Early History of Alton
Alton newspaper articles (1833-1922) | Alton Hotels
Alton State Penitentiary | Military Post and Confederate Prison
Alton Railroad Bridge | Alton State Hospital
Before the city of Alton existed, the land was wild and untamed.
Steep hills rose from the riverfront, and the majestic bluffs stood
towering nearby. Further northward was stretches of timber and
prairies. A stream ran from a cave to the north, down through what
would later be Piasa Street, and emptied into the Mississippi River.
The earliest of settlers stated there were no Native American
villages in the Alton area when they arrived, however, it was common
to see them traveling through the area, either on the Mississippi
River by canoe, or traveling together by foot.
In 1673, Father Jacques Marquette and fur trader Louis Joliet
floated by future Alton, noting in their journal two strange
creatures painted high on the bluffs, presumably by Native
Americans. In later years, when the French controlled the area, it
was used as a fur trading post. In 1763, following the French and
Indian War, the British gained control of the area. In 1783, the
Treaty of Paris extended the U.S. boundary to include Illinois
Country, including the future site of Alton.
The first settlement on the site of the future city of Alton was
made about the year 1783, by a Frenchman named Jean Baptiste
Cardinal. Cardinal settled at what was called at that time “Piasa” -
so named because of the Piasa Creek which emptied into the
Mississippi River near that point. He built a house and resided with
his family, but was taken prisoner by Native Americans. His family
fled to Cahokia. According to historical records, there was no proof
that Cardinal had placed any land under cultivation. Cardinal must
have survived and escaped his captors, as records show he conveyed
his lands in 1795 to John Edgar, then a prominent and wealthy
citizen of Kaskaskia. The deed was witnessed by La Violette in
September 1795, and acknowledged before William Morrison five months
afterward. Cardinal affixed his mark to the deed, but Edgar, to show
the fairness of the transaction, produced a letter from Cardinal
dated July 1795, offering Edgar the land, which was signed by
Cardinal himself. Since the papers presented appeared irregular, the
Commissioners became suspicious of the transfer, and they
recommended that the claim be confirmed by Congress.
In the year 1807, there was one small stone building standing in the
future site of Alton. It was near where the corner of Alby and Front
Streets, and had been used as a French trading post. It was
constructed of loose rock, without mortar, and its roof was a
covering of elm bark. The early settlers could not tell how long it
had been standing.
The Founding of
Colonel Rufus Easton (1774-1834), a native of Connecticut, settled
in St. Louis, Missouri, in the year 1804. He was appointed
postmaster of St. Louis in 1808, and was an attorney and politician.
He also served as a non-voting delegate to the U.S. House of
Representatives from the Missouri Territory prior to Statehood.
Colonel Easton purchased the site of the future town of Alton as an
investment, and in 1817 laid out a town, which he called Alton, in
honor of his son, Alton R. Easton. Later, in 1846, Alton Easton
would command a regiment known as the St. Louis Legion during the
Mexican-American War. Some of the streets of Alton were named after
other children – Langdon, George, and Alby Streets. The original
town plat extended from Market Street on the west, to Henry Street
on the east, and from the river north to Ninth Street.
The first step which Colonel Easton took towards building up the
town was the establishment of a ferry. This ferry was located above
the mouth of the Wood River, and was conducted by Eli Langford.
Later, a man by the name of Piper conducted a ferry at the mouth of
Hop Hollow, above Alton. This ferry afterward came into the
possession of Michael Squire and a man named Smeltzer, and at the
time of Alton’s founding, was known as Smeltzer’s Ferry. Smeltzer
built a brick house on the Missouri side with brick made on the
Illinois side of the river. This house was called “Brick House
Bend,” and was in existence until 1866, when it fell down. Smeltzer
was known as a great miser. Once when sick, he told his
brother-in-law that he had a barrel of silver dollars buried, but
died without telling where the money was hidden.
