Alton Newspaper Articles

Alton History     |     Alton Hotels

Source: Edwardsville Spectator, October 9, 1819
Fountain Ferry, at Alton, Illinois, is now in good order for crossing all persons traveling from the States east of the Mississippi to St. Charles, Boon’s Lick, or Salt River, in the territory of Missouri; and is three miles nearer from Milton to Madam Griffith’s near Portage de Sioux, than any other road now traveled. The subscriber has caused the roads leading to and from the ferry to be put in good repair, has an excellent set of boats and hands, and owing to the particular form of the river at low water, and during all the fall and winter months, he can make three trips across the river Mississippi at this ferry, sooner than one trip can be made at any other ferry on the same river within the State, by which travelers will not meet with any detention or delay, even by strong winds, and that they may not be misled or made to go out of the road, all persons desirous of traveling this way will please to follow these directions:

On leaving Milton for the river, keep the lefthand road at the foot of the bluff. It is level and dry. Or, if you go to Upper Alton, inquire for Benjamin Steadman’s, and pass his house. In traveling to the east from St. Charles to the State of Illinois, take the righthand road when you get within about a mile of Smeltzer’s, where you will observe the marks of a sign board knocked down. In passing this way, you will not be detained by high winds. Signed, John Pitcher.


Source: Washington DC National Intelligencer, July 19, 1827
From Belleville, by Unionville, Edwardsville, Gibraltar, Alton, and Portage des Sioux, to St. Charles, Missouri; once a week the whole route, and twice a week between Belleville and Edwardsville.

From Salem or Alton by Coles Grove, Carrolton, and Atlas to Louisiana; once a week, 130 miles. Leave Alton every Friday at 6 a.m., arrive at Carrolton on Saturday by 8 p.m., and arrive at Louisiana on Sunday by 6 p.m. Leave Louisiana every Monday at 2 p.m., and arrive at Alton on Thursday by 6 p.m.


Source: Sangamo Journal, May 25, 1833
The subscriber is now opening in Alton a large and general assortment of merchandise, which have been purchased with cash, and will be sold very low for cash or country produce. Indeed, this business being but auxiliary to other objects in which the subscriber is engaged, and it being essential to the success of the latter, that it should be seen that goods can be retailed as low in Alton as in any town or city in the western country, he will for this purpose sell at an advance too low to admit of the casualties of crediting, even with those of the most undoubted responsibility and punctuality.
Signed, Ninian Edwards, by J. S. Lane. Lower Alton, April 26, 1833.


Source: Alton Spectator, July 02, 1833
Mr. Editor - It is with unfeigned pleasure that as I lately passed through your town, I learned its real and contemplated improvements. Two years ago, in traveling along the Mississippi, scarcely a house was to be seen. Since that time, a flourishing village of many hundred inhabitants has sprung up as by enchantment, and the whole aspect of the town convinces me that the same vigor and enterprise that commenced its existence is pushing it onward. The prosperity of your new and wild, but flourishing town, is a source of gratification to me, and I doubt not (as it should be) to the citizens of the state. The citizens of no part of Illinois can, or should be, jealous of its growth. Besides, it must be a matter of state pride with our spirited and independent population, to have a metropolis of its own. While we rejoice in the prosperity of sister states, we certainly do not wish to build them up at the expense of our own. There is no one but is gratified to hear it said of his town, state, or metropolis of his state, as populous, respectable and prosperous. The citizens of Illinois cannot be destitute of its feeling, and it gives me pleasure to state that gratification is within their reach. Our territory is extensive and fertile, population already large, made up of the best material, and rapidly increasing. There are many states with less population than ours that can boast of their cities of thirty, forty, of fifty thousand inhabitants, and these cities are sources of pride and prosperity to their states. But Illinois, with a population of nearly or quite two hundred thousand free citizens cannot name a single city, nor even a village, containing two thousand inhabitants. It seems hardly possible, but it is so. I can account for this no other way than by supposing the want of an effort, and that citizens have been busy in building up the towns and villages in their immediate vicinity without reference to the interest and character of the state, and as this they have unquestionably been successful. No one who has traveled through the same can deny that we have many beautiful and flourishing villages and small towns. Out state has no metropolis. Shall it have one? It depends upon its citizens to answer. No one doubts our capability, our resources. A city in another state now reaps the harvest, which one in this state should gather. St. Louis has been principally built up and is now too great a measure supported by the profits of business derived from the state. Let this business be diverted and applied to our own benefit, and a city would soon spring up on the Illinois shore. Then our citizens would not be obliged to pay out their thousands every year, to ferrymen, for the privilege of carrying their surplus produce to the market of St. Louis. Your town seems to be the location pitched upon, and it now begins to feel the beneficial impulse. Your harbor is excellent, navigation is always unimpeded, except a small portion of the winter season, as ____ central, a bend of the river throwing it considerably into the interior of the state; building materials abundant, and of the best quality, and the county around it high, dry and fertile. I have only to hope for your own, and for the credit and interior of the state, that your present favorable prospects will be fully realized. Signed Illinois.


Source: The Evening Journal, Albany, New York, July 9, 1833
(Extract of a letter from a merchant at Alton, Illinois, dated June 21, 1833)
"The first case of cholera that occurred here was one quarry man, a moderate drinker. He died in 12 hours. Second case, a quarry man, intemperate, died in a few hours. 3rd, Mrs. Elijah Haydon, after premonitory symptoms, take at noon, died at night. 4th, Mrs. Pierre, wife of the Representative for Greene co., taken at noon, died in four hours. Mr. Wilson, a temperate man, lingered several days and then died. A German, intemperate, remained two days in collapse, and died. Child of J. Thomas, and Mrs. David Miller, died in a few hours. The last death was our highly esteemed friend, Dr. Barrett, formerly of Massachusetts. His was the most violent case I have seen. In three quarters of an hour after he was attacked, he was speechless - and died in three or four hours. In all these cases a diarrhea preceded the attack. Doctor Barrett, though not well, had been out all night with the sick, fatiguing himself very much. We have had several cases which have been found manageable. There are now three or four cases on the recovery. So, we think the worst is passed. Confidence is now partially restored."

Source: The Evening Journal, Albany, New York, June 30, 1835
The Alton (Illinois) Spectator says upwards of 20 deaths have taken place in that town within two weeks. The disease, however, was taking a milder form, and hopes were entertained that it would soon take its departure. The Spectator adds that Cholera prevails to a greater or lesser extent in Edwardsville, the American Bottom, through the towns on the Illinois river, and various other places in the State.


Source: The Daily Evening Herald, Missouri, September 18, 1835
St. Louis & Alton Packet. The steam boat Tiskilwa will commence her daily trips between this place and Alton on Tuesday next. She will start from the foot of Oak Street, opposite Vatrin & Reel's store, at 9 o'clock A. M. precisely. Leave Alton daily at half past 3 o'clock P.M. All freight must be delivered on board at least half an hour before starting, as the time of departure will be strictly adhered to. For freight or passage apply on board or to Bray & Baily, Agents at St. Louis. Townsend & Co. - Agents at Alton.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 9, 1836
The steamboat Tiskilwa has been purchased by a company of our merchants for the purpose of continuing her as a regular packet between Alton and St. Louis. she will probably commence her daily trips about the first of April, leaving this every morning and returning in the afternoon, Sundays excepted. After this trip, she will, we are informed, go into the dry dock for thorough repairs. It is the intention of the proprietors to remove the lower cabin and finish a neat and commodious upper cabin with berths, which will accommodate such transient persons as cannot probably get accommodated at the taverns, with supper, bed and breakfast, ______ number of such persons is now found nightly to amount from 10 to 20, and this number is constantly increasing.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 23, 1836
The steam ferry boat, on this ferry, having been snagged and lost early in the winter, the public are informed that a new and superior boat is contracted for, which will make the trip in three or four minutes, and will be out from the Ohio in May. Until then, the company will run a scow and skiffs. For the ferry master, apply at Townsend & Co.'s warehouse, or to Joel Foster, Ferry Master, Foot of State Street.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 20, 1836
Just received per steamers Boonslick and Far West, an addition to my stock of goods, which with those before on hand, gives me the largest assortment of wooden ware and chairs ever offered in this place, consisting of 113 doz. painted pails, 28 doz wagon pails, 10 doz superior painted tubs, 30 doz. superior unpainted tubs, 11 doz. small painted oval tubs or keelers, 6 doz. turned maple tubs, 15 doz can puits, 30 doz. sugar boxes, 8 doz chairs, 250 nests measures, 5 doz baskets, 5 doz barrel covers, 20 doz common wood seat chairs, 10 doz imitation wood seat chairs, 5 doz flag seat wood chairs, 4 doz cane seat Grocian chairs, 3 doz low and high children's chairs, 1 doz willow wagons and oradies(sp?). Dippers, frays, washboards, taps and faucits, wooden bowls, clothes pins, rolling pins, ____ starts, axe halves, fancy and common bellows; 11 dozen scythes, hoes and handles, 5 doz scythe, scathes, 8 doz hay rakes, and a general assortment of groceries, which will be sold at wholesale or retail, at as low prices as can be purchased at any place in this section of the country. Country traders are invited to call and examine for themselves at the store formerly occupied by Aldrich & Buffum, two doors west of the bridge. Alton, April 6. S. A. Aplin Jr.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 11, 1836
From the Jacksonville Patriot. Alton - We recently visited this young and flourishing town. The business that has been transacted in it the present season greatly exceeds in amount the anticipations of its warmest friends. The Legislature, in its liberality to provide a suitable place for the reception of convicts, erected the State Penitentiary on a hill near the present site of Alton, and no doubt supposed that such a large stone structure would stand unrivalled by any buildings the Altonians might think proper to erect. But the individual enterprise of the merchants in putting up large, four and five story stone warehouses, bears indomitable evidence that they are determined not to be outdone in this particular. In fact, the foundations for a large commercial city are already laid in Alton, and all the forced ridicule and unfair opposition that the citizens of St. Louis may array against it cannot keep it down. The merchants of Alton are, generally, a liberal minded, fair dealing set of men, and as such we commend them to the patronage of our country leaders.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 11, 1836
We understand that a number of persons with malicious and riotous intentions, on Saturday night last, resorted to the room of Mr. Schweighoffer, the magical professor, &c., who has for several nights been exhibiting his feats of legerdemain [sleight of hand] for the gratification of the curious, and without ceremony proceeded to demolish his apparatus which had been erected for the exhibition - the result of which was that the audience were dispersed, and considerable loss sustained by Mr. S. We learn, however, that complaint was instantly made, and the offenders were on Monday arraigned before Justice Martin, and a very intelligent jury, who found a verdict of $100 against William Van Deuser, as principal in the riot. The verdict given was the extent of the law on the subject, and we congratulate our community that such a verdict was found against the first symptoms of riot and disorder which have appeared among us. We believe this the largest verdict of the kind ever given in the county of Madison, and it augurs well for a healthy state of public sentiment. It cannot be too deeply impressed upon the mind of every citizen, that the least injury inflicted upon the laws - the first note of defiance - is an evil of incalculable moment to our best and dearest interests. In this light we rejoice at the verdict, and hope its effect will be salutary upon this community.

Alton in 1836.

Source: Alton Telegraph, May 11, 1836
We copy the following extract of a letter from the St. Louis Observer. The writer had visited Alton and was on his way East. When the writer says, "a beautiful town will yet be made of Alton," he speaks but the sentiments of all who look at the subject with candor and impartiality. "It is too early in the season for Illinois to appear in her beauty. A few weeks hence, her prairies will be one immense flower garden; her cultivated lands covered with the luxuriant growth of a most prolific soil; and her whole length and breadth spreading out the finest body of land to be found in these United States. Alton is a broken, ugly place. I remember one passenger asked another if he resided in Alton, and being answered in the affirmative, replied, "I pity you." Whether a person comes down the river or goes up the river, he can hardly persuade himself that this is the very Alton of which he has heard so much. But let him enter Alton by land, going up from Saint Louis, and if his childhood like mind was nurtured among the mountains, the hills of Alton will look like friends. Ascend these hills and the prospect is delightful. The Missouri is full in view, pouring its mighty waters into the majestic Mississippi. The loaded steamboats fast stemming the current, and the town below you is bustling with the business that throngs her. A beautiful town will yet be made of Alton. But Alton's greatest, fairest prospects are in the character of her population. Her men of influence are public spirited, virtuous, religious. The foundations for her greatness are laid in her college, her schools, her churches. The industrious, the intelligent, the sober, the pious, will find a congenial home in Alton. The intemperate and licentious had better go elsewhere. They may mingle with the herd that now infests the town and which must soon pass away, but they can gain no permanent home here."


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 11, 1836
There is no one thing that tells more forcibly for the public spirit and enterprise of a town than the number and elegance of its public buildings. They are the first to attract the notice of the stranger, on entering a place, and the last to recede from his view on leaving it. Nor are they an inconsiderable index of the moral character of a population. For it is proverbially true, that where public institutions such as Academics, Lyceum halls, churches, and the like, abound, there do we find a population virtuous, intelligent, refined and happy. It is on this account that we are pleased to record every new effort to erect Seminaries and churches. We doubt if the place can be found of its size in our country, where the institutions of religion and learning receives greater patronage than in Alton, or where at this moment, greater improvements are in contemplation. Besides the present neat and commodious Presbyterian, Baptist, and Reformed Methodist churches, we learn that the Episcopal congregation are making preparations to build a handsome church in the course of the summer - that the Episcopal Methodist congregation have recently purchased the house recently owned by the Baptists, and that the Baptist congregation will soon erect a house which for beauty and elegance will not suffer in comparison with any church in the western country. In addition to these, we learn that two churches (Baptist and Presbyterian), and the college buildings, are in progress at Upper Alton, and the Female Seminary, projected and founded by the munificence of our esteemed fellow citizen, B. Godfrey, Esq., in the vicinity of this place, is commenced and will be completed during the present season. We hope, before long, to present our readers with an outline of the plan upon which this seminary is to be conducted; and judging from the character of the gentleman who is to superintend it, no doubt exists but it will be established on principles the most liberal and correct.

Lyceum Hall and the Alton Spectator printing office

Source: Alton Telegraph, June 15, 1836
It is with pleasure we announce the arrival of the new and beautiful steam, Benjamin Ives Gilman, which has been built by the enterprise of our citizens, in connection with Capt. Green, expressly for plying between this place and the different ports on the Illinois River. This boat is of novel construction, and has been built with particular reference to the Illinois trade. Our merchants have hitherto found great difficulty in shipping their goods regularly up the river - the boats from below being generally unable or unwilling to receive their freight. We therefore hope the enterprising proprietors of the B. I. Gilman will be largely rewarded for this very important acquisition to our business facilities with our sister towns on the Illinois river. The internal arrangements of the boat are very tasty - not surpassed, if equaled, by any boat on the upper waters. Capt. Green has been long and favorably known on the river as a careful and attentive commander, and passengers on board his boat may rely upon every exertion to render their stay pleasant and agreeable.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 29, 1836
About thirteen miles of this road, we learn, has been opened and is now in traveling order for wagons and carriages. Arrangements are being made for its continuation to Hillsborough, with the pleasing prospect of a speedy completion to that place. The enterprising citizens of Shelby county will no doubt do their part towards carrying the road through to their seat of justice, and thus afford facilities of intercourse with us which have not been hitherto enjoyed.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 29, 1836
A stage line has been established to run twice a week between this place [Alton] and St. Charles, Mo., by Mr. S. L. Watson. This arrangement has long been needed, and for the want of which, our citizens have not as frequently visited our neighbors on the other side of the river as they would have done, had traveling facilities been afforded. We learn that the road from this to St. Charles is almost a perfect level, and during a great portion of the year is in excellent traveling order. We intend ourselves to take the first leisure season to visit the delightful village of St. Charles, and will then tell our readers more about it than our present knowledge of it will enable us to do.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 13, 1836
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That Benjamin Godfrey, Calvin Riley, J. A. Townsend, W. S. Gilman, S. Ryder, Jonathan T. Hudson, Mark Pierson, Isaac Negus, Nathaniel Buckmaster, Stephen Griggs, A. O. Hankinson, Hezekiah Hawley, Sherman W. Robbins, Isaac I. Foster, and their associates, successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby incorporated into a body corporate and politic, by the name and style of "The Alton Marine and Fire Insurance Company," to have continuance for and during the term of twenty years from and after the passage of this act, and by such corporate name and style, shall be, for the term aforesaid, able and capable, in law and in equity, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be defended, in all manner of suits, actions, pleas, causes, matters and demands, of whatever kind and nature they may be, in as full and effectual a manner as any person or persons, bodies corporate and politic may or can do; and may have a common seal, which they may alter or revoke at pleasure, and may purchase, hold, and convey and estate, real or personal, for the use of said company, Provided that said corporation shall not, at any one time, hold real estate exceeding the value of five thousand dollars, excepting such as may be taken for debt, or held as collateral security for money due to said company.

Sec. 2. The capital stock of said company, exclusive of premiums, notes, and profits arising from business, shall be twenty-five thousand dollars, and shall be divided into shares of fifty dollars each; fifty per centum of which shall be paid in money within six months after the first meeting of said company, and the residue in money, to be paid, twenty-five per centum thereof in twelve months, and twenty-five per centum in eighteen months from and after said first meeting, under such penalties as the president and directors may, in their discretion, order and appoint.

Sec. 3. The said capital stock may hereafter be increased to an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars, should a majority of the stockholders deem it advisable, and the additional stock be subscribed, and fifty per centum thereof paid in, within twelve months after the said company shall have commenced operations. The said stock shall be teemed personal property, and assignable and transferable, on the books of the corporation; but no stockholder, indebted to the corporation, shall be permitted to make a transfer until such debt be paid, or secured to the satisfaction of the directors.

Sec. 4. Jonathan T. Hudson, Nathaniel Buckmaster, Calvin Riley, Winthrop S. Gilman, J. A. Townsend, S. C. Pierce, Isaac I. Foster, and Stephen Griggs are hereby appointed commissioners for procuring subscriptions to said capital stock; and said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall open one or more subscription books for said stock, on such days, and at such places, as they shall deem expedient.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 31, 1836
We owe an apology, as registers of "passing events," for omitting to mention some weeks since, the organization in this place of a society of the "Independent Order of Odd Fellows," to be known as the "Western Star Lodge No. 1," and the imposing ceremony of dedicating their hall for that purpose by the St. Louis Lodge of the same order. The members from St. Louis, in full costume of the Order, accompanied by an excellent band of music, were in attendance by previous invitation and arrangement. At three o'clock on Thursday, the 11th inst., the procession moved to the Baptist Church, where an oration was pronounced by Mr. Charles Keemle, a member of the Society from St. Louis. The oration as a literary production was highly creditable to the author, and was listened to by a crowded assembly with the most profound attention. The exercises at the church were closed with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Ives of the Baptist church. The procession moved from the church to the hall, where of course we could not follow them, not being in the secrets of the order. We learn, however, that the Society are prospering in a high degree, and that their increase has exceeded the expectations of the most sanguine of its friends. We regret that the slumbers of some of our citizens were disturbed on the night of the organization, and that the Society from St. Louis are, by some, implicated in the disturbance. We state, however, in justice to those gentlemen, that they were all engaged in the object of their visit, until the time of their departure, about midnight. Upon the "serenading party," we are credibly informed, must rest the responsibility of all the disturbance.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 14, 1836
Yesterday morning, the daughter of Mr. G. M. T._____ [not named], one of the most respectable inhabitants of East Broadway, absconded from home, in company with a man who, it is believed, from certain information which has been received by the distracted parent, is a hackney coachman, but whose vacation or calling is not positively known. The unfortunate and deluded girl is about sixteen years of age, of very amiable and exemplary disposition, and until the occurrences of the present unhappy event was always considered to be extremely diffident, unassuming, and averse to familiarities or intercourse with the male sex. Up to last evening, no tidings had been received of the fugitive, save that she was seen riding up the Bowery in a hack carriage in company with the individual in question, and an application was made at the police office by the wretched father for the aid of officers to assist him in rescuing his child from the ruin and perdition which threatened her. Two of the most active officers connected with the establishment started in pursuit, and it is to be hoped that their efforts will be crowned with the same eminent success which has heretofore generally attended their enterprise and industry.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 21, 1836
Our town presents the most animating appearance - the Fall business has commenced, and on every side, nothing but the bustle and noise of trade is to be heard. Alton at no former period gave stronger evidences of rapid growth. In a very few years, Water Street [Front Street] will present a more imposing and beautiful front than any other of the cities on the western waters. The store houses erected are large, commodious, and we might say, beautiful, if the term ought to be applied to buildings intended for the inciting and laborious employment of commerce. The houses going up in the commercial part of the town are all of the best kind, and probably all of them will be three stories high. Second [Broadway] and State Streets are rapidly improving - on the latter, a large hotel [the Alton House - the first building had been destroyed by fire] has been commenced and will probably be completed next year - it will be the Astor house of Alton for many years.

Between 80 and 100 buildings have been put under contract and commenced this season, many of which will be completed. The imports and exports of the town greatly exceed that of any other town on the western rivers in proportion to the population. In addition to the very extensive wholesale establishments already existing, there are five or six mercantile firms about opening here, whose goods have arrived. Our country merchants may visit Alton with the assurance that every article they may require can be had as cheap as at St. Louis. And we have no doubt the spirit of rivalry will induce them to sell many articles cheaper than they can be had there. The trade in lead and pork is greater than the trade of any other town on the Mississippi in these articles; in the latter we will soon outstrip Cincinnati, famed for her pork houses. It is said that there was packed here last Fall and Winter, half the quantity of pork packed at Cincinnati, and from present appearances, we should judge, that notwithstanding the great pressure in the money market, the amount of beef and pork contemplated to be packed in this town and vicinity, the present season will equal, if not greatly exceed, that of the last. Our country friends may be assured of a ready market and fair prices for their produce.

We have already three handsome churches - a Presbyterian, Baptist and a Protestant Methodist - the Episcopal Methodist having purchased the old Baptist Church, the Baptist society are now erecting another large church - and in another year, the Episcopal, Roman Catholic and Unitarian societies will probably erect churches for their respective congregations.

A market house is much required - and it is strange something has not been done towards providing a building so necessary to the convenience and comfort of the citizens. But above all, it is important that the town council should provide for speedily grading, Macadamizing and paving the streets. If this was done, no place in the West would be more healthy, no more desirable residence could be found, than Alton.

Society would improve and social feeling be extended and increased. At present, many of our citizens keep their families in the east and the consequence is a great want of female society. This is much to be regretted, not only on account of the loss of social enjoyment, but because we think the moral feeling of society would be chastened and elevated by frequent social intercourse with the gentler and purer portion of society. Such scenes as social private parties have hitherto been rare in Alton. In consequence of this state of things, our young men soon permit their affections to be absorbed in the love of acquiring wealth; and all the sordid and avaricious feelings of nature, so foreign to purity and elevation of thought, will grow upon them and stump their degrading form upon their character. Against this incalculable evil, there is no antidote so effective, as the society of intelligent women, pure and innocent in thought and life.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 19, 1836
This institution, which was established about a year ago, we are gratified to learn, is about being revived. A meeting of the Society was held on Friday evening last, when an address was delivered by a member, which we have understood was a very creditable performance. It is proposed, in order to give the society greater efficiency, and more promptly to engage the attention of our young men, to have an entire re-organization. For this purpose, another meeting has been appointed to be held on Friday evening next at the Baptist Church, at which time and place we trust every young man in Alton will be found, ready and willing to adopt any and every measure which may be necessary to secure the efficient prosecution of the Society's objects.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 16, 1836
For the Telegraph: The growing importance of Alton demands an improvement in our advertising and news facilities, and it occurs to me we could now, if we would, support a semi-weekly newspaper in Alton, and I further believe we would do so if you would give us the opportunity. What say you gentlemen, will you agree to make the trial? A semi-weekly newspaper is now needed because your legislature will soon meet, and the people will look to you for information in reference to its doings, as well as the movements in Congress the coming winter. Please, gentlemen, to give us your opinion on the subject and oblige. A Merchant.

The above communication we found upon our table a day or two since, and take pleasure in giving it to our readers. The subject is one which has occupied much of our attention for some time past, and we are free to confess that we are inclined to the belief that the project would meet the wishes of our citizens, and by them be honorably sustained. We are aware of the increase it would make in our expenses, care and responsibilities, but these we cheerfully assume and are willing to sustain, and when we remember (and we do it with feelings of gratitude), the ready support and encouragement which has been extended to us since the establishment of the Telegraph, we cannot doubt that the same liberality will be extended to us in our further efforts in extending the facilities for news and advertising to a semi-weekly issue. Relying, therefore, upon the patronage and cooperation of our friends, we have determined to issue the Telegraph semi-weekly, as early in December next, as the necessary arrangements can be made. By this arrangement, our country readers will receive a much larger share of reading matter in the weekly Telegraph, than is now furnished by any paper in the State of Illinois. And here it may not be improper to remark, that we look with solicitude and earnestness to our town and country friends to aid us in extending the circulation of the Telegraph. True, we are under many and great obligations for the interest which has been manifested by many in our behalf thus far, and we hope our humble efforts have been approved of by the friends of the country at large. What the Telegraph has been, it will continue to be, and though our course may not be wholly acceptable to the lukewarm in political matters, we still must believe that strong language, and strong measures are necessary to convince the people that their institutions are endangered - their rights trampled upon and denied - and unless a speedy check is given to the unhallowed ambition of those who now hold the reins of government, still stronger means and measures will be necessary to effect a reform. We mean not by these remarks to place undue vain upon our labors; but we mean to deal plainly. We have ever opposed the doctrines of the present (or late) dominant party, as destructive of the interests of the people, and so long as these results are manifest, we promise to oppose them. With these views, we urge our friends to sustain us. They have done so most signally, and we repeat, we are grateful for it. We shall endeavor to give the earliest and most full reports of the proceedings of the Legislature of this State soon to assemble, and of Congress, and no effort on our part shall be wanting to render the Telegraph every way worthy the support of our fellow citizens.


[Less than a year before his death at the hands of a mob.]
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 28, 1836
Of the early origin of Alton, I omitted to inquire, but it is two years only since public attention seemed to be turned to it as a great commercial emporium. Until then, it contained but a dozen or two houses and a steam mill. The latter, with the penitentiary, was erected in 1832. The population is now estimated at 2,500, and the number of houses 300. Since the spirit of improvement began, it has met with nothing to retard it; but employment has been given to every building mechanic that could be procured. A large proportion of the buildings are of the most substantial kind, massive stone warehouses. Many of the private residences are of finely wrought stone or brick, and highly ornamental, though the larger portion of both business and dwelling houses are temporary frames of one story. The streets are generally 40 to 60 feet wide, and State Street (the principle one running at right angles from the river) is 80. The rates of building are as high, probably, as in any part of the union; yet rents are much higher in proportion; every house bringing from 15 to 30 percent upon its cost, including the price of the lot. Of this fact, which is the best evidence of the prosperity of the place, there can be no mistake. I learnt, incidentally, from a highly responsible source, that an extensive land proprietor, who has announced a sale of between three and four hundred lots, to take place in November, will insure to every purchaser who may erect a building thereon an annual rent of 25 percent upon the entire outlay. The following enumeration will give some idea of the business of the place:

There are twenty wholesale stores, one of which (Stone & Co.) imports directly from Europe, one of the firm, as I understand, residing in Boston for that purpose. There are in addition, 32 retail stores, some of which sell also at wholesale. The various branches of the mechanic arts are also carried on, though the greater portion of articles used are brought from abroad. There are 8 attorneys, 7 physicians, and 8 clergymen, attached to the following denominations, viz: 3 Protestant Methodists, 2 Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Episcopal Methodist. These have a church for each denomination, some of which in their appearance would do credit to the oldest towns in the west. There are 4 hotels, and 2 others building, one of which of stone, will be 60(?) feet by 175. Besides these, there are 9 boarding houses, all of which are crowded with sojourners, either temporary or permanent. The public institutions are a bank (branch of the State Bank of Illinois) insurance offices, lyceum, Masonic lodge, Lodge of Independent Odd Fellows, and two schools. The lyceum attracts the greater portion of the young men of the town, who engage in the public discussion of questions, and hear lectures from gentlemen of science who are also its members.

The steam mill does a very large business, and arrangements are making to engage extensively in putting to pork, it being the intention of the proprietors to make Alton a depot for these great staples of the state, worthy of the growing importance of the latter in the union. In two or three years it will, in this branch of business, be second only to Cincinnati.

Building mechanics of all kinds are constantly wanted. The following wages are paid. Bricklayers are $2.50 to 3 dollars per day; stone masons $2 to 2.50; laborers $1.50. Where the men are boarded by the employer, a deduction of 50 cents per day is made from these rates. Board at the hotels is $3 to $4 dollars per week, without lodging; for lodging $1 to 1.50 additional, at the boarding houses $2.50 to 3, lodging included. Bricks at the kiln sell for 7 to 9 dollars per M; pine boards 25 to 40 per M (they are brought from the Ohio River), wood for fuel 3 per cord; coal 2 cents per bushel. The latter is obtained from the hills in the rear of the town, and both wood and coal can be got for very little more than the cost of cutting, digging and hauling. The comparatively high price at which both sell will furnish another evidence of the high prices of labor, and assure eastern laborers, who are working at this season of the year for forty cents a day, that here they may soon realize a little fortune. Among the car men whom I saw hauling sand for building, was one whom I had known for many years as a master papermaker in Virginia. He came here last Spring, purchased two carts, and was making four dollars a day with each - thus clearing more in a month, I will venture to say, than he ever did in a year in Virginia, on a capital of eight or ten thousand dollars.

The number of buildings erected the present year I could not ascertain. One enterprising citizen (the Hon. H. Hawley) has put up twenty - among them a splendid hotel containing 75 rooms. There are two temperance societies, one on the total abstinence plan, which is the most popular, and is daily becoming more so. There are five newspapers, viz.: The Alton Spectator, Alton Telegraph, Alton Observer, Temperance Herald, and Voice of Illinois. The last is understood to be an ephemeral publication, to be discontinued at the November election.

Eight steamboats are owned here in whole or in part, and some of them are heavily freighted at each departure with the exports of the town alone. The boat in which I absconded the Mississippi from St. Louis, here received the greater portion of her cargo. These exports must increase as the back country continues to fill up; and this country is represented as unsurpassed in beauty, fertility, and facility of cultivation. To add to its resources, two railroads will shortly be made, one leading to Springfield, 70 miles, the stock of which has been subscribed; the other leading to Mount Carmel on the Wabash, the stock of which has been taken in part. It is known also that the legislature of Illinois has memorialized congress to continue the great national road through the state to Alton. The inhabitants of Alton are principally from New York and New England; and this may be said of all the business men, with two or three exceptions. Next to these are Virginians.

The river here is about one mile wide. A steam ferry boat plies constantly. The following are the rates of toll: Footman, 12 1/2 cents; horse, 12 1/2; wagon and horses, 12 1/2 for each wheel and each horse - thus for a 4-horse wagon, $1; 2 horse, 75 cents; families belonging to moving wagons go free. These rates are said to be one-fourth less than are charged by any other ferry on the river. The usual price at the ferries above in flat boats is about $3 dollars for a 4-horse wagon.

The market is well supplied with provisions from the back country - prices those of St. Louis. The meats and vegetables are excellent, and cultivated fruit is pretty abundant. The wild fruits are plums, crab apples, persimmons, paw paws, hickory nuts and pecans. Wild game is also abundant, viz: deer, pheasants, prairie hens, partridges, with the various kinds of water fowl. The fish are cat, perch and buffalo.

Such is a hasty view of Alton as it now is. Its rapid growth is an evidence of what enterprise can effect in contending against nature herself. Scarcely a town site could have been selected on the Mississippi more unpromising in its appearance; and yet in five years, probably, it will attract the admiration of every beholder. Already the "little hills have fallen on every side" - the valleys have been raised - and within the time mentioned, the city will present to the spectator from the river the idea of a vast amphitheater, the streets ranging above each other in exact uniformity, while from each mountain top in the distance will glitter the abodes of wealth and independence.

The foundations of its prosperity are laid on the broad basis of public morals and Christian benevolence. Its churches are its most prominent and costly edifices, and claim the tribute of praise from every beholder. "Three temples of His grace, How beautiful they stand, The honors of our native place, And bulwarks of our land." No people cherish the sentiment conveyed in these lines more than do those of Alton; not a town in the Union, of its population, has been so liberal in its contributions to every measure of Christian benevolence. The amount subscribed the present year probably exceeds $10,000 dollars; one item in which is the subscription, by two gentlemen, of $1,000 dollars each, to employ a temperance lecturer for this portion of the state. In addition to this, one of the same gentlemen (B. G. Esq.) [Captain Benjamin Godfrey] has given $10,000 dollars towards the erection and endowment of a female seminary at Monticello, five miles north of the town, to the superintendence of which a most accomplished lady has been called from the celebrated institute at Ipswich, Mass.

As I have taken the liberty thus to allude to one of the prominent gentlemen of Alton, I trust I shall be excused if I relate an anecdote communicated to me, in one of the eastern cities, as further illustrative of his character. It is a practice of all the western steamboats, I believe, to run on the Sabbath, and deliver freight at their various stopping places. Soon after the removal to Alton of the gentleman alluded to, he was waited upon on the Sabbath by the clerk of a steamboat, and told that he had just landed a number of boxes to his address, for the receipt of which he asked his acknowledgment. The gentleman promptly replied that he did not receive goods on the Sabbath. "What then is to be done?" asked the clerk. "That is not for me to say," replied the gentlemen, "On a business day you will find me at the warehouse, ready to attend to you." The consequence was, the boat had to remain at the wharf till the morning, and ever after that the gentleman was not intruded upon on the Sabbath. Were the prominent business men in the towns on the Mississippi and Ohio to come to the same determination, it is easy to see that not a steamboat would be found violating the great command of the Decalogue, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."


Source: Alton Observer, December 29, 1836
This prominent point of attraction on the Mississippi is situated on its east bank, 24 miles above St. Louis and 3 above the mouth of the Missouri river. The principal business landing is a natural wharf of rock, lined with massive stone warehouses, at the very doors of which, in high water, steamboats lie and discharge their cargoes. This advantage, to the same degree, is possessed by no other place on the Mississippi, and cannot fail, at first sight, to attract the especial notice of the traveler.

Of the early origin of the town I omitted to inquire, but it is two years only since public attention seemed to be turned to it as a great commercial emporium. Until then it contained but a dozen or two houses and a steam mill. The latter, with the penitentiary, was erected in 1832. The number of houses is now 252, and the population is estimated at 2,000. Since the spirit of improvement began, it has met with nothing to retard it; but employment has generally been given to every building mechanic that offered. A good proportion of the buildings are of the most substantial kind - massive stone warehouses. Some of the private residences are of finely wrought stone or brick, and highly ornamental, though a large portion of both business and dwelling houses are frames of one story. The streets running from the river are generally 80 feet wide, though Market street is 130, and those which cross them are 45 and 60.

The rates of building are as high, probably, as in any part of the union; yet rents are much higher in proportion; every house bringing from 15 to 30 percent upon its cost, including the price of the lot. Of this fact, which is strong evidence of the prosperity of the place, there can be no mistake. I am assured that an extensive land proprietor, who offered between three and four hundred lots for sale in November, will insure to every purchaser who may erect a building thereon, an annual rent of 25 percent upon the entire outlay.

There are 6 hotels, and one (of stone) building, which will be 66 feet by 166. Besides these there are 9 boarding houses, all of which are crowded. Clerks and professional men only are not wanted. Of all these there seems to be no scarcity in any part of the west. A firm in St. Louis advertised recently for a clerk to go up the river, and on the same day had forty-two applications for the situation.

The steam mill has four run of stones, and does a fair business. A company has recently engaged in the business of putting up beef and pork, and it is their intention to make Alton a depot for these great staples of the state, worthy of the growing importance of the latter in the union. In two or three years, it will, in this branch of business, be second only to Cincinnati.

The public institutions are a bank (branch of the State Bank of Illinois), insurance office, lyceum, lodge of independent odd fellows, benevolent society, and two schools. The lyceum attracts the greater portion of the young men of the town, who engage in the public discussion of questions, and hear lectures from gentlemen of science, who are also its members.

There are four newspapers, viz. the Alton Telegraph, Alton Spectator, Alton Observer, and Illinois Temperance Herald. Of these, the Telegraph will shortly be issued semi-weekly; the Spectator and Observer are published weekly, and the Herald monthly. The latter has a circulation of 5,000 copies, and the Observer 1,500. Of the subscription to the others, I am not advised, but have no doubt that it is creditable to the intelligence and public spirit of this part of the state.

Eleven steamboats are owned here in whole or in part, and some of them are heavily freighted at each departure with the exports of the town alone. These exports must increase as the back country continues to fill up; and this country is represented to be unsurpassed in beauty, fertility, and facility of cultivation. To add to its resources, two railroads will shortly be made, one leading to Springfield, 70 miles, the stock of which has been subscribed - the other leading to Mount Carmel, on the Wabash, the stock of which has been taken in part. It is known also that the legislature of Illinois has memorialized congress to continue the great national road through the state to Alton. In addition to the foregoing, the legislature have determined to make three great railroads, crossing the state in its length and breadth, one of which must terminate here. It will doubtless be designated by law during the present session.

The inhabitants of Alton are principally from New York and New England; and this may be said of all the business men, with two or three exceptions. Next to these are Pennsylvanians. The population is almost exclusively white, there being but 20 or 30 colored persons.

It should here be remarked that there is a universal suspension of business on the Sabbath, in every department, and in none more than the reception or shipment of goods in steamboats. All the commercial houses have set their faces "as a flint" against this practice, so common on the Mississippi; and the prediction is now made with confidence, that when the railroads here spoken of shall be completed, Alton will show to the nation that she will regard, above pecuniary gain, the great command of the Decalogue, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."

The river here is about one mile wide. A steam ferry boat plies constantly. The following are the rates of toll: Footman 12 1/2 cents; horse 12 1/2; wagon and horses, 12 1/2 cents for each wheel and each horse - thus for a 4-horse wagon $1, 2-horse wagon 75 cents; families belonging to moving wagons go free. These rates are said to be one-fourth less than are charged by any other ferry on the river. The usual price at the ferries above, in flat boats, is about $3 for a 4-horse wagon. I may here add that it takes two cords of wood a day to run a steam ferry boat, and from two to four hands. Wood costs about $2.50 per cord; wages of two hands 1.25 each; total cost per day $7.50. When the proprietors, however, employ men to cut the wood, it does not cost more than 1.50 per cord, delivered at the ferry. A state tax is levied on all ferries, according to their grade. At Alton, the tax paid to Illinois is $20, and to Missouri $15, making $35 per year. A steam ferry boat will cost from 5,000 to 11,000 dollars. That at Louisville is said to have cost the latter sum. A year or two ago they could have been built for little more than half the sums now demanded.

Land five miles back of the town sells from 10 to 40 dollars per acre, according to the improvements. At a greater distance it is much cheaper, and is settling rapidly. The productions are wheat, corn, beef, pork, horses and cattle. I am here reminded of having met, in September, east of the mountains, the venerable Dr. Blackburn of Macoupin county (adjoining this), who proposed entering government land for eastern residents at $2 per acre - the excess beyond $1.25 being appropriated by him towards the endowment of a theological seminary; and I here take occasion to remark that, as an investment for speculation merely, probably few better ones could be made in the western country.

A gentlemen [Captain Benjamin Godfrey] has, alone, undertaken to erect, at a cost of from 25,000 to 30,000 dollars, suitable buildings for a female seminary at Monticello, five miles north of Alton, to the superintendence of which a most accomplished lady has been called from the celebrated institute at Ipswich, Mass. The buildings will be finished next season.


On the Subject of a National Road Through Alton
Source: Washington National Intelligencer, January 6, 1837
“Whereas, it is the opinion of the Legislature of the State of Illinois, that the route which the National Road should pursue, if extended so as to cross the Mississippi River at the town of Alton, would be in entire accordance with its ultimate destination, the capital of the State of Missouri; would be more advantageous to the commercial and agricultural interests of this State, and afford to her inhabitants, and those of her sister States, a more direct and convenient chain of intercommunication that any other route….The consent of the State of Illinois is hereby given to the Federal Government to extend the National Road through the territory of Illinois, so as to cross the Mississippi River at the town of Alton.

At a recent election, under a statue law of the State of Illinois, a vote was taken for the location of the seat of Government of the State, and Alton received more votes than any other place; by which proceeding, it is almost certain that Alton will become the seat of Government for the State.

Alton is one of the most flourishing and commercial towns in the State of Illinois. I am informed that it and its environs contain a population of four or five thousand souls; and I know it is rapidly increasing in population, business, and importance….I am clearly satisfied that the route by Alton is the nearest and best from Vandalia to Jefferson City, and that the General Government will take into consideration the will, interest, and ‘consent’ of the State in the location of this road.”

John Reynolds was the 4th Governor of Illinois (1830-1834); member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Illinois; member of the Illinois House of Representatives; and Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 22, 1837
For the Telegraph: Mr. Editor: In your last paper you said something about the driver of the eastern mail arriving in this place drunk, and therefore, I thought the following facts would be interesting to your readers in these days of reform. Which are these: As some of our citizens were returning from Edwardsville on the 13th inst., they found the Mail Stage one mile from this place, with the driver so drunk as to have fallen from the stage twice; the mail bags hanging out at the side as a check to the wheels; on seeing the state of the concern, a merchant of Upper Alton made out to stow away the driver under the seats; and drove the stage into Upper Alton. The Post Master at that place drove it down here. So you see, that by the creditable course of some of our citizens, we are indebted nowadays for the delivery of the mail, and the driver for the care of his horses. Amos Kendall.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 22, 1837
I am more than surprised, after exploring Alton in all its parts, to see such neglect in your corporation, with a population of about 6,000, as is supposed, without a Market House or any place where they can go to meet their daily supplies from the farmers; and no point at which the farmers with their produce can congregate, to know or meet the wants of the citizens. Now, have you ever thought of the loss of time, in such a condition of things, both to farmer and citizen; the one in passing about your street to find purchasers at all times of the day and the other in hunting up all over the town such articles as he may need; would not the time thus lost in the last year alone have built two such markets as are now necessary for the accommodation of both classes. I am sure your Trustees could not have reflected on the importance of this matter, or they could not so long have delayed the erection of some Public Market. The farmers justly complain of it, and many I understand refuse to carry their produce to Alton at all on account of this want of accommodation to them. A Visitor.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 22, 1837
The steamboat Tiskilwa was run into by the Wisconsin on Friday last, near the mouth of the Illinois, and sunk in about two minutes. A family had been taken aboard the night previous, consisting of a husband, wife and three children, who were drowned, with five or six other deck passengers. The cargo was a valuable one, and was covered with an open policy. The boat was insured to the amount of $3,000 by the Alton Marine and Fire Insurance Company; she was computed to be worth $8,000. We have been informed by authority which we can rely upon that the Captain of the Wisconsin acted very improperly, both before and after the accident. It was with great difficulty that he was persuaded to render any assistance to the distressed passengers and crew of the Tiskilwa; he then took them aboard and carried them ashore, where he landed them, ladies and gentlemen, in their night dresses and barefooted. We did not think that we had such a monster in the western country.


Source: Steamboat Disasters and Railroad Accidents by S. A. Howland, 1840
On March 18, 1837, on the Illinois River about five miles from the mouth of the river, lives were lost (more than twenty) and the freight and baggage entirely destroyed aboard the steamer Tiskilwa. The captain of the steamboat Wisconsin, which was ascending the river, repeatedly stated that if he should meet the Tiskilwa and her captain, he would not give him a clear channel and would run her down. This provoked the captain of the Tiskilwa, and he was determined not to turn out of his course.

The steamboats met about 5am - when all passengers were in their berths - and they steered directly at each other until with only a few rods, when the captain of the Tiskilwa tried to turn from his course. He managed to avoid a head-on collision, but was broadsided by the Wisconsin, taking a hit just behind the wheel. The Tiskilwa sank in less than three minutes. Those who had been in their berths sleeping were awakened by the screams of the crew down below, who were drowning. Without putting on their clothes, the passengers jumped through the windows of the cabin, and some managed to swim to safety. In a deposition given during the investigation, Laurent Provencal and Casetan Levesque stated that Charles Becket had told them that he sank the steamboat Tiskilwa for one hundred dollars, paid him by the captain of the Wisconsin.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 12, 1837
New cabinet warehouse and manufactory on Third Street near the corner of State Street. Edmund Beall, late of Cincinnati, respectfully inform the citizens of Alton and the surrounding country that he has commenced the above business in this place. He has on hand of his own manufacture an assortment of furniture, consisting of bureaus, tables, bedsteads, etc., which he is disposed to sell on very reasonable terms, and to which he invites the attention of all who wish to purchase. Orders for the manufacture of every description of cabinet furniture will be thankfully received and faithfully executed. The subscriber hopes by strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 31, 1837
We regret to state that one of the new two-story brick buildings on Second Street (Broadway), the property of Messrs. Godfrey, Gillman & Co., was burnt down on last Thursday afternoon. The manner in which the fire originated is not certainly known - the house being still in an unfinished state, and unoccupied - but it is presumed to have been communicated by means of some shavings, which a person had been employed in burning at a distance. So soon as it was discovered, the Fire Company and citizens hastened to the spot; but it being evident that no human means could avail to save the building in question, it was abandoned to its fate, and the exertions of those present confined to the preservation of the adjoining houses; which was happily effected without any material damage. As the above is the first fire which is believed to have ever occurred here [Alton], it is not surprising that we should have been but imperfectly prepared to contend against it. The only cause for surprise, on the contrary, is that so much should have been effected with such limited means, and at so short a notice. But as the probability of future and more extensive conflagrations must increase in proportion to the growth of our town, it is to be hoped that measures will be immediately taken to place the Fire Department on a more efficient footing, and the subject is respectfully submitted to the Board of Trustees for their consideration.


America’s Eminent Statesman
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 21, 1837
This eminent statesman, accompanied by his lady and daughter, reached Alton at one o'clock p.m. on Wednesday last [June 14, 1837], in the Daniel Webstersteamboat “United States,” attended by a committee from St. Louis and the Alton Committee of Invitation. His arrival was announced by the ringing of the bells and the firing of a salute from a battery of solid rock, the blasting of which produced a novel and very striking effect, the reports being as loud and nearly as regular as those from a well-served piece of ordinance. After landing amidst the shouts of the surrounding multitude, he was conducted in a carriage to the Piasa House, where suitable rooms had been prepared for his accommodation. Here, the members of the Committee of Arrangements were presented to him; after which the Hon. Cyrus Edwards, in the name of the citizens, bade him welcome in the following words:

"Permit me, sir, in the name and on behalf of the citizens of Alton, of Madison County, and I am sure I may add, of the people of Illinois, to tender to you a warm and cordial greeting - a greeting prompted by no servile spirit of man worship, stimulated by no mercenary regard for office or the emoluments of office; but offered as a testimonial of respect for exalted private worth and eminent public services - services which have characterized you as the champion of universal freedom, whether its triumphs are to be achieved on the plains of Greece, or in whatever other quarter of the globe - services marked with a deep devotion to our admirable civil institutions; to the perpetuity of our sacred union; to the preservation of that glorious charter, so often, so ably, and so patriotically vindicated, as to have secured for yourself the distinguished title of ‘The Defender of the Constitution.’ Among the foremost in the great struggle to maintain the supremacy of this Constitution and of the laws, we have witnessed with pride and exultation, your untiring efforts for the limitation of the corrupting patronage of the Government; your powerful rebukes of party subserviencey, your unyielding resistance to legislative encroachment and to executive usurpation, whether directed against the honor and dignity of the Senate of the United States, or displayed in the frequent unwarranted exercise of the veto power, or in the unauthorized removal of the deposits, or in the illegal issuing of the Treasury Circular, or in whatever measures may have tended to the derangement of the currency, the disturbance of exchange, and the consequent bankruptcy and ruin which now overspread our once happy and prosperous republic. For these services, sir, and for the display of these broad, liberal, and enlightened principles of legislation, so aptly embodied in your truly American sentiment of "One Country, One constitution, and One Destiny;' we offer you the unbought, the voluntary, grateful plaudits of a free people. And, again, we say, welcome, thrice welcome to the shores of Illinois."

Mr. Webster made a brief, and very appropriate reply to this address, in which he expressed his hearty thanks to his fellow citizens of Alton and of Illinois, for the very cordial and friendly reception given him on this, his first visit to their thriving State - observed that, although far from his usual place of residence, he still felt himself at home, among friends and countrymen, whose interests and destinies were identified with his own - made a happy allusion to the mighty river which flows in front of our town, and waters a territory of almost boundless extent, and unequaled fertility - and concluded by stating that, to the end of his life, he would remember, with pleasure and gratitude, the affectionate kindness with which he had been received in this place. Many of the citizens were then successively introduced to him. Immediately after dinner, he made a flying visit to Upper Alton, at the pressing invitation of the inhabitants, in company with a number of gentlemen in carriages and on horseback. On his return, at four o'clock, a procession was formed; when our distinguished guest, accompanied by the Hon. Cyrus Edwards, President of the day, in a barouche, and followed by the St. Louis committee, the Trustees of the town of Alton, and the gentlemen of the bar, in carriages, and the members of the Committee of Arrangements and other citizens on foot, proceeding to a handsome grove, on the declivity of a gently-sloping hill, at the lower end of the town, where he sat down to a collation, provided in elegant style by Mr. Libby of the Alton House, at which the following toasts were drank, amidst the cheers of the company:

1st. Our Country - Not less dear to her children when overshadowed by the clouds of adversity, than when the sun of uninterrupted prosperity sheds its benign and refreshing influences of her shores. "With all her faults, we love her still."

2nd. The American People - Brave, liberal, and magnanimous; their "very failings lean to virtue's side." Let their cruel deceivers prepare to render a strict account of their doings.

3rd. Our glorious Constitution - The charter of our rights. Let none henceforward assume the "responsibility" of laying unhallowed hands on its sacred page.

4th. The Union of the States - "Those whom God hath joined together, let no man put asunder."

5th. Our Revolutionary Fathers - If we would honor their memory, we must follow their example.

6th. Massachusetts - The home of Warren and Webster. True to the principles which she formerly avowed in Faneuil Hall, and gloriously defended at Lexington and Bunker's Hill, she still remains the uncompromising enemy of arbitrary power, and the intrepid champion of the rights of man.

7th. Illinois - In size a giant, though in years a child. Under a wise and prudent administration, she will not fail to accomplish her high destinies.

8th. Our honored Guest - Daniel Webster - To name him, is to speak his praise. Welcome! Thrice welcome in our State.

9th. The National Senate - Although deprived of some of its brightest ornaments by the ruthless violence of party spirit; yet, so long as the voice of Webster, Clay, Calhoun, and their illustrious friends and colleagues shall be heard within its sacred walls, we never will despair of the republic.

10th. The Experiment - Doctor Sangrado's medical theory practically applied to the national credit. Let the patient alone, and he will quickly recover his health.

11th. The Currency Tinkers - Wretched and ignorant Alchemists. By their absurd attempt to transmit bank paper into gold, they have turned all the gold in the country into shinplasters. Verily, they shall have their reward.

12th. The American Youth - The pride and hope of our common country. May they be found worthy of their glorious inheritance.

13th. Woman - "Heaven's last best gift." Her sweetest smiles are reserved for the true patriot.

Volunteer. By the Hon. C. Edwards, President of the day. "One Country, one Constitution, and one Destiny." The sentiment of our distinguished guest - a sentiment worthy of an American statesman.

After the cheering which following the announcement of the eighth toast subsided, Mr. Webster rose, and returned his acknowledgements for the honor conferred upon him this occasion, in an eloquent speech, which occupied above an hour and a half. As it was delivered without any previous preparation whatever, and as it was impracticable, under the circumstances, to take down any part of it, we shall not attempt to give even its substance. Let it suffice to observe, that one of the principal points to which the speaker referred was the identity of interest which exists between the different sections of our widely extended country. He said that although about two thousand miles distant from Boston and Faneuil Hall, he was fully persuaded that the prosperity of those he was addressing, on the shores of the Mississippi, was indissolubly connected with his own - that his and their destiny, for good or for evil, were the same - that their and his children were born to the same inheritance, and would share the same fate - that no member of our great political system could be injured or benefited without the participation of the others - and that although indebted to the partiality of Massachusetts for the station he filled in the national councils, she would entirely discard him, as unworthy of her, if he were base enough to attempt to promote her local interests, at the expense of those of the whole country, &c. In allusion to the existing embarrassments, he remarked that, as he had steadily and perseveringly opposed all the schemes of the dominant party since 1832, and especially those in relation to the currency, he was free to admit that, if the "experiment" had worked well - if all the advantages anticipated from it by its advocates had been realized - if our country was now in an eminently prosperous and happy condition - then he could claim no credit for having contributed to it. But, if on the other hand, the reverse was actually the case - if the policy of the Administration had reduced this great Republic, in the course of a few years, from a state of unrivaled prosperity to one of universal bankruptcy and ruin - if our credit was destroyed, our commerce annihilated, our currency good for nothing, and every branch of industry and enterprise paralyzed - if, in fact, his worst anticipations had actually come to pass - then, in this case, he would look confidently for a verdict of acquittal. He concluded by observing that, as neither himself nor his political friends had in the last contributed to bring about the present state of things, but on the contrary, had labored zealously but ineffectually to prevent it, it was not their duty, but that of the party now in power, to propose a remedy for the evils which were now everywhere acknowledged to exist; that he would, however, cordially cooperate with them in any measure which might appear calculated to effect this truly desirable object; but that he thought our currency could never be restored to a sound and healthy condition without the aid of a national institution of some kind. At the close of his remarks, he gave a toast, highly complementary to the State of Illinois and her citizens, the precise language of which we are unable to repeat.

Of the number of persons present on this interesting occasion, we can form no estimate. It was, however, much larger than could have been reasonably anticipated in a town so new as Alton. The day was very fine; and the proceedings were conducted, throughout, in a manner highly creditable to our citizens - not the smallest accident or disturbance having occurred to mar the festivities of the occasion. If we were disposed to boast, we might add with truth, that at no place which he has visited during his present tour has Mr. Webster been more cordially or more kindly greeted than here; and that we have reason to believe that both himself and his family were highly gratified at the respectful attentions shown to them.

After the entertainment in the grove, the procession was again formed, and conducted our honored guest back to his lodgings. The next morning, after breakfast, he resumed his tour by land, attended by part of the committee, and reached Carrollton, thirty-five miles distant, the same afternoon; having been met on the road by a committee from the citizens of that place. On Friday he proceeded to Jacksonville, where he was doubtless entertained in handsome style; extensive preparations having been made there for his reception.

Daniel Webster was an eminent American statesman, Congressman, Secretary of State, and prominent attorney. Throughout his career he was a member of the Federalist Party, the Republican Party, and the Whig Party. Webster became a leading opponent of President Andrew Jackson’s domestic policies, and his Second Reply to Hayne speech is widely regarded as one of the greatest speeches ever delivered in Congress. He died October 24, 1852 at the age of 70. A monument to Webster stands in Central Park, New York City, with “Liberty and Union, Now and Forever, One and Inseparable” written on the base.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 9, 1837
The first anniversary of the Alton Total Abstinence Society was held on 31st ult., at the Episcopal Church. After the transaction of some preliminary business, the society went into an election for officers for the ensuing year, which resulted as follows: J. R. Woods, President; Stephen Griggs, 1st Vice President; Charles Howard, 2d Vice President; Lawson A. Parks, Secretary; Samuel Avis, W. S. Gilman, W. L. Chappell, James Mansfield, Royal Weiler, and O. Lovejoy, Directors. On motion, voted that the Constitution and By-Laws, together with the proceedings of the meeting, be published. The society then adjourned. James Mansfield, President. J. R. Woods, Secretary.

1. Any person may become a member of this society by signing the Constitution.
2. (Same as pledge in Temperance Herald)
3. Any member may withdraw from this society by leaving notice with the Secretary.
4. The officers of this society shall consist of a President, two Vice Presidents, Secretary and six Directors, all of whom shall be chosen annually.

1. The duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings of this society, and perform such duties as usually devolve on presiding officers of such associations; in case of his absence, the Vice President shall take his place.
2. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of this society. He shall be the organ of communication between this society and others. He shall also act as Treasurer.
3. The Board of Directors shall procure suitable places for meetings, and obtain competent persons to deliver addresses.
4. This Society shall hold its stated meetings on the last Friday evening of every month.
5. Any member of this society having sufficient evidence of another member violating the second article of this Constitution shall report the same to the President, whose duty it shall be to privately admonish him in a manner calculated to bring him to reflection; but if, after the remonstrance, he still persists in his course of delinquency, his name shall be publicly erased from the Constitution.
6. Any seven members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
7. All elections of this society shall be by ballot.
8. This Constitution and By-Laws may be altered by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any meeting.

To the above Constitution, are amended the names of 118 ladies and 253 gentlemen.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1837
It becomes our painful duty, this week, to record the loss of upwards of twenty lives by one of those accidents of which the history of steamboat navigation on the western waters affords so many melancholy instances. It occurred on the Dubuque, while on her way up from St. Louis to Galena, at an early hour in the morning of the 15th inst. This unfortunate boat was towed down from Bloomington - about eight miles above the spot where the disaster happened - by the "Smelter," and reached our wharf on the morning of Friday last, on her return to St. Louis. Never shall we forget the sad spectacle presented by the four unhappy sufferers, who then alone survived out of nearly thirty injured, and of the recovery of whom, with a single exception, but faint hopes can reasonably be entertain. One of these, Michael Shaughnessy, had a wife and infant on board, who were involved in the general destruction. The latter expired a few hours only after the disaster; the mother lived almost until the arrival of the boat at this place, and was interred in our cemetery [Alton City Cemetery]; and as for the wretched father and husband, his condition was such, when he reached our town [Alton], that we could hardly wish for the further prolongation of his miserable existence. In addition to the particulars of the heart-rending calamity, given in the following letter from our respected fellow-citizen, D. A. Spaulding, Esq., a passenger on board of the Dubuque, we learn that the boat had taken in wood about two miles below the scene of the melancholy occurrence - that the cabin passengers, being asleep in their berths, escaped uninjured, except one, who had his feet scalded - that the deck passengers were also lying down toward the stern of the boiler deck; but so tremendous was the explosion that, although they were separated from the machinery by a quantity of freight and other materials, the steam forced its way through every obstacle, scalding most of them very severely, and throwing the others overboard. The accident is attributed to a defect in the iron of which the collapsed flu was constructed; there being a full supply of water in the boilers at the time of the accident, which, so far as we have been able to learn, could not have been prevented by ordinary foresight. This mark * is affixed to the names of such of the sufferers as were still living when the Dubuque arrived here. It was the intention of the Captain to take them, if possible, to the St. Louis Hospital, for the purpose of medical attendance. All the others had died, except the Engineer, who although severely wounded, not by the steam but by pieces of iron, was not considered in danger.

"To the Editor of the Telegraph, Bloomington, 15th August, 1837:
This morning, about three o'clock, the steamboat Dubuque, commanded by Capt. Smoker, when alongside of Musquetin Island, and about eight miles below this place, on her way to Galena, while under an ordinary head of steam, collapsed the flue of her starboard boiler, scalding all the deck passengers, and some of the burns so severely, that ten are now dead, and it is probable, and even certain, that five or six more will die. A few others were thrown overboard and drowned. At the time the accident happened, the boat was about 50 yards from the west bank, and a landing was easily effected. Bloomington being the nearest point from which assistance could be obtained, six men were dispatched with the yawl, who returned in about four hours with two physicians; when everything which human ingenuity and skill could devise for the relief of the unfortunate sufferers was promptly done. Several of them were so badly scalded, that half of their skin came off before the arrival of the physicians. At eleven o'clock, the steamboat Adventure, Capt. Vanhouten, bound to Galena, came up and took the Dubuque in tow as far as this place. It is due to Capt. Smoker, as well as to the Captain of the Adventure, the physicians, and some of the citizens of Bloomington, to say, that they did everything in their power to mitigate the sufferings of the unhappy victims, and render their situation as comfortable as possible. The following is a list of the persons injured, so far as known:

John Littleton, 2d Engineer, badly wounded in the head by a piece or pieces of iron.
Isaac Deal, fireman, of Pittsburgh
Felix Pope, fireman, of Kaskaskia
*Charles Kelley, deck hand, Ohio
*Noah Swain, deck hand, Quincy
Jesse Johnson, cook, colored man, thrown overboard and drowned
Benjamin Messer, 2d cook, colored man, thrown overboard and drowned, of Cincinnati
James C. Carr, deck passenger, St. Clair, Ill.
George McMurray, deck passenger, St. Clair, Ill.
Francis Pleasant, deck passenger, St. Clair, Ill., colored man
Henry H. Carr, deck passenger, St. Clair, Ill.
James C. Hamilton, deck passenger, Dubuque
Joseph Brady, deck passenger, Dubuque
Josiah L. Sams, deck passenger, Clay County, Ill.
L. B. Sams, deck passenger, Clay County, Ill.
George Clix, deck passenger, Galena
John Boland, deck passenger, New York
David Francour, deck passenger, France
*Martin Shaughnessy, deck passenger, St. Louis
*Michael Shaughnessy, wife and infant, deck passengers

In addition to the above, three young men, deck passengers, names unknown, are supposed to have been thrown overboard and drowned; and it is feared that some others, whose names are also unknown, have shared the same fate. The cabin passengers escaped with little or no injury; and have subscribed the following statement:

'The undersigned cabin passengers, on board the steamboat Dubuque, when the above unfortunate accident happened, feel it their duty to say that they do not attach any blame to the Captain or other officers or hands on the boat; but view it as one that could not have been prevented by any foresight or care on their part. We cannot conclude without bearing testimony to the gentlemanly conduct of the Captain towards us, and the kind interest manifested in relieving the unfortunate sufferers. Signed by D. A. Spaulidng, Alton; Josiah Gordon, Louisiana; Joseph S. Monro, New York; C. M. Allen, Louisiana, Mo.; Jesse Yount, Dubuque; C. Cassedy; J. R. Ellis, U. C.; John Souls, U. C.; Benjamin C. Pearce, Dubuque; George Woods, Hancock County; and J. D. Scott, Dubuque.'"


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 27, 1837
We understand that the Alton Ferry Company have completed a horse-boat, which is now constantly running from the Penitentiary landing to the Missouri shore. They intend to build a new steam ferry boat, to be in readiness by the opening of spring; so that both boats may be kept running if necessary. As it is intended that one shall be constantly plying, no detention or difficulty through the want of ferry boats need hereafter be apprehended by those desirous of crossing the river.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 21, 1838
The subscriber having purchased the stock in trade of B. Delaplain, consisting of dry goods, groceries, hardware, Queensware, wooden ware, &c. &c., respectfully invites all who like good bargains to give him a call. Most kinds of country produce, and even good bank notes and specie, taken in exchanges, if insisted upon by the purchaser. Store, corner of Second and State Streets. Alton, February 14, 1838. H. P. Hulbert.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28, 1838
We regret to learn that the store of Mr. A. Conlee, in the fourth Ward of this city [Middletown] was broken into on last Saturday night, and merchandise of the estimated value of between seven and eight hundred dollars stolen therefrom. The perpetrators, we understand, still remain undiscovered.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 14, 1838
On Friday night last, the silversmith and jeweler's shop of Mr. J. S. Clarke, on Second street, was feloniously entered into by means of a false key, and twenty-nine watches, together with sundry articles of jewelry, taken therefrom. A reward of $100 has been offered by the Mayor for the discovery of the perpetrators.


(The Altonian printed only three papers)
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 21, 1838
A new weekly paper, bearing the above title, made its appearance in this city on Wednesday of last week. It is published by Messrs. Parks & Breath, and presents a handsome appearance. So far as it shall be found to support the real interests of this city, the state, and the Union generally, we hope it will meet all desirable encouragement. We take this fitting occasion to return our acknowledgments to the editors for the kind sympathy which they have been pleased to express for our "misfortunes," in the loss of a few of our Abolition subscribers; and as we are unwilling to permit any obligation whatever to remain unrequited, when it is in our power to cancel it, we beg leave to condone with our worthy neighbors, on account of the rejection of their paper by a number of the Whigs to whom it was sent. Although gratified at the patronage of the Abolitionists, when voluntarily and unconditionally tendered, and ready at all times to render them full and impartial justice, we nevertheless freely admit that inasmuch as we do not concur in their peculiar views, we have no better claim on their support as a party than our friends of the Altonian have on that of the Whigs; and most certainly have no right "to compel" them to take our paper, "whether they will or no." In this respect, the two publications stand on equal ground; with this trifling difference, that the Telegraph fights openly, under its own colors, without profession to be what it is not. So far as the regret expressed by our neighbors, that there should be, in this city, an Editor whose course, in relation to the fatal affair of the 7th of November last, "required explanation," may be intended or considered as a reflection upon us, we deem it proper to observe, once for all, that during the entire period of our connection with the senior publisher of the Altonian, no Editorial article on the exciting subject of Abolition and the matters connected with it ever appeared in the Telegraph, without having been previously submitted to his perusal, and obtained his express sanction. If, therefore, too much has been said, he is not less to blame than we are for having failed to interpose his veto; if too little, he is equally consurable for having neglected to supply the deficiency.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1838
The office of the Alton Telegraph will be removed, in the course of a few days, to the room formerly occupied by the Observer office, in the stone building near Piasa Creek bridge on Second Street [Broadway], where all orders in the printing line will be thankfully received and promptly executed.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1838
On last Thursday afternoon, this city [Alton] and neighborhood were visited by a hail storm of unusual severity, accompanied with wind, rain, lightning and thunder. Most of the hailstones, which continued falling for ten or fifteen minutes, were of the size of large walnuts, and some of them nearly, if not quite as big as hen eggs; and being driven with some violence by the force of the wind, they did considerable damage by stripping trees of their leaves, destroying tender plants and vegetables, and breaking thousands of panes of glass in this city and Upper Alton. We have not heard how far the storm extended its ravages in any direction; but hope they were confined within a limited space.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1838
The Branch of the Bank of Illinois, recently established in this city [Alton], went into operation last week and discounted moderately. We understand that it is the intention of the directors to loan out small sums only. They will thus have it in their power to grant accommodations to the greatest practicable number of citizens, and to afford as much relief to the community as can be reasonably anticipated under existing circumstances. It should, however, be strictly borne in mind that bank facilities, however useful and indispensable they may be to business men, and however much, when judiciously distributed, they may contribute to the development of the resources of a country like ours, and hasten the speed of its onward march, will not stand as a substitute for industry and enterprise, and that the only permanent remedy which can be applied to the existing evils is unremitted diligence and frugality. These, properly exerted together with the completion of the great work of political reform now in progress, unquestionably soon will restore us to our former prosperity, and effectually remove the embarrassments and difficulties under which the American people have so extensively labored for some time past.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1838
We understand that Colonel Nathaniel Buckmaster has been appointed Postmaster in this city, in the place of J. C. Bruner, Esq. removed. As both of these gentlemen are supporters of the existing administration, we know of no substantial reason for the change, unless it be that the latter is strongly suspected of having exercised the right of suffrage on a recent occasion agreeably to the dictates of his own conscience, an "unpardonable sin," in these days of moral degradation and political subserviency.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 30, 1838
Fellow Citizens: Having been, without any cause with which I am acquainted, deprived of the post office, which has been my main dependence for the support of my family, and having been earnestly solicited by many of my friends and fellow citizens from all parts of the county, who have known me for many years, to became a candidate for Sheriff of Madison County, I have consented, and will serve them in that capacity if honored with their suffrages at the next August election. J. C. Bruner.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 13, 1838
The shock of an earthquake was very sensibly felt in this city and the neighborhood, on last Saturday morning at about nine o'clock. It was preceded by a rumbling noise, resembling distant thunder, and the oscillation was such as to cause the windows, doors, &c., of buildings to shake violently and induce many persons to rush into the open air, under the apprehension of the fall of their respective dwellings. We are not able to state its duration with anything like certainty, but to us, it seemed to last about fifteen or twenty seconds. Others estimate it at from thirty seconds to one minute or upwards. The weather was very close and sultry; and there was a pretty severe storm of lightning, thunder and rain in the afternoon. We are informed that at St. Louis, the shock was severe - a number of chimneys having been thrown down and other damage done to sundry buildings.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 4, 1838
For two or three weeks past, the weather here has been excessively warm - the thermometer, at different times, having ranged considerably over 100, and been seldom as low as 80. So far as our information extends, the crops, generally, are most abundant, not only in this state, but also throughout the Union; for which unbounded gratitude is justly due to the beneficent Author of our existence. As the blessing of a plentiful harvest is one, of which the mischievous and selfish policy of our rulers cannot deprive the American people, they may rejoice in the anticipation of it without any fear that their reasonable expectations will be disappointed.


Source: Sangamo Journal, July 14, 1838
Simeon Ryder & Co. – wholesale dealers in dry goods, hardware, iron and steel, castings, hats, caps, boots, shoes, groceries, &c. Also forwarding and commission merchants, Alton, Illinois.  Signed Simeon Ryder – C. L. Frost.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 15, 1838
An undivided fourth part of the Steam Saw Mill, situated on Shields' Branch, Alton, together with stable and outhouses, in fine order for an extensive business. Also a new dwelling house situated in Middletown, built and formerly occupied by John R. Gale, situated on N. W. Quarter of Block No. 10, fronting 8 rods on Washington Street, and comprising 2 lots of 1-4 of an acre each. Said house is well finished, pleasantly situated, and has a good stable and well of water, &c. Terms favorable. Apply to S. Griggs or B. F. Edwards.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1838
The steamboat Missouri Fulton - one of the regular traders between St. Louis and Galena - unfortunately ran on a snag on Wednesday evening last near the head of Chouteau's Island, about eighteen miles below this city, and sunk immediately in ten feet water. As the cargo consists principally of lead, the most of it will probably be saved, but it is feared that the boat may be a total loss, as she is lying in a dangerous situation.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 10, 1838
The periodical phenomenon of the shooting stars - which attracted such general attention throughout the United States on the morning of November 13, 1833, and has been visible in a greater or less degree on each succeeding anniversary - may perhaps be expected to make its appearance between midnight and sunrise on next Tuesday morning. Those desirous of observing this grand display of natural fireworks will therefore do well to be on the lookout.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 17, 1838
Gilders are exposed to the diseases following the absorption of mercury and the inhalation of its vapors, since it is by the aid of this metal that the process of gilding is performed. The union of mercury and gold by means of heat, which disengages largely the fumes of the former, will give rise in persons exposed to them, to giddiness, asthma, partial palsy, and a death-like paleness of visage. Preceding these constitutional effects, are the more common ones of ulcers in the mouth, salivation, universal languor, and trembling, by which the person affected is unable to raise his hand to his mouth, and even the act of swallowing is rendered convulsive. On recovering in a degree from extreme debility and exhaustion, there remains great irritability, and an especial intolerance of sound. At times there is an insufferable stammering produced by the deleterious action of mercury.

Miners cannot work for a longer period than three years in quicksilver mines, nor more than six days at a time. Convulsions, tremors, palsy, and vertigo are said to be the consequence of exposure in this way; asthma is to this class a very common harassing and fatal disease. We read in the transactions of the Royal Society for 1835, that one of the workmen, having been so rash as to continue six months in succession in this employment, was so thoroughly impregnated with the mercury, that on placing a piece of copper on his lips, or on rubbing it with his fingers, it was whitened in a short time.

Glaziers of pottery making use of lead largely for their manufacture, are subject to nearly a similar train of evils as those just enumerated, together with enlarged spleen (ague cake), dropsical swellings, and the loss of their teeth. Their faces are cadaverous and leaden like the metal they employ. Palsy of the limbs, and more particularly of the arms, together with that of the right side, the muscles of which potters more continually exercise, are among the effects of the vapors from the lead. Consumption of the lungs is also frequent from the same cause.

Makers of glass are subject to disease caused by sudden vicissitudes of temperature - great heat followed by a cool air. They are generally thin and feeble, liable to violent or acute disease or protracted remittent fever. Their eyes are weak and inflamed, and their skin irritated by various eruptions; of course, pleurisies, asthma, and fixed catarrh are common effects of their exposure. A role prevails in some glass manufactories, and ought to be generally adopted, that the workmen shall be employed only six months in the year, winter and spring, and that after forty years of age they retire from the occupation.

Stone cutters and quarrymen suffer by inhaling the volatilized particles given out in cutting and quarrying stone, and if they continue regularly at this kind of work, they fall victims to sundry diseases of the lungs before they have passed the maturity of life.

Blacksmiths, locksmiths, gunners, and founders are subject to diseases dependent on the extremes of temperature to which they are exposed, the constrained attitude which they are frequently obliged to keep, and the light and heat, and the metallic particles given out from the iron on which they work. Hence inflammations of the eyes, and diseases of the lungs, together with indigestion and all its consequences are common among them.

Plasterers and makers of lime suffer from the gases disengaged as well as from the great moisture attracted by the lime. Plasterers also must feel the bad effects of the excessive dampness of the rooms which they are employed on. They are affected with laborious breathing, have a wan, pallid visage, and digest badly.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 24, 1838
To General Charles Gratiot, Chief Engineer, U. S. Army, Alton, Ill., October 15, 1838
At the request of a number of gentlemen of Alton, I have made a partial examination of the bank of the Mississippi River, from that city to Smeltzer's Ferry, one and a quarter miles above it, and of the river at the Ferry, with a view to the construction of a road along the bank, and a bridge at or near the Ferry, across the Mississippi; and I here take the liberty of communicating the result of my observations and reflections on the subject to you, as it may possibly have some bearing upon the future location of the National Road from this state into the state of Missouri.

Nearly the whole distance from Alton to the Ferry, about half of the bank to the elevation of the country back is a perpendicular wall of solid argillaceous limestone, and the remainder consists of a slope to the water's edge, varying from sixty to two hundred feet in width. To construct a road, therefore, along the bank at any desirable grade, would be an easy work - having such a superabundance of the requisite materials on hand.

The river at the Ferry is estimated at about fourteen hundred yards in width. The first hundred of which on the Illinois side presents a rocky bottom with from fifteen to twenty-five feet of water; and from thence to within about the same distance of the Missouri side is a quicksand, with the same depth of water, and extending down below what I had means of measuring; and on the Missouri side, at present, is a channel of thirty feet water, with a dark clay bottom.

It seems to be the character of quicksands, that when they become stationary and permanent, they form a substantial foundation for the heaviest structures - and by constructing a break-water of stone thrown into and quite across the channel, up to a grade of twenty feet below low water mark, the sand that would deposit below, mixed with stone to be thrown in with it, it is believed will furnish a good foundation for piers for a bridge. It is believed, further, that the depth of the sand, considering the convenience of the stone it would require, is not so great as to render the expense of this work too great for the object to be attained. At all events, the subject merits some further consideration and attention, and a more thorough survey and examination than I have had it in my power to make, and which might lead to useful results.

From the foundation thus obtained, it is believed that filling up for the base of the piers, with loose stone to the level of low water mark, in the manner of the foundation of Castle Calhoun at the Rip Raps, Hampton Roads, will afford ample foundation for them, the current being moderate at this place.

To render the bridge free from obstructing the navigation of the river, it may start on the Illinois side fifty feet above high-water mark, and be constructed on a slope to the opposite bank for steamboats to pass freely under it at all times. The grade of the road will be easily suited to this elevation; and the landing on the Missouri side would be at the commencement of a ridge of high ground that leads out from the river and is free from inundations at high water, and a point at such stages of the river where the Alton ferry boat has to seek a landing. I remain, most respectfully, Your obedient servant, George W. Long, Civil Engineer.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 01, 1838
Several large droves of hogs have arrived in this city within the last two weeks, and we understand that between five and six hundred head, some of them of a very large size, are cut-up daily, on an average, in our two packing houses. Among those slaughtered at Mr. Cory's establishment during the present week was one weighing 640 lbs., net; another weighed 500; several 400; and a large number over 300. Our hogs this year are generally fatter and heavier than at any former period, and Beeves, of which many are also brought here, are likewise much better than usual. The present price of pork varies, from four to five dollars per hundred, according to the size and quality; and is reported to command about the same prices at St. Louis. At Cincinnati, it is quoted at five dollars and fifty cents.


Source: Centennial History of Madison County, Illinois, 1812-1912
The Illinois Mutual Fire Insurance Company, the oldest fire insurance company in the state, was chartered in Alton, February 23, 1839, and organized April 4, 1839, with Benjamin Franklin Long as president, and M. G. Atwood secretary, and soon attained a high rank. In 1845 the directors were: John Atwood, Samuel G. Bailey, John Bailhache, Alfred Dow, M. G. Atwood, B. F. Edwards, O. M. Adams, B. K. Hart, JOhn James, B. F. Long, Elias Hibbard, Robert Smith, G. W. Long, William F. Dewolf, and George B. Arnold. The officers were: B. F. Long, president; M. G. Atwood, secretary; George B. Arnold, treasurer. In 1866, the officers were: M. G. Atwood, president; John Atwood, secretary; H. W. Billings, counselor; L. Kellenberger, treasurer; with Samuel Wade, Henry Lea, Lyman Trumbull, F. A. Hoffman, J. W. Schweppe, C. A. Caldwell, M. H. Topping, and M. G. Dale added to or replacing others in the directorate. The company had agencies all over the state, and for many years was a flourishing institution. It built a fine office in Middletown, and around it were grouped the residences of the officials. The locality was locally called "Insuranceville." The office was subsequently moved by 1867 to what is now the Masonic building on State street. It extended its operations and entered the insurance field in Chicago where it met its fate. It was wiped out by the great conflagration of 1871, which destroyed the great part of that city. Many other insurance companies were swept out of existence by the same unprecedented calamity.


Source: The Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Advertisement, January 18, 1839
Notice. All Citizens who wish to sign the memorial to the State Legislature, to abolish the Municipal Court of this city, are requested to call at the Alton House, Piasa House or at the store of Messrs. Stevens & Trenchery, where the petition has been placed. Any person having signed the same, and wishing to have his name erased, can do so by calling at the Alton House, where the original has been left for that purpose. Alton, January 18, 1839.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1839
200 Cast Steel Rifles and Shotguns!!! A large assortment just received from the manufactory, of all lengths and sizes, from five to sixteen pounds weight, embossed with brass, silver and gold, both single and double barrel, with shot gun to fit on the same stock - some very fine, put up with apparatus complete, in mahogany and leather cases. Also, REPEATERS, which may be discharged eight times without reloading. They are all very superior to the common kind; carry a ball much more accurately, and to double the distance; they are more easily cleaned, and the locks very simple and of superior quality, the hammer being on the under side, prevents injury from the raps exploding. The United States and the Canadian Governments have them now in use, and consider them superior in every respect in all others. The subscriber having now received the agency for this State, is enabled to keep a much larger assortment, and to sell them at very low prices, and solicits an examination from those who wish to purchase for sporting, for the Army, or to fit out Rifle Companies. He will have them made to order, of any kind or dimensions. Signed, H. G. VanWagenen.


Second Street [Broadway], Alton, Illinois
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 8, 1839
H. Tanner would inform his western friends that he is now laying in an extensive assortment of stoves for the season, at wholesale or retail, among which are the following kinds, viz: Premium stove of Pittsburgh and Troy Castings; German Tin Plate, trimmed for cooking; Plate Stoves with one and two boilers; Rotary; Saddle Bag; and Phelps' Patent. Also, common ten plate and parlour stoves of the latest fashions; Franklins, for wood or coal; and every description of heating stoves ever used in the west......Also, Simmons' best cast steel chopping axes, Kentucky and Yankee patterns; broad axes, hand axes, pruning, shingling, and claw hatchets; house and ship carpenter's axes; mincing knives, &c., warranted to be inferior to none manufactured in the world. The subscriber has the exclusive agency of this establishment for the State of Illinois, and is prepared to supply, wholesale or retail, merchants with these desirable tools in any quantities, and at the shortest notice, direct from the manufacturers, and will warrant and make good all defects, if any can be found. 200 boxes of various sizes and patterns, now on hand at his establishment in Alton, where merchants can always examine and prove them by the side of any others, to their own satisfaction (come and look). The subscriber has likewise connected with his other business, the Oil and Candle business, at wholesale and retail; where he intends keeping on hand all kinds and qualities of oil, and a full supply of sperm candles. These articles are received direct from the eastern manufacturers, and will always be sold at a small advance from their prices. He flatters himself that his knowledge of the oil business will afford him a decided advantage over others in buying this article; and consequently, will insure to those who trade with him the same advantage in proportion.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 13, 1839
We were presented, on Saturday last, by our worthy Mayor, Charles Howard, Esq., with an apple picked in his garden in this city [Alton], which measured ten inches in circumference one way, and about nine inches and a half the other way. It was fully ripe, of a rich crimson color, and without exception, the handsomest and best-flavored apple we ever have seen or tasted so early in the season. It grew on a young and thriving tree, grafts from which, we understand, may be obtained the ensuing spring by such as may desire it, on application to the proprietor.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 17, 1839
The following brief description of Alton, from the pen of the Rev. Dr. Humphrey, President of one of the Eastern colleges, who recently paid a flying visit to the Western states, will doubtless be read with interest by such of our readers as may not previously have seen it. So far as it goes, its accuracy cannot be questioned:

"This is the first town of any importance above St. Louis. It is situated on the slope of a fine rise upon the Illinois shore, and shows to the best advantage as you ascend the river. It is expected that Alton, from its location, will become one of the largest commercial towns in the state, and it is now a place of a good deal of business. Some of the houses on the declivity are well built, and it is said that there are some fine situations farther back. It will require a great deal of work to grade the streets and ornament the slope of the hill with gardens, shade trees, &c., but it is capable of being made a very beautiful town. There is no site on the Illinois side to be compared with it anywhere. A high bluff commences close to the upper warehouses, and extends along for several miles, presenting a precipitous rocky bulwark, in many places more than a hundred feet high. In one place, the rocks rise so much like the towers of some mighty fortification, at nearly equal distances from each other, it is difficult to persuade yourself that the hand of nature ever placed them there, and wrought them into their present symmetrical proportions. A little higher up the river, the bluffs give place to a handsome receding swell of about the same elevation, and presenting a green summit, shaded by noble trees, constituting something like a continuous park, and offering some of the finest sites for country seats in the world. I could imagine how charmingly they will overlook the broad Mississippi a century hence."


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 14, 1839
We are much gratified to learn that the Iron Foundry and Machine Shop, the erection of which was commenced not long since by our worthy fellow citizen, Major Charles W. Hunter, conjointly with Mr. Hurlbert of New York, are in a state of great forwardness. The gentleman last named has just returned from the East, with the implements and machinery required for both establishments; which, it is expected, will be ready to go into operation in the course of a few weeks. There is probably no branch of human industry better calculated than the above to hasten the growth and advance the prosperity of a new town, and we hope that this laudable enterprise will prove not less profitable to the worthy projectors, than advantageous to our city and her inhabitants.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 5, 1839
Between the hours of twelve and one on Thursday morning last, the people of this city were aroused from their slumbers by the cry of fire!, which was found to proceed from a frame building on the east side of State street, between Third and Fourth, owned by Mr. J. W. Buffum, in which sundry packages of dry goods, recently received by this gentleman, who was about to open a wholesale store, had been deposited a few days previous. The fire company and citizens promptly repaired to the spot, but such was the rapidity with which the flames ran from one house to the other - the whole being of wood and very dry - that every exertion to arrest their progress was found unavailing until they had totally consumed every edifice on the west half of the square. The buildings on the east half, which were separated from those destroyed by an alley ten feet wide, except in one place where they nearly touched each other, although in the most imminent danger, were nevertheless saved by the unremitting exertions of the persons present, favored by the stillness of the atmosphere, as were likewise the furniture and other property in the houses consumed, with the exception of Mr. Buffum's goods and part of the books, &c. in the Bible, Tract, and Sabbath School Depository. The total loss is estimated at about $20,000, and falls principally on the following gentlemen:

J. W. Buffum - goods, first cost $5,104; building $2,000
I. I. Foster - livery stable, &c. $2,500
John Rowe - building $2,500
W. A. Wentworth - building $2,000
T. & T. L. Waples - building $1,200
W. S. Gilman - building $1,000
L. H. Aldrich - building $1,000
American & Illinois Bible Society, American Tract Society, Illinois Sunday School Union, and Illinois Temperance Society - books $2,000
Fessenden & Co. - books $500

Of the buildings consumed, those of Messieurs T. & T. L. Waples were insured to nearly their full value. The others, we deeply regret to add, have sustained a total loss. A concatenation [series] of circumstances, not necessary to be stated here, seem to prove beyond a doubt that Mr. Buffum's goods have not been consumed, but stolen, and that the building in which they had been deposited was subsequently fired for the express purpose of concealing the robbery, and enabling the perpetrators to carry off their ill-gotten booty without molestation. The hope is entertained that a part at least may be recovered, and the miscreants brought to the bar of offended justice. Should not our fire department be immediately reorganized, and placed on an efficient footing? Or, must we wait for another and still more serious warning before the first step is taken towards the accomplishment of this indispensable object?

Source: Alton Telegraph, October 12, 1839
Mr. Editor - The fire which destroyed a large portion of our city some few nights ago seems to excite very little attention, but sir, it is one of the deepest interest, and ought to be spoken of with more feeling than it is. At half past 12 o'clock at night, the fire broke out in the store of J. W. Buffum. It appears to be a mystery how the fire originated, but there is no doubt but it was set on fire by some brutal, cold-blooded man for the purpose of unhallowed gain. When the alarm of fire was given, at an hour when all are asleep, it appeared to be almost impossible to get the citizens of Alton together, and before the could assemble so as to help protect the building, it was all in flames, and it burned with such rapidity that it was almost impossible to save anything. Before our engine could get there, that it did little good. There was a great scarcity of water, and it was difficult to get any. It was a time in which the citizens of Alton labored, and were obliged to do their utmost, or probably the whole town would have burned, but we may thank Providence we got off as well as we did. At about three o'clock in the morning, after the fire had been somewhat extinguished, after two and a half hours of the hardest labor, we were kindly invited by two of the families of Alton to take (as I suppose we must call it) an early breakfast, which was very refreshing to the firemen. And to those families (M. Pierson and W. L. Chappell) we all are exceedingly thankful, and always in case of fire or danger, we will do our best to protect them. Signed, A Fireman.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 28, 1839
Some days since, when crossing the Piasa bridge, two or three rods from this office, we observed an ox team in a position strikingly emblematical of the critical condition to which our present rulers have brought the country. The sides of the bridge - which is elevated some fifteen feet above the bed of the creek, and at the same time on a level with the street - are protected by a paling, which, however, does not extend across the eastern abutment, on the side fronting the Mississippi, probably because its position is such as to render it apparently impossible for anyone to tumble off of it except designedly. At this point, however, the teamster, whether from sheer imbecility or for the purpose of showing the "some things can be done as well as other," had contrived to buck his team at right angles over the abutment. But fortunately, a long and stout sapling had been previously attached to the wagon and projected several feet beyond it; so that when the whole went over backwards, the end of the sapling struck the bottom just as the centre of the fore wheels reached the extreme edge of the abutment, and being firmly fastened by substantial log-chains, supported the falling vehicle and kept it from any farther descent. When we came to the spot, the wagon was suspended almost perpendicularly against the abutment - the hind-wheels and body supported by the sapling - the fore wheels half way across the edge, and apparently just going over - the oxen on the bank, and in imminent danger of being dragged down into the bed of the creek, should the sapling break asunder, or the fastening five way - and the teamster quite as much astounded at his surprising feat of charioteering as the existing Administration are at the result of their notable experiments on the currency. In fact, he was so bewildered that he could not tell how he had got into his unpleasant situation - his oxen being very docile, and the street wide enough to allow him a free and safe passage without approaching the abutment, which was at least one rod off the direct road, and consequently entirely out of his way. How he got out, we are unable to say; but as he acknowledges candidly that he was wholly unable to extricate himself without assistance, we suppose some of his acquaintances came to his relief. Mr. Van Buren may profit by his example.


Source: The Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Advertisement, January 6, 1840
To the public: Some time about the 1st or 2d of December last, a young man by the name of A. C. Manning left this city with a stock of goods for the purpose of peddling. About the 10th or 12th ult., he was at Greenville, Bond County, which place he left with a view of returning to Alton; since which he has not been heard from. Some anxiety being felt, lest all should not be right, any person will confer a great favor, and be liberally rewarded, who will inform his friends, through the Telegraph Office, where and when he was last seen. The young man was about 21 years of age, rather below the middling size, and feeble health. Drove a large gray mare, harness new, blue worsted lines, open wagon, not painted, with cast iron hubs. Alton, January 6, 1840.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 11, 1840
Mr. Editor: We are all aware, and doubtless some can speak from experience, of the disagreeableness of walking through the mud. I wish to make some remarks in regard to our pavements being blockaded - they are so filled in some parts of the streets, that persons are sometimes, and often, obliged to leave the pavement and go in the street to get along. This is very disagreeable, especially for the ladies. When ladies are so scarce as they are here, and visit our streets so seldom, we ought certainly to have our pavements in some fit condition for them to pass. Besides it being a great hindrance and nuisance, it is very dangerous. Persons passing through the streets at night, not well acquainted with every little obstacle, would be in great danger of running against some old boxes, barrels, or some other thing, and injuring themselves very severely. There are not only boxes and barrels, but also cellar doors - some opened, some half opened, and some raised just high enough to catch an unguarded person's toes, as he passes, and thus tumble him headlong into the mud. Having their cellar doors opened makes it exceedingly dangerous, for any person, no matter how well he may know the walk, he is in great danger of being pitched down the cellar, which would, in all probability, be attended with fracturing some of his or her feeble limbs.

The places particularly referred to are on the north side of Second Street [Broadway], commencing near the Telegraph office. As we proceed up the street, there are several cellar doors just before some vacated houses which are often times either open or broken, and are very apt to let a person drop down before he knows it. Old grease barrels, some in the street and some on the sidewalk - some old chicken coops, hog pens &c. In other places, salt barrels are left in the streets at night, which often cause persons to take a roll in the mud. I for one have had several tumbles over them, which induces me, more than anything else, to speak of it. If the law does not prohibit the blockading of streets, I think it would be far better for the Common Council to pass an ordinance to that effect, than the ten-hog law; for if either is a nuisance, the one which I refer to is the greatest. Signed M.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 01, 1840
We have been requested to give notice that a general meeting of the citizens of Alton and the vicinity, friendly to the nominations recently made by the National Convention at Harrisburg, will be held in the old courtroom (Riley's building) on Second street [Broadway], at two o'clock this afternoon. It is expected the sundry addresses will be delivered on this occasion. The "Tippecanoe Boys," one and all, are respectfully invited to attend.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 8, 1840
Alba R. Smith, a youth about 12 years of age, left his father's house on Scarritt's Prairie [Godfrey], Madison County, Illinois, about the 20th of July last, and has never been heard from since. His complexion is light, and his form rather slender. It is apprehended that he took a steamboat at Alton, probably in the capacity of a cabin boy, and may now be onboard of some boat on the western waters, if his life has been spared. This advertisement is the last hope of his afflicted parents, that it may lead to some discovery of the fate of their poor boy, and they trust it may meet the eye of kind _____ in the principal ports on the western waters, who will interest themselves in looking after their lost child. Any information directed to Capt. George Smith, near Alton, or to S. Ryder in Alton, will be most thankfully received.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1840
The subscriber offers for rent one of the large and convenient stone warehouses occupied by the late firm of B. Godfrey & Co., situated at the upper steamboat landing, and one of the best locations in this city for the forwarding business. Apply to Benjamin Godfrey.


Source: The Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Advertisement, May 19, 1840
To the Log Cabin Boys: You are one and all invited to attend a meeting of the friends of Harrison & Reform, at the Old Court Room (Riley's Building), on Saturday evening next, at half past seven, to perfect the arrangements necessary for the Springfield Convention, and also to attend to other important business. Citizens of Upper Alton, of Madison county, and all other Log Cabin Boys are particularly invited to be present. J. A. Noble, Sec'ry Com. of Arrange., Alton, May 19, 1840.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1840
A little before twelve o'clock on last Wednesday night, the citizens of Alton were aroused from their slumbers by an explosion incomparably louder, as well as by far more destructive, than the discharge of one hundred pieces of the heaviest ordnance. Hundreds immediately hurried towards State Street, from the direction of which the report seemed to have proceeded; when it was ascertained that it was occasioned by the blowing up of the Powder Magazine [building designed to hold explosive powder in barrels], situated on the southern declivity of the bluff, a few rods [one rod is 16.5 feet] west of the Penitentiary, and containing at the time upwards of six tons of powder. To describe with some degree of minuteness the damage done by this catastrophe, would fill several columns of our journal. Suffice it, therefore, to remark in general terms, that scarcely one single building within the thickly settled part of the city remains uninjured, and that some of those nearest the site of the magazine have been literally reduced to a heap of ruins. Chimneys demolished - roofs started, and nearly blown off - windows and window frames shivered to atoms - are among the results of the explosion. But, although fragments of the stones of which the magazine had been constructed were hurled with resistless force in every direction, some of them to the distance of upwards of a mile, perforating houses and overthrowing everything which stood in their way, no life has been lost, nor, so far as our information extends, has any serious injury been done to the person of anyone. Of the many hair-breadth escapes which have come to our knowledge, we may briefly notice the following: Mr. J. H. Hodges and his wife were sleeping in their house on Market Street, about one-third of a mile from the magazine. A piece of stone, supposed to weigh about fifty pounds, perforated the roof of their dwelling, and forcing its way through the garret floor, descended in a slanting direction within a few inches of their beds, and broke through the partition into an adjoining room without doing either of them the least injury. Mrs. Tomlinson and her daughter were in like manner asleep in the same bed at their residence on Third Street, having between them a child about two years old, belonging to a gentleman of this place who had lost his wife, of whom Mrs. T. was taking care. Seeing the flash, the worthy woman, alarmed for the safety of her precious charge, immediately snatched it up and hugged it to her bosom, when a heavy stone, bursting through the building, fell between mother and daughter, in the very place previously occupied by the child, without touching either of them. Another large fragment of stone forced its way in like manner through the building occupied by the family of Mr. T. Clifford on State Street, and fell in the corner of a lower room where his children had slept for several months past, but his wife, by some unaccountable impulse, having moved their bed a few hours previously to a different part of the house, they all escaped unhurt. Two young girls, whose names we have not heard, were also sleeping in the same bed in another part of the city, when a heavy stone fell immediately between them, slightly grazing the limbs of one, but inflicting no material injury on either. The belief universally prevails that the explosion was the work of some desperate villain or villains, but although every exertion has been used for the detection of the perpetrators, they still remain undiscovered. Two individuals were taken up on suspicion on Thursday, but discharged after having been subjected to a rigid examination - no evidence sufficient to justify their detention being brought forward against them. It will be observed, by an advertisement in another column, that a reward of $500 has been offered by the Common Council for the apprehension and conviction of the offenders. The damages done to buildings and other property by the explosion are estimated at not less than $25,000.

Alton Explosion of Powder Magazine
Source: Centennial history of Madison County, Illinois, and its people, 1812 to 1912, 1914
The most serious stirring-up the people of Madison county have experienced was occasioned not by an earthquake shock but by the explosion of the powder magazine at Alton, on the 20th of May 1840. The explosion was described in the Alton Telegraph, by Judge Bailhache, as "incomparably louder and far more destructive than the discharge of a hundred pieces of the heaviest artillery." The powder magazine was situated on the bluffs, a few rods west of the penitentiary, and contained at the time six tons of powder. Judge Bailhache writes: "To describe with some degree of minuteness the damage done by this explosion would require columns of our journal; suffice it therefore to remark that scarcely one single building within the thickly settled part of our city remains uninjured, and that some of those nearest the site of the magazine have been literally reduced to heaps of ruins; chimneys demolished, roofs started and nearly blown off, windows and frames shivered to atoms are among the results of the explosion. But although fragments of stone of which the magazine was built were hurled with resistless force in every direction, some of them to the distance of nearly a mile, perforating houses and overthrowing everything in their way, no life has been lost so far as our information extends, nor any serious injury done to the person of anyone." The writer proceeds to narrate a series of hair-breadth escapes that were so remarkable as to be almost unbelievable. The belief was universal that the explosion was the work of some villain, but for what object could not be conjectured. The offender, or offenders, were never discovered although the common council offered $500 reward for their apprehension. The damage done to buildings was estimated at over $25,000.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 13, 1840
It is no wonder that the French, who first explored the beautiful shores of the Mississippi, believed that they had found a terrestrial paradise. A warm and sprightly imagination is easily excited to lively admiration by scenes so grand and lovely - but how much greater cause for admiration had those pioneers in civilization, who first witnessed these magnificent panoramas of nature in all their wildness, as then presented to them in this boundless wilderness of woods and flowers.

Making one of a small party of ladies and gentlemen, who a few days since took a short excursion for the purpose of enjoying the beauty of a spring day, I was enchanted with the scenery from the bluffs a few miles above Alton. Having since caught a glimpse at the common-place book of one of the ladies of our party, and finding therein an account of our picnic, with a vivid description of one of the most picturesque sports imaginable, I have taken the liberty to make an extract therefrom, believing it will interest some who can spend a few moments from the all-engrossing topics of the day:

"We started at 11 a.m. in high spirits for our picnic ground, which, by the way, was not selected; indeed, there was but one who knew what direction we proposed to take. Our refreshments simple, yet wholesome and delicious, were packed in two baskets, together with plenty of white napkins, tablecloths, and other useful articles. By the time we started, every appearance of the rain, with which we had been threatened, had vanished, and the sky, softly and beautifully blue, when seen, was skimmed over nearly all day with light feathery clouds, screening us in the most friendly manner from the otherwise scorching rays of the sun. We rode five miles through a delightfully wooded region, profusely flowered with the flax, geranium, painted-cup, and moccasin flower. Our road, which had hitherto lain along the ridge between ravines, now descended the bluffs, and we found ourselves on the banks of the Mississippi. Here we left our carriages, took each a portion of the necessary articles, and commenced the ascent of another bluff - Mr. ______ and myself preceding our friends by several rods as a committee of selection. We climbed the hill for half a mile, and as we rose, that rose before us; now a little opening burst on us, shaded by overhanging oaks; now we were bending beneath their sweeping branches. Gradually, as we ascended, the prospect grew wider, until at length, when the summit was fairly attained, a scene opened upon us magnificent beyond description. 'Eureka!' exclaimed my friend, and we both felt that farther search would be vain. On the very pinnacle of the bluff, the east side of which was thickly wooded, and the west opening upon the river, we found a little shaded nook, just large enough to admit our number. Hero, after the underbrush was cleared away by the gentlemen, we spread our refreshments; and the committee on water, having been sent out, returned in due time with a report, which being in the shape of a dripping pail full of the purest and coldest spring water, was thankfully accepted. Seating ourselves in true oriental style around the cloth, the sparkling beverage in the centre, we took our first lunch. Stories followed, and songs, accompanied by the flageolet and flute; and when the cloth had been removed, chess boards were put in requisition by some, while others strolled out to enjoy the prospect.

Behind lay the deep, still woods, into the green recesses of which the young members of our party strayed in search of flowers, and whatever else of rare and beautiful might be found. Before, and far below us, the Mississippi rolled its majestic waters, its surface dotted with green islands, seeming in the distance, emeralds dropped in molten silver. It had been to our childish years an almost fabled wonder. A far away soil had given us birth; a faraway clime had lighted our early days; we had read of the great rivers, and suspended our breath in wonder at their magnitude; but had not dreamed that ours would be the favored eyes to look upon them. Now one was sweeping its silent way two hundred feet below us, and the other rolling its turbid waters onward, through the dark, deep forest, only a mile from the opposite shore. To the left, on the Illinois side, bold, rocky bluffs overhung the waters, in which they had been mirrored for thousands of centuries. To the right, the outline of the horizon stretched away in the faint sunlight, until the eye was pained in the endeavor to define it; and the Mississippi was seen, like a silver line, threading at intervals this otherwise unbroken mass of foliage. A blue haze was resting on the far-off hills, mellowing and softening the landscape with that peculiar tinting which only the hand of nature can impart. Nothing could be imagined more magnificent than the entire view, while in our immediate vicinity the bluffs were alternately piled into high conical hills, and hollowed into deep ravines, laden with vegetation, which, tossed upon the winds, lent a peculiar grace and changefulness to the landscape, forming one of its most beautiful features, as well as relieving the wearied eye. Beneath us, a precipice, two hundred feet high, overhung the water. Its face hollowed in so deeply that it was only by a somewhat dangerous experiment that one of the gentlemen, laying himself down on a rock and looking over, could see its whole height. On the very brow of the precipice, a deep-worn, narrow track told of the wanderings of the Indian. Many a light-hearted troop had filed along that dizzy height, conscious of perfect security, while our tamer blood curdled in our veins if an individual approached too near its brink.

I could not but reflect upon the time gone by when the light canoe skimmed those majestic waters; when from all the surrounding heights the council fires of a mystery-loving and sanguinary race flashed against the evening sky, and lithe and dusky forms trod with free step the unsoiled turf. Of sublime nature must thy glory forever continue to fade away before the hand of man? Why may not civilization swell in the deep, still forest, and refinement in the green temples! Around us, on the different summits were evidences that, gay and free as they were, mortality had reigned among them as among us. Rude graves were piled around, which had been closed for long years over their stricken tenants; on one a solitary wild rosebud was unfolding its delicate petals to the sunbeam. But a blight had fallen on the parent stem as on the mysterious race whose existence it shadowed forth. The bright and glowing green had faded away, while it was yet spring, into the sickly yellow. The spirit of the departed had breathed over it in sadness and in sorrow; no kind hand was near to cherish, or remove the cankering rust, and the fair rose was already numbered among the fallen. A beautiful tale told that single blighted bud, of a race that had passed away - of a people free as the waters beneath us, and swift as the winds playing around us, who had trodden the very spot where we were seated, who had gazed upon the varying landscape, the bright river, and the far hills, with a delight we could not know, who had scaled the cliff and mocked the eagle in his flight, whose war-shout rang through the wild wood and over the water and whose songs, once heard there, were now forever hushed. Sad recollection!

As the afternoon glided on, the white signal of a steamer curled gaily upon the gentle breeze, and faded away in delicate wreath as it met the sunbeam's warmth. The sparkling waters glittered around her prow, and though at first she appeared a mere speck, as he neared us we found her a boat of the largest size. At the nearest point our distance from her was still so great that her name appeared like a fine black line drawn across the wheelhouse. This led to some speculation, and in order to measure our height from the water, the gentlemen threw several stones, but one of which could be made to reach the water - the others fell at the foot of the precipice.

We took a second lunch about half-past three, for which, however, few of us had much appetite. We had been so entirely happy through the day, the consciousness of mere existence had been such an enjoyment, that few of us felt a disposition to partake of the cheer. Our meal was enlivened with wit and sentiment. The deep, old woods rang with our merriment. Lunch over, as the shadows were lengthening across the landscape, and the sun began to peep under the arch of our leafy bower, we commenced preparations for our return. After making all ready, we seated ourselves on the turf for a parting song. "Rosin, the Bow" was first sung in full choir, and by way of contrast followed by the beautiful hymn, "God is good." We then bade adieu to the fairy spot. I left it with deep regret. I did not expect ever to visit it again, but I knew I could never forget its rare beauty. Taking up the line of march in the trail in true Indian style, we descended the bluff - satisfied our burning thirst at a rocky spring - piled ourselves into carriages, and were soon on our way homeward. The evening was very fine, and I believe that each of us felt, as we retraced our steps, that the day had been among the happiest of our lives. As we were recounting its adventures and enjoyments upon our return, a person present remarked that as every sweet had its bitter, he had waited to hear what ours would be - we had none. The very elements had conspired to give us the best combination possible for such an occasion. Such a day is an era in the life of the happiest mortal. At ten we retired, just enough fatigued to appreciate the luxury of quiet and a bed." Signed, Middletown, May 23, 1840.


Source: The Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, June 20, 1840
To the people of Madison County: The expected reply of Mr. G. T. M. Davis, author of the address to the people of Madison County, of the 23d of April, on the approaching elections of August and November, to Mr. Krum's attack upon that address, will be made this evening, at the Old Court Room (Riley's Building). An early attendance is requested. The citizens of Madison County generally are respectfully invited to attend. B. Clifford, Jr., Chairman Executive Committee. Alton, June 20, 1840.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 22, 1840
The following account of a trip to Alton by a correspondent of the St. Louis Bulletin appeared in the Alton Telegraph:
“Proceeding on the principle that a trip to the country is good for both health and spirits, I hurriedly snatched up my cane on Friday afternoon, put a little of the circulating medium into my pocket, which everybody knows is rather scarce at present, and determined to make a tour of observation - not in search of a wife, but rather somewhat in the style of Dr. Syntax, in search of the sublime. Seating myself in the cabin of the Rosalie [steamboat], musing on the glories of the Mississippi, and letting the reins of my fancy quite loose, I thought upon the past, the present and the future state of this great country, and felt inclined to adore that beneficent hand who has bestowed upon it so many rich blessings. A short time carried us to Alton, at which place I landed, prepared to spend a day or two in it and its environs. I must say I was not disappointed with Alton. It is decidedly a fine location, with a number of good substantial buildings, and symptoms of enterprise and capital. The repairs that are going on at the landing will make it very convenient for those stores near the wharf to make shipment of their goods; and it strikes me that a good business might always be conducted in that city in the produce way.

I could not think of leaving the city without going into the Penitentiary, which I found to be a scene of activity, and possessing a population of seventy-seven souls. They were all as busy as bees, and doubtless happier at work than at mischief. An addition of four was expected that evening to join the establishment, and it is a good thing to have such a place for the reception of the "lawless and the disobedient." May they reform.

The hospitality of the Altonians I will not forget. Dr. Johnson has said that a dinner is the most important work a man has to perform during the day, and a better dinner than an Alton one you will not easily find. To sit at a well-covered table, loaded with good cheer, with the windows up, and gazing on a fine day, at the Mississippi and its beautiful banks, was enough to affect the heart of a *Loco-Foco and dispossess it of its corrupt nature.

I next found my way to Upper Alton, and here again I was not disappointed. It is a beautiful place, and were all its buildings concentrated, it would form a town of considerable magnitude. The scenery is fine, and there is something about the appearance of Upper Alton very inviting. For churches, schools and seminaries, it is well off; and the splendid mansion of Mr. Bostwick - at one time a merchant of New Orleans - gives the place an air of consequence. I was told sixty thousand dollars were expended in the erection of the building, and it appears to have been done with taste. I left Upper Alton with emotions of pleasure, and frequently, when sitting in a corner of my room in St. Louis, mused upon the beauty of its scenery, and wish I had the pen of a poet to describe its varied but beautiful irregularity.
Yours truly, Perambulator, St. Louis, August 17, 1840.”

*Originally named the Equal Rights Party, the Loco-Foco Party was the radical wing of the Democrats, founded in 1835 in New York City. It was made up of working men and reformers who were opposed to State banks, monopolies, paper money, and tariffs. Later the term was applied by opponents to all Democrats. The term Loco-Foco was given when the Democrat Party regulars in New York turned off the gaslights to oust the radicals from a Tammany Hall nominating meeting. The radicals responded by lighting candles with the new self-igniting friction matches known as locofocos. The party reached their peak when President Van Buren urged, and Congress passed (1840) the Independent Treasury Act, which fulfilled the primary Loco-Foco aim – complete separation of government from banking.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 26, 1840
We regret to state that on last Saturday evening, about eight o'clock, as the steamboat Pike was going down the river, she came in violent contact with the Fayette, then on her way up. The collision took place near the mouth of the Missouri, five or six miles below this city [Alton]; when the Pike, which was of small size and heavily laden, being struck forward of the wheelhouse, went down immediately. She was crowded with passengers, both in the cabin and on deck, many of whom were thrown overboard, but most of them were picked up by the Fayette, which was run into the wreck, and rescued those who still remained on it from their imminently perilous situation. considering the hour and the circumstances under which the accident happened, the number of lives lost - supposed not to exceed two - was much smaller than might have been apprehended. The passengers on board of each boat have severally issued cards, in which they exonerate their respective commanders from all censure, and indirectly attribute the catastrophe to the course pursued on the opposite boat. Which side gives the fairest and most accurate statement, we have no means of ascertaining; and therefore deem it improper to notice either.


Source: The Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, October 22, 1840
Slaughtering - Samuel Work; on his own hook. Alton, Illinois. The subscriber has erected a large and convenient house and pens in the city of Alton near Shields' Branch, for the purpose of carrying on the slaughtering and dressing of beef, hogs, and other stock for packing. His pens are made of plank, high, and close, so as to render it impossible for any kind of stock to break out or escape; and are situated high, dry, and on better ground than any other establishment in the country. His houses are more spacious than any in the city, and from the fact of his being by profession a butcher, and having had an experience of many years in the city of Cincinnati, and the last four year in the city of Alton, engaged in the above business, he assures all those who may favor him with their killing and dressing, that it shall be done with dispatch and in the very best manner. He has also made arrangements, and will have at all times plenty of grain and provender to feed stock at the pens, at the market prices. Call and try work once, and your work shall be well done. Plenty of teams engaged to do the hauling, with dispatch, to any packing house in the city. Alton, October 22, 1840. Samuel Work, Proprietor.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1840
Since the 19th of last October, two thousand, three hundred and seventy-three beeves (cattle) have been slaughtered by some of the enterprising citizens of Alton, packed and sent down the river. The pens are yet nearly full, awaiting the knife. The slaughtering of hogs has likewise commenced, and appearances seem to indicate that this business will be prosecuted with spirit during the season.


Source: The Evening Journal, Albany, New York, 1840 or 1841
The Cincinnati Republican states that a duel was fought at Alton, Illinois on the 4th inst. between Judge Smith of the Illinois Supreme Court, and Mr. McClernard late Secretary of State of Illinois. They fought with rifles, distance fifty paces. Judge Smith was the challenger, and was killed on the spot. The St. Louis Gazette contradicts the above statement, and says the parties were arrested before they reached the ground.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1841
Within the last eight or nine days, we have had almost all sorts of weather. At two o'clock in the afternoon of the 15th inst., the mercury, exposed to the sun, stood as high as 90 above; and on the night of the 16th, it was as low as 14 below zero - being a difference, in the short space of about thirty-six hours, of only 104 degrees! On the 17th and 18th, the cold was very severe; but the weather has since become quite moderate and pleasant. The river, however, is completely closed up just above the landing, and passengers cross backwards and forwards from the Missouri shore without difficulty.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1841
At twelve o'clock noon, the national flag was displayed at half-mast from thePresident William Henry Harrison top of the city hall, minute guns were fired from the public square, the bells of the different churches tolled a mournful peal, the numerous stores, offices, and other places of business were closed; and the deep-seated anguish depicted in every countenance clearly showed that those external marks of sorrow were in perfect unison with the real feelings of the heart. All mourned, because all felt that a gallant soldier, a wise statesman, an incorruptible patriot, and a virtuous citizen had been taken from among us at a time when the country seemed to stand the most in need of his invaluable services. At half after three o'clock, the citizens proceeded to the Baptist Church, the pulpit and choir of which had been tastefully clothed with appropriate emblems of mourning, when a fervent and impressive address to the Throne of Grace was offered by the worthy Pastor, the Rev. Dr. G. B. Perry. A very chaste and appropriate eulogium on the great and good man whom we have lost, in which his public services and private virtues were briefly but faithfully delineated, was then pronounced by William S. Lincoln, Esq. - the intervals between the different exercises being filled by the singing of funeral anthems from the choir. Additional solemnity was imparted to the mournful ceremonies by the appearance of a very accurate and striking portrait of our late beloved President, painted in December last by Chester Harding, Esq., which was hung immediately under the pulpit, and being readily recognized by those who had ever seen the lamented original, attracted universal and sympathetic attention. It is with extreme regret that we add that owing to some cause for which we cannot account satisfactorily, Messrs. John Adams and William Sheets, inhabitants of this place, while engaged with others in firing the minute guns were severely injured by two premature discharges - the former having his right arm carried off, and being otherwise badly hurt; and the latter suffering the loss of his left arm and a part of his right hand. They are both believed to be doing as well as could be reasonably expected, and the hope is confidently indulged that ample provision will be made for their comfort under their present truly painful and helpless condition.

President William Henry Harrison took the oath of office on March 4, 1841, a cold and wet day. He wore neither an overcoat nor hat, and rode on horseback to the ceremony rather than in the closed carriage that had been offered him. He delivered the longest inaugural address in American history. At 8,445 words, it took him nearly two hours to read, although his friend and fellow Whig Daniel Webster had edited it for length. Harrison then rode through the streets in the inaugural parade, and that evening attended three inaugural balls. Three weeks after the inauguration, Harrison became ill with a cold. His doctors tried several cures, such as applying opium, castor oil, leeches, and Virginia snakeweed, but he only became worse. He died nine days later, with his doctor listing the cause as pneumonia. Using medical records from his doctor, an analysis was made in 2014 that he likely died of septic shock due to enteric fever.


Source: The Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, June 12, 1841
Notice. The undersigned, having chartered the steamboat Eagle, for the purpose of accommodating all the citizens of Alton and the vicinity, who may wish to see the murderers hung at St. Louis, on the 9th day of July next, would inform the public that the boat will leave this place at seven o'clock, a.m., and leave St. Louis at about four, p.m., so as to reach home the same evening. The boat will be repaired and fitted up for the occasion; and every attention will be paid to the comfort of passengers. Fare for the trip to St. Louis and back will be $1.50. W. A. Wentworth, and P. M. Pinckard. N.B. A band of music may be expected to accompany the boat. Alton, June 12, 1841.

NOTE: In April 1841, four African American men broke into the Collier & Pettis (Exchange Brokers) and Simons & Morrison (Commission Merchants) Bank in St. Louis, and tried to steal the $200,000 cash that was in the vault. In the process, two clerks were killed, by the name of Weaver and Baker. The thieves were not successful in the robbery, and set fire to the bank. They were captured and tried, and sentenced to hang. The names of the men that were hung were: Brown, Warrick, Sewall, and Madison. Brown and Madison admitted to also trying to rob the Galena Bank and burned it to the ground.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 11, 1841
Splendid and combined attraction of equestrian and gymnastic performances, with a beautiful collection of living wild animals - comprising the stupendous giraffe, the elephant, and every variety of wild beasts, birds, and reptiles! June, Titus, Angevine & Co., proprietors of the Bowery Amphitheater, New York, R. Sands, Equestrian Manager. The proprietors of the above-named establishment have the honor to announce to the citizens of Alton and vicinity, that their unequalled troupe of equestrians and splendid caravan of wild animals will exhibit at Alton on Wednesday and Thursday, September 15th and 16th, 1841. The public are also respectfully informed that the equestrian troupe, under the management of Mr. R. Sands, is composed of the most extensive and talented artists, comprising several of the most far-famed Rivers Family of Astley's Amphi-Theater, London, who incredible performances have caused so much excitement wherever they have appeared, besides other in every department of the Olympic Exercises. The manager pledges himself that his exhibition shall be of a strictly moral character, and free from the many objections frequently made to entertainments of this description. An extensive and splendid band of musicians are engaged, who will accompany the performances with a choice selection of the most popular airs, marches, overtures, and waltzes. Prices of admission to both - 50 cents - children half price. The menagerie of animals is attended by intelligent and obliging keepers, who will take great pains in responding to the wishes of the audience. Will also be at Carrollton, September 15; at Jerseyville, Sept. 14; and at Edwardsville, Sept. 17.


Source: The Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, September 13, 1841
New Cheap Store!! Boot, Shoe & Slipper Manufactory. The subscriber would inform the citizens of Alton, and vicinity, that he has taken the store under the "Telegraph" office, Second Street, where he has on hand a good assortment of groceries, boots & shoes, of all kinds and qualities; and will be receiving fresh goods from time to time; and manufacturing boots, shoes, and slippers daily: so that he will be able to keep a supply constantly on hand, to accommodate all those who may favor him with their patronage. Prices low, in accordance with the times. N. B. Those who wish to economize these hard times, will please to call at the sign of the "Golden Slipper" where I shall sell very low for cash or country produce; and all goods are warranted, and rips mended gratis. Alton, September 13, 1841. Samuel Lesure.


Source: The Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, October 1841
J. L. Roberts - Merchant Tailor, has just returned from Philadelphia where he has purchased a stock of clothes, &c. at the present low prices; which he selected from recent importation, and of the most fashionable styles. He is prepared to furnish his customers with any article in his line, upon much more favorable terms than have ever before been offered in this place. Among his goods may be found the following: Beaver Cloths - black, blue, and invisible green. Among which are the new and fashionable styles of diamond, waved, and barred. Also -- Green and Waved. Asphaltuno Cloth, a new article for overcoats. Broadcloths: Superfine wool dyed blue black, blue, invisible green, and bronze olive broad cloths of every variety and quality. Cassimeres: Superfine blue, brown and green waved and diamond cassimeres; also, superfine wool-dyed black do.; with a variety of plain and fancy do. Satinets: Black and dark mixed; together with a general variety of satinets. Vestings: Buff Cassimere; silk and woolen velvet, of various styles; also, plain and fancy figured satin vestings. A choice assortment of embroidered cashmere vestings. Globes, Crabats, Linens, &c. English silk handk'fs; a superior article; American Silk, White Linen Cambric Handk'fs, Fancy Linen Cambric, Cravata - Satin & Silk, various colors, Italian Silk, Irish Linens -- Fine and superfine. Gloves - Super black and fancy Hoskin; beaver, a great variety. Drawers & shirts - silk, a fine article, worsted and cotton. Suspenders - A large assortment; Hosiery - Woolen, worsted and cotton; Tailor's Tape Measures. Also, A large and excellent assortment of tailor's trimmings - all of which will be sold very low for cash! Stocks and gentlemen's linens, made to order. Alton, October 1841.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 6, 1841
Mr. E. Marsh, of the firm of Marsh, Hankinson & Co., Druggists, of this city [Alton], has commenced the manufacture of Castor Oil at this place. This will afford to the farmers in the vicinity a cash market for another article of their product easily raised - the Castor Bean.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 27, 1841
It always affords us unfeigned gratification to direct the public attention to all manufacturing establishments, either in our city or State. We visited this week the repository of Mr. Robert P. Todd, in this city, and were astonished to find carriages of the neatness, beauty, and durability of structure of various kinds, that had been built by him during the present Fall. We will venture the assertion that as handsome and cheap an article can be purchased of him, as is to be found west of the Alleghany mountains. And having been at great trouble and expense in procuring the best of workmen from the Eastern manufactories, we trust he will receive the patronage his exertions so richly entitle him to. Instead, therefore, of going to St. Louis, or sending to the East for a carriage of any kind, we hope our citizens will patronize their men mechanics by first giving Mr. Todd a call.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 1, 1842
This morning, about 1 o'clock, fire was discovered in the grocery store of Mr. N. Bemiss, on Third Street, at the New Market. The store and stock of goods were entirely consumed. The loss upon the goods was about $3000; no insurance, no part of the goods were saved - from thence the fire communicated to the store occupied by C. W. Cootes & Bro's. Their loss is about $1500, upon which there is insurance of $1200. A Confectioner shop and a Restor____ adjoining was also consumed; from thence the fire communicated to the store and building of Mr. John Leach, which was also consumed. His loss including his stock and buildings is supposed to be about $8000, upon which there was insurance at the Citizens and Floating Dock Offices, in the amount of $4,500; he also lost a package of money amounting to $250. The extensive Carriage Depository of Mr. T. B. Edgar, which is situated immediately in the rear of Mr. Leach's stores, and for some time was in great danger of being destroyed; but owing to the prompt and ___thing exertion of the firemen, was saved. Mr. Edgar's loss is estimated at $1,550. The ______ of Mr. S. .....[rest unreadable].


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 8, 1842
To the Editor: In setting forth the advantages of this city for the location of the Western Armory, which I have heretofore endeavored partially to do, it cannot be deemed impertinent to the subject to indulge in a few remarks in relation to the history and growth of the place and the surrounding settlements, as an earnest of its future destiny; and to show at least that we do not consider ourselves so much in obscurity from the great world as to be entirely overlooked and set aside.

We have not many years to go back to the period when the U. S. Land Surveyors were employed in marking off our very town, for sale by the quarter section; and up to the year 1829, the settlements of the surrounding country consisted of a few and far between log cabins, barely suited for shelter. This thriving and busy village was then but a desolate landing, covered with a thicket of bushes, with but two or three structures in the shape of houses in sight. At that time, the trade of Alton was comparatively nothing; the consumption of the country about being equal to the products of its soil, and but few goods were wanted by the hardy pioneers who first broke ground for tillage. But how different is the picture after a lapse of but twelve short years! We have a town of heavy business, as the sequel will show, and with full prospects of an undiminished ratio of increase hereafter that we have had in the past. The country around is filling up rapidly with industrious farmers, with all of the purtenances that betoken thrift, plenty and comfort. The rich farming soil requites the husbandmen bountifully for his cares and toil; affording a large surplus of products above his wants to exchange for articles of taste and comfort from the handicraft of other nations or of the growth of other climates, which the unparalleled facilities of transportation and trade, for a place so far inland from the ocean, enables him to do.

With such advantages of soil, climate and commerce, there can be but one opinion, as to the destination of this section of country so favored by nature, on the score of populousness and wealth; and its advance is in rapid progress, to that state, which will render it inviting and desirable for those of a refined taste who wish establishments connected with the benefits of good society, comfort, and beauty of landscape.

To estimate the full importance of this place, it is necessary to detail some of the leading staple articles of exports of the country with their amounts, which find here their outlet. Pork is as yet the leading article. The amount estimated for this year's exports is 8,800,000 lbs., which averaged at two cents per lb., gives $176,000. Wheat has become the next in amount, and is of much greater benefit to the place than the above on account of its being the product of the country nearer about and the proceeds of the sales being mostly expended here in trade. The crop of the past year is estimated at 200,000 bushels, which at an average price of 75 cents, is $150,000, and from the best information derived from the country, that pitched for the coming season is about three times the amount of the last. It has been estimated that 100,000 bushels of corn, and 20,000 of oats have been shipped yearly for the last four or five years. Beef also affords a large item of exports; as many as 6,000 beeves having been slaughtered here in a single year.

With these acquisitions of exports in the term of but about twelve years, and mostly from our immediate neighborhood, it is not at all unreasonable to expect that another equal space of time will find us with business capital sufficient not only for our domestic trade, but to afford a wholesome competition for the upriver traders to be suited with an assortment of goods and prices, as well as to pass our doors to seek their supplies elsewhere. Our conveniences for such a trade are certainly not inferior to any other point on the big highway of western navigation.

The products for the supply of home market, it is not designed here to enumerate; but suffice it to say, there is a superabundance for the present wants, and in all probability will be for the future, whatever they may be. The items of fruit, which go far to set off a market, we have also a prospect of a most abundant supply, and that too of a superior quality. Apples, peaches, pears and plums, are of the most luxuriant growth, and are produced in the greatest perfection, and all other fruits of the climate are also equally cultivated and productive.

Our institutions for education, present other strong reasons in favor of this place, for the location of an institution like the Western Armory, making it desirable for mechanics who would be required for the service. We have in one direction and nearby, a Female Seminary, accommodating eighty-five boarders, besides the Principal and Teachers; and in Upper Alton is Shurtleff College, with buildings erected sufficient for one hundred and fifty students. Moreover, we have already in operation primary schools, not only in the city, but also in the country, for eight or ten miles around; giving evidence of the good character of the population of the country as far as already settled, and having a controlling influence to maintain a good state of society hereafter. From a familiar acquaintance with the Mississippi River from the mouth to the falls of St. Anthony, I can see only in this halfway port, the head of the low country trade and the most convenient point for the terminus of the other; the point of meeting of import supplies and the staples of the country for exports; the most fit and proper place for the location of a national institution, which is to operate for both extremes, as well as on our western and northern borders, at a point too where navigation is obstructed only a few weeks in the coldest part of the winter of each year, and especially when we can furnish such conveniences in harbor, and all other natural and agricultural products as have here been enumerated. Respectfully yours, G. W. L.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 28, 1842
On Wednesday last, as some boys were playing on the riverbank, they discovered, near the mouth of the cave at the foot of the bluff, a few rods above the steam mill, a large leather trunk, about half-worn, filled with bedclothes and other articles, the property of some unknown person. The trunk was unlocked, and secured by a rope fastened around it. Among its various contents nothing was found by which to identify the owner, except it be a small memorandum book with a blue paper cover, giving various items of expenditure from which it appears that the owner visited in succession the following places, viz: Marion City, Quincy, Keokuk, Montrose, Madison, Oquawka, Millersburgh, Stephenson, Savannah, Albany, Galena, Plattsville, Lancaster, and Prairie du Chien; and as provisions for a family, and feed for cattle, are included among these items, it would seem that he did not travel alone. It likewise appears that the passage .....[unreadable] to Keokuk was made on a steam ....... down at $12 in one single item. But no name or date is discoverable either in the memorandum book or on any of the articles found in the trunk. This notice is given in the hope that it may lead to the elucidation of the mystery in which the affair is now enveloped. The trunk, &c., may be seen at Messrs. Broughton & Ferguson's store in this city.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 02, 1842
Martin Van Buren, late President of the United States, arrived in this city on Friday afternoon, June 24, in the steamboat Lebanon, Captain Jefferies, President Martin Van Burenwhich had been chartered for the purpose of bringing him up, together with his suite, from St. Louis, where he had spent the three preceding days. He was accompanied by Mr. Paulding, late Secretary of the Navy, Gen. Whitcomb, late Commissioner of the General Land Office, a number of gentlemen from St. Louis, and a committee from the citizens of Alton. So soon as the Lebanon came in sight of the city, she fired a gun, which was promptly returned from the shore, and the salutes were continued on both sides until the boat reached the wharf - the excellent band on board playing suitable airs.

The members of the Committee of Arrangements were then severally presented to the Ex-President, and escorted him and his suite to the Alton House, where he was welcomed in the name of the people of this city and vicinity by Dr. B. K. Hart, in a very neat and chaste address, to which he returned an appropriate reply. A large number of persons, including many of the gentler sex, were then presented to him, after which he paid a flying visit to Upper and Middle Alton. Upon his return, he partook of some refreshments, provided by the obliging host of the Alton House, where he remained until between eight and nine o'clock, when he embarked, together with his suite, on the steamboat Glaucus, with the view going to Peoria.

Mr. Van Buren expressed much gratification at his visit to this place. The cordiality with which he was greeted by the people of Alton and its neighborhood, without distinction of party, evidently made a very favorable impression upon his mind, and he seemed highly pleased with the appearance of our rising city and the surrounding country. Notwithstanding the immense crowd which thronged the wharf at the moment of his arrival, and filled the streets through which he passed on his way to the Alton House, not the least accident or disturbance took place. All the proceedings were conducted quietly, and with the utmost order and decorum; and if the presence of the Ex-President among us excited no enthusiasm or any particular demonstrations of affection, it certainly gave rise to none of personal dislike or inconsistent with the rites of hospitality. In person, Mr. Van Buren differs in some respects from the portraits drawn of him by party writers on both sides. Although not tall, he is a larger man, as well as more plain in his dress and general appearance than he has been commonly reported to be by his political opponents; while there is nothing perceptible about him indicative of superior abilities or calculated to strike the casual observer. His manners are courteous and gentlemanly, and to one unacquainted with his past career, he would seem better fitted to figure in a drawing room to an to preside over the affairs of a great nation. Mr. Paulding, whose health is extremely feeble, has a head apparently far more intellectual, and is evidently a man of greater genius; although the Ex-President probably exceeds him in adroitness, tact, and activity.

Martin Van Buren was born on December 5, 1782, and was an American statesman who served as America’s eighth President. He was one of the founders of the Democratic Party, and served as President from 1837 – 1841. Van Buren was raised speaking Dutch, and spoke English as a second language. He became a lawyer, and then won election to the New York State Senate. He was elected to the U. S. Senate in 1821. Van Buren’s major political goal was to re-establish a two-party system with partisan differences based on ideology rather than personalities or differences in ideas. He responded to the Panic of 1837 by centering on his Independent Treasury system, where the Federal government would store its funds in vaults rather than banks. He continued the Jackson policy of Indian removal, and denied Texas admission to the Union. In the 1840 election, the Whigs rallied around Harrison, and Van Buren was voted out of office. He died July 24, 1862.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 9, 1842
[From the St. Charles, Missouri Advertiser]
Alton - This city has suffered much by the pressure of the times, and the disastrous condition of our currency, but still she does a large business in merchandising and in receiving and shipping produce. Immense quantities of beef and pork are annually slaughtered and packed at this point; and it is probably the greatest meat market on the Mississippi River. Large quantities of wheat and other grain ______ market at Alton; and its situation with relation to a very large and fertile por____ of the State of Illinois will always re____ it a place of commercial important.

The excellent landing, its ample supply of building materials, stone coal and materials for manufacture, will be permanently beneficial to it. It is the first really good landing and town site on the Illinois shore, from the mouth of the Mississippi upwards, and the small number of good situations for towns on the Illinois side of the Mississippi river will give to those that do exist, very great advantages, when the immense quantities of the richest land in the State shall be generally brought into cultivation. If the State had prospered in her p_____ enterprises, and her internal improvements had gone into successful operations, Alton would speedily have become an important city; but the embarrassments and failure of the State of Illinois in her ___ grown enterprises will delay and po_____ the prosperity of Alton, but cannot prevent its becoming a flourishing and commercial city. It will certainly be the point at which several railroads will in future approach the Mississippi river; and when the National road shall be c_____, it is highly probably that it will cross at that point. The interests of the State of Illinois and of the Northern part of Missouri will require it to cross at that place. As a manufacturing place, it possesses many advantages, and will gradually obtain the notice of enterprising men of various occupations. When the canal shall be finished from the Lakes to the Mississippi, Alton will share largely in the immense stream of trade that will come down the Illinois, and her continuity to a considerable portion of the upper part of Missouri will enable her to participate in its commerce. A due share of the lead trade has hitherto been taken the Alton ______, and her position will enable her to carry on a lucrative commerce with Wisconsin and Iowa. The inhabitants of Alton have been noted for their commercial enterprise; and although they, like other parts of the country, have overtraded in prosperous times, still their industry and the advantages of the location will in time restore them to a prosperous condition. Illinois has frequently shown a disposition to foster the interests of her commercial towns, and there is reasonable ground to believe that the same policy will be pursued hereafter. Although the debt of the State is very large, it will be impossible to suppress the energies, or prevent the growth of a country containing so large a quantity of the richest kind of soil, such great manufacturing and agricultural resources, and such valuable commercial facilities.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 9, 1842
We deeply regret to state that the steamboat Edna, Captain Martin, bound from St. Louis to the Upper Missouri, collapsed her flues on Sunday morning last near the mouth of the river, five miles from the city [Alton], scattering the scalding steam among the unfortunate deck passengers, most of whom were in the act of getting out of their berths. Of these, it is believed that five or six were killed outright; and between sixty and seventy wounded. Fifty-five of the latter had been buried at the last accounts; and of those who still lived, but few were expected to survive. How the accident originated does not appear to be certainly known; and many conjectures are afloat on the subject. The sufferers were mostly immigrants from the neighborhood of Dusseldorf, in the kingdom of Prussia.


(Later Named Alton Agricultural Works)
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1842
Thrashing Machines - The undersigned have established a shop in the city of Alton, one door east of the Baptist church, for the manufacture of Pitts' Machine for thrashing and winnowing grain; where they will at all times exhibit them to persons wishing to purchase machines of this kind. Either two or four horse powers can be furnished with the thrasher and winnower. These machines have been used and are now owned in several counties in this part of the State, and have given entire satisfaction to all wheat growers who have tried them. They need no other recommendation than their own performance, and the public are invited to examine and judge for themselves. Libbey & Nathaniel Hanson.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1842
It affords us much gratification to inform our citizens and the public in general that a pottery for the manufacture of all kinds of earthen and Chinaware has been established permanently in this city. A company of five just arrived from the best potteries in Europe, have taken a lease of the property near Cave Spring for the term of five years, and have commenced already the manufacture of ware. Will not a number of our citizens join us in ordering from Mr. Croxton a full dinner set for their own use? Nothing would afford us more pride than to be furnished with a full dinner set manufactured in our city and state. So, Mr. Croxton, put us down for a set and do your best.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1842
The shock of an earthquake was sensibly felt in this city and its vicinity between twelve and one o'clock on Friday the 4th inst. It lasted about half a minute, and caused the windows, &c. of sundry buildings - that in which this office is kept, included - to rattle with some violence. A slight shock was experienced about two hours afterwards.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 7, 1843
For sale - The large brick building at the corner of Second [Broadway] and Walnut [Central] Streets, now occupied by William Miller as a public house [hotel or boarding house], together with a large new stable, 30 by 70 feet, and a large wagon yard with a high-class board fence, so as to secure safely all that is left therein. Attached in the premises is an excellent garden newly enclosed, and several acres of cultivated land, may be rented, together with meadow ground, if desired. Should the property not be sold early in March, I will lease it for a term of years at a reasonable rent, if a suitable tenant offers. Two thousand dollars may remain on mortgage, at the discretion of the purchaser; the remainder may be paid in State Bank Paper, at par value. The property will be sold at a bargain! Apply to the subscriber on the premises. Charles W. Hunter


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 28, 1843
At about 4 o'clock on Sunday morning, January 21, a fire broke out in the one-story wooden building, situated on the north side of Short Street, and occupied by Messrs. Thompson & Co., as a lard house. Owing to the combustible material in this building, everything in it and appertaining to it, being saturated with lard, the fire spread with fearful rapidity; and in a few minutes, communicated to the adjoining buildings upon each side. The one on the west was a two-story frame building, owned and occupied by Mr. Arba Nelson as a stove and hardware store and tinner's shop. The one on the east was also a two-story frame building owned by Mr. Simeon F. Leonard; the first floor of which was occupied by him as a grocery store. The front part of the upper story was occupied by Messrs. Whitcomb & Solomon, gunsmiths; in the rear was the office of "The People's Miscellany," owned by Mr. Lawson A. Parks. These buildings with a part of their contents were soon destroyed. Although there was but very little wind, yet the flames from these buildings curled upon the roof of the large, three-story brick building on the corner of State and Short Streets. The unbroken brick wall on the west end of this building, for some time, presented a barrier to the fire, but, having only one engine, it was found impossible to stop its progress at this point. This fine building, and also the next two stores above it, upon State Street, with the livery stable adjoining and a small stable in the rear of the same, were also burned down.

The progress of the fire was here arrested on State Street by the pulling down of Mr. T. Brown's blacksmith shop. Two buildings in the area of those destroyed, one a stable and the other a smokehouse filled with meat, were saved by the pulling down of a large salt house. The ground floor of the brick building destroyed, was occupied by A. S. Barry & Co., Druggists, and also, as the office of the Alton Marine and Fire Insurance Company. The second story was occupied by Dr. Hart and by Dr. Skillman, as offices. The third story was used for storage. The ownership of the building is in dispute. The next building, burnt upon State Street, was owned and occupied by Mr. Thomas Clifford as a grocery store, and the one adjoining was owned, it is said, by the Messrs. Wells of Providence, Rhode Island, both two story frames. In the store last named, there was a stock of goods on storage, owned by a house in New York.

The lard house, in which the fire originated, was owned by Mr. Daniel Homer. It is said to have contained about four hundred dollars’ worth of lard, belonging to Mr. Webster of Springfield. A large part of Mr. Nelson's stock was more or less damaged. Mr. Leonard's stock is a total loss. Mr. Parks lost a large part of his type and fixtures, and his press was considerably damaged. Messrs. Whitcomb & Solomon saved nearly all of their tools. Messrs. Barry & Co.'s stock was mostly saved, and nearly all of the furniture and the property of the occupants of the brick building. Mr. Clifford lost a part of his stock. The greater part of the goods on storage in the Messrs. Wells' building were saved. Mr. Thomas Brown occupied the chamber of this store as a dwelling; part of his furniture was lost or damaged. The livery stable was owned by the Alton Marine and Fire Insurance Company, and the stable in the rear by S. G. Bailey, Esq. The total loss in buildings and stock is probably at the present valuation, from twelve to fifteen thousand dollars, about one quarter part of which is covered by insurance; being mainly upon the stock and store of Mr. Nelson, and upon A. S. Barry & Co.'s stock, insured in part in the Illinois Mutual.

In addition to the individual losses by this disastrous fire, some of which strongly appeal to the sympathy and benevolence of the public, it is a great calamity to the place. Although it would seem that the destruction, in these times, of so handsome a portion of the business part of our city could not soon be remedied, yet we understand that measures are already in progress for the erection of several new buildings upon the ruins.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 11, 1843
The steam sawmill, in this city, known as the "Whetstone Mill," was discovered to be on fire at about 4 o'clock on Sunday morning last. Upon the arrival of the citizens, the flames had made too much progress to be arrested by any efforts that could then be made. The mill was entirely destroyed. It is said to have been owned by Mr. John Levis of this city, and to have been insured in whole or in part at Cincinnati.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 22, 1843
The firm of Libbey & Hanson expired by limitation on the first day of February last, and whereby dissolved. All persons indebted to said firm, are requested to make payment to either of its ____members. The name of the firm will be used alone in liquidating the debts due from and ___ing to the late firm. Nathaniel Hanson.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 01, 1843
On Second street [Broadway] near the Baptist church - The subscribers would respectfully inform the public that they are now prepared to supply all orders for Pitts Separator, for threshing and cleaning grain, together with an improved horse power. We feel confident in recommending these machines as meeting the entire satisfaction of the community. Pitts Separator, attached to the common thrasher, and warranted. All kinds of farming implements made in order. Also - Daniel's patent planing machines, which are very useful for all kinds of work; such as squaring out stuff for machinery, all kinds of mill work, timbers of all kinds, floors and all other kinds of boards, bedsteads, tables, bureau, and door stuff, &c., All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. N. B. All kinds of jobbing, repairing machinery, &c., done at the shortest notice. Hanson & Emerson.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1843
This operating was performed by Dr. Benjamin F. Edwards, at his residence in this city [Alton], on Tuesday morning last, in the presence of a number of spectators. The patient is a young lady about 18 years of age, the daughter of Mr. Eyres of Upper Alton. The wen [boil] was situated upon the left side of her face; the base of it was one inch and seven-eighths in length by one inch and five-eighths in width; the upper part of it being just opposite and near the opening of the ear. It commenced forming when she was about two years old, and has been gradually increasing. Several months since, she applied to Dr. Edwards for advice in regard to having it taken out. He then informed her that if he could succeed in placing her in the mesmeric state, he could remove the wen without pain. A few subsequent experiments convinced the Doctor that Miss E. was susceptible of the mesmeric influence to a degree sufficient to warrant him to attempt its removal in this state, of which she was accordingly informed. Circumstances, however, prevented her at that time from submitting to the operation, and for some months past she has been residing at Springfield. Her great desire to have the wen removed, and from the fact that it was becoming painful, induced her to return for the purpose of having it taken out. The patient had been considerably agitated during the morning. She was seated in a room in which there were a number of gentlemen, most of whom were strangers to her, and Dr. E. placed her under mesmeric influence in about five minutes. After ascertaining that she was in a profound sleep, an incision was made one inch and three-eighths in length, and the tumor was removed. Although the operation was necessarily prolonged to nearly fifteen minutes, the Doctor not being able to use, freely, but one hand, as it was necessary for him to act at the same time in the double capacity of mesmerizer and operator, yet the patient sat with the hands quietly resting in the lap, the countenance was placid and serene, and the whole attitude that of repose, not the slightest trace of mental emotion was perceptible, not a twinge or movement of any kind was visible, or the last change in respiration. She was kept in the mesmeric state just one hour. Previous to waking her, the Doctor excited the organs of tune and of mirthfulness, to both of which responses were obtained. She was also put in communication with Mr. G., whom she immediately recognized, and in answer to his question, whether she had felt any pain from the operation, replied that she had not. As soon as she was awakened, she placed her hand upon the bandages and asked, "What is this?" The Doctor fearing that she might disturb them, immediately removed her hand and replied, "I have taken out your wen." She looked about in perfect astonishment, and interrogatingly repeated, "Taken out my wen?" "Yes," replied the doctor, "You know that I told you I would take it out without your feeling it?" "I know that you told me you could," she laughingly replied, "but I did not believe it." She appeared to have no remembrance of anything that had taken place. It would be difficult to determine which party evinced the most delight and astonishment - the one having witnessed this novel and most astounding phenomenon, or the other who had been unconsciously and almost magically relieved from an increasing and troublesome tumor. Numerous cases of surgical operations without pain, in the mesmeric state, have been reported in England; several, also, have been reported in this country, but this is believed to be the first that has been performed west of the Alleghenies.

NOTES: Letters followed the above article, in testimony of the truth of this event. The following men were witnesses to the surgery: S. Griggs, L. Kellenberger, O. M. Adams, A. S. Barry, Moses G. Atwood, and Winthrop S. Gilman.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 14, 1843
For some time past, we have witnessed with gratification the gradual, but safe revival of business in our city. A more healthy state of things exists here at present than at any former period since Alton took a start. The vast amount of produce brought to this market, for which the farmer receives his cash or its equivalent, and the quantity of goods sold by our merchants, and for which they get their pay, all go to prove the healthy state of things that exists among us. Our merchants have all provided themselves with large, well-selected stocks of goods, and are determined to sell as low as can be purchased at any other place in the valley. Purchasers can, therefore, visit our market, with the certainty of obtaining every article of merchandise that they may want, and at prices corresponding with the times. In addition to the old stores - most if not all of which have recently received new and well-selected supplies of merchandise, E. C. March, Esq. has opened at the late stand of Bowman, Neef & Co. in this city, one of the largest, choicest, and best selected stocks of goods ever brought to this market. It embraces almost every article needed by our farmers, who cannot better consult their interest than by giving him a call. We have also heard of some two or three other new concerns, who have it in contemplation opening large stocks of goods here this fall, provided they can procure stores. If, then, our citizens will act a little more in unison, than they have for the last few years, and set upon the principle of "live and let live," we may with confidence look forward to the early period when extensive and permanent improvements will be seen progressing in every section of the city. There is no place on the east side of the Mississippi for which, in point of great natural advantages, Providence has done more than Alton. We are blessed with one of the finest, most fertile back countries in the world, and if Alton does not go ahead, the only cause for it will be found among her own citizens.


Source: The Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, October 28, 1843
Cash will be paid by the undersigned for a few thousand head of corn-fed hogs, if delivered early in the season, at their packing house in Alton. They also give notice that having provided themselves with the most extensive packing house in the place, they will be prepared to appropriate one half of the house for a commission business. They would farther remark, that one of the firm has been engaged in the packing business on the Ohio River, upwards of twenty years; which has established him a high reputation in the southern and eastern markets, and whose brand is extensively known, and in high repute. With these considerations, they flatter themselves that they can hold out inducements which will secure to them a liberal patronage. The house is also prepared to make liberal cash advances, to the farmers and drovers, for their pork, and will pack and ship the same on commission to their house in New Orleans, to be sold on account of the owners; only charging a reasonable commission for said advances. Alton, October 28, 1843. Hibbard, Echols, & Co.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 4, 1843
On last Saturday morning, about two o'clock, the citizens of this place were aroused from their slumbers by the appalling cry of Fire! It was found to proceed from a frame building on State Street, part of which was occupied as shops, and the remainder by two or three families. The different fire companies hastened to the spot with all practicable expedition, but the flames had made such progress before their arrival that their exertions were necessarily confined to the preservation of the adjacent houses, the destruction of which, at one time, appeared almost inevitable. Happily, however, there was but little wind, and this circumstance, together with the efforts of the firemen and the pulling down of a small tenement next to that in which the fire originated, prevented the conflagration from spreading any farther. The building, which we believe belonged to Captain Benjamin Godfrey, and was uninsured, was totally consumed, but the inmates succeeded to saving the greater part of their property.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 4, 1843
Many of our city and county readers have doubtless heard something of the Sulphur Spring on the farm of Major George Washington Long of this vicinity. We are not sufficiently acquainted with such matters, to be competent to speak of its value from personal knowledge, but the subjoined letter from a scientific gentleman of St. Louis, to whom a specimen of the water has been sent for examination, shows that it will compare favorably with some of the most esteemed mineral springs in the United States. We hope that the proper steps will be taken at an early day, to make it available for the public use.

"St. Louis, 16th Oct. 1843
My Dear Sir - The sulphur water which you had the kindness to submit for my opinion turns out to be a valuable water. It is superior to the sulphur spring water near St. Louis, and will compare favorably with the white sulphur and Winchester Springs in Virginia. With much regard, I am Your ob't servant, B. B. Brown, M.D."


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 11, 1843
In this city, business has again revived. During the past summer, several good brick buildings were commenced, which are now nearly finished. The preparations made this fall for packing beef and pork exceed those of any previous year since Alton assumed a name. The city is filled with persons who command foreign capital, that is seeking investment in the staple products of the country at such prices as to insure a profitable return. We have two flouring mills now in operation, each having four run of stones that can daily turn off 320 barrels of flour, equal in quality to any made in the United States. We have now several active, prudent, industrious merchants, who are ready to sell to farmers and other consumers at low prices, merchandise of every description. Almost every dwelling house and store in the city is now occupied, and the demand for more seems daily to increase. The future prosperity of the place depends, in a great degree, upon our merchants and those who locate here to purchase produce. There is a large scope of country north and northeast, from this point, whose inhabitants desire to trade at Alton. Now is the time, through their trade, to lay the foundation for a permanent business. Our merchants buy their goods low for cash, and they can sell them low and make good profit. Let it be understood that here the farmer can procure the highest price in cash for his products; that he can buy what he needs at St. Louis prices; and we shall soon actually reach that point of commercial prosperity to which we once arrived, only in anticipation. Signed by A.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1843
We understand that Captain Lamothe's new steamboat, the Luella, which was launched a few weeks ago, will commence running on the first of December next, and as she has been built expressly for the Alton and St. Captain William LamotheLouis trade, and for no other purpose whatever, and will run daily or twice a day as business may require, between the two cities, we trust that our fellow citizens, and all others, whom business of pleasure may call from one place to the other, will deem it not only a duty, but a privilege, to patronize her and her gentlemanly and enterprising commander. The following are the dimensions of the Luella: Extreme length on deck, 148 feet; extreme breadth, 40 feet; length of keel, 130 feet; breadth of beam, 21 feet 6 inches; depth of hold, 4 feet 6 inches clear. She is furnished with three double-flue boilers, 24 feet long and 38 inches in diameter; 8 feet stroke engine; 22 1/2-inch cylinder; water wheels, 20 feet diameter; length of bucket, 8 feet 8 inches. The construction of the boat is such as to combine both strength and speed; and it is expected that she will run as fast as any on the Upper Mississippi. Success attend her!


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 02, 1843
The Alton City Band, composed of a number of our most estimable citizens, paid us a visit at Middletown one evening last week. We were as gratified with their performance as surprised by their call. All we regret is that we had not some previous intimation of their design, that we might have had it in our power to have "treated them" upon strictly temperance principles, with a cup of hot coffee and a piece of pie. They certainly deserve great credit for the proficiency they have made, and merit the encouragement and support of our citizens. They have our warmest wishes for their success and prosperity.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 24, 1844
The title to which has for years been involved in doubt by the claim set up to it by Betsy Moore, as the heir at law of John Bates, has been finally settled by the highest tribunal of this state, the decision of Judge Shields dismissing the bill of Archibald D. Moore and wife against William Russell and Charles W. Hunter, to recover the land in question, being affirmed by the Supreme Court. Involving, as this suit did, a large part of this city [Alton], in which the interests of hundreds were at stake, its results cannot but be gratifying to those concerned at least, and the decision is the more important, as it removes the only doubt that existed against the title of this part of the city of Alton, rendering it as safe for purchasers to buy property in Hunter's Addition as in any other part of the city. The cause was argued on the part of Moore and wife by L. Trumbull and J. Gillespie, Esqs., and on the part of Russell and Hunter by George T. M. Davis, William Martin, and N. D. Strong, Esqs.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 16, 1844
From present indications, there can exist little or no doubt but that a number of buildings will be erected during the approaching season in Alton. Our growth hereafter, although it may not be as rapid as during the visionary days of 1835-36, will nevertheless be upon a surer basis, and equal to that of any other place in the state. There is one great difficulty with which we have to contend; and which, for the prosperity of Alton, we wish was otherwise. Much of the desirable property of Alton is held by those who are always willing to sell, but only at such a price that no man of prudence can buy and improve. The result is, the property remains unimproved, and many enterprising citizens are driven to seek a location elsewhere, and where a greater degree of liberality and public spirit exists among the property holders. Lately several valuable lots have exchanged hands, most of which will be improved, and if persons holding large quantities of real estate in the city will only consent to sell a small portion of what they own, to actual settlers and for improvement, we entertain no doubt but that a number of permanent, valuable buildings will go up the ensuing season. But if the moment this section of country is revisited with prosperity and emigrants recommence seeking a location in the West, our property holders put the inflated and unjustifiable value upon real estate, that they asked during the speculating manic of 1835-36, they must expect their property to remain unsold, and unimproved, and to witness emigrants pass by this place to others where a different state of things exist.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 16, 1844
We regret to state that on Tuesday morning last, between ten and eleven o'clock, a fire broke out in the smokehouse attached to the extensive pork packing establishment of our enterprising fellow-citizen, Major H. A. Amelung. The several fire companies immediately hurried to the spot, but the building being constructed of wooden materials, and filled at the time with about 100,000 pounds of pork, undergoing the process of curing, it was found utterly impracticable to save it from destruction. All the attention of the firemen, therefore, was directed exclusively to the preservation of the packing houses adjoining, also occupied by Major Amelung, containing an immense quantity of beef and pork, in hogsheads, barrels, and in bulk, in which we are happy to say they were entirely successful, although the building consumed was not more than ten or twelve feet from those which were saved. The engines performed well, and greater activity and perseverance was never displayed by the different companies than on this occasion. We understand that the loss, which is estimated at about $4,000, is covered by insurance. From the very great care with which all the business of the establishment is conducted, and other circumstances, it is believed that the fire originated in spontaneous combustion.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 6, 1844
Mr. Editor: Within a few days past, some circumstances have come within my knowledge which have led me still farther to make inquiries touching the association, the name of which stands at the head of this article. Ever since its formation, which occurred sometime during the last summer, insinuations have frequently been thrown out derogatory to the character and intents of its members, the tendency of which could not be otherwise than to the production of disagreeable sensations on their minds. A word concerning the history of this band, for which I have good authority. Previous to its formation, frequent regrets were expressed by many of our citizens that we had not in our possession the means of listening occasionally to instrumental music, and that we were compelled to be dependent upon foreign aid whenever an occasion occurred when music would be requisite or desirable. In view of this necessity, if I may be allowed the term, some sixteen persons united themselves, formed a band, and employed a teacher. They have thus far incurred an expense of four hundred dollars, including the purchase of instruments and the payment of their instruction. Of this sum, fifteen dollars were contributed by citizens not of the band. Besides, much time has been expended in gaining a knowledge of music and the use of the instruments. And what has been paid to these individuals by this _uticy of time and money? A portion of our community express their gratification in view of this circumstance, and by words, add encouragement to the band in their attempts towards a degree of proficiency; but very many, whose influence is supposed to be not inconsiderable, refer to the association with a sneer, and express their scorn and contempt that such a vile concern should exist amongst us. Ask them why they speak thus, and they reply, "We have listened to Kendall's and to Johnson's Bands, or to the players to Queen Victoria, or to the French King, and their music, when compared with the grating noises of the Alton Band, is as honey to gall." Admit this: but are these critical judges aware that in no time under the sun is the ability to perform at once with taste and correctness indigenous. They forget that by degrees, and by a long course of instruction, they themselves learned to read, write and converse. Assuming the opinions of better judges than myself, I freely challenge the production of any equal number of persons, who, under similar circumstances, and with the same amount of instruction and experience, can exhibit a greater degree of proficiency than does this band. Others, again, conceive the influence of this exercise to be extremely demoralizing. Whence do they derive such opinion? Simply from the fact that some musicians, who make this their calling, are immoral men. Some are attached to theatres, some to encusses and menageries, and to the strains of others is tripped "the light fantastic toe." sound logic. Then let us eschew music in churches, at family worship, and at the social circle. True, the music of bands is usually of less sacred character than church music, and is precisely the same as that taught our daughters upon the piano forte. But shall we peruse no other book than the Bible or treatises upon Divinity? Shall we read no other versification than that of Dr. Watts? Again, divers influential people refuse to associate with members of the band, now they are thus contemptibly connected. What lofty sense of honor and regard for character is here manifested! The measurer of tape and the dealer out of sugar and coffee, should immediately discard his occupation because the nobility of England avoid intimacy with the merchant. The artisan, the trader, the lawyer, the physician, all are willing and anxious to serve the most humble of mankind for gain, but those who exercise their skill in an occasional attempt at pleasing the ear with music, in the capacity of a band, and without reward for the attendant expense, are mean, low, graveling, and unfit associates for the respectable. These hints, Messrs. Editors, are suggested for the purpose of pointing out the justice, propriety, and liberality of the invidious remarks hazarded by those persons who so contemptuously regard this disinterested enterprise of a few of our young men, and which, I am happy to say, is encouraged by those whose good opinion is most to be desired. Permit me, also, to suggest to the members of the band the sensibilities of many of whom, I am aware, have been wounded by heartless and misjudged criticisms, that they give no heed to these ill-advised persons, and that they have for their encouragement the best wishes of the respectable Lovers of Music.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 11, 1844
This celebrated painting - the production of Sir Benjamin West - is now exhibiting in the Old Court Room, Riley's building, in this city. It contains 40 figures, on a surface of more than 200 feet of canvas; and gives a living representation of the sublime and awful scenes described in Revelations, Chapter 6, ver. 2-8. We shall not attempt to describe it, for, although we understand that the room in which it is exhibited is much too low, as well as not sufficiently spacious to present it in the most favorable light, it must be seen and leisurely examined to be properly appreciated. As it is but seldom that our fellow citizens have it in their power to witness any of the noblest efforts of human genius, we need not invite them to avail themselves of an opportunity which is not likely to occur again, to see this truly sublime conception of the great historical painter. We are informed that it will remain here until Saturday evening.

"Death on the Pale Horse" was painted by Benjamin West in 1817. West based this work on the Book of Revelation 6:8, in which the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Death, War, Famine, and Pestilence - ravage the earth. The biblical narrative of the painting was considered to be so complex that it was originally exhibited with an explanatory pamphlet, and even inspired a 114-page analysis by William Carey in 1836. "And I looked, and behold a pale horse; and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth." Rev. 6:8.

Death on a Pale Horse, by Sir Benjamin West

Source: Alton Telegraph, June 22, 1844
Thursday morning. The water continues to rise with alarming rapidity. We are now, undoubtedly being visited by one of the most disastrous floods that has ever occurred in the Mississippi Valley. We learn from the Captain of the Munge Park [steamboat], which arrived on Wednesday evening from the Illinois, that that river is now higher than it has ever been known to be since 1805. Its present average width, from Peoria to the mouth, is judged to be at least eight miles; causing immense damage to buildings, crops, &c. At this place [Alton], the water has risen several feet since our last paper, submerging not only our entire levee, but a great portion of Second Street [Broadway], covering the floors of a number of the stores several inches, and in a few instances, where the floors are below the present grade of the street, the occupants have been obliged to remove their stocks.

12 o'clock noon. The river has risen 3 inches since 7 o'clock this morning. The only means of passing, dry-shod, over the sidewalk through Second Street is on planks placed upon dry goods boxes, and the street is crossed by skiffs. Two large flat boats, loaded with staves, lie in State Street, at its junction with Second, one of which draws three feet of water. Were it not for the tops of the trees opposite this city, we should have an unobstructed view across a sheet of water at least nine miles in width.

We had a few minutes conversation this morning with Samuel Squires, Esq., from Six Mile [Granite City area]. He informs us that Madison is completely inundated. The citizens have been obliged to leave their homes, and many of them have taken refuge in their church, the ground about it being somewhat higher than the adjacent land. Many cattle have been lost, and incalculable damage is being done to fences, crops, &c. Mr. Squires came up in the Madison steam ferryboat, which was filled with families who are driven from their homes by the flood. The boat crossed over prairie and farms without difficulty. Mr. Squires reports that the river is running with great force across into Long Lake at the "Junction House," and it was the general opinion of those on board the boat that the water has cut a channel across at that point. The whole of Six Mile with all the farms adjacent are flooded. The ferryboat will continue her trips, taking off the families as fast as possible. We learn also that the inhabitants at Venice, as well as those at Illinoistown [East St. Louis], have been compelled to leave their dwellings. St. Louis comes in for a full share in this general calamity. All the houses on Front Street from the intersection of Market to the northern end of the levee have more or less water in them. Those between Locust and Oak Streets have from two to three feet on the first floors; the levee and sidewalks are completely unde4r water and impassible. The high water has put nearly an entire stop to all business connected with the river.

4 o'clock p.m. The river continues rising at the rate of half an inch per hour. We have just seen a gentleman from the Upper Mississippi who came down on the Iowa. He reports a considerable rise at Quincy - which is yet to reach us - and that the water is doing much damage above to towns and farms. The destruction of cattle is great, as the water is covering islands that were never before known to be inundated. It is believed that within the last sixty days, more rain has fallen than there has in the aggregate within the previous two years.

Friday morning, 8 o'clock. The river still continues to rise at the rate of about three quarters of an inch per hour. Business of all kinds has been stopped on Second Street, and the most of our merchants are engaged in removing their goods upstairs. We learn from the delegates just returned from the Peoria Convention that the Illinois River at that point was at a stand when they left yesterday morning, but appeared to be rising below that point. Naples, Meredosia and Beardstown are completely inundated.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 29, 1844
Since our last paper was issued, the Mississippi has continued to rise at the rate of about half an inch per hour on an average, and is now higher than it has ever been since the first settlement of the state. The Missouri is equally high, if not higher, and having broken into the former river at and below Portage des Sioux, about eight miles above this place, its yellow water now forms nearly one-third of the mighty stream which is rushing past our landing, contrasting strongly with the bluish appearance of the Mississippi.

Of the damage done, it is impossible to offer any estimate. It is incalculable. On the Missouri, from Weston to the mouth, the bottoms are generally inundated, the crops destroyed, the cattle, sheep, hogs, &c. drowned, and the inhabitants have been compelled to abandon their dwellings, many of which have been swept away, in order to take refuge on the highlands, or on steam or flatboats. The same is the case with the Mississippi, the Illinois, and their tributaries; and the whole of the great "American Bottom," from this point to Cairo, containing about 288,000 acres of the finest land in the world, some of which is in a high state of cultivation, is believed to be under water and perhaps nearly ruined.

It is hardly necessary to state that nearly all the thriving villages and flourishing plantations on the banks of the above rivers are entirely submerged. For several days past, boats have been employed by our fellow citizens in rescuing the neighboring settlers, and such of their effects as weere within reach, from the imminent dangers which threatened them; and many of these unfortunate people, houseless, and in some cases, deprived of their all, have been brought to this city and to the neighboring village of Upper Alton, where everything has been done, and is still doing, for their relief. The people of St. Louis have likewise used every exertion in their power to succor the sufferers, and although the destruction of property is immense, we have not, up to this hour, heard with certainty that any human life has been lost.

This city [Alton], from her favorable location, has comparatively suffered but little, but Second Street, where nearly all our commercial business is transacted, is covered with water to the depth of from four to six feet, and since Thursday of last week, boats have been constantly engaged is conveying passengers from one point to the other. All the goods, &c. have been removed from the lower stores, and some of our merchants are selling goods from their second floors, and some in Col. Bostwick's pork house, which is filled with all sorts of things. The Telegraph office being kept in the second story of the highest building, and at the point nearest the dry land, is the only place on the south side of the street which can be reached without a boat, and is kept accessible by means of a bridge or causeway of trees, &c., which extends a little beyond the east edge of Piasa Street, and affords temporary accommodation to a few of our less fortunate neighbors. At the hour of writing this - half past ten - the river appears to be nearly at a stand, and it is hoped will not rise any higher.

We have been called upon to witness, since our last publication, renders us almost incompetent to pen a line, and the heart rending scenes through which we have passed weigh us down with a gloom almost insupportable. We have met with man after man from the "Bottom," in this county - those to whom we are bound by the strongest ties of friendship - men of the most industrious, enterprising, persevering habits, who a few days since were basking in the sunshine of prosperity, enjoying the fruits of years and years of toil and labor, that are now reduced to penury [destitution] and left with nothing save a few articles of clothing and household furniture. We have seen those who were forced to witness their dwelling houses, stock and personal property swept away from them by the impetuous torrent of the Mississippi and Missouri, without the least power to help themselves. Others have told us their tale of woe - how, as a last resort to save themselves and children from a watery grave, they were compelled to seek refuge upon the roofs of their buildings until taken off by the kindness of citizens of this place and St. Louis, who had manned boats and gone to their succor. Some, in the depths of their sorrow, have exclaimed, "I am left penniless, but thank God, the lives of myself and family are spared, and we are thrown among a Christian people." We might fill columns with scenes of this character, but the fullness of our hearts forbid. Deeply - most deeply - do we sympathize with our unfortunate fellow citizens, and fervently hope, through the liberality and assistance of those who have escaped, all may be enabled again to enter with fair prospects of success upon the busy scenes of life.

The extent of the loss visited upon this county, as well as the whole "American Bottom," cannot be calculated, and weeks will transpire before the dark catalogue of human suffering and misery visited upon our neighbors by the most fearful flood ever known within the recollection of man, is ascertained. Out citizens, as well as those of Upper Alton, have acted as become Christians and philanthropists. The hundreds and hundreds that have fled to our city and vicinity for refuge have generally been provided with homes, and the wants of those incapable of assisting themselves supplied. Captain Lamothe of the Luella, kindly rendered the use of his packet on Sunday last, and was the means of saving much life and property. On the other hand, those who have been secured, express themselves with feelings of the deepest gratitude towards all who have exte3nded to them the least relief. God forbid our eyes shall ever again behold what they have been compelled to look upon during the last four days. There are hundreds who have determined to abandon their farms in the "Bottom" and never return. Where all this will end, who can tell?

The channel cut through the "Bottom" by the farm of T. Elliott, Esq., is 15 feet deep. His extensive and fine buildings are all destroyed and his loss is very great. The buildings of Mr. James Wood below Elliott's, including his residence, storehouse, &c., are all gone. He informs us he is entirely ruined. There is also a deep channel cut through by the residence of Mr. Hume, opposite the mouth of the Missouri, at least 10 feet deep. What will be the effect of all this cannot be ascertained until the river falls. Many suppose that it will so change the bed of the Mississippi as to leave St. Louis an inland city. Of this, however, we are by no means certain, and shall require far more testimony than we now possess before giving the rumor credit. Many of the best improved farms on the "Bottom" are entirely ruined.

Some eight or ten skiffs have found constant employment in ferrying our citizens from the bridge at the lower end of Second Street [Broadway] to "terra firma" on State Street. Many of them have earned five or six dollars a day each. The charge is five cents the trip.

Mr. Joseph Papin, one of the oldest citizens of the city of St. Louis, says that the present rise in the river opposite that city is nearly a foot higher than that of 1785. The New Era observes that Mr. Papin well recollects that event, and has means of comparing the state of the water at this time with that great and unprecedented rise.

On Sunday last, five houses floated by our city [Alton] from some point above us. Many others have passed down since the commencement of the present flood.

Great praise is due to the kind and benevolent Mayor of St. Louis for his exertions in procuring boats and sending them to the assistance of many of the sufferers at Illinoistown [East St. Louis], Brooklyn, and Venice. He has endeared himself to them by ties that death alone can sever.

More About the Flood
Two or three articles in relation to the present great rise in the Mississippi River, written at different periods between our last publication and Tuesday of this week, will be found on our first page. We shall here continue to note such other incidents, connected with this all-absorbing subject, as may come to our knowledge.

Tuesday, June 25. The river rose but little last night - say, not quite one inch - and as the weather has been fair for some days past, the hope is indulged that it is nearly at its height. It is believed that the greater part of the buildings on the "Bottom" below this city have been swept away, and after making every proper allowance for exaggeration, there is but too much cause to fear that many of the beautiful farms between Alton and St. Louis are entirely ruined. Skiffs continue to ply briskly up and down Second Street, and timber, &c., in small quantities still floats down the river. About four p.m., a skiff, containing two men, came to the landing near this office, followed by three fine black hogs, which had swam about six miles from some point above on the Missouri shore, before they could find the dry land. They appeared but little fatigued with the exertion, but continued to follow one of the men referred to - their owner, who had been in search of them - after reaching the shore, just like dogs, until he conducted them to a place where they could be provided for. We had a light rain at half past twelve, and a pretty heavy shower at six in the afternoon.

Wednesday, June 26. Several very heavy showers fell last night, accompanied by lightning and thunder. The river this morning appears to be receding very slowly, having fallen about one eighth of an inch since last evening. We have heard of no new case of distress within the last twenty-four hours - most of the sufferers on the "Bottom" having been rescued; some with a portion of their moveables, and many with nothing but their clothing. About five hundred of these unfortunate people are said to be in St. Louis; many are here; some in Upper Alton, and other have found an asylum among their friends or acquaintances in the country. A frame or log house, of which nothing but the upper part of the roof was visible above the water, came floating down the river between three and four in the afternoon, and was towed ashore by two men who left the wharf in a skill for the purpose. We had a very heavy rain, accompanied with lightning and thunder in the forenoon; a lighter shower in the afternoon; and a moderate one towards evening. The fall in the river during the day is barely perceptible.

Thursday, June 27. Much rain fell last night, and the river has recoiled but little - scarcely half an inch - within the last twenty-four hours. A gentleman who left Quincy yesterday morning informs us that it had fallen about two feet, but was said to be again rising above. The Missouri is reported to have fallen one foot, and the Illinois is believed to be also falling slowly. We believe no further rise need be apprehended, but, unless a change in the weather should take place very soon, the Mississippi will probably remain near its present height for some days to come. Sufferers from the "Bottom" and other submerged places, continue to be brought in daily, and the basement story of the Baptist Church is crowded with them, as are also sundry other buildings in this city and the neighborhood. It is reported that Mr. William Snyder of "Six Mile" was drowned yesterday morning while attempting to drive his horses, cattle, &c. to the bluff, but some hope is entertained that the report is incorrect. The Editor of the St. Louis Democrat estimates the total linear measurement of the present inundation on the Mississippi, the Missouri, and their tributaries at 2,400 miles in length, by 2 1/2 miles average breadth, and the extent of country usually dry, but now under water, at 6,000 square miles, or 3,840,000 acres of land, of which about 150,000 acres were under cultivation on the first of May last. The value of the crops destroyed, exclusive of the stock, buildings, fences, &c. is supposed to have been worth, in cash, nearly or quite two millions of dollars. But, the heart sickens at the melancholy details, and we must forbear. Between nine and ten o'clock in the forenoon, the weather cleared up and has since remained fair. The total fall in the river since it first began to recede on Wednesday morning, up to five this afternoon, is 2 1/4 inches.

Atrocious Villainy
We regret to be compelled to state that while many of the citizens of St. Louis, Alton, and other places on or near the river, have used every exertion in their power for the rescue of the persons and property of those exposed to the ravages of the impetuous and irresistible flood, wretches have been found mean and heartless enough to plunder some of the sufferers of the little which had escaped the general destruction. Live hogs, poultry, provisions, and other articles which had been put on, or had rescued, places of comparative safety on sheds, boards, timber, &c., have been thus carried off even under the eyes of the helpless owners, and in some instances, houses, temporarily abandoned, and in which considerable property had been necessarily left, have been stripped of everything. This has been the case especially in the "Six Mile" settlement, and the depredators, who had provided themselves with skiffs or canoes under pretense of a desire to succor such as might stand in need of assistance, are believed to be from St. Louis. It is hoped that the police will keep a sharp lookout for them, and that their outrageous violation of every principle of humanity will not long remain "unwhipt of justice."


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 6, 1844
From the St. Louis Democrat
The year 1844, we need not repeat, will be memorable in the annals of the inhabitants of the West. Early in May commenced a period remarkable for the heavy rains which fell in the interval, and which continued with slight intermissions until the 20th of June. For upwards of forty days successively, there were but a few hours in which the city was not clouded. It now appears that these rains visited a large extent of country in both Missouri and Illinois, and they fell too, at or near the time of the regular rise in the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers. The consequences we have seen in a flood of greater extent and longer duration than has ever been known before in this section of the country.

Taking into view the whole region within the range of the inundation, we find that the length of the line affected by it is on the Missouri, 500 miles; on the Illinois, 150; on the Upper and Lower Mississippi, 1,500; and on the several affluents of the Missouri such as the Kansas, Osage, Grand River, &c., some 300 more; making the total of linear measurement not less than 2,400 miles. This length, multiplied by 2 1/2 miles, which expresses the average breadth of the flood, would give for the whole country - usually dry but laid under water - a superficies of 6,000 square miles, or three million, eight hundred and forty thousand acres. If we suppose a twenty fifth part of this surface, to be cultivated, it will follow that the crops destroyed this year extend over 150,000 acres. The bottom lands are invariably rich; acre for acre producing far above the average yield, either as to quantity or description of product. So that if we estimate the total money value of the crops lost this season at nearly two million of dollars, we shall not be thought extravagant. Nor does this show the entire loss on these bottoms. Stock of all kinds - cattle, hogs and horses, &c., have been swept away and drowned. Fences and buildings have been carried off. The loss in cord wood, farming utensils, and produce on hand, &c., forms no small item. And from presumable heavy deposits of sand and wretched matter upon the soil as well as from the constipating effect upon it of the long-continued pressure of so great a weight of water, it is but reasonable to anticipate a great deal of damage which cannot be repaired for many years. Many villages have been wholly abandoned, as well as hundreds of farm houses. Probably ten thousand persons have been compelled to leave their homes and seek shelter abroad. The loss of property incurred by these fugitives - the expense of their removal and cost of their maintenance in situations where, probably, it is for the most part all outgo and no income, cannot be reckoned at less than $25,600; which, in addition to the immense loss in crops, is so much abstracted from the wealth of the community, and chiefly from the means of the immediate sufferers, many of whom are now or will shortly be reduced to a state little short of beggary, and to whose condition the brief statement we are now making will, we hope, draw the attention of the humane and the benevolent in this city.

The effect of this inundation will be to impair the sense of security heretofore felt by those residing on bottom lands, once supposed to be far out of the reach of the highest floods - and another effect will be to permanently depress the value of our bottom lands, generally.

If a hot and humid atmosphere, assisted by decaying vegetable matter, are the conditions most favorable to the generation of disease, those who have been driven away by the flood cannot return to their homes the present season without great risk in their health. We can only vaguely guess at the amount of pecuniary damage suffered by this city. We believe that very few goods have been destroyed - as the most of them at all endangered had been seasonably removed to places of safety. But much injury must be sustained by our merchants, owing to the long suspension of business; and it is obvious that the great loss in crops must be felt in the trade of the city.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 20, 1844
The number of dead hogs and cattle on the "Bottom," between this place and St. Louis, and opposite to the latter city, is incredible. We apprehend a great deal of sickness arising from their decomposition in conjunction with other causes. Too much caro cannot be taken by our citizens in regard to their cellars and buildings, which have been inundated by the late flood.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 20, 1844
Will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on the 30th inst., the steam sawmill started in front of block No. 1 in Hunter's addition to Alton, with all its fixtures and apertures, together with the lease of ground for five years. Twenty percent of the amount bid to be paid in cash, the balance in four equal semi-annual installments, bearing 10 percent interest. For further information, apply to Charles W. Hunter.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 12, 1844
On last Saturday night, between nine and ten o'clock, a fire broke out in a new frame dwelling house, situated in the lower part of the city, and so rapid was the progress of the devouring element, that although the fire companies promptly repaired to the spot, no human effort could save the building from total destruction. It was two stories high, neatly finished, and owned by S. Stewart, an industrious colored man who intended to move into it on the Monday following. As no fire had been used in or near the house, the fire was doubtless the work of some heartless incendiary. It will be observed by a notice in another column, that the Mayor, by the advice of the Common Council, has offered a reward of fifty dollars for the discovery and conviction of the offender. We hope he will be detected and punished, and that such aid will be extended to the poor man, who has thus, in a moment, been deprived of the fruit of many years industry by the act of a villain - as shall enable him, in some manner, to repair his loss and provide a home for his family.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 7, 1844
We reget to state that the sawmill on Shields' Branch, generally known as Pattingill’s, was burnt down on last Sunday night. As it was out of repair, and had not been in operation for some time past, its destruction was doubtless the work of an incendiary. It was owned, we understand, by Mr. Sanborn of St. Louis.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 01, 1845
The anniversary of the birthday of Washington was celebrated in this place [Alton] on Saturday the 22d ult. by the Washington Temperance Societies of this city and neighborhood, in a very suitable manner, and in conformity with the programme published in our last. Although the streets were somewhat muddy, owing to the rain which had fallen on the preceding night, the procession was quite large; and the Baptist Church, in which the exercises were held, was much crowded. It was particularly gratifying to observe the great number of young lads between the ages of 10 and 15 - from Upper Alton and this city - who wore the badge of Temperance and took a part in the ceremonies, thereby testifying before the world that they have enlisted in this noble cause. The oration, by the Rev. Mr. Grabbs of the Methodist E. Church, although delivered almost without premeditation and on the sput of the moment, was chaste and appropriate, and all the exercises of the day well calculated to make a favorable impression on all those who participated therein, as well as the numerous spectators.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 30, 1845
We visited the foundry of Mr. G. Smith in Alton, a few days since, and were much pleased with the quality of the castings manufactured by him. Although commenced upon a limited scale, owing to the want of capital, enough has already been done to satisfy any person that no more profitable business could be embarked in at Alton than a foundry on an extensive scale. We wish that a few of our citizens having capital would visit this establishment, and then determine whether they could invest a few hundred dollars apiece in any way as profitably, as by aiding in extending this branch of manufacture among us. We must aid each other in matters of this kind if we wish to see Alton prosper and go ahead. There is no better point for manufacturing than here, and by extending to each other that aid and encouragement, which is practiced in other flourishing places, we would soon reap the reward by the rapid improvement of our own city.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1845
We understand that our enterprising fellow citizens, Messrs. Wises & Lea, have purchased the large stone building in the Third Ward, originally erected for a foundry but never used as such, with the view of going extensively into the business of distilling, kiln-drying, and exporting corn, &c. They intend to put it into immediate operation, and expect to be ready to commence business by the last of November next. It is estimated that the establishment will consume daily from 600 to 1,000 bushels of corn, and from 150 to 200 bushels of rye, yielding from 50 to 80 barrels of whisky. Barley will likewise be required to a certain extent, and thus a constant cash market for the stample products of this part of the country will be created, to the great advantage of the farming interest.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1845
Messrs. Hanson & Emerson, the sole manufacturers in this state of Pitts' unrivaled threshing machines, intend building an extensive factory in this city during this fall, the machinery of which is to be propelled by steam. This has become necessary from the rapidly increasing demand for these machines, which thus far, the manufacturers have not been able to supply as fast as they were ordered. The extension of their establishment, and the application of steam to propelling their machinery, will for the future enable them to meet promptly all calls upon them for these invaluable threshing machines.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 22, 1845
Messrs. Hanson & Emerson of Alton have raised their large building, intended as a manufactory for Pitts' unrivaled threshing machines, and are progressing rapidly with its completion. The machinery is to be driven by steam power. The territory for which they have the exclusive right of manufacturing these machines is Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa Territory.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 22, 1845
Messrs. Kenyon & Pomeroy have completed the stone and brick work of their large distillery in Alton, and in a few days will have it entirely covered in.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 27, 1845
The Alton Telegraph was commenced in January 1836 by Messrs. Treadway and Parks, who were joined by Mr. Bailey some months afterwards. Mr. Treadway dying at the expiration of the first year, a dissolution of the firm took place - Mr. Bailhache, then of Columbus, Ohio, becoming the purchaser of one half of the establishment, and Mr. Parks, one of the original proprietors, retaining the other part. In January 1838, the latter sold out his moiety to the former, who then became, and has since remained, the sole proprietor. The paper is now conducted by Messrs. Bailhache and Davis, and published by Messrs. Bailhache and Dolbee, is Whig in its principles, has a general circulation in Madison County, and a large one in Jersey, Greene, Macoupin, and Bond, and is one of the very few political journals published in Illinois, which is sustained exclusively by its own means, and subject to no control other than the judgment and discretion of the editors.

Alton is situated on the east bank of the Mississippi at the point where the curve of the river penetrates the farthest into the state, and about four miles above the mouth of the Missouri. It has the best landing for steamboats on the Illinois side, from the mouth of the Ohio to the rapids, and enjoys commercial advantages, equaled by few towns in the west. During its short existence prior to 1837, its growth was almost without a parallel, but in the revulsion, which soon followed [the murder of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy], it sustained a shock from which it is just beginning to recover. Being the principal, if not the only outlet for a large region of country, equal to any on the globe in point of fertility, and having a very healthy location, its business, especially in the produce line, is very large and rapidly on the increase, and notwithstanding the great reverses it encountered in 1837 and the succeeding years, no doubt now exists but that it is destined, at no distant day, to become one of the largest and most populous, as it actually is, in proportion to the number of its inhabitants, one of the most enterprising and prosperous places on the mighty stream which constitutes its southern boundary. Its present population is estimated at nearly 3,000, being an increase of about twenty percent within the last twelve months. Upper Alton, which adjoins it on the northeast, contains about 1,200 souls in addition.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7, 1846
We regret to state that on Saturday evening last, between ten and eleven o'clock, a fire broke out in the Oil Mill of C. M. Adams, Esq., a short distance from the Baptist Church [southeast corner of Easton and Broadway]. The firemen and citizens promptly repaired to the spot, but owing to the combustible nature of the materials, it was found impossible to save the mill, which with its contents and a stable adjoining, was entirely consumed. Fortunately, all the oil previously manufactured had been removed in the morning, so that only a few barrels and a small quantity of beans which happened to be in the building were lost. The bean house adjoining, although in great danger, was saved through the exertions of the firemen. Mr. Adams, we understand, continues to purchase beans as usual. His loss is estimated at about $800, and is covered by insurance in the Columbus, Ohio Office. The cause of the fire is not certainly known, but it is supposed to have originated in the chimney.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 14, 1846
Messrs. Editors: Two men in our neighborhood have died lately of the cold, and another came so near his end that it was with difficulty he was rubbed into warmth and life. A fourth was dragged through the snow for miles, holding by one arm around the hinder beam of a sled. It is a wonder he did not share the fate of the first two. Want of whisky was no doubt the cause of their freezing, for if they had drunken enough, they might not have frozen, though it is true, a little more would have extinguished life without the aid of old hoar frost. I understand you are making ample preparations about Alton to keep a portion of your population from freezing. Your remedy does the business, or will do it, before the refrigerating process has time to make an impression. Money will be abundant in Upper Alton, as I learn your Coroner resides there, when your anti-freezing system gets into warm operation, for he will probably pick up one or two every morning between the "Brag City," Milton, Wood River Bridge, and the Buck Inn. If the victims are too poor to remunerate the Coroner, the cash comes in the shape of County Orders, so that the Upper town will be greatly enriched. Signed Toxication. From Our Prairie, March 1846.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1846
We understand that Messrs. Hardy and Carpenter have just completed their new ferry boat, which commenced running on Wednesday, and performs admirably. They intend to keep it constantly in prime order, and in readiness at all times to accommodate those desiring to cross the Mississippi without the least delay, and on about the same terms as the St. Louis ferry boats. As Alton is much the best crossing point for those wishing to visit the upper Missouri, we hope a liberal patronage will be extended to this new enterprise.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 16, 1846
We took occasion a few days since to visit the new building just erected for a foundry and machine shop, by our enterprising fellow-citizens, Messrs. Hanson & Emerson, on Front Street, a few steps below the Alton House, and were much pleased at the evidence it affords of their industry and perseverance. The building is of three stories - the first containing the engine and foundry; the second, three iron turning lathes, a planing machine, a screw cutting machine, and two circular saws; and the third, an upright and a circular saw, a boring machine, and a wood turning lathe - all in operation and working admirably. Messrs. Hanson & Emerson have been engaged for some years past in the manufacture of Pitts' Patent Threshing Machines, which are in high esteem in this and the neighboring states, and daily increasing in demand, and it is in part to enable them to extend their operations in this important branch of industry that they have erected the building. But although this is their principal business, they are also prepared to execute all orders for castings of every description, to finish iron in any way in which it may be required, and to manufacture all kinds of machines and machinery - pledging themselves that every article made at their establishment will be as good, and furnished on terms as reasonable, as any to be obtained at St. Louis. The foundry can turn out 2500 lbs. of castings of the best quality every twenty-four hours, and the engine, which is about twenty horse power, is very neat, and works exceedingly well. In fact, everything connected with the establishment appears admirably adapted to the purpose for which it is designed, and speaks highly of the talents and management of the proprietors and of the mechanical skill and industry of the workmen, who are said to excel in their respective departments. The people of Illinois, and especially those of this vicinity, are greatly indebted to Messrs. Hanson & Emerson for having introduced this important branch of business amongst us, and we trust that their enterprise and perseverance will be abundantly rewarded.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1846
It will be observed by a notice in another column that Mr. Peter Delaplaine has just opened a new store in the stone building formerly occupied by Messrs. W. W. Thompson & Co., a few doors above this office, where a great variety of goods of almost every description are offered for sale on accommodating terms. Those wishing to purchase will do well to give him a call.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 27, 1846
A small, but very neat and substantially framed sailing craft has been lying at our wharf for two or three days past. She has been built by and for our enterprising fellow citizen, Mr. William Wallace, and is intended for the Gulf trade. As all her component parts - timbers, masts, sails, blocks, rigging, anchors, &c. - are made from materials the growth of this city, or manufactured here, she is very properly called the Alton Creole, and is one of the handsomest vessels of her class we have seen for many a day. She is laden with about 1,300 bushels of Indian corn, in sacks, and draws a little over three feet water. It is calculated that she will carry about 40 tons. Her present cargo is designed for the New Orleans market. She is expected to leave this day, but as the river is very low, she will not probably use her sails until after she shall have run below the mouth of the Ohio. Success attend her and her worthy owner!


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 15, 1847
On Tuesday morning last, about daylight, as one of the daily stages to St. Louis was leaving this place, the horses took fright just below the Alton House, and making a sudden turn, upset the vehicle, which contained several persons. The driver soon succeeded in stopping the horses, and then hastened to the relief of the passengers, one of whom, we learn, had his arm badly sprained near the wrist, and one or two others received pretty severe contusions. None, however, were dangerously injured, and most of them were able to continue their journey after a short delay. The stage sustained no damage.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 30, 1847
We take great pleasure in laying before the public the following report from the committee appointed at the general meeting of the citizens of Alton, held in this place on the 4th inst., for the purpose of aiding in the relief of the sufferers by famine in Ireland and Scotland. The sum contributed for this praise-worthy purpose is very creditable to the active sympathy of the people of this city and the neighborhood, and the hope may be indulged that the provisions purchased and forwarded will be instrumental in rescuing many a worthy destitute family from the horrors of starvation. The disposition which the committee propose to make of the small amount of money and flour, which still remains in their hands, will, we believe, meet the general approbation of the generous contributors. Our position has put it in our power to become acquainted with the proceedings of the "Ladies Benevolent Society," and we know that their funds have generally been judiciously appropriated, and that considering the limited means at their disposal, the number of cases in which they have administered relief to the truly necessitous is quite large, and embraces many of those "ready to perish." They are consequently worthy of the confidence of the community and the distribution of the unappropriated surplus cannot be entrusted to better hands.

A committee, with John Bailhache, Esq. as chairman, raised the sum of $920.00, which included donations from the Catholic, Methodist and Baptist Churches in Alton, together with collections made by Dr. Staunton and those made at Upper Alton. The committee purchased and shipped to Ireland and Scotland 144 barrels of flour and two barrels of beef. The committee included Michael Carroll, A. G. Barrett, George T. Brown, John Muledy, and William Martin.

The Great Famine of Ireland (also called the Irish Potato Famine, was a period of mass starvation and disease, between 1845 and 1852. During the famine approximately one million people died, and a million more emigrated from Ireland, causing the population to fall by between 20 - 25%. The cause of the famine was potato blight, which destroyed potato crops throughout Europe. One third of the population of Ireland was dependent on the potato for food and income.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 27, 1847
We came into this place at a snail's pace, although the road was downhill. The hill was so steep that it would have been dangerous for all of us if the wheels of the coach had not been locked hard enough to oblige the horses to draw. On the top of the last hill I had my first glimpse of the Mississippi River - apparently a calm, sluggish stream, as smooth as plate glass, with a bright polish which reflected the rays of the burning sun with dazzling splendor - it was painful to look at it. I found afterwards that it was not so sluggish, but that it ran at the rate of about four or five miles an hour. When one is on its banks, it is a much more attractive sheet of water, and although differing from the St. Lawrence in its whole character, it is perhaps quite as interesting to contemplate. Opposite to the city is a large island [later called Sunflower, Smallpox, or McPike Island] which prevents a view of the Missouri shore, but on the bluffs one can see over the low land and its trees, and have an uninterrupted sight of the hills of the neighbor state.

This place is somewhat celebrated for the abolition riots which occurred here some years ago, and my general impression was that it was rather a rowdy city; but I find the people of an entirely different character. It is situated much like our New England towns, and instead of having all the residences collected together near the center of business, they are scattered all round among the hills and over an extent of country embracing many miles. The principal portion of the inhabitants are New England people, and many were originally from Boston - men who came out to this country some twelve or fifteen years ago, and have, under all the fluctuations of trade, all the changes from rich to poor and poor to rich, maintained their integrity, and are now, although Alton is not the thriving place it once was, doing good business and are mostly well off in this world's goods. As a friend remarked a few days ago, Illinois, of all the states in the Union, is the poor man's country. Its resources are unbounded, and wherever an industrious man plants his foot or digs the soil, he is sure to be remunerated for his trouble. The prairies once presented a vast expanse of waste land, covered with grass and flowers of all the colors of the rainbow. Only a few years have been devoted to their cultivation, and now they are covered with corn and wheat and oats, potatoes, hemp, and trees. Time was when there were no trees, except on the borders of the streams; now the locust is to be seen everywhere, and the farmers have planted that and many other descriptions of trees on the borders of their lots in groves, and before their dwellings. There are a number of Dutch farmers settled in this neighborhood, and they have profited by the facility which the ground affords to become rich. As we approached Alton, the crops were more advanced than we had seen them in other places, and the large and substantial barns are getting to be well filled.

A railroad is now to be built from Alton to Springfield, which cannot fail to be an investment of great profit to the stockholders. The company have a very favorable charter, and the state gives its aid in the shape of a free grant of such portions of a formerly graded road as they may need or can use to advantage. The road will have for its terminus the capital of the state, and will open to the towns and the farms of the interior a means of communication with the seaboard, or rather with navigation, which must be immensely profitable. Alton is so situated that boats of the largest class can come up to its levee and load at all seasons of the year; it is the head of navigation for freighting vessels, and the completion of this railroad will be the means of increasing its trade to an almost incalculable amount.

Alton has, in its immediate vicinity, five extensive flour mills and a large number of stores. The steamboats from the lower part of the Upper Mississippi are continually passing, and last night the snorting and belching of the engines, the ringing of the bells of the boats, was to be heard every four minutes. The warehouses are built of stone and brick. There is an abundance of limestone to be found in the town, close down to the edge of the river. The State Penitentiary stands on a high bluff overlooking the town, the river, and the neighboring part of the state of Missouri. The prisoners are employed now in manufacturing hemp; they used to be engaged in all sorts of mechanical labor, but on a remonstrance to the legislature, setting forth that they underworked the regular mechanics, a law was passed obliging the overseers to put them to a kind of work that would not interfere with the industry of more honest people.

General Semple, the author of the famous post office report, of which the readers of the Courier have heard something before, lives at Alton; but I understand that he is disgusted with politics and is now devoting his time and talents to the construction of a steam car, that he expects will travel over the prairies with or without the aid of roads. I lost an opportunity to see this new machine a few days ago, in consequence of the forgetfulness of a friend, but I am informed that it is almost as visionary a thing as the report to which I have before alluded. It will probably be able to carry the mails through the Pacific Ocean, as soon as it is ready to carry passengers across the continent of America.

I rode out a few miles in the neighborhood, this afternoon, with a friend, to see the country. The continued dry and hot weather has made the roads very dusty, and everything now appears to less advantage than usual, but the sites for dwellings, the houses and farms now improved, and the indications of prosperous industry everywhere apparent, give one a favorable idea of what the citizens may become in a short time. North Alton [Upper Alton] is at a short distance, and besides being a place of considerable farming, is the residence of a great number of coopers, who make a large quantity of barrels for flour and provisions. It has two churches, which look rather out of character for want of paint. In this village, on a pretty spot, is situated the college which was endowed by the late Dr. Shurtleff of Boston, and which bears his name.

A short distance from Alton we came to the lowland called the American Bottom, which at times, when the river is highest, is generally overflowed; it is rich soil, richer than any other in the world. This bottomland extends on both sides of the river for nearly a hundred miles, and has proved to be inexhaustible - it never wears out.

A few miles from Alton, I believe only three, is the mouth of the Missouri, a yellow-colored water, which empties into the Mississippi, but does not mix with it for miles and miles in its course. The difference in the two streams is marked so strongly, that while one is on the clearer waters of the latter, the waters of the other, running only a few feet distance from the boat, look like a sandbar extended along on the side. After we proceed some miles, the two become united, but after all it is like the amalgamation of milk and molasses, with a streak of light and a streak of dark. The Mississippi, however, never again becomes the clear, bright water that it is in the regions above. The bottom lands are well wooded, and the foliage of the trees is the most dense I have ever seen. I believe that oaks and elms, and maple and locust, and walnut, are the most abundant, although other varieties are interspersed. Occasionally you will see a Lombardy poplar, but it is where somebody has planted it - it is not natural to the soil. There are no chestnuts and no pines.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 27, 1847
We regret to state that as Miss Susannah, daughter of our respected neighbor, Mr. John Quigley, was returning from Upper Alton on Monday last in a buggy driven by a young lad, and had reached the upper part of Middletown, the horse suddenly took fright and ran off at full speed. After going a short distance, the carriage was brought into contact with a tree, the shock from which precipitated Miss Quigley and the drive with great violence to the ground. The driver sustained but little injury, but the young lady was picked up senseless - having had both bones of one of her arms broken about midway between the wrist and elbow, and received a severe contusion on the head, besides sundry other bruises. The best surgical aid was immediately procured, and we are happy to add that she is now doing as well as can be expected, and it is hoped in a fair way to a speedy recovery. We understand that the horse, in his headlong career, ran over two young children of Mr. Kendall, but providentially, they sustained no serious injury.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 8, 1847
I have just returned from a visit to the greatest curiosity in the vicinity of Alton. Perhaps most of your readers are aware that the Piasa Legend is connected with a cave a few miles up the river from here. To this cave, tradition says the winged monster used to carry the red man to devour him, and some modern traveler, or one who has visited the place within the last few years, declares that the cave still contains vast numbers of human skeletons. I have not learned whether this applies to the cave which I have just visited, two miles up the river from here, or to another, called the Great Piasa, some five miles further up. Of the latter, I have no knowledge, only what I have heard.

After a pleasant walk of two miles along the edge of the water, in which I picked up many pieces of cornelia, hornblendes, agate, and other interesting specimens of mineralogy, together with many curiosities in conchology, and most of all, saw the famous rock - long since a subject of interesting discussion among the learned in Europe - having in it two human footprints, impressed, beyond doubt, by the red man of some remote period, when it was just assuming the solid form, we arrived at the cave. I had expected to find it nearly on a level with the river, but on reaching it, I found it nearly one hundred feet higher. The ascent is difficult, and to weak nerves, even dangerous. The cave has the appearance of a most complete excavation in the solid limestone, wrought by human hands. I understand it has never yet been fathomed, though it has been penetrated several hundred feet. At the entrance, you are met by a gushing stream of pure water. Its singular transparency brought at once to my mind the beautiful tributaries of the Holstein in East Tennessee, in which the fisher man commonly takes fish by spearing or gigging them in water from fifteen to twenty feet deep. Nor was it only beautiful, on tasting it I decided at once that I had never tasted better water, either colder or purer, in the valleys of Virginia or anywhere else.

The thought at once presented itself. How much would it contribute to the health and comfort of Alton, could this be conducted in pipes to a reservoir on the top of the hill near Sempletown, and thence distributed over the city; presenting itself at all hours at every door, pure as it runs from the cave? The ice business would then, of course, cease, for with such water as this, there could be no use for ice. The only question is - is it practicable? Let us make an estimate of the cost. The spring is, at this time, lower than usual, but I think it discharges near two gallons per minute, which is nearly three thousand gallons every twenty-four hours. At ordinary times, I understand it produces much more. This will be quite sufficient for Alton, as it would not be used, I presume, for washing clothes, the rain water being better. Is it practicable at this time, or is it not? Signed by M.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 8, 1847
On Sunday evening last, between eight and nine o'clock, the cry of "fire" accompanied with the ringing of the bells was heard to resound through our streets, while a bright sheet of flame was seen to issue out of some large building in that part of the city known by the name of "Sempletown." The different fire companies and citizens promptly hastened to the spot, when the scene of the conflagration was found to be the unfinished frame building owned for several years past by General Semple, but never completed, and which at the time of the fire, contained a few tons of hay, the property of Mr. Harris. Owing to the combustible nature of the materials, nothing could be done to save the building or its contents; the whole of which was consumed. The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. We are unable to give as estimate of the loss, but as the building destroyed, although very large, was a mere shell, and rapidly going to decay, it was of comparatively little value.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1847
We are much gratified to be able to state that everything about us indicates that the thick cloud which for nearly ten years past [due to the murder of Elijah P. Lovejoy] has hovered over this city, has at length entirely disappeared and given place to a bright and prosperous day. Judging from present indications, the operations in beef and pork will be fare more extensive the approaching season than at any preceding period - the necessary arrangements for the erection of a new steam mill on Second Street [Broadway], early the ensuing Spring, have been completed - many new and substantial buildings have been erected, and other commenced during the past summer and fall. Our stores are supplied with larger stocks of goods, and of a better quality then they have ever heretofore been. The various products of the surrounding country are abundant, and in demand at very fair prices, and industry and attention in every branch of business are liberally and promptly rewarded. Alton now seems in a fair way to realize all the benefits originally hoped for from her unriveled local position, and there is probably no place in the entire West which offers greater inducements to capitalism for safe and lucrative investments, or more encouragement to enterprising and intelligent men in the various departments of trade and industry. Let those who doubt this pay us a visit and judge for themselves.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 11, 1848
For the last ten years there has been no period at which our city has exhibited the same degree of prosperity as the present. This induces us to notice the contemplated improvements during the ensuing year.

There are already in progress of completion two very extensive distilleries; a very large flouring mill, being the fourth in Alton, which according to the advertisement of its proprietors, will alone consume twelve hundred bushels of wheat every twenty-four hours; two saw mills; a second foundry; a brewery; and an extensive planing factory. This latter establishment we desire to bring to the especial notice of our citizens and of the surrounding country. Its enterprising proprietor, Mr. Bailey, in consequence of the monopoly held by Mr. McGuire of St. Louis, who refuses to give anyone the right to use said machine for a term exceeding a month at a time, added to other causes unnecessary here to enumerate, has purchased the right of said patent for Alton and its vicinity, and removed from St. Louis to this place a few days since. He is now engaged in erecting his machine shop, which when completed will enable him to furnish any quantity of planed flooring or any other stuff under twenty-two inches in width that may be desired. In addition to this is an upright saw, constructed for the purpose of furnishing panel stuff in any quantity; also, facilities for the manufacture of dry good, soap, and candle boxes, upon a large scale. In the attic of the building is to be an extensive sash factory, under the management of Messrs. Hayden & Pierson; the whole to be propelled by steam. The engine will be constructed at the foundry and machine shop of Messrs. Hanson & Emerson, whose facilities for the ensuing year will enable them to supply the demand in this section of the state, and thus supersede entirely the necessity of going to St. Louis for any such work. The very fact that Mr. Bailey, a practical man, immediately from St. Louis, where he has resided several years, has engaged his engine of Messrs. Hanson & Emerson in the best evidence we can offer that such work can be procured here of as good quality and upon as favorable terms as in St. Louis. If we are correctly informed, this planing factory will be in successful operation by the middle of April.

The number of buildings under contract to be put up so soon as the weather will admit we cannot with accuracy assert, but are justified in the statement that it will greatly exceed that of any two years during the period first above named. The Corporation also have it in contemplation greatly to extend the improvements of the streets, which if accomplished, will add more to the appearance and future improvement of Alton than any other single thing that could be done.

We desire no better evidence of the permanent prosperity of Alton that the fact that within the last few months, several farmers have invested a portion of their means in the purchase and improvement of property in this city. The reason for this is satisfactorily explained by one of the wealthiest of the class to whom we allude, and who heretofore was in the habit of loaning his money at ten and twelve percent. The Legislature of our state have, as is well known, reduced the rate of interest from twelve to six percent. Upon inquiring, he found that by buying property in Alton and building upon it, the rents that he could realize therefrom would pay him an interest upon the capital invested equal to ten or twelve percent. Being satisfied of this, he did not hesitate to make the adventure, and thus far his expectations have been fully realized; so much so that he contemplates this Spring putting up several more buildings.

The emigration to Alton is of the healthiest, and most desirable kind, which would be more than doubled if there were houses that could be obtained for the accommodation of the new comers. This evil, however, we hope to see remedied to some extent in the number of dwellings that will be erected this season. Our merchants are supplying themselves with stocks of goods heavier than at any other period, and groceries, we are assured, can and will be furnished to retailers at St. Louis wholesale prices. We would particularly call the attention of country dealers to the desirable stock of groceries of Messrs. Bowman & Johnson, I. Scarritt & Co., Wise & Lea, C. Phinney, and H. C. Sweetzer; and to the very extensive wholesale stock of boots and shoes of Messrs. E. L. Dimmock & Co. At all four of the lumber yards in this city, there will also be found on the opening of navigation in the Spring, very large stocks of all kinds of pine lumber and shingles, either of which will meet the demand from the country at St. Louis prices, if not under; and on the opening of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, the quantity of every kind of pine lumber, at all times to be found in this city, will be greatly augmented.

The extension of the Telegraph wires from Louisville to this city give to our merchants every advantage that can be derived from this greatest improvement of the age, and when they shall be continued across the river to St. Louis, will still add to the facilities and advantages we already enjoy. To all these improvements is to be added the favorable prospects of the early construction of the Alton and Springfield Railroad, which when completed, will add more rapidity to the immediate improvement of Alton than any other thing that can be accomplished.

These hastily conceived remarks will enable the public abroad to decide for themselves, whether Alton does not present inducements to the emigrant equal in all respects to those held out by any city or town in the valley of the Mississippi. The health of Alton, which we maintain is far better than that of any other place in the valley that we know of, we shall, in a future number of our paper, make a special object of investigation. Signed by D.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 25, 1848
We regret to state that the smokehouse of Messrs. A. Corey & Co., in Alton, was completely consumed by fire on Tuesday morning inst. It contained at the time about 110,000 pounds of ham and other meat, partly cured, the most of which was either destroyed or much injured, and the loss, which falls principally on Messrs. Corey & Co. and Mr. H. Fishback, is estimated at about $3,000. The fire, which is attributed to accident, broke out a little after two o'clock, but although our intrepid firemen, as usual, were early on the ground and very energetic and persevering in their exertions, they succeeded only in rescuing a part of the meat in a damaged state, without being able to save the building.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 03, 1848
We regret to state that on Saturday morning last, between the hours of one and two o'clock, a fire broke out in the small frame building on the north side of Second Street [Broadway], near the Piasa bridge, occupied by Miss Henry as a Fancy Store, and by F. Livers as a barber shop. Our energetic firemen promptly repaired to the spot, and their untiring exertions, favored by the stillness of the wind, succeeded in confining the ravages of the devouring element within the building in which it originated, which was entirely consumed, with most of its contents. The frame building adjoining on the east, owned and occupied as a clothing establishment by Mr. T. L. Waples, and filled with valuable goods, although in imminent danger, was almost miraculously preserved from injury, as was also the store edifice on the west, belonging the Cyrus Edwards, Esq., in which the post office is kept. We are unable to state the amount of the loss with precision, but it probably does not exceed $1,000, and with the exception of that sustained by the barber, which is inconsiderable, is covered by insurance. Too much commendation cannot be given to the firemen for their valuable services on this and all other similar occasions.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 17, 1848
Our esteemed fellow-citizen, Mr. E. D. Topping, having changed his business, has just opened at his old stand on Second Street [Broadway] a new and complete stock of hardware, comprising every article in that line, to which he intends henceforward to devote his exclusive attention. As he designs selling at the lowest rates, and to keep a good assortment always on hand, those wishing to purchase will do well to give him a call.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 10, 1848
A Lewis Cass [Democrat] meeting was held in Alton on Monday evening last, in front of the post office on Second Street [Broadway], at two o’clock in the afternoon, and was followed immediately afterwards by a meeting of the friends of “Old Rough and Ready.” These meetings, at which some stirring speeches had been made, had occasioned some little excitement, which was kept alive by a call for a barn burner meeting to be held in the evening at Concert Hall. About sundown, it became very cloudy and a little snow fell, accompanied by a sharp breeze, threatening a disagreeable and somewhat inclement night. By seven, however, the weather had, contrary to all previous indications, became clear and serene – the moon shone with great brilliancy – the wind had subsided, and an uncomfortable day had been succeeded by a most beautiful evening. Soon after the above hour, the Whigs began to gather in large numbers at the corner of State and Second Streets, torches and bonfires were lighted, and a temporary stand was erected near the drugstore of Messrs. A. S. Barry & Co., from which the assembled crowd were addressed with great eloquence and power, in behalf of General Zachary Taylor [Whig Party], by a number of gentlemen of Alton. The friends of General Cass, unwilling to be outdone, promptly set up an opposition stand on the other side of the street, which was immediately occupied, and for some hours, spirit-stirring appeals, frequently interrupted by long and repeated cheers, were made to the people from each of the stands, and also from Concert Hall, where the orators of the third-party were haranguing their adherents. The cloudless sky, the brilliant moon, the sparkling torches, the brightly burning fires, the thrilling addresses, the responding shouts of the surrounding multitude, the almost incessant explosion of crackers among the crowd – formed altogether a very exhilarating spectacle. It affords us much pleasure to be able to add that, notwithstanding the excitement of the scene, the close proximity of the meetings, the vehemence of some of the speakers, and the deep interest felt in the issue of the great contest which was to take place in the course of a few hours, nothing of an unpleasant character occurred, and the different meetings were begun, conducted, and brought to a close with the utmost order, and as if, instead of being divided in sentiment, all those present had had the same object in view. No greater praise than this can be awarded to any community, nor can a higher tribute be paid to the influence of our Republican institutions over the public morals. [NOTE: General Zachary Taylor won the Presidential election of 1848.]


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 29, 1848
A new foundry and machine shop has been erected in Alton by Messrs. Stigleman, Johnson & Co., and is now in operation. We took occasion to step into the building yesterday forenoon, and the hasty inspection we gave to the work then in progress was more than satisfactory. We are not sufficiently acquainted with machinery to give a detailed description of what we saw. Let it suffice to observe that such of the different branches in superintended by one of the proprietors – all of whom are experienced, practical men – and that everything seemed to go on like clockwork. The engine, which set the whole in motion, is different from any we have hitherto seen. It stands in an upright position, occupies but little room, is easily kept in order, and works admirable. This new establishment – and Messrs. Hanson & E_____’s well known and extensive foundry and machine shop, which has been in successful operation three or four years, will supply every demand for any kind of machinery, and of a superior quality – and believed equal to that used in the celebrated foundries at Troy, New York – is found here in abundance.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 29, 1848
The ceremony of dedicating the new and handsome hall, recently fitted up for the use of Alton Division No. 4, Sons of Temperance, in the third story of the large brick building on State Street, just erected by our enterprising fellow-citizen, Mr. Mark Dixon, took place on Tuesday last, being the second anniversary of the organization of the Division. At eleven o’clock, the members assembled in their old hall on Second Street [Broadway], and a procession being formed under the direction of the Marshal and his aide, they marched down Second Street, and thence up Market to Third, where they were joined by Piasa Section No. 6, Cadets of Temperance. The united bodies then continued their march up Third Street to Alby, down Alby to Second, up Second to State, and up State to the new hall, which was already partly occupied by a number of persons of both sexes. The ceremonies of the day were introduced by the singing of the Opening Ode, followed by the reading of suitable passages of Scripture by the Rev. E. F. Ellis of the Baptist Church; after which the dedication was solemnly pronounced in most beautiful and appropriate language, by our esteemed fellow-citizen, Edward Keating, Esq., G. W. P. of the Order in the State of Illinois. A fervent Supplication to the Throne of Grace was then offered by the Rev. A. T. Norton of the Presbyterian Church, which was succeeded by a very eloquent address, delivered impromptu by the Rev. S. Y. McMasters of the Episcopal Church – the Rev. J. H. Lino(?) of St. Louis, who had been expected to officiate on this occasion, having failed to attend. This was followed by a few neat and pertinent remarks from the Rev. Mr. Ellis, and the ceremonies were closed by singing the customary Ode, and the Benediction pronounced by the Rev. Mr. Norton.

The Hall is a large and beautiful apartment, 68 feet by 31 in the clear, exclusive of the ante rooms, very tastefully decorated, and admirable adapted to the noble purpose for which it is designed. It is believed to be, in all respects, the handsomest of which the Order can boast, either in this State or in Missouri. The presence of many ladies and gentlemen – the neat appearance of the Sons and Cadets, with their respective banners and regalia – the solemn and appropriate character of the various ceremonies connected with the dedication – the excellent order which uniformly prevailed – and the deep interest which evidently animated the entire assembly – all were well calculated to produce a strong impression in favor of the great cause of Temperance, which, we are happy to add, is still progressing in this place and the vicinity, and includes a large proporti8on of our most estimable citizens among its friends and advocates. The day was very pleasant, and nothing is to be regretted among the incidents of the occasion.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 15, 1849
We take this occasion to notice what should have been mentioned before – that a fine new Omnibus of superior finish was, a few weeks since, put on the track between Alton and the neighboring town of Upper Alton – making the third now running constantly between the two places. When the first omnibus was put on the line, about this time last year, many doubted whether it would receive sufficient encouragement to support it. Now the experiment has been fairly tested, and the result is, to give the enterprising proprietor a flourishing business, and the public a great accommodation.

A gentleman of Monticello [Godfrey] is also about to establish an Omnibus line between that beautiful settlement and Alton, which we hope will prove equally successful as the above. He proposes to make three trips per week between the two points, or oftener if the business should require it. This will also be of great advantage to the people of both places, and we trust the intercourse between them will so increase as to render daily trips indispensable at an early day.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 10, 1849
It will be observed that the total number of deaths, during June 29 – August 8, 1849, amounts to 118, of which 80 were from cholera – 28 of these being non-residents. Full three-fourths of the victims of the pestilence were persons born outside of the United States, and several of the cholera cases might properly be classed with the deaths from other causes, the fatal termination having occurred after the disease had assumed a different type. The greatest number of deaths, it will be seen, occurred during the week ending on the 19th of July, while none from cholera has taken place since the first of the present month. We believe no case of the disease now exists within the city limited.

Although the people of this place have to deplore the loss of many very dear friends and valuable members of society, yet the above facts will show that, in proportion to her population, Alton has suffered much less than most of the cities and towns which have been visited by cholera, for which the most fervent gratitude is due to Almighty God, by whom we have thus been mercifully spared. It is also worthy of notice that although our physicians have been tasked to the utmost – having been allowed scarcely any rest, either night or day during the whole of last month, they all have been preserved in tolerable health, and enabled to attend to the numerous calls made upon them. The same may also be said of our clergymen, many of whom have devoted themselves almost exclusively to the care of the sick, the relief of the afflicted, and the administration of the consolations of religion to the dying, and all of whom we believe have escaped a serious attack.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 17, 1849
It has often struck us with surprise that while this city [Alton] is provided with almost everything necessary for private comfort or public convenience, she should so long remain destitute of a bathing establishment. True, a few citizens have appropriated rooms in their respective dwellings to the above purpose, but these are designed for their own exclusive use, and as, for obvious reasons, a small number only can enjoy this advantage, it necessarily results that the great mass of our population must be wholly deprived of it, and consequently obliged to resort to imperfect and inconvenient substitutes.

Now it is generally admitted that frequent ablations, especially in the Summer season, are essential to the preservation of health. They are particularly recommended by eminent medical men, as among the surest and most effectual safeguards against attacks from cholera, and although we have good ground to hope that this fearful disease has now left us, yet it may, and probably will, return, if not the present season or next year, at least at some future period. It is, therefore, the counsel of prudence, to neglect nothing which appears calculated to check or limit its ravages. Besides, even if we were sure never again to be visited by the same scourge, a bathing establishment of sufficient dimensions to accommodate our increasing population would be desirable, not only as a great public convenience, but as a certain means of promoting the general health.

With one of the largest rivers on the globe immediately in front of our city, and every desirable facility for the erection of the requisite building, we are persuaded that a neat, commodious, and substantial bathing house could be put into operation here at little cost, and that it would yield a very fair percent, upon the investment. We further believe that the City Council would readily grant to any person willing to engage in the enterprise, permission to erect one on the public landing, or at some other suitable point where water may be easily obtained, as well as afford him such other proper encouragement as may be desirable to ensure his success.

We are aware that it is now somewhat too late in the season to think of putting up such an establishment in time to be used the present year. But we throw out these hints in the hope that they may attract the attention of someone disposed to try the experiment, and that such arrangements and preparations may be commenced this Fall as shall ensure the completion of the undertaking early in the ensuing Spring. This may, indeed, be considered a small business, but it may become important, as it is almost certain to become ultimately profitable. It has proved such in most of the places where the attempt has been made, and no good reason exists why it should be less so at Alton.

Public baths originated from a communal need for cleanliness at a time when most people did not have access to private bathing facilities. They become incorporated into the social system as meeting places. Public bathing does not refer only to bathing – they could include saunas, massages and relaxation therapies. Members of the society considered it as a place to meet and socialize. Public bathing could be compared to the spa of modern times.

The first reference I could find in the old newspapers in Madison County regarding a public bathhouse was in June 1853, when Dr. Thomas M. Hope advertised his soon-to-be-opened bathhouse in Alton. The patrons could enjoy a bath or shower in clear, cool water.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 5, 1849
About two o’clock this morning the extensive distillery of Mr. Beckwith was discovered to be in flames, and the whole was soon a mass of ruins. The general impression is that it was the work of an incendiary. Loss about $25,000, which is supposed to be partially covered by insurance.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 5, 1849
About half past seven o’clock on Tuesday morning last, the alarm of fire rang through our streets, and upon repairing to the spot, we discovered the extensive livery stable of M. Dixon, Esq., on State Street, enveloped in flames. The adjoining frame building occupied by Messrs. Shattuck & Force, as a carriage manufactory and also part of Messrs. Woods & Stratton’s Plow Manufactory were immediately torn down, and the further progress of the fire arrested at once. The loss is estimated at about $1,000, and there was no insurance.

Source: Alton Telegraph, October 26, 1849
Messrs. Shattuck & Force, who were burnt out about three weeks since, have rebuilt their carriage manufactory with brick, and are now at work at their old stand.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 23, 1849
We find the following in relation to this improvement in the last Lebanon Journal, and transfer it to our columns with the following correction. Instead of the ravine running east and west as there stated, it runs north and south, being at right angles with the river at this point.

“Alton is divided into two parts by a deep ravine passing through it east and west [north and south] to the river. In the bottom of this the corporation is constructing a tunnel or aqueduct of strong mason work, sufficiently capacious to carry off the water. Over this, a road will be constructed, the ravine filled up by ploughing down the hills, and a valuable street opened. This work is costing the city $7.50 a foot, but the lots(?) erected will be worth ten times the cost of tunneling and filling up, and besides, the appearance of the city will be greatly improved.

Alton has great facilities for a prosperous town. It is now quite certain that a railroad connected it with Springfield will be speedily completed, and ultimately this will run on to Chicago, Property is destined to greatly advance. Those having money to invest, and who can wait a few years for productive returns, would do well to purchase at Alton. In ten years, it would double.”

The culvert under Piasa Street is now about completed. The water of the creek was turned into it the day before yesterday. We hope the lot owners along the line of this improvement will not be backward in doing their duty in regard to paving the sidewalks before winter sets in, as it would be a great public convenience to have it completed at once, and it could probably be done at less expense now than in the Spring.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 24, 1850
Mr. E. Beall has removed his extensive furniture establishment into the building formerly occupied by Colonel J. O. Ketcham, which has been recently improved in many respects, and is now one of the best on Second Street [Broadway]. Without intending any disparagement to the other furniture stores in the city, which are likewise very well supplied, we may state that Mr. Beall’s rooms are filled with new and beautiful articles, and those wishing to make purchases in his line will do well to give him a call.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 31, 1850
This establishment has met with severe disadvantages the past two weeks. A case of smallpox occurred in it, which terminated fatally. The boarders fled from the house, leaving it almost empty. The proprietors, the Messrs. Siemgrandis (sp?), stuck faithfully to the sick man, and no expense nor pains was spared to make the sufferer’s condition as comfortable as possible.

Boarders and travelers will now see their interest in patronizing this house, for if they fall sick here, they will find it emphatically a home. The clothes of the deceased and every article used in his sickness, including bed and bedding, have been consumed by fire, and the house has undergone a thorough cleansing and ventilation. Although the expenses of the deceased were met by his friends, yet it is said the city council, regarding the house, for the time being, as a city hospital, will make an appropriation for the benefit of the generous and noble-spirited proprietors. As a proof of public estimation, this house is being refitted with numerous and profitable boarders, as it richly deserves. Citizens are discussing the propriety of building a city hospital. It is surely a duty the council owe to the people at this time, to provide so desirable an establishment at a convenient distance from the city, where all contagious cases of disease may be sent, having ____ such superintendents as the proprietors of the above house. It may be well to state that the case of smallpox mentioned was contracted out of Alton, being the first case, and it is hoped the last, of that loathsome disease. Signed A Citizen. [Note: This hotel could have been the Alton House, the Mansion House, or the Franklin House.]


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 12, 1850
Fairmount Spring is the name given by our intelligent correspondent, whose favor will be found in another column, to the beautiful spring, situated upon the side of the bluff near the river, about two miles above Alton. The water of this spring is the most delicious we have ever tasted, and as there is now no difficulty in approaching it by means of carriages, &c., we think it would be a pleasant place of resort for small parties who wish to escape for an hour or two from the heat and dust of the city, towards the close of these long summer days.

(Article written by “M”)
To the Ladies of Alton:
Be it known that a good carriage way is now open from Alton to the bluff spring, which may, as well as not, be called Fairmount. This spring, the equal of which is hardly to be met with in the Mississippi Valley, is in the bluff, some two miles above Alton [near Hop Hollow], and has an elevation of near one hundred feet above the river. It has hitherto been visited by very few, as it has been thought accessible only from the river, from which the ascent is quite difficult. Late observations, however, have shown that it is easy of access from the top of the bluff, and a good track has been found, formerly used by wood-wagons, leading from the head of the spring, directly to the city.

To such as may feel disposed to cool off toward the close of a summer day, we would beg leave to say that no point in the vicinity presents so many attractions. The water is clear as crystal, and quite as cold as ordinary ice water. Besides, it approaches very near to being entirely soft, having but little lime, and none of the sulphates and sulphurets which are constantly met with in our wells.

The way to ride there is to go through Sempletown, and after passing Smith’s brick house, called the “Farmer’s Home,” turn to the left around the field. Keep the plainest road past an isolated little cornfield on the left, at the far corner of which you take the left. Next you come into a barren, or large opening, the timber of which has been removed by the wood-choppers. Soon after entering this, the road forks – take the right. Near the far side of it, another fork. There take the left (the right-hand prong is obstructed at this time by wood piles). A quarter of a mile further, and you are on the bluff. On coming to a good-sized white oak, blazed, and a small hickory trimmed up, and the under shrubs cut away, you will please light and hitch your horse. Then, descending the gorge or ravine, through an opening you will see a blazed oak, then a succession of glazes will guide you to the living fountain. The path around the shelf is narrow, and may alarm some, but the ladies will find no inconvenience in getting down and back.

Fairmount Spring (so named by “M”) was located in the back (or west) of what is today, “Fairmount Addition,” off of State Street in Alton.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 6, 1850
As is pretty generally known hereabouts, our city landing has for some year’s past been in dispute – the greater part of it having been claimed as individual property. To decide the question of title, two suits were, some time ago, instituted in the Madison County Circuit Court – one by Captain Benjamin Godfrey against the city, and the other by the city of Alton against the Illinois Transportation Company. The former involved the title to that part of the Landing in front of block 92, between State Street and the Penitentiary ground; and by the Circuit Court was decided in favor of the public. The latter, involving the title to the part below Market Street, extending to “the Promenade or Common,” immediately above Henry Street, was, by the same Court, decided against the city. From these decisions, appeals were prosecuted to the Supreme Court by the respective parties against whom they were rendered. Both the cases were argued at the term of the Supreme Court, lately held at Mount Vernon, and each case has been decided by the unanimous opinion of the judges in favor of the city. These decisions, we understand, will settle the right of the public to the whole of the Landing in front of the city, and forever quiet all individual pretensions to any part of the same. Alton, therefore, can now go on to improve and regulate this important interest, as shall be deemed most for the public advantage and accommodation, without incurring the risk of molestation or disturbance from any quarter.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 10, 1851
The process of removing the logs, which now form the covering over Piasa Street, between Second Street [Broadway] and the river, in the central part of our city, was commenced a few days since, and will soon be completed. This will be a valuable improvement.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24, 1851
We are gratified to observe that the people of this portion of our State are at last beginning to realize the necessity and importance of Plank Roads, in preference to the common dirt roads. They are the very thing for this State, as they can be easily and cheaply constructed; and, it has been found, pay well as an investment. We hear that the citizens of Carrollton are talking of building one of these roads from their beautiful town to the Illinois river; and in Jerseyville they are agitating the subject of construction a similar road to some point on the Mississippi (either to Grafton or to this place, we believe [Alton]). Now, we would respectfully suggest to the citizens of the above flourishing towns, and the counties in which they are located, whether a road from Carrollton directly to Alton, via Jerseyville, would not best promote the interests of all concerned, as well as the speedy commencement of the enterprise. Such a road would, in our opinion, be a very great accommodation to the public, do much business, pay large dividends, and moreover, have the advantage of a terminus at a point from which navigation is never suspended. This last fact should be well considered before an enterprise of that character is begun. Its object should be to open an outlet for the products of the country at all seasons of the year. The very time at which produce bears the highest price, is the time when the roads are generally in the worst condition, and when navigation above this place is suspended. Another consideration in favor of this project is that a large proportion of the stock for building this road would be taken by citizens of Alton. This they were ready to do some time since, but the project did not appear to meet the approbation of the people of Jerseyville. Let a company be organized for the building of a plank road from Carrollton, via Jerseyville, to this city [Alton], and let the subscription books be opened at once; and we think we can safely pledge our citizens for one-fourth of the whole cost of the road. If it be energetically taken hold of, the organization might be effected, the stock subscribed, and everything ready for the commencement of the enterprise upon the opening of Spring, and thus secure its completion next season. No one who is at all acquainted with the amount of travel upon this line of road can doubt that it would pay a very handsome percentage upon its cost. We should be glad to hear the views of our friends in Jersey and Greene upon this question. What say you?


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1851
We would respectfully, but earnestly call the attention of the Board of Health or other proper officers, to the condition of the lots upon the west side of Piasa Street, between Second and Fourth. Since the grading of the streets in that quarter, the lots in the old bed of Piasa Creek have remained as before, a great depth below the grade, and become the receptacle for the deposit of filth from the streets and stables in the vicinity. The back water from the river having passed through the sewer of Piasa Creek into these low places, has for some days caused a most sickening effluvia to arise therefrom, rendering them a great nuisance to the public convenience, if not an actual provocation of disease. This state of things calls loudly for a remedy, and that right speedily. Perhaps it may be best, when the water falls, to fill the lots. At present, a quantity of lime and other purifying agents can be used to advantage.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 15, 1851
The hull of the new packet, Altona, was launched at Memphis on Wednesday last. She may be expected up at St. Louis, to receive her machinery, in a few days.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 22, 1851
On Friday night last, two or three rogues made several unsuccessful attempts to effect an entrance into the clothing store of Mr. T. L. Waples, and were finally frightened away by the discharge of a pistol by the clerk, who was sleeping within, which unfortunately did not take effect. A subsequent attempt at the provision store of Mr. William Watts proved more successful, the gentry having obtained entrance through the back door, helped themselves to a small amount of goods and some loose change, which was in the drawer. On the following moring, three persons, who gave their names as George Sheffield, Eli Macom, and J. T. Johnson, were arrested by Constable Worrall, and brought before Justice Robbins, charged with burglary and larceny, and after examination, ordered to give bail in the sum of $300 each. Being unable to procure it, a mittimus issued, and these worthies were committed to the county jail yesterday morning, to take their trial at the next term of the Circuit Court. A portion of the goods taken from Watts’ store was found upon them, and they probably belong to a gang of rascals who have been preying upon the people of Alton and neighborhood for some time past. If so, they are now in a fair way to meet their reward.

In Upper Alton, a very expert robbery was committed at the house of Robert Dunlap, Esq. While the family were at dinner, two rogues entered a bedroom on the first floor, and turning the key after the, rifled the drawers of their valuable contents, consisting of about $80 in money, and $40 or $50 worth of jewelry. On Sunday night, a horse and two saddles were stolen from Captain Littell of Upper Alton.

In Monticello [Godfrey], Mrs. Boyd’s store was entered Saturday night, and some $75 worth of fancy goods taken therefrom.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 12, 1851
In taking a stroll through Edwardsville the other day, we were much pleased at the many evidences of improvement which meet the eye upon every hand. During the season there have been a number of new dwellings erected, and others are now in process of completion. The construction of a plank sidewalk along the principal thoroughfare will add greatly to the comfort and convenience of pedestrians, and efforts should be made to secure its extension the entire length of the street. We were informed that houses are in great demand, thus giving good evidence that the population is gradually, though slowly, upon the increase, and the citizens anticipate a very considerable accession to business and population upon the completion of the plankroad to St. Louis.

We will venture one suggestion, while upon this subject, which if carried out would add greatly to the appearance and character of the town, and be calculated to leave a better impression upon the minds of strangers visiting it. Remove or burn down those unsightly old buildings which may be seen near the principal street, and look like so many relics of the last century; paint your meeting houses and schoolhouses anew, and restore the broken glass, &c.; pay a little more general attention to the planting of shade trees, and your town will soon present a handsome and inviting appearance.

One can hardly visit Alton now-a-days without noticing some new and important improvements. Hills are being leveled, valleys filled up, old buildings torn down and replaced with new ones, and everything indicates the prevalence of the go-ahead spirit. The merchants there are getting in extensive stocks of goods, and say they are determined to offer country merchants as good an assortment, at as low prices, as they can find anywhere. With the increased trade, which will flow in her lap upon the completion of the rail and plank roads, Alton will be upon the highway to metropolitan greatness.

We had occasion to visit Collinsville a few days since, and were gratified to see the progress already made to connect this delightful village with St. Louis by a plank road. The whole distance hence to Collinsville is ten miles, and we traveled over about six miles of the road completed. The whole cost of the road, when completed, is estimated at about $28,000 to $30,000. We understand that it lacks about $3,000 to fill up the stock, or the cost of a little over a mile. The citizens of Madison County have subscribed liberally to the stock, and it seems to us, independent of the question of its being a good paying stock, that it is manifestly to the interest of St. Louis to lend a helping hand to complete this road.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1851
The Alton and Jersey Plank Road Company commenced laying down the plank upon the road last Saturday on Belle Street, at its intersection with Fourth, and are rapidly prosecuting the work. It is expected the plank will be laid as far as the south line of Adams' addition, by Thursday next.


Thirty to Forty Lives Lost
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 28, 1851
Passengers who arrived in Alton today, upon the Die Vernon, bring accounts of a collision which occurred some 23 miles above Alton, in the Mississippi River, between that boat and the Archer, about one o’clock this morning, by which it is supposed that from thirty to forty lives were lost. It appears that the Die Vernon was descending, and the Archer ascending. The night was extremely dark, and their proximity to one another was not discovered, as they say, in time to prevent the accident. The Die Vernon struck the Archer about midship, and in about ten minutes, the latter boat sunk in fifteen to twenty feet of water. The scene is described as truly heartrending, there being some sixty persons on board the Archer, principally deck passengers, more than half of whom were thus, without any warning, roused from their slumbers to meet the cold embrace of death in the Father of Waters. Although the usual cry of “no blame” is heard in this case, as in all others of a similar nature, we hope the affair will undergo the strictest investigation, and the guilty, if any there be, punished with the utmost severity of the law.

Source: Alton Telegraph, December 4, 1851
Since the accident, the Die Vernon has reached this port [St. Louis], and I have learned some of the particulars. The Archer was cut through to the water’s edge and sunk in less than twenty minutes to the cabin floor. Report says, and it is well authenticated, that from 28 to 30 lives were lost on board of her. Ten women and children of two families who were on deck are missing. The Archer had no cabin, and consequently no cabin passengers. Her officers are all safe. The Die Vernon sustained no injury. Of those lost on the Archer, a family of the name of Smyers, from Western Pennsylvania, were peculiarly unfortunate. The father, mother, and six out of seven children were drowned. The Pilots of both boats are out in the evening papers of this date, endeavoring to explain away the causes of the disaster. Many think it the result of sheer negligence.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 2, 1852
A beautiful creation of one of our own citizens was exhibited on Tuesday night. It is truly a magnificent affair. And however high Mr. Blair may have stood in public estimation as an artist, this great work will take even the lover of fine paintings by surprise. We venture the prediction that it will give Mr. Blair a place among the very first artists of this, or any other age. It must have unbounded popularity throughout our country in a very shor time. On Tuesday evening the Hall was full to overflowing by a delighted audience, who, as the life-like scenes of the panorama passed, gave continued demonstrations of the highest appreciation of this work. Rev. W. F. Bovakin explained the diagrams and paintings illustrative of the geological periods, and formations of the earth, and Rev. A. T. Norton gave explanations on all the balance of the panorama, adding very much to the interest of the exhibition. This will reflect, wherever exhibited, very favorably on the character of Western genius. We wish Mr. Blair great success in this panorama, and congratulate him, that such is the present prospects.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 6, 1852
About 10 o’clock last Thursday night the extensive foundry and machine shop of Mr. Nathaniel Hanson, situated upon Front Street below the Alton House, was discovered to be on fire. Owing to the combustible nature of the buildings and contents, all efforts to save them proved fruitless. Loess estimated at from $20,000 to $25,000, upon which there was an insurance of $5,000 in the Illinois Mutual Fire Insurance Company. A strong wind was blowing from the south, which seriously threatened the destruction of the entire block of buildings upon the opposite side of the street, but owing to the noble exertions of the firemen and citizens generally, who acquitted themselves admirably, the destructive element was subdued without making further progress. It is not known how the fire originated.

We have since learned that Mr. Hanson sets down his loss at $15,000, exclusive of insurance. Various conjectures are afloat as to the origin of the fire, and it is not improbable that it was the work of an incendiary, as very great care has always been exercised, and the proprietor had gone his customary round after the workmen left, to see that all was right, a short time before it was discovered. Not the least unfortunate result connected with this catastrophe is the fact that some thirty hands are thrown at once out of steady and profitable employment. We hope speedy measures will be taken to rebuilt the establishment.

Source: Alton Telegraph, February 6, 1852
We learn that Mr. Hanson is making preparations for the reconstruction of his machine shop, destroyed by the fire last Thursday night.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 5, 1852
About one month since the extensive machine shop and foundry of Mr. N. Hanson of Alton was laid in ruins by a devastating fire, we are happy to state that through the indomitable energy of the proprietor, the establishment has been rebuilt, and is now again in full blast. The fires were built in the furnaces some days since, being less than four weeks from the night of its destruction.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1852
Having spent a few days in your city for the purpose of seeking out a spot to settle on, I admire much the energy of the citizens and the enterprising character they display in the recent improvement of the streets. I must say, the work on Third Street cannot be surpassed by any place on the Mississippi, and the plank and railroads only at present serve to point to your city’s future prosperity. But upon inquiry of a certain person where the poor house was, the answer was, “We have no poor,” I was rejoiced at the news, glorious Alton, thought I, no poor, no one of whom the chilly hand of charity needs be extended. I rejoiced, but my joy was of short duration, for my eye was soon attracted by an object of pity enquiring for the city doctor – then the thought struck me, where is the hospital? None – I was petrified with astonishment – a city like Alton, and no place of refuge for the poor, sick stranger, who may be cast upon your shore? What can your city authorities be thinking of, not to provide some suitable asylum for the destitute, while they so liberally provide for the rising generation by building new schoolhouses. They neglect the one thing needful. Let them drop for the future the idea of spending thousands for new schoolhouses, and contemplated market houses, and rear a home for the wretched, who are overtaken with disease and death, and have not where to lay their heads, save an engine house. Now I would ask, is this in accordance with the prosperity of your thriving city? Are there not five hundred well disposed persons to be found in Alton, who would give five dollars each to erect a frame building suitable for the present emergencies? This would add a little to the credit of Alton. Signed by Homo.

Response by a Citizen of Alton:
It is well known that Alton has a poorhouse, large and commodious, that is comfortably furnished, and where the poor and destitute of our city are well taken care of – where every necessary is provided them. A physician is also employed by the city with a salary, who is always at the service of the poor and destitute. No city or town in the State of Illinois expends more money for the relief of the suffering than the city of Alton for the past ten years.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 20, 1852
We are glad to notice that the extensive foundry and machine shop of Mr. N. Hanson, which was destroyed by fire on the night of January 20, is in progress of reconstruction, and from present appearances, will very shortly be ready for operations. Mr. Hanson’s loss has been heavy, and for the resolution and energy he displays, he deserves the good wishes of all, and merits, as we hope he will receive a continuance of the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to him.

We understand the building he is now erecting is intended for temporary use only, and that he contemplates, before another year, of putting up in some other part of the city a permanent foundry and machine shop, upon altogether a larger scale. Alton should see to it that every facility and assistance is afforded him in an enterprise so praiseworthy. She has a far greater interest in this matter than some of our citizens are willing to believe. Manufactories have been the making of many a city, which had none of the natural advantages of Alton, and the best location amounts to but little if manufactories do not find their way there to build it up. Other causes may assist, very materially assist, but our word for it, the ultimate prosperity of our city, will depend in a very great measure upon her manufactures. They are the heart, hand and sinews of improvement and population, and Alton, if she is true to herself, will do everything in her power to foster and encourage them.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 20, 1852
I am highly gratified with the views of some of your correspondents as expressed in your paper from time to time, upon the subject of building a Market House and City Hall on the south side of Second Street [Broadway], between Market and Piasa Streets. I coincide with them exactly in the opinion that it is a praise-worthy enterprise and loudly called for by the commanding position and increasing wants of Alton and vicinity. Under other circumstances, it probably would be proper for the city, in its corporate capacity, to erect this building, but she has already “two many irons in the fire,” and it would be both imprudent and unjust for her, at this time, by means of increased taxation, to embark in such an undertaking. While the city cannot do anything in this enterprise herself, I have no doubt she will willingly and gladly lend her aid to those who are able to push it through to a speedy completion. The benefits she will derive from the erection of such a building are too apparent to be mentioned in this connection, but the terms she may impose, should be as easy as her benefits will be great.

In the present state of the city finances, I know of no mode of constructing a Market House and City Hall, at once so feasible and so certain, as by subscription. In this way, no one will feel the burden of an onerous tax imposed by the city. In the payment of subscriptions, those who are unable to advance money can advance its equivalent – work. Masons, bricklayers, joiners, painters, and mechanics are ready to subscribe upon these terms. “Draypin” estimates the cost of such a building at $8,500. I think, myself, that this sum is amply sufficient, but let us take $10,000 as the probably cost of construction. One hundred and fifty-five subscribers are all that are required. Upon this scheme, I verily believe the whole amount of stock can be taken in less than a week. Signed by Public Spirit.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 12, 1852
Agreeably to my promise, I will give you, through the columns of this spicy little sheet, a slight idea of our Masquerade and Fancy Dress Ball, which came off last evening at the Franklin House. Though the weather was rather unfavorable, yet nearly all of the beauty and fashion of Alton were present. The ladies – and I defy any city in our Union to produce fairer – by their beauty and grace, lent additional attraction to the unique and brilliant costumes. The music, imported from St. Louis, was excellent, and the supper exquisite, which is ever the case when under the superintendence of Mr. Bliss.

The maskers acquitted themselves admirably, and sustained their several characters to perfection. Among them, I particularly noticed the fair Miss M----, in the piquant dress of Marie, La Fille du Regiment. The costume was not strictly that of Marie, the tri-colored skirt and little canteen were wanting, but the velvet jacket and dark waving plumes were exceedingly becoming to the fair wearer. The dark eyed Mrs. B---- was disguised most effectually in a gray domino. The modest Mrs. D---- also appeared in a very elegant costume. But I really cannot designate the ladies as I would like to do, owing to the circumstance of my being so much a stranger, their appearance is traced upon my mind by memory’s faithful pencil, in ineffaceable characters.

Among the “lords of creation,” Hamlet, admirably personated by Mr. B----, stalked by with funeral plumes and gloomy brow, as if awaiting the ghost of his father. The young and handsome Mr. H---, in his military dress, would have more aptly represented “Dan Cupid.” He has doubtless pierced many a maiden’s heart. Mr. C----, too, made a most excellent quaker, and Mr. H----, I believe, personated a most amusing “Paddy from Cork.” Among the stars, there was present one, who is, I understand, about to leave the galaxy and become a wandering, or “shooting star.” His loss will be deeply deplored in the social and festive circle. The handsome and graceful Mr. M----, disdaining disguise, appeared in plain citizen’s dress, and by his gentlemanly deportment and winning address, made himself quite conspicuous. Mr. T----, Mr. H----, Mr. N----, Mr. R----, and many others whom I have not time to designate, also shone to much advantage.

In fact, it was an evening which will not soon be forgotten. The strictest order and decorum were preserved, and not a single faux pas committed. Romeo bowed gracefully to Falstaff – French Courtiers and Yankee Peddlers danced vis a vis – the painted Warrior strode through groups of fairy-like maidens, without causing a single tremor – the Mexican Don chatted gaily with a sweet little Bloomer, and all went “merry as a marriage bell,” until quite a late hour.

This brilliant scene will oft re-visit me in bright phanta-magoria, when imagination revels in the past. The mind is a curious concern, dear ------. Last night, full of romance, visions of Italy, “the land of song,” floating confusedly through my brain – her delightful carnivals, and dark-eyed dames. Today, seated in my sanctum with plenty of daylight to keep me within the sphere of sober, dull reality, I feel the dream is past, and I am ready to exclaim with Clio, “Happiness is but a name – a flying bubble – an empty metaphor.” Still, take it all in all, this is a pleasant world, if we would but glance at it through a Claude Lorraine glass, but a truce to moralizing, all things must have an end, so must your patience and this letter. The last ball of the season is over, so adieu, and believe me, Always yours, --------.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 7, 1852
We learn from good authority that a banking institution, with a capital of $500,000, divided into 1,000 shares of $500 each, is about to be established in Alton under the above title. It is to be based on Illinois State Stocks, and is expected to commence business on or about the first of July next. Messrs. Sebastian Wise, Peter Wise, J. J. Mitchell, William H. Mitchell, and J. H. Lea – gentlemen well known in Alton and throughout the State for their ample resources and financial abilities – are the principal shareholders, and the bills of any bank owned and controlled by them will at once command the unreserved confidence of the community. We doubt not that the businessmen in this part of Illinois will view the establishment of the Alton City Bank with unmingled satisfaction.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 21, 1852
The rapid increase of business at this establishment affords gratifying evidence of the general prosperity, and is at the same time a well-merited compliment to the skill of its enterprising proprietors. A lot of twenty coal cars for the Alton and Sangamon Railroad are now being completed at this foundry, for which they will receive $5,500 from the company. They are calculated to carry from 100 to 125 bushels of coal each, and with the exception of the axles and gutta percha springs, are the workmanship of this establishment, and a very creditable specimen too, the wheels and other castings comparing favorably with those manufactured at the East.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 28, 1852
In pursuance of a design entertained for a year past, we this morning commence the publication of the Daily Alton Telegraph, and now present the first number to the people of Alton and vicinity. This enterprise has not been undertaken with a view to present pecuniary advantage. To meet the increasing wants of an intelligent and prosperous community, and render such of our fellow-citizens as choose to avail themselves of it, by supplying them with reliable news at home is our chief, if not only motive. We have made arrangements to obtain, at the earliest moment, through the two lines of electric telegraph now in operation here, all the important news, foreign and domestic, which can be procured, and will thus be enabled to furnish the same to our readers before it can be received from any other quarter. The Daily Telegraph now appears upon a small sheet. We could not make it larger at this time, without much inconvenience, and a large additional outlay, and we think it will be found of sufficient dimensions to meet the present wants of the community.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 28, 1852
The farm of Mr. Bigger J. Head, situated about two miles from town on the Alton road, has been purchased for the purpose of serving as the abode of poor and others, who are thrown upon the county for support. The selection is, we think, a good one, it being at the same time a convenient location, and sufficiently remote from town to prevent any danger to the general health in case diseases of a contagious nature should occur among its inmates.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, Friday, June 4, 1852
Few places possess advantages equal to this for a residence. The city is healthy, its citizens enterprising, and distinguished for the unanimity and zeal with which they engage in all enterprises calculated to promote the prosperity of the place, and the welfare of its inhabitants. Churches of all the leading denominations in the country are to be found here, well sustained; the public schools are in a flourishing condition, and the moral tone and sentiment of the people are not behind those of any place of its size in New England. Its location upon the banks of the Mississippi river, which is navigable to this point at all times when boats can reach St. Louis, in fact we may say at all seasons of the year, makes it comparatively easy of access even at this time; but so soon as the Alton and Sangamon, and the Alton and Terre Haute railroads are completed, it can be reached with the greatest facility from all parts of the country, and at all times. In the vicinity of Alton, about four miles distant, is the Monticello Female Seminary, one of the very best female institutions in the United States. It is delightfully situated in the midst of a most beautiful country, which is highly improved. The Seminary building, which was erected through the munificence of Captain Benjamin Godfrey, to whom the people of this section of country owe a vast debt of gratitude - is calculated to accommodate about one hundred young ladies, and is constantly filled to its utmost capacity. At Upper Alton, about two miles from the city, is Shurtleff college, an institution of very respectable standing, and at this time in a flourishing condition. The country in the immediate vicinity of Alton is broken, and the city itself is built in the midst of hills and hollows, so that the whole place cannot be seen from any one point. Hence persons passing on the river, or who only stop near the landing, are apt to, from very inadequate ideas of the business and extent of the city. No portion of either Middletown or Sempletown, the most delightful portions of the city for residences, and where many of the best improved places are situated, are to be seen from either of these points. To obtain anything like a correct view of the extent of the place, a person should ascend the bluff north of the city, or some other of the many elevated points around it, from which he can see a large portion of the city itself, and have a most magnificent view of the river for many miles. Hitherto there has been but few pleasant rides out of Alton, but now, by the construction of the plank road up the valley, leading back into the country and past Monticello, the people are being furnished with a pleasant and agreeable way of riding out of town. Indeed we scarcely know of a more beautiful and picturesque road for the same distance, than that over the plank road from the city to the Buck Inn. All things considered, we know of no place, east or west, to be preferred to Alton as a residence for families as well as for business men.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, Friday, June 4, 1852
We were very agreeably surprised, yesterday, on stepping into the establishment of Mr. George Thorp, on Third street, between State and Belle streets, to see a small but very finely constructed steam engine, in actual operation, he having received it but a couple of hours before from the boat. Its power is equal, it is said, to about six men, although when we saw it in place it appeared as if an able-bodied man might pick it up and carry it off. Mr. Thorp purchased it in New York, and intends to make use of it in charging the various soda fountains in the city.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 11, 1852
We regret to state that as the light wagon of Mr. E. Hollowell of Monticello [Godfrey] was standing on Second [Broadway], near State Street, yesterday forenoon, in charge of his son (a youth about twelve years old), one of the mail stages carelessly ran against it and frightened the horse, which started off at full speed, overturned the wagon with the lad in it, and scattered its contents about the street. The boy received a severe cut on the side of the head, but we are gratified to add, sustained no serious injury, and the wagon was broken to pieces. Similar acts of recklessness on the part of stage drivers have heretofore taken place in our streets, and are deserving of the severest reprehension.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 18, 1852
We regret to learn that as Mr. J. C. Hayner was going to his room last Tuesday night, he accidentally stepped over the edge of a hatchway in the third story of the building, and fell down into the cellar. He fortunately escaped with a few slight bruises.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 18, 1852
A bill incorporating the Alton and Jerseyville Plank Road Company was introduced by Mr. Buckmaster, of the committee on Incorporations, and passed the House, without opposition. The capital stock is $75,000, divided into shares of $100 each. The Company is authorized to borrow money, not exceeding the amount paid in.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 25, 1852
Samuel A. Buckmaster has been elected to the Legislature in Madison County, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Nelson G. Edwards, Esq. Mr. Buckmaster is a Democrat, but was elected by a large majority.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 16, 1852
The city of Alton is beginning to manifest signs of a very general and rapid improvement. Alton was laid out into a town in 1818, but up to the year 1832, it contained only two or three dozen houses and a steam mill. Its situation, however, upon the East bank of the Mississippi River, eighteen miles below the mouth of the Illinois, and two miles above the mouth of the Missouri River, upon the first high and eligible ground for an extend of over one hundred miles along the river, clearly designated the emporium and shipping point of a very extensive tract of country. Alton has met with the most discouraging drawbacks, and has had to contend against obstacles of the most serious nature, but the strong faith of her shrewd and enterprising population has never been abandoned in the most embarrassing emergencies.

The dark days, however, which succeeded the visionary schemes and speculations of 1836, did not destroy its spirit or its energy. That was an ordeal of the most trying nature, but the lesson of practical wisdom which it taught has not been lost upon our citizens. The prospects and ultimate prosperity of Alton are now placed upon a sure and healthy foundation. The confidence of the community is not only restored, but strengthened, and business meets with hearty encouragement, and obtains certain and successful rewards.

Alton must become one of the important cities of the West. It is growing more rapidly than any place in the State. The attention of Eastern capitalists, and business men generally, is beginning to be directed here, and real estate, which but a few years ago, could not be sold at any price, is now in very general demand.

The advantages which Alton presents are of no ordinary character. The city is surrounded for several miles in extent with one of the finest bodies of timber in the State. Bituminous coal is found in great quantities almost within the limits of the town. Inexhaustible beds of limestone for building purposes bud out in all directions. Lime of the very best quality for water cement is obtained in great abundance, and finer clay for the manufacture of bricks cannot be found in the West. The health of Alton is proverbial, and attracts during the summer months large numbers from the city of St. Louis.

When we add to these considerations the facilities of access which now are offered to the public by the daily packet boats, the Alton and Jerseyville plank road, the Alton, Carrollton, and Jacksonville Railroad, the Alton and Springfield Railroad with its extension to Chicago, and the Terre Haute and Alton Railroad, it may well be affirmed that in thrift, business and enterprise, Alton will speedily rank with the most flourishing cities in the Mississippi Valley.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 23, 1852
We learn that the Madison Mill property, situated at the corner of Second [Broadway] and Piasa Streets, has recently changed hands. Messrs. Wises, J. H. Lea, and Mitchell were the purchasers – the price has not transpired.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 23, 1852
Messrs. Wise, Lea & Mitchell opened their new banking house on State Street, one door from Second [Broadway], yesterday, and we suppose are prepared to receive deposits, sell exchange, etc.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, June 4, 1852
As the Northern stage was leaving town yesterday, the driver carelessly run the stage against a wagon standing in Second street [Broadway], belonging to Mr. Hollowell, who lives a few miles from town, and injured his little son, who was taking care of the horse, very severely. Mr. Hollowell's horse then started and turned up State street and from thence to Third street, starting two other teams, one of which ran up Belle street, and the other was caught before it got under full headway. Many of the stage drivers have been in the habit of showing their skill to our citizens by their rapid driving through town, to the great danger of the teams traversing the street, as well as of human life; and it is high time a stop was put to all such practices. We hope our indefatigable City Marshal will look to the matter.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, August 13, 1852
Mr. Editor - I witnessed today on Second street a specimen of the effects of our license system, and such a scene I hope I shall never again be called to look upon. A man, his wife and little girl, the inmates of one of those filthy, low whisky shops that infest our city, and another person unknown, were engaged in one of the most disgraceful rows that ever tarnished the name of our city. When the two men had fairly come to blows, the woman and her little girl rushed into the street, with oaths too horrible to repeat, and mingled with the combatants. Then came "the tug of war." Pell mell, tumbling and plunging they went, through the mud, while oaths, loud and rapid filled the air. But worse than all, two of our council members (I refrain, though, with reluctance to give their names), stood by their sides almost splitting with laughter at the anything else but laughable scene. No doubt but they were enjoying with the greatest pleasure and satisfaction the fruits of their work! Sir, what else can we expect, when such men hold and rule the destinies of our prospering city? Can we look for anything else? Do we not daily see the most disgusting scenes of drunkenness in our streets? Are not respectable men and women, forced daily to step from the sidewalks into the muddy street, to give way to a reeling and staggering man, made drunk and senseless as a brute, by this infernal license system. And who does the blame rest upon? The liquor vender, the drinkers, or the Council? Yes the Council! and it alone is answerable for the drunkenness and crime of our city. These things should be seen to. Juan.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 13, 1852
The night of Thursday, August 5, will long be remembered with feelings of gratification by the numerous assembly of ladies and gentlemen, who had the good fortune to participate in the “moonlight excursion” on the Altona. The ceremony of embarkation concluded, which by the way, was no inconsiderable matter, when it is recollected that the party was composed of some fifty couples, our magnificent steamer and merry company took leave of the city, and proceeded up the river with little difficulty, until arriving near Eminence, some ten miles above Alton, we ran “full tilt” against a sand bar and were compelled to change our course. Returning, we glided past the city, and landed opposite the mouth of the turbid Missouri River, where the vessel lay for an hour or two, after which we again touched the wharf at Alton.

The evening was delightful, clear and cool, and tempered with a refreshing breeze, wafted over the Father of Waters, laden with the sweet perfume of a thousand wild flowers, and imparting an invigorating influence to such as had become over excited in the pursuit of their pleasant exercise. On one hand, we had the frowning bluffs of the Illinois shore, and on the other, the lowlands of Missouri spread out for miles in the distance; while above was the clear and starry heavens, and below the deep, yet bright and clear Mississippi – a scene for the romantic and sentimental. Space, however, forbids us to dwell. During the whole trip, the utmost good feeling and hilarity prevailed, and nothing occurred to mar the pleasure of the evening. A splendid band on board discoursed sweet music, and what with chatting, and promenading, interspersed with suitable refreshments, and for such as preferred it, dancing – that most harmless, and at the same time, healthful of all amusement, when moderately indulged in – the evening passed almost unconsciously away, and it was not until the “wee short hours ayant the twal,” warned of the coming day, that the company began to disperse.

We cannot close this brief notice without an allusion to the courtesy of Captain Brown, who did all in his power to render the trip agreeable and satisfactory to all concerned, in which we are sure he was quite successful. Although the occasion was rather a novel one to most of the participants, we hope it may be the forerunner of many more of a similar character.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1852
Among the number of business houses at present in course of erection, there are several, which for their size and style, will add very greatly to the appearance of the place, and compare favorably with any we have seen elsewhere. First in the list of these are the extensive buildings of Mr. Nathaniel Hanson, now going up on the corner of George and Front Streets, intended to be used by him as a machine shop and foundry. The main building measures fifty feet front by one hundred feet deep, and is three stories high, fireproof, with cast iron fronts. The first story will be twelve feet in height; the second, eleven; and the third, nine and a half. The foundry, separated from the main building by an alley twenty-five feet wide, is forty feet front by seventy-five feet deep. The entire machinery, engines, tools, and paraphernalia are to be in every respect new, and of the most approved kind and finish. The energy and enterprise which Mr. Hanson is manifesting in our midst, notwithstanding his recent heavy losses by fire, deserves the warm commendation of our citizens. There is no kind of industry which gives more character to a place than manufactures, and it behooves our city to encourage their establishment and foster their growth.

Upon Third Street, a very general improvement is going on, and that locality begins to present a bustling and business-like appearance. On the South side, opposite Belle Street, in course of erection, are the brick buildings of Messrs. Smith, Hibbard, and Miller. The warehouse of Mr. George Smith is twenty-four feet front by eighty feet deep, and is to be three stories in height. Adjoining is the building of Mr. M. Miller, eighteen feet front by forty feet deep, also to be three stories in height.

The warehouse of Mr. Elias Hibbard is twenty-five feet front by eighty-six feet deep. It has cast iron fronts, and is to be raised four stories. The first story will be twelve feet high; the second, eleven; the third, ten; and the fourth, twelve. This building is intended to be one of the most perfect and complete in the city, and will set off Third Street to very good advantage.

Nearly opposite are the two large three-story brick warehouses of Messrs. Bowman & Johnson, making a total front of fifty-two feet on Third Street by eighty-two feet deep. The first story is twelve feet high; the second, ten; and the third, twelve in front and eight in the rear. The cellars are so arranged as to be perfectly dry at all times, and lead out under the sidewalk into large coal vaults, with grating over the area.

