Wann Disaster in East Alton. He
was wounded twice in his line of duty. Feldwisch, born in Alton, was
the son of Ernest and Wilhelmina “Minnie” Vahle Feldwisch. He worked
at his father’s Alton brickyard in its early days, where the bricks
were used in building the original St. Joseph’s Hospital. He died in
March 1945, and is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery. He
left behind his wife, Anna Bartling Holden Feldwisch, and a stepson,
Roy Holden.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1901
Fire destroyed the passenger station of the Big Four and the
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy at East Alton this morning. Within one
hour after the fire was discovered in the shingles of the roof, the
building was level with the ground and only heaps of charred wood
remained. The loss was not heavy, as the building was lightly
constructed and all the valuable papers in it were saved by the
office men when the fire broke out. At 10 o'clock the flames were
discovered in the roof, and an effort was made to extinguish the
fire after valuable books and papers had been removed to places of
safety. The water supply at East Alton would have been sufficient to
have saved the building, but no ladder to reach the roof could be
found and the pressure was not sufficient to throw water up there.
The building was old and dry and made quick fuel for the flames.
Temporary accommodations for the office force and passengers will be
provided, and the Big Four will at once build a new and better
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 14, 1901
East Alton has again got the wonders, and the village is guessing
what sort of a man wore on his shoulders the skull found yesterday
afternoon on Job's ranch, just east of the town. Mr. Job had a force
of men engaged in leveling down a hill near the old ranch house, and
one of the scrapers brought out with its load of dirt the skull of a
man. Investigation unearthed the rest of the skeleton, but it
speedily crumbled into dust. The skull, however, was made of sterner
stuff and is still intact. The jawbones are massive and the teeth
are formidable looking masticators, and if the rest of the owner was
formed in proportion, he must have been a giant in stature. Mr. Job
has owned that place for 60 years or more, and he does not know of
any man having been buried there. In fact, he gave the Milton
Cemetery to the public for burial purposes, and in earlier days
Milton was the place where all deceased persons were laid to rest.
Mr. Job inclines to the belief that an Indian wore the skull and
appurtenances, and this appears reasonable. He brought the skull to
Alton and says he will give it to Dr. W. Fisher to put in his
cabinet. Charles Henry, the East Alton barber who is an
archaeological crank, a pre-historic Pundit, and an antediluvian
Mahatma, says the find is the face of an ape, but he does not
explain how the Simian got there or how he buried himself that far
down in the ground.
Zephaniah B. Job's ranch was located north of Berkshire Blvd. in
East Alton, near the Wilshire Village Shopping Center. Job was born
in 1817 in Virginia, and came west with his father, riding horseback
all the way through the wilderness. He arrived in Alton in 1833. His
father bought land in the American Bottoms near future East Alton,
and farmed for the remainder of his life. Zephaniah Job became
Madison County Sheriff in 1856, and was the lessee of the State
prison at Joliet. He became a large land owner in Madison County.
It's hard to say what kind of skull was found on his ranch. Nothing
further was mentioned of it, but I doubt that it was the skull of an
ape, as mentioned in the article. Who knows what still lies below
the ground, waiting to be discovered?
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1901
A man, who appears to be James Rayburn of St. Louis, aged about 34,
was found dying in a boxcar this morning at East Alton, his head
crushed in by blows from a piece of heavy iron and his body covered
with bruises and with blood. The body was found by a harvest hand
named Lou Barber, who was passing the car in the Big Four yards and
heard the dying man's groans. Making an investigation, he discovered
the body in the car covered over with straw. Rayburn lived one hour
after being carried to the town hall at East Alton, and died at 7
o'clock. He did not regain consciousness, and the identification was
by means of papers in his pocket. The head of the man was beaten
almost into a shapeless mass. On the back of the head was a big hole
and the skull above the left eye was crushed in. The ear was knocked
off and a hole made in the bone. On top of the head was a hole and a
heavy blow had been struck over the mouth, knocking out Rayburn's
teeth. All but one of the pockets in Rayburn's clothes were turned
inside out, and the motive of the murder was apparently robbery. In
the one pocket that had not been searched by the murderers were
three silver dollars, and in his sock was a paper dollar bill.
Rayburn's clothes were of good texture and his body was clean. He
wore silk underclothes, a stiff hat, blue check suit of clothes,
blue tie, blue shirt and tan shoes. In the clothes was a check for
baggage, and he was evidently going from East St. Louis to Kansas
City and was beating his way. It is said at East Alton that two
suspicious characters boarded a freight train for St. Louis at 5:30
o'clock this morning. The murder was probably committed at 5
o'clock, as the blood on him was still fresh and the wounds were
new. No one knows how the murdered man happened to be at East Alton,
nor had anyone seen him there before. Deputy Coroner Streeper held
the inquest this morning and a verdict was found that Rayburn came
to his death by blows inflicted by unknown persons.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 02, 1901
William Henry and James Chessen Sr. have opened a new saloon at East
Alton, and are moving the saloon building to the west side of the
Henry store.
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 17, 1902
Plans for the Big Four East Alton Depot have been accepted by the
Big Four, and it is said that work of construction will be started
soon. The plans adopted show a neat little structure, which will be
both convenient and comfortable, and will furnish cozy quarters for
Agent R. D. Patton and is East Alton office force. The baggage room
will be detached from the main building, and will be connected by a
shed. The Big Four is now relaying the tracks in its East Alton
yards, preparatory to installing a complete new interlocking plant
there. An electric power plant is being built now, which will
furnish power to operate the electric systems controlling the
interlocking plant from East Alton to Venice, along the double track
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 30, 1902
The Wood River's work on June 29, 1902, will long be remembered as
the worst rampage that stream ever went upon. It is estimated that
ten thousand acres of land on both sides of the river, covering a
strip a mile or more in width on each bank, was laid waste.
Thousands of acres were denuded of their wheat crops. The wheat was
standing in the fields after the harvest and the shocks fell easy
prey to the torrent that was sweeping down the Wood River valley.
The Wood River, ordinarily a peaceful stream, converted into a
destroying torrent by the thirty-six hours continual downpour of
rain, rose out of its banks Saturday night, spread over the rich
low-lying farms and rose eighteen inches higher than ever before
known. Water stood in East Alton avenue eighteen inches deeper than
ever before known, and three feet of sand was deposited in the main
street by the flood. Barns and other buildings were washed away. At
one time the men of the village went out to the Big Four embankment,
south of the town, and cut it through to allow the water to escape.
A trestle formerly allowed the water to flow off there, but the
railroads put in two 30-inch drain tiles and supposed that would
carry the water. The drains did not work fast enough, and East Alton
people will sue the Big Four for obstructing a water course and
backing the water into their village.
At Chessen's, Clark's and other stores in the vicinity of East Alton
Avenue, water stood in buildings at a depth of two feet, and people
carried their goods from the buildings. A barn belonging to William
Henry was floated off, and in it were three tramps who had taken
refuge there from the storm. The barn was carried down in the whirl
of waters, finally lodging down the river. The tramps screamed for
help, but none could be given them and they stayed in the barn until
the flood subsided.
The Big Four, Chicago and Alton, Bluff Line and Illinois Terminal
suffered heavily. The damage of the Big Four was the worst. Three
miles of track was washed out, bridges were wrecked and the road was
impassable. Orders were sent out for every section man west of Terre
Haute to go to East Alton and assist in repairing the track. Four
work trains were put to work and 500 men. Both main line and branch
were washed out, and not a train passed over the Big Four Sunday. At
the Job farm, four horses and 20 head of cattle were drowned, and
five horses escaping from the torrent were mired in quicksands. The
five horses were rescued about noon after hard work by a big party
of men who gathered to help them.
The powder works was inundated and much damage was done there. In
some of the new buildings constructed there, the floors were forced
up by the water, and the floors were flooded to a depth of three
feet. The watchmen were penned up in the second stories of the
buildings and had to stay there until the water subsided.