In the interests of Colonel Easton, a ferry was established at Alton
which was called Fountain Ferry. The landing place was at the mouth
of the Little Piasa (which ran down what would later be Piasa
Street) – or as the ferrymen called it – “Fountain Creek.” It is
likely that the name of “Fountain” was given to the creek and ferry
because of the well-known cave and spring which was its source. This
cave was located at the foot of the hill just west of Belle Street,
near E. 16th Street, or “Five Points.” A few log cabins were soon
afterward built, one of which was used as a ferry house to
accommodate travelers crossing the Mississippi River at this point.
In 1818, Reverend Thomas Lippincott was employed by Colonel Easton
to make a copy of a plat, or map, of Alton, which had been laid out
the previous year. This map was to be used for exhibition in the
East, in order to affect the sales of lots in Alton. Lippincott
stated he took great pains to make it look well, to give
satisfaction. Colonel Easton suggested to Lippincott that he
establish a store at Alton or in the neighborhood. He brought
Lippincott to Alton, where there was a cabin near the corner of
William Street and Broadway, occupied by a man and his family who
ran Fountain Ferry. The home was modest and primitive. However, it
was not in Alton that Lippincott decided to open a store – but in
the small settlement of Milton, further east near the Wood River.
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1872
We were shown a cane, the other day, made of a log from the first
house that was built in the city of Alton. The owner, Mr. Isaac Cox,
Esq., remembers well when the entire population of Alton lived in
one log house, and the great city of St. Louis contained but six
small stores. He came to this county in 1800. The pleasure of a few
hours’ conversation with him is more instructive than a volume of
At a very early date, a cabin was built on Shields Branch by James
Shields, who lived in it for a number of years. Hunter’s Spring, on
the northeast corner of Broadway and Spring Streets, is said to have
been discovered in 1804 by James Preuitt and James Stockden, who at
that time were living on the bluff below what was later known as
East Alton. Near this spring, in 1811, a man named Price was killed
by Native Americans. In 1810, Price and a man named Colter built a
log cabin on the hill above the spring, and cleared a small tract of
land in the bottom. On July 20, 1811, they were in the field at
work, with Price hoeing corn and Colter plowing. They discovered two
Indians approaching. Price said, “I will go to the cabin and get the
gun.” The Indians approached, pretending to be friendly, and the
large one gave his hand to Price, but at the same time seized the
gun and held Price, while the other Indian ran up behind Price and
shot him in the back. The gunshot was so close, that the powder
burned a hole in his shirt as large as a person’s hand. Colter,
seeing what was happening, mounted his horse to escape, but was shot
in the leg by the Natives. He succeeded in giving the alarm. Solomon
Preuitt and two of his brothers, with others, gave pursuit until
coming into the heavy timber in Wood River’s bottom. With night
coming on, they gave up the pursuit. The next day they found that
the Indians had taken refuge under a large tree that had been blown
down, and escaped.
In 1818, William G. Pinckard, William Heath, and Daniel Crume
settled on ground now comprised within the city of Alton. Pinckard’s
and Heath’s families each consisted of a wife and one child, and
Crume was their brother-in-law. They immigrated from Springfield,
Ohio, and arrived at what is now known as Bozzatown, on Shields’
branch, on October 15, 1818. This would be in the area north of
Broadway, between Washington Avenue and Pearl Street. Along the way
on their journey, they were told that the country they were heading
to was unhealthful, and that they would all die – it was the
“graveyard of the West.” On their arrival, they took possession of a
“half-faced” camp, as it was called, where they lived for two months
in the most disagreeable weather of that winter. Soon after their
arrival, Major Charles W. Hunter, proprietor of what was afterward
called Hunterstown, made an offer of town lots to the party If they
would establish a pottery on his land. The proposition was partially
agreed to, and Pinckard and him comrades built a cabin of round logs
on Shields’ branch. It had only one room, sixteen feet square, and
into the cabin the families moved into one week before Christmas,
1818. During the winter of 1818-19, William G. Pinckard and Daniel
Crume made a contract to build a house for Colonel Easton. This
house was built of hewed oak logs, and had two large rooms with one
open space between them. This house was used as a stopping place, or
hotel, of the small town of Alton. For many years it was occupied by
Thomas G. Hawley, and became known as the Hawley House. It stood
near the corner of Broadway and Piasa Street, and was torn down in
1868. Although other small cabins had previously been erected, this
cabin was the first house built upon the site of the city of Alton.