Almost on the northeast corner of Third and State Streets is the large, three story brick building of Mr. William Watts, now already finished and occupied. On the corner of Fourth and Piasa Streets, is the extensive two-story brick building of Messrs. Breath and Brown, twenty-five feet on Piasa by one hundred feet on Fourth.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 17, 1852
A difficulty occurred on Saturday night between a couple of Irishmen, and Mr. Gallee, keeper of a tippling house on Second Street [Broadway], in which the latter received a severe stab in the region of the heart, which it is feared may prove fatal. One of the parties concerned was arrested yesterday, and lodged in the calaboose, but the other succeeded in making his escape.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, September 17, 1852
Five miles of this road are now completed at a cost of about $15,000 - which is something more than the average cost of such roads, owing to the high price of lumber in this vicinity, and the uneven surface of the ground near Alton, which made the grading expensive. The first half, or three quarters of a mile of the road, up to O. M. Adam's addition, belongs to the city and is free. On the balance of the road, the company have put up two gates; one near the city and the other in the vicinity of Buck Inn. The following table with which we have been kindly furnished, will show the rates of toll established at each gate, and also what the toll would have been if fixed at the limit of the law:

Gate No. 1 (kept by Dillon) Gate No. 2 (kept by Black) Through Tickets
Drawn by one animal 2 cents 4 cents 5 cents
Drawn by two animals 3 cents 7 cents 8 cents
Drawn by four animals 4 cents 10 cents 12 cents
Drawn by six animals 5 cents 12 cents 15 cents
For every ten of neat cattle 1 cent 2 cents 3 cents
For every ten of sheep or swine 1 cent 2 cents 3 cents
Every horse and rider, or led horse 1 cent 2 cents 3 cents

The tolls charged are about two thirds of what the law allows, but it is hoped that the vast amount of travel on this great thoroughfare will be sufficient, even at these rates, to pay a reasonable dividend on the cost of the road. Should this prove to be the case, and the road meet with public favor, early steps will no doubt be taken to extend it to Jerseyville. Some object has, we understand, been made by persons passing over the road, that they are compelled to pay tolls on a road which was before free. If the objection is a valid one, it is because a free dirt road is better for the public than a plank road on which toll is charged, even at two thirds the rates allowed by law. If this be so, surely no plank roads will or ever ought to be built, but the public should continue as heretofore to travel over bad roads and through the mud as in years past. Experience has shown wherever plank roads have been fairly tested, that it is a great benefit for farmers to have a plank road over which to haul their produce to market, although they have tolls to pay. The advantage consists in the saving of time, in the wear and tear of wagon and team, but above all in the additional weight which the same team can haul. To illustrate: It would be a day's work for a loaded two-horse team to make two trips to Alton and back from the Brighton road in a day, and a ton would have been about a fair load on the old road when in good order for such a team. Now the same team would make the trip over the plank road in considerably less, probably in two thirds the time, and would certainly haul two tons at a load quite as easily as one over the dirt road. Thus, two day's work are done in one, and the saving is the value of the team and driver for a day, less the tolls, to say nothing of the other advantages. The value of the team and driver per day would be $2, and the tolls for the two trips in and out would be 32 cents. The actual benefit to be derived from the plank road by the former, having four tons of produce to haul from the Brighton road to Alton, would therefore be $1.08, even supposing his team returned without a load, and to say nothing of the fact that the plank road would be good for the whole year round, thus enabling him to choose his time for going to market and to take advantage of it, instead of being compelled to go as heretofore when the roads were passable. If these facts are true, and they seem capable of demonstration, it is certainly a great advantage to all having produce to haul from the Brighton road to Alton, that the plank road is built, and there ought to be no complaint that it is constructed on the old highway, when it would be for every man's interest to travel it, even if the old highway remained. It is to be hoped that the public, particularly the farming community, will take the right view of this matter, and that they will come forward and help to extend the road. It is a mistaken notion to suppose that a plank road is a tax to those who have to travel over it. As well might it be contended that the money paid out by a farmer for a plough was a tax, and yet what would be thought of a man who should undertake to dig up his fields with his fingers or a stick, rather than purchase a plough to do it with? In the first instance, he would have to make an advance to obtain the plough, but he would receive it back many fold in the advantage which the plough would give him in tilling his ground, and just so it is with the man who is required to pay tolls for passing over plank roads. The truth is he receives back more than fourfold the amount he pays in the advantages he receives. It may not be amiss to remark that the law imposes a penalty of $25 for forcibly passing a toll gate without having paid the legal toll, and without the permission of the toll collector; and a fine of $10 for turning off and passing round any toll gate, or four leaving the road when the terminal of the journey is on different sides of the toll gate, without paying the regular toll, whether formerly demanded or not.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 8, 1852
On Sunday night, between 9 and 10 o’clock, the substantial new brick dwelling house of our esteemed fellow-citizen, S. W. Robbins, Esq., situated in the lower part of Alton near the bridge over Shields’ Branch, was discovered to be on fire, and the flames having made considerable progress, the main building was in a very short time entirely consumed. It was erected the present season, and had just been completed, the family having intended to occupy it yesterday. There is not a doubt but that this was the work of an incendiary, as the building was locked up, and no fire had been used in or near it. Those first upon the spot observed that a window had been raised, and fire set in two places – at the foot of the stairs leading into the dining room, which they succeeded in subduing, but soon after it burst out from a closet at the head of the stairs, and became entirely unmanageable. The loss is stated at about $1,000, upon which there was no insurance. A wretch vile enough to commit a deliberate crime like the above is deserving of no mercy, and we trust he will be speedily overtaken, and have justice meted out to him to the full extent of the law.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 17, 1852
A bold attempt at robbery, which came near being successful, occurred on Friday night last at the jewelry store of Mr. David E. Brown on State Street. It appears that a couple of light-fingered gentry took advantage of Mr. Brown’s temporary absence in an adjoining store, to force a board off the side ofhis shop, where a new building is in process of erection, and having entered and appropriated the principal contents of the showcase, consisting of valuable watches, chains, rings &c., were taking their leave when Mr. Brown returned and saw them walking across the foundation above alluded to, and having a suspicion that all was not right, he looked into his shop and discovered his loss. Immediately concluding that the worthies he had just seen in the vicinity were the thieves, he mentioned the circumstances to a friend, and they went in pursuit and found them proceeding very leisurely up Third Street, and having overtaken them, a short scuffle took place in which they succeeded in arresting the principal offender, and securing a large portion of the property. About forty-seven watches were found in his pockets, and a large number of rings, &c. His accomplice made off, but was subsequently arrested. They were both brought before Justice Robbins on Saturday morning, and the evidence being strong and conclusive, fully committed for trial. Marshal Pinckard escorted them to their new quarters in the county jail on Saturday.


Source: The Quincy Daily Whig, Illinois, December 9, 1852
From the most authentic information it seems that the explosion on this ill-fated boat was from powder and not the explosion of the boilers. The engineer and clerk both state that there was a large lot of powder stowed away in the hold of the boat, forward of the hatch; the planks forming the gangway to the shore being wet and slippery, large quantities of hot ashes, mingled with coals, were brought from the furnace and strewed upon them, to enable the men to keep their footing while ascending to the bank and descending with the wood. It is thought that some of the coals or sparks were blown by the wind into the hold, causing the powder to ignite and blow up the boat. Some of the surviving officers say that they saw the boilers after the explosion, and that the flues were not collapsed. The body of Capt. Deane was found on Saturday, on the wreck of the cabin, about eight miles below Alton, and taken to St. Louis for interment. It was greatly disfigured, but there was no difficulty in recognizing his face, and his watch and papers were found upon his person. His funeral took place on Monday. Capt. J. J. Perry, Master of the Geneva, died on Sunday morning, from the injuries he had received. His remains are to be taken to Pittsburgh, where his wife resides, for interment.


9 Deckhands, Clerk, and Captains Killed
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 10, 1852
On Friday evening, as the sternwheel boat Geneva, bound for the Illinois River, was effecting a landing at a wood yard about four miles below Alton, near the mouth of the Wood River, a dreadful explosion took place, shattering the forward part of the boat entirely to pieces, and dealing death and destruction on all sides. The cabin immediately parted from the hull and floated down the stream about five miles, where it burned to the water’s edge. The hull sank immediately, a short distance from the scene of the disaster.

At the moment of the explosion, the deckhands were most of them on shore, tying the boat, or in a barge alongside, and consequently nine were killed. Only three are supposed to be injured, one having his arm broken. The two engineers, two cooks, four cabin boys, and the steward were all, more or less, scalded, though all of them probably will recover. We have not learned their names.

In the cabin, the effects of the explosion were far more destructive. Captain Perry, master, was dreadfully burned, and otherwise injured internally, so that his recovery is despaired of. The pilot, Mr. Gall, was also badly burned by the flames of the cabin, but will probably survive. The clerk, W. C. Johnson, has since died from the effects of his wounds. The second clerk, watchman, and barkeeper, are supposed to have been blown overboard and lost. The only passenger on board was Captain W. Deane of St. Louis, who was instantly killed.

The steamer Hibernia came up with the wreck about an hour after the explosion, and brought the dead and wounded to Alton. Drs. Metcalf and Randle dressed the wounds of those surviving, and did everything in their power to ameliorate their sufferings. The Amazonia came down shortly afterwards, and took the unfortunates to St. Louis.

Different causes are assigned for the explosion. At first it was supposed the boilers of the boat collapsed their flues on account of scarcity of water. We have since understood that there was a large quantity of gunpowder in the forecastle of the boat, which caught fire from sparks falling from a burning torch. We do not know which, if either, of these reports are true. We are inclined to the opinion, however, that there was gross carelessness in someone, and that the explosion was the result of it. We hope the matter may be investigated.

We learn from the officers of the Cornelia that Captain Perry, who was so severely injured by the explosion of the Geneva, died from the effect of his wounds at the St. Louis Hospital early on Sunday morning. His physical system was so entirely shattered, and his body so paralyzed, that from the time of the explosion until his death, he was unable to move a limb. It is thought he inhaled a portion of the scalding steam. His remains have been placed on board the steamer Manchester, and are to be taken for interment to Pittsburgh, where his friends reside. Captain Perry is spoken of as having been a most estimable gentleman, and an efficient steamboat man.

The body of Captain Deane, recovered from the wreck of the Geneva, was buried in St. Louis on yesterday, with appropriate honors, under the charge of the Odd Fellows of that city, of which order he was a worthy and acceptable member. Captain Deane was well known in Alton as an excellent man and an accomplished gentleman. For many years, he was engaged in the Keokuk packet trade, both as clerk and captain, and enjoyed the entire confidence and esteem of all who had dealings with him. At the time of his death, he was a member of the house of Carson & Deane. We learn that he leaves a wife and three children. A few weeks since, he insured his life in an Eastern office for $5,000.

Alex Kelsey, engineer of the Geneva, is the same person who blew up the Saluda on the Missouri River. The St. Louis papers contradict this report, and deny that Mr. Kelsey was ever on the Saluda. The impression seems to be gaining ground that the boilers of the Geneva did not explode at all, but that the disaster was caused by powder in the hold. It is said that the decks were not sound, and that sparks from the torch light, as well as from the furnace, communicated to a large quantity of gun powder in the forecastle, and caused the explosion. We hope the matter may be fully investigated, and if this statement is true, that the blame which at present attaches to Mr. Kelsey may be transferred to the shoulders of those to whom it belongs.

According to the Quincy Daily Whig of December 7, 1852, those killed in the explosion were Captain Charles Dean (formerly of the steamboat Lucy Bertram) and Captain Willis C. Johnson (formerly Captain of the steamboats New England and the Ocean Wave).

The St. Louis papers reported that one of the boilers exploded, and then the steamboat burned. The boat was owned by Captain Perry, her commander, and the first clerk, Captain Willis C. Johnson. The Geneva formerly ran the Ohio River. It was first reported that Captain Dean’s body was not recovered, but it was a few days later, and he was buried in Bellefontaine Cemetery in St. Louis, MO. Dean was 33 years of age, and left behind a wife and three children. Captain Willis C. Johnson was part owner of the Geneva, and had assumed the post of clerk. He lived only a short time after the explosion. He was buried in Palmyra, Missouri. Captain Perry was standing on the hurricane deck at the time of the accident, and fell with the wreck to the deck below.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 17, 1852
We learn that Mr. W. T. B. Read has purchased lots and commenced the erection on the Plank Road, near the Cave Spring, of a machine shop for the manufacture of an improved reaping machine in Alton. His buildings will soon be erected, and operations immediately thereafter commenced.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 03, 1853
Back of the Piasa cliffs, and about two miles above Alton, is one of the most delightful and romantic views in nature. The scenery here is wild and picturesque, and the surface broken by ravines and natural mounds in rude fantastic shapes. The rocky bluffs are elevated about two hundred feet above the river. On the top of the bluff, called Fairmount, the vegetation consists of shrubs, vines, and lofty trees. About one hundred feet above the water, hid from the view by a tangled thicket, and covered with the drapery of a luxuriant vegetation, is a most delightful little cascade, that issues from a cavern. The gnarled roots of an oak penetrate the rocks, and the shrubbery and vines hide the opening from view on the river. The cavern that opens into the cliff is about twenty feet wide and ten high. Within are basins or small depressions in the rock, filled with transparent and cold water. This flows over the smooth, rocky floor in a thin sheet, and as it approaches the edge of the cliff, small furrows have been made from which a hundred little rills falls over the precipice and trickle down its sides in steamlets not larger than a lady’s finger. Rev. Mr. Ellis, who has visited this singularly romantic spot, describes it as one of the most beautiful miniature cascades to be found. As the streamlets descend in the bright beams of the sun, they seem to be strings of pearls, emeralds, and diamonds.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 03, 1853
Alton city presents a fine, romantic view, especially on descending the river, or from the opposite shore, and regarding the inequalities of the surface in a state of nature, as we have seen it, we should designate it the city of a hundred hills. The industry and art of man in filling the ravines and sink-holes, and cutting off points of bluffs, has already changed its natural aspect, and given it a gradual slope from the water’s edge. It is situated at the head of the alluvial plain, that extends from the mouth of the Kaskaskia River, the distance of ninety miles, to this spot, and known by the name of American Bottom. It is from three to four miles above the mouth of the Missouri River, twenty miles below the Illinois, and at the place where the course of the Mississippi, as may be seen from the map, penetrates furtherest into the State of Illinois. The landing for steamboats is the best on the east side of the river, for two hundred miles. It has a level surface of rock that forms a natural wharf for some distance, and this has been improved by art. One of the finest bodies of timber is this part of the State, for several miles, surrounds it. The year 1844 was the season of the highest water ever known in the “Great River,” and its tributaries, which swept over all the alluvial bottoms, destroyed buildings, farms, and other property along the river of not less than ten million of dollars. This was the last series of our depression. A gradual improvement of the circumstances of the people commenced, business revived, enterprise was awakened, property rose slowly, and therefore surely, and with other cities, Alton felt the genial influence of this change.

On the highland is situated the corporate borough of Upper Alton, where Shurtleff College offers its halls for the education of the young. Here, merchants and other men of business will retire to their family residences, and enjoy all the luxuries of the country and the social privileges of the town. From our point of elevation, and away from the bustle of business, we can hear the shrill whistle of the railroad locomotive, as it calls the passengers in the depot, and the spacious steamers about to take their departure on the river.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, January 21, 1853
In accordance with the invitation of our city, Governor Matteson, the members of the Legislature, and the Judges of the Supreme Court, came down yesterday, upon the [rail] cars. They turned out en masse, and notwithstanding the day was not of the finest, they had a very comfortable and pleasant ride. The cars were well filled, but not to excess. and the sage law-makers of Suckerdom unbent their brows a trifle, and indulged in the well told anecdote, the keen repartee, and the hearty laugh like common folks. New beginners improvised new campaigns, while the older members "wept o'er their wounds," and "showed how fields were won." Arrived at Alton, our guests were escorted to the Franklin House, and set down to the groaning tables of Mr. Bliss, that were heaped with all the luxuries and delicacies of the season. We saw the tables, before the guests had taken their seats, and they presented a truly splendid appearance, and fully satisfied us that the worthy host was master of the art gastronomic, and has a fine eye in decorating and setting off a public table. His effort was creditable to himself and to the city. After having taken the "rough edge" off from hearty appetites, the following regular toasts were offered by H. S. Baker, Esq., of Alton, and were received with enthusiastic applause:

[Their toasts:]
1. Our Guests - The pride and talent of our State - a cheerful welcome makes a hearty feast. Drank with applause.

2. Illinois - The Prairie State of our Union - rich in soil, and rich in minerals - with steam, water, horse, and intellectual powers, may she never sell her birthright for a mess of pottage. Drank with applause.

3. The Governor of Illinois - Chosen for his wisdom, and honored for his virtues - In his first official act there is seen the index of the giant map of things to come at large. Gov. Matteson responded, by offering, as a toast, the continued prosperity of our beloved State, &c.

4. The Members of our Legislature - Administrators de bonus nom of 1836 - may they settle up the estate so as to leave something to their heirs. Applause.

5. Ex-Gov. John Reynolds - Speaker of the House of Representatives - though often honored by his fellow-citizens, yet honored not enough with a hearty and a hale old age, he is not without that respect which should attend it. The "Old Ranger" responded in a happy off-hand style; stated that he had lived many years in Illinois, and in dark days, and times of but little seeming hope. But now he was witnessing the realization of all his hopes, and the fruition of good to his loved Prairie State.

6. Illinois Railroads - With judgment, wisdom, and discrimination they are destined to place us in the vanguard of the commercial world. Mr. Egan, of Cook county, made some happy remarks, in which he complimented Alton, and was responded to by Mayor Hope.

7. The Judiciary - The expounders of our Laws - upright, intelligent, and independent - the strongest bulwark of our liberties. Judge Caton being called upon, very cleverly "shifted the responsibility" upon Judge Trumbull, and the latter made such a handsome little speech, as we all know he can make, whenever called upon.

Several other toasts were offered, but which, owing to the "jam" of the occasion, and the lateness of the hour, we were unable to procure. Very happy remarks were made by Messrs. Denio, Snyder, and others, in response to toasts - and it is not out of place to state that Colonel Buckmaster was loudly called upon, and brought down the house completely, by his original, off-hand sallies.

The supper having passed off, another state of things came to pass. The fine band of Postelwaite of St. Louis struck up in the dancing hall, and ere long the "light fantastic toe" was tripping it in fine style. The ladies of Alton and vicinity were there, and were as charming and sociable as ever. The beaux had remarkably neat gloves and upright collars; all were in good estimation with themselves; the ball was light and roomy, and the music was fine - therefore what was to prevent enjoying one's self? At the time we write this - among the "small hours" - the music and tread of feet is still heard in the adjoining building (the Franklin House). Our pen can hardly preserve its equanimity the while, and we must bid our labors, and the subject, good morning. Our honored guests, we hope, have enjoyed their visit at least one half as well as have our citizens. If so, they are well repaid for the trip. They return to Springfield this morning, and will attend the levee of Senator Douglas, at that place, tonight. They hear the best wishes of the people of Alton.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 31, 1853
The Alton Bank has commenced operations under the provisions of the General Banking law of this State, and began issuing notes a few days since. Its bills are of the various denominations of one, two, three, and five dollars, and are signed by E. Marsh, President, Charles A. Caldwell, Cashier, and countersigned by S. Niles, Registrar. In point of beauty, they will compare favorably with those of any bank in the United States, and we trust that they will soon drive away from our midst the dirty, ragged, and often irresponsible and worthless trash, which for some time past, has constituted part of our circulating medium. The capital stock of the institution is $250,000, but it has commenced operations upon interest-paying bonds of Illinois and Missouri of the estimated value of $50,000, which will be increased from time to time as required by the demands of business.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 4, 1853
The growth of manufactures in our midst we have ever regarded as one of the most desirable means of increasing the population, wealth, and business importance of Alton. It is but a few years since the first machine shop was set in motion here. The ensuing Spring will witness four extensive shops for the manufacture of machinery of various kinds in successful operation. It is of the oldest of these, long known as the “Alton Machine Shop,” of which we would now speak.

The enterprising proprietor, Mr. Nathaniel Hanson, as is well known to our readers, suffered the loss of almost his entire establishment, situated on the river bank, by fire, just about one year since. He immediately erected a temporary building upon the old site for the prosecution of his business, and last Fall began the construction of the extensive buildings which he has just began to occupy. We had the pleasure of going through this establishment on Tuesday, and will furnish the reader with some of the results of our observations.

The buildings are located upon the corner of Front and George Streets, two squares below the Alton House, and make a very handsome appearance, particularly as seen from the river. The main shop is of brick, three stories high, 50 feet front by 100 deep, of which the first floor is devoted entirely to turning lathes, &c., and the second and upper floors are used for the preparation of the lumber, and the finishing of the machines. The shop is well stocked with machinery, some of which is equal to the finest in use anywhere. On the ground floor is a capacious cistern, to serve in case of fire. The building has iron fronts, caps and sills, and is roofed with slate, rendering it very safe from fire. We observed that smoking is strictly prohibited in the establishment.

An open court lies between this structure and the foundry. The latter building is also of brick, 40 feet front by 75 deep, contains a cupola furnace of the largest class, and everything necessary to carry on the business very extensively.

Mr. Hanson is principally engaged in the manufacture of Pitts Patent Separators or Thrashing Machines, for which the patent was recently extended seven years by act of Congress. These machines have acquired a just celebrity throughout the West, as being better adapted to the purpose for which they are used, than any in the market. Employment is here given to about forty-five men, on an average, the year round, at a weekly pay of from $6 to $12. During the year, some 75,000 feet of pine and 60,000 feet of oak lumber are consumed; also, about 100 tons of pig iron and wrought iron to the value of $4,000. Annual cost of fuel, $600; drayage, $350. Value of machines, castings, &c., turned out annually - $50,000.

A well has been sunk in the yard to the depth of 46 feet, most of the distance by blasting through the solid rock, and although it has attained a depth of several feet below the bed of the river, a vein of sufficient size has not yet been struck.

The establishment, as a whole, is one of the best appointed in the West, and a credit to our city. The cost will, doubtless, exceed $20,000, and the beneficial influence of this and smaller establishments upon the prosperity of Alton cannot be overestimated. Success, say we, to the worthy proprietor.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 11, 1853
It affords us much satisfaction to speak of various improvements in progress in our midst, and in this class may be included the quarrying of rock in the vicinity of the upper mill, which affords constant employment to a large number of men, and from which an inexhaustible supply of superior lime, and of the finest building stone to be found perhaps anywhere in the West, is easily procured. Some splendid pieces of this stone, recently quarried for Samuel A. Buckmaster, Esq., are now lying in front of the lot on Short Street [West Broadway], on which he is about to erect a large warehouse, which appear worthy of a passing notice.

These stones are from twelve to fourteen feet long, from one to five feet wide, and twenty-two inches deep, and not less worthy of attention for beauty than for size. As many others, equally perfect in every respect, may be readily obtained at the same place, would it not be well for the citizens of Alton to procure a block of the requisite dimensions, and forward it to Washington City to be placed in the great National Monument now in progress there, as a contribution from the patriotic inhabitants of this city? We understand that, if application were made for this purpose, the block would be furnished, in the rough, free of charge.

We observe that the bluff, from which these quarryings are made, is gradually wearing away, and space will soon be offered for the erection of stores or other buildings on ground recently covered with solid limestone rock one hundred feet in height. We understand that some $16,000 was expended during the past season in the payment of quarry men, laborers, barrel makers, draymen, and others, employed in that single branch of industry, the greater part of which was expended in Alton, while the manufactured articles such as lime, dressed stone, &c., were principally sold to non-residents. Mr. Charles Trumbull, who now carries on the works, informs us that it is his intention still to keep up a large supply of lime – for the excellence of which his brand is so generally noted – but that, owing to the great advance in the price of labor, over last year’s rates, in consequence of the increased demand for laborers, the price of this article will necessarily be from five to ten cents per barrel higher than it was last season. Such is the high reputation the lime manufactured by Mr. Trumbull has attained, that it commands the highest prices at New Orleans, Memphis, and other places in the West. He has lately filled an order for one hundred barrels, to be shipped to Pittsburgh for the use of one of the most extensive glass manufactories in that flourishing city. Success to him, and to every other enterprising citizen of Alton.


Alton Women Sew Clothing to Sell
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 17, 1853
It is not generally known that this benevolent organization has already, at its depository on the corner of Third and Belle Streets, a large stock of read-made clothing, consisting of shirts of every quality – from the coarsest hickory to the finest linen – drawers, flannel under clothes, children’s clothing, bed covers, and numerous other articles which it offers for sale on as reasonable terms as any of the clothing stores of the city. As it is desirable that the money should be turned over as often as possible, we take particular pleasure in recommending it to all persons wishing to purchase clothing.

The ladies have been most happy to find that of the larger number of women who have taken work, scarcely any have failed to return it in a condition altogether satisfactory, and they can safely recommend it, as inferior to no work of the best home manufactures. We hope to see their store liberally patronized, as the effect will be to give to the purchaser on liberal terms a superior article of clothing, and at the same time, to encourage a truly benevolent work.

Some forty or fifty women, wholly dependent on their needle for support, have already received “material aid” from this society, and the number of applicants, we learn, is daily increasing. All that is wanting to enable the enterprise to go on prosperously is a prompt sale of the clothing on hand. Let the community hear this in mind, and the Society must perform a glorious work.

It is also desirable that all persons having sewing of any kind to “put out,” should not forget that job work of every description is taken in at the store, and will be promptly made up to order. Let is also be borne in mind, that the store is kept in the small frame shed, attached to the stone building formerly occupied by Dr. Skillman, on the corner of Third and Belle Streets, nearly opposite the post office.


Source: The New York Times, February 24, 1853
The Alton (Ill.) Telegraph gives the following account of Western travel, in these unfortunate localities not yet blessed with the Iron Horse: "The stage came in yesterday in a deplorable fix, from Jacksonville; the body and hind wheels were left behind, perhaps in some mud hole up the country, opposite an anti-railroad man's door. Upon the front axle tree was lashed a crockery crate, which contained the Jehu, his mails and three passengers. The whole concern looked as though it had searched the bottom of every quagmire in the country, and brought away a sample of its compost and fertilizing qualities."


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 24, 1853
Between five and six o’clock yesterday morning, it was discovered that the Carpenter Shop on the corner of State and William Streets was on fire, which owing to a high wind prevailing at the time, was soon communicated to the dwelling a few rods below, occupied by Mr. L. P. Spear. The engines were promptly on the ground, but the extreme cold, together with a high wind, rendered vain all efforts to stop the progress of the flames, and both the shop and dwelling were speedily consumed; not, however, until the family and the principal portion of the furniture and other movables were removed.

All the burning houses were surrounded by streets on every side, the work of destruction was happily confined to the block in which it began, although at one time, serious danger was apprehended. The buildings were owned by Mr. Spear, and his loss is estimated at $1,000 – fully covered by insurance in the Illinois Mutual Company. The loss of Mr. Gill and his workmen, in tools, is about $300.

It seems difficult to account for the cause of this fire, as it has been established that there was no fire about the shop at nine o’clock on Tuesday night. Those first on the ground discovered that the shavings had been heaped against the door, however, and a woman suspected of being guilty of the act was brought before Justice Robbins for examination, but as nothing definite could be proved against her, she was released.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 25, 1853
We learn that the woman, Jane Floyd, to whom allusion has already been made in connection with the burning of Mr. Spear’s dwelling on Wednesday morning, was arrested a second time and brought before Justices Robbins and Woods yesterday. It seems that additional testimony had been obtained, after hearing which, she was held to bail in the sum of $300, and not being able to obtain it, was committed to the Edwardsville jail to await her trial.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 01, 1853
We have already mentioned that on August 31, 1852, an act was passed by Congress and approved by the President, constituting the city of Alton a port of delivery. The act has just been published among the laws of Congress. It places Alton as a port of delivery, under the same regulations and restrictions as other ports of delivery in the United States, and provides for the appointment of a Surveyor of Customs to reside here. This officer, in addition to his own duties, is required to perform the duties, and is to receive the salary and emoluments of Surveyors, prescribed in the act of Congress, approved on March 2, 1831, providing for the payment of duties on imported goods at the cities of Pittsburg, Wheeling, Cincinnati, Louisville, and St. Louis. By the act, Alton is annexed to and made a part of the collection district of New Orleans, and all the facilities and privileges afforded by the act of March 2, 1831 are extended to this port. This will doubtless afford an additional stimulus to the industry and enterprise which have characterized the people of Alton, and assist in the development of the vast resources of this part of Illinois.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 17, 1853
The triangular block at the intersection of William and State Streets has been purchased by the city, assisted by the property holders in the immediate vicinity, for the purpose of a public square. For the sake of a name, it has been christened “Union Place.” We understand it is the intention of those immediately interested to have it improved and set out with trees and shrubbery. It can be made a very pleasant resort.

Speaking of public squares, we have frequently been astonished at the little regard that those who lay out our Western towns pay to those essentials of health, happiness, convenience, and beauty. It is well for all Western cities, whose inhabitants and wealth are increasing to make ample provision for the comfort and pleasure of their citizens and those who come after them. In these respects, St. Louis, Louisville, and Cincinnati are sadly deficient.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 5, 1853
A Council of Free Masons has just been organized in Alton under a dispensation from the Grand Council of Kentucky. The following are the names of the officers: George T. Brown, T. I. G. M.; H. H. Hibbard, D. I. G. M.; P. W. Randle, P. C. O. W.; George H. Weigler, C. G.; William H. Turner, Recorder; John Bailhache, Treasurer.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 7, 1853
Among the numerous improvements which are springing up in our city in every direction, our attention has recently been called to the Cave Spring Foundry and Machine Shop of Mr. W. T. B. Read. It is located on the Jerseyville Plank Road, in the immediate vicinity of Cave Spring, and is accessible at all times either from the country or from the river. The buildings are just finished, and fire was started in the furnaces for the first time on Monday. In a few days, the machinery will be in full blast, and that heretofore the neighborhood will thenceforth resound with hustle and business.

The main building is of wood, and is two stories high – the second floor conveniently opening upon the hillside in the rear. Its length is one hundred feet, and breadth thirty-two. The lower floor is fitted up for the finishing shop, is thirty-two by seventy feet, and is furnished with lathe for turning all kinds of iron, screw cutting machines, punches, &c. In the rear of this is the engine room and furnaces, so arranged that the power can be readily applied to any part of the machinery at pleasure. There is also attached to the furnaces an apparatus for seasoning lumber.

The second story is arranged for the woodwork, and occupies the whole extent of the building. It is furnished with machinery for mortising, tenoning, boring, and planing, and is provided, besides, with a wood lathe, an upright and a circular saw. Adjoining the finishing shop is the foundry – a large building, twenty-five by forty feet, with a spacious court in front. Beyond this is the blacksmith shop, furnished with two forges. The office is upon the street, immediately in front of the main building. In all its arrangements, the Cave Spring Foundry and Machine Shop is admirably adapted for doing a large and profitable business, and we hope it will prove a good investment to its enterprising proprietor.

The shop will be constantly employed in the manufacture of the latest improved reaping and mowing machines, with Read’s Patent Cutter attached. These have been proved by actual trial to be the best grass and grain cutting machines now in use, and are well worthy the attention of farmers and the public generally. One hundred were sold during last season, and we understand orders have already been received from different parts of the country, for as many more for the coming harvest. Besides the manufacture of these machines, the Cave Spring Foundry has superior facilities for turning out every variety of wood and iron work, and particular attention will be paid to this kind of business. The progress of our city must ever in a great measure depend upon her manufacturing and mechanic facilities. Their beneficial influence upon all departments of business cannot be overestimated, and we hail with pleasure their establishment in our midst, as indicative of increasing wealth and prosperity.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 12, 1853
In our notice of the new foundry and machine shop near the Cave Spring by Mr. W. T. B. Head, we omitted to state that the engine and shaft work were manufactured at the Piasa Foundry, and are very creditable to that establishment. We observe that the Piasa Foundry is turning out a lot of handsome and substantial iron fronts for the new block of buildings soon to be erected on Second Street [Broadway], by Dr. Hart and Mr. J. W. Schweppe.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 9, 1853
A frame house belonging to Mr. Daniel Sullivan, situated on State Street, fell down on yesterday, and made a general crash of household furniture, looking glasses, and crockery ware. It was occasioned by the grading of the lot below it, by which it was so undermined that the back gave way, and the house with it. The loss, we understand, is considerable.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 12, 1853
The Free Masons of Alton have recently leased, for a term of years, the fourth story of the extensive building of E. Hibbard, Esq., on Third Street, and are now having it fitted up in most admirable taste. The length of the Hall is sixty-eight feet, and the width is twenty-four; its height at each end is twelve, and in the center, fifteen feet. It is surmounted by a dome and skylight, which adds much to its general appearance. The Hall is approached from the South, and has a suite of ante rooms on each side of the passage. The furniture is in every respect to be of the most magnificent style. When completed, the Hall will, without any doubt, to point of size, finish and comfort, surpass any lodge room in the State. The several lodges of Alton are, we understand, in a most prosperous condition, and are rapidly increasing in numbers and influence.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 20, 1853
The Presbyterian Church of Alton is entirely too small to accommodate the congregation which worships there, and the trustees have at last taken active measures for its enlargement. The workmen are already busy in tearing away the portico, preparatory to building an addition in front. We understand it is their intention to add about twenty feet to the length of the present building, and something will also be added to its height in order to retain its proportion and symmetry.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, April 29, 1853
The Messrs. Barey & Co. and Messrs. Lesure & Co., Druggists, commenced preparation for moving into other buildings, as "the old corner" is to be torn down the 1st of next May. Messrs. Lesure & Co. will occupy the building on State street next door to Messrs. Hoaglan, Wise & Co.'s Clothing Store, and Messrs. Barey & Co. the store under the Franklin House. They will be thus situated for about two months, when they will remove back to their old locations, but in fine brick buildings. We notice that our fellow citizen, D. E. Brown, Esq., Watch and Clock dealer and Jeweler, has removed to his new stand on Third street, immediately opposite the plank road. Mr. Brown has purchased the building he now occupies, of Mr. J. Quarton, and has fitted it up in excellent style. He has a very neat and tasty shop, and a good assortment of stock. Third street is "coming out."


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 30, 1853
The new Masonic Hall has received it furniture, and was occupied last evening for the first time. It is carpeted, and fitted up in magnificent style with sofas, arm chairs, &c., and a splendid chandelier is suspended from the dome in the center of the hall. Altogether, it reflects credit upon the fraternity, and gives evidence of good taste on the part of those concerned in its internal arrangement.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, May 6, 1853
The workmen attached to the Car Manufactory arrived last week, and it is estimated that this business will bring 50 additional families into our city eventually, from the East and elsewhere. It is a safe statement to make that the increase of mechanical work in Alton, from last January to next January, will bring to this city over 100 families.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 17, 1853
Another affray took place at the brewery near the City Cemetery on Sunday evening, between about a dozen Germans and an equal number of Irishmen, in which two or three on either side were severely cut by throwing tumblers and other missiles. How long must this disgrace be tolerated? It is high time that the strong arm of the law should interfere to prevent a repetition of such outrage upon common decency. [Note: The Union Brewery, located on Pearl Street, was later sold and renamed Bluff City Brewery.]


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, May 20, 1853
May 13 - The want of a large and commodious hall, for the various Masonic bodies in this city, has been long felt, and the fraternity at one time intended putting up one of their own, the third and fourth stories of which were to be used for their meetings, but a proposition was eventually made to them by Messrs. E. & J. H. Hibbard, who proposed to so arrange the fourth story of their building, then erecting on Third street, as to give them a large and commodious hall, with all the ante-rooms necessary for the different bodies, and rent it to the fraternity for a term of years, at a fair rent. The proposition was accepted. The Hall and adjoining rooms have been furnished, and are now occupied. The Hall is without doubt the largest and best furnished in the State. It is about 68 feet in length, by 25 feet in width, and supplied from both sides with an abundance of light. The ceiling is an elliptic, about 16 feet high in the center, and crowned with a very large and handsome pyramidal sky-light, about 8 feet in diameter at the base. The plastering and painting are of pure white, and the finish of the wood-work is plain, substantial, and neat. The furnishing of the Hall is elegant. The window-shades are of oil-cloth, representing various Masonic scones and emblems, while the coloring imparted through them to the room is rich and subdued. The entire floor is carpeted with a fine English three ply carpet, well put down. The officers' stands are raised by a succession of steps from the floor, according to their grades, the front of the stands being composed of well executed pillars, of the numbers three, two and one, according to the grade of the officers occupying them. They are also furnished with arm-chairs. Around upon the walls are hung side lamps, and from the center of the pyramidal sky-light is suspended a splendid chandelier, of four burners, and the sides and ends of the Hall are furnished with arm-chairs for the members and visitors. The rooms adjoining are also well arranged for the purposes of the order, and present every imaginable convenience. Altogether, the hall is by far the largest and finest in the State, and reflects great credit upon Messrs. Hibbard, the builders, and upon the gentlemen who attended to its decoration and furnishing. The hall will comfortably seat 350 persons. It is proposed to have a public dedication of the hall at an early day. The exact time we are not informed. The following are different orders meet in the hall, together with their officers and the times of meeting.

Piasa Lodge No. 27 meets every Tuesday evening.
Officers: L. S. Metcalf, W. M.; W. H. Turner, S. W.; H. I. Hibbard, J. W.; R. H. Harrison, C.; P. Pickard, T.; H. G. McPike, S.; E. M. Hazzard, S. D.; T. Dimmock, J. D.; D. Simms, T.

Alton Royal Arch Chapter No. 8 meets every Friday evening.
Officers: J. W. Schweppe II, P.; S. Y. McMaster, S.; J. Hunt, P. S.; R. H. Harrison, C.; W. H. Turner, S.; S. R. Dolbee, M.2dV.; G. W. Weigler, K.; J. H. Hibbard, C. H.; E. M. Hazzard, R.A.C.; P. Pickard, T.; J. R. Godfrey, M.3dV.; S. E. Lesure, M.1dV.; D. Simms, G.

Alton Council U. D. meets every Thursday evening.
Officers: G. T. Brown, T.I.G.M.; P. W. Randle, P.C.O.W.; J. Bailhuche, T.; J. H. Hibbard, D.I.G.M.; G. H. Weigler, C.G.; W. H. Turner, R.

Belvidere Encampment No. 2 meets every Monday evening. Officers: J. Hunt, M.E.G.C.; G. T. Brown, C.G.; W. P. Lamothe, S.W.; S. R. Dolbee, S.B.; J. R. Godfrey, S.B.; J. B. Kirkham, G.; J. W. Schweppe, P.; W. H. Turner, J. W.; B. F. Barry, W.; G. H. Weigler, S.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 21, 1853
Yesterday, D. A. Spaulding, Esq., in company with a number of our citizens, traced the lines of the County Road, leading under the bluff to Smeltzer’s old ferry. Over twenty years ago this road was surveyed and located by Mr. Spaulding, then County surveyor, and yet, in spite of the changes wrought since then by time and improvement, the old landmarks and stations were readily discovered. We understand that the Committee on Streets, Roads, and Bridges are making immediate arrangements to open it and have it worked.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 23, 1853
Third street, opposite the Post Office. Are prepared to engage in the auction and commission business. Will attend to the sale of furniture and all kinds of household goods; real estate, horses, cattle, groceries, dry goods, books, and everything else. Returns will be promptly and honestly made, and the whole conduct of the business shall be in the satisfaction of all parties. Consignments of all kinds solicited. We are authorized to refer to the following gentlemen, long residents of this city: John Bailhache & Co, Editors "Alton Telegraph," G. T. Brown & Co., Editors "Alton Courier," T. Souther, Postmaster; Isaac Scarritt, Merchant; Dr. Benj. K. Hart; John R. Woods, Esq.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 25, 1853
Mr. W. W. Cary has removed his jewelry establishment to the new, two-story brick building on the east side of State Street, between Second [Broadway] and Third, nearly opposite the Alton Bank. Having taken a lease upon this building for a number of years, Mr. Cary has fitted it up in a most tasteful and convenient style, far superior to any similar establishment ever opened in this city.

His stock of clocks, watches, jewelry, silverware, shotguns, &c., is large and complete, and worthy the attention of purchasers, both in city and country. Gold and silver watches, and pencils, elegant gold lockets, bracelets, plus rings, chains, necklaces &c. in endless variety; a large stock of silver spoons of every size; Britannia ware, besides many other things, too tedious to mention, may be found in Mr. Cary’s well-filled showcases.

Here the sportsman will also be able to satisfy all his wants in the shape of an outfit. A large assortment of shotguns, rifles, pistols, and hunter’s accoutrements of every variety and finish, and at prices to salt the purse of every customer, can always be found at Mr. Cary’s. Some of these articles are of the very best manufacture to be obtained anywhere, and well worthy the attention of dealers and those wishing to purchase. In addition to the above, a small stock of fine razors and bed knives make up an enumeration of the principal articles to be found at the above store, and as the enterprising proprietor has been at great expertise in fitting up an establishment, which at once reflects credit upon our city as well as himself, we hope a corresponding increase in business will follow.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, May 27, 1853
The residents of the 4th Ward of this city [Alton] are circulating a petition, we learn, praying the City Council to order the opening of many streets in Middletown, which have been fenced up by adjoining land owners for pasture. It appears that the petitioners want the roads opened for pasture also.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 03, 1853
The lumber season has fairly commenced in Alton, large quantities having arrived the past few days. About two million feet has already arrived on rafts from the Upper Mississippi, for our various lumber dealers. Their present intention is to bring into the Alton market, this season, five million feet of "lumber," (which term includes, in this region, everything except shingles and lath). Several million of shingles and lath will also be brought into the various yards. This is a larger amount of lumber than was ever before brought into this market in one season. And besides this, there is a new lumber firm established in the lower of the city whose purchases or expected sales we are not advised, and there is a prospect of still another yard being established in this city, ere long.

As regards prices, we learn that our lumber merchants are compelled to pay from $1.00 to $1.50 per thousand feet more, this season, than last year at this time. Common stuff, bought last year for $11 per thousand, new commands $12 to $13. This same difference will extend to purchasers at the yards.

The fleet of lumber rafts now at our levee are what is called "the first run" from Black and Chippewa Rivers near St. Anthony's Falls [Minnesota]. The Upper Mississippi is now falling, but should it again arise or continue at the present fair stage, the "second run" of rafts will be enabled to get down and meet the demand of this lower country. In this connection we may be allowed to speak of "lumbering" in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Many young men came down on these rafts and from them we have picked up an item or two. In the summertime the sawmills of that northern region, situated on small, never failing streams, are running incessantly, cutting up the tall pines for the southern market. Many men are employed in the "pinery," in this business, the year through. In the fall and during the winter, the lumber is hauled to the Mississippi, a distance ranging from half a mile to three miles, and there made up into rafts. In mid-winter the rafts are often constructed upon the ice, and are thus carried off by the spring freshet [thaw]. At this time also, the teams are kept busy sledding the logs into the mill for next summer's sawing. Thus, it is, in that far off wilderness, when winter seems to have wrapped all in its cold embrace, the lumbermen are wide awake and buffeting among the snowy drifts.

At "freshet" time in the spring, the boss lumber man and his gang of hands mount their treasured rafts and push out for the South. They are from four to six weeks floating down to this point. This is to them a season alike of jollity, enjoyment, and hard times. They sing, fiddle, shoot and fish, and at times have to pull at their oars with all their might to keep clear of "towheads," points and bars. A rain storm comes up - they are soaked; the sun is hot, and they fry under it. The wind blows hard on to shore, and they have to paddle like mad. No wonder they, "the jolly raftsmen," arrive at our levee the toughest, merriest, and most sun-burnt and rugged set of fellows to be found. The boss owes many of these hands quite large sums - some $100, some $75, some $50, &c., for their past winter services. And so, the boss must have his money instanter for his lumber. Therefore, so soon as his raft is tied, he "walks up to the captain's office to settle." Last Tuesday Messrs. Miller & Switzer bought an ordinary raft, paying its owner $4,500 in cash, as soon as it arrived, and was tied to shore, some $500 more remaining to be paid when the raft was taken out upon land, and accurately measured (it is seen, hereby, that capital is required to carry on the lumber business). The proprietor proceeds to settle with his hands and they scatter through our streets upon a land voyage among the stores. Soon we can observe them emerge from clothing stores, completely refitted "from top to toe" and as fine a looking set of young men as we generally see.

It is hardly worthwhile to dilate, or prognosticate, upon the future lumber trade of this city. The subject will not suffer, if we simply dismiss it by stating that the agreeable odor of pine lumber will be more observable than ever in Alton this season.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 4, 1853
We have heard it intimated that the calaboose, which is designed as a receptacle for offenders within the city, is in a most foul and filthy condition, unfit for the incarceration of the lowest of the brute creation – much less such of our fellow beings as are unfortunate enough to be consigned to it for safe keeping. There is no means of ingress for either light or fresh air, except such as can be admitted through a small aperture in the door, which is entirely inadequate. If these things be so, common humanity would seem to call for some improvement in that quarter.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, June 10, 1853
Several worthy farmers, residing in the country near Wood River, and thereabouts, who often haul wood to town, complain to us that they are compelled to have their wood measured by a city measurer, at a low grocery, or doggery, below the bridge in Hunterstown. They state that there is usually a drunken crowd about there, and drinking, fighting, and swearing constantly going on, which to them is very annoying. If this is the case, it should be remedied instanter. We do not know who the wood measurer or grocery keeper is, and we have no design to injure them, but such a state of case is disreputable to our city and should be looked to. Will the City Council inquire into this matter?


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 13, 1853
We well remember in 1842, when this establishment first went into operation in Alton, and the many fears which were expressed at the time that after lingering through a sickly existence, it would eventually close its doors for want of sufficient patronage. How entirely different has been its fate! From the rough frame building adjoining the Baptist Church, where it was worked by horse power, it was first enlarged and removed to the banks of the Mississippi. There, the establishment burned down a few years ago, but was immediately rebuilt, and continued cramped up in that little shop till last Fall, when it was removed to the large and commodious buildings, erected expressly for the purpose, on the corner of Front and George Streets. Even these, however, have proved insufficient for its increasing business. Still more room is required, and the grounds immediately North, running up to Second Street [Broadway], have recently been purchased and additional buildings are shortly to go up, which when completed, will make the establishment one of the largest and most extensive of the kind in the Western states.

We had the pleasure on Saturday, in company with the enterprising proprietor, Nathaniel Hanson, Esq., of going through and examining the various departments of the establishment, and do not know when we have been better entertained or instructed. It always has been a wonder and delight to us, to witness the working of machinery and the practical application of mechanical principles, but we were not prepared to see such a complication of wheels, pulleys, drums, furnaces, forges, and lathes, moving harmoniously together under the guidance of experienced hands, as we encountered in all the compartments of the establishment. Mr. Hanson is a most thorough machinist himself, well acquainted with the construction and running of machinery, and has in many instances simplified and improved upon the ordinary means of giving direction to motion and regulating its application.

We are not sufficiently acquainted with the working of machinery to give an intelligible account of these improvements, but we advise those of our citizens who have a leisure half hour, to go and examine the establishment for themselves. In all its arrangements, from the furnace room, where the castings are made to the upper story, where the woodwork is prepared, they will find much to admire and command.

As we have stated, the business of the Alton Foundry and Machine Shop has, from its commencement, continued to increase in a most astonishing manner, and the fame of Pitt’s Patent Separator and Horse Power, in the manufacture of which Mr. Hanson is largely engaged, has gone throughout every county in Illinois, and to many parts of the States of Missouri and Iowa. Besides these machines, however, the establishment turns out almost every other variety of work, and keeps upwards of fifty workmen constantly employed in its various departments. We are gratified at the evidences of prosperity which this, as well as the other manufacturing establishments of our city are manifesting, and know so surer sign of our progress and prosperity that that which they afford. It is, after all, mainly to her manufactories that Alton must look for wealth and greatness, and it is with no little pride that we see them springing up and prospering in our midst.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 14, 1853
We have frequently had occasion of late to refer to the riotous manner in which the Holy Sabbath is spent by the drunken crowd who regularly congregate at Yakel’s Brewery establishment in the neighborhood of Hunterstown. Fighting, quarreling, and blasphemy have grown so common in that vicinity, that it is scarcely safe any longer to venture there. The Alton Cemetery, which adjoins the brewery, is continually outraged and desecrated by these disgraceful proceedings, and no longer affords the quiet Sunday afternoon retreat which it formerly did. On last Sunday, these fights were even more numerous and noisy than usual, and were indulged in through half the afternoon at the very entrance to the graveyard, while the neighborhood for half a mile around was disturbed by the yelling and cursing of the drunken persons there assembled. It is high time that a stop were put to these proceedings, and if there is no other remedy for them, we think it the duty of the city to provide a special Sunday police for that particular neighborhood.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 15, 1853
It is a melancholy, but nevertheless a very palpable fact, that the public morals of our city are sadly and rapidly growing from bad to worse, and we question whether any place of its size in the West exhibits a much more unfortunate state of morality than does Alton at the present time. There was a period in our history when in all the elements of temperance, sobriety, quietness and peace, we regarded this city as a paragon of excellence, but those days are rapidly, if they have not already, passed away, and we are now continually called upon to witness all manner of drunkenness, rioting, fighting, shooting and disorderly conduct. These disgraceful scenes are not confined to the week days, but are acted over, Sabbath after Sabbath, in our midst, until common decency is outraged and morality blushes and shrinks away in affright.

There is more drunkenness, more violence, more open immorality, and more breaches of the public peace every day occurring in our city, than formerly could be witnessed in a month. Every public street is filled with these outrages, and they stare us in the face at every corner. We believe our churches are as crowded, and our Sunday Schools are as well attended as they ever were, but they have not progressed with the population of our city, and there is yet a wide field for the labor of the missionary and the earnest concern of our citizens. These outrages are not confined to men, but boys in battalions are growing up among us, who are learning to have no respect for morality or religion, and will speedily, if they continue in their present progression of sin, be fit subjects for the State’s prison or the gallows. With a well-directed effort, many of them might be reclaimed and be made good and honest citizens, but the opportunity is passing, and ere long they will be beyond the pale of reclamation.

The sad state of morals of which we speak may be accounted for in a measure by the promiscuous and rapidly increasing population, which is brought here from all parts of the country by the numerous public works, which are in the course of construction in this vicinity, and for which we are not entirely responsible. But certainly, we have it in our power to check it, by the exercise of wholesome restraints, and it is our duty and should be our endeavor as a city to do so, if our present ordinances are not broad enough for the purpose, let us make them broader. If our city police is not large enough or active enough to enforce these ordinances, let them be increased. If open drunkenness can be stopped and rioting and fighting can be abolished from our midst, let us not hesitate to move in the matter. The good order of our city urgently demands a reform, and all good citizens should give it their attention and assistance.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 02, 1853
On Thursday evening, the imposing ceremony of dedicating, according to ancient usage, the new Masonic Lodge was performed in the presence of a large and intelligent assemblage of the Fraternity and of ladies and gentlemen. The hall was handsomely decorated with evergreens and festoons of flowers, and lit up with its large and splendid lamp, suspended from the dome in the center, presented a most beautiful appearance. The dedication services were conducted by the Rt. W. Bro. Elias Hibbard, P. D. G. M., of the State of Illinois, who received the corn, wine and the oil, and poured them out in token, and as emblematic of the high, holy, and charitable name of the order. After prayer by the Rev. R. H. Harrison, Chaplain of the Lodge, an eloquent and very appropriate discourse was delivered by the Rev. Br. S. Y. McMasters, from the text, “The glory of the latter house shall be greater than of the former.” The exercises were throughout of a very interesting character, and produced a favorable impression upon the entire audience.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, July 15, 1853
Mr. Editor: It appears from a communication in yesterday's Telegraph that there is a slight prospect of a duel to come off sometime between now and frost. Being a connoisseur in such matters, having been "second" a few times, and having held the handkerchief and bottle for pugilists, I propose to take charge of this "affair of Honor." I would, in that case, arrange that the Mayor take his "site" from the Bluffs, on this side the river, and that you select an easy crotch of a tall tree on the other side - each to be armed with superior dueling pistols, warranted to hold up to forty yards. There you can "pepper" each other to your heart's content, you "seconds" and attending friends being allowed to while away the time by swimming and fishing. Experienced surgeons and cooks will be on the ground. Also, an eminent legal gentleman, to investigate the validity of the Mayor's resignation. No spirits allowed on the ground, but coffee - except in case of accident. Should this honorable affair terminate fatally, the services of Col. Crane's St. Louis Battalion will be called upon to do the funeral honors. In short, Mr. Editor, if this affair is committed to my charge, I promise you it shall go off like hot cakes, and greatly to the renown and glory of all concerned. Yours, Undertaker. Alton, July 8, 1853.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, August 12, 1853
We took a stroll about the lime works, under the bluffs, a day or two since, and collected some facts and figures that we think will be of interest to our readers. The lime business is thought to be considerable, but we are not prepared to find it carried on as extensively as appears by the following: The principal lime manufacturers of Alton and Messrs. C. Trumbull, John Lock, and some gentlemen in Hunterstown, their agents being Messrs. Mitchell & Hollister. Mr. Trumbull takes out about 800 bbls., Mr. Lock 300, and Mitchell & Hollister about 300 per week - a total of 1400 bbls. of lime per week, during the season. Up to July 30th, Mr. Lock has taken out of his kilns 8,000 bbls, and has burnt 680 cords of wood. Mr. Trumbull has burned over 15,000 bbl.; other manufacturers in proportion. Lime barrels are required in large numbers and are furnished from Upper Alton, Jerseyville, Kane and Wood river. Mr. Lock has also a cooperage connected with his shop. Barrels are scarce, and rising in price. The manufacture of these barrels requires many workmen, and affords a sale for all the refuse stock of the cooperages, which would not answer for "tight work," as flour and pork barrels. The price of lime will average 95 cts. per barrel the year through. It is a cash business, and the capital employed very quickly tuned - at least once per month. The profits are very fair. In fact, at 80 cts per bbl., and at present prices for wood, empty barrels and labor, the business would be at least ordinarily profitable. The demand has so far, exceeded the supply this season by more than two thirds. The manufacturers have new orders in hand from Minnesota, New Orleans, Memphis, Vicksburg, and many towns on the Mississippi, Illinois and upper Mississippi rivers, more than they can fill this season. Low water has cut off the up-river trade, or at least delayed it, and the lime is now shipped as fast as burned by cars and by New Orleans and Missouri river boats; nearly 2,000 barrels having gone up by the latter route recently. The city and adjacent country demand is also very heavy at this time, and large quantities are retailed at the kilns daily. The limestone of our city is remarkably pure, and almost entirely free from flint and other extraneous combinations of rock. Geologists have so pronounced it, and the lime has acquired a high reputation for purity and excellence throughout the West. In fact, we know of no location in the Union where such large quantities of the pure article is manufactured, with such case, and afforded so cheaply. The rock lies in regular parallel layers in a bluff about 100 feet high, and the layers thickening towards the bottom until they seem to be lost, and large masses could be got out, like granite. The kilns are built immediately against the rock, and thus blasting, breaking up, pitching into the tops of the kilns, burning, hauling wood and draiyng [sic] barrels, both empty and full, is being done at the same time and presents at times a very busy scene in that locality. During this season there will be from 80 to 100,000 bbls. of lime burnt in and about Alton, requiring from 7 to 9,000 cords of wood. When we count up the cost of the latter, and reflect upon the number of hands employed in barrel making, blasting, hauling, and about the kilns, we can somewhat appreciate the extent of the business - and which is yet in its infancy. Another year greater exertion will be put forth, and new kilns are about being constructed, of a new plan, in which fires will be kept up constantly, drawing from them the lime as fast as burned, while in full heat. Thus a great waste of heat in cooling off is avoided.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, August 26, 1853
Yesterday a company of workmen commenced to tear down the old frame houses, and dig out the cellars for two fine brick stores, on this street, immediately opposite Mr. Hibbard's tall building, and adjoining the premises of Judge Martin. This makes seven new stores now in progress of erection in this street. One year hence this street will present a very handsome appearance. Business is gradually working into this and other streets, back from the river.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, October 7, 1853
In no other branch of business is the growth and prosperity of Alton more manifest than in the furniture trade. A few years ago a single establishment, with quite a small stock, supplied all the demand. Now we have several large furniture establishments, and they find it difficult to supply the great demand. We stepped into Matzy's Furniture Establishment yesterday, and were both surprised and pleased to see the very large stock of fine and costly furniture he had on hand. Everything in the furniture line from the finest parlor furniture, and running through the different grades, in style and price, can here be found, besides many articles usually found in the house furnishing line. With such stocks of furniture as may now be found in Alton, there is no occasion for going elsewhere to purchase. Give him a call.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, October 14, 1853
We were favored with a visit, yesterday, to the Car Building Establishment in Hunterstown, and found it in full tide of operation. The wood workers, machinists, blacksmiths, moulders and carpenters, were all busy in their respective apartments, and their operations, together with the rolling machinery, produced a compound of noises, and gave a busy look to the premises. The finishing touches are now being made to twenty burthen cars, some fifteen of which were mounted and outdoors, upon the railroad track, in running order. The proprietors of the establishment have contracted to build 150 of these cars, together with all the switches, and this contract will furnish employment for the next ten months. Sixty men are employed in and about the premises. Everything about the cars are manufactured there, except the axles of the cars, and the India rubber springs. Some of these cars now finished were being fitted up with sleeping bunks, and others with stoves, and other family conveniences - to be used as boarding houses by the workmen employed along the road. So pressed with business is the Car Establishment that the proprietors have been unable to do work offered them by the Chicago and Mississippi Railroad Company and by others. So soon as a portion of the Terre Haute is completed sufficient to demand it, passenger cars will be put on, made at this shop. This business will be extended, in time, by the present energetic proprietors, to become one of the most extensive branches of manufacture in the city. They can easily make additions to their buildings, and can obtain timber, lumber, fuel and workmen, with less trouble, and outlay, than elsewhere in this section of country. As it is, this car building has brought a large capital, and a round number of mechanics and laborers into our city.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 18, 1854
This fleet packet - the pride of the Western waters - is gone! The breaking of the ice was the knell of her owners' hopes. Her bare hull - once the type of perfection, and its builder's pride - now lies an unsightly hulk beneath the swelling waters whose smooth surface had so often yielded to her handsome prow - upon whose bosom, gliding with an arrow's speed, she has borne thousands upon their way to meet the "Iron horse" in his harness at our sister city, vying even with the "smoke breathing charger" in his efforts to annihilate time and distance.

The Altona is no more! - and many there are to whom a retrospective glance will conjure up remembrances of pleasant times in connection with her. The aged and the youthful - the stripling school-boy and the rosy lass, will think of her with kind feelings, as each remembers those delightful moonlight rides to the Barracks, or elsewhere, when gayety and gladness ruled the hour, and sweet music lent its cultivating strains to "charm the ear with sweetest melodies," while busy feet kept time to the pleasant sounds, and bright eyes kept up a scattering cross-fire at 'eyes that spoke again.' The traveler to the Atlantic seaboard will remember with pleasure the powerful strokes of her waterwheels, as she bore him swiftly up the broad stream of the Father of Waters in her resistless course, bidding proud defiance to his swelling flood, while rival craft were lost to view in the dim distance. All those who knew her in the days of her glory will think of her with mingled feelings of pleasure and regret; and those who once flinched from an encounter with her on the crystal water of "la Belle Riviere" for the horns, cannot fail to respect her memory, though they feared to meet her. The Altona was a little more than two years old, was built at this port, and has been running regularly ever since she was launched as an Alton packet. She struck a rock on the "Chain," a short distance below Alton, on the night of the 31st of December last, and sunk; but until recently it was hoped that she would be raised. The ice, however, on its breaking up, came down with such force as to cut her cabin and upper work to pieces, and she is now past hope of being raised. Of her it might truly be said, "she walked the waters like a thing of life," for she was the swiftest boat on our Western rivers. Our St. Louis mechanics are famous for building swift boats, but we fear they will not soon replace her with an equal, for, "take her all in all," we doubt whether "her like will o'er be seen again." Missouri Republican.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, April 27, 1854
Judge Niles, editor of the Belleville Advocate, was here a few days ago, and in his paper of Wednesday last, speaks in very encouraging and flattering terms of the improvements and prospects of our city. We ought to say that the statements are nearly correct - our city schools not yet being free, although rapidly approaching to that state, and the position of the Courier on the Nebraska Question has been positive neutrality, and not positive and downright opposition. We copy the editor's remarks:

Alton and Her Progress - A recent visit to the city of Alton and a sojourn of two days among her enterprising and public-spirited citizens, has left a strong impression on our mind of her present prosperity and future growth. The city proper, or Lower Alton, with her suburbs, Hunter's Town, Upper Alton, Middle Alton and Semple Town, making one extensive city, are all advancing with wonderful progress. We were astonished to see the houses built and building in all directions on the hills which form the site of this really promising city. The railroads have done much to raise her to the commanding position which she is now rapidly assuming. One railroad, connecting with Chicago, has been in operation about two years; another, the Alton and Terre Haute, is completed for eighteen miles out from Alton, and is in process of rapid completion throughout. Three other roads are projected - one from Alton to Illinoistown [East St. Louis], connecting with the Belleville road, and now building; one from Jacksonville to Alton, and a continuation of this last to Illinoistown, which will make two parallel roads between the two last-named points. Alton is secure in three railroads, pointing North, East and South, in less than a year, and connecting her within a brief period with all the Eastern and Southern cities. The appreciation of property, and rapid increase of her population and wealth, are explained by these facts. All branches of business appear to be thriving. There is one, however, the success of which is highly creditable to Alton, viz: her newspaper publications. As nearly connected with this branch, it is most proper to state, to the high praise of Alton, that she has established free public schools in every quarter of her city, so that every child can be educated at the cost of the city and State. What the State Fund does not furnish for this patriotic purpose is contributed freely by the tax-payers. There are two daily papers, the Courier and Telegraph, which issue weekly editions. The latter issues a tri-weekly, also. These papers are conducted with marked ability and talent. The Courier (Dem.) is edited by George T. Brown, and the Telegraph, of opposite politics, by Messrs. Bailhache and Edward Baker. The printing office of the Courier has cost its proprietor $40,000. He has one of the largest sized steam presses, of Hoe's patent, which cost $3,700, and which turns off thirty-two impressions per minute, or 1,800 per hour. The bold enterprise shown in the establishment of the Alton Courier deserves success, and we have no doubt, will attain it. We add with pleasure that both of these papers are against the Nebraska Bill of Mr. Douglas, though the Whig is more positive and downright in his opposition than the Democrat. These facilities for education and public mental improvement are most worthy accompaniments of the increasing prosperity of this thriving city. In these particulars our own city, with an equal or a more numerous population, and not inferior in wealth, if far behind our neighbor. In schools and journals we compare most unfavorably with Alton. We hope that a new spirit will arise here, and that this contrast, so much to our disadvantage, may be made to disappear or be reversed. The tax which is now proposed will do much toward this object. The efforts of Alton in behalf of education, and in support of her newspapers, are the best return she can make for the legislative favors which she has enjoyed. We sincerely rejoice in her prosperity, and wish its continuance step by step with the grand progress which the State of Illinois is now making.


Source: Evening Chronicle, Syracuse, New York, June 16, 1854
We copy the following notice of an Anti-Nebraska meeting held at Alton, Illinois, on the 2d inst., from the Telegraph, a leading paper published in that city :

"The mass meeting of the citizens of Alton and the vicinity, on last Friday evening, to express their sentiments against the recent passage of the Kansas-Nebraska bill, was one of the largest and most enthusiastic which has been held in this city for many a day. The meeting was composed of all classes: and Democrats, Whigs and Free Soilers, Germans, Irish and Americans, met together with one common impulse, and, forgetting all other considerations, seemed to be moved only by a strong and deep-seated indignation against the authors of the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. The utmost unanimity prevailed throughout; and if we may judge with any accuracy of the sentiment upon that subject, from what was said and done on the occasion, four-fifths of our entire community are opposed to Judge Douglas and his bill.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, July 13, 1854
Mr. Wills, one of the largest lumber manufacturers of the North, and who has supplied our lumber merchants with a large part of their lumber for several years, has rented a part of Block 53, between Piasa and Market streets, for the purpose of opening a lumber yard. Mr. Wills has been engaged in the lumber business for many years, and looks upon Alton as the best point on the river for a yard. He will have a million of feet piled on the ground within a few days. Success to him.


Source: The Daily Standard, Syracuse, New York, August 18, 1854
One of the greatest triumphs of the invention for cutting staves out of solid, blocks of timber that could be split, is the use of cotton wood - hitherto considered one of the most worthless, yet most common tree of the west, and one that grows more rapidly than any other. The wood is sweet and sufficiently strong for flour barrels and all dry casks. It is considerably used in the neighborhood of Alton, Illinois.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, August 24, 1854
The new buildings in process of erection on Third, Second and Piasa streets are progressing as fast as could be expected, and some of them are rapidly approaching completion. Cook's building on the south side of Third Street is a very commodious structure, with an iron front, manufactured by Stigleman & Johnson. The building is eighty-five feet long, and twenty-five feet wide. The first story is twelve feet high. The entire story will be occupied as a book store. The second story is eleven feet high, and is to be used as a furniture store. The third story is eleven feet high, has two sky lights, one near each end, and is designed for a Daguerrean gallery. The building will be ready for occupants in a few weeks. The masonry was executed by Messrs. Veitch & Gray, of this city. Z. Lowe, Esq., of Upper Alton, executed the carpentry. The building of U. Baker, Esq., on the corner of Third and Belle streets, is approaching completion and is a very fine building. Its dimensions are as follows: length, ninety feet; width, twenty-five feet. It has an iron front, manufactured by N. Hanson, Esq. The first story is twelve feet eight inches high and is divided into two rooms. The room fronting on Third street will be sixty-four feet deep and will be occupied, we understand, as a drug store. The second story is eleven feet ten inches high. The front extending sixty-four feet will be divided into offices. The third story is ten feet high, and is designed as a composing room for our neighbors of the Telegraph, who will also occupy the north end of the second and first stories and cellar, as a printing establishment. The masonry was executed by Mr. Braznell, and the carpentry by G. Evans, Esq., of our city. On the corner of Second and Piasa streets, T. L. Waples, Esq., is erecting a substantial three-story building, fifty feet in length and thirty feet wide. The first story is to be twelve feet six inches high. Both will be occupied as a clothing store. The third story will be nine feet six inches high. We have not learned the purpose for which it will be occupied. There are several other valuable buildings going up on Third street and in that vicinity, which we will notice hereafter. Messrs. Vale & Paul are erecting a fine two-story building on State street, on the west side, on the lot next north of the store of J. Lock & Bro. It is seventy-five feet long and twenty-five feet wide. The first story is designed for sheltering carriages, and will be twelve feet high. The second story will be ten feet high and will be rented to mechanics. The basement will be ten feet deep and finished off as a saloon. Besides the buildings particularly noticed today and yesterday, Messrs. Platt & Keating are erecting a fine three-story brick building on the north side of Third street. Messrs. J. H. & A. G. Smith are about to erect a three-story building on Piasa street, between Second and Third, and T. L. Waples, Esq., has the foundations ready to erect three more buildings on the same block, fronting on Piasa street. We understand that Judge Martin is about to erect a fine dwelling house on the north side of Second street, east of the Baptist Church. Sundry other improvements are in process in the central part of the city, which we will notice as the plans and purposes for erection are made apparent.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, September 7, 1854
We understand that this newly organized company is rapidly perfecting all necessary arrangements, and will soon be ready to appear in full uniform. The uniform adopted is blue, trimmed with gold lace. The company will be armed with muskets, which have been sent for and will arrive in due time. their Armory on Third Street, in the third story over the Custom House, has been admirably furnished with lamps, arm chairs, and every convenience necessary for the accommodation of the Company. The following is the list of officers:

Captain W. H. Turner; First Lieutenant M. M. Dutro; Second Lieutenant J. P. Ash; Third Lieutenant Henry Platt; O. Sergeant T. G. Starr; 2nd Sergeant Joseph Lawrence; 3rd Sergeant W. R. Harrison; 4th Sergeant J. D. Brown; 1st Corporal W. W. Clark; 2nd Corporal Louis Souther; 3rd Corporal W. R. Thomas; 4th Corporal J. W. Ash.

The following constitute the Board of Directors, to whom application for membership should be made:
T. G. Starr, President; W. B. Buckmaster, Vice-President; Samuel Avis, Treasurer; J. M. Pierson, Secretary; J. L. Roberts, S. M. Breath, R. T. Sargent, J. B. Gould, R. G. Lesure, Directors.

Regular Company drill every Monday evening at the Armory.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, September 14, 1854
It appears from an advertisement in our columns this morning that some person or persons entered the graveyard near Upper Alton on the night of the 5th inst., and attempted the diabolical outrage of exhuming the body of Mrs. Dunlap, whose death was announced in our paper a few weeks since. Those whose souls are so callous as (for any purpose except what the affection of relatives may dictate) to disturb the remains of the honored dead, and open afresh and mercilessly the aching wounds of hearts already grief-stricken, deserve neither the rites of burial or the tears of affliction at their decease. We sincerely hope the perpetrators of this cruelty will be brought to justice and so punished that if the world holds others so heartless, they may be deterred by the example made.


Source: Syracuse, New York Evening Chronicle, March 28, 1855
Last week, 500 Kansas emigrants reached Alton, Ill. An equal number were expected at the same point on Saturday last. Last Thursday, 130 Germans marched through the streets of Cincinnati, headed by a band of music, and took passage, with their families, for the same destination. 600 others in the same city were waiting for a boat. A Kentucky party (200) had chartered a boat, and were to have left on Friday. Others of the same associations, would soon follow. Five hundred families are enrolled in Indiana, and thousands are preparing, on their own boat, to leave during the summer. There is a movement for Kansas also in this city. One or two meetings have already been held, and a company is being formed for emigration. To balance these northern movement, we have word that ten thousand emigrants will go from Missouri and stay long enough to settle the coming election in favor of Slavery. The election takes place on Friday of this week.

[The term "Bleeding Kansas" is used to describe the violent political battle between anti-slavery Free-Staters and pro-slavery "Border Ruffians" that took place in the Kansas Territory between 1854 and 1861 over the issue of whether slavery would be permissible in the territory.

On March 30, 1855, an election was held in Kansas to elect representatives to the legislature. Thousands of people immigrated to Kansas (especially from Missouri) - not to settle in a new area permanently, but rather to change the results of the election. If people believed a candidate or ideological position was going to fail in a certain state, people would move to that state, claim residency and voted there, to change the results of the election. In this particular case, the election resulted in favor of the Pro-Slavery party in Kansas. The Alton Daily Telegraph reported that the St. Louis Republican newspaper was an "apologist" of the proceedings, and saw nothing wrong in hundreds of "actual settlers" daily moving from the western counties of Missouri to Kansas, and insisted that they intended to remain there to make it their home. In reality, however, the immigrants returned to their former home after the election.

Territorial Governor Andrew Reeder invalidated the results in five voting districts, because of concerns about voter fraud, and a special election was held on May 22, 1855, to elect replacements. In the summer of 1855 around 1,200 anti-slavery New Englanders emigrated to Kansas Territory. Abolitionist Henry Ward Beecher armed many of them with Sharps rifles, which came to be known as "Beecher's Bibles." To address the rising tension, Congress sent a special committee to Kansas Territory in 1856. The committee report concluded that if the election on March 30, 1855, had been limited to "actual settlers" it would have elected a Free-State legislature.]


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, April 12, 1855
A shock of an earthquake was perceptible in this city between eight and nine o'clock on Wednesday night. It was of very short continuance, but was very sensibly felt in several parts of the city. One man, living in Sempletown, states that his house rocked with a motion like that of a ship on the waves.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, May 17, 1855
The house of Patrick Develin, situated on Henry st., near the Lutheran Church, was entered on the night of the 7th inst., between 1 and 2 o'clock a.m. The thief entered the house through a window, and, notwithstanding the repeated efforts of Mrs. Develin to awaken her husband, the thief escaped with seventy dollars in money, and two silver watches valued at thirty-five dollars. The moon shone brightly into the room, so that Mrs. D. could distinctly see the features of the man; so strongly were they impressed upon her mind, that on walking through Second st. the day following, in company with her husband, she recognized the fellow while passing them. An officer was called, who arrested him and took him before Justices Pinckard and McPike. The evidence being conclusive, he was held to bail in the sum of three hundred dollars. His name is James T. Fulton. He is a native of England, and has been in this city but a short time.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier May 24, 1855
On Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, two men named Patrick Hennessey and John Tierney were seriously injured by the giving way of about 50 tons of overhanging rock on the bluffs, adjoining Russell & Shelley's Lime Kiln. It was considered unsafe by Mr. Russell, the superintendent of the work, who had sent the men to prepare for blasting off the dangerous portion of the rock, and while so engaged, it suddenly gave way, precipitating the men to a depth of about forty feet. Doctor Post arrived immediately on the spot, and finding their injuries to be severe, had them removed to their residences. Mr. Russell rendering every assistance to mitigate their sufferings. To what extent they are injured, we are unable to learn; but Dr. Post thought, from the examination he had made, Hennessey cannot live. The other man, Tierny, although badly hurt internally from the concussion, it is likely will recover. Hennessey has a wife and two children in St. Louis. He is a steady, sober, and industrious man. P.S. - Shortly after the above was written, Hennessey died. Tierney is so badly injured that no hopes are entertained of his recovery.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, June 14, 1855
To the Editor of the Courier: For some months past, I have intended to call the attention of our citizens to the importance of having a ferry, in regular and constant operation, across the Mississippi river between Alton and the Missouri shore. All former attempts to establish a ferry across the river at this point have been prompted by individual enterprise; but, proving unprofitable as a business speculation, have been abandoned. There are some kinds of business that, if properly conducted, would be a source of great convenience to the public, and of profit too, in the aggregate, but which would not justify an individual in prosecuting as a means of emolument to himself. This is the fact in relation to the establishment of a ferry across the river from this city. It is not probable that a ferry could be sustained here without a loss to the proprietor - at least for the first year or two - yet the experiment may be worth the sacrifice it would require, if that sacrifice were made by those who would share the general benefit. That a very desirable and constantly increasing trade with our neighbors across the river might be made available, if reliable facilities were offered them for visiting the city, will not be doubted, and that this route might soon be made a thoroughfare for travelers, is scarcely less probably. If, then, a ferry cannot be sustained by individual enterprise, how shall it be done? I will make a suggestion: Let the citizens of Alton, by petition, or in public assembly, solicit the City Council for a sufficient appropriation to purchase a good steam ferry boat, not larger than is required for the purpose, and an annual appropriation thereafter, to keep it in operation, and I am satisfied that in less than a year from the commencement of the ferry privileges, the advantages resulting from the enterprise would be too palpable to admit of its discontinuance. It is not improbable that its maintenance a single year would make it a source of revenue to the city, in addition to the advantages the public would derive from it. I am informed that Mr. John Mullady, one of our most industrious, energetic and enterprising citizens, stands ready to take an interest in the project, and incur a share of the risk by an investment, if the city authorities, or our business men, or both, shall render the required assistance to insure its successful prosecution. No man who knows Mr. Mullady will doubt his qualifications for the business; and it is hoped that our City Council, or some of our prominent citizens, will take the incipient steps to ascertain the feasibility of any plan that he or any other enterprising and competent man may propose, to carry into effect the views herein suggested. Respectfully yours, Free Trade.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, November 21, 1855
Mr. William Gray has opened a carpenter shop on Front street, corner of Alby, and respectfully solicits orders for work of every description in his line. We can vouch for him as a skillful workman, whose work and promises can be relied on. In times like the present, when workmen are so scarce, and demands for them are loud, it gives us pleasure to be able to make the above statement. Mr. Gray has recently located in our city, and we hope he may find such encouragement as will induce him to remain.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, December 6, 1855
A new manufactory of tallow candles has lately been started at Upper Alton by Mr. Alexander Pringle, who manufactures a splendid article, upon a new plan. While the wick is in the mould, it is kept strained, thereby securing it always in the centre of the candle, and the wick itself is counter twisted, while at the same time it is kept soft and pliable. The candles have been tested and pronounced superior to any in the market.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, December 6, 1855
On Monday night the horse belonging to Monticello Seminary was stolen from the stable and has not yet been recovered. On Tuesday evening the horse of Cashier Caldwell was stolen from his stable in Middletown. Mr. Caldwell started for St. Louis yesterday morning, found the horse, and telegraphed back in the afternoon to that effect. On the same night, a dwelling house was entered and a watch and some jewelry stolen. The particulars we could not learn. Quite a number of Penitentiary birds have lately been let loose, their sentences having expired. This may account for the frequent robberies lately. However, our citizens cannot be too guarded in securing their dwellings.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, January 24, 1856
The above Institute, we are pleased to hear, have rented the second and third stories of the building on the corner of Third and Piasa streets. The designs of this organization can be better understood from its Constitution. The necessity and utility of free instruction to our young men and mechanics must be apparent to every mind. We understand Mechanical drawing, Architecture, Mathematics, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Elocution, and Rhetoric will, on successive evenings during the week, be taught; the recitation room being the third story of the above building. There will be a reading room in the second story of same building, where all the newspapers, magazines, &c., of the country will be kept for the use of the public. A large collection of geological and other specimens, and such other things as can be obtained, birds, beasts and reptiles, will be added to the museum department.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, March 13, 1856
Yesterday afternoon we visited this large establishment, and were shown through it by the gentlemanly proprietors with every mark of respect and attention. We found them engaged in the business on a much larger scale than we expected; their establishment is a credit to their own enterprise, and an honor to the city. Their manufactory is in a large three-story building on Second street, the lower floor of which is used for a sale room; the two floors above, with three floors in adjoining buildings are used for manufacturing and storing their goods. This business was first established here in 1847 by Mr. G. D. Sidway; in 1853 Mr. Sidway's son became associated in the business, and the firm was entitled G. D. & L. B. Sidway; in December of 1855 Capt. William H. Turner purchased the father's interest, and the business has been since, and still is, conducted by Messrs. Turner & Sidway. They manufacture every variety of saddles, harness, horse collars, and trunks. Their horse collars took the first premium at the State Fair in Springfield in 1854. They use an active capital of seventeen thousand dollars, and do a yearly business of about one hundred thousand dollars. They employ between thirty-five and forty hands, to whom they pay about three hundred and fifty dollars a week. They manufacture and sell each year about two thousand dozen horse collars; about one thousand sets of harness; eight hundred saddles, and one hundred and twenty-five dozen trunks. They will make this year one hundred and fifty dozen steel spring trunks. They do a general retail and jobbing business. They sell a large quantity of goods at their store, but by far the largest share of their manufactures - at least four-fifths - are shipped in various directions to their wholesale customers up the Mississippi and Illinois rivers, and out on the different railroads. They supply retail dealers as far up the Mississippi as St. Paul. The manufacturing department of the business is, we believe, under the care of Mr. Sidway, who is a practical mechanic, and who worked many years at the bench, who gives it his constant personal attention, which is an ample guarantee that none but the very best quality of work will be turned out. Capt. Turner is always at his desk or behind the counter, but we need say nothing about him, for everybody knows him as well as we do.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, March 13, 1856
This is a new establishment, also on Second street, and having been but recently started, it as yet does a light business. It was established in November of 1855 by the present proprietor, Mr. J. H. Welch. Mr. Welch showed us some specimens of his work, and as far as we are capable of judging, it will compare favorably with any other in the same line. He confines himself to the manufacture of saddles and harness, a stock of which he keeps on hand, as well as being prepared to make and repair to order.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, March 20, 1856
The packing of beef and pork has always been and is still a very important feature in the business of our city. The location of Alton is such as to make it the most convenient point for the packing of meats and the shipping of produce for a very large and very productive portion of our State. We have every reason to believe that there always will be a large amount of beef and pork packed here. We spent a part of a day in visiting the different packing houses in Alton, and gathering statistical information in relation to the business done by each. Our first call was at the large beef and pork packing establishment of Messrs. H. Fay & Co., which is situated on Front street, a little below the Alton House. This is much the largest packing house in Alton, and is a branch of the celebrated Harrison Fay & Co.'s packing house and provision store of Boston; the members of the firm having control of both houses are Harrison Fay, S. P. Greenwood and Edward Read. We were received by Mr. Greenwood, the resident partner here, who, with the strictest and most systematic business habits, combines the amiable deportment of a perfect gentleman; he led us through the different departments of their large establishment, and furnished us with all the information we desired. The main building is of brick, one hundred feet long, eighty feet wide, and two stories high; the lard house is the same height, and is forty feet long and twenty-six feet wide. The buildings and lot are worth about ten thousand dollars. This establishment was erected, and the business commenced here in 1850 by Mr. Aaron Corey, and was occupied by him for four years, when it fell into the hands of its present proprietors. Mr. Greenwood informs us that they have packed, this season, twelve hundred beeves, and nine thousand hogs. Since the first of October they have paid out one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, which is about the amount of active capital they have in use in this branch of their business. They pack almost exclusively for their Boston house. The average number of their employees is about thirty. During the busy season they pay out about five hundred dollars a week to their hands. This year they have done their own slaughtering. Their slaughter house has been managed by Mr. John Challacombe, a gentleman of experience in the business. In consequence of the suspension of navigation, they have an immense quantity of pork, beef, lard, tallow, &c., &c., on hand, which will be shipped to Boston in a few days. Our next visit was to the old and extensive establishment of Messrs. S. Wade & Co., next door below. This house has been doing business here about fifteen years; its shipments are made to New Orleans, New York and Boston. The building occupied is one hundred by one hundred and twenty feet in size, and is well arranged for the business. They have packed here this season about nine thousand five hundred hogs, mostly on commission. This is the oldest packing house in our city, and we would be glad to give a history of its origin and progress, and a full sketch of its present condition, but the proprietor declined giving us the necessary statistical information. Still farther down on Front street there is another packing house which was put in operation some ten years ago by Mr. William McBride. It now belongs to Messrs. George Hagan & Co., of St. Louis, who packed here, this season, five thousand four hundred hogs. Messrs. J. J. & W. H. Mitchell, who own the large frame mill at the head of Second street, packed four thousand five hundred hogs this season. These hogs averaged two hundred and twenty pounds each. They have about $38,000 now invested in pork, ready to be shipped.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, April 17, 1856
Yesterday morning we paid a visit to Mr. John B. Beaumont's Marble Yard on the north side of Belle street, between Third and Fourth, and examined some specimens of his superior work. Mr. Beaumont established himself here in his present vocation in the year 1849. His business was very light at first - almost nothing at all. He received very few orders for marble, and nearly all he did was a little work in common native stone. Mr. B.'s energy and exceeding good taste in the execution of his work soon brought it into popular favor, and changed the nature of his business so as to give sale to his fine marble work. He has recently associated with him in business Mr. Alex Milne, a gentleman of long experience in the business and as skillful a letterer and carver he can be found in the United States. We examined some of his work, and are free to admit that it is about the best we ever saw in this country. Mr. Beaumont's business has been steadily increasing ever since he began, and is now more prosperous than ever before. He now sells about seven thousand dollars’ worth of marble, and about two thousand barrels of cement and plaster each year. We are glad to see these evidences of his prosperity, for he is an energetic and public-spirited man, and deserves to prosper.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, April 24, 1856
The drug business is a very important branch of the trade of Alton, and there are several houses largely engaged in it, both wholesale and retail. We made the circuit of some of these houses yesterday, and found all of them in a very prosperous condition. The first at which we called was that of Messrs. D. C. Martin & Co., on Second street. This house was established in the year 1852 by Messrs. Murphys & Martin, and was managed by them until February of the present year, when the change was made that gave to the firm its present title. Their stock comprises every possible variety and quality of such articles as are usually kept in wholesale and retail drug stores. Their retail trade is very large and very profitable, but their principal business is in the jobbing line. They expect to sell about forty thousand dollars’ worth during the present year. They are sole agents for the sale of Dr. Leeds' celebrated Quinine Substitute, of which they sold about twenty-five hundred dollars’ worth last year. This medicine, as its name indicates, is intended to supersede the use of quinine, as it is designed to be used in all cases where quinine has heretofore been considered the only reliable remedy. Dr. Martin, the business partner in this house, is a gentleman who has had many years experience, and has a thorough knowledge of the business in which he is engaged. The other members of the firm are gentlemen of energy and capital. We next came round to the drug store of D. Simms & Co., on Third street, second door from the corner of Piasa. This house was established by the present proprietors in the year 1853, since which its business has been steadily increasing at the rate of about twenty-five per cent a year. They are just now receiving a very large stock for their spring and summer trade, and the variety and excellence of their assortment is well worth the attention of purchasers. They keep a full supply of drugs, medicines, and everything that goes to constitute the stock of a well-appointed drug store. They claim to have the largest and best assorted stock of perfumery, combs, brushes &c., that can be found in Alton. Of cigars, they have a very large and fine assortment, and they sell a great many. They showed us some of as fine flavored Havanas as we ever saw. This house does quite a large wholesale business, but devotes a great deal of attention to its very extensive retail custom. It is a very popular house, and its popularity is constantly on the increase. Our next call was at the old established drug store of Messrs. A. S. Barry & Co., on the corner of Second and State streets. In 1842 this firm bought out Messrs. Marsh, Hankinson & Co., and have ever since continued the business without any change in the style of their firm. At first their sales were very small, amounting to only three thousand dollars for the first year. The increase has been gradual, steady, and with an advancing ratio. Their sales for the present year will amount to about sixty thousand dollars. This house does a very large wholesale business, but does not neglect the retail department, in which it has a full share of custom. Their stock, which their large cash capital enables them to keep at all times full and complete, comprises every kind and variety of drugs, medicines, paints, oils, gas, perfumery and fancy goods, cigars, with everything necessary to make full and complete the stock of a wholesale and retail drug store. They are agents for the sale of all the popular patent medicines, which they sell at manufacturers' prices. They called our especial attention to Shallenberger's Fever and Ague Antidote, which is warranted to cure in all cases. This is the oldest drug store in Alton, and it has established a reputation which rivalry cannot impair. Its proprietors are well known for their business energy and integrity. They have recently diverted a part of their large capital into other avenues of trade, to which they are giving their personal attention. In the meantime, our old friend, Captain James E. Starr, who is well known not only here, but all over the State, occupies the counting room and manages the business in the drug store.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, May 01, 1856
Yesterday evening we went round on Second Street [Broadway] and paid a visit to Mr. E. Trenchery's Piano Forte and Music Rooms, over A. T. Hawley's store. Mr. Trenchery established himself in business here something over five years since, since which his trade has been gradually but steadily increasing. He keeps a general assortment of organs, piano fortes, melodeons, &c., for sale or to rent. He is also agent for some of the best piano and melodeon manufactories in the United States. Among these I must mention Lamuel Gilbert's celebrated Boudoir piano, for the sale of which Mr. Trenchery is agent. These pianos are much shorter and narrower than the old style, and possess a power and richness of tone that is truly wonderful. They occupy but little space, and can be taken apart and removed with great facility. Mr. Trenchery has, at present, a number of second-hand instruments for sale; he also keeps a general assortment of the popular sheet music of the day. He gives lessons in music, both vocal and instrumental, in which branch of his business he has about as much as he can attend to. We heard him perform several very difficult pieces on the piano in a style that we have seldom heard equaled.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, May 29, 1856
A man named Dennison was arrested on Sunday last, in the American Bottom, about eight miles below this city for horse stealing. He had taken one horse from near Jerseyville, and one from the stable at the Franklin House, in this city, and a saddle and bridle from Mather's livery stable. He went to a house in the Bottom and stole a coat, provisions for himself, and corn for his horses.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, July 17, 1856
Jul. 7, 1856, Alton -- To the Editor of the Alton Courier: When Alton was yet a village, by common content and for the time being, a temporary Market house was thrown up on Market street, between Second and Third streets, and in front of and immediately in the neighborhood of some of the best residence and building sites in Alton. This was permitted by the property holders in the neighborhood (though the City Council had no more right to obstruct the street at this place than the humblest citizen of the place) for the time being, with the understanding that it was only temporary. And what has been the result: Still it is there, though it has been remonstrated against by the citizens in the neighborhood time and again. A miserable looking affair, at first - now more hideous than ever; temporary at first - now rotten, filthy, stinking, smeared a little with whitewash, but a great deal more with blood, guts and filth, strewn all over the neighborhood; yes, literally paved with beef bones, hogs and sheep’s feet and the like. The programme of the evening begins with the angry howling of dogs, as they contend for choice of bones, until near midnight, when the clatter of the wheels of the butchers' wagons scares them from their feast. The noise of the saw and meat axe begin about 11 o'clock - as they grind and crush among the bodies and meat, where life is scarcely yet extinct, mingled with the boisterous laugh, or more frequently, the horrid oaths of some of the butchers - the rehearsal of whose obscene jests would defile the paper on which it was written. In this way is spent the night, till break of day, when the noise of buyer and seller grows fast and furious. What chance for sleep amid such scenes as these; and, as has been the case, the sick and dying have lain and been compelled to listen to all, and much more than this. This is not all. Was there comfort in the day, the night might be borne. Our houses in the heat of summer have to be shut up well night air tight, else the swarms of green flies that are bred in, and infest the market, adjourn at 9 o'clock to our parlors and sitting rooms, and make them uninhabitable. How long is this state of things to last? How long is our property (that is taxed to all it will bear) to be made and kept uninhabitable? Will not the Council take some steps in the matter! A former Council declared this same hideous collection of boards - saturated with filth - a nuisance. Why is it not removed! Some of us have offered one hundred dollars each to have it removed - still it is there. We have petitioned, begged, plead, offered to pay, done everything, said everything - still it is there, a mass of corruption. It has no right there. It is an outrage to the neighborhood.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, September 11, 1856
If our citizens will just step into the large store of our friend George S. Ferguson, Esq., on Second street, and look at his splendid stock of clothing and furnishing goods, they will satisfy themselves that it is not only one of the largest, but the finest stock of that description of goods ever brought West. If you want a loose beaver, a military overcoat, a Raglan or a splendid Kaffetan, there they are in endless variety of style and price. You will also find the regular black dress and frock, and a great variety of match suits. For the chamber, you will find several varieties of dressing gowns and of hats and caps, the styles are too numerous to be mentioned. Of shirts and other underclothing, he has a large stock, and of gloves, &c., you can find everything in great variety, including the heavy gauntlet, finished with the finest fur. The fact that such fine goods are brought here for sale in such large quantities by one of Mr. Ferguson's experience, is evidence of a great change in the character of the demand. Those who would realize the change have only to give Mr. Ferguson a call, examine his stock and test his prices.


Immense Gathering! Tremendous Enthusiasm!
[This political rally was for the 1856 election for President and Vice-President. For President - John C. Fremont of California (Republican); for Vice-President - William L. Dayton of New Jersey. The Republican Party condemned the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and decried the expansion of slavery. James Buchanan, the Democratic Nominee, warned that the Republicans were extremists whose victory would lead to civil war. The Democrats endorsed popular sovereignty as the method to determine slavery's legality for newly admitted states. Buchanan won the election.]

Source: Alton Weekly Courier, October 9, 1856
The demonstration last night far surpassed the anticipations of the most ardent friends of freedom. Hon. Abraham Lincoln, finding it necessary to return by the evening train, spoke in the afternoon to a large audience in front of the Presbyterian Church. He made, as he always does, an earnest, argumentative, patriotic and exceedingly able speech. The crowd continued to increase till the conclusion of his speech, and the cheers that went up for free labor, free territory, and Freemont, were an unequivocal certificate that the hearts of the masses are right on the issue. At half past six o'clock, the procession was formed at the Fremont Club Room, the torches were lighted, and the streets, for nearly a mile, seemed all in a blaze. Hundreds of Fremonters joined the procession without torches, as there were not enough to supply them, and the procession was in many places from four to six abreast. Hundreds more Fremonters lined the streets, and cheer after cheer went up for the pathfinder and the pioneer of liberty, from the crowds outside of the procession. No demonstration of the kind ever before made in this State would bear in extent a shadow of comparison with that torch light procession. The Buchanan men had hardly sufficient left to raise a cheer. We cannot attempt to state the number of torches carried, or banners and mottos for liberty displayed at short intervals all along the line. That must be deferred to another day. After passing through the principal streets of the city, the immense procession drew up in Market street, thronging that broad avenue from Front to Third Street. As the crowd in the procession, joined by thousands who awaited their arrival, gathered around the stands erected for the speakers, enthusiastic cheers rent the air for Fremont and Bissell. The stand in front of the Presbyterian Church was surrounded by banners both appropriate and significant. A full-length portrait of Fremont was raised in front of the multitude, which drew forth the most enthusiastic applause. The two porches and the orchestra in the church, and the space around the stand, were crowded with ladies who joined, by gracefully waving their handkerchiefs, in the general enthusiasm. The first speaker introduced was Hon. D. K. Carter of Ohio, who held the vast audience for more than two hours, in rapt attention. He made a telling speech and was greeted with loud applause. He was followed by Judge Trumbull, who in his earnest, candid, logical and eloquent way, held the crowd to a late hour, while he showed clearly how the Buchanan party are driving the country to anarchy and disunion. A large crowd of German Fremonters gathered in front of the Editor's residence, and were ably addressed, if we may judge by the vociferous applause, by Mr. Zinn, of New York City, Mr. Schlaeger of Chicago, and Mr. Grimm, Editor of the Belleville Zeitung. We cannot particularize further at this late hour of writing, but will do so at length when we have time and space.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, October 9, 1856
Last evening was largely attended. It was addressed by Hon. Joseph Gillespie of this county, and by Dr. McDowell from St. Louis, a gentleman from Mississippi, and perhaps other, of whom we have not had notice. It struck us as a little singular, that the Fillmoreites, who in the North are undoubtedly in the main for free Kansas, should rely mainly for speakers upon men from Slave States, who come over to lull them to sleep, or divert their attention from the tragedy which the Buchanan party, aided by Southern Fillmorites, are enacting in Kansas. Their course reminds us of Nero, who fiddled while Rome was burning.

As the noise and confusion incident to the State Fair subsides, we improve the first hour of comparative quiet to give an account of the grand demonstration for Fremont and Dayton, Bissell and Wood, which came off in this city on Thursday evening, October 2d, in accordance with our premise at the time. Although the preparations for a large meeting had been made, they were far from being equal to the occasion. In the afternoon at four o'clock, an impromptu meeting assembled in front of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Millard of the Chicago Press first took the stand, and spoke for about half an hour in a very eloquent and forcible manner. He presented ably the all-absorbing issue of the campaign. He closed by invoking the spirit of General Jackson, Southern man though he was, to open the Missouri River, punish the invaders of Kansas, protect the people of the territory, and the United States mail from plunder, and vindicate the honor of the American flag. The crowd cheered this finale most enthusiastically. During this speech the audience continued to increase rapidly, and when Mr. Lincoln rose to speak, a very large number had assembled, and crowds continued dropping in until he closed. He made a closely argumentative and able speech, fully convincing the old line Whigs, who acknowledge him as their leader in this state, that the position of the Fremont party is the only position occupied by any of the parties of the day on the slavery question, consistent with the platforms of past years, presented by the two great national parties. When Lincoln closed, the crowd was very large. As they returned from the place of speaking, they gave the most enthusiastic cheers for Fremont and Bissell.

We take occasion publicly to acknowledge the compliment of three rousing cheers for the Courier office. It is a source of satisfaction to us to know that while government officers are leagued to prevent our paper from reaching our subscribers, the people are with us in sympathy, and that better times are near at hand.

The great rally of the people was in the evening. At half past six, the grand torch light procession was formed on Third Street. It contained an imposing army of torch bearers, and hundreds applied for more after the supply was exhausted. Large numbers of Fremonters fell into the procession without torches, and hundreds upon hundreds on the sidewalks hurrahed for Fremont as the procession passed.

When the procession was completed, it extended some distance on Piasa Street, the entire length of the business part of Third Street, between Piasa and State Streets, and up State Street to a considerable distance. Banners with patriotic and noble inscriptions, expressing the principles for which the party are contending, were displayed at short intervals throughout the procession. This vast and imposing army of freemen, preceded by a superb band of music, marched up State Street under the guidance of the Marshal, John Trible, Esq., and his deputies, to the intersection of State and William Streets, down William to Fifth Street, down Fifth to State Street, down State Street to Second Street [Broadway], down Second to Langdon Street, down Langdon to Front Street, and returned on Front Street to the places appointed for public speaking on Market Street. Wherever the procession passed, the houses, balconies and sidewalks were thronged with ladies, men and children, waving handkerchiefs and cheering for Fremont. True, occasional cheers for Buchanan and Fillmore were given by a few of the outsiders, but most of those parties stood and gazed in mute astonishment, as if a flood of light had burst upon their mental vision, proving beyond a chance for cavil, that the people have risen in their might and right, in a mighty army to take again to themselves as the constitution provides, the power of the government, and are determined to use it to put down usurpers, and delegate it to those who will wield it in accordance with the policy of Washington and Jefferson, to make our territories free.

It was truly an imposing sight as the vast multitude drew up as near as its greatness would permit, in front of the speakers' stands. Market Street, which is one hundred and forty feet wide, was densely packed from Front to Third Street, a distance of two entire blocks, and large numbers of ladies were crowded into the two porches, and the orchestra of the Presbyterian Church.

The stand in front of the church was literally enclosed with banners, and transparencies and torches innumerable lighted up the vast concourse in every part, revealing the majesty of the spectacle as if by magical process the day had been revived. The stand was thronged with champions for freedom, a few of whom only could have time to speak on this great occasion. The first speaker introduced was Hon. D. K. Carter from Ohio, who spoke for two hours, eloquently depicting the aggressive invasion of the rights of the North by the slave power. When he spoke of the destruction by the South, of the ballot box, the main spring of our liberties, the butchery of Northern men, because they dared to vote and establish schools, churches, printing presses, and sawmills on the Territories solemnly consecrated to freedom; when he spoke of the Missouri River, a great national highway, blockaded against the North by "murderers," the indignation of the assembled thousands burst forth in thunder tones.

Senator Trumbull, who so fearlessly and faithfully, alone in the Senate in the face of the bitterest opposition, contended for the ceded rights of the free State of Illinois in the territories during the late fearful struggles in Congress, followed Mr. Carter. In purity and propriety of language, he is a model speaker, while the force, clearness and fairness of his logic, mark both the eminent jurist and the honest, patriotic Statesman. He understands, and can and will vindicate the rights of his fellow citizens, who have been insulted, robbed and murdered by the slave power in the free territory of Kansas. He made a convincing speech, such as few can make, and his honest, manly bearing made a deep impression upon the hearts of the assembled thousands. The day of triumph for him and his compatriots in the cause of human liberty is rapidly dawning, and next November it will be fully ushered in. The sons of the free from every hill from Maine to Oregon hail with shouts this auspicious dawning, and the daughters of the free are swelling a glad, a universal chorus to the glorious promises of the coming year.

After Senator Trumbull concluded, speeches were made by Mr. Bross of the Chicago Press, and Mr. Vaughan of the Chicago Tribune, and another gentleman, whose name we do not remember. These speeches were all excellent, highly patriotic, and told with great effect upon the crowd, who showed its appreciation by loud and continued cheering. We were delighted to hear our brethren of the press so able and eloquent.

Another division of the vast audience was composed of Germans, who were out in their strength from various parts of the State, and joined enthusiastically in the procession. They were addressed from the balcony of the editor's residence, by Mr. Zinn of New York, Mr. Schaleger of Chicago, and Mr. Grimm, editor of the Belleville Zeifung. We know nothing of the tenor of their speeches, but judging from the tremendous applause which reached our ears almost constantly from that direction, the heats of the patriotic Germans were effectually reached.

The speaking at both stands continued until 1 o'clock on Friday morning, when the crowd dispersed and the grand demonstration was over. But its power is still seen and felt. It is seen in the elongated countenances of Buchanier captains and corporals, who fully appreciate the augury. It is seen in the industrious efforts of our opponents to break its power by misrepresentation.

It is emphatically true that all parties, including our own, were astonished at the extent and enthusiasm of this vast multitude. The power of this demonstration is felt in the renewed energy and activity that pervades the friends of freedom and Fremont, throughout this region and throughout the State. That night the star of liberty gained the ascendancy, and it will continue to rise till it reaches its meridian in November, where it will continue to shine in undimmed effulgence, while generation after generation will rise up to bless its light.

Men of the North give us your aid. Egypt is enlightened on the issue, and the rod of the oppressor is broken. Her freemen, with your aid, will redeem our State from the odium of having raised a "ruthless hand" to strike down the Missouri Compromise by showing a hearty repentance for having placed the power of the State in such a hand. Political oblivion to compromise breakers and honor to those who are true to the policy of Washington, Jefferson and Clay, who were instrumental in consecrating the Territories to freedom. The ordinances of 1789 and 1820 are graven on the hearts of the American people alongside of the names of these great statesmen, and palsied be the arm that dare efface those ordinances from our statute books, and forever silenced the tongue that dares defame their authors.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, October 9, 1856
Judge Douglas spoke yesterday near the fairgrounds to a slim audience. The highest estimate of the audience we heard was 500. In view of the facts that his handbills were distributed throughout the fairground, and a crier was sent round the ring, where thousands upon thousands were assembled, announcing the hour and place of speaking, and giving him more laudatory superlatives than is justifiable in auctioneers' parlance, it is apparent that our Senator, whose name was once "dear to fame," has lost his power with the people. Such is always the meed of those who betray confidence. After this has been done, glazing words can never call back the influence wielded in years forever gone by. The fact is also significant that Douglas evaded the appointment made for him weeks ago, by his party organs, to speak here on Wednesday, and resorted to the game of attempting to occupy time which his opponents had designated for their demonstration. His signal failure to call out the people shows that they understood and properly appreciated his intrigue.


Source: The Evening Journal, Albany, New York, October 9, 1856
Douglas was brought out to speak recently at Alton, Illinois, after much parade, preparation and drumming up recruits. He spoke adjacent to the Fair Ground, - in the best possible situation to draw a crowd - to a little squad of people, variously estimated at 300 to 600 persons. The "Little Giant" has lost his power in Illinois.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, November 20, 1856
William Brudon - Undertaker, at his old stand on the northwest corner of Market and Second streets, coffin manufacturer and funeral undertaker. N. B. - I also have a vault in Alton Cemetery and will accommodate any person who wish to deposit their deceased friends, on reasonable terms. Also patent metallic burial cases.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, December 25, 1856
An Irishman named McAffee or McVey, was stabbed on Wednesday night at the grocery known as the Light House on the Northwest corner of State and Front streets. He was taken to the hospital. We have not learned the extent of his injury, or his prospects of recovery. It is difficult to ascertain who gave the wound, as several were engaged in the quarrel.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, January 22, 1857
We learn that Dr. E. S. Hull, the President of the Illinois Horticultural Society, has purchased a tract of land known as the Hunter tract, adjoining, on the north, that part of our city called Hunterstown, and is preparing the ground with a view to open a grand horticultural farm. The tract consists of a hundred and one acres, and includes hillside exposures, sloping in every direction. The greater portion of this land can be cultivated without difficulty, and all of it can be so cultivated as to produce fruit. Dr. Hull has a great variety and splendid supply of shrubbery, fruit trees, evergreens, &c., which will be transplanted in the grounds of the Horticultural farm as soon as spring opens. This plan, in extent of design, is the embryo of what will be in Dr. Hull's hands, the most magnificent enterprise of the kind in this part of the country.


Source: The New York Times, March 9, 1857
From the Alton Democrat. Our readers will be surprised, perhaps, to hear that there are 150 Mormons in Alton; that they own a small church building and hold regular Sunday exercises, and that they have their elders and other usual church leaders. The number is constantly increasing by foreigners arriving, and were it not that a body of them leaves every Spring, this sect would surpass any other in Alton. We are informed that some thirty or forty families will leave Alton thus in April next. Of the personal character of these Mormons we cannot speak from very intimate acquaintance. But so far as we have seen or heard, they are honest, sober, and quite industrious people. They are from nearly every European country, and not an American born is to be found among them. They are mostly very illiterate - drawn from the lowest degree of humanity, as regards wealth and social position.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, March 26, 1857
N. Hanson & Co.'s Machine Shop - To the gentlemanly junior partner, Mr. John M. Pearson, by whom we were escorted through this extensive establishment, we are indebted for many items - so intimately connected with, and so strikingly demonstrative of the steady advancement of the city towards that absolute supremacy, in point of superiority in manufactures, over any other city in the State, and perhaps we might say in the West, which the favorable location of the city, and her facilities for communication, afforded either by railroad or water, towards almost every point of the compass, warrant her citizens in anticipating - that they cannot fail to be of interest to all persons interested in the growth of Alton. The buildings occupied by Messrs. Hanson & Co., front two hundred and forty feet on Front street, two hundred feet on George street, and one hundred and eighty feet on Second street. This machine shop was first established in 1842, and is probably of as old, if not older standing than any other shop for the manufacture of agricultural machines and implements in the State. Since its first establishment up to the present time, its business has been steadily increasing until it has a reputation wider, and more flattering to the enterprise of its present proprietors than any other establishment of its class in the West. The proprietors employ in their finishing department - the ground floor of the main building, one hundred feet long by fifty feet wide - thirty-five men, who are constantly employed at lathes, planers, drills, punches, &c., &c., in preparing rough castings for the threshing machines, which are the principle article of manufacture by this establishment. The immediate superintendent of this department is Mr. Lewis B. Hubbell. The engine by which the machinery in this establishment is run is of eighty horse power, and is a very superior piece of machinery, of regular and noiseless motion, having been manufactured expressly for this shop at Lawrence, Massachusetts. The foundry is sixty-five feet long by forty-five feet wide, is furnished with a furnace, running three tons of iron per day. Mr. William Denny, who is the immediate superintendent of this department, employs eleven moulders and eight helpers. In the blacksmith shop, which is under the superintendence of Mr. S. Force, there are six forges, occupied by twelve workman. After leaving this department, we were conducted to the wood department which is superintended by Mr. Joseph Gottlob. This department embraces the second and third stories of the main building, and is furnished with all the implements necessary for planing, morticing, sawing, boring, and fitting all the wood work of the machines manufactured in the shop, which gives constant employment to fifty experienced workmen. Mr. Pearson called our attention to a dry house, which, he informs us, is heated by steam and is capable of seasoning lumber as perfectly in six weeks as it could be done by the sun in one year. It will hold from ten to fifteen thousand feet of lumber. The proprietors of this establishment inform us that they expect to turn out this year five hundred of their superior Threshing Machines, to do which they will have to make an addition of from fifteen to twenty workmen to their present number, which is one hundred and fifteen. Their expenses during the present year, for labor alone, will probably reach $50,000, in addition to which they will use about one hundred and twenty-five thousand feet of pine and two hundred and fifty thousand feet of oak lumber. By Mr. S. M. Connor, the gentlemanly and obliging clerk, who has been connected with the establishment for some time, we are informed that Messrs. Hanson & Co.'s facilities for shipping are very extensive, as they have arrangements, not only with the railroads and steamers from this point, but also with Missouri river steamers to receive their Machines at this port and discharge them at any point on their route of travel.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, April 23, 1857
Further Particulars of the Fire - The planing mill in which the fire was first discovered was owned and carried on by Messrs. Morrison, Beall, Parks and McDowal. The gentlemen of the firm are very confident that the fire was the work of an incendiary, as two of them examined the premises at a late hour in the night - which they have regularly been accustomed to do - and saw that there was not a spark of fire in any of the departments of the establishment. Contrary to what we stated as being understood Wednesday night, we are today informed by a member of the firm that there was no portion of the property insured. It is understood that the energetic gentlemen of the firm will commence making arrangements on Monday next for the immediate erection of a new planing mill on the site of the one destroyed. We learn that the insurance on the house belonging to the estate of J. Flannagan was $300. That on the Methodist church was $3,500. On the parsonage $1,500. The insurance on the frame houses adjoining the parsonage on Fourth street, and which belonged to Messrs. Chouteau & McPike, was $600. We neglected to mention in our article of yesterday that Messrs. Gallion & Co.'s paint shop was in one of the buildings destroyed. They had no insurance upon their stock, about $300 worth of which, we are informed by Mr. Gallion, was destroyed. We have not as yet been able to avail ourselves of a reliable estimate of the entire loss, but as soon as we can do so we will lay it before our readers. We learn that during the prevalence of the fire, unsuccessful attempts were made to enter a number of our business houses by parties unknown, undoubtedly in search of plunder. We cannot leave this subject without again speaking of the disgraceful neglect of the City Council to use the means in their power for securing the property, as well as the lives of our citizens against the ravages of the fiery elements. All are willing to acknowledge, had the fire department been as efficient as it ought to be, the flames on Wednesday night would have been checked before they had communicated to the third building. Is it not a disgrace to the city that she will not take a sufficient interest in the preservation of the property - to say nothing of the risk of life attendant upon fires - of her citizens to support a reliable and efficient fire department? We have engines - one new one - but they are not kept in order. Instead of being furnished with engine houses, they have been kept for the last six weeks under the eaves of the market house, exposed to all kinds of weather. Why have we no fire department? Simply because the City Council will not make the necessary appropriations to sustain one. There are numbers of citizens - young and middle-aged - strong and determined - who would organize themselves into fire companies, if the city authorities would not shamefully withhold their support. Fire companies have been formed, but have been compelled to disband because the Council would not make the necessary appropriations to put and keep the engines in working order. Should a fire break out tomorrow, there is not an engine in the city in a sufficient state of perfection to render effective service - for which the Council is to blame. What stranger who was at the fire on Wednesday night and witnessed the disconcerted action of the citizens, and the palpable inefficiency of the fire department, would not, if he had previously entertained any idea of purchasing property and becoming a citizen here, at once relinquish it, at such palpable proof of the flagrant carelessness of the authorities in regard to the protection of the lives and property of the citizens. This matter calls loudly for reform, and reform we must have if we wish to induce the outlay of more capital and increase of population in Alton.

Source: Syracuse, New York Daily Courier, April 19, 1857
A fire occurred at Alton, Ill., on the night of the 15th, which destroyed the planning mill of Messrs. Morrison, Beale & Co., the adjoining Methodist Church and three dwellings. Loss twenty-five to forty thousand dollars. - Insurance small.

Source: Bloomington, Illinois Weekly Pantagraph, April 22, 1857
A destructive fire took place at Alton last Wednesday night, beginning in the Planing Mill of Morrison & Beal, which was entirely destroyed, together with the Methodist church and parsonage, a two-story frame house adjoining the latter, and several stables and other outbuildings. The Waverly House, Piasa House, and a large brick warehouse belonging to Mr. Brown of the Courier, were several times on fire, but were saved. The fire is believed to have been the work of an incendiary. Several attempts were made to enter business houses during the fire. Later in the night, the large warehouse was again set on fire but was saved.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, May 7, 1857
We called on yesterday and examined Messrs. Beaumont & Milne's large stock of American and Foreign Marble, Marble Dust, White Sand, Cement, Plaster Paris, and Plastering Hair, than which we venture to say there is none superior in beauty and excellence in this or any other Western city. This Marble Yard was first established in 1849 by Mr. John Beaumont, who in 1856 associated with himself, Mr. Alex Milne, a thorough-going business man, and as skillful a letterer and carver as can be found in the United States. Under the energetic control of these two gentlemen, their business, which at first was very small, has increased until it has become not only a most important, but also a very profitable branch of business. The Sculpture, Statuary and Monumental work turned out by Messrs. Beaumont & Milne, for beauty and taste in design and execution, is not surpassed by any like house in the West. These gentlemen are always prepared to fill all orders for work to the entire satisfaction of their patrons, and to furnish other articles of their trade, of as fine quality, at as liberal prices as they can be procured elsewhere.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, May 14, 1857
In January 1853, on a very small capital, Mr. Goulding opened a small jewelry store on the north side of Third Street. At first his business was very small, but by close and prompt attention to business and the demands of his customers, he gained the confidence of the community and now enjoys a prominence among the business men of the city for honesty, integrity, and extent of business, which numbers have in vain strives for years to attain. Mr. Goulding's stock for superiority of material and manufacture, variety, and elegance of style, is not surpassed by any stock of goods ever brought to the city. It consists of the very finest qualities and latest styles of useful and ornamental jewelry. Ladies and gentlemen's superior gold and silver watches, watch chains, finger rings, lockets, gold and silver pen and pencil cases, silver spoons, knives and forks, clocks, musical instruments, &c. These goods are sold at the very lowest figures, and are sold for just what they are and nothing more. Mr. Goulding keeps constantly in his employ the very best of workmen, by whom watches, clocks and jewelry will be cleaned and repaired to order.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, May 14, 1857
About ten months ago a marble yard was established in this city [Alton] by Messrs. Clement & Raymond, who were at that time almost entire strangers to the citizens. Of course, their business was at first small, but by the uniform gentlemanly conduct and energy of the proprietors, and the superior taste and promptness with which they filled all orders left with them, they won the confidence of the community, which betrays itself in their books by the footing up of their business for ten months, in the snug and quite material form of rising $13,000. After examining their stock of marble and some of their work, we do not find ourselves at a loss to account for this extraordinary success. Their stock of marble is very large and is from the best American and Italian quarries, and from it, through the assistance of five of the most experienced and skillful engravers and letterers in the West, whose services they have secured at great expense, they are prepared to furnish their customers with any quantity or quality of work they may desire. Some of the work which we examined, in both American and Italian marble, is such as we have rarely, if ever, seen surpassed for elegance of taste in conception and execution. Messrs. Clement & Raymond confine themselves entirely to the marble business, lettering and putting up tombstones and monuments, furnishing and preparing slabs for counters, centre tables, &c. For the furtherance of their business, they employ a traveling agent who receives and transmits to them orders from the surrounding country. In the pursuance of their business, Messrs. C. & R. display an energy which gives them a great prominence in the respect of the business community, and points them out as worthy of success.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, June 4, 1857
A man who had been going round this town, evidently crazy, having attacked several of the citizens with stones, clubs, &c., was finally locked up in jail on Monday night last. Next morning the jailer found him dead on the floor. The deceased had torn off a strip of plank, and having tied his handkerchief round his neck, had, by means of this stick, twisted his handkerchief till he had literally choked himself to death. This was certainly a strange way of committing suicide, and only worthy the ingenuity of a crazy man. An inquest was held on the body, and a verdict rendered in accordance with the above facts. Name of deceased unknown.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, August 6, 1857
The new planning mill of Messrs. Morrison, Seeley & Co., on Henry Street, is rapidly progressing. The builders have now reached the top of the first story, and expect to finish the brick work in about two weeks, after which it will be easy to get ready for operations. The mill is much needed, and will be a valuable acquisition. [Note: The original planning mill, on Belle Street, was destroyed by fire in April 1857.]


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, August 27, 1857
A fire occurred last night about twelve o'clock in the kitchen of the building on Third street, near Henry, occupied by the Rev. R. R. Coon, which soon communicated to the adjoining tenement occupied by R. Packard, Esq., both of which were entirely consumed in a short time. For a while the residences of Mrs. Hood and D. D. Ryrie, Esq., were in considerable danger, but were saved. The Rev. Mr. Coon saved the most of his furniture, library, &c., and Mr. Packard saved the most of his furniture, but both were in a damaged condition. The building was owned by Mrs. Hood, and was worth about $3,500. There was an insurance upon it for $1,700 in the Illinois Mutual Office. The heavy grade of the streets in that neighborhood prevented the Engines reaching there in time to save the building. Both the Sucker and Pioneer were on the ground as soon as possible, and did all which was in the power of any engines to accomplish. They worked with a hearty good will and showed themselves both ready and willing at the call of duty. The Chief Engineer was promptly on the ground and took the general direction.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, September 17, 1857
Every city has its dens of infamy and its hot beds of crime where the hardened sinner is continued in his evil ways and the young and growing trained up to follow in the footsteps of their fathers. We have many such in our midst, but none so deserving of notice and condemnation as the miserable row of drinking houses that flank the west side of State street, between Short street and the Levee. In the course of our daily rounds, we often pass them, always unwillingly, and there we invariably see things that almost make us doubt whether man is not indeed a higher type of some brute, whether the progressive theory is not the true one. Constantly lounging around are seen the battered hulks of humanity, that started smilingly on the voyage of life, and not yet having reached their port, are drifting hither and thither without compass, helm or chart. Not in the storms inevitable to a life of sober honesty have they thus been wrecked, but in the eddies and whirlpools, whither none but fool-hardy voyagers would venture. But these wrecks are not the only objects of commiseration mingled with a feeling of loathsome disgust that meet our eyes there. Young and beardless boys, over whom the watchful care of a mother ought yet to be extended, are seen just wetting their feet in this pool of vice and crime, or boldly plunging into its midst. And why should they not with the unceasing example before them? The very atmosphere of the place is redolent of vileness, ever burdened with the scent of villainous compounds, mockingly called liquors, always bearing on it the echoes of curses and blasphemies, unfit for the ear of decency and morality. No one can pass by without having his moral asture shocked and outraged, unless he himself be part and parcel of the place, and the community that dwells therein. Now we have one simple question to ask. Why should these things be? Good natured, care-nothing people may shake their heads and tell us they are the inevitable concomitants of a large community dwelling together in one place. What? - drunkenness, disgusting language, and brutal conduct necessary evils, which we must endure and cannot cure or restrain? We are not so credulous. We believe that something can be done if the will be not wanting. And should not something be done? Go ye doubting ones take there your stand, and for one short hour listen to all that is said and see all that is done and if you are not then convinced, no words, no new arguments can convince you; nothing but the coming home of the arrow to your own breast. No longer ago than last evening, two of our worthy citizens, Messrs. John Lock and Harvey Burnett, complained to us of the disgusting state of things around that locality. Within a distance of fifty feet they counted four men laying on or near the sidewalk, beastly drunk, and another lying inside a cellar way covered with blood. Where is the City Marshall?


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, September 24, 1857
It always affords us unqualified pleasure to chronicle the business success of those of our businessmen who located here long years ago, when our city was in its infancy; who started with it in its struggle for prosperity, and have remained faithful to its interests, striving to promote its growth in the dark hours of its adversity as perseveringly as in the sunshine of its prosperity. In this class, most of our readers will at once recognize the justice of ranking Messrs. J. W. & H. Schweppe, dealers in readymade clothing and all kinds of furnishing goods, foreign and domestic dry goods, hats and caps, boots and shoes, &c., &c., who have been engaged in the same business at the same stand in our city for more than seventeen years last past without change of any kind except a steady, rapid, wholesome growth and expansion of business, as year followed year, consequent upon the fair, liberal and honorable course of dealing which has ever characterized their business transactions. No firm in our city is more generally known or more highly respected than the Messrs. Schweppe. And such is their popularity, their sales have steadily increased until they now do as large a retail trade as, perhaps, any other house in the West. We yesterday took a look through their store on Second street (running clear through in Front) and were astonished at seeing the immense stock of goods they have just opened for the fall and winter trade, and could scarcely credit the assurance that it would all be sold by retail, and the most of it to regular customers. We have been in many jobbing houses that could not boast a larger or better stock of goods than that recently opened by the Messrs. Schweppe for their retail trade. It is not worthwhile for us to undertake to toll our readers what they have, for their assortment comprises everything that can be called for in the way of clothing or furnishing goods, from the coarsest to the finest fabrics, and at any price desired, from five dollars to fifty for a full suit. Their stock of dry goods, hats and caps, boots and shoes, trunks &c., also, is perfect and complete. Persons desiring anything in their line will do well to call on the Messrs. Schweppe, who can suit them in goods and prices, if it can be done at all. See their advertisement in another part of this paper.


Source: The Daily Palladium, Oswego, New York, November 13, 1857
The slaughter and packing establishment of John Smith, of Alton, Illinois, was completely destroyed on the 3d instant, by the explosion of a tank of lard! Steam being let' into it by the engineer, it exploded with such force as to throw it up perpendicularly, through two floors and the roof to a considerable height above the building, whence it fell again, nearly as perpendicularly as it rose and struck the ground not more than ten feet from the place originally occupied by it. Of the bricks composing the walls, not five hundred were left one upon another; the roof was broken into innumerable pieces; the stone foundation was so racked that it was rendered totally useless, in short the whole building was an entire ruin. What won't explode, now?


Source: St. Louis Christian Advocate, November 19, 1857
Friday, 13th - On last evening the steamboat "Reindeer," used for some years past as a regular packet between this and Alton, struck a snag and sunk, about five miles this side of Alton. It is said the boat will be a total loss. She was valued at fifteen thousand dollars. No insurance. No lives were lost, and the freight and furniture saved.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, December 10, 1857
The improvement of the streets suspended by the cold weather, is being rapidly resumed. A large force of workmen was yesterday engaged on Henry Street, digging down and carting away the hill. When the grading of this street is finished, it will be one of the best in the city.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, January 7, 1858
We learn that a company is now being formed under the charter granted by the last Legislature for the purpose of erecting Water Works to supply the city with an abundance of pure water. Propositions to supply the pipe, of the most favorable character, have been received, and a member of the company is now engaged in selecting a suitable location for the reservoir, which will be placed so high that the upper stories of the highest dwelling in Middle Alton can be supplied. It is intended to commence operations in the spring, and to have the machinery and reservoir finished, and also the main pipe laid in the principal streets, by the 1st of October next. At the elevation at which it is proposed to place the reservoir, by merely attaching a pipe to a street hydrant, the water would force itself over the roof of the highest house in the business part of the city, making property far more secure than it is now, and greatly reducing the present tax for insurance. Aside from the extra insurance thus saved, the luxury and convenience of constantly having a full supply of pure water in every house cannot be overestimated. Over one half of the families in Alton have no regular supply of water. The other half are dependent on cisterns and wells, which are frequently empty. Then comes an appeal to the water cart, which is both expensive and unsatisfactory. With Water Works there is some expense also, but it is very trifling and the convenience cannot be computed in dollars and cents.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, March 11, 1858
Feeling confident that the "ups and downs" of our city must possess a peculiar ______ to her people, we took a miscellaneous journey, on yesterday, over the picturesque hills and through the romantic vales with which the beautiful hand of Nature has so lavishly endowed us - the object of our voyage being to ascertain the extent of the improvements which have been so industriously pushed forward during the past year. Alton, despite the ruggedness of her appearance, possesses attractions which the eye of a native or an old resident perhaps can alone appreciate. Her rock-based hills, which to strangers seem to be so many repelling and discouraging frowns from Nature, to us possess all that charm which ever attaches to the surroundings of home, and when they finally fall, as fall they must, before the steady march of progress, the void created by their overthrow, though its slow but sure approach may have rendered its appearance familiar to those who have grown with its growth, will be one which older citizens will regard with mingled feelings of pride and regret, as memory recalls the ancient and much-loved hills, which once rose in its place. However, our tramp yesterday was not made for the purpose of gathering material for an elegy on these troublesome hills; dear as they are, we desire to chronicle their partial downfall. In every direction, from east to west, from north to south, they are out through and through by the busy hand of man. Henry street, which was once "somewhere out east," has been carried right through a constant succession of hills, and now forms an uninterrupted though somewhat indirect connection between Middletown and the business parts of the city. The next street west of Henry is Langdon, which has been "dug out" from Front to Third streets. From Third to Fifth occurs what in history would be called an interregnum, in which the most remarkable objects are a hill, a pond, and another hill. At fifth street the thread is again resumed, and takes passengers by a good road to Middle Alton. George and Alton streets have both been excavated as far back as Fifth, and Easton street is in passable order to Fourth. Alby street has been cut clear through to Twelfth, and Market is navigable as far as Sixth. Third street, which from its width and position, will probably become in time the principal thoroughfare of the city, has absorbed a great deal of labor, and the grading upon it is almost wholly complete from Easton street to its junction with Second street, below Henry. Fourth street presents a very respectable appearance from Langdon street to Easton; from Piasa to Easton, however, there is an elevation which any one desirous of emulating Napoleon's ascent of the Alps, would do well to select as a suitable subject for the experiment. It should be graded as soon as practicable, as it is essential to the safety of passengers along Market street either on horseback or in vehicle. Notwithstanding some slight deficiencies, however, which it has been impossible to obviate in the brief time during which the work has been so vigorously carried forward, the condition of most of our principal streets at this time is a wonderful improvement on what it was twelve months ago, and, while it reflects abundant credit on the energy and skill of those who have had control of our public improvements, gives substantial promise of what they will yet do to increase the wealth and prosperity of our city. Alton never had more reason to be proud of the present, and sanguine of the future, than she has now.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, May 6, 1858
Last night about ten o'clock, a light in the upper end of the city raised an alarm of fire; when, proceeding in that direction, it was discovered that the steamboat, Jacob D. Early, which has been laid up for several weeks, a short distance above town, was on fire. By the time the firemen reached the ground she was too far gone to permit a hope of saving her. They, however, did good service by driving the fire back from her lines, and thus preventing her burning loose from the shore and floating past the city, by which much damage might have been done, as the wind set to the Illinois shore, and there were several boats at the levee. The flames spread rapidly at first, and in a short time the hurricane roof fell in and the boat was completely enveloped in flames. Although it was impossible to extinguish the fire, yet the firemen were able to keep it subdued and prevent its communication with the timber on shore. She burned rather slowly, but the fire did not cease until it had reached the water's edge. Jacob D. Early was five years old, valued at eight thousand dollars, was owned by Captain Hollister and others, and was insured in Cincinnati for five thousand dollars. The origin of the fire is not known. It was first discovered in the roof of the chambermaid's room, and it is thought it may have caught from the sparks from some passing boat. The boat had just been undergoing repairs at St. Louis at an expense of two thousand dollars. The books, papers, and everything of a combustible nature on board of her was lost. It is thought that the hull will be saved though in a damaged condition. The Pioneer Company are entitled to much credit for their promptness, and the untiring energy with which they labored to check the flames. They were the only company of the ground, and were instrumental in preventing much damage. The Washington Company, owing to the great distance at which their engine house is located from the scene of the conflagration, were late in reaching the scene. The Hook and Ladder Company, though out with their usual promptness, were unable to pass through a narrow passage in the road with their carriage, and had to leave it behind. The company went on however, and did efficient service. Additional in Regard to the Burning of the "Jacob D. Early:" We are happy to learn that the hull of this ill-fated boat was but little, if at all, damaged; the deck being burned through in one or two places only, and the boilers and shafts are still standing. This result - a very rare occurrence in steamboat fires - is owing entirely to the steady efforts and hard work of our Fire Department, the member of which, for four hours, fought the flames inch by inch, and finally conquered them. Had the burning boat escaped from its fastenings and drifted past our levee, the damage which would have been done can scarcely be estimated.

[NOTES: Captain Edward Hollister salvaged the steamboat and used part of the railing for rails on the second-floor balcony of the house he built in 1860. The steamboat was named after Jacob D. Early, one of the most respected pioneers of Terre Haute, Indiana. I could find no photos of the steamboat.]


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, July 15, 1858
About twelve o'clock last night fire was discovered bursting through the front of Mr. Brudon's Coffin Manufactory on market street, a few doors north of Second street. It was some time before any of the engines reached the ground, and in the meantime the building, which was of wood and filled with the most combustible materials, was completely enveloped in flames. The fire then spread to the dwelling house next north of the manufactory, and to the store room and residence of Mr. Brudon, south of the manufactory, and thence to the frame adjoining, all of which were entirely consumed. Mr. Brudon owned the manufactory and the two-story frame buildings south of it, and were occupied by him. His stock in the manufactory was entirely consumed. His household furniture and stock in the corner frame building were saved in a damaged condition. Mr. Wolford, since the high water, has occupied one of the stores. His goods were saved, but somewhat damaged. Mr. McArdle occupied the next store west, on Second street, as a tailor shop. His stock was removed with but little loss. Adjoining and west of him was occupied by Mr. Senior, as a shoe and boot shop. His stock and household furniture were removed in a damaged condition. Next west of him, the adjoining tenement was occupied by Mr. Casey as a bakery. His stock was principally saved. Next adjoining and west, were the stores of Messrs. Adams and King. Their stocks were removed and suffered some damage. On Market street, the back dwelling house next north of the Coffin Manufactory was occupied by Mr. Wilson, who saved his furniture, although somewhat damaged. The building was owned by Mr. J. P. Ash, Esq., who had insurance for $400 in the Illinois Mutual. Mr. Brudon had an insurance for $1,260 in the same office on his building and stock. We could not hear of any other insurance. There is no doubt the coffin manufactory was set on fire. At three o'clock this morning there were rumors of several robberies, but we could not trace them to any reliable source. Great exertions were made to save Wilson's stable, not so much on account of its intrinsic worth, as of its serving for a protection to the buildings of the Illinois Iron Works. The efforts made were successful. The Fire Department were on hand, and rendered efficient service. The want of more good hose was painfully apparent. The Lafayette Hook and Ladder Company, under the command of Captain Carpenter, were present and performed effective duty.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, August 5, 1858
The work on this fine city building is progressing steadily. Yesterday we observed that the brick work of the third story - the second above the stone basement - is entirely completed and the joists placed upon it. The brick work of the fourth, or last story, will be commenced in a day or two, and pushed forward with all possible dispatch. As this story is the one to be used as a public hall, it will be the highest one in the building. Mr. Carter informs us that it will be twenty feet between timbers. We observed that the lathe and other lumber for the inside work are already on the ground, ready to be used as soon as the roof is put on.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, August 5, 1858
Our young friend, William G. Pinckard, Jr., has removed his Family Grocery Store from his old stand on Third street to the Messrs. Harts' new brick building on the corner of Fourth and Belle, where he opened yesterday....The building is entirely new, the ground story - which, with the cellar, is all occupied by Mr. Pinckard - is high, airy and beautifully lighted; his counters and shelving are tastefully arranged, and his goods so disposed as to present a more attractive appearance than we thought possible in a grocery store....His customer will, at all times find in his store, a full and general supply of everything that can with propriety be classed under the head of Family Groceries and Provisions; also cigars and tobacco of every brand and variety; confectioneries and tropical fruits; all kinds of domestic fruits and vegetables in their season, &c.......Mr. Pinckard has also made an arrangement with the United States Express Company by which he receives twice a week a shipment of White Fish and Trout from Lake Michigan. These come packed in ice, through from Chicago in twelve hours, arriving here by the 10:30 A.M. train every Tuesday and Friday, and are opened and for sale in his store by eleven o'clock on those days.....Although Mr. Pickard is yet quite a young man and has been in business for himself but a few months, the business is one in which he had had much previous experience, and one for which he seems to be eminently fitted.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, August 12, 1858
About eleven o'clock of Tuesday night, the steamboat Pembinaw landed at our wharf, and acting Coroner W. G. Pinckard, Esq., was sent for to hold an inquest upon the body of a man who had been killed on the boat after it had left St. Louis. Summoning a jury, 'Squire Pinkard proceeded immediately to the boat and found the body of the murdered man lying upon the after part of the deck, where the hands and deck passengers lodge. A rigid investigation was immediately entered into, and continued about two hours, during which nearly twenty witnesses were sworn and examined. The witnesses were the watchman, carpenter, and a number of the hands belonging to the boat, and one cabin and several deck passengers. An examination of the body showed a ghastly wound in the stomach just above and to the left of the naval evidently made by a long dirk or knife, from which the unfortunate man's intestines had protruded in a most horrible manner; a severe bruise on the back of the head, made by a blow from a billet of wood or capstan bar; two or three slight wounds about the throat and breast, one of which indicated, beyond a doubt, that an attempt had been made to cut his throat; a severe bruise or cut in the lower lip, and two or three other slight bruises and cuts about the face. His intestines had been restored to their place, and the wound had been sewed up by an old lady who was a cabin passenger. The testimony of the witnesses, which was not very connected nor lucid, showed that the deceased was a raftsman; that his name was William Fitzpatrick; that he had gone from Quincy to St. Louis on a raft about three weeks ago; that he had been on a drunken spree in St. Louis, and that he had been engaged in at least one murderous fight while there; that he was often drunk, and when so, very quarrelsome; that he had taken deck passage on the Pembinaw for the upper Mississippi on the afternoon of Tuesday, before which time only one witness - a raftsman, who testified to the above facts in relation to his character and previous history - knew him. It appeared, further, that the deceased was about "half drunk" when he came onboard the boat just before she left St. Louis, and that very soon after the boat started, he picked a quarrel with two other raftsmen (of which class of men there were twenty or thirty on board as deck passengers), who were eating their suppers, and presently struck one of them. A general promiscuous fight then ensued, without, however, much damage being done, as no weapons were used. After fight some time with his fists, the deceased went to his carpetbag and took from thence a large and broad hunting knife or dirk, swearing that he would kill somebody if not everybody. One of the boat hands stepped up behind him, caught him round the body and arms, and held him, calling to the bystanders to take the knife away from him. Just then some man - none of the witnesses seemed to know who - struck the deceased on the back of the head with a stick of wood or a capatan bar. The blow knocked him loose from the grasp of the man who was holding him, he fell forward into one of the "hunke," from which he rolled down upon the floor or deck beneath the "hunks." From this incident until the watchman found him about half an hour afterwards, lying in a pool of his own blood in a dying condition, none of the witnesses seemed to know anything about him; soon after which he breathed his last. He talked some before he died to two or three of the witnesses, but his mind seemed to be wandering and he gave no connected account of anything. From the mass of testimony taken, the jury sifted enough to satisfy themselves that the man was killed by one or more of the raftsmen who were his fellow passengers, and with whom he had been quarreling; but it was found to be impossible to obtain any testimony that would justify an arrest. The body was brought on shore, and yesterday morning was buried by order of the Acting Coroner. Much praise is due to Captain Griffith and the other officers of the Pembinaw for the prompt and prudent course they pursued. Before the boat landed, guards of trust-worthy men were stationed around the deck with strict orders to allow no one to leave the boat until the inquest was concluded. The jury were fully satisfied that no one in any way connected with the boat had anything to do with the commission of the crime, or knew anything about it further than what they stated in their testimony. No money was found about the person of the deceased, and he left no effects of any material value. In his pockets were found the scabbard of the dirk with which it is supposed he was killed (the dirk itself could nowhere be found, and no one seemed to know anything at all about it); a common pocketknife, a comb, and two or three pieces of tobacco. He had a carpetbag which contained a quantity of clothing, such as raftsmen generally have, a knife, a pair of scissors, and several other unimportant articles of no value whatever. In the carpetbag was found a daguerreotype likeness of a young, rather good looking and well-dressed woman. It could not be ascertained whether he had any family or friends, or not.

Another incident: Active Coroner Pinckard held an inquest yesterday morning upon the dead body of a man exhibited to him on the levee at the foot of State street. The testimony given before the jury exhibited the following facts: The name of the deceased is Thomas Hetherington; he has recently lived somewhere in the neighborhood of Buck Inn on the Plank Road between Alton and Monticello. He has been addicted to intemperate habits, and has lately been on a spree which ended in an attack of the delirium tremens, up in Calhoun county. Two of his friends up there started to bring him home in a skiff; but he grew rapidly worse and he died on the way down in all the horrible agonies of that dreadful disease. Verdict in accordance with the above facts.


Source: Alton Weekly Courier, October 14, 1858
The German Catholics of our city [Alton] have commenced the erection of a church upon the corner of Henry and Third Streets. It is to be of the Grecian style of architecture, 90 feet in length by 40 feet in width. The basement walls are to be of stone, and the walls of the main part of brick. The top of the cross crowning the tower will be 110 feet from the ground. The basement, which will be 11 feet in height, will be divided into two schoolrooms, and rooms for the residence of the Priest. The body will be 20 feet high, and furnished with seats for 410 persons. Mr. James A. Miller is the architect, and Mr. J. A. Cooley does the brick work. Already the walls of the basement are about up, and the job will be pushed forward with rapidity – twelve or thirteen men being at present actively engaged upon it.


Source: The New York Times, November 29, 1859
The Alton (Ill.) Courier calls the attention of the authorities of that city to the shifting of the channel of the river, which is growing more serious every day, and threatens, if not checked, to make Alton an inland city. The Courier says that a stick of wood thrown into the stream, near Mitchel's mill, will drift rapidly almost directly across to the opposite shore, going down between the island and the Missouri shore. Besides this, the bar in front of the lower part of the city is constantly growing larger, and extending upwards, and if this process of accretion continues, there is a prospect that the channel will be thrown permanently to the opposite shore, leaving first a chute, then a slough, and finally a strip of dry land between the city and the distant bank of the river.


Source: Vincent's Semi-Annual U. S. Register, Jan-Jun 1860
The most destructive storm in this section of the country that has occurred within the memory of anyone, broke upon our city Saturday evening [June 02, 1860] and in a matter of minutes destroyed property to the amount of scores of thousands of dollars. The track of the storm through the business part of the city lies between Belle and Henry Streets. On and west of State Street, the damage done to building is very slight, confined to the throwing down of two or three chimneys and one or two stables. Here as well as elsewhere the shrubbery, fruit-trees, shade trees, etc. suffered to a considerable extent. The "Courier" office, for which so much apprehension was felt, escaped uninjured. Our loss is confined to the bindery, and is but slight, occasioned by the tearing open of a trap-door in the roof.

Farther up the street, beyond the Piasa Foundry, was the principal scene of disaster on Belle Street. Here, in the creek-bottom, are about twenty small houses, occupied by twenty-five or thirty families, mostly Irish. At sunset there was scarcely enough water in the creek to make a current. When the storm was at its height, the water must have been at least ten to twelve feet deep, tearing on with almost resistless force. Some three or four of these houses were torn in pieces, three or four more swept from their foundations, and all of them filled with water and mud. The affrighted families fled with what they could carry, in very few cases saving more than three-quarters of their household effects, and in some instances hardly escaping with their lives. Still farther up the road in the neighborhood of the toll gate [at Piasa and E. 16th Street], some damage was done by water, but very little done by hail or wind. The road is very much washed in all places, all the way to the Buck Inn [North Alton].

In the insurance office neighborhood [Liberty and Grove Streets], the traces of hail first began to be much apparent, the insurance office having very many panes of glass broken out, and other houses having suffered in this respect to some extent. We remarked two or three chimneys down, also a stable near the house of Dr. Wood. The main damage hereabouts is upon the shrubbery and fruit and other trees, and it is very severe, not to be estimated in dollars and cents. Dr. Wood, Mr. Kellenberger, Mr. Moses Atwood, Robert Smith, John Atwood, Judge Billings, Captain Adams, H. I. Baker, Mr. Wade, Dr. Marsh, Mr. Metcalf - all these, and, in fact, everybody in this neighborhood, have lost much in this respect. Mr. Smith's yard and garden particularly are very much damaged. The house building for cashier Caldwell lost its chimney and part of its roofing.

In Hunterstown [East of Henry Street], the German Catholic Church, corner of Third and Henry Streets, built last year at an expense of about $6,000, is almost a complete wreck, the basement and part of the front wall alone standing. From the two-story brick building standing directly opposite, belonging to Mr. Coppiner, the roof was partially lifted, and a small frame building near it was damaged by a falling tree. Farther up Henry Street, opposite the German Protestant Church, a frame story-and-a-half house, about finished, for John Callacombe, was torn completely to pieces.

Lower Middleton suffered considerably, both by hail and by wind. Captain James Starr's house lost a couple of chimneys. James Newman lost a chimney and a stable. J.C. Underwood lost a stable, and had both gables of his house blown out, damage say $800. A new story-and-a-half frame house opposite Mr. Dimmock's was badly wrenched, but not blown down. A story brick house, also opposite, occupied by Mr. Spreen, is a wreck: loss $1000. Seth T. Sawyer's house lost its roof and part of the back side-wall: $500. Mr. Johnson's house lost a couple of chimneys. Joseph Spray, porter of De Bow & Son, living back of the African Church, had the upper story of his house taken off, and a part of it carried two hundred and fifty or three hundred feet: loss $350. A small stable nearby was wrecked. A small frame house in front of, and a short distance from, the church building for Mr. Waples by Mr. McCorcle, was blown from its foundation and badly sprung. Thomas S. Coffey's house suffers, by loss of it roof and other wise to the amount of $500. Mr. Coon's house has damage, $150. Mr. Waple's home has a chimney and one corner down. Dr. Hope's stable was scattered over an acre of ground. All through this section of the city there is no small loss of trees and shrubbery, very few property owners escaping. There are also several houses damaged to the amount of from $20 to $50 or $60, by falling limbs or parts of other houses.

On Second Street [Broadway], the residence of Dr. De Leuw, a short distance above Henry Street, has a chimney down and also the front of a one-story wing. Arnes's new brick store and residence has the lower gable-end out. Kohler's seed-store has part of its front down. One of the old shells in Cary's Row is demolished. The lower gable-end of Joerges' fine brick house is out. One of the back gable-ends of the Alton House [Hotel] is out. The Baptist Society were burned out but a short time ago, and now are out again. Ryder's three-story building [where My Just Desserts is located today] lost its upper story, in which the society have been worshipping for several weeks. It is said that this building was struck by lightning. The city building [city hall] lost more than half of its tin roof. The front firewall of the building occupied by Blair, Ballinger & Co., Adams & Collett, and Ferguson & Gawley, was partly blown off. The river gable-end of the store formerly occupied by Adams & Collett was blown out. Part of the river front of Pickard's store is down, as is also, one gable of Malachi Holland's Liquor Store. The steeple was blown off of the Episcopal Church. It is said that the church is almost a total loss, the walls being very much sprung and cracked. The church cost about $12,000. The organ is ruined. The steeple was also blown from the Methodist Church. The roof was considerably hurt by its fall, and the interior is also somewhat damaged. The loss cannot be less than $3000. The house of D. Simms was also completely crushed by the falling steeple of the Methodist Church. It was worth $1800.

The back end of the Union Depot is blown in. The destruction of awnings, signs, &c., in the entire business part of the city is very great. A dozen houses or more in this part of the city, the names of whose owners we did not learn, lost chimneys. The front gable-end of the Illinois Iron Works [southeast corner of Third and Piasa] is blown out, and the building is slightly damaged otherwise.

No loss in the city is commented upon with more and warmer expressions of sympathy than that of "The Democrat" office. The building was new, yet hardly finished, and Mr. Fitch moved into it only a week ago, just a week ago on Saturday evening, opening it with a gathering of his friends. And it is now all gone, the most complete wreck we ever saw. We know how Mr. Fitch has labored early and late in his profession here and elsewhere for many years, through what discouragements he had attained his position as head of the leading Democratic newspaper in this section of the State; and, knowing all this, and appreciating the public spirit which led him to put up so fine a building in these times, we share the general sympathy felt for him. The building, presses, engine, and stock, and all is completely wrecked: the entire loss must be at least $8000. The Geo Bachter Office was moved into the building on Saturday, as was also the German Bindery; and of course, the entire stock of these establishments is a complete loss.

Source: Bloomington, Illinois Weekly Pantagraph, June 6, 1860
A friend has kindly allowed us to copy an extract from a private letter, written at Alton, where the storm was very severe, as will be seen by the said extract. As the letter was written soon after the storm, the writer did not know whether or not there was any insurance, nor, if any, to what extent upon the property destroyed:

"We were visited by the most terrific storm, accompanied by hail and rain, which I have ever seen. It came very near taking Starr's roof off. It tore up the studding which supported the roof, and broke down more or less of the plastering in all his rooms. There was a great deal of damage done in town.

The Democrat office (Fitch's new three-story building) was leveled to the ground; not a stone or brick left standing. The gable end of Charles Dimmick's house was blown in. Sawyer's was unroofed, so was Coffee's; the brick house opposite Charles Dimmick's was destroyed; the German Catholic Church was destroyed, and quite a number of new buildings in different parts of the town. Stigleman's Foundry had the gable end blown in; Rider's building, where the ladies had their party, had the third story carried away; the City Hall was unroofed, the gable of the Alton House wing was blown in, the spires of the Episcopal and Methodist Churches were blown down. The spire and bell of the Methodist Church fell into Simm's house, but no one killed or wounded. Nearly every house that had windows on the north side, without blinds, had all the glass broken, and the rain and hail beat in so as to damage ceilings, furniture, &c. Lightning rods blow down - gardens destroyed - everything cut to pieces with the hail - looks like December - apple and peach trees torn up by the roots and broken in pieces - apples and peaches scattered all over the ground - the storm was terrible. Fitch is the heaviest loser I have heard of. I suppose his loss is over $7,000. The David Tatum had her chimneys blown down. These are only a few of the worst accidents; there is any quantity of minor ones in nearly every house."


Source: Fairfield, Iowa Ledger, June 8, 1860
The lower part of Alton was visited on Thursday night, or rather yesterday morning, by the most destructive fire it has ever known – destroying nine buildings, only one of which, however, was of much value. The row of buildings on the north side of the street just below the bridge across Shield’s Branch, together with that on the west side of the street from the railroad to Upper Alton, with the exception of one house, is in ruins. The buildings were three dwelling houses, a saloon, and a warehouse fronting on Second Street [Broadway], the store on the corner, a small wooden warehouse, a blacksmith shop, and a very large and fine brick building fronting on the Upper Alton road [Washington Avenue]. The buildings were owned by John Rowe, who loses $400; Leonard Stutts, $3,000; Mitchell Minnie, $1,500; Mr. Rider, $300; James Bozza, $5,000.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 17, 1861
The congregation of the Baptist Church has lately put a fine new bell into the cupola of their new house of worship, and they now have running a splendid town clock, which will prove a great accommodation to the citizens generally. This denomination has now the handsomest church edifice in the city, and everything looks promising for them in the future. Their pastor, Mr. Jameson, is indefatigable in his labors to advance every good cause in the community, and is universally beloved by his congregation and the citizens generally.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1861
If any of our readers or their friends want anything in the line of machinery, castings or agricultural machinery, the place to get it is Hanson & Co.’s. There is an old established business firm, and they have every convenience and facility for filling the orders of their customers. They made the first casting and turned the first piece of iron in this city. They are the manufacturers of the justly celebrated threshing machine of the Pitts’ patent. They have sold all they have made during the past year, and have new orders for more than they can supply. They manufactured a corn sheller, which is just the thing for farmers, millers, &c. Corn planters, grain drills and other like things too numerous to mention are also gotten up by them in tip-top style. In short, as we said in the beginning, if you or any of your friends want anything of the kind, the place for you to go is Hanson’s. You will find what you want, and can get it on more liberal terms than any other establishment offers. Then again, you will have accommodating and obliging gentlemen to deal with, which is by no means a small inducement. Don’t go by without calling in.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1861
Late on Saturday night the stable of Mr. James Allen, near the City Cemetery, took fire, consuming the building, horse, harness, saddles &c. Loss estimated at about $300. It is supposed the fire originated from a fire some boys had made in the vicinity in the early part of the evening.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1861
The Lafayette Hook & Ladder Company of Alton’s Fire Department had a drill last evening for the purpose of initiating new members who have recently joined the company. During the evening the company were presented with a splendid lantern by a gentleman who has seen active service as a fireman in one of the eastern cities. The company resolved that the splendid gift should be set apart for the Captain’s use.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 4, 1861
On Saturday evening last, about 7 o’clock, as one of our citizens was passing near the corner of 9th and Alby Streets, he was horrified at hearing loud screams, apparently from a woman and child in great pain. He entered the house from which the noise proceeded, and beheld a brute of a fellow with a chair upraised over the prostrate form of a woman, who was endeavoring to screen herself and an infant from the blows which were being inflicted on her. As our informant entered, the fellow dropped the chair and left the house. Our city Marshal was soon made acquainted with the circumstances, and we hope that he will see that the fellow gets his desserts.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1861
Last night after 11 o’clock, Mr. William Brudon discovered that his house in Brudon’s Row was full of smoke, and from the odor judged that leather was burning somewhere. Going downstairs, he looked into Jones’ boot and shoe shop, and discovered a light within. Breaking open the door, he saw at once that the room was on fire. Near the counter he discovered what he thought was a stock of wood, saturated with turpentine, in a bright blaze. Picking it up and throwing it into the street, he proceeded to put out the fire, which had made considerable headway, burning the floor to some extent. Having accomplished this by the use of several pails of water, he went out and examined the stick which he had thrown into the street, and found to his surprise that it was a boot, the top of which had been burned almost entirely off. It is evident from this that some scoundrel had attempted to burn down this row of buildings. Leather does not burn with a blaze, and hence an intentional saturation of it with an inflammable material. Who the author of this incendiarism is, is a mystery. No suspicion attaches to Mr. Jones, as he had no insurance, and his stock was all left as usual in his shop. Had the attempt succeeded, it would have caused great suffering among the very numerous tenants of that block of buildings. Very fortunately it did not, however, and we only hope that the incendiary may yet meet his just desserts.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 29, 1861
This Society, we understand, is doing much for the relief and comfort of our sick and wounded soldiers in the St. Louis Hospital and at other places, and they should be aided and encouraged in their laudable enterprise. On Thanksgiving Day, a collection is to be taken up, after the service in the Baptist Church, in aid of this Society. We are informed that the Presbyterian congregation is to meet with their Baptist brethren on this occasion. Would it not be well to have contributions taken in all of our churches on that day for that cause? We should be willing to do something to make glad the heart of these unfortunate men, who have sacrificed everything that they hold dear, in our behalf and that of their country, on that day.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 6, 1861
About 8 o’clock yesterday morning, the house occupied by Mr. Armstrong on the corner of 3rd and Market Street was discovered to be on fire, it having caught by sparks from the chimney. By the timely assistance of neighbors and citizens, the fire was extinguished in time to prevent serious damage.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 6, 1861
The annual election of officers of this old and favorite fire company was held last evening, and resulted in the election of the following officers for the coming year:
J. H. Hibbard, President
Thomas Dimmock, Foreman
S. V. Chessian, Assistant Foreman
John O. Dunlap, Captain Hose
Next one – I. J. Hardy, 1st Director
S. H. Malcom, 2nd Director
A. J. Leakin, Secretary
N. C. Hatheway, Treasurer
H. J. Crane, H. C. Priest, S. Williams, Court of Inquiry.

The Altonas, it will be recollected, made the first subscription of $50 to the national loan in this city, and at the meeting last evening unanimously resolved to invest another $50 in the same stock. This speaks well for the prosperity of this company. Notwithstanding so many of the former members have gone to fight the battles of the Union, those remaining have kept up their regular meetings, paid their dues, kept themselves and apparatus in a complete state of efficiency, and now have taken the second installment of $50 in the national loan.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 2, 1862
This noon, a team that was receiving a load at Pierson & Co.’s lumberyard broke and ran down State Street. The wagon passed over the driver, but he received but little injury, we understand. The team kept on down the street, and finally came up against Messrs. Whippe & Tunnel’s show window, smashing it to pieces and driving a man through it. We have not learned the name of the man thus treated, but have been told that he was injured to some extent, but how badly we have not ascertained.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 17, 1862
We have watched the progress of the work on this street from day to day with a great deal of interest. At first, many days of hard labor were devoted to excavating the rock and preparing the street for the reception of the McAdam. But at last a little of the latter made its appearance, and has since been gradually creeping up the hill, until now it reaches nearly half way to the top, and as for as it has gone, it looks well. There is one peculiarity about this street which particularly pleases us – we mean the comfortable width of the pavement. We know of no other street in the city that can compare with it in this respect.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7, 1862
About half-past two o’clock yesterday afternoon, the boiler connected with Cooper Bro.’s Cream Ale Brewery exploded, and immediately afterwards the building took fire and burned to the ground. The following are the particulars in relation to the destruction of this establishment, as we learned them last evening from Mr. Richard Cooper, whom we met at the scene of disaster.

The engineer on duty at the time was Mr. Dan Sullivan (who by the way has the reputation of being a very careful and prudent man), and had received orders from Mr. Cooper about half-past one o’clock to dampen the fire under the boiler, as there would be no need of steam for two hours. Just before the explosion took place, Mr. Cooper, as was his custom, entered the engine room to try the water in the boiler, and see that everything was right. He found on a trial of the gauges what he supposed to be an unusual pressure of steam in the boiler, but was not in the least alarmed, as the gauges indicated plenty of water. He, however, concluded that it would be prudent to draw off some of the steam into the scald tubs, to relieve the boiler of the pressure of steam. He had not proceeded ten steps from the engine room, however, when the explosion took place, and he found himself buried among the broken timbers of the fallen building. About one third of the boiler had been driven entirely through the brewery, immediately over his head, and one of the large tubs in the third story fell directly over the spot where he was standing. Providentially, he was between two rows of empty ale barrels, and the rubbish falling across these formed an arch over him, thus protecting him from instant death. He managed to crawl out of his perilous position, and found his fine establishment a complete wreck. One after another the workmen emerged from the ruins, and strange to relate, not a single one of them had received any injury beyond a few trifling bruises. The engineer was struck on the head by the falling timbers, but was able to ride into the city on a dray to have his wounds dressed. Not a single person was scalded in the slightest degree. It is proper to state here that the engineer was not at his post when Mr. Cooper went into the engine room to try the water in the boiler.

The head of the boiler, with parts of the flue attached, were driven through the front of the building to the west; another portion through the south side, and nearly the whole side of the boiler was driven to the north, entirely through the main building; the rear end of the boiler was driven to the east, and in this direction the main force of the explosion appears to have spent itself, as far as the eye could reach, in this direction appeared a black trail on the snow, with here and there bricks, timbers and shingles scattered about. Where the boiler was located, not a particle of the iron or brick work is left; spokes from the flywheel of the engine were picked up some distance from the building.

It is really a great wonder that persons in the vicinity escaped with their lives. One little boy who was some distance from the building was picked up and thrown several yards, striking the frozen ground on his head. He escaped with only a few scratches on his face and hands. Other parties were blown out of the windows and doors, terribly frightened, but not seriously hurt.

The explosion was distinctly heard at the distance of a mile from the scene, and many persons supposed it to be an earthquake. The Messrs. Cooper estimate their loss at not far short of $16,000, and no insurance. It is extremely doubtful whether the establishment will be rebuilt, at least until the termination of our national troubles.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 25, 1862
We note that the German Catholic Church in Hunterstown has put in position their new bell, which now rings out its merry chimes, reminding the benighted denizens of that neighborhood that there is still a God in Israel.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 9, 1862
The Alton public may not be aware that the Ladies Union Aid Society are entirely out of funds. While individually visiting and caring for the sick soldiers in our midst, they still wish to ply their candies, as they have so faithfully done since formation of the society in December last. We are sure our citizens will not choose their labors shall be brought to a close now, when, more than ever, our sick and wounded claim the results of their neat handed diligence, and hope they only good to be made aware of their lack of means, by supply the deficiency. Any contribution in money to further their charitable and patriotic designs, sent in their treasurer, Mrs. W. T. Miller, will be thankfully received and judiciously and economically expended.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1862
The firemen turned out this afternoon, making a fine appearance. The Lafayette Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 took the lead, the members dressed in black pants and white shirts, and the truck gaily trimmed with small flags. Two small boys, dressed in national colors and mounted upon the truck, contributed quite a feature.

The Altona Engine Company No. 1 followed, the members dressed uniformly in black pants and white shirts. The engine was without trimming, but the whole apparatus was neat and tiday, a circumstance not at all unusual with this fine company.

The Washington Engine Company No. 2 brought up the rear, the members dressed in white shirts and black pants, and making a neat and credible appearance. The engine was trimmed neatly, and the arrangements perfect. A span of white horses aided in pulling the engine.

The procession was headed by the Silver Cornet Band, which aided greatly to the success of the parade. The parade was well conceived and handsomely accented, each of the companies having full ranks of fine hardy yeomen. The inspection took place at the insurance office in Middletown, where refreshments were set for the boys.

Yesterday afternoon, in pursuance of an order of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, the firemen, with their apparatus, appeared on Third Street, where they formed into line, and marched through the principal streets of Alton, and through Middletown, to the office of the Illinois Mutual Fire Insurance Company, where they were inspected by a part of the City Council. After the inspection, the firemen were invited into the Insurance Company’s Hall, where a surprise awaited them in the shape of a splendid collection, which elicited the admiration of the entire department, not only for the liberally displayed by the hosts, but for the magnificent manner in which the tables and hall were decorated. After partaking of the good tidings as bountifully provided, and giving three cheers for the Illinois Mutual Fire Insurance Company, the firemen proceeded down Henry and Second Streets to the river, and put their apparatus to work. The Washington Company made four trials, bursting their hose three times, and played a horizontal stream 175 feet. The Altona made one trial, and played a horizontal stream 150 feet. The Chief Engineer awarded the broom to the Washingtons, amid the cheers of that Company. The parade was then dismissed, and the companies left the ground. The whole parade passed off in a manner creditable to the firemen and gratifying to their friends. The ladies, as usual, aided greatly to the occasion by the liberal distribution of bouquets along the entire line of march. In the evening, the Washington Company finished up with a grand ball, which we understand was liberally patronized, and passed off to their satisfaction.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 30, 1862
Our enterprising fellow citizen, M. D. Davis, has added another important branch to his confectionery store, in the shape of a bread bakery. Like everything that Mize puts his hand to, we are assured his bread will be of the very best quality, and fresh at all times. The need of such a convenience has long been felt by our citizens.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 6, 1862
Messrs. Patterson & Travis give notice in our advertising columns today that they are now fully prepared to attend to all work in their line of business that offers. They have facilities for doing as good work as any foundry in the country. They have also in their employ a set of merchants that can’t be beast. Of the proprietors of this establishment it is needless for us to speak, their reputation as businessmen is a fixed fact in this community. Persons having any kind of work in their line from the smallest casting to the finest and most intricate piece of machinery, will save both time and money by calling on Messrs. Patterson and Travis. We shall, in a few days, give a description of a sugar mill (the invention of Mr. Travis) that is now being brought out at this establishment, that we believe will do much towards stimulating the cultivation of sorghum in this section of the country.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 13, 1862
Wanted – for one month – an expert hand to hoist the flag on Christian Hill. To such, the thanks of that part of the city will be given. Enquire at Headquarters, Alton, June 7, 1862.

We have been requested to publish the above by a very worthy citizen, and we presume those interested will understand it. The Christian Hill alluded to is between Market and Henry Streets. We don’t much like the idea, however, of our friend appropriating the name of another locality. The hill he alludes to is historically known as “Heathen Hill,” whether appropriately named or not we leave to others to say.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 13, 1862
The residence of Mr. Gus Platt on State Street was broken into last night by some person or persons, and two gold watches, a small sum of money, and a suit of clothes were stolen. The thief forced open the window blind with a hatchet, and then broke a pane of glass, thus gaining access to the latching of the window. Our citizens will do well to keep a sharp lookout for these gentry. The rascals also attempted to enter the residence of Mr. Hayner, but becoming alarmed, they left without effecting an entrance.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 13, 1862
All who wish to buy dry goods cheap for cash, will please call on Mr. N. G. Hatheway, at his fine new store on Third Street, opposite Messrs. Phinney & Barr’s Grocery Store. The ladies of our city and vicinity will find a fine stock of choice goods to select from at this establishment, and a very accommodating and gentlemanly man to wait upon them. See Mr. Hatheway’s advertisements in another column.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 4, 1862
The front of the building known as the old Post office building on Belle street, has been removed and there is to be an additional story added, and a new brick front. The lower story will contain two business rooms, and the two upper stories will be fitted up amiably for dwellings.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 4, 1862
Persons often wonder why Belle Street has not been opened through to 2nd Street [Broadway] and thence to the river. It is natural that they should be somewhat surprised thereof, but if they circulate among our citizens a few hours, they will be informed that to order in upon street, the boot and shoe store of R. T. Wood would have to be removed, thereby causing an unreasonable amount of inconvenience to the consumers of shoe leather. Should Dick be compelled to remove, where could we find gaiters, shoes, slippers and boots so cheap and good? If you want the latest styles of, say articles in the line of a first-class shoe dealer, just take the shortest cut to R. T. Wood’s City Shoe Store, opposite Belle Street on Third, and you will be suited without fail.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 4, 1862
The front of the building known as the old post office building on Belle Street has been removed, and there is to be an additional story added and a new brick front. The lower story will contain two business rooms, and the two upper stories will be fitted up suitably for dwellings.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1862
Last evening soon after the train from the junction on the Terre Haute Road had arrived, a little son of A. L. Corson, Esq., of the Alton House, had his leg broken. The particulars of the accident as told to us are as follows: The engine had been detached from the car, and those employed were pushing it by hand further up on the track, when this boy, who had his hand on the car, slipped and fell directly underneath with his body across the track. He kicked and floundered around, and succeeded in getting from the track, not quite far enough to save himself, as the wheel caught his pants and drew his leg under, thereby breaking one of the bones in his leg, just below the knee. He is not dangerously hurt, but will in a short time be out again, we hope. No blame is attached to those on the road, for the boy had no business there. We hope the boys who are in the habit of jumping on and off the cars will heed the warning before it is too late.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 26, 1862
Miss I. Douglas & Company have removed from their old stand on Second Street [Broadway] to the beautiful storeroom which has lately been erected on Belle Street by the Messrs. Hart, where one of the finest stocks of goods in their line can be found that is in Alton. As Miss Douglas has been in business for some years in Alton, it is not necessary for us to do more than simply mention the fact of her removal to a new stand, to insure her the patronage of all her old customers, and as she now has one of the best locations in the city for her business, we have no doubt but her business will be greatly increased.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 24, 1862
Our enterprising and wide-awake friend, C. D. Caldwell, has purchased the property on the corner of Fourth and State Streets, and has remodeled the buildings, making two excellent and large storerooms, and otherwise thoroughly repairing the houses. He has moved his large and well-assorted grocery stock into his new storerooms, where everything looks as neat and as bright as a new pin. We wish him much success in his present location.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1862
Our attention has been called lately to some improvements which have been made in the packing house of S. Wade & Company. An almost entire renovation has taken place, and one scarcely knows whether they are in the old house or not, until they meet Mr. Marshall Caldwell, the man and manager of the establishment. The old smokehouse that formerly occupied the rear of the building has been torn out, and a new one will be built some few rods directly east of Hanson’s Machine Shop. The business office has also been transferred from the second story to the first, which will be much more convenient for the transaction of business. A new brick front has been substituted for the old frame, between the two packing houses. Some more changes will be made during the coming summer. The season having so far advanced that necessarily the work for the present should stop, so that all needed preparations might be made to begin in good earnest.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 14, 1862
We are pleased to see signs of improvement on Belle Street. Our fellow-citizen, A. K. Root, is preparing foundations for two fine business houses, ninety-feet deep, which when finished, will be a credit and an ornament to the city. It will be well for our Third Street property owners to look out for their laurels – there are many shanties on that street that would look and pay better replaced by good business houses. Rents are high and will pay well for all good improvements.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 5, 1862
Our business community has been greatly perplexed for the want of change to transact their ordinary business, and to meet the emergency many expedients have been tried - such as issuing checks for small sums, redeemable in goods. This has been very extensively practiced. The most convenient and also the most satisfactory plan yet adopted, however, has been by the Alton Building and Savings Institution, issuing checks of all denominations under one dollar to be redeemed by the bank whenever presented, so as to be paid in dollar bills.

Some of our citizens appear to be anxious that the Common Council should issue scrip for change, but we hope our city fathers will be guilty of no such folly. The time is now near at hand when the government will be able to furnish, in the way of stamps, all the change that the country may need. Just as soon as that is done, it will be the imperative duty of every good citizen to discountenance and utterly refuse to receive any of the shinplasters now in circulation. In such a case, it will be much easier for individuals to draw in their issues, than for the Common Council to do it. Our city was induced once before to try to furnish a currency for the people, and it is to be hoped that the experience which we then gained will be sufficient to prevent a repetition of the same folly and wickedness. What the people want for money is something that will not depreciate on their hands, and the issues of the United States Treasury and gold and silver are the only currency that they can have any assurance will not do that.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 5, 1862
Lafayette Hook & Ladder Company
President – David Simms
Vice-President – R. T. Largent
Captain – H. Wissore
Foreman – Daniel Cubberly
Secretary – Frank Noebe
Treasurer – L. Bickis

Altona Fire Company No. 1
President – Thomas Dimmock
Foreman – J. H. Hibbard
Assistant Foreman – L. B. Hubbell
Secretary – George Gray
Treasurer – J. C. Dunlap
First Director – John Seaton
Second Director – Joseph Peters

Washington Fire Company No. 2
Captain – A. Inveen
Foreman – A. Sneeberg
Secretary – J. Loehr
Treasurer – M. Steinor
1st Engineer – A. Gulmar
2nd Engineer – W. Dustman
1st Director – D. Nicahouse
2nd Director – M. Johnson


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 12, 1862
The news came last evening that the H. M. Runyan had sank between Alton and St. Louis. The accounts given may be stated as follows:

The boat struck some obstruction in the river near where the old Baltimore lies, and proceeded on her way down the river for a distance of two or three miles, when seeing that the water gained upon them, the boat was run on a bar at the foot of Garabache [Gabaret?] Island, where she now lies with the guards entirely out of water, and none of the freight injured, but what was in the hold. All the freight was transferred from her last night and taken to St. Louis, and two boats are working on her now, and it is expected that she will be going today, with but slight damage.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 19, 1862
This extensive dry goods establishment has been removed from its old stand on Third Street near Piasa, to the fine storeroom lately fitted up in splendid style expressly for it, a few doors from State Street on Third. We take pleasure in calling the attention of the reader to the removal of this popular establishment, and would invite all to call and see the manager in his new rooms, and examine the extensive stock of goods on hand.


Source: Poughkeepsie, New York Daily Eagle, April 8, 1863
A fire occurred at Alton, Ill. on Wednesday night, consuming a warehouse on the levee occupied by Simpson & Ketchum, filled with hay and other produce, besides besides the adjoining buildings occupied by Wipping Bros & Co., hardware dealers, and Calvin & Rissale, auction store. Loss about $100,000. Insured for $60,000.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 16, 1863
This morning about six o’clock, the boiler of the Illinois Iron Works exploded, creating a severe shock, which was felt in all parts of the city. On arriving at the scene of the disaster, which we did a short time after the accident occurred, we beheld one man lying terribly mangled and lifeless, and the building very much shattered. The engine house was entirely blown down, and one end of the main building considerably injured, and the sash and glass were all blown out of nearly every window. On inquiry, we ascertained that the machinery in the main building was not materially injured.

The building was owned and partly occupied by Mr. James Patterson, as a machine shop and foundry, the upper part being occupied by Mr. Nichols, as a woolen factory.

We are not fully advised as to the number of hands employed in the two establishments, but suppose there must have been sixty or seventy. Fortunately, however, but few of them had arrived when the explosion took place, or the loss of life would have been shocking. James McLaughlin, the engineer, who had just started the engine, was blown some distance and was found entirely lifeless. He is spoken of as being a very careful, industrious, sober and skillful engineer, and has left a family to deplore his sad fate. John Campbell, the dyer of the woolen factory, was missing, and it was soon ascertained that he was in the dying establishment a few moments previous to the explosion. On receiving this information, Chief Engineer Seaton, called the firemen together, and commenced removing the rubbish, and after laboring a considerable time, the lifeless body of the poor man was found. He, being a member of the Hook and Ladder Company, that praise-worthy and benevolent body of men, took the corpse in charge, and had it removed to his late residence, and will superintend its burial. He has also left a family. The entire loss will probably not fall short of 6,000 or 8,000 dollars, nearly all of which will fall upon Mr. Patterson. The cause of the accident has not yet been ascertained.

The Illinois Iron Works was founded in about 1853, on the southeast corner of Third and Piasa Streets in Alton. Part of the building was occupied by the James Patterson Machine Shop and Foundry, and the Nichols Woolen Mill. After this explosion, the woolen mill moved to Belle Street. Mr. Patterson repaired the building and took control of the Iron Works under the name of Patterson Iron Works. In 1873, the Western Screw & Manufacturing Co., owned by St. Louis businessmen, purchased the business. In 1907, the Sessels Clothing Store (and later Lyttons and then Myers Clothing) was located in the building. The building still stands, and is occupied by The Telegraph and a chiropractor.

James McLaughlin, the engineer, was buried in the St. Patrick’s Cemetery in Godfrey. John Campbell, who worked at the woolen mill, was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 6, 1863
A fire broke out yesterday afternoon in Mr. Filley’s stable on State Street, which very soon communicated to his house, and also to some tenements on the other side of the stable, belonging to S. Wade, Esq., all of which was soon consumed. The firemen and citizens who were present, by their active efforts, kept the flames from consuming the city schoolhouse, adjoining Mr. Filley’s house on the south. Nearly all the furniture and other valuables were saved from Mr. Filley’s house. But we understand that one of the tenants in Mr. Wade’s house lost all of his furniture, and $300 in money. We did not learn as to the furniture of the other family. The fire originated from some small boys playing with matches in the stable. We have heard that Mr. Wade was insured in the Illinois Mutual for $800, which will very near cover the loss. Mr. Filley was insured in the same company for $600, besides something on his furniture – the amount we did not learn.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 13, 1863
The presses for the Telegraph office have for the last few weeks been driven by steam. The engine and boiler were built at the Patterson Iron Works in Alton, under the supervision of Mr. Brooks, the superintendent of that establishment. The engine is six-inch stroke, secured to an iron frame, which encloses the boiler, and the whole apparatus occupies the small space of three feet seven and a half inches by three feet and is five feet in height. It is computed to be of two and a half horsepower, and driven our two presses with ease at a pressure of steam not exceeding twenty pounds, to the square inch. The boiler is from the hands of J. Newsham, and is capable of sustaining a pressure of 150 pounds to the square inch, with perfect safety. The expense of running the engine is very small, it consuming no more fuel than an ordinary heating stove. The Patterson Iron Works has attained an enviable reputation in building steam engines, which for economy, power and ease of motion, are the wonder of all who see them. They have now orders from parties in St. Louis for twelve large engines, besides other orders from various parts of the country. Much of the credit of the success of this establishment is due to the efforts and practical experience of Mr. D. Brooks, who superintends the mechanical part of the establishment in all its departments. When Mr. Patterson started these works, it was with the determination to spare no expense to attain reputation second to no shop in the country, for turning out superior work, and he has already built up a business which has taken other establishments years to obtain.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 13, 1863
We are certainly gratified to be able to state that the Alton Woolen Mill Company have been so prospered since they have established themselves in this city, as to lead them to make a permanent investment. They have just purchased the buildings and grounds lately occupied by the Piasa Foundry, and have removed their machinery from the Illinois Iron Works to that building, and will be ready to commence operations again within a few days. It will be seen by a notice in another part of our paper that they wish to purchase wool, pelts, &c., for which they will pay the highest market price, either in cash or in exchange for cloth at their manufactory. Let it be remembered that they do not manufacture any shoddy, but cloth, which will stand the test of time. Their place of business is now on Belle Street, opposite the Gas Works.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 8, 1864
Our esteemed friend, M. G. Atwood, Esq., of Middle Alton, who takes some pains to keep himself posted in such matters, communicated the following to us this morning, under date of January 1, 1864. Last night was the coldest we have had in this city for twenty-five years. My self-registering thermometer indicated 25 degrees below zero, as the coldest during the night. The mercury stood at 20 degrees below zero at 8 o’clock this morning; 18 degrees below at 10 a.m.; and 12 degrees below at noon. It stood at zero from 5 o’clock until 9 last evening. Yesterday was the 12th snow that has fallen since October 22nd, making in the aggregate about 36 inches.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 12, 1864
Yesterday morning the old gentleman that feeds the prisoners in the calaboose was made a victim of misplaced confidence in the following manner:

For some time past, he has permitted one of the inmates of the prison (a colored woman) to carry the sweeping of the cells out into the street, while he was employed in dealing out rations to the other prisoners. Yesterday morning, the woman took it into her head to reward the confidence of the keeper by turning the key in the lock after she had got out, and then made tracks for parts unknown. The old man suffered a confinement of two or three hours before the state of the case was discovered.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 4, 1864
Alton was visited on Saturday afternoon last with a storm of rain, attended with vivid lightning and heavy thunder. The temporary steeple on the Cathedral on State Street was struck, and considerably shattered, although there was not very much damage done. A carpenter shop on Piasa Street was also struck – damage very slight. There were several persons in the building at the time, but none of them were injured. There was a stable set on fire by the lightning at the same time, near Alby Street, and before the flames could be subdued, it, with an adjoining stable, was consumed. We believe they belonged to Messrs. D. C. Martin and James Newman.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 11, 1864
A fire broke out between three and four o’clock this morning in a two-story frame house on Market Street. The alarm was given, but the firemen did not arrive in time to save the building, but by their wise and judicious exertions they saved a good house, which was only a few feet removed from it. It is thought that the building must have been set on fire, as it originated on the outside of the house. Most of the furniture was saved, but in a very damaged condition. The house belonged to Mrs. Jane Hopping, and was insured, we have learned, for $600. Mrs. Hopping wished us to give her thanks to the firemen and citizens for their successful efforts in saving the building in which she resides, and for their uniform kindness in attending to her interests.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 8, 1864
About 7:30 o’clock last evening, fire was discovered in the large stone building owned by Mrs. Kate Mitchell on the levee. The fire spread rapidly, and the wind being strong from the south or southeast, the above-named building, as well as Captain Ryder’s adjoining, were soon wrapped in flames. Sparks flew in showers across Second Street [Broadway] and some distance up State Street, setting fire to several buildings, which were promptly extinguished by persons on the roofs. For a time, it seemed almost impossible to save the north side of Second Street, but the Altona Engine No. 1, arriving on the ground, manned by her ever-ready boys, soon placed a damper on the flames. Still, it was only by the utmost exertion that the fire was confined to the three buildings immediately adjoining. L. J. Clawson’s new warehouse was on fire in two or three places, but was extinguished by vinegar, a barrel of which was broken open and thrown on the flames. The buildings burned were very old, being among the first warehouses built in the city.

The building in which the fire originated was owned by Mrs. Kate Mitchell, and occupied in front by S. B. Catts, as a leather store, and the rear by J. C. Ketchum as a grain warehouse. There was a quantity of hay in the building. The adjoining building was owned by Captain Ryder, and has been occupied by Messrs. Topping Brothers & Co., for many years. They had a large stock of goods in store, and their loss is heavy. The next building was owned by the heirs of Mr. Robert Ferguson, and occupied by Messrs. Calvin & Wissore as an auction store. Their stock was mostly removed, but in a very damaged condition.

We must mention here that the soldiers were untiring in their endeavors to stop the flames, and in removing goods from the burning and threatened buildings. Our citizens are under lasting obligations to them for their vigilance and energy. Our firemen also did nobly, but we think they should have more efficient engines at their command.

This is much the largest fire that has occurred in Alton for several years. As to the origin of the fire, there is some difference of opinion, but nothing certain is known. There had been no fire in the building, we understand, since 4 o’clock in the afternoon.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 8, 1864
Calvin & Wissore, who were burnt out on Second Street [Broadway] last evening, have removed their remaining stock to the store formerly occupied by them on State Street, one door below the Franklin House. They are, or will be, in a day or two, ready for work. They will have their regular Auction Sale on Saturday morning at 10 o’clock.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 29, 1864
About 11 o’clock last night, our citizens were awakened from their slumbers by the furious ringing of the bell of the Woolen Mill. Soon other bells were clanging forth the fire alarm, and citizens rushed through mud and slush to find the location of the conflagration. The firemen, always on hand, had the engines out in a jiffy, and after considerable discussion as to the nearest route to the fire, the location of which was not known, the Altona hose company ran up Belle Street to Dr. Hart’s residence, when they found the alarm was the doings of a crazy man, formerly a weaver in the Woolen Mill. He was evidently in earnest, as it is seldom we hear a fire bell ring with such earnest, hearty good will, as was that.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 29, 1864
Patterson's Iron Works, Piasa Street between Second [Broadway] and Third Streets. This large manufactory of steam engines and machinery of all descriptions, owned and superintended by Mr. James Patterson, is again in full blast. Since the accidental explosion of the boiler in October last, the engine and machinery has gone through a series of alterations and improvements, by which the faculties for filling orders for engines and all other work in their line has been greatly increased. Thirty men are now constantly employed in the various departments of the building. The foreman, Mr. Daniel Brooks, is one of those men of whom we can say, "he is the right man in the right place," and thoroughly understanding all the minutia of the endless variety of work embraced in a general foundry business, Mr. Patterson is fortunate in having him at the head of his workmen. He informs us that he could employ in the whole building, one hundred and twenty-five men if necessary, and at the rapid rate which his business is increasing, we would not be surprised soon to see the building crowded with workmen to its utmost capacity. There are seven large lathes and two large planers on the ground floor in constant employment, turning the innumerable rough castings into the finished and polished portions of steam engines and other works. The whole machinery is driven by a fine forty-horse power engine, which is a model at superior workmanship. There are now in the building ten engines in the course of completion. Six of these are each about thirty-five horsepower, and are being built for Mr. H. M. Woodward of St. Louis. This certainly is a great compliment to Mr. Patterson and his assistants, and it should also be a matter of pride to our city. Citizens of St. Louis find it to their interest and advantage to come to Alton for their steam engines. The proprietor is determined not to be excelled by any manufactory in the West in the quality and finish of his machinery. There is also one for Messrs. H. Sampson & Co., of Germantown, on the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, of sixty horsepower, which is to be a masterpiece. This is another order which is in direct competition with Saint Louis work. Mr. C. Soule has also a beautiful sixty horsepower steam engine in course of construction, and it may be seen in the room. Messrs. C. & J. Weer, of the Carlinville Mill, have a seventy-five horsepower steam engine in the hands of the mechanics. Mr. J. D. Martin of the Gillespie Mill has an engine, sixty horsepower, under orders and in course of completion and finish. These are all to be engines of the very best quality, and cannot be surpassed in any city in the Union. Our millers, and others using steam engines or in want of castings or machinery of any kind, cannot be better suited in the West. Go to Mr. Patterson's Works and look round, and we are satisfied he will do your work.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 6, 1864
The building formerly known as the Piasa Foundry has undergone a great change within the last few months. Mr. F. K. Nichols, the outgoing and gentlemanly proprietor, has been in the woolen manufacturing business for the last thirty years, and has one of the best arranged establishments in the town. Although he has only been engaged in the business here a short time, his trade has so much increased that he has been compelled to more than double the facilities he now has. The machinery to accomplish this has been ordered, and will be in operation in a short time. A large and complete machine for finishing goods will soon arrive. This will be a great addition to the facilities of the house. Five large carding machines do that important portion of the work now, and three additional ones of more than double the capacity are to be added. A wool picker, a machine of great size, has a room all to itself on the second floor, and it literally “makes the wool fly.”

The first floor is used as a falling, finishing, receiving, and storeroom. The second story is the carding and spinning room. The third story is the weaving room, and the fourth is the drying room. Through the whole building, resounds the busy hum of the spinning and carding machines, and the whirr and clatter of the loom shuttle. About thirty persons are constantly employed in the establishment, and if help could be obtained, as many more could find work. In a wing of the building is a dyeing room, fitted up in the most convenient manner. A water tank is located in this room, which holds 30,000 gallons, from which p_____ to the dye tubs, where the water can be heated by steam pipes conveniently arranged. A large repair shop is now being conveniently arranged and furnished, in which all repairs of the machinery and works will be made. The engine is sixty horsepower, and the proprietor contemplates increasing this also.

The whole arrangement of this establishment indicates that Mr. Nichols is determined to make it a complete woolen factory in every sense of the word. He now has a contract for furnishing a house in Boston with 10,000 or 12,000 yards of flannel, and some 2,000 pounds of stocking yarn before the first of August next. He can sell goose at much less than others pay for them in Boston, and our merchants would do well to patronize home manufactories. Enterprising manufacturers should be sustained by our citizens, and everything that enables us to compete with larger manufacturing towns is certainly of great benefit to each and every citizen.

The Woolen Mill was located at the southwest corner of Belle and W. 8th Streets. The stone building was originally erected in 1857-8 by Nathan Johnson and Richard Emerson for a foundry, machine and boiler shop [named Piasa Foundry], and it operated until 1861, when the Civil War caused the business to fail. In 1861, the foundry was purchased by Mr. Francis K. Nichols for a woolen mill. Nichols, who had been in the business for 30 years, enlarged the mill and brought in new machinery. In June 1878, a new firm was organized under Francis K., Henry L. (a son), and C. H. Nichols, under the name of Nichols Woolen Mill Company. The mill was later bought out by another concern, and renamed the Piasa Woolen Mill. As far as I know, no photo of the building exists.

Mr. Nichols died in July 1878 in Vermont, where he had gone for health reasons. He had previously been engaged in the manufacturing and mercantile business, and was at one time the proprietor of the largest woolen mill in Vermont. He was buried in Springfield, Illinois.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 03, 1864
Messrs. Topping Bros. & Co., are putting up a large brick warehouse on the south side of Second Street (Broadway) to accommodate their extensive and constantly increasing hardware trade. Mr. Joesting is putting up a neat and substantial brick building on the south side of Third Street, which will be occupied by E. F. Sneeringer & Co. Mr. A. K. Root is having the foundation laid for a large brick storehouse on the north side of Third Street, which from the looks of the foundation, will be one of the most substantial business houses in Alton.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 10, 1864
Louis Haagan is putting up a large brick storehouse on the corner of Second [Broadway] and Piasa Streets. It is on the site of the old “public well,” so long occupied by the “old oaken bucket.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 10, 1864
About two o’clock this morning, a night watchman discovered several men in Mr. S. B. Davis’ store, and immediately gave the alarm. The villains broke from the store and ran, hotly pursued by the watchman, and he succeeded in catching one of them, and says he put a ball in another one. There were five of the burglars in all, and the one captured is a member of the 17th Illinois Cavalry, and it is almost positively known that the others were soldiers and members of the same regiment. The military patrol also fired at the rascals as they ran, but missed them. They entered the store over the front door, through the transom, and then threw the door wide open. A general onslaught was made upon sardines, pickles, etc. Some $30 to $40 was taken from the drawer in change. The value of goods stolen cannot be arrived at certainly. Part of a box of tobacco was found on the corner of 4th and State Streets, and other articles were strewn promiscuously around.

Great credit is due the watchman for his action in the affair, but it is a pretty large contract for one man to watch the city of Alton and prevent burglaries. It is expected that the officers in command of the 17th will use every means in their power to bring the persons engaged in this raid to proper punishment.

P. S. Since the above was written, we learn that two more of the soldiers have been caught.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 01, 1864
These are the times in which all are compelled to go where they can get the most for their money. Mr. E. H. Goulding on Third Street enjoys a well-earned reputation for fair and liberal dealing, which is second to nine in this portion of Illinois. An excellent jeweler, and keeping on hand a large stock of all varieties of the best jewelry, no better place to trade can be found in Alton. He keeps constantly on hand the finest watches, clocks, silverware, and ornamental jewelry of all varieties. Having had much experience in the spectacle trade, he is able to give the fullest satisfaction. Give him a call. He is also agent for the “Florence” sewing machine, of which he has sold a large number in this city and vicinity; and the “Wilcox and Gibbs” sewing machine, said to be the best single-thread machine in use. Our advertising columns today set forth the peculiar advantages of each.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 29, 1864
Two men were discovered in rather suspicious movements in Sugar Alley, in the rear of Messrs. Phinney & Barr’s store last night, by the watchman, but upon his appearance, they fled. They had effected an entrance, and had collected a quantity of tobacco, which they intended to carry off, but being taken by surprise, they did not make much of a lift. We understand that an attempt was also made to enter R. L. King’s store, which failed.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 5, 1864
Henry Joesting & Schwarzbecker, having purchased the establishment at the corner of Second [Broadway] and Market Streets, opposite City Hall, formerly kept by Ned White, will be ready to receive the calls of their friends and the public generally on Thursday morning.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 2, 1864
The Altona House. William Achenbach, Proprietor. This beer saloon and garden will be opened to the public on Sunday, the 4th inst. The public are requested to call. The accommodations are superior, and the proprietor will endeavor to make all agreeable and welcome to his guests.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 16, 1864
Last night the Soap Factory of A. P. Werner, in the vicinity of the roundhouse of the Terre Haute Road, was discovered to be on fire. The flames had gained such headway, that all the exertions of citizens were unavailing to suppress them. The Washington firehouse fought to put out the smoldering embers, and the Altona engine did not reach the place at all, although the hose was promptly on hand. The loss of Mr. Werner is about $1,500, upon which there is some $800 insurance in the Hartford City Company. The fire is supposed to have originated from coals of the locomotives.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1864
We have been informed this morning that the Sisters of Charity in Alton have now all their arrangements complete for the reception of patients into their hospital in Hunterstown. They will receive all the sick who make application to them, whether they have means for paying their way or not. This institution will no doubt prove a great blessing to many poor and destitute strangers who may find it necessary to apply to the Sisters for attention in their distress.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 16, 1864
We have been informed that the supper given last evening in the City Hall, for the benefit of the hospital of the Sisters of Charity, was a perfect success. The doors will be open again tonight at the same place, when it is hoped that all of our citizens will turn out and fill the hall.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 16, 1864
The Lodge of Good Templar’s dedicated their beautiful Hall on Belle Street in Root’s building, by appropriate ceremonies last evening. After which the Rev. Mr. Carr made a brief address to the members of the organization, and was followed by the Rev. Mr. Robinson, pastor of the Methodist Church, and Rev. Mr. Jameson of the Baptist Church, in some timely and pertinent remarks, encouraging the members to persevere in their arduous and self-denying labors of love in behalf of the poor inebriate, in which they were now so commendably engaged.

The first speaker then introduced the following resolutions, and discussed them at some length, when they were adopted by a unanimous vote of the members of the Lodge:

Resolved, That in view of the wide spread and increasing evil of intemperance, especially among men in high stations of trust and honor, it becomes us as Christians to awake and put forth our energies to aid those now engaged in the work of Temperance.

Resolved, That the manufacture and sale of intoxicating beverages, as such, is a crime against the morality of any people, corrupting the heart, destroying the body, polluting the morals, demoralizing the character, debauching and debasing whole classes of society, and should be ranked with other crimes punished by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary.

Resolved, That licensing the sale of intoxicating drinks is but legalizing crime, and that the absence of mobs, riots, &c., at our recent Presidential election is but the earnest of what we might expect every day of the year, were the sale of such drinks prohibited.

This organization is yet comparatively small in our city, but now that it has fitted up such a beautiful hall, so convenient to the great body of our citizens, and as it has many active, devoted, and working members, its prospects for usefulness in the future are very promising. It is to be hoped that it may reach and interest the great mass of our young people, who will have some social recreation, and if they do not find it among the temperate and moral will be sure to seek it in the haunts of the dissipated and vicious. It is a great mistake of society that more efforts are not put forth to furnish innocent amusements for the young, as it is natural that they should desire something of the kind, and it is a notorious fact that our drunkards are generally manufactured out of the most noble and genial portion of our young men. Whereas, if these same individuals could have found places of innocent social intercourse, they might have been saved from the terrible Charldom of a drunkard’s appetite, and become ornaments and useful members of society. This is a subject at least worthy of being seriously pondered by the Christian and philanthropist.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 13, 1865
Messrs. Dunford & Brooks have built a large and commodious foundry and machine shop on the corner of Front and Henry Streets [in Alton], and are now fairly at work. We took a tour through the building yesterday, escorted by Mr. Brooks, and must say we were astonished at the work the proprietors have accomplished in so short a time. It is but a few weeks since the foundation was laid, and now they have a busy hive of the best workmen, toiling at the heavy castings and mill machinery.

The building is two stories high, and cost nearly $20,000, and is situated in close proximity to the different railroads, and convenient for shipping work. The dimensions of the machine shop is 32x80 feet. Nine lathes, two planers, two drillers, and a screw cutter are located here, each with a competent workman at the command. The foundry is a well-arranged and convenient room, 44x60 feet. The engine, of some twenty horsepower, is located here, and is a beautiful piece of workmanship. Mr. Brooks informed us that by a peculiar arrangement of his own, they can melt six thousand pounds of metal per hour in the cupola, with half the coke ordinarily used, and this of itself is a great item. The blacksmith shop, 24x48 feet, is also fitted up with all the necessary tools for the rapid and economical execution of all work.

Twenty-two workmen – the best to be found – are constantly employed, and the firm have contracts for seven or right steam engines, from 20 to 150 horsepower. Messrs. Shosler has contracted with them for a 150-horsepower engine, for their mills in this city. Mr. Nichols of the Alton Woolen Mills has also contracted for an 80-horsepower engine. A large amount of sawmill work for parties at Potosi, Missouri is also in a state of completion.

Being the proprietors of the justly celebrated “Pravis Patent Governor,” their engines are much sought after, and many are ordering these governors for engines of other make. With present facilities, they can turn out fifteen hundred or two thousand dollars’ worth per week, and the capacity can be increased to any amount. The whole arrangements are made to the rapid and perfect execution of all orders, and the lathes, drills, etc., are from the celebrated “New Haven Manufacturing Company,” and are most beautiful specimens of workmanship. The upper story is large and roomy, and is devoted to pattern making and millwright work. The long experience of Mr. Brooks to the business is a guarantee that he will give satisfaction to all who may order work of them. Messrs. Dunford & Brooks deserve great credit for their enterprise in this branch of trade, and we hope they will receive a full pecuniary compensation for their investment.

Thomas Dunford was one of the pioneer settlers in the area. He was known as one of Illinois first nurseryman, and was one of the first coal operators on the Coal Branch (near North Alton). He accumulated large holdings of real estate. Dunford erected a Baptist Church at Coal Branch, where a revival swept over the neighborhood. He was also one of the builders of the Chicago and Alton Railroad, and had the first contract to supply the railroad with coal after its completion. He and his wife (Elizabeth Mixon Dunford) lived in Alton, and kept their money in the cellar of their home, hauling gold to the first bank in Alton with an ox team. Dunford went into business with Mr. Brooks (and later a Mr. Davis), and founded a foundry and machine shop at the corner of Front and Henry Streets in Alton. They manufactured engines, boilers, grates, and portable grist mills. The business later failed, and Dunford lost a considerable amount of money. Dunford died in Alton on August 18, 1873, at the age of 67, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery. In 1876, the Hapgood Plow Company was located on the former Dunford foundry property.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 10, 1865
Mr. James Patterson, proprietor of the Patterson Iron Works, on the corner of 3rd and Piasa Streets, seems to be equal to any and every emergency which may arise. Having the high reputation of manufacturing the best engines in the West to sustain, he has procured the services of Mr. Albert Dwelle for the past seven years foreman of the Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, and a mechanic of 35 years’ experience, as superintendent of his manufactory in Alton. This, with the knowledge that 25 to 30 of the best mechanics of the country are constantly employed in this establishment, will be sufficient to convince those wanting steam engines, or mill machinery of any kind, that their work will be done well and done quickly.

The celebrated Travis Patent Governor is applied to all engines of Mr. Patterson’s make, and give universal satisfaction to all who have used them. They are doubtless the best governor in use. A contract of several engines, for H. M. Woodward of St. Louis, is about being finished in this shop, and better work has never been turned out in the West. Orders from the remote counties of this and adjoining States are constantly arriving, and work is being turned out daily.

The proprietor informs us that he intends to manufacture a new threshing machine in time for the next harvest, which will be far superior to any now in use. It will be called the “Star of the West,” and one of them will shortly be finished for the inspection of the public. This will be welcome news to our farmers in Illinois, and the patentees will speedily be remunerated for their heavy outlay in perfecting this valuable thresher.

Mr. Patterson has the largest stock of patterns in the State, and all the patterns of the firm of Stigleman & Johnson are in his possession. He is prepared to furnish iron or brass castings at short notice. Jobbing of all kinds, sheet iron work, etc, done on the most liberal terms and on the shortest notice. To all, we would say, “don’t fail to give Mr. Patterson a call before contracting elsewhere.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 24, 1865
Mr. L. Flacheneker has opened a well-stocked grocery and provision store on Second Street [Broadway], opposite the City Hall, where he will be glad to see the housekeepers of Alton early and late. The freshest of butter, eggs, etc., and the best of sugar, coffee, hams, tea, and the general stock of goods usually kept in his line, are constantly on hand. Call on Mr. Flachenecker.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 17, 1865
F. Shelly is now proprietor of the lime works in Alton, lately owned by D. Martin & Co. Having been a member of the firm for several years, he will be recognized at once by all of the old customfers. Mr. Shelly informs us that he manufactured in his kilns during the past year over 100,000 bushels of lime, and paid as high as $170 per month Government tax on the manufacture of lime alone. He has in operation three of Page’s Patent Kilns, capable of turning out $2,000 worth of lime per week, and can make 300 bushels per day, and has loaded 14 cars in one week. Employs, at times, as high at 50 hands, and constantly about 20. The lime of his manufacture is used extensively in Springfield, Bloomington, Peoria, Terre Haute, St. Louis, and in fact, at all points in the valley of the Mississippi. Customers can be assured of liberal dealing at the hands of Mr. Shelly. Give him a call.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 24, 1865
Among the farmers of Central Illinois, this firm has been quite familiar as being one of those in Alton with which it is both a pleasure and a profit to deal. Keeping a very large supply of those agricultural implements which have been proved by actual use (to be all they are represented), the farmer can make his selections without loss of time or experiment, and be accommodated on the most liberal term. For the approaching season, they are better prepared than ever before, and will be able to fill all orders promptly. Among their farming implements are the Wood’s patent Reaper and Mower combined – self-raker, proved to be one of the best ever used. They are also agents for the “Uncle Sam Separator.” This machine is said to be, by experienced farmers, the best Separator and Fanning Mill ever made. They have the very best testimonials from prominent and well-known farmers, that it gives the very best satisfaction upon every occasion. This mill was awarded the First Premium at the Illinois State Fair, held at Decatur in 18??, over all competitors. The mill cleans all kinds of grain and seeds, separating oats from Spring wheat at the rate of from sixty to seventy-five bushels per hour. The Chicago Board of Trade says: “We pronounce it the most thorough and practical Separator for general use that we have seen operate.”

They keep, also, all the most valuable implements made for the convenience of farms, such as corn planters, cultivators, plows, harrows, etc. they have a very large stock of saddlery, hardware, leather, shoemakers’ findings, saddles, bridles, harness, and everything usually kept in a saddlery and leather establishment. It will well replay farmers to call on them and make a tour through their large and well-filled premises on Short Street [Broadway]. The long experience of the gentlemen of the firm enables them to announce that, knowing the wants of the farmers of Illinois, the intend keeping on hand the coming season a stock of Seed and Agricultural implements that cannot be surpassed in the State. The largest variety of garden seed now on hand, for sale. Ladies will find all the appliances for floriculture at Drury, Caine & Co. Give them a call.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 24, 1865
The immense lime trade of Alton is rapidly removing the grand old rocks, and transmuting them into lime, putting it in barrels and shipping it to hundreds of less-favored localities. Great changes have taken place within a few years’ past. The pictured rocks, with the rough sketches of the Piasa Bird and the Elk, and the point of rocks at the old Mill, where poor Seaman committed suicide, and the old Mill itself, are all among the things that were. The quarrymen have gradually wrought away the solid rock, until space for a fine levee has made its appearance, and visions of large warehouses and an extensive shipping business, in the not very distant future, arise before you. Who can foretell the probable extent of trade which may one day be transacted upon the former site of those grand old cliffs of bygone days? Energy and enterprise will surmount all difficulties. Speed the day when our citizens may be infused with a small portion of each.


Patterson’s Iron Works
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 31, 1865
Through the kindness of Mr. James Patterson, proprietor of Patterson’s Iron Works, we had the pleasure of witnessing the first trial of this new thresher and separator. The test took place on the farm of Mr. J. R. Isett at Godfrey. When we arrived, the machine was running freely – the gearing working as smoothly as could be wished. The whole arrangement worked in the most perfect order and regularity, and after some slight changes, the cleaning was done in the most satisfactory manner. It threshed and cleaned fifty bushels of wheat in one hour, with but six horses – and four of them perfectly unused to the work.

Gentlemen who have been acquainted with the management and use of either machine, for the past ten years, gave their free and unhesitating opinion as to the superiority of the “Star of the West” over all others. The machine combines the good qualities of some other threshers with improvements made by Mr. C. B. Brown of Alton, and bids fair to become a great favorite with farmers. The fact that the workmen stand upon the ground, instead of being elevated upon a high platform as in other machines, and the horizontal gearing of the power are considered great improvements. The sides of the machine are solid and permanent, and will be very durable. The work of threshing and separating was most thoroughly and well done. Mr. James Patterson has the contract for building them, and intends having them ready for the coming harvest. We believe they will soon become very popular with our country friends.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 7, 1865
Mr. John Simpson on Second Street [Broadway] keeps four of the finest billiard tables in the West, and they are well kept. We often hear the remark made that if you want a quiet, social game of billiards, call upon John Simpson on Second Street, and you will be suited. The bar is supplied with the very best of wines, liquors and cigars. The whole saloon is a cook, pleasant retreat. If you want a pleasant hour at billiards, go and see John.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 7, 1865
Mr. W. S. Betts has fitted up rooms in the basement of the U. S. Express building on State Street, where he will keep constantly on hand a large and excellent stock of Wines, Whisky, Ale, and a full variety of liquors, cigars, etc.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 7, 1865
Mr. P. B. Whipple has been many years a dry goods dealer in Alton, and most of these years he has occupied the same stand on the corner of Third and State Streets. Through all the changes which have taken place in other firms in that trade, he has occupied the same stand. Thousands have passed through the portals of the old brick corner to stand before his counter and have their various wants, in his line, satisfied. We never heard of one who regretted the thought that induced them to enter there. On the other hand, we have heard numbers speak of the liberal and gentlemanly dealing of the proprietors. Mr. Whipple is now receiving his Spring stock of goods, which have been bought within the past ten days under the most favorable circumstances, and which he will sell at retail at greatly reduced prices. The ladies of Alton and vicinity will find a most beautiful assortment of the latest styles of all articles of which they may stand in need. Besides the personal supervision of Mr. Whipple, the well-known gentleman, Mr. Joseph Briggs, and a corps of polite and experienced clerks will be in constant attendance upon customers. Don’t pass by the corner of Third and State without calling on P. B. Whipple & Co.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 21, 1865
Mr. H. B. Bowman on Third Street is the oldest dry goods merchant of Alton. For the past twenty-five years, he has been continuously in the dry goods trade in Alton. For many years his stand was on Second Street [Broadway], but as the march of improvement progressed, he removed to his present stand, where he has always kept a very large stock of superior goods. He has just received his spring and summer stock of dry goods, notions, carpets, oil cloths, ladies and children’s shoes, gaiters, etc., selected by the most experienced hands. Mr. Richard Clement, late of St. Louis, has become interested in this house, and Mr. Bowman and Mr. Clement, assisted by a polite and gentlemanly corps of clerks, will be ever ready to supply the wants of either ladies or gentlemen, on the most favorable terms. We would advise our readers to call at Mr. Bowman’s, and look at his new stock, as it is no trouble to show goods. See their handsome advertisement in this issue.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 21, 1865
By invitation of our friend, Connor, we had the pleasure yesterday of a ramble through the extensive agricultural manufacturing works of Messrs. Hanson & Co., on Front Street. We found a large force of workmen – the best the country affords – all busy, each upon their appropriate position of the several machines of which the proprietors are manufacturers. Threshing machines in all the various stages of completion were visible, while cultivators and fanning mills were also being placed together and rapidly approaching completion. It is well worth the while of any person to visit these extensive works and take a stroll through them.

The first and principal machine made there is the celebrated Pitts’ Patent or Champion Separator. This machine has been manufactured in this shop for the past 12 or 14 years, and the arrangements for manufacture are of the most complete and convenient character. A great improvement has been added this season in a new gearing, for which the proprietors have applied for a patent. It is said to be the best in use. The machine is also improved in many other respects, and we are informed that the firm feels certain of filling all orders for these excellent machines and their no less celebrated horsepowers, at short notice. The “Uncle Sam Separator” is also manufactured here. This separator needs only a trial by any intelligent farmer to insure him as a purchaser. It is durably and well made of the best materials, and performs the work of separating seed with the greatest satisfaction. This is destined to become – in fact, is already – a great favorite with the farmers of the West. They have already filled several large orders, and are now filling one for one hundred of these valuable labor-saving implements.

They are manufacturing this season a number of Leeper & Kidder’s Patent Corn Cultivators, one of the greatest labor-saving agricultural machines of this or any other age. The demand is great for them, and orders must be sent in early to insure a supply. Hundreds of this cultivator have been sold in Illinois, and they have everywhere given the greatest satisfaction.

There are constantly employed in all departments of the works, about 60 men. By a variety of improvements made this season in their tools and machinery, double the work is done by the same number of hands. The entire works are driven by an excellent and beautiful 80-horsepower steam engine, which has driven the works constantly for the past ten years, and is more steady and reliable than many much younger. The foundry is most perfect, and supplied with the very best workmen that can be found. A heat(?) takes place every other day, in which the endless variety of castings are made for the different machines. The blacksmith furnaces are all supplied with air from a fan running by steam. A large trip hammer for the manufacture of teeth for the threshing machine cylinder is also located in this department, and does the work of many hands. The lathes for iron work are all situated on the lower floor in the main building, and comprise all the improvement of the day. This is verily a busy, noisy room. The upper floors are occupied by the woodwork and finishing departments, all in the best and most convenient condition for the manufacture of agricultural implements. The yard and sheds are filled with timber, all ready to be put together in the different machines. With their present facilities, the proprietors can fill orders for an almost unlimited number of threshers, fanning mills, and corn cultivators. The public will find the gentlemen of the firm of Hanson & Co. always punctual and liberal in their dealings, and will find their machines inferior to none in the Union.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 28, 1865
The Franklin Marine and Fire Insurance Co. has recently been organized in Alton with a paid up and amply secured capital of one hundred thousand dollars. The Directors are among our most influential citizens, and are also Directors of the Illinois Mutual Fire Insurance Company, the office of which will also be the principal office of this company, and the business will be conducted by the same officers. Owing to the increase of insurable property, application for amount of insurance in the Illinois Mutual is frequently in excess of the sum allowed by the charter to be taken in one risk. The Directors design to accommodate such applicants with reliable insurance in the amount desired, by placing such excess in the Franklin.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 12, 1865
Mr. Jack Williams, well known to our citizens, has bought out Mr. C. Barbour, and will hereafter conduct the Mercantile himself. The location is well known to all who have had occasion to visit our city for the past few years, and entering there, none go away hungry. The billiard tables are of the best make and kept in fine order. Mr. Williams will be assisted by H. D. King, Esq., and between them customers will be faithfully and well attended to. Success, say we, to Jack Williams and the Mercantile.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 19, 1865
The rooms occupied by Captain Fry, A. Q. M., and clerks, at Mrs. Avis’, were entered last night by burglars, and all the money, jewelry, pistols, knives, trunk keys, &c., taken from the clothing of the persons sleeping in the rooms. The keys to the office safe were taken, the office entered afterwards, and twelve thousand, five hundred dollars in public funds stolen. It was a bold robbery, and most successfully executed. The key to the office was missed night before last, but was supposed to be mislaid. A person was heard to go upstairs to the room where they slept, in Mrs. Avis’ house, last night about 8:30 o’clock, but it was supposed at the time that it was one of the inmates of the room, and it is probably the person was secreted under one of the beds, when the clerks retired about 11:00 o’clock. Captain Fry was in St. Louis, and has not yet returned.

Mr. Munger lost a gold hunting case ladies watch, for which he offers $50 reward if returned, and no questions asked. The number of the watch is “16,802 – Fred Nicond maker.”

Immediate steps were taken to detect the robbers. The event has created quite a sensation, and elicited many speculations as to who the burglars were, but at this present writing, no trace of the culprits had been discovered.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 26, 1865
There is much excitement on the corner of Alby and Fifth Streets this afternoon. It seems that this morning a little boy picked up a roll of greenbacks at the edge of the pond at the corner of the streets above named, and a short time after, a pocket book containing a small amount of money was picked up in the same locality. The energetic Provost Marshal of the Post, Captain Newstadt, at once had a squad of prisoners detailed to drain the pond, and they are now diligently at work. It is supposed that the money found is a portion of the government funds stolen from Captain T. W. Fry’s office on the night of the 11th instant.

A large crowd gathered in the afternoon yesterday, to watch the proceedings of the military authorities in draining a pond on the corner of Fifty and Alby Streets. The water ran quite rapidly through the channel cut across the road, and washed a deep rut through Fifth Street to Market, where is poured into a sewer, and thence under that street down into the square opposite the railroad depot, and into the culvert. Although there was a constant stream running, the water in the pond did not fall to the level of the channel until near 12 o’clock at night, up to which time a number of persons were stirring about the premises. A military guard was stationed around the pond all night. About daylight, the crowd again commenced gathering, and as soon as it became light, the body of a man was discovered lying face downward in the water, a short distance from the road. A number of tracks, evidently made by him in entering the water, were …. [unreadable] … in the mud. Various surmises ……. to the mystery.

About 8 o’clock, Coroner …….. summoned a jury, and the corpse ….. from the water. Upon examination ….., it was found that several …. Had been inflicted upon the deceased about the face, but in his opinion, some of them were sufficient to cause death. The jury, Mr. R. W. Atwood, foreman, held an inquest upon the body, and closely examined the tracks, made by the deceased, as is supposed, and then adjourned until 3 o’clock this afternoon to give time for summoning witnesses in the case. At that time, the jury again met, and at this present writing are proceeding with the investigation. We defer further remarks until after the verdict of the jury is brought in.


The Pond Mystery – Verdict of the Jury
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 26, 1865
We give below the verdict of the Coroner’s Jury, in regard to the man found in the pond on the corner of Alby and Fifth Streets. The man was buried in a plain coffin by the coroner, P. F. Regan, Esq.

“We, the undersigned, appointed by Patrick F. Regan, Coroner of Madison County, Illinois, a jury, to hold an inquest over the dead body of an unknown man found in the pond at the corner of Alby and Fifth Streets in the city of Alton, Illinois, this (Saturday) morning, make the following report, viz:

The body appears to the jury to be that of an Irishman, about 40 years of age; about five feet, ten inches in height; broad shoulders; stout frame; estimated to weigh 185 pounds; coarse, dark hair; blue eyes; smooth shaven face; left upper front tooth gone; and appears to the jury to have been in the water some two or three days. Deceased is clad in a red, woolen overshirt, plaided with black stripes about one half inch apart; white agate buttons. Beneath this is a woolen undershirt of clay color, with dim, drab stripes running lengthwise, about one-half inch apart, with lavender-colored agate buttons. Dark cassimere pants, buttoned around waist, with a yellowish-brown stripe (ribbed) running lengthwise; patches on both knees. Beneath these a pair of coarse, knit, gray woolen drawers. No other clothing. Three marks of violence were found upon the head, apparently made with a sharpish instrument, penetrating to, but not puncturing the skull – one in the center of the back of head, one a little to the left of center of forehead, the other in corner of cavity of the eye, between right eyebrow and base of nose.

After testimony of Thomas Biggins, Mary Goodall, Angeline Mack, Margaret Thompkins, William Cooper, James O’Brien, Barney Riley, James Gibson, and James Chandler, and the report of the examining surgeon, Dr. Skillman, ‘that the wounds were insufficient to cause death,’ we, the jury, find a verdict that deceased came to his death by means unknown to us.” Signed Roger W. Atwood, Foreman; Mich Steiner, Edwin Clement, Lawrence Duno, J. W. Van Cleve, James Kidwell, James Gray, C. O’Connell, John Leyser, L. Flacheneker, Paul Walter, and John R. Nesbit.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 9, 1865
It was our privilege yesterday to meet with this useful and very social organization at the home of Mr. Riehl, which is located on a very elevated and picturesque point of the bluff, presenting a most fascinating and more extensive view than that obtained by Moses, of olden time, from Mount Pisgah.

About ten o’clock, there was a small, but very select, party left Alton, onboard the ferry boat, for Mr. Riehl’s place and all intermediate ports. Everything passed off quietly and pleasantly until the boat was about opposite Clifton, when the cry was made that a hat was overboard. On due inquiry, it was ascertained to be the property of a late gallant and brave officer of the army, who had received a wound in defense of the cause of his country. This being the case, we all at once became intensely interested in efforts to obtain the lost prize. The boat was stopped – her engine reversed - and a sudden effort made to flank the hat, which was making its way downstream like a thing of life – swimming as gracefully and smoothly as though it had been modeled for that mode of locomotion. Our craft finally succeeded in outflanking it, but before we reached it, friend Sterrett of Clifton – who had started out on a scouting expedition in a skiff with the same object in view – surprised and brought it in triumph to the noble officer, who received it with gratitude and head uncovered, in honor of the author of the noble and daring exploit, amid the shouts and cheers of all the passengers.

Nothing further of interest occurred until we made a safe landing at our place of destination. A few rods from the shore, on our way to the house, we entered a large strawberry patch, in which there was some ten or a dozen women and girls engaged in picking berries. But the sun was too warm to stop long to witness this operation. On entering the house, we were all most cordially received by Mrs. Rhiel, and welcomed to the hospitality of the house with all the ease and politeness for which the French of the olden times are so noted.

On entering the room, we found a large number of the members of the Society present, and waiting for our party to arrive. On the table there was a great many varieties of strawberries, cherries, gooseberries, &c., being much the finest that it was ever our privilege to look upon. Particularly some strawberries raised by our whole-souled and kind-hearted host, and some cherries from Dr. Hull’s orchard. After a short time spent in social converse, we were all invited to partake of a dinner, which for variety, richness and deliciousness, cannot be surpassed in any other country except this, and cannot be equaled in this, outside the limits of this Horticultural Association.

After dinner was over, the society transacted its usual business. The members talked of strawberries, cherries, gooseberries, apples, pears, grapevines, top and root pruning, soils, subsoils, fruit committees, and award committees. This organization is made up of highly intelligent and practical gentlemen and ladies, and the meetings are generally well attended and prove both interesting and profitable to all those who attend. About 5 o’clock p.m., the different parties left for their respective homes, highly delighted with the day’s exercises.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 23, 1865
The man that was arrested some days since for stealing, was yesterday allowed to run in the corridor of the jail, by the keeper, because of the heat of the cell. No sooner was out, than he made a deadly assault upon Mr. Fish, cutting him in several places with a knife which he had procured by some means. The cries of Mr. Fish for help were heard by Messrs. Frank Ferguson, Fische, and Carr, who went to the door and rescued the poor victim from the murderous villain. As soon as the facts became known, great excitement took place, and some few advocated lynching, but better counsels prevailed. No knife has yet been discovered, and it is not known what the prisoner did with it. He doubtless expected to kill Mr. Fish and then make his escape.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 7, 1865
And as a preliminary, the old burnt walls upon the lots were this morning coming down. The third lot (the Baker lot) has also been purchased, and lumber is being hauled upon the ground. Thus, becomes certain and visible the erection of another fine mill, of dimensions equal to the notable “Wise Mill.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 11, 1865
The heavy rain of Saturday last was accompanied by thunder and lightning, and the lightning took advantage of the occasion to perform some queer antics. The dwelling of Mr. C. W. Dimmock, on Alby Street in Alton, was struck at the chimney on the northwest corner of the house, the electric fluid passing down along the firewall until it reached the tin roof of the kitchen, which it crossed to the east end of the house, running down the water pipe to where the pipe had been disconnected with the cistern, passed into the cistern pipe through a tin cap without making a hole in it, and made a hole some inch in length, through which to leave it. It seems that the fluid scattered upon leaving the pipe, as Mrs. Dimmock and daughter, in the house, and a colored man in the woodshed were all simultaneously shocked by it. Mrs. Dimmock first felt the shock in her left hand, but almost immediately it extended to her limbs and face, strangely effecting one of her eyes. Upon recovering somewhat, she found her left hand clasped in her right, and a numb, helplessness pervading her libs. She saw her daughter, fourteen or fifteen years of age, leaning against the side of the house, and upon speaking to her, was answered, but the girl could not move. She went to her and found her breathing, and called for help. The electricity had struck the toe of the girl’s shoe, and completely torn it to pieces, giving her a very severe shock. The foot was cold and lifeless as marble, but after a bath in cold water and rubbing, it was fully restored. The colored man in the woodshed was shocked so that he could not move, although he could speak. Altogether, this is one of the most singular freaks of lightning that we have ever heard of, and the escape of the family with their lives is almost miraculous.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 18, 1865
Two persons, one named Myers, accused of stealing from E. H. Goulding, and the other, named Taylor, horse thief, confined in the same cell in the city jail, sawed through the grated door of the cell last night and gained the large room, but while trying to force the outer door, were overheard and secured. The saw was furnished to the prisoners by Taylor’s wife, and she was today arrested and tried before Squire Regan, and bound over to the next term of court.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 25, 1865
Dr. S. Hull was robbed last night of his pocket book, containing about $50.00. ….. [ unreadable ] …. House and stated that he was sick and wished to stop. The Doctor kindly supplied his wants, nursed and doctored him, and he grew better under the treatment. He gave his name as Walter Banks, and said he had been a member of the 1st Missouri Cavalry. Last night, he left the premises, taking with him all the money the Doctor had about him. A reward of $25 will be paid for the arrest of the thief and securing of the money. A neighbor of the Doctor’s was robbed of $45 the night previous, and it is now supposed that the same man committed both robberies. He is about 22 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, pale complexion, and thin from recent sickness, sandy hair, one eye has been injured by a shot and the sight is totally destroyed. Had on a round top black hat, blue blouse, butternut pants and half-worn calf boots.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 25, 1865
Alton yesterday evening seemed to be filled with drunken men, who were very noisy and boilsterous. We noticed one in particular, as we were passing the confectionery store of Mr. Joesting on Second Street [Broadway]. Two men came into his store about 7 o’clock – one dressed in what appeared to us to be a cavalry suit, the other as a citizen – and called for something to drink. On being informed that there was no liquor kept there, the former grew very abusive, calling the clerk everything he could think of, using the most vulgar and indecent language possible, and on being requested to go out of the store, dared the clerk to undertake to put him out, at the same time drawing a revolver, and flourishing it around in a very careless manner. He finally went out and vented his rage on some little children, who were standing in front of the store, by throwing rocks at them, after which he passed down the street, cursing at every step. We think it is time that something was done in regard to drunken men on our streets. If men will furnish them liquor, they should at least be made to provide sufficient straw for them to roll in until they become sober.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 22, 1865
There was a woman strolling about yesterday, between Belle and State Streets, on Seventh Street, in a most beastly state of intoxication. It is sufficiently painful and humiliating to behold a man in a state of inebrincy, but it is much more so to see a woman in that condition. But King Alcohol is no respecter of person. He treats all alike who serve him, whether they be high or low, rich or poor, male or female, white or black. The only way to escape his devasting and terrible demoralizing influence is by scrupulously avoiding his charmed and fascinating dominations.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1865
We had the pleasure of a stroll through the establishment of Mr. Charles Rodemeyer on Saturday last. We found the large force of workmen busily employed in the various branches of the carriage and wagon manufacturing, while on every hand were buggies, rockaways, carriages and wagons, finished or receiving the finishing touches.

The building is four stories in height. The first story is used as the blacksmith shop and depository for material. The forges are constantly going, and the sparks flying in every direction from the strokes of the stalwart and skillful smiths. Here are fashioned all the various iron portions of vehicles, and large quantities of iron are used up.

The second story is occupied by the wood workmen, and is large, airy and roomy, and furnished with all the facilities for the execution of the fine woodwork of the beautiful buggies and carriages for which this establishment is so famous. The very best of timber is used here, and none other, by the best workmen that are to be had in the country.

In the third story are the finishing rooms. The painting, varnishing, and trimming is done on this floor, and the arrangements are most complete for giving the buggies and carriages the last finishing touches. The varnish room is one of the best in the country – not a particle of dust is allowed to accumulate, and not a speck mars the beauty of the final polish put upon the beautiful carriages. Here, also, the best workmen only are employed.

The fourth story is used for a stockroom, and is constantly replenished with the best material.

The large establishment has turned out many hundred vehicles during the past few years, and the work of Charles Rodemeyer is everywhere spoken of in terms of praise and commendation. Some 20 hands are constantly employed, and the demand for his buggies, rockaways, and wagons is constantly increasing. Those wishing good work on short notice, at reasonable cash prices, will do well to call at Rodemeyer’s. Mr. William Rodemeyer will be found constantly in the office, and customers can be assured of polite and gentlemanly dealing by either the proprietor or son. Give them a call.

Rodemeyer Carriage Factory


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1865
Riding on horseback is a useful, as well as graceful means of exercise too much neglected by young ladies. A canter for a few miles is a most admirable promoter of female beauty and health. The cheeks, the eyes, the lips, and every feature of the fair equestrian when she dismounts possesses that fresh and sparkling grace, which is one of the most important requisites of female loveliness, and which can be imparted only by the purity of the blood and its brisk and equal circulation, which are produced by temperance [no alcohol] and exercise. The pale, sickly, languid countenance of that lady whose hours of leisure have been passed without occupation in her chamber or to listlessly lounging upon a sofa or couch may present attractions to such as have selected their standard of beauty from among the victurns of a fashionable round of dissipation, but every man of sense and genuine taste will prefer the ruddy glow of health, the active, agile step and exuberant gaiety of her who is accustomed to spend some time every day in active exercise on foot or on horseback in the open air.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 24, 1865
It is now generally believed that if Alton is ever to become a city of any considerable size and importance, it must be brought about by making it, to a large extent, a manufacturing center. It possesses many rare advantages for enterprises of this character, and those who have engaged in them have been successful.

The old and well-known firm of Hanson & Co., the manufacturers of Pitts Thresher and Separators, have been engaged in business here for more than twenty-five years, and their work is to be found in all parts of this State, Iowa, and Missouri, and has proved highly remunerative to the proprietors. They have now one of the most complete and perfect machine shops to be found this side of Chicago, and furnish employment to a large number of hands.

The Illinois Iron Works, carried on by our enterprising and worthy fellow-citizen, James Patterson, is doing an extensive business, and as its reputation for executing good work becomes better known, its patronage increases, until he now has all the work which he has machinery and capacity for doing.

Messrs. Dunford & Brooks Foundry and Machine Shop, although but very recently commenced and on a very large and extensive scale, has more work than the proprietors know how to get through with.

The Alton Woolen Factory, by Mr. Nichols, although it has been running but comparatively a short time, is doing an immense business, and is turning out as fine cloth as can be purchased anywhere in the country. Owing to the large demand for goods from this establishment, the proprietors have made, during the last summer, very extensive additions to their buildings and machinery, but still they cannot supply the increased demand for their fabrics.

It is not necessary for us to speak of the success of those engaged in the milling, brewing, and distilling business, for all of our readers know these enterprises have proved preeminently successful, and those engaged in them have accumulated large fortunes.

The tobacco manufactory of Messrs. Meyers & Drummond, although comparatively new, is doing a large and remunerative business, and has already become one of the institutions of our city.

But time would fail us to speak particularly of all the manufactories in our city, but we will say, in brief, that so far as we are informed, everything of the kind attempted in Alton is doing remarkably well, and the demand for the work turned out by them is constantly on the increase. There is no place in the West which has better facilities for shipping manufactured articles than Alton. We have communications by the Mississippi River to all points south; to the north and the northwest by the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers; and the west by the Missouri. Our railroad facilities are also very great, and are unsurpassed by few places in the country. The Alton and Chicago Railroad opens up to us all of the interior of the State, between this and Chicago, and by its connecting as it does with the Great Western Road, our manufactured articles can reach all the eastern portion of the State in that direction. By the Alton & Terre Haute Road, with its connections with the Illinois Central, we have an outlet to the borders of Indiana, and from Pana through all that fine section of country to Cairo, in the South. To the South, we have communications to St. Louis and Belleville almost every hour in the day. And now, in addition to these important facilities, we have just had opened to us, or soon will have, all that fine and productive section of country lying between this place and Jacksonville; and it will not be long before we shall be directly connected by railroad communication with Peoria and Rock Island.

With such facilities for shipping as we have thus furnished to us, added to our other great advantages for manufacturing, such as the cheapness of fuel, house rent, and opportunities for cheaply and readily getting the raw material, we never should permit one bushel of wheat, corn or rye to be shipped from this point until after it is manufactured. The same also may be said in reference to the immense quantities of wool, which is now being produced in this vicinity. Neither is there any necessity for shipping cotton directly by here to an eastern market, and then going there and ordering it back in a manufactured state. The people of the West, by their lack of enterprise in this respect, are impoverishing themselves and enriching the eastern manufacturers. We have the facilities, and the capital, and there is no reason under the sun why we should not be able to manufacture all of our cotton domestics cheaper than it can be done in the East. There is a fortune for any enterprising firm which will commence a cotton mill in Alton. Who will step forward and claim it?


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 8, 1865
Mr. E. H. Goulding has moved his jewelry establishment from Third Street to the Mercantile Hall Building on Belle Street. The new store occupies one of the large rooms on the first floor, and is arranged in the most graceful and convenient manner. Large and handsome showcases have been added to his former furniture, and a very large and fashionable assortment of jewelry and silverware, ordered for the new store, has arrived and now fill them. Mr. Goulding is one of our oldest and most successful jewelers, and his enterprise and taste in fitting up so fine an establishment in Alton will be appreciated by our citizens, and we hope his heavy expense in so doing may be returned to him a thousand-fold. If you want a nice present for a wife or friend, call at E. H. Goulding’s new store on Belle Street.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 29, 1865
Early last evening, a colored girl by the name of Missouri Barrett, employed as a servant in the family of Captain George Cockrell, residing on State Street in Alton, was most terribly burned. The circumstances, as related to us by one who was present, is about as follows:

Mr. Cockrell, in lighting a lamp in the dining room, threw the match on the floor and returned to the parlor. It is supposed that the match must have continued to blaze, and falling under the clothing of the girl, who was in the room at the time, setting them on fire, and very soon afterwards she went out into the yard, when almost in a moment she was enveloped in flames from the burning of her clothing. In her fright, she ran into the house, and then through the hall into the kitchen again. By this time, she was nothing but a livid sheet of flame. As a matter of course, she was most terribly burned, nearly all the skin on her body pealing off as soon as touched. In a short time, however, through the kindness of neighbors and the physician who soon reached the house, she was carefully wrapped in flour and cotton batting, and was still living when we last heard from her, which was about 10 o’clock this morning, though there was but little hope of her recovery.

She was moved soon after the accident occurred, in a wagon or carriage, to her home, nearly a mile distant. There was probably some urgent reason for this step, but it certainly was a very hazardous one to take under all the circumstances.

We were glad to learn this morning from Captain Cockrell, that the girl, which we mentioned as being badly burned, is in a fair way of recovery. She was moved from his house at her own urgent solicitation, and is now with her mother, and is in all respects as comfortable and well cared for as she possibly could be anywhere.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 29, 1865
The most prominent of our old-established fruit growers are Messrs. Long, Dr. Hull, Messrs. Starr, Kendall, Brown, Curtis, and many others. Year after year has added evidence that upon the high river bluffs above Alton, the fruit crop is almost invariably certain and excellent. From this cause alone, therefore, those lands have become desirable – otherwise their extreme roughness of surface and thinness of soil would render them of but little value for ordinary agricultural purposes. Thus it is that lands which were purchased by the Messrs. Wise for eight dollars per acre, now sell for one hundred and fifty dollars per acres. While fruit growing is a great success in other vicinities, such as Monticello, Brighton, and upon the Sand Ridge – the bluffs extending from Alton to Grafton are regarded as fruit locality par excellence.

Dr. Hull was one of the bluff pioneers. His house now overlooks the grand Mississippi from an altitude of two hundred feet. He has an orchard of over one thousand peach trees in one body, besides pears, apples, cherries, grapes, etc. He is not a nurseryman, but is a practical and continually experimenting, producer. He produced peaches and pears the past season, and grapes which were a marvel to behold. He purchased a large tract of these bluff lands. He subsequently sold off tracks to W. C. Flagg, Esq., and to Major Long. Each of these gentlemen propose to enter upon growing to a large extent upon these lands, in addition to their extensive fruit farms.

Our worthy Mayor, Captain Hollister, has purchased a fine tract of these lands – perhaps one hundred acres – and is now clearing and fencing, and has several hundred fruit trees purchased and “heeled in” upon the ground, for early spring setting. This tract is upon the river bluff, immediately above “Hop Hollow,” and was purchased at $50 per acres – a very reasonable rate.

We learn of the sale of a small portion of Major Long’s fruit farm to Lieut. Howard, at $150 per acre, the trees being full grown and valuable.

A large sale of bluff lands has recently occurred as follows: Joseph Wise, Esq., has sold to his uncle, Peter Wise, Esq., his inherited portion of these lands – about 135 acres – for the round sum of $20,000 cash. The latter gentleman is now entering upon fruit culture vigorously.

The Grafton road, leading out of Alton, is lined with fruit farms, and now tracts are thus opening annually. Our enterprising young citizen, Andrew Hawley, Esq., is now clearing off a tract of high timberland, and from where he is now selling hundreds of cord of wood, he will ere long be producing for market hundreds of bushels of fruit.

We learn of another quite recent purchase of 22 acres of land in Sempletown, and within the city limits. John Fitch, Esq., of fame editorial, is the purchaser, at the very reasonable rate of about $100 per acre. It adjoins his home. The land is hilly, but well adapted for trees and vines, and our friend Fitch intends planting trees and vines by the thousand in the spring. At present, he is rushing the cord wood business heavily, for a city farmer, and comes into our office with stout mittens and red face, and talks of “a life in the woods for me.” As he usually makes his promises good, we rely upon that sample of fruit he is to bring us during these coming summers.

We hear of a large sale of lands and mill property quite recently – the saw mill and bluff lands of Mr. Soule to Messrs. Wells and Wise, for the sum of $20,000. The tract embraces some 50 acres, and borders in part on the river bluff. We learn that the new owners propose to sell this land, in tracts, to citizens who desire suburban residences and fruit orchards.

These sales indicate a most healthy and sound growth of Alton. The time was, a few years since, when the rough outlands of Alton were held too high by speculators, both resident and non-residents. Not long since, the tract purchased by John Fitch, Esq., of J. B. Danforth, N. 3, was held at more than double the sum he paid. The true value of these lands is their worth as land, and not as imaginative town lots. A vast amount of real estate, in the suburbs of Alton, has passed into the possession of actual occupants, within the past few years, owing mainly to the decease of the original speculative holders, and the future of Alton, as a fine, healthy, wealthy city, is brighter than ever before. Lands thus held by speculators are stumbling blocks to progress, and there are yet a few such tracts in and about our city, which we hope to see pass into other hands, speedily. The call for more houses – more dwelling places – is daily made in our streets.


Source: Madison County Gazette, 1866
Patterson's Iron Works were established by Stigleman & Co. some years since as the Illinois Iron Works. They came into the possession of Mr. James Patterson in 1863, and the name changed as above. The Works occupy a large brick building, 100x45 ft. and four stories high, as a machine shop, a second 75x45 as a foundry, with a smith shop 50x28 ft., with a capacity for the employment of one hundred workmen. Mr. Patterson now employs about forty workmen in the manufacture of threshers, engines, sugar mills, saw mills, and all kinds of mill machinery. He has recently purchased the right of an excellent thresher that is already becoming very popular among the farmers of the West.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 26, 1866
The Steam Crackery Bakery of Mr. H. N. Kendall is now in complete operation throughout, and is turning out a choice variety of crackers. Our merchants generally obtain their supplies at this house, and private families find it very convenient to have the best of fresh crackers so handy. The enterprise of Mr. Kendall deserves a large pecuniary return, and we are satisfied our citizens and the people of the surrounding country are inclined to patronize home manufactures.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 16, 1866
About one o'clock this afternoon fire was discovered in the large tobacco factory of Messrs. Myers & Drummond, on Second Street [Broadway]. But a short time elapsed after the alarm was given until the engines were on the ground. The wind, which had been high all the forenoon, blew almost due east, and owing to the extreme cold, it was found that but little could be done by the engines, and all supposed the buildings adjoining on the east would be consumed. They were cleared of everything movable and given up for lost, while the attention of the firemen was directed more especially to the buildings on Third street. Several of these were in a blaze at different times, but by the activity of the firemen and citizens, they were saved. The falling of the front and side walls and the strength and thickness of the fire wall between the factory and the next building saved all the block from the factory to Piasa Street. Messrs. Topping & Co.'s fine warehouse was in very great danger for some time, but through strenuous exertion it escaped with the loss of the window glass in the front, and some trifling scorches. Mr. John Seaton's copper and sheet iron works were destroyed, although some of the tools, &c., were taken out. The loss will fall heavily upon Messrs. Myers & Drummond, who were but partially insured. We were not about to learn further particulars in time for this issue. The buildings destroyed were of the best on Second Street.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 16, 1866
At about half past one o’clock this morning, a fire broke out in the second or third story of the three-story brick building on the northwest corner of Third and Piasa Streets, and consumed the building with nearly all its contents, and also the frame carpenter shop on the north. The cellar and first story of the brick building contained David Simms’ stock of drugs, &c. The second story was occupied in front by the Democrat editorial office, and in the rear by the Beobachter editorial and printing office, and the third story as a printing office, in connection with the Democrat. The brick building belonged to Ninian W. Edwards, Esq., of Springfield, and the carpenter shop to Messrs. Armstrong & Pfeiffenberger, and contained a quantity of unfinished work.

Isaac Scarritt & Co.’s stock of goods in the adjoining building was all removed to the opposite side of the street, but sustained no further damage than that incident to the removal. For a time, the danger to the property between Piasa and Belle Streets, on the North side of Third Street, was imminent, but the timely and efficient aid of the Altona and Washington Engines, especially the former, and the falling of the printing press from the third story, crushing the floors and carrying with it most of the combustible material, prevented such a catastrophe.

The cool, energetic, and judicious efforts of the firemen on this occasion merits the warmest commendation of the city, and we hope the City Council will give it expression.

Source: Alton Telegraph, March 2, 1866
We learn that the owners of the ground contemplate the erection of two new buildings on the corner of Third and Piasa Streets, formerly occupied by Simms Drugstore. We have not been informed as to the details, but presume the buildings will be such as to reflect credit upon the city and builders. The corner building, we understand, is to be re-erected by N. W. Edwards of Springfield, and the adjoining one by Messrs. Armstrong & Pfeiffenberger of Alton.

Source: Alton Telegraph, May 4, 1866
Our old and well-known druggist, David Simms, has now got his new store thoroughly fitted up, and everything in perfect apple pie order. He has also, as will be seen by a notice in another column, just received a very complete and new stock of goods, and is better prepared to accommodate his old friends and the public generally, than ever before. Be sure and give him a call at his new store on State, directly opposite Third Street.

The owner of the building on the northwest corner of Piasa & Third Streets was Ninian Wirt Edwards Jr., son of Ninian Wirt Edwards Sr., former Governor of Illinois Territory, Illinois Senator, and Governor of Illinois (and whom Edwardsville is named after). Ninian Jr. served as Attorney General of Illinois, Illinois Representative, and Illinois Senator. He erected a new building on the site. Gouldings Jewelry Store occupied the new building from 1870 – 1895. In later years, Vogue Clothing Store was located on the corner, and recently, Tony’s Restaurant. The Simms Drugstore was moved to State Street, directly opposite Third Street.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 23, 1866
We heard this morning of a most fiendish attack on Monday night in Alton, by a husband, while intoxicated, on his wife – with intent to kill. The facts as we learned them are about as follows (we suppress the names of the parties for the sake of the feelings of the wife, who is a highly educated and worthy lady):

The husband came into the room where the wife was sitting with an infant in her arms, and after a few words, used several abusive epithets, and then drew a pistol from his pocket and swore that he intended to kill her. She jumped up and endeavored to make her escape, when he struck her across the head with the pistol, which inflicted a severe wound. She succeeded, however, in giving the alarm. Assistance came, but it was with great difficulty he was prevented from accomplishing his murderous purpose. There not being sufficient help at hand to arrest him, he was ejected from the house, and two writs issued for his arrest – one by the wife and one by the occupant of the house where the assault was committed. But he has not as yet been arrested, although it is said that he is still in the neighborhood, and swears that he will yet kill her.

Source: Alton Telegraph, March 2, 1866
[Note: about half of this article was missing.]
We are informed by Marshal Steiner that he succeeded on last evening in arresting the man of whom we gave an account yesterday, as having attempted to take the life of his wife. The Marshal saw him walking up Piasa Street, and called the man to stop, but instead of doing this, ….. to his heels and ran into the ….. opposite the Chicago ….. the Marshal followed as _____ as possible, but found the ______ revolver drawn as if to shoot. ______ immediately seized him ____ with one hand, and pointed the pistol at the fellow headed ______ submitted, and was _____ night to await his trial.

Since the above was ____ that a trial was had _____ after hearing the _____ was bound over in ______bonds, to stand his _____ term of court, for as _____ with intent to kill. _______ he was com_______ await his trial. We did not ____________,


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 9, 1866
It gives us pleasure to state that our deserving and enterprising fellow-citizens, Messrs. Myers & Drummond, whose factory was destroyed by fire a few weeks since, have succeeded in purchasing the large and commodious building just below the Alton House, and generally known as the Walker Pork House, and intend fitting it up at once for their business. We congratulate them on getting such a good location for their manufactory, and our citizens on having this extensive business re-opened in our city. Alton could not well afford to lose a firm who employ as many hands and bring as much business here as this extensive manufactory.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 23, 1866
In addition to some larger manufactories, we understand that Messrs. Althoff & Sneeringer will commence the manufacture of tubs, buckets, and all other kinds of wooden ware, usually made in such establishments. Their machinery has already been purchased and is now on its way here. We have not yet learned definitely where they will locate their establishment, but have understood that they anticipate taking John H. Smith’s large packing house on Piasa Street for that purpose.

Mr. T. M. Boyle has just removed his extensive stock of boots and shoes into the building lately occupied by Messrs. Phinney & Barr on Third Street, and contemplates opening in the upper stories of the building an extensive manufactory of boots and shoes. Such an establishment in Alton has long been needed, and we hope the enterprising gentleman who has undertaken it may succeed beyond his most sanguine anticipations.

The manufacturing of carriages by Mr. Rodemeyer on Third Street, between Piasa and Market, and by Mr. Purdy, on Belle Street, is prosecuted on a very extensive scale, and they have a large number of skillful men in their employ. This kind of work, until a short time back, was all done in the old penitentiary.

The wagon making business is also being very extensively carried on in Alton at this time. The Messrs. Mellin have very extensive facilities for their manufacture, and also for that of plows and other agricultural implements. Mr. Richardson on Belle Street also turns out a great many wagons from his shop. This business was also, up to a short time since, monopolized by the penitentiary. We shall speak further on this subject at some future time.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 6, 1866
We yesterday visited the building which Messrs. Sneeringer & Althoff are fixing up for their Wooden Ware Manufactory on Piasa Street. They are completely overhauling the entire building, repairing and renovating it from bottom to top. It was certainly an Augean stable, but industry, perseverance, and the whitewash brush will prove sufficient to the task.

They are also engaged in preparing for putting up their machinery, which was purchased in the East, and is of the very best make in the country. It is now on its way out. But the enterprising and deserving proprietors will not be thoroughly prepared to commence operations before the middle of June. It is their expectation to employ from seventy-five to one hundred hands in the business.

This will be a very important enterprise for Alton, and we hope our people will take particular pains to make everything as pleasant and agreeable as possible to all those who show a willingness to build up our city, if the facilities which it affords for extensive manufactories of almost every kind is only improved as they ought to be.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 13, 1866
We would call the attention of the Cemetery Committee of the Common Council to the fact that the city burying ground is frequented by large flocks of chickens daily, which are playing havoc with the flowers and shrubbery which are planted in the lots. Something must be done, and at once, to stop this outrage on the feelings of the afflicted. It cannot, and should not be expected that the friends of the dead will take pains to make the grounds attractive and pleasant, if they are thus foiled in their labors of love. The Assistant Superintendent of the cemetery ought to be clothed with such legal authority as would enable him to apply some radical remedy which will effectually abate the nuisance. We hope this matter will receive the attention of the proper authorities immediately.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 01, 1866
It is with much pleasure that we direct the attention of the public to the advertisement of this establishment, to be found in another column. It will be seen that its proprietors are now prepared to receive wool, and manufacture by the yard or on shares, and that they have $50,000 worth of woolen goods on hand which they will exchange for wool on very liberal terms. Consisting of cloths, cassimeres, kerseys, satinets, jeans, linseys, shirting, sheeting, flannel, blankets, and balmoral skirts, etc., which they propse to sell cheaper than they can be bought for in the Eastern markets.

We have lately examined some of the cloths manufactured at this establishment, and find them fully equal in finish and texture to any goods imported from the East, and far more durable. A farmer told us some time since that he had been purchasing all his wearing material for several months from the mill, and that he felt safe in saying that owing to its much greater durability, it was cheaper to buy there, even if he had to pay double the price, than to purchase the shoddy imported from the East.

The proprietors of this establishment deserve much credit for being the first to practically demonstrate the face that good and desirable woolen goods can be manufactured so as to be sold cheaper on the banks of the Mississippi than it can in New England. Be sure and read the advertisement referred to.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 15, 1866
In the proceedings of our City Council on the 4th inst., I notice a formal whereas and resolve in regard to the condition of our Harbor, resulting in the appointment of a committee to examine the matter and report a plan of improvement. This is not the first time that this question has been agitated in our City Council, and a committee have been appointed who paddled about the harbor and sounded the channel to no purpose. Is any person so stupid as to suppose that our bankrupt city can afford to force the current to hug our shore and curve around the obstructions that have been for years, and are now being thrown into the river at and above the site of Mitchell’s Mill?

Suppose there was a city on the Missouri shore, opposite Alton, that needed deep water at the landing, and twelve old women of that city were called upon to devise means to improve the harbor – would they not conclude at once that all they had to do was to remain quiet, as long as there were fifty men, at the point of rocks above our landing, throwing rock, lime and ashes into the river, because that was just the thing that would destroy our landing and improve their own – they could even afford to pay Alton liberally for these deposits, and these sensible old women would see it at once.

Any person that knows anything about the Mississippi River knows that all our city had to do was to fill in and make the levee according to Hunt’s survey, as established by ordinance, commencing (as the city has) at the Penitentiary landing, running on a straight line southeast to a point wide out on the sandbar below Henry Street, filling in a wide levee below and prohibiting any filling above, then the river would have been assisted to hug our shore, as it always has done from its own accord before white men set foot in Alton. I am aware that according as the river is high or low, there will be sandbars made and washed away, but I contend there is no reason for believing that the channel would leave our landing if we would leave to the bare native rocks to guide it, which the drift and its waters have made smooth by rubbing and washing for thousands of years.

It is nonsense to query and counsel how to remedy an evil that has grown out of our own neglect. The nutshell question of the whole matter is – is it the duty of the City Council, for the accommodation of a stone quarry and lime kiln, to suffer our landing (that has cost the city many thousands) to be ruined?

General Jackson was right when he said that the President and Congress should guard the interest of the whole people, and that crafty and selfish individuals must take care of themselves. Signed, “A Resident.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 17, 1866
We had the pleasure of visiting this morning the extensive wagon and carriage manufactory of Charles Rodemeyer on Third Street, between Piasa and Market. We knew that Mr. Rodemeyer had the most complete establishment of the kind in Southern Illinois, but had no adequate idea of the extent and capacity of his factory until this morning.

It is an establishment that Alton may well be proud of, both on account of its extend and the class of vehicles here manufactured. We were conducted through all the buildings, and beheld in every room specimens of workmanship which displayed the unrivaled skill and enterprise of the proprietor. In the showroom, our attention was particularly called to an elegant and beautifully finished carriage which they have just made to order. This carriage, in all its appointments, is complete. The inside is lined with silk, the cushions are covered with the same material and stuffing with hair, and in short, it is as convenient and luxurious as could be desired. It will be a running advertisement of the skill of the builder for years.

Mr. Rodemeyer employs a force of twenty-five skillful workmen, and all work done by him is warranted. His buildings are commodious and convenient, and his arrangements for executing orders are complete.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 19, 1866
Last night, about half past twelve o’clock, a fire broke out in a small building on Second Street [Broadway], adjoining Weigler’s Hall, and at the time, untenanted. The flames soon spread to two frame buildings adjoining, one of which was occupied by Mr. C. Long as a grocery store, and the other was used as a barber shop. These buildings were entirely consumed. A two-story brick building, occupied by Mr. Rogan as a saloon, was also badly damaged by the flames, but by the exertions of the firemen, was saved from being consumed. One of the houses burned belonged to Mr. L. Bickel, the other two to Mr. McArdle.

The buildings were probably not worth more than five or six hundred dollars apiece, and we understand were insured. Mr. Long lost the most of his stock, but was insured to some extent. The occupant of the barbershop, we did not learn his name, lost everything, including $150 in greenbacks. Mr. Rogan’s stock was considerably damaged by the hasty removal. He is insured in the Illinois Mutual. The fire was no doubt the work of an incendiary.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 19, 1866
At the meeting of the Common Council yesterday, Mr. F. Wendt, Chairman of the Pauper Committee, made a report in regard to the paupers, in which, among other things, was an agreement by the Sisters of Charity to take charge of the city paupers at $14 per month, and a recommendation that they and the poor house be placed under their charge, using our new edifice, erected for the poor, as a “pest” house. He also offered a resolution adopting the report – which was carried on the following vote: Ayes – Coppinger, Wendt, Biggins, Stultz, and Simms. Nays – McPike, Crossman, Atwood, and Seaton.

To show the significance of this vote, we will state that at the time this bill was passed, there were two bids from responsible parties lying on the table, offering to take charge of the paupers for $12 per month.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 26, 1866
We were informed by two members of the Common Council that the yeas and nays were called on the passage of the resolution authorizing the Pauper Committee to remove the inmates of the Poor House to the Sisters’ of Charity Hospital, and were by them furnished with the names of those voting in the affirmative and negative. As the proceedings of the Council as printed failed to give this vote, we criticized the omission in suitable terms. But we observe that the City Clerk, Mr. F. Ferguson, in a card in the Democrat, denies that the yeas and nays were called. This is a matter for him and our informants to settle between themselves as best they may. For if the yeas and nays were called, as asserted by our informants, then our comments were just and proper; and if not, we would have taken great pleasure in setting the matter right before the public, when convinced that we had been misinformed, without the necessity of the concluding remark of Mr. Ferguson, who will probably find out as he grows older that it always looks and pays best to act like a gentleman.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 26, 1866
Many of our citizens feel indignant at the passage of a resolution in the Common Council, proposing to make a pest house out of the building erected on the cemetery grounds, for the use of the paupers. But it has been suggested that, inasmuch as a Catholic priest in Hunterstown, declared a short time since, that no Christians were buried in the cemetery, but nothing except carrion, and as a majority of the Council, judging from their late acts, sympathize with him in this declaration, it would be unreasonable to expect they will have any more respect or regard for the living who visit those grounds, than they have for the dead who are buried there. If this is so, it is not surprising that they are willing to scatter the seeds of disease, pestilence, and death among those who are in the habit of frequenting those grounds, by taking patients there who have the cholera, smallpox, or other noxious and contagious diseases. It is certainly a new thing under the sun to establish a pest house within the city limits.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 26, 1866
Among the many recent improvements which will add greatly to the present and future prosperity of Alton, we know of none of more importance than the Alton City Mills, recently erected upon Second Street [Broadway] and Levee, by Messrs. Silas W. Farber and Captain Abraham McPike. The building is four stories high, and is one hundred feet in length by seventy-seven feet in width.

The mill is elegantly fitted up with all the modern improvements which the long experience and mechanical skill of the proprietors could suggest. The building has a very prepossessing exterior, and cost, with its milling appurtenances, $75,000. It is conveniently arranged for the receiving of grain from wagons, their being a passage through the mill, by means of which teams can enter at the south entrance, discharge their load, and pass out at the opposite door. The grain from the wagons is discharged into four weighing hoppers, which are arranged along the passageway. These hoppers are all connected with a general receiver below. This receiver is connected with an elevator.

The mill contains five run of burr, with a diameter of four feet, four inches, and capable of turning out 450 barrels of the best brand of flour per day. All the machinery and the arrangements for the receiving and elevating of grain, filling of barrels, &c., are the most complete that could be devised. The engines and boilers are located in the basement story.

Mr. Farber informs us that the mill is doing an excellent business, and from what we saw, we should judge that milling was an extremely profitable pursuit if well conducted. The large force of workmen, seemed this morning to have all they could do to keep up with the demands upon their skill.

We are happy to notice such evidences of the business prosperity of Alton, and trust that the enterprising proprietors will be eminently successful in their undertaking. Alton certainly has peculiar advantages for the prosecution of the milling business, and there is no doubt that those who follow it with energy and diligence will be amply financially rewarded.

Captain Abraham McPike was born September 24, 1824, in Pike County, Missouri. He was the son of William McPike (1791-1841) and Elsa Alsey (Pritchett) McPike (1796-1848). William McPike was born in 1791 in Kentucky, and died in Pike County, Missouri in 1841.
Abraham McPike married Emma Jane Vardeman (1830-1864), who died in 1864. He also had an unknown second wife. It is unknown if Abraham is related to Henry Guest McPike from Alton.
Captain McPike entered into partnership with Silas W. Farber in 1865, in the firm of Farber, McPike & Company. They erected the Alton City Mills along the riverfront in downtown Alton. He was also the President and Superintendent of the Quincy and St. Louis Packet Company, and had other business interests. He died in January 1873 on his plantation at Edward's Point, Mississippi. Surviving were four children, one of whom was Alice McPike Harrison (1850-1870). Captain McPike was buried in the Vardeman Cemetery in New London, Missouri.

Silas W. Farber was born in Ohio on November 17, 1818. His parents were William and Elizabeth (Morrow) Farber, natives of New Jersey. He married the daughter of Captain Abraham McPike – Mary J. “Molly” McPike. In 1840, he married Mrs. Elizabeth (Kinney) Burbridge, widow of Benjamin Burbridge, who died in 1838. Silas Farber served as Alton mayor from 1867-1868, and was one of the wealthiest men in Alton. Farber, a small town in Audrain County, Missouri, was named after him.

Along with Captain McPike, Farber founded the Alton City Mill. They conducted the business until 1873, when McPike died. Farber continued the operations of the mill until his death in 1880. The mill was then purchased by J. Q. Burbridge, who sold it to Edwin O. Stanard of St. Louis. The Stanard Mill was destroyed by fire in 1901 and rebuilt, but was destroyed by fire for a final time in 1947.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 9, 1866
We noticed a few weeks since that the Messrs. Weaver had purchased the large brick building on the levee, opposite the old penitentiary, and were fitting it up as a grain elevator. We are now happy to state that this new enterprise has been completed, and that the elevator is in successful operation. The building is four stories in height, including the basement, and is admirably fitted up for accomplishing the work designed. The machinery is of the most approved pattern, with all the recent improvements which have been found of use in large elevators. The grain is received upon the first floor, where it is weighed and then passed down into the basement from whence it is raised to the highest story. The machinery is capable of elevating 5,000 bushels in twelve hours, and the building has an immense storage capacity. The proprietors are busy perfection their arrangements so as to commence shipping grain in bulk by the river, in the course of two or three weeks.

We are glad to chronicle the inauguration of this enterprise, and have no doubt of its proving an entire success. There is no point on the Mississippi with as great advantages, natural and acquired, for the shipment of grain in bulk as Alton, and the Messrs. Weaver deserve credit for their business tact in acting upon this fact. The St. Louis papers have lately been strongly advocating the establishment of elevators at East St. Louis, and any intelligent man can see that every argument for their erection at that point will apply with tenfold force to this city. Let our business men make a note of this fact. We believe we are correct in stating that the elevator just established here is the only one in the State located upon the Mississippi.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 23, 1866
Mr. F. Shelly also has a cooper shop in connection with his lime kilns, and during the year, 10,133 lime barrels were made at his factory, though these were but a small proportion of the number used in his business.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 23, 1866
Yesterday morning, about 6 o’clock, flames were discovered issuing from the brick buildings on Third Street, adjoining the Alton National Bank, and in spite of the efforts of the firemen and citizens, they were, in the course of two hours, entirely consumed. The buildings were occupied upon the first floor by J. A. Hart, clothier; Messrs. Gottlieb, dry goods dealers; and J. D. Sicher, also dealer in dry goods. The second floor was occupied by Messrs. Chaney & Levis, furniture dealers, in connection with their house on Belle Street. They were the property of Dr. Thomas M. Hope. The buildings were connected in the rear with the three-story building on Belle Street, next to the bank, and also owned by Dr. Hope. This building was occupied on the first floor by Mr. Kleinpeter as a saloon, and the adjoining storeroom was vacant. The second story consisted of offices, and the third story was the Hall of the order of Odd Fellows, English and German Lodges. This building was badly injured internally by the fire – the third story and part of the second being entirely gutted – but, by the unparalleled exertions of the firemen and citizens, was finally saved.

The bank, the building occupied by Clarkson & Co. on Belle Street, and the new building immediately adjoining these burned on the east, were in imminent danger. The bank, however, on account of having a fireproof wall and roof, was uninjured, but the deposits and valuables were removed as a precautionary measure. Messrs. Clarkson & Co. packed up some of their goods, but did not find it necessary to remove them. Mr. Kleinpeter removed his stock. The books and papers of Mr. W. C. Flagg, Collector, were also removed, as was the property in several offices of the buildings endangered.

The loss of Dr. Hope was very heavy, partially covered by an insurance of $10,000. The stock of Mr. J. A. Hart was valued at about $17,000, insured for $8,000. Mr. Sicher’s loss was reported very heavy. We did not learn the amount of his insurance. The loss of Messrs. Gottleib is also heavy, with a small insurance of about $4,500.

Messrs. Chaney & Levis lost about $10,000 in stock, and were insured for about the same amount. Messrs. Clarkson & Co.’s loss is slight – insured. Mr. Kleinpeter’s loss not ascertained. It is impossible as yet to accurately give the full amount of the loss, the insurance officers not having as yet completed their estimates, but sufficient is known to rank it among the most disastrous fires that have visited the city for a long period.

On account of the situation of the burning buildings, it was only by the most strenuous exertions that the buildings in the vicinity were saved. Too much praise cannot be accorded to the firemen and citizens for their unwearied efforts to subdue the flames. The skill and gallantry of the firemen was the theme of universal comment. The members of the Altona, Washington, and Hook & Ladder Companies all did their duty nobly. The old Pioneer engine was also pressed into the work, and rendered very valuable and effective service.

The foresight and wisdom of the Common Council, in building those large cisterns on Third Street, were abundantly demonstrated on this occasion. Had it not been for the ample supply of water thus furnished, there is no telling how disastrous the fire might have proved. They undoubtedly saved a large part of the business portion of the city from destruction.