The plant of the Stoneware Pipe Company at East Alton was destroyed
by fire as the direct result of the flood. The loss is $40,000 on
this building alone. The plant consisted of a three-story brick
building, 80x120 feet, which was surrounded by large kilns, ten of
them, for burning tile. These kilns were in operation and in No. 4
the last heat was being put on to glaze the pipe. At that time, the
Wood River came up and flooded the place. Water filled the
underground cut leading from the kiln to the chimney and cut off the
escape of vapor in the kiln. Steam generated by the water coming in
contact with the hot kiln filled the place, and an explosion
occurred which drove flames out of the kiln and set fire to the main
building. The machinery and building are totally destroyed. The loss
is covered by insurance.
The C. B. & Q. station was carried away, switch-stands were snapped
off and buildings overturned by the swirl of waters in the mad
torrent. The flood subsided about noon Sunday and the farmers began
counting up their losses. Charley Ferguson, East Alton's postmaster,
lost everything in his fields. Joshua Frankfort also suffered total
loss. Wheat from all the fields choked the natural water courses and
dammed up the water worse than it would have been. Wheat was carried
down the Mississippi to St. Louis, and the surface of the river
there was covered with floating sheaves. The Reuter brothers lost
about $9,000 worth of wheat and many others lost nearly as heavily.
Along the Wood River Bottoms, there will be great losses resulting
from destruction of corn and the wetting of wheat not carried off by
the flood. One tinner says he got 45 different telephone calls
Sunday to repair leaky roofs. Other tinners got numerous calls also.
The village of Wanda is under water, and hundreds of acres of
growing melons and other garden truck are covered with water and
Source: Auburn, New York Weekly Bulletin, April 21, 1903
Edwardsville, IllInois, April 21. - Rural telephone service made It
possible for two farmers to call an armed posse in a short time to
hunt down thieves who had plundered their farmhouses, and after a
chase two suspects were overtaken in a buggy. In the fight that
followed Frank Charles of Mobile, Alabama, one of the supposed
robbers, was fatally wounded by Charles Glass, a farmer. The other
man left the buggy when his companion was shot and escaped after the
posse had followed him three miles. Charles Glass and Henry
Hendricks were the men whose houses had been entered. When they
discovered their loss, they immediately notified the nearest
constable and their neighbors, who responded at once, all heavily
armed. Among the things stolen was a tent. It was known the raiders
had escaped in a buggy, and the trail was a hot one. The posse
overtook a buggy, on the outside of which a tent was strapped. There
were two men in the vehicle. They were ordered to surrender, but
laughingly refused to do so. Glass removed a shotgun from the buggy
and one of the pair drew a revolver and fired at Constable L. J.
Lawrence of East Alton, who returned the fire. Neither shot was
effective. Glass then fired the shotgun and struck the man in the
buggy in the jaw. The other man then escaped.
Alton Evening Telegraph, April 21, 1903
In speaking of the robber wounded by Constable Jack Lawrence of East
Alton, near Wanda Sunday, and who was taken to the county hospital
at Edwardsville for treatment, the Intelligencer of that place says:
"The greater part of his lower jaw was carried away cleanly by the
charge of shot and the throat was torn. There is scarcely and
support for the tongue, and the man's condition is regarded as
dangerous. That view of it is not taken by him, however. At 10
o'clock this morning he surprised Superintendent John Ost by
demanding the morning papers. Then he got out of bed and rolled a
cigarette, and although he has scarcely enough of a mouth to handle
the latter, seemed to get some enjoyment out of it. He is described
as the gamest patient in the hospital. The man's identity is not
clear. Last night when he could not talk, he replied to questions as
to who he was by scrawling on a sheet of paper, "Frank Charles,
Mobile, Ala., age 19 years." Later he told the doctor his name was
James Edward, but the initials tattooed on his arm are "J. I. B."
Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24, 1903
Frank Charles, the robber dangerously wounded last Sunday by
Constable Jack Lawrence of East Alton, is recovering at the county
hospital and Sheriff Crowe will remove him to the sick ward in the
county jail. The wounded man says his name is not "Charles," but
that no one will ever know his real name. He says he is a "black
sheep," and that his family will never know how black.
[NOTES: Charles Glass and Henry Hendricks were well-known farmers
who lived south of East Alton, off of the Old St. Louis Road. The
robbers fled south, and were overtaken near Wanda, in the Hartford
area. I could find no further information on Frank Charles, the
robber who was shot, or on the robber that got away. He was probably
never caught.]
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 16, 1904
Messrs. Long and Swift have just surveyed and platted for Hon.
Zephaniah B. Job another addition to East Alton, which Mr. Job has
christened Niagara, in honor of the falls in Wood River over the
powder mills dam. The addition is directly east of the Wood River
bridge on the Milton Road, and extends eastward two blocks. There
are 35 lots in the tract.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 27, 1904
The construction of the Charles Beall Shovel factory at East Alton
is progressing rapidly and another whistle of industry will be soon
calling men to work in this vicinity.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 12, 1904
Friday night Herman Schultze, John Farris, and Dan Scott, three well
known residents of East Alton, went on a possum hunt in the Wood
River Bottoms, and the hunt was pretty much like other hunts of that
kind until about 1 o'clock this morning. They were in Bradley's
woods, back of the powder mills, when they were startled at first
and then panic stricken by a series of yells that came apparently,
now from above their heads, now from the underbrush beside them, and
occasionally from the path in front. The screams and cries are
described as being of the most blood curdling character, and at
first the men thought some woman was being killed, as the voice
sounded like that of a woman in the greatest of agony. Then it
dawned upon them that the noise was caused by a panther or a wild
cat, as did the fact that the animal, or whatever it was, was
approaching them and they stampeded. They did not know which way was
safety; they only knew they wanted to get away from those cries and
they ran in any direction. They became separated from each other in
their flight, and each lost his way. Just how many miles they ran
during the hours between the beginning of their panic and daylight
cannot be estimated they say, but they are satisfied that if
daylight had postponed its coming a little longer, they would have
made a century run. As soon as it became light enough to see, the
frightened men found their way out of the woods and returned to
their homes in an exhausted condition. A party will be formed and a
hunt made for the sound maker, which is believed to be either a wild
cat or the Indian Creek panther.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 26, 1909
O. W. Foster is moving into his newly completed residence in Silver
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 02, 1909
Silver Ridge addition to East Alton is in the midst of quite a
building boom, and bids to be the most thickly populated part of
East Alton within a few years. Houses are now being built for
Charles Chessen, Ed Doerr, Ed Walls, Frank Eudy, and Jesse Jones.
Houses have just been completed for Lee Bracken and Ed Doerr in that
addition. Mr. Doerr has finished three houses.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 25, 1910
The record for the new town of Blinn, east of Silver Ridge addition
to East Alton, was filed with the county clerk yesterday, and the
lots in the new place will be put on the market at once. The
property is part of the Job estate, and will be in charge of Joseph
Heins, who will act as agent. One house has been started there by
Charles Glass, the ground being broken yesterday, and others will be
started within a few weeks. The lots are 50 feet by 130 deep, and
are all fronted with a four foot concrete walk.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 23, 1910
There is considerable talk of the annexation of Silver Ridge
addition to East Alton. It is known that East Alton and the
residents of the addition are willing for the annexation, and it is
probably that petitions for the annexation will be circulated soon.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18, 1910
Charles Glass has started the construction of a new house in his
property in Blinn. This is the fourth house to be started in Blinn.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 29, 1910
The Beall Bros. Mining Tool Factory at East Alton was completely
destroyed by fire this afternoon. The fire started at 3 o'clock and
within a half hour the entire plant was destroyed. It was said that
the fire got out from under the furnace and mounted up to the roof.
With inadequate firefighting equipment, the plant was soon
destroyed. James Gleason was badly hurt by the roof falling on him.
The destruction of the plant by fire is the second heavy loss the
firm has suffered in the past six months. The loss may be near to
$75,000. At the late hour the fire was discovered it was impossible
to ascertain about the insurance.