About four hundred yards above the bridge over Shields’ branch,
Pinckard, Heath, and Crume built a large log cabin, intending to
start a pottery, but their plan was not carried out. For many years
was used as a Methodist meeting house. William Heath built a cabin
for himself on Shields’ branch, just below the covered bridge, in
which he lived until August 1829, when his wife died. In 1819,
William T. Pinckard, assisted by Crume and Heath, built a frame
house for Major Hunter, which was the first frame building erected
in Hunterstown. This house stood on Broadway.
Joel Finch became a resident of Alton in 1819. He was a carpenter,
and began building houses. During 1819, he built a house for Major
Hunter, in which Hunter moved into the same year, and in which his
wife died not many months afterward. In this year, a row of small
tenements were built under the brow of the bluff, extending along
where Broadway is now, west of Piasa.
To induce travelers to come to Alton, a road was necessary from the
old town of Milton, which was located in the forks of the Wood
River, east of Alton. A bridge was built over Shields’ branch by
Joel Finch, under contract with Colonel Easton, who agreed to pay
him $200.00.
On February 23, 1820, Eneas Pembrook advertised in the newspaper to
the traveling public: “The subscriber has caused the roads leading
to and from Fountain Ferry [in Alton] to be put in good repair, and
he has an excellent set of boats and hands.” So travelers were not
misled or delayed, he gave the following directions: “On leaving
Milton for the river, keep the left-hand road to the foot of the
bluff. It is level and dry. In traveling to the east from St.
Charles to the State of Illinois, take the righthand road, when you
get within about a mile of Smeltzer’s, where you will observe the
marks of a sign-board knocked down. In passing this way, you will
not be detained by high winds.”
In 1821, the advantages of the town of Alton were recognized by some
of the leading men of the state, who obtained possession of a claim
to the land on which Alton had been laid out, which was averse to
that of Colonel Easton. Among his opponents were Ninian Edwards
(territorial governor) and Nathaniel Pope, who for many years sat on
the bench of the U. S. District Court. Easton had the wealth, legal
talent, and experience of influential adversaries to content with.
Meanwhile, as there was no clear title to the land, people who would
have become buyers were driven away. No permanent improvements were
made, and Alton languished. This difficulty was finally compromised
by a division of the land. Among the portion allotted to Edwards and
Pope were some blocks in the northeastern part – now partly included
in what is called Middletown.
By an act of the Illinois State Legislature in February 1827,
Shadrach Bond, William P. McKee, and Gershom Jayne were appointed
commissioners to select and procure a suitable site for a
penitentiary on the Mississippi River, at or near Alton, in Madison
County. During the summer of 1829, the commissioners selected about
seven acres on the bluff, which William Russell ceded as a site for
the penitentiary. The contract for erecting the building was let to
a man named Ivory, who brought mechanics and worked on the building
for some time. For some reason, he failed and left the country. The
contract was then re-let to Joel Finch, who completed the wood work,
and to Laurence Stone, who constructed the masonry. Work was begun
late in 1830, but little was done until the following spring. In
June 1828, block one, bounded by Front, Broadway, Alby, and Market
Street was purchased from William Russell, who had succeeded to the
interest of Colonel Easton, by Gershom Flagg, who a few days
afterward sold a portion of the block to William Miller, who had
recently arrived from Edwardsville. Mr. Miller occupied the ferry
house, kept a small grocery, and acted as agent for William Russell,
who resided in St. Louis.
On August 21, 1829, Beal Howard and Charles Howard arrived in Alton
from Maryland. There was at that time an old frame building on a
portion of the ground later occupied by the flour mill of David R.
Sparks, which had been previously used by some old Indian traders.
This building in 1820, and for some time afterward, was occupied by
Winthrop S. Gilman as a warehouse. It was later replaced by one
larger and more substantially built of stone, which was the base of
operations for Godfrey, Gilman & Co., so widely known among the
early business men of Alton. Beside this old frame house and the
ferry house, there were only a few log cabins to constitute the old
town of Alton. These cabins had been inhabited occasionally by
transient residents for ten years previous.