We are pleased to learn that Dr. Hope has already made arrangements to replace the buildings destroyed on an enlarged scale – his enterprise and promptness are worthy of commendation. The cause of the fire is involved in mystery. There is even a dispute as to which of the stores upon Third Street the fire originated. An investigation will probably make this point clear before long. We shall endeavor to give a correct account of the losses as soon as the insurance officers have completed their estimates.

The officers of the Alton National Bank, this morning, presented the Altona and Washington Engine Companies, and the Hook and Ladder Company, with a check for $50 each, as a token of their appreciation of their invaluable services at the fire yesterday morning.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 23, 1866
Last night, about 12 o’clock, the magnificent three-story brick building on Third Street, recently erected by Messrs. Kirsch & Scheiss, fell to the ground with a tremendous crash, and was rendered a complete wreck. Part of the west wall of the building, to the height of two stories, rested upon the east wall of the building adjoining, which was destroyed by fire on Sunday morning. This wall having been weakened by the fire, and the burning out of the supporting joists, proved not strong enough to bear the great pressure of the new building, and last night it gave way, and the whole building, in consequence, fell to the ground.

The building had been completed without, but was not entirely finished within. The cost was $10,000, and the loss must be very nearly total. The proprietors have an insurance upon it of $7,000, but we understand that there is some discussion as to whether the insurance policy will hold good in this case, although the destruction of the building was certainly caused, primarily, by the fire on last Sunday morning.

The fall of the building caused considerable damage to the adjoining house, just fitted up by Mr. Trenchery as a music store. The balconies in the rear were demolished, and the roof badly damaged. Most of the debris, however, fell upon the ruins of the buildings destroyed on Sunday morning, and into the street. It is fortunate that the accident did not occur in the daytime, as loss of life would almost inevitably have resulted to passersby.

It is to be hoped that builders and others will learn a much-needed lesson from this disaster, and that is to erect their buildings with walls independent of other structures. The walls of the Alton Bank were independent and fireproof, which accounts in a great measure for its escape from injury when the fire raged upon two sides of it. One great cause of the spread of conflagrations in the same block is that the fire is communicated from one building to another by means of the joists, in adjoining structures, resting upon the same wall. The total destruction of this splendid building was owing entirely to its west wall not being an independent one. The warning thus given is certainly grave enough to lead to an investigation as to the general safety of buildings thus constructed.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 30, 1866
On Saturday night last, as Mr. Aldried Kingsley, a workman in the employ of Mr. G. D. Sidway, was on his way to his boarding house, when near Henry Street, he was suddenly assailed by an unknown man, who before resistance could be offered, cut his throat from ear to ear, and then escaped. The wounded man was kindly cared for, and we learned this morning that there was some hope of his recovery. He is an unmarried man, and is entirely ignorant of any reason why he should be thus attacked. We are glad to learn from the proceedings of the Common Council that the city authorities are using their best endeavors to detect the perpetrator of this horrible outrage. No effort should be spared to secure the arrest and conviction of the guilty party.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 14, 1866
Messrs. Maupin and Quigley, the enterprising proprietors of the popular house on Belle Street known as China Hall, are determined not to be outdone by no establishment in the West, in the style, variety, elegance, and durability of their assortment of house furnishing goods. We were pleasantly surprised at noticing the extent of their stock and its adaptability in the wants of the Western trade. Their assortment of Chinaware ranges from sets of desirable stone china to the most stylish services. Their stock of cutlery is complete, and of the best materials. Of general house furnishing goods, they have a great variety of just such as are needed in every family. They are also well supplied with skates, sleds, etc. The public will do well to give Messrs. Maupin & Quigley a call.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 14, 1866
A most terrible calamity occurred yesterday afternoon at the pond near the State Street schoolhouse, by which three school children were drowned. The pond was covered with a thin coating of ice, and at the afternoon recess, some of the boys ventured upon the ice, and two of them – John J. Montie, aged ten years, and Robert B. Smiley, aged nine years, broke in. On hearing her brother’s cry for help, Orlan M. Montie rushed to the opening where he sank, and caught hold of him. Just then, the ice gave way under her, and she, too, sank. Although assistance was immediately summoned and every effort made by neighbors and passersby to rescue the children, they had been in the water fully half an hour before they could be gotten out. Two of the children were taken to the residence of Anson Platt, Esq., and every possible measure employed by physicians and friends to resuscitate them, but everything was in vain.

This is one of the saddest accidents we have ever had to record, and the sympathy of the whole community for the afflicted families has been excited by the calamity. The noble heroism of the girl, in endeavoring to rescue her drowning brother and losing her own life in the attempt, is above all praise. The sad fate of these children should be a warning to all, not to venture upon the ice while there is a doubt of its safety. We sincerely hope never again to be called upon to chronicle such a sorrowful occurrence.

The three children were all members of the Methodist Sunday School, and their funerals, together with that of another pupil of the school – a daughter of Mr. Henry Wissore – took place this afternoon from the Methodist Church. Dr. Frazier, the pastor, being absent, Rev. Mr. Jameson officiated, assisted by Rev. Dr. Taylor. Thus, four members of the Sunday School were buried at one and the same time.

The scholars from the public schools where the children attended came to the church in a body, as well as many pupils from other schools. The great number of children present, together with friends and neighbors, crowded the church to its utmost capacity. There were twenty-four pallbearers in all, eighteen from the Methodist Sunday School, and six from the public school. A sadder funeral has seldom been witnessed in Alton, and its lesson will probably be long impressed upon the minds of the children who were present.

[Notes: Burials of Robert B. Smiley, Orlan and John Monti, and the daughter of Henry Wissore, were in the Alton City Cemetery.]


Fire Destroys Buildings
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 25, 1867
Alton was last night visited by another disastrous conflagration. The buildings destroyed were two three-story houses on Second Street [Broadway], near Piasa – one of them owned by Mr. T. Biggins, and occupied by Mr. H. Slipe as a tobacco factory, and the other owned by Mr. A. G. Smith, and occupied on the first floor by Mr. A. L. Brennan as a billiard saloon. The second floor of this building was known as Liberty Hall, and the third was occupied by Mr. John Ratterton as a paint shop.

The fire broke out about midnight, and originated in the tobacco factory, but we have been unable to ascertain in what manner. The engines were promptly on the ground, but on account of the intense cold, it was some time before they could commence playing upon the flames, and such a headway had the fire by that time, that the buildings were soon totally consumed, in spite of all the efforts of citizens and firemen.

It is fortunate that the air was perectly still at the time, for had there been any wind, the conflagration would have doubtless spread to other buildings immediately adjoining, and in the vicinity. As it was, it was only by great exertions that the fire was prevented from crossing the alley and communicating to the buildings upon Third Street. The loss is very heavy, and partially covered by insurance. Most of the parties who suffered by the fire were insured with Messrs. Kellenberger & Dolbee.

Building to be Erected After Fire
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 8, 1867
Workmen this morning commenced the work of erecting buildings on Third Street, on the site of those destroyed by the fire, and preparations are also being made to rebuilt the fine business house of Messrs. Kirsch & Scheiss, which was destroyed by the falling of the walls. Dr. Hope, we understand, intends erecting two fine, three-story buildings in place of those burned, and we presume that the building of Messrs. Kirsch & Schweiss will be fully equal in appearance to the one destroyed. When these buildings are completed, they will add much to the appearance of Third Street, as well as assist in accommodating the demand for business houses. We hope to chronicle the erection of many more substantial and imposing edifices during the coming building season.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 25, 1867
We have been visited with a heavier fall of snow than that veracious individual, “the oldest inhabitant,” ever remembers to have seen before in Alton. The storm commenced on Saturday morning, and the snow fell steadily from that time until late last night, and this morning found the ground covered with some fifteen inches of snow on a level, giving to the city a decidedly arctic appearance. Our telegraphic reports state that the storm was very extensive, and was the heaviest of the season. The delays occasioned to railroad trains are innumerable, and it will probably be some days yet before the roads are entirely unobstructed. The yesterday evening’s train for Chicago did not leave St. Louis. The streets on Sunday were almost impassible for pedestrians, consequently the number of church goers was very small, and the evening service in most of the churches was suspended.

The possessors of fast horses and stylish cutters will doubtless enjoy several gala days before the snow departs. For the benefit of those of our readers who are not fortunate enough to own sleighs, we publish the following old substitute for a sleigh ride, which everyone can enjoy, viz: “Sit down in your hall in your night clothes, with both doors open, to secure a draft; put your feet in a tub of ice water, hold an icicle in each hand, shut your eyes and ring the dinner bell, and you can’t tell the difference between this operation and the original.”

The sleighing is all that the most exacting could desire. From morning till night, the streets are filled with every description of sleigh, from a dry goods box mounted upon runners, to the stylish cutter and the great four-horse sleigh. The evening air re-echoes with the joyous swells of the musical bells and the merry shouts of the pleasure seekers. The jangle of the sleigh bells and the peals of laughter blend more beautifully on a winter’s night, than did ever the voice of a serenade with the notes of his “light guitar.” But we had no intention of becoming sentimental, and will simply advise anyone who is skeptical on the subject of the pleasures of sleighing to try it.

Male and female relations may be judged accurately by their way of riding in a cutter. For instance, if you meet a couple, one of whom is a female and the other ‘aint, and the one that ‘aint trying to make figures with a whip on the snow, and squirting tobacco juice into the circles, while the woman looks straight ahead or leans a little t’other way, it may be safely set down as a man and wife of some time standing. If two youthful heads are bent down over some pretended curiosity on the robe, while the horse has the getting ahead wholly left to his own discretion, this indicates the first symptoms of a softening of the heart and generally of the brain. When you meet a dashing pair, with a team that is equally on the dash, ribbons all around the driver’s arms, with a mighty long whip in the socket, they may be set down as somebody else’s wife taking an airing with somebody else’s husband. When you see a blooming young widow snugging up to a beaver overcoat like a sick kitten to a hot brick, this means a wedding – if the widow can have her way about it.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 29, 1867
We had the pleasure yesterday of looking through the extensive hardware establishment of Messrs. Topping Bros. & Co., No. 26 and 27 Second Street [Broadway], and found that we had had but a very faint conception of the great extent of the business transacted by this house. The main building is three and a half stories high, exclusive of the basement, and is filled from cellar to garret with every description of goods pertaining to the hardware trade. Besides this, there are two buildings located on either side, one of them three stories in height, in each of which are stored large amounts of the timber used in wagon making, and the more bulky class of hardware. To give an adequate idea of the extent and variety of their stock is impossible in the limits of this notice, our readers can, however, form some idea of it from out statement of the amount of storage room it requires, and from the fact that it is by far the largest assortment of hardware, cutlery, and carriage and wagon materials to be found in the West. Even in Chicago and St. Louis there is no establishment that has a stock that can compare with this.

Messrs. Topping Bros. & Co.’s supply of pocket and table cutlery is imported directly from the manufacturers in England, and is unexcelled. Of mechanics’ and carpenters’ tools, farmers’ and gardeners’ implements, they have an endless variety – all direct from the manufacturers and of the best workmanship.

Some conception of the extent of their carriage and wagon stock can be formed from the statement that in this branch alone, they require the entire product of three large factories in Indiana. Of carriage trimmings and hardware, a large and complete assortment is kept, while of iron and steel of every description, they have a stock that is unrivaled in quality and variety.

This house has won an enviable reputation throughout the West, and we advise any of our readers who are skeptical in regard to Alton’s being a good point for transacting a profitable wholesale business to visit it and examine the extent of its stock, and note the enterprise and energy of its proprietors.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 19, 1867
About three o’clock this morning, flames were discovered issuing from the Real Estate and Insurance office of J. T. Rice in the City Hall building. The alarm was promptly sounded, and hose was laid to the fire from the cistern in the Altona Engine House, and water was forced through it without the engine’s being moved from the building. In this way, the flames were speedily subdued, and the magnificent edifice saved from destruction. The office was damaged to the amount of about three hundred dollars, and the furniture, &c., to about the same amount. Fortunately, all of Mr. Rice’s valuable papers were uninjured. It is thought that the fire originated from a large wooden spittoon, filled with sawdust, into which cigar stumps were sometimes thrown.

This was an exceedingly narrow escape for the city building, as the delay of a few moments on the part of the firemen, or the inability to obtain water at once, would inevitably have resulted in its destruction.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 26, 1867
A fire broke out this morning about four o’clock in the two-story brick building on Belle Street, near the corner of Fifth Street, occupied by Messrs. Chandler & Valkel as a candy manufactory, and also by Mr. P. M. Smith, who had therein a stock of notions and fancy dry goods. So great headway had the flames made when discovered, that it was impossible to save the building. The second story was occupied by Mr. Chandler and his family as a dwelling, and so rapid was the progress of the flames, that the inmates were obliged to make their escape in their night clothes, through the upper windows, by means of the ladders of the Hook and Ladder Company. Mr. Chandler himself jumped from a window to the ground, and sprained his ankle severely.

Through the great exertions of the firemen and their skillful handling of their apparatus, the buildings upon either side of the one destroyed were save, although they were in the greatest danger, and were several times in flames. We would learn nothing in regard to the probably origin of the fire.

The entire loss on the building and stock is estimated at not less than $10,000. The insurance is very small – Mr. chandler had $2,000 on the building, and nothing on his furniture and stock. Mr. Smith had an insurance of $1,000 on his stock. Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. Chandler in his great loss.

Thus, the record of another fire is added to the many that have visited our city within the last eight months, and although our fire companies use their hand machines with rare skill and success, still it certainly seems as if the City Council should lose no time in procuring a steam fire engine, and thus do what lies in their power to stay the course of the carnival of fire that has been going on in our midst for the last few months.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 3, 1867
One of the oldest and most extensive dry goods houses in Alton is that of P. B. Whipple & Co., corner of State and Third Streets. The store has recently been refitted and rearranged in the most convenient and agreeable style, and customers cannot find a pleasanter place in which to deal.

The Spring and Summer stock of goods of this establishment, now arriving, is unusually large, and comprises everything required to meet the demands of the local and country trade. All the goods have been selected with care, and are especially adapted to meet the wants of this community. To those of our readers who have a weakness for the best of goods at the lowest prices, we take pleasure in recommending this house.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 3, 1867
A young woman by the name of Mary Franklin, about twenty years of age, from Sparta, Randolph County, was on her way to Atlanta in this State, and reached Alton on the Terre Haute Railroad about sundown, on Monday night. On getting off the cars, she inquired the way to the Chicago & Alton Depot, and on reaching it, found that the train had gone, and that she could not leave until the next morning. Her next object was to find a boarding house where she could remain until the morning train, her means not being sufficient to justify her in going to a hotel. She therefore inquired of a young man she met if he could direct her to a boarding house. He told her that there was one above the Round House, and that he would show her the way, or words to that effect. She, suspecting no harm, accompanied him. After reaching the vicinity of the Round House, he managed, by refusing to give her her carpet sack, to detain her for a few minutes until he was joined by a companion, when the two – it being now quite dark – suddenly assaulted her, grasping her by the throat to prevent her from crying for help, and each in turn violated her person. They then robbed her of what little money she had and left her. Although almost crazed, she managed to reach the house of some persons living in the vicinity, where she was kindly cared for.

Yesterday, two young men named, respectively, James Motley and George Gent, were arrested on suspicion of having done the deed. Gent was tried in the afternoon before Justices Middleton and Quarton, when he was fully identified by the girl as one of the villains, and his guilt clearly established. He was sent to jail to await his trial next week before the Circuit Court at Edwardsville. Motley was tried this morning, but discharged, no evidence appearing against him. But meanwhile, another man by the name of James Gibbons, had been arrested, and as soon as he was brought into court, was identified by the girl as the other party, and his guilt clearly proven. He also was sent to jail to await his trial at the same time with Gent.

The utmost indignation is felt against the perpetrators of this fiendish outrage, and it is hoped that they will receive a life term in the penitentiary. The greatest sympathy is expressed for the young woman, who is a respectable, unassuming country girl, and she will be properly cared for until the time of the trial comes off.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 3, 1867
We understand that the Colored Methodists in Alton are about erecting a church edifice for the use of their denomination. It is to be located upon Fourth Street, one block east of Henry – a convenient and desirable location.


Source: New York, NY Clipper, June 29, 1867
The steamer Robert E. Lee, running on the lower Mississippi trade, which recently made the trip from Memphis to Cairo in the unequalled time of 17 hours and 12 minutes, has just eclipsed this performance, making the run between those points in nearly two hours less time than any other boat. She left Memphis on Saturday, June 15th, at 10 o'clock A. M., arriving at Cairo on Sunday at 2.43 AM. The quickest run ever made by any steamer between the two points before the Lee made her first quick trip was made by the City of Alton in seventeen hours and fifty minutes, winning the horns from the Mollie Able, which made the run in 19 hours 10 minutes. The horns are a large pair of elk horns, finely gilt, supporting a Union shield, bearing the inscription "Time from Memphis to Cairo 19 hours 40 min." Bearing this message upon the horns, "Steamer Mollie Able" on the other side, "Time from Memphis to Cairo, 17h. 50m. Beat this and take back the horns, Steamer City of Alton." The Lee sports the antlers.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 5, 1867
The dedication today of the Odd Fellows’ new Hall on Third Street was an imposing demonstration. The procession was formed upon Third Street about half past ten o’clock, and the different Lodges, clad in their rich and elegant regalia, presented a fine appearance. The procession extended from Piasa to State Street, with the members standing in close order in double ranks. In front of the procession was a large and richly decorated car drawn by four horses, and in which were three beautiful young ladies representing Faith, Hope, and Charity. Towards the rear of the line was also another car containing an elegant velvet pavilion, within which was seated one of the leading members of the Order. Mr. M. M. Hyatt acted as Grand Marshal, and the music on the occasion was furnished by Murphy’s Silver Cornet Band.

After marching through the principal streets of the city and up into Middletown, the members of the organization repaired to their Hall, where the dedicatory services took placed, conducted by Past Grand Sire Isaac M. Veitch of St. Louis, at the close of which the procession moved to the City Hall, where the oration was delivered by Grand Secretary Willard of Springfield, Illinois. Besides the Lodges in Alton, which were out in force, the following Lodges from neighboring cities and towns were represented:

Germania Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F.; Excelsior Lodge No. 13; Wingmund No. 27; Pride of the West No. 108; Mound City Encampment No. 19; St. Louis Degree Lodge No. 1, all of St. Louis.

Elsah Lodge No. 269, Elsah Jersey County; Jerseyville Lodge No. 53, Jerseyville; Charter Oak Lodge No. 258, Bunker Hill; Edwardsville Lodge No. 46, Edwardsville; Six Mile Lodge No. 86, Venice; Macoupin Lodge No. 107, Carlinville; Ridly Encampment No. 9, Jacksonville.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1867
This organization contemplates erecting a church building on Fourth Street, just below Henry, which will be a credit to the church, and no doubt tend greatly to its growth and usefulness. They expect to place a building in that locality which will cost, when finished, some four or five thousand dollars. The members of the church and congregation are making great sacrifices for its accomplishment, but still it will be seen by an advertisement in another column that they feel called upon to appeal to the public for additional aid. It is a deserving and worthy enterprise, and we hope they will meet with a hearty response from our citizens.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 30, 1867
The meeting of the Board of Trade yesterday evening was more numerously attended than usual. A principal part of the interest of the meeting was centered in the statements of Mr. C. Colne of Washington, in regard to the establishment of Glass Works in Alton. His design is to form a stock company for this purpose. The Board were so well pleased with his statements and plans that they appointed a committee, consisting of Messrs. Drummond, Washburne, Chouteau, and Miller, to introduce Mr. Colne to our citizens, and further his object by every means in their power. The amount of stock required is small, and we hope it will be subscribed and the factory established. Several citizens, we understand, have already pledged themselves to take a part of the stock.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 27, 1867
A barge arrived at the levee this morning, loaded with large blocks of marble from the Grafton quarries. The marble is for the front of the costly building now being erected on State Street by Mr. H. Busse. This will be the first building, we believe, ever erected in Alton in which this famous material has been used to any extent.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 17, 1867
About half past ten o’clock this morning, a wooden building in the rear of Chaney & Levis’s and Maupin & Quigley’s stores was discovered to be on fire. So combustible was its material, that in a few moments it was wrapped in flames and gave forth an intense heat. So quickly did the flames spread, that in short time, the stores occupied by Chaney & Levis, Maupin & Quigley, M. I. Lee & Co., and E. Trenchery were on fire. Everyone saw that nothing but the most determined efforts could save the city from a terrible conflagration, the citizens therefore went to work with a vim and energy we have never seen equaled, to stay course of the fire. At first, water was carried by hand, but soon the “Pioneer” engine arrived on the ground and took her station at the cistern opposite Root & Platt’s. In a moment, the hose was laid and the engine was playing upon the flames. In a few moments more, the “Washington” arrived, and took her station at Holten’s cistern on Belle Street, from whence the hose was carried through one of the stores, from whence water was thrown directly on the flames. During all this time, the citizens were working manfully, and it soon became evident that the buildings would be saved.

Chief Engineer Pfeiffenberger was everywhere at once, directing and advising, and his skillful efforts produced the best results. Messrs. Seaton and Dimmock, as well as other prominent citizens, rendered most valuable assistance. The Altona engine was being repaired at Hanson & Co.’s, and was not on the ground till late, but after the engines had all got fairly at work, the flames were quickly subdued.

The old frame building destroyed was less than valueless, but Messrs. Chaney & Levis’ building was damaged to the amount of $200. Messrs. Hart & Son’s building, occupied by Maupin & Quigley, was damaged to about the same amount, and the stock of Messrs. Maupin & Quigley also damaged slightly. The damage of Mr. C. Rodemeyer’s building, occupied by M. I. Lee & Co., was slight. Mr. E. Trenchery estimates his los son stock and building at $600. All the losses are covered by insurance, we believe.

Mercantile Hall was in much danger, as were all the buildings in the vicinity. Messrs. Kirsch & Scheiss’ building was protected by iron shutters and was unharmed. It was only by the most determined efforts that we were saved from a great conflagration. The outhouse is the one which many citizens petitioned the council at its last meeting to remove, but the matter was by them referred to the Committee on Fire Department. The fire was doubtless the work of an incendiary.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 8, 1867
The new packet now being built on the Ohio by the Alton Packet Company will be one of the most spacious and elegant on the Mississippi. She is also designed to surpass in swiftness as the famous steamer, Altona, which has long plied between Alton and St. Louis. The new steamer is to be called the Belle of Alton, or Alton Belle – the latter, we think is rather the more euphonias. We are indebted to Captain Bruner for the following description of the new steamer: length over 235 feet; beam 34 feet; depth of the hold, six feet in the clear; floor, 34 feet; two engines, 7 feet stroke by 24 inches bore; water wheels, 12 feet; bucket, 28 feet in diameter; saloon cabin with nursery.

We presume that the new steamer will be able to land passengers from Alton at the St. Louis levee in about the same time as the trains on the Chicago Railroad.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1867
We had the pleasure this morning of visiting the historical room and museum just opened in Mercantile Hall Building, Belle Street, by Mr. John Robinson. We found the large room in which the museum is located well filled with a great variety of objects of interest, arranged with taste and judgment. The collection is from many different parts of the world, and consists of stones and minerals, relics from the ruins of “Herculaneum and Pompeii;” weapons of war from different nations; beautiful birds and curious fish; cloth and other articles made by Indians and Chinese; a choice collection of shells; weapons captured during the wars; a large collection of fossils and fossil impressions; choice coral formations; a large coral cup from Singapore; and a rare specimen of the Polypus. Reading matter and Stereoscopic views are also at hand for the use of visitors without extra charge. Admission 25 cents; children 15 cents. Tickets can be obtained at the bookstores.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 20, 1867
A brewery located near the Alton City Cemetery, and owned by a German named Miessner, has been seized by Collector Flagg for violating several sections of the Internal Revenue Law. The sale of the effects of the establishment takes placed on January 12.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 20, 1867
The Cave Spring property, recently purchased by Mr. Myers, of the firm of Myers & Drummond, has been enclosed with a substantial fence. It comprises some ten or eleven acres, and embraces the handsomest residence site in the city of Alton.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 20, 1867
The members of the German Lutheran Church have purchased a bell for their fine edifice on Henry Street. It has an excellent tone, and can be heard at a great distance.


Young Men’s Christian Association
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 20, 1867
The Hunterstown Mission Sabbath School was organized in the year 1858, under the auspices of the Young Men’s Christian Association. It, like all other useful institutions, has had its difficulties to overcome and hard work to perform, but those who have been mainly responsible for its management have never faltered or yielded to these difficulties for a moment. The result has been that the school continued constantly to increase in numbers and usefulness. It is not now, nor never has been, denominational in its character, but its doors have been wide open for all to enter it, without regard to their religious belief, nationality, or pecuniary circumstances. It has likewise always been regarded as an open field for all to labor, as teachers, who love the Lord Jesus Christ, and desire to do good to the rising generation.

For several years’ past, this school has been held in Esquire Weigler’s large hall on the corner of Henry and Second [Broadway] Streets. But about a year since, some large-hearted and benevolent gentlemen, who felt that the school ought to have for its highest usefulness, a room under its control, undertook with such aid as the friends of the school could give, the erection of a home for it. The building was undertaken in the summer, and was pushed forward with all practicable haste, and is now finished and ready for occupancy. It is located on a large and beautiful lot on the corner of Henry and Sixth Street, in the center of four or five thousand inhabitants, many of whom have no other religious privileges except such as are afforded them in that school. The building is 66 feet long by 36 feet in width, and is built of brick in a substantial manner, with large windows. The room in the inside is 18 feet from floor to ceiling, making as handsome and comfortable a room as can be found in any of our church edifices in the city. It is as yet, however, only furnished with temporary seats. The entire cost, when completed as contemplated, will amount to nearly $5,000.

Yesterday was the time fixed for dedicating this building to God for religious purposes, and in connection with these exercises, the Monthly Union Sabbath School concert of the different churches was invited to meet there. At an early hour, the room was filled to its utmost capacity. The exercises were opened by one of the teachers in the Mission School, after which the audience was addressed by the following gentlemen in ten-minute speeches, viz:

The Rev. Mr. Jameson, Pastor of the Baptist Church; Mr. Isaac Scarritt, Superintendent of the Presbyterian Sabbath School; Rev. Mr. Coulter of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church; Rev. Dr. Taylor, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church; Rev. Dr. Frazer, Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church; and Mr. Greenwood, Superintendent of the Cumberland Presbyterian Sabbath School, in very appropriate and interesting remarks, interspersed with some excellent singing by the teachers and members of the school. Mr. James Newman, who has long been the active and efficient Superintendent of the Mission School, then gave the audience a brief and interesting history of the school, and closed with some stirring, practical remarks. Dr. Frazer was then called upon to dedicate the edifice to the worship of God by solemn prayer, after which the audience was dismissed by the Rev. Dr. Taylor.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24, 1868
In the rear of Second Street [Broadway], nearly opposite the City Hall, is the oldest house in this section of country, and as it is now about to be torn down to make room for Messrs. Kirsch & Schiess’ new building, perhaps a short sketch of it may be of interest to our older citizens. It has for many years been concealed from view by a brick building standing directly in front of it, but within a day or two, this brick building has been torn down for the above-named purpose, and the bare logs and gaunt rafters of the old house now stand revealed to the passersby. But workmen have commenced tearing down its ancient walls also, and we therefore advise those of our citizens who are interested in old landmarks to visit the place at once.

The original town of Alton was laid out early in 1817 by Colonel Easton. A few log cabins had previously been built, none of which are now standing. Late in 1818, Colonel Easton made a contract with William G. Pinckard and Daniel Crume for the building of four log cabins on different parts of the town site. The plan was subsequently changed so as to unite two of these int one, which was put up, and is the house referred to above. It was built of hewn white oak logs, and in after years, was covered with weather boarding and various additions added. It was for many years known as the Hawley House, and in early days was the hotel of the place. Many of the first settlers of Alton made it their headquarters on their arrival. We visited the building today, and found that the dimensions of the original house, exclusive of subsequent additions, were 24x36, and was one story and a half in height. The white oak timbers, of which it was built, are still in a good state of preservation. In a new country like this, a house which has been standing within a few months of fifty years, is an object of rare interest, and everyone should take a look at this one before it is demolished, as they may never look upon as ancient a one again.

Source: Alton Telegraph, January 31, 1868
Several of the early settlers of Alton, who have a reverence for “old times,” have, within the past few days, during the demolition of the old “Hawley House,” visited the premises and provided themselves with various pieces of the ancient logs, to be made into canes and other articles, and kept as relics. We were yesterday shown a cane made from one of the timbers, which was perfectly solid and substantial, and no one would have suspected that it had been exposed to the winds and storms of half a century.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24, 1868
On Saturday, a serious row took place at the “Hotel de Ireland,” on Piasa Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. It originated in a quarrel, which took place on the ice during the day between two of the boarders – ice-cutters. In the evening, they met again at the hotel, and the difficulty was renewed. They soon came to blows. A third party then joined in, and on a fourth party’s attempting to separate the combatants, a general melee took place. Knives were used freely, and three of the parties were stabbed about the head and face. The man who interfered to stop the row was also cut in the hand while trying to wrest a knife from one of the combatants. Four of the parties engaged were arrested and lodged in jail. None of the wounds inflicted are dangerous, although one man is severely stabbed.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 7, 1868
A leap year skating party is an event so rare in its occurrence, and so enjoyable in its participation, that it is certainly worthy of being chronicled. For a day or two past, it was noticed that several ladies, mostly of Middletown, were engaged in preparations for some mysterious event, the details of which were carefully concealed from their gentlemen friends. The latter only knew that something strange and wonderful was about to take place, in which they were interested, but knew not what to expect. The problem, however, was solved in artful style in which the ladies adjusted (or tried to) the skates of the gentlemen, or how they showered upon them a multitude of those delicate attentions supposed to be the prerogatives of the sterner sex. Under these circumstances that the evening should pass delightfully was a matter of course, and that the gentlemen should discover new and unthought of attractions in moonlight skating, was also to be supposed. But the surprise of the masculines can be imagined, when they were, about ten o’clock, escorted from the ice to Conway Barbour’s Hotel [top floor of the Union Station Depot near Front Street in Alton], where private parlors and a sumptuous oyster supper awaited them. And here we will drop the curtain, only revealing the fact that the ladies presided over their banquet with charming dignity, and afterwards saw that the gentlemen reached their homes in safety.

We add, in closing, that so pleasant did the gentlemen present find the attentions lavished upon them, that they have each and every one become at long advocates of woman’s rights, at least where parties and excursions are concerned.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 14, 1868
We have never seen an audience more highly pleased than was the one which assembled on last Tuesday evening at the Mercantile Hall, to listen to the lecture of Frederick Douglass on “Reconstruction.” At an early hour, the large hall was filled to overflowing with as intelligent and refined audience we have ever seen assembled at a public gathering in Alton. Quite a large number of colored persons were present, who had gathered to hear the remarks of the great champion of the rights of their race.

Frederick DouglassMr. Douglass is, in every respect, a remarkable man. Born a slave, he was 22 years old before he shook off the shackles of bondage, and asserted his right to his own manhood. Since that time, struggling against prejudices and difficulties, which few of a more favored race can appreciate, he has fairly won his place among the front rank of American orators, and is the recognized leader and defender of his race in this country. In person, he is tall and graceful, with a commanding presence. His head is covered with a profusion of iron-gray hair, and his face bears that unmistakable imprint of genius, which no darkness of the complexion can conceal. Mr. Douglass’ diction is elegant and forcible, and his appearance and gestures those of the finished and cultivated orator.

The lecturer was introduced to the audience by a colored gentleman of Alton, Mr. Richardson, and for two hours he held the audience spellbound by the force of his logic and the power of his eloquence. At one moment, all were shouting with laughter at some brilliant flash of wit, and at the next, they were hushed into almost breathless silence as the speaker propounded some royal truth or elaborated a convincing argument.

Our space forbids even a resume of his arguments, and we can only say that all his positions were well chosen and utterly impregnable. He advocated, with great ability, the policy of making several radical changes in our Constitution and form of government – the most important of which were the taking from the President the power of removing office holders without the consent of the Senate, the abolishment of the veto power, and the abolition of the office of Vice-President. His arguments for the second of these measures, drawn mainly from the practice of the British government, were peculiarly strong, while those in favor of the abolition of the Vice-President, drawn from its practical workings, were perfectly unanswerable.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 21, 1868
A sad accident took place this morning about half past eleven o’clock, atAlton Cracker Company Kendall’s Steam Bakery, by which two employees of the establishment, named Henry Hancock and William Nierman, were badly injured. The two men ascended to the third story of the building on the elevator, for the purpose of lowering barrels of flour to the basement. They placed six barrels upon the elevator, and then commenced descending. When about two-thirds of the way down, the rope broke, and the loaded elevator was precipitated with a crash to the basement of the building. Both the men were terribly bruised by the fall. Hancock, besides minor bruises, had a severe cut on the back of his head, but the skull was not broken. Up to last accounts, he remained insensible. Nierman, in addition to cuts about the head, had, it was thought, both shoulders fractured. The wounded men were skillfully attended by Dr. Williams, and it is presumed will recover. Both of them have families.

No blame is attached to the proprietor in the matter, as it was against the rules of the establishment to lower more than four barrels of flour at once, and the men had overloaded the elevator by putting six barrels upon it.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 21, 1868
Sunday night, about fifteen minutes after eleven o’clock, the watchman at the City Hall, Mr. William Agne, discovered fire in the cellar of Mr. L. Flackenecker’s Grocery Store on Second Street [Broadway]. He at once gave the alarm, and in a short time several citizens were aroused and on the ground. The fire had originated in a barrel in the cellar, and communicated to surrounding articles. A fire also was discovered on the first floor of the grocery store, we are informed by gentlemen who were first at the scene, but through the exertions of citizens and the assistance of the Altona Engine Company, the flames were entirely subdued. Just after the firemen had returned to the engine house with the machine, another fire, however, was discovered issuing from the third story windows of the same building, and on rushing upstairs, the whole room was found to be in a blaze. From this time, the flames spread so rapidly that all efforts to check them proved unavailing, and in a short time the store in which the fire originated, and the other buildings of Brudon’s row, were entirely consumed. During the conflagration, an explosion of gun powder took place in Flackenecker’s store, which blew down a portion of the brick wall, and materially hastened the progress of the flames. Mr. Brudon’s undertaking establishment was saved with difficulty, but all his stock was removed.

The corner store was occupied by Mr. David Simms, druggist. Almost his entire stock was destroyed. His loss will not fall short of $1,000. No insurance. This is the second time Mr. Simms has been burned out within two years, and he has the sympathy of the community in his misfortune. Both this building and the adjoining one, occupied by Mr. Charles Gillespie as a confectionery store, were owned by Mr. William Brudon. The upper stories were occupied as a residence by this gentleman and his family. He has an insurance of $1,000 on the building. His household furniture was almost totally destroyed. No insurance. The furniture of his son, Mr. Charles Brudon, was destroyed. Insured for $500. Mr. Brudon’s stock, damaged by removal, was fully insured. Mr. Gillespie lost about his entire stock.

L. Flackenecker owned and occupied the next building, and scarcely none of his goods were saved. He was absent from town at the time, and the store was in charge of his brother. There was also a meat market in this building.

The adjoining building was owned by J. C. Ronshausen, and occupied by himself as a shoemaker’s shop. The last building destroyed was owned by John Fernow, and occupied by a Mr. Hund as a saloon.

Mr. Charles Brudon, while endeavoring to reach an upper story of the burning building, was thrown violently down by the fall of the ladder, and had one of his limbs severely sprained. Mr. Henry Senior and Mr. R. Graham were also severely bruised by the falling of the front wall when the powder exploded.

Market Street, this morning, presented a curious and rather ghastly spectacle, nearly the whole surface of it, between Second of Third Streets, being covered with coffins that had hastily been taken from Mr. Brudon’s undertaking establishment and thrown down wherever convenient, and in every conceivable position. As on all such occasions, considerable petty thieving was carried on, and it is stated that one man was caught carrying off a coffin under one arm, and a keg of beer under the other. We do not vouch for its truth, however.

Court Fails to Convict Flachenecker or Bruden
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1868
The Grand Jury of the city court have failed to find bills of indictment against either young Flachenecker, suspected of setting fire to Brudon’s row, or against Charles Bruden, suspected of embezzling the funds of the Merchants’ Union Express Company. They have been cleared of the charges brought against them.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 10, 1868
Read’s Foundry and Machine Shop at Cave Spring, on the plank road, will be sold at auction by S. R. Dolbee, real estate agent, on Wednesday, April 15, at 11 o’clock a.m. This is a splendid chance to secure a bargain.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1868
Preparations have been commenced by the owners of the vacant lots on the levee, on either side of City Mills, to put up fine store buildings on them at once. The fine, three-story brick of Mr. Charles Phinney, adjoining Nelson & Hayner’s new building, is being pushed rapidly forward to completion. We are also informed that the owner of the vacant lot adjoining Mr. Phinney’s building intends building upon it this season. These will all be substantial and valuable improvements, and will add much to the appearance of that portion of the business part of the town, seen from the river.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1868
A Post of the Grand Army of the Republic has been organized in Alton, a charter for the same having been received from the State headquarters of the organization at Springfield. It is designated as Post 305, Department of Illinois. Its meetings are held every Thursday evening, at a hall in Weigler’s building, Hunterstown. The Post Commander is C. J. Flannigan, land the Post Adjutant, A. F. Miller. All honorably discharged soldiers and sailors, without reference to their time of service, are eligible to membership.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, May 01, 1868
About half past five o’clock yesterday afternoon, the brick drying house of the Wooden Ware Works was discovered to be on fire. The alarm was at once sounded, and in a few moments, the Altona Engine was on the ground, and was vigorously at work. A large number of men were also engaged in deluging the house with water from buckets, but no amount of water seemed to have the slightest influence upon the flames.

The house contained six separate compartments, or kilns (each of which was filled with staves and headings), and the walls were without windows, hence it was found almost impossible to get at the fire, so as to play upon it effectually. In about an hour from the time of the first alarm, the Washington engine arrived on the ground, and was stationed at the pond near the Methodist Church, where it rendered efficient service. But although three streams of water were kept playing upon the fire constantly, still the dense volumes of smoke and steam issuing from the building showed that the flames were but little affected by the deluge of water. At nine o’clock, the roof of the building fell in, after which time the firemen were enabled to play with more effect upon the dense mass of fire within. But it was not until after twelve o’clock that the flames were so far subdued as to render it safe for the engines to leave their posts.

At one time, it was feared that the fire would be communicated to the main building, but owing to the wind being from the South, and to the great exertions of firemen and citizens, this great calamity was obviated.

Too much praise cannot be awarded to the firemen, and the citizens who assisted them, for the perseverance and energy they manifested throughout. Hour after hour, the brakes went steadily up and down without a moment’s cessation, until the labor was no longer necessary. And there was no excitement about this “manning of the brakes,” but it was hard, monotonous work, where grit and grip were alike needed. We take pleasure also in testifying to the efficiency and zeal of Chief Engineer Pfeiffenberger and his assistants, in directing the operations of the firemen and citizens.

It is a difficult matter to ascertain exactly the amount of the loss, as it will be mostly indirect. The building was divided into six kilns, and in each kiln were 2,000 feet of prepared, or 12,000 staves in all, almost ready for use. The value of this material was about $1,200. The building cannot be replaced for less than $2,500. There was no insurance. The great loss, however, is in the suspension of business which will be necessary on account of the disaster. Very nearly all the dry material which the factory had on hand was consumed, and consequently no work can be done until a new “drying house” can be built and new material prepared. This will require at least a month, all of which is a dead loss of time.

The company has the sympathy of the community in their loss, especially as it is the third time they have suffered in a similar manner. They have won the reputation of making the best wooden ware in the West, and the entire trade will regret to learn of their misfortune.

The Wooden Ware Works was established by Althoff and Stigleman at 7th and Piasa Streets, in a building 112x80 feet, three stories - two of stone and one of brick. It had one tub and one bucket lathe, and other corresponding machinery, with forty to fifty workmen employed. By May 29, 1868, it was reported that the company had rebuilt the drying house. Later, in 1873, this building housed the Hughes and White Roofing Tile Factory.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 8, 1868
During several years past, Mr. Frederick Shelly has been one of the best-known lime dealers in the city, and by his business tact and skill and his facilities for manufacturing and shipping, has built up a very extensive and prosperous trade. His leading rival has been the firm of J. Lock & Bro., and these firms have for some time past been the heaviest dealers in the vicinity. We learn, however, that negotiations have been closed between the two firms, which have been some time in progress, by which Mr. Shelly has purchased the entire interest of Lock & Bro. in the business, for $30,000, and will hereafter carry on the trade of both firms. The purchase embraces six large kilns, with a large amount of other property, fixtures and appurtenances. Mr. Shelly has now facilities for burning 2,000 bushels of lime per day, which is double the amount of any other manufacturer in the West. He also intends to erect additional kilns immediately, which will increase his facilities for manufacturing to three thousand bushels per day, or three times the amount of any other western dealer. His advantages for shipping are superior to those of any dealer in other cities. His kilns are located immediately upon the river bank, under the limestone bluffs, from whence his material is derived. He can, therefore, ship directly upon the steamers to any point upon the Mississippi or its tributaries. In addition to this advantage, the levee track extends to his kilns, by which means he can load directly into the cars, in bulk or otherwise, and ship to any place upon the Chicago, the Jacksonville, or the Terre Haute railroad. Thus his shipment both by river and rail are made without expense for cartage; and of this saving his customers get the benefit. Mr. Shelly has now some $80,000 invested in the business, and as we have stated, intends to largely increase the amount. The great skill and energy which he has manifested in its conduct are of great benefit to the city, and must lead to large returns to himself.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 15, 1868
This magnificent new steamer, whose advent has been so eagerly looked for, made his first trip from St. Louis to Alton on Saturday afternoon last, arriving at Alton at about 7 o’clock. The new packet is as elegant a specimen of marine architecture as ever floated upon western waters, and she was built with especial reference to the wants of the passenger trade between Alton and St. Louis. The hull is the perfection of grace and symmetry, and its outlines are pronounced by competent judges to be such as to ensure as high a rate of speed as was ever attained by any steamer on the Mississippi.

Belle of AltonThe cabin of the boat is painted white, and beautifully finished in Gothic style. There are no staterooms in the gentlemen’s cabin, and but three on each side in the lady’s saloon; hence both apartments are unusually spacious. They are furnished magnificently, and the floor is adorned by splendid Brussels carpeting. A new and attractive feature of the boat is the restaurant, which is situated on the starboard side of the boat, immediately forward of the wheel. It is neatly and conveniently fitted up, and is under the supervision of the experienced caterer, Mr. C. Barbour of Alton. During the trip on Saturday, meals were served on call in sumptuous style. This arrangement is entirely new, and destined to be universally popular.

The boat is 237 feet in length, with a breadth of beam of 34 feet, and floor 30 feet, depth of hold 6 ½ feet. The engines are 24 ½ inches in diameter, with seven feet stroke, working a waterwheel 29 feet in diameter with 12 ½ feet length of bucket – power enough to drive her through the water at a rate of speed fast enough to satisfy the most impatient. She is provided with 4 five-flued boilers, 42 inches in diameter, and 26 feet long, besides a secondary boiler for hoisting freight, etc. The whole boat is splendidly furnished throughout, and the ornamental work especially is noticeable for its tastefulness.

The “Belle” is the property of the Alton and St. Louis Packet Company, the directors of which are John A. Bruner, R. Tunstall, and R. J. Holine. The total cost was about $70,000, showing that no expense was spared in her construction. The officers are: John A. Bruner, master; “Dick” Blennerhassett (late in command of the “Comet”), clerk; S. J. Owings, pilot.

On invitation of Captain Bruner, we had the pleasure of making the trip from St. Louis to Alton onboard the new steamer, in company with a large party of citizens of Alton and St. Louis. The trip passed off delightfully, the time occupied being only two hours and twenty minutes, though no effort whatsoever was made to test her speed. A large crowd assembled at St. Louis to witness the “Bell’s” departure, and her speed and elegance, as she sped from the wharf with banners flying, were loudly applauded by the observers. On passing Madison, the inhabitants turned out en masse, cheering frantically, and displaying the stars and stripes. Their enthusiastic greeting was returned by a salute of cannon from the steamer.

Before the arrival at Alton, a meeting of the passenge4rs was called, over which Mr. S. P. Greenwood presided, and at which the following resolutions, offered by President Read, were adopted:

Resolved, That the thanks of the citizens of Alton and St. Louis are due to the directors of the packet company for their energy and enterprise in building so magnificent a steamer as the “Belle of Alton.”

Resolved, That the citizens of Alton appreciate the compliment paid their city by naming this beautiful packet the “Belle of Alton.”

Resolved, That we tender our thanks to Captain Bruner for his liberality in granting free passage to all on board.

Resolved, That the editors of the Alton papers be requested to publish these resolutions.

The booming of cannon and an answering salute from the shore, now announced the arrival of the boat at the Alton levee, where an immense crowd had assembled to witness her coming. Murphy’s Silver Cornet Band was also on hand, and discoursed music appropriate to the occasion. The boat had no sooner landed, than she was boarded by hundreds of persons eager to inspect her many excellencies.

Thus ended the first regular trip of the “Belle of Alton.” That she will attain to great speed is proved by the fact that on her trial trip at St. Louis on Saturday morning, her time from the shot tower to Laflin’s powder magazine at Bissell’s Point was 17 ¼ minutes – only about one minute more than the fastest run ever made. On a first attempt at running, no such result was expected, and all were surprised and agreeably disappointed at such an unlooked-for display of race horse qualities.

The Belle of Alton was built and owned by Captain John A. Bruner. The steamboat originally ran between Alton and St. Louis, and later ran to New Orleans. On March 27, 1871, the Belle of Alton was destroyed by fire at the landing where she was taken for repairs in New Orleans. William W. Marsh, engineer of the steamboat, was charged with the destruction of the steamboat by fire. The arrest was made after accusations by watchman John Nixon, who was a known alcoholic. Marsh was placed in jail and held for trial without bond. A judge later released him with bond. A jury found that there was no evidence Marsh burned the steamboat, and he was released. The wreck of the Belle was sold at auction in New Orleans for $3583. The hull was repaired, and the boat was used as a barge.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 5, 1868
Yesterday morning, as a little girl only seven years old, whose name we suppress, was on her way to school, she was accosted on Henry Street by a middle aged man, who enticed her into a cut near the German Catholic Church, and drawing a knife, threatened to kill her if she resisted him or made any outcry. Fortunately, however, just at this juncture, the alarm was given by another little girl who witnessed the proceeding, and the scoundrel fled without accomplishing his dastardly purpose. About 10 o’clock, the villain again made his appearance on Henry Street, and attempted to entice away another young girl about thirteen years old, whom he met, but could not induce her to follow him. He then disappeared, and has not since been seen, although parties have been searching for him ever since – among them the father of the first named girl. The scoundrel’s description, as near as we can obtain it, is as follows: Medium height, heavily built, sandy hair with moustache and goatee of same color. Had on a short, black coat, black pants and white hat, and was thought to be a German. We trust he may be caught. There is no punishment too great for so infamous and abominable a villain.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 12, 1868
A man who has long been an inmate of the Poor House, yesterday went before Justice Quarton, and swore out an affidavit charging the keepers of the institution, Michael McCarthy and wife, with a long catalogue of misdemeanors. It embraces revolting cruelties to idiotic and sickly paupers; misappropriations of the fuel, liquors, medicines and food, furnished for the use of the paupers; the feeding of persons not connected with the institution; the immoral conduct of the keepers, etc.

The matter is something with which Justice Quarton has, of course, nothing to do officially, but as the affidavit is sworn to the city authorities are bound to make a thorough investigation of the charge. It would certainly seem as if there was a screw loose somewhere in our pauper system, as we cannot be made to believe that fully one-fourth of the revenue of the city is legitimately absorbed in taking care of the city poor. While this leak is going on, it is not strange that the city is so poor to keep her roads in repair, or to take any steps in the way of public improvement.

We call for an investigation of the conduct of the Poor House for three reasons: First, that its abuses may be corrected; Second, that the people may know what is being done with the public funds; Third, in order that the Chairman of the Pauper Committee, who we believe to be an upright and honorable gentleman, may be exonerated from blame in the matter.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 3, 1868
We spend a pleasant half hour this morning at the Art Studio of Mr. Richard Connor, in the third story of the city hall building, in looking over numerous portrait and landscape paintings, sketches, pencil and crayon drawings and other specimens of his artistic skill. All the pictures were admirable, showing true artistic taste and skill, but the portraits especially were characterized by that naturalness of coloring and vividness of expression, which the inspiration of true genius alone can impart to the canvass.

Mr. Connor was formerly a resident of St. Louis, but has now located in Alton. He is an artist of acknowledged talent, and is only a short time returned from Europe, where he spent seven years in studying under the best German masters, and in reproducing the great works which adorn the art galleries of Europe.

We understand that he is now prepared to fill orders for painting portraits, landscapes, and also, for executing all kinds of engraving. His specialty, however, will be portrait painting. Instruction will also be given in drawing and painting. This will be an admirable opportunity for our citizens to obtain either family portraits or sketches and paintings of the many romantic and beautiful local views which abound amid our bluffs and hills.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 10, 1868
It is rarely that we announce the formation of a new business with such gratification as we do that of Messrs. W. A. Holton & Co., druggist and apothecaries, for it is seldom that a business firm is formed which promises to be of so great public benefit. The members of the firm, Mr. W. A. Holton and Prof. E. Marsh Jr., are both well known to the public, the former as one of our most successful business men; the latter as one of the most scientific and practical chemists in the West, with a wide experience obtained both in German and European Universities. Prof. Marsh will also give attention to analysis of minerals, earths, oils, &c. the stock of goods now on hand at this establishment is unsurpassed, either in extent, variety, or quality, as a perusal of the new advertisement will prove.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 24, 1868
From the hours of eight to ten p.m., about one-third of the male population of Alton are engaged in the cool employment of bathing. The riverbank from the saw mill to the lower end of Hunterstown is lined with an almost incalculable amount of nudity. The ferryboat crosses the river at about eight o’clock, for the purpose of accommodating any who may wish to bathe near the Missouri shore, or on the sandbar.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 24, 1868
Bozzatown will soon be happy in the possession of a new flouring and cornmeal mill. There are few, if any, better locations for that branch of manufacturing industry.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 24, 1868
Last night, about half past ten o’clock, a pile of lumber on the river bank, near the foot of Henry Street, belonging to Captain H. C. Sweetser, was discovered to be on fire. The alarm was at once given, but before the engines arrived, the fire had gained such headway that water seemed to have but little effect upon it. The fire soon communicated to an adjoining lumber pile, and despite the exertions of the Altona and Washington Fire Companies, both piles were destroyed. The lumber consumed was valued at $1,100. No insurance.

There was also a heavy loss occasioned by the tearing down of other piles of lumber in order to save them. The fire was not subdued until about 3 o’clock this morning.

The origin of the fire is unknown. Some think it was the work of an incendiary; others that it caught from the sparks of a locomotive. The fire companies were not in the best humor with each other, and finally a somewhat serious altercation took place between them. We regret to make this statement, as the only rivalry between the different companies should be to see which can do the most effective work.

Another fire took place yesterday morning, between two and three o’clock. Some miscreant went to the house of a poor colored woman named Mitchell, living in the upper part of Middletown, set fire to the front door, and destroyed the whole building. The flames spread so rapidly, that Mrs. Mitchell had difficulty in getting out of the house. All her furniture and household fixtures, together with $90 in money, were lost. There was an insurance of $400 on the building. Mrs. Mitchell is represented as being a quiet, inoffensive woman, and it is thought that the incendiary intended to set fire to another building. Whatever was the intention, the act was most infamous and dastardly, and we trust that the perpetrator will meet with punishment.

This morning, about four o’clock, soon after the burning of Captain Sweetser’s lumber had been subdued, a man was seen passing along down the riverbank with some shavings under his arm. Nothing was thought of it, however, until when the smell of burning pine was discerned, and persons followed the route the man had taken, and found he had deposited the shavings in a pile of lumber in Warren’s lumberyard, set fire to them, and disappeared. When discovered, the flames had made considerable headway, but by vigorous efforts, were subdued. In a few moments more, a most terrible and disastrous conflagration must have ensued. The man was recognized as a carpet bagger, who yesterday was seen washing his clothes on a raft at the foot of Henry Street. This attempt at incendiarism was a bold one, and it is certainly to be regretted that the scoundrel engaged in it was not captured. Citizens cannot be too much on their guard against these traveling villains, who just now seem to be infesting the place. In warm weather, hundreds of desperate characters leave St. Louis, and favor smaller places with their presence. Look out for them.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 31, 1868
The prisoners in the city jail, five in number, yesterday afternoon effected their escape under the following circumstances. They were all confined in the large room of the jail. About two o’clock, Deputy Sheriff Cooper was in the jail, and noticed that the prisoners were partially undressed, but supposed they were rehearsing the “Black Crook,” on account of the heat [The “Black Crook” was deemed by many as the first musical. It debuted in New York in 1866, with an evil German Count seeking to marry a lovely village girl. He made a pact with the devil, and enlisted the help of a master of black magic (the “black crook”). The cast was clothed in skimpy costumes, hence the reference of the partially undressed prisoners to the musical.]

About five o’clock, the Marshal went to the jail to incarcerate a man accused of horse stealing, and on opening the door, found that the prisoners had escaped. They had succeeded in breaking off one of the bars of the cell, which they used as a crowbar in prying up the flagging, then dug down into the ground and through the foundation into the cellar under the beer saloon, from whence they quickly made their exit through a window. It is supposed that they made their escape immediately after the visit of the Sheriff. When he was in the cell, the hole was covered up with a mattress, and the dirt with their clothes. Up to last accounts, none of the prisoners had been recaptured.

We are indebted to Mr. Frank Ferguson, City Clerk, for the names of those escaping: Samuel Hamilton and John Briggs, accused of stealing watches; Mike Kelley, stealing clothing from the Washington House; and Ed Wilson and David Kelles, stealing boots from Roushausen. Hamilton and Briggs are desperate scoundrels, and are generally supposed to have committed most of the late burglaries. Every effort should be made to recapture them. It is time that Alton had a jail which will hold criminals. We have had enough of bad locks and pasteboard walls.

Later: One of the prisoners who escaped from jail on Wednesday returned last night and gave himself up to the authorities. He stated that after getting out of jail, the prisoners all separated in different directions. He made his way to Madison, and from thence to St. Louis, but not liking his quarters in that city, concluded to return to Alton and give himself up. The returning prodigal is but a boy, and stands accused of stealing a pair of boots from Roushausen’s shoe shop. We presume the authorities will “kill for him the fatted calf, put a ring on his finger and shoes on his feet,” and increase the luxuries in the bill of fare to such an extent that he will have no further temptation to take a vacation before his trial comes off.

At this time the Alton jail was located in the basement of the city hall, located in the current Lincoln-Douglas Square, at the foot of Market Street.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 7, 1868
The new hall of Post 305, Grand Army of the Republic, was dedicated Monday evening by a grand ball. The hall is in the third story of Mrs. B. K. Hart’s new building on Third Street, and is one of the finest in the city. It is about the size of the Mercantile, is beautifully finished, and has two large withdrawing rooms on either side of the entrance.

The spacious apartment, last evening, presented a scene of bewildering beauty, the decoration being beyond question the most tasteful and appropriate we have ever seen in Alton on alike occasion. The evergreens extended from side to side of the room in graceful festoons, and arches, while numberless wreaths and garlands, and scores of flags and banner were displayed or draped in different parts of the room and on the chandaliers. Upon the walls were the names of twelve favorite generals, each surrounded by a wreath, an emblem of these days of peace when the illustrious leaders of the Union hosts have exchanged the sword for the olive branch. The general effect of these decorations are extremely fine, and should have been seen to be appropriate to the gentlemen who arranged and executed the work.

About half past nine o’clock, the dancing commenced. Rutledge’s famous string band was in attendance, and discoursed delightful music, while the many brave veterans, with their wives or sweethearts, glided through the dizzy mazes and kept step with as much precision as when they marched to the music of the Union. The occasion was highly enjoyed by the large number in attendance, and the dancing was kept up until the “small hours.” We are happy to chronicle so auspicious and delightful a dedication.

This Post of the Grand Army is growing rapidly in numbers. From a small beginning a few weeks since, it now numbers seventy-five active members. The Post Commander, Captain C. J. Flanagan, not only served bravely during the rebellion, but was for eleven years a soldier in the regular army, where he reached the grade of Lieutenant. The present officers of the Post are: C. J. Flanagan, Post Commander; J. P. Ash, Senior Post Commander; Henry Casswell, Junion Post Commander; A. F. Miller, Post Adjutant; J. Trendall, Post Quartermaster; E. Guelick, Post Surgeon; William S. Robinson, Post Chaplin; J. H. F. Joesting, Sergeant-Major; William Gottlob, Quartermaster Sergeant.

The loyal citizens of Alton will be glad to hear of the continued maintenance and success of this organization.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 11, 1868
The event of the month in mercantile circles in Alton will be the grand opening tomorrow of the new Dry Goods Palace of Messrs. Sneeringer & Templeton, in Mrs. Hart’s splendid building on Third Street. This new storeroom has been elegantly fitted up, regardless of cost, and in convenience, beauty, and extent is worthy of its name. The fall stock of goods is now on hand, and has been chosen with special reference to the demands of such an establishment. Messrs. Sneeringer & Templeton are among the best known of our Alton merchants. Their business abilities are too well appreciated by the public to need our endorsement; while the energy and public spirit manifested in establishing so important an enterprise are worthy of great commendation.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 18, 1868
The dry goods establishment of Hawkins, Auten, and Leech, on Third Street, is a noted resort for all persons in search of the latest and most fashionable goods. Their fall stock is very complete, and embraces all the new novelties in dress goods, silks, poplins, chameleon poplins, the “Buffalo brand” of ____. Of cloaks, they have the newest, including the chinchilla cloaking, celebrated far and wide for its warmth and durability. Fall and winter shawls of beautiful and fashionable styles can be found here in great variety. The flannels, domestics, table damasks, etc., are represented by the best articles of their class.

The business knowledge and enterprise of Messrs. Hawkins, Autin & Leech, their politeness and attention to customers, and their constant efforts to meet the wants of the public certainly entitle them to the success they are evidently attaining.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 18, 1868
The large hall now in process of erection on Spring Street, for the use of the German Turverien Association, is a convenient building, two stories in height. It will present a very fine appearance when completed.


Source: Courier and Union, Syracuse, New York, October 14, 1868
A comb factory, said to be the finest in the West, has just been started at Alton, Illinois.


Great Excitement in Alton!
Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, November 6, 1868
Friday night [October 31, 1868] was one long to be remembered in Alton. There were at least five or six distinct attempts at burglary; the last one, at the First National Bank, ending in a terrible tragedy: the death of Mr. Marcellus H. Filley, the private night watchman for that locality.

At about four o'clock this morning, several persons in the vicinity of the First National Bank had their attention aroused by cries of "murder," and by the discharge of firearms, and some two or three on looking from their windows, saw a struggle going off between several men near the side door of the bank. The first persons who reached the spot found night-watchman Filley lying in the street in a dying condition, and saw three men making their escape with all the haste possible.

It appears that the burglars had forced open the side door of the bank, and also the iron doors of the vault, but had been unable to open the safe. Mr. Filley, it is presumed, while on his beat, had heard them at work and had gone around to the side entrance, when one of the villains rushed from the building and attacked him. Mr. Filley succeeded in overpowering him, and had thrown him to the ground, when the noise of the struggle brought the other burglars to the scene, and they joined in the assault. Some three or four shots were fired at him by the two men who last came up, one of which took effect in his breast. The robbers then fled in different directions. One of the robbers was tracked quite a distance up Short Street [western end of W. Broadway] by pools of blood, which led to the supposition that he had been injured in the encounter with Mr. Filley. An overcoat was thrown aside in the street by one of them, which also was bloody. It was found, on examination, that Mr. Filley's revolver had not been removed from the holster, hence he must have wounded the burglar in some other way.

Mr. Filley lived but about eight minutes after assistance came, and was unable to give any account of the affair. His body was taken to the Franklin House, where a postmortem examination was held this morning, which show that death had occurred from being beaten on his ... [unreadable] and the back part of his head with a crowbar. A Coroner's inquest was held this morning by Justice Quarton, but the jury, after hearing the evidence and examining the remains, adjourned until tomorrow to await further evidence, before rendering a verdict.

Mr. Filley was a faithful and reliable watchman, of excellent private character, and his terrible and brutal murder, while in the discharge of his duty, has shocked the whole community.

Every effort was at once made to catch the murderers, but they effected their escape. It is supposed that they went down the river, as someone stole a skiff from some fishermen on the riverbank. Besides the overcoat dropped in the street, two other ones were left in the bank, together with a large black carpet-sack, containing a complete set of burglar implements. Nothing was obtained at the bank but a small quantity of nickel coin.

In addition to the above tragedy, the store of J. H. Maupin on Belle Street was entered, the thieves effecting an entrance by removing a pane of glass from a back window. In this case, the burglars had made a prolonged but unsuccessful effort to open the safe, and had finally taken their departure through the back door without, so far as Mr. Maupin can discover, taking a thing. The next attempt seems to have been made at the rear of Sneeringer & Templeton's store, where a shutter was taken off a window, but no entrance effected. The residence also of Mr. John S. Topping was entered, but nothing was known of the affair until this morning when the doors were found standing open. The thieves had ranged through the lower part of the house, but Mr. Topping's family have so far missed nothing. An attempt was made to enter the residence of Mr. Drummond, which was unsuccessful.

Marcellus H. Filley, the night watchman, lived on State Street in Alton. He was buried in the Alton City Cemetery. According to the Coroner’s report, Filley was killed by a bullet passing through the heart. He had also received a severe beating with a crowbar. He had lost his first wife, Ann W. (Turner) Filley, in 1845. He remarried to Martha J. Filley (1826-1913), who survived him. They had five children, four of whom died before their mother.

Two men by the names of St. Clair and Kelley were arrested for the crime. It was said that St. Clair had knowledge of the crime, and after his arrival in Alton, he confessed that four men were engaged in the robbery – three inside the bank, and one outside standing guard. A struggle ensued when the night watchman appeared, and then Filley was shot. St. Clair asserted that a man by the name of Bill Ayres fired the fatal shot. They men were just about to open the safe when this occurred. They were only able to steal $800 in stamps and nickels before making their escape. The men stole a skiff, and took it down the river to St. Louis. They then went to Kansas City, where they had planned to commit another robbery, but held off because of the publicity they were getting from the robbery in Alton. St. Clair entered a plea of guilty as a participant in the burglary but denied having a part in the murder. Kelley was held in jail as a witness. It is unknown if the other men were ever captured and convicted.

In 1903, a bag of coins was found near the Alton levee during the construction of the Bluff Line depot. It was believed that these coins were dropped by the robbers during the Halloween night robbery in 1868. The coins were returned to circulation.

The First National Bank in Alton was located at the northwest corner of State and Broadway (then called Short Street). This bank was later bought out by the Alton National Bank and moved to a new building at the northeast corner of Third and State Streets. The old bank building still stands, and is currently home to Morrison’s Irish Pub.
Alton Bank Robbery and Murder Confession
Source: The New York Times, November 20, 1868
From the Missouri Democrat, Nov. 16. Marshal Keck of Kansas City, and Detective Wright reached Alton with their prisoners, St. Clair and Kelley, on Saturday evening, lodging them in jail without trouble, although St. Clair himself was much exercised for fear Judge Lynch would get hold of him. It is not claimed that Kelley had a hand in this bank robbery and the murder of the private watchman, but he is known to have been cognizant of the circumstances, and it was surmised either a confederate or friend of the parties implicated, consequently his arrest. St. Clair made a confession after his arrival in Alton, to the effect that four men were engaged in the robbery; three were at work inside the bank proper, on the safe, while one was standing guard or watching outside; the private watchman came along, and a struggle ensued, during which he was shot. St. Clair asserts that Bill Ayres fired the fatal shot. Had the watchman not appeared on the scene, in a few minutes the safe would have been opened and all its valuable contents secured; they had done such jobs before, and knew how to go to work. As already known, the four only secured some $800 in stamps and nickels before making their escape. From Alton they came down the river in a skiff to St. Louis, and from thence proceeded to Kansas City, where they had a "job already put up," but they were afraid to attempt it at once, and the arrest of St. Clair cut short his career in the burglar line. From Kansas City the quartette were to have gone to Atlanta, Ga., where another "job" awaited their execution. On Saturday, as stated in our Alton letter, St. Clair was arraigned for preliminary examination, but entered a waiver, which virtually means, in this instance, a plea of guilty as a participant in the burglary, but, as stated, he stoutly denies any hand in the murder. The man Kelley was held as a witness in the sum of $2,000, and in default of bail was committed to jail. Marshal Keck received a receipt from the Mayor of Alton to the effect that he had delivered to the authorities St. Clair, known to be and properly identified as one of the men wanted and for whom the $1,000 reward was offered, but the reward was not paid, though it probably will be. As he has spent considerable time and money in the affair, it would certainly be an act of injustice not to pay him the promised reward.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 28, 1868
Yesterday afternoon as a lady was walking along Second street, she stepped upon the iron covering of a cistern under the pavement, which had been carelessly left unfastened. The covering gave way beneath her, and she slipped into the opening as far as her waist. Help was at hand, and she quickly succeeded in extricating herself from her perilous position. Although not seriously injured, she received some severe bruises. The cistern was very deep and contained several feet of water, and had she not succeeded in arresting her fall, the consequences would have been serious. Had a child stepped upon the covering, it would almost inevitably have fallen clear through and been drowned. The carelessness which would leave such a place exposed should be severely punished. About half-past four o'clock, a sad accident took place on the corner of Second and Market streets. Four ladies from Monticello were driving down Market street in the Seminary carriage, when the horse took fright and ran away, overturning the carriage at the place mentioned, and throwing the inmates out. All the ladies were severely hurt, but none seriously. They were promptly taken to Dr. Williams' office, where every attention was paid them. A similar accident occurred to three other ladies from Monticello, yesterday, in Upper Alton. They were out driving in a private conveyance, and in their case, also, the horse took fright, ran away, and threw them all out, but they also escaped without serious injury, although greatly unnerved.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 10, 1868
The elegant building in Middletown, formerly occupied as the home office of the Illinois Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is offered for sale at a bargain. The building can easily be converted into a beautiful and convenient residence. The surrounding grounds are attractive and are adorned with valuable shrubbery.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 11, 1868
About 1:30 o’clock Wednesday morning, a fire broke out in the paint shop of J. G. Purdy’s Carriage Manufactory on Belle Street, opposite the residence of Mrs. B. K. Hart. The alarm was promptly sounded, and the Altona engine was soon on the ground, but it was found impossible to obtain any water in the vicinity, with which to play upon the flames. The building was of wood, and owing to the large amount of paint, varnish, &c., there stored, the fire spread rapidly through the building and to the adjoining blacksmith shop of James Millen, to the blacksmith shop of Mr. Purdy, and to a small building in the rear of the paint shop. These were all totally destroyed, together with a great part of their contents. In the paint shop, second story, Mr. Purdy had quite a number of valuable carriages and buggies stored, the most of which were destroyed. In the blacksmith shops were the usual assortments of tools and stock, only a small part of which were saved.

The fire was undoubtedly the work of an incendiary. It was started in the cellar of the paint shop, where there had been no fire for months. Mr. Purdy is the principal loser. His stock destroyed he estimates at $3,500. He has an insurance of $1,800. His paint shop was owned by Mr. J. Challacombe, as was also the small building in the rear. Mr. Challacombe loses some $1,200. Mr. Purdy’s blacksmith shop was owned by Captain Hawley. It was of small value, and had, we believe, no insurance. Mr. Millen owned the building he occupied. He has an insurance of $500 on the building and stock. The large brick warehouse of Mr. Challacombe, adjoining the buildings destroyed, was in great danger, but was only slightly injured by the heat.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 17, 1868
The Alton Foundry and Steam Engine Manufactory, and the celebrated Patterson Iron Works are rival houses in the manufacture of steam engines, boilers, castings, and machinery of every description.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 25, 1868
From the Bloomington Pantagraph, December 24, 1868:
A few items in relation to the city of Alton may not be uninteresting to the people of Central Illinois. The removal of the Penitentiary, instead of proving a drawback, has rather been a blessing; for since that time, notwithstanding the efforts of her formidable rival (St. Louis), Alton has more than doubled in population, numbering today about fifteen thousand, while every material interest, public and private, religious, educational, mercantile, and manufacturing has prospered beyond the most sanguine hopes of her citizens. And now, her long rows of three and four-story brick wholesale and commission houses, the black, smoking chimneys of mills, foundries and machine shops, the rambling of drays, wagons, and streetcars, her handsome and capacious school edifices and tall church spires with hundreds of beautiful residences scattered over his hills, attest alike the solidity of her business men, their enterprise and prosperity. Connected with us by two lines of railroad, we look with pride and pleasure upon our fair sister as being worthy a high place among the cities of our grand and beautiful State of which Bloomington is the railroad and commercial center.

The steam cracker factory of H. N. Kendall & Co., established less than three years ago, has already a State reputation. The Alton Agricultural Works, Hanson & Co., proprietors, established in 1839, manufacturers of the world-renowned “Champion Threshers,” as well as of all kinds of farm machinery, is worth a gold mine to the city. The Alton Foundry and Steam Engine Manufactory, and the celebrated Patterson Iron Works, are rival houses in the manufacture of steam engines, boilers, castings, and machinery of every description. The operations of these houses extend all over the central and southern parts of the State, and far into the West, while their popularity at home and abroad is universal. At the latter establishment, the celebrated, “Star of the West Thresher and Separator” is manufactured.

Martin & Boal’s Planing Mill, and Sweetser & Priest’s Lumberyard are monsters in their way, and supply some half-dozen counties.

The beautiful granite monuments just introduced by Clement & Flynn of the Alton Marble Works, for style and durability are unsurpassed. These might be introduced with profit and taste in the Bloomington cemetery.

As representatives of the wholesale trade of the city, we find Messrs. Blair & Atwood, grocers; Messrs. Quigley, Hopkins & Lea, and Messrs. Breckinridge & Evart, druggists. The latter firm are the proprietors of the celebrated Walton’s stomach bitters, an article of genuine worth. J. W. Cary & Co., jewelers and dealers in sportsman’s goods; C. M. Crandall, crockery and glassware. Mr. Crandall imports his goods direct from Europe, thus insuring genuineness.

Among the institutions of which the citizens of Alton may justly feel proud is the Illinois Mutual Insurance Company. It was organized in 1839, and during the thirty years of its existence, has paid over 2,000 losses, amounting in the aggregate to $1,500,000. Most of its success is due to President Moses G. Atwood and Secretary John Atwood, who have devoted their time and talents almost exclusively to the work. The company’s building, on State Street, is handsomely and substantially fitted up, and every department of its immense business is conducted with mathematical regularity.

Alton has two daily papers (Telegraph and Democrat), and two hotels (Alton House and Franklin House).


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 25, 1868
The residence on the corner of Ninth and Piasa Streets, recently purchased by Mr. Henry Watson from R. Flagg, Esq., is one of the oldest in the city. The price paid was $2,500.


Source: Buffalo, New York Evening Courier, September 8, 1869
Alton, Illinois, September 8. The party were received here by a dense mass of persons, many of whom were from the surrounding country and from St. Louis and other cities. Salutes were fired and the greatest possiblePresident Ulysses Grant excitement prevailed. The excursionists were conducted to a stand previously erected, where President Grant, Admiral Farragut, Secretary Seward, Secretary Welles were introduced. The Mayor of Alton extended a cordial welcome to the President and the statesmen, and he accompanied him, in a neat speech. The President responded briefly. He was frequently interrupted by applause. Mr. Seward was then vociferously called. The party was then squeezed through a dense mass of human beings to the deck of the steamer Andy Johnson. Cheers were frequently repeated by the excited multitude. The President was formally introduced to Mayor Thomas and escorted to the steamer Ruth, when the bells commenced ringing for the fleet to turn their heads homeward.

The steamers Andy Johnson, Ruth and Olive Branch, lashed together, made the first move forward, closely followed by as many other boats as there were original States in the Union. As soon as the fleet of steamers was underway, the Presidential party crossed over from the Andy Johnson to the Ruth, and passed up to the cabin escorted by a detachment of Knights Templars. At this point, Captain Bart Abel suggested that as the boats were about to pass the Missouri River, the party should be escorted to the upper deck. The President and party were then escorted to the hurricane deck of the Ruth, where they passed an hour in a most agreeable manner. President Grant was kept busy in acknowledging the congratulations that were heaped upon him.


Source: Liberty Weekly Tribune, April 1, 1870
A large cave has been discovered underneath the city of Alton, Illinois. It is in places seven feet high, and has the usual characteristics of caves. It has already been traversed some hundreds of feet, and a full exploration has not yet been made.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 13, 1871
John Sutter and A. F. Howard have formed a co-partnership under the firm name of Sutter & Howard, for the purpose of carrying on the furniture manufacturing business. Their new and extensive factory is located on Belle Street, near Cave Spring.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 20, 1871
The heavy fall of sleet in the great storm of Friday and Saturday test the strength of the roofs of houses. The most serious accident occasioned was at the old glass works building on Belle Street, near Cave Spring. At that building, the weight of the sleet crushed in a section of the roof, measuring about 40x50 feet. The outer wall, fronting the street, was forced outward by the accident, and now leans over in a dangerous position. All the outer walls were so weakened and shattered by the fall of the roof, that the portion of the building can only be repaired by being rebuilt. The property belongs to Mr. C. H. Frick. The loss is considerable, but we cannot give a correct estimate.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 27, 1871
It is well known to our readers that some months since very temporary arrangements were made by a cooperative company of practical glass manufacturers to establish works in Alton. The glass made by them proved superior to any manufactured in this country, and it was likewise demonstrated by them that it could be manufactured cheaper at this point than anywhere else in the United States. But owing to the lack of business qualifications and close application to business by the proprietors, the concern broke up in a short time after commencing operations. Nothing further was said or done about the matter until within a few weeks past, when Mr. S. B. Woolfolk of Virden, Illinois, who is well known to many of our business men in connection with two practical glass manufacturers of much experience in their line of business, have been looking into the subject with a view of establishing a manufactory in Alton. The former of these gentlemen called at our office yesterday, from whom we have gathered the following particulars in regard to the matter, which will be of interest to many of our citizens.

It is his intention, if he meets with sufficient encouragement, in connection with the gentlemen heretofore referred to, to establish at Alton an “eight-pot” manufactory, which will furnish employment for about thirty-two operatives. He and his partners propose to take a good share of the stock necessary to put the works in operation, and give it their personal attention, provided a sufficient amount is subscribed by other parties to place it on a permanent financial basis. He estimates the sum necessary to carry it on successfully to be about $15,000.

He has ascertained to his satisfaction, from figures furnished by the practical gentlemen, that all the material necessary for the manufacturing of glass can be procured at this point, of a better quality and at less cost than at any other point in the United States, with the exception of coal, which can be procured at Pittsburg cheaper and better than here, but in all other respects Alton has the advantage over that point. He has likewise satisfied himself that a better quality of glass can be manufactured here than at any other point, and with a much larger margin for profit.

As Mr. Woolfolk will, in all probability, call upon those of our business men most likely to be interested in the subject, and present in full all the facts and figures pertaining to the subject, we shall not here stop to give them in detail, but will simply commend the subject, as one well worthy the careful and thorough investigation of our capitalists, and all directly interested in the growth and prosperity of Alton. For there is no concealing the fact that unless something is done to develop the manufacturing interests here, that real estate will depreciate in value, and our city will lose its relative importance among the large cities of the State.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 27, 1871
The exhibition and trial of the new steam fire engine, recently purchased, was an interesting and pleasant occasion. An immense crowd was present on Third Street to witness the trial. The new engine was placed in charge of the officers and members of the fire department companies. In order to show the contrast between the present and past, Captain Samuel Pitts and a few of the original members of the old Pioneer Engine Company obtained possession of that machine and added it to the attractions of the procession on the occasion. The old fire engine of the Pioneer Engine Company was built in 1833, and was received in Alton shortly after. It has been in active service for over a generation, and has made a glorious record at hundreds of fires. It could still be made to perform as good service as almost any other hand machine. In 1836, Captain Samuel Pitts took command of the Pioneer, and served in that position for a number of years. In fact, Captain Pitts has been connected with fire departments in the East and West for 53 years, having first joined a fire company when 16 years of age. Among those who were member of the old Pioneer Company in 1836-7, the following gentlemen still survive, and are residents of Alton: Captain Samuel Pitts, John Atwood, A. S. Barry, J. W. Schweppe, M. H. Topping, J. M. Morgan, L. A. Parks, Dr. W. C. Quigley, T. G. Starr, W. T. Miller, W. F. Ferguson, and Rev. P. M. Pinckard of St. Louis. These were then all young and active men, recent settlers in the new city. Their present position in society is well known to every reader of the Telegraph. On Saturday afternoon, several of these original members marched in the procession and assisted at the ropes as in old times. The procession was headed by Murphy’s Silver Cornet Band. Following it came the old Pioneer, labeled “As we used to be,” and next the magnificent new steamer and hose carriages, all under the charge of Chief Engineer Pfeiffenberger, and the officers and members of the existing fire companies. The procession made but a short march, on account of the muddy condition of the streets, and then halted at the public cisterns on Third Street, where the trial took place. The new steamer is appropriately named “James T. Drummond,” in honor of our efficient and popular Mayor.

The time consumed in raising steam, that is the interval between the lighting of the fire and the throwing of water from the nozzle, was 4 minutes and 3 seconds, and this wonderfully quick time was made under disadvantageous circumstances. Under more favorable ones, the engine has raised steam in three minutes. The steamer threw two streams at once from inch nozzles to a perpendicular height of fully 110 feet. The horizontal streams were equally satisfactory, and although they were not measured at the time, it is well ascertained that the steamer can throw a single inch horizontal stream 280 feet.

The trial upon Third Street was very thorough and satisfied everyone that the engine was capable of performing even more than was claimed for it. The machine was afterwards taken to the river bank, where it forced water through 850 feet of hose, uphill, and threw a stream far over the Illinois Mutual building on State Street. It was then taken back to Third Street, and subjected to further severe tests until dark. In appearance, the “James T. Drummond” is as beautiful and finely finished a machine as can be found anywhere. It is supplied with the celebrated Latt’s Patent Boiler (a coil flue boiler), undoubtedly the best in use for steam-fire engines. It is comparatively light, and runs easily, but is equal in power and capacity to the largest size manufactured. Alton now has a fire engine which will be equal to almost any emergency, and in addition to its immense power and capacity, possesses the very important advantage of never “tiring out at the brakes.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 31, 1871
At a meeting of the stockholders of the Alton Glass Works on Tuesday evening, the following gentlemen were elected Directors: s. B. Woolfolk, F. W. Alt, Ralph Gray, R. I. Compton, Elias Hibbard, C. D. Caldwell, Thomas Dunford, Austin Seeley, and G. H. Weigler. The directors met on Wednesday morning and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: S. B. Woolfolk, President; Richard I Compton, Secretary; and Austin Seeley, Treasurer. The Works will be commenced immediately, some of the practical glassworkers being already in town.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 31, 1871
Private telegrams were received in Alton last evening, giving information of the entire destruction at New Orleans, on the 27th inst., of the favorite and beautiful steamer Belle of Alton. The Belle was one of the handsomest and swiftest packets on the Mississippi. She was built at Jefferson, Indiana, in the winter of 1867-68, and completed in St. Louis the following Spring.

The Belle was built for the St. Louis and Alton trade, and with special reference to speed. She was transferred to the Southern trade last Fall. Her original cost was $70,000. The principal owners of the Belle are, we understand, Tunstall & Holmes of St. Louis, and Captain John A. Bruner of Alton. The remaining owners are merchants and business men of Alton, who own, or did own, some $20,000 of preferred stock.

At the time of the disaster, Captain Bruner, the Belle’s old and popular master, was in command. The origin of the fire is as yet unknown. Captain Bruner is well known as one of the most skillful and efficient commanders on the Mississippi.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 24, 1871
The well-known and extensive business firms of Wise, Blake & Co., and Drury, Hayner & Co., dealers in hardware, iron, agricultural implements, etc., having been dissolved by the death of Mr. Arba Nelson, who was a partner in each, the surviving partners of the two houses have formed a co-partnership, and consolidated the business of both firms. The new firm will be known as J. E. Hayner & Co., and will continue the business at the former stands of the late firms.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 21, 1871
Alton was visited Tuesday night by a severe gale of wind, which in the eastern portion of the town, amounted to a tornado, and did considerable damage. About half-past two o’clock, the city Poor House, located south of the [Alton City] cemetery, was struck suddenly by a tornado, which tore off more than three-fourths of the roof. Hitting the south front of the upper story of the building, it wrenched off the cornice on all sides and did considerable other damage. The house was a strongly-built, two-story brick, about 40 feet long by 20 feet wide. A section of the roof, about twenty feet square, was carried through the air onto the cemetery fence, a distance of some 300 feet. The rest of the roof fell within the yard.

Several of the inmates of the institution were injured by the falling in of the front wall. In one of the front rooms, a young woman named Kate Huber was dying with the consumption. Mrs. Carty, the wife of the keeper of the house, was sitting up with her, not expecting her to live through the night. A large quantity of bricks and mortar fell upon the bed of the dying woman, breaking it down, and having her such a shock as to hasten her death, which took place almost immediately thereafter. Mrs. Carty was considerably bruised by the falling wall, but received no serious injury. In an adjoining room, two old men, named Peter Collins and James Riley, were sleeping, when the tornado struck the house. Each of their beds was covered with a cartload of brick and mortar, and both the inmates severely, but not dangerously, bruised about the head and body. One of them is not able to move today, while the other is able to be about. Another inmate, Peter Upright, was somewhat bruised by the falling fragments, and some others were slightly injured. The house is damaged to the extent of several hundred dollars.

A dwelling house at the foot of the hill, south of the Poor House, occupied by a man named John Gollaher, was unroofed at the same time. Half the roof was carried some 300 feet, and broken into fragments. A stable near the same place, belonging to a Mr. Mitchell, was blown down.

A small house on Second Street [Broadway[, was likewise unroofed. In addition, several outbuildings and a large amount of fencing in the vicinity of the Poor House were blown down and scattered.

The tornado was, as usual, confined to a narrow belt, and spent its force in one locality, lasting but a moment, although a heavy gale was blowing all night. It came directly from the South.

The location of the Alton Poor House was around E. 5th Street, just south of the Alton City Cemetery.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 21, 1871
The beautiful new chapel in Sempletown, erected by the members of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, for the use of their Mission School in that locality, was dedicated on Sunday afternoon with impressive ceremonies. The services were conducted by Rt. Rev. Bishop Whitehouse and Rev. C. S. Abbott, the Rector. There was a very large attendance on the occasion, more than the chapel could accommodate.

The cost of the building, erected on ground donated by Messrs. J. J. & W. H. Mitchell, was $1,280. There was a balance due on the cost of $128, which amount was raised on the spot by voluntary subscriptions. The chapel is a very beautiful and convenient structure, neatly and tastefully finished. It is provided with comfortable, reversible pews. It is situated in a locality where there are no other church edifices, and religious services there cannot but accomplish much good.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 21, 1871
The News, a local paper just established at Virden, Illinois, by John Frank Jr., contains the following article on the Alton Glass Works:

“The city of Alton is soon to become the scene of a new industry, for which she will be largely indebted to a citizen of Virden. It is perhaps known to many of our citizens that since retiring from business here, Mr. S. B. Woolfolk has been engaged in endeavoring to interest men skilled in the business, and others who have money to invest in manufacturing enterprises, to form a company for the erection of glass works in Alton. He informs us he has succeeded, having already $40,000 subscribed, enough to insure the erection of the works. The stock will eventually be increased to $60,000. Nearly one half the amount is taken by six men, who are masters of as many departments of the business, of which they will have charge, each man of his specialty. Thus, every branch will be in the hands of a man who not only thoroughly understands it, but is interested as a partner in the enterprise, a consideration that will go largely to ensure its success. The company has been organized, and Mr. Woolfolk chosen President. He will see to the finances, and have general supervision.

The vicinity of Alton supplies all the main articles used in the manufacture of glass – sand, coal, and lime. A very fine, white, first-class glass sand is found in the bluffs at Capal Grisy, above Alton, whence it will be floated down in barges. The quality of the Alton lime is of wide notoriety. Magnesia and soda ash will be procured elsewhere, the soda ash an imported product and counting heavily in the bill of costs.

Window glass only will be made. Ten pots will be constructed, each capable of producing 18 boxes of glass per day, a total capacity of 160 boxes. The flattening ovens and blowing and smelting furnaces will be of the most improved modern patterns. We know our readers will unite with us in wishing Mr. Woolfolk and his associates the largest success in this enterprise.

In addition to the above, we will state that the officers of the company are now hard at work making arrangements for the commencement of business. They have purchased half an acre of ground in block 5, Hunter’s Addition, on the riverfront, and will begin the erection of their buildings at once. Both the Chicago & Alton and the Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroads run directly through the block in which the works are located, which gives unequaled facilities for shipping in any direction. The lots for the use of the glass works were obtained by the company at extremely reasonable figures.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 5, 1871
The Alton Glass Works Company have staked and platted their ground in the Third Ward, preparatory to the erection of buildings. Mr. James Slim, Superintendent of the Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works, has started for Pittsburg to engage practical glass blowers for the Works in Alton. It is estimated that about three months will be required to finish the Alton Glass Works buildings, in the Third Ward, ready for active operations.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 19, 1871
Messrs. Flynn & Leuthner have now on exhibition at their marble works on the corner of Belle and Fifth Streets, a beautiful and costly monument of exquisite design and workmanship, and finished in the highest style of the art. It is erected in memory of the late Jacob Busch, one a prominent citizen of the American Bottom. The monument stands a little over seven feet in height, is of symmetrical proportions, and surmounted by a gracefully draped urn. It is an honor to the firm which executed it. Messrs. Flynn & Leuthner have in store a fine stock of American and Italian marbles, and are prepared to fill all orders for plain or ornamental work at the lowest rates.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 19, 1871
The ladies of the Alton Public Library having been granted by the council the use of the spacious apartment on the first floor of the city building for the use of their association, are fitting it up in a beautiful and convenient style. The dimensions of the room are about 40x40 feet. The ceiling is lofty, and the entire apartment admirably well lighted by windows on three sides. If a building had been put up specially for the purpose, it could not have been planned better internally for the purpose designed. The view of the river from the windows is remarkably fine. The changes and alterations necessary are being pushed forward as rapidly as possible, and will soon be completed.

When the library is transferred to its new home, the ladies of the association can pride themselves on having one of the most spacious, convenient, and delightful library rooms in the State. They are entitled to great praise for the judgment and good taste they have manifested in the improvements named, as well as for their liberality and philanthropy in thus advancing the interests of an association which is destined to play an important part in the dissemination of knowledge and information in this locality.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 9, 1871
It gives us pleasure to state that the insurance upon the Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works, recently destroyed by fire, has been promptly and satisfactorily adjusted by Mr. F. Hewit, the efficient agent of the Phoenix and Hartford Companies. Mr. F. Hewit gave his personal attention at once to securing a settlement, and the companies acted promptly and honorably in the matter.

We are also glad to state that Messrs. Barler & Slim, proprietors of the Glass Works, undeterred by their misfortune and heavy loss, will commence at once the re-building of their works on the same site. And not only that, but they intend putting up works od double the capacity of the former ones. In other words, they intend to put up twelve ovens instead of six. So well satisfied are these gentlemen that Glass Works will pay in Alton, that they are anxious to embark again in the business, and will use every endeavor to push forward their new works to speedy completion. Our citizens will be glad to learn that this enterprise, so important to the future growth of Alton, will soon be resumed. No trace has yet been discovered of the incendiary who fired the Glass Works buildings.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 16, 1871
The work of rebuilding the Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works is proceeding with energy. It is anticipated that the company will be ready to resume operations by July 10.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 16, 1871
On Thursday night, all the prisoners in the city jail escaped, and are still wandering at their own sweet will. We hoped, ere this, to have chronicled their recapture in the same paragraph with their escape, but up to the present time they have not been caught. During the warm weather, the prisoners have been allowed the liberty of the jail hall instead of being confined in the suffocating iron cells. Having been supplied by some confederate on the outside with a saw and auger, they availed themselves of the opportunity of cutting a hole through the ceiling into the room above, and thus escaped. The prisoners were: George Blacksmith, awaiting trial for larceny; Peter Gibbons, awaiting trial for attempting to murder Mr. Joseph Slim; and a third man, awaiting trial for burglarizing Boyle’s store. All were charged with offenses which would probably have sent them to the penitentiary.

The escape of three such abandoned criminals is peculiarly deplorable. The manner of their escape is the “old, old story” of the graduation of prisoners from the Alton jail. The jailer, from philanthropic motives, gives prisoners the range of the hall, and they betray his confidence with the basest ingratitude. The hall of that jail evidently needs to be made more secure. How would it answer to paper the walls and whitewash the ceiling?

The Alton city jail was located in the basement of the city hall.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 23, 1871
The Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works Company have filed articles of association with the Secretary of State. The officers are: John E. Hayner, President; E. A. Barler, Secretary; P. B. Whipple, Treasurer; Joseph Slim, Superintendent. The work of rebuilding the glass works is progressing rapidly.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 30, 1871
Patrons of the street railway will thank us for publishing the following rules of etiquette from an exchange:

First - Sit cross-legged, so as to obstruct the passage way. It is a handy and economical way of getting one’s boots cleaned.

Second – Chew tobacco vigorously and spit on the floor – a little to one side, so that the nastiness may be aid to another.

Third – In clearing the throat by a vigorous effort, be sure to spit on the floor. It has a quieting effect on the stomachs of the other passengers.

Fourth – If your clothes are covered with dust, flour, or lime, be sure to crowd in alongside the lady with a velvet sack, or a man with a black broadcloth cost. It serves them right.

Fifty – Sit sideways on your seat. In this way, you can keep plenty of room and compel the last arrivals to stand up. It will do them good.

Sixth – When it is dusty, or when the wind is raw or cold, raise the windows. It is so pleasant for the others.

Seventh – In windy weather, be sure to leave the door open, coming or going. Why should one care for any but himself?

Eighth – If you have a dog, bring him in the cars, especially if muddy or wet. It affords an opportunity for studying natural history.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 21, 1871
The new brick building just erected at Upper Alton Station, by Mr. James Bozza, is being fitted up for a drugstore, and will be occupied by Mr. A. G. Butler, late of Bethalto, Such an enterprise will doubtless be successful in that part of the city.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 28, 1871
On Thursday evening, about half past six o’clock, a fire broke out in the blacksmith shop of Rodemeyer’s Carriage Factory. Mr. J. P. Nisbett, who was passing by, first discovered the flames bursting through the roof over the forge. He broke open the door, and finding water near the forge in a barrel, succeeded in checking the fire. Others soon joined him, and the flames were extinguished with buckets of water. At the time the fire broke out, the proprietor had not been gone from the shop more than ten minutes. The flames evidently originated from a spark from the forge. Had not the fire been discovered in the “nick of time,” a disastrous conflagration would have occurred, as the building was very inflammable.



Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, August 4, 1871
We understand that the valuable stone quarry on the river bank, back of the old penitentiary, is to be re-opened and extensively worked. It has excellent shipping facilities, both by river and rail, and will, doubtless, be profitable.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 4, 1871
The Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works will be in operation on August 15. They will employ a large number of hands.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 11, 1871
J. M. Terry and William McAdam Jr., of Jersey County, who were appointed to view a new wagon road from Jersey Landing to Alton, have completed their labors and pronounced the route feasible. It runs down the Mississippi River, and will be several miles nearer than the old road.


From the Quincy Whig
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 18, 1871
Alton is situated about twenty-five miles from St. Louis by either land or water. Taking the Chicago & Alton Railroad at East St. Louis, you accomplish the distance in an hour. The prosperous old times of the St. Louis & Alton packets have long since passed, and the railroads now monopolize nearly the entire travel between the two places. The city of Alton is properly divided into two towns – formerly known as Alton and Lower Alton, now as Alton and Upper Alton, the lower town being much the larger and more important. They are about two miles apart, and connected by a street railway. The State Penitentiary, for many years a noted institution, no longer exists here. Joliet coveted and received the prize, and Alton was glad. The gloomy walls of the old Penitentiary still stand, however, plainly seen from the river and other points. It is now used as a city prison.

The city of Alton is situated on a succession of bluffs, with valleys between, and he who would see the town must undergo many “ups and downs.” The business portion is solidly built, with brick or stone, there being a great abundance of the latter material here. Alton lime is quite a noted export. There are some fine business blocks, handsome residences, commodious churches and schoolhouses, and a number of mills and manufactories. Glass works have recently been established here.

The population of Alton proper is about 12,000, and of Upper Alton 2,500. The horse railroad furnishes a pleasant ride, passing in full view of the cemetery – a beautiful spot – also by the splendid residence of H. A. Homeyer, Mr. Cooley, and H. C. Cole, all in Upper Alton.

A noted educational institution, Shurtleff College, under the auspices of the Baptist denomination, is located at Upper Alton. This is one of the oldest colleges in the West. Its charter was obtained in 1835, and the present college building erected in 1842. The building is of brick, 120 by 44 feet, and four stories high, containing 64 rooms, embracing students’ rooms, cabinet, library reading room, chemical laboratory, society and recitation rooms. The college grounds embrace six or seven acres, beautifully shaded with trees. There is also a commodious chapel nearby, which well seats 200 or 300 persons. Attached to it are also recitation rooms and the preparatory department.

The foundation for a new building was laid several years ago, but the war and other causes hindered the work, and the building has gone no further. An effort is to be made this year to complete the endowment of the theological department, and the completion of the new building will then receive attention. There is no living man or woman who has done so much for Shurtleff College as Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Gove of Quincy.

The number of students in attendance during the past year has been 108, of which 16 are students for the ministry. There will hereafter be an academic course of three years open to both males and females. There are two literary societies, the “Sigma Phi,” and “Alpha Zeta,” each of which have commodious and elegantly furnished society rooms, each containing a cabinet of specimens and a library. Your correspondent attended the annual exhibition of the “Sigma Phi,” a few months ago. The exercises, consisting of essays, declamation, debate and music were highly creditable to the performers and the society.

A monthly college paper is published called the “Qui Vive,” which was a circulation of 1,500, and has acquired a good reputation for ability. The college library numbers 4,000 volumes, many of them rare works. The reading room contains the principal newspapers and periodicals, etc. The chemical laboratory is well supplied with apparatus, and the cabinet has a rich supply of specimens, geological and otherwise, from all parts of the world, including some interesting mementoes of the war. The various professors and teachers of Shurtleff are gentlemen of extensive learning and long experience.

Opposite the college, and but a few rods off is Rural Park Seminary for young ladies, formerly the residence of H. N. Kendall, Esq., who still owns the premises. It is a spot of surpassing beauty. The building, a large and handsome brick, is perfect in its arrangements, and the grounds, embracing 56 acres, are most tastefully laid out, abounding in vales and landscapes and delightful views. They are planted with rare shrubs, flowers and trees, among which are the larch, linden, Norway maple, etc. Mr. Kendall has spent money without stint on the premises, and there is not a spot in the State that can exceed, if equal it, in beauty. The mansion and grounds are valued at $25,000. The school is under the same auspices as the college, but not being so successful as was desired, it will be discontinued as a separate institution and combined with the college. The building will revert to Mr. Kendall, who will re-occupy it. Mr. Kendall is well known as the great cracker manufacturer, his establishment at Alton being one of the largest in the West, and his trade very extensive. He hints at establishing a branch agency for the sale of his celebrated crackers at Quincy. We hope he may, as the enterprise would beyond doubt be successful.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 25, 1871
The Alton Woolen Mill is one of the great manufacturing establishments of the West, and has an extended and favorable reputation throughout this and neighboring States. In style and quality of goods, it is unsurpassed. Alton Woolen Mill goods, in fact, are made to last. The farmers of Madison County should buy their woolen goods direct from the manufactory, and thus save paying the retailer’s profit. The Messrs. Nichols will suit you both as to styles and prices.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 15, 1871
We have been requested to say that the new, extensive, and very complete glass works on Belle Street are now all finished, and that the company will be blowing tomorrow afternoon, at which time all who are interested in witnessing the operation are invited to be present. We shall, at a very early day, give a full and particular description of the works, which are very much more extensive and complete in all of its departments than most of our citizens have any idea.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1871
About one o’clock Friday night, the alarm of fire was sounded from the Washington Engine House. The cause proved to be the burning of a cooper shop in the Third Ward, near the lime kilns, belonging to Mr. Luke Brennan. Of course, the building and contents being so combustible, the fire spread rapidly, and the whole building was soon enveloped in flames. The fire soon communicated to a shed adjoining, filled with staves and headings, and thence to a frame dwelling house belonging to a Mr. Starkey of Pocahontas, Bond County, and occupied as a residence and saddler’s store by Mr. Adolph Detrich. This building was likewise totally consumed, but the family escaped, and most of their goods and furniture were removed. The Washington Engine Company arrived promptly on the ground with their apparatus, but as there was no water within a quarter of a mile, all the cisterns in the vicinity being dry, the engine was unable to render any service. The steam fire engine arrived on the ground about three quarters of an hour after the alarm was sounded, but as there was no water, and no buildings left to throw water upon, it right-about-faced and rolled solemnly homeward. The leisurely approach of the steamer arose probably from a misapprehension on the part of the driver, who perhaps imagined he was driving a hearse and going to a funeral instead of a fire.

The total loss was some $2,500. Mr. Brennan had a small insurance, but it will not begin to cover his loss. We could not learn whether Mr. Starkey was insured or not, as he is a non-resident. He had but recently purchased the property.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1871
The beautiful and extensive assortment of dry goods, recently opened by Messrs. I. Scarritt & Son, at their old stand on Belle Street, is attracting deserved attention, both from our own citizens and visitors from neighboring towns in the vicinity, as the throngs of purchasers at their counters testify. The tastefully arranged show-window of their establishment, where many stylish and fashionable goods are displayed, is a good index of the variety and beauty of the assortment of goods upon the shelves.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1871
An assortment of bottles from the Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works is on exhibition at the State Fair. The Works are now turning out some beautiful specimens of glassware.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 6, 1871
The Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works exhibited a fine assortment of bottles of different grades and sizes of their own manufacture at the Illinois State Fair in Du Quoin, which attracted deserved attention for their beauty and novelty. The assortment was awarded a Silver Medal, “as the best display of glassware manufactured in Illinois.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1871
We publish today the dissolution of the co-partnership of the well-known firm of W. A. Holton & Co., druggists, Mr. Holton retiring. The business will be continued by the junior partner, Mr. Ebenezer Marsh Jr. There will be general regret felt at the retirement of Mr. Holton from business, as few merchants in Alton were better known or more highly respected. He has been actively engaged in the drug business in Alton for about thirty-three years, longer, consecutively, than any other druggist in the State. His partner and successor, Prof. Ebenezer Marsh, Jr., is not only an experienced practical druggist, but a chemist of distinguished attainments, whose studies in that profession were pursued at the leading American and German Universities. His practical acquaintance with the chemical properties of medicines is, of course, invaluable in preparing prescriptions, and cannot fail of inspiring confidence in their correctness. Mr. Marsh will continue the business in all its details, and we feel assured will meet with even greater success than that enjoyed by the old firm.

Ebenezer Marsh Jr. was the son of Ebenezer Marsh Sr., who came to Alton in 1828, and taught at the Rock Spring Seminary (later called Shurtleff College) Marsh Sr. was also president of the First National Bank and the Alton Marine & Fire Insurance Company. The family lived at 1403 Henry Street in Alton. Marsh Sr. was married to Mary Stanford Caldwell Marsh (1814-1908), and they had the following children: Ebenezer Marsh Jr. (1833-1911); Ann Marsh Caldwell (1836-1915); and Mary Fanny Marsh Carr (1844-1923). Marsh Sr. died in 1877, at the age of about 70, and was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.

Ebenezer Marsh Jr. was born October 18, 1833, in Alton. He was educated in private schools, and then entered Shurtleff College. He graduated with honors in 1852. He then attended Harvard University, graduating with a degree in chemistry. In 1855, he visited Europe, and spent nearly three years in universities there, graduating in 1857 with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. At Harvard, he studied under such eminent teachers as Agassiz, a naturalist; Gray, the botanist; and Hossford, a natural scientist. Marsh returned to Alton and married Katherine Provost Foote. The couple lived in a large, spacious home on Seminary Street in Upper Alton, between the Western Military Academy and Shurtleff College. During the Civil War, he served a secretary of the Union League, a patriotic organization which combatted the Knights of the Gold Circle [Confederate sympathizers]. After working under W. A. Holton in the drug business, he became sole proprietor of the Marsh Drugstore, located at the northwest corner of Third and Belle Streets in Alton. He continued this business until right before his death in 1911, when he sold the drugstore to Robert and William Luly.

Ebenezer and Kate (Foote) Marsh had one son – Joseph V. E. Marsh, who was a well-known and successful attorney in Alton.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1871
The announcement made in the Daily Telegraph of the 17th, of the suspension of business by this old and popular insurance company, took no one by surprise in Alton. Owing to the fact of its having, for many years, done a very large business in Chicago, it was generally believed that it would have to wind up its affairs after the terrible conflagration took place in that city. But the fact that it has been compelled to suspend its business is nonetheless regretted on that account.

The Illinois Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was chartered in 1838, and has ever since that time been doing a very large and extensive business, having its agents located in every county and town in the State, and has probably adjusted more losses in the State of Illinois than any other company in it, and during all this time its losses have been promptly met, without delay or litigation, except in cases where there was good evidence of fraud on the part of the insured. During all this period, its present efficient and popular Secretary, Mr. John Atwood, has had the immediate charge of its affairs, and has won the reputation of being one of the wisest and most judicious underwriters in the West. Several of the principal directors and clerks in the office in Alton have likewise been connected with the institution for nearly a quarter of a century. To these gentlemen, as well as to the other employees, the closing of the doors of the company must be a severe and sore trial, not only on account of their personal loss, but in the breaking up of associations of more than a quarter of a century’s standing. But the failure of the company will be felt by many in all parts of the State, who have never been insured in any other company, like the loss of a true and a tried friend. The writer, up to yesterday afternoon, had been insured in the Mutual ever since 1845, and there are thousands in Illinois who have had risks in it for an equal or a longer period of time. But on Alton and her citizens will the loss more particularly fall. It disbursed every month to its officers and employees quite a considerable amount of money, which, with other losses caused by the Chicago fire, will be sensibly felt.

We do not know the exact loss of the company by the late Chicago fire, but it is very heavy in proportion to its assets, and places it far beyond its ability ever to liquidate. But we are well assured that the officers of the company will meet honestly and faithfully every dollar of their liabilities so far as they have the means in their hands to do so. No one here feels disposed to censure, or even complain of the slight loss which he may suffer on account of the failure, but on the contrary, the officers, as well as all employed in the office, have the sympathy and good wishes of our entire community.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 30, 1871
Messrs. Atwood and Dye have been appointed agents for the Imperial Fire Insurance Company of London. This is unquestionably the strongest exclusively fire insurance company now doing business in this country, if not in the world.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 10, 1871
About half-past eight o’clock this morning, a fire broke out in the cellar of Mr. J. E. Coppinger’s elegant brick residence on Main Street [now W. 9th Street hill, which ends at State Street], the fire being communicated to a large quantity of kindling from sparks from the stove in the washroom. [The residence was probably near Coppinger Road, off of W. 9th Street.] The flames spread with great rapidity, and were soon bursting through the cellar windows and through the floor of the first story. The neighbors soon gathered and made every effort with buckets of water to stay the progress of the flames, and were successful in preventing their spread to the second story. Meantime, the steamer arrived on the ground very promptly, and was soon throwing water from a cistern, and when that was exhausted from a pond nearby. The Washington arrived on the ground quite late, owing to the distance of the engine house from the fire, but on account of an accident, was unable to be of service. The Hook and Ladder boys were promptly on the ground and did good service. The steamer worked admirably, and soon had the flames in subjection, throwing two streams a part of the time.

The damage to the building and contents, by fire and water, is very serious, and will aggregate about five thousand dollars. A part of the furniture was saved. The first story of the building was almost entirely burned out, and the second story considerably damaged. But the walls and roof are in good preservation.

There was a large crowd at the scene of the fire, many being influential citizens. Mr. Coppinger and son were absent at Edwardsville at the time of the fire. Mr. Coppinger’s residence was one of the finest in the city, and there is general sympathy expressed for him in his loss.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 15, 1871
Mr. Frederick Shelly has purchased of Maj. George S. Roper and Mr. J. W. McMillan, the fine residence and grounds on State street known as the Keating property [at the corner of State and Dry Streets]. The price paid was $7,500. This property is very desirable, both as regards location and intrinsic value. Mr. Shelly intends occupying it himself.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, December 22, 1871
Mr. William Armstrong, who owns the frame building corner of Fifth and Piasa streets, formerly a planing mill, is fitting it up as a barrel factory, on an extensive scale.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 12, 1872
The Grand Duke Alexis and suite were to pass through Alton on the way to St. Louis. By seven o’clock, a crowd numbering about 800, many of whom were ladies, had gathered at the depot to gaze upon a real, live Prince. The men were eager to see the Duke, and the ladies were eager to have the Duke see them. The crowd waited impatiently, and were greatly rejoiced when the pilot engine, “Major Nolton,” passed the depot, and was shortly followed by the train carrying the ducal party. The train was an elegant one, consisting of Engine 109, a baggage car, dining car, and two palace drawing room cars. The Duke and party were in the rear coach, and the crowd, as soon as the fact was ascertained, raised a faint cheer and made a rush in that direction, where a few had the felicity of gazing upon the party through the windows. When the train arrived, the ducal party were engaged in a social game of cards in one of the compartments. The portraits and pen pictures of the Duke have certainly been faithful, and there was no difficulty in distinguishing his stately, magnificent figure and handsome face from the rest of the party. He was plainly dressed in a dark frock coat and dark vest, with pants of seemingly nearly the same material. His features were regular and attractive, hair light brown, wears side whiskers, and a dawning moustache.

The train paused but a few moments, and then moved on. As the train pulled out, the street boys howled a faint farewell, and the crowd dispersed. Those of the ladies who saw the phenomenon were highly elated, but as only about one tenth of the crowd enjoyed that pleasure, the majority were indignant because the Duke did not “come out and show himself.” But as the night was dark as pitch, matters would not have been much improved if he had.

The Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich of Russia was born in 1850 in St. Petersburg. By the age of 20 he was appointed Lieutenant of the Imperial Russian Navy. In 1871, he was sent as a goodwill ambassador to the United States and Japan. He was received by President Ulysses S. Grant. He then toured the East coast and Canada, and then toured the Midwest where he viewed the ruins after the Chicago fire. After passing through Alton, he visited St. Louis, where he attended a burlesque show. He then traveled to Omaha, Nebraska, where he was greeted by Buffalo Bill, General Sheridan, and Lt. Colonel George Armstrong Custer (who became a good friend). About 600 warriors of different Sioux tribes assembled to greet Alexei at a hunting camp. The Natives staged exercises of horsemanship, lance-throwing, and bow shooting, closing with a grand war dance. On his twenty-second birthday, Alexei was taken on a buffalo hunt. He rode Buffalo Bill’s horse, “Buckskin Joe,” which had been trained to ride at full gallop so the best shot could be made. Alexei took home a souvenir of a buffalo hide. From there he continued to Denver. He later toured southern States, where he visited New Orleans.

In 1883, he was appointed General Admiral of the Russian Navy, however after the Russian defeat in the Battle of Tsushima in 1905, he was relieved of his command. He died in Paris in 1908.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 12, 1872
The steamboat, City of Pekin, of the Alton Packet, broke up an ice gorge opposite Alton. The charges on the ice barricade continued vigorously all day, and were witnessed by a large crowd of spectators on the bank. The gorge was very solid, extending in many places to the bottom of the river. By the close of the afternoon, the boat had cut a wide channel almost to her landing, and at length, just at sunset, she struck the ice with tremendous force, midway in the river, and started the whole vast ice field from shore to shore. The boat backed out, and the ice floated downstream.

Of course, at the time the gorge gave way, there were a lot of boys on the ice (boys always are where they ought not to be), and if it had not been for the efforts of the crowd on shore, in running a long plank from the shore to the floating ice, the boys would have enjoyed a free sail down the river. As it was, one of them was so bewildered by fright that he ran in every direction but the right one, until a skiff put off from shore and brought him to land.

There is still another gorge above Alton, which Captain Starr intends to put the Pekin through on her return from St. Louis, and thus clear the river to Grafton.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 16, 1872
The Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works are now about ready for business again. The new smelting furnace has been completed, and the fires were kindled a day or two since, but a week will elapse before “blowing” is commenced, as a new furnace has to be heated very gradually, in order to temper the material sufficiently to stand the intense heat required for smelting.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 16, 1872
A movement is now on foot in Alton for the establishment here of a window glass factory on an extensive scale. The gentlemen engaged in the enterprise are among our most prominent and wealthy citizens. It is to be conducted by a joint stock company. The capital stock has already been subscribed, and twice as much as is needed has been tendered. In addition, the enterprise is backed by an amount of capital that will render it one of the strongest glass corporations, financially, in the country. Mr. N. C. Hatheway and Prof. E. March Jr., who are interested in the enterprise, will leave town in a day or two on a trip to Pittsburgh, and other glass manufacturing points, to obtain such information and make such investigations as they think necessary. The company will be fully organized in a few days, when we will give a full statement of its organization and what it proposes to do. The location of the works has not yet been decided upon, and there will doubtless be a warm competition among the citizens of various parts of the city to obtain its location in their particular locality.

The success of the Hollow Ware Glass Works in Alton has demonstrated practically that any kind of glass manufactured in the U. S. can be made here as cheaply and of as good, if not better, quality than in any city in the country. We have the best of markets, the great growing West at our very door, while Pittsburg herself cannot compare with Alton in shipping facilities – either by river or rail.

From facts in our possession, we do not deem it an idle boast to say that we believe in five years Alton will be the headquarters of the glass manufacturing interests of the West. The benefit which will accrue to this city from the increase and fostering of manufacturing enterprises is simply incalculable. There is not a trade, a business, or a profession in Alton that will not be directly benefitted thereby. In the development of manufacturing interests lies the future prosperity of Alton.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 15, 1872
About 12 o’clock on Saturday night, a fire broke out in J. Guertler’s saloon, The Orient, corner of Third and Piasa Streets, and spread so rapidly that in a few minutes, the entire interior of the saloon was on fire. The fire department were promptly on the ground, the steamer arriving in six minutes after the alarm was given, closely followed by the Hook & Ladder Company. The flames spread to the store of F. Brandeweide, tobacconist, adjoining to the west, and to the boot and shoe store of Weil and Pfeiffer, doing great damage. It also spread to the store of John Fernow, on the south. The steamer, aided by the Washington, soon had the fire under control, and succeeded finally in extinguishing it altogether, though not until damage to buildings and stocks had been done to the amount of several thousand dollars. The buildings can be repaired, with the exception of the corner saloon, which will, probably, have to come down, although the outer walls are still standing. Great damage was done to goods by water, almost as much, in some cases, as by fire. Mr. J. Guertler met with a total loss of his stock of liquors. He had insurance in the Orient to the amount of $600. The barbershop of Henry Sein, under Guertler’s saloon, was badly damaged. Mr. Sein has insurance to the amount of $400. Mr. Brandeweide’s loss by fire and water is almost total. Mr. John Fernow’s stock is badly damaged by fire and water, being of a perishable character. The adjoining building, occupied by Mrs. Toppecharr as a confectionery store, was somewhat damaged, but not materially. The five buildings damaged all belonged to the Waples estate, and were insured for $700 each. Had it not been for the noble service rendered by the steam fire engine, the fire, from the locality in which it occurred, would have resulted in a general and disastrous conflagration. The origin of the fire is unknown, and can only be conjectured. The loss is serious, but might have been much worse.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 12, 1872
The Hollow Ware Glass Works are now running to their full capacity, and are turning out large quantities of glass ware of excellent quality. The recent heavy advance in the price of glass has given a great impetus to all kinds of glass manufacture.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, April 26, 1872
The stone business is active this season. Watson's quarry employs a large force of laborers, and is the liveliest place in town at present.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 19, 1872
The proprietors of this well-known establishment have leased the Works to a St. Louis business house, the lease taking effect on July 1. The new proprietors intend to conduct the Works on as extensive a scale as heretofore, and will commence “blowing” next month. During the last few months, the Works have not only done an extensive but a very successful business, and they are only induced to retire from it by the pressure of other business. This company have demonstrated the fact that glass ware can be made in Alton at a handsome financial profit, and of as fine finish and quality as any in the market.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1872
W. W. Young & Son of St. Louis, the new proprietors of the Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works, have completely refitted the works, and will commence blowing glass next Monday. They are practical glass makers, and have large wholesale salesrooms in St. Louis.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1872
The carcasses of more than twenty cows have been thrown into the river within the last four days, at points above the foot of Piasa Street. Several of them have been swept down by the current under the raft opposite the Union Depot, where they are now lodged. Unless they can be removed from that position, their decay will be a fearful nuisance.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 6, 1872
A terrible runaway took place on Fourth Street under the following circumstances: A team of horses, hitched to a farm wagon, became frightened and started down the street on the full run. When opposite the post office, they ran upon the sidewalk and collided with the mail wagon, which they demolished. This collision frightened them still more, and with redoubled speed, they dashed on. Just as they reached the corner of Piasa Street, an engine and two cars came along. The maddened animals rushed headlong against the side of the locomotive with fearful force. The shock turned the wagon completely over, made one horse execute a somersault, while the other hardly lost his footing. The horse that was down jumped up at once. Both animals stood still a moment as if dazed, and then started off on the run, dragging with them the fore-wheels of the wagon – the rest of the vehicle being smashed into toothpicks. The horses rushed down Piasa Street, then down Second [Broadway], and were not stopped until near Henry. Strange to say, they were but little hurt by their collision with the engine. One had a cut in the side, the other a cut on the leg, and both were bruised. It is a wonder they were not killed. The engine, likewise, will survive the disaster. The team belonged to Mr. Jones of Bethalto.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, September 13, 1872
We have been informed that there are from twenty to thirty dead cattle lying in Hop Hollow, within a mile or a mile and a half of this city [Alton], and that the stench arising from them is almost intolerable, and will soon produce a pestilence unless it is abated. It should be the duty of someone to see that this offensive nuisance is removed without delay. We also learn that there are several carcases of dead cattle lying unburied in several of the sink holes in Sempletown, The Board of Health of the city should give this matter early attention.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1872
Work has commenced on the government dyke [wall] across the head of Alton Slough, the engineers and a large force of workmen being on the ground. The party have two steam dredge boats, the steamer Innovator, and several barges, which have already commenced active service. The dyke is to be built from Ellis Island to the main Missouri shore, the point selected for the northern abutment being about 100 yards below the head of the island. The work is being done under the general direction of General Raynolds, Superintendent of Western River and Harbor Improvement, while Major Allen, Engineer McMath, and Lieutenant S. E. McGregory will have the superintendence of the details. Mr. McGregory is to have the immediate charge of construction.

The dyke is to be built of willow brush and stone. The brush is to be obtained from Tow Head Island (later called Smallpox Island), where it is already being out. The engineers will first dredge a channel 100 feet wide in the bottom of the slough, from shore to shore, for the foundation of the work. Long piles will then be driven in a row across the stream, after which the brush bound in bundles, will be sunk in the channel cut by the dredges. The brush embankment will be raised to low water mark, and then covered with stone. The whole dyke is to be built above low water mark, but the abutments are to be raised to high water mark, so that in future, if desirable, the whole dyke can be raised above high-water mark. The deepest water found along the line of the dyke is thirteen feet. The length of the embankment is nine hundred feet. The work will be completed this Fall, and we are assured from the experience and scientific ability of the engineers in charge, that it will be performed in a most thorough and workmanlike manner, and will result favorably in the improvement of the condition of the harbor.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1872
We were shown a cane, the other day, made of a log from the first house that was built in the city of Alton. The owner, Mr. Isaac Cox, Esq., remembers well when the entire population of Alton lived in one log house, and the great city of St. Louis contained but six small stores. He came to this county in 1800. The pleasure of a few hours’ conversation with him is more instructive than a volume of history.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1872
About six o’clock last evening, quite an accident occurred at the dental rooms of Dr. White, over the Alton National Bank. The doctor was engaged in preparing some of his work, which required the use of his steam vulcanizer, which fitted into the top of his stove. The gas had not been lit, and the room had grown so dark that the doctor could not see the figures on his thermometer distinctly, and permitted a greater heat to be generated than the machine could stand, and it suddenly exploded with a report so loud that it startled everyone in the vicinity. The stove, constructed of heavy cast iron, was blown into fragments, some parts being hurled up through the ceiling, others through the woodwork of the opposite wall, and the rest scattered all over the room inflecting great damage to the furniture. The doctor, fortunately, was standing behind a large sofa at the time and was uninjured, but the end of the sofa was broken to pieces. Had any one of the fragments struck him, it would have caused serious, or perhaps fatal injuries.

The fire from the stove was thrown all about the room, and but for the promptness of some citizens in hastening to the assistance of the doctor with buckets of water, a conflagration would have been added to the accident. After the fire was put out, over one hundred fragments of the stove were picked up about the room. The doctor is engaged today in repairing damages. He considers that he was very fortunate in escaping personal injury.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1872
The fine store building, corner of Third and Piasa Streets, formerly occupied by Breckinridge & Everts, is being refitted and remodeled for the use of Mr. E. H. Goulding, who on the completion of the alterations, will remove there his extensive jewelry store. It will make one of the handsomest establishments in the city. In addition to the interior improvements, an awning is being built in front.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 18, 1872
The value of manufactures to the growth of a city is evinced by the fact that the extensive Glass Works, now in operation here, employ over eighty hands. Below we insert some extracts from an article which appeared this morning in the St. Louis Democrat, in regard to the Glass Works in Alton. They will show how that establishment is regarded by those living outside of the city, and demonstrate the feasibility and importance of establishing additional works of the same kind. It is beyond all question the manifest destiny of Alton to become a large and extensive manufacturing town. It may take time to accomplish it, but it is just as certain to take place ultimately as it is that General Grant will become our next President, and that has ceased to be a controverted question. The writer says:

“Bottles are the most perishable of household vessels, and it requires the labor of many men and boys to supply the constantly increasing demand. Druggists use a great many bottles and jars of various sizes, and patent medicine dealers require immense numbers for their nostrums. Liquor and wine dealers use dark-colored bottles and flasks are made by the million.”

Quite an extended account of the way bottles is made is then given, after which it is added:

“It requires 20 or 30 men and boys to do the work at the Alton furnace. They are paid according to the work done, and make from $20 to $40 per week. The coal is brought from the mines, two miles distant, and costs about nine cents per bushel. The sand is obtained at Grafton, the fire clay at the Christy farm near St. Louis, and the soda ash is imported by way of New Orleans. The storehouse is in this city [St. Louis], and the furnace is kept in constant operation, filling the orders of our druggists, patent medicine dealers, and others. This glass factory is an important branch of our home manufactories, and will in time be reinforced by numerous similar establishments. Glass can be made here cheaper than at Pittsburg, because all the materials which enter into its composition are at our doors. Heretofore, the want of success in glass factories in Alton has been owing to the lack of skill in the workmen and experience in the management.”

It will be remembered by our readers that the Glass Works in Alton is now operated by a St. Louis firm. Three or four more establishments, especially for the manufacture if window glass in Alton, could find immediate and profitable sale, for all they could manufacture. In fact, the establishment of additional factories would be of great advantage to the one already in operation, if anything could increase the already extensive demand for all that it can possibly turn out.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, December 6, 1872
A conference took place on Monday afternoon at the office of Mayor Pfeiffenberger, between the Citizens' committee and the St. Louis manufacturers, heretofore spoken of, in regard to the location of a screw and cotton press factory in this city. The representations made by the St. Louis gentlemen were to the effect that they had $57,000 cash to put into the concern, and patterns, patents, etc., to the amount of $18,000 more, making a total of $75,000 stock. The Citizens' committee, consisting of Hon. J. T. Drummond, Hon. L. Pfeiffenberger and George A. Smith, Esq., then made the following proposition to the manufactures, as an inducement to locate in Alton:

"That they would organize an independent joint stock company; purchase the Patterson Iron Works buildings, and place it at the disposal of the manufacturers for five years, free of taxes and insurance."

The manufacturers, however, while acknowledging the liberality of the proposition, stated that they preferred to own the buildings themselves, even without being exempt from taxes and insurance, and would, therefore, make the following counter-proposition, viz:

"They would agree to purchase the Patterson Foundry buildings and establish a factory here with $75,000 capital, providing the citizens of Alton would put the buildings in proper repair."

The cost of the necessary repairs would be from $2,500 to $3,000. There the matter rested, and the Alton committee agreed to submit the matter to the consideration of our citizens for their action. In regard to this offer we have only this to say: If the manufacturers are reliable, upright men who will carry out their proposition in good faith, the investment of $3,000 to secure an increase of $75,000 active capital in our midst, and a factory employing from 50 to 100 operatives, will be an excellent one. As to the reliability referred to, we presume the committee are prepared to give the necessary information.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 27, 1872
We are informed that the Alton Screw and Manufacturing Co., through H. H. Bingham, have closed negotiations with H. G. McPike and F. Hewit, agents, for the purchase of the Patterson Foundry Works in this city. The above company is made up of the St. Louis manufacturers, of whom we have before spoken.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 10, 1873
The representatives of this company from St. Louis were in town on Tuesday, in conference with the Citizens Committee in regard to the details of their location in Alton. The company has filed their certificate of organization with the Secretary of State, arranged for the purchase of the Patterson Iron Works on Piasa Street, and have accepted the conditions offered by said Citizens Committee, consisting of Mayor Lucas Pfeiffenberger, ex-Mayor Drummond, and George A. Smith, Esq. The conditions are that our citizens shall donate the company $3,000 to repair the Patterson buildings, payable when the new works are in running order, stocked with machinery, and $50,000 stock paid in. The company have given the committee satisfactory evidence of their entire reliability, and of the fact that they mean business. They have sent to Boston to complete the negotiations for the transfer of the buildings (whose owner resides there). Their books are open for further subscription in St. Louis, and the full amount of $50,000 will be paid in within ten days. Mayor Pfeiffenberger assures us that the company is all right, and are entitled to public confidence. The Citizens Committee will shortly commence canvassing for the $3,000 fund to repair the buildings ready for the reception of machinery. As the money is not to be paid over until the works are in operation, with a paid-up capital of $50,000, there is no fear that the money of the Alton subscribers can be misapplied. The importance of such a manufacturing establishment to Alton, employing at once from 50 to 100 hands, will be understood and appreciated by all, without further remarks. Let us give the new company a generous reception and every assistance possible. The time has past for the manifestation of any narrow-minded prejudice. We must all work together for the common good.


Jail Break in Alton
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24, 1873
Sunday morning, a man named William Farr, confined in the city jail on charge of larceny, made his escape through the aid of an outside accomplice. The jailer, Mr. P. Pickard, never allowed the prisoner outside his iron cell except in cases of necessity, but at some time, while in the corridor, the prisoner obtained a hammer and some acids, which an accomplice had slipped in through the grating of a window. With these, he went to work on the fastenings of his cell door. The acids were applied to the iron into which the bolt was slid, and in time, had so eaten into the material that a blow with the hammer was sufficient to break it off. This done, he drew back the bolt with a piece of wire, and walked out of his cell. When in the corridor, the prisoner took a shovel full of coals from the stove, climbed up to the ceiling (which is the floor of the entrance in the library room), and set it on fire – hanging his bed blanket around the flames to keep the light from being seen from the street. He next went to work with a saw, made from an iron spoon, and assisted by the fire, soon had a hole through the ceiling large enough to admit him to the room above. He then took a bucket of water, and put out the fire. Not, we suppose, for the sake of saving the building, but that he might crawl through the hole without being burned. Having reached the room above, all he had to do was to open the door and walk out a free man. He must have been engaged all night at the job, and Mr. Pickard thinks it was about seven o’clock in the morning when he finally got clear. The escape was discovered by Mr. Pickard when he came to the jail in the morning to feed the prisoners. Farr certainly manifested great ingenuity in effecting his escape. The same amount of genius, applied to any honest avocation, would have made his fortune. The escaped prisoner left all his tools behind him to tell the story of “how it was done.” He is doubtless by this time “over the hills and Farr away.”

The Alton jail was located in the basement of the city hall, which was located in the current Lincoln-Douglas Square, near the foot of Market Street.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 31, 1873
Messrs. Martin and Boals, proprietors of the Alton Planing Mills, have purchased the large brick machine shops owned by Mr. V. Warren, and built by the old Terre Haute Railroad Company. Messrs. Martin & Boals intend removing their planing mill to the buildings just purchased. They will there have far more room for their extensive business, the buildings having been originally designed for manufacturing purposes. We understand the amount paid for the buildings was $5,000.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 28, 1873
At 11 o’clock Tuesday night, the three-story store building on Third Street, occupied by the Smiley Bros. and owned by Thomas Biggins, was discovered to be on fire. The alarm was at once given, and the steamer was soon at the scene of action. The Hook and Ladder Company were also promptly on hand.

There are several theories in regard to the origin of the fire – the most probably of which seems to be that it caught from the stove. The flames spread very rapidly and enveloped the first floor of the building, and soon spread to the second. Mr. W. E. Smiley, who was asleep in his room on the second floor, had a narrow escape from being suffocated, and escaped only partially dressed. So rapid was the progress of the flames, that nothing whatever was saved, Smiley Bros. losing not only their entire stock of goods, but all their personal effects and their books and papers. The building was total consumed, though the front wall is still standing.

The flames spread to the adjoining four-story building on the East, also owned by Mr. Biggins. The first floor was occupied by Richard Flagg, dry goods merchant, the office of Kellenberger & Sons, and of Dr. McKinney were on the second floor; the third floor was used for storage; and the fourth was occupied by the Alton Gymnastic Society. Although this building was deluged with water, the two upper stories and roof were burned out, and the first and second floors badly damaged. The entire building will have to be rebuilt, though part of the walls will be available in reconstruction. Mr. Flagg’s stock was thoroughly soaked with water – his loss from that cause being greater than from fire. Kellenberger & Sons were damaged both by fire and water, and have suffered considerable loss, but their books and valuable papers are safe. The Alton Gymnastic Society won’t use their apparatus any more, and those who are not accomplished athletes at present will have to wait a while to perfect themselves.

The next building on the east, occupied by H. & W. E. Schweppe, was somewhat damaged, and the stock was considerably injured by water. The building on the west of Smiley Bros., owned by Judge Baker and occupied by H. W. Chamberlain, druggist, and Dr. Rohland, was on fire several times, but by the exertions of the firemen, the flames were extinguished, but the building suffered serious damage. Mr. Chamberlain suffered quite heavily, principally from water and removal of goods.

The Washington engine was not on the ground, but the steamer, Hook & Ladder, and Altona boys rendered splendid service under Mayor Pfeiffenberger and their officers, and were efficiently aided by a steady stream which was played from the stationary engine in the City Mills. The efficiency of the steamer was again strikingly exemplified. Had it not been for its work, the entire south side of Third Street, from State to Piasa, would probably have been destroyed. The steamer pumped the two public cisterns on Third Street dry, and then drew water from the river. She kept up two steady streams for nearly five hours. The fire broke out again about four o’clock in Baker’s building, but was speedily subdued.

This is the most destructive fire that has visited Alton for many years, but we trust that the buildings which were destroyed may soon be replaced. The ruins today are being visited by large crowds. Much sympathy is expressed for the losers.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1873
We have heretofore mentioned the purchase of the Seaton Foundry property in Alton, by Messrs. Hughes & Co. of St. Louis, for the purpose of establishing an extensive factory of roofing tile. We are now glad to add that they purchased today the large building on the corner of Seventh and Piasa Streets, owned by John H. Smith, Esq., and known as the Wooden Ware Works, which they intend to use for their business in connection with the Seaton property. The price paid to Mr. Smith was $7,000. Messrs. Hughes & Co. also purchased today all the brick from the ruins of the Alton House, which they intend to use in making additions to their new property. They likewise purchased two large boilers from Captain Berry, to be used in the factory. The new manufacturing enterprise is composed of wealthy and enterprising men who “mean business,” and will add greatly to the manufacturing importance of the city.

Source: Alton Telegraph, March 14, 1873
Workmen are busily engaged in refitting and repairing the Wooden Ware Works building, preparatory to occupancy by the Roofing Tile Company. The large boilers for the new factory were hauled up from the levee this morning to the building, where they will be placed in position.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1873
There was quite an excitement occasioned on the street this morning by the report that a man had been murdered last night near the elevator, and the body thrown into the river. The foundation of the report was the finding of the marks of a struggle on the riverbank, and the traces of something having been drawn down the bank and thrown into the water. There were also found traces of blood and a stone and club stained with blood, and to which coarse yellow hairs were sticking. The hairs were examined by Dr. Guelich under a microscope, and though not claiming to be an expert, he thought they came from a man’s whiskers. There were also found near the water’s edge a nickel, and a handkerchief marked “E. Andrews.” Up to three o’clock this afternoon, no further facts had transpired, but there are evidently grounds for suspecting foul play. The handkerchief and club are in the possession of Marshal Challacombe.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 14, 1873
Cotter’s new drugstore on Belle Street, adjoining the Alton National Bank, is being fitted up in a very attractive style. A full stock is being received of drugs, medicines, toilet articles, and fancy goods, including everything usually found in a first-class drugstore. Mr. L. F. Cotter, an experienced druggist, is in charge of the new establishment.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 21, 1873
Part of the Seaton Foundry property is now in process of demolition, and the material is being transported across to the new Roofing Tile Factory, corner of Seventh and Piasa Streets.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 18, 1873
This extensive establishment has not been in operation for some weeks past, owing to the fact that very extensive repairs and improvements are being made, which are now nearly completed, and which will add greatly to the production of glass at less expense than it has been produced heretofore. This is now one of the most complete and perfect establishments of the kind in the West, but still it cannot begin to supply the demand for the manufactured article.

We have been informed that several extensive manufactories of the kind will be established either in St. Louis, East St. louis, or at this point during this summer. The Pittsburg manufacturers of glass are beginning to learn that they cannot compete with manufactories here, where every article required for the prosecution of the work, with the single exception of coal, is so much cheaper than it is there. Let them come – we have plenty of room for all who may desire to locate here.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 18, 1873
Mr. Matthew Wilkinson, a skillful and practical miller of many years experience in this and neighboring places, has purchased the Guetzwiller warehouse, fronting on Second Street [Broadway], and running through to the river, between Piasa and State, for the purpose of fitting it up for a mill. This is a move in the right direction, and we wish the enterprising gentleman abundant success in his undertaking. It is true that we already have four mills here in operation, some of them among the most extensive in the State, but we should have enough of them to convert every bushel of wheat raised in this vicinity into flour, instead of having it shipped to St. Louis to enrich the millers of that city.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 18, 1873
Messrs. G. L. Mcdonough & Co. have purchased the capacious building on Belle Street, just above the Glass Works, with a view of preparing themselves for carrying on their branch business much more extensively than heretofore. Both members of the firm are active and energetic young men, and have a practical knowledge of their business, and there is no doubt but with their greatly increased facilities for turning out work in their line, will make the enterprise a success.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 9, 1873
We publish today notice of the dissolution of the firm of Myers & Drummond, and the organization of a new firm composed of Henry Dausman of St. Louis, James T. and John N. Drummond of Alton, under the name and style of Dausman & Drummond. The new firm have capital, experience, and business talent. They are owners of one of the largest and most complete factories in the country, and will do an immense and profitable business.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1873
The most important of the manufacturing industries lately established in Alton is the Hughes & White Roofing Tile Factory, located in the large brick building, corner of Seventh and Piasa Streets, formerly known as the Alton Wooden Ware Works. This splendid property the company purchased of Mr. John Smith for $7,000. It is directly on the railroad, affording facilities for loading directly onto the cars, thus saving all cost of drayage. The works are now in complete operation. The clay used is obtained from land owned by the company at Buck Inn [North Alton], and consists of three grades which are mixed in equal proportions. It is hauled to the factory in wagons, and some 600 tons are now in store. The clay is first moistened with warm water in order to destroy any acids therein, and then crushed in a large circular mill, located on the first floor. It then passes into the grinding mill on the second floor, where it is ground as fine as powder. It next passes through the pressing mill, where it is moulded into ____ x 14 inches square, and … [unreadable].

The works are now turning out between ____ and 5,000 tile per day, and will soon largely increase the number. A force of forty hands is employed. The building is fitted up very conveniently for the business. The machinery is complete and remarkably ingenious. It is driven by a thirty-horse power engine. An elevator is being put in which will connect all three stories.

The tile manufactured here is certainly a most valuable roofing material. It is perfectly fireproof, and will last for hundreds of years without renewal. The cost per square of ten feet, everything included, is about equal to a square of shingle roof, and far less than either slate or tin. It is equally adapted to flat or steep roofs, as it is so constructed as to furnish its own pitch. The weight per square is from 600 to 700 pounds, though the tile can be made much lighter if desired. As a roofing material, it has been remarkably successful wherever introduced, and for business houses it seems destined to supersede all others in use on the score of cheapness, durability, safety, and efficiency. The company have already several smaller factories at different points, and intend establishing another at Kansas City, but at this point they are prepared to manufacture on a very extensive scale. The factory is operated by a stock company called the Hughes & White Roofing Tile Company. Mr. J. B. Hughes is the President and General Manager. He is proprietor of five combination patents, under which the manufacture is carried on. We wish the new enterprise abundant success.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1873
Dr. O. Easton, druggist, was on last Saturday arrested by the village constable, F. M. Randle, on a charge of threatening the life of his partner, G. W. Foster. He was bound over in a bond of $500 to keep the peace, failing to give the required security, he was taken to the hotel kept by Mr. Freide at the “Center.” Liquor was the cause, for the Doctor is a peaceable, quiet man at other times.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1873
The glass works have closed their works, as is customary in summer, and will not resume business until cooler weather.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1873
Among the most important and successful of our manufacturing industries is Kendall’s celebrated cracker house, located on the corner of Second [Broadway] and Easton Streets. This famous establishment, after a successful career extending over many years, is now more prosperous than ever, and doing a larger business. It manufactures crackers of every variety and of a brand equal, if not superior, to any in the country. In the West, certainly, no similar establishment is able to rival it in the quality or quantity of the goods manufactured. The spacious building is four stories high, including the basement, and is provided throughout with labor-saving machinery, driven by a forty horsepower engine. All the appointments of the factory are of the most comprehensive and convenient character, the product of long experience in the business.

The factory has a capacity of fifty barrels of flour per day, and is now being driven, by the demands of business, to the full extent of its capacity. Only the best grade of flour is used. It is in operation night and day without cessation, and two sets of hands, numbering thirty-seven in all, are constantly employed. A branch salesroom has recently been established in St. Louis, superintended by a member of the firm, in order to facilitate the transaction of business. The business of the firm extends over a large extent of territory. From New Orleans to St. Cloud on the Mississippi, and is bounded by Omaha on the west, Indianapolis on the east, and Chicago on the north. The sales amount to over $200,000 worth of goods per annum. The proprietors of the factory are Messrs. L. O. Kendall, A. L. Daniels, George A. and D. E. Bayle, all five energetic young men, who thoroughly understand their business and are prepared to satisfy the demands of the trade. Their great success is a public recognition not only of the superior quality of their goods, but of their business talent and energy.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 26, 1873
Mr. William Eliot Smith, President of the Illinois Glass Company, has just returned from a trip to northern Illinois and Minnesota. He reports every thing prosperous, and the atmosphere cool and bracing in that region.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 03, 1873
Mr. George D. Hayden’s new machine shop on Belle Street, although it has been in operation but a short time, is already doing a large jobbing business, and will prove an important addition to the manufacturing interest of the city. The shop is equipped with a mammoth planer, large and small lathes and other machinery necessary; together with a blacksmith’s forge. The machinery is driven by an ingenious vertical engine, built by Mr. Hayden. It is quite a novelty, performs its work admirably, and is in itself a testimonial to the maker’s mechanical skill. Among the work recently turned out by this shop is a tile machine, manufactured for a firm in Zanesville, Ohio. Mr. Hayden’s establishment seems to possess every facility for turning out general mechanical work with accuracy and promptitude. The large number of mills, factories, etc. in Alton render such a repair and jobbing shop an absolute necessity, and there is no doubt but that it will be well sustained.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 03, 1873
The works of this company, on Piasa Street, are now the scene of great activity. Although so recently started, and not yet as fully equipped with machinery as they intend to be, the company find themselves already overrun with orders for work. No better commentary on the need of such an establishment in this section, or the fitness of the location, could be made than this fact of the company’s not having to wait for business, but stepping at once into the full title of successful operation.
Western Screw & Mfg., Alton, IL
The buildings of the company, formerly the Patterson Iron Works, are among the most extensive and desirable in the West. Built with special reference to manufacturing purposes, all the arrangements and appointments are of the most convenient and labor-saving character. The main building is of large dimensions, as are also the foundries. The machine shop occupies the first floor of the former; on the upper floors are the carpenter shop, the finishing and japanning departments. In the carpenter shop the woodwork of the different varieties of presses is set up. The following is a list of the buildings, with their dimensions:

Main building – 46x100 feet, four stories.
Foundries – 46x80 feet, thirty feet high inside.
Core room – 20x20feet, core oven, 10x20 feet, small core oven, 5x6 feet.
Cupalo room – two stories, 20x20 feet.
Office – 20x20 feet, two stories.
Japanning room – 9x15 feet.
Ornamenting room – 10x24 feet.

The works front 160 feet on Piasa Street, by 100 feet deep on Third Street.

The variety of work the company are prepared to receive orders for is very large and comprehensive. The main article of manufacture, however, is the Ingalls’ Patent Screw, one of the most important mechanical inventions of the age. This screw can be applied to all varieties and kinds of presses, such as hay, cheese, cider, cotton, wool, tobacco, copying, wine, hide, lard, hop, etc. All these varieties of presses, and many others, the company is prepared to manufacture complete, and ship to any part of the country. Under this head also are made jack-screws of all descriptions, revolving chairs, stools, etc.; also screws of every size, shape, and form of thread, from one-fourth inch to the largest diameter. They are now manufacturing Bailey’s celebrated corn sheller, under direction of the inventor.

The company are likewise prepared to manufacture road scrapers, trucks, barrows, etc. Their foundry has facilities for turning out every description of fine castings, light and heavy. All the machinery used by the company is of the most improved description, driven by an engine of fifty horsepower.

The Superintendent, Colonel Ingalls, is a skillful and scientific mechanic and inventor, and a business man of fine abilities. The other officers are: F. P. Nimon, President; G. C. Letcher, Vice-President; Milo G. Dodd, Secretary and Treasurer – all of St. Louis. The directors and officers are among the leading business men of St. Louis, and have both the means and the ability to make the enterprise a grand success. Especially is this true of the affable and energetic President, Mr. Nimon, who has been extensively engaged in manufacturing in Pittsburgh, and has a practical knowledge of the business. The capital stock of the company is $50,000. Our citizens can rest assured that the Western Screw and Manufacturing Company is on a solid foundation and “means business.”


Source: Troy Weekly Bulletin, January 17, 1874
About 1 o’clock on Wednesday morning, a fire broke out in Alton. The flames were first discovered in the boot and shoe store of T. M. Boyle on Third Street. The wind was blowing a perfect gale, and the intense cold made the work of the firemen very difficult, and the buildings adjoining the shoe store on the east were soon a mass of flames. The fire swept along Piasa Street, south to the alley, burning every building in its way. The total loss is estimated at $57,000. The following is a list of the buildings:

The two-story brick building where the fire originated belonged to A. L. Chouteau, and was totally destroyed. The double, three-story brick belonging to the estate of the late B. K. Hart was also destroyed. The six brick stores belonging to the estate of T. S. Waples were burned. T. Biggins’ brick building on Piasa Street was slightly damaged, but the insurance is ample. Mr. Joesting’s two-story brick store, west of where the fire started, is slightly damaged, but it fully insured. The third story of the double brick, belonging to the estate of B. K. Hart, was fitted up by John E. Hayner, and known as “Kirkland Hall.” He had no insurance on the fixtures, and loses about $900. This hall has been used every night for five weeks for the Hammond meetings, and was completely full on the night of the fire until about 11 o’clock.

Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1874
L. Haagen saved a portion of his stock from the late fire, and made new purchases and reopened his store, in the building formerly occupied by Mr. S. Cafky, nearly opposite the old stand, where will be found a full assortment. The Waples’ estate intend to rebuilt their property on Third and Piasa Street. Mrs. B. K. Hart also intends rebuilding on the site of Kirkland Hall. Mr. L. Haagen, who has purchased the Chouteau lot, will build at once. The burned district, therefore, will soon be entirely rebuilt.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1874
On Friday afternoon, Mr. Louis Ginter, while engaged in repairing a belt at the planing mill, was caught by a revolving shaft by his coat sleeve catching in a projection, and was instantly pinioned fast thereto his entire length, and whirled round and round with inconceivable rapidity, there being just enough room for his body to pass between the shaft and a large beam running parallel therefrom. No one saw the accident, but while revolving, his arm struck a belt passing up into the story above and loosened it, this attracted the attention of Mr. Wheelock, his partner, who at once rushed downstairs to see what was the matter. He was horrified at seeing the cause, but with great presence of mind, at once stopped the machinery and succeeded in rescuing Mr. Ginter from his perilous position. But so tightly was he bound to the shaft, that it was a matter of difficulty to disentangle him. When rescued, he was unconscious, but soon rallied. He was at once attended by Dr. A. S. Haskell, who found that although considerably bruised, he had no bones broken. His escape from instant death was one of the most remarkable on record. If Mr. Wheelock had not acted with such wonderful promptness, death would have inevitably ensued in a moment more from concussion of the brain caused by the swift revolutions, even if from no other cause.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, March 13, 1874
Among the most important and prosperous manufacturing industries of this city [Alton] is the extensive and famous carriage factory of Mr. Chas. Rodemeyer on Third street, between Piasa and Market. This factory has been a successful and prosperous establishment for many years, adding no little to the business and manufacturing importance of the city. The proprietor is one of our oldest and most respected citizens, and is well known as an experienced and skillful mechanic and a successful business man. What he does not know about carriage and wagon making is not worth inquiring about. The secret of his success lies in his always turning out the best of work. Nothing is slighted. He is careful in selecting the best of raw material, and in making it up in the most substantial manner, which his long experience can suggest. Consequently, when a customer purchases a Rodemeyer carriage or wagon, he knows that he has got the worth of his money, a vehicle that will last and be useful for many years. The factory is a very beehive of industry, and is divided into several distinct departments, so that work can be prosecuted with the greatest dispatch. Each department attends to some particular detail, such as the woodwork, the iron work, the trimming, upholstering, painting, etc. The number of workmen is so proportioned that there is no delay. The vehicle in different stages of completion passes rapidly from one set of hands to another until finished. Thirty-five workmen are now employed in the factory. The carriage repository is a separate building, three stories high, where the completed work is displayed for sale, and it is safe to say that no similar showroom in St. Louis or Chicago can make a finer display of rolling stock. The basement is occupied by the popular Rodemeyer wagons, for the use of farmers, coal haulers, and others. They are strong and substantial, and have a well-established reputation. On the second floor is a beautiful display of carriages, phaetons [light, 4-wheeled carriage with 1 or 2 seats], rockaways [light, 4-wheeled carriage with 2 or 3 seats and a fixed top], and buggies. These are elegantly painted and trimmed, and upholstered in various styles. The painting of some of these buggies is a marvel of beauty and good taste. These vehicles combine all the latest improvements in sliding seats, shifting tops, new styles of bodies, several of them being covered by valuable patents for which Mr. R. has purchased the right. The third floor is occupied by an equally fine assortment of open buggies, spring wagons, "sundowns," etc. A visit to this repository, whether one is intending to purchase or not, is well worth the time. A good idea of the extent of Mr. Rodemeyer's business and the popularity of his vehicles is shown by the fact that during 1873, he turned out 180 carriages, buggies and light wagons; and 250 wagons, total 430, or an average of nearly 1 1/2 for each working day. These facts speak for themselves and need no comment.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 13, 1874
About 1 o’clock Tuesday night, the Washington Engine House on Sixth Street, between Henry and Langdon, was discovered to be on fire, and was soon entirely consumed, together with its contents. The building was of frame, and the flames made such rapid progress that it was impossible to save either the fire engine or the hose carriage. The origin of the fire is unknown, but it is supposed to have been incendiary, as there had been no fire in the building since the previous Saturday. The loss is about $3,500. The Washington Company greatly regrets the loss of their house and engine. The latter was one of the best hand engines in the State. It was formerly called the Altona, and has done much valuable service at many fires.

Washington Engine House No. 6 (formerly called the Altona Firehouse) was located on what was called “Fountain” or “Seminary” Square, at E. 6th and Mechanic Streets in Alton. The square was also referred to as Mechanic’s Square or Water Square. On March 10, 1874, the firehouse was destroyed by fire and never rebuilt. In 1891, Garfield School was erected on the site, and later, McKinley (later named Roosevelt) High School was erected on the square. No buildings are currently standing on the square.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 20, 1874
The great tornado which swept over Alton in 1860 was duplicated on Wednesday evening in one of the wildest, fiercest whirlwinds which ever occurred in the country. The weather during the day had been unseasonably warm and sultry, and the air was as hot and depressing as just before a July thunderstorm. Everything indicated an approaching war of the elements. About 5:30 o’clock, dark banks of threatening clouds commenced gathering in the southwest, accompanied by distant thunder and sharp flashes of lightning. The approach of the storm was a sublime spectacle, the grandeur and awfulness of which will never be forgotten by those who witnessed it, as did the writer, from the top of the hills. About 6 1874 Alton, Illinoiso’clock, the sky was half obscured by the dense mass of clouds. Then, what seemed to be lighter clouds were detached from the upper mass, and swept through the air with inconceivable rapidity, while the atmosphere, on the surface of the ground, was almost perfectly still. At ten minutes after six, a heavy cloud in the shape of a funnel fell from the great mass, swept across the river as quick as a flash of lightning, with the small end of the funnel dragging along the surface of the water. In a second, the cloud struck the riverfront, swept by in a flash, bounded like a ball, passed over the hills towards the northeast, rose again and broke into fragments. When it struck the buildings, a terrible rumbling crash resounded, which was distinctly heard a mile distant. Then came the rush and roar of the tempest, blinding rain and rattling hail. The air seemed all in a swirl, almost total darkness closed in and hid the scene of destruction. The time occupied by the passage of the whirlwind, from the river through the valley, was not over two seconds, and all the damage was done within that time.

The only part of the town touched by the tornado was the main business part, directly in the valley. Of course, the greatest terror and consternation ensued among those in the section in the course of the whirlwind, and as soon as the storm subsided sufficiently, crowds sallied out to ascertain the extend of the loss, which was, in brief, as follows:

The East wall (two feet thick) of Farber’s Mill, from the roof to the second story, blown down, crushing Toppings’ storage sheds to the ground. Loss $600. One third of the roof of Toppings’ building blown off, loss $500. Fourth story and roof of the Western Screw Factory building [at Piasa and Third Streets] blown off, loss about $4,000. Carr’s Bakery, a two-story building opposite the Presbyterian Church, leveled to the ground, a total wreck, loss of building and stock about $3,500. The building belonged to Mr. L. Haagan. The entire roof was carried northward over three two-story buildings, without touching them, and landed against the residence of Captain Thompson. There was also a great destruction of chimneys, awnings, fences, etc. The total loss is not less than $12,000.

The most remarkable fact was that no one was seriously hurt, though there were some wonderful escapes. At the bakery, the workmen had just left. There was no one in the building but a boy, Jacob Rice. He was deposited in the cellar with the debris, but crawled out in a few moments unhurt.

The course of the storm cloud was most erratic. It was, as we have said, funnel shaped, small end down. Whatever object that small end touched was smashed to atoms. It rose, fell, darted here and there, and finally rose up and broke into fragments. The diameter of the small end of the funnel was only a few feet. The storm cloud, as it swept over the river, was of a greenish-white tinge, but when it rose against into the air, it was densely black, like a column of ink.

In Upper Alton, the only serious damage done by the storm was the pretty thorough demolition of the small brick schoolhouse, east of the college. The west gable was blown in, crushing through the ceiling, and racking the whole structure so as to render it probably unfit for rebuilding. The school formerly held in this building and taught by Miss Rising has been moved to the brick dwelling house known as the “Garreison place,” where it will probably be held for the remaining six or eight weeks of the session.


Daniel Miller Carriage FactoryMILLER CARRIAGE WORKS
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 10, 1874
Mr. Daniel Miller, proprietor of the Belle Street Carriage Factory, has just completed an elegant six-hundred-dollar barouche, which is now on exhibition at his factory. It is known as a platform barouche, a design now becoming deservedly popular. The body rests upon four main springs and a cross spring, an arrangement which will secure the utmost ease and comfort in riding. It is designed for two horses. The painting and ornamentation are in good taste, and produces a pleasing effect. The upholstering is in keeping with the general style of the barouche. As a specimen of superior mechanical skill, it is an excellent recommendation, and worthy a careful examination.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 01, 1874
The Illinois Glass Works of Alton has completed their new furnaces and other repairs, and started their fires again on Saturday. They run with a full force of hands, and will continue operations through the season. The striking hands resumed work on the old terms.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 12, 1874
The buildings for the new plow works on Front Street are being erected on an extensive scale. The buildings purchased from Mr. Basse are being remodeled and fitted with improved machinery. The blacksmith shop now building is a mammoth structure, 113x88 feet, and 27 feet high. It will contain a great deal of machinery, and most of the iron and steel work will be done therein. In the rear of this building a foundry and warehouse are to be erected. Adjoining the present main mill building on the west, a third large structure is to be built immediately. It will be 70x100 feet, and two stories high. This building and the present mill building are to be used for the wood work department, paint shop, etc. When all the buildings are erected, the factory will be an immense concern, covering the greater part of the block. The works will be in full operation by the first of next October, although enough work will be done during the summer to employ a small force of mechanics.

The proprietors of the works are the Hapgood Plow Manufacturing Company, a joint stock company of which Mr. C. H. Hapgood is President; John Lane, Superintendent, and George H. Lawton, Secretary. This is perhaps the most important and extensive manufacturing enterprise ever located in Alton.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1874
Last Monday evening, a fire broke out in the building on Third Street, occupied by Mr. A. Tindall. The first floor is occupied by Mrs. Tindall as a millinery store, and the second and third stories by the family as a residence. When first discovered, the fire was bursting through the closet on the east side of a back room on the second floor, but spread through the rooms rapidly. The smoke was so dense that it was impossible to approach near enough to check the flames by throwing on water by hand. The steamer arrived about five minutes after the alarm was sounded, and soon deluged the building with water and speedily extinguished the flames. The Hook & Ladder truck was also promptly on hand and rendered good service.

All the goods were removed from Mrs. Tindall’s store with but little injury, but the household furniture and effects in the second and third stories received such damage from fire and water as to be almost a total loss. The building is owned by Mrs. Cabrilliac, and is damaged by fire and water to the amount of $600 or $700. Owing to the location of the building in the center of a business block, the fire would have been a serious matter but for the promptness of the firemen and the efficiency of the steamer.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1874
The city hall, since the completion of the repairs upon it, is one of the most spacious and inviting audience rooms in the State. It is finished in a very neat and attractive style, and seated with comfortable arm chairs. The ceiling is lofty, and there being windows on all sides, the ventilation is excellent. The stage has been greatly enlarged, and new conveniences added, making it especially desirable for concerts and exhibitions where there are a large number of performers. The improvements have all been of a permanent and substantial character, and the building has been so strengthened that there need be no apprehension regarding its safety no matter how large the audience crowded into the hall. The hall is now something to be proud of, and will henceforth be a source of revenue to the city. Alderman Whitehead and City Clerk Ferguson, who superintended the repairs, are entitled to credit for the thorough and tasteful manner in which they completed the work.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1874
The band of Gypsies now encamped in Middleton’s grove numbers about 100 persons, men, women and children. They live in tents and covered wagons. Their camping ground forms quite a picturesque scene. The band have a large number of wagons, carts, horses, and portable property. Several of their horses are remarkably fine-looking animals, showing good care and treatment. The men spend their time roaming the country trading horses, and the women in telling fortunes, making the grove their headquarters. Many persons visit the camp to have fortunes told, and of course, the predictions are infallible. The Gypsies seem quiet and orderly, so far not having disturbed those living in the neighborhood. On Wednesday evening, they had a grand dance, and kept up their festivities until a late hour. The same band was encamped there last season. That they are genuine Gypsies, their dark eyes and complexion, long black hair, and general appearance amply testify. How long they will remain we cannot tell.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1874
Captain. D. R. Sparks and his wife met with a severe accident on Saturday evening, when returning from the granger picnic. They were driving along Second Street [Broadway], and when near the foot of Cherry Street, the Captain turned out to allow a wagon to pass. The wheels of his buggy slid along the rail of the streetcar track, producing a grating sound that frightened his horse, which started off on the run, and colliding violently with the curbstone, upset the buggy, throwing the Captain and his wife out. Both were severely hurt, the Captain having his hip badly bruised, and Mrs. Sparks breaking a finger and suffering other injuries. The horse stopped when he got tired of dragging a buggy turned upside down.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1874
About 9 o’clock Monday evening a fire broke out in a frame building on the corner of Market and Nineteenth Streets, occupied by Mrs. O’Brien as a store and dwelling house. The family were absent at the time. The fire spread with great rapidity, owing to the presence of combustible articles in the store, and soon the entire building was wrapped in flames. None of the furniture nor stock were saved. The adjoining building on the south was a brick dwelling owned by Mr. A. Fletcher and occupied by Lewis Williams. This also caught fire and was destroyed, but the greater part of the furniture was saved in good condition. A third dwelling, occupied by Mr. Slater, was saved from burning only with great difficulty. The Hook & Ladder Company were on the ground promptly, and did good service. The steamer was late in arriving, and on reaching the scene was unable to effect anything on account of the absence of water. The frame dwelling destroyed as probably worth, with the contents, about $1,000. Mrs. O’Brien has an insurance of $300, which will cover the loss. The building was insured in favor of Mr. Henry Watson for _____. The brick dwelling was insured for $800, which will cover the loss, as the walls are still standing in fair condition. The fire is supposed to have originated from the explosion of a coal oil lamp.


Lyceum; Birthplace of the Alton Telegraph, Alton Spectator, Baptist and Presbyterian Churches
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1874
About 9 o’clock Thursday evening, a fire broke out in the rear of the three-story frame dwelling on Second Street [Broadway], near the corner of Alby, owned by the Standford estate and occupied by Captain Flanagan. The flames spread rapidly, and soon extended to the large double building on the corner of Alby, and before the engines arrived, the fire had got beyond control. The steamer first pumped the cistern at the cracker factory dry, and then moved down to the cistern at the corner of George and Second Streets, but it was impossible to save the buildings, the streams of water only serving to check the progress of the flames. The Washington hand engine, stationed in the rear of the burning buildings, rendered excellent service, and through efforts of firemen and citizens, the flames were prevented from extending to the stables nearby. The members of the Hook & Ladder were out in force, and worked like Trojans. There was an immense crowd present, who remained interested spectators of the scene. In the course of an hour and a half, the buildings were entirely consumed. Captain Flanagan succeeded in saving a portion of his furniture.

The first story of his residence was occupied by his wife as a millinery store. A part of the stock was saved. The corner building, which was formerly occupied by John Swaab as a saloon and boarding house, was empty at the time of the fire except one room, which was occupied by Mr. Horace Stanford. He saved most of his effects. The total loss is from $5,000 to $6,000.

Two of the three buildings destroyed by the fire on the corner of Alby and Second [Broadway] Streets were famous old landmarks that had been standing over forty years, having been erected in 1832. In the early history of the city, they were quite noted on several accounts. As originally built, the corner building was only two stories high, and the one adjoining on the east, one story. But subsequently, after the street was graded, a basement story of stone was built under both houses. Other changes were also made, but none affecting the integrity of the original buildings, which being strong and substantial, remained but little changed by time until their cremation.

In the second story of the corner building was a hall, which was quite a famous place of resort in early times. There, a lyceum used to hold regular meetings, and there some of our old citizens settled the fate of the country in glowing rhetoric that would have put Dick Oglesby to the blush. In this hall, the first Lodge of Odd Fellows organized in Illinois was constituted in the summer of 1836. Western Star Lodge No. 1 is still in existence, and doubtless many of its members looked with sadness upon the destruction of the birthplace of their organization. Prominent among the gentlemen who organized this Lodge were W. T. Miller of Alton; S. L. Miller, now of Bethalto; and the late Colonel John R. Woods and Major J. D. Burns.

The Baptist Church was organized in the hall of that building in 1833, and the members worshipped there until their first church, on the corner of Third and Alby Streets, was completed. The Presbyterian denomination also occupied the hall until their church was completed, which was in 1834, on the site now occupied by the Episcopal Church.

The first floor of this corner building was occupied by the Alton Telegraph printing office from January 8, 1836 until the Spring of 1837, and there on January 15, 1836, the first number of the Telegraph was printed by the founders Treadway and Parks. And so the Telegraph, as well as Western Star Lodge, mourns the loss of its birthplace. We are aware that a few reflections would be appropriate here, but are not inclined today to take a sentimental retrospect.

At the same time that the Telegraph occupied the quarters referred to, its rival, the Alton Spectator, occupied the building adjoining. It was then published by J. T. Hudson, and edited by the late Dr. B. K. Hart. It afterwards passed into the hands of Hessin & Sawyer. The Spectator, having died while still in swaddling clothes, does not mourn very vigorously over the destruction of its birthplace. Perhaps Mr. S. T. Sawyer, however, dropped a silent tear last evening as he saw the old landmark rising to the skies on the wings of the wind to rejoin the Spectator in the land where all good papers go when they “go up.”

Alton Lyceum and Spectator office

Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1874
About 9 o’clock Monday evening, a fire broke out in a frame building on the corner of Market and Nineteenth Streets, occupied by Mrs. O’Brien as a store and dwelling house. The family were absent at the time. The fire spread with great rapidity, owing to the presence of combustible articles in the store, and soon the entire building was wrapped in flames. None of the furniture nor stock were saved. The adjoining building on the south was a brick dwelling owned by Mr. A. Fletcher and occupied by Lewis Williams. This also caught fire and was destroyed, but the greater part of the furniture was saved in good condition. A third dwelling, occupied by Mr. Slater, was saved from burning only with great difficulty. The Hook & Ladder Company were on the ground promptly and did good service. The steamer was later in arriving, and on reaching the scene was unable to effect anything on account of the absence of water. The fire is supposed to have originated from the explosion of a coal oil lamp.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1874
Mr. L. Haagen’s new store on Third Street is now completed and was occupied on Monday. It is two stories high, and runs back to the alley. It is one of the most complete and well-finished buildings in town, provided with every facility for the transaction of business. On the first floor, the shelving, counters, drawers, cases, closets, racks, etc., for the storage and display of goods, are admirably arranged after plans which Mr. Haagen’s long experience in business suggested. Part of the second story is occupied by bins for grain, feather closet, etc. The basement is roomy and convenient. A new feature here introduced is a cool cellar, built of brick, for the storage of butter, lard, eggs, and other perishable articles. The building was erected under the superintendence of Mr. Lucas Pfeiffenberger, architect. The carpenter work was by Mr. E. Hugo; the brick work by Mr. H. Veech; the painting by W. H. Temple. The last work is in imitation of different hard woods, and is in excellent taste.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 13, 1874
The shipments of glassware from the Illinois Glass Works have averaged over 100 gross for the past month, mainly of fruit jars. The works are running to their full capacity, employing sixty-six hands, but yet cannot keep up with their orders.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 01, 1874
A barge load of white sand for the glass works has arrived at the landing.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 8, 1874
Mr. J. J. Boyd, for many years principal of Boyd’s famous Louisville Commercial College, and well known for his skill in the adjustment of intricate accounts, will on October 19, open a commercial school in Alton for the purpose of giving a thorough course of instruction in bookkeeping and its collateral sciences. He has secured the hall over Lampert & Hoaglan’s Store on Third Street, and is fitting it up in a convenient manner for the purpose designed. The hall will be open on next Monday, October 12, for the reception of visitors and the subscription to membership in class. This commercial school will be equal in advantages offered to any similar institution in the country, and at one-third the expense of attending college away from home.

Professor Boyd brings with him a large number of certificates as to his ability and integrity from many distinguished individuals, merchants, bankers, brokers, journalists, and others. He has also the signatures of several hundred of his former pupils, now occupying positions of trust and responsibility to a paper setting forth the practical benefits they derived from a course of his instruction. A large number of leading business men likewise recommend his as eminently qualified to fit young men for business.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 15, 1874
A golden wedding is an event so extremely rare, especially in the West, that when one occurs, it deserves more than a passing notice. In 1831, when Mr. William Hayden and his wife settled in Alton, the population of the State was 157,445. It is now nearly 3,000,000. At that time there was not a mile of railroad in the United States. Now Illinois has a mileage of over 7,000, greater than any State in the Union. Telegraphs were unknown for thirteen years thereafter. On October 7, 1824, in the historic city of Boston, William Hayden and Anna Robinson pronounced the vows that made them husband and wife. They were aged respectively 22 and 21 years at the time of their marriage. On October 7, 1874, the same bride and groom, the one a gray-haired man of 72, but still hale and stalwart, the other a woman of 71, but active and efficient, again stood up before a company of friends and neighbors and witnessed that they had kept the faith pledged to each other through the changes of a half century. Around them were children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, bound together in the deathless ties of reverence and affection.

To celebrate the happy occasion, there was a large party present, made up almost entirely of old settlers of the city, the early friends of the bride and groom, who had shared in their joys and divided their sorrows. Rev. Mr. Field conducted some appropriate exercises. He first read a letter from the Rev. Mr. Jameson, formerly pastor of the Baptist Church in Alton, now a missionary in Burmah, who wrote to the happy pair a genial letter of congratulation and friendship. This was followed by the reading by Captain W. H. Hayden, of a letter from the youngest son, Rev. Charles A. Hayden of Akron, Ohio, and his wife, who were unable to be present on the memorable occasion. The Rev. Mr. Field then made a pleasant address reviewing the leading incidents in the married life of the bridal pair, their marriage, their voyage by sea to New Orleans, accompanied by their eldest son, the incidents of the trip, the call upon the venerable Major Long of Grafton Road, then a young officer of Engineers stationed at a fort below New Orleans, the toilsome passage up the Father of Waters, past Vicksburg, Memphis, Cairo, St. Louis, and their landing at the village of Alton in 1831, their first night and day in this city, and the leading incidents of their subsequent honorable and useful career of forty-three years in Alton. He closed with prayer. Mr. John Robinson, the brother of the bride who was the groomsman at the wedding fifty years ago was present on this occasion. The bridesmaid, who died some years since, was a sister of the groom. Occupying a conspicuous place in the room was a portrait of the Rev. Dr. Baldwin, who officiated at the ceremony in 1824. He died many years ago. On a table were displayed many tokens of remembrance from relatives and friends. There was the flint and steel used by the bride and groom in their early married life in place of matches. About nine o’clock, the company were invited into the dining room, where a sumptuous repast awaited them. The greater part of the viands had been prepared by Mrs. Hayden herself.

Mr. and Mrs. Hayden are the parents of four children, viz: Captain William Henry Hayden of Springfield, born in Massachusetts, July 11, 1825; George Alvin Hayden, born in Alton, October 28, 1834, and died October 21, 1835; George Dwight Hayden, born October 7, 1836; and Rev. Charles Albert Hayden, born July 19, 1843. Of their lineal descendants, there were present their sons, Captain William H Hayden, George D. Hayden; their grandson, Albert Cohen Hayden; and granddaughter, son, and daughter of William Henry; their great-grandchildren, Willie, aged three years; and an infant, children of Albert Cohen Hayden. Of their relatives and connections, there were present Mrs. William Henry Hayden, Mrs. George D. Hayden, Mrs. Albert C. Hayden, Mrs. John Robinson, Mrs. Fred Hayden, Miss L. A. Hayden, Mrs. S. A. Lowe and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shelly, and Miss Sarah Forbush.

Captain William Henry Hayden was married to Margaret E. Cohen, January 27, 1848. They have had seven children, five of whom survive.

George D. Hayden married Sarah Shelly, December 24, 1857.

Charles A. Hayden married in November 1873 to Miss Nellie Gunderson of West Newton Massachusetts.

Albert Cohen Hayden, grandson, was married September 15, 1870, to Miss Julia Vanhuff of Springfield.

The Hayden family is one of the oldest in the country, being descended in a direct line from the Hon. John Alden, one of the pilgrims of Leyden, who landed from the Mayflower at Plymouth in 1620, and married Priscilla, “the Puritan maiden.” Their genealogical tree is a stately and remarkable one.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 17, 1874
Among the rising factories of Alton is the machine-blacksmithing establishment of Millen & Beall on Belle Street. Owing to their rapidly increasing business, the firm found it necessary to enlarge their quarters, which they did by putting up a neat brick addition, 25x50 feet, one story high with basement. They are now occupying their new building, and their entire factory has a front of 50 feet on Belle Street. During the winter season, Millen & Beall devote all their time and facilities to the manufacture of miners’ picks and quarrymen’s tools, as well as the repairing of the same. This has become an extensive business, orders for miners’ tools being received from all parts of Southern Illinois, from Missouri, and from as far west as Kansas. So excellent is the reputation of their tools, that they cannot keep up with their orders.

In Spring and Summer, the firm make a specialty of the repairing of all kinds of agricultural machinery such as reapers, mowers, separators, etc. Their facilities for this branch of business are now so enlarged, that they will be able next season to accommodate all who call on them. Both members of the firm are practical machinists and skilled workmen, and their work always gives entire satisfaction.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 25, 1875
On Tuesday, the 16th instant, Captain Lamothe drove into town in a buggy bed mounted on runners. While he was standing on Second street, a few feet from his sleigh, his horse, a fast mare, took fright and ran away before the Capt. could catch the reins. On Short street the animal collided with a pile of lumber and left the buggy bed. She then ran up the hill by the penitentiary and fell off an embankment nearly thirty feet high; but picked herself up and rushed ahead up the road towards the saw mills, with the shafts and runners still attached. She crossed the river on the ice, opposite the upper sawmill, and ran along on the ice near the Missouri shore until near Portage, when her mad career was stayed by her falling into an air-hole where the water was twenty feet deep. Some men saw the occurrence and succeeded in pulling the frightened animal out, with the shafts and runners still attached. Strange to say, the horse was not injured by her mad spree. The Captain says she must have run nearly eight miles before stopping.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 25, 1875
Mr. Daniel Miller, the enterprising proprietor of the Belle Street Carriage Factory, informs us that he has purchased of William Watts the property on the southeast corner of Belle and Fifth Street, now partly occupied by Richardson’s Blacksmith Shops. As soon as he obtains possession, Mr. Miller intends to commence the erection of a large carriage factory, to accommodate his increasing business. The building will be of brick, two stories high, forty-four feet front on Belle Street, and ninety-five feet deep, running back to the alley. This will make a spacious and convenient factory.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 01, 1875
The plow works of the Hapgood Manufacturing Company in Alton is among the most important and valuable local industry. The works were established here last summer, the company purchasing therefore seven lots on Front, Langdon, and Second [Broadway] Streets, including the Basse Mill property. The buildings already erected were remodeled, and an immense blacksmith and machine shop added, with such other improvements as were necessary to commence operations. The warehouse of the company was located in St. Louis. The building formerly occupied as a mill is a substantial brick structure, two stories high, 45 feet front by 100 feet deep. The first floor has been converted into the woodwork department of the factory. On this floor, the framework of the plows is prepared. Here are a number of ingenius labor-saving machines, which under the management of skillful workmen, rapidly convert the raw material into the manufactured article. Here are planing machines, circular saws, lathes, shaping and mortising machines – all of the latest patterns. Especially noticeable is a new machine for setting up plow handles, which does the work of ten men, and renders all the work perfectly uniform in style and finish. It is the invention of Messrs. J. & E. J. Lane, and is a valuable acquisition to the labor-saving machinery of the establishment.

On the second floor is located the paint and finishing shops and the storage rooms, where the plows are either put up or prepared for shipment in duplicate. Here are seen, in their finished condition, the splendid implements manufactured by the company, in all the beauty of mechanical perfection, ready for the hand of the Granger (farmer).

But the blacksmith and machine shop of the factory is the object of the greatest interest. This is a lofty brick building, dimensions 90 x 112 feet, where all the iron work of the establishment is cut, forged, shaped, tempered, and polished, ready to be joined with the woodwork to form the completed plow. Here a large force of the swarthy sons of Vulcan are hard at work in the different departments of manufacture, while the air is filled with the hum of machinery, and the music of the anvil chorus. Ranged along the sides, and in the center of the immense shop, are eight forges and six large furnaces, representing forty fires. No less than fifty machines, for different classes of work, are also located here. Among them are the giant shears for cutting the plates of iron and steel; iron lathes; planing machines; immense trip-hammers; a drop press, working in duplicate; welding machines, etc. There are also eighteen grind stones and emery wheels for grinding and polishing. Almost all the work formerly done by files is now done by emery wheels. All this wilderness of machinery is, of course, run by steam power. So perfect is the system, and so wise the division of labor, that no time is lost, but the plate iron or steel passes rapidly from one stage of manufacture to another, until in an incredibly short time, the completed irons are turned out, ready to be attached to the woodwork.

The works employ about eighty experienced mechanics, and turn out the immense aggregate of one hundred complete plows per day. Several different kinds of light and heavy plows are manufactured. Also gang and sulky and shovel plows of improved make. The Clipper plow, lately patented, is another specialty which is attracting much attention. It is provided with the “bent standard,” and combines strength and simplicity in a degree that makes it extremely popular with farmers.

The Hapgood plows have a standard reputation for excellence, that is highly flattering to the proprietors. The preparation of the material for the iron and steel work unites several improved processes, invented by the Superintendent, Mr. Lane, which add largely to the durability of the metal and the value of the plow. As the plows are completed, they are shipped to the warehouse in St. Louis to be put on the market. The demand for them comes from all parts of the north, west, and south, and shipments are heavy in all directions.

The company proposes soon to enlarge the capacity of their works still further, by adding a foundry and also a warehouse. At present, they are cramped for storage room.

Mr. Charles H. Hapgood, the President of the company, having a general supervision of their business, resides in Alton, visiting their St. Louis office daily after a morning hour at the works. Mr. John Lane, the Superintendent of the works, is a practical mechanic and a distinguished inventor, who together with his son, is constantly devising new methods of manufacturing and adding improvements to the plows they put on the market. The business talent displayed by the officers of the company, their practical knowledge of the wants of the farming community and the excellence of the implements they manufacture, are assurances that the Hapgood Plow Works have a flattering career of increased prosperity and success before them. The great value of this establishment to Alton will be demonstrated from year to year in the impetus it will give to manufacturing interests generally, and consequent growth in wealth and population.

Hapgood Plow Works, Alton, IL


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 22, 1875
The buildings of the Western Screw and Manufacturing Company, on the corner of Third and Piasa Streets in Alton, were sold on Friday under trust deed by Sheriff Cooper. The property was bought in for $6,500 by Mr. F. Hewit, for the original owners.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1875
Yesterday the site for the reservoir was selected and purchased by the contractors, consisting of 3.81 acres, situated on State Street, and known as the Armstrong tract. This point has an elevation of 175 feet above the business portion of the city, and the reservoir to be erected thereon will be of an additional height of 50 feet, giving ample head to carry the stream to any portion of the city, or to any height that may be desired. The reservoir will have a capacity for holding 5,000,000 gallons, and with the site, will cost about $6,000. The size of the water main leading to the reservoir from the engine house on the river bank has been enlarged to eight inches instead of six inches, as fixed in the original specifications. The work of excavation for the engine house, just above Basse’s mill, will begin Monday morning. This building will be constructed of brick and stone, the dimensions being 30x75 feet, in addition to this will be a coal and fuel room, 25x30 feet. The smokestack will be 80 feet high. The engines will be two in number of the duplex pattern, the same as selected for the new works at Peoria to replace the Holly system, having a capacity of service equal to supplying a city of 50,000 inhabitants. The city engineer is busily at work making the locations for putting down the mains on the principal streets, and work of laying the pipe will begin next week, and will be pushed forward with dispatch. The question of water works is settled, and the work has now actually begun that Alton has so long looked forward to.

Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1875
Ground was broken Monday a.m. for the new water works on the site of the engine house. The first spadeful of earth was thrown by Anthony Solon.

Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26, 1875
The workmen engaged in excavating for the engine house of the water works have struck rock. The site of the old distillery was unearthed in making the excavation, and it was currently reported that whisky cocktails, straight – none of the present crooked distillation – were found, just as they were left in the great campaign of 1840.

Thirteen car loads of the iron pipes have arrived from Louisville via the Terre Haute Railroad, and the work of unloading and distributing has begun. A derrick will be erected for the purpose of unloading the mains from the cars to the wagons. Over a mile of the pipes are now here, and the special castings for the street crossings and other connecting points will be completed and ready for shipment the present week. Until these arrive, it will not be possible to push the work of excavation on the streets, but as soon as the connections are ready, the work will go steadily forward. One of the best and most experienced superintendents in St. Louis has been secured to oversee the laying of the pipes, which will require a good deal of experience and care in securing the exact pressure necessary under the various and extraordinary grades to be met with on the bluffs and hills. The city engineer returned from Louisville Saturday, where he had been to give the final instructions regarding the construction of the special castings adapted to the grades of the city.

Source: Alton Telegraph, September 16, 1875
Messrs. Watson and Taylor, the contractors and builders of the water works in Alton, are also engaged in several other large enterprises. Mr. Watson of Alton is widely known among railroad companies for whom he has erected a large number of shops, depots, &c. A few days since, the Telegraph contained an item stating that this gentleman had completed the contract for the new Union Depot at St. Louis, and the day following had entered into a contract for building the new and extensive machine shops, round houses, and repair works of the C. C. C. & I. R. R. at Indianapolis, in connection with Mr. H. Taylor of that city. Work will be commenced at once, and last night 30 men were sent to Indianapolis from Alton and St. Louis. Mr. Watson will superintend the construction of the water works in Alton, while Mr. Taylor will give his personal attention to the contract at Indianapolis.

Source: Alton Telegraph, October 7, 1875
The brick tower at the engine house, which will be one hundred feet in height, is now under way, and will soon be constructed. The river has fallen sufficiently to allow work to be resumed again on the tunnel and well. The pipes are being put down rapidly, and nearly four miles on the main streets are now laid.

Source: Alton Telegraph, October 21, 1875
The laying of the water mains on the streets, and the construction of the necessary engine house and reservoir have gone steadily forward during the past few weeks, and it is the intention of the contractors, Messrs. Watson & Taylor, to improve to the utmost the pleasant fall weather. Work has begun on the walls of the engine house, and the tower is progressing favorably. Over five miles of the mains are now in the ground, and the hydrants are being put in position.

Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1875
The tower at the pumping works on the river bank has now reached a height of over 60 feet, and the walls of the engine house have reached the second story. A coffer dam has been sunk at the head of the aqueduct leading from the river to the works, and an elevator pumping apparatus is at work keeping the channel dry while being sunk below the surface of the river. This tunnel will be about 10 feet below the present stage of water in the river, and it is intended to give it sufficient depth to provide for any possible contingency in the future. Much of the tunnel has been excavated through solid rock, and considerable delay has also existed heretofore from high water, but good progress is now assured.

Source: Alton Telegraph, November 25, 1875
The Alton Water Works tank, which has been erected on State Street, is 30 feet in diameter at the base, and 16 feet deep. A tank 30 feet in diameter holds 5,300 gallons for each foot in depth. The surface of the ground on which the tank stands is 186.5 feet above high water of 1858. From the ground to the bottom of the tank is 34 feet, and the tank is 16 feet high, making the top 50 feet above the surface of the ground, or 236.5 feet above high water of 1858. Reckoning 12 feet of water in the tank, the surface of the water would be 232.5 feet above high water of 1858, which is taken as the basis for reckoning.

Source: Alton Telegraph, December 23, 1875
The pump for the water works now in position in the specious engine house of the riverbank, in connection with the double engines by which it is driven, is a complete and handsome machine of great power. In lowering the engines into position, one of them was broken by a heavy fall, and a new section thereof will have to be ordered. The pump is the celebrated Dean pump, manufactured by the Dean Bros. of Indianapolis. We defer a notice thereof until the works are in operation.

The coffer dam at the mouth of the water works aqueduct has been removed, and the work of filling in on the river front of the pumping works is progressing. The pumps and boilers are in position, and are being put together. The attachments will be made in a few days, between the pumps and mains, and we have the assurance that on Christmas, the contractors will set the pumping machinery in motion, although there still remains a number of details to be accomplished before the work is completed.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1875
The United Brothers of Friendship of Alton, an organization of colored citizens, celebrated the seventh anniversary of their order Thursday, at a grove near Godfrey. They went out on the morning train, and after marching through the streets of Godfrey, under direction of Marshal Frank Taylor, repaired to the grove where they were addressed by W. H. Ellsworth, Master of the Lodge, and by Elder DePugh. A fine dinner was served in the grove, and a pleasant time enjoyed. J. H. Kelley’s band furnished the music. There was a large attendance of the friends of the society. The company returned home on the evening train, and repaired to Turner Hall, accompanied by a large number of members of the order from St. Louis. At the hall, speeches were made by W. H. Ellsworth and William Walker, which were followed by a supper and ball, the latter being continued until a late hour. The U.B.O.F. in Alton numbers thirty-five members, and is in a flourishing condition.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26, 1875
Mr. Joseph Gratian of Alton, the well-known pipe organ builder, has just finished a magnificent piece of workmanship for the Presbyterian Church of Hannibal, Missouri, that for beauty and quality of tone, as well as the general design, finish, and arrangements of the organ, throughout, reflects much credit upon the builder. Several new improvements have been made, original with Mr. Gratian, that give additional character and completeness to the tone, one of these never before in use. The pipes were made in Reading, Massachusetts, but the entire work and ornamentation was done by Mr. Gratian.

The case is made of solid black walnut, and the instrument is equal to the best in the country, and costs $2,600. The height is 20 feet, 12 inches width, and 4 ½ feet deep. It has 23 stops, 2 manuals and pedals, and contains all the latest improvements, including a new method of compounding a full organ. This consists of a stop having a knob, a little larger than the others, placed above the keys of the swell organ. It draws in a line with the player, not at right angles, as the other stops. It brings on the full organ, also couples swell to great, and great to pedals, instantly. This is an entirely new idea, original with the builder, and incorporated for the first time in this organ. The organ is built to suit the position of the church behind the pulpit, and is only four and a half feet deep, although really a large organ than most of the organs in this city.

Mr. Gratian has been in the business about seventeen years in Alton, and has gained a wide reputation for his work. The fine organ in Dr. Nicholl’s Church, the Second Presbyterian, St. Louis, those in the Trinity Methodist, the North Presbyterian, and the Pilgrim Congregation, and other churches in St. Louis have been constructed or remodeled by him, and reflect a great deal of credit on the skill and taste of the designer.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26, 1875
Located on the corner of Fifth and Belle Streets is one of the finest establishments in the State, recently erected by Mr. Dan Miller, the well-known carriage manufacturer, to accommodate his increasing business. Mr. Daniel MillerMiller commenced operations in 1869, nearly opposite his present commodious quarters. The new factory was begun on May 26 last, and by July 4, was in readiness for occupancy, although the building was not fully completed till some days afterward. The building has a front on Belle Street of 44 feet, and runs back to a depth of 64 feet on Fifth Street, and is three stories high. There is also a basement devoted to general storage purposes, and for two additional forges when required. The first floor is divided into three apartments – the blacksmith shop, being 24x42 feet and containing two forges; the woodwork room, in the rear of this is 22x26 feet; and the showroom or depository for finished work, being 20 feet in width, extending the full depth of the building, 64 feet. In front, on this floor, is the office.

There are two upper floors, the second story being divided into a main room for general work, a trimming room, and two varnish rooms – one for body work exclusively, is plastered and finished perfectly airtight; the other for painting the gearing. The third floor is used as a general storeroom for material of all kinds. Fourteen skilled workmen are at present employed. G. F. Renike, the well-known carriage painter, has charge of the painting department.

Some of the finest rigs in the State have been made and painted here. Among others, fine turnouts have recently been made for John E. Coppinger, Captain Eaton, John T. Drummond, and many others in the city. We noticed a fine vehicle called, “Miller’s Eureka,” that was going to a point near Springfield tonight. Several livery stables at Carlinville, White Hall, and other points come here for their outfits. The new factory is fitted with all the modern improvements, and was erected at a cost of about $7,000, and Mr. Miller assures us that he is able to compete with the best manufacturers in the State, and that no better work can be found than Alton can furnish.

Daniel Miller was born in Sembach, Germany, on September 15, 1834. He came to America in 1849, at the age of 16. He enlisted as a soldier in the 50th Georgia Regiment of the Confederate Army in 1861, and was captured at the battle of Missionary Ridge and was taken to the prison at Rock Island, Illinois, where he remained until April 1865. He came to Alton in 1868 to work at the Rodemeyer Carriage Shop, and soon won the heart of the owner's daughter, whom he married the following year. He founded a buggy factory on Belle Street, and the business grew and prospered. In 1875 he erected a new and larger factory at the corner of Belle and Fifth Streets. He died in June 1915, and is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, September 30, 1875
Coppinger & Biggins have commenced the erection of a large lime kiln at their quarries under the bluff, and will soon be adding largely to the lime production of the city. The quarries have been stripped in getting out the MacAdam for the Venice contract, which leaves the entire face of the bluff in good condition for the kiln, without the usual expense attached to stripping and handling the rock. The capacity of this new lime manufacturing company cannot be stated, as their facilities will enable them to increase the production to any extent the demand will warrant. The reputation of Alton lime is of the very best character and from present indications we may expect to see this the largest lime market in the west. The price of lime has been very low all this season, owing to sharp competition among the dealers here, and a large trade has been built up all over the west that is adding much to the commercial advantages of the city, in various ways, and this industry bids fair to receive a still greater impetus from the competition stimulated by this new company.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 14, 1875
One of the new industrial enterprises of Alton is the tannery, located in the old oil factory building in the northern part of Alton. The proprietors are Jenkins & Co. They give special attention to tanning sheep pelts, hog, goats and calf skins, and to the making of door mats, etc. They tan an average of 100 skins per day, which find ready sale in Chicago and St. Louis. Farmers having green hides and pelts to dispose of can find a market at this new tannery.
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 21, 1875
The improvements and alterations of the Presbyterian Church, just finished, are of a very complete and substantial character, and have practically converted the building into a new edifice. Externally, the church has been painted an attractive stone color. The old windows have been replaced by Gothic windows of stained glass in various colors. The exterior of the basement portion of the church has been cemented, with the color corresponding with the main body of the building. A new entrance, surrounded by an iron railing, has also been made to the basement, which is a great improvement. The changes are such as to render the building externally a decidedly attractive edifice.

In the interior of the building, the changes have been ever more radical. The audience room has been entirely remodeled. A neat gallery for the singers has been built in front and around the organ, about four feet above the level of the floor. The pulpit platform is immediately in front of, and a little lower thanthe gallery. Thus, both the choir and the minister face the audience, the plan now universal in churches of modern style. The pews are curved, facing the pulpit, in the arc of a circle. The main entrances are at either side of the gallery. There is also a rear entrance on the north side of the building. The walls of the audience room have been repapered in pleasing style, and the ceiling frescoed to correspond. The gallery, the pulpit platform, and the wainscoting have been grained in French walnut in a very tasteful manner. The pews are entirely new, made in modern style of black walnut, and are cushioned throughout in uniform color. The entire floor, the stairways, and all the entrances are covered with elegant carpeting. The organ case has been varnished, the pipes illuminated, and the whole exterior appearance of the instrument made to harmonize with the graining of the surroundings. The effect is very fine, and adds much to the general appearance. The pulpit desk and furniture are of black walnut, neat and elegant. At either side of the platform are marble top stands. The entire audience room is a model of good taste, beauty and comfort. The whole arrangement and ornamentation of the room give the beholder a pleasant impression, and a home-like feeling. The audience room is brilliantly lighted by a reflector in the ceiling, provided with thirty gas jets, and also by neat gas fittings in the gallery and on the pulpit platform. An entirely new system of ventilation has been introduced, which works efficiently. Improvements have also been made in the system of heating by furnaces.

All the carpenter work was done by Mr. W. J. Ferguson, and the painting and graining was done by W. F. Ensinger, and in a manner which reflects credit on their skill and taste. The pews were made by Mr. M. H. Boals of Alton, and their merits speak for themselves. The wallpaper was furnished by M. I. Lee & Co; the carpeting was from Kennard & Sons of St. Louis; the pulpit stand from Sherwood & Co. of Chicago; the pulpit columns were made by W. J. Ferguson of Alton; the pulpit furniture from the Mitchell Furniture Co. of St. Louis; the cushions were made by Mr. A. Neerman of Alton. The organ repairing and improvements were by Mr. J. Gratian. The reflector and gas fittings were furnished by the Alton Gas Company. The window frames were made in excellent style by Wheelock & Ginter of Alton; the brick work, in setting the frames, and the stone work for the new entrance to the basement, and also the stone steps at the east entrance to the audience room are the work of Mr. Henry Watson. The large and highly ornamental regulator clock, which so relieves the open space between the columns in the rear end of the audience room, is the generous gift of Mr. A. J. Glen, watchmaker and jeweler in Alton.

The cost of the entire work will be in the neighborhood of $4,300, with about $1,000 for the carpeting, cushioning, and furniture. The Young Misses Society provided the means for purchasing the pulpit; the Young People’s Society the carpet and the pulpit furniture; and the ladies of the congregation the cushions for the seats. The entire congregation took much interest in the work, and displayed great energy and enthusiasm in raising the means. The ladies are entitled to special praise for their generous expenditure of means and labor to accomplish the desired result. To the Building Committee, Messrs. M. I. Lee, E. Hollister, and W. J. Ferguson, the thanks of the entire congregation are due for the taste and judgment they displayed in superintending the improvements and carrying them through in such a complete and satisfactory manner. Their time, labor, and skill have been given without stint, and the warm commendation their work receives must be to them a flattering recognition of public appreciation. 


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, October 28, 1875
Armstrong Bros.' barrel factory, situated on Piasa street, is one of the institutions of Alton, and has a capacity for turning out 800 barrels a day. A specialty is made in the manufacture of the ventilated fruit barrel, of which large numbers have been shipped this season to Northern points.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 28, 1875
The cracker factory of Daniels, Bayle & Co. is now running to its full capacity on single turn of ten hours, and expects to commence on double turn if the demand continues as at present. We are pleased to note this state of affairs, and hope that the reputation of Alton crackers may continue to extend to the uttermost parts of the earth. The proprietors state they have orders ahead for about 500 packages, and the demand still increasing.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 4, 1875
Mr. P. Downs has just erected two fine two-story store buildings near the corner of Fifth and Belle Streets, which are now under cover, and will soon be ready for occupancy. We understand that next season, Mr. W. W. Martin intends to build a fine three-story brick on the corner adjoining the above building. Mr. Andrew Clifford, the well-known grocer who was the pioneer in this block, now is about to have a number of enterprising neighbors in different lines of business. Other enterprises are contemplated on this street, and indications point strongly in the direction of a steady growth of business enterprises till the entire length of Belle Street is transformed into one of the most flourishing thoroughfares of Alton.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 4, 1875
The burglar’s grand entrance – The ball was opened early last evening in Monticello [Godfrey], a suburb of Alton, at the residence of Mr. A. W. Corey, while the family were gathered at the supper table. This was the first scene of the act, and took place at early candlelight. Here the curtain fell, and the actors retired, having secured a valuable gold-headed cane, presented to Mr. Corey by the trustees and faculty of the Monticello Seminary in 1870. Other articles were also levied upon and surreptitiously carried off, which will appear in another act of the drama.

The next scene was enacted at the residence of John E. Hayner on State Street, about nine o’clock in the evening. A number of friends were seated in the drawing room, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Drury, the latter having left her cloak on the hall table as she passed into the house. Happening to step to the door, one of the ladies saw the burglar in the act of helping himself to whatever portable property was visible, which was the aforesaid cloak. Exit burglar, with cloak. The alarm was given by an exclamation, which flustrated the principal brigand to such an extent as to make him forget to close the gates, which his accomplices had opened for him, as was discovered when the premises were searched.

The third scene was one of still more thrilling interest, and really was the climax of the tragedy, or rather an attempt to introduce tragedy into what had heretofore been only leg-it-to-mate drama. Shortly after the last-mentioned visit, Mr. and Mrs. Drury returned to their residence on the same street, nearer the business portion of the city. Just as they entered the gate, one of the same burglars was discovered making tracks around the corner of the house. Mr. Drury at once ran at and grappled with him, and a tussle ensued in the dark. Once or twice the burglar was knocked over, losing his hat and a large shawl, together with the gold-headed cane stolen at Monticello, the latter being found this morning in the yard. The struggle between the thief and his courageous assailant was carried into the street, a moment in the ditch dug for the water mains, then out again on level ground. Mr. Drury followed him so closely that the fleeing villain had not time to draw his knife or revolver, but relieved for a moment from the close struggle, he managed to draw his revolver and as Mr. Drury caught up again, fired at a distance of two or three paces, the ball passing through his clothes, just missing Mr. Drury’s body. The noise of the shot brought to light the other burglar in the rear of the house, who called out to his companion, “Tom, are you hurt?” By this time, the son of Mrs. Drury appeared on the scene from upstairs, and gave chase to the second villain. Mr. Drury had stumbled and fallen as the shot was fired, and being encumbered with his overcoat and having no arms about him, the burglar got away. Of course, the commotion alarmed the ladies and aroused the neighbors.

It hardly seemed probably the same parties would have made another attempt the same evening, but towards midnight, the residence of Mr. E. L. Dimmock on Second Street [Broadway] was entered and considerable silverware, a pair of boots, etc. were taken. The burglars effected an entrance through the cellar, and made their exit through a kitchen window. Their visit was not discovered until morning.

It is supposed that the raid ended here, and that the parties stole a skiff and made their exit from town in that way, as one of the boasts was missing this morning. Mr. Morris Clark, at Mrs. Fowler’s boarding house, also received a visit from some party who entered his room and stole a new hat, went through his clothes in search of his watch and money, and then took their departure.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1875
The new building for the First National Bank is rising quite rapidly, and in a few weeks it will be under cover. The new structure already begins to add very much to the appearance of Third and State Streets, and with its massive cut-stone front and granite pillars, will have a tendency to make the era of improvement extend to all its neighbors.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1875
Among many improvements that would result in extending and perpetuating the growth of Alton, we know of none that would be more beneficial to the retail trade than a good wagon road under the bluffs along the river bank from here to Grafton. Such a road would tap the entire riverfront of Jersey County on the Mississippi, would largely increase the value of all the real estate along the line, and by developing the fine natural resources of that section, would inevitably increase our local trade. The finest fruit section in the State lies along the bluffs between here and Grafton, but only a small part of it is under cultivation because of its inaccessibility. A good Wagon road would remove this difficulty, and soon orchards and gardens would supersede the present heavy growth of timber.

Such a road could be built cheaply. The MacAdam is all on the ground. It would be firm and solid the year round. No mud blockade would ever affect it. The heaviest item of expense would be the building of a bridge over Piasa Creek. This road we regard as a public necessity. Its importance should be impressed on the authorities of Madison and Jersey Counties and this city, by the inhabitants “all along the shore,” and by our citizens. We are convinced that a wagon road over this route would be of more practical value to all concerned than a railroad.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, December 2, 1875
Armstrong Bros. are fitting up a new barrel factory and warehouse on Piasa street, opposite the C. & A. freight depot. 


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 02, 1875
Messrs. Brunner and Duncan have fitted up the building opposite the Chicago & Alton Freight Depot on Piasa Street, belonging to the Allen estate, as an iron foundry, and have begun operations, the preliminary heat having been run off on Friday last, and the second cast on Tuesday afternoon. The first orders filled at the new works were a quantity of plow castings for the Hapgood Plow Works of Alton, a number of street plates for the Water Works, and iron castings for seats, etc. for M. H. Boals planing mill.
Duncan Foundry founders
The building occupied has a dimension of 30x70 feet, and is fitted up with engines and the necessary machinery used in the manufacture of engines, flouring mills, saw mills, coal mining machinery, house fronts, sash weights, boiler fronts, grate bars, pulleys and shafting, lift and force pumps, brass work, and fittings of all kinds. They also manufacture the Bingham & Hunt flour, meal and grain dryer.

These gentlemen have been interested in the foundry business in Alton for several years, and have only recently removed from the corner of Front and Henry Streets to their present desirable location, where they will, undoubtedly, meet with that success which long experience and careful attention to the wants of the trade usually ensure, and the growing importance of Alton will assuredly afford them an ample filled for expansion, as its manufacturing and industrial interests grow and flourish.


Source: The Phelps County New Era, [Rolla, Missouri] December 4, 1875
Having recently arrived from a trip through Illinois and a portion of Missouri, and thinking that a few items concerning the people, crops, etc., might be of interest to your readers, here goes:

Alton, a city of between 14 and 15 thousand inhabitants was our starting place. It is situated on the Mississippi River, about 25 miles from St. Louis, and is surrounded by some of the finest farming lands in the "Prairie State." Its educational facilities are unsurpassed, it having two colleges for the instruction of young men, two academies for the education of young ladies, two Primary Schools (public), two intermediate and one high school, besides numerous private schools. The Catholics also have recently erected a magnificent building for the instruction of the youth of that denomination. There are three papers published here representing both political parties, and one, a German paper remaining neutral. There are several mills, flouring, woolen and planning. Here, also, is located the large plow manufactory of Hapgood & Co., and the threshing machine manufactory of Hanson & Co.

The citizens have recently improved their city by the acquisition of Water Works. Its citizens are sociable and charitable and are essentially a working people. The only drawback to the rapid growth of the city is that it is burdened by a set of moneyed fogies, who make it their especial business to cry down every projected improvement and by reason of their wealth and influence are enabled to greatly retard the advancements of the interests of the people.

The crops, with the exception of wheat, were unusually good, and consequently the Grangers [farmers] are all happy. Alton furnishes them a market place for their produce at St. Louis prices, which is attested by the fact that farmers from Jersey, Calhoun and other surrounding counties bring their grain and much of their stock to this place.

The crumbling walls of the old State prison may be seen looking like the remains of some ancient feudal castle. A trip through the cells above and beneath the ground will well repay one's trouble.

Taking the train at Alton, our road led through immense fields of corn, with here and there large fields of wheat just emerging from the ground. Throughout the course of our travels we found the people sociable, well educated, and refined; all the farmers rejoicing over the good crops of this year, and making preparations for sowing larger crops in the Spring. We left Illinois with the impression that she is indeed a happy State. Fearing to tire your readers, we will close for the present with the intention of continuing if this proves acceptable.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, January 20, 1876
The great storm which commenced here about two o’clock on Friday morning continued almost without cessation until early Sunday morning, a period of over forty-eight hours. It was very general throughout the west, and was by far the most severe and persistent of the season. The storm embraced the pleasing varieties of sleet, rain, wind, and snow. Sunday morning was colder, and found the country covered with a dense mass of ice, some four inches thick. Should a sudden thaw take place, and this vast mass of frozen water be quickly released, we will be treated to the liveliest flood this vicinity has witnessed for some years.

The heavy fall of sleet tested the strength of the roofs of houses. Some that were weak were strained and otherwise injured. The most serious accident occasioned thereby was at the old glass works building on Belle Street, near Cave Spring. AT that building, the weight of the sleet crushed in a section of the roof, measuring about 40x50 feet. The outer wall, fronting the street, was forced outward by the accident, and now leans over in a dangerous position. All the outer walls were so weakened and shattered by the fall of the roof, that that portion of the building can only be repaired by being rebuilt. The property belongs to Mr. C. H. Frick. The loss is considerable, but we cannot give a correct estimate.

The sunset clear and bright Sunday evening, after a grey, sombre day, and the effect from the heights of Middletown, overlooking the river, was singularly beautiful. The valley between the bluffs of the Mississippi and the Missouri Rivers was filled with mist rising from the water. As the sun burst through the clouds and filled the valley with light, this whole mass of mist, or haze, was suddenly illumined with all the gorgeous dyes of the sunset, just as were the clouds above. The whole valley, for miles along the course of the river, was filled with this wonderful tinted light, while the snow-covered forests beyond, and the gleaming-white hilltops of the far-off Missouri bluffs on the further side of the river, were alike glorified and transfigured in the marvelous colorings. For a few moments, the sunset flories in the clouds above were rivaled by those on the haze below, and heaven and earth were allied by piers of many-hued mist. The phenomenon lasted but a short time, five or six minutes, and then the lovely lights and color faded slowly with the sinking sun, until the illumined mist was only a dull, grey fog one more, overhanging a dark, sullen river.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, January 27, 1876
The exhibition and trial of the new steam fire engine, recently purchased by the city from C. Ahrens & Co. of Cincinnati, was an interesting and pleasant occasion. An immense crowd was present on Third Street to witness the trial. The new engine was placed in charge of the officers and members of the fire department companies. In order to show the contrast between the present and the past. Captain Samuel Pitts and a few of the original members of the old Pioneer Engine Company obtained possession of that veteran machine, and added it to the attractions of the procession on the occasion. The old Pioneer machine was built in 1833, and was received in Alton shortly after. It has been in active service for over a generation, and has made a glorious record at hundreds of fires. It could still be made to perform as good service as almost any other hand machine. In 1836, Captain Samuel Pitts took command of the Pioneer, and served in that position for a number of years. In fact, he has been connected with fire departments in the East and West for fifty-three years, having first joined a fire company when sixteen years of age. Among those who were members of the old Pioneer Company in 1836-7, the following gentlemen still survive and are residents of Alton, and among our most respected and influential citizens: Captain Samuel Pitts, John Atwood, A. S. Barry, J. W. Schweppe, M. H. Topping, J. M. Morgan, L. A. Parks, and Dr. W. C. Qluigley. T. G. Starr, W. T. Miller, W. F. Ferguson, and Rev. P. M. Pinckard live now in St. Louis. These were then all young and active men, recent settlers in the new city. Their present position in society is well known to every reader of the Telegraph. The above-named gentlemen are very nearly all who survive of those who were members in 1836-7.

On Saturday afternoon, several of these original members marched in the procession and assisted at the ropes as in old times. The procession was headed by Murphy’s Silver Cornet Band. Following it came the old Pioneer, labeled “as we used to be,” and next the magnificent new steamer and hose carriages, all under the charge of Chief Engineer Pfeiffenberger, and the officers and members of the existing fire companies. The procession made but a short march, on account of the muddy condition of the streets, and then halted at the public cisterns on Third Street, where the trial took place. The new steamer is appropriately named, “James T. Drummond,” in honor of our efficient and popular Mayor.

The time consumed in raising steam, that is the interval between the lighting of the fire and the throwing of water from the nozzle, was 4 minutes and 3 seconds, and this wonderfully quick time was made under disadvantageous circumstances. Under more favorable ones, the engine has raised steam in three minutes or three- and one-half minutes. The steamer threw two streams at once from inch nozzles to a perpendicular height of fully 110 feet. The horizontal streams were equally satisfactory, and although they were not measured at the time, it is well ascertained that the steamer can throw a single inch horizontal stream 280 feet. The trial upon Third Street was very thorough and satisfied everyone that the engine was capable of performing even more than was claimed for it. To show what a deluge of water it is capable of throwing upon a fire, we will state that its pumps pass 500 gallons of water per minute. The machine was afterwards taken to the riverbank, where it forced water through 850 feet of hose, uphill, and threw a stream far over the Illinois Mutual building on State Street. It was then taken back to Third Street, and subjected to further severe tests until dark, and in all of them it was demonstrated that the machine was a complete success in every particular, with an almost unlimited capacity for deluging a fire with water.

In outward appearance, the “James T. Drummond” is as beautiful and finely finished a machine as can be found anywhere in the country. It displays the height of mechanical skill and excellence, while the ease and accuracy with which every part of the ingenious machinery performed its work, challenged general admiration. It is supplied with the celebrated Latta’s Patent Boiler, undoubtedly the best in use for steam fire engines. The machine is comparatively light, and runs easily, but is equal in power and capacity to the largest size manufactured.

Alton now has a fire engine which will be equal to almost any emergency, and in addition to its immense power and capacity, possesses the very important advantage of never “tiring out at the brakes.” We understand that the “James T. Drummond” is to be in charge of the Altona boys, and that Mr. Al Hardy has been appointed Engineer.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, January 27, 1876
It is well known to our readers that some months since, very temporary arrangements were made by a cooperative company of practical glass manufacturers to establish works in Alton. The glass made by them proved superior to any manufactured in this country, and it was likewise demonstrated by them that it could be manufactured cheaper at this point than anywhere else in the United States. But owing to the lack of business qualifications and close application to business by the proprietors, the concern broke up in a short time after commencing operations. Nothing further was said or done about the matter until within a few weeks past, when Mr. S. B. Woolfolk of Virden, Illinois, who is well known to many of our business men in connection with two practical glass manufacturers of much experience in their line of business, have been looking into the subject with a view of establishing a manufactory in Alton.

The former of these gentlemen called at our office yesterday, from whom we have gathered the following particulars in regard to the matter, which no doubt will be of interest to many of our citizens.

It is his intention, if he meets with sufficient encouragement in connection with the gentlemen heretofore referred to, to establish at this place an “eight-pot manufactory, which will furnish employment for about thirty-two operatives. He and his partners propose to take a good share of the stock necessary to put the works in operation, and give it their personal attention, provided a sufficient amount is subscribed by other parties to place it on a permanent financial basis. He estimates the sum necessary to carry it on successfully to be about fifteen thousand dollars.

He has ascertained to his satisfaction, from figures furnished by the practical gentlemen cooperating with him, that all the material necessary for the manufacturing of glass can be procured at this point, of a better quality and at less cost than at any other point in the United States, with the exception of coal, which can be procured at Pittsburg cheaper and better than here, but in all other respects Alton has the advantage over that point. He has likewise satisfied himself that a better quality of glass can be manufactured here than at any other point, and with a much larger margin for profit.

As Mr. Woolfolk will, in all probability, call upon those of our business men most likely to be interested in the subject, and present in full all the facts and figures pertaining to the subject, we shall not here stop to give them in detail, but will simply commend the subject, as one well worthy the careful and thorough investigation of our capitalists, and all directly interested in the growth and prosperity of Alton. For there is no concealing the fact that unless something is done to develop the manufacturing interests here, that real estate will depreciate in value, and our city will lose its relative importance among the larger cities of the State. Manufacturing can be done cheaper here than at almost any point in the State, and yet there is no city in Illinois that is making more effort, and expending more money to have them established than we are here.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 11, 1877
On January 20, 1877, the Alton Water Works will have been in operation one year. During the year, they have pumped 30,000,000 gallons of water, raised 200 feet, which is the height of their tank above the river. They have nine miles of water mains, 82 fire hydrants, and a most substantial and Alton Water Worksornamental water works building. The machinery consists of two of Dean’s powerful direct-pressure engines of immense power. The capacity of the pumps is 2,000,000 gallons a day, from which it will be seen that during the past year, they have done only a small part of what they are capable of doing. There are at present something over 100 consumers. During the coming year, the number should be more than doubled.

The total cost of the works was $100,000, and the company intend erecting at once an additional tank of State Street, that will increase the reservoir capacity of the works to 300,000 gallons. The principal stockholders in the company, Messrs. Watson and Taylor, are public-spirited and enterprising citizens, who are deeply interested in the city. It is to their efforts that we are indebted for the greatest improvement ever made in Alton. The works are a complete success, and are not excelled in the West. They are regarded by insurance companies as such a complete success, that the rates of insurance during the past year have been reduced 20 percent, more than enough to cover the annual water works’ tax. The value of the works to the city is immense, and we hope that the number of consumers will speedily increase. The officers of the company are Henry Watson, President; Harry Taylor, Superintendent and Engineer; H. K. Johnston, Secretary; and C. A. Caldwell, Treasurer.


One of the Oldest Businesses in Alton
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 25, 1877
The drugstore now conducted by Chamberlain & Hagee is one of the oldest leading business houses of Alton, and has been a success through several changes of proprietorship. It was founded many years ago by one of our old citizens, Mr. A. S. Barry. He was succeeded, after a successful career, by his brother, Mr. B. F. Barry, and subsequently again took charge of the business himself. About ten years ago, Mr. Barry sold out to his son, W. C. Barry and Mr. H. W. Chamberlain, who conducted the business under the firm name of Barry & Chamberlain. Mr. Chamberlain subsequently purchased the interest of his partner, and continued the business as exclusive proprietor until the first of the present month, when he admitted his head clerk, Mr. W. H. Hagee, into partnership, the firm becoming Chamberlain & Hagee. This drug house, through all its extended and honorable career, has been one of the standard and reliable establishments of Alton, and we are confident that under its present popular and experienced proprietors, there is still greater success in store for it.


Captain Perishes in Flames
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 15, 1877
A terrible catastrophe occurred at our landing on Saturday night, resulting in the destruction of the steamer, Lizzie Bayless, and the death of her Captain, Oliver Marshall Gruell, in the flames. The Lizzie Bayless was a sternwheel boat, built for towing purposes, and was nearly new, having been on the river less than two years. She was owned by Calvin Gruell of Quincy. She had been engaged in the Southern trade during the winter, and was on her way to Quincy, under the command of Oliver M. Gruell, son of the owner, who acted as Captain and pilot. She had no cargo, but was towing an empty barge. The Bayless arrived at Alton early in the evening, and was tied up for the night opposite the water works, the Captain not deeming it prudent to proceed during the darkness. There were 8 persons onboard the boat, including the Captain and his brother, Charles, the engineer, and the crew. Captain Gruell and his brother, a boy about fifteen years old, retired early, occupying separate staterooms. The cabin was lighted by a coal oil lamp in a bracket. About 10:30 o’clock, Engineer Abney was at work at the machinery of the boat, when he heard a crash like breaking glass, and hurried upstairs to see what was the matter. He found the cabin all on fire, as if the lamp had burst and scattered burning oil over everything. The watchman came down from the cabin ten minutes before, when everything was safe. The engineer shouted to awaken the Captain and his brother, and succeeded in arousing the latter, who came out of his room, and the two tried to rescue the Captain, the boy crashing in the glass of the door with his hands and cutting himself severely. By this time, the cabin was a sheet of flame, and the engineer and the boy were driven out by the heat and smoke. The Captain was aroused by the breaking of the glass and rushed out into the cabin, with some of the bed clothes round him. He ran back a few steps, fell upon the floor, and went down to a fiery death. In an incredibly short time, the boat was wrapped in flames. The alarm was given, but there was some delay, owing to deficiency of hose, in playing upon the fire, and the upper works were burned off before the fire was extinguished. The streams were turned mainly upon the spot where Captain was thought to be lying, and as soon as the ruins were cool enough, search was made for the body. It was found on the boiler deck, a charred and mutilated mass, with some of the bed clothes still around him. It was in a semi-recumbent position, with one arm around one of the supports of the boiler, indicating that when the cabin floor fell through, he was still alive. It was a horrible death.

The remains were moved to the water works building, awaiting the inquest. The engineer states that if there had been an outside door to the Captain’s room, or if he had had an axe to cut through the partition, he could have saved him. Charles Gruell was taken to a drugstore and his wounds dressed. They were not serous, and he was able to be about yesterday. The owner of the steamer, Mr. Calvin Gruell of Quincy, was telegraphed to in regard to his misfortune. Captain Gruell leaves a wife and one child in Quincy. He was a young man, about 25 years of age.

An inquest was held, and the jury agreed on the following: “We, the undersigned jurors, sworn to inquire of the death of Oliver Marshall Gruell, on oath, do find that he came to his death by burning in the steamer Lizzie Bayless, at the upper levee, in the city of Alton, about 11 o’clock on Saturday night, February 10, 1877. We do further find, from the evidence, that the fire was caused by the accidental explosion of a coal oil lamp in the cabin of the boat.” Signed W. A. Murphy, Foreman; and Robert Smith, P. O. Sullivan, J. Mullen, Clemens Horst, Charles Behrens, J. C. Knott, F. M. Hazeltine, F. W. Joesting, C. Lyons, Luke Magie, and Levi DeLong.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1877
Mr. Charles Koerner will soon open a grocery store at Stutz’s corner in Bozzatown, with an assortment of dry goods, hardware, glass and chinaware, notions, &c., as successor of Leonard Stutz. Mr. Koerner will give the highest market price for butter, eggs, and all other farm products. Best of goods at the lowest cash prices. Satisfaction guaranteed.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 19, 1877
Messrs. Watson and Taylor have taken the contract to erect the new glass works building below Alton, to be ready for work by the first of June. These gentlemen expect to employ from 50 to 75 workmen, and will push the work as rapidly as possible. The new building will be 96x92 feet, will be situated about 150 feet from the former portion, and is to be constructed of stone, brick, and wood. The stone will be taken from the quarries on Piasa Street and shipped on the cars, directly to the place where they will be used. Plenty of skilled laborers are offering their services. The preference is given in all cases, everything else being equal, to residents of Alton. A party of workmen commenced today on the excavation for the foundation of the establishment.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 3, 1877
Messrs. Watson and Taylor have introduced water from the Water Works into the Bishop’s residence on State Street, and also into the Cathedral, with the addition of a coil of pipe whereby the use of ice, the water can be rendered cold for drinking purposes. Dr. Guelich and others of our citizens are also contemplating the introduction of water pipes into their residences in a short time.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 10, 1877
This establishment, which makes a specialty of the manufacture of horse powers and separators, is one of the oldest in the city, and one that many years ago did the largest business in this line of any in the United States. It has entered upon a new era of prosperity and promises to achieve results of which the successes of the past were but a precursor. The “Works” are situated on George Street, with the main front of about 300 feet on Front Street, and extending through the block to Second Street [Broadway]. The business was first started about thirty-six years ago by the late Nathaniel Hanson, Esq., in a one-story building in back of the old Baptist Church, which was located on Second Street, on the ground now occupied by the Kendall Cracker Factory. After a few years, the present brick buildings, consisting of four stories, were erected, and later the frame addition, with stone basement, extending to Second Street.

When one enters the machine shop on the ground floor, he is confused by the sight of turning wheels, rolling bands, the clank and whirr of machinery in rapid motion, while a number of workmen are engaged in their various duties, making a very interesting picture. East of this is the blacksmith shop, in which the firm manufacture the iron teeth of the cylinders of the separators, and all the other iron work used about the establishment. They also have facilities for making their own wagon work for the separators, also the brass casting, frame works, etc. required by the various parts of the machines. A shed to the east of the blacksmith shop is used for the storage of horse powers and steam engines. The latter are imported from eastern establishments, and are the only things used by the firm in connection with their machines that are not manufactured by themselves.

They have great quantities of lumber on hand, which is ordered one or two years in advance, in order that it may be thoroughly seasoned, and in order to facilitate this process. They have a drying room in a rear building. Although the greater part of the lumber is very dry, they use a portion in some parts of the machine while green, in order that as it shrinks, it may rust the nails and thus confine them securely.

In the foundry, the firm make their own castings, taking off an average of about two heats a week. In this department, they use, in connection with the patterns, a mixture of coal dust and sand, resembling fine gunpowder, for making castings. The iron work is all done on the ground floor.

The second story is used for the wood workers, while the slats and belts are put up in the third story. There is a small room in this story used for storing belting, while the fourth floor is used as a storeroom for material that may be needed from time to time.

The company has just finished four of Pitts Improved “Champion” Separators for W. N. Ayers & Co. of fort Smith, Arkansas. They have one machine on hand, with an improved slacker attached, that has been tested with splendid effect, and which promises to be an improvement, especially in transportation, over any yet invented.

The room fronting on Second Street [Broadway] is crowded with the finished Separators, and in this place the finishing touches are put on by means of paint of various rich colors, and elegant pictures consisting of the beauties of the stage, fine landscapes, and other works of art. Mr. R. M. Mather is foreman of this department, and his taste and skill are such that he renders the finished machine “a thing of beauty,” such as would serve as an article of ornament as well as utility.

The proprietors of the Alton Agricultural Works are favored with an able and skillful corps of workmen throughout all the departments. The foreman of the machine shop, Mr. Charles P. Rader, is a thoroughly competent mechanic, who learned his trade in the establishment, and is qualified by ability and long experience to do first-class work. Mr. Frank Pelot is overseer of the woodwork department, and contributes greatly to the success of the undertaking. The foundry has for foreman Mr. John Lawless, than who no better could be found, while Mr. Manning, an English mechanic, has added some improvements to the horse powers that greatly facilitate the ease with which they can be operated.

In addition to the departments we have mentioned, the building on the west side of George Street is stored full of finished machinery of various kinds. The firm has orders on hand, one hundred percent in excess of any they have had at this season for the past five years, or since the concern has been under its present management. The proprietors are energetic, enterprising, working men, and intend to win success if it can be done by faithful, persistent effort, and a due regard for the best interests of their patrons. To this end, they will spare no pains to make their machines the best in construction and the most attractive in appearance of any that can be procured, and will also afford them at the most reasonable rates. The establishment has the capacity to turn out from two hundred and fifty to three hundred complete machines in a season.


Roof of Building Burned Off
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 31, 1877
Last Friday noon an engineer on the Chicago & Alton Railroad sounded the whistle of his engine as an alarm of fire upon discovering flames bursting from the roof of the Bishop’s Palace, near the Cathedral on State Street. We understand that an alarm was given about the same time by a small boy at the Brothers’ School. The alarm was echoed by the Cathedral and fire bells.

In an almost incredibly short time, the Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1 Firehouse, were at the place, followed in a few minutes by the Hose Companies, who immediately unlimbered and made attachments to the plugs in the vicinity. Two lines of hose were attached to the corner of State and Prospect Streets, and one to the plug 100 yards further down the street. Some trouble was at first experienced in getting a supply of water, but in a few minutes three powerful streams were directed on the burning building, which is an immense, three-story brick, containing about fifty rooms. Owing to the height of the building and the large projecting cornice, great difficulty was experienced in directing the streams effectively. The roof was soon flooded, and streams directed inside at every available point in the upper story, to which the flames were confined throughout.

The fire originated immediately under the roof of the L, at the rear or north part of the building, probably from a defective flue. From thence it extended toward the front, until almost the whole roof was destroyed or badly damaged. At the end of about one hour, the flames reached the observatory, which was badly scorched, but not destroyed. There was no lack of water, which poured from the caves, down the stairways, and through the gas pipes into the lower rooms, in tremendous streams. In about two hours, the fire was under complete control – nothing remaining but a few smoulde4ring embers, with an occasional slight blaze.

The firemen and numbers of other citizens labored faithfully, both inside and outside the house – some on the roof, exposed occasionally to the force of the irresistible streams of water that sometimes were varied in their course, and others inside of the upper story, almost strangled by the great volume of smoke. As soon as the alarm was given, willing hands by the hundreds were utilized in carrying out the household goods and other valuables, that were in danger of destruction. Among those worthy of special mention – Mr. J. C. Brown, agent for Simon’s Comedy Company, a comparative stranger, was especially noticed for his efficient efforts in directing the work of the crowd engaged in saving the furniture.

After the flames were extinguished, the fine house presented a terrible scene of disarray. The whole building seemed perfectly saturated with water, fragments of burnt timber were scattered around, while the splendid ornamental painting on the walls and ceiling was sadly discolored by smoke and moisture. Water was introduced into the yard from the main, but a short time ago, but the lug had not yet been placed in position, consequently was useless. Although nothing below the garret and roof was injured by the flames, the whole building will undoubtedly need repair, owing to the effects of the deluge of water on the walls. The roof on the south part was cut up pretty badly with axes in order to reach the flames, as the shingles prevented the water from reaching the desired paints, but thanks to the water works and the noble men who labored with unselfish energy, what threatened to be a destructive conflagration was quelled, and the building saved from being a total loss. The furniture, the library, etc., were saved in a comparatively uninjured state. While all the firemen were entitled to praise, Captain Henry Smith, Assistant Engineer Henick, and ex-Fire Warden Kirwin were particularly entitled to mention.

It is at present impossible to estimate the loss, but no doubt greater damage was done by water than by fire. Two thousand dollars will probably cover the latter, while that by water cannot be less than $5,000. Doubtless the ceilings and part of the walls will have to be replastered, which will cost a large amount. The loss is amply covered by insurance in F. Hewit’s Agency as follows: On building, $5,000 in the Phoenix, of Hartford; $5,000 in the Hartford, and $5,000 in the German American; total $15,000. On furniture, library, etc., $4,000 in the Glenn’s Falls, and $4,000 in the Girard.

The “Bishop’s Palace” or residence, of Sts. Peter and Paul Church (also called the Old Cathedral), was located next door to the church on State Street. The church was constructed in 1857, and the Bishop’s Palace constructed in 1863. The original Bishop’s Palace has been replaced with a modern building.

Sts. Peter and Paul's Catholic Church, Alton

Source: Alton Telegraph, May 31, 1877
The work of demolition of the old frame building near the corner of Second [Broadway] and Henry Streets, opposite Weigler’s block, was commenced a few days ago. An Italian named Giambetta formerly kept a grocery store in this house, and during the Mexican War, had a sign painted that read, “Buena Vista, Montery, Giambetta’s Groggery,” instead of grocery, at which he became greatly excited and hunted up the sign painter for an explanation, or satisfaction for the insult. The matter was settled without “pistols and coffee for two,” and the painter still survives, a resident of this city. Mrs. Fuchs intends building a nice, two story brick store and residence on the site of the old house.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 21, 1877
We were shown today the new gold six percent bonds of the Alton Water Works, which are as fine a specimen of lithography as we ever saw. These bonds are issued to enable the Water Works Company to repay the $50,000 advanced by the city to commence building water works in 1875, on which the Water Works Company pays 8 percent, and which do not mature till 1885, 1890, 1895. The new bonds are of the denomination of $50 and $100, maturing in five, ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five years, with principal and interest payable in gold, interest six percent, payable semi-annually at the Alton National Bank, whose cashier, by the new deed of trust, is made Trustee for the bondholders, and who also holds a power of attorney to draw all hydrant rent due from the city to the Water Works Company. The amount of this hydrant rental is now $8,150 per annum, a sum for more than sufficient to pay interest and principal at maturity. It is a notable fact that the history of America does not afford a single instance of default in the payment of interest or principal of any water works bonds. Water is a prime necessity of life, and where its introduction and distribution have been done with ordinary skill and integrity, the works have always been remunerative. Some cities derive a large revenue from their water works. Those owned by Nashville, Tennessee, paid $35,000 over all expenses last year.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 12, 1877
Monday night a little before 12 o’clock, smoke was discovered issuing from the front grating of the cellar of the Bank Saloon, the second door to the rear of the First National Bank on State Street, by someone at Hart’s livery stable. The alarm was given, and in a very short time, the Altona Hose Company was on the spot, followed immediately by the Hook and Ladder Company, and in a few minutes by the Hope Hose Company. The Altonas quickly had an attachment made to the nearest plug, and the flames were extinguished with no damage beyond the loss of a few empty barrels. The Hope Hose boys made an attachment at the corner of Fourth and State Streets, but their services were found to be unnecessary. After the dense smoke cleared away, it was found that a rear window of the cellar was partly opened, and it is supposed that an incendiary took that plan to introduce fire into the cellar. With our present system of Water Works, and the efforts of our prompt, efficient fire department, it will be found very difficult, if not impossible, to cause an extensive conflagration in the Bluff City.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 12, 1877
Last Sunday was the hottest day of the season, the mercury reaching an altitude of about 100 degrees in the shade. Great suffering resulted from the intense heat, both Sunday and the day previous, and several cases of sunstroke are reported, two of which resulted fatally. Mr. Samuel Perks Sexton, was overcome by the intense heat Sunday, while engaged in the cemetery. Dr. Garvin was called, and reports that his patient is improving rapidly today.

Charles Schreiber, a butcher, doing business on Belle Street, was also sunstruck at the cemetery while attending a funeral Sunday afternoon, but by the prompt application of ice and ice water, soon recovered. There were several other cases of the same character at the same place and time, but nothing serious resulted.

Between one and two o’clock Sunday afternoon, Bernard Morgan, a coal miner living at North Alton, was prostrated by the heat, and fell into a gutter near the residence of Colonel Moberly, where he expired before assistance reached him. It is stated that he had been drinking during the day. He was about sixty years old, and leaves a wife and one son.

Two children of Thomas Callahan, living near the Alton Junction [East Alton], were sunstruck Sunday, and before the arrival of Dr. Guelich, who was immediately called, the youngest, eight or ten years old, died. The other, a boy about fifteen, was very seriously ill, but under the efficient treatment of the physician, soon manifested symptoms of improvement, and hope are entertained of his recovery in a short time.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, October 4, 1877
This fine Hall is finished, and was open for inspection today. It has a wide entrance on Third street, and near the rear of the building, where two large doors finely painted and grained, open to a broad stairway leading to the Hall, which is whitened, painted and ornamented in a manner to make it a very pleasant and attractive resort. The rifles are stowed in the large upright showcase, which is arranged with numbers from 1 to 96. The cartridge boxes and other accoutrements are arranged in closets at the base.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 18, 1877
Mr. L. E. Houghton has given Armory Hall, corner of Third and Piasa streets, two coats of paint, of a grey or stone color. When it receives another of the same color, it will present a vastly improved appearance.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 25, 1877
The late extension of gas mains up Henry Street to Fifteenth, in Middletown, is an improvement that is appreciated by the residents of the localities benefitted thereby. Instead of going home on cloudy nights in the absence of the moon, in darkness that may almost be felt, exposed to the raids of tramps and footpads, a light will be afforded by the friendly street lamps, sufficient to obviate to a great extent, dangers of this character.

Fine lamps are erected at convenient distances, a block apart on Henry Street, and as soon as the necessary pipe can be procured, the work will be continued on Twelfth, from Henry to Alby Streets. Mr. Robert Johnson, manager of the gas works, has had the supervision of the improvement, and deserves credit for the promptness and efficiency with which the affair has been managed. When Belle Street to North Alton and the main thoroughfares leading to Middletown are furnished with lamps, we will have an encouraging amount of light “on the subject,” and matters will present a more cheerful aspect at night, in the absence of the moon.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 25, 1877
Henry Guest McPikeThe spacious and elegant residence of Mr. Henry G. McPike on Alby Street was the scene last evening of a pleasant gathering, the occasion being the marriage of the only [living] daughter of the host, Miss Jennie, to Mr. William “Will” R. Wilkinson of Perry County, Missouri, a prominent and wealthy young gentleman, and the proprietor of large landed estates in Illinois, Missouri, and Texas. Among those present were a number of relatives and friends from abroad.

Quite elaborate preparations had been made for the auspicious event, and as the guests approached the scene of the festivities, the brilliantly lighted residence and the illuminated grounds presented a beautiful sight. The ceremony took place at a quarter past six o’clock, the impressive service beingJennie McPike Wilkinson performed by the Rev. T. G. Field of the Baptist Church. The fair bride was arrayed in an elegant brown traveling costume, with lace barb, orange blossoms and gold ornaments, and was the cynosure of many admiring eyes. Shortly after the ceremony, the guests were invited to the dining hall, where they partook of a wedding banquet of such generous abundance, variety, and delicacy, that only the pen of Epicurus himself could do justice to its attractions. At an early hour, the bridal couple bade their friends farewell, and departed on their tour, which will be an extended one through the southern States, including visits to New Orleans and Galveston. The bride was favored with many gifts from relatives and friends, among which were a large number peculiarly noticeable for their beauty and costliness. The guests were most hospitably and pleasantly entertained, and departed with bright anticipations for ht future happiness of the bride and groom.

Jennie McPike Wilkinson was born November 20, 1857, the second child of Henry Guest McPike and Mary Amanda (Burns) McPike. She married William Robert Wilkinson on October 24, 1877, at the McPike mansion in Alton. William Wilkinson was born September 01, 1854 in Perry County, Missouri. His father was John Wilkinson, who along with his father, owned a riverboat named The Laurel, and became involved in the shipping trade from Louisville, Kentucky to Alton, Illinois. On one of their trips, their steamboat sank a few miles from what would later be known as Seventy-Six, Missouri. A shanty was constructed from the wreckage of the boat, and Wilkinson immediately became a dealer in cord wood, which was the only fuel used at that time to power steamboats. Eventually, John Wilkinson became one of the largest landowners in the area, and founded the unincorporated village of Seventy-Six, Missouri. An island in the Mississippi – Wilkinson Island – was named after him.

William Robert WilkinsonWilliam Wilkinson graduated from the University of Missouri in Columbia in 1878, and was a circuit judge in Perry County for 14 years, elected in 1884. He was also large property owner, and a member of the Missouri State Board of Agriculture for 28 years. The couple had three children, but only one son, William Earl Wilkinson (1881-1883) survived for any length of time. William and Jennie Wilkinson must have divorced, as he remarried in 1915 to a woman named Abbie Schmidt. Jennie McPike Wilkinson died July 29, 1944, at the age of 86, in Mobile, Alabama. She was buried in the Alton City Cemetery. Judge William Wilkinson died on October 7, 1930, in St. Louis County, Missouri. He was buried in the Laurel Hill Memorial Gardens in Pagedale, Missouri.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 20, 1877
A number of our citizens, among them Messrs. Watson, Hayner, Hodge, Bickel, Largent, Ralston, and Ash, went over Friday on Captain Starr’s popular ferry boat, to witness the operations of the overshot elevator, put up for Armstrong Bros.’ at their ice house on the island. The elevator was put up by the Knickerbocker Ice Co. of Philadelphia, under the efficient supervision of Mr. James Haggart of that city. The machine, which is operated by a 12-horse power engine, was started and worked to perfection. The elevator is an inclined plane reaching from the water to the top of the building, and is, at the highest point, about 60 feet above the surface of the river, and with it ice can be raised from the water to almost that height, if necessary. The machinery consists of two endless chains, 42 inches apart, running over two wheels under the water and also over two near the summit, the chains being connected every six feet by timbers that serve to carry the ice. A lever is so arranged that the power can be detached with a motion of the wrist, and the machinery stopped. It is calculated that 1,200 or 1,300 tons of ice per day can be moved by this elevator, giving employment to 100 or more men in supplying and storing. A lot of ice, 22 inches thick, was taken from the river yesterday, and stored away in order to illustrate the working in a practical manner. As the large cakes glided swiftly into the building in rapid succession, one felt like “standing from under.” We should state that the ice used was of last year’s crop. The gentlemen present expressed themselves in terms of the highest admiration, and it was the general opinion that if Armstrong Bros. had a patent freezer, nothing would be lacking. The ice house is 200 feet long, 95 feet wide, and 25 feet high to the eaves, will hold 10,000 tons, and with suitable ice, can be filled in 8 or 10 days.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, April 11, 1878
At the solicitation of many voters of the First ward, Mr. Fred. Shelly has consented to become a candidate for alderman from that ward. We are glad to make this announcement. Mr. Shelly has long been one of our leading manufacturers, and has done much for the prosperity of the city. His ability and integrity are unquestioned, and he will receive a strong support.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, July 4, 1878
We were shown, last Saturday, at Mr. Charles Rodemeyer's Carriage Repository, corner of Third and Market Streets, one of the finest top buggies ever seen in this city. It was manufactured for Dr. W. A. Haskell, is a new style called the Saladee triple spring buggy, so arranged that wherever the load may be placed, the weight is equalized and falls on all the springs alike. The buggy is elegantly finished in plain style and shines like a mirror. Another new feature peculiar to it is a patent leather protector, to be placed over each side of the bed in front of the seat, to prevent injury to the highly polished surface from the foot of anyone mounting or dismounting. Dr. Haskell's monogram is artistically put on the side of the vehicle in gold. The buggy is so elegant and attractive in appearance, that orders have already been received from Jerseyville for two of a similar pattern. Another fine vehicle, almost finished, is a Brewater improved sidebar buggy, for a gentleman living in Jerseyville. In fact, this manufactory is getting up great numbers of fine carriages of various styles, that cannot be excelled for fine workmanship, superior finish and durability.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 9, 1878
Yesterday morning, early, a gang of men appeared on the levee near the waterworks building, with a carload of rails and ties, with the intention, as alleged, of laying a track leading to Mr. F. Shelly's lime kilns. Owing to the inclemency of the weather yesterday, the work was not done. This morning, Messrs. Coppinger & Biggins, who claim a portion of the land over which it was intended to run the track, fenced in their claim extending across the public highway, which leads from Short street up the river. The place was only partially enclosed, leaving passageway between the posts for wagons and other vehicles. City Engineer Hodge claims that the 'fence' encloses or obstructs the public street or highway. Mr. Shelly obtained permission of the City Council to lay a track on the levee in the County Road to his lime kiln. The permission was granted January 10, 1876. The matter will come before the Council tomorrow.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 9, 1878
Armstrong Bro's have laid a side track at the corner of Sixth and Piasa streets, leading to the place where their lime kiln is to be erected.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 11, 1878
Why is it that Mr. Shelly is required to give bond before laying a side track to his lime kilns above the Water Works, when other gentlemen, who have side tracks on their premises in other parts of the city, are not required to do the same thing? In other words, why this discrimination against Mr. Shelly?


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 26, 1878
Any of our readers who desire to feast their eyes on “things of beauty” should call at Mr. R. B. Smith’s celebrated wholesale and retail drug Robert B. Smith's Drug Emporiumemporium on Broadway, where can be found everything to attract the eye of the connoisseur in articles of elegance and beauty. Mr. Smith has a particularly fine display for the holidays, and all desiring to make presents can there find as great an assortment as in the most pretentious metropolitan establishments. The ladies especially can view articles of surpassing and unique loveliness, combining utility and beauty in such a way as to appeal to every cultivated taste. Toilet sets in superb silver mounted cases, brushes, combs of celluloid ivory and pearl, including all the latest French novelties. In perfumes will be found the most elegant French, English, and American extracts and colognes, sold in fancy bottles or by the ounce. Cashmere bouquet, glycerine, musk and other perfumed soaps of every variety and at all prices, lily white and pearl powder for the ladies, hair oils and cosmetics elegantly perfumed and put up in the most attractive manner.

The assortment of paints, oils, artists’ materials, wax work material, drugs, medicines, and everything else pertaining to a first-class establishment is complete. Eight show cases assist in displaying the articles that abound in great profusion. Mr. Smith has just received a lot of magnificent picture frames of his own selection, which surpass anything in that line ever offered in the city. Covered with the finest silk velvet of various beautiful shades and silver mounted, they must be seen to be appreciated.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 9, 1879
From the Daily of January 7 – About nine o’clock last evening, Mr. Frank Maxey of Upper Alton, one of the streetcar drivers, discovered flames issuing from the cornice on the west side of the city building, and immediately gave the alarm. In an incredibly short time, the Altonas, the Hope Hose, and the Hook & Ladder Companies were on hand and at work. The Hook & Ladder boys were holding a meeting in their hall in the basement of the building when the fire occurred. Attachments were made Alton City Hallwith the hose at the corner of Second [Broadway] and Market Streets, and at two plugs down toward Piasa Street. The fire caught in the cornice from the blue just south of the west door of the post office, presumably from flying sparks. The flames extended to the apex of the roof over the round window, and burned a hole three or four feet in diameter through the roof.

The north half of the building is covered with tin, the remainder with shingles, and just at the junction the fire burned through, but was prevented from extending by two large streams of water, pouring a constant flood on the shingles. The Altona Company carried their hose up the main stairway, thence to the gallery and to the attic, where they made great exertions, in spite of the stifling smoke, to reach the point where the flames were at work, but could effect but little on account of the intervening timbers. The hose was then taken into the City Hall, and by making an opening in the ceiling, direct access was had to the fire which was entirely extinguished, about two hours from the time of the alarm.

The firemen and citizens who assisted them labored faithfully, under many disadvantages, on account of the cold and the height of the point where the fire was located. Postmaster Holden, with his assistants, went to work and soon had the material mail matter and valuables in the post office safely removed from the building. On the same floor are the public library and the police station. The water poured through the ceiling of the library room in a perfect deluge, making it necessary to remove the books from the room to a place of safety. The Presbyterian Church was opened, and there everything belonging to the library that water would damage was taken. The contents of the offices of F. H. Ferguson, J. McNulty, P. Ward, and W. D. Hodge, in the second story, were also removed to buildings across the street.

Although the damages from the flames were comparatively trifling, those caused by the floods of water poured into the building cannot yet be estimated. The ceilings and walls are generally saturated with water and frozen, and no doubt the plaster will fall off when it thaws out. The floors of the post office, city hall, and the most of the rooms would have made good skating rinks this morning. The large chandelier in the upper room was covered with ice, with glittering pendants of the same material, while the greater portion of the western side of the building and the steps were coated with ice, which extended on the ground to some distance. The fire companies were ready for the fray, and some target practice was had at the glass in the turret window on the west side, in order to open a way to the fire, but with little success.

The city building was erected in 1857 at a cost of over $40,000, and was insured for $25,000 in a number of companies. No correct estimate of the damage can yet be made. It will range from $3,000 to $6,000. The flue from which it is supposed the flames originated burned out between five and six o’clock.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 23, 1879
The glass works have a full force employed at present, and are doing to heavy business. They manufacture all varieties of bottles, plain and colored, and many other kinds of glassware. The establishment embraces a blacksmith shop, where two workmen are kept busy repairing the iron pipes and other material of a similar character used about the place.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 27, 1879
The long-expected military parade and flag presentation, for which the Alton Guards have long been preparing, took place today, according to program. The day opened gloomy and lowering, with a raw wind blowing from the southeast, but about 11 o’clock the clouds broke away, the atmosphere moderated, and the weather became as propitious as could have been anticipated at this time of the year. The Alton Guards had made elaborate preparations for the event, and had invited all the companies of the Fifteenth Battalion, as well as other military organizations, to be present and participate in the review, but the Belleville Guards were the only complete company which reached here in time. Many other members of the militia were present as individuals. The Grafton Guards came down in skiffs, but they were unavoidable delayed, and it was not until afternoon that the company arrived, too late to attend the flag presentation, but in time to join the parade the latter part of the afternoon.

The Belleville Guards, thirty-one strong, in full Prussian uniform, accompanied by a martial band, arrived on the 9:30 train this morning. They were accompanied by Adjutant Schuessler of Belleville, of the Eleventh Regiment. The company was commanded by First Lieutenant H. E. Schroeder, Second Lieutenant W. B. Huff, and Orderly Sergeant Charles Weber. The Arsenal Band, twenty-two in number, with Colonel Lewis, leader, arrived on the same train.

The visitors were received at the depot by a detail of the Guards, under command of Lieutenant Herb, accompanied by the Drum Corps, under the direction of Acting Drum Major Fred Ward. A line was formed, and a march made around the block through Third Street to Armory Hall, the headquarters of the visiting company and the Arsenal Band. Colonel Cooper, on horseback, was also present.

The fleet containing the Grafton Guards reached here about three o’clock, thirty-five strong, under command of Captain Mysenberg. One skiff sank at Clifton, and the passengers and crew were obliged to march down the riverbank from that point.

All being in readiness, the companies started from the Armory at 2 o’clock in the following order, under command of Colonel Cooper; Colonels Edgar and Brenholt of the Governor’s staff, Major Davis, Adjutant Crane and Adjutant Schuessler of the Eleventh Regiment, Major Carlin, all on horseback. They were followed by the Arsenal Band; next the Alton Drum Corps in their showy uniform, the Belleville Martial Band, the Belleville Guards – a body of stalwart, soldierly looking men under command of Lieutenant Schroeder, followed by the Alton Guards, Captain Brueggemann, the rear being brought up by the Grafton Guards, Captain Ernest Mysenburg. As the military stepped off to the splendid music of the band, the arms and uniform glittering in the rays of the sun, the scene was very brilliant, and was witnessed with pleasure by the vast crowds that thronged the streets seeking the best vantage ground. Upon arriving at the corner of Third and State Streets, the two companies were arranged to form in open order, two sides of a hollow square. Colonel Cooper then announced that they were ready for the presentation ceremonies, when Miss Kate Laird took the temporary platform prepared for the purposed, holding the flag and delivered in a clear voice that reached the majority of the vast assemblage the following beautiful address:

“The ladies of Alton, desiring to express their commendation of your pre-eminence in a recent contest, and rejoicing in your willingness to devote yourselves to our country’s service, present this banner as a token of their high appreciation, hoping that while you are faithful to the sovereignty of our own noble State, you may also be ever proudly loyal to the National Union. In committing this standard to your keeping, they believe you will be bold, brave, and steadfast in its defense, and never suffer a stain of dishonor to mar its beauty. With unfailing interest, they will ever watch your onward march in the path of duty, trusting ‘Fidelity and Purity,’ emblems of these colors may be your motto in every campaign, and that all your contests may be crowned with victory.”

The flag was then consigned to the care of the Company, and Color Sergeant H. O. Billings delivered an eloquent response. The flag was an elegant one. On one side, composed of white silk, were the State arms and seal, surrounded by a wreath, all beautifully embroidered. On the reverse, of blue silk, were the words “Presented to Company A, Fifteenth Battalion, I. N. G., by the Ladies of Alton. 1879.”

After the presentation ceremonies and a tune by the band, Colonel Cooper proposed three cheers for the ladies which were given with a will by the soldier boys, after which the line of march was taken up, the direction almost reversed from the order as published. After a parade on the principal business streets, and a drill in the manual of arms of the three companies on Third Street, the military returned to Armory Hall and were dismissed.

The Grand Ball
By eight o’clock last evening the company began to arrive at Mercantile Hall, and in an hour from that time, the room and gallery were filled. Immediately on entering, the eye was attracted by the tasteful decorations, the work of the Guards. In the center of the room, suspended from the ceiling, occupying the position of honor, was the elegant new banner, presented by the ladies yesterday. On each side of the room was suspended a large weather stained flag, the columns were wrapped with the national colors. Small flags were suspended around the chandeliers. On each side of the stage were the words “Company A” in evergreen letters, while over the center, just above the place occupied by the musicians, was the word “Welcome” in large letters, also of evergreen.

A little before 9 o’clock, Rutledge and Gossrau’s Band, composed of twelve musicians, performed a grand march, and shortly afterwards dancing commended. The music was very fine, showing that the performers only need practice together in order to make them equal to any band of that size. The floor was crowded with the merry dancers. The ladies were dressed elegantly, and contrasted with the uniforms of the military, caused a very pleasing effect.

Credit Is Due
The following ladies were those who secured the funds for the purchase of the magnificent banner presented to Company A yesterday: Mrs. John E. Hayner, Mrs. J. Q. Burbridge, Miss Anna Hapgood, Miss Kate E. Laird, Mrs. Captain Brueggemann, Mrs. George V. Burbridge, and Miss Mollie Luce.

The Alton Guards militia group was organized in 1846. They were one of the best drilled companies in the State, and took part in the funeral rite of President Garfield. The brass band of the group won competitions in the State. The State furnished equipment, uniforms, ammunition, and a hall (in 1881 they received $500). The men were compelled to drill regularly and maintain a military company ready for active service. The Guards were disbanded in 1881.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 13, 1879
Messrs. Dixon & Powell of the Hop Hollow Stone Quarry company, arrived in town Tuesday from Logansport, Indiana with a carload of machinery, including a steam engine and saws, for getting out stone which they intend having in full blast in a month. Mr. Powell carries a specimen of the stone, procured at Hop Hollow, finely finished and beautifully polished, resembling marble of the best quality.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 20, 1879
Judge John M. Krum of St. Louis, while engaged in arguing a case last week in a Justice’s office, got mad at the opposing attorney named Eccles, struck him several blows, and finally stabbed him a number of times with a clasp knife, inflicting slight wounds. Krum was drunk.

Judge Krum, now an aged man, was the first Mayor of Alton, at the time of the Lovejoy murder, and to his weakness and apathy, if not sympathy with the rioters, are ascribed the responsibility for the tragedy. Most of the leaders in that riot came to violent or dishonorable deaths in different localities soon after, but Judge Krum removed to St. Louis and has had a distinguished and successful career. Now, however, he seems to be “going to the bad” rapidly. Is retribution overtaking the old man at last?
(Written by Mr. Holden and Mr. Norton, Alton Telegraph proprietors.)


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 12, 1879
Captain Starr's ferry boat made an excursion trip to the mouth of Wood River yesterday, with a large party of ladies and gentlemen onboard, including the members of the Alton Hunting Club, under whose auspices the excursion was made. Gossrau's Band was in attendance and furnished good music. The party spent the day in a fine shady grove on the west bank of Wood River, about half a mile from the Mississippi, where a picnic dinner was partaken of with appetites sharpened by open air exercise. The ferry boat had a barge in tow. Captain Largent, with a party of twelve onboard the swift running little Truant, also went to the same locality with a skiff in tow, with which to explore the shallow places. The Truant went up Wood River about half a mile to a quiet spot, where the gentlemen onboard explored the depths of the stream under the drifts and secured some fine large black bass, croppies, and other fish. The champion cook of the party prepared some of the catch, and with coffee and other accompaniments, the Truants had a feast.

The steamer Calhoun made an excursion from St. Louis yesterday with a military company onboard to Hop Hollow. We understand that there was a little disturbance at that place during the afternoon, but nothing serious resulted.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 12, 1879
One of the most successful, and of course the busiest places in Alton, is the dry goods house known as the Bee Hive, established in April 1874 by Richard Henry Flagg. His store is shown in the engraving of Third Street, and is correctly named the Bee Hive. Mr. Flagg is a born dry goods man, takes to the business as naturally as a duck to water, likes the trade, and constantly enters into it with a zeal that ensures success. Always buying carefully, selling at bottom figures, and keeping none but the best goods, his trade has grown from a small store to a stock of many thousands in value, and commands trade from many counties in Illinois and over the river in Missouri. Mr. Flagg served in the dry goods trade many years in larger cities, and graduated in such establishments as Field, Letter & Co., Chicago, and John Schillito, Cincinnati, and with his thorough understanding of the business, is enabled to buy the best goods for the least money, and his patrons are thereby benefitted by his extensive experience. Mr. Flagg has lately added to the Bee Hive a house furnishing department in the basement of his store, which has proved the greatest hit of the season, and has already nearly doubled the trade of the house. Many useful articles are sold for from five cents to twenty-five cents, which heretofore have cost three or four times that amount. New housekeepers, especially, find this department a Godsend.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 12, 1879
A good steam ferry, owned and operated by Captain H. B. Starr, plies continually between the city and Missouri Point on the Missouri side of the river, by means of which a fine trade is obtained from Missouri amounting to tens of thousands of dollars annually. The receipts of this ferry yearly amount to $6,000 to $9,000, and 10,000 to 15,000 persons and 4,000 to 5,000 teams cross the river by it, mostly with farm produce for the Alton market.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 12, 1879
At an alarm of fire, the hose companies immediately make attachments to the nearest hydrants, and then have the whole river as a water supply. There is no delay for the purpose of raising steam as is the case with fire engines. Since the water works were established, there has not been a destructive fire in Alton, and never can be under the present system. Both as a fire protection and as a water supply, the water works of Alton are unsurpassed in efficiency in the country. The direct pressur engines and machinery for pumping are located in the water works. The reservoir is situated on the bluffs, half a mile distance from the river bank. The engines keep the reservoir pumped full of water, and are also started at full power at the first sound of a fire alarm. There are 87 fire hydrants distributed over the city, forming a complete system of fire protection. Each one of these hydrants is supplied with two hose connections and is equal to two steam fire engines.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 15, 1879
The Kendall Bakery
There are several machine shops, foundries, an extensive cracker factory known as the Kendall Bakery, Daniels, Bayle & Co., proprietors. This large institution was established first in St. Louis in 1848, removed to Alton in 1865, and occupies the entire three stories and basement of the large brick building on the corner of Second [Broadway] and Easton Streets, also occupying a large store in St. Louis, corner of Second and Locust Streets, as their branch house. The capacity of their bakery is 100 barrels of flour per day, and 25 hands are given employment in their factory, which is provided with all modern machinery and ovens. Their goods are sold as far north as St. Paul, west to Helena, Montana, and south to Corpus Christie.

Robert B. Smith Drug House
One of the largest wholesale houses of Alton is the extensive drug house of Robert B. Smith. Mr. Smith is one of the most talented and experienced druggists of the entire West. His sales are among the hundreds of thousands annually. His stock comprises everything in the drug and medicine line, also oil, paints, glass, etc. He employs a number of traveling salesmen, who are selling goods in every portion of the western States. Low prices and square dealing is his greatest agent and advertiser. His customers have come to know that they will always receive pure, fresh goods in response to their orders, and this in connection with the other fact that low rents and lighter taxes enable him always to shade St. Louis prices, holds every customer with whom he once makes a deal. We have never looked upon a finer and fuller stock of merchandise of this description west of New York City than is handled by Robert B. Smith.

The Bee Hive Dry Goods House
One of the most successful and, of course, the busiest places in Alton is the dry goods house known as the Bee Hive, established in April 1874 by Richard Henry Flagg. Mr. Flagg is a born dry goods man, takes to the business as naturally as a duck to water, likes the trade, and constantly enters into it with a zeal that ensures success. Always buying carefully, selling at bottom figures and keeping none but the best goods, his trade has grown from a small store to a stock of many thousands in value, and commands trade from many counties in Illinois and over the river in Missouri. Mr. Flagg served in the dry goods trade many years in larger cities, and graduated in such establishments as Field, Leite & Co., Chicago, and John Schillito, Cincinnati, and with his thorough understanding of the business, is enabled to buy the best goods for the least money, and his patrons are thereby benefitted by his extensive experience. Mr. Flagg has lately added to the Bee Hive a house furnishing department in the basement of his store, which has proved the greatest hit of the season, and has already nearly doubled the trade of the house. Many useful articles are sold for from five cents to twenty-five cents, which heretofore have cost three or four times that amount. New housekeepers especially find this department a God-send.

Henry Watson’s Stone Quarries
The great quarries belonging to Henry Watson, Esq., are well worth a visit and inspection from anyone halting for a day at Alton. These quarries are of vast extent and value. Here blocks of almost fabulous weight and dimensions are cut out from the solid ledges, and by the most powerful machinery loaded onto cars and barges, and conveyed to all parts of the country for foundations for bridges, public and private buildings, and every variety of use to which cut stone is put, such as door and window sills, window caps and water tubs, are always on hand, ready for the trade or private building. Mr. Watson is also a prominent contractor and builder, and keeps constantly on hand lime, sand, plaster of Paris, cement, etc. These quarries are located on the corner of Nineth and Market Streets, and are the only quarries having side railroad tracks running into them. Thousands of tons of building sand are hauled from natural deposits in a bend of the river in front of the city, or loaded on barges and floated down to St. Louis and points further south. From the brick clay, large quantities of roofing tile, flooring, sewer pipe, drain tile, etc. are also manufactured. Over two and a half million feet of lumber are annually sawed here from logs rafted down from the northern pineries.

Steam Ferry
A good steam ferry, owned and operated by Captain H. B. Starr, plies continually between Altonand Missouri Point, on the Missouri side of the river, by means of which a fine trade is obtained from Missouri, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars annually. The receipts of this ferry yearly amount to $6,000 to $9,000, and 10,000 to 15,000 persons and 4,000 to 5,000 teams cross the river byit, mostly with farm produce for the Alton market.

The Union Hotel
The Union Hotel is well kept, and the proprietor, Mr. H. C. Dresser, is in every way alive to the comforts of his guests, and there is no better table set anywhere. There should be a large hotel built in Alton and placed in the hands of Mr. Dresser, and we will vouch for it that no traveler would ever come and go and have aught to say but praise of Mr. Dresser as a first-class hotel man.

E. H. Goulding Jewelers
The large brick building shown on the right of our view of Third Street, as will be seen, is occupied by the jewelry store of E. H. Goulding, who keeps a full stock of fancy goods, and also deals in the domestic sewing machines and domestic paper patterns. Mr. Goulding is a pleasant man to deal with, and has been located in Alton over twenty years.

The Alton Water Works
The water works supply the whole city with good, pure, wholesome water. The Water Works building, where the direct pressure engines and machinery for pumping are located. The reservoir is situated on the bluffs, half a mile distant from the riverbank. The engines keep the reservoir pumped full of water, and are also started at full power at the first sound of a fire alarm. There are 87 fire hydrants distributed over the city, forming a complete system of fire protection. Each one of these hydrants is supplied with two hose connections, and is equal to two steam fire engines. At an alarm of fire, the hose companies immediately make attachments to the nearest hydrants, and then have the whole river as a water supply. There is no delay for the purpose of raising steam as is the case with fire engines. Since the water works were established, there has not been a destructive fire in Alton, and never can be under the present system. Both as a fire protection and as a water supply, the water works of Alton are unsurpassed in efficiency in the country. The President of the company and principal stockholder is Mr. Henry Watson.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 22, 1879
The Massive Stone Company of the Hop Hollow Quarry have orders for more stone than they can fill. They have just made a contract with the Grafton Quarry Company to furnish them dimension stone for their contract at Rock Island. 