The whole of East Alton was turned out to fight the fire, but could
do little. The plant employed about 75 men, and was rushed with
orders. The destroyed plant was a large frame building, and an
addition to it was just about finished. The destruction was quick.
The buildings housed costly machinery, all of which will be badly
damaged. Mayor Beall said this afternoon that he did not know of the
fire until it was over, as he was at a barber shop being shaved. He
estimated that $75,000 would not cover the loss if the destruction
was as complete as he was told.
In 1872, Edmond Beall and his brother, Charles, founded Beall
Brothers Mining Tool Company in Alton, to manufacture mining tools.
With continued expansion, the company was incorporated in 1900, with
Charles Beall as president. In 1904, Charles Beall founded his own
company in East Alton, C. L. Beall Manufacturing Company, which
produced a variety of tools. The plant was destroyed by fire in
1910, and rebuilt. This company was sold in 1917 to Hubbard & Co. of
Pittsburgh. The company was sold to Mark D. Speciale in 1984, and
was then named Beall Manufacturing Inc.
Henry Miller Killed
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19, 1914
The glazing mill at the plant of the Equitable Powder Co. at East
Alton exploded Wednesday evening with a shock that was felt for one
hundred miles. Within a distance of fifteen to twenty miles the
shock was so violent that in many places in the eastern part of
Madison County it was believed that the explosion was close at hand.
In East Alton there was a general smashing of glass windows and
there was wild consternation when the mill went off.
The violence of the explosion indicated at once that it was the
glaze mill that had gone off. The glaze mill consists of ten huge
barrels in which powder is polished, the final process of preparing
it for market. These barrels have a capacity of about 1,500 pounds
of powder each, and there are ten of them. The whole battery of
barrels exploded. The system of polishing powder is regarded as
rather dangerous, though every precaution is taken. The friction
that would be caused that might produce an explosion is minimized by
the use of graphite, which is poured into the powder and is
afterward sifted out when it has served its purpose. It was in this
department that the explosion occurred. The building was about 25x80
feet, constructed of wood with sheet iron covering and resting on
concrete foundations. The night inspector, Henry Miller, aged 56,
had just started on his rounds. He had reached the glaze mill,
lantern in hand, and it is supposed he had just entered the door to
investigate the temperature of the bearings on the machines, when
the explosion occurred. Search was immediately made for Miller, but
no vestige of him could be found, and it was concluded that he had
been blown to pieces. The building containing the machinery had been
blown to the winds, and even the concrete foundations were wrecked
by the discharge of near eight tons of high efficiency powder.
The shockwave was plainly felt all over Alton, and everywhere
inhabitants of Alton thought that there had been a sudden shockwave
very close to them. Down on Second Street [Broadway] a policeman and
a gang of men made a rush for the site of the destroyed
Stanard-Tilton elevator, thinking that it had taken place there. The
echo rebounding from the tall grain tanks had given the effect of a
local blast being fired.
In East Alton there was general terror. The crashing of falling
glass made the first impression in the minds of those nearby, that a
terrific earthquake was on. Large plate glass windows in the village
of East Alton were smashed, though the glaze mill is almost two
miles from the village, and is close to the eastern line of the
insane hospital site [Alton State Hospital].
After the explosion, a search was undertaken to find the missing
attendant who had been blow up. Though a search was continued until
late into the night for fragments of his body, none could be found.
It was officially stated today by the powder company that the loss
to the company, exclusive of the powder, which was not counted,
would be in the neighborhood of $5,000. The pieces of the building
and machinery, almost all of them small, were about 900 to 1,000
feet. The explosion will cause no interruption of the manufacture of
powder, as the company keeps duplicate departments and when one
shuts down the other is started up.
This morning at daybreak the searchers for the remains of Henry
Miller succeeded in finding small pieces of the arm bones 200 feet
away from the mill. Scattered fragments of the body were found at
distances from a quarter to a half mile away, and it was said that
some of the clothing was picked up on the James Ferguson farm, over
across the Big Four railroad track. Coroner's Undertaker, John
Berner, went out this morning and superintended the picking up of
the remains, which he deposited in a sack and put in his undertaking
wagon. An inquest will be held.
This morning a committee of Ed James and Mr. Berner went around in
East Alton, stopping at every place to see what windows were broken
and offered to replace the windows. About one fourth of the windows
in East Alton were broken, and some large plate glass windows in
business houses.
Mrs. Rebecca English, 74 years old, of Worden, Illinois, about 30
miles east of Alton, dropped dead when the force of the powder
explosion shook the home. She was a widow, living with her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman, and had been in feeble
health for some time. She was alone in the sitting room when the
explosion shook the house. When other members of the family who had
left her for a moment immediately went into the sitting room, [the
rest of the article was unreadable].
Rebecca English was the wife of Joseph English. They had four
children: Sarah Isabella English Crabtree (1858-1920); Hannah Louisa
English Albrecht (1859-1947); Mary English Chapman (1865-1935); and
Joseph D. English (1868-1945). Rebecca was buried in the Worden
Village Cemetery.
East Alton
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 12, 1915
The Bowman farm near East Alton is quite a busy place, owing to the
fact that the work has been started for the construction of the barn
and pens for the large number of horses that are to be kept here for
the French and English governments. Nearly a hundred men are at work
on the farm, busied with hauling lumber and other construction
materials, and with putting up the buildings. Taylor Foster of East
Alton is drilling a number of wells to supply water for the stock.
First Shipment of Stock to Arrive Tomorrow
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 18, 1915
The first shipment of horses to be brought to East Alton to be put
in the pens which are being put up at the Bowman ranch will arrive
tomorrow. Part of the pens have been put up, and a train load of
stock will be unloaded into them tomorrow, it is expected. There
will be several hundred horses, all well bred and of the finest
quality that can be secured. The work on the barn is progressing
rapidly, and is being pushed as fast as possible. It is the
understanding that East Alton shall be used as a sort of shipping
station, and the horses shipped here may be left for some time, but
on the other hand, they may be shipped out right away to New York,
to be put on sailing vessels for foreign countries for immediate
First Shipment of Horses Received
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 25, 1915
The first shipment of the horses to be cared for at the Bowman farm
arrived there late this afternoon over the Big Four Railroad. The
first shipment consisted of twenty carloads or about four hundred
head. After this, it is expected that large numbers will be taken in
and out of the farm daily.
Everything is in readiness to receive the horses at the Bowman farm.
The barns, forty feet wide and eight hundred feet in length, have
been completed, as have the separate yards for each herd. A large
runway has been built from the barns to the Big Four switch, so
there will be no chance of any of the horses getting away while they
are being taken from the cars. An incline has been made so that it
will be easy to load and unload.
The horses are bought by representatives of the British government,
who are in East St. Louis, and are being shipped to East Alton to be
held until such time as a large shipment can be made to England. Now
that the first lot has been received, horses will be received and
shipped out of East Alton almost daily.
Charles G. Luft sent down three wagons loaded with steel rods, to be
used in the construction of the stables being built at East Alton to
house horses destined for Europe. The storm interfered somewhat with
building operations the latter part of the week, but a fresh start
was made this morning, and the contractor expects to have the
buildings ready very soon. Mr. Luft told a Telegraph reporter that
he visited the National Stockyards in East St. Louis the latter part
of the week, and he found that hundreds of horses are being bought,
presumably for the warring people. The proprietors of large
blacksmith shops are engaged by the horse buyers to shoe the
animals. Twelve horseshoers are at work every day and Sunday in one
of the shops, and fourteen in the other. Mr. Luft says this will
give an idea of the great number of animals being purchased.
Twenty-six expert horseshoers can put on a large number of
horseshoes every day. Some stables have been built near East St.
Louis, and the buyers are anxious to see the completion of the East
Alton stables also.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 01, 1915
The thirty-five pens at the Bowman ranch are pretty well flooded out
by the unusual quantity of rain poured down in the past few days. In
some places the water is six and seven inches deep. It happens that
few horses are there at the present time, as several train loads
were shipped away Saturday.
