Highland, Sebastopol, and St. Morgan News Articles
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1850
We regret to learn that this fearful disease made its appearance in
Looking Glass Prairie near Highland, some ten or twelve days since.
Up to last Wednesday, about 14 fatal cases had occurred, principally
in the family and connections of Mr. James Dugger. No new cases had
occurred at the last accounts.
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 8, 1851
Highland is improving very fast, and bids fair to become one of the
most populous in the county. It is settled by a hardy and
enterprising population of Swiss, Germans, and French, who are
making things around the place look like a garden. This town was
settled in the year 1837, and now contains over 1,000 inhabitants,
and manufactories of different descriptions. The land adjoining
Highland is increasing rapidly in value, occasioned by the demand
growing out of the arrival continually of persons desiring to settle
from the old country, and who are willing to pay good prices for
land. Real estate, that has been entered but a very few years, is
selling for eight and ten dollars per acre, and many will not sell
at all. One great cause of the prosperity of this place is the
liberality of its founders, who give to everyone who will build a
house on the lot upon which it stands.
The inhabitants of the surrounding country are turning their
attention to the cultivation of the grape, and there are now some
very fine vineyards near the town that yield annually a large
quantity of wine. This will be a source of considerable revenue, and
Highland is destined to be the Vevay of Illinois. As soon as the
plank road shall be constructed, which is now in contemplation to
this place, Highland will become a town of considerable size, and it
will increase faster than every yet before.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 18, 1853
A correspondent, in writing from Highland on business, speaks of its
thriving character and of the inducements which it offers to
enterprising and industrious men to locate there. It is admirably
situated in the center of a rich and thickly populated part of the
county of Madison, and manufactures are growing up in it. Among its
improvements, he mentions the erection of a large flouring mill by
Joseph Supiger & Co.; the establishment of an extensive tannery by
David H. How, in which, without the aid of bark, he manufactures
leather in from six weeks to two months and produces an article
which gives general satisfaction; and the completion of a large
distillery by A. Miller & Co. Those who are looking out for
locations would do well to take Highland in their route of
Source: Syracuse, New York Daily Courier, October 20, 1868
At the great shooting festival at Vienna, a leading prize has been
taken by a rifle man from Highland, Illinois. The Swiss rifles have
proved to be by far the best in use at the festival.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 31, 1872
The fifth annual festival of the American Sharpshooters’ Society,
which has been in session at Highland during the past week, closed
on Sunday. The festival has been largely attended, and was the most
successful one yet had. Over 78,000 shots were fired during the
week, and 126 prizes, valued at $12,000, were awarded on Sunday. The
best shot was made by Jacob Borleted of Indianapolis. The first
prize for the largest number of center shots, carrying with it the
title of “King of the sharpshooters,” was won by William Schode of
Chicago. The second place by Peter Bauchard of Burlington, Iowa; the
third by Fritz Stiff of Highland; the fourth by Jacob Born of
Allegheny City, Pennsylvania; the fifty by Theodore Herschner of
Milwaukee. The remaining and lesser prizes were taken by
representatives of societies from New York, St. Louis, Milwaukee,
and New Orleans. The next festival will probably be held at
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 10, 1881
Highland is really on the way to become a manufacturing center. The
foundry is again in full blast. There are good prospects of having a
coal mine soon, that is if coal can be found. Some talk of founding
a wrapping paper mill, a flour sack mill, a St. Gallen embroidery
factory, and an American newspaper, which is to be edited by a
friend of Professor Adelman, our principal of schools. It is said
its tone will be Democrat, so its success here may be doubted.
The new lumber firm, Kinne & Thorp, is rapidly filling its yard with
choice Chicago lumber. It will be the largest and best-stocked
lumber yard that ever was here, and to say the truth, we were in
great need of one. The firm consists of Louis E. Kinne, of the
popular firm of C. Kinne & Co., general dry good merchants, and H.
M. Thorp, the well-known Supervisor.
Source: Syracuse, New York Daily Standard, July 02, 1883
A pickle factory at Highland, Ill. has contracted for over 400 acres
of cucumbers with farmers, and expects to ship about 15,000 barrels.
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 7, 1885
From Edwardsville – Our citizens, as well as the residents of other
parts of “old Madison,” have done their share of talking in regard
to the failure of the Highland Bank. The deficit of the bank is
supposed to be about $350,000. A great share of this is the savings
of years of some of the economical people of Highland, their all;
the little that was laid by for that dreaded time, the “rainy day.”
Some are too old to make a beginning again, and it falls very
heavily indeed upon them. We understand that young school teachers,
mechanics, laborers, and even the prudent boys and girls will be
among the losers. This is undoubtedly the worst failure that Madison
County ever experienced, and people who are posted say that it will
be severely felt in Highland for twenty years to come. The present
members of the banking firm are Adolf Eug. Bandelier (the only one
surviving of the founders), Fred C. Rhyiner, and Maurice Huegy.
Source: Troy Record, August 27, 1885
The Helvetia Milk Condensing Co. is laying pipes to M. J. Schott's
artesian well, which will furnish them about 25,000 gallons of water
daily. Next week work will be commenced on an artesian well on the
grounds of the company. Business is increasing daily, and orders for
200 cases (800 dozen cans) are ahead. Their largest shipments go to
Texas and Louisiana.