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 22, 1879
From the Daily of May 19 – A young married woman, who arrived in Alton last Wednesday, was tried before Justice Quarton this morning on a charge of lewdness and unbecoming behavior, upon complaint made by Mr. H. C. Dresser of the Union Depot. Five witnesses, including the accused and her husband, who arrived in town this morning, were examined. The woman told a straight-forward story, showing that she had been unfortunate, was out of money, and while waiting for her husband at the Union Depot Saturday evening, was exposed to various unpleasant remarks, insinuations and propositions by one or two men, who took advantage of her helpless position. Complaint was made, and she was arrested at the Depot late Saturday night and put into confinement. The Mayor and City Marshal, however, took an interest in her case, and had her taken to the Empire House the next morning, where she remained in safety until her trial. Her story told in a sensible, straight-forward manner carried conviction with it, and caused a reaction in her favor in the court at once, as it was evident that she had been sinned against, instead of being the sinner. City Attorney Dunnegan appeared for the people, and Counselor Brenholt at the request of the Mayor defended the accused. Mr. Brenholt, in his remarks, paid a high compliment to the honor and manhood of Andrew Hardin, a colored young man employed about the depot, who to the best of his ability defended the young woman against insult. Before discharging the accused, Justice Quarton stated that he considered it the duty of every police officer of the city to arrest every man or boy who was found offering insult, by word or deed, to any unprotected female in any public place in the city. The city officials certainly performed their duty in thisunpleasant case in such a kind and gentlemanly manner, as to entitle them to the thanks of all who do not wish to see the unfortunate treated with injustice.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 5, 1879
About 4:30 o’clock Friday p.m., an alarm of fire was sounded, caused by the breaking out of a fire at the Alton Woolen Mill, H. L. Nichols, proprietor. The flames originated in the picking room, situated in an ell of the building. The cause is supposed to have been spontaneous combustion. The flames burst out suddenly and flashed over the room in an instant, so quickly that a girl employed therein barely escaped with her life. The room contained valuable picking machinery, and was stored nearly full of wool. All the contents of the room were destroyed, but the prompt arrival of the firemen prevented the flames from spreading to other parts of the mill. As we write, the firemen are pouring a deluge of water on the ell, and the fire is under control. The loss is about $5,000, covered by insurance.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 5, 1879
On Saturday last, a committee of the Masonic Temple Association, consisting of Messrs. Watson, Haskell, and Joesting, purchased from Boswell Bills of Peoria, the building now occupied by the Express Company and the Alton Democrat. The price paid was $4,000. The building is four stories high and substantially built. It was erected by Hon. George T. Brown in 1856 as an office for the Alton Courier, and was subsequently the office of the Telegraph, and later of the Illinois Mutual Insurance Company. The Masonic Fraternity intend to fit up the two upper stories for lodge rooms.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 28, 1879
The steam saws from cutting up the stone procured for this quarry were started yesterday afternoon. Nine blades were at work cutting four inches each per hour. The "saws" are without teeth, run by means of a steam engine, and are supplied with fine sand and water, the process being that of grinding, rather than sawing. A blast took place yesterday afternoon, and one solid mass of rock without an apparent crack or crevice was dislodged, weighing by calculation over 28,500 pounds. It was afterwards split in two pieces by means of a little drilling, and the introduction of some wedges. The various processes were viewed with great interest by a large number of picnicers. A railway track connects the quarry with the Mississippi River, which is but a few hundred yards distant. 


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 16, 1879
A small barge, rigged with a hoisting apparatus, loaded with stone from the Hop Hollow Quarry, is at the levee. The most of the stone is for shipment. One large block will be used in the City Cemetery.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 17, 1879
On Saturday evening during the heavy rain, a fire broke out in a building on the grounds of the Alton Woolen Mill. The building was used for the storage of wool, and contained at the time of the fire several thousand pounds of wool, together with stock and machinery. The flames were first discovered by Mr. William Atkinson, who lives nearby and gave the alarm. Although the fire department was promptly on hand, the material in the building was so light and combustible that the building was almost destroyed before the water was turned on. The building burned, being detached from the mill, no damage was done to the main structure, but had there been no rain falling, the firemen might have had their hands full to keep the flames from spreading. The origin of the fire is unknown.

We regret the loss suffered by the enterprising proprietor, especially as it comes so soon after a similar misfortune last Spring. The mill resumed business as usual this morning.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 16, 1879
The Alton Guards took the first premium at the State Fair last week, beating both the Rockford and Pekin Companies. They competed in the military drill, making a score of 92 out of a possible 102. The train bearing the Alton Company was almost covered up with blue ribbons, and to say the boys were happy is no doubt a weak description of their feelings. They received a $400 prize.

The time of the enlistment of the company was August 21, 1877. The list of officers first elected was as follows: Captain James T. Cooper; First Lieutenant James S. Sigman; Second Lieutenant Henry Brueggemann; First Sergeant C. A. Herb; Second Sergeant L. G. Bigwood; Third Sergeant Charles Davis; Fourth Sergeant William Rutledge; Fifth Sergeant Henry O. Billings; First Corporal John J. Brenholt; Second Corporal Edward Burke; Third Corporal Ildo A. Funk; Fourth Corporal A. J. Kellenberger; Fifth Corporal Edgar M. Auten; Sixth Corporal Ira M. Rilea; Seventh Corporal Frank H. Gifford; Eighth Corporal George M. Levis; and Musicians Fred Ward and Ernest C. Waterman. In all, sixty-six, rank and file. The company numbers about the same at present.

Captain Cooper was promoted to the office of Lieutenant Colonel on March 27, 1878. Second Lieutenant Brueggemann was elected to the Captaincy, made vacant by the promotion of Captain Cooper. First Lieutenant Sigman, having left the city, Lieutenant Brueggemann was promoted by Special Order No. 10 from headquarters, April 26, 1878. C. A. Herb was promoted to First Lieutenant, L. G. Bigwood to Second Lieutenant, same date. Dr. Charles Davis was appointed Brigade Surgeon, and H. J. Crane, Adjutant, on April 26, 1878. On April 5, 1879, Sergeant H. O. Billings was promoted to the office of Second Lieutenant, vice L. G. Bigwood, resigned.

Corporal Brenholt received an appointment on Governor Cullom’s Staff, with the rank of Colonel. Various other promotions and changes have been made.

The Drum Corps was organized about August 15, 1878, and Mr. E. C. Waterman was elected Drum Major, which position he yet holds. The company is in a fine state of efficiency, as witness their triumphs at the competitive drills in which they have participated, with a corps of skillful officers devoted to the interests of the men under their charge, and with a settled determination to maintain the present high position of the company.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 30, 1879
On October 23, the residence of Rev. Dr. A. T. Norton, corner of Tenth and George Streets, was discovered to be on fire. The discovery was made by Mrs. Harris and other persons, almost at the same time. As there were no men at the time in the neighborhood, the ladies turned out in force and worked with heroic energy in saving the household goods, and with great success, the grounds of Mr. H. S. Matthews, adjoining, being filled with the articles taken from the burning building.

The flames were first seen creeping through the shingles of the roof at the east end of the building, also appearing at one or two of the windows. It is supposed that the fire originated from a flue, but exactly how is not known. As soon as possible, the bell at school building No. 2 [between George and Alton Streets], which is just across the street, was rung, also the bell at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The Altona bell gave the alarm shortly afterwards, but a report prevailed that the fire was located in Hunterstown, which misled the firemen and caused the loss of considerable valuable time. The Altonas No. 2 were first at the scene of the conflagration, the other companies being but little behind them. Some time was consumed before attachments could be made and water directed on the flames, owing to the distance of the plug from the place, being at the corner of Twelfth and George Street, about two blocks away, and the water pressure for a time was not as great as usual. As soon as both hose companies got to work, the flames were quickly under control and were extinguished after the upper two stories of the house were destroyed.

A vast crowd gathered, and all who could worked with willing hands, their hearts beating in sympathy with those so suddenly driven from their home by the merciless fire fiend. The household furniture and goods on the first and second floors were mostly saved, in as good order as could be expected in a scene of such excitement and turmoil. Nothing of consequence was saved from the third story. About half of Dr. Norton’s large library, which was located on the second floor, was save. The other half, which was in the story above, was lost.

The firemen complained that they scarcely had a sufficiency of hose, and hence could not work as effectively as under more favorable conditions. Chief Engineer Henick, Fire Warden Kirwin, and others of the fire department were on hand and did yeoman’s service. The Altona boys are under obligations to Mr. Branham of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, who attached the hose carriage to his light wagon and took it to Middletown in a hurry.

Dr. Norton’s residence was a substantial two and a half story brick, the basement being stone. The house and contents were insured in the Imperial and Northern of London for $8,100.


Source: Alton [Weekly] Telegraph, January 22, 1880
About 2:30 o'clock this morning a policeman discovered smoke coming from the cellar in the western portion of the building occupied by Mr. R. B. Smith, the wholesale druggist, by the Telegraph newspaper establishment and by Beall & Danvers Book and Job Printers. Mr. Smith and two of his clerks, Messrs. John Laird and Clark, were asleep in the building, second story, and when awakened, escaped with difficulty by a ladder from a second story front window, the building being filled with a dense smoke. The firemen were on hand with unexampled alacrity, under the direction of Chief Engineer Henick, who, though very unwell, worked faithfully and efficiently. The fire seemed to have originated in the cellar under the western half of the establishment, a place largely occupied by cans and oil barrels on tap. The flames extended from story to story of the part of the house first attacked, the combustible nature of a large portion of the drug store stock making a fierce heat and rendering the floods of water of little avail for a considerable time. The floors were all burned out in the center of the house in the western half, also parts of the stairways, leaving portions at the north and south ends almost intact, the presses on the second floor retaining their positions though utterly ruined by the heat. The eastern half of the building, which was a large, double brick, the property of Mr. Smith, was not very much burned, owing to the determined efforts of the firemen, but the stock and fixtures, owing to the smoke, heat and water, were a mass of almost chaotic ruin, a discouraging sight to the owner. The eastern cellar, with its large stock of oils &c., was not reached .... [unreadable] burning ....., which was a very fortunate circumstance, else the horrors of an explosion might have been added to the list of disasters. The devouring element was well under control by daylight, but fire was breaking out at different points until 10 or 11 o'clock, although the place had been literally flooded for hours. The principal books and accounts of Holden & Norton, being in a safe, were secured in good order; also the books of Beall & Danvers, though the material stock, fixtures, presses, etc., of both firms, were destroyed or rendered useless. The files of the Telegraph, for 25 years back, were all destroyed, which is a loss to the whole community as well as the owners. The list of subscribers to both Daily and Weekly Telegraph was fortunately saved. The total loss by the fire is estimated to be ......[unreadable], with the following insurance: R. B. Smith had with the agency of McPike & Atwood, on stock, the following amounts: Imperial of London, $5,000; London Assurance, $2,500; London and Lancashire, $5,000; Manufacturers Bon, $2,000; Amazon, Cincinnati, $2,500; Farmers, York, Pa., $1,000; total $18,000. Mr. Smith had with Whipple & Smiley, on stock: North British, $2,500; Commercial Union, $2,500; Glenn's Falls, N. Y., $2,500; Franklin, Philadelphia, $2,500; Phoenix, Hartford, $1,000; American, Canada, $1,000; St. Paul, $1,000; total, $14,500. In the German American, on fixtures, $1,000; on the building; North American, Philadelphia, $2,500; Hartford, $2,000; Weston Assurance, Toronto, Canada, $2,000; Scottish Commercial, $1,500; total $8,000. Holden & Norton have $1,307.50 on stock with Whipple & Smiley, while Beall & Danvers have in the Continental, N. Y., $1,000; North American, Philadelphia, $1,000; Girard, Philadelphia, $1,000, making a total for the latter firm of $3,000, which they estimate will about half cover their loss. Whipple & Smiley's total risks on the fire amount to $27,807.50. Rudershausen's & Sonntag's Agency carried the following for Mr. Smith: National, Hartford, Conn., $2,000 on furniture and fixtures; Springfield, Mass., $2,000; Phoenix Brooklyn, N. Y., $5,000; Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, $2,000; Meriden, Conn., $500, total on drug store, $11,500.00, Holden & Norton, Springfield, Mass., $1,307.50, making their total insurance $2,615.00, which will not half cover their loss. The total risks of Rudershausen & Sonntag were $12,807.50. Dr. McKinney has risks to the amount of $28,500.00 on the stock of drug store; $3,000 on the building. The total amount of insurance on the drug store stock and fixtures is $84,500; Holden & Norton $2,615; Beall & Danvers, $3,000, making a grand total of $89,115.00; all in good companies.

Great sympathy is expressed for Mr. R. B. Smith in his lamentable misfortune. At an immense outlay of money, he had fitted up the most tasteful, beautiful and spacious drug emporium in the west, and had just fairly embarked in an extensive and flourishing business, when the fire fiend swept the palatial edifice with the besom of destruction. The elegant salesrooms that were but yesterday the admiration of every beholder are today a chaos of ruin and desolation. It is sad, indeed, to see such enterprise and public spirit as Mr. Smith has displayed so disastrously checked; but he is not a man to be crushed by misfortune, and though we do not know his future plans, it is safe to say that he has the pluck and energy to rise superior to even greater calamities than the one just experienced.

[The Telegraph was moved into the Mercantile Hall building, second floor, first door to the left. No type, presses, or furniture were moved. The Telegraph was burned out, but said they were "not suppressed." The Telegraph would be published, but in a very "contracted form" until they have time to purchase a new press, material and fixtures.]


Source: The New York Times, New York, NY, January 23, 1880
Alton, Ill., Jan. 22.-Flames were seen issuing, about 2:30 a.m. to-day, from the cellar of the wholesale drug store of Robert E. Smith, on Second-street. The store was a large double brick structure. The east half and the third floor of the west half were occupied by Mr. Smith, and the second and third stories of the west half by Holden & Morten, proprietors of the Alton Telegraph, and Beall & Denvers, job printers. Owing to the oils and large amount of inflammable material stored in the building, the flames spread with great rapidity, and soon the entire interior was burning. The fire department was on the ground promptly, and after several hours' hard work subdues the flames. The walls only are standing. Nothing of any value was saved from the stock. Mr. Smith's store was the handsomest and most spacious drug-house in the West. The total loss is about $110,000. The total insurance is $89,000. R. B. Smith is insured as follows: Imperial, of London, $5,000; London Assurance, $2,500; London and Lancashire, $5,000; Manufacturer's, Boston, $2,000; Amazon, Cincinnati, $2,500; Farmers', York, Penn., $1,000; North British, $2,500; Commercial Union, $2,500; Glens Falls, N. Y., $2,500; Franklin, Philadelphia, $2,500; Phoenix, Hartford, $1,000; American Central, St. Louis, $1,500; British American, Canada, $1,000; St. Paul, $1,000; German American, $1,000; North American, Philadelphia, $2,500; Hartford, $2,000; Western Assurance, Toronto, $2,000; Scottish Commercial, $1,500; National, Hartford, $2,000; Springfield, Mass., $2,000; Phoenix, Brooklyn, $5,000; Pennsylvania, $2,000; Meriden, $500. In addition Mr. SMITH had $30,500 insurance divided among the following companies: Fire Association of Philadelphia, Lamar, North German, Orient, Connecticut, La Caisse Generale, Westchester, Board of Underwriters, People's of Trenton. Holden and Morten, of the Telegraph, had $13,000 in the Springfield, Mass., and $13,000 in the Hartford. Their loss is total and not half covered by insurance. Beall & Denvers had $10,000 insurance in the Continental, $1,000 in the North American, Philadelphia, and $1,000 in the Girard of Philadelphia, which will not cover their loss. The Telegraph appeared as usual this evening. In reduced form, printed on the type obtained at Malcolm & McIneay's job office. The files of the Telegraph for over 25 years were destroyed.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 26, 1880
The Alton Telegraph, one of the best papers in the State, was burned out entirely last week, losing all the type, presses and printing material, and among other things, the entire file of the paper for twenty-five years. We sympathize with Messrs. Holden & Norton, but we know the stuff they are made of, and it will be but a short time until they will be putting out a better sheet, if possible, than ever. We hope so at all events, for we have no exchange we value more highly than the Alton Telegraph. From Mason City.

From Carlinville - One night last week the entire establishment of the Alton Telegraph was destroyed by fire, together with the job office of Beall & Danvers. With true journalistic grit, the Telegraph folks issued their daily the same evening and have been doing so since - although, of course, on a small scale. We sympathize with them in their loss.

From the Madison County Sentinel - On last Wednesday night the large drug store of R. B. Smith, on Second and Piasa streets, and the Alton Telegraph, were destroyed by fire. The Telegraph, however, immediately made arrangements at this office for the publication of a small daily sheet, and was on the street the same evening at its usual time.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 15, 1880
About 9 o’clock Sunday morning, smoke was discovered issuing from the roof of the German Methodist Church on Union Street, just after a portion of the members of the Sunday School had collected in the audience room. The alarm was given, and all present, reinforced by the residents in the neighborhood, went to work to remove the seats and other furniture, as the flames soon burst through the shingles near the southwest corner, and raged with unchecked fury, there being no means at hand by which to reach the roof of the building. The organ and seats were soon removed, and by the time that was done, the roof and ceiling were falling in, all the upper part being almost destroyed. The firemen were at the place in as short a time as possible, and attaching hose to the nearest water plug, extinguished the flames, and saved the lower part of the structure with but little injury from the fire. The floor of the audience room was considerably charred, a few holes being burned through the ceiling of the room below, which was fitted with seats and desks for school purposes.

It is supposed that the fire originated from a defect in one of the flues, the one at the east side appearing somewhat imperfect, and that the timbers between the ceiling and roof had burned considerably before the discovery was made. This would account for the rapid headway made by the conflagration.

The church was quite a large structure, substantially built of brick, two stories high, or rather one story and a basement, the entrance at the front being made by ten or a dozen steps. The house was erected about twenty years ago by the American Methodists, and was used by them as a place of worship for several years, being familiarly known as Catts’ Church, Mr. S. B. Catts having been prominent among the originators. About eighteen years ago, the building was disposed of to the German Methodists, who exchanged for it some property situated on Third, between Walnut and Plum Streets in Hunterstown, and they have occupied it ever since, having a congregation of faithful, energetic members, at present under the pastoral charge of Rev. J. H. Hilmes. They feel their loss deeply, but this feeling is mitigated to some extent by the fact that the society have been preparing to build on their ground at the southwest corner of Seventh and Henry Streets, and were almost ready to make contracts for the erection of the new church. No sooner was the news of the disaster promulgated, than Rev. J. H. Hilmes received kindly offers from a number of the city pastors to place their houses of worship at the disposal of him and his people, when not occupied. The offer was accepted as to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church yesterday afternoon, and services were held there at 3 o’clock. The German Methodist District Conference is to be held in this city Wednesday, April 21, which adds to some extent to the unfortunate complications caused by the disaster. The conference, however, will be held in the Congregational Church.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 03, 1880
The pond in the City Cemetery near the line between the old and new grounds went dry last summer, and has continued in that state ever since, the outlet at the bottom probably being open. It is now proposed to stop the outlet with clay, build a stone wall about two feet high around the pond, or rather the depression, supply it with water from the main through a pipe laid to the nearest plug, which is but a few hundred feet away, and by means of a jet, have a fountain to play whenever water is turned on. Then, by planting some shade trees and laying a walk around the place, it could be made very attractive instead of being, as now, an unsightly mud hole. The water will also be found useful for many purposes. Several gentlemen are already interested in the project, and it only needs some concerted action by lot owners and others to render the matter a success.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 10, 1880
A large crowd assembled at the corner of Seventh and Henry Streets Sunday afternoon, to witness the ceremonies connected with the formal laying of the cornerstone of the German Methodist Church. After a few introductory remarks by Rev. J. H. Hilmes, pastor of the church, prayer was offered by Rev. W. Wilken of the German Lutheran Church. Rev. W. Wilken discoursed in German, and was listened to with intent earnestness by those who understood the language. Rev. Hilmes gave a number of sound reasons why the Germans in this country should erect churches for the benefit of those who come here not understanding the English language. Many are gray headed veterans in the cause, and it is not to be expected that they could “sing the songs of Zion” in a strange land and in a strange tongue.

The placing of the cornerstone took place at the conclusion of Mr. Hilmes’ address. A depression was made in the foundation at the southeast corner, and in this was placed a tin box containing a catechism, a sketch of the history of the German M. E. Society, proceedings of the St. Louis German M. E. Conference, and copies of the daily and weekly papers of the city. The cornerstone was placed over these articles, and then the company were dismissed. It is intended that the building shall be ready for occupancy early in the fall. The location is a good one, the site pleasant, and with the improvements that will naturally suggest themselves, the church and its surroundings will be very attractive.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 24, 1880
An unfortunate occurrence, the result of a misunderstanding between the two Rodemeyer brothers, took place Saturday evening in the blacksmith shop in the basement of the Great Western Carriage Manufactory. A quarrel took place with reference to some business affairs of the firm between the brothers, William and Charles. From words, they proceeded to blows. After a brief combat with no serious results, William, the elder brother, threw a broad axe at Charles, striking him on the spine in the small of the back, glancing on the bone and inflicting a cut three inches long and almost two inches deep, to the right of the spine, and just over the kidneys. Dr. Davis was immediately sent for and sewed up the cut, and as he did so, the wounded man became faint and helpless from the loss of blood. As soon as William Rodemeyer found what he had done in the ungovernable heat of passion, he was deeply penitent and expressed great sorrow for the deed. After the wound was dressed, the injured man was removed to his home, where he is doing well, and with no unforeseen complications, will doubtless soon recover. The affair was lamentable in every respect, and none regret it more than the actors therein.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 8, 1880
Monday was the time set apart for the dedication to the uses of Masonry of the building lately purchased by the Order on State Street. The building is four stories high with a basement, and the third and fourth floors, including two commodious halls and the necessary ante-rooms, have been well arranged for the intended purposes.

The third story contains a large hall finely fitted for the Blue Lodge and Chapter. On the fourth floor are similar apartments for the Knights Templar. The rooms are all elegantly carpeted and upholstered. To the rear of the Knights Templar’s hall is a commodious dining room with a kitchen below and a dummy waiter for the convenience of the caterers. The rooms are lighted with bracket jets and globes, in the front center of the Blue Lodge room being a circle of gas jets, enclosing the letter “G,” with a radius of pointed glass reflectors, the whole giving a brilliant effect. The gas, also the water fixtures, all convenient, were put in by R. Johnson & Son. The upholstering was done by A. Neermann, the painting and graining by R. Caldwell. With plenty of ante-rooms, and every modern convenience, abudance of light, and a good circulation of air, the establishment is all that could be desired and is a credit to the Order. A. A. Neff has furnished some oil paintings for the hall, one being an artistic view of the “Vision of Constantine.”

At 12 o’clock, a large company, the members of the order, visitors and spectators assembled at Blue Lodge room to witness the dedication ceremonies. George D. Hayden, W. M. of Piasa Lodge, announced that all past Masters present were requested to repair to the Knights Templar Hall for the purpose of opening the Grand Lodge. After the lapse of some minutes, the Grand Lodge were notified that Piasa Lodge No. 27, and Erwin Lodge NO. 315 were in readiness to receive them. The coming of the Grand Lodge was announced by Senior Deacon Dr. William A. Haskell. On their arrival, the Brethren gave them the grand honors by striking the palms of the hands together nine times, after which ode 297 was sung by the choir. Most Worshipful Grand Master J. M. Pearson, by proxy for the Grand Master of the State, made a brief address, and Chaplain J. W. Phillips then addressed the throne of Grace. They marched in procession around the hall while the choir sang an ode. The Grand officers then knelt while the Chaplain offered the prayer of consecration. The hall was dedicated by the W. G. M. pouring a vessel of wheat upon the symbol of the Lodge, wine being afterwards sprinkled on the wheat, as an emblem of refreshment, also oil as an emblem of joy. The grand honors were occasionally given. Grand Marshal F. H. Ferguson announced that the hall had been dedicated according to ancient usage, after which the Grand Lodge returned to the upper room in order to close the occasional meeting. Marching to the old hall corner of Second [Broadway] and Market Streets, with T. Hyndman as Marshal, the members of the Order and friends partook of a banquet furnished by Mr. Dresser of the Union Depot Hotel.

After the banquet, G. D. Hayden offered the toast, “The Grand Lodge of Illinois.” Responses by Rev. W. H. Scott of Edwardsville, Hon. A. N. Yancey of Bunker Hill, P. Pickard, Rev. J. W. Phillips, and J. M. Pearson. The latter gave reminiscences of the order, treating somewhat of goasts, gridirons, stripe pigs, etc.

Rev. W. H. Scott proposed as a toast “Piasa Lodge,” and called for a response from W. M., George D. Hayden, who returned thanks to the brethren.

A toast was offered, “Erwin Lodge 315,” with response by W. M., John H. Kochne. Remarks were also made by M. S. Brown of Hibbard Lodge, Brighton. Rev. J. W. Phillips offered, “The Visitation of Masons to the homes of Masonry.” Response by Mrs. T. G. Coffey of Shipman.

To the toast “Franklin Lodge,” T. R. Murphy of Upper Alton responded. Colonel J. T. Cooper, Captain David R. Sparks, Mr. F. H. Ferguson, John Patrick T. Hyndman, Henry G. McPike made addresses. Hon. J. M. Pearson read a list of P. G. M.’s, of Piasa Lodge, as follows: Dimmock, Milne, Simms, Barry, Souther, E. Hibbard, J. H. Hibbard, Martin, Bailhache, Dutro.

Mr. S. G. Gardner of Kane Lodge spoke of the prospects of the Order in his place. Concluded by singing Auld Lang Syne, and benediction by Rev. W. H. Scott.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 12, 1880
A party of drunken roughs, eight in number, made an unprovoked attack on some peaceable citizens at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon near the Episcopal Chapel on State Street. One of our merchants was first assaulted and considerably beaten, his face showing several bruises. Then, as the attendants of the Sunday School at the chapel came out, an attack was made on them. The ladies and children were badly frightened, and two young men, residents of the vicinity of Godfrey, were very roughly handled by these drunken miscreants, all being done without any provocation from the persons assaulted. While the disturbance was in progress, a citizen of North Alton came along, and as he seemed inclined to stop to inquire into the nature of the trouble, he was saluted with a volley of stones and ordered to move on. Several members of the Sunday School narrowly escaped injury from the flying missiles.

The disgraceful affair was finally stopped by the intervention of residents of the neighborhood, and the assailants hurried away. Two warrants have been issued for the arrest of John Casey and John Havens, who were apparently the principal actors, and it is the intention to deal with them to the extent of the law when apprehended. They have, however, disappeared, and cannot be found by the police. It is time that such ruffians were taught that they cannot with impunity attack and maltreat quiet citizens on the street, and it is the duty of every law-abiding man to see that they are fully prosecuted and punished. The ruffians, who were engaged in the unprovoked attack on peaceable citizens, further “amused” themselves after that very discreditable performance by tearing a number of pickets from the fence of a gentleman in the same vicinity.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 13, 1880
The firm of Charles Rodemeyer & Bros., carriage manufacturers, was mutually dissolved on the 4th of August 1880. Charles Rodemeyer assumes the payment of all the liabilities of the firm, and he alone is authorized to collect and receipt for all the outstanding demands of the firm. Charles Rodemeyer. William Rodemeyer.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1880
On Monday, Richard P. Baker, who was engaged by Neff & Obermueller to assist in the work of painting the city hall, got out of a window in the third story and took his position on a ladder, extended by means of ropes and pullies just under the three windows on the east side of the building, south of the post office door. Mr. Obermueller was on the ground having charge of the rope by which the ladder, used as a scaffold, was raised and lowered. Through some misunderstanding, the rope was permitted to slip, letting one end of the ladder drop twelve or fifteen inches, causing Mr. Baker to lose his balance and fall to the ground, a distance of about forty feet, striking in his descent on a stone used as casing for one of the basement windows. His brother, Charles, was on the other end of the ladder but did not fall. The unfortunate man was terribly injured by the fall, though not rendered unconscious. The femur, or bone of the right thigh, received a compound fracture of a complicated nature. A number of other bruises and contusions bore evidence to the force of the fall. It is not thought that he received any serious internal injuries. A crowd quickly gathered at the spot with offers of assistance. Through the direction of Mayor Brueggemann, the injured man, who bore his sufferings with great fortitude, was placed in a spring wagon and taken to the Sisters Hospital [St. Joseph’s Hospital], where Drs. Guelich and Thomas attended to his injuries. They hope for the best, but time can only demonstrate the extent and nature of all the injuries caused by the fall.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 8, 1880
Mr. A. Clifford, the live grocer, advertises Northern oats, potatoes and onions. Large consignments just received and for sale cheap.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 9, 1880
From the Daily of September 7 – The Republicans of Alton began collecting at headquarters last evening at 6:30, and at 7:30 started on the line of march headed by Gossrau’s Band. First came the cavalry under command of Captain Herb. Next came Hunter’s Cornet Band, followed by the colored Garfield and Arthur Club, commanded by Captain Smith. Next came Company A, Captain J. K. Butler; Company B, Captain Burton. At the intersection of Second [Broadway] and Third Streets, the procession was joined by Captain Rudershausen’s German Republican Club. As the companies turned on Langdon Street from Sixth, they were saluted by a discharge of artillery from the four-pounder stationed in the grounds of Hon. J. H. Yager, corner of Ninth and Langdon, Mr. Levi Yager acting as chief of artillery. A rolling volley of cheers kept up almost continuously by those in the procession, as well as the spectators, bore evidence to the enthusiasm of the people. The procession received a large increase on Twelfth Street by the accession of the horsemen and marchers from North Alton and Rocky Ford, and at the corner of Third and Market Streets, the Upper Alton cavalry, Major Frank Moore, and footmen under orders of Lieutenant Hershman fell into line. They were accompanied by a martial band. A large proportion of those in the procession were in uniform, and the display was very fine. The staid, substantial merchant was there, who had not for years handled a torch; the mechanic, the artisan, the laborer, the young Republican all were there doing their part to make the affair a success, which it proved to be, especially as it was local and almost impromptu. The line of march was extended by marching on Third Street from Market to State, then to Second and to the City Hall.

The hall was soon filled, and after a potpourri excellently rendered by Gossrau’s Band, and a song, “Red, White, and Blue” by the Glee Club, under the direction of Mr. S. B. Funk, Dr. Haskell introduced Hon. John B. Hay, candidate for Congress for this District, who, owing to the lateness of the hour, madebut a brief speech. The honorable speaker gave a sketch of the Republican Presidential standard bearer, and compared his career with that of General Hancock, who had never been anything but a soldier. He closed with a well-worded eulogy of the Republican Party, emphasizing the statement that the people could not afford to risk a change at this time. The meeting in the hall closed with another song, “The Democracy Arraigned,” and a selection by the band.

Owing to the immense crowd present outside, another meeting was organized on the east side of the building, where a great throng gathered, the cavalry drawn up on the outskirts, to listen to Mr. W. J. Masterson of St. Louis. This gentleman is an Irish Republican of pronounced views, and a fluent and impressive speaker. He was introduced by Captain Sparks. His argument in favor of Republican principles was sound and convincing. His speech was filled with racy illustrations and flashes of genuine Irish wit, which often convulsed his auditors with laughter. He spoke for about an hour, and made a favorable impression. His reputation for eloquence and ability is well deserved.

The rally was a splendid success, far exceeding in numbers, interest, and enthusiasm than was expected. The people filled the sidewalks along the entire line of march, and in the vicinity of the city hall, the gathering was simply immense.

Alton Telegraph, September 23, 1880
The colored men of Captain Smith’s Company, on the way to Upper Alton, were attacked with stones. These cowardly attacks are generally made by ruffians who station themselves on the sidewalks, sometimes in a crowd of women and children, and from this vantage ground they hurl stones and other missiles at the men in the procession. Should the persons stoned attempt to retaliate or defend themselves, innocent people are as likely to suffer as the ruffians who create the disturbance. Some claim that a little boy threw the only missile Saturday night, but as several were thrown at different points on the route, this statement will not cover the case. An attack was also made on Captain Rudershausen’s Company in Hunterstown before the start was made, and a man named Haas, about sixty years old, received a severe blow in the eye from a young rough, who took that method of showing his opposition to Republican principles We are sure that decent men of all parties who are opposed to political bulldozing and intimidation of every kind will emphatically condemn all such proceedings, and it now remains for the condemnation to be expressed in a way that will be effective, as against ruffians who respect nothing but force or the strong arm of the law. This stoning of Republican processions has got to be stopped, and it might as well be understood now as later in the campaign.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 7, 1880
The Hapgood Plow Company in Alton will break ground this week for a new ware room, office, etc. 50x100 feet. It is the intention of the company in the Spring to build another extension, making the new structure about 200 feet in dimensions. The latter work cannot be undertaken until the removal of Mr. Proctor, which will occur in December, making it then too late to begin work this season. This has been the most successful year the company has enjoyed, the products of the establishment amounting to nearly a quarter of a million of dollars. They hope to greatly exceed this the coming season, and from all appearances this expectation will be realized. The contract for the brick work of the new building was awarded to Mr. J. A. Cooley. Mr. L. Bizer has the stone work. The new building will front 100 feet on Front Street, and 50 feet on Henry.


Torchlight Procession Over 3,000 Strong
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 28, 1880
Notwithstanding the cold and threatening weather, the Republican rally was a triumphant success. At an early hour, delegations from the country began to arrive in town. The Cullom Guards of Brighton came on the train, along with a delegation from the same place in wagons, including Brighton Guards No. 2. Among the other arrivals were the Woodburn Guard, Captain R. O. Wood; Piasa Cavalry, Captain George James; Jerseyville Guards, Captain James Burke; Fosterburg Cavalry, Captain Philip Nienhaus, accompanied by 39 young ladies tastefully dressed in white with marital band, the horsemen numbering 110; the Macoupin Rangers from Piasa and Miles Station, under Captain John Darlington, accompanied by “Barnum’s Mule,” a diminutive animal with “329” attached to his tail, with a cart loaded with “Southern Claims;” Elsah Garfield Club, Captain Leake; and Otterville, Captain H. C. Terry.

At noon, the delegations in Alton formed at Crowe’s Hall and marched to martial music to the rooms, corner of Second [Broadway] and State Streets, where the Republican ladies had spread a substantial dinner embracing all that anyone could desire. The ladies were present in force, and generously supplied all visitors with the provisions with which the tables groaned.

With the Fosterburg delegation came a large wagon decorated with wheat, corn, pumpkins, etc., loaded with boys with the motto, “We Farmer Boys Want No Change, Hurrah for Garfield.” A long line of buggies and wagons, well filled, brought up the rear. The Edwardsville delegation, accompanied by their celebrated Glee Club, ten strong, got here at one o’clock. The Tow Path Guards of the same place coming later.

At two o’clock, the companies performed a number of military evolutions, marching and countermarching on Third Street, and then proceeded to the place for speaking at City Hall, headed by Gossrau’s Band, a number of martial bands being in line.

The first proceeding at the platform was the presentation to the Cullom Guards of Brighton, of an elegant silk flag. It was given in memory of Mrs. E. E. Perley’s brother, the late gallant and lamented Captain R. W. Short. Captain Short organized and commanded the Cullom Guards. Their flag was the same glorious banner that Captain Short’s Company carried in the war for the Union [Civil War]. When he died, he was laid to rest wrapped in its folds. This was on October 27, 1877, just three years ago. President Haskell then gave a speech, with the little son of Captain Short standing by his side.

After the flag presentation, the Glee Club from Edwardsville sang their famous song, “In November,” which was splendidly rendered and evoked storms of applause. The following vocalists constitute this club: E. Phillips, leader; E. W. Fiegenbaum, C. N. Travis, J. T. Tarrt, F. M. Williams, F. K. Gillespie, C. R. Benedict, Dr. Bull, and William Kirkpatrick.

Colonel Brenholt then introduced Judge H. S. Baker, who addressed the immense throng gathered about the platform. The Judge has no superior in the State in oratorical ability. Colonel Brenholt then introduced Hon. A. W Metcalf, who made a stalwart, logical speech. At the close of the speech, the meeting adjourned until evening. Further delegations arrived in the evening trains and vehicles and on horseback. After supply, the Alton companies formed on State Street, preparatory to the great evening parade. Major Haskell was Grand Marshal, and was assisted by Messrs. H. R. Phinney, Dr. E. Guelich, Captain Starr, E. G. Schweppe, Henry Hart Jr., W. D. Sparks, George Challacombe, and E. C. Smith. The entire line of march was a blaze of light and beauty. Such a triumphal march was never made by a torchlight procession before. Hundreds of residences were illuminated in a magnificent manner. Rockets and Roman candles lit up the sky, red lights shed a lurid glare on every corner, a score of bands pealed forth patriotic strains, and shouts and cheers from the procession were answered from the throats of applauding thousands of spectators on the sidewalks.

General Raum and Major Connolly arrived on the evening train, and when the procession disbanded, the crowd gathered around the stand and were addressed by General Green B. Raum. The audience subsequently adjourned to the hall. General Raum made a magnificent speech, replete with sound logic and earnest exhortation. His speech was profound and convicting, and made a happy impression. When the General concluded it was 12 o’clock, and Major Connolly concluded not to indulge in a speech the day after his appointment, and with a song by the Edwardsville Glee Club, the meeting adjourned.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 11, 1880
The Illinois Glass Company, which conducts one of our principal manufacturing industries, was organized in 1873, and commenced operations on Belle Street with a five-pot furnace, each pot being 44 inches in size. In 1875, the establishment was moved to the present location in the lower part of Alton near Bozzatown [Washington Avenue area], where they occupy ten buildings, with seven acres of ground; two glass blowing departments are in use, each 100 feet square, each furnished with seven 56-inch pots for melting the material used in making bottles. About 300 hands are directly employed about the works, besides a large number that indirectly contribute labor in the way of hauling lime, coal, sand, etc.

Bottles of various kinds – green and amber colored – beer bottles, druggists’ bottles, and fruit jars are made. Seventy blowers in all are employed, two men working together at each pot with a “gathering boy” who takes the melted material from the furnace and regulates the size of the bottle, one who has the proper skill not varying an ounce on each bottle during the day. Two men make from 75 dozen to 200 dozen bottles a day, depending on the size, using iron blow pipes at their work. The coloring substance is added to the mixture of soda ash, lime, and white sand before it is put in the pots. The annealing is done by putting the bottles while red hot in furnaces, where they are gradually cooled, the operation lasting three days. The sand is from Armstrong Bros. Cap au Gris Quarries, the soda ash is imported, the lime of home production is the best for the purpose made anywhere, and in consequence, is used by all the glass blowing establishments in the State. Mr. Richard Galbally is foreman of the glass blowing department.

Shipments are made east as far as Indianapolis, West to Salt Lake City, south to New Orleans, north to St. Paul. The production is at the rate of $6,000 per week, running ten months in the year, resting during July and August on account of the heat.

The ingredients used in the manufacture are the following: 100 parts of sand; 40 parts soda ash; 20 parts lime. These are thoroughly ground in a mill on the premises, run by a 20-horsepower engine, and afterwards sifted. After the bottles are annealed and cooled, they are taken to the packing house of which Mr. James Crofton is foreman. This department is in a house, 40x100 feet, two stories high, where 14 packers are employed. The boxes used are manufactured by Allen & Ryrie at their mill above Alton. Room being insufficient, an addition will soon be made to the packing house, increasing its capacity by a one-story building, 30x100 feet. The coal now used is of first-rate quality, from the Nilwood mines, supplied by Mr. Dennis Noonan. Two blacksmiths are constantly employed, their principal business being to “head” the iron blow pipes, the ends soon burning off on account of the intense heat. The pipes, when small, are sometimes worn through by the friction necessary in handling. The fire pots last an average of about six weeks each. They are made on the premises of fire clay, formed in large wooden moulds, dried three months, and are then tempered in a furnace before being used. The clay used in making the pots is tramped on by a man who uses his naked feet for the purpose, occupying three weeks for each batch of wet clay, and in this manner it acquires the greatest possible consistency. The ingredients for the manufacture of bottles are melted at night, twelve men doing the work, the blowing being done in the daytime, from 7 o’clock a.m. to 5 p.m. It is necessary to build new furnaces every year, and a supply of large blocks made of fire clay is always kept on hand. This clay comes principally from Cheltenham, Missouri, with a portion imported from Germany of a somewhat different nature. The establishment uses 1,000 bushels of coal, 25,000 pounds of sand, 10,000 pounds of soda ash, and 5,000 pounds of lime per day. The supply can only keep up with the demand, consequently there is no accumulation of stock on hand. A large warehouse is used for the storage of glassware and other articles, including soda ash, of which they have 2,000 tons in stock, calculated to run the works until Spring.

Mr. Edward Levis is the Superintendent, and under his efficient management, the establishment has largely prospered. Mr. William Eliot Smith, the President of the company, by his energy and ability, has won a reputation for the works that reflects great credit on the company, as well as on our city.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 11, 1880
An ice house at Runzi’s old brewery in the northern part of Alton was discovered to be on fire at 7 o’clock Tuesday evening, and in an hour was entirely destroyed. The alarm was given, and the firemen were on hand too late to do anything towards saving the structure, but in time to prevent another ice house in the immediate vicinity from being burned, although it was considerably scorched. The origin of the fire is unknown, but is ascribed to tramps or spontaneous combustion. In supply of the last mentioned theory, some of the residents of the neighborhood state that the sawdust between the walls sent out considerable steam yesterday, caused by dampness and heat.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 11, 1880
(From Daily of Friday, Nov.6) At an early hour last evening the hosts began gathering from near and from far, intent on joining in the parade and President James Garfieldcarnival of fun and jollity. The line of march was formed on State Street at 7:30 o'clock. In the advance was Dr. Haskell's calcium light, engineered by R. Johnson & Son, shedding a brilliant effulgence over the muddy thoroughfare for a long distance in advance. The two Chief Marshals of the previous Republican and Democratic parades, Dr. Haskell and Mr. F. H. Ferguson, according to previous arrangement, were mounted on a fine black charger, decorated with a large flag, the Republican Marshal in front. Near the head of the procession was Gossrau's Band. In line were the Alton Cornet band, Hunter's band and a number of martial bands. In addition to these were "329" bands of various sizes and various degrees of excellence. Owing to the multiplicity of instruments and the short time allowed for practice, an occasional false note was heard, but this was overlooked in the general good feeling that prevailed. The outriders and scouts skirmished in the advance and on the flanks with miscellaneous noises appropriate to the occasion.

The principal features in the procession were Barnum's mule; transparencies representing Garfield mounted on an elephant bound for the White House; "After the election;" "Democratic Nightmare, ______, ______;" a tombstone, with the inscription, "The Democracy died November 2d, 1880." In a large Glass Works wagon, was an immense quantity of fireworks, which were let off continuously during the march, forming the grandest and most imposing pyrotechnic display ever witnessed in Alton. On the sides of the wagon were "United North. 329. Solid South." There were a number of vehicles with bands of all kinds. The one that capped the climax however was Jarrett's band wagon in which was a band of Chinese musicians. They were led by Prof. Hop Lee Bealsing, and conducted by High Panjundrum, Prince John Gee Chungstrong. They greatly distinguished themselves, and when they struck the loud cymbal, the gong, the tom tom, the howgag, the triangle, rang the bell, blew the clarinet and the horn, the whole town was electrified and all others in their vicinity were silent from sheer amazement except an occasional sickly toot from some presumptuous rival. This band was composed only of "genuine" heathen Chinese and as a proof they wore blouses and queues procured expressly for the occasion.

The illuminations were splendid, embracing about the same residences of which we have heretofore published a list after former parades, and hundreds of others. The line of march was changed at some points on account of the muddy streets. Owing to the fearful state of the weather, there was but a small turnout from the surrounding towns. Upper Alton, Wood River, North Alton, Rocky Fork and other places were represented by small delegations, and 30 Republicans from Portage des Sioux braved the storm and came down and joined in the jollification.

After arriving at Market Street on the return, the companies were halted between Second [Broadway] and Third Streets, and, after quelling the "music," by a great effort, Marshal Haskell proposed "Three cheers for Frank Ferguson." These were given with a will. Then Marshal Ferguson called for "Three cheers for the next President of the United States." This of course was followed by a great outburst from the hundreds in the vicinity. The best of feeling prevailed amongst the crowd, all were good natured and ready to laugh at the various amusing scenes and incidents that were witnessed. The heavens were red during the entire evening with the fireworks and bonfires all over the city. Red lights were burned at a number of places, giving a strange, weird character to the advancing throng as they tramped steadily through the mud.

The illuminations were brilliant and beautiful beyond description. We shall not attempt to give a complete list for the reason that we have neither the space nor the facilities for doing it. When the fact is taken into consideration that the house of nearly every Republican in town, rich or poor, was illuminated, it will be realized that it would require the facilities of the Globe-Democrat to give a fitting report. Suffice it to say that those who had illuminated on previous occasions surpassed their former efforts, while hundreds of others, including some prominent Democrats, added gorgeous illuminations and brilliant decorations, to the general splendor. State Street hill was ablaze with lights from the lowest slope to the crowing height; while from Piasa Street to Middletown, the effect of thousands of gleaming lights was dazzling. We never expected to witness a scene more like an immense kaleidoscope of light and color than that Alton presented to the spectators on the corner of Main and State Streets. There were many elegant displays - windows were draped with flags, some decorated with red, white and blue paper; other windows had an appearance as though the glass was frosted with variegated hues; immense bonfires on State Street, Hope's hill and in Middletown, lit up the city. Red lights glowed from various quarters, while from the abundance of rockets and Roman candles, it appeared as though the air was full of meteors. Never was public joy and satisfaction more generally displayed or in a more enthusiastic manner.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1880
The new German Methodist Church, corner of Seventh and Henry Streets, was nicely decorated in readiness for the dedication services Sunday. Garlands of evergreens extended around the walls, pyramids and bouquets of flowers and foliage were arranged around the platform, with a beautiful floral anchor suspended above. The church is an elegant edifice in the Gothic style, of which we have heretofore given a description. There are an audience room, study and lecture room, which can all be thrown into one by sliding doors, with a seating capacity for 250 persons, the seats having reversible backs. The windows are supplied with frosted and stained glass, the walls are laid off in blocks in imitation of stone work. The whole is very attractive, and reflects great credit on Ho. L. Pfeiffenberger, the architect who superintended the work.

A large audience assembled at the church Sunday afternoon. On the platform was Rev. L. A. Abbott of the Baptist Church, Rev. S. P. Groves of the M. E. Church, Rev. George C. Adams, Congregational, Rev. L. E. English, Upper Alton, Dr. H. Liebhart, Cincinnati, and others. Rev. J. H. Hilmes conducted the services. Rev. J. H. Hilmes contrasted the present with the memorable 11th of last April, the day when the church on Union Street was burned. He returned thanks to the pastors and members of the other churches, to the citizens generally, to the press, and to all who had sympathized with them in their misfortune and had aided in building the new structure. Mr. J. H. Appel, the oldest member of the congregation, who in conjunction with Mr. Miller put up the first German M. E. Church in Alton, made a few remarks on the great work done in erecting the new house of worship. The dedication then took place by Dr. Liebhart in German, Rev. S. P. Groves reading the English formula. The exercises throughout were interspersed with appropriate music, concluding with the doxology, the benediction being pronounced by Rev. J. H. Hilmes.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1880
The Hapgood Plow Company commenced operations in St. Louis in 1870, and opened in Alton in 1874, though not on the large scale to which their operations have at present attained. The officers of the company are: President, C. H. Hapgood; Vice-President, J. P. Black; Treasurer, S. B. Funk; Secretary, Thomas Pates. They are so crowded with their present facilities that they have commenced building a two-story brick warehouse, 150x110, and when it is completed, they will occupy the whole front of the block between Langdon and Henry Streets, facing the river. The principal part of the establishment is the blacksmith and iron working shop, a room 120x75, or 80 feet in size, in which over one hundred men are engaged. The amount of machinery is large, including machines for welding the plow shares; four immense punches; drilling machines; two bending machines for curving the steel mould boards to the proper shape. Seven solid emery wheels are in constant use, also six grindstones; four polishing wheels of emery. These wheels run so true that their motion is scarcely discernible, but when a steel bar or plow share is applied for polishing, there is a shower of sparks, forming a bright circle composed of burning steel. There are also twelve blacksmith forges; nine furnaces with an extra number in cold weather, also one large tempering furnace; six vulcanite emery wheels for jointing; one large jointing stone; a drop for welding and forming; four large punches; two turning lathes; one iron planer; seven drilling machines; two bolt cutting machines; one iron boring machine; a great number of benders and formers; two trip hammers, one of heavy, the other for light work; machines for welding plow shares; and one that cuts sheets of steel as though it were pasteboard; also an implement for punching the iron plow caps. The principal fuel used is anthracite and Blosberg coal and coke, all from Pittsburg, with a large amount of soft coal for ordinary heating purposes.

A large proportion of the iron used is received already fashioned and ready for use, such as nuts, taps, &c., still the operations in the shop are of great magnitude, and are characterized by consummate skill. The wood shop is a room, 100x40 feet, with fifteen hands, running all the time, as does the remainder of the establishment, except a short “vacation” for taking account of stock and for repairs. Mr. L. H. Hapgood is foreman of this department. The wood work is mostly procured in a finished condition from Indiana, composed of the most compact cuts from the oak trees of the Hoosier State, none but the best material procurable being used. Here, the plows are stocked and put up, the fitting and dressing of the wood being done by the skilled employees in this room. The plows are of the following varieties – Double Shovel, Cotton Sweeps, Cotton Scrapers, Bull Tongues (a small single plow used in the South), Five Tooth Cultivators, Walking Plows (large variety), Riding Sulky Plows. In this department is a 40-horsepower steam engine, which runs the whole establishment.

The Paint Room is over the Wood Room. Mr. Charles Peale is foreman, with about a dozen hands under his direction. The shipping room is connected with this, shipping clerk, Mr. Charles Anderson, who has control of five men.

The products of the Plow Works are principally shipped west of the Mississippi River, from Texas to Montana. Quite a number of cast iron plows are shipped to Texas for use in the sandy soil of that State. Steel beams are now used exclusively for riding plows and mostly for walking plows. When running full capacity, five sulky plows per hour can be turned out complete, besides the other work. Over four hundred tons of iron and steel are now under construction, with 150 tons of cast iron on the way from Pittsburg. The winter’s run will be about twenty-seven car loads of malleable iron alone. Ten thousand wheels for sulky plows have been ordered, of which one car load has just been received, with 2,000 wheels on hand.

A large share of the credit for the success of the establishment is due Mr. Thomas Pates, the Superintendent, a skillful mechanic, and hence well qualified to manage the business in all its branches.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 25, 1880
This establishment, one of the oldest in the city and one widely and favorably known, has been in operation more than forty years, though with several changes of proprietors. The Works were first started on a comparatively small scale by the late Mr. Nathaniel Hanson, in a building yet standing, adjoining Daniels, Bayle & Co.'s Cracker Factory on the east. He commenced the manufacture of threshers and separators, the same class of agricultural machinery since made famous by the establishment. Mr. Hanson was an energetic, enterprising man, and after running his business where it was first started for four or five years, built a shop on the levee, near the foot of George street. This was burned in 1851, after which Mr. H. commenced work on the present establishment, which is located on George street, and now occupies the whole of the western portion of the block from Front to Second [Broadway] streets, fronting 50 feet on Second and including Foundry, Blacksmith shop and storehouse, extending 200 feet on Front street, considerable additions having been made as the increase of business required. Mr. Hanson died in 1864, and after his death the business was conducted until 1871 under the same firm name, by Mr. S. F. Connor. The establishment was purchased in December 1874 by Charles G. Lea, J. B. Lathy, R. W. Atwood and A. T. Hawley, by whom it has been successfully conducted until December 1879 when Mr. Lea retired.

The various departments connected with the Works are: the Foundry, Machine shop, Blacksmith shop, Woodwork room, and Paint shop, the entire work on the Threshers and Separators, brass fixtures, casting, cleaning, etc., being done on the premises; the leather belts only being purchased in a finished state. The demand for the implements manufactured by the firm has generally exceeded the supply. The present year, for instance, the stock was entirely cleaned out; people called who were anxious to buy, and were willing to take unpainted machines, yet could not be accommodated. The orders from one agent alone, in this immediate vicinity, could only be partially met. In face, the trade in the "Champion Threshing Machine," extends from Texas to Dakota, as many as 500 Separators and Horse Powers having been manufactured in one year, the average value of each being $600. From fifty to one hundred men are employed during the busy season, the demand for the machines varying according to the state of the wheat crop. Nineteen engines were disposed of by the firm the present season; the most of them traction engines, that is self-propellers, only needing horses to guide them in their course. The Champion Thresher and Separator, threshes the grain and cleans it from chaff, dust, straw and all extraneous substances, only requiring some person to throw in the bundles. Some years ago, within the lifetime of the present generation, wheat was threshed with flails, after which it was taken where a strong breeze was blowing and tossed into the air, a man using a light wooden self, suspended from his shoulders to catch the grain as it descended, the chaff, being blown to the four winds. The next improvement was in using "horse power" for threshing, the sheaves being spread in a circle on the ground or on a barn floor, while horses were ridden over it until the wheat was all dislodged, the straw being thrown aside with pitch forks. Hand fanning mills were used for cleaning. From these comparatively rude methods to the finished machines turned out by the Alton Agricultural Works, the improvements have been many and great. Messrs. Lathy, Hawley and Atwood are enterprising gentlemen of the varied business tact and ability, necessary to conduct the establishment, Mr. Lathy being a practical machinist, consequently their customers can rely on having machines manufactured of the best material in the most substantial manner and finely finished. The indications already are that the trade in agricultural implements for the next season will be unusually large, although this, of course, is dependent on a number of future contingencies. The average production of the establishment of late years has been from $250,000 to $300,000.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 20, 1881
From the Daily of January 19 - About 12 o’clock last night, Captain Challacombe, of the night police, while patrolling Third Street, was greeted by the smell of smoke of that peculiar character that warned him that a conflagration was impending. A hurried trip up Belle Street revealed the fact that smoke was pouring in volumes from the cellar windows at Levis & Detrich’s Grocery Store. Captain Challacombe at once sent a policeman to sound the alarm at Liberty Hose House. Fire Chief Henick was at the police station, and in a short time, with the aid of a few firemen, was engaged in getting out the Liberty hose carriage. Great difficulty was encountered in getting the carriage down the hill near the city hall, owing to the icy state of the streets. When the firemen got to the place of the fire, they found that it was confined to the cellar under Levis & Detrich’s store. This was filled in front with vegetables and other goods, usually kept in such places, and farther back was a lot of empty boxes and barrels, among which the fire was raging. These formed a barrier, making it very difficult to reach the flames either from the front or rear.

In the midst of the uproar and confusion at the place, the howls of a dog, put in the cellar that evening, were heard, but in a short time, before he could be reached, the animal was smothered by the smoke and died. After the fire raged for some time in the place where it originated, a little to the rear of the middle of the cellar, the timbers under the floor of the store became weak, and the heavy stock of barrels of sugar, sacks of coffee, cases of canned goods crushed through into the midst of the flames. This allowed the firemen to direct their streams of water with better effect, and in a short time, their determined efforts began to tell. Two streams from the front and from the rear were poured into the endangered building, and the immense floods of water demoralized the fire fiend and soon rendered his destructive efforts abortive. Those present worked like heroes, and by three o’clock this morning, the flames were under complete control. Chief Henick found it necessary to ring a second alarm at an early hour, in order to procure more assistance.

Levis & Detrich estimate their loss at $5,000 or $6,000. Quite a large amount is for seeds, which are ruined by water. As has been stated, a large section of the floor of the storeroom fell through into the cellar. The flames then attacked a stairway at the rear of the room, and from thence reached the ceiling, burning through it and the floor, scorching the ceiling of the room in the second story. This room, used as a supper room for parties at Mercantile Hall, being beneath part of it, was somewhat damaged by the water, causing a fall of part of the plastering. The room just south of this, used for theatrical properties and for dressing, also received a liberal supply of water. Flynn & Schwartz, grocers in the room in the same building, adjoining Levis & Detrich, had a lot of corn, potatoes, beans, and other articles in a back room injured by water. Their store was in imminent danger for a time from the flames, which consumed the wooden doors between their cellar and that where the fire originated, but by well applied efforts, the flames were checked at the partition wall.

The Madison County Sentinel office, in a room in the second story, was also damaged by smoke, considerable finished work, besides a lot of white paper being badly discolored. Mr. J. J. McInerney, the proprietor, estimates his loss at $25.

Mercantile Hall building, which is damaged to the extent of $1,500 to $2,000, belongs to Mr. A. K. Root, and is insured. The Hall, in the third story, a place of popular resorts for parties, balls, theatrical entertainments and concerts, escaped unscathed, having nothing but a smell of smoke and a disarranged stairway as a reminder that a fire had been in the neighborhood.

This fire gives another convincing evidence of the value of the Water Works, for had our dependence been on hand or steam engines, with the present scarcity of water and prevalence of ice, it is more than probably that the buildings on Belle and Third Streets, from Fourth to Piasa, would have been swept away, for the flames would have had almost undisturbed sway.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 03, 1881
The first ice house of which we have any account, put up, or rather put down (it was an excavation) in Alton, was in the year of 1832-3, by James S. Lane, on the ground now occupied by the residence of Mr. Austin Seely on Second Street [Broadway], two doors below the Cracker Factory.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 10, 1881
At five o’clock a.m. Friday, a melting pot at the Glass Works exploded, through some unknown cause, scattering the hot liquid material over the place and causing the dry woodwork to burst into a blaze in a dozen places at once, and threatened destruction to the whole establishment. The foreman, Mr. Richard Galbally, opportunely arrived at the place just as the accident occurred, and through his efforts and those of the workmen present, the hose kept there was attached to the water plug in the yard and the flames were extinguished without an alarm being given. The loss was about $300, but had it not been for the advantages afforded by the water works, there is no doubt that the Glass Works establishment would have been a mass of ruins before a general alarm could have been given. Out water works, undoubtedly afford the best system of fire protections in the State.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 17, 1881
An organization of the above-named company, a chartered one, was effected today, and the following officers were elected: President, William Armstrong; Manager, William Huskinson; Secretary and Treasurer, Henry Watson.

A machine is now being constructed in Chicago for the company, which will crush 30 tons of stone, three car loads per hour. The organization was formed for the purpose of ballasting railroad tracks and McAdamizing streets, roads, and other places where such work may be required. In a short time, arrangements will be completed through which the material requiring the operations of the company can be supplied at prices lower than ever. The names of the officers are a guarantee that operations will be conducted in a manner and on a scale that will prove profitable both to the originators and to the city at large. [Macadam is a type of road construction, pioneered by Scottish engineer John Loudon McAdam around 1820, in which single-sized crushed stone layers of small angular stones are placed in shallow lifts and compacted thoroughly. A binding layer of stone dust may form; it may also, after rolling, be covered with a binder to keep dust and stones together. The method simplified what had been considered state of the art at that point.]


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 10, 1881
The annual inspection of the Alton Guards took place at Armory Hall last week by Major Vance, Assistant Inspector General of the Second Brigade, I. N. G. The Guards were drilled by Captain Brueggemann, and acquitted themselves admirably, forty being present. Major Vance expressed himself as being greatly pleased with the appearance, bearing and military precision of movement of the company, stating that it was an organization that should be cherished with pride by the citizens of this community. Among those present were Colonel J. T. Cooper of the Fifteenth Battalion and the following members of his staff: Adjutant Crane, Surgeon David, Captain Orr of Carrollton, and Lieutenant Claridge of Jerseyville.

It is supposed that quite an amount, probably as much as $500, will be received by the Alton Guards as their proportion of the State Militia Fund. With this sum as a started, and with the substantial aid and encouragement that the citizens would no doubt give if approached on the subject, the “bold soldier boys” might soon procure a uniform worthy the name and fame of the “prize company” of the State. Major Vance left for Grafton, via Jerseyville, last night, in continuance of his tour of inspection.


[Johnston Hardware]
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 10, 1881
Messrs. Johnson, Jeckel & Co. have lately opened a store in finely fitted, well arranged rooms, at the northeast corner of Second [Broadway] and State Streets, where they are prepared at all times to offer their customers opportunity to examine a large and complete stock of hardware, cutlery, farm implements and machinery, including those of the Moline Plow Co., Walking and Riding Plows, Cultivators, Barlow Rotary Drop Corn Planters, Avery Corn Planters, Avery Stalk Cutters, and Avery Check Rowers. The members of the firm are practical, experienced men who will give their customers the benefit of all improvements in their line.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 17, 1881
Captain Harry Starr arrived at our levee on Wednesday, March 9, with his new, partly finished ferry boat, the Altonian. The new craft was towed from Paducah by an Ohio River steamer, Coal Bluff No. 2, on her way up theAltonian Steamboat Mississippi. The Altonian is a very nice boat, 102 feet in length by 38 wide, stands high in the water, and looks like she would make good speed. It is expected that she will be finished in about two weeks. The cabin will be 12x18 feet. A guard will be placed around the hurricane deck, forming a nice promenade around the cabin and wheelhouse. The engine, 40 horsepower, is at Haden & Beall’s shop in Alton. The smoke stack and boilers will be brought from St. Louis soon, and placed in position. The wood used in making the decks, stairways, and corresponding parts of the boat is yellow pine of the best quality, and nothing will be neglected that will tend to make the Altonian perfectly “seaworthy” and “ship-shape,” a craft that will do honor to her commander, to whom we wish abundant success, and to the city after which she is named. The principal work on the ferry boat, as far as completed, was done at Cincinnati last Fall by Perry Thorp, under the supervision of Captain Henry Leyhe of the Eagle Packet Company, who at the same time attended to the building of the new Spread Eagle. Both boats started for Alton, but were caught at Paducah by the unusually cold weather in November, and stopped at that point, where the Spread Eagle yet remains, and where she will be finished by about April 10.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 17, 1881
Hon. E. O. Stanard of St. Louis was here last week and completed arrangements by which the large flouring mill, lately belonging to Burbridge & Co., was transferred to E. O. Stanard & Co., who thereupon took possession. The new possessors will spend fifteen or twenty thousand dollars immediately in increasing the capacity of the mill to 500 barrels a day, with power to turn out 600 or 700 barrels in an emergency. For this purpose, a Corliss engine has been ordered, and will be put in the establishment in a short time.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 17, 1881
The large, two-story brick addition to the Plow Works is finished sufficiently to be used as a repository for the company’s finished work and material. It is the intention to have the office in the second story, and a shipping room on the first floor. An addition will be made to the blacksmithing department soon.


Horse Burns to Death
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 14, 1881
A stable on the premises owned by Mr. William Feldwich, occupied by Mr. Bierbaum of the firm of Paul & Bierbaum on Ninth Street, a short distance east of Henry Street, was discovered to be on fire Monday night, and being a light frame structure, was totally destroyed before any measures could be taken to check the flames. A painful feature of the affair was the fact that a valuable bay horse, used by Paul & Bierbaum in connection with their grocery delivery wagon, was burned alive in the stable. Some harness, grain, and other articles were also consumed.

The fire was discovered about the same time by Mr. Bierbaum and Mr. Hoffmann, who lives in an adjoining house. They rushed to the rescue immediately, but could do nothing except save a wagon, which was under a shed attached to the stable. The view of the horse burning was a terrible scene. The poor animal kicked, struggled, and screamed with agony as he was enveloped in the scorching flames, until his sufferings were mercifully ended by death. The loss was about $400, there being no insurance on the building. The firemen turned out, but owing to the distance to be traversed, did not arrive in time to do anything except to extinguish the burning remnants of the timbers.

The origin of the fire is shrouded in mystery, Mr. Bierbaum closed the stable door previous to retiring, and when he first discovered that the structure was in flames, found that the door was open, which would indicate that some person had been at the place after he left it. A bonfire had been burned in the enclosure after dark, but it is not supposed that this had anything to do with the conflagration, for there were no signs of fire in the stable when Mr. Bierbaum last visited it, but 10 minutes before the flame burst forth.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 21, 1881
A fire took place Monday night, by which the tannery belonging to R. A. Williams on Belle Street, opposite the old glass works, was destroyed. The building was a frame, formerly an ice house, one and a half stories high. A quantity of wool, hides, and other material was burned. The firemen turned out, except the Liberty Company, they having no hose carriage. Owing to the walls of the building being double and filled with sawdust, there was considerable difficulty in extinguishing the fire. Twelve bags of wool were saved in good order.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 19, 1881
Mayor Pfeiffenberger and the Council Fire Department Committee had a meeting Tuesday, and made the necessary preliminary steps in organizing a paid fire department. The Mayor found it necessary to proceed promptly and energetically in the matter in order to place matters on a basis that would satisfy our citizens that their property would have ample means for protection in case of a fire. Mr. Henry C. Smith was appointed Chief Engineer, with authority to select 20 men to serve as firemen, and to take care of the property belonging to the late fire department. Of the 20 men selected, six will sleep at the Hope Hose House, eight at the Altona House, and six in the city building, where a suitable place will be prepared. Everything necessary will be procured as soon as possible, and the new fire department will soon be on an effective footing.

Later – The Hope Hose Company held a meeting on Saturday evening and formally disbanded. They appointed a committee to wait on the Mayor and notify him of their action.

Chief Engineer Henry C. Smith of the new paid fire department has selected the following members of Hose Co. No 1, with headquarters at the Altona House on Market Street: D. Phipps, H. Schneider, H. Fisher, W. Trendall, J. Grimm, J. Meysenberg.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 02, 1881
Ground has been broken for the addition to the Glass Works. The new establishment will be 109 feet square, built of stone and brick. Mr. Henry Watson has the contract, and the work will be completed the latter part of August.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 4, 1881
We have noticed the new enterprise in the process of formation in Alton by Captain J. A. Bruner & Co., for drying, canning, preserving, jellying fruit, and for the manufacture of pure cider, vinegar, apple jack, peach brandy, &c. For the present season, they will make a specialty of the manufacture of vinegar and the drying of apples, most kinds of fruit proving a failure. A 15-horsepower steam engine will be used, but water from the main has been introduced by a 2-inch pipe in order that it may be utilized when necessary, a hose attachment on each floor of the establishment being made as a precaution against fire.

The building is 50x60 feet, three stories high, on William Street, on which it is located so elevated in reference to the building, that fruit can be unloaded from wagons directly on either of the floors. Two Williams Automatic Evaporators, with a capacity of 200 bushels each per day, have been put up by Mr. M. J. French of Kalamazoo, Michigan, where the machines are made. Wire screens are used on which the fruit is spread, the spreading surface for drying being 1,680 square feet. An automatic paring, peeling, and coring machine, with which one boy can prepare 40 bushels of apples per day is used. The cores, skins, trimmings, etc., can be utilized in making the best cider, vinegar, or jelly. The firm has a Butterworth cider press, with a capacity, with a double platform, of 100 barrels per day.

In addition to the articles mentioned, it is intended to dessicate all kinds of vegetables. Mr. Cox brought 40 bushels of apples from his orchard at Bunker Hill in order to test the evaporators.

This is not a new business for Captain Bruner, as he has had two evaporators in operation at Bunker Hill for two years, and has dried 30,000 bushels of fruit. Apples or peaches, by this process, are dried in an hour and a half. The company intends to purchase fruit from territory extending 50 miles in each direction from Alton, and if the enterprise proves successful, expect to start something similar in Jersey County.

This is a very important matter to farmers and horticulturists, as it will afford a constant and ready market where they can dispose of all their fruit. Even that which is not, from its appearance, saleable in the ordinary course of trade, can be utilized in the many processes at this establishment and need not be lost, as is the case ordinarily. When the firm gets under full headway, they will also purchase all kinds of vegetables. From 75 to 100 persons will find constant employment at the place, which it is expected will be in operation in about ten days.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 4, 1881
Mr. Henry G. McPike had on the streets last week a fowling piece that was over one hundred years old, having been used in the Revolutionary War. It has been modernized by the addition of a percussion lock, having originally, of course, a flint lock of the kind that often misfired and rendered it necessary to add fresh priming, pick the flint, and try it again. The barrel of Mr. McPike’s gun is almost twice as long as that of those now manufactured. Mr. John Dimond has an effective weapon very similar to that mentioned, and about the same age.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 4, 1881
The Alton Guards met Tuesday night at Armory Hall to elect a Captain and First Lieutenant, the time of Captain Brueggemann and Lieutenant Herb having expired. After the company met and were called to order, it was resolved by acclamation to re-elect Captain Brueggemann and Lieutenant Herb to the offices heretofore held by them. The company is in a somewhat demoralized state, as through removals and other causes, the effective strength of the organization has been reduced to 45 men, and there is some difficulty in getting recruits. The boys are dissatisfied with their uniforms, and yet do not wish to go to the expense of buying new ones, as the time for which they enlisted will be out August 4, 1882.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 18, 1881
A large company assembled last evening at Mr. Ed Beall’s fine grounds on Thirteenth Street, to attend the moonlight picnic given by the ladies of the C. P. Church. The weather was very favorable for such an occasion, the full moon shed a subdued radiance over the scene, while Chinese lanterns, distributed about the place, assisted in making it pleasant to the merry crowd that promenaded to and fro. The Alton orchestra added greatly to the enjoyment of those present by most excellent music, rendered at intervals during the evening. Refreshments of ice cream, lemonade, and other seasonable delicacies were served, and nothing was neglected by those having the management of affairs, the whole tending to make a complete success.

Mr. John W. Ash’s specious residence and grounds, corner of Thirteenth and Langdon Streets, was also the scene of a festive gathering last evening. A large party of ladies and gentlemen were in attendance, and passed the evening in social, converse, music, games, and other recreations incident to such an occasion. Refreshments were served, and the hospitable host and hostess with their daughters, vied with each other in efforts to enable their guests to pass the time pleasantly. It is unnecessary to state that the party was a brilliant success.


[Bozzatown was at Washington and Broadway in Alton]
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 25, 1881
From the Daily, August 20 – Last night about 8 o’clock, Mr. Charles F. Steiner, of the firm Steiner & Ryrie, while sitting at his residence on Fifth Street in Hunterstown, a short distance this side of School House No. 5, heard the loud report of a pistol, and immediately afterwards rapid footsteps as of a person running. Mr. Steiner started out, and seeing a man making away from the place at great speed, took after him under the impression that something was wrong. The fellow no sooner found that he was pursued, then he cried with an oath, “Don’t follow me or I’ll shoot you!” Mr. Steiner then asked him what he had shot, when he replied, “I shot a dog back yonder.” On getting this reply, Mr. Steiner returned to the place where he had heard the report of the pistol, and found a wounded man lying on the street groaning and begging for someone to pick him up. Quite a crowd was around him at the time. It was found that the ball had taken effect near the right shoulder blade. Messrs. Steiner and Charles Stelzer took the man between them and assisted him to Wyss boarding house, where he was stopping. On the way, it was learned that the name of the wounded man was John Baker, a resident of Edwardsville, where he has a family, that he came here yesterday evening on business, and went to Mr. Zephaniah B. Job’s residence to see an acquaintance, Mr. James Shields, who is working there, and was on his return to Wyss’ when the shooting took place. He is entirely in the dark as to the cause of the dastardly attack, being a stranger here, and the ruffian making no attempt at robbery. The supposition is that he was shot in mistake for someone else.

While engaged in helping the wounded man, Mr. Steiner states that they came across Policeman Budde, and requested him to take charge of the stranger and have him conveyed to a place of safety, which he positively refused to do, stating that it was none of his business, but that he would arrest the man who fired the shot, if a warrant was procured. The wounded man was first taken to Wyss’ and then removed to the Sisters Hospital. From thence, he walked to Dr. Davis residence, where the wound was examined, afterwards being taken back to the hospital. The would was of considerable size, as though made with a large-sized weapon. It caused but little pain, and Dr. Davis was of the opinion that the bullet glanced, and did not enter any of the cavities, inflicting a mere flesh wound, and that it will be easy to remove it when its position is discovered. Nothing of the shooting was known at the police headquarters until this morning, showing great remissness of the part of the policeman where the occurrence took place.

This shooting affair has caused another public outcry against the too prevalent practice of carrying concealed weapons, a practice fraught with nothing but evil, one that should be suppressed by all lawful means.

Later – Deputy Sheriff Rudershausen and police authorities have succeeded in fixing the identity of the man who wounded John Baker of Edwardsville in Hunterstown. It is now ascertained that the man who fired the pistol was John Boyd, the same one arrested a short time ago for participation in a free figh ton State Street. A woman or two were at the bottom of that affair. Boyd was sitting Friday evening on a doorstep on Fifth Street. Among the occupants of the house was a Mrs. W., whose relations to her husband were not of the most cordial character. While Boy was sitting at the door, Baker, the Edwardsville man, passed along, and Boy thinking he was the man with whom he had the difficulty, started up saying, “Ill settle with him now.” In a few minutes, the report of a pistol was heard.


Source: Alton Telegraph, Thursday, September 8, 1881
The building now being repaired and added to, by Dr. Gibson, near the corner of Third and Market streets, was used as a bank in 1835, and for several succeeding years, a branch of the State Bank of Illinois, being conducted at that place. Mr. James H. Lea, now of Atchison, Kansas, who arrived here about the date mentioned above, was one of the first, if not the first, Cashier of the bank, Mr. S. Griggs being President. The building in question was erected in 1832, by Mr. L. J. Clawson (who then resided at Upper Alton, at the place he still occupies) who built the house for Albert Coles, and was by him rented to the banking company.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 8, 1881
The building now being repaired and added to by Dr. Gibson, near the southeast corner of Third and Market Streets, was used as a bank in 1835, and for several succeeding years, a branch of the State Bank of Illinois, being conducted at that place. Mr. James H. Lea, now of Atchison, Kansas, who arrived in Alton in 1835, was one of the first, if not the first Cashier of the bank. Mr. S. Griggs was President. The building in question was erected in 1832 by Mr. L. J. Clawson (who then resided at Upper Alton at the place he still occupies) who built the house for Albert Coles, and was by him rented to the banking company. [The Stratford Hotel was later constructed on this property.]


By Rev. Augustus Theodore Norton
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 8, 1881
Colonel Rufus Easton laid out our city [Alton] on paper, but did little else for it. Winthrop Sargent Gilman and Captain Benjamin Godfrey were its principal founders, both in a business and in a religious sense. One of them has been laid in his grave full of years, wealth, and honor. His works follow him. The other still remains in the land of the living. May the time for writing his epitaph be long postponed!

In both of them has been demonstrated the truth of the assertion, “Godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come.” The contrast between their course, success, and usefulness in life, and that of the murderers of Elijah P. Lovejoy is most striking and instructive.

Rev. Norton was called to the pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church in Alton in February 1839. He remained in this position for nineteen years, in the early years of the development of Alton. He was also on the Board of Trustees of Monticello Seminary in Godfrey. He died at his residence in Alton in April 1884, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.

Winthrop S. Gilman was a businessman in Alton during its early years, and was a friend to Elijah P. Lovejoy. Together with Captain Benjamin Godfrey, they owned a warehouse on the riverfront in Alton, where Lovejoy stored one of his presses, and it was at the warehouse that Lovejoy was killed in 1837. Following the death of Lovejoy, Gilman moved to New York City, and entered the family banking business. He died in October 1884, and was buried in Brooklyn, New York.

Captain Benjamin Godfrey, a former sea captain, came to Alton in its early founding. In 1834, he decided to establish a Seminary for ladies, and purchased land and a home in the future town of Godfrey. He was also the driving force in the construction of the Springfield & Alton Railroad (later called the Chicago & Alton Railroad), investing a large portion of his own money. He died in August 1862, and is buried in Godfrey.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 15, 1881
By driving to North Alton, Godfrey, or Upper Alton, our citizens can find village corporations with backbone enough to enforce laws against livestock running at large, but in Alton the nuisance of cattle and hogs running at large on the streets is quietly endured, and the Council makes no effort to enforce its own laws on the subject. That such should be the case is a disgrace to the city. Hogs are a nuisance at all times and in all places. Cows are not much more desirable on the street, and in addition, are often dangerous for ladies and children to encounter. Furthermore, it is absolutely cruel to the animals to turn them loose on the streets, where they are worried by dogs and stoned by boys, and where they wander hungrily about all day in search of pasturage where grass there is none. This evil has existed so long, and all efforts to remedy it have proved so unavailing, that we presume no more can be expected of the present Council than of its predecessors. The only way to escape the nuisance is to move to some adjoining town or out in the country, where the authorities will enforce the law.


(President James Garfield was shot by Charles J. Guiteau on July 2, 1881, at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington D.C. He died on September 19, 1881, as a result of infection.)

Source: Alton Telegraph, September 22, 1881
The saddest event in American history culminated Monday night, September 19, 1881, of President Garfield. Although expected, and in fact for the past few days deemed inevitable, the terrible reality comes to the whole nation with the same rude shock as in cases of individual bereavement. Such a calamity always comes suddenly, no matter how long anticipated. The long and heroic struggle against the grim destroyer has been in vain. The weeks of agony and patient endurance have been futile. Not only did the most atrocious crime in history take the life of the Chief Magistrate, but it subjected him to weary weeks of torture before death came to his relief.

The assassination of Lincoln, in time of war and turbulence, when men’s minds were madden by fancied wrongs, was a crime that shocked the world, but the death of Garfield in the same manner, in time of profound peace and good will, was a deed so causeless, so unprovoked, so fiendishly cruel, that the mind stands aghast at its unparalleled atrocity.

For weeks the nation had been hoping against hope, that the loved and honored President, whom they had just called to rule over them, would be spared to continue the wise benignant administration he had so auspiciously begun. For weeks in sorrow and tears they had prayed for his recovery. For weeks they had thrown about him, as if to shield him from farther ill, the mantle of their tenderest love and sympathy. Such grief as his suffering evoked were never before witnessed on behalf of the ruler of any nation.

The life and character of the President were those of the ideal American citizen. He combined all the grand, heroic elements of chivalry with those gentle, lovable domestic traits that brought him in direct sympathy with the home-life of the people. Added to this were the elevating influences of scholastic culture and conscientious religious belief and practice.

His public career was one of the most remarkable in American history. He was the only man who was at once a member of Congress, a Senator elect, and President elect of the United States. Step by step he rose from one position of trust and responsibility to another, until he attained the highest political position the world offers to the ambition of man. On reaching this pinnacle of fame, he bore his exalted honors so unassumingly that he was still one of the people. From the elevation of such a man to the Presidency, much was expected for the good of the country, and much would have been realized.

Previous to his death, the only words spoken by the President were that he had a severe pain in his heart. It is supposed that death was occasioned by a clot of blood forming in the heart. Members of the family were immediately summoned to the bedside. All around perfect quiet prevailed. Mrs. Garfield bore the trying ordeal with great fortitude, and exhibited unprecedented courage. She gave way to no paroxysms of grief, and after death became evident, she quietly withdrew to her own room. There she sat, a heart-stricken widow, full of grief, but with too much courage to exhibit it to those about her. She was laboring under a terrible strain, and despite her efforts, tears flowed from her eyes and her lips became drawn by her noble attempt to bear the burden with which she had been afflicted. Miss Mollie was greatly affected, and bursts of tears flowed from the child’s eyes, notwithstanding her noble effort to follow the example of her mother.

James A Garfield was born in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, November 11, 1831. At 14 he was at work at a carpenter’s bench. At 16 he was a boatman on the Ohio canal. At 18 he was studying in the Chester, Ohio, Seminary. At 21 he was teaching in one of Ohio’s common schools, pushing forward with his own studies at the same time. At 23 he entered Williams College. At 26 he graduated from Williams College with the highest honors of his class. He was then a tutor at Hiram College, Ohio. At 28 he was principal at Hiram College. At 29 he was a member of the Ohio Senate – the youngest member of that body. AT 30 he was Colonel of the Forty-Second Ohio Regiment. At 31 he was placed in command of a brigade, routed the Rebels under Humphrey Marshall, helped General Buell in his fight at Pittsburg Landing, played a prominent part in the siege of Corinth and in the important movements along the Memphis & Charleston Railroad. At 32 he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Army of the Cumberland, participated in the campaigns in middle Tennessee and in the notable battle of Chickamauga, and was promoted to the rank of Major-General.

At 33 he was in Congress, the successor of Joshua R. Giddings. At 48, having been continuously in Congress since he was 33, he was elected to the U.S. Senate. At 49 he was nominated for the Presidency of the United States.

The life of President Garfield seems full of coincidences – his words seem prophetic. It was he who announced to Congress the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and in making that announcement, he drew a sketch of Lincoln’s career that will almost fit his own.

The funeral of the President will take place next Monday at Cleveland, Ohio, where his body will be laid to rest in Lake View Cemetery. The remains will be carried by special train to Washington today, and laid in state in the rotunda of the Capitol, where they will stay till Friday. On Friday evening, they will be borne to Cleveland. President Arthur and the Cabinet will accompany the funeral train to Washington. The rotunda of the Capitol has been draped in mourning, and a catafalque erected. The guard of honor will consist of nine general officers of the army, nine officers of the navy, nine below the rank of Captain, and twenty-nine picked men of the army. General Sherman will have change of the general conduct of the President’s funeral and all matters pertaining thereto.

In Alton, reports were rife on the streets of the death of the President. On all hands were seen flags at half-mast, draped in black. Festoons and streamers of the same sombre hue depended from windows, balconies, awnings, and all other places where these symbols of woe could be attached, until the “heavens were hung in black” so far as willing hands could attain. The flag on the Armory Hall was early placed at half-mast, with two long black streamers attached to the top of the staff, and the building draped in mourning. The front of the city hall was draped in black, while over the eastern door of the post office appeared a fine, large life picture of the dead President, surrounded by festoons of crape. The Republican headquarters over Mr. J. Crowe’s store on State Street also had a picture of the President draped in a similar manner.

In addition to the public places mentioned and the business houses, scores of private residences displayed flags at half-mast, or were draped with black. Over all the bright September sun shown in a clear sky, with undiminished radiance, as though in mockery of the sorrow of a nation, manifest in saddened step and downcast countenance.

By a preconcerted arrangement, the church bells in the city were tolled at 10 o’clock, fifty strokes each, the age of the dead Chief Magistrate. Mayor Pfeiffenberger also had the fire bells tolled at the same hour.

Each village and town in Madison County mourned the death of the President. In Edwardsville, the church and fire bells of the city were tolled at noon. The school house, court house, Armory Hall, Odd Fellows Hall, the hotels, and the principal stores and places of business, and many private residences are draped were draped in mourning. Trade and business of all kinds were almost suspended, and sorrow and sincere regret and sympathy for the family of the man whom the nation had learned to love was depicted on every countenance.

The Alton Guards in Funeral Procession
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1881
Alton may well be proud of the fact that her patriotic military organization was in attendance at the President’s funeral. It was the only military company from Illinois, and in the grand procession yesterday occupied the post of honor at the head of the military escort. We are glad to hear of the honorable distinction awarded them, and our citizens will now be prouder than ever of the banner company of Illinois.


Hunting the Desperadoes
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 29, 1881
The sheriffs, police, and other authorities in all this part of the country are on the lookout for the Williams, alias Maxwell, brothers, Lon and Ed, the Wisconsin desperadoes who murdered the Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff of Pepin County, Wisconsin, last July. Since that time, the many attempts to capture them have been unavailing. Lately it was learned that they were in Calhoun County in this State, and in the ineffectual attempt to capture them Sunday, Sheriff John C. Lammy of that county was killed, his deputy McNab and one of the posse wounded. Marshal Reilly of Alton received a dispatch from Chief of Police Kenneth of St. Louis, Tuesday, stating that the desperadoes were seen passing Cap au Gris, about 40 miles above Alton on the Mississippi, Tuesday, in a skiff, and asked him to be on the lookout. Chief Kennett arrived here at 8 o’clock this morning on the tug, Susie Hazard, accompanied by Sheriff Blades of Pike County, and detectives O’Neil, Eggs, Steward, Desmond, and Willow, all brave, determined men, well-armed and prepared to take their lives in their hands in an attempt to arrest the murderers. As the tug has a draft of 8 feet, 3 inches, it was considered impolitic to take that craft any farther, and Captain Largent’s propeller, Truant, was engaged to take the party as far as Cap au Gris, unless tidings shall be learned before they arrive there that will change that purpose.

It is supposed that the Maxwells are trying to make their escape down the river, and rumors prevail that they may be hidden among the ravines and bluffs above Alton. They are desperate men, armed with two revolvers each, and an eighteen-shot breech loading Winchester rifle between them, and as they are good marksmen, it will be no child’s play to apprehend them. Notwithstanding the danger, Chief Kennett had many offers of volunteers from among our police force and others fond of adventure, but had no room on the Truant for any more than his own force with the addition of Captain Largent and two or three others who went to manage the boat. Deputy Sheriff Rudershausen, Marshal Reilly, and our other officers are prepared to search for and arrest the desperadoes should they receive news that they are in this vicinity. A reward of $1,700 is offered for the two murderers.

A Mysterious Stranger
October 6, 1881
Last Wednesday evening, a way-worn, foot-sore pedestrian made his appearance soon after dark at the levee, where he engaged Frank Bradish to take him across the river in a skiff. The stranger seemed greatly interested in the Maxwell, alias Williams, brothers, and asked what opinion the people had of those desperadoes, making statements in the meantime as to his own prowess, leading Mr. Bradish to infer that his unknown passenger had slain enough men to start a small graveyard. When the skiff arrived at the middle of the stream, the stranger drew a revolver, having two or three in a belt around his waist, and ordered the boatman to pull faster, emphasizing his request with a blood-curdling oath. It is scarcely necessary to say that Mr. Bradish obeyed the command so effectually, that he soon reached the Missouri shore, that haven of desperadoes, when the stranger immediately landed, took to the woods, and disappeared. The Alton police are “dissatisfied” that they were not informed of the advent of the stranger until too late to do anything towards arresting him.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1881
Colonel Cooper, last Friday, received an order from the Adjutant General, authorizing him to disband the Alton Guards and honorably dismiss them from the service, which has accordingly been done. The Guards had an enviable reputation as a well-drilled, admirably-officered organization. Captain Brueggeman, who commanded them the most of the time they were in service, is noted as a fine disciplinarian, with unflagging energy, and an officer who has the full confidence of his men. Their last public appearance was at the funeral of President Garfield in Cleveland. We regret, in common with all our citizens, that the company thought fit to disband.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 20, 1881
Mr. R. Henry Flagg, of the celebrated “Bee Hive,” has taken into co-partnership Mr. George H. Hewitt, and the firm will be known as Flagg & Hewitt. They will add a carpet and oil cloth department to their already large establishment, and promise to sell at Chicago and St. Louis prices. Being gentlemen of experience in business, and having the confidence of the public, the joint venture will undoubtedly prove largely successful.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 20, 1881
Armory Hall, Alton, October 10, 1881 – At a meeting of Company A, Fifteenth Battalion, Illinois National Guard, held this evening to consider the receipt of Special Order No. 257, issued from General Headquarters, disbanding and mastering out this company from the service of the State, a committee was appointed to prepare suitable preamble and resolutions. Therefore, we, the committee, submit the following:

Whereas, Upon the enlistment of this command, consisting of 70 men, some four years ago, every encouragement was held out to the organization by the State officials as to supplying arms and accoutrements, and all that was necessary to put the organization upon a complete footing, leaving it only to the company’s own exertions to become one of the best organizations in the State.

Whereas, But 50 stand of arms (and incomplete at that) were furnished, thereby causing dissatisfaction among the members as a number were left to learn the tactics without arms, and all left without accoutrements until such time as our energy and ability won us prize money in competitive drills, and with which we purchased cartridge boxes and belts, which property belonged to the company; property which should have been furnished by the State.

Whereas, The amount of the military fund received by us was not adequate to our necessary expenses, and compelled us to draw upon our private funds to pay expenses, which we think rightfully belongs to the State to pay under the provisions of the military code.

Whereas, After properly presenting our grievances (as we think), and no relief being extended to us, it is not to be wondered at that dissatisfaction and discontent were engendered and continued to grow within the ranks of the command. Nevertheless, it was contemplated and so decided that we serve out the remainder of the term of our enlistment to the best of our ability as citizen soldiers of the commonwealth.

Whereas, As special Order No. 257 has been received, disbanding and mustering out the command, therefore be it,

Resolved, That we construe Special Order No. 257, at its literal reading, and that Company A, 15th Battalion Illinois National Guard ceases to be, and be it further,

Resolved, That we appreciate the well wishes of our fellow citizens of the city, who have extended to us their encouragement, not only in money, but above all by their good words and actions; and we feel if the same encouragement had been extended to us upon other sides, that we should still have a place upon the military roll of a State of which we feel proud that we are citizens, and be it further,

Resolved, That into the care of our late Captain we place the splendid banner presented to us by the ladies of our city, and that he carefully and securely keep the same in the name of us all, for the reason that to Company A, it was presented, and in the name of Company A it must be preserved.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 10, 1881
The Presbyterian Church was put in connection with the telephone exchange Saturday afternoon, and Sunday some of our citizens had the privilege of listening to the services without leaving their homes. It is stated that as far off as Twelfth Street, the distance being over thirteen blocks, every word of the service and every note of music were distinctly audible. The music rendered by the choir while rehearsing Saturday evening was also listened to by those connected with the church. “Attending church by telephone” would be quite a pleasant innovation for some, especially in bad weather, for it would only be necessary for the minister and choir to be present at the place of worship, the members of the congregation remaining at home with an ear attached to the vibrator, catching the words of the minister and the hymns by the singers. But there is one serous drawback to this method of procedure, and that is what would become of the collection? Still, persons could, at the conclusion of the services, telephone to the deacons or treasurer the amount they wished to contribute, and in this way the net results might be even greater than by the ordinary method.

An interesting incident connected with the connection of the telephone exchange with the Presbyterian Church last Sunday was the repetition of the whole of Mr. Gordon’s sermon in a drugstore in Alton, where a group of young men had assembled. One of the number stood at the instrument with the vibrator to his ear, and repeated the entire sermon as he hard it, from text to conclusion, to the companions gathered around him. The novel occurrence excited much interest.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 17, 1881
For 16 years, Mr. W. A. Hildebrand, proprietor of the well and widely known “Globe Store,” has been engaged in the dry goods business in Alton and Upper Alton, commencing at the latter place in a rather limited way, and by Globe Dry Goods ad - 1881strict integrity and attention to business, building up a trade of almost colossal extent. Mr. Hildebrand now occupies a store of metropolitan proportions in two buildings, three stories high, on the north side of Third Street, between Belle and State, the two lower rooms thrown into one by removing the partition wall, giving a space 50 x 85 feet on the ground floor. On the west side, the shelving, showcases, and counters are loaded and crowded with immense piles of dry goods, notions, woolen goods, &c., the rear portion is occupied with a large assortment of boots and shoes. In the room immediately above this, conveniently arranged, is the wholesale stock of notions, bed blankets, and comforters in almost unlimited variety. The western department of the establishment on the lower floor, being dedicated more to articles for ladies’ use, contains, in addition to things already mentioned, a stock of furs of the most fashionable and useful varieties.

The eastern department contains an immense stock of clothing, hats, caps, furnishing goods and trunks. At the rear is the millinery branch of the Globe, where the ladies can be supplied with the latest fashions in bonnets and hats, by a lady of rare skill and taste, and the requisite experience. The upper stories, in addition to the room mentioned, are used as storehouses for surplus goods until they are needed.

Mr. Hildebrand not only has large, well-assorted stocks of goods at low prices, but he has a staff of polite, accommodating, and intelligent clerks, both ladies and gentlemen, so that all who call on him may be assured that they will be served promptly and faithfully.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 24, 1881
From the Daily of November 17 – About two o’clock this morning, fire was discovered in the rear of the building on Second [Broadway], near Piasa Street, belonging to Mr. T. Middleton, occupied by Captain H. Brueggemann as a cigar store and manufactory. Captain Brueggemann and his family occupied the upper stories as a residence, and such headway had the fire attained when first discovered, that an escape from the imperiled residence was made with difficulty. Captain Brueggemann was severely burned about the face and hands while rescuing his wife and carrying her out, she having fainted at the view of the impending danger and the effects of the dense smoke. Captain Brueggemann’s sister, who was the only occupant in addition to those mentioned, made her escape by getting out on the awning in front, and dropping to the street, her brother catching her so that she was not injured.

Owing to the delay in giving the alarm, the flames had made such headway as to light up the streets for blocks before the fire department could get to the place, but they worked so efficiently that the fire was subdued in a short time after they arrived, four streams, two from the front and two from the rear, playing on the burning structure. The building, where the fire originated, a one-story frame, was almost destroyed, and the rear of the second story, used as a kitchen, was also scorched, but aside from this, the factory was not greatly damaged. The rear of Dr. White’s building, adjoining on the west, occupied by T. Lehne, was also somewhat scorched.

When Chief Engineer Smith drove the horse attached to the hose cart round to the corner of Third and Piasa Streets, for the purpose of making connection with the fire plug at that place, the animal became frightened at a switch engine to such an extent as to become unmanageable, starting to run and throwing Mr. Smith from the carriage with such force as to fracture a rib and inflict several bruises and contusions. Fortunately, the Chief Engineer was not disabled, and the fractious horse was secured before he did any other damage. Messrs. Robert Curdie and John Mather were among the first at the scene of the conflagration, and through their efforts and that of others present, a portion of Captain Brueggemann’s tobacco was removed to T. Lehne’s store, but the greater portion of the stock was either burned or damaged so as to be worthless.

There is nothing known as to the origin of the fire, but it is supposed that it caught in or near the drying room, built of brick, located just to the rear of the cigar store in the manufacturing department. It is owing to the good work done by the fire department that the conflagration did not assume large proportions and sweep the entire block, as there were frame outhouses, sheds, and other structures that would have made admirable food for the fire fiend, had his progress been unobstructed for a few minutes longer. Captain Brueggemann had over $5,000 worth of stock, a considerable portion stored in the cellar where it was thoroughly drenched with water. The exact amount of the loss to the goods is not known, but by far the larger portion is destroyed or badly injured. The grocery stock of Mr. T. Lehne in the building adjoining Captain Brueggemann’s place on the west was damaged to the extent of $25, largely by the water which flooded the cellar. The wall of the building on the east, belonging to Kirsch & Schiess, was somewhat damaged by water. Their cellar was flooded to the depth of three inches.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 15, 1881
The ladies of the Unitarian Church gave an old-fashioned New England supper last week in the basement of the church. The bill of fare included roast turkey, chicken pie, baked beans, hulled corn, nut cake, ‘lection cake, brown bread, and various other more modern dainties. The supper was admirably served and highly enjoyed. Several of the ladies were dressed in quaint old-time costumes, which were much admired. And the visitors could but wonder if the ideal Puritan maidens were as charmingly attired as the descendants who personated them last evening.

Among the antique and other curiosities exhibited were the following: A dresser of early days filled with old fashioned dishes; a pewter platter brought to this country prior to the Revolutionary War, and buried during that eventful period to preserve it from the American troops, it being their habit to melt such articles and mould the metal into bullets; a sideboard 100 years old; “Grandmother’s clock” brought from Scotland, over a century old; the only “authentic” picture of Mother Eve, dated the year one, not a photograph; some books 142 years old that formerly constituted part of Leigh Hunt’s library; set of pewter dishes of great antiquity; an old-fashioned tuning fork and viola, or tenor violin, 65 years old; flint lock pistol; table, knives and forks with elegantly curved horn handles, the knives with broad scoop-like blades; book of sermons 177 years old; China tray, 50, and tureen 76 years old; beer mug, 125 years old, pitcher, 75 years old, pair of glass decanters, 80 years old, gourd bottle, 100 years old. An old-time chimney piece and mantel were placed at the north end of the room, a specimen of the skill, taste, and ingenuity of Mr. S. F. Connor, who arranged them. Over the mantel was suspended a musket, a vivid reminder of the dangers to which the pioneers were exposed, while in front of the fireplace hung festoons of dried apples and strips of pumpkin, housewifely mementoes. To one side was an ancient spinning wheel, a carder, and a flax wheel, 100 years old. Wool was carded, spun, and reeled, the operations being performed by Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Dr. Pierce, Mrs. Fred Hayden, and Mrs. David R. Sparks.

Costumes of various generations were displayed, one dating back over a century. Among these were two wedding dresses, one of 25 years ago, the other 40 years ago. Mrs. J. H. Yager wore a cape that had not seen the light for 85 years, and sang a beautiful Quaker song in costume. Part of the company joined in singing “Auld Lang Syne” and “Grandfather’s Clock,” the latter song being rendered exactly at 8 o’clock, “Grandmother’s clock” striking that hour while the song was progressing, with the exactness born of 115 years active service.

It is pleasant to add that the occasion was successful, financially as well as socially.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 19, 1881
Ed White has opened a new, first class restaurant on State street, just above Third, where he will furnish meals at all hours at 35 cents, with reductions to regular customers. Oysters served in every style. Board furnished at $4 per week. Everything first class.


Source: (Book) The History of Madison County, Illinois, 1882. Publishers W. R. Brink & Co., Edwardsville, IL
The box factory, now operated by this company on the Mississippi above Alton, was established by John E. Hayner in 1872, and in 1877 the present company was formed, and in 1880 was incorporated with a capital stock of thirty thousand dollars. The president is G. R. Allen, the secretary, J. M. Ryrie, and the treasurer, John E. Hayner. The company also owns a saw mill, which partly furnishes the lumber used in the manufacture of boxes. Forty-five hands are employed in the saw mill, and three million five hundred thousand feet of sycamore and cottonwood lumber are sawn annually. In the box factory, from eighty to one hundred hands are kept at work. Boxes of sycamore for plug tobacco are the principal goods manufactured, though tobacco butts, cracker boxes and barrel headings are also turned out. This is one of the largest box factories in the West, and the boxes are shipped to towns along the Mississippi river from Burlington to New Orleans.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 6, 1882
An enraged individual, equipped with a sledge hammer, called at the brewery north of the graveyard [Union Brewery/Bluff City Brewery) yesterday, claiming that the establishment was indebted to him quite a large bill for cooperage. He made an attack with the hammer on the casks, tubs, and kegs on the premises, demolishing them, as well as a pair of scales. When asked his purpose for doing so, he said he was “looking for the proprietor,” but whether or not he expected to find that individual in a cask or tub is not clear. The knight of the sledge hammer was arrested and committed by Marshal Reilly last evening. He was armed with a large butcher knife, but made no attempt to use it.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 11, 1882
Mr. Henry Watson has been awarded the contract for the stone work for the addition to the Glass Works. The addition will be 106 feet square, intended expressly for the manufacturing of flint glass. The stone work will include the foundations and the base of the chimney, which will be 30 feet in diameter. The brick work will be done by a gentleman of Pittsburg, and the furnaces will be built in such a way as to consume the gas, thus effecting a considerable saving in the consumption of fuel.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 11, 1882
Mr. William Rodemeyer, one of our best-known and most skillful manufacturers, is now ready for business at his mammoth new carriage factory at the corner of State and Fourth Streets. Mr. Rodemeyer thoroughly understands his business in all its branches, having been connected with the Great Western Carriage Factory from its inception in 1856, until about a year ago.

Mr. Rodemeyer has fitted up his new property in a manner admirably adapted for the purpose, it being his intention to manufacture all kinds of buggies, carriages, phaetons, light wagons, and farm wagons. His premises are 110x42 feet, and three stories high. The first floor of the main building is to be used as a repository for carriages and wagons; the second floor for the woodwork and trimming departments; and the third floor for the painting room. In the rear of the main building is the blacksmith shop, conveniently arranged and fitted with two forges. Between the repository and the blacksmith shop is a covered carriage way. On the west and north sides is a substantial display awning. The entire factory is conveniently arranged for the speedy and economical execution of work, and under Mr. Rodemeyer’s skillful management will doubtless develop into one of the most extensive industries in the city. The fact that he will personally superintend all branches of the business is a guarantee that the vehicles he turns out will rank with the best in the country.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 21, 1882
The following is a copy of the preliminary action taken in relation to the incorporation of the town of Alton on May 7, 1832. The original paper is on file in the courthouse at Edwardsville:

Lower Alton, May 7, 1832
At a meeting of the citizens of Alton, held this day at the Union Hotel for the purpose of taking the sense of the inhabitants in relation to incorporating the town, Stephen Griggs, Esq., was chosen President of the meeting, and Winthrop Sargent Gilman appointed Clerk.

The officers were duly sworn, and having ascertained that the town contained over 150 inhabitants, and that ten days previous public notice of this meeting had been given according to law, they received the following votes in favor of incorporating the town to wit: John Lee, S. S. Kendall, William Miller, Ephraim Marsh, S. E. Moore, J. Low, Charles W. Hunter, M. C. Garay, Stephen Griggs, William Manning Jr., Samuel Avis, John Quigley, Winthrop S. Gilman, Samuel Wade, and W. S. Emerson. No votes were given in the negative.

It will be seen from the above that in the Spring of 1832, the town of Alton had 150 inhabitants. Mr. Samuel Wade says that at the time he came here in the Spring of 1831, it had but forty. It will be well to bear in mind that May 7 next will be the semi-centennial anniversary of the incorporation of the town of Alton, and will be an occasion worthy of celebrating.

Of the original fifteen voters in favor of incorporating the town, Mr. Samuel Wade of Alton, and Mr. Winthrop S. Gilman of New York, are the only ones we know to be living, although William Manning and J. Lowe may be among the survivors. If so, they are non-residents.


Messrs. D. R. Sparks & Co.
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 24, 1882
The National Mills, one of the “institutions” of Alton, had its machinery so thoroughly reconstructed of late as to be practically a new establishment, using the roller system, corrugated Stevens and the Downton smooth roller. The processes by which the flour is manufactured are complete, though apparently so complicated that a miller of the old time would be simply bewildered by a view of the almost countless wheels, pulleys, rollers, spouts, chests, hoppers, etc. In the basement is a Harris-Corliss engine of about 200 horsepower, a beautiful piece of machinery, moving with perfect steadiness, while two large shafts apply the force to all of the four stories.

On the first floor are the chilled iron rollers used in crushing the grain. The wheat is taken in on this floor, and from thence elevated to the fourth story, where it is thoroughly cleansed, then re-conveyed to the lower floor and subjected to the power of the roller crushers. This is a gradual process; the grain being subjected to five reductions. On the first floor are 16 roller mills with automatic feeders, also 4 sets of buhrs, and all the processes are carried on automatically after being once started.

On the second floor are seven sets of smooth rollers. In the upper stories are bolting and finishing chests, separators, “scalpers,” and bran dusters, while an immense number of spouts, mostly wooden, convey streams of bran, shorts, and middlings, that flow from one part of the establishment to another. By removing a section of the upper part of one of these spouts, the movements of the grain in various stages of reduction can be seen, otherwise it is all a “sealed book” to the visitor.

The capacity of the mills is from 450 to 500 barrels a day. Four grades of bolting are used, and the results are all that could be desired. The flour has not only a “lively” appearance, but is of such a creamy, brilliant whiteness that the crack brands of the country sent in from the best mills East and West, expressly for test purposes, look dark in comparison, the difference being easily perceptible when the samples are placed side by side. This is true, not only of the “Extra Patent,” but applies to the “regular” as well. “Red dog,” a low grade, is also a first-class flour, although not quite so white. When crushed or reduced by the roller process, the flour contains all the subtle essence and flavor of the grain, largely lost by the old processes. Consequently, the bread, when made by an experienced hand, is almost as white as snow, with an exquisite taste, a concentration of richness, in short, a culinary “poem,” a kitchen “epic,” a work of art thoroughly appreciated by a hungry epicurean.

Messrs. Sparks & Co. are to be congratulated on having one of the finest flouring mills in the country, a credit to our city, an institution that will add to the enviable record made by Alton flour in the marts of the world.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 10, 1882
Mr. John E. Hayner returned from Kansas City yesterday morning, accompanied by his wife, Jennie D. Hayner, whom he met at that place on her return from California. Mrs. Hayner’s health was considerably improved by her winter’s sojourn in the Golden State.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 9, 1882
Last night a storm with terrific lightning and considerable thunder came up from the south. Another storm occurred, attended by some hail and a tremendous wind, and caused a great amount of damage. The greatest damage was done at Quigley & Co.’s Wholesale Drugstore, corner of Second [Broadway] and Piasa Streets. The building, owned by Mr. Robert B. Smith, was to a large extent unroofed. Not only was the tin rolled up as in a scroll and deposited in the street, but many of the timbers and rafters of the roof were also blown off. The western part of the building, which extends through the block to Front Street, was almost totally demolished down to the top of the first story, the wall on the west side being in ruins, while the timbers of the roof and the entire third floor were thrown in a mass inside of the structure. The wall at the east side, upper part, was considerably sprung, but measures are being taken to strengthen and secure it, but the west half of the house will need rebuilding. The damage to the goods has not been estimated, owing to the difficulty of ascertaining the amount of breakage amid the brick, timbers, boxes, barrels, and other articles that cumber the lower floor of the western half of the establishment, which was used principally for a warehouse. Luckily, the articles of a breakable character were mostly in the north end of the room, which was comparatively free from the heavy timbers and bricks that fell from above. Night watchman Yokum first notified Dr. Quigley of the catastrophe. The walls of the building were weakened by the fire that took place there a little over two years ago, as the worst wreck is just where the flames raged the longest.

The smokestack on Stanard’s Mill was partially wrenched loose, one of the guys giving way, and the roof of the warehouse was torn away to some extent. The roof of Sparks’ Mill was damaged to some extent in the same way, and the fire wall at one point was demolished either by lightning or the wind.

There were innumerable cases of destruction of trees, fences, telegraph poles, awnings, signs, etc. in every part of the city, and was doubtless the most destructive storm that has visited the city since the tornado of June 1860. Some places were flooded with water, including Dr. Haskell’s office, John Curdie’s Saloon, and the Globe Store. The upper part of State Street was barricaded this morning by two large shade trees lying prone across that thoroughfare.

During the storm, the residence of Rev. L. A. Abbott, corner of Twelfth and Alby Streets, was struck by lightning. The electric fluid tore off one of the west chimneys and the coping, and then entered the room below, where it tore off the plastering and lathing in some twenty different places. The whole house seemed filled with flame, and a strong smell of Sulphur prevailed. Mr. Abbott says when the bolt struck, a sharp report was heard like a pistol shot, but none of the inmates experienced any great shock. Their escape was a fortunate one.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 17, 1882
Capt. William Hutchinson and Pilot Love brought down a raft of sycamore logs for the Alton Box Manufacturing Co. today.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 17, 1882
The first person to arrive at the Hapgood Plow Company, corner of Front and Henry Streets, discovered that the place had been visited during the night by a party of burglars. These gentry effected an entrance through a window over the outside stairway by forcing up the sash. They had made due preparation, and commenced work on the safe by removing a board from the rear of the receptacle, but find that there was an inner wall of brick, relinquished operations there and varied their plan by blowing open one of the doors of the safe. This was done by drilling a hole through the plate, and introducing a lot of powder, so much, in fact, that the door was torn open, one of the hinges being hurled across the room with considerable force to the desk of the bookkeeper, Mr. F. H. Ferguson. After they gained admittance, the burglars proceeded to thoroughly rummage the drawers and pigeon holes, strewing the papers over the floor as they did so, but not nothing but a few postage stamps and a St. Louis bridge ticket. No money or other valuables are ever left in the safe, as it is not a burglar or fireproof affair, and Mr. Hapgood states that if notified of the probability of such a call in the future, the key of the safe will be left in the door in order that the burglars may not be under the necessity of destroying it. The thieves carried a bundle of papers outside, and finding that they were of no value to them, threw the package into a tree box at the corner.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 18, 1882
Alton has always been a very fine “play town,” that is, dramatic performances of a good order, and some not so extraordinarily fine have received good patronage. There have been a number of amateur dramatic companies organized in this city, appearing on the stage with varied success. Liberty Hall [in the Lyceum] on Second Street [Broadway] was in former years the place where our ambitious Thespians displayed their histrionic talent, and “strutted their brief hour” behind the footlights; Mauzy’s Hall on Belle Street; a second-story room on State Street, just above Third; Ryder’s Hall [southwest corner of Broadway and Alby Streets] on Second Street [Broadway]; Hope’s Hall, Kirkland Hall, have witnessed the rendition of plays by home talent, not to mention the triumphs of the Alton Dramatic Club at Mercantile and city halls. About the year 1857, “Shook’s Celebrated Dramatic Troupe” appeared in Liberty Hall, and after a short engagement, “shook the dust” of Alton from his feet and departed. George Burt, a band teacher and Piquette, a dancing master, reorganized the company, played a few weeks here, and then took the road, leaving Alton under a cloud, financially. Among the company were J. W. Collier, now proprietor of a Union Square N. Y. Company; his wife, Miss Mary Mitchell; Bingham, Sylvia, Mr. and Miss Dow, Miss Fannie Lewis, A. B. Pearson, B. K. Dorwart (an Altonian), and others. The company went from here to Springfield, performed there two weeks, and left for Decatur under a cloud, financially.

Many times, dramatic, musical and minstrel performances have been given by Alton artists, both here and in the surrounding towns, generally with great success. One troupe that went to Bethalto a year or two ago, and had such an ovation that they were escorted out of that place by quite a procession.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 03, 1882
Captain H. C. Sweetser has a vivid remembrance of many circumstances connected with 1816, the “year without a summer,” although but a mere child at that time. His father living in Massachusetts lost ten head of cattle, on account of the impossibility of procuring food for them, there being but few means of intercommunication at that day. Captain S. thinks the statement true that there was frost, and perhaps snow, every month of that phenomenal year, throughout the greater portion of this country. In 1842, he was in this section. A large wheat crop was raised, the ruling price being 30 to 35 cents. The following year the crop was almost a failure, and rates were troubled.   (See the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815.)


Hotel, Factories, Water Works, and Schools
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 4, 1882
Mr. T. S. Pinckard of Springfield, who visited Alton last week, writes a long letter with the following extracts:

“Since the Alton House was destroyed by fire several years since, Alton has had no first-class hotel, and the need of one has been greatly felt. A stock company has erected a four-story brick hotel on Second Street [Broadway], one block north of the site of the old Alton House and adjoining the park or public square, which will be complete in all its details and furnished in a most substantial and comfortable manner, and placed under the management of Captain Smith, late of the Dunlap House, Jacksonville. Travelers will then no longer be compelled to go to St. Louis or to Springfield to secure the best hotel accommodations.

I had the pleasure of passing through and inspecting the great glass works, which have been in successful operation in Alton for several years. For this important industry and manufacturing establishment, the city of Alton is largely indebted to the foresight, enterprise, and public spirit of one of her humblest and least pretentious citizens. Some years since, Mr. Charles H. Frick, a native of Pennsylvania, became satisfied that Alton would be a good point for the manufacture of window glass, glass bottles, etc., and upon investigation, found that the best of sand from which to make glass could be procured at Cap au Gris in Missouri, some sixty or more miles above Alton on the Mississippi River. Having but little means of his own, he could only seek to induce others to accept his ideas and invest the necessary money to test the value of the sand, and try Alton as the point of manufacture. He finally succeeded in getting works of small capacity started in an old building near what is known as Cave Spring. This trial proved the sand to be all that was required, and also proved Alton to be the proper point for the manufacture. But without capital, having spent all his small means in the experiment, having demonstrated the above facts, he was obliged to let the enterprise fail for the time being. Still hoping to see the manufacture of glass one of the successful industries of Alton, he, by voice and correspondence, continued his efforts. His persistence finally prevailed, and there are now four large glass blowing establishments fitted with the latest improvements and appliances for the manufacture of glass hollow ware, bottles, fruit jars, etc. The flint works, for the manufacture of flint glassware of all kinds, is just finished, and the fires were started in the furnace last Saturday for the first time, with the intention of beginning the manufacture September 1. This important factory is under the entire control of Mr. William Eliot Smith, President of the American Association of Glass Manufacturers. He has invested some $300,000 or more, and contemplates further improvements. The manufacture of bottles for Lemp, the great brewer of St. Louis, amounted last year to 92,000 gross, and this is but a sample of other orders now in. He is not able to supply the orders with his present facilities.

The Hapgood Plow Works is among the great manufacturing establishments of which Alton is possessed. The plow made here is of such good quality that the company has in contemplation extensive additions during the coming year.

The Drummond Tobacco Factory is a most important institution for the city of Alton, employing as it does hundreds of men, women, and boys, and payroll of $8,000 to $12,000 per month, which is all expended in the city.

The great stone quarries and lime kilns of Alton are sources of great wealth, and add materially to the substantial advantages possessed by that city as a manufacturing center.

The water works is of the most excellent character, and controlled by a gentleman of large means and withal, a liberal and enterprising citizen – Mr. Henry Watson.

The schools of Alton are unexcelled by any, perhaps, in the State, and the school houses are second to none. A fine school building is now in course of construction near the summit on State Street hill.

Beside the public schools, Alton is fortunate in having Shurtleff College within easy distance of business centers, and also Wyman Institute. These schools are situated scarcely a stone’s throw apart in Upper Alton, and have most excellent reputations as educational institutions. The celebrated Monticello Female Seminary is also so nearby that it may be considered as one of Alton’s educational advantages.

The Alton City Cemetery is beautifully located on the hills between Alton and Upper Alton, and is well attended to and worthy of the people and city. Here lie the remains of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, the first martyr in our State to his convictions of the wrongs of American slavery. A humble, but tasteful stone, placed there by Mr. Thomas Dimmock, formerly of Alton, and now of the editorial staff of the Missouri Republican, at his own personal expense, is all that marks the grave.

The city of Alton is well situated for a manufacturing point, and in manufacturing will doubtless be found the sources of future wealth for her citizens. A dike is being built on the Missouri shore opposite the city, for the purpose of clearing and keeping open the harbor, and much good is expected from the money so expended by the general government.

When it was proposed to remove the capital of this State from Vandalia, Alton was a candidate for the honor, but was defeated by our own fair city, Springfield. When some few years since, some envious neighbors attempted to remove the capital to Peoria, Alton and Madison County nobly stood by Springfield, and the people of the capital city of this State most heartily hope the goodly city of Alton may yet rival St. Louis in the number of her manufactories and in general prosperity.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 8, 1882
The building formerly occupied by the Alton National Bank, corner of Third and Belle Streets, is being refitted preparatory to its occupancy by a new banking company. The new enterprise is to be a savings bank, and its stockholders are prominent business men of Alton. It will have simple capital, and be established on a solid basis from the start. It will probably be called the Alton Savings Bank, and will be ready for business about October 1. While the banking interests of Alton are already such as any city of its size might be proud of, still, this addition to its facilities cannot but be advantageous to all business enterprises.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 16, 1882
The glass works is now in operation in most of the departments, including the flint glass manufactory recently erected. To give an idea of the extent of the works, it is only necessary to state that 425 men and boys are employed; thirty blowers with 76 boy tenders in the flint glass department, the remainder in the green hollow ware department. The payroll amounts to $4,000 per week, while four carloads, almost 40 tons of coal per day, are consumed. Immense quantities of soda ash, sand, etc. are used daily. The flint glass works, although newly started, are turning out the finest quality of goods, and will undoubtedly prove as great a success as the green glass factory, and nothing more can be expected or desired. The full capacity of the works can only be ascertained after running a few weeks. Mr. William E. Smith is proprietor of the establishment; Mrs. Ed Levis, superintendent; Mrs. Richard Galbally, foreman; Mr. George Levis, clerk in the office, with a number of assistants. To the energy, acumen, business tact, and capacity of these gentlemen, the success of this great enterprise is due.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 16, 1882
Parts of three human skeletons were unearthed from the quarry near the crusher. Two of the skulls appeared quite white, the third one of a brownish tint, stained by the substance with which it had so long been surrounded. The place where the bones were found appeared to be a small cave or crevice in the rock, that in process of time, had become filled with earth. The remains were laying side by side as though they had been carefully deposited in the place.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 19, 1882
Last Saturday, the quarrymen working at the stone crusher, under the direction of Mr. Ralph Dixon, exhumed two more skeletons from the crevice or cave in the solid ledge of rock, making the total number of skeletons found, five. In addition to the bones, Mr. Dixon found between the skulls and shoulders of the relics a number of pearl half shells; a piece of white flint stone polished on one side, portions of a hieroglyphic on the other; a curved tusk, an inch and a half long; a small skull somewhat resembling in shape that of a dog, but with some material differences. It is quite a curiosity. Also, a fragment of black wood, the only evidence found of a coffin or other receptacle for the remains was found. The largest and most perfect pearl half shell, now in possession of Mr. Dixon, is 5 ½ inches long, 3 ¾ inches wide, and is a fine specimen. The discovery of the shells proves conclusively that these are Indian relics, as the aborigines used substances of that kind as money. The only skull that was uninjured by the lapse of time was quite well shaped, had the most of the teeth in their sockets, and in a good state of preservation, though considerably worn, showing that the owner had been well advanced in years. The place where the relics were found was about a quarter of a mile above where the Piasa Bird was formerly pictured on the rocks overhanging the river, and this leads some people to the wild supposition that these bones were those of victims of that bird.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 22, 1882
This morning our colored citizens, in holiday attire, began to appear on the streets in large numbers, and at 10 o’clock the space around the City Hall was occupied by a throng of people interested in celebrating the day made memorable as the date when President Lincoln issued his preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. At 10 o’clock, Hunter’s Cornet Band executed in fine style a musical selection in front of the City Hall, and shortly afterwards paraded the streets on the way to Biggins’ Grove in the northern suburbs, where the celebration took place. Delegates were present from Edwardsville, Godfrey, Rocky Fork, Brighton, Jerseyville, Shipman, Litchfield, and other points. The weather was all that could be desired, cool, clear, and bracing, and the occasion was a great success, proving that those who profited most by Abraham Lincoln’s immortal paper have not forgotten their benefactor or the day on which he issued his pronunciamento.

A large company was at the grove this afternoon. The speakers, Rev. Mr. Robinson, and Hon. J. Milton Turner, the well-known orator and ex-Minister to Liberia, were introduced by Mr. I. H. Kelley, President of the organization. Mr. Robinson delivered a short address, and was followed by Mr. Turner in a fine oration, of which we have not time at present to make adequate mention. Mr. Turner also speaks at the City Hall this evening. He is an eloquent speaker, and should be greeted by a large audience.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 25, 1882
The proposal for organizing a joint stock company, for the purpose of securing a first-class opera house, meets with general approval. The scheme was first suggested in the Telegraph over a year ago. The favorite plan now seems to be, if arrangements can be made with the public-spirited proprietor of the Mercantile building, Mr. Augustine K. Root, to convert the second and third stories of that edifice into an opera house. The plan is to take out the third floor, and have the auditorium on the second floor, with semi-circular galleries, in the most approved theater style, and the stage extended back over the lot, with a door for exit in the rear. This last, with the wide entrance already in front, would afford means of egress sufficient to empty the house in a very few minutes.

Mercantile Hall is centrally located, is a safe and substantial building, and the advantages, in case of fire, of having an auditorium but one flight of stairs from the street, are too manifest to need comment. The improvement would enhance the value of all property on Belle and Third Streets, and is a matter in which many business men are interested. We trust that the gentlemen who are working up the matter will be able to make such a favorable showing, that Mr. Root can consistently give his consent and cooperation to the enterprise.

If Alton had a first-class opera house, it would act as a magnet to draw the best troupes in the country. Parties of young folks, who now go to St. Louis to shows, would stay at home. First class shows who now skip us would give dates, and Alton would no more be the haven of third-rate Humpty Dumpty and Uncle Tom Cabin troupes.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 27, 1882
Almost all the residents of Alton were awakened this morning by quite a severe shock of earthquake. There were two vibrations, the first being a general quivering or shaking, the second a decided shock. Doors and windows rattled heavily, and buildings swayed perceptibly. Many people rushed out of doors, thinking their houses were about to fall down, but the majority were simply aroused from their slumbers and before they fairly comprehended what the matter was, the shock was over.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 28, 1882
On invitation of the Massive Stone Company, a party of citizens, including the Mayor and several members of the Council, went up to Hop Hollow yesterday afternoon on the ferry boat, to inspect the company's quarries at Hop Hollow. After a pleasant ride, the visitors landed at the mouth of the Hollow, and proceeded to the quarries which have been opened a few hundred yards from the river bank. The company have already gone to a heavy expense in their operations, and are prepared for work on an extensive scale. They have erected a large building in which the stone is sawed into slabs by steam power; have a powerful steam sawing machine at work in the quarry, and a narrow-gauge railroad to convey their product to the river bank. The ledge of stone they are now working is eighteen feet thick, of unknown length, and extends back through the bluff until it outcrops again on the river bank. The ledge is well termed "Massive Stone," being without seam or break, and enabling the company to saw out blocks of any required length or thickness. Blocks of stone as long as an Egyptian obelisk could be sawed out if desired, without seam or flaw. The stone is of a light cream color, of fine texture, close grain, and takes a splendid polish. It is much harder and in every way superior to the Grafton stone. By means of their complete mechanical appliances, the company can furnish the stone in any desired form or size for building purposes: in massive and uniform blocks for walls, in window sills, window caps, in slabs for wall-fronts or sidewalks, or in any shape, size or style desired. The blocks are cut out from the ledge by the machine referred to, and if for immediate shipment, are raised by derricks, loaded on platform cars and run down to the river; if for cutting up into slabs or sills, the blocks are transferred to trucks and run into the shop on tramways where they are sawed into the desired form. The saws are long bands of soft iron, run by steam power, which cut at the rate of two inches per hour, but the large number of saws in operation at once renders it possible to cut out a great many slabs in the course of a day. The quarry is yet only partially developed. As the work progresses further into the hill, there is every reason to expect that the ledges will prove thicker and finer than that now being worked. Hon. Z. B. Job pronounces it the finest ledge of building stone in the State. It is called Oolitic limestone [limestone composed mainly of calcium carbonate "oolites," small spheres formed by the concentric precipitation of calcium carbonate on a sand grain or shell fragment] and closely resembles the famous Bedford stone of Indiana. This variety of limestone consists of round grains as small as the roe of a fish. In quantity, it is inexhaustible. The company have a tract of 76 acres, lying on both sides of the hollow, with a river front of over half a mile. The company, although completely equipped for work, are much hampered by their inadequate shipping facilities. The way they are now situated their product is first loaded on their own cars, run down to the river bank, unloaded into barges, towed down to Alton by their steamer, unloaded into wagons, and then loaded again onto cars. It is easy to see that so much expensive handling makes a big hole in the profits. The company have a bonanza in their quarry, providing they can induce a railroad company to extend its line to, or through, Hop Hollow, so that they can load directly onto the cars. So important do they deem this matter, that they offer a bonus of $6,000 to any railroad that will run a line to their quarries. Other property owners along the line would, doubtless, also subscribe liberally. The Altonians were satisfied from the inspection made that the Hop Hollow quarries are extremely valuable, and that if railroad facilities can be obtained, a force of 500 or 1,000 men would soon be at work in the quarries, affording a heavy business to the railroads at once. If the C. B. & Q. railroad would extend its line from Bright to Alton, via Hop Hollow, it would reap an immense profit in time by the extension; or if the C. & A. or I. & St. L. would extend a switch to the quarries, they would make it pay in a business point of view. It is to the interest of Alton to see these great quarries developed and everything possible should be done by the Council and citizens to aid the Stone company in obtaining the needed facilities. The offers of the company are J. C. Huff, President, and I. W. Crawford, Secretary. They understand their business and are anxious to develop it to the greatest possible extent. Among those participating in the excursion yesterday were: Mayor Pfeiffenberger, Aldermen Hobart, Curdie, Clifford, Bruch and Bissinger; Messrs. J. W. Schweppe, A. R. McKinney, W. P. Noble, H. G. McPike, S. F. Connor, W. N. Danvers, J. Quarton, Z. B. Job, H. Stanford, A. Breath, J. W. Hart, F. H. Rabe, James Bannon, George McNulty, F. H. Ullrich, Frank Cunningham, D. Busse, James E. Dunnegan, S. S. Foster, R. S. Sawyer, Dr. Hardy, H. Behrens, Philip Peters, W. H. Temple, L. Stohr, representatives of the Sentinel, Democrat and Telegraph, and others. The result of the inspection was to impress all present with great value and extent of these quarries, and the importance of railway facilities to develop them properly. The extension from this city to the quarries is, at least, easy and practicable. There is no grade to overcome, and the material for ballasting the track is right on hand. The cost would be small compared with the advantages to be gained.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 25, 1882
Mr. Henry G. McPike had a narrow escape from serious injury this morning. When driving down the steep hill leading from Seventeenth Street, part of the harness gave way, and his horse started off on a run. Near the foot of the hill, Mr. McPike jumped out, lighting on his feet. He held pluckily to the reins, and managed to stop the animal near the scales. Mr. McPike was badly shaken up, but otherwise unhurt. The horse was considerably injured by the accident.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 25, 1882
Miss Charlotte Thompson, the famous actress, has been engaged to play her fine specialty in the city hall next Saturday evening. The Chicago New Letter says: “Miss Thompson is an actress of more than ordinary merit, and holds the proud position in regard to her art, to which hard work and great talent paved the way for her many years ago. She is well known, and her impersonation of the new Jane Eyre is familiar to theater-goers. She is an actress of the highest powers, and her new Jane Eyre is one of the finest bits of acting that can be seen today on the American stage.” Alton is fortunate in an opportunity to hear Miss Thompson, and will doubtless favor her with a crowded house.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 30, 1882
Alton has no reason to complain of the year 1882. It has been a season of bountiful crops. Fields, gardens, vineyards, and orchards have responded liberally to the labors of the husbandman. The harvest-home has been plenteous, and prosperity sits by the fireside. Our merchants have been favored with the largest trade they have enjoyed for years, and our manufacturers have been busier than ever before, employing more men and turning out larger quantities of manufactured products. Carpenters and mechanics have had more than they could do in endeavoring to fill contracts for new dwellings and business houses. The extent of the building boom is shown by the fact that the value of the building improvements of the year is $222,700, the best record in that line made in the last decade.

In manufacturing enterprises, the most important increase is the addition of a new flint glass factory to the Glass Works of William Eliot Smith, making that establishment the largest bottle factory in the United States.

The purchase and improvement of the Alton Woolen Mill building by a St. Louis firm, with the intention of establishing here an extensive factory, is also an important addition to our industries.

But the most important enterprise is the magnificent new hotel [Madison Hotel], the most complete and attractive edifice of the kind in the State, outside of Chicago, and which is destined to do more to build up the good name and reputation of the city than any other enterprise of the past decade, and which alone is sufficient to make the year 1882 a notable one in our local annals. To those public-spirited gentlemen, Henry Watson, Homer Stanford, and George R. Hewitt, who have conferred this great benefit upon our city, every citizen interested in the future prosperity of Alton owes a debt of gratitude.

With thankfulness for the general prosperity of 1882, let the wisdom and enterprise of our business men unite in devising yet greater improvements for 1883.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 25, 1883
About 2:30 o’clock, Officer Sweeney discovered that Mr. J. A. Ryrie’s frame stable, situated on Sixth Street between Langdon and Henry Streets, was on fire, the flames then having made considerable headway. Three horses were in the stable, and Mr. Sweeney, with others, to whom he had given the alarm, made every effort to save the animals, but in vain. The horses had broken their fastenings, and in their struggles for life, one had fallen against the door in such a position that it was impossible to open it. They were suffocated by the smoke before the flames reached them. In addition to the horses, three sets of harness, two delivery wagons, and a lot of hay were destroyed.

The firemen were promptly on hand and did good work in extinguishing the flames, and preventing the spread of the conflagration to adjoining sheds and to Mr. M. H. Boals’ stable. They threw two large streams on the fire, and with such effect that Mr. Ryrie was well pleased with their efforts. The fire was incendiary, as there is no other way of accounting for it.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 01, 1883
The Secretary of State issued license to the Alton Roller Milling Company, capital $25,000. The gentlemen holding stock are James T. Drummond, Charles H. Randle, James W. Kerr, John E. Hayner, A. K. Root, Fred W. Drury, William B. Pierce, and J. M. Ryrie. The company has purchased the fine and substantial building on the corner of State and Second [Broadway] Streets, owned by Mr. L. J. Clawson, paying $10,000. These buildings will be at once fitted up in the most complete manner, with the latest improved machinery, and will have a capacity of 250 barrels of flour per day. The contracts for the machinery were let this morning to St. Louis parties. This addition to Alton’s flouring mills will render this city one of the most important milling centers and grain markets in the State.

Alton has long been an important milling center, and is now more so than ever before. Her milling interests are: National Mills, David R. Sparks & Co., proprietors, capacity 550 barrels of flour per day; City Mills, E. O. Stanard, proprietor, capacity 650 barrels per day; Empire Mills, Mr. M. Wilkinson, proprietor, capacity 40 barrels per day, corn meal ten barrels per day; Madison Mills, O. B. Ground, proprietor, capacity for flour 35 barrels per day, corn meal 100 barrels per day. This makes the capacity of Alton’s flour mills 1,275 barrels per day, and 110 barrels of corn meal per day.

The flour manufactured in Alton is mainly shipped east, and a large portion of it finds its way to foreign markets. Wherever sent, it ranks in quality with the best made in the country.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 01, 1883
The ice gorge above the city broke at noon Thursday, and immense fields, thousands of acres in extent, moved swiftly and resistlessly along with the current. The hull of the Imperial, just below the packet warehouse, had a narrow escape from destruction, and was forced a little downstream by the pressure, but was held by the immense cables.

The greatest damage, however, was at the Box Factory owned by Messrs. John E. Hayner, George R. Allen, and J. M. Ryrie. The heavy fields of ice crushed in the sides of the factory, snapping the heaviest timbers like pipe stems, causing the roof to fall in, completely wrecking half of the main building, and straining nearly the whole structure. Part of the building was carried away by the rushing flood. The wrecking of the factory is not only a serious loss to the owners, but is in the nature of a public calamity. The box factory is one of Alton’s most important industries. Great regret is felt by the public at the loss sustained by the public-spirited proprietors. No estimate has been made of the loss, but it will aggregate eight or ten thousand dollars.

Mr. Hayner has already made his plans for repairing the damage, and will carry them into effect at once with his characteristic energy. The river end of the mill will be boarded up, and an addition built on at once in another direction. Mr. Hayner says he will have the machinery changed, and a part of the mill in running order inside of four or five days. To those who have seen the wreck, this looks like a big undertaking, but impossible is a word Mr. Hayner never recognizes.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 29, 1883
Thompson, Teasdale & Co., proprietors of the Mexico, Missouri, Woolen Mill, recently burned, and also owners of the Woolen Mill building in Alton, will soon commence work in Alton, where they will permanently locate their manufacturing business.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 19, 1883
A crowd of people, estimated at from 2,500 to 3,000, assembled at the site of St. Patrick’s Church, corner of Fifth and Walnut (Central Ave.) Streets, Sunday afternoon, to witness the ceremony of laying the cornerstone. The contemplated edifice will be in a very pleasant location, on high ground overlooking the river, and when the adjacent streets are graded, the place will be very attractive. A covered platform had been erected for those taking part in the services. Bishop Baltes and the Catholic clergy arrived at the place between 3 and 4 o’clock, also a procession consisting of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Patrick Ford, President; St. Peter and Paul’s Branch W.C.U., A. J. Degenhardt, President; St. Boniface Branch of the same order, Adam Gundall, President. The procession was quite an imposing one. Two large American flags and the beautiful banners of the orders named were borne in the ranks. On the platform were Bishop Baltes, Rev. Fathers Jannsen, Zweissler, Maroney, Peters, Cassiday. Rev. Father Garonne of Quebec, Canada, Rev. Father McLaughlin of St. Louis, orator of the day; Mayor Pfeiffenberger, members of the City Council, and others.

Rev. J. McLaughlin of Rock Church, St. Louis, delivered a brief discourse to the large audience, in which he spoke of the object for which the people came together. It was not an idle ceremony, but was an observance sanctioned by God himself. With other churches, he said, it was a mere ceremony, but Catholics invoked the blessing of God on such occasions. The speaker congratulated the Catholic people of Alton on the fact that a new church was to be erected, an evidence of their zeal and generosity, warned them of the difficulties and trials to be encountered before the edifice would be finished and free of incumbrance.

At the close of the address, Rev. McLaughlin read a paper, which was afterwards, with coins and other articles, put in an opening made for the purpose in the cornerstone. The paper recited that the ceremony took place in the 6th year of the pontificate of Pope Leo, the 14th year of Bishop P. J. Baltes; Lucas Pfeiffenberg being Mayor of Alton, and Chester A. Arthur President of the United States. The names of the Catholic clergy present, and those of the members of the City Council, and of the contractor, Mr. S. S. Hobart, were also inscribed on the paper. After reading, a procession was formed, including the Bishop, the Priests in canonicals, the choristers and the altar boys, and marched around the foundation lines with responsive chants and the sprinkling of holy water. The cornerstone was laid by Bishop Baltes. The metallic box in which the articles were placed was sealed by J. Kirwin, and the stone was cemented by Messrs. J. Slater and J. Gallagher. Some further ceremonies took place, and the crowd dispersed, the societies marching away in procession as they came. The day was bright and beautiful, and all nature smiled in the brilliant rays of an unclouded April sun.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 03, 1883
A through freight and a train in charge of the switch engine on the Chicago & Alton Railroad came in collision at the switch near the freight depot on Piasa Street, last Saturday morning, and fourteen box cars were derailed, some of them being considerably damaged. Two blue line cars were thrown from the tracks, one striking the Piasa House, giving that edifice a shock like that of a small earthquake, and splintering the weather boarding slightly. Several of the cars showed the effects of the collision in sections of shattered woodwork, but the damage done was not very great, and no person was injured.

A carload of flour was deposited by the accident on the sidewalk near the corner of Fifth and Piasa Streets, but so carefully that but few barrels lost any of their contents. The road was not clear in time for the 7 o’clock train from the north, and the cut off was taken, a special being sent from this point. We have not learned who was to blame for the collision. Through the energetic endeavors of Roadmaster Huskinson and his assistants, the track was clear in time for the trains going north.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 17, 1883
Five almost complete human skeletons were found a day or two ago in a crevice in the rocks, about 12 feet below the surface of the ground, at Atkinson & Patrick’s stone quarry near the Woolen Mill on Belle Street. The remains appeared as though thrown promiscuously into the chasm in which they were found. Those who saw the skulls before they were carried off thought they were those of aborigines (Indians), judging from the formation.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 19 & 21, 1883
This whole section of country was visited by a terrible storm last night, resulting in loss of life and great destruction of property in places. In Alton, the wind was very high, yet but little damage was done except to trees, many of which were blown down, but the rainfall was heavy and the roll of thunder continuous, accompanied by vivid flashes of lightning. Upper Alton escaped with but little damage, except that the streets are covered with branches torn from trees. Other places in this vicinity were less fortunate.

In Edwardsville, two-thirds of the tin roof of the courthouse was blown off, and some other buildings damaged, more or less. The County Poor House was badly wrecked. The dwelling house of Mr. Barnett, three miles east of Edwardsville, was destroyed. Mrs. Frank Maxey of Upper Alton was visiting there (the home of her father) and was killed. Her little son was injured, and two other members of the family were hurt. This morning Mr. Maxey received a dispatch bringing the heart-rending intelligence that his wife was killed. Mrs. Maxey was outdoors at the time, on her way to a neighbor’s, and was blown against a tree and instantly killed.

In no part of Madison County was the tornado more destructive than in Olive Township. It first appeared near Moultonville (Livingston), and swept in a north-easterly direction for five miles, over a thickly settled district, destroying everything before it. Houses, barns, outbuildings, fences, trees, and livestock were swept away. The camp of the builders of the St. Louis & Springfield Railroad was carried away. Mr. John Berry of Jonesboro, Arkansas, the foreman of the crew, and his family, were the largest sufferers. Their tent was blown away, and their son, Alva, 14 years of age, hurled from the tent and dashed to the ground and instantly killed. Then the cyclone traveled about 200 yards and leveled to the ground the fine dwelling of Mrs. Olive, which contained seven persons, who were saved by going in the cellar, then with a mighty vengeance it swept to the new barn, 300 yards northeast of the house, where eight of the laborers had taken quarters in the loft. It raised this huge building high up in the air and then dashed it to the ground. None escaped injury. At Livingston, the home of John Livingston was hit by the tornado and demolished. Luella Mae Livingston was the only family member home at the time, and she survived. The name of the killed and injured in Olive Township are:

E. H. Cantwell, contractor, age 45, from Arkansas.
Alva Berry, aged 14, from Arkansas.
George Burns, laborer, from East St. Louis

Fatally Injured:
Florence Berry, age 9, daughter of the foreman.
Arthur Robinson, aged 4, son of a laborer.

Badly Injured:
Minnie Berry, aged 12, daughter of foreman.
William Smith of Kentucky.
August Johnson, of Arkansas
Mike Butler, of Jonesboro, Arkansas
Edward Cantwell, son of E. H. Cantwell
Mike Shea of Chicago
James Riley of Pennsylvania
Mr. and Mrs. John Livingston
Carson Cobine
James Dugar

All the contents of the houses destroyed are useless and are scattered all over. The loss in Olive Township is estimated at $30,000.

The tornado struck Hamel’s Corner [Hamel], where it scattered everything in its path, 30 rods wide, and were carried then for miles through the air. Then it seemed to rise to the sky, and with a roar and vivid lightning, it struck Mr. Seiver’s place, devastating his orchards and outbuildings. The storm continued through Macoupin County, where not less than 15 were killed.

When the Spread Eagle (steamboat) arrived at Grafton, soon after 9 o’clock last night, those on board found that the storm had struck at the stone quarries just below that place with disastrous effect. Four or five houses situated in a valley leading back from the river were destroyed, a woman was instantly killed, a man in the same house was badly, if not fatally, injured, and another man, said to be the foreman at the quarries, is reported missing. Two children also were maimed. It is stated that the woman killed was the wife of the missing man, and that the injured person was his brother. All the derricks in the lower quarry were blown down, and several barges torn from their moorings.

Another heavy storm visited Alton this afternoon. The rain fell in torrents, accompanied by hail. The streets were flooded, but so far heard from no further damage done. In the northeast corner of Judge H. S. Baker’s place in Middletown, a space about 50 feet square was swept clear of trees, bushes and shrubbery, but no damage was done outside that space.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 14, 1883
Monday night, as Marshal Joesting’s daughter, aged fourteen years, was crossing Second Street [Broadway] near George Street, going to Watkins’ Bakery, but a short distance from the family residence, her father heard her scream, and rushing to her assistance, found her greatly excited, and understood her to say that a man had “slapped” her. The officer arrested the man and a companion, who had left the place and were then near the Tobacco Factory. When confronted with the young lady, she pointed out the man she had referred to, but said that he had not slapped, but had stopped her. It seems that the man said, “This is my girl,” or something to that effect, and spoke of paying her “six bits.” He proved to be a glass blower named Frank Becker. His companion, who was not inculpated in the offense, begged the Marshal to let Becker off, as they were on the way to take the train for Chicago, where he (the speaker) had a sick wife. The officer immediately released this man, but expressed the intention of putting Becker in the lockup as a lesson, when he broke away, and with the exclamation, “Shoot, damn you,” started to run. The Marshal fired at him two or three times with his revolver, but he continued to run until stopped by Officer Rose, who was at the Tobacco Factory. When Becker was stopped, he ran his hand in his bosom, and withdrew it covered with blood, the first intimation that either bullet had taken effect. Marshal Joesting took the wounded man to Ullrich’s Drugstore, and Dr. Haskell was telephoned for and dressed the hurt, which proved to be merely a flesh wound, the ball passing through the right side, grazing the ribs. Becker was removed to his boarding place near the Glass Works. He and his companion were somewhat under the influence of liquor, which no doubt accounts for the occurrence.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 12, 1883
Mr. John Yarnall, of the firm of Yarnall Bros., St. Louis, was in town Monday, and rented Captain C. Ryan’s buildings on Second Street [Broadway], for a pickle factory. The buildings are three stories high and conveniently located. The building recently purchased and fitted up by this firm on the riverbank will be used exclusively for a vinegar factory. The addition made by this firm to our industries, occupying as it does three large buildings, will be found a very important one. It will give employment to a large number of hands, as well as furnishing a market for farm products.


The Garstang Foundry
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 02, 1883
Mr. Richard Garstang of St. Louis purchased block 51 in Alton, for the sum of $3,000. This comprises the property bounded by Fourth, Fifth, Belle and Market Street, and now occupied by the old Piasa House and Sweetser & Priest’s Lumberyard. Mr. Garstang is the well known and successful boiler maker of St. Louis, whose factory in that city has long had an enviable reputation. It is Mr. Garstang’s intention to eventually remove his factory to Alton, and erect extensive buildings on the site just purchased, but it may be some time before he can so arrange his business in St. Louis as to make the transfer. Mr. Garstang will employ a force of about fifty mechanics. The site purchased is an admirable one for the purpose designed. The new factory will be an important addition to Alton’s industries, and we trust that the expectations of the enterprising proprietor will be more than realized in his new location. The people of Alton will be glad to welcome him and his force of skillful mechanics to homes in the Bluff City.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1883
Mr. H. M. Schweppe, the wide-awake energetic clothier, has lately been compelled by rapidly increasing business to improve and enlarge his store, adding greatly to the facilities for handling his extensive trade; two sales rooms, 24 by 98 feet each, being utilized for this purpose. The first floor is devoted principally to exhibiting a complete stock of boys’ clothing, embracing every variety and style, displayed on three long counters, besides what is stored on the numerous shelves and drawers which line both sides of the apartment.

In addition, seven or eight large showcases serve to display the ornamental goods that belong to the furnishing branch of the business. At the south end of this room, a balcony or gallery extends across, with broad stairways leading to the floors above, and affording a fine point for viewing the general features of the establishment.

The second floor is used almost exclusively for men’s clothing, arranged on tables extending across the room in such a way that a purchaser can readily inspect the vast assortment, the price being marked in plain figures on every garment.

Mr. Schweppe has done an immense business in the last year, especially in children’s clothing. He asks as a favor that any of his acquaintances buying clothing or furnishing goods in St. Louis, will bring the articles to his store and compare quality, style, and price, for experience in this way has shown that he can undersell the St. Louis merchants. In other words, Altonians can do better here than elsewhere in the purchase of clothing. Hence, not only pride, but self-interest should impel them to trade at home. As renovated, enlarged, and refitted, this store is a veritable clothing palace, which would do credit to a city of ten times the population of Alton. It will gratify visitors both from town and country, even if they do not intend buying, to visit Schweppe’s spacious salesrooms and feast their eyes on the handsome display of fashionable clothing and furnishing goods in all the latest styles.


(Alton Brewery)
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 25, 1883
Mr. John Jehle’s brewery, situated on the road between Alton and North Alton, caught fire about noon Monday, and in little over half an hour was a mass of ruins. Those who were at the fire did good work in preventing the spread of the flames, and managed to save the ice house adjoining with slight damage. The fire originated in the roof of the brewery, then extended to the dry malt in the building, which burned with surprising fierceness. The loss of the buildings, machinery, fixtures, casks, and material is estimated at $15,000. It is supposed that the fire originated from sparks from the furnace. As the fire was beyond the bounds of the Water Works mains, the Alton Fire Department could do nothing.

Originally owned by John Fischbach and Jacob Hund. Advertised as a brewery and malt shop on the plank road, north of Alton city limits, and south of Buck Inn. They dug beer cellars to store their beer as early as 1859. The brewery was later owned by John Jehle and Mr. Peters. The brewery burned down in 1883, and then Jehle purchased a brewery owned by the Runzies on Blair Avenue.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1883
Mr. Daniel Miller, the enterprising proprietor of the Belle Street Carriage Factory, has just completed a three-story addition to his repository, in order to afford more room for the display of his manufactured stock. The repository joins his main factory building on the south. The main room is on the first floor opening on Belle Street. The room is 25 feet front by 100 deep, and is well lighted. Above is another repository, 25x70 feet, with a trimming room, 25x30, in the rear. The two repository rooms thus give ample space for displaying the fine vehicles for which Mr. Miller is noted, and will enable him to show them to advantage. The basement story of the repository is used for storing vehicles awaiting repairs. Other improvements and changes have also been made in Mr. Miller’s manufactory, and the additional room gained by enlarging the repository will give greater facilities for carrying on the mechanical branches of the business.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 22, 1883
The electric light was put in operation yesterday before dark, and proved a “brilliant” success. The elevated light on the Freemasons’ Hall looked like a large and luminous star, and shed a soft effulgence on Third Street for several blocks, about equal to the light of the full moon. The stores of the following businessmen were furnished with the light, and after darkness fell, each place looked as though rays of sunlight were shining within the rooms: J. W. Cary, H. W. Chamberlain, H. M. Schweppe, Espenhain, Fuess, Fischer & Co., Haagen Bros., J. Curdie, the post office, and Mr. Henry Watson’s residence. Each light was enclosed in a large glass globe.

The only objection raised to the light was the somewhat unsteady pulsating motion, but this became less noticeable as the electricity “buckled down to work,” until finally, at some of the burners, the light became a steady jet of radiance, all the other artificial lights being dull by comparison. The power used for generating the light was the engine at the Woolen Mills. This was a temporary expedient, and when machinery is arranged for the purpose, the results will be better.

The exhibition was unquestionably a success, and was viewed with interest by many citizens. The lamp on Masonic Hall was so powerful, that it lighted up objects distinctly in the vicinity of the Unitarian Church on the opposite hill. A company will doubtless be formed for the permanent introduction of the electric light in Alton.

The residence of Mr. Henry Watson was brilliantly illuminated last night by the electric light. Four lights depended from a chandelier in the sitting room, and bracket lights were arranged in other apartments. The lights were enclosed in small airtight globes, and were emitted from a small loop of carbonized linen thread filled the apartments with a soft, mellow radiance, pleasant to either work or read by, and perfectly steady. It is ignited by simply turning a small key attached to the burner, and extinguished the same way. No matches are needed. It is, of course, perfectly odorless and perfectly safe, and there is no chance for country cousins to blow it out and be smothered, as sometimes happens with gas.

A large number of visitors called on Mr. Watson last evening to see the new illuminator, and all were delighted. It is certainly the pleasantest and most desirable light yet devised for residences. The light and the storage reservoir were examined with much interest. Mr. Watson’s residence will be lighted in the same way this evening, and he will be glad to have any persons interested call and examine its workings.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 29, 1883
St. Patrick’s, the fine, new Catholic Church located on the corner of Fourth [now E. 5th] and Walnut [Central Ave.] Streets, was dedicated last Sunday morning with impressive ceremonies by Bishop Baltes, in the presence of the Catholic clergy of Alton, some from abroad, and an immense congregation. The spacious edifice was crowded to overflowing. Among those present were Fathers Jannsen, Cassidy, and Zweissler of Alton; Father McLaughlin of St. Louis; and Father Harty of Jerseyville. Bishop Baltes dedicated the church to the worship of the Most High, after which he offered remarks of congratulations on the successful issue of the enterprise. He then celebrated Pontifical High Mass, and Rev. Father McLaughlin, the Redemptorist of St. Louis, delivered an eloquent, powerful and effective discourse. Appropriate music for the occasion was furnished by a choir. The altar, platform, and other parts of the church were beautifully decked with flowers as part of the exercises. A collection was taken up, the sum to be used for purchasing a bell for the tower, and a large amount was raised. In the evening, a vesper service was celebrated by the pastor, Rev. Father Cassidy, another immense audience being present.

St. Patrick’s Church is located in one of the most prominent positions in the city, and presents an imposing appearance from almost every direction. The building is of brick, 46x96 feet in size; the height of the ceiling is 38 feet in the clear; the church has two sacristies, a gallery for the choir, also a children’s gallery, with private stairways to both. The total seating capacity is about 500. The roof is slate; a bell tower and a fine spire add to the appearance of the structure, which is supplied throughout with French stained, cut glass. The seats are of hardwood, the finest made. In short, all the arrangements are first class.

The services yesterday proved that the acoustics were almost perfect, as every word of the speakers could be heard distinctly to the remotest parts of the room. The edifice is well heated by a furnace. Architect, contractors, and builders all deserve credit for their work and the successful manner in which it has been completed, in spite of several accidental drawbacks. Their names are: Architect, Lucas Pfeiffenberger; contractor, S. S. Hobart; brick work, John Haley; stone work, J. Gallagher; painting, Neff & Obermueller; plastering, Rouke & Graham; slate, James A. Stewart; galvanized iron and copper work, J. B. Kirwin & Co.; excavation and grading, J. Mahony.


Water Freezes Within a Few Inches of Stoves
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 10, 1884
From the Daily of January 5 – The weather kept turning colder last night, and at an early hour this morning, the mercury ranged from 27 to 32 degrees below zero, differing according to the location of the thermometers. The mercury at John Forman’s house on the prairie near Bethalto was 35 below zero. This weather would do no discredit to Manitoba, and is the most severe we have had for many years, thin corn husks, the goose bone, and other prophets to the contrary, notwithstanding. According to the theory of horticulturists, we will have few, if any peaches this year, and probably many trees are killed. The blizzard last night was death to the houseplants that were not in an exceptionally warm place. So all-penetrating was the frost, that almost everything liquid was solidified, in some instances water freezing within a few inches of stoves containing fire. The ice men rejoice in prospects of a fine crop, and arrangements have been made to commence cutting over the river on Monday.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 10, 1884
Judge Michael Gundaker Dale was born in Lancaster City, Pennsylvania, on November 30, 1814. This family was one of prominence in the political and revolutionary history of that State. Having settled there in 1766, his grandfather, Captain Samuel Dale, took an active part in the struggle of the colonies, held positions of trust, sat in twenty successive legislatures, and his signature appears on many public documents which are preserved among the archives of the State. His father, Samuel Dale Jr., also was a member of the State Legislature, and in the War of 1814, held the commission of Colonel. Michael G. Dale is a graduate of Pennsylvania College at Gettysburg. He delivered the Latin salutatory of the Class of 1835. He was admitted to the Lancaster bar in 1837. In 1838, he located in Bond County, Illinois. In the next year, he was elected Probate Judge, and subsequently, under the Constitution of 1847, County Judge, which office he held during his fourteen years residence in that county. In 1846 and 1847, he earnestly denounced the repudiation of the debt which the State had incurred in her attempts at building railways, contending that a retrenchment and reform could be inaugurated, which would enable the State to pay the debt with comparatively light taxation. When in 1847, a Constitutional Convention was called, he was elected a member, and worked indefatigably for those reform measures which enabled the State so soon to discharge her public debts. He was appointed to the office of Register of the United States Land Office at Edwardsville, by President Pierce. For many years he was County Judge in Madison County, and for eight years was Master in Chancery in that county. In 1849, he married Miss Margaret M. Ewing of Vandalia, daughter of General W. L. D. Ewing, at one time United States Senator from Illinois, and who was acting Governor of the State for a part of a term. Mr. Dale has four livings sons. One son, the eldest, having died in the West.

Edward M. West of Edwardsville, one of four members of the Convention of 1847 from Madison County, is a native of Botetourt County, Virginia, born May 2, 1814. He is descended from English stock; his ancestors having settled in Maryland previous to the Revolution. His paternal great-grandfather held office in that Colony under the British Crown, and on the declaration of war, returned to England, but his grandfathers on both the paternal and maternal side entered the service under General Washington, Edward M. Westand remained in it to the close of the war. Tilghman H. West, the father of Edward M. West, was a large slave owner, but becoming dissatisfied with slavery, and desiring to raise his family in a free State, removed to Illinois in the early part of 1818, settling near Belleville, St. Clair County. Young West endured most of the hardships of frontier life, this acquiring that decision of character that marked his afterlife. In the Spring of 1829, at the age of fifteen, Edward went to Springfield, and was employed for two years in the office of Edward Mitchell, then Postmaster and County Recorder. In 1833, he obtained a clerkship under William P. McKee, Register of the Land Office at Edwardsville, where he has since resided. He remained in this position two years, receiving a salary of $12 per month, when, having saved half of his earnings, he opened a store, which he maintained until 1854, building up the largest business in Edwardsville, and acquiring the reputation of a reliable business man. In 1867, in connection with his son-in-law, W. R. Prickett, he erected a fine building, and established the banking house of West & Prickett, which has proved quite successful, passing without disaster through the panic of 1874. Mr. West has held various offices, including those of County Treasurer and County Superintendent of Schools, being elected to the former twice, and the latter three times. Elected to the Constitutional Convention of 1847, he took an active part in the deliberations of that body, especially as a member of the Finance Committee, in which capacity he had charge of the article introduced by Hon. Cyrus Edwards, in reference to the 2-mill tax, of which he was an earnest and influential advocate. Politically, Mr. West was a Clay Whig, acting with that party until 1860, since when he has acted in harmony with the Democrat Party. Though often elected to office, he has preferred the pursuits of business, in which he has been more than ordinarily successful. He has also a taste for literature, having collected a choice library of the ancient and modern classics, with which he is well acquainted, and which he still finds a source of enjoyment. He has long been an active and influential member of the Methodist Church, and being a more than ordinarily gifted orator, has often filled the pulpits of that church most acceptably. Fond of society and of a genial disposition, Mr. West has ever been accustomed to dispense a generous hospitality, and now in a green old age, enters into the spirit of the social life around him, which his friends hope he may live to enjoy for years to come. He usually spends his winter months in Florida, being strengthened and rejuvenated by that delightful climate, carefully preserving his mental and physical powers.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 03, 1884
Architect Pfeiffenberger is engaged in drawing plans for a new hospital, to be erected at the corner of Fourth and Walnut [Central Ave.] Streets, south of St. Patrick’s Church. This building will be called St. Joseph’s Hospital, and will be under the charge of the Sisters, who have long and faithfully managed the affairs of the hospital at the corner of Second [Broadway] and Walnut [Central Ave.] Streets, and will take the place of that institution. Competent medical men have been consulted as to the arrangements, and it is intended that in regard to heating, ventilation, and all sanitary conditions the building shall be as perfect as skill and ingenuity, prompted by the suggestions of those experience in such matters, can make it. In short, it is intended that St. Joseph Hospital shall be a “home” with all the name implies to those unfortunates who may need medicine or surgery, seconded by the care and attention of skilled, tender-handed nurses.

The size of the structure will be 50x84 feet, 2 ½ stories above the basement walls. Stone basement; superstructure brick; slate roof; heated with steam; lighted with gas; hydraulic elevator, run by water from the city main. Work will be commenced immediately on the building. It is in contemplation to build a chapel, 20x30 feet, in connection with the hospital.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 03, 1884
Mr. Pfeiffenberger has plans completed for an addition to Dr. William A. Haskell’s residence, northeast corner of Twelfth and Henry Streets. The addition will be at the rear of the present building, and will consist of two stories, heated by furnace, with gas, and all modern improvements. The lower story will comprise a library, 23x17 ½ feet, and a book repository, with 175 feet of shelf room; dining hall, 25x17 ½ feet; verandahs, porches, etc. The upper story will consist of sleeping rooms.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 10, 1884
Mount Lookout, Alton, Illinois, March 11, 1884
I had the pleasure to travel with Mr. A. W. Francisco and family, from Columbus, Ohio, to Cincinnati a year or so since, while enroute to Los Angeles. I just returned from Washington D. C. on February 5. There were present at that convention for the improvement of the Mississippi River and its navigable tributaries, a very large and enthusiastic representation from all the Boards of Trade, from New Orleans to St. Paul. Five hundred delegates met at Lincoln Hall in Washington D. C. Congress had voted one million dollars for the river improvements before the convention, and will doubtless devote ten million more to be applied during the coming year.

The Capitol, department buildings, the unfinished Washington monument, botanical gardens, Smithsonian, and no less the old “Ford’s Theater,” in which the noble Lincoln was so foully assassinated, are points of universal interest. The latter building was purchased by the government for a public museum, and is well filled with relics of the war, and is kept open, free, to the public. Taking the boat, it is 17 miles down the Potomac to Mount Vernon. As we traverse our way up the Mount Vernon Slopes, a glimpse of the tomb and is dwelling is had. Retrospecting in our mind the stirring events of the birth of the nation, and remembering that both our grandparents were with the loved hero, suffered with him at Valley Forge, endured the seven years of unsurpassed fidelity, our thoughts filled our being as we now stood with uncovered head before the tomb of the immortal Washington. Within the enclosure, through the iron doors, on each side, the plain, beautiful marble slabs, the one with the inscription, “George Washington,” the other “Martha Washington,” producing a silence one must feel to appreciate.

From the tomb, we pass to the dwelling. The heart is warm, and a reverence inexpressible pervades us as from place to place, from room to room we go. There stands the old brick barn, with bricks imported from England, solid and good, with other buildings and structures. The garden looked as if the old owner had just stepped out, with its well-cut boxwood borders, planted by his hand 140 years ago, now green and beautiful as then. The oak trees stood under which he sat, read or contemplated the events of the hour, and when, with telescope, still hanging on the innerside hall door in its then appointed place, he surveyed this beautiful landscape, and the grandeur of the historic Potomac.

In the reception room, the large paintings, the “chair” that came over on the Mayflower, the renowned “mantle,” which being intercepted by pirates while enroute, was returned by them to its owners; the library room, the General’s uniform; the dining and sitting rooms; Nellie Custis’ bedroom, with its full furniture, high bed with the three steps in front; Lafayette’s room when a visitor; the river room; Martha Washington’s room; and the large bedroom in which the great, good man died, all of intense interest. To this latter room had gravitated a large number of tourists, with all approaches compactly full, silently breathing a blessing.

From thence to the garden, the terrace and grounds. We sat down at the old vault under the oak, drank from the old well, and on taking our departure, again visited the present vault to which the remains were removed; and thence down the winding road, over the trending grounds, and embarked on the steam for the city.

Turning our face westward, in due time we descended the dividing mountains, and soon ushered us into the flooded district. For miles we traveled in one, two, or three feet of water, until at last the engine fire was extinguished. There, without food, with miles of water, amid the swelling floods. A steamer was sent for at Parkersburg, when after great anxiety and delay, we were finally rescued and transferred to Parkersburg, passing amid wrecked houses, barns, country bridges, fences, and all conceivable floating or inundated property, lumber and submerged buildings – the sight and suffering cannot be told. As we approached Cincinnati, we found two feet of water eight miles from the city, and at five miles were forced to take omnibuses provided; entered the city at midnight. No lights, except as citizens placed a tallow candle to the windows. A city without gas or water, though so greatly submerged. Newport and Covington were under water, and unprecedented destruction was followed by despair. Per steamer, 30 miles to Aurora found the first uncovered railroad track. To see whole cities submerged, with 500 houses floating off and all the balance under ten to thirty feet of water, with a 70-foot depth in the low places and channel, is a sight no living man could have anticipated. Twelve hours more found us at St. Louis, where the majestic Mississippi was quiet in its movements to the south, not having felt its far extending Yellowstone and upper tributaries, calmly awaiting its June rise, not in the least disturbed at her little sister’s boisterous and erratic course.

Permit me to add that a number of personal friends – capitalists – are intending to give Los Angeles a careful inspection during the summer – men who have visited California, and who know all about the general features; who are satisfied with the attractiveness of your climate and locality, notwithstanding its eccentricities, some of which are natural and far from inviting, and some within your power to change. Your sanitary regulations might be more potent, reducing the death rate. If your people are determined to make your city that which the normal conditions would warrant, and which, so largely favored, is within your grasp, you will demand of your authorities the quick, certain, and full punishment due to all crime. California knowns full well what a few hangings will do. In the present settled and intelligent mould of your people, nothing is wanted, but an outspoken expression of the law-abiding citizens to determine this at once. Pardon this digression and plain expression of a non-resident, who has none other than the best wishes for the grand future which awaits your lovely city, Los Angeles.    Signed Henry G. McPike.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 17, 1884
The workmen engaged in grading the ground for the St. Joseph’s Hospital on Walnut Street [Central Avenue] unearthed a number of skeletons. One had been enclosed in a coffin, and among the remains Mr. A. Maley and others found some metal buttons of a flat shape, apparently made of steel, and in a good state of preservation.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1884
About 3 o’clock Sunday morning, Captain E. Yokum, night watchman, while passing along Third near Belle Street, saw a flickering light through the windows of Mr. W. A. Hildebrand’s Globe Store. He had, for some time previously, noticed an odor as of burning material, but could not locate the fire. He immediately investigated as to the cause of the light, and saw that the store about the center was on fire, the blaze being confined to a limited space. The alarm was given, and Mr. Coonly, who is connected with the establishment, and who was sleeping in a room over Prof. Marsh’s Drugstore, hurried to the place, unlocked the doors, and succeeded in carrying out the account books and an armful or two of goods. The admission of air by the opening of the door roused the fire fiend to fury, and in a few minutes the whole place was wrapped in flames, and tongues of fire lapped out through the openings in front, charring the window sashes, door frames, signs, and awnings. Captain Browning of the Night Police hurried to Hose House No. 2, gave the alarm, and in a brief space of time the firemen were at work under the direction of Chief Engineer Smith and Assistant Schaub. Although when they commenced operations the whole place seemed like a seething furnace, so effectively did they operate that in a short time, they had the flames under control and the building saved, a blackened wreck of charred timbers, ceilings, counters and shelving, and an immense mass of scorched, smoked, water-soaked goods. On all sides were seen silks, ribbons, millinery goods, clothing, dry goods, groceries, a “wreck of matter and a crush” of globe. The fire was confined principally to the lower story, but two large hatchways allowed the flames access to the second floor, where great damage was also done.

The store was a large, double one, two rooms having been thrown into one by removing the brick partition wall between the lower rooms, and supporting the upper part with heavy timbers. So badly were these beams charred, that they give indications of succumbing to the pressure, and Chief Engineer Smith, who is also Fire Warden, gave orders to have additional supports put in to avert the danger and prevent a crash, which the cracks in the wall above seemed to indicate. The east half of the building belonged to Mr. Hildebrand, the western half to Mr. Thomas Biggins. The firemen worked so rapidly and effectively, that the result of their labors, shown by the standing structure, charred throughout the lower portions by the broad sweep of the flames, excited much admiring comment.

The flames spread to the awning, sign, and show window of Mr. William Rutledge’s store adjoining the Globe on the west, and committed some ravages there, but the worst damage was caused by the smoke, which invaded the premises and ruined most of the delicate millinery fabrics and fine dry goods. Mr. Rutledge estimates his loss at $1500, covered by insurance. He and his family, who live over the store, had trouble in escaping from the place as it was filled with such dense smoke when the alarm was given that they were in danger of suffocation. J. Schollmeier’s saloon front, the building on the east. Was slightly scorched.

The origin of the fire is not known, but the supposition is that it started from a flue, used Saturday for the first time for years, the stove being in the second story, an open hatchway allowing the embers to fall to the lower floor, where the flames were first seen.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 01, 1884
There was a very pleasant family gathering at the house of Mr. John S. Roper in Alton yesterday. Mr. Roper’s mother, an old lady in her 82nd year, being here with her oldest daughter from Pennsylvania, Mr. Roper conceived the idea of having a reunion of the family, they not having been together for over 31 years. The family consists of the mother, two daughters, and three sons. Adaline of Pennsylvania; George S. of Rockford, Illinois; Joseph D. of Springfield, Illinois; Mrs. Pickard of Melville; and John S. of Alton. No death has occurred in the family since the father died 33 years ago. When the events that have transpired in this country during these years are considered, this seems a very long time. Two of the sons, George S. and John S., were soldiers through the War of the Rebellion. The mother has witnessed three wars – the War of 1812; the Mexican War; and the Civil War. The family are originally from Worchester County, Massachusetts, excepting John S., who was born in Pennsylvania. The mother, at her advanced age, is in full possession of all her faculties. She feels no bad effect from her recent trip, and enjoys excellent health. She also enjoys that strange phenomenon of a second sight. She sews, embroiders, and can read a book and paper without spectacles, and to all appearances, can anticipate ten or fifteen more years of life.

[John Sylvester Roper of Alton was born January 20, 1842, in Ligonier, Pennsylvania. He died in Alton, December 21, 1920, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.]


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 01, 1884
Captain John C. Bell of Springfield mustered Post 441, Grand Army of the Republic, at Knights of Pythias Hall in Alton last evening, with 36 charter members. The old soldiers present manifested great interest in the organization, and the post starts out under most favorable auspices, and the membership will doubtless be soon largely increased. The Grand Army of the Republic is an organization for the mutual help and benefit of the Union soldiers of the Civil War. It is not a political organization, and no old soldier need hesitate in regard to joining it on that account. The officers elected last evening were: Post Commander, Captain H. Brueggemann; Senior Vice-Commander, Charles A. Herb; Junion Vice-Commander, Henry M. Stamps; Quartermaster, S. S. Hobart; Chaplain, William Flynn; Adjutant, William Rutledge; Officer of the Day, Robert Curdie; Officer of the Guard, Robert Browne; Sergeant Major, James Mathie; and Quartermaster Sergeant, Ben Allen.


Source: Oswego, New York Daily Times, May 5, 1884
The coal famine has reached this city. The flour mills and glass factory may be compelled to shut down.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 8, 1884
Saturday, some workmen who were excavating near Turner Hall [northeast corner of Fourth and Ridge Streets] found bones of an animal of immense proportions. Professor McAdams was notified, went to the place, and succeeded in unearthing part of the jaw of a mastodon, including two teeth, also a broken tusk, between four and five feet in length, and hopes to find more specimens at the same place. This is the third lot of mastodon bones that Professor McAdams has found in Alton.

The Professor has a large, interesting collection of prehistoric relics and other curious specimens at his residence, among them a number of arrowheads of obsidian, agate, and flint; some of them of great beauty. He has a few stone spades and stone axes, very scarce specimens, presumably used by the mound builders in their operations; teeth of a prehistoric elephant; strange pieces of pottery; gods of various nations, including a large Chinese wooden idol, lately procured, and two unique Esquimaax idols clad in furs. He has a cast of the egg of a Moa, an extinct South American Bird. The eggs were of immense size, and were “sold by the pound, not by the dozen.” The specimen in question is about 12 inches in length, but lack of space forbids mention of a tithe of the curiosities secured by Professor McAdams. If the State authorities would interest themselves in the matter, they could, through Professor McAdams, secure a collection of rare antiques that would serve as the nucleus of a splendid cabinet and museum, one that would prove of great interest, besides preserving and keeping together specimens of the handiwork of mound builders and other prehistoric races that are liable to be lost through the carelessness and inattention of those ignorant of their true antiquarian value.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 12, 1884
Mr. J. C. Huff, President of the Massive Stone Company, says that their Hop Hollow Quarry is constantly improving the farther it is developed. The ledge now being worked is eighteen feet thick and of superior quality. The company is greatly hampered in its operations by the lack of railroad facilities and is able to accept only a small part of the orders it could otherwise fill. Mr. Huff says that their business is such that with a railroad along under the bluff, the company could work 200 men to advantage.


Source: Alton telegraph, June 12, 1884
A number of boats from St. Louis and other places, and extra railway trains, arrived in Alton Sunday, crowded with delegates to the District turn Fest. There were also multitudes of spectators. They repaired to Middleton’s grove just east of the city, where the day was passed in turning and other gymnastic exercises common to the order. Four bands rendered music during the day. The weather was fine, though quite warm, although the sky was flecked with clouds that greatly modified the intense heat of the sun. It is estimated that 10,000 visitors were in the city.

The address of welcome was made by Mr. F. W. Joesting. The “Festival Speech” was made by Hon. Henry Huhn. A beautiful original poetical salutation was spoken by Mrs. J. H. Raible. The addresses were received with applause by the vast throng in attendance. Among the societies present from abroad were the following: St. Louis turnverein; South St. Louis turnverein; Concordia Turnverein; West St. Louis Turnverein; North St. Louis Turnverein; Belleville Turnverein; Vorwarts Turnverein, Belleville; Quincy Turnverein; and societies from Highland, Trenton, Nashville, Edwardsville, and Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

The heavy rain greatly interfered with the programme, diminishing the attendance, and rendering it necessary to postpone the time of the parade. Soon after 9 o’clock, the rain ceased, and the procession was formed and marched through the principal streets. Dr. Guelich acted as Chief Marshal. Mr. F. W. Hoefert, was his Assistant. Professor Gossrau’s Band headed the line, then came the boy Turners, a fine-looking company of lads. Next was the members of the Alton Gymnastic Club, St. Louis Turners, headed by a band, the Quincy delegation, headed by a band, and the Alton Turnverein brought up the rear of the procession. A carriage, literally covered with the stars and stripes, contained a bevy of handsome misses, this being an attractive feature of the parade.

The march continued to the grove, where the turning for prizes was continued. In the evening, a large audience gathered at City Hall to attend the concert and gymnastic exhibition. The feats of strength, skill, and dexterity were very fine, and caused almost continual applause. Nine young ladies of Alton, under the direction of Professor Assmann, marched on the stage and gave a beautiful display with Indian Clubs. The performers were in sober black garb, with a dash of bright color. A ball was in progress during the evening at Turner Hall. The place was crowded. Prizes were given out during the evening also.


Source: Oswego, New York Daily Times, June 20, 1884
ALTON, Ill., June 20. - Factories Nos. 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9 of the Illinois Glass company have resumed operations. A good supply of coal has been secured, and will be pushed to catch up in orders. It has also been decided to operate one-half of the factories all summer in order to make up for the frequent stoppages caused by the strike. This will be the first time in the history of the Illinois Glass company when any of its factories have been operated in the summer.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 7, 1884
Mr. Andrew Maley, a citizen of Alton for about 40 years, was a soldier in the Florida War [Second Seminole War], which broke out in 1835, and had some rough experiences. He came to this country from Ireland in 1832, and soon afterwards volunteered. He was with the troops that went to the place where Dad’s men, 96 in number, were massacred by the Seminole Indians, under Osceola [born Billy Powell in Alabama, and became an influential leader of the Seminole people in Florida. His mother was Creek, and his great-grandfather was James McQueen, a Scotsman. Osceola was reared by his mother in the Creek tradition. They migrated to Florida with other Red Stick refugees, led by a half-breed relative, Peter McQueen.], and assisted in burying the remains of the victims. He was with a detachment of troops under Colonel Harney when they were attacked by the Indians, under the Chief Billy Bowlegs, early one morning near Fort Clinch. The soldiers were surprised, and not many escaped. Mr. Maley was among the fortunate ones, and he and a few companions got away in a canoe on the river near which they were encamped. On one occasion, while on picket duty, he shot a mule, thinking it a blood-thirsty Seminole. Mr. Maley became a soldier in the regular army in 1840, served for 5 years, and was honorably discharged. He received a duplicate discharge last week; the original being lost. He volunteered for 3 months at the beginning of the Mexican War [1845], but when they were reported to General Taylor at For Brown, he refused to receive them, stating that their time would be out before he could have any use for them. Mr. Maley then came to Alton, where he has since resided.

On one occasion while in Florida, he was standing guard in front of Colonel (afterwards General and then 12th President of the U.S.) Zachary Taylor’s tent, when that officer stepped out, and to test the raw recruit, as he supposed him to be, told Maley to remove some brush that was near. The soldier understood his duty, made no reply, but paced his beat steadily. Again, the order was given, but the sentry was unapproachable. Finally, Taylor asked, “Do you know who I am?” “Yes, you are Colonel Taylor, commanding.” “Well, are you not afraid of me?” “Yes, begorra,” replied the Irishman with a twinkle of the eye, “I’m afraid you’ll stale something from me.” The officer then burst into a hearty laugh, and retired to his marquee. Andy acknowledges the mule story to be true, and does not deny the other.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 7, 1884
Work commenced today at Mr. L. Haagen’s store to carry out the consolidation known as the Haagen – Fuess Dry Goods Co. Two arches, each ten feet wide, will be cut between the store rooms of the firms lately consolidated. The improvement will be an important one, both a credit and a benefit to the city. Mr. Haagen, the senior of the new firm, has for 34 years been selling goods in Alton, for 29 years of that period in business for himself, and in all that time never lost one day. He has consequently established a reputation second to none for probity, business tact, and fair dealing, and as the new company will have the benefit of his experience, coupled with the energy and skill of the other members of the firm, it can be succeed.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 18, 1884
Mr. William Huskinson’s elegant residence, [northwest] corner of Twelfth and Easton Streets, approaches completion and stands a monument to the taste, skill, and ability of the architect, Hon. Lucas Pfeiffenberger, and the contractor and builder, Mr. W. J. Ferguson. The building is in Queen Anne style; bay windows with plate glass; the necessary closets, recesses, halls, porches, verandahs; and a splendid conservatory, so placed as to get the benefit of the most sunlight possible. The house will be heated by a furnace, hot and cold water in the rooms where needed, gas, and in short, every modern convenience and improvements, including the perfection of sanitary arrangements. The size of the building is 76 feet on Twelfth Street, 51 feet on Easton Street, at the northwest corer of the grounds, which include one whole block. Large cellar; foundation walls of stone; superstructure wood; roof, black and green slate; Belvidere tin; galvanized iron crestings; double verandahs in the front; large rear porches; main hall 8x32; rear hall 8x21; drawing room, 15x22; reception room, 15x15; sitting room, 15x18; dining hall, 15x20; kitchen, 14x17; laundry, 15x15; coal room, 12x15; conservatory, 7x16; alcove, 5x8; mantels and grates in all the principal rooms. The second floor contains six bedrooms and one trunk room. There are splendid views of the city and surrounding country, especially from the windows with a southern exposure, the verandahs, and the observatory. The kitchen, laundry, woodshed, etc., are all conveniently arranged and are models. The sanitary regulations are almost perfection. The cistern will be supplied with a charcoal filter; a trap nearby will be used to receive and carry off all wastewater. A cesspool at the lower part of the block will serve as a reservoir into which deleterious matter can be sluiced by water from the main.

The house is painted a pale green, with trimmings of a darker shade, window frames touched with crimson. Each room will be grained differently, and with the somewhat irregular style of architecture and the surroundings render the house a “thing of beauty.” The outside walls and the roof are lined with felt, thus rendering them impervious to cold and dampness. The attic is a large room, well ventilated by swinging window frames, for the purpose of adding, in hot weather, to the comfort of the lower rooms. The house will be approached in front by a curved walk from a gate near the northwest corner, while a curved driveway will give access to the rear. By grading around the building, it will be left on a beautiful elevation, the ground sloping away in every direction.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 25, 1884
The Haagan & Fuess Dry Goods Company’s elegant double store, now completed, is decidedly an ornament to the city, and will prove a great attraction to the ladies of Alton and vicinity. The store is divided into eight departments, the dress goods and woolens occupy the east side; the white goods and staple dry goods the west side of the store, lately occupied by Espenhain, Fuess, Fischer & Co. The yarns and underwear occupy the east side, and the notions, hosiery, and ladies furnishing goods the west side, and the cloaks the rear of the store, lately occupied by L. Haagen. The magnificent show windows of this establishment surpass anything in the city, and will compare favorably with any in St. Louis. With a new pavement and tile vestibules, no handsomer entrances can be found anywhere. May success attend the efforts of the new concern.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 13, 1884
Mr. H. K. Johnston, the well-known and popular dealer in stoves, hardware, agricultural implements, vehicles, etc., has found it necessary, from the increase in his trade, to take into co-partnership Messrs. C. B. Eaton and Arthur L. Floss, both competent, experienced business men. The firm name will be H. K. Johnston & Co., and their many friends wish them a continuance and increase of the prosperity heretofore enjoyed by this popular mercantile house.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 4, 1884
The Alton Skating Rink Association are putting Armory Hall in fine condition for their purpose, placing in it a double floor, the upper one of hard maple, 2 ½ inches wide, tongued and grooved, affording a smooth surface over which the roller skaters will glide easily. Between the floors sawdust is placed in order to deaden the sound when the skating is in operation. Around the room will be placed a platform raised a few inches, and supplied with railing for the convenience of spectators. The walls of the room have been painted in light blue and Vandyke brown, making the place very attractive. The young gentlemen who will manage the enterprise deserve success, and will doubtless achieve it.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 4, 1884
Today, two young men, George Welsh and Edward Whalen, presumably under the influence of liquor, went to the confectionery store of Frank Pierrot, an Italian, on Second Street [Broadway], between George and Langdon Streets, and proceeded without ceremony to help themselves to candy and other articles in the store. The owner of the goods naturally objected to the unlawful proceedings, and after quite an effort, induced his unwelcome visitors to leave the store. Mr. Pierrot then sat down on his front doorstep, when the two young men returned, and according to the story of witnesses, dragged the unoffending Italian into the street and proceeded to beat and kick him in a brutal manner. He finally managed to wrench himself away and ran back to his store, where he procured a revolver, and as Whalen was in close pursuit, he turned on that individual and fired at him, the bullet taking effect in the pit of his stomach. The other assailant of Pierrot, seeing that Whalen was shot, turned away and ran off. The wounded man staggered out of the store, where the shooting took place, and after throwing a stone through an adjacent window, ran into a carriage driveway nearby, where he was found and taken home. Dr. Haskell attended to the injury, but was not able to extract the bullet, indeed it was not advisable to make the attempt, as there seemed no possible chance for recovery. Whalen was still living this afternoon, but it is thought that his injuries will prove fatal. We learn that Pierrot is confined to his bed by the injuries received from his assailants.


Random Facts and Incidents by a Native
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 18, 1884
In 1840 I was a small boy. The high water of 1844 has never been equaled. Is the high watermark on G. D. Sidway’s old saddlery store on Second Street still preserved? Some yet remember how the steamboats and ferryboat was kept busy for days and nights in rescuing residents from the American Bottom and the low ground in Missouri. The old Baptist church and packing houses were made use of for shelter of the poor, homeless ones until the water began to recede.

During the Mexican War, Middle Alton became a camp of rendezvous. How plain in memory is the old encampment opposite the old residence of Mr. Lewis Kellenberger? Some yet live who will recollect the meeting to raise an Alton company, which was held in the old market house. Peter Goff, Dr. Hope, George T. M. Davis, and others made patriotic and stirring speeches. I remember the departure of the troops for far-away Mexico. Still more vividly do I remember the return of those who survived. Has a stone been raised to the memory of Lieutenants Fletcher, Fe3rguson, and Robbins? If not, there should be.

1849 was the beginning rush for California. How many of Alton’s citizens crossed the great plains in search of golden sands? The names of Hatch, Ferguson, Hawley, Spruance, and Hart come up to mind, as going in that year.

A few days since, a fire occurred in our neighborhood here, at which I met one of the old Pioneer No. 1 boys of Alton, Captain William H. Hayden. How fresh in my mind came up the conflagrations in Alton long years since. The gallant Pioneers, the ambitious and useful Neptunes with their “Coffee-mill,” and the Washingtons with their “Double-Decker.” What times we used to have in our red shirts and uniforms on parades. What sore heads some of us had after a thump or two with “spanners” during our not infrequent angry discussions. Oh, the exciting, active days and nights of the old hand fire engines!

How many of the citizens of Alton today know that where blocks of brick buildings stand opposite your office on Piasa Street, and half way up Third to Belle Streets, on each side, was a few years since a frog pond, or the bed of the Little Piasa Creek? Do they know that from Seventh Street south to the river has all been filled in since the Alton and Sangamon Railroad began blasting into the rocky hill through which the Chicago and Alton Road now runs so many trains daily? What grand skating we used to have along that wide expanse of shallow water when the river ice was too thin.

The tragedy on the bridge which crossed the creek at the corner of Second [Broadway] and Piasa Streets – is it forgotten? Squire Pinckard was City Marshal at the time. “Little” Jack Waples called him up in the night with a tale of horror. I was told he might go with them to the scene. He will never forget the sight which met their eyes. Flat on the bridge lay the form of Andy Moore, dead, with a cloth over his face. Beside him, sitting up, was his brother in the hands of Dr. Hope, who was endeavoring to staunch the bleeding of a gaping wound in his shoulder. Nothing could be learned at the time as to the author of the bloody work. The next day, Mr. Corson of the Alton House reported that one of his boarders had lost so much blood that it had run through the bedding to the floor. His name, I think, was Smith, and when arrested he confessed the crime, but plead self-defense. He was a carriage maker, and worked for Mr. Steigleman. It came out that he and a noted violinist, Kelley, had been the rounds of the saloons, and thus met the brothers Moore, and became in some way involved in a quarrel. They were followed and attacked by the Moores, when Smith drew a long, murderous-looking knife – which was exhibited at the trial – and stabbed both brothers, Andy fatally, and the other seriously. I do not remember what was the verdict.

It was a grand day for Alton when the Alton and Sangamon Railroad was formed. I remember well the meeting held on Second Street [Broadway] in a storeroom, to aid the good work and secure subscriptions for stock. The argument was used that a railroad could never be built through the great American Bottom to St. Louis, and steamboats would be obliged to come to Alton to load for New Orleans and other lower and upper river points. Hon. David J. Baker, Judge Martin, and others were the speakers. Quite a large amount was subscribed, and the work went rapidly on. Alton was then a great grain and produce market, wheat being hauled for a hundred miles in wagons to her market. If it had really been impossible to build railroads through the Bottom, Alton would no doubt have been greatly benefitted by the railroad. But the delusion did not long delude. The road was extended to St. Louis, and the Bluff City was left a suburb of that city.

Is the riot of unpaid railroad laborers forgotten? A contractor on the Alton and Sangamon Road ran off and left the laborers without pay. Into Alton they marched and up to Captain Godfrey’s office, then in the building west of Nelson & Hayner’s old stand, and demanded their money of the company. The City Marshal finally got access to the office, and found Captain Godfrey and office clerks prisoners in the room. By a ruse, the crowd was drawn away from the vicinity, a posse of citizens called out and officers sent after the missing contractor, who was brought back the next evening on the packet from St. Louis. It looked for a while like the posse would not be able to protect the man, but a line was formed on each side of the gang plank, and with drawn pistols, the riotous men were kept back, and the contractor taken into Second Street, where he mounted a box and made a statement to the crowd. This virtually ended the riot. Some still reside in Alton who were of the Marshal’s posse.

So many incidents of other days in Alton crowd into my mind, that I find it difficult to stop. I am afraid I have already written too much to be entirely acceptable, especially of such a rambling character. Signed, T. S. P.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 18, 1884
The Alton Skating Rink at Armory Hall was opened Wednesday evening, December 10. The weather could not have been worse, a heavy rain falling steadily, but still the attendance of spectators was large, including many ladies, who took great interest in the sport. The hall is elegantly fitted up, and the floor all that could be desired. On the right-hand side is the ladies’ dressing room, and the gentlemen’s on the left. A large number took part in the recreation, and glided rapidly over the smooth surface, displaying various degrees of skill and dexterity, while some amateurs won prolonged applause by impromptu feats of “ground and lofty tumbling.” Gossrau’s Band discoursed stirring music, which all enjoyed. The skating rink will become the popular winter resort, and will be generously patronized. The energetic young men who have charge of the enterprise are Ed Walter, President; Emil Walter, Secretary and Treasurer; Eben Caldwell; Ed Goulding; J. H. Booth; George M. Ryrie; and Otto Wuerker.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 8, 1885
The town of Alton was incorporated February 6, 1833 by an act of the Legislature. Mr. Wade was a member of the first City Council, and was elected many times thereafter. He was elected Mayor in 1849; re-elected in 1850; elected again in 1855 and in 1856.

The Alton Marine and Fire Insurance Co. was incorporated February 7, 1836, with B. I. Gilman, President; and E. Marsh, Secretary. The insurance business was discontinued about 1848, and in 1852 it was organized under the general banking law of Illinois as the Alton Bank, with $100,000 capital, with E. Marsh as President, and C. A. Caldwell as cashier. The Alton National Bank was organized in July 1865 by the same parties, and succeeded to the business of the Alton Bank, with E. Marsh as President; Samuel Wade as Vice President; C. A. Caldwell, Cashier. The Presidency was made vacant in 1876 by the death of Mr. Marsh, and Mr. Wade became President, holding the position until his death last Friday.

The late Samuel Wade and Mr. L. J. Clawson came to Alton in the yer 1831, the former in May, the latter in July. They had been friends and associates for over 54 years. Mr. Clawson is still in the enjoyment of a hale old age, but he is almost the last of the old guard who settled in Alton over fifty years ago and laid the foundations of the future city.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 8, 1885
Wednesday night, Belle Street, between Third and Fourth, was discovered to be densely shrouded with smoke. It was soon ascertained that the smoke issued from Mr. George Loarts’ grocery store in the lower story of Root’s Opera House building. The alarm was given, the firemen appeared on the scene and extinguished the flames before much headway had been made in the work of destruction. The fire was confined to the center of the store, and burned some of the shelving, scorched a counter, and damaged the ceiling. The goods were greatly injured, many of them of a perishable nature being ruined by smoke and water, the place presenting a dilapidated and wrecked appearance. Although the absolute destruction by the flames was not very great, the damage to the building, stock, furniture, and fixtures will amount to a considerable sum of money. The cause of the fire is not known, but is attributed to the explosion of a coal oil lamp left burning on a counter. Mr. Loarts and another person left the place at 10 o’clock, and all was right at that time.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 15, 1885
The Drummond Tobacco Co. held a meeting at Wise & Davis’ office, for the election of officers for the two State corporations. The officers elected for the Illinois corporation were James Drummond, St. Louis, President; Levi Davis Jr., Alton, Secretary and Director; J. L. Kirby, St. Louis, Director. For the Missouri corporation, James T. Drummond, President; Robert Dula, Secretary and Director; J. L. Dirby, Director. The company has a capital stock of $200,000, and are doing a flourishing business. It is not yet decided whether they will continue the manufacture of tobacco in Alton or not.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 22, 1885
The Pierson & Carr Dry Goods Company has been organized with a capital of $20,000. Incorporators, William M. Pierson, Henry M. Carr, and John K. Butler. The firm of Pierson & Carr has long been known as one of our foremost, most reliable, energetic, and successful business establishments. The new stockholder, Captain Butler, having for years been connected with the house, the union of interest and effort will lead to an increase of business by the company, and aid in the effort made by our merchants to prevent Alton people going to St. Louis to buy goods. We wish them success in this new move.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 12, 1885
I had a few hours to visit the Piasa Woolen Mills on Belle Street. Remembering this place four years ago, and comparing it with the present hive of industry, one hardly knows what language to call into play to adequately describe it. It is as unlike the old mill as can well be conceived of. Entering from the office, our reporter was ushered into the store and packing room, where the manufactured yarn is packed for shipment, also where the wool is sorted or graded, ready to make the different qualities. From this room, the wool is sent to the scouring tubs, that the dirt and natural oil may be removed; the water being extracted from the wool by a machine, it is placed upon a cold air dryer, after which it is ready to be dusted and cleaned from all impurities, and opened by the pickers and made ready for the carding process. Before entering the cards, the wool is carried to them by a most intricate, ingenious piece of machinery, which carefully weighs and automatically feeds a certain amount of wool all the time. This machine is known as the “Bramhall feeder.” The wool then passes through a system of three cards, and is delivered from the cards onto spools ready for the spinning process.

The third floor contains what is known as the self-operating spinning mules, and how our grandmothers would hold up their hands and shake their dear old heads in amazement if they could only see these intricate machines in operation. There are four of these machines, each containing 324 spindles (making a total of 1,296 spindles), making what is known as the single yarn. From here, it goes to the spoolers and twisters, where it is twisted into two and three-fold yarn, and then reeled into skeins or banks. The next process is that of coloring, which this firm is admirably prepared to do. The dye house is very complete, every conceivable shade of dye being used. After it is dyed, the water is extracted from the yarn by centrifugal force in an extractor or wringer (every family should have one of these excellent machines for family wringing, but we suppose the price of $650.00 each forbids their becoming household pets. The yarn is then dried by steam heat, and bundled and baled, ready for the market.

During 1884, this firm worked 360,000 pounds of wool, and employed 50 men. This year they hope to increase the consumption of wool, and enlarge their production. The officers of the company are: William C. Teasdale, President and Treasurer; Joseph B. Thompson, Secretary; and William H. Rice, Superintendent, under whose efficient management the manufacturing is done. The company is well satisfied with Alton as a manufacturing point, and do not wish to be misunderstood in this matter.


17 Days in Snow Drifts
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 26, 1885
Heavy snows had fallen before we left home in Alton on January 24, 1855, but lacking our present system of telegraphy, we had no means of knowing the risk of starting at such a time. The way was clear on the Chicago, Alton, and St. Louis Railroad, as far as Auburn, where we found 100 men at work, with many cars and engines. We were late at Springfield, as we had two other trains joined to ours, and six engines. There was a long delay, and we heard some doubt expressed as to our getting through, but the weather had moderated and we had no fear. We left Springfield with two cars and three engines, reaching Bloomington in five hours, where we were stopped for the night, remaining in the car. In contrast to the present luxurious sleeper, the car of those days had high, hard seats, no foot rest, no racks for parcels, and was heated by a box stove in the center.

The next morning we left Bloomington at 10 o’clock, and arrived at Lexington, sixteen miles off, at 6 p.m. There we were snowbound indeed, a heavy snow and a strong wind had filled all the deep cuts behind us, and our engines were out of sight in the drifted snow, except a few inches of their smoke stacks. The next morning four engines, with sixty men, and some of the officers of the railroad, went out to attempt our release, and after a hard day’s work, they returned to report three miles of track cleared. At night it was all covered again by the wind. This state of things continued for eleven days, the passengers helping the wearied laborers by day, but the winds at night, with the frequent snows, rendering their hard work useless.

In one party was a lady, 75 years old, and a delicate child of 4 years. The child was soon taken ill, which added greatly to our anxieties. For the benefit of both, bedding was borrowed from a lady living near the station, and a resting place arranged between two seats. Our meals were brought to us from neighboring farm houses. On February 2, after bitterly cold weather, the passengers again offered assistance, if the car could be taken along. So again we started, and seven miles from Lexington, out on Grand Prairie, our engine gave out, and we froze fast in a cut. It was very cold, there was only a cabin in sight, but from it we had a grand game supper, the farmer apologizing for giving us such miserable eating, and was so sorry the pork barrel was frozen solid.

Hard work freed us from that position, and we reached Pontiac the second day. There we stayed four days near the station, and again had meals and bedding brought to us. On the morning of the seventeenth day from home, February 10, we were told that the way was clear to Chicago, and gladly started for that city, reaching there late at night. After a few days rest, we continued our eastward journey. One of our party, in returning west late in February, came down from Chicago on the first train which left that city, on the Chicago, Alton, and St. Louis Railroad after the snow blockade was raised.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 5, 1885
Captain Joel Foster, of River Falls, Wisconsin, a town laid out by himself, passed through Alton recently, and a view of the place recalled the period when he was a resident here. At the time of the Lovejoy riot, Captain Foster was running a ferry boat. He once saw a deer swimming the river, and chased the animal ashore at the foot of Piasa Street, where it was killed with stones. His brother, Isaac Foster, was at one time the principal official of Alton. Captain Foster remembers the time when Abraham Lincoln and James Shields went to the island opposite our landing to fight a duel with broadswords, an affair, however, that was settled amicably without recourse to cold steel.

The Captain was one of the first men to settle among the redskins of Wisconsin. He says he was at San Antonio, Texas, during the Mexican War, with a company raised in this section, and that on one occasion two gentlemen, one of them being an Alton man, were desirous of appealing to the code of honor to settle some misunderstanding, and he let them pass his guard in order to seek a fighting ground. Whether or not they were both killed remains a matter of conjecture.

Joel James Foster was born December 15, 1814, in Meriden, Connecticut. He was the son of Noah Foster (1768-1833) and Anna Ives Foster (1773-1824). Joel was the youngest of eleven children. He moved to Edwardsville in 1830, and served during the Mexican-American War as quartermaster in Colonel William H. Bissell’s Second Illinois Regiment. In 1848, he moved to Hudson, Wisconsin, then known as Willow River. After a careful exploration of the surrounding area, he built a home in the Fall of 1848, at the junction of the two branches of the Kinnickinnic River, just upstream from its falls. His first winter was spent in a cave overlooking the river, with his indentured servant, Dick. He then laid out the town of River Falls, Wisconsin, near the Kinnickinnic River. He filled many positions of responsibility, including Judge of St. Croix County. He married Charlotte Amelia Porch, and they had at least five children. Judge Foster died August 9, 1885, at the age of 70, and is buried in the Greenwood Cemetery in River Falls, Wisconsin.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 12, 1885
The box factory is doing a rushing business with a large force of men employed. The sawmill adjacent is about ready to resume operations for the season. Messrs. Allen & Ryrie keep things moving lively.


Hon. George Turnbull Moore Davis
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02, 1885
Through the kindness of Hon. E. M. West, we are permitted to publish the following extract from a letter written to him by Hon. George T. M. Davis, now residing in New York City, an eminent lawyer of this county in the long ago, which will recall to the memory of some of the names of several prominent men who have long since passed away.

Hon. George Turnbull Moore Davis“My family, consisting of a wife and two sons, went to Illinois with her father’s family, in May 1832. I followed them, arriving on September 15, 1832, joining them at Scarritt’s Prairie [Godfrey], where Judge Webb, my father-in-law, had entered land and opened a farm. I was admitted to practice law in New York, at the July term of the Supreme Court, 1832, for which purpose I had remained behind when my family left for Illinois. Consequently, my professional life commenced at Alton when I was 22 years old.

I was the first practicing lawyer that settled in Alton. Mr. Hudson had gone there a few months before me, but did not then, nor did he ever afterwards, follow the profession of the law. Judge Theophilus W. Smith was the Circuit Judge, and it was before him, holding court in Edwardsville, that I made my debut as a lawyer. The leading lawyers at the Edwardsville bar at that early day, and who resided in Edwardsville, were Philemon H. Winchester, General James Semple, and, unless my memory greatly fails me, Jessie B. Thomas, who married a daughter of Judge Smith, who also resided in Edwardsville. I practiced law in Madison and in the adjoining counties, and in the U. S. Court, then held at Vandalia, which was the capital of the State, and afterwards at Springfield, when it became the seat of government, until I went to the Mexican War, as Aide to Brigadier General Shields, with the two first regiments that went into that service from Illinois, the one commanded by Colonel J. J. Hardin, and the other by Colonel E. D. Baker.

When I opened my law office in Alton, there were but two frame buildings, all the rest being log cabins. The only tavern was one of the latter, which was kept by Thomas G. Hawley; and a small room, 8x10 feet, rented me for an office. There were not to exceed 250 inhabitants in Alton at that time.

Judge John M. Krum, Judge William Martin, and the Hon. J. R. Grimes were each, in turn, in my office before being admitted to practice, the two former in the courts of Illinois, and the latter in Iowa. It was by my advice that Grimes went to Burlington, Iowa, to settle, instead of remaining in Alton. His professional career and success were brilliant ones, and he was elected U. S. Senator from that State.

What success I had as a lawyer in Illinois is not for me to say, but for you to determine from the personal knowledge you have at your command.”

George Turnbull Moore Davis was born May 10, 1810, on the Island of Malta, while his father was U.S. Consul there. His parents were George Davis (1779-1818) and Ann Tucker Pennock Davis (1784-1856). He was educated under the guardianship of his uncle, Matthew L. Davis, a friend of Aaron Burr (attorney and America’s third vice-president, who engaged in a duel with Alexander Hamilton, which ended in Hamilton's death). George T. M. Davis moved to Alton, Illinois in 1832, and opened the first law practice there. He was editor of the Alton Telegraph (1841-1845), and served as Alton mayor (1844-1846). Mr. Davis served in the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) on the staff of General James Shields, and later served as secretary to General Quitman. He moved to Louisville, and then Washington D. C. He later engaged in business in New York, where he died in December 1888. He is buried in Brooklyn, New York.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 02, 1885
The Alton Amusement Association has finally selected the site for the new rink on Belle Street, between Fourth and Fifth Streets. The building will be larger than first contemplated, two stories on Belle Street, with a frontage of 30 feet high, the apex 55 feet x 75 feet in width, constructed of pressed brick. The ground floor will be occupied by two store rooms with a lobby between, from which two stairways will lead by a gentle ascent to the rink above. The store rooms are to be 50x30 feet, while the upper part of the building in which the rink is to be located will extend back 125 feet. The rink will be of an oval form, surrounded by a railing and a raised platform. The necessary offices, closets, a bandstand, and other conveniences and accessories, substantially as previously described, will be included. The skating floor will be constructed of hard maple, and there will be no posts to interfere with the skaters. The outer walls will be galvanized iron, the roof asbestos. Two large doors at the front, on Piasa Street, will give abundant means of entrance and exit. At the northeast part of the building will be the ladies’ dressing room, with the office adjoining. The gentlemen’s dressing room will be at the southeast. Adjoining it will be where the skates will be kept. Immediately at the entrance will be a lobby. A platform for spectators, elevated 12 inches, extends almost around the skating floor, separated from it by a substantial railing. The bandstand will be elevated at the south side of the edifice, in the middle.

The plans, by Architect Pfeiffenberger, have been approved, the grading will commence immediately, and the work proceeded with, it being the intention to have the building completed, according to the original arrangements, by May 1. The building will be a credit to the projectors, and an ornament on any thoroughfare in Alton. The different committees are hard at work, and good skates have been secured, and three important engagements made with the best skatorial and bicycle artists in America. The interest in the new rink, “The Casino” (we’ve heard it murmured is the name) increases daily, and many are impatient for its opening.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 9, 1885
Hon. William McAdams has sold his fine archaeological collection, how at the New Orleans Exposition, to the State of Illinois. He has an opportunity to dispose of a portion of the remainder of his collection of curiosities to the British Museum.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 30, 1885
Hon. William McAdams, the famous archaeologist, has discovered the bones of a mastodon in the loess near a stone quarry in Alton, which was brought to view by the washing away of the surrounding earth by rains. He has secured several teeth of the prehistoric monster, and one of the tusks can still be seen in situ, at the base of the loess, about six feet above the limestone. The tusk is about seven feet long, but it will be impossible to take it out without its disintegrating. Doubtless further digging will reveal nearly the entire skeleton. Mr. McAdams has made the examination of the loess formation a speciality, and has the finest collection of fossils therefrom in the world.

Source: Alton Telegraph, May 7, 1885
Professor William McAdams, Captain Harry Starr, and Mr. S. S. Hobart were mining for mastodons with good success. They secured a fragment of a jaw containing two teeth; also two loose teeth, extracted by the dentistry of time, and part of a tusk. The bones were greatly decayed, but the ivories were sound, and the enamel perfect, showing that the animal, when it ran at large as the cows now do, over these hills and through the valleys, was not troubled with the toothache. Professor McAdams added the relics to his collection. The teeth were formidable specimens, weighing five or six pounds a piece.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 7, 1885
The most charming and delightful part of Manitou is Engleman’s canon, through which flows Ruxton’s Creek, a beautiful mountain torrent rushing down from Pike’s Peak in a series of flashing cascades. In this canon, a company of far-seeing business men from Alton and St. Louis, purchased two years ago a tract of 400 or 500 acres, embracing the most desirable sections of the canon, and extending far up towards the summit of the Peak. In fact, the greater part of the famous trail to Pike’s Peak lies within land owned or controlled by them. The company, some 18 months ago, set about the improvement of their property in the canon. The grounds were laid out in shady walks and winding avenues after the plans of the best landscape artists. Rustic bridges were built over the foaming stream, the undergrowth cut out, and the whole tract converted into the most delightful mountain park imaginable, redolent with the breath of the fir and the pine tree, and where fairy retreats and mystic glades lend a new surprise at every turn in the winding paths. Around, on three sides, tower snow-crowned peaks, while on the fourth is the gateway of the East, opening over the boundless plains. The company, after laying out the grounds, at once began the erection of cottages, a restaurant and spring houses, and completed that work last Spring. The cottages are model specimens of rural architecture, are provided with every convenience, and form delightful summer homes for such families as prefer the privacy of a dwelling to apartments in a hotel. The most celebrated and popular of Manitou’s mineral springs are the Iron Ute and Little Chief, and these are on the Alton company’s premises, and about them are grouped the cottages. Over each fountain a beautiful spring house has been built, where the health-seekers sit at their leisure and quaff the effervescent waters. The elevation of the Iron Ute and the Little Chief is over 6,400 feet, a thousand feet above the highest European iron spring. The analysis of the Iron Ute and Little Chief show them far superior in medicinal virtues to any known mineral springs in this or foreign countries.

So well pleased was the company with the success of their enterprise last year, and so great was the demand for accommodations, in addition to their cottages, that they finally concluded to erect a spacious hotel with all modern conveniences and comforts. Work was commenced last February, and the building is now receiving its finishing touches. The site is an admirable one, midway between the Iron Ute and the Little Chief, and convenient to all the cottages. The dimension of the edifice are 80x134 feet, three stories high, and of most pleasing architectural design. The arrangement of the interior for the safety, comfort, and convenience of guests is unsurpassed. On the first floor are located the office, dining room, billiard hall, reading room, and ladies’ parlors; also, four sleeping rooms. The dining hall is an attractive, well lighted, spacious apartment, 31x50 feet. The second and third floors contain sixty sleeping rooms, all of good size and well ventilated. A wide verandah, 144 feet long, extends in front of the two lower stories. The kitchen, with brick ovens, also the laundry and boiler house furnishing steam for heating purposes, are detached from the main building, thus removing entirely from the hotel what are considered objectionable features.

All the appointments of the hotel as regard safety and convenience are complete. Water pipes extend over the entire building, and into every sleeping room. The whole building is heated by steam, with marble top bronze radiators in every room, which can be regulated by the occupants of the apartments at will. Electric bells connect every room with the office. The whole building, including the sleeping rooms, is lighted by electricity, as are also the surrounding grounds, which under the rays of this magical light, are transformed into new and weird scenes of enchantment.

Altogether, the Iron Springs is the most complete, home-like and attractive hotel in Colorado, independent of its delightful surroundings, and to its other comforts will add in its dining hall, the finest bill of fare to be found in the Rocky Mountains.

The company which has accomplished this great transformation amid the romantic wildness of Engleman’s canon is composed of Augustine K. Root, President; John E. Hayner, Treasurer; Henry Watson, Manager; J. M. Ryrie, Secretary; George R. Allen; F. W. and A. H. Drury, all of Alton, except Mr. F. W. Drury, who resides in St. Louis. Mr. W. E. Smiley, formerly of Alton, has charge of the hotel, and proves a genial, accommodating, and popular host. Manitou is very accessible by rail, and but forty hours in time from St. Louis. A new road from Colorado Springs to Leadville passes over Englemen’s canon on a handsome bridge, and has a passenger station on the premises of the Iron Springs company.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 14, 1885
The sensation on Third Street Monday was the opening of Mr. W. F. Hoppe’s new china hall. The storeroom is spacious, with a lofty ceiling, and is fitted up in splendid style so as to display the glittering wares to advantage. His stock of standard china and glassware is full and complete, while many beautiful and artistic novelties for the dining room, toilet stand, and parlor mantel, delight the eyes and make a brilliant and attractive display. In addition to these are tinware, kitchen utensils, house furnishing goods, and labor-saving devices in endless variety.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 21, 1885
Saturday evening a temporary boarder at the Spring House in the lower part of Alton, while under the “influence,” went to that establishment, and instead of entering by the usual way, took advantage of a convenient telegraph pole and climbed to the roof. When he attained that point, he proceeded to give an exhibition of dancing, with ingenious gymnastic and acrobatic variations, finally ending the act by disappearing down a chimney with remarkable celerity. The alarm was given, and a rescue party ascended to the roof and dropped a rope down the flue to the imprisoned man. He cried out that he couldn’t take hold of the rope, as his hands and arms were immovably confined. It then became necessary to remove a section of the chimney in order to release the almost suffocated man. It is said that he turned black through fright. He claimed to be a chimney sweep, but it is not probably that he usually operates in the way he did Saturday evening. The victim of the accident was immediately arrested and consigned to the lockup. The charge may be that of surreptitiously cleaning a flue, attempted burglary of a chimney, or conducting an unusual “surprise party.” The “chimney sweep,” who had good recommendations as to proficiency at his occupation, stuck fast about 14 feet from the summit of the chimney, and was rescued by Deputy Sheriff Volbracht, who removed the necessary brick. The offender was arraigned today before Justice Randle, who inflicted a fine of $3 for drunkenness and disturbance of the peace.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 18, 1885
Few of our citizens have an adequate idea of the magnitude of the interests carried on in Alton by the Alton Vinegar and Pickle Factory, owned by A. R. McKinney and T. L. Foulds. The firm occupies three large buildings to accommodate their business: a three-story double building on Second Street [Broadway], which is used for warehouse and packing purposes, and the vinegar factory proper, which is the extensive building on the riverbank, formerly known as Basse’s mill. The firm devotes their attention to the making of pickles in all varieties, prepared mustard, table sauces, etc., and the manufacture of their famous white wine vinegar, which judging by the immense sale it commands, is the most popular brand in the market. The Second Street building is the scene of great activity, especially in the busy season, when a large force is employed in putting up the cucumber, onion, cauliflower, mixed and other pickles. After being carefully prepared according to the best formulas, they are placed in neat glass jars, properly labeled, and are then packed in boxes ready for shipment. Only the best and purest vinegar and spices are used in their preparation. The onions and cauliflower put up by this firm are imported from Holland, specially for their use. Here also, the mustard and sauces for table use are put up in jars and bottles, and appropriately labeled. The work is deftly done by girls, and every regard is paid to perfect cleanliness in the preparation and entire purity in the selection of ingredients. It is only fair to say that the pickles, sauces, and other table preparations are unexcelled in delicacy of flavoring, and never fail to tickle the palate of the most confirmed epicure.

The vinegar factory is also a large double, three-story building with basement, admirably adapted for the business. It is fitted up throughout with the most complete and complicated machinery, and employs a large force of men the year round. The building, machinery, and appliances represent an investment of $30,000. The factory has a capacity of from 1,200 to 1,400 gallons of vinegar daily. At this building also, the cucumbers, etc. are received. They are first placed in huge casks of brine, where they remain a certain length of time, are then steamed and freshened in clear water, and then placed in barrels of pure vinegar of the highest grade found acceptable to the trade. They remain in the barrels until transferred to the warehouse for sorting, packing, and shipping.

The vinegar is made from the best corn, a much more desirable material than the refuse of the orchards from which the ordinary vinegar of auld lang syne was manufactured in the domestic cellar. Vinegar making from corn is a science, as much so as the manufacture of the best grades of spirits, requiring skill, experience, and complete apparatus, and the product is correspondingly superior. An idea of the appliances necessary may be gathered from the fact that a sixty-horsepower engine is required to drive the machinery. The corn is first ground into a coarse meal, but is not bolted. The meal is then run into huge vats on the first floor, where it is mixed with water and a preparation of malt and rye, and heated by steam pipes to the required temperature. The liquid then passes through pipes into huge tanks in the basement, where it remains until fermented to the required degree. It is then pumped into tanks in the third story, where the spirits, or vinegar, is separated from the mash by a process of evaporation. The liquid thus separated from the mash then passes into huge generators, sixty-four in number, on the second and third floors, where the process of “souring” is undergone, and the transformation completed. The vinegar, after being properly tested and graded, passes from the generators to mammoth tanks on the first floor, where it is ready for barreling. The vinegar manufactured is of two degrees of strength, 40 grains and 50 grains, the latter being the stronger, and is the quality used by the firm in their pickling processes. Their vinegar is absolutely pure, no acids or any other articles being used to give it tone and pungency. The whole process is cleanly and the product is a choice white wine vinegar of unsurpassed quality. The machinery of the factory is also used to grind pepper, mustard, cinnamon, cloves, and other spices which are used in the making of pickles and sauces. The machines, or more property, mills, for this purpose are very ingenious and well adapted to the work.

The Telegraph is glad to say that the firm has succeeded in building up a fine business, which is constantly increasing as the superior quality of their goods becomes known. They allow nothing to go out that does not come up to the highest standard of purity and quality. The firm has three traveling men on the road, who are meeting with good success in spite of the hard times. Under the energetic and prudent management of Messrs. A. R. McKinney & Co., the Alton Vinegar and Pickle Factory will win the success it deserves. As an index of the business, we note that the shipments of the firm today included 150 barrels of vinegar and 100 cases of glass goods to Hannibal and Quincy. The firm ships goods as far north as Minneapolis, and south to New Orleans and Galveston. The factory is very important to our farmers and gardeners, as it consumes from 40 to 50 bushels of corn per day, and last season the firm paid out $15,000 in Alton for cucumbers alone. The firm has been offered a building and grounds in Hannibal, if they will remove to that city, but we believe their location in Alton affords greater advantages than any Hannibal can offer.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1885
The following old citizens of Alton were members of a band of music in Alton in 1844, and went to Peoria at the time of the unexampled flood, to attend a Whig meeting during the Presidential campaign of that year. Henry Clay and James K. Polk, being the Whig and Democrat candidates, respectively. Following is a list of names of those composing the band and the instruments they played:

W. A. Holton, President – ophecleidi [similar to the tuba]
Amasa Stetson Barry – B flat cornet
Charles A. Murray – 1st B flat key bugle
W. H. Reeder – 1st French horn
Jarius Burt Turner – 2nd French horn
Z. Guild – bass trombone
Thomas Hansbrough – tenor trombone
William H. Hayden – 1st piccolo
W. H. Bailhache – 2nd piccolo
John Morrison – trumpet
W. C. Toomer – bass drum

The ophicleide, key bugle, and French horn may now be considered obosolete, although the French horn still holds an important place in large string orchestra. Trombones and piccolos went out of use for a number of years, but are again prominent instruments in most bands.

Soon after the return from Peoria, Mr. Guild, at a band meeting, put the bell of his trombone to the ear of Mr. Barry, and blew a loud blast with such a lamentable effect, that the drum of Mr. Barry’s ear burst by the concussion, and caused him the most agonizing pain. Through this sad accident, he became permanently deaf.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 20, 1885
The rumor of the dissolution of the firm of the Haagen & Fuess Dry Goods Co. became an accomplished fact today, with Mr. Charles Fuess retiring. Mr. Louis Haagen having purchased the whole interest, will conduct the business under the late firm name.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 3, 1885
The Alton Jaeger (Yaeger) Company was organized in 1853 with about 100 members, L. Achilles, Captain. In 1858, the officers were, with one or two exceptions, the same as those first elected, as follows: G. H. Weigler, Captain; B. Runzi, First Lieutenant; Louis Haagen, Second Lieutenant; E. Adam, Sergeant; F. Wuerker, George Sleir, J. Kinney, A. Hamm, Corporals; B. Eggs, Secretary. A brass band was organized in connection with the company, and four of the original members yet live in Alton. After holding the places several years, the officers named above resigned, and others were elected.

At the commencement of the Civil War, in 1861, the company, then commanded by Captain, afterwards Colonel John Kuhn, tendered its services to the government and went to Springfield and entered camp. As it was fully uniformed, about 75 men strong, well drilled and accompanied by a brass band, the advent at the capital created quite a sensation. The company was “disorganized” amid the smoke and carnage of battle, and by the diseases and casualties incident to war, but left a name that will ever be honored.

The National Guards were organized August 1854, with the following officers: William H. Turner, Captain; M. M. Dutro, First Lieutenant; J. P. Ash, Second Lieutenant; H. Platt, Third Lieutenant; Thomas G. Starr, Orderly Sergeant; John M. Pearson, Second Sergeant; A. T. Ash, Third Sergeant; J. D. Bruner, Fourth Sergeant; W. W. Clark, First Corporal; Louis Souther, Second Corporal; W. R. Thomas, Third Corporal; John W. Ash, Fourth Corporal, and Secretary. This company became disorganized before the Civil War.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 17, 1885
Upon invitation of the Admiral and the Commodore, a small party of gentlemen boarded the peerless yacht, Piasa, Tuesday afternoon, and steamed downstream to the mouth of the Wood River. The day was perfect, the river smooth as a mirror, and the atmosphere soft and genial, and as the swift gliding craft left the land behind, skimming over the water at railroad speed, all enjoyed the exhilaration of the rapid motion. Arrived at the mouth of the Wood River, it was found that the high water had put it in good condition for navigation. With the Admiral at the wheel, the trim craft swiftly swept up the winding channel, under the shade of willows, maples, sycamores, and cottonwoods, often of giant size, whose branches interlocked overhead. It was a veritable aisle of the greenwood, whose lofty emerald arch almost completely shut out the sky. Here and there a clearing let in a flood of sunlight over the stream, but for the greater part of the distance, dense shadows veiled the course, while every bend in the meandering channel revealed sylvan attractions. No matter how sharp or sudden the curves of the stream, the Admiral rounded them with consummate skill, the gallant yacht responding to every touch of the helmsman’s hand like a thing of life. Master and craft seemed to understand each other.

After a delightful voyage of some six or seven miles, the head of navigation was reached, just above the railroad bridge, where a ledge of rocks disputed further progress. The Piasa was then put about, and the homeward passage began with the Commodore at the wheel, who displayed accomplishments that would make a professional pilot green with envy. Now and again the wild shriek of the Piasa awoke the echoes, terrorized the entire animal and feathered creation of the Bottoms, and brought wild-eyed denizens of the farm houses to the riverbank to gaze in open-mouthed wonder at the strange visitant. The Admiral and Commodore had brought their rifles along for the purpose of slaying such game as recklessly exposed itself along the stream, but as the sportsmen turned into the stream, they incautiously sounded a paean of prospective victory on the whistle, and the result was that all animated nature in that region vacated the country. The birds sought the upper realms, the game fled for safety, and the mud turtles dove for China. One reckless mud hen, however, overcome by the curiosity that is the bane of her species, planted herself on her pre-empted rights, and defied the invader, but a ball from the Commodore’s rifle laid her low. She was shot through the eye. We pause to remark that the Commodore always shoots his game through the eye.

The yacht swept out on the broad bosom of the great river, just as the surface of the water was flecked with the bronze and gold of sunset light. Steaming on through the purple twilight, the excursionists reached the dock all too soon, and the trip came to a close to linger long in memory.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 24, 1885
Friday evening, ex-Marshal Anton Sauvage went to the saloon of John Berg, his son-in-law, on State Street, opposite the old St. Charles Hotel, and asked for a drink of whiskey, saying to the barkeeper, Tony Werth, “Give me a drink you ___ __ ____.” Werth replied, “You should not drink any more, Tony, you have had enough.” This reply seemed to greatly enrage the ex-Marshal, and he draw a revolver on Werth, who immediately made for the rear door leading to Sugar Alley, as Sauvage commenced firing. As Werth reached the door, he was struck by a bullet, which took effect in the back near his right shoulder, ranging upward and to the left, inflicting a flesh wound. The wounded man went to Chamberlain’s drugstore, where Dr. Davis dressed the wound after vainly probing for the ball. A few minutes after the above occurrence, Marshal Joesting was notified of the trouble, and went to the saloon, the scene of the shooting, where he found Sauvage in possession, and very much excited. After a few words, Sauvage commenced firing at the Marshal, who was on the steps of the saloon, when the officer drew his revolver and a rapid exchange of shots took place, the parties standing but a few feet apart. Marshal Joesting fired five times, emptying his weapon, then stepped toward the corner of Third and State Streets, vainly trying to extract the discharged shells. Sauvage was hit three times, in the shoulder, the stomach, and the hand. The wound in the hand crippled his operations so that he could not work his revolver with facility, and probably saved the Marshal’s life, as he was defenseless after his weapon was empty. The ball that struck Sauvage in the stomach glanced, passed around, and emerged at the back. Marshal Joesting was struck near the right shoulder, the ball lodging under the skin just below the back of the neck. The bullet was cut out by Dr. Davis at Chamberlain’s Drugstore.

After the shooting, Sauvage was taken to his residence in the St. Charles Hotel, where Dr. Haskell attended to his injuries. All the bullets were extracted except the one received by Mr. Werth, and the wounded men were doing well today. Mr. Werth was on the streets, and with the exception of considerable pallor, gave no indication of his wound. It is very strange, considering the number of shots fired and the short distance intervening between the actors in the affair, that the results were not more serious.

Marshal Joesting evinced rare courage and self-possession by his action, and bore the painful operation of the extraction of the bullet with unflinching fortitude. The report was first conveyed to his family that he was desperately wounded and at the point of death, but they were soon gladdened by the contradiction of the rumor. The officer was also on the streets today, showing no marks of battle except a slight hole in the coat just above the armpit on the right side, where the bullet entered. He carries his arm in a sling.

The Marshal’s account of the affair is that when he went to the saloon, not knowing that Werth had been shot, he found Sauvage in possession and greatly excited. He said to him, “What is the matter, Tony?” The reply was, “Nothing is the matter, you are not wanted here, get out ___ ____ _____!” Sauvage drew his revolver and commenced firing. As the officer saw the movement, he receded to the door and stood on the upper step, drawing his own weapon, a 38 caliber, self-cocking bulldog revolver, and returning the fire. Sauvage’s first bullet was the one that took effect. The Marshal says that he felt as though struck on the shoulder by a baseball bat. The sensation was not so much that of a “foul,” as like the kick of a “mule.”

It is rumored that Coroner Melling heard a rumor last night that three “good, healthy corpses” were here awaiting his official action, but later intelligence gave him the facts in the case. Justice Noonan, last night, on complaint of Anton Werth, issued a warrant for the arrest of Anton Sauvage, charging him with an assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill and murder. The warrant was placed in the hands of Deputy Sheriff Volbracht for service. The preliminary examination will take place as soon as the accused is able to be out.

Ex-Marshal Anton Sauvage died in April 1895. The funeral was held in the St. Charles Hotel (which still stands as Lincoln Lofts), and burial was in the Alton City Cemetery.

Marshal Charles Ludwig Joesting was born in 1841 in Alton. After serving as Marshal, he opened a bakery and candy store, and also worked as a carpenter. He was an avid hunter and a skilled woodsman. He died in 1912 at the age of 71, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 15, 1885
The Alton Roller Rink was opened for the season last week with eclat – two brass bands and a large attendance. The many improvements made in the hall, the “frescoed” walls, two new dressing rooms, ticket office, and other changes and improvements were inspected with approving remarks by the company present. At 8 o’clock, the “ball” opened, and from that time until the hour of closing a merry throng glided swiftly and smoothly over the floor, the skatorial devotees showing by their performances that their feet had lost nothing of their cunning. The hall was not crowded, many other attractions serving to diminish the attendance, so that the occasion was a most enjoyable one to those participating, who kept pretty constantly on the floor; hence, the new skates were quite thoroughly “trained.” The company was cheerful, some quite hilarious, so that whenever a gentleman “took the floor,” he was greeted with rounds of applause. Music was rendered by Prof. Gossrau’s band and the Bethalto band, under the direction of Prof. Joel Williams, and there was almost a continual succession of dulcet strains. At 10:15 o’clock, the “grand march” took place, the company dispersed, the lights were turned off, and the opening was over. It was a success in every particular, a feather in the cap of Manager Goulding, who conducted affairs as though to the “manor born.” Among those present were Misses Jennie Hickerson, Libbie Ewan, Messrs. Gus Ewan, John and Thomas Henry, Herbert Culp, James Weaver, Levi Kimball, Will Greenwood, Ferd Youngwirth, and Wheeler Bivens, all of Bethalto.


Cornerstone Laid
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1885
The ceremonies attending the laying of the cornerstone of the Rectory of St. Paul’s Church took place Wednesday in the church edifice, on account of the wet, disagreeable weather. Archdeacon Taylor officiated. The services opened by the Rector and congregation repeating, alternately, the verses of the 48th Psalm, the Lord’s prayer, in unison, and invocation by the Rector, and reading the 136th Psalm. The list of articles to be placed in the cornerstone comprised the names of the Rector, officers of the church, Governor of the State, Mayor of Alton, officers and members of the Parish Guild, and a number of coins of various dates furnished by Mr. Charles Holden.

The cornerstone, 2 feet 8 inches long x 8 inches thick, and about 16 inches wide, was presented by Mr. Henry Watson. The building commended in October 1885 by the Bluff City Building Association, Architect L. Pfeiffenberger.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 12, 1885
The Illinois Glass Company, William Eliot Smith, proprietor, was established August 28, 1873. The start was made in a small frame structure on Belle Street, with a capital of $10,000, and a force of 60 employees.

In 1875, the works were removed to extensive new buildings in the lower part of the city. The four main factories cover 129,600 square feet, besides there are numerous spacious warehouses and packing sheds. No fewer than 600 men and boys are employed in the works, and the payroll represents no less a sum than $6,000 per week. The manufactories and subordinate office are in Alton, while the principal office and warehouses are in St. Louis. The materials for making glass are soda ash; sand from Cap Au Gris; salt from Michigan; and lime from Alton.

The process in making glass is (1) the materials are mixed (2) then put into pots and melted, and (3) are then blown into bottles. The last named process is a beautiful and very interesting one, but as anyone is welcome at any time to be an eyewitness, the scene is perhaps better undescribed.

The boxes in which the bottles are packed for shipment are made in this city by the Alton Box Manufacturing Company. Goods are shipped as far north as Winnipeg, Manitoba; east to Indianapolis; west to San Francisco; south to Galveston, Waco and Fort Worth; and also to New Orelans. The Illinois Glass Works are the largest factor of bottles west of the Alleghanies, and the second largest in the United States.


(Before the Hayner Library)
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1885
The Alton Public Library organized originally in 1852, sold to the ladies of Alton in 1866, and managed since 1869 by a board of twelve ladies, seems to be in a fairly prosperous condition. There are more than 100 paying subscribers who have a choice of any one out of 5,000 volumes, and the subscription per annum is only $2.50. The works on the library shelves are largely historical, biographical, and poetical, but the remainder comprise a complete selection of essays, travels, fiction, and miscellaneous writings.

For the first fourteen years of its existence, the library was managed by gentlemen. Since then, a period of nineteen years, a number of our leading ladies have managed the institution very creditably. Their receipts are more than their expenditure. They have a reserve fund, and better than all, they weekly add to the library by the addition of new literary productions.

The following ladies, according to the last catalogue, form the Board of Directors: Mesdames R. W. Atwood, T. E. Perley, A. T. Hawley, M. F. Topping [Mary Francis Topping], H. S. Mathews, J. E. Hayner [Jennie D. Hayner], Augustine K. Root [Harriet E. Root], W. W. Martin, C. M. Crandall, W. B. Pierce [Etta D. Pierce], J. P. Laird [Lucia M. Laird], and C. L. Wright [Lucy Wright]. Miss Florence Dolbee is Librarian, and is always at her desk on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons and evenings, the library being open two days per week.

The library is doing a great work in inspiring the people with a taste for refined and useful literature, and in affording our young people an opportunity for much useful information from which they would be debarred, but for the Alton Public Library and the noble women who have managed it so efficiently for so many years.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 31, 1885
The firm of J. E. Hayner & Co., St. Louis, has been dissolved by limitation. Messrs. John E. Hayner and Augustine K. Root, retiring. The business will be continued at the same stand by Mr. F. W. Drury, Manager, under the name of the Walter A. Wood Mowing and Reaping Machine Co., which had heretofore been jointly interested in the firm of J. E. Hayner & Co.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 31, 1885
Alton contains many handsome and costly structures, monuments of the architectural skill and taste of Hon. Lucas Pfeiffenberger, but none more imposing in appearance, more elegantly finished, or more complete in its arrangement than the splendid and spacious residence just completed in Middletown, for Mr. John N. Drummond. The site is an admirable one, occupying the entire block corner of Twelfth and Langdon Streets.

The mansion is 55 feet front, by 68 feet in depth, built of brick, two stories in height, with basement and lofty attic. There are verandahs on all sides. The style of architecture is the Renaissance. The approach from Twelfth Street is by a semi-circular driveway, with entrances at both extremities of the grounds. A broad flight of stone steps of finished and substantial workmanship leads to the handsome verandah which ornaments the front. The main doors are elaborate, fitted with French plate glass, and opening into a vestibule laid with imported tile. Thence, double doors open into the main hall, a broad and lofty apartment, at the further end of which is the grand stairway leading to the second floor. On the right hand side of the hall are the sitting room and dining room, and on the left the drawing room and parlor. Folding doors are so placed that the hall and all these four rooms can be thrown into one spacious court, an admirable arrangement for large gatherings. These apartments are remarkable for their elegance and convenience. Costly mantels of imported marble, with grate and tile hearth, are in each room, the long front windows open out on the verandahs, and doors open from both dining and sitting rooms into the conservatory. This is floored with tile, heated from the furnace, and provided with water for the plants. A transverse hall cuts off this portion of the house from the kitchen department. At the east end of the transverse hall is a large pantry, with chine dressers, closets for preserved fruits, etc.; also a sink with hot and cold water. This pantry communicates directly with the dining room.

At the junction of the main and transverse halls is the grand stairway, a remarkable specimen of fine workmanship. The elegantly carved newel, balustrade, and rail are of cherry, finished in the natural wood; surmounting the newel is a handsome bracket with colored lamps of amberina ware. The kitchen with its pantry, closets, range, sink, drain, hot and cold water from both cisterns and the water mains, is a model of convenience, and any housewife would go into ecstasies over its completeness. Provision is made for carrying off all smoke and odors from cooking through a special flue. The second floor divided into main and transverse hall, and four large sleeping rooms, with marble mantel and grate in each room. The largest sleeping room is a double apartment, one section for the bedstead alone, the other for a sitting room. All the chambers are provided with specious closets. There is also one room, called the cedar closet, fitted up with shelves, drawers, etc., for the storage of winter clothing, bedding, etc. The bath room is a model apartment, with bath tub, foot bath, marble washstand, hot and cold water, closets for towels, etc.; heated from the furnace and specially ventilated. The servants’ rooms are over the kitchen, have a special stairway leading to them, and are separated from the family rooms by the transverse hall. The attic extending over the whole main building is very large and lofty, and is intended as a playroom for the children and for storage purposes. A stairway also extends to the roof, where a magnificent view is obtained. In all, the house contains fifteen rooms and four halls.

Special mention should be made of the graining. On the main floor the parlors and dining room are mahogany finish, the sitting room, walnut, main stairway, cherry natural finish; halls and chambers on the second floor in bird’s eye maple and walnut.

The house is provided with every modern convenience. Speaking tubes and electric bells extend over the both main floors, an electric button under the dining table enables the lady of the house to summon a servant without the call being perceived in the dining room. Gas and water, hot and cold, extend over the house. Especial attention has been paid to drainage and ventilation. The gas fixtures are elegant. The plate glass in the halls give a fine effect; the octagonal windows in dining room and parlor give a view from the apartments to all points of the compass. It seems as if nothing had been neglected to make this not only a perfect but an ideal residence, the home of luxury, and refined tastes. We have thus far omitted mention of the basement, which is really one of the most costly portions of the edifice. It is divided into cellars for storage, furnace room, coal cellars and laundry. The entire floor is of cement, and it is plastered, the idea being to make it impervious to rats, mice, and vermin. The laundry is as much a model as the kitchen, provided with stove, sink, closets, hot and cold water, drain, etc.; also, with a storage schute, which conveys the soiled clothing from the second floor to the laundry.

All the plans for this magnificent and costly dwelling were made by Mr. Pfeiffenberger, and executed under his supervision, and no expense was spared by Mr. Drummond in carrying them out in perfection. Altogether, it is a model, a worthy testimonial to the genius of the architect and the taste and judgment of the owner. As a whole, the residence combines elegance, utility, comfort, and luxury. There are some dwellings that have elegance without utility, and costliness without comfort, but this is not one of that class.

It would be unfair to close this inadequate description without reference to the skilled mechanics and contractors who performed the work. They were: Henry Watson, stone work; D. Ryan, rubble stone work; Haley & Ash, brick work; George Kolb, plastering; J. & W. Trendall, carpenter and joiner work; Wheelock & Ginter, stairways and mill work; Neff & Obermueller, painting; Flesch & Mook (St. Louis) graining; Pitts & Hamill, tin and galvanized iron work; P. J. Kane, plumbing; O. C. Steele, slating; Kirwin & Andrews (St. Louis), electric bells and speaking tubes.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 01, 1886
Hon. William McAdams of Alton is now busily engaged in packing up the magnificent archaeological collection he has sold to the State museum. It is composed entirely of specimens found in Illinois, and will represent the archaeology of Illinois with more completeness than any other, or all other collections in existence. It represents the work and research of many years. Mr. McAdams is unquestionably the most successful archaeological researcher in the United States, and the State of Illinois is now to have the benefit of his labors in the shape of the most notable and valuable collection of its kind in the country. The counties of Madison, St. Clair, Jersey, Greene, and Calhoun are peculiarly rich in these relics. The counties named seem to have been the former seat of empire of the Mound Builders. Here, they dwelt in the dim ages of antiquity, but they left no written history. The mounds they built throughout this region, and the relics found therein, are the only material left upon which the antiquarian can build his theories and speculations. Madison County, the Professor says, contains more mounds than any other county in the State, and they are of larger size. That part of the American Bottom, lying in this county, beginning at Alton and extending to the St. Clair County line, is particularly rich in antiquarian relics, the great bulk of which are found in the mounds. Some geologists have claimed that these mounds are natural formations, but the Professor scouts this supposition, and is emphatic in asserting that they are artificial.

Mr. McAdams has classified his collection into appropriate groups, and has prepared an elaborate catalogue. Every specimen is numbered and described in full, and the place where found is given. First in order comes a collection of forty-two human skulls, found in the mounds of Madison, Jersey, St. Clair, and Macoupin Counties. They are mainly in a good state of preservation, and will prove an interesting study for ethnologists. Next comes a beautiful collection of sea shells, found in the mounds of Madison County. Another group is made up of stone axes of many different sizes, including 100 grooved and 100 ungrooved specimens, mainly from Madison and Jersey Counties. Also, an interesting assortment of discs and discoidal stones, some sixty in number, and about 50 stone plummets or pendants. In addition, in this group are some 50 mortars and pestles, evidently used for grinding grain.

The class of mound pottery is the largest and finest ever made in the West. It is all from Illinois, and nearly all from this immediate vicinity, the ancient home of the mound builders. It consists of 101 pieces, nearly all perfect specimens, many of them curiously shaped in imitation of men, animals, birds, fishes, and in fact, nearly all animated nature as existing in the era of the mound builders. Besides, are many curious designs in bowls, water vases, long-necked jars, cinery urns, imitation clam shells, etc., altogether a splendid collection and worthy the study of every antiquarian. To this class belongs a large earthen salt pan found in Saline County.

A very valuable case is made up of stone pipes, images, sphinxes, and representations carved in stone of men, birds, and animals. There are fifty fine specimens in this group.

The largest collection in number is of flint implements and tools. It includes 1,000 specimens of many sizes, and evidently used for various agricultural and domestic purposes. Also in this group are several thousand arrowheads, arrow points, and spears, many of them elegantly cut and finished. No other display of flint implements in the United States can compare with this.

The case which the Professor values most highly is that of copper implements, including copper tools, needles, awls, and ornaments; cloth interwoven with copper beads; copper turtles; ornaments of wood covered with copper; a star carved on slate and covered with copper; a necklace of small sea shells strung on copper wire; copper beds on sinews; leather belt ornamented with copper beads; a splendid copper axe; also, mica beads and a human face carved on shell. The whole group is a most valuable and interesting one. The great bulk of these copper relics were found in the mounds of this county. As there is no copper ore in this vicinity, the metal must have been brought from a distance. The stone pipes, many of them, are from a species of stone found only in Minnesota, so that they, too, were brought from a distance and deposited in the mounds.

We have merely outlined a few prominent features. The catalogue with its full descriptions would alone fill a volume. It will be a great acquisition to the State museum, as everything contained in it was found in Illinois. No other State has a prehistoric collection that can approach it in value and completeness. Its gathering is all the work of one man, and he has not yet passed middle life. Professor McAdams has proved himself the most successful archaeologist of the age – we mean in practical results. While he has won a leading place among the scientific men of the day, his services are not yet fully appreciated. In the interest of science, he should be placed at the head of a State of government museum of geology and archaeology, where he could pursue his researches and investigations untrammeled by the cares of business.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 20, 1886
A company of children, mostly boys, aged from seven to fifteen years, from the New York Juvenile Asylum, will arrive in Alton at the Hotel Madison Wednesday morning, May 26, 1886. Homes are wanted for them with families where they will receive kind treatment, and enjoy fair advantages. They are mostly of respectable parentage, promising and desirable, and worthy of good homes. They may be taken on trial for several weeks, and afterwards, if all parties are suited, they will be indentured until of age. Persons desiring to take these children on trial are requested to meet them at the Hotel Madison, Wednesday forenoon, May 26. They will remain only one day in Alton. For further information inquire at your post office for a handbill giving full particulars. Signed E. Wright, Agent.

Source: Alton Telegraph, May 27, 1886
Mr. E. Wright, the General Agent of the New York Juvenile Asylum, is at the Hotel Madison today. Mr. Wright brought 27 children here, and has succeeded in finding homes for 22 of them. Twelve were sent to Jerseyville, and ten found homes in this vicinity. Of the whole number of juveniles, 18 are boys and 9 girls. At noon today there were 1 girl and 4 boys who had not been applied for, and who will go to Whitehall tonight with Mr. Wright if not otherwise disposed of.


Written by A. G. Wolford
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 8, 1886
It has been suggested to me that I refresh the memories of the few old citizens in regard to notable eccentric characters who were among us forty-five years ago. The first is Hiram Hutchcraft, better known as “Old Hutch.” He was the terror of the Piasa. It was his regular custom to come to town with his boy on Saturdays, get drunk, and not leave without a fight. When full, he would say, “I’m Betsy Hutchcraft’s boy, I am,” and then strike perhaps the nearest person to him. I have seen him knock a man down with a blow of his fist, and then declare with an oath, “Old Hutch is in town,” and go off satisfied.

Another one, though not so belligerent, was “Major Morgan.” He had one eye put out by a piece of gingerbread thrown at him by one of the citizens. He was a good story teller, and would entertain a company by yarns that seemed so plausible and truthful that he always gained the object desired to “come and take a little more red eye.” He often spoke of the good qualities of “My son, Daniel,” when really the whole family were vile and worthless.

Governor Tice was a more aged and quiet man. He cobbled shoes, and had his room at the corner of Second [Broadway] and State Streets. He made himself most prominent on elections by voting early for his candidate, and then until night, trade his vote with every candidate for his drinks. He was somewhat of a recluse, and filthy in his habits.

Louis Chouquette, or “French Louis,” was from Canada, and having no family, made a business or raising what he called his “Delicate Constitution Pigs,” which he sold at prices far above the price of the ordinary hot of those days. His right-hand man was a colored man, who was only known as “Burnt Eye Bill.” The two were cronies in the pig trade.

“Short Smith” was a tinner by trade, and kept a saloon on the levee at one time. The Second Street entrance [Broadway] was through the cellar door. The levee, not having been filled up to its present grade, was one story lower than Second Street. He was a rough, vulgar man in all his ways, and died, I think, in the Piasa House, and as I was told, with an oath on his lips.

In later years there was a man who carried molasses candy on a waiter, and sold it. He was known by his cry,” Candy boys, candy!” Also, a young man who was brought from the East by one of our business men, and known among us as “Lazarus.” He would not reform, but left and went rapidly down to a drunkard’s death.

Ike Mann, a colored barber, was bright and intelligent. He attended the sessions of the Legislature, and won, as he said, all the money “from dem annatto breeches fellers from de Wabash.” There were others, but these are the most prominent ones. Signed A. G. Wolford.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 12, 1886
The 50th anniversary of the Odd Fellowship in this State, by the organization of Western Star Lodge No. 1 in Alton, took place yesterday. Alton Lodge No. 2 and Germania Lodge No. 299 took part in the observance, as well as individual members of the order from a number of other places.

Western Star Lodge No. 1, of Alton, was instituted August 11, 1836, by Past Grands Tucker, Storry, and Keemle of Travellers’ Rest Lodge No. 1 of St. Louis, who were commissioned by Grand Sire Thomas Wildey. The officers were: Samuel S. Miller, N. G.; George McBride, V. G.; Horace Beall, Secretary. The charter members, none of whom survive, were Samuel L. Miller, John R. Woods, Stephen Lansing, Thomas Wright, and John Fisher.

The procession, headed by Gossrau’s band, started from the I.O.O.F. hall on Third Street, and marched to the city cemetery, where the graves of the deceased members were decorated. Prayer was offered, and Dr. J. T. Dickerson of the Brighton Lodge delivered an interesting address.

Fifty years ago today, a few men met in a small apartment, with simple surroundings, to inaugurate a mighty work. There the structure took shape and form, the foundations were laid of an unsurpassed fabric. Its doors were opened, and all worthy to join the enterprise were invited to take part. They have done the work well, and they sleep, they rest from their labors. Few of those old representatives are with us today. Brothers Wolford and Starr alone represent those veterans. Wolford, Starr, and Dickinson were appointed by Thomas Hyndman, chairman of the Committee of Arrangements, as a committee to decorate the grave of Amasa Stetson Barry with three links of evergreen, prepared for the purpose by Mr. Wolford. A line of march was reformed, and the procession marched to Turner Hall.

Mr. Hyndman introduced Captain James E. Starr of Elsah, one among the oldest members of the order in the State, who delivered an earnest, impressive address. He stated that the thronging memories of the past almost overwhelmed him. He spoke of the times of over half a century ago, in 1833, when Alton was in embryo, and St. Louis was only known as being “near Alton,” and contrasted that period with the present. At that time, it was considered almost certain death to live in Lower Alton, Upper Alton being only considered fit for habitation. Soon John R. Woods and Samuel L. Miller arrived here. These brothers united with five from Travelers’ Rest Lodge of St. Louis, and instituted Western Star Lodge. The speaker was made a member of the order on August 11, 1836. John M. Krum (the first mayor of Alton) was first Noble Grand.

Alton Lodge No. 2 was instituted about two years after Western Star Lodge, and the speaker was a charter member of this lodge. It was after this that period of financial prosperity and consequent extravagance took place, and was succeeded by a cessation of the work for a time. Afterwards a revival took place, and the good work has continued until the present time.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 2, 1886
Monday night, Mr. Levi Davis, who resides on State Street, was alarmed by a noise at his front door, and raising an upstairs window, called out and inquired what was wanted. In reply, a man told Mr. Davis to keep still, or he would shoot him, at the same time protesting that he did not desire to injure him, but if he did not maintain silence, he would shoot. Mr. Davis paid no attention to the threats, but called out vigorously for the police. His cry was heard by young Mr. Glen, who hastened to the city and alarmed the police. In the meantime, one shot was fired at Mr. Davis without effect, and the burglar or burglars (it is thought there were more than one) left the house. Policemen Sauerwein and Yackel proceeded to the scene, but found nothing. One of the officers returned to the police station for a dark lantern, and on his return, Captain O’Leary accompanied him, and the three officers, with Mr. Davis, commenced a thorough search of the premises, and finally were successful in finding the supposed burglar in the person of James Casey, who was hiding in the back yard. He made no resistance, and was quietly taken to jail. On his person was found a five-chambered 38-caliber revolver, with all the chambers empty. This morning Casey was brought before Police Justice Randle, and a preliminary examination was held. Mr. Davis swore out two affidavits against the prisoner, one for attempted burglary, the other for attempt to kill and murder. Mr. Davis and Captain O’Leary gave their testimony, as has just been written. The prisoner pleaded not guilty, and said he knew nothing about the matter. Casey was held in $500 bail on each complaint. In default, he was committed to jail, and will be taken to Edwardsville very shortly.


C. M. Crandall China, Glassware, Crockery
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 7, 1886
As the years go by, changes in the business firms of Alton are constantly taking place. Old firms are going out of business, new firms are being established, and other changes constantly going forward. Very few men are now in business her who controlled our commercial affairs a quarter of a century ago. As the old citizen passes along Third Street, his eye is greeted by but few of the business signs that were familiar to him 25 years ago.

There is one oasis, however, in the desert of changed, and that is the name of C. M. Crandall, Alton’s pioneer dealer in china, glassware, crockery, and house furnishing goods. Commencing business in Alton in 1850, he is still actively employed, and has kept pace with all the progress and improvement of the age. In the business world, his name has been all these years a synonym for integrity and fair dealing. His patrons of a quarter of a century ago are his patrons today, or their children are, and the success he has met within his business career has been won by his strict integrity and by keeping an assortment of goods unsurpassed for beauty, utility, and intrinsic value. Mr. Crandall’s store is always inviting and attractive. It glitters with beautiful and brilliant ornamental goods in china glass and opalescent ware. The proprietor believes in letting his light shine, and sells popular goods direct from New York or Paris.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 11, 1886
Beall Bros. have made a one-story brick addition, 86 feet in length, to their manufacturing establishment on Belle Street. The large doors in front will be arranged with weights and pullies, so that they can be raised or lowered at pleasure. Mr. W. J. Ferguson, who has the contract for the carpenter work of the glass house, has a dozen men at work preparing the foundations of the building.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1886
While the workmen were engaged Saturday in removing the earth from over the rock at Watson’s Quarry in Alton, the remains of a strange animal were uncovered. From its teeth, it seems to have been a rodent and allied to the beaver. Its huge incisors, however, were over a foot in length, and some of its bones show that it must have been as large as an ox. Professor McAdams, the geologist, who has the bones in his possession, says the bones are the remains of a mammoth rodent of the beaver family of an undescribed species. The teeth are finely preserved as well as some of the bones, which are encrusted with stone. The curious remains will be of great interest to naturalists and other savans.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 14, 1887
This morning Mr. Zan Cotter went to the cellar under his drugstore for the purpose of getting a bucket of coal, carrying a lighted candle in his hand, the cellar being quite dark. Unfortunately, he dropped the candle, and some packing straw was ignited. Mr. Cotter and others made great efforts with buckets of water to extinguish the flames, which were fed by pine boxes and other inflammable material but in vain. In the meantime, the fire department was notified, soon arrived, and in a brief time extinguish the fire. The flames burned through the floor of the drugstore, scorched the walls, ceiling and shelving, and damaged a large proportion of the stock. Mr. S. F. Connor’s stock of fruits, confectionery, groceries, in the adjoining store on the west, with but a frame partition intervening, was also badly damaged by the smoke. Messrs. Clifford and Blake’s grocery stock in the room east of the drugstore was but slightly damaged by the flavor of smoke pervading the place. No estimate of the loss has as yet been made. The building belongs to Hon. A. W. Hope, and was insured.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 31, 1887
The celebration Saturday evening at Turner Hall, of the 25th anniversary of the organization of Germania Lodge I.O.O.F., was a very successful affair, attended by about 200 persons. Mr. J. H. Ruble, D. G. M., made an eloquent address of welcome in English, after which he gave an interesting history of the order, first in the country at large, calling attention to the benevolent work consummated, the fire, flood, and yellow fever sufferers relieved, the widows and orphans benefitted, and the general good accomplished. The speaker then took up the history of Germania Lodge, which was organized January 30, 1862, and gave the following facts:

The charter members were John M. Tonsor, Louis Axeheim, Chris Wuerker, H. H. Rippe, Henry Siem, F. H. Ulrich, Charles Rodemeyer, I. S. Koenig, F. X. Walter, and C. W. Schuetzed.

Mr. Val Lehman, Noble Grand, was presented a gold medallion by Mr. Raible, in behalf of the Lodge, while Mr. Louis Berner, Secretary, was given a fine gold pen. These gifts were intended as evidences of appreciation of their zeal and efficiency in the interests of the order. The ladies made a presentation to the Lodge of a lovely silver laurel leaf wreath, Mrs. M. Raible reading in connection with the affair, a beautiful poem which was highly commended by the hearers. Mr. T. W. L. Belk of Bethalto at this point made a few fitting remarks, which were well received. The supper, served by the ladies, was a marvel of culinary skill, the menu embracing luxuries and dainties in almost infinite variety. The celebration closed with a grand ball, for which exquisite music was furnished by Prof. Gossrau’s orchestra.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, March 01, 1887
The building occupied by Mr. William Siem as a hardware store on Second Street, south side, between Piasa and State Streets, was entirely destroyed by fire this morning. A number of men, under the direction of Captain True Dodge, were engaged at the hour mentioned in loading the steamer Hudson with flour from Stanard’s Mill, and were among the first to discover that the building was in a blaze. The alarm was given by the Hudson’s whistle, and in a short time locomotive whistles, bells, and human voices joined in the chorus until pandemonium reigned, and thousands of people were aroused from their slumbers. About the time that the fire was seen by the men on the levee, Mrs. George D. Hayden, whose residence is just across the street from Mr. Siem’s store, heard the noise of falling glass, and saw an unusual light. She aroused Mr. Hayden, and when he went to his window, he found the panes of glass so hot that he could scarcely lay his hand on them. The burning building was then a seething mass of fire inside, but the flames had not yet broken through the roof.

In the meantime, Mr. Hayden got out a few sections of hose that he had in readiness in his establishment, but the nozzle was missing. Before the firemen were on hand, within about five minutes after the alarm, the immense building collapsed, the supporting columns and walls gave way, and the whole structure fell inwardly with such a noise that many thought that an explosion had taken place. It was a complete wreck, crushed out of all form, a mere mass of bricks and mortar. Stanard’s warehouse, which adjoined Mr. Siem’s store on the west, was badly damaged, the division wall being destroyed, a large part of the roof and a portion of the floor crushed by falling debris. The firemen did good work in saving the warehouse from the flames after the brick building had fallen.

Mr. Siem’s store contained a large stock of goods, three stories, and the cellar being used for storage. On the upper floors and in the cellar were wooden material for carriages, wagons, and buggies, patent wheels and other articles that tended to make the building a furnace of intense heat, which accounts for the total collapse which took place so suddenly.

In Governor Stanard’s warehouse were 600 barrels of flour, a large proportion of which were damaged by water, smoke, and heat. Fortunately, several hundred barrels of flour had just been taken out, the work of shipping being in progress when the fire broke out.

Mr. Siem was away from home on a business trip, and received a telegram in Girard this morning conveying the astounding news that his store was a heap of ruins. He came home on the 9:30 a.m. train, and found the news too true. He had been making preparations to immediately commence the work of consolidating his two stores by removing the goods from the room he occupies on Third Street to the building just destroyed.

The burned building was a large, handsome, double-brick, three-story, and built for the hardware trade with special reference to strength and durability. It was one of the finest and most complete store buildings in the city, and an ornament to Second Street. It was filled with a complete stock of hardware, cutlery, agricultural implements, carriage and wagon material, etc., all of which is a total loss, and the value of which will far exceed the insurance. Mr. Siem is as yet unable to figure on the loss, as the safe containing the books is still in the smoking ruins.

There is complaint that the water works did not render good service at first, the streams being feeble and insufficient. Good service was rendered later, however, in saving adjoining property, several buildings catching fire from sparks during the conflagration. The fire was the most serious one experienced here for years, and much sympathy is expressed by the losers of the calamity.


Written by Captain William P. Lamothe of Upper Alton
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 14, 1887
“The first steamboat in the Alton – St. Louis trade was the Luella, and she was a stern wheeler. That was forty years ago. It was my first attempt at the steamboat business, and looked to me at the time as a very risky one. I had all of my little fortune invested in a little store close to the boat landing at Alton. Just after I had opened out, along came a minister who had been trying river life. He had lost money, got tired, and became disgusted, and wanted me to lift the elephant off his hands. I was ambitious, but that was not the money. What was I to do?

The problem was to me then like the Interstate Commerce puzzle is to some now. I thought the matter over, struck a scheme, and fitted a key to it. The minister wanted $1,000, $800 cash the balance in sixty days, with a trust on the boat. I compromised on $500 cash and balance in ninety days. How did I get the $500 without selling out or giving a trust on my store? I canvassed my friends in Alton, getting $25 from this one, and $30 from another, and in a few hours had the $500. Nor did one man know that I had borrowed from the other. I paid the money, started the Luella in the Alton and St. Louis trade the next morning, and in a month paid all indebtedness to court and creditors. That is the story in brief.”

Captain William P. Lamothe was born in Canada on November 24, 1817. After working in as a store clerk for five years, he moved to Alton in 1837. He became a clerk for the commission house of which Thomas Hawley was the senior partner. Captain Lamothe was a nephew of Mr. Hawley. Thomas Hawley and his two nephews, George E. Hawley and Andrew T. Hawley, came to Alton from Quebec, Canada in 1836. They lived in a large log house on Broadway, and grew vegetables on their property for the family. They had a cow and other animals, and had a stable where later the Rodemeyer Carriage Factory was located. George Hawley became a steamboat captain. Andrew died within a few hours of Captain William LaMothe in 1898.

With a small inheritance, Lamothe opened a small store near the boat landing in Alton. When the opportunity came along, he invested in the steamboat Luella. During his successful 30-year career on the Mississippi River, he owned and operated 27 packet boats. He purchased land across the river from Alton, calling it the Lamothe Place. This would later be West Alton. He opened a small hotel and other businesses there. Captain Lamothe also saved the city of St. Louis from burning down. While out on the river, he heard a loud noise from another steamboat, and noticed some of the boats on the landing were on fire. Using his own steamboat, he was able to pull the boats out to the middle of the river, so the fire would not advance upon the city. He was honored for what he did, and the insurance underwriters gave him a silver service set for his heroism.

Captain Lamothe married Mary C. Lowe (1824-1894), and they had the following children: Emeline L. Lamothe Harrison (1843-1905); William E. Lamothe (1845-1874); George Andrew Lamothe (1847-1868); Edward Arthur Lamothe (1849-1850); Virginia A. Lamothe McCarthy (1858-1923); Florence “Mabelle” Lamothe (1859-1920); and Charles Lockwood Lamothe (1860-1936).

In November 1898, Captain Lamothe received an offer from a St. Louis woolen goods factory, to locate a large plant across from Alton, if he would sell them 10 acres of his property. The company proposed to establish a small village there, and would build houses for its workmen. Captain Lamothe agreed to sell the land. However, on December 2, 1898, Captain Lamothe died at his home in West Alton at the age of 81 years, following a short illness occasioned by a fall. His death was unexpected and sudden. He was buried beside his wife in the Alton City Cemetery. Many of his old river associates were present. The pallbearers were Captains G. W. Hill, H. B. Starr, Alex Lamont, the Hon. Henry G. McPike, C. W. Milnor, and William Armstrong.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 25, 1887
In spite of threatening appearance of the weather, and occasional showers of rain, there was an immense assemblage yesterday afternoon to witness the ceremonies attending the laying of the cornerstone of the new St. Joseph’s Hospital. About 3:30 o’clock, Mayor Henry G. McPike and most of the City Council arrived on the grounds, which are located at the southwest corner of Fourth [now E. 5th] and Walnut Streets [now Central Avenue], just south of St. Patrick’s Church. The members of the Western Catholic Union, preceded by a standard bearer carrying their elegant blue satin banner, reached the place at 4 o’clock. In a short time afterwards, the Catholic clergy reached the platform, on which were seated Mayor McPike, City Council, Vicar General Jannsen, Rev. Fathers Peters, Zweissler, and Howard; and Rev. Father Neuthart of St. Louis, speaker of the occasion. The orator of the day announced that the ceremonies would consist of three short acts – the sermon, collection, and laying the cornerstone with the blessing and consecration of the edifice and the grounds. The speaker paid an eloquent tribute to Alton, and said that this beautiful city always reminded him of Rome and Bethlehem. He spoke of the religious advancement in this diocese since the consecration of Bishop Juncker, 30 years ago tomorrow, April 26. The speaker in closing paid a well-deserved tribute to the Sisters of Charity, for their self-sacrificing devotion to their Christian work.