Marshall F. P. Wooley yesterday made the five prisoner suspects he
had in the East Alton jail work on the streets cleaning snow. The
prisoners worked very faithfully, and this morning were ordered to
leave town. One of the men had burglar keys in his possession, but
it could not be learned that he had committed any acts of burglary
in this vicinity.
Miss Carrie Ohley was awarded the prize vanity case at the dance in
the Hale Hall, given by J. R. Clow Jr. and Harry Moore, Saturday
Marshal F. P. Wooley went to Edwardsville today to testify in the
trial of the three men who are charged with robbing Mitchell Abner
of Bunker Hill on a Big Four train.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 03, 1915
The small building across the track from the Beall plant used as a
tool and blacksmith shop was burned down Monday. The employees of
the plant were called out to fight the fire to keep it from
spreading to the rest of the plant. The loss is small.
The East Alton Feed Company has sold twenty-five car loads of hay to
the French and English government officials, for the horses at the
Bowman Ranch. The name of the establishment is the English Remont
Commission, to which all supplies must be billed. Another car load
of horses for the Bowman Ranch is expected to arrive tomorrow.
The bridge gang, which has been working on the raising of the
Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy bridge, has finished its work and
gone away.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 17, 1915
East Alton is to have a fruit store, the first to be established
here. Victor Ursch has rented the Hawkins building, formerly used as
a meeting place for the Seventh Day Adventist classes, and will
start a fruit store there in a few days.
S. M. Hawkins of East Alton went to the stock farm today to put up a
large shed, which will be used for the rendering plant at the stock
farm. The plant will use up all the carcasses of horses, which die
at the Bowman farm. Recently, a complaint was made about the
throwing of the carcasses in the woods, and those in charge of the
stock farm promised they would provide a way for utilizing the
bodies of the horses.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 20, 1915
Job’s Addition is the third addition to East Alton east of the Big
Four tracks, and it is getting quite a reputation as a booming piece
of property. Already ten houses have been built there, one of the
latest completed being that of W. A. Hale, and now two more are
going up there. They are the houses of Joseph Hassler and C. H.
It is said that the horses which are being shipped from the Bowman
stock barns at East Alton for the French and English governments to
be used for war purposes, are first shipped to Toledo, Ohio, and
then to Canada. From there, they are shipped back again to Boston,
to be loaded for England. The cost of shipping of each carload of
stock from East Alton to Europe is $157.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 23, 1915
The work on the stock barns at East Alton is being pushed rapidly,
and will probably be completed by the last of the week. There are
thirty-five stock pens, which reach to the East Alton and
Edwardsville Road, and a large feed barn. Those in charge of the
barns are having considerable luck with the horses this week, not a
single death has been reported. The horses which have been sick are
getting well.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 25, 1915
Eight hundred fine horses destined, probably, to die in the trenches
of the battlefield of Europe, were loaded into cars this afternoon
on the Bowman corral at East Alton. Sixteen horses were loaded into
each of fifty cars, and will be started on their journey this
evening, caretakers accompanying them. They will be taken to East
St. Louis on the Big Four Railroad, then turned over to the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. They will be taken to Newport News,
Virginia, where they will be loaded onto ships or transports. Their
ultimate destination is not known here. Previously, the horses were
shipped to Canada, then reshipped to Virginia or other points, where
they can be loaded onto vessels. This trainload will go directly
from East Alton to Newport News. It is said the freight bill amounts
to $7,500, or $150 a car.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 01, 1915
James Colburn, Louis Murphy, Elmer Kortkamp, Gus Volz and Clyde
Davis were killed instantly at nine o'clock this morning when the
press house at the Equitable Powder Co. at East Alton exploded from
a cause which at present is entirely unknown. The shock was felt at
Mattoon, 100 miles away, and hundreds of windows in East Alton were
shattered by the explosion. The five men who were at work in the
place at the time of the accident were blown into many pieces, and
their bodies were scattered for a distance of several hundred yards
about the place. According to the officials of the company, this is
the first time in the twenty-four years of the company's history
that the press house has been destroyed. The men in the house went
to work as usual at seven o'clock this morning and everything was
running smoothly as ever. Some of the men in the employ of the
company who were in the building but a few minutes before the
explosion reported at the office shortly after that everything was
running in perfect condition when they left the building. It is
likely that the cause of the accident will never be known. The press
house is a frame building fifty by twenty-five feet containing a
single hydraulic press, which is used in the manufacture of blasting
powder. The grain powder is placed between the leaves of the press
where it is put under several tons of pressure and pressed into
blocks twenty-four by twenty-four inches, and one inch thick. At
this time of the year the hydraulic press is operated with oil
instead of water, and this burning oil was scattered over the
grounds, causing small fires among the leaves in various sections.
Orders were given to all the employees at once to keep outsiders out
of the yards. Hardly had the sound of the explosion and the smoke
died away before hundreds of people from East Alton, who had
relatives at work in the plant, rushed to the gates to find out what
had become of them. Some of these people when they were refused
admittance walked nervously up and down the track looking for a
chance to get into the grounds, but they found none. It soon became
generally known on the outside of the plant which of the buildings
had been destroyed, and as fast as this became known the people
acquainted with the workings of the plant knew what men had gone to
work there at seven o'clock this morning and therefore who had been
After the explosion and the small fires had been extinguished, a
party of men were put to work searching for parts of the bodies of
the men who had been injured in the accident. A trunk and head of a
man which was later identified as that of Colburn was found across
the Wood River several hundred yards from the explosion where it had
been thrown. One arm was still on the trunk of the body, although
all the clothing had been torn off. The body was identified by a
stiff finger. This is the first explosion which has occurred at the
plant since the state insane hospital at Alton was started, and
there was some interest as to how this would be affected. A report
from the hospital this morning indicated that no damage whatever had
been done there. Officials in charge said that the shock had been
felt, but not a window had been broken and no damage had been done.
Windows in nearly every third house in East Alton were broken. All
the windows in the powder works hotel were broken out and one of the
front walls in the Beall factory at East Alton was damaged.
Clyde Davis is 22 years of age and unmarried. He boarded at the home
of Mrs. William Crawford on Church Street in East Alton. Louis
Murphy is 28 years of age, is married and has two small children. He
lives in East Alton. Mrs. Murphy rushed to the powder works on
hearing of the explosion and fainted on the grounds and had to be
brought back in an automobile and put under the care of a physician.
Elmer Kortkamp is 23 years of age. He is single and has been living
with his widowed mother, Mrs. John Kortkamp in East Alton, and is
her sole support. Gus Volz is __ years of age, and has a wife and
one child. He is said to be known as Miller, and came in East Alton
from Ohio. J. A. Colburn, superintendent, is about 50 years of age.
He came to East Alton about seven years ago from Connecticut, and is
a high salaried, first class powder expert. He has been in that
business all his life. He made a high salary and lived in a handsome
home in Blinn, which he and his wife had built about a year ago.
They have one grown son, Nordell Colburn, who is a telegraph
operator at Alexandria, L.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 02, 1915
Nine persons, it is said, have been killed in the Equitable Powder
works at East Alton since it was built about twenty-five years ago.