In the year 1829, a frame building was erected at the southeast
corner of Market and Broadway. It was two stories high, about thirty
feet in length, and was occupied by Beal Howard as early as November
1829. This is said to have been the first frame dwelling on the
original town site. In September 1829, Gershom Flagg sold the east
half of block one to Charles Howard, who on the southeast corner of
the block erected a small log dwelling. It stood just opposite the
place later occupied by the Alton House, at the northeast corner of
Front and Alby Streets. In 1829, Mr. Minton also became a resident
of Alton. He purchased a piece of ground, west of the Little Piasa
Creek, and south of where Third Street is. He built a steam sawmill,
which stood a Broadway. After running this mill about two years, Mr.
Minton sold it to Ninian Edwards. It came into the management of J.
S. Lane, a son-in-law of Governor Edwards, who leased it for a time
to Don Alonzo Spaulding. With the exception of a cooper shop
operated by William Miller, this was the first step in the way of
establishing manufactories in Alton.
1831-1836 –
Prosperous Growth
The vigorous and healthy growth of Alton began in 1831. Immigrants
began to flow in, and mercantile houses were established. Among
those that immigrated to Alton in 1831 were Samuel Avis, Edward
Bliss, Robert M. Dunlap, Dr. William Emerson, Mr. Fleshman, Stephen
Griggs, Benjamin I. Gilman, William Hayden, Elijah Hayden, A. C.
Hankinson, Jonathan T. Hudson, William Manning, Mark Pierson, Jacob
D. Smith, and Samuel Wade. In 1831, Lower Alton had 32 families,
with 170 people. There was one steam sawmill, one warehouse for
packing beef and pork, one carpenter, one wagon maker, one tannery,
one cooper, one blacksmith, two shoemakers, one lawyer, one tavern
and boarding house, and one retail store. There was also the
Illinois State Penitentiary located in Alton, with a warden’s house
and offices, mechanic shops, yard, and twenty-four cells for
convicts, three or four wholesale and retail stores, one physician,
one week-day and Sabbath school, and several mechanics’ shops.
In 1831, William Manning was making preparations for a steam
flouring mill. This was the first important manufacturing
establishment in Alton. The mill was not completed and in running
order until the year 1833. Lewis J. Clawson did the stone work and
masonry, and Boss Lee was the first contractor to complete the frame
work, and William Hayden superintended the construction of the
building. When the frame was ready to be raised, invitations to
attend the raising were sent to all the settlements for several
miles, and on the appointed day, not less than 150 men were present
– some from curiosity, and other to help. In raising the first
“bent,” the poles broke and down came the massive timbers –
fortunately without seriously injuring anyone. After a few days, the
damages were repaired, and a larger number of persons assembled to
complete the task. A whole day of hard labor was spent in getting
into position three “bents,” or about one half of the two lower
stories. It was then necessary to procure an outfit of building
rigging, with which the work of raising was completed. During the
latter part of 1831, Stephen Griggs became associated with Mr.
Manning, and a stock company was organized, called the “Alton
Manufacturing Company,” which was chartered by the legislature on
February 1, 1833. Mr. Manning was a large stockholder, along with
David R., Stephen, Nathaniel, John, and Thomas Griggs, Winthrop S.
Gilman, Jonathan T. Hudson, Elijah Lincoln, William Miller,
Nathaniel R. Cobb, and Aaron D. Weld. The building was four stories
high, with a basement of stone. It stood along the riverfront. The
mill remained under the management of this company for some years,
and later was leased to various parties, including Mr. Olney, George
and Joseph Brown, and McElroy, Tibby & Co. Messrs. Sebastian and
Peter Wise made important improvements, and ran it from 1839-1843.
The stock of the company passed into the hands of J. J. & W.
Mitchell, who added a distillery. F. J. Shooler was successor to the
Mitchells, and was the last occupant. In 1863, the property passed
into the possession of the city of Alton, and the mill was taken
down and removed.
In 1836, the Alton Branch of the State Bank of Illinois was
established, with Benjamin Godfrey as president, and Stephen Briggs
cashier. A branch of the Shawneetown Bank, with D. T. Wheeler as
cashier, was established in 1837. On February 7, 1836, the Alton
Marine and Fire Insurance Company obtained a charter. Benjamin I.