At the termination of the address, which was well conceived and well delivered, couched in fine language and very interesting, the ceremony of laying the cornerstone took place. The stone basement and brick work of the first story are almost completed, but a space had been left above the stone at the northeast corner of the edifice, where a metallic box was placed by Vicar General Jannsen, and sealed by Mr. J. B. Kirwin. The ceremonies were concluded with chanting, a processional march around the building, and the consecration of the place.

The hospital, when complete, will consist of a stone basement and two and a half, practically three stories of brick. The dimensions are 110 feet, 10 inches long, 48 feet wide. The edifice will cost from $16,000 to $20,000, and will contain 500,000 brick, which are being manufactured near the spot. The site is a commanding one, embracing a magnificent view of the Mississippi River and the plains, hills, and forests lying eastward and south of Alton.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 4, 1887
I extend to you the acknowledgment due you for the unsought honor you have conferred. I was not present at any of your meetings, and found on my return home an urgent call for me, and nomination for Mayor. My declination was immediately written with the view that my business relations were too great to permit it. On reflection, however, I accepted the duty. Those present, who would have preferred, as I myself would, that someone else should perform this irrepressible work, I say to you, come forward now and pledge by the eternal “Father” that the crusade shall not end until prosperity shall have been achieved, and we a solid phalanx marching to the visible commercial victory. What may not even 10,000 earnest, determined people do? Did you ever think of that in that sense? If two of you differed, lay down that difference as I now do, and close up the ranks.

Having acknowledged the honor you did me, I again thank you in this formal manner for the trust reposed in me to administer the municipal government for the city of Alton. There exists a great necessity for energy of action and purpose, and a fearless invasion of the hedges beset with every phase of avarice, which is backed by thoughtless croakers, innocent though they may be. I came to this city a boy, have lived with you until this hour, sharing the doubts and fears, the adversity and prosperity incident to the intervening years. I recognize most intensely the meaning of this popular uprising. It is more than personal; greater than individual. An expression of abused confidence, of desperate necessity; a period when longer forbearance becomes a sin, and to falter, savoring of cowardice. At such a time it were well to stop and take a careful reckoning, to look facts square in the face, and to administer rapid and potent remedies. At a time when prosperity should abound, what does it mean to see our labor prostrated and doubt and complaint upon every face? A time when prosperity should be the rule, and distress the exception. A city having resources, which if directed by business men upon business principles, could but result in general prosperity and happiness. With the same rectitude and fidelity of purpose and action apparent in our commercial circles, devoted to the upbuilding of our city, would follow like results of thrift and growth; hence the remedy is visible. …..

In my acceptance before the election, I promised that which all would expect – a representative government without fear or favor, none to punish, none to reward, only representation.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 01, 1887
In 1837, the post office occupied a small frame building at the site now occupied by the city hall. The square at that point was graded by Richard McDonald, now of Bethalto, and while engaged in digging, an Indian skeleton was found; also, a large stone hatchet or axe.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 29, 1887
Alton has been designated as one of the stations to receive by telegraph the weather predictions, which will be sent on and after August 1, at government expense. The signals will be in charge of Chief Engineer Hayes of the fire department. The flags adopted are four in number, and of the following dimensions and color:

No. 1 – White flag, 6 feet square, always indicates clear or fair weather, no rain.

No. 2 – Blue flag, 6 feet square, indicates rain or snow.

No. 3 – Black triangular flag, 6 feet at the base and 6 feet in length, always refers to temperature. When placed above No. 1 or 2, it indicates warm weather; when placed below No. 1 or 2, it indicates cold weather. When not displayed, the indications are that the temperature will remain stationary, or that the change in temperature will not vary 5 degrees from the temperature of the same hour of the preceding day.

No. 4 – Cold wave flag, 6 feet square, indicates a sudden and decided fall in the temperature. This signal is usually ordered at least 24 hours in advance of the cold wave. It is not displayed unless a temperature of 45 degrees or less is expected; not is flag No. 3 displayed with it.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 29, 1887
The work of filling Seminary Park is going on, the earth being taken from lots at the southwest corner of the square. The somewhat torrid weather we are now experiencing is an efficient reminder of the benefit that will accrue to the city, when the park is completed, or at least made accessible at all times. With a carpet of grass and shade trees at intervals, the place would be a most attractive resort, especially to strangers in the city, affording, as it does, from various points, fine views of both rivers and splendid scenery east and south. It would afford a nice convenient place for picnics and other outdoor gatherings, something greatly needed. This improvement will not cost any great amount, compared with the benefit resulting, and as an after consideration, a fountain might be placed there, music furnished once or twice a week, when the park would become such a popular resort that our people could only wonder that the work had not long since been done with money that has been dumped into sinkholes to no permanent benefit.

This property is located between E. 4th and E. 6th Streets, and Mechanics and Henry Street. It was designed by Alton founded Rufus Easton as Seminary or Water Square, in hopes of building a seminary or college on the site.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 01, 1887
An ice box, provided for by the citizens, through the efforts of the Sentinel, was placed Saturday under the drinking fountain at the city hall. In the bottom of the box, a coil of pipes is placed, on which the ice is laid, thus cooling the water as it passes through. The ice dealers of the city, Messrs. L. Bickel and Harry Johnson, kindly agree to furnish the box with ice, free, the balance of the season. Mr. Taylor, Superintendent of the Water Works, also furnishes free water. It seems that some people intend to make ice water “free” to all intents and purposes, for yesterday they carried water away from the fountain by the bucketful, and this morning it was found that the ice placed in the box at an early hour had been carried off. The thanks of the community are due not only to the ladies of the W.C.T.U., who originated the idea of a drinking fountain and took steps to make it an accomplished fact, but to all others who have assisted in the work.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 4, 1887
Beall Bros. factory on Belle Street is a scene of great activity. Notwithstanding the hot weather, the forges are roaring and the steam hammers tripping away at a lively rate, turning out the celebrated Alton picks by the hundreds. These goods have an immense sale all over the country, east and west, and a brisk demand for them is now springing up in the mining regions of Alabama and Tennessee. Industry, skill, and first-class goods will insure success in any business, and the immense trade which Beall Bros. are doing has been built up through honest hard work and business tact.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 10, 1887
The I. & St. Louis roundhouse caught fire about 5 o’clock last evening, and was totally consumed. The fire department was notified, and although the flames had made such progress that it was impossible to save the building, the spread of the flames was prevented by the judicious application of water. Some freight cars on a side track nearby were somewhat damaged by the flames, one loaded with shingles, belonging to Mr. Manual H. Boals, being the most injured. A number of barrels of machine oil, stored in the building, were consumed, and a lot of tools destroyed. The loss was not very great, as the roundhouse was quite an ancient structure. The origin of the fire is unknown. The firemen were called to the place again at 10 o’clock at night, as there were indications of a revival of the flames.


Machine Shop Proprietor
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 10, 1887
George D. Hayden, proprietor of a well-known machine shop in Alton, was seen traveling by train to Newbern, then mysteriously disappeared. His brother, Captain William H. Hayden, was called, and he arrived in Alton and formed search parties, which included Professor William McAdams, the noted archeologist. False reports of sightings came in, but no one was found. On September 8, 1887, it was reported that Hayden was alive, and had taken a train to Jerseyville, and then further north. It was supposed that he had an uncontrollable impulse to escape from real or imaginary troubles. His son, Captain Hayden, intended to leave town to follow up on the new information. Hayden had been missing for weeks.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 12, 1887
Captain Hayden arrived home yesterday from his trip in search of his brother, George D. Hayden. He was successful in his mission, and not only located his brother near the point indicated, but succeeded in having an interview with him, finding him at work in a machine shop. The interview between the brothers was a most affecting one, the particulars of which do not concern the public.

It appears that George Hayden had become worn out in unavailing efforts to meet his financial obligations promptly, and was so depressed and discouraged, that his better judgment was, for the time, unbalanced. Acting on a sudden impulse, he decided to leave home and his troubles behind him. He stated to his brother that when he started for Newbern, he had no intention of taking any such mistaken step.

From Newbern, after some desultory wanderings over country roads, he walked to Jerseyville, thence went by train to Jacksonville, from there to Chicago, thence to Milwaukee, and then across Wisconsin, following the course of the Wisconsin River. Often, after making the start, and when reflection convinced him of his error, he resolved to return, but regret at the trouble and anxiety he had given his family and friends, and a feeling of inability to take up the burdens left behind, restrained him, for some weeks, but finally his better judgment returned and he made up his mind to let his location be known to his brother.

Although deeply regretting the past, Captain Hayden states that his brother has determined not to return to Alton at present, but to endeavor to adjust his affairs satisfactorily to all concerned through the medium of others. With this in view, he has given Captain Hayden power of attorney to transact his business, and under it the business at the machine shop will be continued for the present.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 21, 1887
This morning, officer Sweeney discovered fire in the roof of the building occupied by Coleman Bros. as a cotton batting manufactory, Fourth Street, between State and Belle Streets. The fire department was notified, but before they could reach the scene, the fire had gained such headway that the destruction of the building was only a question of a few minutes. The firemen did splendid work in saving the imperiled structures, both on the east and west, and prevented the spread of the flames. The building destroyed is a two-story brick, belonging to the Rodemeyer estate, as does the one to the west of it, occupied by Mr. George H. Eddy as a machine shop, an upper story being used as a hall by the Knights of Labor and Alton Post, G. A. R. This building was but slightly damaged, consequently the loss sustained by the Knights and the G.A.R. was not large. Mr. Coleman says that they intend to resume operations as soon as they can make the necessary arrangements.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 22, 1887
Yesterday, while a workman was engaged in clearing up at the north part of the Alton Agricultural Works building, in readiness for operations by Burton & Hubbell, he struck with his spade a box partly embedded in the earth under a stairway. It was removed, and the lid pried off, revealing a mass of bones appearing to be those of a human being. There was part of a jawbone with a number of teeth attached. The box was well and securely made of two-inch plank, but had decayed considerably, and appeared as though it might have been lying where found for 25 or 30 years. The affair is a great mystery, and whether the bones were human or otherwise, there is no way of accounting for the manner in which they were hidden away, or why they were thus disposed of.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 7, 1887
Yesterday afternoon, the sausage house and barn belonging to Joseph Bell, near the corner of Front and Spring Streets, was discovered to be on fire. The place was as dry as tinder, and was soon consumed, although the firemen were on hand and at work in good time. The fire communicated to Fritsch & Koch’s barn and wagon house, which were also consumed. The roof of Mr. A. Erhardt’s house, corner of Second [Broadway] and Spring Streets, caught fire from flying sparks, but through the exertions of Mr. W. W. Arnold and others, the blaze was extinguished without much damage being done. Mr. Bell’s residence, next to Mr. Erhardt’s, was in danger for a while, but it was also saved from material injury by some men who mounted the roof.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 23, 1887
We understand that Mr. William J. Ferguson is now working on the plans for the new glass factory. The company could not wait until Spring, as we intimated a few days ago, on account of the urgency of their orders for flint ware, and they have decided to have the house ready for operations by March 01. The main body of the house will be 162x82 feet. The house, including ovens, under roof, will be 186x106 feet. The other furnaces of the flint houses are 14 pot furnaces, the new one will be 16 pots. The new house will be built on the west side of No. 1, and the roof of the new will extend over No. 1, making two furnaces in the same house. The roof will be a round one, the same as on No. 5. Mr. Smith has let the contract for the furnace to parties in Steubenville, Ohio.

The new factory will employ about two hundred hands in all, in addition to the force now engaged, will bring the total of employees up to about an even one thousand, a full regiment of stalwart workers. We understand that this new addition will make the Illinois Glass Works the most extensive bottle factory in the United States, as it has long been the most extensive, west of Pittsburg. The steady increase being made by Mr. Smith in his plant shows that he is satisfied with the advantages of Alton as a manufacturing point, and his judgment in the matter, fortified by his remarkable success, should be convincing evidence to other manufacturers that Alton is the best point to be found in the west for any industrial business.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 02, 1887
Mayor Henry G. McPike, the gas committee, and the chairman of the finance committee met today and decided the location of the street electric lights. The light will commence at Bozzatown on Second Street [Broadway]; extending west to State Street; on Third Street, in the business part of the city; on Belle Street to Fifth; on State Street to the Cathedral; on Market Street to Sixth; on Henry Street north to Union Street. The lamps will be hung in the middle of the thoroughfares at points that will afford the most unobstructed lines of illumination. It is expected the lamps will all be in operation before Christmas.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 6, 1887
Mr. David Ryan commenced work this afternoon on the Market Street terrace for the use of the new street railroad (trolley). The terrace begins 50 feet west of the building line, and drops six feet at Fourth Street, and three feet at Sixth. The terrace will be twenty feet wide. The ultimate design is to have two terraces. A better plan would be to have one terrace, and commence sixty feet west of the building line, go down at least ten feet at Fourth Street, and then slope up to Sixth; make the terrace twenty-five feet wide and connect it with Fourth Street. This would give an easy ascent from Piasa Street, via Fourth and Market to Sixth.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 7, 1887
The Alton Water Works is making some notable improvements under direction of the efficient Superintendent, Mr. T. A. Taylor. The reservoir resources of the company are being enlarged by the addition of a new steel tank now in process of construction. The dimensions of the new tank are 40 feet in diameter by 45 feet in height, with storage capacity of 480,000 gallons. The capacity of the other tank is 160,000 gallons, which will make a total reservoir capacity of 640,000 gallons. The company is preparing to replace the present engines and pumps in the water works building with new and improved pumps and engines of greater power and efficiency. These new improvements and enlargements will require a heavy outlay of capital, and as they are beyond the present demand of consumption, it shows that the company has confidence in the future growth and prosperity of Alton.

Upper Alton is figuring on the cost of extending the mains to their town. We hope the citizens will conclude to do so. Upper Alton expects to be a residence town for St. Louis people. No town within fifty miles of St. Louis has as delightful a site. Upper Alton can be made the most beautiful residence town in the State. But city people in establishing country homes want city privileges as far as possible, among these are water in their kitchens, in their bathrooms, and for their lawns. They also want efficient fire protection if they put up fine houses. But Upper Alton has no protection against fire. The extension of the water mains would overcome that and any other objection that could arise to Upper Alton as a residence town, and that objection should be overcome without delay.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 7, 1887
A more animated and inspiring sight than is presented daily at the great bluff stone quarry of Mr. Henry Watson would be hard to imagine. It is a perfect hive of industry. The towering cliffs, rising perpendicularly to the height of over 100 feet of solid rock; the great steam stone crusher, rumbling, grinding, and remorselessly devouring the rocks and boulders with which it is incessantly fed, and always growling for more; powerful engines steadily at work, steam drills on the upper ledges patiently pegging away; the streams of water playing upon the over-lying earth, stripping it from the rock, and in the quarry below, 40 to 50 men busy with pick and shovel or loading stone into small cars. Six or eight narrow-gauge tracks radiate to all parts of the quarry on which the cars are constantly carrying their loads to the crusher; alongside the quarry is a long train of cars already loaded with ballast, each car being loaded direct from the crusher without handling. Twenty-two railroad cars were thus loaded yesterday, the usual average. All this makes a picture of bustling activity that one does not soon forget. Every man at work seems to partake of the steady purpose and restless energy of the proprietor. It is wonderful how much of this quarrying work can be done by machinery and appliances that reduce the tax on manual labor, and Mr. Watson’s genius in finding an easy way to do hard things is one of the secrets of his wonderful success.

As we stood a few moments last evening, on the bluff overlooking this busy scene, with the solos from engine, crusher, drills, picks, shovels, and crowbars rising in a grand chorus of industry around us, we wished there were more men in Alton like Mr. Watson, at work all along those bluffs, unlocking the hidden stores of ages and distributing them to less favored points. A community that has plenty of raw material to ship away, or better still, to convert into marketable forms before shipping, has a sure foundation for prosperity if it has the wisdom to develop what nature has stored up for the use of man.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 8, 1887
Soon after one o'clock this afternoon, a terrible calamity occurred at one of the new ice houses, in process of construction over the river, which resulted in the death of one man and the serious, if not fatal injury of several others. The scene of the accident was at the lower group of houses, about two miles from town. About 1:30 o'clock, two men came pulling wildly across the river, and on landing, told of a fearful accident by the fall of a truss beam at one of the ice houses, and the wounding of several men. Word was instantly sent to Dr. Haskell and Dr. Davis, who at once started for the scene of the disaster in skiffs, the ferry boat having gone up the river. It seems that the workmen were engaged in raising a truss beam some 18 feet above the floor. Eight of the men were standing on a scaffolding, inside the building, and were raising the beam by means of a derrick. They had just got it into its place when it turned and came down with a crash, smashing the scaffold to splinters and precipitating the unfortunate men to the floor in the midst of the general wreck. The scene that ensued was horrible. The wounded men lay bleeding and groaning in the saw dust, and so sudden and appalling was the disaster that it was some minutes before the other workmen could aid their injured comrades. Messengers were quickly dispatched to this side for doctors, who, as we stated, hastened at once to the scene. The names of those reported killed or injured are:

Killed - Fred Groshan of Upper Alton, a carpenter. Lived but a few minutes after the accident. Is a married man and has a family.

Washington Johnson, Alton, leg broken and otherwise injured.
James Murray, Upper Alton, hurt internally.
Dan Segraves, Missouri Point, hip injured.
Louis Struper, shoulder broken.
Louis Droz, Alton, head cut.
William Spellman, seriously injured.
William Meisenbach, also severely hurt.

Just how badly the wounded are injured cannot be told until the doctors can be seen, but the fall of eighteen feet would alone have been a serious matter, to say nothing of the falling beam. The timber which fell was 24 feet long and about 8x12 inches thick. The work was in charge of a man named Porter, from St. Louis. The old foreman, Peter LeChance, having left yesterday. Who was to blame for the accident, or whether anyone was, cannot be determined at this writing.

Dr. Davis returned at a quarter of 4, Dr. Haskell remaining with the wounded to accompany them back on the ferry boat, which started over at 4 o'clock. Dr. Davis says that all the wounded will recover eventually. The body of Fred Groshan will have to be left at the scene of the accident until the action of the St. Charles County Coroner.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 9, 1887
The Telegraph of last evening gave full particulars of all that could be obtained up to 4 o'clock, in regard to the terrible accident over the river. Later reports somewhat modified the first statements, two of the workmen at the house, Spellman and Meisenbach, reported injured, proving to be unhurt, and Reuben Shumake, being added to the list of wounded, making in all one killed and six wounded. Two of the victims, D. Seagraves and Louis Seubert, live over the river. Their injuries were not serious. But two men, in addition to those injured, Thomas Campbell and a man known as "Frenchy," witnessed the accident, that is they heard the crash and turned in time to see a mingled mass of falling timbers and human beings. An immense crowd gathered at the levee in the dusk of evening, as the boat with the victims of the accident approached the landing. The injured men were brought over in charge of Dr. Haskell. Every possible provision was made for their comfort. Each one was on a mattress and was covered with blankets. Light wagons were in waiting, and the wounded men were lifted by strong hands, carried off the boat and laid in the bottom of the vehicles, with the exception of Johnson, who was carried direct to the home of his mother, near the corner of Fourth and State Street. Louis Droz was taken to the house of his relative, Mr. E. Santschi, on Third Street between Market and Alby. Reuben Schumake was removed to St. Joseph's hospital. James Murray was taken to his home in Upper Alton. Although the victims were suffering intensely, no complaint escaped them during the transfer. Dr. Haskell says that the wounded are all doing as well as could be expected today. He considers that Louis Droz is the only one seriously injured, and that his is the only doubtful case, the recovery of the others being merely a question of time.

Fred Groshan, the unfortunate man who was instantly killed by the accident, was a German living in Upper Alton, where he had resided several years. He had recently bought a little home there and moved into it. He was a man of middle age, and was formerly a cavalry soldier in the regular army. He was with General Custer's regiment at the time that officer and the great part of his command were slaughtered by the Indians. Groshans was one of the few survivors of that terrible massacre. He leaves a wife and three little children. His wife's maiden name was Sarah Caldwell. She lived at the home of Mrs. Prof. Marsh for several years, and was married there.

James Murray, the other Upper Alton man who was injured, was reported resting quietly this afternoon. He is a married man with a wife and one or two children. He has resided in Upper Alton the last four or five years, and is a brother-in-law of the Reeder brothers.

Justice Valentine, of St. Charles county, acting as Coroner, impaneled a jury last evening and view the remains of Fred Groshan, and then adjourned the inquest until today. The body was then surrendered to the friends of the deceased and was brought over on the last trip of the ferry, at 7:30 o'clock, and taken to the family residence in Upper Alton. The ferry boat came over at 3:40 this afternoon, at which time the jury had not agreed upon a verdict, but the preponderating evidence was that the occurrence was a sheer accident, nothing out of place or out of order. The timbers sound and the machinery in good order. The accident was apparently caused by a misstep on the part of the man who met his death.

It was later found that Spellman and Neisenbach were only slightly injured. Two men by the names of Thomas Campbell and “Frenchy,” witnessed the accident. A crowd gathered at the Alton levee as the boat with the dead and injured arrived for medical care. Dr. William Haskell was in charge of the injured. Each man was covered with blankets and placed in wagons. They were taken to either the hospital or their homes. Although the men were suffering, none cried out in complaint. Frederick Groshan, the man instantly killed in the accident, was a German living in Upper Alton. He had recently bought a little home there. He was middle aged, and was formerly a cavalry soldier. The newspaper stated that Groshan was with General Custer’s regiment at the time of the great slaughter, and was one of the few survivors. Some historical accounts state that no white man survived the Battle of Little Bighorn, but according to, when the smoke cleared on the evening of June 26, 1876, 262 men were dead, 68 were wounded, and six died later of their wounds. Custer’s Battalion – C, E, F, I and L companies – was wiped out, but the majority of the seven other companies under Major Marcus Reno and Captain Frederick Benteen survived. Groshan may have been in one of the other companies. Since I know very little about that battle, and whether or not Groshan was with them, I will stop here and just say I can’t say for sure that he was there, but I have no reason to doubt his word, either. Groshan left behind a wife, the former Sarah Caldwell, and three little children. He is buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 19, 1887
About 7 o’clock, Thomas Clampitt, a well-known drayman, entered the saloon of Coyne & Dooling on Piasa Street, and asked the loan of a revolver. He had made efforts to procure a similar weapon several times during the day, but unsuccessfully. The request was at first refused by Mr. Coyne, but as Mr. Clampitt persisted in a desire to merely look at the revolver, a 38-caliber Smith & Wesson, it was handed to him. He examined the weapon closely, then stepping behind the ice box in the room, placed the muzzle against his left breast, just above the heart, and fired.

The sharp report startled everyone within hearing, and as the purport of the act was ascertained, a feeling of horror and excitement prevailed. To Mr. Coyne the injured man exclaimed: “I have shot myself, no one is to blame.” Mr. J. H. Maupin Jr. ran to the place, attracted by the noise of the shot and the excitement, and taking Mr. Clampitt by the arm, asked him where he was shot. He answered: “I shot myself as near the heart as I could ge it,” then added, “I am sinking, take care of me.” He soon became unconscious. Dr. Halliburton was called, and at his suggestion the wounded man was removed on a stretcher to the police station. Dr. Guerlich was also notified and repaired to the station, where the bullet was removed from a point a little below the left should blade, the sufferer having been partially revived by the use of stimulants. It was found that the bullet had entered two or three inches above the heart, ranging almost entirely through the body, so that the removal was attended with but little difficulty. The aim was deadly, but the muzzle of the weapon was elevated a little more than was intended. The wounded man was removed to St. Joseph’s Hospital, and was resting so well today that hopes are entertained of his recovery, no vital part having been touched.

Mr. Clampitt is a native of Alton, 87 years of age, and has resided here most of his life. He had been drinking heavily of late, and this fact accounts for the rash attempt at self destruction. He has a wife, nee Miss Kate White, and several children.


Discovery of Human Bones in Cave
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 19, 1887
Yesterday, while Professor McAdams and Mr. Ralph were taking a walk along the river bluff near the box factory, a dog belonging to one of the Professor’s boys attracted the attention of the party by barking at a hole in the cliff. Thinking it the lair of some animal, the boys pulled away some stones, and to their surprise disclosed an aperture that seemed to be the mouth of a cavern. Upon removing more of the debris, the Professor and his lads were enabled to enter the chamber, upon the floor of which, protruding from the long-accumulated dust, they were surprised to see human bones.

With nothing but hastily improvised wooden tools, they soon uncovered a well-preserved skeleton of a man, which lay upon the stone floor of the cave. Further research revealed numerous other bones, a few human, but mostly deer, wolves, wild cats, rodents of many kinds, fishes, serpents and birds. Some of the bird bones are enormously large. Further research was made today, and another small room beyond entered, and a further accumulation of bones found. From this second chamber can be seen a third room. The matter will be further investigated and objects of still greater interest will probably be brought to light. The first chamber is about 15x20 feet in area, and 5 to 6 feet in height. Is this the Piasa cave which the old legend says was located near the picture of the monster on the rocks?


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 21, 1887
On December 20, 1836, just fifty-one years ago yesterday, the most sudden and remarkable change of temperature on record took place in this section. For several days previous the weather had been unusually warm, and the change came with the suddenness of a clap of thunder. About 2 o’clock p.m., a black cloud arose in the northwest, followed by the rush and roar of a blizzard. The temperature was at least 40 degrees above, and at the first blast of the northwester, it dropped below freezing point. Old settlers say that ducks and geese were frozen in the ponds before they could swim ashore, and hogs and chickens were frozen fast in the mud in the barnyards.

Yesterday was the 51st anniversary of this noted cold wave, and the day was celebrated by a change almost as sudden and severe. The temperature yesterday morning was 42 degrees above, and rain had been falling for several hours. About 10 o’clock, the wind veered to the northwest, the rain changed to snow, the mercury fell rapidly all day and during last night, and this morning registered 4 degrees below zero, with the wind still blowing a gale. The fall in temperature was 46 degrees in 20 hours. The river yesterday was as clear of ice as in June. Today it is full of heavy ice with indications of a gorge if the low temperature continues.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 22, 1887
Sheriff Burke today disposed of the machine shop of George D. Hayden on Second Street [Broadway], under executions in favor of the Alton National Bank, Richard Garstang, and Mrs. Lydia S. Allen. The machinery and real estate were first offered separately, with the understanding that they were afterwards to be sold conjointly, the highest aggregate bid to take the property. The bidding was quite spirited for a time, Mr. Richard Garstang finally securing the prize at $5,000. Mr. James Duncan made the next highest bid at $4,950.

The purchase of these works by Mr. Garstang is a matter upon which our citizens ought to be congratulated. Mr. Garstang is a practical machinist, proprietor of large boiler works in St. Louis, and a gentleman of push and enterprise. He intends not only to operate the present shop, but to increase its capacity and do business on an extended scale. He may transfer his entire St. Louis factory to this point, and combine the two interests. The industry which Mr. Garstang proposes to build up here will employ a large force of hands, and will be an object of pride to our citizens. The sum at which the property sold will pay a dividend of nearly forty-one percent to Mr. Hayden’s creditors.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 13, 1888
It was universally admitted that the walking this morning was the most dangerous ever known in Alton. The commingled rain, snow, and sleet froze solid last night, and the ground was a sheet of ice, a pavement so smooth and unyielding that it was scarcely possible to find footing anywhere. Ashes on the sidewalks were a boon fully appreciated, and “creepers” were in demand. The hillsides were especially dangerous, and as the ice extended everywhere, there was no choice of routes, except to let all holds go and trust to chance and a good stopping place after making the trip on the universal toboggan slide. It was a case where the fattest man alighted with the least discomfort.

The horse railway track on Washington Avenue hill was so covered with ice, that at the first down trip this morning, the car did not stay on the rails at all, but made frequent runs from side to side of the thoroughfare. Mr. Joseph Jarrett started out from his livery stable on Front Street with a two-horse carriage, to attend Mr. Andrew Clifford’s funeral, but when he got to the Union depot, the horses had fallen so often that it was found impracticable for them to make the trip.

The change of temperature was very sudden. At one o’clock this morning, water was running freely, and at 7 o’clock the mercury was in the vicinity of zero. The children made the trip to the schoolhouses with considerable effort, part of the time some of them found it the safety to go on all fours. An occasional fall with a scatterment of dinner buckets and provisions showed that the little ones were not as sure-footed as the chamois of the Alps. The ice affords pretty good sleighing, but unless a horse is sharp shod, it is better off in the stable. An ice bridge has formed at the lower part of the city, and the river is being crossed at the foot of Ridge Street.

Huse-Loomis & Co. have 400 men engaged in harvesting ice in Alton harbor and that vicinity. The ice is about 12 inches thick, and of good quality. Mr. Harry Johnson has a good field near the dike, and as soon as the ice bridge is firm at that point, operations will commence at that place. The water that covered the ice in many places interfered with the cutting to some extent today, the mass not having completely solidified.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 17, 1888
The Relief Society must again appeal to our citizens for help. We are very grateful for the very generous response to all calls, still the demand is greater than the supply. There are more than 200 families in Alton in need of food, clothing, and fuel. Our room at every meeting is filled with the shivering, hungry poor. Did we not see with our own eyes the want and misery, we would not credit the story of suffering. Daily are brought to us little children, almost barefooted, benumbed with cold, for want of warm clothing. One of our investigating committees tells of visiting a home of utter destitution, and while there a young lad came in from working on the ice, half frozen, with ragged shoes and no stockings on his feet.

We are continually called upon to help the sick and aged, without a mouthful of food or any fuel. One of our officers said yesterday, “Oh, if the public could only hear the tales we are investigating and find them by no means exaggerated, their hearts would ache as do ours!” Our supplies are almost exhausted. We need everything. One very pressing cry is for bed clothing. Job says, “Let me not see any perish for want of clothing or any poor without covering.”

We are again obliged to make a special appeal to our dry goods merchants for remnants of calico, cotton batting, coarse flannel, colored canton flannel. Any quantity of material can be used by the ladies who meet to sew and make garments to give away. WE have but little money in our treasurer’s hands, and cannot buy the material we need for making up comfortables and clothing. We well known we have only to ask and receive. Will not any who are willing to give us these dry goods send such contributions direct to the house of Dr. Guelich. At our last meeting, someone explained how much good our people have helped us do already. “Let us not be weary in well doing.” Signed, The Ladies.


And the History of the Piasa House
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 24, 1888
Mr. Richard Garstang intends, in the Spring, repairing, renovating, and improving the old Piasa House on the corner of Fourth and Piasa Streets, and using it for a foundry. He will have the framework, which is composed of heavy, substantial oak timbers, covered with iron, making a building calculated to yet stand for several generations. We are informed that the timbers used in putting up this old landmark were brought to Alton from Kentucky, 52 years ago, by Washington T. Miller, who died a short time ago in Chicago. The painting of the structure was done by John Batterton, yet a resident of Alton, who also came from Kentucky for the purpose.

The Piasa House was for many years the principal hostelry in Alton. The Illinois Legislature made occasional junketing trips to this city in the olden time, and made that place headquarters. Many men, afterwards noted in State and National annals, stopped there when visiting the city, among them Abraham Lincoln and James Shields, when they came down from Springfield to settle an “affair of honor.”

The house had quite a number of landlords. Among them were Captain William Post, now of Litchfield; S. S. Brooks, who afterwards removed to Quincy; Mr. Lyle; John W. Hart & Sons; D. Williams; David Ryan; and perhaps others. Harrison E. Hart and his brother, H. W. Hart, were soldiers of the Mexican War. When they returned from “reveling in the Halls of the Montezumas,” their father, John W. Hart, was occupying the Piasa House. The father and two sons kept the place until a short time prior to the War of the Rebellion. Harrison E. Hart volunteered for that struggle, became Lieutenant Colonel of the 22nd Illinois, Colonel Dougherty’s regiment, was taken sick near Corinth, Mississippi, returned home and died in July 1862. Mr. J. W. Hart died a few years since. Mr. H. W. Hart, the surviving member of the old hotel firm, is still a resident of Alton. From him we obtained many of the particulars of the above account.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 25, 1888
Mr. Albert M. Davis of Dakota, and his family, who were recently residents of Alton, had a terrible experience during the recent hyperborean weather that visited the northwest. Mr. Davis was caught out in the storm, but managed to get home in an almost perishing condition. So much was he suffering, that his wife sent their son after a physician. While attempting to make their way to Mr. Davis’ house, both the medical man and the boy perished by the cold, and in the meantime, Mr. Davis, for want of medical care, died from the effect of his injuries. These accumulated calamities had such an effect on Mrs. Davis, that she became insane. Mr. Davis, when living in Alton, did business at the corner of Fourth and State Streets.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 30, 1888
Sunday’s (January 29) St. Louis Globe Democrat has a five-column illustrated article about Alton, its history, and noted points, prepared by C. W. Sanders, reporter, and D. H. Gibson, artist. Some of our prominent business men find objections to it, claiming that the illustration of the city at the present day is such a mere outline, that it does not include any of the hills, thus leaving out some of the most attractive portions. Also, that a tone of sarcasm, not complimentary, is manifest in one or two places. On the whole, however, the account, hurriedly written, of course, is quite interesting. The illustrations include Alton in 1837, Alton of 1888 – these pictures being outline copies of those in Mr. John Buckmaster’s cigar store; two pictures of the Piasa Bird – one by T. F. Ladd of White Hall, the other by an artist sent from the Smithsonian Institute. The first house, one erected of hewn logs by Colonel Easton, founder of the city; Piasa Bluff of today; an old residenter telling how it was in the Fall of 1837; the old Observer office – the stone building on the north side of Second [Broadway], a few doors west of Piasa Street; Lovejoy’s grave; site for the Lovejoy monument; the old penitentiary; Alton’s Winter Carnival; the old Eagle Tavern (Piasa House); Webster’s window, pictured as occupied by a colored auntie. This window is one from which Daniel Webster made a speech in 1837, while stopping at the Eagle Tavern. The other illustrations are Over the Hills and An historic pattern shop, the house north of Mr. A. Mather’s livery stable, the place already mentioned in the Telegraph as the spot where Mr. Woodroof first made models of sleeping cars.

The Globe says, “There is not a more interesting place in the Mississippi valley than Alton. It was founded on a rock, and the honest buildings of hewed logs on stone put up by the sturdy pioneers were put up to stay.” Also, “It supports three daily newspapers – the Telegraph, Democrat, and Sentinel, and a German Weekly called the Banner.” After speaking of some of the manufactories and public buildings, the account says, “The chief hotel, the Madison, would be a credit to any city in the land.” In closing, the article says, “Above all things the Altonians insist that the rational point for a railroad bridge across the Mississippi is right there. When that event transpires, and it is among the probabilities, there will be a vast through traffic, machine shops, roundhouses, more manufactories, more people and more money, and all the things that railroads bring to a locality – and it will be all for Alton.”

In closing these extracts, we may remark that the Sunday Post-Dispatch also has a two-column article devoted to Alton – mainly about Lovejoy, with illustrations of his grave and the site selected for his monument, entitled “Died for Free Speech. A visit to the grave of Elijah Parrish Lovejoy.”

[Note: Unfortunately, I could not find copies of the January 29, 1888, St. Louis Post-Dispatch or Globe Democrat.]


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 03, 1888
Work on the new glass factory is being pushed, and the new building is nearly completed. It will employ nearly 200 more hands. When this building is completed, the Alton Glass Works will be the most extensive bottle factory in the United States.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, February 24, 1888
Harmony Hall, in Mr. Louis Bickel’s building near the intersection of Second [Broadway] and Third Streets was dedicated last evening with very interesting exercises by the Alton Maennerchor and the Standard Band, two first-class musical organizations, of which the city may well be proud. The program was arranged, and substantially carried out, the singers under the baton of Professor Joseph Floss; the band directed by Mr. Herman A. Wutzler. At the conclusion of the program, dancing was indulged in for a time, excellent music being rendered by the Alton Orchestra. Supper, a first-class spread, was served in a lower room. The whole affair was a complete success musically, socially, and in every other feature, thanks largely to the managers, who for the band, were Messrs. H. A. Wutzler, H. L. Winter, William Oltman; for the Maennerchor, Messrs. Chris Horn, J. H. Oltmann, and William Sonntag.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 03, 1888
A volume designated a “Historical Review of the Leading Manufacturing Centers of Central Illinois,” has the following about one of our principal merchants:

“Among the old, reliable houses engaged in the optical, jewelry, fancy goods, and sewing machine trade, that of Mr. E. H. Goulding has long stood at the head as a leading house, and no competitor has succeeded in robbing him of his well-merited laurels. The house is the largest and oldest in its line in Alton, having been founded 30 years ago by the present proprietor, who was born 57 years ago in Massachusetts, and has resided since 1856 in Alton, where he is widely known and very highly esteemed. His store has a frontage of 28 feet and a depth of 100 feet, and this is very finely and attractively fitted up. It is heavily stocked with a fine selection of rich jewelry, silverware, spectacles, fine gold and silver watches, fancy goods, sewing machines, and sewing machine supplies. In jewelry, the most unique and novel designs and of the most exquisite workmanship are to be found here, and also gold and silver watches of the best American and European manufacture. A full and complete assortment of all the standard sewing machines is kept on hand, and in every department of the business the goods are of the very finest quality and the prices are so low as to be beyond successful competition. A specialty is made of repairing watches, clocks, and jewelry, and all work undertaken is guaranteed to give satisfaction, while the charges are always fair and reasonable. Promptitude and thoroughness of service, combined with a liberal policy, have won for this house the patronage it enjoys.”


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 20 & 21, 1888
Yesterday, workmen, while removing earth from over Watson’s stone quarry, came across a number of relics of the stone age of unusual interest. One singular carved stone is the exact imitation of the deep hull of a ship or boat. The stone is a peculiar metamorphized slate, made up a alternate white and black lines like cornelian, and these lines gracefully curving from the prow along the side of the hull have exactly the appearance of a vessel’s planking. The pretty relic is about five inches long, and a perfect gem of art, highly polished, and sits the water as gracefully as the hull of any sailing yacht. Each end of the vessel rises into a sharp prow, through which is a perforation by which it was probably carried on the person of some ancient mound builder chief or ruler. How such a stone could have been fashioned, especially how the inside could have been scooped out so successfully without the aid of a lapidary’s tools is a mystery. Professor McAdams, who has the relic, says that these peculiar “badge stones,” as they are called, are the most interesting of all the mound builders’ treasures. They were evidently sacred objects worn only by leaders of rulers. They are not uncommon in the great earthworks of Ohio, Indiana, and Southern Illinois, but are seldom found elsewhere. The Professor says it is not clear to archaeologists what was intended to be perpetuated by these strange and beautiful ships of stone; probably something in connection with the origin or migrations of the strange and unknown people who built the great earthworks in the Bottoms between Alton and St. Louis.

The Aztecs had traditions of a ship, and the Egyptians, far beyond the Rameses, centuries before Moses was born, perpetuated a sacred ark which they carved in stone, placed in the tombs of their dead kings. In the ancient tombs on the heights of Alton, the same ceremonies, as were common to the Egyptian fire worshippers, were performed before the midday sun, and with fire.

Professor McAdams yesterday came into possession of another vessel beautifully carved out of stone, found in Mr. Watson’s quarry. It was almost exactly similar to the one described in the Telegraph yesterday, but about two inches longer.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 02, 1888
About 10:30 o’clock last night, Engineer Yaeger and Fireman Hastings of the Chicago & Alton switch engine discovered flames bursting from the roof of Beall Bros.’ factory, corner of Sixth and Belle Streets. Through some cause there was a delay of about 15 minutes in transmitting the alarm by telephone to the hose houses, and consequently when the firemen arrived at the place, the flames had made such progress that nothing could be done with the best efforts put forth, except to save the remnants of the structure, the brick walls, and some of the timbers used in supporting the roof of the north building. The greatest loss, however, was that of the machinery. This consisted of a splendid 35-horsepower Smith, Beggs & Rankin engine, almost new, two Bradley steam hammers, a power punch, and other valuable machinery; also, the necessary shafts, pullies, emery wheels, &c., in short, a complete establishment.

The firm is an energetic, progressive one, and for 7 years they have been building up a trade that has reached such large dimensions that they have employed 15 men. Their miners’ picks, hammers, &c., are known all over the western country. The sympathy of the whole community is extended to these gentlemen on account of their misfortune, aggravated as it is by coming at the opening of the busy season. Such is the confidence reposed in them that they have offers of capital necessary to immediate resumption of business. The south building of the two destroyed belonged to Mr. Charles Beal, and was insured for $400. The other was the property of the firm. A $700 steam hammer had just arrived at the depot, and thus escaped destruction.

It is thought that the fire was incendiary, as there were evidences to that effect. A second alarm was given unnecessarily, causing the firemen to make an uncalled-for trip. The blacksmith shop of Mr. James Millen, on the south side, and the Andrew Clifford grocery building were also damaged, though not materially.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 18, 1888
The commissioners appointed to fix the location of the county road, in accordance with Spaulding’s survey, were at work yesterday, when not hindered by the rain. An iron pin, driven into the rocky face of the bluff by Messrs. Spaulding and Ash in 1855, was found yesterday afternoon, thus locating the north line of the road at the second angle above the water works, at a point where Prospect Street terminates. The sawmill is located on the road, but does not occupy the whole thoroughfare, the side next to the river being vacant, as far as the building is concerned. The work of the commission will be carried on as fast as the weather will admit.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 20, 1888
A fire occurred today in a two-story frame building, just east of the bridge at Bozzatown. The house is the property of Mr. John Stutz, occupied by J. Fritz as a saloon and dwelling. Fire caught in the roof by sparks from a flue, and spread to such an extent as to damage the structure. The firemen turned out, the new hose wagon making an initial trip. The boys say it works admirably, and as a vehicle for riding is a daisy.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 30, 1888
Mr. A. E. Campbell, the new president of the Alton Gas Light and Coke Co., and Mr. John Watt, Superintendent of the same, were in Alton today with Sheriff Burke, the former superintendent, engaged in locating the gas mains in the city. Mr. Campbell is from Kansas City; Mr. Watt, formerly from Vicksburg, Mississippi, has more recently been engaged in gas operations at St. Louis. Both gentlemen’s families, we are pleased to say, are located in this city. They promise first-class service in their line of operations with reasonable rates.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 27, 1888
Mr. William C. Van Horne, President of the Canadian Pacific Railway, formerly an American citizen and a resident of Alton, but now a Canadian citizen, is about to be knighted for his labors and successes in advancing railway projects in Canada. When an Altonian locates in Canada, he manages to get what there is in sight.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 15, 1888
Messrs. E. G. Schweppe and A. Steritz will soon open a wholesale grocery house in the west part of Mayor McPike’s building, corner of Second (Broadway) and Piasa Streets. The Sentinel-Democrat’s presses will be moved from the western to the eastern ground floor room, south end, while the composing room will be placed in the second story.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 18, 1888
This morning the steam cooper shop, belonging to Mr. Henry Schapperkotter of St. Louis, situated in the lower part of Alton, was discovered to be on fire. The department was notified by telephone, and were soon engaged in battling with the fire fiend. It was a fierce struggle. The building, a story and a half frame, occupied about half a block and contained an immense quantity of barrel material, also car loads of coal. The flames had made such headway before the firemen could arrive at the place, that it was impossible to save the main building, but excellent work was done in preserving the warehouse filled with finished barrels, and all the other outbuildings, none of them being damaged to any appreciable extent. The fire was so located that it could not be effectively reached, although four streams were played part of the time. Both hose companies worked until 9 o’clock this morning. After that time, No. 1 returned to their house on Market Street, while No. 2 remained to keep under control the smouldering flames. The loss was heavy, but covered by insurance in St. Louis companies. Between 50 and 60 men and boys, employed at the place under the superintendency of Mr. Adam Gundall, are thrown out of employment at the catastrophe. The origin of the fire in unknown.


Source: Auburn, New York Daily Bulletin, September 19, 1888
The barrel factory of H. Schapperkotter was burned yesterday. Loss $25,000.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 03, 1888
A happy time for the little folks was had at the residence of Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Walter, wife of George Walter, on the corner of Eighth and Easton Streets. The spacious parlors were thrown open from three until eight. All present enjoyed themselves immensely. The guests were:

Misses Alice Gray, Hallie Root, Gertie Brenholt, Isabel Norton, Nellie Arnold, Nellie Burbridge, Fannie and Georgie Clapp, Edith Brenholt, Laura Baker, Ray and Irene Ryrie, Alice Drury, Emily Drury, Salome Hatheway, Carrie Wade, Edith Betts, Mamie, Bessie, and Grace Watson, Ethel and Dell Stratton, Cinnie Hope, Lucy and Katie Davis, Unis and Ellis Smith, Lucy Haskell, Birdie Hoffmeister, Nellie Cary, Hallie Bayle, Minnie Rudershausen, Louisa Mosier, Elsie Hewitt, Phoebe Holden, Hilda Hewitt, Bessie Ferguson, Bessie Johnson, Milda Garvin, Nellie Lane, Rettie Haight, Nellie Schweppe, Masters Rand Schweppe, Leland Milnor, Albert Pfeiffer, Howard Gray, Charlie Smith, Ward Lane, Albert White, St. Louis, Baird and Eugene Davis, Webb Lane, Hosea Sparks, Willie and Byron Crane, Scott Ridgeway, John Haskell, Frank and Weller Hopkins, Paul Garvin, Willie Chalk, Frank Garvin, Willie Hancock, Eddie Haight, Perry Norton, and Guy Huskinson.

Refreshments consisted of all the delicacies of the season, and heartily enjoyed by all. Mrs. Walter was assisted by Mrs. E. A. Clapp, Mrs. E. G. Schweppe, Mrs. Finley, Mrs. Lane, Miss Mattie Johnson, Miss J. Sparks of Alton; and Miss Mamie Johnson, Mrs. J. H. Johnson of St. Louis. The presents were numerous and elegant. A few days before the party, Miss Blanche Walter sent an invitation to General Benjamin Harrison to be present, and was much gratified this morning at receiving the following response:

“Indianapolis, Indiana, November 01, 1888
To Miss Blanche J. Walter, Alton, Illinois
My Dear Little Friend – Your letter of October 27, containing an invitation from your little sister, Miss Eva Walter, to attend her birthday party, to be given on the evening of Friday, November 2, has been received. I am sorry that I cannot accept this invitation, for I know I could have had a pleasant evening with the little folks. Please give my love to every one of them, and especially to Miss Eva. I hope she may have, in reserve for her, many years, and that they may all be full of happiness and usefulness. Very truly yours, Benjamin Harrison.”

Eva Agnes Walter, who was celebrating her tenth birthday, went on to marry Edward D. Smith. She died in California in March 1964, at the age of 85 years. General Benjamin Harrison was elected the 23rd President of the United States, and served from March 1889 to March 1893. He served in the Civil War as a Colonel, and was confirmed in the Senate as a brevet brigadier general of volunteers in 1865.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 15, 1888
It is said that our gas and electric lamps are lighted according to the “Philadelphia Schedule.” Just what that is we do not understand, but it evidently exempts the company from lighting their lamps on so-called moonlight nights, whether cloudy or clear. During the present week, the lamps have not been lighted the early part of the night “because there was a moon.” Some of the nights have been cloudy, when light was badly needed, and some clear. For several days this week, Alton enjoyed a visit from the State Horticultural Society, a body of observing and intelligent men, from all parts of the State. It would have given these gentlemen a better impression of Alton if they       had seen electric lights gleaming all over our city, instead of having to grope their way through our streets simply by the light of the moon.


(Henry Guest McPike home)
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 29, 1888
Mrs. Henry Guest McPike entertained a number of her lady friends at the spacious family residence, Mount Lookout, Thursday afternoon, in the most elegant style. Progressive euchre was the principal amusement, eleven tables being occupied by the fair manipulators of the cards. A splendid repast was served, and everything contributed to make the affair thoroughly enjoyable to all present. Those present were: Mrs. E. S. Billings, Mrs. George R. Hewitt, Mrs. Zephaniah B. Job, Mrs. John N. Drummond, Miss Bertha Drummond, Mrs. H. H. Phinney, Miss Hattie Phinney, Miss Mamie Phinney, Miss Mary Drummond, Mrs. Horatio J. Bowman, Mrs. J. H. Yager, Mrs. W. P. Noble, Miss Jennie Noble, Mrs. John J. Brenholt, Miss Jennie Hill, Mrs. Archibald E. Mills, Mrs. Edward Rodgers, Mrs. Homer Stanford, Mrs. Truman A. Taylor, Mrs. John S. Roper, Mrs. George Roper, Mrs. H. P. Gray, Mrs. L. B. Sidway, Miss Lulu Topping, Mrs. Mattie Milner, Mrs. Dr. Foulds, Mrs. Van Blaroom, Mrs. George A. McMillen, Mrs. Dr. Garvin, Mrs. Orin G. Norris, Miss May Taylor, Miss M. Miller, Mrs. John H. McPike, Mrs. Abner R. McKinney, Mrs. Charles Randle, Mrs. M. E. Hanson, Mrs. J. N. Kerr, Mrs. H. J. Crane, Miss J. Hall, Miss Caroline Haagen, Miss Jessie Stanford, Mrs. Joseph W. Cary, Miss Jennie Huskinson, Miss Wilhelmina Trenchery, Mrs. Frank Crowe, and Mrs. Wesley Sparks.

The fortunate were: First prize, a handsome clock, Mrs. W. P. Noble; and an easel picture, Mrs. H. P. Gray. Consolation prizes, silver salt spoons, to Miss Miller and Miss Huskinson.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 03, 1889
Mrs. H. G. McPike entertained a number of her lady friends at the specious family residence, Mount Lookout, Thursday afternoon, in the most elegant style. Progressive euchre was the principal amusement, eleven tables being occupied by the fair manipulators of the cards. A splendid repast was served, and everything contributed to make the affair thoroughly enjoyable to all present. Those present were: Mrs. E. S. Billings, Mrs. G. R. Hewitt, Mrs. Zephaniah B. Job, Mrs. John N. Drummond, Miss Bertha Drummond, Mrs. H. R. Phinney, Miss Hattie Phinney, Miss Mamie Phinney, Miss Mary Drummond, Mrs. H. J. Bowman, Mrs. J. H. Yager, Mrs. W. P. Noble, Miss Jennie Noble, Mrs. John J. Brenholt, Miss Jennie Hill, Mrs. A. E. Mills, Mrs. Edward Rodgers, Mrs. Homer Manford, Mrs. T. A. Taylor, Mrs. John S. Roper, Mrs. George Roper, Mrs. H. P. Gray, Mrs. L. B. Sidway, Miss Lulu Topping, Mrs. Mattie Milnor, Mrs. Dr. Foulds, Mrs. Van Blarcom, Mrs. G. A. McMillen, Mrs. Dr. Garvin, Mrs. O. G. Norris, Miss May Taylor, Miss M. Miller, Mrs. J. H. McPike, Mrs. A. R. McKinney, Mrs. Charles Randle, Mrs. M. E. Hanson, Mrs. J. E. Kerr, Mrs. H. J. Crane, Miss J. Hall, Miss Caroline Haagen, Miss Jessie Stanford, Mrs. Joseph W. Cary, Miss Jennie Huskinson, Miss W. Trenchery, Mrs. Frank Crowe, and Mrs. Wesley Sparks.

The fortunate were: First prize, a handsome clock, Mrs. W. P. Noble; and an easel picture, Mrs. H. P. Gray. Consolations prizes, silver salt spoons, to Miss Miller and Miss Huskinson.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24, 1889
Just before midnight Saturday night, great masses of flames were seen issuing from Mr. Charles Rodemeyer Jr.’s carriage manufacturing establishment on Third Street, north side, between Piasa and Market Streets. The fire department was immediately notified and were quickly at the place, engaged in combating the flames, but such headway had been made and so thoroughly had the fire fiend taken possession, that nothing could be done towards saving the building or any of its contents. Consequently, everything was a total loss. The structure was a three-story brick. It was erected by the late Charles Rodemeyer, father of the present owner of the business. The building was worth about $4,000, including six carriages almost finished, material, wagon trimmings, paints, and machinery. Three forges were in use, and nine men employed. A carriage belonging to Mr. Joseph T. Quigley, sent to the shop for repairs, was burned.

Mr. Rodemeyer has not decided whether he will rebuild or not. The adjoining building on the east is a stone structure, and was not materially injured. It is occupied by Mr. L. Flachenecker as an upholstery establishment. The building on the west, separated from the burned structure by an alley, is also of stone. The firemen had a hard battle to save the adjoining property, especially Mather’s livery stable, but were successful.

Mr. Rodemeyer’s buildings on the south side of Third Street, used mainly as repositories, were uninjured. Chief Engineer Hayes arrived at the scene of the conflagration a few minutes before 12 o’clock, and entered the place by breaking through a window, but was soon driven out by the advancing flames. It appeared to him as though the fire had originated at the rear of the building in an upper story, but Mr. A. Mather thinks it started in front. Yesterday part of the brick wall at the north end of the burned structure was thrown down, and inflicted some damage at the rear of Mr. A. Mather’s livery stable. Mr. Mather is of the opinion that a coating of sleet on the roof of his stable was all that saved his building. His horses were greatly excited by the red glare of the fire, so much so that one of them, when an attempt was made to remove it, launched out with a hind foot and landed on Mr. Mathew’s hip, inflicting a temporary lameness. The frightened animals were finally gotten out, and taken to Mr. H. W. Hart’s livery stable, where they were kept until all danger from the fire was past. Mr. Mather’s carriages were also removed to the sidewalk for safety, and the harnesses were placed in wheelbarrows ready for removal.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 7, 1889
Messrs. Brunner & Duncan met with a great loss Thursday night in the destruction by fire of their foundry building on Market Street, between Fifth and Sixth. The fire broke out about 11:15 o’clock, and the building was so inflammable, that the flames swept over it almost instantly. The fire department was on hand promptly, but the fire had gained such headway that the building was almost totally destroyed, with its contents, the only salvage being the lower story of the south end, where the machinery department was located. The most serious loss was the destruction of the patterns which were stored in the second story, and were worth $8,000 to $10,000. The Hapgood Plow Co. had also $1,000 worth of patterns stored there, which were all lost. The fire department did noble service and through their efforts there will be considerable salvage on the machinery in the south end of the building. The firemen also prevented the flames spreading to the coal car factory across the alley, belonging to the same firm.

This foundry was one of our most prosperous industries, and the loss to the proprietors and to the city is a serious one, but Messrs. Brunner & Duncan are energetic men, and are already at work clearing away the ruins preparatory to rebuilding. They will be running again in three weeks. The origin of the fire is unknown, but the supposition is that it was caused by a spark from the cupola when the metal was melted.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1889
We hope the third story of the city building will never be fitted up again as a public hall. It might be fitted up for offices, or for the use of secret societies, but not as the place for large gatherings. The exits are so narrow and dangerous, that it has never been a safe hall in case of a panic. Another consideration is this: as long as the city had a hall which it was the custom to allow any public meeting, or any church or society the free use of, on application, there was little inducement for private enterprise to invest in an opera house. No one cared to put money into such an enterprise in competition with a free hall. The great drawback to an opera house being removed that enterprise should now be pushed forward.


Roof and Third Story Gone
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 4, 1889
At about 7:40 a.m. last Saturday, March 30, smoke was discovered issuing from the cornice and through the attic windows of the city hall building. The alarm was sounded, and the fire department promptly responded. At first it was thought that the flames would be extinguished in a few minutes, but the locality was extremely difficult of access, the fire having eaten its way under the tin roof and along the cornice. Water thrown from the outside did but little good. It had no effect on the tin roof. The attic was only accessible through a hatchway over the gallery in the hall. A section of hose was run up into the third story, and thence into the attic, but owing to the brick partitions, it was very difficult for the firemen to reach the flames with their streams. Other sections of hose were also run into the third story, and in a few minutes, five or six streams were pouring a deluge of water into and upon the building. The firemen worked with a will, and exposed themselves with reckless daring, but still clouds of smoke pouring out from every opening showed that the fire was gaining. Soon the floor of the city hall was covered with water three or four inches deep, and holes were cut to let it through. It was a stubborn fire, and seemed to defy any amount of water, and although it was soon evident that the firemen would be able to prevent the flames extending below the third floor, it was also evident that water was doing as much damage as fire, consequently the furniture and effects were removed from the public offices and council chamber on the second floor, and the piano and other stage furnishings from the hall. The water came down in torrents into the library rooms, and the post office on the first floor, and soon rendered them untenable, and everything had to be removed therefrom to places of safety. A vast crowd was present viewing the scene, and aiding the firemen in their work. The center of the roof fell in about 9 o’clock, and the flames mounted high in the air, and clouds of smoke enveloped the entire building. Just after this section of the roof fell in, Joe Bryant, a fireman, was seen standing in a southeast window of the hall, and a thrill of fear for his safety ran through the crowd. Willing hands raised a long ladder to the third story, but Joe had disappeared. A couple of men ran up the ladder, broke in the window, and reported no one in the hall. Meanwhile, Joe made his appearance on terra firma, having slipped down the stairway from the stage into the council chamber, and thence made his exit. Other firemen in the hall had narrow escapes at the same time. The falling in of the roof gave the firemen a better chance to get at the flames, and the streams from without now poured into the building with good effect, and before ten o’clock, the fire was extinguished. It did not extend below the third floor.

The Damage
The roof is entirely gone. The third story is a wreck with its contents. The second floor is deluged with water, as is also the first. Probably there is not a square foot of plastering in the building that will not have to come off. Everything may be said to be gone above the second story, and the remainder of the building is badly damaged. The insurance is sixteen thousand dollars, and it will require that much, or more, to repair the damage. The loss is certainly very heavy, and although the outside walls seem all right, still the interior of the building is ruined.

The public offices, the library association, and the post office will have to seek temporary quarters elsewhere, as the work of repairing the building will be slow and tedious. Great inconvenience will result from the fire, in addition to the loss, both to the public, the authorities, and the patrons of the library and post office, but everything will be done by those most directly concerned to make the embarrassment to the public a slight as possible.

The Library
The ladies of the public library were on hand promptly and in force at the fire this morning. At first, it was hoped that it would not be necessary to remove the books, but the water soon commenced to deluge the rooms, and the work of removal began, several leading citizens directing the work and hundreds of willing hands assisting. The books were moved into Mr. Haagen’s vacant building standing diagonally opposite, and were there stored away to the best advantage. They were not classified into departments, however. A few may have been lost or stolen in the confusion, and many were more or less damaged. The extent of the loss is not yet known. The furniture and part of the cases in the main room were removed, but the cases in the alcove were fastened to the wall and were left standing. Part of the fixtures were stored in the basement of the Presbyterian Church. The rooms are deluged with water, and cannot be occupied again until the building is repaired. The ladies of the association have the sympathy of all, in their misfortune, but with their ability and energy, order will soon be brought out of the general confusion.

The Records
The city records were secured in the two large fireproof vaults in the south end of the building, second story, and were not in any danger from the flames.

The fire originated, to all appearance, from a defective flue. Further than that, no one knows anything about it. None of the walls of the building appear to be damaged, but stand almost as solid as the rocks on which they are founded. The city hall was erected 31 years ago, at a cost of $40,000, and has done good service, but the general expression is that it had “outlived its usefulness.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 02, 1889
Root’s Opera House was crowded Tuesday evening to the utmost capacity by an audience attracted by the announcement of a Washington Centennial entertainment. The affair was gotten up by the ladies of the M. E. Church, and great credit is due them for the manner in which the affair was managed. The programme was appropriate to the day, finely rendered and very pleasing to an appreciative audience as was manifest from the frequent peals of applause.

The programme opened with a song, “coronation,” rendered by an orchestra and a chorus of ladies and gentlemen, all under the direction of Mr. William D. Armstrong, who deserves many encomiums for the manner in which he managed the musical features. Little time was available for rehearsals, hence the more credit is due the conductor, vocalists, and instrumentalists for the manner which they acquitted themselves. “Washington at Trenton” represented a bevy of charming young ladies strewing flowers in the pathway of the Father of his country (Mr. Charles Levis). Washington’s inaugural address was read with due effect by Mr. Henry Bishop. Washington and his family were played by Mr. Charles Levis, Mrs. G. H. Lane, Miss Fay Curdie, and Master Guy Huskinson.

The room was beautifully decorated, innumerable flags, and two mottoes: “Liberty or Death,” and “Conquer or Die.” Portraits of George and Martha Washington were in prominent positions.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 4, 1889
This new medical and surgical institute is situated at the corner of Third and George Streets, and is one of the most desirable and expensive pieces of property in the city. It was formerly the Hanson homestead. The rooms are lofty and spacious, well ventilated, provided with every modern improvement known to cities, and are fitted up with every medical and surgical appliance which the doctor’s professional experience has found desirable. The grounds surrounding the building are extensive, well shaded and attractive, with a delightful view of the river. Altogether a most inviting home for invalids. It has the additional advantage of being very accessible, the streetcars passing directly by the south side of the building. The Sanitarium is now ready for the reception of patients.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 4, 1889
Captain E. Yokum says that Richard M. Johnson, once Vice-President of the United States, the man who killed Tecumseh, the Indian chief, at the battle of the Thames during the War of 1812, made a speech in Alton during the political campaign of 1840 in the Baptist Church that formerly stood where the Cracker Factory now stands. Colonel Johnson said that General William H. Harrison, the Whig candidate for President, was as brave a man as ever lived. He said this in justice to his old commander at the Thames, for although a Democrat, Colonel Johnson was unwilling that the charges of cowardice made against General Harrison, who was characterized as an “Old Granny” by his political opponents, should go unanswered.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 18, 1889
Richard Galbally of Alton has been chosen by the Scripps League to represent the glass workers of America in the workingmen’s expedition to the Paris exposition. He was chosen because of the generally acknowledged fact that he is a representative of his craft. He knows the glass business from where it begins at morning to where it leaves off at night.

Mr. Galbally is a natural mechanic. His father was a mechanic before him. He was one of the contractors and superintendents who built the Logansport double-stone locks of the Erie Canal, which engineers from all over the world have visited.

Young Galbally was born in Buffalo, New York, July 8, 1845, when his father was engaged on the locks. Galbally pere was known there for being the builder of Fort Porter, that used to guard Buffalo from the Canadian hucksters over in Fort Erie. July 8 should have been a day of rejoicing.

Young Galbally moved to Lockport when 2 years of age. He went to the public school, worked between sessions as devil in a weekly newspaper office, carrying papers to customers on press day. Then he bolted the printing business for the glass business, going to work for Hitchens & Co., the big green glass manufacturers who make bottles for Gargling Oil and John Hodge’s medicines. He went to Alton in 1872, and as a journeyman glassblower, engaged with John E. Hayner. When William Eliot Smith purchased the glass works, he became manager of the green glass department, which position he now holds. Over 1,000 persons are employed by the Illinois Glass Company, and the business runs about $1,000,000 a year. Three green and three flint glass furnaces are run.

Mr. Galbally is a popular manger. He is a popular citizen. He was married in Alton in 1873, Mrs. Galbally dying in 1880, leaving a son, William, as the fruit of the union. In 1883, Mr. Galbally married again in Terre Haute, Indiana, to Mrs. Bishop, who had three children – Charles Bishop, Ernest E. Bishop, and Mrs. Scott C. Ridgeway of Chicago. He lives in a neat two-story brick dwelling, built after his own plans, at Third and Apple Streets, overlooking the Mississippi River. But he is owner of a part interest in the Alton Improvement Company’s Highland Park, to which a new steam motor street railway has just been completed. He is also a stockholder of the road, and one of the incorporators of Alton’s first building and loan association. But that is not all, Mr. Galbally was an Alderman for one term, and he belongs to the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and is Master Workman for the second term of Alton Lodge, and Treasurer of the Alton local union of the improved druggists’ ware and glass blowers’ league of America. Mr. Galbally is a delegate to be proud of. He will leave Alton on July 24 for Paris, as the representative of the glass workers at the Exposition. [Richard “Dick” Galbally died in December 1904, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.]


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 25, 1889
Steam was raised at Garstang’s Foundry on Tuesday for the first time, to test the engine and boilers. Work will be commenced there this week, and the first heat taken off, probably, on Thursday. This establishment is planned on a mammoth scale, and will, when all its departments are in working order, employ a large force of skilled workmen.


Prof. Marsh Slightly Injured
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 25, 1889
A few minutes before one o’clock Monday, persons on Third Street heard a loud explosion and saw a great puff of black smoke pour out through the cellar grates at the east side of Prof. Marsh’s drugstore, corner of Third and Belle Streets. Mr. Jules Berry telephoned the fire department, and in an incredibly brief time the horses attached to the hose carts were thundering along the streets to the imperiled building. Just a few minutes before the fire occurred, Prof. Marsh went into the cellar with a tubular lantern, a can and a jug, for the purpose of drawing some varnish. Immediately after the puffs of smoke were seen, he rushed upstairs from the cellar, accompanied by a burst of flame. His son, Mr. Fred Marsh, seized a coat and a burlap, clasped them around his father’s shoulders, and thus smothered the flames. Prof. Marsh’s hands were burned, and his whiskers scorched. He went to Dr. Gibson’s office, where his injuries were attended to. Upon the arrival of the firemen, they entered the cellar of the adjoining building on the north, made an excavation through the foundation wall, and thus gained access to the fire, which they extinguished in less than 30 minutes. The flames at first seemed to be from burning turpentine, of which there was part of a barrel in the cellar. Dr. McKinney & Son, whose insurance office is above the drugstore, moved part of their books and fixtures under the impression that the building was in danger. The articles in the cellar were mostly burned or damaged by water, but the building itself was damaged but slightly. The loss is covered by insurance.

Prof. Marsh, it appears, was drawing Japan varnish from a barrel, and some of the liquid ignited, but the explosion was subsequent to this, and must have occurred from some turpentine stored nearby. The fire did not penetrate upstairs, and as nothing in the store was injured, there will be no interruption of business. Prof. Marsh’s friends will be glad to learn that his burns, while painful, are not at all serious.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 01, 1889
Through the courtesy of Mr. Albert Yolotton, foreman of Mr. Richard Garstang’s new foundry, corner of Fourth and Piasa Streets, we were shown through the establishment today. The building is 112 feet front on Fourth Street, by 100 feet deep, but large additions will subsequently be made. The structure is encased in corrugated iron, and is admirably fitted for the intended purposes.

The machine shop at the east side is 62 by 80 feet; the blacksmith shop, north of the machine shop, is 40 feet square; a driveway lies between the machine shop and foundry. Side tracks have been laid from the Chicago & Alton Road, for bringing coke and pig iron directly into the establishment. The floor of the foundry is 50 by 80 feet. Ten men are already employed, and the number will be largely increased in a short time. Some unexpectedly fine castings were made Saturday, sand excavated on State Street being used.

The machine shop, now on Second Street [Broadway], Mr. James Garstang, foreman, will be removed to the new building as soon as business is sufficiently slack to justify a cessation of work. The number of men in the machine shop is fifteen. Thus far, nothing but repairing has been done there, but large additions will be made to the operations upon the removal of the machinery to the new building.

Mr. Garstang’s boiler shops, now at St. Louis, will be brought to Alton as soon as the necessary additions to the buildings are made.

It is expected that 150 workmen will be employed when the establishments are consolidated. Heats will be taken off at the foundry every day, to the amount of five tons; from ten to twenty tons of castings per month being used by Mr. Garstang himself. The cupola has a capacity of five tons of melted metal, and a larger one will soon be constructed. The pattern shop will be upstairs. The establishment, when all the branches are consolidated, will be most complete, and a great addition to Alton’s industries.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1889
Mr. William Flynn, the well-known marble dealer, has just completed the erection of the most costly and beautiful monument that adorns the City Cemetery. It was executed to the order of Mr. John E. Hayner, and stands on the line of the family lots owned by himself and his son-in-law, Dr. William A. Haskell. The monument is of Barry (Vermont) granite, light-colored, and susceptible of an exquisite polish. The height is 35 feet. There are three bases, the ground base being 8x8 feet, and the others proportionally smaller. A concave dye or inscription block, with raised panels, elegantly wrought, surmounts the third base. Above the cap and plinth which rest on the dye, rises a plain monolith, 23 feet high, gently tapering to the apex. On the west front of the monument is the family name, Hayner, in raised letters, and on the east front the name Haskell. The memorial is not only lofty and imposing, but its chaste beauty and fine sculpturesque work cannot fail to impress the beholder. Mr. Flynn is to be congratulated on the successful and satisfactory manner in which he has executed this work of art, an undertaking of no small proportions.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1889
About 5 o’clock Sunday morning, a policeman, according to his usual custom, aroused Mr. Richard Mather, who slept in the building containing Mr. A. L. Daniels’ bakery, corner of Second [Broadway] and Easton Streets. At that time, everything seemed to be as usual, but in a half an hour, such volumes of smoke rolled through the rooms that Mr. Mather was almost suffocated before he could get out. The alarm was immediately turned in by Harry Stelle at Hotel Madison, and both fire companies promptly responded, but when they arrived at the place, almost the entire interior of the structure, a three-story brick, was in flames. By prompt and energetic action the fire was extinguished, the walls standing intact. The building belongs to Mrs. H. N. Kendall, and was formerly used by the Daniels-Bayle Cracker Co. Mr. Daniels has rented the Haagen building and the one adjoining, recently used as a hose house, and will open his bakery and confectionery at that place as soon as arrangements can be made. Mr. Daniels estimates that his insurance will cover about two-thirds of his loss.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1889
Professor McAdams, the noted archaeologist, will open a rare museum tomorrow in two rooms in the second story of the building at the southwest corner of Second [Broadway] and Alton Streets. Only a part of his wonderful collections has yet been arranged, yet the exhibition is superior to anything of the kind in the Mississippi Valley. Prof. McAdams prides himself, especially on his assortment of Indian relics procured mostly in this vicinity. It includes flint arrowheads, stone shovels, axes, flint spearheads, stone “billies,” in short, a display in this line that cannot be duplicated. He also has ancient potteryware from Mexico and Arizona; idols of various nations, including a rare one from China, mastodon and elephant teeth, and other relics without number. The museum is one that will richly repay visitors who are at all interested in such matters. [Note: This building no longer stands. At one time, the property was the home of Robert Fulton Seely. The house was then used by the James Klunk Funeral Home.]


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 19, 1889
At an early hour Wednesday, the city began to put on a gala day appearance in honor of the Merchants’ Carnival. Especially along the line of march, which will be taken by the trades procession, was there a splendid display of decorations. Banners and bunting, flags and floral devices, ornamented almost every house, store, or residence. The decoration was the most general and elaborate ever seen here, and was a credit to all concerned. The display was much admired by the thousands of visitors who thronged the streets.

The visitors from abroad began arrived about 9 o’clock, coming by train and wagon, with a large delegation by ferry from over the river. The C. & A., I. & St. Louis, and the Bluff Line all brought in long trains of extra coaches. The arrivals included the Bethalto and Jerseyville bands, which discoursed choice music on the streets during the morning.

The balloon ascension by Nell Brayton Wednesday was a thrilling spectacle witnessed by an immense crowd. The balloon, when inflated, shot up like a rocket with Brayton hanging to the trapeze. At the height of a mile or more, he dropped in his parachute, and lighted in the river where he was rescued by the ferry boat, and brought back to town uninjured.

The first heat of the first race was won by Pisgah in 2:41, and the first heat of the second race by Charlie Joe John in 2:31.

Source: September 26, 1889
The Trades Procession last week was the most brilliant and successful carnival event that ever occurred in Alton. The preparations were complete, and the result was a magnificent triumph, and such a scenic, spectacular and pyrotechnic display as the Bluff City never saw before. The streets were crowded with spectators all along the line of march, which extended two miles, and included thousands of visitors in addition to our own citizens. The various divisions of the procession formed on Second [Broadway], Third, Belle, and State Streets, and got into line with remarkable promptness.

Grand Marshal Ferguson and his aids, Harry Mann, L. Pfeiffenberger, W. D. Sparks, J. H. Raible, George H. Phelan, Frank Connelly, Henry Meyer, and Harry Levis, discharged their duties admirably. From one end of the route to the other, from State Street to Bozzatown, the procession marched through brilliantly illuminated streets, under a continuous display of fireworks and colored fire of every variety, signal lights, rockets, and roman candles. While the procession itself was a continuous linie of fire, the salutes from the streets being answered from the floats which were decorated with Chinese and Japanese lanterns, torches and signal lights. The ornamentations of the floats were of the most various character, mainly, of course, descriptive. Many were remarkably beautiful and attractive. Others were laughable burlesques, while still others were strikingly novel and ingenious. A gentleman, who has resided 20 years in St. Louis, says that the procession last week was equal to anything of the kind ever seen in that city, both in size and in the beauty of the displays.

The balloon ascension took place Wednesday evening from the square in back of the Hotel Madison. An hour before the time announced, the crowd commenced gathering, and soon swelled into the thousands. We don’t think a boy or girl in town missed the sight. There is a fascination about any daring feat involving risk of life, which attracts people like a magnet.

The work of inflation with hot air occupied about half an hour after fire in the furnace was fairly started. Gradually, the huge pile of white sheeting began to take form and shape, rising gradually and rounding until it loomed up in stately proportions, swaying and swelling, and tugging at the stay ropes as if eager for its aerial flight. At length, all is ready, the ropes are cut, and the balloon darts up like a rocket. Hanging to the trapeze beneath by his arms is the daring aeronaut. In a moment, he reverses his position, and is hanging to the bar by his heels, and is throwing kisses to the crowd. The fascinated spectators hold their breath in apprehension, but the aeronaut rises high and higher, still performing on his trapeze. He is clad in a suit of blue tights, and soon looks a dark speck against the sky with the billowy cloud of canvass above him. The connecting ropes are soon invisible, the man floats along under the balloon with no apparent connection between them. Attached to the side of the balloon by a hook is the parachute with which the drop is to be made. Pulling a rope unfastens the hook, and the drop begins. The balloon is soon directly over the river, drifting southeast. Some say it is a mile high; some think half a mile. No one knows. Apparently it has crossed the river, when suddenly, a cry of wonder goes up from the watching crowd. The daring aeronaut has loosened the parachute, and is shooting down through space. In a second, the parachute expands, like an umbrella, and the rapid descent is checked. Down he comes, seemingly slow, but really very fast, and the crowd wonders whether he is across the river or not. Seemingly he is, but in a second more, his form is outlined against the tree tops, and it is seen that he will drop into the water. When within a few feet, he loosens his hold of the parachute (to avoid being caught in the ropes), and is swallowed up in the depths. Then a smothered cry, part of wonder and part of horror, went up from the crowd, and a rush was made for the river. But Captain Starr, with the ferry boat, was out in the stream following down the river, and in a moment after the aeronaut dropped into the water, the ferry boat was steaming to his rescue. He was picked up in a few minutes, about 500 feet from the Missouri shore. He was cramped and chilled, but none the worse for the fearful leap he had taken. He preferred, he said, to drop into the water rather than onto the tree tops. His parachute was also recovered by the ferry.

The dusk was now gathering, and the crowd rapidly dispersed, many going down to the ferry landing to greet the hero of the hour. Brayton was about the streets during the evening, spent the night at Hotel Madison, and early this morning went down the river, searching for his balloon. It was found in a cornfield on Missouri Point, about four miles from the place where it rose.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 03, 1889
It is with just pride that Altonians point out this manufacturing establishment to visitors as one of the most prosperous and widely known of any in this part of the West. The company has been partially reorganized, and is preparing to make the coming season as successful and prosperous as any ever experienced by them. The Works is controlled by a stock company with a capital of $200,000. Mr. Charles H. Hapgood is the President, and Mr. Harvey L. Black the Secretary and Manager.

A Telegraph reporter found the genial Manager, Mr. Black, very willing to show him through the extensive plant. The buildings are substantially built of brick, and extend on Front Street a double block from Henry to Langdon Streets, at once giving one an idea of the large proportions of the Works. The various departments consist of two blacksmith and machine shops, one 48x88 feet, the other 112x88 feet; a two-story wood working shop, 56x100 feet; a two-story paint shop 72x50 feet; a two-story warehouse 110x50 feet; a shed and storeroom 48x100 feet. Besides the above, there is a large engine and boiler room, a large grinding room, and fine and commodious office rooms. All departments are fully equipped with machinery and the latest appliances for the speedy and successful completion of their work. Each department is under the direction of an experienced foreman. Mr. W. S. Pates is Superintendent and foreman of the blacksmith and machine rooms; Mr. Aug. Youngberg has charge of the wood working room. Mr. Charles Grath is foreman of the painting department, and Mr. John Doerr has charge of the shipping room. About 125 hands are employed, and the average monthly payroll distributes about $5,000. Quite a variety of machines are manufactured, among which we enumerate a few: Sulky and gang plows; one hundred styles of slip and bar plows; riding and combined listers; riding, walking, and tongueless cultivators; corn drills; stock cutters; wood and steel harrows; etc. something over 12,000 of these implements are turned out annually. They are shipped to all parts of the western and southern States, and their superior excellence has kept up an increasing demand for their manufacture.

The company has a traveling force of six men on the road, all the time looking after its interests, and also transfer or branch houses at Kansas City, Omaha, Lincoln, Minneapolis, and Aberdeen. While the company does not sell to the home trade at the factory, arrangements have been entered into by which the H. K. Johnston Hardware Company, corner of Second [Broadway] and State Streets, will handle these superior implements and be ready to supply the demands of the farmers of Madison and surrounding counties. We are glad to note the prosperous condition of this establishment, and it is the desire of all our citizens that it may continue for years to come.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 03, 1889
It is a matter of satisfaction to know that the Piasa Woolen Mill has been repaired and put in full operations. A short time ago, a new company was organized, purchased the plant, and will run it to its full capacity. The officers are: M. H. Boals, President; Captain N. Buesen of Jerseyville, Vice-President; Joseph B. Thompson of St. Louis, Secretary; August Neerman, Treasurer; W. H. Rice, General Superintendent and Manager.

About two weeks ago steam was raised and the machinery started, and it is gratifying to learn that the employees have been unexpectedly busy, that orders are fast increasing for the superior quality of yarn the mill has the reputation of turning out. The manager expects to have the full force and every machine in operation in a week or two.

Mr. Rice and Mr. W. J. Boals, the bookkeeper and shipping clerk escorted a Telegraph reporter through the mill yesterday, and spent a couple of hours inspecting the various processes wool passes through in its manufacture into fine knitting and hosiery yarn. The wool comes from Ohio, Texas, Montana, and other wool growing regions. It is taken to the separating room, where it is picked over, sorted and graded as to quality and fineness. The next step is the scouring, which consists in immersing the wool in an alkaline lye, which forms a soap with the natural grease of the fleeces, and cleans the wool thoroughly when washed in water. To further cleanse the wool, it is run through the picking machine into the “picker room.” During this process, it becomes sufficiently oiled and dried and ready for the carding room, into which we were next taken. It is in charge of the experienced foreman, Mr. William Eubanks. Here the wool passes through a set of three carding machines, and comes out in the shape of a long string wound on large spools, ready for spinning. These carding machines consist of a series of cylinders covered with a coating of fine steel points revolving in a frame, and placed so closely together as to almost touch each other. In this room there are three of these sets of machines.

The wool next passes to the “mule” room, where it is spun into yarn. Here we find six “mules” or machines spilling the wool from the spools into yarn onto bobbins. The running of these “mules” is quite a pretty and interesting sight. After the yarn is spun to the requisite firmness, these bobbins are taken to the reeling room, which we found under the charge of the foreman, Mr. George Boomer. Here are four sets of reels each capable of reeling eight dozen skeins at once. After being reeled and tied into skeins, the yarn is taken to the dyeing room, where it is colored any hue desired by a chemical process which makes the color perfectly fast and durable. Mr. H. Lane, the engineer of the mill, has charge of the dyeing room. After having been colored, the yarn is dried by means of a drying machine, which consists of a large cylinder into which the yarn is placed. This revolves so rapidly that the centrifugal force presses the yarn against the side of the cylinder with such force as to press all the water out, and in about eight minutes the yarn is perfectly dry. Then it is removed to the steam drying room, and remains ten or twelve hours. It is then taken to the packing room and made ready for shipment by being either bagged or put up in hanks, by means of the hanking machines. It is then shipped to all parts of the country. The time occupied in the manufacture of the yarn is about three and one half days. The average daily capacity is about 600 pounds of yarn, and when running full capacity, from 75 to 100 hands are employed, about half of whom are girls. The average payroll distributes about $600 per week. The plant is valued at from $75,000 to $100,000.

Alton is to be congratulated in having such a valuable manufacturing institution in her midst, and it is the sincere wish of her citizens that many years of prosperity are in store for the mill, its managers, and employees.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1889
Old mother earth got on a tantrum Saturday at 1:50 a.m., and shook up things at a lively rate for about one minute. Houses rocked as though the ocean surges were moving them, dishes rattled, timbers cracked, at one place flower pots fell from the shelves, and everything quivered as if dame nature shook with a chill. Those not under the influence of Morpheus were considerably panic-stricked, some fearing that the second Adventists were about to have their innings. It is stated that the shock came from the northeast, and passed in a westerly direction.

A State Street resident says that he felt a slight premonitory trembling at 9 o’clock last night. Another gentleman first heard a rumbling as of an approaching train of cars. The sound seemed to him to come from the northwest. One gentleman’s alarm clock stopped at five minutes before 2 a.m., supposed to have been influenced by the earthquake. At a house on Third Street hill, the occupants were somewhat panic stricken, for it appeared as though the walls of the building would collapse from the force of the shock. Captain Sparks says that his residence on State Street hill was badly shaken up. There were two distinct shocks, the second one much the hardest, with a slight trembling intervening. He says that the earthquake seemed to him to travel from west to east, but different observers do not coincide on this.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 21, 1889
The mineral riches beneath and around Alton have often been spoken of, but there is one substance, the most valuable of all, that has not been mentioned in this connection. The large beds of clay that abound everywhere are rich with the metal aluminum – in fact, it is one of the principal constituents of clay. This metal, as white as silver, light in weight as wood, strong as iron, malleable as gold, and is uncorrodable, not being affected by the atmosphere or any acid. It can be used for manufacturing anything from a finger ring to a railway locomotive, from a writing pen to a railway bridge. The only difficulty heretofore has been to reduce it to the metallic form. The processes have been very costly, but such improvements have been made that now it is furnished, wholesale, at $2 a pound, about one-twentieth of what it cost a few years ago. Let every man wh owns a clay bank “hold it for a rise,” for there is no telling the value it may attain.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 5, 1889
A visit to Prof. McAdams’ museum, which occupies three large rooms, at the corner of Second [Broadway] and Alby Streets, second story, will richly repay anyone, especially those interested in natural history and students in geology. In showcases there are strange fossils, stone specimens, carbiniflora, crinoids, Devonian, Silurian, and many others; two pictures of the Piasa Bird, charcoal drawings of the cave dwellers and prehistoric animals; three specimens of the alligator gar; a sword fish; fishes of many others kinds; serpents, centipedes, tarantulas, scorpions, and other strange, pleasing (?) specimens pickled in alcohol; bones of the mastodon, including some specimens that were found in a ravine at the rear of Mr. Henry Watson’s residence; the skin of a porcupine, killed by Mr. H. J. Bowman in Dakota; Peruvian and Arizonian pottery, also some specimens found in this section; stuffed birds; curious idols from all parts of the world and of all ages; a genuine mummy’s foot; besides almost innumerable other curiosities, including some live animals and birds.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 19, 1889
The Charles Seibold establishment on Piasa Street, near Third, is where you will find handsome horses, good roadsters in single or double harness, elegant equipages galore, and every appliance and convenience necessary for the transaction of a first-class livery. Mr. Seibold’s large and varied stock of vehicles has seen but a few weeks of service. His carriages are unsurpassed by any in the city for their exterior beauty and for the luxuriance of their interior appointments.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 02, 1890
The dancing party given at the palatial residence of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Drummond last evening, in honor of their two charming daughters, Misses Bertha and Mary Drummond, was the most notable and elegant event of the social season in Alton. The elite of this and neighboring cities graced the occasion by their presence, costly and handsome costumes were worn by the lady guests, and a more stylish and attractive company was never gathered together in Alton. The rooms of the handsome mansion were beautifully and profusely decorated with palms, evergreens, ferns, fragrant exotics, and cut flowers. A supper, which was a triumph of the caterer’s art, was served in an elegant manner at midnight. The dance program contained fourteen numbers, and two extras were added, the music being furnished by a St. Louis orchestra. Among those present from abroad were: Misses Grace Anderson of Taylorville, and Macie Prickett of Edwardsville, and Messrs Finley and Harry Drummond of St. Louis.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 20, 1890
Workmen while removing the clay from over the rock at the Watson Quarry in Alton, on Saturday, discovered at the depth of 35 feet the bones of some strange animal, in which Prof. McAdams, to whom the remains were given, is much interested. The Professor says he thinks the remains to be those of a great sloth, Megalonyz, which was cotemporaneous with the mastodon, and became extinct during the glacial age.

This huge sloth has a body nearly as large as an ox, with feet enormously enlarged. It was a vegetable eater, and had singular teeth of the most primitive form. The Professor has previously found in these bluffy clays teeth and bones of this animal associated with those of the mastodon, bos, bear, and a giant beaver. There were also many small rodents, some of them totally different from those now living. The Professor thinks these animals all perished through the rigors of the terrible ice age.

If Professor McAdams was correct, the Megalonyx is an extinct genus of ground sloths of the family Megalonychidae, native to North America during the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs. It became extinct during the Quaternary extinction event at the end of the Rancholabrean of the Pleistocene.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 27, 1890
It is with sincere pleasure that the Telegraph announces that Mr. John E. Hayner has determined to erect and give to the Alton Public Library a permanent home building. Directors of the library have for many years successfully conducted the affairs of the association, but have labored under the disadvantage of having no home in which they could permanently locate their library. The noble ladies, who constitute the board of Directors, have struggled bravely against a lack of funds, against a lack of practical sympathy from the community, and against adverse circumstance of various kinds, but surmounting every obstacle, they have maintained a library of which every intelligent citizen had just cause to be proud. On two occasions the library has been driven from its present quarters by fire, and the books left in such a condition that none but these public spirited and brave ladies could have hoped to bring order out of the confusion.

Our large-hearted fellow-citizen, Mr. John E. Hayner, has contemplated for some time the erection of a suitable building for a permanent home for the library, and has definitely settled the matter. He has bought the lot on the corner of Fourth and State Streets, owned by Mrs. C. L. Wright and Mrs. O. S. Stowell, and will erect thereon a suitable building to accommodate the library, giving the property to the association as long as it shall be used for that purpose. The details of the structure are as yet incomplete, but everything about it will be on the most modern plan. The structure will be made of brick, fronting 40 feet on State Street, by 70 feet on Fourth Street, and proportionate in height, with an alley ten feet wide on the north between the library building and the next one; also a seven foot alley on the east, separating it from the next adjoining building. These spaces will allow for windows, so that there may be an abundance of light and air. The work will be completed this summer. The cost of the building will be about $10,000.

Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Stowell, owners of the lot where the building will be erected, have given the price of the lot towards the furnishing of the library.

An effort was began to raise a fund towards providing sufficient books and for furnishing the library rooms. The Telegraph bespeaks a most favorable consideration for this plan of raising $5,000 for furnishing the building. The structure itself will be an ornament to the city, as everything will be done by Mr. Hayner to make it complete in every detail.


Alton Daily Telegraph, April 18, 1890
Mr. F. Shelly, now of St. Louis, has purchased Mr. John Armstrong's lime kiln under the bluffs and took possession of the property today. Mr. Shelly is a practical and experienced lime burner, having formerly been engaged in that business in this city, and afterwards in Quincy. He will remove his family here. The Telegraph welcomes Mr. S. back to his old home.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 01, 1890
The find of Mastodon bones at the quarries of the Lime and Cement Company [owned by Henry Watson] yesterday was quite large. Besides the piece of jawbone, more than a foot long, and containing an immense tooth, the workmen also gathered up several pieces of what are supposed by Prof. McAdams to be tusks of the defunct animal. One piece of this ivory was nearly eighteen inches in length. The whole find will make a very interesting collection, and will serve to show the character of some of the former residents of the land now occupied by the white man. Mr. Henry Watson has them in his collection.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 12, 1890
Work is in progress on Mr. Julius H. Raible’s building on the north side of Fourth, between Belle and Piasa Streets, and when the improvements are completed, the building will have one of the finest storefronts in the city. The front wall will present twenty-eight feet of hydraulic pressed brick, terra cotta, iron and plate glass, and the plans and specifications which have been drawn up by Mr. Lucas Pfeiffenberger show that the front will be as beautiful as the best of material and architecture can make it. The Cornice and Iron Co. of St. Louis have been awarded the contract by Mr. Raible for some very pretty work in their line, and Messrs. Ash & Hope of Alton are doing the brick work. At the east end of the building’s front a handsome tower will be erected, constructed after a Moorish design, seven feet, six inches square at the base, and rising sixteen feet higher than the roof. Mr. Raible intends to use this building for a wholesale liquor store, bottling establishment, and storage house. The cellars have been fitted up at a cost of about $1,500, are modeled after the manner in which the famous wine cellars of California are usually built, and have a storage capacity of 25,000 gallons. Every precaution has been taken to keep the air therein as pure as possible, and at the even temperature required for the proper keeping of wines and liquors. The wine cellars are surrounded by double walls, with a nine-inch space between them. The outer one is of stone, seven inches thick, and the inner one of brick laid with cement, and without a particle of lime. The cellar was dug down to rock bottom, has a cement floor, and adamant roof. Fresh air is received through a system of ventilators which open onto the roof of the building, and provision is made for carrying off the foul air in the same way. The room which is to be used as a bottling establishment is fitted up with a cistern, sewers, tanks, etc., and Mr. Raible expects to do a large business in bottling wines and liquors under his own brand. An elegantly appointed office will be on the ground floor, and when all the improvements are made, Mr. Raible will have a place of business that any man would be proud of.


A Comic Story
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 24, 1890
Phineas T. Barnum (no relation to the showman) lives on upper State Street. He is a man of about the common run – neither better nor worse than his neighbors. He has lived at peace with everyone during his entire residence in Alton. People have been wont to look upon him as an inoffensive, civil neighbor. In one sad night, he has wrecked the reputation that took him many years to win is not so much a wonder after the particulars are known.

Phineas is tall, rather slim, and of a retiring and quiet disposition. Mrs. Phineas T. is in every respect the opposite of her “lord of creation.” She is fat, rather short, and not the slightest ailment in her digestive organs. She is naturally a jolly soul, and extremely anxious about her husband, whom in truth, she fairly dotes on, and says he “is the best man on State Street hill.” There are a half a dozen children, the fruit of thirty years’ happy matrimony. It was in fact as peaceful and harmonious a family as might be found anywhere. But at one fell swoop, the destroyer entered the domicile of the Barnums, and turned it into a pandemonium. It was not drink that did it. Barnum is a teetotaler. It was not undue appreciation on the part of Barnum for other ladies; in his estimation there was but one woman in all the town, and she dwelt by his own fireside. It was not a lack of appreciation on the part of Mrs. Barnum for her husband. In her heart, he soared as much above other men as the lark above the sparrow. The children were affectionate and loved their parents, and were loved in return. There were no family jars. Everything went usually as “merry as a marriage bell.”

What then was the cause of the sad disaster to family happiness? Simply this: the extreme and long-continued heat now prevailing. Barnum is just a little nervous, but up to the present time, he had held his temper in complete subjection. The family for a few days had noticed some things that were peculiarly strange. The warm nights had broken Mr. Barnum’s rest; his appetite, never very vigorous, declined daily until he would look sadly at the tempting viands with which Mrs. Barnum daily loaded the table, take a mouthful of water, and turn away with a dejected air. Thursday night of last week capped the climax at the Barnum mansion. Mr. Barnum occupied a bedroom with a south and east exposure. What air there was came from the north. He threw himself down on his bed in the same manner that the Deacon’s shay went to pieces: “all at once, All at once and nothing first. Just like the bubbles when they burst.” If he had fallen on a red-hot stove, he could hardly have gotten up more suddenly. What was the matter? The sheets were as warm as if fresh from the iron. The mattress seemed to have a bed of red-hot coals in it. He looked at the bed for a while, then threw back the shutters as if to coax in some vagrant breeze that might have been belated near the Barnum mansion. But if anything of that kind was around, it did not come in. After waiting some time longer, he resolved to tackle the bed again. Suiting the action to the word, he dropped quickly on his downy couch. It was no use. He got up as quickly as he lay down. By this time all the rest of the family had retired, and were soundly asleep. Mr. Barnum thought he would try another room for a cooler atmosphere. He thought he would go quietly, without a light, and sit down by a window and let the gentle zephyrs fan his fevered brow. In his search for the door, he missed it, that is, his hands missed it and his nose caught it. “Jerusalem” said Barnum, “that is an end to that old trumpet,” and putting his hands up to catch the pieces, he discovered that his proboscis was still intact. Waiting until the pain had somewhat subsided, he sallied forth again. This time, his shins caught the rocker of a heavy chair that was standing near the stairway, and Barnum, chair and all, went to the bottom in one pile. A horrid roar of profanity awoke the sleeping household. Mrs. Barnum ran out of her room distracted. The sons came to the head of the stairway, pistol in hand, ready for the burglar. The daughters were shouting, “murder, fire, help,” from their respective chambers. The old man was at the bottom of the stairs, beneath the rocker, seriously damaged but able to yell, “idiots, fools,” etc. Everybody was too much excited to explain. Finally, Mrs. Barnum, good soul, got down to her spouse and attempted to pull the rocker off him, but it had in some unfortunate way become entangled in her husband’s legs, and when she attempted to take it off, it simply further lacerated his wounds, and not seeing who it was that was trying to help him, he struck out boldly and knocked his good wife down. The sons rushed downstairs, thinking their father was crazy, and handled him roughly. The girls came on the scene, and seeing their mother in a fainting fit, and their father and brothers in a melee, began screaming again. The neighborhood was aroused, and after a great deal of confusion, the contestants were separated, the mother restored to consciousness, and the girls quieted. But all were dreadfully mortified. The father now vows he can never face his sons again. He is willing to forgive his wife for coming to his rescue, but he will cut the boys off without a penny. He is going to leave town, he says, in a few days, where cooler weather prevails. It is hoped, however, that the Barnum household may yet be pacified, and long continue the pride of State Street and “Christian Hill.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 21, 1890
Alton can now truthfully claim to possess the largest glass bottle manufacturing establishment in the country. For several years the Illinois Glass Works has been the largest factory of the kind under one management in the U.S., and now with the addition of the seventh glass house, it takes rank at the head of the bottle factories of the country in size. It has been a matter of much pride to Altonians to have been able to witness the growth of this institution from its small beginnings to its present mommoth proportions.

During the past few months, carpenters, masons, and other mechanics have been busy building the new flint house, the new warehouse, and making other necessary improvements preparatory to the coming season of activity. These improvements are about completed, at least so much so, that work was to be resumed in the four flint houses last Monday, the furnace fires having been started several days ago.

Through the courtesy of Mr. Joseph Nestor, the genial superintendent of the flint houses, a representative of the Telegraph was taken through the new buildings and shown the improvements. The most notable of these are the new flint house and the new warehouse. The first of these is similar to the other flint houses, the building being 80 feet square, with the furnace in the center. A wing, 70x80 feet, on the south side, makes the dimensions of the whole building 150x80 feet. The furnace contains 14 pots, and will accommodate 36 blowers. About 300 new hands will be employed in this house, and they will be able to turn out about 250 gross of bottles per day. A new process of finishing and tempering the bottles is to be introduced and if it proves the success expected, it will be used in the other flint houses. The apparatus for this purpose consists at present of eight “oil glory holes” for finishing the bottles, and two sets of “lehrs” for tempering them.

This new house will be devoted to the manufacture of druggists’ shelf bottles or furniture ware, a finer grade of glass than has heretofore been made. Between each set of “lehrs,” a tight room has been constructed for the purpose of storing pots, to keep them free from moisture. These pots are used for melting the glass mixture, and are made of the finest fire clay to stand the high degree of heat required in the furnaces. They are manufactured at Pittsburg, and are very expensive. One lasts an average of three months.

The construction of this new house, complete, will cost not far from $25,000. In addition to this, a new mixing room has been built in which the various ingredients going into the composition of glass are made ready for the furnace pots. A very fine quality of sand is used for flint glass, which is obtained at Millington, near Chicago.

The new warehouse is a building 250x100 feet, and is of itself a very complete and necessary addition. The total cost of all the improvements this season will be not much less than $50,000.

In the flint department, about 800 hands are employed, and something over 1,000 gross of bottles turned out daily. The three green glass houses will start up on the first of September, and when both departments are in operation, about 1,300 hands are employed. Quite a little army of itself.

When in operation, the glass works is one of the most interesting and instructive places to visit we know of, and visitors are always cordially welcomes and courteously received by the managers and workmen. We are pleased to note the fact that the works are very much behind in filling their orders, it being utterly impossible to produce the goods fast enough. Mr. Smith deserves great credit in the building up of this institution to its present prosperous condition, and the wish of all Altonians is that his prosperity may never grow less.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 18, 1890
Yesterday morning opened up bright and gave every evidence of being a gala day in the history of Alton. The early trains began to bring in groups of people, which were largely augmented by the trains arriving between 9 o’clock and noon, when the crowds of visitors ran up into the thousands. The Standard Band was on the ground early, and met each of the visiting bands. The first bands to arrive were the Woodson and Jerseyville bands, followed shortly after by the Gillespie and Bethalto bands. Each of the visiting bands were attended by a large number of their friends, and altogether it was a large and happy crowd that thronged our streets.

The Band Parade
At 11 o’clock, the band parade was a handsome and leading feature of the day’s program. The consolidated bands, six in number, marching seven abreast and uniformed, was a sight seldom witnessed. The music produced by the aggregation was very good, considering that the bands had not practiced together before. The number of men in the band consolidated was about 90. The procession was followed by the Alhambra Juvenile Band in their own band wagon. The music feature of the program was a success.

The band contest took place in the afternoon before an immense audience. There were six contestants. The judges were Messrs. P. Scheck, Otto Anschuetz, and August Meyer, all of St. Louis. The judges awarded the first prize to the Enterprise Band of Edwardsville; the second prize to the Gillespie Cornet Band; the third prize to the Woodson Cornet Band; the fourth prize to the Bethalto Cornet Band; and the fifth prize was awarded to the City Band, Jerseyville.

Fire Department Exhibition
Promptly at 3 o’clock, the alarm was turned on, and 1:56 sec. Hose No. 1, Chief McDonald in charge, appeared and made the attachment. Hose No. 2, Assistant Chief Miller, made the run and attached in 2:04 seconds. No. 1 was declared the winner. No. 2 had one a half block longer distance, with a grade, compelling a check.

The Trades Procession
The trades procession in the evening was a grand success. Fifty floats appeared in line, many of them were decorated in the most artistic manner, not only showing great ingenuity on the part of the designers, but a purpose to present beautiful scenes regardless of expenses.

The Balloon Ascent
The balloon ascent took place a few minutes before six o’clock, and was successful in every particular. The balloon rose probably 3,000 feet in the air, before Brayton loosened his parachute from it, and then the descent began, beautiful like a dream. The opening of the parachute was an entrancing sight, Brayton performing on the trapeze all the time. He made the drop inside the city limits, the balloon falling a short distance from the spot where the parachute fell.

Nell Brayton, the aeronaut, who will make the balloon ascension this afternoon, was interview by a Telegraph reporter concerning the dangers of ballooning. Mr. Brayton said, “The great danger is that where I go to a strange place, I naturally have to employ inexperienced men to inflate my balloon. I also have to get inexperienced men to hold onto the guys, and often they let me go long before I am ready. Then again, a cinder may get into the folds of my parachute and burn a hole in it, which would be certain death to the balloonist.”The reporter then asked, “Are you not afraid to go up?” Mr. Brayton replied, “I never think of whether I am afraid or not. I go with the determination that I will land safely, and you see I am not dead yet.” He also went on to say that when the balloon leaves the ground, he involuntarily thinks the earth is sinking away from him, which is akin to the start downward of an ordinary elevator. The temperature lowers one degree for every 300 feet, and at a distance of one mile, the atmosphere is freezing. He said, When I make the ascent safely, my next greatest danger is when I cut loose from the balloon. For several hundred feet I drop like a shot, and you may rely upon it that a steady and strong hand is needed, with all your wits thrown in. From the time my parachute unfolds until I am 40 feet from the ground, it is comparative play. If I am going to come down in the water, I always jump, as the parachute would cover me and I would drown.” The reporter volunteered the statement that he would not go up for $10,000, to which Brayton replied, “Give me half of it, and I’ll go up and you can stay down.” He is built like iron – strong, sinewy and cat-like, and withal, good looking, a perfect gentleman, and a good conversationalist.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 02, 1890
From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat - William Eliot Smith, proprietor of these works, located in Alton, and established in 1873, has conducted them with notable success. They cover seven acres of ground, and form one of the largest glass factories in the world. They employ 1200 persons, and produce a superior quality of flint glass, green, colored druggists’ glassware, wine, beer, porter, soda bottles, wax and self-sealing fruit jars, etc. They are conducted under constant supervision, and their product is of the finest grade. Their output goes from Ohio to the Pacific, and from the lakes to the Gulf. Offices and warerooms are in St. Louis and Chicago. There they occupy the four-story building, 507 and 509 North Levee. Mr. R. H. Levis, who has been with the firm for seven years, is the manager. The proprietor, Mr. William Eliot Smith, is a native of St. Louis, and a prominent business man, and director in the hydraulic Press Brick Company. He now resides at Alton, and gives his personal supervision to his plant. The Chicago office and warehouse is at 52 Michigan Avenue.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 16, 1890
Mr. Frank Moore of Chicago was married at Englewood, Wednesday, to Miss Emily C. Clarkson, one of the most charming and beautiful belles of that Chicago suburb. The wedding was a notable one in the place where it occurred, and is of high interest to many in this locality. The groom is a son of Major Frank Moore of Upper Alton. He is a former student of Shurtleff College, from which institution he graduated in 1885, with the Valedictory honors of his class. Since leaving college, Mr. Moore has received added laurels from the newspaper work in which he has been engaged, and now holds a prominent place on the editorial staff of the Drovers’ Journal, Chicago. Mr. Moore and his bride arrived here this morning and registered at Hotel Madison. They were accompanied by Major Moore, who went to Englewood to attend his son’s wedding. They will remain among their many friends in Alton and vicinity until Saturday, when their bridal tour, which will extend to Memphis, Tennessee, and other Southern cities, will be renewed.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 23, 1890
The frame of the tower over the southwest corner of the Hayner Memorial Library building was raised yesterday. When the copper work is completed thereon, the tower will be 15 feet high from the roof.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 30, 1890
When it became time to turn out the electric lights at the Sparks Mill yesterday, Charles F. Sparks went down in the basement of the building and attempted to throw off the dynamo belt from the large flywheel over which it runs. He was caught in the machinery, carried over the wheel, which at the time was making two hundred and forty revolutions to the minute, and hurled to the other side of the room. As he went over the wheel, Mr. Sparks’ body struck a 2x4 scantling that was fastened by 3 inch lag bolts to heavy beams overhead, and tore the board away, bolts and all. Smaller pieces of wood about the place were likewise struck and splintered. The injured man was picked up from the floor where he fell, and carried in an insensible condition to the mill office. In response to a hasty call for physicians, Drs. Haskell and Fisher came, and after doing for him everything possible there, he was removed to his home. After recovering consciousness, Mr. Sparks stated that he attempted to kick the belt from the wheel, and his pantaloons were caught between the two. It is almost miraculous that he was not killed outright by the fearful knocking about that he received. As it is, a gash in the side of the head, cuts in the face, and bruises on almost every part of the body is the inventory of his injuries. No bones were broken, and it is not believed that he suffered internal hurt. That his injuries are thus comparatively slight is welcome news to Mr. Sparks’ many friends, and was the cause of much congratulation about the city today.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 30, 1890
The incorporation papers for the new building association have arrived. The first name given the association was the Germania, but there was a Chicago company of that name. Then it was named the Alton, etc., but there is still an incorporated company of that name. then by a happy combination of Alton-Germania, the papers were secured and enough stock has already been subscribed to start the company.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 20, 1890
The rooms of the Pastime Social Club were filled Tuesday evening by Alton young men, who are interested in a local association for the purpose of athletic training. A temporary chairman and secretary were chosen, and the meeting then proceeded to permanently organized a club by electing the following: President, Al Warner; Secretary, Henry Cotter; Treasurer, James Coppinger.

It was decided the name should be the Alton Athletic Club, and initiation fee should be $5. The names of those who had signed an agreement to join were then read, and they numbered over one hundred. Mr. Warner submitted a proposition from Mayor Henry McPike, offering to make needed repairs on the third floor of the Illinois Mutual Insurance Co. building, formerly the old cracker factory, and to let it to the club for $200 a year, or to rent it just as it is for $100 a year. A committee, consisting of James Mullen, James and John Joyce, Al Warner, George Sauvage, Frank Ferguson, and James French, was instructed to secure a copy of the constitution and bylaws of the Missouri Gymnasium of St. Louis, and draft from that a constitution and bylaws for the Alton Athletic Club. The next meeting will be held one week from last evening, in the same place, over Goulding’s Jewelry Store on Third Street.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 20, 1890
Professor William McAdams says he is the original discoverer of the Alton zinc mine that produced the specimens of ore exhibited in Dorsey & Mann’s office yesterday afternoon. The mine is located at Coppinger’s Quarry near the water works, and the Professor says that he made the find several days ago. In order to corroborate his own belief that the vein was a bonefide one, and of first class ore, he asked Messrs. B. L. Dorsey and James Maupin to accompany him to the place yesterday, and after a careful examination, both gentlemen endorsed the Professor’s opinion. The zinc runs in a well-defined lead of from four to six inches in thickness, and the ore is what is known as black jack, a sulphurate of zinc, of a quality as fine as is mined in any part of this country. The lead goes down under the railroad track and water works, into the river bed. Whether or not it runs back into the bluff, and can be mined profitably, are subjects for further investigation.


Three of Seven Glass Houses Destroyed by Fire
600-700 People Out of Work
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 27, 1890
From the Daily of November 22 – Early this morning the sky over the eastern end of Alton was reddened by flames that were working great destruction at the Illinois Glass Works. The three flint factories, numbered 1, 6, and 7 respectively, in the western portion of the plant were rendered a total loss, and the new corrugated iron warehouse went with them. Factory No. 7 is the last one erected at the Glass Works, and has been in operation but a short time. Factories number 1 and 6 are double flint houses, and the fire evidently started in the cave of the latter. The flames were first seen on the roof of No. 6 this morning. Engines and whistles in the vicinity immediately sounded the alarm, and the fire department was informed that their services were needed. For some reason, the department’s response was exceedingly tardy. One of the wagons was out on the streets for the purpose of exercising the horses, when the fire started, and the men in charge knew nothing of what was going on at the Glass Works until informed by others who had received the news by telephone.

Mr. William Eliot Smith expressed this morning as being exceedingly indignant over the fact that water with the proper amount of pressure could not be procured for more than an hour after it was wanted to extinguish the fire. Mr. Smith says that if the water works had done what was expected of them, the flames would easily have been put out before doing any great damage, and his words are corroborated by many who witnessed the affair. “One could throw water from a pail,” said Mr. Smith, “about as far as it was sent through the hose here this morning.” He and other businessmen complain bitterly of the shape that Alton’s water works apparatus is in at present, and the service rendered by it.

The loss amounts from $75,000 to $100,000, with an insurance of $54,500. About 700 employees, including glass blowers, helpers, etc., are thrown out of employment just on the eve of winter. The entire stock of soda ash that had been laid in for the season, amounting in value to about $25,000, was destroyed. Five freight cars that were switched close to the burning factories made up a part of the general wreck. They and their contents helped feed the flames, and nothing was saved but their running gears. The warehouse was filled with a stock of green glass goods, all of which are a total loss.

The city of Alton pays nearly $10,000 a year to the water works company for protection, and when it is needed, it is rarely to be had. Various excuses are given, but little fire protection. What Alton pays for, and what she must have is prompt and reliable protection against fire. It is the duty of the city council to at once investigate the cause of the delay, and hold responsible the parties who have been derelict in the matter. Mayor Henry G. McPike and representatives from the several committees of the council held a conference last night to devise ways and means for averting another such calamity. It was decided that the electric system of fire alarm service would entail more expense than the city can stand at present, and in lieu of this, Superintendent Warner of the telephone company agrees to keep a night operator at the central station throughout the night, ready to answer calls promptly at any time from sundown to dawn. The police will be instructed to call the telephone station at different hours during the night, and be sure that the man in charge is awake and ready for business. The police are to have access to the water works at all times for the purpose of seeing what amount of pressure is indicated by the guage there, and the night officer on the levee beat is instructed to make the investigation at midnight, 2 a.m., and 4 a.m. The Chief of the fire department is to have a chance to blow out the water plugs at any time he chooses, under the supervision of the Superintendent of the Water Works.

Mr. William Eliot Smith, proprietor of the Alton Glass Works, has determined to rebuild the destroyed factories at once. Although it is a severe blow to his great industries, he is not easily discouraged. He was busily engaged this morning mapping out a plan to place his orders in other cities, so that his patrons will not be inconvenienced until he is enabled to resume with all his factories in Alton. A large force of men will be put to work on the construction of the new buildings and cleaning up the debris left from the fire. Mr. Smith has always had the gratitude of the citizens of Alton for the noble work he has done for the city, and this morning their sympathies were freely expressed in the disaster that befell his business.

Of the recent disaster to the Alton Glass Works is that our merchants will be out of pocket the $4,000 or $5,000 a week paid to the men who worked in the factories destroyed last Saturday. It will also leave quite a large number of houses vacant in the eastern end of the city. It will take probably three months to put the factories in running order again. Anyone can figure up the amount of loss this will be to our city. It is also a heavy loss, both in business and property, to our enterprising, energetic, and large-hearted citizen, Mr. Smith, who has done so much for our town. Then there are hundreds of people who will not be able to leave the city to find work elsewhere, who are left in a pitiable condition. These will need the sympathy and practical aid of the benevolent and kind-hearted everywhere. We would call the attention of the Christian public, as well as all who wish to relieve suffering, to the fact, and would suggest that Thanksgiving Day would be a good time to begin to look into this matter, and provide a fund to be given the needy.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 4, 1890
A number of Alton and Chicago capitalists had an option on land in Maryland, within 13 miles of Washington D.C., on which was found gold quartz. Mr. Henry Watson of Alton has been developing the mine. Nearly all the parties visited the property last week, and the prospects were so bright that the deal was consummated, and the deeds passed into the hands of the syndicate at that time. Mr. John E. Hayner, one of the stockholders, states they obtained an excellent piece of property. They have taken out several hundred tons of quartz, and so much of it as has been milled has exceeded their anticipations. Some fifty tons that were milled averaged over $20 to the ton. They are exceedingly well pleased with the prospects so far. Mr. Watson sent home two more gold bricks recently milled, which are probably worth $1,500. Mr. Watson is superintending the work, and will probably not be home before Christmas.


Haagen & Fuess in Alton
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 18, 1890
An Alton gentleman was seized yesterday with the idea of finding out just what is the delight that a lady finds in exercising her peculiar privilege of shopping. Happening to be on Third Street at the time, he was naturally attracted to the mammoth double dry goods store of Haagen & Fuess, where he made the investigation. No matter how busy or hurried a person may be, the brilliant displays in the show windows of this house always induces one to stop and look in. Having entered the establishment, the inquisitive gentleman found many of his own sex, and all about the store were throngs of ladies availing themselves of the bargains there to be found. What Barr is to St. Louis, Haagen & Fuess are to Alton. This local firm carries the largest and most varied stock of dry goods and fancy articles in the Bluff City, and it is no wonder that their store is daily crowded with customers. All the many articles for sale are arranged in a most tasteful manner, and behind the counters a small army of competent and obliging clerks attend with pleasure to the wants of the visitors. The dress goods department comprises a good-sized store in itself, and includes an immense stock of silks, cashmeres, Henrietta cloths, flannels, and every kind of goods in this line. The stock is kept new and fresh, and is ever changing with the style and season. Domestic goods, prints in endless variety, tapestry, tablecloths and covers, rugs, quilts, handsome shawls and magnificent blankets make up a bazaar of Oriental splendor.

The gentleman making this investigation was already convinced that it was delightful to “go shopping,” and that here was the best place in Alton to shop, but the end was not yet. Having wandered about the place, feasting his eyes on many things of beauty, he finally arrived at the notion room. Here was a display so splendid and bewildering that he was loath to leave for many minutes. The articles there cannot be enumerated, but special mention should be made of beautiful plush boxes, exquisite jewelry, laces, perfumery, brashes, combs, umbrellas in silk and alpaca, choice soaps, rubber goods and novelties of every description. Following the course of these before and behind him, the gentleman climbed the stairs to the second story of this enormous establishment, where an elegant line of cloaks and shawls was discovered. Here was also a large duplicate stock of dry goods. The basement also is utilized for storing a part of this duplicate stock, since with all its great capacity the store has not shelves enough to hold half the goods carried by the firm. But talk about furs, you need not go to St. Louis to find a line of them handsome and varied enough to suit the most fastidious; just walk into Haagen & Fuess’ store, and there you will be shown boas, muffs, and capes of any kind that you may desire. As to apparel that comes nearer the skin, Haagen & Fuess have a most elegant and largely assorted line of hosiery and underwear. Gloves and knit goods come in this department, and the enterprising gentlemen who run the establishment take special pride in showing this part of their stock. In fact, their place is a perfect emporium containing goods whose name is legion. The gentleman went from there knowing a great deal more than when he went in, and firmly convinced that it is truly delightful to “go shopping,” especially in the holiday season and in a store so capable managed as is that of Haagen & Fuess.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 25, 1890
The new factory No. 7 is in full blast, and a force of men commenced blowing glass there Thursday morning. The rebuilding of factories Nos. 1 and 6 is progressing rapidly, and it will be only a matter of a few days until glass workers will be employed in these houses once more. Saturday, November 22, three glass houses were destroyed by fire, and in just four weeks, lacking two days, glass blowing is resumed in one of the rebuilt houses. This certainly shows nerve and enterprise in a wonderful degree.


January 8, 1852
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 15, 1891
Below will be found a facsimile of an invitation to an old-time ball which tookJanuary 8, 1852 ball in Alton place January 8, 1852, just thirty-nine years ago, in what was then known as Concert Hall – the same building utilized today by the Empire House on West Third Street. Mr. John Mather owns the original document, and kindly furnished the Telegraph with the time-honored relic, for use in connection with this article. Added interest is given to this reminiscence by the fact that the party was given on an anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans, another anniversary of which event occurs today. Hon. Zephaniah B. Job is the onlyliving representative from Alton of those who managed the party. Upper Alton furnishes two in the persons of Messrs. Austin Hewitt and Boyd Lathey, while Alton Junction [East Alton] comes to the front in the same connection with Billy Easley.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 29, 1891
The proprietors of the Garstang Foundry are now at work making preparations for the erection of an additional cupola, which when finished, will enable them to employ a larger force than now. The boilers belonging to the Jehle Brewery have been purchased by the Garstangs, and are being turned into a cupola. This firm was the successful bidder, last week, for furnishing the blast pipe for the new tank furnace, Factory No. 8, of the Glass Works. They received word Saturday that their bid was accepted, and to go ahead with the work.


Civil War Veteran
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 29, 1891
Mr. John B. Hays, a well-known resident of Alton, has been granted a pension of $12 a month, dating from July 5 last, for disabilities incurred by services in the late war.


A Visit to the “Green”
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 19, 1891
In company with two gentlemen, a porter of the Telegraph took a trip to that portion of Alton, familiarly known in the police court reports as “The Green.” The old “Green” was a spot of land near the Glass Works, unoccupied, on which various and sundry-charactered people had adopted Stephen A. Douglas’ great principle of “Squatter Sovereignty,” and taken possession. The district, in the past few years, has greatly enlarged. It now extends from a point opposite the Union Depot to the Glass Works. All this space is not filled up, but in collections of a half dozen or more of boats, huts made of boards, tents made of tent cloth, bits of carpets, building paper, etc., are gathered as motley, wretched, poverty-stricken, and demoralized a class of people as has rendered London famous for wickedness and vice of every kind. Not all the people living on the “Green” are of this class. There are some of these squatter tenants who have comparatively neat and comfortable homes, with cows, chickens, and dogs – the latter being most numerous. This district has recently been christened “Darkest Alton, and the gentlemen referred to above and other noble-headed people are busily engaged in trying to solve the problem as to the way out. The latter is a decidedly hard question.

The Telegraph reporter was astonished at the scenes that met his gaze. He had lived in Alton all his life, and his most vivid imagination as to the wretchedness and wickedness prevailing on the “Green” did not half depict the true condition of affairs. Half has not been told, and he dares not, for common decency’s sake, speak of the things that were told him by persons who knew whereof they spoke. It is indeed a dark spot in Alton, and is deserving of the most serious consideration of all good people. “The Way Out,” he will leave to others to decipher, and will give a few incidents of the “way in,” as he saw it under the guidance of his friends. The first boat entered was near the Union Depot. It was occupied by a man and his wife. The man gathers driftwood, and chops it up for kindling. He presented a very neglected and dejected appearance. On the inside, his wife was found. She was ill with a severe cold, which looked as though it might run into pneumonia or lung fever. She had had no medical attendance. No money to pay the doctor or to buy medicine. She was well on in years. She lay in a bunk made out of an old skiff. Under and around her were some most wretchedly filthy bed clothes. At her side, on the covers, was an odoriferous old pipe. An effort at keeping “soul and body together” was made by feeding a rickety stove with light wood.

Passing on to a neighboring hut, inside was found a woman and six children. It was a tent. This was probably the worst habitation on the whole “Green.” Some of the female members of the Salvation Army had been at the place before the three male investigators had arrived. These noble women had been driven off with oaths and vile language. There is now no husband, nor has there been, so far as could be learned. Very small children were there, one of whom immediately began to beg a nickel from the visitors, and when he received it, was as thankful and polite as a French dancing master. “Well trained,” was the remark of one gentleman. The woman treated her visitors quietly, answering questions as to her comfort that she managed to get along pretty well. Her oldest daughter is now in the lockup. A younger one, unless soon rescued, will be as incorrigible as her sister. Everything about the place had the appearance of woe and vice, and actually makes one sick at heart to see how low fallen humanity can go. Other houses were visited here, but it is not necessary to particularize.

Passing on to the “Green” proper, the gentlemen escorted the reporter to the residence of Auntie McCauley. This old woman, over 80, lives in a board hut, small and low-roofed. She received her visitors pleasantly, asked them in, and gave them two old chairs without backs, all she had, to sit down on. She lives all alone. She has a daughter on Second Street [Broadway], who lives in a two-story double tenement and who keeps boarders, but we judge does little for her old mother. Mrs. McCauley told her story in a pleasant way. She used to have better days, but she was like the old song, which she quoted feelingly: “I’m old and gray, I’m only in the way.” Her eyes sparkled and her tongue ran freely until a granddaughter, a young woman, pushed into the room and took the old lady to task for saying her friends had forsaken her. Mrs. McCauley stated that her daughter had her (the mother’s) life insured, and was keeping up the premiums on the policy for the purpose of getting the insurance when she died. “But,” said Mrs. McCauley as she gave a meery laugh, “I may outlive the whole of them yet, and then I will get it in the end.” This latter thought, mistake as it was, seemed to give her comfort. This old woman should be removed from the hovel where she lives, and given a place where she may spend the remainder of her days in comfort. She laid her daughter’s indifference to the fact that her son-in-law had a large family, and had all he could do to take care of himself. It is said that “Charity suffereth long and is kind,” and evidently Mrs. McCauley must have taken a deep draught at the fountain of the chiefest of the tree graces. Her pleasant old face, her cheery manners, her active, willing spirit, and her yet straight and strong body, which has borne the trials, the labor, the heat and cold for more than four score years, deserve something better than this living death to which she has been relegated. Mrs. McCauley has a good name among her neighbors, and is well spoken of by all who have met her.

Children abound on all sides. They are poorly clad, unwashed, unkempt, and shivered in the cold blasts as they rushed up from the river. These boys and girls had a famished, hungry look on their faces, as they appealingly gazed into the countenance of the strangers. No schools for them, except such as kind-hearted ladies connected with the churches in the city and the Salvation Army furnish them, and without clothes to make them presentable at school, even if there was a desire on the part of the parents to send them.

Old soldiers who had borne aloft the “Starry banner” on many a hard-fought field were there, with the little bronze button of the G.A.R. on their coat lapel. In one hut appeared the familiar picture of “the swarthy-faced, eagle-eyed, the perfect soldier Logan,” denoting that one of the brave boys who had stormed the redoubts, when shot and shell were flying fast, with Illinois’ grand chieftain and son, had not forgotten his commander.

On the island opposite the Glass Works were more tents and huts, scattered in among the brush. The men were busily engaged in cutting wood, which they sell at $1.50 a load. One hut was a terror. It was not more than three feet high. It was made of pieces of tent cloth, carpet, zinc, sheet iron, and an odd collection of unnamable material. No one was in it. One of the gentlemen made the remark, “I guess no one lives there.” “Yes sir,” replied a thin-faced, dirty-looking, slatternly woman, “Somebody does live there. That’s my home, and be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.” An amused smile passed over the faces of the visitors, as poor Payne’s words were quoted, descriptive of a den that at which even a well-raised dog would turn up his nose.

Coming back from the island to the “Green” proper, a call was made at the house that Joshua Brown lived in when he killed Isaac Abbott, by splitting his head open with an axe. Mrs. Ford occupied the house. She had two of her own children, and took care of Brown’s also. She claimed that she was not the person that lived there when Brown was killed. That person had moved out, she said, and her family had come there since. She did not explain, however, how it was that Mrs. Brown did not take Brown’s children with her, but left them to her care. She seemed to know Brown’s age, that he was a pensioner, that one of his boys was sixteen, and the other fourteen, and that their father had applied for additional pension.

Only a few of the houses could be visited, but these were enough to reveal the wretchedness and squalor prevailing there. An effort is now being made to save some of the girls and boys from the lives of infamy and shame in which they are now getting their first lessons. A refuge, or home for these waifs would be the best and most enduring monument that some of our benevolent persons could leave to embalm their names in the memory and affection of their fellow citizens, and as a testimonial to their love for common humanity. “Inasmuch as yet have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto Me.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 26, 1891
Anent the unpleasantness existing at present in railroad circles, a good story is told of Charles W. Hunter, who laid out and platted the eastern portion of Alton, known as Hunterstown. On the memorable occasion of Daniel Webster’s visit to Alton, Charles W. Hunter and the late Hon. Robert Smith were appointed to receive the great Commoner, and show him the then budding city. Webster was an intense Whig. Mr. Smith was a Democrat. The three gentlemen were riding in a carriage. Webster was carrying on a very earnest conversation with Mr. Smith on political matters. When they reached a point just opposite the spot where the Glass Works now stands, Major Hunter called Webster’s attention to it saying, “Mr. Webster, there is my field of Timothy.” But the great orator was apparently deaf to the Major’s announcement. He seemed to have ears for no one but his Democratic friend, Smith. Again, the Major said, “Mr. Webster, that is my field of Timothy,” and again Daniel paid no heed to the words of the proprietor of the Timothy field. The Major believed in the perseverance of the saints, and once more he said, in louder tones, “Mr. Webster, that is my field of Timothy.” Webster turned on him like a caged lion and roared, “I don’t care a ______ for your field of Timothy. I want to convert this ______ heretic.”

Webster made a speech at a point on the side of the hill just above where Hoppe’s grocery store now stands. It was a temperance barbecue. Temperance people in those days drank wine, and there was no doubt some of the article on hand. When Webster sat down to dinner, he looked around over the table and said, “Have you any brandy here?” there was no brandy on hand, but Major Hunter, a red-hot temperance man, had to get up and go for a bottle of the best to wash down the great statesman’s dinner. Our informant stated that Webster made a very poor speech. He simply bellowed and shouted without saying anything of any consequence. There was nothing to arouse his ponderous brain to action, and the speech fell very flat in the ears of the audience. These incidents are related by a man who was present.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 5, 1891
One result of the wretched and reckless interference with the Glass Works property by Attorney Wise of St. Louis, in the interest of the Chicago and Alton Railroad, will be seen in the following letter, received by Rudershausen & Sonntag, agents for the Guardian Assurance Company of London.

“Gentlemen: We are in receipt of your favor of the 19th inst., enclosing the latter of William Eliot Smith, which we have read with care. It looks to us as though there is more than an even chance for litigation, and as we do not care to have our policies out on property under such circumstances, you will oblige us by canceling what is left of the policy. You will remember that we paid a loss of $806.28.” Signed, H. E. Bowers, Manager.

It will thus be seen that Alton’s best friend, and great manufacturer, is harassed in his business, his insurance policies rendered void, his attention taken from the conduct of his magnificent enterprise, and called to look after the safety of his property against fire. This is only one of a number of such letters Mr. Smith has received. How any man or corporation could undertake such work seems an enigma to the ordinary mind. The Chicago and Alton Railroad has received for years, in freight, $50,000 or $60,000 a year from Mr. Smith.

Mr. Wise, through whom the deal was made, claims to have acted for the welfare of the Glass Works. Few but himself will be able to see this side of the question. To the public, it looks like ingratitude of the worst sort, both on the part of Mr. Wise and the railroad. The Telegraph calls upon Mr. Wise to undo this piece of folly.


Illinois Glass Works
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 12, 1891
This new factory began operations Thursday morning. There was a large crowd present both of those who wanted places and sightseers to witness the new process. Several hundred employees are added to the already large list who earn a livelihood there. The new process of melting glass at the new tank furnace factory gives satisfactory results. It is much in advance of the old plan, and should it continue in the same way, it will undoubtedly be adopted as the mode most suitable. There is always a constant supply of melted glass for use, as the material runs from the melting furnaces into a tank from which the supply for blowing is taken. When necessary, a night force can be put on as soon as the day quit work, and thus the new factory would be equivalent to two factories.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 19, 1891
The new Hayner Memorial Library is rapidly nearing completion. Mr. Nixon expects to virtually complete the work this week, he being now engaged in dressing the floors and preparing them for the painters. The inside of the building, as well as the outside, is one of architectural beauty. The east and west ends of the room are ornamented with mantels of elegant design, built of hard oak, hand engraved and highly polished, and are of a very rich and costly nature. The room is now being wainscoted with panels oak. In fact, the finishings of the room is all made of oak, and presents a solid and lasting appearance.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 30, 1891
Dr. W. H. Enos of Edwardsville, Treasurer of the Alton Sanitarium Co., has decided to locate in Alton and associate himself with Dr. J. W. Enos and Dr. S. Cordelia Enos, who will have charge of the Sanitarium. Dr. Enos of Edwardsville is an older brother of Dr. Enos of Alton, and a graduate of Pulte Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio, class of 1879.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 7, 1891
The "Middleton homestead" on the corner of Second and Alby streets is one of the oldest buildings in the city. It has the honor of being the place where one of our bank presidents, now living, was born. There are but few of the old-time houses now standing, and this one has been kept in such excellent repair that it is now a comfortable and pleasant home. The old house where the Odd Fellows' organization saw the light of day, was just across the street, but has long since disappeared. Another venerable row of buildings is that fronting on Third street, just east of the Episcopal church. Many of the most prominent families in the city were occupants of these houses in their time. How many annals of the early days of Alton could be gathered from the walls of these houses if they could but speak?


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 21, 1891
The ladies of the Public Library Association are now busily engaged in getting the books arranged in the cases in the Hayner Memorial building, and it seems proper at this time to give some history of the Association from its inception to this crowning event in its progress. The present library had its nucleus in a remnant of books which had belonged to an association managed by the business men for a number of years, beginning with 1852, but which had finally ceased to do business, the books being stowed away for safe keeping. They were, on February 28, 1866, sold at public auction and bought by the “ladies of Alton” for the sum of $165. An association of the ladies was organized, and the library opened in a small room in the second story of the city hall. A more perfect organization was effected in 1869, and a new constitution, under which twelve ladies were elected to manage the library.

In 1871, after five years occupancy of the small upper room, the directors decided to secure better and more accessible quarters, and obtaining permission to occupy that part of the city hall now used for the post office, fitted it up at considerable expenses, but the demands of the city for post office facilities compelled the vacation of this roo. In February 1876, at which time the library was moved into the room just vacated in the northeast corner of the city hall, which they have since occupied at the nominal rental of $1 per year. The association at this time spent on the room in repairs and fittings some $300. They have twice been compelled to move on account of fires, the last time being about two years ago, when for a number of months the library occupied cramped quarters at the corner of Second [Broadway] and Market Streets.

The magnificent collection of books, comprising as it does some 9,000 volumes, is a splendid monument to the energy and faithfulness with which the ladies have devoted themselves to the work. The money for the purchase of books has come from entertainments, festivals, etc., the proceeds of subscriptions being required to meet the ordinary running expenses. The annual additions have amount to from $200 to $300.

In recognition of the eminent devotion of the late Mrs. Jennie D. Hayner, to the interests of the association and of the munificence of her husband, Mr. John E. Hayner, in erecting and dedicating to their use the splendid building which will be known as the Hayner Memorial, the association has been re-incorporated under the name of “The Jennie D. Hayner Library Association,” articles having been filed at Edwardsville on Monday, with the present board of directors as incorporators, to-wit: Mesdames Lucia M. Laird, Lucinda Mathews, Lucy M. Wright, Mary F. Topping, Louisa J. Priest, Helen M. Hawley, Eva L. Stanford, Elizabeth F. S. Randall, Nonie D. Williams, Etta D. Pierce, Harriet D. Root, and Florence E. Haskell. Under the present organization, only ladies are eligible to the office of director.

Something more than a year ago, Mr. John E. Hayner decided upon the erection of a building for the association in which Mrs. Jennie D. Hayner had for a number of years been an earnest and faithful worker. Plans were secured from Architect Theo C. Link of St. Louis, and in May 1890, work was begun under the superintendence of Mr. Utten S. Nixon of Alton. The building was not hurriedly erected, but ample time taken that there should be no defects occasioned by settling of foundations, so that the time consumed in the work has been nearly one year. The style of architecture is old English, with open roof and dog-tooth trimmings. The contractor and superintendent, Mr. Utten S. Nixon, deserves great credit for the excellent manner in which he performed his work. There are few handsomer buildings to be found anywhere, and there is not an inch of the work but it up to the highest standard of workmanship.

Messrs. R. Graham, painter, who did the finishing, and R. D. Nixon, the plumber, are entitled to no less honorable mention for the excellent character of their work.

The lot upon which the building stands, at the corner of Fourth and State Streets, is 50x78 feet, the building itself being in the main part 84x73 outside, with a roomy vestibule attached in the form of an “L” at the northwest corner. The basement, built of stone, is divided into a number of rooms. The furnace and fuel departments are located at the west end, a neat kitchen and vestibule occupy the east end. The central part to the extent of 32x50 feet is left open for such uses as the directors shall find. At present, it will be used for purposes of festivals, sociable, etc. The basement is finished in hard pine, natural finish, and presents a very handsome appearance.

The upper floor is occupied by the library. In the front part on this floor are the vestibule, toilet room, and directors’ room, the whole finished in hard wood, oak finish throughout, and the bookcases are of like wood and finish.

In the directors’ room and in the library room are grates to be supplied with gas logs for heating purposes when the furnace is not required. A handsome and expensive mantel with elegant tiling front and plate mirror adorn the grate. Sliding doors open into the library. At the east end of the library is an elegant 12-foot mantel in oak. The walls of the building are of the finest pressed brick, with limestone trimming, roof of slate, and heavy copper gutters. The cost of the building, including cases and furniture for the library proper, heating apparatus and fittings furnished by Mr. Hayner, amounts to between fifteen and sixteen thousand dollars, from which it will be inferred that it contains nothing but first-class material and workmanship.

The present offices of the association are: President, Mrs. J. P. Laird; Vice-President, Mrs. C. L. Wright; Recording Secretary, Mrs. E. D. Topping; Cor. Secretary, Mrs. H. C. Priest; Treasurer, Mrs. A. T. Hawley; Librarian, Miss Florence Dolbee. Membership fees are: $25 for life membership; $2.50 one year; $1.50 six months; 85 cents for three months; payments to be made in advance in all cases.

Source: Alton Telegraph, May 28, 1891
The friendship shown by the people of Alton, and by many visitors to Alton, in the attendance at the informal reception tendered by the lady directors of the Jennie D. Hayner Library Association to their friends, yesterday evening at the new building, was very gratifying to the management. Several hundred people attended, and were pleased with the elegant building. The ladies had taken pains to decorate the building tastefully throughout with a profusion of flowers. An elegant lunch was served in the basement. There is but one verdict, and that is that the affair was a pleasant one, and the complimentary expressions in reference to the building were very many. An elegant and lifelike portrait of the late Mrs. Jennie D. Hayner appropriately occupies the center of the mantel in the library room proper.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1891
Miss R. E. Mills informs us that the Alton Conservatory will occupy the rooms on the second floor of the Ryder building at the corner of Second [Broadway] and Alby Streets. These rooms are quite central, and well adapted for class work, and especially for recitals and chorus singing. There will be a juvenile and an advanced chorus, and much attention will be given to class singing. Instruction will also be given in Upper Alton in the rooms in which Miss Mills and her associates have been conducting a summer school of music. This is an enterprise which the people of Alton should encourage. A number of recitals are planned in which the best local talent and outside artists will participate.


A New Era
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 01, 1891
The Mayor and other city officials met Mr. N. P. Glann of the firm of Bick & Glann, and their attorney, Mr. George F. McNulty, in the Comptroller’s office, and after some consultation over two or three small clerical errors in the contract, the Mayor and Mr. Glann signed the paper which is to inaugurate the work of street paving in Alton.

Promptly at seven o’clock Saturday morning, a force of about twenty hands inaugurated the new era in Alton by beginning the work of removing McAdam from Belle Street, preparatory to the paving. The work has progressed rapidly, and the way the piles of stone have materialized, gives that vicinity a decidedly business-like air. The contractors will receive a consignment of Galesburg brick some time next week. The first or flat course will be laid of a good quality of common brick, made by our own manufacturers.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 02, 1891
In excavating for the Belle Street sewer, Mr. Kane has thrown out pieces of the old plank road buried some five feet underground for the past 30 years. The pieces of three-inch board, well worn, were in a perfect state of preservation.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 15, 1891
Sunday afternoon a fight occurred on the sidewalk in front of the Empire House, between the proprietor, D. Busse, and John Burke, a man employed on the government work. Burke was about half drunk, and according to his statement, was talking to a companion from the works. Mr. Busse told him to get out, and he started to go, but not quick enough for the saloon keeper, so he struck him on the head with a club twice, cutting two gashes. Burke then invited Busse out on the sidewalk, where a disgraceful fight occurred. The drunk man was bleeding from two cuts on the head, and looked like he had been to a slaughtering. Burke claims that he took breakfast and dinner at Busse’s boarding house, and spent about $1 for drinks in his saloon. He was arrested by Officers Hale and O’Leary, and this morning fined $6 and costs by Squire Randle. No complaint was made to the Squire by the Marshal against Busse for keeping open his saloon on Sunday.

Later, a man beastly drunk stormed the saloon of John Elble with stones, where probably he had been crazed by liquor, and wrecked his ill-feeling by stoning the house. He was not too drunk to make his escape.

Michael McCarty was arrested in a regular state of intoxication and fined $6 and costs, amounting to $12. He was lodged in jail, and will probably sober up in the course of several weeks.

About half-past seven last evening, a drunk man stood at the entrance of the St. Elmo Hotel, corner of Third and Market Streets, abusing the son of the proprietor in the most shameful language. This was at a time when the sidewalks were well filled with ladies and gentlemen on their way to services. No policeman was on hand to arrest the offender, and his indecent language was howled out on the evening air.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 22, 1891
Belle Street business men may stick their thumbs under their vests, throw up their chins, and look down upon the poor Third Streeters since Friday at 10:25, as the paving on Belle Street was complete, so far as the laying of the brick was concerned. There is but one verdict as to the character of the work, and that is favorable. The work of grading the east half of the Third Street district is progressing rapidly, and it will not be long until it will be ready for the Macadam. There should not be a moment’s unnecessary delay in making the connections on the west end, so that the contractors may not be needlessly delayed in getting on with their work.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 5, 1891
The Illinois Glass Company has decided to fence in their enormous plant. Owing to the fact that the glass works has suffered heavy losses by thefts at numerous different times, and there being no way to stop the same, the company has concluded to fence in the entire factory. The fence is to be eight feet high, with two rows of barb wire on the top. There will be gates to allow the switch engine to do switching, and no person without permission will be allowed on the grounds. The scheme is a necessary one, and will undoubtedly be a benefit to the factory.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 5, 1891
Much speculation was indulged in as to how certain logs that were found in State Street by the street builders got there, and what had been the use made of them. Two large logs, one walnut and the other oak, were found immediately in front of the St. Clarles Hotel building. A little further up the street, another one had been driven into the ground, as are posts to which steamboats were tied in the early days. Mr. Henry G. McPike suggested that the burned logs in front of the old hotel had probably been used for a corduroy road [plank road], long before McAdam was used, and when that part of the town was the business point. No one, however, seemed to be very sure as to how the timbers got there, or as to the use made of them.

Source: Alton Telegraph, November 26, 1891
Among the relics of bygone days unearthed by the street pavers is a wheel for an old ox cart. The wheel is of solid wood, and has a sheet iron band for a tire. It is standing near the old St. Charles Hotel entrance. Captain Bruner says he is quite certain it was once the property of “Old Hutch,” a character in Alton some 40 years ago.


Kicked Out the Door Instead
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 10, 1891
Monday a well-dressed man, slightly under the influence of liquor, walked on the railroad track toward the glass works. On the way to that establishment, he inquired where the office was located. Arriving there, he walked in and asked for Mr. William Elliot Smith, President of the company. He was informed by Mr. Charles Levis that Mr. Smith was not at home, and was asked what he wanted with him. His reply came quickly, “I want a million dollars.” “You do, eh?” said Charley. “Well, I have not quite that much, but you can have all I have got,” and seizing him by the nape of the neck, he kicked him out of doors. After the vigorous kicks administered, the fellow was no doubt a much soberer and wiser man. The last seen of him he was footing it down the railroad track towards St. Louis. It would be just as well for cranks, who are after fortunes, not to call for them at the glass works when Charley Levis is around.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 10, 1891
The new Alton Conservatory, located in the Ryder building on the corner of Second and Alby Streets, is in a flourishing condition. The number of pupils in the Conservatory is 94, much beyond the brightest anticipation of its projectors. The rooms are pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, and have a sufficient number of first-class musical instruments to assure ample facilities to all who may apply. The instructors are:
Instrumental music – Miss Ruth C. Mills
Vocal – Miss Alice E. Holt
Violin and Harmony – Prof. B. H. Wortman and Miss Celia Hollard
Pipe Organ – Mrs. Henry E. Mills
Guitar – Miss Lelia Merrill
Art – Mrs. M. Hemmingway Baldwin
Elocution – Mr. F. W. Nolte


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
There is no Altonian but is justly proud of the Illinois Glass Company, located in Alton. It has been for a dozen or more years a foundation for the steady growth of the town. While there are many other institutions that Altonians take pride in, yet all feel an ever-increasing interest in the wonderful plant in the eastern end of our city, which is a monument to the business talents and energy of Mr. William Eliot Smith. The first attempt at glass making in Alton was on upper Belle Street, in the old Reed foundry building, by some glass blowers from Pittsburg. They were succeeded by a company of Alton citizens consisting of John E. Hayner (President), Edward Levis, P. B. Whipple (Treasurer), E. A. Barler (Secretary), and Joseph Slim (Superintendent), who named their business the Alton Hollow Ware Glass Works Company. This company in time sold their plant to one of Alton’s young men, Mr. William Eliot Smith, but who had never had previous experience in the glass business. Mr. Levis continued his connection with the works. After a short time spent on Belle Street, it was found necessary to secure another location. After some time, five acres of ground were purchased by the citizens and given to Mr. Smith, where the present plant now is, and he moved his glass house there. Year after year the business of the works increased, and year after year the capacity of the plant was added to, and still the orders for the wares made there largely exceeded the ability to fill them. Mr. Smith bought more ground and continued to enlarge his plant until it covers nine acres, upon which are located twenty-six buildings, many of them being of immense capacity. There are eight large factory buildings where glass is blown, in which 350 blowers are employed, and some 1,200 other employees are engaged in different duties. The payroll of the establishment amounts to $15,000 weekly, with a product this year of about $1,500,000.

The ware manufactured at the glass works is everything in the shape of bottleware such as prescription bottles, beer bottles, ink bottles, fruit jars, etc., of flint and green glass.

The works were in the height of prosperity a year ago last November, crowded with orders and everything most promising, when on the morning of November 21, three of the immense bottle factories were blotted out of existence in three hours’ time. Before the firemen had ceased pouring water on the flames, orders had been telegraphed to Chicago for new material, and in one month one house was erected. In two months more, two more were finished, and in three and a half months from the time of the fire, an additional house, the eighth, was ready for the workmen.

This eighth house is what is known as a tank furnace. In the tank furnace the glass metal is continuously melted, and two sets of hands can be in operation when necessary – one set going on in the evening when the other quits. There are eight furnaces, but one of them is a double furnace, making the equivalent of nine. The present company was organized in 1878, with $10,000 capital, and the works were removed to their present location in 1876. While the company was organized under the State laws, it was not until last September that it was operated as a stock company. The capital was then increased to $600,000, and Mr. William Eliot Smith elected President; Edward Levis Sr., Vice-President; George M. Levis, Secretary; and John M. Levis, Treasurer.

The entire plant is lighted with electricity – incandescent lamps being in all the buildings. Water plugs are located at convenient distances throughout the yards, and a patent fire extinguisher is at hand in all the houses to put out incipient fires. Near the works the city has placed a fine firehouse, with new apparatus. It will thus be seen that every precaution has been taken against fire, and the minimum of danger attained. The yards of the plant are covered with railways. The tracks of the Chicago & Alton and the Bluff Line run to the warehouses, where freight is loaded directly onto the cars. There are also narrow tracks on which handcars are pushed, for the convenience of removing ware from the factories to the warehouses for packing. The public may gain an idea of the immense business of the company when it is stated that it paid more than $60,000 in freight bills to one railroad in one year.

While all the officials of the company are entitled to great credit for the wonderful success of the institution, yet by general consent its energetic and able President, William Eliot Smith is given the praise for its wonderful success. To his business sagacity, indomitable energy and pluck, his wisdom to see what was possible, and the faculty to take advantage of every point, Alton is indebted for possibly the largest bottleware glass plant in the United States. He was ably assisted in the management by Vice President Levis, whose untiring care looked into every detail, and whose knowledge of men enabled him to select those best fitted for the positions of foremen and overseers. To his skill as a master builder, the successful erection of the many houses is due. Secretary George M. Levis, in the office and elsewhere, is the right man in the right place. In the general oversight of the business, he has developed a business capacity of which his friends are all proud, and which figures well for the future prosperity of the business.

Never in the history of the concern was there a brighter outlook, and never did there appear to be more demand for increased capacity to fill orders.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Mr. William Strubel, doing business in Hotel Madison block, 116 East Second Street [Broadway], is one of the most careful caterers to the wants of his customers among the business men of Alton. Mr. Strubel’s knowledge of the grocery business has been acquired by an actual experience covering his life from early boyhood, and since embraking in business for himself some years ago, he has constantly strived to build up a reputation for first-class goods, and for careful attention to the needs of his patrons. In the way of staple and fancy groceries, there is no better stock carried in the city than that of Mr. Strubel. He calls special attention to the C. F. Blanke brand of mocha and java coffees, powdered and ground, the finest in the market. Fancy canned goods of all kinds, jellies, spices, fruits, green and dried, domestic and imported, oysters, cranberries, celery, etc. in season. Burnett’s extract of pistachio is something new, which every housewife should give a fair trial. It is excellent.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
At the corner of Bozza Street and Washington Avenue is located the most complete and best-stocked general store in Alton, over whose destinies presides that most genial, courteous, and accommodating of men, Mr. C. A. Herb. Mr. Herb has been in business in Alton for about 18 years, during which time he has made an enviable record as a business man of ability, energy, and integrity. It is not remarkable then that he has been able to build up a business second to none of a mercantile character in the city.

All stated, his stock includes the various lines usually carried in a general store – dry goods, notions, boots and shoes, hats and caps, gents furnishings, clothing, groceries, Queensware, crockery, etc. In the department of boots and shoes, Mr. Herb enjoys a reputation not excelled in the city as a judge of first class goods, and when he tells you he is showing you a good article, you may go it blind on what he says.

Mr. Herb gives to his customers a card so numbered as to admit of punching out the amount of the purchases to the sum of $25. When that amount is bought for cash, the customer is entitled to choice of a fine line of triple-plated silverware. The scheme is becoming very popular, and has proven very advantageous to his trade.

A very careful buyer, buying in large lots and discounting all his bills, Mr. Herb possesses no little advantage when he fixes the prices of his goods, over the average merchants. Mr. Herb has perhaps the largest feed business in the city, making a specialty of this branch of his business and buying in car lots. His large warehouse is kept well stocked with all kinds of feed, including the best northern oats, on which the prices are as close as can be obtained in the city.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Mr. J. H. Baumann, who has recently embarked in business in the handsome store at the corner of Fourth and Belle Streets, formerly occupied by Mr. E. V. Aswege, has been known to the housekeepers of Alton as a thoroughly competent and reliable salesman on whom they could depend to get the goods they pay for. He is thoroughly experienced in every department of the trade, and possessed of a desire to secure and hold all classes of custom, has stocked his shelves with the very best of every line of goods, and is able to handle the freshest and most wholesome goods at all times. Thoroughly acquainted with the demands of the Alton grocery trade, he is able to purchase goods to the best advantage, and supply it without the disadvantages, under which one of less experience would labor. Any householder who would like him to call daily for orders will find him glad to do so, and may rest assured the goods thus ordered will be found exactly as represented at the lowest prices. Of coffees, teas, sugars, and canned goods, Mr. Baumann keeps an especially well selected stock, embracing all brands and qualities demanded in this market. Fruits of all kinds, dried and green, including fine California goods, native apples, etc. Cranberries, celery, oysters, poultry, and other seasonable goods needed to make up the finest holiday dinner.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
The senior member of this firm has been engaged in the fresh meat business in Alton for thirty-five years. In that time, he has acquired a business knowledge of his calling that few can obtain. He has within a short time established himself in business, in connection with his son, Frederick, on the corner of Market and Second [Broadway] Streets, where all the experience of the father is supplemented by the son, which together enable them to supply the Alton market with the very best of fresh meats, such as beef, pork, mutton, veal, and lamb, all of which is kept in large quantities, and of the most excellent quality. A call at their place of business is met with courteous treatment, prompt attention, and a consideration that wins a second and continuous visits. There is no meat market in the city that enjoys a larger patronage than this one, largely on account of the uniform courtesy and readiness to accommodate as well as of the excellent character of the goods furnished. A sufficient number of cutters are always at hand so that customers are not compelled to wait.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Kirsch’s Market, No. 16 to 20 East Second Street [Broadway], is the oldest firm in that line of business in the city. Established thirty years ago or more, the firm has long been known for the superior character of the products they sell. Mr. George F. Kirsch is now the head of the firm, and his experience and business standing is such as to assure all of the very excellent quality of the meats he sells, as also that the prices will be the lowest obtainable anywhere. At Kirsch’s Market will always be found a large stock of meats in beef, pork, mutton, veal, spare-ribs, sausage, bacon, hams, and corned beef, and all other products of a first-class butchering establishment. Buying only first-class stock for his home trade, having his butchering done under his immediate supervision, and giving his personal attention to the details of his work throughout, Mr. Kirsch is able to give his patrons the benefit of his many years’ education in the business, with which he has been familiar from boyhood. A large supply of all kinds of vegetables will always be found in their season.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Mr. F. C. Schleuter, the groceryman, is doing a driving trade at Nos. 416 and 418 East Second Street [Broadway], where he has recently removed that he might have an opportunity to handle his immense stock to better advantage, and better accommodate his increasing trade. During the many years that have known him as one of the business men of Alton, Mr. Schleuter has been able to build up a custom that would follow him to any location in the city. Careful to meet the wants of his patrons in every possible way in the character of his goods, Mr. Schleuter, by courteous and obliging treatment, has made friends of patrons, one and all. There is no more complete stock of goods in his lines carried in the city than that of Mr. Schleuter, embracing staple and fancy groceries, canned goods, fruits dried and green, salt meats, lard and fish, candles, confectioneries and country produce in season. He also carries a good line of queensware, crockery and glassware, wooden and willowware, etc. If you don’t see what you want, call for it.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
This old and reliable drug house stands at the front of its line of business in Alton. It not only has a large supply of drugs, chemicals, paints, oils, varnishes, etc. on hand, but keeps the largest assortment of toilet sets and fancy articles, suitable for holiday goods, of any house in the city. Mr. Chamberlain has been in the business so long, that he is specially qualified to select goods that will not only be attractive, but of permanent use. His toilet sets in various shades of plush; perfumery of the rarest and most exquisite odors; vases of the most artistic patterns and unique shapes; brushes, hair, skin, clothes, etc. in all grades and all prices; face powders of his own manufacture, and others in large variety; whisk brooms; combs, a handsome assortment at all prices; mirrors in various shapes and styles; Meerschaum pipes and cigar holders in all grades, a very select variety; work boxes, pretty and elegant; toilet cases, handsome and durable; puff boxes of the most beautiful patterns; sponges in all grades; shaving sets to suit all; the finest line of extracts ever shown in the city; tooth brushes, a large assortment; beautiful patterns in cut and imitation glass and cologne sets. In fact, everything that anyone can want either for the holiday trade or for general use can be found at Chamberlain’s Drug Emporium. All the articles here mentioned, and many more, can be obtained there in the various grades and patterns in which they are made, and at prices that will be within reach of the buyer.

Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
If there is anyone in the city who would more heartily welcome the wintry blast than the coal dealer, we may with some measure of reason suppose that man to be Mr. H. M. Schweppe, whose stock of clothing is by far the largest carried in the city, and in fact, equal to most carried in the larger cities. We may fairly suppose this king of the clothing trade would, with a great degree of complacency, button his heavy great coat about him and face the polar wind, conscious of his ability to protect almost the entire population of the city against its icy intrusion. We said he had the ability, but what has that to do with it if he has not the inclination? We are willing to vouch for it. Mr. Schweppe will gladly divide up his immense stock of clothing and gents’ furnishings for Christmas presents or other purposes, in return for as small amounts of money as would serve the purpose in any store in the land.

Twenty-five years in the business, he understands it thoroughly in every part, and possessing none of the characteristics of the pachyderm, whose greed is so proverbial, he is not only able, but willing and anxious to divide with his customers the advantage he reaps from his large experience. Conscious of the advantages he offers his customers, and determined to deal fairly with all by making one price to everybody, the price of every article in his store is marked in plain figures thereon. Mr. Schweppe makes a specialty of boys’ short pant suits, in which he cannot be beaten. His line of gents’ underwear embraces every desirable quality of goods. Of umbrellas, he carries the largest and best selected stock in the city. His three-dollar soft hat is a leader on which Mr. Schweppe is making a big drive. He guarantees satisfaction in all cases.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Among the most prosperous manufacturing business in the city is that of Beall Bros., composed of Charles, Edward, and J. Wesley Beall, and located at 517 to 521 Belle Street. They are manufacturers of mining tools and general dealers in miners supplies. The business under the present management was organized about twelve years ago, and succeeded an established and growing business which had been in existence some twenty years, and which had been carried on by Mr. Charles Beall of the present company. The combined capital and energy of the three brothers, one or other of whom is always on the road, has extended their trade until it covers the United States from Maine to California, and from the lakes to the gulf, also extending into Canada, Mexico, and Central America, and reaches the respectable dimensions of $75,000 to $80,000 per annum. Careful to use only the very best materials, their brands are in great demand, and notwithstanding the heavy duty they are compelled to pay for the privileges of the Canadian and other foreign markets, their goods are sold there at prices which give a liberal margin above those prevailing in this country. It is to the high quality of their goods that they credit the fact that since the organization of their company, their shops have never been idle a day for want of orders. An illustration of this has been seen recently in the street work here, where picks bought in the eastern markets and used in digging up the MacAdam failed to give satisfaction, and on the recommendation of parties who were acquainted with their goods, a supply of their picks was obtained, and have stood the test of the work of several weeks in the hard MacAdam with scarcely a sign of wear. This is given on the statement of Messrs. N. P. Glann, pavement contractor, and W. Tracy of the Alton Gas and Electric Light Company.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Mr. A. J. Degenhardt, located at 552 East Second Street [Broadway], in the stove and hardware business, is one of the most careful, thorough going and practical business men of the city. Beginning business ten years ago with a very small capital, and in a small way, Mr. Degenhardt has, by careful and conservative management and close attention to business, as well as by upright and fair dealing, built up a stove and hardware business second to none in the city. His stove trade has been simply immense. The sale of his special in the line of cooks, Buck’s Brilliant, has reached more than 800 during the time Mr. Degenhardt has been in business. His sales during the last year ran above 120. This gives evidence not only of the activity of Mr. Degenhardt, but of the quality of the goods he handles. With 800 of the stoves in use, his trade could never be increased as it has lately been, on anything short of first-class goods. While Buck’s Brilliant is Mr. Degenhardt’s favorite, he does not confine himself to this stove, but carries other makes, and can meet the requirements of anyone in style, size, and price. Mr. Degenhardt manufactures all kinds of tinware, and carries in stock everything usually found in a store of that character, including granite and galvanized iron ware. He gives special attention to such outside work as roofing, guttering, skylight work, etc., and is prepared to execute work in the best possible manner, and on short notice. In galvanized cornice work, Mr. Degenhardt has built up an important business within the past year or so. Throughout the city may be found buildings on which galvanized iron cornices and fronts have been put up by him. Among these are the Odd Fellows Temple, corner of Second and Easton Streets; Hayner Memorial Library, corner of Fourth and State Streets; the new Garfield School on Sixth Street; Mr. F. Volbracht’s building on Second Street, between Ridge and Spring Streets; and Mr. Zephaniah B. Job’s building on Second Street, near the glass works.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
No nicer, cleaner, newer, or more complete stock of stoves and hardware can be found in Alton than that of Mr. A. L. Floss, at 127 West Third Street. In business about two and one-half years, Mr. Floss’ trade has become one of the very best in the city. Through the autumn, his sale of stoves was immense, his October sales reaching the aggregate of 110 heaters and cooks. His trade has been more than doubled, largely due to the excellence of his specialties, the Garland stoves and ranges, and the Round Oak heaters, both the very best goods made in their respective classes. Mr. Floss also carries as full and complete a line of builders’ hardware as can be found in the city, and has been able to supply a very large percentage of all that used in the extensive building operation of the past season. His long and extensive acquaintance with the wholesale trade in these specialties gives him the inside track as a buyer, and enables him to compete with any house in the country. He also gives especial attention to table and pocket cutlery, of which he carries a large and excellent line, including the most approved carvers, the finest makes of razors and shears, and in short, almost anything in the cutlery line. Of granite iron, Japanned and tinware, he carries a full and complete stock. He also sells the Prize Carpet Sweeper and the Western and the Double Rubber washing machines, great labor savers for the tired and over-worked women folks. Mr. Floss is closing out his implement stock, having decided to devote his entire time and capital to the other branches of his trade, and if anything in that line is wanted, you may get a bargain by calling early.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
The new firm of R. W. Stanton & Co., composed of Messrs. R. W. Stanton and Mr. A. J. Kellenberger, doing business at 202 West Third Street, is building up a trade rapidly. Both courteous, accommodating, and consequently popular business man, it will not be surprising to see them capture their full share of the business of our city. They deal in staple and fancy groceries, provisions, and country produce, including chickens and turkeys, which are kept constantly on hand, candies, confectioneries, cigars and tobacco, oranges, bananas, figs, and other fruits, native and imported, choice bulk oysters, cranberries, celery, etc. Careful attention given to telephone orders.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Among the dry goods men in Alton, none are better known to the trade than Mr. H. F. Lehne, who came to the city in 1858, and has since that time been constantly engaged for himself and others as a dry goods salesman. Since embarking for himself some six years ago, his trade has been built up rapidly, and no one in the city today enjoys a better class of trade than that which patronizes Mr. Lehne, at 113 West Third Street.

Possessing a most thorough knowledge of the business, gained by long experience, being a good judge of goods, and a careful buyer, Mr. Lehne is able to give the fullest possible value to his customers. His stock includes full and complete lines of dry goods, notions, and gent’s furnishings, and special attention is given to novelties, including celluloid goods. Mr. Lehne calls particular attention to his large line of cassimere cloths for men’s and boys’ clothing, and to his stock of Western made blankets. In bed comforts, Mr. Lehne does not bow the head to anyone. Manufacturing his own stock by hand, he can assure his patrons they are getting as good goods as are made for the money.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Messrs. Maul & McNely, the leading barbers of Alton, are young men of excellent business habits and acquirements, and their two shops at 214 Piasa Street and in Hotel Madison, command the largest patronage of any shops in the city. The shop on Piasa Street has been established for thirty years, and has always been a leading place, but under the management of its present proprietors, has largely increased its patronage. A handsomely decorated and well-lighted, airy and comfortable room, first-class fixtures and with five No. 1 barbers, everyone of whom is a gentleman, it is not surprising that this shop should take the load. Connected with this establishment are comfortable and commodious bath rooms, which are well patronized. Though in a less favored location, the Hotel Madison shop, established two years, and under the management of Mr. Joseph Maul, has a good and well-deserved patronage.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
The Alton Coal & Ice Company, whose main office is in the Temple building, 204 East Second Street [Broadway], with a branch at 715 East Second Street, is a comparatively new organization, but its present position and standing in the community gives no evidence of its youth. The present officers, Mr. T. J. Terrill, President; Mr. G. W. Paisley, Vice-President; and Mr. J. R. Paisley, Secretary, are all men of good business standing, and are able to make their business go. The Hillsboro coal, handled by this company, is as good as any found in the State of Illinois, and sells on its meris. Introduced into this market less than 18 months ago, the amount of this coal now used reaches almost half the total soft coal consumed in the city. Its qualities will sell it on any market. Remarkably free from slate and sulphur, of which the chemical analysis shows it to have less than any other coal on the market, it burns up very cleanly to ash, is free from much of the detestable dust and dirt which renders the handling of some coal so disagreeable, while its heating qualities are first class. This company also handles the best Scranton hard coal, and is always ready to fill orders for it very promptly.

Their ice business the past season was very large, notwithstanding the disadvantages under which they labored in the loss of their ice house by fire early in the season. They are now about completing an ice house of large dimensions preparatory to the next year’s trade. Should the ice crop here prove available, it will be filled from local waters, otherwise, with the best Wisconsin ice. This house will hold 1,800 tons of ice, and will enable them to supply their large trade at bottom prices. Their excellent equipment for the ice business will enable them to handle the large trade they will undoubtedly have to the best advantage, and give their customers regular and efficient service.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
No one man in the city of Alton will have a finger in so many Christmas pies as Mr. A. L. Daniels. There are few people now-a-days who complete their preparations for a special occasion of this kind without calling in the aid, in smaller or more extensive way, of the baker, confectioner, and caterer, in all which fields Mr. Daniels takes a leading place. In business in Alton for 25 years, he is known to every man, woman, and child, and the quality of his bread, cakes, and pastry cannot be excelled. His Columbia bread, made by a patent process and exclusively made by Mr. Daniels for this market, is recognized as the ne plus ultra of fine breads by those who have tested it. It is exceedingly fine grained, feathery and light, without being porous or “crumbly,” is baked to perfection, and is as toothsome as “pound cake.” Mr. Daniels also carries a fine and complete line of candies and confections, including those of most popular manufacture. During his long time of service, Mr. Daniels has, by the strictest integrity and by prompt and careful attention to the wants of his customers, as well as by a careful study of his vocation and the advancements and progress being made in various ways, been able to satisfy the most fastidious among his customers in his office of caterer to the public. When it is so ordered, Mr. Daniels takes entire charge of the banquet, furnishing not only the supplies, but the service as well. Those who have had experience of his manner of preparing and serving the wedding breakfast or supper are willing to trust everything connected with it to his good judgment and taste. Mr. Daniels delivers to all parts of the city to regular or transient customers.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Watches, clocks, and jewelry, did you say? The place to buy ‘em is at the store of Mr. E. H. Goulding, northwest corner of Third and Piasa Streets. Mr. Goulding’s long residence here, and his well-earned reputation for integrity, and for fair and honest dealing, give his place a standing among the people that can be acquired only by time and patient labor, coupled with a fixed determination to deal fairly and squarely by everybody. In every department, and there are a number of lines carried, he has taken great pains to reach the top notch, in his determination to give to the people the worth of their money. If you want a cheap clock, you can get as good one for the money from Mr. Goulding as from anyone on earth. If you want something more expensive, he is able to supply it. Of watches, gold and silver, Watham, Elgin, Howard, or whatever make you want, for lady or gentleman, you can get it from his stock on the very best terms. If you want a pair of glasses, he will make a thorough test of your eyes and meet their demands with a pair of glasses such as will best protect and preserve the weak or failing orbs. Of silverware, both solid and plated, Mr. Goulding carries an immense stock at lowest prices; likewise, canes and umbrellas with gold, silver, and other fancy heads. If you are in want of a fine opera glass, or one not quite so fine, you can have just what you want.

Watch and clock repairing are of course given attention by Mr. Goulding, and expert workmen in his employ are able to give prompt attention to all demands in that way, at most reasonable charges. Mr. Goulding is also sole agent in this city for the world-famed Domestic Sewing Machine, which has not a superior among the numerous competitors.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Among fruit dealers and fancy grocers, no one is known hereabout so well as Mr. S. F. Connor, who has been in the business since 1867, almost the entire time at his present site on Third Street. If anyone knows all about his line of trade, we are disposed to accord that distinction to Mr. Connor, who by the strictest attention to his business, and an earnest and intelligent consideration of the wants of his patrons, has built up a patronage of which he may well be proud, and which he is in no danger of losing so long as he continues to carry such a stock and deal as fairly. While not dealing in staple groceries, his line of “fancy” goods embraces most of the articles needed in the culinary department, as well as many things which appear only to the pampered appetite of the consumer of sweet confections. It is Mr. Connor’s pride and boast to carry the most elegant line of canned goods to be found in this market. In the line of candies, nuts, and confectioneries, Mr. Connor carries all the finest makes, and has always in stock the freshest and best. Fruits of all kinds, domestic and imported, will be found in greatest perfection and abundance. Apples, oranges, lemons, bananas, raisins, currants, cranberries, grapes, dried fruit of all kinds, citron, etc., all selected with the same care that he is in everything. The very best line of teas and coffees may also be found at his store. Not forgetting the season of the year, Mr. Connor made arrangements to supply Christmas trees, evergreens, holly, mistletoe, and trimmings, and if you feel like taking a smoke, step inside and test his fine cigars, and take a look at his stock of seashells, corals, etc.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
It is impossible for one to overlook the beautifully decorated show windows in front of Hoppe’s China Hall. Like Aladdin’s palace, so many dazzlingly beautiful things are held up to view. Everything in the way of fancy glass novelties, domestic and imported, leaves one almost unable to choose among the many beautiful things that pleases the fancy. In the fine China and bric-a-brac department, nothing is left to be desired. Souvenir plates, after dinner coffees, and bread and butter plates, the latest fad in gifts, in great variety of design and the most elegant patterns. In a case near the door will be seen a large assortment of silverware, knives, forks, spoons, and hollow-ware of the best manufacture, and on this lot of goods Mr. Hoppe avows that he fears no competition.

Mr. Hoppe has scoured the markets of the world in his efforts to furnish his trade with the very latest and most desirable goods at the closest prices, and believes he has been eminently successful in every department, but in none more than in that of lamps, standing and hanging. Of these, he has a magnificent line, and included in it are all the latest styles.

The table cutlery department is supplied with the superior goods of the Meridan Cutlery Co., of which Mr. Hoppe is sole agent in this city. The table glassware, dinner set, tea set, and chamber set departments are all very complete and embrace goods of every character and price. The same may be said of the tinware department, of which the stock is very large.

Quite important features of Mr. Hoppe’s first floor are his five and ten cent counters, on which will be found arranged a large collection of the smaller, but not the less necessary household articles to be had for five and ten cents. The first thing which attracts your attention upon reaching the second floor is an array of toilet cases, odor cases, manicure sets, smoking sets, infant’s toilet sets, etc., in large variety and of every attractive design. There are dolls from 5 cents up to the most expensive, all the very best value for the money. There are velocipedes, tricycles, doll carriages, rocking horses, including the Marqua patent swing horse. There are wagons and wheelbarrows and guns, and all the other things a boy most wants. To the department of games, special attention has been given, and Mr. Hoppe feels that he can meet the wants of anyone in this line.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Among the many cigar manufacturers of Alton there is not one who makes a more popular brand of cigars than The Slug, made by Captain Henry Brueggeman, and for sale at wholesale and retail at his factory, at No. 24 West Second Street. Mr. Brueggeman has been angaged in the business for many years, and has a reputation for first-class goods. He carries a full stock of the best brands of chewing tobaccos, and his cigar clippings put up in convenient packages under his trademark constitute a grade of smoking goods which is impossible to discount in this or any other market. With his enlarged quarters greatly improved by recent additions, Captain Brueggeman’s place of business will no doubt become more popular than ever with lovers of the fragrant weed.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
The Alton Broom Company, lately incorporated, began business on West Second Street about August 1, and has built up an excellent trade, having now in operation six machines at tying, and employing a total of fourteen people. The growth of the business is due to the superior character of the product. The enterprising manager, Mr. Herman Cole, entered the business with a determination to win and hold a reputation for first-class goods. They make everything in the line from the most diminutive whisk to the heaviest warehouse broom. They are able to meet any competition, and ready to do so.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Mr. H. C. G. Moritz, merchant tailor and gent’s furnishes, hold forth at 112 West Third Street, where he carries in stock everything in his lines, giving special attention to latest styles. The reputation which Mr. Moritz has built up for good work at reasonable prices gives him a steady trade from his old customers. Mr. Moritz carries a full line of hats, always keeping up to date in style, and giving 100 cents worth for $1. Silk mufflers, gloves, umbrellas, and gents’ underwear also receive special attention at his hands.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
The firm of Brueggeman Bros., doing business as merchant tailors and gent’s furnishers at the southeast corner of Third and Piasa Streets, is a young and enterprising firm, abreast of the times in everything. Carrying on a business long established, they have been eminently successful in retaining the custom built up by their predecessor. If you are in want of a handsome suit at a reasonable price, you can always find them ready to fit you. They also carry a complete line of gent’s underwear and neck wear, in fact, a general line of gent’s furnishings, including flannel shirts of all descriptions. In this department they are recognized leaders, and you can trust their judgment on style and quality. If umbrellas, they carry an unusually fine selection with gold, silver, and other fancy handles.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
E. F. Deterding, grocer, corner of Market and Second [Broadway] Streets (opposite city hall), is one of Alton’s most wide-awake and energetic business man. He carries one of the largest stocks of goods in the city. His shelves give evidence of the receipt of constant supplies of fresh goods. His stock does not get time to become old. His sales are so extensive that orders for fresh goods go out every day, and his customers can thus be sure that all the newest, as well as all the best that the market affords, can always be found at Deterding’s. In canned goods of every kind, he keeps the choicest brands. Staple and standard groceries for every day use can be found in large supply, and at prices that no one else will care to go under. For Christmas and New Year’s, his varied supply of turkeys, chickens, game, oysters, cranberries, celery, etc., will attract the attention of the buyer. Be sure to call at Deterding’s, where you will be courteously treated and your orders promptly filled and delivered.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Passing down Second Street [Broadway], you have no doubt noticed at the foot of the stairway at No. 25 West, a showcase filled with a line of photographs of very fine finish. If you have a taste for the examination of such displays, you have no doubt stopped and looked at them with some degree of care. If so, you have undoubtedly been impressed with their superior quality, and if you will walk up the stairway and pass to the rear of the building, you will be ushered into a well-lighted studio, where you will doubtless find Mr. John Shoolery busy at work. He’s almost always there and at work, for his patronage compels it. His work goes on its merits, and not on advertising. He also deals in frames of all kinds, which are sold at close prices.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
No. 16 West Second Street [Broadway] has long been known as at the head of the profession. Mr. Hoge succeeds to the well-merited reputation of a former proprietor, Charles Crossmn, and has greatly added thereto both in variety of work and finish, until it compares most favorably with anything that can be obtained in the best galleries in St. Louis. Mr. Hoge makes a specialty of Aristo work. There is nothing to equal, in finish, style and excellence. One of these handsome and very life-like pictures stands as a memento to the artist-photographer, and is a mute testimonial to the skill of Mr. Hoge in his profession. He solicits an examination and comparison of his work with that of anyother gallery. He gives special attention to the copying and enlarging of pictures, which he guarantees first-class in every respect. His crayon portraits are of the highest excellence, and speak volumes for his artistic skill. Mr. Hoge keeps on hand a large and select line of picture frames, at rates which will meet the requirements of all. His gallery is handsomely fitted up with all the necessary surroundings for scenery and effects. He is untiring in his efforts to arrange the sitter in the best positions, and excels in his judgment as to the arrangements of all the munitia which make up a perfect picture.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
No one in the city is better known perhaps than Mr. Charles Holden, who is located at 605 East Second Street [Broadway]. Not everyone, however, may be aware that Mr. Holden is one of the best job printers that ever did business in the city. If you wish a neat, tasty job of work put up in the most approved style, and at reasonable prices, you cannot do better than Mr. Holden. He is prepared to furnish everything in the way of office supplies, including account and blank books of all kinds. A full line of school books of all grades, and school supplies, pencils, ink, pens, etc. For the Christmas time, Mr. Holden has laid in a fine stock of juvenile books, albums, pocketbooks, etc., which will be sold at bottom prices.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Messrs. George Diez and Nicholas Wolf, constituting the firm of Diez & Wolf, shoe dealers, are young men of energy and enterprise, who are building up rapidly a good trade in their line. The recent rapid increase in their business has made it necessary for them to seek more commodious quarters than they formerly occupied at 605 East Second [Broadway], and they have removed to 706 East Second, where they have a handsome, well-lighted store, and are able to show an excellent line of goods at fair prices. Both good workmen and judges of the quality of the goods they handle, they are able to do well by their patrons, and those who know them well will not doubt they will get fair treatment.


C. B. Rhoads, Proprietor
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
The Star Shoe Store, of which Mr. C. B. Rhoads is the courteous and obliging proprietor, located at 102 Third Street, is a well-known leader in the shoe trade. Mr. Rhoads’ long connection with business in Alton has given him a reputation and run of custom, of which he may justly be proud. It is his aim to furnish to the trade the very best value for their money, and to that end, he has secured the exclusive agency for several superior lines of both men’s and ladies’ wear. Among these are Wright, Peters and Stribley’s ladies’ goods, and Hathaway, Soule, and Harrington’s best men’s wear. No better goods in either line are obtainable than these.


W. G. Curtis, Superintendent
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
The Alton Water Works Company was incorporated in 1875. The present officers are T. A. Taylor, President; W. A. Underwood, Secretary; W. G. Curtis, Superintendent. They provide for the city of Alton a most excellent service, and give us in connection with our efficient fire department a protection against the devouring element, which is not excelled by any city of its size in the State. Its system of mains, extending throughout the city, are convenient of access at almost all points to the extreme city limits. The pressure maintained, 95 to 125 pounds, is sufficient for all practical purposes, and furnishes abundant power for application to any machinery for which the water motor is adapted. For domestic purposes, the water furnished is very superior, and gives excellent satisfaction, being free from the contaminations that inevitably get into the cistern. Rates at which the service is granted are as reasonable as can be had anywhere.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
The business now conducted by Mr. H. A. Hoffman, corner of Alby and Second [Broadway] Streets, was started eight years ago. Mr. Hoffman has proved himself so energetic, so thoroughly posted in what the public needs, that he has found his business steadily increasing on his hands until now he stands in the front rank in his line. His line of stoves, in completeness and quality of goods, cannot be excelled anywhere. Especially is this true of his stock of heating stoves. The Round Monitor Oaks (soft coal) are not only the best in the market, but are the handsomest as well. His Air-tight Superior Oaks are well-known for their economy of fuel and neat giving qualities. His square Radiant Home (hard coal) Base Burner has from the beginning been in the lead of all stoves of that class. The Radient Home cannot be excelled in durability, economy of fuel, or beauty. His Monitor Cook Stoves are well known for their good quality. His stock of tinware and household goods is large and complete in all lines. He is prepared to do fine work in galvanized iron, having in his employ Amil Hoffman, who has had a year’s experience under the best Chicago workmen. His contracts for tin roofing spouting, guttering, etc., have been numerous the past year, and have given eminent satisfaction. It is a source of satisfaction when in need to anything to be able to go to a house where everything is warranted first class, and where you will be sure to get the full value for your money.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Wandering up Belle Street recently, a reporter of the Telegraph was attracted by some exceedingly beautiful pieces of work done in a marble, the color of which he is unable better to describe than by calling it a mouled brown. The handsome design and workmanship of the material attracted his attention. Stepping into the shop, he inquired what the material was, and was informed that it was Sweed granite, and one of the most handsome, durable, and popular stones used for monumental purposes. It receives a high polish, and shows the lettering to good advantage. One of the pieces on hand was a monument, probably ten feet high, with base, a round column with four panels, and a handsome urn at the apex. Besides this piece, there was other work executed in this material, showing that nothing is nicer or more capable of adaptation to all styles. But Mr. Flynn does not confine himself to any one material or kind of material, and has always on hand a variety out of which he can meet the demands and tastes of anyone. All American and imported marble and granite goods can be supplied by him as cheaply, and put up in as good style, as they can be had from any place of any shop. It is unnecessary for one to go away from Alton for the purchase of anything in the line of marble work, no difference how expensive. Mr. Flynn is able to buy as cheaply as anyone, statements of agents to the contrary notwithstanding. The numerous handsome monuments erected by him in neighboring cemeteries attest his judgment and skill as a workman, and his ability to meet competition. Having been in business here since 1867, he is well known to the people, and no one stands better as a business man who will deal uprightly and squarely. If you need anything in marble, do yourself the justice of buying at home and you will not be sorry.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Few people recognize the importance of our milling business, or have any appreciation of its magnitude. There are no finer grades of flour made than are furnished by Alton mills. The Sparks Milling Company, the foundation of whose business was laid in 1855, was in 1887 incorporated. The present officers are: Mr. David R. Sparks, President; F. R. Milnor, Vice-President; W. D. Sparks, Secretary and Treasurer. They use the Hungarian roller process, and make a line of goods which commend themselves to consumers wherever placed in the markets. The leading brands are Crystal Patent, Queen, Daisy, and Electric Light.

Their export has grown immensely within the past few years, until at the present time it is probably that fully one-half their product finds its way to Great Britain, Holland, and France. During the less than six months since July 1, the company has shipped to these countries no less than 50,000 barrels of flour. This mill enjoys the distinction of having been the second American mill to enter the Paris market. The company is making preparations to place the product of their mill upon the Cuban market on January 1, the date when the reciprocity treaty with Spain takes effect, and if their product is not among the very first landed in the new market, it will be no fault of theirs, and when the poor, tax-ridden Cuban buys their flour at four or five dollars per barrel less than he has been accustomed heretofore to pay for inferior grades, he will bless the day of reciprocity, and pray for annexation.

The excellency of their product alone could enable the company to hold the foreign markets, and for this they are disposed to give no small credit to their head miller, Mr. James Aldous, whose thorough knowledge of his duties and strict attention to business are fully appreciated.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Among the manufacturers of Alton, aside from the glass works, none occupies so high a position as the Hapgood Plow Works, located on Front Street, between Langdon and Henry Streets, the buildings occupying a full half block. Established in 1874, the product of its factory has constantly grown in favor, and its illustrated catalog recently issued contains descriptions of many of the most popular agricultural machines and implements in use at the present day. With the fullest confidence in the character of his plows, and in their superiority over other makes, Mr. Black, the present efficient manager, has sought opportunities for practical tests in the field in the presence of competent witnesses, of his sulkeys and cultivators, in competition with other makes, always with the result of a great victory in favor of his product. The uniformity with which this result has been reached is most remarkable. Tests have been made as to all points of merit, especially attention being given to the matter of draft. The tests made, always with suitable apparatus for testing the draft, have uniformly shown an important advantage in favor of the “Piasa Bird” and other favorite machines of this company.

The policy of the company is in all respects liberal and progressive, and it has from time to time added to its output such additional machinery and classes of machinery and implements as seemed desirable, several new lines having been added with the past year.

Its aggressive campaign of the past two or three years in the introduction of its plows has resulted in an immense increased in business, that of the past year having increased more than two hundred percent. The company has lately been giving special attention to the trade which may properly be called home or local trade, that of Madison and adjoining counties, and this increased at least one hundred and fifty percent within the past year. All kinds of plows and farm machinery are repaired promptly in satisfactory manner. The plows made by this company are repaired at an especially low rate.

Arrangements have been made for the H. K. Johnston Hardware Company, corner of Second and State Streets, to handle the local trade, and the farmers can obtain from this company all the products of the Hapgood Plow Works. The present outlook for the company is bright, and there does not seem to be anything in the way of a most prosperous future for this industry.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
There is no institution within the limits of the city of Alton, in which her citizens have more just reason to take pride than the Alton Conservatory. This is an incorporated institution for instruction in music and art, and is entering a career of usefulness scarcely anticipated for it by its founders themselves. They have been most agreeably surprised at the liberal patronage it has received so early in the history of the institution, giving the strongest possible evidence that it has met a real want of the community. The school is provided with rooms both in Alton and Upper Alton. Those in Alton are in the second story of the Ryder building, at the corner of Second [Broadway] and Alby Street, and possess in an eminent degree the requirements of comfortable and desirable apartments for the use which is being made of them. Equally desirable rooms are these in Upper Alton on College Avenue, near Seminary Street. Instruction may be had at either place as most convenient. The faculty includes only instructors of recognized ability in their several fields of instruction. The art department to which special attention is directed, is in charge of Mrs. M. Hemmingway Baldwin, a graduate of Iowa Weslyan University, a lady whose love for art is her sole incentive to her work, and whose attainments in every branch are such as to command the enthusiastic praise of the best judges. Her success as a teacher is attested by the skill of many who have been under her instruction. The course of instruction in art includes three years study, and embraces oil, water colors, China painting, and decorative art. Much of the instruction in this department is adapted to the wants of each individual. This is a branch of instruction calculated to be of great service, but one that is sadly neglected, and it is to be hoped much more attention will be paid it, now that we have in our midst a school of such high merit. With all its superior advantages, the charges made for instruction are very reasonable, and within each of moderate incomes.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
In 1866, there was a partnership formed here which has ever been a lasting credit to the city and its march of improvement. That firm is known as Wheelock & Ginter. A mention of their name is all that is really necessary, for with its mention one naturally thinks of their business. The two are so interwoven, that one implies the other. Since the day of commencing business, the firm has enjoyed a very large trade of the very highest class. The firm has adopted a policy by which their facilities for doing extra fine work are greatly increased. It is to attend to mill work exclusively, and not bid on the erection of houses or work outside the mill work. In this way, they are ever near the work to be done, and can give it their individual time and attention, thus insuring the very best satisfaction. This principle also gains for them the goodwill of every builder and contractor, because the two latter are not compelled to have the mill for a rival in trade but more of a helper.

Messrs. Wheelock & Ginter will be pleased to figure on the mill work for any house, and will guarantee to make the finishings of the same high order which has made their name famous.

Another department for which they have secured prominence is stair building, and the gentleman at the head of this department is one of the finest workmen in this part of the country. The firm is sought for orders of this class from all parts of the surrounding country.

Mention might be made of the fact that in this mill one can have a house all finished in the piece. The house (in pieces) is shipped where desired, and there easily put up. This is quite an innovation in the business, and was originated in Chicago. But the Alton firm is equally up to the times, and fully equipped to do as good work, and as reasonable as any mill in the west. The firm buys its lumber direct from the Wisconsin pineries, and it is brought down the Father of Waters [Mississippi River] and landed almost in front of their mill door. This explains why it is Wheelock & Ginter are so reasonable in their charges. They employ none but the very best workmen, which policy is the true one to exercise. The extra cost in wages is more than counterbalanced by the amount and superiority of the work done by these men, and with such able and affable employers to give a general supervision, is it to be wondered that the reputation of the firm has been so high, and that it yet continues to enjoy that distinction?


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
The Alton City Mills were purchased in March 1881 by the E. O. Stanard Milling Co. of Mr. John Q. Burbridge. They were at once enlarged, remodeled, and changed from the old-style Buhrstone into the full roller mill system, with a daily capacity of 1,200 barrels of flour, and under the efficient management of Mr. J. W. Wise, they have done an immense business from that date to the present. Their brands of flour (Royal Patent and Eagle Steam) have a world-wide reputation, and are shipped to all European, Cuban, and South American markets. Taking for their motto the confident declaration, “We lead the world and shrink from no comparison in any country,” they have conquered an immense foreign trade whose dimensions are constantly enlarging. With an enlightened business policy, the company has built elevators at various points in neighboring counties, enabling it to purchase and conveniently handle wheat from the best winter wheat section of the Mississippi Valley in sufficient quantity to keep their mills actively employed, which places them at a decided advantage over mills not so provided. They have elevators in Jersey and Greene Counties, and one at this point of two hundred and fifty thousand bushels capacity in connection with their mill. It will thus be seen that if run at full capacity the year round, these mills would turn out products to the value of more than one and a half million dollars. The value of such consumption of wheat to a wheat-growing country can hardly be overestimated.


And the History of Alton
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1891
Colonel Rufus Easton, the founder of Alton, came west from Oneida County, New York, in 1804, at the age of 30 years. Mr. Easton was a prominent lawyer, and enjoyed the friendship of such men as Aaron Burr and Gideon Granger. By President Jefferson he was, through the influence of Mr. Burr, appointed a judge for the Territory of Louisiana, and became the first postmaster at St. Louis in 1808. Seeing an advantage in the future location of Alton, Mr. Easton, in the year 1817, laid out a town, the plat of which embraced the territory between the present Market and Henry Streets, and extended as far north as Ninth Street. To this town he gave the name of Alton, in honor of his son, Alton R. Easton. Langdon, George and Alby were named after others of his family, while Easton Street bears the family cognomen. Mr. Easton’s enterprise did not flourish as the Green Bay tree, and it cost him much time and money, to say nothing of vexation and anxiety, in the early days.

Colonel Easton built an old-fashioned, double hewed log house near what is now the corner of Second [Broadway] and Piasa Streets, which house constituted the inn of the village for many years, being the first dwelling beyond the dignity of a cabin erected within the limits of the city. It stood until 1868. The first frame house built in Hunterstown was erected for Major Hunter in 1819, and stood on the line of Second Street [Broadway]. The first framed dwelling on the original town site was erected on the lot now occupied by the Presbyterian Church, and was built in 1829 by workmen from St. Louis, and occupied the same year by Mr. Beal Howard, a merchant.

Great stress was in those days laid upon the advantages of Alton, resulting from its location at the junction of three large and navigable rivers, to-wit: the Mississippi, Missouri, and Illinois.

Colonel Easton was not left in undisputed possession of his town site, but found rival claimants in the Territorial Governor, Ninian Edwards, Nathaniel Pope, and other distinguished and influential men, and this retarded the growth of the city by casting doubt upon his titles. The dispute was compromised by a grant of lands to the rival claimants.

In 1829, the State Penitentiary was located at Alton, and the work of construction began in 1830. Little was done, however, until 1831, when the work went rapidly forward to completion. This institution occupied seven acres at the foot of the bluff, west of William Street.

In Peck’s Guide for Emigrants, published in 1831, Alton is spoken of as a thrifty and promising place, and it is stated that “three or four mercantile houses are already established, and are erecting warehouse and calculating on a large business with the interior. Lower Alton in March last (1831) had thirty-two families and 170 souls.”

Among the businesses enumerated in the Fall of 1831, were a saw mill, four wholesale and retail stores, one warehouse for packing beef and pork, a tannery, etc. “A steam flouring mill is about to be built.” This mill was began in September 1831 by Mr. Manning, but was not in running order until sometime in 1833. The stone work of this mill was built by Mr. L. J. Clawson, who died on Wednesday of last week. This mill, a four-story frame building with a stone basement, occupied the site of the present city Water Works, and was standing until the year 1863, when it was removed.

The Gazetteer of Illinois, published in 1834, states that the corporate limits of the city extend a distance of two miles on the riverfront, and half a mile back. The city at that time was said to contain sixteen stores, “several of which do a large wholesale business.” The population was placed at 1,000. “A large stone meeting house, with a handsome spire, has been erected, and will soon be finished by the Presbyterian Church. The Protestant Methodists have erected a small but neat stone chapel, and the Baptist Church has just commenced building a convenient house of worship. Landed property “in and near the town” had risen two and three hundred percent within three years, and eligible lots brought several hundred dollars. Residence lots back on the bluff were held at $100 and over.

At this time, it was expected that the building and repair of steamboats would become a great industry here, “as no place on the Western waters offers equal advantages,” and foundry and machine shops were already projected. Large sums of money were expended by the enterprising firm of Godfrey and Gilman and others, in an effort to divert trade from St. Louis to Alton during the years just prior to the financial crash of 1837, and they were years of phenomenal prosperity for the ambitious young city.

The business of the city at the beginning of the year 1837 is stated at “twenty wholesale stores, twenty-two retail stores and groceries, four hotels, four large pork packing houses, and the shops of numerous merchants. Four newspapers were published: The Spectator, Telegraph, Observer, and Illinois Temperance Journal.

It was in the year 1837 that the tragic events ending in the murder of Elijah P. Lovejoy, editor of the Observer, occurred, and their influence upon the prosperity of the city was extremely depressing. The events connected with this tragedy have been so often recounted and are so well known, that it is unnecessary to do more than very briefly recount them. It will be remembered that Mr. Lovejoy had incurred the bitter enmity of the pro-slavery people of St. Louis by the publication of his anti-slavery views, and was induced to move to Alton, but his press, left on the wharf boat one Sunday, was broken up and cast into the river by a mob on Sunday night. A new press was purchased by contributions from indignant citizens of Alton. The first number of the paper appeared in 1836, and there was no further disturbance till July 8, 1837, when upon the appearance of his paper of July 6, containing an editorial urging the establishment of an anti-slavery society, the excitement was renewed and resulted in the destruction of his second press, and the looting of his office on the night of August 31, 1837. A third press was bought, but never reached his office, and was never seen by Mr. Lovejoy, he having been absent from town at the time of its arrival. A fourth press was bought, and arrived on November 6, and in defending this in the warehouse of Godfrey and Gilman on the night of November 7, Mr. Lovejoy lost his life.

The commercial crash of 1837, the pro-slavery riots, and the collapse of the great railway schemes of which Alton was to have been the center, conspired to check the tide of prosperity on which she had been steadily advancing. Trade stagnated, and many prominent and enterprising businessmen met with financial ruin. Not until 1842 was there much improvement in business, and during this time her prestige as a trading point was largely swept away.

The first railroad, now the Chicago & Alton, extending from Alton to Springfield, was put in operation in 1852. Alton was in 1833 incorporated as a town, in 1837 by special charter as a city. Nothing worthy special note in our limited space occurred during the time between 1842 and the breaking out of the [Civil] war. During the war it was a military post, and rebel prisoners were kept in the penitentiary, numbering at times as many as 1,500 to 2,000. Probably 200 of these died and were buried mostly in a place of ground near North Alton, except the smallpox patients, who were buried in the towhead [island]. Their graves have since been washed away by a change in the direction of the current.

The census of 1890 gives to the city of Alton a population of 10,294, and with Upper Alton and North Alton, a population of something like 15,000. There is no question, however, but the present population largely exceeds this figure. A. T. Benson & Co., in their directory of 1891, estimate their combined population at 18,882, basing the estimate on figures obtained in their canvass of the towns.

Almost everything in the line of business is represented by some seven or eight hundred offices, stores, factories, etc., and the varied wants of mankind can be supplied in Alton about as fully as in any city of its population on the globe. Seventeen different churches and missions furnish ample facilities for the worship of God according to the dictates of one’s own conscience and according to almost any known faith or creed.

Our public schools opened on the first Monday in September, with an enrollment of 1,180. They are comprised in five commodious buildings: Lincoln School, with twelve rooms; Irving, with four rooms; Humboldt, with seven rooms; Garfield, with four rooms occupied; and Washington, with one room. With an advanced curriculum and under an enlightened policy and efficient superintendence, they have reached a degree of excellence exceeded nowhere in the State.

Facilities for advanced education are most excellent in Alton and vicinity. Shurtleff College, located at Upper Alton, is one of the oldest institutions of learning in the West, and enjoys a high standing. Its curriculum embraces the full classical course, and it confers all the collegiate degrees.

Institute, a school for the education of boys, located at Upper Alton, is a very popular institution, and furnishes opportunities for education and general training of students equal to the best in the country.

Monticello Seminary, located at Godfrey, for the education of young ladies, is an institution of high standing, and the course of study embraces everything considered necessary to a finished education for a young lady. It has grown in popularity from year to year, and in its splendid new building, risen like the Phoenix from its own ashes, it is more valued than ever.

The broken and hilly situation of the city, while not without its disadvantages, is by no means wholly an evil. The effective and thorough drainage it affords renders the presence of such diseases as have their origin from defective sewerage almost unknown. No city in the country can boast better water, and the records show the death rate to be appreciably below the average for the State, notwithstanding the large stretch of bottom land south and west of the city. Many points in various parts of the city present magnificent views of the surrounding country, while the higher points are undoubtedly free from the malaria of the lowlands.

Street improvements are difficult in a town with so many hills and ravines as abount in our picturesque locality, but the most troublesome feats of engineering have already been accomplished, and the greatest obstacles overcome. The most important parts of our sewerage system have been laid, grades have been established, and streets leveled in the most difficult portions, and the improvements of the future will be made with a much smaller expenditure of money, time, and labor, than has been necessary heretofore.

After a most vigorous, persistent fight on the part of the friends of progress, street improvement has at last been inaugurated on an enlarged and intelligent basis, and will undoubtedly be carried forward until the streets of Alton sent an appearance appropriate to a city of wealth and enterprise. The contracts just completed, including portions of Second [Broadway], Third, Piasa, Belle, and State Streets, the contracts for which aggregate about $24,000. Without doubt, the next year will witness the laying of many more blocks of the handsome brick thoroughfares. The spirit of advancement is upon our people, and appreciating the advantages of the work already done, they will not rest until our principal thoroughfares are all likewise permanently improved.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 7, 1892
Sleigh riding is a most exhilarating sport – when you don’t freeze – and probably no merrier party ever went about these “seven hills of Rome” than the one which went from Middletown last evening. Four dapple grays, hitched to an enormous sleigh, sleighbells in abundance, and youth and beauty in the sleigh, make a combination that is proverbial of a happy time. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ferguson chaperoned the party, which consisted of Misses Mary and Bertha Drummond, Emma Watson, Ida Yager, Sadie Norton, Sadie and Mamie Phinney, and Messrs. H. B., W. L., and Edward Sparks, Fred and Dick Job, and George Root. The ride extended to Godfrey, where memories of happy days were recalled as Monticello Seminary’s stately walls loomed up in the moonlight. Refreshments, which were termed “sea-biscuits,” were served in abundance, and “everybody did justice thereto.” There was nothing to mar the evening’s pleasure.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 13, 1892
Mr. H. Johnston began this morning filling the ice houses of Mr. Henry Meyers and Mr. George Kirsch. He has something like twenty teams at work, and of course quite a large number of hands. We understand hands are getting $1.50 to $1.75 per day, no price being yet fixed for teams. The ice being put up is only about six inches in thickness, exclusive of snow. None will be put up for retail until it can be had much heavier. The companies are all keeping themselves in readiness to go to work when the proper thickness is reached. The huse Loomis Company, whose field, the sloughs, is most favorably situated, may be able to cut tomorrow or next day.

The freezing over of the river above and below gives encouragement to those who have desired to take their ice from beyond the dike, that they may yet be able to bring it over without the necessity of using barges, which would add greatly to the expense. We may reasonably expect the area of the open river constantly to decrease, but the fact that it is absolutely clear now shows a current of such strength beside the dike as to render it probably that some days of very cold weather will be required to close it up.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, April 01, 1892
The Cemetery Board opened the bids last evening for the building of the reservoir in the cemetery grounds. Mr. Ralph Dixon was awarded the contract, with a bid of $1,398.05. The reservoir will be built where the pond once was. It will be sixty feet in diameter. The walls will be laid upon a solid foundation of concrete, and will be eight feet above the foundation on the outside. On the inside, a concrete bottom, 18 inches in depth, will be laid, giving the reservoir on the inside a depth of about 6 ½ feet. The ground on all sides of the cemetery will be filled in and platted into lots and sold.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 10, 1892
The Alton Brick Company has at last been taken by men who will make a success of it. Colonel Andrew Rodgers, Dr. Burnap, and others of Upper Alton, Mr. William Eliot Smith, and one or two others, have subscribed the greater part of the money necessary to the work. This company will not only employ quite a large number of hands and teams at good wages, but will keep at home the money which would be sent away from Alton for freights. It will bring money from the surrounding country, wherever paving is done, and will no doubt find sales for its product in large quantities in St. Louis.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 13, 1892
In conversation with one of the oldest residents of Alton, the failure of the Staff canning factory to locate in the valley between Sixth and Ninth Street and Piasa and Market, called up quite a number of reminiscences in regard to the place. One of the parties ventured the suggestion that it was an unlucky spot, because no business ever started proved other than a miserable failure. Fifty years ago, a flour mill was built in the valley by a man named Beaumont, and also another stone house alongside, which may have been a dwelling. After various vicissitudes, both buildings were abandoned, the walls remaining, with tumbled-in roofs, as a shelter for cattle and wanderers, until John Smith bought the property in 1857 or 1858, and erected a large slaughtering and packing house. A year or two after, this house was built the steam boiler, that gave power to the machinery, exploded, blowing the engineer, Frank Blades, through a window, scalding him seriously, and utterly demolishing the building. Mr. Smith was not discouraged. He rebuilt the house finer than ever before. Some years after, the City Council passed an ordinance forbidding the slaughter of animals inside the city limits. Mr. Smith was compelled to abandon his building, and for some time it was unoccupied. Shortly after the close of the Civil War, Elmer Washburn, now of Chicago, and at one time Chief of Police of that city, and later Chief of the Secret Service of the United States, and a recent candidate for Mayor of Chicago, began the manufacture, in connection with other citizens of Alton, of tubs and buckets, hence the name “tub and bucket factory.” But the enterprise was unsuccessful, and Mr. Washburn dropped very nearly all the money he had. After this, it was occupied for a short time as a furniture factory. Then a roof-tile factory found a home there, but all went the way of their predecessors. Captain Hugh Brown, who built the dike in front of our city during the past winter, admits that he gained about $3,000 of experience in that building in the roofing tile business. Some other small ventures were also made, but with no more success than former ones. Years ago, suits were entered by John Smith, the former packer, against various parties for possession, and these drew their interminable length along for almost a generation, until the value of the place was paid out several times to attorneys and for court fees, and finally the Chicago & Alton Railroad fell heir to it, through judgments from the courts. After the railroad obtained possession, the taxes were not paid, and one of our business men bought it up at a tax sale, and still holds the title. By the way, the Chicago & Alton Railroad company generously and readily quit claimed all their interest in the ground to the Staffs for manufacturing purpose. This title will now, of course, revert to the railroad. As long as the building stood it was a roosting place for tramps and evil doers of every kind. The sparks from the engines of the railroad company set fire to the roof very frequently – indeed, rarely a week passed, and sometimes two or three times a week, that the fire department was not called out. So frequent were these calls, that whenever an alarm was sounded, it became the by-word, “Oh, it is only the tub and bucket factory again.” On one of these occasions, it was allowed to burn down, and then a second time the building on that spot went to wreck. The failure of the Staffs to take the bonus of $5,000 and the site free, is attributed by the superstitions to the location being unlucky.

Correction by Albert Galatin Wolford
Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 24, 1892
From A. G. Wolford, Topeka, Kansas, May 21 – In your history of the old bucket factory in your last week weekly issue you say that “the old mill was built fully fifty years ago by a man named Beaumont.” Allow me to correct that part of your article. When I came to Alton in March 1838, I resided in a house now standing in the rear of the Gas Works, and frequently had to pass the old mill referred to. The two parts were standing and unoccupied when I came. They were of stone, and one peculiarity about them was the fronts looked as if a person had thrown handfuls of cement at regular intervals from cornice to base. They remained unoccupied for a long time, when J. B. Beaumont, who came to Alton a year or two after I did, rented the place, repaired the engine, and run it as a mill for a short time only. He was connected in the milling business with a connection of M. G. Atwood. Beaumont, after that, opened a marble yard on Belle Street, between Third and Fourth, which he carried on for years and then went to Chicago. Signed A. G. Wolford


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, June 30, 1892
Mr. Charles P. Wise was in Alton yesterday to complete the transfer of the 160 acres of ground on State Street, known as the Wise farm, to the syndicate who recently purchased it for $25,000. Mr. Wise stated that the money had been paid, and the necessary deeds transferred to the new owners. It is very evident that the gentlemen who purchased the tract will have to expend considerable more money in order to make a paying investment out of the amount paid for the tract of land. In order to realize to the fullest extend out of the investment, a streetcar line will have to be built, with other improvements. The company is willing to undertake the building of this line, and asks for assistance from other property holders on the line. This request is a most reasonable one.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 19, 1892
The negotiations which have been hanging for a week or two, to secure ground for the erection of a brick plant in North Alton, were satisfactorily arranged yesterday, Mr. George H. Youngblood giving two options – one of thirty days on twenty-one acres, and another of one year on twenty-five acres. Colonel Rodgers, brother to Edward Rodgers, left last evening on business connected with the company. When William Eliot Smith and Colonel Rodgers return, the company will be organized and operations begun. The company agreed to pay Mr. Youngblood $100 per acre for the land on which an option has been secured.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, July 27, 1892
A meeting of the stockholders of the Alton Paving Building, and Fire Brick Co. was convened at the council chamber this afternoon for the purpose of perfecting the organization of the company. The following representatives of various clay working machines and appliances were present: J. E. Eastes of Chicago, representing the Chambers Brick Machine Co. of Philadelphia; H. R. Seymour of the Vansican Engine Co., Chicago; John McKay, for the Iron Clad Dryer of Chicago; Henry Stookey, representing the Frey Sheckler Co., manufacturers of clay working machinery, Bueyrus, Ohio. The meeting was called to order by Professor E. Marsh, one of the commissioners, and Mr. R. W. Stevens, chosen Secretary. Mayor Joesting placed in nomination the following board of directors: Messrs. William Eliot Smith, B. Schiess, R. Garstang, Dr. H. T. Burnap, and Edward Rodgers. The Secretary read a list of the stockholders, with the number of shares held by each, showing the entire capital stock of $60,000 subscribed, whereupon the meeting adjourned.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 01, 1892
The city hall scales, attempts at removal of which have been repeatedly made, are at last being removed to the southwest corner of the city building. If the object of removing them from their present location was to secure a more obscure one, it has certainly failed, for they will now be in full view of all travel on Front and Second [Broadway] Streets and the railroads, besides taking up one of the best parts of the city square.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 03, 1892
The directors of the brick company met yesterday, and organized by the election of Mr. Edward Rodgers as President and General Manager. Dr. H. T. Burnap was elected Secretary. No Treasurer was selected as a stock assessment has not been made. This will be done in a short time. Mr. C. H. Chamblin of Moberly, Missouri was elected Superintendent. Mr. Chamblin has been a railroad engineer most of his business career, but for the last three years has had a position in a brick yard at Moberly. This was the position which Mr. J. L. Routh of London Mills aspired to, but for reasons not made public, Mr. Routh's application was rejected by Mr. Rodgers, and Mr. Chamblin selected. There will be nothing done in the way of beginning work until Mr. Chamblin's arrival here, which will be about the 15th. The brick machine agents were here yesterday, but went away and will return when the new superintendent comes. The company will no doubt be ready to go to work in earnest in a few weeks, when it is hoped that some of the very best of paving and building brick will be made. The company have rented rooms in the Garstang Foundry building on Second Street, which will be opened very soon as an office.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 16, 1892
The work of paving Second Street commenced this morning. Contractor Ryan put about 50 men to work this morning tearing up the Macadam and preparing the foundation for the brick. The work will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible. The wages paid is $1.50 per day. A barge load of brick for the under course will arrive tomorrow. The barge has something over 300,000 bricks on board.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 22, 1892
G. Crivello, the banana man who held forth in front of F. S. Detrich’s drugstore, has, in company with his brother, rented of Mr. John Haley his building on Fourth and Belle Streets, where they will open a fruit store.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, August 23, 1892
Mr. Charles LaMothe, proprietor of the Riverside Park, will start a pump working tomorrow to fill his artificial lake with water from the river. The lake is situated in the center of this pleasant resort, and is a mile and a half long by a quarter of a mile wide. Mr. LaMothe is bound to make this an A number one summer resort.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 6, 1892
Messrs. Frank Cox and William G. Boman today purchased and took possession of the drugstore so long owned and conducted by Mr. A. Finke, 560 East Second Street [Broadway]. Mr. Cox is a scenic painter, and well known in Alton and surrounding country. He will continue his business in the South and elsewhere. His partner, William G. Boman, a practical and experienced druggist, will manage the drugstore. Mr. Boman is well known here, having been in the employ of Messrs. March, Wyss, and Swift in Alton and Upper Alton. He has recently been in Miller & Arthur’s drugstore in Quincy. The new firm is energetic and live, and will make a success of it. Mr. Cox, the senior partner, is very much pleased with the advancement everywhere seen here. He thinks there is a bright future in store for our city. He has scenery painting for two large theaters in the South now on hand, and when completed, will be back in Alton on a short vacation.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 12, 1892
The Alton Packing and Refrigeration Company is the name of a plant with a capital of $60,000, that is shortly to be established in Alton with the following stockholders: Balser Schiess, Henry Meyer, Straube & Sotier, Edward Rodgers, O. S. Stowell, August Miller, and others. The company has decided to purchase the Drummond Tobacco Factory and the Wade Pork House, adjoining property on Front Street, and will start a cold storage and ice manufacturing plant. At a meeting of the city council last night, a communication was read from the stockholders asking that they may establish this plant, together with a petition from the property owners on Front Street, asking that a switch be laid along this street. Ordinances have been drawn up giving permission to establish such a plant, and their petition for a switch was granted with some restrictions. Mr. Schiess states that the machinery for the ice plant and for the packing establishment will be placed as soon as possible, and that preparations will be made immediately for the commencement of work.

There is an ordinance prohibiting the slaughtering of animals in the city limits, but in an establishment of this sort, there will be no offensive smell with the water facilities they will have. The plant is to be arranged for the slaughter and packing of cattle, sheep, and hots, and the storing of dressed meats. The switch to be placed will be an extension of the Big Four switch from the Hapgood Plow Works.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 13, 1892
The grand opening of the Young Men’s Athletic Club took place last night with an entertainment and banquet that delighted the friends of the club members to the utmost. About one hundred invitations were extended to friends. The guests were ushered into the club’s apartments to inspect them. The one large room is divided into two parts, one of which is arranged as a reception room, and the other as a gymnasium. The gymnasium is fitted up with a punch bag, Indian clubs, dumb bells, and several pairs of boxing gloves. The meeting was called to order by the president of the club, Mr. Ed Sparks, who was to make an address for the occasion and did so. He spoke of the purpose of the club, why it was organized, and the train of events that led to its organization.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, October 18, 1892
The yards of the Alton Brick Plant were a scene of great activity yesterday, as it was inauguration day of the actual work of extensive construction and erection of buildings for machinery, engine and boiler rooms, and extensive dryer and building of kilns. On the nine hundred feet of side track running parallel with the yard were fifteen cars of supplies consisting of MacAdam for concrete beds for engine, boilers, and machinery; lime, cement, sand, building and fire brick for kilns, together with a number of cars of lumber. On every hand was manifested the extent of the contemplated plant, all promising early completion of the work. The foundation work of kiln No. 1 was commenced, and the kiln will be finished in a few days. Telephone wires were run into the grounds and instruments placed in position, opening communication with the city office, while a large force of men in every direction added to the life and activity of the scene.

The plant, when completed and in full operation, by its extent and arrangements will be something that Alton may point to with great pride, it being another addition to its mammoth industries and an appropriate forerunner to Alton’s growth and prosperity, which but a short time will demonstrate is no idle dream. Our Board of Trade did good work in pressing this industry upon our own home capitalists, and we say well done. Keep the ball rolling. Now is the opportune time to continue the good work of progress.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 21, 1892
Last Spring a man named Monroe Edwards left the boarding house at 800 East Second Street [E. Broadway], known as Buck’s Hotel, without paying his board bill of $12. This morning he made his appearance at the hotel, and was recognized by the proprietress, Mrs. Wagner, who demanded the money. Edwards drew a wicked looking revolver, and told her he didn’t intend to pay. Mrs. Wagner was not so easily intimidated, and called in Marshal Sworts, who happened along at the right time, to arrest him. Edwards ran out of the back door, and when pursued by the Marshall drew his revolver. The Marshal drew his weapon, and demanded of Edwards to surrender the pistol, which he did without resistance. He was brought before Squire Brandeweide, where he stated that he merely used the pistol as a scare, and would not have discharged it. The Squire fined him $10 and costs, which he paid. A very light sentence, under the circumstances.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 22, 1892
Alton is infested with a crowd of bums and thieves that have made their appearance in the city within the last forty-eight hours, from whence no one knows. Twenty-two of the roughest looking characters imaginable were held over in the “lock-up” last night. This morning, sixteen of them were escorted by Officers Ryan and Tonsor to the city limits, and given permission to leave town on condition they do not return. A grand free-for-all fight occurred last night in the jail, in which a German was most brutally beaten by the toughs. The fight originated in this manner: The bunks were full, as were some of the men, when a man named Thomas Kelly insisted on occupying the bunk with the German. He also insisted on placing his shoes by the German’s head, so that they would not be stolen. The German objected, and pushed Kelly out of the bunk on his head. This started the fight which resulted in the German being badly beated by four of Kelly’s friends.

Charges were preferred against six of the men, and they were tried before Squire Brandeweide. Thomas Kelley, Henry Shannon, James Burns, and Aaron Shumake were each fined $10 and costs. Frequently during the trial, they had to be threatened to keep them quiet, and they were exceedingly insolent. Joseph Connors was arraigned on a charge of vagrancy. He went begging through the streets and demanded money from a priest. When refused, he used insulting language and continued his abuse until Officer Hays arrested him. He was fined $10 and costs. All the men were committed.

The Telegraph is of opinion that if these tramp-toughs were heavily fined and made to work out their fines on the rock pile (or fed on bread and water when they refuse to work), that Alton would not have so many of them.


Source: Auburn, New York Daily Bulletin, November 25, 1892
An old grudge and family feud terminated fatally here yesterday afternoon. Lawrence Farley shot and killed his brother-in-law, Mitchell Mimnaugh. Both are glass blowers. There were formerly in the saloon business together. About a year ago, they became enemies and yesterday Farley went into Mimnaugh's saloon and began shooting at him. Mimnaugh fired one shot in return. The murderer was arrested.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, November 25, 1892
Mr. William Eliot Smith is now erecting a lodging house for a large number of boys whom he has secured from abroad, to work at the Glass Works. Such boys as come here without their parents will be given the privilege of lodging in the new house. It is a two story frame structure, in the same block as Mr. Smith’s row of tenements on Washington Street, on the west side of the block. Many of the boys who have come to work here are fresh from their country homes, and are as yet free from the habits and vices so largely indulged in by many of the youth of the city. Mr. Smith’s thoughtfulness and generosity is seen in this move, and it is hoped that the benevolent will lend their assistance in saving these boys from early associations that are demoralizing.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 8, 1892
Burglars effected an entrance into the business house of the H. K. Johnston Hardware Company last night, and carried off a large amount of booty. The thieves pried two locks off the main double door on the south with a chisel or some similar instrument. Entering, they made straight for the case of razors, and secured between sixty and seventy, varying in value from $2 to $3.50. A number of the best pocket knives were taken, along with about twenty half-dozen bundles of plated table and teaspoons, but left some of the choicest solid ware that was in the same case.

On trying the doors at 1:30 a.m., watchman Sauvage discovered that the store had been broken into, and immediately telelphoned Mr. Johnston, who came to the store. A hurried investigation showed that a burglary had been committed, and the police were notified. Mr. Johnston took the early train to Venice, in hopes of apprehending them. This is the fourth time that Mr. Johnston’s store has been burglarized since he has been in business, and each time a goodly amount of booty was secured. His loss last night will amount to between $200 and $300 [$6,511 - $9,767 in today’s money].

Mr. William Parker went on duty in one of the flour mills immediately opposite the hardware store at that time in the morning, and as the weather was blustery, ran along the street, his footsteps making considerable noise. Mr. Johnston thinks that this probably occasioned the hasty flight of the thieves, and watchman Sauvage, coming along soon after, found the door open. Mr. Johnston notified all the towns along the route, also across the river, of the robbery, and asked the authorities to be on the lookout for his property. Still, it may be home talent. Alton has a lot of it on hand now, every one of whom should be given the run from the city on general principles. Two lamps burn all night in the store, so that if any of the police had passed the store, they could scarcely have failed to discover the operators.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 13, 1892
Mr. H. K. Johnston returned last evening from St. Louis, where he found at various pawn shops along the levee a portion of his stolen goods as follow: 2 revolvers, 16 pocket knives, and 10 razors. Detective Fitzgerald of St. Louis has spotted the thieves, and arrests will soon follow.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 14, 1892
This morning, Mr. H. K. Johnston received a telephone message from William Henry at Alton Junction [East Alton], informing him that a number of men were selling pocket knives about that village. Mr. Johnston, in company with Marshal Sworts, left on the Big Four train to identify his property, and if possible, to secure the thieves. The men had been watched by residents of the village, and four vagrants were arrested by the Marshal on his arrival. The men proved to be the right parties. On their persons were found 43 pocket knives, 5 razors, and several rings. A number of the knives were of the Northfield make, and Mr. Johnston identified them as his. The last man caught was coming down the C. B. & Q. track, and when he saw the Marshal, he stopped and took something from his pocket and stepped into the weeds. Mr. Johnston, after the vagrant had been taken in by the Marshal, investigated the spot where the man stepped off of the track, and found several sacks containing razors and knives. The four men were brought to Alton and lodged in jail.

Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 15, 1892
The four men charged with burglarizing Johnston’s store were given a hearing this afternoon. John Connors, Harry Smith, Frank Hogan, and John Deck were found over for the sum of $____, to await the action …. [hard to read]


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 8, 1892
A visit to the dome of the Alton city hall on a clear day will repay the visitor with a grand view seldom equaled. The Missouri bottoms, stretching out for miles before you, with its heavy timber belts and strips of cleared lands, surely presents a beautiful sight. Two rivers, the muddy Missouri and the placid Mississippi, can be traced in graceful bends. The bottoms just opposite the city are dotted with farm houses, tents, and lakes. With the aid of a glass, the St. Louis water tower and the Bellefontaine bluffs can be distinctly seen, and the work on the two railroad bridges adds a charm to the general panorama.

In an easterly direction we have Wann [East Alton], and another illustration of the saying, “Distance lends enchantment to the view.” Wann presents a far better appearance from the city hall dome than at a nearer approach. Switch engines at work and passenger trains coming and going, to be watched at such a distance is an unusual sight.

The huge glass works plant looms up in the same direction, and gives a good idea of the vastness of Alton’s queen establishment. The view down the Mississippi presents numbers features, which under the glass afford an interesting amusement in picking them out. Any gentleman who will take the trouble to climb to the top of the dome on a bright day, especially at sunset, will never regret it.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 12, 1892
Sunday night a man entered the house of Mr. Charles T. Mensdorf, corner of Second [Broadway] and Piasa Streets, and assaulted his wife, who at the time was alone. The brute placed a revolver to her head and told her if she screamed, he would kill her. He then tried to accomplish his purpose, but the screams from Mrs. Mensdorf were heard by her husband, who came to her rescue. A fight ensued in which Mr. Mensdorf was cut in the wrist by his assailant, who being a much large man, had the better of the encounter. Mr. Mensdorf, seing he could do nothing with the desperado, ran to get his revolver, but his wife, fearing he would kill the man and be hung for murder, prevented him from shooting. In the meantime, the scoundrel grabbed the watch and chain out of Mr. Mensdorf’s pocket, and made good his escape. Mr. Mensdorf followed him out onto the street and up the levee a short way, but the man threatened to shoot him, and he returned to the police station and told his story to the police. It is not necessary to say the latter did not capture the desperado.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 19, 1892
The gang of burglars who have infested Alton for a year have changed their tactics. Instead of making their raids after our citizens have retired, they now choose the supper hour for their operations. The family is usually sitting at the table or are busily engaged in preparations; therefore, this hour has its advantages, simply because it is an unusual hour for burglars to make their appearance. In the last two instances, the thieves have undoubtedly climbed by means of porches to a second story window.

The burglars effected an entrance into the residence of Captain William Leyhe on State Street, between six and seven o’clock Saturday night, and stole jewelry to the value of $300. The family was preparing for supper when they heard a slight noise upstairs. It was not repeated, and nothing was thought of at the time. It was not until after ten o’clock that the theft was discovered. A bureau drawer which was known to be locked was found to be open, and a number of rings belonging to Miss Emma Leyhe were missing. An investigation followed. The robbers secured three rings, a cluster diamond, a solitaire, and another set ring, the property of Miss Leyhe; three heavy gold necklaces, a gentleman’s gold watch, several fine brooches, and a number of other articles.

They were experts, and their work was done deliberately. All the bureau drawers but one where closed after them, the curtains had been pulled down, and the gas lighted. How they entered is not known, but it is thought that they climbed to the upper porch at the rear of the house. None of the porch windows were open, and the noise heard must have been the closing of the windows when they departed. Luckily, they missed one room on the upper floor in a bureau of which was a large sum of money, and all the silverware. Captain Leyhe had been away, but arrived home Saturday. It is stated that a young man saw two men coming out of Captain Leyhe’s premises about the time the burglary was committed.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 20, 1892
A man six feet in height, with a moustache that radiated about four inches from his upper lip, and with an eye that gleamed like a 2,000-candle power lamp, giving him the appearance of “Kelly the Pirate,” was locked up in the [Alton] calaboose last night. Captain Ryan thought that this fine specimen of manhood must be a good worker, and accordingly set him to carrying out small dray loads of ashes. Suddenly the Captain’s attention was called to a man running at break-neck speed down Front Street. “Tis Kelly the Pirate,” said Captain Ryan, “I’ll have him dead or alive,” and off he started in hot pursuit. Down Front Street could be heard the fall of the Captain’s fairy feet, and down Front Street, a short distance in advance, could be heard the dull and heavy thud of the swift flying No. 15’s of “Kelly the Pirate.” Straining, “the Pirate” vainly tried to beat the captain in the race. The chase grew thick, and the police Captain’s chances were apparently few. At this stage, Captain Ryan remembered his trusty “38,” and drawing it opened fire on the “Pirate.” Bang! On they went. Bang! Kelly hoves to at the foot of Henry Street with a bullet hole in his jacket. “I have you,” shouted Captain Ryan, in a voice that fell on all ears like the winds in summer sighing. “Ugh!” That was a close shave,” hoarsely muttered the panting and now submissive “Pirate.” The two men, covered with foam, returned to headquarters, and the “Pirate” is now cozily snoozing in a corner of the calaboose, listening to the dulcet strains of Captain Ryan’s voice telling how he captured the “Piratical-looking villain.”

Kelly the Pirate was in reference to James Gilliam (alias James Kelley), an English pirate and buccaneer active off the coasts of Spanish South and Central America. Two of his associates were Captain William Kidd and Joseph Bradish. Kelley was arrested and found guilty of piracy. He was hanged on July 12, 1701. Kelly was called one of the most impudent, hardened villains ever seen.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 27, 1892
About 5 o’clock Christmas afternoon, word was received at the police headquarters of a desperate fight in Dick Busse’s saloon on West Third Street. Officers Tonsor and Ryan went immediately, and upon entering the saloon found an immense crowd of men, most of whom were drunk, and who seemed to be enraged in a free-for-all fight. When the officers attempted to arrest the three principal participants, they refused to be placed under arrest, and another desperate encounter ensued. Officer Tonsor, by a liberal use of his billet [wood or metal bar], succeeded in bringing his man, John Joyce, to terms, and started for the police station. When on Piasa Street, Joyce, who was a powerful fellow, seized one of the officer’s fingers in his teeth, and fought like a demon until he was dazed from the strokes of the billet, and was helped to headquarters.

In the meantime, Officer Ryan was having a hot time with a bridge man [one of the workers building the railroad bridge at Alton] named Paul Anderson, who struck the captain in the nose, and also nearly tore the clothes off him. While the scuff was going on, Marshal Sworts entered and Anderson, who continued to fight, was knocked down and dragged to the police station. The third man, Peter Long, ran from the saloon and hid on the ferry Altonian. The officers, having locked their two men in the calaboose, started for Long. He was hidden in a dark corner, and when he was told that he was wanted, said, “I’ll die before I’ll be taken,” and came near keeping his promise, for the next instant Officer Tonsor broke his billet over the fellow’s head. The two police seized him and dragged him to the station, fighting at every step. The officers were pretty well scratched up, but deserve credit for the manner in which they used the bridge thugs. Yesterday, the men were tried before Squire Brandeweide, and fined $25 and costs each, which they paid, and Anderson paid well for Captain Ryan’s clothes, which he almost “destroyed.” Their disgraceful Sunday/Christmas Day fight cost the bridge men over $100 and sore heads.

Saloon keeper Busse, in whose place the row started, was today fined $25 for keeping open on Sunday. The fine ought to have been $100, as he is a notorious transgressor of the law, and has more disgraceful rows in his place than all other saloons put together.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, December 29, 1892
Mr. Harry Johnson this morning commenced the cutting of ice in the river opposite the city. The ice is eight inches thick, and of the best quality. For several seasons past the ice crop has been a failure, and as a consequence, Alton citizens have had to pay 75 cents for a hundred pounds of shipped ice, which was similar to show in its texture. The prospect for a good yield this season is excellent. The House Loomis Ice Co. has had dredge boats at work in the slough opposite Alton for months, and as soon as the ice attains the thickness of ten inches, the work of cutting and storing will commence with a large force of men and teams.

This morning, Mr. Henry G. McPike ordered Mr. Johnson to cease cutting ice in front of his island, claiming that Mr. Johnson could not cut ice there without his permission. Mr. Johnson states that he had no intention of stopping, as he was not trespassing on Mr. McPike’s land.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 9, 1893
February 6, 1893, will be known in these parts as the champion “dark day.” At 8:30 this morning, the skies became as dull and black as midnight, and remained so for nearly half an hour. No such darkness has ever been known in this city in the memory of the oldest inhabitant. There was neither wind nor rain. The darkness was simply the precursor of another cold wave, which followed within an hour. The intense blackness necessitated the use of the ordinary lighting materials, and the suspension of business generally. People were amazed, and stood in their doorways waiting for a storm to appear. Superstitious persons were fearful, lest the “last day” was about to appear, and others called to mind “Connecticut’s dark day,” when the Hon. Mr. Davenport made motion in the Legislature “that candles be brought in, and if it was the Lord’s will that the last day had come that they be found at work doing their duty.” Evidently Connecticut’s dark day was quite equalled, if not outdone, by the darkness of February 6, 1893.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 9, 1893
The firm of Brunner & Duncan, foundry and machine shop men, was dissolved today by mutual consent, Mr. Brunner retiring. Mr. James Duncan will continue the business as sole proprietor. Mr. Duncan is one of Alton’s splendid young business men. He has made the business a success, and will no doubt, in the future, push it to much larger proportions and a greater success than ever.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 02, 1893
The Gill building on East Second Street [Broadway] is rapidly nearing completion, and when finished, will be one of the handsomest business houses in the city. A hip roof is being put on, which rather adds to its attractiveness.


Source: Syracuse, New York Evening Herald, March 15, 1893
Miss Lucy Cleveland died here suddenly yesterday afternoon at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. C. Britton. She was a cousin of President Cleveland.


Was Old Piasa Hotel
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 23, 1893
Shortly after nine o’clock Monday night, fire was discovered in the northeast portion of the Piasa foundry on Fourth and Piasa Streets. The flames had made great progress before the alarm was sent in from Woods’ stable. The fire department made its appearance without delay, and lost no time in getting streams at play on the building. The flames had made such headway that the inner portion of the building was a veritable sea of fire, and the flames illuminated the sky for blocks. The entire force of the department was in service, and in a very short space of time after their arrival, four powerful streams of water were at work in checking the flames. Ascending to the roof, the men worked advantageously, and after about an hour’s service it was apparent that the flames would succumb. They continued, however, to flood the building until a late hour in the night.

How it originated is not positively known. It commenced in the northeast portion of the building in the ventilator. Mr. James Garstang is of the opinion that a spark set fire to the sparrow nests in the ventilator, and that the burning sticks fell through to the patterns on the second floor, which are of pine and exceedingly combustible. Mr. Richard Garstang Sr. states that the loss will amount to $7,500, exclusive of the patterns, upon which he can make no accurate estimate. There was no insurance on the building or stock. Mr. Garstang viewed the flames from his home, and stated that he thinks the company did excellent service in saving any portion of the building. He desires to thank the public for their sympathy in his loss, and states that he will commence immediately to rebuild. When asked if there would be any changes in the reconstruction of the building, he stated that he would decide in a few days.

The destruction of the main building, the mould room, of the Piasa Foundry last night by fire was a matter of deep regret to all our citizens. There was earnest sympathy with the enterprising and energetic proprietor, Richard Garstang, in his loss. Altonians were proud of the fine institution and handsome buildings which Mr. Garstang had erected in their town, and could not help expressing intense sympathy with the owner. Nothing daunted by the loss, for the buildings were uninsured, and true to his reputation for energy and enterprise, Mr. Garstang decided to rebuild the burned structure. The machine shop and engine rooms were uninjured, and all the employees were busily engaged at work this morning as if the devouring element had not visited the establishment.

Aside from the intrinsic value of the building, it was an old landmark. The structure destroyed was formerly a hotel – the Piasa House – and was the principal hostelry of Alton for many years. Mr. Garstang, in fitting the building for a foundry, had retained the outside appearance of the structure, and covered the entire plant with corrugated iron. The window from which the great Daniel Webster made a speech on his visit to Alton almost fifty years ago was still in the building, and possibly the room in which the noted orator slept was uninjured, as a number of rooms in the upper story were intact. But all are now gone.

Source: Alton Telegraph, April 6, 1893
The brick masons began the erection of the new Piasa Foundry this morning. It was just two weeks ago last evening that the building was destroyed by fire. The new building will be a handsome structure, complete in every detail, and much more convenient and better suited for the uses it is intended for than the old building. Mr. Garstang’s energy and enterprise are worthy of the highest praise.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 13, 1893
Mr. Henry Watson today sold the west half of the block between Sixth and Seventh Streets, fronting on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, to the Electric Streetcar Company, as a location for their powerhouse. Consideration - $2,500. This is without doubt the best location in the city for such a plant. The Electric Company is fortunate.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, Tuesday, May 02, 1893
The Chicago and Alton northbound train, due here at 9:55 a.m. struck an unknown man at the foot of Henry street this morning, mangling him so that he lived but a short time. The train was in charge of Conductor Fox and was going at a rather slow rate. The engineer reversed the brakes as soon as he saw the man, but it was too late. The train came to a standstill and the unfortunate man was picked up in a dying condition and brought to Union Depot. Dr. Fisher was summoned and arrived as he was spasmodically breathing his last. He died a few minutes later. He was a large man with sandy hair and mustache and shabbily dressed. His injuries consisted of a fracture of the skull and mangled lower limbs. Coroner Kinder was notified and will arrive tonight to hold the inquest. He was identified this afternoon by William Dabona, a companion, as Patrick Gavin. Gavin had been ordered out of town by City Marshal Sworts several hours before and was evidently returning when struck.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, May 16, 1893
Misses Mary and Sarah Hall, living at 204 East Fourth street, attended the theatre last evening and shortly after they returned home, or about 11:30 o'clock, they heard a noise in the yard that caused them to look out of a window. They saw two men below, and one was busily engaged in trying to fit the key hole of the back door with some keys. The ladies asked what they wanted and the men slunk behind some bushes in the yard and remained concealed for some time and finally went away. The men were white, and pretty well dressed. About 2 o'clock this morning a burglar effected an entrance into Capt. Fred. Rudershausen's home on Eighth street by prying a parlor window. The window had been left unlocked and easily raised as was the wire screen. The burglar rummaged the room on the upper floor. Capt. Rudershausen was aroused by a noise near his bed and saw a man at his bedside in the act of searching his pantaloons. The burglar saw that he was awake and grabbing Mr. Rudershausen's clothes rushed out of the door slamming it after him. The clothes caught in the door and the man was cheated out of a little addition to his plunder. The man in his flight down stairs kicked a lighted lamp, which was standing on the stairway in the hall, to the foot of the stairs. Luckily it went out and nothing was set on fire. An investigation showed that the thief had appropriated $21 in paper money, $2.30 in silver and a $75 diamond stud, all the property of Mr. Rudershausen, Jr. This is the second time Mr. Rudershausen has lost a goodly amount, and is $170 out by the two raids. This morning he tracked the thief a short distance and calculated his rate of speed after leaving the window as 90 miles per hour. Some of the fellow's bounds measured fifteen feet (?) plainly marked by checked tennis shoes. Mr. H. J. Bowman was aroused early this morning by burglars trying to effect an entrance into his house. The men were on the porch at the rear of the house and were trying to unlock the door. Mr. Bowman arose and shot a revolver out of the window which had the desired effect of scaring the thieves. A night policeman put in an appearance promptly and in company with Mr. Bowman made a search of the premises, but the burglars had disappeared.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 01, 1893
The brick works are forging ahead in fine shape under the energetic management of President Rodgers and Superintendent Chamblin. A large force of men are daily engaged in the running of the plant, and a constant stream of brick is pouring from the machinery to the drying house, and from thence to the kilns, where they are turned into the finest specimen of pavers made in the county. A kiln was opened yesterday, and they presented, both in shape and color and vitrification, the evidence of the skill of the managers and the points of the clay. Several new kilns are now being erected, and it is Mr. Rodgers’ intention to build more as rapidly as men and money can do it. In a year or so, there will be a string of a dozen or fifteen kilns, employing 150 to 200 hands, and turning out daily the finest quality of paving brick.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 15, 1893
A few days ago, the Telegraph stated that Mr. C. G. Atwater of Pittsburg was in Alton, consulting with the proprietors of the Glass Works in regard to the building of a new ten pot furnace factory. It is now learned that the new factory will be erected where the office of the Glass Works is located. The office will be moved to the lots across the streets, at the Junction of Second and Third Streets. The Watson property at the junction of Second and Third Streets, where the East End lime kilns once were, is to be graded at once and made ready for the erection of buildings – principally glass works buildings.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 15, 1893
Mr. Ernest Feldwisch, who has for years been operating a brickyard on the Milton Road, just east of the city, has determined to go into the business on a large scale than ever, and he will put in machinery for that purpose. The supply of excellent brick material seems to be inexhaustible in this vicinity, and now that a start has been successfully made in machine made brick, many of the other brick manufacturers intend adopting the improved plan, and Alton brick will yet become National in character, just as Alton tobacco did, and Alton glass products, Alton Stoneware, and other products are.


Cornerstone to be Laid
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 6, 1893
The cornerstone of the fine new structure, St. Mary’s Church, will be laid in a short time with impressive ceremonies. The date set for the laying of the stone is Sunday, July 16, but it is probably that the arrangements will not be complete, and for this reason it is not yet authoritatively given. The stone is presented to the church by Mr. William Flynn. It is of red granite, 3 feet long, 18 inches thick and 18 inches wide. On its handsomely polished surface will be the inscription: I. H. S., Sit Nomen Domini Benedictum, A. D. 1893. The stone will be laid at the left, or south side of the main entrance, and the ceremonies will be very impressive.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 20, 1893
It is always an eventful day in the history of a city and of the world, when the cornerstone of a house of Divine worship is laid, and Sunday Alton witnessed two such events – that of the new St. Mary’s Church on Henry Street, and the A.M.E. Zion Church on Easton Street, near Tenth Street.

St. Mary’s Church
The day opened stormy and threatening, and many visitors from neighboring towns were kept away by reason of the ominous looks of the clouds. They cleared away, however, the skies brightened, and when the hour for the commencement of the ceremonies arrived, the day was like unto one of those perfect ones in June, and an immense crowd of people assembled on Henry Street around the basement of the magnificent new church building. Rev. Fr. Peters and the congregation of St. Mary’s Church have every reason to feel proud of their new house of worship. Few church buildings in this State will equal it, when completed, and none will excel it.

Prior to the cornerstone laying, there was an address in German by Very Rev. Fr. Haase, and one in English by Father Miller, both of St. Louis. Both of the reverend gentlemen delivered able and eloquent addresses, and notwithstanding the heart and the crowded condition of the people, the closest attention was paid thereto.

Copies of the Telegraph, Sentinel-Democrat, and Banner, and an instrument written in both English and Latin was placed in the stone, which was laid in place by Bishop Ryan, after being blessed. Following is a free translation of the document, which contains a brief history of the church, as well as other interesting matter:

“In the year of our Lord, 1893, July 16, the eighth Sunday after Pentecost, on the feast day of our most Holy Redeemer, during the most glorious reign of Leo XIII, and the Rt. Rev. James Ryan, being the third Bishop of Alton, and Rev. P. Peters, Rector of this Mission, His Excellency Grover Cleveland, by the will of the people, President of the United States of North America; Excellent John P. Altgeld, Governor of the State of Illinois, and Hon. J. J. Brenholt, Mayor of Alton, this cornerstone of this church to be built in honor of the Most Blessed Virgin, under the title of the Immaculate conception, was blessed and laid in the foundation by Rt. Rev. and illustrious James Ryan, Bishop of Alton, with the assistance of the priests who signed this document.

The first church of this congregation, which was small and insignificant, was built in the year of our Lord 1859, but was shortly after destroyed by a wind storm. The erection of a second, larger and better church was commenced with indefatigable labor by the Rector, Francis Augustine Ostrop, at a time when almost all people despaired of the welfare of the congregation, but this, also being built in too great a hurry, could not resist the storms of the years, and the great care taken to preserve the building proved futile. In the meantime, as the building became more deficient, the congregation grew in numbers; the city of Alton began to flourish and prosper and grown, and the rector of the congregation held counsel with his parishioners on the Feast of the most Holy name of Jesus, in the year of our Lord 1891, and after a short exposition of attendant circumstances, the erection of a new church, in the name of our Lord, was decided upon unanimously, and with great applause, all saying, ‘Sit nomen Demini benedictum, ex hoc nunc et usque in saeculum (The name of the Lord be blessed now and forever). And this acclaim gave birth to the inscription on the cornerstone.

This resolution of the people was Rid before the Bishop, Rt. Rev. James Ryan, and was willingly sanctioned by him. The Rt. Rev. Bishop then delegated to Rev. P. Peters, Rector of St. Mary’s Church, the execution of the aforesaid resolution, invoking the blessing of God upon the work, and giving his own. For the perpetual remembrance of this event, this instrument was signed by the Bishop and his assistants, and placed in this stone.”

The instrument was signed by Rt. Rev. James Ryan, Bishop of Alton; Rev. P. Peters, rector of St. Mary’s Church; Very Rev. F. Haase, O.S.F. of St. Louis; Rev. Fr. Miller, S. J.; Rev. E. L. Spalding, Rector of Cathedral; Rev. Fallon of St. Patrick’s; Rev. Frs. O’Reilley and Simms of the Cathedral; and Father Hartman. Among visiting clergymen who signed were Rev. F. Schlagel of Edwardsville; Rev. Marks of Jerseyville; Rev. Henry Degenhardt of Collinsville; Father Kaenders of Venice; and Rev. Father Foerster of Springfield.

At the conclusion of ceremonies, Bishop Ryan, in the name of Father Peters, thanked the Mayor and other city officers, the clergymen who assisted, and the congregation and people generally, for their presence at and in interest in the ceremonies.

A.M.E. Zion Church
The United Brothers of Friendship Circle Lodge, No. 2, met at their hall on the corner of Third and Piasa Streets, Sunday, and headed by the band marched to the place of laying of the cornerstone near Tenth Street. Visitors from Venice, East St. Louis, Edwardsville, and other places were present, and participated in the parade. Bishop Alexander Walters preached at the City Hall, and he was assisted by some of the local clergy, and there were several visiting clergymen from abroad. Dinner was served to visitors at the U.B.O.F. hall, and the ceremonies which mean so much for the spiritual welfare of the people passed off pleasantly and successfully.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 27, 1893
Alton’s new streets are the pride of its citizens. The first brick of the lower course was laid in place Wednesday morning by Ex-Mayor Joesting, and the honor of laying the first Alton paving brick in the top course was Thursday, accorded to Mayor Brenholt, in the presence of quite a congregation of interested spectators. The Mayor remarked, as he placed the first brick in position, that he “hoped every street in Alton would be paved with Alton brick during his administration,” a hope very many citizens share with him. The push that is exhibited by the contractors is pleasing to all, and their assurances are that it will be continued to the end. Short Street [west end of Broadway] will be completed this week. Colonel Ed Burke presented Mayor Brenholt with one of the paving brick now being placed on the streets. It gives evidence that someone at the brick works is an artist. The brick was very neatly decorated. On one of the narrow sides was the date “1893,” in large figures. On the reverse side was the word “Lily” in large letters. On one of the broadsides was the figure of a lily, and on the other that of another flower. The Mayor will preserve the brick was a relic of the first Alton brick put in our streets.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 03, 1893
Mr. John Snyder, clothing dealer, corner of Third and Piasa Streets, has begun repairing his building. He has taken out the partitions, throwing all the rooms into one, making a large, well-lighted and convenient salesroom. Mr. Snyder will also put in a plate glass front on the Third Street side, changing the entrance to the corner. The entrance will be set in a few feet in the building. He has also raised his sidewalk on the corner, so that it will not require a stepp up to the new entrance.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 24, 1893
On State Street, directly opposite Douglass Park, is a tract of 30 acres of as beautiful land as can be found in this county. It is unsurpassed as a building site, high, level, and healthy. It belongs to Mr. Albert Smith, and it is his intention to have it surveyed, platted, laid off in lots, and placed on the market. The work will be done this fall, as soon as the crop now growing is gathered. Very little grading will be necessary, and the expense to get a lot ready for building thereon will be merely nominal.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 31, 1893
The Illinois Glass Company has about completed arrangements for the erection of a box factory at and for the glass works, and Vice-President Levis says the work of erection will begin at once. It is the intention to manufacture not only the boxes for shipping their own ware, but also boxes for soda water. The boxes will be filled with bottles and shipped to the dealer. A certain class of liquor bottles are also shipped in boxes. These will also be manufactured at the new factory, filled with bottles and shipped to the dealer.

The new factory will not be attached to the company, but will be a separate institution known as the “Illinois Box Manufacturing Company.” It will be superintended by a gentleman from Chicago named Drummond, who will be a stockholder. The work of building will begin at once. The material has been ordered, and as soon as it arrives active operations will be started. The main building will be 100x60 feet, but there will be other apartments or “shops” connected with this that taken together will make quite a large building. The machinery has all been ordered, and will be of the most improved pattern, for the manufacture of boxes.

The building will be located on the land recently purchased by the glass company, east of the factory. The site of the building will be east of where the creek used to run, and will be far enough away from the glass houses so as not to endanger them in case of fire.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 18, 1893
The firm of G. Crivello & Co. has been dissolved by mutual consent. M. [Mike] Crivello to take charge of the Piasa street store, and G. [Gus] Crivello to take charge of the Belle Street store.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, September 12, 1893
An old barn which is being removed is the only thing delaying the construction of the Illinois Box Factory near the glass works. The barn will be removed today and building operations will begin at once.

Alton Daily Telegraph, September 15, 1893
Under the energetic management of Contractor Mack, the Illinois Box Factory is beginning to assume a tangible shape.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 14, 1893
In digging the trench in front of the woolen mill on Belle Street, for the sewer, the workmen came in contact with the old plank road. The road was uncovered at the depth of about four feet, and the section cut out is apparently in as good condition as when it was covered up. The old plank road was built before the time of macadam streets, by a company who charged a toll for the use of it. It was built of oak, and this probably accounts for the state of preservation in which the planks were found. The pieces are being hauled off for firewood. Some of the older residents of Belle Street say that the road has been covered up for thirty-five years.


New Laws Concerning Working Young Boys
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 28, 1893
The Illinois Glass Company has struck another obstacle that may prove as serious to its being operated as is the Democratic uncertainty regarding the tariff. It is in the law passed by the last Legislature which requires that no boys under 14 shall be employed, and that women shall not work but 8 hours a day. The law is all right so far as the “sweat shops” of Chicago are concerned, and ought to be enforced. But here comes another question with the glass works. The company has had much trouble to get boys enough to run the works, even when younger ones are employed. Men cannot do the work, as there is not room for them, and even if there was, they are not spry enough for the work. Now if the 14-year-old clause is enforced, there will not be boys enough to operate one-half the plant, and the company claims that the other half (or more) of the plant must remain idle. The company had a copy of the law left at the office this morning. As there is $100 fine in each case, the manager would have thousands of dollars of fines to pay unless the Labor Bureau and all concerned consent. It is a question that ought to be settled at once, as we need the revenue the factory will bring to the city when the Democrats get through fooling with the tariff.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 5, 1893
Safe blowers broke into C. A. Herb’s store on the corner of Bozza Street and Washington Avenue Saturday morning, between three and four o’clock. They previously broke into Cassella’s blacksmith shop across the street, where they secured a sledge hammer and other tools to work with. They chisled around the lock of the door and pried it off, and with the sledge hammer they broke off the handle of the safe. Two charges of powder were put in the safe and fired, but the attempt to blow it open was a failure. The explosion aroused Ed West, who lives over the store, and he and other men – boarders at the place – ran downstairs as quickly as possible. The men were gone, however, and the place was filled with the fumes of the exploded powder. Mr. Herb was notified, and when he and his son, Charles, arrived at the store, it was discovered that the cash register was gone. This contained about $10 in change, and was found later, between the Chicago & Alton and Big Four tracks, a short distance east of the Madison Mills, with the contents abstracted. The thieves also took two revolvers valued at $10. It is thought there were three of them, but two were plainly tracked from the place where the cash register was found, across the road and lots to Washington Avenue, to a place near its summit. Here the tracks, and it is supposed the men, separated, and no further clue to their identity or whereabouts has been obtained. Mr. Herb offers a reward of $50 for their capture and conviction.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 5, 1893
The Hayden Machine Shops will be located on West Second Street [Broadway], directly east of the elevator of Stanard’s mills. Architect Pfeiffenberger has charge of the plans for the new building, which is to be constructed on the site of the tall brick building now there, and on the vacant lot adjoining. The property belongs to Mr. H. M. Schweppe, and the new building will be one of the most substantial on the street.

Mr. Hayden will begin the shipment of his machinery to Alton about October 01. He will load it onto a boast, and will make the trip with it. He and Mr. Ralph Webb expect to spend about a month on the way, in hunting and fishing, arriving here sometime near the first of November.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 5, 1893
Contractor McCabe is the lucky bidder for the paving of Sugar Alley. The alley has been an eyesore for years, and the scent that arises from it has been the subject of several poems. Mr. McCabe’s bid was $1.64 per square yard, while the next nearest was $2. Work will be commenced at once.


(Meat Packing Plant)
Source: Alton Telegraph, October 12, 1893
The men who work in the cooling or pickling department of the Refrigerator look like Laplanders, and dress like people of the North of Russia in the dead of winter. They wear three pairs of pants, four shirts, and all the socks they can pile on feet that afterwards go into boots that have wooden soles. Wooden soles are the only kind that prevent dampness, and the chill of ice from seizing the pedals. “You cannot stop a minute to rest,” said an employee yesterday, “or colder waves will be chasing up your back and across your shoulders, than ever blew across the plains of North Dakota.” Men working there are stout and healthy, however, and this fact assists in proving that a cold climate is a healthy one.

The sausage department is kept running constantly, but the demand for the product runs faster than the sausage machines.

A cutting machine was badly battered Wednesday by a piece of falling iron, but the damage was speedily repaired.

Business in all departments is booming, and the success with which the enterprise is meeting proves that its promoters judged wisely and well.

Hogs are regular hots in this and adjoining counties, and the Refrigerator folks cannot secure anywhere near enough of them to meet the requirements of their trade, but they get good hogs from other States whenever the home supply runs short. Thursday they slaughtered twenty-three beeves, three gentlemen cows, scores of sheep, and all the hogs that came along. Success to the Refrigerator. “A man works ten hours at this place,” said a butcher, “instead of fourteen or fifteen under the old plan.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 30, 1893
The old fake of the cave full of gold, hidden in the bluffs two miles above Alton, has been revived by the return to St. Louis of Dr. Gordon Finney, who claims to know of its whereabouts. About two years ago, this same Doctor landed at Eminence Hollow near Elsah, and built a camp where he remained for some time. He heard of the treasure through Mrs. Seward of San Francisco. Mrs. Seward was the wife of a detective in the U.S. Secret Service, and during the war the State of Louisiana, fearing what really did happen, melted its gold into bars, packed the bars into strong boxes, put the boxes in a canalboat, and towed it up the Mississippi. The gold was hidden in a cave two miles above Alton. The doctor claims to have found the cave with two skeletons, but no money, and then abandoned the hunt. A column is devoted to this in the St. Louis Post Dispatch.


Officer William J. Sweeney
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 30, 1893
Officer William J. Sweeney, Captain of the night police, was shot down Thursday by an ex-convict and desperado, Peter McMullen. He was making his rounds about 3 a.m., passed near the gas works on Belle Street, and saw McMullen and Jack Monahan lying before the furnace. He had orders to arrest McMullen on sight and question him in regard to matters of which McMullen is known to have a guilty knowledge. Officer Sweeney recognized McMullen, who was sitting with Monahan in the furnace room. He called to McMullen, saying he wanted to see him at the door. McMullen came reluctantly and defiant. A wicked glare that meant mischief was in his eye. Officer Sweeney said, “You come with me to the office, I want to talk with you.” The reply came, “Not by a _________ sight,” and quick as a flash, revolver was drawn, and shoved toward the officer. Sweeney saw the danger, but did not realize it, never dreaming McMullen would use it under such circumstances. A flash came, and a sharp report rang out, and Officer Sweeney received a bullet wound in the left breast. The villainous scoundrey who fired the shot ran with might through the gas works and disappeared. Sweeney walked toward town, reaching Seventh Street, where he felt his weakness, and blew his police whistle. Officer Mack Emery arrived on the scene in a moment. A carriage, returning from a ball, was stopped and the officer driven to the police station. Dr. Taphorn was summoned. An exam showed a serious, if not fatal wound at the edge of the left lung in the vicinity of the heart. The victim was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, where the wound was dressed without probing.

The Mayor and entire police force were made aware of the deed, and orders for an instant search for McMullen were given. Officers drove to North Alton, Godfrey, Melville, and the country north, and the railroad districts were scoured, but McMullen could not be found. McMullen has served a term in the Chester penitentiary for train robbry of the Big Four, at Bethalto. He is known as a hard character.

Officer Sweeney was visited this morning at the hospital by Mayor Brenholt. A Telegraph reported was also present, and heard the officer’s statement to the Mayor. He was suffering great pain, and his breathing was very diccult, yet he was cool and collected and gave the Mayor a clear statement of the affair.

McMullen’s wife secured a divorce from him a few days ago, and it may be that this had embittered him somewhat. He was prepared to do this wicked deed, and did it quickly.

Officer Sweeney is a widower. He has three children, boys, ranging from 15 years to 9 years. His mother and sister have been with him, the latter keeping house for him and the former on a visit, living in St. Louis.

Mayor Brenholt authorized the Marshal to offer a reward of $100 for the arrest of Peter McMullen.

Source: Alton Telegraph, December 7, 1893
Pete McMullen, upon whose head rests a reward of $100, has succeeded in eluding arrest for ten days, and at present there is not the slightest clue to his whereabouts. The condition of Captain Sweeney is most encouraging, and his ultimate recovery will probably be the result.


Source: The New York Auburn Bulletin, December 02, 1893
A Consultation Over the Postmastership of Alton, Illinois, End Disastrously
Dec. 2. - While Congressman W. S, Forman, of this district; John H. Coppinger, consul to Toronto, and Colonel Andrew F. Rodgers, president of the Piasa Bluff Association, - the Western Chautauqua - were in consultation yesterday over the postmastership, an old feud between the consul and Rodgers broke out. The consul struck Rodgers in the head and Rodgers floored the consul with a cane. The consul, in spite of Forman's efforts to restrain him, shot Rodgers in the thigh. The wound is serious. The belligerents were arrested.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 7, 1893
The newspaper agent who sells St. Louis papers on a morning Chicago & Alton train was treated rather roughly Thursday, and taught that the selling of papers in Alton is a protected industry, and that foreign competition is not allowed. The boys who sell the morning papers at the depot were not allowed to enter the train, but on the other hand the newsy on the train peddled his papers on the depot platform, and by his size ruled things.

Yesterday morning, the boys got together and planned an egg bombardment of newsy. As soon as the train stopped, this monopolist stepped off the train and rushed through the crowd selling papers. He did not get far, when his head stopped a well-ripened specimen of hen fruit. A howl from the bystanders and paper venders of this city showed their delight plainly. After wiping the yolk of the egg from his collar, he looked for the thrower, but he was not in sight. Fearing more eggs, he edged his way to the train, and as he stepped on, a volley of them kept him dodging like the “marker” with his head through the canvass. The crowd went wild, and newsy frothed with rage. The train pulled out, and this free trade man who wanted to introduce foreign labor was saluted with the shouts and jeers of the home paperboys.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 21, 1893
For several weeks, Mr. John Armstrong has had a force of men at work building the necessary kilns, factory buildings, etc., for the manufacture of lime and the grinding of cement and plaster. The plant is located immediately above the old sawmill site, and will give employment to from 12 to 20 men at present, but this force will be increased as the business develops.

The plant will be operated exclusively this winter in manufacturing lime for the glass factory, and the cement and plaster manufacture will be commenced later on. Mr. Armstrong has secured control of 20 acres of cement owned by Mr. William Armstrong on Piasa Creek.

It was at the instigation of the Illinois Glass Company that Mr. Armstrong decided to start the enterprise, and as encouragement, the company made a contract with him to take, for three years, all the lime used by its factory. The magnitude of this may be judged from the fact that the freight alone on lime used by the factory amounts to $3,000 annually, and most of the lime has heretofore been secured at Toledo, Ohio. The glass works now uses about three carloads a week. The lime used at the glass works is sifted and otherwise prepared for the purposes of glassmaking. It will be quite an aid to Alton to keep so large a sum at home, as well as give employment to quite a number of men in the manufacture of the lime and cement.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 01, 1894
A most deplorable altercation took place at the glass works Friday evening, and as a result, Willie Hale, the seventeen-year-old son of Mr. John Hale, lies unconscious at St. Joseph’s Hospital, and Radford Osborne is confined in the city jail for an assault which may bring him to trial for his life. The trouble that caused the affair has been an ill feeling between Willie Hale and Radford and Frederick Osborne. Last evening, as the boys were preparing to leave the factory, Willie Hale kicked over Frederick Osborne’s dinner bucket, and a fight immediately ensued. Hale is holder than young Osborne, and was getting the best of the fisticuff. Radford Osborne saw what was going on, and rushed at Hale. Seizing an iron snap, which is an instrument to carry hot glassware, he struck Hale a terrible blow behind the ear. Hale sunk in his tracks unconscious, and lay limp in a pool of blood. He was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, and attending physicians tried to revive him. His wound consists of a serious fracture of the skull behind the right ear. All night he remained unconscious. Osborne, who struck the blow, is a lad about 17 years of age. He was arrested and confined in the city jail. The affair caused considerable excitement. Osborne stated that Hale has been stirring up a strife continually with him and his brother, and in the best of passion the blow was struck. The chances for Hale’s recovery are not bright. It is thought that he has sustained concussion of the brain.

Mr. John Hale, father of the injured boy, was seen. He stated that he had been informed that young Osborne started the trouble by kicking over his son’s bench. He was extremely sorry for the trouble, which he considered an affair among boys with the result most serious. Osborne was placed under $200 bond.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 8, 1894
The social season in Alton is ended for the season of 1893 and 1894. The parting was marked by the midwinter ball of the Alton Social Club, one of the grandest parties ever given in Alton, and unusually brilliant with “faire ladies” and beautiful gowns. Everything smiled on the club’s party, and left a bright spot for the future organization. At the allotted hour, the dressing rooms were vacated. Shortly after, the entrance to the ballroom was made. Bohachek’s orchestra touched the chords for the grand march, and sixty couples of dancers responded. The assemblage was eager to commence the well-selected program of dances, and the filling of cards took up a brief period of time before the first waltz. The ball presented a most charming appearance to the onlooker. Two well-shaded electric lamps shed their softened light on a glistening floor. The stage was banked with pot plants, behind which the orchestra was ensconsed. The gorgeous gowns of the ladies and dress of the gentlemen adds the last and most pleasing feature to the picture. Until 12 o’clock the dance continued, and then the march to the supper hall took place. Here Caterer Daniels had arranged the tables in a tasty manner, and spread a splendid supper of varied menu. It furnished the dancers with a desire to continue the ball, and after a short period of rest the remainder of the program was commenced. The last of the 22 numbers came at 3:15 a.m. It ended the most successful year the club has ever known.