The number is small considering the hazard of the occupation. Two
were killed in the Western Cartridge works in the fulminate
department. Yesterday's explosion was the worst for the number of
men killed. On one other time, three were killed at once, and that
was in 1892 when William Rodgers, Thomas Keffer, and Henry Ragus
were killed in the press. Yesterday's explosion was the second
explosion in the press. Later on, John Voss and George Scott were
killed together in the corning mill, then Frank Newhause was killed
in the wheelhouse, Charles McGinnis in the glaze room, Jeff Bright,
East Alton councilman, in the corning mill, and Henry Miller in the
glaze room. Harry Mills was the first killed in the fulminating
department, and Mr. Beachey was the second killed there.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 11, 1915
It was a wild night after the storm in the vicinity of the Bowman
stockyards near East Alton, where 7,200 horses belonging to the
British Commission, bought for use in the army in France, escaped
from the stockyards Thursday night before midnight. The horses
romped over the whole country, terrifying people, delaying trains,
and in at least one case, caused personal injuries. Herman
Wuestenfeldt, who was returning home from Alton after being out on
the Elks excursion, sustained fractures of three ribs when the
horses coming down the road encountered the automobile in which
Wuestenfeldt was carrying Nola, William, Gussie and Loretto
Carstens. Eight of the horses were killed by a fast freight train on
the Chicago & Alton, two were shot to admit of the Midnight Special
passing on, after a delay of more than one hour. Hundreds of the
horses were penned up by property owners who will have damage claims
against the stock. Some of the stock was recaptured during the
night, but the most of them were not found until during the day. The
cause of the stampede is not quite certain. It was said at the
stockyards this morning that nothing definite was known about it,
and that an investigation would be made.
The village of Wood River suffered heavily from damage done to young
trees which were set out last year along the streets. The horses,
after escaping from the corral, did not run very far. They are all
well broken animals, and tractable, and after the first burst of
speed on regaining freedom, the animals settled down to grazing
along the roads, on lawns, in fields and many of them took to the
railroad tracks. The whole country was overrun with animals that are
destined for slaughter on the battlefields of Europe.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 23, 1915
The commissions which made the tour settling claims filed by
landowners and tenants for damage to crops after the stampede of the
horses from the stockyard on the Bowman farm near East Alton, have
completed their work and they have settled with all but one
claimant, it is said. That one claimant was offered $65 for his
loss, and he demanded $500. The difference was so great that no
settlement was made with him. Some of the farmers, the Telegraph is
informed, are preparing to file additional claims against the
keepers of the stock on the grounds, they claim, that the shipping
fever from which the horses suffered was spread about among the
livestock on the farms where the stampeded horses took refuge.
Whether or not a suit could be maintained against anyone whose
horses gave a sickness to the horses of the claimant is a question
of doubt. If there is any precedent for such a claim, it would
probably be hard to find, it is believed by stock-raisers. It is
cited that no one can sue for damages if he contracts a disease from
another person. It is therefore believed by some horse owners that
if there is any instances of the shipping fever being spread in the
country, it would be hard to get such a claim established.
The stampede which occurred at the Bowman horse farm east of the
city some time ago, will not affect the number of horses which are
to be kept at the barns there, according to information received by
the Telegraph. Plans are under way at present for increasing the
yards and making a roof to care for many more horses. A gang of one
hundred men have been put to work on the farm, building more fences
and new runs for the horses. The barns which have been erected will
serve the purpose of caring for the extra horses which are to be
kept at the farm, because the weather will be warm enough for some
time to make shelter unnecessary. How much it has cost to secure the
return of the horses and how much money they have paid out in
damages will probably never be known. It is understood that the sum
was enormous, but the officers at the farm are making efforts to
keep it from being made public. Rewards were paid for the return of
many of the horses. All but six horses have been accounted for. A
compilation of the sums of horses brought in after the recent
stampede at the corral because of the lightning storm of ten days
ago, shows that only thirty-two are yet out. Of this sum, 25 were
killed by trains or died from over eating. One of the missing horses
is now in the Gus Burjes pasture in Moro. Mr. Burjes found the horse
in the pasture yesterday when he went out to look at his stock, and
promptly notified the barn. The work of the cowboy riders has been
completed, and most of them have gone back to the East St. Louis
stockyards. They did good work, and proved very effective rounders
of horses, doing much better work than the inexperienced men who
were assigned to the job.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 28, 1917
The East Alton stockyards will come back again in full swing.
Preparations are now being made for the care of more horses than
ever at the East Alton stockyards for the French and English. The
stockyards have been practically deserted for the past year, and
only a few of the horses which were left ill at the time of the last
shipment out was made, have been at the stockyards. The rest of the
ground was rented out to R. J. Hoeckstra, a farmer, who has been
living there and has been tilling the land. Hoeckstra has received
notice to cut his corn and stop his fall sowing and vacate as soon
as possible. This is worrying Hoeckstra to some extent, as he says
he has no place to go, but he must obey the orders to make way for
improvements. The fences are being rebuilt and many of the sheds on
which the roofs were worn are being recovered. Next Monday a
shipment of several hundred horses is expected over the Big Four.
Orders have been given that all trains routed to East Alton with
horses should reach East Alton by daylight, so that they may be
unloaded in the daytime. On account of the many accidents to horses
which happened when unloading was done in the night. This
possibility will be avoided under the new ruling and much better
care will be taken of the horses. Probably five or ten thousand
horses will be accommodated at the stock yards this winter, and all
the pens and buildings are being enlarged for this purpose. Dr. Ed
Enos has been in charge since the British and French officers left
about a year ago, and he will probably continue in some official
capacity at the stockyards. Orders have been given for the
employment of a large number of men for caring for the horses.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 21, 1915
The Wood River's very worst rampage was the one that followed and
attended a rain of 24 hours duration, and reached its climax Friday
afternoon about 4 o'clock. The breaking of the costly drainage
district levee that cost over $100,000 so far, was the most
disastrous feature of the flood. The levee system worked fine up to
and far beyond a stage of water ever know in the Wood River valley
before, but the effectiveness of the levee system ended.
Down at the lower end the channel of Wood River has not been
straightened out. The water still piled up in the huge reverse bends
of the stream that winds like a huge snakelike scar through the
earth, making a tortuous channel which delays and holds back and
piles up the water, destroying the efficiency of the straightened
channel farther up. It was only when the volume of water racing down
the channel became more than the winding channel below could take
care of, that the flood piled up, leaped through the levee of the
drainage district and then came disaster.
The plants of the Western Cartridge Company and the Equitable Powder
Company were put out of business. Men fled for their lives before a
tidal wave of water that swept out of the dammed-up course of the
Wood River, and poured down into the lower lands the levee had been
built to protect. About 4 o'clock the girls working in the Cartridge
Plant were told to go home, as it was feared that the water would
come over the levee, and that there would be great difficulty in
getting so many people out. The men who were willing to stay were
told to do so and aid in getting property up where it could not be
wet. The gang of men were working hard and doing good work when the
factory whistle was sounded as the warning for everybody to run, and
they ran. They got out in time to save themselves.
When the water poured through the first break in the levee, it came
as a huge wall which broke against the high board fence surrounding
the grounds. The fence went down, the wall of water rolled over and,
in a tumbling, destroying torrent, filled up the lower lands where
was situated the factories of the Western Cartridge Company, and
flooded the office building. The loss entailed by the water going
into the Cartridge Plant will be immense. The waters seized upon
large quantities of materials and carried them off with a rush down
toward the river. Lying loose in the yards were hundreds of the
great glass carnoys in which sulfuric acid is contained, and there
were piles of lumber and much other material, all of which was borne
on the crest of the flood in a mighty jam that went off downstream.
The current was terrific. No skiff could be driven against that
stream at its full. Power boats would have been in danger in the
boiling, surging torrent that piled down toward the Mississippi,
destroying all in its path. The stream took its course through the
village of East Alton, spreading out to Benbow City on the one side,
and as far as East End place in Alton on the other.