Gilman was president, and E. Marsh was secretary.
The Year 1837
At the beginning of 1837, Alton had twenty wholesale stores,
thirty-two retail stores and groceries, four hotels, four large
pork-packing houses, and shops of numerous mechanics. There were
eight lawyers, seven physicians, and seven clergymen. Four
newspapers were published – the Alton Spectator, the Alton
Telegraph, the Alton Observer, and the Illinois Temperance Journal.
There were two schools and five churches. Seven or eight steamboats
were owned, either in whole or part, by citizens of Alton. Arrivals
and departures occurred every day, and the river landing was a place
of activity. On July 31, 1837, Alton was incorporated as a city by
the State legislature, with John Marshal Krum elected as Alton's
first mayor. A regular police force was not established until 1838.
The most tragic event that occurred in the history of Alton was the
murder of Reverend Elijah P. Lovejoy, on November 7, 1837.
Click here to read the full
story of Rev. Lovejoy. The commercial
crash of 1837, the murder of Lovejoy, and the collapse of the State
railway system, of which Alton was to have been the center, all
contributed to the downfall of the business prosperity of Alton, and
for some years, trade was stagnant and property depreciated. Many of
the most enterprising business firms met with financial ruin. About
1842, business revived again and growth in Alton began.
The Railroad
The first railroad to Alton was completed in September 1852. The
Chicago and Mississippi Railroad (later called the Chicago and
Alton) extending to Springfield, began running at that date.
Benjamin Godfrey was credited with the construction of this
railroad. The railroad terminated several blocks from the river, and
St. Louis passengers were transferred to boats until 1864, when the
company secured railroad connection with East St. Louis by means of
the Terre Haute and Alton Road, which was used until the completion
of Chicago & Alton Company to East St. Louis in 1864.
Alton’s Court System
The Alton City Court was organized in 1859, with its first session
held on April 11. It had jurisdiction of all chancery and common law
causes, except murder. Henry W. Billings was the first judge. He was
succeeded in 1866 by Henry S. Baker, and then alexander H. Gambrill
in 1881.
Early Hotels
The best-known hotel in Alton was the Alton House, at the corner of
Front and Alby Streets. A frame building was erected on this spot in
1832 by Jonathan T. Hudson. This building was destroyed by fire in
1837. Calvin Stone replaced it with a brick building. For many
years, Amos L. Corson kept the hotel. The Alton House was destroyed
by fire on January 8, 1870.
The Franklin House, which still stands today on the west side of
State Street, near Third Street, was built by Mr. Blakeley. It was
afterward purchased by Benjamin Godfrey, who made additions to it.
For a period of ten years, George W. Fox was the proprietor. He was
succeeded by Ephraim Bliss. Samuel Pitts then took charge for six
years preceding 1861. The next proprietors were Edward S. and Rufus
H. Lesure, and then it came into the possession of W. H. K. Pile. In
later years it lost the distinction of being a popular and well-kept
hotel. Later it was known as the St. Charles Hotel.
The Piasa House stood on the northeast corner of Fourth and Piasa
Streets, and was at one time a prominent and well-patronized hotel.
It was built by Judge Hezekiah Lawley, previous to the year 1835.
Among its proprietors were Mrs. Wait, Mr. Reno, William Wentworth,
Captain William Post, Samuel Brooks, Jacob C. Bruner, and John Hart
and sons.
The old Union Hotel was located at the southeast corner of Broadway
and Market Streets, and was erected by Beal Howard in 1829. It was
afterward known as the Virginia House, and was destroyed by fire. In
1846, the First Presbyterian Church was built on this location. The
Laura Building is now located on this property.
For more information on Alton hotels,
please click here.
Early Alton Schools
The first free public schoolhouse was constructed in 1845 on Alton
Street. It was a two-room building. Later, a one-room frame addition
was constructed. Rev. L. S. Williams was appointed the first
teacher. In the early days, the schoolhouses were named after the
City War they were in. Consequently, this schoolhouse was known as
School No. 2.