Among the visitors from abroad were Hon. And Mrs. James T. Drummond, St. Louis; Miss Laeta Spaulding, Decatur; Miss Elizabeth Brown, Springfield; Miss Katie Pogue, Edwardsville; Miss Forman, Little Rock, Arkansas; Miss Daisy Templin, Nevada, Missouri; Messrs. Edwin Smith, Chicago; Thomas Freeman, Walter Waples, and Oscar Herold, of St. Louis.


Nellie Emery Brunner, Daughter of Brutus S. Brunner
Source: Alton Telegraph, February 15, 1894
At high noon yesterday at the First Baptist Church was celebrated an exceedingly pretty wedding around which gather events of unusual interest. The contracting parties were Miss Nellie Emery Brunner, only daughter of Mr. Brutus S. Brunner of Alton [co-founder of Duncan Foundry], and Mr. David T. May of Bristol, England. Both bride and bridegroom have long been associated with Sunday School work. Miss Brunner, who is well known in Alton and deservedly respected, was a delegate to the World’s Sunday School Convention, which was held in London, England, in the summer of 1889. Mr. May, who is Secretary of the Bristol Sunday School Union, and Superintendent of a large Sunday School, being also a delegate to the same convention. In September last, a second World’s Sunday School Convention took place in St. Louis, where both again met, and the mutual friendship which was formed in London deepended into an attachment, and today the happy couple have been united at the bridal altar, which was draped with white silk, festooned with English ivy. As the resounding tones of the hour of twelve were fading, the sweet strains of Lohengrin’s wedding march, under the skillful touch of Professor W. D. Armstrong, floated from the organ to welcome the arrival of the wedding party, which in addition to the bride and bridegroom, consisted of Mr. B. S. Brunner and Mr. George Brunner, the bride’s father and brother, Miss McCully of St. Louis, maid of honor; Misses Lucie Smith and Louise Holden, bridesmaids and cousins of the bride; and Leah Hilliard, flower girl; together with Messrs. Martyn Caldwell and Lewis Carr, and Homer Davis, ushers, and Master Wyman Hilliard, page boy.

The groom, preceded by the ushers and page boy, who carried the rings on a silver salver, entered the church at the south door, the bridesmaids, flower girl, and maid of honor followed by the bride, leaning on the arm of her father, entering at the same time by the north door, and to the march of the music, both sections of the party in uniform step proceeded to the altar, where the bride and bridegroom met. Rev. L. A. Abbott D. D., pastor of the church, conducted the ceremony.

The bride wore a rich costume of ivory satin duchesse, moire antique, and real duchesse lace, with high corsage, full length sleeves, and square train. The veil was held in place by diamond pins, and a spray of jasmine, the bride’s favorite flower. The bouquet was a cluster of bride roses, with streamers of white satin ribbon. The groom’s gifts to the bride were solitaire diamond earrings and lace pin to match, a diamond and pearl brooch, a five stone half hoop diamond ring, a chastely designed keeper ring, a gold “albert” watch chain, the silver salver upon which the rings were carried, and the bridal bouquet. The bride presented the groom with the gold ring, which she placed upon his finger during the double-ring portion of the ceremony.

As the party was leaving the church, the cheery notes of Mendelssohn’s wedding march pealed from the organ, the church ceremony being followed by a wedding breakfast, which was served at the home of the bride’s father. The breakfast was succeeded by a reception, which continued from three to five o’clock. On Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. May leave on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, visiting the cities of Washington, Philadelphia, Boston, New York, sailing from there on the steamship “Etruria,” of the Cunard Line, for England, and after March 21, they will be at home at Springfield, Woodstock Road, Redland, Bristol.


January 8, 1815
Source: Alton Telegraph, March 8, 1894
Among Alton’s oldest citizens is a rather eccentric woman by the name of Mrs. Prussia Morrison. She says she was born on the day of the Battle of New Orleans [during the war between the U.S. and Britain], January 8, 1815, but as she remembers with great facility things which happened before that time, she is doubtless much older than she claims, and the ruling passion in woman, that of keeping her age a secret, is still strong. According to her statement, she was born in Lexington, Kentucky, where she lived for many years, and can readily call to mind occurrences of the Civil War around her home. At one time, while attending to the wants of wounded soldiers on a cold New Year’s Day, both of her feet were frozen, so that she has been unable to stand on them since. Alone in this world, without a relation, she lives on a small income, and is waiting serenely the call that sooner or later comes to all.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 12, 1894
Sunday was the anniversary of the consecration of SS. Peter and Paul’s Cathedral, and it was made a feast of the first-class for the entire diocese. Solemn High Mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Simms, assisted by Revs. E. F. Spalding and Fr. Curran. The altars of the Cathedral were more beautiful than ever, with their lighted candles and wealth of flowers, and the magnificent new organ was never in better tone, nor the choir in better tune. Rev. Fr. Curran delivered an eloquent sermon, and he was most attentively listened to by the large congregation from beginning to end. The Reverend Curran possesses in a marked degree the gift his native country seems to delight in bestowing upon her children – eloquence. But he possesses more than this. He is imbued with enthusiasm and magnetism, both of which attributes go to make up the successful orator, whether in the pulpit or on the forum. He spoke of the founding of the church, of its history, of its trials, its persecutions, its triumphs, its indestructibility, and of its apostolic zeal in carrying out the injunction of the Savior. He paid the respects to those sophists, infidels and doubters who attempt to undermine and destroy religious faith. He referred to history to prove that all nations at all times have declared the necessity for religion of some kind, and religion has always been a connecting link between God and humanity. He never deprives men of His help, and Jesus Christ, he said, was a guide and counselor as well as Savior. He then proceeded to give a little of the history of the church in Alton. In 1841, Father Michael Carroll, an Irish priest, came to Alton, purchased a lot on Third Street, and commenced the erection of a house of worship. The edifice was completed in 1843, and used for ten years, when it was completely destroyed by fire. Then the property on State Street was purchased, and the erection of what is now the Cathedral was commenced. Father Carroll, he said, “labored with the zeal of an apostle, to secure funds to build the church, and before his sad death, his life dream was realized, and he had the supreme happiness, the great consolation of offering up the Holy Sacrifice within these walls, and the church still remains a monument to Father Carroll and to the generosity of the people.”

It was in 1837 that the Bishops and Archbishops of the United States petitioned the Holy Father at Rome to raise Alton to an Episcopal See, and they recommended also, and secured the consecration of Rev. H. D. Juncker at first Bishop. Since that time, the church has been growing in membership, and the influence it wields for good is immeasurable.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 12, 1894
Mrs. Shaw of 236 W. Seventh Street has sent to this office a copy of the Madison County Gazetteer, published in 1866 by James T. Hair, from which the following interesting items are taken:

The first school in Alton “was started in 1831 by Mr. H. Davis, in a room over the store of S. E. Moore & Co., on Second Street [Broadway], between Market and Alby Street.”

“Mr. Britton, an Episcopal clergyman, taught a school of ten scholars in 1845. In consequence of superior advantages, the sum of ten dollars per quarter was charged.”


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 7, 1894
One of the most serious runaways in this vicinity in years occurred Sunday on Market Street. Dr. George F. Barth of North Alton, the ex-postmaster, Mrs. Barth, Mr. Henry Meyer of Alton (editor of the Banner), Mrs. Meyer and son, Harry, and Master Fred Voris made up a party out for an evening drive. At the Episcopal Church corner on Market Street, the breeching of the harness broke, and the light wagon struck the horse. The animal was off like a flash, and dashed down Market Street at a terrific rate of speed. A large number of spectators saw the mad flight, and held their breath at the peril of the party in the wagon. The horse turned down Second Street [Broadway] and crossed the motor track at a bound. The wagon whirled on the paved street, and turned upside down. The occupants were hurled to the pavement beneath the wreck. The horse fell and struggled under the wreckage. He was up in an instant, dragging the broken wagon to Piasa Street, where he was caught by bystanders. Mrs. Barth was knocked senseless, and lay full length in the street on her face, as did Mrs. Meyer and Dr. Barth, all unable to move. The bystanders lent their assistance. All who saw the terrific crash thought the occupants were killed. Dr. Barth was taken to Dr. Gibson’s office nearby. The other injured people were carried into police headquarters, and Drs. Garvin and Schussler attended them. Editor Meyer and the two little boys, Harry Meyer and Fred Voris, escaped uninjured, but badly shaken up. Mrs. Barth sustained the most serious injury. Her head struck the paved street violently, and raised a large lump on her forehead. Blood was flowing from her nose and mouth, and she did not regain consciousness for several minutes. Mrs. Meyer sustained ugly gashes about the face. Her lip and throat were cut, and her teeth were knocked loose. Several stitches were necessary in sewing up the wounds. Dr. Barth struck on his shoulder, and sustained a violent injury. His spine is hurt. After being attended, they were driven to their homes in carriages.


Hosea Ballou Sparks & Bessie Pegram
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 7, 1894
The most auspicious matrimonial event of the season was the marriage at high noon yesterday of Mr. Hosea Ballou Sparks, son of Captain David Rhodes Sparks of Alton, one of Alton’s most prominent gentlemen, to Miss Elizabeth “Bessie” Mayo Pegram of Lincoln, Illinois, a young lady as gracious and lovely as she is beautiful. At the six o’clock Chicago & Alton train last night, there gathered many of the friends of the prospective groom, to bid him farewell before his wedding trip to Europe. The wedding party that accompanied him numbered about twenty.

The spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel E. Pegram in Lincoln presented a beautiful scene this morning at the wedding breakfast given the bride and groom. Grouped about the table were the immediate friends of the families, who partook of the delicious breakfast and drank to the health of the couple.

Shortly before noon, carriages arrived, and the party were driven to the Episcopal Church. The bride and groom entered shortly before the noon hour, and taking their station before an altar of flowers, were joined in wedlock. Mr. E. W. Sparks, brother of the groom, was best man. The bridesmaid and ushers were chosen from Lincoln.

As soon as the ceremony was over, Mr. and Mrs. Sparks were driven to the depot, and took their leave for Chicago. They will leave Chicago tonight, arriving in New York Friday, from whence they will sail for Liverpool.

Mr. Sparks’ friends in Alton are numerous, and he has the best wishes of the citizens of Alton to follow him through his long journey. His bride is one of the most lovely young ladies of Lincoln. They will make their home in Alton upon their return in two months.

Hosea B. Sparks’ father was the founder of Sparks Milling in Alton. Hosea was later head of the company. Hosea & Elizabeth lived in Alton for most of their lives, but retired to Palm Beach, Florida, where they died. No children were listed.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 28, 1894
Thursday afternoon the barn on James Chessen’s place, two miles east of Alton, took fire. The flames rapidly spread to several other buildings (stables, slaughterhouse, and outhouses), and all were consumed. It is stated by passersby that the dwelling narrowly escaped destruction. Mr. Chessen was in town when the fire occurred, and started home as soon as he heard of it. The loss will be considerable. It was not known how much, if any, insurance Mr. Chessen had on his property.

Later - The damage done will reach $3,000. All his barns and granaries were destroyed, and with them five tons of hay, three sets of harness, three wagons, and several valuable pieces of farm machinery. Luckily, his fine trick stallion and a high-bred filly were saved. Mr. Chessen carried $400 insurance on the stable. The origin of the fire is not known.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 28, 1894
The last of the smallpox patients was released from the pest house Friday, the building boarded up, sealed, and labeled, warning all trespassers off. The town of Madison’s gift to Alton was a rather costly one. Bills to the amount of over $1,000 have already been paid by the city of Alton, for the reckless and inhuman act of our neighboring town. But for the present, Alton is rid of the scourge, and even at the price of a $1,000 and upwards, the city got off cheap.

In this connection, too much praise cannot be given Health Officer Fiegenbaum, whose energetic action in getting hold of the first patient, and quarantining him, saved the city from an epidemic of the dread disease. The Health Officer has been most diligent in the discharge of his duties, and was ably seconded by the Board of Health, under direction of its chairman, Dr. Waldo Fisher. All in all, Altonians can be thankful and grateful to the efficient officers for the very faithful discharge of their duties.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1894
In the building lately occupied by Sutter & son, is what is said to be the body of a petrified woman. Whether it is really what is claimed for it or not, it is an interesting sight. The body of this woman was found near Walkerville, Greene County, last April. The body is 5 feet 8 inches long, and weighs 450 pounds. In getting it out of its resting place, one foot and the head were broken off. It is the figure of a woman in the full bloom of health at death. Over the left eye is a deep indentation, as if struck by a sharp instrument. In the bowels are two holes about the size of a bullet. An old lady named Bridgewater, living near the vicinity where the body was found, claimed that she recognized the body as that of a woman named Lovett, who disappeared mysteriously about 60 years ago. Mrs. Lovett and her husband lived in a cabin near the place where the body was found. Mrs. Lovett, according to Mrs. Bridgewater’s story, was a woman of prepossessing appearance, and was a great favorite. Sometime before her disappearance, some civil engineers came to the cabin and stayed there. They left, but one of them returned, and his relations with Mrs. Lovett excited the suspicions of her husband. The engineer disappeared. A few nights after, the cabin was burned, and neither Lovett nor his wife were ever afterwards seen. Some of Mr. Lovett’s friends made search for her, but nothing could be found. Mrs. Bridgewater supposed Lovett killed her, buried her, and then set fire to the cabin.

The specimen is a remarkable one, and shows no evidence of the artist’s hand. The foot broken off on the inside shows a blue-gray substance not unlike limestone. The age of the woman has been guessed at as from 20 to 35, much nearer the latter than the former. A small piece of the chin has been chipped off, which shows the roots of two teeth in a perfect state.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 26, 1894
Sunday afternoon fire broke out in a barn belonging to F. Zeltmann on Bozza Street, just at the rear of Mr. C. A. Herb’s general merchandise store. An alarm was sent in to hose companies Nos. 2 and 3, andf the response to the alarm was made in good order. When the firemen arrived, they found the fire under strong headway, and a wind from the northwest blowing sparks onto all the surrounding houses. A barn and warehouse belonging to Mr. F. Zeltmann at the rear of his property, which fronts on Second Street [Broadway] were both ablaze and a large barn belonging to Mr. John Stutz was sending up threatening clouds of smoke. In a short time, two streams were playing on the burning structures, but made slight headway against the fierce flames. In Mrs. L. Stutz’s barn was stored hay and grain belonging to the Heinrich Bros. The fire got a strong headway here, and the sparks were sent onto the surrounding buildings, threatening the destruction of the entire block. A second alarm brought hose company No. 1 to the scene, and fighting the flames commenced. In a short space of time, the 80 feet of warehouses and barns fronting on Bozza Street were a crackling mass of fire and past saving. The flames spread to the roof of Mr. C. A. Herb’s store, and Wempen’s saloon on the east. Sparks swept across to the southeast and set fire to the store building owned by Mrs. L. Stutz, and occupied by E. B. Joesting’s Drugstore; John Stutz’s building, occupied by Joseph Steiner, saloon, and the F. Zeltman store building, grocery. The rapid spread of the flames made the fire a most exasperating one to fight. The barn structures and warehouses were allowed to burn, and the entire force was put at work to check the further spread. Throughout the entire afternoon, the department had a hammer and tongs fight on their hands, pouring volumes of water into the burning buildings. It was six o’clock when the flames were subdued. The eighty feet of barns and sheds on Bozza Street were burned to the ground, and not a vestige left standing. The store buildings were damaged badly by fire and deluged with water.

The fire originated in F. Zeltman’s warehouse. It is supposed to have been the work of card players who carelessly threw a cigar stump into the building. The fire had a good headway when discovered, and the old buildings, which have stood for many years, burned like tinder. Messrs. John Wempen, John Stutz, and F. Zeltman were all absent, and did not return until long after the fire started.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 16, 1894
Work at removing the old foundations of the erstwhile [former] skating rink on Belle Street has been commenced, and soon the walls of the Spalding Club House will arise in their place.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 23, 1894
At the meeting of the directors of the Young Men’s Catholic Club, held last night, plans were submitted for the erection of the club house on Belle Street. Among the architects who submitted plans were Lucas Pfeiffenberger, U. S. Nixon, and Benjamin Eden of Alton; Architect Embly of Jerseyville; and Louis Seibert and Lynch & McCann of St. Louis. The directors were well pleased with the eight drawings submitted, and have taken them under consideration. The architects were present, or were represented, at the meeting last night. The structure is to be modeled as follows:

On the first floor are three stores, which will be rented. The second floor is taken up by the gymnasium, baths, reading rooms, etc., and perhaps a few office rooms. The third story is to be all auditorium, which will seat seven hundred people, and can be used for church entertainments, lectures, etc. The building must come within the cost limit of $20,000.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 30, 1894
The directors of the Spalding Club met last night to decide upon the plans for the new club house from among the eight drawings submitted. After due consideration, the plans of Matthew & Clark of St. Louis received the award. No time will be lost in commencing the work. The plans offered for competition by the architects are all very elaborate and complete, but some were rejected as they involved a greater expenditure than was considered best. The building will be a model of beauty, far surpassing any other in town.


Constable Streeper Shoots Man in the Head
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 20, 1894
Harry Higley, the victim of Constable Harry Streeper’s revolver and deadly aim last evening, is still alive, but Dr. Haskell, who performed the necessary surgical work on him at the hospital, states that he has a very slim chance for recovery. The ball, a 32-caliber, entered the head nearly between the two eyes and to the left. It shattered the bone of the skull, and ranged around, lodging behind the left eye, where it cannot be reached. The optic nerve was destroyed, so that the eye will be blind if he lives, and it was necessary to pick out all the pieces of shattered bone and put in a drainage tube. Streeper last night vainly endeavored to obtain bond, and was at last consigned to jail. Squire Brandeweide was called upon to fix the bond, and made it out for $1,000, demanding that the sureties should make affidavit that they were each worth $2,500, clear of all incumbrance.

Higley and young Andrew Fretz were partners in a game of cards against Streeper and another man. A misunderstanding arose between Higley and Streeper. The former struck at the latter, when Streeper jumped back and put his hand on his hip pocket. Higley advanced with a chair. Streeper drew his revolver, and shot twice inside the house. At this juncture, Officer Braham came upon the scene. A lady in a buggy asked the officer to fasten up the check rein of her horse. While doing this, the officer heard the first shot. He was about 40 feet from Wempen’s saloon, and before he could get to the door, he saw both parties come out, Higley with the chair raised in his hands. The third shot was fired upon the sidewalk. It is thought that it was this shot that did the damage to Higley, although some assert that one of the shots in the saloon struck the wounded man. This is hardly possible from the nature of the wound, as had he been hit in the saloon, he could not have continued the fight.

Higley is reported to have been a quiet man, not disposed to fighting, although when his temper was up or when under the influence of liquor, he became overbearing, and being a large man, was hard to manage. It is said that he was a cousin of Jesse James of Missouri bandit and train robber fame. Indeed, he claimed this himself. He was a glassblower by trade. He formerly lived in St. Louis. His wife arrived here last night. He has a son about 18 years of age.

Had the council, on Tuesday evening, acted promptly on the Mayor’s revocation of license against Wempen, this dive would have been closed, and a life probably would have been spared, and a young man saved from a criminal charge. Wempen’s place has for years been one of the lowest and most infamous resorts of the depraved in Alton, and there is no excuse for licensing such a man. The playing of cards for money or drinks is gambling under the law, and is forbidden under severe penalties. Wempen’s license should be taken from him at once.

An examination of witnesses was held this morning in Squire Brandeweide’s office. Dr. Yerkes was present, and stated that the condition of Higley was as reported by Dr. Haskell, that the eye was protruding from the socket from the pressure of the ball behind, and that it could not be removed. He said that Higley has a bare fighting chance for his life, and that is all. Ben Fishbach testified that he was in the saloon, and when the row commenced, he ran out and into Herb’s store. His testimony was corroborative of Streeper’s statement. William Kennedy was standing by Fishbach when the trouble commenced, and verified his statement, adding that Streeper kept calling on Higley to let him alone and go away. Higley struck at Streeper first with his hand, and then with a chair, breaking a hanging lamp, and followed Streeper outside, striking him with the chair. Two shots were fired in the saloon by Streeper, without effect, and seemingly for the purpose of scaring Higley, and as they went out the door, Higley caught Streeper by the arm, when Streeper again asked him to keep away, and then fired the first shot which injured Higley.

Mrs. Matilda Cunningham was passing by, and saw Streeper shoot Higley, who was endeavoring to hit him with a chair. Harrison Harris said that Higley and Streeper had a dispute over their game of cards, and Higley endeavored to strike Streeper. The rest of his testimony confirmed that of William Kennedy. S. A. Moore testified to practically the same effect. Judge Hope conducted the examination.

After the evidence was all in, Squire Brandeweide said that he would still hold Streeper under the same bonds as were first mentioned, $1,000. Judge Hope objected strongly to this, claiming that a clear case of self-defense had been proved, and that the bond was too high, and it was then reduced to $500, and signed by H. C. Streeper, I. H. Streeper, and Eugene Cox, and the prisoner was released.

After this, Harry Wempen, son of John and his barkeeper, was seen. Harry was reticent, and stated that what he had to say he would say on the witness stand. However, he admitted the truth of the statements of the witnesses mentioned above, and said that the first shot fired went wide, the second struck the upraised chair in Higley’s hands, and the third struck Higley in the head. Late this afternoon, Higley was resting comfortable at the hospital.

Indicted for Assault
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 6, 1894
Last Friday, the Grand Jury failed to return a true bill against Harry Streeper of Upper Alton. Streeper was charged with an assault to kill Harry Higley, whom he shot in Wempen’s saloon on September 13.

Source: Alton Telegraph, December 20, 1894
The Harrison Harris murder case came up Monday morning at Edwardsville, and a large number of witnesses had been summoned from this city to give testimony in the case. Some difficulty was experienced in securing a jury, as nearly all of those summoned were excused or were prevented from attending for various reasons. James Robertson and William Rodgers were granted a separate trial from Lange at the request of their attorneys. Court adjourned last evening until today, having heard but a few witnesses. Today the hearing was again begun. Lange was subjected yesterday to a rigid cross-examination by the attorneys, and it is said told very conflicting stories. After hearing the evidence of Marion Christie, Officers Thomas and Gilmartin, Garnigh, this morning, Lange’s testimony of yesterday was thrown out, and the case was at once dismiseed by Judge Burroughs. Rodgers and Robertson were given their freedom, and returned to their home in Alton, where they were greeted by their friends and congratulated on the fortunate outcome of the affair.

Lange is still held in custody under the charge of murdering Harris, for which he will stand trial at the next term of the circuit court.

The details of this remarkable murder case are familiar to all, and need no rehearsing. Suffice it to say, it was one of the most cold-blooded and mysterious murders ever committed. It is the general opinion that Paul Lange was intimately concerned in the affair, but to what extent he alone knows, and the case will probably remain a profound mystery. Judge Hope of Alton defended Rodgers, and Hadley & Burton of Edwardsville defended Robertson.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 4, 1894
One of the oldest buildings in Alton is being taken down to make room for the march of improvement now in progress. A building which is almost historical in its antiquity, and has a record second to no structure now standing; a lovejoy and respected home in all the many years of its existence, the old McNulty homestead, situated on Beacon Street, near Bond Street. The frame part of this old homestead was built in 1837 by Winthrop S. Gilman, of the oldtime firm of Godfrey & Gilman, whose names are only remembered by the oldest citizens, and a view of the building will be found in an ancient water-color drawing of the city in the possession of Hon. Henry Guest McPike, dated 1839. The yard, or “home lot,” as things were then designated in the homely parlance of the day, at that time extended so far east as State Street, the house sitting on top of the mound, in which, during the present excavations, several Indian skeletons have been found, evidently an Indian graveyard or burial lplace. In 1840, the place was purchased by Sebastian Wise, the grandfather of the present owner, Mr. George F. McNulty, and Mr. Gilman removed to his new, and then palatial, residence at Third and Market Street, now the St. Elmo Hotel, and thence to New York, where the writer visited him many years ago. The family of Sabastian Wise moved into their new home during the same year of its purchase, and shortly afterwards the brick addition of five rooms was added. The house was built after the most substantial manner, in the style of fifty years ago, when none but the best workmanship was allowed, and has been occupied by Mr. Wise, his children and grandchildren, ever since. In the 1840s, before the Catholics had a church here, it often happened that the faithful gathered in one of the upper rooms of the old home, to attend mass, and mass was celebrated for eighteen months on week days during this period by Rev. Fr. Carroll, the original priest of Alton, and by other members of the clergy. The old home is going, it has nearly passed away. Who shall tell of the lives it has encompassed, the joys, hopes, fears, sorrows, and afflictions it has seen – who? But the old landmark will remain in the memories of Alton’s oldest residents through life.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 11, 1894
A disastrous fire was narrowly averted at the Piasa Woolen Mill Tuesday afternoon. A blaze was discovered by workmen in the picking and oiling room, which adjoins the main structure on the north. An alarm was sent in and companies 1 and 2 responded promptly. Smoke issued from the building in large volumes, and for a while there was some danger of a rapid spread. The action of two streams of water checked this, however, in about half an hour. The fire originated from friction of steel rollers. The loss will amount to considerable. Two thousand pounds of wool was destroyed, the greater part by fire and the remainder by the black water which flooded, the charcoal, etc. The damage to the building will reach $100, considerable of the interior being burnt. The machine used for the knotted wool was also badly damaged.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 01, 1894
About 25 young men went to the meeting held last week to organize the military company to fill the vacancy in the Fourth Regiment, Illinois National Guards. They assembled at Temple Theater, and were addressed by Major F. L. Morrell and Professor G. E. Wilkinson, who explained the enlistment and the duties of the members. A petition was then circulated, and about twenty names secured of boys ranging in age from 16 to 20. Others who were not present have signified their intention of joining, which will make the number about 30. Invitations will now be extended to older parties. The next call will include young men between 20 and 30 years of age, and it is hoped to secure enough names to make the company 64 strong. As soon as a sufficient number have signed, the petition will be sent to Springfield, and it is thought that the young soldiers will be drilling by this Fall.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 01, 1894
Residents of the extreme eastern part of Alton have begun the erection of a dozy new church, to be used as a union mission school and church. The site of the church is situated on Joesting Street, west of Washington Avenue, and was donated for the purpose by Mr. Edward Levis Sr. The church is being erected by subscription of all the prominent merchants of Washington Avenue and vicinity, and is supervised by a building committee, of which Hon. Charles A. Herb is the moving spirit. The structure will be two stories with a stone basement, and a seating capacity of about one hundred and thirty. It is the expectation to have it ready for occupancy by Christmas. It is under the auspices of the M. E. denomination.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 15, 1894
In the parlors of Hotel Madison the Alton Social Club was reorganized last week for the coming winter’s festivities. Three grand balls will be given, and the arrangements are such that the reputation of the club will not suffer. It is proposed to make the parties excel if possible the parties of last season. Iinvitations will be sent to hundreds of the friends of the club members, and the number of visitors to the great Thanksgiving and New Year’s balls will be large. The committees on music and supper are instructed to secure the best possible. The suppers will be features this winter, and will be elegant in every respect. Three parties will be given. Thanksgiving night, New Year’s night, and on February 01. Following are the officers elected: President – Zephaniah B. Job Sr.; Vice-President – James T. Drummond Sr. of St. Louis; Secretary – Charles M. Yager; Treasurer – W. H. Perrin; Executive committee – H. J. Bowman, Chairman, W. L. Sparks, George McKinney; Supper Committee – S. B. Baler, chairman, T. H. Kauffman, R. H. Levis; Reception Committee – J. N. Drummond Sr., chairman, J. J. Brenholt, T. A. Taylor, J. H. Booth, Willis Brown, T. P. Yerkes, A. R. McKinney, W. C. Johnston, and H. K. Johnston.; Floor Committee – H. B. Sparks, chairman, L. D. Yager, W. D. Sparks, H. M. Wise, J. H. Moulton, Harry Leyhe, and John Drummond.  About one hundred club members were elected from the Altons.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 29, 1894
There has been an impression for many years that the fire engine house on Market Street was originally given the city by a private individual, to be exclusively used for fire purposes. Ex-Mayor Henry G. McPike says this impression is erroneous. He was Secretary of the Pioneer Fire Company between the forties and fifties. That organization, he states, raised a sum of money by fairs and subscription, and purchased the location from the Alton Marine and Fire Insurance Company. Mrs. Bruner, mother of Captain J. A. Bruner, who had some interest in it, quit-claimed the property to the insurance company. The Pioneers used it as a fire engine house for a number of years, the city council paying the necessary running expenses of the company. The city council afterwards from 1850 to 1858 used it as a Council Chamber, where the records of the city were kept. Mr. McPike, as city recorder, had his office and books there. About 1858 or 1859, the building, with several others, was destroyed by fire. A new building (the present one) was erected previous to 1860, and the Altona Engine Company used it as headquarters up to the introduction of steam fire engines. It was afterwards used as the quarters for one of the hose companies after the paid department was organized. The city has had possession of it for more than forty years, and at various times has collected rents therefo. From this statement it would appear that this property was the gift of the Pioneer Fire Company, and as that organization has no heirs, and the city having had it so long, Alton is the legal owner. It may be added here that record shows the correctness of Mr. McPike’s statement, that the last transfer was made to the Pioneer Fire Company.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 29, 1894
After months of delay, the contract was let last Friday for the construction of the Piasa Street sewer. Engineer Macdonald received the bids up to noon yesterday, and last night the contract was let to David Ryan of Alton, for $3,500. Alton stone and North Alton brick are the materials, and the bridge company will furnish the oak timbers. The sewer is to commence 30 feet southeast of the motor line loop, and extend 145 feet to the head of the dike. It will run at an angle of about 45 degrees with the water. The sewer is to be 10 feet high and 10 feet wide, made of bench wall stone with brick ring arches. Contractor Ryan states that with good weather, he will complete the work in 30 days. The old sewer will be allowed to stand. At the point where the new sewer intersects the old, the opening will be blocked so that the water will be properly carried off. Altonians will be glad to hail the extinction of the rotten trap of the Burlington pocket.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 27, 1894
Fred W. Job of Chicago, son of Hon. Zephaniah B. Job of Alton, has been appointed by the Hawaiian Government Consul General for the States of Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan. This is the first appointment of the new republic in the west. The Chicago Inter-Ocean, in speaking of the appointment, says of Mr. Job: “Mr. Job’s headquarters will be in this city, and his duties will be to guard and further the interests of the Hawaiian Islands in the five States mentioned, especially along a commercial line. He will still continue his legal practice, as his consular duties will not be arduous.

Mr. Job was born May 19, 1862, in Alton. He attended the public schools of that city, and was well known for his studious habits. He is a farmer’s son, and spent a large part of his boyhood in tilling the soil. He was graduated from the University of Michigan, Class of 1885. He afterwards pursued a legal course in the same institution, graduating in 1887. While in college, Mr. Job was editor of the Ann Arbor Chronicle, and was manager of the athletic association. He paid particular attention to the study of international law, and the history of treaties, receiving special instruction from Dr. Angell. Mr. Job graduated with the highest honors, and received special mention from Dr. Angell.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 8, 1895
Mrs. Florence Kelly of Chicago, State Factory Inspector, arrived in town yesterday with the purpose of investigating whether the law forbidding children under 14 years of age working in factories was complied with in Alton. She held consultations yesterday with the proprietors of the glass works, and went through several of the factories and questioned the boys working there as to their ages. She claims to have found a large number under that age. She states that the law must be enforced. If she does enforce it, and especially at this time, great suffering will be caused. There are many of the boys now engaged in the glass factories who are the main support of widowed mothers and younger children. Such enforcement will also cause the shutting down of one or more of the factories, as it will be impossible to run them without boys now at work.

Boys are always scarce, and much inconvenience has been experienced in early spring by the lads quitting. Houses have been closed on this account. There is one factory now at work, and if the boys under 14 were taken therefrom, necessarily closing the house, it would throw 500 people out of employment. An act of this kind at this time would be calamitous.

While no one is disposed to question the good intention of the law, yet untold suffering will be caused if it is rigidly enforced. This law is an excellent idea, but it will not fill empty stomachs, clothe the naked, nor furnish homes and fuel to the children and parents. Neither is there any provision to send these children to school. Many of them are unable to buy books, to say nothing of maintaining them while at school. Neither is there room is our schools at the present time for these children, even if they were prepared to go. The result will be that those who are turned out of work will roam the streets, and many of them become charges upon public charity.

The proprietors of the glass works held a consultation with Mrs. Kelly this afternoon, and decided to place their institution under the operation and in compliance with the law. This will be done as speedily as possible. The parents will be compelled to file affidavits in the office of the company as to the age of their children, and all under the age stipulated by the law will be excluded from employment. This will, undoubtedly, necessitate the shutting down of one or more of the factories, and thus a large number of adults will be thrown out of employment. It may be several days, or a week, before the weeding out process can be thoroughly performed, but the proprietors propose to comply with the law as explained by the State Factory Inspector, Mrs. Florence Kelly, and her deputy, John Mertz. Deputy John Mertz expects to make his headquarters here to see to the enforcement of the law in this section of the State.


To Conform with Labor Law
Source: Alton Telegraph, 1895
In compliance with the law as expounded by Mrs. Florence Kelly, No. 8 tank glass house will close down tomorrow morning. This is one of the houses that runs both night and day, so that in estimating the loss to the city, it would be equivalent to two of the other houses, which run only in daytime. Most of the boys who are 14 years of age and over may be employed in other houses, taking the places of boys under that age. But there will be very few of the men, most of whom have families, who will find employment, as all the other houses have their full complement now. It is unfortunate for this very large class that No. 8 is compelled to close, when the bitter cold of winter is on with all its rigors, and when more food, more clothing, and more fuel is needed that at any other season, to keep up the minimum of comforts. Just what many of these poor people will do is a serious question. It was only by constant employment that they were enabled to live, and now that that is taken away, with no other in sight, there cannot but be a large amount of suffering.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 17, 1895
Talk of a skating race at Burlington Park is agitating skaters just now, and several of the fast ones are just aching for a trial. A skating race is something that Alton has never had, at least under such circumstances that any skater could claim local supremacy. It is not known what would be the result, and no doubt a big field of entries would contest. It would be a splendid drawing card for the Burlington, and be a profitable investment if a prize were offered.

The Burlington course is a mile and a half in length, and affords a pretty stretch. Among the fast skaters who have visited the park this year are Messrs. Ben Harris, Frank Ferguson, George Savage, Webber Armstrong, and F. L. McDonald. This list is quite small though, and all parts of the town would send candidates. If this season does not witness such sport, it is certain that next year will, and the Burlington Park and Spanish Lake are sure to become the ice fields for such sports, and the most convenient the city ever had.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 24, 1895
Officer John Wood was assaulted by five men Friday night, because he tried to arrest one of their number about midnight, and terribly beaten up. While on his beat, he heard a boisterous disturbance on Belle Street, just in front of the new Spalding Club building. He ordered the men to keep quiet, and when met with jeers, attempted to arrest one of the number. The five pitched onto him, and used knuckles and slung-shot, knocked him down, and left him in a dazed condition. Hiw head was badly cut on both sides, and was bleeding freely. He managed to reach the police station, where the alarm was given. Captain Sweeney and the night police started in search of the thugs, and Dr. Taphorn dressed Wood’s wounds. He was taken to his home, where he will be confined for some time. He was delirious, and could give only incoherent statements of the affair. Captain Sweeney arrested two of the men – William Jones and Barnie McQueeny, both local toughs. The names of the others were ascertained, and warrants have been issued for their arrest. The men were given a hearing this morning, and were bound over to the grand jury in the sum of $150 each.


Source: Alton Daily Telegraph, January 31, 1895
The young people of Alton (and some who are older) are taking advantage of the snow and ice, to extract as much pleasure as possible out of this winter weather. The streets are filled with sleighs, and all hillsides suitable are covered with coasters. Bobsleds appear to be the favorites, but the small ones are numerous.

State Street, from Seventh Street to the river, is a grand slide. Last night the track was almost glare ice, and the coasters flew over the smooth surface with lightning-like rapidity, rivaling the speed of the “Flyer,” “Hummer,” and “Knickerbocker” specials on steel rails. Immense crowds were gathered on State Street last night, and all intent on the business in hand – that of making the bes time over the course. The bobsleds contained frequently as many as half a dozen persons, and the manner in which the heavily-loaded “flyers” went over the ice-covered hillside street fairly took away the breath of spectators. There was only one thing lacking, and that was a good, large moon, but the electric lights at that point are quite numerous, and made up, to a large degree, for the diminutive size, light, and short visit of Madame Luna.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 25, 1895
Mr. A. L. Daniels today sold his bakery establishment to Mr. Everett C. Clement, who took charge immediately, and will conduct the business hereafter. Messrs. George and Frank Clement will assist their father in carrying on the business. There will be no changes in the departments, and the same help will be employed.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1895
An old landmark to which peculiar interest attaches itself has been discovered at the site of the new Schlueter building on Second Street [Broadway]. The object of interest is an old stone landmark indicating the position of a section line. The stone was at the junction of Charles W. Hunter’s, Hunter & Emerson’s, and Russell’s Addition to the city of Alton. During many years, the accumulation of dirt and the filling up of streets has resulted in the mark being buried from view. A number of years ago, at the request of interested parties and at an expense of $1,000 to $1500, St. Louis surveyors were employed to run the line and again locate the stone. It was located, and a new one superimposed. While digging out the cellar for the Schlueter building, the old stone was found at a depth of about six feet. With such exactness, had the St. Louis surveyors done the work, the new stone had been placed precisely over the old one, but with a six foot depth of earth intervening.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 18, 1895
City Comptroller Connor, acting with the council committee on Real Estate, and Mayor Brenholt, Friday purchased for the city from Alexander Sloan of Fulton, Missouri, lot 31 and part of lot 32, in penitentiary plat, for $1,700. The property is on State Street, just south of Fourth Street, and will make a first-class location for a hose house, for which purpose it will be used.


Reed Stanford
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 02, 1895
President Cleveland has appointed a commission of civil engineers, mining experts, and contractors to go to Nicaragua for the purpose of investigating the construction of the Nicaragua Canal, which will connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and revolutionize the ocean travel of the world. Among the members of the Commission is Engineer Noble, Assistant Chief Engineer of the Burlington Railroad, who took a prominent part in the construction of the Alton and Bellefontaine railroad bridges. Mr. Noble has chosen Mr. Reed Stanford of Alton as his assistant. Mr. Stanford arrived last night to bid goodbye to his family. He received a telegram while here, instructing him to be in readiness to leave Mobile on the U.S. Montgomery on May 7. A whole fleet of cruisers is being collected at Nicaragua. The Alert, Raleigh, and others will leave home ports next week. The Montgomery, now at Mobile, will follow the Raleigh on May 7, with the Nicaragua Canal Commission aboard. Mr. Miller said he had called the attention of the State Department to the necessity for protection to the commission. He says that it will be very dangerous, in case of revolutionary disturbances, for an unprotected party to make a trip over the line of the canal. The Nicaraguan Canal is a pet project of Uncle Sam, and the U.S. wants to protect it against encroachments. A study of the map will show the contemplated route of the commission.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 11, 1895
In excavating at the old McNulty homestead yesterday, an interesting find was made by the young son of Mr. J. P. Staub. At a depth of many feet below the surface of the ground, where the grading was commenced several weeks ago, the boy, in digging, found a skeleton. It was supposed that it was the remains of an Indian, but a later find develops a different opinion. Close to the spot where the skeleton was found a rapier was unearthed of peculiar design, and inlaid with brass Roman letters. The piece of steel is two and a half feet long; is half an inch in width at the handle, and tapers to a quarter of an inch at the point. The surrounding portion of the handle, which probably consisted of bone or copper, was missing, but the steel frame portion was intact. A Telegraph representative, curious to know what the letters were, took the find to Mr. Ellis Barnard, who with the use of acids and files, soon brought the characters out plain. On one side of the blade was the following inscription: “LIVBURGO17.” This was inlaid with brass. On the other side was the inscription: “ISS – CHVIZIN.” Mr. Barnard states that the steel is exceedingly hard. Some portions of the brass inlaid filigree work had dropped out. At unequal intervals on the blade were marks which appeared to be division marks. They were in no wise analogous to the English rule, and were probably ornaments. A cross of more breadth than the lettering followed the inscription “CHVIZIN.” What the meaning of the lettering is we will leave for some interested reader to determine. If it is solved, it will probabll throw light on the subject as to what nation the buried man belonged to, and at what period the remains were interred. Nothing else was found in the grave.

Without an accurate knowledge, we surmise that the inscription is French, and ask the question, “Could this hillside have been the spot where a follower of an early French exploring party was buried?” Maybe one of Marquette’s followers, who stopped to view the painting of the Piasa Bird, died here years ago, and the remains were there interred.

The property where the skeleton was found was the James McNulty homestead on Beacon Street, near Bond Street. McNulty was born in Albany, New York in 1832, and in 1855 he came to Alton, where he married Miss Maria Wise, daughter of Sebastian Wise. McNulty died in February 1891 at the age of 60 years. His wife, Anna Maria Wise McNulty, died in St. Louis on May 26, 1902. Her remains were brought to Alton, and buried in the Greenwood Cemetery.

The frame part of the old homestead was built in 1837 by Winthrop S. Gilman, of the oldtime firm of Godfrey & Gilman. In 1894, during excavations, several Indian skeletons were found. In 1840, the home was purchased by Sebastian Wise (father of Anna Wise McNulty), and Mr. Gilman moved to a new home at Third and Market Street, and then to New York. The Sebastian Wise family moved into their new home, and erected the brick addition of five rooms. Mr. Wise and his children occupied the home for years. The home was razed in 1894/5.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 14, 1895
The Odd Fellows was established in Illinois at Alton, August 11, 1836, when Western Star Lodge No. 1, I.O.O.F., was formed. Samuel L. Miller had obtained a dispensation for it, and brothers from St. Louis, members of Travelers’ Rest Lodge, No. 1, came up to institute it. John R. Woods was a charter member. James E. Starr was then initiated, and is now the only survivor of that foundation day of the order in Illinois. When Father Wildey [Wildey Theater in Edwardsville is named after him] came West, it seemed advisable to start a grand lodge, hence Alton Lodge No. 2 was formed from No. 1, and Wildey went to Greenville, Jacksonville, and Galena, and founded 3, 4, and 5. He returned to Alton and organized the Grand Lodge of Illinois there, on August 22, 1838. Sangamon Lodge No. 6 was instituted May 19, 1840 by Chester S. Woodward.

Since March 1842, the order has gone on steadily growing (except when the Civil War struck so hard a blow at all peaceful interests and reduced its membership fearfully) until now it has a membership in this State of over 50,000. The Grand Lodge session of 1847 is a landmark. Potis, Woodward, E. A. Rucker, and Corneau were one-fourth of those present. A new constitution was adopted, new methods of managing business prevailed, and great advance followed. Corneau was Grand Secretary. To him and his successors in that office, Willard (author of the “digests and the Code”), Star, Nason, and Miller, the order has rendered grateful acknowledgement of their zealous and efficient service in the most laborious of all offices, and to name the grand masters who have filled that high station with dignity and with eminent advantage to the order the historian must recount almost the whole list from George W. Woodward to the present worthy incumbent, Harry A. Stone.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 23, 1895
The 10th anniversary of the marriage of ex-Mayor and Mrs. Henry Guest McPike was celebrated by Mrs. McPike with a flower reception Friday afternoon, which will linger in the memories of those present as one of the most charming occasions ever accorded to them. At 3 o’clock, the ladies began to arrive, and the splendid home, gorgeously decorated with flowers, was thrown open to the guests. Mrs. McPike received the guests,m assisted by Miss Mary Drummond. Mrs. McPike wore a gown of rich red brocade, handsomely trimmed with a full plastron of duchess lace; diamonds. Miss Drummond was attired in a beautiful white bengaline, corsage decollete, outlined with pearly trimmings. Misses Ida Leyhe and Jessie Stanford also assisted at the luncheon. Miss Leyhe wore a flowered white organdy, simply but elegantly made. Miss Stanford’s gown was of pale blue silk, trimmed with blue satin ribbon.

The interior of the home presented to the view a most charming bower of roses, artistically arranged. The halls and reception rooms were deliciously fragrant with the perfume of roses of the most beautiful species. The dining hall was trimmed and decorated with huge bouquets of pink roses. From three to six, the guests were served with a luncheon that lacked nothing to make it replete with dainty dishes. The dining table presented an elegant appearance with its fine china, cut glass, and flowers. It was presided over by Misses Leyhe and Stanford. After the luncheon, the guests strolled about the beautiful grounds. Visiting the rose gardens, the culture of which the hostess takes especial pride in. It was a perfect reception, so voted by all present, and every appointment was such as to make the occasion one of charm and entertainment. Among the guests present were Mrs. J. T. Drummond of St. Louis, and Miss H. N. Haskell of Monticello Seminary in Godfrey.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1895
A beautiful wedding was the consummation of vows which united in marriage, last night, Miss Hannah Wallace Wade, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pierson Wade (Alton banker) and Mr. John Duncan (son of Gilbert Blair Duncan, co-founder of Duncan Foundry in Alton). Every appointment bore the mark of refined elegance, and a brilliant assemblage of guests gathered at the home to pay tribute to the bridal couple with their expressed love and esteem.

The ceremony was beautifully carried out. In the parlors of the bride’s home an altar of flowers was arranged in the northeast corner, its streamers of smilax radiating from above sufficient in size to form a canopy for the bridal party. Assembled here were the relatives and immediate friends. Mrs. Georgia Lee Cunningham, whose sweet soprano voice possesses such charms, sang “O Perfect Love.” As the song ended, the organ swelled in tones under the touch of Mrs. C. B. Rohland, and greeted the bridal party with Guilmant’s “Marche Nuptiale.” The ushers, Mr. Charles I. Pierce of Kewanee, and Mr. T. W. Monahan of Chicago, entered first. Following came the officiating minister, Rev. George W. Smith, Ph.D., just in advance of the groom and his best man, Mr. William Duncan. Miss Louise Wade Hatheway, cousin to the bride, entered next, alone, followed by the bridesmaids, Miss Mary W. Lord of Evanston, and Miss Laura A. Green of Collinsville. Then the maid of honor, Miss Gertrude McKinney entered just in advance of the bride and her father. The bridal party entered slowly and separated at the altar for the bride. In chosen words, the ceremony was spoken and the vows plighted which consummated the marriage. At the close, the organ again spoke, this time in triumphant tones.

The bridesmaids were gowned in white organdies over pink. They carried bouquets of La France roses. The bridal party and wedding guests immediately entered the dining hall, which was a bower of beauty. Smilax and sweet pea blossoms made up the decorations, and the tables were elaborate with cut glass and china.

The refreshments for the bridal party were over at 8:30, when the reception guests began to arrive. The reception was characterized by pink and white, and the effects in colors were carried out in the decorations and refreshments. Several hundred guests were entertained and served with delicious refreshments. The interior of the house was brilliant and the grounds were lighted with electric arc lamps. An orchestra lent its music to the occasion, and added a feature which impressed the guests with its charm. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan left for Chicago, and will proceed from that place on a short wedding journey.

John Duncan was born January 20, 1869, in Alton, and was the son of Gilbert Blair Duncan (1832-1879), who co-founded Duncan Foundry on Piasa Street in Alton, and Sarah Jane McNeil Duncan (1836-1921).

Hannah Wallace “Hallie” Wade Duncan was born February 4, 1870, in Alton, and was the daughter of Edward Pierson Wade (1833-1920), who was born in the first brick house erected in Alton. Edward attended Shurtleff College, and entered the banking industry at an early age. He served as President of the Alton National Bank in 1895. He was also a lover of music and literature, and a student of the Bible, capable of reading the New Testament in the original Greek. He was also a member of the board of trustees of Monticello Seminary, and became President of the college. Hannah’s mother was Mary Elizabeth Wade, who died in 1908 of illness. She was a graduate of Monticello Seminary, class of 1857, and was a director of the Jennie D. Hayner Library.

John and Hannah Duncan had the following children: Gilbert Wade Duncan (1896-1947); Elisabeth D. Duncan McCuistion (1899-1972); John Duncan (1901-1985); and James McNeil Duncan (1905-1992). Hannah died in 1954 at the age of 83/84, and John Duncan died in December 1940 at the age of 71. They were both buried in the Alton City Cemetery.


Tomlinson Blacksmith Shop Also Destroyed
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1895
At 11:30 o’clock p.m. Monday, fire was discovered in the three-story brick building on Second Street [Broadway], near Piasa Street, occupied by E. T. Hull’s berry box manufactory, and owned by Mr. Charles Steiner of the East End. The smoke issued in ominous volumes, and an alarm sent in brought Companies 1 and 2 in a few minutes. The connections were made and the water pressure at first was provokingly poor, when the fire should be fought in its incipliency. The interior of the building was blazing fiercely, and a second alarm brought Company No. 3 scurrying to the scene. The three companies fought their way to the top of the adjoining building on the east, and as the pressure grew better, the fight became more equal. Four streams of water kept playing on the burning building. A northwest breeze threatened the block with destruction. The three large buildings directly east were in imminent danger of being fired, and much apprehension was felt for the E. O. Stanard elevator and mills on the west. Fighting from above and below, the adjoining buildings were saved, with the exception of the Wilkinson building, which was also given to the flames. The sky about was illuminated by the fierce blaze.

The Tomlinson blacksmith shop, a one-story frame structure adjoining the burning building on the west, was fired. It met a more complete annihilation a few minutes later when the walls fell.

The walls of the Hull building appeared secure. The heat had cracked them, but the firemen were not looking for them to fall. Suddenly an explosion occurred which blew out a portion of the west wall. This gave a warning, and the walls began to sag. Suddenly, they fell with a terrific crash onto the Tomlinson building. The frame structure was fairly buried beneath the ruins. The firemen kept a flood of water playing on the buildings.

Mr. Wilkinson’s building, used by the Salvation Army, was fired, but only partially burned before the walls fell, carrying a portion of its front wall away. It was well after midnight when the fire was under control.

The rear of the Hull building was occupied by Moses Rubenstein, who kept a junk shop. He had an immense pile of old rags, and it is thought the fire originated in this quarter, but in what manner is not known.

A force of men was put today in removing the things which were buried beneath the debris in the Tomlinson shop. The greater portion of the horse shoes were recovered, amounting to nearly a hundred kegs. The origin of the fire is still a mystery. The explosion is also unaccounted for. The insurance adjusters will visit the town in a few days.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 20, 1895
Mr. Henry G. McPike reports that his new variety of grapes, the Mammoth, is in splendid condition, and gives promise of producing a crop of magnificent fruit. The berries are very large, and the bunches long and numerous. The Mammoth is one of Mr. McPike’s own origin. He has grafted a large number of roots, which will be put on the market soon.


(Home of Henry Guest McPike)
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 11, 1895
The Horticultural Society met pursuant to notices duly given, the President E. A. Riehl in the chair. The Secretary being absent, Orville A. Snedeker was on motion selected. The table was well spread with fruit and flowers.

The committee on grounds made the following report: The home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Guest McPike is situated on the high second bluffs of Alton, about one-half mile back from the Mississippi River. It embraces and enclosure of 12 acres. The lawn is studden with evergreens. Some of the finest specimens of the Norway Spruce in this part of the State can be found here. There are some 40 varieties of evergreens, and most every conceivable variety of hardy shrubs and roses. The walks are arranged in serpentine shape, and are well filled with crushed rock. A large brick mansion with balcony, spacious porticos, and beautiful bay windows, together with the large hall and elegant furnishings, make it indeed one of the most attractive homes we have ever visited, presided over, and managed with that Kentucky hospitality, cordiality, and congenialty which can only be exhibited in reality by the Kentuckian. The grounds are well set with fruit of all kinds, and are full, the frost of last Spring doing them but little damage. His grapes are particularly choice, and embrace about 30 varieties. He has a new variety which bids fair to enlist the examination of all fruit growers and dealers. It is a seedling from the Wilder, and is only possessed by himself. The grape is very large, the vines now average 20 percent of fruit, the bunches are perfect, the grape is as large as many varieties of plums, and when ripe, is said to be of fine flavor and tone. He has christened this promising variety with the name of McPike’s Mammoth, and will arrange for its extensive propagation and sale if his former years of successes are justified by this year’s experience with the variety. He is an intense hater of humbugs, and those who know him know he can hate hard, and will not introduce or recommend a fruit until thoroughly tested.

The President announced that dinner was spread, and the society adjourned. After which the usual social features of the society were prevalent, and all with one accord were glad that they had taken this day to visit the home of Mr. and Mrs. McPike, a thought long to be remembered, the July Horticulture at Mt. Lookout Park.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 02, 1895
The White Hussar Band carried off every honor in sight at the Modern Woodmen picnic yesterday. The band went up Wednesday evening, where they had been engaged to play all day. When the boys left Wednesday evening, they were somewhat dubious as to the result of the contest, because of the hard work they would have to perform, but it seems that they overcame all obstacles, and swept everything before them. About fifteen bands were present at the picnic, including the famous Jacksonville Juveniles, Watch Factory Band of Springfield, Mt. Olive, and others. Most of the bands, however, seemed to be afraid to enter the contest, and only Mt. Olive, Jacksonville, and Alton competed for the prize.

The Mt. Olive band played first, and Alton last. The two selections played by the White Hussar Band were Verdi’s “Orpheus” and an impromptu Overture, and the almost perfect manner in which the pieces were vendered may be judged by the splendid record given them by the judges, all well known and competent musicians. The number of points scored by the Alton band was 92.3; the Jacksonville band scored 90 points; and the Mt. Olive third, 87 points. The decision gave great satisfaction to the large number of people who heard their music, and was fair and impartial to all.

The Jacksonville Juvenile band is one of the best in the State, and has been in existence for fifteen years, so it may be seen what kind of talent the White Hussars had to contend with. The band created a favorable impression in all quarters, and received a liberal share of applause. Prof. Ring, a prominent musician and one of the judges, was especially outspoken in his praise of the quality of their music. The band returned at midnight. They were met at the depot by a large number of their admirers, and celebrated their victory by disbursing sweet music in front of Hotel Madison.

The success of the band reflects great credit on their efficient leader, Prof. R. Gossrau, who has been untiring in his efforts to bring it up to a high degree of excellence. His son, Mr. Otto Gossrau, had charge of the band yesterday, and he is today feeling greatly elated, as well as all of the members, over their success.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 15, 1895
Mr. William Feldwisch Sr. has subdivided a tract of his property fronting on Washington Avenue. He has laid it off in 60 lots, with streets running through the subdivision. The lots fronting on Washington Avenue have a building line of 30 feet from the sidewalk. The property will be sold with a provision to this effect in each deed. There will be no fences, and the front will present a handsome appearance in green lawns and buildings on an even line. The subdivision has numerous streets running through it, all of which have been, or will be, made at the expense of Mr. Feldwisch. One street is named Cleveland Avenue, after the President. Others have pretty names in keeping with the appearance of the subdivision as planned. This is one of the finest pieces of property in the city, commands an excellent view of the river, and will find quick sale when put on the market. It is convenient to the electric car line, to the glass works station on all the railroads, and in every way desirable property. Mr. Walton Rutledge, surveyor, laid out the subdivision for Mr. Feldwisch.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 15, 1895
Sunday night a lady residing near the store of Mr. John Hinrichs on East Second Street [Broadway], while passing, heard a crackling sound within the building, but on account of the old-fashioned wooden blinds was unable at once to see the flames. A few minutes later, she noticed the flames leaping past the transom glass over the door in the rear of the building. A fire alarm was at once turned in, but although the hose companies made good time, on their arrival at the burning building the fire had gained considerable headway. The doors were burst open, and two streams of water speedily put to work to quench the flames. After several hours hard work, the last vestige of the conflagration was smothered under a perfect deluge of water.

The fire is supposed to have originated in the rear of the store, and is thought to have been caused by two electric light wires from which the insulation had been worn. The fact that when the firemen arrived the two wires were still showering sparks, gives credence to the supposition.

Mr. Hinrichs estimates his stock on hand at the time of the fire of about $4,500, with $3,500 insurance. The entire stock is completely ruined. The building is the property of Mr. William Sonntag, and is damaged to the extend of about $1,000.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 5, 1895
The new grape propagated by Mr. Henry Guest McPike at his Mount Lookout Park in Alton is something wonderful, both in size, quality, and flavor. It has Worden for its parent, with all its good qualities; it is unequaled in leaf and bloom; it has large bunches, and berries of equal size, and has a perfect character in every point. It is superb in quality. Its color and flavor are like the Worden. Its berries are larger than any other on the list, and measure three inches in circumference. It is easily the best grape, and is without a fault of peer.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 10, 1895
The opening exercises of the Spalding Club Building were held Friday night in the elegant auditorium of the building. A large number of friends of the club turned out to attend the exercises. The auditorium was beautifully decorated with flowers, and at 8 o’clock, when the program commenced, the hall presented a brilliant appearance. The first number on the program was a march, “Honey Moon,” and played by the Alton City Band in their usual faultless style. After music by the band, the principal address of the evening was delivered by Hon. R. Graham Frost of St. Louis. Mr. Frost took for his subject “Intellectual Culture for Young Men.” The address was an intelligent and oratorical feast, and was highly appreciated. Fr. Spalding and Mr. J. F. McGinnis also delivered informal addresses. The second part of the program was a concert by the Alton City Band. Mr. R. Gossrau acted as Musical Directory, and Miss Lucy Biggins as accompanist.

The apparatus for the gymnasium has not yet arrived, but is expected the first of next week. It will be placed immediately on its arrival, and the gymnasium opened to the members.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 10, 1895
Plans are being drawn for the remodeling of the Nisbett building, corner of Second [Broadway] and Market Streets. It will include a handsome front for the first store, with corner entrance. The offices in the second story to be changed to suites, with new lighting, hot water heating, and all the conveniences which a building of the kind needs.

The Nicolas Bros. have moved their barbershop from East Alton to Alton. The wind and sand will shave people on the sand ridge after this.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 10, 1895
Mr. Charles Lamothe of West Alton, Missouri was in town yesterday, and gave a representative of the Telegraph the cheering information that work would begin Thursday of this week on a smelting works at West Alton, formerly called Bellefontaine Junction, in Missouri. Mr. Lamothe states that the site has been purchased by a company which will be known by the name of the West Alton Smelting Works. The contracts for the erection of the buildings have been let, and work will begin tomorrow. The works will employ 50 hands when completed. Mr. Lamothe stated that it was his intention to use all his influence in his possession to aid the contractors to buy as much of the building material in Alton as possible. That Alton would, in his opinion, be greatly benefited by the location of the smelting works at West Alton, in Missouri, only two miles from the city.

The smelting works is for the purpose of reducing all kinds of ores, and is owned by a gentleman named Hatfeldt from Newport, Kentucky. Mr. LaMothe stated that the deal had been on the tapis for three weeks, and he did not care to say anything about it until it was assured.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1895
Such is the scarcity of boys of 14 years and upwards in Alton, that the glass works company has sent out agents to secure the removal of families to this city. The plant has an immense business here. It is now crippled by the Factory Inspection law, making it necessary to scour surrounding towns for boys. Where there is a father with several boys over 14 years of age, and who will remove to Alton with his family, he and his boys are guaranteed work. Considerable success has attended the efforts of these agents, and the consequence is that small houses renting from $10 to $15 per month are in great demand.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 7, 1895
A feeling of the complete instability of all things terrestrial impressed itself on the denizens of this terrestrial sphere Thursday morning at 5 o’clock, when old mother earth woke from her slumbers, gave herself a few shakes to convince herself that she was still there, and then went to sleep again, and everything resumed business at the old stand – except the clocks. Clocks all over town were stopped by the unusual behavior of the usually staid old mother of humanity. According to the degree of fright, different observers give widely varying reports of the length of the shocks, but most agree that three minutes would exceed the whole time of the shakes. Old residents pronounce the shock the worst felt in this locality for many years, and many had never felt its like before.

The chimney on the residence of Mr. John Armstrong on Bluff Street was shaken down. The brick fell down the chimney into the rooms, and covered everything in the room with dirt and soot. The earthquake destroyed two chimneys on Mr. Thomas McGinnis’ house in North Alton, also two on Mr. Hitt’s.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 14, 1895
Mr. Henry Guest McPike states that in all probability he will in the near future erect a hotel on the island opposite Alton, known as Lincoln and Shields Park, named in honor of the two distinguished men who at one time had engaged to fight a duel on that spot. Mr. McPike states that he will also erect a monument to their memory on the spot where the duel was to have occurred.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 5, 1895
Early Thursday morning, the streets of Alton began to take on a crowded appearance, and the casual observer might have noticed that something out of the ordinary was about to occur. Wagons and buggies from the country, loaded with people, began to arrive early by the hundreds, and the morning trains added still more to the crowd. The announcement that St. Mary’s German Catholic Church on Henry Street, which has been several years in building, had been completed, and was to be dedicated on Thanksgiving Day, was sufficient to attract the large number who came through the snow and wet to witness the ceremonies. Large delegations were present from Edwardsville, Jerseyville, Springfield, Brighton, St. Louis, and the surrounding country towns, headed by the different pastors of the respective towns. The delegations were met at the depot by the Standard Band, and escorted to the new church, where many for the first time viewed the magnificent edifice, and exclamations of surprise could be heard on all sides at its size and beauty.

The consecration ceremonies took place at 8 a.m., during which the public was not admitted. The ceremonies were impressive, and were performed by Rt. Rev. Bishop Janssen of Belleville, and Rt. Rev. Bishop Ryan of Alton. Bishop Janssen consecrated the church and high altar; Bishop Ryan consecrated the side altars. After the consecration, the church was thrown open to the public. An immense crowd thronged the church. Pontifical High Mass was sung by Rt. Rev. Bishop Janssen, and the attendant service was performed by a score of priests and altar boys. After Pontifical High Mass, Bishop Ryan delivered a sermon in English, and Very Rev. Provincial P. Michael, O.S.F., preached in German. After the sermons the “Te Deum” was intoned by Bishop Janssen and sung by the choir and congregation. The dedication ceremonies were completed by 1:30 o’clock.

The Bishops and clergy repaired to St. Mary’s School, where an excellent dinner was served to them by the young ladies of the church. The congregation and visitors took dinner at Turner Hall, where a feast had been spread and was served under the direction of the ladies of the congregation.

A grand parade had been arranged for the afternoon, but the sloppy condition of the streets deterred many from taking part. But a very creditable procession was formed at the Turner Hall at 3 o’clock, and marched down Second Street [Broadway], and through the principal streets. The order of the procession was as follows, F. Volbracht, Grand Marshall.

Grand Marshal and Aids
Standard Band
Carriages and Clergy
Mayor and City Council
Carriages with Distinguished Guests
St. Joseph’s Society and old members of St. Mary’s Congregation
Visiting Societies
Children and Young Men’s Societies
White Hussar Band
Alton Catholic Society
Sts. Peter and Paul’s Branch W.C.U.
St. Patrick’s Branch W.C.U.
St. Boniface Branch W.C.U.
General Public

In the evening, a large crowd assembled at Turner Hall, where a general good time was enjoyed in feasting, music, and other diversions. The dedication was an immense success, notwithstanding the very unfavorable weather, and will be long remembered by those who participated in it.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 12, 1895
One of the things to which North Alton may point with pride is the immense plant of the paving brick company just east of the village. Although outside of the village limits, and owned by Alton capital, it is nevertheless North Alton men who do the work, and in this way lay a claim to it. With the close of the present season has ended a year of unusual activity and prosperity. But very little time has been lost since the beginning of operations last spring, and then only for want of kiln room. The limited number of kilns and the hot weather alone causing a shut down occasionally. A new dry press brick machine was put in place, and at present is the only machine running. Having a capacity of 20,000 brick per day, it will be but a short time until the second experimental kiln will be full, and then the entire plant will be at rest for the winter. Only a limited number of dry pressed brick have been made, but if the experiment proves a success, and a ready market can be found, the management proposes to erect several more kilns to accommodate this machine, and enter the business in earnest next year. This year forty kilns of brick have been burned, with an average capacity of 285,000, making a total of 9,050,000 brick. All of these brick have not been disposed of, but they must be cleared away before the beginning of next year’s operations. Thus, it will be seen that an enterprise for which the citizens of Alton and North Alton worked so faithfully to establish is becoming one of the leading industries of its kind in the country.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 12, 1895
The old fire department house on Market Street, near Second Street [Broadway], has been leased from the city for a term of twenty-five years by the Alton Railway & Illuminating Company, and the work of tearing down the unsafe old trap was begun this morning. A new front of fine cut stone will be put in for the first story, while elegant building brick will be used in the second story. A new roof will be put on, and plate glass will adorn the windows. The lower story will be used for waiting rooms, while the upper story will be converted into offices, and will be the headquarters of the company. One-thousand or fifteen-hundred dollars will be spent by the company in remodeling the building, and it will become a thing of utility and beauty, instead of a dreary-looking and really dangerous pile.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 02, 1896
Twenty years ago, Mr. John Zimmerman, a mining expert, bade his wife and children goodbye, and told them he would not return until he had accumulated a fortune. He founded the zinc plant at Peru, Illinois, now one of the greatest zinc plants in the world, but he lost that, and started for the mining districts to begin life anew. For five years nothing came his way, but he kept to his purpose and kept his word. His family, the children all having reached manhood and womanhood, moved to St. Louis, and afterwards came to Alton, where five of them now reside, and have families of their own.

On Christmas Day, Mr. John Zimmerman arrived in Alton, and the time since he has spent with his wife and children. Monday, he left for New Market, Tennessee, where he owns a valuable mine. Himself and partners also owned and operate a large smelter in the gas belt of Indiana, and for the combined properties, they have been offered one million dollars. As soon as possible, Mr. Zimmerman, who owns a third interest, will dispose of it and return to Alton, where he will spend the remainder of his days, and where, probably himself and sons will engage in some sort of business. He has made a fortune, and while the years of separation were hard ones, he is satisfied, now that a reunion has taken place, and that he has accumulated sufficient to aid them all most materially in the battle of life. It has been a week of most joyous festivities for all the relatives. Reunions, feasts, and social entertainments were held at the house of each family, alternately, the closing one being held last night at the home of the daughter, Mrs. John Collins, on Danforth Street, where a most delightful evening was spent in music, singing, and feasting.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 09, 1896
Colonel W. H. Fulkerson of Jerseyville was in Alton Friday, preparing abstracts and papers to turn over the Neal tract of 40 acres to four Alton gentlemen, who have purchased the same, and intend opening another magnificent addition to Alton. The land is just east of the ballpark, and just within the Alton city limits. The purchasers are Curdie & Maupin and Messrs. O. S. Stowell and Chalres F. Steizel. It is the intention of the purchasers of the Neal tract in the East End to plat that portion of their purchase lying next to railroads, subdivide it into lots, and sell for residence purposes. The remainder of the tract will be kept for manufacturing sites, should factories seeking locations come here, and as an inducement for factories to come, land will be sold them at prices which practically mean for nothing.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1896
The citizens of Alton will regret to learn that the owners of the Piasa Woolen Mills have closed down their plant, and will not reopen it again. It will be offered for sale as an entirety. If not sold in that way, the machinery and stock will be sold to anyone who wishes to buy, in any quantity. The reason for the shut down is that competition is so sharp, and profits so light, that with the capital now employed, the returns are so small as to make it unwise to continue the business. The passage of the Wilson tariff law compels competition with cheap foreign labor, and together with greatly decreased sales caused by dull times, the owners feel that they are not justified in continuing longer. They tried to get an addition to their capital stock here in Alton, but failed to induce any subscriptions, notwithstanding they scaled down the value of their plant 40 percent. The mills are in excellent shape, and after scaling down the value and deducting a mortgage of $8,000 on the plant, the value is $58,000. The owners are confident that they will be able to sell everything without loss to themselves. Besides the dullness in business, the owners of the mills feel that the city authorities have treated them unfairly in ordering a new sidewalk laid in front of their property, and failing to do the same in the block immediately south of them.

Messrs. A. Neerman and M. H. Boals are the principal owners. Captain N. Bueson of Jerseyville is also a shareholder. Mr. W. J. Boals, Superintendent of the mills, tendered his resignation yesterday, and there is now only a watchman employed at the mills.

It is unfortunate that these well known and enterprising business men could not secure the help they needed to enlarge their output to continue their business. The profits are so small, that unless the mills are operated to their full capacity, it is not worthwhile to run the risk that manufacturers are called upon to take. If Messrs. Neerman and Boals could have secured an addition to the capital stock of the company of from $15,000 to $25,000, they would have continued to operate the mills, but failing in this, the risks were too great to continue. The mills have employed as high as 95 persons in the building, and 30 or 40 outside, and spent from $16,000 to $28,000 per year for salaries and other expenses.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 13, 1896
The transformation of the old hose house building on Market Street to an office for the Alton Railway and Illuminating Company is rapidly taking shape. A Bedford sand-stone front will improve the looks of the building, which will be also beautifully fitted up on the inside. A handsome, massive _____ was received by Mr. Porter today, which will be encased in a steel _____ in the building.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 05, 1896
The following special some time since appeared in the Hillsboro Journal daily press:

“Upon the spot where Abraham Lincoln and James Shields met in Alton, Illinois, September 23, 1842, to fight a duel, a monument commemorating the event will be erected by ex-Mayor Henry G. McPike of Alton. The meeting was bloodless, as seconds and friends brought about an understanding. Some satirical contributions to the Springfield newspaper by Miss Mary Todd, then engaged to marry Lincoln, brought on the trouble.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 23, 1896
The Beall Bros. have just about completed an extensive addition to their tool factory on Belle Street. When finished, together with the new machinery that will be put in, they will have expended between $6,000 and $8,000, and will employ a larger force of men than ever. These enterprising men began this extensive factory in 1884, with only two men and in a very small shop. Gradually they have increased their plant, until now it is one of the solid institutions of the city. None of the implements made by them are sold in Alton. Their trade spreads from California on the west, to Pennsylvania on the east; from the British Possessions on the northwest, to Mexico and South America. The firm, by its energy and tact, is daily increasing its business. Altonians are justly proud of, and in the future the Beall Bros. factory will no doubt be a greater benefit to Alton than in the past.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 30, 1896
The marriage of Miss Mary Eunice Wade, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pierson Wade, to Dr. Jay Leslie Oldham of New York City, was solemnized Wednesday at the home of the bride on Henry Street. Elaborate preparations were made for the event. The parlors, library, conservatory, and dining room were a veritable bower of beauty. The decorations in the library consisted of white lilacs and pot plants; in the conservatory purple lilacs; the stairway and banisters were entwined with dogwood. In the north parlor, where the ceremony was performed, the decorations were superb. The mantles were decked with white lilacs and plants. In the northeast corner was a canopy of wild crabapple blossoms and smilax, backed by a bank of palms under which the bridal party stood. The ceremony was witnessed by the relatives and a few friends. At 8 o’clock, the piano gave forth the sweet strains of Lohengrin’s wedding march, played by Miss Adelia Randall, and the groom accompanied by Rev. Thomas Gordon, D. D. of Middletown, New York, appeared, followed by the bridesmaids – Misses Loui Hatheway, Carrie Wade, Alice and Emily Drury. Bringing up the rear was the bride, leaning on the arm of her father. The bridal party took their position under the canopy in front of the officiating minister, Dr. Gordon. Dr. Gordon used a ceremony of his own. Master Hayner Gordon carried the ring on a silver plate, which at the proper time was placed on the finger of the bride.

The bride looked lovely in a gown of rich white satin, trimmed in white lace, and wore a diamond pin, a gift of the groom. The bridesmaids wore dresses of white satin, rimmed in pink and white ribbons.

At the conclusion of the ceremony and congratulations, a reception followed. The rooms were thronged with the numerous friends of the family and bride. Elegant refreshments were served under the direction of Mr. A. L. Daniels, and all the arrangements were perfect in every detail.

The presents were arrayed in an upper room and the sight of them filled one with admiration and delight. Among them was a gift from the Shakespeare Club, of which the bride is a member, of a complete edition of Rolf’s Shakespeare.

The bride in this happy event is a gifted daughter of one of Alton’s oldest and most highly respected families. She has been especially prominent in musical circles, and her accomplishments as a pianist are of the highest, and she will be greatly missed in the circles with which she was wont to associate. The groom is a D. D. S. of New York City, and stands at the head of his profession. He has for years been an intimate friend of Dr. Gordon’s. Mr. and Mrs. Oldham left at 10 o’clock last night for Chicago, where they will remain a day or two. They will be at home in two weeks at the Marlborough Hotel, Broadway and 35th Streets, New York City.

Mary Eunice Wade Oldham died in New York City in 1924. Her remains were brought to Alton for burial. Her husband, died in 1928. They had one son, Edward Wade Oldham, born in New York City in about 1899.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 26, 1896
At just exactly noon yesterday, the beautiful residence of Mr. H. M. Schweppe at Second and Easton Streets was discovered to be on fire. The horses in the hose houses had just finished their noonday practice drill, and were in good condition to make time in response to the fire alarm sent in. The family was all away from home, and the flames were first discovered issuing from the back of the house, climbing up the east side porch. The hose companies were soon on the spot, and two streams of water poured on the flames rapidly brought them under control. In about half an hour, the last vestige of fire was drowned out, and there remained the charred and burned wood and the soaked household goods to tell the tale. It is thought that the fire originated in the kitchen, but from what cause is unknown. The entire frame wing of the building, in the rear, is a total wreck. The insurance on the house is $3,000. Mrs. Schweppe is at Washington D.C., and the house was in charge of the servant girl, who had left shortly before noon on an errand. The girl returned soon after the fire was discovered, and rushing into the house, was almost suffocated by the smoke. She was prostrated by the shock, and unable to give any reason for the origin of the fire.


The Laura Building
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 11, 1896
Mr. George H. Smiley, real estate agent, concluded a deal by which the Presbyterian Church, corner of Market and Second Streets in Alton, was sold to a syndicate of St. Louis capitalists, represented by Mr. Manning Mayfield. The plan is to remodel the building for a postoffice.

The building, as remodeled, will present a handsome appearance on the outside, and will be fitting up inside with all modern conveniences. New and latest forms of post office fixtures will be put in. The lower story, with the exception of one small storeroom in one of the corners, will be devoted to the post office, with entrance for the carriers and public on Second Street, and the entrance to the postmaster’s room on Market Street. There will be three stories. The second to be fitted for offices, and the third for a lodge room or offices.

Fifty-two years ago (1844), the building was erected by the Presbyterian congregation. It was enlarged about 1854 or 1855. During all those years, it has been used as a church building. Rev. Dr. A. T. Norton was the pastor of the church when the building was erected. He was succeeded by Rev. Dr. C. H. Taylor, who remained with the church 10 years. In May 1869, Rev. Dr. C. S. Armstrong succeeded Mr. Taylor, and was pastor of the church 11 years; Rev. Dr. Thomas Gordon, in September 1881, followed Mr. Armstrong as pastor for 4 ½ years; Rev. Dr. A. T. Wolff was the next pastor for 4 ½ years, when the present pastor, Rev. G. W. Smith, Ph.D., entered upon the discharge of his duties.

The syndicate wishes to get possession of the building as soon as possible. It is quite likely that before July 01, or possibly by the middle of this month, arrangements will be made to vacate.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 02, 1896
Dr. W. H. Enos has just completed connecting his electrical baths at the Sanitarium, with the mineral water of the Alton Packing Company’s artesian well. A reservoir has been placed in the top story of the Enos Sanitarium, where the water is pumped by a small engine placed at the well by the Sanitarium. The bath rooms are fitted with the latest improvements, and either a mineral or a vapor electric bath and massage can be taken. The water, when first pumped from the well, has a peculiar odor, but when allowed to settle in the reservoir the odor leaves, and it has not a disagreeable taste. It certainly is beneficial, if used, as it contains the following mineral properties: silica, oxide of iron and aluminum, carbonate of lime, carbonate of magnesia, sulphate of lime, sodium and potassium chloride, and sodium and potassium carbonate. A number of patients at the sanitarium have already been much benefited by the bathing and use of the water. The sanitaarium is now prepared to furnish these baths in the most approved manner, and without doubt, the suffering, the weak and infirmed, will receive help from their judicious and persistent use for a season. A mineral electric bath in these depressing, hot days or evenings will renew the energies and vigor quicker than medicine. The baths will be given by experienced attendants, and with the application, together with the medical properties of the water and electricity, a source of health-giving power is easily and pleasantly obtained.


(To be Remodeled into a Post Office – The Laura Building)
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 02, 1896
The services at the Presbyterian Church were in the nature of a farewell, preparatory to the abandonment of the building, which is to be remodeled and occupied by the post office. The services in the morning were unusually largely attended. In the afternoon, a joint sacramental service with the Congregational Church was held, which was attended by a large percentage of the members of both churches. The pastor, Rev. G. W. Smith, Pd.D., delivered an appropriate sermon, taking his text from Ezra 3:12. The pastor recounted the many joyful scenes that had been enacted in the church, as well as some sorrowful ones, and of the sheltering and protecting care it had spread over so many hundreds. Three of the members of the church who were members of fifty years ago, when the present building was erected, were able to be at the service in the afternoon. The venerable Mrs. Eliza R. Norton, widow of Rev. Dr. A. T. Norton, who was pastor of the church at that time; Mr. Charles Phinney; and Mrs. Susa P. Sargent. One other member of the church, who was then a member and officer, and is still an office and member, Mr. P. B. Whipple, was unable to attend by the infirmities of old age. There was many an eye to which the tears involuntarily sprang, and many a voice that trembled as the goodbyes were said to the old home of fifty years or more.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 09, 1896
The Root building on Belle Street is being repaired, and put in condition for a new grocery store, which will be opened soon by the Bauer Grocery Company of St. Louis.

E. H. Goulding and sons have leased the Waples building at Third and Piasa Streets, now occupied by Lampert & Son and the Singer Sewing Machine Agency, and will occupy it about September 15. They will fit it up nicely with plate glass mirrors and a new front, both storerooms to be thrown into one.


(Laura Building)
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 09, 1896
The bids are in for the remodeling of the Presbyterian Church building, which has been bought by Mr. Huntington Smith of St. Louis, and will be remodeled for a post office building. The contract calls for the almost entire rebuilding of the present building. The first story of the front will be stone, and another story will be added, a description of which has appeared before.


(Laura Building)
Source: Alton Telegraph, July 30, 1896
In talking of remodeling of the Presbyterian Church for a post office, Captain Hollister, one of the oldest members and officials, said, “I have not been in the building since the removal of the church furniture. It was home to me, and I do not care to look at it only as I have known it for so many years. The bell, which has been used for so long, was purchased by Mr. Isaac Scarritt from the owners of the steamboat, Bunker Hill No. 3. The bell, Mr. Scarritt supposed, had more silver in it than the ordinary run of bells, and therefore its purchase. Its tone was always considered above the average. The Bunker Hillwas, I believe, an Ohio river boat, which made occasional trips up the Mississippi, landing at Alton. The boat was sold, and probably rebuilt, therefore the bell was disposed of to Mr. Scarritt for the church.”

In this connection, it may be said that Captain Hollister is an old steamboat man, having entered the river trade in 1848, and continuing in it until 1858. The bell of the Bunker Hill No. 3, succeeded another bell with a history. Benjamin Godfrey, founder of the Monticello Seminary, erected a house of worship for the Presbyterians, in which other denominations worshipped, on the site now occupied by the Episcopal Church. Mr. Godfrey sold the church rather unceremoniously to the Episcopalians. The sale, it was contended, carried with it the bell, as it was attached to the building. Legally, this was probably correct. At any rate, the Presbyterian congregation were very loath to give up the bell which they had purchased. One night, the late William Hayden, father of Mr. George D. Hayden, organized a party, and with block and tackle lowered the bell from the tower, and removed it to another place, and when the new Presbyterian Church was built in 1846, it was placed in it. On the 40th anniversary of the arrival of Rev. A. T. Norton, D.D., as pastor of the church, he preached a sermon in the church relating to the above incident, of which this is the substance as nearly as the writer can now call the facts to mind.

Source: Alton Telegraph, August 6, 1896
Mr. Huntington Smith, the owner of the old Presbyterian Church building, has not yet decided whether to make a three story building of his new enterprise. As the contracts at present stand, there will be but two stories, but before the building is completed, Mr. Smith may decide to add the third story.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 03, 1896
Mrs. Henry Guest McPike entertained a large number of lady friends at her beautiful home on upper Alby Street, Thursday afternoon, with a fruit feast. All Mr. McPike’s fruit, and especially his grapes, have the reputation of being the finest grown, and were enjoyed to the fullest extent by the ladies. The afternoon was a delightful one, and Mrs. McPike’s reputation as an entertainer is again the theme of her guests. Her “Fruit Feast” will be long remembered by her guests.


Mr. Henry Guest McPike
Source: Alton Telegraph, September 10, 1896
Mr. Henry McPike stated for the record:
The Alton Horticultural Society is the oldest horticultural society in the Mississippi Valley, dating its origin back to the year 1853. It was, however, not until about 1860 that grape culture received much attention. I planted about two hundred varieties, and Mr. Riehl has also a great many different kinds of grapes, but I have found that it does not pay. Let us discard some of the kind that don’t pay, and give our undivided attention to the newer grapes of promise, and the good old reliable Concordia. We have been bringing to this society for years grapes which it does not pay to grow, and hereafter I will not bring the Catawba, Clinton, Diana, Delaware, Lady Washington, Rodgers, Isabella, Empire State, Havemont, nor the California varieties. The Goethe and Norton’s Virginia are too good to discard, though I am almost tempted to do so, as it does not pay to grow them. I want a grape that I can raise by the carload. Cut off your worthless ones and root graft to grapes that pay. In two years, you can then have a fine vineyard of the best grapes that grow. Never grut out an old vineyard; that is wasting force. The grapes on the tables, many of them are from wood of one years’ growth.

Mr. Riehl responded:
I agree with Mr. McPike in his advising us not to bring any more in these meetings the old varieties which we have found to be of no value to us, but the newer kinds brought as much to discover their faults as their good qualities, and committees in making awards would do well in mentioning the characteristic points of the fruits examined. Of the new grapes in my collection, “gold Coin” is a promising variety, being free from rot and fungus diseases generally. Perry is a good wine grape, very compact and late. Neva Minnsey has fine healthy foliage and is late. Seedling No. 1 of Niagara has an immense bunch, and Red Niagara is its parent over again, has the Concord vine and the Niagara grape.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 17, 1896
Job & Co. this morning commenced work preliminary to the paving of City Hall Square. A large force of men was started to tearing up the macadam. A plough with six horses attached does the work, and the macadam is loaded into the wagons and hauled off. The plough does effective work, and it will be only a few days till the macadam is up and the street ready for the pavers. The work was watched with interest by the visitors in town. Applications for jobs were numerous, quite a number of strangers coming to town expecting to get work.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 01, 1896
Mr. Huntington Smith of St. Louis, owner of the new post office building, was in Alton this morning in company with Mr. Manning Mayfield, inspecting his property. Mr. Smith decided to add a third story to the building, and will have the work commenced in a short time. In the meantime, the post office proper will be completed, and the post office moved in without waiting for the addition of the third story, as that work can be done conveniently afterwards. Mr. Mayfield brought some specimens of the tile that will be used for the post office floor. The tile is of the Mosaic style, and will make a handsome floor.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 19, 1896
The Huse-Loomis Ice Company has secured a lease of fifteen years on the icefield in the bay at McPike Island. The company is making extensive preparations to harvest an immense crop of ice this winter, if conditions are favorable. All the ice houses are empty, and if the ice freezes to a sufficient thickness, it would mean employment to hundreds of men. Mr. Henry McPike has acquired the possession of three-fourths of a mile of the Missouri shore, south of the McPike Island. The land was purchased from the Huse-Loomis Ice Company.


Source: The Alton Evening Telegraph, December 02, 1896
President Cleveland yesterday announced that he had appointed Miss Julia Buckmaster to succeed her brother, John Buckmaster, as Postmaster in this city. Miss Buckmaster applied early to Senator Palmer. Her father, the Postmistress Julia Buckmasterlate Colonel Samuel A. Buckmaster, was an old-time friend of Senator Palmer's, and now when he had an opportunity, he remembered his old friend, and endorsed the appointment of his daughter. A reporter of the Telegraph called at Miss Buckmaster's residence early this morning. When informed of it by the reporter, she showed unmistakable signs of pleasure. The Telegraph extends congratulations to Miss Buckmaster on her good fortune.

For more than a month, it has almost been positively known by the best posted people in Alton that Mr. Milnor would not get the office, and that it was more than likely that Miss Buckmaster would be the fortunate individual. Miss Buckmaster will probably not be able to take possession of the office until after her confirmation by the Senate, which convenes next Monday. All appointments made during the session of Congress must be confirmed prior to the person becoming invested with the office, and as Congress meets in a few days, Miss Buckmaster's appointment will undoubtedly be promptly confirmed.

Charley Milnor, Miss Buckmaster's chief opponent, is a good fellow and deserves almost any appointment he might aspire to. He was endorsed by the Democratic clubs in 1885 for postmaster, but another got it. He was a candidate and very popular four years ago, but failed again. Mr. Milnor did not have official influence on his side. This time a few of his backers were Republicans, some of whom went on a mission to Springfield, to Senator Palmer, for Mr. Milnor, but evidently, they had no more influence than his former Democratic "pushers."

Julia Buckmaster was the daughter of Colonel Samuel A. Buckmaster, and granddaughter of Colonel Nathaniel Buckmaster – both State Legislatures and wardens of the Alton penitentiary. She was born in the warden’s residence in the prison. She attended Alton school, and then a young lady’s school in Philadelphia. She was a born leader and social powerhouse in Alton, and was intelligent and well liked. She lived at 1121 State Street, and died there in January 1912.


(In the Laura Building)
Source: Alton Telegraph, December 03, 1896
Acting Postmaster Job, with his corps of assistants, took possession of the new post office last Saturday night and Sunday morning, for the first time all mail was sent out from the new postal headquarters. The interior of the office is handsomely fitted up, and barring the bad judgment displayed by the owner in making the small storeroom in the northwest corner of the building, the arrangement is faultless. The floors are prettily tiled in the vestibule, and the artistic furniture and the conveniences, together with the gentle heat of the hot water apparatus, makes it a most inviting place. All the furniture is new, and the boxes have a system of combination locks on them that are very up-to-date, but will no doubt be somewhat confusing to a box renter with bad eyesight. The woodwork is all of polished oak, finished with brass trimmings. The furnishings include a new set of office fixtures, much more convenient that the old style. A nice oak writing desk with ink wells is placed in the corridor for public use. The room and its furnishings are very pretty, and is quite an improvement over the old post office.

Mr. Huntington Smith, the proprietor of the building, is entitled to thanks for giving Alton the handsomest post office building, and the most convenient and up-to-date fixtures in the State, if not in the West, outside of government buildings.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 10, 1896
Captain Huntington Smith, owner of the new post office building, has decided to name it the “Laura Building,” in honor of his noble wife, Mrs. Laura Griswold Smith, who is a lady of high musical talents, a celebrity in those circles in St. Louis.

Contractor Weld went to St. Louis yesterday to procur the joists for the third story of the building, which will now be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible.

The Laura Building is located at the southeast corner of Market and Broadway in Alton. The original building on this property was a frame structure, constructed in 1829 by Beal Howard, in which a hotel was located. It began as the Union Hotel, and the name later changed to the Virginia House and then the Central Hotel. The hotel was destroyed by fire. In 1846, the First Presbyterians constructed a brick edifice on the site. They were located there until 1896, when Captain Huntingdon Smith, a St. Louis realtor, purchased the property. He added a third story, and named it the Laura Building in honor of his wife, and leased the building to the post office and other offices. A fourth floor was added in 1908. Later, businesses such as the Faulstich Cigar Store, Lake View College of Commerce, Y.M.C.A., and Brown’s Business College were located in the building. The building still stands.

Captain Huntington Smith was born March 15, 1847, in Louisville, Kentucky, and died of a stroke in October 1907, at his summer home in Castleton, Vermont. His wife, Laura, for whom the building is named, was born July 3, 1848, in Benson, Vermont, and died in Castleton, Vermont in August 1904. Her father was William Griswold, a railroad executive, who served as president of the Terre Haute, Alton, & St. Louis Railroad in 1859, and in 1864 served as president of the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad. He also was a prominent lawyer of the firm Griswold & Usher. Captain and Laura Smith had three children, all born in St. Louis – William Dickinson Griswold Smith (1873-1928); Hamilton Smith (1875-1943); and Ralph Lancaster Smith (1880-1918).

Laura Building, Alton, IL


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 24, 1896
A daring robbery and a murderous shooting affray, Saturday night, was added to the misdeeds of three negroes who are at present held in the stronghold of the city jail. The robbery occurred first, and the shooting affray followed. About ten o’clock, three negroes entered the little grocery of Mrs. Mary Belnueke at Liberty and Union Streets, and drawing revolvers, pointed them at two helpless women in the store, the owner and her daughter, Mrs. Clara French, ordering them to be as quiet as possible. One covered the two women, and the other went behind the counter and rifled the money drawer, taking about $8 to $10. In the meanwhile, a little child of Mrs. Belnueke had escaped from the store and told a neighbor lady, a Mrs. Ferris, that robbers were in the store. That lady, arming herself with a revolver, sallied forth and saw the three men running north on Liberty Street, after dividing the money. She fired two shots at the fleeing figures, and just there was what made vents shape themselves as they did.

Officer Budde, hearing the shots, ran from Twelfth and Henry to the place where the sounds came from, and met the three men running. They answered his command to stop with a shot, which laid the officer low. His pistol would not fire, and the officer was completely at the mercy of the thugs. They jumped on him and brutally assaulting him, would have killed him but for assistance that came from an unexpected quarter. Chief of Police Kuhn, on his way home, got off an electric streetcar at Twelfth and Henry Streets. He had not heard the shots, but hearing the subsequent cries for help, and thinking that a fight was in progress, ran to the rescue. While Chief Kuhn was still in the moonlight and about twenty feet from the struggling officer and his assailants, a shot was unexpectedly fired at him, the ball taking effect in the right side of his abdomen. He fell, but rising to a sitting posture, he began firing at the fleeing men. Seeing the police officer, Budde, lying against the fence, he mistook him for one of the rang and fired a second bullet into the helpless man, which took effect in his leg above his knee. By this time, the neighborhood was aroused, and several men carried the wounded police officers to Dr. Haskell’s house, which is adjacent to the scene of the shooting. Policeman Budde’s wounds were first dressed, and then those of Chief Kuhn, and from first appearances, the former was the severest wounded of the two. Both are injured in the abdomen, and the wounds are quite serious.

As soon as news of the shooting reached police headquarters, every available police officer and constable in the three Altons, and a number of citizens were sent out searching for the robbers. The whole country was scoured, but no trace of them was found.

In the meantime, trouble was begun in the U.B.O.F. Hall, where a dance was in progress. The two Wright brothers from Upper Alton had arrived there shortly after ten o’clock, and made an unprovoked assault on Sam Hutchinson, which resulted in a free-for-all fight, and the police were sent for to quell the disturbance and disperse the crowd. A warrant was issued for the arrest of the two Wrights, and the fact that they had been seen to go in the direction of the place where the robbery occurred, and their actions at the time made them suspects. They were arrested Sunday morning, and Mrs. French identified them positively as the ones who entered the store and robbed it. They were locked up in separate cells, and each was ignorant of the fact that the other was under arrest. Later on in the afternoon, Peter Baker of Upper Alton, who had been seen with the two Wrights early in the evening, was arrested and locked up on suspicion.

When it became known that Chief of Police Kuhn and Officer Budde had been perhaps fatally wounded, and that the persons guilty of the crime were locked up in jail, an excited crowd gathered around the jail and talked of having a necktie party. Police patrolled the vicinity of the jail, and this fact, together with the absence of someone to lead, prevented the crowd from doing as it talked. It was about 11 p.m. before the cold winds compelled the crowd to disperse.

The wounded men, after having their injuries dressed, were taken to their homes where they now are resting fairly easy, and it is hoped that they will both ultimately recover. Chief Kuhn’s condition was considered most favorable. As he did not get a close look at the three men, he could not be positive as to their identity. He was able to give directions as to what is to be done. Officer Allen is now acting Chief.

While Constables Batterton and Streeper were out hunting for the men Saturday night, the latter had a narrow escape from being shot. They were driving up Washington Street, and Constable Batterton saw a man running. He raised his pistol to fire, and just then the horse jumped, and the pistol accidentally went off. The bullet passed through the mustache of Constable Streeper, and through the left shoulder of his overcoat.

Officer Budde first stated that he thought that at least one of the Wright brothers was in the gang, but because of the suddenness of the onslaught that was made on him, he was unable to fully recognize any of them. Joseph Lowry, another bad man, was arrested on suspicion and is now in jail, and because of the discrepancies in his accounts of his whereabouts, his guilt is suspected. The four prisoners were taken to the besides of the wounded men this afternoon for identification.

Thomas and Manuel Wright and Joseph Lowry were given a hearing Monday before Squire Brandewiede. They pleaded not guilty, and were put under $10,000 bonds apiece. They were taken to be identified by Mrs. Belnucke and Officer Budde, and were then taken directly to Edwardsville.

The three suspected robbers, Joseph Lowry and Manuel and Tom Wright, are now in Edwardsville, having been taken there Tuesday night. They were first chained together, and then placed in a rig and driven to the home of Mrs. Belnueke, who identified the three men as the ones who robbed her store. They were next driven to the home of Officer Budde, who under oath swore that Joseph Lowry is the man who clubbed him Saturday night while he was lying on the ground, and that one of the other two shot him, but as to which one it was, he could not say.

Witnesses have been found who saw Lowry empty his revolver of the empty shells and reload it, at the same time referring to Chief of Police Kuhn with an indecent epithet he remarked, “I got him.” The prisoners were taken to Edwardsville hurriedly, because it was feared that when their guilt had been fully established, a popular outbreak might take place and summary justice be dealt to the guilty ones. Chieef of Police Kuhn and Officer Budde were still improving at last accounts.

Source: Alton Telegraph, January 7, 1897
Patrolman Chris H. Budde, who was so seriously injured by being shot by burglars two weeks ago Saturday night, has sufficiently recovered and went to Edwardsville Wednesday and appeared before the Grand Jury, and to testify against the three colored men charged with the crime – the two Wrights and Joseph Lowry. Chief of Police Kuhn was over Monday, and appeared before the Grand Jury, as was also Mrs. Beinicke, whose store was robbed by the three men. Rev. William Voyles is another important witness, having seen the three man together in the vicinity of Mrs. Benicke’s store just a few minutes before the robbery occurred.

The Grand Jury will undoubtedly speedily return indictments against the three men after the appearance of Officer Budde before them, and the trials may yet take place this term of court. The men are almost sure of conviction, their recognition by Officer Budde and Mrs. Beinicke, and also Mr. Voyles being complete. It is thought with this chain of evidence surrounding them, that they are good for long terms in the penitentiary.

Chief of Police Kuhn, who was wounded by the murderous burglars on Saturday night, is one of the best officers Alton has ever had. Indeed, it would be hard to find his equal in experience, vigilance, and skill as a detective. He has the confidence of the entire community, and the bare fact that one administration after another has kept him at the head of the police department is a commentary in itself. There is deep regret among all classes that Mr. Kuhn has been injured, and all are most sincerely desirous of his speedy recovery.

Patrolman Budde is also a brave and vigilant officer with an excellent record. He has in him the making of a fine official, and it is the universal wish of the public for his recovery.

The serious injury to both officers created the deepest indignation among all classes. There were some thoughtless people who give vent to a sentiment of taking the law in their own hands. These people should remember that the stain of such an act will live long after the act has been committed, to the injury of Alton. There is nothing to be gained in a lawless enforcement of the law against criminals. The dignity of the law should be vindicated in a fearless, vigorous manner. The circuit court is in session. If the guilty parties are apprehended, or shall be apprehended, Judge Burroughs would not hesitate to call the grand jury together, have the men indicted and tried, and if guilty, the severest sentence executed upon them. This course is dignified, and shows a respect for law and order, and would have a thousand-fold more effect than any hastily formed court without judge or jury, to wreck vengeance on supposed, but untried criminals.

Assailants Set Free, and Immediately Re-Arrested
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 21, 1897
On motion of State’s Attorney, L. N. Staats, the case against Joseph Lowry and Thomas and Emanuel Wright, for robbery, was dismissed in the Circuit Court. The prisoners had fifteen witnesses in court to prove an alibi, and after hearing the evidence of the defense, the State’s Attorney made the motion to dismiss. Mrs. Mary Beinneke and Mrs. Clara French identified the two Wrights as being the ones who entered the store, but were not so sure of Lowry.

Mr. Staats, fearing that to lose the case would be disastrous when the charge of assault is preferred against them, had the case dismissed. They were at once rearrested, and locked up in jail on a warrant issued on information charging them with carrying concealed weapons. The trial of the three prisoners will not be held until the next term of the Circuit Court.

Found Guilty
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 15, 1897
Joseph Lowry, Thomas and Emanuel Wright have been found guilty of shooting Chief of Police Kuhn, by a jury in the circuit court. The charge against the three men was shooting Chief of Police Kuhn and Officer Chris Budde with intent to kill, and it was on such a charge that the jury found the verdict of guilty. Two separate charges were made against the prisoners, and it was decided to try them first for shooting Chief Kuhn. The trail came off yesterday, and fully fifty witnesses went over to testify on both sides. The defense endeavored to prove an alibi, but the prosecution succeeded in breaking it down by reliable witnesses. The testimony was full of discrepancies, which the prosecution took advantage of. The jury found a verdict of guilty, leaving the length of the penitentiary sentence to be determined by the penitentiary commissioners. The punishment provided by law is not less than one year, or more than fourteen. The three man were tried today on the charge of shooting Officer Budde, and whatever sentence may be determined will be cumulative with the first one.

Police Chief Kuhn Accidentally Shot
Source: Alton Telegraph, May 27, 1897
Chief of Police Jacob Kuhn was shot on Saturday by the accidental discharge of his revolver at his home at Sixth and Spring Streets. Mr. Kuhn had taken off his coat before eating dinner, and had laid his revolver on a chair with the coat. When he picked up his coat, the revolver caught on it and was pulled off the chair to the floor. The weapon struck on the hammer and was discharged. The bullet, a 44-calibre one, struck Chief Kuhn squarely on the knee cap of the left leg, badly shattering it. The ball, after striking the knee cap, passed on into his leg and cannot be located. The wound is a very painful one, and will confine the Chief to his home for some time.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 20, 1897
The Board of Directors of the Y.M.C.A. hold a special meeting tonight to complete arrangements for the removal of the Association rooms to the third story of the new Laura building.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 21, 1897
Courtesy of Denise Evans
George M. Pullman, whose death occurred Tuesday, was at one time a citizen of Alton in days when he had not become as well known as he was when he died. When here, he was a common day laborer, and worked for the Chicago & Alton Railroad. It was in Alton, in an old shed now standing at the corner of Tenth and Piasa Streets, that the first Pullman car was built, so we are informed by Mr. William Huskinson who was then, and for many years afterward, roadmaster of the Chicago & Alton Railroad.


Source: Topeka State Journal, January 27, 1897
From Lodi, January 27 – the air ship craze has been revived here by the appearance of the aerial navigator in daylight. Many people in Acampo three miles north of here saw it sailing over there. It was in plain sight as the sun. It seemed as big as a small house, and looked as though it were built of canvas. It went southeast. Some farmers also saw it on the same day near here. The ship seemed to be under perfect control.

Source: Topeka, Kansas, State Journal, February 10, 1897
From Arkansas City – A dispatch published yesterday from Ellinwood claims that an air ship was seen sailing over the city by two reliable citizens.

A Santa Fe employee, who works at night, says a night or two since he saw a strange sight, and the dispatch from Ellinwood offers the only plausible explanation of what he witnessed.

It was toward midnight that he got up from his desk in the old depot, and went to the window. While he was looking through the window in a westerly direction, he saw a bright light hovering over the city. The light was very bright, and was ab out the size of an electric light globe. At first the light appeared to be stationery, but later it began to move in a southeasterly direction. He watched it for fully 20 minutes. The light moved slowly, and was not very high up, and all that he could see was the light. He thought that perhaps it was a shooting star, but it remained in sight so long that he well knows it could not have been one. It was some object floating through the air with some bright light attached. While he was watching the light, the telephone bell rang, and after answering the call he forgot to look for the floating light until sometime afterward. When he did look, it had disappeared. He never said anything about the matter until after he had read the dispatch from Ellinwood, as he feared he would be laughed at.

Source: Alton Telegraph, April 8, 1897
From Nashville, April 7 – What appeared to be a balloon, but what most people who saw it think was the mysterious air ship of Kansas and Nebraska, passed over this city Monday evening. It appeared in the northwest as a large red light, and as it approached the city, a dark outline was faintly discerned. The fact that the object traveled from the northwest, while the wind was from the southeast, goes to prove it was not a balloon.

Source: Alton Telegraph, April 14, 1897
Altonians who happened to be awake and on the lookout for the air ship, which has caused so much comment the past week, had their curiosity gratified last night by a glimpse of this serial phenomenon, whatever it may be. It made its appearance in the west at 3:30 a.m., and was visible for about 15 minutes. Mr. Peter Demuth of Apple Street had been watching for its appearance, and arose frequently during the night to look out. At about 3:30 a.m., he saw a bright light in the western sky. He immediately awakened the remainder of the family, and it was plainly seen by all of them. It first resembled a tub in shape, and then seemed to change to an egg shape.

Source: Alton Telegraph, April 22, 1897
Passengers who arrived on the Burlington train Friday night claim that they saw the air ship on the way up from St. Louis, and that it kept very nearly even with the train. It had two big lights. When the trains arrived at West Alton, there was a large crowd on the platform watching the mysterious sailer. It passed over the city at a rapid rate, and disappeared from view.

A peculiarly fanciful explanation of the so-called air ship, now said to be seen in many places each evening, is given by an eastern paper, which supposes it to be a resident of Mars, which the people of that planet are said to fly through space. This veracious eastern authority believes that the wandering Martian wishes to communicate with earth, but is scared off by the queer people he sees here.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 04, 1897
The armory of the Third Division, Second Battalion, Illinois Naval Militia was the scene Tuesday night of a notable assemblage. The organization was perfected just one year ago, and the occasion that evening was the first anniversary celebration. The audience was comprised of the relatives and friends of the members of the company, and there were nearly four hundred people in the armory, including the militia company. On the stage were Lieutenant Daggett of the Battalion; Adjutant J. H. Porter; Rev. F. L. Thomson; Rev. H. M. Chittenden; Rev. J. L. Wylder; Dr. A. K. De Blois; W. L. Sparks; Drs. E. C. and H. R. Lemen; and the officers of the local company. When the command to “fall in” was given by First Boatswain’s Mate Boals, fifty seamen ranged themselves in line on the left side of the hall, and were ready for inspection. This over, a short drill preceded the competive drill for the silver medal. The latter exhibition excited much interest. One by one the boys fell out, until but one remained – Mr. Al Pfeiffer – and the medal was awarded to him for one month.

A company and bayonet drill followed, and then came the other features of the program. The first number was a piano solo, “The Battle of Lookout Mountain,” by W. Leo Jr. Rev. H. M. Chittenden, Chaplain of the division, led in prayer. Lieutenant Daggett was introduced, and made a complimentary talk, praising the company for their improved appearance. Mr. Harris Smith spoke of “Reminiscences of Camp Logan,” and Mr. H. H. Hewitt of “The Future of the Company.” Mr. Leo gave two more selections. A clog dance by George and Harry Woods was an amusing number. The White Hussar Band agreeably surprised the company, and rendered two selections in their inimitable manner.

The celebration was a splendid success. The drilling of the company showed excellent proficiency, and considering the small space left, few mistakes of any kind were made. The interest taken by the citizens of Alton augurs well for the good of the division, and demonstrates that the efforts to have a first-class company here are appreciated.

Captain D. C. Daggett and Adjutant J. H. Porter held a levee on the stage last evening after the conclusion of the program, and many of those present became personally acquainted with them. Captain Daggett was profuse in his praise of the Alton boys, and expressed the hope that the present gubernatorial administration would take more interest than the last one. Captain Daggett said that he seemed to be handicapped in every move he made for the benefit of the Naval Militia, and that he had done everything in his power to secure for the boys the necessary equipment. He thought it not at all improbable that a boat might be added to the equipment within a short time, and also the much desired belts and pistols that each member should possess.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 11, 1897
After several conferences Monday between Straube & Sotier and parties interested, the deed for 13 acres of their tract, south of the baseball park, was made out to the Illinois Glass Company, and the land became the property of the company, the purchase price being $5,000. The other three acres go to the Trustees of the Citizens, for which $3,000 was paid.

This is a very agreeable result. The glass company becomes possessed of the necessary amount of ground to give them adequate facilities for carrying on their great business. Railway tracks will be laid on part of the new purchase, and a new box factory, pot factory, and possible a demijohn factory, and no doubt other buildings which the immense and growing business of the plant requires.

The Telegraph congratulates the citizens’ committee, Messrs. Porter, Smiley, and Schiess, on their good work in bringing about this deal. The citizens of Alton are pleased to know that all obstacles have been removed from the path of their favorite plant, and hope for its continued prosperity under the lead of its enterprising proprietors.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 18, 1897
Mr. Will Gates arrived home Tuesday night from a western tour, during which he paid a visit to the property of the Piasa Bird Mining Company, in which many Alton parties are interested. Mr. Gates reports that the prospects of the company, judging from the mineral now being produced and assayer’s reports, is bright, and the prospects of Alton becoming a city of young capitalists, among whom will be Mr. Gates, he thinks is a very probably possibility.

Will declares that out of six extensive journeys, that he has made in his career as a casualty causer he has been “nearly killed” five times, without being hurt. He has seen mangled frames of human beings lie all around him, and has never suffered a scratch. At a little station called Ossowatomie, on the Missouri-Pacific Railroad, the engine drawing the train he was on jumped the track, and dragged every car down the embankment excepting Mr. Gates’ car. Most people will agree that when next Will goes traveling, the railroad company should compel him to walk or take a handcar to avoid casualties.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 18, 1897
A couple of robbers made a daring attempt on the safe of the Alton Packing Co. early Sunday morning, and as a reward for the nerve that the would-be safe blowers displayed, they deserved to have been more successful – the fact that they were not, however, is the source of much congratulation to the Alton Packing Co. At about 2 o’clock, the night watchman of the institution, Fred Uffert, looking up toward the main building from the smokehouse wing, noticed an unusual light. He hastened to the office to investigate its cause, and was met at the door by a masked man, who at once choked him into submission. Uffert says that a pistol was presented to his head, and he was significantly warned to keep quiet. Uffert was taken into the office, and says that he saw two masked men there, who were at work on the safe. He was asked if there was anyone excepting himself about the building, and to deceive the robbers and in hopes of frightening them replied that the fireman was there. One of the robbers went to investigate, the other in the meantime guarding the watchman. In about ten minutes, the other robber returned and said that everything was all right. The robbers were better acquainted with the building than the watchman, who has been working there three months. They conducted him by a stairway, unknown to him to be there, to a cold storage room below, and locked him in. From about 5:15 a.m. until he was released at 7 a.m., Uffert had nothing to do but keep warm, with the temperature of the room below freezing. He was let out by a workman who heard his shouts for help. It was found in the office that the two robbers had bored a hole in the safe door, two inches too low to be effective, and filled it with powder. The explosion failed to do its work, and the men were frightened away before they could finish it. They got only $2 from a cash drawer for their trouble.

Chief of Police Kuhn was at once notified, but not even a clue as to how the robbers entered or left the building was found. He thinks that it is the work of amateurs, and possibly the same ones who made the attempt on Mr. John Klinke’s safe about one month ago. If the robbers had succeeded in blowing open the safe, they would have made quite a big haul.


Source: Alton Telegraph, February 25, 1897
Architect Link of St. Louis presented the completed plans for the new Presbyterian Church to be erected on the northwest corner of Fourth and Alby Streets. The plans have been accepted.

The outside dimensions of the building are 70 feet on Fourth Street by 120 feet on Alby Street. It is to be built of Alton limestone, with buff Bedford stone trimmings. The tower will rise 68 feet above the sidewalk, and 35 feet above the roof. The tower, in which will be the chief entrance, will be on the corner of Fourth and Alby Streets.

In the basement, which is all above the level of the Alby Street sidewalk, will be a dining room, ladies’ parlor, kitchen and boiler room, with a large room for coal and storage purpose. On the main floor will be the auditorium and Sunday school room, connected with sliding doors. The auditorium will have 440 sittings, with organ gallery and pastor’s study to the left of the pulpit. The auditorium and Sunday school room will be finished in yellow pine, with the usual accompaniments of ornamentation. The interior window sash is to be filled with white Florentine glass. The sash doors from vestibules to auditorium and east windows in parlor, dining room Sunday school rooms, including curved windows in bay, will be filled with American Plate glass. The building will be wired for electricity. The floors of the lower, or Alby Street, vestibules will be laid in Georgia tile. Granitoid floors three inches thick will be laid on the floors of the kitchen, pantry, Sunday school entrance for Alby Street, platform, two toilet rooms in basement, in the hall from west entrance, and in dining room.

The roof will be Bangor (Pennsylvania) blue slate, with a probability that it may be changed to tile if found convenient. Sliding doors will separate the Sunday school room from the auditorium so that the two apartments can be thrown into one, giving a seating capacity of about 700 or 800. The building will be heated with hot water throughout.


Source: Alton Telegraph, May 20, 1897
We were recently shown the original plat and deed of all that part of Alton west of Market Street. The plat was made by the late D. A. Spaulding, the well-known civil engineer. The deed was made by William Russell, and it provides that all streets mentioned therein shall be for the use of the city of Alton forever upon the sole condition that no ferry boat shall ever land at any point west of Market Street. And if any ferry is ever permitted to land west of Market Street, the streets in Russell’s plat shall revert to the original owners or their heirs. Here is a big chance for the heirs of William Russell to make a rich haul off the city of Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 06, 1897
The exercises of laying the cornerstone of the new Presbyterian Church at Fourth and Alby Streets took place yesterday morning. An audience of several hundred people was present, many of them occupying seats on the lawn of Mr. Robert Curdie, kindly offered for the occasion. The services, under the direction of the pastor, Rev. Henry K. Sanborne, began with the invocation by Rev. M. W. Twing of the Baptist Church, following by singing and reading of the Scriptures. An intensely interesting paper by Mr. E. P. Wade on “Old Church Buildings” was read by Mr. Sanborne. The paper gave a complete history of the former homes of the First Presbyterian Church, the many difficulties encountered by the church in securing a home of its own, and related many reminiscences of happenings in the old buildings, and associations connected with them. A sketch of the present building was given by Mr. O. S. Stowell, in which Mr. Stowell stated the building complete would cost $24,000.

A history of the church from June 19, 1831 to date was read by Mr. J. A. Cousley, followed by letters from former pastors, Rev. Thomas Gordon D.D., Rev. A. T. Wolff D. D., and Rev. G. W. Smith, Ph.D, read by Mr. Joseph Hamill. A paper relating to reminiscences during the twenty years’ pastorate of her husband, by Mrs. A. T. Norton, was read by Mr. W. T. Norton.

Mr. Sanborne read the contents of the box, which was deposited under the stone by Mrs. H. S. Mathews. The stone was then laid by Mr. Samuel Pitts and Contractor Cornish. It is a beautiful piece of granite, weighing 1,200 pounds, and was presented by William Flynn, the Alton marble dealer. On the two street sides are the inscriptions, “First Presbyterian Church, A. D. 1897,” “Organized June 19, 1831.”

The services were highly interesting throughout, and passed off without a hitch. At the conclusion of the program, many stopped to view the building which is now rapidly assuming shape and proportions. The building will be a beautiful edifice, and will be completed November 01.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 12, 1897
From Camp Steadman, Chicago, August 10, 1897
Sunday at noon a company of hungry, weary, and bedraggled-looking sailors marched into Camp Steadman. It was the Alton division of the Illinois Naval Militia, having arrived at camp just five hours later than scheduled time. We said hungry, but meant ravenous, because some of them had nothing to eat for almost twenty-four hours. Weary, because there was little sleep during the night, and bedraggled, because they had slept in their clothes.

The delay was very aggravating, and was caused by the neglect of the Chicago & Alton Railroad to make proper arrangements with the Illinois Central Railroad to transport the division from the depot to the camp at One Hundreth Street. The arrival at Chicago was made at about 7:30, coming in on a train with ninetten coaches and two engines. Arriving at Chicago, it was learned that no arrangements had been made to get to the camp, and the two coaches and baggage car were switched to the Illinois Central yards, where we waited, but not patiently. Hungry was no name for the feeling that dwelt in the stomachs of most of the sailors. Not being allowed to leave the car, there was no way of obtaining food, and the only thing to do was to grin and bare it. “That empty feeling,” as well as “that tired feeling,” was prevalent, and most of the boys were more or less sick when they arrived in camp. Dinner was served immediately, and revived the drooping spirits, as well as stomachs. The fare consisted of strong coffee with sugar, beef (not of the tenderest), beans, boiled rice, pickles, bread, and for dessert, ice cream and cake, in the imagination of the boys.

The camp is situated about one-eighth of a mile back from the lake, in a sandy country. The different divisions are located on streets, four men to each tent. For bedding, there are ticks filled with straw, and each man has one large blanket, and altogether the accommodations are very fair.

Sunday afternoon religious services were conducted under the shade of the trees by Rev. Iuce, Chaplain of the Quincy division, who is staying on the grounds. All the divisions were marched out, and took seats on the grass. On the outside of the fence were several thousand interested spectators. The attention and conduct was good. The Quincy Band led in the music, and the “tars” sang heartily “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty., “Jesus, Love of My soul,” and “My Country ‘Tis of Thee.” Chaplain Iuce preached an interesting sermon.

After supper, the usual evening dress parade took place, and it was an impressive and attractive sight to see the six hundred men, ranged in double column down the field for a quarter of a mile. This concluded the day’s program, and the remainder of the evening was spent at the will of the boys. Some went in bathing, but the air was almost too cool for comfort.

The weather here has been very comfortable so far. Sunday afternoon the sun was pretty hot, but at night it was cool as one could wish for. All lights must be out and quiet prevail at 9:30. During Sunday night, thirty-five men were caught by the guards while attempting to run the lines, but the list included none of the Alton division, as they were too tired for such indulgences.

Monday morning the Third division was given instruction in the small boats. While out on the lake, a rain came up, and the instruction had to be abandoned for the morning.

The Alton division will be on guard Monday night, and at this writing they are anticipating a rather wet time, as a slow rain has set in.

The camp is daily visited by hundreds of people. It is located in South Chicago in the residence suburbs, about twelve miles from the business center of the city. Streetcar lines and the Illinois Central trains pass the grounds. The different divisions are not backward about making the acquaintance of the members, and all is cordiality and good feeling.

Boatswain’s Mate Boals was on the sick list when he arrived at camp, and was sent to the hospital, where he soon recovered. “Diddy” Woods came along as the mascot of the Third division, and in his funny uniform is the envy of all who see him, and was even taken for a commissioned officer by one of the Moline men. Quite a number of Altonians who came up on the excursion Saturday visited the camp Sunday. Among these were Mr. H. W. Hart, Miss Bull and Mr. W. E. Hubbell. Mr. Hubbell intended to ride back to Alton on his bicycle. Mr. Charles Flachnecker has been appointed an apothecary, to succeed Dr. H. R. Lemen, who was promoted to assistant surgeon. The U.S. steamer Michigan is expected this afternoon, and instructions will be given on it the remainder of the week.

Signed, A. C.

Alton Naval Militia Returns Home
Source: Alton Telegraph, August 19, 1897
The Third Division, Second Ship’s Crew, of the Illinois Naval Militia arrived home Sunday evening from Camp Steadman, where they spent a week receiving instruction in the various phases of soldier and sailor life. The instruction received on the steamer Michigan and in the small boats is invaluable, and the knowledge of the members of the company of the duties of a sailor on a man-of-war is farahead of what it was a week ago. The marksmanship of the Alton boys in firing the big guns on the Michigan was the best of any company in the militia, and they received unstinted praise from the officers on their success. The members of the Alton division also became proficient in handling the small boats, and it would take only very short practice to place them equal with the Chicago divisions, which have been practicing in the boats for several years.

The Third Division brought home two trophies they feel very proud of. The first is the silver pitcher, offered by Captain Daggett for the best work done by signal corps in the Second Battalion. The Alton signal corps, under the direction of Ensign Ed C. Paul, consisting of George Parker, Charles Smith, Dimmock Burgess, George H. Leach, and George Lang had attained such proficiency in their work that the rest of the signal corps were afraid to compete with them, and the Alton boys secured the pitcher without a contest, simply giving an exhibition of their work Saturday afternoon.

The other prize was a one-pound rapid-firing Hotchkiss gun, Captain Daggett having presented one of the two owned by the militia to Alton. Gunner’s Mate Parker will be in charge of the gun, and it is expected to do some good work with this latest acquisition. It will thus be seen that the Third Division was not a bit behind any of the other divisions in proficiency, and much ahead in many points. They return fully satisfied with the week’s work, and ready to accomplish still greater things.

Jimmy Moran was the crack bugler of the camp, and when the other buglers wanted to learn points, they went to him for information. Mr. Moran served ten years in the regular army, and two years as a bugler. “Diddy” Woods was the most popular mascot in camp, and furnished much amusement for the boys. He was tossed in a blanket a dozen times, and Saturday a drumhead court martial sentenced him to the guard house for shooting craps. “The Yellow Kid,” as he was known all around camp, was badly frightened. He was put to work cleaning up rubbish, but after an hour’s work and guying from the boys, he was released.

Messrs. Will Montgomery and George Parker were the champion “mashers,” and brought home numerous souvenirs in the way of pins, ribbons, etc.

One of the boys developed into a somnambulist, and Saturday night frightened the wits out of the three comrades who bunked with him, by forcibly pulling one of them out of the tent. They imagined that they had been attacked by pirates or some other foe, while the dreamer shouted “Come boys, here’s the gang plank.”

Dr. H. R. Lemen, Assistant Surgeon of the Second Battalion, was one of the most popular officers in camp, and made friends with all whom he met. The Coats brothers, who did the cooking for Alton, proved themselves able artists in their line.

Many former Altonians now living in Chicago visited the camp. Among them were Scott Ridgway, Alonzo Topping, Clarence Stelle, and Ned Cotter. Messrs. Frank Berner and F. S. Detrich of Alton were also visitors. The former Alton boys all wished to be remembered to their old Alton friends.

One of the boys achieved a reputation as the coiner of a new phrase. At mess time he shouted, “Bring me a snort of coffee,” and thereafter, this was the regular term used when wanting a cup of coffee.


Source: Alton Telegraph, August 26, 1897
The magnificent new grape propagated by ex-Mayor McPike, known as the “McPike,” is causing a large amount of interest among fruit growers in this country. Pomologist Bracket of the U.S. Agricultural Department has written Mr. McPike for specimen bunches for examination. Mr. Brackett says he will have the grapes photographed and hand painted for show. He also wishes specimens of the leaves and wood for critical examination. Mr. Brackett also urges Mr. McPike to attend the annual meeting of the American Pomological Society at Columbus, Ohio, on September 01, and to take with him some of the finest specimens of the “McPike” to exhibit to the members of the society. Mr. McPike’s propagator writes him that he has 4,000 roots of the new grape ready for sale this Fall.

Source: Alton Telegraph, September 09, 1897
Hon. Henry Guest McPike has returned home after attending the session of the American Pomological Society at Columbus, Ohio, September 1, 2, and 3. Mr. McPike reports that there was in attendance at the convention a large number of professors, and the oldest and best-informed pomologists of the country, representing every State in the Union. Governor Bushnell and Mayor Black of Columbus welcomed the visitors, and their addresses of welcome were responded to by President Berckman of the society. Mr. McPike had the distinguished honor conferred upon him of being made vice-president of the Pomological Society, which is quite an honor to the State of Illinois, the Alton Horticultural Society, and to Mr. McPike himself. The McPike Grape was on exhibition at Pomological Hall and at the State Fair in all its glory, and would have carried off prizes but for the fact that its late entry barred it from participating in the contest for them.

Source: Alton Telegraph, September 16, 1897
Mrs. Henry Guest McPike entertained her friends Tuesday afternoon at her spacious home, Mt. Lookout, with a very pleasant social function which was denominated a grape feast. It might as well have been called a flower feast, for fruits of the vine and flowers vied with each other for superiority in profusion. The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and Mrs. H. G. McPike, assisted by Mrs. A. J. Bartels and Mrs. John Long of Bunker Hill, received her guests in a bower of beauty in the parlors. Miss Gertrude McKinney and Miss Mamie Phinney assisted Mrs. McPike in the dining room. The guests continued to arrive all afternoon, and after being formally received and enjoying the social pleasures, were invited to the dining room, where the refreshments were served. Fruits and other seasonable dainties were served, and the generous hostess and her assistants have the distinguishment of having had one of the most successful social events that the ladies have been privileged to attend in a long time.

Source: Alton Telegraph, September 30, 1897
Mr. Henry Guest McPike, who has his famous “McPike” grape on exhibition at the State Fair, wired the Telegraph Tuesday afternoon the he was awarded all premiums on best black, best seedlings, and best market grapes.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 02, 1897
Mr. Louis Arrington of Alton returned from Springfield Saturday with his commission as State Factory Inspector in his pocket. He succeeds Florence Kelley of Chicago, whose term has expired. It is one of the best offices in the gift of Governor Tanner, and he has placed it in the hands of a most worthy man, who in the administration of the duties of State Factory Inspector, will perform them well, and reflect credit upon the State Administration. Arrington is a man against whom not one word of criticism can be truthfully uttered. He has been President of the Green Glassworkers’ Union of the United States for fourteen years. Three or four years ago, he resigned the presidency to go into business here, but so popular was he and so much confidence did the green glassworkers repose in him, that after he had ceased to work at his trade, they insisted upon him being Vice-President of their union, in which capacity, whenever a delicate mission was to be performed, or whenever a dispute arose between employer and employee, Mr. Arrington was always chosen to assist in the settlement. Mr. Arrington will leave Sunday night to take charge of his position as factory inspector Monday morning.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 16, 1897
The first Sunday services were held by the Presbyterians in their new church Sunday morning and evening, and large congregations were out on both occasions. The chapel was beautifully decorated with cut flowers, pot plants, and golden rod. In the morning, the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was observed, and three new members joined the church. In the evening, the Christian Endeavor Society, at its regular meeting, celebrated the tenth anniversary of its organization. Just at the close of the Sunday School hour, the pastor, Mr. Sanborne, arose and asked for a moment’s time to make a few remarks. He stated that the very handsome souvenir cards (of which one was given to each person present) and the new song books were the gift of the Superintendent, Mr. O. S. Stowell. He paid a fitting compliment to the faithfulness and generosity of the donor, and proposed a vote of thanks, which was given by all the members of the school rising to their feet. There were 257 members of the school present Sunday.

Rev. F. L. Thomson preached to the old folks Sunday morning at the Methodist Church, and there was out to hear him a large congregation of old and young. Next Sunday will be Mr. Thomson’s last before going to conference, when there will be a change in the pastorate of the Alton church. Mr. Thomson has been here for five years now, the limit of time allowed by the conference. The Alton congregation looks forward to his departure with regret, as he has done a good work since coming here.


Source: Alton Telegraph, September 23, 1897
The beautiful residence of Mr. T. A. Taylor on Maple Street was destroyed by fire yesterday morning, and is complete wreck and ruin. The flames were discovered about 7:30 a.m., and were making rapid headway over the kitchen in the rear of the house. An alarm was at once sent in to the fire department from the car sheds, but it was some time before connections could be made, and the fire department received the alarm. In the meantime, neighbors hastened to the scene of the fire, and rendered much assistance in carrying from the doomed building whatever furniture could be moved. Nearly everything of great value in the house was saved, but it was impossible to get out everything, and clothing and many articles of lesser value were left to the mercy of the flames.

The house was a massive brick structure, and the great age of the timbers in it made them easy prey for the flames. In a short time, the interior of the house was badly damaged, notwithstanding the efforts of the firemen. The building is almost a complete loss, but it is fully insured. The insurance on the house and furniture was $4,500.

Possibly the homestead of Dr. Marcus Prevost Breckinridge?


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 04, 1897
A little social gathering in Lawrence Hellrung’s Saloon at Sixth and North Streets was rudely interrupted Thursday night by two masked men who entered the place and ordered the inmates to throw up their hands. There were five men in the saloon, including the proprietor, and they were enjoying an exciting game of cards when they were disturbed. The men seated around the table were Lawrence Hellrung, Lenas Threde, Joseph Bund, Edward Ott, and Sam Girth, and when the door opened, two men entered armed with pistols, and with masks on their faces. The cards in the hands of the players were dropped in the consternation, and when the two robbers re-enforced their demands, “Hands Up!” by presenting cocked pistols to the heads, their victims readily complied. There were five pairs of arms that bore five pairs of hands in graceful circles above the heads until they were in the position that the robbers demanded; then the robbers proceeded to search their victims. Mr. Hellrung was the heaviest loser – he had in his pocket nearly $40 in paper money, and a gold watch. In the cash drawer of store and saloon was $35 in small change, all of which they took. From Mr. Threde they took $6 and a gold watch; from Mr. Bund $1.75 and a gold watch. After searching these three men, one of the robbers thought that it was not worthwhile to search the other two, so they decamped and were soon under cover of darkness. The men were all badly frightened, and could give no description of the robbers. The police force was soon searching for the robbers, but did not find them. The robbery was well planned and executed, as no one was on the streets of that neighborhood at that time, and there was no way for the victims to resist.

One of the Robbers Caught
Source: Alton Telegraph, November 18, 1897
On October 28, 1897, two masked men entered Hellrung’s saloon on North Street, and pointing revolvers at Hellrung and four other men who were in the saloon, forced them to hold up their hands while they helped themselves to $90 in money and three gold watches. The robbers escaped without even leaving a clue.

Two days ago, three men held up a saloon in St. Louis in the same style in which Hellrung’s place was robbed. While attempting to escape, Officer Nicholas Hunt started in pursuit of them. One of the men turned and shot the officer, mortally wounding him. He died Tuesday morning. One of the men, named Sheldon, was arrested. On his person was found a pawn ticket, which was presented at the shop. A gold watch was turned over to the police, and it proved to be one of the watches taken from the men in Hellrung’s saloon on the night of October 28. Moreover, Sheldon, according to the Globe-Democrat, answers the description of one of the robbers who raided Hellrung’s saloon. Sheldon denied all knowledge of the Alton affair, and said the watch was given him by “a fellow,” but who the fellow was Sheldon would not tell. Chief Kuhn went to St. Louis yesterday to investigate the affair.

Source: Alton Telegraph, November 25, 1897
Chief of Police Kuhn and Lawrence Hellrung returned home from St. Louis, the latter having thoroughly identified the man under arrest there as the highwayman who robbed the five men in Hellrung’s saloon. There was no need for identification, however, for the prisoner now admits his guilt. He steadfastly refuses to tell who his accomplice was in the Alton robbery, and also in the St. Louis affair. Chief Kuhn says that Sheldon is a boyish-looking fellow, apparently not over twenty years of age, and has the appearance of being unused to city ways.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 02, 1897
A damaging fire occurred in the building occupied by Bauer & Co., furniture dealers, at 551 Second Street [Broadway], Wednesday night. Flames were discovered at 9 p.m., and a fire alarm was sent to the fire department. The firemen were soon at the scene, but beyond quenching the less important blazes downstairs, were powerless to do anything. The flames had started at the bottom of an elevator shaft in a pile of rags and excelsior. They quickly climbed the shaft, and soon were consuming the woodwork upstairs and under the tin roof, where it was impossible to throw water. When the ceiling fell in, the firemen got control of the flames, and speedily extinguished them. The entire stock of furniture is ruined with water and fire. The loss to the building is fully covered with insurance. Mr. Bauer said he had $10,000 worth of furniture in the store, with only $3,000 insurance on it. His loss will be quite heavy.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 09, 1897
The dedication exercises of the handsome new Presbyterian Church building began yesterday afternoon. From this time, the Presbyterians will worship in the new edifice, the construction of which has been of so much interest, not only to members of the congregation, but citizens generally. The building is now complete with the exception of a few minor details, and presents a handsome and very substantial appearance, both inside and out. It has been erected at a cost of about $26,000, and for cosiness, convenience, and architectural beauty could hardly be surpassed. The main auditorium has a seating capacity of 450; the Sunday School room of 300. The two rooms are separated by folding doors, and can be thrown together, making a seating capacity of seven or eight hundred. On the first floor are a parlor, dining room, kitchen lavatory, store room. The finishings both upstairs and down are in the natural wood, with furnishings to match.

The church is built of Alton stone, with Bedford stone trimmings, and is one of the most substantial structures ever erected in Alton. The cornerstone was laid July 5, so that the entire construction has occupied but a little over six months. The building is a credit to the contractor, Mr. Cornish, who has not spared himself to complete the work according to the plans and specifications.

The program opened in the afternoon. The church was finely decorated with cut flowers and pot plants, and the perfect weather added to the general felicitation of the occasion. In the evening, Rev. H. K. Sanborne pronounced the invocation, and Rev. W. H. Kearns offered prayer.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 16, 1897
The Rodemeyer Carriage Factory has been sold by Mr. Chas. Rodemeyer to Mr. John Karel, who has long been a partner in the business. Mr. Rodemeyer has conducted the business at the present location for many years. The Rodemeyer Carriage Factory is one of the oldest institutions in Alton.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 23, 1897
The public will be interested to know that hereafter, the employees of the Illinois Glass Co. are to be paid with checks. Up to the present, the system in vogue was to pay the flint blowers with checks, and to pay the green blowers, laborers, boys, etc., in cash. To pay out cash required that a big risk be incurred in transporting a large amount of money from $25,000 to $30,000 from the bank to the glass works, and also of making mistakes in paying out the money. Next payday, the blowers will receive checks, and on the following payday, the rest of the employees will be put on the check roll. Not one dollar in money will be paid out after the second payday. The banks may keep open to allow the men time to get cash, and no bother will be experienced.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 03, 1898
The City of Alton vs. John Wempen is the little legend that could be read on the docket of 'Squire Brandewiede's court, if it could be seen. At any rate, Honest John Wempen, the Washington Street saloonkeeper, was up in court Saturday to answer to a grave charge, namely violating the city ordinances relating to dram shop keepers, and the violating of the Sunday part of the ordinance in particular. The case is being conducted on the quiet, and Mr. Wempen was supposed to be in court on business of his own, and not city business. It is said that Joe Lock informed on Honest John, and behind this bare statement is a story of personal revenge, which will not bear publication. A continuance was granted until next Saturday.


Source: Alton Telegraph, March 24, 1898
Last summer, Hon. Henry Guest McPike entered his new grape (the McPike) at the American Pomological Association’s Exhibition in Columbus, Ohio. The President of the Association offered a silver medal to be known as the Marsh P. Wilder premium, for the best grape in the class, in which the “McPike” was listed. The premium was awarded to Mr. McPike on his new grape. Monday, he received the premium in a handsome blue velvet case. On one side of the medal is a picture of Marshal Pinckney Wilder, the giver of the medal. On the reverse side is this inscription, enclosed in an open wreath: “H. G. McPike, Alton, Illinois, for the McPike Grape, Columbus, Ohio, 1897.” It is a handsome souvenir, and attests the appreciation of Mr. McPike’s persevering and scientific work in propagating a new species of grape, probably the finest America has yet grown.


Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy First Clerk
Source: Alton Telegraph, April 14, 1898
The Presbytery of Alton met Tuesday evening at the Presbyterian Church. The devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. T. B. Greenlee of Carrollton. The sermon, was a historical one, as the meeting was the 61st anniversary of the Presbytery. The Presbytery was organized April 04, 1837, Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy being stated clerk, in which handwriting the first volume of the records is. Mr. Lovejoy wrote in a clear and plain style, and it is remarkably well preserved. Mr. Pomeroy’s address showed the growth of the Presbytery from a few churches at the time of its organization, to date. It was very interesting, and the Reverend gentleman was warmly congratulated at the close of the meeting.


Annual Meeting at Mt. Lookout Park
(Henry Guest McPike’s Homestead)
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 09, 1898
The Alton Horticultural Society was delightfully entertained Saturday by Hon. And Mrs. Henry Guest McPike at their beautiful place, Mt. Lookout Park. It was the regular June meeting of the society, which is always well attended. Mr. and Mrs. McPike are well known as most hospitable entertainers, and the guests came in large numbers.

There was a good exhibit of cherries, strawberries, and flowers on the tables, although the strawberry crop is almost a complete failure this year. The society devoted the morning to discussion of the fruit outlook for this season. It was the consensus of opinion that the apple crop will be short, very short, this year, as the trees are recuperating from the heavy loads of fruit they bore last year. Of peaches, it was reported there would be a tremendous yield, as the trees are now almost burdened with the green fruit. It was strongly urged that the trees be relieved of part of the growing crop in order to improve the quality of the fruit that matures. Of plums, there will be a plenty, but of pears the crop will be limited. The strawberries on exhibition were beautiful specimens, and brought good prices at the auction of exhibits.

At 12:30, the dinner bell put an end to the business part of the meeting, and the horticulturists were treated to a bountiful repast of good things to eat, served by the generous hostess, Mrs. McPike. The meeting was a very pleasant one to all who were present.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 16, 1898
The new pumping station of the Boston Water & Light Company is progressing towards completion as rapidly as possible. It combines pumping machinery, settler basins, filters, and clear water basin. The building is in three departments. The east end is the furnace and power department. Probably the most complete and modern furnaces and boilers in Alton are now in operation there.

It is evident to anyone that the Boston Water and Light Company are not sparing money in an effort to get the best pumping and filtering machinery. The building and plant, when completed, will cost nearly $100,000. So far, $60000 has been expended. The building is of brick, with iron girders supporting the roof. The structure appears to be most substantial, and everything about it bears the marks of carefulness in construction, skill in the making of machinery, and experience in erecting it in the plant. Engineer Cook has had entire charge of the work since the first stone was laid. It will no doubt reflect credit upon him when completed.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 23, 1898
Fire totally destroyed the ice houses on Bayless Island, known as the “Big Red Houses,” located on the south shore of the island, about 500 yards below the Burlington trestle, over the slough. The fire was discovered at about 2 o’clock a.m. Tuesday, but there being no adequate means of fighting it, the flames were soon masters of the situation and the buildings were a total loss. The destroyed property included two big ice houses and a tool house stored with lumber, ice cutting tools and tackle for beaching the big ice barges – all the property of the Huse-Loomis Ice Company. Everything was lost, as there were only a few men in the vicinity at the time. The flames mounted fully seventy-five feet in the air, and they could be plainly seen from Alton. It was the biggest fire that ever occurred in this vicinity. The heavy oak lumber which was stored in the tool house made a terrific heat, and the building being empty and dry, the inflammable stuff with which they were constructed made good fuel for the flames. The city of Alton had a narrow escape from being destroyed by the fire. A wind was blowing at the time that carried large embers of flaming pieces of wood across the river. This morning the roofs of houses, streets, and sidewalks all over town were sprinkled with the charred bits, showing how dangerous the fire would have been had not the cold, damp air of the river lessened the possibility of fires being started in Alton. The little pieces that were blown over were found almost two miles from the scene of the fire. It is not known just what the loss is, but it is variously estimated as from $8,000 to $12,000, and the amount of insurance is not known. By almost miraculous chance, the big boarding house was not destroyed.


(In Old Dolbee Home on the Bluffs)
Source: Alton Telegraph, June 30, 1898
The Woman’s Home Association that has so successfully conducted this worthy institution for the past year, has taken steps to acquire a home of its own. Since the Home was founded, it has been in the old Dolbee homestead out on the bluffs, where a fine view of the river could be had, and the location was an ideal one for such an object. The owner of the property was unwilling to sell, and the ladies began to look elsewhere. A number of sites were offered, among them being one on the Turner tract near North Alton. The ladies at last settled on the beautiful home place of Mr. George K. Hopkins in Middletown, as an ideal home for indigent or helpless old ladies. The bargain for the transfer of the property to the ladies was closed yesterday. They will pay $6,500 for the home, and three acres of land. The place is planted in fruit of all kinds, shade trees, and is one of the delightful spots in the resident part of Alton. Possession will be given August 01.

The ladies of the Home are to be congratulated on their persistence in this good work, which has grown in proportions far beyond the most sanguine expectations of the organizers. The ladies have no difficulty in raising money for it, and they have come to have a pretty faith that money will continue to be provided in the future, as it has in the past, to carry on the good work.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 21, 1898
The Telegraph mentioned some time ago that the Women’s Home Association was negotiating with Henry Watson for the purchase of the Dolbee home on the bluffs, at the end of Bellevue Avenue. The deal was closed yesterday, the consideration being $4,000. The place purchased has been occupied as the Women’s Home since the organization of the association, and it is a matter for congratulations by the ladies that they have been able to buy the property outright.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 06, 1898
At Vernon, Texas, on Tuesday, G. E. Morrison, a Methodist minister, who as a boy lived in Alton, was found guilty of murdering his wife, and was sentenced to be hanged. Morrison is a son of Rev. A. B. Morrison, who was pastor of the Alton Methodist Church in 1873-1874, and as a boy is well remembered by many older members of the church. The crime for which he will be hanged is that of poisoning his wife, nee Minnie Brady of Carbondale, Illinois. Morrison was stationed at Panhandle, Texas, and on the night of the murder preached an unusually short sermon on the text, “the Wages of Sin is Death.” On his return home with his wife, she complained of a headache, and Morrison, under pretext of administering a remedy, gave her a dose of strychnine to produce death. The murderer committed the brutal deed that he might marry a Miss Whittlesey of Topeka, Kansas, who had been a schoolmate of his at McKendree College, and was very wealthy. The father of Morrison is now stationed at Los Angeles, California as pastor of the Central Avenue M.E. Church. His sister, Adah Morrison, is clerk in the Los Angeles post office.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 05, 1899
It was announced that G. E. Morrison would pay the extreme penalty of the law under the Texas Supreme Court. Morrison was sentenced to hang.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 13, 1898
The Drummonds have sold their big tobacco plant in St. Louis to the American Tobacco Company, for the enormous amount of $3,500,000. The deal was closed Saturday when J. B. Duke, president of the trust, handed checks to H. I. Drummond for the full amount, and the deeds to the realty, trademarks, etc., were formally transferred to Mr. Duke. The deal has been on for a long time. The Drummond plant, with that of Liggett & Myers, was a thorn in the side of the trust in competition for the tobacco business, so that the trust was determined to buy them out. Leggett & Myers still steadfastly refuse to sell, and Drummonds did likewise until lately, when they began to give in to the offers of the trust. It is estimated that the plant, as it stands today, could be reproduced for $500,000, and the remainder of the price, $3,000,000, was paid for the goodwill of the firm. Harrison I. Drummond is to be resident manager of the business at a handsome salary, and the only change involved by the sale is that of ownership.

The business was started in Alton in 1861 by the late James T. Drummond. In 1882, the business was moved to St. Louis, and there it has prospered to a wonderful degree. Mr. John N. Drummond of Alton was a heavy stockholder.

The trust will now make a relentless war on Liggett & Myers, and Mr. Duke says he will make his competitor sue for peace.


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 20, 1898
John Schultz, an aged man who says he is an evangelist of the United Brethren Church, was murderously assaulted Monday afternoon by five men east of Upper Alton, and robbed of $40 and a gold watch. The poor fellow was horribly beaten and kicked about the face and body, so that his features can hardly be recognized. He said this morning that he met the five men yesterday afternoon near the C. B. & Q. station on the outskirts of Upper Alton. He was stopped by the men and ordered to give up all his valuables. Schultz did not comply with their demand, and he was set upon by the ruffians and beaten to insensibility. He recovered consciousness this morning to find his watch and roll of money missing, and himself stretched upon the ground beside the track. He slowly made his way to Alton, and told his story to Chief Kuhn, giving a description of the men who committed the cowardly deed. Supervisor Elble took charge of Schultz, and had him cared for and sent on his way to St. Louis, where his brother lives. Schultz says he can recognize his assailants and is anxious to have the opportunity. No clue has yet been found as to the identity of the men who assaulted the Evangelist Schultz near Upper Alton. The men made their escape, and will probably never be caught.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 17, 1898
Alton is to have a third banking institution. The bank is to be the Second National Bank of Alton, and is to be capitalized at $100,000. The stockholders of the bank are Alton and Carlyle capitalists and business men, who claim to see in Alto one of the finest openings for a banking institution in the United States. A large block of the stock is owned by August Schlafly of Carlyle; the remaining shares being divided among William Eliot Smith, Edward Levis, George M. Levis, R. H. Levis, Julius H. Raible, Balser Schiess, Lucas Pfeiffenberger, Mrs. E. Haagen of Alton; W. A. J. Sparks of St. Louis, and several other Alton business men whose names are withheld for the present. The bank will be opened in the Haagen building at Second [Broadway] and Piasa Streets, as soon as the building can be prepared for it. The directory of the new bank will be of Alton men exclusively. Mr. Schlafly will move to Alton to make his home. The plans for the reconstruction of the building will present a handsome structure. There will be a corner entrance with cut stone supports for pressed brick columns, supporting the second story. The floors will be of tile, and all the latest apparatus for inside fixtures. There will be a side entrance at the north end of the building, opening on a wide staircase to the second story. There will be five office rooms upstairs, with all modern conveniences such as water, steam, heat, etc.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 24, 1898
The Bluff Line steam shovel crew, operating above Armstrong’s Quarry, had a hair-raising experience a few days ago, that the men will not soon forget. While digging in the bank with the powerful shovel, an excavation in the ground was uncovered, and on the heap of earth that was thrown out was enough dynamite to have wrecked the shovel and kill every man about it. The find consisted of two sticks of dynamite, wrapped carefully in cloths, with twenty fulminating caps used for exploding the sticks, a large quantity of fuse, and five fine revolvers. The revolvers were of the Smith & Wesson hammerless pattern. They were wrapped in old pockets cut from pants, and around these were wound other rags to protect the weapons from the moisture in the ground.

The whole find was buried about six months ago, judging from the appearance of the contents of the bundle. It is remembered that about six months ago a quantity of dynamite was stolen from the powder house at Henry Watson’s quarry, and the two sticks found may be some of that stolen. Chief of Police Kuhn thinks that the explosives and revolvers were concealed there by persons who intended to hold up a Bluff Line train. The Adams express car frequently carries large sums of money, and no doubt the attack of the robbers was intended against it. It is supposed that the would-be robbers were arrested or compelled to leave the country before they could carry out their design, and were not able to unearth their weapons before leaving. The place where the stuff was found would be an ideal place to hold up a train. The noise of explosions would be mistaken for blasting in the quarries, and the engine could easily be disabled so as to prevent an alarm being given. One of the Bluff Line employees, William Schaefer, claims to have had a revolver stolen some time ago, and identified one of the revolvers found as his own.

The find was taken charge of by the foreman of the steam shovel, and the revolvers are being held. No doubt all the stuff was stolen, but by whom is not known.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 08, 1898
The beautiful home of Mr. Charles F. Sparks on Prospect Street was destroyed by fire Thursday afternoon, and now is nothing but a mass of charred boards and ashes, where once the building stood. Flames were discovered coming from the top of the house at 4:45 o’clock, and a fire alarm was turned in. but the flames had at that time made such headway, that the firemen and other willing helpers who assisted in the work were unable to do anything effectual. It was apparent when the fire department arrived that the place was doomed, but the firemen worked hard to save what possibly could be saved. Some of the furniture on the first floor was carried out, but the greater part of it was destroyed in the house. The firemen worked with a will, and even while the ceiling and walls of the house were falling in, they stuck to their posts inside, fighting the flames and slowly getting the best of it. By six o’clock, the fire was extinguished, but the building was a total wreck.

During the fire, the neighboring houses of Mr. J. K. butler and Mr. W. D. Sparks were often threatened with destruction, but were kept soaking wet, and the flying pieces of burning wood did not set them afire.

The house that was destroyed last night was the second one in two years. It was comparatively new, and all the furniture in it was new. The loss will reach $3,000, covered with insurance.


Source: Alton Telegraph, December 22, 1898
Fire destroyed the store of Pierson & Carr Dry Goods Co. Saturday morning, and the stock with the building is a total loss. The flames and heat spread to the adjoining buildings and did much damage to the stock and stores of H. J. Bowman & Co. and Pfeiffer & Bailey. Most of the damage was to the stock, all the stores being heavily stocked for the Christmas holidays. The origin of the fire is not certainly known, but it is thought to have started from a fire in the furnace in the cellar. At 5 o'clock, the store of Pierson & Carr Dry Goods Co. was discovered to be in flames, and an alarm was sent to the fire department through the telephone office. When the first wagon of the fire department arrived, the interior of the store was found to be a roaring furnace of flame in the first and second stories, and the third story, which was unused, was threatened. A second alarm was sent in and the reserve was called out to assist in fighting the fire. Six streams of water were soon playing on the flames, but the firemen were handicapped by a want of ladders. Fire Chief McDonald said, after it was over, that the fire could have been confined to Pierson & Carr's store had ladders been available with which to climb to the second story and pour water through the windows. The firemen climbed over the roofs of adjacent buildings with lines of hose, but found tin roofs preventing water from being effectively used. The flames fed upon the immense stock of dry goods in the Pierson & Carr store, and literally destroyed everything. A sky-light in the middle of the store furnished a way and a draught for the flames to go to the second story. The effect of the sky-light is plainly visible all around it, for nothing but ashes and other evidences of destruction remain of the building and stock for twenty feet. The first floor of the store had been decorated for the Christmas season with a light inflammable affair, constructed of light woodwork, handkerchiefs, fancy goods, etc., that soon was food to the flames, and made the damage worse than it might have been. The glass front of the store was broken by the intense heat, and the draught that there gained entrance increased the fury of the flames ten-fold. To make matters worse, the fire began to spread to neighboring stores and divided the attention of the fireman. Either heat or faulty construction of the building caused the fire to communicate to the buildings occupied by Pfeiffer & Bailey on the east, and H. J. Bowman & Co. on the west side. The joists of the floors took fire, and the bowman building was in a fair way to follow its neighbor when the firemen discovered the danger. Under the tin roof of the Bowman building, the fire raged fiercely and was extinguished only by a deluge of water that effectively ruined a very large part of the stock of dry goods in the store. In the store of Pfeiffer & Bailey, the joists of the ceiling caught fire and the fire department deluged the store with water, damaging the stock there to quite an extent. The last vestige of flames was extinguished at 9:30 o'clock. The scene in the Pierson & Carr dry goods store was one of destruction. Not a piece of goods in the store, apparently, had escaped scorching and drenching. The destruction was as near complete as it could possibly be, both to stock and building. The floors of the three stories were almost entirely destroyed, the wood work of the roof had been burned under the tin, and the whole had fallen in. Around the sky-light, the wood work of the floor, fixtures, etc., with the goods, were burned entirely. Fortunately, the safe containing the firm's valuable books was not in the worst of the fire, and everything was in good order inside of it. In the Bowman store the greatest damage was done by water and smoke, and in the Pfeiffer & Bailey store water alone did the damage. Mr. H. M. Carr, secretary of the company, stated to a Telegraph representative that the loss of the Pierson & Carr Co. would be about $30,000, fully covered by insurance. At this season of the year the stock is unusually large, and a rough estimate of its value would be about that amount. The building belongs to the estate of Norton Johnson of Philadelphia, and was a very old one. It can be replaced by a new one for about $6,000. The Pierson & Carr Dry Goods Co. had been in its present quarters twenty years last August, and has been in business since 1875, without interruption. It enjoys the reputation of being one of the first business houses of importance in this part of the country, and in its misfortune now will have many to offer sympathy and regrets. Mr. W. H. Humpidge of H. J. Bowman & Co. today estimated his firm's loss at $15,000, and insurance on the entire stock was about that amount. The Bowman store building is not much damaged except by water and the interruption of business will not be for long. It is owned by the Bowman estate. Mr. Pfeiffer said that his loss would amount to probably $5,000, and his insurance is $2,500. The office of Architect L. Pfeiffenberger over the store of Pfeiffer & Bailey was damaged to the extent of $1,000. Flames from the third story of Pierson & Carr's store entered the office, and water wet valuable papers and plans. Mr. Pfeiffenberger stated that his loss would be $1,000 on office property. The building is owned jointly by Mr. Pfeiffenberger and Shurtleff College. Some of the adjusters interested in the fires of last Saturday have arrived in town and are at work adjusting the loss. The task of adjusting the Bowman loss is quite a heavy one and may occupy much time. One insurance company has practically completed its adjustment of the Pierson & Carr loss and has allowed the full amount of the policy.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 03, 1899
There was a varied array of cases on the docket in the police court today, and that particular mill of justice was kept busily engaged grinding out penalties for offenses of sundry character. The new year seems to have opened with a general carnival and disturbance among police court frequenters. Silas Bartonball began the new year by trying to kill an inoffensive saloon keeper on Upper Belle Street. In the police court, he was charged with threatening to shoot a man with a revolver, and facts in the case go to show that he did not do it because he did not have a chance. He was bound over to the grand jury. Al Terpening began the new year by creating a family row at his home. On the warrant, which his wife swore out, he is charged with threatening to dash out his child's brains with a club, and to further his threats of blood and murder, he said he would put ten bullets in his wife's head if the capacity of her head would permit. To further the cause of peace and good will on earth, he too was bound over. James Moore and Oscar Curtis began the new year with a fight, in which Curtis was being badly used up when police interfered. With their faces badly disfigured, both appeared before Justice Brandewiede today and were fined. Moore pleaded guilty, and as he was the aggressor, was fined $5 and costs. Curtis was fined $3 and costs. George Williams, colored, started out by abducting the fourteen years old daughter of William Johnson, and was arrested on complaint of the girl's father. The case was compromised.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1899
Riley Thorpe, one of the unfortunates who live down on the sandbar, died this morning in a wretched hovel from the effects of hunger and exposure. In the tent where Thorpe died, and on the bed beside his dead body, lay his wife weakened by sickness, cold and hunger, until she was not able to help herself or send for the assistance of her rough neighbors. Thorpe had been ill for some time and application for assistance for the family had been made to the Supervisor, but was refused. Left to care for themselves, there was nothing for the couple to do but die there in their dirt and poverty. A Telegraph reporter visited today the place that the Thorpe's called home. It was a wretched tent, full of holes and ample openings for the entrance of cold river winds. The body of the dead man was stretched out in a box outside, while inside was a scene of squalor and dirt that could not be worse. A small stove in the front by the open tent flaps where light entered was supplying heat, and the tent was filled with a half dozen neighbors. Thomas McNutt, who had discovered the plight of the family, told how the couple were dying from cold and starvation when he entered. The people on the bar have no money, and coal for a fire must be stolen to keep the sick people alive. All night McNutt did what he could, and the neighbors contributed of their scanty food supply to prevent the death of the couple. The old lady was, at the time of the reporter's visit, greedily gulping down some soup a neighbor had contributed. She ate as though she had not tasted food for days, and her condition was pitiable. Everything in the tent was filthy and even a dog would disdain to drink from a cup which the old woman took her soup in. Cold, starving, and with no friends unless the county helps her, there is nothing for her but to follow her husband. The other inhabitants of the bar are free-hearted, but they have nothing to spare beyond their own needs, and still they have denied themselves necessaries of life for the poor couple. In the midst of all this squalor and poverty, it was pleasant to find that humanity had not entirely deserted the breasts of the poor people down there, and that out of their scanty means they had done what they could for two of their unfortunate number.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 12, 1899
During the last few days, an electric car on the Middletown system has developed shocking propensities that made it quite a dangerous conveyance. In some way a connection became established between the brass handle used by passengers to assist them in mounting, and the trolley wire above the car. A light shock was complained of by a number of passengers as they took hold of the handle, but today the full viciousness of the depraved car became apparent. As "Dad" Scovell was mounting the steps with two buckets of sand in his hands, he was shocked by the current that charged the iron steps under him. He dropped the buckets and was almost thrown to the ground. Other persons had similar experiences, and it was decided that the car should be retired until an investigation could be made and the fault corrected.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 14, 1899
Today, January 14, 1899, is the 63rd birthday anniversary of the Alton Telegraph. On January 14, 1836, the Telegraph was founded by Parks & Treadway, Mr. L. A. Parks succeeding the firm before the end of the first year. At the time the Telegraph was founded, the city of Alton was one of the foremost cities in the west, and the most important in Western Illinois. Since that time, other cities have surpassed Alton in the race for commercial importance. The Telegraph has kept pace so far as possible with the growth of the city in the past few years, and can now suffer nothing by comparison with the newspapers of any city in Illinois the size of Alton, and similarly located. As the Telegraph enters upon the 64th year, it does so with an increased circulation and the hope that the next 64 years may be more prosperous than those of the past.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 16, 1899
A meeting of the members of the local division of the Naval Militia is called for Tuesday evening in the Armory for the purpose of making arrangements for the celebration of the third anniversary of the division. Of the entire list of charter members of the company, only thirteen now remain in the Alton division, all others having been granted discharges. The charter members enlisted as seamen whose terms will expire February 1, 1899, are F. S. Boals, George Parker, F. C. Riehl, E. H. Smith, W. W. Lane, Henry Kranz, J. H. Bruner, Will Chalk, H. E. Dudley, Terrence Reedy, W. A. Rice, C. G. Smith, Percy Rice. The next enlistments to expire will be those of W. F. Cobeck and W. F. Suppington, June 29. In the meantime, it is hoped that enough of recruits can be secured to keep the company above the mark required by the state. In another place, Lieut. Crossman calls for recruits for the Naval Militia. By all means, the division should be kept alive in Alton. The name and fame of the Alton Naval Reserves have been spread to all parts of the country in the doings of the Illinois Naval Reserves during the [Spanish American] war, and the division has done more than any one agency in bringing the city of Alton into prominence during the war. Every Altonian should feel a personal interest in the company and give to the boys any encouragement that may be given to keep up the company. In the trouble between the state authorities and the members of the Chicago reserve, the Alton division has remained neutral, and no division in the state can show a better record and few as good.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 16, 1899
The curfew ordinance will take effect next Friday, ten days after its passage. After 8 o'clock, no child under 15 years of age will be permitted on the streets. The curfew law is becoming popular in many of the smaller cities and towns. The object of the ordinance is without doubt for the benefit of the young. The youngsters have been asking, how shall we know when 8 o'clock comes? The time we have may be different from the police time? This is a pertinent pointer, and has suggested that some public notice be given when 8 o'clock is struck. In some places a bell is rung, which is in accord with the old curfew custom of ringing a bell at sunset. It has been suggested that a bell be bought and placed on City Hall, and that it be rung each night at 8. A bell large enough to be heard would cost considerable money, both in the purchase and erection. Another system is that some one of the factories be hired to blow a whistle at 8, and that all other whistle blowing be forbidden. If the latter should be adopted, there is no whistle that is more familiar, or has more volume than Bealls' Mining Tool Factory whistle. Everybody knows it. It blew first, last, constantly, for the American victories over the Spaniards [Spanish American War, 1898]. Its tones were heard o'er dale and hill, as far east as Bethalto, at Godfrey and Brighton, at West Alton, East Alton, and for miles around in the country, and everybody knew that American arms had won another victory. Its tones are familiar to all, and would be recognized by the small boy, and the small girl too, as the hour to scuttle off home. Bealls' curfew, now famous, would become the lullaby to woo sleep, and anxious mothers, as well as papas, would listen for its blasts as anxiously as they did last summer for announcement of American victories. Let the curfew blow.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 18, 1899
Mr. James C. Armstrong, now of St. Louis, but from early childhood to manhood a resident of Alton, has interested himself in the erection of a paper mill for the manufacture of strawboard in Alton. Mr. Armstrong has now progressed so far in his work that he can safely say that the building of the mill is settled. The business is one that will be of incalculable benefit to Alton. The business is a most profitable one, and promises to pay large dividends to the stockholders. Mr. Armstrong has been a paper manufacturer since he left Alton twelve or fifteen years ago. He is a thorough master of paper manufacturing, and has won flattering success both at Rochester, N. Y. and Appleton, Wisconsin. He has interested St. Louis capitalists in the enterprise, and Mr. Armstrong, accompanied by one of them who will take $25,000 of stock, was in Alton yesterday and interviewed some of Alton's capitalists. A majority of the stock will be held in Alton in order to control its affairs. Mr. Armstrong has positive assurance from Alton's leading capitalists that insures the financial success of the new mill. The mill will manufacture strawboard. The structure will cost from $75,000 to $80,000. The capacity will be 25 tons a day. About 40 persons will be employed. The building will be erected so that it can be easily enlarged, as it is anticipated that before a year its increased business will necessitate large capacity. The capitalists who have looked over Mr. Armstrong's propositions and have made inquiries as to his antecedents in Rochester and Appleton are enthusiastic for the enterprise. The building of the mill will be a splendid addition to the industries of Alton. It will not only give employment to a large number of hands, but will make a market in Alton for material from which the strawboard is manufactured, and will in other ways be of great advantage to our city. Mr. Armstrong will establish his office here just as soon as he can find a suitable place. By the way, many of our older citizens will recognize Mr. Armstrong as the son of the late Rev. Dr. C. S. Armstrong, for many years pastor of the Presbyterian church here. Mr. Armstrong will soon move his family to Alton and will be business manager of the mill.


$15,000 Car Sheds, Generator, Improved Gas Plant
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 20, 1899
The new car barns to be built by the Alton Railway & Illuminating Company adjacent to the power house will be most complete and up-to-date in design. The building is to be of brick, stone and iron. It is to be erected in the bottom of the quarry, and leading to it will be a track that will be laid on Market Street, down the incline at Seventh Street into the barn. The barn and all accessories will cost $15,000, so President Joseph F. Porter today said.

The new power generator for the power house will be here tomorrow, and will be set in place as soon as possible. The new generator will be used to furnish power for the additional cars to be put on the system when the Sixth Street line is built. In addition to this increase of power, Mr. Porter is authority for the statement, the owners of the plant have now under consideration the expenditure of a large sum of money on the gas system and the electric systems. If the east Alton line is built, it will make necessary an increase in power at the plant that will be quite expensive. The gas system now needs overhauling badly, as all the mains are too small or in a worn-out condition. Extension of the mains and relaying of those already in the ground will soon be begun.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 21, 1899
The Kirsch Packing Company has closed a contract with a Chicago manufacturer of the machines for a 40-ton ice machine to cost $30,000. H. Luetgert, a representative of the Chicago firm, was in town Friday and closed the contract with Mr. G. F. Kirsch. The plant is to be one of the finest in this part of the state, and it is claimed will turn out ice of a quality to be excelled by none. The plant will be installed in the building on Third Street, next to the Kirsch Company's ice house, in the building purchased by the company from C. Rodemeyer, and formerly used as a blacksmith shop of the carriage factory. Next to the ice plant will be the ice house to store surplus ice, and it is proposed to make the institution the most complete of its kind to be had. The building is large enough to permit the building of cold storage rooms, which will be done. With the new cold storage plant, Alton will have five ice manufactories and cold storage plants, all established in the last twelve years. The natural ice industry will now languish certainly, for artificial ice will glut the market formerly ruled by the natural product.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 21, 1899
The Alton will now beg for mercy at the hands of the robbers who have been persecuting it. Although Union Station is only one square from police headquarters, it has been entered by robbers twice in two weeks, and in both cases the author of the burglary is unknown and apparently undiscoverable. The second attempt took place last night and was fruitless. Entrance was effected through a window in the east side of the gentlemen's waiting room, which the burglar pried open with a file. The window was raised and then the burglar began operations against the window of the Alton ticket office. The window was secured by a brass lock and by an iron bolt driven into the casing through the sash. The burglar did not dare to cut the glass for fear of attracting the attention of the inmates of the Depot Hotel. The window was forced with the file used on the outside window, but could be raised only six or seven inches as the lock jammed in the sash and absolutely presented it being further raised. The burglar must have been frightened off, or dared not make further efforts to enter the ticket office. The burglar would have been meagerly rewarded for the work had he succeeded in entering. Mr. O. G. Norris, the agent, today said that ht customarily makes nightly remittances of receipts to headquarters, and the comparatively small amount retained by him for change was locked in the steel safe. The Big Four agent has a similar custom, but last night some large sales after the remittance was made left quite a sum of money in the office. This, too, was in a strong safe, and the thief would have been obliged to crack the strong box. The police suspect that the burglary was committed by the person who has made frequent midnight entrance to the C. B. & Q. station at Ridge Street. The burglaries there had become so frequent that nothing was left in the office at night, so the burglar was obliged to transfer his base of operations.


GILL BUILDING TO BE SOLD (northwest corner of Broadway & Oak Streets)
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 23, 1899
Negotiations having in view the change of ownership of the building situated at the corner of Second [Broadway] and Oak Streets, known as the GillGill Building, Alton, IL Building, are being carried on, and it is more than probably that in forty-eight hours’ time the property will pass into the possession of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Company. The Anheuser-Busch Company has long contemplated the purchase of a building in Alton and surrounding country. The Lemps long since established an agency here with cold storage rooms and the sharp rivalry between the companies required the Anheuser-Busch Company to do likewise. The latter has had its headquarters in the office of the Alton Packing Company, but must soon vacate there, and the negotiations for the purchase of the Gill building was begun through M. J. Gill. Mr. Will Busch and Mr. M. J. Gill came to Alton at 11:20 a.m. today, and were taken to the building that Mr. Busch might inspect it. The owners of the building, the Strubel heirs and others who held claims against it, ask $12,000 for the property. The building is a substantial brick one, three stories high, and is the finest in Alton. The investment was an unprofitable one, as business in the east end did not pay for the expense of the building. It has long been for sale, but the owners refused to take less than $12,000 for it on several occasions when offers of a less amount were made. Should the Anheuser-Busch Company take the building, extensive improvements will be made to accommodate the needs of the new owners. It is possible the building will be entirely remodeled, with a new front and interior arrangements.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28, 1899
A deep scheming firebug in the person of Dr. D. D. Hays of Bunker Hill was arrested by the Alton police Friday evening, on the charge of incendiarism, and was taken to Bunker Hill at once by City Marshal Herbst of that place.

Hays was arrested in William Threde's Saloon, where he had been spending the early part of the evening. He is a man evidently about 45 years of age, and has been in an insane asylum, but for four years has practiced medicine. His methods were unique, but in addition to this feature they had that of being effective, and the firebug had an easy means of living by employing his incendiary talents. He has two fires to his credit, one entailing a loss of $20,000 in building and store stocks. On November 13, a business block in Bunker Hill was destroyed by a fire that seemed to originate in a room stored with belongings of Hays. The insurance on the property of Dr. Hays was quite heavy, and he collected it shortly after the fire. Next to Hays room was the local telephone exchange, and on the night of the fire the operator in the exchange heard in Dr. Hays' room footsteps, and then the sound of a match being scratched. The placed burned like tinder, and took with it the adjacent structures.

The subsequent doings of the doctor showed the cunning of a maniac, and few doubt that he was insane. He leased a room January 1, and took out heavy insurance on the property in the room. Thursday night a fire was discovered in the door, but was extinguished before any damage was done. Dr. Hays was gone from the city and had locked the doors to his room so that entrance must be made by firemen by breaking open the doors. When the room was open, a wonderful sight was before the men who entered. When carrying out furniture from the bedroom, a hole in each of the four walls was found. These holes were filled with kindling and paper soaked with oil. In a bureau, wardrobe and washstand from which all articles of value had been removed, were found oil-soaked paper and kindling. A long fuse filled with candle wicking saturated with coal oil was found leading from the rear of the washstand through a hole cut in the back to the inflammable substance within the walls. All this was connected by a train of saturated wicking leading to a lighted tallow candle, which was so fixed as to fire the fuse after a certain time.

Hays had left the village and came to Alton to disarm suspicion, but he over-reached himself. He intended to leave for Chicago on the early Saturday morning excursion train, and went to the Madiso [Hotel] to remain all night. He subsequently went to Threde's Saloon and was arrested just as the search for him was given up and City Marshal Herbts had gone to the depot.

A few days ago, Hays had two trunks containing all his surgical instruments shipped to Alton, and from here to Harrisburg, Pa., where it is thought he intended to locate. His intention was to deceive the insurance company, give the appearance of having lost all his property in the fire. He intended to lose nothing and collect insurance for all. Hays was educated in the East, where he was born and reared. His family is influential and distinguished.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 01, 1899
The Third Division, Second Battalion, Naval Militia of Illinois, of Alton, was mustered into the service of the state on Saturday evening, February 01, 1896, at the City Hall, Captain D. C. Daggett of Moline, then Commander of the Second Battalion, being mustering officer. He was accompanied by Lieutenant Commander J. H. Porter and several of the commissioned officers of the First and Second Divisions of Moline.

Prior to the mustering, there had been perfected (with a membership of forty young men) an organization that had banded themselves together under the name of the "Morrell Guards," and were fully officered, holding regular drill meetings in the McPike Building. The purpose of the organization was to be ready to fill any vacancy that might exist in the National Guard. While this was going on, several of our prominent citizens, headed by the late Senator C. A. Herb, were doing all in their power to obtain a position for the "Morrell Guards" in the Second Battalion, N. M. I. About January 24, 1896, word was received that Captain Daggett would muster the organization into the Naval Militia, and accordingly, this was done on February 01, 1896. The officers elected at mustering were: George E. Wilkinson as Lieutenant Commanding; Edward V. Crossman, Lieutenant Junior Grade; H. Baker Ash, Ensign; H. Harold Hewitt, Second Ensign. The Petty Officers of today are: Boatswain's Mates George Parker and Charles Smith; Gunner's Mates Phillip Leyser, Wilbur Streeper, and Clay Butler; Quartermasters W. Lane, Frank Brice; Master-at-Arms William Montgomery, Charles Gildersleeve; Coxswains Charles Lyons, W. Gradolph, E. E. Johnson, and Allen Challacombe; Ship Writers Lucien Baker and Cyrus Maxfield.

On July 23d, 1896, Lieutenant Wilkinson, in view of his removal to Germany, tendered his resignation, which was accepted, and at the election ordered on August 16, 1896 to fill vacancy, Lieutenant Junior Edward V. Crossman was elected to the command of the company and rank of Lieutenant. Ensign Hewitt advanced to First Ensign. Quartermaster Ed C. Paul was elected from petty officer to be Second Ensign, and these officers are in charge of the company this date.

The Naval Reserves have won laurels for themselves on many occasions, never having been defeated for any prize they undertook to win, and as a result they are now in possession of the handsome "Daggett Silver Water Set," and the 1-pound Hotchkiss rapid fire cannon, both acquired by the excellence of the Signal Corps and Gun Crew during the camp tour of 1897 at Camp Stedman.

At camp in Chicago in 1896, in the Governor's inaugural parade at Springfield in 1897, and at the Madison County Jubilee in Edwardsville in 1897, they received honorable mention as being the best drilled organization that took part in these events.

During the three years, 134 men have been enlisted of which 56 enlisted especially for service in the Spanish-American War. The company today comprises 64 petty officers and men, and four commissioned officers.

Eighty-two of its members participated in the recent war, 65 in the navy, 12 in the army at Santiago, and 4 who were rejected here enlisted in the army at St. Louis, not forgetting "Little Sap" who went to Mobile and joined the navy. Two commissioned officers, Lt. W. L. Sparks and Ensign H. H. Hewitt also served in the navy.

During the six months that Commander Porter was absent at the front, Lieut. E. V. Crossman served as Commander of the Second Battalion, having head partners at Alton. Four of the members have, during the enlistment, been honored with appointment to Battalion Officer as follows: Dr. H. R. Lemen was appointed apothecary, and then succeeded to Battalion Surgeon. Charles Flachenecker succeeded Dr. Lemen as apothecary. F. S. Boals was appointed Chief Gunner's Mate. F. C. Riehl appointed as Chief Quartermaster. R. C. Wayne was appointed Ordnance Officer. W. L. Sparks succeeded Lieut. Wayne in 1897 with rank of Lieutenant.

The charter members still in the service besides the commissioned officers are: George Parker, E. Harris Smith, Ward Lane, H. Kranz, John H. Bruner, W. P. Chalk, H. Dudley, T. Reedy, W. A. Rice, C. G. Smith and Percy Rice.

It has been decided not to apply for any discharges for the men whose enlistment expires today, until it is ascertained what the state authorities propose to do. If the Governor encourages it, the organization will continue and take hold vigorously again; if not, the discharges will be granted, under which circumstances the company would disband.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 03, 1899
The private safe of Mr. C. H. Hapgood, in the office of the Hapgood Plow Company, was blown open during Thursday night by someone after money, but the labors of the cracksmen were scantily rewarded. As the safe is used only by Mr. Hapgood and no valuables are kept in it, nothing of value was taken. The safe is a small old-fashioned one that was set in a small closet and seldom unlocked. Mr. Hapgood keeps the key to it and whoever did the safe blowing thought it must contain many valuables. The large keyhole in the door was used for the insertion of powder, which dropped down between the outer and inner linings of the door. Then the hole was plugged with wood and the powder set off. The explosion broke open the door but did not damage the safe badly. Every drawer in the office desks was broken open and papers strewn around in the search of the burglar for money. The only things missing are a few postage stamps and $1 in specie taking from Mr. H. L. Black's private desk.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 07, 1899
The ice fields across the river present a busy scene. At the two series of houses, the upper and lower houses, 350 men are now at work storing the crystal ice. The quality of the ice is said by the men to be the finest ever stored, and if it was thicker, it could not be better. In the upper houses, the ice is now being stored only in the first three, and they are half full after only four days work. At the rate that work is now progressing, the series of houses will be stored to their fullest capacity in a little over a week, if cold weather holds out, and such is now the indications. The amount of ice stored daily is increased each day as the facilities for caring for it are increased. The number of men employed is added to daily, and it is a noticeable fact that most of the men either live in Alton or board here. All of them are compelled to come to Alton to be paid as the Huse Loomis Co. has opened an office on Market Street between Broadway and Third Streets.

Monday afternoon, a team of horses used for drawing the ice markers and snow scrapers was driven too close to the edge of the ice where it had been cut, and they broke through. They were rescued by the men at work in the vicinity before suffering serious consequences.

The ice thickens now at the rate of one-half an inch during the night, and at present continues thickening slowly during the daytime. The thickness of the ice now being harvested is 10 inches, but when the field now being cut is stored, a heavier one on the west will be cut, and by that time the ice will be at least 12 inches.

Last night was pay night with the Huse-Loomis Co., and all the men came to Alton to receive their wages. The wages paid are $1.50 and $1.25 for a day.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Tuesday, February 21, 1899
Dan Kennedy, a young man only 19 years old, committed a daring robbery at 6 o'clock Monday evening in true wild western bandit fashion. His victim is John Merkle, who keeps a shoe store at 322 Ridge street, and the holdup took place in Merkle's store. Kennedy is the son of a neighbor of Mr. Merkle, and it was a customary thing for the boy to drop into the shoe store in the evenings and talk with Merkle, often spending an evening in this manner. He learned by observation and from conversation with his friend, Mr. Merkle, that often times large sums of money were taken in during the day in the little store and that the cash drawer would be an easy mark for any one left alone in the store. Kennedy was waiting in the store for an opportunity when the proprietor might leave the room or be engaged with a customer, and then he would have stolen whatever the cash drawer contained. Mr. Merkle gave him no opportunity as the time passed, so the young amateur bandit was forced to go about his work in true bandit fashion. After long conversation, rising to his feet as though he was about to leave, Kennedy suddenly pulled a revolver from his pocket, and leveling it at Merkle's face ordered him to throw up his hands and be quiet. Merkle was astounded and at first supposed the boy was in play. "You don't mean it, do you?" he asked. "Of course, I do; throw up your hands," was Kennedy's second command. Merkle's hands hurriedly described semi-circles in the air, and in a second were in the most approved hold-up position. Kennedy went behind the counter, opened the cash drawer, and took its entire contents, $70 in cash. The young bandit then backed to the store door and bolted down the street. Merkle called police so soon as he recovered his senses and could command himself. The police made a careful search for young Kennedy, but the lad had planned his course well and no doubt was well on his way out of the city when the police started the search. After committing the robbery, Kennedy hurried to East Alton, riding part of the way with a young man named Scovell, and was in a great hurry. He arrived at East Alton in time to catch the Big Four train going east, at 8:30 p.m. Chief of Police Starr telegraphed instructions along the road to officers to search the train and arrest the boy. The young man is the son of Mr. Dan Kennedy, who lives on Fourth street, near Henry street. The parents of the boy ascribe his deed to insanity, but others say it was the effect of reading too much cheap literature. Some time ago he bought a badge and commission from a fake detective agency and presented himself to Chief of Police Kuhn, asking that he be sworn in as a detective.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Tuesday, March 07, 1899
An elevator in which corn, wheat and all other farm commodities may be stored is to be erected at once by a company of Alton men. The elevator is to follow a suggestion made in the Telegraph some time ago that a market where farmers might sell anything they might have to sell would be a very good thing for merchants and the city of Alton in general. The elevator is to be built by Peter Reyland and Joseph Luly and is to be located on Second Street on a vacant lot next to the shop of the George D. Hayden Machine Company [located near the corner of W. Broadway & Piasa Streets]. For many years farmers who have brought produce or agricultural products to Alton for sale have had great difficulty in disposing of them and have been obliged often to wait on the public square all day long and then sell their loads at whatever price could be obtained. When the new elevator is opened it will be a market for everything the farmer has to sell. It will create competition for the farm products brought to Alton and will attract here much country trade that has gone elsewhere to better markets. The elevator cannot but be an advantage to business men of Alton and a profitable venture for the company which is backing it. The merchants of Alton have long felt the country trade that might be in Alton was not coming here. The reason for the slipping away of the country trade was only too apparent when teams with wagon loads of produce could be seen standing on the public square all day. Many farmers east of Alton would go to Bunker Hill or Edwardsville and those north of Alton would go to Jerseyville. Thousands of dollars were thus spent away from Alton in towns that have not half the advantages of Alton. The elevator is a good thing.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Tuesday, March 07, 1899
Mr. James C. Armstrong, who is interested in the organizing of a company for the purpose of running a paper mill in Alton, states that he has at last obtained an option on 15 acres of ground, belonging to Col. Fulkerson, of Jerseyville. The land lies just east of the Curdie & Maupin addition to Alton, and is favorably situated for the purpose of manufacturing. Mr. Armstrong now has assurances from eastern capitalists that all the money needed will be subscribed. The eastern capitalists are eager to become interested in the enterprise. The prospects now are that a fine plant will be erected, and possibly a larger one than was at first intended.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 11, 1899
Preparations were made today for beginning work on the foundations for the new elevator to be erected on West Second street by Messrs. Peter Reyland and Joseph Luly. The stone work will be started Monday, and work on the building will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. A two-story structure will be erected, with accommodations for a commission store fronting on Second street, and the elevator in the rear. A driveway will run through the center of the elevator, and all modern conveniences, including a wagon dump and elevator hoist will be added. Architect Pfeiffenberger has the plans in hand, but they are not yet complete. The promoters are anxious to launch their new enterprise, and therefore will go ahead with the foundation. The elevator is bound to be a paying investment and will supply a long felt need in Alton. Messrs. Reyland and Luly have contracted with a St. Louis firm to have the lumber for the elevator sawed into a special size.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Monday, March 13, 1899
A wedding with a tinge of delightful romance was solemnized by Justice Brandewiede in the City Courtroom at 3:30 p.m. today. The groom was Herman M. Lippoldt of Torrington, Laramie county, Wyoming, and the bride was Miss Clara M. Ebbler, of Brighton. To a representative of the Telegraph, the groom told the story of his courtship and the long interval between the time when he first found favor and the day he was married. He was a young fellow 20 years ago who lived at Brighton and was well known there. He had played with Clara Ebbler as a child, and had good reason to think he was looked upon with favor. Fifteen years ago, he left for the West to make a fortune or a comfortable living so he could claim his chosen bride. He returned a few days ago, owner of thousands of heads of cattle and a big stock farm in Wyoming, Laramie county. He found his young sweetheart a woman grown to maturity and still waiting the return of her lover. They agreed to be married and came to Alton. They hunted up 'Squire Brandewiede after securing a license, and were made man and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Lippoldt will leave for Laramie this evening to make their home there.

Herman Lippoldt was born September 22, 1861, near Brighton. He went West to make his fortune, and returned to marry his sweetheart, Clara M. Ebbler. Together they homesteaded in Wyoming, where he worked also as a surveyor. After 19 years, Herman and Clara and their four children returned to Brighton to live out their remaining years. Herman died in March 1939, and Clara died in 1946. They are buried in the Brighton City Cemetery.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Monday, March 13, 1899
In the yards of the Illinois Glass Co., work is now being pushed rapidly on the new warehouse and shipping department that was begun several weeks ago. The new building is to be a substantial one built mainly of stone and iron and is to be larger than the one now used alone. It is to be 92x400 feet, while the present one measures but 300x92. The foundations for the new structure are almost complete and the setting of the iron work will be begun at once. Some important improvements are to be made at the glass works during the coming summer. Changes similar to those made last year in No. 5 will be made in at least one of the green glass factories, transforming it into what is known as a Dutch flint. In the new factory coal is to be used instead of oil as fuel. The Illinois Glass Co. is confronted with a demand of the coal operators for a rise in the price of coal. Since the agreement between the operators and miners for a wage scale, the operators who had a contract with the glass company to supply them with coal have decided that the price must go up and are insisting on a rise. The payroll of the glass works foots up $1,500,000 per year.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 15, 1899
About 7:30 o'clock this morning, two boys, Joe Toole and William Brady, were caught in a fall of earth from a bank on the Seventh street side of the residence of A. J. Howell on the corner of State. There were some seven or eight boys playing under the bank at the time. They heard a noise and ran, all escaping except the two named. The alarm was given and soon a crowd of men were at work digging for the boys. After several minutes work, the head of one of the boys, William Brady, was uncovered, then all went to work again to discover the other. As soon as he was found, both were taken out. Neither were seriously injured, although they appeared dazed and somewhat suffocated. Joe Toole's tongue was cut and bleeding, evidently caused by his teeth biting the tongue when caught by the earth. Physicians were sent for at once, and boys were taken to their homes nearby and received whatever medical attention their condition needed. Mr. and Mrs. Howell have been greatly annoyed by the persistency with which the boys continued to play at the bank, digging in it. They have been warned away, threatened by the police, but the temptation was too strong for the little fellows to keep away. The owners of the property several months ago had contracted with Mr. E. J. Lockyer to remove the earth and build a stone wall, but the weather was such, and the frost so far in the ground, that the contractor found it necessary to cease work until the frost was gone. The bank was ten or twelve feet high, and only about six feet of it slid down. It was owing to this that the boys’ lives were saved. Had the entire ten or twelve feet of earth come down, the lads would have probably been killed outright. All parties are to be congratulated on the fortunate escape of the boys. It ought to be a warning to others to keep away from banks of earth when the frost is coming out of the ground.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 08, 1899
The sale of the Gill building at Second and Oak Streets by the Strubel estate to Adolphus busch of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association was consummated Friday, and the property now belongs to the new owner. The sale of the Gill building has been talked of for many weeks, and each time the transfer of title was deferred. The transfer was recorded at Edwardsville Friday, and the price paid is $8,000.

The Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association has some important plan under consideration with reference to its new acquisition. The building is too large and too far from the railroad tracks to be a convenient or suitable place for a beer depot. Some time ago, the Telegraph published the statement that a branch to the St. Louis breweries would be built in Alton, similar to the one at Belleville. The building is to be remodeled inside and out, and all indications are that the information was correct.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 10, 1899
Since the advent in Alton of a second Chinese wash service, there have been prospects of serious trouble among the Chinese laundrymen. Long Kin floated into Alton a few months ago, and with him brought the determination to stay. Long Kin is a bright, intelligent fellow, and he started in after the business. The first thing he did was to cut the prices on shirts, collars, cuffs, and underwear. The cut was to half-price. Now Pang Sue, who has been established in Alton for many years, says he can stand more reduction in the cost scale than Long Kin. Pang says his bank account is bigger than his rival’s, and he has gone Long Kin one better. Taking effect next Monday, the price on shirts will be 4 cents; collars 1 cent; cuffs per pair, 2 cents; undershirts and drawers 2 for 5 cents.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18, 1899
Harry Clarke and Ed Scroggins, two characters of note in the police court, were arrested last night after robbing the grocery store of William Gerhardt at Seventh and Henry streets. Clarke has confessed his guilt and by his direction the police were able to locate the plunder which he had concealed. Scroggins still stoutly denies his guilt, notwithstanding the fact that he was caught with a large bundle of plunder in his hands. He declares it was given to him by another man. Scroggins was the first man caught and nothing was known of the burglary until Officer Coleman hailed him on Ridge street near the Manhattan club building. The officer noticed a man walking briskly ahead of him who seemed to be carrying a bundle on his shoulders. In response to the officer's hail, the thief started to run and was followed by the officer. The thief was overtaken and it was found that the bundle he was carrying consisted of a quantity of cigars, tobacco and canned goods. At the police station Scroggins was searched and he was found to be loaded down with plunder. He had in his pockets knives, scissors, tobacco, and in his bundle a quantity of canned goods. Capt. Allen demanded of Scroggins who his accomplice was and he finally informed him it was his brother-in-law, Harry Clarke. A search for Clarke was at once begun, but while the police were looking for him, Clarke walked into the police station and asked for Scroggins. The bold burglar was placed under arrest in solitary confinement, and this morning he confessed to Officer Long that he was guilty and told where the remaining plunder was hidden. Officer Long found the stuff in a sack where he had been directed by Clarke in an alley between Walnut and Cherry streets, between Third and Fourth streets. When Scroggins was arrested the police began an investigation to discover the place where the robbery was committed. The door of William Gerhardt's store was found broken open and the investigation revealed that it was the place where the burglary had been committed. No one had heard the burglars, although the house is occupied as a dwelling by Mr. F. A. Bierbaum. Clarke and Scroggins bear bad characters and have before been suspected with committing like offenses. The police think they have the men who robbed Strittmatter's store one week ago Sunday and may be able to substantiate their suspicions. The value of the goods stolen from the Gerhardt store is about $35.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 29, 1899
Anthony W. Young was inaugurated mayor of the city of alton last evening. The oath of office was administered by Clerk Bierbaum, and the now Mayor took the chair after the adjournment sine die. The outgoing mayor gave an exhibition of boorish ill manners that was disgusting, in his refusal to follow a custom, the outgoing officer introducing the ingoing one. As the gavel fell in the mayor’s hand, and he declared the old council adjourned, the mayor-retiring grabbed his hat and left. Mayor Young was not embarrassed, but took the chair, rapped for order, and announced that he needed no one to introduce him, to which the crowd responded with a cheer. The spectators that filled the council chamber cheered every movement “Tony” made, from the time he tendered his resignation as alderman, to the time he adjourned the council.

The last hours of the old council were uninteresting. The committee appointed to canvass the election returns reported the result as already shown, and the candidates elected were granted certification of election. Mayor-elect Young tendered his resignation as alderman of the First Ward, and F. Volbracht tendered his, as alderman of the Sixth Ward. The new mayor was sworn in. As he concluded the oath of office, the crowd that filled the council chamber cheered. Pat Ward was sworn in as city clerk, and the new members took the oath of office as members of the council.

Anthony W. Young, Alton’s new Mayor, was born at Godfrey 33 years ago. He is the son of William Young and Eliza Young of Godfrey. He taught school during the early years of manhood, but gave up the profession to go into business in Alton. He is now one of the owners of the Vincegar Factory in Alton. He is a Democrat, and could have had his party nomination for the Legislature last fall, had he desired it. He has served three years as an Alderman from the First Ward, resigning to become Mayor. He was elected Mayor of Alton by a plurality of 382, in a total vote 3046. Mr. Young is an affable, genial gentleman, a man who knows the courtesies of every day life, and will cultivate good feeling. He has the ability to make Alton a first-class Mayor, and we believe it his earnest disposition to do so.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 02, 1899
The safe of William Fries in the office of the Lemp Beer Depot was blown open this morning. It is supposed one of the robbers was badly hurt by the explosion of dynamite used to force the door, as drops of blood were found in the immediate vicinity. The outer steel wall of the safe was blown off the door, but the inner part could not be dislodged in the brief time the safe-blowers had to work after the explosion. In the safe was about $200 in cash that would have rewarded the robbers had their attempt on the safe been successful with the first charge of dynamite.

The explosion was heard by Gus Wills, night engineer at the Luer Packing Company plant. He rushed out of the alley between the ice house and the main building on Second Street [Broadway], and made a hurried investigation. He noticed smoke issuing from the transom of the Lemp agency office, and started to investigate, when he was confronted at the alley way by a man with a revolver. The man ordered Wills to keep quiet, and not attempt to give an alarm. Wills was backed into the alley, and then the robber left. Wills hurried to the telephone and informed the police of his experience. Investigation showed the condition of the safe in the office of the Lemp agency, but the robbers were gone. It is thought there must have been three men engaged on the job, two to work and one to watch.

Chief of Police Volbracht made a careful investigation this morning to find a clue. A suspect was examined and questioned, but no wounds were found on his person, and he told a straight story. Drops of blood were found beginning at Second and Spring Street, along the street to the alley and down the alley to Oak Street, up Oak Street to Third Street. The Chief of Police is still at work on the case, and hopes to find the guilty persons.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 05, 1899
The sale of the Smith place in Middletown, to a syndicate headed by Dr. H. D. Bull of Jerseyville, was effected last night. The price paid is $13,500. The property was owned by Mrs. Sarah B. Mahaney of Chicago, and was known as the Smith place, after Mrs. Mahaney’s maiden name.

The close of this deal concludes the largest real estate transaction made in Alton in many years. The property is situated in Middletown, at Liberty and Fifteenth Streets, and is one of the finest pieces of property in Alton. It comprises a tract of land of over one block in area, and is situated in an eminently desirable neighborhood. The place has been occupied by Mr. C. H. Hapgood as a home for many years. The syndicate owning the property will tear down the dwelling house, and will place the property on market. Two streets will be run through the place, one running east and west, starting opposite the Atwood home, and extending to the residence of Mr. J. F. Porter. The other street will be run from the alley-way adjacent to the Baker home, extending north to the Quigley place. The place will be made a subdivision of O. M. Adams’ addition to the city of Alton, and will be cut up into lots and sold.

The deal has been an exciting one, as no less than five persons were after the property. The property was considered by Mr. Stevens of St. Louis, but the delayed closing the deal, and in the meantime the Hull syndicate captured the prize. The sale of the property was engineered by Mr. G. H. Smiley.

The dwelling was built more than forty years ago by the late Hon. Robert Smith, and was for many years one of the largest and finest residences in Alton, with ample and beautiful grounds, which made a most delightful home. It has been owned for some years by Mr. Smith’s only daughter, Mrs. Sarah B. Mahaney. (See article below.)

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 11, 1900
One of the oldest houses in the city of Alton, the old Smith homestead at Liberty and Fifteenth streets, will be torn down to make way for improvement. It was said today by a man well posted in the early history of Alton, that the house was first built by B. F. Edwards, and that the old original portion of it must be nearly 65 years of age. Many improvements were made to it subsequently, and the old house was remodeled, but part of the original building is still standing. The property was the homestead of Hon. Robert Smith, the only Congressman Alton ever had, who lived here until his death in the late sixties (1860s). It was the finest house in Alton for many years, as well as the largest, and was quite a wonder in its way. Mr. Smith was elected to fill the unexpired term of another Congressman. The property having been purchased by a syndicate, the buildings will be torn down and the land will be platted and placed on the market.


Manager John Daniels Skips Out with a Coochie Dancer
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 10, 1899
The Turkish theatre which has been doing business on Second Street [Broadway] since last Saturday, has gone to the wall. It suspended business last night and the treasurer, John Daniels, suspended payment and took one of the girls with him to parts unknown. A mournful situation confronted the attaches of the show this morning - no breakfast, no money, no treasurer. One of the dancers complained to the police last night that when she asked the treasurer for her money, Daniels' wife struck her on the neck. She wanted a warrant issued for the arrest of the couple. No warrant could be issued and this morning Daniels and the other dancer had left town. Daniels had everything of value with him and left all of his employees’ creditors to the amount of a week's salary. Madame Prence Sultana, as the star is known - her right name is unknown and one member of the company said she is rich in names - was creditor to the extent of $7 for seven days work. William Flemme and two daughters, S. Ezekiel, John Philip and George Managg, all attaches, were out hunting Daniels today. The departed treasurer took with him the bag pipes and reed pipes and all the gaudy finery of the show, leaving nothing as a remnant to buy a lunch for his deserted troupe.

The “Hoochie Coochie” dancers in the late 1890s were similar to what we know as belly dancers. The dance was almost unknown in the United States until 1893, when “Hoochie Coochie” dancers, dressed in exotic clothing from the Middle East, appeared at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. One of the most popular attractions on the midway was “A Street in Cairo,” where the dancers performed. The dance shocked the tightly-corseted Victorian ladies, known for modesty and restraint. In time, the dancers appeared in small venues, such as the temporary Turkish theater on Broadway in Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 11, 1899
George Brunner, who has been serving in the Eighth U.S. Cavalry in Cuba, has arrived home, and brought his discharge with him. He is one of the young men who enlisted in the cavalry service during the war, and in the same company were two other Alton boys. At the close of the war, the cavalry regiment was sent to Cuba on garrison duty, and George went with it. He procured his discharge almost one month ago, but was unable to come home because no vessels were leaving the port where he was stationed. George is looking well, and has not suffered from his army experience.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Saturday, June 03, 1899
About 2:30 o'clock today three men, Jake Schreiber, foreman, Pat Gerlack and Owen Callahan, were quite severely injured at Job's quarry by a belated blast. They had prepared a blast which did not go off, and while trying to get the powder out of the holes, it was ignited and the explosion took place. The crowbar they were working with was blown a long distance. Jake Schreiber, the foreman, was nearest the blast. His face, hands and arms were badly burned with powder. His skin was filled with small particles of stone, dust and powder. His eyes are badly singed, both with powder and particles of stone and dust. Peter Gerlach was seriously injured, being badly hurt about the face and hands. His skin was filled with stone and dust. Owen Callahan was slightly burned, and his flesh cut with stone, and his skin filled with the flying particles. While Schreiber is the most severely injured, it is hoped that his eyes will be saved.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Saturday, June 03, 1899
That Alton burglar is a fastidious fellow in his tastes. He wants nothing but the finest goods when he goes out stealing. He broke into the shoe store of J. W. Schmoeller in Hotel Madison building some time before midnight last night and stole eight pairs of the finest enameled leather shoes from the stock. Mr. Schmoeller entered the store last night about midnight and found empty shoe boxes strewn over the floor and knew at once he had been favored with a visit by the midnight visitor of Strittmatter's, Doering's, and other stores in the east end. Eight pairs of shoes of assorted sizes were missing. Investigation showed that the burglars had entered the store by prying open a window in the rear. The print of a burglar's jimmy was found on the window where the pry had been inserted. Neighbors say they heard a noise in the alley at 9:30 o'clock and it is supposed the burglar made his visit at that time. The shoes were stolen no doubt to sell in some "fence" in St. Louis. Chief of Police Volbracht is working on the case and will devote all his energies to the capture of the bold burglar.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Wednesday, June 14, 1899
A burglar who had planned to rob the house of Mayor Young on Mill street had a run for his life last night, and a narrow escape from capture. He escaped by climbing down Lover's Leap while a posse of armed men were camping around him waiting for morning to come. When Mayor Young returned from the council meeting, he wanted a light lunch and Mrs. Young went to the pantry to get it. As she opened the pantry door, a man took her by the arm, she screamed for her husband. The Mayor hurried to her assistance but the burglar had left the pantry and was trying to make his escape from the house. He was heard going through a window downstairs, and was seen crossing back lots to Summit Street. Capt. Coleman saw the burglar there and fired two shots at him. In the meantime, half the police force and a posse of citizens were out hunting the man with shotguns and revolvers. The burglar skirted along the brow of the bluffs to Lover's Leap and there he was seen by Officer Welch and fired at twice. The posse of citizens and police drew up in line around the place where the burglar was last seen and watched there until 5 o'clock. When day dawned, search through the weeds and ravines near Lover's Leap was made, but the burglar had escaped by climbing down the perilous path over the face of the bluff at the "leap." The posse dissolved then and hunted their beds disgusted with the burglar who had the nerve to make a trip over the edge of the bluff at that point.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Friday, June 16, 1899
A thief who stole a clothes-basket full of silverware 27 years ago in Alton came back the other day to visit the place, the first time since he committed the offense. He was a grisly old bum, but he had been somewhat of a thief in his younger days and was proud of it. An Alton man who was driving from Edwardsville to Alton met the bum traveling with two others, hard looking characters, at Edwardsville Crossing, and invited the tourists to drink. The grisly old bum became talkative after a glass and told of his last visit to this part of the country. It was almost thirty years since he had been here, he said, and the last time he was in Alton he stole a clothes basket full of silver "at a big house on a hill." He had a skiff down at the riverbank and he carried his plunder to the skiff and rowed across the river. When he examined his plunder, he found every piece engraved with the name "Hayden," so the silver was no good to him in that form. He built a big fire and melted down the silver to one chunk. He sold the chunk in St. Louis and never came back to Alton until the other day. Mr. George D. Hayden supplied the remaining part of the story. He said his place was destroyed by fire in 1872. A quantity of silverware was saved from the fire and Mrs. Hayden packed it in a basket and secreted it under the trees in an unfrequented spot on the place, while the fire was in progress. When she went to look for the silver, it had disappeared. Mr. Hayden offered at the time to pay full value for the silverware and to ask no questions, as the silver was a family heirloom and invaluable because of association. Nothing was ever heard from it until the thief turned up here the other day and explained the mystery. The time has long since passed when the thief could be prosecuted, so he was perfectly safe in telling his story.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 17, 1899
The Alton Box Company is about to pass out of existence as a result of the sale of the plant of the Drummond Tobacco Co., to the trust. A meeting of the stockholders of the company is called for June 24, at the office of the Drummond Realty and Investment Company in the Rialto building in St. Louis, for the purpose of "voting upon the proposition whether or not the company shall proceed to wind up its affairs, sell its property, pay its debts (if any), and distribute its assets among the stockholders, cease doing business, and dissolve its corporate existence." The passing of the Alton Box Co. is of more than ordinary interest in Alton. The institution was located in Alton originally, on the riverbank near the old saw mill, which also belonged to the company. When the box factory was destroyed by fire, James T. Drummond of the Drummond Tobacco Co., secured its removal from Alton to St. Louis. The old box factory chimney is still standing on the river bank where the factory stood, and is a well known mark for river men. The saw mill is still in its old location. The Alton Box Co. had the contract for making all the boxes used by the Drummond Tobacco Co., and it was to hold this contract that the removal to St. Louis was brought about. The late James T. Drummond purchased a third interest in it, and the firm was George R. Allen, J. M. Ryrie and J. T. Drummond. Mr. Ryrie retired from the firm a year ago. The call for the meeting is signed by George R. Allen, President, James T. Drummond, Secretary, and John N. Drummond, representing a majority of the stock. The sale of the plant is the direct result of the sale of the Drummond plant to the trust. It is understood that the decision of the stockholders will be that the company wind up its affairs, sell its property and divide its assets among the stockholders.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Wednesday, June 21, 1899
There was a fierce fight in the city cemetery this morning, which resulted in the sexton, Joseph Klasner, being severely beaten by William Bray, the East Second Street grocer. Mr. Bray was one of the attendants at the funeral of Thomas Luttrell, the boy who was drowned at Riverside Park Sunday. Mr. Bray was in a buggy and attempted to drive into the cemetery, but was opposed by the sexton, who ordered him out, as vehicles are not allowed in the cemetery. Bray said he would not go out and the fight began. The sexton being older than his opponent was badly beaten. He declared he would have Bray arrested for assault and battery. It is a standing rule of the cemetery that buggies or carriages, other than those of the immediate family, shall not be allowed to enter the cemetery.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, Friday, June 30, 1899
The six green glass furnaces at the Illinois Glass works closed down tonight, shortly after five o'clock, for the regular summer stop. The furnaces that shut down tonight are pot furnaces Nos. 2 and 3, oil tank furnace No. 5 and continuous tank furnaces Nos. 8, 9 and 10. The time for resuming work is not known, as it depends altogether on the result of the conferences on the wage question, which will be held this summer after the national convention. Apprentices to the trade were selected this afternoon, but their names were withheld until the time for them to blow their first bottles, and could not be obtained this afternoon. No. 2 furnace will be entirely remodeled this summer, and when it starts up in the fall, it will do so as a tank furnace. This will leave but one green pot furnace, No. 3, and its future as a pot furnace depends entirely on the success of No. 2. No. 2 will be turned into an oil consuming furnace. Workmen began to tear down the outbuildings of No. 2 this morning, preparatory to beginning work of remodeling it just as soon as the fires go out and the brick piles cool. The flint houses will continue to run for two weeks at least, possibly four weeks, and perhaps longer. The men have agreed to forego two weeks of the regular vacation but will likely make up in the fall for any longer summer run than the two weeks allowed. It is now thought they will resume September 15, as the wage scale is settled. The Illinois Glass Works will be a busy place this summer with its flint houses running part of the time and the work of improvement going on on all sides. The Pittsburg Bridge Co. has completed the steel work of the new Illinois Terminal warehouse and the workmen will leave for their eastern homes this evening. The foreman, W. M. Addy, will be married in a few days to an Illinois girl, and will take her to Savannah, Ga.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 07, 1899
Insanely jealous of a woman who feared but did not love him, James P. Bellenger fatally shot and wounded the woman, Mrs. Hattie E. Watson, and her lover, Joseph Reilly, Wednesday night about 8:30 o'clock. The shooting occurred in the living apartments of Hattie Watson over the Alton Novelty Company's place on Second Street [Broadway]. Bellenger claims to have done the shooting in self-defense. The scene of the tragedy was a small porch upon which a back window opened, and from which a flight of stairs led to the ground. The Watson woman was entertaining Reilly, and on account of the heat, they were sitting outside to keep cool. Reilly had taken off his shoes and coat. While the two were sitting there, Bellenger quietly went up the stairs, through the house, and looking out the back window, saw the couple. His footsteps were heard by Reilly and Mrs. Watson as he left, and a few minutes later he was heard returning. Bellenger had gone to his store, armed himself with his revolver and returned. When they heard him coming back, Reilly and Mrs. Watson made a desperate struggle to close the window and shutters leading out on the porch. Bellenger attempted to prevent the closing of the shutters, and a terrific struggle between the two men ensued. Both were physical giants, and the battle for life was a fierce one. Bellenger says he was struck over the eye, and bears the mark there to show for it. At that, he says, he drew his revolver and began firing. Reilly was struck twice in the breast, above and below the heart. Mrs. Watson was struck once in the abdomen, but it is thought Bellenger's intention was not to kill her, and that she stepped in his way to save her lover. The four shots fired drew a big crowd almost instantly, and the police were obliged to lock up the house. When the first assistance arrived, Mrs. Watson was found sitting up and supporting the head of her dying lover. Reilly was taken to St. Joseph's hospital and died as he was being carried into the place. Mrs. Watson was first cared for at her home, but was removed to the hospital by order of the attending physicians. Joseph Reilly was 36 years of age. He was the son of James Reilly, who was buried Tuesday. He had lived in Alton all his life and was engaged in the transfer business. He leaves a mother and six brothers and sisters - Ed. Reilly, James Reilly, Mrs. Mary Sweeney, Mrs. Mary Gaffney, Mrs. E. Coyne, and Miss Annie Reilly. The funeral will be Friday at 2 p.m. Services will be held in St. Patrick's church. After the shooting, Bellenger fled and the police were searching the country for him. He went to the home of his attorney, L. D. Yager, and by his advice surrendered himself to the police at about 10 o'clock. He was locked up in jail protesting bitterly against such indignity to a man of his own prominence in the city. By advice of his attorney, he declined to say anything of the killing, merely stating he had acted in self-defense. At St. Joseph's Hospital, Dr. Taphorn made an examination of Mrs. Watson and pronounced her wound not necessarily fatal. Chief of Police Volbracht and Mayor Young took Mrs. Watson's statement last night, which she signed. The story she told of the shooting is substantially as given above. She said also that since she entered the employ of Bellenger two years ago, he has repeatedly made advances to her on matrimonial subjects. Bellenger was deeply in love with her, and it is said it was on her account he secured the divorce from his wife, Lillian Bellenger, on Tuesday in the City Court. When the divorce was granted, Bellenger renewed his advances and urged her to accept him as a husband. Mrs. Watson says she feared him so she did not dare to become his wife and she put him off. He was returning last night to again renew his pleadings to her when the shooting occurred. When he found Reilly a more favored suitor than himself, his hot southern passion made him furious and he determined to kill his rival. She says she does not believe her death was part of Bellenger's design. Coroner Bailey impaneled a jury this morning and help an inquest in the police station. The taking of evidence was slow work. States Attorney Staats represented the State, and Yager and Brenholt represented Bellenger. The first witness examined was Officer Welch, who was one of the first to arrive on the scene of the shooting. He testified as to the character of Reilly, which he said was good so far as he knew. He stated the circumstances attending the finding of Reilly and Mrs. Watson which were according to what has been told. Mayor Young, who took Mrs. Watson's statement after the shooting, was the second witness. He told that Mrs. Watson said the shooting was preceded by a fierce fight. Bellenger was on the porch outside and Reilly was with her in the dining room. The fight started, she said, when Bellenger attempted to open the shutters which they had closed when he came up the back steps. During the fight Reilly struck Bellenger a fearful blow on the eye and the shooting began. Mrs. Watson's statement was taken this afternoon to verify obscure points in the first one. The statement is as follows: "We were in the room close to the window. Bellenger was outside on the porch. Reilly and myself had both gotten out on the porch before the shooting occurred. Reilly was helping me to keep Bellenger out. Mr. Bellenger said he would kill me before Joe should have me. He said this one month ago. Joe struck at Bellenger before he shot. This and my statement last night is my last, and I do not believe I will get well. My statements given are the truck. Hattie Watson."

C. Orrick Bishop, the eminent criminal lawyer of St. Louis, who is reputed to be one of the best posted men in the profession and the superior of Gov. C. P. Johnson, has accepted the offer of the Reilly family and will assist in the prosecution of James P. Bellenger for the murder of Joseph Reilly. Mr. Bishop was in Alton today conferring with members of the Reilly family with reference to the case. He visited the place where the killing occurred, and found that the scene of the tragedy was much altered since Bellenger killed Joseph Reilly and Hattie Watson. The porch which surmounted the stairway and upon which the shooting occurred has been torn down, and there remains not a vestige of it. Chief of Police Volbracht had photographs taken of the interior of the room facing the porch, and also of the porch at the time of the killing. Senator Brenholt has been retained by the brothers of Bellenger to defend him, and they will not spare money in trying to save the life of the accused murderer. The Reilly family is equally determined to bring Bellenger to punishment, and will not spare money to carry out their purpose.

Hattie Watson Is Dead
Alton Evening Telegraph, September 08, 1899
Hattie Watson, the woman who caused the fearful jealousy of J. P. Bellenger, died at St. Joseph's Hospital Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock, after enduring fearful agony. She became much worse during the afternoon, and did not rally from the shock of her fearful experience. As long as she was conscious, she continued to heap fearful imprecations upon the head of the murderer of herself and Reilly, and her last efforts were used in making the final statement which she hoped would hang him. She was fully conscious her end was near, and talked of it freely when her last statement was taken. Bellenger has retained as his attorneys to conduct his defense, Senator J. J. Brenholt and L. D. Yager. He realizes he has a desperate fight to make for his life. He has a brother, W. C. Bellenger, of Gadsden, Alabama, who is reputed to be very wealthy, and to whom he has appealed for assistance. His brother wired back last night that he could not come on account of illness, but Senator Brenholt sent another dispatch this morning asking him to come at once at both victims of his brother's pistol are dead, and his presence here is imperative. Bellenger was taken to the county jail by Deputy Sheriff Batterton last night, where he will await the action of the grand jury of the Circuit Court, which meets the third Monday in October. Relatives of the dead woman arrived here this morning and are looking after the arrangements for the funeral. Mrs. Watson had money in the bank, and Undertaker Bauer was instructed by her sisters to spare no expense. The body will be shipped to Raymond, Illinois this evening. Coroner Bailey was to have held an inquest this afternoon, but was called to Nameoki and did not return until late. When Bellenger was locked up in jail, his nerve forsook him as a full realization of his awful deed dawned on his mind. Every effort will be made to secure for him a trial at a date as early as possible to determine his fate. He has turned over his business to M. Wilkinson, his landlord, who will dispose of the stock to protect himself from loss on money due.

Bellenger in the County Jail
Alton Evening Telegraph, September 16, 1899
The Edwardsville Intelligencer says that J. P. Bellenger, the Alton murderer, was photographed Tuesday by request of Attorney Yager. It was for the purpose of showing the discoloration on the left side of the face near the nose. This, it is thought, will establish the fact that Reilly struck Bellenger. After being "shot," the murderer was hurried back to his cell. The Edwardsville Republican relates this amusing incident: "The prisoners in the jail treated Bellenger to what they call a 'kangeroo' or mock trial on his entry. 'Skippy' Clark, a well-known Alton character, officiated as judge, taking special delight in acting in that capacity on account of a grudge held against Bellenger. 'Skippy' claims he bought $50 worth of furniture from Bellenger and after it was all paid but one dollar, the latter took the stuff from him. He fined Bellenger $2.50, but as he could not produce $1.50, reduced the judgment to $1 cash, which was spent for a supply of tobacco for the boys."

Wife of J. P. Bellenger Visits Jail
Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1899
Mrs. Lillian Bellenger, the divorced wife of J. P. Bellenger, visited him in the county jail yesterday. She says Bellenger thinks his chances for being released are good, and the only remorse he has it caused by his thoughts of the injustice he did her in securing the divorce. Mrs. Bellenger says she has not been living in St. Louis, but has been with her people in the South, and will go from here to Bonne Terre, Missouri. Bellenger is very anxious to have her assistance in defending his case and is making an effort to have her promise to remarry him in case he escapes without punishment.

The Bellenger Case
Alton Evening Telegraph, November 10, 1899
It has been stated that the attorneys for the defense of J. P. Bellenger were in Edwardsville yesterday arranging for his trial in the county court, and that Mr. Bellenger's relatives would not help him. Persons charged with murder are tried only in the circuit court, instead of the county court. Mr. Bellenger's relatives will give him all the assistance in their power. The day for the trial has not been set, as the prisoner has not yet been arraigned. These statements are made by authority of Mr. Bellenger's counsel. Indeed, none of the persons indicted by the last report of the Grand Jury, including Bellenger and Yahncke, have been arraigned in court.

James P. Bellenger Dies in Prison
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 9, 1911
Colonel James H. Bellenger died in the penitentiary at Chester Wednesday night [March 8, 1911]. Bellenger was serving an indeterminate sentence for killing Hattie Watson, and still hanging over him was an indictment for the murder of Joseph Reilly in Alton at the same time. The killing happened September 6, 1899, in Alton. Bellenger was jealous of the attention showed the Watson woman by Reilly, and one night he killed both of them. He was indicted for murder, and Col. Brenholt, who defended him, says he had the hardest fight of his life to save him from hanging and get him a penal sentence. Bellenger's hair whitened and he became physically broken in prison. Recently his mind failed, and he was an inmate of the prison hospital all the time. He has no relatives who will do anything for him, so far as known. Col. Brenholt said today that at the trial of Bellenger, all his family forsook him and refused to contribute toward a fund for his defense. He is believed to have a son living at Gadsen, Alabama, and Col. Brenholt wired Warden Smith of the penitentiary to send word there. Until word is received from the son, if he is found, the body will be held. No attempt was ever made to get Bellenger out on parole, as the old charge of killing Joseph Reilly was still hanging over him. Bellenger conducted a time payment house in Alton up to the time of the double killing. Bellenger had been prominent in politics in Alton.

Bellenger's Will
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20, 1911
The death of James P. Bellenger, in the penitentiary at Chester, was followed Monday by the filing of the will of Bellenger in the Probate Court this morning, for record. The provisions of Bellenger's will are interesting. The woman he killed was known as Hattie Watson, but it is evident her real name was Pitchford, as in the will Bellenger left her all his estate, with the exception of $2 he devised between his wife and his son. The will was written on a letter head of Bellenger's furniture business in Alton, and was signed by him in due form. It was signed up and dated August 7th, 1889, and about six weeks later Bellenger found it desirable to shoot and kill the woman to whom he had left his property. Whatever he had was spent in conducting his defense, so there will be no estate for anyone to have litigation over.

The location of the shooting was in the apartment above the Alton Novelty Mfg. Company, which was located on the north side of West Broadway, between State & Piasa Streets. Hattie Watson died the next day, September 8, 1899. She was buried in Raymond, Illinois where she had family. Joseph Reilly was buried in the Greenwood (St. Patrick's) Cemetery in Godfrey Township.

Bellenger was taken to the Madison County jail in Edwardsville. In the jail, the other prisoners held a "kangaroo," or mock court. In the mock court, Bellenger was fined $1 cash, which was spent on a supply of tobacco for the prisoners. Bellenger's former wife visited him in the jail, and indicated she would remarry him if he was found innocent.

Bellenger was tried for the murder of Hattie Watson and Joseph Reilly separately. For the murder of Hattie Watson, he was convicted of manslaughter, sentenced to an indeterminate term, and was taken to the Chester, IL penitentiary. During the trial he addressed the court, and stated he had advised Reilly and Mrs. Watson to get married, and that the shooting was as much a surprise and mystery to him as it had been to the people of Alton.

For the murder of Joseph Reilly, he was convicted of murder, but I could not find the sentencing.

On March 8, 1911, Colonel James H. Bellenger died in the penitentiary at Chester, Illinois. Colonel Brenholt, his attorney, stated he had the hardest fight of his life to save Bellenger from hanging. Bellenger's hair turned white while in prison, and he became physically broken. His mind failed him, and he was an inmate of the prison hospital most of the time. After the trials, Bellenger's family (some of whom were wealthy) all abandoned him. It was believed he had a son living in Alabama, but he was not to be found. Bellenger had conducted a "time payment house" in Alton at the time of the murders, had been prominent in politics in Alton, and had owned a furniture store in Alton. He may have been buried in the penitentiary cemetery in Chester, Illinois.

At the filing of the will for James Bellenger, it was discovered that he had left Hattie Watson all of his estate, except for $2 to be divided between his former wife and son. He listed Hattie Watson's name as Hattie Pitchford, and it was signed and dated August 7, 1899, about six weeks before he killed her. ~Bev Bauser


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 16, 1899
Beall Brothers Mining Tool Factory, 517 – 523 Belle Street, was destroyed by fire this morning. The loss is difficult to estimate, but a rough guess at it is made by the Bealls, and it is fixed at not less than $30,000. The insurance held by the McKinney, Blair, and Gossran agencies aggregates $24,800.

The fire occurred on the anniversary of the Pierson & Carr Dry Goods Company fire, but the estimated loss is comparatively much greater. The greatest loss is by damage to the stock, machinery, and delay occasioned by a temporary suspension of business. In the storage rooms on the second floor of the factory was a stock of an estimated value of fifteen thousand dollars. The machinery and general equipment of mechanical department was complete and expensive, and the relatively small space of the four rooms on the first floor was occupied by valuable machines used in manufacturing picks, sledges, drills, etc., that cannot be replaced at present at near their original cost. It is not known how seriously the steel machinery is damaged by the tremendous heat of the flames and the sudden cooling by the dashing of ice cold water upon it. The building is almost a wreck, and it was today thought the brick walls had been damaged so badly by heat they may have to come down. The Bealls greatest loss will be from delay in filling orders. Mr. Charles Beall, the senior member of the firm, said while the fire was burning this morning, that the plant is six months behind on orders, and the fire has hopelessly delayed them in catching up. The plant had been running seven days a week, night and day, the past four months, and was employing over forty men, who were well paid and well satisfied. The fire is a real calamity to the city, and citizens express universal regret at the misfortune that has befallen one of the best industries of Alton. The plant was started by Beall Bros. eighteen years ago, when they purchased an established business that had been making picks for miners many years. Twelve years ago, the plant was destroyed by fire, but within 30 days was in operation again. It is to be hoped a like vigor will be shown by the Phoenix-like firm in again rising regenerated and enlarged from the ashes.

The fire was discovered by the watchman at 12:15 a.m. He could not turn in an alarm at the fire box, and to call the fire department he ran to the whistle and opened it full blast. For fifteen minutes the whistle shrieked, and other steam whistles in the neighborhood kept up the cry of alarm. Hose companies Nos. 1 and 2 responded first, but on their arrival Fire Chief Hunt called out the reserve No. 3. When discovered by the watchman, the flames were burning fiercely in the ceiling of the office, and the entire floor of the room overhead was ablaze. When the firemen arrived, the whole interior of the building was wrapped in flames and doomed. The firemen, assisted by some of the police and bystanders, fought the flames bravely, but were handicapped by the want of a ladder to reach the roof. The water froze in the frigid air as it struck the buildings, and the firemen were covered with ice. Mayor Young was present, and assisted Chief Hunt in his work. The flames consumed the combustible stock, consisting of mineral caps, clothing, pick handles, etc., and the fire was a hot one. Oil had saturated the door of the room over the office, and the fire was fiercest there. For two hours the firemen poured heavy streams of water on the flames before there was a sign of them yielding, and the firemen stayed at their posts until morning. A consignment of $1400 worth of pick handles was destroyed in the room over the office, which had been received only the day before.

The Beall brothers have not decided as to their plans for the future. They will probably rebuild, but have not decided as to their plans for the future. They will probably rebuild, but have not decided as to doing so at their present location. They have opened an office in the building adjoining the burned factory on the north side, and will carry on what business they can.

The houses in the immediate vicinity of the fire had a precarious time of it. Great sheets of flame were borne by the gale that was prevailing, and they landed on the snow-covered shingle roofs, to the imminent danger of destruction of the houses. Fortunately, there were no houses fired, and the firemen were allowed to devote their entire attention to the Beall factory.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 23, 1899
For the first time since the fire, one week ago today, Beall’s whistle blew today at noon. It was a pleasant sound to all ears. Their factory is being removed to the Garstang building, which they have purchased. Some men are at work there, and some more are at work in one of the buildings on Belle Street, not seriously damaged. The balance of the men are at work removing the machinery to the new purchase. The Bealls received about 60 percent of their insurance.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 26, 1899
The Beall Brothers today purchased a large amount of the Garstand foundry tools, drills, engine, boiler, cupola, steam hammer, etc., from Mr. Garstang. Some twenty men are engaged in removing machinery not purchased by the Bealls. As fast as the Garstang machinery is removed, the Beall machinery is replaced. Architect Pfeiffenberger has the plans for a 60x120 feet building, which will be placed on the east of the present structure on the Garstang lots, and will be used by the Bealls for additional room for manufacturing purposes and warehouse. It will also contain the business office. The latter will be fitted with all modern conveniences. Between the new building and the old will be a 12-foot roadway, with a railway switch for easy shipping purposes.

The effect of the refusal of the Messrs. Bealls to accept a bonus from the citizens is generally commended. It shows their independence and determination to depend upon their own resources. They will make a big success of their new venture.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 03, 1900
In this issue will be found the notice of Architect Pfeiffenberger calling for bids up to January 10 for the erection of a new warehouse and office for Beall Bros., for their new plant at the Garstang Foundry location. The new building will be erected on the east side of the present structure. It will be of frame, and will be 60x120 feet. It will contain a handsome office for the firm. A roadway 12 feet wide will separate the new from the present buildings. On this roadway will be a railway switch for loading and unloading cards. The warehouse will be most conveniently arranged not only for storing goods, but for shipping purposes. The Beall's will put in an electric light plant for their own use, which will generate electricity by power from the engines running the machinery. The machinery from the old shops is being rapidly removed to the new. By February 01 the Beall Bros. plant will be in full operation again, with greatly enlarged facilities and improvements generally.


Source: Alton Telegraph, January 04, 1900
Frozen water plugs caused the destruction of the seven-room frame dwelling of James Coleman on Summit street Tuesday a.m. A fire alarm was turned in at 10 o'clock and the firemen made good time to the fire, but the water plugs were frozen and it was fifty minutes before a feeble stream was procured from the plug at State and Prospect street, 1600 feet distant. When the plug at Summit and Prospect was found to be frozen, the hose was taken to Bond and Prospect. This plug was frozen also and both were broken in attempts of the firemen to secure a stream. In the meantime the building was being destroyed, and but one article of furniture was saved.


(Home of Henry Guest McPike)
Source: Alton Telegraph, January 11, 1900
The home of the Hon. Henry Guest McPike was raided by burglars Tuesday, but nothing of value was secured by them. Entrance was effected by way of a window on the back porch. The burglars used an axe to pry open the window. Their way through the house was strewn with burned matches and marked with muddy footprints. Nearly every room in the house was visited in the search for money, but none was secured by the burglars. They left the house by way of a door, and carried the axe to the side gate, where they left it hanging in a tree. Mr. McPike measured the footprints of the burglars in the mud at the window where they entered, and the measure was that of a small man and a medium-sized man. Two months ago, Mr. McPike’s home was entered by burglars and a fruitless search was made then by the intruders. The burglars were frightened away the first time, as there were indications of a hasty departure and a bundle of gloves probably stolen, was found on the floor, wrapped in a copy of the Auburn Citizen.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 11, 1900
The people of Alton are promised a war between rival biscuit companies, and the probably result will be a reign of low prices in bakery goods. The Dozier Bakery Co. of St. Louis, one of the National Trust bakeries, will open a branch office in Alton within a few weeks and will employ agents to distribute its goods. The room at 132 West Second [Broadway] street in the building owned by C. F. Yeakel has been rented by the Dozier company, and arrangements are being made for beginning an interesting fight for the business of Alton and adjacent towns. The trust bakeries have decided on a fight with some of the non-trust bakeries, notably a Peoria firm which has been cutting deeply into the trust business. Trusts plan is to crush or force competitors to sell out their business. The Dozier company now controls a large share of the Alton business, but it is understood that grocers have given the preference to the goods not made by the trust. The name of the agent of the Dozier company will be announced in a few days, and it is reported it will be a well-known grocery man of Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13, 1900
In strange contrast with the bleak, windy afternoon was the scene within the home of Captain Granderson W. Hill on Thursday, when Mrs. Hill, assisted by her four daughters, Mesdames Gregory, McKinney, Hearne and Cunningham, received their friends from 2 until 5 o'clock. The elegant home with the broad halls, spacious rooms, handsome furnishings, where the soft light filtered through tinted globes, the heavy perfume of hot-house flowers, banked on mantles and tables, the warmth and color of the whole, rendered the occasion one to always dwell in the memory. The receiving party stood just within the front drawing room where the stately mother and her daughters gave a cordial welcome to each guest. Mrs. Carl Wuerker was stationed at the foot of the grand staircase to greet the ladies as they arrived. Mrs. Daniels and Miss Duncan led the way into the dining room, where one was fairly enchanted by the vision of beauty that met the eye. Around the snowy table, in whose center towered a vast shower pyramid of La France roses with ropes of Southern smilax, twined here and there, bon bons in cut glass, glistening under the glow of the mellow light shed through pink shaded candelabras, flitted about in their dainty robes were Misses Kellenberger, Long, Burbridge, Watson, Inglis and Montgomery, dispensing delicious refreshments consisting of ices in marvelous forms and various flavor, delicate cake and confections, supplemented by steaming chocolate served with salted almonds. Across directly from this charming vision, one entered another room of equal interest, where sat Misses Hearne and Pickard, behind a huge frappe bowl, constructed of ice and prettily decorated, containing coffee frappe, which these two young ladies in their snowy gowns made a fitting finish to the purity of the white table and its snowy contests. Hidden behind a floral drapery in a rear hall, the orchestra, adding greatly to the festive occasion by the subdued sweet strains that fell upon the ear, only rendering conversation the more enjoyable. It is safe to assert there were no regrets sent in answer to this hospitable invitation, the good old home being literally filled with Alton's best society.

This event was held at the home of Captain Granderson Winfrey Hill, which was formerly owned by Mr. Silas W. Farber (former Alton mayor and co-founder of the Alton City Mill), and was located at 320 Easton Street in Alton (southwest corner of Fourth & Easton Streets). The property was later home to Millers Mutual.

Captain Hill was born in Chesterfield County, Virginia, on June 29, 1824. His parents moved with their family to Alexandria, taking their slaves with them. In 1844, Captain Hill moved to Hannibal, Missouri, where he engaged in the steamboating business. His steamboats ran on the Mississippi, Illinois, Missouri, and the Des Moines Rivers. With Captains Henry and William Leyhe, he founded the Eagle Packet Company. Captain Hill came to Alton in 1878, filling the position of agent for the Eagle company at Alton. A steamer, named the "G. W. Hill," was named after him.

In January of 1907, the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of General Robert E. Lee was celebrated by the Daughters of the Confederacy, and was held at the home of Captain Hill. The home no longer exists.

Captain Hill died in January 1911. He was buried in the Mount Olivet Cemetery in Hannibal beside his wife. He was survived by three daughters: Mrs. Virginia H. McKinney; Mrs. Frank P. Hearne; and Mrs. Anna H. Cunningham. Another daughter, Mrs. Samuel H. Gregory, preceded him in death.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 20, 1900
The old vinegar factory is almost a thing of the past. The last bricks in the walls that have been a landmark for many years are being taken down, and another day will find the walls razed. D. Ryan, who had the contract for tearing down the old building and putting up the new one, has done quick work, and now the old building is almost leveled to the ground.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 24, 1900
East Las Vegas, N. M., Feb. 21, 1900 - To the Citizens of Alton: I have been notified by my bookkeeper that Adolph Metter had been notified by the Glassblowers Union, that if union labels were not on our bread by Sunday I would be boycotted. I wish to say that I object to labels on the bread, not because I am against organized labor, but I do not think the bread to be the proper article to be labeled. I am for organized labor and always have been, because I think prosperity in labor is prosperity to small business men. I have indeed never questioned a man whether he belonged to the union or not, but always paid him according to his work, and I would like very much to see that all of my bakers join the union as requested. But I should beg the union to exempt me from putting labels on the bread. As much as I can observe, there are a great many of my customers objecting to labels on bread, in which I think they are justified. I will, however, have large cards printed, which I will distribute among dealers of our goods, where customers can readily ascertain that our goods are made by union labor. When I was employed in St. Louis, I put labels on bread, and when we cut a loaf warm, it had a bitter taste where the label had been pasted. Will explain how labels are treated placing them on bread: They are placed on as soon as the dough is moulded into a loaf; while the loaf rises, from 60 to 90 minutes, there is a certain amount of moisture which will more or less saturate the labels. Then the bread is put into the oven which will bake it in plenty of steam. Bread going through this process will more or less taste like the labels where they are pasted, as some of the labels will certainly soak into the bread. Large advertising cards will do the same as labels, and will not affect the goods. Waiters and cooks have organized unions; would it be asking any more to have a label put in the soup, tea, coffee or milk, or on the beef or potatoes to show that one was waited on or his meal cooked by union labor? In my estimation it would be the same as putting labels on bread. Bread is consumed the same as a meal in the hotel or restaurant, with crust and all, and nothing is left of it, and I think it should be manufactured and kept clean as much as possible. We are in the business to please everybody as much as possible and produce goods so as they will be bought and relished by the consumer. I therefore beg again to exempt me from putting labels on bread. I will do anything the labor organizations may ask of me within reason, and wish very much that my bakers join the union. If I could have been at home and were not kept here by sickness, I would certainly have come to a satisfactory agreement with the unions long before this. Hoping that I have been informed correctly and that the matter may be settled satisfactory, I am yours truly, George Noll.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 26, 1900
To the labor unions, and anyone else whom it may concern in regard of the union labels on my bread: (1st) Mr. George Noll is against union labor because he does not want to employ good, first-class bakers, as you see by his letter. "He pays a man according his work." (2nd) He says "the labels are put on when the dough is moulded into a loaf," is all bosh. The label is a clean piece of white paper, tasteless, and put on the bread when baked. (3rd) There are large bakeries that use from 30,000 to 40,000 a day. There is no harm in the label. The only harm there is in any bakery to the public health is the inferior articles in bread and cakes. I invite the public to call any time and examine my bakery. C. F. Schnell


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 08, 1900
A vast floe of ice, many acres in extent, came down the river in the dark last night at 10 o'clock and caused much damage to boat houses on the riverfront where it struck the Illinois shore. The floe was the biggest ever seen by Alton river men, and they cannot tell what was its starting place unless it was a field of ice that was floated off some dike above Alton by the rising water. On the Missouri shore great heaps of ice on the land show where the floe struck, and opposite, the boat houses along the river show its effect here. All the inhabitants of the boats were sleeping when the floe began grinding in the darkness and crushing the boats. The sleepers jumped from their beds and in their nightclothes escaped to the shore. Some of them stood on the bank screaming for fear their homes would be destroyed, but most of them were fortunate. Some of the boats were lifted to the top of the dike and stranded there. William Fluent's dock was sunk where it was fastened, and his houseboat was crowded to shore and sunk with a hole six feet long in its gunwale. One of his skiffs was carried off, but was recovered, and the loss will be comparatively light. Mrs. Fluent was in the houseboat at the time and escaped when the ice struck. All the boats along the levee were pushed to land, but no other damage was done.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 09, 1900
Beall Bros. have ordered the immense billboard on Piasa street taken down. It is their intention to at once begin the erection of a mammoth warehouse for steel and other material, which they manufacture into mining tools, etc.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 09, 1900
A suit to foreclose a mortgage for $10,000 and interest amounting to nearly $3,000 on the Alton Piasa Woolen Mill Company was instituted in the Circuit Court today by William Sountag, trustee. The suit was filed by the attorney for the trustee, J. F. McGinnis. It is understood there will be no contest, and that the foreclosure is merely a step taken by the persons holding stock in the company to cause the property to be sold in order that they may realize something on their investment. The property will be sold and owners of woolen mills from all parts of the country will be invited to come here to bid on the property. It is hoped some outsiders will get the plant as in that event it might be set in operation and its wonted industry revived. The property has been inoperative since the Wilson tariff law went into effect, cutting down the profits on woolen goods so that the mill became unprofitable. It is a valuable piece of property, being built of Alton limestone, and one of the most substantial buildings that can be built. It is filled with valuable machinery, and Mr. A. Neermann, who is a chief stockholder, estimates the value of the property at $75,900. There will probably be no objection to the sale of the property and the sale will be set for the latter part of April.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16, 1900
The stock in Giberson's general merchandise store was badly damaged by fire this morning. The fire was discovered by Charles Miller, who lives across the street, at 2 o'clock, and an alarm was sent to the fire department. When the firemen arrived, they found the cellar a furnace of roaring flames, which were threatening every moment to burn through the floor and set fire to the room upstairs. The firemen at first could not enter the cellar because of the fierce heat and smoke, but Chief Hunt effected entrance at the levee side of the building. The whole cellar was filled with flames, and the firemen poured water on them for two hours. The flames burned through the floor and damaged seriously the stock on the first floor. Mr. Giberson today said his loss is about $7,000, with $5,000 insurance. The cellar was used as a storeroom for goods, but nothing highly combustible was kept there, and Mr. Giberson says the origin of the fire is a mystery to him, as no fire was kept there. The stock of groceries, ladies’ shoes and notions in the main store room was drenched with water and badly damaged. The damage to the building is not great, and can be repaired at a cost of less than $2,000. The building is owned by H. G. McPike. The firemen did good work to save the building and adjacent property, and they were covered with ice as the cold air struck them. The insurance was held by Frank Fisher, Palatine, England, $1,000; George H. Smiley, Phoenix of Hartford, $1,500; McKinney & Son, American, of Philadelphia, $1,00; R. M. Stamper, Orient of Hartford, $1,000; Sun of England, $500. Total, $5,000.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 27, 1900
Justice Barnett Nathan, who takes no little pride in the integrity of his decisions and feels that he is alone the model justice of the city, has determined upon having a model courtroom where the majesty of the law may hold full sway and the grand surroundings may inspire awe in the most irreverent. A new building is to be erected north of the Nisbett building by John Bauer and Mrs. Nisbett jointly, and in there will be installed the model court. Mr. Nathan says he will build a bench with a desk before and a rail behind, where he may sit elevated above his fellow mortals as he tries a case. Justice and wisdom will beam from a face surmounted by a cap of justice and bearing a long white beard that will scarcely show above the desk. The Squire may don a trial robe to lend an added dignity to the court, and he may have allegorical mural painting made showing blind justice bearing the features of the Judge, whiskers and all, a veritable bearded lady, as she weighs out equal justice to all. It will be an up-to-date and model court, and special attention will be given to marriages.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 5, 1900
Today was a day of "spring openings" with some of the stores downtown, and it is truthfully and exactly said that such handsome displays of spring pretty things was never duplicated in the city. Bowman's, Lehne's, The Globe, Wiseman and the Misses Picard all kept "open house" in their places and entertained their visitors in a manner such as is new to Alton stores. Bowman's pretty stores were enchantingly beautiful today in holiday dress and were thronged with gaily dressed ladies who were shown about by the clerks and hospitably entertained. The decorations were beautifully arranged in the store and the window display was gorgeous in Easter finery. An orchestra played in the back of the store behind a screen. At Lehne's, the visitors were shown about the store, upstairs and downstairs, where pretty displays of goods made most attractive shows that were most pleasing to the guests. Music was a feature there also. At the Globe was displayed especially the millinery that has been purchased for the Spring trade. Special attention was given to the decorations there also, and two pieces of music were played during the afternoon. Wiseman had a pretty opening at his new gallery on Belle street, where he displayed the latest in pictures. Palms were set about the place and Starr's orchestra furnished music. The Misses Pickard opened their millinery department today and they were shown much favor by the ladies.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 9, 1900
The vagrants, bums and loafers in the city of Alton must go, according to an order issued by Mayor A. W. Young to the police this morning. The frequency of burglaries in the city and the large number of tramps and loafers hanging about the city, who even infest the downtown districts and beg money from citizens, aroused the ire of Mayor Young this morning and he issued the order to the police instructing them to use extreme measures to remedy this evil. The official order notifies the police that the city is overrun with tramps and vagrants who cause annoyance to citizens, and advises the officers to deal with these parties in a manner that will rid the city of their presence. The Mayor says there is plenty of work for all who desire it, and there is no excuse for men begging for food or money. The police must arrest all suspicious characters, habitual bums and beggars, and must prefer charges of vagrancy against them. The Mayor is opposed to working the vagrants on the streets, but some place will be provided for them to work. The order will be strictly enforced and it is hoped radical measures will put an end to the petty stealing and burglaries in the city.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 10, 1900
Fire was discovered at midnight last night in the shoe store of J. W. Schmoeller & Son, in the Hotel Madison Building. The discovery was made in time to prevent the fire spreading through the building or even causing a total loss of Mr. Schmoeller's stock. The fire was burning briskly in the back of the store, having originated in the repairing department, which is screened from the main store by a partition. An alarm of fire was sent in, and in a short time the firemen were at work. The flames were extinguished in half an hour, but the heat, smoke and water caused great damage to the stock. Mr. Schmoeller said at first that his stock is a total loss, but it was thought later the loss will be less than one half. The damage to the building can be repaired for less than $800. The guests at the Madison had a bad scare, and many of them left their rooms without dressing and carrying their valuables. The smoke from the burning store poured into the corridors and rooms of the hotel, and it was thought the hotel proper was afire. There were many amusing incidents during the hasty flight of the guests, but a look at the fire reassured the people there would be no serious danger, and they hurried back to their rooms. The damage in the shoe store may reach $5,000, which is well insured. Some of the guests say they had an excellent fire drill as a result of the fire, and some of them who had no great confidence in themselves are pluming themselves as brave and tried firemen. Many kept their self-possession and devoted their time to saving property. When the fire was all over and the excitement had died down, the guests found they had made a curious selection of things to be saved and had left some of their most needed garments among the number to be lost.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 16, 1900
The Illinois Glass Company is in a bad fix because of the threatened strike of the Illinois coal miners. The morning papers today contained news of a disagreement between the mine managers and operators, and announced that all the miners in the State may go out tonight. The order will not affect the Pana district. The announcement created consternation in the glass works for the factories are behind in their work and now is the time when it is possible for the greatest amount of work to be accomplished. An inventory of the stock of coal showed there is enough to last only 24 hours, and unless a new supply can be obtained, there may be necessity for an immediate shut down. Fourteen car loads of coal are required daily at the glass works, and it is thought great difficulty will be experienced in keeping the need satisfied. The mines at Edwardsville, where the glass works' coal is obtained if the strike is ordered, may be shut down tonight. Meetings of mine managers were held in many districts of the State yesterday, and in every case it was decided to make demand for the payment of the scale agreed upon by the State Association. In cases where the operators refuse to pay the scale, the mine managers will strike and the probably result will be that all the other employees of the mines will refuse to work.

[It was reported on April 19 that the miners did not strike, and coal was being sent to the glassworks.]


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 20, 1900
The incandescent arc lights will be strung on Third street and will be put into use Saturday evening. The ten, 2,000 candle power lights will illuminate the street as day, and will be very pretty. Five lights of the same kind will be placed on Second Street [Broadway] between Weigler and Ridge streets next week.

The carbon arc lamp was the first widely-used type of electric light and the first commercially successful form of electric lamp. The super bright light was capable of lighting a large length of street or the interior of a factory. It was the only electric light available to light large areas from 1800-1901, and was cheaper to use than gas or oil lamps. Some of the disadvantages of using the arc lights were the carbon rods had to be replaced often, they created a buzzing sound and flickered as they burned, they were a fire hazard, and if used indoors, had carbon monoxide emissions.

For more information on the incandescent arc lamp, visit this website - it has a video on the history of the arc lamp and how it works.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24, 1900
The molders in the mold room of the Duncan Foundry and Machine Company laid down their tools and walked out on a strike at 6 o'clock last night, twenty strong. Only three of the employees in the shop returned to work this morning, and the strikers prevailed upon them at noon to stop work. The men were taking off a heat of molten iron when the 6 o'clock whistles blew. By a pre-arranged plan the men all laid down their ladies where they stood, some of them full of molten iron, and the tenders at the furnace left the fiery stream of iron running from the cupola. The strikers did not appear to go to work this morning, but served notice they will not work until the firm agreed to pay them for overtime. The leaders of the strike said today that they demand one and one-half times the regular pay for overtime work. The foreman of the shop is James Tierney, who has a contract and employs the men under him at whatever price he can get them. Tierney offered them regular pay for overtime, and the men refused to accept it. They are not organized in a union as the shop was an open shop, but the men said today they are resolved to remain away from the shop.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 26, 1900
The property of the Piasa Woolen Mill Company on Belle street was sold at master's sale today by Master in Chancery W. M. Warnock, and was bought in by A. Neermann for $9,886.78, that being the amount of claims against the property. The mill property will probably never again be used as a woolen mill. It was thought at first the property might be bid in by someone who would set the mill in operation, but there were no bidders with this object in view, and Mr. Neermann took it at the price named. He will probably remove the machinery from the building. The building was erected in 1857-8 by Nathan Johnson and Richard Emerson for a foundry, machine and boiler shop, and was run for that purpose until 1861, when the war caused the proprietors to fail. About the close of the war it was purchased by the Nichols Woolen Mill Company, and was conducted on a large scale by that company until the death of Mr. Nichols. Some years afterwards Messrs. Neermann, Boals and Teasdale purchased the property and conducted it as a woolen mill until the business was killed in 1893 or '94 by Cleveland's Democratic Wilson Tariff bill.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 4, 1900
A crowd numbering about 1,500 people assembled at Union Depot last evening to see Admiral Dewey and his special train go through the city. The train reached here ten minutes after the Limited went down, and awaiting its arrival were the impatient people that did not know the train schedule had Admiral George Deweybeen changed to cause it to follow the Limited instead of to precede it. When the Limited came there was a rush, but the red train was recognized and the crowd fell back to await the Special. There was great excitement as the Special slowed up and stopped. The Admiral was standing on the rear platform and everyone recognized him at once and a loud cheer was raised, the Admiral smiling in the meantime and bowing his thanks. Mrs. Dewey came out of the car to stand beside her husband and Lieut. Caldwell of Quincy, the Admiral's private secretary. The crowd cheered the bride, and she and the Admiral threw some big red roses into the crowd that were eagerly seized and torn to pieces by the people trying to get them. Some standing near the platform secured the fragments, which will no doubt be highly prized. Mr. Robert Curdie was the only person to have a handshake with Dewey. After a stop of a few moments at the station, the train moved on its way to St. Louis, the crowd cheering the party as it pulled out. The "Admiral's salute" of the naval militia was a disappointment, and developed to be only a salute to the Admiral, there being a fine distinction. It was intended to fire seventeen guns, but at the sixth the Hotchkiss gun of the naval militia, which was stationed on First street [Front Street] northeast of the depot, became out of order and would not fire the remaining eleven. As the train pulled out of the depot, the Admiral caught sight of the company of blue jackets and smiled his prettiest and bowed most gracefully to them.

[Note: Admiral George Dewey was the only person in U. S. history to have attained the rank of Admiral of the Navy, which was senior to the rank of Admiral, and was equal to Admiral of the Fleet in the British Royal Navy. Dewey served his country in the Civil War as Executive Lieutenant on the USS Mississippi. He is best known for his victory at the Battle of Manila Bay in 1898, during the Spanish-American War. Dewey sailed out from China aboard the USS Olympia with orders to attack the Spanish at Manila Bay. He gave the order to attack at first light by saying the now famous words, "You may fire when you are ready, Gridley." Within six hours he had sunk or captured the entire Spanish Pacific fleet, with only one life lost on the American side. Returning home, he received a hero's welcome with a two-day parade in New York City. Dewey died in Washington on January 16, 1917.]


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 7, 1900
An old dray horse that was formerly the property of Thomas Smith walked over the edge of the bluffs yesterday and broke its neck when it struck on the rocks seventy-five feet below. The animal had been turned out to graze on the bluffs, and being blind strayed too close to the edge.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 12, 1900
Lieut. E. V. Crossman today received the full equipment of revolvers and cutlasses for the members of the Alton division of Naval Militia, together with the holsters and belts that go with them. He also received single-sticks for use in practicing fencing, a supply of service ammunition, and saluting shells. A deck-mount, or tripod, for the Hotchkiss gun, to be used in armory drill, was in the equipment that arrived today. Drills with the new equipment will be started at once, and preparations for the annual encampment will be made.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 12, 1900
Mr. Edward Mack, the enterprising real estate man, has purchased 63 acres on the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and has platted it into lots and streets and has placed it on the market. He has appropriately named it Riverview On the Bluffs. A prettier spot could not be wished for - we doubt if a finer view can be found anywhere in the west. The tract is located on a wide ridge and runs nearly to the edge of the bluffs. The ground is now covered with a fine coat of young bluegrass. Part of the tract is in forest trees. Mr. Mack has laid out about 130 beautiful lots, 40x120, the market price of which runs from $100 to $200, the cheapest lots to be found in the city, as well as the most handsome and attractive. Several streets run through the subdivision, connecting it with State street at two points. These are to be improved and put in good shape. Mr. Mack has had large experience in platting and selling subdivisions. He selects the land, and puts prices on lots that insure their speedy sale. Riverview on the Bluffs is the finest yet offered by Mr. Mack. His intentions are to put it in such condition as to make it easy of access. One feature is that the principal main from the water works runs through it, from which connections to all lots can be readily and cheaply made. We predict that there will be rapid sale for these lots, and that in a short time a large number of new houses will adorn the already beautiful site, where happy families will live and enjoy the fresh air, the bright sunshine, and the most perfect of river views.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15, 1900
A bell that is said to be the bell carried by the steamer Altona, the most famous boat ever on the Mississippi river, which has for many years forsaken the calling for which it was designed and has been used to summon the Presbyterians of the church at Shipman to divine worship, may in a very short time return to the river and fulfill the destiny it was intended for. The Altona was the fastest boat, rivermen say, that ever turned a paddle on the Mississippi river, and it is doubted that any boat ever was built that could throw water on its bow. It is a tradition of rivermen that the Altona made the trip from Alton to St. Louis in 55 minutes, and that she made the return trip in 97 minutes. Steamboats are not built now, the old rivermen say, that can make such time as that, and the river is not in a condition to permit the speed being made if the boats were capable of doing it. The Altona sank in 1854 and ended her career. The boat was then the property of the Mitchells, and the Altona's bell was subsequently given by some member of the family to the Presbyterians at Shipman for use as a church bell. Since that time the bell has pealed forth the call to Sunday services and has performed its duties well. The Eagle Packet Co. is a corporation with a soul and some sentiment, notwithstanding the general opinion that corporations have no sentiment. Hearing of the bell being on the church and learning that the church building was about to be abandoned, they sent Mr. S. H. Gregory to Shipman today to investigate the genuineness of the bell and to buy it if the present owners could be persuaded to sell it. It is the intention of the Eagle Packed Co. to place the bell on some one of its steamers, probably the Spread Eagle, and it may pass many more years in service on the Mississippi. Another famous steamboat bell is now in the tower of the new Presbyterian church, although it is silent as the grave. It was more than forty years ago on an Ohio river steamer, and awoke the inhabitants of the towns and villages all the way from Cincinnati to St. Louis. Many long years ago the boat sold it, and it was purchased by Isaac Scarritt for the use of the then Presbyterian church, where the post office now is, and used to call the public to divine worship until the old building was sold, when it was removed. After the new church was completed, it was placed in the tower, where it is entombed and silent as the grave and will no doubt remain so until a spasm of remorse overtake the officers for permitting its silvery tones to remain unrung. It's notes floating over the hills on Sabbath morning would be a welcome sound to many of the residents of Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 19, 1900
Work on the new freight station of the C. P. & St. L. is completed and preparations are being made to move the local headquarters of the road from the old shed on the levee to the new building. The old shed will be torn down as soon as the materials for road building stored there are moved out.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 25, 1900
President J. F. Porter of the street railway company hopes to have the new line out Sixth street to the City Cemetery in operation tomorrow evening. The work of stringing the wires has been prosecuted rapidly since the arrival of the material for constructing the line, and it is probably the first car will make the trip out the new line Saturday evening. A new arrangement for running the cars has been decided upon. Cars going to the cemetery will go by way of Alby street, Twelfth street, and thence on Union street to the glass works. Cars to Upper Alton will run on Sixth street to Henry and up Henry by way of the Park line to Upper Alton. Cars on the Cemetery line will leave City Hall at the quarters after and to the hour.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 08, 1900
The Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association has purchased from McClure Bros. the piece of property on Front and Alby street where their shop was located. The old building is being torn down and it is supposed the new owners intend to erect a building upon the property. The McClure's and their father had occupied the old carpenter shop 35 years. They are erecting a new shop on Ninth street, between Langdon and Ninth. The price paid for the lot was $1,600.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 11, 1900
One of the oldest houses in the city of Alton, the old Smith homestead at Liberty and Fifteenth streets, will be torn down to make way for improvement. It was said today by a man well posted in the early history of Alton, that the house was first built by B. F. Edwards, and that the old original portion of it must be nearly 65 years of age. Many improvements were made to it subsequently, and the old house was remodeled, but part of the original building is still standing. The property was the homestead of Hon. Robert Smith, the only Congressman Alton ever had, who lived here until his death in the late sixties (1860s). It was the finest house in Alton for many years, as well as the largest, and was quite a wonder in its way. Mr. Smith was elected to fill the unexpired term of another Congressman. The property having been purchased by a syndicate, the buildings will be torn down and the land will be platted and placed on the market.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 14, 1900
A number of Alton capitalists have been interested lately in the formation of a company to invest in a manufacturing enterprise that is promised to be one of the most important institutions in the city before long. The gentlemen have been in consultation with an expert manufacturer of shoes who recently came west and has been working for a prominent firm in St. Louis. The gentleman comes with the best of financial backing and recommendations, and is said by those who know him to be one of the best men in the country in his line of business. It is proposed to start a factory in the old woolen mill building, which will be filled with the latest improved machinery in a short time. The gentlemen held a meeting yesterday to secure the signatures of investors on a paper subscribing toward the capital of the new concern and every man who subscribed may be numbered among the most substantial business men of Alton whose financial integrity is unquestioned. It is proposed to start a co-operative plant for the manufacture of a medium priced shoe for men. The promoter of the shoe factory says he will certainly have a prosperous factory in Alton and is well pleased with the old woolen mill building as a possible site for the factory. A meeting will be held Tuesday by the Alton investors to organize a company which will probably be capitalized to the amount of $40,000.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 23, 1900
John Robinson's Ten Big Shows arrived in town early yesterday morning, and at once took possession of the circus grounds in the East End. The parade took place at 11 o'clock this morning. It was without doubt the finest, largest and most elegant street parade ever seen in Alton. The beautiful vans, the glittering cages, the magnificent horses and ponies, pretty women and fine bands of music made it a rare sight for the spectators. There were more than 200 horses in the parade, all of them fine animals. One team of 24 Shetland ponies was an attractive and interesting sight. Another team, the first of its kind ever seen in Alton, was 14 camels hauling a van. The camels needed no driving. They followed a leading camel, ridden by an attache of the circus. A half-dozen big elephants caught the eye as they leisurely plodded along. These ponderous animals are always objects of intense interest. Some of the vans were open and gave the street crowds an opportunity to see some of the rare specimens of beats and birds. Mr. Robinson has with him a most genial gentleman as Press Agent, Mr. Frank B. Wilson of New York City, who has had long experience in the show business. He is one of the most pleasant men with whom it has been our fortune to meet in the show business.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 01, 1900
The regular state convention of the German Order of Harugari will be convened in this city [Alton] next Monday morning. The sessions will be held in the Odd Fellows Temple in Temple theatre building, and the grand lodge will be in Alton three or four days. The arrangements for entertaining the delegates are on an elaborate scale, and the program of amusements includes a big time on Sunday for the delegates who arrive here on that day. A street car ride over the electric lines in the afternoon and at night a grand reunion and banquet will be held at Turner hall, which will be free to all. The banquet will be served at 8 o'clock, and in the meantime there will be plenty of amusement furnished the delegates. The D. O. H. will be the guests of the Alton people, who have been preparing since last summer for the coming of the Grand Lodge. Three hundred people will be in attendance. The Alton lodges will hold meetings this evening to make preparations for the grand lodge.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 27, 1900
Mr. Edmond Beall of the Beall Mining Tool Company, has bargained with his partners for their interest in the old location of their plant on Belle street. He has determined to erect on that location a row of tenement flats. Architect Pfeiffenberger has been engaged to draw the plans and when Mr. Beall returns from a business trip on which he started Sunday evening, he will enter upon the work of developing his plans for his row of flats. It is Mr. Beall's intention to rebuild the houses with a pressed brick front. There will be hard wood finish, hot water heat from Porter's system, toilet rooms, bath rooms, water and a janitor to look after the entire building. There will be eight flats, each one completely separate from the other. Mr. B's intention is to have these flats the finest homes in Alton, and the most desirable residences in the city. As it will be the first flats erected in this city, it is the intention of the proprietor to have everything first class. Mr. Beall has long had the reputation of being a model landlord. He believes in keeping his property in such condition as to draw the best of tenants. This idea will be adhered to in the new Beall flats on Belle street. The rent of each flat will be reasonable. This improvement will add much to Belle street as a residence street.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 4, 1900
An organization was effected at a meeting of young men held in the Madison Hotel last evening for the formation of a male chorus to be conducted along the line of the Dominant Ninth Chorus. The attendance was good, and the young men of Alton, who are interested in music, have taken remarkable interest in the proposition to organize the chorus. Thirty-one charter members were taken in, and the chorus officers were elected. The following is the first set of officers which were elected: H. M. Schweppe, President; W. D. Armstrong, Vice-President; F. L. Taylor, Secretary; F. L. Boals, Treasurer. The chorus will begin work October 1, and will hold weekly rehearsals. Mrs. C. B. Rohlland will be the leader, and will school the young men in the better grade of music. It is proposed that the Dominant Ninth unite with the male chorus in giving musical events, which shall take place under the auspices of the two societies.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 04, 1900
C. J. Jacoby & Co. have purchased the stock of Bauer & Co., the two stores adjoining, and will continue in the business. Mr. Bauer will have charge of the store for the new owners at present, and has made no definite plans for the future. He has been in business in Alton the past five years, and has made friends by his upright dealings and his uniform courtesy.