Much railroad track was washed out. Not a line was left intact
across the Wood River district, and Alton was entirely cut off from
railroad communication to the south. The last train that went over
the c. & A. tracks was the Prairie State Express, which went down at
5:30 p.m. The last train on the Big Four was the plug, which came in
about 6 o'clock. Then the tracks were covered, the bridges over the
Wood River were menaced, the chances appeared too great for a train
to cross. Then the track began washing out. The interurban cars were
shut off at 6 o'clock, and all service annulled. The Big Four
annulled its trains on the old main line this side of Hillsboro
because of the flood. The Flyer tried to get through, but failed. It
got as far as East Alton and went over to the station. Then it was
to have backed down to a cross over and go on to the C. & A. tracks
and take the cutoff route to Godfrey, and thence to Alton, as the
earlier C. & A. did, arriving here after 7 o'clock. However, while
the Flyer was at East Alton, the track washed out behind her and was
already washed out in front, and there the train had to stick. The
passengers were given lodging in East Alton homes and at the village
The seventy-five Altonians who spent the night on the Big Four Flyer
kept things interesting. When some of the members of the party were
certain that all of the ladies aboard the train had been cared for
in the hotels of East Alton, and there were no prospects of rest on
the Flyer on account of the uncomfortable sleeping accommodations,
they proceeded to enjoy the night. Many played cards, but the
majority spent the time singing sons. there was little sleep on the
train. This morning the party left the train and were rowed to C. &
A. cutoff in skiffs, and then walked to a street car in Upper Alton.
In East Alton was the center of excitement during the flood of Wood
River. Mayor Henry Eckhardt became alarmed about 4 o'clock, and he
telephoned his daughter, Miss Elinore Eckhardt, to go and warn the
people in the threatened district that the levee was about to break.
She did so, and the people were ready for it when the catastrophe
did occur. Some families did not get out of their houses in time in
the levee district at East Alton, and had to be assisted out.
Telephone messages were sent for skiffs and proper boats, but the
boats that were available were snapped up quickly for rescue work.
The water, when it overflowed and went into the Cartridge Works
grounds, got into the buildings to a depth of three or four feet,
according to their elevation. The basement and first floor of the
office building were flooded too. All night F. W. Olin and his sons,
John and Franklin, were on the ground, and they returned home this
morning. Skiffs had been rushed out from Alton to do what could be
done, but it was little. The water had effectually damaged
everything it touched, and naturally there is much of the company's
stock that is subject to water damage.
The water ran down through East Alton and got into the grounds of
the Standard Oil Company Refinery, and there it stood at such a
depth that it was necessary to shut down the whole plant, the fires
being put out in the stills and passage about the grounds being
impossible because of the depth of water covering the grounds.
There was great fear in East Alton that some of the buildings in the
worst flooded part would be collapsed by the water undermining the
foundations, as it did ten years ago when Wood River went on her
last destructive rampage. The people in the houses which were
threatened were taken in by their more fortunate neighbors, and
everybody was doing what could be done to relieve distress. On every
side in East Alton was the wild tumbling waste of water that had a
menacing look for everything that it came in contact with. The Beall
plant was not caught in the flood, and the men were saved from being
driven from their work.
At the Cartridge Works, only one person, George Eckhardt, a son of
Mayor Eckhardt, was left through a misunderstanding, and he climbed
on top of the concrete roof of the machine shop and called for help.
Efforts to rescue him could not be made immediately because there
were no boats to be secured. The only boat known was a steel boat
which was locked up in one of the sheds at the Cartridge Plant and
could not be got. Finally, E. Hill, an East Alton boy, came forward
and offered a small, unstable canvass boat. It served the purpose in
a pinch, however, and in this boat, men rowed to the Western
Cartridge plant and got out the large steel boat. Eckhardt's son was
then rescued, and the rescue work was carried further to the Powder
Works Hotel, where the Apple family marooned by the water were taken
out and brought to town. Then the Russell family in the lowland near
the C. B. & Q. station were rescued and several other families.
George Barber was the only man employed on the construction gang at
the new State Hospital who was able to return to his family in Alton
last night. The other fifty workmen remained at the farm and spent
the night. When they went to work yesterday morning the stream was
little more than a foot in depth and was very meek looking. By
evening, the stream had covered the railroad tracks and tipped the
track on one of the bridges on end. Barber held onto the higher end
of this track with an iron hook, and walked on the lower rail.
Several times his head went under in the swift current, and the men
watching him believed that he would be drowned, but each time he
recovered and continued on his trip over the mad stream.
Shortly before midnight last night, an appeal came to the police
station for help in the eastern part of the city. Two skiffs were
placed on a stake wagon and hurried to that section at once. Night
Captain John Nixon and E. L. Rose took charge of the rescue work.
Here the police found that one family containing a woman and her
four children were in the attic of their home with the water
threatening them every minute. These were quickly taken to safety.
Another case faced the police. In this home was a family with the
smallpox. They demanded to be taken from the home. After looking
over the situation, the night captain decided that it would be safe
to allow the family to remain in the house if the water did not come
up over 18 inches more. Two men were left in charge of the skiff
with the orders that the family with the smallpox be rescued if the
water rose eighteen inches more. The water did not rise this much,
however, and the family was left in their home.
After passing through the yards of the Powder Mill, the water rushed
through the streets of East Alton at the depth varying from five to
seven feet, and thence down the St. Louis Road to Benbow City, which
was also submerged, and then the river joined the waters of the
Mississippi. Many of the people left their homes and places of
business last evening, fearing that they would be washed away by the
waters. According to measurements made by some of the residents of
East Alton, the water was forty inches deeper than it was in the
flood of 1903. The East Alton wagon bridge, and the three C. B. & Q.
railroad bridges in the vicinity of East Alton were down. East Alton
was shut off this morning without any break or meat. They are
supplied from Alton, and none of the Alton merchants were able to
get these supplies to the city this morning.
The Kulp (Culp) levee was the first to give away. This levee which
has been constructed in the vicinity of Bethalto gave away yesterday
afternoon at two o'clock. Word was sent at once to the Cartridge
Plant that this levee had broken. It was then that the men in charge
realized they had little chance of saving the East Alton levee. All
of the girls and women were sent home, and the men were put to work
moving goods from the flood. In the loading room of the Cartridge
Plant, all of the machinery with the exception of a single motor was
saved. The men carried all of the machinery to the third floor of
the building, and some of them had to wade out when the water was
over waist deep about the yard. All of the other buildings,
including the storage room and the metallic department, were covered
to the depth of three or four feet by the flood. In the metallic
department a large part of the machinery will be seriously damaged
by the flood.
With the seven hundred employees of the Western Cartridge Company
not working, and the hundreds of spectators from this vicinity who
made the trip to see the flood, the streets of East Alton were
crowded this morning. The water, still to the depth of several feet,
under the viaduct and along the St. Louis road, but there was no
current and the sidewalks were cleared. The damage to the Jones and
the Clow grocery store had been figured and they were again open for
business. The demand for bread was heavy, and this afternoon the A.,
B. & C. Company of Alton sent a truck load with a skiff for the city
still marooned. The truck carried the bread and skiff as far as the
water, and then the skiff was used to take the bread into the town.
Ed Hauser had a trying experience this morning while driving the
Central Brewing wagon from Wood River to East Alton. His horses
became mired in the water and mud south of East Alton, and for a
time it looked as if they would be lost. Several kegs of beer rolled
from the wagon, but the outfit was rescued by the men standing about
the streets. Hy. Hines was caught in the same place and came near
losing his life. People standing on the main streets saw two men
attempt to go under the viaduct on horseback. The horse with the man
in the lead encountered a step-off that was several feet deep, and
both horse and rider were forced to swim to safety. The other rider
turned back.
The flood was subsiding rather slower today than was hoped for. Such
a tremendous volume of water had to come down, that while Wood River
went down considerably, it did not leave the streets of East Alton
nor drain the territory between there and the village of Wood River
as fast as would have been satisfactory to everybody.
The East Alton wagon bridge was badly damaged, and a number of the
planks and some of the woodwork has been torn away. The C. B. & Q.
bridge at East Alton has been twisted around so that it will be
impossible for a passenger train to make the trip over it. Two other
bridges on the C. B. & Q. are washed out between East Alton and
Woods Station.
Sidewalks were torn up, a part of the C. B. & Q. platform was washed
away, some of the smaller buildings in the Cartridge Plant were
turned around on their foundations, and a number of others were
washed away entirely. The Big Four track suffered greatly from the
flood. Every few feet the roadbed is washed away so that four or
five ties were without support, and at places there are stretches of
track three hundred feet in length which have been washed away. The
Parks buildings damaged and the harness shop of H. H. Wenges
suffered greatly from the flood.