Within seven years, two more schoolhouses were constructed. One was
built in 1851 on the corner of Fifth and Langdon Streets, called
Schoolhouse No. 3 (later called Garfield School). The second
schoolhouse was built in 1853 on State Street, and called
Schoolhouse No. 1 (later called Irving School).
In 1856, two more buildings were erected. The first was on Common
Street, and was named Schoolhouse No. 4 (later called Washington
School [not to be confused with another Washington School, built in
abt. 1896 on Milnor Street]). The next schoolhouse was erected in
1856 on Central Avenue, near Fifth Street, and was called
Schoolhouse No. 5 (later called Humboldt School).
The “Advanced School,” or high school, in 1853, was located in the
basement of the Unitarian Church, at the northeast corner of Third
and Alby Streets. James Newman was the first principal. In later
years, the high school moved to the third floor of Lincoln School.
The building known as Lincoln School was erected in 1866 on Alton
Street, between Tenth and Eleventh Streets. This building had twelve
classrooms. The high school was moved to the third floor.
A new Garfield School was constructed in 1891 on Sixth Street, on
the north side of Seminary Square.
In 1896, Highland Park was added to the city of Alton. At this time
a new Washington School was constructed on Milnor Avenue.
In 1898, Lowell School was constructed on Joesting Avenue.
In 1902, the McKinley High School (later re-named Roosevelt High
School) was constructed at 6th and Mechanic Streets, next door to
the new Garfield School.
For more
information on Alton schools, please click here.
Early Alton
The Presbyterian Church in Alton was organized by Revs. Edward
Hollister and Daniel Gould, on June 9, 1821, with members: Enoch
Long, Mrs. Mary Long, Isaac Waters, Henry H. Snow, Elnah Hatings,
Abigail Waters, Lavina Bishop, and Brittania S. Brown. In March
1826, a resolution was passed incorporating the church at Alton with
the church of Edwardsville, in consequence of the removal of all the
members of the church except Enoch Long and Mrs. Mary Long. Rev.
Thomas Lippincott served as minister until June 1832. He was
succeeded by Elisha Jenny, who remained until April 1835, and was
followed by Frederick W. Graves, Albert Hale, Augustus T. Norton,
Cornelius H. Taylor, and C. Solon Armstrong. The church of 1821 was
located in Upper Alton in various places. In Lower Alton, the
worship was located in a frame building on Broadway, just east of
the residence of Simeon Ryder. The next building occupied for
worship was in the Lyceum Hall on the northeast corner of Alby and
Broadway. This building was destroyed by fire July 30, 1874. Captain
Benjamin Godfrey united with this church on November 8, 1833. That
same year, he erected with his own money a stone church with a spire
and basement, on the northeast corner of Third and Market Streets.
He gave the property to the trustees of Monticello Seminary, who
sold it to the Episcopalians in the Spring of 1845. After the sale
the bell was taken down and moved. The next place of worship was in
a small frame church on the northeast corner of Third and Alby
Streets. The pressed brick building was erected at a cost of $3,500,
and was dedicated June 14, 1846. In 1853 it was enlarged by an
addition of twenty-five feet to the front. The chief renovation was
made in 1875 at a cost of $4,000. A re-dedication was held October
17, 1875. A large parsonage of brick was purchased in 1871.
A second Presbyterian Church in Alton was organized June 19, 1831,
by Rev. Thomas Lippincott, with these members: Enoch Long, Mrs. Mary
Long, William A. Robertson, Eleanor M. Robertson, Mrs. Mary Ann
Tolman, Samuel Thurston, and Doreas Thurston, and George W. Fuller.
The First Baptist Church of Alton was constituted March 10, 1833,
with 19 members: Ebenezer Marsh, Ephraim Marsh, William Manning,
William Hayden, D. A. Spaulding, Henry Evans, and their wives. Also,
Mark Pierson, Stephen Griggs, Herman Griggs, R. Johnson, Joseph S.