C. J. Jacoby & Co., Alton, ILC. J. Jacoby & Co. yesterday purchased the entire stock and accounts of C. A. Bauer & Co. at 551 and 553 East Second street [Broadway]. The purchasers have leased the four stores, 551, 553, 555, and 557, for a term of years. This gives them a floor space of 10,000 square feet, and 105 feet of front, with five elegant plate glass show windows. The entire building will be remodeled in beautiful style. A handsome piano and organ room will be arranged for the piano and organs and other musical instruments. A room for the display of the undertaking goods, with the caskets in swinging cases will be arranged. One store room will be set apart for the elegant line of wallpaper and carpets. The remainder of the building, the basement, and first and second floors will be filled with all kinds of furniture, and every article necessary in housekeeping. The building will be fitted with a new elevator, and electric light and steam heat will be used through the entire building. Mr. C. J. Jacoby, the senior member of the firm, is a hustling business man. He has branch stores in Bunker Hill, Jerseyville and Nokomis, Illinois. He has been in business for the past 18 years, working himself up from the foot of the ladder. He has especially been successful in undertaking, being a graduate of several embalming colleges, and is a licensed embalmer and funeral director. L. F. Jacoby, the junior member of the firm, has been with C. J. Jacoby for ten years, and worked his way up from a polishing boy. He has by faithful and honest service gained the confidence of his employers and the public. He is an experienced embalmer and funeral director, and holds a diploma as such. Mr. C. H. Bauer will remain with the firm for a while, and will continue to receive his old friends for some time. Mr. Bauer has made a success of business in the thirty years he has been in it, and will later retire to rest up and enjoy life, attending to his private affairs. The new and monster store will have a crew of five clerks, and will, with good management, good service, and a complete stock of the goods they carry, build up a trade4 with the people in Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 5, 1900
The new wage scales signed at the conferences between the manufacturers' and the glassworkers' unions this year will give the Illinois Glass Company a big increase in the number of apprentices to be taken in under the apprentice rules. Both unions made concessions in this respect, and the percentage of apprentices was increased. The green glassworkers consented to grant the manufacturers one apprentice to every ten blowers, and the flints granted one apprentice to every fifteen blowers. Mr. Frank Levis today figured the number of apprentices that will be allowed the Illinois Glass Company this fire under the new arrangement and is authority for the statement that there will be places for 55 apprentices this year. The greens will have 43 of this number, and the flints will be entitled to 12. The announcement of the increase in the number of apprentices will be good news to the young men who have been working and waiting for their turns to be taken in to begin serving their time. Five years will be the period which each one will be required to work before being admitted as full journeymen. Most, if not all, of the place will go to Alton boys, and home people will receive nearly all the benefit of the new arrangement. Mr. Levis said this morning that it is not necessary that the end of the fire be waited for to put on the apprentices, and that they may be put to work any time during the year. It is probably the fortunate young men will be put to work during the fire from time to time as they may be needed, and as the scarcity of blowers may render necessary. There is always great interest among the eligible young men as the time for putting on apprentices draws near, and there is always joy among the fortunate ones and disappointment among the ones not chosen. Under the new arrangement there will be more happy boys and less disappointed ones at the close of the fire. At the rate of apprentices allowed, the Illinois Glass Company will employ 430 green blowers and 180 flints this year. The payroll of the plant will include nearly 3206 persons.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 8, 1900
Frank Waters, a colored youth known as "Yaller," attempted to kill himself in the city jail this noon before he left for Edwardsville to be put in the county jail. Last night he broke a window light in the city jail, and spent the night pounding the glass into fine bits. At noon he drank in a tin cup of water a portion of the glass, with suicidal intent. He was alive at last report, but on his way to Edwardsville he suffered intense pain as a result of his indigestible meal. "Yaller" said he preferred death to a term in the State Reformatory. He made his preparations for death in the presence of five boys, who are jailed with him.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 11, 1900
So popular has been the Dominant Ninth Chorus, that there was a great demand this season for memberships in the chorus, and it was found necessary to increase the number of members to 75 ladies. A meeting was held Monday afternoon to elect members of the chorus, and the following were placed on the waiting list from which the ranks of the chorus will be recruited: Misses Lucille Rodgers, Tillie Schless, Barbridge, Rudershausen, Bishop, Brenholt, McAdams, Drury, Watson, Links, Norton, Chittenden, Dennison, Misses Gillham, Baker, Phinney. Mesdames Eaton, Sparks also return for active memberships. The eagerness with which memberships in the organization are sought in Alton shows best in what esteem the chorus is held and that it is still prosperous as ever. It is one of the healthiest choruses in the country, and interest of the members never flags under the leadership of the organizer of the chorus, Mrs. C. B. Rohland.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 11, 1900
The arrival of the Forepaugh and Sells Bros. show this morning was viewed with much interest by people of all ages in the city. The circus is the biggest and the best that ever visited Alton, and its display of animals, wild and tame, is magnificent. The circus arrived at 4 a.m. today from Jerseyville, where it played Monday to large audiences, afternoon and evening. The trains came in on the Alton tracks, and the cars were unloaded at the freight depot, where great crowds assembled to witness the operation. Hundreds saw the elephants and camels taken from the cars and walked through the streets to the circus grounds, east of the glassworks. There were seventeen elephants, large and small; a drove of camels; and a herd of buffalo. The show is made up of innumerable wild animals from the jungles of India, the wilds of Africa, the vast prairies of the West, the icebergs of the North, and the deep swamps of the South. Lions, tigers, bears, bison, elephants, zebras, boa constrictors and poisonous reptiles from every clime, jaguars, wild cats, buffalo, sea lions, alligators, hippopotamus and monstrosities from the depths of the sea, ostriches, bats, vampires, vultures, buzzards, eagles, golden-plumed birds from the tropics, and lead-colored winged creatures from craters and caves. A city of acres of canvas, containing scores of great rumbling wagon vans, hundreds of horses and a thousand employees, and representing a daily expenditure of $7,000. Along with it came the hippodrome of the old Roman empire, so popular under giant Caesar's reign: gladiators, athletes, jesters and the tinseled, bespangled world of entertainment with all its medieval atmosphere and modern wonder. Everybody was out to see the grand street parade, and most everybody will see the show. In passing comment upon the street display, 'tis but fair to state that it was the finest ever seen in this city. The wagons were brighter, the music better, the clowns funnier, the horses finer, and the wardrobe more magnificent than that of any other similar enterprise. There were nearly, or quite, 500 of men, not including the specialists, who appear only in spangles and in the glare of the ring. There are everywhere the same evidences of masterminds, who control all details and whose familiarity with their labors makes easy to them what would be Sphinx-like enigmas to others. Colonel Lewis Sells is always with the show, and he can tell at a glance if there is anything out of joint. Allen Sells is the general superintendent of the shows, and it would be hard to find a man who knows his business better. Frank Melville, a veteran ring man, who in times past has electrified thousands with his daring acts, has charge of the ring performances. He would be called the stage manager if he were running a theatre.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 14, 1900
One of the old dummy steam engines used on the street railway through Middletown before advent of electricity in the city, was shipped yesterday to a logging camp in Pearl River county, Mississippi, where it will be put into the service of hauling logs in place of horses. When the dummy came to Alton it was a fine thing and a big improvement, but its appearance on the streets now would be the signal for much hilarity.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 14, 1900
James Mook has purchased the livery stable of James Bell on East Second street [East Broadway], and will put in a stock of livery vehicles and a stable of good horses.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1900
Contractor Joseph Golike opened up the Hollow stone quarries today to take out stone for a government contract he has secured. The quarry to be operated is the one operated by Golike and Rust several years ago on the river bank, and the stone will be loaded into barges for shipment to the Chain of Rocks, where the government is making extensive improvements. Mr. Golike said today that he has secured a sub-contract for furnishing 14,000 yards of rip-rap on barges. He will employ 60 men until the contract is fulfilled. The quarter boat of Contractor Golike has been stationed at Hop Hollow, and work will be pushed until cold weather stops it.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 22, 1900
At the Woman's Home this afternoon a reception was held by the directors in order to give the public an opportunity to see the work that is being accomplished there. Light refreshments were served, and the guests were hospitably entertained. The Home was established four years ago, when the present place was selected and rented. Since then it became necessary to buy the property, which the directors were able to do through the medium of the Building Association. The expense that must be met every month, in addition to the support of the inmates - an average number of 22 - amounts to forty dollars. These inmates are, for the most part, helpless, and must be clothed, fed and cared for, some of them as much as little children. For this purpose a matron and servants must be provided, and it is easily told how much money must be raised for the support of the home, which is entirely dependent on a charitable public. Every room has three occupants, and the house is comfortably furnished. Two directors are in charge each month, buy the supplies and visit the home twice each week, keeping in constant touch with the affair of the home. The Board of Directors are President Mrs. A. K. Root; Mesdames Brendholt, Black, Kolb, Demuth, Dixon, Golmer, Hopkins, Johnston, Jackson, Jameson, Kerr, Mathews, Randall, Ryrie, Sparks, Stanford, Watson, Wade, Wills and Misses Miner and Nishett.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 29, 1900
The shoe factory is a sure thing in Alton. All the stock has been subscribed, and on the authority of Mr. A. Neermann and Mr. John J. O'Connell of St. Louis, who will manage the factory, being an experienced shoe man, it can be stated by the Telegraph today that a meeting of the subscribers to the stock will be held Monday for the purpose of effecting an organization. Delay has been caused by the absence of Mr. William Eliot Smith, who desired to subscribe, and the list was not closed until today. It has been decided to take the old woolen mill building on Belle street, and within 60 days the factory will be manufacturing a medium grade of men's shoes. A subscription list was started today to raise a bonus to assist the new industry in repairing the buildings of the woolen mill property, in order to enable the concern to get under headway with the best possible advantage. The Illinois Glass Company started the subscription list with a subscription of $500. The list will be presented to Alton business men within the next few days, and subscriptions to aid the new industry will be taken. Other liberal subscriptions are offered, and without doubt at least, $2,500 can be raised. The conditions of the gifts are to be that the shoe factory is in full operation within sixty days.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 01, 1900
A meeting of the subscribers to the capital stock of the Alton shoe factory was held here this afternoon for the purpose of making arrangements for organizing a company. Commissioners were appointed to apply to the Secretary of State for authority to organize the company as follows: W. F. Hoppe, B. Schiess and William Eliot Smith. The Executive committee consisting of J. F. Porter, A. Neermann and B. Schiess was instructed to carry on the work of preparing to start when the subscriptions to the bonus fund amount to $2500. It was decided that the organization of the company be dependent upon the raising of the $2,500 bonus by business men. The promoters of the company think the town should pay a small bonus to insure the success of the shoe factory, and it is said that the factory will not be started unless the bonus is raised. Mr. William Eliot Smith is one of the foremost in insisting that a bonus should be given, as the institution will benefit every property owner in Alton. A committee consisting W. F. Hoppe, A. R. McKinney, George H. Smiley, John Lock. H. R. Montgomery and J. F. Porter were appointed to solicit subscriptions as soon as possible. Application for a charter will be made at once, but it was said this afternoon that nothing will be done toward organizing the company unless $2,500 is raised.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 04, 1900
Mr. Levi Davis has subdivided his home place, known as the Barry place many years ago on State street, and will name it Barry place. The fine grounds have been laid out by Swift and Long, and the lots will be put upon the market as an addition to the city. Mr. Davis said that he will have a street made through the property about 200 feet north of Bluff street, and extending west from State 530 feet. He will name the street Barry street, and is planning to pave it with brick, build sidewalks, sewers and lay curbing. The new Barry place will be a most attractive residence site.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 08, 1900
Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, Hon. Mark Hanna, Hon. S. M. Cullom, Gov. John R. Tanner, and others will arrive this evening by special train over the Big Four road, at 6:50 p.m. The car will be placed at Union Station, where Governor Roosevelt will speak. Possibly others will also speak. The naval militia will turn out in uniform, and fire a governor's salute in honor of Governor Roosevelt. The Western Military Academy cadets will attend in uniform, but owing to the torn-up condition of the Upper Alton streets, will not bring any of their guns with them. They will afterwards attend the Bryan meeting.

[Note: Roosevelt was the Governor of New York, Jan. 1, 1899 - December 31, 1900; Vice-President March 4, 1901 - September 14, 1901; and following the assassination of President McKinley, became the 26th President, holding office September 14, 1901 - March 4, 1909.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 9, 1900
Roosevelt and Bryan in Alton in one evening were attractions that called forth the biggest crowd last evening ever assembled in the city of Alton. The delays of the special trains of the two candidates were vexing to the crowds, but the numbers showed no depreciation from the fact that the Theodore Rooseveltpeople who heard Roosevelt speak had been waiting from 6 o'clock in the evening until 9:30 o'clock. The crowd waited patiently for the coming of the Rough Rider and his train, and several times there was great excitement in the crowd as word was passed down the line that the train was at hand. When the train finally pulled in, a deafening uproar and cheering arose. Everyone was standing on tiptoe, trying to catch a glimpse of the Rough Rider as he stood on the platform doffing his hat and bowing, his tawny head and gleaming teeth identifying him as he stood on the platform. Gov. Roosevelt, on being introduced by Hon. George R. Hewitt, made a speech about fifteen minutes in length, which was heard by only a small part of the crowd. The crowd stretched along Front street, on Market street, extending out over the City Hall Square. It is estimated the number was fully 6,000 people. The uproar while "Teddy" was speaking was such as to prevent him being heard. The crowd was wild with enthusiasm, and kept up almost continual cheering. After the address by Gov. Roosevelt, Judge Richard Yates appeared on the platform and was given hearty cheers. Senator Cullom, Gov. Tanner, and other distinguished persons, were seen on the platform while Col. Roosevelt was speaking. Senator Brenholt, Hon. D. R. Sparks, Mr. Hewitt, G. H. Lane, and Dr. Worden escorted the Roosevelt party from Litchfield to Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 15, 1900
Mr. C. F. Yeakel today rented his building on Second Street [Broadway], opposite the Stanard Mills, to M. E. Briggs, who comes to Alton from San Francisco to start in the rubber coil manufacturing business. Mr. Briggs has been connected with a similar institution in the West, and having sold out there he comes to Alton well recommended to start up here. When the plant is under full headway, it will be a nice addition to Alton's industries.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 16, 1900
Madison's diversity and wealth of crops will be exemplified this week in the displays at the Farmers' Institute of the county and the Eighteenth Congressional district. Cit hall building is being filled up with tempting displays of fruits, flowers, grains, cookery, vegetables and curios with handsome fancy work and relics. It is the finest display ever given in the city of Alton, and hundreds of people called in the rooms where the exhibits are being arranged to view them. It was admitted on all sides that the displays are far better than was expected, and the abundance of articles entered in the cash prize competition was a general surprise. Mr. L. S. Dorsey said today that there were 1,000 entries at noon, and many more were coming in all afternoon. Comptroller Gossrau's office was besieged today by people who desired to enter some articles for the prize contests, and because of the valuable entries that are being made it was decided to accept all that come in as long as there is room. Downstairs in the old post office room is a display that would tempt the appetite of a dyspeptic. On the north side of the room is being hung and laid a display of the grains of the district, principally corn, and the variety is great. Fruits and vegetables are entered in great abundance by proud growers, and the specimens are of the best quality. Great luscious apples and peaches, big pears and bunches of grapes - - all kinds of fall fruits are entered in great profusion. Edwin Riehl has a fine show, and Mt. Lookout place has an attractive exhibit arranged by Hon. H. G. McPike. Great red apples are heaped up on plates and one man's exhibit consists of a big pile of red apples in the corner of the room. In a little room to one side is kept the cookery show, where proud housewives have entered the products of their hands and heads in a tempting display. It is all very incomplete now, the reported was informed, for many new additions are made to the entry list every hour. Bread and cake, pickles, preserves, and all kinds of cookery are entered and the corner is a favorite for the men and women alike. Upstairs in the Council Chamber are the exhibits of fancy goods and curios with the fine arts. The fancy goods displays are nice and beautiful. Hundreds of pieces of fancy work have been entered in the competitive lists, and some of the collections of curio-hunters have been turned over by the owners. Tonight the institute will be opened. The program will be interesting to the general public as well as the farmers, and as a small attendance of farmers is expected this evening, Alton people are urged to attend the first meeting. The institute is a strictly educational affair, and there will be no immoral or sensational features to it. Everyone is invited to attend the lectures that will be given during the week.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 20, 1900
Alton has the tired feeling today. Yesterday the city had a gala day, and this morning comes the reaction and the sober realization that it is the day after, and that it is all over. The carnival last night was the best ever known in the city, and in cost and brilliancy the floats in the parade far excelled those in the carnival held five years ago. The city never saw such crowds as were out last night to see the show, and every one was pleased. All the neighboring towns contributed their share; Jerseyville, Edwardsville, and all cities of the neighborhood being well represented. The people of Alton have demonstrated that when they are determined to have a carnival, they can excel all others in that line, and "we must have more" is the expression of the general public after witnessing Friday night's pageant. In expense and beauty, the parade was the best that has been given by any city in this vicinity this year. In line there were over 75 floats of all kinds, and some of them were built at heavy expense. As a whole there was artistic merit, and it would have been difficult to have improved upon it. The merchants of the city are receiving congratulations on their successful effort, and the close of the week in Alton was a crowning glory. All along the line of march the illuminations were brilliant, and no expense was spared. The stores and residences along the line were lighted up, and almost the entire route was light as day.

The Parade
It was about 8 o'clock when the signal to start, a rocket sent up from City Hall square, was given, and at that time all the streets downtown were so densely crowded that a passageway for the procession was made by the police with difficulty. It was variously estimated that from 12,000 to 15,000 people witnessed the parade downtown, which other thousands scattered along the line of march saw it from other places. As the crowd waited for the parade to start, it became mad with the carnival spirit, and confetti, peas, beans and rubber balls thrown at one another kept everyone on the jump. Hundreds of Alton's most sedate and respected citizens made riot for an evening.

Colonel A. M. Jackson, as Grand Marshal, with his aides, led off the pageant. Rough Rider uniforms were in great favor. Following came the Naval Militia in full accoutrements, and made one of the best showings in the line. A nice effect was made by illuminating the boys with torches carried by a squad in the rear. The queen of the carnival, Miss Maggie Harper, followed in a gaily decorated carriage, seated upon an improvised throne. With her were her two maids of honor, Misses Mamie Wutzler and Adeline Zaugg. Miss Harper and her two maids made a very pretty appearance.

The Anheuser-Busch prize tally-ho came next with six horses and a load of men, guests of the company. Following it came the same company's stake wagon filled with young men. The Haagen float was a pretty thing. The effect was yellow and white, and the representation was a typical one. It attracted much attention. Following came the Knights of the Maccabees' float, with the court of the "Royal Bumper" - a goat on a pedestal surrounded by courtiers, a neat conception. The big plow of the Hapgood Plow Company on a wagon came next, and was followed by a platform wagon carrying the Building Trades' Council representation of all branches of the Council's work.

Casper Horn had a neat float upon which his little daughter rode in state. Snyder and Budde had a float representing the moon and stars that was prettily decorated. The Bluff City Brewery had a big wagon with young men drinking on it. H. Meyer had a representation of a soda water factory, the water being bottled on the wagon. The latter was very fine. The Olympias Bowling Club were in line in a carriage, and were followed by a pretty display made by T. Goudie, representing Chase & Sanborn's coffee. A big coffee pot was set on the wagon and was prettily decorated and set off with a grocery scene.

Herman Cole's float was a good one. A big chimney was giving forth clouds of smoke that was generated in a stove on the wagon. Probably the most complimented and the most novel thing in the procession was the H. M. Schweppe float. A toboggan slide upon which was a toboggan with a black tobogganist on it. It was followed by nine big elephants of tin that were propelled by men who walked in the elephants' shadow and were scarcely distinguishable. It was a good effect.

Charles Wade was represented with a quarry scene and men at work, which was followed by an ever-popular theme, Santa Clause, in which Hoppe was well represented. It was very popular with the little folk and attracted much attention. Joseph Miller had a coal wagon decorated with carnival colors in line, and then came a beautiful and artistic display of flowers and palms by Joseph Krug. A little girl on the wagon threw bouquets at the crowd.

Sonnberg Bros. had a pretty variety in a colored glee club that sang from an open carriage that was decorated in carnival colors. One of the prettiest floats was Morrissey Bros., a little boy riding in a big shoe and driving a team of butterflies, all in white, which attracted much attention. M. Rubenstein was not missing and had a representative float in line.

Goulding's sons had two unique representations of their place of business. Jim Chessen drove his fine stallion, Chessen Wilks, the pride of his stables, in a bike sulky. The Juvenile band came next, followed by the Western Military Academy, making a splendid appearance. Steck & Co. had a pretty float representing a grocery store with ladies prettily dressed in white upon it. A. H. Wuerker's float carried a paper mache horse attached to a sleigh carrying two men who were supposed to be enjoying a sleigh ride.

The Alton Roller Mill's float was "Aunty's Court," where a real old Aunty reigned supreme and her dignity was supported by LaBelle flour. Kellenberger had three illuminated wagons carrying houses that were very pretty. H. K. Johnston & Co. was represented by two wagons that were prettily decorated and carried some men dressed in comic costumes.

The Empire House was represented by a fat man eating supper and being served by a waiter boy. The Lemps baseball club was carried on a decorated wagon. Glassbrenner & Meisenheimer's float represented a barbershop, where an unlucky customer was being lathered and shaved with his head a mass of soap. Hoppe's China Hall was represented by a very pretty float carrying a big wash bowl and pitcher in which was seated a little girl. Seibold Bros. had a closed carriage covered with white cloth and decorated with chrysanthemums and a tandem team of calico horses.

One of the most striking effects of the parade was the floats of the Alton Railway Gas & Electric Company. One of the latest improved electric cars was decorated with electric lights and festooning, a pretty display being made. Behind it was one of the old horse cars drawn by two horses. On the horse car was the inscription, "Alton to Upper Alton, 10 cents a ride. Trips every half hour." It was a striking comment on the change from the old rider to the new, and on the advancement of the city of Alton. The electric cars were among the most attractive features of the parade.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 9, 1900
John Wempen has sold his saloon on Washington street to Jacob Tuscher, and will retire from the saloon business after many years. He is planning a trip to Germany to be gone part of the winter, visiting his old home. He has not decided as to his business occupation in the future.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 9, 1900
The big red quarterboat of Joseph Golike, which is used to provide sleeping and living quarters for the men in the employ of Golike at the Hop Hollow quarries, was destroyed by fire at 5 o'clock Thursday night, and burned to the water's edge. Golike is working the Hop Hollow quarries, and is using the stone down the river, where he has a contract to furnish rip-rap for river improvements at the Chain of Rocks. He keeps the quarterboat at Hop Hollow for his men, and a spark from the hoisting engine blew in the window and set fire to the interior of the boat. In a short time, the boat was in flames and was soon destroyed. The New Haven has been lying across the river, and Friday morning she was steamed up and taken to Hop Hollow to provide a place for the homeless men who were burned out. Mr. Golike will continue with his work.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 16, 1900
The last of the machinery for the Illinois Shoe Company's factory has arrived and is being set in place today under the supervision of Mr. J. O'Connell, the superintendent. Part of the supplies of leather for the factory have been received, and work of cutting leather for sample shoes will be started Monday morning. The output of the factory will not be large at first, but the company will manufacture to supply the demand for shoes. Traveling men will be put out on the road at once, and the capacity of the plant increased as the demand for its product increases. The company will manufacture a medium grade of shoes for men only, and will make a feature of the fact that the product of the factory will bear the union label. The shoes will be put on sale in some of the Alton stores.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 27, 1900
A large addition is being completed in the mold shops at the Illinois Glass Works. The size of the shops became inadequate to accommodate the business of the big plant, which has become very much larger by reason of the increase in the output of the new factories and the remodeled old ones. A second story has been added to the mold shop building, which will provide room for new machinery, and an increase in the working force in the mold rooms will be necessary. Some delay in getting the mold room ready for work is being caused by delay in the arrival of machinery. The shops will be put to work in a short time making molds and machinery. An order has been placed by the Illinois Glass Company for some new pumping machinery that will be used for supplying compressed air for glass blowing machines. Four machines are now in operation in flint furnace No. 5, which are built on a plan that is original with the Illinois Glass Company.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30, 1900
Alton is to have an elegant new hall for entertainment purposes, it being the entire second floor of the Leiderkranz hall building, 610 East Second Street, of which Harry R. Getsinger is proprietor. He is having the place remodeled, painted and papered, and expects to have a grand opening there by the first of the year. It is intended more for the use of clubs and private parties than for general meetings.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 03, 1900
Felix I. Crowe, the hustling State street commission merchant, has taken in a partner, and the firm name hereafter will be Crowe & Crivello, with Gus Crivello of Fourth and Belle streets being the partner. He will continue his fruit store at that place, and will put his son, Michael, in the State street house. The new firm has strong financial backing, and they intend to reach out after and secure the wholesale or store trade of Alton and vicinity. They will buy and sell everything raised on a farm. They will buy in car load lots, will get the best and consequently give the best to their patrons. Mr. Crivello, the new member, is a good business man, while Mr. Crowe has landed success several times in the face of some very great obstacles, together they ought to and will make a very successful business record.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 4, 1900
Charles Steiner reported to the police headquarters this morning that his house was visited by burglars this morning, and that everything of value in the house was taken. The burglars were discovered by Mr. Steiner's son, Magnus, who was returning home from work in the glass works. As the boy entered the house, the burglars fled, carrying with them the plunder they had gathered up. The young man says there were four burglars in the party that raided the home, and judging from the manner in which the household fittings were looted, the story must be correct. When an investigation was made after the robbery, it was found that Mr. Steiner's coat and vest with his watch were carried off. A search resulted in the discovery of the coat and vest at the corner of Fourth and Cherry streets, but the watch had been taken from the pocket of the vest. In his house, Mr. Steiner's children had $90 in savings, which was added to their loot by the burglars. The police were notified this morning of the burglary, and an effort was made to find the burglars, but the marauders had made their escape. Mr. Steiner made an investigation to discover what is missing, and he reports that everything moveable and of value to the four burglars was taken. Mr. Steiner thinks the burglars used chloroform to still the sleeping members of the family while they were robbing the house. In the kitchen, the burglars sat down to a meal, which they made of some sausages and pies that had been left there. Entrance to the house was by way of a back window, which was found open. Mr. Steiner said this morning that he lost two gold watches, a silver watch, the money, a necklace that had been a family heirloom 200 years, and nearly all the clothes he possessed, including underwear. The burglars must have been well loaded when they made their escape. They took all of Mr. Steiner's clothes in order to prevent his following them, and they also secured his revolver that was in a drawer in his bedroom. Mr. Steiner's son, Magnus, also lost heavily in clothes. A bad revolver was responsible for the escape of the burglars this morning at 5 o'clock. Officers Thomas and Green were sent out to scour the country in the vicinity of East Alton for the four burglars, and at Edwardsville Crossing they came upon two men who were in haste to avoid the officers. Officer Thomas commanded them to stop and attempted to shoot one of them, but his revolver did not go off, and before he could get another one from his pocket, the men had escaped in the darkness. While running away, the two men dropped a bundle that was found to be an overcoat and two coats stolen from the Steiner home. The remainder of the plunder was carried away by the two burglars. The officers followed the two men to Mitchell, where they gave up the chase. Mr. Steiner found a pair of his trousers, a pair of shoes, and a serviceable "jimmy" that the burglars discarded at a residence on Fourth street near Vine, where they attempted to force entrance but were frightened off because they aroused the members of the family in the house.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 14, 1900
The Boston Store is open to the public with the greatest array of bargains in men's clothing, underwear, ladies' skirts, waists, underwear, hose, etc., at prices to please all. Remember we are here to stay. Everybody welcome to come whether they wish to buy or not. The Boston store entrances on west Second street.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 21, 1900
President Ed Rodgers of the North Alton brick plant says that the plant will close down tomorrow for needed repairs. The brick works have had a good season, and is preparing for a better one next year. It is being planned to convert the present direct-fire kilns into gas consumers, the gas to be manufactured in the kiln and all the annoying smoke of the works will be done away with. The system will be similar to that employed in the tank furnaces at the glass works. As an experiment, some of the kilns were remodeled this season, and the gas system has been so satisfactory that all the kilns will be equipped. There will no longer be black clouds of smoke rising from the kilns when they are remodeled. A large force of men will be kept at work remodeling the plant.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 24, 1900
The Santa Claus wagon of Hoppe's China Hall was in a runaway Saturday night. The horses attached started to run away on Washington Street hill, and turned the corner to go down Second street. They ran on the C. & A. tracks, and stopped just before the horses reached a deep culvert over Shield's branch. The boys who were in the wagon at the time were thrown out, but none were hurt.


Source: Oswego Commercial Times, January 7, 1901
A fire at Alton, Illinois Friday night destroyed the liquor store of Kent & Carr, destroying that and nine adjoining buildings, embracing the whole block bounded by Short, Stato and Levee Streets. Loss $50,000; insurance $25,000. A German, whose name is unknown, was burned to death.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 24, 1901
Engineer T. M. Long put in the day surveying the "made" land or accretions belonging to Z. B. Job, south of Front street and east of Henry between Henry and Spring streets. It is that section known as "the willows," and found to comprise about 200 acres with river frontage and in the city limits. Mr. Job lost about 1,000 acres through the encroachments of the river years ago near the mouth of Wood river, including the town of old Chippewa, and he says the river is only doing the square thing by paying some of this back.


Source: Alton Weekly Telegraph, February 14, 1901
Contractor Lancaster has a force of men at work today wrecking the building at the southwest corner of Third and Langdon Streets, the property of Patrick Kane the grocer. The lot upon which it stands will be graded and a fine double brick residence built thereon. It is said that no one in Alton can remember when the house that is being torn down was built. It came into the possession of Mr. Kane in 1865, he purchasing it from John R. Wood, a justice of the peace and banker, who used it as a residence for many years. A woman named Bradley used it as a hotel or boardinghouse in 1830, and it then was far from being a new house. The lower story (or basement) is of rock, and the masonry still gives evidence of the master hand of its builder. All of the wood part of the building is of oak and is yet sound. It is believed to be the oldest building in the city.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 2, 1901
That energetic and enterprising firm, Beall Bros., have determined to enlarge their business and will go extensively into the manufacture of shovels of all kinds, including hollow-back and plain-back. The Beall Bros. have for many years, purchased all the shovels sold by them [sic], and they are possibly the largest dealers in shovels in the United States. The new corporation will be known as "The Alton Shovel Company," and will be entirely separate from the mining tool corporation known as "The Beall Bros." The shareholders will be Charles Beal Sr., Edmond Beall, J. Wesley Beall and Charles L. Beall. The capital stock of the new corporation will be ample for the purpose, and the number of men employed will be large. Beall Bros have awarded the contract for the making of the machines needed, amounting to twenty large machines to manufacture the shovels and the handles. The wood is run through nine different machines and comes out complete handles. The capacity of the new machines will be 200 dozen shovels per day. Architect Pfeiffenberger is now at work on the plans of a building, 105 by 60 feet; it will be of wood. The contract will be let next Saturday and the building and machinery will be ready for operation in sixty days. The Beall Bros. have been contemplating this extension of their business for some years, but the fire of a year ago last winter retarded the plans of the company. The new building will take up all the unoccupied ground in the block now used by the firm, and as it will be necessary to store a large amount of lumber, the Beall Bros will ask permission of the City Council to use the south side of Fifth street, adjoining their property, for the storage of lumber. As this part of the street has never been used for public traffic, and is not likely to be, there is little doubt but the council will readily grant the request. The Bealls, of course, guarantee to remove their material at any time the city may desire to improve and use the street. This improvement will make a large addition to Alton's manufacturing industries, and will give employment to a large number of men. The new venture will be a success, for the Bealls have had for years a most profitable business in the sale of shovels all over the west and south.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16, 1901
The caves along the bluffs are reported to be a bum's paradise, and the population of the caves at present is large. Hundreds of tramps have been hanging out in these caves all winter, and the number is increasing as the warm weather comes and loosens up the joints of the travelers so that they can make haste to their favorite place of abode to avoid the shivering blasts of March.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 22, 1901
A new shoe company will be organized in Alton, to be backed by Alton capital. Mr. Frank G'Sell, who has been assistant superintendent for the Illinois Shoe Company since the company started in business in the woolen mill, stated today that he will organize a company and will start a factory in Alton that will employ 150 hands, and will turn out 300 pairs of shoes a day. Mr. G'Sell resigned his position as assistant superintendent of the Illinois Shoe Company Tuesday, and since then he has been planning to start a new factory. He has secured promises of subscriptions from a number of people in Alton who would like to go into the scheme, and says he has the best of prospects in his new enterprise. It is proposed to organize a company with $15,000 capital stock, and Alton people will be given an opportunity to subscribe all if they desire to do so. Mr. G'Sell is an experienced shoe man who has done the greater part of the buying and much of the work of making the shoes that have been turned out by the company. Mr. G'Sell said that a building will be erected for the new company in Alton, and he is planning to have a very prosperous plant in a short time. He has made arrangements to dispose of his product and can keep his plant running steadily from the first. This he can do without interfering with the Illinois Shoe Company.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 9, 1901
Workmen who were digging foundations for an oil tank at the Beall Bros. plant this morning uncovered an old neck yoke that had been used many years ago for working oxen. The place where the excavation was being made was in the bottom of the old Piasa Creek, and is probably a yoke of a farmer's team that stopped at the old Piasa house grounds long ago.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 13, 1901
Probably the most prosperous infant industry in Alton is the new Illinois Shoe Company's factory on Belle street, which is putting on strength in a most un-infant like manner, and will soon be able to hold its head up as high as any other full-grown man, so to speak, in the shoe manufacturing business. The growth of the concern has been healthy, and it is sure to be rapid and strong in the hereafter. Mr. O'Connell, the superintendent, is a believer in the old Davy Crockett maxim, and he makes sure he is in the right method and then he makes haste to go on with his undertaking. The result is that the line of samples turned out by the new factory created surprise in St. Louis among shoe men, and orders have been pouring in thick and fast from dealers who like our work here and think Alton a remarkably smart town when a new shoe factory started by us can make shoes that are good as those made in the cast where they have been fashioning shoes since the Pilgrims landed. A visitor at the shoe factory yesterday found the place humming with busy machinery and a force of men, boys and girls working away on fine new shoes. Alton people should interest themselves in the new industry and make a visit there. The shoes turned out are of the finest quality of enamel and patent leather down to the best quality of cheap shoes. Nothing but good stock is used, as Mr. O'Connell says he wants nothing to look back upon with regret nor anything to apologize for. Fifty hands are now employed and are making good wages. Mr. O'Connell says he wants Alton people to wear the shoes he is making, and will make it their advantage to do so. Special orders for shoes may be sent through dealers and shoes will be made that fit the wearer exactly. Mr. O'Connell is planning for a reception some day at the factory for the boys of Alton, and he will have every boy in the city there and will show him how to make some money by talking up Alton shoes. People should patronize a home industry, the superintendent thinks, when the goods are well worth the confidence. Orders have been received from some of the big shoe houses of St. Louis for special lines of shoes, and on these orders the factory is now working.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 6, 1901
The Pawnee Bill Wild West show arrived in Alton yesterday, and is holding forth today in the rear of the baseball park. The show is accompanied by innumerable side shows that have been doing a big business all day near the circus grounds. Everything in the side show line that helps to make aPawnee Bill Wild West Show big show popular is on exhibition. In the main part of the show there is a big display that is very interesting to all. Good horses and good riders are a principal feature, and well-known marksmen are there in abundance. The street parade in the morning made a fine impression. The main show is surrounded by a wall of canvas, the seats being ranged around the walls and they are covered by a canopy of canvas to protect the spectators from the elements. Pawnee Bill carries a good show with him, and there will be a big crowd tonight. A large number of people saw the afternoon performance.

Pawnee Bill was an American showman and performer who specialized in Wild West shows. He was born in Bloomington, Illinois in 1860. His family moved to Kansas after their flour mill burned down. Born Gordon William Lillie, he earned the nickname "Pawnee Bill" while serving as an interpreter with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, after working with the Pawnee Indian agency in Indian Territory at the age of 19. He developed a true love for the west. After marrying May Manning in 1886, they opened their own Wild West show, with May serving as the "Champion Girl Horseback Shot of the West." At first their show was a financial disaster, but after they re-organized a smaller operation it became popular and successful. They bought their own ranch, and later became involved in banking, real estate, and oil. In 1936, Pawnee Bill lost control of his car. As a result, his wife died of her injuries, and Pawnee Bill never fully recovered. He died on February 3, 1942.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 03, 1901
Today is the 41st anniversary of the greatest storm which ever visited Alton. Saturday evening, June 03, 1860, about 7:30 o'clock, was the date. The new office of the Alton Democrat was demolished with its contents. The top story of the building in which the Telegraph is now located was blown off. St. Mary's German Catholic church was blown down, and the rector buried in the ruins, although he was taken out without a scratch. The steeples of the Methodist and Episcopal churches were blown down. The top story of the Ryder building was blown off. Many other buildings were more or less wrecked. The storm was accompanied by heavy hail, which demolished every window on the north side of all houses where the shutters were not closed. Singular to say, no one was injured.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 30, 1901
One half the block bounded by Piasa, Third, Market and Fourth streets were destroyed by fire beginning shortly before noon today. After an hour of fighting the fiercest fire that occurred in many years, the firemen and many scores of hardworking volunteer assistants who sprung into service from the ranks of the onlookers, the fire was subdued and all danger of it spreading to the valuable property in the neighborhood was over.

The origin of the fire is not known definitely, but it is said to have been started by a boy smoking cigarettes in the back part of the Seibold stable and dropping sparks on a pile of hay and shavings. Before the fire was discovered the Seibold building was doomed, and in the subsequent hurry to get out the horses, no one at first thought of turning in a fire alarm. By great exertion and prompt action all but one of the horses in the stable, 22 belonging to Seibold and 30 boarders, were rescued and were taken outside. In the back of the stable was a valuable horse belonging to Mr. Seibold, registered stock and standard bred, valued at $400, which was burned. When the fire department arrived a second alarm was turned in, and the reserve company hurried to the fire. Notwithstanding the good work of the firemen, the flames spread because of the big start they had gained, and it appeared for a half hour that the whole block would be burned and the fire would spread to the first block south. Several thousand people were soon gathered at the place watching the firemen and rendered all assistance necessary. The Telegraph building across the street was threatened. From the Seibold building the flames went to that of John Snyder on one side and there from buildings on the other, occupied by Theodore Bechtold, Dr. J. C. Booker, and the stable of the Kirsch Company. It was feared the fire would leap Fourth street and destroy the Beall shops, but streams of water stopped them. Leaping the alley east of the Seibold and Snyder property, the fire caught in the office building of the Millers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., and from there to the property next door owned by the Flachenecker estate. In neither building was much damage done because of the protective work done by the firefighters. The principal part of the conflagration was in the Seibold and Snyder buildings. In the Seibold stables was a large quantity of hay and shavings and other highly inflammable material. The building was soon a seething furnace, and the heat was so intense the firefighters were nearly overcome many times. All the buggies in the Seibold stable but four were saved by bystanders and the stable force. Mr. Seibold's office fixtures were destroyed. At the Snyder building the flames soon worked through the thin brick wall and by way of the roof, and it was evident that nothing could be saved. Not one piece of goods nor any of the firm's books were saved. The safe fell through into the cellar and at the same time the two-story brick wall fell with a crash, many firemen narrowly escaping injury. Mr. Snyder said after the fire that he canceled several insurance policies a few days ago because he was carrying a comparatively light stock in the store. He had $18,000 stock and his building being an old one, was worth about $5,000, including a stone building east of the store. The Bechtold dairy was burned slightly in one end, and the Kirsch building back of it was destroyed with some hogs that were kept in it. The Fager estate building occupied by Dr. J. C. Booker was a veterinary hospital was destroyed with Dr. Booker's private property, consisting of office fixtures and medicines. The house belonging to Mrs. E. Dwyer in the rear and on the opposite side of the alley was damaged on one end, but the firemen saved it from destruction. Louis Ginter's shop, the brick building next to the Seibold stable and in the vicinity where the fire started was comparatively slightly damaged. At 1 o'clock, about 80 minutes after the fire started, the firemen were playing on a heap of ruins, the flames having consumed everything inflammable. When the walls fell at the Snyder building, the firemen soon had the fire under control, as the fire in the stock was smothered by the bricks and plaster. It was a day of great danger for Alton's downtown district, as every building was dry and warped with the heat of the sun, and furnished swift food for the flames. New buildings will rise where the old ones were burned down, and they will be better ones than ever occupied either site. The fire is a heavy loss to the owners of the property, but it made room for improvements.

John Snyder, who was born in 1864 in Alton, worked at the Illinois Glass Works at age 11. In 1884, he purchased an auction house from John Dow for $200 at the corner of Third and Piasa Streets in Alton. He was only 21 years of age at the time. He earned a reputation for being honest in his dealings, and decided to go into the retail clothing business. Snyder paid cash to his suppliers, and likewise required his customers to pay cash. The business grew and prospered until the 1901 fire, where his store was destroyed. Snyder then hired local architect Andrew S. Marland to design a new, three-story brick building, including a rounded turret, four stories high. The Snyder store occupied the first floor, dental and attorney’s offices were on the second floor, and the third floor was occupied by the Frank Boyle Pool Room, and later a business college. Later the Snyder Dept. Store expanded to occupy the entire building. He held a grand opening on December 21, 1901. Snyder sold his store in 1918 and decided to retire. However, the new management did not succeed, and Snyder took over the business once again. He advertised a grand reopening on April 11, 1919. Snyder died of a heart attack at his home in November 1938, at the age of 74. He was buried in St. Joseph’s Cemetery.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 01, 1901
John Snyder will erect a three-story modern business building with elevators, steam heat, etc., on his property, and will begin the work as soon as the insurance adjusters get through with their work. He will occupy two stories himself with a stock of goods, and will make offices of the third story. It will be a handsome and creditable building.


Four little boys under arrest
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 7, 1901
Four little negroes, "Yaller" Waters, Julius Kyles, "Rabbit" Sims, and James Douglas, were arrested today on a warrant charging them with committing a burglary at the Hoppe Toy Store Sunday morning. The boys are newsboys and bootblacks, and all are scarcely old enough to be held accountable for their offense. The police have suspected the boys of being the guilty ones, and Waters was arrested on suspicion. He told the story of the robbery after being sweated by Chief of Police Volbracht, and informed on his confederates in crime. In a short time, all but two of the boys were under arrest, and they broke down. Chief of Police Volbracht went to St. Louis this morning with Waters to look through the pawnshops where Waters sold the stolen goods. These boys are suspected of having committed many petty thefts and burglaries around the city, and they will be sent to the reform school. Rabbit Sims and Julius Kyle were put through a sweating process this afternoon in the police station, and they frankly admitted all that was charged against them and much more. They were shown some new revolvers, razors, knives and the Winchester rifle that were recovered in a store at 1412 Market street in St. Louis, and then they told all about their work in Alton. Rabbit Sims, who is 17, said the boys had robbed nearly every store in town. Every two weeks they made trips to St. Louis and sold their plunder to a man on Market street. The boys say he encouraged them to bring property to him. The store of Hermon Cole was robbed one week ago last Sunday, and the young burglars took six revolvers, ten knives, and a quantity of razors. They robbed Pitts & Hamill a short time ago and took a large quantity of cutlery, hair clippers, etc. The boys were adept in burglary. Kyle admitted being the smoothest in the bunch, and the boys say that he did all the planning. He is 13. His confederates say he will be the best burglar in the country before he is much older. Yaller Waters, they said, was not in the burglary and was not identified by the St. Louis man as one who sold goods to him. He was discharged. Other boys were in the burglary business and had been making a good living. Sims says they have been doing thieving since they were little boys, and always made a living at it in the summer when they were not working at the glassworks. They were implicated in some watch stealing last June, and several of them were sent to the reform school. The worst of the crowd was young Kyle, and he is accused of having planned and assisted in executing some of the most daring robberies the juvenile band of robbers committed. Sims says that Kyle has over $200 buried in his cellar, and that he made it all by stealing. Kyle, he said, always received the largest share as he was captain, although the smallest and youngest of the band.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 17, 1901
The new Beall Shovel factory is now running full blast, with every machine working to its utmost capacity. Several carloads of additional machinery for the factory have been ordered, duplicating some of the machines now running. The wood work department contains nine machines for transforming the lumber into shovel and pick handles. The Messrs. Beall have ordered the unsawed logs for sawing in their own works from which the handles will be made. In the iron department there are nearly a dozen machines for transferring the sheet iron into the complete and highly polished shovel. One machine cuts out a piece of iron for one shovel. This piece is then put into an oil furnace and heated to red heat, placed in another machine where it is again stamped by a 120,000 ton pressure and pressed in the exact shape of the shovel desired. From this machine the shovel is turned over to another for further shaping and fitting on the handle, and then to another for finishing touches such as grinding on the emery wheel, etc. The Beall's are rushed with orders, and it will take the entire capacity of the plant to turn out sufficient shovels to fill the orders. There is something like $30,000 now invested in the plant, with additions yet to be made. when it is remembered how the Beall's started some eighteen years ago on Belle street in one small shop with one small trip hammer, and the gigantic proportions of their present plant, a good idea of the business energy, enterprise and successful financiering manifested by the firm can be obtained. Another feature of the Beall's factory is that not a single article manufactured by them is sold in Alton, and every dollar of their net earnings is put into Alton either in the shape of machinery, enlarging their plant, or in-dwelling houses to accommodate the rapidly growing population of this city.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 20, 1901
The Alton people entered with spirit into the carnival festivities, and the old town is being roused into the carnival fever with rollicking festivities. The 1901 Alton Jubileefirst night was a great success. Thousands of people were downtown surging to and fro in great throngs, and everyone was entering into the season with a spirit that promises to make Alton hum before the end of the week. Everyone is mixing up with everyone else, elbowing each other through the crowds and having a good time. As the evening wore away, the crowd, impatient at the delay in the beginning of the attractions caused by the failure in making electric light connections, began to give full sway to the dominating carnival spirit, and there was a wild time until midnight. Everything done was given and taken in good part and there was none who did not enjoy himself. Some rode the camels and others threw confetti. The rubber ball merchant did a thriving business and there was a continual bombardment with the little carnival favorites on all sides. The din and uproar was deafening until a late hour. Occasionally the crowd that thronged the square gave way to a street car and then closed in again. The main shows and the free attractions were ready for business late in the evening. When the shows opened, there was a general rush for them, and the rush kept up until after 11 o'clock. The spiral tower act on Market street before the post office was a pretty one, and the display of fireworks was very entertaining. At Second and Spring streets the Frees Bros. will give a free trapeze performance at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. daily. At Washington street the Rozart Bros. and Frees barrel performance will take place at 2:30 and 9 p.m. daily. At Henry street the electric fountain gives a display in the evening at 8 p.m., which is free and last evening proved very popular. Tomorrow will be Macoupin county day, and the program will consist of the band concert by the White Hussars in the afternoon and the opening of the Midway at 1:30 p.m. The Phillion tower performance will be given in the afternoon also. In the evening the band will give a concert at 7 p.m., and the electric fountain will play at 8 p.m.
1901 Alton Jubilee
Edwardsville Coming to Jubilee
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 21, 1901
Preparations for the presence at the carnival of a large number from the county seat are well under way. Friday afternoon, which has been set aside for Edwardsvillians, will see a great delegation of the latter as guests of their west side neighbors. The miners' union, it is understood, has decided to attend, some 150 men; the tire company is going; the members of the Edwardsville Club, who were invited to be present on Club Day, will instead join the other townsmen on Edwardsville Day. A list has been circulated for signatures of merchants who would close their places of business for one afternoon, and all but one or two subscribed to the plan and will close up shop after noon on Friday. Tickets are being sold by several business men who have consented to help push the matter. They will be good on any train on Friday and cost 40 cents for the round trip, a great reduction from the regular rate. It is expected, however, that the great majority from the county seat will go over on the special train, which will leave the uptown depot at 1:45. Get a ticket and go over to see the show, thus giving yourself a good time and evincing a timely interest in our neighbor. Edwardsville should and will make a good showing at the Alton carnival. There will be no difficulty in returning, as that has been attended to, a special train leaving Alton at 10 o'clock at night. ~Edwardsville Intelligencer.

A Meritorious Entertainment
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 21, 1901
The Canton Carnival Company has come to Alton, the people have had an opportunity to pass upon the merits of the entertainment afforded and the unanimous verdict is that the street fair attractions are almost uniformly first class, and that a class of entertainment is afforded that is really worth many times the price of admission charged. The stories circulated against the company in Alton before its advent have been thoroughly disproved. The Streets of India is an entertainment that no one should miss. The features are all strong and the acrobatic specialties shown there have pleased and puzzled everyone who has seen them. Seemingly impossible feats were performed last evening before a large crowd of spectators, and every person there was well pleased with the entertainment. It is worth many times the price of admission. The wild animal show is an excellent attraction and vies with the midgets, the two little people who do wonderful things, as centers of attractions for the children and the old folks who take the children. The animals are well trained and are handsome specimens of their races. The electric theater, the flying lady, the stone lady and many others that are on exhibition behind the doors are very pleasing. The spiral tower act is very pretty and at the same time a hazardous exhibition. It attracts large crowds every time Phyllion makes his perilous trip up and down the tower. With perhaps one exception, there is none of the shows that cannot be seen by mixed audiences, and everyone is pleased by them. The visitors in town go away strong boosters for the street fair when they see the good attractions we have furnished, and Alton people are doing their best to boost. The streets last evening were again packed with people downtown and everyone abandoned himself to the wild carnival spirit. Alton people and their guests are having a good time at their street fair and everyone is becoming an earnest booster.

Alton Jubilee Continues to Increase Its Success and Crowds Growing/Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 22, 1901
As the days of the Alton jubilee slip by, the popularity of the festivities is waxing. The attendance increases each day over the attendance of the day before. The crowds on the streets in the afternoons and evenings are larger and more hilarious. The people have a better time, notwithstanding the fact that they are being tired out. Last night, the streets were thronged with a gay multitude until nearly midnight. Everyone was in fine humor and confetti throwing, the rubber ball and noise-making apparatus were at the height of their glory. The streets of India continue to be very popular and entertain large crowds twice a day. The performers in the company are high grade artists and have pleased everyone. The animal show and the midgets vie in popularity, and both are favorite places. The crowds on the streets today were the largest since the jubilee began. The Big Four, Alton, Burlington, Bluff Line and the Illinois Terminal [railroads] brought thousands of people to town. The visitors began arriving early in the day, and before 9 o'clock the streets were thronged with people who were having a good time and were seeing the sights. The street fair attractions opened early and did a rushing business. Everyone was well patronized and the lunch counter men prospered. It was a great day for Alton. An estimate of the number of visitors in town today would be difficult to make as every wagon road was lined with vehicles coming in and all the public conveyances had more than they could conveniently attend to. The crowds were the greatest ever gathered at any time in Madison county. A meeting of citizens was called this morning to make final arrangements for meeting the St. Louis guests of honor at noon. The members of the committee appointed were: J. A. Cousley, J. J. McInerney, J. J. Brenholt, J. H. Raible, Will Joesting, George Colonius, C. A. Caldwell, Dr. G. Taphorn, H. K. Johnston, G. M. Levis, Ed Beall, J. D. McAdams, J. M. Rhoads, T. H. Kauffman, L. Pfeiffenberger, Judge A. W. Hope, A. Schlafly, O. S. Stowell, J. F. Porter, L. F. Schussler, John Dawson, D. R. Sparks. A sub-committee was appointed to meet the members of the South Broadway Merchants Association who arrived on the Burlington at noon. Hon. Henry G. McPike was appointed chairman of the Reception committee and had charge of the reception. The City of Providence with 3,500 people on board and the members of the board of directors of the World's Fair stuck hard on a sandbar at the Chain of Rocks and could not be taken off. The St. Louis harbor boat and another boat were dispatched to assist, but at late hour it seemed probable that the boat would not arrive. It was a great disappointment to the crowd gathered to help celebrate the day.

Keep Your Guns Loaded and Your Dogs Unmuzzled Tonight
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 24, 1901
Tonight being the last night of the Carnival, the danger of a general assault by thieves, house breakers, etc. becomes intensified, and Chief Volbracht desires to give special warning to our people and to urge them to use extra vigilance tonight. Bar doors and windows, he says, and keep lights burning all night. Thieves hate and fear the light. Leave someone at home if you come downtown. If you have no member of the family you can leave, hire somebody. You will be richer when you return home probably than you will be by doing some other way. "Nobody ever robbed me" is an all right assertion as far as it goes. You have been lucky, that's all, and there is a first time you know. Your first time may come tonight.

The Fools' Carnival - Thousands on the Streets
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 24, 1901
Of all the nights of the Twentieth Century Jubilee, last night was the wildest. The evening was supposed to be devoted to a fool's carnival, and the people were permitted to mask, but few did so. Most of the revelers preferred to go it without masks, the heat being too oppressive for disguises. Many thousands of people roamed the streets downtown and made the town uproarious. Everything but rubber balls was tolerated, and the new fad of powder throwing was carried to the extreme. All kinds of white powder was used, including flower, corn starch and borated talcum. Powder was thrown into the faces and eyes of the carnival revelers, and the only thing to be done was to retaliate. White stuff was in great demand, and the dealers' supply was exhausted. Until near midnight the streets were crowded and the revelers seemed loath to go home. Everyone was in the best of humor and even the most staid and dignified citizen invested in confetti and threw it in self-defense. Parties of young people paraded the streets deluging everyone in their path with the bits of paper and white stuff. Clothes were ruined for hundreds of people, and the cleaners will have more than they can attend to. The visitors had just as much fun as the home people, and everyone seemed to be pleased. The shows were well patronized all evening.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 27, 1901
John Culp & Son of Fosterburg have opened a wholesale store for the sale of straw, hay and grain, at Second and George Streets.


[McKinley had been shot by an assassin Sept. 6, and was clinging to life. He died Sept. 14.]
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 11, 1901
Police Magistrate Few and City Attorney Lynn concluded this morning that 105 days on the rock pile is deserved punishment for a man who would say that he wished the President would die from the assassin's bullet. David Shields is the man who was fined this morning in the police court for this offense. The fine is $50 and costs, and the sentence imposed by the Police Magistrate is 105 days on the rock pile. Shields says his father was a soldier, and that his home is St. Louis. He was begging on the streets, using the pretext that he was crippled and unable to earn a living. Last night he insulted two ladies near Third and Piasa streets, and Officer Thomas, witnessing the offense, promptly placed Shields under arrest and was compelled to use physical punishment to force the man to go to the police station. On the way, Officer Thomas says, Shields became very abusive and expressed the wish that President McKinley would die from the effects of the wound he received at the hands of Czolgosz. The officer became so enraged at this offense that he added a few additional taps to the punishment he had administered, and then locked Shields in jail. This morning Shields begged piteously for mercy, but his record was looked up and it was found that he had been shown clemency before when accused of begging in the city. Police Magistrate Few said that he would fine the man $25 and costs for begging, and $25 for making the remark about the President. Shields begged again to be allowed to go free, but the heart of the Police Magistrate was steeled against him and he informed the culprit that he would have a boarding place until the frosts of winter come. Shields is a hearty looking individual, and excepting a slightly contorted hand, is able-bodied and will make a good workman on the city's rock pile gang.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1901
Chris Ulrich, night watchman at Beall Bros., discovered flames issuing from the Kremer buildings on Belle Street, between Fourth and Fifth Streets, at 3:20 o'clock this morning, and at once gave the alarm. All the fire companies responded, and by hard work prevented the destruction of the entire block. As it is, the bowling alleys and building, the Kremer saloon, and the restaurant, which has been conducted by Richard Eck, are in ruins, and the rear end of the Alton Saloon, whose entrance is on Fourth Street, is badly damaged. The contents of the building, the upstairs part of which is occupied by the proprietor, Ben Miles, are practically ruined by dirt and water.

The fire started in the rear part of the Kremer saloon it is said, and Mr. Kremer says was caused by a live wire, in all probability. Others say the fire started in the kitchen of the restaurant. This is denied by Mr. Eck, who says there was absolutely no fire left in the kitchen. He at first said he thought the fire was of incendiary origin, but later inclined to the live wire theory. He and his wife and four-year-old child were asleep upstairs at the time of the fire, and barely escaped with their lives and in their night clothes. He says he had $240 in cash under his pillow, which together with everything else in the rooms was destroyed.

The Kremer saloon was one of the finest in the city, and its fixtures, etc., were of the most costly kind. Mr. Kremer owned the three buildings destroyed, and the damage will amount to $12,000 or $13,000 he says. The Miles property is damaged to the extent of $1,500. Mr. Kremer says he is carrying about $4,500 insurance, while Mr. Miles is carrying only about $700, it is said.

Mayor Young was present all through the fire and made one of the best firefighters. Gus Miller was back in his firefighting clothes, and did excellent service. Hundreds of citizens were present also. The walls of all the Kremer buildings are left standing and in a good condition, and it is Mr. Kremer's intention to rebuild as soon as the adjusters finish their work. Considerable money was in the saloon part, but it was saved together with most of the contents. It was a bad fire, but it could have been very much worse. For a time, Morgenroth's place, Noll's Bakery, Raible's liquor house and the Seibold Bros. stables appeared doomed. McKinney's agency had $500 loss in the fire. The adjuster of the company arrived in town this morning and adjusted the loss at once, and Mr. Kremer received a check for the loss in McKinney's agency before noon.

The Kremer Bowling Alley was located at 409 Belle Street. This block is currently a parking lot, except for Danny’s Lounge.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 21, 1901
The Board of Directors of the Spalding Club building on Belle street are more than pleased with the financial success that has attended the erection of that building from the start, and the managers are forced by progressing Spalding Club Building, Belle Street, Altonprosperity and the demands of the persistent would-be-patrons to enlarge the edifice, or erect a new one. They cannot enlarge the ground floor part, as the ground is not just now obtainable, and it has been decided practically to add another story, modernize it in every way, equip it with all accessories to comfort, including elevators, and make of the Spalding building one of the finest in the city. The Knights of Columbus, an organization which is growing rapidly, will occupy much, if not all of the third floor, and it will be modeled to suit their wants - with lodge halls, banquet rooms, ante chambers, cloak rooms, etc. Other organizations may use it, but it will belong to the Knights who are willing, it is said, to enter into a long lease contract. The addition of another story to the building will make the Spalding easily the most conspicuous building on Belle street, as well as the most profitable. The success of the directorate with the financial end of the proposition cannot but please Altonians generally, as it is confirmation strong that good, conveniently arranged buildings in Alton are paying investments, even though they are - like the Spalding - a little removed from the business center.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 26, 1901
The Kinloch telephone company had a force of men at work last night again, setting poles by moonlight. So much opposition has been made to the setting of poles in certain parts of the city [Alton], that it was found necessary to go about the work secretly. Last night a hole was dug on city hall square near the watering trough, and it was intended to raise a pole there. The night police notified the Chief of Police, and he ordered the work stopped. A watchman to prevent the placing of the pole on the square was stationed. Many poles were erected last night where property owners were opposed to them. The Kinloch company is acting in bad faith with both the city and the citizens. The franchise granted the company stipulated that the poles should be set under the direction of the city engineer. Now the employees of the company are going around at midnight and are putting their poles in places where they have no right, in hopes that when the poles are once in the city, the citizens will submit to their illegal work. The city council should see to it that its stipulations are carried out, or revoke the company's franchise. The Kinloch corporation should be willing to be decent, provided such a characteristic is in their makeup.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 26, 1901
The Kinloch Telephone Company, last night, sometime after midnight Mr. McPike says, erected a pole in front of the McPike building on Second, near Piasa street. They had been forbidden to do so by Mr. McPike, and once before he began legal proceedings against the company but dropped them after satisfactory assurances were given him that the obstructions should not be placed in front of his premises. Today he entered suit against the Kinloch Long Distance Company in Justice Nathan's court for $200 damages. He says he will also get out an injunction against the company. The trial is set for October 3, at 2 o'clock.

NOTES: The Kinloch Telephone Company was very shrewd, in that they erected their telephone poles so that they stood among the wires of the electric light company, so that the felling of the telephone poles would cause electric wires to fall and endanger those who were trying to take them down. In the McPike suit for $200 damages, the telephone company agreed to move a pole that was placed in front of the Boston store entrance, which had been placed over a sewer, and the company would place a pole at the corner of Second [Broadway] and Piasa streets to be used by the street railway company and the telephone company. All damages to the sidewalk were to be repaired and all costs, including the attorney's fees, were to be paid by the telephone company. Others complained of the company cutting limbs from trees to make room for their lines and poles. Needless to say, the Kinloch Telephone Company did not have a good start in the community. However, the company finally opened their service on November 11, 1901, starting with service supplied to 225 telephones. The company was located in the Haagen Building in Alton. The company was later bought by Southwestern Bell.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 02, 1901
The hungry fire-fiend devoured almost the entire block of milling property and business houses bounded by Second [Broadway], State, Piasa streets and the levee this morning. The fire originated in the top floor of the Stanard mill, and is supposed to have been caused by the ignition of mill dust or by an electric wire. Within a few minutes after the fire was discovered at 10:20 o'clock, the mill was doomed and the entire block of valuable business property was threatened with destruction. A hundred volunteer firemen sprang from the numbers of onlookers and helped the firefighters effectively. Men climbed to the roof of the barrel house of the Stanard elevator, and with a hose disputed the progress of the flames until the firemen were driven down by the heat and smoke. From the Stanard mill the flames spread to the barrel house and from there to the big elevator. Within the elevator was stored 100,000 bushels of wheat. When the fire took the elevator, it was evident that the block of property could be saved only by heroic work and by the cessation of the fierce gale which was blowing out of the northwest. The firemen on the levee side of the block were driven from their posts of duty repeatedly by the onslaughts of smoke, flame and heat, but they returned as many times and renewed the fight. The building adjoining the Standard property on the west, owned by the Rider estate, was saved in a damaged condition by the wind and the work of the helpers of the firemen, together with assistance given by Mr. W. B. Pierce and his men. The buildings on the north side of Second street took fire repeatedly during the mill fire, but were saved with but little water damage. From the Stanard elevator the fire caught on the Hayden Machine Company's shops and the building adjoining it on the east, the Alton Electric Elevator & Milling Co. The flames fed on this building greedily, and soon the hope of saving it was abandoned and efforts to stay the fire were concentrated on the Meehan building next door. The top and back end of the building were destroyed and the front was saved, the stock of goods inside being almost a complete loss. On the south side of the block the high wind carried the fire to the double store building of M. Wilkinson and the rear end of the building occupied by Miessner's saloon was almost consumed. Here the firefighters made a new stand and concentrated their efforts anew to stopping the fire there. It was feared that nothing could be done to save the building of H. G. McPike, occupied by the Sentinel-Democrat, the Boston Store and J. H. McPike's corrugated paper plant. All the property in the building was removed in wagons, and while the loss on stock will be heavy, it will not be total. The sufferers by today's fire are the E. O. Stanard Milling Company, G. D. Hayden Machine Company, Alton Electric Roller Milling Company, J. Mechan, Emil Miessner, Stiritz & Rudershauson, Dennis Noonan, I. H. Kelly, Boston Store, J. H. McPike, and the Sentinel-Democrat. The losses to some will be slight, but all lost in their stock, and the insurance will be comparatively light. It is said by Mr. T. H. Kaffman that the Standard elevator contained fully 100,000 bushels of wheat, which is nearly covered by insurance. The elevator was worth about $40,000, and the milling property, consisting of a double mill, was worth about $100,000.

When word came that the St. Louis fire department would come to give help, the situation was almost hopeless. The high wind blowing from the northwest had carried the fire on the roofs of the buildings on the east side of the block, and the McPike building had begun to show smoke. The efforts of the firemen were not required to prevent the spread of the fire to the west side of the block, as the wind had done the work of protection, and not a particle of burning wood nor any water had done damage in the Alton Roller Mill and the Bowman building adjoining it on the west. It was a very fortunate escape for the two buildings and also for the H. K. Johnston Hardware Company's stores, which was in imminent danger of destruction for fully an hour. While the fire was at its height, the business men on Third street, fearing that the entire business part of the city would be destroyed, began carrying out portions of their stock and placing valuable papers in places of safety. Great vans of goods rushed to and fro among the onlookers, trying to carry off the property being taken from the buildings. Thousands of people stood on the streets and questioned as to what would happen within the next hour, and the suspense was dreadful. Firemen escaped from falling walls as if by miracle. One big section of the smoke stack on the Stanard mill fell shortly after the fire started, and dropped where a group of firemen had been standing when it started to fall. The men escaped by leaving the hose. Freight cars on the levee tracks were destroyed and their contents were burned. Switch engines saved many cars by pulling them to places of safety. The fire department left St. Louis at 11:50 and made the run to Alton in 27 minutes, coming by way of Eads bridge. The special train brought companies 18 and 39, in charge of Assistant Chief Busch and Ben Swingley, secretary of Chief Swingley. Two engines, two hose trucks and twenty men were in the two companies. The men had the fastest ride of their lives coming to Alton, as it was reported that the whole city was burning and the need was urgent. The St. Louis companies on their arrival here were taken to the river and Assistant Chief Busch soon had four powerful streams playing on the flames. By that time the fire was under control. The firemen at 1 o'clock had subdued the fire sufficiently to make all danger a thing of the past. It was found that the buildings of M. Wilkinson were not badly damaged, and that of J. Meehan not entirely destroyed. The wheat in the Stanard elevator still burned fiercely all afternoon, and Ben Swingley said that the wheat will probably burn a month. Owing to the compactness of the mass and its combustibility, the water has little effect.

The losses cannot be exactly ascertained, but as near as it is possible to estimate, the damage done will exceed $325,000. The following is a statement of the respective losses of the victims of the fire:

E. O. Stanard Milling Company $225,000
Alton Electric Elevator Company (including loss on building and stock) $25,000
J. C. Meehan $10,000
George D. Hayden Machine Company $7,000
M. Wilkinson $3,000
E. Miessner, saloon $500
Stiritz & Company, bowling alleys $1,000

In addition to these losses by fire directly, the loss to some of the people who removed their goods from the store and who suffered from water and smoke will be very heavy.

After playing on the flames until 3 o'clock, the St. Louis companies left the fire to the care of the Alton men and returned to their places in St. Louis.

An interesting incident of the fire was enacted in the engine room of the Stanard mill, where the flames were hottest and there was danger every minute that the walls would fall in. The engineer of the mill, John Edgar, after it was evident that nothing could save the mill, stuck by his engine in the basement and kept it running until he had filled the boilers with water, so that they might not be damaged by the heat and fire. The firemen called to him to come out, but he refused to do so, staying at his post of duty until his work was completed. In the meantime, the fire had taken possession and Mr. Edgar had a close call.

Captain Largent's packet shed and freight house on the levee caught fire and burned rapidly. Capt. Largent, who has been very ill in his room there, was lone and too weak to move or assist himself. He was thought of, however, and saved just in the nick of time. Several boxcars on the levee were destroyed and ties and other railroad property burned. The entire City Hall square was covered with goods of all description, taken from threatened buildings. Again and again the cry of "more pressure" was heard from the firemen. Men went white faced with fear that the entire business part of the city would be destroyed, and only that the wind did not veer is due the fact that Third street business houses are not now in ashes. It was an awful fire, and Alton fire department and the citizens who assisted deserve the greatest credit for having put it under control. It seemed an impossible thing to do. The loss of the Boston Store is about $8,000. Covered by insurance. Marshall Scovill brought down the Upper Alton fire department with fire-fighting apparatus, and the boys did a great deal of effective work. A great many of the merchants of Third street, fearing the fire would spread in that direction, secured all available teams and moved much of their stock to a place of safety. Fortunately, it was the "ounce of prevention" that was not needed. Alton is full of volunteer firemen just as the country is full of volunteer soldiers when they are needed.

The Stanard mills were built in 1866 by Silas W. Farber, and were conducted by Mr. Farber until his death. J. Q. Hurbridge purchased the mills from the Farber estate, and after a few years sold the plant to Gov. E. O. Stanard of St. Louis, who refitted, remodeled and placed in it the most approved machinery. He also a few years later erected an elevator with the capacity of 250,000 bushels of wheat. It was a fine warehouse, for the storage of flour was built between the mill and the elevator. This was well filled with flour which was awaiting shipment. Two years ago the mill machinery was changed and machinery for manufacturing spring (or hard) wheat was put in. The capacity of the mill was1,500 barrels per day. A new and more powerful engine from the Eagle mill in St. Louis was put into the mill here last spring, and the machinery was all in first-class condition and orders for flour were piling up in the office. The plant employed some fifty men, and the Alton people regret the misfortune which has befallen Gov. Stanard, whom they have always considered one of our people. The destruction of this fine property will be taken as personal loss by Altonians generally.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 03, 1901
The E. O. Stanard Milling company's property may be rebuilt, Gov. Stanard said yesterday in reply to an inquiry as to the intention of his company, that it was then too soon to make positive statement, and he declined to make any statement until a decision had been reached to rebuild the burned mill. Mr. W. K. Stanard was in Alton yesterday and said that the mill would probably be rebuilt. It has been one of the best paying pieces of mill property the company owned, and it has been kept running steadily while other mills belonging to the same company were closed. For this reason it is believed the mill will be again erected and will be built on more modern plans than the burned property was. The Stanard mills are one of the best industries in the city, and Alton people will be interested to learn when a decision regarding rebuilding has been reached. Mr. H. M. Schweppe said that his building, occupied by the Hayden Machine company, will be rebuilt and work will be started in a short time. Mr. Hayden's loss is almost total, as he carried about $8,000 worth of machinery and stock and only $800 insurance. The owners of the Electric Roller Mill Company are undecided what course to pursue. The plant was about to change owners, Mrs. Margaret Luly having all but closed a deal for the sale of the interest of her deceased husband, and the deal was to have been consummated yesterday. The loss is very heavy, as the insurance was comparatively light. Mr. Reyland was informed during the progress of the fire that several policies held by him had been canceled, but he had not bee notified, and it is probable that the insurance companies may be held responsible.

Today the victims of the big fire were preparing to make their claims against the various insurance companies. The heaviest loser is the McKinney agency. Dr. McKinney said today that the losses of companies represented by him will aggregate $400,000. The G. H. Smiley agency will be next, with $40,000 on the Stanard mill and $8,000 on the remaining property. The Stamper agency lost $26,00; the Blair agency $20,500; S. F. Connor agency $5,000; Sonntag $7,500; Frank Fisher $5,500. The Mahoney agency represented losses amounting to $40,000; C. A. Schlueter $2,000; F. S. Dodge $8,500. Mr. John Meehan will rebuild at once. His loss was $8,000 and his insurance was $4,000.

The Stanard damages total and the losses will be hardly covered by insurance. The insurance policies were collected today, and the total of insurance is $204,000. The milling company's net loss will be nearly $220,000, unless the hopes of some of the insurance men are realized. It is said by some of the men interested in the fire that one third of the wheat in the elevator can be saved. If this can be done, the net loss will be wiped out and the actual damages will be covered by insurance. Mr. E. O. Stanard was in Alton today, and he said that the wreck was the most complete he ever saw. He still declined to say whether the mill will be rebuilt, and reserved his decision until the loses by fire are adjusted by the insurance company. All the losses are so divided among the various companies that none will lose very heavily, fully seventy-five companies being interested in the fire. The adjusters began arriving in town today and began settling up the claims for small amounts. The owners of buildings on the north side of Second street have been settled with, and the larger claims will be adjusted within a few days.

All day today streams of water were kept playing on the still smoking ruins. Nothing has been done to clear the wreck. Some of the old walls are standing in a perilous condition, and will be pulled down, but people are barred from going on the street except at their own risk.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 03, 1901
An attempt to set fire to the Ryder building adjoining the Alton Roller Mill on the east side, and which marks the extreme western limits of the fire line, was made this morning at 1 o'clock. George Redmond is in jail charged with being responsible for the attempt, and is being held until tomorrow, when the witnesses against him will have been secured. Redmond and Thomas Knight, a colored man, were employed during the fire yesterday, and last night were hired by the Alton Roller Milling company and Ira Garstang to watch the property and give notice of any further outbreaks of fire. Early in the evening fire broke out along the timbers on the first floor in the Ryder building, which had been occupied by the Alton Novelty Co. On this account it was feared fire might break out again, and the two watchmen were engaged to spend the night. Thomas Knight, the colored man, says that George Redmond ignited a pile of papers on the second floor of the Ryder estate building by using his lantern. Redmond says the lantern exploded, but this seems hardly probably as the globe was found entire in one place, the bowl in another, undamaged, and the wick of the lantern was in the burning pile of papers and straw. All the hose companies responded to the alarm of fire, and after the excitement had passed and the building was drenched with water, Knight's story was heard and Redmond was placed under arrest. Knight also is being detained as a witness. Mr. H. J. Bowman, trustee of the Ryder estate, and Mr. W. B. Pierce of the Alton Roller MIll, are indignant at the attempt to burn them out after they had escaped destruction during the big fire yesterday. Redmond will probably be prosecuted. The only reason to be assigned is that Redmond was very drunk or insane. Redmond was arrested by Officer Utt. He denied setting the building afire, but he told so many conflicting stories when taken in custody that Capt. Young of the night police decided to hold him. The burner of the lamp was found at the south end of the building, lying on the sidewalk, where it had been thrown, and the remainder of the lamp was found at the north end of the building.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 14, 1901
The success of the Federal Lead Company's deal for the purchase of a tract of 100 acres for a site for a smelter was assured this afternoon. The deal was being closed up at a late hour this afternoon by Messrs. G. M. Levis, J. F. Porter, James Duncan, and a representative of the Federal Lead Company, who met Mr. William Feldwisch today and made the bargain for the land. To put the deal through it was necessary to buy 124 acres of land, and this amount was taken. In the presence of J. F. Porter, James Duncan and G. M. Levis this afternoon, Mr. Feldwisch agreed to sell the 124 acres of land for $300 an acre. The accretions to the land also must be taken by the Federal Lead Co., and over these secretions there is a dispute as to title. It will be necessary to raise several thousands of dollars to buy these accretions, as they are claimed by two men, M. H. Boals and William Feldwisch, and they must be bought twice. Mr. Porter said this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock that he is certain the deal will go through. The Federal Lead Company will begin work at once on the buildings for its smelter, when the deeds are transferred.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 17, 1901
A daring robbery was committed at the Boston Store last evening, shortly after 9 o'clock. A gang of river pirates, probably part of a gang that has been plundering stores and towns up the river the last year, dropped into Alton, and after picking up two boatloads of clothing went on their way. Officer Thomas saw the robbers in the store shortly after 9 o'clock, and thinking that they were clerks connected with the store working in the stock, passed on without disturbing them. Later in the evening Mr. J. H. McPike was passing the levee side of the store and noticed the door had been broken open. A part of the glass in the door was broken out, and the key on the inside was turned by the robbers inserting a hand through the hole in the glass. The alarm was given, and the police made a search through the store.

The stock was found in a state of wild disorder. Mr. Kolb was summoned, and he says that 210 suits of boy's and men's clothing was stolen, also shoes, ladies silk waists and many other articles of apparel. A search of the cellar revealed a man lying covered under a pile of paper, pretending to be asleep. The man said he had been there several hours sleeping, and feigned intoxication. He was arrested. William Saul and another man complained to the police that their skiffs were stolen during the night, and it was supposed that the robbers took the skiffs to transport their booty. It is believed that the man under arrest was one of the gang of robbers, and that when the gang was discovered at work by Mr. J. H. McPike they fled. The man, who is under arrest, probably fell into the cellar, and fearing discovery, crawled under a pile of loose paper to hide, where he was discovered by Officer Thomas and J. H. McPike.

Whole piles of clothing were carried away and many piles were pushed off the tables by the robbers in their hasty flight with their plunder. Saul is suspected by the police with having been implicated in the robbery. He was very drunk this morning and is being held until he sobers up and can tell a straight story. The other man found in the cellar and arrested by Officer Thomas is also being held and will be given a hearing tomorrow in the police court. Chief of Police Volbracht said today that he will be held, as Officer Utt saw the man talking to the men supposed to have committed the robbery, a short time before the robbery occurred, and he was standing near the Boston Store. The prisoner in jail, who was found in the cellar of the store, gives his name John Felder of Excelsior Springs, Missouri.

The Boston Store was founded in 1900 in the McPike building, at the southwest corner of Broadway and Piasa Streets. The store offered a variety of clothing for men and women. They lost their lease in 1910, and were forced to open in a new location at 16 W. Broadway (across from City Hall Square). Later, the original Boston Store building and the adjoining Lyric Theater were combined for the construction of the Hippodrome Theater, which opened in 1912.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 01, 1901
Early risers this morning in the vicinity of Sixth and Ridge streets were horrified to see the form of a man lying on the sidewalk in a big pool of blood, and to see also a stream of carmine [Red color] extending from the body along the sidewalk down to and into the gutter. A foul murder had been committed. There was no doubt of that, and some of the bravest ones made a sneak for the nearest telephone to call up the police. Then it was discovered that the "dead man" was a fake - a well stuffed dummy, and that the blood was red paint. "Red paint" of other varieties is not an entire stranger to Ridge street people, and their nerves speedily settled themselves, while their owners remembered that last night was Halloween.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 02, 1901
Postmaster Norton today received notice from Washington "that the bid of R. H. Levis has been accepted, in accordance with the recommendation of Assistant Superintendent Gould." There were several bids, among others those of Mr. Levis, H. J. Bowman, city of Alton; and Huntington Smith, owner of the Laura building. Mr. Levis had been considering plans for the erection of a neat business block on the property at Second [Broadway] and Alby streets. The plans prepared by Architect Pfeiffenberger call for a two-story building, 48 feet 6 inches in width, and 70 depth. The plans for the original building must be changed to make them conform with the specifications of the post office department. The new building can be erected in three months, with favorable weather, but it is probable that it will not be ready in that time.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 5, 1901
It is probable that Alton will again have the Stanard mills. It is said on good authority the new mill will be erected on the site of the old mill, but some concessions will be asked from the city of Alton, which will in all probability be granted. The plans for a new mill have been prepared, and it is intended to make the new property much larger than the old. The mill will have a capacity of 1,800 to 2,000 barrels a day, and will be constructed on most modern plans. The steel grain tanks that it is proposed to erect on the levee will greatly lessen the probable damage of a fire, and also will diminish the danger of a conflagration. The old mill will be much improved upon, and the new Stanard mills will be the finest in this part of the country. It is said that definite announcement of the plans of the Stanard Milling Company will be made this week. The city Council will, no doubt, grant to the Stanard Milling Company any reasonable concessions that may be asked in the way of privileges on the levee. Alton's levee is for the use of her manufacturing industries, and anything that will benefit them will be granted, if within the power of the City Council.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 7, 1901
The Stanard Milling Company has decided to rebuild in Alton if it can obtain the following, which it will ask for at the next meeting of the city council: An extension of the Smith track on the levee past the mill, so as to give them another switch track; the privilege of erecting two steel grain tanks on the levee; and the privilege of running a water pipe across the levee from the mills to the river. All of these requests are easy and will be granted, excepting the Smith track extension, which will require some engineering and the consent of the Chicago & Alton. But this latter can be gained, it is thought.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 8, 1901
It is stated that the new Stanard Mill will be five stories high and most complete and up-to-date in every particular. The warehouse will be three stories in height. It is the intention to have the engine and boiler on the ground floor, practically without a basement, as there is always danger when the river is high that water will damage everything in the cellar. It is proposed to erect, (if permission is given by the City Council, and indeed, the re-location of the mill here is based upon what the Council will do) a tank elevator on the levee for the storage of wheat. This will permit the delivery of wheat from steamboats on the south side, and from cars on the north side. As is said above, the re-location of the mill is largely dependent upon the public spirit manifested by the Council. The concessions asked by the owners of the Stanard Mill are conservative. There is nothing the city cannot readily grant. The two items of granting permission to locate the elevator on the levee and to run a water pipe to the river are very reasonable indeed. The levee is now practically a switching yard for the railroads. The extension of the "Smith track" to the mills is practically in the hands of the C. & A. railway, and as that road is now engaged in securing manufacturing institutions along its line, it will no doubt be ready to do its part towards extending the track, if the Council gives its permission. The Telegraph believes that the Council will be in line with public policy, and its act will be heartily approved by the people, to grant the requests of the Stanard Milling Co. That company in the past has paid from $500 to $700 per week wages. The new mill will have nearly double the capacity of the old, and no doubt its payroll will be almost doubled, to say nothing of the large sums paid out to farmers for wheat.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 13, 1901
Hon. E. O. Stanard conferred with the Levee and Railroad committees of the City Council and Mayor Young, regarding the facilities on the levee and concessions, and at the close of the conference it was announced by Gov. Stanard that the mills will certainly be built here. Work will be started within a week, possibly in four days. The committees granted to Gov. Stanard permission to erect grain tanks on the levee. He then said that he does not desire to erect the grain tanks on the levee, if he can avoid it. He prefers to erect his elevators in the old place, and to have the switch track re-arranged on the levee to be more convenient. Either the Smith track will be extended or the other tracks re-arranged. A meeting of the railroads owning the tracks on the levee will be called to be held in this city next Wednesday to consider re-arranging the tracks. All the railroads are willing to rearrangement of shipping facilities. Permission was also given to lay a water pipe to the river. Gov. Stanard then said that he thanked the committee more than he could express. He said that the readiness with which all his requests were granted clinched the decision to rebuild the mill in Alton. He said no time will be lost, as it is desired to have the new mill building up at the earliest date possible.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 20, 1901
The Stanard Milling Company began work today making excavations for the foundation for the mill and the piers to support the structure. Gov. Stanard says that he expects the laying of the foundation stones to be started by next Tuesday.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 21, 1901
The machinery of the old vinegar factory of W. Leo & Company has been taken out of the building in the old penitentiary plat. The building has been sold and the machinery is being shipped to Hamburg by W. Leo Jr., who will start in the cider and vinegar business at Hamburg. Mr. Leo was formerly a well-known young man of this city.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 26, 1901
An officer of the Federal Lead Company said yesterday that the contract for the construction of the new lead smelter east of Alton on the Feldwisch tract has been let, and the cost of the new plant will exceed $450,000. The contract specifies that work on the smelter must be completed and the plant must be ready to begin operations by June 1, the time beginning December 1. A large force of men will be employed while the work of construction is in progress, and the site of the new plant of the Federal Lead Company east of Alton will be a busy place. Within ten days the preparations for starting the work of construction will be under way. The new smelter will be built on most modern plans and precaution will be taken to prevent the escape of the deadly fumes from the smokestacks, which have caused at other places great damage to vegetation in the adjacent fields. The smelter will be used to refine ore that has been partially refined, and consists of 75 percent of the pure lead. "The bridge arbitrary" is given by the St. Louis papers as the reason for the abandonment of St. Louis by the Smelter Company, which has purchased the Feldwisch farm east of the glassworks. The same papers state that the four railways, via: the Alton, the Big Four, the Bluff Line and the Illinois Terminal, pass the new location. So does the great Burlington system and the Missouri, Kansas and Taxes also has access to the grounds of the Federal Lead Company. Here are four of the greatest railway systems in the country, and the Illinois Terminal connects with the Wabash and Clover Leaf at Edwardsville, which certainly makes a marvelous shipping point, "one of the best in the west," as General Manager Levis of the glassworks put it.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 03, 1901
Mr. John Snyder expects to be ready to occupy his new store building within two weeks. He will not engage in business alone, having taken in as equal partners Edward Kleinpeter and Joseph Snyder. Mr. Kleinpeter is a well-known young business man of Third street and has many friends. Mr. Joseph Snyder is a glassblower.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 5, 1901
The Alton Coal Company will dissolve and go out of business. The members of the company are T. J. Terrell and Patrick Maguire of Alton, and ex-Senator Paisley of Montgomery county. It is one of the oldest coal companies in the city, and for years did a very large business. Their determination to quit business will be a surprise to many of their friends, while to many more it has been known that the Alton members were very much dissatisfied with the Montgomery county and of the concern, and might cease business altogether in order to settle up things satisfactorily.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 9, 1901
An East St. Louis firm, the Southern Illinois Construction Company, captured the contract for erecting the building for the new Stanard mill, the accepted bid being $29,931. There were four bidders, James Stewart & Co., $32,600; C. F. Degenhardt, $32,000; E. J. Ash, $30,640. Mr. Ash represented a pool of Alton contractors who tried for the contract. The new mill building must be completed by March 15, ready for the machinery. For every day after that time the mill is incomplete, the contractors must pay a penalty of $50 a day; and for every day under that time the contractor will receive a bonus of $25. It is said all the material will be furnished by outsiders, and it is probable that much of the work will be done by outsiders also.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18, 1901
Their Last Sleigh Ride - For the first time in many years farmers brought hogs to market today in sleighs. That is big hog racks were placed on sled runners filled with porkers, and scooted to the slaughtering pens.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 20, 1901
[Note: The original store burned down June 30, 1901] The magnificent new store of John Snyder & Co. will be open to the public on and after Saturday, Dec. 21st, with the greatest offering of bargains ever presented to the people of Alton. Clothing at less than cost, also shoes at a great sacrifice. We mean what we say. We have been delayed in getting into our new building, but the goods must move. John Snyder & Co., Third and Piasa Streets.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 29, 1901
The nurses at St. Joseph's Hospital have been tenderly caring for a little frail piece of humanity since December 15, which first saw the light of day with its little eyes in St. Joseph's hospital. The hospital has been in existence over 35 years and never before was an infant born within its walls. The mother and child are doing well, and the mother, who is Mrs. U. G. Johnson of White Heath, Ill., will leave in a few days for her home in the northern part of the State. It is a matter of great interest in the hospital that the child was born there, as such a thing had never happened before. Mrs. Johnston came to the hospital for treatment, and while there the little son was born. He has not been named. The father was formerly stationed at Kane as pastor of the Methodist church, and was transferred to White Heath at the last session of the Southern Illinois conference in this city. The hospital nurses have become so interested in the little fellow they say they wish he could stay longer with them. The advent of the boy has settled one thing - he will not be the last stranger to see the light there.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 29, 1901
Fire did about $1,500 damage in the Schnell bakery on Second street [Broadway] Saturday at midnight. At no time was there danger that Hotel Madison would be burned, and there seemed to be no danger of the fire spreading to any of the buildings. When the hose companies arrived, the fire was in the boiler room of the bakery, where it had started from some unknown cause, and it spread forward to the elevator shaft, where it burned briskly. It was a bad fire for the firemen to fight, as its exact location could not be discovered, and volumes of suffocating smoke made the access of human beings to the fire impossible. At 2 o'clock the fire was out. The Singer sewing machine agency was threatened and the goods in there were carried out. Upstairs lived Miss Elsie McBride with her aunt, Miss Annie Wallendorf. Miss Wallendorf and her niece were awakened when the smoke was almost overcoming them and hurried from their home in their nightgowns. They were taken into the Madison hotel by Mr. Daniels and provided with quarters for the night, and firemen assisted by others recovered their clothing and valuables from the building that seemed about to be burned. Mr. Schnell, with characteristic energy, posted a notice Sunday that he would have bread today for his customers and is serving them.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 7, 1902
Workmen at the Alton gas works who have been engaged in putting in the foundation for a new bench of six retorts in the gas manufacturing department were greatly surprised yesterday when they uncovered a subterranean cavern, the existence of which was never known before. The men nearly fell into the hole that yawned at their feet, about ten feet below the surface of the ground, and they made their escape in a hurry. The brick arch over the cavern fell in, and the men were able to see that they had uncovered a room that was walled up neatly and arched over the top. The room could have had no use in the manufacture of gas, and men working at the gas works many years never knew of the room being there. The room extends transversely over the sewer, but is no part of the sewer. The cave-in of the arch did not make a hole sufficiently large to allow a person to go through, but a cursory examination revealed a large, deep room. A pole 15 feet in length was run down, but the bottom of the room was not touched. It is a dark, suspicious looking place - a place fit for "treason, stratagem and spoils," and speculation is rife as to what it was built for, who did the job and what does it contain? It may be that the Hop Hollow buried treasure is there, or perhaps all the mysterious disappearances that have occurred in Alton for years past had their Alpha and Omega within those dark, danksome depths. Perhaps Pete McMullen, who shot Captain William Sweeney there one night several years ago and disappeared off the face of the earth, knew the secret entrance to this place and went in. It may have been even his treasure cave. The "old plank road" made history in early days, and the question arises, will the cavern disclose some new chapters? A thorough examination will be made of the cavern, tunnel or whatever it is, before the top is again walled in and concreted over.

January 8, 1902
The underground chamber at the gas works discovered a few days ago has been walled up by the workmen so as to admit of the completion of the work on the new bench of retorts that is being put in place there. The arch that was broken open was repaired and the retorts will be placed on top of the chamber. The men who made the discovery did not make an exploring tour inside the chamber as they found it too filthy to admit of a man's health being preserved while he made the trip.

The Alton Gas Works, originally called the Alton Illuminating Works, was located on Belle Street between Seventh and Ninth Streets, just north of the old Alton post office. The Gas Works was constructed in 1855 at a cost of $18,000, and supplied gas for lighting throughout Alton. Across Belle Street was the Piasa Foundry (est. abt. 1857), which was later used as the Woolen Mill.

Later, with the introduction of electricity, the company supplied the area with electricity. In 1891, the Alton Gas and Electric Company received its first franchise from the city. Joseph Porter bought a large interest in the company, and set about installing advanced methods of power transmission and production. Porter was elected President of the company. In 1902, a major renovation was made to the plant, and an additional 15 miles of pipe in Alton, Upper Alton, and North Alton were laid underground. The gas works was razed in 1925.

In 1964 the Union Electric Company owned the property, and sold it to Alton for the construction of the Post Office. I have yet to discover what the large, underground “chamber” was, and I assume it is still there.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 19, 1902
An Alton man who was an inmate of the pest house kept by the city of Alton, and has been discharged from there, says that the conditions at the pest house are shameful. The place is filthy, there are no accommodations, and the social features are such that anyone would revolt at the suggestion of going there. The person interviewed voluntarily went to the pest house when he learned he had the smallpox, but he says that although he was willing to go, he would not have stayed there another day had the attending physician not discharged him. He says that the discharged patients are not fumigated or cleansed on leaving the place. This institution is costing the city enough to make it comfortable for the unfortunates who stay there. The inmates should be compelled to keep clean and the bedding should be properly attended to, which it is charged is not the case.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 18, 1902
Fire destroyed the large barn at the dairy of Leonard Luly on Alby Street, this afternoon. The loss is very heavy. Appeals were sent to Alton for the assistance of the fire department, but the firemen were unable to give any help. Only company No. 1 responded to the call. The first alarm was sent in at 2:45 from a neighbor's telephone. It was said that the barn was doomed and the house threatened. Later advices received were that the barn had been destroyed and the house was threatened. The neighbors and members of the family stood by helplessly watching the fire consume the property. Leonard Luly, who was in a dangerous condition as the result of an accident and was undergoing a surgical operation, was carried from his home. None of the cattle in the barn were burned. The household goods of the Luly family were carried out by neighbors, but the house was only scorched and only the remoteness of other buildings prevented a greater destruction of property. The loss is estimated at $10,000. The fire was started by men who were trying to thaw out frozen water pipes in the barn. Luckily, the cattle and horses, numbering 67 head, had been turned out for the afternoon.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 24, 1902
President August Schlafly of the Citizens National Bank said today that the Illinois Shoe Company has accepted a proposition from the Kelley Goodfellow Shoe Company of St. Louis, for combining the two shoe factories and establishing a big plant in Alton. The combine will be perfected if some important details can be re-arranged. The capital of the Illinois Shoe Company will be increased from $40,000 to $100,000 if possible, and subscriptions to the capital stock will be taken among Alton people and the present stockholders. The $200,000 capital stock of the Kelley-Goodfellow Co. will be added to this and a new factory site will be secured. It is desired to erect a factory on extensive grounds where all the factory can be on one floor, with four sides of the building having unobstructed light. It is proposed to manufacture two thousand pairs of shoes a day and to employ 400 hands. It the combination is effected, it will make an important addition to the manufacturing industries of Alton and will probably draw other shoe factories. The stockholders of the Alton shoe factory have found that the small factory here is not as profitable as it should be, and will expand. The official ratification of the proposed combine by the Kelly-Goodfellow Company is the only remaining detail to be accomplished.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 17, 1902
At 9 o'clock this morning the skies in the east were clear, the sun shining brightly; in the west, the skies were overcast and threatening. Suddenly from the clear sky came a vivid flash - two flashes in fact - of lightning, playing crisscross, and accompanied by a terrific crash. People on East Second street ran out of their houses and people on the streets ran panic-stricken in an endeavor to reach shelter. Some ran down into the cellars of stores, the doors of which were open. All were sure something nearly was demolished and they feared another bolt was due. Mrs. Fulton Seely was looking out of the window of an upstairs room of her dwelling at the corner of Alton and Second street, and saw the dirt fly in the vacant lot across the street as the lightning struck. Adjacent to the lot is the millinery store of Mrs. Peter Crolton, she with three girls were seated near the big glass window in the rear. Mrs. Crofton was knocked unconscious and the girls say it looked like a sheet of flames came through the window. All of the girls describing their sensations say that they felt terror-stricken and benumbed all over, except that it felt like coals of fire were rolling over their heads and through their hair. Mrs. Crolton was removed to Miss Lizzie O'Neill's boarding house next door, and Drs. L. F. Schussler and W. H. DAvis speedily responded to calls for medical assistance. The stricken woman recovered gradually, and while yet very weak and nervous is reported to be all right. Walter Welch of the Electric Light Company, with several others, went to the vacant lot and found a place where the surface of the earth was covered with a substance that looked like very finely crushed rock. It probably was a rock which the lightning struck and pulverized. He dug down and removed from the earth a substance resembling baked clay, bluish in color, about a foot in diameter and five or six inches long. A great many people secured small pieces of this and carried them away to be kept as souvenirs.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 29, 1902
Alton has now a woman physician and surgeon - Dr. Nina Palson-Merritt, at 456 East Second street. Her husband is also a doctor. Both will practice their profession in this city.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 13, 1905
For the first time in its history, Alton township will have a woman as one of the county doctors. The county board yesterday accepted the bid of Drs. Merritt & Merritt of Alton, to attend all the indigent people in the township for the ensuing year. The members of the firm are Dr. C. H. Merritt and his wife, Dr. Nina P. Merritt.


Source: Rochester, New York Democrat Chronicle, June 30, 1902
Nearly all in-bound trains were greatly delayed today as a result of the storm, arriving from forty minutes to five or six hours late. Several washouts were reported and telegraph wires were down, so that the trains could not be located. One of the most disastrous floods in the history of Alton, Ill., and vicinity, resulted today from the heavy rains of Friday and Saturday. At 4 o'clock this afternoon, it was estimated that 10,000 acres have been covered by the overflow of Wood river, which m three to six miles wide. Most of this land is either occupied by manufacturing interests or planted in crops. The greatest single disaster caused by the flood was the destruction of the plant of the Stoneware Pipe Company at East Alton. The loss is estimated at $40,000. In East Alton the residents were compelled to use skiffs to get about the principal streets today. The station of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad was carried away by the flood to a field a quarter of a mile distant. The flood produced the worst railroad tie-up in recent years in the vicinity of the Altons.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 15, 1902
Another old landmark that is being removed to make room for a modern building is Paul Robidou's old brick building just east of the Library on Fourth street, which was used as a horseshoeing shop for so many years that "the memory of man runneth not to the contrary."


Source: Alton Telegraph, October 08, 1902
The directors of the Illinois Shoe Company decided yesterday not to consolidate their factory with the Kelley-Goodfellow Shoe Company of St. Louis, at least for the present. Difficulty in securing a factory site determined the directors to postpone the consolidation and formation of a $200,000 shoe company to operate a plant in Alton. The Alton company has $40,000 capital stock, and it was proposed to secure $60,000 additional subscriptions to the stock in Alton. Of this amount, $35,000 had been secured, and it was thought there would be no difficulty in securing the remainder of the stock. The St. Louis shoe company which was desirous of coming to Alton, instead of moving the factory from its present location desired to have a factory building erected by private individuals to be leased to the consolidated companies. As no one would erect the building on the terms proposed, it was decided to abandon the scheme for the present. Mr. August Schlafly resigned as president of the Illinois Shoe Company yesterday, and also left the directory. W. H. Huffnagel, who has been business manager of the company, was elected president. Mr. Huffnagel is a practical shoe man and it was because Mr. Schlafly thought a practical shoe man should be at the head of the company that he resigned.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 18, 1902
Allen Keiser will, it is said, make a morgue of the basement of the Ryder building at the corner of Second and Alby streets, which is now being fitted up for Messrs. Keiser & Dunlop, who will conduct a carpet and furniture store as well as undertaking establishment. Alton has long needed a morgue, the only one in the city being at St. Joseph's hospital, and that is not always the most convenient or most desirable, and besides is for the use of the hospital principally. It is said Mr. Keiser will have a room in the building equipped with an altar, Bible and other church accessories so that funeral services may be conducted there if desirable because of the weather or for any other reason.


Women Fight on McPike's Island
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 27, 1902
A masquerade party on McPike's Island, where a dancing pavilion is conducted by W. J. Fluent and J. Ernst, ended up in a wild riot Sunday morning shortly after midnight, and there are many sore heads and bruised bodies among the female frequenters of the resort. Captain Fluent was obliged to draw his revolver and use the butt end of it on one woman who was fighting, and he also threatened their male friends to hold them at bay while he tried to settle the quarrel. It was necessary to land the boat and put some of the fighters off on the mudflat at the lower end of McPike Island to stop the trouble, and at that time the deck of the boat presented a bloody appearance.

The trouble started on the dance floor between some of the female frequenters of the resort. Fiddler James Pack stopped the music and took refuge in the pilot house of the Altonian when the dance began to have an ugly look. When the music stopped the fight became fast and furious. Women knocked each other down and tore hair. Captain Fluent, to stop the fight, blew the whistle to summon the masqueraders to the boat for the last return trip. On the boat the fight was renewed and men who undertook to make peace were obliged to knock down the fighting women. It is said that few of the men were actually belligerents. When the boat arrived in Alton, the fighters became quarrelsome on the streets, and two of the women were arrested and placed in jail. One of the women bore a long gash in her shoulder, inflicted by another woman with a razor. Several of the fighters had long knives, and these were flourished in a threatening manner. There were on the boat at the time about 100 people, half of whom took refuge on the upper deck and in the cabin, leaving the lower deck to the rioters.

McPike's Island, where the fighting took place, was directly across from Alton. It was the same island where Abraham Lincoln and James Shields met to have their duel, and where the Federal government set up a hospital to house the smallpox victims from the military prison in Alton. Most of the island has since been flooded.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 28, 1902
Probably the oldest voter in Alton who registered himself personally was John B. Gould of Fifth and Alby streets. While hundreds of able-bodied voters in Alton do not take sufficient interest in the exercise of their franchise on election day to go to the polls and vote, Mr. Gould, 80 years of age, leaning on two canes and forced by weight of advancing years to slowly walk the distance from his home to the registration place, entered the place of registration this morning and asked if he was registered. Mr. Gould was 80 years old last Friday. His father and family, including Mr. Gould, came to Alton the night Lovejoy was assassinated in 1837. To a friend who remarked that one would not think Mr. Gould so old, judging from the interest in elections he takes, Mr. Gould replied that only his legs were 80 years old, the remainder of him being as good as ever.


[John H. McPike, son of Henry Guest McPike]
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 4, 1902
A lease by the city to J. H. McPike, of two blocks of land between Walnut and Cherry streets on the sand bar, was executed yesterday by city officials. Mr. McPike has procured the land as a site for a paper mill, which he hopes to have in Alton before long. Mr. McPike was approached by several institutions of the kind recently, but having no site that was satisfactory to offer to them, Alton did not get the industries. He now has a site well adapted to the needs of a paper factory, and he thinks that within a short time he will be shaping affairs so that this city will have a prosperous new industry. The proposed paper mill would furnish a market for all the straw grown in this vicinity, and it would be a great benefit to farmers near Alton and to businessmen. The product of the mill would find a ready sale in Alton and neighboring cities. The site leased to Mr. McPike is well located with reference to railroads and water could be had in unlimited quantities by sinking drive wells. Within the next generation Alton's waste of sand bar may be reclaimed and covered with thriving industries.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 12, 1902
William Herrin, who is employed at Dan Maher's quarries on McGuan Street, while removing surface earth from the bedrock Tuesday afternoon, found a human skeleton at a depth of about ten feet from the top of the earth. He gathered the bones and took them to his home on Wharf street, where he expects to wire them together properly and let men learned in that way have a chance to determine whether the remains are those of a male or female, prehistoric personage or what is left of Ouatoga, the great Indian Chieftain who was the chief cause of the Piasa Bird being "killed dead." It is not likely, however, that the skeleton is that of an Indian, or more properly of a common, ordinary every day Indian, as the Indians do not place their dead that deep in the ground, if placed in the ground at all. Of course, in the case of a chieftain, they might have taken extra precautions in disposing of his remains. There never was a cemetery, so far as known, in the vicinity of Maher's quarry, and the chances are that what is known now is all that will ever be known of the skeleton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 25, 1902
The Richardson horse shoeing shop has been in its present location on Belle street forty-two years, and Dave Richardson, the present proprietor, is making some improvements to the shop. While engaged in removing a portion of the old floor near a bellows yesterday, he found a silver coin which had been dropped by his father presumably thirty-five or forty years ago. It was a little black in the face, but otherwise good, and he will make a "good luck" piece out of it.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 26, 1902
Four strangers in the Alton jail indulged in a hard-fought battle shortly after they were incarcerated. Officer Thomas had arrested the men and placed them in the calaboose, where a good fire was kept up. The fire and whisky had a bad effect, and the men began to fight. Chief of Police Young and Officers Thomas and Parker were obliged to beat the men almost to insensibility to force them to stop fighting. The four men were hanging together like fighting dogs and could not be torn apart. Officer Thomas broke a heavy cane over the head of one of the prisoners, and the other officers applied their clubs vigorously on their backs and heads before the men would desist. The four fighters were then locked up in the dungeon.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 9, 1903
Mr. O. G. Norris, agent for the Alton, has been giving out at his office some discolored 3 cent pieces, which are being put in circulation now after three decades and more of burial. Over one year ago George Finkenkiller of Upper Alton, while assisting in building the foundations of the new Bluff Line passenger station, found a heap of coins deep in the ground. They had apparently been dropped about 35 years ago [abt. 1868] by someone walking along the levee. The remains of an old sack were found around the heap of coins, and this confirmed the theory that a sack of money had been lost. All the coins were found to be 3 cent pieces, and most of them bore the date 1865. Finkenkiller thought the coins had some value aside from their face value, but found they had none. He put them in a bank, and a few days ago Mr. Norris was asked by the bank to help put the coins in circulation. They have proved a nuisance to him, however, as people ask questions and some do not seem willing to accept the discolored coins because of the similarity they bear to dimes. A suggestion is made that these coins were part of the booty stolen from the First National bank in November 1868, when that institution was robbed. M. H. Filley, who was then night watchman, was murdered by one of the robbers and they escaped taking with them a number of sacks of small coins. So heavy was the burden found, the robbers discarded some of the sacks while they were running to the levee to take a skiff to the other side of the river in making their escape. Some of the bags were found, and it is supposed these coins may have been in one of them dropped by the fleeing robbers.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 14, 1903
There were no absentees at the City Council meeting last night, and hitches in proceedings were pleasingly few. For a salary of not less than $600 per annum to be paid Mrs. Sophia Demuth for her services, she to be appointed Police Matron. The petition was signed by a large number of citizens. Alderman Hoffmann moved the petition be granted.....A protest from ladies of the Jennie D. Hayner library to the starting of a saloon by David Searles at the corner of Fourth and State streets was placed on file. There was no way to prevent Searles from engaging in the saloon business, it was stated.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 11, 1903
A skeleton of a dog, tied to a nail with a rope, was found in the cellar of the police station by Officer Pack this morning. The animal had died from disease or starvation while tied in the basement of the building and was forgotten there.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 03, 1903
The old Schulenburg group of ice houses on the lower Alton slough will be dismantled soon as they can be emptied of ice. The Huss & Loomis Company has decided to stop cutting ice on the lower slough because of the rapid filling in of the slough and the difficulty attending the getting of barges in to the ice houses in summer time to move the ice to market. There are eight large houses in the Schulenburg group, and they still have some ice in them. All the ice will be taken out during the hot weather, and the houses will be torn down and the lumber will be sent to St. Louis for use there. The houses immediately opposite Alton will be allowed to remain, and whenever it is possible to store a crop of ice they will be filled, the facilities for transportation from them being much better than at the Schulenburg group.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 11, 1903
Mr. E. H. Messiter, chief engineer of the Federal Lead Company for the Alton smelter, left this morning with his family for New York. With his wife and child, he had made his home at Hotel Madison. The $700,000 plant of the Federal Lead Company at Alton is practically completed. Mr. Messiter came to Alton early in the year of 1902 to begin work of constructing the big smelter of the company, and it was under his supervision that all the plans of the work were carried out and the buildings erected. There remains a few things to be done in the way of construction work, but nearly everything is complete and the plant is now in successful operation. It is reported that Mr. Messiter will take up the duties of a better position with the same company. When the plans were made for the smelter, provision was made for duplicating the plant in size whenever necessity arose for turning out a greater supply of smelted metal. Room has been left for putting up twice as many buildings as are now on the ground, and this may be done later.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 11, 1903
The old Percival store building at the corner of State and Main streets is to be torn down, the work of wrecking to begin Monday, and Mrs. M. A. Percival will have erected on the site a handsome commodious and modern residence. The Percival store is an old landmark which must give way to modern conveniences.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 21, 1903
An interesting group of old people are pictured in the windows of the gallery of W. H. Wiseman on Belle street. Mr. Wiseman has collected photographs of some of Alton's oldest residents, and a glance over them recalls the fact that Alton has in it some of the oldest and most vigorous people to be found anywhere, and that some of them have led a very active life. Four of the persons who have been most prominent in the city are Mr. Charles Phinney, Mr. Z. B. Job Sr., Mr. John L. Blair and Patrick Ward. All of them are above 80 years of age, and at least three of them are still able to be around the streets, some of them actively engaged in business. Mr. Phinney has passed well beyond his four score and ten mark, but is still engaged in the wholesale grocery business and is probably the oldest business man in the state of Illinois who is able to give attention to minute details of his business affairs. Every day he is at his desk and is apparently good for many years more in the harness. Mr. Job is still able to attend to business, although well past eighty years of age. Anyone who would say Mr. Job is not able to attend to business would err indeed, and on that very point a few days ago the Circuit Court gave a decision that this old citizen of Alton was still of sound mind enough to make contracts and sign deeds. Mr. Job was one of the earliest residence of Madison county, and was at one time Sheriff. Mr. Blair was for many years a prominent business man in Alton, and was the father of Alton's public school system. He was a member and President of the Board of Education and has seen Alton's public school system become a thing of beauty and a pride to the city. Mr. Ward was best known for having held public office in Alton forty years. Pat is known to everybody who ever had business around the city hall in years gone by. In addition to the four men are Mrs. Frances L. Bevan of Upper Alton, well over the 90-year mark, who is still hale and much interested in the events of the day, and Mrs. Sarah Mahoney, an inmate of St. Joseph's hospital, who celebrated her century mark birthday last Christmas. Another picture is that of Mr. Henry Heide, a resident here for fifty years, who recently, wife his wife, celebrated his golden wedding anniversary in Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 6, 1903
Samuel Wade today sold to a syndicate of East End business men, headed by August Luer, the old lumberyard property at Second [Broadway] and Weigler Streets, consisting of six lots, for $16,500. The sale was consummated Wednesday evening. The syndicate of business men bought the property in order to best conserve the interests of the property they now own there. They have the utmost faith in the future of the East End as a business place, and think that property there is sure to be in great demand. They desire to have control over the property in order to put the right kind of business houses there. It is said that some good business institution will soon occupy the lumberyard site. The sale of the lumberyard is an interesting event in that it marks the passing of one of the oldest business concerns in Alton. For more than sixty years that place was used as a lumberyard. It belonged to Sweetser & Priest for many years, then was the property of H. O. Priest, and at his death was bought by Samuel Wade. The firm of Sweetser & Wade will go out of business as the result of the fire, the property being too valuable for the purposes it was being used for.


Park in the Location of the Former Penitentiary Suggested
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 18, 1903
Editor - Alton, in her gigantic strides toward being a city, has yet one thing to possess to place her on an equal footing with other cities of her size. Mr. William Eliot Smith seemed to have recognized this fact in his travels, and in his great love for his native city has written back suggesting there be measures taken to beautify Alton by planting trees on her streets and giving her public parks. Upon this wise suggestion there has been a project, we understand, to convert the historical penitentiary plat into a city park. From its natural advantages there could be no point in or around Alton so susceptible for this purpose as this piece of ground, which is so prominent not only to the dwellers in the city, but to the vast throngs of sightseers and pleasure seekers who travel up and down the Father of Waters, whose waves almost lash the shores of this beautiful tract. Lying as it does at the foot of the bluffs, together with long stretches of level ground, one can easily imagine how pleasing to the eye it could be made with wide gravel walks and shade trees. Circuitous driveways and bridle paths would lead the tourists to Lovers Leap, that historical rock jutting out over the cliff on which the Piasa Bird of world renown was killed by the chief of his tribe many years ago. The greater part of this tract lies level, and dotted with shade trees laid off in winding walks, a rustic bridge here and there, beds of bright hued flowers would make this an ideal spot, allowing the one piece of masonry still standing marking the spot upon which the old Penitentiary stood, to remain as a monument to the tragic past. Our dear old town is full of historic interest, with its Lovejoy monument rearing its lofty figure from the summit of the East End, and with this beautiful city part at its West end, either of which could be seen for miles up and down and across the country. Could we not by public spirit in thus improving our city render it chief among the most attractive on the continent? It has also been suggested that the contemplated Confederate monument be erected on the most prominent point on the site of the old penitentiary grounds, the higher ground being well adapted for this purpose, would it not be more appropriate than placing it in North Alton where, from its location, few would see it? The small triangle on Court street and the reservation ground back of Hotel Madison are the only spots in Alton a tourist may feel at liberty to rest when visiting Alton for the day. During the summer hundreds of pleasure seekers have stopped here from those boat excursions preferring to spend a few hours in Alton, they would welcome a cool, green park, always fresh and invigorating, stirred by the breezes from the river which blow over the old plat and which is close at hand when one lands from the great city below us. We think this project as feasible, as beneficial in every way to Alton, and with enterprise and energy could be successfully carried out at once. If Alton intends getting into holiday attire for the great World's Fair, now is her opportunity. From C. T.


Gus Crivello Wounded by Cousin Mike Crivello
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 02, 1903
Rivalry between fruit dealers that was inaugurated a few months ago because of competition in business between the two houses of Crivello, terminated this morning in the stabbing of Gus Crivello by his cousin, Mike Crivello, who conducts a store at 105 East Second Street [Broadway]. A few months ago, Mike Crivello invaded the wholesaling business held by the other family, and then the other trouble began. Gus Crivello started a banana store in the Temple Theater building near Mike’s store. Mike was the cause of the rent being raised on Gus, and Gus tried to retaliate in kind, but failed. Tuesday morning Gus was driving down Second Street, when Mike overtook him, driving a new wagon much heavier than the one Gus was driving. Mike collided with Gus, and his vehicle and the latter’s wagon was broken and bananas were badly damaged. Wednesday morning, they met again, and Gus charges that Mike maliciously assaulted him with a club first, then drew a knife and stabbed him three times in the back. Mike says Gus provoked the quarrel and attacked him first. One knife thrust penetrated the left lung of Gus Crivello, and Dr. Schussler says the wounds are serious. Chief of Police Maxwell swore out a warrant, charging Mike Crivello with assault with a knife, and he waived preliminary examination. Police Magistrate Rose bound him over to the city court grand jury. Justice Nathan issued a warrant later for Mike Crivello, sworn out by his cousin, Gus, charging assault with intent to do murder. Justice Nathan declared his intention of causing the arrest of Mike Crivello on the more serious charge, notwithstanding the fact that he is being held on another warrant. Drs. Schussler and H. W. Davis attended the injured man. Constable Sauerwein was unable to locate the assaulter this afternoon to serve the other and more serious warrant.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 5, 1903
Another old landmark is being wrecked today. It is the old Percival store and residence building on State, near the junction with Main [Main Street was changed to West Ninth Street]. For 60 years or more, it is said, it was a tavern or store, and when State street was the "State Road," it sheltered and refreshed and fed hundreds of travelers. The old building is to be replaced by a 7-room, modern residence to be occupied by Mrs. Mary Percival and family.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 17, 1903
L. A., I. M. and B. E. Dawson have secured incorporation papers from the Secretary of State, and have organized the Dawson Overall Manufacturing Company. The capital stock is $2,500, and preparations for a speedy start are being made. The company will occupy the upper portions of the building at the corner of Fourth and Piasa streets.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18, 1903
Fifty operatives at the Dawson Overall Factory, 214 W. Second street [Broadway].


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 24, 1903
Another old Alton landmark is to be given away to modern ideas, and 20th century progressiveness. The grand old forest trees under which perhaps the Indian Chief Ouatoga once ate his lunch of jerked venison and spring water, have been or will be uprooted, the ground upon which they grew for centuries graded and hauled away, the points and grades of modern engineers to tell when the work of despoiling has gone far enough. The place referred to is the former home of the late Judge Seth T. Sawyer, and now occupied by his sons, Ben. S. and Fred S. Sawyer, at 828 Alton street. The house was erected in the forties [1840s] by a Mrs. Podgen, and was for years a very stylish, up-to-date one, and the surroundings were most picturesque and attractive. The building will be wrecked at once and a modernly equipped edifice will take its place when the grading is finished. The Sawyer family will occupy Mrs. O'Haver's residence until the new one is ready.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 28, 1903
Fire destroyed Wheelock & Ginter's planing mill and part of their lumber yard Saturday night. The origin of the fire is a mystery. It was discovered by Nicholas Seibold about 7:30 in the evening, and an alarm was sent in by Officer E. Lyons. When the fire department arrived, there was no chance to do anything but keep the fire from spreading to the adjoining houses in the block. A strong wind was blowing from the river, driving the flames and heat perilously near the dwellings on Second street. Large blazing brands were carried seven or eight blocks, and fell in showers in the vicinity of the fire. Men were on every roof putting out the brands, and the fire was confined to the lumber yard. The planing mill building was stocked with finished lumber, and also contained all the tools owned by the workmen in the mill, all of which were destroyed. The loss to the workmen will be heavy. Saturday evening the fires had been drawn from under the boiler, and there was none about the place. It was said that the fire was first seen in the opposite end of the building from the boiler house, and must have been due to other causes. The frightened people living in the neighboring houses were moving out their effects, fearing that the fire would spread, but the firemen, after a hard battle with fire and smoke, finally stopped the advance of the fire and about 11 had the last of it extinguished. The loss is estimated to be about $10,000, with $1,500 insurance. Wheelock & Ginter have not decided to resume business after the insurance companies have settled for their fire losses. Both men in the firm are old and reliable business men, and their reputation first-class, but on account of their age they are uncertain whether or not to make another start. They had been in business in the old planing mill thirty years. Mr. Ginter estimates their loss at $10,000 to $12,000. Owing to the high rate of premium asked by insurance companies, the company carried their own risk. While the fire was in progress, Charles Stalling, who boarded in a house on Second street across the street, was standing on the roof of the two-story house throwing water on burning brands that fell on the roof. He must have slipped on some ice on the roof, and in an instant shot down the steep declivity toward the cornice. There was nothing to stay his downward rust, and he shot over the cornice and down to the brick pavement 35 feet below, where he landed amid a crowd, striking on his left side and arm. One woman was standing near when Stalling struck the ground, his falling body just missing her. It was believed the man was killed, but he was picked up and carried to his room in the house from which he fell, and there he revived. Drs. Bowman and Shaff attended him and found that he had a fractured left elbow and compound fractures of his arm. He was moved to the hospital for treatment Saturday night. [Later] Stallings died in the hospital at 5 o'clock this morning from a ruptured blood vessel. He was 35 years old and leaves his wife and one son. The time of the funeral has not been set, as Mrs. Stallings is waiting to hear from her husband's relatives at Versailles, Ohio, where he formerly lived. The inquest will be held tonight or tomorrow by Deputy Coroner Streeper. Stallings had lived here since August.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 6, 1904
25 more girls at the Dawson Overall Manufacturing Company, 214 West Second Street, to work on electric power machines. Steady work.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16, 1904
John Cassella and G. F. Roenicke have leased the Kirsch building at Third and Market streets for the purpose of starting up a carriage and wagon making and repair shop.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 19, 1904
The biggest taxpayer in Alton is the Alton Light and Traction Company, owning the street railway, electric lighting and gas and hot water heating systems in the city. The taxes of the company were paid today, and Collector Smith could smile a smile of satisfaction as he receipted for the check rendered him. The check called for a sum just a little short of $5,000. This tax will be a small part of the taxes to be paid by this company if the present plans for street improvement are carried out this year. The ordinances adopted by the city council call for paving on streets wherever the street car lines run - Market street from Third to Sixth; Sixth street from Market to Henry; Henry street from Second to Fifteenth; Fifteenth street from Henry to Liberty; Liberty street from Fifteenth to Grove; and Grove street from Liberty to Common; Alby street from Third to Twelfth; and Twelfth street from Alby to Henry. Nearly all this distance is along the street railway tracks, and the railway company must pay for paving its track.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 23, 1904
On exhibition in the show window of H. M. Schweppe on Third street is a painting which might attract only passing attention as a work of art, but when one knows from whence came this bright bit of color and the undeniable artistic taste of the picture, interest in it becomes alive. The picture is a painting made by William Lapan, who lives in a wretched hovel on the sandbar. He is part Mexican by birth and speaks Spanish fluently. Lapan's acquaintances never guessed that he was an artist, but such he is. He made a copy of a poster picture on a Bluff Line calendar issued last year, representing the two Indian lovers preparing to make the leap from Lover's Leap. The coloring is well done and the copy is a very exact one. Lapan is now engaged making another study in oil of the little girl and a robin redbreast, which will be the effort of his life. Lapan is an ordinary laborer.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 3, 1904
Bids were opened yesterday afternoon in the office of Pfeiffenberger & Son, and the contract for the erection of the new residence for John W. Koch was let to Tuller & Ruebel, their bid, the lowest, being $5,295.75. The plumbing was let to Curdie & Challacombe for $225. Construction work will start as soon as the old building can be wrecked.

The house that now stands on the premises upon which the new building will be erected was probably the first brick house built in Alton. It was built by Rev. Beal Howard, a very prominent man at the time. The present house is nearly 70 years old. It was originally a four-room building, with an attic. In this house, all of the Howard children were born, except the oldest son, Charles, who still lives in Alton. Mr. Howard was compelled to sell it on account of the great panic of 1837. In the early 1850s, Utten Smith lived in the house for a number of years. It was afterwards purchased by Timothy L. Waples, and was enlarged by him and beautified, where the family resided until all the children married, some years after Mr. Waples’ death. Mr. Koch, the present owner, purchased the place from the Waples estate and still lives there.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 03, 1904
Bids were opened yesterday afternoon in the office of Pfeiffenberger & Son, and the contract for the erection of the new residence for John W. Koch was let to Tuller & Ruebel, their bid - the lowest - being $5,295.75. The plumbing was let to Curdie & Challacombe for $225. Construction work will start as soon as the old building can be wrecked. The house that now stands on the premises upon which the new building will be erected was probably the first brick house built in Alton. It was built by Rev. Beall Howard, a very prominent man at the time. The present house is nearly 70 years old. It was originally a four room building with an attic. In this house all of the Howard children were born, except the oldest son, Charles, who still lives in Alton. Mr. Howard was compelled to sell it on account of the great panic of 1837. In the early 1850s Utten Smith lived in the house for a number of years. It was afterwards purchased by Timothy L. Waples and was enlarged by him and beautified, where the family resided until all the children married, some years after Mr. Waples' death. Mr. Koch, the present owner, purchased the place from the Waples estate and still lives there.

[According to the Gazetteer of Madison County, the Beall Howard home was a frame building, built on the site of the Presbyterian Church on Market Street. It was two stories high, about thirty feet in length, and was occupied as early as November 1829, being the first frame dwelling on the site of Alton. This differs with the Telegraph statement that it was a brick home. It is possible that the frame dwelling was remodeled with brick. The title abstracts show that on September 4, 1829, Gershom Flagg made a deed of the east half of block 1 to Charles Howard (Beall Howard's son), who put up a small log dwelling just opposite the Alton House, which was located at the corner of Front and Alby Streets).]


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 17, 1904
The four-story building to be erected by B. L. Dorsey, at Fourth and Piasa streets, on the property recently purchased by him of the Joe Fager estate, will be occupied in part by the Dawson Overall Company.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 25, 1904
Mr. Frank Davis of Worcester, Mass., brother of George H. Davis of Fourth street, this city [Alton], is now visiting here. The early years of his life were spent here, moving away in 1859. His father was connected with the old Cory packing house that used to stand on the river front in the early days. One day Mr. Davis Sr. to a 50-cent silver piece in change. It proved to be the product of a man named Dunn, who for some time carried on the business of making counterfeit coin. The older Davis gave it to his son, Frank, as a souvenir of an Alton crook's work. For fifty-one years the coin has been carried by Frank Davis, who sets such value upon it that he would not part with it for many times its real worth. Dunn, the counterfeiter, was well known at the time, and no one suspected him of connection with a counterfeiting. His home was one of the best in Alton. He was respected until discovered. He lived in a house now owned and occupied by Everett Clement on Grove street. Dunn had quite a plant in his cellar for the manufacture of spurious coin. Years ago, the house was known as the "Dunn counterfeiting house."


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 01, 1904
River men said that Saturday night reminded them of days of old, when competition was strong between rival steamboat lines and big packets raced up and down the river with the roustabouts taking turns squatting on the safety valve to keep the steam supply up. The Diamond Jo line boat "Dubuque" for St. Paul, commanded by Captain Burke; the "Quincy" for Keokuk, commanded by Captain Murphy; the Eagle boat, "Grey Eagle," commanded by Captain Harry Leyhe; and the "Belle of Calhoun" commanded by Captain Ed Young, raced from St. Louis for Alton to get a position at the Alton wharf. The "Grey Eagle" slipped away from St. Louis first to get the start, and so anxious was Captain Harry Leyhe to reach Alton that he left with half a crew. Captain Burke lost no time in following with the "Dubuque," but he had not enough steam and could not pass the Grey Eagle, as he evidently tried to do several times. Captain Harry Leyhe had a full head of steam, and the "Grey Eagle" is a swift runner, so he had first choice at Alton. The "Quincy" came in third, and Captain Murphy had to nose in between the "Grey Eagle" and the "Spread Eagle" and unload his cargo across the bow of the "Spread Eagle," after hanging up out in the harbor for a half hour waiting for a chance to land. The "Belle of Calhoun" was unfortunate, coming in last, and it was over an hour before room could be made for her to touch the wharf boat and discharge her cargo. Over a thousand passengers were on the four boats and the excitement during the race was intense. They kept urging the Captains to crowd their boats a little, but every one of the packets was doing its level best as the racing blood of the Captains was up. It was great sport, and the finish was exciting, with the "Grey Eagle" a nose in the lead, and the "Dubuque" a close second, "Quincy" third, and "Belle of Calhoun" fourth. One of the passengers on the "Quincy" was Captain L. P. Lusk, general manager of the Diamond Jo fleet.


Source: Syracuse, New York Post Standard, August 6, 1904
While bathing in the Mississippi river tonight, Michael Riley, his daughter and six of the latter's little girl friends were drowned. One child was rescued. Riley lived near the river in the southern part of the city and was accustomed to bathe on the beach in front of his home after his return from work. Tonight, his little daughter begged to go with him. and Riley took her and seven of her girlfriends to the beach with him. When they entered the water, Riley bade the children join hands and they all waded Into the river and walked along a sandbar which stretches out into the stream at that point. They had gone some distance from the shore, when suddenly the whole party disappeared beneath the water, having in the darkness stepped from the sandbar, into the deep channel. The children struggled and screamed, fighting desperately to reach the sandbar, where the water was only a foot or so in depth. Riley who is said to have been a good swimmer. Is thought to have been made helpless by the girls clinging to him and hampering his efforts to save them. The only one in the party to regain the sandbar was Mary Timiny, 8 years old. The child is unable to tell how she saved herself. Riley was 32 years old, and the ages of the children drowned ranged from 8 to 14 years. Four of the bodies have been recovered.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 9, 1904
The once popular sport of bowling, which at one time occupied all the spare time of hundreds of young men in Alton, and gave support to half dozen bowling alleys, has fallen into such disuse that the last of the public alleys, the Kremer place on Belle street, will be dismantled. The pool room of Frank Boyle, which was in the third story of the Snyder building, will be moved to the room of the bowling alley on Belle street, and a business college will take place of the pool room.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 10, 1904
Many of the older citizens of Alton, in passing the building 224 East Second street, which is being repaired and improved by its owner, Louis Flach, the grocer, stop to look at the structure and to recall the days of 50 or more years ago when they assembled there either to worship, to study, or to eat, as the building in its time served as a church, a school, and boarding house. Few of the average passersby know that the structure is really a log cabin, a story and a half in height, as weather boards and the art of the modern painter hide that fact. But it is a log cabin erected some 80 years ago, it is said, and for very many years there was no other building near it. Travelers on the Springfield, Alton and St. Louis "old state road" stopped there for meals, and at that time the "hotel" was reached by a long flight of steps that ran up the bank from Second street. One time in 1831 or 1832 it bore the pretentious name of the "Alton Seminary," and was conducted by Mr. H. Davis, the pioneer teacher of this section, who died in 1834. The late Judge J. M. Krum of St. Louis was a teacher in the school, as was also a Mr. Bosworth, A. R. Cobbin, and Miss Relief V. Everett. Many Altonians now past the half century mark in age attended school there, and at times paid as "much as $10 per quarter for tuition." In 1852 ex-Chief of Police Volbracht says he was attending school there, and that year was known to all parents and pupils as "the castor bean epidemic year." "During the noon hour one day," says Mr. Volbracht, "we children, boys and girls, found a quantity of castor beans stored in the basement of the old log cabin (the basement being excavated a short time before and walled up) and we all ate heartily of them. A few hours afterwards we became deathly sick and remained sick all day and night, and it was several days before all the ill-effects of our castor bean banquet disappeared. It was known as an epidemic because the entire school was affected." The building was used as a Methodist meeting house for some years also - most early day school houses were so used on Sundays, and many a pioneer or some member of his family professed religion after attending meeting there. For many years recently, the basement has been used as a polling place for the residents of the old fourth ward - the new third - and taken altogether its history during the 80 years of its existence is a varied and interesting one.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 12, 1904
The summer season of 1904 was not a red letter one for the ice man; it being cold enough most of the time to allow the housekeeper to economize greatly in the matter of ice consumption, and hundreds of families in Alton who own small or medium sized refrigerators did not ice them up at all, but kept meats, butter and perishable provender generally in most excellent condition, by placing in buckets or baskets, which were left suspended day and night in cisterns or wells. The cistern refrigerator requires far less work than the other kind, and the results are just as good.


[In about 1854]
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 17, 1904
Mr. James Webster, the veteran sewer repairer and all-around city man, was standing near the City Hall this morning and his thoughts were all in the past. "In there," he said, pointing to the basement of the city building, "is a machine in which I have a $25 cash interest, and with interest on that for more than 50 years. It is the old hook and ladder outfit, the first of its kind in Alton. It was secured by the old volunteer fire company, and there are only three of them left living, as far as I can recollect. These three are Ben Garde, Jake Maguire and myself. We bought that outfit from a St. Louis volunteer company, but when we went after it the city of St. Louis refused to give it up, as the municipality had paid for half or one-third of it, the firemen paying for the remainder. That is the way we paid for it also - Alton paying for one third, the boys donating the rest. That is how I happen to have $25 in it as my contribution amounted to that much cash. After St. Louis refused to give us the outfit, we came back to Alton to plan some way to secure the hook and ladder, and finally determined to go down and steal the apparatus bodily. Ten good men and true were selected to do the job, and we made arrangements with Captain George E. Hawley of the steamer Luella to have his boat handy at the St. Louis wharf and ready to pull out as soon as the outfit cleared the stage plank. The volunteer company in St. Louis were all right, as the boys had sold to us and thought we ought to have the goods, and they arranged to leave the doors unlocked and to absent themselves at the time designated. Out plans worked successfully; we got the apparatus, made a quick run to the levee, and the boat was half way to Alton before the St. Louis authorities discovered what had been done. Except for considerable rag chewing, nothing was done in the matter and we were never punished in any way. I am the only one now living of the ten who did the stealing more than a half-century ago, and I would like to get my $25 back again."


(College Avenue)
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 29, 1904
An interesting old structure - just how old is lost in the mists of tradition - is that on the old "Flagg homestead" on Staunton Street. It is now the property of Mr. John Werts the grocer, but he does not know how old the building is. He knows it was occupied 50 years before he purchased it, and it was said to be an old building before that 50 years occupancy was begun. It must have been a high-toned residence, for in those days all houses not built exclusively of logs were for the bon tons, the plutocrats. The timbers in the Werts house are of oak and walnut and are sound as the gold standard, as are the rafters. The weatherboards are of oak and consist of what is called clapboards. Clapboards are handmade and were the shingles of the pioneers, and it took a great many of them to build this house of four rooms in the substantial manner in which it was constructed. There are two fireplaces in the house, or rather there is what is called a double fireplace there, and another bit of corroborative evidence that it was built for some wealthy or prominent person is the fact that the fireplace and chimneys were built of fine handmade brick. Something of the size of the fireplaces may be judged by the fact that ordinary sized beds will fit in them, and with curtains placed over the mantles give no evidence that a spare bedroom is on each side and just below the mantles in each room. Mr. Werts says there are bricks enough in the chimney to build a two-room house, and he had more put in by walling up the fireplaces because a tenant wished it walled up. That the house was built before the days of machine-made nails is made certain by the fact that hand-fashioned nails were used, and these show no signs yet of letting go their grip on the timber.

College Avenue, west of Washington Avenue in Upper Alton, was once called Washington Street; then between 1873 and 1906 was changed to Staunton Street. I believe the old Flagg homestead was located at the intersection of College Avenue and Johnson Street. Staunton’s Addition was located on the northeast corner of College and Johnson. Mr. Werts ran a grocery store on Staunton Street, and also made his home in the building.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 15, 1904
People living in the neighborhood of the park back of the Madison hotel complained to Chief of Police Maxwell Friday and Saturday that several couples of boy and girls had been causing some annoyance by their ostentatious display of affection for each other in broad daylight in the park. Many passersby noticed the young people sitting there, and when the affair was renewed Saturday morning the chief of police made an investigation. He found two couples sitting there in full view of passersby on the street, apparently indifferent to the gaze of the interested people who chanced to go that way. The young men were told to go their way, and Chief Maxwell took charge of the girls and turned them over to Mrs. S. Demuth, police matron, who gave them a lecture and sent them home. The girls said they lived in North Alton on Alby street.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 21, 1904
Mrs. S. Demuth, health officer, has made a startling discovery that thieves will not even respect property infected with smallpox germs. Someone broke into the Alton pest house sometime recently, and stole twelve chairs, a bedstead and bedding, and some other articles. Mrs. Demuth does not know just how much was taken. The lock was broken off the door and the furniture were missing. Probably the remainder of the furniture will be taken later, unless there is need for it. The place has not been fumigated when Mrs. Demuth made the discovery and she is wondering whether or not someone in Alton will not be taken down with smallpox. Mrs. Demuth went to the pest house yesterday, fumigated the place thoroughly, scrubbed it out herself, because she could not hire a man to do it, and has left the place clean and absolutely free of all disease germs. She has undertaken the building of some out-buildings, as there were none on the place, and a supply of coal will be sent there and put under lock and key for use, if the thieves who stole the smallpox infested furniture do not steal the coal too. Mrs. Demuth also made up all the beds, tidied up the place and now the pest house is more habitable, if not really attractive and inviting.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 15, 1904
The Liberty Bell Special [railroad car] carrying the Liberty Bell from the World's Fair back to Philadelphia, will pass through Alton as second section of the Prairie State Express, Wednesday.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 15, 1904
The Co-operative Bakery Company on Monday purchased from Charles F. Schnell his bakery plant, paying therefore $2,300. This will be a better arrangement than starting a fourth bakery, as that would cut the business to such an extent as to make the venture hazardous. The Co-operative Company will take charge of Schnell's plant tomorrow. While a superintendent for the new company has not been chosen, there are a number of applicants for the position.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 16, 1904
According to druggists and doctors, users of morphine and opium are numerous in Alton, and the numbers are increasing alarmingly. Many of those using it are confirmed fiends, and will do almost anything in order to secure a supply of their favorite drug. Very many of the victims are women, who began using the drug first for headache or some other kind of ache, and who after a while found themselves possessed of an appetite for the stuff that could not be appeased except by more drug. "Many men," said a druggist, "have quit drinking whisky and have taken to morphine or opium with the ideas that a drug drunk is more "genteel" than a whisky one, and that they can quit it at any time. There is where they make a mistake. It has a grip of steel, and the victim soon finds himself a moral and physical wreck. I won't sell morphine or opium to beginners at any price, and always advise against its use but our refusal and advice generally do no good as the drug is secured somewhere else." Another thing this druggist said was that if opium or morphine were sold to a customer on credit, it always remained "on credit," "dope fiends," he said, "never pay a bill of that kind."


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 01, 1904
W. H. Wiseman today bought through the agency of Edward Yager, a piece of ground 30x90 feet off the southeast corner of block 9, city proper, from Dr. W. H. Enos for $2,000. Mr. Wiseman intends to erect on the property one of the finest photograph galleries in the state of Illinois. He has purchased some fine furnishings and fixtures at the World's Fair, and the gallery will be fixed up in a most artistic manner.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 14, 1904
Thirteen Alton saloon keepers will be required to pay heavy fines to the United States government because of some gross violations of the internal revenue laws in which they have been detected. Mr. Charles G. Rogers, an internal revenue officer representing the office of the internal revenue collector, Gen. W. H. Powell of East St. Louis, completed an inspection of the Alton saloons this morning and seized a large quantity of whisky which was being sold under false pretenses and in violation of the revenue laws of March 3, 1897. Mr. Rogers said to the Telegraph that the saloon keepers cannot plead innocent, as the violations were palpable and deliberate offenses, they having every means of knowing that the offenses were forbidden. The offense consists in refilling bottles with cheap whisky, which were originally filled with whisky of a much higher price that had been inspected, gauged and stamped in bond by the United States government. It has been a common practice, it seems, for saloon keepers to buy a few bottles of high-grade whisky and after the bottles had been emptied, to refill them. On every bottle appeared a government stamp, affixed at the bonded warehouses, and these bottles should not be used to contain any liquor after once emptied. The government stamp, which certifies that the contents of the bottles are 100 proof, are placed across the top of the bottles where they must be broken before the cork can be withdrawn from the neck of the bottle. On the side of the bottle printed in plain black type is a warning for which prohibits the use of the bottle a second time, and prescribes the penalty of the law for violations. The penalty is a fine from $100 to $1,000, or imprisonment for not more than two years, one or both. The law was enacted for the purpose of preventing swindling in the liquor business if possible. The government guarantees the goods thus stamped to be of a certain quality. The price of the goods originally in most of the bottles found by Mr. Rogers would be about $3.50, while the price of the stuff with which the bottles were refilled was about one half to one third that figure. The extend of the fraud which was perpetrated on the patrons of the saloons as well as on the government may be seen from this fact. Mr. Rogers arrived in Alton yesterday and started on a still hunt. He entered every saloon in Alton, demanded to see their bonded goods and as he found some of the stuff did not come up to the proof guaranteed by the stamp, he seized the bottles. He carried them to the Madison hotel where he had a big collection of bottles of various sizes and containing whisky of various quality, none of which was up to 100 proof. Every violator was told that he must appear before the United States commissioner at East St. Louis and make his plea of guilty there.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 27, 1904
A batch of warrants has been sworn out because of a saloon conducted by David Searles at Fourth and State street, opposite the Jennie D. Hayner Library. It is said by the police that shooting affrays are of nightly occurrence there and that occasionally the proprietor, Searles, would draw a revolver and discharge it indiscriminately to inspire respect for his courage in the minds of his patrons. Sunday morning there was a shooting affray in the saloon, and Monday evening there was another. In the latter, George Builson is said to have shot James Searles, the bullet striking Searles on the side of the head and passing around the skull to the other side without causing any worse than a scalp wound. The police will ask the mayor to revoke Searles' license on the ground it is a dangerous and disorderly resort.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 17, 1905
Arrangements are being made for the consolidation of Beall Brothers Mining Tool plant, the Beall Shovel Co., and the Charles L. Beall Mfg. Co. of East Alton. The new firm will be incorporated as Beall Bros., and the capital stock will be $158,000. Mr. C. L. Beall recently started a mining tool plant at East Alton, and this will be taken into the consolidated Beall Bros. corporation. The stock of the corporation will be held by members of the family – Edmond Beall, Mrs. Anna M. Beall, J. W. Beall, C. L. Beall, P. B. Gates, Wesley Beall Jr., and Edmond Beall Jr. It is the intention of the owners of the stock in the new corporation to increase their capacity and to manufacture several new lines of goods, which they have been selling. This plant has passed a very prosperous year, and it is one of the leading firms among Alton manufacturing institutions. The Beall Bros. have been improving their methods of manufacturing, and everything in their plant is in first-class condition – the factories being models of their kind. The company will have ample room to enlarge, having purchased several acres of land near East Alton, in the consolidation of the C. L. Beall Manufacturing Company with Beall Bros.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 27, 1905
The old-time pastime of roller skating will again be in vogue when W. M. Sauvage throws open the doors of the New Crescent Skating Rink at Pioneer Hall on next Monday evening. The rink is equipped throughout, with the Richardson's latest improved ball bearing skates. Doors will open at 7:30 Monday. Admission, 10 cents.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 23, 1905
Hop Hollow will become an important stone producing place within a few months. A lease has been signed up by a firm from Savannah, Mo., for the old quarry at Hop Hollow, formerly worked by Golike and Rust, and a big crusher will be set up having a capacity the same as some of the larger crushers at Alton. The company has signed contracts with the Bluff Line railroad for furnishing crushed stone for railroad construction work, it is said, and will engage in the stone business on a large scale. The Hop Hollow quarries were one-time scene of active industry, but they have fallen into disuse in recent years.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24, 1905
Walter Riehl discovered almost the entire skeleton of an Indian in a caved in bank on his father's place, Evergreen Heights, Sunday. Indian skeletons are becoming very scarce and few of those found are in good condition. The skull of this warrior was cleft with a tomahawk, showing plainly how the original owner of the skeleton came to his death.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 03, 1905
Officer Henry Tisius captured the clothes of a whole party of boys who were swimming in the river near Lover's Leap, Sunday afternoon, but to capture them he was compelled to adopt a clever ruse - he took their clothes - and the boys, being without garments to cover their nakedness so they could go home, were compelled to surrender, and standing on the burning railroad track without any clothing on them, they sued successfully for the return of the captured clothing. The clothes were returned on the agreement of the boys that they would stop bathing in the river in daytime without donning bathing suits. Especially on Sundays the river front is frequented by people, and the occupants of the pleasure boats passing up and down, as well as people standing on the banks, have been shocked by the nudity of most of the swimmers who were shameless in displaying themselves on the tops of the barges and boats tied up from State street to the water works. Chief of Police Maxwell has issued an order that all daylight swimmers must wear bathing suits, and the police have instructions to seize the clothes. Yesterday one of the swimmers surprised by Officer Tisius fled up the Bluff Line tracks a long distance, holding his clothes in his hands as he ran, and several others tried to scale Lover's Leap but were called back by the officer, who was more frightened than the climbers, as he feared they might fall and be hurt.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 01, 1905
In tearing down the old George Sidway building on west Second street to make room for the addition to the H. K. Johnston building, a second floor was found under the top floor. This floor marks the old level of Second street, and it is supposed by some of the older residents that the 1844 high water mark on the mill building should have been sighted from this floor instead of from the floor laid years later. The high-water mark on the mill is said to be somewhat higher than the water really was, and Mr. Johnson, after talking to some of the old residents about it, thinks the '44 water mark was really at the first floor, or about four feet below the mark on the mill corner. If this be true, the high-water mark of 1892 was even higher than it was in 1844. Second street in 1844 was about four feet lower than at the present ..... [unreadable].


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 16, 1905
According to statistics, the greatest number of glass bottles ever manufactured in Alton was manufactured last season by the Illinois Glass Co. The total output aggregates over 145,524,928 bottles. Last year the output reached one million gross, and this year the production was vastly increased. The number of bottles made at Alton represents less than half the number sold by the Illinois Glass Co., as the company owns a plant at Chicago Heights, has an interest in several factories in Indiana, and purchases the output of many other factories throughout the country.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 7, 1905
Work on the construction of the elegant building, a portion of which is to be occupied by the Wiseman photograph gallery, at the corner of east Second [Broadway] and Easton Streets will begin at once. The ground for the foundations was staked off this morning.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 23, 1905
Capt. Frank Tesson and Capt. James Montgomery, two Alton citizens, are probably the best illustration of the fallacy of the Osler theory that men are useless after they reach the age of 60. The two old river men are the pilots on the steamer Belle of Calhoun and the steamer is probably the only boat on the river employing such aged men to handle the boat. Although both have well advanced in years, neither has lost any of his ability as a pilot. The two pilots are almost twins in age, being in the 73rd year each, Capt. Tesson claims to have been a year longer in the business than his "kid" partner, as he puts it. Capt. Tesson is in his 49th year at the helm, and Capt. Montgomery is in his 48th. Capt. Tesson was asked if there was any truth in the story that both he and his wheel partner had become so used to running up and down the river that they could steer a boat with their eyes shut. "We have to keep our eyes open all the time," he said, "and that is one business at which a man must keep his eyes open when on duty." Capt. Tesson started with a relative in 1856 to learn the river. Capt. Montgomery started a year or two later. Neither has to depend on eyeglasses to help his vision, and neither has had a bad accident in his career. Both can tell many interesting tales of the river and can recall many stories of the early days. When asked how they accounted for their state of good preservation although both have passed the three score years and ten, Capt. Montgomery said, "Neither of us has tried to drink up all of the booze made, although we are river men." No doubt the Belle of Calhoun is in the hands of safe helmsmen, as both are tried and have been found trusty.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 13, 1905
When the Newson broom factory was purchased by George Miller and moved from North Alton, a large factory building was erected on Madison street for the manufacture of brooms. The quality of the product was improved greatly, and there began to grow a demand for the Alton-made broom. The demand has continued to grow, and orders followed the demand so rapidly that Mr. Miller finds it necessary to increase his facilities. Carpenters are now at work building an addition 30x40 feet to the factory, more machinery has been purchased and the output is being increased greatly.


Man Who Figured in Jesse James Blue-Cut Robberies as Engineer of Train is Laid Off
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 16, 1905
Leroy Foote, better known as "Chalky," an engineer well known in the days of the Jesse James robberies in the famous Blue-Cut, when a C. and A. train was held up and robbed, has been suspended by the Bluff Line because of an alleged defect in his eyesight. Foote was engineer on the local freight running between Alton and Springfield, and had a layover in Alton. He has been in the railroad business for nearly fifty years. It is said that the Bluff Line general manager has slated about two dozen of the older men on the road for dismissal, and that the axe fell first on Chalky Foote. It is also said that the railway company may find a place for the old engineer, aside from one on the right side of the engine's cab. W. M. Demombreum, who was engineer on the "hill engine" has been dismissed from service too.

"Mr. Foote had many varying experiences, but one of the greatest and one which brought him into the limelight was the Blue Cut robbery, when he was compelled to look down the muzzle of gleaming guns and talked with Jesse James, the most notorious train robber of this country. The Blue Cut robbery was the climax of the James boys' crimes and resulted in $60,000 in cash being taken from the express car of the Denver express. Mr. Foote was one of the train crew of the express. When Mr. Foote's train was flagged by the James boys he slowed down his speed as he would at the display of any danger signal. When the gang fell upon the train and its crew and passengers, Mr. Foote was forced to open the express door with his pick. After that Jesse James took him back to the engine and talked to him, while the gang, numbering sixteen, did the looting. For his act a silver dollar and a revolver were presented to him by Jesse James, which have been kept and are now in possession of the family."

An occasion of distinction for the ever-reliable engineer was pulling the pilot ahead of the Alton funeral train carrying the remains of Abraham Lincoln into Springfield from Chicago on Wednesday, May 3, 1865.

[Foote died in 1906 in Springfield, IL, and is buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield.]


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 28, 1905
The preliminary steps necessary to incorporating what its people confidently expect will become the greatest manufacturing city in Madison county were taken Saturday morning in the County Court by Attorney B. J. O'Neill, acting for the incorporators. There are more than 600 people residing in the territory to be incorporated, and the territory includes Priest's addition, Loehr & Lowe's addition, the Gilham place, Milton Heights, Yager Park, Federal and all the territory adjoining Alton and Upper Alton, west to the Mississippi river and eastward to Wood river - an area of about 2 square miles. The petition to the County Judge is signed by very many property owners in the district affected, and the petitioners christened the new town "South Alton." Complying with the request of the petitioners, Judge Hillskotter issued a call for an election to be held at the Gillham schoolhouse in Yager Park on the 18th day of November, 1905, prescribed by the law of Illinois governing elections, and he named as judges of such election, Messrs. E. W. Burris, F. E. Sawyer, and F. M. Brazier.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 15, 1905
Many bundles of interesting old books and papers were being crated up and carted away today from the vaults in the McPike building at Second and Easton streets, which recorded the history of an old Alton institution that has passed away, but which survives still in the memory of many Alton people. The papers were all the books and papers of the old Illinois Mutual Fire Insurance building at Liberty and Grove started here by Hon. H. G. McPike. The company did a flourishing business in Alton and was in a condition that would have admitted of it growing to a large, healthy fire insurance company in the near future, but for an unfortunate questioning of its condition by the state auditor in 1891, which resulted in the company being wound up, at a time when it was doing well and paying salaries to many Alton people. The company was originally started in the early days of Alton by John Atwood, and the company had its offices in the building at Liberty and Grove streets. After the Chicago fire in 1871, the company went out of business, but its charter was still in existence. Hon. H. G. McPike obtained the charter, revived the company and was building up a flourishing business when the attack of the state auditor put it out of business. It was a remarkable commentary on the financial stability of the company that its affairs were wound up at heavy expense and the company paid dollar for dollar. After keeping the old documents for many years, Mr. McPike decided to get rid of them and men were put to work crating them up and hauling them to be disposed of to a paper factory. Among the relics was a picture on the back of which was the information that it had safely passed through the Chicago fire and was saved, intact, from the furnace that destroyed everything else around it. The picture was an early day advertisement of the old Illinois Mutual and was about all the company saved out of the wreck of the fire. Another relic is an old fashioned picture frame containing the pictures of the original board of directors of the Illinois Mutual. The frame is a large one, with gold leaf mountings and was a very costly piece of decorative work in its day. Some of these latter old relics will be spared, but the remainder will be shipped to a paper factory and but little will be left of the once well-known fire insurance company.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 20, 1905
The election in the territory east of Alton, Saturday, to pass upon the question of whether or not the place should be incorporated as South Alton resulted in a majority of 16 in favor of incorporation, out of 79 votes cast. There was considerable opposition to the proposed incorporation on the part of the representatives of manufacturing interests and other corporations in the territory. The manufacturers located there partly because of the fact that they could escape municipal taxes and at the same time be close enough to Alton to enable them to secure hands for work. Most of the 31 votes against incorporation came from this opposition.....The new village should have no difficulty in raising plenty of money by taxes for municipal purposes. It has so many railroads and such valuable property within its limits that it should be able to be on easy circumstances. The new town will include Milton Heights, Gillham addition, Loehr and Lowe's addition, Priest's addition, Yager Park, and some farming land, comprising in all about 1,100 acres, and extending to Wood River on the east. The town name of South Alton is a misnomer, but it was impossible to select any other combination of the name Alton, with the cardinal points of the compass, as all others had been preempted by other villages.


Source: November 27, 1905
Contractor E. G. Yungck is doing the wood work on the new Wiseman photograph building on east Second Street, Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 5, 1905
An ancient landmark was uncovered by workmen who were excavating in Market street, between Fifth and Fourth Street today, laying a sewer to be connected from Miss Belle Mather's house to the Fifth street sewer. The workmen dug up a stone which was set there in the early days of Alton, doubtless, and has been buried out of sight for many a year. The stone was probably on the street level, but with the filling of the street it became covered and has been in disuse for a long time. The stone was marked "No. 12." George H. Davis, who was looking after the work, had the stone set back in place again by the workmen in order that its location might not be disturbed.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 7, 1905
They call the fine new building erected by Photographer Wiseman on East Second Street "Ft. Wiseman," because he will take so many shots in it when it is completed.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 16, 1905
The Wiseman building on east Second Street is having the front placed in today - a front that attracts attention by its oddness. There is nothing like it in Alton, and it seems to be modeled after the Roycroft, Elbert Hubbard style of things. It is of wood, dark in color like walnut, and is carved and sculptured elaborately over the doors and windows are the words "Heart and Hand," and on the pillars of the doors and on the window jams are the words "Quaker Shops." For something new in architecture, Photographer Wiseman is certainly in the lead in Alton.


Source: Auburn, New York Citizen, January 20, 1906
A large wildcat that has been filling the night air with hair raising sounds and the people in the vicinity with terror on the bluffs between Hop Hollow and Alton, was killed early yesterday morning by Henry Schwallensticher, an Alton stone mason, whose dogs treed the cat on Haskell Hill. Schwallensticher had gone coon hunting Sunday night and was returning home when the dogs started the wild cat inside the northern limits of the city of Alton. After a sharp chase, the animal ran up a large tree on Haskell Hill and the dogs howled and barked furiously until their master came up. The figure of the animal was outlined against the limb of the tree upon which it crouched and the hunter, thinking it was a coon, fired at the dark object. The aim was true, and the animal, giving a scream of pain, came tumbling to the ground. Dying as it was, the trained dogs had a hard fight, and many bad wounds from the cat, which is said to be the largest specimen ever seen in the vicinity.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 9, 1906
Some twenty years ago Alton possessed a musical organization called the Gossrau brass band, after its organizer and director, R. Gossrau, and unlike the modern brass bandists, these old timers not only played some instruments, but each one was a special star in some form of amusement, and their entertainments were always occasions of great joy to their friends and the public generally. Recently the question of reorganizing the band came up, and the "Big Four" of the combination, Joe Holl, John Elblie, George Mold and H. A. Wutzler, saw as many of the surviving members as possible, and it was decided to reorganize and give one of their old-time band concerts, including specialties of various kinds and to give the proceeds to charity. A meeting was held last evening, and the following officers were elected: John Elblie, president, H. A. Wutzler, vice-president; H. L. Winter, director; W. F. Hoppe, librarian; Jim Reilley, drum major. It was learned that at least three survivors of the old Bluff City Band, which was at its Zenith 35 years ago, still lived in Alton, and it was decided to admit them to membership in the reorganized aggregation. The three are Edmond Beall, S. H. Malcolm and Rudolph Maerdian. A meeting will be held next Wednesday evening at Turner Hall, when all former members are expected to be present and help make arrangements for the concert amalgamated concoction of fun, which will be given as soon as possible thereafter in Turner Hall, and which is guaranteed will be the leading public entertainment event of the season or of many seasons’ past.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 20, 1906
The Hop Hollow Quarry Company intends installing another crusher at their plant, and business will be livelier than ever next summer in the hollow.


Photograph Studio
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 21, 1906
William H. Wiseman, Commander-in-Chief of "Fort Wiseman," the splendid new building erected by him on East Second Street for a photograph gallery, was born in North Carolina and came by his proficiency and efficiency as a photographer naturally, as his father was one of the best artists in the southeast. He accompanied his father to Texas where he became a camera cowboy, and was constantly on the "shoot" with that weapon. As a result, he made many conquests, roped "many honors" and "branded" himself as one of the very best takers of other persons featured in the Lone Star State. He came to Alton in 1896, and his work attracted attention at once. He has grown and expanded until now he owns the finest photograph gallery in Illinois, and his reputation as being one of the best photographers in the State is growing constantly also. Some time ago, the Daily Telegraph, in speaking of the new Wiseman building, called it "Fort Wiseman," because there is so much shooting at people’s faces with the cameras there, and again because the building looks like a fort. "Mr. Wiseman has concluded to adopt the name given by the Telegraph, and "Fort Wiseman" it will be in the future. The building itself is unique, but the furnishings are more so, and a trip through the building is a fairly good outing of itself. Mr. Wiseman will give a grand opening early in April.

The William H. Wiseman Jr. Photography Studio, on the northwest corner of Broadway and George Street in Alton, was built in 1906. It was constructed of stone salvaged from the German Exhibition Hall at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair. Some of the furnishings and fixtures inside were also from the fair. Wiseman purchased the property from Dr. W. H. Enos for $2,000. "Fort Wiseman" was designed after the Elbert Hubbard Roycroft style. The wood was dark in color, and the words "Heart and Hand” were carved and sculptured over the doors and windows. On the window jams were the words, "Quaker Shops."

Wiseman was born in North Carolina in 1869, and came by his talent as a photographer naturally. His father, William H. Wiseman Sr., was one of the best artists in the southeast. He traveled with his father to Texas, where William Jr. became a "camera cowboy," and was constantly on the "shoot" with that weapon. He received many honors for his photos. His father died in Texas in 1907. Wiseman came to Alton in 1896, and his work attracted attention at once. He first opened a studio on Belle Street in Alton.

At the grand opening of his new studio on Broadway, Wiseman invited local artists and amateur photographers to contribute to his art exhibition. In 1946, a large art exhibit was held at the studio. A large portrait of his father hung on the wall, with examples of his father’s work displayed under the portrait. They were mostly of whiskered men and stern-faced women of Texas. Also on display was the work of William Jr., which spanned over 50 years. His display included more than 150 Alton businessmen. Also on display was the work of his daughter, Louise Wiseman, who specialized in child photography. Some of the interesting features of the exhibit were photographs of the old Alton YMCA after it burned prior to World War One; Third Street during an Elks State Convention, where the stores were decorated with flags and bunting; Alton’s first fire truck; and scenes of Alton and the river, during heavy ice in the winter.

Fort Wiseman still stands, and houses the 1904 General Store. Today, the building is referred to as the World's Fair Building. Wiseman Jr. died in November 1952 at his home above his studio, leaving his wife, Florence, and two daughters (Louise Wiseman and Mrs. Shepard). He was buried in the Diamond Grove Cemetery in Jacksonville.

Businesses that have occupied the World’s Fair Building:
Burjes & Roberts Studio
Alton School of Dance
Halpin Music & Dance Studio
Studio One for Hair
World’s Fair Antiques
CMAX Photography
Gregson Independent Productions
CPA Firm of Schoppet & Schoppet
Accents & Images (Collectibles & gifts)
1904 General Store (current)


Bankers Astonished by Foreigners' Display of Yellow Treasure
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 12, 1906
Alton bankers were astonished today by the showing of gold made by members of a band of gypsies traveling in a dozen wagons, who have been going through the country and are now encamped on the outskirts of Alton waiting for the roads to harden sufficiently for them to pursue their way. The party consists of Brazilian gypsies, who are very numerous in this country now, and only a few of them speak English well. Representatives of the caravan have been negotiating with Alton banks trying to discover which of them will offer the best terms for a large quantity of gold in British and French coins, which the members of the caravan doubtless brought with them from Brazil. There is a demand for French gold and also for British gold from tourists and traders, and banks are eager to get it. Knowing this, the gypsies solicited all of them and asked for quotations on foreign gold. The representatives smelled like the inmates of hyena cages at a circus, and at each bank it was necessary to open doors after their departure. The gypsies had been carrying the money in their caravan and would probably have gone on with a large sum of yellow metal in their wagons, with no one any the wiser, but muddy roads made it desirable to dispense with all the weight they could possibly get rid of. The women and children carrying as much of their plunder as they could, walked all the way from Granite City to Alton, while four horses attached to each wagon had all they could do to pull the wagons through the mud. The aggregate of wealth carried by the party is estimated to be large, judging from what the gypsies said.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 15, 1906
James Newman, the labor agent for the glass works, was taken to Edwardsville today and will be taken down to Chester in a few days by Sheriff Crowe to begin serving an indeterminate sentence imposed upon him in the city court by Judge Dunnegan today...He was found guilty of a charge of assault with intent to commit rape, and the penalty is from one to fourteen years in the penitentiary.....The girl against whom he committed the assault is Juanita Dowdell, a Carrolton girl of 17 years whom he induced to come to Alton under promise that he would give her a job. There was a strong array of witnesses in Newman's behalf, but the jury preferred to believe the few witnesses who testified in behalf of the girl. According to Chief of Police Maxwell, James Newman is one of the famous Dalton gang. He received information to that effect some time ago, and he investigated Newman with the result that he found confirmation of his story. Newman always tried to make himself appear as young as possible, and he affected a style of dress that made him known throughout the city. He wore a Prince Albert coat and formerly always wore a mackintosh [waterproof raincoat], but in recent years discarded that. He wore a black wig and disguised himself or his age by dying his moustache black. He is said to have been a full cousin of the Daltons, who terrorized the country a number of years ago. Although Newman was 56 years of age, his attempts to disguise himself were so successful no one would take him for anything near that age.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 23, 1906
Annually each fall and spring for fifty years or more, Alton at this time of year and again later in the fall was visited by large numbers of movers going from the East to the West, or vice versa, in "prairie schooners," and Alton business men sold hundreds of dollars’ worth of supplies to these movers, who almost invariably stocked up here with food and clothing for themselves, and with feed, harness, etc. for their livestock, as they could obtain better bargains and better goods in Alton than in the small towns along their route. Of late years this travel has been growing less all the time for the reason that only unsatisfactory ferry service could be obtained. This year several movers, after reaching Alton, were compelled to drive to St. Louis to cross the river, although their objective points were in a direction north of Alton on the other side. Alton business men are suffering considerable loss because no ferryboat is plying the Mississippi river at this point this year. The farmers of Missouri Point can no longer bring their wagons loaded with produce into Alton and return to their homes with the wagons reloaded with Alton goods. It is said the ferry owners refuse to operate the boat unless a guarantee fund or bonus is pledged by the merchants and the matter was discussed last night at a meeting of the Retail Merchants' Association. It is being suggested that Alton businessmen buy the boat outright and conduct it themselves, or buy some other ferry boat, bring it here and put it to work. The idea of a bonus does not appeal to the members of the association as a body. Many are in favor of buying a boat and have it make ten round trips daily .... [unreadable]. This would give excellent service, it is claimed, and would tend to cause more and more people to come to Alton with their teams and wagons from Missouri Point.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 02, 1906
Today was the forty-sixth anniversary of the big cyclone that did great damage in Alton. Old residents will remember that on June 3, 1860, a storm swept over the city which destroyed a Catholic church, swept the downtown districts and did great destruction of property. Alton has not had such a storm since then, and the city has been supposed by the present generation to be protected from such visitations by the walls of stone in the Alton bluffs. The bluffs gave no such protection as it is supposed, then. An interesting coincidence today was that a miniature tornado swept over the city hall square at noon and carried a whirling cloud of dust and paper from Second and Market streets, around city hall toward the Bluff Line depot and then across the railroad tracks and the levee to the river.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 16, 1906
The wrecking of the Hewitt home on Liberty street will be begun Monday. In its place will be erected two residences, one for George R. Hewitt and the other for Harold H. Hewitt. The building to be wrecked was built in 1857 or 1857 by the late Judge W. H. Billings, and was one of the finest residences in Alton for many years. It has always been occupied by members of the Judge's family - Mrs. George R. Hewitt being his daughter.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 19, 1906
Complaints were made to the police today that a homeless girl was living in barns and stables in the west end of the city, in the past known as Skelladore, and that her conduct was such as to warrant an investigation. She would tell but little about herself, and said that she had been sleeping out in the open air in the pastures nearby, and when the weather was bad she would sleep in barns. She would not talk to anyone and seemed to desire to stay away from people of either sex. This afternoon Officer Burjes hunted over the territory she has been frequenting but could not find a trace of her. She was warned to stay away from some of the barns, but persisted in entering them and making her home there.

[Editor's Note: I could find only two mentions of Skelladore in the old newspapers, and it was stated that Skelladore was west of the water tanks on State Street. I do not know where water tanks were located on State Street.]


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 02, 1906
President Edward Rodgers of the Alton Paving Building and Fire Brick Co. is authority for the statement that six million brick have been sold to the contractors and delivered in Alton for the various brick pavings. These bricks are laid end to end would reach from Alton to Buffalo, and if loaded on cars would make a train of 600 cars. An idea of the magnitude of the Alton paving improvements can be gathered from these figures and facts.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 28, 1906
Many years ago, Fourth street between Piasa and Belle streets must have been a dumping ground for the city, judging from the character of material the workmen digging trenches for laying water pipes in Fourth street had to go through. About two feet below the level of the street paving, the workmen began digging up sheet iron such as may have been used in making vessels of various kinds. The ground was also full of scraps of old leather as if thrown out of a shoemaker's shop in ages gone by. The workmen had much difficulty in cutting through the depths of old metal, as it was several feet in thickness.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1906
Many couples were seized last night by the police in Happy Hollow, a domain bounded by Piasa, Market, Eighth and Ninth streets, in what is known as the old bucket factory grounds. There had been too much economy in the matter of marriage licenses in Happy Hollow. On one seemed to care about getting out licenses and paying for a clergyman when going to housekeeping. Six couples were dragged from their homes last night, having been indicted by the grand jury. Nine couples in all were subjects of true bills. In consequence there has been a cloud over the former sunny skies of Happy Hollow. The inhabitants have been taken to jail to await trial in the City court. The frequent fights and other disorderly occurrences in that district was the cause of the patience of the police being exhausted and the drastic action taken by the grand jury.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 21, 1906
Officers of the Commercial building company say that they will have the plans for their new building on Third street ready in one week, and that contractors will be invited to figure on the job at once. They expect to begin removing the building on the site of the proposed new office building immediately after the contract is let.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 22, 1906
After a half century of continuous ownership by one family, the harness store of A. H. Wuerker at State and Third streets has been sold by Mr. Wuerker to Frank Pickard, who was until recently in Kansas City. Mr. A. H. Wuerker said today he would retire from business in the hope of benefitting his health, which has not been good for some time. The business house was founded fifty years ago by Mr. Wuerker's father, C. Wuerker, who is still living in this city and is one of the most respected residents of the city. The reputation of the firm has always been above reproach, and the Wuerker's were characterized for fair dealing. A. H. Wuerker took the business from his father eighteen years ago. Mr. Pickard will take possession on Monday.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 24, 1906
Officers of the new Commercial building company, to be erected on Third street near State, hope to be able to submit plans to bidders this week for the construction of their new office and store building. They had very good success with their efforts to rent the quarters in their building, and they believe that they will make a complete success out of their venture. The office rooms are to be attractive and the store rooms are to be made convenient and up-to-date in every particular. It is said that the architect assures them that the building can be completed by May 1, and this stipulation will be put in the contracts.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 6, 1906
Bids were opened this afternoon for the wrecking of the two brick buildings on Third street, the Empire house and the Busse saloon building, to make room for the proposed new business and office block to be erected by the Commercial building company. Work of tearing down the buildings will be started Tuesday, and must be completed within 20 days. The contract will be awarded Monday, as two of the bidders offered to do the work for the same price. 


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 18, 1906
Joseph J. Wuellner & Son were the lowest bidders when the bids were opened in the office of Pfeiffenberger & Son, for the erection of the Commercial building on Third street. The lowest bid was about $42,000. The directors of the company will probably let the contract tomorrow. 


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 20, 1906
Contracts were signed this morning by J. J. Wuellner & Son for the erection of the Commercial building on Third street. The contract price is $43,361. 


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 23, 1906
Mr. W. H. Wiseman of this city has arranged for an opening of his new studio and an art exhibition associated with which is Mr. Will Young of Upper Alton. To this exhibition Mr. Wiseman invites the local artists and local amateur photographers to contribute. All work will be exhibited and contributors will kindly have same at the studio, Second and George streets, not later than noon of Monday, Oct. 29th. Paintings and photographs will be on exhibition the entire week commencing Oct. 29th. The studio will be open every evening until 9 o'clock. This is something never before attempted in Alton, and the public is cordially invited to attend. Among the St. Louis artists who will exhibit works are Mr. Wurple and Dawson-Watson.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 6, 1906
Wanted: Teams and shovelers at once. Apply at the site of the Commercial building on West Third Street. J. J. Wuellner & Son.


Source: November 10, 1906
The cellar or basement floor of the new Commercial building is going to be a costly affair, but it will be the one cellar in the city of Alton which will be proof against the high water from the river, which takes a spell of backing up into the cellars of the Third street stores whenever a flood comes. This basement will be used for mercantile purposes, and will be concreted complete. Under this concrete will be a layer of tar and asbestos and other materials which make the foundation walls and floor absolutely waterproof. The extra precaution taken is necessary, because of the nature of the stocks which will be placed in the basement, necessitating that it be absolutely dry. This work has started, and will be in full blast by Monday. The contractors, when they have completed the foundation, which is the most aggravating part of the big building, expect to make it rise rapidly, and bring about its completion before the time specified.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 20, 1906
The Alton post office site has been selected by the Treasury Department, the ground offered by B. J. O'Neill and Harvey Robinson, at the northwest corner of Third and Alby Streets, being accepted. The price to be paid for the property is $10,500. The site includes all the ground from the Alby Street curb line to the property line of the St. Paul's Episcopal rectory on Third Street, and from the Alby Street line to a point just north of the division line between the property and the Ginter property. According to the bid, the property must be turned over in condition for the erection of a building, that is the old buildings on there now must be torn down. The site is a very good one, considering the magnificent view from there, and it will also make a view of the new post office building a very attractive one from the city's water front. It would have been impossible to have selected a spot where the building could be shown off to better advantage. The inspector sent to Alton seemed to favor this site from the beginning. It was close to the main business center of the city and a majority of the manufacturing interests favored the locating of the post office in the west end of the city instead of taking it to the east end. The decision of the Treasury Department to accept the Alby Street site was received by the Telegraph last night, at a late hour. The plans for the new building will be selected by the Treasury Department. The pictures sent by Congressman Rodenberg to Alton during his campaign for congressman, represent the plan most approved by himself and by some Alton people to whom he submitted a number of plans for a choice to be made. The cost of the building will be about $50,000, and to this amount nearly $20,000 will be added for furnishings. The site selected is in a peculiarly religious neighborhood, there being five churches in the immediate vicinity, the Episcopal, Unitarian, Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist, and the Y.M.C.A. new buildings will be within a block of the place.

The original Alton post office was established on November 21, 1834, with postmaster Jacob C. Bruner. The location of that post office is unknown, but by 1853 the post office was located on Third Street. In 1896 the Laura Building at Market and Broadway served as the home of the post office, and in 1901. The new post office building mentioned in the article above and erected in 1907-8, was located at E. Third and Alby Street. In 1966, the post office was moved to Belle Street. Today, the Alton post office is located on the Homer Adams Parkway.

The property where the old post office still stands at Alby and E. Third Streets was once the home of the Hayden family. It was constructed in 1833 by Samuel Wade and William Hayden, and where George D. Hayden, Alton businessman, was born. It was later the home of the Marsh family, where druggist Ebenezer Marsh was born. The old homes were torn down in 1907, and the new post office opened in 1908. According to the Telegraph, the cost of the 1908 post office was $100,000. This post office was used until 1966, when a new post office was constructed at Ninth and Belle Streets, at an approximate cost of $344,667. The property was purchased from Union Electric. A portion of W. 8th Street was vacated for the construction of the Belle Street post office. The government believed the cost of renovating the old building at Alby Street, plus erecting an addition, and little parking space available, warranted the new building. The abandoned Alby Street post office was considered for use as a public library, but was found to be too small for that purpose. It was sold to Millers Mutual Insurance Association. The building still stands today.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 26, 1906
Police Officer James Patterson PackOne-eyed men seem to be getting into trouble in Alton, and they also seem to be so embarrassed financially that they cannot pay their fines, so they are compelled to go on the street sweeping gang. For a while today, Colonel James Pack had three one-eyed men on the gang of street cleaners. James W. Delay, the first one, has been discharged however, and allowed to depart from Alton, being ushered out of town by a police officer, but the other two are staying and will be engaged in the city's service indefinitely. One is a negro and the other a white man. The one-eyed men make good street sweepers, notwithstanding their affliction. Custodian James Patterson Pack, of the street cleaning prisoners’ gang, has been doing some very "bum" work lately, the paved streets after being swept up and raked off showing several large and very disreputable streaks all along the line. Investigation showed that three of Pack's workers had only one eye each, and these three, being able to see on only one side of the broom at the time, left the streaks in the streets. The Colonel commanding them was too busy being admired by the passing throng for his pulchritude [physical beauty] to allow him to inspect the job of cleaning very closely, and besides he was trying to set to music the words:

"I'm a dandy copper of the Alton squad, I'm a Sergeant and a beaut you see,
And the ladies cry, as they pass by, Look at purty Jimmie Patsy P.
I'm standing in with the aldermen, And me, trusty club and me,
Were put on the police, for to keep the peace. I'm a wonder; I am James P. P."

Another thing connected with the matter is the fact that out of the eight men on the street cleaning gang at the time, only five had two eyes each and that made the total of eyes just thirteen. Thirteen always played the hoodoo's part in Pack's life, and may have something to do with streaked streets.

James Patterson Pack (nicknamed Colonel Pack or “Old Jim”) was a well-known Alton resident. He was born April 11, 1843, in St. Clair, Missouri. As a boy, Pack learned to play the fiddle while spending long hours in bed after accidentally chopping off some of his toes. He became an accomplished player and storyteller. He joined the Cavalry of the Union Army at the age of 20, and at the battle of Wilson’s Creek in Missouri, he was badly wounded in the jaw. After recovering, he went back into the service, continuing until the close of the war.

Pack came to Alton in 1870 to work at the blacksmith shop at the Hapgood Plow Company. He became well known, and his talents were put to good use at many events playing his fiddle and entertaining with stories of the Civil War.

Pack eventually joined the Alton Police Force, and up until the time of his death, he was the only officer to obtain the rank of Sergeant. He was a police officer for 18 years.

Pack died in 1925, and was given a military funeral. He is buried in the Alton City Cemetery. He left behind two daughters and three grandsons, William, Edward, and August. His wife, Mary, died in 1919.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 14, 1907
The Telegraph today celebrated its 71st birthday anniversary. The date of the Telegraph's anniversary is the date for the launching of another daily newspaper in Madison county, the Edwardsville Daily Intelligencer, the first daily paper established at the county seat, and congratulations are given by the old to the new across the county. The Telegraph intends to grow better and better in its old age, and to be stronger and more pleasing to its good readers. In the past few years many improvements have been made which have met the approval of its constituents. In the future, more and greater ones may be expected. The Telegraph intends to keep step with the growth of Alton, and just a little in advance of it, so that Alton people may always be proud of having a newspaper in it that will be a credit to the city. Good newspapers are the best advertisement of a city, and as such the Telegraph hopes to continue as the hallmark of a growing, thriving city where peace and goodwill thrive and where everyone is working for the good of the community. On its 71st birthday the Telegraph feels strong and in better condition than ever before to cover the news field of Alton, and to give the people an interesting newspaper.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 14, 1907
100 girls to work at the Dawson Overall Manufacturing Company's plant, Third and Piasa Street. Experience not necessary. Wages paid while learning. Can earn from $4 to $12 per week when experienced. Power machines. Nice clean work.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 19, 1907
A party of Chicago people, two women and a man, were in Alton a few days Young workers at Illinois Glass in Altonago trying to get some facts about “poverty” in Alton. The ladies said when they arrived here, that they had learned that Alton was a “poverty-stricken” place, and that they were here to investigate and give help. It developed, however, that they were probably investigators along child labor lines, as they confined their efforts to the glass works, principally. They applied at the glassworks for admission to the grounds, saying they were not child labor inspectors, but had only a desire to “go through the plant.” They were refused permission on the grounds that former visitors at the place had misrepresented conditions, and therefore all Chicago people would be looked upon with suspicion as being emissaries of the societies there, which have been attacking manufacturing institutions in the state, especially at Alton. The two ladies then stood outside the glassworks’ gates, and they asked the boys who were going from work to stand for “snapshots.” The boys exacted 25 cents each from the women, and big bunches of boys then crowded into the field of the camera lens and had their pictures taken. The three visitors were disappointed at not being able to get into the glassworks. They were directed to Mrs. S. Demuth when they first said they were desirous of looking up the condition of the poor in Alton, but they did not see her. They hired a carriage, and it is supposed they inspected the poor through the windows of a closed carriage.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 13, 1907
The contracts for the construction of a new building to be used as a mill and factory by the McPike Paper Company were let yesterday afternoon in the office of Architects L. Pfeiffenberger & Son. Henry Schuelle captured the general contract at $11,250, and David Wilson secured the stone work at $495.50. The building will be located on the old Alton House site on Front street, and construction work is to begin as soon as possible. Since J. H. McPike started his corrugated paper factory several years ago, he has made it a most successful business. He organized a few years ago a company, the members of which are all active business men, are hustlers and have money. Alton ought to be pleased with the evident success of one of her sons, and Altonians generally should help boost the factory and its products whenever and wherever possible.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 17, 1907
The room at Third and Piasa streets, formerly occupied by Robert Brueggemann and now occupied by the Y. M. C. A. headquarters, has been leased to the Sessel Bros. of Fairfield and Bunker Hill. These gentlemen will, after repairs have been made to the building, open a gent’s furnishing room. They are now in the same line of business in Fairfield and Bunker Hill. The repairs ordered for the room, including a new front, would indicate the newcomers intend establishing a very fashionable store.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 22, 1907
The first speedy up and doing real passenger elevator ever installed in Alton is now being placed in the Commercial building. It will be operated with electricity, and will shoot you up and down from floor to floor of the building at a rapid rate. The elevator is one of the latest and most modern and speedy made.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 24, 1907
In the building of the magnificent Commercial building there seems nothing that is forgotten as one walks through this fine office building, but one point slipped the promoters after all. The wires for telephones were forgotten, and no provision made for them. Of course, they can now be placed, and it will make no difference, but it was the plan of the owners to have everything in the way of wires inside the walls, and the telephones were forgotten. The telephone companies, however, promise to place all of the phone wires so that no one will know that they are there.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 31, 1907
That a street in Alton could have been passing under an assumed name for three-quarters of a century is a very queer fact, but according to City Engineer T. M. Long, this is the case. He claims that Belle Street as it is known should be Beall Street, as that was the name on the original plat of the city. It is said that the street was named for Edmond Beall, the grandfather of the present mayor, as he was one of the first residents of Alton and was president of the board of trustees of the First Methodist Church of Alton, established over 75 years ago on that street. The records of the old church at Fifth and Belle Streets show that certain privileges were granted by the city to that church, and this fact aroused the interest of Mayor Beall, who in talking the matter over with the city engineer, discovered that the name of the street was originally Beall Street, and that it was so platted. Mayor Beall says that the name Beall was pronounced as spelled "Bell" by many of the olden time people, and that in this way, he believes, the name of the street became changed to Belle Street. When street signs were put up the name was changed to "Belle" without any authority of the city council, and for many years the street has been known as Belle Street. The matter has been taken up by some of the friends of Mayor Beall who say that they will ask the city council to re-establish the old name of the street in honor of Mayor Beall, or rather rescue the original name of the street from oblivion and hereafter give the street the name it had when it was first laid out.

Belle Street was never changed back to Beall Street, but another street in Alton was given the name Beall Street, located just south of E. 20th Street, and west of Liberty Street.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 10, 1907
The formal christening of the new steamer, Alton, and the presentation of a bell by the citizens of Alton for use on this boat, took place Monday afternoon. The Alton arrived at 4 o'clock, escorted by the Spread Eagle. Both boats were handsomely decorated and were flying full stands of colors as they steamed into Alton harbor. The presentation of the bell was one of the features of the program, and it was an incident of the reception which was very pleasing to the Eagle Packet company, owners of the new boat, as it manifested a feeling of cordiality and appreciation of the citizens of Alton for the naming of the steamer after the city, which is the home of the principal owners. Alton has always had a very deep interest in the Eagle Packet Co., as it is here that the stockholders have owned their homes. A large crowd of people went to St. Louis this morning on the Spread Eagle. Headed by the White Hussar band, members of the Manufacturers' association, Commercial club, Retail Merchants, Naval Militia and citizens left here on the Spread Eagle at 9:15 o'clock. The naval militia gun crew was in the party and they had the Hotchkiss gun with them. After the Spread Eagle left, many went to St. Louis on electric cars and trains to make the trip up to Alton on the steamer Alton. Many who could not get invitations paid their fare to be in the party. The Alton had never made much of a trip under her own steam before, and naturally the machinery was a little stiff. The boat is one of the finest on the Mississippi and is the best ever built or owned by the Eagle Packet Co. Her size and equipment are such as to make her exactly suited for the excursion business, for which she is intended principally. The christening of the boat by Miss Dorothy Ferguson, the 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ferguson, was an event in the program. The boat on coming to Alton harbor first touched at the wharf-boat to take a few passengers on board, and then pulled away from the wharf and moved above so the bow of the boat could be stuck in the mud on the bank of the levee. It was then and there that the christening took place. The naval militia gun crew fired a salute of 21 guns from their Hotchkiss gun. Miss Ferguson broke a bottle of champagne over the bow of the boat as the bow stuck in the mud, and then the new flag to float from the foremast was hauled up and saluted. The arrival of the new boat was signaled by whistling of all steam craft in the harbor and by the vigorous tooting of the whistles of the Alton and the Spread Eagle. The presentation of the bell was done by Rev. A. A. Tanner of the Congregational church, in behalf of the citizens of Alton who made up the purse to buy the bell. The response was made by Capt. Leyhe of the Eagle Packet Co. Capt. Leyhe, in receiving the bell, told of the small beginning of his company and of its career, and expressed the utmost appreciation, in behalf of his company, of the gift of the bell. An address of welcome was made by W. P. Boynton, city comptroller, in behalf of the city of Alton. Congressman W. A. Rodenberg made an address on deep waterways. The White Hussar band played several selections and then the public was invited to inspect the new boat. This evening an excursion will be given by the Eagle Packet Co., which will be complimentary to the citizens of Alton. Invitations have been issued for the excursion, and this will be the first outing on the handsome new steamer.

Steamboat Alton

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 10, 1907
The Noll Baking Company will open a first-class restaurant in the basement of the Commercial building, under the confectionery the same company will have on the first floor.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 11, 1907
The steamer Alton is the property of the Eagle Packet Company. She was pronounced a perfect piece of mechanism by the throngs of people who visited her. She was built at Ed Howard's shipyards in Jeffersonville, Indiana, under the direct supervision of Commodore Henry Leyhe, general manager of the Eagle Packet Company, at a cost of $75,000. The Alton's dimensions are: Length, 246 feet, and beam, 38 feet. She has a 7-foot hold, 5 boilers, 42 inches in diameter and 26 feet long; cylinders of 24-inch diameter and 8-foot stroke. Her cabin is of beautiful design, having staterooms 30 feet long and handsomely furnished. There is also a large and spacious boiler deck with a dancing floor 110 feet in length and 14 in width. No expense was spared in the Alton's equipment, the furnishings, wares and linens being most costly. The lower decks are very roomy, and there is a place for an ice cream and luncheon parlor for the accommodation of excursionists. A gilded gold ball adorns the space between the chimneys - the trademark of her company. The pilot house is octagonal in shape and quite in keeping with her other appointments. The handsome bell, which was presented to the boat by the citizens of Alton, bears on its inscription the fact that it was presented by the citizens of Alton on the 10th of June, 1907, and concludes with the sentiment, "Ring for Alton." The new packet gives every promise of being a swift traveler, and hopes to break the record from St. Louis to Alton, which is as follows: Steamer Alton, one hour and thirty-seven minutes, take a "cut one hour and thirty-six minutes, taking the bends." The new steamer will be placed in the excursion business on June 20, leaving on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for Alton and Chautauqua. Commodore Henry Leyhe will be in command, with Capt. Frank King in the pilot house. There have been three other Altons, or with that word in the name of the steamers. The Altona, built in 1855; the City of Alton, built in 1860; The Belle of Alton, built in the 1870s; and now the Alton, pure and simple. The Altona was the fastest steamer that has ever turned a wheel on the Mississippi. The City of Alton, a very fast steamer and won fame during the war as a government vessel, carrying the arms from St. Louis arsenal in 1861, bringing them to Alton, where they were placed on cars and taken to Springfield, to arm Union soldiers. She was afterwards used as the flagship of Major General Fremont's flotilla, which carried his great army from St. Louis to Cairo and other near points. The Belle of Alton, built and owned by Capt. John A. Bruner, and which was burned at New Orleans. The Alton has her spurs to win, but she is a good looker, and as the Eagle Packet Company is always lucky with their boats, she will no doubt become famous and a favorite as all the other Altons.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 24, 1907
As a result of improvements being made to the Cathedral orphanage on Prospect street, an old landmark in Alton, the "Lee House," erected over fifty years ago on Prospect street by James H. Lee, is being torn down. The house was the original part of the Cathedral Orphanage, but time and increases the number of inmates of the institution made it necessary for additions from time to time. An addition in the form of a wing was built on one end, and then another wing was put on the other end, both wings being fine buildings of modern design. The old Lee house, which formed the center of these additions, was ill arranged for use as an orphanage and it was decided to tear it down and substitute for it a handsome center which would be adapted for the needs of the orphanage. Work of demolishing the old part of the building has been completed and construction of the new part will be started.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 18, 1907
The county court of Madison county will have to declare that the village of South Alton is a dead one and no longer exists, before the people of the territory included within its corporate limits can do anything further towards organizing a village form of government as some of them are desirous of doing. Many residents, however, do not want a village form of government, but prefer asking Alton to annex the territory. The residents of the district at a special election ordered by the County court a few years ago decided to organize the village of South Alton, and later at another special election elected a mayor, clerk, and full set of aldermen. These latter, however, never qualified, it being discovered that the enemies of incorporation were only waiting for such an act on their part to institute quo warranto proceedings and oust them as, after the election, it was learned that the whole proceedings would be knocked out because the village limits took in more territory than allowed by law. The condition has remained in status quo ever since. The village of South Alton exists, as per official result of the election, but it is officerless, and the opponents of incorporation are content without bringing the threatened law proceedings. The friends of incorporation will now have to petition the county judge to disincorporate them or declare the election null and void, in order that further steps may be taken towards incorporating a separate village government or annexing to Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 03, 1907
Work of tearing down the old building on the site sold to the Federal government for the post office has been started. The owners of the property must turn the property over to the post office department cleared and ready for the erection of the building. Messrs. O'Neill and Robinson, the principal grantors, undertake to clear the grounds of all the buildings. The houses on the site are nearly three-quarters of a century in age, and they are in fairly good condition now. Indeed, they might have rounded out the century mark safely but for the sale to the government. Commanding a good view of the river, they were always occupied, notwithstanding their great age, and those who have lived there in the past will envy the occupants of the post office, the magnificent view they will have when the new building is completed. Some of Alton's oldest native citizens, still prominent in business circles, were born in the place. The houses were built by Samuel Wade and William Hayden in 1833. Dr. E. Marsh, the druggist, was one of the Alton men born in one of the houses, and George D. Hayden, another old citizen, was born in one of them. The house at the extreme west end of the row is probably the oldest of all, and was erected before the other. It belonged at one time to Benjamin Godfrey, and during the course of his business ventures was encumbered by debt and relieved of debt so many times the work of making an abstract of the title was very heavy, because of the numbers of transfers.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 12, 1907
The sale of the Haagen Dry Goods Company's store to a new company to be organized, the Gates-Clark Dry Goods Co., was completed this morning. The members of the firm whose name will appear in the company are W. C. Gates and W. C. Clark. It was said today by Mr. Gates that invoicing of the stock would be started Wednesday, and that as soon thereafter as possible, the store would be transferred to the new owners and they would begin stocking up for the fall trade. The sale of the Haagen store marks the passing of that name from the Alton retail merchants list after 55 years. The business was founded by Louis Haagen Sr., and he conducted it up to the time of his death. Afterwards his sons conducted the business. The new purchasers are men of long experience on Third street. Mr. Gates, the senior member, had 21 years’ experience in the dry goods store and resigns a good position in St. Louis to return to Alton. Mr. Clark has been connected with various stores fifteen years, and was with Lehne's store until Saturday.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 14, 1907
The new gentlemen's clothes shop of the Sessel Bros. at Third and Piasa Streets was opened today, and all day Altonians have been passing in and out of the pretty store to view the interior and get a pretty little souvenir. The new store is a valuable addition to the beauty of Piasa Street, and marks the beginning of high-class improvements on this street for mercantile purposes. The Sessel store, with all modern fixtures along the mission style, presents a beautiful appearance. Henry Sessel, one of the Sessel brothers, and Maurice Sessel, a nephew, are in charge of the store, and will make their home and center their interests in Alton.

Sessel's Clothing Store, located at the southeast corner of Third & Piasa Streets in downtown Alton, was opened on September 14, 1907. Owners Henry and Maurice Sessel offered quality clothing for gentlemen. The store was expanded and remodeled in 1914, and in 1920 the company added two elevators. The business continued in this location until November 1946, when the store was sold to Lyttons, which later became Myers Brothers. From 1926-1931, the Brown Business College was also located here.

Early in the history of Alton, the Illinois Iron Works (1853-1863); the Patterson Foundry Works (1863-1873); and the Western Screw & Manufacturing Company (1873-?) was located on this property. The building still stands, and is occupied by the Argosy Company.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 02, 1907
President Theodore Roosevelt has come and gone. He received the message sent to him by Mayor Edmond Beall, and he was piloted down the river from Grafton by an Alton yacht, the Transit, with Captain E. H. Webb at the wheel. The parade of steamboats was the most imposing ever seen in recent years on the Mississippi. Nine steamboats passed down the river in Alton harbor and through the Alton bridge. The President's boat, “Mississippi,” carrying his official flag, leading with the other boats following in this order: Lily, Col. A. Mackenzie, Sidney, Columbia, Illinois, The David Swain, Liberty, and Belle of Calhoun.

From the summit of every bluff, from the sandbars on the other side, fromPresident Theodore Roosevelt the woods and on the dikes, from yachts and from steamboats, the congratulations of the public were sent and everybody said "Hello Teddy" as loud as he could say it. It was an inspiring sight to witness the parade of the steamboats in the gray of the early dawn. The boats still carried the full blaze of electric lights and presented a magnificent appearance. The whole distance was made slowly as explosions booming from quarries and elsewhere told that people were waiting to see the President. The Chief Magistrate of the nation stood in the pilot house of the [steamer] Mississippi, and seemed much interested in the running of the boat. Although the start from Grafton was made at 5 o'clock, just as day began to break in a big bank of black clouds down river, the line of steamers did not arrive at Alton until 6:30, while the trip could have been made in one hour. The pilots exercised the greatest of care, running on "slow bell" all the way, and an expert pilot who watched them make the trip said that they were taking the channel exactly.

At Alton, the levee was lined with people. Most of them took a tall, stately looking gentleman on the deck of the Belle of Calhoun for Roosevelt. He wore a silk hat and bowed gracefully, while the real President, in the pilot house of the Mississippi, did not make any acknowledgement of the salutes and the ovation he was receiving. The harbor and riverfront were filled with yachts and yacht owners preferring to stay ashore, fearing that their boats would be swamped if they ventured out. A big throng stood on the Alton bridge, while others could be seen from the river covering roofs of houses and the depot and manufacturing plants on the levee. There is no doubt that the slow progress of the boats after reaching Grafton was for the purpose of allowing the President to take a look at Alton and give the people in Alton an opportunity to witness the fine parade.


Was Once on Baptist Church Tower
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 8, 1907
The old clock which stood for many years on the First Baptist church tower, and which has been out of use since the old church was torn down, has been fully repaired and arrived this afternoon. It will be set in place on the dome of the city building at once by the St. Louis firm having the contract. The city council made an appropriation to install this clock. The time piece was a good one for many years, and it is believed that its installation on the city building will be the cause of much thankfulness on the part of the public, who will be accommodated thereby.

The Baptist congregation originally met for worship in Lyceum Hall, at the northeast corner of Broadway and Alby Street. In 1836, the congregation decided to build a new church at the southeast corner of Broadway and Easton Streets. They used this building until 1860, when the church was destroyed by fire. The remains of the church building, including the clock, were torn down, and the Kendall Cracker Factory built their factory on the property in 1864 (the factory building still stands). The clock was repaired and set in the dome of the Alton City Hall in 1907. The Alton City Hall (and presumably the clock) was destroyed by fire on April 21, 1924.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 23, 1907
The police department is trying to find out who owns an iron bridge which has found its way into the hands of a dealer in old iron. The bridge weighs about two tons and has a span of 36 feet. It is believed to be the old bridge which formerly spanned the creek on Main street near the foot of the hill, one block west of Belle street. It is claimed that when the bridge was taken out and a stone arch was put in there, the old bridge was hauled to the vacant lot adjoining Eliot hose house and stored there for use elsewhere when occasion should arise. The bridge was never used, and about ten years time has elapsed since it was stored there. Recently the bridge was hauled away by a dealer in old iron, and by him sold to another dealer. The city must establish a claim by identifying the bridge as the one taken from Main street and restitution will be insisted upon.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28, 1908
John Philip Sousa, the great bandmaster, will make his first visit in Alton the afternoon of February 4. Manager Sauvage was able to close a contract for the great bandmaster and 53 pieces of music, as he is on his way to St. Louis. The matinee will be given in the Temple, and already inquiries about seats are being made. It will be the greatest musical event since the appearance of the Thomas orchestra of Chicago in Alton, and there is no doubt the attendance will be large. Neighboring cities will send delegations of music lovers.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 18, 1908
To see how much whisky affected their nerves, three boilermakers employed at the Wood River refinery walked out of a Second street saloon last evening, and each with a revolver in hand walked down the street playing wild west. They were shooting at telephone and other poles along the way, and had everyone who was abroad at that hour terrified. Telephone messages were sent to the police station to get policemen on the track of the three bad men, but the desperadoes had a start of three or four blocks, and they lost no time in getting out of the way. They were not arrested.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 23, 1908
Elk's Lodge, Alton, ILThe Alton lodge of Elks had a big time Saturday night in connection with the housewarming and dedication of their new home at Second [Broadway] and Easton streets. There was a big attendance of Elks from out of the city, and almost every Elk in the vicinity of Alton was present. Harry Shephard of Jerseyville, District Deputy Exalted Ruler, had charge of the dedicatory work, and the officers of Alton lodge filled the various stations and assisted in the carrying out of the ritual ceremony for dedicating a new lodge building. After the program of the evening, a number of addresses were given, and the evening was given over to the enjoyment of a program of impromptu speeches, and some refreshments which had been prepared by Steward George Carroll. It was 1 o'clock in the morning when the 11 o'clock longhorns went home, but it is said that the reason the festivities lasted so long was that someone painted out the 11 figure on the clock and painted a double 11 in the place where 1 o'clock should have been. Starr's orchestra furnished the music.

The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks was founded in New York in 1868 as a social club for minstrel show performers. The organization borrowed rituals and practices from Freemasonry, however by the first decade of the 20th century, much of this had been abandoned. The Alton Lodge was founded in December 1901, as 41 men became “wearers of the purple and the elk-tooth.” The following were made officers: A. W. Young, Exalted Ruler; H. H. Ferguson, Esteemed Leading Knight; Joseph Holl, Esteemed Lecturing Knight; W. M. Sauvage, Esteemed Loyal Knight; B. L. Dorsey, Secretary; H. O. Tonsor, Treasurer; G. F. Crowe, Tyler; E. C. Haagen, O. J. Gossrau, and R. H. Levis, trustees.

The Alton Elks purchased for former home of John Schweppe, founder of the Alton Schweppe Clothing Store, for their lodge. The building was located at the southwest corner of Broadway and Easton Street, and was erected in 1870. The Elks added a club room and ballroom on the second floor. The building was razed in 1998 by the new owners - the Alton Telegraph. The lot sits empty today.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 24, 1908
The tearing down of the third of the three oldest houses in the city of Alton was completed today by the C. L. Gray Construction Co., on the site to be occupied by the new hotel building. The three houses were erected in the early days of Alton and have been the silent witnesses of many stirring events in the city. The houses, in their day, were palaces, and were indeed very worthy examples of enterprise in a comparatively new city in a wilderness, as Alton was when the houses were built in 1836 and 1837. The materials used in constructing the houses was the very best, and the houses were well built. It was hard work tearing apart the oak timbers, when even the lathes under the plastering were of oak. The members of the new hotel corporation hope to have their plans perfected in a short time and will then proceed with the erection of the building. They are still receiving subscriptions to the fund of $25,000 to be added to the hotel capital stock to enlarge the building. There now remain in Alton very few old houses which date back as far as 1837. Within the last year or two several in the neighborhood of Third and Market have given away to the march of progress. At the site occupied by the Y.M.C.A. building now, several old houses were torn down, and on the site to be occupied by the post office building were several other houses which were as old, and were occupied by the big men of the early day of Alton. The settlement in that neighborhood was erected at a time when it was expected Alton would be a big city, and the founders were making their homes the nucleus of the city they thought would later stand there.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 6, 1908
Captain Otis Irons of St. Louis, accompanied by his niece, Mrs. Mollie Hymers, is spending several days in Alton, shaking hands with old friends and visiting his former home in the North Side. Captain Irons was contemporary with Captains Lamothe, Bruner, Belless, Adams and Joe Brown, in the palmy days of steamboating on the Mississippi. He was the "man on the roof" of such floating palaces as the Belle of Alton, Shuyler, J. S. Pringle and others, and was the first one to establish a daily packet trade between Alton and Grafton. Captain Irons' home was always open to entertain friends, and he had the reputation of being one of the most reputable men on the river. Not only was he famous in this respect, but he was a man of taste, beautifying his home with many varieties of rare trees, and adorning his lawn with deer. The fence around his home is suggestion of his occupation, and although built some forty years ago, it still stands intact with its graceful wooing curves, not unlike the waves of the ocean. Captain Irons is frequently mistaken for Mark Twain, the famous river man and story teller, and like Mark he himself is a witty and most entertaining talker. He tells the following anecdote about himself: while in Cincinnati he was stopping at one of the leading hotels, and a man coming up behind him slapped him on the back and said enthusiastically, "Why hello, Mark!" "Hello yourself," said Captain Irons, "but I believe you are mistaken in your man." "No, I'm not, I know you too well, you've been on the Mississippi too long for me to forget you." "Yes, I have been a river man, but Mark learned the upper, and I learned the lower, that's the only difference between us." "You can't fool me," he said, "I know you, and that's the way you always did joke me," then returning to his friends said, "I'll introduce you all to Mark tonight." Captain Irons is 82 years old and walks as spry as a much younger man, he has a deep interest in Alton and predicts for it a great future.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10, 1909
The Old Ladies Home will not be erected on the old site on Belleview avenue. This was determined yesterday when the building committee, acting under instructions of the board of directors, bought five lots on State street in the North Side, from Joseph Krug, for $2,100. It was stated today by members of the committee that the contractor will be authorized to start work at once on the new building. The old site is for sale. It was said today that if anyone desires to purchase the property, now is their chance, and that if anyone would give the city a park site, or is willing to pay a part of the price that will be asked, a subscription can be made up to pay the balance. The directors believe the property is worth more than $5,000, the price that has been offered, and say that they have a standing offer of $6,000.


Source: Syracuse, New York Post Standard, May 7, 1909
Beds and furnishings of the Alton pest house were stolen yesterday by burglars who broke into the unoccupied building. The city authorities now fear an epidemic of smallpox, as it is expected the beds and coverings will be sold.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 19, 1909
Constable J. H. Dailey yesterday defended his s13 year old son, Joe Dailey, from a vicious attack by an eagle that had a 7-foot spread of wings. Constable Dailey was out shooting squirrels, and seeing two birds sailing around overhead, he mistook them for hawks and fired at one of them, killing it instantly. The dead bird dropped to the ground at the feet of the two hunters. The other eagle disappeared in the tree tops for a few seconds, but in another second appeared on the ground with its wings outspread and every indication of wrath in its action. The bird was doubtless a mate of the surviving eagle, and the living bird was after revenge. Constable Dailey says that the big bird made a rush at his son and got so close he could not use his gun for fear of shooting the boy. The boy backed away and tripped over a log, falling prostrate. In another instant the big eagle would have sunk its talons in the flesh of the boy, and perhaps would have done him injury, but Constable Dailey, the father, seized his shotgun by the barrel and making a stroke with it, struck the eagle on the back of the head and killed it. He brought both dead birds to Upper Alton, and will have them mounted by William Stork.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 7, 1909
Maybe men working in the river in future years may wonder how there happens to be an immense pile of old revolvers and pistols in Alton harbor, if dredgers ever come upon them. There will be a good pile and if the present Chief of Police continues his practice for many years to come, it may pay someone to dredge in the river for old iron. The river is the graveyard of the Fourth of July weapons taken from celebrants, and also the revolvers that are being taken from prisoners arrested for carrying concealed weapons. The revolvers that are good are kept and some day may be sold, but those which are of the cheap, worthless kind that are not worth keeping are being sunk in the depths of the Mississippi. A few weeks ago Chief of Police Maxwell threw into the river 75 old, worthless weapons, and today he added twenty-five more to the river graveyard pile. In addition, he has a good number of weapons of better quality the police confiscated and is keeping them until such time as it may be decided to hold a public sale of confiscated firearms. In the meantime, the valuable ones are being hung up in a chain of revolvers at police headquarters.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 17, 1909
A man with a voice and endurance of vocal organs that would be the envy of a member of the United States Senate making a "talking-against-time" speech, annoyed the people along the river front last night. For eleven straight hours the man "preached" from a houseboat across the river in a clump of trees off McPike Island, and he kept at it without a pause or a break of any kind. No one could understand what the man was saying, and it is believed that he was speaking some foreign tongue, but the intonation of his voice is described by those who heard him as being like that of a person who belonged to the class known as "exhorters." At the Pieper hotel, the sound was so plain it was believed it was coming from the city jail, and that some insane person was locked up and was making the night hideous with his ravings. The night police got excited about it late in the night, when they traced the sound to McPike's island, but the hour was so late no one could be found to take them across. Capt. W. D. Fluent's boat, "Cash," was disabled and could not be used. This morning, when he got his yacht repaired after 9 o'clock, Capt. Fluent took a party across the river to investigate the man, but after locating the houseboat in which he was living, he found no one inside. The place was vacant, except for the belongings of the inmate. There is no one else on McPike island but the man who lives in the one houseboat, every other craft having been sunk or damaged by the recent storm so they are untenantable. No one was on the island who could explain the mystery of the man with the big voice who could talk as continuously as if he was a graphophone that had a never-run-down spring in it. His voice was so strong, it was said by Capt. Fluent, he could be heard across the river, a distance of half a mile, as well as if he was close by, the only difference being that his words were not articulated at that distance and only the sound of a continuous shouting could be heard. It is believed that the man is crazed. His shantyboat is unpainted and lies well in behind the willow trees on the island.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 6, 1909
After considerable delay caused by fire in the building and other incidents, the F. M. Kirby Co. are pleased to announce to the people of Alton and vicinity that they will have an informal opening of their new 5 and 10 cent store from 2 o'clock to 6 p.m. on Friday, October 8. A first-class orchestra will discourse sweet music and the store will be handsomely decorated with palms and potted plants. There will be no goods sold on this date, this arrangement being made for the sole purpose of allowing the public to walk leisurely through the building and inspect the values of the goods on sale and to see the type of stores this notable firm conducts throughout the country. The store will be formally opened for business at 8 a.m. on Saturday, October 9, when everything in stock will be placed on sale, the highest price being 10 cents.

Woolworth's, Alton, ILThe store is located at 119 W. 3rd Street, formerly occupied by J. H. Booth Jewelry store, and has been remodeled by the F. M. Kirby & Co. for their special occupation, and will be devoted entirely to the sale of 5 and 10 cent goods. The main and second floors will be used as sale rooms, while the 3rd floor and basement will be used as stockrooms. Altonians probably do not realize that this store marks the development of one of the greatest mercantile enterprises in the United States from a small beginning until it now includes a chain of seventy-five stores, many of which are located in the large cities of the east, selling millions of dollars’ worth of goods annually, and having thousands of employees on its payroll. We predict that the people of Alton will be proud of this establishment, and that the business will receive the patronage it so richly deserves. Mr. H. J. May, a clever and energetic young man, will be placed in charge as manager, and will be pleased to correct any errors or inattention on the part of employees.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 9, 1909
After ten days’ time, when the new wine room ordinance takes effect, no woman can get a drink or be entertained in any licensed saloon or any room connected therewith, upstairs or downstairs, without the proprietor being subject to a $25 fine, and for second offense the revocation of his license is the penalty. The ordinance, which was passed unanimously under suspension of the rules, is as follows, in effect: It shall be unlawful for any person, persons or corporation engaged in the business of selling at wholesale or retail spirituous, vinous or malt liquors to permit any female, married or single, to be entertained therein or in any room connected with the building in which liquors are sold, either by side entrance leading to or connecting with the same by stairways to upper room, nor shall wines or beers, or liquors of any kind be furnished to any female connected therewith. The ordinance was made as drastic as possible to abate a tendency toward evil that required some firm controlling power to restrain it. As stated last evening, there was no wine room ordinance in the city revised ordinances, it having been omitted through oversight and the new ordinance is the strictest one that has ever been in force.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 7, 1910
The dead King of England, while Prince of Wales, made a tour of this country in 1860, and among other places where he was given great ovation was Alton. He was brought in over the C. & A. in a special train, occupied by himself and suite, and from this city he went to St. Louis on the steamer "City of Alton," then brand new, and one of the most elegantly appointed boats on the river. The streets of Alton and the levee for a great distance were crowded with people anxious to greet the Prince, and was given a magnificent ovation here. George W. Cutter, the ex-engineer and now one of Alton's street inspectors, remembers the appearance of the then Prince very well, and speaks very kindly of the democratic manner of the coming king. Mr. Cutter had charge of the engine which piloted the special train from Dwight to Alton. He was given the choice of taking charge of the engine pulling the king's train, or of the engine which was to go ahead and see that everything was all right. He chose the pilot engine. He says that the schedule was reduced to thirty miles an hour and there was a flagman or watchman at every crossing and country road between Dwight and Alton. Mr. Cutter says the prince was a very slim youth when here, and was between 18 and 19 years old. He was cordial to everybody and interested greatly in all things American he saw, and in the ovations given him.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 16, 1910
Felix Yost, who has charge of the steam shovel at the Alton brick plant, yesterday evening scooped up with one big shovel of earth the skull and part of the breast bone of a human body. Search was made for the rest of the body and it was found in about the same condition as the head and breast. News of the find spread, and old residents began thinking back as it were, and they remembered that the place where the quarrying is now being done was a neighborhood burying ground, forty or more years ago. Peter Meyer, near whose place on the Brighton Road the skeleton was dug up, remembers about the old burying ground, and so do others, although its existence had long been forgotten. It is thought the shovel is working on the edge of the burying ground and that is the reason why only one skeleton has been found. Others are inclined to believe there was no regular burying ground where the quarry now is - but that it was further away by one hundred yards at least. However, that may be, the bones were found and were afterwards buried elsewhere to lie undisturbed until they return to dust. It is said the property once belonged to David Jones, and that some members of his family were buried there. The steam shovel was moved to that point about ten days ago.

The Alton Brick Plant was located just north of Roberts Motors, off of North Alby Street in Godfrey Township. This area was called Coal Branch, after the stream that ran through the area. There was a small community of mostly coal miners and their families who settled there and worked the nearby coal mines. The settlement included a school and church. David Jones, mentioned in the article above, was a leading citizen of Coal Branch. He came to Coal Branch in 1853, and opened a grocery store with a meeting hall on the second floor. He died in 1888, and was buried in the Godfrey Cemetery. Whether or not there was a cemetery in the Coal Branch area is unknown. I have never found any evidence of one there, but it’s possible that there was in the very early days of Madison County.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 24, 1910
The "wild man" who terrified the people living in the neighborhood of Hull's bluff was captured this afternoon by Officer Henry Tisius and is in the city jail. He is a harmless old man whose reason has been dethroned, probably by illness and privations. He did not appear to be suffering for want of food. He was clothed when he came to town, notwithstanding reports that came from people near Hull's Bluff several weeks ago that he was wandering around, half naked and terrifying everyone. The old man was polite and grateful for any attentions. On her person were found a number of papers on which he had written incoherent letters as if pleading for some kind of aid. The old man said that he lived 32 years in San Francisco, and he wanted to get back there. His hair is white and his beard is gray. He appears to be over 70 years of age. In the letters he wrote he said he was destitute, and was begging for help. He also had a prayer he had written with ink. He gave his name as Alexander Slermann. He had the address of Roy A. Mount of Decatur, and a card with the name of Joseph W. Amis of Clinton, a lawyer. He is being held in the city jail. It is probably he may be taken into court and adjudged insane. The old man appears to have seen better days. He claims that some marks on his person were received in the Rocky Mountains while he was living in the "fast west," and he seemed very anxious to get back to the place where he had spent so many years.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 29, 1910
A house erected in 1840, or about that time, on Stanton street, and now belonging to John Werts, is being wrecked to be replaced by a fine modern residence, to be occupied by himself and family. The original builder is not known, Mr. Werts says, but old residents years ago told him it was erected in 1840. His father-in-law, Mr. Gent, owned and occupied the building for thirty years or more, and Mr. Werts has lived in the place, but not in that house, for almost a quarter of century himself. The house is fifty-five feet in length and sixteen feet wide. It is two stories high and was built of oak, walnut and poplar. Men tearing it down are wondering where the poplar came from at that time. The weather boarding was covered with clapboards, and the first roof on the house was made of pine shaved shingles - that is shingles made by hand. These shingles are mostly all good now, and were found under a second roof put on since. The walnut and oak rafters, studding, sills, and cross timbers are all sound, Mr. Werts says, and most of the weather-boarding is in excellent condition and can be made use of again. The work of wrecking has not been completed, and workers are anticipating finding some old-time relics of historical or actual value yet before completing the job. When the house was built it was out in the woods, and that part of Alton remained "in the country" for many, many years thereafter.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 22, 1910
An old landmark on the corner of State and Cliff streets is being torn down. It is the property of Samuel Pyle, and was erected in 1837 when Alton was nothing more than a big woods in that vicinity. Many of the timbers are simply huge logs, which were taken from the forest and put into the building. It had become unsafe, and it was thought best to have it taken down. The contractor who is doing the work will get the use of the wood for removing the building.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 12, 1910
Col. Roosevelt was given a small reception this morning when his train stopped for a few minutes at the C. & A. depot, on the way to Peoria. The time of the arrival of the special train was not announced, and this accounted for the smallness of the crowd, probably fifty being on hand. Col. Roosevelt was on the back platform and there he shook hands with the people who were waiting for the train. The people seemed as enthusiastic as Roosevelt, and when he began shaking hands, many in the crowd called "Teddy," and he made no protest. He responded to the name, taking the familiarity in the way it was intended, as a manifestation of affection for him on the part of the people. Someone asked Roosevelt how he liked his ride on an aeroplane yesterday. "Bully," said the Colonel, "it's the only sport I know that beats horse racing; it's the best sport in the world." Then he added, "It was the first time in my life they ever got me 'up in the air.'" Mrs. S. Demuth was the first one who showed her appreciation of the dignity that attached to the ex-president. She shook hands and said, "God Bless you Colonel Roosevelt." He seemed to appreciate her good wishes, as he grasped her hand harder and thanked her kindly. Miss Irene Gallagher, one of the few ladies who shook hands, afterward declared she would not wash her hand for a week. George Cutter told Roosevelt that he was an old engineer. "Shake hands again," the Colonel said, "I am an honorary member of the enginemen's union." A telegram was handed him between handshakes and as the train was pulling out. He did not have time to answer it, and told the messenger boy so. The train pulled out with Col. Roosevelt still on the rear platform, waving his hand at the people who were watching him. [Editor's note: Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States (1901-1909).]


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 12, 1910
Col. Frank Moore of Alton, who travels for the McPike paper company, andColonel Franklin Moore Col. Theodore Roosevelt had a reunion at St. Louis yesterday. Twenty-eight years ago, Col. Moore was post trader at Ft. Meade, in the badlands of Dakota. He had a cinch there of all the trade in a territory forty miles square. A young man called on him one day, introduced himself as Theodore Roosevelt, who was looking for land to be used as a cattle ranch. Col. Moore, the Indian trader, helped Roosevelt to get his quarter section and introduced him around. Roosevelt stayed with Moore for several weeks, and later he made Moore's office his visiting place, and the two men became very good friends. Tuesday Col. Moore laid in wait for the ex-president at the Jefferson hotel, and managed to catch his eye. Instantly Roosevelt recognized him, and with effusive greetings, inquired how "Frank" was doing, how his family were, and expressed the deepest regret that a completely filled up program precluded his having an old time "camp-fire" with Col. Moore and a recalling of old-time stories of the bad lands when Roosevelt was a young rancher. Col. Moore went away feeling that of all the men in the United States, Col. Roosevelt would rather have met him than anyone else, and he doubtless was right.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 15, 1910
The two-story brick building at 431 East Second Street, which is said to have been built 70 years ago, is being demolished and will be supplanted by a building composed of Kellistone, a factory for the manufacture of which is being completed in east Second street near Cherry. The old brick building has been occupied many years by Mrs. Ellsworth, colored, widow of Henry Ellsworth, who conducted a blacksmith shop in Alton in early times. The property is owned by Mrs. K. Shelly, who is 99 years old and is now a resident of St. Louis. The Shelly family in early days resided in Alton, and Mrs. Shelly still owns considerable property here in different parts of the city. She has given a lease to the east Second street property, and the new building will be used as a tombstone factory and H. L. Harford will be superintendent and general manager. Relatives of Mr. Harford own marble quarries in Vermont and elsewhere, and are engaged in the tombstone business on a large scale, it is said, and the Alton company will get some supplies from there for their factory.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 24, 1911
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wead were engaged today moving their household goods from the old Dimmock homestead on Second street to the home the Weads have purchased from John Moulton on State street. The house the Wead family are vacating will be without a tenant of the Dimmock family for the first time since 1845, when the house was erected by Mrs. Wead's grandfather, a period of 65 years. The house was one of the finest in Alton at the time it was erected, but business along Second street has grown so, the family will vacate and make a new home farther from the business center. Mr. Wead's friends are speculating as to how long it will take him to break himself of the long, sustained habit of "going home" to the old place on Second Street.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 25, 1911
Mrs. S. Demuth, health officer, went to the "dump" at the foot of Ridge street, where the Alton horse cemetery is located, to investigate some complaints which have been made that foul odors are being wafted over that end of town from the exposed carcasses of dead horses. Mrs. Demuth found several horses which had not been buried at all, although they were taken there by the official horse undertaker of the city, and she notified him that he must look after them at once. Mrs. Demuth found that none of the horses were being buried deep enough, and in some cases only a few inches of earth was thrown over them, which was soon blown off or dug off, and the animals left to annoy the people living back on the hills.


Outing Organization Planning to Control Big Game Preserve in Illinois River
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 31, 1911
A committee of three members of the Wigwam club of this city [Alton] comprised of H. L. Winter, Herman Luer and Charles Luft, left yesterday for Six Mile Island on the Illinois River, inspecting the land for the purpose of buying it for a summer resort for the members of a club, which they intend to form and incorporate. They looked over the island, which comprises one hundred and thirty-five acres, and a deal with its owner was practically made. With the island, a new houseboat, containing two twelve-foot rooms, was secured, which will answer for a lodging place for the members of the club until a clubhouse can be built upon the island. A club of fifty members will be formed as soon as possible, and the club will own the island, build the clubhouse, and will also own the yacht, the Wigwam, which is one of the largest and finest yachts on the river at the present time. The island will be bought in a few days.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 14, 1911
The Overalls factory, which has been operated in the McPike building at Front and Piasa streets since the Cunningham failure by another firm, has been moved to St. Louis.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 28, 1911
"The sale of the plant of the Illinois Packing Company to August and Herman Luer, at Alton, has brought out some interesting facts concerning the ownership and title of the property. The land is located on Front, Alton, and Second streets, and it is doubtful if any tract in the city has figured to a greater extent in the industrial development of the community," says the Edwardsville Intelligencer. "The lots were originally a part of section 14, Alton township, and were platted by Rufus Easton, January 1, 1818, but the survey was not named Alton. The christening of Alton followed later, and it is said that the place was named after a brother of Rufus Easton, whose name was Alton. Mr. Easton in the plat reserved to himself and his heirs for all time, the right of ferrying, stating expressly that no ferry should be permitted at any of the landings, streets or other public grounds, except his own, and that no rights should ever be granted to any individual or corporation for such purpose. Alton was then a rival of St. Louis to be the metropolis of the Mississippi valley, and Mr. Easton, as others leading in affairs then, had great expectations of the Illinois city. The owner must have become involved later on, for the land was sold at sheriff's sale. Mr. Easton was one of the early postmasters of St. Louis. The property went through various hands, and a portion of it came into the ownership of Jesse Walton, in 1859, who died in 1866, and who made the peculiar provision in his will, which was drawn in 1859, that the property should be divided equally between his four children, 'provided they do not marry slave holders and will not settle and remain through life in a slave state.' He also gives them his 'record books where I have recorded my valuable recipes for cures of man and horse, recipes for taming horses, and almost all kinds that are valuable.' He provides for the distribution of his library among his children, and made suggestions for establishing a circulating library by his children, and even designate the fees that should be charged for the use of the books. George S. Meyers and James T. Drummond bought a portion of the property in 1866, and two other portions in 1872. It was there that the Meyers and Drummonds started systematically on the manufacture of tobacco, and laid the foundation for the fortunes. The property went through various transfers, among the names of owners being the Dausman & Drummond Tobacco Company, which was incorporated in 1876 for $100,000, and which changed its name to the Drummond Tobacco Company in 1879. It was acquired by the Drummond-Randle Tobacco Company in 1885, which afterwards started as competitor of the Drummond Tobacco Company, which has moved its plant to St. Louis. Litigation followed that involved the question whether the Drummond-Randle Company could use the name of Drummond on its labels. It was a real fight in the courts between James T. Drummond on one side, and John N. Drummond and Charles H. Randle on the other. John N. won, and the Drummond-Randle company went out of business. St. Louis became the center for the big tobacco plants. They had no more use for the buildings at Alton. The Alton Packing & Refrigerating Company purchased the property in 1892. It became the Alton Packing Company in 1899, and was succeeded by the Illinois Packing Company in 1906. The company lost money, and some time ago decided to liquidate. August and Herman Luer bid in the plant for $41,000. Henry C. Gerke has been making up the abstracts, and when they are completed the deeds will be delivered."


Sourced: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 2, 1911
Chief Hunt of the fire department has come into possession of a book containing the constitution and bylaws of Alton Engine Fire Company No. 1 [located at the northeast corner of Broadway and Market Streets], which was published by the Courier Steam Printing House in 1859. The fire company was organized in 1835, and had for its motto, "Pluck, Power, and Perseverance."

L. B. Hubbell was foreman of the Altona engine, and Thomas Dimmock [later Judge, and was known as the man who rescued Lovejoy’s grave] assistant. George K. Hopkins [later an Alton druggist] was captain of the Flora Temple. The Altona cost $1,400, and weighed 2,500 pounds. The city of Alton paid $800 of the cost. The balance was paid by subscriptions of citizens. The Flora Temple cost $400, and was paid for entirely by subscriptions.

In addition to the above officers were: A. E. Moreton, first director; R. H. Clift, second director; A. J. Leakin, secretary; Samuel V. Crossman [later owner of the Alton Telegraph], treasurer. Hon. Samuel A. Buckmaster [warden of the Alton prison] was an honorary member of the company for life. There were 72 members, all of whom are dead or have moved away, except George D. Hayden [owner of Hayden Machine Shop], Edwin M. Hugo [Alton contractor], Silas F. Connor [Alton grocery store owner] and George H. Davis. Most of the members were prominent citizens and took an active, every day interest in boosting Alton and looking after her interests.

An article of the constitution provided that all members of the association attend the funeral of a deceased member, unless the family of deceased did not want them to do so. One of the by-laws provides a fine of $2 upon any member who commences a quarrel "or otherwise improperly behaves at a fire." Another says, "Particular attention, at the time of fires, shall be paid to the property of members." The book is in good condition and will be kept as a relic and historical curiosity. The membership was limited to 80.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 02, 1911
The McPike paper mill, which has been conducted in the building at the corner of Second and State streets for several years, or since J. H. McPike sold out his interest in the Illinois paper company, is to be moved "bag and baggage" to St. Louis at once, and a great many Alton employees will be knocked out of employment unless they follow the plant to that city. J. H. McPike, the principal owner of the plant, told a Telegraph reporter that he was moving because the rent had been raised by the owners of the building he occupies here to a prohibitive point, and that he cannot get another suitable location in Alton. He said too that he can obtain in St. Louis a building perfectly suited to his needs for less money than he is paying here. The machinery is being packed now, and he says will be loaded into freight cars as soon as ready for shipment. When asked if he intended moving his family to St. Louis also, Mr. McPike said he had not decided that point yet; that he dislikes to move anything to St. Louis but that he has been forced to take this action as far as the paper mill plant is concerned. The going away of this plant will be learned with regret by Altonians. Mr. McPike has struggled hard to put the plant on its financial feet, and was meeting with success steadily. He gave employment to many persons at fairly good wages, and his plant has been the cause of distributing a great deal of money in business channels in the city. It is a regrettable fact that any factory should find it necessary to leave Alton, and particularly is it regrettable that an Altonian who has struggled hard to succeed in his native city should have to go elsewhere to attain that success in its greatest measure.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 20, 1911
Through the ingenuity of Charles W. Foley, a fifteen-year-old lad, Alton is to have a wireless telegraphy station with which messages can be sent and received for many miles. The lad took an interest in the wireless telegraphy science some time ago, and through books and other reading became well enough acquainted with the system to construct one. He had planned the building of a station for some time, but a few days ago he received a letter from a lad a little older than himself, who was interested and had already erected a station at his home in the central part of Missouri. He had been meeting with great success with his machines, and asked that Foley erect one and correspond with him. Accordingly, John P. Foley, his father, who is a mechanic, put up the steel mast for his son. It was raised at night, and this morning, when neighbors rose, they were confronted with a staff which to them was merely an exceedingly tall flag pole. The staff stands upon a vacant lot next to the Foley residence at 927 Easton street. It is of steel, eight inches in diameter at the base and extending into the air to a height of 96 feet. The top of the pole is about two inches in diameter. Foley has his machines in readiness and in a short time will have the station fitted up and in commission. His coils will not be so very strong to start with, but Foley says that he can send about one hundred miles and can receive about six hundred. He will in time put in stronger cells and then the station can be used to send and receive much farther. He will be able to send messages to Springfield and St. Louis, and will be able to receive them from Chicago and points twice this distance.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 22, 1911
The wrecking of the old house on Second Street [Broadway], next door to where the post office formerly was, between Alby and Easton Streets, has more than ordinary interest for Edward P. Wade, president of the Alton National Bank, and Alton's oldest native resident. The house, incidentally, was the first brick house erected in what was then Alton.

The Wade house, between Alby and Easton Streets, was occupied by the parents of Mr. Edward Wade, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wade, who came here in 1831. The building was erected in the spring of 1832 by Isaac Prickett, the father of Major William R. Prickett of Edwardsville, and Mr. Prickett used to ride to Alton daily to inspect the work being done. The house was built of brick, which were doubtless made in Alton, and are probably the first brick made here. The quality was not very good, as is shown by the bricks disintegrating when they are removed from the walls. Very few bricks of good quality are found, the clay not having been fully burned. Mr. Wade says he believes the house was never changed after it was built. It has always looked the same as it did, except for the signs of age, and even a wooden part on the southwest corner is the same today as when it was built, and is in such good condition that E. C. Mack, who is wrecking the place, says that he can dispose of it intact. Mr. Edward P. Wade was born in the house in 1833, and he is now 78 years of age. The house is part 79 years of age. It is an old landmark that has many interesting features to it. A few years back Mr. Wade received a gift from a relative, showing pictures of all the houses in Alton in which he had lived, and this was the one in which he was born.

The first brick home in Alton was located on Broadway, between Alby and Easton Streets, next door to the old post office. It was built by Colonel Isaac Prickett, in the Spring of 1832. Colonel Prickett was born in Kentucky in 1790. He immigrated first to St. Louis, and then to Edwardsville in 1818. He was in the mercantile business with his brother, Abraham, and later established his own store on Main Street, opposite the old courthouse. He erected the first brick home in Alton, riding to Alton every day from Edwardsville to inspect the work. Prickett was coroner, postmaster, judge (1826), public administrator, road supervisor (1838), Quartermaster-General of the militia, and inspector of the Illinois Penitentiary at Alton. Prickett died in July 1844, and was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Edwardsville.

Samuel Wade and his wife, moved into the brick home built by Prickett on Broadway, and it was there on February 11, 1833, that Edward P. Wade was born. Samuel Wade was a native of Ipswich, Massachusetts, and was born there April 18, 1806. He and his wife, Eunice Caldwell, came to Alton in 1831. He took a prominent role in the early years of Alton, and was the President of the Alton National Bank and Mayor of Alton. Samuel Wade died in January 1885, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery.

Edward P. Wade, the son of Samuel Wade, was also prominent in the city of Alton. When a young man out of school, he took a job clerking in a store until a job was offered in the Alton National Bank with his father. He remained at the bank, and eventually took over the position of its president. He was Mayor of the city from 1849-51 and 1857-8, and was also on the Board of Trustees at the Monticello Seminary in Godfrey. Edward lived to see his first home being razed. He died in September 1920, and was buried in the Alton City Cemetery.

Today, the property where the Wade home was located is the home of the Alton Telegraph.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 4, 1911
Another one of the old residences in Alton, one of the old-time landmarks in Middletown, is to be moved, and will start doing duty in another spot after seventy years’ service in the spot it now stands. The home of Dr. A. B. Wyckoff on Liberty, known to the old timers in the city as the John Atwood residence, is to be moved from the lot where it has done seventy years’ service, and will be used in another place. The house is a sample of the stability with which the old timers believed in building a home. The studding and the girders are solid oak, hewn from the logs. The girders are 2x10, and are twenty-five feet long, the entire width of the house. The weather boarding is of black walnut, and today seems as good as when it was put on. White pine was used inside, and the old residence, even after all of these years, is good for another seventy years of wear. This was among the first residences in Middletown, when the Dr. Marsh home, the O. M. Adams home, the Samuel Wade home, and the Judge Billings and Moses G. Atwood residences marked the beautiful residence spots of Alton. Mr. Wyckoff will build a handsome modern residence on the lot, setting it back from the street, and the construction work will be started as soon as the old residence is moved. Dr. and Mrs. Wyckoff will board during the construction of their new home.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 5, 1911
Alton's old homes have been very successful lately in keeping in the line of publicity. The Telegraph has chronicled the destruction or removal of two old time places, residences of Alton's old and prominent families, and now a third is slated for the scrap heap. The first was the birthplace of E. P. Wade on Second street; the second was the old homestead of the Atwood family, which is to be moved off the site it had occupied many years; and now the third comes - the old Kellenberger place. Dr. J. N. Shaff has bought the property and plans erecting a fine residence on the log. A. J. Kellenberger, a member of the family which owned the place, told the Telegraph that he does not know just how old the place is, but he is certain part of the house was built over 75 years ago, and he believes it may be much older. His father, Louis Kellenberger, bought the place 65 years ago, and the house was regarded as an old one then. The original part of the house contained seven rooms, and to this A. J. Kellenberger added six rooms about twelve of fifteen years ago. Mr. Kellenberger's first guess was that the house is about 80 years of age, and later he said it might be much older than that, maybe 90. He does not know who built the house. It is situated on Central avenue. It is an old landmark in the neighborhood, and its passing away will be one of more than ordinary interest. Louis Kellenberger was a prominent residence of Alton in the early days. Two of his children are in Alton - Mrs. Joseph Hamill and A. J. Kellenberger, and one son, Harry Kellenberger, lives at Godfrey.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 11, 1911
Postmaster Henry Brueggemann has had prepared a list of names of "postmasters we have known" in Alton and Upper Alton since the beginning, and it is an interesting list. The list was prepared in connection with the proposed abolishment of the Upper Alton post office. While Upper Alton had a post office before Alton proper did, the name of the office was "Alton, Madison County, Illinois." It was established August 27, 1819, and the first postmaster was Augustus Longworth, who served over four years. He was succeeded by Bennett Maxey, who served three years, and during his term of office the name was changed to Salu, February 9, 1824. The name remained Salu until August 14, 1826, when George Smith came into office, and the name was changed back to Alton. It stayed Alton this time until July 27, 1835, when the name was changed to Upper Alton, a post office downtown having been established November 21, 1834, with Jacob C. Bruner as postmaster. After the name was permanently changed to Upper Alton, the records show the following were postmasters:

Upper Alton Postmasters
Augustus Longworth – August 27, 1819
Bennett Maxey – February 9, 1824 (one of the founders of Upper Alton)
George Smith – August 14, 1826
David Smith - July 27, 1835
Andrew Clifford - June 19, 1844 (Grocer)
John Cooper - August 03, 1844
David Smith - June 19, 1844
John Cooper - August 03, 1844
David Smith - June 03, 1845
Franklin Hewitt - April 27, 1848
Joseph Chapman - January 02, 1852
James Smith - September 24, 1856
Aaron Butler - April 8, 1861
Rev. Thaddeus Beeman Hurlbut - March 29, 1865 (defender of Lovejoy)
Mr. Butler - 1867
Captain Joseph H. Weeks - January 30, 1877 (Civil War veteran)
Mark Dickson - August 11, 1885
Captain Joseph H. Weeks - April 29, 1889
Willard L. Gillham - April 14, 1894
H. A. Marsh - January 16, 1898
John G. Seitz - March 14, 1902

The records of the Alton office show that it was established November 24, 1831 under the name "Lower Alton," and continued as such until October 16, 1835, when it was changed to Alton. The following have filled the postmaster's office: Lower Alton, Madison County, Illinois, established, Jacob C. Bruner, November 21, 1834.

"Lower" Alton Postmasters
Major Jacob C. Bruner – November 21, 1834 (1st settled in Edwardsville in 1818)
Colonel Nathaniel Buckmaster - April 13, 1838 (Alton prison warden; Black Hawk War veteran)
Cyrus Edwards - August 6, 1841 (Black Hawk War veteran; attorney; brother of Illinois Governor Ninian Edwards)
Dr. Benjamin F. Edwards - July 12, 1843 (Brother of Illinois Governor Ninian Edwards)
John Hatch - October 11, 1844
Peter Merrill - July 31, 1845 (Drowned in Mississippi in 1847)
Timothy Souther - May 24, 1847
H. W. English - November 11, 1853
J. G. Lamb - March 30, 1861
Isaac J. Richmond - January 25, 1875 (Alton businessman)
Charles Holden Jr. - May 31, 1878 (Owner of Alton Telegraph)
Thomas Harrison Perrin - July 3, 1886 (Civil War veteran; Newspaper editor)
Wilbur T. Norton - September 6, 1889 (Owner of Alton Telegraph; Civil War veteran; historic author)
John Buckmaster - April 14, 1894 (In the tobacco business)
Julia Buckmaster - December 1, 1896 (1st Postmistress in Madison County; Sister of John Buckmaster)
Wilbur T. Norton - May 10, 1897
Henry Brueggemann - February 5, 1906 (4-time Alton Mayor)

The post office was often kept in the business or home of the postmaster. Later, this would change to the city hall or other prominent businesses.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 30, 1911
Not until a young lady fainted on the steamer Sidney Tuesday afternoon after dancing the Ostende dance for over an hour, did the young desist for this popular dance. Mr. Sauvage, in charge of the excursion, forbade the orchestra playing the Ostende any more amid a storm of protest. When the steamer Sidney left Alton Tuesday morning, the air was cool and bracing and the young people started dancing. They called for the Ostende first thing, they called for the second thing, they called for it all the way to Kampsville which was not reached until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. About this time the dancers, many of them were beginning to look haggard and suddenly a young lady fell on the floor, fainting from sheer exhaustion. This caused a call for the stewardess of the boat and she came prepared for just such a case. The stewardess wanted to cut the stays that held the young lady's clothing bound tightly about her body but the ladies crowding around would not let her do it. The young woman was finally revived and recovered by the time the boat reached Alton. After the fainting of one of the dancers, Mr. Sauvage put the lid on the Ostende and the orchestra was not allowed to play it. The Ostende is not as strenuous a dance as the waltz and two step, but seems to demand a longer run. Most of the Ostende is side stepping and forward stepping and is such a gentle dance one does not realize fatigue. Dancers waltz or two step three to four minutes, but you "Ostende" an hour, so it seems. Mr. Sauvage, who was in charge of the excursion yesterday, stated this afternoon that the Ostende is taboo so far as he is concerned and the boat management are of the same mind. Beside the girl who fainted, two other girls were made sick from dancing the Ostende too long and this has caused a lid to be clamped on this popular dance on the Sidney.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 20, 1911
The demolishing of the top of the building owned and occupied by the Alton Carriage Company is causing much interest from the old residents who pass the place, and as they perceive the work they all ask if the building is to be torn down. When they learn that the work is only to remove the gable walls and strengthen the building, they look pleased and fall into reminiscence. When the building was erected over sixty years ago, it was one of the pretentious stores of Alton. It was built of the best material and workmanship. The timbers of the frame are of white oak, and are now as solid as the day it went into the structure. Even the sheathing of the roof is of white oak, and the only mark of decay is in these where in the past the roofing was permitted to fall into holes that decayed a portion of a few planks. It has been used for every line of commercial purpose, save that of a millinery store. It has stood on this corner of State and Fourth, and witnessed the passing of many strange scenes. It saw the booming days of the river traffic, and its decadence, and will again see, it is hoped, the revival of this important feature of our internal commerce. It witnessed the triumph of the freedom of the press that Lovejoy defended through his independent stand for the cause he judged righteous. It stood over-looking the prison when the circumscribed walls housed but few criminals, saw it compelled to widen with how much of sadness for the rise of those evils we must ever combat; and then time began to move in ever swifter flights, and the events of crowding issues came as in a wave. Through all these, the old citizen still dreams of and clings to the old landmarks that were then existing as to certain friendly spirits.

[The Alton Carriage Company was founded by John W. Cassella, who first went into the blacksmithing business, which he learned in East Alton when a young man. The business was located at Fourth and State Streets, near the original Hayner Library. As automobiles gradually took the place of the horse drawn vehicle, Cassella gradually changed his business into the Alton Motor Company, operating in the same location. He sold the Alton Motor Company in 1920. Cassella died in October 1930.]


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 14, 1911
Alton is going to have a skating rink, it will be in the top floor of the Armory building, where many years ago this sport was carried on to the enjoyment of many. Arrangements were completed today whereby the old rink will be revived, and the hall will be decorated in Japanese colorings and scenes of various kinds, and will be named the Mikado Skating rink. There are many of the older Altonians who always connect this building with the skating rinks of years ago, and now it will again be made the scene of merry skaters. The promoters of the plan have announced they will run the rink each evening from 7:30 to 10:30, but that there will be no skating on Sunday, the rink being closed on that day.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 17, 1911
Joe E. Noll's cigar store in east Second street has been converted into a sort of Indian reservation and exhibition emporium, and many people are calling to look at and admire and wonder about the collection of Indian articles displayed there. The exhibit belongs to W. A. Hoppe, formerly of this city, who is back from Wyoming on a visit, and is valued at $75 actual cash paid therefore. It is not for sale, however, at any price, but anyone who cares to do so is welcome to call and examine. That there are dudes among the 'Noble Redmen' is attested by the belt and vest of one on exhibition. The vest is of heavy black broadcloth, and is embellished with elaborately worked beaded flowers on the front, as well as the back. Two stars made of vari-colored beads adorn the back of the vest also. Beads of many colors have been stitched into the belt, and make it very attractive looking. The vest cost $25. The war bonnet of Crazy Moon, a noted Arapahoe Indian chief, was purchased by Mr. Hoppe last Labor Day celebration at Lander's, Wyoming, and cost him $35. The feathers in the bonnet, and the long piece of cloth hanging from the headpiece, were taken from wild turkeys and make the bonnet look rather fierce. There are famous Indian Medicine Stones and Medicine bags among the exhibits, and many strings of beads, moccasins, pipes and other articles, each of which has an interest of its own. Mr. Hoppe also has placed nuggets of silver and gold in the exhibit, and samples of wheat and oats grown in Wyoming indicate that agriculture there must be a paying calling. Many thousands of little beads were used in adorning the various articles exhibited, and the wonder is where do the Indians get all their beads?


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 22, 1911
If the men who are present digging holes in Hop Hollow do not give up the work soon, they will have the place looking like a honeycomb. It is said that these men are after the treasure, which tradition says was buried about one hundred years ago by Hop, the namesake of Hop Hollow. From the traditions which have been handed down, Hop was a hermit and a river pirate as well, having his home in the hills of what is now known as Hop's Hollow. He would lay in wait for the men who passed by up and down the river, and would then make a sally out and bring back the treasure, which he is supposed to have hid somewhere near his home. It is thought very likely that all of the treasure which he might have buried had been taken out some fifty years ago when the craze for hunting that treasure prevailed, but now some Alton men are after it again, and it all came about in a very queer way. An old lady who died in Middletown about a month ago is the cause of all the renewed hunting. It seems that in her childhood she had heard the tales of the buried wealth in the hills, and had always remembered them. One night just a short time before her death, she had a dream in which was revealed to her the hiding place of the larger part of the old man's treasure which had not been found. In the dream she saw just where the treasure was hid, and could see the place so plainly that she described the location to the members of the family when she awoke the next morning. Now one of the members of her family, with a couple of other men, is busy in the hollow trying to find the treasure. So far they have been unable to locate the spot exactly as described by the old lady before her death, but they have made several attempts at places which looked somewhat similar, but with no results that were productive of great wealth.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 13, 1912
It is recalled that in the winter of 1877-8, the thermometer registered 28 degrees below zero. It was the winter of the disease known as pink eye, that effected the horse and put them out of use. The Alton express offices used oxen to move their stuff, as did the breweries and transfers.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 16, 1912
An illustration of the wonderful preserving power of old-time paints is given in a discovery made at the Sparks Machine Co. It was a signboard painted many years ago, which was decayed by the weather all around the letters, the paint having resisted the weathering effects, and the inscription stands out in bold relief, while around each letter is decay. One of the handsomest and oldest signs that is known of in Alton, and probably the only example of the ancient high art in sign painting, has been unearthed by Ralph G. Webb, in the buildings occupied by the Sparks Machine Co. on William street. It is a sign of the iron company that ushered in the Nelson-Hayner Hardware Company. The sign reads, "Sligo and Tyrone Iron and Nail Store." It is painted on a board almost three feet wide and about ten feet long. But mere description fails to convey an idea of the singular beauty of the lettering, which was done sixty years ago. The paint has disappeared but the oil and the preserving qualities of the paint has so protected the wood upon which the letters were drawn, that the faintest line of the painter's brush remains boldly standing out from the board, just as an etching is brought out by the acid bath. The action of the weather has worn the board away from about the painted lines as a sand blast cuts the relief of glass. The design of the letters was as fine and as accurately drawn as though it had been expected to have been looked at through a fine glass. The scroll work is a marvel of delicacy, and every line laid down by the brush stands out prominent as if raised by hand carving, and is in most exquisite taste and skillful handling. There is at first an impossibility to realize that it had not been carved so perfectly as the fine lines carried out, but it is the work of the years it hung in front of the old store building at Second and William streets, its face held up to the storms of wintry wind and the scorching of the searching sun. The painter was T. Selwell, whose name appears in fine script down in the right-hand corner of the sign, and it too is etched out in delicate, yet bold lines of a vigorous skill. The name looks at first glance like a bit of lacework, as it follows Hogarth's line of grace, but it stands out fresh, an illustration of that well quoted phrase, "It pays to do your work well." It is needless to say the sign will be preserved by Captain Webb as a prize. Taken as a whole, it is one of the strange freaks of nature setting at work her forces to carve this old sign, as if the old dame had moments of unrest and thus engaged her moments of leisure.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 20, 1912
The firm of E. H. Goulding's & Sons Company is celebrating its 60th anniversary, along with the Telegraph's 76th. The business of this firm was established in January 1852 on West Third Street by E. H. Goulding, now deceased. Several years later, the location was changed to Belle Street, in the old Mercantile Building, the room afterwards occupied by Straube's Restaurant. After fifteen years at this location, a move to the northwest corner of Third and Piasa Streets was made by the senior Goulding, and he occupied that place for over 25 years until his death in June 1895. Then the active management of the business was taken up by Edward P. Goulding and Charles L. Goulding, his sons, who in 1896 secured the location on the southwest corner of Third and Piasa streets, the present home of the oldest jewelry firm in Southern Illinois. During these 60 years of continuous business, it has been under the management of father and son, and has enjoyed a steady solid growth, due to the reputation gained for honest and reliable treatment. On the firm's list of customers are many names of families that have been regular patrons for the past 60 years, it is with pride that this list is referred to at times. This firm the Telegraph can point to with pride as being one of the most substantial and successful business houses of Alton, as well as one of the oldest.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 25, 1912
The old house on the bluffs, used as an Old Ladies' Home until the new Home was erected on State street, is being torn down. David Ryan has bought the bricks and will use them in erecting a house at Fifth street near Alby. The house was formerly a fine residence. It was erected by S. R. Dolbee and used as the home of his family for many years. It was handsomely fitted inside, but since it was vacated it has been looted of all that was valuable and had become a ruin.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 7, 1912
The handsome drug store of Samuel H. Wyss [at the northwest corner of Broadway & Ridge Streets] was destroyed at 5 o'clock Tuesday night, when a fire in the cellar of the store caused one of the most stubborn conflagrations the firemen have fought for some time. The entire store floor Samuel Wyss Jr.was destroyed, the stock dropped down into four feet of water in the cellar, all of the line cases were destroyed, and the pretty store generally despoiled. Mr. Wyss stated this morning that he believed his loss would be close to $12,000, and that he has between six and seven thousand dollars’ worth of insurance. The loss is mostly in the stock, the damage to the building being little more than a thousand dollars. Paul Ufert, the boy in the store, discovered a fire in the cellar when he went down after something about 5 o'clock Tuesday night. He called to Mr. Wyss, who came and did not view the matter seriously, believing they could easily overcome the small blaze. But just about this time a container of carbolic acid exploded and the fumes of the hot chemical permeated the air and made it impossible for any human to breathe the air of the cellar, and the force ran to the street. Ufert had the presence of mind to turn in a fire call, and companies two, three and four responded. By the time the firemen arrived, the oils and chemicals in the cellar had become fired, and the place was a furnace of flame. Explosions from time to time caused more fumes to be turned loose, and soon it was impossible to get on to the store floor, and to go into the cellar meant suicide, not from the fire but from suffocation. Ufert managed to hold his breath long enough to get some money out of the stamp drawer and to lock the safe, but was burned about the face and had to run for his life without getting any of the prescription books or loose papers that lay on the desks.

Chief Hunt stated this morning the fire was one of the most peculiar he had ever dealt with. Even when they had four feet of water in the cellar, the fire seemed hotter than ever. The barrels of oil, as they broke, emitted their contents, and as the oil floated to the top of the water it became fired. It was only after the flames had burned off the joists and dropped the store floor with its contents down into the cellar, that the firemen were able to get at the flames. All who watched the fire, and it is estimated there were two thousand persons, were loud in their praise of the good work of the firemen. The men were so wet water ran from them, and it was cold enough to freeze their clothes on them, but they stayed at their posts from five o'clock to after seven o'clock, and confined the fire to the Wyss building.

The family of Mr. Rosenberger residing in the second story of the building were forced to flee without getting out their effects, and believed they had lost all, but the firemen prevented the fire reaching the second story, and beside being well smoked, their goods were not injured.

Mr. Wyss stated this morning that he will find a temporary store until he can repair the damage done to his store. He will probably take one of the rooms in the Luer block across the street. It will be necessary to purchase all new fixtures, even the soda water fountain being badly injured.

Mayor J. C. Faulstich was among the first to get busy at the front when the fire alarm was sounded at the Wyss store. He ran to the Beardslee Hardware Store and secured a bundle of rope, which he tied across the street at Ridge Street and at the Foreman clothing store, blocking all cars and teams from getting by what might have been a danger space because of the likelihood of the chemicals in the cellar exploding. He also helped with the fire fighting. The firemen made a brave fight and had several narrow escapes from falling into the cellar when the floor collapsed. On one occasion, one man did go in, but was held back by another who grabbed his coat. This man also began falling and was held back by a third, who drew out the other two.

Samuel Wyss, the son of Samuel Wyss Sr. (native of Switzerland), was born in Alton on September 27, 1860. He attended Shurtleff College, and then began clerking in an Alton drugstore. He decided to make this his life's work, and traveled to Chicago and entered the National College of Pharmacy, where he graduated in 1887. He returned to Alton and purchased the drugstore of Philip Mook, which was located on the corner of Third and Piasa Street. Wyss conducted this drugstore while his new store was being built at the northwest corner of Ridge and Broadway. He moved into his new store on July 1, 1888, and developed it into one of the finest establishments in Alton. The Wyss Drugstore included a full line of drugs, toiletries, etc., together with paints and oils. Wyss also became a stockholder in the Hapgood Plow Company, the Obear Glass Works in East St. Louis, and the Katharman Chemical Company in Mound City. After the fire of 1912, Samuel rebuilt his store.

In 1893, Wyss married Dora Bell Emert, who was educated at the Urseline Convent in Alton. The couple lived at 914 Henry Street in Alton. Samuel died in 1936, and is buried in the St. Joseph's Cemetery in Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 9, 1912
For thirty-eight years a miniature sailing ship has been one of the objects of interest in the J. A. Neininger cigar store on Piasa Street. When Mr. Neininger sold his store, he reserved all right and title to the ship, as well as to the old Turk which stood many years in front of the store. Mr. Neininger, in clearing out the building preparatory to getting it ready for a renter, decided to move the ship to his residence and he took it home this noon. He says the ship was made by a prisoner in the Alton penitentiary in 1855, and that it was in the one store for 38 years. The miniature ropes of the rigging have rotted with age, and the yards have been allowed to become disarranged, but Mr. Neininger still clings to the old ship. It would require a man of infinite patience and much time and plenty of knowledge of sea life to repair the damaged rigging of the ship. Mr. Neininger is very careful of it, and hopes to preserve the ship indefinitely.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 29, 1912
When application was made by a local manufacturing industry for rights on the riverfront to erect a plant there for manufacture of boats, some objection was made on the ground that the site desired could not be used for any purpose but a public promenade and landing place for steamboats. Research has been made since then, and some curious facts have been discovered. One is that the city of Alton itself, in 1858, erected a city hall on the ground that Rufus Easton reserved as a landing place. Furthermore, since that time, the city has from time to time made other grants of the same land. The Union depot and the Bluff Line depot are on the reserved ground, and likewise are the Big Four, C. & A., Bluff Line and Illinois Terminal Railroads. But stronger than this, the Alton bridge has its Illinois end on this same tract of ground, and this location was picked by the United States War Department. High attorneys for all these corporations considered that the city had a right to allow the use of the ground for the purpose to which it is now devoted, and it is considered that the present applicants for the ground have as good a right as any.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 13, 1912
Hop Hollow has a saloon. It is located in a very plain board shed building, about one fourth of a mile back from the river by the side of the first springs. The place of refreshment is designed mostly for the public who haunt the hollow on Sundays and for the fishing and picnics that abound through the warm weather in that region. The saloon building has no windows, but in place of such open necessaries there are boards hung on hinges that are dropped down to afford the necessary freedom of light and air.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 6, 1912
A strange object was found nine feet in the ground this morning by Joseph Snodgrass, a workman employed by F. E. Snyder, who is digging out the cellar for the Flach building at Second and Alby streets. The object is made of steel, is shaped like a plumb bob, and weighs 8 1/4 pounds. In the side of it is a hole which has been drilled through the hard metal, and the side of the hole is threaded. The surface of the find is smooth and shiny. One end of it is hemispherical in shape, and the other end is drawn out to a sharp conical point. The workman found the piece of steel nine feet in the ground. It was buried in a bed of sand. How it happened to be there no one who has seen it can tell. In digging the cellar on the Alby street side and extending from the southeast to the northwest corner, there was found a very unexpected bed of deep ____ sand that is very hard to cope with. The suggestion is made that it may have been a projectile from some gun, but the Flach building had stood on that property since the early days of Alton, and the object that was picked up must have been buried away back in the times when the building site was part of the bed of some stream. The steel object may have dropped on the surface of the ground and worked its way through what might have been quicksand. It caused considerable speculation, but there was no one who would give any positive opinion either as to what the object was or how it happened to be buried so deep in the ground.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 10, 1912
While excavating in the bed of sand and clay on the Flach property on Second and Alby Streets, the workmen this morning uncovered a well-preserved ivory tusk, which was stuck in a thoroughly decayed piece of a jawbone of some animal, whose identity is not known. It was only last week that a curious and unidentified find was made there, a metallic object that is nickel plated. F. E. Snyder, who has the grading contract, is keeping a sharp lookout for other curios. The old bed of sand seems to be a rich depository for such finds. The tusk that was found is about 7 inches in length, and has a very sharp point that would have made it a wicked weapon of offense. When the jawbone was picked up the bone fell away like powder, but the tusk and three or four teeth remained intact. The teeth were thrown away by the men, but Mr. Snyder preserved the tusk.


Source: Alton Telegraph, July 18, 1912
A heavy rain, said to be unparalleled in destructive qualities, caused tremendous damage in Alton Sunday morning, involving the loss of four lives and a loss estimated to be about $250,000. Included in this is the destruction of the gas manufacturing plant of the Alton Gas & Electric Co., with a complete severance of all gas service in the city until the plant can be rebuilt. Hundreds of families have lost heavily, some losing their all. Immense damage was done to private property throughout the city. Telephone and railroad companies suffered costly loss in Alton and vicinity.

The dead, as the result of the storm are: Mrs. Frances Maguire, aged 45; Goldie Maguire, aged 3; Hesler Moss, 46; Archie Boyce, 29.

The story of the great rain of July 13-14, 1912, is one to be told with due consideration for the heroin conduct of men and women who risked their lives to save those of others. Unless the sacrifices had been made, the loss of life would have been very much greater. People living in humble homes, men and women who know what their fellow beings have to contend with and who had many depending on them for support, offered their lives and won in the gamble with fate. In all the world there is no more heroic set of people than those who inhabit the territory known as the Piasa valley and Shield's Branch, where the greatest menace of the flood appeared.

The rain was falling about 11 o'clock and it was light. It came from a cloud that had been hanging in the northwest, and was ominous, and there was no end of the rending, cracking sound of the thunder. It was a fearful night. Terror was abroad in the city and many a person was brought to a state of religious frenzy by fear of the lightning and the heavy downpour of rain which was carrying away property, swallowing up everything that its all-devouring maw seized upon. The cloud which deluged Alton, strange though it may seem, circled three times the city and at no time departed very far from it. The rain had been falling steadily from 11 o'clock, the clouds would sweep around, come back and then go away again. According to those who were watching the cloud, about 1 o'clock it came back in one of its swings; there seemed to be a sudden flash of light as if there had been some tremendous explosion of elemental nature, and then down came water. It was no ordinary rain, and could not be compared to anything that has ever happened in Alton. According to estimates made of the rainfall, rain gauges not being adequate to make a measurement, there was from 8 to 10 inches of water that fell in a short time. Nothing could withstand such a deluge. Even the highest parts of the city felt the effects of the torrential rain. It was as if a great river had suddenly changed its course and had poured forth on what had been dry ground. The water courses suddenly became congested with water they could not carry. Sewers choked to their capacity, gave way beneath the tremendous pressure and burst outwardly. Stone arch culverts which had withstood the pressure of many years floods, were too weak to withstand such a strain as that, and the result was havoc.

By far the greatest damage was done in the Belle street district, drained by Piasa Creek sewer. Beginning at Sixteenth and Belle streets there is a great culvert or rather, was. Made of the most lasting masonry, it was supposed to be able to withstand any pressure. It proved its infantile weakness before the flood that came tearing, racing, plunging down from the hill tops to the valley. The first big event was the bursting of this sewer at Sixteenth and Belle Street. The water began to wash it out underneath a saloon owned by the Commercial Liquor Co., and occupied by John Schweiger. The building was undermined and left tottering on the verge of a deep hole. Then the water began taking out the stone culvert, yard by yard until the whole of Belle Street for a distance of more than a block was a huge hole, 25 feet in depth, with the wreck of the culvert in the bottom. Spanning the great hole is the wreck of the A. J. & P. track. To illustrate the volume of the water that was racing down Belle Street from the hills, on Madison Avenue, a paved street, the paving bricks were torn out for a distance of 500 feet the full width of the street and deposited at the bottom of the hill. When the culvert gave away, a great tidal wave, checked momentarily at the sewer, went racing down Belle Street. It was no small sized wave, either. It engulfed the street, made a deep river run down the paved Belle Street which was 8 and 9 feet deep at Hamilton Street. On either side were deep waters where the ground was low, and the whole was a boiling, seething caldron in which winces, barns, outhouses, drift of all kinds were struggling as in a mighty whirlpool, and was rushing to gather in all the stray human lives it could capture in its voracious way. On down the street it sped, covering up houses, wiping out property, destroying what came its way and reaching out for more. It was here that the work of heroes began.

Down in the Charles Bohart saloon a group of young men were staying. They had been drinking and having their idea of a good time. Some of them have been sought from time to time by the police, but it took a calamity such as that to bring the better side uppermost. They were men and they showed it and they bore the part of men. William Dacey, one of the group of five, raced off down the street when he saw the wave coming and he knocked at doors, smashed in windows, half swam, half ran, anything to aid him in going the full length of the street from Hamilton to Ninth to give warning. He cut his hand badly breaking in windows. On his way he met a woman whom he boosted into a tree and there she stayed until the flood was over. Louis Youngblood, Charles Wilkinson, Charles Bohart climbed to the top of the Bohart saloon on Belle street, Jerry Bohart and W. J. Brady climbed telegraph poles and stayed there. Ted Riley reached out and grasped a negro woman who was whirling toward certain death, and drew her to a place of safety on the porch of Thomas Gavin's house. Further on, in Hamilton Street, a Mr. Osborn was doing the heroic act of saving the life of Mrs. Spellman and her three children. Plunging into what looked like a suicide's grave, he made his way to the party and rescued them. Mrs. Lizzie Weeks and her two children were rescued at the same time. George Steinhelfer saved his two children, while William Deshirley got his four children to a place of safety. Robert Blankenship saved his wife and two children under heavy odds. All this, while the mad turmoil of the torrent was making a noise that would give terror in the most courageous breast. The water marks on the buildings show how high the water was when all these acts of valor were being performed.