Extra freight train number 364 of the Big Four railroad went into a
ditch in the vicinity of Wann. The train was composed of an engine
and five cars. When it was seen that it would be impossible to go
father and the water was threatening them, they left the train
before it tipped over.
Offers of work were made this afternoon by the officials of the
Cartridge Company. All of their employees who desire to do laboring
work can start tomorrow morning, helping to clear up the wreckage
and get the plant back in operating condition.
Source: Poughkeepsie, New York Daily Eagle, November 25, 1915
Two wheelhouses at the plant of the Equitable Powder Company, East
Alton, blew up this afternoon. No one was hurt. The concussion was
felt for 27 miles. Eight thousand pounds of powder were in the
building. The cause of the explosion is not known. The Equitable
Powder Company is making war supplies for the allies.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 18, 1916
The new addition which will be subdivided and sold in lots on the
Alton-Edwardsville Road will be known as the Ben Cooper addition.
The property was purchased last week by Mr. Cooper, who says he will
market it himself. Sixteen lots have already been sold, most of
which are for building purposes. The property was formerly a part of
the Fox farm.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 03, 1917
The Landau Company of Alton, trustee for the creditors of the V. F.
Waldschmidt store in East Alton, is rapidly selling out the stock
and will soon vacate the building. They will turn the building over
to its owner, James H. Chessen, who announces that it is for rent.
The closing of the store marks the closing of the old stand which
James H. Chessen conducted for many years and made a handsome profit
out of it. Since Chessen left the place, it has changed hands
frequently. The Clow Company held it the longest and for a while
made money, but at last they too were obliged to give up the
business and sell out. Waldschmidt took it from the last Clow
proprietor, Jesse Clow, in exchange for a farm at Peoria, Illinois.
Waldschmidt told people in East Alton he was beaten in the deal, and
as he had gotten his Peoria farm off of his hands, he would move to
another farm he owned in Wisconsin. He and his family have been gone
for some time, and it is supposed that he is in Wisconsin, leaving
his creditors to handle the business affairs alone.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 20, 1917
The finding of a human skeleton in the ground that is being plowed
up for lots in the Cooper and Hoehn addition to East Alton has
aroused considerable interest in East Alton and vicinity. A few days
ago, while Joseph Heins and Robert Kennedy were engaged in plowing
up the ground to level it off for lots in the new addition, the plow
share turned up the skull of a human being. The skull was perfect
and gave indications of having lain only a few years. They dug
farther down into the ground and found all the rest of the bones,
which put together would make a perfect skeleton. The bones appear
to be those of a woman, although that point is not positively
established. Considerable speculation is rue as to how the skeleton
got there. Whether it is the skeleton of someone murdered by his
fellow man, or by the Indians who once tramped over the county,
there is probably no way of finding out. The nearest cemetery is the
Milton Cemetery, a mile away, and it is hardly probable that the
skeleton could be that of a person buried in the Milton Cemetery.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 8, 1918
The dry weather and a minor explosion at the Western Cartridge Co.
caused a fire which resulted in the complete destruction of the
trench mortar shell department at the Western Cartridge Co. this
afternoon. The damage will run over $100,000, although a complete
valuation of the property destroyed had not been made at a late hour
this afternoon. Six frame buildings burned. There were five
explosions, none of them large, and any one of which would have been
of no consequence if it had occurred by itself. The department
destroyed was originally the shotgun shell department. Recently it
has been turned over to be used as the trench mortar shell
The Allies are badly in need of these shells, and orders were given
to rush the work in this department. Fifty men and girls were
working at the loading machines when one of the machines clogged.
Half a second later there was an explosion. This was quickly
followed by the fire which spread through the building so fast that
the people fled without taking with them their coats or hats. Six
buildings arranged in a semi-circle in the rear of the old office
caught fire one at a time. The buildings that burned were the
loading room, 125 by 40 feet; the box department, small; the box
storage department, 75 by 50 feet; the paper box manufacturing
department, small; the wad building and all of the stables; two
powder magazines filled with powder. The heaviest loss was the
eleven machines in the loading department. These are all there at
the plant for the manufacture of the trench mortar shells. It will
take considerable time to replace them. One hundred and fifty
thousand mortar shells which had been accepted and passed and were
to have been shipped to the Allied armies today were in the fire.
The employees of the plant turned out with buckets and hose to fight
the fire. When it was seen that there was danger of the flames
spreading to other departments, the Alton fire company was called
out. Fire companies 1 and 3 were sent to East Alton and Chief
William Feldwisch directed the efforts of the firefighters. Lieut.
Jules Arturo and Lieut. Glastino, of the Italian army, helped with
the firefighting. Arturo mounted one of the warehouses and with a
handkerchief over his face he held the hose and fought off the
flames until the Alton fire department arrived. He saved several
thousands of dollars’ worth of explosives. The wind blew the fire
away from the main part of the cartridge factory. It also scattered
the fire into the outlying parts of the plants and small groups of
men were kept busy fighting this with buckets of water.
Officials of the company said this afternoon that the explosion
which caused the fire was of little consequence and nothing would
have been thought of it had it not caused the fire. They said that
this was the first time in the history of the plant that such an
explosion had been the cause of a fire. They were inclined to
believe that the hot weather and the dry conditions of the buildings
were the cause of the fire. Officials refused to make any estimate
of the damage, but it is understood that it will be more than
$100,000. Only a very small part of that is covered by insurance.
The wonder of the fire was that no one was injured. A large amount
of explosives went up during the afternoon, but the fighting was
conducted so that no one was allowed to get into any unnecessary
Marks Completion of Village's 2-Mile Paving Project
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 30, 1921
East Alton celebrated the completion of its two-mile paving project
last night. Mayor Jameson, for the village, yesterday said East
Alton would be host to the entire Alton district, and would care for
the crowd, no matter how great it might be. Two blocks of the
newly-paved street were turned over to dancers. No automobiles were
permitted to be parked in that section, and when the street was
swept and cleaned it made an admirable dancing floor. At one time
300 couples were dancing, presenting an unusual sight. The dancers
were given full sway, no traffic being permitted in the two blocks.
Two band concerts were given, one by the White Hussar Band and the
other by the Western Cartridge Co. band. There was a special movie
show. Members of the fire department were in charge of the
refreshment stands. Cake, the product of East Alton ovens, was the
big feature. East Alton gained a reputation for progressiveness by
completing the big paving project, but last night East Alton gained
a reputation for the cake baking ability of its housewives. Big
cakes, little cakes, white cakes, pink cakes, all kinds of cakes
were for sale. And all the cakes were good glorious examples of the
pastry art. And for ten cents a great big slice was given. The
firemen, dressed up in brand new blue shirts, with accompanying
white ties, were in charge of the refreshment stands, and sold the
cakes. Proceeds of the refreshment sales will go toward the fund to
provide a truck for the fire department. The speakers included Mayor
Jameson, former Mayor Cruse, and John D. McAdams of the Telegraph.
Mayor Jameson quit the East Alton band long enough to make the
opening speech. He welcomed everyone and urged them all to have a
good time. He was followed by former Mayor Cruse, who thanked the
members of the village council which voted with him to launch the
paving project, he thanked and congratulated Mayor Jameson for
carrying out the project and he thanked the people of East Alton for
their cooperation. Mr. McAdams congratulated the people of East
Alton upon the completion of the paved road. "When this project was
brought up in the courts for confirmation, there was not a single
objector. East Alton is to be congratulated," Mr. McAdams said. "But
East Alton has done more than merely completed a big paving project
and has done more than complete another link in the paved road to
St. Louis. East Alton has carried out the spirit of public
improvement. You have brought contentment and joy to people, who,
when they use this road, will never know of the hardships you have
endured that it might be a reality." Mr. McAdams then traced the
local history of the automobile. "Fourteen years ago," he related,
"there were seven automobiles in Alton and two in East Alton. John
Vanpreter owned the first car in East Alton. It was a one-lung (one
cylinder) International. It did not even have a horn, but it didn't
need a horn because it made so much noise. Then James Chessen bought
a car, a two-cylinder Buick. This car had a fine nickel-plated horn,
but it is said that the horn did no good because you couldn't hear
it, either. Now, 4,000 automobiles pass over this road every day.