Source: Rochester, New York Democrat Chronicle, October 17, 1888
The boiler of a traction engine exploded Monday evening on a farm
[unreadable] north of Highland, Ill. Christ Rafferman, the
proprietor and engineer, was instantly killed. Hugh Rice received
serious injuries. William Hansel had both legs and one arm broken.
William Arbert had one arm and one leg broken. Julius Schneider was
seriously injured on the back of the head.
Drummers’ Picnic
Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, July 17, 1889
The rain on Sunday prevented what might have been one of the most
enjoyable events ever held in Highland, at Lindenthal Park. The park
is in itself beautiful and inviting. The showers during the day were
spasmodic, but the rain fell at times in torrents, marring in a
measure the pleasures of the day. The occasion was the seventh
annual excursion and picnic of the St. Louis Drummers’ Association.
The popularity of the Knights of the Road was evidenced from the
fact that it required three excursion trains of ten coaches to
transport them to Highland. The first arrived at 10 o’clock, and was
met by a large number of citizens and the Highland band. A
procession was immediately formed, headed by the band, and marched
to the park. Many deserted the ranks and took advantage of the
generosity of the Milk Condensing Company, which dispensed ice-cold
milk free. Upon arriving at the grounds, dinner was spread, and all
having a healthy picnic appetite, the hundreds of baskets were
relieved of much of their avoir-dupois. At 1:30, a second and third
train pulled into the station, well filled. The occupants were
compelled to remain in the coaches for an hour, on account of the
rain. The wetness of the weather had no dampening effect upon the
ardor of those who participated in the athletic sports.
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 01, 1893
The Marshal at Highland, Illinois, was shot by a “shell” man
yesterday. In company with another officer, he arrested one of the
two men who were fleecing a party of picnickers with the notorious
“shell game,” when the pal put in an appearance and opened fire on
the officers, one of the balls taking effect in the Marshal’s arm.
He was chased, but made his escape.
Source: Poughkeepsie, New York Daily Eagle, April 11, 1894
General Frye's industrial army, 300 in number, reached this place
last evening, walking on the railway track. They camped twenty-seven
miles east of the city. The city has sent a wagon load of provisions
to the camp.
Source: Troy Star, September 6, 1894
Adolph Kuntzmann started a restaurant, bakery and confectionery in
Highland today, and has an excellent location. He is a hustler, and
we wish him success, though we are sorry to lose him, both as a
business man and citizen.
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 21, 1895
Professor Theo Adelmann, who has returned from a business trip to
Highland, states that tis city is one of the most flourishing in the
west. Its prosperity, Prof. Adelmann says, is due largely to its
milk condensing industry. Each day, 40,000 pounds of milk are
brought from the farmers, who receive cash for their product as they
turn it over. Wheat in that section is given the go-by largely, and
the production of milk takes its place. Every morning the little
town is filled with carts loaded with milk, which finds ready sale
at the condensing company’s plant.
Prof. Adelmann says that 15 years ago, he was elected principal of
the public schools there. He found that one-half the day was given
up to studies in the German language. He was made superintendent on
the issue to Americanize the schools of Highland, and reduced the
time to one hour per day for the study of German. When he went back
this time after an absence of four years. He found that only 35
minutes was given to German.
Prof. Adelman says that Highland has a school building far superior
to Alton’s best, and that the salaries paid its teachers are larger
than any paid here. The Professor is exuberant in expressing his
delight over Highland’s prosperity, beauty, and generosity.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 01, 1896
Dated September 29, 1896, from Highland – The Catholics today
celebrated the golden jubilee of the founding of the St. Paul’s
Church in Highland. The forenoon was devoted to devotional
exercises, Bishop Ryan, Rev. Healey, Rev. Meckel of Alton, Revs.
Moroney of Greenville, and Oberdoester of Pierron, taking an active
part. In the afternoon, a parade was made through the principal
streets. About 1,500 persons took part in the exercises at the
Source: Troy Weekly Call, April 26, 1912
The Highland Old Folks Home, which has just been completed at a cost
of $24,000, will be formally dedicated Sunday with appropriate
ceremony. A parade will be a feature of the day, and addresses will
be delivered in both German and English. [The Highland Old Folks
Home was still in operation in 1951.]
Source: Troy Call, December 17, 1926
Mrs. Elizabeth Coffey of Pierron has been chosen as matron of the
Highland Old Folks Home, to succeed Miss Lena Boetzenhardt, who
departed last week for a visit with home folks in Germany.
Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, March 15, 1929
Emil Chipron, who died in March 1929, was born in Highland on
December 29, 1849. One of his chief interests was his work for the
Highland Old Folks’ Home. He was one of the instigators in the
building of the home, and for many years was president of the
Source: Edwardsville Intelligencer, December 29, 1930
John Miller, 84 years of age, a retired farmer who lived at the Old
Folks Home in 1930, became despondent over the death of a friend,
who aided in sending money for Miller to stay at the home. After the
death of Stoecker, Miller feared being ejected from the home, and
jumped out of the second story window, ending his life.