King, James W. D. Marsh, and Mary D. Bruner. Rev. Alvin Bailey was
the first pastor, and served until April 1834. Rev. Hubbell Loomis
served until the following Fall. In November 1834, Rev. Ebenezer
Rodgers became the pastor of the Upper Alton and Lower Alton First
Baptist Church. He resigned in December 1835. Rev. Dwight Ives
served from June 1836 until May 1839, and then for more than a year
the church was supplied by Washington Leverett and Zenas B. Newman,
Professors at Shurtleff College. The first meetings were held in
Lyceum Hall, at the corner of Broadway and Alton Streets. Then for
several months, the congregation met at the stone meeting house
owned by Captain Benjamin Godfrey, at the corner of Market and Third
Streets. In 1834, their first meeting house was erected on the
corner of Third and Alby Streets. It was sold to the Methodists for
$8,000. In 1836, a lot was purchased on the corner of Broadway and
Easton Streets, and a church edifice was erected at a cost of
$18,000. This church was destroyed by fire in March 1860. The bell,
organ, town clock, etc., all perished in the flames. In December
1860, the church occupied the basement of their new church building,
which was completed and dedicated in September 1867. The church was
made of brick, and held 350 people.
The Union Baptist Church of Alton for the African-American
population was organized at the house of Charles Edwards in Upper
Alton, in the summer of 1836. The ten members were: Mr. Ogle, Eben
Rodgers, Mr. Edwards, and wife, Alfred Richardson, Mr. Mariman, two
by the name of Lemen, William Barton, and William Johnson. The
church immediately moved to Alton at Alby and Easton Streets,
between Third and Fourth Streets. After a brief period, the church
moved to Middletown, and again returned to Alton, locating on Third
Street, between George and Alton Streets. Their first house of
worship was a small frame building. This church was small, but had a
beneficial influence upon the black population of the city. After a
revival in 1843, twenty-nine members were added. Its first deacons
were William Johnson and William Barton. The following were pastors
in the order named: Livingstone, Robinson, Anderson, James H.
Johnson, Wilbert Steward, R. J. Robinson a second time, Elder
Bolden, James P. Johnson, J. Henry McGee, James P. Johnson a second
time, Henry Howard, R. T. Robinson, G. W. Clarke, and Elder Pierman.
The Lower Alton African Methodist Episcopal Church was organized by
elder William Paul Quinn in the winter of 1839. He came to Alton in
1839, and found seven African Americans who were of the Methodist
persuasion, who occasionally attended the Methodist Episcopal Church
to hear the gospel of the Son of God. The names of the seven people
were: William Barton, Jane Barton, Loudon Parks, Shadrach Stewart,
Jane Parks, Eliza Ellesworth, and Thomas Ellesworth. The first
sermon was preached by Rev. Quinn in William Barton’s house in
Alton, located between Alby and Easton Streets. This house was the
worship place for years afterward. William Barton was the first
local preacher of the African Methodist Church in Madison County and
in the State of Illinois. He was licensed the same week as the
organization. Shadrach Stewart was the first A. M. E. preacher in
charge of the A. M. E. Church in the State. The second place of
worship for the A. M. E. Church was in a house on Sixth Street,
between Easton and Market Streets. The third place of worship, and
the first church building owned by the congregation, was a small
brick house on Third Street, between Walnut (Central Avenue) and
Vine Streets. This church cost at that time $500, and was later
converted into a dwelling house. The congregation bought a lot on
Third Street, between Ridge and Henry, and erected a brick building,
one story high, 40x60, in 1867 – at a cost of about $4,500. Brother
Henry Depugh was pastor at that time. It was dedicated by Bishop J.
P. Campbell, and the church building was named Campbell Chapel. The
membership of the church decreased, and the principal nor the
interest on the loan was paid. In 1876, Mr. William Eliot Smith, the
creditor, made a proposition to Rev. H. Depugh and the members, that
if they would raise $500, and pay the interest that year, he would
give them credit for $1,400, thus giving the church $900 as a
donation. It was not paid that year, but Rev. R. C. Cooper, who
followed Depugh, raised the $500 and paid the interest. Mr. Smith
gave the credit for $1,400, and by this act of charity, he did more
to encourage the congregation than anything previously done. The
Sunday School was organized by Rev. J. C. Emery in 1866.