From 2 to 4,000 in 11 years is the growth of the automobile."
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 12, 1921
Four masked bandits at 10:30 a.m. today entered the Illinois State
Bank at East Alton, tied one official and forced another to crawl
under a table, and escaped with $8,000 in cash in an automobile,
held in readiness by a fifth. H. V. Greene, cashier of the bank,
estimated the amount taken at $8,000. He said the cash had not been
checked up, and he could give no definite figure. All money in the
bank, with the exception of a small amount of silver, was taken. The
loss is covered by insurance with the Aetna Company.
bandits were in a green automobile. Conflicting reports were heard
as to the direction from which the men came. It was said at first
that they came from the north and later it was said that the car was
an Alton machine. The automobile came through the streets of East
Alton at a rapid clip, it stopped in front of the bank and four men
jumped out and went into the bank. Three men then pointed _________
[unreadable] the muzzles of the guns through the screen of the cage.
One of the bandits came in back of the counter and soon was followed
by the other three. Greene was ordered to crawl under a table. He
hesitated, and was pushed under the table by one of the bandits.
Larton was told to stand close to the wall. One of the bandits
pulled the telephone loose and bound him with the wire. One of the
bandits carried a wheat sack and in this all cash in sight was
thrown. The safe and drawers were rifled. The bandits left checks,
and threw aside some War Savings Stamps. Checks were strewn over the
floor. The bandits left the bank hurriedly, one of them keeping the
officials covered. They climbed into the automobile and sped away.
Posses scoured the surrounding country in search of the bandits.
Police officials of surrounding towns and cities were notified to be
on the lookout for the bandits. This afternoon no trace of the
bandits had been found. The license number of the bandit's car was
Missouri 213630. The bank was cleaned of all available funds by the
bandits. A messenger was immediately dispatched to Alton to secure
funds and at 12 o'clock, an hour and a half after the holdup, the
first customer came in and the bank was again doing business. There
were no bonds of large denomination in the bank. These are kept in
vaults of Alton banks.
Mr. Greene, the cashier, was signing a bond when the bandits
entered. Mr. Greene, who is an Alton man and who was formerly
bookkeeper for the local agency of the Anheuser Busch Brewing Co. of
St. Louis, described the holdup to a Telegraph reporter:
"I was standing right here signing this bond," Mr. Greene said and
pointed to a bond on the counter. "One of the bandits shoved a gun
at me through the screen there," and he pointed to the spot. "Two
others covered Mr. Larton and me, while a fourth one came in back
followed by the other three. I was commanded to get under the table
and then shoved under. Mr. Larton was tied with the wire from the
telephone not far from me. Then a sack was produced and the cash
thrown into it."
The bandits left the bank, Mr. Greene said, still covering the
officials. The bandits, Mr. Greene said, were all young men, and
each, he said, seemed to weigh about 175 to 180 pounds. He expressed
the belief that the bandits put on the masks after entering the bank
and took them off before leaving.
East Alton was stirred by the robbery. The street in front of the
bank, St. Louis Road, was crowded and the holdup was the chief topic
of conversation. Many wild stories were in circulation, early
reports having it that the two officials of the bank were slugged
with the butts of revolvers, and that the amount stolen was $30,000,
with many bonds included. The Illinois State Bank is the same
institution at which a holdup was attempted in the summer of 1919.
At that time bandits entered the bank and ordered the cashier, E. F.
Zoernig, to throw up his hands. Zoernig, as related in the Telegraph
at that time, dropped behind the counter and came up with a revolver
in his hands. The bandits were scared off. The Illinois State Bank
has a capital stock of $50,000. John M. Olin of the Western
Cartridge Co. is president of the bank.
As far as I can tell, no one was ever caught for robbing the East
Alton bank. The Illinois State Bank was established in 1904 as the
Farmers Bank of Bethalto, and was located on West St. Louis Avenue
in East Alton. In the 1920, the bank moved to the corner of West St.
Louis Avenue and West Main Street. In 1996, the bank was acquired by
Magna Bank. Today, Regions Bank occupies the property.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 14, 1921
Search up to noon today had failed to reveal a trace of the five
bandits who last Saturday held up and robbed the Illinois State Bank
at East Alton. After a daring holdup of officials, the bandits made
their escape in a green Essex automobile, bearing a Missouri license
tag. The bandits' automobile was seen passing through Wood River and
was later sighted on the detour road at Mitchell, headed in the
direction of Edwardsville. Although several posses prosecuted the
search, and police of cities and towns for many miles around were
notified to be on the lookout, the car was not seen after that. The
bandits, H. V. Greene, the bank's cashier, said Saturday, were young
men, all of them well built. He expressed the opinion that each
weighed about 170 or 180 pounds. Four of the bandits entered the
bank, and after forcing Mr. Greene to crawl under a table, and tying
M. W. Larton, assistant cashier, with wire from a telephone which
they tore loose from the wall, placed all cash in sight in a sack,
and made their escape in the automobile held in waiting by a fifth.
The four who entered the bank were marked. It was said today at the
bank that the amount taken by the bandits was $7,736.66. The
Telegraph Saturday said the amount secured was about $8,000, quoting
Mr. Greene who said the figure at the time would not be definitely
determined. It was pointed out that checking up might show a change
in the figure. The loot of the bandits was all cash. The bonds of
the bank are kept in Alton vaults. The bandits threw aside checks
and war savings stamps.
The bank robbers were never captured, although Charles Chessen and
Robert Dooling were implicated for the robbery by a private
detective agency. Their case was dismissed for lack of evidence.
East Alton Mayor Jameson set out to stop the St. Louis "crooks" who
were coming into East Alton to "ply their trade." The first order
for the mayor's anti-crook campaign was to organize a shotgun squad.
The squad was composed of ten men, all capable of handling a shotgun
with "telling effect." The mayor also arranged for the installation
of a fire and burglar alarm system in East Alton, at the home of
each member of the shotgun squad. The mayor vowed to pick up every
person who looks suspicious, and he didn't care "a rap who they
Edward Owens Killed
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 21, 1922
A blast in the corning mill at the plant of the Equitable Powder Company
today caused the death of Edward Owens, aged 37, who was at work in
the mill alone when the explosion occurred. The mill building was
destroyed and the machinery badly damaged. The explosion occurred
just a few minutes before 7 o'clock this morning. Owens had gone to
work only a few minutes before it happened. His duty was to feed the
big cakes of powder into the mill for them to be ground up. It is
the practice in such mills to have one man working there alone. A
few months ago, a similar blast occurred in the corning mill and the
man in charge of it was killed. The mill had been rebuilt and put
into service again. Owens was brought here from a powder plant at
Marlow, Kentucky, to take charge of the job. He was an experienced powder
mill hand. He leaves a wife and six children, who did not accompany
him to East Alton when he came here to take the job, a month ago.
There was in the mill at the time of the explosion about a ton and a
half of powder. The explosion shook Alton. Immediately after the
explosion, it was distinguished from the blasts across the river
which frequently rock this territory, by the great umbrella shaped
cloud of smoke which rose and hung suspended over the powder works.
The corning mill is a wooden structure covered with sheet iron, and
houses machinery in which one of the near final steps in powder
making is done. The work is known as dangerous, yet explosions there
have not been numerous. The two which have occurred recently are the
nearest together in a long time. The one that occurred today will
never be explained, and will remain a mystery, just as the preceding
one remained. The body of Owens will be taken back to Marlow,
Kentucky, to the
family there. The wife was notified immediately of the death of her
husband, and that the body would be brought to her.