Further down the street there was a tragedy, but a hero, a little man with not very robust strength, was saving three people and a mother was losing her own life and with a lack of understanding allowed that of her child to be lost also. Frances Maguire, a widow, lived at Ninth and Belle streets in the old homestead of William Atkinson. She kept as boarders with herself and three children, Mrs. Mary Moore and her son, Wesley Moore. The tidal wave burst open the doors and took possession of the house. It began to fill the low-ceilinged rooms to the top. First Wesley Moore saved his mother, his filial love turning to her. This accomplished, he set about saving the children. Two of them, Fanny and Willie Maguire, he set on the roof. Mrs. Maguire was too heavy for him to handle. She was deaf from scarlet fever when a child. Failing to understand the efforts of Mr. Moore, she would not give him her 3-year-old daughter, Goldie, and held the child in her arms while both drowned. Moore finally crawled to the roof with his mother and the two children and there he stayed until taken off later on when the fury of the flood had subsided. The screams of Mrs. Maguire, in her efforts to attract help, will never be forgotten by brave men who could not get to her to render any help, owing to the depth and violence of the water between them. Men sat on house tops in the low place bounded by Main Street and Belle Street and Hamilton street, and waited for the end. Houses rocked under the hammerings of the flood and of great volumes of drift that came down. Small houses came down in the flood and lodged among them. There was good cause for terror.

In the house in what is known as Tar G Alley, at number 907, Mrs. Moss kept boarders and Archie Boyce and William Grice, all negroes, were staying with her. Grice managed to escape, but Mrs. Moss and Boyce were drowned in their rooms. The water was up to the ceiling.

Down at the gas works, Harvey Buchanan, Otis Brown and Joseph Moore were on duty at night. They were driven from the gas works by the rush of water which took possession of the building where the engines and gas making retorts were. The men had no choice about going, and they went to save their lives. It was about this time that the stone culvert running under the gas works property to cross from Belle Street to the Piasa sewer, collapsed and with it went down about 150 tons of coke which was stored on top of it. Thus completed the choking of the sewer. The sewer gave away, place after place. Finally, the walls of the gas house began to go down and within a few hours the entire building where Alton's gas supply was manufactured was in ruins and the six benches of retorts were ruined. It is this that causes Alton's gas service to be suspended and will remain so until the new gas plant which is necessary, can be built.

The little body of Goldie Maguire was carried down two blocks to Seventh and Belle streets, where it was found at daylight lodged against a fence. Down in town there was terror too. On Piasa Street in front of the Telegraph office there was over three feet of water in the paved street. The horses in the Seibold livery stable and other stables were removed. Buildings at Fifth and Piasa streets belonging to George Hildebrand and next door belonging to Charles Seibold were undermined and started to fall. The inmates fled in terror. One building at 414 Piasa Street is a partial wreck and the whole structure will probably have to come down. All the buildings and cellars along the way were filled with water. On lower Piasa street, north of Third street, the water gouged out a great hole in the street paving, where it had run like a Niagara rapid, and further down the street it burrowed down under the paving again. The wreck was complete along the line of the path of the cloudburst.

Newton A. Hines, W. T. Williams and Robertson and Cahill are three grocers on Belle Street who were put out of business by the flood on Belle Street. The Hines grocery had water in it five feet deep and everything was overthrown, counters, shelving and goods being piled in a heap. The loss of Mr. Hines will be almost total. W. T. Williams at Ninth and Belle streets suffered a similar loss in his place. The Williams store was filled with mud, the furniture overturned and goods strewn around the place.

While aiding in getting four horses out of Benno Miller's stable and six out of the Rubenstein stable to keep them from being drowned, Walter Budde fell into a deep hole and it took some hard swimming to enable him to escape.

The entire plant of the Illinois Glass Co. was shut down because of a flood of water that poured over from Shield's branch after the big culvert became blocked by buildings lodging against its mouth. Harry Griffis, a traveling exhibitor in the line of getting out of rope bonds, was giving an exhibition in a club house when the flood came in. He had been securely bound, hand and foot, and was to release himself. The water broke in the door and began filling the room and before he got the ropes off he had a good fright. He is clever at the work, but he had to work harder and faster than he ever did before to release himself so he could get out of the water.

During the flood John Stutz, who lives on Second Street [Broadway], near the creek, lost every outbuilding he had. A coal shed, woodshed, chicken house with fifty chickens, a wagon shed and a good buggy and a big barn were his losses from the flood. The raging stream picked up the big barn and carried it for half a block with such a force that it broke several planks in the foot bridge where the branch crosses Second Street. The Stutz family did not realize their condition until they heard the crash of the barn and looked out to see their yard filled with water to the depth of three feet and all of their outbuildings going down the creek.

Harry E. Strunge and William E. Strunge, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strunge, 1606 Greenwood street, saved the family of Asa Grafton,the eight children being sons and daughters of the late John Ryan. The two young men swam and fought with the current until they had the whole family safely out of the mad rush of waters that had spread over from Shield's branch. William swam with a 5-year-old child on his back and was carried down 100 yards before he could cross a stream 20 feet wide.

The torrent of waters that rushed down Ridge Street overflowing the sewers was one that has never been equaled as far as the memories of the oldest residents can call. The water there dashed from one side to the other, taking up curbing with the pavement and taking trees and sidewalks and making four feet cuts in many places. The waters rushing around the corner of Fourth and Ridge streets tore up the sidewalks from in front of John Merkel store and Harry Getsinger's residence, and then crossed the street where it took the entire sidewalk in front of Charles Luft's home and made a cut four feet deep. At the corner of Third and Ridge the real cutting began, and a place fifteen feet wide from there until Second Street was dug out curbing and everything. Sidewalks on the east side of the street went with it and the overflow caught several of the buildings in the vicinity of Second and Ridge Street. All of the debris from entire washouts gathered at the foot of Second and Ridge Street in a pile seven foot high. Among the pile was a tree fifteen inches in diameter which had been dug out by the roots from the Getsinger home, two blocks above, and placed in the pile. After leaving the pile of debris at Second street, the torrent journeyed on until it reached the side of the Luer Bros. Packing Company, where it tore another gash for a hundred feet and then went to the railroad for one last damaging stroke before it entered the river. It washed out under the railroad tracks and took a shanty belonging to the railroad and tumbled it over to the lowland ten feet below, spilling everything that was in it.

As the result of the heavy storm, Cherry Street presented a very peculiar state of affairs. There was no sign of debris, and the only thing that told a hard rain was the ocean wave condition of the street. All of the paving was there, but some was three feet above the regular level, while others was as much below. Every Kinloch telephone pole on the south side of the street was down. All were snapped off at the ground and lay three-fourths of the way across the street, making the street a network of wires.

On East Third Street, the ten foot wall in front of the property of Henry Lutt and Joseph Eichorn went down with the heavy storm for about thirty feet, and took some of the terrace with it. The falling of the wall left a fence extending on over the ruins.

In Godfrey Township, the residence of J. E. Deterding, ex-tax collector of Godfrey Township, located a short distance north of Alton on the Godfrey road, was struck by lightning and about $300 damage done. The lightning struck the cupola on the building and shattered it. Going down, it played in every room in the house and then went to the cellar and tore things up. Phil Deterding and his sister, Miss Sophia, were both shocked and Phil's shoulder was sore and stiff. The lightning jumped from room to room, and from one place in a room to another, leaving a plain and destructive trail behind. The plastering was torn from the ceiling of every room in the house and the wonder is that any of the three inmates of the house escaped. A dog was killed by the lightning as it went down through the house. Two horses belonging to George Schmitt, living near Deterding, were killed outright. They were standing in the barn lot near the barn when struck. Water filled the barn on the Mrs. Scheffel farm near Deterding's place and their milk cow was found Sunday morning swimming around with hay and other things. Her calf was drowned in the barn. The highway bridge over the Godfrey road near the Scheffel place was washed out and it is said that further down the creek in the Watts pasture the mud on trees where the bridge and other drift stopped, mud on trees show that the water there was at least thirty feet deep. Thousands of game fish escaped from the big Godfrey pond going over the dam or through the drain pipes and hundreds of them were picked up Sunday morning a half mile or more from the pond. It is said that practically every bridge and culvert in Godfrey Township was either washed away or so disarranged as to make travel over it unsafe. The damage to bridges and highways in Godfrey Township will run into the thousands of dollars.

Mill Creek over the Branch went out of the banks and swept bridges and all other things encountered with it. A gardener named Smith woke up Sunday morning to find his entire crop of vegetables - and he had a big, lot of all kinds - covered with several inches of mud and debris, and all was lost.

Saturday evening Chris Rain, who lives in the North Side, took his wife and three children down to Hop Hollow to spend the night and Sunday with him in his ice cream and refreshment establishment, and all of them had a thrilling night of it, and several narrow escapes from death. It was after midnight when the terrific thunder and lightning caused Chris to leave his bed, and opening the door of his establishment, he looked out. What he saw terrified him and he closed the door and rousing his wife told her to get up and dress, that trouble was on the way. He attired himself also and again looked out. He saw mountains of water, fallen trees large boulders and other things tumbling down the hollow and all headed apparently for the house. "Grab the children and run for the hills," he shouted to Mrs. Rain and she grabbed two of them, Lydia about 2 years old and Geraldine, four months old, and stepped outside. She went into the water up to her waist and the current swept her from her feet. Chris caught her and the children whom she held tightly in her arms and he carried them all out of the deepest of the water to a higher spot. Then he ran back to the house and picked up his son, Chris Rain, Jr., who was asleep. He also picked up a blanket and managed to get back to the place where he had left his wife and the other children. Mr. and Mrs. Rain kept close together and the blanket was placed over the heads and shoulders of both in such a way as to keep much of the water off the children in their arms. They struck out in the darkness and deluge for higher ground. They had no idea where they were going or what would happen to them. Behind them was a roaring, seething torrent of water filled with big trees uprooted and rocks dislodged and they kept going. They were aided in this by the vivid flashes of lightning. They were shocked four different times when lightning struck trees not far from their course and once Mrs. Rain stepped on the wire of a knocked down wire fence and the shock of electricity went through her system and caused her teeth to ache for hours afterwards. After wandering in this way for about an hour and half, a lightning's flash showed a large barn nearby and they headed for that. When they reached there, another flash show a large white house close by and Chris, leaving his wife and three children in the barn went to the house and called for help. It was Joe Junnettes' home and it was less than a mile from the place they had left more than an hour before. Mr. Junnette threw open the doors and got all of the half-drowned family inside where attention was given them by himself and wife. They are all right apparently today, and will suffer no bad permanent effects from their frightful experience.

Hop Hollow resembles a tract of country after a cyclone has visited it. Trees are lying across the roads and paths and boulders and debris are piled high up all around. Big trees were torn out by the roots by the waters, while others were felled by lightning. All the bridges were washed away and it will be impossible to get in or out of the hollow with a vehicle for several days it is said.

The stone wall running west to east of the Gaddis residence, across from the Ursuline convent, was torn down in the storm. The high wall fronting the Rudershausen place at Eighth and Easton streets was washed away.

A. J. Osborn and son, Walter Osborn, and Charles Burris spent the night in the storm on the Mississippi River near Maple Island. They went out fishing, and when the storm came up turned a flat boat upside down and sat under it. During the storm they were kept cramped up in the tight place with the sand being washed from beneath them every few minutes. Once the bank caved, and almost washed them into the river, but they pushed the boat farther away and propped it up so they could get under it again.

At East Alton, the main street on the levee ran with water for five hours Sunday morning, although no real bad damaged was done. All the cellars were flooded. One person got a skiff and transported passengers from the interurban to the business district on the levee, charging five cents a passenger.

During the first of the storm, the Jarrett building on East Second Street was struck with lightning, which crashed through the roof and down in the bathroom. A pile of clothes was laying on the floor, and took fire at once. One of the residents of the building rushed into the room and grabbed the clothes, he threw them in the bathtub and turned on the water, putting it out.

Four families on the south side of Hamilton Street all had narrow escapes from being drowned. Mrs. Thomas Jones, who has resided on that street for fifty years, says that the flood never was so bad there as Saturday night. She generally awakens and warns the rest of the neighbors of the danger of the rushing water, but this time she did not happen to be awake and barely had time to get out when someone rapped soundly on her window and told her to get out. She and Mr. Jones and the other members of their family climbed up a steep ledge back of the house and got out of danger. A great many went to the home of Mrs. Francis, which is high out of the way. Mrs. George Weeks and two children and her sister, Mrs. George Steinhoffer and husband, were rescued by aid of a clothes line thrown to them by Mrs. Pearl Bowman, a neighbor on the north side of the street. Mrs. Bowman and others grabbed the other end of the line and rescued the entire six persons who clung to it. Mrs. Mary Spellman, a widow, and four children were rescued themselves by wading, except two of the Spellman children who were brought to safety by Earl Osborn. Osborn swam across in his night shirt when other men trembled at the task, grabbed the two youngest children and swam back, making a perilous fight and urging the rest to wade on. Mrs. Spellman led the other children, with water surging up to their heads. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and five children, and Mr. and Mrs. John Deshirley and three children, waded on both sides of the Weeks and Spellman houses, waded out with water reaching almost over their heads. The rest of the residents on Hamilton Street had upstairs rooms and went there.

A number of those rescued or who had narrow escapes were prostrated today, and the doctors were kept pretty busy in that vicinity all day.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 30, 1912
Brown's Business College has recently moved into its new quarters in the third floor of the Hippodrome building, which has been newly fitted and arranged for their especial use. Their location is ideal, being on the best corner in the most advantageous position in the city. The lighting of the rooms and the ventilation is ideal, being heated by vacuum system heating by a private plant in the building. The rooms are large and well suited to the work of the college. The windows are numerous, which makes the rooms light and airy. The appearance of the building has been greatly improved on the outside, and the large electric sign is one of the most attractive signs in Alton, being the largest and most expensive electric sign ever erected here. The school office is in an ideal location in the corner of the building, next to Piasa and Second [Broadway] street, from which one can command a view of almost the entire school. The Stenotype and Stationery Department and model office occupy a room well suited for the work, and is sufficiently large to accommodate the work for which it is intended. The Typewriting room is large, airy, and light, and is in a quiet part of the building. The large assembly hall where students remain when not in class or drill rooms is large, airy, and light, and is sufficient to seat 200 or more students. There are also two classrooms which are well adapted to the work, nearly adjoining the assembly room and separated by glass partitions. The location, arrangement and equipment of Brown's Business College is equal to any school of its kind in this part of the country, not including those in St. Louis, and is much better than most of the schools of its kind. Their methods of teaching are first class, as they use the entire course as found in Brown's Business Colleges elsewhere, and anyone who attends the school here may feel assured that they will get a complete commercial training. The teachers are experts in their line. J. D. Arnold, who is principal, has had a teaching experience in Brown's Business College covering eight years, and he has proved himself a strong man for the place he now holds as manager of the school. He has charge of the Bookkeeping Department, and is assisted by competent teachers. Miss Lilian Picard has charge of the Shorthand Department, in which work she is very competent. The Gregg system of shorthand is taught in the regular course, also those who desire to pursue the Pitman shorthand may do so under her instruction, as she is very proficient in either. Mr. S. L. Moore is in charge of the Stenotype and Typewriting Departments, and he has proved himself to be capable of doing high class schoolroom work, and his students are all pleased with his instruction. There are also, besides the head teachers, several assistants who help to make up a very strong corps of teachers. Anyone contemplating attending Business College will do well to investigate Brown's Business College of Alton. Their course of study, their method of teaching, and their facilities for placing students are all good.


Was Formerly an “Old Folks Home”
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 8, 1912
At the regular monthly meeting of the Alton Park Commission held last evening, plans for improvement of the Riverside Park were presented by B. B. Stakemiller, and the commission practically accepted them as they were. The plans when carried out will make the Riverside Park the beauty spot of Alton, and the little park will be one of the most beautiful parks in this part of the country, and a place which every Altonian should be proud of. According to the plans the three acres will be turned into a model spot according to modern architecture. A four-foot concrete wall will be erected on the river side to keep small children from falling into the quarries below. The hills back of this will be terraced, and benches will be placed on the terrace so that parties going to the park may occupy these benches and enjoy the view of the river. Directly at the end of Bellevue Avenue, a promenade will be erected. It will be built of concrete and will be forty foot in diameter, and will be almost circular. The promenade will be erected high enough to command a good view of the river and the surrounding territory, and it also will be equipped with benches. A tier of concrete steps from Bellevue Avenue will lead to the promenade. The plans also call for a bandstand to be erected on the highest spot in the park, which was formerly the site of the Old Ladies Home building. On the west side of a park a large shelter house, twenty-five by fifty foot will be erected, and there will be comfort stations. Besides these improvements, the part of the park now known as the "sink hole" will be filled in to within four feet of the street level. and will be turned into a summer garden. Walks will wind in and out through the park and a roadway entering at the north of the park and leading to Summit Street, and then around the bandstand and out at Vena Avenue will also be built. The plans for the new park are so extensive that it will be impossible for the commissioners to carry them out fully for several years to come, on account of the lack of funds. However, they intend to get busy on some work during the coming spring. The iron railing along the riverside will be left, and the promenade will be erected together with the bandstand, and that part of the roadway leading from Vena avenue and circling the bandstand. Paths and benches will also be put in the park. The other improvements will be made as soon as possible.

Early in the history of Alton, the property where the Riverview Park is now belonged to Shadrach Rodney Dolbee. Dolbee was a native of Ohio, and came to Alton and formed a partnership with John Bailhache, as proprietors of the Alton Telegraph. In 1852, Dolbee retired from the newspaper business, and engaged in the real estate business, acquiring a large number of properties. Dolbee died in 1869 at the age of 56, and is buried in the Alton City Cemetery. The property on the bluffs, which included a large home was sold to Henry Watson, who owned the quarry below. In 1897, the “Old Ladies Home” was established on the former Dolbee property. Trustees of the home included prominent Alton women Mrs. Augustine K. Root, Mrs. Harvey Black, Mrs. J. M. Ryrie, and Miss Anna E. Nisbet. This home provided a place for elderly women who were no longer able to care for themselves. In 1909, a new home for the elderly was constructed at 2224 State Street. In January of 1912, the old Dolbee home on the bluffs was torn down. David Ryan bought the bricks, and used them to erect a house at Fifth Street near Alby.

The property was purchased by Mrs. H. M. Schweppe and her mother, who were on the city park board, and held it until the city of Alton could purchase it from them at cost, which the city eventually did, with the plan of turning the property into a park. It took years of work to build the terrace, walls and bandstand (erected in 1914), and it became a popular spot for families to picnic, listen to concerts, and view the beautiful scenery.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 9, 1912
George Miller, who conducts the Alton Broom Factory, has received a consignment of fibre (or rough straw) from New York City, which he will manufacture into brooms - the kind of brooms used in factories, mills, power houses, and for street sweeping purposes. The China grown fibre or straw is said to be very tough and a great dirt remover, but the brooms made from it cannot be used with safety on carpets, rugs, etc. He said the fibre was brought from China and sold by the dealer in New York to him for $2 per hundred. The railroads charged him eighty-five cents per hundred additional to bring the straw from New York to Alton, almost half as much as the entire cost of growing, cutting, curing, handling ground in China across the ocean to New York City and incidental expenses in the latter city. He says all kinds of brooms will be cheaper this year than for many years past, and that for the first time in four years he will manufacture a good broom that can be retailed at 25 cents. These brooms have been retailing for 40 cents each the last four years. Broom straw, which was $280 a ton, can now be bought at $90 or $100 per ton, he says, and there is an immense crop nearly ready for the harvest.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 17, 1912
The Noll bakery moved its retail store today from the Commercial building to the room formerly occupied by the Gates-Clark carpet store, where a large modern soda fountain is being installed, and the room is being otherwise handsomely furnished and decorated.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 14, 1912
“The Alton Board of Trade is a hustling organization. It has more ginger than our two big organizations in Erie,” declared T. S. Clark, head of the new $750,000 steel plant, when the deal was made which will give Alton the biggest hoop steel mill in the United States. Erie has 80,000 people, with a Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade. These organizations have a membership of 1,500, and Mr. Clark is a member of the former. He and his associates will join the Alton Board of Trade when the remove to Alton.

Late Wednesday, the verification of the abstract to the 44 acres, Sering tract, on which the steel mill will be built, was completed by C. W. Leverett. The Alton bankers wired Mr. Clark at Erie they were satisfied the title to the land is good.

Mr. Clark had options on favorable prices for structural steel and equipment for the big mill, which would have expired today. The message announcing that the land title is good permitted him to close his contracts for mill equipment at a saving of thousands of dollars.

Mr. Schauweker, the construction man, and Mr. Anglin, the superintendent, have been at Sharon, Pennsylvania for several weeks completing plans for the plant. They are expected to arrive in Alton this week and lay out the ground for the excavations and foundations. The work is to be completed this Fall, so that early in the Spring there will be no delay in putting up the frames of the buildings for which the structural steel has been ordered.

Three new memberships have been obtained by the board since the steel mill was landed, and a number of more are promised. Delinquent members are paying up, and the organization has a brighter future than at any time since it started operations. Members are being urged to bring their friends to the meeting tonight, that they may become interested and help push our good old town up Progress Hill.


Source: Alton Telegraph, November 21, 1912
T. S. Clark of Erie, Pennsylvania, and his associates who will build the new steel plant, will arrive in Alton Tuesday night to close the deal for the land, and arrange for breaking ground for the foundation of the buildings. Mr. Clark and his associates will take over the Alton Steel Company, for which local members of the Board of Trade performed the steps of preliminary organization and incorporation under the laws of Illinois. From now on, the Sering tract will be a scene of activity, and work of building the mills will be hastened and continued during the winter as long as the weather permits. The negotiations have been long and involved, but every difficulty has been overcome as a result of the cooperation obtained through the Board of Trade.

Two St. Louis manufacturers were in Alton yesterday, seeking a building suitable for a hat and cap factory. They stated to the Secretary-Manager of the Board of Trade that they needed one floor, either on the first or second story, with space of from 4,500 to 8,000 square feet. No building less than 100 feet long, with plenty of light, can be utilized. Any person owning property available for such a plant is requested to communicate with the Secretary-Manager of the Board of Trade.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 23, 1912
Superintendent O. C. Macy of the Alton, Granite, and St. Louis Traction Company returned today from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where he closed a deal with the managers of the Alton Steel Company for 4,000 horsepower, which will be used for the new plant. This power will be used to run the various mills and cranes of the new plant. The motors driving the crane will be large, special mill motors, bearing from 1,200 to 300 horsepower. There will be four large cranes with capacity from 75 to 15 tons. The Alton, Granite, and St. Louis Traction Company will start getting the material for the new contract at once.

The new plant will have its mills running by May 1, and if there are no unexpected delays, the entire plant will be in operation in eight months. The landing of the contract for electric power by Supt. Macy was done after Mr. Macy had submitted plenty of proof to the new firm that electricity could be furnished by his company at cheaper cost than it took to build a plant and manufacture it.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 7, 1913
One of the larger, double track cars used on the Union street line tobogganed down the steep grade north of the City Cemetery Monday evening, carrying twenty-seven passengers and her crew, and all of them had a marvelous escape from death or fatal injury when the car left the rails at the curve at the northeast corner of the cemetery, and going in the ditch turned over on her side. The passengers, all of them shaken up, and most of them suffering slight cuts and bruises, were taken from the wreckage or crawled out to help others from the splinters of the car. The worst injured were Walter Day, John Mischell, Miss Freida Netzhammer, Thomas Moran, William Coleman, Thomas Swift, Walter Heller. Thomas Swift, a boy, was badly hurt in the hip joint and his injury may prove serious. The conduct of the car crew was heroic according to those who were in the car. Before starting down the hill, the motorman, William Coleman, who is known as a cautious man, stopped the car at the top of the hill, tested his sand and his airbrakes, then eased the brakes off and started to let the car drop down the hill slowly. The rails had been slickened up by a thin coating of ice, and the car started down the grade like a toboggan on a slick track. It did not check the speed any to put on the brakes, and all that the motorman could do did not serve to slow up the car's speed. Conductor Fred Wentz told the passengers to keep their seats and they obeyed, which undoubtedly prevented many being hurt by being thrown together during the wild ride. Wentz himself sat down on the car floor. When the car left the rails it started down a steep incline, but struck an obstruction and went over on its side, smashing in the whole side of the car and piling up the passengers. Some were caught in the wreckage and had to be liberated by others. Motorman Will Coleman, who had stuck to his post during the wild ride, and afterward helped out the passengers and aided some of them to get to their homes, collapsed afterward and suffered a form of nervous prostration. He was taken to his home. The accident, so far as could be learned, was unavoidable, as every precaution was taken by the motorman before starting down the grade. Similar accidents under similar circumstances have occurred on other steep grades in Alton, twice on State street hill and several times on Washington street hill. While the car was on the decent, it was going at such a rate of speed that it was impossible for the conductor Fred Wendt to keep his feet, and he sat down on the rear platform to await the outcome. When asked why he told the passengers to keep their seats and would not give them a chance to jump from the car he replied, "That car was going faster than I ever traveled before, and no one would have been able to live who jumped, even if they had made the way to the door successfully." After this everyone in the car was still as death until the crash, and the car turned over. After the accident Miss Netzhammer, although hurt, waited until the victims had been carried away and then she inquired, "Have any of you gentlemen noticed my music?" The music was found buried under the car. After the accident most of the men in the car scrambled out and preceded to help the remainder and less fortunate ones out of the wreckage. All of the injured were taken to the bottling department of the Bluff City brewery to await the coming of an ambulance. Jack Mischell was bruised about the body and suffered from the shock but spent a very peaceful night. Walter Day spent a very restless night and seemed slightly worse this morning than he was last evening. His back was severely hurt and he suffered from bruises all over his body and especially from a fractured rib. Miss Freda Netzhammer was much improved this morning and had thoroughly recovered from the nervous shock. She was cut by the falling glass on the hands, arms, and face, and was slightly bruised on the body and head. Thomas Moran probably fared the worst from the accident. For ten minutes after the accident Moran's legs were pinned under the wreckage, as the result his left leg is so badly swollen that it is impossible to tell whether it is broken or not, and there is a deep gash in his right leg. He passed a very uneasy night but was somewhat easier this morning. [NOTE: All victims of the accident survived.]


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 17, 1913
Anthony Crivello, who has conducted a fruit store in the Piasa street building on Piasa street, for the past twenty years, will retire from business February 1, and will be succeeded by his sons, Joseph Crivello, the well-known traveling salesman, and Augustus (Gus) Crivello, who has for years been in the store with his father. Both young men are among the most popular persons in Alton, and both have good business ability. They are ambitious too, and are loaded with faith in Alton and in Alton's future, just as their father believed in Alton's future when he began business here 22 years ago. The young men intend giving Alton her first delicatessen store, and the present quarters will be remodeled and refurnished completely. They have purchased some elegant fixtures that will be placed later, and the delicatessen and the fruit departments of the establishment will be all in white, and will be sanitary throughout. The delicatessen department will contain high grade canned goods of all kinds, and imported goods such as olive oil, macaroni, etc. The fruit department will be kept up-to-date also, and will contain at all times all varieties of fruits, nuts, candies, etc. The remodeling work and the equipping of the delicatessen store will require the expenditure of a great deal of money, and the operation of a store of that kind is something entirely new in Alton, and is in the nature of a venture in which they take chances of losing. They believe, however, that Alton is going metropolitanward rapidly, and certainly enough so to justify them in giving Alton a unique and metropolitan store and other businessmen with whom they have advised feel certain the young men will succeed. Mr. A. Crivello, who will retire, has not had a vacation in forty years, and will take a good one now. It is likely he and his wife will take a trip to the old country in the spring, but they intend returning to Alton to make their home. They have a third son here who has been operating a successful fruit store in the Madison hotel block for several years, and all members of that family stand high socially and in a business way in this city.

The Crivello brothers (Gaspar and Anthony) arrived in Alton from Italy and opened a fruit stand in 1891 at Broadway and Piasa. They then purchased the Maupin Confectionary at 211 Piasa. In a few years, the second generation, Joseph B. and August M., were in charge of the business. Then three sons of Joseph's (David, Paul and Jack) opened a delicatessen in the same location.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 8, 1913
The opening of Alton's new store - the Delicatessen - by the Crivello Bros., on Piasa Street, was held this afternoon and the beautiful, well stocked, handsomely arranged store was visited by scores of people during the afternoon, and more will call and inspect it this evening. There was music to help entertain, and souvenirs and flowers were handed out liberally.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 21, 1913
A $15,000 bath house, a rule for compulsory bathing, a doctor to inspect the men and determine their condition of health and cleanliness, and company-bought clothes for the men to work in - all these are part of the plans of the Federal Lead Co. at Alton to live up to the spirit of the law passed by the last Legislature to prevent the contracting of diseases peculiar to certain occupations. In some departments of the lead refining plant at Alton, it is claimed the men are subject to some diseases which may be prevented if the men live proper lives and keep clean. The theory is that frequent, perhaps daily bathing, will prevent many physical disorders among the employees in these departments of the refining plant. Dr. D. F. Duggan has been retained as the company doctor to inspect the men, according to Rudolph Porter, the general superintendent, and he must make daily inspection to determine the state of health of the employees in the smelter. Mr. Porter said that the Federal Lead Co. willingly made an appropriation of $15,000 to build a bath house, in which 350 men at one time may take a bath. There are showers with hot and cold water, lavatories, and there will be soap and towels furnished by the company, and a regular laundry will be maintained to keep the towels and washrags clean. The plan decided upon was to put the bathhouse next to the office where every man working in the plant has to pass through going to or from their work. If any man is found who fails to keep himself clean, he will be subject to discharge, the company doctor being the judge. In this connection, Dr. Duggan says that he did discharge one man who had failed for two weeks to wash his face, the lack of washing being discovered through some spots of dirt which remained on his face that length of time....Supt. Porter said that the bath house will be ready in about six weeks. The men will be led up to the baths, going in and out of the plant, and it is up to them to take their baths regularly and help maintain their good health.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 24, 1913
Contractor Louis Biesemeyer was engaged today in wrecking the old brick building on Piasa street which was formerly occupied as an office by George A. Ginter, and which was since purchased by Charles Seibold. The walls of the old building were strong, and it was with great difficulty and much concerted effort and ingenuity that the brick walls were overthrown by the contractor's men. The strength of the walls gave a silent tribute to the effectiveness of work done many years ago by the old-time builders. An old resident of Alton tells a Telegraph reporter that, while he is not exactly certain, he thinks the building was part of the structure in which the Chicago & Alton railroad at one time built its first sleeping car. It will be remembered that George M. Pullman, the founder of the sleeping car business, was a resident of Alton and built his first sleeping car in Alton for the old Chicago and Alton. The shops were on the lot where this building stands, and it is believed that this building was one of those occupied at that time as the home of the first sleeping car. The old building will make way for an addition to the Bluff City Garage, conducted by the Alton Automobile Co. Work of erecting the annex will be pushed rapidly, when the old brick structure is cleared off the ground.


Source: Alton Telegraph, April 10, 1913
The improvement work being done to the building at the corner of Third and Piasa Streets, recently vacated by the Goulding Jewelry Company, has started recollections to work and many middle-aged Altonians stand a moment in passing and look down into the cellar, or basement, where they say they got their first shave. The first shave of many young boys or men is a memorable event, too, do not forget that, and sometimes the youth is a proud as a flock of pea fowls when he emerges from a barber shop after his first shave. The basement of that building was occupied 46 or 47 years ago by Louis Axtheim, who conducted what was then the high-toned barber shop of Alton, and that is why the uncovering of the old basement has aroused recollection, mostly of a pleasant kind.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15, 1913
"Kelly, the horse trainer and horse trader, is moving his herd of horses to Hop Hollow, where he will have his sale stables in the open, under the trees as he did in past hot seasons. He has probably 100 head of good horses suitable for working or driving, and he has about thirty real broncos, sure enough Wild West buckers and equine contortionists, and he will give a free exhibition next Sunday afternoon of what these animals can do and what he and his expert helper, "Black Jack," can do in the matter of riding them. He has, since acquiring this Western herd, trained them to ways of peace, and to do things when told to do them, and he will demonstrate how instructions and patience will convert the meanest of horses into a docile, useful companion for men or women.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 19, 1913
Will Dailey has sold his saloon in the East End to his bartender, Ed Young, and Mr. Dailey plans to re-open the "Forkeyville" resort in big style. Some time ago the State's Attorney, J. M. Bandy, gave his word that the "Forkeyville" saloon would not be opened. It is within a mile of the city limits of Alton and no license for the place can be granted. Barr Dailey, father of Will Dailey, told a Telegraph reported today that his son would start at once fixing up the Forkyville place he recently bought. He will do some more building, erect a dance pavilion, have a merry-go-round, and will sell beer and other liquors there. It is said that the Forkyville saloon cannot be closed unless the Yager Park saloons are closed, they, too, being within a mile of the limits of Alton. Dailey plans to build a concrete dike around the place from Wood River's floods. It is very probable that the attempt to open the saloon will be resisted by persons interested, as the Western Military Academy is strongly opposed to any saloon at "Forkyville," and there are others who are opposed, too.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1913
Official announcement was made today by the Alton Board of Trade that a new industry, small in its way at first, but with promise of growing, has been secured for Alton. In this connection it may be said that small industries are really very desirable. The new one is a glove factory, making a cheap grade of cloth gloves. The following was contributed by W. H. Joesting, secretary of the Alton Board of Trade: Negotiations were closed Thursday between the Carter Glove Company of Seymour, Indiana, Mr. E. W. Brown and W. H. Joesting, manager of the Alton Board of Trade, for the removal of the glove factory to Alton. Lloyd S. Carter has been here for several days in conference with the Alton men. Mr. Carter has built up a good business from a very small beginning, and comes to Alton well recommended for character and ability. Mr. Brown, who will be actively connected with the new company, is credit man for Beall Bros., and one of the most promising young business men of the city. The business of the company will be taken over by an Illinois corporation, which will be formed at once to engage in the manufacture of cotton flannel and duck gloves and mittens and similar goods. The consumption of these articles has grown tremendously in the past few years, and while there is a great number of successful factories making them in Ohio, Indiana and further east, there are very few in the Mississippi Valley or west. With the business already established, and the advantages of Alton as a manufacturing and shipping center, this newest industry should grow rapidly, as the other Alton manufacturers are growing. The factory will be located in the Seibold Building on Piasa street, between Third and Fourth, the entire upper floors to be at once remodeled for the use of the company. They will employ thirty girls at the beginning, and add to this as fast as labor can be obtained to handle the machines.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 25, 1913
Contractors began work today remodeling the building on Piasa street, which was formerly the Seibold livery stable, for the accommodation of the new glove factory that will be started in Alton next month. The machinery will be shipped here in a few days, and when the contractors are through the plant will be started.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 30, 1913
The Alton Glove Company, in its new quarters on Piasa street, started its cutting machines today, cutting the cloth for making gloves. By Wednesday the remainder of the plant will be put in full operation manufacturing white cotton gloves. About twenty-five girls will be used in the factory. This industry, it is expected, will grow in importance. It was recently moved to Alton through the efforts of the Alton Board of Trade.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 26, 1913
Mayor J. C. Faulstich is going back into the cigar business and will have his store and factory in the Temple Building, in the room that was the restaurant room of the Temple bar. Mayor Faulstich, when questioned about the new business he is to enter, stated this afternoon that he had nothing to give out until he had fixed up the place and was ready for business. The cigar business is the first love of the mayor in a business way, he formerly having conducted a prosperous cigar business. The cigar business in Alton right now seems in a particularly prosperous way, and many are being attracted to it.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 30, 1913
C. A. Halsey has bought the homestead of the Baker family on Fifteenth street, the land included being 111x136 feet. The sale of this piece of property is especially interesting, in that it will be the third time the old house has been remodeled since it was built. The first part of the house was erected away back about the year 1820, now the west wing of the house. In 1845, a grandfather of H. S. Baker and S. B. Baker bought the house, and he added what is now the center wing of the house in 1847. Later, a son-in-law, Judge H. S. Baker, added the east wing to the house in 1876. The house has been vacant for some time. It was many years ago one of the finest homes in Alton, and is a large, roomy structure. The new owner plans to make important improvements, completely renovating the building, and he will occupy it as a residence. It is the first time the property has been out of the possession of some of the Baker family or its ancestors since 1845, when it came into the family, a period of sixty-eight years. [NOTE: The home was located at 636 E. 15th Street in Alton. In 1919 it was sold to William Beiser.]


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 13, 1913
An old flagging sidewalk at the John Snyder place, Grove and Liberty streets, was being torn up today to make room for a handsome granitoid sidewalk which Mr. Snyder is building around his property. It is an interesting fact that this old sidewalk was built away back when Alton was very young. It was the walk in front of the old "Insurance office," now the home of Mr. Snyder. According to the old-time residents of that vicinity, the sidewalk was laid when the old insurance company erected the building that still stands, and which, it was believed, would be the nucleus of the city of Alton. M. G. Atwood was president, and John Atwood was secretary. The old-time business men of Alton had big schemes in their minds. The Chicago fire put the company out of business. The sidewalk has stood ever since, and has been used by innumerable thousands of people. The lapse of time, the upheaving force of frost, and the even more powerful lifting power of the roots of trees caused the stones to get out of line and the going has been very rough over the walk. The new improvement will be a fine thing, and pleases everybody who has occasion to walk that way.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 28, 1913
Fire destroyed the Thomas Morfoot livery barn this afternoon, and threatened to burn the new Elks' club building and the Illinois Corrugated Paper Factory in the block between Easton and Alby Streets and Second [Broadway] and Front streets. The cause is believed to have been spontaneous combustion in a car of new hay, which was stored away yesterday and was supposed to be slightly damp. Mr. Morfoot said his insurance was light. The fire was discovered by Jacob Crawford, one of the stable employees, who with R. Harmon, began the rescue of the twenty-five or more horses downstairs. The horses were rushed out in twos and threes, and tied along on Front Street. The last horse taken out was burned on the back, but it is not thought the burns are serious. The stablemen were quickly joined by a crowd of outsiders who did what they could and there were many little heroic efforts made to get the harness and other effects belonging to the stables. The carriages and hearse upstairs with fifty buggies being nearest the starting place of the fire could not be saved, and were left to their destruction.

Morfoot Livery, Alton, ILThomas Morfoot was in front of the city hall talking with some friends when he heard of the fire. He rushed over and found that the police had instructed the men to stay away, as the building was about to fall. He disregarded the instruction of the police, and broke a window and ordered some of his men to follow. Several tied handkerchiefs over their face and began throwing the harness out. There was about $300 worth of brand new harness saved in this way. One of the men became ill and had to go out, but he recovered on getting outside. Previous to this time the firefighting had been confined to the Front Street side. It now began breaking out upstairs in the buggy room in full swing, and the flames leaped high into the air and began to be blown in a northwesterly direction towards the Elks' building and the Illinois Corrugated Factory on the west. On account of some irregularity in the telephone service, three calls were sent to the fire department before the companies responded. When the companies finally reached the scene of the fire, all of the horses had been rescued and the entire building was filled with smoke. It was seldom if ever that such a willingness to fight the fire is seen on the part of the firemen. Chief Hunt and Assistant Chief Feldwisch were both on a line of hose fighting where the fire was the hottest, and directing the movement of the men at all times. At one time a force of men, headed by Driver Barney Osterman, came nearly being caught when a large mass of the framework of the building gave away. With the first cracking, the men made a run for liberty, and several of them were knocked down by the falling timbers. Bystanders quickly gathered them out of the way, and with the exception of Barney Osterman, all the men returned to the firefighting. It was a wonder with the risks that were taken that more men were not injured.

Shortly after the fire started, word was passed out in the paper plant, and all of the girls and other employees were advised to leave the building. The girls joined the throngs that watched the fire. For a time when the fire was at its height it seemed as if the Elks building would go down in the fire. The flames broke the windows of the third floor, and leaped into the meeting hall, but they did not make much headway on account of the metal ceiling. When the Elks realized that their building was in danger, they fought like mad men. Dr. Pfaff organized a bucket brigade and he and a number of others ran through the building with buckets of water. George Sauvage, E. L. Rose, Ben Eible, William Miller, and a number of small school boys, joined them in their efforts, and in a few seconds a hundred persons were streaming in and out of the Elks building carrying everything that was movable to the streets. In the meantime, Joe Steck asked the mayor to have a line of hose put on the fire from the Elks building, and the mayor replied that there was no more hose at the fire, but he would go with Steck to get more. The two mounted number two auto truck and drove at full speed to the hose house and back with all the hose they could get. William Bauer and George Goeken manned another truck and made a similar trip. The hard work of the Elks and the fact that the building caved in at an opportune time probably saved their splendid home.

R. Harmon, Jack Crawford, and Hudspeth saved all of the livestock in the barn shortly after the fire started, with the exception of one dog. The barn men tried to get him to leave the stable, but he lingered too long and was gone. One of the horses, "Ledder," broke away from the man that was holding him and rushed back to his stall after he had been rescued, and it was necessary for the men to make another trip after him. He was slightly burned on the side as the result of his old trick.

Crawford was the only one who witnessed the starting of the fire, and he said the carload of hay which was stored in the center of the barn, went up, as it had been soaked with gasoline. At first the blaze was at the top of the hay, and so small that he attempted to extinguish it with a bucket of water, but it spread so rapidly that after the horses were rescued no one would venture in to save the wagons. Outside of the loss of the buildings, nine cabs, and a hearse valued at over $5,000, seventy-five buggies valued at $4,000, and a number of small wagons owned by Alton merchants were lost. When a Telegraph reporter put the question, "Did you save anything in the buggy line?" to Thomas Morfoot, he smiled and answered, "Yes, one cab was in the repair shop." Morfoot was unable to say how much insurance he carried on the building and equipment, but he said he had kept it small on account of the high rate. A car of hay which arrived yesterday, and should have been in the barn, had not been unloaded, so that this was saved. The damage to the Elks and the Illinois Corrugated Paper Company was comparatively small. Both of these fireproof structures were damaged by the moving about of the furniture and the smoke.

The Keiser & Morfoot Livery and Undertaking was located on the corner of Front and Easton Streets, next door to the Illinois Corrugated Paper Mill. The Elks Lodge (former Schweppe home) was located on Broadway and Easton, directly behind the Livery stables.

Thomas Morfoot was born October 30, 1862, in Easingwold, England. After his arrival in Alton, he went into the livery and undertaking business with Allen Keiser. Morfoot was known as a cheerful and kind man, and made many friends. After Keiser left the business, Morfoot continued to operate the livery stable, and also worked as superintendent at the Illinois Glass Company. In 1929, due to the encroachment of the automobile, he was forced to retire. He lived in Springfield for a short time, then returned to Alton, where he died in December 1929. He was buried in the Alton City Cemetery. He was survived by his wife, Golda Viola Walton Morfoot, a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Beall, and a son, Harley Piermont Morfoot.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 02, 1913
Undoubtedly Piasa Street is entitled to the soubriquet [nickname] of "The Pike." The recent advent of sideshow features which filled up the empty buildings there, directed attention to the varieties of amusements, business lines, etc., on the street from the river to the Chicago and Alton freight depot [between 5th and 6th Streets]. All the street needs is a church, and that is close at hand with the Salvation Army a few doors away (and it does hold meetings on Piasa Street), to complete the entire run of wants of man and woman. The variety extends from such sober, sedate lines of business as banks, medical and legal profession and newspaper business, down through mercantile lines, and amusements to the lowest forms of vice. Piasa is the completest little street in Alton, and she could keep Alton going so far as variety is concerned, if there wasn't another place in Alton where business interests were angling for dollars.

In the four blocks from the river to the Chicago and Alton freight depot, Piasa Street in Alton combines more varieties of business than any other similar stretch of street in Alton. A striking feature of the lineup along the street is the small amount of competitive lines there is on the street. There is more variety because there are not many duplicates. Forgetting in the consideration some dens of vice which flourish, where giddy girls and foolish men follow frivolous lines, where the knights of the green cloth listen to the click of the clattering wheels and the roll of the bones, one may consider the legitimate lines in the census. There is one wharf for steamboats, one railroad depot and one street car line, covering all phases of transportation except the airship. To support the cases that may be brought by the four lawyers, there is one civil engineer. There are three cigar stores and four clothing stores, with two barber shops where a man can get shaved after getting the new clothes and a good cigar. There is one express office, one firm of dentists, one garage, one newspaper plant, one mining tool foundry [Beall], one firm of plumbers, two restaurants and one Chinese chop suey joint. Two saloons minister to the thirsty, and the Telegraph's informant says there are three gambling houses. There is one shooting gallery, one "ring game," one dog and pony show, one meat market, one "whoopla," one "Jack-the-whittler," one beauty shop, one shoe store, two insurance agencies (life and fire), one delicatessen, one Hippodrome [theater], one skating rink, one bank, one confectionery, one dry goods and ladies’ furnishings store, one livery stable. There is one colored doctor, one shoe repair shop, one clothes repair shop, one glove factory, and two other doctors.

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 16, 1914
Roller skating, which has had periodic revivals and just as many funerals in Alton, will die again next Saturday night, and this time may be buried for a number of years until somebody resurrects it. R. W. Wingert, who has been conducting the Mikado rink, said today that Saturday night will be his last night. He intends to close up shop because business had come to be so bad it wasn't worthwhile holding it open any longer. Mr. Winger thinks that the hall may be turned over to a club and that it may resume its old-time line of business of being a popular dance hall, but of this he isn't certain.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 30, 1914
August Schippert of the Alton Baking and Catering Co., who will celebrate his twenty-fifth anniversary in the baking business on May first, claims that Alton Baking & Catering Co., Alton, ILhe has supervised the making of about two hundred million loaves of bread and one hundred million pies during his time in the business. This is enough pastry to give every resident of the United States two loaves of bread and one pie, and then have a large amount left over. He has worked as the foreman of a number of the larger factories over the United States, and has been connected with Alton plants for the last fourteen years. Twenty-five years ago, he started to learn the baker trade in Germany. At that time the average day's work for a baker was two hundred loaves of bread per day, and it was handled entirely by hand. Since that time, he has seen the machine introduced into the plant until one of the large machines used at present will turn out twenty-four hundred loaves of bread per hour with the aid of but two workmen, and the men handle the bread but once during the operation. When asked what he considered the greatest improvement in the baking business, Schippert said that the improvement along sanitary lines equaled anything he had noticed. He said that while in the old days little effort was made to keep things clean, everything that can be done along that line at present is being carried out. "Few persons paid any attention to flies in a baker shop in the old days, but now a fly seldom ever gets through the screens, and if it does every effort is made to kill it." During his fourteen years' stay in Alton, Schippert has been connected with the Noll Baking Co for three years, but when the Alton Baking and Catering Co. was organized, he bought an interest in the plant and has since been in charge of the baking department.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 4, 1914
The Alton Glove Company closed down Saturday afternoon, and will not be reopened for a month. The owners say that the demand for gloves during the summer months is comparatively light, and they have a large stock on hand. When the plant is reopened at Alton, there will be but twelve machines put into operation instead of the thirty-two, which the company has been using before. The scarcity of girls has been the cause for the reduction of the number of machines. The managers of the company plan to move twenty of the machines from Alton to Troy, Ill., where they think it will be possible to secure girls. The Troy factory will be in charge of L. S. Carter, and the Alton factory will be run under the direction of Ed Brown.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 12, 1914
An ordinance may be presented at the meeting of the city council tomorrow evening calling for the sale of the old pest house property north of Upper Alton. Since States Attorney Bundy gave out notice some time ago that the city of Alton could no longer use the pest house because it was outside of Alton township, this matter has been under consideration. If it is possible to get the ordinance drawn up by tomorrow evening, it will be presented to the council. The records at Edwardsville show that the city of Alton purchased the land of the pest house site in 1869 for a cemetery. Besides the house on the grounds, the city owns 59.32 acres of ground according to the records. It is the plan of the present administration to dispose of this property for enough money to purchase another site of four or five acres with a good house on it. According to the state law, the new pest house site will have to be located within the city limits of Alton. It will be up to the city officials to locate the new site for the pest house. There may be some difficulty in getting the property owners to sell their property within the city limits for that purpose. City Clerk Barth Kennedy discovered on looking up the records that the pest house property, consisting of sixty acres, were paid for by a $10,000 bond issue at 10 per cent, for eight years. The price paid for the land was very high, especially since it was never devoted to any use. The land has never been productive of revenue to the city, except for a small rental sometimes not collected and sometimes collected. The land has been really "mined," it is said, and is in a bad condition. No one would pay the city anywhere near the price the city paid for the property, owing to the lack of care that has been shown for many years in keeping the farm in good condition.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 25, 1914
Mrs. James O'Brien, wife of the chief engineer at the plant of the Illinois Glass Co., of 1203 East Third street, is said to be in a very satisfactory condition at St. Joseph's Hospital, following a surgical operation known as the Caesarian section. The operation was performed upon her Sunday night by Dr. J. M. Pfeiffenberger to save the life of the mother, and also of a little daughter, who was therefore permitted to gladden the home of the O'Briens, which has heretofore been childless. Mrs. O'Brien is 30 years of age. The operation was given its name from the fact that it is claimed Julius Caesar, the great Roman general, came into the world in that way with the aid of surgery. Mrs. O'Brien has realized for some time that she must undergo the operation, yet she faced it gladly, happily, and today she is the happiest woman in the city of Alton. Her dearest wish has been gratified - that she have a child of her own flesh and blood. When informed of the gravity of her case several weeks ago, the news was not received with any forebodings of evil by Mrs. O'Brien and her one desire was that the life of her child be saved. The result is that both mother and child are doing well, and the surgeons who have seen her believe that Mrs. O'Brien's long cherished hope that she be a mother is happily gratified. It is the first case of Caesarian section in the city of Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 28, 1914
The lid is on steam calliopes in Alton on Sunday, as the result of a resolution passed by the city council of Alton last evening, the city fathers have decreed that the noise or "music" made by the Calliope on Sunday is a nuisance....Whether the shrill notes from the Calliope disturbed the slumbers of the city fathers in the early hours Sunday morning or whether they interfered with religious services was not stated. Many of the church-goers have been complaining about the calliopes being allowed to play on Sunday. It will be remembered that two years ago a similar complaint was made by the church-goers and the owners of the steamboats agreed to play nothing but religious songs on Sunday morning. However, even these will be stopped hereafter.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 13, 1914
A middle-aged woman, a stranger, fairly well dressed and unquestionably well educated, Saturday broke into the deliberations of the City Hall mediation board, which holds its sessions every morning on the shady side of the building that is being kept in an upright position by a telephone pole. She did not hesitate very long to make known her business, but after sizing up the members of the board, announced that she is hunting a husband and some of the members of the board looked mighty good to her. Colonel Ed Burke, ex-Sheriff, was the first one of the men who appealed to her, and she "shot" love glances at him out of repeating guns provided by Cupid. She never touched the ex-Sheriff, however. He has been under fire before and anyhow wears a coat of mall against such shots. She announced then she has $14,000 cash [$358,951.60 in today’s money], and a loving disposition, and Ed could have had all of it if he hadn't been so offish about it.

Her next desired and intended husband was Theo. Cabrilla, and she assaulted that citadel of old bachelorhood with vigor. Theo. was offered the $14,000 cash, the loving disposition and her good looks, but he nearly fainted when the proposition was made. He had no chance to run, but he looked like he would welcome a marathon and a chance to enter it.

She proposed to Alderman Rubenstein and ex-officer Charles Steiner, but they both begged off for the reason that bigamy is a penitentiary offense in this country and they did not feel like leaving Alton for Utah, even with the loving disposition and the $14,000 cash that would accompany them.

She fell in love with Pat Maguire next, and would have kidnapped him probably if his friends had not come to the rescue. She gave a Telegraph reporter the chance to make that $14,000 cash and she seemed to know that he needs the money. After he hedged, she seemed glad of it, and announced that she sized him up as a man who would suck eggs and vote the Democratic ticket anyway, and she is looking for a Progressive or Socialist. Efforts were made to get her in communication with J. F. Murphy, but they failed. No one seemed to know who the woman is. She is a good talker and is undoubtedly lonesome and wants a mate.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 25, 1914
A great many interested spectators today at noon witnessed some of the performances of the mechanical man built by Ferdinand Pieper, and equipped by him with electrical contrivances and devices calculated to makeFerdinand Peipert's Iron Man him go some. He is unlike "Percy the Mechanism Man" of the funny papers a few years ago, in that his conduct is more orderly. Percy was continually doing things to prove himself a natural outlaw, and all of the machinery that caused him to do things, when a button was pressed, was inside of him. Ferd's mechanism man is not operated altogether by inside machinery. There is some behind him that assists materially in boosting him along. He claims to do nothing but walk. He was allowed to walk alone and unguided today for a distance on the sidewalk on Belle street, and he did the deed well. Weston, O'Leary or any other champion walker would not be on it with the Alton Percy as far as endurance is concerned anyway, and he gets over the ground rapidly too. As a walking advertisement for some big concern, the Alton Percy would be a winner. He could walk from ocean to ocean and from "Greenland's icy mountains" to Huerta's mescal land without acquiring a corn on his foot or a stone bruise by a toe. The model is not a very large one, but the size of the one that would make the transcontinental trip could be regulated to suit. He could be twenty feet high if desired.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 02, 1914
While "Deaf" Bill Lee, a Missouri Point fisherman, is spending his time in the county jail for stealing some tools from a fellow fisherman, someone entered his house boat on the point and made away with all his household furniture. When "Deaf" Bill returns from his trip to the county jail, he will have to hunt for new goods for his home. This is the story according to a fisherman who is a disinterested party. "About three months ago a stranger came into the fleet across the river. He was a skilled mechanic and carried with him the best in carpenter tools and the like. Bill took a liking to some of the tools, and several days later when they were missing, the stranger procured a search warrant and searched his home. The tools were found, and Bill Lee was taken to the county jail after having been given permission to lock his home." Yesterday fishermen found the house open and found that robbers had entered during the night and made away with everything in the home, including carpet, dishes, cook stove, bed and other furniture. Bill's time will be up in a few days, and many of his friends are wondering what he will do when he returns and finds everything stolen. The only thing that the robbers did not take was two shotguns and a revolver, which were hanging on the ceiling of his home.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 15, 1914
The machinery of the Alton Glove Company was put aboard cars at Alton today, and will be moved to Troy, Illinois, which is to be the future home of the Glove Company. The change was made because it was found very difficult by the owners of the glove factory to secure girls in competition with the other Alton factories. While in Alton, the company has been fairly successful and never had any trouble disposing of their output.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 16, 1914
It is not necessary for those Altonians who are looking for real thrills to go out of the city to gratify their wants. Any Altonians who are really desirous of seeing some real thrills by real daredevils who do the stunts more for their own pleasure than for the audience needs only to stop at the Alton bridge some evening while the party of boys are in swimming there. At this place there are lads, some of whom are not over ten or twelve years of age, who do remarkable feats, leaping from the fence to the river. One of two "flip-flops" in mid-air or a swim through the eddies about the bridge seems as play to these lads. Last evening as a special feat, Wayne Lord accomplished one of the most daring tricks that has been attempted for some time. The thirteen-year-old lad jumped from top of the draw span into the river, a distance of between sixty and seventy feet. After making the jump, he swam about as usual, none the worse as the result of his jump.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 17, 1914
Amos Jones, horse trader, real estate jobber, raconteur [storyteller], and all-around adventurer, was given a horsewhip lashing this afternoon on Belle street in front of Otto Boercker's barbershop by Mrs. Mary Kolb of Godfrey. Mrs. Kolb was resenting a story that got into the newspapers on Jones' authority that in making a horse trade she had given as boot in a horse trade for an extra collar, four pounds of butter and a case of asparagus. Jones had related it as the funniest experience of fifty years of horse trading, as he had never seen such boot given. The other party to the deal was Frank Wohnlich. Mrs. Kolb was much displeased with the joking she had to submit to from her friends, and she felt that she had been greatly injured by the story Jones had told. She declared that Jones was nobody to be talking about her, and that a few winters back when he had no place else to sleep that he had slept in a coffin in a barn near Brighton. Jones was expecting trouble as he had learned that Mrs. Kolb was after him. She had bought a horsewhip, it was said, and had announced her purpose of keeping it with her until she met him and she did it. She carried the whip for several weeks, Jones claims, and when she walked past him today as he sat on a bench in front of the barber shop, she remarked, "Wait until I go back and get my whip." Jones sat there. He said he could not believe that Mrs. Kolb would whip him. Jones said that when they were both young that many a time he had swung corners with her at country dances, and he had always regarded her as one of his best friends. As Mrs. Kolb returned with the whip in her hand, she made a blow with it and struck Jones, who thereupon seized the whip and then he took it from her and gave her a blow with it. Jones struck, he said, not so much to revenge for the blow he had received, as it was for the purpose of resenting the story that he had slept in a coffin. He would not deny the truth of the coffin story, but he did not like to have it told on him. Jones soon recovered his good humor, though he declared he might have the woman arrested for assault and battery. Jones said this afternoon he was to have had a "setting" of guinea hen eggs as his commission for engineering the trade in which the four pounds of butter and crate of asparagus figured, but when he told the story of the deal to the Telegraph he lost his chance of getting the guinea eggs and got a horse whipping instead. Mrs. Kolb left Belle street soon after the incident occurred.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 20, 1914
About eighteen members of the Wigwam Hunting and Fishing Club enjoyed themselves at the clubhouse on the Illinois River Saturday evening and all day Sunday, and came home rested and refreshed. At Joseph E. Holl's cigar store are displayed some relics or trophies brought back by J. B. Foreman and J. E. Holl, who were up in Calhoun a couple of days ahead of the others. The skeleton head of one of the original inhabitants of Calhoun county is among the trophies. It is that of a wild boar, and he must have been a giant among boars judging from the size of the head and of the tusks protruding from the big jaw bones. The head was procured near Fuller's Landing on the Illinois River. Two large, long ears are being displayed also, and they are said to be a wolf's ears. Out in Kansas and Nebraska they call animals wearing similar ears, Jack Rabbits, but of course they may be wolves in Calhoun. This is not disputing anything. Mr. Foreman killed a large rattler and brought back the rattles and button attached as souvenirs. All the club members had a delightful outing and some splendid eating while out.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 27, 1934 (as reported July 27, 1909)
The Dawson Overall Company leased machinery in its building to W. L. Cunningham Manufacturing Co. Cunningham announced plans to begin operations in the old Armory by the middle of August [1909].


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 28, 1914
Edward Withers, who has been operating a barbershop in the Baker building in Belle street in the rear of the Rexall drug store, removed his belongings yesterday and closed the shop. It will be remodeled and will become a part of the drug store in the near future. The building has been occupied as a barbershop for forty years, barbers tell the Telegraph. It was a prosperous shop too, most of the time, and some of the older barbers say that if all of the hair that has been cut off heads of folks in that shop could be collected, it would be enough to fill all of the mattresses in all of the public institutions of Madison county, and then leave enough to wad the pillows used with these same mattresses. Whiskers enough have been shorn in the same shop to equip all of the populists in Kansas with Rip Van Winkle beards if the total could be procured and utilized. Mr. Withers did not have to get out of that building as stated. He had a lease on the shop premises that had two years and a half to run yet, but Mr. Luly wanted the room, needed it badly in fact, and Mr. Withers sold him the lease. He will move his family tomorrow to Decatur where he has a good offer made him. He said to a Telegraph reporter last evening, "I never had a better class of patrons anywhere I ever lived than I had in Alton, and I dislike to leave such people. I would not do so either, only for circumstances that make it appear best for my interests to go to Decatur.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 5, 1914
The women of Alton are cooperating in the "melting pot" plan of raising funds for the cause of equal suffrage in the United States. They are hoping to make a considerable contribution toward the fund. Miss Julia Davenport Randall communicates the following interesting account of the work that has been undertaken by the Alton women: The Alton Equal-Suffrage League met Friday evening and discussed the Primaries Registration and the proposed bond issue, on which women may vote. The sense of the meeting was that a heavy vote on this, as on all questions now open to women, will hasten the day of full suffrage in Illinois; therefore the women hope for a good turnout on registration and voting days....Contributions of old gold and silver jewelry are taken to be melted into bullion, and women have been bringing "holey" thimbles, odd table silver, and many things which are worth melting but not of present use....The first gift was a wedding ring fifty or sixty years old, which belonged to a Missouri working woman. After fighting her brave fight for a long life-time, her failing sight made it necessary for her to go to a poor house, where she died. With the hope of helping other women like her to better living conditions, the suffragist asked Alton friends to contribute to the melting pot.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 19, 1914
About one hundred men and two dogs chased a skunk for several blocks, and finally took up a portion of the sidewalk in front of the Robertson and Cahill store on Belle street at midnight last night. If the posse had been chasing a murderer, it could not have been much warmer. Many of the men who joined in the chase did not realize at first whether they were chasing a man or a beast. Several residents along the street were aroused by the shouts of the crowd and joined the chase. It is said that the chase was started by a dog. Some of the negroes who happened along the street saw the skunk and passed out the word that a skunk hide was worth five dollars. This added interest to the chase. Gradually, as the chase led through the yards of the C. & A. railroad, the crowd gathered. Finally, the skunk took refuge under the sidewalk in front of the Robertson and Cahill grocery Co. Some of the men in the party went to their homes nearby and secured crowbars. With the assistance of these, they lifted the stone from the sidewalk and allowed the dogs to capture the skunk. Later it was found that the hide, after being dried, will be worth about a half dollar.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 6, 1914
A voice from the past is the way an old resident of Alton characterized the old sign on the Armory building at Third and Piasa streets, where on the north side of the structure, just below the level of the fourth floor, there is coming into plainer view with each succeeding day a sign that reads, "Steam Engines, Flour, Circular Saw and Sugar Mills." The sign extended from one end to the other of the north side of the building. Old residents say that it was the sign of Dunford's Foundry and Machine Shop, which at one time occupied that property. It is guessed by some old residents that the sign is over fifty years old, and perhaps sixty. The building is a very old one, and it had several tenants in its time who used the building for manufacturing purposes. Long ago the old sign of the early day tenant was covered with paint. It must have been a very enduring grade of paint used on the original sign, as it has weathered the stress of many years and it has outlived the usefulness of later day paints that were put on the building. The sign that has for several months been growing plainer and plainer was a mystery at first to the younger people who noticed it. They could not make it out. Today, with the light right, and the sign making itself more legible, the reading of it became much plainer. There have been only a few coats of paint put on the building to cover the sign, but undoubtedly the sign itself was given extra coats to conceal it, but the painters had not counted on the persistency of the work done by that early day painter whose sign insisted upon coming forth. Today it stands revealed, recalling memories of the past days in Alton to older citizens whose eyes are not too dim to read it.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 7, 1914
An authority on ancient history of Alton declares that the Armory building was occupied by the James Patterson Foundry and not by Dunfords, and that Dunford was never in the building. The sign referred to yesterday was doubtless originally put on the building to advertise Patterson's products.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 8, 1914
A negro burglar whose identity was in doubt for several hours after he was a corpse, strangled to death about 2:30 o'clock Thursday morning by Joseph Winkler, a carpenter, residing at 1303 Pearl street, in a battle which terminated fatally for the burglar. Mr. Winkler was slashed across the right thigh. Mrs. Winkler was cut on two fingers and Fred Winkler was cut in the left armpit. The wounds were inflicted with a razor by the negro, who tried desperately to escape and would have slain the whole family had he gained his liberty. The fight was a thrilling one. Mr. Winkler, who is 52 years of age and weighs 168 pounds, is a powerful man. About 2:15 o'clock Fred Winkler, aged 20, was roused from his sleep by a negro hanging over him in his bed. When the young man stirred the negro commanded, "Don't holler or I'll kill you." The young man is full of pluck and fight. Throwing his left arm around the neck of the negro, he hung to him and shouted for his father. The children in the Winkler family sleep upstairs and the parents downstairs. A daughter in the house had been ill, and Mr. Winkler hearing the shout for help and thinking his daughter was needing assistance, ran upstairs to aid her. Great was his surprise to see at the head of the stairs his son struggling with a man who had, it proved afterward in his wild attempt to escape, dragged the young man from his bed, across the room, out in the hall, and to the head of the stairs. Winkler's first thought was to prevent the two falling downstairs, so he pushed them back into his son's room, and there the father took a hand. Using his powerful right arm, Mr. Winkler made a hook with it on the burglar's neck and he held him fast, closing up tight with his arm to shut off the negro's wind and overpower him. The negro's last words were, "If I ever get out of here I'll kill both of you," referring to the father and son. To this threat Mr. Winkler replied, "You won't ever get out of here." The father dispatched his son to get a rope and he brought the clothesline, for the purpose of tying up the negro until police could be summoned. The clothesline was used with good effect, and there was some surprise when the negro's struggles subsided. However, it was supposed he was merely choked to insensibility and would soon revive. The police department was notified and the ambulance was summoned. The policemen and the ambulance driver, Marshall Sheff, found the negro still warm, and they could not believe he was dead. At police headquarters Dr. Halliburton was summoned and he said that the negro was dead. He gave it as his opinion the negro was frightened to death instead of being choked to death. The negro was identified as William Sweeney, a paroled convict. He has been attempting to make good with the police department and would go in and out of police headquarters and pretend to be aiding the police in solving burglary and other mysteries. He wanted to be regarded as a stool pigeon by the police, and he had succeeded in deceiving the authorities well. Sweeney, if was found, was sent to the penitentiary on a charge of stealing a lot of clothing at the Western Military Academy in Upper Alton. About six years ago Sweeney was tried in the Circuit Court on a charge of murdering his wife. Many Altonians remember the case in which the wife was scalded by the husband and died from the injuries about two weeks later. J. A. Lynn, now chief of police, was practicing law at that time and defended Sweeney, who was acquitted. Sweeney pretended that it was his gratitude towards the chief that made him report to the chief tips he had on the persons who commit various crimes in the city from time to time.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 17, 1914
If the thief who stole that big door key, taken from the door yesterday morning at the Jacob Hartmann store on Second street will just return it, Mr. Hartmann will be a much happier man. The door key, which had a weight that was so considerable that a man would hesitate to fall into the river while having it in his pocket, has done service for seventy years. Mr. Hartmann said that the building was erected seventy years ago by Mr. Hoehn, and that he put on the doors those old-fashioned handmade locks with a handmade iron key to turn the lock. The key would make a terrible weapon to use either in offense or defense. It has a rating among other keys such as the German sixteen-inch siege guns has in comparison with ordinary small arms. The key would not wear out, and neither would the lock. It was too big to be lost because it could be seen anywhere and a man could never lay it down and forget where he laid it. Yesterday morning, being the coldest so far this winter, the man who opened the store, after struggling down the hill with the heavy load of metal in the key, put it in the lock, managed to turn the lock after a struggle, according to a time honored custom. He evidently did not have enough strength to carry the key any further, and he left it in the door, presumably until Mr. Hartmann would come down and help him to carry it inside. Before Mr. Hartmann came, the key was appropriated by someone, evidently a large, able bodied man, who may have needed a stout iron bar to lift some heavy weight. At least this is the story that Second Street people are telling. Mr. Hartmann then had to go down to a hardware store and do an unprecedented thing. He had to buy a new lock for the door. With it came one of those insignificant little flat keys that a man could lose among a dozen pennies he might be carrying in his pocket. Jack Hartmann is inconsolable. He wants the old key back, and if he can get it he won't lose any time in putting the old lock back on the door.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 25, 1914
For the first time since the grocery store of Patrick Kane was established at Second and Langdon streets, it will be lighted with electricity this evening. Two large four hundred candle power lights installed today will throw light to every corner of the store. This store, which is one of the oldest in the city, has always been lighted with coal oil lamps until today. A number of hanging coal oil lights furnished the light for the large business that has been done over the counter of the store in years gone by. Since Miss Ella Kane has taken charge of the store, she has made a number of improvements in the place and is following them up with the installing of the electric lights. Tonight, when the 31-year-old delivery horse, that for 28 years has been backing the wagon up to the store at night, is ready to go off duty, he will be an astonished horse, if his wits have not been dulled by age. In all his 28 years of service, he had never seen anything in the Kane store that would illuminate the place as bright as those new electric lamps. The innovation will attract much attention in the neighborhood.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 02, 1914
The formal grand opening of the new store of the Sessel's at Third and Piasa Streets in Alton was a notable event. The handsome new store is a fine addition to Alton's mercantile interests, and it will give an excellent new reason why people should stay at home in doing their buying. The Sessels have been repairing for over two months for the event of today. They have more than doubled their storeroom in size, and they have improved every place. From the sidewalk line to the back of the store everything is new. The stock of the store had been greatly cut down before the remodeling began, and consequently the stock is practically all new too. The handsome front of the building is one of the finest in the middle west. It was designed by a man who makes a specialty of designing storefronts, and on this front, he lavished every bit of his skill to make it attractive and novel. The show windows have as much room in them as has many a fair-sized little store, and the planning of the windows is such that there has been nothing but favorable comments since the work began to take shape. The Sessels have been preparing to make a store of which Alton people would be proud, and where they could handle their growing business as they wanted to handle it. In the formal opening, which began today and will last for three days, the Sessels are offering some novel propositions which the public would do well to consider. They have been carrying big advertisements in the Telegraph announcing their opening, and the special attractions. The Alton store is one of a chain of stores founded by one of the Sessel brothers, who is still living in Bunker Hill, and who is in business there. He is the father of Maurice Sessel and a brother of Henry Sessel of the Alton store. Fifty years ago, he engaged in business and the new store is the best thing that he has ever held connection with. Alton's clothing stores have long been competing with each other to surmount the one-time valid objection that Alton's stores were not keeping up with the times. The new Sessel store is stepping ahead of the times and is indeed a very valuable addition to Alton's mercantile interests.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 25, 1915
A brick mill room, 40 by 60 feet, will be erected by the Gratian Organ Co. at Sixth and Easton Streets this Spring, if the plans of J. W. Gratian, manager of the Gratian Co., are carried through. The company, which has been incorporated recently, is planning some big things for the near future. The building will be equipped with the most modern machinery for building organs.

The old frame building, which has been the home of the Gratian organ for a number of years under the management of Mr. Gratian’s father, will be used for the manufacture of certain parts of the organ, but the main work will be done in the new building. A sales department will be organized at once. It is the plan at present to have an output of about twenty-five organs for the first year. After that, it is hoped that the output will be increased, and the plant will be constructed with this idea in view.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28, 1915
A fire, which is supposed to have originated from an overheated furnace, broke out at the H. A. Wutzler Clothing Store shortly before eleven o’clock Wednesday evening, and before the fire department succeeded in getting it under control, it had done damage estimated at $40,000. The three story building was gutted, all the stock and fixtures of the saloon of O. P. Deadman in the same building were absolutely destroyed, and the building was in ruins within a few hours. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Deadman and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wutzler were forced to flee from the burning building, taking only a few of their valuables with them.

After fighting the fire for a short time, all the firemen resembled human icicles. With the temperature very close to ten degrees below zero, the water froze as fast as it hit, and each of the firemen was covered with an icy coat.

The fire was discovered by three persons at the same time. William Stoft, who had been calling on Miss Pauline Tonsor at her home next to the Wutzler building, saw the fire coming out of the coal holes in the front of the store. At about the same time, Mr. Deadman discovered smoke coming through the floor at the rear of the saloon. H. A. Wutzler also discovered the blaze at about the same time.

Mr. Wutzler’s family had retired some time before, and were aroused by the sound of the burglar alarm. With a revolver in his hand, Mr. Wutzler descended the steps to his store, expecting to meet a robber, but instead he discovered the flames. It is thought that some article failing as the result of the fire set off the burglar alarm. After turning in the alarm, Mr. Deadman and Mr. Wutzler rushed to their families over the store, and succeeded in getting them out of the building, only partly clothed. The smoke filled the building so rapidly, that it was impossible for any of the members of the family to return to the building and save articles of value. It is estimated that the loss from the fire was $40,000, the greater part of which was covered by insurance.


Source: Watertown, New York Daily Times, February 01, 1915
Biederwolf has been campaigning as an evangelist in the city of Alton, Illinois. His life has been threatened and he has received a "black-hand" letter, warning him to get out of town. With his customary dash and fire, Dr. Biederwolf read the letter from the tabernacle platform and defied the writer. It seems that Rev. C. W. Reese, another enemy of vice and the liquor traffic in Alton, had previously received a letter written with the same hand. The letter to Dr. Biederwolf is as follows:

"You __________ we will give you until Saturday night to leave town. You are trying to run out men who support the town, and you come here without any license, and take hundreds of dollars away. We will give you fair warning and that is more than you would do for us. We will get you if u don't move. This is not bluff, so the sooner you get wise to the game the sooner you will be safe. If you don't make a holler about this letter, no one will know why you left, if there was any just laws in this country we would sign our name, but as it is we will have to fight in the dark like you do.
One Who Wants to See Alton Grow."

Dr. Biederwolf said after he had read the letter from the platform that he would like to "see the color of the man's hair who could make him hunt the city limits of any town." When he was threatened some time ago in Alton, Dr. Biederwolf said that he was so near to heaven from Alton as any other town, and he was not afraid to die, and concluded with the one familiar request that if he was murdered, the people should skin him, tan his hide, stretch it over drum heads, and march up one side of the country and down the other singing, "This is the remains of a man who died fighting the liquor traffic and other evils."

Dr. William Edward Biederwolf was born in 1867 in Indiana. A graduate of Princeton College and Princeton Theological Seminary, he spent 18 months studying at the University of Berlin and the University of Erlangen in Germany. He returned to America in 1897, and was called to pastor at the Presbyterian Church in Logansport, Indiana. During the Spanish-American War, he was commissioned a chaplain with the 161st Indiana Volunteers. In 1900, he left the pastorate for evangelism. By the 1910s, he was holding campaigns in small towns such as Alton, where he received the threatening “black hand” letter. He emphasized prohibition, and tended to meld patriotism with religion, calling out the “flag of the saloon” the “dirty red flag” of socialism. He was not above using parades, athletic feats, and magic tricks to win over audiences. He later became director and president of the Winona Lake School of Theology. He died September 3, 1939, at the age of 71.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 17, 1915
Fire destroyed the main building of the Boals planing mill Tuesday afternoon, beginning about 4:30 o'clock. A spark from a passing locomotive is supposed to have been responsible for the fire. The windows of the mill being open, it is the theory that a spark from an engine blew in, dropped into some inflammable material, and started the blaze which resulted in the old brick structure being destroyed. The office annex and the piles of lumber and smaller buildings in the yards were saved. The loss is estimated to be about $18,000 on building, stock, machinery, etc. The records of the company being in the little annex, were not injured.
The building, which was erected about 1851-2, was the original car shops of the old Alton and Terre Haute railroad, the forerunner of the Big Four. In the yards still are some of the rails which were laid there at the time the Big Four was young. Alton was an important point for the Alton & Terre Haute. The citizens of Alton voted a bond issue of $100,000 to finance the road, and Captain Simeon Ryder, grandfather of H. J. and E. M. Bowman of Alton, was the chief promoter and financier of the railroad. It was for this reason the car shops were located here and were put in the building where the Boals Planing Mill Co. was located. In 1872, the firm of Martin & Boals occupied the vacant structure with a planing mill, and it had been so occupied by that firm and its successor, after Mr. Manuel Boals took over the sole ownership. It was in its fifty-third year as a planing mill when destroyed, and in its sixty-fourth year of existence.
Edward Lutz in the planing mill was on the top floor and first saw the fire. He noticed smoke rising from the second floor, but he thought that perhaps someone was raising dust by sweeping up too vigorously and paid no attention for a few minutes. Then he smelled the smoke and he gave an alarm. At that time the fire had made good headway. The building was dry, and in fine condition to make a good fire. Its long years of dryness and its use as a planing mill had made it ready to serve forth as quick food for the flames. The firemen were unable to do anything to save the main building, but they did prevent a spread of the fire by quick, energetic and intelligent work. It was a very hot fire. Many hundreds of people were attracted and stood around until the fire was well under control. All the machinery in the building was destroyed by the fire, and all the manufactured stock stored inside was lost too, as well as much unfinished material.

The Boals Planing Mill was established in 1872 in the old car shops of the Alton & Terre Haute Railroad, at the southwest corner of Broadway and Central Avenue. In the beginning, Manuel H. Boals had a partner (W. W. Martin), but soon took over the business as sole proprietor. The business manufactured sashes, doors, blinds, brackets, mouldings, etc., besides their lumberyard. In modern times, the property was occupied by Wally Berger Automotive.


Woman’s Club Opens – Y.W.C.L.
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1915
For the first time in the history of the city of Alton, a woman’s club has been organized which will be open from morning to evening every day in the week. It is the Y.W.C.L., which opened its regular routine this morning in the third story of the Laura building at Second [Broadway] and Market Streets. At a meeting of the officers and some of the members of the Board of Directors, held on Saturday evening, plans were drawn up for operating the clubroom. The principal idea of the promoters of the club is to have a place that will serve as a sort of a home for the young working ladies of the city, but the institution will be opened to all.

Different women in the city will take charge of the club on different days. The young ladies are invited to make the best use of the rooms for eating lunches, resting, using the piano, and restrooms. It will be possible for young ladies to entertain their company at the rooms until nine o’clock, when the clubrooms will be closed.

On Monday evening, classes in physical culture, sewing, and fancy work will be taken up. Wednesday evening will be set aside for the Bible classes, and on Friday evening classes in physical culture, and millinery will be taken up. Mrs. Homer Davis and Mrs. Walter Smith will be in charge of the physical culture classes; Misses Rhea Curdie and Helen Ryrie will have charge of the sewing classes. Miss Winters will be in charge of the classes in millinery, and Mrs. U. Naylor the fancy work classes.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 24, 1915
For the first time in its history, Willowland, the riverfront section below Henry Street, is suffering from or with visitations of diseases, just like other localities. The smallpox, or what was called smallpox, appeared there a couple of weeks ago and now a curious looking malady has appeared in three or four families. It is described to a reporter of the Telegraph by a man who saw some of the victims as the real "Cuban itch." The faces, necks and hands of the victims are covered with large blisters, resembling water blisters, he says. They are red in color, however, and they are very irritating. The victim with whom he talked said the blisters cover the body also. The blisters are as large as a nickel in size, and as large as an elephant in irritating propensities. The sufferers are not very sick, but they are very uncomfortable. Naturally they can get no rest with each blister burning like a pine-knot fire and itching like the seven-year itch ward of a Cuban hospital. It is a great weight reducer according to information given, and beats all the anti-fat remedies "to a frazzle." It is an entirely new sort of malady in Alton, it is claimed, and just what it will amount to or whether it is contagious and dangerous will have to be determined later.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 6, 1915
One of the busiest autos in the city of Alton during the past few months has been the city ambulance and patrol wagon. This car which was purchased to be used as a patrol wagon and ambulance is making on the average of three trips per day. According to a rule laid down by the Mayor, every man arrested in the city of Alton is brought to the police station in the auto truck. Besides this, it is used in all accident cases and on numerous occasions has been used by private individuals for trips to the hospital and so forth. For these purposes, the ambulance has made just about 500 runs in the five months that it has been owned by the city. The largest load carried by the truck was on the night the police made a raid in a negro clubhouse on Belle Street, when nineteen persons were taken from there to the police station in the ambulance.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 25, 1915
Carrie Nation, in her most active days, could not have done a job of saloon wrecking any more effectively than was done to the Johnstone saloon at Second and Langdon streets Wednesday night. It was a wild night at the saloon. It was nearing the end of the tenure of control of the saloon by Ralph Johnstone, and it was the strenuous life that the saloon saw. It was said that the Reck Brewery, which controlled the saloon, had given Johnstone notice that his tenure of the place would be ended April 1st....The saloon, which was closed this morning, showed the marks of one of the most desperate saloon fights that ever took place in the city....The plate glass windows in the front doors were both smashed out, chairs about the place are broken, and the bottles and glasses are littered over the place. Blood over the floor and on the sidewalk just outside the door showed that this was not lacking in the fight which took place last evening. Following the trouble, the ambulance made a hurry-up run to the scene, where William Schwaab was arrested. Johnson told a story of the trouble last evening to the police. He said it was nothing more than a little argument between Mr. Schwaab and a third man, whose name he did not give. He said that the trouble occurred outside the saloon, and that Schwaab fell back against the window in the door and broke it. He explained the blood by saying that Schwaab had cut his arm and this caused the blood to be on the sidewalk. Perhaps fifty persons witnessed a part of the fight, but the following is the story as told by a man who was across the street during the greater part of the time. He said, "I do not know how long the fight had gone on inside the saloon or what happened there, because I saw nothing outside of what happened on the outside. My attention was attracted when Johnson and Schwaab came out of the door together and clinched. After fighting for a short time, Johnson threw Schwaab in the gutter and then beat his head against the iron edge of the curbing. His head bled freely and this was one of the causes of the large amount of blood on the sidewalk. After doing this, Johnson rushed back into the saloon and Schwaab got up and followed him to the door. Johnson held the door shut from the inside, and Schwaab broke the glass in one of the doors with his fists in his efforts to get inside. In doing this, he cut one of his hands badly. About this time something was thrown from the inside of the saloon and broke the other glass in the door. It is known it was thrown from the inside because the glass fell out." Seeing this, Schwaab came away from the door of the Johnston saloon and came over to the saloon conducted by Joe Elfgen, where he remained until an officer arrived a few minutes and placed him under arrest. At nine thirty this morning men were put to work in front of the "Dew Drop Inn" scrubbing the blood off the concrete sidewalk. Despite the efforts which have been made to keep the trouble quiet, it is generally known in the eastern part of the city that a fierce fight occurred there at about eight o'clock in the evening.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 4, 1915
Yesterday quarry men engaged in blasting out rock in the quarry just north of the power house on the river front, let off a blast that tore things up some, and dislodged a cavern deep enough and broad enough for an average size man to get around in comfortably. The bottom of the cave is about 45 or 50 feet from where the top of the earth over the rock was originally, and in the cave was found the petrified stump of a tree. It is about one foot in circumference, and three feet high, and it has roots attached to it as if it grew where found. The stone being taken out of this place is sold by the power company to the Mississippi Sand Company, and employees of this company all have samples of the petrified stump. Toby Martin, engineer of the steamer "Belle Vernon," went into the cave a couple of hundred feet and secured the samples. It is understood that employees of the power company will get out the remainder of the stump and preserve it for exhibition purposes. The bark of the stump, while petrified, dropped off the stump when the samples were being secured. When asked if the stump showed that it had been broken off, one of the employees of the sand company replied, "No." He says it shows very plainly that it had been separated from the rest of the tree by an ax, and that makes the mystery of its being forty feet down under solid rock, the harder to understand. The cave, or that part of it that is visible, extends downwards towards the river in a slope, which leads the workmen to believe that the mouth of the cave is several feet below the surface of the water. Whether the cavern extends back into the bluffs could not be ascertained, as that part of the hole was filled with broken and blasted rocks. It probably does, however, and when the rocks are cleared away an investigation will be made. The place where the cave and the petrified stump were found is at the bottom of a deep, wide hole, blasted out of solid rock by the power company. The hole, a gentleman who sees it daily, told a Telegraph reporter, is big enough now to put three or four good sized houses in and it will be made larger. It will be filled later with coal by the power company and will hold many car loads at a time. In describing or explaining petrifaction an authority says: "Petrifaction is produced by infiltration of water containing dissolved mineral matter, which replaces the organic material, particle by particle, sometimes with the original structure retained throughout. Silica gives the most perfect results as seen frequently in silicified wood." Now then, get busy with speculation. Who cut down that tree? How long ago must it have been to cause that petrifaction and to build layer by layer that forty feet of rock over the cavern? It is a very interesting discovery at least, and ought to be investigated by men versed in that sort of lore.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 12, 1915
All of the rock which was thrown into the cave just north of the new powerhouse on the river front by the big blast last week, which also uncovered the cave, has been taken out, and it is said by employees who have seen the place that the cave extends away back in the bluffs, running in a northeasterly direction. Just how far back it extends is not known, as no exploration has yet been made, but from the size of the cave it is believed that it runs back some distance. One man who is acquainted with legends of this particular part of the world says that the man who operated a ferry in Hop Hollow in pioneer days, Mr. Hop, and after whom Hop Hollow takes its name, buried many thousands of dollars somewhere along the riverfront in a cave, and that the money has never been found. For many years different persons dug holes all over Hop Hollow and adjacent territory, hoping to find the money, but no one ever found any. The legend, according to the man referred to above, does not intimate that the money was buried anywhere but in a cave or cavern, and this cave near the powerhouse was not known to exist before last week by people living here now, at least. A petrified tree stump found in the cave is supposed to have been washed into that place years ago, and the roots being covered with mud and rock gave it the appearance of having grown there. It shows it was cut with an ax. The mouth of the cave is thought to be several feet lower than the surface of the water in the river. It is possible that years ago the mouth was plainly visible. The oldest inhabitant has always been acquainted with the legend of Hop Hollow, and the story of Hop's fortune. It is very likely that Hop did not have any fortune, but it has, like the black crow story, grown to be a great fortune as the tale has been recited by one generation after another, and now that a new cave is opened there is a new opportunity to hunt for Hop's fortune. Only small boys search for the fortune, for only at that age does the mystery loom up and the fortune look big.


Source: Alton Telegraph, June 13, 1915
The Alton Steel Hoop Company was organized here to take over the Alton Steel Company, when it was put up for bankruptcy sale. Incorporators were W. C. Fownes Sr., W. C. Fownes Jr., and J. B. Orr of Pittsburgh, and E. J. Anglin and M. L. Mozier of Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 14, 1915
The Alton Steel Hoop Company was organized in Alton today by W. C. Fownes Sr., W. C. Fownes Jr., and J. B. Orr of Pittsburg and E. J. Anglin and M. L. Mozier, of Alton. This new company is formed to take over the Alton Steel Company, when the sale is held on June 29 in case there is no outside interest comes in and bids off the plant at the receiver’s sale.

It was stated this afternoon on good authority that if the plant is bought in by the new company, that repairs will be made, some additions will be made, and that the plant will again be fired up and started. Just when this start will be made no one seemed able to say, but sometime the latter part of July is said to be a possible date.

The gentlemen who came to Alton today to hold the meeting and form the new corporation are not making any promises of what they will do with the plant, because they are not altogether certain they will buy it in, there being the unknown quantity of an outside buyer. But other parties who know much of the inside of the deal, state that there is not one chance in a hundred that there will be an outside buyer. In that event, the chances for the starting of the Alton Steel Company plant under the new name of the Alton Steel Hoop Company are excellent, and the news comes as good news to all Altonians.


Horse That For 32 Years Drew Grocery Wagon
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 26, 1915
Dolly Kane is dead. For thirty-two of the thirty-five years of her life, Dolly had been the motive power for the Kane Grocery store delivery wagon. She knew the customers of the firm, and she could make the rounds just about as well without a driver as she could with one, had she only possessed the ability to unload the goods and deliver them in the house. Thirty-two years ago, Pat Kane, needing a horse, fell in love with Dolly. He bought her, and from that time until Mr. Kane died a few years ago, Dolly was a necessary part of his life, as he was of hers. She loved the old man as he loved her. When Mr. Kane died, as he had wished, the horse was led behind the hearse in the funeral procession. It was a pathetic expression of the love the old man had borne the horse. After his death, Dolly never got over missing him. A few days ago, though thirty-five, she began having a return of the feelings of second colt-hood. She became frisky, and her mind evidently filled with visions of the days when she could jump high and could gambol over the green pastures, in the days before her knees were stiff, her sight dim, her teeth in bad shape, she determined to have an adventure. Dolly had a runaway. True, it wasn't much of a runaway. Dolly just wanted to break over a bit, be a little gay, and do something daring, just as many a one does whose life is drab, prosaic and devoid of adventure. It proved too much for her. She could not, with her staid character, indulge in such frivolity without bad results. Dolly took down, suffered a general collapse and she died. Doubtless, if horses have spirits, she has been gathered to her fathers, and those who knew Dolly say that if she had no soul, she was the next thing to a creature that has. In all the years that Dolly drew the Kane wagon, until three years ago, there was never a sign on the wagon. The same spirit of conservatism on the part of the owner had caused him to refrain from using modern lighting systems, and Dolly saw, a few years ago, electric light supersede the coal oil lamps. Never in her 32 years of experience did Dolly work in the afternoons. Her master always gave her a rest after the noon hour. That may have accounted for her long life.

NOTE: Patrick Kane founded a grocery store in 1872 at Broadway and Langdon Street. His grocery store was next to the entrance to the Clark Bridge, which was constructed in 1928. After his death in 1909, his daughter, Ella, operated the store until her death in 1932.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 28, 1915
A heavy fall of rain for about one hour this morning came near repeating the disaster of July 14, 1912, in the Belle street valley. Only the cessation of rainfall at a very dangerous moment prevented heavy damage being done to the property along Belle street. The Alton Gas Works was within a few minutes of being put out of business, as had the water risen a few inches higher than it did, the fires in the pit would have been extinguished by the sudden rush of waters, and explosions might have wrecked the plant as was done three years ago. It is estimated that fully three inches of rain fell within ninety minutes. It was one of the heaviest rains known in Alton, and the chief difference between this rain and the one three years ago was in the length of its duration. It is believed that the rain at East Alton was not near as heavy as what fell at Alton, and the visitation must have been confined to the territory north and west of Alton.

Water was three feet deep in Belle street at the intersection of Ninth street. All the houses in the lowlands between Belle and West Ninth street, formerly Main street, were flooded deep. It happened that most of the houses were without tenants at the time, and the few who were there fled when the creek began to rise, taking with them such valuables as they could gather quickly. The water came down with a big wave that soon overwhelmed everything. The houses in the valley between Ninth and Belle and Hamilton streets were filled with water almost to the ceiling of the first floors. On Ninth street at the culvert that runs under the street, there was fire, which brought the firemen to the scene. James Owens, a negro, lived in the basement. He had just returned from work and laid down to sleep while breakfast was being prepared. The gasoline stove was going, and the water hit it, caused an explosion and set fire to the house. By the time the firemen got there, the water from the creek had done very effective work in extinguishing the flames, and in a few minutes more the rooms were filled to the ceiling with water. It was almost impossible to get above Eighth street on Belle, even by going around over Rock street. There a big flood of water was pouring across the roadway. Those who got by did so by climbing over the roofs of sheds belonging to property on Rock street.

At the gas works there was great anxiety. The water had got down into the basement where the fires are, and there was about two feet to go before the fires would be extinguished and a possible explosion would occur. There was good prospects of the water getting in all right, as a gain of a few inches more would have sent the flood rolling over the floor and down into the open manholes that led to the pits. However, the flood stopped just in time.

All over the city there was much damage done by the heavy rain. The paved streets were filled with water from curb to curb. The sewers were unable to carry all the water that came. As an illustration of the force of the water where the sewers were coming from high points, water boiled out of the manholes in fountains at Ninth and Alby streets. A large plank was floated crosswise down the middle of the street.

All cellar basements along East Second street [Broadway] east of Weigler were filled to the depth of a foot or eight inches with water, and considerable damage was done in many of the cellars. All tenants in the Luer block of buildings on the south side of Second street suffered damage, as all had goods in the basements. Some suffered more than others, but none could estimate the probably damage as yet. The water was bucked into the cellars from the Second street sewer, that being wholly inadequate to carry off the immense volume of water that poured down Henry and Weigler and other hill streets, in addition to that fell straight down from the sky. The cellars on the south side suffered more than those on the north side, the section subjected to the wet visitation extending several blocks east of Weigler.

In addition to the wheat, tons of hay that were awaiting teams to haul to barns or to the stacking fields are being carried away by the water. The water at 1:30 this afternoon was within an inch of the iron bridge across the creek near the Sol Ward place, and was still rising. Hundreds of acres of fine growing corn in the Piasa bottoms, and many acres of potatoes and other products of the farm have been covered deep with mud and muck, and are irretrievably lost.

The Alton Gas and Electric Co. escaped with very light damages. Their cars were hindered for a time at Rock Spring Park by the stones and the mud that was washed on the tracks. At Second and Monument avenue it was necessary for the cars to go through eighteen inches of water at one time, but they made this without trouble. Mr. Allen stated that on Belle street the water got into the pits of the gas house, but it would have taken three feet more water to have extinguished the fires there.

Harvey Buchanan, working at the gas works, probably saved the Alton gas works this morning. He saw water coming down Belle street, and recalling there were some underground openings through which the water could get into the pits, he rushed down, shut the openings, and held out much of the flood that would in a few minutes have put the gas works out of business.

Considerable damage was done in Rock Spring Park by a flood that came down the valley from the hills. Two rustic bridges were washed out in the park, and water covered over and ruined some of the handsome flower beds on which August Dorman, parks superintendent, has lavished much time and expert attention.

Newt Hines, the Belle street grocer, had a couple of dozens of chickens in a coop in the rear yard at his store, and all of these were carried away by the flood. J. W. Kennington, living on the hill near the Luly station of the A. J. & P., lost sixteen chickens half grown. They were drowned when the rain caught them out in the field away from the house and barn lot. There will be a scarcity of chickens in all suburban sections of Alton and in the surrounding country as a result of the heavy rain, hundreds of young chicks being drowned this morning according to reports.

Saturday, the Bluff line extra gang unloaded twenty car loads of dirt along the right of way "hill," beginning at Henry street and going eastward. The cloud burst, or whatever it was this morning, removed all of the twenty loads of dirt and hustled them into the river. Men were engaged this morning after the rain in sweeping mud and slickens off the rails of the road with brooms, the sweeping territory embracing all of that in which the dirt was deposited Saturday. It was the first time, according to persons living down that way, that a broom brigade was ever seen cleaning up a railroad with brooms.

Ridge street, Cherry street, Monument avenue, and other streets in the eastern part of the city were raging rivers, in fact, for the space of thirty minutes, by the watch, and all cellars were treated to the water cure, more or less. The street railway tracks near Rock Spring Park were covered with mud and dirt, and through car service that way was summarily stopped.

For a time, the storm threatened to do considerable damage along the Alton riverfront. Several of the boats and docks began to fill with water rapidly, and it took some good, hard pumping to save them. The wind on the river, which preceded the big storm, did some little trouble among several of the boats. Capt. Henry Meyer's "Chum" had a number of widow lights broken out of it when the "Lelia" bumped into her. While rushing about during the storm, Capt. Fluent slipped on one of the docks and fell into the river. He caused considerable excitement, but had little trouble rescuing himself and went ahead with his work. The firemen came to First and State street to get a number of skiffs for rescue work on Belle street. At several places along the riverfront, gullies were cut by the storm.

The water emptying out of the Piasa street sewer came with such force that it caused a whirlpool at the riverfront. From there the pressure of the water behind it was so great that it rushed madly out into the river.

City Engineer T. H. Landon rushed to Ninth and Belle streets this morning, shortly after the alarm for the firemen was turned din, and he was in charge of the men who were working there all the time. When asked by a reporter for the Telegraph for a statement of what he believed the cause of the trouble, he stated that the high water prevented the sewer from emptying into the Mississippi as rapidly as it should have, and that the heavy rain was too great for the sewer. He said that he was certain the sewer was not stopped up at any time, and this was shown by the way the water was carried off in a short space of time after the rain ceased. As soon as the water subsided, City Engineer T. H. Landon put a gang of men to work cleaning off the street. They will wash the entire street with a hose to get all the water off.

Police Matron Sophia Demuth made a trip over the flooded district shortly after the water subsided, and she stated that but two families were in need as the result of the flood. These will be looked after at once. Both are colored, and live in the hollow adjoining the creek.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 16, 1915
The Hop Hollow quarry has not been in operation for the past three months on account of the high water. The high water made it impossible to use the stone at the East St. Louis levee, and the quarry was therefore closed down. A number of other Alton industries have suffered from the high water.


Source: Syracuse, New York Daily Journal, September 16, 1915
Anyone who gets too drunk to walk to the Police Station in Alton when arrested hereafter will be required to pay for the privilege of being transported In Alton's new patrol wagon. The fare will be, $2 a ride, whether it is one block or twenty. The tariff was announced by Police Magistrate McGuire. Two men were before him charged with intoxication. The one who could walk to jail drew a fine of $2 and the one who could not got $5. The judge, remarking that the difference represented what he considered a fair fixed charge for patrol wagon service.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 18, 1915
The new manufacturing plant of the Brokaw-Eden Manufacturing Company will make a beginning of work Monday morning. H. W. Eden said today that work in the Luer building the company will occupy has been held back much to their dissatisfaction, and that the company is behind now in getting into the place, and the work is not finished. He said that all of the machinery is on the way here from Chicago, and should be here by Monday. The making of tubs for the washing machines, most of it handwork, will be taken up Monday morning. Mr. Eden expects his family to be here Thursday to take up their residence in a house on Belleview avenue he has leased. Mr. Eden is well pleased with the business growth of his company, and he hopes that in Alton he will be able to turn out more and more manufactured products, and that the business the firm will have will be much greater than it ever has been. Some of the men who will work in the factory arrived this morning. Others will come later. A number of Alton men were hired to go to Chicago, become familiar there with the work that is done, and be prepared to start in effectively when the factory is ready to make a full start in Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 18, 1915
The leveling of the buildings at the plant of the Alton Steel Hoop Company, and the leveling of piers where machinery stand has been going on with considerable energy. The time is believed to be drawing very near when the plant will be put in operation. The leveling of the buildings was necessary because the heavy rains had wet the filled earth so much, that the heavy buildings had settled, in places to a depth of several inches.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 30, 1915
Mrs. S. Demuth today interfered in the domestic arrangements of a family who were living in a tent on the riverbank at Hop Hollow, the tent being pitched for shelter against the huge rock that is locally known as Sheephead rock. Mrs. Demuth learned that the woman, Minnie Lawrence, aged 29, was living with a creature who gave his name as Britton Million, and his age 18. Million, whose big sounding name was not in keeping with his condition, was one of the most curiously attired males Mrs. Demuth had seen in many a year. On his head he wore a cone-shaped hat, which was far too small for him, and which stayed on only by his making the rim serve as part of the hat by turning the rim down around his head. His shoes were tied up with white strings, his shirt was out of his trousers habitually and he seemed utterly careless about his plight. The woman with her four children, two boys and two girls, the oldest 14 and the youngest five, were living in the ragged, tattered tent they had inherited from another man who had been taken away and who had died. They had been eating the meat of mussels, catching a few fish, and for beds the children slept on some boards on the ground while the couple occupied the bench. There were only two pieces of bed clothing, a cotton blanket and quilt, and the children and the couple slept on old coats and the rags they had about the place. Mrs. Demuth loaded the whole crowd into a boat and brought them to Alton, and here she made arrangements to send the woman and four children back to Canton, Mo., from whence they had come down the river in an open flatboat. The Sheriff of that county discovered that one of the girls, aged 13, Lillian Lawrence, was under bond for her trial as a delinquent, but he would not take her back home as the State's Attorney of that county said that until her case was called she was at liberty to go where she pleased. It was evident the authorities wanted to get rid of the family and had allowed them to come away. They are not wanted here, and so Mrs. Demuth fixed it up to ship the outfit to their own home, after the sheriff went away without taking them along. Britton Million, the 18-year-old adopted head of the family, admitted the outfit fled from their home to save the girl from being prosecuted.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 9, 1915
Flori Bakery, AltonThe first batch of bread in Alton's new bakery - the Flori bakery - at the corner of Fourth and Belle Streets, was turned out last night and was a good one. The ovens worked fine for new, untried ones, and the bread was done just right, those who sampled it said. The retail store has not been fully fixed up yet, but everything will be running smoothly in a day or two. It is the intention of Mr. Flori to put out a wagon to accommodate customers as soon as the start is fairly made.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 28, 1915
Work of erecting an annex to the blooming mill of the Alton Steel Hoop Co. will be started next week. I. A. Colby, engineer representing H. Fownes, arrived in Alton this morning. It was given out that contracts would be awarded and work inaugurated at once, and that the plant is to be made ready for a resumption of work by January 1, as previously announced in the Telegraph.

The building to be erected will include a “soaking” pit, in which the hot steel will be kept hot and save the expense of reheating between the two processes of making ingots and making billets. The building will be a large one, and will be an important addition to the plant, as it will tend to make the plant cheaper to operate, and thereby ensure that its operation will be continuous.

The story that is out is that Mr. Fownes wishes to sell the steel plan, and the price he is asking, the Telegraph is informed, is not high considering the amount of money sunk in the plant by Mr. Fownes. If he can’t get this price, he will operate the plant himself, it is being said by men who claim to know the purpose of Mr. Fownes. The buildings to be erected would have to be erected anyhow, sale or no sale, and if the prospective purchasers take it over after the buildings are completed, the cost of the improvements will be added to the price. In any event, the plant will be put in operation the first of the year, if the buildings projected can be completed by that time, and the Alton Steel Hoop Company will engage in the manufacture of steel, and employ a large force of high-priced men. It is said that efforts are being made now to reorganize the crew that will operate the plant.

Mr. Colby, who has heretofore kept silent about the plans of the company, gave it out this afternoon that work would be started at once erecting a building that would be an annex to the north end of the blooming mill of the old plant. It would include the soaking pit, as indicated by the Telegraph. Contracts will be awarded at once.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 30, 1915
Kitty Snipes has left her old home on the Ridge street dump and has agreed finally to go to the Poor Farm at Edwardsville. She was taken to the county Poor Farm today by Police Matron Sophia Demuth to spend the remainder of her days. For many years Kitty lived on the Ridge street dump. Year after year the members of the Alton police department have made an attempt to take her away from the dump and to the poor farm, but she has always refused. On the dump she could do as she please, and even if her old shanty was not wind proof, she had her freedom. She could drink her whisky, chew her tobacco, and smoke as she saw fit. At one time Kitty may have had another name, but it was so long ago that even those who knew her best do not remember it. From time to time she has reminded people that Kitty Snipes was not her proper name, but that is the name she was entered under at the County Poor Farm, when she was sent there by Joseph Hermann. Booze and general moral disability have got Kitty down. She may not be old as she looks, but she is no longer young, and perhaps never was beautiful - at least there is no present reason for suspecting she was. She had all the vices rolled into one, and the vice commission would have realized in her, vice personified. The name grew upon Kitty as her ability to get cigar butts out of the gutters increased. She was especially proficient in this respect. Walking along the curbing she would remark in a loud tone of voice, "Isn't that a pretty piece of string?" as she reached down, picked up a cigar butt, and carefully tucked it away in the basket which she always carried on her arm. She worked the handkerchief trick almost as successfully. With the skill born of years of practice, she was able to drop a handkerchief so that it would fall squarely over the cigar butt, and when she picked it up the "snipe" came with it. She could drink as much or more whiskey as any man, and was known to take it without water. On account of the savings she made by purchasing it at barrel houses, she did not visit the saloons. She was exceptionally clever in the use of profane language, especially when she was under the influence of intoxicants. Kitty appeared at the police station last evening and told a sad story to the police. She broke down and cried. She told them that she was without money; without coal; without food; and without shelter. At first some of the members of the force were afraid to suggest the poor farm to her, on account of the way she refused it in the past. Finally, Chief of Police J. J. Mullen asked her why she did not go to the poor farm. She replied that she would if given the chance. All of her old time pride that made her scorn the poor house was gone. For years she had suffered in old shanties that kept her neither dry nor warm, rather than go to the poor farm. but Kitty has realized the futility of pride when it costs one comfort, and she has surrendered. She asked last evening for tobacco for the pipe which had been filled with cigar butts for so many years, and the chief purchased her a package of tobacco. Even at the poor farm she will not lose her tobacco, as Overseer of the Poor, Joe Hermann, sent orders today that she should receive an allowance of tobacco. Kitty, who resembled a man in size and in the selection of vices, is a resident of Alton no longer.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 6, 1915
The announcement was made today that the deal for the sale of the Alton Steel Hoop Company to the Laclede Steel Company had been closed, and that the possession of the plant would pass at once. The new owners, it is said, will complete the changes which are being made in the plant, and then will put it in operation. The site is of interest to Alton in that the Alton Steel Hoop Company has transferred the plant to an active, going concern, which has done a very profitable business, and it has established itself on a very firm basis. The new owners of the plant are manufacturing structural shapes, reinforcing bars, and similar lines of steel. They have a plant at Madison, Illinois, which is doing a big business.

The steel plant at Alton is being put in shape to manufacture steel billets for sale to some of the manufacturing plants which are engaged in filling big orders for steel manufactured articles.

It was stated today that the deal had been consummated in Pittsburg, and that W. C. Fownes, who owned the controlling interest in the steel plant at Alton, had made the sale. T. R. Akin, the President of the Laclede Steel Company, and Mr. Steinbreder, the operating man who will probably be in charge of the local plant, were in Alton yesterday inspecting the property for the first time since they bought it. Mr. Steinbreder will probably move to Alton to make his home.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 17, 1915
In the St. Louis Globe-Democrat this morning was a communication that plead for recognition for John Fitch, the builder and operator of the first steamboat, and he cites that Fulton has been boasted and toasted and placed in the pages of history, when John Fitch operated a steamboat seventeen years before Robert Fulton came out with his steamboat.

Alton's connection with the story is that the son and grandchildren of John Fitch resided in Upper Alton, and are remembered by some of the older residents. Edward Wade says he remembers well when he went to school in Upper Alton, how the home of the grandfather of the late Mrs. Titus Paul Yerkes [Susetta Blanche Bostwick Yerkes, daughter of John Bostwick] was looked at with wonder, because he had been a passenger on the first steamboat. Alton was closely connected with the first railroad sleeping car, and has a connection in a way with the first steamboat. It does not make any difference today other than to gather in those connections with some of the great achievements of the past that have caused progress. John Fitch, whose family came to Alton and lived and were well and favorably known, did this.

John Fitch (January 21, 1743 – July 02, 1798) was an American inventor, clockmaker, entrepreneur, and engineer. He was most famous for operating the first steamboat service in the United States. The first boat, 45 feet long, was tested on the Delaware River by Fitch and his design assistant Steven Pagano.

Mr. Fitch was born in the British colony of Connecticut, and grew up engaging in many occupations – farmer, clockmaker, silversmith, land speculator, map maker, and fighting for the Continental Army during the American Revolution. After the war, he explored the Ohio River valley, and was captured by Native Americans. He was later haunted by dreams of canoes chasing him.

Scraping together money by private investors, Fitch built the first steamboat in 1787. Its distinguishing feature was a rack of canoe-like paddles, inspired by the sight years earlier of a canoe of Native American warriors racing through the water. He took his design to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, but left only with words of praise. In his second attempt, Fitch and partner, Henry Voigt, launched a refined version of the original craft, and made a successful maiden trip between Philadelphia and Trenton. The first steamboat failed to find business, he fell into a depression and died by his own hand on July 02, 1798.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18, 1915
Official confirmation of the reported sale to the Laclede Steel Company, of St. Louis, by Henry F. Fownes of Pittsburg of the Alton Steel Hoop Company, located just east of Alton, was secured today when the deed was placed on record in the office of Recorder John Berner. The deed, which is dated December 15, 1915, was signed by Fownes at Pittsburg and was mailed here. The instrument contains five $100 documentary revenue stamps. The description of the property shows that the deal included 44.2 acres in Wood River Township, and all the buildings and other equipment on the place. When the deed was filed, there was also presented a mortgage in favor of the Mercantile Trust Company of East St. Louis, with the Laclede Steel Company as mortgagor.

The mortgage states that the lien is given on all property mention in the deed to secure promissory note for $600,000. The note, according to the mortgage, falls due March 15, 1916, and bears interest at six percent.

Petition to dismiss foreclosure proceedings pending in the Circuit Court against the Alton Steel Hoop Company were presented to the Circuit Court yesterday by Attorney J. V. E. Marsh, representing the Alton Banking and Trust Company, trustee, which brought the suit. The motion to dismiss was allowed by Judge J. F. Gillham.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 23, 1915
One of the former, fashionable residences of Alton, located on Market street next to the Illini Hotel, former home of Thomas Dimmock, former well-known resident of Alton, is being wrecked today. Seventy-five years ago, this was one of the fashionable houses of Alton. It was the home of Thomas Dimmock, father of Mrs. Jacob Wead of Alton, and throughout the succession of years was occupied by many well-known persons. For many years Dr. Bull, a former well-known dentist of the city, occupied the building, and there are many today who can remember this gentleman with silk hat on, mounting the steps of this one fine residence. The wrecking of the house started this afternoon when William Adams, the house mover, with a crew of men, started to level the lot and remove the lumber and debris. Next spring the erection of a fine fire-proof building to be occupied by the Alton Evening Telegraph will be erected on this lot. The building will be erected to suit the printing business, and will be the Telegraph's home. All will be arranged for the highest point of efficiency in the printing business, and the plant when housed in the new building which will be one of the most complete of any paper of this size in the state. In removing this old landmark, which is as old almost as any building in Alton, dating back to almost ninety years, the Evening Telegraph will bring to that community one of its greatest improvements. The lot the Telegraph will build on will be 22 by 85 feet, and the new building will be two stories high. It will be modern in every particular. There is a ten-foot alley and a twenty-five foot turning space in the rear of the lot, making it one of the most desirable locations in the city for the operation of a newspaper plant. It is also contemplated that there will be a new building on the lot adjoining on the south, sometime in the coming year. This property belongs to A. F. Barth, the druggist, but is on the market and is about to be purchased by parties who will build a handsome structure on the lot. The Evening Telegraph, by the time it occupies its new building, will be almost as old as the oldest buildings in that section, as the Telegraph will soon celebrate its eightieth birthday.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 29, 1916
Today will witness the passing of one of Alton's oldest business houses - the Phinney wholesale grocery. It has been doing business on Short street for so many years, and it has advertised Alton so favorably all throughout the surrounding counties, that its name will live, although it will cease to do business tonight. The concern was purchased some time ago by the Ryrie Wholesale Grocery Company, and after today the combined business will be transacted at the Ryrie stores further west on the same street. It is said the force of workers in the Phinney establishment will report for duty Monday at the Ryrie store, and will be put to work. The Ryrie concern has been widening out amazingly the last five or six years, the late George M. Ryrie having started the prosperity wave coming that way by his honorable, up-to-date business methods. His staff of efficient helpers since his death have following the paths blazed by him as closely as possible, and with their own wide-awake habits and business acumen, continue to forge ahead in a business way. The Ryrie company is doing an immense business in Alton and in all the surrounding counties, and it is becoming a formidable competitor to some of the wholesale concerns in St. Louis. Many country merchants in fact have quit patronizing St. Louis wholesale houses altogether and trade exclusively with the Alton firm. Charles A. Phinney founded the business. Mr. Phinney's store, outside of the Telegraph, was the oldest business house in the city of Alton. It was founded shortly after the Telegraph was. Mr. Phinney engaged in business sometimes with partners, but most of the time by himself. All interest of the family in the business was disposed of years ago, after Mr. Phinney died.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 01, 1916
The firm of Morrissey Bros., for 33 years tenants in the Schiess building on Third street, will move to the Wuerker building on Third street, nearby. The change will be made as soon as the Wuerker building can be remodeled. Plans have been prepared by Pfeiffenberger & So. architects, for the changing of the front of the Wuerker building, to make it one of the most attractive and modern fronts in Alton. The improvements will cover the first and second story, and the third story will be made to conform. The entire front will be made to appear much better than at present. The entrance to the building will be transformed into a very handsome appearing series of show windows. There will be two entrances, one for men and the other for women. Two floors will be used for salesrooms, and the firm will occupy the whole building with their business. At present, Morrissey Bros. have a salesroom only on the first floor. A broad, easy flight of stairs will lead to the second story in the Wuerker building, and a very attractive place will be made there for the accommodations of customers. Morrisseys is one of the oldest business houses on Third street, though the men who are conducting it are not old men. There have been so many changes among business houses in recent years that there are few in which the present managers were connected with the stores when Morrissey Bros. started their place.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 7, 1916
Kitty Snipes was returned to the Poor Farm in Edwardsville this morning, after having made her escape from there several days ago. She told the authorities at the Poor Farm that she had been offered a position in Litchfield, Ill., and she asked them to allow her to go to Litchfield. It appeared, however, that the real difficulty was that she was not satisfied with the good care she was receiving at the Poor Farm. She was homesick for Alton and the willows. Kitty Snipes was a former queen of "Darkest Alton," in the days when Henry Schwallensticher was king and George Woods was the crown prince. Saturday she was visiting around in her old haunts. She was down on the dump and in willowland, but soon made up her mind that the sandbar and willows are just now no place for royalty - either reigning or deleted, and she did not remain long in the vicinity. She was taken to the county home some time ago very sick and very desolate. She returns in good health, wearing good clothes, and is even decked out with a set of warm furs. She was homesick for Alton and prefers living in Alton, suffering at times as she must from the cold and hunger, to living in Edwardsville where she received plenty to eat, good warm quarters and a good bed.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 10, 1916
F. F. Ferguson, office and sales manager of the Illinois Glass Co., was the speaker at the business men's luncheon at the Mineral Springs Hotel this noon, and he gave an excellent talk on the Illinois Glass Co. and its business, which the speaker showed reached to all parts of the world......The most interesting part of Mr. Ferguson's talk was that portion relating to the history of the Illinois Glass Co. Starting with a small factory on Belle street, founded by William Eliot Smith and Edward Levis, theIllinois Glass Co., Alton - 1873 business has grown to be the biggest manufactory in Alton and is today in the ownership of the sons of one of the men who started the business. The story of the development of the automatic bottle blowing machine, which has to a very great extent, supplanted the old hand blown methods, is the old, old story of the years of costly experiment and failures and heartaches that practically every inventor has had to go through before success crowned his efforts. The first model of the machine was completed in 1899, a crude affair having but one arm and making but a single bottle at a time. The first beer bottle made on the Owens' machine probably cost $500,000.00, for more than that sum was spent in experimenting before a successful machine was produced. To illustrate the difficulties encountered, it is related that a device was needed to overcome the tendency of the glass to become ruffied and uneven. Seven precious months of careful and thoughtful effort and more than $20,000.00 in money were spent in trying to perfect a method of overcoming this difficulty. The device was operated just twenty minutes, found to be impractical and scrapped. In 1906 a six-arm machine was perfected, which makes six bottles at every revolution of the machine. Later, ten-arm machines were developed and recently fifteen-arm machines have been placed in successful working operation. The Illinois Glass Company installed their first automatic machine in the year 1900. At that time the machine was somewhat of an experiment, and its possibilities were little understood. Since then the company has found it necessary to begin all over again, and to invest an immense amount of money both here and elsewhere in installing these machines, and in almost completely rebuilding their factories. Had it not been for the wisdom and foresight of the officials of the company, who had courage enough to take the risk and make the investment prior to the full development of the machine, in my humble opinion Alton would be without a bottle factory today, or at least this factory would not be a leader in the industry, doing a nationwide business.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 15, 1916
J. M. Nix of Waverly, Ill. was in Alton a few days ago hunting for an old store building where he worked in 1865. Mr. Nix said that the store was conducted by Flagg and Barr, and he wanted to look at the building and renew his acquaintance with it. Having reason to pass through Alton, he stopped off here with his wife, but his search was futile. L. J. Hartmann, to whom he appealed at the Schweppe stand, one of the few, if not the only business still continuing in the old stand from those days, could give him no information. It was before his day. Mr. Hartmann appealed to E. P. Wade, president of the Alton National Bank, who observed last week his 83rd birthday. Mr. Wade had recollections of many institutions accurately, but he could not recall just what store building the old firm occupied. Mr. Wade's failure to remember is due to the numerous changes in the locations of business houses on Third street, which confused him. Mr. Hartmann would be glad to get information from someone else so he can send word to Mr. Nix and let him revisit Alton and see the place where he worked. Mr. Nix said that he helped drape the front of the store the day after Lincoln was shot, and he visited Alton on Lincoln's birthday as a sort of an observance. He left Alton soon afterward and has seldom been back here. His appearance would not indicate that he is old enough to have been a clerk in the days of '65, yet he assured Mr. Hartmann that the facts were quite different from his appearance.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 24, 1916
A romance of the business world is what is revealed by the sale of the John Armstrong Quarry Co. today to the Mississippi Sand Co. For a price that is understood to be large, but secret, the properties of the Armstrong Company were turned over to the Mississippi Sand Co., and possession entered upon at once by the new owners. M. P. Stevens, who has been with the company, will retire. Mrs. John Armstrong said today that she retains an interest, but the name of Armstrong will disappear from the firm. H. H. Armstrong, who has had charge of the plant of the Armstrong Company for many years, will remain as general superintendent for the Mississippi Sand Co. As an indication of the price paid, it is said that the new retail department of the Mississippi Sand Co., combined with the purchase of the Armstrong Company, is costing the Mississippi Sand Co. $100,000. The romance of this company, however, remains to be told. There was an interruption in the operating of the Armstrong Bros. plant about twenty-five years ago. They had been doing business in a small way, making a fairly good thing of it, but it was uphill work and finally the plant was suspended. After a suspension of a long time, John Armstrong came back to his own. He had just 10 cents in his pocket and $80 in the bank. That was his financial capital to make his new start in life. He had a good wife who stood with him, and she was the real capital he had behind him. He made the business grow. Not many years ago, after the death of Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Stevens came into the company and handled the business end, while H. H. Armstrong handled the producing end of the company. The prosperity of the concern has been great. Mrs. Armstrong said today that she will cling to her interest in it. She admitted that the price paid is a very good one, and altogether satisfactory to her. The Mississippi Sand Co. acquires five lime kilns, one mill, two crushing plants, and 36 1/2 acres of land. H. B. Matthews said today that the Mississippi Sand Co. will continue to operate its old quarry as long as possible, and will keep the old Armstrong quarry going too. The company has acquired an inexhaustible supply of rock, and is ready for any amount of business that comes.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 10, 1916
Baron Gerhard Herman von Carnap Bronheim, for many years prominent in financial circles in St. Louis, died Tuesday night in Newark, in his sixty-eighth year. Count Von Carnap formerly lived on Alby street between Eighth and Ninth streets. He built the house in which H. L. Black resides now. His mother had lived in Alton for many years. Count von Carnap was a man of a very dignified mien, and he was highly respected by all who knew him. He was noted for his puctilious courtesy to all. While here, his wife divorced him, and he continued to live with his three daughters, for whom he built a magnificent residence.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 20, 1916
Annie Maul has left the Madison County Poor Farm and returned to the Ridge street dump to die. She is one of the best-known police characters in the city of Alton. For years she has been living in an old shanty along the river front. Her condition became so bad early this fall that Police Matron Sophia Demuth sent her to the County Poor Farm. The first call of spring has caused the return of Mrs. Maul to her old life. She told the Police Matron that she could no longer eat coarse food. Even her old friend, "John Barleycorn," has gone back on her. She can no longer taken into her system the whiskey that ruined her life, her home and scattered her family. She told the Police Matron that her throat had been burned by the fiery drink until now it was an open sore and she dared drink no more. She cannot even eat coarse food. She has lived in Alton for many years and her story is one of the most pitiful that has ever come to the attention of the police. At one time she gave up her home and family and forgot a moral life for whiskey. She left a good home in Alton to take up a residence on the river front. Now she is old, broken down, and a wreck. She realizes that she has but little time to live.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 29, 1916
It was announced that the last department of the Laclede Steel Company plant, east of the city, would be ready to start about this time, but owing to delays in getting the changes made that are necessary, the mill cannot be started for perhaps two weeks longer. When this department is working, it will make the complete resumption of work by the old Alton steel plant.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 30, 1916
J. W. Olmstead today closed out the book store on Piasa street. He will take all of his stock from his store on Piasa street to his home, where they are to be disposed of later. The business was started over sixty years ago by Mr. Brown, and at that time it was conducted as the Brown Book Store. Among the records of the store today is a set of books used in the business sixty years ago. Since that time the business has been owned by a number of men and several years ago it was purchased by Mr. Olmstead. It was stated today that some of the fixtures which are in the place on Piasa street today are the same as those that were used shortly after the business started. The book store was bought by Mr. Olmstead from the estate of R. F. Seeley, after Mr. Seely's death a few years ago. Mr. Seely had inherited the book store from his father, who conducted it many years. It became necessary for Mr. Seely to vacate the building at the foot of Belle street on Third, and soon afterward he died. Mr. Olmstead conducted the store on State street until recently when he moved over to Piasa street. He disposed of some of his stock to his rival across the street, H. G. Mather, and the balance of the stock he was moving out of the store room today and will store it until he can dispose of it.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 8, 1916
The plant of the Laclede Steel Company is turning out an immense amount of finished product from the mills which are in operation. The start of the eight-inch mill is still said to be two weeks off, as it has taken longer to get the mill fixed up than was expected when a beginning of changes was made. The open-hearth and ten-inch mill are booming. While only one shift is being employed now, other shifts will be put on before long if business continues to increase as it has in the past. Before the summer is over, it is believed the whole plant will be working full capacity with all the shifts possible to be employed.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 20, 1916
Much interest is aroused in the coming engagement of the Big Feature picture, "The Little Girl Next Door," in which Mayor Beall, the entire Vice Commission, Governor Dunne, and many prominent Alton people, as well as a strong movie cast, take part. This picture has been turning away thousands of people during the entire engagement in Chicago, where it is running at the LaSalle Theatre indefinitely, and no doubt it will be an equally big attraction in Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 15, 1916
The first automobile funeral ever held in Alton was that of Edward Harris, who died in Granite City and whose body was brought to Oakwood cemetery for burial Sunday afternoon. The trip was made in one hour. Undertaker C. N. Streeper assisted the Granite City undertaker, who had charge of the funeral. The body was carried in an automobile hearse, and following it came three limousines for the family, and seventeen touring cars for the friends. Funeral services were held in Granite City, and then the cortege started for Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 27, 1916
Next Saturday the Flori New Home Bakery Company will begin using their new factory building at State and Fourth Streets - the former Millen Bros. location. The big oven will be ready to start baking June 2, and thereafter all the bread will be baked in the State Street factory. The Belle street factory will be used exclusively for the baking of cakes and fine products, and the retail store will be conducted as now in front.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 7, 1916
The Laclede Steel Company is preparing to start a night shift in the “blooming mill” at that institution tomorrow or the next day. This will add about thirty men to the force employed. The last mill at the steel plant to be started has been delayed in getting ready for resumption of work. The material needed for making the necessary changes to get the mill in shape has not arrived, and it is not known when that mill will be ready for work. The Laclede Steel Company is enjoying a great boom in its business, and it looks like a permanent boom, as it is not built upon war prosperity directly.


Source: Logansport Pharos Tribune, June 10, 1916
"The Little Girl Next Door," the photo-lay in six acts that has been packing the LaSalle Theater in Chicago for the past three weeks, comes to the Nelson Theater for a four-day performance from 1:30 p.m. until 11 p.m. This thrilling expose of vice and the traffic in girls has the endorsement of the Illinois State Vice Commission, the various stories related being the testimony as given before the commission. This is a subject for adults only, but it shows things that every man and woman should know. Because of the fact that it has been handled "without gloves," the management announces that this is not a picture for children, and none will be admitted during the showing of this attraction. It will be remembered that following the investigation by the Illinois Vice Commission, a moral wave swept over the entire country, resulting in the segregated districts in many cities being wiped out altogether. This photo-play shows how Edmund Beall of Alton, Illinois, then a member of the Illinois State Senate and also a member of the Vice Commission, was largely instrumental in obtaining legislation which eradicated in a large degree in that state white slavery. His next-door neighbor in Alton had a young daughter who became a victim of white slavery. She was spoken of as the "little girl next door," and the narrating before the camera of this story forms part of the photoplay and gives it its name. The sad fate that befell this girl caused Senator Beall to interest other legislators in organizing this vice commission, and as the photoplay sets out, a monument should be erected to "The Little Girl Next Door," which caused the action that has been taken by legislation all over the country to eradicate one of the greatest evils of mankind. The members of the Illinois Vice Commission which are shown in the picture are: Lieutenant Governor O'Hara, Niels Juul, F. Jeff Toosey, Edmund Beall, and Governor Edward F. Dunne.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 10, 1916
James Manhes, a Greek employed at the Laclede Steel Works east of the city, had a fortunate escape from being killed yesterday afternoon when he was caught between two 11,000 pound trucks. He saw the trucks coming in time to get himself clear of the track, with the exception of his left leg, which was badly injured. He was removed to the St. Joseph’s Hospital, where he was given surgical attention. The muscles in his left leg were torn, the leg was badly swollen, and the bone was crushed by the force of the blow.

Manhes has a wife and five children in Greece, and he is working to get the money to bring the other members of his family to this country. It is believed that he will recover the use of the leg, although he will probably be confined to the hospital for some time.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 6, 1916
Several days ago, Oscar Cannon, formerly of Alton, witnessed a production of the "Little Girl Next Door" at one of the movie houses in Detroit. He saw the streets of Alton and a number of familiar faces and it was too much for him. He had to return home for a visit. Securing a vacation from his company for a few days, he returned to Alton for a visit with relatives. He has been in Alton for several days.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 18, 1916
The city of Alton has made many strides forward in the past forty-four years. That is the verdict of Dr. William Holl of Chicago, who visited Alton today for the first time in forty-four years. The biggest improvement that Alton has made, in the mind of Dr. Holl, since his last visit to the city, is the paved streets and the trees. Many of the streets in the city were bare of trees the last time he saw them, and these streets today have many large trees along both sides. When he left, Alton was still wading around in the mud. Today he commented on the fact that there was hardly a street in the city over which he had traveled that was not paved. He commented on the number of new buildings and beautiful new homes that had been built during his absence from the city. He was impressed by the size of the Illinois Glass Co. and the size of the two mills he saw directly after entering the city of Alton. When asked if he would have any trouble in recognizing the city today as the same he knew when he left Alton, he replied that it would be easy to recognize the city from the Union Depot and the city hall, which were the same as when he left. Then he explained how the Union Depot at Alton had been built to represent an engine. The tower on the end represents a smokestack and the higher part on the other end represents the cab of the engine. Dr. Holl stated that he had passed through Alton several times but he never had time to get off and visit the old city. This morning he attempted to locate many of his old friends in the city. Among those he knew were George Dixon and H. M. Schweppe. He inquired after a number of others but found that the majority of them were dead. Even when he did see some of his old friends he had trouble recognizing them until they told him their names. His father, Captain C. E. Holl, an old resident of Upper Alton, was the man in charge of the construction work on the first mule car railroad. As a special honor his son, the present Dr. Holl, was permitted to drive the first car over the line in 1869. Mr. Hathaway and a number of then prominent citizens made the ride with the lad, who was then but sixteen years of age. That evening a banquet was served at the old Alton House. He recalled that in the old days there were but three cars on the line. Two of them made regular trips from Alton to Upper Alton and the third made all steamboats. The doctor is on his way to Mexico where he will look after his land interests. He is spending but a single day in Alton visiting with his old friends.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 25, 1916
Hereafter you will find great difficulty in buying some wonderful cure-all from the street corner vender of magic cures. If you have an earnest longing to invest your dollars in bottles of mysterious looking fluids which are passed out from a buggy or automobile by the gentlemen with the hoarse voice, the silk hat and the Prince Albert coat, you will have to go to some other place than Alton. There will be no official permission given to such venders to ply their trade. The man who sells you wonderful little articles that will do anything you want them to do, in just exactly the right way, different from anything you have ever been able to buy before, and all for the small sum of a dime, ten cents, or 25 cents, a quarter of a dollar, will fade from our knowledge. This is all because of the revision of the new license ordinance which will make no provision for licensing visitors in the city who would stay a few hours, reap a harvest and then leave town with a number of Alton people cherishing recollections of having been stung again.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 31, 1916
Mayor Edmond Beall received a letter today from Mrs. Henry G. McPike, written at Rome, Italy. Mrs. McPike and daughter, Miss Moreland, have been in Europe ever since before the war. They did not come home when war broke out, and after staying long in Germany they moved to Italy, where they have made headquarters at Rome. Mrs. McPike inclosed with her letter some clippings from newspapers commenting on the motion picture play, "The Little Girl Next Door," which seems to have made a trip to Europe to be shown to people over there. Mrs. McPike writes a very entertaining letter. She tells in it of the delightful conditions under which she lives in Rome, of the many good friends she has made, and she explains, "You know I am friendly." She said she had seen the Pope three times, and had found very valuable a letter given her by Rev. E. L. Spalding. She said she enjoyed seeing the crowds in the streets of Rome, admired greatly the beautiful streets, the good sanitary conditions in the city, and the absence of flies, mosquitoes, filth, etc. She said that dogs are muzzled, and that there is no barking of dogs at night.

In the letter Mrs. McPike recalled many incidents of olden days when Mr. Beall was associated with her husband in city affairs. She recalled the first time she met him when she was a bride, and she complimented him of the fact that many of his dreams of that day had come true. She still clings to Alton, and said that while she had heard there were many changes in Alton, she hoped there would not be so many that there would not be a corner for her when she came back home.


Source: Fort Madison, Iowa, Evening Democrat, September 5, 1916
At the Grand - Tonight will be the last time you will have a chance to see "The Little Girl Next Door," which is enjoying a two-days run of big business at the Grand Theatre. The immense crowd who witnessed this masterpiece last night unite in praising it as one of the best ever. Of the film, the St. Louis Globe of May 15th said:

"The first motion picture to have the official sanction and endorsement of a legislative body. 'The Little Girl Next door,' being a portrayal in motion pictures of the findings of the Illinois Senate Vice Commission, was screened yesterday at the Central for the first day of an indefinite engagement. Scenes showing the Illinois Senate in session, many views taken in Chicago's vice district, other views taken in Alton, are among the features of the photoplay, which has met with the endorsement of clergy in Chicago, as well as favorable editorial comment in the newspapers of that city."


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 11, 1916
From the St. Charles Cosmos-Monitor: Our beloved Lindenwood College has annexed the graves of Mrs. Mary Easton Sibley and her husband. These are part of a purchase of an acre and a half, back of the new Niccolis Memorial. President John L. Roemer is turning the tract into a park, to be called the Sibley Park. It originally was a cemetery of the St. Charles Presbyterian church, 60 years ago, but the few remaining graves are enclosed in an iron fence. Sibley Park contains a natural amphitheater, which will be used for pageants and plays. One of the graves is that of Judge Rufus Easton, who was sent here by Judge of the Territorial Court, but for the private purpose of watching Gen. Wilkinson and Aaron Burr, who were suspected by Jefferson of treason. Judge Easton's daughter and son-in-law, Maj. and Mrs. George C. Sibley, founded Lindenwood College 85 years ago.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 15, 1916
The line of march of the circus parade from the east to the west end of the city was lined and crowded with people this morning to see the great circus parade of the Ringling Bros. It was by far the biggest circus parade ever given in Alton, just as it is the biggest circus that has ever made a call here....There was the customary street parade this morning, with its caravan of glit adorned wagons, open cages of wild animals, elephants, prancing horses, mounted knights and fair ladies, and a liberal allotment of clowns in fantastic attire...There was a chariot for every nation, with the national flags floating and folks dressed up like the natives of each country, sometimes ten horses drawing it. Russia had a bevy of "Russian" ladies, with fur caps and coats, carrying white linen parasols. Surmounting Egypt was Cleopatra. The parade was led by a phalanx of blondes on cream horses, and interspersed along the huge caravan were blondes and brunettes, with a few titans by way of variety, escorted by noble cavaliers. There was a riot of ecstasy when a dozen huge cages, with sides off, rolled by. First came the leopards, then wolves and tigers, and then somebody down the line shouted: "Lions!" There were panthers and more leopards and another family of lions, and then came the elephants. Each had a red coated and white hatted keeper on his head with a long sharp hook. There were twenty-four of them, and they each hung on to the tail of the one in front of them with their trunks. There was one big fellow with iron chains on his feet hooking him to those in front and behind. The circus is transported this year on four trains, comprising 89 cars, which, when stretched out, are over a mile in length. The big top, the largest the Ringling's have ever used, is especially constructed, not only to accommodate the circus with its three rings, stages and hippodrome track, but also arranged for the massive spectacle, "Cinderella," which is presented on a stage five times the size of that found in the largest theaters. All the cooking for this enormous enterprise is done by steam and in ranges built in a wagon weighing nine tons and drawn by ten horses. As a mere detail of the marketing, the circus consumes daily 4,500 pounds of fresh beef, 300 dozen eggs, 800 pounds of bread, 150 pounds of butter, 150 pounds of coffee, 500 pounds of sugar, and other items equally as large. The first order to the cooks in the morning is for 5,200 griddle cakes, and yet as large a number as this may seem, it is only four apiece. For the stock and animal department, there are used daily ten tons of hay, five tons of straw, 800 bushels of oats, while no well-behaved elephant would think of starting his day's labor without his morning cereal, a bale of hay. Most all of these purchases are made from local merchants. It costs $8,000 a day to run this circus, and it represents an investment of nearly $4,000,000. The circus bill opens with the spectacle, "Cinderella." Nothing so richly costumed or so cleverly presented has ever been given here before. The opening pageant, the ballet of dancing girls and the dramatic action, are veritable surprises. In the circus performance 400 men and women appear. More novelties than ever before are presented, the Ringling's having brought from Europe the majority of their people. The afternoon performance was attended by an enormous crowd and every indication point to a record audience at tonight's show, which will begin at 8 o'clock.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 26, 1916
Another old, old building on East Broadway is being wrecked and the debris removed, as a result of the recent visit of Deputy Fire Marshal Tony Brucks of East St. Louis. The building belongs to the late J. J. Hartmann estate, and is or was located at 710 East Broadway. It was a frame structure, and was once some building. That was many years ago, however, and nobody could be found today who could tell just how old the building was. It was too old and "raggedy," however, to justify the expense necessary to make it safe, so it was wrecked. Mr. Hartmann conducted a hardware store in it for several years, and 40 or 45 years ago a man named Emmons conducted a wagon making shop there. It was an old building then. While a Telegraph reporter was talking this morning to W. F. Schneider, who conducts a grocery store next door, William Buckstrup, a well-known farmer, happened to drive up, and overhearing the conversation said: "You see this wagon of mine? Well, it was built in that shop more than forty years ago for my father." This wagon has been in constant use since, and is in good condition now. It has never had a new bed or anything else made for it, and if painted up would look like a new wagon. One thing alone would mark it as an old-time vehicle, and that is the narrow tire used on the wheels. These tires are considerably worn, but are very serviceable yet, but wagon builders of the present day do not use such narrow tires. Neither do they build such wagons. It could not be learned whether a new building will take the place of the one being wrecked, but it is probable there will be a new structure erected in the Spring as the ground is too valuable to be permitted to remain idle. It is the seventh or eighth building on East Broadway which has been wrecked as a result of fire marshal investigations during the last six months.


Street Filled With Masked Crowds in Celebration of East Broadway Paving Work
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 01, 1916
Five thousand people thronged East Broadway from Henry to Cherry street Tuesday evening [Halloween] to attend the celebration given by the East End Improvement Association in honor of the completion of the East Broadway paving improvement. The celebration was one of the most successful ever attempted in the city. Shortly after 6 o'clock last evening, the street began to fill with people. As the result of the orders given by the police, all traffic except the street cars were sent over Third Street. This gave the street, as well as the sidewalk, to the crowds present. By 7:30 the street was alive with a surging mass of humanity moving in every direction, but good natured and out for a good time. Horns, bells, and other noise-making instruments added to the din. Hundreds appeared on the streets masked and paraded up and down the street before the arrival of the band. While autos were barred from the street, several hundred machines were lined along the side streets and were filled with spectators.


Writer Predicts in Magazine That Mechanical Man May Be Warrior
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 17, 1916
The whimsical conceit of an Alton inventive genius a mechanical man, something that was built more as a form of amusement, may become a means of destruction, is the prophecy of a writer who is telling the story about the creature of Fern Pieper's mind. The "Grey King" of Alton has been given much space in the December issue of the Illustrated World, which has just been received at the Mather Book store. In addition to the write-up, the front cover shows the Grey King in action in battle, spitting death and destruction to those in front and on either side of him. The Grey King is an iron man invented by Fern Pieper, and the story in the Illustrated World which puts Fern and the King before the scientists and inventors of the world, was written by Herbert C. Crocker of Edwardsville. It tells how the model created interest and excitement a few years ago when the inventor sent it out walking through the streets of Alton. That was only a model. A real iron man is now being fashioned in a St. Louis foundry and will soon be ready for action. The Illustrated World calls the invention an electric Titan and elaborates on the possibilities of the invention. With a flock of such men equipped properly, Uncle Sam could send this terrible army against an enemy, and each member of the flock would walk unhesitatingly into the ranks of that same enemy, mowing them down as the harvester mows down grass, and nothing they could do could stop the destruction or disable the walking iron men until the electrical apparatus that guided them broke or run down. The article is certain to give Alton wide publicity, and it will give Fern Pieper a little, at least, of the credit that is due him. He is an inventor of great ability and merit, and a dreamer who will live to see some of his cherished dreams come true. Machines in war in Europe are the agencies winning the most battles, and it is not a far cry to equipping these machine-made iron men of Pieper's designing with bullet propelling apparatus. Iron that can be made to walk around like a man can be fixed to shoot like a man and with powers and immunity no mortal possesses.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 5, 1917
The Alton division of Illinois Naval Reserves is packing up all its belongings and moving to the river front. It has occupied the old armory in the Root building on Belle street since the division was organized in February 1896, and it is probable that by the time the 21st anniversary rolls around, all the state's property will have been removed from the structure. The reason for the move is that it is desired to have the division armory and its boats close together. Arrangements were made with C. F. Sparks for the use of the building on the river front, and if the plan is carried out that is contemplated, the naval reserves will have the ground around the building parked and make a parade ground there. The building is large and commodious and suits the needs of the Alton division perfectly. It provides a storage place for small boats owned by the division, and a safe anchorage close by for the steamer Illinois. Lieut. Maxfield and his naval reserves expect to be very comfortable in their new quarters. So far as could be learned, the owners of the Root building have no immediate successors in the tenancy of the building. The third-floor hall was for years Alton's "opera house," and later is was a popular place for dancing parties, and the second floor was once the home of the Alton Commercial club, the forerunner of the Board of Trade.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 16, 1917
One of the most important real estate deals that has been closed this winter was closed today when F. W. Davis, who handled the Highland Park lot sale, and later has been operating at Wood River, closed a deal for the John Sering homestead on East Broadway. The piece of land contains 74 acres and fronts East Broadway, the entire length of the south end. Mr. Davis stated today that the land will be platted and placed on the market, and that the lots would be some of the cheapest the seekers of home sites have been offered, as they will range from $90 to $290. Associated in the deal with Mr. Davis are J. V. E. Marsh, Robert Curdie, Irby Winkler and Harry Andrews. Mr. Davis, who is the moving spirit in this land deal, has been trying for a year to get this land, and with its opening the promise of residences along Alton's newly developed thoroughfare, East Broadway will come. The platting of the land will take place at once and the lots will be on the market with the coming of the birds.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 20, 1917
One of those who helped the Telegraph observe its birthday was Samuel H. Malcolm, the oldest printer in Alton. Mr. Malcolm worked on the Telegraph more than fifty years ago, and many times since. When the Diamond Jubilee issue was printed, he helped to get it out. He came again on the 81st birthday, and he helped again. He did such a good job the foreman in charge gave him more work to do, and he was well pleased as anyone. Mr. Malcolm worked with H. W. Bauer, the foreman, who learned his trade in the Telegraph office and never worked any place else. He helped teach Mr. Bauer the trade away back, over forty years ago, and he was giving his early day pupil a bit of a lift, just for auld lang syne.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 30, 1917
Over $35,000 worth of furs [that would be $709,311.63 in 2019, according to the inflation calculator] that have been stored on East Broadway in Alton for several months were taken to St. Louis the past few days, and are today on sale at the big fur auction in St. Louis. The furs are the property of L. Wiseman of the Alton Fur House, and the pelts consist of 515 badger pelts, 25,000 muskrat pelts, 300 red foxes, a lot of skunk, 'possum and mink, with some wild cat and many house cat pelts. The Alton fur buyer values his stock of pelts at $35,990, and it is expected they will go for a figure far above this in the auction sale. These furs have been gathered all the way from Minnesota down to this territory, very few having been taken from this immediate vicinity.

Louis Wiseman began his fur business in 1890 at 202 State Street in Alton, and later moved to 1200 E. Broadway (the corner of East Broadway and Vine Streets). He would purchase furs from the north, and sell them in St. Louis. He was also in the junk business, buying large amounts of scrap iron. His business failed in 1921, and he later went into the shoe repair business.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 6, 1917
The saloon building occupied by Louis Overath at State and Belle street, and owned by Anton Reck, was destroyed by fire which broke out at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday morning. It happened that the water service had not yet been restored, and for that reason it was impossible for the fire department to cope with the flames. The men did what they could but the fire spread rapidly through the brick structure and got beyond control while the firemen were feebly fighting to save the property. Louis Overath said today that he puts his loss at about $1000. The loss on the building, according to Mr. Reck, was about $4,000, with about $3,000 insurance. The fire drew a big crowd of North Side people who were ready to give help, but could do nothing. Nothing of the stock carried in the saloon was saved. Upstairs over the saloon was a billiard and pool hall, and the equipment there was destroyed.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 7, 1917
A movement has been started by some of the men who fought in the Spanish American War to preserve the old flag pole from the top of the water tank on State street. The flag pole was placed on the tank on the Fourth of July after the declaration of war against Spain. A large number of the Alton business men who were boys at that time helped place this flag pole, and it has been suggested that the flag pole be preserved and placed in some other place in the city of Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 21, 1917
The "lodging" place of floaters in Alton along the river front is being abolished. This afternoon a wrecking crew acting under direction of the chief of police and armed with axes and carrying cans of oil, went along the river front to destroy the shanties which have been there for some time. When the Ridge dump was cleared some of the old timers there moved up to this side of the bridge and lodged elsewhere on city land. This was called to the attention of the police department and the squad of men went out and destroyed the shanties. Three shacks were burned by the members of the police department. They went to the dump below the Wabash freight office and started a general cleaning with axes. After chopping up a part of the houses they put oil on them and set fire to the three at one time. Chief of Police J. J. Mullen said this afternoon that the police department had been caused no end of trouble by the houses on this dump, and this was the only effective method he could find for getting rid of them. All of the residents of the shacks were brought to the police station this afternoon. Annie Moll was sent to the county poor farm. The five men were brought into police court and sentenced on a charge of vagrancy. They were Richard Wayne, Charles Johnson, Luke Dempsey, Ed Williams and W. H. Barnes. All of these men were taken to the county jail.

Later - Anna Moll (Maul) Makes Plea to Stay In Alton
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 12, 1917
Anna Moll, well known police court character, made a dramatic plea in the police court this morning to be allowed to remain in Alton. She told Police Magistrate Patrick Maguire that she would rather live in Alton under a sheet of tin, than be taken away. She said that she could not stay at the Madison County Poor Farm, and had to come back to Alton. On the night before she was discovered by Police Matron Sophia Demuth, Mrs. Moll slept with her head in a hole in the side of the C. P. and St. L. right-of-way, and one sheet of tin over her to protect her from the weather. She made a plea to be allowed to return to this life. She said that she would be able to make a little better provision for herself, and that she would raise chickens to make her living. The Police Magistrate refused to listen to these pleas. He told her if she could find anyone who could provide a home for her, he would be willing that she should remain in Alton. Since she refused to stay at the county poor farm, he sentenced her to 6 months in the county jail on a charge of vagrancy.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 19, 1917
The anniversary of the ride of Paul Revere was begun at midnight April 18, with the ringing of bells and the blowing of factory whistles. It was the beginning of Alton's patriotic observance, and in keeping with a plan for a nationwide recognition of the project to have a "Wake-up" America day. While the factory whistles were blowing and the bells were ringing, a crowd Paul Reverethat filled the Hippodrome saw the beginning of the picture show representing that great historic event that marked the beginning of the battles of Lexington and Concord, which were the first fights of the Revolutionary war. There was general surprise at the size of the crowd that stayed until midnight to see the picture show. Preceding the showing of the picture, Manager Sauvage made a short talk explanatory of it. Rain during the night and lowering clouds in the morning gave the promoters of the plan for a great patriotic celebration in Alton some grounds for apprehension that the program might be spoiled by rain. Nevertheless, they went ahead with their plans.

The teachers in the public and parochial schools and the orphanage all prepared to take their children to the place for forming the procession, Third and Ridge Streets, to be ready for the start shortly after 2 o'clock. The smiling skies of the afternoon did all that was hoped for, and really more, toward bringing out a big crowd of people to participate in and witness the parade. The school teachers had done their work well in lining up the school children to take part. Most of the children had furnished their own flags, and some of them had furnished other patriotic insignia to help add to the gayety of the parade. Members of patriotic orders, especially the women, had planned to give all the help in their power. The Daughters of the Revolution, the Woman's Relief Corps, the Daughters of Veterans and the United Daughters of the Confederacy were giving all the assistance possible. Many volunteered their services to assist in taking charge of the school children. The Irving School children and the Cathedral School and the orphanage children made the long walk from their own schools to Third and Ridge Streets so they could get into line. The Washington School and the Upper Alton school children had a big showing in line, though they did have long distances to travel. The McKinley School children had a street car to carry them down. The other schools in Alton did not have so far to go, and they had immense representations of their whole enrollment. It was one time that the children needed very little urging to get into line.

When the parade materialized it astounded everyone, by its proportions. The enthusiasm of the school children was only equaled by the patriotic and boy scout’s organizations. There were scores of automobiles in line and many little drum corps made up of school boys. It required just forty minutes to pass a given spot, and there were few long waits between sections. It was ascertained that long after the head of the parade had reached city hall square the last of the marchers were still at the starting point at Turner Hall. The impression prevailing after seeing the loyalty demonstration of the children of Alton was that the Kaiser and his advisers would do well to revise their opinions as to the loyalty of the American people. The parade was led by Maj. George D. Eaton as Grand Marshal, with a corps of aides on horseback. Prevision had been made to give old soldiers places of honor in the parade, and they were conveyed in automobiles. The Daughters of Veterans rode in an auto truck that was gaily decorated. In the line were the soldiers of the First Regiment, Missouri National Guard led by Captain Larrimore. The Western Military Academy cadets with their band were in line and made a good showing. The Upper Alton Drum Corps, an organization that has appeared on other patriotic occasions, helped out with the marching music. The White Hussars band furnished the only professional made music in the march. All down the street from the starting point to the end, the buildings were decorated with flags and bunting, and Alton never had a finer show of colors than was made today for the patriotic parade. The parade ended at the City Hall Square, where public speaking had been planned. W. M. Sauvage, chairman of the committee, introduced the speakers - President George M. Potter of Shurtleff College, and Gilson Brown. An immense crowd had congregated on City Hall Square long before the hour for the speech making, and there was a magnificent exhibition of patriotic interest. Some of the downtown stores were closed, and in Upper Alton every business house had taken a half holiday.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 02, 1917
Beginning June 13, the F. A. Voorhees Construction Co. will tear down the two old buildings on Third street leased by the Woolworth Co., and he will erect a new building to cover both lots, which will later be occupied by the ten-cent store. The award of contract was made today. The P. H. Paul pharmacy will move out of the building it has occupied to the new store building on Belle street at once, and make way for the contractors to take hold of the work on the old buildings. The other store room to be used is that vacated by the Joesting clothing store. The plans call for a two-story building with a fine basement, all of which will be occupied by the Woolworth store.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 18, 1917
An important meeting of the Maennerchor Singing Society will be held tomorrow evening in Turner Hall, and all the members are urgently requested by the officers to be present. he Maennerchor was organized fifty years ago by fifteen young men, all of whom were good singers, and who chose that form of amusement over all others then available. All but four of the charter members are now singing in the heavenly choirs, but the four surviving ones are in excellent tune and will take prominent parts in the rendition of the program for that day, and in many programs to follow. The surviving charter members are Messrs. G. A. Joesting, August Neermann, John W. Koch, and L. M. Lutz. All are actively engaged in business and work ten or more hours daily.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 14, 1917
The horse drawn carriage in Alton will doubtless be replaced by motor cars for funerals in the very near future. Undertakers, it is understood on good authority, are negotiating for the purchase of automobile hearses, and each one will try one or two auto limousines. Not many carriages are wanted at funerals these days, and undertakers have found that if they have the above-mentioned equipment, they can get as many auto cars as necessary on the outside, whenever they are wanted for funerals. The passing of the horses and carriages has been well under way for some time. All through the country in the smaller towns, livery stable sales have been held which mark the passing of the livery stable. These stables did a big business years ago, but the automobile came into use and killed the business. In these sales, carriages which cost much money bring practically nothing. The change from horses to motor in Alton is being hastened by the big price of feed. One undertaking establishment is keeping fourteen head of horses, and it is costing $60 a week for grain alone to feed these horses. It is understood the horses are to be sold and motor cars will take their places.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 1, 1917
Two small boys were caught by the Alton police this afternoon in the old Flagg home on Alton street. The boys had just entered the house when they were seen by F. A. Sawyer, who lives nearby. He telephones to the police and they sent men at once to the house in Deputy Coroner William Bauer's auto. The boys were caught and brought to the police headquarters. There they told that a story had gone out of considerable wealth being hidden in the old house. They said that they had made several searches for the treasure and they gave the names of some other boys who had been searching for the money. The police lectured all of the boys and warned them not to repeat the offense.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 29, 1917
An onlooker at the opening of the new Woolworth store on Third Street this morning could get a good idea of what the "Battalion of Death" in the Russian army means to the Teutonic foes the female fighters oppose. Hundreds of women were in the Woolworth store on Third Street this morning, when some of the women fought, bit, kicked, scratched, and pulled hair. Women jostled and pushed each other, and contended one with the other for some of the bargains which had been hung as leaders for theAlton Woolworth opening day in the new store. The advertising in the newspapers drew an immense crowd to the store. The street was blocked with people long before the opening hour and when the doors were opened, in surged the mass of women, all eager to get first pick at the bargains. All went well enough until some of the "leaders" were near exhausted. Down in the corner where granite ironware was being sold, there was just one huge dishpan left, and two women wanted it. They went at each other to settle it in primitive style, according to witnesses. One grabbed the other by the hair, the other sunk her teeth in her antagonists' shoulder. They struggled and the crowd surged. The whole store was in confusion. One woman fainted, and so did a clerk. Women started climbing over the counters trying to get out of the way. Mrs. Carl White, in trying to clear herself from the surging throng, is said to have come up against a broken piece of plate glass in a showcase, and suffered a bad cut on the wrist. The story spread she had been razored by another woman, but Mrs. White denies any razor was used. Some of the attendants in the store started to marshal the women out of the store so there would be more room, and many, thinking there was a fire or something worse going on, hurried to get out. After it was all over, the store showed some effects of the mad struggle for the best bargains that had been advertised.

In June of 1917, the F. A. Voorhees Construction Company tore down two old buildings on the south side of Third Street in Alton, which formerly housed the P. H. Paul Pharmacy and the Joesting Clothing Store. In their place, the construction company built a large, two-story building for the Woolworth Company. Woolworth’s was founded by Frank Winfield Woolworth of New York. He first worked as a stockroom boy, janitor, and general handyman. He also worked as a relief clerk in Watertown’s leading store – Augsburys. He later served as the head clerk at the A. Bushnell’s dry goods store. He opened a store of his own, and introduced the “5 cent counter.” Seeing the potential of the new idea, he opened a new store in Utica, New York, on February 22, 1879. This store failed, and he opened another in Pennsylvania in June 1879, which proved to be a success. In 1905, he formed the F. W. Woodworth and Company, and was joined by W. H. Moore, C. S. Woolworth, F. M. Kirby, S. H. Knox, and E. P. Charlton. Frank Woolworth died on April 8, 1919.

On September 28, 1917, Woolworth’s in Alton held an "inspection opening," complete with an orchestra to entertain those who came to look at the new store and see what it had to offer - although no sales were made that day. On September 29, 1917, the store opened its doors to the public. The Alton Woolworth's was in business for 53 years, and included a busy lunch counter. Woolworth's was destroyed by fire in February 1970, set by a patient from the Alton State Hospital. From 1975 - 1985, McConahey's Flowers had a greenhouse on the lot of the old Woolworth store. The property today is a parking lot.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 4, 1917
An old landmark passed out of existence today when a small building in the rear of the Keiser-Klunk place of business on East Broadway was torn down. The building, which has been used for years as a stable, faced on Alby street. The building was owned by Homer Stanford, being built by his father, Joshua Reed Stanford, over sixty years ago. On the old site Mr. Stanford will have a new house erected.


Big Crowd Frolics on the Streets and Enjoy Evening in Masque Costumes
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 1, 1917
It is estimated that 2,000 hobgoblins, devils, witches, wizards and just ordinary mortals participated in the Halloween parade and festivities given last evening by the East End Improvement Association. The parade was headed by the White Hussar Band, and formed at Third and Broadway. The members of the Doby Club and the Doby Band followed the Hussars, and then came the members of the Improvement Association. After that, citizens from all parts of town joined in. Most of the people were masked, and all were armed with megaphones, tin horns or other noise makers, and the revelry was fast and furious from 7:30 o'clock until 9, when the parade was disbanded at Turner Hall. The dance at Turner Hall was attended by so many people that the building was jammed until a late hour, and the association must have cleaned up a nice sum of money from this feature alone. A prominent professional man who has seen both, told a Telegraph reporter this morning that the doings last night "did not quite come up to or with the New Orleans Mardi Gras festivities, but did not lack much of being just as good."


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 13, 1917
Al Williamson, a fisherman who works in the vicinity of the mouth of the Missouri river, was in Alton this morning after supplies, and he says Mobile Island is taking on the appearance of a big horse ranch, common in some parts of the Southwest. There are many horses on the island he says, and the place has become a regular training camp for equines. Wild animals are made gentle, and bucking horses are made to lose their "buck" by Kelly, the horse trainer, and his helpers, but the wildest of the animals are not tamed without much trouble, and not until after they have persuaded their riders where to get off every now and then. Williamson thinks that Mr. Kelly has 150 horses on the island at this time and is getting more there right along. He does not keep them there any longer than necessary, but sells to farmers or to horse buyers from St. Louis or the National Stock Yards.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 14, 1917
The big new factory of the Brokaw-Eden Company was "all lit up" this morning on two of the floors, and partially illuminated on a third one, and the company has already begun using these floors. The factory now Brokaw-Eden Washing Machine Factoryextends from Front to Broadway on George Street, and on Broadway west to the Henser Garage. It is one of the largest factories (counting floor space) in this part of the city, and will, when everything gets to working right, increase the output of the plant many fold. It will also increase the number of workers in the plant very materially. The big building is completed now with the exception of some outside stucco work that is to be done, and workmen are at that whenever the weather is fit. Contractor Wardein has put men to work cleaning up the debris on George Street, and wrecking the tool houses and office shanty on that street, and it will soon be cleared of all obstructions. It has been filled with building materials, etc., for several months, but was never entirely closed to traffic during all the time the building was being constructed. The Brokaw-Eden concern has made wonderful growth since coming to Alton as is evidenced by the large new factory which had become an imperative necessity months ago, and the quality of the products, their efficiency and permanency will increase the growth already made very materially and will cause the extension of the trade territory to all parts of the United States and Canada.

NOTES: The Brokaw-Eden Manufacturing Company opened in 1915, and was located in the 300 block of East Broadway, where Steve's Antiques is now located. The company sold washing machines all over the country. New owners moved the factory to New Jersey in 1922.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 01, 1917
The sale of the homestead of the late Mrs. Jane Hood, on east Fourth street this afternoon, was an interesting event, as it marked the closing of ownership of the family which had possession of the property for eighty years. The death of Mrs. Jane Hood, the last owner, without leaving a will, made the sale of the property necessary so the estate could be divided among the heirs. There are many heirs to the estate, Mrs. Hood's father had bought the property and it was occupied as the homestead of the Ryrie family for many years. Then her brother, John A. Ryrie, bought the place and lived there for years with his family. Then Mrs. Hood acquired the place and moved in and spent the remainder of her life there. It was a well-built house, and the premise comprised some of the finest residence property in Alton. She preferred to keep the lots intact, and so the original piece of property stayed in the one family. Master-in-Chancery, J. L. Simpson, sold the property in one lump to Mrs. Alice Ryrie Milnor for $3,600, which includes six tracts of ground on which were two houses. Mrs. Milnor is a great-granddaughter of the original Ryrie owning the ground. Most of the bidding was done by members of the family, but there were a few outsiders who were trying to buy part of the property. The property brought more when sold in a lump than when sold in tracts.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 01, 1918
Men returning from the scene of the disaster which destroyed almost the entire fleet of the Eagle Packet Company, are telling that as the "Alton" began to go down in the crush of ice floes, the bell which had been given to the boat by the citizens of Alton tolled her knell. The tilting of the big boat amid the great fields of ice which were pushing and grinding her, caused the bell to swing slowly, and river men who heard it are said to have wept. The bell was presented, by popular subscription, to the "Alton" when that boat made her first trip to Alton. It was said today that the Eagle Packet Co. has some lines out, and has options on two or three other boats to add to the fleet. One of them is a good sized craft, while the others are not so big. It appears that the Eagle Company is not planning to give up in despair, nor depend upon the two boats it has left. There is also strong reasons for belief that every effort will be made to raise the sunken steamers and rebuild them. It is believed that "Alton" and "Peoria" both are worth saving, and perhaps the "Spread Eagle," as, if the hulls escaped much damage, the boats can be rebuilt economically.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 27, 1918
Joseph Hermann, overseer of the poor, said today he would close the pest house tomorrow. He said that the one inmate of the place would be discharged from the pest house, having recovered and he felt it safe to fumigate the place and lay off the attendants. The pest house has been in use the greater part of the winter for small pox cases. While the spread of the disease has been checked by the warmer weather, it has not completely abated. It is not generally known in Alton that the city had enough cases to have caused a serious scare, had the form of the disease been what it used to be. None of the cases were bad, and all have recovered without much trouble. Some families were subjected to great inconvenience by the strict enforcement of the regulations. Dr. D. F. Duggan, the health officer, took hold with a firm hand and did everything in his power to check the spread of the disease. He found many difficulties in the way but he finally managed to prevent most of the careless mixing of infected people in public places. The early plan was to shut whole families in houses, but this was modified in all cases where they were willing to submit to vaccination and exercise care for a few weeks. At one time the condition was rather alarming in the schools, and there was extreme nervousness on the part of health officials, but good management and careful attention finally conquered the disease.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 28, 1918
The contract for erecting a temple at Alton for the Masonic fraternity was awarded yesterday and signed up by a Chicago contractor, W. F. Peterson. The building, which was designed by a Chicago architect, will be one of the most ornate in the City of Alton. The plans call for a building of three floors, the top floor to be used for a lodge room. The second floor will be used for club purposes, and the first floor will be devoted to business uses. The plans provide for two store rooms, or they may be thrown into one, if a tenant is secured who desires to occupy the entire first floor. The front of the building is of classic design, will be all stone, and will be beautifully carved. There will be two Corinthian columns in the front, and the ornaments will be of a character that will be in keeping with the columns. The architect who drew the plans was awarded the contract for the design after a lengthy consideration of a number of plans which were submitted in competition. The classic beauty of the front which the successful architect drew was a strong recommendation for his plans. There was some doubt as to the ability of the Temple board to get a contractor who would give a price that would be low enough to admit of the work going ahead, but in this, the board is assured, it has been very successful in securing a reliable contracting firm. The building will stand on the site of the present temple, and the building to the south recently acquired from Bristow & Kennedy. It will come close to blocking the end of Third street, and will make an imposing appearance. It was because of the magnificent opportunity to display a beautiful building the site affords that the highly ornamental front was decided upon. There will be well equipped club rooms, banquet hall, and a small lodge room on the second floor, and there will be a very beautiful and roomy lodge room on the third floor, with high ceiling and a balcony. An elevator from the street level will serve the second and third floors. It is planned to have the Masonic bodies into the top floor of the building on Belle street occupied by the Paul Pharmacy, during the period the building is going up. The Masonic bodies expect to vacate their old home in a short time. It is planned to have some sort of a farewell to the old building before moving. The rapid growth of the Masonic order in Alton has made it necessary to provide larger and better quarters for the lodges. It is expected that the new building will be ready for occupancy by the last of the present year, if not earlier.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 24, 1918
The Nazareth Home for Aged People, which was established in Alton eight or ten years ago, through the activities of Rev. Joseph Meckel, and which is steadily growing, has just been incorporated under the laws of the state, and its influence for good is expected to widen out greatly. When the Sisters conducting the home first came to Alton they resided in a small house on East Fourth Street, and had but few persons to care for. The demand for accommodations at the home grew, and Father Meckel managed to buy a tract of land of Central Avenue, upon which the present home was erected, and which since taken possession of has sheltered many old people of both sexes who had no other home, or who for personal reasons desired to become "citizens of Nazareth." While the institution is conducted by Catholics, aged people who are not Catholics are being sheltered there and are finding themselves well cared for according to their own testimony. The inmates pay for the care given them if they can, at about cost; if they cannot pay all, the Sisters stand the loss. Indications point to this being made a sort of Mother Home for the incorporation papers state that the object of the home is to "teach parochial schools in various parts of the country and to conduct a home for aged people of both sexes who are able to pay for care and nursing for the most part." Teachers of parochial schools will evidently be supplied from the Nazareth Home after a while. The incorporators are Mother Paulina Schneeberger, Mother Josepha Arnohl, and Mother Engelberta Muller. Those three will manage the institution also.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 01, 1918
It is no “ole swimmin' hole” that the boys and young men of the eastern part of the city have discovered and are using. It is a brand new one, “and oh boy, but it’s a beaut,” is what one of the lads says about it. September Morn may have been depicted by a female of the species, but the May Morns and June Bugs disporting in the waters of the river at the foot of Ridge Street are all males. They are adorned, however, as Eve was adorned before the snake tempted her with that apple, and for this reason some folks living on the higher streets back from the river, or in second and third story apartments, have been grievously shocked. The boys climb up on the top of the crane or uploading apparatus at the river terminals and dive off. The river there is 60 feet in depth, made by the sand pumps that tore out the bottom of the river to make the fill for the Illinois Terminal Railroad and for the river terminals too. It will be thus seen that the "ole swimmin' hole," which was never deep enough to go over a swimmer's head, is not in the same class as the new swimming hole at the foot of Ridge Street. It is a long, long way from the summit of the river terminals apparatus to the bottom of the river, and it's a “long time after jumping before the head hits the gravel at the bottom of the river,” says a swimmer.

"The boys ought to wear bathing suits," said a resident of one of the higher apartments two or three blocks away, "or wait until night has pulled her curtains down and pinned them with the stars for they can be seen plainly from many points, and the sight is not pleasing to everybody." Personally, he said, he or members of his family did not care and did not object. The boys were doing no harm and went into the river wearing just as many clothes as they did when they came to earth.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 6, 1918
Safety razors, the high cost of shaving, and the war combined are responsible for closing one of the oldest barber shops in the city - the Lawless shop in the Weigler block. This is the shop conducted for many, many years by Fred Meyer, the "Father of all Alton Barbers," who died several months ago. Sometime before his death he sold to a young man who has learned his trade under him, a young man named Lawless.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 16, 1918
A horse belonging to a colored man in the north end of Upper Alton last evening became frightened at a street car and broke the buggy to pieces. The fact that the affair occurred in front of Mrs. W. M. Kofer's residence caused her a series of troubles. The horse and buggy were left standing in front of the W. F. Lindley grocery store at Washington avenue and Bostwick street while the driver was in the store. The car came along and the horse became frightened and proceeded to tear down a telephone post with the frail old rig. The telephone pole proved to be the stronger and the buggy was torn to pieces. Mrs. W. M. Kofer, who lives across the street from the grocery store, ran into the street to get her child when the colored man's horse began to get upon the sidewalk and threatened to go into the grocery store with the part of the rig that was still hitched to him. When picking up her child in the car track, she lost her purse which contained a five-dollar bill and some silver, amounting to a little over seven dollars. After discovering the loss when the runaway excitement had quieted down, Mrs. Kofer started a hunt for the missing pocket book. By this time, it was real dark, and the pocket book could not be found. However, while Mrs. Kofer was spending a good deal of time looking for the lost purse, a dog from the neighborhood sneaked into her kitchen and carried away a beef roast that had just been purchased at a cost of eighty-five cents. For a time, Mrs. Kofer was out her pocket book and money, and also the roast, but she found the pocket book this morning when day light came. The roast was lost completely as the dog had eaten it up before this loss was noticed. The purse containing the money was ruined by a street car and the money had a narrow escape. Just one corner of it was lying on the street car rail, and it was run over by the car many times. A five-cent piece was flattened out and the corner of the five-dollar bill was cut off, but not enough to damage it seriously in the way of legal tender.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 13, 1918
Walter Baum, of Fort McPherson, Georgia, home on a furlough, carried three Tilton children from the second floor of the Mrs. Ed Levis home at 700 Washington Avenue, while it was burning Tuesday afternoon. The fire, which was started on the roof, did over $5,000 damage to the house and the furniture and left six families homeless. Many of them did not know this afternoon where they would spend the night tonight, on account of the shortage of houses in Alton. Mrs. Warren Mullen was ill in her part of the house, and her mother was attending her. The mother had cleaned up the room and was burning some papers in the grate. This is believed to have started the fire. Unfortunately, the fire truck from Company Three was out being repaired at the time of the fire. The flames spread rapidly and by the time fire Companies One and Two arrived, it had gained considerable headway. The flames were discovered in the furnished rooms rented and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. B. Lindberg and their three-year-old daughter, Gertrude. Mrs. Lindberg saw the flames break out from behind a picture on the wall. So quickly did the flames spread that it was impossible for her to get out of the door. She seized her three-year-old daughter in her rams and flew through the Tilton rooms. She lost most of her clothing and $10 in money. Quickly a crowd of men and boys gathered and began to carry the furniture from the house. It was then that Baum appeared. Someone shouted that there were three children in the Tilton apartment. Quickly he was up the ladder and brought them safely to the ground. A second later some woman shouted that she had left her silverware in the house, and he risked his life again to bring out the silverware. Pianos, stoves and kitchen cabinets were moved from the second floor by the willing workers, while the fire raged above their heads. So well did they work that much of the furniture was saved. Mr. and Mrs. Rose Tilton had their own furniture in their rooms and much of it was lost. It was not covered by insurance. Others who were living in the house were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nelson and son, and Mrs. Gable and niece. The house is one of the oldest on Washington avenue, and it located so far off the street. Since her husband's death some time ago, Mrs. Levis has continued to reside in the house. She has many friends throughout the city who sympathize with her in the loss of her home. The fire was discovered at 1:20. She had divided the house into furnished apartments. Mrs. Levis estimated this afternoon that her loss would amount to over $5,000, not including the damage to the furniture, which will be about $500. She said the place was insured.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 21, 1918
Several of the families who were routed by the fire at the Levis home on Washington Avenue last week have moved out into the front yard and are living under tents. This may serve to illustrate the shortage of houses in Alton. It is understood that plans are now being made for the erection of a row of flats in front of the house. Whether the old structure will be rebuilt is a matter to be decided on later. The top of the building is pretty well burned, but it would be possible to rebuild it.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 4, 1918
Kelly, the horseman, invaded Alton yesterday with a large drove of horses which attracted no small amount of attention as they were driven through the street. Kelly bought the horses in South Dakota. He took them to Mobile Island, where he will winter them. It took two trips of the ferry boat to transport the animals across to the island.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 17, 1918
The Department of Health has forwarded to Mayor Sauvage a copy of a letter mailed to him Tuesday ordering that all theaters and other public gatherings be suspended, but which was not received by the mayor. A dispatch from Springfield this afternoon stated that the Department of Public Health, on learning that Alton was still open, had telephoned to Mayor Sauvage to make sure that he had received the notice. There is some question as to whether the schools would be closed. Any schools which could show it has medical inspection could continue. The public schools of Alton have such inspection, at least they maintain a school nurse who is constantly on the job. Some interesting questions are raised by the closing order. It may mean the closing of parochial schools. Shurtleff, Monticello, and Western Military Academy probably could claim medical inspection, and might be left open. Under the amendment to the order issued from Chicago, the churches are exempted, and so are patriotic parades exempted from the list of forbidden gatherings.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 28, 1918
With the end of the day's work Saturday, the Hapgood Plow Co. ceased its activities as such. Announcement was made by H. L. Black, head of the company, that the Hapgood Plow Co., which had been in business in Alton since 1873, would no longer engage in the manufacturing business, that it would dispose of its property and stock and quit. The immediate cause of the suspension was the ruining of the engine which furnished the motive power. This merely accelerated the fulfillment of a plan that had been under consideration for a year, according to Mr. Black, who was interviewed today. Mr. Black who owns six-sevenths of the stock, said that he had decided to give up the business. War time exigencies [demands] had been such that it made difficult the procuring of supplies, the holding of labor and transportation problems were many. The company has on hand a great lot of unexecuted orders, much material was to have been made up and the company was to have wound up its business gradually, but the smashing of the engine changed all those plans. The engine, Mr. Black said, was of theHapgood Plow Co. vintage of 1861. It was a real old timer, and when anything happened to it the only way to get a new part was to make a pattern and have the new part made to order. Long ago the makers ceased to carry parts to that machine. Something went wrong inside the cylinder, and when an effort was made to start the engine there was a rending and crashing and the old engine was like the one hoss shay [2-wheeled carriage drawn by one horse]. The long delays necessary, if it were possible to get a new engine at the present time, made the decision a quick one to stop business altogether. Mr. Black said that he supposed he would find it necessary to induce some other plant to complete the manufacture of partly fabricated goods. He would dispose of his stock on hand wherever he could, and there would be no more activity in the line of making agricultural implements at that plant. The company manufactured plows, cultivators, disc plows, roller swings, etc. Mr. Black said that he had on his payroll a number of old hands who had never worked for any other employer, and that he believed all of them would be taken care of someplace, as they were experienced workmen. As to the future of the property, Mr. Black said he was uncertain. He has been discussing with some builders of tractors the question of turning the building over to them, as tractors are essentials according to [government] rulings, and may be manufactured. There is also a possibility the property may be used for making war supplies. The building is 480 feet fronting on Front street. It is admirably adapted for use as a manufacturing plant, and should be in demand. It has been operated since 1873 as a place for making agricultural implements. Mr. Black is uncertain as to what he will do. He plans to close his home for the winter and will reside in a hotel. He has not had a heating system installed since the hot water heating service was cut off. He may even leave Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 8, 1918
Former Mayor Edmond Beall today placed an order for an expensive baby carriage, to be given to the new son born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pohlman, who are residents of the "Stork's Nest" flat on Eighth street. About fourteen years ago when he built the flats there, Mr. Beall announced that for every baby born in the flats, he would give a baby carriage. It has been a long time since a baby came to the place, notwithstanding the fact that the flats are still known as "Stork's Nest." It was the flats which gained for their owner more fame than anything he had ever done up to that time, and really put him in the public eyes as a landlord who encouraged babies in his property. The offer of a baby carriage has been forgotten by everyone but Mr. Beall, but he remembered and lived up to traditions. The baby cab will be delivered in due time. Mr. Beall, when pricing baby carriages, was heard to mutter the imprecation, "Damn the Kaiser," as he was told how much higher baby carriages are due to the war.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 29, 1918
A shot-shell, evidently fired by one of the armies in Civil War days, found its way to the Duncan Foundry last week, and was discovered in time to prevent it working damage in the blast furnace, on the way to which it was when discovered. The shell is deeply pitted with rust and shows every evidence of being an old timer, even to the shot which was enclosed within the iron case. The shell is about 6 inches in diameter. It was shipped with a carload of scrap iron from Paducah, Kentucky, to Rubenstein Brothers at Alton, and by them the car was sold to the Duncans. It was while the scrap iron was being transferred from the car to the blast furnace that a man noticed the ball, and examining it closer, he discovered that if it ever had any meanness encased within it, evidently everything was still there, as the cap was still on the shell. This caused Howard Gray to have the shell drilled out, and inside of it he found 173 grape shot, all embedded in rosin. The method of making the shell was evidently to fill it with rosin and grape shot, embedding the shot in the rosin. Then a sufficient boring was made in this mass to make a chamber for an exploding charge. When the shell was bored out the black powder taken therefrom was burned to test out if it was still active, and apparently it was still good.

Just what damage would have been done by the shell to the blast furnace had it exploded when a heat was on is a matter of speculation. The results might have been appalling, had the furnace, filled with molten metal, been wrecked by the explosion of the old-time shell. It is probable that the shell was made fifty-five years ago, or thereabouts, and that for many years it has been rolling around in obscure places until picked up and thrown into the car of scrap iron which was being shipped to Alton to help make iron articles to win the war of modern days. Civil War veterans, who looked at the shell, recalled having seen many such objects fifty years or more ago. They were regarded as being the last word in deadliness then, but today they would be of little value as life destroyers in a war such as has just closed in Europe [WWI]. The shell was being exhibited today at the Crivello store on Piasa Street.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 16, 1918
Islands in the Mississippi river bordering on St. Charles County, Mo., also those in the Missouri river from the mouth up to above the city of St. Charles, are being given a thorough inspection by Sheriff Grothe of St. Charles and his deputies. Sunday the deputies visited an island near Hamburg, also one near Portage des Sioux, and the intention is to rid all of the islands in this section of undesirable citizens, such as tramps, hobos and river thieves. Farmers along both rivers have been losing a large amount of poultry, pigs and produce from their farms in the last six weeks, and one evening last week a farmer near Hamburg lost three or four hogs that he and his neighbors had killed and dressed during the day. Eight hogs had been killed and hung up to cool, and while the men were at supper half of the dressed porkers were stolen. On the island near Hamburg the sheriff's deputies found a large dug out, fixed up in a comfortable manner. There was furniture and cooking utensils in it, but no loot was found and no men were found on the island either. In years gone by these tramps and thieves inhabited caves and caverns on this side of the river, and they may be driven back here by the activities of the sheriff of St. Charles county. Whether located on this side or the other, they have been like the lilies of the valley, they toil not, neither did they spin, but always lived well. The city or county authorities should run them out if they return to the caverns.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 14, 1919
When the Evening Telegraph announced the news that the Illinois Legislature at Springfield had passed the resolution calling for state wide prohibition, the earnest worker in the city expressed their appreciation of The Telegraph's announcement as well as their gratitude for the action of the state solons by frequent telephone calls into the office to confirm the news. The church bells of Upper Alton were started ringing within a few minutes after The Telegraph had telephoned the news there, and simultaneously the bells of churches in various parts of Alton began to acclaim the tidings that statewide prohibition had been given the seal of approval by the officials at the State Capitol.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 22, 1919
Old of the oldest firms in Alton retired from business today when the Sweetzer Lumber Company disposed of its business to the Springman Lumber Company. The former company sold its lumber yard and planing mill to the Springman Lumber Company. The latter will move their main office to East Broadway and Cherry streets, the present location of the Sweetzer Company, and will use the office at 819 Douglas street as a branch. The Sweetzer Lumber Company was organized over 20 years ago with W. M. Sweetzer as the leading spirit. The company succeeded the firm of Sweetzer and Priest, upon the death of Henry C. Priest. The firm of Sweetzer and Priest was one of the pioneer lumber companies of Alton. The location of both concerns was on East Broadway. The Springman Lumber Company is one of the young and vigorous business enterprises in Alton. The company has yards in Alton and also a lumber mill at Palestine, Texas. Joseph J. Springman effected the deal for his company. He will be the general manager of the consolidated businesses.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 28, 1919
The Masonic Temple Association has tentatively set the date, April 19, as the time for the dedication of the new Masonic Temple on State street at the head of Third street. While the building is completed by the contractor, some minor details outside of the contract remain to be fixed up. The second and third floors will be in the hands of the decorator next week, and it is expected that about a month's time will be required to finish the decoration work. The committee has ordered the shipment of the furniture for the lodge room March 15, and on its arrival, it will be installed in the building. It was announced to the committee last night that it was probable the second store room in the building had been rented to a business man who is planning to move to Alton. The Noon Day Restaurant will be moved into the store room leased to it next week, a delay having been decided on until the walls and ceiling could be decorated. Plans for very elaborate ceremonies at the time of the dedication are being laid. It is expected to have some prominent public men, member of the order, present at that time and there will be a large number of visiting members of the fraternity at the dedicatory exercises. Owing to unsettled market conditions, it has been decided to defer for the present the installing of the elevator in the building. A very handsome lighting scheme is being put into the building which will make for a brilliant illumination when finished.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 29, 1919
The homestead of the late John E. Hayner on State Street has been purchased as a site for the Cathedral orphanage, funds for which are being John E. Hayner homeraised in the Alton diocese. The plans for the orphanage were greatly enlarged and recently the announcement was made that a much larger sum would be needed than had been previously made know. At the same time, nothing was said of the change in plans to put the orphanage on the Hayner place. Today the deeds were recorded at Edwardsville, transferring 12 1/2 acres to Bishop Ryan. The plan is not to give up the present orphanage. It will be maintained for some purposes.

During the campaign for funds for the orphans, it was often declared that the present orphanage site is unsuitable for the little children, and the "flu" epidemic [1918-1919] caused a great influx of little children whose parents were victims of the disease. In considering a site, it was decided to get a place where there would be ample grounds for the children to play in safety, and this the Hayner tract affords. It is a quiet, secluded place, elevated so as to give perfect drainage and will be an ideal place for the purposes for which it is desired. It is expected the announcement of the purchase of this tract will give a new impetus to the giving toward the Cathedral orphanage fund.

It was said this afternoon by Rev. E. L. Spalding, vicar general of the diocese, that the plan is to erect a fine, fireproof building on the ground just purchased. He said that it is estimated the new building will cost over $200,000. The ground bought cost $40,000. The call for funds is for $300,000, all of which will be needed in getting the orphanage erected and equipped. Fr. Spalding said that he does not know just what is to be done with the old orphanage building. It will be devoted to some use, maybe for some purposes connected with the original purpose, but the main building will be on the Hayner site. There, Fr. Spalding said, will be pure fresh air uncontaminated by smoke from factories, and the children will have plenty of room for play. The announcement was made by Fr. Spalding that just as soon as plans can be finished the orphanage will be started and that no time would be lost, as the money to pay for it seems to be assured.

The original Alton orphanage was located at Prospect and State Streets, and was formerly the James H. Lea two-story home, erected in about 1857. The orphanage was run by the “Cathedral,” or Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church. The Alton diocese purchased the home in 1883, and added additions in 1896, 1906, and 1908.

After John Hayner [d. 1903] and his wife, Kate (d. 1917), passed away, their property, located on the southwest corner of State and Jefferson Avenue, was sold to the Alton diocese for the purpose of building a large orphanage. The new orphanage was completed in 1923. The old orphanage became the Loretta Home for girls and women. The original orphanage still stands and is owned by the church, but I don't know what it is used for. The new orphanage, completed in 1923, is now called the Catholic Children’s Home. It still stands.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 01, 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gallagher today celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of their coming to Alton, and during the entire thirty years the well-known couple have conducted the Depot Hotel. Under their management the Depot Hotel has retained its high standard as a hotel and restaurant. Traveling men coming to Alton in the last thirty years have stopped at the Depot Hotel without failure, on account of the excellent treatment received and on account of the meals served. Mrs. Gallagher's reputation as a cook is known far and wide. The family came to Alton thirty years ago, and have raised their family of four children here. Their children are: Dr. Edward Gallagher, and the Misses Gertrude, Margaret and Irene.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 9, 1919
A large new ice cream factory started manufacturing the cold and popular delicacy today in the former Horn building in the 400 block in Broadway. The building was recently purchased by John Jianokoplos, proprietor of the Princess confectionery store in Broadway, and he has had it remodeled and equipped with all of the latest improved machinery necessary for the business. Harry Gregory, an expert candy maker and ice cream manufacturer, is in charge of the factory and he said today the first big batch of ice cream will be turned out tomorrow. In addition to ice cream the building will be used as a candy factory, and it will in its entirety be devoted wholly to making ice cream and candies.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 11, 1919
The opening of the John Snyder store at Third and Piasa Streets today, after several months during which a store was conducted by another firm there, was a very auspicious one. Crowds were in evidence all day, and the management of the store reported good business. The building has been greatly improved and the store is furnished in new fixtures. The John Snyder store is one of the oldest and best known in the city, and the management has promised a first-class department store to Alton people. The store is being managed by Henry Wuellner, who was recently released from the naval service.


Hoping Decision is Favorable Regarding Prohibition
Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 16, 1919
The first beer made in Alton since the last day of November when the government war time order ceasing the manufacture of beer took effect, was that made today by the Bluff City Brewery. It will be two and three quarters per cent alcohol. Work was started yesterday at the brewery getting ready to make the brew. Things about the plant on Pearl street had the appearance of old times when the machines were running washing kegs and getting everything in shape for the resumption of business. Harry Netzhammer said that the firm was taking a chance on this brew, and he added that they might never be permitted to sell it, but they had the material on hand for making a brew and they decided to go ahead with it so as to have the beer on hand in case the decision is in their favor. The test case which is on in New York will soon be decided, and breweries all over the country are watching the case closely. From the news given out in the last few days the brewers are confident that they are going to be allowed to make beer with two and three quarters per cent alcohol. If the permission is given to make this beer, it will take the brewers two or three months to get the product made and on the market, hence this Alton plant took a chance on the decision by making a brew today.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 18, 1919
The dedication of the new Masonic Temple on State Street, at Third, will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, under auspices of the Illinois Masonic Grand Lodge. The completion and dedication of their new home by Masonic Temple, Alton, ILthe members of the Masonic fraternity takes place in the year of the diamond jubilee of the instituting of Piasa Lodge No. 27, at Alton. It was in the year 1844 that the lodge was chartered, and the dedication takes the nature of a celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the lodge. The dedication also falls on a date that is important in American history, being the anniversary of the opening of the Revolutionary war. As a coincidence, the ninety-fifth birthday of the oldest member of the Masons in Alton, Rev. Dr. L. A. Abbott, falls on the day of the dedication, and he has been invited to participate in the ceremonies as Grand Chaplain, and he has accepted the invitation.

The dedicatory ceremonies will be made the occasion of a grand assemblage of Masons from this vicinity. The dedication will be under the charge of the Grand Master of Illinois Masons, with other of the Grand Lodge officers assisting him. There will be a parade of the fraternity, consisting of members of the two local lodges, Piasa and Franklin, and all visiting members of the order. This will start at 2:30 o'clock at Turner Hall, which has been appointed as the mobilization point. From there, the procession will move to Third and State, where the dedication will take place. The building will be thrown open in the afternoon and evening to the public for inspection, without regard to membership in the order.

The ladies of the Order of Eastern Star will serve luncheon during the afternoon and evening, in the one vacant storeroom in the building.

The member of the Masonic Association, who have charge of the building, invite the public to be present at the dedication ceremonies and at the reception during the remainder of the afternoon and the evening.

The dedication of the building marks the fruition of dreams of the local members of the fraternity which are decades old. The members of the various bodies which have been meeting in the Masonic Temple have planned for many years to get a building that would be adequate to their needs, but it was not until about two years ago that the hopes began to appear to be in a fair way to be realized.

The Temple, which costs the Masonic fraternity in the neighborhood of $55,000, is of classic design as to front, and in the lodge room the classic idea is carried out in the ornamentation of walls and ceilings. It has been nearly a year since the construction work was started. The contractor, W. F. Peterson of Chicago, was seriously handicapped by war conditions [WWI] during the time he was erecting the building. Delays in getting material on the one hand, and difficulties in getting work done on the other, forced delay after delay in the enterprise, and instead of getting into their new Temple last January, the Masons are delayed three months in realizing their hopes.

The front elevation of the building is a radical departure in the line of architecture in Alton. It is the first effort to adopt a classic design, and the building has attracted much attention. It is the belief generally that following the completion of this building, there will be more attention paid to architectural beautification of the city than in the past. The architects of the building are N. S. Spencer & Son of Chicago.

The building consists of three floors, the first being used for business purposes. The second floor will be devoted largely to club and social features, and the third floor to lodge purposes exclusively. In this building will meet Piasa Lodge No. 27, A. F. & A. M., Franklin Chapter, R. A. M., Alton Council, R. & S. M., Belvidere Commandery, Knights Templar and the Alton Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. The lodge room has been adapted to the uses of all these bodies.

It is because of the rapid growth in the membership of the Masonic Fraternity in Alton that the new building was determined upon. An unprecedented number of accessions to the order forced the fraternity to decide to erect this building, and in it they feel they have a home that will accommodate their needs for many years to come. They had many discouragements in settling on the site. It was argued that the site would not be a good one, as store rooms rented there could never succeed. The members of the fraternity proceeded, nevertheless, believing that they could make a success of the enterprise and they have demonstrated, by the first business house to occupy the building, that the site can be made a successful place for a business enterprise to locate in.

The buildings which were torn down to make room for the new Temple were two of the old-time businesses, and during the days of the Civil War, it housed the Alton Courier. Many years ago, the Masons bought the property. In recent years they acquired a lot to the north, which a little more than a year ago they turned over to Kennedy & Bristow and took the property to the south of the old building. Standing at the head of Third street, it is easily the most conspicuous object on the street.

The lodge room is handsomely decorated and is elaborately and artistically furnished. Beside the main floor of the lodge, there is a balcony to be used in times of special need for more seating capacity. The lighting effects are brilliant and very pleasing to the eye. The ventilating of the building is perfect, and the heating provision is adequate. An elevator will be installed in the building at a near date, but could not be put in prior to the dedication.

One of the pleasing attractions of the building will be the club features. There is a well-equipped kitchen, large floor space for dancing parties and banquet rooms, and beside there are regular club rooms, both for the men and the women. Provision is to be made for having two lodge rooms, a smaller room than the general lodge room being available in time of need.

The making of harmonious effects in the coloring of the decorations in the lodge room and the club rooms were left in the hands of artists who have achieved wonderful success. In the furnishing of the second floor of the building, the ladies of the Order of Eastern Star have shown good taste. The Eastern Star ladies will give the first entertainment in the building Monday evening, when they will hold a dancing party for members of the fraternity and their ladies, which will probably be one of the biggest social events of the year.

The members of the reception committee for tomorrow afternoon are: Hosea B. Sparks, chairman; J. W. Beall, vice chairman; George T. Davis, C. W. Huskinson, J. T. McClure, A. J. Sotier, A. C. McCutcheon, Andrew Schnorr, Oscar Sotier, C. E. Sears, C. W. Beall, William Adams, George E. Wilkinson, Miss Mildred Gwinner, Mrs. J. T. McClure, Mrs. J. W. Beall, Mrs. C. W. Huskinson, Mrs. R. C. Hardy, H. T. McClure, F. P. Hearne, R. M. Forbes, F. W. Olin, Charles Levis, H. M. Schweppe.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 03, 1919
How the Citizens' National Bank building maintained itself until now is the cause of considerable wonder to the contractors who are tearing down the old building to make room for the new home of the Citizens'. The workmen began to uncover wonderful conditions when they began to tear apart the frame work of the building. Years ago the west brick wall began to bulge out and required some extensive work to make it hold, but had the owners of the building and the tenants known it, that was nothing as compared to what really was wrong with the structure. The Kinloch Telephone Co. had installed a great weight of machines and equipment on the third floor of the building, and in so doing had made cuts in some of the heavy beams, to provide accommodation for projecting parts of machines. This naturally weakened the floor until, so the workmen say, it is remarkable that the Kinloch Telephone exchange was not precipitated to ruin, on top of the tenants below, and clear on through the bank into the cellar. The building was in such a state of dilapidation and was so weakened by these cuts in the timbers that not only was the floor endangered, but the walls as well. Considering the condition, it is regarded as being a mighty fortunate chance, so Supt. Williams for the contracting company told L. A. Schlafly, that the building held together until the heavy weight of telephone equipment was moved out.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 10, 1919
The homestead of the late Mayor McPike of Alton was sold today by Master in Chancery Simpson, under foreclosure of mortgage, and was bid in by the Alton Banking and Trust Co. for $7,367.65. The property consisted of the house and a small amount of ground, the balance of the McPike place having been willed by the owner to his other children, this piece having been given to J. H. McPike.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 12, 1919
Fire, the origin of which is unknown, caused considerable damage to the old-time home on Grove Street occupied by the family of the late E. A. Clement, Sunday afternoon about 5 o'clock. When discovered the fire had made great progress under the tin roof and down the partitions on the second floor of the house. The tin roof was surmounted by a cupola and when the fire destroyed that and made an opening for the flames to get out from under the tin roof, the fire resembled a volcano. Four families were residing in the house. Of the people who were there at the time the fire was discovered, it is said that the only one who was upstairs was taking his Sunday afternoon nap and that accounted for the lateness of the fire being discovered....Neighbors helped carry out furniture and other possessions of the tenants in the house, and while much was saved there was considerable loss from destruction of old furniture stored in the garret.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 5, 1919
A very large, very beautiful looking and very sanitary soda fountain, all white, is being installed in the store of the Alton Drug Company in the Luer block. F. M. Poth, an expert soda fountain man who came from the factory, says it is the last word in soda fountain construction and he has been in the business all his life practically. This fountain has connected with and a part of it a special refrigerating iceless cooling system, also a modern carbonating system for making carbonated water. The machine works automatically and has capacity of fifty gallons an hour. The Knight sanitary soda fountain is made in Chicago, but is being sold through a St. Louis house, and Mr. Poth, while at work installing this machine, told E. C. Paul of an interesting feature when he said he had installed a soda fountain many years ago for the Paul Bros., when they had a store at Second and Henry streets. Mr. Paul looked up the records and found that it was 22 years ago last April when the fountain spoken of was installed. When the fountain is installed and everything is in working order, the store will have a grand opening day, music, flowers, etc., the date of this evening being published in the daily papers in advance.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 9, 1919
Formal announcement is made today of the legal changing of the H. M.H. M. Schweppe Co., Alton, Illinois Schweppe Co. store name to the Louis J. Hartmann store. Over thirty years ago Louis J. Hartmann entered the Schweppe store as a clerk, and many years later he became the owner and manager of the business, which he had helped to build to where it is today. The name Schweppe has been on Third street for over eighty years and has been prominent in all of the main history of the city of Alton. Since the time of the Civil War in 1860, the Schweppe store has been in the same location on Third Street. It is the plan of Mr. Hartmann to still associate the name Schweppe with the store's publicity for a number of years. At the same time the change of name is being made in this store, extensive improvements will be carried out, including a re-arrangement of the first floor. Dust proof cases will be placed and the floor arranged for convenience of patrons. Each of the four floors of the store will be a specialty shop in that special lines will be covered on each floor, with a manager in charge of the floor. L. J. Hartmann has as an assistant in the management and the buying in his business his son, Carl Hartmann, who also attends to all of the publicity work for the house.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 16, 1919
The Anton Reck Brewery, one of the old plants of the city, will cease operations after this week. When the manufacture of beer was ordered stopped the first of last December as a war time measure, the plant quit making beer but the ice machines were kept running at times during the winter, and a small force of men have been on the job at the plant all the time. Since spring weather opened the 10-ton ice plant at the brewery has been working to its full capacity, but the manufacture of ice at the Reck plant is being stopped now. The last blocks of ice are being pulled this week and as fast as they are pulled the cans are being set aside instead of being refilled with water and put back into the brine tank. The plant has notified its ice customers that when the ice now being made is all pulled, the plant will close. It is said that Mr. Reck made the statement that the brewery has been losing money every day by operating the ice plant as the plant is a small one and the production does not cover the operating expense. The supply of ice in Alton is already short, but the closing of the Reck plant will add much more to the shortage.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 24, 1919
Elmer C. Faulstich recently returned from service in the United States Navy, will enter the cigar business with his father. According to present plans he will enter the cigar business and will take charge of the sales and outside end of the business.....The father and son are planning to put the Faulstich Cigar business on a basis where it will handle as large a business outside of the city as they are doing in the city at present.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 31, 1919
Alton today entered the fourth week of hot weather, fighting a game but losing battle. Everything that might help in the fight against the heat wave was brought into play. Ice plants are turning out their full capacity, and are holding up wonderfully under the long continued hot weather. The demand for ice cream and soda water was never greater, but no shortage has been reported. Electric fans in many homes are working day and night, and those Altonians who are fortunate enough to have automobiles are spending just as many waking hours as possible in these. Auto owners do not go out into the country because of the dust. Horse shoes have been resorted to for excitement. In the rear of the Nixon home on Eighth street, a horse shoe club has been formed and every night about sixteen men gather to play horse shoes. So far as is known, no Alton women have appeared in public without stockings. They have not ventured that far. Some of the stores have reported that the women are buying men's socks and wearing them during the hot weather. The swimming pool at the Mineral Springs Hotel is doing a thriving business, and hundreds of members of the Y. M. C. A. are filling the pool every evening. In some section of the city the garden hose is being resorted to in place of _____ baths. One Alton business man tells that the women folks at his home are wearing night dresses during the day time. He lives on a street where there is little traffic, and where the women can wear night clothing and not shock the modesty of the neighbors. When he arrived at his home last evening his daughter met him at the door in her night dress. He believed that she might be ill, but upon investigation found that it was merely the scheme that other members of his household had adopted during the day in their effort to keep cool.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 23, 1919
Ernest Schuette will start next week dismantling the George K. Hopkins homestead on Liberty Street at the end of Twelfth Street. This is one of the old-time big residences in the city. It will be dismantled to make room for several modern cottages that will be constructed. Since the house was vacated by the Hopkins family it has been rented for a flat and occupied by a number of families. When in its prime the house set in the midst of about a full block of ground and was surrounded by some of the finest native oak trees in the city. The great oak just west of the old home, known to be one of the largest and finest oak trees in the city, will in all likelihood be spared and continue to create shade for some of the new cottages, as it has for the old Hopkins home for a half century or more.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 24, 1919
The bell of the old Steamer Altonian, which has been the property of Capt. W. D. Fluent since he purchased that steamer from the late Capt. H. B. Starr, has been sold to a Parkersburg, West Va. man. The famous bell was purchased with money raised by friends of Capt. H. B. Starr, when he was owner of the Steamer Altonian. The bell was purchased and presented to Capt. Starr in 1880. Since Capt. Starr's death the bell has been a relic of the days when steamboat traffic was heavy on the Mississippi. The bell, when purchased, cost $285. Capt. Fluent sold it to the West Virginia man for $100.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 29, 1919
A storm of protests from property owners and residents on the North Side has arisen out of the declaration of Dr. Robertson, city health officer, that the wells at the Walters' store, the Puetz building, and the Rintoul home, and a number of other wells will be sealed as unfit to be used for drinking purposes. These wells have become an institution of the North Side and have been used for years, and the sudden demand that they be sealed has caused great indignation among residents who claim that the health department will have to prove that the water is injurious in court before they will accede to the health officer's order. Practically all the wells in the city of Alton have been condemned by the health officer due to the campaign of the sanitary survey which is being made by the State Department of Public Health. Analyses were taken, and the verdict from Springfield is that the majority of the wells in the city are unfit to be used. According to Fay Ickes, in charge of the sanitation survey in Alton, the wells that have been condemned by the city health officer will have to be eventually sealed, which includes practically every well in Alton. On October 13 a number of samples were sent to Springfield for analysis by the engineering laboratories of the State Department of Public Health, and October 23 Ickes received the results of the analysis, together with a letter of explanation. The letter stated in part that wells and springs in a built up community are seldom safe as sources of drinking water supply due to the large amount of polluting material which enters the ground sewers, cesspools, and privy vaults. The letter stated that springs emerging from limestone formations such as exist in the city of Alton are often exceedingly dangerous as such rock contains large fissures of polluting material which enters these fissures and travels a considerable distance without purification. The abolition of the spring in Rock Spring Park was advocated, and drinking fountains installed and connected with the city water supply. Dr. Robertson stated today that while there may be no provision in the city ordinances to cover that these wells be immediately abolished, he would advocate that the water in these wells be boiled before drinking, for the present, and that the course to be pursued in making other arrangement to supply the people in question with drinking water from the city water supply would be determined upon as soon as possible. H. F. Ferguson of the State Department of Public Health commented upon the fact that while well water in certain localities may never have caused disease, the elements of danger were always present in built up communities, and that precisely such wells have been known to be causes of typhoid epidemics in certain towns in the state when a single channel of infection evidenced itself.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 1, 1919
Several hundred people last night forgot that the nation was on the verge of a great coal strike, forgot the unsettled conditions throughout the country, and forgot to worry about the ever-mounting high cost of living, to dress up in outlandish costumes and participate in the East End Improvement Association's Halloween celebration. Hundreds of others lined the streets to watch the antics of the maskers. Long before the time for the parade, East Broadway from Ridge street west was crowded with people. It looked like circus day. The parade formed at 7:30 and came west to the city hall, where the band played and then returned to the east end on Broadway. At every corner the band stopped and played. So great was the crowd following the music that all traffic was stopped when the band stopped to play. The parade was led by a tall man dressed in the garb of a negro, who carried a baton and led the band. With him was a man dressed as Uncle Sam. Then followed the band. Every member of the band was costumed. Almost every kind of costume, from that of a farmer to that of a beautiful young lady, was seen in the band. Frank Schenk, the clarinet player, easily captured first place. He wore women's clothes, being garbed in a dark suit and small hat. His face was nicely rouged, and were it not for his masculine walk he easily could have passed for a member of the fair sex. Behind the band was a singing, cheering, howling mass of people. Young and old alike followed the band just as in the "good old days." Every kind of costume the human mind could devise was seen in that crowd of people. Following the parade, the maskers went to Turner Hall where there was a dance. More than 800 people paid admission to the dance. The dancing floor was a moving mass of people. Joy reigned supreme in that crowd, and the carnival spirit prevailed. Many people have contrasted last night with the Halloween of a year ago. It is estimated that several thousand people participated in the East End festival, either by masking or standing on the sidewalks cheering. There were dances in many sections of the city, and there were countless gatherings in homes, to say nothing of the hundreds of people who came down town to "look on." A year ago, this city, like the rest of the nation, was sad. It was at this time in 1918 that the news of Alton boys killed in battle began to be received here. It was at this time that the allied armies were accomplishing the impossible, pushing back the troops of the central powers. The nation then awaited breathlessly for news of the supreme struggle in France, and many mourned the loss of loved ones, so that Halloween was a mere sham. But last night the people forgot everything save the desire to be free and happy. The shouting, cheering and laughter showed just how much fun a relaxed people can have.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 10, 1919
[Editor's note: there had been a coal strike for some time, resulting in severe shortage of available coal.]
The weather man has finally come into his own. For weeks he has predicted cold weather and snow, and no snow came. Last night at 11 o'clock the mercury reached the zero mark, and during the night and this morning various temperatures ranging from one to five degrees below zero were reported....Many Alton families are suffering. For some time more than 1,000 families have been without fuel, and the result has been "doubling up" by many families. Various ways of saving fuel, or more accurately, perhaps, getting along without fuel, have been resorted to. Even General Sherman, who so graphically described his opinion of war never lived through a coal shortage and strike in zero weather. When the water supply failed, many people thought their pipes were frozen up, and there was despair in many homes. Radiators in heating plants in many homes froze up and were cracked, and the cold snap will mean a harvest for plumbers and heating plant men, added to the rush of business they already had. The cold wave interfered somewhat with Alton's water supply....Down in the lowlands there was plenty of water, but the high spots in Alton were out afternoon and evening. Inability of the engines to pump enough water through the intake was the trouble, slush ice having collected there during the freezing process, and obstructed the ingress of water at the intake.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 5, 1920
Fire, which started from the furnace of the home of Mrs. Anna Beall, Eleventh and Henry Streets, early today caused damage estimated to several thousand dollars, and for a time threatened the lives of the occupants of the house. The fire had gotten a good start before it was discovered. When first discovered by Mrs. Beall and her daughter, Miss Effie Beall, who were in their rooms on the second floor, the fire had blocked all means of exit from the home. Miss Effie Beall carried her mother to a window and shouted for help. Elmer Ruttledge, who lives at Eleventh and Langdon streets, brought a ladder and Miss Beall and her mother left the burning house. A maid in the home, on leaving, carried with her two oriental rugs. The fire had gotten a good start when the fire companies arrived. Their efforts in fighting the fire were blocked by a broken fire hydrant. When water had finally been secured, the firemen worked diligently. A box of jewels, said this morning to be worth $3,50, was saved by the firemen. The roof and the second-floor walls of the home were destroyed, while the lower floor was badly damaged. Most of the furniture was either damaged so badly as to be useless. A piano and the rugs carried out by the maid were saved, and furniture in the lower hall of the home was removed from the house before it was seriously damaged. When the fire had been gotten under control by the firemen, J. M. Malcolm entered the house and carried out several boxes containing papers of value. The firemen carried out several articles of furniture containing clothing, which were not damaged. The broken hydrant and cold weather made the work of the firemen very difficult. Water and hose connections were hard to make, and the water thrown on the house soon froze. The clothing of the firemen was covered with ice, preventing quick movement on their part. No estimate of the loss could be secured today. It was said at the J. M. Malcolm home that no estimate could be made, but that the damage was quite large. Mrs. Anna Beall, notwithstanding her advanced age, was said to have suffered no ill effects from the fire, Miss Effie Beall, who for a while suffered from the effects of the smoke, was not in a serious condition. Miss Sophie Hollain, the maid, who carried the two oriental rugs from the house, was not hurt.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 16, 1920
Remodeling work on the building on City Hall Square, which was for years occupied by two saloons, conducted by A. F. Miller and W. F. Threde, has been started. The Busy Bee, a confectionery to be managed by Valentine Delaney, will take the place where the Miller saloon was. This building is owned by Dr. J. A. W. Fernow of Chicago. The other, which is half of this building, belongs to Gus Mihelos, who recently bought it from the Ronshausen estate. Arrangements were made between the two owners whereby the front would be taken out of both buildings and a handsome front put in the place of the old, dilapidated one that has so long defaced City Hall Square. Val Delaney said today that the entire west half of the building would be remodeled for the use of the business institution he proposes to start there. The owner has nothing to do with the improvement that is being made. It is promised that a handsome improvement to the neighborhood will be made, though the old wreck of a building will not be torn down entirely. However, there will be little left to make it recognizable when the improvements are finished.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, April 30, 1920
Some of the well-stocked cellars in Alton, stocked in advance of prohibition, are being raided by booze hounds. Reports have been in circulation of raids made on some of the homes of Alton where foresight was in vain in forefending against the drouth that now prevails. Here, just when it is hardest to get a stock replenished without doing business with that slippery genius, the bootlegger, into these fine homes slipped the booze hound and away with him slipped the complete stock of liquors. Some of Alton's captains of industry are reported to have suffered at the hands of the looters. Many gallons of whisky laid up against the dry days that are here, were removed from their secret places by the keen scented booze hounds and there is nothing to be done about it. According to Chief of Police Fitzgerald, he had heard something about such robberies, but he said that no complaints had been made and even if there had been complaints it would be difficult indeed to locate the stolen property, because there wasn't a clue to the identity of the author of the raid. One owner of a big stock of booze is said to have had his walled in strong mason work, and he guards it carefully against the booze hounds. Other, not so well fortified, are trembling in fear lest they be compelled to get on the water wagon, so far as a home stock is concerned, if the booze hounds continue their raids.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 25, 1920
Yesterday noon as the whistle blew for the noonday luncheon, workmen grading on the Airdome site uncovered an oval shaped stony mass that glittered in the sunlight, and there wasn't a man who was in a hurry to get to his dinner until he had investigated this glittering mass. The object, weighing about 250 pounds, was found buried eight feet in the clay where it had lain for ages it is supposed. Whether it was a piece of a meteor, or was just an ordinary lump of crystallized rock that was deposited ages ago by the glacier could not be determined by those who saw it. The rock, when broken by a hammer, was found to be exceedingly friable, and was made up of crystals that would fall apart when rubbed with the fingers. Mayor Sauvage intends to keep the object and ascertain what it is. There was none other of its kind near it. Often similar objects are found, known as geodes, but they are usually very closely knit together in structure and not as easily disintegrated as this one is.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 01, 1920
That there are treasures in the great rock bluffs of Alton, other than the rock that can be utilized by the builder, is evidenced by an interest taken just at this time by the students in charge of the research work of the Smithsonian Institute and the Carnegie Institution at Washington. Oliver P. Hay, of the U. S. National Museum, and in charge of research to classify the animal remains of the pre-glacial age, has written to John D. McAdams asking him to take up the work where his father left off, and seek to find further evidence of animal remains in the bluffs in the Mississippi valley region in the Alton vicinity. Dr. Hay writes that he has classified the fossil teeth and bones which were sent into the national museum over twenty-five years ago by Prof. William McAdams, who gave much time to this research in this vicinity. In these specimens which came mostly from the Alton quarries, Dr. Hay has found the remains of fourteen distinct species, among them the new deer, the musk ox, the tooth of a peccary, the horse, the ground sloth, an extinct Moose, an Eland, much like the one now living in Africa, the common mastodon, the common beaver, the pouched gopher, the ground hog, and the American bear. Dr. M. M. Leighton of the Geological survey of Illinois, stationed at Champaign, visited Alton two months ago and examined the glacial clay and the lois clay here, to aid in establishing just where these specimens came from and decided that they existed between the glacial clay and the red lois clay where the nodules of clay in which these specimens are found, usually encrusted with lime formation. Mr. McAdams has replied to Dr. Hay that he will give whatever assistance he can in further gaining knowledge of the remains of pre-historic mammals and animals whose secrets the great mounds of rock and dirt at Alton still hold secret. The working of the quarries at Alton gives excellent opportunity for the study of the question, and it was this fact that enabled Prof. William McAdams to gain so many specimens that have now proven valuable to science. These specimens have no money value, and are valuable only in a scientific way. If persons finding such specimens will turn them over to Mr. McAdams, they will be sent to the museum at Washington for classification, there to be added to an already valuable collection of specimens that were gathered here at Alton after many years careful research.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 10, 1920
Relatives of Charles F. Sparks, a retired official of the Sparks Milling Company, have received word that he has been granted patents on several recent inventions, most important of which is a contrivance for packing flour. The inventor is the author of a number of innovations, most of which have been applied to milling machinery, and which have proven themselves of great value to manufacturers, as well as satisfactory money-makers for their creator. Mr. Sparks has been blind for several years, and since his retirement from business life, has devoted his efforts to the exercise of his mechanical genius. While the loss of sight has hampered his activities, the results of his efforts have been no less accurate than before, the thinker relying on his sense of touch for testing the models. Working with his mechanic, the inventor describes the part he desires for a machine, and explains its uses. When the piece is complete, its designer feels carefully over the surfaces and niches, and then tests it working power. In the tryouts, his deft fingers locate the spot at which a spindle binds or a gear fails to mesh perfectly, and he outlines for the mechanic the measures necessary to rectify the inaccuracy. Among Mr. Sparks inventions have been a bag-cutting machine and a process for the purifying of flour, both of which have been generally adopted, and have been a means of progress in the milling industry.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18, 1920
Charles Miller was arrested last night by a prohibition agent on a charge of selling liquor at the Hale place on West Broadway. A tour of the city was made by the enforcement officer, who made but one arrest for liquor selling, but he also arrested William Keating who is charged with offensive language in referring to the prohibition officer and with interfering with the enforcement of the prohibition law. Keating is said to have staggered out of another soft drink parlor, and had considerable drink aboard when he used the language attributed to him. A detail of police officers was secured by the enforcement officer to assist him in making arrests, for the first time. Heretofore the enforcement officers have made their arrests without asking for any police aid. In making the rounds of Alton yesterday, the enforcement officer, Lester Kiggen, a nephew of the officer in charge of this district, discovered much evidence that a big business in moonshine whisky had been done in Alton by the men operating the still at Hillsboro, who have been arrested. John Scanlon of Alton was the master mind of the illicit business according to the enforcement officers. They were turning out an immense quantity of booze every day and were shipping it to Alton in auto trucks. They used a certain type of tin can resembling the five- and ten-gallon cans used in delivering gasoline. Hundreds of these cans have been found around "soft drinks" establishments in Alton, and each of them could hold either five or ten gallons of booze. All these cans have been identified as "Scanlon" cans, a big supply of them being found at the still when the raid was made on the place on Scanlon's farm near Hillsboro. The quantity of cans found in Alton and vicinity may indicate the extent of the business that was being done by the still, and may also in a measure determine the punishment of the men, if they are found guilty as charged. It is believed by the prohibition officers that while this well financed moonshine distillery was probably not the only one selling liquor here, it was doubtless the main one and its capture will be a serious interference with the making of whisky hereabouts.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 18, 1920
Prohibition Enforcement Agent Kiggen, who visited Alton last night and was supposed to have left town, renewed his raid this morning and made two arrests. He took Walter J. Fries into custody on a charge of having in his possession thirty gallons of moonshine whisky, and further charged that there were evidences of sale of the stuff in his "soft drink emporium" at Broadway and State Streets. He arrested Gus Crivello, a former saloon keeper, on a charge of having in his possession a stock of home brew, in violation of the law. Fries denied he had sold any liquor. The prohibition enforcement agent said that he had difficulty in getting the proof at the Fries place because there was an "owl" at the door, meaning a lookout. Gus Grivello said that he intended to use his drinks for himself, and that he had about four cases of bottled stuff of his own making. Mr. Kiggen telephoned for warrants to be issued at once for the detention of Fries, Crivello and Charles Miller on the charge of violating the prohibition law. Mr. Kiggen said after the arrests had been made that he proposes to keep on the trail in Alton until he has run down all those who are violating the prohibition law here and in this vicinity. He has secured some valuable information as to the whereabouts of the persons who are engaged in the illicit sale of liquor and he only waits for an opportunity to catch them with the goods. It was said today by Mr. Kiggens that he was told that William Fries, father of Walter Fries, had a large quantity of bonded whisky stored in a concrete vault in the cellar at the home of Walter Fries on East Broadway, and that he would make an inspection of that and ascertain whether it was being reduced in quantity and what was being done with it. He said that his information was that the vault had been constructed for safe keeping of the liquor against theft, after the prohibition law took effect, and that it was part of the stock purchased by William Fries before the prohibition law took effect. The vault is said to be burglar proof, and is similar to a bank vault. Other cases of whisky being stored up are being investigated and checks made so that there will be no chance in the future of any of it being used unlawfully.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, December 21, 1920
Messrs. I. G. Grosse and B. E. Pentruf, former operators of the Victory Candy Kitchen at Broadway and Ridge Streets, have departed from the city, leaving their destination a mystery and also leaving a stock of Christmas goods in the store which they recently purchased from the owners of the Princess Candy Kitchen. About a year ago the establishment now known as the Victory Kitchen opened with the same owners of the Princess Candy Kitchen in charge. New fixtures of modern type were installed. New furnishings were also added and an ideal business set up. About two months ago Grosse and Pentruf took over the business and seemingly were doing well in their venture. However, the store was closed Monday afternoon and this morning when a collector went down he found the doors locked and no trace of either of the owners. Mrs. Sotier, owner of the building, stated today that the rental had not been paid since December 1, but she will be more than reimbursed by the value of the fixtures provided the men failed to appear again and effect a settlement. It is not known whether they left other credit___..... [unreadable].

Source: Alton Evening Telegraph December 22, 1920
Correction: The management of the Princess Confectionery states today it is not connected with the Victory Candy Kitchen at Broadway and Ridge street in any manner, aside from selling products to them. Jon Jianokopolis today stated that the proprietors who departed from Alton and the Victory Monday left him as one of their many creditors.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 28, 1921
Increasing patronage made necessary a move on the part of Jacob Snider, grocer and butcher of Yager Park, as a result of which he purchased the William Noblitt store on East Broadway at Central avenue, thereby enlarging his business facilities. Mr. Noblitt and Frank Brooks purchased the G. F. Smith business in Wood River and are now moving to that place, vacating the former Noblitt store which Mr. Snider is extensively improving. A new lighting effect will also be inaugurated by Mr. Snider, who will move into his new location the first of the week after having been in business for five years. Mr. Noblitt held the Broadway location for a period of nine years.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 29, 1921
One of the oldest houses in Alton was sold today at partition sale to wind up the estate of the late Isaac H. Kelly, who died recently at a great age. There are two houses on one lot at Sixth and Alton streets, one of which was owned by Isaac H. Kelly for more than 70 years. The house, a small one, was built of logs, a one room affair, and Mr. Kelly bought it about 1850 from the father of J. W. Cary of Alton. It was merely a log cabin then, one of the relics of the early days of Alton, when the hills were heavily wooded and logs were convenient and cheap material to build with, and also substantial. The sides of the building were afterward covered with weather boards, and the little old house enlarged by the addition of two rooms, but the original structure still stands in good condition. On the same lot is a larger house built about thirty years ago in which Mr. Kelly and his family lived, and where he died recently. The whole piece of property was bought in by W. E. Kelly, a son, a friendly partition suit having been filed to make it possible to sell the property legally. There are few of these old structures left in Alton, recalling the olden days of Alton when log houses were quite common. W. E. Kelly said that he once saw the logs in the little house when a door was being cut through a wall and it was necessary to saw through the logs. That room, he says, is one of the warmest rooms he ever was in, when the weather is cold.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 03, 1921
Fire in the Hayner library at Fourth and State Streets was discovered in good time by three boys, Henry Rodgers, Dale Sherwood and Thomas Collins, Wednesday night about 10 o'clock and perhaps the boys saved costly damage to the library by reporting the fire at once to the men at No. 1 hose house. The boys were passing and noticed a glare in the basement. Peering in they saw the place was smoke-filled and afire. They ran down to the hose house and told the firemen who made an inspection, and then turned in an alarm. The fire was due to a furnace pipe setting fire to a temporary wooden partition put in close to it. The fire climbed up the partition and had just begun burning in the west end of the building near the tower when the firemen broke in and extinguished it. The loss will not be heavy, but the quick action of the boys is all that saved what would have been a very costly fire. Firemen said that another twenty minutes in the time of discovery would have made a great difference in the amount of damage done. The boys are Boy Scouts in troop ten.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 02, 1921
Jacob Hartmann, well known Alton businessman, became a citizen of the United States today after having experienced much difficulty in achieving his ambition. He is 75 years old. Until nine years ago, he had believed himself a citizen of the United States, and he had voted for every Democratic candidate for president of the United States since he was 21 years of age. He had taken an active interest in politics and was astounded nine years ago when serving as a witness in a naturalization case for some Greek, to be told that he himself was not a citizen and must cease regarding himself as much. He came to Alton with his parents when he was 7 years old. His father was drowned a few years later. Mr. Hartmann supposed his father had been naturalized and therefore that he too was thereby naturalized. The naturalization officers directed attention to the fact that the father had been drowned within a few years after coming to this country, and therefore could not have been a citizen, 5 years’ time being the minimum, then as now. The last two presidential elections he could not vote, but he hopes to resume voting in the next election that comes along, as he was granted the rights of citizenship today before Judge Yager on recommendation of Edward W. Tobin, representative of the Department of Commerce and Labor. A similar case was that of John Jenni, well known decorator. He too imagined he was a citizen under similar circumstances, and he had been voting regularly. Jenni attempted today to convince the examiner he ought to be allowed to become a citizen under a law which provides for just such cases. Mr. Robin told him that he would have to bring a strong proof to satisfy him of the justice of his claim. Otto Gnerich, treasurer of the Western Cartridge Co., was the first so-called enemy alien whose case was up today, and he was very quickly granted citizenship. His was the leader of a number of Altonians who had been held up in the citizenship cases since the opening of the war. All of them had to be registered as enemy aliens and be regarded as such though some were old time Alton citizens, had been in business, and were highly respected citizens of the town. Others who were granted naturalization papers were Miss Wilhelmina and Amelia Winters, Marie Joesting, Oswald Straube, Bernard Oakes Hammond, Alfred Goyett. Mr. Straube had thought himself a citizen and had been voting up to the time he discovered he was not a citizen. Eleven cases were either continued because of non-appearances of the party, or dismissed. Several cases were laid over because of trifling errors in the spelling of the names of the applicants. In the case of John Jenni, the fact that one witness had not known him for quite long enough, his case was continued. Naturalization papers were issued to Jesse James today. He is an honorable discharged soldier.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 19, 1921
If Mrs. Clara Lowe, police matron, can have her way about it, there will be an ordinance passed by the City Council regulating the length of skirts of the girls and women, and curtailing the hosiery display by girls and women. "No skirt should be more than 8 inches from the ordinary shoe top," Mrs. Lowe said today to a Telegraph representative. She had been standing on the street corner discussing her plans for taking girls out of dance halls. She had rounded up two girls under 16 last night at an East End dance hall, and had taken them home. She was declaring her purpose of going as far in the matter of saving girls as she could get backing for. She was uncertain just how far she could go and how to cope with the big task. She noticed some girls going about the streets with skirts to their knees. That brought from her the observation that she believed there should be more modesty in dress. "They take a short piece of goods and make a dress out of it, bobbed at both ends."

Asked what she planned to do about it, she said she was considering taking the matter up to the City Council with a request that an ordinance be passed that would require women to dress in the latest style, which calls for longer skirts. Mrs. Lowe is very much in earnest in her purpose to halt the ruination of girls, if she can, by shutting out of public dance halls these young girls, and she thinks that efforts at moral reform could be greatly aided if an ordinance could be put through the City Council establishing the length of girl's skirts and forbidding the display of stockings for a greater distance than 8 inches above the shoe top, and not the high topped shoe, either.

Clara Lowe, police matron, was born in Alton in 1875. She was the daughter of Alton pioneers James F. Scovill and Charlotte A. Jones. Clara married Norman Lowe in 1895, and they had one child, which died in infancy. She and her husband were members of the Independent Order of the Odd Fellows, and she served as the president of the Rebekah Lodge. In 1921 (the new age of the roaring twenties) Clara was hired by the police department as a police matron, and she waged a campaign against lewd clothing and immoral dancing - at times dragging the girls out of dance halls. She was not fearful, and would sometimes engage in physical altercations with the girls. Clara Lowe died in October 1948, at the age of 73, and was buried in the Upper Alton Oakwood Cemetery.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 27, 1921
Charles W. and R. G. Huskinson Friday consummated the purchase of the northwest corner of Ninth and Piasa streets, which portends the erection of an important business building on this corner. The purchase was made from Miss Bertha Sotier. At present the location is occupied by a large double brick house, one of the oldest in the city. It is proposed to tear down this structure, and grade the lot, which is above the street level. On the location is to be built a large warehouse, which according to present specifications will be fifty by one hundred feet. The proposed building is anticipated as a storage warehouse of the Mississippi Valley Coal Company, of which the Huskinsons are officials. The brick house now on the lot, by a coincidence, the the former home of the Huskinson family, and both men were born there. Forty years ago, one of the dwellings was occupied by the late William Huskinson, father of the present purchasers, and the other was occupied by the family of Henry Watson. The improvement of this corner will mark a pronounced advance in the business value of the property in this vicinity, and will doubtless be an advantageous location for the coal company by reason of its proximity to the railroads which carry in their coal from the mining fields.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 18, 1921
The Cabrilliac brothers, George and Benoist, the last of their family, are planning to sell the real estate on Third street, at State, which has been in their family for more than three quarters of a century. The property came to them from their father, and the boys do not remember any time when the family did not own it. Efforts have been made to buy the Cabrilliac property, including the buildings occupied as a millinery store and the Pickard harness store, west of the Commercial building, to the corner. It has also been considered to buy the Wuerker building in the rear on State Street, and taking all the property, erect some business places, all of which would front on Third Street. The Cabrilliac brothers have agreed to let the street car company put their building back as it was, but they prefer to sell the property and new owners might decide to dismantle all the old buildings and erect a new one on the site, provided the Wuerker building could be bought too. The latter building is not occupied since William Fries vacated it when he closed his wholesale liquor store.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 8, 1921
One of the prettiest little houses in Alton is to be wrecked unless someone will pay $3,500 for it, and will agree to spend another $3,000 fixing up the place. It is the old Patterson place on State Street, across from the Root homestead. The house has fluted columns supporting the roof of the porch, and _ets back in the yard facing State Street. Mrs. Sophia Schallenberg of St. Louis, who inherited this property in the division of the Feldwisch estate, wants to have the house fixed up or torn down. John Feldwisch would like to see it stand, but his niece owns it and she will tear it down soon unless someone buys and agrees to spend $3,000 fixing it up. Mr. Feldwisch and his niece are overhauling and fixing up eight double and one single house they received as their share of the Feldwisch estate on Washington and Feldwisch Avenues. The houses never had water or electric lights in them. Mr. Feldwisch is having the brick houses tuckpointed and otherwise beautified and is installing bathroom equipment and making them otherwise more desirable as residences. It will be a fine improvement for the east end of the city when the work is completed. The houses are about 20 years old. Speaking of the old Patterson home on State Street, Mr. Feldwisch said today that many years ago when the Patterson screw factory was in what is the old Armory building on Piasa street, Mr. Patterson wanted to borrow some money and Mr. Feldwisch's father had an opportunity, in lending it, to take a mortgage either on the Armory building property or the Patterson home, and he took it on the home. In either event, he would have taken over the property under foreclosure. He thought the Patterson homestead was the best security. It is this home that it is proposed to tear down.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 27, 1921
Third street is to lose one of its old time "ornaments." In the course of the repairs on the Cabrilliac property on Third street by the street car company, two balconies which had probably been on the building since it was built seventy-five years ago, were being taken down today off the building which has been occupied as a millinery store and dwelling. It was long ago that the balconies were used. Perhaps the tenants in the building had doubts of their safety. The timbers which were being cut today after the balconies had been taken down were still staunch, though they had been in use for so long. The two balconies, protected by iron rails which were deeply incrusted with rust, were relics of the olden times when business people downtown lived upstairs over their stores, so as to keep as close to business as possible. There are few places in the downtown business district now having dwellers upstairs over business houses. Old timers who have known the two balconies for so many years will be struck with the change in appearance of the property now that the balconies are gone.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 16, 1921
State Health authorities have posted cards on three houses in Alton and three in Wood River as a result of an investigation made here yesterday by Dr. Rice, district representative of the Department of Health, following notice being given of six cases of infantile paralysis being discovered in this vicinity. Dr. D. F. Duggan, city health officer, when asked today concerning the posting of signs said that he preferred to withhold the names of the afflicted families, but that cards had been ordered on the house to guard for the present against entry of the homes by outsiders. The dread infantile paralysis, Dr. Duggan said, makes its appearance first in a form resembling a bilious attack with vomiting and other symptoms of illnesses which ordinarily cause no great alarm. Then it assumes a malarial appearance and the patient has high fever for few days. When the fever subsides, the patient is paralyzed. The cause of spread of infantile paralysis, scientists say, is chiefly flies, unsanitary conditions in general, such as unprotected garbage cans, manure heaps where flies may breed and unclean conditions generally. The city health officer said today that householders would do well to see that the most sanitary conditions are maintained around their homes. Special measures should be taken to get rid of flies, now and at all times of the year. He urged that the fight against the housefly be waged without cessation. Cleanliness about the premises he indicated is the best way of combating flies. The horrible effects of infantile paralysis are well known. Parents and others who would spare experience with this plague to their children would do well to heed the warning of the health officer as to keeping up the warfare on flies.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, October 6, 1921
Edward Schwegel, brother of the Ridge street groceryman, has started a revolving gas oven bakery on the corner of Ridge and Broadway in the Sotier building, which he has named the Elite Bakery. Mr. Schwegel has put in a modern outfit and will virtually "bake while you wait," hourly service in fresh baking being promised. Pastries and sweet goods will be the main business of the new bakery more than bread, though bread will be baked several times a day. Mr. Schwegel says that he feels there is need of such a bakery in the East end, and has picked out one of the most prominent corners in the section for his stand. It was formerly occupied by the Victory Candy Co. The formal opening of the new bakery will be next Saturday.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 14, 1921
The J. C. Lype Tailoring Co., a concern which has stores and shops in several cities in this territory, has opened a store at 704 E. Broadway and reports a good start with their new business in Alton. J. M. Twigg is the resident manager, and he has moved his family to Alton. Besides being an expert in the clothing business, Mr. Twigg is a singer of considerable merit, and has been helping in the revival services at the Cherry Street Baptist church. The Lype tailor shops are all union concerns, and specialize in custom make clothing at popular prices.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 16, 1921
The formal presentation of a beautiful clock to the Masonic Temple Association will be made this evening through the Eastern Star chapter by Mrs. Mayme T. Christy in memory of her husband, the late Oscar F. Christy, an interested member of the Masonic bodies of Alton, and whose life was lost last summer by drowning in the Mississippi river off Illini island. The clock, which will run 30 days at a winding, is a fine piece of work. It stands 33 1/2 inches in height, 16 inches in breath, and is framed in golden oak. It is to be hung from the balcony in the lodge room on the third floor of the Masonic Temple. The plan is to have a meeting open to the members of the various Masonic bodies. The presentation will be made by Mrs. Charles W. Huskinson, of the Eastern Star and the gift will be received by George T. Davis in behalf of the Masonic Temple Association. A plate is to be set below the clock which will bear the following inscription: "Presented to the Masonic Temple Association by Mayme T. Christy, in loving memory of her husband, Oscar F. Christy, a faithful member of the Masonic bodies of Alton, 1888-1921." It is expected there will be a large attendance at the meeting of the Eastern Star this evening. Mrs. Christy is an interested member of the Eastern Star, and for that reason the presentation is to be made in connection with that body. Arrangements have been made by Mrs. Huskinson for admission to this meeting of any members of other Masonic bodies in Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 25, 1922
In Judge Yager's court this morning was the first woman to visit the court attired in the new style of garmenture. She was Mrs. Pearl Crouch, who offered the use of her automobile to convey some witnesses down to appear before the grand jury, among them her sister. Mrs. Crouch wore a suit built on the style of the soldier’s uniform trousers during the war, only they were made of a neat pattern of wool. The suit included coat and trousers and was evidently new. She attracted considerable attention, as most of the men had not yet seen any woman so clad, on the streets and in public places, such as a court room. The style, it was explained, was one that they would probably see a great deal more of in the course of time, and they might even expect to see women wearing knickerbockers!


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, February 25, 1922
J. B. Johnisee and L. J. Voegee have been having opportunity for interesting investigation in the tearing down of the old George K. Hopkins house on Liberty street. Yesterday, when they took out the window casings, they found on several a record of the house having been built in 1816 by J. E. Paton. This record appears in several places and on some of the bricks in the north end there is marks scratched the legend, "Built in 1816." On the north end of the house, which was built in 1878, there is also a record on the backs of the window casings saying, "Built by Kaiser & Burgess in 1878." It seems to have been a custom in that day for the contractors to mark the back of the window frames or mark the back side of a door sill with the date of the building and who the builder was. This record was plain in the case of this old house.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 8, 1922
The members of the East End Improvement Association, at one of the most enthusiastic meetings they ever held, last night planned for a memorial shaft to the Alton soldiers who went into the great world war. The shaft is to be erected at once and to be ready for dedication on the Fourth of July, if possible. The monument as planned will stand in the center of Henry street, just at the peak of the hill, and will be sixteen feet high, the granite shaft standing about ten and a half feet high, and the bronze figure of a soldier on top will stand about five and a half feet high. The figure of the soldier is the work of art of the entire monument, and shows a typical American soldier running through entanglements, with right arm raised and a grenade in hand ready for whatever he may meet. The face of the soldier is to show no fear, but depicts bravery, confidence, care and love of duty and hope of victory. The East End body last night launched their campaign for funds the minute they decided to build the monument, and they started plans today to raise approximately $7,000 toward defraying the cost of the monument. One year ago, when the members of the East End body planned a memorial shaft to the soldier boys, the matter of a memorial park on the river front came up, and the east end body held a meeting and graciously dropped their shaft project and gave their aid toward making the river front park the memorial to the boys. With the failure of the park project, through a refusal of the voters to sanction it, the monument on Henry street was again taken up and the plans culminated last night in an agreement to go forward with the plan and the enthusiasm displayed last night indicated there will be no lagging in carrying the project through. It is planned, with quick work, to make July 4th the dedication date of the memorial monument, with a great meeting to be in charge of the American Legion or some other body of citizens, and thus make the dedication a memorial event. There were two bidders for the monument work, The Flynn Monument Works of Alton and the Bunker Hill Monument works. Both submitted drawings of their proposed work and taking all matters into consideration the Alton firm's bid was considered best. A Chicago artist is to be in charge of making the bronze figure that rests on the granite base. The bid of the Flynn Co. was $6,163.14 and the bid of the Bunker Hill concern was $5,485, but their bid did not include the coping base, making the two figures about the same. The face of the plan of a monument for the soldiers being launched by the East End Improvement Association does not indicate that it is an east end project, but its planners want it to be a project backed by the entire Alton industrial district, and they expect that the expense will be defrayed by a great number of persons giving something instead of a few giving it all.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 11, 1922
Alton Banking & Trust, Alton, ILSamuel H. Wyss, President of the Alton Banking & Trust Co., having on his person $5,500, which he was bringing from St. Louis to Alton last night, on the interurban limited leaving St. louis at 5:10 p.m., made it possible for the realization of a report of a few weeks ago that there would be two bank robberies - the East Alton Bank and the Alton Banking & Trust Co. The robbery of the East Alton bank caused precaution to be taken against the robbery of the Alton bank, but the robbers evidently were determined to get the money anyhow. They must have learned it was the custom of Mr. Wyss to bring money from St. Louis to his bank regularly, as it was needed, and they plotted to catch him some time while he was carrying the treasure. It was said at the bank today that the loss was covered by insurance....The robbery occurred while the car was making the run from East St. Louis to Eagle Park, a few miles out. All plans had been made carefully. Six men boarded the interurban train at East St. Louis and distributed themselves about the car, mingling with the passengers. TwoSamuel H. Wyss were up front to take care of the motorman, William Barton; and four were in the rear where they had observed Mr. Wyss take his seat. In his coat pocket Mr. Wyss was carrying the package of currency aggregating $5,500. Three of the bandits sat near him. None of them wore any disguise and there was great surprise in the car among the passengers when, as the car was nearing Eagle Park, the men leaped to their feet in the car and ordered "hands up, everybody." They brandished revolvers and their actions were terrifying. Mr. Wyss tried vainly, though cooly, to rid himself of the packages of currency by throwing them back of him, but he could not get them out of his pocket in time. Singling him out, a big ugly fellow who wore glasses, and used foul talk profusely, ordered a nervous confederate to search Wyss. He attempted to search Wyss for a weapon, but the bank president told the robbers he had none. They took the currency from his pocket and the big ugly fellow wanted to know if the money had been found and the nervous fellow said it had. Close to them was a young fellow described as having a handsome face, and who kept his eyes cast down as if ashamed of what he was doing. He seemed nervous and ill at ease. When the car was stopped all of them piled off the car and fled. They were about 300 yards away from a Ford Sedan car, supposed to have been waiting for them, and owing to the distance they had to travel to reach it, the party scattered. Another car was there and an effort made to pursue them, but the scattering made this plan a futile one. The bandits made their escape.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, March 16, 1922
There was a regular rat killing time down on the river front at the foot of Henry Street this morning and yesterday afternoon when hundreds of big rats, driven from their holes in the dump by the high water in the river, were being killed by a party of men and boys. Not having anything else to do, the boys took advantage of the opportunity of having a rat killing, when the rats began to run away from their holes and head for up town. The rats would probably have taken shelter in the cellars and caused much damage to the business men in that part of the city, but the boys and men, aided by dogs, cut down considerably the rat population. The boys used clubs and as fast as the rats would come up there would be a chase and there would be one less rat in the world to cause trouble. Will Allred said today that he saw Jack Hayden kill about 100 rats alone, and he said that others had made big records too. The game had almost any other amusement beaten to a stand as good sport. The rats lived in holes in the dump and forage on scraps of food brought there in wagons. Many thousand of rats live there and only the rise in the river can drive them out.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 9, 1922
Samuel Gould has bought all of the iron machinery equipment of the Hapgood Plow Co. plant, the owners of the building desiring to clear it out. Mr. Gould said that he would have much material there which could be used again, but that some of the equipment was merely scrap iron. The Hapgood Plow Co. plant was closed down as one of the results of the war. The engine which operated the plant was wrecked by accident, and at that time it was impossible to replace it with a new one in a long time, and it was so old that there was no place where parts could be had for it. Later, a fire started in the property caused damage to the building which has never been repaired. The building has been on the market for some time, but no buyer has been found, though the property would make a fine place for a manufacturing plant. The junking of this plant reminds that citizens of Alton gave a big bonus to C. H. Hapgood to finance him in moving to Alton after the Chicago fire had seriously impaired his finances. Mr. Hapgood lived in Alton a number of years, and reared here the family of boys who have achieved fame in the literary world. Hapgood sold his interests to H. L. Black, who owned a large control at the plant at the time it suspended activity.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, May 17, 1922
Veterans of two wars, one fought to save the democracy, preserved in the other, marched down East Broadway today as part of the annual encampment of the Illinois Department of the Grand Army of the Republic. Gray-haired and gray-bearded veterans of the Civil War paraded with their younger comrades of the World War.

Gray, and some of them crippled, are these veterans of the War of the Rebellion. Some of these with canes, some with an empty sleeve, many of them limping, many with shoulders stooped by years; but they marched with shoulders back and heads high, their eyes lighted again by that fire of patriotic zeal which thrilled them when they went forth to offer their lives that the Union might live. Their comrades of a war more than 50 years later, who crossed thousands of miles of ocean to turn back the enemy of civilization and democracy, marched with them.
Veterans of the Civil War, G.A.R. Members
A great span of years was represented in that parade today. Ten years ago, the Grand Army paraded here, but the soldiers were those only of the Civil War. Today, a few years after the end of the Great War [World War I], their companions were the men who fought in that world conflict. Some of them rode in automobiles, but many of them walked. The reply of one veteran to a question of a Telegraph reporter this morning indicated the attitude of the G. A. R. members. The reporter was at the door of the Temple Theater, where the Grand Army was in session. At the door were two veterans, each with rifle, guarding the door as is the custom of the G. A. R. "Well, I guess you will all be in the parade this afternoon," the reporter said. "How many do you expect to walk, and how many to ride in automobiles?" One of the veterans, with a gray beard, threw back his shoulders and proudly replied, "Well, here's one that will walk. And most of them will walk, too, young fellow."

In the parade were members of the other visiting organizations, members of the local white and colored posts of the American Legion, and the local Legion auxiliaries, the Western Military Academy cadet corps and band, the White Hussar Band, and the band donated by the Heth Carnival. Commander Walter Horstman of the Alton Legion post was the Grand Marshal.

Today was held the Father and Sons Banquet, one of the biggest events of the convention. The luncheon was in two sections, one of the Mineral Springs Hotel and the other at the Y. M. C. A., in the gymnasium. At the Mineral Springs, Commander Phillips of the Sons of Veterans was the speaker, and at the Y. M. C. A., past Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Veterans spoke. The Sons of Veterans first went to the Temple Theater, where the G. A. R. met and escorted the veterans from there to the hotel and the Y. M. C. A. The G. A. R. was presented with $300 in gold by the Sons of Veterans. The Father and Sons Banquet was held by the Sons of Veterans for the G. A. R. It is at this event that the veterans renew many old acquaintances, meet their sons, and talk of the battles of long ago. All veterans are eligible to attend the luncheon, in fact are urged to do so, whether accredited as delegates or not.

The fortieth annual encampment of Sons of Veterans was opened yesterday at the Illini Hotel. When Commander Phillips made the roll call of officers, all but three were in attendance. The report of the commander showed a total membership of 3,000 in Illinois. It showed the greatest membership gain in the past year than in any single year of the past ten. The Division Commander for Missouri was present and made a short address. An address of welcome was given by John D. McAdams of the Telegraph. At the open meeting, greetings were exchanged between the Sons of Veterans, the Daughters of Veterans, and the Sons of Veterans Auxiliary. Commander Phillips presented Mrs. Mamie Coleman, head of the auxiliary, and Mrs. M. Kathryn Compton, head of the Daughters of Veterans, each with a standard of flags, Commander Wright of the G. A. R. and Mrs. Wright. Commander Wright, in a short talk, congratulated the organizations upon the co-operation they are showing in their work. Commander Phillips presented to the G. A. R. Chief a pair of cufflinks and to Mrs. Wright a token of the esteem with which she is held by the Sons of Veterans.

The opening campfire of the G. A. R. encampment filled Temple Theater with a crowd which gave the closest attention until the last speech of the evening had been delivered by Henry R. Rathbone of Chicago, Republican nominee for congressman at large, who had been invited to speak on the subject of "The Last Days of the Life of Abraham Lincoln." Proceeding the principal speech of the evening, made by Mr. Rathbone, was a program of such interest that old men and young old women and girls sat throughout. It was remarkable that there was no disturbance from the going out of people who wearied of the long program. In fact, no one seemed to have become tired at all. The seats were all occupied and many were standing, unable to get seats. The White Hussars band gave an opening concert, while the audience was assembling. Campfires to those who do not understand what they may be, are speechmaking events, when old soldiers sit around and listen to talks by comrades, humorous, reminiscent, and always full of fire.

Gilson Brown had been selected as chairman of the meeting, first presented Mayor Crawford for the welcoming address, who after about 2 minutes on the floor, made way for Commander Wright of the G. A. R. Commander Wright made a talk that was vigorous, fiery and emphasized some lessons which other organizations might heed. Opening his talk with a comment that many of the veterans were "dim of sight, lame of hearing, but, O' what appetites I have seen," he said that when men are in the neighborhood of 80 they might be hesitating in their walk and movement, but that the old flag was a dear to their hearts as ever it was.

The closing event was a speech on Abraham Lincoln by Henry R. Rathbone, Chicago lawyer. Mr. Rathbone's father and mother were guests in the box with President and Mrs. Lincoln when the shooting of Mr. Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth occurred, and Rathbone's father was wounded with a dagger on the arm in his efforts to capture the assassin. Mr. Rathbone chose as the theme of his talk, the last day of the life of Abraham Lincoln. With powers of oratory and beauty of rhetoric, Mr. Rathbone painted a picture of the last day on earth of the most beloved of the presidents of the United States. With dramatic power he led up to the supreme moment of the day when as Secretary Stanton said, "Now he belongs to the ages," as he ceased to breathe. The story of the entry of the assassin, the firing of the bullet, and his escape, coupled with the vengeful effect of the American flag that caused Booth to break his leg, was told with a power that held his audience and thrilled them.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 26, 1922
John Strubel began today building the sewer that is to enclose the stream flowing from the old spring cave in the quarry on Belle Street, and in a few days this spring, which furnished the water for travelers along the old state road a century ago, and which was a favorite resort of the Indians, will be concealed. The water was no longer fit to drink, and at times it was a nuisance, so it will be carried away in this sewer.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 12, 1922
James Mahoney is having torn down an old frame house in the rear of Irving school, on Bluff street, to make room for a nice brick dwelling he will have erected by E. G. Yungk. The old house, which is going down, is one of the oldest houses on the west side of the city. Its exact age is not known, but there are old men in Alton who say one of their earliest recollections is that house. The only one older than it, Mr. Mahoney says, is a double house in which he now resides, on Bluff street, and which was constructed first of all the houses on the west side, so far as known.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 15, 1922
The Union File Co., a new corporation which is being organized by Charles L. Beall, is getting ready to launch in the business of manufacturing of steel files in the city of Alton. Mr. Beall said today that he has several locations in view in the city and that a decision as to site would be made within the next two or three weeks. Arrangements have been made for the machinery to be installed in the new factory. Mr. Beall has had much experience in manufacturing, in connection with Alton concerns. He is thoroughly equipped to make a success of the new industry and should be able to start Alton off with another line to be added to her diversified industries. It will be the only factory of the kind in this part of the country. There is a big market for files in St. Louis and contiguous territory and it is for this reason Mr. Beall plans to start here. There is no factory of the kind west of the Mississippi river.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, August 29, 1922
One time, J. Dixon, former street commissioner of Alton, former Mayor of North Alton, and a prominent stone contractor of the city, lived on water for six months, and possibly Volsteaders will claim that is what has enabled him to live to be 82 years young, and come through, as he has, hale and hearty. The six months living on water was done when he came to Alton from Joshua DixonLiverpool, England in 1855, in a sailing vessel. Sailing vessels were not speed maniacs. It will be sixty-seven years September 2, Saturday next, since Mr. Dixon landed in Alton, a boy of between 14 and 15 years of age, and with the exception of a few years has lived here since. On the same ship with him were the late Charles Henderson and wife, and Samuel Stanton, the 94 years old veteran, now living in Delmar Heights with his grandson, Henry Giles. Mr. Stanton was married aboard ship on the way over. Mr. Dixon went to work shortly after arriving in Alton in a blacksmith horseshoeing establishment, and learned how to shoe horses and mules, etc., and can do that yet, young as he is. In 1862 he joined others in a trip to the Far West, and then from Alton to Omaha by way of the Missouri river. At Omaha he outfitted for the West, and he helped drive an ox team, shoe oxen, and share the other hardships of a trip across the plains in those days. It took two months steady traveling to reach Salt Lake City, and there the expedition broke up. Mr. Dixon and a few others went farther, but did not remain long, and buying another outfit, ox team and all, they drove back to Omaha, sold the outfit and came to Alton on a boat. He has been here since. In 1858 he did his first stone cutting work for his brother, the late A. Dixon, who with a man named Howarth, had the subcontract of cutting stone for the present city hall building. After returning from the west, he resumed the stone cutting and stone mason business, and became one of the leading contractors and best stone workers in this part of the country. He filled many offices of trust and responsibility, and filled them well, and still discharges whatever duty is at hand with promptness and near-perfection as possible to get. He will be 82 years of age, January 22nd next, and is feeling fine after recovering from an illness that attacked him during the summer. Up to the time of the illness, he was working every day, and will be back at work in a short time, the book worm not being one of his possessions. He may count as firm friends all who knew him personally, and these together with the many others who know him by reputation, will sincerely hope he may make a century run of it, and enjoy every minute of the time between now and then. He has a fine home in North Alton, and the daughters who live with him leave nothing undone to add to his own comfort and pleasure. He built the house of stone as a monument to himself and to perpetuate his home.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, September 29, 1922
Charles Newman, in partnership with Adolph Meyer of St. Louis, has gone into the butter making business and will be equipped to handle butter on a wholesale basis, for distribution in this section of Illinois and in St. Louis. The new business will be known as the Midland Creamery Co., and the main manufactory will be on East Broadway in Alton, near the Walnut Grove Dairy. The St. Louis branch will be for the distribution of the manufactured product and also for the distribution of eggs, which the new company will handle. Mr. Meyer, who has become associated with Mr. Newman, has for years been at the head of the American Egg Co. of St. Louis. Mr. Newman has been working on this project for six months and believes that the opportunity is a good one and that the butter business in this great territory can be made a most prosperous one. He has purchased the butter business from the Walnut Grove Dairy and leaves this institution with the good will and best wishes of his fellow workers.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 11, 1922
Four years ago today, the world was thrown into a frenzy joy by five words. These words were flashed around the globe. Women wept tears of joy, men shouted, they laughed; children shrieked. Too, there was an occasional sight, the memory of a loved one gone. The five words, "The armistice has been signed," meant the end of four years of bloodshed, devastation, frenzied killing. The world was ready to react from the emotions of war.

Doughboy Monument, Alton, ILToday Alton observed the fourth anniversary of that joyous event. And, as there was a tear of sorrow, four years ago, among the out pouring of relief, so today was time given to hallow the memory of those who gave their all.

Dedication of the soldier monument at Fifth and Henry Streets opened the city's observance of Armistice Day. To the memory of those who died the death of heroes, who spilled their blood in liberty's cause, was this monument erected. On the platform were officers of the American Legion, the Legion Auxiliary, and three gold-star mothers whose sons' names are inscribed on the monument tablet. On the platform also were officers of the East End Improvement Association, the organization which fostered raising of the funds for erecting the monument.

The monument was unveiled by Mrs. Patrick Maguire, whose son, Charles, died in battle in France. Her escorts were Mrs. Gustave Walter and Mrs. Charles G. McCune, mothers of sons who died in the service of their country.

The program was opened by the playing of patriotic selections by the White Hussar Band. Then the opening prayer was offered by the Rev. Father Joseph Meckel, pastor of St. Mary's Church. Then the monument was presented to the American Legion by Charles Newman, president of the East End Improvement Association, which fostered erection of the monument. Mr. Newman extended to the citizens thanks for their cooperation in raising the necessary funds and on behalf of the citizens, presented the monument to the American Legion. Then the monument was unveiled by Mrs. Patrick Maguire, whose son, Charles, was killed in action. She had as her escort, two gold star mothers, Mrs. Gustave Walter and Mrs. Charles G. McCune. The monument was accepted by William P. Boynton on behalf of the American Legion.

In accepting the monument, Mr. Boynton recalled at length the days of the Great War, when the citizens of Alton were busy with the Red Cross drives, the procuring of funds for the Y. M. C. A., the Knights of Columbus and the Salvation Army, the sale of Liberty Bonds, knitting, and the four-minute men speeches; the draft contingents leaving for camp. In a brief and energetic manner, he pictured these familiar scenes of other days. The speaker praised the boys who left their all in defense of the country, and of those who fell in battle or died in the camps. Mr. Boynton praised the spirit of loyal devotion that prompted the citizens of Alton to erect the splendid monument that tops the Henry street hill, and overlooks the great Mississippi River. The speaker has been called upon many times to make Memorial Day addresses in Alton and neighboring cities, but those who heard him this morning were impressed with the great sincerity of Mr. Boynton as he pictured in glowing words the glorious deeds of the boys who composed the great American army in the late war; the living and the dead were recalled in loving words.

Following the speech of acceptance, the closing prayer was offered by the Rev. Frederick D. Butler, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. On the platform were those on the program and officers of the East End Improvement Association, American Legion, Legion Auxiliary, and the colored post of the American Legion. Ex-servicemen formed at Broadway and Henry Streets and marched to the monument, and members of the Auxiliary met at Broadway and Weigler.

The big event of this afternoon was the parade. It was expected to over-shadow the events of former years. One hundred and twelve units were listed, with prospects of an increase before starting time. The parade was in two sections, one headed by the White Hussar Band and the other by the Standard Oil Band of Wood River. William Wohlert was grand marshal, and had four aides. The parade formed on Belle street, went east on Third to Piasa, south on Piasa to Broadway, and east on Broadway to Sportsman's Park, where it disbanded.

Following the parade there were two football games which promised to draw their full quota of the Armistice Day crowd. One was at Sportsman's Park between the Alton and Webster Groves High School, with Rotary Day observed, and the other was at Western Military Academy, where the cadets played Blackburn University. Tonight, there will be dances at the Illini Hotel and at Turner Hall. Large crowds were expected at both places. Stores closed at 11 a.m. for the Armistice Day observance, and closed following the parade.

NOTE: The final list of names of war dead inscribed on the World War memorial on Henry Street were:
Leonard Andrus
Dolph Barker
Eldon Betts
Frank Caldwell
Edward Craig
Benjamin Dingerson
Harry Engelhardt
William Epps
Alva Finch
John Fitzgibbons
Fred Glassbrenner
Ed Henkhaus
Fred Jackson
William Keefe
Ed Kniery
Joseph Lippoldt
Charles Maguire
George McCune
Earl Osborne
Albert Rupprecht
Bert Russell
Alfred Rudd
Ovid Radcliffe
Karl Scherrer
Thad Vaughn
Maurice Walters
Cary Waples


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, January 15, 1932 (in copyright)
Henry Schaperkotter came to Alton with his son, Frederick W., in about 1887. Henry founded a cooperage plant, and together with his son built a good business. About 1907, Henry died, and Frederick continued the business until about 1930. The cooperage plant was built in Alton's early days when there were only five cooperage shops in Alton (one was owned by Sparks Milling Co). One by one these other plants went out of business, and from 1920, the Alton Steam Cooperage Company was the only one in operation. In March 1931, the Alton Steam Cooperage Company building at 1015 East Broadway in Alton was razed. The Henry Schapperkotter family lived at 1006 Pearl Street in Alton, in the former Rutherford House, built in 1860. The house was on the National Register of Historic Places, but was demolished in 1995. Frederick Schaperkotter died on January 15, 1932 at the family residence, 1006 Pearl Street. He was 66 years of age. He was born in St. Louis on August 7, 1865. Frederick is buried in the Bethlehem Cemetery in St. Louis, MO.

Henry Schaperkotter came to Alton with his son, Frederick W., in about 1887. Henry founded a cooperage plant at 1015 East Broadway, and with his son built a good business. Following a fire in 1888, the business was quickly rebuilt. The cooperage plant was built in Alton's early days when there were only five cooperage shops in Alton (one was owned by Sparks Milling Co). One by one these other plants went out of business, and from 1920, the Alton Steam Cooperage Company was the only one in operation. About 1907, Henry died, and Frederick continued the business until about 1930. In March 1931, the Alton Steam Cooperage Company building at 1015 East Broadway in Alton was razed (this was near Broadway and Central Ave). The Henry Schapperkotter family lived at 1006 Pearl Street in Alton, in the former Friend S. Rutherford House, built in 1860. The house was on the National Register of Historic Places, but was demolished in 1995. Frederick Schaperkotter died on January 15, 1932 at the family residence, 1006 Pearl Street. He was 66 years of age. Frederick was born in St. Louis on August 7, 1865. Frederick is buried in the Bethlehem Cemetery in St. Louis, MO. Home shown in the photo is the Rutherford/Schaperkotter home at 1006 Pearl Street in Alton. It no longer exists.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, June 7, 1939
The abandoned quarry at Hop Hollow filled with clear water, and provided a swimming hole for young boys. The water was said to be 20 to 30 feet deep, and was fed by springs. This was later called "The Blue Pool."


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, November 02, 1946
It was announced in the Alton Evening Telegraph, November 2, 1946, that the Sessel Alton store would be sold to Lytton's, Henry C. Lytton & Co., in Chicago. The Sessel store opened in Alton September 14, 1907. Lytton's was originally founded by Henry C. Lytton in 1881, and operated in Chicago, Oak Park, Evanston, Illinois, and Gary Indiana. Sessel continued operating in Jerseyville and Decatur. Sessel said he would continue to live in Fairmount and maintain an office in Alton.


Source: Alton Evening Telegraph, July 02, 1947
Courtesy of Denise Evans
It was reported in the Alton Evening Telegraph on July 02, 1947, that the old watchman’s shanty at the Ninth and Piasa Streets railroad crossing had been taken away and was no longer in use. In its place was a new “wig-wag” warning signal. There was no record of when the shanty was placed at the intersection. The shanty (including ones before it) shielded the watchman from intense heat from the sun, rain, or cold weather for about 95 years. The railroad was completed in downtown Alton in 1852. Many of the watchman were old railroad men, some who were maimed in the course of their duties and given a crossing watchman’s job at small pay in lieu of a pension. The shanty became a favorite loafing place for railroad men and the locals that would stop to talk. Users of the new system of warning had to watch for the “wig-wag” electric sign in lieu of watching for the warning signal held up by a watchman.


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