There were fourteen Catholic families in Alton in 1840. Their first
services were held in a small frame building in Upper Alton, owned
by Mr. Clifford. In the spring of 1842, a lot was purchased on Third
Street, and a stone church was completed in 1843. In 1853 this
church was destroyed by fire. After this, services were held in a
hall on Third and State Streets, over Hart’s livery stable. A lot
was secured on State Street, and a large stone church erected there,
and named Saints Peter and Paul’s Cathedral. Service was first held
in the new, but unfinished church in 1856. Rt. Rev. Henry Damian
Junckers was appointed the first bishop.
The German Methodist Episcopal Church at Alton dates its beginning
to the year 1845, when Rev. Lewis Kunz, who preached occasionally at
Fosterburg, visited Alton, attended by J. H. Appel, a member of the
church, as a guide. The first services were held in the American M.
E. Church in “Lower Alton.” A Sabbath School was organized,
consisting of about 30 scholars. The first Quarterly Conference was
held on January 1, 1852. In 1854, a church was constructed at
Hunterstown, at Third Street and Central Avenue (then called Walnut
Street), under the administration of Rev. Jacob Miller. The church
building was 40x25, and cost $800. It was soon discovered the
location was not the most suitable, and it was exchanged for the
American Methodist Episcopal Church on Union Street, which was a
building 60x40. Early ministers include (1854 – 1862) Thomas Heger,
H. Pfaff, H. Hankemeyer, E. Kriege, J. Miller, and J. Ritter. In
April 1880, the church on Union Street was destroyed by fire. A new
church building was erected on Henry Street, 67x48, and cost about
$10,000. At the same time, a parsonage was constructed.
St. Mary’s German Roman Catholic Church was dedicated and blessed in
1858. Services were held here until June 02, 1860, when a tornado
destroyed the church. Rev. F. A. Ostrop, the first rector of the
church, was buried under its ruins, but was uninjured. It was
rebuilt soon after. In 1860, the Brothers of the Cross took charge
of the parochial school connected with the Cathedral. The Sisters of
Notre Dame were in charge of St. Mary’s parochial school since 1875.
The Bishops “palace” was erected in 1863. It was partly destroyed by
fire on May 25, 1877, but was rebuilt.
The first services of St. Paul’s Church in Alton were said to have
been held by the Rev. Amos Baldwin, who came to Alton and
Edwardsville and preached in 1823. The Alton church organized in
1838, with Rev. Dr. S. Y. McMasters as the first Rector. The church
purchased the Presbyterian house of worship at the corner of Third
and Market Streets at a cost of $2,000. On July 5, 1857, a new
church was erected on the site of the old one, and consecrated by
Bishop Whitehouse. On June 02, 1860, a tornado destroyed the roof,
tower, and bell. The tower and bell were never restored.
The Cumberland Presbytery Church began with a missionary society
organized by a Vandalia Presbytery. In 1853, Rev. T. H. Hardwick was
employed as a missionary in Alton. He first met in Upper Alton. In
1855, Rev. J. B. Logan moved to Alton was took charge. In June of
that year he organized a congregation of 18 members (mostly female),
and they met in the Lutheran Church on Henry Street. The Lutherans
had promised the use of their church each afternoon to the
Presbyterians, but one Sabbath they found the door locked and could
not enter. Only a few services were held after this until the first
Sabbath in January 1856, when the basement of the building they were
constructing was finished enough for worship. The entire building
was finished and dedicated in June 1856.
The Church of the Redeemer of Alton began with the organizing of a
Sunday School in the Spring of 1858, under the auspices of the Young
Men’s Christian Association (YMCA). The first meeting was held at
the German Methodist Church. Before the close of the year, over one
hundred were attending. It was decided to build a building of their
own in 1868. In 1870, a meeting was held, and it was decided to
organize a church of their own. This organization took place on July
29, 1871, with 48 members, and Rev. H. D Platt of Brighton
presiding. Rev. M. K. Whittlesey of Ottawa, Illinois was called to
be the first pastor. In December 1873, Rev. Robert West was called
as pastor. An organ was donated to the church by Samuel Wade.